HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard Approved Public Agency Agreement for Performance - City of Renton—CAPITAL PLANNINGfacntonANDCONSTRUCTION SERVICE |EXCELLENCE |EQUITY DATE:June 1,2023 TO:Dr.Damien Pattenaude,Superintendent TER FROM:Matthew Feldmeyer,Executive Director Capital Planning and Construction FOR BOARD DATE:June 7,2023 CONCENT AGENDA ITEM:Public Agency Agreement,City of Renton,related to Sartori Elementary School Underground Utilities AGENDAITEM: Contract work to underground existing overheadutility lines will be underway pera MOU with the City of Renton,andrelated to construction of Sartori Elementary.The contractorwill complete this work perCity of Renton approved construction drawings,and includes the following:Removalof existing concrete sidewalk on East and West side of Park Ave,removal of existing roadway asphalt on Park Ave,installation of underground conduit,installation of underground vaults,modification to existing City of Renton traffic signal for pedestrian ADA requirements,Replacementof roadway asphalt and replacementof concrete sidewalk, restriping of roadway where impacted.Theutilities will be rerouted to removeaeriallines and installed in a new underground pathway.The public agency agreement commitsthe district to complete this project in accordance with the published plans. DISTRICT GOAL(S):Excellence in Teaching and Learning BUDGETIMPLICATION: No impact,included within existing capital program. RECOMMENDATION: Approvalof the City of Renton Public Agency Agreement attached and authorize the superintendent/designee to sign the agreement on behalf of the district.for Sartori Elementary. Attachment:City of Renton Public Service Agreement Recommendations: |have reviewed and recommend approvalof this request: Man A 6 |l [Ls Fredetick Maiocco,Ph.D.Date Assistant Superintendent and ChiefFinancial Officer SERVICE |EXCELLENCE|EQUITY 7812 S 124St.,Seattle,Washington 98178-4830 |p.425.204.4403 |f.425.204.4476 FLEUNE:e\pdenghearingple\prejcts\yuntonchoc!dbte\erar oa.pouarUARyunderyoendingdrreutng\Selgn\sheta\pover_sorer.orgDyn2/24/2023 211Pal WTR-27-4235 TED-40-4235 43493VERTICALDATUM-NAVD88VERTICALBENCHMARKS:‘SOURCE:‘WSDOTDESIGNATION:GP17405-6610g899DESCRIPTION:THISMARKISAWSDOTBRASSDISCSETINTOTHESIDEWALKANDLEVELWITHTHECONCRETESURFACE.LOCATION:ITISLOCATEDINNORTHEASTCORNER,1.4METERSSOUTHWESTOFTHENORTHEASTENDOFTHECONCRETEBARRIER,60CMWESTOFTHEPAVEMENTSEATAND1.3METERSNORTHOFTHESOUTHEDGEOFCONCRETESIDEWALK.ELEVATION:112.38"NORTHING:178057675EASTING:1302312.133‘SOURCE:WSDOTDESIGNATION:BM17405~91oF5120DESCRIPTION:THISMARKISAWSDOTBRASSDISCSETINTOTHESIDEWALKANDLEVELWITHTHECONCRETESURFACE.LOCATION:IT1SLOCATEDNEARTHESOUTHEASTCORNEROFTHEBRIDGEFORTHENORTHBOUNDON-RAMPFROMSUNSET.BOULEVARD,1.6METERS@185DEGREES@185DEGREESFROMANEXPANSIONJOINT.ELEVATION:134.81"NORTHING:186213.939EASTING:1303562.140Knowwhat'sbelow.Callbeforeyoudig.Dial811 22006382PRI6-000215 3=HSoLMpeleiol=r“Ehqoeae$aeoyz'||5|aweetee!LaafLe7TT|["TrT|P||PEEtbtLid:HORIZONTALDATUMWASHINGTONSTATEPLANECOORDINATESYSTEMNORTHZONENAD83/2011BASISOFBEARINGS7.RECORDOFSURVEYBYLANKTREELANDSURVEYINGRECORDINGNUMBER2015062990001.R-423502INCOMPLIANCEWITHCITYOFRENTONSTANDARDS.LsOPA=aSRNsn=CITYOFSARTORIELEMENTARYSCHOOLayesIMeRENTON315GARDENAVEN—_oNoFHE=RENTON,WA98057—5ress3samBuilding/PublicWorksDept.FRONTAGECONTROLPLANCO.1TONALSY!no.REVISIONsypateAPPR[RoemaMs| Return Address: City of Renton City ClerkRentonCity Hall 1055 S.Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Abovethis line reserved for recording information. PUBLIC AGENCY AGREEMENT FOR PERFORMANCE (Project No.C22006382) Grantor/Borrower: Grantee/Assignee/Beneficiary: Legal Description/STR: Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: Project Title: Renton SchoolDistrict District No.403 City of RentonRENTONFARM PLAT TGW LOTS1-12 BLK 3 OF SARTORISVILLE ADD LESS CO RD (PER RENTON DECLARATION OF LOT COMBINATION #LUA17-000539-LC REC #20171117000762) LESS POR PER DEED REC #20200811002413 RENTON FARM PLAT LESS ALLEY 722400 -0580 722400 -0280SartoriElementary School Underground THIS AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT")made andenteredinto on the 7th day of June,2023,by and between the City of Renton,a municipal corporation ofthe State of Washington,hereinafter referred to as "CITY",and Renton School District,a Washington public body,corporate and politic,hereinafter referred "APPLICANT",(collectively,the "PARTIES"). Public Agency Agreement for Performance Page 1 of 5 WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the undersigned APPLICANTwill construct public roads and/or drainage facilities and other public improvements to be deeded to the CITY in connection with the above-referenced project;and WHEREAS,the APPLICANThas agreed to secure the successful completion of said improvements for the referenced project pursuant to RMC 4-6-030 and RMC 9- 10-5. Public Agency Agreementfor Performance Page 2 of 5 NOW THEREFORE,the APPLICANT hereby agrees and binds itself and its legal representatives,successors,and assigns asfollows: 1.The APPLICANT guaranteesthat construction,maintenance and restoration of roadway,site,drainage,retention/detention,water,and sanitary sewer facilities will occur in full compliance with the approved construction plans and profiles, including any approved amendments thereto,and in full conformance with applicable CITY ordinances,standards and specifications,to the satisfaction of the CITY. If the subdivision,short subdivision,or site plan is not recorded,or the building does not receive any certificate of occupancy or final building permit,the APPLICANTagreesto restorethe right of way to its original condition or better AND stabilize the site or comply with the conditions of any permit or approval, including,but not limited to,corrective work necessary to provide drainage consistent with approved plans and conditions,and to protect the public health, safety,and welfare,including effects on water quality. The CITY must approve (in writing)any proposed changes from the approved plansprior to the APPLICANTbeginning such work. Prior to beginning construction,a preconstruction meeting shall be held with the CITY,the APPLICANT and the APPLICANT'S contractor(s). The APPLICANTshall be responsible for the cost of any corrective work on or off the site or within the right of way to the extent that such corrective measures are associated with work performed and/or not completed. The APPLICANT shall pay any fees required in conjunction with the project pursuantto the City of Renton Fee Schedule. If the APPLICANT fails to proceed with due diligence and in goodfaith in the work provided herein,the APPLICANTshall removeall or part of constructed facilities and restore all disturbed areas of the site to its original or better condition at the APPLICANT'S sole expense.The APPLICANTshall not stop, delay or abandonthe project withoutfirst rectifying any damage,stabilizing and restoring the right of way and/or site by grading,hydroseeding,and/or landscaping as may be required by the CITY. The APPLICANTshall furnish to the CITY a set of“final corrected plans”(photo Mylar quality)of all required public and private facilities when applicable. Public Agency Agreementfor Performance Page 3 of 5 9.The APPLICANTshall be responsible for the proper performance,safe conduct and adequate policing and supervision of the project.This responsibility shall not be lessened or otherwise affected by the CITY’S approval of plans, specifications,or work,or by the presence at the work site of the CITY’S representative(s),or by the compliance by the APPLICANT with any requests made by said representative(s). 13. | The APPLICANTshall indemnify and hold the CITY and its agents,employees and/orofficers harmless from and shall process and defend at its own expense all claims,damages,suits at law or equity,actions,penalties,losses,or costs of whatsoever kind or nature,brought against the CITY arising out of,in connection with,or incident to the execution of this AGREEMENT and/or the APPLICANT'S performance or failure to perform any aspect of the AGREEMENT.Provided,however,that nothing herein shall require the APPLICANT hold harmless or defend the CITY from any claim arising from the sole negligence of the CITY'S agents,employees and/orofficers. 14,In the event that any party deems it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT,the parties hereto agree that any such action or proceeding shall be brought in a court of competentjurisdiction situated in King County,Washington. Release Requirements:This AGREEMENTshall remain in force and effect and shall not be released until all terms of this AGREEMENThave been completed to the satisfaction of the City of Renton. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the PARTIES hereto have executed this AGREEMENTonthe date and yearfirst above set forth. Public Agency Agreement for Performance Page 4 of 5 CITY OF RENTON: Chip Vincent,Administrator of Department of Community and Economic Development STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) |certify that |know orhavesatisfactory evidence that Chip Vincentis the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledgedthat he signed this instrument,on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledgedit as the Administrator of Department of Community and Economic Developmentof the City of Renton to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentionedin this instrument. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of June,2023. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at My appointmentexpires Public Agency Agreementfor Performance Page 5 of 5 RENTON SCHOOLDISTRICT: Damien Pattenaude intende STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) |certify that 1 know or havesatisfactory evidence that Damien Pattenaudeis the person who appeared before me,and said person acknowledgedthat he signed this instrument,on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledgedit as the Superintendent of the Renton SchoolDistrict to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. GIVENunder my hand and official seal this “te day of June,2023. Grea _mDp Lok. SANDRA M DOLPHNotaryPublic Bata 4 Gebkh State of Washington Notary Public in and for fhe State of Washington Residing at Lt My appointment expires ~/V.27 2025 Commission #145487 My Comm.Expires Nov 27,2025 File:C22006382 Public Agency Agreement for Performance Page 6 of 5