HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-423003BASIS IF BEARINGS NOTES TPN- 1123059021 ,1123059023 HEARING EXAMINERS CONDITIONS O M N 0 i Q N N00 7734E BETWEEN THE FOUND MONUMENTS ON THE CENTERL/NE OF N/LE A Vf NE REFERENCES 1. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER LUA01-078, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 200JI02290002J (USED FOR SECTION SUBDIVISION) 2. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER LUA01-059, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20021219900001. 3. CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NUMBER LUA03-022, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 200507IJ900014. LEGAL DESCRIPTION TPN- 1123059021 ,1123059023 PARCEL A. - THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON- TOGETHER WITH THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTH 7.5 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B.- THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON- TOGETHER WITH THE NORTH 7.5 FEET OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TPN 112305- 9031- 09, 510 N/LE A VENUE THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON- EXCEPT COUNTY ROAD. RESTRICTIONS 1. THIS S/TE /5 SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 66514. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 2. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PURPOSED AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBERS 269JO52, 3127543, J20J147 AND 3310241. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 3. THIS S/TE /S SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 9408261179. (SHOWN HEREON) 4. THIS SITE /S SUBJECT TO A ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 9409010660. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 5. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISION CONTAINED IN DOCUMENT ENTITLED "ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE" RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 9606210966. (NOTHING TO PL 0T, NOTED HERE) 6. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO AN INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 200JO11JO0272J (SHOWN HEREON) 7. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO TERMS AND PROVISION CONTAINED IN DOCUMENTS ENTITLED 'NOTICE OF CLAIM TO SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST" RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBERS 200JO125002078 AND 200JO125002079. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 8. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS, NOTES, EASEMENTS, PROVISIONS AND/OR ENCROACHMENTS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20040JI090002J (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 9. THIS S/TE /S SUBJECT TO A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20071206000303. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 10. THIS SITE /S SUBJECT TO TERMS AND PROVISION CONTAINED /N DOCUMENTS ENTITLED WOTICE OF CLAIM TO SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST" RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBERS 20081209000690 AND 20081209000691. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) TPN 112305-9031-09, 510 NILE AVENUE 1-14. NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS SURVEY 1. THIS SITE /5 SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 66514. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 16. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND PROVISION CONTAINED IN DOCUMENT ENTITLED "ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE" RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 9606210966. (NOTHING TO PL 0T, NOTED HERE) 17 & 18. THIS SITE /S SUBJECT TO TERMS AND PROVISION CONTAINED /N DOCUMENTS ENTITLED WOTICE OF CLAIM TO SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST" RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBERS 200JO125002078 AND 200JO125002079. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 19 & 20. THIS SITE /S SUBJECT TO TERMS AND PROVISION CONTAINED /N DOCUMENTS ENTITLED 'NOTICE OF CLAIM TO SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST" RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBERS 20081209000690 AND 20081209000691. (NOTHING TO PLOT, NOTED HERE) 1. ALL TITLE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED FROM FIRST AMER/CAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NUMBER 4243-3518727, DA TED JUL Y 9, 2020 IN PREPARING THIS MAP, CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT TITLE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DES/GN, INC. AWARE OF ANY TITLE ISSUES AFFECTING THE SURVEYED PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE MAP AND DISCLOSED BY THE REFERENCED COMMITMENT NUMBER. CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS RELIED WHOLL Y ON FIRST AMER/CAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY'S REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TITLE'S CONDITION TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND THEREFORE CORE DESIGN, INC. QUALIFIES THE MAPS ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS TO THAT EXTENT. 2 THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS VISIBLE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS EX/STING ON ✓UL Y 27, 2020. ALL SURVEY CONTROL /ND/CA TED AS 'FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT IN ✓UL Y, 2020. 3. PROPERTY AREA = 110, 027E SQUARE FEET (2. 5258E ACRES). 4. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN US FEET AT GROUND LEVEL. 5. CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2 FEET. 6. ELEVATION AND/OR CONTOUR INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS GENERATED FROM DIRECT FIELD OBSERVA TION SAID INFORMATION MEETS US NA TIONAL MAPPING STANDARDS AND IS ACCURATE TO WITHIN ONE-HALF THE CONTOUR INTERVAL. 7. BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS DERIVED FROM OBSERVATION OF CONTROLLING MONUMENTA TION AND INTERPRETA TION OF RECORD DESCRIPTIONS AND OTHER EVIDENCE. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS RELATED TO THE BOUNDARY BY DIRECT FIELD OBSERVATION FROM CONTROLLING MONUMENTA TION. 8. THIS /5 A FIELD TRA VERSE SURVEY. A THREE SECOND COMB/NED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELA 7ONSH/PS BETWEEN THE CONTROLLING MONUMENTA 7ON AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RA TIOS OF THE TRA VERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WA 332-130-090. ALL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT ARE MAINTAINED IN ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICA TIONS. 9. UTILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN MAY EXIST ON THIS SITE. ONL Y THOSE UTILITIES WITH EVIDENCE OF THE/R INS TALLAT/ON V1518LE AT GROUND SURFACE OR AS MARKED BY 811 OR OTHER UTILITY LOCATING PROVIDERS ARE SHOWN HEREON. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROX/MATE ONL Y. UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONS ARE SHOWN AS STRAIGHT LINES BETWEEN SURFACE EVIDENCE OF UTILITY LOCATIONS BUT MAY CONTAIN BENDS OR CURVES NOT SHOWN. SOME UNDERGROUND LOCA TIONS SHOWN HEREON MA Y HA VE BEEN TAKEN FROM PUBLIC RECORDS. CL/ENT UNDERSTANDS THAT CORE DESIGN ASSUMES NO L/AB/L/TY FOR THE ACCURACY OF PUBLIC RECORDS OR PAINTED UTILITY LOCATIONS. TPN 112305-9031-09, 510 N/LE A VENUE 1. ALL TITLE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED FROM FIRST AMER/CAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NUMBER 4243-3693309, DATED FEBRUARY 25, 2021. IN PREPARING THIS MAP, CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT TITLE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DESIGN, INC. AWARE OF ANY TITLE ISSUES AFFECT/NG THE SURVEYED PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE MAP AND DISCLOSED BY THE REFERENCED COMMITMENT NUMBER. CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS RELIED WHOLL Y ON FIRST AMER/CAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY'S REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TITLE'S CONDITION TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND THEREFORE CORE DESIGN, INC. QUALIFIES THE MAPS ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS TO THAT EXTENT. 2. THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS VISIBLE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS EXISTING ON MARCH 11, 2021. ALL SURVEY CONTROL INDICATED AS 'FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT /N ✓UL Y, 2020. 3. PROPERTY AREA = 102, 719E SQUARE FEET (2. 3581E ACRES) 4. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN US FEET AT GROUND LEVEL. 5. CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2 FEET. 6. ELEVATION AND/OR CONTOUR INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS GENERATED FROM DIRECT FIELD OBSERVA TION SAID INFORMATION MEETS US NA TIONAL MAPPING STANDARDS AND IS ACCURATE TO WITHIN ONE-HALF THE CONTOUR INTERVAL. 7. BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS DERIVED FROM OBSERVATION OF CONTROLLING MONUMENTA TION AND INTERPRETA TION OF RECORD DESCRIPTIONS AND OTHER EVIDENCE. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS RELATED TO THE BOUNDARY BY DIRECT FIELD OBSERVATION FROM CONTROLLING MONUMENTA TION. 8. THIS IS A FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. A THREE SECOND COMBINED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE CONTROLLING MONUMENTA TION AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RA TIOS OF THE TRA VERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WA 332-130-090. ALL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT ARE MANTA/NED IN ADJUSTMENT ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICA TIONS. 9. UT/L/TIES OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN MA Y EXIST ON THIS SITE. ONL Y THOSE UTIL/TIES WITH EVIDENCE OF THEIR INSTALLATION W518LE AT GROUND SURFACE OR AS MARKED BY 811 OR OTHER UTILITY LOCATING PROVIDERS ARE SHOWN HEREON. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE ONL Y. UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONS ARE SHOWN AS STRAIGHT LINES BETWEEN SURFACE EVIDENCE OF UTILITY LOCATIONS BUT MAY CONTAIN BENDS OR CURVES NOT SHOWN. SOME UNDERGROUND LOCH TIONS SHOWN HEREON MA Y HA VE BEEN TAKEN FROM PUBLIC RECORDS. CL/ENT UNDERSTANDS THAT CORE DESIGN ASSUMES NO L/ABILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF PUBLIC RECORDS OR PAINTED UTILITY LOCATIONS. DECISION The proposed preliminary plat and street standard modifications as identified in Finding of Fact No. 3 comply with all the development standards quoted above for the reasons identified in the conclusions of law and are therefore approved subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. Tract I shall be removed from the preliminary plat and consolidated with Lot I and that the width of Lot 1 be increased to comply with the 80-foot minimum width required for corner lots. 2. A Homeowner's Association shall be created prior to the recording of the final plat for the ownership and maintenance of all common improvements within the subdivision. 3. Demolition permits shall be obtained and all required inspections be completed for the removal of the existing residences and detached accessory structures, prior to final plat approval. 4. A detailed landscape plan shall be provided at the time of Construction Permit application that includes street tree species from the City's approved Street Tree list, the extension of the street frontage landscaping along the west and south property lines of Lot 1, the addition of trees within the street frontage landscape strip abutting all lots, and a minimum of 15 feet of landscaping around the perimeter of the proposed stormwater tracts. Tree species selected for planting within the stormwater tracts shall be large size maturing trees such as western red cedar, douglas fir, and western hemlock where not conflicting with stormwater infrastructure to mitigate loss of mature trees on the subject property. The detailed landscape plan shall be provided for review and approval to the Current Planning Project Manager. 5. A final tree retention plan shall be provided at the time of Construction Permit review. The final tree retention plan shall include larger tree species to mitigate for the removal of the existing mature trees from the project site. The proposed protected trees within Lots 1-4, 6, 13-15, and Tracts R, C, E, F, G, and H be protected within Tree Protection Easements. The Tree Protection Easements should encompass all protected trees within these lots and extend to a public right-of-way. The boundary of the Tree Protection Easements should be fenced and signed in accordance with RMC 4-4-130H.2.d. Fence construction shall be monitored onsite by the applicant's certified arborist to avoid root damage to the protected trees. A fencing and signage detail shall be submitted for review and approval of the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of Construction Permit review. The Tree Protection Easements shall be recorded along with a covenant that clearly provide that it is the responsibility of the servient property owner to maintain the trees of the easement.The Homeowner's Association shall be given access rights to the easements to maintain the trees if the servient owner fails to properly maintain the trees. The CC&Rs may specify additional access and enforcement rights for the HOA as found necessary by the Applicant. The CC&R's shall further provide that the City shall have enforcement authority against both the servient property owner and the Homeowner's Association if the trees are not properly maintained. The Tree Protection Easements and covenants required by this condition should be reflected on the face of the final plat map, subject to review and approval of the Current Planning Project Manager and City Attorney. 6. The applicant shall submit a revised grading plan with the civil construction permit that reduces the retaining wall proposed on Lot 13 to a maximum of forty-eight inches (48") and that the location of the wall be revised to provide the required three-foot (Y) landscaped setback from the public right-of-way. The wall extending on to Tract D shall also be setback the required three (3) feet from the right-of-way and comply with the maximum height requirements. The revised grading plan shall also provide cross -sections of the proposed retaining wall(s) and detail sheets of material composition. The revised grading plan, cross -sections, and details sheets shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. 1 CITY COMMENTS SES O/12/2 SHM SURVEYED: 2 REVISE WALL SES 3/7/23 SHM DESIGNED: 3 CITY COMMENTS SES 1 /25/23 SHM 4 CITY COMMENTS SES 6 5 23 SHM DRAWN: CHECKED: NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR APPROVED: 7. Access to Lots 4-6 shall be provided via the public alley and the driveways shown on the preliminary plat along their respective street frontages be removed, and access to Lots 7 and 8 and 1 I and 12 shall be provided via a joint -use driveway. A note to this effect shall be recorded on the face of the Final Plat. 8. The front yard and primary building entrances for the homes constructed on Lots 4-6 shall be required to face to the west towards Orcas Ave NE. A note to this effect shall recorded on the face of the final short plat map. 9. The alley shall provide pavement that can support a 30-ton firetruck with 75 PSI point load and that minimum inside an outside turning radii shall be 25 feet and 45 feet, respectively. 10. All road names shall be approved by the City. 11. Sanitary sewers shall be provided by the developer at no cost to the City and designed in accordance with City standards. Side sewer lines shall be installed eight feet (8') into each lot if sanitary sewer mains are available, or provided with the subdivision development. 12. Concrete permanent control monuments shall be established at each and every controlling corner of the subdivision. Interior monuments shall be located as determined by the Department. All surveys shall be per the City of Renton surveying standards. All other lot corners shall be marked per the City surveying standards. The subdivider shall install all street name signs necessary in the subdivision. 13. All utilities designed to serve the subdivision shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. Those utilities to be located beneath paved surfaces shall be installed, including all service connections, as approved by the Public Works Department. Such installation shall be completed and approved prior to the application of any surface material. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities as specified by the Public Works Department. 14. Any cable TV conduits shall be undergrounded at the same time as other basic utilities are installed to serve each lot. Conduit for service connections shall be laid to each lot line by subdivider as to obviate the necessity for disturbing the street area, including sidewalks, or alley improvements when such service connections are extended to serve any building. The cost of trenching, conduit, pedestals and/or vaults and laterals as well as easements therefore required to bring service to the development shall be borne by the developer and/or land owner. The subdivider shall be responsible only for conduit to serve his development. Conduit ends shall be elbowed to final ground elevation and capped. The cable TV company shall provide maps and specifications to the subdivider and shall inspect the conduit and certify to the City that it is properly installed. 15. All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights -of -way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet (15'). PROJECT NO. 20134 CIVIL ENGINEERING Coff LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING �Zw� DESIGN SURVEYING 12100 NE 195th St, Suite 300 Bothell, Washington 98077 425.885.7877 3-23-22 R-423003 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING Wanders 06/07/2023 ROW SCALE. VERTICAL: NAVD 1988 HORIZONTAL: NAD 1983/1991 CITY OF MARCH 2O22 .SHM RENTON EXISTING CONDITIONS'/HARING FIELDBOOK: PAGE. SES DRAWING NO: . 03 ONE INCH DATUM Planning/Building/Public Works De t. p EXAJIINZR CONDITIONS SHM AT FULL SCALE IF NOT ONE INCH SCALE ACCORDINGLY SHM SHEET: 3 OF: 40