HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_07_TR_Hardie_SP_Arborist_Report_230106_v1 A.B.C Consulting Arborists LLC Accurate Balanced Certified Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan October 6, 2021 PREPARED FOR: Micky Singh 7523 210th St SW Edmonds WA, 98026 PREPARED BY: A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC Daniel Maple, Registered Consulting Arborist #627 Tree & Plant Appraisal Qualified (TPAQ) ISA Municipal Specialist # PN-7970BM ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) ISA Board Certified Master Arborist #PN-7970BM EXHIBIT 7 RECEIVED 02/09/2023 JDing PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 2 of 24 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONSULTING ARBORIST .................................................................................................................... 2 ASSIGNMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 3 LIMITATIONS OF ASSIGNMENT ...................................................................................................... 3 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................... 3 SITE ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 TREES ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Location and ID..................................................................................................................................... 3 TREE RETENTION / MINIMUM DENSITY RMC 4-4-130 .............................................................. 4 Replacement Requirements RMC 4-4-130 H (e.) ............................................................................... 4 Minimum Tree Density RMC 4-4-130 D, i. ........................................................................................ 4 Lot Density Calculations ...................................................................................................................... 5 Landscape Plan ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Planting Specifications.......................................................................................................................... 5 TREE PROTECTION ZONES (TPZ) .................................................................................................... 6 CRITICAL ROOT ZONES (CRZ) ......................................................................................................... 6 FENCING .................................................................................................................................................. 7 ROOT PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................. 7 ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 8 CONSULTING ARBORIST Daniel J. Maple / A.B.C. Consulting Arborists, LLC Westside (425) 999-0867 Daniel@AbcArborist.Com Eastside (509) 953-0293 Certifications ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA) # 627 ASCA Tree & Plant Appraisal Qualified (TPAQ) December 15, 2024 ISA Board Certified Master Arborist PN-7970BM ISA Certified Arborist Municipal Specialist PN-7970BM ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) May 13, 2025 ATFS Qualified Tree Farm Inspector # 169449 Commercial Applicator # 92432 Commercial UAV Airman Pilot # 4135495 DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 3 of 24 ASSIGNMENT Provide a Tree Protection Plan per RMC 4-8-120D20 for a Short Plat of Parcel 318560-0054 LIMITATIONS OF ASSIGNMENT This report is a limited to a Visual Assessment (VA) of the site and the trees. It is not a risk assessment, structural assessment or comprehensive health assessment. The report is limited to the scope of the assignment. METHODOLOGY To evaluate the trees, as well as to prepare this report, I drew upon my 30+ years of experience in the field of arboriculture and my formal education. I followed the protocol of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and I performed my assessment using and/or considering the following Best Management Practices: ANSI A300 Part 2 – Soil Management a.) Modification b.) Fertilization & c.) Drainage. ANSI A300 Part 5 – Managing Trees During Site Planning, Site Development, and Construction. Best Management Practices were developed to aid in the interpretation of professional standards and guide work practices based upon current science and technology. This is a scientifically based process to look at the entire site, surrounding land and soil, as well as a general look at the trees themselves. SITE Parcel 318560-0054 / 5,100 sq. ft. (0.12-acre) site, Zoned RM-F. Using Renton Maps/Critical Areas map, no environmentally sensitive areas were noted. Soils were moderate in depth, low in compaction, and moisture. No other relevant site conditions were noted. TREES Per RMC 4-11-200 a significant tree is a non-hazard tree, 1. that is not on the King County Weed List 1 2. is 6” in diameter or greater as measure 4.5 above the ground (DBH) (8” for cottonwood / alder) 3. or planted in the last ten-years. 4. A landmark tree is 30” or greater. Location and ID There were 2 trees 1 in ROW and 1 on-site, they were referenced as 1-2. There was 1 offsite trees near the site it, it is referenced as tree 3. Refer to Attachment 1- Site Image for the approximate location of the trees. Non-viable or Hazard Trees There were no non-viable or hazard trees on the site. Trees to be Removed for Improvements The 1 tree onsite conflicts with the proposed site improvements and will be removed. 1 Bird cherry, black locust, English holly, English laurel, & European mountain-ash. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 4 of 24 Critical Area or Buffer Trees There were no trees located in a critical area or an associated buffer. Trees to be Retained 0 significant viable trees are proposed for retention and will be retained Offsite Trees There were 1 offsite trees near the site with a dripline that may extend over construction areas. TREE RETENTION / MINIMUM DENSITY RMC 4-4-130 H.1(a.) Minimum Retention; Zones RC, R-1, R-4, R-6 & R-8 30%. R-10, R-14, RMF, RMH 20% All others 10%. Zoned Required % Tree Retention Trees on site Trees Retained % Retained Required Replacement RM-F 20% 1 0 0% 2 2.4-inches of replacement trees are required. See Attachment 4 for retention work sheet. Replacement Requirements RMC 4-4-130 H (e.) e. Replacement Requirements: As an alternative to retaining trees, the Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator’s satisfaction that an insufficient number of trees can be retained. i. Replacement Ratio: When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees 2 shall be planted at a rate of twelve (12) caliper inches of new trees to replace each protected tree removed 3. Up to fifty percent (50%) of trees required pursuant to RMC 4-4-070, Landscaping, may contribute to replacement trees. Surety or bond to ensure survival maybe required. Minimum Tree Density RMC 4-4-130 D, i. i. A minimum tree density shall be maintained on each residentially zoned lot, as specified in the table below. The tree density may consist of existing trees, replacement trees, trees required pursuant to RMC 4-4-070F1, Street Frontage Landscaping Required, or a combination. Numbers equal or greater 1/2 shall be rounded up. ii. Property owners are responsible for maintaining trees in a healthy condition. Type of Residential Min. Tree Density Type of Residential Min. Tree Density Multi-Family (attached dwellings) (3) Four (4) significant per 5,000 sq. ft. (1) Single Family ‘ (Detached dwellings) (2) Two (2) significant per 5,000 sq. ft. (1) (1) Or the gross equivalent caliper inches provided By 1 or more trees (2) Lots developed with detached dwellings in the R-10 and R-14 zones are exempt. (3) Development in the RMF zone is exempt. 2 Minimum requirement 2-inch caliper deciduous, 6’ evergreen. Prohibited Trees: All Populas species, Alnus species, Salix species and Platanus species. 3 Fee in Lieu. If it is not feasible to replant the required trees, Fee in Lieu may be an option. See RMC 4-4-130 H (iii) DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 5 of 24 Lot Density Calculations The site is proposed to be short-plated into 2 lots. The site is zoned RMF, therefore, it is exempt. Lot Sq. ft. Minimum Trees Needed Retained DBH Tree Credits Addt’l Trees Required 1 2,500 Zoned RMF = Exempt 0 0 Zoned RMF = Exempt 2 2,500 Zoned RMF = Exempt 0 0 Zoned RMF = Exempt Total Required Trees Exempt 1 tree is credited for every 6” DBH retained onsite. I.E. Existing 6-inch tree = 1 tree. Existing 12-inch = 2 trees. Existing 9-inch and 15-inch = 4 trees. Planted tree4 = 1 tree. Supplemental Trees/Replanting Trees Need to Meet Minimum Tree Retention Requirements Two 2-inch caliper Trees Needed to Meet Minimum Lot Density Requirements Zoned RMF = Exempt Required Trees 5 Two 2-inch Landscape Plan Landscape plan to be provided by Client. Planting Specifications Replanting should be done in the months of September thru November or February thru May and shall conform to ANSI A300 part 6. Pay special attention to: Nursery Stock Specs. Transporting specs. Planting and staking specs. Mulch Specs. Also see ANSI A300 Part 2 For soil amendment Specs Prior to planting and Fertilization Post-planting. Maintenance: Trees should be watered regularly for 2 years using 1 of the following: Option 1. An irrigation system designed and certified by a licensed landscape architect as part of the landscape plan, which provides sufficient water to ensure that the plants will become established. The system does not have to be permanent if the plants chosen can survive adequately on their own, once established. Option 2. Irrigation by hand. Option 3. Tree water bags/diapers; should be filled weekly (more frequently in hot weather) 4 Minimum requirement 2-inch caliper deciduous, 6’ evergreen. 5 City of Renton Approved Tree list. Prohibited Trees: All Populas species, Alnus species, Salix species Platanus species. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 6 of 24 TREE PROTECTION ZONES (TPZ) In order for trees to survive the stresses placed upon them in the construction process, tree protection must be planned in advance of equipment arrival on site. If tree protection is not planned integral with the design and layout of the project, the trees will suffer needlessly and possibly die. With proper preparation, often costing little or nothing extra to the project budget, trees can survive and thrive after construction. This is critical for tree survival because damage prevention is the single most effective treatment for trees on construction sites. Once trees are damaged, the treatment options are limited. General The TPZ is the optimal protection zone set to preserve trees during construction. The TPZ radius generally is 8-Inches to 18-Inches of protection for every 1-Inch of DBH, based on the trees size, vigor and construction tolerances (ANSI A300 Part 5 BMP, Matheny, Clark, 1998). The TPZ can usually safely be reduced by 20% as long as it does not impact the CRZ. Greater than 20% reductions may be possible, pending review, written permission, and direct over site of the work, by the Consulting Arborist. The trees to be saved, must be protected during construction by temporary 6’ tall chain-link, or like fencing, located 10’ beyond the edge of the trees farthest extending limbs on all sides (dripline). The individual tree protection zones (TPZ) are 10’ past the driplines of the tree(s), unless otherwise delineated by A.B.C. Consulting Arborist LLC. See Attachment 2 for tree specific TPZ and CRZ. No irrigation lines, trenches, or other utilities shall be installed within the TPZ, without detailed written instructions and the oversite of the Consulting Arborist, to reduce the impacts to the tree roots, and construction related stressors. Cuts or fills should impact no more than 20% of a tree’s root system. If topsoil is added to the root zone of a protected tree, the depth should not exceed 2 inches of a sandy loam or loamy fine sand topsoil and should not cover more than 20% of the root system. If roots are encountered outside the TPZ during construction, they shall be cut cleanly with a saw (not ripped or torn) and covered immediately with moist soil. Noxious vegetation within the critical root zone should be removed by hand. If a proposed save tree must be impacting by grading or fills, then the tree should be re-evaluated by A.B.C. Consulting Arborist LLC to determine if the tree can be saved with mitigating measures, or if the tree should be removed. See Attachment 3 for complete tree protection instructions. CRITICAL ROOT ZONES (CRZ) The CRZ is the area where the roots vital for the trees survival are located, the CRZ is generally ½ of the TPZ. At no time or for any reason shall the roots within the CRZ be impacted. See Attachment 2 for tree specific TPZ and CRZ. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 7 of 24 FENCING 6’ tall chain link (or like fencing) shall be installed the TPZs prior to commencement of site clearing and shall remain in place for the duration of the project. When possible, it is preferred that trees be fenced as a group, rather than individuals. At no time shall any vehicle or equipment be allowed inside the TPZ/Fencing. No placing or stockpiling of any material of any kind shall be allowed inside the TPZ. Removal of any vegetation within the TPZ shall be done by hand. Should any disturbance be required inside the TPZ to install utilities or any other needs during the construction period, they will require project specific instructions by the Consulting Arborist and approval by the city prior to undertaking any said activity in the TPZ. ROOT PROTECTION Any roots encountered of 1” in diameter or greater, shall be cut with loppers, pruners, reciprocal saw or like device to provide a clean smooth cut. At no time, shall 1” or greater diameter roots be ripped or torn. Exposed roots shall be covered with wet burlap, or like item, to keep roots from drying out and shall be covered with soil as soon as reasonably possible. Protect tree root systems from damage due to noxious materials caused by runoff or spillage while mixing, placing, or storing construction materials. Protect root systems from flooding, eroding, or excessive wetting caused by dewatering operations. Protect root systems from damage due to removal of adjacent trees. SEE ATTACHMENT 3 For Complete Tree Protection Instructions. Thank you for contacting A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC for your arboricultural needs. Sincerely, Daniel Maple, Consulting Arborist Registered Consulting Arborist #627 Tree & Plant Appraisal Qualified (TPAQ) ISA Municipal Specialist # PN-7970BM ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) ISA Board Certified Master Arborist #PN-7970BM DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 8 of 24 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 - TREE PLOTTER IMAGE ................................................................................... 9 ATTACHMENT 2 - TREE SUMMARY, TPZ, CRZ .......................................................................... 11 ATTACHMENT 3 - TREE PROTECTION ........................................................................................ 12 ATTACHMENT 4 - TREE RETENTION WORK SHEET ............................................................... 15 ATTACHMENT 5 - TREE & PLANT SELECTION GUIDE ........................................................... 17 ATTACHMENT 6 - ASSUMPTIONS & LIMITING CONDITIONS .............................................. 23 ATTACHMENT 7 - REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 24 Conceptual Plan DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 9 of 24 ATTACHMENT 1 - TREE PLOTTER IMAGE On & Off-Site Trees North DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 10 of 24 Tree Protection Zones (TPZ) North Critical Root Zones (CRZ) North DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 11 of 24 ATTACHMENT 2 - TREE SUMMARY, TPZ, CRZ ID Common Latin DBH Health Action TPZ-Radius [ft] CRZ - Radius [ft] 1 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 24.5 Good (80+) In ROW 24.5 12.25 2 Black cottonwood Populus trichocarpa 12 Good (80+) Conflict w/ plans 9 4.5 3 Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 26 Good (80+) Offsite-Viable 26 13 NOTES 1. The TPZ listed shall be the TPZ that is used. 2. The TPZ can be reduced to the CRZ, unless noted otherwise, as long as the TPZ is not reduced by more than 20%. 3. This may be further reduced on a case by case basis, upon review, approval, and under the direct over site of A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC. 4. Install Fencing Per Attachment 3, prior to starting construction activity. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 12 of 24 ATTACHMENT 3 - TREE PROTECTION The following minimum Tree Protection Measures can be copied and introduced into all relevant documents such as site plans, permit applications and conditions of approval, and bid documents so that everyone involved is aware of the requirements. 1. Tree Protection Fencing: a. Tree Protection Fences will need to be placed around each tree or group of trees to be retained. i. Tree Protection Fences are to be placed according to the attached drawing (bottom of attachment) at a distance of not less than 10’ feet outside the dripline of the tree or group of trees to be saved, or at the designated TPZ See Attachment 2 for TPZ/CRZ ii. Tree Protection Fences must be inspected prior to the beginning of any demolition or construction work activities. iii. Nothing must be parked or stored within the Tree Protection Fences—no equipment, vehicles, soil, debris, or construction supplies of any sorts. b. Signs: i. The Tree Protection Fences need to be clearly marked with the following or similar text in four inch or larger letters every 20’ TREE PROTECTION FENCE DO NOT ENTER! DO NOT PARK OR STORE MATERIALS WITHIN THE PROTECTION AREA Questions contact Daniel Maple of A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC. Cell: (509) 953-0293 Email: Daniel@AbcArborist.Com Other (425)999-0867 Signs along the TPZ may be waived at the discretion of the City and/or its officials. 2. Cement Trucks/Washout: a. Cement trucks must not be allowed to deposit waste or wash out materials from their trucks within the Tree Protection Fences. b. No waste, wash out, or contaminated water shall be allowed to flow into the Tree Protection Area. 3. Canopy Pruning: a. The canopies of some of the trees may need to be properly pruned to allow Sight lines (vehicular), access of equipment, materials, or building and construction clearance. b. If so, the pruning must be done by an International Society of Arboriculture, (ISA) Certified Arborist using current industry standard pruning techniques. (ANSI A300 Pruning Standards and ANSI Z131.1 Safety Standards as well as all OSHA, WISHA, and local standards must be followed.) c. Plant debris can be chipped and utilized on site for the mulch under the trees. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 13 of 24 5. When excavation occurs near trees that are scheduled for retention, the following procedure must be followed to protect the long-term survivability of the tree: a. An International Society of Arboriculture, (ISA) Certified Arborist must be working with all equipment operators. i. The Certified Arborist should be outfitted with an Airspade™, shovel, hand pruners, a pair of loppers, a handsaw, and a power saw (a “saws all” type reciprocating saw is recommended). b. The hoe must be placed to “comb” the material directly away from the trunk as opposed to cutting across the roots. i. Combing is the gradual excavation of the ground cover plants and soil in depths that only extend as deep as the tines of the hoe. c. When any roots of one-inch diameter or greater, of the tree to be retained, is struck by the equipment, the Certified Arborist should stop the equipment operator. d. The Certified Arborist should then excavate around the tree root by Airspade™ (recommended) or by hand/shovel and cleanly cut the tree root. i. The Certified Arborist should then instruct the equipment operator to continue. 6. Putting Utilities Under the Root Zone: a. Boring under the root systems of trees (and other vegetation) shall be done under the supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist. This is to be accomplished by excavating a limited trench or pit on each side of the critical root zone of the tree and then hand digging or pushing the pipe through the soil under the tree. The closest pit walls shall be a minimum of 7 feet from the center of the tree and shall be sufficient depth to lay the pipe at the grade as shown on the plan and profile. b. Tunneling under the roots of trees shall be done under the supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist in an open trench by carefully excavating and hand digging around areas where large roots are exposed. No roots 1 inch in diameter or larger shall be cut. c. The contractor shall verify the vertical and horizontal location of existing utilities to avoid conflicts and maintain minimum clearances; adjustment shall be made to the grade of the new utility as required. 7. Watering: The trees will require significant watering throughout the summer and early fall in order to survive long-term. An easy and economical watering can be done using soaker hoses placed three feet from the trunk of the tree and spiraled around the tree. One 75-foot soaker hose per tree is adequate. It is best to place the soakers using landscape staples, (available from HD Fowler in Bellevue for pennies apiece) then cover the area with three to six inches of mulch. The mulch will minimize evaporation and will also stimulate the microbial activity of the soil which is another benefit to the health of the tree. a. Water the tree to a depth of 18 to 20 inches. I recommended leaving the water on the soaker hoses for six to eight hours and then digging down to determine how deep your water is penetrating. Then adjust accordingly. It may take a good two days of watering to reach the proper depth. b. Once the water reaches the proper depth, turn off the hoses for four weeks and then water again. Water more often when temperatures increase— every three weeks when temperatures exceed 80 degrees and every two weeks when temperatures exceed 90 degrees. This drying out of the soil in between watering is important to prevent soil pathogens from attacking the trees. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 14 of 24 Dripline Existing Significant Tree Continuous 6’ min. chain link or like fencing. Fence post @ 10’ Max O.C. Install as shown on plans 5’ min past Dripline, or per specific TPZ/CRZ instructions. Signs installed every 20-25-feet TREE PROTECTION FENCE DO NOT ENTER! DO NOT PARK OR STORE MATERIALS WITHIN THE PROTECTION AREA Include Arborist Contact Info. Six-foot high temporary chain link (or like material) fencing shall be installed as shown on plans. Fencing shall be installed prior to construction activity and remain in place until construction is completed. Fencing panels are recommended. Fencing shall completely encircle the tree(s). Install fence posts using pier blocks. Avoid driving posts or stakes into major roots. Make a clean straight cut, using loppers, reciprocal saw, or like tool, to remove damaged portion of root(s) over 1” inch diameter that are damaged during construction. ALL exposed roots shall be temporarily covered with damp burlap and covered with soil the same day, if possible, to prevent drying out. If not possible, the burlap must be kept moist at all times. Work within the protection fencing shall be done manually. No stockpiling of materials, soil, debris, vehicular traffic, or storage of machinery or equipment shall be allowed within the limits of the fencing. Cement trucks must not be allowed to deposit waste or wash out materials from their trucks within the tree protection fences, or in a manner that would allow the waste or wash out material to enter the TPZ. The area within the tree protection fencing she’d be covered with wood chips, hog fuel, or similar materials, to a depth of 3 to 6 inches. The materials should be placed prior to beginning construction and remain until the tree protection fencing was taken down. Should the tree protection fencing need to be installed inside the TPZ to allow for construction activity, then the following shall be done. For construction equipment, cover the area from the tree protection fencing to the outer edge of the TPZ with 8 to 10 inches of wood chips, hog fuel, or similar materials, to reduce compaction cover area with steel plates. For foot traffic’ cover the area from the tree protection fencing to the outer edge of the TPZ with 6 inches of wood chips, hog fuel, or similar materials, to reduce compaction, cover with ¾ inch to 1-inch plywood. The steel plates, plywood and wood chips are to remain in place until all construction activity is completed. The steel plates, plywood and woodchips shall then be removed and the tree protection fencing installed along the outer edge of the tree protection zone. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 15 of 24 ATTACHMENT 4 - TREE RETENTION WORK SHEET TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 | www.rentonwa.gov 1. Total number of trees over 6” diameter6, or alder or cottonwood trees at least 8” in diameter on project site 1 trees 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dangerous7 0 trees Trees in proposed public streets 0 trees Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts 0 trees Trees in critical areas8 and buffers 0 trees Total number of excluded trees: 0 trees 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1: 1 trees 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained 9, multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, R-6 or R-8 0 trees 0.2 in all other residential zones .2 trees 0.1 in all commercial and industrial zones 0 trees 5. List the number of 6” in diameter, or alder or cottonwood trees over 8” in diameter that you are proposing 10 to retain4: 0 trees 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: (if line 6 is zero or less, stop here. No replacement trees are required) .2 trees 7. Multiply line 6 by 12” for number of required replacement inches: 2.4 inches 8. Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2” caliper trees required) 2 inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees 11: 2 trees 6 Measured at 4.5’ above grade. 7 A tree certified, in a written report, as dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or otherwise dangerous to persons or property by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. 8 Critical areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined in RMC 4-3-050. 9 Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers. 10 The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4-4-130H7a. 11 When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two-inch (2") caliper or an evergreen at least six feet (6') tall, shall be planted. See RMC 4-4-130.H.1.e.(ii) for prohibited types of replacement trees. (If remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 16 of 24 Minimum Tree Density A minimum tree density shall be maintained on each residentially zoned lot (exempting single-family dwellings in R-10 and R-14). The tree density may consist of existing trees, replacement trees, or a combination. Detached single-family development 12: Two (2) significant trees13 for every five thousand (5,000) sq. ft. of lot area. For example, a lot with 9,600 square feet and a detached single-family house is required to have four (4) significant trees or their equivalent in caliper inches (one or more trees with a combined diameter of 24”). This is determined with the following formula: Multi-family development (attached dwellings): Four (4) significant trees8 for every five thousand (5,000) sq. ft. of lot area. Example Tree Density Table: Lot Lot size Min significant trees required New Trees Retained Trees Compliant 1 5,000 2 2 @ 2” caliper 0 Yes 2 10,000 4 0 1 tree (24 caliper inches) Yes 3 15,000 6 2 @ 2” caliper 1 Maple – 15 caliper inches 1 Fir – 9 caliper inches. Yes 12 Lots developed with detached dwellings in the R-10 and R-14 zoned are exempt from maintaining a minimum number of significant trees onsite, however they are not exempt from the annual tree removal limits. 13 Or the gross equivalent of caliper inches provided by one (1) or more trees. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 17 of 24 ATTACHMENT 5 - TREE & PLANT SELECTION GUIDE A list of excellent trees and shrubs that improve wildlife habitat as well as the health of our streams, wetlands, and lake shorelines. Height/Width (ft)** Deciduous Evergreen Dry Soils Moist Soils Very Wet Soils Sun Partial Sun Shade Readily Available * Consult a wetland professional before planting or disturbing vegetation in a wetland. ** Approximate size in 20 years. Actual size will vary. Abies grandis Grand Fir 60/20 ● ● ● ● Shady/partial sun-loving tree with glossy green needles. Does not transplant from the wild - nursery-grown only. Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf Maple 50/25 ● ● ● ● ● This large, fast-growing tree offers shade and important wildlife habitat. It has large, distinct leaves. Alnus rubra Red Alder 50/20 ● ● ● ● Feed and shelter birds with this fast-growing tree with brittle limbs and shallow, weak roots. Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone 35/30 ● ● ● ● ● Only broadleaf evergreen native; difficulty in transplanting; establishes in rocky, poor soils; do not disturb if seedlings growing; gets canker Cornus nuttallii Pacific Dogwood 50/20 ● ● ● ● ● Susceptible to diseases, our native Dogwood provides great fall color; requires well-drained soils; beautiful flowers. Crataegus suksdorfii douglasii Black Hawthorn 25/15 ● ● ● ● ● This small, shrubby Hawthorn is loved by birds for food and shelter. Fraxinus latifolia Oregon Ash 50/20 ● ● ● ● ● Tolerates flooded wet soils for short periods. Malus fusca Pacific Crabapple 30/20 ● ● ● ● ● A favorite food source and nesting tree with small blooms and fruit. Picea sitchensis Sitka Spruce 45/20 ● ● ● ● ● Prefers moist soil to look healthiest. Varying shades of green with broad horizontal branches. Subject to Cooley spruce gall, caused by aphids. Pinus contorta Shore Pine 40/20 ● ● ● ● ● Grows in poor conditions where other species do not thrive. Highly desirable and easily available. Pinus monticola Western White Pine 40/20 ● ● ● ● Subject to Blister Rust Disease, this 5-needled Pine has blue-green foliage. Prunus emarginata Bitter cherry 25/15 ● ● ● ● Small white flowers bloom in spring. Limited quantities available from nurseries. Native Trees DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 18 of 24 Height/Width (in ft)** Deciduous Evergreen Dry Soils Moist Soils Very Wet Soils Sun Partial Sun Shade Readily Available * Consult a wetland professional before planting or disturbing vegetation in a wetland. ** Approximate size in 20 years. Actual size will vary. Prunus virginiana Chokecherry 25/15 ● ● ● ● Tiny white flowers; good fall color. More available than Bitter cherry. Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 65/25 ● ● ● ● ● Our most common native tree. It can grow moderately to heights over 100'. Highly desirable and easily available. Quercus garryana Oregon white oak 50/50 ● ● ● ● Only native oak tree. Slow growing needs open space and well-drained soil; high wildlife value. Limited Growing Range Not Good for All Sites. Rhamnus purshiana Cascara 30/15 ● ● ● ● Birds enjoy the berries while the bark is used for medicinal purposes. Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar 50/25 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● For moist sunny and shaded areas, this is a useful native with graceful spreading branches. Highly desirable and easily available. Tsuga mertensiana Mountain Hemlock 40/20 ● ● ● ● ● Slow-growing and narrow. Prefers sun. Highly desirable and easily available. Native Trees DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 19 of 24 Height/Width (in ft)** Deciduous Evergreen Dry Soils Moist Soils Very Wet Soils Sun Partial Sun * Consult a wetland professional before planting or disturbing vegetation in a wetland. ** Approximate size in 20 years. Actual size will vary. Acer palmatum Japanese Maple 25/25 ● ● ● Low horizontal shape with excellent fall orange/red color. Many varieties. Styrax japonicus Japanese Snowbell 25/25 ● ● ● ● Fragrant flowers; often low-branched. Has a rounded form. Tilia cordata Little-Leaf Linden 40/30 ● ● ● Varieties have different shapes, most with yellow fall color. Leaves drop during dry Septembers. Zelkova serrata Sawleaf Zelkova 40/38 ● ● Variety Village Green has a nice vase shape and better orange/red fall color. Cornus nuttallii Pacific Dogwood 50/20 ● ● ● ● ● Susceptible to diseases, our native Dogwood provides great fall color; requires well-drained soils; beautiful flowers. Crataegus suksdorfii douglasii Black Hawthorn 25/15 ● ● ● ● This small, shrubby Hawthorn is loved by birds for food and shelter. Fraxinus latifolia Oregon Ash 50/20 ● ● ● ● ● Tolerates flooded wet soils for short periods. Malus fusca Pacific Crabapple 30/20 ● ● ● ● ● A favorite food source and nesting tree with small blooms and fruit. Acer platanoides Norway Maple varies ● ● ● ● From narrow columnar varieties to globe and upright oval shaped, there are many form and color choices available. Acer rubrum Red Maple varies ● ● ● Great fall color; tolerant of poorly drained soils. Forms narrow to oval vase shape. Betula nigra River Birch 40/25 ● ● ● ● This pyramidal tree has attractive yellow fall foliage. Betula jacquemontii Jacquemontii Birch 40/30 ● ● Bright white bark is featured on this tree. Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata European Hornbeam 35/25 ● ● ● ● Once established, this tree tolerates drought well. Narrow form widens with age. Quercus rubra Red Oak 50/45 ● ● Fast-growing and wide, this tree needs space and deep, well-drained soils. Red fall color. Deciduous Trees DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 20 of 24 Height/Width (in ft)** Deciduous Evergreen Dry Soils Moist Soils Very Wet Soils Sun Partial Sun * Consult a wetland professional before planting or disturbing vegetation in a wetland. ** Approximate size in 20 years. Actual size will vary. Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsura Tree 40/40 ● ● ● With graceful branding and heart-shaped leaves, this tree prefers rich moist (not wet) soil. Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud 35/25 ● ● ● ● This small horizontal-branched tree has purple-pink flowers and yellow fall foliage. Cornus kousa Japanese Dogwood 20/20 ● ● ● Best in well-drained soils, this dogwood grows horizontally and has large white flowers. Cornus mas Cornelian Cherry 25/20 ● ● ● A little taller and oval shaped, this yellow flowering dogwood is adaptable to all soils. Crataegus x lavallei Lavalle Hawthorne 28/20 ● ● ● ● Has an irregular vase shape, dark green leaves, and orange fruit that hold on during early winter. Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington Thorn 25/20 ● ● ● A popular tree because of its white blooms, red fruit, and orange/red fall color. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Seedless Ash varies ● ● ● ● Forms vary from narrow (Summit Ash) to broadly oval (Marshall Seedless Ash). Good yellow fall color. Ginkgo biloba Maiden Hair Tree 40/15 ● ● ● The Princeton Sentry variety is best as it is seedless and has better form. Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust 45/35 ● ● ● ● Shademaster variety has a vase shape and open upright branching; very small leaflets; yellow in fall. Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 55/45 ● ● ● Great fall color with red, orange, and purple leaves that hold until December. Palo Alto variety is preferred. Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree 60/30 ● ● Very different from the Magnolias, this Tulip Tree has smaller yellow flowers. Malus spp. Flowering Crabapple 20/20 ● ● ● ● ● Crabapples are now grown for their resistance to disease and improved form. Among several good varieties are Robinson and Snowdrift. Prunus spp. Flowering Cherry varies ● ● ● Sargent and Mount Fuji cherries are tougher and more disease resistant. Narrow to rounded forms; most have aggessive roots Stewartia pseudocamellia Japanese Stewartia 30/20 ● ● ● ● Unusual attractive peeling bark, white flowers, and yellow/red/purple fall colors make this a good garden tree. Deciduous Trees DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 21 of 24 Height/Width (in ft)** Deciduous Evergreen Dry Soils Moist Soils Very Wet Soils Sun Partial Sun * Consult a wetland professional before planting or disturbing vegetation in a wetland. ** Approximate size in 20 years. Actual size will vary. Arbutus menziesii Madrone 50/30 ● ● ● Difficult to transplant. Very susceptible to overwatering. Hard to find. Prefers sandy, dry, and sunny locations. Calocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar 40/15 ● ● Narrow and columnar. Very drought tolerant; native to Oregon. Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 50/45 ● ● ● A true "Cedar" with needles. Compare with Libani and Atlas Cedars. Trees vary from wide to very wide and need lots of room. Chamaecyparis obtusa Hinoki Cypress 25/15 ● ● ● Small and slow-growing. Attractive layered branching. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Port Orford Cypress 60/25 ● ● ● Native to Oregon; looks similar to Western Red Cedar. Subject to root fungus problems. Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Alaskan Yellow Cedar 60/25 ● ● ● Narrow, graceful; often pendulous and irregular form Cupressocyparis X. leylandii Leyland False Cypress 45/20 ● ● ● Subject to phytothera root rot. Fast growing; dull green color. Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar 40/20 ● ● ● Although named Red Cedar, it is actually a narrow Juniper. Magnolia grandiflora St. Mary's Southern Magnolia 40/25 ● ● Small and narrow. Large glossy leaves and fragrant flowers. Pinus nigra Austrian Black Pine 40/20 ● ● ● Massive and dark. Susceptible to the Pine Shoot Moth. Pinus sylvestris Scotch Pine 50/25 ● ● The world's most common Pine. Orange to red-tinged bark. Pinus thunbergiana Japanese Black Pine 40/25 ● ● Graceful, informal shape. Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 80+/25 ● ● ● Our most common native tree. It can grow rapidly to heights over 100'. Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 100+/40 ● ● ● Requires moist soil in a large grove area; not for use as a solitary tree. Evergreen Trees DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 22 of 24 Height/Width (in ft)** Deciduous Evergreen Dry Soils Moist Soils Very Wet Soils Sun Partial Sun * Consult a wetland professional before planting or disturbing vegetation in a wetland. ** Approximate size in 20 years. Actual size will vary. Sequoiadendron gigantea Giant Sequoia 100+/45 ● With ample room, this tree will form a giant cone pyramid. Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar 80+/25 ● ● The largest member of the Cypress family. Great for screening; grows 80- 200 feet in height and retains its lower branches. Prefers moist soils. Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock 60+/20 ● ● ● This native is harder to use than Douglas Fir or Western Red Cedar. Intolerant of full sun. Tsuga mertensiana Mountain Hemlock 30/18 ● ● ● ● Slow-growing and narrow. Prefers sun. Umbellularia californica Bay Laurel 30/25 ● ● ● Native to Oregon and California. Leaves from this tree are used in cooking. Evergreen Trees DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 23 of 24 ATTACHMENT 6 - ASSUMPTIONS & LIMITING CONDITIONS 1. A field examination of the site was made for this report (date referenced in report). Reasonable care has been taken to obtain information from reliable sources, however, the certified/consulting arborist cannot guarantee the accuracy or validity of information provided by any outside sources. 2. Information provided in this report covers only tree’s that were indicated for examination in the assignment and reflects the apparent condition of those tree(s) at the time of inspection. This inspection is limited to a visual method of the trees in question, excluding any core sampling, probing, dissection, aerial inspection, or excavation unless noted in writing and is contingent upon the appropriate fee for such services having been authorized in writing. There is no guarantee nor warranty, expressed or implied that any problems with any trees may not arise in the future. 3. All drawings, sketches, and photographs submitted with this report, are intended as visual aids only, and are not exact to scale. They should not be construed as engineering or architectural report or surveys unless noted and specified. 4. The certified/consulting arborist is not required to give any testimony or to attend meetings or dispute resolution proceedings relating this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements and fee agreements are made. 5. Any alterations made to this report automatically invalidates this report. 6.This document is protected by copy right laws©. Unless otherwise required by law, possession of this report or a copy of this report does not imply a right of publication or use for any purpose by anyone other than the person for whom it was created without prior expressed written permission and verbal consent of the certified/consulting arborist. 7. The report and values/opinions expressed, represent the work of the certified/consulting arborist, and the arborist’s fees are in no way contingent upon the reporting of any specified values, stipulated results, or occurrence of a subsequent event. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F Hardie Townhomes Tree Protection Plan, Renton, WA. By, A.B.C. Consulting Arborists LLC October 6, 2021 Page 24 of 24 ATTACHMENT 7 - REFERENCES 1. Matheny, Nelda P. and Clark, James R. Evaluation of Hazard Trees. 2nd ed. Savoy: The International Society of Arboriculture Press, 1994. 2. Matheny, Nelda P. and Clark, James R. Trees & Development, A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees During Land Development. Savoy: The International Society of Arboriculture Press, 1998. 3. Mattheck, Claus and Breloer, Helge. The Body Language of Trees, A Handbook for Failure Analysis. London: HMSO, 1994. 4. Pacific Northwest Chapter-ISA. Tree Risk Assessment in Urban Areas and the Urban/Rural Interface. Course Manual. Release 1.5. PNW-ISA: Silverton, Oregon, 2011. 5. Scharpf, Robert F. Diseases of Pacific Coast Conifers. Albany, California: USDA Forest Service, Agriculture Handbook 521, rev. June 1993. 6. Smiley, E. Thomas, Watson, Gary, and Larry Costello, Root Management, ANSI A300 Part 8: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management—Standard Practices (Root Management). The International Society of Arboriculture Press. Champaign. IL. 2012. 7. Smiley, E. Thomas, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly, Managing Trees During Construction, ANSI A300 Part 5: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management—Standard Practices (Management of Trees and Shrubs During Site Planning, Site Development, And Construction). The International Society of Arboriculture Press. Champaign. IL. 2012. 8. Watson, Gary W., and Neely, Dan, eds. Trees & Building Sites. Savoy: The International Society of Arboriculture Press, 1995. 9. Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation, and Uses. Champaign: Stipes Publishing Company, 1990. 10. Dunster, Dr. Julian A., R.P.F., M.C.I.P. Documenting Evidence, Practical Guidance for Arborists, First Choice Books, Victoria, BC, Canada. 2014. 11. Harris, Richard W, James Clark, and Nelda Matheny. Arboriculture, Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004. 12. Johnson, Warren T. and Lyon, Howard H. Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs. Ithaca: Comstock Publishing Associates, 1991. DocuSign Envelope ID: 288031CF-16CB-4148-B1B4-EFFB8F2D2B2F