HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_ShufenTreeRemoval_v2DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF DECISION: June 26, 2023 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA23-000183, RVMP PROJECT NAME: Shufen Tree Removal PROJECT MANAGER: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner APPLICANT/CONACT: ABC Herron Tree, Attn: Cody Herron P.O. Box 64, Gold bar, WA 98251 OWNER: Lin Shufen 16623 – 116th Pl SE, Renton, WA 98058 PROJECT LOCATION: 16623 – 116th Pl SE (APN 1423700910) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting approval of an after-the-fact Routine Vegetation Management Permit (RVMP) to permit removal of 19 significant trees. Of the 19 trees, six (6) Lombardy Poplar were landmark trees; of the remaining 13 significant trees there was one (1) Bitter Cherry, one (1) Bigleaf Maple, three (3) Douglas Firs and eight (8) Lombardy Poplar. The applicant proposes to replace the removed trees with 10 native coniferous trees such as Douglas fir or Sitka Spruce. A Routine Vegetation Management Permit is required for the removal of three (3) or more significant trees within a one-year period where tree cutting is not associated with a land development permit. A Routine Vegetation Management Permit is also required for the removal of any landmark tree. Per the King County Department of Assessments the property is 9,750 square feet (0.22 acre) in size. The property is located within the Residential – 6 (R-6) zone. CRITICAL AREA: Per COR Maps the property is not encumbered with critical areas or their buffers. EXPIRATION DATE: One (1) year from issuance ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT REVIEW CRITERIA 4-9-195D4: YES 1. The lot shall comply with minimum tree density requirements pursuant to RMC 4- 4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Staff Comments: A minimum of 30 tree credits per net acre and a minimum DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devel opment Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shufen Tree Removal LUA23-000183, RVMP Permit Date: June 26, 2023 Page 2 of 5 retention of 30 percent (30%) of significant trees is required. The project property is approximately 0.22 acre and would require a minimum of seven (7) tree credits. Per the arborist report a total of 19 trees were removed. (Attachment 1) Per the addendum to the arborist report (Attachment 2) nine (9) significant trees worth a total of 49 tree credits remain on the property. YES 2. The land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with restrictions for critical areas, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations, and RMC 4-3-050, Critical Areas Regulations. Staff Comments: Not applicable. Per COR Maps the property is not encumbered with critical areas or their buffers. YES 3. Removal of a landmark tree shall meet the review criteria for removal off landmark tree, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. i. The tree is determined to be a high-risk tree; or ii. The tree is causing obvious physical damage to buildings (over 200 square feet) driveways, parking lots, or utilities, and it can be demonstrated to the Administrator’s satisfaction that no reasonable alternative to tree removal exist, including tree root pruning, tree root barriers, tree cabling, or preventative maintenance, such as cleaning leaf debris, deadwood removal, or directional/clearance pruning; or iii. Removal of tree(s) to provide solar access to buildings incorporating active solar devices. Windows are solar devices only when they are south- facing and include special storage elements to distribute heat energy; or iv. The Administrator determines the removal is necessary to achieve a specific and articulable purpose or goal of this Title. Staff Comments: The applicant removed six (6) landmark trees. All six (6) trees were Lombardy poplar ranging in diameter from 25 inches (25”) to 59.3 inches (59.3”). Of these six (6) trees, four (4) were identified after the fact as being high - risk trees (Trees 1, 3, 9 and 14). As the trees were removed prior to an arborist’s evaluation, the arborist report relies upon the remaining tree stumps, existing site conditions and Google Earth images from September 2022. In the images it can be seen that Tree 9 and Tree 14 are dead. Review of the stumps showed that both trees most likely cause of death was fungal infection and drought stressors. It can also be seen from the Google Earth image that Tree 1 and Tree 3 exhibit flagging and die back characteristic of the fungal infection of Tree 9 and Tree 14. Additionally, it can be seen that the parking lot on 16710 – 116th Ave SE has cracking, buckling and upheaval most likely from the root systems of Tree 14, which abuts the shared property line between the two (2) properties. The arborist report provides further details related to poplar trees stating that Lombardy poplars generally have short life spans. They come from the Mediterranean region and are adapted to hot, dry summers and grow poorly in humid conditions, making them short lived due to fungal diseases. They are not good landscape trees because they are susceptible to a number of pest and diseases. Further, they are not appropriate in the urban environment as their roots DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devel opment Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shufen Tree Removal LUA23-000183, RVMP Permit Date: June 26, 2023 Page 3 of 5 are very invasive and shallow which can lift sidewalks, make lawn mowing difficult and damage drainage and other subsurface utility systems. Based on the size of the poplars that were on the site they were most likely planted in the late 1960s to early 1970s and were most likely nearing the end of their life which makes them more prone to defects and disease. Removal of landmark trees needs to meet one (1) of the four (4) requirements stated above. In this instance, Tree 14 is causing obvious damage to a neighboring parking lot. Due to the Lombardy Poplar’s invasive and shallow root system no reasonable alternative exists to removal as it is reasonable to expect that the root system would return to the same area to further damage the area in the future. The removal of all six (6) landmark Lombardy Poplar is necessary to achieve a specific and articulable purpose or goal of the Title. The third purpose in RMC 4-4- 130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations states, “Promote land development practices that result in minimal adverse disturbance to ex isting vegetation and soils within the City while at the same time recognizing that certain factors such as condition (e.g., disease, danger of falling, etc.), proximity to existing and proposed structures and improvements, interference with utility services, protection of scenic views, and the realization of a reasonable enjoyment of property may require the removal of certain trees and ground cover.” Removal of diseased trees is deemed necessary for the reasonable enjoyment of property. Further, while Tree 5 and Tree 7 did not display signs of fungal disease, they were in the same row of poplar trees as Tree 1, Tree 3 and Tree 9 along the northern property line. Tree 14 was in the southwest corner of the property. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that due to the age and location of the trees it would only be a matter of time before they too succumb to the same fungal infection. As noted above, the Lombardy Poplars are not appropriate in an urban setting and the potential for disease spread and infrastructure damage warrants their replacement with trees that are long lasting, native, and spaced properly. YES 4. Street frontage and parking lot trees and landscaping shall be preserved unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The project trees are not street frontage, parking lot or landscaping tree. YES 5. The land clearing and tree removal shall not remove any landscaping or protected trees required as part of a land development permit. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The trees were not required as part of a land development permit for landscaping or tree requirements. YES 6. The land clearing and tree removal shall maintain visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity, consistent with applicable landscaping and setback provisions. Staff Comments: The property is located within the R-6 zone. The western property line abuts the right-of-way for 116th Ave SE, a minor arterial, and is functionally the rear of the property. The southwest portion of the property abuts 16710 – 116th Ave SE which is in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone and, per the King County Department of Assessments, is improved with an office building. Along these property lines 10 significant trees were removed. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devel opment Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shufen Tree Removal LUA23-000183, RVMP Permit Date: June 26, 2023 Page 4 of 5 The applicant proposes to plant 10 native coniferous trees such as Douglas fir or Sitka Spruce. (Attachment 3) Five (5) of these trees are proposed along the western property line with an additional two (2) along the southern property line abutting 16710 – 11th Ave SE. The remaining three (3) trees are proposed to be planted along the northern property line. While the replacement trees are not in the exact same locations as the removed trees, the spacing and location would promote health, growth and long-term viability. Additionally, they are large species of trees that will provide extensive visual screening and buffering at maturity between the residential on-site use and the abutting commercial use and right-of-way. The proposed mitigation plan (attachment 3) lacks planting and irrigation specifications. To ensure long term viability of the new plantings, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant submit an addendum to the mitigation plan (attachment 3) that includes Douglas fir, western red cedar and/or western hemlock or other comparable species as determined by the Current Planning Project Manager along with specifications for planting, irrigation, and initial height not less than six (6) feet. To ensure the trees are planted promptly and at the appropriate time of year outside of summer drought, staff recommends as a condition of approval the new trees shall be planted between October 1 and November 30 2023 with a scheduled Planning Division inspection no later than December 15, 2023 unless otherwise determined by the Current Planning Project Manager. YES 7. The land clearing and tree removal shall not create or contribute to a hazardous condition, such as increased potential for blowdown, pest infestation, disease, or other problems that may result from selectively removing trees and other vegetation from a lot. Staff Comments: Provided documentation did not indicate that the removal of the trees would create or contribute to a hazardous condition, but instead indicated that it is a net benefit that the trees have been removed. YES 8. The land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with the requirements of the Shoreline Master Program, pursuant to RMC 4-3-090F1, Vegetation Conservation, and RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations Staff Comments: Not applicable. The property is not located within shoreline jurisdiction. DECISION: Shufen Tree Removal, LUA23-000183, RVMP, for the removal of 19 significant trees as shown in the arborist report (Attachment 1) is Approved with Conditions* and subject to the following conditions: *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall submit an addendum to the mitigation plan (attachment 3) that includes Douglas fir, western red cedar and/or western hemlock or other comparable species as determined by the Current Planning Project Manager along with specifications for planting, irrigation, and initial height not less than six (6) feet. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Devel opment Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shufen Tree Removal LUA23-000183, RVMP Permit Date: June 26, 2023 Page 5 of 5 2. The new trees shall be planted between October 1 and November 30 2023 with a scheduled Planning Division inspection no later than December 15, 2023 unless otherwise determined by the Current Planning Project Manager. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on July 10, 2023. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. The appeal submitted in person may be paid on the first floor in our Finance Department. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4- 8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. EXPIRATION: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one (1) year from the date of decision. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one (1) year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made at least 30 days in advance of the expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. The Critical Area Exemption expires two (2) years from the date of decision. Attachments: Attachment 1: Arborist Report, authored by Cody Herron, April 9, 2023 Attachment 2: Addendum to the Arborist Report, authored by Cody Herron, May 9, 2023 Attachment 3: Mitigation Plan, authored by Cody Herron, May 23, 2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 6/26/2023 | 4:21 PM PDT Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Certified Tree Risk Assessor (TRAQ) Journeyman Tree Trimmer ISA certified Arborist PN-6967A April 9, 2023 Attn: Eric Petzold, Code Compliance Inspector City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Property Owner: Lin Shufen Site Address: 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton, WA Parcel# 1423700910 9,750 sq ft Lot Area Dear Mr. Petzold, ABC Herron Tree LLC is pleased to submit this report compiling the visual Tree Risk and Evaluation Assessments performed on trees located on Parcel 1423700910 at 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton as shown on the site map in my report. Tree Inventory assessments were made in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 Part 5 standards. Visual Tree Assessments is an outlined process in accordance with Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) program and is a recognized standard of care by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) to evaluate tree health and risk. I have included a detailed report of my findings below, along with an inventory styled matrix covering overall tree measurement and characteristics. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Yours, Cody Herron EXHIBIT 1 RECEIVED PLANNING DIVISION 04/17/2023 AVanGordon DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 2 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Contents: • Assignment • Personal qualifications, scope of work and methodology • Methods used to determine tree location and tree health • GPS Coordinates • Site Map • Critical Areas Map • Photos • Tree Assessment Matrix • Discussion and conclusion • Revegetation Plan • References • Waiver of Liability Assignment On April 4, 2023 I was asked to assist with addressing a notice of Tree Violation – CODE23- 000102 regarding trees located on or near the property at 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton parcel 1423700910 per the King County Assessor. This report is valid for a one-year time frame. Personal qualifications, scope of work and methodology: The knowledge I used to evaluate the trees comes from over 20 years of experience in the tree care industry, including two years of schooling from South Seattle Community College. I am a recognized Journeyman Tree trimmer with 12 years of experience through the International Brotherhood Electrical Workers (IBEW). I also have over 10 years’ experience as an ISA certified arborist, including six years working for Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD) as an arborist. I am currently employed by King County as a Vegetation Specialist Arborist for Road Services Division. I have also worked for Seattle City Light and Washington State Department of Transportation in performing tree maintenance and general vegetation management, mitigation, and noxious weed control. In addition to my experience and ISA certification maintained in good standing, I am also TRAQ certified (Tree Risk Assessment Qualified). I have relied on my training in these areas to perform the duties outlined. I followed the protocol delineated by the ISA for Level 2 Visual Assessment Process. By doing so I am examining each tree independently as well as collectively as groups or stands of trees provide stability and can lower risk of independent tree failure. This scientific process examines tree health (e.g., size, vigor, and insect and disease process) as well as site condition (soil, conditions, nursery stumps, anaerobic conditions, etc.). DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 3 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net A key part of tree risk assessment is to categorize the likelihood of failure of one or more branches, the stem, or the roots. Visual assessment includes looking for and determining the significance of the defects and structural conditions. Some structural defects or conditions are more likely to lead to failure than others. Individual defects or conditions may not by themselves indicate a serious structural problem, but in combination with other conditions they may contribute to failure. All tree species have widely varying lifespans and tolerance capabilities to wound healing from damage caused by biotic and abiotic forces. Knowledge of failure patterns (disease, lifespan, environmental conditions, and species characteristics) associated with different species is critical in making effective reports. Methods used to determine tree location and tree health: Tree diameter was measured with a forester’s tape. Tree dripline and height and other target distances were measured with a Nikon Pro laser range finder or tape shown in Figures 1 & 2. Trees are tagged with pink ribbon and Dymo Rhino aluminum labeler numerical impression in Figure 3. All measurements and notes are recorded in digital format on site. Forest Metrix software is used to record the data and pictures to help illustrate the findings, see Site Map and Tree Assessment Matrix photos. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 4 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net GPS coordinates (not official survey, visual aid only) see Table 1. Tree # Species Latitude Longitude 1 Lombardy poplar 47.45349587784356 -122.18566893844195 2 Lombardy poplar 47.45348874598055 -122.18569053771947 3 Lombardy poplar 47.45348808272724 -122.18571642113271 4 Bigleaf maple 47.4534794767177 -122.18573395134241 5 Lombardy poplar 47.453488739545726 -122.18578451550908 6 Lombardy poplar 47.45347966628984 -122.18581333048422 7 Lombardy poplar 47.45346610575676 -122.18584220193806 8 Lombardy poplar 47.4534555390692 -122.18586129117591 9 Lombardy poplar 47.45345634074771 -122.18588700322844 10 Lombardy poplar 47.45341971901015 -122.18588190065168 11 Lombardy poplar 47.45338660762772 -122.18590048600454 12 Lombardy poplar 47.45333623996899 -122.18585915592384 13 Lombardy poplar 47.45331266207016 -122.18583903935622 14 Lombardy poplar 47.45325235701165 -122.18586586144637 15 Lombardy poplar 47.45325621812529 -122.18583761444188 16 Douglas fir 47.45328454994623 -122.1858350160427 17 Douglas fir 47.45328454994623 -122.1858350160427 18 Douglas fir 47.45343416045778 -122.18586275936353 19 Cherry 47.453437888382076 -122.18583683049292 DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 5 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Site Map Figure 4 This is for visual aid only and does not represent a professional survey. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 6 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Critical Areas Map Figure 5 Per the City of Renton GIS map there are no critical areas on this parcel. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 7 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Photo 1 Figure 6 This is a photo of the front yard of the address 16623 116th Pl SE from Google Earth Sept 2022. Photo shows tree death and die back. Likely caused by fungal infection. Tree #14 Tree #1. Notice the flagging on the limb and die back tree was most likely infected with same pathogen as tree #’s 14 and 9, Trees #’s 2 & 3 also exhibit same fungal infection that killed trees 9 and 14. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 8 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Photo 2 Figure 7 This is a photo taken from behind 16623 from 116th Ave SE the house using Google earth imagery from September 2022. This photo clearly shows complete tree death of trees #’s 9 & 14. These would be considered High risk. Tree #14 Tree #9 DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 9 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Photo 3 Figure 8 Upheaving and cracking damage from roots can be seen in the parking lot of 16710 116th Ave SE, to the south of the subject property as show in the map in Figure 5 above. This is likely caused by tree #14. Sidewalk damage can also be easily observed. Cracking and upheaval is pronounced in this area. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 10 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Assessment Matrix Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 1 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 54.0 5.0 54.0 Dead Dead High 2 Tree Inventory Removal due to fungal infection and canopy die back present. This tree has been high stumped at about 5 feet DBH measurement was taken at this height. This would could be considered a landmark tree. From the Google Imagery photos in Figure 6 taken September and tree 9 &er 2022 this tree appears to have some flagging and die back in the canopy. Tree is dying and likely infected with same fungal presence 14. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 11 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 2 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 16.6 5.0 16.6 Dead Dead High 2 Tree Inventory Removal due to fungal infection and canopy die back present. This tree is a two-stemmed adjusted DBH. DBH was taken about 3 feet above ground. From the Google Imagery photos in Figure 6 taken September 2022 this tree appears to have some flagging and die back in the canopy. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 12 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 3 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 33.0 5.0 33.0 Dead Dead High 2 Tree inventory. Removal due to fungal infection and canopy die back present. This tree is a three-stemmed adjusted DBH. The DBH for this tree was taken about 3 feet above ground. From the Google Imagery photos in Figure 6 taken September 2022 this tree appears to have some flagging and die back in the canopy. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 13 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 4 Bigleaf maple Acer macrophyllum 20.0 5.0 20.0 Dead Dead High 2 Tree Inventory Tree has extensive cavity rot of about 30% removal would be warranted. See below. This tree has some decay in the center of the tree and looks to be unviable. The DBH for this tree was taken about 2 1/2 feet above ground DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 14 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 5 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 32.0 5.0 32.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This DBH was taken about 2 1/2 feet above ground. At DBH or 4.5’ height this measurement would not be landmark size. This would likely not be a land mark tree if measurement was taken at proper DBH. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 15 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 6 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 20.0 5.0 20.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This DBH was taken about 2 feet off the ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 16 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 7 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 25.0 5.0 25.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This DBH was taken about 2 1/2 feet above ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 17 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 8 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 13.0 5.0 13.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory The DBH was taken about 2 feet off the ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 18 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 9 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 59.3 5.0 83.9 Dead Dead High 2 Tree Inventory Removal due to fungal infection and canopy die back present. Tree is completely dead inf figure 7 or report. These measurements were taken from range at 3 1/2 feet to 4 feet above ground. This is a three-stemmed adjusted DBH tree. This tree would likely count as a landmark sized tree. In photos taken from Google Imagery captured September 22 as shown in figure 7, this tree was in poor condition. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 19 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 10 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 19.0 5.0 19.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This DBH was taken 6 inches above ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 20 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 11 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 17.0 5.0 17.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This DBH was taken flush to the ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 21 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 12 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 16.5 5.0 16.5 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This DBH was taken 6 inches above ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 22 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 13 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 16.0 5.0 16.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This DBH was taken 6 inches above ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 23 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 14 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 56.6 5.0 80.0 Dead Dead High 2 Tree Inventory Removal due to fungal infection and canopy die back present. Tree is completely dead inf figure 7 or report. This is a four-stemmed tree with an adjusted DBH. These measurements were taken from 3 feet 3 1/2 feet and 5 feet above ground. This tree was completely dead as shown in Google Imagery photos taken September 22 as shown in Figure 7. This tree is completely dead. Most likely cause is fungal infection and drought stressors. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 24 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 15 Lombardy poplar Populus nigra -Italica- 14.0 5.0 14.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This measurement was taken 6 inches above ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 25 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net This tree would likely not be considered a significant sized tree at 6” DBH if measurement was taken at the proper DBH height of 4.5’. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. Dead Dead Low DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 26 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net This DBH was taken at 2 inches above ground. It is likely that this tree would not be considered a significant tree due to its relatively small size and if DBH measurements were taken at the proper height of 4.5’ above ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. Dead Dead Low DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 27 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net This DBH was taken at 2 inches above ground. It is likely that this tree would not be considered a significant tree due to its relatively small size and if DBH measurements were taken at the proper height of 4.5’ above ground. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. Dead Dead Low DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 28 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Tree Species DBH (in) Drip (ft) CRZ (ft) Condition Structure Risk Pres. Value Recommendations 19 Bitter Cherry Prunus emarginata 6.0 5.0 6.0 Dead Dead Low 2 Tree Inventory This measurement was taken 2 inches above ground. This tree would not be considered a significant tree at proper DBH measurement. Satellite images do not show any significant physiological changes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 29 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Discussion and Conclusion I arrived on site at about 10:30 am on April 7, 2023 and met with Felicia Ng of Skyway General Contractors to examine several trees. Trees are indicated on the site with pink ribbon and numerical indications. Per the City of Renton GIS Web Map in Figure 5 above, these trees are not in an Environmentally Critical Area (ECA) and/or buffer. There is no development occurring at this property. This is an established residential lot. Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-11-200 defines trees as follows: “TREE: A woody perennial usually having one dominant trunk, or, for certain species, a multi- stemmed trunk system, with a potential minimum height of ten feet (10') at maturity. Any trees listed on the Complete King County Weed List shall not qualify as a tree. A. Tree, High-Risk: Any tree that has been certified in a written arborist report, prepared by an arborist with ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ), as possessing the following ISA Tree Risk Assessment characterizations: 1. The tree has a probable or imminent likelihood of failure; and 2. The tree has a medium or high likelihood of impact; and 3. The consequences of failure for the tree are significant or severe. B. Tree, Landmark: A tree with a caliper of twenty four inches (24") or greater, except for big leaf maples, black cottonwoods, and red alder trees, which qualify as landmark trees with a caliper of thirty inches (30") or greater. C. Tree, Protected: A significant tree identified to be retained, or a new tree required to be planted, as a condition of approval for a land development permit. D. Tree, Significant: A tree with a caliper of at least six inches (6"), except alder or cottonwood trees, which qualify as significant trees with a caliper of eight inches (8") or greater. Trees certified as high-risk shall not be considered significant. E. Tree, Small Species: A tree with a mature height of thirty feet (30') or less. F. Tree, Medium Species: A tree with a mature height between thirty feet (30') and fifty feet (50'). G. Tree, Large Species: A tree with a mature height of fifty feet (50') or more.” Per RMC 4-4-130.C the following activities are allowed without a vegetation management permit: “2. High-Risk Trees: Removal of a high-risk tree, as defined in RMC 4-11-200, Definitions T, that has been certified as such by an arborist with an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ), provided the removal is limited to three (3) high-risk trees within a one-year period and no landmark trees are proposed for removal. A routine vegetation management permit is required for the removal of more than three (3) high- risk trees within a one-year period and for the removal of high-risk landmark trees. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 30 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net 9. Minor Tree Removal Activities: Removal of up to two (2) significant trees within a one- year period, but no more than five (5) significant trees within a five (5) year period, provided the removal is conducted in accordance with the following requirements: a. There is no active land development permit, as defined in RMC 4-11-120, Definitions L, or submitted application for said permit, for the subject site; b. The tree proposed for removal is not a protected tree or a landmark tree, as defined in RMC 4-11-200, Definitions T; c. The tree proposed for removal is not located within ten feet (10') of a surface parking lot with ten (10) or more parking spaces; d. The tree proposed for removal is not one of the only two (2) significant trees remaining on the lot, unless identified as a high-risk tree, consistent with subsection C2 of this Section;” Per RMC 4-4-130.E the removal of a landmark tree may be granted for situations where: “i. The tree is determined to be a high-risk tree; or ii. The tree is causing obvious physical damage to buildings (over two hundred (200) square feet), driveways, parking lots, or utilities, and it can be demonstrated to the Administrator’s satisfaction that no reasonable alternatives to tree removal exist, including tree root pruning, tree root barriers, tree cabling, or preventive maintenance, such as cleaning leaf debris, deadwood removal, or directional/clearance pruning;” Tree numbers - 1,2,3,4,9 and 14 would have all been considered hazard trees due to their high risk or failure and target potential. This information was gathered by photo imagery and stump findings detailed in the matrix. Also see further explanation of Poplar tree risk and disease issues below. Trees numbers- 5,6,7,8 ,10,11,12,13, and 15 would likely be held in violation due to their size and unknowable conditions prior to removal. The focus of mitigation in my opinion, should be in regards to these trees. Of further note Tree #5 should not be considered a landmark size due to measurements taken below 4.5’ or DBH level. This tree would likely be around 28” in my estimation. Tree numbers – 16, 17, 18 and 19 should not be considered significant sized trees due to their DBH thresholds. Many of these tree measurements were taken and grade level and would not meet the 6” standard at DBH or 4.5’ height measurement. These trees should not be considered in this violation as they do not meet the requirements of a significant tree per RMC 4-11-200. Table 2 on the following page provides a visual chart of the above classifications. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 31 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Table 2 Tree Species DBH (in inches) Landmark Tree Significant Tree Hazard Tree 1 Lombardy poplar 54   2 Lombardy poplar 16.6   3 Lombardy poplar 33   4 Bigleaf maple 20   5 Lombardy poplar 32  6 Lombardy poplar 20  7 Lombardy poplar 25  8 Lombardy poplar 13  9 Lombardy poplar 59.3   10 Lombardy poplar 19  11 Lombardy poplar 17  12 Lombardy poplar 16.5  13 Lombardy poplar 16  14 Lombardy poplar 56.6   15 Lombardy poplar 14  16 Douglas fir 9 17 Douglas fir 9 18 Douglas fir 9 19 Bitter cherry 6 According to RMC 4-4-130.C three non-landmark hazard trees and two significant trees can be removed from a property without a permit. Trees 2 & 4 are hazard trees of significant size, so those trees should not be considered in the violation. Two of trees 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 are trees of significant size and should not be considered in the violation. The vegetation management permit for this property should include the removal of seven trees of significant size, and four hazard trees of landmark size (trees 1, 3, 9 & 14). These four landmark trees meet the criteria for removal under RMC 4-4-130.E. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 32 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net All of the trees observed had multiple historic failures with some showing outward signs of disease and pests. Many of the trees have caused damage by limb failure to property on the north and west side of property. Some of the damages affected fencing and outbuilding structures. Some of the roots have caused damages to lawn and backyard of the property at 16623 116th Pl SE and the parking lot area of the adjacent property 16710 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA. Side walk damage can also be observed along 116th Ave SE on the west side of property. The Lombardy poplar generally have a short life span. It is my guess that most of the trees were planted in the late 60’s to early 70’s as a means of quickly growing privacy barrier to the main roadway of 116th Ave SE and neighboring properties. If that is the case many of these trees would likely be nearing the end of their life cycle and being more prone to defects and disease. “Poplars are not good landscape trees because they are susceptible to a number of pests and diseases as well as other cultural problems. Insect problems include aphids, borers, caterpillars, and scale. Cankers are problematic especially in hot and humid climates. Cytospora canker attacks the upper branches of the tree and trunk and is often fatal. Dieback, leaf spots, rusts, and powdery mildew are other diseases problems. Weak wood is easily damaged by wind and shallow roots can lift sidewalks, make lawn mowing difficult, and damage drainage systems. Frequent clean-up is required from the endless amount of falling leaves and twigs. To quote Michael Dirr from his popular book Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, "if anyone plants poplars, they deserve the disasters which automatically ensue.” See link below- https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/populus-nigra/ Per Bean, W. J. (1980). Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles Vol. 3. John Murray ISBN 0-7195- 2427-X “'Italica' is the true Lombardy poplar, selected in Lombardy, northern Italy, in the 17th century. The growth is fastigiate (having the branches more or less parallel to the main stem), with a very narrow crown. Coming from the Mediterranean region, it is adapted to hot, dry summers and grows poorly in humid conditions, being short-lived due to fungal diseases. It is a male clone.[10] As a widely selected species chosen by golf architects[where?] in the 1960s, it soon became apparent that the poplar's very invasive roots destroyed land drainage systems. Decades later, the same courses were removing poplar stands wholesale. Around 40 to 50 years, this short-lived variety starts shedding branches and is very likely to be blown over in high winds, each successive tree lost exposing neighboring trees, creating a domino effect.” See link below- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populus_nigra DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 33 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Revegetation Plan Per RMC 4-4-130.F.2.b: “Trees removed in excess of the maximum amount allowed under subsection C9 of this Section, Minor Tree Removal Activities, shall be subject to RMC 4-4-130H1e, Replacement Requirements, unless determined by the Administrator to be unfeasible in the specific case.” As stated above in the Discussion and Conclusion section, according to RMC 4-4-130.C three non- landmark hazard trees and two significant trees can be removed from a property without a permit. Trees 2 & 4 are hazard trees of significant size, so those trees should not be considered in the violation. Two of trees 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 are trees of significant size and should not be considered in the violation. The vegetation management permit for this property should include the removal of seven trees of significant size, and four hazard trees of landmark size (trees 1, 3, 9 & 14). These four landmark trees meet the criteria for removal under RMC 4-4- 130.E. In other words, seven trees of significant size and four trees of landmark size would be subject to replacement requirements. The violation dated 3/20/23 states “c. Tree Replacement Quantity: For each tree that was improperly cut in violation of code, replacement planting shall occur at a rate based on the credit value of the tree(s) removed pursuant to RMC 4-4- 130.H.1.b.v.” Table 3 shows the credit value for the trees removed. Table 3 from RMC 4-4-130.H.1.b DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 34 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net For purposes of clarity, let’s say trees 5 & 6 are the two trees of significant size that were removed without needing a permit as outlined above. That leaves significant trees 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 to be considered for replacement trees, in addition to landmark trees 1, 3, 9 & 14. Table 4 shows a chart calculating the tree credits per the chart in Table 3. Table 4 Tree Species DBH (in inches) Tree Credits Landmark Significant 1 Lombardy poplar 54 13  3 Lombardy poplar 33 12  7 Lombardy poplar 25 10  8 Lombardy poplar 13 6  9 Lombardy poplar 59.3 13  10 Lombardy poplar 19 8  11 Lombardy poplar 17 7  12 Lombardy poplar 16.5 7  13 Lombardy poplar 16 7  14 Lombardy poplar 56.6 13  15 Lombardy poplar 14 6  Total 102 If the property owner were to plant all large species trees at 2 tree credits per tree this would equal 51 trees. This is a residential lot of 9,750 square feet, and planting 51 large species trees on this property would be inadvisable and infeasible. Even a mix of large and small species trees would be inadvisable – this lot is not large enough to support that many trees. Instead, in this situation we would like the Administrator to consider allowing the requirements of a routine vegetation management permit to apply to this project under RMC 4-9-195.D.4. This would require the retention of minimum tree credits pursuant to RMC 4-4-130 and some possible supplemental plantings. Per RMC 4-4-130 “tree credit requirements shall apply at a minimum rate of thirty (30) credits per net acre.” This lot of 9,750 square feet would be considered 0.22 square acres. 30 x 0.22 = 6.6, rounded up = 7 tree credit requirements DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 35 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net There are remaining trees on this property of 6 caliper inches or greater that would more than satisfy the 7 tree credit requirement per the chart in Table 3 above. In addition to retaining the remaining trees, I would suggest at least four native large species trees be planted to mitigate for the four landmark trees. These four trees should be tagged, ribboned or flagged so they can be located in the future and to ensure identification by an inspector. The name of each species should be written in permanent marker on the flags, tags or ribbons. The trees should be planted and maintained per the instructions in the United States Department of Agriculture Tree Owner’s Manual (Adapted to the City of Renton) available on the city’s website at https://cdnsm5- hosted.civiclive.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_7922657/File/City%20Hall/Community%20Services/Pa rks%20Planning%20and%20Natural%20Resources/Urban%20Forestry/TreeOwnersManual_Readable. pdf We are looking forward to working with the city to conclude this violation and penalties . DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 36 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net References: ANSI Z133.1-2000 ANSI A300 (Pat 1) – 2008 American National Standards Institute. ANSI A300 part 5 & BMP Managing Trees During Construction second edition 2016 Kelby Fite, Thomas Smiley. American National standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Standard Practices (Pruning). New yok: Tree Care Industry Association, 2008. Coder, Dr. Kim D. Construction Damage Assessments: Tree and Sites. University of Georgia. October 1996. Ashley, Burl S. 1980 Reference handbook for foresters. USDA NA-FR-15. 35 pp. Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation, and Uses. Champaign: Stipes Publishing Company, 1990. Dunster & Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd. Assessing Trees in Urban Areas and the Urban- Rural Interface. US Release 1.0. Silverton: Pacific Northwest Chapter ISA, 2006. Dunster, J. A. 2003. Preliminary Species Profiles for Tree Failure Assessment. Bowen Island: Dunster & Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd. Dunster, Julian A., E. Thomas Smiley, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly. Tree Risk Assessment Manual. Champaign, Illinois: International Society of Arboriculture, 2013. Harris, Richard W, James Clark, and Nelda Matheny. Arboriculture, Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004. Lilly, Sharon. Arborists’ Certification Study Guide. Champaign, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture, 2001. Matheny, Nelda and Clark, James R. A Photographic Guide to the Evaluation of Hazard Trees in Urban Areas. Second Edition. Champaign, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture, 1994. Matheny, Nelda and Clark, James R. Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees during Land Development. Champaign, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture, 1998. Mattheck, Claus and Breloer, Helge. The Body Language of Trees: A Handbook for Failure Analysis. London: HMSO, 1994 Schwarze, Francis W.M.R. Diagnosis and Prognosis of the Development of Wood Decay in Urban Trees. Australia: ENSPEC Pty Ltd. 2008 Sinclair, Wayne A., Lyon, Howard H., and Johnson, Warren T. Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1987.Prince, Susan Duvall Visual Tree Assessment Feb 2018. Smiley, E. Thomas, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly, Tree Risk Assessment Best Management Practices, ANSI A300 Part 9: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management— Standard Practices (Tree Risk Assessment: Tree Structure Assessment). The International Society of Arboriculture Press. Champaign. IL. 2011. Thies, Walter G. and Sturrock, Rona N. Laminated root rot in Western North American. United States Department of Agriculture. Pacific Northwest. Resource Bulletin PNW-GTR-349. April 1999. USDA Regions 6 Root Diseases in Oregon and Washington Conifers James S. Hadfield, Donald J. Goheen, Gregory M. Filip, Craig L. Schmitt, Robert D. Harvey DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 37 of 37 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Waiver of Liability There are many conditions affection a tree’s health and stability, which may be present and cannot be ascertained, such as, root rot, previous or unexposed construction damage, internal cracks, stem rot and more which may be hidden. Changes in circumstances and conditions can also cause a rapid deterioration of a trees’ health and stability. Adverse amount of time. While I have used every reasonable means to examine these trees, this evaluation represents my opinion of the tree health at this point in time. These findings do not guarantee future safety nor are they predictions of future events. Any legal description provided to the consultant-appraiser is assumed to be correct. Any titles and ownerships to any property are assumed to be good and marketable. No responsibility is assumed for matter legal in character. Any and all property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management the tree evaluation consists of an external visual inspection of an individual tree’s root flare, trunk, and canopy from the ground. Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been verified insofar as possible; however, the consultant/appraiser can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. Sketches, maps, diagrams, graphs and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aid, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or survey. As conditions change, it is the responsibility of the property owners to schedule additional site visits by the necessary professionals to ensure that the long-term success of the project is insured. It is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain all required permits form city, county state, for federal agencies. It is the responsibility of the property owner to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and permit conditions. If there is a homeowner’s association, it is the responsibility of the property owner to comply with all Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) that apply to tree pruning and tree removal. This tree evaluation is to be used to inform and guide the client in the management of their trees. This in no way implies that the evaluator is responsible for performing recommended actions or using other methods or tools to further determine the extent of internal tree problems without written authorizations from the client. Furthermore, the evaluator in no way holds that the opinions and recommendations are the only actions required to ensure that the tree will not fail. A second opinion is recommended. The client shall hold the evaluator harmless for any and all injuries of damages incurred if the evaluator’s recommendations are not followed of for acts of nature beyond the evaluator’s reasonable expectations, such as severer winds, excessive rains, heavy snow loads, etc. The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or to attend court by reason of the report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made including payment of an additional fee for such services as described in the fee schedule and contract of engagement This report and all attachments, enclosures, and references, are confidential and are for the use of the client concerned. Loss or alteration of any part of this report invalidates the entire report. They may not be reproduced, used in any way of dispersed in any form without the prior consent of the client concerned and ABC Herron Tree LLC. This report constitutes a whole. No single piece of part can be used without the entire text. Any use or restricted copying nullifies the entire report. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Certified Tree Risk Assessor (TRAQ) Journeyman Tree Trimmer ISA certified Arborist PN-6967A May 9, 2023 Attn: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Tree Credit Requirements Property Owner: Lin Shufen Site Address: 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton, WA Parcel# 1423700910 9,750 sq ft Lot Area Dear Mr. Van Gordon, ABC Herron Tree LLC is pleased to submit this report compiling the visual Tree Risk and Evaluation Assessments performed on remaining trees located on Parcel 1423700910 at 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton as shown on the site map in my report. Tree Inventory assessments were made in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 Part 5 standards. Visual Tree Assessments is an outlined process in accordance with Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) program and is a recognized standard of care by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) to evaluate tree health and risk. I have included a detailed report of my findings below, along with an inventory styled matrix covering overall tree measurement and characteristics. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Yours, Cody Herron EXHIBIT 2 RECEIVED PLANNING DIVISION 05/10/2023 AVanGordon DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 2 of 7 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Contents: • Assignment • Methods used to determine tree location and tree health • GPS Coordinates • Site Map • Tree Assessment Matrix • Discussion and conclusion • References • Waiver of Liability Assignment As part of a Routine Vegetation Maintenance Permit application I have been asked to inventory remaining trees on this lot. This report is in addition to my report dated April 9, 2023 for this property, and is valid for a one-year time frame. Methods used to determine tree location and tree health: Tree diameter was measured with a forester’s tape. Tree dripline and height and other target distances were measured with a Nikon Pro laser range finder or tape shown in Figures 1 & 2. Trees are tagged with pink ribbon and Dymo Rhino aluminum labeler numerical impression in Figure 3. All measurements and notes are recorded in digital format on site. Forest Metrix software is used to record the data and pictures to help illustrate the findings, see Site Map and Tree Assessment Matrix photos. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 3 of 7 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net GPS coordinates (not official survey, visual aid only) see Table 1. Tree # Species Latitude Longitude 20 Washington hawthorn 47.453494 -122.185711 21 Lodgepole pine 47.453475 -122.185869 22 Douglas fir 47.453421 -122.185853 23 Douglas fir 47.453383 -122.185936 24 Horsechestnut 47.453436 -122.185861 25 Norway maple 47.453371 -122.185860 26 Washington hawthorn 47.453452 -122.185869 27 Cherry 47.453331 -122.185609 28 Lodgepole pine 47.453353 -122.185746 DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 4 of 7 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Site Map Figure 4 This is for visual aid only and does not represent a professional survey. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 5 of 7 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Discussion and Conclusion I arrived on site at about noon on May 5, 2023 to inventory the remaining trees at this site. Trees are indicated on the site with pink ribbon and numerical indications. There is no development occurring at this property. This is an established residential lot. Per RMC 4-4-130 “tree credit requirements shall apply at a minimum rate of thirty (30) credits per net acre.” This lot of 9,750 square feet would be considered 0.22 square acres. 30 x 0.22 = 6.6, rounded up = 7 tree credit requirements The remaining trees on this property of 6 caliper inches or greater are listed in Table 2 below. The remaining trees would more than satisfy the seven tree credit requirement per the chart in Table 3. Table 2 Tree Species DBH (in inches) Hazard Tree Tree Credits 20 Washington hawthorn 11 5 21 Lodgepole pine 9.5 4 22 Douglas fir 10.5 5 23 Douglas fir 10.5 5 24 Horsechestnut 8.3 4 25 Norway maple 21.6 8 26 Washington hawthorn 12 6 27 Cherry 16.8 7 28 Lodgepole pine 11.2 5 49 Table 3 from RMC 4-4-130.H.1.b DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 6 of 7 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net References: ANSI Z133.1-2000 ANSI A300 (Pat 1) – 2008 American National Standards Institute. ANSI A300 part 5 & BMP Managing Trees During Construction second edition 2016 Kelby Fite, Thomas Smiley. American National standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Standard Practices (Pruning). New yok: Tree Care Industry Association, 2008. Coder, Dr. Kim D. Construction Damage Assessments: Tree and Sites. University of Georgia. October 1996. Ashley, Burl S. 1980 Reference handbook for foresters. USDA NA-FR-15. 35 pp. Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation, and Uses. Champaign: Stipes Publishing Company, 1990. Dunster & Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd. Assessing Trees in Urban Areas and the Urban- Rural Interface. US Release 1.0. Silverton: Pacific Northwest Chapter ISA, 2006. Dunster, J. A. 2003. Preliminary Species Profiles for Tree Failure Assessment. Bowen Island: Dunster & Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd. Dunster, Julian A., E. Thomas Smiley, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly. Tree Risk Assessment Manual. Champaign, Illinois: International Society of Arboriculture, 2013. Harris, Richard W, James Clark, and Nelda Matheny. Arboriculture, Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004. Lilly, Sharon. Arborists’ Certification Study Guide. Champaign, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture, 2001. Matheny, Nelda and Clark, James R. A Photographic Guide to the Evaluation of Hazard Trees in Urban Areas. Second Edition. Champaign, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture, 1994. Matheny, Nelda and Clark, James R. Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees during Land Development. Champaign, IL: The International Society of Arboriculture, 1998. Mattheck, Claus and Breloer, Helge. The Body Language of Trees: A Handbook for Failure Analysis. London: HMSO, 1994 Schwarze, Francis W.M.R. Diagnosis and Prognosis of the Development of Wood Decay in Urban Trees. Australia: ENSPEC Pty Ltd. 2008 Sinclair, Wayne A., Lyon, Howard H., and Johnson, Warren T. Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1987.Prince, Susan Duvall Visual Tree Assessment Feb 2018. Smiley, E. Thomas, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly, Tree Risk Assessment Best Management Practices, ANSI A300 Part 9: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management— Standard Practices (Tree Risk Assessment: Tree Structure Assessment). The International Society of Arboriculture Press. Champaign. IL. 2011. Thies, Walter G. and Sturrock, Rona N. Laminated root rot in Western North American. United States Department of Agriculture. Pacific Northwest. Resource Bulletin PNW-GTR-349. April 1999. USDA Regions 6 Root Diseases in Oregon and Washington Conifers James S. Hadfield, Donald J. Goheen, Gregory M. Filip, Craig L. Schmitt, Robert D. Harvey DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 7 of 7 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Waiver of Liability There are many conditions affection a tree’s health and stability, which may be present and cannot be ascertained, such as, root rot, previous or unexposed construction damage, internal cracks, stem rot and more which may be hidden. Changes in circumstances and conditions can also cause a rapid deterioration of a trees’ health and stability. Adverse amount of time. While I have used every reasonable means to examine these trees, this evaluation represents my opinion of the tree health at this point in time. These findings do not guarantee future safety nor are they predictions of future events. Any legal description provided to the consultant-appraiser is assumed to be correct. Any titles and ownerships to any property are assumed to be good and marketable. No responsibility is assumed for matter legal in character. Any and all property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management the tree evaluation consists of an external visual inspection of an individual tree’s root flare, trunk, and canopy from the ground. Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been verified insofar as possible; however, the consultant/appraiser can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. Sketches, maps, diagrams, graphs and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aid, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or survey. As conditions change, it is the responsibility of the property owners to schedule additional site visits by the necessary professionals to ensure that the long-term success of the project is insured. It is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain all required permits form city, county state, for federal agencies. It is the responsibility of the property owner to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and permit conditions. If there is a homeowner’s association, it is the responsibility of the property owner to comply with all Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) that apply to tree pruning and tree removal. This tree evaluation is to be used to inform and guide the client in the management of their trees. This in no way implies that the evaluator is responsible for performing recommended actions or using other methods or tools to further determine the extent of internal tree problems without written authorizations from the client. Furthermore, the evaluator in no way holds that the opinions and recommendations are the only actions required to ensure that the tree will not fail. A second opinion is recommended. The client shall hold the evaluator harmless for any and all injuries of damages incurred if the evaluator’s recommendations are not followed of for acts of nature beyond the evaluator’s reasonable expectations, such as severer winds, excessive rains, heavy snow loads, etc. The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or to attend court by reason of the report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made including payment of an additional fee for such services as described in the fee schedule and contract of engagement This report and all attachments, enclosures, and references, are confidential and are for the use of the client concerned. Loss or alteration of any part of this report invalidates the entire report. They may not be reproduced, used in any way of dispersed in any form without the prior consent of the client concerned and ABC Herron Tree LLC. This report constitutes a whole. No single piece of part can be used without the entire text. Any use or restricted copying nullifies the entire report. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Certified Tree Risk Assessor (TRAQ) Journeyman Tree Trimmer ISA certified Arborist PN-6967A May 24, 2023 Attn: Andrew Van Gordon, Associate Planner City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Mitigation Plan Property Owner: Lin Shufen Site Address: 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton, WA Parcel# 1423700910 9,750 sq ft Lot Area Dear Mr. Van Gordon, Per our phone conversation today I am submitting this revised mitigation plan for planting trees on the above-referenced property to satisfy the requirements of a Routine Vegetation Maintenance Permit application. The City of Renton will require 10 native conifer trees to be planted on this site, such as Douglas fir or Sitka spruce. Please refer to Figure 1 for the approximate recommended locations to plant these trees. Storm Lake Growers https://www.stormlakegrowers.com/ has a good selection of native plants at very reasonable prices. October through April is the best time of year to plant trees in our area to ensure their survival and viability. Thes tree should be 5-gallon pot container size (largest size). These trees can be purchased around $14.75 wholesale price at this location. They should be around 4-6’ in height. These ten trees should be tagged, ribboned or flagged so they can be located in the future and to ensure identification by an inspector. The name of each species should be written in permanent marker on the flags, tags or ribbons. The trees should be planted and maintained per the instructions in the United States Department of Agriculture Tree Owner’s Manual (Adapted to the City of Renton) available on the city’s website at Tree Owner's Manual for the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, NA-FR- 04=07 (civiclive.com) Yours, Cody Herron EXHIBIT 3 RECEIVED PLANNING DIVISION 05/25/2023 AVanGordon DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8 Page 2 of 2 16623 116th Pl SE, Renton Cody Herron ABC Herron Tree LLC 425-293-2443 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6967A Certified Tree Risk Assessor mountainredd@comcast.net Replanting Map Figure 1 This is for visual aid only and does not represent a professional survey. DocuSign Envelope ID: F7B04DE9-8BDD-4331-AE4D-0957411858B8