HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/25/2023 - MinutesCITY OF RENTON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS & FIREFIGHTERS DISABILITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 25, 2023 – 9:00 a.m. Renton City Hall – 1st Floor Training Room #109 or Video Conference (Zoom meeting) In Attendance: Jim Phelan, Russ Olson, Valerie O’Halloran, Alex Tuttle, Erika Eddins, Carolyn Kraft, and Jessica Cromer Not in Attendance: Jim Matthew, Ruth Pérez CALL TO ORDER Jim Phelan called the meeting to order at 09:02 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Phelan called for public comments and there were none. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Russ Olson moved to approve the January 24, 2023, meeting minutes and Valerie O’Halloran seconds. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS • #1954 – Request Board review for out-of-pocket dental expenses beyond annual benefit maximum Erika explained that this was a Type 3 dental service under the HMA insurance plan and that the annual maximum for dental services (per member) is $2,000 per year. Erika summarized that the retiree brought this request before the Board in January 2022, prior to having the service, and the decision at that time was for the retiree to work through the insurance and there was no guarantee that charges above the insurance maximum would be approved as the Board has not approved such requests in the past. She also reminded everyone that in recent years the Board approved for the retiree dental plan to match the active employee plan providing for a higher benefit. Jim questioned whether there is medical necessity and if we have that information, such as if someone had an injury. Erika confirmed that this procedure doesn’t fall under the medical benefit. Erika stated that the question here is does the Board want to set precedent and approve reimbursement above the annual maximum for dental coverage? Russ agreed and if the City ever moves to increase the benefits for actives to be more in line with what is happening with dental, that could be discussed for the retirees. Councilmember O’Halloran agreed. Russ Olson moved to notify the individual that the request for reimbursement of charges for dental services above the allowed maximum dental benefit is denied. Valerie O’Halloran seconds. Motion carried. LEOFF Board Jim Phelan Member at Large (Chair) Ruth Pérez Council Member Valerie O’Halloran Council Member James Matthew Fire and Emergency Services Russ Olson Police • #0545 – Request Board review for preventive screening service denied by HMA Erika summarized that the retiree voluntarily sought medical screening which wasn’t prescribed by a doctor, therefore there were no billing codes and HMA didn’t approve the claim. HMA does cover routine preventive screenings but not without a prescribing doctor and billing codes. This scenario has been approved for this individual in the past, but without medical referral the question is will the Board approve this claim and continue to approve similar voluntary preventive screenings performed without a prescribing doctor going forward? If so, the Board secretary has the authorization to pay necessary medical services up to $500 without Board approval. Councilmember O’Halloran questioned if the $500 is total per person or by incident. Erika stated it is by claim. Possible outcomes were discussed as this is out of the norm and typically a doctor referral is needed. Russ Olson moved to approve this claim. Councilmember O’Halloran second the motion and added to require Board pre-approval for such services in the future. Jim Phelan summarized the original motion made by Russ Olson and amended and seconded by Councilmember O’Halloran to reimburse this request and notify the retiree that future services without prescribing doctor/billing codes needs pre-approval from the Board. Motion carried. • Russ brought forward a question that’s been asked of him by fellow retirees: is there a history of discussion or possibility for the City to consider the eligibility of dependent coverage through the LEOFF 1 retiree coverage provided by the City, including at the expense of the spouse/dependent? Discussions were had about the RCW requiring retiree coverage and its intent, the intent of the City to cover only those LEOFF 1 employees that served, and limitations due to being self-insured and actual costs of care as opposed to premiums paid. In short, this topic has been discussed by the City in the past and concluded that dependent coverage would not be provided. COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Jim called for any comments or announcements. There were none. ADJOURNMENT Valerie O’Halloran moved to adjourn the meeting and Russ Olson seconds. The meeting was adjourned at 09:21 a.m.