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DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Minor Franchise Permit: MFP23001713 IVR Number: 23001713 Permit Information Permit Name: Puget Sound Energy - Electric Address/Location:04/03/2023Application Date:1823059087Parcel Number: 230 RAINIER AVE S Permit Type:07/17/2023Issue Date:Franchise Permit Work Class:07/16/2024Expiration Date:Minor Utility Job Number: 101115653Franchise Type:Electric Description: Puget Sound Energy Electric crew to relocate existing power lines in UG joint utility trench and install new duct and vault along rainier ave s. Pothole all existing utilities. Restoration per City of Renton standards. Contacts Name Address PhoneTypeBilling Corrie Rydberg Puget Sound Energy 3702 71st Ave W University Place, WA 98466 C: (253) 905-5031ApplicantX Vicki Henson Potelco Inc 8001 212th St S Kent, WA 98032 B: (253) 863-0484Contractor Business License Number: 5109Electrical Contractor: POTELI*344O4 Construction Contractor: POTELI*227PL Puget Sound Energy Inc 10885 NE 4th Street, PSE08-N08 Bellevue, WA 98009 B: (888) 225-5773Emergency Contact WENDCO NW LTD PRTNRSHP PO BOX 256 DUBLIN , OH 43017 Owner Corrie Rydberg Puget Sound Energy 3702 71st Ave W University Place, WA 98466 C: (253) 905-5031Specialized Billing General Conditions & Signature Permission is hereby given for the work described on this permit according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinance of the City of Renton. Ÿ This permit and plans must be posted at the job site at all times.Ÿ I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. Ÿ Call 425.430.7203 or go to: https://permitting.rentonwa.gov one working day in advance to schedule an inspections and for ANY work in the Right of Way. Ÿ Call 8 1 1 to locate underground utilities at least two full business days prior to any excavation.Ÿ In accordance with RCW 19.122.033(4) the permit holder is required to contact (Williams Northwest Pipeline at 425.868.1010) (Olympic Pipeline at 425.235.7736) (Puget Sound Energy at 425.375.3397) to request a consultation with the transmission pipeline company prior to performing any construction or excavation activities. This requirement to consult with the transmission pipeline company is in addition to the requirement to Call before You Dig as required in RCW 19.122. Ÿ (Date)(Signature) Page 1 of 1THIS PERMIT AND PLANS MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES Note: The Applicant is responsible for compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Page 1 of 3 | Published: 10/27/2021 Transportation Division | 1055 South Grady Way, 5th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7380 Website: rentonwa.gov TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN APPLICATION Published: 10/27/2021 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN (TCP) MUST BE SUBMITTED TO PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION DIVISION FOR REVIEW/APPROVAL AT LEAST FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF WORK. The City of Renton requires any contractor, firm, corporation, or other public/private agency to prepare a traffic control plan (TCP) and obtain city's approval of that plan when construction, repair, or maintenance work is to be conducted within the city's right-of-way. 1. Fill out the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) Application form and prepare required submittal documents. 2. The following items are all required for submittal of the TCP Application: ☐Electronic Copy of the TCP Application ☐Electronic Copy of the TCP Layout, on 11” X 17” paper size format, which shall: Include map(s) showing the location of the project and work area. Be legible lettering and clear, contrasting, symbols of viewing or printing. Must indicate street names, and north arrow and scale. Types of plans required: o Work hour plan – show all mobility impacts during construction hours. o Non-work plan - show all mobility impacts after work hours when limited or no work is happening in the right-of-way (ROW), if applicable. o Changing construction phases – show construction sequence and each construction phase change even if the traffic control is not modified, if applicable. o Pedestrian access/detour plan, if applicable. - Shall conform to the Washington State Traffic Control Flagger Certification handbook, by the Evergreen Safety Council. 3. Submit Application via email to TCP@rentonwa.gov with the subject line “TCP Application – [Project Name].” Project Name: Permit #: Site Address: Work Date: From _____________ To _____________ Work Time: Start ______________ End ______________ Construction Company: Contact Name: Phone/Cell: _________________________ Business Address: City/State: Zip: Description of Work: Approval By: _________________________________________________ Date:____________________ Transportation Engineering PLEASE SEE ATTACHED POTELCO, INC 6905 S 228TH ST KENT, WA 98032 101115653 131 Rainier ave s DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 MFP23001713 Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 3:00PM Scott Warlick CED 7/17/2023 Note: The Applicant is responsible for compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document. Page 2 of 3 | Published: 10/27/2021 PERMIT HOLDER AGREES TO ALL THE FOLLOWING: Must have approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP) prior to commencing the work. Maintain existing pedestrian access. The work on pedestrian facilities, shall be limited to one corner at a time, with the least possible inconvenience or delay to pedestrians. WORK TIME begins when any street or travel lane is fully or partially closed. This includes set up within the traveled way. Comply with all traffic regulations of the City of Renton and the State of Washington. Prepare a traffic control plan and obtain City approval of that plan. That plan shall be implemented for all street and lane closures, and the plan shall be performed in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Notify emergency services (253-852-2121) twenty-four (24) hours before any street or lane closures. Contractor or entity must call Renton School District (425-204-4455) or any public/private agency, including public transit, to be affected by a temporary lane or road closure a minimum of five business days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to starting any work. Contractor or entity must notify King County Metro in writing at construction.coord@kingcounty.gov a minimum of five business days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to starting any work impacting bus stops, a temporary lane or road closure. Work requiring removing a bus shelter or sign requires notification in writing a minimum of 30 business days (excluding weekends and holidays). Please call King County Metro at 206-477-1140 with any questions. Any lane or street closures not in conformance with the approved traffic control plan and/or without notification of emergency services may result in receiving a citation for violation of R.C.W. 47.36.200 Signs or Flaggers at thoroughfare work sites and R.C.W. 9A.36.050 Reckless Endangerment, and other applicable State and City codes. Indemnify and hold harmless the City of Renton from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, including all costs of defense and attorney’s fees incurred in defending against same, arising from and related to implementation of the approved traffic control plans including claims arising from towing of private vehicles and the acts of the Permit Holder’s agents and employees. The City of Renton shall be entitled, in its reasonable discretion, to settle claims prior to suit or judgment, and in such event shall indemnify and hold harmless the City for any such claims paid, including the City’s reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation costs incurred resulting from such claim. In the event any claim or suit is brought against City within the scope of this Agreement, Permit Holder will pay for legal counsel chosen by the City to defend against same. Flagger and sign placement are subject to revision by the City Inspector on site, if needed to address traffic or pedestrian safety or travel. All permit conditions shall be met. NOTES: Total road closure lasting more than twenty-four (24) hours is subject to the approval by the City Council. Work Zone Traffic Control shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and shown by a traffic control plan layout or reference to WSDOT. Approved Temporary Traffic Control Plan must be at the work site during work hours. Complete assistance and accommodation shall be provided to all kinds of pedestrian traffic when sidewalk or walkway is impeded to safely redirect pedestrians around a work zone. Signage shall be used to warn motorcyclists/bicyclists of the potential hazards on any uneven surfaced or slippery road conditions during work and non-work hours. Any vehicle, equipment, barricade, or portable tow-away sign used within the work area must display a company logo or any legally acceptable sign showing the company name, address, and telephone number at a conspicuous place on the vehicle or equipment. Note: The Applicant is responsible for compliance with all codes and regulations, whether or not described in this document. Page 3 of 3 | Published: 10/27/2021 In the case of Temporary No Parking Zones, all the following apply in addition to previous: Contractor must complete form to show limits of Temporary No Parking Zone identifying barricade locations for vacate parking or curb lane usage. Contractor must post notice of dates and time of Temporary No Parking Zone with at least two signs per block seventy-two (72) hours in advance of effective date and time. The cover sheet of this Traffic Control Plan form must be attached to each Temporary No Parking Sign on the project site. Temporary traffic control devices must be removed immediately when work is done or no construction activities are going on. If deemed abandoned, City crews will remove and store them at the City’s maintenance shop (3555 NE 2nd Street). I certify that the information on this application and within the submittal documents are accurate to the best of my knowledge and I acknowledge all the requirements on this application. Applicant’s Signature Date Applicant’s Name (Print) CORRIE RYDBERG 1113 11 11111111 1111 1111111111192313 11 11 11 11 RAIN IER AVE S 11 11 1111 ONE WAY14 22S 3RD ST101012121111 10 12 12 RAINIER AVE SONE WAY ONE WAY RAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 SW SUNSET BLVD J01 IP01 ARRW-BRD RIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'DETOURM4-9bDETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD S/WCLOSEDR9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 1 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MFP23001713 1113 11 11111111 1111 1111111111192313 11 11 11 11 RAIN IER AVE S 11111111 ONE WAY S 3RD ST101012121111 10 12 12 RAINIER AVE SONE WAY ONE WAY RAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 SW SUNSET BLVD J02 FB01J03V01IP02 ARRW-BRD RIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD 350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1S/W CLOSEDR9-9S/WCLOSEDR9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1RESIDENT(S) WILL BE INFORMED OF TEMPORARY DRIVEWAY CLOSURE DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADProject Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 2 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MFP23001713 1113 11 11111111 1111 1111111111192311 11 11 RAIN IER AVE S 11111111 ONE WAY S 3RD ST101012121111 10 12 12 RAINIER AVE SONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 SW SUNSET BLVD PV02V0311 11 11 ARRW-BRD POLICEUPO W20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100'100'W20-7ABEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'W20-7AROAD WORKAHEAD W20-1BEPREPARED TO STOP W3-4350'350'350'W20-7ABEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4350'350'RIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADDETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD S/WCLOSEDR9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4 350'350'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1750 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 3 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE LEGEND TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION FLAGGER UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICERPOLICE STOP POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1010121211 11 10 12 12 RAINIER AVE SONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S W 18 11 12 11 11 12BUSSTOP 1010 SW VICTORIA ST 1212RAINIER AVE SBUSSTOPS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 V09 J07 V10 HH8A IP05PV04 11 11 11 ARRW-BRDRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'ROADWORKAHEADW2 0 - 1 1 0 0 'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100' ROADWORKAHEAD W20-1350'DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD S/WCLOSEDR9-9DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADPLACE PDETOUR SIGNS AT CROSSWALK INTERSECTION SOUTH/WEST OF AIRPORT WAY S & RAINIER AVE S.X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 4 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1010121211 11 10 12 12RAINIER AVE SONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S W RENT O N A V E E X T. S TOBIN STRAINIER AVE S1919ONLY18 11 12 11 11 12 14 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 BUSSTOP1010 c-curbSW VICTORIA ST 1212RAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE S1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111121212121811 11 12 11 11 11 15 14 AIRPORT WAY SC-CURB 12 12 11 11121216 BUSSTOPS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 J08 HH04 11 11 11 ARRW-BRDRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'ROADWORK AHEAD W20-1X'USE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE SPACE FOR SIGNSROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'ROADWORKAHEADW2 0 - 1 10 0 'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1MOVE BUS STOP 150' NORTH. S/W CLOSEDR9-9DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD ROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'RO ADWOR K AH E A D W20-1 350'DETOURM4 - 9 b R 9 - 1 1 SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADS/WCLOSEDR9-9Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 5 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 RAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S W 1717 RENT O N A V E E X T. S TOBIN STRAINIER AVE S191918 11 12 11 11 12 14 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 BUSSTOP1010 c-curbSW VICTORIA ST 1212RAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S WHARDIE AVE NWBUS STOP RAINIER AVE S1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111121212121811 11 12 11 11 11 15 14 AIRPORT WAY SC-CURBC-CURB12 12 11 11121216 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 17 17 1 1 BUSSTOPIP06 V 1 2 J 1 0V1 2A IP07 IP08 11 11 11121211STREETCLOSEDBARRICADER11-2O N L Y R 3 - 5 L ARRW-BRDRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'MOVE BUS STOP 150' NORTH.STREETCLOSEDDETOURBARRICADE DETOURAHEAD W20-2ROAD CLOSED AHEAD W20-3350'350'DETOUR M4-9R007-LDETOURM4 - 9 b R9 - 1 1 SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADDE TO U R A H E AD W20-2 R O A D C L OS E D AH EA D W20-3 350' 350'DETOURAHEADW20-2ROADCLOSEDAHEADW20-3350'350'DETOURAHEADW20-2ROADCLOSEDAHEADW20-3100'100'DETO U R STREETCLOSEDBARRICADE R11-2R007- RDE T O U R M4-9 DETOURM4-9R007-LROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100' DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD PLACE PDETOUR SIGNS AT CROSSWALK/ INTERSECTION NORTH/WEST OF SW SUNSET BLVD & RAINIER AVE S. FOR DETOUR MAP SEE SHEET 7 X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ONLYProject Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 6 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 Street will need to be opened back up at the end of the work day. STREETCLOSEDBARRICADER11-2R007-RDETOURM4-9R007-LDETOUR M4-9DETOUR M4-9DETOUR M4-9LDETOURM4-9LDETOURM4- 9 DETOURM4-9DETOURM4-9DETOURM4-9DETOURM9-4RDETOURM4-9DETOURM9-4RDETOUR M4-9DETOU R M4-9DETO U R STREETCLOSEDBARRICADE R11-2R007- R D E T O UR M4-9 DETOURM4-9R007-LDETOURM4-9Google © 2023 Microsoft Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 7 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DETOUR MAP N MFP23001713 RAINIER AVE SRENT O N A V E E X T. S TOBIN STRAINIER AVE S1919ONLY18 11 12 11 11 12 14 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 BUSSTOPc-curbRAINIER AVE S1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111121212121811 11 12 11 11 11 15 14 AIRPORT WAY S 1111111111C-CURBC-CURB12 12 11 11121216 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 PV6PV6A V14A J13 V15A V14V15J14ARRW-BRDRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'ROADWORK A H E AD W20- 1 350'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1BUSINESS/ RESIDENT WILL BE INFORMED OF DRIVEWAY CLOSURE 10 DAYS IN ADVANCE. CREW CAN MOVE (SHIFT) CONES AND EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS. DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD PLACE PDETOUR SIGNS AT CROSSWALK/ INTERSECTION NORTH/WEST OF SW SUNSET BLVD & RAINIER AVE S. S/W CLOSEDR9-9DETOURM4 - 9 b R9 - 1 1 SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADS/WCLOSEDR9-9Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 8 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 RAINIER AVE S1717RENTON AVE EXT.S TOBIN ST1919181112111112 1411121211121112BUS STOP c-curbHAYES PL SWHARDIE AVE NWBUSSTOP 111112121111ONLY1111 11 12 12 12 12 18111112111111ONLY1514 AIRPORT WAY S1111111111 C-CURBC-CURB12121111121216111112121111111111 171711J 1 5PV0 7 IP10ARRW-BRD POLICEUPO POLICEUPO W20-7AROADWORKAHEAD W20-1BEPREPARED TOSTOP W3-4350'350'350'W20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4350'350'350'W2 0 - 7ABEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4 350'350'RIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5R W4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100' W20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1 BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4350'350'350'W20-7AROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1BEPREPARED TOSTOP W3-4100'100'100'DETOUR M4-9b R9-11SID EW A LKCLO SEDAHEADDETOURM4-9bR9-11 SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADS/WCLOSEDR9 - 9 X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALLADJACENT PUBLIC STREETSWHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTERWORK AREA WITHIN1750 FEET OF WORK AREAROADWORKAHEADW20-1 ROADWORKAHEADW20-1TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANNSIGN SPACINGMPH60/6545/5535/403025"X"1000'500'350'200'100'CHANNELIZATIONDEVICE SPACINGMPH55/7035/4525/30TAPER403020TANGENT806040Project Address:PagePSEPUGETSOUNDENERGYDesigner:Job #REVSafaa Al Neema(425) 398-6077safaa.alneema@pse.com9 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 980570 10111565302/23/2023Puget Sound EnergyTraffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al NeemaCard No. 012611Card Exp. 10/31/2024Safaa.alneema@pse.com(425)398-607728" TRAFFIC CONELEGENDTRAFFIC FLOWSIGN LOCATIONFLAGGERUNIFORMEDPOLICE OFFICERPOLICESTOPPOLECHEVRONARROW BOARDWORK VEHICLE/FLASHING LIGHTSRIGHT OF WAYNotes:1. All signs and spacing to conform to theMUTCD and City of Renton standards.2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egressesshall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated.3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones.Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burningType C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys.4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" andshall not obstruct pedestrian access.5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' fortraveling lane width.6. Alert affected residents and businesses.7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.munless otherwise specified. All work for arterialsand major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.MFP23001713 1113 11 11111111 1111 1111111111192313 11 11 11 11 RAIN IER AVE S 11111111 ONE WAY S 3RD ST101012121111 10 12 12 ONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 SW SUNSET BLVD HH01 HH1A HH02 HH2A 11 11 11 ARRW-BRD ARRW-BRDM6-2POLICEUPO POLICEUPO W20-7ABE PREPAR E D TO STOP W3-4350'350' THRU TRAFFIC MERGE LEFT W4-7LW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'350' W20-7ABEPREPAREDTOSTOP W3-4 350'350' W4-2LLEFT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5LROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'350'350'W20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4350'350'350'DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADDETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEADS/WCLOSEDR9-9BUSINESS/ RESIDENT WILL BE INFORMED OF DRIVEWAY CLOSURE 10 DAYS IN ADVANCE. CREW CAN MOVE (SHIFT) CONES AND EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS.X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1750 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 10 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE LEGEND TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION FLAGGER UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICERPOLICE STOP POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1113 11 11111111 1111 1111111111192313 11 11 11 11 RAIN IER AVE S 11111111 ONE WAY S 3RD ST101012121111 10 12 12 ONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 SW SUNSET BLVD HH03 HH3A 11 11 11 ARRW-BRD RIGHT LAN E CLOSED AHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADDETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD S/W CLOSED R9-9S/WCLOSEDR9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100' BUSINESS/ RESIDENT WILL BE INFORMED OF DRIVEWAY CLOSURE 10 DAYS IN ADVANCE. CREW CAN MOVE (SHIFT) CONES AND EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS.X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 11 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1113 11 11111111 1111 1111111111192313 11 11 11 11 RAIN IER AVE S 11111111 ONE WAY S 3RD ST101012121111 10 12 12 ONE WAY ONE WAY RAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 SW SUNSET BLVD HH04 HH4A V02 V02A 11 11 11 ARRW-BRD RIGHT LAN E CLOSED AHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350' DETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100' S/WCLOSED R9-9S/WCLOSEDR9-9BUSINESS/ RESIDENT WILL BE INFORMED OF DRIVEWAY CLOSURE 10 DAYS IN ADVANCE. CREW CAN MOVE (SHIFT) CONES AND EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS.X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 12 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1113 11 11111111 1111 1111111111192313 11 11 11 11 RAIN IER AVE S 11111111 ONE WAY S 3RD ST101012121111 10 12 12 ONE WAY ONE WAY RAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 SW SUNSET BLVD HH05 HH5A J05 11 11 11 ARRW-BRD RIGHT LAN E CLOSED AHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'X'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350' DETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD USE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE SPACE FOR SIGNSDETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100' S/W CLOSED R9-9S/WCLOSEDR9-9X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1RESIDENT(S) WILL BE INFORMED OF TEMPORARY DRIVEWAY CLOSURE Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 13 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRONARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1010 12 121111 101212S 2ND ST (SR 900)RAINIER AVE SONE WAYONE WAY2121LAKE AVE SRAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST (SR 900)11111111J06FB02V07PV03IP3IP4V06111111V04M6-2RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1100'100'100'RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEADW20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEADW20-1100'100'100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1350' DETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADS/W CLOSED R9-9Project Address:PagePSEPUGETSOUNDENERGYDesigner:Job #REVSafaa Al Neema(425) 398-6077safaa.alneema@pse.com14 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 980570 10111565302/23/2023Puget Sound EnergyTraffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al NeemaCard No. 012611Card Exp. 10/31/2024Safaa.alneema@pse.com(425)398-6077TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANNSIGN SPACINGMPH60/6545/5535/403025"X"1000'500'350'200'100'CHANNELIZATIONDEVICE SPACINGMPH55/7035/4525/30TAPER403020TANGENT806040Notes:1. All signs and spacing to conform to theMUTCD and City of Renton standards.2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egressesshall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated.3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones.Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burningType C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys.4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" andshall not obstruct pedestrian access.5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' fortraveling lane width.6. Alert affected residents and businesses.7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.munless otherwise specified. All work for arterialsand major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.LEGEND28" TRAFFIC CONESIGN LOCATIONTRAFFIC FLOWPOLEWORK VEHICLE/FLASHING LIGHTSRIGHT OF WAYMFP23001713 1010121211 11 10 12 12 RAINIER AVE SONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S W 18 11 12 11 11 12BUSSTOP 10 10SW VICTORIA ST 1212RAINIER AVE SBUSSTOPS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 PV03 HH06 HH6A HH07A HH07 11 11 11 ARRW-BRD W20-7ABEPREPARED TO STOP W3-4350'350'RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'350'POLICEUPOW20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4350'350'350'DETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1750 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADPLACE PDETOUR SIGNS AT CROSSWALK INTERSECTION SOUTH/EAST OF AIRPORT WAY S & RAINIER AVE S.S/WCLOSEDR9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4 100'100'ROADWORKAHEADW2 0 - 1 BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3- 4 1 0 0 ' 1 0 0 'W20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100'100'W20-7ABEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100' Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 15 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE LEGEND TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION FLAGGER UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICERPOLICE STOP POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1010121211 11 10 12 12 RAINIER AVE SONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S W 18 11 12 11 11 12BUSSTOP 1010SW VICTORIA ST 1212RAINIER AVE SBUSSTOPS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 V11 V11A HH09 11 11 11 ARRW-BRD RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100' DETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD S/W CLOSED R9-9S/WCLOSEDR9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'ROADWORKAHEADW2 0 - 1 1 0 0 'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADPLACE PDETOUR SIGNS AT CROSSWALK INTERSECTION SOUTH/EAST OF AIRPORT WAY S & RAINIER AVE S. BUSINESS/ RESIDENT WILL BE INFORMED OF DRIVEWAY CLOSURE 10 DAYS IN ADVANCE. CREW CAN MOVE (SHIFT) CONES AND EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS. Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 16 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 1010121211 11 10 12 12 ONE WAY ONE WAYRAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S W 18 11 12 11 11 12BUSSTOP 1010SW VICTORIA ST 1212RAINIER AVE SBUSSTOPS 2ND ST (SR 900) 11111111 HH09 11 11 11 ARRW-BRD DETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADPLACE PDETOUR SIGNS AT CROSSWALK INTERSECTION SOUTH/EAST OF AIRPORT WAY S & RAINIER AVE S. BUSINESS/ RESIDENT WILL BE INFORMED OF DRIVEWAY CLOSURE 10 DAYS IN ADVANCE. CREW CAN MOVE (SHIFT) CONES AND EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS.S/WCLOSEDR9-9S/W CLOSED R9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100' RIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'ROADWORKAHEADW2 0 - 1 1 0 0 'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 17 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 RAINIER AVE SH A Y E S P L S W RENT O N A V E E X T. S TOBIN STRAINIER AVE S1919ONLY18 11 12 11 11 12 14 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 BUSSTOP1010c-curbSW VICTORIA ST 12121 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 O N L Y 1 1 1111121212121811 11 12 11 11 11 15 14 AIRPORT WAY SC-CURB12 12 11 11121216 BUSSTOPHH10 ARRW-BRD W4-2LLEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5LROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1100'100'100'DETOURM4-9bR9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADS/WCLOSEDR9-9S/W CLOSED R9-9ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1DETOUR M4-9bR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSED AHEAD PLACE PDETOUR SIGNS AT CROSSWALK INTERSECTION NORTH/EAST OF S 2ND ST & RAINIER AVE S. Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 18 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 RAINIER AVE SHAYES PL SWS TOBIN STLAKE AVE S LAKE AVE S RAINIER AVE S222212121919 1919ONLY181112111112 1411121211121112BUSSTOP1010 c-curbSW VICTORIA ST1212BUSSTOPHH10P02J12P02AJ11ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'CONETOPPERCONETOPPER M6-2ONLYR3-5RS/W CLOSED R9-9CROSS HERE SIDEWALK CLOSEDAHEAD CROSS HERESIDEWALK CLOSEDAHEADRIGHT SHOULDER CLOSED W21-5aRW1-4L100'100'100'ROAD WORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1100'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALLADJACENT PUBLIC STREETSWHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTERWORK AREA WITHIN300 FEET OF WORK AREAROADWORKAHEADW20-1 ROADWORKAHEADW20-1PLACE SIGNSBOTH SIDES OFWORK AREAFROMTOTOW AWAY AREAPHONE 888-9999INFRASOURCE LLC 000 0000000NO PARKINGNO-PARK FROM TO TOW AWAY AREA PHONE 888-9999 INFRASOURCE LLC 000 0000000 NO PARKING NO-PARK Project Address:PagePSEPUGETSOUNDENERGYDesigner:Job #REVSafaa Al Neema(425) 398-6077safaa.alneema@pse.com19 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 980570 10111565302/23/2023Puget Sound EnergyTraffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al NeemaCard No. 012611Card Exp. 10/31/2024Safaa.alneema@pse.com(425)398-6077TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANNSIGN SPACINGMPH60/6545/5535/403025"X"1000'500'350'200'100'CHANNELIZATIONDEVICE SPACINGMPH55/7035/4525/30TAPER403020TANGENT806040Notes:1. All signs and spacing to conform to theMUTCD and City of Renton standards.2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egressesshall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated.3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones.Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burningType C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys.4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" andshall not obstruct pedestrian access.5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' fortraveling lane width.6. Alert affected residents and businesses.7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.munless otherwise specified. All work for arterialsand major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.LEGEND28" TRAFFIC CONESIGN LOCATIONTRAFFIC FLOWPOLEWORK VEHICLE/FLASHING LIGHTSRIGHT OF WAYMFP23001713 RAINIER AVE S1717RENTON AVE EXT.S TOBIN ST1919181112111112 1411121211121112BUSSTOP c-curbHAYES PL SWHARDIE AVE NWBUSSTOP 111112121111ONLY1111 11 12 12 12 12 18111112111111ONLY1514 AIRPORT WAY S1111111111 C-CURB12121111121216111112121111111111 171711ARRW-BRD POLICEUPO POLICEUPO W20-7AROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1BEPREPARED TO STOP W3-4350'350'350'W20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4350'350'350'W2 0 - 7ABEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4 350'350'RIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5R W4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1 350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4100'100' W20-7AROADWORKAHEADW20-1 BEPREPAREDTOSTOPW3-4350'350'350'W20-7AROADWORKAHEAD W20-1BEPREPARED TOSTOP W3-4100'100'100'DETOURM4-9bR9-11 SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADS/WCLOSEDR9 - 9 X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALLADJACENT PUBLIC STREETSWHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTERWORK AREA WITHIN1750 FEET OF WORK AREAROADWORKAHEADW20-1 ROADWORKAHEADW20-1PV2AJ 0 2PV2 IP03J 0 2AIP04 IP02IP01DETOURM4-9b R9-11SID EW A LKCLO SEDAHEADDETOURM4-9b R9-11SIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADPLACE PDETOUR SIGNS ATCROSSWALK/ INTERSECTIONNORTH/WEST OF SW SUNSETBLVD & RAINIER AVE S.S/WCLOSEDR9-9 Project Address:PagePSEPUGETSOUNDENERGYDesigner:Job #REVSafaa Al Neema(425) 398-6077safaa.alneema@pse.com20 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 980570 10111565302/23/2023Puget Sound EnergyTraffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al NeemaCard No. 012611Card Exp. 10/31/2024Safaa.alneema@pse.com(425)398-6077TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANNSIGN SPACINGMPH60/6545/5535/403025"X"1000'500'350'200'100'CHANNELIZATIONDEVICE SPACINGMPH55/7035/4525/30TAPER403020TANGENT80604028" TRAFFIC CONELEGENDTRAFFIC FLOWSIGN LOCATIONFLAGGERUNIFORMEDPOLICE OFFICERPOLICESTOPPOLECHEVRONARROW BOARDWORK VEHICLE/FLASHING LIGHTSRIGHT OF WAYNotes:1. All signs and spacing to conform to theMUTCD and City of Renton standards.2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egressesshall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated.3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones.Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burningType C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys.4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" andshall not obstruct pedestrian access.5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' fortraveling lane width.6. Alert affected residents and businesses.7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.munless otherwise specified. All work for arterialsand major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.MFP23001713 RENT O N A V E E X T. 12 12 11 1112 NELSON PL NW1414 NW 3RD PL RAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE S1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111121212121811 11 12 11 11 11 15 14 12 12 11 1112 AIRPORT WAY S1212C-CURBC-CURB12 12 11 11121216 V02J03A J03PV3SW1 IP05 J04 C-CURBARRW-BRDRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'W20-1ROA D WOR K AHE A D100'FLAGGER/SPOTTER SHALL ESCORT PEDESTRIANS AROUND WORK AREA. FLAGGER X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 21 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION STOP FLAGGER LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 RENT O N A V E E X T.RAINIER AVE S14 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 c-curbRAINIER AVE S1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111121212121811 11 12 11 11 11 15 14 AIRPORT WAY SC-CURBC-CURB12 12 11 11121216 V02J03A J03PV3 ARRW-BRD RIGHT LANECLOSED AHEADW20-5RW4-2RROAD WOR K AHEAD W20-135 0 ' 35 0 ' 35 0 'RAINIER AVE SRIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5RW4-2RROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'350'350'RO A DWO R K AHE A D W20-1 350'X'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1FLAGGER/SPOTTER SHALL ESCORT PEDESTRIANS AROUND WORK AREA. FLAGGER Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 22 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION STOP FLAGGER LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 HARDIE AVE NWRENT O N A V E E X T. 12 12 11 1112 NELSON PL NW14 14 NW 3RD PL RAINIER AVE S12 12 11 1112 121210 10 181814 14 SW1 IP05 J04 AIRPORT WAY S ARRW-BRDRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RW4-2RROADWORKAHEADW20-1350'350'350'ROADWORKAHEADW20-1 100'W20-1ROA D WO R K AHE A D100'LEFTKEEPR4-8BFLAGGER/SPOTTER SHALL ESCORT PEDESTRIANS AROUND WORK AREA. FLAGGERX'X'PLACE W20-1 SIGNS ON ALL ADJACENT PUBLIC STREETS WHERE TRAFFIC COULD ENTER WORK AREA WITHIN 1050 FEET OF WORK AREA ROADWORKAHEAD W20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1350'Project Address: Page PSE PUGETSOUNDENERGY Designer: Job # REV Safaa Al Neema (425) 398-6077 safaa.alneema@pse.com 23 OF 23131 Rainier Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 0 101115653 02/23/2023 Puget Sound Energy Traffic Control Supervisor:Safaa Al Neema Card No. 012611 Card Exp. 10/31/2024 Safaa.alneema@pse.com (425)398-6077 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN N SIGN SPACING MPH 60/65 45/55 35/40 30 25 "X" 1000' 500' 350' 200' 100' CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING MPH 55/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER 40 30 20 TANGENT 80 60 40 Notes: 1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and City of Renton standards. 2. All sidewalks, driveways, exits and egresses shall be completely clear unless otherwise indicated. 3. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones. Use traffic drums (barrels) with steady burning Type C lights on all State State Routes and Hwys. 4. Sign size can be a minimum of 36" x 36" and shall not obstruct pedestrian access. 5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 10' for traveling lane width. 6. Alert affected residents and businesses. 7. Work to take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m unless otherwise specified. All work for arterials and major roadways will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. WORK VEHICLE/ FLASHING LIGHTS 28" TRAFFIC CONE TRAFFIC FLOW SIGN LOCATION STOP FLAGGER LEGEND POLE CHEVRON ARROW BOARD RIGHT OF WAY MFP23001713 N Vicinity Map 101115653ARE TO BE INSTALLED, CROSS SECTION DETAILS OF THE TYPICAL EROSION STRUCTURES, & SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WORK IN SENSITIVE AREAS.) EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS NOTES DETAILING WHERE EROSION OR SEDIMENT CONTROL STRUCTURES (LOCAL JURISDICTIONS MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING 0150.3200 TECHNIQUES FOR TEMPORARY EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL BE PER PSE STANDARD PRACTICE & ANY ADDITIONAL LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. FOREMAN (CHECK BOX WHEN COMPLETED) PSE Equipment LOCKED/SECURED & Work Area left in CLEAN/SAFE Condition. Grid, Cable, and Switch numbers INSTALLED & VERIFIED. Field Changes RED-LINED on As-built. Indicate correct FUSE SIZE on As-built & VERIFY proper PHASE. Foreman's Signature _______________________________________________ Print Name ___________________________________ Date ______________ Material VERIFIED and CHANGES noted on Paperwork. Total PRIMARY Cable noted on As-built. Company ID#'s RECORDED in correct location on As-built. Deviations noted on the As-built and their reason. I certify that the work performed meets PSE's standards and procedures and that all quality requirements are met. No No No Yes Yes Yes "Flagging Required" "Outages Required" "Locates Required" LEGEND EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING UG RISER NEW UG RISER SVC STUB J-BOX NEW TRENCH LINE EXIST. 3Ø WIRE EXISTING CENTER LINE EXISTING CONDUCTOR TO BE REMOVED DISCONNECT - FUSED EXIST. 1Ø WIRE EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY PROPOSED PULL VAULT EXISTING POLE DOWN GUY EXISTING SECONDARY SERVICE LINE DISCONNECT - UNFUSED EXISTING STREETLIGHT NEW POLE PROPOSED PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER EXISTING PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TOTAL UNDERGROUND TRANSFORMER EXISTING TOTAL UNDERGROUND TRANSFORMER HANDHOLE PRIMARY METERING POINT RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION PSE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Scope of Work - Relocating equipment in conflict with proposed sidewalk improvements along Rainier Ave S between S 3rd st and N Airport Way. General -All work is to be completed per PSE Standards & Practices. Copies of all PSE Standards are available upon request. -Work sites shall be kept clear of debris and all construction materials; equipment and packing shall be removed daily. -Return all unused and removed poles, transformers and hardware to PSE, storeroom. All copper shall be coiled and returned the day it is removed from the poles. Remove all unused pins and insulators. -Return all streetlights, area lights and floodlights to Sumner yard. Pre-Construction -Notify appropriate city, County or DOT authorities 48 to 72 hours, or as required by permitting agency, in advance of starting work in Right-of-way involving a Permit. -All system switching shall be approved by System Operations (425-882-4652) a minimum of 48 hours in advance. -Notify customers of all outages 48 hours in advance. Work Drawings & Documents -PSE Project Manager or Engineer shall approve field design changes. -Mark all field changes, equipment ID numbers and Underground cable information in red on Foreman's copy of work sketch. -Return one Foreman's copy of work sketch to Project Manger at completion of job. -When permits are required, a copy of the permits shall be available on work site at all times. Safety - efer to PSE standards 6275.3000 for requirements on System Grounding -Refer to PSE standards 6275.9210, 6275.9230 and 6275.6250 for personal protective grounding requirements. -Refer to PSE standards 6275.9150 for vehicle grounding and barricading requirements. -Proper line clearances shall be taken at the beginning, and released at the end, of each workday, or as otherwise instructed by the System Operator. -Provide signs, barricades, and traffic control in conformance with permit regulations. -Utilize flagging and other vehicle traffic control as necessary and in conformance with local traffic regulations. -Maintain traffic flow as required by permitting agency. Joint Facilities -Coordinate with Communication Companies for transfers. OVERHEAD CONSTRUCTION Poles & Structures -Poles are to be installed or relocated as staked. Unless otherwise noted, all pole location measurements are from the center of the pole. -All new poles set shall be the class indicated on the sketch, or better. Do not set a lower class pole than specified. -Install ground plate assembly on all new poles. Install Switch Ground Assembly per standard specification 6014.1000 at new gang operated switch locations. -Install grid numbers on all new and existing poles as shown on sketch. -Straighten existing poles as indicated or as necessary. -Treat all field-drilled poles with copper napthenate wood preservative. -Remove old poles after communication companies have transferred off and return to PSE storeroom. Fill and crown pole holes and restore the area similar to adjacent landscaping. Conductors & Equipment -Transfer all overhead and underground primary, secondary and service conductors and guys to new poles set, unless otherwise indicated on this sketch. -Transfer existing transformers to new poles unless otherwise indicated on this sketch. -Use stirrups to connect all overhead and underground primary taps, and all transformers. Install at all sites being worked within the scope of the project where they are currently missing. - For 12vK construction, install avian protection with #4 CU-covered jumpers (MID#9998076) and #4 SD Aluminum covered tie-wire (MID#8309760). For 34vK construction use bare wire primary jumpers with pre-formed helical-grip ties and avian protection devices when required per Std. 6015.2000. Jumpers for poles that are double dead ended with tree wire can be either the same size tree wire conductor or covered CU. -Apply grit inhibitor on all Ampact, stirrup, and dead-end connections. -Connect primary taps and transformers to same phase as existing unless otherwise shown on the drawing. -All neutral connections to be made with solid compression connectors. Connect all pole grounds to common neutral. -Use Load-interrupter cutouts (with arc shields) on all primary overheads and underground taps with fused protection above 40T. -Install Wildlife Protectors on all transformers. Cable Tags and Pulling -Primary Underground Cable Identification Tag installation shall conform to PSE standards 6825.6050. -Cable Pulling shall conform to PSE standards 6825.6100 and 6825.6150 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY Documentation -The city and their contractor shall attend a pre-construction meeting specifically for installation of bare duct and vault system. -PSE will provide to the city contractor with construction plans for the installation of PSE duct and vault system. -All installations shall conform to specifications contained in this document and all relevant PSE standards. Safety -Field changes shall be pre-approved by PSE or designated representative prior to construction with proof of acceptance required prior to PSE acceptance of completed duct and vault system. -The city contractor shall not access energized power vaults without the assistance of PSE line workers. Trench and Excavation -The city contractor shall not expose energized power conductors (direct buried or in conduit) without the assistance of PSE line workers. -The city shall provide all trench excavation and backfill for the installation of new or modified PSE underground distribution system within the construction area. -All trench excavation shall conform to PSE standards 6790.0075, 6790.0130, 6790.0140, 6790.0250, and 6790.3050. -PSE plans show general trench alignment. They do not show specific cross sections with existing or proposed other utilities. It is the City's responsibility to install PSE facilities at necessary depths to avoid and provide required clearances to other existing or proposed utilities. -Construct the shared utility trench where the various utilities can transition in and out of the trench line in an orderly fashion without altering duct bank alignments of other utility. Separation of crossing utilities sharing the common utility trench is 6”. -After the new underground system is installed an energized, additional excavation may be necessary to re-train existing underground cables into the new vaults. This excavation will be provided by the city with 48 hours notice. - Placement of other utility vaults within the trench line alignment encumbering access to PSE facilities is not allowed. - If four or more six inch conduits are installed in a trench, fluidized thermal backfill (FTB) shall be installed around the conduits to a depth of six inches above and to the sides of the conduit, and two inches underneath, per PSE Standard 6790.0140. Vault Installation -City shall install PSE vaults in accordance with PSE standards 6775.0035 and 6775.0040. -Vault hole excavation shall be prepared level and free of debris with a minimum 6” base of crushed rock to prevent vault settling. -PSE Vaults in planter areas shall be set 2” above final grade. -PSE Vaults in hard surface locations such as sidewalks shall be adjusted to match finished grade prior to the installation of PSE conductors and equipment. Maximum adjustment up is 5”- more than 5” require and additional riser. - Note: The city contractor will not be allowed to make vault adjustments after PSE conductors and equipment are energized. PSE line crew will perform the adjustments on a change order basis. -City shall provide all surveying necessary to assure all PSE vaults are installed in the alignment location specified in this document. The city shall be responsible for establishing grade elevation for PSE vaults. -All PSE vaults shall be clean and clear of construction debris with all knockouts and cover adjustments grouted to PSE satisfaction prior to PSE accepting delivery of bare conduit & vault system. Conduit Installation -All PSE conduit installations shall conform to PSE standards 6800.6000, 6800.8050, and 6825.6505. -All conduits shall be routed and installed per conduit tables, installation diagrams, and details in this work sketch. -The city shall proof every PSE conduit run prior to final PSE acceptance. Proofing is defined as pulling a mandrel of the same diameter through the conduit. Mule tape provided by PSE shall be pulled in behind the mandrel in each conduit run as evidence of proofing. A plug shall be installed in all spare conduits. -All conduits entering PSE vaults shall be through the appropriate knockouts to ensure proper cable lay. Vault entries causing cables to cross each other in the vault, or lay in the vault unevenly, will be rejected and corrected at the expense of the city contractor. - All conduit entries into PSE vault shall be straight and level with a minimum of 6' straight section outside the vault wall and 2” on conduit extending into the vault with bell ends installed. - PSE conduits shall be placed in the trench maintaining a minimum of 1-1/2” of separation. Use conduit spacers (provided by PSE) every 10'. -PSE conduit runs shall be placed straight and level. Should it become necessary to alter conduit alignments to avoid other utilities the maximum bend radius allowed is 22-1/2 degrees. Bend radius greater than 22-1/2 degrees require prior approval from PSE engineering representatives. -All PSE conduits shall be placed with the minimum separation between other utility facilities as specified in PSE standard 6790.0130. Refer to the typical utility trench cross section detail in this work sketch. -All PSE conduits shall have a minimum of 36” of cover. Cover of less than 36” is permissible on a case by case basis provided that such installations adhere to PSE standard 6790.0130 figure 2. Pre-approval by PSE engineering representatives is required. -City installed empty conduit is not able to be located by normal means. It is the City's responsibility to note the location and depth of the installed conduit and protect it from damage by themselves or others throughout the duration of the project. Materials -The city shall not backfill PSE facilities until authorized by the PSE Inspector. -City shall be responsible for the security all PSE materials delivered to the job site. -The city contractor shall sign material manifest slips for all PSE materials delivered to the job site. -Initial delivery of PSE materials to the job site requires 10 days minimum advanced notice to PSE storeroom. -After the initial delivery of materials subsequent bulk material deliveries to the job site by PSE vendors require a minimum of 5 days- advanced notice to PSE storeroom. -PSE representatives will provide delivery of all miscellaneous material necessary for duct & vault installation, such as couplings, glue, bends, etc., with minimum 3 days advanced notice to the PSE storeroom. -City shall provide equipment and labor necessary to off load material on site. -All vaults will be delivered by the manufacture to the job site as follows: --575 and smaller with a minimum 3 days advanced notice to PSE storeroom. --5106 and larger with a minimum 5 days advanced notice to PSE storeroom. -If vault excavation is not ready when vaults are delivered, city contractor will provide necessary equipment to install vaults. Install mastic sealant between the sections of mult-section vaults (sealant provided by manufacturer). -All unused material shall be returned to PSE stores and reconciled after PSE duct & vault installations are complete. Inspection -PSE will provide an Inspector during city contractor installation of PSE bare duct and vault system. -The roll of the PSE Inspector is limited to verification of compliance to all relevant PSE standards and practices. The PSE Inspector will not approve changes to planned PSE facility locations or change orders. -The PSE Inspector will be the contact for all issues concerning installation of bare duct and vault system for PSE and provide a liaison between the field and engineering for change requests. -The city shall provide the PSE Inspector the means (survey staking) to verify proper depth of burial and location for all PSE facilities to the satisfaction of the PSE Inspector on site. If the Inspector is unable to verify proper depth of burial, location, or grade of PSE facilities a non-compliance document will be issued effecting PSE final acceptance of city installed facilities for PSE. Owner / Developer Contact Info officeATTN: CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 MICHELLE FALTAUOS (425) 430-7301PHONE CABLE TV 11425278 101115653 N/A N/A 108109514 PROJECT PHASE PWR NOTIF#ORDER# Superior UG Expense Removal 594124397 E-Mail: Cell Phone: Project Manager Contact Information: Manager:DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 dustin.weller@pse.com THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIES CALL 811 TWO BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG For contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773) UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 1/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A JOB SITE MFP23001713 336.4 ACSR J15A317988129807 NEWIP10 REMV REMV PV07A317983165813 NEW J14A317988129807 NEWIP02 IP01 317983165813 NEW REMV REMV PV07A 336.4 ACSR J15A 317988129807 NEWIP10 REMV REMV PV07A 317983165813 NEW J14A 317988129807 NEWIP02 IP01 317983165813 NEW REMV REMV PV07A 101115653SCALE: NONE UNIVERSAL CIRCUIT MAP (2305E069, 70, 72) OVERHEAD CIRCUIT MAP (2305E076) SCALE: NONE UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 2/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AJOB SITEMATCHLINE SEE SAME PAGE MATCHLINE SEE SAME PAGE JOB SITEJames Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••RAINIER AVE S"230 WENDY'S" "265 MIDAS" "101 TACO TIME" "261 SAMSONINA" 3 x 167kVA 120/208v 150kVA 120/208v HH05A 10'X10' EASEMENT V02 317842 165813 REMV 112.5kVA 120/208v 317850 165800 HH04ACITY ROWJ05 317855 129830 NEW 10'X10' EASEMENT 10'X10' EASEMENT NEW MATCHLINE STA 16+50 PAGE 3 MATCHLINE STA 19+00 PAGE 3 & 4 10'X30' EASEMENT 317853 129817 PV02 NEW IP02 J03 317846 165803 REMV J04 EXIST NEW 2-4", 2-6" 1-4" FIBER DWYDWYNEW UG SVCNEW V01 317844 165803 REMV HH05 HH04 REMV REMV HH08A NEW V02A 317842 129828 NEW ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SW SUNSET BLVD RAINIER AVE S"250 VACANT" "275" J02 317834 129816 NEW HH02A HH03AEXIST 3ØCITY ROWCITY ROWUTILITY EASEMENT "275 WALGREENS" 317828 165792 317804 165805 SW01 EXIST 317802 165805 317803 165805 PV01 EXIST PSE FIBER VAULT AND PROPOSED CONDUIT MATCHLINE STA 16+50 PAGE 3 U0382 U0386 EX FEEDER & 3Ø PRIN.O IP01 PCR-13DWYDWYNEW NEW NEW UG SVCFB01 317833 129816 NEW 317824 165805 J01 EXIST HH01 REMV HH01A NEW HH02 REMV HH03 REMV TRAFFIC CABINET 112.5kVA 120/208v HH01B NEW SITE PLAN 101115653SCALE: 1" = 20' UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 3/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: IP01 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" CONDUIT FROM J01 AND EXTEND NORTH TO J02 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" CONDUIT FROM SW01 AND EXTEND NORTH TO J02 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-6" CONDUIT FROM PV01 AND EXTEND NORTH TO PV02 IP02 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" AND EXTEND SOUTH TO J02 SW01 INST 3-TERM 15KV 1/0 SOL JACK CS PIN Vault & Equipment Table* Site Working Space Grid Number Vault Size & Cover Type & Size Equipment In Vault Primary Bushings Transformer ID Numbers (Company ID) MATERIAL INFORMATION ASBUILT INFORMATION Foreman-CompleteLBDC PV01 EXISTING 317803 165805 5106 Vault --INSTALL 3-ELB10J SW01 EXISTING 317804 165805 PME-9 Switch 2-Feeder & 2-Fused Connections -- J01 EXISTING 317824 165805 504 Vault 3 INSTALL 3-ELB10J J02 NEW 317834 129816 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 12 -JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 12-ELB10J FB01 NEW 317833 129816 SEE DETAIL (PAGE 12) PV02 NEW 317853 129817 5106 Short w/3' Anit-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996167 600A Cable Splices Mat ID: 7666050 -SVD5AS 6051.2000 INSTALL 3-SPL750 V01 REMOVE 317844 165803 5106 Vault TUT 3X167kVA 120/208v J03 REMOVE 317846 165803 5106 Vault J04 EXISTING 317850 165800 3 INSTALL 3-ELB10J J05 NEW 317855 129830 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 9 3 JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 9-ELB10J INSTALL 3 DC-7630600 V02 REMOVE 317842 165813 112.5kVA 120/2080v Abandon Existing 4-8SQ Vault Return PM XFMR to stores V02A NEW 317842 129828 HH 4'8"X4'8"X3'6" Mat ID: 7663900 150kVA 120/208v Mat ID: 6258100 3 PM3P15S 6045.5000 INSTALL 3-ELB10J SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE Site Pedestal or Handhole Number of Positions Required Remarks HH01A HH36350AS 6 HH01B HH36350AS 6 HH02A HH36350AS 6 HH03A HH36350AS 6 HH04A HH36350AS 6 HH05A HH14500AS 4 CABLE REMOVAL SCHEDULE CABLE NO. LOCATIONS CABLE (LF) EST CABLE TYPE YEAR INST FROM TO AGC634-35-36 PV01 J03 715 1/0 AL JKT ADV750-51-52 SW01 PV04 1080 750 KCMIL ABW967-68-69 J03 J01 200 1/0 AL JKT ADV753-54-55 J03 V01 20 1/0 AL JKT ADV756-57-58 V01 V01 20 1/0 AL JKT ADV759-60-61 V01 V02 90 1/0 AL JKT 10401-02-03 J03 J04 170 1/0 AL JKT 58542-43-44 J03 V08 310 1/0 AL JKT Total Feet 1525 (1/0 AL JKT) ACTUAL________Removed SERVICE RELOCATIONS AND CONVERSIONS NAME AND ADDRESS Meter Number Old Point of Delivery New Point of Delivery Service Notes CITY OF RENTON - 250 RAINIER AVE S X154415942 V01-HH01 V02A-HH01A NEW UG SVC LAMAR ADVERTISING - 250 RAINIER AVE S X149123380 V01-HH01 V02A-HH01A NEW UG SVC HERTZ CO. - 250 RAINIER AVE S X147430037 V01-HH01 V02A-HH01A NEW UG SVC HERTZ CO. - 240 RAINIER AVE S X149123379 V01-HH01 V02A-HH01A NEW UG SVC WENDY'S - 230 RAINIER AVE S P149158310 V02 V02A NEW UG SVC TACTON INC - 101 S 2ND ST P149158303 V08-HH05 V07-HH05A NEW UG SVC Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (PM) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: Foreman to redline the following information 150kVA 120/208v 6258100 V02A 317842-129828 Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V01 317844-165803 3X167KVa 120/208V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V02 317842-165813 112.5KVa 120/208V 2-57x3 2-58 2-57x12 2-45 2-34x6 2-58 2-57x9 2-45 2-56x715 ABANDON 2-55x200 2-55x20 2-55x20 2-55x90 2-55x170 2-55x310 2-57x3 2-45Rx2 2-57x3 2-45R 2-45 *NOTE: ALL VAULTS LABELED "REMOVE" WILL BE REMOVED BY THE CITY'S CONTRACTOR AFTER TRANSFER TO NEW SYSTEM. James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••RAINIER AVE S"235 BIG ISLAND POKE" "225 METRO PCS" "144 VACANT" "205 S. LAKE EUROPEAN" "134 BUDDY'S HOME FURNISHINGS" "128 RENTON VETERINARY" "175 AUTOZONE" "126 GRAVITY SPORTS" HAROLD'S" S 2ND ST 25kVA 120/240v 3 x 50kVA 120/208v V09 317880 165808 REMV50kVA 120/240v 100kVA 120/240v 3x50kva 120/208 IP04 PV03 J06 317869 129835 V05 317886 165841 EXIST 225kVA 120/208v V10 317883 129819 NEW50kVA 120/240v 100KVA 120/240v 10'X20' EASEMENT HH06 10'X10' EASEMENT EX UG 3ØCITY ROWCITY ROW15'X40' EASEMENT J07 NEW MATCHLINE STA 19+00 PAGE 3 & 4 MATCHLINE STA 22+75 PAGE 4 & 5 317874 129830 IP03 10'x40' EASEMENT V07 317869 129833 37.5kVA 120/240v 317882 129819 DWY V06 317875 165841 EXIST 3X25kVA 120/208v 25kVA 120/240v NEW NEW NEW REMV NEW 2-4", 2-6"DWYDWYDWYDWYNEW UG SVCDWYNEW 2-4", 2-6" 1-4" FIBER V03 317863 129817 NEW V08 317879 165808 REMV V04 317875 165822 REMV HH07 REMV HH08 EXIST HH08A NEW 317900 165806 PV04 REMV TRAFFIC CABINET FB02 317870 129833 NEW SITE PLAN 101115653SCALE: 1" = 20' UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 4/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Vault & Equipment Table* Site Working Space Grid Number Vault Size & Cover Type & Size Equipment In Vault Primary Bushings Transformer ID Numbers (Company ID) MATERIAL INFORMATION ASBUILT INFORMATION Foreman-CompleteLBDC V03 NEW 317863 129817 577 Handhole w/2 3' Square anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996334 -3 -TUT30DA 6045.7052 INSTALL 4-ELB10J V04 REMOVE 317875 165822 5106 Vault TUT 25kVA 120/240v J06 NEW 317869 129835 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 12 -JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 12-ELB10J PV03 NEW 317874 129830 5106 Short w/3' Anit-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996167 600A Cable Splices Mat ID: 7666050 SVD5AS 6051.2000 INSTALL 3-SPL750 V05 EXISTING 317886 165841 PM XFMR 225kVA 120/208v 3 INSTALL 3-ELB10J V06 EXISTING 317875 165841 TUT 3X25kVA 120/208v 25kVA 120/240v 3 INSTALL 3-ELB10J V07 NEW 317869 129833 36"X42"X38" Unistrut MP Mat ID: 7663001 37.5kVA PM XFMR 120/240v Mat ID: 6247050 1 1 MINU1SR 6045.1010 INSTALL 1-ELB10J INSTALL 1 DC-7630600 FB02 NEW 317870 129833 SEE DETAIL (PAGE 12) V08 REMOVE 317879 165808 TUT 3X50kVA 120/208v V09 REMOVE 317880 165808 TUT 50kVA 120/240v 100kVA 120/240v J07 NEW 317882 129819 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 11 1 JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 11-ELB10J INSTALL 1 DC-7630600 V10 NEW 317883 129819 HH 5106 Anti Skid w/3 Doors Mat ID: 9996168 TUT 50kVA 120/240v Mat ID: 6241200 100kVA 120/240v Mat ID: 6241300 3 TUT3OD 6045.7052 INSTALL 4-EBL10J PV04 REMOVE 317900 165806 504 Pulling Vault CABLE REMOVAL SCHEDULE CABLE NO. LOCATIONS CABLE (LF) EST CABLE TYPE YEAR INST FROM TO ADV785 V04 V04 20 1/0 AL JKT ADV782-83-84 V04 V08 190 1/0 AL JKT ADV790-91-92 V04 V05 10 1/0 AL JKT ADV786-87-88 V04 V06 25 1/0 AL JKT ADV768-69-70 V08 V08 20 1/0 AL JKT ADV779-80-81 V08 V09 70 1/0 AL JKT ADV771-72 V09 V09 20 1/0 AL JKT AGC570-71-72 V09 J08 290 1/0 AL JKT ADV776-77-78 V09 V12 510 1/0 AL JKT 53683-84-85 PV04 PV05 455 750 KCMIL Total Feet 1155 (1/0 AL JKT) ACTUAL________Removed SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: IP03 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" CONDUIT AND EXTEND WEST TO J06 IP04 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" CONDUIT AND EXTEND WEST TO J06 PV04 REMOVE SPLICE EM1 -INSTALL NEW ELECTRONIC MARKER FOR SPARE 1-3" CONDUIT EM2 -INSTALL NEW ELECTRONIC MARKER FOR SPARE 1-3" CONDUIT SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE Site Pedestal or Handhole Number of Positions Required Remarks HH08 EXISTING - HH08A HH36350AS 6 SERVICE RELOCATIONS AND CONVERSIONS NAME AND ADDRESS Meter Number Old Point of Delivery New Point of Delivery Service Notes POKE - 235 RAINIER AVE S X149123375 V09 V03 NEW UG SVC Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (PM) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: Foreman to redline the following information 37.5kVA 120/240v 6247050 V07 317869-129833 Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (TUT) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: V03 317863-129817 Foreman to redline the following information 50kVA 120/208v 6231200 Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (TUT) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: V10 317883-129819 Foreman to redline the following information 50kVA 120/240v 6241200 Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (TUT) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: V10 317883-129819 Foreman to redline the following information 100kVA 120/240v 6241200 Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V07 317869-129833 37.5kVa 120/240V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V09 317880-165808 100KVA 120/240V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V08 317879-165808 3X50kVa 120/208V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V04 317875-165822 25kVa 120/240V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V03 317863-129817 37.5kVa 120/240V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V03 317863-129817 15kVa 120/240V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V09 317880-165808 50KVA, 120/240V 2-45 2-34 2-45 2-45 2-57x2 2-58 2-57x11 2-45 2x2-45 2-45Rx2 2-57x3 2-45 2-45Rx2 2-45Rx2 *NOTE: ALL VAULTS LABELED "REMOVE" WILL BE REMOVED BY THE CITY'S CONTRACTOR AFTER TRANSFER TO NEW SYSTEM. 2-55x20 2-55x190 2-55x10 2-55x25 2-55x20 2-55x70 2-55x20 2-55x290 2-55x510 ABANDON James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••RAINIER AVE S"151 WATSON SECURITY" "12 HAROLD'S" "110 MOTEL" 3 x 50kVA 120/240/208v 317905 165804 112.5kVA 120/208v 10'X20' EASEMENT MATCHLINE STA 22+75 PAGE 4 & 5DWY DWYDWYDWYIP05 "132" 317949 165799 PV05 EXIST DWY"104 ROYAL ORCHID" SW VICTORIA ST 3 x 75kVA 277/480vHAYES P L SW HH09 V12A 317929 129816 NEW 3 X 75kVA 277/480v J10 317927 129818 NEW "125" "106"DWYDWYIP07 REPL IP06 "100 F1 FAST LUBE" J08 317912 165813 EXIST V11 317911 165817 EXIST V13 317935 165803 EXIST 317935 165804 V12 REMV HH10 EXIST 75kVA 120/240v PROPOSED BUS STOP CUST OWNED SVCTRAFFIC CABINET LOCATES SHOW VAULT V13 BURIED IN HILL SIDE 318013 165783 112.5kVA 120/208v V14 318013 165780 1x75kVA 120/240v 1x50kVA 120/240v EXIST EX FEEDER & 3Ø PRIHARDIE AVE NWHARDIE AVE SWSW VICTORIA ST J09 317912 165813 EXIST SITE PLAN 101115653SCALE: 1" = 20' UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 5/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BREAK LINE ~250FT - PAGES 5 & 6 CABLE REMOVAL SCHEDULE CABLE NO. LOCATIONS CABLE (LF) EST CABLE TYPE YEAR INST FROM TO AGC567-68-69 J08 V11 95 1/0 AL JKT ADW818-19 V12 J09 25 1/0 AL JKT ADW812 V12 V13 20 1/0 AL JKT 53692-93-94 V12 V14 40 1/0 AL JKT Total Feet 180 (1/0 AL JKT) ACTUAL________Removed SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: IP05 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" CONDUIT AND EXTEND WEST TO V13 IP07 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" CONDUIT AND EXTEND SOUTH TO J10 V11 REPLACE LID WITH NON SKID DOORS AND PUT SPACERS IN TO MAKE GRADE WITH SIDEWALK SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE Site Pedestal or Handhole Number of Positions Required Remarks HH09 HH14350AS 4 HH10 EXISTING BREAK LINE ~770FT - PAGE 5 BRE A K LI N E ~ 77 0 F T - P A G E 5 BREAK LINE ~110FT - PAGE 5SERVICE RELOCATIONS AND CONVERSIONS NAME AND ADDRESS Meter Number Old Point of Delivery New Point of Delivery Service Notes FORMULA ONE - 100 RAINIER AVE S X149121638 V12 V11A NEW UG SVC BOONMA LLC - 104 RAINIER AVE S X149122529 V12 V11A NEW UG SVC WEST MOTEL - 110 RAINIER AVE S Z003973373 V11 V11A NEW UG SVC HAROLDS - 124 RAINIER AVE S X149123362 V11 V11A NEW UG SVC RENTON VET - 128 RAINIER AVE S H077566292 V11 V11A NEW UG SVC KEY SHOP - 151 RAINIER AVE S X149123378 V12 V12A NEW UG SVC Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (TUT) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: Foreman to redline the following information 50kVA 120/240v 6241200 317910-129830 V11A Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (TUT) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: Foreman to redline the following information 3X 75kVA 277/480v 6239250 317929-129816 V12A Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V11 317911-165817 3X50kVa 120/240V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V12 317935-165804 3X 75kVa 277/480V 2-34 2-45 2-57x12 2X2-45R *NOTE: ALL VAULTS LABELED "REMOVE" WILL BE REMOVED BY THE CITY'S CONTRACTOR AFTER TRANSFER TO NEW SYSTEM. 2-57x9 2-45Rx2 2-57x2 2-45x2 2-58 2-55x95 2-55x25 2-55x20 2-55x40 Vault & Equipment Table* Site Working Space Grid Number Vault Size & Cover Type & Size Equipment In Vault Primary Bushings Transformer ID Numbers (Company ID) MATERIAL INFORMATION ASBUILT INFORMATION Foreman-CompleteLBDC J08 EXISTING 317912 165813 575 Vault 9 -INSTALL 9-ELB10J V11 EXISTING 317911 165817 5106 Vault TUT 3 X 50kVA 120/240V J09 EXISTING 317912 165813 575 Vault 2 INSTALL 2-ELB10J J10 NEW 317927 129818 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 12 -JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 12-ELB10J V12 REMOVE 317935 165804 5106 Vault TUT 75kVA 120/240v 2 X 75kVA 277/480v V12A NEW 317929 129816 HH 5106 Anti Skid w/3 Doors Mat ID: 9996168 TUT 3 X 75kVA 277/480v Mat ID: 6239250 3 TUT3LRA 6045.7050 INSTALL 3-ELB10J V13 EXISTING 317935 165803 575 Vault TUT 75kVA 120/240v 1 INSTALL 1-ELB10J PV05 EXISTING 317949 165799 600A Cable Splices Mat ID: 7666050 INSTALL 3-SPL10J V14 EXISTING 318013 165780 5106 Vault TUT 75kVA 120/240v 50kVA 120/240v 2-57x1 James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••S TOBIN ST 317967 165834 112.5kVA 120/208v 317968 165833 75kVA 120/240v 3 x 75kVA 120/208v 100T X78466 P01 317968 165841 EXIST P02A 317959 129838 NEW X84229 - 100T X84230 - SB IP08 336.4 ACSR "68 STARBUCKS" J12 317970 129814 NEW V16A 317972 129814 NEW 75kVA 120/240v P02 317968 165831 RELC "74 TOMMY'S CAFE"CITY ROWPV06A 317963 129815 NEW V15A 317968 129814 NEW 3x75kVA 120/208v J12 NEW J13 NEW 2x50kVA 120/208v 1x100kVA 120/240v 317960 129832 317977 129814 DWYDWYDWYDWYDWYNEW UG SVC317970 165807 PV06 REMV J11 317970 165831 EXIST HH11 EXIST "73 MCDONALD'S" "77 CHEVRON V16 317981 165806 REMV V15 317983 165806 REMV PCR-13 MATCHLINE STA 30+50 PAGE 6 & 7 SITE PLAN 101115653SCALE: 1" = 20' UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 6/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: P02A-NEW 317959-129838 INSTALL NEW 45' CL 2 POLE AS STAKED (PD452) 6010.1000 INSTALL 3Ø DE EAST (DE2310) 6033.1040 INSTALL 200A AND 600A TERMS (TSU6D31) 6043.1022 INSTALL 200A SWITCH #X84229 FUSE AT 100T (3412700) INSTALL 600A SWITCH #X84230 SB INSTALL (2) 6" RISER ASSEMBLIES (RIS6CSS) 6042.1000 CAP SPARE RISER 10' UP THE POLE INSTALL (2) 4" RISER ASSEMBLY (RIS4CSS) 6042.1000 CAP SPARE RISER 10' UP THE POLE INSTALL (1) 3" RISER ASSEMBLY (RIS3CSS) 6042.1000 INSTALL (1) 7/16" PRIMARY DOWN GUY (GYD7SA) 6013.0100 INSTALL (1) 3/8" NEUTRAL DOWN GUY (GYD3SAN) 6013.0100 INSTALL 20" ANCHOR PLATE 10' WEST OF POLE (ANDP20) 6012.1000 TRANSFER 336.4 ACSR FROM P01 TRANSFER OH SEC TPX FROM P01 INSTALL GRID NUMBERS IP08 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-4" AND EXTEND EAST TO J11 IP09 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 2-4" AND EXTEND SOUTH TO J13 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 2-6" AND EXTEND SOUTH TO PV06A BREAK LINE ~250FT - PAGES 5 & 6 Vault & Equipment Table* Site Working Space Grid Number Vault Size & Cover Type & Size Equipment In Vault Primary Bushings Transformer ID Numbers (Company ID) MATERIAL INFORMATION ASBUILT INFORMATION Foreman-CompleteLBDC J11 EXISTING 317970 165831 575 Vault 3 -INSTALL 3-ELB10J PV06 REMOVE 317970 165807 504 Vault PV06A NEW 317963 129815 5106 Short w/3' Anit-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996167 600A Cable Splices Mat ID: 7666050 SVD5AS 6051.2000 INSTALL 3-SPL750 J12 NEW 317970 129814 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 10 2 JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 10-ELB10J INSTALL 2 DC-7630600 V15 REMOVE 317983 165806 5106 Vault TUT 3 X 175kVA 120/2080v Abandon Existing TUT Vault Return PM XFMR to stores V15A NEW 317968 129814 HH 5106 Anti Skid w/3 Doors Mat ID: 9996168 TUT 3 X 75kVA 120/208v Mat ID: 6231250 3 TUT3LRA 6045.7050 INSTALL 3-ELB10J V16 REMOVE 317981 165806 504 Vault TUT 75kVA 120/240v V16A NEW 317972 129814 HH 48"X48"X38" MP XFMR Mat ID: 7662110 75kVA 120/240v Mat ID: 6247150 1 1 MINU1SR 6045.1010 INSTALL 1-ELB10J INSTALL 1 DC-7630600 J13 NEW 317977 129814 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 6 6 JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 6-ELB10J INSTALL 6 DC-7630600 J14 EXISTING 317942 165802 575 Vault 3 INSTALL 3-ELB10J CABLE REMOVAL SCHEDULE CABLE NO. LOCATIONS CABLE (LF) EST CABLE TYPE YEAR INST FROM TO 53820-21-22 P02 PV06 35 750 KCMIL 53829-30-31 J11 V15 305 1/0 AL JKT 53823-24-25 PV06 PV07 310 750 KCMIL ADW834-C V15 V16 20 1/0 AL JKT Total Feet 975 (1/0 AL JKT) ACTUAL________Removed POLE RETIREMENT TABLE TEMP TRANSFERS ST. LIGHT TRANSFERS SITE # POLE DATA POLE TEL TV FIBER TRAN RMVD ID NUMBER GRID #HEIGHT CLASS YEAR TOPPED RMVD P02 317968-165831 SERVICE RELOCATIONS AND CONVERSIONS NAME AND ADDRESS Meter Number Old Point of Delivery New Point of Delivery Service Notes MCDONALD'S - 73 RAINIER AVE S P149157969 V14 V14A NEW UG SVC Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (TUT) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: Foreman to redline the following information 75kVA 120/208v 6231250 V15A 317968-129814 Installed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION (PM) Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Material ID#: Foreman to redline the following information 75kVA 120/240v 6247150 V16A 317972-129814 SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE Site Pedestal or Handhole Number of Positions Required Remarks HH11 EXISTING Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V15 317983-165806 3X75kVa 120/208V Removed at site: Grid Number: kVA Rating: Foreman to redline the following information TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage V16 317981-165806 75kVa 120/240V 2-23 2-58 2-45 2-57x10 2X2-45 2-45 2-45 2-57x6 *NOTE: ALL VAULTS LABELED "REMOVE" WILL BE REMOVED BY THE CITY'S CONTRACTOR AFTER TRANSFER TO NEW SYSTEM. 2-44 2-45 2-57x3 2-45Rx2 2-45R 2-57x3 2-129 2-55x20 2-10A ABANDON ABANDON 2-55x305 James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 V17 317971 165778 100kVA 120/240v EXIST HAYES P L SW•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••AIRPORT WAY S MATCHLINE STA 32+50 PAGE 7 MATCHLINE STA 34+00 PAGE 7 & 8 RAINIER AVE SHH12 NEW TRAFFIC CABINET 37.5kVA 120/240v V18 318014 166129 NEW•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• • • •••••••••• •••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••RAINIER AVE SREN T O N A V E E X T 317991 165818 150kVA 120/208v CITY R O W CIT Y R O W J14 317942 165802 J14A 317988 129807 NEWIP02 IP01 317983 165813 NEW REMV REMV MATCHLINE STA 30+50 PAGE 6 & 7 PV07A PV07 317942 165803 SITE PLAN 101115653SCALE: 1" = 20' UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 7/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: IP02 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 1-2" AND EXTEND EAST TO J14A Vault & Equipment Table* Site Working Space Grid Number Vault Size & Cover Type & Size Equipment In Vault Primary Bushings Transformer ID Numbers (Company ID) MATERIAL INFORMATION ASBUILT INFORMATION Foreman-CompleteLBDC PV07 REMOVE 317942 165803 5106 Vault PV07A NEW 317983 165813 5106 Short w/3' Anit-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996167 600A Cable Splices Mat ID: 7666050 --SVD5AS 6051.2000 INSTALL 3-SPL750 J14 REMOVE 317942 165802 575 Vault J14A NEW 317988 129807 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 7 5 JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 7-ELB10J INSTALL 5 DC-7630600 V17 EXISTING 317971 165778 504 Vault TUT 100kVA 120/240v V18 NEW 318014 166129 25kVA PM XFMR 37.5 KVA 120240 MAT ID: 6247050 6045.1000 1ELB10J 1DC-763066 FOR FUTURE TRAFFIC CABINET CABLE REMOVAL SCHEDULE CABLE NO. LOCATIONS CABLE (LF) EST CABLE TYPE YEAR INST FROM TO 51406-07-08 PV07 SW02 1180 750 KCMIL ADW824-C J14 V17 370 1/0 AL JKT ADW838-39-40 J14 J16 480 1/0 AL JKT Total Feet 850 (1/0 AL JKT) ACTUAL________Removed Total Feet 1180 (750 KCMIL) ACTUAL________RemovedBREAK L INE ~ 290FT SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE Site Pedestal or Handhole Number of Positions Required Remarks HH12 HH14350AS 4 TRAFFIC CABINET 2-45 2-57x7 2-58 2-45 2-34 *NOTE: ALL VAULTS LABELED "REMOVE" WILL BE REMOVED BY THE CITY'S CONTRACTOR AFTER TRANSFER TO NEW SYSTEM. 2-56x1180 2-55x370 2-55x480 James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• 318045 165801 318040 165808 25kVA 120/240v RAINIER AVE SJ15 REMV 318036 129808 PV08 NEW "271"CITY ROWJ15A NEW EX FEEDER & 3Ø PRIMATCHLINE STA 37+75 PAGE 8 V19 EXIST 318033 129808 DWYDWYDWYDWYMATCHLINE STA 34+00 PAGE 7 & 8 HH12 NEW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••RAINIER AVE SNW 3RD PL SW02 EXIST 3 x 37.5kVA 120/208v 318084 165793 U0390 318085 165793 318086 165794 318087 165793 NELSON PL NW25TAPSE FIBER VAULT AND PROPOSED CONDUIT MATCHLINE STA 37+75 PAGE 8RAINIER AVE SJ16 EXIST IP03 318088 165793 37.5kVA 120/240v HH13 NEW TRAFFIC CABINET V20 EXIST FB03 318086 165795 NEW EXIST SITE PLAN 101115653SCALE: 1" = 20' UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 8/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: IP05 EXPOSE AND INTERCEPT EXISTING 2-4" AND 2-6" EXTEND WEST TO J16 AND SW02 Vault & Equipment Table* Site Working Space Grid Number Vault Size & Cover Type & Size Equipment In Vault Primary Bushings Transformer ID Numbers (Company ID) MATERIAL INFORMATION ASBUILT INFORMATION Foreman-CompleteLBDC J15 REMOVE 318045 165801 504 Vault 3 -INSTALL 3-ELB10J J15A NEW 318033 129808 4'8"X7'5"X5' Vault w/2-3' Anti-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996162 J-Box below grade w/3-4 pos bus Mat ID: 7625900 9 3 JBOX3AS 6055.1030 INSTALL 9-ELB10J INSTALL 3 DC-7630600 V19 EXISTING 318040 165808 504 Vault TUT 25kVA 120/240v V20 EXISTING 318088 165793 Combo Vault TUT 37.5kVA 120/240v PV08 NEW 318036 129808 5106 Short w/3' Anit-skid Doors Mat ID: 9996167 600A Cable Splices Mat ID: 7666050 --SVD5AS 6051.2000 INSTALL 3-SPL750 FB03 NEW 318086 165795 SEE DETAIL (PAGE 12) J16 EXISTING 318085 165793 575 Vault SW02 EXISTING 318084 165793 5106 Vault PME09 INSTALL 3-TER750C CABLE REMOVAL SCHEDULE CABLE NO. LOCATIONS CABLE (LF) EST CABLE TYPE YEAR INST FROM TO ADW841-42-43 J03 V02 110 1/0 AL JKT ADW844-85-86 J03 J04 420 1/0 AL JKT Total Feet 420 (1/0 AL JKT) ACTUAL________Removed SECONDARY HH/PEDESTAL TABLE Site Pedestal or Handhole Number of Positions Required Remarks HH13 HH14350AS 4 TRAFFIC CABINET 2-45 2-57x9 2-58 2-34 2-55x110 2-55x420 *NOTE: ALL VAULTS LABELED "REMOVE" WILL BE REMOVED BY THE CITY'S CONTRACTOR AFTER TRANSFER TO NEW SYSTEM. 2-57x3 2-58 James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 S SW01 EXIST PV02 NEW PV03 NEW PV01 EXIST IP01 SW SUNSET BLVD S 3RD ST RAINIER AVE SS 2ND ST NEW 2-6" NEW 2-6" JJ01 EXIST JJ02 NEW J J04 EXIST J J05 NEW J J06 NEW IP02 V07 NEW V02A NEW J V06 EXIST V05 EXIST IP03 IP04 V10 NEW JJ07 NEW IP01 NEW 2-6" HH03A V03 NEW MATCHLINE SAME PAGE EXIST 1-4" EXIST 1-6" NEW HH02A NEW HH01A NEW NEW 1-3" HH04A NEW HH05A NEW NEW 1-4" NEW 2-4" NEW 2-4" NEW 1-4" NEW 2-4" NEW 1-3" NEW 1-4" NEW 1-3" NEW 2-4" NEW 1-4" NEW 1-4" EXIST 1-4" J NEW 1-4" NEW 1-4" EXIST 1-4" EXIST 1-4" NEW 1-2" NEW 1-4" NEW 1-3" FB01 NEW FB FB02 NEW FB NEW 1-4" FB NEW 2-6"RAINIER AVE SHH08A NEW NEW 1-4" HH08 EXIST NEW 1-3" "TRAFFIC SGNL" CUST OWN NEW 1-4" FB NEW 1-3" HH01B NEW EM2 EM1 PV05 EXIST IP06 H A Y E S P L S W EXIST 1-6" EXIST 1-6" NEW 2-6" JJ08 EXIST V11 EXIST V12A NEW JJ10 NEW S TOBIN ST P02A NEW J J11 EXIST PV06A NEW J J HH11 EXIST NEW 2-6" NEW 2-6" V15A NEW J12 NEW V16A NEW J13 NEW MATCHLINE SAME PAGE NEW 1-4" JJ09 EXIST IP05 NEW 2-4" EXIST 1-4" V14 EXIST IP07 EXIST 1-4" NEW 1-4" NEW 1-4" NEW 1-4" NEW 2-4" NEW 1-4" NEW 2-4" NEW 1-2" NEW 2-4" NEW 1-3" EXIST 1-3" NEW 2-4"HARDIE AVE NWHH09 REPL NEW 2-4" V13 EXIST "BUS STOP" "TRAFFIC SGNL" CUST OWN J V0X EXIST EXIST 1-4" JBOX EXIST IP08EXIST 2-6" NEW 1-4" FB MATCHLINE AA PAGE 11 CONDUIT DIAGRAM 101115653SCALE: NONE UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 9/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Primary Cable & Conduit Table (Forman to Complete) LOCATION CONDUIT From To Size (in) Qty Design Length (ft) Actual Length (ft) TYPE BENDS PULL (lbs) PULL Rev (lbs) Design Length (ft) Actual Length (ft)DB120 HDPE SCH 80 90°45°22°11° PV02 IP01 6 2 315 X 2 1 PV02 PV03 6 2 310 X 2 2 PV03 IP06 6 2 650 X 2 3 IP06 PV05 6 2 180 X 1 1 P02A IP08 6 2 75 X 1 1 PV06A IP09 6 2 280 X 4 1 J02 IP01 4 1 125 X 2 1 J02 IP01 4 1 125 X 2 1 J02 IP02 4 1 130 X 2 FB01 FB02 4 1 525 X FB02 FB03 4 1 1300 X J02 J05 4 2 330 X 1 2 J05 V02A 4 1 140 X 2 2 J05 J06 4 2 195 X 2 2 J06 IP03 4 1 5 X J06 IP04 4 1 30 X 1 J06 J07 4 2 290 X 2 2 2 J07 V07 2 1 270 X 2 2 2 J07 V03 2 1 210 X 1 2 J07 V10 4 1 10 X V10 J08 4 2 240 X 4 J08 V11 4 1 125 X 4 J08 J10 4 2 220 X 5 J10 V12A 4 1 15 X J10 V13 4 1 15 X J10 IP05 4 1 30 X 1 J10 IP07 4 1 30 X 1 P02A IP08 4 2 75 X 1 1 J11 J12 4 2 260 X 4 2 J12 V15A 4 1 10 X J12 V16A 2 1 20 X J12 J13 4 2 70 X 3 2 J13 IP09 4 2 135 X 2 1 SECONDARY CABLE & CONDUIT TABLE LOCATION CABLE Assumed Lot Corner CONDUIT VOLTAGE DROP VOLTAGE FLICKER ASBUILT INFORMATION SIZE LENGTH Design (ft) SIZE LENGTH Design (ft) BENDS Foreman - Complete FROM TO (1/0,4/0,350)to Meter(ft)(in)90°45°22°11°(Percent)(Percent)Actual Amount Installed (Conduit & Cable) V02A HH01A 350 230 3 225 2 2 2 1 V02A HH01B 350 285 3 280 2 2 2 1 V02A HH02A 350 155 3 150 2 2 2 1 V02A HH03A 350 120 3 115 2 2 1 V02A HH04A 350 10 3 5 V10 HH08A 350 300 3 250 V07 HH05A 350 245 3 240 2 2 V03 EM1 CONDUIT ONLY 3 210 2 1 4 3 V03 EM2 CONDUIT ONLY 3 250 2 1 4 3 V10 HH08 350 10 3 5 P02A HH11 350 185 3 180 2 2 TOTAL: TOTAL: TOTAL: 2" 4" 6" 500 6245 3620 90 45 22 11 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 5 0 TOTAL 350 1540 TOTAL 3" 1910 17 12 16 10 2-45Ax230 2-45Ax155 2-45Ax120 2-45Ax10 2-45Ax300 2-45Ax245 2-45Ax10 2-45Ax185 2-45Ax285 James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 S SW01 EXIST PV01 EXIST SW SUNSET BLVD S 3RD ST S 2ND ST EXIST FEEDER J J04 EXIST J J05 NEW JJ07 NEW V03 NEW 750 EIP366-A EIP367-B EIP368-C 1/0 EIT803-A EIT804-B EIT805-C 1/0 EIT812-A EIT813-B EIT814-C 1/0 EIT809-A EIT810-B EIT811-C EIT827-A 1/0 750 EIP366-A EIP367-B EIP368-C 1/0 EIT834-A EIT835-B EIT836-C V10 NEW NEW 350 TPX J 1/0 EIV500-A EIV501-B EIV502-C 1/0 EIT829-A EIT830-B EIT831-C 1/0 EIT800-A EIT801-B EIT802-C 1/0 EIT832-A EIT833-B MATCHLINESAME PAGE HH05A NEW NEW 350 QUAD RAINIER AVE SRAINIER AVE SPV02 NEW JJ01 EXIST JJ02 NEW 1/0 EIT806-A EIT807-B EIT808-C PV03 NEW J06 NEW V07 NEW 1/0 EIT815-A EIT816-B EIT817-C 750 EIP366-A EIP367-B EIP368-C J J V06 EXIST V05 EXIST 1/0 EIT818-A EIT819-B EIT820-C 1/0 EIT821-A EIT822-B EIT823-C 1/0 EIT824-A EIT825-B EIT826-C V02A NEW HH03A NEW HH02A NEW HH01A NEW HH04A NEW NEW 350 QUAD HH08 EXIST HH08A NEW 3Ø 3Ø 3Ø NEW 350 QUAD 3Ø HH01B NEW 3Ø PV05 EXIST H A Y E S P L S W FEEDER JJ08 EXISTJ J10 NEW S TOBIN ST J J NEW PV06A NEW J12 NEW V16A J13 NEW 1/0 EIT837-A EIT838-B EIT839-C 1/0 EIT840-A EIT841-B EIT842-C 750 EIP366-A EIP367-B EIP368-C NEW 350 TPX 1/0 EIT861-A EIT862-B EIT863-C 1/0 EIT858-A EIT859-B EIT860-C 750 EIP369-A EIP370-B EIP371-C 750 EIP369-A EIP370-B EIP371-CV15A NEW 1/0 EIT870-A 1/0 EIT864-A EIT865-B EIT866-C 1/0 EIT871-A EIT872-B EIT873-C 1/0 EIT867-A EIT868-B EIT869-C PCR-13 1/0 EIT874-A EIT875-B EIT876-C MATCHLINESAME PAGE 1/0 EIT844-B EIT845-C V12A NEW 1/0 EIT852-A EIT853-B EIT854-C 1/0 EIT849-A EIT850-B EIT851-C V11 EXIST HH09 REPL V14 EXISTHARDIE AVE NWHH10 EXIST JJ09 EXIST V13 EXIST 1/0 EIT843-A EX PRI 1/0 EIT846-A EIT847-B EIT848-C 1Ø P02A NEW J J11 J V0X EXIST JBOX EXIST EXIST MATCHLINE BB PAGE 10 CABLE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM 101115653SCALE: NONE UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 10/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PMH-09 SWITCH CONNECTION DIAGRAM - SW01 SCALE: NONE 2 3 41 AØ CØ BØ PMH09 U386 ADM277 ADM278 ADM279 150E 150E 150E AGC634 AGC635 AGC636 AØ CØ BØ ADM261 ADM260 ADM259 CØ AØ BØ 313804-165805 TO EX PV 150E 150E 150E TO EX JBOX TO J02TO EX PV EIT802 EIT801 EIT800 CØ AØ BØ Primary Cable Table (Foreman to Complete) LOCATION PRIMARY CABLE QTY OF LUBE (gal.) AS BUILT INFORMATION From To Cable Size Design Length (ft) Actual Length (ft) CABLE NUMBERS MANUFACTURING INFORMATION FOR FEEDER CABLE ONLY Check applicable box A B C Manufacturer Compound Year Tape CN #4/0 NEU Design As Built Actual Amount Installed (Conduit & Cable) PV01 PV02 750 KCMIL 580 EIP366 EIP367 EIP368 PV02 PV03 750 KCMIL 315 EIP366 EIP367 EIP368 PV03 PV05 750 KCMIL 700 EIP366 EIP367 EIP368 P02A PV06A 750 KCMIL 240 EIP369 EIP370 EIP371 PV06A PV07A 750 KCMIL 290 EIP369 EIP370 EIP371 SW01 J02 1/0 AL JKT 370 EIT800 EIT801 EIT802 J01 J02 1/0 AL JKT 175 EIT803 EIT804 EIT805 J02 J04 1/0 AL JKT 235 EIT806 EIT807 EIT808 J02 J05 1/0 AL JKT 335 EIT809 EIT810 EIT811 J05 V02A 1/0 AL JKT 145 EIT812 EIT813 EIT814 J05 J06 1/0 AL JKT 200 EIT815 EIT816 EIT817 J06 V05 1/0 AL JKT 175 EIT818 EIT819 EIT820 J06 V06 1/0 AL JKT 165 EIT821 EIT822 EIT823 J06 J07 1/0 AL JKT 295 EIT824 EIT825 EIT826 J07 V06 1/0 AL JKT 275 EIT827 -- J07 V03 1/0 AL JKT 215 EIV500 EIV501 EIV502 J07 V10 1/0 AL JKT 15 EIT829 EIT830 EIT831 V10 V10 1/0 AL JKT 15 EIT832 EIT833 - V10 J08 1/0 AL JKT 245 EIT834 EIT835 EIT836 J08 V11 1/0 AL JKT 130 EIT837 EIT838 EIT839 J08 J10 1/0 AL JKT 225 EIT840 EIT841 EIT842 J09 J10 1/0 AL JKT 240 -EIT844 EIT845 J10 V12A 1/0 AL JKT 20 EIT846 EIT847 EIT848 V12A V12A 1/0 AL JKT 15 EIT849 EIT850 EIT851 J10 V13 1/0 AL JKT 20 EIT843 J10 V14 1/0 AL JKT 750 EIT852 EIT853 EIT854 P02A J11 1/0 AL JKT 60 EIT858 EIT859 EIT860 J11 J12 1/0 AL JKT 305 EIT861 EIT862 EIT863 J12 V15A 1/0 AL JKT 15 EIT864 EIT865 EIT866 V14A V15A 1/0 AL JKT 15 EIT867 EIT868 EIT869 J12 V16A 1/0 AL JKT 25 EIT870 -- J12 J13 1/0 AL JKT 75 EIT871 EIT872 EIT873 N.O. AT J14 J13 J14A 1/0 AL JKT 530 EIT874 EIT875 EIT876 SINGLE PHASE SECONDARY CONCRETE 233 HANDHOLE Not to scale 6050.2020-1 Customer-installed grounding wires ( the "4th" wire on the single-phase systems and the "5th" wire on the three-phase systems) shall not be connected to PSE's ground or neutral bus. They shall be removed by customer or cut off at the vault wall. TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 3'-4" EXCAVATION: 5-1/3 CUBIC YARDS 7'-0" 6'-0" 2" THREE-PHASE SECONDARY CONCRETE HANDHOLE Not to scale 6050.2100-1 Steel Door Handhole 1900 lbs Typical customer runservice conductors in duct Seal conduitwith foam Conduits and conductors shall enter fromends of handhole through knockouts provided 3'-8" 2'-8" Customer-installed grounding wires ( the "4th" wire on the single-phase systems and the "5th" wire on the three-phase systems) shall not be connected to PSE's ground or neutral bus. They shall be removed by customer or cut off at the vault wall. 6" Crushed rock HH01A-HH01B-HH02A-HH03A-HH04A -HH08AHH05A TOTAL 1/0 4910 TOTAL 750 2125 2-56x580 2-56x315 2-56x700 2-56x240 2-56x290 2-55x370 2-55x175 2-55x235 2-55x335 2-55x145 2-55x200 2-55x175 2-55x165 2-55x295 2-54x275 2-55x215 2-55x15 2-55x15 2-55x245 2-55x130 2-55x225 2-55x240 2-55x20 2-55x15 2-54x20 2-55x750 2-55x60 2-55x305 2-55x15 2-55x15 2-54x25 2-55x75 2-55x530 Steel Door Handhole 2430 lbs Typical customer runservice conductors in duct Seal conduitwith foam Install PVC bell endsand grout into wall Conduits and conductors shall enter fromends of handhole through knockouts provided 3'-8" 2'-8" TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 3'-4" EXCAVATION: 5-1/3 CUBIC YARDS 7'-0" 6'-0" 6" CRUSHED ROCK 2" SINGLE PHASE SECONDARY CONCRETE HANDHOLE Not to scale 6050.2020-1 TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW 2'-4" EXCAVATION: 5-1/3 CUBIC YARDS 7'-0" 6'-0" 2" 2'-6" Install PVC bell endsand grout into wall 2'-6" Handhole 820 lbs Conduits and conductors shall enter fromends of handhole through knockouts provided Typical customer runservice conductors in duct Steel Door Seal conduitwith foam Customer-installed grounding wires ( the "4th" wire on the single-phase systems and the "5th" wire on the three-phase systems) shall not be connected to PSE's ground or neutral bus. They shall be removed by customer or cut off at the vault wall. 6" Crushed rock HH09-HH12-HH13 James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 S SW02 EXIST NELSON PL NWRAINVER AVE SAIRPORT WAY PV07A NEW PV08 NEW V17 EXIST JIP04 IP05 JJ15A NEW JJ16 EXIST NEW 2-6" NEW 2-6" RENTON A V E E X T J14A NEW V19 EXIST EXIST 1-6" IP03 IP02 IP03 NEW 2-6" NEW 2-4" NEW 2-4" NEW 2-4" IP05 EXIST 1-4" FB03 NEW FB IP01 NEW 1-4" FB V18 NEW HH12 NEW HH13 NEW NEW 1-2" NEW 1-3" V20 EXIST NEW 1-3" 105 FOR LINE EXTENSION MATCHLINE AA PAGE 9 J S SW02 EXIST NELSON PL NWRAINVER AVE SAIRPORT WAY PV07A NEW PV08 NEW V17 EXIST J JJ15A NEW JJ16 EXIST RENTON A V E E X T J14A NEW V19 EXIST 1/0 EIV507-A EIV508-B EIV509-C 750 EIV511-A EIV512-B EIV513-C 750 EIV520-A EIV521-B EIV522-C 1/0 EIV517-A EIV518-B EIV519-C 1/0 EIV506-A 1/0 EIV514-A EIV515-B EIV516-C V18 NEW HH12 NEW 1/0 EIV510-A NEW 350 TPX HH13 NEW V20 EXIST NEW 350 TPX MATCHLINE BB PAGE 10 750 EIP369-A EIP370-B EIP371-C 1/0 EIT874-A EIT875-B EIT876-C J CONDUIT AND CABLE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM - CONTINUED 101115653SCALE: NONE UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 11/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SECONDARY CABLE & CONDUIT TABLE LOCATION CABLE Assumed Lot Corner CONDUIT VOLTAGE DROP VOLTAGE FLICKER ASBUILT INFORMATION SIZE LENGTH Design (ft) SIZE LENGTH Design (ft) BENDS Foreman - Complete FROM TO (1/0,4/0,350)to Meter(ft)(in)90°45°22°11°(Percent)(Percent)Actual Amount Installed (Conduit & Cable) V18 HH12 350 120 3 225 2 2 2 1 V20 HH13 350 105 3 150 2 2 2 1 TOTAL: TOTAL: TOTAL: 2" 4" 6" 0 3764 2330 90 45 22 11 0 0 0 0 3 8 4 0 2 6 4 0 TOTAL 350 225 TOTAL 3" 375 4 4 4 2 Primary Cable & Conduit Table (Forman to Complete) LOCATION CONDUIT From To Size (in) Qty Design Length (ft) Actual Length (ft) TYPE BENDS PULL (lbs) PULL Rev (lbs) Design Length (ft) Actual Length (ft)DB120 HDPE SCH 80 90°45°22°11° PV06A PV07A 6 2 330 X 2 1 PV07A PV08 6 2 495 X 2 2 PV08 SW02 6 2 340 X 2 3 J13 J14A 4 1 180 X 2 1 J14A V17 4 1 392 X 2 1 J14A V18 4 1 240 X 2 J14A J15A 4 1 505 X J15A V19 4 2 130 X J15A J16 4 2 427 X 1 2 FB02 FB03 4 1 1333 X 2 2 Primary Cable Table (Foreman to Complete) LOCATION PRIMARY CABLE QTY OF LUBE (gal.) AS BUILT INFORMATION From To Cable Size Design Length (ft) Actual Length (ft) CABLE NUMBERS MANUFACTURING INFORMATION FOR FEEDER CABLE ONLY Check applicable box A B C Manufacturer Compound Year Tape CN #4/0 NEU Design As Built Actual Amount Installed (Conduit & Cable) PV06A PV07A 750 KCMIL 330 EIP369 EIP370 EIP371 PV07A PV08 750 KCMIL 495 EIV511 EIV512 EIV513 PV08 SW02 750 KCMIL 340 EIV520 EIV521 EIV522 J13 J14A 1/0 AL JKT 180 EIT874 EIT875 EIT876 J14A V17 1/0 AL JKT 392 EIV506 J14A V18 1/0 AL JKT 240 EIV510 J14A J15A 1/0 AL JKT 505 EIV507 EIV508 509 J15A V19 1/0 AL JKT 130 EIV514 EIV515 EIV516 J15A J16 1/0 AL JKT 427 517 EIV518 EIV519 2-35x330 2-35x495 2-35x340 2-36x180 2-36x392 2-36x240 2-36x505 2-36x130 2-36x427 2-36x1333 2-56x330 2-56x495 2-56x340 2-55x180 2-55x392 2-55x240 2-55x505 2-55x130 2-55x427 2-54A 2-54A James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713 101115653UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# COUNTY 1/4 SEC U-MAP NO (POWER) OP MAP Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR PLAT MAP JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING INCIDENT MAOP Gas Order Elect Order SCALE PAGE ENGR - POWER ENGR - GAS FUNCTION PROJECT MGR PERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT 2 1 REV# 3 DATE DESCRIPTIONBY CONTACT PHONE NO DATE OH CKT MAP CIRCUIT NOUG CKT MAP DUSTIN WELLER 206-379-4347 6/15/23 AUSTIN HANKS NA 6/15/23 N/A N/A N/A AUSTIN HANKS 6/15/23 REQUIRED CITY OF RENTON RAINIER AVE PHASE 4 UG RELOCATION 131 RAININER AVE S RENTON, WA 98057 N/A N/A N/A 101115653 AS NOTED 12/12 KING N/A N/A CSPSKEPI S18 T23 R05E N/A N/A 2350E069, 70, 72 2305E076 2350E069SW, 70, 72NW PCR-13 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A THREE PHASE J-BOX W/ADJUSTABLE LID AND EXCAVATION DETAIL 4'-0" 1'-0" 5'-8" 8" 7'-0" Tubes for 1" adjustable bolts ( 4) Cover 2,490 lbs Top Section 1,835 lbs Base 4,760 lbs 4'-8" (2) 3' Square Plate Doors NOTE: For Installations in pavement or sidewalks with adjustable cover SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW 9'-0" 11'-0" 2" 6'-0" 6" Crushed Rock 3-piece handhole, increase excavation Depth to 6'-6" and 24 cubic yards. 4'-8" x 7' Handhole ( 575) w/adjustable Cover NOT TO SCALE EXCAVATION - 22 CUBIC YARDS MID # 7663206 OR 9996162 TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW EXCAVATION: 4-2/3 CUBIC YARDS Rock Crushed 6" 3'-6" 2" 6' 6' 48"42" 36" 38" 42" Struts FRONT FRONTMINIPAD TRANSFORMER NOT TO SCALE MID # 7662010 TOP VIEW Excavation - 10-1/3 cubic yards SIDE VIEW Rock Crushed 6" 4'-4" 2" 8'-0" 4'-8" 3'-6" 4'-8" 6" 20" 4'-8"5'-6" 44" 8'-0" No Secondary PSE Primary Conduit Customer's service wire conduits may enter at any corner other than the corner where the primary cable enters the vault. THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER AND EXCAVATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE MID # 7663900 24" Min Separation Telephone 2-4" Cable TV 2-4" Primary Power 2-6" and 2-4" Gas 6" Min Separation NOTE: Install 12" shading if the backfill contains rocks greater than 10" dia. 48" Max 36" Min Cover 24" Min Final Grade ROADSIDE Excavated Dirt Pile NOT TO SCALE TRENCH EXCAVATION DETAIL 12" 48" Typical (Power, Gas, and Communications) Over Power Conduits 6" Min Sand Cover 6" 4"4" 6" (When Present) (When Present) FIBER VAULT DETAIL SCALE: NONE CLINK PID# 2378448 COVER WITHADJUSTABLE FRAMENo. 38/25-TA No. 25-TVAULT A A PLAN VIEW SECTION AA END VIEW J02-J05-J06-J07-J10-J12-J13-J14A-J15A VAULT AND EXCAVATION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 5'-0" 11'-4" Min 11'-10" Max 5'-10" Min 6'-4" Max 6,000 lbs Max 6,140 lbs Max Three 3' Sq Std Plate Height Adjusting Bolts (4) 4/0 Cu installed by manufacturer Internal vault ground 11,600 lbs Max or Anti-Skid Doors 2" Rock Crushed 6" 5'-6" 10'-0" 16'-0" Excavation - 32-1/2 cubic yards SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW MID # 7906630 OR 9996167 PV02-PV03-PV06A-PV07A V02A V03 V07-V16A-V18 2" Rock Crushed 6" 8'-6" 10'-0" 16'-0" 11'-4" Min 11'-10" Max 7'-6" 8" 8'-2" 6'-4" Max 5'-10" Min Excavation - 50-1/2 cubic yards SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW 11,000 lbs 8,430 lbs 6,600 lbs Height adjustable bolts Three 3' sq. std. plate doors, or Three 3' sq. Anti-Skid doors. THREE PHASE TOTAL UNDERGROUND TRANSFORMER Not to scale 6045.7052 V12A-V10-V15A Customer Supplied Secondary Cables 4'-8" 6'-0" 7'-8" 1'-0" 8" 7'-0" Two 3' Sq Std Plate Doors, or Two 3' Sq Anti-Skid Doors Height Adjusting Bolts (4) Cover 2430 lbs Brick, shim and grout as necessary Riser 1540 lbs Base 6360 lbs (Lighting) (Power) Internal Vault Ground THREE PHASE TOTAL UNDERGROUND TRANSFORMER Not to scale 6045.7052-1 R N BK BL FB01-FB02-FB03 James Lengel Digitally signed by James LengelDN: C=US, E=james.lengel@pse.com, O=Puget Sound Energy, OU=Public Improvement, CN=James LengelDate: 2023.06.23 16:25:52-07'00' MFP23001713