HomeMy WebLinkAbout10212016102200y\0 Title Support Services KING From: Sent: To: Subject: Thanks! Title Support Services [titlesupport@qwestoffice.net] Tuesday, October 18, 2016 10:09 AM 'Title Support Services KING' FW: KC Doc please? From: Wilson, Mike [mailtffi Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 9:51 AM To: Title Support Services Subject: FW: KC Doc please? Pleas pull and emailto me ii;,ll' From: Daniel Fodorean [mailto:DanielF@kog.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 9:17 AM To: Wilson, Mike Subject: RE: KC Doc please? Mike, Thank you for your help. We'll need further clarifications regarding that document. At this point, it would be very helpful if you could provide us with the following documents: Deed recorded in Vol 327,Page 64, King County Records. Deed recorded in Vol 327, Page 66, King County Records. Please let us know if you could assist us. This is an emergency and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Thank you. Daniel From: Wilson, Mike [mailto:mike.wilson@ticortitle.com] Sent: Monday, October 17,20L6 1-2l.L4 pM To: Daniel Fodorean <DanielF@kpg.com> Subject: FW: KC Doc please? , From: Wilson, Krisha Sent: Monday, October L7,2016 11:52 AM To: Wilson, Mike Cc: Brittenham, Diane Subject: FW: KC Doc please? Please see the attached document, per your request. Thank you, Krisha Wilson Ticor Title of Washington $ @ :E ,E ,ts E, c a.Ii loni llt l.f,rr.- .:' 3 ,'(,.i CD tGtlirl Fn&ct- Qutt Ctam,Dced, :, TItg cBifNron chrls A. prr,zm .. ' - , for rnil ia consldcrriioa of oNE DoLIrtR AlrD ocHm. vtrulBla cousrDEBlrrolf . convcy end qult clrlm to ltatrcl PAIZER Thls'Deod ELvon as por prog.crty aottlon6nt tn,dtvorce p,rooooclln5s ; : Darcd rhts @ /1rk the follorlng dcscrlbcd rcil istrtc, rlturid in tttr.Counry ol Klng. .St.rcorwshiqlon: lots 1r anltt rn Blook 4 of ]taynarda Ieke wrshlngton A<tdttronto tho Clt:i_of soattrc, es per:ptat recoil;o i; i;i;;-r-;i*ptrt"on pase 33 Reeords of *tng bo,iniy f""f,ingtin,) _ : .t- _ l* STATE.,OF,WASHINGTON, : iornly of llng ChTis A. PAI.?T:R in end who erecltcd thc sithin and torcgoing instrumatt. tnd.as. IIle trcc end ,otunt"ry aci.nJ a..0, ,o, tt. w day ot lriefrfl * + #.d/,***N9tw1j h$tk in.a;d lt rtrl;;; rutidbt ot Seattle ,19 70 .Orr thls day personatly ,rgZo ) n' _l.r't l( *,,, ' ltn m Sgf,iAs ffi..* fl lr T F\o\o(')\orO rrc ffiYtirct, otroi ca*t ruo m r.uiEd f,;1 fra;}d iljEJo C[1-ff'St}illbr i hrirhrrrr&thcrrde.?.od,. ;l. f|}t |nflll, |Fr fa fi: tr G Ultd rlllrt Lcrdagrtlr ollcd thc {pwOsg," WTrNE$IEIII: m.t thG lGlkr 19!6 to rll O tie purthrGr rqd tic FIttt8Et s8l!!s to puehu fmo tuc sdhr thc lollowirg dooibed ut 6ta!c, ?ith tlc uprrtanas, t" IIE Couty, Ststc of Wchingtoa: Tbat lorttoa of, the South 28, fe.t of ?he lfctb f95 fect of the fiorthreat quaftcr of the llotrtbt st Quartcr ot tbe Southaast (lugrtcr and that portLo[ of tbe Eaat 485 fect ot the South E5 fcet ol tha llcrth 210 foat of tha f,orthrret Qlartss of thc Southtlrt qoarter of tha ltoutheaat Quertar Iy1ng llest of Fyleboe grcokr alL ln Sretloa i?r Tcvnahll 2l f,orth, Ean6c 4 f,a8tr f.H.t EXCEPT County rcad on the trcet l1ne of sald prcpertyl Tlro lraltlon cf the crcek ls presently c.:tabllshed a"E botng ZIJ leel ws{it oI {ha Eaet ltne of tha llorthwegt Srart€r of tho Southwest Quartcrcf tha Southe,:ct Qu.ertor of camc Eectton, rbcro the crceh e}tteri the :r;::e:'t3' on t\e ltorth ilLne; arli ls locatcd 23O teet lest cf tho Ealt Dlne at * pollt li5 f6et South of the llorth Ilne of tlra l(orthrsotQrr.rrtei oI- the Southreet Quarter of the Southcs-rt Quattcr of 6ane ts,rt+""![ tttri" "]'tf l"$"itf; lrfll E:.tnBroB]tuHEt rdng.tl t i?it's" n.u_::-:'t lur.:-ier 3f ti:e Sr:utheaet quarter of saae Sactlon;IJ,r') e n:n-€;iclrrs1v* eaaeneilt to tho ebove iescrlbed pr-rpert.t r.,.;crlbad':: 'a :': ;: rf t-:te:errt ree_.fc.od ni,-'si L,11:1!r::ts fee lfc. Sra)i9}. lirrl: rti.-t ,i t'rr i.- .rrg{g!. t''.-.rn fof t.h.r- lC.rt;:::et, Ic: lers iii,i_. a..r}f*tl.uct;'+. t'',. i.r' rr --j, a I:n ..-' r.i.,::.Lhei r.:-,i t_: the -lrcvt: ,.c,,crJ.htc -:f )._..,1-t': '.r t}" ,ir 'r:'ty i:- ierred t: {n r:he riuc.L,:.r-til:r aI ei.srncnt -Uove .. ,. . ,,.j },' r:ei..'rt'E ry',i'a.:!t that the above cieaorl.bed land w1ll 'ro a:."1.:.:ved f,:r 1'1:t' '4", 12-* ' . l :l;{iv.t}e}i$';},'li"l}.,1*i,, t3}i, "5 r. ,:;i.!i::"g3.:f,ir:: ",It_. ':-_.. 1... ,r-:..:,.cii'nl b::1.rrce :..: :.:,-r .,., ttri.tt to EFIE, T. i')s /ili ,, i ..\\, \.|-,' ..'-').4-{y'*4 n,, 1,)-,,,. -i i,,.tl tl b ::r: Arrdcrrcd to iD rLi. contr&t, (dafG of dodrtl4lll (l) fhc purctrs rscuDcs lDd !8Ea b Fy ta6ot3 &linorcoty rll trres rad rssatr tlrt Dlt, u hllFD tmtor md SmEcbttct tlr badEc s Uco o[ r8id ,tal astr$ sld ff bf tDc tirrrs of ttls costtrd th iiq&.!cr brs aildntffohut of uy EortgEgc,oalrrd.or othq T--xp-en or Dl uiril pya. &t of or agred to Fmhalc oblit to, ery tet or .c;niirE aos a itu oo-sildE8l BIBG, tbc purchu agrcts to psy the mc beloc dclinqucucy.(2) TbG purtirs.t !8ruq lEtl ihe prctrase prle ls fuly prid, to Lcp thc buildi4s roe ud hcraft$ placed on sid rEI cstateiEurcd to thc Ecturl q& nluc therof .galst lols or ,,h'8e by both 6n ard wlldrtoE iD s oEpeDy scceptrble to tbe sllcr and forthc sdlet's bcncfit, as his tDtcrclt ES, rpF8, ed to pay dl prcrluru thcrtlor rad to dclircr dl pollcics rrd mewab thrcof totle ldler. tg) :'te pqnU!tr ag!!a that tutt iupcdon of cdd rtrl 6tarr ba ben mde.8[d thd nei&cr tlE sethr-aor hb Bdg&s shatl be hrldto rDy rov(E8nt resDectia8 &c coldltioD of uy iDpmvcEEt thcED nfi sbdt t$ burchis or sdlu or thc uig!! of ;tther be beld toaBy @vEart-or 8gE6ut Ior rltlEtloE4 iEp-lovrEots or rcpsb! unless tle oretut or sgHut rclied on is ontained hcrcin or isin mtting ard attachcd to a^od udc e part of this ontracl(4) Thc pqtnhss agmcs dl hurd! of druagp to or dstrucdou of uy improob Dow oE said ml state or btrBfter Dlacedtbceon' and of-thc tr.[jng of $id nal 6t&tc or rry part thseof for public us!; md agr$ that Do such d'Mge, dGstruction or takini shall@utilute a failun of couidcntioL ID ce any Dsrt of gld ral estate is tahen foi public usr, the portlon of the condc6natioD awardremalning- after poy,mmt of reensbh cpcnrcs of procurhg ttre mc shatl be paid to-the *ller md ipplied G payment on the purchasprie hereia unlB thc *llB elGcts to tllow the prfther to ipply dl or a portioi of scb @udcEnatim aurd to itri rebuilding or rciora-iioa of any lmprovcErtrts dmagpd -by such .;L!n-8. In ccc-6f 'dmge oi dBtruction froD a peril iDsured against, the procieJi of Juchirsunae rcEainlng a.ftq DByBmt of ihe ruombli qpcu of pro1ring lhc sue shall bc dcvoied to t}e restd'ntloo.or riUuilajns of iuihiDPr-ovements vithi[ a reasoublc tlme, urlcss purcL*r elecig th8t srid prcceeds shall be paid to the sller lor appttcaiioii on thepurche price hqein.(S)-TLe *llcr hu ieliwrcd, or egncr to {qtiver wlthin 15 days of the date of clcirg, a purchas/s poliry of title insuance instudard toru. or a oEEitBEt tlereIc, iucd by noMrr N^mNrr Tru rNsor^N, r coxr^tr , iniuriig thc purcbur'to the full amount oinid Purchre- prie oeia.t-lN ot drErgr by rou of dcfcct iD sltet'3 Utlc to sid Eal estate as of the date of closing and containirg Doseptions other thao the follovlag:8. Printed geocnl uccptiou epp:siU in nld pollcy fom;b. Llu or ucubEs whiri by thc tcms oI thb coltEct lhc purbrocr is to suEc, or il to which the onveysncc hmund.iis to bc Eadc subiect; ed c. A!--y clstiDg coDtEct or contBctg uda wti6-*l!cr is purhrdng $id rat Btatc, ud uy Eorttsgr or othcr obligrtlon, wbichsellu by this @ntmt agE6 to pay, MG of which for thc prrpoi of thb p.ragnph (s) ihall bidcmd dcfccts iri sflei,s rittc. *tr H',rl?,fl-.il1m,ffi; -i -1lr r-.ii (t) untes a dflmnr drrc ls prcvldcd for hcp\ tbe-PlEhEl $all be catitled to pc6io!-ol s.id Et 6trtc oo dat! o{ (hsln8 ud ro rtahr DosioD s loDs s d;,fi;'i;;;iit -d"i;[ri t"mratt.'fr.;;b; ;{;"t" io keap thc bulldnp arld olher hnprcv'- menir on sid rsl 6trte io gooO i'ilt-;J ;; ; Efdi *t i-a'"-"t ii't?]it-*-it the ue'o{' rhc rEd rslrle lor uv illcgrl mms. Trc Brrch&r @w*nrs tr'ff"il;#.'",;^fi1"1,1,;;;;rit?ili-.h&.;i";-;;;,"*; ctetricitv' gerbase or othcr utilitv l?fiiJ rtiri.["i-i"-qra-rertEutc dtt6r tbe date purchur Is cititha to po$sioE' ro) ID a* the purci"o leils to Brir Dy paynat bercil.prerid.d;t; *iot io i**t"' m hcrcln rou;rtd' the $ller m!, Dke such @rhent or r6rt $ch i*urc, ud uy l,ilDts e poro uy u" Iao,*to;iffi;hh iil;i "i th" '"tt 6t to% s NuD thc'* (rnm-<tite ot r]6.nt untit rqrid. shdl bc Epayablc by purths ".iiflt-ffiria''an i'nlot paiw6e to uv otlq dEbt thc *ller might hare b1' roo of uch dclaull (10) Time ir ot rlc rync ot thlt cootBcl' ud it is asred th8t io cs thc purhEr shs]l fail to toEDlv Fith or pcrfom 8n!' .""diti;; ;;;;;;mt iepr o, to H,l.'",iy-ilvil.ii**,Ei ili;d;; l*lnit*"*flT"ou'kti.Tl,"liLl"UJ'J!,1f.1..I;liu.1'-iii'v-irdLi-" ailarc all thc purbur's riShts hemrdcr.t!@in' hercund.r eod alt iEproveBmts pA;;;;; i;;;Ii'ilt td;if*'i,ii'iiii ilii; "ilt ai tiiruiaaie'i dtnams' tnd the slhr shall h&ve rlEhr ro r{trt6 ud rare po:ssion irf the ur erate; -a ,. *i'rfi ii*tili.jiiJ. ii'l"i'oiii"ti on the pah ot tbe purchaer shall ir. .""iruJ * a saiwr of ay shsqumi dcfault' Scnire uoon purhur of "lt dn-',fii;:,;;tilor othc papc. wiih reffit to forfeiture 8od temiptioD of Dmhur's riEhts Ea! b€ rode by unirrd strt6 Mril, po{s8c prpaid, Etum rcc€ipt *qu"r,.d.;;;;'i, t}re purcbur at his addrc |&st krosn to the slkr' (1) Upon sll.is electio! to btingiuit to.enforcc 4y.@venanl of tlis conttrct, ir(luding suit to (oucd uv payEent r'quired hcrcunder. tb. Durch*r agr6 to pay a Esuble suE.s atto*y 3 i.[;; ii;;tb "nA "*p"fut in co*fttion wltb slch suit' wltich l;;""ffiii #d.-l,;;Iii[i ll,iindt or dsrce @terd iD sucb $ir' Ifthesllersballbringsuittoprecueu.adjudietiolofthe.tlruinAtionofthcpurcbur's.rilthtshcnutdtr.andiudrmtntiso ?ntetrd, the purhs ag*es to pev i rereonebh siro o atto'ry's f-.;;';li mf i i"[ -p"n*t-in-conmction witb such suli' and also rhe rus*blc @d of srhi!,, #i:'i;%;#;.-t#;;;iG; if litl" i,-ii,i arr" .,i.t' suit is co@eDed, shicb 3u.s shall be i,iir,iiiii ii"iy lras..ut or deie cntercd la such suit lNwTrNEsswllERFonthcPsniesheEtobtwucotedtblsitrstruEtutsofthedat?66twittmAbovc' |h4 Z*lZ**.2 (s!^L) 4r d*/Y*-)@// (.*, counry or Ptarca t S$""*i{t*yrDpescdbcforcoe VtlU t. OC'D8 f'! tlll J' flE' tn$ad ,o * Uo1* to bc ibe iudi"fduata dcslbcd h ud wbo d(uttd thr within qd to*Soir* ihttruE nt, ud sctnotlcdgld thst r I CJo -*rhay sigDcd tf,e @c s thalf frc aDd voluatad act rnd ded' for thc us ud purpors f':| 1969. llorqr Ptbli. in 6d lo/ ,hc St' l*r.?cil6R q voL_"E{tt. ffl0f,sd rH I , r.r1-_rr-... iF0t'EST 3l ROBERT A HfrF:p,5 611r1. l{l,r,l -,..,HIY fa -,ri -0i oF z Il IIcU'r cta.l Lt:&xEU qJ I Iq)t*t (!od ,rr,aBLED for Rpcord at Re me ./:1 /) s s./,n..-,l ) tt,/(7J 1rr tJ E 4 /. I * . -{. - ou.t * ! t/-. -.. l!G I I oFa(lrtDDt.(,.O Fo ?loo W *=\= ::'J- rffimm \ cdolfl.i G c[tra ro ul* I I,l ""8ffiffffi.'ffiffiffffiffip.r."-ru"* go" ^r-.ttrrc aDc.tnld, to tnlutc r.,d dcrtd'tbo6(&.rrri *rolt "t*"rv--..----..--.- .-&rd to dd Rt crdr' seotilc Y *,1-l111ot-lf11{:tjGrrlswswc 'EEry G*olidlDrnoesdlcr'andiJ* r*ldU. *q fre or ocutmrc;da*t tbdt tur, arhch eltcr d't€ ol dciE tlreriL erv p subiett to rho lolimdnr: d.t t-€ ,l I;.g ill*g il lsaEllE! ilI F',l