HomeMy WebLinkAbout8303290583-8306290515*'/*t"J (? @nooNct€(? @ PI'EE7POUEP EASEMENT FOR I.JNDERGROUND ELECI?IC SYSTEM ("Grantor" horeln), gronts, convoys ond warrants lo PUGET-SoUND powER & LIcFrr coMpANy, s wsshlnSton cor-Porsllon ("Granlee" hereln), for lho purposes herolnaller set forlh a porpetual oasemgnl under. ocross and ovsr the fol-lowlng descrtbed real properry lthe ,;property" horoin) King ' ' d;t, w;"hi;;*, See D<hibit "Ax Attached Hereto B3/0i"2c *D583REI]B F E" OI]8flsH::L +*'x*E,.gt:l 22 Excepl aa may be olherwlse set forth hereln Granlee's rlghts shsll be exercloed upon that portion of theproporty (the,,Rlghi-of Woy" heroln) doscrlbed ar follows: A RlShFol.Woy 10 loot ln wldrh havlng 5 feet of euch wldth on eoctr slde of a conter_llne describod as follows: The centerrine of Grantee's facilities aE constructed or to beconstructed, relocated or extended upon the above aeJcriuecl pircers. 1.% E)(0tsE TM NoT tiEQLtil'iED King Co. Records Divisicn Dii,ty t' Purpore' Grantee shall have tho d8ht to comtruct, operate, malntoln, r€palr, reploce and enlargo an undcrground electrlclransmisElon ond/or dlstributlon 9Ys!er.n gpon and under the itit,t."r-w"'y i"'df,;;;h-"li;;r*rary or conventenr oD. HiiiH,I'i[:i"l;f:,:]tx"r#u$'il":*':"t[JlllTlt'i,:BJl[["lur,lli*i;rriii;till,,J5bn'#ilffi[iilL.f*Tslructlon of lh facllltior, Granree may from rrme ib iime -*G.'i-rr-it"u-Jiiii;;;ii;fitffit1t may roqulro. 2' Aocorc' Granlee shall have lhe .rlght of acceas to.iho Rlghl-of-woy ovor-and across the properly Io enable Grantee to exer-ciss lls rishtr hereunder, orovlded, tha-i Grantee chall ;16;;;i"'c;'anltl;rri",t-i.i-iii'ril-tf,l'iLprrty ".rr.a by the oxer-clse of eald rlght of acceis. "t,.Obrtructlonq L.ldrcaplng. Grantee may from llme to lime removoot-way and_ may le-vel oqd.gqed-o theRlght-of-Way to tho extsnt roEronr r, ousneE, or 0ther obstrucflons wlthln the Rlghl- Ie.pssar.y to corry out tho puryolo! aet fortf, ln t, Obrtrucllonr; Landrca-Way and may level ond 0. Abandonment. The bughes, or other obstructlons wlthln the qgr.aera-qlr r heieof, provtdid, tlirii;lt;ti;;-";v'r,i*,ioi[,-ci"nr* [!,tff"1,,%",1,i'"i5".Jllll!i:i::ff lHll""r#l*lJBLTl?,trIhtffi i ro rho oxient reas6nautipricriSiit", ;;;6;'ii; :plE lFE*slElfallon of Granree's undergroundIaclllties, Granlor may undertake any ordlnan im'nr'ovelolhor plonls uhall be placed rhereon whlch woujd be l6scepllll{6fiW(tghr-of-Way, provtded thar no 6e;a ;;oxpenslvo or lmpractical for Granlee to remove and . a. Granlor't Uro of Rlght.of.WEy, Grantor rsservss lho rlqht to W}}Nr,t:l*r'5##[H,,rffi rll+ili,t,3i,:+i:'*'*,[ ""0; "1ltiffi1?;rtilrffidrurnd recordtng thls eagemont, Gr.nieorSroor tolndemntfy and hold hermless Granrot from. anyffi:il#'i#ffiti#i;1i1,f";d.1ilii",ixn['ffi*',:H"ffili],:g**i,r."fi',Tfffr*."",'flfih::f*li}ilgl* 1i I I I I of flve [5) ruccesclvi sdfhall contlnus until such tlm€ as Grantee coares to uso tho Rlghtof_Way for a:1T_rllT g$T:"i shal rermlnare and sli;bhrs E;;,iij.ir-t .il,.r"rr ro c."n. 3:"1,utrY:-T|:Ylp::Pe-riahrs end obligarions of rhe perties shaI7' succ.t0olt 8n'l AlllgDt' lte-riShts.end obligations of lhe perties shall inure to the benofit of and be bindlng upon tholrrosPscrivs "**'il.,ul1l*rsna HL_EQ i6C iEidio ar neouEsr o,'D_lrO, rrLbe lvn r;;_*1:. PUGET POWEa REOUEST OE KJ-44 REAL ESTATE O]VISION93li:3 #ng.,,tg.$1,,,.,$3_N esooe tr&3, 1.79 T. J. THOMPSON DATED rhrs h t/ arv ot -- 44 at r( ( \i:..: ,nz3 GRANTOR m(Dt?oo)N(')o c?@ 1I'HE-{OHN A BURKHEIMER TES_TAII{ENTARY trRUST By: By: STATEOFWASHINGTON ) sscouNTYoF ) On lhls day personolly apponrad before me lo me known lo bo lhe individunl - described in and who executod the wlthln and foregolng lnslrumsnt, and acknowledgod that signed the samo 8s - free and volunlary act and deed for the uses ond purposes ihereln montloned. GIVENrrndormyhandando[flclalseallhls-dayof.1s-. Notary Public ln and for the Stato of Washlngton, residlng at STATEOFWASHTNGTON ) ssCoUNTYOF I On thls day personally appenred before ms lo mo known lo be lhs indivldual - descrlbed ln and who oxeculed lhe within and foregolq lnsirument and octarowledgod rhat signod the Eamo a8 - free and voluntary act and deed for tho uses end purposes lhereln menlloned. CIVENundermyhandandofflciolmalthls-dayol.1g-' Nolary Public ln and for the Stato of Waohlngton, rosldlng at STATEOFW EHTNGTON ) SSCOUNTYOF } On this doy personally appeorod before me lo mo known lo bo lhe lndivldual - dssctibed ln and who executed thE wlthln and forqolng lnstrumonL and actorowledged that slgned the eams 88 - free and voluntary acl and dsed for the uaea ond purpo€E lhereln mentloned, GIVENundermyh8ndandofflclaIsoalthls-dayof'1s-' Notary Publlc ln snd for tho State of Washlngton, roeidlng el STATE OF WASHINGTON )) ss. CoUNTY OF King ) Peoples Natco-Trustee -"-.9-'8'*"gEFiFY IPP" "napFnpr.Eq M'FTr$rAr: FANK rF iilnerrrN,:rnr , respectivellr of THE JOIIN*"iL. gURKHEIUnn d acknowledfed the !"ia i"5ti,":iffiil,:iJ-'f[lheirtherein mentioned. viiTNESS ny hanil above written.ancl official 6ea1 TESTAI{ENTARY TRUST the day and year in ${.s iertifibate 'z t.t\ -, \,,., NOEary Publ.rc j.n aWashington, residi ort -l l ar)@t1a CJN(?o(t, @ EXHIBIT "A" Beglnnlng at the lnters€_ctlon of Easterly lrne of Rarnrer Avenueand Southerly ltne of Atrport way; thenle-ioutherty afong'Ei;iirfvllne of Ralnler Avenue i5!.Io fe;i i.-u-point; rhence Easterrvpararrel ro Northerrv llne of robrn Aveniel i'oi"i."""-Ii"i+ilrefeet to a point 199.43 feet Souitr-ot i"uiii"fv Iine of AlrportlVay and parallol to tyesterly llne of f_uti iLuet; thence Northerlvarons sald rlne a dtstance 6r ree.ol teii io s"i,ti!iiv-ri;;;;'^,Alrport tlay; thence westerry along sard-couinerty rrnl,-u"arlianceof 30 feet to a potnti thente-sou[hwesteriy-utori iiia'soulhIiiv-ir^uof Alrport lvay a dlstance of 147.0g reet. i6 Dornt of beornnrno-ress any portton thereof, lf any, Iylng tVest'of East lfie oi'"'ordlnary hlgh nater of Black nfv6r is 6f y"i, satd rlver coasedto be navlgable.e8-.. fii- / 5 - 'i'- t'. .=; N. -I>fiE a-Ev/yt \ (;; t\Fnln tt11t' l)i' t{rn ZS ll ro iil'f,l &ili,i.'1''.ffiErls I ,1 '*''-dir.r.;'fi,,,' .:i . : ,tt rt., t4\ ,\,,. F') h T ) 4v I ?17 crozGA (3€3) :o E.9,LO o'o,< KNOWALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS: ev-2) s6 8q-7-7767 _ RlwRetelgnce a3,/liot 2/ ^) For and ln consldoratlon ol th6 undsrslgned, herolnaller rolerrod lo as Granto(s), hereby grants a porpelual oas€monl lo Pacltlc Norlhwest Bell Tolephone Company, a Washlngton Corporallon, lls succBssors and asslgns, h€relnafle, rsretrod to as Granles, wllh lho rlght, prlvllgg€ and suthotlty lo place, conslrucl, malntaln, lnspocl, r6con6lrucl, ,6palr. replac€. rsmove and keep obstaclgg cleat lrom Granlo€'s lacllltles conslstlng ol- 8: E-. properly sltuated ln KlJlR County. State ol lla8hfulgton and ls descdbod as lollo\/t,s: P : 5A strlp of lard f'fve (5) feet tn wtdth a1on8 a centerlLne establlahed by the n il;t1*"'":131"fr50""i33ffi;atlon llne acrses the folLowlna descrlbed propottv' e That porblon of tho Southwoet qrar{er of the l{ortheagt Qrartor of Sectlon E18, TownsNp 23 North, Range I E.W.U., in King Countyr l{ashi.ngton; deacrlbed flh aB follots: pH &.PE Begtunlng at the intoreectlon of tho EaeberJ.y llne of primary-State Hlghwey I P B No. 5 (Rainl.or Avenue) arrt the Southerly L1n6 of Alraoi.t Ud (formerry-Dtd.e " tSi Avonue aa convoyed to the State of l{aah5.ngton by deed recortled undon recording Sp P No. 3262529); thence Sortherly along Easterly line of Pr.i.mary State Hlghnay .E IE No. 51 155.1O feet to a polnt; thenco Eagterly paraLlol to the NorLherly Llne E '6 of Tobln.'Avenue, a disbanco ot 7l+7,t6 feeL to a potnt 199.8) tae+, South of, E Pthe Southorly llne of aald AirporU l{ay and para11eI to the Wegter1y }l.ne of .t'3,Lake Str66t; thence Northerly paralleJ. to the Westerly Li-rte of Leke Streotl qda dlstance ot L99,t3 f6et to the Southerty line of aaid. Airpor.t l{ay; thence o ;Westerly along tho Southerly Ilne of eald Atrport l{ay, a d!.etance of 30 feet E Eto e poLrt,; thenco Southweoterly alo4g,the Southerly line of saJ.d Airporb i*tJay, a diotance of 1l+?.08 foet to thdFastern llne of ordlnary high water ot *n-Black Btver, as of the yeirr saLd rlver coaEod to bo navlgable. Granlee shall al all tim€s have lho rlghl ol lull and free [BY6lElo and sgress lrom sald prope]ly doscrlbed above, wllh the E undorstandlng that Grantoa shall be respomible lor all damage c8used lo Gianlor adslno lroflr Granloe's exsrclge ol lho Ilghls V and prlvllsges hereln granled. tr Granior rssorves ths rlght lo u8e lho oasemenl lor any purposes as long as nol lnconslslenl wlth noI an lnlsrlorence wllh lhe rl9ht6 granted Granla€ h€reln. The rlghts, condllions arld provlsions ol thls oasoment shall inure to the benelit ol and be bindlrE upon lhe helrs, ex€culors, admlnlstratots, succg6sors and as8lgns ol ths tsspsctive partlss hersto. ln wltness whereol the undelsigned has execuled this lnstru ,un111ri" /?7= o"y rt = L__**-.-,J STATE OF wAsHr*OtO* I *, County of KlNc ) Mycmmbdonexplr4t'q' lt-An . EASEMENT for thc urs and purposcs $crcin mentjoned, and on oath sakl instrumcnt and that the s.al rffxed (if any) is the corporate rnd year lirst !bove written. My cmh€aon gxples:- g'ti I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I itI iI Ii I I .'.i3i'0"1-0;'."'1 l*Pdisffi " il';'11:i* on tt'ri JJrd Public in and foithe State of day of ff.\O*),rgS3,beforemc,rhrundersigncd,aNotaryduly commissidned and rworn, pcrsonally appcaredsdE,-T-.to mc known to be seol of said corporation. Witn*s my hand, 77t-7ES (8115, .5: rl vl_\st$.lc =lF da {1"-l execUtes this 1-,,1::;r''-'' ir iis uiihin ]] ! !. at Ga T E E. o .o! I,oo3€o: \,i rf ! ^E F. Sg F E ,$F*l- n :-i.J- E = :.jgG t, tv) rD -g E rE==-) cDH aritj , ..' l,: D t',, TIq,,.,I ,qc,z IooI z mm I "lll glH+F I FT€ Abandonment. The righto heret-n grarrted ahal\. contlnue untl} such tlmo aoGrantee, ceaaea to use the Rtght-of-l{ay for. +eriod of five (5) puccosclve months, l.rr whl,ch evfit thiE eaaement ehall tbrminate ard aU rl.ttrtehorer.rrder ahalL revert to Grantor. *8515 B5,00****5. OO 2? A3/06/29 EECg F cn9HsL