HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP27179431z5/FS HYDRAULIC REPORT FOR SHOHEN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Prepared By; TOUMA ENGINEERS 201 SW 41st Street Renton, Wa. 98055 r_FNFRAI The proposed Site consist of approximately 0.7 acres, situated east of Maple Avenue SW and 3oo feet north of SW 16th Street, in the City of Renton. The topography of the Site is fairly flat, 0.8% to 1.3% slopes, sloping east to west. Off -site drainage flowing through the Site is minimal, thus off -site areas are not calculated in determining the natural allowable flows from the Site. The Site cover is bareground except for small areas have grass cover and second growth vegetation. ANALYSIS The most remote point is located along the northeast corner of the site, approximately 220 feet long, and at an average slope of 1.0%. T = 10 + 220/.98(60) = 13.74 min. I = 1.34 in/hr C = .15 Light grass to bareground Qa = C.I.A = .15(1.34)(0.7) = 0.14 cfs This represents allowable flow from the Site in natural state, and will be used to size the outlet contol device. Qo = Qa/ A Cd = 0.14/ 0.70(.7) = .287 cfs/acre T = -25 + V1762/.287 R:�a��•; = 53.35 min.ro �-14 Vs = 2820(53.53)/ 78.35 - 40(.287)(53.35) <r(�•.'yt.f_:,;..`:AGi'�a+ = 1920.34 - 612.46 f- -` `'` • ` �o = 1307.88 cu ft per acre developed Vt - Vs A C(i ` 1307.88(0.70)(.70) ``c ;'• �"� 640.8 cu.ft. S f I y The storage facilities consist of open pond in the parking lot at a maximum depth of 0.5 feet over the proposed catach basin. Al = 50 x .5/2 = 12.5 sq.ft. A = 13 x .12/2 = 0.78 sq.ft. A = 12.5 + 0.78 / 2 = 6.64 sq.ft. V1 = 6.64 x 107 = 710 cu.ft. V2 = 1/3 x 12.5 x 25 = 104 cu.ft. V3 = 1/3 x .78 x 6.0 = 2 cu.ft. Vt = 814 cu.ft. Required 641 cu.ft. Sizing the orfice for the outlet structure; a = Qa/.62 � 2gh = .14 / .62V64.4(2.82) = .017 ft. d = �14(.017)/Tr = .146 ft = 1.75 inches TEMPORARY EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL Because of the small size of the Site, we recommend installation of filter fabric fences at the lower elevations of the Site to intercept silt -laden runoff resulting from the surcharging operation and grading of the Site. DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS The existing storm sewer system in Maple Avenue SW consist of an 8-inch concrete pipe, sloping northerly toward the State Hwy I-405 rights -of -way at a fairly flat grade of 0.26%. The system discharges into ditch directing flows easterly. The outlet pipe invert is approximately .6 to.8 feet below the ditch elevation. This condition keeps the water in the pipe until sufficient head is built up to force the water into the ditch. Cleaning the ditch from silt and debris would allow the water to flow freely from the pipe. It was noted that the existing storm system in Maple needs to be cleaned. Several curb inlets were found plugged with silt. — Z' ." BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Wednesday, May 6. 1981 9:00 a.m. Renton Municipal Building 4th Floor Conference Room Present: Richard C. Houghton, Chairman Richard Geissler, Fire Chief Ron Nelson, Building Director John Webley, Parks & Recreation Director Gary Norris, Traffic Engineer Roger Blaylock, Planning Department Mike Parness, Administrative Ass't. Jean Truman, Board Secretary Guests: Mike Bradford, Steak & Ale (Jolly Ox) Thomas Dahlby, 1402 Maple Ave. SW Dirk Winkie, Win -Key Enterprises Mike Smith, Belterra Development Co. MI NUTE.5 1. CALL TO ORDER - The May 6th meeting was called to order by Chairman Houghton at 9:00 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Moved by GEISSLER, 4eeon.ded by BLAVLOCK, ,the minutee o6 Ap.tkt 29, 981 e apptoved a6 amitten. MOTION CARRIED. 3. CORRESPONDENCE - None 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL - None 5. REFERRALS FROM DEPARTMENTS a. Auxiliary Parking Lot at S. 2nd St. & Lake Ave. S., HAS Properties - Mr. Houghton noted that Mr. Gordon was unable to be present at the meeting because of illness. Discussion was held regarding denials by the Board and it was noted the matter had been discussed at the City Council meeting. It was recommended that when a matter was denied by the Board that the letter from the Board which con- firmed the denial should also give the applicant his further course of action. Moved by NELSON, aeeonded by GEISSLER, .the Board tequut the pnopue wording 6.kom the City A,ttonney to 4inseht in tettena o6 deriiat o6 appti.eation .to •tett .the appZi.- ca►Lt what hiz next eounae o6 action coo d be and hiz nights .to appe.ai .the action o6 .thkc Board. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion was also held that decisions by the Board should be made when the applicant is present. The matter of the Auxiliary Parking Lot was deferred for one week so the applicant could be present. ' b. Deferral of Off -Site Improvements, S. Bruce Cass Office Building, 333 Rainier Ave. N. - This matter was deferred for one week until either Mr. Cass or Mr. Lucker could be present. c. Deferral of Street Paving, Thomas R. Dahlby, 1402 Maple Ave. S.W. - Reports from the Planning Department and Design Engineering note no objections to the requested deferral. Mr. Nelson asked if the street was tied in with the LID on SW 16th St. and if the applicant had contacted the Engineering Division about sewer facilities. It was noted that LID 314 would not cover that area. Mr. Dahlby said this was just an alteration to an existing residence of about 600 sq. ft. that+he wants to convert to an office and add a warehouse to the property. The BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS May 6, 1981 - Page Two site plan has been approved by the Hearing Examiner. Mr. Dahlby noted he did not object to putting in the sidewalks, curbs and gutters. It was noted that the utilities and sewer should be run to the site before the street was paved. Moved by NELSON, aeeonded by GEISSLER, the Board grant the de6eAAa,_1 Son a pe&i.od not to exceed two yewLz wZth Rea.tAi.cti.ve covenantz Shed p4iot to -c.aeuance ob .the bu.i1d.i.ng permit. MOTION CARRIED. d. Steak & Ale of Washington (Jolly Ox), Variance on Parking Lot on the East Side of West Valley HighwaX at the Intersection of Strander Boulevard - P anning apartment report noted that applicant had submitted a request to the Hearing Examiner to consider a temporary use permit; however, the Examiner determined that the request was improperly made since a parking lot is an allowed use in the MPm Manufacturing Park Zone. Therefore, the applicant has applied for a variance to the asphalt paving standard of the parking and loading ordinance. The request is supported by the Comprehensive Plan which shows that Strander Bouldvard should be connected through the subject property; therefore, anything installed should not be permanent. Plus the intended use is for employee park- ing only. The report recommended approval for a maximum of two years; that it be used for employee parking only; modification of access to south end of lot and landscaping of the frontage along the West Valley Highway. Engineering Design report noted the lot should be paved and striped. Mr. Houghton said they should get with the Traffic Division and arrange the entrance in such a way that left hand turns are impossible to make. Mr. Nelson noted that he agreed with the deferral, however, there are two other parking lots and two postponed that the Board has been very restrictive of an' the Board should be consistent. Mr. Blaylock remarked that thane was many differences with this deferral as Strander Boulevard was going to be cut through there and the cost Of paving would be prohibitive. Moved by NORRIS, aeeonded by HOUGHTON, .the paving be debeeAAed Son a maxumm ob two yewLz ptov.tded .that .they submitted a pfa.n. Sot the tandaeapcng and appropriate ehanne izati.on bon &i.ght -tu4ns .in and out Oil the aou,th; ptov.i.de a 6i4e accea.a and pave .the dti.veway San enough in to eiimina-te 9&avet being eauuu ed onto the Roadway. MOTION CARRIED. e. Request for Franchise Permit, relterra Development Co., Cedar Ridge Access Road - Planning Department report noted the access to the proposed Cedar Ridge P.U.D. has become very complicated as a result of who the Bonneville Power Administration can grant easements and dedicatio.is to. It appears that the only option is to grant the franchise to allow the project to continue. However, this means that the City Council will have to change their policy concerning franchises. The Board should be careful to make sure that the City transfers all liabilities and that the developer transfers all liabilities to the home owners association and this should be clearly stated in the franchise, hold harmless agreement and the homeowners articles of incorporation and by-laws. The report recommended approval to the City Council upon preparation of appropriate documents by the applicant and City Attorney. Mr. -Houghton noted that the City is asking the developer for a 22 ft. asphalt roadway, an 8 ft. shoulder and open ditches with a paved pathway along the side, and it will essentially be a private road. Chief Geissler said that it should be a public street and should be maintained by the city. Mr. Smith noted that the covenants will assure police and fire access. Moved by NELSON, .aeconded by WEBLEV, to concur in the bRa.nchize peg i t to BeitetAa that c4;i.Y.f' be d4awn up by .the City A,ttotney and aueh eoncuAAence be Recommended .to Tice_ City CouncU. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Norris noted that the concerns of the Fire Chief should be taken into co nsi eration. Chief Geissler was advised that he should contact the City Attorney with his concerns. 24 MR. EMERGENCY SERVICE 7 DAYS EK J. J. JACKSON Septic Tank Service SERVING KING COUNTY SINCE 1934 Ken R. Durham Larry E. Bryant 246-1731 255-7873 BUS. PHONE 255-6242 15671 S.E. 130 PL. RENTON, WA Q8055 1402 Maple tivenue S.W. Renton, Washington Larry E . Bryant 15671 S.E. 139th Place Renton, Washington April 2, 1981 Dear Mr. T. Dahlby, The J.J. Jackson Company, septic tank service, hereby agrees to pump the holding tank at the business site: 1402 Maple avenue South blest, Renton for the H. Dahlby Company. This will be on Mr. Dahlby's request, probbbly every other month. This will also be for an Indefinite period, terminating when the services are no longer needed. Sincerely, J.J.Jackson Company La rr7 . Bryant 3S 3213 Mountain View North Renton, Washington 98055 May 12, 1981 The City of Renton Building Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 RE: Property Located at 1402 Maple Avenue Southwest, Renton, Washinqton Gentlemen: We, Thomas R. Dahlby and Kathleen I. Dahlby, owners of the above described property, hereby agree: 1, not to oppose the formation of an LID for sewers, 2. not to oppose signing a petition supporting the formation of an LID for sewers, 3. to connect to a sanitary sewer when it becomes available. Sinc,Trgy 3 Kathleen I. Dahlby #04 7 <. RECC, F 5.00 r:gSH;L 4:5. nr, 22 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS %0 + O 3D — —' - -- Oare the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, CD County of King, State of Washington, described as Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said described property desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the above described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owner(s) hereby establish, grant and impose restrictions and covenants running with the land hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs, and assigns as follows: INSTALLATION OF OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS The owner(s) of the above described property, their suc- cessors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any future Local Improvement District (LID) or city initia- ted proposal, and pay their fair share therefore, for the purposes of providing the necessary off -site improvements required by the Penton Subdivision Ordinance. Said improve- ments shall include but may not be limited to the installa- tion of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, undergroundi ng of uti 1 i ties, and street lighting. These covenants are imposed in lieu of Section 9-1105(6) of Title IX of Ordinance #1628 of the City of Renton. ' �I RECORD AT REQUEST '91 PITY LURK BLOG. 0_"_ ><' RFiOPmr) 1 NI" nA � y�r 19 I I zi AR 9P I Sr .JNcr RF x E_LFr TIONS n INS, t, "IJfv