HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP271892-�)l(Il2- P-V King County Building & Land Development Division Parks, Planning and Resources Department 3600 - 136th Place Southeast Bellevue, %vashington 98006-1400 September 15, 1992 John Schdopole Conner Development 846 108th Street Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: Maintenance and Defect Release Notification PROJECT TITLE: Winsper #2, BALD File No. S108723 Site Location: Talbot Road South & South 171st Street Dear Mr. Schdopole: a OC T 2 2 1992 00 SURFACE '� Aclu� ���E�,t NTE SCE 1Si0N The King County Building and Land Development Division has inspected the streets, storm drainage and retention/detention facilities for this project and has found conditions to be satisfactory for the release of the following: A Maintenance Bond No. 6178611 in the amount of $49,000, Bond Activity No. A91B0044 A Defect Bond No. 6178611-A in the amount of $1,000, Bond Activity No. A91 B0045 By copy of this letter, King County hereby authorizes the of the above bonds. These original documents will be forwarded to your surety company. Since all conditions or requirements for the above project have been completed, we will close the project file and all related activities. Should you have any further questions on this matter, please contact Anita Berosek at 296-7221. S 17ely, `-7ames H. Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Subdivision Product Section JHS:AB:tt C29B\S 108723. js cc: Fidelity and Deposit Paul Tanaka, Director, Department of Public Works ATTN: Louis Haff, County Road Engineer Jerry Brais, Supervising Engineer Rod Matsuno, Supervising Engineer Jerry Creek, Manager, Surface Water Management, Facility Maintenance Kathy Graves, Supervisor, Administrative Services Unit ATTN: Anita Berosek, Engineering Assistant Bond File King County Building and Land Development Division Development Inspection Unit •3600 - 136TH Place Southeast Bellevue, WA 98006-1400 F I NAL.. MA I NTENANC E/ D E F E C T A P P R O V A L .....,_,.,,..... --m---.,-..,,,...,,_,._....,.,,...,.._..,..,_,...,,....--- Road, Drainage and Erosion Control Facilities BOND TYPE: [ Maintenance Defect PROJECT: _ �.�,. w�---� -' e----------------------- FILE NO. ; ` Address: t '` ✓ _ ; �. ;' { :��/ _� —_�__ On ,� ��<' 5,< _ , a Final Maintenance and/or Defect Inspection was performed by the-unde•signed. All punch list deficiencies have been corrected. (Reference punch list dated _�,�1r�; and modifications dated -- BOND RELEASE INFORMATION: A copy of this form will be sent to the appropriate agency listed below. For bond release information, please contact the appropriate agency. Residential: Subdivision Product Section, 296-6640 Commercial: Commercial Product Section, 296-6600 TOTAL. INSPECTION FEES DUE $ (see attached for breakdown or c6r-kiis) KING COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES: 'Insoec�or— bate DEVELOPER REPRESENTATIVES .6ate, Scale- Zip - White -DLL' File Canary-Subdivision/Commercial Pink -Maintenance Goldenrod -Developer DI613f: April 1988 t King County Building & Land Development Division Parks, Planning and Resources Department 3600 - 136th Place Southeast Bellevue, Washington 98006-1400 January 26, 1991 Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland P. O. Boc C-34201 Seattle, WA 98124 RE: WINSPER, DIVISION TWO File No.1087-23 Plan and Profile No. P-1205 Site Location: S32 COURT & 100TH AVE S We certify that the conditions and requirements have been met for the release of the plat performance bond #6178611 in the amount of 126,000. This subdivision is located in Section 29 &30, Township 23 North, Range 4 & 5 East, W.M.; and was recorded on October 3, 1989 in Volume 148 of Plats, page(s) 54-56 King County, Washington. King County accepted responsibility for the continuous normal maintenance of the public streets and street storm drainage, and the retention/detention facilities within the subject subdivision on January 14, 1991. Should you have further questions on this matter, please contact Anita Berosek at 296-7221. Sincerely, James H. Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Subdivision Product Section JHS : ab (plat. 3 ) cc: David Hancock, Inspector, Development Inspection Unit Paul Tanaka, Director, Department of Public Works ATTN: Dale Poussier, Supervising Engineer, Roads Swang Rims, Supervising Engineer, Roads Jerry Creek, Manager, SWM-FM Bond file Conner Development Company n(* King County Building & Land Development Division Parks, Planning and Resources Department 3600 • 136th Place Southeast Bellevue, Washington 98006.1400 December 13, 1991 John Skochdopole Conner Development 846 - 108th NE, #202 Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: Winsper #2 File No: 1087-23 Plan and Profile No. P-1205 Site Location: Z 9 19odc� ll DEC 19 1991 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DMS04 R/D FACILITIES MAINTENAW- We certify that the conditions and requirements have been met for acceptance of the public street and drainage construction for the subdivision referenced above. Maintenance and defect bonds covering any defects or failure of the public streets and street storm drainage have been furnished. King County accepted responsibility for the continuous normal maintenance of the public streets and street storm drainage and the retention/detention facilities within the subject subdivision on November 19. 1991. Should you have further questions on this matter, please contact Anita Berosek at 296-7221. Si er -James Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Subdivision Product Section JHS:ab(plat.4) cc: John O'Brien, Inspector, Development Inspection Unit Paul Tanaka, Director, Department of Public Works ATTN: Dale Poussier, Supervising Engineer, Roads Swang Rims, Supervising Engineer, Roads Jerry Creek, Manager, SWM-FM Bond file t -- f King County Division of Roads and Engineering Department of Public Works Z 956 King County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 March 1, 1991 TO: Greg r, K pp Manager, Building and Land Development Division FM: Lou' P. E., County Road Engineer RE: Plat of Winsper, Division Two BALD File 1807-23/DPW File 227-28 Plans and Profile File P-1205/STR: SW 29-23-5 The above -referenced plat was accepted by the Building and Land Development Division for maintenance on January 14, 1991, and the Roads and Engineering Division received notification by copy of a letter dated January 26, 1991. My staff reviewed this subdivision and found that it is not presently connected to a County maintained road and will not be until acceptance of the Plat of Winsper, Division One. This is notification that the Roads and Engineering Division cannot accept responsibility for maintenance of the Plat of Winsper, Division Two, at this time. Division policy requires that roads accepted for maintenance must be directly connected to a County roadway accepted for maintenance. At the time the Plat of Winsper, Division One is accepted for maintenance, the Division will accept responsibility for the maintenance of the Plat of Winsper, Division Two. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact Maintenance Engineer Douglas Mattoon of my staff at 296-8100. LJH:ps cc: Douglas Mattoon, Maintenance Engineer ATTN: Robert Gaunt, Maintenance Superintendent Tony Ledbetter, Maintenance Supervisor, Division Four Bill O'Connor, Field Engineer Bill Hintz, Office Engineer VhA "=-I- a gemen rl ;zk r, f- `a i . ter, a nc 9 s i on wrss 4a-.: 44. 4 C, 7.*.-,s,4 aclll- 4 pe; Pond 4INSFER DIV # 2 m .MA `LEF'7;-GV'!` f R GF L ,2L3 0, T 91 Ti ENK C R T �-4 L bl I N E T A N0 F0 L-,'W I 3 -i - i-iEIC" i EF.I.-C.VF-r F lE m! on 4/15M tv Rick meininger Radio 0: 1 :-pe7,4;1-1 Equiptent '!I I"q 77 IPREARS 77' H "K: E. I RE' :-: TNE I OVINS CFEAT !;E t4 I Ti H I GHLY NECAT VE -'-" 'F 2C-NY -,>ARAC. E; TS-1 Z L U i 1. Notes: t Fen :n- Vaced Exc v ate 401� Ea,Far— !PeMCVE Ircit :-,ntrTl structure �B 33. !W) 1= inilcws: JNFIN NE '4 z E M E -HE ArIZE: '�E 330! :13K 7- .4 �SPOT 30JTH Or� THE AM3S ROAD., .'re4b6--)) Iflt-?rl.;r7- F�? fl LO Surface Water Management (SWM) Facilities, Maintenance Rbtiidf3ntial R/D Worl( AUth(.)riaat .-. y44 i Maintenance Division: 4 Thomas Bros ?lap: 65 6C6 MA # W50289 Facility #: Type: Pond NINSPER DIV #2 Street i4ddres;: SE 16aTH Di rer t ion _.: F:R('-1M EA I R:WOOD (SE R•r TR(){)I 1-SP-:.Y RD & 1 4()TH A',1 -Ia*E i jai] WEST TO TALBo-r R'D S, THENCE RIORTH TO SE". .169TFi PL., THEN(.-E EAST TO 101ST ;=l_.. SE TI--IENCE I-EF= T AND f- nd.i-'W AS I T vF. f-,,E'S TO I_EF i EiEf''+11f_-S SI.' L; S ► l i C'.OLJR;T . Checked on 9/15/93 by Rick Meininger Special Equipment: Radio #: 511 . Charge'to Pro;act #: v 8 7 4 7 5 Fisheries: N S;iM 'Jete_!Caaments: THE DEBRIS :li CH ", APPEARS T+7 3E A'LARGE EXPIRED FELINE LOOKING CREATURE ld1?H iISHLr 3E51;TIVE ;fLAF;C.Twjty~Gl� + TERISTICS, (PHHEWI) L4j ? as ?a2 T}'pe drats ?equested F "k /r 14406-ys0r, Actual Material +aterial Cj&pleted Units Init Placed Excavated nC2 a.Fac. ? +re;xave eras" 7ebris frca rontrol structlra C8 _-. ref20 1 ) 9 oEa.Fac. _ i" Fa_ _ :sc ,r instaIi bollaro+s) as folluWs. UtiSTiC„ 4 I 1 1 IE -.irt �! �-q� n .7uC ���c +.� �- ,Itnq�` ter,.._, LARD, i _ 1. _ _ .. (ref 9. i 0) I i424 Es.Fa:, i_ +rerfora the f_aau#ina ;n:ntanance/repair work: RELOCATE {THE 30 Orr., l SiON =nO" THE MINI!-" OF THE ACCESS ROAD TO A ,iF THE ACCESS ROAD.. (ref664) , I � i I 44 h D.f I ..._.__ r�C._�... Date : %�—L��' FriS' � QMPLETED I I � .ram_ Kin County BulFdlna 4 Land Development Dlvlslon Parks, Plamoina and ttesourvea Depanmern 360a • 136th Plate Southeast Bellevue. Waahlnamn SSW$-1400 0 December 13, 1991 John Skochdopole Conner Development 846 - 108th ME, 0202 Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: Winsper 02 File Not 1087-2 Plan and Profile No. P-1205 Site Locations We certify that the conditions and rR4uirements have son met for acceptance of the public street and drainage construction for th subdivision referenced above. Maintenance and defect bonds covering any defects or failure of the public etreete and street storm drainage have been furnished King County accepted responsibility for the continuou normal maintenance of the public streets and street storm drainage and the etention/detention facilities within the subject subdivision on November 119. 1991. Should you have further questions on this matter, plsajse'contact Anita k Berosoat 296-7221. Si or r as Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Subdivision Product Section JHStab(plat.4) ccs John O'Brien, Inspector, Development Inspection tnit Paul Tanaka, Director, Department of Public Rork rjt Dale Poussior, Supervising Inginser, Roads Shang Rime, Supervising Engineer, Ro de Jerry Creek, Manager, SWM-FM Bond file COCA b00 NOISIA10 Gns a-ivo '00 SNI> CI99 96E 90E 95:60 1I-ZO-z661 King County Building & Lend Development Division Parks, Planning and Res(Airces Department 3600. 136th Place Southeast Bellevue, Washington 98006.1400 June 7, 1991 Mr. John Skochdopole Conner Development 846 108th NE, Suite 202 Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: Maintenance Acceptance BALD File No. 1807-23 Dear Mr. Skochdopole: F L.t$ J U1V 1 1. 1991 ... .�I � Vic,.. �� ., L•� �1 T)917)2. On January 26, 1991 you were notified that King County accepted the continued normal maintenance of road and drainage facilities for the plat of Winsper, Division II. It has come to my attention that this development does not currently access county -maintained roadways, specifically Division I. It is the policy of King County Department of Public Works that roadways cannot be maintained if access is not via county -maintained public roads. Therefore, we are required to retract the acceptance of facilities on this development. Although you have completed all other require- ments, you will be responsible for the maintenance of road and drainage facilities until such time that Division I is accepted for maintenance and your project passed a reinspection. We hope this clarifies any confusion created by our earlier notification. If you have any questions on this, please call Anita Berosek at 296-6640. Sincerely, James H. Sanders, P.E. Development Engineer Subdivision Section JIIS:dw C1I/1807-23.WD2 cc: Gary G. Kohler, Interim Manager, Subdivision Products Section ATTN: Steven C. Townsend, P.E., Supervising Engineer, DIU Anita Berosek, Office Technician, Platting Unit Lou Haff, County Road Engineer ATTN: Doug Matoon, Maintenance Engineer Bill Heitz, Office Engineer Jerry Creek, Manager, Sl%'N-P^i )01 FAwLI I IL.> IIAIN-1 . ' - g rton Ja obsen Krank 41 Keiffer l .Bentzen unejo azaro agan kr io 1 e-r FL, � LEGEND 8 SET MONUMENT IN CASE (R) RADIAL BEARING (NR) NON -RADIAL BEARING WINSPER E A PORTION OF THE NW 114 OF THE SW 1/ KING COUN SEE NOTES ON SHEET 2 OF 3 — — — BUILDING SETBACK LINE PRIVATE S.D.E. PRIVATE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT '2.2 q pS ERE wP� `•.:` .' THE SW 1/4 OF SECT NORTH LINE OF H ION 29 S89°16,31W (PLA- T N 89'19'43" E - S 89'19'43" 30129 - 118. 0 0 ' 120.95' 50.00' 50.00' 45.00' N 06029'55"W 10' PUBLIC S DRAINAGE EASE (5' ON EACH SI CL WITH 5 B.S.8 L. ON SIDE OF EASEMEN CURVE DATA CURVE ARC DELTA RADIUS CI 88.85 92'33'37" 55.00 C2 16.29 16'39'47' 50.00 C3 39.27 90*00,00, 25.00 C4 26.99 61'50'55" 25.00 C5 23.B6 19'31'3B' 70.00 C6 24.83 20'19'35' 70.00 C7 30.00 24'33'19' 70.00 CB 25.80 29'33'50" 50.00 C9 Z2.62 25 0 54 57 50.00 C10 34.24 78'27'47' 25.00 C11 40.39 92'33'37' 25.00 C12 4.59 05 15 06 N 3 � s s 12.5'�I I -- -- ----- ---- •.. cJ� 10' PRIVATE S.D.E. I z 27 26 25 n Z Z TRACT I � �- i o ZZ TORM I ✓4 AN'. APEN SPACE I � 1D o ro o ` MENT ` r K / N57042'03 W o A NA N CDAo w Ao )E OF F\1 y i1 00 1 �\ �� cy _ ca EACH T) I1>0 5I4'I E ��\- B.S.B.L. ?069�31 y "FB i.\ �6 _ C,2 34.00' 45.00' 1�-o', Sv0. �,0 L 18006'37 L = 15.83, CD N 12-21.99"1 W rn CD -n- 31.99' °, oZ (R)"\ CD- Tgo N 89045 C5 \- _ , co I N 32'25'51" W�� ; it �33; TR4c 'Q,, 2 26' T " S.E. I S a9' 1: 164 -tiu 2 �'I �v^+ QD w� �S V SO' �w i -� �' 15' I S. S. B . L--'�1� cr c�7� �.� E� E03 0li 5 X � ip Z 1 w 0m 1 N w Ln O N I _Z O tfl(7 N' O O r' O -1 N Z Z J O m N Zm O ^ N 26 A m cu O _ J JU) n C25 o. n o T Q Z Q- ` O �VN C. 3 W ;3 ~ c c 30 N .r ON -CD 3. 5' - fn N - -45.0( 0 0 Q1 O I N 89' 1 cn2 29 ZN! r- al • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: January 3, 1991 TO: Gregg Zimmerman FROM: Kim Scattarella SUBJECT: WINSPER STORM DRAINAGE CONCERNS The proposed annexation of Winsper will present some significant concerns for storm water that were not addressed during construction. The storm report of January 9, 1990, documented these problems. More specifically, the building permits were obtained in 1988, when the old detention requirements were still in effect. A 10 year storage/10 year release using the Yrjanainen & Warren Method was the requirement. A detention facility was constructed. However it was shown that there was not enough storage capacity during the storm of January 9lh of last year. The result was significant flooding of driveways, two homes and the section of S. 31st. adjacent to the two homes that were flooded (see attached map for location). A portable pump was used to evacuate water in this area by City Maintenance Crews until the flooding had subsided. Additional causes of flooding can be attributed to upstream blockage of some storm lines by roots and overflowing of the ditch that intercepts drainage from State route 515, at the upstream portion of the site. The ditch overflow wits significantly responsible for the downstream flooding, which caused water to pond in the lowest area, and eventually flood on S. 31st. Downstream capacity problems were also found to exist near S. 30th Place. The attached map shows the major contributing drainage area. This would be a case of the City inheriting a poorly designed plat in regard to drainage, from the County. The previously mentioned flooding problems could occur again in the near future. My reconunenda ion is that the County be advised of these problems, and a course of action to remediate future damage be explored and hopefully negotiated and worked out with the County before annexation by the City. Attachment cc: Randall Parsons ?189 lz jl� -rL# 484e"J tp :3 27*rH 7�- 1.4 r r 10 LL--:j Po /Or 146-4 fo I c 2 0�, L - oil r7l 0 I 61 P44t ro F P Te 704 A? 3/ 10 4F C4 Lye C� /•Y I A 3IL8 / 4f 0 jp SP /a / v Jo 13 `- , . . - I' #0 7 rs 1 '9 CO) v I JJS7. f jr 17 ',N, j, Id CIO 14-V -1 164 COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (206) 228-5628 JOB NO. DATE -"n SHEET X--_ OF JOB NAME COMP. BY CHK. BY CONTENTS V,*u^A-L_ �Q/Kih�.Wtal 2.5tit7E.�(,QpG( - A ,.P�v�. G�' r e r•!�w'`^�o - �D � r,�c � tC�"81icti _ _�:cfti.�u t•�o - �j "I �-. A4 _ _ 1 �" �i. 4".v C.t.l;2 caAr' X �. -�-_ ,a r��� ` moo- i�' �•� .,,}.�� -¢?.� t1-� Y i ��A.� �w . ?-�� .t,o U - U ro � 00i - 2�,vu�.ttiQ -?�)C( �.c.0 r r; N� la.� _W��' .w42 �-E- S. C . S, I,�,�'w�,-�a�►�,c�r.�ot�c� _ ��.�. Q Qt.24_ .. - -- `t1'w - (.�•tQu _ .ca _ �. � �f �. �� !fit �� d - �,-�' (.f�� - U J, o�1 ld tk4 CL�-O( 1, Af'ea. = 4• (oLp AG , CQ =10. - - w9't.,ine�l _�.oAuwwe - a`^- a s _o•? _ z 4�,t,�L 10 Late, cot-1 79 w2- nee 91,✓J '{�C-°-�+•��1, VVa,, W _GLkaA..u.; A.0 'L0 Awe .__ D, 4- Ae,(!-,0 "(-o - - -=r G.u� - �-- - A�� +-rL•3(oA�,- Cl�w_u.���.Ye,� - Flo- - - t?cvua�a .co r, 1Z1� Grp F, ru.Q,u-�-t' (,occc�kn 44 COMPUTATION SHEET ESM ina JOB NO. 25'��'•ar'I DATE S 83 SHEET OF JOB NAME LING �2I �l l� A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY `�'� ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 ``�/ � ; n (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS ,�ilv `P'�J V fQa/V�, �IXt��j , - - -- _sue-.�-.-.__.---------------------____ --- --__-_ riii'' 1-40 _ - --'^Y' `e�'/� ��•L'C��1(^t rw�� _ -�fG�� , t1� __ � ;l�v, � c.� rt� ��w�.Q S _ �*-_r. `� _a?>_t - .z2o -- -Z - Pry COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 'L'2 OX"efl DATE SHEET'_ OF ESM inG. I JOB NAME (115SM QU (SO) A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROIECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHI. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 ]ffi-96CONTENTS PR(,,, - DESIGNER �-� • DATE HYDROLOGIC AND CHANNE INFORMATION SKETCH J STATION; L T J,} OI = 3�. AHW - 02Lc,� hr — �_ - —' TWI = � EL. ��o S f�Q1rj 5 EL.6 T _ TW2=� ALLOWABLE OUTLET VELOCITY ■ HEADWATER COMPUTATION z CULVERT TYPE 0 SIZE i OUTLET VELOCITY COST COMMENTS INLET CONT. OUTLET CONTROL HW D HW Ke dc d t0 C2 ho H L90 HW SUMMARY a RECOMMENDATIONS; u�= 0-+ho—�5o H U� + � o -7 r2000 1000 eoo 600 120 500 108 400 96 300 84 72 200 66 60 to U_ v 54 -- 100 N — so w 48 d� 0 Z 42 w 60 ? c� C 50 0 36 v� cn 40 33 0-35 ca H — — 30 w � 30 - / 2 Q 27 20 24 21 10 18 8 15 6 5 4 i �2 � 3 2 CHART 9 �H .4 ---— Hw _� _ w ho .5 J tP Slope So--' 6 SUBMERGED OUTLET CULVERT FLOWING FULL SW • H• ho—LSo For outlet crorn not submerged, CMputs HW by .8 methods described in the design procedure 1.0 *P A 7 O a 5 ti 09 w 2 - h0 ICJ Z O = 3 o w a Zoo 5 6 i EXAMPLE H:T.S 3�a _ 400 to QOO i 500 500 —1 BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS .;AN. 1963 `L 20 HEAD FOR STANDARD C. M. PIPE CULVERTS FLOWING FULL n=0.024 5-27 i AAtn "cc, nccrVTVTT0N HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP A R C D Cultivated Landl�. Without conservation treatment 72 81 88 91 With conservation treatment 62 71 78 81 Pasture or Range Land: Poor condition 68 79 86 89 Good condition 39 61 74 80 Meadow: Good condition 30 58 71 78 Wood or Forest land: Thin stand, poor cover, no mulch 45 66 77 83 — Good cover' s 25 55 70 77 Community Parks, Golf Courses, etc. 39 61 74 80 Residential:3'4,5) Low density, single family 70 78 86 90 < 1 unit/acre, < 20X impervious Medium density, single family 75 80 88 92 1-3 units/acre, 20-30Z impervious High density, single family 82 85 91 94 > 3 units/acre, 30-40Z impervious .Low density, multi -family 82 85 91 94 < 6 units/acre, 40Z impervious High density, multi -family 85 87 92 95 > 6 units/acre, >40% impervious Commercial 89 92 94 95 Industrial 81 88 91 93 Paved Parking Lots, Roofs, Driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Streets and Roads Paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Dirt 72 82 1 87 89 1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer to National Engineering Handbook, section 4, Hydroingy, Chapter 9. August. 1972. 2) Good cover is protected from grazing and litter and brush cover soil. ]) Curve numbers are computed assuming the runoff from the house and drivevav is directed row rds the street With a minimum of roof water directed to lawns where additional infiltration could occur. 4) The rematning pervious area (lawn) are considered to be in good pasture condition for these curve numbers. 5) Ctt's fur 1w, mediir, and high density residential land uses have been calibrated for the Lake aallinger WaEcran.d. table b-2 P—E! OMMEN DED CJZVE N U M BEZ5, 28 \ 3_ 1_O0 FROM BEARING/ANGLE DISTANCE TO NORTH EAST 182 167496.2816 1659390.5065 CURVE INVERSE PC CHORD BRG LENGTH PT NORTH EAST 182 SE 16 13'35" 178.83 184 167324.5756 1659440.4773 DEL TA ARC RP NCRTH EAST 18 53'16" 179.64 133 167260.2176 1658899.3475 RADIAL PC*RP RADIUS RADIAL RP*PT DEG OF CURVE SW 64 19'47" 544.94 NE 83 13'03" 10 30'51" TANGENT PC*PI TAN LENGTH TANGENT PI*PT EXTERNAL SE 25 40'13" 90.u4 SE 6 46'57" 7.4872 FROM BEARING/ANGLE DISTANCE TO NCRrH EAST AREA/LOT SUMMARY FROM BEARING/ANGLE DISTANCE TO NORTH EAST . SET #-1 173 167334.3486 1661121.2693 173 3W 88 42'44" 803.26 168 167316.2962 1,60318.2110 166 SW 1 55'52" 100.03 180 167216.3235 1660314.8404 180 NW 89 27'34" 431.63 186 167220.3948 1659883.2256 186 NE 1 55'52^ 100.03 187 167320.3675 1659880.5962 187 NW 89 27'34" 446.14 184 167324.5756 1659440.4773 PC CHORD BRG LENGTH PT NORTH EAST 184 NW 16 13'35" 178.33 182 167496.281& 1659390.506Z DELTA ARC RP NORTH EAST - 18 53'16" 179,64 183 167260.2176 1652899'3475 RADIAL PC*RP RADIUS RADIAL RP*PT DE3 OF CURVE SW 83 13'03" 544.94 NE 64 19'47" 10 30'51" TANGENT PC*PI TAN LENGTH TANGENT PI*PT EXTERNAL NW 6 46'57" 90.64 NW 25 40'13" 7.4872 182 NW 25 40'23" 178.53 181 167657'1855 1639313.1619 181 SE 89 31'57" 266.05 179 167655.0144 1639579.2048 179 NE 1 55'52" 231.79 175 167886.6772 1659587'0153 175 SE 89 36'19" 750.27 174 167881.5086 1bo0337.2672 174 NE 1 55'52" 100.04 127 167981.4879 1660340.6381 127 NE 89 19'43" 657-79 170 167989.1962 1660998.3876 170 sW 1 53'20" 329.23 171 167660.1473 IW0967.5354 171 NE 89 01'13" 144.82 172 167662.6237 1661132.3371 172 SW 1 55'52" 328.46 173 167334.3486 1ob1121.W93 PERIMETEP SO FT ACRES 5047.72 '.0110699128[+t 23.210971 _ Page � ELEV ELEV ELEV MID OW 7.3857 ELEY ELEV ELEV ELEV MID ORD 7.7B57 JOB NO. 2�0 J` DATE _ SHEET r OF �p'O COMPUTATION SHEET om ESM ina A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROIECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 (206) 228-5628 JOB NAME I Agr COMP. BY 1 ' �! ` CHK. BY CONTENTS 1751-i ZA, r 2L5 . {,r _jOR _` �ce c ��c4e --a, Icof;�_ CUA� ci LL �G,b un, • LJ U��z AU ex.6";� . (�j �VJ�i if vN� p r..cu�eu�c� � w-n,� � �d �° � -G�- ,•�,�? _ �-�'cR.U� D � --...�,�r(,P.Q _: IoG_ oL�o�--c�.b�d . �J�. ��c.t.� U�.�c�_ . dUA�rc�Ci,o •.�f(�►L . . ..2..U1..�t1 �� `!�ItQ.�,c,_,_ Ge�.r� - `�� c��•,�' _t'.�t�u_ 3.Z. , -- -- --- - - - �5 So�ACyo*4^ L , 4,poeat = t.3I&Ar� . -�" , �� ero�-� A&� r,-j -Coll - - 0• t4 l� CS .�� �.c� _ . vj _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ " _ . _ _ - _ _ U� � �� G•r�o<.vvuJ? 'L(,1�Q '`'.'t'Z i7w�'�-•-cam :u�� c� Wi�5 } 4rea = 0.l0 6,0 _ v _ ter, vb�aarw� 7 __Gt�.tGv .i o it-0 6i- COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. �27 057— � DATE 5 S SHEET �� OF �o ESM inc- JOB NAME �A�Q o (ew1 I A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY !i CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 T �' (206) 226-5628 CONTENTS -- - __ S_�L 1 140 i2- 2.2 # * yE it -1F iF 9F yf• •i(• i• �i• .x •3i- • i• •?F �t..ii. •;:.�k -!t• 3i� yi• �s�� •it• •yi• •rr tiF yr �iF •s`� •i`�• •?F # #i• f� •�i• •!i• # # �?t• �f•'�t- is t• •jf• •+F •k t �i• r •#• •i�i• ;7• �E• •�i• •k• •#• # # x si� �!• •�f• 3F �3E• ii• # tii• �¢• �• M• �if• i• �F• ��• � ii ,�- n� r -- 1--tio Page 1 # # # # # .�. • �• ?# # k •!i• ;i• •�F # # •3e• .�. -#�• .� ai• # :i• .�. =�• -ii• # •�F �• •:E � # ,�'• �• � k• .x # # # •lt �i• �i• +:E •� •)f• � � -1F •�F #- •se # �F •lr •3i• i- # # •,Yi• -ii• •sr •Yr iF x• � # �F• # �F # -3E'# i•,Y• •�• -k ?r •;: #..r..� H'YDROGRAPH DATA H'Y DROGRAPH FILE, UNUSED FILE RECORDS: HYDROGRA H NLiP' BER :: 11 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB # 1 , 1 0YR: MAX FLOW: ? cf s VOLUME: 7376.09 _f t3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H Y EROGRAPH NUMBER: 12 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUS ##Z , 10YR MAXFLOW: ..:22 c Fs VOLUME: 4035.42 ft.= i•-I`r OROGhiAPH NUMBER & 13 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB 47, 1 OYR MAX FLOW; .04 cfs VOLUME: 962.67 f 7 HYiROGRAPH NUMBER: : 14 DESCRIPTOR: # 10+# 1 ^+•tk 13 , FUTURE 10 Yip: COOP `i WETLAND MAX FLOW: .bE cfs VOLUME: 1045.6E ft•= HYDR GRAPH NUMBER: 15 DESCRIPTOR: #14 ROUTED THRU WETLANDS-10YR RELEASE MAX FLOW: cfs VOLUME: 11195. 15 ft." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO DATA; IN FILE RECORD 16 NO DATA IN FILE RECORD 17 NO DATA IN FILE RECORD IS NO ;DATA IN FILE RECORD 19 , iy `'-17&10 1-� icy Faye _ *-��•jt•��*•�*•�••gat••����•��?�•����•�-�i•�••�t••�•�•�e•a�#������*mat••�-��*x--x•*�•*�•�•yi•�i•**��•��-a��-�*�-��•��-�•����-����-�:� MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .ICI c'fs -064 104le 5y8A�t 9-EC-criSt- MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .10 cfs MA " WATER ELEV : 17. 9.7, f t — oEv ti ovR Sub-01 w.5 MAX STORAGE VOL: 1976.61 ft3 RETAINED 'JOLUME: U. 0't_1 f t.7 sh4-17I )to(o •if• •� •:i•'?t•'�- if• •�t•'i�F •�f• iR• '.t• i!''.+!• �c �'ii -i•'iV• •�•'ic•'1F •3(• #'i4• -.`f' 3(' # •fit• # -if• iF •fF .r•'it :�•'fF �'• # # •1t •ic # �F # iE �f• •#' �f• # •st # # #'it"ie # :i• •)f' �E' # �l"�F F # •3E # # yr # # �F• # •!E # # # # # # ^.f Z- 1-00 Page 1 jc#####dfr##�##•�? ���':f�i'?e"si•#,?yi•iF1�#it#'k�:•�r�E•'if•.�.��i ��frt##'f••��F#-it##•t##'#�•jF•#;E#�•�i•#4�F-3f•#•ii•'###########•3F#### POND NUMBER: 2 POND DESCRIPTOR: RESTR I CTOR OF FUTURE SITE SUE 41 ------ --- ------ FOND STORAGE --------------- FOND SHE PE 4 IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 7Z76. 09 f t:: e1Gv/s•tor-age as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 219.99 ft FOND ;BOTTOM ELEV : 216.00 ft --------------- FOND DISCHARGE--------------- T'YPE HEIGHT DIMEN i COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 1 215.36 ft 1.58 in . 620; 1 218.75 it 12.00 in .62i) INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 216.00 ft EVAPO- RANSP I RAT I ON LOSSES: 0.00 c r s ELEVATION DISCHARGE (it) (cis) 16. 3i:' .02 216. - , . 0 i16.2 .04 216.48 .05 2 16. 69 .06 217.10 . oe 217.92 .09 218.55 .11 218.75 i 1 218.31 1.09 218.87 1.49 218.?4 1.81 219.00 2.07 219.12 2.51 219.Z7 2.93 219.14 7.13 219.56 3.64 219.77 4.09 2 L 9. '9'3 4.49 FOND RCUTING DATA EL-i=,PSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW GUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (Cos) (ft) (ft3) 270.00 .01 .01 .01 216.00 0.00 300.00 .02 .02 .02 216.00 0.00 :130. Q) . 03 .02 . o2 216.01 9. i 1 360.00 .05 .03 .03 216.05 38.43 370.00 .07 .03 .03 216.12 85..34 420.00 .10 .04 .04 216.25 172.09 � ****************************************************************+*************** 3- 1-00 Page 2 450.00 .16 .05 .05 216.48 336.53 480.00 .49 .06 .08 217.1Z 866.68 510.00 .21 .08 '08 217.41 1267'65 540.00 .15 .09 .09 217.53 1423.63 570.00 .14 .09 .09 217.60 151B.54 600.00 .14 .09 .09 217.66 1603.77 630.00 .14 .09 .09 217.72 1692.25 660.00 .13 .09 .09 217'77 1762.37 690'V) .12 .09 .09 217.a1 13L3.65 72C.O0 .12 .10 .i0 217.34 1361'65 750.00 .12 .10 .10 217.88 1? 11,8.-`1 780.0u .11 .10 .10 217.50 1743.11 B10.00 .10 .10 .10 217.91 195Z.26 840.00 .10 .|0 .10 217.02 06Z.84 G70.00 .10 .10 .10 217,93 1173.91 900.s0 .09 .10 .10 217.93 iq75.22 930.00 .09 .l0 .10 217.92 1?67.BC, 960.00 .09 .10 .10 Z17.52 1059-23 990.ou .09 .1f-i .10 217.91 1 q51.1.2, 1020.00 .08 .10 .10 2i7,% 1T3-.01 1050.0C .07 .10 .10 Zi7.87 1876,44 1080.0C .08 .10 .10 21V,S4 1359,69 1110.00 .08 .09 .09 217^82 1324.32 1140.00 .08 .09 .09 217.79 1790.61 1170.0C .08 .09 .09 217.77 1756.6a 1200.00 .08 .09 .09 217'75 1728.39 1230.00 .08 .09 .09 2l7.73 1699,73 126C.00 .08 .09 .09 217.71 i672.6C 1290.00 ^08 .09 .09 217.69 !646.95 1320.00 .08 .09 .09 217.67 16Z2.70 1350.00 .08 .09 .09 217.65 1599.80 1380.00 .08 .09 .09 217.64 1578.10 1410.00 .08 .09 .09 217.62 i557.79 1440.00 .08 .09 .09 217.o1 153G.57' 1470.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.53 1426.10 1500.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.42 1272.20 1530.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.31 1=.79 1560.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.20 980-45 150C.00 0.0C .08 .08 217.10 84Z.S8 Uz0.06 0.00 .07 .07 21-.01 71�.62 1650.00 0.00 .07 .07 216.84 5G8.02 1680.00 0.00 .06 .06 216.62 473.71 1710.00 0.00 .06 .06 216.53 369.01 1740.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.39 274.92 1770.00 0.00 .04 .04 216.27 19L.52 1800.30 0.00 .04 .04 21m.17 113.00 1830.00 0.00 .03 .03 216'08 57.12 1860.00 0.00 .02 .02 216'01 7.89 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: .49 cfs 1-•00 Page 7f •3i• _�. iF �F # •iF �• +t iF x- � � .y. ;f �#• � �• .� # -if• -F A� # ,4• -s4• ie• �;F ii tiE ii- •)f• �• # :�• �f• .� .Y;�. �E � ;t •x •ii- tir yE #'.� >{c -if �i• � # �fr �E # •�-x• •iF •if� yt yF yE ��E ii� •if� yE •?E �f• •3t •34• � •3f• # Y• # iF •7F 1560.00 0.0(:.,i .10 .10 218.00 2076.24 1590.00 0.00 .10 .10 217.37 1902.22 1620.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.75 1732.12 1650.00 0. 00 .09 .09 217.63 1567. 7 C: 1680.00 0. 0o .09 .09 217.52 1408.97 1710.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.4,E 1 Z55. 75 1740. Oo 0.0o .08 .08 217.30 1107.33 1770.00 0.00 .08 .08 r8 217.19 965.04 1800.0o 0.0o .08 .08 217.0 02-.47:, 18.30. 0o 0.00 .07 .07 217.00 696.76 1860.00 0.00 .07 .07 216.8Z 575.% 1890.00 0. 0o .06 .06 216.66 461.69 1920.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.51 Z18. 17 1950.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.38 263.27 1 so. oo p. 00 .04 .04 216.26 183.01 2010.00 0.0o .04 .0.4 216.11 1 1.77, 204 ). Oo 0.00 0 .03 3 .03 216.07 50. ?2 2070.00 0.00 .02 .02 216.01. 7.56 MAX TOTAL !Nt=LOW: .64 = f MAXTOTAL OUTFLOW: . 1 1 = F,.i MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: . 1 1 cf s MAX WATER ELEV : 213.46 f l MAX STORAGE VOL: Z0 8.7Z rt 3 RETAINED VOLUME: 0.00 ft. v POND NUMBER: 2 POND DESCRIPTOR: RESTRICTOR OF FUTURE SITE SUB #1 --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 9459.31 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRE3PONDING ELEV: 220.66 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 216.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 1 215.86 ft 1.56 in .620 1 218.75 ft 12'00 in .620 INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 216.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 215.86 0.00 216.00 .02 216.07 .03 216.27 .O4 216.18 .05 216.69 .06 217,10 .08 217.82 .09 218.55 .11 218.75 .11 218.81 1.09 218.87 1'49 218.94 l.81 219.00 2.07 219.12 2.51 219.27 2.93 219.34 3.13 219.56 3.64 219.77 4.09 219.99 4.49 5 4+1 ^1 [�(v 3- 1-00 Page 6 ******************************************************************************** --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLCW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 240.00 .01 .01 .01 216.00 0.00 270.00 .02 .02 .02 216.00 0.00 300.00 .04 .02 .02 216.02 14.33 330.00 .06 ,03 .03 216.07 49.80 360.00 .08 .04 .04 216./6 109.91 390.00. .10 .04 .04 216.28 194.6G 420.00 '14 .05 .05 216.47 330,63 450.00 .23 .07 .07 216.82 570.72 480.00 .64 .08 .08 217.44 1298.39 510-00 .27 .10 .10 217.83 1846.25 540.00 .20 .10 .10 218.00 2071,09 570.0'.) .17 .10 .10 218.06 2217.16 600.00 .l8 .10 .10 218.13 2350.52 630.00 .18 .10 .10 218.19 2487.7c 660.00 .16 .1C .10 2t8.24 26G1.78 690.00 .15 ,10 .10 218.28 2641.74 720,00 .15 .11 .11 218.32 2777.05 750.00 .16 .11 .11 218.3b 2G63.% 780,00 .13 .11 .11 218.39 2926.16 810.0o .13 .11 .11 218.41 2963.60 840.00 .13 .1l .11 218.42 2195.76 870.00 .13 '11 .11 218.44 302G.98 900.00 .12 ,11 .11 218.45 3050.59 930.00 .11 .11 .11 218.45 3060.7i 960.00 .11 .11 .11 218.45 3068.76 990.00 .11 '11 .11 218.46 3077.76 1020.00 .10 .11 .11 2!8.45 3069.2G i050.00 .09 .11 .11 218.44 3043.69 1080.00 .09 .11 .11 218.43 3014.83 1110'00 .09 '11 .11 218,42 2987.17 1140.00 .09 .11 .11 Z18.40 2960.67 1170.00 .09 .11 .11 218.39 2935.30 1200.00 .09 ,11 .11 218.38 2911.01 1230.00 .09 .11 .11 218.37 2887'75 1260.0C .09 .11 .11 218.36 2865.25 1290.90 .09 .11 .11 218.35 2844,30 1320.00 .10 .11 .11 218.34 2823.99 1350.00 .10 .11 '11 218.33 2804-59 1380.00 .10 .11 .11 218.33 2786.08 1410.00 .10 .11 .11 213'32 2768.4i 1440.00 .10 .11 .11 2l8.31 2751,56 1470.00 0'00 .10 .10 218.25 2a19'86 1500.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.L6 2434.99 1530'00 0.00 .10 .10 218.08 2257'8C SW-c8 I vv Page 1 ii•+E *• # •?i• �i• •#• •ii-�E• •7i• * # •if•�1F• •if• �i••it• •7f• �• #�f• •iF �'r�i• •7(• �i• ?t• •if••�F �t• ii•aP�E• �F• �F •3E •if• •i� •3� •!E •#� * * � iE• � �i• fie• iF •7E yF-1F �F•�e• fie• �F �F •;F �(• �F •3E• �c• yF• •74jE• �i• �F•dF •3f• •7F•-iE 7f• •7F• yf•?F •7t •3'r i� i•?t• MAX TOTAL INFLOW: MAX TOTAL CUTFLCW: MAX DI'jS i f' OUTFLOW: MAX WATER: ELEV : MAX STORAGE '•1CL. RCETA I NE'D VOLUME: . 1 ? c f s —1DEU �ao�le 5'ti0;�t 2EZ. .19 cfs —pty (oa4(Z Su�VI W.5 (D. DO f tZ POND NUMBERS ? POND DESCRIPTOR: RESTRICTOR OF FUTURE SITE SUB #1 ----------------- FOND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAVE, IRREGULAR (Based on TGTAL IINFLOW VOLUME: 11611.79 ftZ el v/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 22l.Z4 f` POND BOTTOM ELEV : 216.00 f t ---------------- POND DISCHARGE--------------- T'f PE HEIGHT D I MEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 D I MEN 1 215.86 f t 1.58 in .620 3- 1-00 Page 10 ******************************************************************************** 1 218.75 ft 12.00 in INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 216.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 215.86 0.00 216.00 .02 216.07 .03 216.27 .04 216.49 .05 216.69 .06 217.10 .08 217-82 .09 218.55 .11 218.75 .11 218.81 1.09 218.87 1.49 218.94 1.81 219.00 2.07 219.12 2.51 219.27 2.93 219.34 3.13 219.56 3.64 219.77 4.09 219.97' 4.49 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 210.00 0.}0 0.00 0.00 216.00 0.00 240.00 .02 .02 .02 216.00 0'00 270.00 .04 .02 .02 216.02 13.04 300.00 .06 .03 .03 216.07 52.30 330.00 .08 .04 .04 216.17 117.49 360.00 .11 .05 .05 216.31 213.80 390.00 .13 .o5 .05 216.48 338.39 420.00 .19 .06 .06 216.76 528.77 450.00 .29 .08 .08 217.11 853.27 480.00 .80 .09 .09 217.79 1790.43 510.00 .34 .10 .10 218.19 2493.17 540.00 .24 .11 .11 218.33 2794.32 570.00 .21 .11 .11 218.42 2996.50 600.00 .21 .11 .11 218.51 3181.33 630.0C .22 .11 .11 218.59 3369.36 660.00 .19 .11 .11 218.66 3523.33 690'00 .18 .11 .11 218.72 3657.74 ' 3- 1-00 Page 11 *********************w********************************************************** 720.00 .18 .18 .18 218.75 3725.28 750.00 .19 .1c� .19 218.75 3725.54 780.00 .16 .16 .16 218.75 3722.13 810.00 .15 .15 .15 218.75 3720.46 846.00 .15 .15 .15 218.75 372u.60 870.00 .15 AS .15 218.75 3720.73 900.00 .14 .14 .14 218.75 37i9.i1 930.00 .13 .13 .13 218.75 3718.33 960.0(D .14 .14 .14 218.75 3713.42 990.0.) .l4 .14 .^4 218.75 3718.51 �020.00 .12 .12 .12 218.75 3716.05 1050.00 .1� .11 .11 21G.75 3709.88 1086.00 .11 .11 .11 218.74 3700.29 1110.00 .11 .11 .11 218.74 3691.49 1140.00 .11 .11 .11 218.74 3683.43 1170.00 .11 .11 .11 218.73 3676.09 1200.00 .11 .11 .11 218.73 3669.43 1230.00 .1i .11 .11 218.73 3663.44 M0.0C .1i .11 .11 218.72 3653.09 1290.00 .11 .11 .11 218.72 3633,Z4 1320.6o .11 .11 .11 218.72 3649.1'5 1350.0c.) .11 .11 Al 218.72 3645.59 1380.00 .11 .11 .11 218.72 3642.54 1410.00 .11 .11 .11 218.72 3a40.00 1440.00 .11 .11 .11 218.71 3637'97 1470.00 0.00 .11 .11 218.65 3495.88 1500.00 0.00 Al .11 218.56 3297.96 1530.00 0.00 .11 .11 218.47 3099.5-:1 1560.o� 0.00 .11 .11 218.38 2905.10 1590.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.29 27i!.53 1b20.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.21 2527.76 1650.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.12 2344.72 1680.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.04 2165.34 1710.00 0.00 .10 .10 217.94 1989.54 1740.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.81 1817.27 1770.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.69 1645.90 1B00.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.57 1488.32 1830.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.46 1332.35 1860.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.35 1181.78 1890.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.24 1036.43 1920.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.14 896.11 1950.00 0.00 .07 .07 217.04 761.42 1980.00 0.00 .07 .07 216.91 635.39 2010.00 0.00 .06 .06 216.74 517.87 2040.00 0.00 .06 .06 216.58 409'05 2070.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.44 310,74 2100.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.32 223.23 2130.00 0.00 .04 .04 216'21 146,26 216o'00 0.00 .03 .03 216.11 80'38 2190.00 0.00 .03 .03 216.04 25'22 I T-1 }r}, I' I 'I I', i I �, I I I. I �'I �'I I.'I I COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. DATE SHEET OF ESM ina JOB NAME 1--, `fin( '� A CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROIECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 s ! 'Dr, `� !mac 1 C1- (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS 'TIC �J COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. rD1A`TTE _ _ SHEET OF t� ESM ina2 JOB NAME L IXI 1J L`^' A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY � Rp' CHC BY CONSULTING FIRM I \ 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9WSS gV..orf ,.. 1 �`�, (206) un-sees CONTENTS ��` VVV LLLMMVan///ttt/// ✓ Y� sh,+- ZAP =0und r-Wr 'JF '4 .^�_..t:e.^.tion• ose. Hprg/od r jai i y y J'.r, AlD,J� N0.^„a• r. 10 1� oM wand i Nfad -ThiA AY 0 r sap� ` Se. -cG•a Z� 4 tad \ t 1 e i V 17 •3 41 l ` �0 lop ;q mac, 1� \ +1♦1 '` IN 1 i.0 I 591 15 yr-.�Aood o ' We}flands Boundary p �. 43 Na f►we 6row fh Pro fcc.fio h Easement � z �p t ;, as Sce Plans ForOc fian t 25yr. FLOOD PLAIN o o EL, EVA%IDIV sh t f t N • . N ' x COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. C-J CO �( DATE _ SHEET OF ESM ina JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY J P CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 980S5 �,� �4 L S (206) u8-5628 CONTENTS "D ZT- - CL.EVA-TI N Ar eleA AV6'ACO _ YOLu M E _CkN Vo"0At -_-Too ZI? _ _ __loco - 1375 i3-t s Zo 7� Z1b-1 -i1�6-1,1 3i3"1•_S - - 3�3�1. S ��-oo � ^�� �������//��, ~^�r .-`�'=� ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 5 ******************************************************************************** 990.00 .29 .29 .29 196.21 2621.31 1020.00 .26 .29 .29 196.21 2599.19 1050.00 .24 .28 .28 196.20 2547.39 1080.00 '24 '27 .27 196.20 2496.47 1110.00 .24 .26 .26 196.20 2463.97 1140.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2446.28 1170.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2438.61 1200.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2437.69 1230.00 .25 .25 .25 1?6.20 2441.29 1260'00 .26 .25 .25 196.20 2447.91 1290.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 245c.51 1320'00 .26 '26 .26 196.20 2466.38 1350.00 .26 .26 '26 196.20 2477'06 1380.00 .27 .26 .26 196'20 2488.22 1410.00 .27 .27 .27 196.20 2499.64 1440.00 .27 .27 .27 196'20 251i.17 1470.00 .07 .24 .24 196.19 2363.77 1500.00 0.00 .17 .17 196.16 2042.35 1530.00 0.00 .11 .11 196.14 1790.14 1560.00 0.60 .08 .08 196.13 1618.21 1590.00 0.00 .05 .05 196.12 1501.01 1620.00 0.00 .04 .04 196.11 1421.11 1650.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1366.65 1680'00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1329'52 1710.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1304.21 1740.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1286.95 1770.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1275.19 1800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1267.l7 1830.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1261.71 1860'00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1257.98 1890.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1255.44 1920.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1253.71 1950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.53 1980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.72 2010.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.17 2040.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.80 2070.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.55 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: .57 cis MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .32 cfs��--�w MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .32 cis ~ MAX WATER ELEV: 196.22 ft MAX STORAGE VOL: 2770.35 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.45 ft3 Sk J-2-S 11&'(7 LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.S., =-15-SS 1-00 Page 4 a�a��aFa�aeaFarac.aiaEaf.-?raFa�aE--�-�aFa�aEaF :�a�aFaEaE�*afar*aE.afar�r�aEata�-oaf.aEai�aE�aF-�-�x�;f-*afat�aE�.-�a�aF��-a��ar-�aFaF-��.a�-�aF?� :�at�a� POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA FOND STORAGE FOND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Lased on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 17974.27 ft_3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 197.44 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE -----------.-.---- TYPE HE I UHT D I MEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 D I MEP.! 2 S 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 i is i c f s ELEVATION (ft) 196.00 i 196. 1-0 197.10 197.50 198.0o 199.0o 200.00 DISCHARGE (c+s) 0. 00 0. 0 2.66 2. 9f 3. 10 3.60 4.00 --------------- FOND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TINE INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) &t_.o) 420.00 .01 0. 00 0.00 196 . OC 3.00 450. Oo .06 0. c iij .0. i,o 196.00 57.64 480.O() .49 0.00 o.0o 196.04 498.43 510.00 .46 .04 .04 196.11 1433.23 540.00 .34 .15 .15 196.16 1972. 88 570.00 .31 .21 .21 196.18 2228. 1 1 600.06 .32 .24 .24 196.19 2389.46 630.00 .34 .27 .27 196. ZO 2527.59 660.00 .3- .29 .29 196.21 2632.54 690.00 i .32 .70 .1 196.21 2681.13 720. 00 . _ - .31 . E 1 196.22 2712. 86 750.00 .34 .32 .32 196.22 2752.02 780.00 .32 .32 . 32 196.22 2769.17 910.00 .29 .32 .32 196.22 2742.26 840.00 .29 .31 .31 196.22 2710.16 870.00 .30 .31 .31 196.22 2696. 4G 900. 0o .29 .30 .30 196.21 2683.11 930.00 .28 .30 .30 196.21 2655.49 960.00 }i: .28 .29 .29 196.21 2631.47 LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 25S-05-e81,J.B., 7-15-38 3- 1-0C) Page 6 �� J/�L, _.- ******************************************************************************** 3- 1-00 Page 5 ******************************************************************************** 2220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.04 2250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.39 2280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.95 2310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.65 2340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.44 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: .70 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .32 cfs --06-V LO 49- V2fC«- MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .32 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 196'22 fF o'kQL MAX STORAGE VOL: 2741.28 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.44 ft3 00^2�3T 0T^96T 00^0 00^0 00^0 00^06TZ 0t-^t- S3T 0l^96T 00^0 00^0 00^0 00^09T3 ��^9��T �T^967 00^0 00^0 00^0 00^02T3 lt'6rZT 0T^9&,T 00^0 00^0 00^0 00^00T3 6297 T 0T^96T 00^0 00^0 0010 00~0Z.03 T 0T^961 00^0 00^0 00^0 00^0V03 68^6 LZT 0T^96T T0^ TO, 00^0 00^0TOZ. tB^26ZT 0T^96T T0^ T0^ 0010 00^086T T-"~tyT2T TT^96T T0^ T0^ 0010 00^096T t, 2^t t2T TT^96T 30^ 30^ 00^0 00^036T �2^882T TT^96T 20~ 20^ 00^0 00^068T t L trT ZT~96T V0^ 170^ 30^ 00-098T 62^2l�T 3T^96T �0^ �0^ 20^ 00^028T �909T 3T^967 S0^ !;0^ t0^ 00^0081 291329T 3T^96T 90^ 90^ t70^ 00^0LlT 32^29gT 2T^96T f0^ /0~ r10^ 00~0t7LT 22^��69T 21^96T /-0^ 90^ 0�~01 T 92^639T 2T^96T 80~ 80^ 90^ 00^089T 9t^/-99T 2T^96T 60^ 60^ L0^ 00^0919T g3^2TT t,T^96T 0T^ 0T^ L0^ 00^039T 29169l1 tT^96T TT^ TT^ 80^ 00^062'T 6L^2t,8T 2,T^96T 2T^ 2T^ 80^ 00^099;*T 0�'9�6T 9T^96T �T~ �T^ 80~ 00^029l T6^0603 j�T~96T ET~ BT^ 80~ 00^00QT 33^963Z 8T^96T 33^ ZZ^ 60^ 00^0L tT 917`09t-3 03~96T 93^ 93^ 93^ 00^Ott T L�~92�3 03^96T 93~ 93^ 93^ 00~0T�T t3 03^96T 93' 93~ 93^ 00^082T 62^0r�3 03^96T 93^ 93^ 93^ 00~0S=2T l6.^��i-3 0I^96T g3~ 0(.1~032T �t�3 03^96T �3^ �3~ �3^ 00^063l Zt^���3 �^96T 0 �3^ �Z^ �3^ 00^093T 17Z^�17 ty3 03^96T 23^ �Z~ r3^ 00^023T �t.�3 03^96T �3~ �Z^ �3^ 00^003T ��^61tZ 0�^96T 9Z^ 93~ �3^ 00^0Z.TT 3 03^96T 93^ 93^ �3^ 00^0�TT 2I"^Ot3 03~96T 9Z~ 93^ �4-^ 00^0TTT �Z^T6ty3 0Z^96T 93~ 93^ q3^ 00^080T �2^�ZQ3 0^ 3^96T lZ �3^ �Z^ 00^0�0T 00^030T 83^36r-3 T3^96T 63^ 6Z^ 83^ 00^066 Z�^009Z TZ^96T 63^ 63^ 83^ 00^096 �O^Ell T93 7Z^96T 63^ 63^ 83^ 00^026 26~Z�9Z TZ^96T 02~ 02^ 83^ 00^006 3T^T993 T3^96T 02^ 02^ 02^ 00^0Z-8 0T~3L93 T3~96T 02^ 02^ 63^ 00^0tr8 �9^969Z ZZ~96T T2^ T2~ 63^ 00^0TB �g^83L3 33^96T T21 T2^ 02~ 00^0BL Z7^96T 32^ 32^ 22^ 00109L 00^BTLZ 33^96T T2^ T2^ 32^ 00^03L ****************************************************+*************************** POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA --------------- POND 3TORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Baseo on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 19823.54 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 197.59 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft POND DISCHARGE TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WA7ER ELEVATION: 196.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 1%.D0 C.0f.,; 196.10 0.00 197.10 2.66 197.5C.-i 2.90 198.00 3.10 l99.00 3.60 200.00 4.00 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED [OTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VILUME (mint (cFs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 270.K., .01 0.0C 0.00 196.00 3.79 300.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 27.40 330.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.01 65.89 360.00 .03 0.00 0.00 196.01 112.12 390.00 .05 0.00 0.00 196.01 183.10 420.00 .10 0.00 0.00 196.03 312.66 450.00 .20 0'00 0.00 196.05 577.26 480.00 .70 .03 .03 196.11 138i,60 510.00 .40 .19 .19 196.17 2119.49 540.00 .33 .24 .24 196.19 2376,11 570.00 '31 .26 .26 196.20 2492.77 600.00 .32 .28 .28 196.21 2573.Q 63C.00 '34 - .30 .30 196.21 2652'39 660.00 .32 .31 .31 196.22 2694.48 690.00 .31 .31 .31 196.22 27C6.23 �&�'���F�y�� -'~' '0`~~ , ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 2 ******************************************************************************** 930.00 .39 .43 .43 196.26 3264.02 960.00 .39 .42 .42 196.26 3216.92 990.00 .40 .41 .41 196.26 3191.18 1020.00 .36 '40 .40 196.25 3149'33 1050.00 .33 .39 .39 196.25 3068.82 1080.00 '33 .37 .37 196.24 2990.74 1110.00 .33 .36 .36 196.24 2939.28 1140'00 .34 .35 .35 196.23 2909.01 1l70'00 .34 .35 .35 196.23 2893.10 1200.00 .34 .35 .35 196.23 2886.88 123O.00 .35 .35 '35 196.23 2887.i8 1260.00 '35 .35 .35 196.23 2891.83 1290.00 .35 .35 .35 �96.23 2899.36 1320.00 .36 '35 .35 196.23 2908.77 1350.00 .36 .36 .36 196.23 2919,38 138000 .36 .36 .36 196.23 2930.72 1410.00 .36 .36 .36 196.24 2942.49 1440.00 .37 .36 ,36 196.24 2954.48 1470.00 .09 .32 .32 196.22 2750.88 1500.00 0.00 .23 .23 196.19 2316.60 1530.00 0.00 .15 .15 196,16 1977.10 1560.00 0.00 .11 .1i 196.14 1745.66 1590.00 O.00 .07 .07 196.13 1587.89 1620.00 0.00 .05 .05 196.12 1480.34 1650.00 0.00 .03 .03 196.11 1407.02 1680.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1357.04 1710.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1322.97 1740.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1299.74 l770.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.l0 1283.91 1800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1273.12 1830.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1265.76 1860.00 0.0O 0.00 0.00 196.10 1260.74 1890.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1257.32 1920.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1254.99 1950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1253.40 1980.0G 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.32 2010.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.58 2040'00 0,00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.08 2070.00 O.0O 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.73 2100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.5C MAX TOTAL INFLOW: 1.12 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .50 cfs MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .50 Cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 196.29 ft cc--P_" MAX STORAGE VOL: 3607.47 ft3 ~ RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.44 ft3 LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page POND NUMBER: I POND DESCRIPTOR; EXISTING WETLAND POND I NG AREA POND STORAGE POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Lased on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 27089.90 ft3 elevistorage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 198.08 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft ---------------- POND DISCHARGE ----- TYPE HEIGHT D I MEN 1 COEF F 1 COEF7 2 D I MEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered 1 N I T I AL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 f t EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (art) (afs) 196.10 0. 0o 197.10 2.66 197.. 5o 2.90 198. 0t.f 3.10 199.0.) 1.6o ----------------- POND ROUTING DATA ----------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft.3) 360. UV .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 11.2e 390.0o .04 )4 0.00 0.00 196.01 64.29 42 . Oo .10 0.00 0.00 196.01 184.79 4 50. Oo .25 0. 00 0. 100 196.04 492.06 4eO. Oo 1.04 .07 .07 196.13 1586. 83 51 i � . O i .81 .36 .36 196.24 2954.19 540.00 .56 .46 .46 196.27 3415.72 570 . Oo .49 . 48 .42 196.28 Z505.05 600.00 .50 . 48 .48 196.28 3528.05 630.00 .52 .50 .50 196.29 3576.26 660. o .50 .50 � .50 196.29 3607.47 690.00 .47 .50 .50 196.29 Z586. 3 724.Oi .48 .49 .49 196.29 3562.54 750.00 .50 i .49 .49 196.29 �9 3563.09 780.00 .45 .49 .49 196.22 3546.10 810.00 .42 .47 .47 196.28 3472.4U 840.00 .42 .46 .46 196.27 •J•.598.81 870.00 . 4:1 .45 .45 196.27 3Z56. 87 900. 0o .41 .44 .44 196.27 •3318. 92 M • 5k-t— 3 S'� t �c� LIDERTY VIEW HYDRDLDGY, 22J8-05-881,J.$., 3-15-88 1-C C Page _ 1 Q 322 us 12013 i5 0M ,,[i 2 t 00 T 7 t-JF T,' r-I ., l 3- 1-00 Page 9 ******************************************************************************** 1590.00 .10 .14 .14 196.15 1895,77 1620.00 .09 .12 .12 196.15 1831.59 1650.00 .09 .11 .11 196.14 1782.94 1680.00 .09 .11 .11 196.14 1745'06 1710.00 .08 .10 .10 196.14 1714.67 1740.00 .08 .09 .09 196.14 1689'55 1770.00 .08 .09 .09 196.13 1668.16 1800.00 .08 .09 .09 196.13 1649.45 1830.00 .07 .08 .08 196.13 1630.4� 1860.00 .07 .C8 .08 196.13 1610.27 1890.00 .06 .07 .07 196.13 1589.62 1920.00 .05 .07 .07 196.13 1567.27 1950.00 .05 .06 .06 196.12 1543.19 1980.00 .04 .06 .06 196.12 1517.;7 2010.00 .04 .05 .05 196.12 149i.6i 2040.00 .03 .05 .05 196.12 1464.99 2070.00 .02 .04 .04 196.11 1435.46 2100.00 0.00 .03 .03 196.11 1379.17 2130.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1336.05 2160.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1310.C3 2190.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1290.92 2220.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1277.89 2250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1269.02 2280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1262.96 2310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1258.84 2340.O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1256.02 2370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1254.11 2400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252^8;:) 2430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196,10 1251.91 2460.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.30 2490.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250'89 2520.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.60 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: 1.01 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .42 cfs MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .42 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 196.26 Ft ~-�EV -ZS%i 9. w'%. MAX STORAGE VOL: 3232.88 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.47 ft3 POND NUMBER: 1 FOND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND FONDING AREA --------------- POND STORAGE --.-------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 26526.64 ft3 elevfstorage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 198.06 ft FOND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft ------•--------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- - TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 C3EFF 1 COEFF C DIMEN C 3 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 176.00 f t EVARO-TRAN SP I l-tiA T I ON LOSSES: 0.00 c f 5 ELEVATION DISCHARGE 196. 00 0. fi r("; 197.10 2.66 197.50 2. 90 190. 0o 3.10 199 . 0() 3.60 200.00 4.00 ) 75� 3- 1-00 Page 8 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLEW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft> (ft3) 240.00 .01 0.00 0.00 196.00 3.3i 270.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 28.27 300.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.01 67.74 330.00 .03 0.00 0.00 196.01 117-fB 360.00 .06 0.00 0.00 196.02 1?7.21 390.00 .10 0.00 0.00 196.03 340.53 420.00 .18 0.00 0.00 196.05 E89.44 450.00 .32 0.00 0.00 196.08 1040.27 480.00 1.01 .19 .19 196.17 2136.04 510.00 .57 .37 .37 196.24 2984'2� 540.00 .44 .41 .41 196.Z5 3111.22 570.00 .41 .41 .41 156.25 31B3.75 600.00 .42 .41 .41 196.26 319Z.55 630.00 .44 .42 .42 196.26 3223'12 660.00 .4i .42 .42 i96.26 3226.86 690.00 .40 .42 .42 196.26 3201.63 720.00 .41 .41 .41 196.25 3185.4B 750.00 '42 .41 .41 196.25 3187-35 780.00 .38 .41 .41 196.25 3160.50 810.00 .36 .39 .39 196.25 3i05.33 840.00 .37 .39 .39 196.24 306i.30 870.00 .37 .38 .38 196.24 3038.78 900.00 .35 .37 .37 196.24 3oC7.44 930.00 .35 .37 .37 196.24 2971.q1 960.00 .35 .36 .36 196.24 2944.41 990.00 .35 .36 .36 196.23 2929.36 1020.00 .32 .35 .35 196.23 2894.15 1050.00 '31 .34 .34 196.23 2838.54 1080.00 .31 '33 .33 196.22 2793.39 1110.00 .31 .32 '32 196.22 2764.03 1140.00 .31 .32 .32 196.22 2746.14 1170.00 .31 .32 .32 196.22 2735.B4 1200.00 .31 .32 .32 196.22 2730.68 1230.00 .31 .31 .31 196.22 2726.99 1260.00 .31 .31 .31 196.22 2729.64 1290.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2731.8�) 1320.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2735.12 1350.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2739.06 1380.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2743.43 1410.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2748.08 1440.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2752.88 1470.00 .11 .28 .28 196.20 2556.57 1500.00 .10 .22 .22 196.18 2294.86 1530.00 .10 .18 .18 196.17 2112.75 1560.00 .10 .16 .16 196.16 1985.60 *************************************************************+****************** 3- 1-00 Page 14 ******************************************************************************** 2100.00 .05 .06 .06 196.12 1529.63 2130.00 .04 .05 .05 196.12 1504.29 2160.00 .03 .05 .05 196.12 1477.83 2190.00 .03 .04 .04 196.12 1450'81 2220.00 0.00 .03 .03 196.11 1406.61 2250.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1356.76 2280.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1322.78 2310.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1299.61 2340.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.16 1283.82 2370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1273.06 2400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1265.72 2430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1260.71 2460.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1257.30 2490.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19b.10 1254.98 2520.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1i6.10 1253.39 2550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.3i 2580.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.58 2610.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.08 2640.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.73 2670.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.50 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: 1.36 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .58 cfs MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .58 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 196.32 ft^-m��* 0v�+� MAX STORAGE VOL: 3982.50 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.47 ft3 50-q~t,�� ~ ` POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 33640.22 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 1%.32 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft POND DISCHARGE TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 196.00 0.00 196.10 0.00 197.10 2.66 197.50 2.90 198.00 3.l0 199.00 3.60 200.00 4.00 --------------- PONE ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL COWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft> (ft3) 210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.00 .91 240.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 21.62 270.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 60.73 300.00 .03 0.00 0.00 196.01 110.39 330.00 .06 0.00 0.00 196.02 191.20 360.00 .11 0.00 0.00 196.03 344.12 390.00 .17 0.00 0.00 196.05 594.84 420.00 .27 0.00 0.00 196.08 992.42 450.00 .46 .08 .08 196.13 1619.64 480.00 1.36 .36 .36 196.24 2942.62 510.00 .73 .56 '56 196.31 3890.54 540.00 .56 .58 .5G 196.32 3975.70 570.00 .51 '56 .56 196.31 3898.33 ' ' � �� *4 / ~~. ******************************************************************************* 3- 1-00 Page 13 600.00 .53 '55 .55 196.31 3834.08 630.O0 .54 .55 .55 196.31 3816.25 660.00 .51 .54 .54 196.30 3778.5� 690.00 .49 .52 .52 196.30 3714'65 720.00 .57 .53 .53 196.30 3720'35 750.00 .58 .54 .54 196.30 3791.71 780.00 .50 .54 .54 196.30 3778.91 810.00 .47 .52 .52 196.3C 3696.68 840.00 .47 .5i .51 196.29 3625.72 870.00 .48 .5C. .50 196.29 3585.31 900.00 .44 .48 .48 196.28 3528.62 930.00 .43 .47 .47 196.2B 3455.33 960.00 .43 .46 .46 196.27 3399.5E 990.00 .44 .45 .45 196.27 3366.93 1020.60 .38 .44 .44 196.26 3295.41 1050.00 .36 .41 .41 196.26 3194.51 1080."0 .36 .40 .40 19o.25 31i5.63 1110.60 .36 .3? .37 196.25 3664,Z4 1i40.O0 .36 .3B .38 196.24 3031.6� 1170.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 3011.69 1200.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 300C.43 1230.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 2995,00 1260.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 2993.51 1290.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 2994.66 1320.00 .37 .37 .37 156.24 2997.58 1350.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 3001.65 138J.00 ^38 .37 .37 196.24 3006.47 1410.00 .38 .37 .37 l96.24 3011.77 1440.00 .38 .38 .38 196.24 3017.35 1470.00 .12 .33 .33 196.22 2777.78 1500.00 .11 .26 .26 196.20 2459.97 1530.00 .11 .21 .21 196.18 2239.M. 1560.00 .11 .16 .18 196.17 2086.10 1590.00 .10 .15 .15 196.16 1978.23 162C.00 .10 .14 .14 196.13 1901.54 1650.00 .10 .13 .13 196.15 1846.16 1680.00 .10 .12 .12 196.14 1805.37 1710.00 .10 .11 .11 196'14 1774,59 1740.00 .09 .11 .11 196.14 1750.68 1770.00 .09 .10 .10 196.14 1730.24 1800.00 .09 .10 .10 196.14 1711.50 1830.00 .09 .09 .09 196.14 1694.08 1860.00 .08 .09 .09 196.13 1677.71 1890.00 .08 .09 .09 196.W 1662.22 1920.00 .08 .08 .08 196.13 1647.48 1950.00 .07 .08 .08 196.13 1632.70 1960.00 '07 .08 .08 196.13 1615.39 2010.00 .06 .07 .07 196.13 1596.53 2040.00 .06 .07 .07 196.13 1576.39 2070.00 .05 .06 .06 196.12 1553.93 Cemr •+� 1 An \ toPark Pc J (crAvFL 'rrr�- • �' _ I: Q• a r t • '` .: 1 e, � / an - -J i I e�A y �-I BM ,P321. ' BCDE3PC 9•.�', Y �, - \ " 17h • -� i �` � • _ o .. ,r,::c • ...'`,••.•'. Sr Sp _ I q i 9 �' AkF I EvC AkF al 1• 3 �;•: n �yV _ROAD L, •. `A <:�. ��` F, 4r obi �QE-- i 1 qV w h \ •, ....�n,,.�- - /. wo laG _ S a AkF 1 I AkF13 Wo A C Golf curse I I i I - t • 7t ar<_. AgC BM137 r AkF �I�i�R ,py _ilII aea• i i T AmC Ur i r' r' _ g awe; ARC InC - �' '• y�i .......... / l ■ * +Sew'ge.l ORTHE ;r*: ' • n -- -- i G I . - �s� .\ -`ter`-.•. / ry - ".. bisp al - _ i ■00 ,iI O �66 "� r D �ti;y t• , AfnC � � 'r ri J ', r: t :1 0 ' ! ' e � • AgC i � ., kF -,_ .:•,� gp �• � ,••� •, f --�� i• —�--_B .PI 16 AgD 20 r` a'4 21 •�•,��• ."k. •• - �i g 1 '`e •`, IlkIr I.AC • e iilongacrej'a7 , i 1 Pu •:r- ; 3 n'.• •. F a I M , t ; al � -i � I p.-. o .•r 515 A �-o AjjC NU ••• I ii►R rra� Py I Wo .� ='ii' [4AeC 1 --- :)�--( \r�\` ,�••• i Ur „� = 1 nD !�i ii — w — I(u N ,` 1•i' EvC Track r r� 1 Ur n' .o :..r 1 AgD _ 1 1 "• Ijr4 N v i I6 Ur 1 D •- _g ,.O R s rvoir nwon _ AgC I r Py i O 2 So rot 114 o / Sk `\ T1 i' AgD W M \ Mb �U 25 -- - - --- -- - - AmC — tv., w O 203 29 A B 3 — 1 n ; 162 JA E Ur Py s- I Z i, - W. Ur Sk ,•'j t r 1. i' 0 451 --- r r 's� _'-�,`� ; r t:: .' �1 �S(. ice, ij1: \i I , ' -, h'__= a �� �••. � .. ?`+•� 1 ti , ?� r. - i SO 7y if ,AmF1 t _ •t ,. P6 R(jVITBKJC'. l'61 =- '- J 1 Pu Wo Wo - 194 I ,`��.\ AFA.� p •, j` t r..rI/ y�r r 3 AmR•• u= '' :.. i Sk'' `• y... r AgC ,• �. -i-I :: `! - _ tolift : • �' .I ft� C11, Am Ur Ur Ar 1 W 1 � n,.r• ip I �r . M Lt f_. AnP � •woe•• .. � ; r. K I N G C O U N T Y, WA IN GTO N, S U R FACE W ATE Chapter 6 Section 6.5 Hydrologic Analysis Hydtoguph Analysis TABLE 6.5?B SELECTED RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS Sk+- 4 3 IESIGN )tANUAL��� Section 65.2 Runoff Parameters Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban, and urban land use. (Average soil moisture condition, 24-hour storm duration). HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LAND USE DESCRIPTION A B C D Cultivated land(1): without conservation treatment 72 81 88 91 Cultivated land(1): with conservation treatment 62 71 78 81 Pasture or range land: poor condition 68 79 86 89 Pasture or range land: good condition 39 61 74 80 Meadow: good condition I 30 58 71 78 Wood or forest land: thin stand, poor cover, no mulch I 45 66 i7 83 Wood or forest land: good cover (2) 25 55 70 77 Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc. good condition: grass cover on 75% or more of the area 39 61 74 80 fair condition: grass cover on 50% to 75% of the area 49 69 79 84 Gravel roads and parking lots 76 85 89 91 Dirt roads and parking lots 72 82 87 89 Impervious Surfaces, pavement, roofs, etc. 98 98 98 98 Single Family Residential Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre % Impervious (3) 1.0 DU/GA 15 Separate curve number 1.5 DU/GA 20 shall be selected 2.0 DU/GA 25 for pervious and 2.5 DU/GA 30 impervious portion 3.0 DU/GA 34 of the site or basin 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0 DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 50 6.0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA 54 7.0 DU/GA 56 Commercials, PUD's, etc. as must be computed (1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer to National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, Chapter 9, August 1972. (2) Good cover is protected from grazing and litter and brush cover soil. (3) The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. 6-25 ��� KING COUNTY,WASAhvGTON,SURFACE WATERSISIGN MANUAL , Section 65.1 6S Chapter 6 Section Hydrologic Analysis Hydrograph Analysis Design Storm Hyerograph FIGURE 6S1E 10 YEAR, 24 HOUR ISOPLUVIALS 21 22 4., 1 23 48r_ - - ,� 2 207 — . ,•— .............30 .29 1 v / . 1 33 L � =Z WWI ` - �• � ' 1 c: J � � I � HG•- t 10—YEAR 24—HOUR PRECIPITATION C V, —34—ISOPLUVIALS OF 10—YEAR 24—HOUR O b— _ - t PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH � 10 `wy~s+��►- 0 1 2• 3 4 3 6 7 8 Mlles `b 335 ,` �40 1: 300.000 DRAFT 6-17 Sh+Y 5- KING COUNTY,WA-,1INGTON,SURFACE WATE- JESIGN MANUAL Jj((av Chaps 6 Seedon 6.5 Seaton 65.1 Hydroiogie Analysis Hydrograph Analysis Design Sturm Hyetograph TABLE 65.1F 25 YEAR, 24 HOUR ISOPLLVIALS --•---------•- -_ ----.- . 9 r-- _ — % — � • - �_ air. ` 139 jr Z. � Os Owl.. •�1 '. • '_• _ / :� cam• , . ., -� 25-YEAR 24-HOUR PREWITATION �` � A _ -34-ISOPLUVIALS OF 2S YEAR 24-HOUR - _ - 5a- PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH nJ6 0 1 2 3 4 7 6 7 a Mlles A — 1:300.000 ) C�► DRAFT � 6-18 f.A# f, fg� KING CO UNTY,WAadINGTON,SURFACE WATEr, DESIGN MANUAL Chapter 6 Section 6.5 Section 65.1 Hydrologic Analysis Hydrograph Analysis Design Storm Hyetograph TABLE 6/5�.1H 100 YEAR, 24 HOUR ISOPLUVIAL.S S9,-4- l r S: 40. 41 � ..r 44 °• _'�:�; � ,-�" sue. �+--•- � .. . .. _ i t �L.` " 46 i' on , ! 1T a rj,, 100-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION 65 60 —34—ISOPLUVIALS OF 100—YEAR 24—HOUR PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 a Mlles 1: 300.000 DRAFT 6-20 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZSL? ,r ae( DATE - 22 SHEET Y 7 OF ESM ina JOB NAME b0SZ:71Z V ( E-w, A CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY 4 v ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 (206) UB-5629 CONTENTS �MytL r4L" -- ------ ------------------------------------------- ------ --------- -- --_ __ _ _ --- --------------- -- - - - -- LA � q�j - --_- apt - --.UVr-wort. �� - --- -- --- --- -- - --- - -- --- -- - �.(&ew-J_ -4 _ h 'ice+ _tG — '9d _ 1. o_��{ �.'_W t`�'�U Q ..tit .tn,� ( cx f- J44 COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. JOB NO. 25�-%, DAATE/�� SHEET � OF JOB NAME V1 ¢JCZ7/ / leu) A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY cal- `✓' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (�)225-5628 CONTENTS / L� - - _1Qu _r ---- _�.2- =�----�kte�- ���+t�j S�ke� ---�a����► _�_ � . _�c�;�,�.ac, w� r� _P� - - 'ice-1 c�vG -`-1�9c,v'v�o�v - - �e 1c�1� =o_ CIL - - vwet_ TOW- --._ Cux A_,_ I _ + --a(e c jo-,,f , Via.= ID-L. AL,3 L'=D_•_i07_��'1�, Clla "- 72 0- t "2 A,,, C� 0 . 8> Sch, ----..��SL�d= _�to.��.o•�Q5_ } (o.l�Xd•��+ Co•Z�;�Co•a) }(�.o�;�o. �s) _ � ��- � -- -_P�� _p __ ___ _ -_ _%fie•_ e n�O _- . _Ve Qr�ci- - gym, _ ka--- - -- - -- -- --- - ---- -- - - -- - --- ------------- COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. �1' DATE l I `+1�� SHEET_ OF + ESM ina JOB NAME �TYy A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM T 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 (2a)22e-5628 CONTENTS Ice, ea it bpc,,,.e _ %"-9 c. -� C"�J�ae.-r t - - _. dew` � �- _. � ;�. _ �C.c�"(ik.Q �to',�•� l..s�. r be. ca.�.wc � .:dap _ ,�� .� .o (.; P,c,a _. _-�,r Ab- --- --- _01-19-L&i—em �__ �a=_(WnpX.e)(alf- (4woCOo -- -4,-T3 _fir G�.( - -------------------------------?(QO --- --- -- -- _ _ . ------------------- �-In-.-------------------------- - tk -------- ----------- ---=- - --------- ---------- -- CW A� -- - -- - ------------------- -- 2 ---E�-------- -- - •2 4r, G - 0- d--(0•Z21(D.- 0)) 4-�t�. ti�j � �j)+ (� 3lo�L�O• Z�� + (l, � 0.25) p' __✓_ _ COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2s8¢'�0�•75�^�/ )1 GD1A,TE _ SI�� SHEET' `� OF�1e(c ESM ina JOB NAME tJI.y A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM - 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9905S � t� T7 „� �� (za) 228-5628 CONTENTS // ��� CZ4 ---------- --- -- _Ttz� _ _ __ lt1•c�i i'25 - - - P= -12�'� " 1�1•� -r Fk-ems s¢� �- 0.�3` :._y�„�__I,P._ pCa o - - - � � �rcwv��a •--C,a-�'�rz wticw�� _ � w� W�►l�P -_ wtcvn'a ewr a COMPUTATION SHEET ESM ina A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. 5W, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 12061 M-5628 JOB NO. � T� DATE _ `� I � SHEET Sr OF 1(Z JOB NAME LI SE1zTy U Eu) COMP. BY c`I��� CHK. BY CONTENTS -----------�--- PT - li�'10 - _ 1,910 12`b - -,,Ave, -40-- _ - --- ------ rt�Croc►�-� -- - -- ---- - ---- - -- d-o. -- o4y.- - - cc S1►�G- -Ulm Q _ - - - - - -. - 1 Q.w -cA __ COMPUTATION SHEET • JOB No 25uJ-OS-I S�?> ��--��jj,, DATE SHEET �L OF F ESM inn JOB NAME lxlI aS 2�'J TE1,O A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY \ig. CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM ,, /� 941 Powell Ave. 5W, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 f • 'DfQAM- ( .. I 1 i �-. , 1�1 us-5628 CONTENTS J 17+ �( (J �� ------- -- -- w�..Q too. - --. _ _ ��a j �'-2.�a.� �S,�T�..i%- = �• (oil_ �`�ti`,�' . - - . _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - �'-------------------- - - -- _- - .D `' 'x _ 1. _.moo_-cp_A_1'L (CIA- _C- _ngc_t ---- COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZS5-os —cW DATE `���v SHEET OF t� ESM inc. JOB NAME (A—'—?-:E/ OIL) A CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY. AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMM BY CHK.BY CONSULTING FIRM / 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 C.i�s� 1 ��Q � ,/ /G. S (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS J 11 UUYY VV`� �c+C tie, aa4ll LAP ------------ - - -------- --- - ------ _-------- P --- - - - - - - --- ------ --- ---- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -----� - --� ----------------------------------- ----_------------------ -- -_ __.----------y-_- - --- -- J COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 259-c6-88 ! DATA- 23 - SHEET � OF Ef ESM ina 0 JOB NAME Ll eeRT`I A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY �p CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (206)2211-5M CONTENTS S�O�m M,n C w cS - - 100ua_. 'p��ol ._ �+•Yhl� - Eicr i S1-i'G -- 2 � - - - - --- : - �t�r -t ;�46+ c ark �}o . oin� c,, - - i �- x . �"al,l� � � �. L� o�-e-r,�A,J .� u.�,, I,),1-l.� .1.�►- r� - 515Aj dA.� �► ee�o u� - - - Z4 - -- -- -r,".C_ o4 Can CA' -EtaA-tea �T�� -- -- A-- -- -- ---- -- -- q_j Slcb�s,.,_ _ Z�►e� _ I�re.� I�Y`s �+5 , cn! _ _ 14,0 S _G..o S- h� � c -- --- -- - 490 -- to • y_ _sho�_5czss -5% 1 f(19( BASIN FILE, UNUSED FILE REi::ORCS: 9-5� i BASK NUMBER: .. tA:i`DESCRIPTOR: FU1..,.Sn.E F;HSi?J BASINr S r r E ER WATERCOURSE BASIN DATA 1 4 . .i mirl 24.52 acres 9w.000 --- .- LE, 6 H f t •r E HYDROGR.APH DATA HYDRCGr r'i!= H FILE, UNUSED FILE RECORDS: Z6—'95 HYDROGki11�11r- H NUt� BE 1: DESCR I t= TOR: i= UTURE 1 00 YR/ =4HR @ TALBOT CROSSING MAX COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. �S' Frf DATE, �y - SHEET OF (� ESM inn JOB NAME +Lt � V I taw A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY J Q CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 - G �„w� `CS (206) 2ee-562e CONTENTS J`"O arc z t 9 v _x- -cal veck. _ .A _ . - feelq - +-lkc- + - __-. _cxl'S4"� _1d N L6&kc- - L�• �vcc-�_bereo4 _T�Lbo{--- -- -- - -- �- - -- - - - '�c_- no-c�s'� e a c� _o �' _ - o ��' S�-� _ __ _ Si- .,�� t � -�c d,���c�-+►��c� - - - -- - - - - -- --- -a,4-c, floe4__c>4- .0o i* awo�-_�ar`d 1e--Gto..as o_ __Zrc-F-s,s�sbdt-- I . y `► P - - 5 t YY\ l I tat c �� 4= c cL �o - s oP�t a rLJ1J Q_- - --- -- - --- --- -- - 0. -- - - - .-` ( a Sc Or�scc t�2 anted - {v -N-Q 9 t�ou - - - - - - - - - - - - - - w4w �. 4c c- p C A_=0. 0I S _ czr(A _ Q_ - - - - AA5o we w b.Q, *Iv (8 1pf 124 tau} - Z`I•D - - - - - - - - - — — — -- — — — — — — W-iM.e+► K PS .f'� k� 1 �h�� — — Y - COMPUTATION SHEET dkMJOB NO. 258'CE-99 f DATE _ S - SHEET 67' OF1O ESM inG 1H JOB NAME ' i-`` n rt-ty t A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY ✓y ` CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9WSS (206)228-5628 CONTENTS r•�•- Ca L5 potoN Q1pt- ,03 ion T --- --- -- --- - - -- -- --- oL � c 0; *'Lktmj- s C Y%t lb N ` � �'. � � or-) - _. ,� _ -4e1M ecrk`i •.cam - c 11� F ) v �eix"r"c- de.tee. pw".� _ _ _ 6.OS �qe�' tr•ea��ac�u S. -- --- ------ -- -- -- -- --. S(s-c.c1 ILClilt or^ - - Li e `e$ �.ir�e_ _ a 12c,)J\Acs Spa« Jlluc� - - - - - - - COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. DATE- — SHEET Z OFF ESM ina JOB NAME - U hCIN �� w A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY W p CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 C - I (za) 226-5628 CONTENTS S COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. DATE' _ z�- SHEET OF 162 ESM ina JOB NAME l�h� r V I A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CW BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90OSS S�rM 4a.�C S (m6)228-5628 CONTENTS, r11n C - ZYVL, l5 004 Vl * J -- --- - ---- --- ---- - DO TQ r - - SJCilftoe ll C. S�SN - CD��-•?---�"�t S --- -- ---- - - -- - - Q_= _21 c,� 5- -- - � - S - - �✓ , 24 tiv�-olN'c�� - - - - -- - - - - - - -Dcks cic -pe _ ^ z-0 "a Is 20 -- - -_+• STILLING WELL Corps of Engineers 10-B DW VER. IIOR. Slope DW h 1 /D II h I h 2 bw J5. 0. If 20 12 10 0 cr. 6 W lL a 4 ca cc w J u 2 1 2 4 6 B 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 QISCIIAKE (0), CFS FIGURE X-13-1. STILLING WELL DIAMETER (Dw) FROM REFERENCE X-B-1 of -11� wl"Irwift., 0 Th r CC J W J � W z 0, � z c J W J mca J y J :L W O W W Q w C W Q Q n i on Ou- Der The re. of Te: ' in ! me C= (C w e St =h �:. th. Th a a.Z 9.4 a.e o.s I.a we di SLOPE, (VERTICALIHORIZONTAL) T r. ar. o= Ow wh i (e Ve hZ = 2D • y . VEA. i ac wa i HO R_ The i ar fr ac FIGURE X-8-2- STILLING WELL HEIGHT FROM REFERENCE X-8-1 ' ; sc- Y-B-4 COMPUTATION SHEET J08 NO. 25e)_ 5.DATE _ /g� SHEET OF ESM ina JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY. AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY • CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 (206)M-5628 CONTENTS ----------- -- - - - _ --- --- - --- --- -- -- •-- _ _crc C-duw P4-� _sQ-tk�C�U2A`0__L�__ ------- --- -- - - - - � - - S . G� _ �� � -t�C _ �'iJ�%-�^- `� alb D _� � � � �5►- -�� - - .. - - ` �1e � �e-►� d �. (find Q zE'_ 2 p&.o( lz 1(0.4 cr Su +P_ (�- _ . � _-�- to - - - - - - - --- - - ---- r---- -- ---_ r----------- -_ram t1CII+G - 0 Sl 5kif- GG.W�I&(r HYDROGRAPH DATA H`i'DROGFiO H FILE, UWUSED FILE RECORDS: -1,15 HYDROGRAPH :4+aMBER: 35 DESCRIPTOR: DEy SITE yOFF TO DET POND 100yr- MAX FLCW: 17.74 cFs VOLUME: :2..59 66.26 Ft3 A t5 -{ne_� Flt%0 jo J41& pond• c e e, h't-4,-f ,okedvt F-to-r — F'. aw L . r. �,.f ._10" Z'2 14 0 pof, K- (- , �(oz/? er, 4.r). LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-8B1 3- 1-00 Page 1 POND NUMBER: 3 POND DESCRIPTOR: DET POND AT LOT 1 --------------- POND STORAGE POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 259366.26 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 154.17 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 122.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT ]IMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 1 120.43 ft 2.13 in .620 1 121'64 fL 2.25 in .620 l 122.85 f"t 2.44 in .620 1 124.06 ft 2.69 in .620 1 125.29 ft 3.19 in .620 1 126.50 ft 24.00 in .620 INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 120.43 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs --------------- POND ROUTING EATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STCRAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 60.00 .01 .01 .01 122.00 0^00 90.00 .30 .19 .19 122.01 35.06 120.00 .72 .22 .22 122.23 603.43 150.00 1.09 .28 .28 122.59 1814.07 180.00 1.53 .41 .41 123.17 3615.49 210.00 1.86 .56 .56 123.89 5831.86 240.00 2.29 .74 .74 124.47 8455.44 270.00 2.58 .92 .92 125.07 11394.55 300.00 3.04 1.i9 1.19 125.74 14659.55 330.00 3.34 1.42 1.42 126.31 18098.07 360.00 3.81 3.54 3.54 126.65 20441.78 390.00 4.10 4'06 4.06 126.67 20704.07 420.00 5.34 5~14 5.14 126.77 2!254.03 450.00 7.43 7.07 7.07 126.91 22247.0Z 480.00 17.74 15.88 15.88 127.56 26778.21 510.00 7.00 8.98 8.98 127.05 23231.Z0 540.00 4.87 5.34 5.34 126.78 21360.69 570.00 4.16 4.32 4.32 126.71 20838.65 600.00 4.17 4.20 4.20 126.70 20773.07 630.00 4.18 4.20 4.20 126.70 20775.95 660.00 3.68 3.79 3.79 126.67 20567.21 690.00 3.43 3.50 3.50 126.65 20417.96 720.00 3.43 3.45 3.45 126.64 20396.25 750.00 3.44 3.46 3.46 126.64 20397.75 ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 25B-05-881 3- 1-00 Page 2 ******************************************************************************** 780.00 2.96 3.07 3.07 126.62 20199-14 810.00 2.73 2.79 2.79 126.59 20057.15 840.60 2.73 2.75 2'75 126.59 20035.58 870.00 2.73 2.75 2.75 126.59 20035.98 900.00 2.51 2.56 2.56 126'58 19943.36 930.00 2.40 2.43 2.43 126.57 19876.73 960.00 2.40 2.41 2.41 126.57 19866.78 990.00 2.40 2.41 2.41 126.57 19867.i2 1020.00 2.08 2.15 2.15 126.55 19733.37 1050.00 1.92 1.96 1.96 126.53 19637.79 1080.00 1.92 1.93 1.9z 126.53 19622.57 1110.00 1.92 1.93 1.93 126,53 19622.90 1140.00 1.92 1.94 1.94 126.53 19623.21 1170.00 1.92 1.94 1.94 126.53 19623.32 1200^00 1.92 1.94 1.94 126.53 19623.B1 1230.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.33 19624.l0 1260.00 1.93 1.94 1.14 126.53 19624.37 1290.00 1.93 1.94 1.9* 126.53 19624.64 132C.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19624.89 1350.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.33 19625.14 1380.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19625.37 1410.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19625.61 1440.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19625.83 1470.00 0.00 1.43 1.43 126.33 18218.05 1500.00 0.00 1.28 1.28 125.97 15780.75 1530.0o 0.00 1.10 1.10 125.53 13636.61 1560.00 0.00 .94 .94 125.16 1lB20.17 1590.00 0.00 .85 .85 124.83 10210.03 1620.00 0.00 .76 .76 124.53 8760.94 1650.00 0.00 .67 .67 124.26 7464,64 1680.00 0.00 .59 .53 124.03 6328.32 1710.00 0,00 ^53 '53 123.72 5317,26 1740.00 0.00 .47 .47 123.43 4419.25 1770.00 0.00 .41 .41 123.17 3628.02 1800.00 0.00 .35 .35 122.95 Z949.19 1830.00 0.00 .31 .31 122.77 2366'54 1860.00 0'00 .28 .28 122.59 1837'66 1890.00 0.00 .26 .26 122.44 1352.14 1920.00 0.00 .24 .24 122'29 906'43 1950.00 0.00 .22 .22 122.16 497.26 1980.00 0.00 .20 .20 122'04 124.13 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: MAX WATER ELEV: MAX STORAGE VOL: RETAINED VOLUME: 17.74 cFs 16.49 cfs f / 127'61 / It �� \ \T\�� �� ���� ��T�\V�/ f�Y�vw�-f�l�� c 2709Z.60 Q3 /� ` .`' .` �� ro�~p�`�) \v°`^^� /.'. l�U ,5 k4-6� [�� 'IBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881 �``3- 1-O0 Page 3 -'- Inf}ow FLOW /cfo) .. COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2515-05-9g?-'( 1DATE 1l "�2J5 e5 SHEET —7V OF f ESM inc. JOB NAME l�IP�F Y IE" A CIVIL ENCINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY J CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055r1, (206) 228.5628 CONTENTS v1y `s ►yy vv `�,trl, �+�c.:.. _.4,,�-cal .�8�_ �•Sz. uo1_._ --- --- I c.JW-t�alll( 7 � - -J'ke. - V (a. �-' ,Otte � _ v ,�1- . a. _ cady , Q LvvV - � +Q � et we Vva 0 o oaG�,e��,-.,� �, oU-a V, - -- cj- Q���11 b _-}ram d.t.i,c ¢. - V . P-QO CA� \ -..0 _ . - ;a U- 'ple" �C-U Ct,(,o0 L� W �OC� // 2Q'Inr. ,�•G7,,�„� �4.�cX�- G fieALc� �1 j Su)a& *fff Td eu�, IS �n o ode beo; .V+yu-f,^) Ot r U G1�ov _ c,� e 'n.cu.�e o��W 0cl Qo�iu Ce ►tVo ( djAV tl,L �ric9�/ `{-o _W c�v� w�v `i 4 owc ou" d oath." +I q kgcrYYn� - � _r Ct/ . VA W_ C N lft - —YZ _ _.U.er � r.G-� -cat. ,� _t,� i o-�1i -- p pec��_ � _� _ ,ct,�.�wt +�,+.�• _ - r �,+ t $;.,, ,'fie:..• , _ 1 /` :�Y �, ^: , � •'� _r; F; -mil 'r •\�,� _ r V ' •• •i'�ia� ��i1 • '•*., i,;;'! �; at ' _ .. Z+�r►a•': ar. •tR_.• • T _- Y.iWcR np'I '1 •. /�� •may,,>�w � ��.. � �..��i�.A'.'rrri _� ��: + Iii.'� ..i �' �-' t�: � �'7M '•iR�E���� �•1 Ow 1N nr AM IV vat •.�i,i _ / rGli p ..N�Y.Z' .� W.w4k- #.-Ui rh.. •. ' , n '� ` .Stir 5�" ' +� � � '• COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO '�jn DATE ^� SHEET -<� OF.�, ESM inG m JOB NAME Llg RT 1 ��EIQ A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROIECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY '^'�✓ CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM �' 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 0�}-}}v v,) 72010411 01 0 /' (206) 228.5629 CONTENTS I / �M� l -� c,)wt- - IVA lv 1 e6t u�� c p (.'t,(J - � _ GGv� t�� ,0 �J ``�'`-c.� ✓',M-z' 4 t�Q.fif � c'1�C.4.�,��v'-1 n J `�'�^-csf �pt�.Q,_ 'Q PR' vtGT; I� bCI I tE DESIGNER DATE 01L)I��v HYDROLOGIC AND CHANNEL INFORMATION SKETCH j-oP STATION; or ��.r�� SPiilwo� . 0 E L. OZ TW Tw = I EL.�� : Soo"Z . + I �E L. Tw2= ALLOWABLE OUTLET VELOCITY = HEADWATER COMPUTATION z_ CULVERT TYPE 0 SIZE 3 OUTLET VELOCITY COST COMMENTS INLET CONT, OUTLET CONTROL Hw d +O D Hw Ke d� c2 ho II LSOFIW _ Z 2 = Ana �.h �,0,��. 0 - 0� 2 W.S cl=�Zb= 15� o.z SUMMARY 8 RECOMMENDATIONS; 41\- AF COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2 � 45-� f DATL i5 /G'¢' SHEET OF LLo�( ESM ina JOB NAME E6F—r/ 1S4 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY `�'� ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 � 1MJ �r�� '•IJ` (zav) 22e-5528 CONTENTS .wAl 6 - f - - - - ww -1� - . --.•r —`2=4_`uroY -2 - cJs-�,Q - ,,c,��o 1� - -- _ _ �� . �1_S(d� - z ._ 1 � . Z_ _ jlt� _ _�+14 =_ _ l."� 2. _ _3 • QJ_= _4-.5 - �'� -}z�,tJ�c-- j,- - -- - J� Tc, ' - -- -- - -- - -- -- --- -- - TQ . s b _ � _ 2a-.& p f -p •2.c�q , %AAAJ-,+n�.c l NW. _ o si{� c• u c a_ Z(_.. . ----- _ �t COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZS�--� J DATt 1 I -1SHEET 7� of ESM ina JOB NAME tJ 6e-<-�j V t A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY �1JlP CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 901 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 C � Ca I6. (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS J m _ S to -�°"c sL �Scc 1�T{)�i _ _ y tc" ------ -- - ------------.. A LL O V z W w Cc ww ° d i O 2 N < 3 Z W c O > o 0� Q z � u U uz<-0 C v 0 N >z <° W ,l Tr\h ; to. G$.�' A;e o, � t f•o r.p.� ���) 60 kl eo G=n'3y�►4�> C=(�•lDI (,��) Pm G�O,��tC��) To�&-� ���� ( vy� �A ect �I I 1 1 --F 1 1 rr� I a J� ! 44 I I f s 1 "✓ - I Oio I I Q. 1� I I I I I! I I , I I 1 I I( I®: I(C/ ; I 0-1d5 .OiO4 7. o, t y ! I 1 1 t 0.73 I 3-fi7 o�t� I �� �•-, o•�I :10 12 S3 S•1� , 0.1�3 lip 0 I(c —; ; n.�0 6,61 . 0,113 I I! I I 1 1 1 1 f I I I 2 I '/51 �� '' y� to -Id I I 0 6- I I I o-off I I t 9--1 A 1 I I 1 I V. 00; -; 1 I D• 49' , 0- 119 I d '. I 'cam �7 ! I t? I •�!P 0 1 I 1. I o-�� I I 1 b-69 , i I t I I- l i I 1 r 1 I 29 I 1 I. 1 1 12. 1'-' , 1 1 1 I b• 4-e , LL O x N i I W >. a CO oc Z m O OU W z N W oCc W z = o c N < Z O o � O 8 S �a d z 2 W 3 0 •C ZV ipq UZ <� W J c ;Z <s W 'f �b 4 A c ea. Qo_lt IOPn- f P,,c, V4U) Pc� vl '�I}� 6d trec,, JMO At Pet, C,u!)e t �I Zo1 t�.1�2-� I 1 I i '— i 1 I i iDaIS i i 10.,7( .� I 0:5� O.(o I t 1 I I Z�I } I I I I t IZI I! �n Is`fAi 1 I 1 13 I I O• oo 1 1 { { 1 } t t + r I 1 1 1 1 1 .5Z i I t I 1 1 1 ( I I I I t t 1 1 1 1 0• �� 2. Diu ! Q. i 3 I 1 1 1 1 1 t I t I I .t- I 1 I I I I t I t I I � ! 03 ' 1 1 '0y 4-0) ' 0-tlo 0.012 O•�'� I I .J�l I I I I ©� Z� I I 01 7 Y I { { ?-jSl , 10.13 �I� 11 I 1�I (O I 1 I F'�I •O I I 1 �1� !r I ? �-� Sd Z ' —' I ' Z I b' I ! 0.05- I t I l I ! ' I I I I ' I I I +• I 1 I I I �/'1 { �I , (✓'1, , _ (iV ! V. II 1I0. I I I Il 1 0 I O 1•� �! I1 0,10 I C), . b, I 1 1�-7I 0 ! O I4 I 1 I l• , 1 O' Z {.1 I t I\ I i {1/• t I I ! 1 I I + 0,57,57: I I 1 0,9 u I I I I I I I I I I d(,t-tt� I I I I Storm Seger Design Colnout afions ✓OB NO. 0 DATE l BY "La, I-D-F CURVE 1=''��-�, _, 1�,�-; o� RETURN -YEAR •SHE= T '1� OF ESM ina 4Sl SwA.eso loth Steel $We 106 ltarew W&O_pm,. "035 am ue.sc:e Location of i e p P Tributory o Point of .aonaentr_ otion Time of Concentration ainfal intenS- it O= CIA lnv.el. at pt.of of con . Inv. el. nextpf Length of pipe Grade. % Ve/ Di om e t 2r Q Fu11 from s ecific areas noted AccLrn. ota/ Theo. Comr, Area No. Acres a „ Runoft focior $ n q Acres �� „ /00% AC. z tk tot a/ at prey p k pipe from lost pf total at pt.N of cone From To n- �. �� o /d Did 10, D' 0 r) -C) .xG Sa, -7(o I . M W5(0 26A fO Z 5 (� ;-to � �,� �1 �'g�. iaj !1 ^ ^ �•5' e:14 p. �� � - �v' ..?'I � ! � = p•�� 1 I -�' •5a �.'f iv 23�g= �3p�- 1"Iio -, ? �/ �- � �� , IZx �Z� Q cw- v 20 s �TL (y��/ � vI 1✓'� V .b•j',. t� t C.Fi ��� VV 1 ' �'. � I / 2,/ `_ i.'1 t ff - ti � 4C. .^ ,'i,� �� 1 J fr+•✓ �^��"i� L(� i<� ^ n,•`r /�r /•' I l!f v ' �.Ii 1 � � � �. ,fI.P .� I • I � I bF- �' � r' � � • �'� I h`i % . ,/ � . � / � .i .i I �✓ ✓ -� � ✓ � �' I n ram, f�. / tY } .�. %i �� �!? .-+' r.t r .� i. ^ter n •` r ^lr 1 )OO �� 4 / I �, .C/i 1.� �.�.ii'Z �r /7 J? ' 7 „ �.�'r� 2 �y r� % ,, �.: _ .0-; n-'�`~ / I���✓ �T • ✓ r..�ll�' 0 ✓I �� y3 i � g8 / / lJ ' g �� 1 = Is �•�.��� �.�y� 11 V' o'� 0.2� �t�S Z.s I ��� of i�•�� 1•%'� '3.Ie 20a 6$ Got nj. �•+' 11 �/'�. �.V D.�V �•V� ./'- 1 �,�1 7 O•'�+ ��. 1� l'�� J•vV I 11 vs 6�- 4 67 3 1 L/ 46 L Li\ FAI 0 Sform Seu�Pr Desiar� Comr�l�� afions 1/05 NO. ESM inc. DATE �l �rri� BY h. I-D-F CURVE J�1�. l ! � !i RETURN -YEAR ,SI sa.Nu ,oth SI,.N s.,.. is R� W,.i...9�. xass SNP 8 OF ..'us.K„ r Location of i e p P Tributcry at Point of concentr_ otion Time of Concentration ainfal intens- it Y �� N e= CIA Inv. sI. at pt. of con /nv. el of next pt Length of pipe Grade % Ve/.Areo Di cm et er FL I r m s eciric areos noted ( Acccrn. otol Theo. Comr, Acresr11/7ofl cct or No. " " �� " Acres " /00% A C. total at prey p�last m pipe from pt. total at t. P of conc From T o n= . o /d Dicx ,� i tar lost 0.�8 I ! 7.23 3. 9'1 IS.� � I 0.7 3 I 1b :70 I �•'� 4.a4 I (�oS' s� 116% IN I ✓ I �`y I �— I �I 6� � c C.so ► .011 I O ,-i 1 1 0.73I 16.701 o.3cb 1 1"1,00 1 i.�0 S 2'�•I 1(0�3= I ((�3?1 + i �Z j 157' �? 15-7 1✓ ( ��I I i�131 0�l'� S,rJ6 I �531 (7.00 I o,1-� 11-,1i I '. 15, � 1 Ib3'=1 1 Ib(9-L-1 i.:0.012 D 1'� I_�o�p p.14 I �Sk I S.I( ILF. `{ I �•(� 1 Qi�rS 1(1 351 1., G},6�j l 1 Ib�? I (511 ;'•� I ��� 1 (�= I�S (i=o.o�Ll'�Lb I'?, �� py '1 IS.z� ! �5.3�5 11�.351 �( 01 (-7.S�-j 1 (, �Ck I G,�1�I !�i �% 1ZC%I !�� I �.�.�'✓ 1 rL-110, Pt, I ?D.S�I CIS) �4# �� I I��q I �- I13.S1 iZ`tb50lIZZ55 I �- i 7.7�1 D.o� I (7� I I13`��( IZ( ,.,,3 I �� I ( 7 y I 00 /'� I L I--► I I ! i I I I I ! I I i I I I ' I I ! I n FAI _ Storm Seur *. r Desion Comr���; ofions JOB NO. ZS�-o�-a3i DATE /-D-F CUP, V RE TURN -YEA R I SHET Q OF ESM ina j11 Sa+r1.•.ey loth Su." Sure 106 Renew W^J-V—. 9ap11 Q061 214Si26 Tributor• at Point of concentration Ti-me of Location of pipe r r7 s ecir"1c orecs noted I Acc=. Toto/ Concentration Acres unoff Acres /OO:o tes/ Area fcctor totes/ in pipeF17 From T o No. A C• at frompt. "" �° „ prevp /astpt.c4 Q oinf intens- ity �� Ir Q= C/A InY el. at pt of con Inv. el at nextpt Length of pipe Grcde o / Ve% Diameter Q Full Theo. Coml, n- o o'.�- D/oi Did i J Llp.yl D I�Jt� I1° .G� D.A-? �,��/ ^% �/ ��� ✓a v1 ' r — i 1, v I I I �r �J /�^� .:,J 'i•°1 �1 J - ,� f,}+1Ir � li'.''w3 1..�.'. ��� ^ � � I J • .� `' i I -,'d�' I �I '''ram I Z. r--3, , I ' � I 1 i• 13.5 I I I I I I I eZ L-� ►� I I I I ,I' i I I I I I 77� ��. ,-,� �'�� YI �.'b8 I �.s► I I /,,,i;- ►✓,�i I „ L+ �1 I I ✓ i I I I I I I • I �--I I I i I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I i I I JOB NO. 240-cs-Ge3 DATE 3-28-88 FROM /-D-F CURVE �<,eAtMr TO RETURN YEA R I 0 BY s4P SHEc T Pill OF ESM inc. 2 451 SpMh V 101h 511M Sw, 106 R"t. Wnlr..po . 9005S QM Zl & 562a Location of i e p P Tributary ct Point of concentration Time of Concentration oinfol intens- ity 1, M / Q= C/A Inv. el. al pt. of con 233.3b Inv. e/ of naxtpf Length of pipe Grade Vel. rI v.� �' Diamel2r Q r m � ecific areas noted Accr;m. otol Theo. Comr, Area No. Acres RLnoff factor *C,,, ��CA„ Acres 2�„ /00% AC. [217,4" Iota/ at prey p fl m pipe from last pt. total at pt. of cone. From To n= o,C 2-4 D/d I Dia. E,—:0 I C8 31 3" 0.1(. I-�6 o.vg LQI(O I o.o$ I — _" 112.°► I I,90 p.!"t 23o.s� 230•321 27 Z,a�l z.d I `�.� I �2-0,�,� S4f C43'�'32 0.35 0.�5 o,`I3 112 w 1 D.lS 16.oS ! )A p.b0 122)01.S2. 223-7� 1 CIS 1 �� � I �,3� 1 23,Z1 112', I �,Os !�o� D 13 z I o.�p.611 0.351 1 o.-r 'a(�3.o s 10.36 , 3 4l I.3 °I 11. 05 I z�3.16 21z,$a 1 1 1 41 S.-7 f2, Nv GBH C i)! o !_o.ztil_j0=00 Ir>8 1,(P-7 Ic5}o ! ),g0 1,0° 121�,00 2r5:�6 1 �.�0 1 3.D2146.H21 (2-11 2`f 33 ! O I I I' I — ! <<�v I b,g3�i!IS,oti 1o,o5 11S.I 1130 1 1,09 I?-IS,76 7-1L4 0 1 S—T 13.0°1 (���� �3g.`�B( (21 3,3>I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ►---1 ! I 1 1 I I t I I .I i SfOrm .Sewer DesiCI7 C'OmDU1'GfiOnS JOS NO. ZSS-oS-`061 ESM inr- DATE Zs - ":s g FROM 7-0 I -D-F CURVE n�,.N �-`n"t e RETURN -YEA R 1 U SHE-`T OF 451 Smsh .". 101h s+.e" 5u.It 106 uM� Wash Vo.. 4D055 SHEZ U06J 226.5423 Location of pipe [Tributa,-y eyt Point of concentration Time of Concentration ainfal intens- it �� / O CIA Inv. e/ at pt of con Inv. el at nextpt Length of pipe Grade. Vel.. ✓o� � Dicmetzr Q ?U" r M F ec ir'ic areas noted Accc;rn. otol Theo. Comr, Area No. Acres uA„ Runoft factor i� Acres /00% AC. �.C,An total at reY P ptj in pipe from last t P . total at pt. of cons. From T o n_ o oL4 D Z'S ( Ci3� zs I os4l 0.38 0.7 o 2 I •�j`� 4.s3 �w � gl �'� ��' .A� I ,i 5 �` Cf3�2 1 Cg-��j o. y one 0,31 ! 14 o•C9 (3.2 0,�„0 1 13•CJ 1 I.3g D,giO 1�1,�� U��'� �•1P 1 I �' 1Za I C 9 � I CR Z� L� ' O� 0.601 0,�'� 12•zo 1,3� 113. o D, � iy.?�1 i•3Z (I,-](o (1�6.3?j 165.3�1 63 I ).SO 133Q1 6�i.3vl IZ" Z,- i L-7 s ; °' a`{lo.2o z,sv 1.�3 Ilo{,2� 10.E ` 1 114•S7 1,� } 12.�U 116s,3$ 161.so 0213.8o I I I I I I 1 I �G-Ibµ.o� I I I C�.1� . II.q I I,y' 1�oi ,b 2.5p1 sv� SQ 12-7 3 114, q / p.2'L I S 11,E I 13, SS1 IyK,ao I �2s•so 1 fl I 6.�t31 ((, s8 141.3y I12�� 9_�iZ (-T I I 1 1 U 1ce) I o,q v_2 I s, �2 I Z.� � 115�11!'-I D, �u �s� Gf� i I �30 38�F �z�,so (25• io I z S I (.43 i �.S 1 I I`N:ati,z 6�. 67 4 L-7- 1 I i I I 1 I T-1 I I I I I I I I yl Vt /i/ .JGy'vfC'/yCJ/(Z/I (-, L////Ljul u//LJ//,�, JOB DATE /-D-F CURI/c P.�RETURN -)eEAR I'� { 1 .sHEr T g4 OF ESM ina 2 45I Swo--ry IRn 51reR Swe 106 It,... W-A—v—. "M5 am u9-5626 Location of pipe Tribvtory e7j P0471 of concentr_ofion Time of Concentrafion oirnffa intens- it �� Jr P= C/A Inv.e% of pt. of con Inv. el. of nextpt Length of pipe Grade % Ve% Diameter Q I FL I1 r m ecific cress noted) Accc:rn. Total Theo. Comi. Arec No. Acres „ „ 1,vnqfl factor * „ � �� JAcres a „ /00% A C. n total o1 Prep m pipe from /astpl. totes/ ct pt. of cone From To _ _ n- J D /d Dicx �i-vL ( I I I I I -I I I I F-T I I I I I I f I I I I i I I I I I I T-1 I i I L1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I i I I I I I I I I I I I L COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2S?-09 %II DATE ' 33— 8 SHEET g6- OF l 6G ESM ina JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BYy.S C� CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 l206l2211-5628 CONTENTS - TA-t$oT Rto A -ID _ --7a1.bot r—a*X) )-F(0s..j, - . +o Sal +' f S"> . T+ w I rc�l�cA, _ Q o i i--�. o - 7`- - ex v s`I-t r-�N 6 ,r.4N. 4►•d +lc- r n 1 o C 4 3% gffj 1 co,c -s a to e- _ csor� t��l TL • L - tf O0 c ro 0 do — (00� -re-- ro+ = 10,gtrla T.-rs(Lo) -- -- Z� =«A- - o.�(2.T)0.7s)_= Rat% V%A*.Q% 93.00 $7.•c� �f. 3 0 5 ,S - - -�,• .-�o,,,�,, `,ice �� (,�. [�-� . �w ' : _ .2�e �.t _ Yl N O PR CT: - � - - -- J DESIGNER DATE 0 �g HYDROLOGIC AND CHANNEL INFORMATION SKETCHLB�C STATION: 2 E L. �S � A14W A �a - 02 —� "ram' TW TW = EL. � So- Z'7 EL. ��� TT I L. - TW2= _ ALLOWABLE OUTLET VELOCITY HEADWATER COMPUTATION z INLET CONT. OUTLET CONTROL OUTLET CULVERT TYPE Q SIZE jdci-D HW3VELOCITY COST COMMENTS DHw Ke dc 2 h0 H Lso HW = SUMMARY D RECOMMENDATIONS: S M b eA lvv COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2� ��5+5y1 DATE _ SHEET OF`b� ESM inc. im JOB NAME �t(I� J ( GW" A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY fit/ CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (206)228-5628 CONTENTS c-La, t_. l-fI Lb� (,e.cLct Wy') to f -V JUL JtQCu o4 LC e JA td'.) Ik�c�.i�c �d• '(`1i�s�- - P - - - •�`�- �G) �- - .�rlw - - - _ SivLQ4 `�_ _oUr.� �cX: - - - -'ice - - . t,J_ - - r�.l ion. u�� -a� _ r �• _,_ca --_------- - - - - -- - - -- - - ---- -- - - - ------ - --'- - r----- --- - -- -- -- _cure cb) 4 6�_4tit _ v'occ A� -r, . aQ,e Tc e 5t+e,1--TT_QUA.)_ C,er►�- - _ _ cal Ja.� cw _ _ w-e i -eW .. - - -s.o �.u.?,�•c.�-k_ _ _ -_ _Q _ _ a. moo_ Cbl .✓-�.%Q-cam - - L oi�J Ch•�bCd - Ct�Q ��t�(r - - -�evtdA� E3" COMPUTATION SHEET ESM ina JOB NO. �iJ` %S�gIDDA,T,EE SHEET JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY v CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM / T� 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 S-�.p., t I�I229-5628 CONTENTS `V `M _ _ .11J,�.u• `�. �-� _c,B�Acv _ _ '_� _ _ t��c�.c�_ _R_ ca.Q pe.Gr : `% ft4-a- _ .Q t,o s.(.nv, 13w _ -18�.�•0 _ p-ecu^ - --b�t� �c� +- ?,��- s -lLf w C,- - - (.`J _ -1 - ?3- ��a.�. __ -�4.. - Q.ev�d- �'�- - -1-1• `�--�Gteurc�, I-u..�-t-P -- � Pev.roc. -- --- -- -- -- -- --- _ djo c V3.- - -71 --Tt- -------r-41w- U(f"_ - -- L ------ - - 3' �- ------ -- - -- -- - -©-- - 5�'-- Q��_�Qe.Lz_C-Q.'IiGJ,I(,�.D COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. �LGJ�Q'O5- � DATE - 712t SHEETS_ OF I �p ESM inc. 12 JOB NAME V (YAW A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BYCHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 , , , / (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS ��J��I JJJ���✓�N� COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2S,'05'8o( DATE 5 9OF D (� � SHEET ESM ina JOB NAME L-d�rZTV V fe- A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY `�'61 CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM ���111 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 C VrK ) 21rO.1M / '," � (206) zza-s6ie CONTENTS 1�^� ///VVV 1- �y -r,-Vic,--na•c� �-r,�f�'���- �,Y.� .��;� dtio a.cp(z.tCi �au9 - - aAt _ _ �� Gad _ c - - - s -,rue-�- rtiofr �c,ca, • $t,' - Wit' 7- _jA17= LO M COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. JOB NO. 455 -05 [W J' I DDAT'E� L e7t I SHEET J � OF JOB NAME � (�pf-,✓E�'�y V �GtN• A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMM BY '✓t CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM !1 � 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington. 9WSS �_ I/ i (206) ue-5625 CONTENTS VAS 120; L Wes' c cc fO-LC-Lit -o.-YAP_ �� � c�va.d.w•.c� P�c�� �{-G�- �• � ,e t I�� . o l,s-�- , � _ � � � o-� m� �+° � _ 0• � FfCG�AQrd� �i!'!�+/u� Y' `"^�` t r. �'n�� .��il�(rC.tl� ll�✓i� C��K l ' �� C�'�1 r J ��.� �r'!'.f � -1 ' -/ /`l . - - -� G",,9eu�d - - - - - - - (�vr ��"� _Q T`"�,�(� _ _ �• �i-1v 1'l 5 J c:ct) C-i' �- n COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO- 2��%�-QO (-gy/( DATE IL SHEET _Z OF ESM ina99 JOB NAMEylyE R I r kSu� A CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 9e1 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 (206) 228-S626 CONTENTS - -1, -NAP -- .Qa,- Ilad- �f-j t _ ann.� c,e-K� �n P w �� 'tzq d� `t L Q��- b + � �� ' nJ . yr �C fre�-f-eA -u1' �V�X f _ t .-eael &C A S u_-t tru . 1AX A'L4 ►M2vt�.od w�.e.P 12 \l °,if r� o-e r v cct' 'pa- -M,crt�-e44AOew-�� C 7) l?) .",KJ 1x"j l.J`^) Ol.� .cr�d��lowcs C • U17 'S W'( i W� C{, m' , ' * IA- Of e vvv . 4 d -ZA e- COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO-45��� DATE �%Z �' SHEET OF ESM inc. 12 JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY v�1 CHK- BY CONSULTING FIRM ,, ` 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 CONTENTS S Itic C-3 C-S (206) 228-5628 rs�l Ae� o'} In e*-r-k r\ A-%ktr , .,� u,1 11 de,4erm1, PO toss-2�S `4' ro--j k- 'tLh b" , ti 4 4m n s j `i-t on Ti-c 4o+.j .Qo55¢-S we k( 6. Ei�a 4-r-1 kt. {-k o4 alb +J-Q ?, V'-e— i 0 t s u t.Q +€.. " e A-e-c . . \\ t4- c-4 �c, ba so o— Q = Zt c-9-j V - ��Q'ELn �St h X—jtC�e v1 Ctra�Yuc{ S��1� 3 C11Ohrrt� J 0,-7 Y T � Y,- -4 -1 y, Z.<- COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2 SS'D-T Vid DATE ...r.YM ' Ieg SHEET %(1-:1 OF`� ESM inc. 12 JOB NAME _ L•)a-e-'4 .--� A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 J206) 228-5628 CONTENTS C PAC- S up e-w on -Z111 cpNL ®3•(A-5 70 C,.=O.O�L> I ce�-35- (2+k 78t0+ ) 7Lt,St l8 r8 Dr ksco D/ j _ -7 7. L v = I `A -3 �Q5 2,1 J -S 2r4�N� old = s9•3 = 12 7) L =R U7-IC ELJ.Ims CBS! _'ii FOL Cl C'.i'LAR CLNDUITS • MEN������ SEEAm J �� NEMUM1MMIENN■ MEMO E 11 OEM ■ ,SIMSE OEM 0 MNo ��� ♦ .+� NNE /�� �0IE�e S NEESE IMMENSE A/Af, V/Vf. Q/Qf, or R/Rf Note: This Chart is based oa Fig. 35, ASCE Ham,ai of Practice #37, which takes iato account the var- iation in "n", the roughness _factor, with depth of flow. Ca tJ Cl< c L.L.S. 6/1/62 St- C� 'I M DRAINAGE MANNING FORMULA '' 107 S ).2 041 Z .005 160 .004 U 0.003 17 N w W A02 7.9 a y V2 O UA 0.90: N _ w 0.001 000 Z 71 y. .000 U 0 J 00009 (metric units) Hydraulic Radius - - .1 .2 .3 .4 z 3 Proportional Values Based on Full Conditions Figure 3-30a Hydraulic properties of corrugated steel and structural plate pipe - arches. FULL 90 G so 9 mC` TM G /0 A s 3 50 (50 `o rs 40 or 0 C 30 0 0 10 0 Area I / I I 1 � -7-717 i Discharge / Hydraulic Aadiva All i Velocity .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .8 .T .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Hydraulic Elements in Terror of Hydraulic for Full Section Figure 340 Hydraulic elements graph- for circular CSP %'t)o2 &� 1(O c COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO ZS$-65-`68 1 DATE � O'L SHEET �7 1 OFI O v ESM inG 12 JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY T CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 980551'=!('w� (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS S Cons.ckr L3 #3 S cLs a C�,ji, %.j -L,, Jetkr .A s = o.1 gTo �>,yltq,bl.i O �O 1 S� d = I.SF men Q=21.z � v=3.S I'Ps �Dh i-r4co., : O • ( = 4J .3 0-4114.1 6�F•`� z C14-4 _ I �c7-�rt�.�� L n.►�(�-d� c..�n�r� �tPtL 1_3 4-0.9 - Z.2� 74.':Z; Z Z = 76.7 tL -GJ> - COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZOfI DATE U OZ SHEET OF ESM ina 12 JOB NAME �`��,'+ N%4t A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY JJ CHI. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 99055 (206) ue-5eze CONTENTS — Cm�y%— s eIle# \q5 2� C6�3� R t nA 16 = v = Imo• d. {yye.+ cµp a b\.r'I• _ y (,%��l — 38 OIL - ZI"j�col>uc 1,2 v . 14.1 4,s - . Ses_er�o/' - -- - - -- -_ CC3�3lo - d'- I, S' t v y3'S 4p5b C-64k - - ZoS sue.•-S � t _ _ Z t o ? _ �s C (,K.y G4r,M 0. 3 - -A-f C,Q MAT 1 = Ova _ I To•m Nam. COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZS8-o5-8&1 l /DATE SHEET M) OF I /10�p ESM inc. 19 JOB NAME Li A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROTECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY T P CHK- BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Po -ell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (2061228-5628 CONTENTS"^ �41�—�-!� �n ® ?' � �� spa. 1% 1'Z 7c.7 v = 12•-1 ZO, I D 67.v C tg" � 2-Cqk d = (e i (, 7-7) i, L o l2'` 21 I` cr% P Cl v = 10 ,2 c t 37 - d I,S v COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZS8`0S 8l DATE 88 SHEET !—� OF �o(o ESM inc. 12 JOB NAME b?-� A CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY J J CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9WS5 (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS G' �� �y �� o.0 i S - Q- '1. Ib•'Z 3.5i 6.0 b't q O 2/ m-lI%_ _ I. 1 O "P 64ry a, o as i o.-7 ,r _ 0,12 G `tr'1 _ Stnce-(2I t O� C 2> 7,0 +-Z-O = 8g•0_� i fosses COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO.DATE Z/ SHEET OF `14::)� ESM ina JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY �� P CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS C J A Ann.J = 2,0 11 CZ Er'f+\�(2�} N�-1 6,31 b11�� - iL —O,Z f' �a21 wood �l s Oamy SAr1n� 2, `4 Ar- Ce 0.Lf t - ,,, Z,v AG = 3so0 S611fv-�4ar^4-- = Z X (30 Ac-re F, ----- - 4192. 44-,� Z" do j4- \10 I N "--a- = 9. SZ0 ,c -�i . ZZ IZ�;-O x- 1-1,35 z5,3'B-T (UIL d> COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 25143-05 -82 1 DATE) $a SHEETLO-4- OF ESM ina 12 JOB NAME L1'a--?- I 1 ISS11N A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY `+"� ` CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 1 ^ ^ 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 990S5 C.}.� ", ,) V� cclc ' S , (206) 225-5625 CONTENTS I QT Yw I,000�(i l�I��1��N�INNYYI�lIINN�N�N��IIANbNNnNN N IMF A'� .III w'�nne�r�eru�omi COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. JOB NO. 2e-05 \/�/ DATE� SHEET tOe, OF JOB NAME 1j({2557 V �tA.A, A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY d"" CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W5S S (za)ua-shin CONTENTS f �' J1 ttiv' �t�w'—J -2_ __ �xrr�-' - -��� fir,- $YC� �_Z��r• w(lcvv�c`o�t -- �- - - *C2 t (ra 1 -PJX,. (0�, ,_ uniu, OnL41C1 IS l t_iJcwds._ l o -�- * is'u y-cp . ai- Ce pos +� a U��•�'Icw o ov{-t�f' COMPUTATION SHEET JOB No. 2 'D5'S81 I ) S l g SHEET OF I Lit"OAT, iv ESM inc. JOB NAME VIL5� J I&A) A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY 4161 CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 �n- (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS! (S - FD+j Lfl�- - .� Waal K zd- Za F-o(ted -+U tTeKA 7 -1� -7 9- -- Z� F ue�- c-iL_ 64 G LC�c�-�� z - --- -02.7+ r? _7 j +Qcer 1-06-r- -f oS� G G� _V�4 kG� . -21 �,- / ^ / -e5 123 L325 / TIME (min) HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 1 DESCRIPTOR: EX. SITE BASIN No1 25yr. MAX FLOW: ,57 cfs VOLUME: 16017.05 fL3 ---Flom 215 "15 �21E TIME (min> HYDRGGRAPH NUMBER: Z DESCRIPTOR: EX OFFSITE A,B,C, 25yr MAX FLOW: .61 cfs VOLUME: 11072.86 ft3 --- Flom TIME (min) HYDROCRAPH NUMBER: 3 DESCRIPTOR: 01+#2 EX 25Yr COMP. AT WETLAND OUTLET MAX FLOW: 1.12 cfs VOLUME: 27089.90 ft3 `-'-...`~~~....~.,'.^~ FLOW Ccfu .G0 '48 .*2 'ms .20 .24 12 HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 4 DESCRIPTORa #3 ROUTED THRU WETLANDS MAX FLOW: .50 cfs VOLUME: 25839.46 ft3 FLOW c 4' : 1 . 40 T SIP .210 i . i6r 'I I . 34 t I a — % 1n,1, TI1yE ttn;r,:, I.IUt°Il:tEh'; i)ESCr+IPT0R. EX SITE Dl=GDNI No 1 1t;>yr.. ill I=L�IW: '417LUME: i i i54. 21 f t-3 S 11 & 0� 1 c o F aw FLOW �a+a> .iQ I | | _9E ƒ .2 ƒ i ,24 ƒ / I � ' .8 + r 220 E22 22e 2:g !!So TIME Kin' QUO HYOROGRAPH NUMBER: 6 DESCRIPTOR: EX OFFSITE A,0,0, IOyr MAX FLOW: .30 cfs VOLUME: 6G20.06 ft3 -- Flom FLOW (ofo) i ` | G0 ^ | 54 +8 \ ^-+e . | |! � _3F- / HYD�OGRAP;-f 'qUHB"E'R: 7 3EECRIPTOR: 45+46 EX i0/r �t WETLAND �UTLET MAX FLOW: .57 c-s VOLJME: i7974.27 +c3 ^ � FLOW (of�> .4Q ~^` Z ^~- ./2 '38 --- Flom 7IME (min) HYDROGRAPH NUMBERS G DESCRIPTOR; #7 ROUTED THRU WETLANDS llrr RELEASE RAT MAX FLOWi .32 cfs VOLUME: 16723.78 ft3 l K-1 al lonol 1 43 145 445 Ago 215 3 Us : 2 45 1447- TINE HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 9 DESCRIPTOR: FLTURE 100YR/24HR & TALBOT CROSSN3 MAX FLOW: 20.13 cfs VOLUME: 306201.73 ft3 at Uo (-- --- Flow 542 740 240 1140 124-:3 T1ME (min) HYDROGRAPH KUNBER: 10 DESCRIPTORA EXIST OFFSlTE A&C lU YR MAN FLOW: .37 cfs VOLUME: 7127,53 ft3 Aos 125 225 Asa 1225 14 25 TIME (min) HyDROGRAPH NUMBER: 11 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITa SUB 01, 10Y:; MAX FLOW: ,49 cfs VOLUME: 7376.09 ft3 TZA[ (min) HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 12 DESCR:PTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB #2 10YR MAX FLOW: .22 cfs VOLUHE, 4335'42 ft3 , N 0 " HYDROGRAPH NUMBERs 13 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB W, 10YR MAX FLOW: .04 cfs VOLUME: 982.67 ft3 ' __ 14 �z E 23 pio Aso "k ASO TIME fminj HYDROGRAPH NUMSERc 14 OSSCRIPTOR: 010fNIZ-413, FLTURE lj YP CONN in WETLAND MAX FLOW .62 cis VOLUME: 1244Z.62 ft—�. (131r,'O'.J t T #a T *45 G4!: J45 HY�ROGRAPH N��BER: 16 DES[RIPT�R: #11 ROUTED THRU PON� 2 �.RESTRICTOF�) MAX FLOW: .10 cFs VOLU1E: 7377.93 f4--3 | +8 | ^ /\ | �L / � .24 AS ' ------ HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 17 DESCRIPTOR: #14+#i6 COMP @ WETL�NDS OLTLET MAX FLOW .70 cfs VOLUME: 19823.54 ft3 .04 54E 245 L 145 L449 045 2045 224E TIME Kin! HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 13 DESCRIPTOR: 417 ROUTED THRU WET LANCS lROND 1) MAX FLOW: .32 cfs VOLUME: IS57U.06 ft:7. So 1 171 oi [ "'. (, I FLOW i •�yjT , _ 4.9 . 42 ,3F fi .31 k , ! . HG 77., 371 - E — F _�'`` i.min. Hi RClGiiliF'FI ,wul'ILC��: 7 DESCRI TCr,:: 'EXIST OFF -SITE iA&C 2., r'fi MAX FLOW: f s VOLUME: 9640. 9E t t e G-,a-- (Zlk� -, - 6 1 ro fe. ��Q 10iG I 13 TIHE (min) HYDR3GRAPH NUM8ERi 20 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB 01, 2503 MAX FLOW: .64 c�s VOLUME: 9459.31 Ft3 -- L °-/ _� 4- / � �� ~' |���� ~.~j. - i ^ ` f /| ` .34 �LI� �]^� / � TIME HYD/3OGRAPH 3�1cc D2SCRIFTOR: FUTURE SITE ]E-�---------------------- ^ ` s VOLUME: 6007.01 ���u *2' 25YR ��+ nxJ°4} F F L 0 1W Ir 04G, 042! + .021 -014 -FI 0 ri .iG 530 730 WE 1 20 1293 TIME Wn-'i HYDROGRAPH NUNEERg 22 DESCRIPTOR i FUTURE S17Z SUB W, 25YR MAX FLUW: .07 cfs VOLUME: 1411.06 ft3 Svt 1 '5 l &6 1 I " 's, ( 5E 7is 1 -5 TIE ' HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 23 CESCRIPTOR: #19+#21+#22 FUTURE 25YR COMP @ WETLANCS MA� FLOW: .92 cfs VOL�ME17067.02 ft3 r''4- _^4^. --� Flom FLOW (ofn) .2Q i / ` �u ' � } '^� 'I8 ( ^1f � | / | / � i | .B2 ' | 3,om ! � e�E 5 aJc ��s �s1s 's L^�s �8�s 28is / / . | T1ME (m/n) ' HYCROGRAPH N.JMBER: 24 DESCRIP�OR: #20 RCUTED THRU PC MAX #2 MAX FLOW: .11 cfs VGLUME: 9459.62 ft3 | .+ � .2 �'m / a15 lei5 la is i+1S 1an vaz 2015 TIME (min) HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 25 DESCRIPTOR: 423+#21 COMP @ WETLANDS MAX FLOW: 1.01 cFs VOLUME: 26526.64 ft3 Flnm — HYDROGRAPH NL!'1BER^ 26 0ESCRIPTOR: #25 ROUTED THRU WETLANDS (POND 1) MAX FLJW: .42 cfa VOLUME: 25276.17 Vt3 ^c�f- \V5,q- a\/ -on .415 IE3 it t 00 HYDROGRAPH NLMDE.-;: 7 -7 A r- J. .,� I DESCr'%Ir--TCR: E" 1ST OFF 31 7E t" 71 C-r ,- I MA*,* FLOW: Vk'JLLNE: l..--=:-.76 -f-t*7- F,L 0 w .84ii in i ri j H'Y0r,:O0j', ',`I,r:`,--i NLIVBE;Z. DES CIRI 1-1 Ti-'-jR.- "UTURE 31TE SUG, MA;. F�CWz . nw. OQ (Z r, 5 VOLUVIE: 1 'Loll. 79 T*4_3 ', b, t I -,) 7 -q I' --:) 11:r ' HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 29 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB 21 100YR MA: FLOW: .47 cfs VOLUME: 78�1.57 ft3 lzof— )14�� �� )�0�� - '' i . HYDROGRAFH NUMBER: 30 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB 3, 100YF MAX FLOW: .1(:.. cfs VOLUME: i882.62 ft3 \~�^^ ~0 '�� a^� |�0�� .)V^^ ` --Flnm x'S �.� .. � !. ! e| | ! wt- TIME (min) HYDBOGRAPH NUMBER: 31 DESCRIPTOR: 427+#2q+#30, FLTURE 100VR COMP @ �ETLAND MAX FLEW: 1.27 cfs VOLUME: 22027.96 ft3 L221 !SQs TZHE (min> HYDR3GRAPH NUMBER: 32 CESCRIPTOR: #23 ROUTED THRU POND 2 MAX FLOW: '19 cfs VOLUME: 116i2.Z6 ft3 (A� ^�� �"w�� -� At + 499 As 11GE ZG27: TIME (min) ------ ---------- HYDPOGRAPH NUMDER: 33 DESCFIFTOR: #31+#32 COMP id WETLANDS MAX FLOW.- 1.36 Us 'VOLUME: 3Z640.22 ftZ S � � 14-2- of I ',,, r -_, 241 Wlss= Qwmov 62' :Molj ?VIAI ONOW PaNO713m now 031MOB 22# WIMUDS30 m :8Bs4nN H&MOOMAH I : 0 H`!DROGRAPH NUMcn-rR: -73 C E 3 C R'I P T 0 R: DE`� SITE &OFF TO DF-T -,OtrL j,)C*-,'r 111AX Lcw. 17. 7 + ;GLUME: TLOW Flow 4*:,-:� 20, I 14 I ri 245 -i 45 G45 R 4 5 101 4 5 1245 1445 T 1 ►--!F- t rr, In HYDROGRAPH NUMBER: 36 0 E,-D'C R'r PT 0 R - "DE". SITE TO IDET. POND 1, G . 2 rn i n MAX FLOW: 111.80 Cfs VOLUME: Uj 1—j kxt44-cd 3LC-c-c,/oL-V- !L4 our, LIBERTY VIEW STORM DRAIN CALCS, 258-05-881, 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 6 ^ ================================================================================ BASIN DATA ================================================================================ BASTN FILE, UNUSED FILE RECORDS,, 9-50 BASIN NdMEEP: I BASIN DESCRIPTOR: EX. SITE BASIN No.l INITIAL TIME CONC: 35.00 min BASIA AREA: 4.66 acres SCS CURVE WLMBER: 70.0Co WATERCOURSE LENGTH LENGTH TYPE SLOPE VELOCITY (it; (ft/s) TINE CCNCENTRATION: 35.00 min BASIN NUMBER: 2 BASIN DESCRIPTOR; EX. CFFSITE, A,B,C INITIAL TIME CONC: 18.10 min BASIN AREA: 2.36 acres SCS CURVE NUMGER: 73.000 --- WATERCOURSE LENGTH TYPE (ft) (---) TIME CONCENTRATION: 18.10 min BASIN NUMBER: 3 BASIN DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE 3ASIN INI7IAL TIME CONC: 14.10 min BASIN AREA: 24.52 acres SCS CURVE NUMBER: 96.000 --- WATERCOURSE LENGTH TYPE SLOPE VELOCITY (%/ (ft/s) SLOPE VELOCITY ^�/�' (4-�~ �4 '' ��~^ . ,"~ - �'�_ � ' �••3(•###•ii•:4•ri••rr•#•#•ii•iF>+r•?¢•lt•�4•.�#3f•###?F•iF�ti••�#�f•#ii•#:ir#�ii•#•�•#�if###### 4•#•r#�••�•dr#}i•##�!••iE######•iF•-1k••?�#.{••�i•i•#x•;f• t##�4••X• LIBERTY V I E..J STORM M DRAIN CALLS 253-05-8S 1, 1 5-33 �ii•#••if•.R.#yF#•#•�•##��+:t#yf••#•�F3E-iF##=#•��#�� iF#�i••ff••'t'E•#:r#•ii•-3t••te•###;#•#..�..if.iFiE#•4ri-�•###•fF##iF•#•k•#•,i•#��#;f#ii•#•>f)!•:�•:F#�••±l•it.�•rr•'rr TINE CONCENTRATION: 14.10 roar, BASIN NUNBER : 4 L'rS'N DESCRIPTOR: EX. OFF A$::i.. BASIN AREA. 1.06 acres WATARCOURSE -\ TIME CONCENTRATION: 21.10 min BASIN NL;NBER: S :_;ASiA DE CAIRfi..:R: r-UiuRE SITE SUB ##1 INITIAL k IHE ONC: iz. 0 mini BASIN AREmi 1.36 acres SOS CURVE NUMBER. 85.000 WATERCOURSE LENGTH TYPE SLOPE VELOCITY TIME CONCENTR•:ATIOhl: 12.90 min BASIN NUMBER: b BASIN DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB #.0 INITIAL TIME CONC: !.:..CO min BASIN AREA: 1.4Z acres SCCS CURVE NUMGER: 74.000 --- WATERCOURSE LENGTH TYPE SLOPE VELOC I T `( (ft: (-- (10 (ftisi TIME CONCENTRATION: 12.00 m i ri Ste- 1, d-7 , " LIBERTY VIEW STORM DRAIN CALCS, 258-05-881, 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 8 **************************************************************+***************** BASIN NUM8E3: 7 BASIN DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SU3 03 INITIAL TIME CONC: 10.00 min BASIN AREA: .41 acres SCS CURVE NUNBER: 70.000 --- WA7ERCOLRSE LENGTH TYPE- SLCPE VE"LCI�; FINE CONCENTRATIO*: t0.v0 mill BASIN NUNBE14 BASIN LE3CP&TCF: DEV 317E AND CFFS77E TO DET. POND @ L071 INITZAu TIME CONQ 17.00 Min BASI|v ARE.,: 20'79 acres SCS CLFVE ..UNDER: 96.000 --- WA7ER0CLRSE LENGTH T7PE 3LQPE 4ELOCITY (it) (---) (%> (fL/w. TIME ZONCZNTRAOON: I7.00 min POND DATA POND FILE, UNUSED FILE RECORDS: 4— t a ONE .,iBE...., POWD DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WE7LAND 1-'T-irti.ijlNG AREA POND STORAGE -------------- POND SHAPE, ;R,-JU`'i '?rjd_ 171 TOTAL :r=LIW VOLUNE: 25_ 9 `6. W of _ . . star gm ��^^ a5 i 1-!�_il_ll.. 4.1_J1Yf'.t:��P iNL IKS .-. r _ i.:LE . 0.00 Q.. ELEVAT I Gi,i STORAGE (ft) (ft•z) 196 0 0. oi_: --------------- i • CNL DISCHARGE --- TYPE HEIGHT D I MEN 1 COEt=' F 1 S 1 E1a'vat ion/Dischar ge as aptg!^_ad INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 1 6.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSF I:ATION LOSSES: 0.00 Cf5 ELEVATION/DISCHARGE FOR OUTLET 1: ELEV AT I04 DISCHARGE (ft) (cfss) 196. 1 C' `a • 00 197.10 2.66 t3 2.9_ 197.5C: 199.00 3.60 COEFF 2 D I ME: i .,:_ COMPUTATION SHEET a JOB NO. ZJ�—O�-�� DATE SHEET OF } ESM ina JOB NAME (EkD A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY L CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 o228-55628 . 5W, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 99055 � AN" o CONTENTS `�' a1��J� ��AY• ii1+�5L °OI?Ir:a, ___ -- 83 ST0 88 - 03 STO 02 84 '8=1' _ 84 .62 e5 PROMPT 05 "TO 03 86 STO 02 86 '9 ALL=?, 87 'R= " 07 PROMPT 88 PROMPT 08 STO ?0 - - - - - - 09 STO 81 - 09 'H=^• 10 RCL 00 18 PROMPT 11 :XEQ 01 _ 11 RCL 02 12 RCL 08 lc^ 13 EATcRt 13 SORT - 14 1.5 14 RCL 03 ,5QtU i L r, T5 16 RCL 03 - - 16 1%" 17 t 17 RCL 98 Is I. r. 13 19 RCL 82 19 A=" 20 * 28 ARCL X 21 'L=" - 21 't SR. FT.' 22 RRCL X 22 PROMPT c3 PROMPT 2-3 4 24 RCL e3 24 * _ 25 * 25 PI 26 1Zn 26 ? - - 27 RCL A2 27 "ART - i:8 * LO _ 29 ENTEr^..t 29 ARCL X 38 0.67 i 38 * FT,' 31 Y'X 31 RVIEW 32 'H=' 32 7wD 33 ARCL X 34 PROMPT �----- -------------- - -- - 35 XER 01 J-- -- w --------------- --- -- -- -- - 36 PROMPT 37+LB1 r1 I 33 RCL 91 r-------- ------------ ---- --- -- --- --- ,a - -- i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 4@ ---___----- d1at - -------_ .0 3. 2- 4 + 44 S-ilk a-7 - 46 ARCL 43 -- - --�--- - --- - --_ - J 47 AVIEW-- - 48 PSE ? 49 PSE _ ;N +I. �,,,,,.,.,. �rtE'i�tC� Co0'y i J S!- 4 - s Hydraulic Desi n 'of Energy Dissi ators for Culverts and Channels Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 14 December 1975 Prepared by the Hydraulics Branch, Bridge Division, Office of Engineering, in collaboration with the Demonstration Projects Division, Region 15, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C. 20590 CHAPTER CONTENTS PAGE Design Concept I-1 II Erosion Hazards II-A-1 III Culvert Outlet Velocity 111-1 IV Flow Transitions IV-1 V Outlet Scour Computation V-1 VI Hydraulic Jump V1-1 VII Forced Hydraulic Jump Basins VII-A-1 VIII Impact Basins VIII-A-1 IX Drop Structures IX-1 X Stilling Wells X-A-1 X1 Riprap Basins X1-1 XI I Design Selection X11-1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION MIWK S l51 wt Il',Vro DEIOidSTRAiION PROJAi N0. 31 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF ENERGY DlSSlPATORS FOR CULVERTS AND CHANNELS HYDRAULIC JUMP FORCED HYDRAULIC JUMP IMPACT BASIN DROP STRUCTURE RIPRAP BASIN STILLING WELL Erosion at culvert outlets and along highway drainage : hannels presents the highway engi- neer with numerous design, maintenance and environmental problems. The construction of a highway system disrupts and, in many in- stances, alters natural drainage networks. This generally results in lugh velocity flow within highway drainage structures. While h i, h velocity is desirable from the standpoint of conveying lame volumes of runoff in rela- tively small structures, such velocities often cause serious erosion problems. The above energy dissipator types can be used to mini- mize many erosion problems and thereby mitigate resultant impacts on the stream environment. r� of TU,,T ♦ 7� •� o o Z O jIATIS Jt This project will present design methods and demonstrate the operation of energy dis- sipators in a one day workshop: • Introduction • Xovie—"Hydraulics of Energy Dissipators" • Lecture —Review of =C 14 Design Manual • ;Yodel Demonstration in Portable Flume • Problem Solving Workshop Optional Sessions A.vulable with Above: • Culvert Design Workshop (1 day) • Stable Channel Design Workshop (r day) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION/Federal Highway Administration, Region 15, Demonstration Projects Division, 1000 North Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia 22201 XII. DESIGN SELECTION The energy dissipator selection process is best illustrated by applying the material presented in the preceding chapters to a series of design problems. e I-1, general design procedure outline is shown in figure the conceptual model. This model can be summarized by the following design steps. Design Procedure 1, Inaut Data a. Culvert --Types of control, Q, So, yo, Vo► L, TW , Fro b. Standard Outlet--y and V at culvert brink, Chapter III y and V at end of apron, Chapter IV Channel--Q. S� geometry, z, Yn, Vn, soil type, debris, c. bedload d. Allowable scour estimate--hs, Ws, Ls based on location AM 4W2. Natural Scour Computation--hs, Ws, Ls, Vs from Chapter V if these values exceed allowable values in step ID, protection is required. 3. Velocity Modification in Culvert a. For small velocity adjust.-nent increase culvert resistance, Chapter VII-C b. For minimum velocity, Vc, design for tumbling flow, Chapter VII-3 4. Energy Dissipator Design a. The dissipator types fall into two general groups based on Fr, see table XII-1: 1. Fr<3, most designs are in this group B. Fr>3, tumbling flow, increased resistance, USSR III, SAE and USER VI Within the two dissipator groups, the designs to be considered can be determined by testing the limitations of debris, TW, and other special considerations against: site conditions. XII-1 S Vt 5: ct t !� (a i b. Design each of the selected types using the appropriate design chapter. 5. Selection Criteria---Dissipator selection should be governed by comparing the efficiency, cost, natural channel compatibility, and anticipated scour for all the alternatives, a 2. XII-2 . { s x?� R'�y;,�•�.1�'3`�tL ��h:' ��r.l:.%!T`t 4:.!jl1�j; Ml_r!°:• '•r:T�k .`.f __ W. M'!•''y.'Y1. _. •1�"f. !1^c.._.•A C:'��1..�'!. 4'rt 3 ,y a�+`r��:. ••1 it ,•• r +.E �! Y(�ia � � Y• j + °•• + �� �:�1`.y.'7,']°':`trY�.��i =.i �w i7• ij�.N�}�rr3� �.,"�1:1i,�.�': t`-.t�,3 ,1� s• j.!..i '. �� �� Fti:s•='1it. �,}�� � ,yy�1��}++•• �.• � • r � ,::p .V , , f �R YJ i!Cl at�lF'� L.7W'fi�_�.ir_i• ?_�J.Jli-�. nip TABLE XII-I DISSIPATOR LIMITATIONS pISTYPE Froude Allowable pebi-is number Silt Bou ders g Floatin Ta1lwater Special Fr Sand �'�'� Consideration Free hydraulic Jump >1 II ff If Required CSU Rigid Boundary <3 M Tumbling Flow >1 M L PI _ Increased Resistance - M L L L - 4<So<25 USBR Type II 4 to 19 M L L _ Check Outlet. Control fii•J USBR Type III 4.5 to 17 M L !f Required USBR Type IV 2.5 to 4.5 M L M Required SAF H 1.7 to 17 M L Required M Required a, Contra Costa <3 Ifook l.8 to II 3 If Df M lJ <0. 5D USBR Type VI _ M M - Forest Service L L Desirable Q<400 cfs, - M L L Desirable V<50 fps D<36 inch Drop Structure <1 II Manifold L M Required Drop< 15ftt Corps Stilling I -Jell - - M M N L PJ Desirable Note; N Desirable N=none Riprap <3 If fi L=low fi _ M=moderate ff=heavy JE. X-3. CORPS OF ENGINEERS STILLING WELL The design of this type of stilling well energy dissipator is based on model tests conducted by the Corps of Engineers. ; ( X-B-1 and 2) The dissipator has application where debris is not a serious problem_ It will operate with moderate to high concentra- tions of sand and silt but is not recommended for areas where quantities of large floating or rolling debris is expected unless suitable debris -control structures are utilized. Its greatest potential, as far as highways are concerned, is at the outf alls of storm drains, median, and pipe down drains where little debris is expected. It may also be useful as a temporary erosion control device during construction. Design Recommendations The design is straightforward. Once the size and discharge of the incoming pipe are determined, figure X-B-1 is used f to select the stilling well diameter (DW). The model tests Ci indicated that satisfactory performance can be maintained well dia- !, for Q/D'/2 ratios as large as 10.0, with stilling that of the incoming meters of one, two, three, and five times used to define the curves shown k conduits. These ratios were in figure X-3-1. !; The tests also indicated that there is an optimum depth of stilling well below the invert of the incoming pipe. This r depth is determined by entering figure X-B-2 with the slope (DW) of the incoming pipe and using the stilling well diameter previously obtained from figure X-B-1_ y C The height of the stilling well above the invert is fixed I at twice the diameter of the incoming pipe (ZD) . This is dimension results in satisfactory operation and practical from a cost standpoint; however, if increased, greater effi- ciency will result. Tailwater also increases the efficiency of the stilling well. depressed ; Whenever possible, it should be located in a sump or area. It is recommended that riprap or other types of channel pro- well outlet and for tection be provided around the stilling a distance of at least 3DW downstream X-3-1 f 1 The outlet may also be covered with a screen or grate for -safety. However, the screen or grate should have a clear `! opening area of at least 75.percent of the total stilling well area and be capable of passing small floating debris t such as cans and bottles. Design Procedures j (1) Select approach pipe diameter (D) and discharge (Q). _ (2) Obtain well diameter (DW) from figure X-B-1. • i (3) Calculate the culvert slope = (Vertical/horizontal distance). The depth of the well below the culvert invert (hl) is determined from figure X-B-2. .(4) The depth of the well above the culvert invert (h2) i.! is equal to 2(D) as a minimum but may be greater if the site permits. i C (5) The total height of the well . (h ) = h +h 1 W 1 2 Example Problem Given: 24" CMP downdrain on a 2:1 slope carrying a r Q = 15 cfs Find: Stilling well dimensions ► } Solution: (1) D=2 ft., Q=15 cfs (2) From figure X-B71 DW=1.5D=3 ft. (3) Slope=1/2=.5, hi/DW=.42 from figure X-B-2 h1=.42(3.0)=1.26 ft., Use h1=1.3 ft. (4) h2=2(D)=2(2)=4 ft. (5) hW= hl+h2=1.3+4=5.3 ft. i X-B-1. IMPACT -TYPE ENERGY DISSIPATOR FOR STORM -DRAINAGE � OUTFALLS STILLING WELL DESIG11.7, U. S. Axmy Corps of Engineers, Technical Report No. 2-6 20 March 1963, WES, Vicksburg, Mississippi. X-3-2. Grace, J. L., Pickering, G. A., EVALUATION OF :. THREE ENERGY DISSIPATORS FOR STORM DRAIN OUTLETS,. j U.S. Army WES, HRB 1971, Washington, D.0 X-B-2 20 12 to I 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 DISCHARGE (01, CFS FIGURE X-B-1. STILLING WELL DIAMETER (Dw) FROM REFERENCE X-B-1 y:{•1 �:r •�:1 ✓`t�w:'f'•S.'�i ,1-'• �S r� �.�:� v !t� jy �.��jyd.• 'r:f '� i.i. y •«r•tr a� a.F,, e+'. i. �,i`� +` r y�,,, '9 •'�.i. •�. l >>nee� +"''� Sl nit I.'u.rt, *i`rt•�l.ir� r •1 1 �► r� .. .:{;� t • z: ',+ �,t '�' 'fir j ..y- t �. a• �:l 0.8 ~ J � J W W } Q J W m� J N J W 3 = 0.4 l4. W O W G n n 0.2 a 0 0 9 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 SLOPE, (VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL) tit s ZD.. 1' h� Ow y _ VER. HO R. Th( on oul Der Th < 1 re: of Te: ' in- c_ (d we 1 st i &:'..) tr Th we di 1 Th ai of wh i h le (r Ve fl I ac '. wa Th of ar fr ac FIGURE X-8-2- STILLING WELL HEIGHT FROM REFERENCE X-8-1 ' ;sc Y-3-4 ,\ .. ... ... ..._ .. .. . _._..ly_ , STILLING WELL - Corps of Engineers I 0 _ B D,N VER. ! HO R. D Q Slope DW hl/D hI h2 h14 I& r Sform Seple" r Design CO'MOUI Goons JOS NO. DATE /-D -F CURVEJ,. �--> /�, , >� RE TURN -YEA R SHEc-T Y l OF ESM ina 451 Soul..eu loth Son" Sung 106 Refs� W&VI-o-po,,. 9WSS Cw 2I4562S s M Location of i e pP Tributar n Point of c-oncentration Time of Concentration ainfal intens- ity y jr ;•Sw- Or C/A �.7� /nv eL at pt. of con Cr c.6A — Inv. e% at next pt Length of pipe Grade a / ve% Diameter Q fr m Specific areos noted Acccm. oto/ Theo. Comp, Area No.factor Acres zln fl 1, " I D•� \` " �•��' Acres 2 a �•�! J /00% A C. ztAn �•� total at 1prev,ollastpt. vl✓ 7�1 in pipe from • total at pt. of cone �1 ° From �! To I b L L1 n- -Full _ ;� • � � 1 P ' Fi a � � ^ �' ��`i • -�-�I �• � i � ` ' • 1 1 ° � ^ �^, I 1, � : � ' -'? 7 1,-f ; � �' '• =3� �- :, .'� `•� !') i n % �-' I � �i ! c,'' � ! (�• ' I , ' 3 � I i/ • ! J 1 1 . ! i �� I • �'•� I' . J� t ��j I • ./ J 1 '� / r,� ` I V I /, ��.G (/ ' I �/ /'1 / I 1 _ •I - I � I I I I I J _ Y,✓' /'1•�l�y� Y �� ! lrl•'J� 7.y��y y,� �I f �� !�! I(I.!f•7 '!•i� I �'i;:^% r. .i^`)� I J�� I �/ I I I I I I I I r .�J.i •5ni'�•� � t, � ^ �.v:/ � i•� I �.� (I �.J7 /l.�''1 I✓J�ri✓ ! � �' / �- "7�:-� I �I 0 -�!I'� I i i I f l✓.j�%I� P•✓•L�� ^,� Q.�j� (�,�� I 2.�i�� ( IGJ°`!'� 1�.1�� j�,,r'';� �-�`� ��(/�!' 2��Vy ������� V // ��^� r��� �G �/ ���,I,�% �i����y ����u/ ��I�•�, f, , Storm Sere' r DesZo CO*Mo u- Coons JOB NO. DATE •^ 1 r � J � BY � �. /-D-F CURVE' =���J < 1J- �� RETURN YEAR 'D n .SNEF T 8 1- OF 1 / ESM inc. .1SI S—P -eu lah S1,9" $.Of tqL le•..d. W04.:.vp . leQSS Q'OH 2I6-S�II Tributor qt point of coacentr. ation Time of Location of pipe I.m s ecir1c areas noted Accun. oto/ COncentrafiOn Acres unoff Acres /00% foto rn pipe to/a/ From T o Area llo. fcctor AC. Cl from at pt. �` •, �° •, n prep /astpt lof cone i ✓ � .� ? �/ _ �',y G`j n i•I � �� /•� �; :• 1 a .�.- .+ � ' �' I. '✓• C 1 � �•7 J �� i ' I � J.Y/ �. !JiX i �...�.� �J. I � � !:. i.Y ain f� intens- it J� �'1 I. � v 0= C/A /l. �.r J' /1 /nv.el. at pt. of con I � '� +�, ,r/ Inv. eL at ne rf pt I I ;o �' 1� � / Length of pipe I %� l�^ Grade % I (� j: � ve I � � / Di cm eJ zr Q F�11 � C� r-, Theo. Comr, n=�J :' o/d � r�7 � Did " ) .� -H-L I I I I I -14 (.71"II-1,0(n1 t- 0 �.�Zli!,•�`il 1�-�`i 7?� I -� C09 I �.1� - �.� �•� I (l•O� o,✓� I I 1o��I •�%� d.� t��-� l� G, 0�}0 'A.OJ I /7,A 'I1-i.2I •�rn,l j�_�?il �.��� �.(G� �� `% ljl�il ��,� ( ( `%I �`.'' 15� ✓>�� . I I —/'�I I• I I I I I I I I I I I I �( I 5 }- - �' 7 jI C II 1 • ( ;�' { I �. I � �•I � I i�! � I � �' I I�� I i �, I � �9 (��� � � �511 �� ✓� I I .,• ;;;;����? �• I I�J.� l0•�^►'I 1i-�%1 I n.� I I I-T I I I• IC.� Iv Ih!'^ I r. r/J �I (��I�•i I I •I I I I' I 1� r F- /'l I I •rl 1d(�^' i ✓�•f � +!1.�:•'^JI I 1 l-7•L^ � 1 11� ( v, �%'. �_'' +`��o✓ - I�/'l-I/I �'i-) I i.`! I Ji I ��0� (1�-)• (t,� �/ ( I I I•. I ( I I• i � I I I I i I I Storm Seple' r Design Comou ofions JOB NO. DATE /-D -F CUP. %, ►p-, i l >., Jai RETURN YEAR SNEF T p- 57 OF ESM ina BSI SwA..'Y tag k•eee S,+, 106 ee«ow Wail Pa,.. gW33 Cow 2I6.3629 n point of concentr. otion Time of oi� f Location of pipeciric areas noleo' AccLrn. otol Conce/ltration inters cres factor Acres /00% lot a/ in pipe total ity Vre From T o A C. at from at pt. �� !! " " " " • �` pre p last pt of conc -z O= C/A InY el. of pt. of con Inv. el at next pt Length of pipe Grade, o / Vel 17 Di am e12r Q Full Theo. Co, _ p, n- ,7-2- o id a;d r IS �'6 I �• ! , I .�� ;�.' ? 7,,, I�.l i } — �."�� 1.04- ,�J%%f �?'� GAS I '7 I �•---� I I � i i I I I 1LI? � l! ��'�I 2'1 I'�`�% I �J % d� % � zk `► �-7 i � � '• ' I� I I� .,I' i I I I I I I I r',-� I �.�, � �� I ----I � � I,.�.�,;-���1 �. �•� ,I .^. ,,, •� ,.�,;, I , � I �, �-I -�' � I I y ✓ L�.:�` ��1 � � �� � (��/�/ .�I a,� c5I I I I I �I •� � i I I I I i ! I� I � I I l I I I I I i I I JI I I I I I I {• I I l l ! I i� I I I I l I l ( I I I •I �i I I �►� lI I 1 1. 1 i I- LI -1-1 dos No. us-c-s-qFl Sforrn Seiner Desian COM-0U1 (9fin o5 DATE FR0M TO BY J P l - D - F CURVE" s rn 4- r (S e,, t!1.e RE T URN YEAR I c) SHEF T p q OF ESM ina 451 50-AN- V IGtn St.r" 5u.tt 106 Jt",o Wr1u..Vt , 9LQSS cos, Zl$-%zs 7mw Locction of pipe Tri6utcr� a point of concentration Time of Concentration infcl �i'ltens- it y �� Q= C/A /nv.el. ct pt. of con FIr1 lnv. el ct nextpt. Length of pipe Grode % Vel ��. Dicmeler Q fr /7 s eciric oreos noted 4c�m. Tctol Theo. Cor7rt rectotc/ ANo. acres v Runoff factor Acres /00% AC. ct red p p in pipe from IOSt t. p totcl ct Pt. Of C017 From T o n= D, 0 2-4 D/� Dra. Ce> 3L �5 31 v O L 05`i 'I o- 05 016 I o.og � ._ � _` 112.q 1,10 0.1 '1 + 230-%j 2,3o,3Zi 27 6Z�.,54 y � I i I � 1 1 1 I I I I I I�z32.95 (0,u3 1 �osCl 0.35 (d.�5 I o.`(3 I i1.� I p 1S 113.05 I l.- p b0 1.So.3L1 223��1 �S 1 �`� 14,3� 1 23,2i I ►2'� I erg I I I I i I I I I Izz.z�i I I I I I I ' c�r3Z I PriN� 13� o.�� -10.01 0,35 1 lI0.1B 113.oS I 0•36 113.4� 11.59 I2,-L3.7101217,501 C7 1-t4,15.-71 12&b I fZ 15,89 N D Gf3�33iG,1.a�X0 1 O.Z21_io2,{ 06 1.58 1 O.g ylr3.�l� 1 i.L-1 I(S.p I ), 30 I i3O� 121�,0ri1215.%61 I I.(o0 1 �,021 46.921 (ZEE IZ y I o,9gIis.o2 10,05 I 1--?. ID I I3o I i,o5 I�Is.-l�lZ,u.o I S-7 13.0cl 13�$S 138.9g1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I i i I I I Sform Sew r- Desia� �'om���to�ions JOB NO. DATE 3- 2s--6 i FROtd TO BY /-D-F CUr?VE Cr,,L j U,`tt'ie RETURN YEAR SHE= Io r T OF ESM ins. 43I Swi q Wtn 9rrct S.r.tt 106 it"io W&-O—Vo . SaMS Cm 2111-5623 Location of pipe Tributar• nt Doint of concentrotion Time of fQl 4c=177. Totcl Concentration KCb7 tens- Acres 1100% total in pipe tots/ it AC. ct from 0t pt. Y n „ CA prevp�. /ast pt. of cone, �, . 1 0.10 0.3$ I — — i3;2 (I 3`� Q= CIA D.S311g6.g�l� Inv. e/. ct pt. of con T1= Inv. e/. ct nextpt. i,8`�I Length Grade of pipe % Z-8 1-7-1 Dicmet2r Veh Theo. Corm v ^, .� �• n- o,oZ�F 1'1,23121.65 1 12?` Q �U'' 1 Sr 16 fr m Aciric cress noted Areo No. 1 Acres „ „ n,Mo RUnoff fcctor ,� �� 0.38 From T o , ZS I C13 I los`(1 C�4�� 1 c6�?� zc. I o.yy 13-23 I1.3`} 10,9 I1 1,�}I 66.3313DD 17,1�i 15,o312g2p1 1Z 51I�? I I 1 C.t I C`A Z� I ' i.o� �0.601 o,LI 1 2. 10 I �,3`� 1 �3.�3 { 0,.�5 { 1 1,-1(o Ill,G.331165,331 I (-6 g ( Cgs 27 I Zs °.3o 20 Z.yv 11.�3 11oI.32 Io,3Z 11L.6y 11t� 12toUI►�Sr38116L5 OZI 3,8o { 9t8b I s►, 6 i2'` 3,�7� ; f�,��10 iTG- C�B� �-7 zi— � i 0.�,4 i j0,01 0.39 12.a`f 11.9 2 D2, (�,2� 12,-7 I ► SO 1— I,�.�o i �,�o 13rssl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T-1 I i I JTUi11-1 ,D&W r &.16510 C, 0a20 7 Tions DATE�- /-D-F CURVE) r er _ RE TURN rE,4 R 10 SNc"`cT 86 OF 1 ESM inc, 45I $0,41 —ev Ipn 54.est Swe 106 K".oh Wa�1.�..y on. 1M55 crow isn-xZe Location of pipe Tributor nt Poir7i of concenlretion Time of Concentration nel7S- p=C/A /nv e% al pt. of con /nv. el el neztpt Di cm61 ?r Length Grade of leiTheo. Comt. pipe % n- �.c =L D /cJ Dicx Q F�I1 fr 7 s eciric areas noted Accum. Tcto/ Acres No. runoff fac>orAC.at� Acres /00% _ _ _ total prev. p in pipe from last pt. toto/ of pt. of cone, From f T o I f L I i I f I I I I I I I I I I F— i I COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. �rJ�DATE ;%( G,�l ,1 G' ., SHEET � OF ESM inc. JOB NAME L I�Lk" � I V V 602 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM J` 1206) 22B 1562a . SW, Suite too Renton Washington, 95055 CONTENTS w✓ '/ ` �, (o . - - - _'1� _ 11 adolve��s . C,euo(,dt t l b -Near, vi o e>r!�-,. - �R Q -+ i T V.Q ►� ° C'll . °'r _ ` ..C�.� L � Gf jC :Q k,4 L, ,-) I c u 1�,4 �(°�eq+ CWG� ec� �K�2. / sy. - JGcOcVI . �='L• Acea, �(,�� C�� Q C,CtX.r�ri 9��c� ._SriG. _.. .C.v.t. -t� ISciYi- �U�t�. t,j0i v-�bPC 0)jP, t4Aae �4c' L4 • _ ... . �w bi Gij o J. .`�-, ..AJys� bue.�+� r�� `�' C.6ud.•�; wyJ Ilv�'� - - f��`�b c.rcca (��lr,V✓v�., c,E,� - -}-o �s� _-.e•,c.���� � e�4. L w�,►M.�.oce-) l,�c.�r.�( � ,� _ �-�r _ -� - -oCAdoLd.J _ d�krCw _ sa et,c �A-. llk� OV C v� 4-0� v 000(& _ w -`FAQ S� { U►- _ �cTv b P Clmo' l6) .Q N � . '✓vC�4 + of� u71tA vr 40 LltK wooded w _�I-c,_e S� 1� Y� b.u�• �� 0 •(o v J cw e� Ch C�) comb , ct P� ���, . ceu vi CA 0ssc 10. "Ict, LWJn�-1, C 2 (A .. V _.(c a(s_ �ow�(-fn a-,�. C�• ems- _ _ . _ _ ,_ cc�� o4 Iµ L. G `r c�>�, (P�w�o `� o l,A'�G �Ct).�v.a�,/ 2� •_ �!c o .- O �q&�Ot Ju MCA +r �o lllo LH'T G��Pcv COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. �5?''0S'551DATE 3 SHEET 91' OF ESM inc. 19 JOB NAME LlIE)EQ" qy i ` A;" A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY N'V CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 S ... I �M.. .. ��C,> (2061228-5628 CONTENTS Yri/ • L.t/�iv4 �caJ'��' �• (o C� 22. `� COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. �G'�"i�-� DATE ��' �% -� SHEET OF ESM inc. E9JOB NAME w ': - U «D A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY 1 CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 S 'pw� (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS 1 l w� G01D'DI L4 Lbov-*1) re . -6 P 'Ppu CA'r- lo�) .ib. lob- l30- 3— - l - - -- - - l . z - ►-� - 10�-�0 )D_ 0.1 IDco--b 1o2 �✓yv AFL J . Iq : �D. ��)� . d-�� o - �) = D - c- 7 , -- -✓� �o� �%L v�Cc/UQ O�.lf_ =� Cti O,Qci L(� !�� %t✓! cCt Q! -(iLt v9tiL,'0 /IBC ✓, Qv �C Gt,C�� l'�,(�/iG�Q� �ti •�'� to l ��) Cr' �C�c ,/✓✓J f ] LoG� C y .�ijl /5 / % 6/ /C� %( �i �w.`P/L f : Q % ✓t %t a k -4c— lqb-(-U4. ->cZu ) av'� Q 1p') Via 2i U 7'r, COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. 19 JOB NO. 225:VL)f'I DATE ��' �� � SHEET C(_0 OF JOB NAME L-1�.�-V IF ') A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9WSS ✓ „ _ j �f��t � (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS W JV CU�DC[I�IJ I (.o� Crain'•) _ _ .- -- ._ _ _ v -/v__ y -P Pam'I tr . - trot. ',�9vclt c% chv-a �'G�c� . aA-e4 "/jAV--c='j Adc"t ri CAIVA . �Yji"P✓wr/ Gct.L _ .�,�� L�r�v�•-�.�. �L� c-< V � _. ccJa�G�o_ �rc� �-P� _ _ l L' ..� �`'•.+! ,.•.,off ;+. ...-. .,•„ ., , ;,AI' 1'_�;1 c. ''''!•�-.f ,��' .) -�. JWv .Cf s1 �% ,w�. ��i it •.:Y ` ' •� ' tr , • i l 1 � ��...�y c � M .r-w•.w.J�. •, �. lb IT I Oft ;1 • A ,',ham .�•f.+ •, �" ,F� . � �� 1_ •I `a"+^ "*` � .`�� Y S• 1"� ' s r�Y .'� w, +i saw - • ��,'C" i 1 ` • -- � �• ' .1 �+�,�' �. i } `' �+ .fir Mr •.r. � I`. ` ,�� �l�. i •' ? • ';f�, r JI ♦1 y - `" `}.�ti ri Rom•*.. /00 •� w • t.lv '� +a •1 '• _.i _ .. ". i� rr s ' / �774��' J.'soo ' ', ,�T,,.' ,_'."+ t,,.j1 .` �'1 + !.'. % • � .fit �� �- ..�c� • — � � � �.• � � .: ..._. �+�' : `�, ' . 'JO COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. "��' l DATE :� 2 SHEET 1?3_L OF ESM inc. L9 JOB NAME 11- (0Q-12�T 0 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 99055 (206)226-562e CONTENTS IIs - -- - - -- -- ]�A«k -�� i. 8, C Z� -- 2 - � J � 42 +1 3 wvt l cwId s CX uj " 8 -o Y'N44� t vv w44, l - -r tar . Y e�,ae rc�'kc _U) �. %�rG ioo Tod 1O .cch��. D f G , 1 V�r - �� l4 0 t 412 t 15 � '��6 T l Ov�1 _ C�poS �+� - @ I�'�'icw�c� D;*e 1 uo I routes _ +tvi 70-V�A. Z COMPUTATION SHEET JOBNO. 2y�-05'�3°'� DATE `� Jg SHEET / / OF ESM inc. QJOBNAME L18r� o I&)D A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 10o Renton Washington, 9W55 -DrO (206) 226-5628 CONTENTS - C6 S or) - - Z� Fv I v ce, V1- _ 2� ._ � l � t � Z I _+ � ZZ_! �-,)-�-J rL _ 2h� _ C�B�u�os �-� �. � of �i.c.�.�do-- -• - - 44 -2!j - 4�Z�5+ 0- 4- .. L' e o5(+e/ U,)v{-Ic✓vido _. 64 G - - Z�j zo + a 40+0 r� l oOr 05 Gv we (cd� f-&,J*ed +ivo P dk-Z 3 3 _ 4- '1, * 3 Z ifs uy�f' any o _ -3� . �%iu••c.�.e�P�o( �.-{� � � D�-�(.4L�'fr .. - �P.v,7�'�.i �''�� �1 _: - -. 5k4- i-!( -- F I c, ul, T _54 t 4C4 4 S El S Liz 5 -1, J. 1-11-7 � 'Irl i I! '.I No F J J; I J.. C G IR, I F I G R F \1 1 _R 'AHE: )5 FL.C.-W, C I VC _% - . .1. 6"' 1. 7 5 + 5A3- 11 (, , iyf-;*�c-,..:jF,,i'-,-fP1; k,.Ji i-,,. DESCRIPTOR: 0!�OFFSITO A,B,C, 25yr Hmx FLuW: .63 L+S VOLUME: 11072.86 ft.'-r F L. 2 1 X: 1.I E: i. m i rt I 117 'TAI. R 1SYCOMP. AT WETLAND OUTLET hox FLQW:� J.12 cfn VOLJME: 27009.90 it*-r qf HRJ �ETLAHDS 6 ft3 '75 -- Flow FL 01-1 V t .32 t 04 420 C22 U20 h S DESCR 1 PI ON: EX�SITE BASIN Ko 1 AW .32 cfs VOLUNE; il!54.2i f&.'. \ / / E20 7um 220 1120 22 .0.1 ' HYDROGHAP!| ;AUi|DEP: 6 DESCRIPTOR: EX LFFSKE A,O,C, i"yr MAL FLOA! .30 cis VOLUME: u620.06 ' `"° LEa �2132 12M 1e20 TIME Win) 7 DESCRIPTOR, #5 #6 Ex 10yr COMPat WETLAND CUTLET |1��X FLOW: .5�� c4s \'OL.iME: |7974.27 ft3 ^ ----_--___—______ ______________________|____________________________________ 1 ~ P L F I ou, F L 0 P' -00 502 700 EM I lea 1230 osea 1750 TIHE (min) HYDRUGRAVE N&DEW 8 DESCRIFTOr: : t7 ROUTED 1HPj WEILANDS loyr RELEASE RAT WX FLANK .02 cfE I VOLUMM 16723.00 +0--*. --- F'Iom !1ML (min) ,,ORGARaPT- NUhDEk: 9 DESCRIPTOR: FOURE 1G0YN/24HR @ TALDOT CW3SING MAX FL&Wt 20.93 cis VLLJKE: P30620i.73 ft3 (c, -f AD - AD - I ' 041 240 542 740 240 1 L42 QfM TIME (min) 1AMER: to DESCRIPTOR, C41ST VUSITE AIC lu YF'� ;W� NOW- .30 LiS 7127.53 fzl.! /05- cl u, 212 S 1 5 1. 6 25 T IME :. r, r", I r . ": , - r� . E f 1.1 11 � / .]� � .12 � Vg | .B3 / -028 i I C-2 1.,0[1 ' | TIi1E (mio) n��)HOGRA�H NUMBEk: i2 DESCR�PTDR: SI-� 3''8 FLO�: �LUi�iE ' '~'`� ' ' ` � ------------------------------'-_----__| ..... ..... _'_-__-_--___________ ),0-7 -- I - lull Bid 4 20 I i.*Lll,(-,Ik....;!:,.P,.;�-i--i, NUMBER& 13 LESCRIPTDR: F TURa SITE SUP W, !OY:, NA9 FLOWi .04 cls VOLUME: 922.67 ft:]; JDJ- 00+011+#13, PUTURE S YP CON e WEILAND ;4� 7LjW:: o2 cfs VOLUME: 12445.62 ft3 C t I II D9 r4 2 7 4 L-E T f, 1 t—:- (" m I n i Ll i A. 4" 1.' F." F" J "i"L. i i i A::: 4 V i i o — 22 1 . . ... ... ... . . ... . . ..... . .... // n 1.DUE., 245 *45 C4E O45 --- F�om |u*s L245 /- . / 0 �m,/`, S, � CE3CRlPTOC: * 1 POUTED THRU POND 2 `RESlRIVTOR> :AN FLOW: .10 cos VOLUAE: 7377.13 {L3 -- F 'I o 1.11 T' .- kl'D L E T — Floul FLOW WK .40 . W 1 IESCRIPIOM: ROOTED !HRU :LA LAWS (PONE 1) MA> CIM: a2 VOLUM 18573.36 TU, l 13 F I FL 0 ' AID A4 - 12 uG 4 2 ZE 5 1z, 9 PRO liss L 3 2 - TIME (min) PHDROGRAPH MUM is DESCRIPTOR: ETIST 43F73ITZ AM 25YF-,* 1Ai: Fwow- .53 HE VDLUMEL I >643.95 zt:lv liq J:7 1 'i .'7 P. 7 ezm) D 7 In 4 T I t.-,IE ifIF!'t i I TURL C !0; AT .caf '32 .PG. 'r4 |� �| .ZD | ' /�� } ' . | .o� 502 C, Ell4i�i8TIME Win) 12�� ,3�1. czs DE5C�IPTCR: FU�URE 3ITE SUD *2 2�/'/ ---'----'---'--- � YbLUA�E� 6007.01 ft3 ' ' '-' ..... ----------------------------------- _- --- F opt J M .087 "DO 2 -:5.3 E 722 0 R C-7. 1210 129", TIME fmin'.; ; "-, 21 L"ETOR 1 PWR N FUTjRE 317E SUB 93, 25yr-, HOX 0 cq 0 VLLuMQ I A! i . 06 q i .117 !run ; k Tr 15 2 15 1 S., 2, 1 TIE • F! 1 1 %; I I I I Ef �_,. F*..-, L F C-:; f, T, " i - 0 R fl. 1. FJ7 7 :.l C.. f L ;ME: CC 71'r 1 , —, Flout t FL 014 .14 17 at 34 .02- so 1� 2215 is 4 L H c j E U A 0V INS NA His JES TIME WK 21 DESCRIPTCAR 2 *20 ROUTEO !HRU PDND #Z ;AX FLOW. .11 cfa VOLUMEr 945?.62 +M 11 4 L Cl W i U, TIME GI r..." , " F ',- I F T 0 T W'.)NDS X F 0 )no FLOW 10 1 Yf 413 31 2i5; ZQ 05 1115 1413 -- F I cl ut QQ 2215 2 2 Q- TIME ("in) HYDROGRAPH NUHEERP 26 DESCRIPTOR: #25 ROUT= THRU WETLANDS XOND H"V �LSW: .42 cfa VOLUME: 25276.17 t2- ) — Flom F' L. 0 N own 'I BO T 7. ec� ------- E-. 71 5 16 j7s TIME (min) WMIARITIA WMDER: 27 DESCRIPTURt EXTS7 OFF 51TE A&C, COVR F6 � F16W. .71 cis VOLLAE: 12133.76 +t3 127 PET ?2 [:5 .2 5 s El E ?!i 9 R 5 1125 TIME Win) 12 [� El r i 1 a..F Ci " , ")." i.; L E 4 a 2B DESCRIPTOW PUTUKE 311E BUU n 100YR, HAL FWw'' .20 cis VOLUME: 11all.79 ft3 �|��RCG�APH NUMBER; 29 DESCRIPTOR: FUTU�E SITE SUB 2, 100YR HA"',L FOW: .47 cfs VOLUME: 7811.57 ft3 FLON' ;Oft) .20 T .;� ƒ 255 .— F lou- 555 75S 155 i 05 125LL KHE (min) iiUMDER: 30 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB Z, 10GYR HA; PLOW: io cis VOLUME: VaG2.62 lt\ Flout II 4—, 1. 01.15 t 2 2 r 4 LIS t'-- t fri i r! 14A7 L;F�E J -'d,-.YJ* C,.�, I 1 13 il S, F 17- r :11. 7 4 12- 6 mz Flout 2 51 C Fis L S, S S r11F%- t* 2 W-E. T 1 2 � 17, F, "',D, r 2 4: t L 7D J _7 r F '. n tit 24--- 1 N F: "; 31 F S.4' TEE. 1-3 0 NON *vf 4*011 L;DERTY VIEW STORM VRAIN CALCS, 25S-05-Wl, 3-15-aS Page 6 BASIN DATA wnllh FILE, UNUSED FILE RECORDS:; 00") t BASIN NUNIER2 '.1 bA31N DESCRIPTOR: EX. SITE BASIN No.1 VNITIAL TIME •CONQ 35.00 min BASIN AREA: 4.66 acres SCS CURVE NUHBER: 70.000 --- 011ERCOURAE LENSTH TYPE: _.;-sir c. VELOCITY (it) ( --- ) (%) (ft/s) TINE CUNCENTRATION., 35.00 win --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :,N DESCK"LRL C7VSIIE, AQ,C iH;T!Q. TIME CjNCt lu.10 Mir, 2.36 acrm� �Lh CURVE NLMLEN: 73.000 LENGTH TYPE. ELOPE VELOCITyl TIME CONCENTRAITOW.. AS. 10 Mir-, EASIN NUMBER: DAS3N DESCRIFTOR: FUTURE BASIN tr 3417TAL TInE CONC: 14.10 mirt wASTN AREM: 24.52 acres LOS CURVE NUMBEQ 56.000 WATERCOURSE LENGTH TYPE SLOPE VELOCITY cit) I ... ) 1%) (ft/s) Ki/ER7Y VIEW STORM DRAIN CALCS, 258-05-881, 3-15-88 ' Pac-e B 8oE:N NUHDER: 7 i`AbiA DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE BUD #3 INITIAL 7IME CONC: 10.00 min D"SlN AREA: .41 acres 1,6 CURVE NUMBER: . 75.000 --- ANTERCObRSE LENGTH (ft> T�.1E CONCENTRATION: 10.00 min TYPE (---/ S"OPE VELOCITY (%) (ft/s> 2CSIN NU}|BER: IS bASIN DESCRIPTOR: DEV SITE AND OFFSITE TO DET. POND @ LOr1 Il;T!AL TIME COWC: 17.00 min nASIh AREA: 20.79 acres SCS CURVE NUMBER: 96.000 --- wA'.'ERCOURSE LENGTH TYPE SLOPE TIhE CONCENTRATION, ;7.00 min VELOCITY (ft/s) 0 -z' POND DAU,; :DND FILE, WKUSED F:LE REC=% -------------------------------------------------------------------- DEEZRIPTOR: EXISTING WFTLAND PONDING AREA --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- FOKI SHAPE, !RPECULAR (Based an TOTAL INFLOW VOLUNE: 259366.26 ft7: Liev/stcrage as input) CORRESPONDING ELE0 0.00 ft PUNE BOTTOM ELEV-L, !9a.00 ft ELEVATION STORAGE ;?Q (ft3) 19&0-� 2500O.K) 78276. ------- -------- P0% DISCHARGE ----------------- T-PE HE 1 GHT !)Tl!E!-.! i COEFF I COEFF 2 D I M E N '-i� 1 ElevatiGn/Discharge "a entered !N:T!A- WATER E.EVA-110: 156.30 ft LDESES.- 0.00 00, ELA=10=151b"RSE FJR 0jT.ET 1: D13CHARGE -c"M 0. 0C., r.- r y / ') 0 v Earl Clymer, Mayor FOR PICK UP Mr. Joseph Miles King County Building and Land Development Subdivisions Section 3600 - 136th Place SE, Ste. A Bellevue, WA 98006-1400 CITY OF RENTON� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design/Utility Engineering August 30, 1988 Subject: Liberty View Storm Drainage Review Dear Mr. Miles: The Plat of Liberty View has met all of the Renton Storm Water Utility requirements regarding the outfall into the Panther Creek Wetlands. If you have any questions, please contact me at (206) 235-2631. Very truly yours, Garth D. Cray Sr. Engineering Specialist cc: Mr. Joe Blankenship, ESM -Mr. Chuck Price 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 (206) 228-5628 JOB NO. � '05-070F�D�ATE I �� l �� SHEET OFF 1 JOB NAME COMP. BY �' CHK. BY CONTENTS JA�J AQ � ---- --- - ----- -- --------------------------------------------- -- %r N � � O - -------- ------- ---- ------- --- --- ----'•------• --- - --- - f f\C b 5 '1- ----------•-------------------------------------------'---------------.•-- 21 -.--------1---------------._--._.-`-----_-i_- _._ .----.--- - - - --- -"-_•---...---. I _`�.l ---._----._-----__-------_--_------._----------------------------.----_.-- --'----`---.--•------------------------------------`---------------- -- -- -- -_---------`--------------------------"--- _----.-.«- - -_ .--------_-- `/ _---.--.-__---------------------------.----- _--- _----.---_.---_•-----.�_._ i --. ----. .--- - - - - -- - -" - - - -- -'-- - -- - - - --' - - -- i 1 Y,.4 . 3S AY 4�t AY 4t" I N T E R 0 F F I C E M L a 0 TO: F ROM : SUBJECT: ��, �� % 121 DATE: /L-21,h I' IL"A COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. UAJOB NO. L'��•��I DrA,T,E �'�' SHEET OF JOB NAME �t L/p✓ �I � EW A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY �'p ' CH K. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90055 I2IS1228-5620 CONTENTS _.T0J-0 - - - � � `�S C� �,a,✓ GIB - ^ - ✓l�`t�lM'i, _ • 'C ^' - - X�C�-.i� �t.W�V_ - .'G'.-C✓� _ 4r -.. S �r . Tk vy-v cg/ (,8^�rt.�c ' +1 ), l,v _ -` - l l _ e ►�s� � A i , dc.� �o 16 Fe,ra� Cow _ _ _ _ 0.9 L 0- 45- - -g• - _ 10 } jl --�o- :_ --3•?' -- ^- -0.50 S. - -- -- WO G l �'J � I "C Z7.0 _ . � Z ,_ "JUvE�1/� G+J�.o Q Lam' I V rP/ 2 • � _ I . � � _ _ 1ST ILo 2�0-- -1�! -- �..� %'�-- •_ __�•2_�..__ -- tow '0 Grrr„� C r�n�w�.P O'An i 4 COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. JOB NO. 2ygJ�'-I DATE SHEET -- OF JOB NAME 1�����✓l�� A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY `i ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 1 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 ✓l (206) 22t1-562g CONTENTS ✓1 V - - _ ���TID►� g� Qt,11�� IMPS- ��) - _ - -- - - - v -'�'--.•e.�.r�'%uv��-_U�ez1� Crud --G�n� �. ��,cc�tr5 C',evd.��t-�.). _ _ II _ - MOD 2500►'�^ - 200 r � � �'� •er..r (i�r _ �� Ie.-i'. _ :_ ���- _v:��{�a.v�d: ,-(� �, _ �:� ' � _c � P -G.a.�,�f VJJA(- 1�1-&vAIO -OD 1-ri s`�'D�JwJ .iN ouel-t 44L _`?jj s � �� DcGC4 r' _„v��(-0-'-�-e- Y7ir%.D�✓vt-� v� . _ V.l� _tom%�.,� �✓�:,� `L��XJ�^r^,� " �; I V ..T i I r I r 1 v _2i C CD Wl PR(.,, ar',a �) d,,) I DESIGNER .� DATE HYDROLOGIC AND CHANNE INFORMATION SKETCH STATIONS 4- E L ! LL_ 01 42 AHWI= I T W — ` Q. c �; E L ..� So ` n 1 i.5 EL. '�1c1�pD J TW2— L. ALLOWABLE OUTLET VELOCITY = HEADWATER COMPUTATION a CULVERT TYPE 0 SIZE 3" OUTLET VELOCITY COST COMMENTS INLET CONT. OUTLET CONTROL HW d +D D HW KQ dc cZ h0 H LSo HW = SUMMARY e RECOMMENDATIONS, ,y CHART 9 2000 rt .4 1000 Z �MW _' —� ^0 5 �• J Boo slope so-- 6 SUBMERGED OUTLET CULVERT FLOWING FULL 600 120 MW • Ft• ho—Lso 500 108 For outlet crown not submerged, co -pule MW by •B me I hods described in the design procedure 400 96 1.0 ,p Al 300 84 O e OS 200 72 �F. 6 6 09 �Op Cry W 2 to 6 0 - moo_ r�J U- LL- 0 54 I O O to 0 �, = 3 z w 48 =.10 / O 0- 8 0 200 Q _ 42 / we, w 4 w = 60 0 /Of 2 O a 50 n 36 u0i 40 D� 3 3 / 300 6 O : 0+35 _ ^ /EXAMPLE / MT.S 30 t 30: 1 300 — O 8 0 2 400 to 20 24 400 500 21 i 500 10 IB a 6 I5 / 5 /4 . 12 3 2 BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS JAN. 1963 \L 20 HEAD FOR STANDARD C. M. PIPE CULVERTS FLOWING FULL n = 0.024 5 - " 7 T can flcr T1r(zt^RTPTTf3N HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP A B C D Cultivated Land 1). Without conservation treatment 72 81 88 91 With conservation treatment 62 71 78 81 Pasture or Range Land: ,-Poor condition 68 79 86 89 Good condition 39 61 74 80 Meadow: Good condition 30 58 71 78 Wood or Forest land: Thin stand poor cover, no mulch 45 25 66 55 77 70 83 77 —Good cover) Community Parks, Golf Courses, etc. 39 61 74 80 Residential:3,4,5) Low density, single family 70 78 86 90 < 1 unit/acre, < 20Z impervious Medium density, single family 75 80 88 92 1-3 units/acre, 20-30% impervious High density, single family 82 85 91 94 > 3 units/acre, 30-40X impervious .Low density, multi -family 82 85 91 94 < 6 units/acre, 40X impervious High density, multi -family 85 87 92 95 > 6 units/acre, >40X impervious Commercial 89 92 94 95 Industrial 81 88 91 93 Paved Parking Lots, Roofs, Driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Streets and Roads Paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Dirt 72 82 87 89 I) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use carve numbers refer to Hacional Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydroloty, Chapter 9, August, 1972. 2) Good cover is protected from grating and litter and brush cover soil. 3) Curve numbers are computed assuming the runoff from the house and driveway is directed towards Uoe street with a minimum of roof water directed to lawns where additions] infiltration could occur. 4) Th. remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good Pasture condition for these curve numbers. 5) C11's fur low. meditr, and high density residential land uses have been calibrated fur the Lake Eallinger watershed, table, b-Z [2ELoKAMEM QED GUZVE NUM BEeS 28 WIM Page 1 FROM BEARING/ANGLE DISTANCE TO NORTH EAST ELEV 182 167496.2816 1659390'5065 CURVE INVERSE ['Q CHORD BRG LENGTH PT NORTH EAST ELEV 182 SE 1b 13'35" 178.83 184 167324.5756 1659440-4773 ' DELTA ARC RP NORTH EAST ELEV 18 53'16" 179.64 183 167260.2176 1658899.3475 RADIAL PC*RP RADIUS RADIAL RP*PT DEC OF CURVE MID ORD SW 64 19'47" 544.94 NE 83 13^03" 10 30'51" 7.3857 TANGENT PC*PI TAN LENGTH TANGENT PI*PT EXTERNAL SE 25 40'13" 90.64 SE 6 46'57" 7.4872 FROM BEARING/ANGLE DISTANCE TO NORTH EAST ELEV AREA/LOT SUMMARY FROM BEARING/ANGLE DISTANCE TO NORTH EAST ELEV SET #-1 173 167334.3486 1661121.2693 173 SW 88 42'44" 803.26 168 167316.2962 1660318.2110 16S SW 1 55'32" 100.03 180 167216.3235 1660314.8404 18C NK 89 27'34" 431.63 186 J67220.3948 1659883.2256 186 NE 1 53'52" 100.03 187 167320.3675 1659880.5962 187 NW 89 27'34" 446.14 184 167324.5756 1659440.4773 PC CHORD ERG LENGTH PT NORTH EAST ELEV 184 NW 16 13'35" 178.83 182 167496.2816 1659390.5065 DELTA ARC RP NORTH EAST ELEV - 18 53'16" 179.64 183 167260.2176 1658899.3475 RADIAL F'C*RP RADIUS RADIAL RP*PT DES OF CURVE MID ORD SW 83 13'03" 544.94 NE 64 19'47" 10 30'51" 7.3857 TANGENT PC*PI TAN LENGTH TANGENT PI*PT EXTERNAL NW b 46'57" 90.64 NW 25 40'13" 7.4972 182 NW 25 40'23" 178.53 181 167657.1855 1659313.1619 181 SE 89 31'57" 266.05 179 167655.0144 1659579.2048 179 NE 1 55'52" 231.79 175 167886.6772 1659587.0153 175 SE 89 36'19" 750.27 174 167881.5086 1660337.2672 174 NE 1 55'52" 100.04 127 167981.4879 1660340.6381 127 NE 89 19'43" 657.79 170 167989.1962 1660998.3876 170 SW 1 53'20" 329.23 171 167660.1473 1660987.5354 171 NE 89 01'13" 144.82 172 167662.6237 1661132.3371 172 SW 1 55'52" 328.46 173 167334.3486 1661121.2693 PERIMETER SO FT ACRES � 5047.72 1.0110699128E+6 23.210971 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. DATE �j' r^ SHEET OF ESM inc. JOB NAME 1J1 of J 'l (EJJ') A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY 'y CHK. BY CONSULTING f IRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9WS5 3�j`/pJ✓ 1 /J.�t 1J�i, r"i ��. �l (206) ue-Sbm CONTENTS r fop A2(a ,n-U,o_�-i - -ice--,.� ��� (�'� A��� •--- - - -- -... _ - - . -- - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - --- Tom' CV, 7AAA_ - - - , 5 ate° :- �-U.�'� � �o�-s - `� �` �_ .sa�.� • -. _we- � - - - -- _�Uv c OLAq-_ _ .'-Lo _.i ,A4- bit irt✓-ate .A. _�J v_. _ _ u�2 . (�cw�¢.. CLs•o ucd . 3 ,n1 }� _ . _ __ .�¢ bcc,�,,�, •1'�.x.2.Pjui.- T� CAW12 -- , � 4`r? ,vv* LtN%)_ 0LC.tyi ? - ..Q.G�/r✓ � ���.(.. (i..J�_ . 3S.. - , e, _'C,�Y! H•c- L.,I3'rV r 6�c. bro(Ge�. CkA 4��a,LY:- _. w1 0.Z5 ►vv��� f � - - 0.01�7 kc--, L,L~/-, c�.� z.) c� Wck Lx&d _�. L9�-- = - fl• 23 Ate... C0_3 0.10 wP _G,IQ� _I •'�� kG �_ CN Uy 15�1Jfc(�. �_ �j��•.1 _ ./ - - _ �_ ���. � vb�a>r,�, �Z : `��.,o. Gv.•Ca� : �1.4 _ . b.2 _ �d.��-�.r-ol ��-�. ,1. �-� � COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 25g-G 5' 25-'� LDATE 3 �� � i �5 SHEET OF ESM inc. JOB NAME L 1 w�' Q 0110 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY �' +� CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9005S �;�-�p,�(/�Im 1J✓ r�..;C h (206) 228-562e CONTENTS _ s I -j- I ; I r_ - r _. .-..� i I _ _. 7--- 11 _ Sh f 1 l -+'r' �::'• •ii• •ii• a •D' it..ti..lt •1i .lc. ii• •1r •1 it• 3i..}i..';i..�i..1; ii..a• ai• •Yi• ii •Yi-'.:.� is •k• # i; •)c •?� fit• •!i� •k # ii• ii• 3 i'• y:.R .k •k• # ii 3i •Di• ?c ::= # •!t• •ii• % # •� is ii� •IF 3i• •�i� .x. •3r .�. Y •3i• •k• # �i• # •k� •1i -k •!i •K• # .. -- 1 —f_ 0 Page 1 ;e ;: •ii 3:. �..Ji. �..�. x. a,�..� .�. }i..�..�..�..k..�..�;..�. ;F..#..�. ;�. �;..�. *. �..�;..}; .;,i. •k• •�• •k. # •�• .ri. •li- i:= •k -?: •iY dr �..k. �..�. #. �..};..�• # �<•ti• # •k• 3 # ii• # .�..�. # .x..x ii di. •k• •!f• •IE 7i• :H• •k• .;� # # # # �f• # HYDROGRAPH DATA I•-!'YDROGRFIPH FILE, UNUSED FILE RECORDS: ' 1c3_..�,5 i-I`, DROGRAPH NUMBER: 11 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE CUES #! 1 , 10YR MAX FLOW: .49 cf _.1 YOLUME: 7376.o9 --ft3 H YDROGFFZAPH NUMBER: 1. 2 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUB # 2 , 1 � iYR MAX FLOW: .._.._ c: VOLUME: 4135.42 f't::; i•- YDROGRAPf 1 NUMBER: 13 DESCRIPTOR: FUTURE SITE SUES # .' , 1 0YR MAX FLOW: .04 cf s VOLUME: 982.67 f t3 i- YDR aGRAPH NUMBER: 14 DESCRIPTOR: III 10+012+013 , FUTURE 10 `,`R COMP @ WETLAND ;'ii•-,;,FLOW: .62 cf S vOLUi•,c_. 12445.62 f t f lY DROGRAPH NUMBER: 15 DESCRIPTOR: #h i A ROUTED "i"HRU WETLANDS-1 0Y R RELEASE. NAX FLOW: 22 cfs VOLUME: 111.95.15 fi=.'_• ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO DATA A IN FILE riG+...ORD 16.) NO DATA IN FILE RECORD 17 I.IO DATA IN FILE RECORD 10 NO DATA IN FILE RECORD 1? x ******************************************************************************** 3- 1-00 Page 3 ******************************************************************************** MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .10 c f s ~�e« /m��� ������� 9-5L���� MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .10 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 217.93 ft wqA����� MAX STORAGE VOL: 1976.61 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 0.00 ft3 3- 1-00 Page 1 POND NUHBER: 2 POND DESCRIPTOR: RESTRlCTOR OF FUTURE SITE SUB #1 --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 7376.09 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 219.99 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 216.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE ----------'----- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 1 215.06 ft 1.58 in .620 1 218.75 it 12.00 in .620 INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 216.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cis ELEVATION DISCHARGE (It) (cis) 215.86 0.00 216.00 .02 216.07 .03 216.27 .04 216'48 .05 216.69 .06 217.10 .08 217.82 .09 218.55 .11 218.75 .11 218.81 1.09 218.87 1.49 218.94 1.81 219.00 2.07 219.12 2.51 219.27 2.93 219.34 3.13 219.56 3.64 219.77 4.09 2�9.99 4.49 --------------- ' POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cis) (cis) (cis) (ft) (ft3) 270.00 .01 .01 .01 216.00 0.00 300.00 .02 .02 .02 216.00 0.00 330.00 .03 .02 .02 216.01 9.11 360.00 .05 .03 .03 216.05 38.43 390.00 .07 .03 .03 216.12 85.34 420.00 .10 .04 .04 216.25 172.08 ZT ",fir 80"91L. 20, 20' 00"0 00"02 T 00"61T !T"91Z to" to, 00"0 i;)r_:"OOOT `•2461 LZ'9TZ DO" to, 00" ) 001OLLT TQ'S92• 19Tz 90" 90, 004) oo"C)T'T TL''2Ltr 39 "`?TZ 90 ?01 00 *0 00 "039T o"ess 98"9TZ LO" LO' s 0,C) 00"CS9T '9 " 1 L 10 "L T Z L O • LO, oo "(:) 00 1 OZ91. BO.` B OT 'LTZ - 80" 30' o'(:) 00"062T 29'086 O `Tom' 80" .00" 00"0 i"C"( UT 41 *2ZT T T2"LTZ so , 00' i)c�)'i) 00'021T �. Z" .•_. L ZT G �i " L T Z 80' c,. 0" 0010 1 10 " {. )! i T 01 "9zbl 22 "L TZ 60' 60" 00 ) 00"i:)Li*T _3'8 2T T9"L Tc 0" 60* 80' LI'L 2T Z91ITZ 60" 60' 3[)• 00"( ltl 3UBMT V9'LT. 60' 60" 80" 00"002T 0S OT r9'LTs 60 f�' 80" t("C12T 0 'ti.,t'_.9T .. 9'LTZ 60" 60" 00" (:)OW.. : 16 '9t9 T 6W AT T 60" 60* 80' 00 ' 063 T 09,ZL.9T T L "LTZ 60' 60' 80, 00" j9zi: a''"@ LT L'LTZ 60* 60" so, ii(_)"OOZT 09'3JLT L1_"LTZ bo 60" so* 00"OUT 19"0621 bL'LT LAC)' 60' 3i)" oo"WTT ,.,'z_"tZBT W"L.TZ 60" 60" 80' 00"OTTT 69"WST i?• VT= i_)T" OT" 30" 00"OBOT t '9687 !_.3 "LTZ OT " OT ' 0 • 00 "0 0T 16"026T. 06'L.TZ OT" iaT' 80' 00"OZOT ':h"TrbT Tu"LTZ OT•' 01" 60" 00"C66 =6W i..:.'• "./ TZ !iT ' OT 60" i)(_) "096 OS "L96T Z6'LTZ 01 ' OT ' E:0' CO "C}= - T • -• •T )T OT " ' OT (-0"0/3 98,2961 Z6LTZ 01 ' OT OT ' 00 "ObB 9 _.. 2 61 16 "LTA, (_ 1 " 07, " f_) T ' 0 0 " O T E i TI'.:1M OS"LTZ OT" 01• TT" 00"081-1. 98`TT6T 33"L.T? OT' OT' ZT' 00"02z. 99"193T tG"LTZ OT OV ZT " 00"':) L 19'2TST TF+"LTZ 60" 60' zT " 00"0617 S?.."Z69T ZL'L.Tu 60" 60" tT' 00'i 29 LL 209T 99 "L.TZ 6C)" 60' VT* i_)C) "009 W'3T'='T 09'LTZ 60" 60" i; i " 00"OW 2912ztT 29 "LT•Z 60 60* ST ' COWS S G9"L9zT TV"LTZ 80, 3C)" TZ' oo"OT9 09 ' 99Q _ T LTA 30 30" 61-, • 00 " c str 2,92 M "9TZ SCE' 20' 9T " 00'02•17 !E..IF E is # � .!c x.:'# # # # # •1E• # # # # 9E i:•'c.)E' •DF• •TE•?t• # �• .+.p .y�..x..�..q..� .K. �. # x..�..yF.y..� .y x.:'t # �E• .,e..� .t� 3'r # •?#. �..�..� .x. y .�..Y..)c .Y .�. _K ,K. x .y�. �r .�..�..�- # .�i..K..y..q..)c .);. # .y,. •!f• E' �-�Bnzi- .�. ai. ;�. 34 # •Y.- jF• # � df• # iF' # # 3;••'.r •lc..�c .�..u..�..�. x .,�+. a�. # x..�..�..)q. •�• :'{ # •?F •?t• •}&• •)f. •�•.�..�..v{ .x. ;u .� .�. �. -)E -?f• -k •);..�. x.:ti..)c x .�..� .y+.x+..x -n• :: '.� i4 'i �:; ); x..>f..�.:K .v. # :!'F• _ac .��. s-?F •!,i.:!r },1-+Y ******************************************************************************** 3- 1-00 Page 7 ******************************************************************************** 1560.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.00 2076.24 1590.00 0.00 .10 .10 217.87 1902.22 1620.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.75 1732.12 1650.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.63 1567.70 1680.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.52 1408.97 1710.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.40 1255.75 1740.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.30 1107.83 1770.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.19 965.04 1800.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.09 G27.23 1830.00 0.00 .07 .07 217.00 696.76 1860.00 0.00 .07 .07 216.82 575.09 1890.00 0.00 .06 .06 216,66 461.69 1920.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.51 358.17 1950.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.38 265.27 1980.00 0.00 .04 .04 216.26 133.01 2010.00 0.00 .04 .04 216.16 111.73 2040.00 0.00 .03 .03 216.07 50.92 2070.00 0.00 .02 .02 216.01 3.56 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: .64 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .11 cfs-oeN _VVIt EEL MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .11 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 218.46 ft -m6-u-2 S�.jm_Su� q4,%\ W. MAX STORAGE VOL: 3078.95 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 0.00 ft3 ':�Ppf- ( ( POND NUMBER: 2 POND DESCRIPTOR: RESTRICTOR OF FUTURE SITE SUB 01 --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 9459.31 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 220.66 It POND BOTTOM ELEV: 216.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 1 215.86 ft 1.58 in .620 1 218.75 ft 12.00 in .620 INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 216.00 Ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 215.86 0.00 216.00 .02 216.07 .03 216.27 .04 216.48 .05 216.69 .06 217.10 .08 217.82 .09 218.55 .11 218.75 .11 218.81 1,09 218.87 1.49 218.94 1.81 219.00 2.07 219.12 2.51 219.27 2.93 219.34 3.13 219'56 3.64 219.77 4.09 219.9� 4.49 .54f |'7 ` *****************************************************************»************** 3- 1-00 Page 6 ******************************************************************************** --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME i (mn) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft> (ft3) 240.00 .01 .01 .01 216.00 0.00 270.00 .0- .02 .02 216.00 0.00 300.00 .04 .02 .02 21�.02 14.33 330.00 .06 .03 .03 216.07 4?.80 360.00 .08 .04 .04 216.6 1091 390.00 .10 .04 .u4 216.28 194.�6 420.00 .14 .05 .05 216.47 330.63 450.00 .23 .07 ,07 216.82 570.r2 480.�0 .64.08 217,44 1298.39 51Cl, ,0� 217.83 1B46.25 540.00 .20 .10 .10 218.00 2071,09 570.O0 .17 .10 .10 218.06 2217^16 60�.00 .18 .10 .10 218.13 2350.52 630.00 .18 .10 .10 218.19 2487.7C 660.00 .16 .10 .10 218.24 2601.78 690.00 .15 .10 to 218.28 26:771.74 720.00 .15 .11 .11 218.32 2777.05 750.00 .16 .11 .11 21B.36 2863.99 780.00 .13 it .11 218.39 2926.16 810.00 .13 .11 .11 218.41 2963.60 840.00 .13 .11 .11 218.42 2995.76 870.00 .13 .11 .11 218.44 302S.98 900.00 .12 .11 '11 218.45 305C).59 930.00 .11 .11 .11 218.45 3060.71 960.00 .11 '11 .11 218.45 3068.76 990,00 .11 '1l '11 218.46 3077.76 1020.00 .10 .1� .11 218.45 3069,23 1050.00 .09 .1l '11 218.44 3043.69 1080.0O .09 .11 '11 218.43 3014.83 1110.00 .09 .11 .11 218.42 2987.17 1140.00 .09 .1L .11 218.40 2960.67 1176.00 .09 .11 .11 218.39 293�.�0 1200.00 .09 ,11 .l1 218.38 2911.01 1230.00 .09 .11 .11 218.37 2887.78 1260.00 .09 .1l .11 218.36 2865'55 1290.}0 .09 '11 .11 218.35 2844,30 1320.00 .10 .11 .11 218.34 2823.99 1350.00 .10 '11 .11 218.33 2804.59 13G0.00 .10 .11 .11 218.33 2786.00 1410.00 .10 .11 .11 218.32 2768.4i 1440.00 .10 .11 .11 218.31 2751,56 1470.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.25 2619.86 150C.00 0.00 10 .10 218.16 2434.99 1530.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.08 2253.80 , ***************************************************************************»**** 3- 1-00 Page 12 **********»********************************************************************* MAX TOTAL INFLOW: MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: MAX WATER ELEV: MAX STORAGE VOL: RETAINED VOLUME: .80 c f s .19 cfsLccy-le���� .19 cfs 218.75 ft 3725.54 ft3 0.00 ft3 .��^� �/�� .v�' ' POND NUMBER: 2 POND DESCRIPTOR: RESTRICTOR OF FUTURE SITE SUB 01 --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 11611.79 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 221.34 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 216.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 1 215.86 ft 1.58 in .620 �� �kT~-' ******************************************************************************** 3- 1-00 Page 10 ******************************************************************************** 1 218.75 ft 12.00 in ' INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 216.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 215.86 0.00 216.00 .02 2l6.07 .03 216.27 .04 2l6.48 .05 216.69 .06 217.10 .08 217.82 .09 218.55 .11 218.75 .11 218.81 1.09 218.87 1.49 218.94 1.81 219.00 2.07 219.12 2.51 219.27 2.93 219.34 3.13 219.56 3.64 219.77 4.09 219.?9 4.49 .620 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 216.00 0.00 240.00 .02 .02 .02 216.00 0.00 270.00 '04 .02 .02 216.02 13.04 300.00 .06 .03 .03 216.07 52.30 330.00 .08 .04 .04 216.17 117.49 360.00 .11 .05 .05 216.31 213.80 390.00 .13 .05 .05 216.48 338.89 420.00 .19 .06 .06 216.76 528.77 450.00 .29 .08 .08 217.11 853.27 480.00 .80 .09 .09 217.79 1790.43 510.00 .34 .10 .10 218.19 2493.17 540.00 .24 .11 .11 218.33 2794.32 570.00 .21 '11 .11 218.42 2996.50 600.00 .21 .11 ^11 218.51 3181.33 630.00 .22 .11 .11 218.59 3369.36 660.00 .19 .11 .i1 218.66 3529.38 690.00 .18 .11 '11 218'72 3657.74 ~ 3- 1-00 Page 11 ******************************************************************************** 720.00 .18 '18 .18 218.75 3725.28 750.00 .19 .19 .19 218.75 3725.54 780.0S .16 .16 .16 218.75 3722^13 810.00 .15 .15 .15 218.75 3720.46 846.00 .15 .15 .15 218.75 3720.60 870.00 .15 .15 .15 218.75 3720.73 900.00 .14 .14 .14 218.75 37l9.11 930.0(D .13 .13 .13 218.75 3718.33 960.0) .14 .14 .14 218.75 3718.42 990.00 .14 .14 .^4 218.75 3718.51 1020.00 .12 .12 .12 218.75 3716.05 1050.00 .11 218.75 3709.88 1080.00 .11 .11 .11 218.74 3700.29 1110.00 .L1 .11 .11 218.74 3691.49 1140.00 .11 .11 .11 218~74 3683.43 1170.00 .11 .11 .11 218.73 3676.09 1200.00 .11 .11 .11 218.73 3669.43 1230.00 .11 .11 .11 218.73 3663.44 1260.00 .11 .11 .11 218.72 3658.09 1290.00 .11 .11 218.72 3653.34 1320.00 .11 .11 .11 218.72 3649.15 1350.0C) .11 .11 .11 218.72 3645.59 1380.00 .11 .11 .11 218.72 3642.54 1410.00 .11 .11 .11 218.72 3640.00 1440.00 .11 .11 .11 218.71 3637.97 1470.00 0.00 .11 .11 218.65 3499.88 1500.00 0.00 .11 .11 218.56 3297.96 1530.00 0.00 .11 .11 218.47 3099.56 1560.00 0.00 .11 .11 218.38 2905.10 1590.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.29 2714.53 1620.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.21 2527.76 1650.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.12 2344.72 1680.00 0.00 .10 .10 218.04 2165.34 1710.00 0.00 .10 .10 217.94 1989.54 1740.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.81 1817.27 1770.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.69 1649.90 1800.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.57 1488.32 1830.00 0.00 .09 .09 217.46 1332.35 1860.0() 0.00 .08 .08 217.35 1181.78 1890.00 0.00 .00 '08 217.24 1036.43 1920.00 0.00 .08 .08 217.14 896.11 1950.00 0.00 .07 .07 217.04 761.42 1980.00 0.00 .07 .07 216.91 635.39 2010.00 0.00 .06 .06 216'74 517.87 2040.00 0.00 .06 .06 216.53 409.05 2070.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.44 310,74 2100.00 0.00 .05 .05 216.32 223.23 2130.00 0.00 .04 .04 21a'21 146.26 2160.00 0.00 .03 .03 216.11 80.38 2190.00 0.00 .03 .03 216.04 25.22 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2 0-015 I M DATE ?-Z �o SHEETS OF ESM inc.19 JOB NAME L t be A l V o � A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY J (3 CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 411 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9E055 iO f� C4I L S (206) 228.5628 CONTENTS S774-fs E s I-r3 KA-CY-K NO N li. Z C1EvA-TI0N A'-G'A AM -)WE_A VOI 4M E _ _GkIK. vOL• k#AtF ---- -- -- (- -) (442-)3 C{,t3 7-16 -- ZI? __ _ (Oo0 (3-71�7' 2o7S - 3�3'7 , S 41-1 II 1 I � ,( f- �. � _ -f II f f I ! I C - ' -�- t � I.t t-} r � i f } C _ -i �+_ t i. � t�� • - i op ji � } �. _� _- _. \•r ,_ r _ _` ' � • � ! I _ _ �__�_� _ i _ ._ I � i � r -1- 11 -� ,f r -i_ f � - ' i � , .I _ - -�-- - - - ' _r_ _ � _. If T -- '--'- �t -r-� 1 � + i -'k-'- I-!-- -I- r - � i a�4 t --} l.. t i '_ -� l -� :- �� �_'{_ . � ' .1 '� , �__ � kk t_r t '_�-�—t - r ! � �- ( - - r _ _ _ -�' t" ' � I f..;.�.' -t r ' � ` �� � - I ► . -t ! •- .:►.I_t {-i--�' - f � I T-) I i;—'- - ' -! �-.!.. - - Ti_ _ - ._.. - - _ _t--}-r-i_T_. - + � 1- -- -- ' rr - - -! -'-- -- -- - --!r. t I - -- - -- --1--� - -- •t- } I ! I i { I I { f {-! 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BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9WSS S ! �- A'1� ,^ C� \ (pb)ue-5626 CONTENTS TbC 11// u p _ ove K -- -- �or •` 12 tt � C't Srer � i-� = O,ZS � - - - COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. Z55'D5'0g� DATE 3 �� g� ! j ' `l 1 .% - SHEET OF ESM inc.19 JOB NAME L �( (�/� M V l � " A CIVIL ENGINES RING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BYy CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 1 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS -- -- - . `ic? _ 1�.� .. l � Co • 2.� �.1 `� -- eo{ - 2(0 - ��J -. tk �cv�►lo�� -.tj- (IV- -- .ujc`� � Gc.o . � et,vv�d aMe d4�A vt a'C ..pv+-2� _-)'w� +w-- Ncvf A'v'(- 7-7-7 --- --- -- - -- -- _ - -- -- - -- -- -- - - -- ------- . --- -- — -- S), 4- Z,& . .............. . .. ....... • ............. . . .................. . J-h Wood lcefxe fmD • mbar, rsebe? L' fowd bar 100. , t i to tw A lap IVY lb� i 1 fo it .0 501 .3 FOV 2!5.q "A00d ry 590 t Notlye Growth rp lb so 550, ion ' PI(7n s For o c. A ., z5yr. FLooD PLAIN EL, E VATIDA' ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-8B1vJ.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 5 990.00 .29 .29 .29 196.21 2621.31 1020.00 .26 .29 .29 196.21 2599.19 1050.00 .24 .23 .28 196.20 2547.39 1080.00 .24 .27 .27 196.20 2496.47 1110.00 .24 .26 .26 196.20 2463.97 1140'00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2446.28 1170.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2438.61 1200.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2437.69 1230.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2441.29 1260.00 .26 .25 .25 196.20 2447.91 1290.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 2456.51 1320.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 2466.38 1350.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 2477.06 1380.00 .27 .26 .26 196.20 2488.22 1410.00 .27 .27 .27 196.20 2499.64 1440.00 .27 .27 .27 196.20 2511.17 1470.00 .07 .24 .24 196.19 2363.77 1500.0� 0.00 .17 .17 196.16 2042.35 1530.00 0.00 .11 .11 196.14 1790.14 1560.00 0.00 .08 .08 196.13 1618.21 1590.00 0.00 .05 .05 196.12 1501.01 1620.00 0.00 .04 .04 196.11 1421.11 1650.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1366.65 1680.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1329.52 1710.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1304.21 1740.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1286.95 1770.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1275.19 1800.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 196.10 1267.17 1830.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1261.71 1860.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1257.98 1890.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1255.44 1920.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1253.71 1950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.53 1980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.72 2010.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.17 2040.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.80 2070.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.55 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: .57 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .32 cfsO��.5�~�"u�w�m`�°' MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .32 cfs ` MAX WATER ELEV: 196.22 ft MAX STORAGE VOL: 2770.35 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.45 ft3 LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 4 ******************************************************************************** POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA POND STORAGE POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 17974.27 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 197.44 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 196.00 0.00 196.10 0.00 197.10 2.66 197.50 2.90 198.00 3.10 199.00 3.60 200.00 4.00 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 420.00 .01 0.00 0.00 196.00 3.00 450.00 .06 0.00 0.00 196.00 57.64 480.00 .49 0.00 0.00 196.04 498.43 510.00 .46 .04 .04 196.11 1433.23 540.00 .34 .15 '15 196.16 1972.88 570.00 .31 .21 .21 196.18 2228.l1 600.00 .32 .24 .24 196.19 2389.46 630.00 .34 .27 .27 196.20 2529.59 660.00 .33 .29 .29 196.21 2632.54 690.00 .32 .30 .30 196.21 2681.18 720.00 .33 .31 .31 196.22 2712'86 750.00 .34 .32 .32 196.22 2752.02 780.00 .32 .32 -32 196.22 2769.17 910.00 .29 '32 .32 196.22 2742.26 840'00 .29 .31 '31 196.22 2710.16 870.00 .30 .31 .31 196.22 2696'48 900.00 .29 -30 '30 196.21 2683'11 930.00 .28 .30 .30 196.21 2655.49 960.00 .28 '29 '29 196.21 2631.47 ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 253-05-B81,J.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 6 ******************************************************************************** /^ / ******************************************************************************** 3- 1-00 Page 5 ******************************************************************************** 2220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.04 2250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.39 2280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.95 2310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.65 2340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.44 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: .70 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .32 cfs -x»L»��� MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .32 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 196.22 ft -9- MAX STORAGE VOL: 2741.28 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.44 ft3 3- 1-00 Page 4 ******************************************************************************** 720.00 .32 .31 .31 196.22 2718.00 750.00 .33 .32 .32 196.22 2737.18 780.00 .30 .31 .31 196.22 2728.57 810.00 .29 .31 .31 196.22 2696.65 840.00 .29 .30 .30 196.21 2672.10 870.00 '30 .30 .30 196.21 2661.12 900.00 .28 .30 .30 196.21 2642.93 930.00 .28 .29 .29 196.21 2618.05 960.00 .2G .29 .29 196.21 2600.52 990.00 .23 .29 .29 196.21 2552.28 1020.00 .26 .28 .28 196.21 2565.6n 1050.00 .25 .27 .27 196.20 2524.34 1080.00 .25 .26 .26 196.20 2491.2o 111C.00 .25 .26 .26 196.20 2470.33 1140.00 .25 .26 .26 196.20 2457.38 1170^00 .25 .26 .26 196.20 2449.W5 1200.00 .25 .25 .23 196.20 2445.75 1230.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2444.24 1260.00 .25 .25 .25 196.20 2444.42 1290.00 .23 .25 .25 196.20 2445.76 1320.00 .26 .25 .25 196.20 2447.91 1350.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 2450.59 1380.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 2453.65 1410.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 2456.97 1440.00 .26 .26 .26 196.20 2460.46 1470.00 .09 .22 .22 196.18 2296.22 1500.00 .08 .18 .18 196.17 2090.91 1530.00 .08 .15 .15 196.16 1946.50 1560.00 .08 .13 .13 196.15 1843.79 1590.00 .03 .11 .11 196.14 1769.65 1620.00 .07 .10 .10 196.14 1713.25 1650.00 .07 .09 .09 196.13 1667.46 1620.00 .06 .08 .08 196.13 1629.36 1710.60 .06 .07 .07 196.13 1595.33 1740.00 .05 .07 .07 196.13 1563.32 1770.0(> .04 .06 .06 196.12 1532.63 1800.00 .04 .05 .05 196.12 1502.64 1830.00 .03 .05 .05 196.12 1473.39 1860.00 .02 ~ .04 .04 196.12 1442.74 1890.00 0.00 .03 .03 196.11 1Ws. 07- 1920.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1344.34 1950.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.11 1314.31 1980.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1293.04 2010.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1279.89 2040.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1270.37 2070.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1263.89 2100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1259.47 2130.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1256.4-'', 2160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1254.40 2190.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1253.00 ' POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 19823.54 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 197.59 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 f't --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (f�) (cfs) 176.00 0.00 196.10 0.00 197.10 2.66 177.50 2.90 198.00 3.1O 199.00 3.60 200.00 4.00 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) <ft> (ft3> 270.06 .01 0.0C 0.00 196.00 3.78 300.0c) .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 27.4C 330.00 .02 0.00 0.00 19001 65.89 360.00 .03 0.00 0.00 196.01 112.12 390.00 .05 0.00 0.00 196.01 183.10 420.00 .10 0.00 0.00 196.03 312.66 450.00 .20 0.00 0.00 196.05 577.26 480.00 .70 .03 .03 196.11 1381.60 510.00 .40 .19 .19 196.17 2119.49 540.00 .33 .24 .24 196.19 2376,1.L 570.00 .31 .26 .26 196.20 2492.77 600.00 .32 .28 .28 196.21 2573.16 630.00 .34 .30 V30 196.21 2652.39 660.00 .32 .31 .3l 196.22 2694.48 690.00 .31 .31 .31 196.22 2706.23 '^ ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 2 ******************************************************************************** 930.00 .39 .43 .43 196.26 3264.02 960.00 .39 .42 .42 196.26 3216.92 990.00 ,40 .41 .41 196.26 3191.18 1020.00 .36 .40 .40 196.25 3149.83 1050.00 .33 .39 .39 196.25 3068.82 1080.00 .33 .37 .37 196.24 2990.74 1110.00 .33 .36 .36 196.24 2939.28 1140.00 .34 .35 .35 196.23 2909.01 1170.00 .34 .35 .35 196.23 2893.10 1200.00 .34 .35 .35 196.23 2886.88 1230.00 .35 .35 .35 196.23 2887.18 1260.00 .35 .35 .35 196.23 2891.83 1290.00 .35 .35 .35 196.23 2899.36 1320.00 .36 .35 .35 196.23 2908.77 1350.00 .36 .36 .36 196.23 2919.38 1380.00 .36 .36 .36 196.23 2930.72 1410.00 .36 .36 .36 196.24 2942.49 1440.00 .37 .36 .36 196.24 2954.48 1470.00 .09 .32 .32 196.22 2750.88 1500.00 0.00 .23 .23 196.19 2316.60 1530.00 0.00 .15 .15 196.16 1977.10 1560.00 0.00 .11 .11 196.14 1745.66 1590.00 0'00 .07 .07 196.13 1587.89 1620.00 0.00 .05 .05 196.12 1480.34 1650.00 0.00 .03 .03 196.11 1407.02 1680.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1357.04 1710.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1322.97 1740.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1299.74 1770.00 0,00 .01 .01 196.i0 1283.91 1800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1273.12 1830.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1265.76 1860.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1260.74 1890.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1257.32 1920.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1254.99 1950.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1253.40 1980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.32 2010.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.58 2040.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 196.10 1231.08 2070.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.73 2100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196'10 1250.5C MAX TOTAL INFLOW: 1.12 cis MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .50 cis MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .50 cis MAX WATER ELEV: 196.29 ft w---�^-pv' `0- ���""r.��--u MAX STORAGE VOL: 3607.47 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.44 ft3 ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.0., 3-15-G8 3- 1-00 Page 1 ******************************************************************************** POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 27089.90 ft3 elsv/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 198.08 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs> 196.00 0.00 196.10 0.00 197.10 2.66 197.50 2.90 198.00 3.10 199.00 3.60 200.00 4.00 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 360.00 .02 0'00 0.00 196,00 11.28 390.00 .04 0.00 0.00 196.01 64.29 420.00 .10 0.00 0.00 196.01 184.79 450.00 .25 0.00 0.00 196.04 492.06 480.00 1.04 .07 .07 196.13 1586.83 510.00 .81 ,36 .36 196.24 2954.19 540.00 .56 .46 .46 196.27 3415.72 570.00 .49 .48 .48 196.28 '3505.05 600-00 .50 .48 .48 196.28 3528.05 630'00 .52 '50 .50 196.29 3576.26 660.00 .50 .50 .50 196.29 3607.47 690,00 .47 .50 .50 196.29 35B6.53 720.00 .48 .49 .49 196.29 3562.54 750.00 .50 .49 .49 196.29 3565.09 780.00 .45 .49 .49 196.28 3546.10 810.00 .42 .47 .47 196.28 3472.40 840.00 .42 .46 .46 196.27 3398.81 870.00 .43 .45 .45 196.27 3356.87 900.00 .41 .44 .44 196.27 3318.92 ' ******************************************************************************** LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881,J.B., 3-15-88 3- 1-00 Page 3 ******************************************************************************** y^. ._. / 3- 1-00 Page 9 ******************************************************************************** 1590.00 .10 .14 .14 196.15 1895.97 1620.00 .09 .12 .12 196.15 1831.58 1650.00 .09 .11 .11 196.14 1782.94 1680.00 .09 .11 .11 156.14 1745.06 1710.00 .08 .10 .10 196.14 1714.67 1740.00 .08 .09 .09 196.14 1689.55 1770.00 .08 .09 .09 196.13 1668.16 1800.00 .08 .09 .09 196.13 1649.45 1030.00 .07 .08 .08 196.13 1630.49 1860.00 .07 .08 .08 196.l3 1610.27 1890.00 .06 .07 .07 196.13 l589.62 1920.00 .05 .07 .07 196.13 1567.27 1950.00 .05 .06 .06 196.12 1543.19 1980.00 .04 .06 .06 196.12 1517.97 2010.00 .04 .05 .05 196.12 1491.61 2040.00 .03 .05 .05 196.12 1464.99 2070.00 .02 .04 .04 196.11 1435.46 2100.00 0.00 .03 .03 196.11 1379.17 2130.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1336.05 2160.00 0.0O .01 .01 196.10 1310.03 2190.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1290.92 2220.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1277.89 2250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1269.02 2280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1262.96 2310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1258.84 2340.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1256.02 2370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1254.11 2400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1252.80 2430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.91 2460.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.36 2490.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.89 2520.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.60 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: 1.01 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .42 cfs MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .42 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 196.26 ft - CU -2.5 '�j 0L��.��. MAX STORAGE VOL: 3232.88 f03 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.47 ft3 .. .. -' .. ' . POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 26526.64 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 198.06 it POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 ft EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft) (cfs) 196.00 0.0C 196.10 0.00 197.10 2.66 197.50 2.90 198.00 3.10 199.00 3.60 200.00 4.00 3- 1-00 Page B ******************************************************************************** --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFL[W ELEVATION VOLUME (min), (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 240.00 .01 0.00 0.00 196.00 3.31. 270.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 28.27 300.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.01 67.74 330.00 .03 0.00 0.00 196.01 117'58 360.00 .06 0.00 0.00 196.02 197.21 390.00 .10 0.00 0.00 196.03 340.5Z� 420.00 .18 0.00 0.00 196.05 t89.44 450.00 .32 0.00 0.00 196.08 1040.27 480.00 1.01 .19 .19 196.l7 2136.04 510.00 .57 .37 .37 196.24 2784^20 540.00 .44 .41 .41 196.Z5 3161.22 570.00 .41 .41 .41 156.25 3183.75 600.00 .42 .41 .41 196.26 3193.55 630.00 .44 .42 .42 196.26 3223.42 660.00 .41 .42 .42 196.26 3226.86 690.00 .40 .42 .42 196.26 3201.63 720.00 .41 .41 .41 196.25 3185.48 750.00 .42 .41 .41 196.25 3187.35 780.00 .38 .41 .41 19b.25 3160.50 81O.00 .36 .39 .39 196.25 3105.33 840.00 .37 .39 .39 196.24 3061.80 870.00 .37 .38 .38 196.24 3038.78 900.00 .35 .37 .37 196.24 3009.44 93C'00 '35 .37 .37 196.24 2971.l1 960.00 .35 .36 .36 196.24 2944.41 990.00 .35 .36 .36 196.23 2929.56 1020.00 .32 .35 .35 196.23 2894.15 1050.00 '31 .34 .34 196.23 2838.54 1080.00 .31 .33 .33 196.22 2793.09 1110.00 .31 .32 .32 196.22 2764.03 1140.00 .31 .32 .32 196.22 2746.14 1170'00 .31 .32 .32 196.22 2735.84 1200.00 .31 .32 .32 196.22 2730.68 1230.00 .31 .31 .31 196.22 2728.99 1260.00 .31 .31 .31 196.22 2729.64 1290.00 .32 .32 '32 196.22 2731.8� 1320.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2735.12 1350.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2739.06 1380.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2743.43 1410.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2748.08 1440.00 .32 .32 .32 196.22 2752.88 1470.00 .11 .28 .28 196.20 2556.57 1500.00 .10 .22 .22 196.18 2294.86 1530.00 .10 .18 .18 196'17 2112.75 1560.00 .10 .16 .16 196.16 1985.60 / � ^ ******************************************************************************** 3- 1-00 Page 14 ******************************************************************************** 2100.00 .05 .06 .06 196.i2 1529.63 2130.00 .04 .05 .05 196.12 1504.29 2160.00 .03 .05 .05 196.12 1477.83 2190.00 .03 .04 .04 196.12 1450.81 2220.00 0.00 .03 .03 196.11 1406.61 2250.0C 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1356.76 2280.00 0.00 .02 .02 196.11 1322.78 2310.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1299.61 2340.00 0.00 .01 .01 196.10 1283.82 2370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1273.06 2400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1265.72 2430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1260.71 2460.00 0.00 0.00 0.0C 196.10 1257.30 2490.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1254.98 2520.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1253.39 2550.00 0.00 0.0Q 0.00 196.10 1252.31 2580.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1251.58 2610.0() 0.00 0.00 0.03 196.10 1251.08 2640.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.73 2670.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.10 1250.50 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: 1.36 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: .58 cfs MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: .58 cfs MAX WATER ELEV: 196.32 ft.-*cF-* mo�R. MAX STORAGE VOL: 3982.30 ft3 RETAINED VOLUME: 1250.47 103 POND NUMBER: 1 POND DESCRIPTOR: EXISTING WETLAND PONDING AREA --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 33640.22 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 198.32 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV: 196.00 ft --------------- POND DISCHARGE --------------- TYPE HEIGHT DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 COEFF 2 DIMEN 2 8 1 Elevation/Discharge as entered INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 196.00 it EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cis ELEVATION DISCHARGE (ft> (cfs> 196.0) 0.00 196.10 0.00 197.10 2.66 197.50 2.90 198.00 3.10 199.00 3.60 200.00 4.00 --------------- I POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAGE TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cis) (cfs) (cis) (ft'', (ft3) 210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 196.00 .91 240.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 21.62 270.00 .02 0.00 0.00 196.00 60.73 300.00 .03 0.00 0.00 196.01 110.39 330.00 .06 0.00 0.00 196.02 191.20 360.00 .11 0.00 0.00 196.03 344.0 390.00 .17 0.00 0.00 196.05 594.84 420.00 .27 0.00 0.00 19&.08 992.42 450.00 .46 .08 .08 196.13 1619.64 480.00 1.36 .36 .36 196.24 2942.62 510.00 .73 .56 .56 196.31 3890.54 540.00 .5b .58 .58 196.32 3975.70 370.00 ' .51 .56 .56 196.31 3898.33 5���/ .-. ./ ` 3- 1-00 Page 13 � * 600.00 .53 .55 .55 196.31 3834.08 630.00 .54 .55 .55 196.31 3316.25 660'00 .51 .54 .54 196.30 3778'5� 690.00 .49 .52 .52 196.30 3714.65 720.00 .57 .53 .53 196.30 3720.95 750.00 .58 .54 .54 196.30 3791.71 780.00 '50 .54 .54 196.30 3778.91 810.00 .47 .52 .52 196.30 3696.68 840.00 .47 .51 .51 196.29 3625.72 870.00 .48 .50 .50 196.29 3585.31 9D0,00 .44 .48 .48 196.28 3528.62 930.00 .43 .47 .47 196.28 3455.33 960.00 .43 .46 .46 196.27 3393.5& 990.00 .44 .45 .45 196.27 3366.73 1020.60 .38 .44 .44 196.26 3295.41 1050.00 .36 .41 .41 196.26 3194.51 1080.00 .36 .40 .40 19b.25 31i5,63 1110.00 .36 .39 .39 196.25 3064.24 1140.00 .36 .38 .38 196.24 3031.6�, 1170.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 3011.6"'; 1200.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 3C00.43 1230.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 2995.00 1260.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 2993.51 1290.00 .17 .37 .37 196.24 2994.66 1320.00 .37 .37 .37 136.24 2997.59 1350.00 .37 .37 .37 196.24 3001.65 1380.00 .38 .37 .37 196.24 3006.47 1410.00 .38 .37 .37 l96.24 3011.77 1440.00 .38 .38 .38 196.24 3017.35 1470.00 .12 .33 .33 196.22 2777.7O 1500.00 .11 .26 .26 196.20 2459.97 1530.00 .11 .21 .21 196.18 2239-61 1560.00 .11 .16 .18 196.17 2086.10 1590.00 .10 .15 .1z 196.16 1978.23 1620.00 .10 .14 .14 196.15 1901.54 165G.00 .10 .13 .13 196.15 1846.16 1680.00 .10 .12 .12 196.14 i805.37 1710.00 ^10 .11 .11 196.14 1774,59 1740.00 .09 Al- .11 196.14 1750.68 1770.00 .09 .10 .10 196.14 1730.24 1800.00 .09 .10 .10 196.14 1711.50 1830.00 .09 .09 .09 ` 196.14 1694.08 1860.00 .08 .09 .09 196.13 1677.71 1890.00 .08 .09 .09 196.13 1662.22 1920.60 or:, .08 .08 196.13 1647.48 1950.00 .07 .08 .08 196.13 1632.70 1980.00 .07 .08 .08 196.13 1615.39 2010.00 .06 .07 .07 196.13 1596.53 2040.00 .06 .07 .07 196.13 1576.39 2070.00 .05 .06 .06 196'12 1553.93 `ia•` ��• :iiv ly `II, - asark • ;��• ' Cemr•,� ..-°af t �♦.` _ ; •.. •• � `� � Park Pc IGRAVrL ern aa,a` An i, �' v I 10) an - • ea !e as t >b 1k' • =�yy- SeD n Ij; ♦e t v % rs-� p., Sr { P !� •, ti I l r 3 f C A I EvC IAkF p I Pm S RA ROAD Ty ••o _ �9 I 1 ae �i' �'.•'..i.-•' `` �:'. •, a._.__ a:ems owo' Rtivei�. ADf ti �, ' / it h '+ U, %�j��1 I' 'R•-....�i^Y'`t - ' /. - Ak j Yam.,♦.�-.• - I AkF! Ur Py 13 i 1 `.`., ' ' rt/' I- •:2 I• \-'�=----i-- ; --- -_. '•. \--'Jvl�•'�'I .� -- - -- BeC Gollourse I A , 1 I I I - • x _=Qc AEC BM137 AkF �Il��,SPY "rd c ^rta 'A ^� ,Am • • r•I - .Q a' 1 C T_�_AP, nC , •�,. �4�• ggf Sew ge.- f RNE � V r f I - ' '� I �'`. •.��+_ '`4t' . / •r �' ♦`S \� )isp al D '" •Lam' ;. , i' • ;\ _ p •��a -(- -' ! �� ,� - ' �� ��, r Subsla i AmC� c• iy � .�.�` ` AgD ` '4 �`. ` '� i;• \ .AgC - 1 •A`a `AkF _z= ,: ` lap ✓;: •: •, f •• _ .. -=1 �. AgD 20 �f• - aw =5Y t•`;, ••• • • �� J�.L• M 16 �i + •_ •.i t s 21 `< .�`•• I Pu � 9 455 I w I i i� ai I Ur .,. :.I n rr O ♦ AgC �Longatrty' i ' Pu i "' E b e I \ ,� �. ♦ wd) 1a3= I PU A� f� ��� '�,I �c " li►r Ur I Wo eD ur ',BeC� 1 i i ti I n r n 1-• EvC 1 wo k ;'� •.r I i AY n 1 r Tracr I gD X I •• bra M B 29- n Ur t Y p ° 16 9� rvoir w _ I �19 AgC ---- -t Py s �' M t •rr 1 O Sk So Tu i Sk - wo \ t: AgC`; AgD ' Pt, 1 —"eMe : ' 428 1 AmC r 25 29 rl ] 69�203 APe AEB ; ` UrPy 1 r n Wo Ur Sk _�'� I—� t 1. e • 0 451 \ -- - J 1 r r tl•Ilx�s•Ir ..'y:' f l' •�.' • . i;' .�: I � _ - _ " �,'`. `` '•.• � ,' a •' 4� f� I o � �� _ •�=1 -- Inc I•'�.� �;� - p � ,'a'••'• � 1 4 : -- a < So �. I -APD7 -14 ,Am© ti •{ PEz•,RAYITircJc.. 1b1 - Pu -- - J ---•- r -- '.� ram- .+f ••�-- ---';ui-• --III-^93-- .C••l ----{� - �- Wo Q� Wo \8Mp94II ? :I. :I. ,•P• a 1f .a,, „'a (n ,c'. - -11 AEC U.� �•. j' .y _ N � • y(••!, -r •r { vA At.�• - .-ems• -�' �• rMr., •,. F r• •' • i a 1 '-^—nmC ... rll�j'' � �{,• •1`;+ gC •1. 9� y4�::.�._r�x �' •. • r :+ + Py I at t ` •♦ MnB-- - _ ',' g• E�Bs..�iyrA4Bb t. M r Ng B I Ur I EO 1 . :AgB �AED �• Sk F IYvq" J •� 3 \ � - - 32 ' • • ;N •� Pw •• Age M . .� „ a-�-;- 9M` 476w,t„• - Sh 4- �( 3 KING COUNTY, WAS G T 0 N, S U R FA C E W ATER S I G N MANUAL Chapter 6 Section 6S Section 6S Hydrologic Analvsis Hydrogaph Analysis R:moff Parameters TABLE 6.5.213 SELECTED RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban, and urban land use. (Average soil moisture condition, 24-hour storm duration). HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LAND USE DESCRIPTION A B C D Cultivated land(1): without conservation treatment 72 81 88 91 Cultivated land(1): with conservation treatment 62 71 78 81 Pasture or range land: poor condition 68 79 86 89 Pasture or range land: good condition 39 61 74 80 Meadow: good condition 30 58 71 78 Wood or forest land: thin stand, poor cover, no mulch 45 66 77 83 Wood or forest land: good cover (2) 25 55 70 77 Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc. good condition: grass cover on 75% or more of the area 39 61 74 80 fair condition: grass cover on 50% to 75% of the area 49 69 79 84 Gravel roads and parking lots 76 85 89 91 Dirt roads and parking lots 72 82 87 89 Impervious Surfaces, pavement, roofs, etc. 98 98 98 98 Single Family Residential Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre % Impervious (3) 1.0 DU/GA 15 Separate curve number 1.5 DU/GA 20 shall be selected 2.0 DU/GA 25 for pervious and 2.5 DU/GA 30 impervious portion 3.0 DU/GA 34 of the site or basin 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0 DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 50 6.0 DU/GA 52 6.5 DU/GA 54 7.0 DU/GA 56 Commercials, PUD's, etc. % must be computed (1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer to National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, Chapter 9, August 1972. (2) Good cover is protected from grazing and litter and brush cover soil. (3) The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. 6-u KING CO U N T Y, W ASHI TON -,SURFACE WATER D I G N. M AN U A L Chapwr 6 Secnon 6.5 Section 65.1 Hydrologic Analysis Hydrograph Analysis Design Sunm Hyetogmph FIGURE 65.1E 10 YEAR, 24 HOUR ISOPLUVIALS 27 - -- 22 23 24 25 / r� I � ` i 1 f- 26 28 Timuol 31 32 33 r � ' J - ' .1'" \- -,��_ �_/`., '- _•� mar _ - ,\' ' Yt 10—YEAR 24—HOUR PREWITATION 34—ISOPLUVIALS OF 10—YEAR 24—HOUR PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH ,bill, o y tb ,1 0 1 2• 3 4 S 6 7 6 Mlle lb�� \` '�� ��•+.` ` O 1:300.000 ebb " 6-17 57h4- y 5- KING CO UNTY,WAS H IN GTON,SURFA CE WATER DESIGN MANUAL Chapta 6 Section 6.5 Section 65.1 Hydrologic Analysis HvdmpWh- Analysis Design Storm Hyetograph TABLE 6.5.1F 25 YEAR, 24 HOUR ISOPLUVIALS A AA— '-4; ------------------------- - .29 .45 '70 '77 aj t N� 1> _�� _ � it ; -- .-•., - _ 09 �- � e — .� ± ��' ' - y "'. 55 7 7 ............. 25-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION —34—ISOPLUVIALS OF 25 YEAR 24—HOUR PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH 0 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 Miles 1: 300.000 "ss $O- 1b 4$— tl� oj 1b DRAFT 6-18 Shf 4l. KING CO U\ T Y, W A S H I N G T O N ,SURFACE WATER DESIGN M ANU AL ChapmT 6 Section 65 Section 65.1 Hydrologic Analysis Hydmgraph Analysis Design Swan Hyetogaph TABLE 65.1H 100 YEAR, 24 HOUR LSOPLUVIALS — ---•— --_ — --- •---- 40 47 46 Ar 100-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION p 1 ' ' 65 �` .60 —34—ISOPLUVIALS OF 100—YEAR 24—HOUR . PRECIPITATION IN TENTHS OF AN INCH �� •f 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 Mlles tk(�� 1: 300.000 777 DRAFT 6 20 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2� nil �� c% 7 I 1�, DATE SHEET OF ESM inc. 19 JOB NAME L li/QGTy V ( E-0 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY 4 v' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 Q%) ize•S625 CONTENTS S �rQ COMPUTATION SHEET �� �/ JOB NO. ` n�` t��wl DATE �"Il �' f� SHEET � OF ESM inn. JOB NAME 1/I a TV y lE0 ACIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY ��J' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington. 9E055 [� ~ „ �) (206) 220.5628 CONTENTS M% /��Jr,. ,(J� LS • . robe, i��ln S ba�ih �cu c(� we, re, txi _ Yln .- `f 'PitQ ��v cc w�l _ (,S't� tt Sg"tif i. 1-0 Cc, _ (D a _. -. we't. IQe �: d�3'✓1 oi��`�c,�I _%r+- lD_ - - Sl� v�r'�lJ �.�tJ�Q/`rfi�"a � o U.1 Qi �,!'vu�✓..�- `�'�'� OV�%ct,�+J v�'��j@'�"� - �G�J� vt� _ .. �?� �j.�J � Areay lo• l 4t j G =-O- I Du"`Z) d✓�� Gwc.0•_15 ) G_=.L7•�%- - -. _ _ _ - - --- _ _ Cw�S�,���= (�o ��.�•�05 } (�.>>Xc�.�){ to•��)Co•�)- �.o'Ixo.15)_. -- o.►�.-.i -_ --- - Ime 6 '1.%4',�CCG Tj YV" 2 6 7 U v Tom= to 2(o-92 VLA --- cN .����.c.�-�uJ� _W � - ���• _�.• f�,l�•�• . GG� .Lv�-�e.,lc _y� �� ul•P-�rl„t7�c,�tf� cq COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. 14 A CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 917 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (206) 228-1628 JOB NO. 2��-12�7-'?)2 1 DATE SHEET OF JOB NAME L %�Ty EJQ COMP. BY `�'� ' CHK. BY CONTENTS --- - -av4vc�_�icu✓ued Art,;_ -- __ Uwe L>, �.v�S _c�7( r..W-t. _ V�-��_ InU.�.e _�(✓v�� d � ._ _ 'Lw'� ru�v,�._ .. J. _� p. pie . - G�.� c✓�- - .'.o ., _; -�.� C•�,�y,�u.Cc�¢C.2 _ _ --U�-'�-�- /j}��' ��L� `(C (�.M�.�,p- --`}'tl.k.�CJ� - Gti.-CG�o �'-- . �'�l L✓ J✓..C:�t..,_ L, _ _ .-Q✓F'�"vGt lJ��_ '2_ .49 Q Vawy"O' _C ' .0-`� I �c c J o pane - . $' 9 fir✓? _ G -25 ---I G v�w -4- aofea. _b otm �v.D_D�.i"�.�✓�ifiS`^� S l���� �_; i✓�o. G/.�<.. LGuijy! cwva- Cw� ► rd= (D•22Xo•��1. Co.t Yo.C))+ {L{/ 3tv�o•z�)-+ �l )- -- COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. G�✓��7�0� DATE 3(t �� SHEET �U OF ESM inc. 19 JOB NAME ✓I-0.� 'I A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY Y • CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM I / ��� 94T Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington. C J l.(.t)'��• l2asl225-sate CONTENTS Sul - pc-,00 QByF.u4o. i5 4o JJml u j +�p -- -- -Q�9� .= 1.81 - C2•��,XD•���C�o-"12) =_.. I.a'1- D•�3 - �.3�-� _ UJ /To�) �7FZ' _ . ._ .���ea �cuMcr� ,�C,-�v1u�r�) - C`"1..22 0.5Q-) . • _ 1 -•��-= ZPj2O T - ?�'• �- C�o � _ ��7.�(II�.Qrb� - z4.I.X0- I �4�� I 11-�) �.a-z� 'A _ �� 11 nr D�\'j. Z2,�!)•�G-� - ��� �J��. t0�. ^..� 1 �� �U�"�'3 J r,( Qv'). i J..7( �« ,� 5 --.sh-�_ JD C � . ��_ ae c� _ .p= l'�.�� � lzl = �.�' 1 H �.wJ sp,U���-� �, 0•.�3` � ��.� __>�,P._ Pr�G,r� 1. � � F I ll c,�. � = �2• �-� . _ �o � . 2� rep.,, � .. _ E'r.= .D• �1 _ COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. -- "I DATE - ��3 SHEET S( '" � � OF ESM inc.[9 JOB NAME 1z1 ��E-r--:r-Y V (EV) ACIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY `L ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM - 911 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 1W Renton Washington, 9E05S 27 (�) ue-5628 CONTENTS JAeV.. _ Area.._ ��C �) - d � --- .t :1J�Cccv U/-�'-C . ! 1..1.G. ��t:c}._ /.�J.1J��'-.. _'"";I._ ..%•� SGC4�.1'' (�.•r'�f�.J COMPUTATION SHEET ESM ina 19 JOB NO. 25?9-o5L02'I DATE �� �SHEET_L OF JOB NAME W el%?� A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY J'Ig• CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM941 . (20 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington,98055 lia l Zze-sage CONTENTS 1v+ --- - -- — -- -- I Y�QJ2 w�-�C - ivx OJJ� d I4a. _ p,,v 1-UJe 1,� _ .i�_ 1w _ - r�cT;-} ... �, ery '�l,t� _1JlI• Zoo - .s_�_ �P1�-�L'._�Ci=._�J�•.%�'�' .(l•1�((oD)..___. _3(0-_�-�'- r�-�3 =-- ��%'�..th"^-'� --- Yt(?1-6e;y 01 II 11 I + 14. PL JLI :J .,.I - L ..4 4- T-T I -id -I- �47--H IL I -77 + +4-L i.- L -4- A -FT4 -'-TT L -4-,--i 7 7 r ,---� L 4 -T---r,- i- 'L i L 14 -! - 7- I t I -7- T, 7. - --�'-•-!- ,-+-�-, _t-4- -y-i-'t- -I--' �- +-t--, "'tttl--���' -r -j-� I- - tom' J--, + -•- -4-1. L 4 t 7. - L .. .... L ...... I-T -!�-LTL + I 44-1 4 . . . . . �TTI j IT,77-11 F 7 T --r4- 17 F! ..-A 4-1- 1-- COMPUTATION SHEET 25� �OS -tea,( ?,�, l�� JOB NO. DATE ✓ -= SHEET � OF ESM inc. JOB NAME ✓� ��T� J t5,0 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY ` CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 J , ` 0 l (206) 228.5628 CONTENTS VVJ ..t.Y A 1Lo U ��5�f ..- _ram-- --- - ,_ COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. lr.-8� f DATE `- -3 SHEET OF ESM inc. 19 JOB NAME L 46--kT`I V I L—l') ACIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 980S5 D In !^ 4 C i )206) 228-5628 CONTENTS Sm -fo� ptic cfjudc- 1� hear, r, .Q,y v�e,1i5 �r��t,-� �e cJ� `� 01 c/ fcA- l�� o�-e-��AJ u�� w 4A-0'- w .&Mtk7h.��q L4 wV. dzuJ&pM r" c+cictli.' r - IiAl - w..-Irl, .tio 3 • - - - Sitbo-s - Aree{ N � Co C� -- (DR f 6-A) G> IS,000 Z. `1, 600_ SI`16 4•S3 - h � 9 �`.: t t _ -- ---1 200- _ ._ _ i .o s. � G..os-h•rah _ 16 -- 4, s�+� lQ � Sloes _Guq%,e- pzscr,f+w-j Ve6.-Ay . 1'i�_. C - -490 10 • Z_ Shoc-v 5tV--ss lciw,-i 2-.2_ 3.-7- 17T0 7.9 s s . -s, `I- DMIN FILE, UNUSED FILE REC(:1RM: 9- "N' LAPIN 3 E A L 1: 1. i i •,. - I' 'Tjl'LJ. r, r: I.; WITIAL TIMF CONQ DASIN AREW WS CLQVE NUNDER: WATERMURSE BASIN LATi", 10.10 Mir, 24. 52 LEWSTIAl fit) THE SLOPE VEL0C3T`v' ,-r S--7 "..o It'. 10 �31 P f 0i A F, F I F I L., E 1 U E: P T' I LE I , . F C, .. I...� ., . ...? � I —ALIT I rR, D, 7) NC', I . - !. . - C.", -- i� - - C, R - F- L; 1.) RE' Cr," �4', 1 1 ! U T . % C4 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. %�'�"$g ( DATE '% - SHEET 6 OF ESM inc. 19 JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY J� CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 99055 Sl r �� �G) L 5 (lob) 228-sb28 CONTENTS T! COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2s0_c)<_ 2frI DATE y SHEET OF ESM inc. JOB NAME - c A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY W p CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS S-�Drnn C C% C -S COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZJa DLA'TE 'Cr- SHEET � ( OF ESM inc.9 JOB NAME ��LpD r V A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY� CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 980S5 (206) 228-5628 CONTENTS S-hkr'«. l" Ca05- S COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ?,S8-OS t DATE - ''3 _9--t SHEET_ 0 OF ESM inc. t9 JOB NAME �'r�l` 'V V A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROIECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY �CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 < �-Y� C (me) 228-5e2e CONTENTS J "_ C.0 m cr C LI (i-f— C 1'- --. out be c1�g.r�v1� <1oe-- o4 (6°70- _ rl I\r9-Ck 6n = 0,02-Lo 2 C �y -w c a-�(117o S ode a rlS6 - -- Si c- k 1 S A-�L o- .S'cp,>o w e a, u .. Oe-\sezy l f2. Mtn JUD,--d _ {-o-1-{-a_ g r -u r\-� - - - - - NOW {.. Ores CA3 p� P� n =0 - A-1 so we, w , - - 'ThQ �%A\ .f�i(J1 d�b� 6n)-4r�A%,s a� - (Pzr Pei `-`�C��. �4\�h�F�'��. 20 12 10 uu- 8 0 6 w ►— w Q 4 0 cc w J U 2 — l`11E�� ; 3p 0 v+ 0 v+ 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 800 1000 DISCHARGE (0), CFS FIGURE X-13-1. STILLING WELL DIAMETER (Dw) FROM REFERENCE X-6-1 �•••tr�•••y •.St-vyT ry�'.�'Z r•� {c�r_h�`.:•a:'{a:�T`•irs 'I� �i''cl U fi LVE M •� W. . STILLING WELL Corps of Engineers 10-B i The 0.8 on Ou- Dei uj > uj The C= o.s re Of Lu cc Te, ui C) in- 3: = 0.4 u_ me co c z d s t 0.2 ` h z- _ t h u T h a 0.2 0.4 0-6 0.8 1.0 w e d SLOPE, (VERTICALMORIZONTAL) Tl- a r. o Dw wr i. 1 e v e f VER. ac . . . . wa . . . . . . . HOR. T h, a r. f ,- a c. FIGURE X-8-2. STILLING WELL HEIGHT FROM REFERENCE X-8-1 X—B-4 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 250-05 DATE � "►` � SHEET OF ESM inc. a JOB NAME �lF -,�T�� \) A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. t BY V- CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM /1 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (M6) 228-5625 CONTENTSl�Lvt- lt�ic g-r TToP-r+�- r4t��+.�(5��. -�cc4 g�}e i 7-.A'- -C, �,,&.) c.e";d,�U-*,A,- gib .- Laren,� �M _ l 00 - s�-e c,wv _ u-� w�c e-e ..c v� al e _�-�-� .. � t�-�_ tla ... . olu'c ��v,, � � e-►�t _� l,� � a,-f � � l ._ N�c�r Lb`C �. � _ c,�-Q-a� . - -- - - - - - - - _ � b-�';'`�(-��f ww � P o 4 _ _ S�0' '0ltits pQ.c z-4- o e) �ewJ. P•_ Plro�a J_ _� =__ 1c?-06 c,- _> 11,, 4-77) c4r-, -. Off cox re,-t6 ©v h - o. o ti2 , _ _ 2��n .o Lep.L 5, k jr - ((-, HYDROGRAPH DATA HYDRGGRARII FIL.Z. UNWED FILE RECERDS- LESCRIFTOR: DEV SITE &OFF TO OLT POND 100yr MAN FLObi 17.71 cfu VOLUME: 2393aa.26 Ft:--.'' W 2K 24S 341 104E 1213 144E ME fmin) LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881 3- 1-00 Page 1 / POND NUHBER: 3 POND DESCRIPTOR: DET POND AT LOT 1 --------------- POND STORAGE --------------- POND SHAPE, IRREGULAR (Based on TOTAL INFLOW VOLUME: 259366.26 ft3 elev/storage as input) CORRESPONDING ELEV: 154.17 ft POND BOTTOM ELEV. 122.00 It TYPE HEIGHT 1 120,43 ft 1 121.64 It 1 122.85 ft 1 124.06 ft 1 125.29 ft 1 126.50 ft ---------- POND DISCHARGE DIMEN 1 COEFF 1 2.13 in .620 2.25 in .620 2.44 in .620 2.69 in .620 3.19 in .620 24.00 in .620 INITIAL WATER ELEVATION: 120.43 It EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION LOSSES: 0.00 cfs _______________ COEFF 2 DIhEN 2 --------------- POND ROUTING DATA --------------- ELAPSED TOTAL TOTAL DOWNSTREAM WATER STORAE6E TIME INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW ELEVATION VOLUME (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft3) 60.00 .01 .01 .01 122.00 0.00 90.00 .30 .19 .19 122.01 35.06 120.00 .72 .22 .22 122.23 603.43 150.00 1.09 .2B .28 122.59 1834.07 180.00 1.53 .41 .41 123.17 3615.49 210.00 1.86 .56 .36 123.89 5831.86 24C.00 2.29 .74 .74 124.47 8455.44 270.00 2.58 .Y2 .92 j25.07 11394.55 300.00 3.04 1.19 1.19 125.74 14659.55 335.00 3.34 1.42 1.42 126.31 18098.07 360.00 3.81 3.54 3.54 126.65 20441.78 390.00 4.10 4.06 4.06 126.67 20704.07 420.00 5.34 5.14 5.14 126.77 2i254.03 450.00 7.43 7.07 7.07 126.91 22247.02 480.00 17.74 15.88 15.88 127.56 26778.21 510.00 7.00 8.98 8.98 127.05 23231.20 540.00 4'87 5.34 5.34 126.78 21360.69 570.00 4.16 4.32 4.32 126.71 20838.85 600.00 4.17 4.20 4.20 126.70 20773.07 630.0D 4.18 4.20 4.20 126.70 20775.95 660.00 3.68 3.79 3.79 126.67 20567.21 690.00 3.43 3.50 3.50 126.65 20417.96 720.00 3.43 3.45 3.45 126.64 20396.25 750.00 3.44 3.46 3.46 126.64 20397.75 LIBERTY VIEW HYDROLOGY, 258-05-881 3- 1-00 Page 2 7Go.00 2.96 3.07 3.07 126.62 20199.14 010.00 2.73 2.79 2.79 126.59 20057.15 840.60 2.73 2.75 2.75 126.59 2V035.58 870.00 2.73 2.75 2.75 126.59 20035.98 900.00 2.51 2.56 2.56 126.58 19943.06 930.00 2.40 2.43 2.43 126.57 19876.73 960.00 2.40 2.41 2.41 126.57 19866.78 T90.00 2.40 2.41 2.41 126.57 19867.12 1020.00 2.08 2.15 2.15 126.55 19733.37 i050.00 1.92 1.96 1.96 126.53 19637.79 . 1080.00 . 1 92 1 93 . 1 93 . �26 53 . l9622 97 i . ! 1110.00 1.92 1.93 1.93 126,53 19622.90 � 1140.00 1.92 1.94 1.94 126.53 19623.21 ' 1170.00 1.92 1.94 1.94 126.53 29623.52 1200.00 1.92 1.94 1.94 126.53 19623.81 1230.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19624.10 1260.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19624.37 1290.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19624.64 1320.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19624.89 1350.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19625.14 1380.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19625.37 1410.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19625.61 1440.00 1.93 1.94 1.94 126.53 19625.83 1470.00 0.00 1.43 1.43 126.33 18218.05 1500.00 0.00 1.28 1.28 125.97 15760.75 1530.00 0.00 1.10 1.10 125.53 13636.61 1560.00 0.00 .94 .94 125.16 1i820.17 1550.00 0.00 .85 .85 124.83 10210.03 1620.00 0.00 .76 .76 124.53 8760.94 1650.00 0.00 .67 .67 124.26 7464.64 1680.00 0.00 .59 .59 124.03 6328.32 l710.00 0.00 .53 .53 123.72 5317.26 1740.00 0.00 .47 .47 123.43 4419.25 1770.00 0.00 .41 .41 123.17 3628.02 1800.00 0.00 .35 .35 122.V5 Z949.19 ' 1830.00 0.00 .31 .3i 122.77 2366.54 1860.00 0.00 .28 .28 122.59 1837.66 1890.00 6.00 .26 .26 122.44 1352.14 1920.00 0.00 .24 .24 122.29 906.43 1950.00 0.00 .22 .22 122.16 497.26 1980.00 0.00 .20 .20 122.04 124.13 MAX TOTAL INFLOW: 17.74 cfs MAX TOTAL OUTFLOW: 16.49 cfs MAX MAX DNSTR OUTFLOW: WATER ELEV: 16.49 127'61 ch.; ft MAX STORAGE VOL: 27092.80 ft3 « ' RETAINED VOLUME: 0.00 ft3 r .'j DER'lY VIEW H"Y"DROLOGY, n, (..)a i i;.- K. * -X. X. -X.# 3r .91 ir, x Y". -H. -K Nl* -X. X- x YC. iM h # A. fF -X -N. .9. kl* N # it i 44- 4.)4. 4t. m. # . ii yf .9- 41. y. is N. N. X- 1,-, 4 1 T cal:" 41 GO C, C! 2. DO 0 L L 2 E! ". 2 C. 1 4 0 Q, 'L 17 12 C. I I S G' 19 TDIE (miro I COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2c�/'� 1DATE 11 -�� ��g SHEET 74) OF ESM inc. JOB NAME L/15' ,�-I Y V le-0 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM �1 941 Powell Ave. SW Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 vl✓ V �'Q�( '/LS (206)228.5628 CONTENTS v1V`t Y. ,VUW- �yp� b fO At of�J , ,- 2d- l o��� , a�� `4-�.�� ,o wf eY w� �n a p-� oo L,,�.��.,J a 1' pG)�.tt.c�Ci- ,�v, P�A�L���1-U[1�-� CZZAYA LIke o(.Q,a� " c(�cw.� 6•r,�-`.('�e`t w���� c� o���� Pa-c-(, `"j"(�t��c w ��� p�-r�,Q�n VJcvo:w�, ��✓J �teao �'-�'L c✓ �00 2Q-�nr. �,� -ec��- , D c�j v,l a '-r o�.a ) �, ire w� { _ �.-�1 �C �c, LUX �Lk d4q AtJ+nn w-c, ' aAA- w-e YJo _ ` t-ex" c(/ ,c;v�t ►�wt �� YZ vA-fie...o U�( ►�o 04 IV be, U el' ,o�u,P -cam- `4-��,. • 4�� �-� � �-� p pec�r�� . �r� -.c,�c Yt,c,�LL(YLcC��'.. `�'(�,c,� " �� o cl �°1 , - '0 �e'o n� w-� Vim- -�-� a V c ✓�(� . a AU COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 7�-ps-M' DATE 21 SHEET�7:Z OF ESM inc. E9 JOB NAME L--1 ---Kf- 74 V V w A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY T4p CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9W55 .�rTt (206( 22e-5628 CONTENTS t C .� In - n 2-0 - E,-� a L 511c�1 A-►--¢� = 3 ,�� acCS, Lc ���� � E S tb�Z � D�s�� �) � � ( _ ~�r , _... -_ !`1APs1TT_ 1011A1.1-e .=. _4So 4/Ij� A� - _ _ Ce 2 ' Zoo `1 !Z � . 3.1 �1 �,-_ u300 �'C �. _ 2600'-1-- - Tkc.-�p,�c.wAto#.I -�DNP vJt1l kc,'� 12 i7�•s-vo�vY+� - II 5l..w A-res_. = ZD. S S A 1-7. 3 5- A -73s -78>00��3- -- -mac z-+iZ - -- - - -- 12rS064� -- - S J� Y -7 y- I l � J I � O L Im TEMPORARY SEDIMENT PONDS - NOMOGRAPH 2 (SEDIMENT VOLUME FOR DETENTION STORAGE) siopa Langtn in rost * BARE GROUND (C = 1.0, P = 1.2, & R = 10) 1/ 60 P.C.F. per Ft.3 CLQ�'I�►I�VI�!�����n I1 EROSION TONS PER ACRE (E = RKLSCP) 41VI"I's 50 ---45 _-au 35 35 30 25 4U 45J 20 40 2—YEAR 24—HR. PRECIPITATION EVERETT bu 65 35 20 40 30 25 30 SEATTLE 35 35 q 3 IL40 45 40 2 0 35 TACOMA 4c 0 35 31 30 2 5 35 40 45 5 45 ---------- 35 50 0 45 3 �l U S45 30 50 4 30 45 3 M 2 %2 5'-�--I�x l01 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. Z �g • n�� `IDATE - ' "''' SHEET _L= OF ESM inn. 19 JOB NAME l/�g✓� 1 '�VJ A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY `�'� ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM l ! /� 1 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 1D0 Renton Washington, 98055 C w,J '�'�r�,� E • i, j�� (206) uI1.5626 CONTENTS 111 ��V ••• vv t.vr 4q I raj - - OA,G, f , j-k I\.o. jj— ,M af _Y-JJ.=.4_ _4-�C�✓..- -U'ILP-- 4r - - .{�nrGu: C✓�SCv��� � � • Z 3_• � � � _ ��st��17 2-7- `y 3.3_ : 4 5 '. �r��,.2�-�•c__ �•�E � - - - - .Gow _ keu.;_ (too`_. q-S)_ = �•�J`J. �' z ��.�t _ ?- x2� ffy �w�i �� 4w IS.Pi� - - -- -- - -- - I Io T-j o c� 2ofi Pv �p .� G�J�hv�,C I 1 w���, . ,+r-v ^J 04-0c, cAfP.ct. — Z( . U l o PT P�LwSi t ._ � •D� "� u TI wt. _ 224o25 too ---1 1= Up iv _104- --i50- 20,211 owl 0.9 � � 10� q • J � � �i'� � i h 11� COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. DATE �� ' J (�¢ II v ` SHEET = OF ESM inc. JOB NAME I♦ ��y A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 Sit' �, ��,� Ca I� (206( ue-5628 CONTENTS lys 'ro - Q_4-.3L40 1�t� Ler1S 101-A- .65,.tsc iccl�i�..�- Vc�o�� 28 +o n - - 2-7. S- -- - - - LQw r\- o- 4e 2 - o r- W W I N ,s m U - n W �n cl Z C1 c - 1\ w > H m m m 2 Z O O O OU U i Z W$ W O o` W L C _ (A � L < 3 Z yc ' o L N � � Y CL tJ N 0 = Zu >m U WZ< Y m � ;z 0 w00a� Tr\b to rca. Tor re ; L-W Area �jI.J '�re:;c, i�� Ari-Z Tv�c�.area G�,x,�l L-0•� �tiG� v> �-n.�� curl,) �:o•�ol(4v> SA(,) r r I I • I I I I 1 I I , I I fD-^� I I I i I I i f I S! r ! I r I I I 00 e2 0 1� 0 ►� a� D-off o• o� _ ; ,v',o� o i 1/0 110 o•:�'� p� Ire 0. 32 °,5� ' i 0. NO 171 �1Z 1 ) 0-10 I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 D•D V I I O• 19 j � l?� � ��Q-1� ' I I o-1� 0-Q9. , j. Z) � 2•�jl .- ; i O•�I �I 1 I 0 W w 2 N } O Y 2 Q rl C o� W N m Z uj Z Z d Z 0 0 0 0 U 0 7 ~ u Z � W w o 0 w d cn < ; z O L � c N OC a z s D= a v O c ZV im V uz Wr- = �z 3 c Z Va W <° a ' `fnb Ib *- Qo4 ,tea, --0. 0) CAI,) Ui Areo, OL V�U) A,ceca. G-o•lo,(am) c 1le- Atea, G=o.S (Ae,) ` b+J t;te,�.. Goe�Su o-70 1 3o=azI , ZIi I LI s313� o,o� p,��5 0.0� — p.53 , I p-72 7- 1 r 1 I 2Z It i I I :Z3 2'� ��! �' of ►� o-�� o ico — " 'ol f 0le8'- 0 0'12 S 0.13 0,.11 � � 0,�0 o,-i0 � o•.5g - ; 0.13 . 0.F7 -- 0,q9 o,�v I I I I I I b4 I 1 I I o,i`}, - 0.30 I `";`'i: a. �-7 O, b �S� 3 �r I p•:Ig. o.3S o, 0^7 .— p, _ 3 2 0! p e 5 7 O, 6 1, :. 3 3 O.22 G. 22 o, Z,S 31f -14Y 6Z-G3 D.sS co u COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Are. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (2061 228-5628 JOB NO. �DATE SHEET s2 .0 0 OF JOB NAME COMP. BY CHK. BY CONTENTS T O �' � �O Ems — — — — — — — — —Ky J U I� I o 1D _ - C) V Wcj E A S E M E N T THIS AGREEMENT made this day of Q C 197—?. by and between the City of Renton, a municipal corporation of King County, Wash- ington, hereinafter termed "Grantee", and his wife, hereinafter termed "Grantor." O CV �O O WITNESSETH: O o — That the said Grantor c0' for valuable consideration does by these presents Q` grant unto thb Grantee a 1,6 foot perpetual right-of-way or easement for utility services with the necessary appurtenances through, over and across the following described property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly de- scribed as follows: The South 15 feet of the North half of the North half of the North half of the Southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying West of County Road No. 80, and East of Prim. Stag Highway No. 5. Excluding the westerly 450 feet. 1% EXCISE )AX NOJ REQU;',i U King Co Records By , Dcpury Page 1 V O cv O O O ON I That said Grantee shall have the right without prior institution of any suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be necessary, to enter upon said property for the purpose of constructing, repairing, altering, or reconstructing said utility services, or making any con- nections therewith, without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore, provided that such constructing, repairing altering, or recon- structing of said sewer main shall be accomplished in such a manner that the private iyrprovements existing in this right-of-way shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or in the event they are disturbed or de- stroyed, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of said easement, so long as said use does not interfere with the installa- tion and maintenance of the sewer main and so long as no permanent buildings or structures are erected on said easement. This easement shall shall be binding on the parties hereto. STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) be a covenant running with the land and successors, heirs, and assigns of both I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of Washington, hereby certify that on this % .5f- day of QC-o 6-c,-- 1972 , personally ap eared before me 1.1 �t �'2�� ia. DU L". e. to me known to be th individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Page 2 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ' DATE _ �� SHEET �_ OF ESM inc. JOB NAME A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MAN/Tj;EMENT COMP. BYy ' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM e (20 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 9BOS5 WJ l/ r•�.C.� �� %I%Jl"� , lm6J ue•ss2e CONTENTS -STORM DRAIN CALCULATIONS-, FOR- - -- --. - - - -- - -- _-----....---- ---------.---.- - I • LIBERTY-_VIEW=� • � I I E 7-2 �� � I I STORM WATER UTILITY - - R-E•-C- EIVIE® } _ - - _ MAY 111988 - - - ., - - ... �:• . • ram. 10 1Y/ -- - - - r-t , Ste'►N� -_ _ 1. PF V { y0 h \ 1. ��� JL�.��t�WASjj4, ���L ��.�o� WASy��- , �AV � �F C•581 E� ...,.. _--...�._.._. , .. C, �s - , TE - -- - --- __ ULSP SPEED LETTER TO: DATE: l< 6�-1 8 0 PROJECT: SUBJECT:_ Signed STORM WV�AF-C--H LITILIVY REC ,; - u 1988 V I C. 70 ►2. / A I+l L L S M -rE Sc P OP l Rcc 9 Vl5 k&4 ICE tF-TEAT,o-4 pa-4.0 OR IFIC,E To SET rL6 ZiLT PAR-Ticc.ES- - C!0_. -ID _.Y 1,44 _ Co y A(TJ SToRntw �tT�JZr --_/ r'�ln�AEs.�rE^�T . ___ .Re_cT• cep- - WApis_ ld -?-SAT e TO 20 w Fors A poop ��,a�EEA -- -off -- 7 Sdd ffy L 10 (;e6.,4,ba sec 48 ,+u =_ , 6_- C-f -- 07,l FIC E wA - AV H 6�k USLT 1) Sh m c (D (1 PR UT: L�ZA(A c DESIGNER DATE HYDROLOGIC AND CHANNEL INFORMATION 01 QZ TWI = 7w2= _ SKETCH STATION: 2 EL.s A H W - EL.1-3f— Su L ALLOWABLE OUTLET VELOCITY s TtB�C IZ��' So T W EL. 8 I . ' CULVERT TYPE 0 SIZE HEADWATER COMPUTATION z 3 = OUTLET VELOCITY COST COMMENTS INLET CONT. OUTLET CONTROL HW D tiW Ke d� d +D c h0 H L90 HW SUMMARY 6 RECOMMENDATIONS: SS rt M YVA RECEIVED AUG 2 41988 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. ZSP� • DS''l �`I ` I DATE gQJ SHEET OF E9lli'L ESM inG JOB NAME ar�Lr V 10 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY 18 CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW. Suite 100 Renton Washington, 90M (206) 22&5628 CONTENTS 0� ►��1, gy�TF.M _ 11-17 `}� lace, 17�P + DF IIJ DOTF41"L,- - r/`'AC(j/`.p IfV� `in'{Ilcv'f' V�-G-a L) y0 JcU� rl/v/�G�7�L T IIeuCC (a�Jc� ^n/ l0 vU G-�•C W RAJ 4"-'t reavv� G•6 ( S�,l,l,��'�6GutV1 �Q,Jo�uM� � � S�t,tQ � r� � -� � �Q (,a,�,f GZ.�� -c,`-t w�},�'P��,wJ G • � • f�&W) P 1-15 dAC�t *JaAA.Vj 143 A vclo(, In>°ad l -5Geo p�Gv G ' 13d S5e4 1�.�` ��,5'XO.�?�; �.2��✓ _vSfiLe� tecakAa `tom 8 � 4t7P a I• l l - N� COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 2'r8'o5� DATE % SHEET OF ESM ina JOB NAME (A?!9 l Y V (a A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 96055 (206)22-5628 CONTENTS JIV YYWW I.dUW7 � 104 � � 21 L�'-M? iAAc - E%: �' I �C To�4 45- =-a4 � V"- 'Fr�boafd 5• - - 7� nticuww �p.0(z) 2 y1 2 = (a01-z- 2•14' -- - S 4 COMPUTATION SHEET JOB NO. 25�' D 1 DATE $S SHEET '43- OF ESM ina12 JOB NAME L bSrY 910 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY — �"' , CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM Powell Ave. SW, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 98055 (20 CONTENTS _`�1 t �Jf'T • (206) 228-5628 Old FEU, Sy�T till (ca�'>) P of �o G21 t�10.2 l,- w':� L, W' I'j 00- s=c).23% S= 3•lZ°� 2.22 C �t�5)i,a3� tzvm Ltv— 0 _ 2 _ + o�- 0 5__ yQ 5 KING C0UNTY,WASE. GT0N,SURFACE WATER ;IGN MANUAL Chapter 7 Section 73 Section 73.4 Hydraulic Analysis Conveyance System Design & Analysis Pipe Systems FIGURE 7.3.4E HEADLOSS CALCULATION SHEET W U "A" "s" "I:' "D" ISXLI a Ix W Y ~ z z �y 70 w — F- am N 'AO C7 TW 91W W F'W Jy FEW wW CCQ W� RUN Cs TO Cs W O PIPE SIZE N VEL AREA QO WW0 zN WO zuS >O =0 cc 00 J aJ W KING CO U N T Y, W A NGT O N, S U R FAC E W A T E R . S I G N M A N U A L Chapter 7 Secrion 73 Secrion 73.4 Hydraulic Analysis Conveyance System Design & Analysis Pipe Systems FIGURE 73.4C MANHOLE, BEND AND VELOCITY HEADLOSSES IN STRUCTURES 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 1.6 L4 .6 A 2 0 Examples ' Manhole '• ■,1■■ �a.■■ He3. losses i i r, . , • • Vela j /■■ ■■ i■■■ 1■■■ .■■■ /■■■ —Tot-al _ 1.23 ft loss .. due to change in 1 �oil /I■■■■■ MEE i■■Is �■■ll ■■■il /MEEmom , ■■■ .. .. il■■I■ ■ �0I■■■ .�■■■■� ■■■ram■ray■■++i■■■■■■■ I rr'�-9d0NO■N01M MEN ■■■■ ream now (cfs) nstream flow (cfs) ming volume (cfs) ream velocity (fps) nstream velocity ( fps) city head (ft) re 7.3.40 for'0' Valve. 2 4 6 8 16 12' 14 16 18_0 Velocity, v(fps) Source: Baltimore County Department of Public Works "A" minor loss in manhole. Entrance loss in manhole (or inlet). For 33 in. and larger use " C" curve. Loss due to 45° bend in manhole. Multiply by 2.0 for 90*. Deduct I for „ I ' Loss due to 90' bend. Structure (deduct 3 for 45'). Multiply "C" curve loss by 1.5 for bends with man- hole or with con- nection:2.0 for bend structures with manhole and connection. 7-13 c 1�. L (9''� ! (o K ING COUNTY , W A S H I N G T O N ,SURFACE WATE R D ESIGN M ANUAL Chapter 7 Section 73 Section 73.4 Hydraulic Analysis Conveyance System Design & Analysis Pipe SVSttmS PTrITRF. 73-41) n NCTION HEADLOSS IN STRUCTURES ,.l - MEN���� EN���►� MEN WAN ��//v IN/ KI��%�� MINES OE%IVA IN MEN Source: Baltimore County Department of Public Works 23 = 1007 QI = 507 3 = 307. Q Q t 193 z4F;I;w 7-14 'SL, — � 0/� O'b � Lo (O KING COUNTY , W A Chapter 7 Hydraulic Analysis AINGTON,SL'RFACE WATE DESIGN MANUAL Section 73 Section 73.4 Conveyance Systan Design Pipe Systerns and Analysis 2. Direct Step Backwater Method For Pipes This method of Hydraulic Analysis using Manning's Equation is known as the Direct Step Backwater Method and generally gives more precise results than the simple solution of Mann's Equation given above. It is used to calculate individual head losses in pipe systems which are surcharged and have submerged outlets. These head losses are added to a known downstream water surface elevation to give a design water surface elevation (for a given flow) at the desired upstream location(s). Total head loss = frictional loss + manhole loss + velocity head loss + bend loss + junction loss Frictional loss is computed from Mannings Equation expressed in the form: Sf- (nV)2/2.22 R4/3 = head loss per lineal foot of drain due to friction Where n = Manning's 'n' V Flow velocity in ft/sec = O/A R Hydraulic Radius The remaining components of total head loss may be computed using standard equations, or they may be estimated using graphical solutions. Figure presents solutions for manhole loss, velocity head loss and bend loss. Manhole loss (curve 'A' figure 7.3.4C in the graphic solutions) takes into account the entrance loss encountered when the flow is forced to make a transition into a pipe from a structure such as a manhole or catch basin. Velocity head loss is defined by curve B, figure 7.3.4C in the graphic solutions. Bend loss (curve 'C, figure 7.3.4C in the graphic solutions) accounts for the energy required to change direction of flow in a manhole. Junction loss (curve 'D', figure 7.3.4D in the graphic solutions) results from the turbulence created when two or more streams are merged into one stream. Several examples of the uses of these graphs are illustrated on the face of the graph. Table 7.3.4 E is provided for convenience. Detail In addition to the details shown as Figures 7.3.4 F through J, Standard Construction Details are available in the King County Road Standards. The following table references commonly used details from the 1986 Road Standards: KC.R.S. Drawing Number Tide 30 Field -Tapping of Concrete Pipe 31 Catch Basin Type 1 32 Catch Basin Type I-L 33 Catch Basin Type II-48', 54", 72", & 96' 34 Catch Basin Details 35-38 Manholes 39 Manhole Details 40 Curb Inlet 41-50 Frames, Grates, and Covers 7-I2 COMPUTATION SHEET ESM inc. t9 A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. 5W, Suite 100 Renton Washington, 96055 (206) 228-5628 JOB NO. C12) ,015238 L DATE G� '� SHEET OZ OF JOB NAME-[ V (F- ^D COMP. BY CHK. BY CONTENTS GG' F Earl Clymer, Mayor FOR PICK UP Mr. Joseph Miles King County Building and Land Development Subdivisions Section 3600 - 136th Place SE, Ste. A Bellevue, WA 98006-1400 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design/Utility Engineering August 30, 1988 Subject:I NO Dear Mr. Miles: The Plat of Liberty View has met all of the Renton Storm Water Utility requirements regarding the outfall into the Panther Creek Wetlands. If you have any questions, please contact me at (206) 235-2631. Very truly yours, Garth D. Cray Sr. Engineering Specialist cc: Mr. Joe Blankenship, ESM Mr. Chuck Price 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 ESM, INC. It 941 Powell Ave. S.W., Suite 10 RENTON, WA 98055 Phone 228-5628 TO i WE ARE SENDING YOU Z1 Attached C Under separate cover via_ ❑ Shop drawings ",, Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ [L[E-T-T* ors -ThUn- A TMU. DATE ' JOB NO. A TTE TI G=,, RE: 0 the following items: ❑ Samples Ci Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION �{ ew Z. !h � �l. ) ; Cj .' l •ij,2it j %�l •% .�j(,( l "'+n /' �C i^f r - pAM v — THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: �$( For approval ❑ Approved as submitted L_1 Resubmit copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution — ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ _ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS LL1l 7 / QDIA12 ­(1,U iAV COPY TO SIGNED: PRODOCT 2402 � Inc., G," Nm 0147I If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us a onto. COMPUTATION SHEET, JOB No. '1 DATE SHEETS od� ESM ina JOB NAME L 15e'ZTV o lew A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMP. BY �' CHK. BY CONSULTING FIRM 941 Powell Ave. 5W, Suite 100 Renton Washington. 9W55 �iC.lXy' 12061220.56B CONTENTS 2- iAA) VrQ-r-YU STORM DRAIN CALCULATIONS -- -- - -- - - --FOR - LIBERTY -VIEW _ _FILE_ # 1087-23 _ _ . STORM + WATER UTIL� PY - - -- -----_ -- ---- -- -- - -- E-ti E-I-- Y-,C-ty- - -- - -- - -- -- - - - AUU_ 91988 -- - - - - - -- = I . PFSURVEY .� �Lp .4,4 WASH �{C 2' , f �PF W AS�/i y LP _ - - - - - -- S - y O -581 S FcISTER�p - - C1�It�'�� - - - - w Gh�N,, _ _ _ Nci it TANS ESM, INC. 941 Powell Ave. S.W., Suite 10u RENTON, WA 98055 Phone 228-5628 To City of Renton Hand -carried WE ARE SENDING YOU k' Attached U Under separate cover via_ ❑ Shop drawings )) Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ L IE TT E O F U M Li= M S DH Ll NA� L DATE 8/08/88 JOB NO 258-05-381 ATTENTION Chuck Price, Don Monaghan & Ron Ols RE. Liberty View the following items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 8/08/88 17 Construction plans Storrs Drain calculations 1 8/08/88 166 1 8/08/88 Review set THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted W For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS —Dear Sirs: ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints LI PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Bnclosed are the above for your use. __F4k1�"'dr n J� 1 COPY TO Gary Upper/ Conner Sarah SIGNED: Joe Blankenship PRODUCT 2402 � 1u , Q*.. Mm 0ul If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. �i CITY OF RENTON "LL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Earl Clymer, Mayor Design/Utility Engineering August 15, 1988 Mr. Loren T. Petersen, PE Project Manager ESM 941 Powell Ave. SW Suite 100 Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Liberty View Phase I & It Storm Water Utility Drainage Comments Dear Mr. Petersen: The Storm Water Utility review comments are noted on the attached plans. These comments were noted in previous reviews and should be corrected before future submittal to this Utility. If you have any questions, please contact me at (206) 235-2631. Very truly yours, Charles E. Price, P.E. Storm Water Utility Engineer cl/librvw/cep: jlm Attachment 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 ESM inc. le A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM August 10, 1988 Mr. Chuck Price City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: LIBERTY VIEW Dear Chuck: #258-05-880 2� 9231y AUG 1 :,,, 1988 CITY OF RENTON Engineering Dept. On this date, I contacted Bill Robbins with Maskell-Robbins, distributor of Drisco Pipe (High Density Polyetheylene Pipe, H.D.P.) at 775-8600, to discuss your review comment regarding the uplift forces on the outfall pipe. I described to him the proposed "Above Ground Pipe Anchor" we have shown on the plans and asked him specifically if they have seen any problems with uplift forces, using this type of anchor. He stated, 1) that there really are not any uplift forces to be concerned about; 2) the purpose of the anchors is so the pipe will not move much laterally; and 3) they have used this same anchor on numerous projects and it is functioning fine. If you have any additional questions, comments, or require further information, you may contact Bill Robbins or Very truly yours, ESM, INC. J64a-_-c Jos PH BLANKENSHIP Engineering Technician dwl5:lv4 941 Powell Avenue S.W. Suite 100 • Renton, Washingtc November 13, 1987 OFFICE OF THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION_ EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON `A NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE. SUBJECT: Building and Land Development File No. 1087-23 Proposed Ordinance No. 87-698 Proposed Plat LIBERTY VIEW 24 acres lying generally--tre-t-ween S.E. 168th and 170th Street (if extended) and generally between State Route 55 and State Highway 167. 1. Purpose. The public hearing on this matter is continued in order to provide Building and Land Development Division opportunity ' to mail a second (revised) notice of public hearing to the property owners within a 500 foot radius of the subject property and to obtain information and argument regarding the issues listed below. 2. Notice. The continued public hearing will be held at 9:00 A.M., Tuesday December_8, 1987 in Room 402 (King County Council Chambers), King County Courthouse, Third Avenue and James Street, Seattle, Washington. NOTE: THIS HEARING DATE CHANGES THE SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED AT THE LAST PUBLIC HEARING. 3. Requirements. Information and argument will be presented at this hearing regarding the following issues: a. Victoria Park Division III City of Renton, Hearing Examiner or Planning Commission Report and Recommendation, Staff Report, and/or City Council action documenting the complete requirements imposed upon this neighboring plat. b. The_1981 proposed plat_of Liberty View, King County File No. 1081-24, granting preliminary approval but never implemented. C. Neighboring easement. Any documentation which clarifies the legal rights and status of the 'roadway/utility' easement within Victoria Park Division III which abuts the subject property. Exhibit No. 18, a photo copy of the first page of this -easement document, is incomplete and inconclusive. Further, it has been argued that more recent documents may supersede that October 11, 1978 instrument. d. Review, Talbot Road right-of-waY. Building and Land Development Division staff will survey the route, noting possible obstructions and/or opportunities for pathway development. The applicant will prepare an engineering cost estimate. File No. 1087-23 Page 2 e. Review, METRO_pullout and shelter footing. The applicant and staff will each review site topography and will consider engineering and economic feasibility of this agency request. f. Pathway connection to Victoria Park. The applicant will prepare a schematic evaluation of the proposed walkway/pathway connecting Victoria Park with the proposed South 32nd Street cul-de-sac bulbs within the subject property. The applicant will examine not only engineering feasibility (in a general schematic way), but also will consider how the proposed pathway may be integrated with open space design requirements and public safety concerns. G Robert anley Titus Depu 2Ving and Subdivision Irl ExaAWher TRANSMITTED this 13th day of November, 1987, to the following: Gary Upper Jon Nelson Max L. Frazier Walter Stiegman Fredric Komiski Charles Henderson Jim Poff Karla Saunders Mrs. V. Vrablick Mary Durknn Bob Scholes Paul Sikora Ron and Laura Nelson Bob Hifford METRO, Gregory Bush Robert E. Bergstrom B-Twelve Associates Watter Dist. No. 58 Michael Gordon Mark & Judy Rogers Don Tataro Mary Anne Davis Michael Lee Mayer Diane Steffan Randall Durant Gary L. Hill Jake D. Ehlenberger Eugene Thayer Elizabeth Lee Joe Miles Douglas Haser Geroge & Francine Griffiths Chris Clifford Ella Thayer Mrs. Luther Dick Kerbey hunt Steve & Michelle Haffner Julie & Jerry Simpson Jeanette Samek-McKague RST/sm 2 7 3 9 D VU0 UL'­ January 9, 1988 CITY OFREJON RJAI 1 1 1111 C � � V E OFFICE OF THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF REOPENED HEARING AND ADMINISTRATIVE CONTINUANCE SUBJECT: Building and Land Development File No. 1087-23 Proposed Ordinance No. 87-698 Proposed Plat of LIBERTY VIEW 24 acres lying generally between S.E. 168th and 170th Street (if extended) and generally between State Route 55 and State Highway 167. 1. The hearing record on this matter, closed on December 31, 1987, is now reopened to receive written submittals regarding the Talbot Road walkway issue only. 2. Although written comments may be submitted by any party of record, written statements or arguments are specifically requested from the applicant, (Gary Upper, Bob Scholes) the City of Renton, (Jeanette Samek-McKague, Gary Norris) and the Building and Land Development Division (Elizabeth Lee). These statements/arguments should address the following questions: a. Where does the proposed walkway go? Whom would it serve? For what public or other non-residential facilities would it enhance connection or circulation? Why is this proposed walkway essential? b. Does the City of Renton want it? Is it required for consistency with any City of Renton circulation plan or policy or emerging street/walkway improvement pattern in the area? C. In what manner, or on what basis, is it determined that an off -site walkway construction requirement (with an estimated cost of 07,589.00) is a reasonable condition which is specifically related to the probable impacts of the propsed plat? This question is merely a restatement of questions 2. a. and 2. b., above. 3. Written submittals responding to this request may be submitted until 4:30�P.M., January 27, 1988, at which time this reopened hearing record will be closed. All submittals should be addressed to the undersigned, 300 King County Administration Building, 500 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Washington, 98104. ORDERED this 8th day of January, 1988. Robert Stai Deputy Z Examine Fey Titus ng and Subdivision File No. 1087-23 Page 2 TRANSMITTED this 8th day of January, 1988, by certified mail, to the following: Gary Upper Max L. Frazier Fredric Komiski Jim Poff Mrs. V. Vrablick Bob Scholes Ron and Laura Nelson B-Twelve Associates Michael Gordon Don Tataro Michael Lee Mayer Randall Durant Jake D. Ehlenberger Douglas Haser Chris Clifford Mrs. Luther Dick Jon Nelson Walter Stiegman Charles Henderson Karla Saunders Steve & Michelle Haffner Paul Sikora Bob Hifford Julie & Jerry Simpson Mark & Judy Rogers Mary Anne Davis Diane Steffan Gary L. Hill Eugene Thayer Geroge & Francine Griffiths Ella Thayer Kerbey Hunt TRANSMITTED this 8th day of January, 1988, to the following: Joe Miles, Building and Land Development Division Elizabeth Lee, Building and Land Development Division Jeanette Samek-MCKague, City of Renton Gary Norris, City of Renton Robert E. Bergstrom, City of Renton METRO, Gregory Bush Mary Durkan Water Dist. No. 58 RST/sm 2 8 8 3 D PARRS, PLANNING AND RESOURCES DEPARTMENT BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION EXAMINER NOVEMBER 5, 1987 - PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED PLAT OF LIBERTY VIEW FILE NO: 1087-23 PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO.: 87-698 A. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: This is a request for a clustered subdivision of 24 acres into 94 lots for detached single-family dwellings. The typical lot size is 5,000 square feet, and 8.5 acres of common open space is proposed. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner: Conner Development 846 - 108th N.E., #202 Bellevue, WA 98004 Phone: 455-9280 Engineer: ESM, Inc. 941 Powell Ave. S.W. Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 228-5628 STR: SW 29-23-5 and SE 30-23-4 Location: Generally between S.E. 168th and 170th St. (if extended) and generally between State Route 55 and State Highway 167. Zoning: SR 7200, SR 9600, and SR 15,000 Acreage: 24 Number of Lots: 94 Typical Lot Size: 5,000 square feet in a cluster config- uration together with 8.5 acres of common open space. Proposed Use: Detached single-family residences Sewage Disposal: City of Renton Water Supply: Cascade Sewer District Fire District: #40 School District: #403 C. HISTORY: A subdivision request was previously granted preliminary approval for development of this parcel. Also entitled Liberty View (File No. 1081-24), the request was for a clustered subdivision of 96 lots on 23 acres. The notable difference was the previous submittal proposed attached units (two, three and fourplexes) on lots ranging from 3,000 to 7,000 square feet. Final approval was not pursued, and the approval expired in March, 1987. D. THRESHOLD DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 (SEPA), RCW 43.21C, the responsible official of the Building and Land Development Division (BALD) issued a mitigated threshold determination of non -significance (MDNS) for the proposed development on September 22, 1987. The following conditions imposed by the Building and Land Development Division is now part of the proposed action. The conditions are deemed necessary or beneficial to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the State Environmental Review Process. 1. Prior to final approval, pay a fair share of improvements to S.W. 43rd from Talbot Road to SR 167 within the City of Renton. 2. Frontage improvements to Talbot Road per King County standards shall be installed. Agencies, affected tribes, the applicant, and the public were offered the opportunity to comment on or appeal the determination for fifteen days. After the close of the comment/appeal period, any comments asking for a reconsideration of the threshold determination were reviewed and considered. No appeal was received, and therefore these conditions will stand as part of the proposal. In addition to the above review, the Subdivision Technical Committee of King County has conducted an on -site examination of the subject property and has discussed the proposed development with the applicant and/or his engineer to clarify technical details of the application and to determine the compatibility of this project with applicable King County plans and codes and other official documents regulating this development. As a result of preliminary discussions, the applicant presented the Technical Committee with a revised plat on October 8, 1987. The primary modifications include the addition of stub roads to the north and east. E. AGENCIES CONTACTED: 1. King County Natural Resources & Parks Division: No response. 2. King County Planning & Community Development Division: No response. 3. Seattle -King County Health Department: The input of the Health Department has been incorporated into the text of this report. 4. Renton School District #403: No response. 5. Cascade Sewer District: No response. 6. City of Renton Water District: No response. 7. Washington State Department of Ecology: "Thank you for the opportunity to common on the determination of nonsignificance for the Liberty View Subdivision proposed by Conner Development (1087-23). We reviewed the environmental checklist and have the following comments: Stormwater from the site should be routed through a detention facility with oil/water separators and/or 200 feet of grass lined swale prior to discharge into the wetland. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Andy McMillan of the Shorelands Program at (206) 459-6774." 8. Washington State Department of Fisheries: No response. 2 9. Washington State Department of Natural Resources: No response. 10. Washington State Department of Game: "Department of Wildlife staff have reviewed the subject documents and our comments follow, by file number: File No. 1087-23: Nelson/ESM; Subdivision -- Stormwater from this site will discharge to Springbrook Creek and the Black River wetlands. Due to severe water quality problems in these surface waters, we recommend stormwater be collected and conveyed via grasslined swales and that on -site detention be designed to detain the annual storm event. The on -site wetland should not be used to filter stormwater, only to store it. 11. Washington State Department of Transportation: No response. 12. King County Conservation District: "The King County Conservation District recommends the the following development actions: a. Install streets, utilities and storm drains prior to construction. b. Design and management of surface drainage systems should be planned prior to construction and implemented according to that plan. All water should be conveyed to a safe, non -erosive outlet. C. Design and management of sub -surface drainage systems should be planned prior to construction - and implemented according to that plan. All water should be conveyed to a safe, non -erosive outlet. d. Avoid soil disturbance during the rainy season. e. Seeding, mulching, netting and mechanical forms of protection can be used to stabilize exposed soils. f. Avoid over -the -slope dumping of soil, vegetative waste or debris. g. Denuded ground cover should be protected as soon as construction allows, but not later than October 1st. h. All road designs should utilize available soils information. i. All stockpiles of excavated soil should have erosion protection at all times. j. An explanation of what is to be done with excavated soil should accompany the final plan. The 1980 Sensitive Areas Map Folio does not indicate the presence of any sensitive areas on or near the site. However, the plan map defines as wetland boundary in the north -central part of the plat. The engineers, B-Twelve & Associates, have classified the wetland as a Class #3. Field investigation discovered that the wetland, a seasonal body, is actually much larger in area than the plan map dictates. The wet, low-lying area extends longer southward and so appears to divide the plat nearly in half. 3 In addition, the plan map delineates a seasonal drainage swale on the southwest side of the plat, flowing west along the fence and zone boundary. However, the plan fails to mention that there are a few small seasonal drainage swales scattered within the eastern half of the property all flowing west to southwest, to the wetland area. All swales and wetland area were dry at the time of site inspection. In order to protect the natural hydrologic conditions, water quality and wildlife habitat of these seasonal waterways, we recommend that a professional biologist who has expertise in wetland and stream habitat and/or enhancement conduct studies to define the high water mark and 25-year floodplain of the swales and wetland. A Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) should be delineated at the 25-year floodplain; and a 25-foot Building Setback Limit (BSBL) should also be established upgradient of the NGPE boundary. These boundaries ought to be flagged in the field and noted on the plan and profile. The present plan depicts the wetland boundary and setbacks, but we feel that these boundaries do not accurately reflect the actual field conditions. As a result of new setbacks and easements, lots nos. 74, 75, 77, 78, 86, 87, 88, 89 and 90'may be adversely affected. The ESC rating for this plat of 192E reflects a moderate slope, high lot density and a close proximity to the wetland area. However, the rating does not accurately enough describe the actual degree of slope. The actual slope range, according to the plan map, is more like 6-19%. Therefore, a stringent Temporary, Erosion -Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) is recommended for this site. 13. METRO: See Attachment 1. 14. City of Renton: See Attachment 2. 15. King County Fire Marshal: See Attachment 3. F. PHYSICAL LAND CHARACTERISTICS: 1. Topography: The site generally slopes from east to west with an overall elevation drop of 150 feet. The western one -quarter, abutting Talbot Road, contains slopes of approximately 25 percent. The eastern three-quarters contains more moderate slopes ranging from 6 to 15 percent. 2. Soils: One surface soil is found on this site per King County Soil Survey, 1973: a. The property is classified AgC. Alderwood (AqC) is a gravelly, sandy loam that is moderately well -drained with a weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated substratum at a depth of 24-40 inches. The substratum is a glacial till that extends to a depth of 60 inches or more. Slopes are 6-15 percent. Permeability is moderately rapid in the subsurface layer and subsoil and very slow in the substratum during the rainy months. Runoff is slow to medium and the erosion hazard is moderate for building foundations due to seasonal high water table and slope (adequate foundation drainage systems are recommended) severe for shallow excavations due to seasonal high water table and very slow permeability in the substratum of the soil. There is moderate to high 4 corrosivity for uncoated steel and concrete. This soil is poor for topsoil, fair for road fill and has low compressibility for embankments. This soil is best used for timber, pasture, and urban development. 3. Vegetation: The eastern two-thirds of the site is moderately wooded with a mixture of broad -leafed and coniferous trees native to the Pacific Northwest. Most numerous are alder, big -leaf maple and vine maple; but Douglas fir, hemlock, and cedar are scattered over the site. A vigorous understory is a mixture of red elderberry, salmonberry, red huckleberry, wild plum, dogwood and spirea. Interspersed with stumps, slash and windfall is a dense ground cover of sword fern, salal, nettle, and Oregon grape. The remainder of the site is primarily covered in pasture grasses. Scattered evergreen/deciduous trees and brush occur in limited numbers. 4. Wildlife: Small birds and mammals undoubtedly inhabit this site. Population and species are probably limited due to nearby development. No special or endangered species are known to exist on or near this site. 5. Hydrography: The site is characterized by a high water table, periodic water ponding in low areas, and intermittent stormwater flows along swales of the ground. An unmapped wetland is found in the north -central portion of the site, extending onto the property to the north. The wetland is small, less than one- half acre in size, and meets the King County criteria for a Class III variety (low concern). See Attachment 4 to this report for a copy of the wetland study prepared by B-Twelve & Associates. 6. Land Use: The site is currently developed with two single-family residences and several accessory structures located on the westerly portion of the property. G. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The subject subdivision lies on the eastern edge of the Renton Valley area. Urban services are available within both Renton and along the Benson Highway to the east. Lying immediately north of the site is the existing subdivision of Victoria Park which contains 8,000-square-foot lots and lies within the city limits of Renton. Also abutting to the north is a long narrow parcel (tax lot 28) lying between this site and the developed Victoria Park. Abutting to the south and east are numerous parcels ranging from one -quarter to five acres. These are either vacant or contain a single-family residence. One-half mile to the south is Valley General Hospital. H. ACCESS: The subject subdivision proposes direct access onto Talbot Road which is designated as a collector arterial. The construction of Talbot abutting this site includes two lanes, minimal shoulder improvements, and open ditches. Talbot Road continues north into the City of Renton and south to its intersection with Carr Road. Benson Highway (SR 515) lies 300 feet to the west. Internal circulation is proposed via a local access loop road with one radiating cul-de-sac. Road stubs are proposed to the north, south, and east. See the Analysis section of this report for further discussion. I. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Schools: The subject subdivision will be served by Talbot Hill Elementary, Nelson Junior High and Lindberg Senior High Schools. 5 2. Fire Protection: The Certificate of Water Availability from the City of Renton indicates that water can be extended to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy King County Fire Flow Standards. 3. Sewage Disposal: The applicant proposes to serve the subject subdivision by means of a public sewer system managed by Soos Creek Sewer and Water District. The Seattle -King County Health Department has recommended preliminary approval of this proposed method of sewage disposal. A Certificate of Sewer Availability, dated July 23, 1987, indicates this district's capability to accommodate the additional demand for service expected from the proposed development. The Division of Building and Land Development concurs with this recommendation. 4. Water Supply: The applicant proposes to serve the entire subject subdivision with a public water supply and distribution system managed by the City of Renton. This site is however actually split into two water districts' service areas. The eastern portion lies within the Soos Creek service area, and the western portion lies within the City of Renton's area. Two items are necessary in order for Renton to service the entire site. The first is a release from the district which actually encompasses this area. This has been accomplished and is found as Attachment 6 to this report. The second is that annexation or Boundary Review Board (BRB) approval is necessary. Both the Water Availability Certificate and the Health Department approval reflect the need to accomplish this prior to final approval. Conversations with the City of Renton Utility Section indicate that this process has not yet been initiated. This must be obtained before this development can receive final approval. 5. Transportation: It is expected that approximately 940 vehicle trips per day will be generated with full development of the proposed subdivision. Potential traffic impacts resulting from this development were considered during the Environmental Review Period and were based on the King County Road Adequacy Standards (Ordinance No. 8052). It was determined that traffic from this development would impact the already congested intersection of S.W. 43rd St. and Talbot Road (within the City of Renton). The City of Renton has formed an LID to improve this road section, and construction is scheduled for late 1987 or early 1988. Contribution to improve this road section was required as mitigation for this development. The City of Renton has stated in their September 16, 1987 letter (Attachment 2) that this should be a requirement for development. J. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: The subject subdivision is not in conflict.with any scheduled capital improvements. K. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Text/Policies: The proposed subdivision is not in conflict with the text and policies of the King County Comprehensive Plan and Supplement. 2. Associated Plans: The King County Interim Transportation Plan indicates on Map No. 4 that Talbot Road is designated as a collector arterial. The subject subdivision is not in conflict with this plan, nor is it in conflict with associated plans or plan elements such as the Urban Trails Plan or the King County Bicycle Plan. 1.1 This property does not appear on any of the King County Sensitive Areas Folio as containing environmentally sensitive features. The site does, however, contain an unmapped Class III wetland. The King County wetland planner has reviewed the report and mapping prepared by B-Twelve & Associates which addresses the potential impact of developing this site. In summary, the wetland planner is in agreement with both the Class III rating and the boundaries of the wetland as shown on the preliminary plat. The wetland along with a 25-foot buffer will be left in a native state within the common open space area. A 25-foot building setback line extending beyond the buffer will also be necessary to provide adequate protection for the wetland area. This is also indicated on the plans. 3. Community Plans: The subject subdivision is located in the Soos Creek Community Planning Area. The proposed density of 3.9 units per acre is consistent with the designation for most of the property as single-family, 3-4 units per acre. (The 1-acre zoned SR 15,000 is designated single-family, 2-3 units per acre.) L. STATUTES/CODES: The following King County Codes are relevant to the proposed subdivision: 1. RCC 21.08.080 Lot area. (Related to lot clustering; see Code for specific details.) 2. RCC 21.48.270 Flexible yard and lot dimension requirements in subdivisions and short subdivisions. (See Code for specific details.) M. IMPACTS OF THE SUBDIVISION ON THE NATURAL SYSTEMS: 1. On Noise Level and Air Quality: Minor increases in noise level and air pollution can be expected with this development. This increase is not expected to be significant. 2. On Lakes, Rivers and Other Water Features: Storm water runoff will likely increase but will be mitigated through the implementation of King County Ordinance #2281 and the requirements of the Department of Public Works. 3. On Vegetation and Wildlife: It is anticipated that approximately 100% of each lot and all roadways will be cleared of vegetation to accommodate development of this subdivision. Some revegetation can be expected as lawns and landscaping are completed. The presence of humans will eliminate wildlife inhabiting this site. Displaced and unadaptable populations and species will either perish or relocate and compete with the established wildlife in other areas. No endangered or special species are known to exist on the site or to be affected by this development. 4. On Potential Earthslides, Erosion or Flooding: These environmental hazards have been considered in conjunction with the existing soil, water and topography of the site. Based on the proposed development plan and lot sizes, these issues have been mitigated. N. IMPACT ON SOCIAL ISSUES: 1. Concerning Land Use and Population Distribution: The proposed use, single-family detached, and the proposed density are permitted in the zone district. Nearby residents may be disturbed by development of the site, i.e. land clearing, road construction, utility installation, and erection of buildings. Such disturbance could continue for years. 7 2. Concerning Public Land Use: No public land use prerogatives will be foreclosed as a result of this private development. 3. Concerning Historical or Cultural Significance: The subject property and site have no known cultural or historic significance. 4. Concerning Equity and Justice:- No issues of equity and justice have been identified in the review of this proposal. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. ANALYSIS: The Subdivision Technical Committee considers the following issues to be significant in the preliminary review and recommendations of the subject subdivision. The following analysis of these issues indicates the relevance of the county platting regulations to the subject subdivision. Design The applicant's design takes advantage of two provisions in the zoning code, thus allowing for variation from a standard lot - by -lot subdivision design. The first is KCC 21.08.080 which permits the creation of smaller lots with the make-up area for undersized lots being provided in common open space. The second is KCC 21.48.270 which permits reduced lot dimensions (necessary for the 45-foot widths requested here). The applicant has presented justification and provided a typical plot plan of how the smaller lots can be developed (see Attachment 5 to this report). The Technical Committee does not object to the clustered design of the subdivision. It provides for buffer areas on the perimeter of the site, retains the wetland in a larger open space tract, and provides for common internal open space for the use and enjoyment of the future residents. Preliminary calculations (submitted separately by the applicant) indicate that the density based on lot size/open space tradeoffs is acceptable. It should be noted that sufficient open space does not exist to satisfy KCC 19.38 requiring 5 to 5.250 of a subdivision be maintained in open space. The applicant will necessarily pay a fee -in -lieu of open space to the County Parks Division in order to satisfy this requirement. The Technical Committee recommends one modification in the design be made in order to better utilize the open space. We recommend that S. 32nd St. be cul-de-sac'd in the area of lots 41/70 and 40/74 in order to maintain an uninterrupted section of open space. This section of roadway is not vital to the access or circulation pattern of the subdivision. If it were eliminated, not only would the result be a greater amount of open space, but the quality would be improved by not bisecting the area into numerous tracts separated by roads. As the open space design is the key element in a clustered subdivision, we believe this should be given greater consideration. The open space is not merely 'extra land' in a cluster subdivision, but it is the required make-up area for undersized lots and its layout should be given as much attention to detail as the lots themselves. Due to the fragmented nature of the open space tracts and the appearance that it will only marginally meet the flat dry useable requirements we recommend that some type of active recreational facilities be constructed to enhance the useability of this area. Road Stubs Tax lot #28 lying north of this site and south of Victoria Park is a long, narrow parcel of land. Its narrow shape and E:l proximity between two larger developments creates a very difficult situation for its future development. It is not the county's policy to ignore such parcels of land (or to preclude a reasonable future development) merely because it lies beyond the ownership of the subject subdivision. The applicant has proposed a small road stub; however, this only addresses the eastern section of the parcel. The Technical Committee is obligated to consider the ultimate neighborhood circulation pattern in its review of a subdivision design. We cannot stop at the temporary and artificial boundaries of today's property lines. Therefore, we recommend that S. 32nd St. be shifted northerly in the area of lots 44/51 to provide a half street along the common property line here. Secondly, we recommend that the intersection of S. 171st St./100th Ave. S. and the south stub street be redesigned to a 'T' intersection. This will permit better sight distance at this intersection which would otherwise create an intersection on the inside of a curve. B. CONCLUSION: The subject subdivision can comply with the goals and objectives of the King County Comprehensive Plan and can comply with the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Codes and other official land use controls of King County, based on the conditions for final plat approval. C. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the subject subdivision, revised and received on October 8, 1987, be granted preliminary approval subject to the following conditions for final plat approval: 1. Compliance with all platting provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons having an ownership interest in the subject property shall sign on the face of the final plat a dedication which includes the language set forth in King County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The dimensions of all lots shall meet the minimum requirements of the SR 7200, SR 9600 and SR 15,000 zone classifications, or shall be as shown on the face of the approved preliminary plat, whichever is greater. Minor lot -line revisions and area adjustments are permitted consistent with the intent of the underlying zone classification and this approval. 4. The applicant must obtain the approval of the King County Fire Marshal for the adequacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 5. All construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance to the standards established and adopted by Ordinance Nos. 4463, 5725, and 8041. 6. Although the drainage provisions listed in this report represent only a portion of the requirements established in King County Code 9.04, all provisions of the code must be met. Application of the code provisions may require additional modifications to the proposed roadway alignments and lot configuration and may also result in an overall reduction in the number of lots presently shown. 7. Drainage plans shall be submitted for review to BALD Subdivision Product Section to ensure compliance with King County Code. Approval of these plans is necessary prior to any construction. 9 8. The storm drainage plans must include retention/ detention facilities required by King County Code 9.04. These facilities shall be placed in separate tracts unless located in street right-of-way with drainage easements for maintenance. Access to the facility shall be provided with a fifteen- (15) foot County standard crushed rock crushed rock access roadway delineated within an easement for ingress/egress between the facility and public roadway, unless otherwise approved by King County. 9. Prior to recording of the final plat those portions of the retention/detention facility necessary to accommodate the control of flows discharging from the site shall be constructed and operational. 10. The balance of the storm water system and the roadway must be constructed prior to recording of the final plat unless the remainder of the construction costs are covered by an appropriate construction bond at the time of recording. 11. Prior to recording, site clearing shall be limited to those areas required for construction of roadways and utility installation. 12. Erosion and sediment control (ESC) facilities must be provided to ensure sediment -laden water does not leave the subject site or enter the natural drainage systems. These facilities must be installed prior to clearing and building construction and must be maintained until construction and landscaping are complete or until the potential for on -site erosion has passed. ESC plans for this project shall identify areas to be cleared and graded (limits of clearing) and shall provide a schedule of construction (construction sequence). 13. Oil/water separation facilities shall be provided at each point of release so contaminants from the site do not enter natural drainage features. In addition to the King County standard oil/water separators, the applicant will be required to provide 200' of biofiltration (i.e. broad, flat-bottomed, fully grass -lined swales) or equivalent prior to discharge of storm water into any sensitive area (e.g. streams, wetlands, lakes, etc.). Sites not directly adjacent to or containing sensitive areas will be evaluated individually regarding their proximity or impact on the sensitive area. 14. A positively draining, free -flowing outlet (stub -out) shall be provided for each lot. These outlets shall be suitably located, e.g. at the lowest elevation on the lot, so as to service all future roof downspouts and footing drains, driveways, yard drains, and any other surface or subsurface drains necessary to render the lots suitable for their intended use. a. All such outlets shall be connected to an approved storm drainage system or to an approved outfall location and shall be shown on the drainage plan for review and approval. Lots with proposed infiltration systems require submission of a soil log and percolation test by the applicant's engineer. b. Outlets (stub -outs) from permanent storm systems shall be located by a five-foot high 2" x 4" board marked "drain". C. A note shall be provided on the approved storm drainage plan and on the map page of the final recording 10 ,of— d.-Alawlilor "";M4W40v.lAre*YAOU'*r document delineating those lots approved for infiltration systems containing the following statements regarding roof/footing drain connection: All building downspouts and footing drains shall be connected to the approved permanent storm drain outlet unless otherwise approved by King County. All connections must be made prior to approval of the final building inspection. d. Appropriate drainage easements may be required for flows directed through individual lots, and subject to drainage plan review. 15. A downstream analysis shall be submitted with the drainage plans for minimum distance of 1/4 mile from the point of release of each flow discharged from the site. This analysis must address any existing problems with flooding, capacity, overtopping, scouring, sloughing, erosion, or sedimentation of any drainage facility, whether natural or manmade. Probable impacts due to construction of the project must also be addressed with respect to these same concerns. Where this analysis reveals more restrictive conditions, more stringent drainage controls may be required than would otherwise be necessary for a project of this type. These controls may include more restrictive release rates and/or volume controls, off -site improvements, or some combination of both. Any off -site improvements will require the approval of all affected property owners and may require easements. 16. Several sub -basins exist on the site of the proposed subdivision. All of these sub -basins ultimately reach the larger Panther Creek wetland, located approximately 500 feet to the west along SR 167. The flows from the sub -basins appear to leave the site at the following locations: a. Flows from drain via a wetland October 8, 1987) to Park. ` b. Flows from drain via a natural tax lot #71. the northeasterly portion of the site shown as Tract A (revised plan received the existing subdivision of Victoria the southeasterly portion of the site drainage course (lots 6 through 14) to C. Flows from the southwesterly portion of the site drain via sheet flow to a ditch along Talbot Road which drains to the south. e. Flows from the northwesterly portion of the site drain via sheet flow to a ditch along Talbot Road which drains to the north. The flows described above shall be subject to the following design constraints. The on -site flows contributing to the Tract A wetland (October 8, 1987 revised plan) shall not be diverted. The other flows which do not contribute to the Tract A wetland are currently eroding and flooding downstream properties. Many of the downstream property owners have attempted to control these flows by ditching. To address these downstream concerns, these flows may be diverted provided the following conditions are satisfied: a. A special hydraulics report shall be submitted to BALD for review, which addresses the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed diversion. The report shall include a detailed downstream analysis and map of each sub -basin involved in the diversion. 11 The analysis and map shall follow the downstream corridor of each sub -basin to the point where they combine to form a single drainage course. The map shall identify the downstream properties and owners. b. Drainage releases and/or easements shall be obtained from all downstream property owners. The downstream property owners include both those along the drainage course from which the flows would be diverted and those along the drainage course receiving the diverted flows. 17. Panther Creek wetland is located within the City of Renton and is currently under consideration by the City's Public Works Department for use as a regional detention facility. Surface water runoff from the proposed development, except that flowing into Tract A, may be released undetained if the following conditions are satisfied: a. Prior to final drainage plan approval, a written agreement between the applicant and the City of Renton must be submitted to King County BALD, stating that the City will accept undetained surface water flows. b. All conditions established in the above agreement must be completed to the satisfaction of the City of Renton's Public Works Department. C. All downstream systems conveying undetained flows from the proposed subdivision to the Panther Creek wetland shall be sized for the 100-year design storm of the fully developed basin. d. All undetained flows traversing steep (greater than 400) slopes or highly erosive slopes shall be conveyed within an enclosed high density polyethylene pipe (e.g. Driscope). Should no agreement be reached between the applicant and the City of Renton, or should the conditions of the agreement not be satisfied, King County standard requirements for retention/ detention (KCC 9.04) shall apply. 18. The applicant has proposed to divert flows and to directly discharge a portion of the subdivision's stormwater into an existing cross culvert under Talbot Road located near the northwest corner of Tract E (revised plan received October 8, 1987). Given that all other conditions pertaining to detention and diversion are met, the proposal shall be acceptable if the following conditions are satisfied: a. The existing cross culvert shall be replaced if its capacity does not exceed the 100-year design flow for the fully developed basin. Depending upon the condition of the surface pavement of Talbot Road, open cutting of the roadway will not be allowed, unless approved by the King County Road Maintenance Section. b. Due to the existence of a steep slope (greater than 40 percent) between the Talbot Road cross culvert and the Panther Creek wetland, an enclosed drainage system shall be constructed from the top of the steep slope to the toe. A high -density polyethylene pipe (e.g. Driscopipe) is required. The final design shall also address the method of energy dissipation at the outfall of the pipe. C. The final drainage course from Talbot Road to the Panther Creek wetland shall be designed to convey the 100- year storm of the fully developed basin. IN Should detention be provided, the standard downstream analysis may still indicate that an enclosed system or a more restrictive release rate is required. 19. The central portion of the proposed plat (lots 72, 73, 86, 87, 13, 14, 15, Tract F, and S. 32nd St.) and the southeastern portion of the proposed plat (lots 79, 80, 23 through 26, and S. 171st St.), as shown on the revised plan received October 8, 1987, are seasonally saturated by ground and surface water flows. The final drainage plan shall include dewatering facilities which will ensure the integrity of the proposed roadways and lots. The dewatering facilities shall be shown within drainage easements on the final plan and map page. 20. Due to the close proximity of the Panther Creek wetland and the potential for much of the downstream drainage system to be enclosed in the future, the use of grass -lined swales for the maintenance of water quality shall be used wherever feasible. It is recommended that grass -lined swales be placed within Tracts B, D, E, and F (revised plan received October 8, 1987) to provide biofiltration. All grass -lined swales shall be placed within drainage easements. The following statement shall be shown on the final plan and map page. "Drainage easements with open channels shall be maintained as open, grass -lined swales. In no case shall piping, filling or obstructing of the swale be permitted unless written approval is granted by the King County Divisions of SM4 and BALD." 21. An uninventoried wetland is shown within Tract A of the revised plan received October 8, 1987. To protect the wetland and the adjacent property the following conditions shall be satisfied: a. Subject to approval by the King County wetland specialist, the wetland may be used for stormwater detention if the disturbance to the natural system is minimal. 'b. Subject to the review and approval by the King County wetland specialist, the wetland plus a 25-foot buffer shall be designated as a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE). An additional 15-foot Building Setback Line (BSBL) shall be provided from the wetland buffer. C. The boundary of the 25-year floodplain shall be determined for the wetland. Where the floodplain exceeds the NGPE and the 15-foot BSBL, one of the following conditions shall be satisfied: 1) The floodplain outside the NGPE and the 15- foot BSBL shall be designated as a drainage easement on the final plan and map page, or 2) The floodplain outside the NGPE and the 15- foot BSBL may be filled and compensating storage shall be provided. The compensating storage must either be provided adjacent to the wetland or, if approved by the King County wetland specialist, within the wetland. d. In no case shall the wetland, the 25-foot buffer, or the 15-foot BSBL be filled or reduced. e. At a minimum, all stormwater shall first pass through an oil/water separator before entering the wetland. If feasible, the water should also pass through a biofilter (e.g. grass -lined swale, vegetated pond, etc.) before entering the wetland. 13 22. The revised plan received October 8, 1987, shows a roadway ending at tax lot #10. The final drainage plans shall show a stormwater stub -out to serve the future development of the property. 23. An existing well is located near the southwest corner of lot 66, as shown on the revised plan received October 8, 1987. The exact location of the well shall be shown on the final drainage plan. The well shall be properly abandoned and plugged according to the specifications listed in Chapter 173-60 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). The final drainage plan shall indicate that the Washington State Department of Ecology must be contacted prior to construction. 24. The roadway and drainage plans for the entire project, including all off -site work, will require the review and approval of the King County BALD Engineering Review Unit. Prior to final plan approval by King County, the City of Renton's Public Works Department shall be given the opportunity to review those portions of the project located within the city limits of Renton. 25. The following statement shall be shown on the final drainage plan and map page: Building Setbacks and Native Growth Protection Easements Structures, fill and obstructions (including, but not limited to decks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs beyond 18 inches) are prohibited within the building setback line (BSBL) and restricted floodplains (if applicable), and within the Native Growth Protection Easement(s) as shown. Dedication of a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement. This interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The NGPE imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the land, subject to the easement, the obligation, enforceable on behalf of the public by King County, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement. The vegetation within the easement may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express permission from King County, which permission must be obtained in writing from the King County Building and Land Development Division or its successor agency. Before and during the course of any grading, building construction, or other development activity on a lot subject to the NGPE, the common boundary between the easement and the area of development activity must be fenced or otherwise marked to the satisfaction of King County. 26. An open space plan shall be submitted for review and approval by BALD. This plan shall include any proposed grading and landscaping including landscaping of the pasture areas. Due to the fragmented pattern of the open space and moderate slopes, some type of active recreation facilities such as tennis, or basketball courts shall be constructed. Location and details of recreational facilities shall be included. 14 27. The developer shall comply with KCC 19.38 by payment of a fee to the King County Parks Division. Calculation of the fee amount shall include the gross acreage of the subdivision. 28. The developer shall submit calculations demonstrating compliance with the lot clustering/open space requirements (KCC 21.08.080). 29. A homeowners' association or other workable organization shall be established to the satisfaction of BALD which provides for the ownership and continued maintenance of the open space areas. 30. South 32nd Street shall be redesigned in the northwestern corner of the plat to provide a half street along the north property line in the area of lots 45/51. Details to be worked out with the Subdivision Technical Committee. 31. The stub street to the south shall be shifted easterly to form a 'T' intersection with South 171st Street/100th Avenue South. 32. The right-of-way stubbed to the east property line shall be 40 feet in width and improved with a 22-foot-wide paved surface and controlled drainage. 33. Pedestrian walkways shall be installed to link 100th Ave. S./Tract C and through Tract B to Victoria Park to connect South 32nd Street/South 31st Street. These walkways shall be improved as 5-foot-wide paved surfaces. 34. The maximum road grade shall not exceed 15 percent. 35. The eastern half of Talbot Road shall be improved with 22 feet of paved surface from centerline and curb, gutter, and sidewalk where it abuts this site. 36. The developer shall work with METRO and the Department of Public Works to locate a bus pull-out with passenger shelter footing on the northbound side of Talbot Road. 37. South 32nd Street should be cul-de-sac'd in the vicinity of lots 40/71 and 40/74 in order to provide an uninterrupted section of open space between Tracts B and F. A minimum of 50 feet of open space frontage shall be provided on the eastern cul-de-sac. 38. An 8-foot-wide paved shoulder shall be provided on the east side of Talbot Road from the north property line to meet the existing walkway south of the Talbot Hill Elementary School. 39. The City of Renton must obtain BRB approval to extend water service to the entire site. If this is not obtained, the applicant must demonstrate to BALD's satisfaction that an alternative means of water supply can be technically and procedurely achieved. 40. Lots 65 and 66 shall be shifted northerly to abut lot 64 (unlabeled) or southerly to abut South 171st Street. 41. The existing access easements on the eastern portion of this site shall be vacated. 42. The developer shall comply with the SEPA mitigation by payment of a fee to Renton for the improvement of Southwest 43rd Street. Sal,d fee shall not exceed $21,591.80. N D. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The subdivision shall conform to Ordinance No. 1488, an ordinance relating to grading on private property. 2. Development of the subject property may require registration with the Washington State Department of Licensing, Real Estate Division. 3. A State Hydraulics Project Approval may be required from the Department of Fisheries. 4. Preliminary approval of this application does not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any required permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. TRANSMITTED to parties listed hereafter: Gary Upper Conner Development, 846 - 108th N.E., #202, Bellevue, WA 98004 Jon Nelson ESM, Inc.; 941 Powell Ave. S.W., Renton, WA 98055 Jake D. Ehlenberger 16816 Springbrook Rd. S., Renton, WA 98055 Steve and Michelle Haffner 607 S. 31st St., Renton, WA 98055 Max L. Frazier 17020 Springbrook Rd. S., Renton, WA 98055 Walter Stiegman 9625 S. 177th St., Renton, WA 98055 Chris Clifford 2721 Talbot Rd. S., Renton, WA 98055 Fredric Komiski Box 266, Port Lions, AK 99550 Charles Henderson Henderson Homes, Inc.; P.O. Box 3866, Bellevue, WA 98009 Jim Poff 2925 Morris Ave. S., Renton, WA 98055 Douglas I. Haser 511 S. 31st St., Renton, WA 98055 Karala Saunders 1013 S. 31st Ct., Renton, WA 98055 Mrs. V. Vrablick 17018 Springbrook Rd. S., Renton, WA 98055 Mary Durkan John L. Scott, Inc.; P.O. Box 97015 Bellevue, WA 98009-9715 Eugene Thayer 16812 - 96th Ave. S., Renton, WA 98055 Jerry T. Simpson 1001 S. 31st Ct., Renton WA 98055 Michael Leo Mayer 1007 S. 31st Ct., Renton WA 98055 LL:lg/jf 10/21/87 Attachments 16 ' l ETRO Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Exchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 September 28, 1987 Gene Peterson Environmental Coordinator Building and Land Development 450 King County Admin. Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 Determination of Non -Significance File No.: 1087-23 Jon W. Nelson/ESM, Inc Dear Mr. Peterson: Metro staff reviewed this proposal and anticipates no significant impacts to its wastewater facilities or public transportation services. Water Quality ' Based on our review of the environmental checklist for the Liberty View development, it appears that the onsite wetland was Soos Creek #1, which received a number 2 rating from King County rather than the reported number 3 rating. Provided that this is the case setbacks should follow the King County standards for t2 rated wetlands rather than #3 rated areas. The environmental checklist also states that drainage from the site could be conveyed to "a wetland area adjacent to state rate 167" for detention and biofiltration. However, King County guidelines do not currently allow developments to alter the natural course of surface water flow or the specific use of wetlands for water treatment. Metro suggests the following measures to enhance water quality of runoff from the residential unit. 1) Grass lined channels for drainage should be required wherever possible over the use of pipes. 2) Retention/detention ponds should be designed to maximize detention time before release to the receiving system. 3) Natural vegetation should be maintained wherever possible to increase biofiltration of runoff and to decrease the total amount of remaining surface waters. Attachment One Gene Peterson September 29, 2987 Page Two Public Transportation This subdivision offers the opportunity to make transit service very accessible to the future residents. Metro recommends that the developer be required to incorporate a new zone with a pullout and shelter footing in the development along Talbot Road South. Additionally, the developer should be required to provide hard surfaced and lighted walkways connecting with the new zone. Because this subdivision is proposed for an area experiencing severe traffic congestion, Metro further recommends that the developer be required to promote transit and ridesharing through the following actions. 1) Commuter Information Center -- the informational display shall be located in a common area. If units are detached and no common area exists, information shall be distributed through a homeowners association if there is one or at time of purchase or rental agreemnt if ther is not. 2) Transit pass subsidies and/or borrowing of passes. 3) Periodic promotions and distribution of ridematch applications by onsite managers or agents. Finally, we recommend that new transit passenger zone off Talbot Road South should be incorporated with new roadway access (presumably S.E. 168th and/or S.E. 170th Street extension) to Talbot Road South. Also, northbound pullout with passenger shelter footing should be included. For further information or questions, please contact Carol Thompson, Market Development, at 684-1610. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Sincerely, Gregory M. Bush, Manager Environmental Planning Division GMB:lag cc: Brandt Gutermuth Carol Thompson Attachment One R 4- - Mi, LNTC Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor September 16, 1987 ESM INC. 941 Powell Avenue S.W. Suite #100 Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Jon Nelson s SUBJECT: LIBERTY VIEW PRELIMINARY PLAN Dear Jon: CITY OF R,ENTON Thank you for your letter of September 3, 1987. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design/Utility Engineering iJ RIBLfTION LTF Accnt MD Your request for information on traffic impacts to your client's proposed plat of Liberty View, is a complex problem. The City of Renton has developed an LID and traffic assessments for properties outside of the LID that affect So. 43rd Street. The street improvements at So. 43rd Street include widening to 8-lanes; from the SR-167 bridge east to Davis Ave. So. (Hospital south entrance) and 7-lanes from Davis Ave. So. to Talbot Rd. Talbot Rd. So. will be widened on its north approach to the So. 43rd St. intersection, the freeway ramps will be widened and a new traffic signal constructed at So. 43rd St. and Davis Ave. So. These improvements are estimated to cost about $500,000.00, with the City participating in 20Z of the costs. For properties outside of the LID area, such as the Liberty View plat, the City is assessing $22.97 per ITE "trip" generated and routed through the So. 43rd St. corridor. For your subdivision, with a trip generation rate of 10/unit, the assessment may amount to $21,591.80. The City's intention is to use some of the collected traffic assessments for the So. 43rd St. corridor improvements and excess funds for an alternate corridor improvement such as work on the So. 192/196th Street corridor. Our department will suggest to Ring County that the Liberty View plat include some basic items listed below, such as: 1. School walkway im rovements along Talbot Rd. So. northerly to the existing walkways to Talbot Hill Grade School. 2. Tightlining the ditch along Talbot Rd. 3. Collection of trip fees that may be applied tn tha Gn. 43rd St. - 192/196 Street corridor improvements. Attachment Two ?M Mill Avenge Sniith - Renton Warhinrton F " ' ESM Inc. September 16, 1987 Page Two The traditional method to deal with traffic impacts from a project such as yours is for the developer and consulting engineers to provide a traffic study that models the traffic impacts on area wide roads. A study such as this may be appropriate for your project. At that time, final conclusions of your project's impacts can better be defined. We would be most pleased to review and further comment at that time. Thank you. D� L-&,sd Robert E. Bergstrom, P.E. Engineering Supervisor 1D.6.22.REB:mf Attachment Two King; Cuunn- Building !+ II -and De%vioptnent !)i� ision 1)egsn-uuerlt of Plruuung and Coil] III Develuptuent 450 KinK County Adtninisiratioo Rl(Ig. 500lburth Aveiuie Seattle, Wil.,hington 98104 (206)344-7900 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Fire Protection Engineering Phone: 344-2693 RE: .// ;3^ejvf Vl !�L4-) 4- Attention: Fire Marshal approval0 An material based upon the information provided. Y (s ) sent are being returned. To obtain Fire Marshal approval the following item(s) must be submitted: I. �`— Certificate of Water Availability. '(Provided by appropriate water district.) Valid one year from date of signature. II. Tuo copies of plans indicating: A. %,<3 Fire hydrant(s) location - measured by vehicular travel distance. Residentia 1. 700 ft. maximum spacing. 2. Not more than 350 ft. from each lot. Commercial 1. 300 ft. maximum spacing. 2. Located no closer than 50 ft. to the building, and no further than 150 ft. from the building. 3. Buildings in excess of 20,000 sq. ft. (gross ground floor) or requiring a fire flow of 3,000 gallons or more shall have fire hydrants located on all sides. B. Watermain Placement 1. Source (i.e.) Supply connection 2. Main sizes identified. 3. Valves, fittings, etc. Attachment Three Page two ` C. Fire Access Roads 1. Minimum 20 foot wide, unobstructed - 131, 6" vertical clearance, unobstructed. All weather surface, able to withstand 25 tons. 2. Fire roads.in excess of 150 feet (dead -ends), must have a turn -around area. Required turn-arounds must be a minimum 80 foot dia eter. 3. Fire access roads must provide a 20 foot minimum inside turning radius and a 40 foot outside turning radius when said.roads change direction. Fire access roads shall not exceed 15% grade. 5. Indicate road surface composition. III. Additional requirements and/or coaTmnts: If 1 can be of further assistance please call nee at 344-2693. Sincerely, �j Paul EicMorn Fire Protection Engineer PE:sj Enclosure(s) Attachment Three ,:LlI B-twelve Associates J U L 1019871 E S M, INC. Mr. Gary Upper CONNOR DEVELOPMENT B46 1OBth Ave. NE Suite #202 Del 1 evue, WA 9Bc)(')4 Ref: Liberty View Dear Gary, Land Consulting '2s8-05-�51I July e, 19e7 D!STROLJTION RDS Circulate JWN Post RSM File LTP Accnt MD Enclosed are two exhibits showing the areas of wetland concern on your Liberty View property. As we discussed on the phone yesterday, we found only one area which we suggest you design around --see Exhibit A. The small wetland area at the north central part of the plat appears to the be the upper reach of a much larger wetland which has been filled by the subdivision to the north. The area appears to be less than half an acre in size and is functioning primarily as a detention area for storm water entering the off -site storm drainage system. Due to its size and function this area meets F;:ing County criteria for a #3 wetland and would need a 25-foot Native Growth Protection Easement. This is the most flexible of the ratings. We believe that the area is suitable for a portion of the Liberty View storm drainage s_'/stem. If the storm water is diverted into the street system, there may be some argument for incorporating the area into the backs of 1 ots>. A small pond was identified off -site along the south line toward the west property line. See Exhibit B. It appears that the land owner filled across the swale to create the ponding area. We did not go onto the property to determine the outlet of the pond. The broad swale crossing Liberty View drains into the pond. An off --site ditch, which may be have a spring source, also drains into the pond. Neither we, nor the ESM surveyors, noticed an on - site spring in the swale. King County may require that the water from the Liberty View swale be carried through grass -lined swales (possibly down the backs of the lots) to the existing discharge point, rather than permitting due west drainage through the street system. We suggest that clarification of this i ssae_3 E D help the preliminary review process. We do not believe tLkjart rNLARv DE4ELUF pond is of a size or significance to require buffering within 19�, Liberty View. AUG 06 17507 SE 293rd PI. . Kent. WA 98042 Attachment Four _ 1, Liberty View/Connor 9-twelve: 7/8/B7 Page 2 of 2 A constructed ditch flows due west along a fence line through the center of the property. The channel roughly parallels the broad swale to the south and may have been an attempt to divert water from the pasture. Our experience is that County surface water staff may request preservation of the open channel to preserve the biofiltration of the waters -prior to their entry into the wildlife/ wetland preserve downstream. Due to the site geometry, rechannel ization would seem to be an alternative. Once you have the plat concept plan, we suggest that we meet with you and Jon Nelson to coordinate the wetland-/biolfiltration considerations with the plat design and preliminary storm drainage system. After the preliminary plat design is settled, we will proceed with Phase II of our contract which will be preparation of the King County "Wetland Analysis". The report should be submitted to the County as part of your environmental checklist package. Please call us if we can answer any questions, or provide any «dditional information. Sincerely, Susan L. Purgemeister Principal Encl. cc: ESM/Jon Nelson E ! VED i a'JD DEVELOP AUG 0 61987 F•1 �} %- t`21,J1.: A Attachment Four 0 I ,lip '71qh Waod FNC' 'Z%M� Mtoo: E5N, h7c. L:p 200 LIP ot 10F Cp 0 Ile \ ckl� or d'DEEF�!E fir[ ! >1 \' • \ \ WA Ar f tip A NA 77YE 4;"XOW Jpff07Z-Cr10Al E5'K' \ / N o R EC E I V LE D B-twelve Associates BLDG & LAND DEVELOP AUG 061987 WETLAND ANALYSIS -EXHIBIT AM Attachment Four 4 q .. / -// /' � / :. ,/, Jam' •� ', :7` w 1tn. •x i •+j jr 111 ((( - 70 Conatruwfed D,,ech _ Domain Syv�►/c - ,\ 1 i Imo-' / - 190 B-twelve Associates WETLAND ANALYSIS -EXHIBIT B R E �C�DEl� U G 00 LIBERTY VIEW AM I I��II�-'• �.�Yi� .- ` Attachment Four 87-117 ;, LIBERTY VIEW File # 1087-23 Supplemental Sample Plot Plan 1. BUILDING ENVELOPES: This is a clustered lot plat, but it is not making use of flexible lot line set back rules. All building set backs to be per standard code. No special building envelopes designations should need to be shown. oAt, 2. OFF STREET PARKING: All homes to have standard two car garage and standard driveway (min. 20' front setback). 3. LOT COVERAGE: Plans shown above are same or similar to those that will be used. Permitted lot coverage per code is 35: averaged over all lots and all houses. Plans shown above have following coverages. PLAN HOUSE GARAGE TOTAL FREQUENCY 8653 932 s.f. 430 s.f. 1352 s.f. 15% 8654 1380 s.f. 425 s.f. 1805 s.f. 25% 8655 980 s.f. 452 s.f. 1432 s.f. 20% 8656 1118 s.f. 451 s.f. 1569 s.f. 20% 8657 875 s.f. 439 s.f. 1314 s.f. 20% WEIGHTED AVERAGE 1517 s.f. 1517 = 35 : of 4,31134 s.f. lot Our lots average well in excess of 4500 a.f. NOTE: ACTUAL PLANS USED AND THEIR FREQUENCY OF USE WILL NOT EXACTLY CONFORM TO uT\IT MIIM S 11 i COVERAGE REQUIREMENT WILL N,''• _ CHANGES. Attachment Five f I I /.' 1 d 846108th N.E. Suite 202 Bellevue. WA 98004 (206) 455-9280 August 19. 1987 S' Kenneth Davis ` King County B.A.L.D. 450 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle, WA. 98104 Re: Liberty View - File #1087-23 Dear Ken, Per your request for additional information pertaining to the sub3ect prellminary plat application, the following is submitted. A. Twelve copies of an 8" x 11" supplemental site plan which addresses plotting of the houses, offstreet parking and lot coverage. B. A justification for clustering is included below in this letter. C. A supplemental check for.S1,847.17 is included although we strongly disagree with the need for an extra fee for this type of plat and are pursuing this matter further with Bryan Glenn. JUSTIFICATION FOR CLUSTERING: We have submitted this plat as a clustered subdivision rather than a standard one for two primary reasons. First, by clustering we are able to work around rather than in conflict with the more difficult parts of the site namely the steep portion to the west and the wet area in the middle. It is a more efficient utilization of the land. Second, we are creating a product which addresses a lifestyle. That is, there are market segments which do not want a traditional lot and yard but would rather have a smaller private yard offset by community maintained open spaces. It is a desire for a mix of benefits of owning a single fanlly home on the one hand and some o= t7e benefits of a condominium on the other. It is a market characterized. for example, by people whose children have grown and left home and who are commencing a new lifestyle, or by childless professionals and professional couples of any age. We will form a homeowner's organization to manage the open spaces and are considering providing professional maintainance of all front yards as well. We are utilizing our open space both as a place for active recreation, primarily as mowed lawn areas, and for buffering between homes. We find that the market perceives buffering as the most valuable of all functions of open space. Small buffered lots are frequently perceived as preferrable to larger non - buffered lots. Very truly yours, CO EVELOPMENT COMPANY Gar 2r 7 WATER DISTRICT NO 58 CASCADE SEWER DISTRICT 10828 S.E. 176th Renton, Washington 98055-5694 255-2524 COMMISSIONERS Patrick J. Brazil John F. Pavel Etallio (Meg) Pierotd September 10, 1982 COMMISSIONERS Patrick J. Brazil Jobe F. Pa"l Robert L YeOlawd Bennett PS&E Inc. P. 0. Box 1031 Puyallup, Washing -ton 98371 Attention: Lis. Debbie Maroon Re: Water Service for Liberty View Gentlemen & Ladies: In answer to your letter of August 27, 1982, the Board of Ccanissioners of Water District No. 58 at their regular meeting of September 9, 1982, the Board agreed to the release of jurisdiction of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of King County Short Plat No. 577051. The release is subject to the approval of the Boundary Reviex Board. Very truly yours, Water District No. 58 BY Ethel Hanis (btrs . ) General Manager EH:vl cc; Mr. Earl Westlund :_• Barbara Y.Shinpoch, Mayor Mr. Gary Upper Conner Home 846 — 108th N.E., Suite 202 Bellevue WA 98004 CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Design/Utility Engineering September 30, 1987 Subject: Liberty View Plat and City Panther Creek Wetlands Dear Gary: Thank you for your letter of September 9, 1987. The City would be interested in your contribution of cash in exchange for your use of the regional detention system in the Panther Creek Wetlands. The joint program we would suggest is: 1. Payment to the City of Renton of $18,000. 2. Conner Home to construct storm system without detention for Liberty View Development that includes an improved storm culvert across Talbot Road and down the bank to the toe of Talbot Hill at the edge of the wetlands. Renton would then own and operate the off —site storm system west of Talbot Road. Conner Homes to provide right—of—way for this culvert down to the City property. 3. Payment could occur at the time of start of construction of the plat improvements. Please call me to confirm this concept. Thank you. Very truly yours, '&4 Robert E. E4trom, P.E. Engineering Supervisor 2D.11.5.12/REB:ckd 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 r, , » !. �,', f ' 7 FILE 1087-23 4u Q7 PLAT: LIBERTY VIEW ' OWNER: CONNER DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: 24 ACRES INTO 94 LOTS STR: SW 29-23-5 & SE 30-23-5 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION AN of 600 S.E. —164TA- ST RENTON 3.o. RS-7,200 q PC S-R hSOh�7,20:. (7,200 ST 3 0 .60 3ol 29 'A S-R (7,200) '41(7. RS - 9.600 S-R S-R 1SR � 1 3.60C i RS -7,200 (7,200) ) .0 00) (7 "UBERTY VIEW" i RS - . O 600 9.600 S-R S-R (15,000) (9,600) ts S - R (9,600) I sE RP-3-600 —lTrL—.ST I se B-c-p RM-900 S-R 6-c-p (9,600) cc S-R (7.200) > ROSE > Ks 174 ST C 7— S-R w i S-R 0 B.c-F io (9,600) 4h 0 RM-900 ch s (9,600) I ZoRoo 1 2 C-G 30 29 RM- S-R 1.800-P RM- 900 P U;,.. 71 (15.000) C-G-P B-N-P- qp -Ft — - S-R I s (9600) (9,600) RM-1.800-P B-c.p S-R (9,600) 14. .1. .. O • u o .��\ ,c, i S-R 4, 19,600) RM-900 P %A R�- S-R(7,200) 9 00 p s-. CARR N T 0 N RENT04..— Ofto 2394 3-25-6s RENTON RENTON ORD No 3268 ORD ft. 2-22 -.2=S.1 12-13-78 1p R M H P - P 11 . S-P (T.200) L� C.,\ tv v� � 1 .l-• �1�- - l.1 v\ (� � UA T E R 0 F F I C E M E TO: DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: I;bl -- - . . — . — —.. . , . .. P% I'l I f% -W W �75 L.T, •Z! „° Cow ' 45 I 35 40 70 �Z 41 \3 Q V 35 65 �i ESM inc. 9d A CIVIL ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEY, AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRM July 11, 1988 Mr. Robert Bergstrom, P.E. City of Renton Public Works Department 200 Mill Avenue So. Renton, WA 98055 RE: LIBERTY VIEW Dear Bob, #258-05-881 Enclosed herewith are the following documents relative to the submittal for Liberty View: 1. 2 sets of the revised Sanitary Sewer and Waterline Drawings. 2. 2 sets of the revised Storm Outfall Detail and Road Detail Sheet. 3. Letter from Conner Homes, together with the Pre -Annexation Agreement with the City of Renton. The sewer and water plans have been revised in accordance with your red lined mark-ups. The road plans have been changed to reflect vertical curb and gutter throughout the plat in accordance with the pre -annexation agreement. The storm outfall has been revised to eliminate the grass -lined swale at the outlet. This swale has been eliminated because the conditions of approval from the King County Hearing Examiner only require grass -lined swale "where feasible". After careful review of the design in the field, we feel that it is not practical or feasible to construct grass -lined swale in the wetland area at the toe of the hill. The result would be to possibly compromise the stability of the existing slope. Also, since we are basically discharging into a large wetland area, the addition of a little more grass -lined swale hardly seems effective. Please note that we are providing on -site detention which will aid in keeping oils, silts, and sediments out of the outfall pipe. We ask for your earliest possible review and approval of these drawings as the owner, Conner Homes, intends to start construction right away. • (206) 228-5628 Mr. Robert Bergstrom July 11, 1988 Page Two Also, please advise us of all of the required procedures and fees regarding construction, i.e., inspection fees and pre -construction meetings. Very truly yours, iM T. PETERSEN, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Gary Upper (Conner Homes) dw15:ly 846 108th N.E. Suite 202 Bellevue, WA 98004 (206) 455-9280 July 5, 1988 Mr. Bob Bergstrom City of Renton Public Works Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA. 98055 Re: Plat of Liberty View - Plan Submission Dear Bob, As you know, the subject plat is going to begin its life as a King County plat subject to subsequent annexation to the City of Renton. To that end the developer has entered into an agreement with the City which spells out that King County Road and Drainage code shall be used for this plat with the exception of us providing vertical curbing throughout. A copy of the agreement is enclosed. Sewer and Water are from Renton and are to Renton standards. We have resubmitted the revised sewer and water plans recently for their final review. Enclosed herein are the revised road and drainage plans. We request that you review the Road and Drainage plans with respect to the curbing issue - which we have corrected - and with respect to the storm outfall which is located within the City of Renton and is certainly subiect to your review. I might note that the outfall will be constructed across an easement that crosses two private parcels located between Talbot Road and the Panther Creek Wetlands. I have personally talked to both property owners about our use of the easement - basically what to expect - and have gained their agreement that what we are proposing is a proper and reasonable use of the easement. They have both signed a drainage release (copies attached which is in standard King County form) indicating their agreement that extra storm waters may be conveyed across their properties. We have also had our utility contractor look at the site and have worked out a procedure for building the 72" manhole located at the bottom of the hill. We do not Contr. Lc. No. CO-NN-ED-C3-69BP anticipate- that being a problem from a construction standpoint. Finally, you may raise a question in regards to the grass lined Swale which we have deleted from the Panther Creek discharce. The reason we deleted it was that on closer observation of the site, we determined that the water level in the wetland left no shoreline available for a Swale. As observed in May, we would have been building the Swale under water. Our conditions of plat approval required grass lined swales where feasible. That is a standard county requirement. We feel that in this particular location such a swage is simply not feasible. We are currently finishing up approval of county approvals and are anxious to begin our site work before all of the good weather has passed by. Please indicate the City's approval of it part of the Road and Drainage plan by attaching a short memo to an approved print or I suppose in whatever other manner that is suitable to you. We also need you to provide us with the checklist of items we need to complete to be in a position to begin construction of our water and sewer systems. Thank you. Very truly yours, CONN ELOPMENT COMPANY r Gar M' pper t CAG-013-88 PRE -ANNEXATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Conner Development Company (Conner) is developing single-family housing on property known as Liberty View located adjacent to the CITY OF RENTON (City) (the legal description of the Liberty View property is attached to the plan designated as Exhibit A hereto and incorporated by reference herein); WHEREAS, Liberty View is now situated in unincorporated King County (County), but the City is preparing to annex Liberty View; and WHEREAS, the County is now reviewing Conner's plat application for Liberty View; and WHEREAS, there are issues relating to whether City law would apply to development in Liberty View done after annexation and, if so, when; and WHEREAS, the City agrees the Liberty View plat has vested to County ordinances; and WHEREAS, Conner and the City agree it is in the best interests of both to use this Agreement (Agreement) to anticipate and resolve such issues prior to annexation; and WHEREAS, there are other issues regarding Liberty View which can best be addressed in this Agreement; Conner and the City now therefore enter into the following Agreement: 1. Setbacks. Homes constructed in Liberty View on lots which abut the southern property line of the plat known 1 as Victoria Park No. 4 shall have rear yard setbacks at least 25 feet deep. All other setbacks of the homes constructed on Liberty View lots shall comply with the County Code requirements in effect on the date of this agreement. 2. Sewer. a. Prior to or concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, the City shall attempt to execute an interlocal agreement with the Soos Creek water and Sewer District (Sewer District) that authorizes the City to provide sewer service to Liberty View. The City shall then seek the approval of the Boundary Review Board. b. As long as Conner continues to fulfill its obligations under this agreement, the City shall process C onner's request for sewer and water service to Liberty View, including (i) any normal specific separate agreements that may be required, (ii) the design, review and approval of sewer and water plans, and (iii) the permit to begin construction; Provided that, if Conner determines in its sole discretion that the City will not enter into said interlocal agreement in sufficient time to prevent delay in developing Liberty View, Conner may, in its sole discretion, enter into service agreements with the Sewer District to serve Liberty View. Conner may start this process immediately following execution of this agreement. E 3. Permits. a. Even if the City annexes Liberty View, Renton shall allow King County to do the processing of the platting all of Liberty View, including all construction, inspection and approval to be done pursuant thereto. Specifically: (i) The County will review and approve roadway and drainage, clearing and grading, and erosion control plans prepared to King County standards; (ii) The County will inspect and grant final approval of the construction done in accordance with the above plans; (iii) The County will review, approve and record the final plat mylars; and (iv) Each time a division is recorded and has received final development approval, it shall be turned over to the City and come under a normal City plat maintenance period. b. Renton shall allow the County to complete the processing of the building permits for all homes in Liberty View for which materially complete building permit applications have been submitted before the effective date of Liberty View's annexation by the City. In doing said processing, the County will apply both its procedural and substantive law rather than the City's law. All building permits for which materially complete applications which have been submitted from the effective date of annexation shall be processed by the City pursuant to City law; 3 Provided that the City shall process the building permit applications in a manner consistent with the standards the County applied so that the same standards apply throughout Liberty View. 4. Drainage. Prior to beginning construction in Liberty View, Conner shall pay the City $18,000 to be used by the City to acquire or improve property in the Panther Creek Wetlands for use as a storm water retention/detention facility. The payment shall be in lieu of Conner constructing an on -site storm water retention facility in and for liberty View. Both parties agree that this regional approach to storm water detention is preferable but that the City must provide an acceptable assurance to Conner that such an approach satisfies all City requirements for storm water drainage in Liberty View and will be accomplished without delaying development of Liberty View. Time is of the essence. Therefore, in the alternative, Conner reserves the right to retain the $18,000 fee and construct an on -site detention facility should it decide, at its sole discretion, that its development schedule would be delayed in trying to resolve the Panther Creek alternative. The City agrees to hold Conner harmless from any claims, causes of action, suits, damages arising out of all claims out of its management of regional storm water detention systems as long as Conner does not violate any 4 rules, statutes or regulations regarding its discharge of sewage or storm water to such regional detention systems. 5. Annexation Agreement. Within 15 days of the closing of the purchase of Liberty View by Conner, Conner shall execute and deliver to the City the annexation papers described in the Covenant to Annex filed under King County Recorder's Number 8708210837 6. Transportation. Conner shall comply with the SEPA mitigation for Liberty View by paying Renton a fee for the improvement of Southwest 43rd Street. The fee shall not exceed Twenty -Three Thousand Five Hundred Ninety -One and 80/100ths dollars ($23,591.80). 7. Curb and Gutter. Liberty View shall comply with City standards for curb and gutter. 8. Park Fee. Conner shall cooperate with the City's efforts to have the County spend in Renton Conner's contribution to the County park system. 9. Second Access. Liberty View shall contain a stub street to the south which may be used as a second means of access when the adjoining property is developed. The location and design of the stub street are shown on the plan designated as Exhibit A, hereto. 10. Water. Liberty View shall obtain water service from the City and therefore shall meet City design requirements for water distribution systems. 11. Law. In all instances where County zoning or platting requirements differ from City zoning or platting 5 requirements, except as otherwise provided herein, the County's zoning and platting requirements shall apply to development of Liberty View, even after the City has annexed Liberty View, unless the property owner voluntarily elects to be subject to Renton law. 12. Effective Date. This agreement shall not become effective until signed by Conner and the Mayor of Renton and the City Clerk has certified that the City Council has voted to approve it. DATED this dS7A day of 1988. CONNER D VELOPME= COMP NY By Conner, President CIT ,OF RENTN By N- Ea'rl Clymer, or I certify that, on � o2Z, 1988, the Renton City Council voted to approve the oreg oing agreement. Maxine E. Motor, City Clerk CITY5:04/2/19/88 5:- N T E R 0 F F I C E M : WIN TO: 0qu l o h .,I) x 4 i, jr� �j aS pi � 5✓ J n�, FROM: Sw� ��r�y ViGw SUBJECT: �.►121 J> f,,c co r ^ ""e-yl -g v r' 4 atirtS DATE: ILA116-3 G.n C �Plev, 5' 7�w►zf�o l.�jajs N N N N N N A A A A N IJ O O 1.1 000 1A to 0 xxx m m m RI T m -4 '-4 1 V/ N Vf �a ESM, INC. is 941 Powell Ave. S.W., Suite 100 RENTON, WA 98055 Phone 228-5628 TO City of Renton HAND CARRY WE ARE SENDING YOU XXAttached ❑ Under separate cover via_ DATE 5-11-88 JOB NO, 258-05-881 ATTENTdarth Cray RE Liberty View the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order )(x Cal cs COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 5-11-88 - Storm Drain Calcs. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: x[)� For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval xi For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Dear Sir: As we discussed, enclosed are the strom drain calcs for your use. Please contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. COPY TO Conner Dev. SIGNED: Joe Blankenship PRODUCT 2401 1 Ees im., G.1m M. 0!ar, If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. s SPEED LETTER TO: �t-�c� DATE: 5— le-1 c: 9 0 PROJECT:_ SUBJECT: Signe7d l 0-1 0--c-.-- STORM WATER UTILITY RECEIVED �'.a 21988 KM, r; -<' oV4— CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: January 3, 1991 TO: Gregg Zimmerman FROM: Kim Scattarella ' SUBJECT: WINSPER STORM DRAINAGE CONCERNS The proposed annexation of Winsper will present some significant concerns for storm water that were not addressed during construction. The storm report of January 9, 1990, documented these problems. More specifically, the building permits were obtained in 1988, when the old detention requirements were still in effect. A 10 year storage/10 year release using the Yrjanainen & Warren Method was the requirement. A detention facility was constructed. However it was shown that there was not enough storage capacity during the storm of January 9111 of last year. The result was significant flooding of driveways, two homes and the section of S. 31st. adjacent to the two homes that were flooded (see attached map for location). A portable pump was used to evacuate water in this area by City Maintenance Crews until the flooding had subsided. Additional causes of flooding can be attributed to upstream blockage of some storm lines by roots and overflowing of the ditch that intercepts drainage from State route 515, at the upstream portion of the site. The ditch overflow was significantly responsible for the downstream flooding, which caused water to pond in the lowest area, and eventually flood on S. 31st. Downstream capacity problems were also found to exist near S. 30th Place. The attached map shows the major contributing drainage area. This would be a case of the City inheriting a poorly designed plat in regard to drainage, from the County. The previously mentioned flooding problems could occur again in the near future. My recommendation is that the County be advised of these problems, and a course of action to remediate future damage be explored and hopefully negotiated and worked out with the County before annexation by the City. Attachment cc: Randall Parsons B 1. i �J �.,, •rlyl ( o f •», S� ?�'� er. )1 ,r •.p --V•. - .. � .,• -.,, � 1r �` /184c p`,� �1� cn : �; s� 271 r 27r N _ �//I lr�Sr .. �,J •n. �-. � S.� r .ry .-...1:� J•, « i L+ �= v � Z 6, • M• � - 10, ' .. �-.) {: r,•,`' \ a Z `' .. 63 � r °� tt L'7 x ) ' t'' �a -�:J r1U x� ?Ol• � ;. n& r •+,r 1 t M �r )0 +f /6gy� Z • 6) s M,+ 1 ry r �tf ,: 1 .-�" •x y ,r •� � n stir � t ,r• �. • r'J2 t zJIJ a $ 28TH C 'e ., �-.". __ •-� !•� l..{ �_� ` ; r� !' N \ .. s+ 'l. �� y •-; Q .ay ? 'ai M1 '°. fTl •� 5„ 2 TH T e -.• , O =_ - r.r i rr.� ; JA4r „' ?. �..• a �� wp" _ C r r _ r �Y �� I •.., �. %• w,-.i7t'E (! ; P. )•,�. ` 4. 4 rt C> «w• .• ', fr S• •,,�• ; .AN Y r� 03- ,. `_` A 1 � A . i f E BK • i\. �; a + .p.r � „r s F O , �• Q/ ni utT � D �tl n •� r; '• 1.� - •!' �� _ , _ �� � 1! :� t of 1q 'L 3) � •: be yr\ 1 f 6,' F (� _ �0*` S / - • � -I{. Hn '� I , - - ` $ at ., , • QJ ' S1 tr � ! � ' .� rne�� ® • •.t,��,'-5/� r /! � - -' 7i � r � d h - , m. t' ant 16 t ' �f . '� ` .� � 3 � + / �.s• /(�' "ram• �•'��/ �-�^''�i.r � 1 •f J r0 � �,.. ,\ }1 � J. �P wn 1 n tt»k % ' v+ � Ir / ./ r / i/*Rfc ' ( ! • y ^,- _ �r .A} l t$ a 9TH Cr + + 9r .(� i !- `mil � � J Syr. �• % y°.�_ u ,,`' r 94C � - ^ . �• u; i i �`-••~�.� / l �/� � ��,� �` y4 r {-F - o e i/r�•�-.L _-ar. j, l * + Y � • r',r M1+a r � '1 � '/* ' ^ N z �'� `�. -t ' �• %�•'�a! �---.-� J - d ! .1�. - f +� k. /) /, - ru _ wn x. ; -`J' a, 'j ��. `S lI,_•yY_ . YSFi .1� { _ i!T :.•�_rj•! �tNsy/• '�-i ! :) � • _ Y` .AS � r .?M ,,p �i `�^ \ / r � + 3y trs' ':0 7'..•'i'� � � I' '(t1 •'r4 � ! n o .+� y rJ S-: % � � .: Q N n , a r � : 4r1 ..f . ••,/ �, v y . i } . -.� s,J .r. 1 f 1? I u 1p/,• ry i. .. �, y+ �+ - ( � � �, \ y�'_j • ;. �{. i ►f • y, :. � x r.,,... r � t1 y �. e. -S- TH p s 3B r' 1 'a" , %•: � CfyO �' \,'. 1 , �.: •,ts; . _- �1r ,r.-- i' •� . t = lei'`• ` P r"� � � ,.• .+u��i�, .+ _ :r r.� �• �•+7 �' I�r �(, .'''`'� ;:: � �',Q�( f� �' 4 1 � � � - � IJ � _ . f =�� , vy " , s ; ,i - _ K + 31+ ! C Jt , •r ' :;� "+C/ .� t � $ e " % r•,r_`""•a•`` '; i ..� � �� b ,F =�.r <1J i' xy m .o �t � q`� •f7- , j{� •' ^ $ �aa .�rc + � � { JJ s cer r i• . I.� ,� r (/�r9 +x�rl t s eY �, yh, b ,� /p� �� fts o r •t .. •r r J �. °i 31, ..'.� - � � r, �r11 1• .wtrm - } � 'j � ' 16 r11.' t 'v'I ( + i 7 »., 'w t R, r c ! f' y 'rr� s r 0 s o T (:� (7 P.),, e`•� �� r' `r , — -• �� �'.j '� 6ql + r •� � c 4� r' f1 � 29co ' j u r I ` s �.l h , /_ � � r• I �'� , 3 - y'• + {. �.y{' t1., `.� a. JS w r : 722 1• � � ��r t �•oi7i tl � ..•fir, i •l; � � ,• � � �cr �i ` ,•�-i .\l.- 4y��.�.�./ � � ( .f (�6 � � � `'i %•� ." � + + yr `fie • ' • '4: , �'� � ��� i�. . [ns y�+l, : / R ' .. \Q 4_ �y-1 � ; r<.. r _ � � �_ `• ~ .�'•i' f. �r� '�y.ti � � - t.-- )r r �p�•riyfi �� �,..�1. � y :�t I�}}��� �'�- ,' r ( �~ •�T �'Y � -�` _ f i J, ° �� r ram` s94r: i • K 1 �' r + ! • , al, •; i"� Sh "'/ d'Y�/t 3 h� � f T1. \_' � ``r'='11• t� _,t it �- + ` C� f- � f ' 1,�! f - F Ofr— r �L � � ' �.. s•!g � ' _ � r'j ' t� � `M �� / `•r i � t, I I � i e . r +s ! '� `�` �Y � 1 1 t (! ay4• I i i } -j! ` of at. . � .. ( r t, /� �•+ViQrrr � r .,� 3s��_ � • �, / � � •� r 1 � f i / r4�"� i 4 � r ? * / r ��_ =.e` � /. }• � � ." � '` - ' ` �"t y� zj- .aJ I /6 4, �j� '.- y �/�g / � ,S•p Cam/ CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: February 2 0, 1991 TO: RCG7HMAS DRAINAGE FILE FROM: Kim Scattarella �/_ SUBJECT: WINSPER/ SR 515 DRAINAGE ANALYSIS I performed a drainage analysis for the storm system that drains the portion of SR 515 that is immediately upstream from Winsper. The rational method per 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual was used. This analysis was done to provide the City with additional hydraulic information. Field observations during significant storm events over the past year had indicated that this system appeared to need upsizing. This analysis was performed by the use of two different models; Waterworks -CIA for conveyance analysis and the King County Backwater Program for a Backwater Analysis of the system. Both models showed the pipes being under capacity. In summary, the existing 24" CMP would need to be upsized to at least 30" diameter, and preferably be smooth walled ADS for higher capacity. The upstream pipes, which are 18" concrete should be upsized to 24" for adequate hydraulic capacity. These pipes are all located within State Right -of -Way. Proposed improvements here would be of benefit to the City of Renton and King County, so the funding would probably necessitate a cooperative joint effort by the three agencies. This information will be in the Storm Water Utility/Plan Review files in case further correspondence is needed. The location of this area is shown on the accompanying ma s. is memo wail e o owe y a letter to King County and the State _ at wi point out the necessity for improvements in this area. _ tst9 m Attachments — `^ �� � t,1�i �..s7 d,sa°���. J:bJ cc: Randall Parsons Gregg Zimmerman c19y o 4 Dow 1mf '00 P° l i O O O 6' lkt¢rUrnln .N 15a a• a Fa I nn _ ! UnOarOroln G° Ub¢rCroln T 23 N. R.�5E.V. M. J .*•,. !n �J ho x o t� _ G 02 S ;to 35 : /I ; F L 268.00 I rCW1,4 .�.DilDtAw. ►.14 �►- rid Dlo�a RP P4— — —' — — — — 0.,7aP aac GH NO. 9 ---�- �—+--_ Cut oa wo11, Saa Drolrlay�. as Struciur¢ I-Jota.5}13 DITCH NO. 10 Data;l browing and Lnt.rcaG�_ O 6 / Ditch ?rofllc /.I Sta. 351 • 75. 50' Rt E 306 50 1 > LEGEND RENt �;m oN ed O E%15T ING �Ro po SLO DESCRIPTION �\ `` o^f'� h a O 0- C&Ta w `o4aY PS1►LM `` 1 `` c t .~i p •a'• - FIRE NYCIQ4NT t,KTt'Y w \\ ` r o wraT LA p�i F _ ---•��—CwM INLET GPIATL INLET / �••D[.1014�U PPE _-So, II I• Lt. iC 257. s0 24 a -- a u.«.«. •t� - � '-� u L 12< c' ua+�roln CP" -- It7r� GiOC4xl' Riprap 8 24 Scne „ie M.H. Sto 963•SO I-- � F.L. 251 GL. 233.7 _ 6" Urd¢rdrain -dram NO. I2J FOR "AS CONSTRUCTED FLANS" ONLY sit 515 Mr sit To OF 6J! CARR ROAD TO Pt9W DRM QM co1MTY DRAIN hND UTILI" PLANS 200 WAwMIM WAU �Y-11014 OPWJ- - too c too OLTIwA ■IILfM�� Scalp in Fast ; .. a♦r Ss p4e��►t� Iffy �. • r� a v wmwm � 21, s 40 iT r!t IYLF♦ r I » �f i�\ IJ! r �$ otay o 00 a ar �i,\lo& C �D \ O\1-G\A WI.TER METER «..-.f� DITUi p CowitER INLET p - OMTE iNLET T 23 N. R. 5 ' e . I 1 _ CjjN ',Yv i; 1 1 / 005 R Q.aP blbla E*tepu- ���{t15t1 4y' '4 Art O \�GN GO 2 �tt tJ(Y uL 5 too Scats in r» • WMft - Orre Y r2 r Stue lad Ed Suction Saa Structure Note 42-z SR 313 mr 3.11 TO NP 6]9 CAM ROAD TO KIM ORM DRAIN I1ND UT►UT`( DLA1154 ' _ MMII� :,eplePwiem 24 Hir r - • _ r �r /Mlpf !/Tj. >r 41 97 SOP ' .- .�-��'.riA: �ra�.�iii.:}M�.� v_NIlJ� a: k •�.'s�•. P�.:- ... � � . _ .. - ., nfL ur, m tsS.• Q ji I I AdW-f Sari— MS.' 82 6 — . _ 8 k.4 1 7.00 �.r• by TM /nr•r•Iron A this TM was Ansnc.s in port through M urban Planning grant w .r — si• i APPM CO. F•w• a. "—.M ..r No— I hone. Again", unM tM p-,—. of Ssctron W N M. N•us.ng M c1 IN#. •s sen.elq. 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G � d'Tl� /• -� P,<Y �'� 4` ��,�. �. � � �.. lad � '7 x_ �� �, j, .i � •'i R f. his An �'br z ro•� - _ � -`'` �' _ � , c__ ~ I � n it _ _ �_, '1r . � -t ��+�i- . � I � � � ' � 1 /G) , a + .�/ f _ {_ • � -' �, ;5�71 � Y I r _ � .� .-may r: I saw �s?��,� nf� *r •• „I :} 3 6,� � z �;� t � � - 'ft , '���i�s.. s.. .-*.�-f%^ f� , dC� n .�' , ,f)' �.. - r �'7 :1� - i B � �• i �J' 'y 'zy- A + „p y,,, } . �- � kjn • J ' -1' - ' �. . ''F�d i; /jOvgc :: ( I ' d i ;� r' ! f �rj", _ � �* )y � t• / (��qC%+, I f y �' � f��ti, d/c'" �/� •� r � � [ 1 , � • p � r f4 1 � � � : t �•_ "1' ' f ' / ,!v" � � V ,1 ,l -. `i• ,� � •act+ � � � ,r � 1 J l ./' �r� /,'.v�q � 3vr/ ` ' S �iy s4r 'b • ' - t 1 1 � ,i I - PIPE/JUNC DATA 2 OUTLET CONDITIONS 3 - INLET CONDITIONS 4 PRINT-OUT ENTER OPTION NUMBER: 1 SPECIFY NUMBER OF PIPE/JUNC'S TO BE REVISED: 2 SPECIFY THE PIPE/JUNC "NUMBER(S)" TO BE REVISED: 6 1 ENTER PIPE 4 6: LENGTH(ft), DIA(in), PIPE -TYPE, OUTLET-IE, INLET-IE, IN�ET-TYPE 50,11$1,268.5,280.75,6 ENTER JUNC NO. 6: OVERFLOW-ELEV, BEND-ANGLE(deg), STRUC.CTA/WIDTH(ft), Q-RATTo 290,0,5,0 ENTER PIPE 4 7: LENGT;H,ft), DIA(in), PIPE -TYPE, OUTLET IE, INLET-IE, INLET -TYPE 69,18,1,280.75,281.75,6 INFLOW CONDITIONS PIPE NO. 7 - OVERFLOW DATA AND UPSTREAM VELOCITY DATA: 1) ENTER: OVERFLOW-ELEV, OVERFLOW -TYPE (NONE=O, BROAD-WEIR=1, SHARP-WEIR=2) 302,1 la) ENTER: WEIR LENGTH(ft), HT(ft) ABOVE OVERFLOW 50,1 2) SPECIFY TYPE OF VELOCITY DATA INPUT: S SINGLE VELOCITY UPSTREAM V - VARY VELOCITY ACCORDING TO V=Q/A v 3) SPECIFY AN UPSTREAM CHANNEL WIDTH(ft) FOR COMPUTING A=HW*WIDTH 4 PIPE NO. 1: 250 LF - 24"CMP @ .60% OUTLET: 248.00 INLET: 249.50 INTYP; 2 JUNC NO. 1: OVERFLOW -EL: 254.50 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 4.5 9-RAT10: .05 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. z N-FAC OC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI **z**xxzxxx*xxxzzxzzzxz****xx*x*xx******xx*x*x***xx******zxx*x***zzzz****xzz*** 10.00 1.90 251.40 x .024 1.14 1.76 .80 1.14 1.76 1.90 1.76 11.00 3.42 252.92 z .024 1.19 2.00 .80 1.19 3.30 3.42 2.00 12.00 3.15 253.25 z 024 1.25 2.00 .30 1.25 3.60 3.75 2.00 13.00 4.14 253.64 * .024 1.30 2.00 .80 1.30 3.97 4.14 2.00 14.00 4.54 254.04 x .024 1.35 2.00 .80 1.35 4.34 4.54 2.00 15.00 4.96 254.46 z .024 1.40 2.00 .80 1.40 4.73 4.96 2.00 16.00 5.00 254.89 * .024 1.45 2.00 .80 1.45 5.i3 5.39 2.00 xxxzxxztx%,pj'A,xxx**zxzxzxzxzxzz PIPE NO. 2: 400 LF - 24"CMP @ .47% OUTLET: 249.50 INLET: 251.40 INTYP: 2 JUNC NO. 2: OVERFLOW -EL: 255.70 BEND: 1 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 5.0 Q-RATIO: .05 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. N-FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI *xxzxzx*zzxxxzxzx*xxxx**xxz*xz**xx*x**:x*x*xxxxxzzxx*zz*xxxxxxs:zzx*xxxxxzz*zxz q.52 2.26 253.66 z .024 1.11 2.00 1.90 i.90 Z.26 2.04 2.00 10.48 4.30 255.85 x .024 1.16 2.00 3.42 3.42 4.45 4.24 2.00 5fz .5)S - .508 BASIN w �IVALyS rs PIPE NO. 3: 400 LF - 18"CMP @ .80% OUTLET: 251.40 INLET: 254.60 INTYP: 2 JUNC NO. 3: OVERFLOW -EL: 257.80 BEND: 45 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 5.0 Q-RATIO: .03 9.07 3.20 264.21 # .024 1.17 1.50 2.26 2.26 9.23 9.61 1.80 ####$###$**** ACTUAL OVERFLOW MAY OCCUR AT LESS THAN 9.07 CFS $$####$$$$###$ PIPE NO. 4: 300 LF - 18°CMP @ 4.47% CUTLET: 254.60 INLET: 268.00 INTYP: 2 JUNC NO. 4: OVERFLOW -EL: 281.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 5.0 Q-RATIO: .02 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. # N-FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI 8.81 1.59 269.59 # .024 1.15 .96 3.20 3.20 1.15 #$##$ 1.59 9.69 1.71 269.71 # .024 1.21 1.03 3.33 3.33 1.21 $###$ 1.71 10.57 1.84 269.84 # .024 1.25 1.10 3.41 3.41 1.25 $$$$$ 1.84 11.45 1.99 269.99 # .024 1.30 1.17 3.47 3.47 1.38 1.83 1.99 12.33 4.65 272.65 # .024 1.33 1.27 3.53 3.53 4.22 4.65 2.15 13.21 6.86 274.86 .024 1.36 1.50 3.59 3.59 6.36 6.86 2.32 14.09 9.20 277.20 $ .024 1.39 1.50 3.64 3.64 8.63 9.20 2.50 14.97 11.69 279.69 # .024 1.41 1.50 3.68 3.68 11.05 11,69 2.69 15.85 13.00 282.33 $ .024 1.43 1.50 3.73 3.73 13.61 14.33 2.89 $*$ #$$ $**$**** OVERFLOW EMC?MRED AT- 1�iM CBS DISCHARGE #$$#**##$$$$$$$$$ PIPE NO. 5: 81 LF - 18"CP @ .62% OUTLET: 268.00 INLET: 268.50 INTYP: 6 JUNC NO. 5: OVERFLOW -EL: 286.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 5.0 Q-RATIO: .02 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. # N-FAC DC ON TW DO DE HWO HWI 8.63 1.66 270.16 $ .012 1.14 1.19 1.59 1.59 1.56 1.66 1.50 9.50 1.90 270.40 # .012 1.20 1.34 1.71 1.71 1.77 1.90 1.53 10.36 2.16 270.66 # .012 1.24 1.50 1.84 1.84 2.01 2.16 1.61 11.22 2.45 270.95 $ .012 1.29 1.50 1.99 1.99 2.28 2.45 1.70 12.09 5.27 273.77 # .012 1.32 1.50 4.65 4.65 5.07 5.27 1.80 12.95 7.63 276.13 # .012 1.35 1.50 6.86 6.86 7.40 7.63 1.90 13.81 10.16 278.66 # .012 1.38 1.50 9.20 9.20 9.90 10.16 2.01 14.68 12.84 281.34 # .012 1.40 1.50 11.69 11.69 12.54 12.84 2.13 15.54 14.34 282.84 $ .012 1.42 1.50 13.00 13.00 14.01 14.34 2.25 PIPE NO. 6: 50 LF - 18"CP @ 24.50% OUTLET: 26B.50 INLET: 280.75 INTYP: 6 JUNC NO. 6: OVERFLOW -EL: 290.00 BEND: 0 DEG DIA/WIDTH: 5.0 Q-RATIO: .00 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. * N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 8.46 1.28 282.03 $ .012 1.13 .40 1.66 1.66 1.13 #$$## 1.28 9.31 1.31 282.06 # .012 1.18 .42 1.90 1.90 1.18 #$#$$ 1.31 10.16 1.39 282.14 .012 1.23 .44 2.16 2.16 1.23 ##$$ 1.39 11.00 1.47 282.22 .012 1.28 .45 2.45 2.45 1.28 #$$#$ 1.47 11.85 1.55 282.30 $ .012 1.31 .47 5.27 5.27 1.31 $$$$$ 1.55 12.70 1.65 282.40 # .012 1.35 .49 7.63 7.63 1.35 $$#$# 1.65 13.54 1.75 282.50 $ .012 1.37 .51 10.16 10.16 1.37 $#$$# 1.75 14.39 1.85 282.60 # .012 1.40 .52 12.84 12.84 1.40 ###$# 1.85 15.24 1.96 282.71 # .012 1.42 .54 14.34 14.34 1.42 #$$ 1.96 PIPE NO. 7: 69 LF - 18"CP @ 1.45% OUTLET: 280.75 INLET: 281.75 INTYP: 6 Q(CFS) HW(FT) HW ELEV. $ N-FAC DC DN TW DO DE HWO HWI 8.46 1.78 283.53 $ .012 1.13 .86 1.28 1.28 1.13 $$### 1.78 9.31 1.88 283.63 $ .012 1.18 .91 1.31 1.31 1.18## 1.88 10.16 2.04 283.79 # .012 1.23 .97 1.39 1.39 1.23 $$$$$ 2.04 11.00 2.20 283.95 $ .012 1.28 1.02 1.47 1.47 1.28 $$$$# 2.20 11.85 2.38 284.13 $ .012 1.31 1.08 1.55 1.55 1.31 $$$$$ 2.38 12.70 2.58 284.33 $ .012 1.35 1.15 1.65 1,65 1.40 2.39 2.58 13.54 2.80 284.55 # 012 1 37 1.22 1.75 1.75 1.73 2.80 2.79 14.39 3.17 284.92 $ .012 1.40 1.32 1.85 1.85 1.96 3.17 3.01 15.24 3.57 285.32 # .012 1.42 1.50 1.96 1.96 2.20 3.57 3.25 SPECIFY: R - REVISE, N - NEWJOB, F - FILE, S - STOP File Reaches raTional Output D_menu Misc 3NNNNNNMNNMNMNMNMMNNMNMMNMNNMMMNNMNNMNNNNNNNNNMNNMNNNMMMMMMMNNNNNMNNNNNNMNMNMS INPUT, OR MODIFY RATIONAL DATA 3 3 BASIN ID: 40d ' 3 3 3 3Description: SR 515 3 3iotal Area (Ac): 21.97 IDF Family: Seattle Freq: 25 yrs 3 3 3 3< ------ Composite C Calculator ------- > <---------Tc Calculator ---------- > 3 3 Sub A Length Slope Ovld Time 3 3 Description (Acres) Sub c (ft) (ft/ft) coeff (min) 3 3[IMPERVIOUS ) [ 5.1001 [0.901 [ ) [ } [ ) i } 3 3[PERVIOUS ? ( 16.870] (0.331 ( ] [ ] ( } [ ) 3 1 ( 800.001 10.0375) (20.001 [ 3.441 3 jr )[ ]( ] [ )[ )[ ]( )3 31 ) ( ] [ ) [1400.00] [0.0140) [20.001 [ 9.86) 3 3Composite c value..............(0.461 Time of Concentration ...... [13.30] 3 3 3 3Intensity (IDF Curve): 1.74 in/hr 3 3Peak Flow Rate (cfs) : 17.63 cfs 3 3 3 3 3 3 HOME END F1:Find F2:New F3:Get F4:C Calc F5:Delete 3 3 Pgup Pgdn F6:Compute F7:tc Calc FB:Coeff F9: F10:Exit 3 TMMMNMNNMNMNMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMNNNNNNNMNNNNNMNMNMMNNMNNNMMNMMMMNNNNNMMMNMNNMNNNM,,� File Reaches raTional Output D_menu Misc 3NNMMMNMNNNMNMMNMMNNNMNMMMNNNNMMMMNNNMNNMMNMNMNMMMNNNNNMMMMMMNNNMMNMMMMMNMNNMb 3 INPUT, OR MODIFY RATIONAL DATA 3 3 BASIN I0:4insp 3 3 3 3Description: SR 515 3 3Total Area (Ac): 21.97 IDF Family: Seattle Freq: 25 yrs 3 3 3 3<------ Composite C Calculator ------- > ---------Tc Calculator ---------- > 3 3 Sub A Length Slope Cvld Time 3 3 Description (Acres) Sub c (ft) (ft/ft) coeff (min) 3 3[IMPERVIOUS 1 [ 5.1001 [0.901 ( 1 [ ) [ ] [ ) 3 3[PERVIOUS ] [ 16.8701 [0.331 [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ ) 3 3[ ] [ ] [ ] (1200.001 (0.0375) (20.00] [ 5.16] 3 3( ) [ ] ( ] [1400.00] (0.0140) (20.001 [ 9.86] 3 3Composite c Value..............(0.46) Time of Concentration ...... [15.021 3 3 3 3Intensity (IDF Curve): 1.60 in/hr 3 3Peak Flow Rate (cfs) : 16.24 cfs 3 3 3 3 3 3 HOME END F1:Find F2:New F3:Get F4:C Calc F5:Delete 3 3 Pgup Pgdn F6:Compute F7:tc Calc FB:Coeff F9: F10:Exit 3 IMNMNMMNMMM,MNNNMNNMMNNMMNNMMNNNNNNMNMMMNMMMNNMMMMNNNMMMMNMNNMMMMMNNMMNMNMMMMM> File Reaches raTional Output D_menu Misc 3MMNMNMNMMM^�MMMMNNMNMMNMMNMNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMMNMMMMNMNb 3 INPUT OR MODIFY PIPE REACH DATA 3 3 REACH NUMBER: 1 3 3PIPE REACH DATA: 3 3 3 Jr1rC UiMVTE;tg kLUI 10.VV iR l.UH61LU MraA -.Z1.77 A{; 3 3PIPE LENGTH (ft) 69.00 ft Dsgn Flow 16.24 cfs 3 3PIPE n COEFFICIENT 0.0120 Pipe Capacity: 13.74 cfs 3 3PIPE SLOPE (ft/ft) 0.0145 ft/ft Dsgn velocity: JUPSTREAM IF. 281.75 ft Osgn Depth 3 3DOWNSTREAM IF. 28C.75 ft Full Velocity: 7.77 fps 3 3UPSTREAM NODE I0. ::?999 to clear 3 3DOWNSTREAM NODE ID.: 6 ::>999 to clear 3 3CONTRIBUTING BASIN : 11 alp 3 3 3 5 3Update of structure data not Dermitted 3 3 3 Arrows F1:Find F2:Clear CB F3:Get F5:Delete 3 JPgUp PyDn F6:Modify Struct F7:Defaults F10:Quit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM% 3 PIPE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 3 Curr MfMMMMMKMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?fMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? File Reaches raTional Output D_menu Misc 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKMMMMKMMMMM6 3 INPUT OR MODIFY PIPE REACH DATA 3 3 REACH NUMBER: 2 3 JPIPE REACH DATA: 3 3 3 3PIPE DIAMETER (in) 18.00 in Contrib Area 21.97 Ac 3 JPIPE LENGTH (ft) 50.00 ft Dsgn Flow 16.24 cfs 3 3PIPE n COEFFICIENT 0.0120 Pipe Capacity: 56.48 cfs 3 3PIPE SLOPE (ft/ft) 0.2450 ft/ft Osgn Velocity: 27.61 fps 3 3UPSTREAM IE. 280.75 ft Dsgn Depth 6.80 in 3 3DOWNSTREAM IE. 268.50 ft Full Velocity: 31.96 fps 3 3UPSTREAM NODE ID. 6 ::>999 to clear 3 JDOWNSTREAM NODE ID.: 5 ::>999 to clear 3 3CONTRIBUTING BASIN p 3 3 3 3 3 3Update of structure data not permitted 3 3 3Arrows FI:Find F2:Clear CB F3:Get F5:Delete 3 3PgUp PaDn F6:Modify Struct F7:Defaults F10:Quit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> Available Memory remaining: 171441 bytes Current Data Set Name: C:\CIA\EXAMPLESIwinsper File Reaches raTional Output D_menu Misc 3MMMMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMXMMMMMMKKMMMKMMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKMMMMMMMB 3 INPUT OR MODIFY PIPE REACH DATA 3 3 REACH NUMBER: 3 3 3PIPE REACH DATA: 3 3 3 3PIPE DIAMETER (in) 18.00 in Contrib Area 21.a7 Ac 3 3PIPE LENGTH (ft) 91.00 ft Dsgn Flow 16.24 cfs 3 3PIPE n COEFFICIENT 0.0120 Pipe Capacity: 8.96 cfs 3 3PIPE SLOPE (ft/ft) 0.0062 ft/ft Dsgn Velocity: 3 3UPSTREAM IE. 268.50 ft Dsgn Depth 3 3DOWNSTREAM IE. 268.00 ft Full Velocity: 5.07 fps 3 3UPSTREAM NODE ID. 5 ::>999 to clear 3 3DOWNSTREAM NODE ID.: 4 ::>999 to Clear 3 3CONTRIBUTING BASIN 4 f 3 3 3 3 3 JUpdate of structure data not permitted 3 3 3 3Arrows F1:Find F2:Clear C8 F3:Get F5:Delete 3 . —s XMMMMXMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM� J PIPE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 3 Av4WdM _ + `'or b1c 9*8 t-6 6%0203 ft/ftt 3 CurrTMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> File Reaches raTional Output D menu Misc 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM6 3 INPUT OR MODIFY PIPE REACH DATA 3 3 REACH NUMBER: 8 3 3PIPE REACH DATA: 3 3 3 JPIPE DIAMETER (in) : 18.00 in Contrib Area 21.97 Ac 3 JPIPE LENGTH (ft) 300.00 ft Dsgn flow 17.63 cfs 3 JPIPE n COEFFICIENT 0.0240 Pipe Capacity: 12.06 cfs J JPIPE SLOPE (ft/ft) 0.0447 ft/ft Dsgn Velocity: 3 JUPSTREAM IE. 268.00 ft Dsgn Depth 3 JDOWNSTREAM IE. 254.60 ft Full Velocity: 6.82 fps 3 3UPSTREAM NODE I0. : a :n999 to clear 3 3DOWNSTREAM NODE ID.: 4 ::)999 to clear 3 JCONTRIBUTING BASIN 3 3 3 3 3 3Update of structure data not permitted 3 3 3 Arrows F1:Find F2:Clear CB F3:Get F5:Delete 3 3PgUp PgOn F6:Modify Struct F7:Defaults FIO:Quit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> 3 PIPE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 3 Ava r44ol 76 o'r t14 '3 epi O'6.0�5 f / t 3 Cjrr TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> File Reaches raTional Output D_senu K sc 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS 3 INPUT OR MODIFY PIPE REACH DATA 3 3 REACH NUMBER: 5 3 3PIPE REACH DATA: 3 3 3 JPIPE DIAMETER (in) 18.00 in Contrib Area 21.97 Ac 3 3RiPE LENGTH (ft) 400.00 ft Dsgn Flow 17.63 cfs J JPIPE n COEFFICIENT 0.0240 Pipe Capacity: 5.10 cfs 3 JPIPE SLOPE ;ft/ft) 0.0080 ft/ft Dsgn Velocity: 3 JUPSTREAM IE. 254.60 ft Dsgn Depth 3 JDOWNSTREAM IE. 251.40 ft Full Velocity: 2.89 fps 3 3U^rSTREAM NODE ID. ::>999 to clear 3 JDOWNSTREAM NODE ID.: 3 ::>999 to clear 3 3CONTRIBUTING BASIN : *Dow, } J 3 3 3 3 3Update of structure data not permitted 3 3 3 3Arrows F1:Find F2:Clear CB F3:Get F5:Delete 3 JPgUp PgDn F6:Modify Struct F7:Defaults F10:Quit 3 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> 3 PIPE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 3 Ava i 04i&4v 0, Fe do W ,0,.* "')p CurrTMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> File Reaches raTional Output D wenu Misc 3MM,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM6 3 INPUT OR MODIFY PIPE REACH DATA 3 3 REACH NUMBER: 6 3 3PIPE REACH DATA: 3 3 3 JPIPE DIAMETER (in) 24.00 in Contrib Area 21.97 Ac 3 3PIPE LEN&TH (ft) 400.00 ft Dsgn Flow 17.63 cfs J J . II 16VETT"ILnI W.VL4V ripw ialm;ity: 0.4r GIs S 3PIPE SLOPE (ft/ft) : 0.0047 ft/ft Dsgn Velocity: 3 3UPSTREAM IE. 251.40 ft Dsgn Depth 3 3DOWNSTREAM IE. 249,50 ft Full Velocity: 2.70 fas 3 3UPSTREAM NODE 1D. 2 =:>999 to clear 3 3DOWNSTREAM NODE ID.: 2 ==>999 to clear 3 3CONTRIBUTING BASIN : tV 3 v 3 3 -3 3UPdate of structure data not permitted 3 3 3 3Arrows F1:Find F2:Clear CB F3:Get F5:Delete 3 3PgUp PgDn F6:Modify Struct F7:Defaults F10:Quit 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> 3 PIPE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 3 3 Curr TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM� File Reaches raTional Output D_Renu Misc 3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.MMMM,NMMMMMMMMMB 3 INPUT OR MODIFY PIPE REACH DATA 3 3 REACH NUMBER: 7 3 3PIPE REACH DATA: 3 3 3 3PIPE DIAMETER (in) 24.00 in Contrib Area 21.97 Ac 3 3PIPE LENGTH (ft) 250.00 ft Dsgn Flow 17.63 cfs 3 3PIPE n COEFFICIENT 0.0240 Pipe Capacity: 9.52 cfs 3 3PIPE SLOPE (ft/ft', : 0.0060 ft,Ift Dsgn Velocity: 3 3UPSTREAM IE. 249.50 ft Dsgn Depth 3 3DOWNSTREAM IE. 248.00 ft Full Velocity: 3.03 fps 3 3UPSTREAM NODE ID. 1 ==>999 to clear 3 3DOWNSTREAM NODE ID.: ==>999 to clear 3 ONTRIBUTING BASIN ,. 3 3 3 3 3Update of structure data not permitted 3 3 3 3Arrows F1:Find F2:Clear CB F3:Get F5:Delete 3 3PgUp P9Dn F6:Modify Struct F7:Defaults F10:Quit 3 1MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMr!MMMMMMMMMMMM% 3 PIPE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED Avai Curr TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM3 U�� W W W W W W " 00 O O O Lncc N -Na aaa NN C4 C4 N N �e-44 qB , (c PA i) / y 00 kR = zD v= 20 o J 00 Y-A r*? In bO(2 ''�------- T`A- 3D7r1.0b= y►3,��n�6i✓"�+ Tc8" 1.�76-J701 m,f I C A 6-3 h,,n (v�S �rPaM Svc b43 to Tc8 = 17•01 Sf 5-1S svb ba3�h� s 2L5 EPAf&T E Sv8 SAS) BLS 5t, ba51n A = TU+*1 A(e. = k,97 Acres f ofa( I P" Pt"N'1v,13 Neel = O.SS ►rfe1 To',p( pervwvS hl/e,, = y.2Z Ac,ef C - 0-q1 'r.� z c z-s� D/�A � r6+c I /��� p= 17, 1 o �s oft,l iv��P/v�Gv3 /I,- = y,SS au�s C = D-70 T�7p� Per✓iv�S ttrtq �,�`S�crts C, 0.3�! Cca = (O'l 0 x oss ) f- (0•yi 4 y,2z) / k.s7 = 0,4.5b Cc� = (o 10 xYSS ) t ( 0.34Xlz•ss)10,10 C,4LcvL4TE R Ca2S " �a,,l(7O ��bAS = Z , 66 �,3Yobs) .gpy D_ [Qzs : bs) z.6& ( o-ol 92z CAL -MATE le ' �Q 7S = (3.�2)( Ste() =275 i/hr -To 25 (,3-�I) (•y22) jn// r PEAK PvP0V-F OI T C ; (2,7,5)(`� 14) (17, 10) 12-, c r-S 6tis►, �15 1 S l5 CKS TO TA L- �5 W W W W W W xxx VI %M V1 000 N O 0 .- N vav M CI N M M M 52 s �S DRA / N/1 G E S ve gft5/ N DWE(�/NGf = 32- T64-a I Act -to 4 - Z 1 •q7 /4( Tola l I "YffV)OV3 Area '�5 14C • ; C = o qa Io4a1 Per v,cvs A�eu : 16.97A J C =033 Time of Co.,ce.,fraf Rea rk 1R- 0, �cL F1 ow S off. 105 f u/9v, S. E Rego 2/4 — Swale Flow Evan L = 6.zo ' 1 '. sR SLs S_ y2o-3 a 11,3 yoo' f;R = /0,1 V= 10+%,1i3 = 3.3b 1S0.175 6,27Ff.s 7 = 4201— 3,07 Y", Tt = oo' - J.ab m, 7 60(3.36) n 60(6'27) Rearh Ui4ch rf a w Slv yr SR S 15 L- i5o' 5= 346-3Y3 _ 2.02. = oZa F/Fa /So kg- /o•1 V= 10.1 ,0Z = / y3 /Ps 7 'S0= 1.75 �►� do(1,y3) Regrh 28 Pre Flow ere� f) 5= 327 -28Z_ 3,75 y. 037,5 f�ft zoo Ko �-2 V or, Q 3 755 = 3.97 FPs T= 1200- ;S16mn bo(387s) 4Ach 33 `P, r Fow vnd-f Sri S1.S ((oncreptreJ .5= 28)-26S_ - 10,o%0 or , ) o �Plo 13D k�-Zo V Zv •►o - 6.3ZF�s Tt d-32076 �- 3Y rn,n flnq4 SI,V (c MP ree L=lyoo` i Ft Mt /O AMM, . w°I `µi°N ua6wYdM W p•K - u/!V•Toy u/T+iil ue Pw•q p�6-i1�n/u•uq. __.� _._ --_—.-_- ___-.—_ _—_ ...,t r•• rt• -_ -K•I w.Nv'Yaw+lN 4� 'rw� a •IGI NW �"wt tvlN w w.�o'r ^_ Yntari p tuarr`•M WI wprn 'rauM� uu•uiJ wuow /w Ir'•n4/ Wi ry '03 G"W" w a ' n.t •.� r w r r • �� r IvJ /uivutI uptn u• y1no,V1 lmd w pw•vy nw thr try? /• r^'trnNA•YI h l" g oo►e I �N`L ii •• tti'. Lo on' 8,4 • r �N t M� tt,• S�rvC�VK W V5 P£R/SR 51S 4)4",4 c A.14I7S,s irutfi pownlfruot A%ffIK4'!"/ �_ ��er 1N✓ `o oe. IN✓ Lh4nw W W W xxx Yt VI VI N (4 N N N N r� n •f - _ 00S fry+ 121` CC 0 ►Z 37.7.0 311.0 20c) y �. 7�9 7 G6 i IS" cG ,0(2- 31878 310.75 200' y`. 3� 3 ' ?7 �Db-2 C13-f 15; CC to( L 310. 7S 30Z-75 200' y '-. 27,CC, I r-G-1 151, c c 'Of2 302.7S 2170 )75' 1 ,�- 7/Z �G � 6- - Mff-)5CC .01Z 21S7 -75 2 1-75 100' y 9. 2-7 ` 6�3 C6 012- L P11-75 26V7S 32-'5' 3'-). 4i-r 27 C 5 ( M 11 ; /8" a 011— 2,5) 75 250 7-5 so' 27, 0c c l K cM )° 3 O?tf Z 80.7S 2 6A, 5 6 9' 213�6 ,c s 2- L 5-.5 V -z I" C-mi° '02k z(4-5 26F C Cf3-1 1 Z 2.72- s 3ov' 2.p cf3-z 12-' CC- 01 Z 272.5 267.0 2-50 2. 2 z + C3-Z I �" '012 251-"I �91 9.8?. "" 21 of .02 y zs► y 2- 1,1 yoot° -- MH t IV, 12c5P ,0)2 267,0 261-17- V 12.7% Cr 1) Ant C6-1 vL- 18" RC3e X 7.n 17 39, E G MH Zf' cm i OLy 2246g �-50' 271Cs 1� 18 1, r�� 021 2 SY b 2.P-v yno' 27 (5-(0 �`' ►+ 18 " �nr 'CzH U6 ,C) ZSY.e 3001 ixs-� CITY OF RENTON Earl Clymer, Mayor February 26, 1991 Greg Kipp King County BALD 3600 136th Place SE Bellevue, WA 98006-1400 Dear Mr. Kipp: Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Lynn Guttmann, Administrator The City of Renton wishes to make you aware of drainage problems on adjacent properties, which have resulted from the Winsper project under jurisdiction of King County. Specific problems encountered during storm events are listed below. We would appreciate a review of these problems and any insight you might have. We believe it is important that these problems be corrected by the developer before final approval of this project by King County. 1. The location of waterline installation, at the NE corner of this development, an open channel that directs drainage from along SR 515 was breached and needs to be restored to its original configuration. Sandbags will only supply a temporary solution. 2. The northern detention pond, which is configured like a channel, has overflowed during at least two storms last year, creating damage at Victoria Place, on S. 31st Street. It is probable that Item 1 contributed to the cause of this. 3. There has been flooding of property resulting from significant sheet flow going down a gravel driveway along the west side Talbot Road, south of S. 169th, and downstream from the south detention pond. This pond showed minor overflow during the January 9, 1990 storm. Your cooperation is appreciated. If you would like to discuss these matters further, please contact me at 277-6178 or Randall Parsons, Stormwater/Wastewater Utility Systems Supervisor at 277-5548. Very truly yours, "�/ur St Gregg Zimmerman Plan Review Supervisor cc: John Stein Randall Parsons Dick Anderson Kim Scattarella 4/baldJKS/bh ...ice a We C S r i ce l h2 1 e�r �'IdrS �1-eZ►-t r'GP_-Ci V � . Ne t s -fi v c7e I/� 0-9 wtib 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 IN CITY OF RENTON Earl Clymer, Mayor February 26, 1991 John Skochdopole Conner Development Company 846 108th Avenue N.E. #202 Bellevue, WA 98004 Dear Mr. Skochdopole: Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Lynn Guttmann, Administrator In response to your request, on January 29, 1991, several City of Renton staff members from the Development Services Division, Street Maintenance and the Storm Water Utility met with you on the site of Winsper Division I to discuss several concerns. Your stated purpose in requesting this meeting was to obtain the City of Renton's opinion pending the pre -annexation agreement with the City of Renton for the project. The driveway openings apparently do not meet King County's standards for width limitation and for clearance from lot line to top of curb taper. We have inspected the subject curb openings. Before discussing our opinion of the curb openings, we want to be clear on the fact that Winsper Division I is not within Renton's City limits. Therefore, we have no jurisdiction over these or any other aspects of your project and our opinion has no effect over any remedial action that King County may be requiring. King County has the sole jurisdictional authority regarding these issues. With this said, the City of Renton would not find sufficient fault with the subject curb openings to affect any prospective future decision on annexation, or to require these curb openings to be modified as a pre -condition of any prospective future annexation. As we mentioned to you during our meeting, we are concerned with several flooding events that have occurred to City of Renton residents living adjacent to the Winsper development. The water came from Winsper and we are convinced that several problems which we have identified within the limits of the development contributed to the flooding events. We are currently preparing a letter to King County requesting their cooperation in remedying these problems. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 John Skochdopole Donner Development Co. February 26, 1991 Page 2 If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Gregg Zimmerman Plan Review Supervisor cc: Randall Parsons, Storm Water Utility Supervisor Kim Scattarella, Engineering Specialist John Stein, Street Maintenance Supervisor Clint Morgan, Engineering Specialist GZ/tp028 rC4r C N N [ 05T- kaA-q ft4 & - / P� -51re 4�4 r e s/6� S 50 (c - pe - fz c4 — 5 -r c JC�o-c4 r G _ o .lk Al 11e CFG a tnet1+ ifgr✓ES a a; •1 — e ^ li a I �\vlf -'� L�-a CE - — —A)CLO w )a r 0 7Lt _ e- t ► j o r Coy. env- y? , / f' e t l'j— l7 C 'f3 44J a Or,. -A i V a , ,, X -117 is ? January 30, 1991 Dear Sirs: The developer of Winsper, John Skochdopole, requested an on -site meeting with the City of Renton to discuss driveways and storm water issues. At the time of this meeting, we mentioned several adverse storm water impacts experienced by neighboring Renton residents that occurred during recent storm events, and which appear to be related to this project. We would like to alert you to these problems as well, in the hope that these problems can be addressed. We would appreciate a response regarding the three items listed below. 1) The location of waterline installation, at the NE corner of this development, an open channel that directs drainage from along SR 515 was breached and needs to be restored to its original configuration. Sandbags will only supply a temporary solution. 2) The northern detention pond, which is configured like a channel, has overflowed during at least two storms last year, creating damage at Victoria Place, on S. 31st Street. It is probable that Item 1 contributed to the cause of this. 3) There has been flooding of property resulting from significant sheet flow going down a gravel driveway along the west side Talbot Road, just south of S. 169th, which is downstream from the south detention pond. This pond showed minor overflow during the January 9, 1990 storm. There are several other drainage items that would be of concern if and when the City takes action to annex this area. These items are currently of more impact to the county than to the City of Renton. These items are as follows: 1) The wooden catch basins that were found on -site shall be replaced with catch basins that conform to City standards. 2) There are flooding problems noted in the cul-de-sac in the northwest corner of the development, due to the catch basins not collecting all of the runoff. 3) There are a number of catch basins throughout Winsper that have been inspected by City maintenance and found to be in need of repair or additional grouting. If you would like to discuss these matters further, please contact me at 277-6178 or Randall Parsons, Stormwater/Wastewater Utility Systems Supervisor at 277-5548. Very truly yours, Gregg Zimmerman Plan Review Supervisor cc: John Stein Randall Parsons Dick Anderson Kim Scattarclla John Skochdopole %A ON 31ST r7xrl� 17 -7 27=-15 VA-5 VLIRS t MISE-4 w/ mr cw 117 7 27,12-11 27 17 I- r7x3-%8 7x3-16 VW-1 LA 7X3- 27.0-7 ON E7 4 7,C3-13 7x3- V.10-3 JO-5 lJ .r-e X3.- 97 7A3'-E u E7,03-4 27 VX�-4 7 E7Xa-4 14-7 E7,C4-4 9 E7 -5 14 7 4-12yiH 27,C4-t Z7,D*- fiJ4-3 c3 MCA- TH PL 4- s 30TH CT 1, 'It M.15-4 s :IItT ST I-T t5-4 r I ��_ 70 Ln Ln 7,13 r7,1)7-3 07- 27,D7 27.07-5 ::�� 111373 WINSPER DIVISION II 148056 A PORTION OF THE NW 114 OF THE SW 114 OF SECTION 29, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LEGEND e SET MONUMENT IN CASE (R) RADIAL BEARING (NR) NON -RADIAL BEARING SEE NOTES ON SHEET 2 OF 3 -'-'- BUILDING SETBACK LINE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE W 1/2 N 1/2 N 1/2 PRIVATE S.B.E. PRIVATE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT I I I NW 1/4 SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29V.\ _ .. r" 1 r' .....;--, : .. •., .. _-`'.. . �. -�0 � `MEND ° ... I -J, NORTH LINE CF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29r �? S89°16'31"W (PLATS OF VICTORIA PARKI NOS. 384) N 89.19'43" E - S 89'19'43" FJ 539.80' �� --- - -- - - - - - - -- 29 118.00' - 1 120.95' 50.00' 50.00' 45_00'_ 45.00 _ 45_00' 104.00' I 79.85' 1 >- 12.5 -� 1 ems. 10' PRIVATE S.D.E. I I - - - - - 26 - - - 25 - - 24 - - - - - e =e -10' PRIVATE S.D.E I o N 08029'55"W I ,• I Z 27 A 23 22 1 �Sp I z z z z z z 5.5' B.S.B. L. 10' PUBLIC STORM I ;� ppREASPACE C I j A LO O N o N n� rev rev cam/ DRAINAGE EASEMENT�r 57°4203"W o coNACDAocl) Ao 0 o (5' ON EACH SIDE OF I �\\\1 \ 5y ii"� I o o� N CD N 15' WATER C L W I T H 5. 5' , /C� J/ i I A v _ v v- v v- CL�� ,p EASEMENT 8 . S . B . L . ON EACH 21 SIDE OF EASEMENT) i I 00 I I3' 0.� I I 5. 0 0' SZ • 52 I I ::.... \v AAO c�1 �0 r: N 03.33'S4`I E �5 �. ti� l B.S.B.L. 3 32.69' I I 1 050 \8.� .�B C2 34.00' 45.00' 45.00' 45.00' C� L m 1 m I mom o �5 So. cl n = IB°o8'37" S.E. 166th CT. N C6 I N SCALE 111 = 50 I y ( { �v„ -i L = 15.83' - 20 1 I " m I I u,� S'� �' - 11 S 89.19'43" W �_ N 12 ' 211' 9 "I W r o �- \ \ G�2 28 w z 164 77 ' - o C �S 1 I m 31 .99' , fn 5C7 7a - �,, 26.00 =! 2( o cu �9 w y� (R) `� �.�� \ 523 0� 45.04' C� C i I o 0 50 100 1 I I 0p z N 89°45'C5' VG' �- _o �ti� 23.78' 28.91' C1T \ 9 86.24' I N BASIS OF BEARINGS IN 32.25'51 W� m� m33- C' �RqC� Q: o o tmn T WINSPER D I V 1 2I5.26' �\ Z a� w i `lSEf F SO woz 3 N 88'06'40" W 1_24.25' ccu `" CURVE DATA I 15' IB.s.B.L-�� o- °` °ao$ Jam' o o coil S.E. 16$t�i PI z rS cJc N - - 3 4 8 5g ' o >- „ �+ - D ON M.CO' 8' - JIL_J m • 20.00' N o O wcn 3 00 00 � cD 1 75.00' I N _ O Q N _ ., �, �, 32 rn- to cn �m1 m ¢^ C 2 5 n� o oo0M J o �m 31 m 5.5' 6 S.B.L. I _ !0' PRIVATE S.D.E. z w Z Q� w - m r 1 0 0.1 ti V� n~�o �m �20 o i o EAST LINE OF THE W 1/2 N i o N u n z 3 w 33 r i In 19 1 Ln 1/2 N 1/2 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 o = = " --45.04'- ----55.05' 24 24' �' S 88'06'40" E I I OF SECTION 29 - m m oN 30 cum o o N mr 3.5'- m N 89'U'93'1 E I 100.00, 1 n Z z O J 00 m ccu ��'� - -15.00'� I 100.09' o 0 18 i i o A ro zm o o mo N 89' 1S'.43" E OPFN SPACE O p N t m 28 LL cn Z 29 Z� I r- - if) l Ln CD � S 88'06'40.1 E I S88°58'10"W (K.C.S.P. NO. 577051) CD - \/ 3.5 10' PRIVATE S.D.E. S 89.01'13" W p Z _Lcl�_50.00'----50.00' I I 12' FROM LOT LINE m 1 100.00' I` 144.82' - rrl I� (TYPICAL FOR LOTS 29 c,; - o m / �- �1 89 080301"-W- --- -1 AND ONI�Y)0' E'LY LINES m 17 oI 0 Lu �, I �' Ln I N /��/o/ 10' PRIVATE S.D.E. TRACT G ,� o S 88.06'40" E 1 CT) _ SEE BELOW) cum 100 . 00 , 10' PUBLIC DRAINAGE F::ASEMENT ml5' FROM LOT LINE I I O� - �- -.. - - -- - - - --- - - - -' /� In m o (TYPICAL FOR LOTS o NORTHERLY LINE OF 14.5' B.S_B.L - �, cc*i II-17) o I K . C . S . P . NO. 577051 - -- n 16 m RECORDING N0. 7902080736 / --- ---- - i�i v v S 88'06'40" E I N 88.06'40" W - - 275 0o'20.00' 50100.00' .A 0 . 00_.- 00, j -.-50 . 00 -.-. - _1555(55.00' I o 5.5' B.i.5 L. �0 10' PRIVATE S.D.E. N Be•os'4o" w 50.00' U) 38 37 36 0 0 35 ,,.._. w w_ w of w w 3 In ..:. w � � In o 3O' o_o S 85.06'40" Em N o o- N o cu o N O o_ O 10.5FROM o PWm O o o N O 100.00, LOT LINE o m Umin o m • m• 'o In r- l m In o In o 0 0 mr� cu Lo CEtiti O O O 1(') O cnN 91.22'07" W (R) OO Q ~�z �' 1 14 o cN*m4e.00' v Z z 10.96' Z Z z - 3 TRACT 8 m IL=92.55' D=5.35'05" 50.00' S 88'06'40" E f 0J OPEN SPACE 5' } m(SEE BELOW) O C20 50.00' 50.0), 5000°Gti� too .00' 1 M I w 1 -1 N N 1 13 ' M� o C22 L=99.02'_ D=6.07'48"-� - 0 �+ I S 88-06.40" E cu W '� 0 16 n 339.96' - - S 88'106040" E m 1 I 5 - L o S• GE \ a N S.E.169TH PLACE PLC' C15 C16 C17 30.38' 45.00' N a- o TRACT A BELOW) o Z �' n 45.00' 45.00' N S 88'06'40" E 0 r+ ' C13 ¢ 45.00' 50.00' 30.58' N T - - - - - - - -w 0 - n¢ A n z z CT 1- 100 . 00 , I Z- Q Iu I I >_ ' Z o I -J a 3 3 3 3 W 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 O O 12 O I I 15' SANITARY LL1 Ul SEWER EASEMENT c i C-) FGR FUTURE ino- �o m o- o- o- o- o- o- o- c*� v I a 0 _ O N N CU COU N tU m CU CU Cn N N L1� N Ln IN S 88.06 ' 40 " E I I I CONNECTION W\Y N N O m m �? Ln m In m m Ln Ln m m Ln .�� 100 . 00 ' I I \ m m Ln CO Ln I!7 m Ln ti In If7 ti It7 O In 0 If7 0 In 0 m Ln O `i •.-� .-i .-i O ti .-+ .� .-i ti .� .-t ti .-+ �3 .--i .-i m I O In .-i ti O O Z - • m .-y .y O m m Z En Z co Z Cn Cn En U) Cn Cn � t\ O In -,; zV v 9 10 Ln 11 �I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i 144 45.07' AV,07' 45 07' 45.07' 45.07' 45.07' 50.08' 55.67' 24.04' 24.04' 100.15' - CURVE ARC DELTA RADIUS C1 88.85 92'33'37" 55.00 C2 16.29 18.39'47" 50.00 C3 39.27 90'00'00" 25.00 C4 26.99 61.50'55" 25.00 C5 23.86 19.31'38" 70.00 C6 24.83 20'19'35" 70.00 C7 30.00 24'33'19" 70.00 C8 25.80 29'33'50" 50.00 C9 22.62 25054 57' 50.00 CIO 34.24 78'27'47" 25.00 C11 40.39 92'33'37" 25.00 C12 4.59 05° 51 06 50.00 C13 45.93 7'36'19" 346.00 C14 8.42 1'23'37" 346.00 C15 36.78 2.20'16" 901.49 C16 45.04 2'51'46' 901.49 C17 14.62 0'55'46' 901.49 Ci9 39.27 90'00'00" 25.00 C19 9.04 0'32'44" 949.49 C20 49.01 7'07'39' 394.00 C21 11.30 1'52'17" 346.00 C22 46.03 7.07'39" 370.00 C23 5.24 5.27'18' 55.00 C24 83.62 87.06'19' 55.00 C25 70.33 80-35'22" 50.00 45.07 45.07 SOUTHERLY LINE OF K.C.S.P. NO. 577051 - RECORDING NO. 7902080736 (SOUTH LINE OF THE N 1/2 NW 1/4 SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29) B.A.L.D. FILE NO. 1087-23 N 88.42'44" E 759.15 N 880 39' 49" E (K.C.S.P. NO. 577051 ) TRACT USAGE TRACT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE A WINSPER COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION B,G,E WINSPER COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION C WINSPER COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION D KING COUNTY F KING COUNTY USAGE OPEN SPACE, UTILITIES, PEDESTRIAN INGRESS & EGRESS OPEN SPACE OPEN SPACE DETENTION POND INGRESS,EGRESS a UTILITIES U-)-,. 0 Lo 0 z Cu m"'` .. w W _. . u-) In N •'•- zz I3 22 I' - 28B x w„ ox51 i� ..w.. 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CONDITION luf EXISTING SAS)N MAC` On 6ife Ohl' 138 OP MAY 1 1 1988 "nary 5ef A16,M/a erre� .f w«aa- ra.l ♦ •` 10 )br , - ' 1 > 22 i�filx> 11 C P ZOO w.r rrd.. r �P "i- A � SSM c i r /sK/ • > > I , A j/ � P i ,• p 3 'L t � ti 21i�� t>: / i �fnt.t y`M1�1 �^ tY' I• 1�, \>, / \ �i.� .� I .0 \ 40- «t .> t7 \ / ri O • 1►i /.!Y Y / � r nY ^� 5 \\ - ! 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I J( / m . o ° Y`v, I to \ � i � a ,d . -e.: 5555° - - --- — - - - _ � \ \. .. ' 01 . � m of f o. ) / ''/+, / t �,a 1.4 'll i' t y t � t J // tyl y L`° e VIP .r �\ l q I tt� LL'°� \ tyt \ ` 4 14 �t rGrrn W�& 8*cAfp 2131 -Le� Llr MAY 1 1 1988 u O O K TOP06RAPH/CAL MAP FOR L18ERTY VIEW ✓OS NO. 258-05-870 uR 5 wzv E r , G •ZE'ZNEk NOTE BOUNDARY A5 SHOWN HEREON /S APPRO.Y/MAT6 AND FOR TOPorRAPWICAL PURP05E5 ONLY lot �— �\ b; CONDITION I&P EXISTIN6 BASIN MAr On 5if e LE6EN0 6 MUNO USED W" If CONCRETE MONUMENT W/TN 2'• 191"55 D/SC IV/TH PUNCH 5ET RK. NAIL l.OR CONTROL TRAYEk5F— O 5ET HOB I TACK FOR CONTROL M4Y RAE Q PYRE HYDRANT O AVVV0 LASED Y' x f"CONLAETE MONUMENT Wi TN 6RA.�5 iYOG EP EDGE OF PAYEMENT i CENTERLINE OF ROAD 40 CENTERUNE OF DITCH O POWER POLE O TELEPNONE POLE ® SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE o WATER VALYE +� FENCE • 6UY WIRE --- CES/7ERUNE OF DITCH S 3/�w STREET 0 Und er COndifi017 /&. SCALE ' /N ` IA7/ 2' CONTOUR wTERVAL ry0 �rP� /9'h 9A rho.n /inK kn<c AUG 81988 shf Hof; Yc✓ r•ner ! � nrF/• I10- Mf /rN 'Y ap .'wq' v� • tea \\\ nnWW O S Mr<K v w.,e.e�AevoANll w rNa A• uN. �...•' ' -anrhary Jena AkMw/ trm• fl]. 33 de L wr0 — c�n„d<d u..Nen<i p • � f'1.0 = lE�rt;nf mrrr, .61g... d LS No.ar U rt3 ; • r � c'Ayh w«d �.Ai Nall e>vo CM \1�T� ,upD �1.P r re •,s< s ► ,t ry �, ono s<rr<mr {cuqtpp hs�t�' �� ti 1�v td� Z(.b ` rpr'I Tpr/uI�\ �•E3M L.1I/3K/• 1 �` 00 1 e ! �►w � t V ,�\ `f 1 i n�,ifo/� � T'y ,rpP sd77!A i 1 P��''r �1 PP \ ► t �` I' ..J 1 e7 V� /I p 1 i,i L I Ita �' I � 1 ,f / • t. `yy ' ` \ .L I I ^ y x°° u ZIiL I EAb p �•4 �� i1► y j4y i �` 1� i3`y fi .� /y. �t �� e 4 v �.� Jr - too ... ......... .... � � � • i t � � / + ► � � �A � ° 1 riM N fly . .. n ao to h ► N �° t� ..................3..._ 5 t 4..... ... /•... �1.... n1 ... 9 �. L I i y a_,• \ �L.11OO .�.....� t v?............. .... J.tQ...........�?......... ..rf... 1 4 t / `° r�l n End mN/MAr VWM AIANAWAA - Rim II t' N R/A • I.la • 1 4 \1Y �1 ss \ ' \ fie► 41 4 u / I I I ,� �•! r t , nE fa a!-A'N C �✓, ( aa \ , n 101 \\ 9 I \\ ylolly y 1 \\ �� � .� � , i r� ....��� � — ► 2."^� � � a ryt�l, I 1�"A\(/ ' ^� M1 �y/ I ` yy L,\ End aF n� 4 /r 1 m I � \ � t D1ta \\��\ o � 1 � D�1 ► � y V ► � ► t� \\ � t� � , \, t • � � y \a° i • � t M1 �� \ � 7Y tt 1 M1 E51 y. \ 1 ♦ \` � a �.n� � `° ,,• \ \ !\ � Eo• �, N � y4 i ► � sal ►► p � � \ � ° ° y � \ a I lr I "` � I D � s° A Y � I • 1 � M1 �' °g ,.\ 1 0.., e \ \ if r / �y \1, / • \► ,5'e v _. — _1___y tiFr—., , tx, M1, ► T , F v `� A yJ� tIP. ( 01eP y1 • 1 , y Ca,\ r .._ 1. _ .... ... '�,.... __ ..`, `. Y.. _ ` _ .. \,5. `y 7 4 \ Barbwi" k-4cr_' ��� D y t` +➢ \ 1� l , A\\• /�� `.1 \ \� �\ r\ r.. \ /f.•/F/ ���•y 1 , ►` d, d` �� s°r'►� � t 1 , �—• e L 1eo + ► I h v `•1S fi e. (/\ •r E \. v " � ,. ` ... .. / ,F dJch � `, t � \ 2h� J t4i ^� e / / II �� t x.° I d`\ \ \ �'\ ro ,/ e e M1 .a• I y ��• .p yo \ \ M d E �? `.. � I v ,4 v1 d \ 11 t / ) ► y -L .`3)y �. •1` ` � M 1 D�i�1 1`t �I\ �D �m I � h E I Oro2� \�� \ a � ` S.eEA.MN.On ,a.6.•-, �11 . � o►\o �., o � ►�I , 1 � A�i. \ 'l.�. u , `X-v,9 I / , - \ \ / � 8 E.t y.nla Z tye v <jI E �At1 •,� Roc. n'al 95 _ A } �� 1 A D q t� tL4 , ►�' p xyy.♦ wr d e•cMr �' ,► , �1, `" � 1 ..°I oy \ •�y' a ' \ \ \• e \ �, , ( � � N I '. x s � � - /E.. ea3� t 1 � _ 111 CKt 1 \ N , h Q . \5E , \ ? , � 1 P1 I 0/ ` � � � � I 2rx �n 1 \ E ud e•cNr° If Ile i , L \ y w � � ,.Y� yh �— �J �` day/ ' �►� M1 + \� 1 AUG 8 198$ Sh+ o STORM WATER UTILITY RECEIVED AUG 9 1988 i TALBOT HILL. i,Cw "00 P A R. I.C. C Q saa, Sha-dt No. -7 for 0 Landscapa. Detail and New Chain Link, limits. Fanca. - Type Wo.I 5ca- 5ha.dt go. 12 for Land Scapa L¢ ¢nd and Exist. Chain list of Plant NlNrlalS u5ad UnK Fences P I.5ta. 3 82 *1 5.91 6xisf 4 X X�-------" Toa of Barm /0 © 0 00 ito 6--- O Ofop { R/W MARKERS 5 t a t i on Lt. Rt. 5 R. 515 385 + 00 50' S.R. 515 3810 + 00 55' S.R. 515 387 + 00 75' S.R. 515 387 + 50 85' S.R. 515 389 + 00 85' 5.R• 519 390 + 40 501 a R. 515 3 9 0+ 715 ro5' S.R. 515 591 + 75 501 S.R. 519 393 + Oo '15' S. R. 519 594 t 50 roo TR2 Lin¢ of ro5 40% 40% II .k LT T. 23 No Q. 5 E.W M. N �I 11 � I 1 I II I I � S. 51 I � � I I -�-- II I I I I I II I I r f — I I I I Fj Z II CA I I cn 1I � n Ii M - • -A N Z II cf) II II N Existing culvorl,S .1 storm and I sanitary sawarsl avatar piP¢5 I and appurtananc:e5 crr¢ shown I S as - 5h¢¢,t No. 14 for Match Line Match L.i n a 3 + 2ro 40' 401 - 90 9cD -) 1-6) 0 REGION NO. STATE FED. AID PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. 8 WASH. � r+ N —, Shad co o ® J Go t¢ Z Gat¢ House O O House + u, o Rgmovd e R¢Sat 4O 2xi5+. Chain 4 M � -- In Link Fan c e 4'O 0+ca5 col 5 390 - Ln — — �- N 02 ° 05'4 " E p-amov¢ ?rd Ra.5ct ¢xi st-. I I 11 chain Link- Fanc e � -[ .c i I o �� I I M O� i nn N i to 0 N I 0\0 N I CO CO I I a ° Cl() .;- � ) on Drainage PianS. I I ' I I' 42"CU/v¢rl` 100 O 100 zoo I I Scale in feet DATA =r� CUPVE P 1. Station ZQ R T L Super S.R. 515 38 2 + 75. 91 2010 29' 2 2'' Rt. 4000.00 ? 22.94 1430.43 o.03'/ft S.R. 515 39Co+14.49 8" 37' 15" Lt. 6000.00 452.24 902.77 0.021/ft Washington Natural Gas Co. (Peak-- Shavirig Plant Comp. House V) �w 0 0 U To RENTON-- am • WX 111373 WINSPER DIVISION II 148155 qV A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON APPROVALS PARKS, PLANNING AND RESOURCES DEPARTMENT EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 19+ A.D. D ELOPME ENGINEER EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS $ DAY OF SZ <1M'0 < 19l-l- A.D. I MANAGER, BUILDING AND LAND DEV LOPMENT DIVISION KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS 4L,-5 DAY OF 194il, A.D. 2 u 7(t-e, � !) KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER DEPUiY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY COUNCIL 4 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF O cTo g ER . 19191. A.D. ATTEST: CLERK OF THE COUNCIL FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. THIS DAY OF 1911— A.D. OFFICE OF FINANCE (). 06uzrd FINANCE MANAGER DEP( SURVEY INSTRUMENTATION SURVEYING PERFORMED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PLAT UTILIZED THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES: 10" TOTAL STATION MAINTAINED TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED BY WAC-332-130-100. PROCEDURE USED FIELD TRAVERSE RESTRICTIONS NO LOT OR PORTION OF A LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL BE DIVIDED AND SOLD OR RESOLD OR OWNERSHIP CHANGED OR TRANSFERRED WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE LESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT IN WHICH LOCATED. STRUCTURES, FILL, OR OBSTRUCTIONS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DECKS, PATIOS, OUTBUILDINGS, OR OVERHANGS) SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED BEYOND THE BUILDING SETBACK LINE OR WITHIN DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. ADDITIONALLY GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF FENCING SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHIN THE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT MAP UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. ALL BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS, FOOTING DRAINS AND DRAINS FROM ALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE APPROVED PERMANENT STORM DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS # P 1205 ON FILE WITH KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (BALD). THIS PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION FOR ANY BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONNECTIONS OF THE DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL. INDIVIDUAL LOT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS, WHERE PERMITTED, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TIME OF THE BUILDING PERMIT AND SHALL COMPLY WITH SAID PLANS ON FILE WITH BALD, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY ENGINEERING REVIEW, KING COUNTY BALD, OR IT'S SUCCESSOR AGENCY. PRIVATELY OWNED OPEN SPACE TRACTS TRACTS A, B. C,G a E, PERMANENT OPEN AREA : AS A REQUIREMENT FOR APPROVAL, THESE TRACTS ARE SET ASIDE AND RESERVED FOR PERMANENT OPEN SPACE AND RECREATIONAL USE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PRESENT AND FUTURE LOTS OF THIS SUBDIVISION AS AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NO. 8455 AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED DO GRANT AND CONVEY A PERPETUAL EASEMENT IN TRACTS A, B, C,G a E, FOR USE AND BENEFIT OF ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS OF THE LOTS OF THIS SUBDIVISION AUTHORIZED BY ORDINANCE NO. 8455. EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT, NO BUILDING SHALL BE PLACED ON TRACTS A, B, C, G 8 E AND SUCH TRACTS SHALL NOT BE FURTHER SUBDIVIDED OR USED FOR FINANCIAL GAIN. B.A.L.D. FILE NO. 10B7-23 SECTION SUBDIVISION NOT TO SCALE CORNER POSITION IS RESTORED FROM PLAT MONUMENTS TO THE NORTH - SEE PLAT OF "WINSPER DIVISION I" F O R A D D I T I O N A L INFORMATION NOTES CALCULATED CORNER 20 H 29 rn m v v N N89'16'32"E 2630.69: (KC N89'19'43"E 2631.18(ESM))T ,aOAL29 29 U U1 m Y N v co. Otis ° v r N ID LD U7 w lD W IU N w w G1 in () Ln , O� N m 1n o m l(7 Ifl �b �t11 N N 00 z 5 29 2 3 32 3 N86'52'25"E 2646.49' (ESM) N66'50'15"E 2645.11' (KC) FOUND MONUMENT IN CASE (JULY 1987 ) U Y W (D y1` FOUND SURFACE BRASS CAP E 0.30' AT 90' TO to LINE (JULY 1987) 0r z f (n U W Y CALCULATED CORNER 9128 NB9*16'32"E 2658.10' (KC) FOUND MONUMENT IN w w CASE N 0.04' W 0.01' (JULY 1987 ) ID in co V m 0 0 z z BASIS OF BEARINGS W I NSPER D I V I 1. SET 1/2" REBAR AND CAP(ESM INC. LS #15661) AT ALL REAR CORNERS. SET CONCRETE NAIL IN CURB AT Tf-•E SIDE LOT LINES PRODUCED TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE CLRB LINE,. 2, AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO PUGET POWER, US WEST TELEPHONE CO., TCI CABLE TV AND FOR WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS CO. AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER AND UPON THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET, PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, MAINS, CABLES AND WIRES WITH NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC: TELEPHONE, T.'/. AND GAS SERVICE, TOGETHER WITH IHE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE LOTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, TELEPHONE OR CABLE T.V. SHALL BE PLACED OR BE PERMITTED TO BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. 3. SUBJECT TO CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 3790 REGARDING ASSESSMENT FOR WATER SERVICE AS FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 6403260504. 4. SUBJECT TO CASCADE SEWER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 2020 REGARDING ANNEXATION CHARGES FOR SEWER SERVICE AS FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8403290603. 5. SUBJECT TO AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY OVER THE STREETS (UNTIL DEDICATED TO THE PUBLIC) AND OVER A STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET IN WIDTH LYING PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS AS FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8901030304. 6. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS WITH OPEN CHANNELS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS OPEN, GRASS LINED SWALES. IN NO CASE SHALL PIPING, FILLING OR OBSTRUCTION OF THE SWALE BE PERMITTED UNLESS WRITTEN APPROVAL IS GRANTED BY THE KING COUNTY DIVISIONS OF SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT AND BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. 7. SUBJECT TO A COVENANT TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF RENTON AS FILED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING.NO. B708210837. 8. A PORTION OF THIS PLAT IS A REPLAT OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NO. 577051 AS FILED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7902080736. THOSE LOT LINES, THE 30 FOOT WIDE AREA RESERVED FOR FUTURE ROAD UPON LOT 3 AND THAT PORTION OF TRACT 'X' (A PRIVATE ROAD) CONTAINED WITHIN SAID LOTS ARE HEREBY EXTINGUISHED UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. 9. /O' rW1 v rr— {Oi2 THE BE��F i7- OF Zz TF-s // TffA-lU Z7. THE OwN6R5 OF S a io LOTS SNA c 8 EC1lJ�t c y ,�SR�VS iBcE {�R TH,E MA/V7F,.VA,vcE AAvO RE1::A/.e O,� .S410 F.4� • 11373 WINSPER DIVISION II 148054 A PORTION OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 29, T. 23 N., R. 5 E., W.M. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY. AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES. AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT -NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, OPEN SPACE, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE SUCH STREETS, EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED, FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIVING TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION. OR MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING FROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY KING COUNTY. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, AGREE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, HARMLESS FROM ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY COSTS OF DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THIS SUBDIVISION TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY ALTERATIONS OF THE GROUND SURFACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE, OR SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE WATER FLOW WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OR BY ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVER AND INDEMNIFICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST OF DEFENSE, RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF KING COUNTY, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISION, DEDICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. !14 - , , , wt1t (1FOF, WF HAVE HEREUNTO SET OUH HANDS. r+f NJ Comf'ArlY. A WA5H1 tl(, T ,, tj CUHPUHA'T IUtI BY: TITLE:'L SEATT E FIRST ATIONAL BANK, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION 414"/ ^-**AdekAAAf ,f BY: TITLE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATF OF WA"11INGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS DAY OF 19�s/ BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY PUBLIC IN A D FOR TH STATE OF WASHINGTON/�P�R N LY DP ARED TO ME KNOWN TO BE.LGQL/� OF THE P0RATIoN T AT E E UTED THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED AND ON OATH STATED THAT / WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAID INSTRUMENT, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED MY OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND Y "' RST ABOVE WRITTEN. NOTARY PWLIC IN AND FOR TH STATE OF WASHIN ON, RESIDING AT _ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ON THIS -f � DAY OF 19j;L BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY PUB IC IN AND FOR THt STATE OF WASHINGTON, A%NALLY,APPEARED TO ME KNOWN TO BE OF THE PORATION HAT EXECUTED THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED AND ON OATH STATED THAT / WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAID INSTRUMENT, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED MY OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR F3PBT-4,,B"OVE WRITTEN. NOTAFlY PURL N AND FOR TH .STAY OF WASHINGTON, ESIDING AT RECORDING CERTIFICATE 2 rw FILED FOO RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF YE KING COUNTY COUNCIL THI$ 7 DAY OF 19� A.D., AT MINUTES PAST /o A M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME OF PLATS, PAGES RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DIVISION OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS •,1ANE 8A Ga E MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 29: THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER NORTH 89'19'43" EAST. 118.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, NORTH 89'i9'43" EAST, 539.80 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, SOUTH 01-53'20" WEST, 329.23 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT NUMBER 577051 AS FILED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7902080736; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, NORTH 89'01'13" EAST, 144.82 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 3 OF SAID SHORT PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3, SOUTH 01-55.52" WEST, 328.46 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SHORT PLAT; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, SOUTH 88'42'44" WEST, 759.15 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE PLAT OF "WINSPER DIVISION I" AS FILED IN VOLUME 144 OF PLATS, PAGES 92 THROUGH 95, INCLUSIVE, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8903141032, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT, THE FOLLOWING COURSES: NORTH 01'53'20" EAST, 110.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; EASTERLY 11.30 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A HA01US OF 346.00 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 13'14'24" EAST. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01'52'17"; NORTH 11'22'07" WEST, 48.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; EASTERLY 49.01 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 394.00 FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 11'22'07" EAST, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07*07*39" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE; EASTERLY 92.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 949.49 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05'35'05"; NORTH 01'53'20" EAST, 100.04 FEET; SOUTH 88'06'40" EAST, 50.00 FEET; NORTH 05'40'21" WEST, 157.25 FEET; NORTH 15'02'26" WEST, 54.64 FEET; NORTH 32*25'51" WEST, 25.26 FEET: NORTH 12*21'39" WEST, 31.99 FEET: NORTH 03'33'54" EAST, 32.69 FEET; NORTH 27'50'ii" WEST, 117.85 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 8.723 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF WINSPER DIVISION II IS BASED UPON A SURVEY OF SECTION 29 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., THAT ALL COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON, THAT ALL MONUMENTS AND CORNERS AS SHOWN THEREON WILL BE SET CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND, AS CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THAT I HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PLATTING REGULATIONS. R. SCOTT MACINTOSH, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFICATE NO 15661 7//Z/89 �o sURVF w�y tiP �oF sy� o�p�, 29 C•58I ENG B.A.L.D. FILE NO. 1OB7-23 f�,w 227-- 28 ?.ice- qta 0.00 - ----- 6 _- / S8G' Si '� . . D. �+ 11 -1 - 1. __ - - I . . ``\-,-,- � __� � \ I1_� :T, W a See Shr` le- / Far French-D ,q "? { �, % V ' ____�,,?7 \ "� / • .e /nsfaH Ba11ards_P� ,�N� � - ,f� f/ . `---De fa/ / Oa- sIff- R- /6 t --'�� __ _ €� 11 j I / I. 1.a \ .41, _ .' ; I /Z 4 ___ .: . \ d h ,6 #3'3 T e TI- 4B "as �R 1- \ yam ': � \ F/o w /74! ,T r,r/cr`a- /lnd ` : i �" / _ / Di/ Fb//ution Conr� _ • . i-'. `- �' ;t. Device. ; , I IL -- -zgo - ---- • �_ ;.....: , ,! t 2/8 2/7 _ 5 y 11 �.Er �i� \�_ 3CBi_3T�Pe I� Z� S, 5 'B.S, B-L. /O 'S. D. m'r< %Pub//c) 'y4SE 2 PMAOI "I Z ", I xl_,_� Z1410SL5)E,51-n &-S&L. /10446 /iC % � 2/0 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1 0+77 89' LT Top of Pond EL,- 220.0 2 0+88 78' LT IE = 117.5 12" Dia.. Install 10'a10'al' thick (min.). See General Notes,for 4pall,,Size, 1' above crown of pipe diameter and 2' (sgin.) under pipe. 3 0+93 1 97' LT Top'of Pond EL = 2200 4 1+02 41' RT Top of Pond EL = 220.011 14.513.5.19.L. 5 1+02 27' LT Pond Bottom EL 216.0 6 1+07 25' RT Pond Bottom EL = 216.0 7 1+09 24' RT IE = 116.0 12" , Install 4'a10'all thick (min.), See General Notes for Spall Size. 1' above crown of pipe diameter and 2' (min.) under pipe. Install Trash Rack. 8 1+09 43' LT Top of Pond EL = 220.0 9 1+11 16' LT Pond Bottom EL = 216.0 10 1+14 24' RT Pond Bottom EL = 216.0 11 1+15 9' RT Pond Bottom EL = 216.0 12 1+22 22' LT Top of Pond EL 220.0 . • 13• 1+26 34' RT Top of Pond EL = 220.0 14 1+28 7' RT Top of Pond EL = 220.0 15 , 1+56 721 -RT IE 114.0 12" Dia., Install_ 4'xl0'al' thick (min.) See General Notes for Spall Size. 1' above crown of pipe diameter and 2' (min.) under pipe. . - •. _ I. _ l4 I �'� c A!I Slee! Parts Musf 6e 6a/van�zed d �y„ jam,, h ---- f f, ti Coated (Treatmen I Or I Aspholtf / "' better 4 ea. 0.25"x2% 5" Strips Weld To / \" 5.5'B.S.B.L. ":; a� 0.75" Dlo. Frame, Space Uniformly 0.75 " Dio. /45'B.SB.L. / - f v0 0.5" Goty. Or NonIII - _✓'- -------- _ Carosivs Bolts 8 Nuts 1 220----}-- . _ .• 11• • a 14e SURvF,tiyj . *Q� I_S W A S`/N t. kP nth t I. ti; ��) N I . c . 0.75 Dio. Fromm Il / d �� , , /4.513.5.5.L, - Max.3 _ S• _ 450 Spocing �ti. / ` Flow_ '1' ­j}. -� y_/ _�"' (/ /Pub/� - -- __ Ends To Be Welded . Y - \ ~''� •� yl-­_ ✓' -`� ` To From e-�"_ TRASH RACK See Shr.P/OF r ✓" l " Scc. V-y--'�- Not To Scale 1 •w / --`` .. _ .. _ � I~ . 20' Hoch. /` - __-�-:-_---- --I I . Q10 .. /5'B.SBL COMPACTION NOTE SCALE . r',2'verr. `� 1. I �' ��`_. CONTOUR INTERVAL ; 2' 11 -/ ��� _ • 3Mi,11 �_. Min. AT1 berms r man ments o cte f r r to t'o DATUM: S �.E _uiU Eie �.- 22c.ao' D e b k c nstru o e r g n/ .�,2is.B3 1 detention ponds in excess of 2 feet in height shall OS CREEK W ,�_ __ • .. T0 ATER I. - - imGi,. 8 SEWER DIS 1. (K C.A.S.) �''`',,,_J Elev.= s50' relative density as determined by Section 2-03.3(l4)D ;' - ` j/ °` ,='yA" of the Washington State Highway Department t980 Standard _--- I Specifications. Those berms 2 feet in height and less T.B.M. I.E. 80.06' Of M.H. 6-5 On %'� _- -_, - _ \ 0.5 Rock (Min. 4 Fact?) Shall be compacted as stated above or compacted by a The E. Side Of 96th Ave. S•, �NGPE. dozer or similar t e iece of e i ment in lifts not 350'± N. Of The Ave.� � --`-`` YP P qu P section Of 96th ve• S. $ 1�1\ � 0V E R F L,0 W SPILLWAY DETA 1 L to exceed 6 i nches of compactabl a soi 1 . Berm shal 1 be S. 173rd St. 200 \ \ constructed to WSDOT Specification 2-03.3(14)C, Method C. �� .� Not To Scale _.. ..... ...............................»...­­­­1_­__* .._...... »..._.�.........._.....................» ....._..M.__ ..» . _ . »__..».»» ......».».............._..............»_� .» ». »» ..» .. _ .......•...».»».........-........._....»._...._..»................_ _• _».~,.•........»....-....,...--."».•,•_,.-.».......-._,•,...........».....-....-._...»»......_..........___._.._„_..._._..... . "...-..-....»........_......._............._.._......... ..........» .....:..._...~.»..».,».........................._...._,.....•......................_._,.,._.»._~.». »»..•........»..»....._.._.....».....•_._....__.....•__.._•»•._._.• ......................._.... . # 1 r i € `• # .» . 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AUG 8 198g 3129 Talbot Avenue So., Renton, WA 98055 39 Wood, Charles E. 17008 Talbot Road, Renton, WA 98055 32 Fraidenburg, James D. 17014 Springbrook Road So., Renton, WA 98055 31 Urablick, Vernal C�! 17018 Springbrook Road So., Renton, WA 98055 IT 0 71 & 22 Frazier, Max L. 0 17022 96th Avenue So., Renton, WA 98055 M 1 co M 12 Nakanishi, Frank S. & Ruth Y. cc ...A :0 3315 Talbot Road So., Renton, WA 98055 � '� C r 19 Tatro, Don L. 3211 Talbot Road So., Renton, WA 98055 S.W. 1/4 Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 3 East, W.M. 40 Stiegman, Walter W. �l Y 14ji J c l P f I I Cl:r 441 . tgFr4r�C,Y �� I i 00 ,1 j � l i 66S 7 , r *rs y/ 3'?14C , Sp/ l .; •% l f'r ' 6 /4V d rr& l / r e 4c Mill Y o f P RPn�o � 'ar� T / 10124, l 5 0` 7 ?4 P ¢js6o S°n l04�4c V R pe( Z ,,qac`. ne \\ e Al q _ \� c�a Qc. //1 r >,� Pau S: A. I ilool IS 46 , e49 Y5 e O —� 13 Rl �1 ,i 3 e' }{ 4. 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V ltr �, �4/y �'✓e ���,���/ �� i ° n " 0Ac j6 0, � Fie C/r� oI� s, ` AC. c�pI- , O ' 7 1 \ 91 J' He t44c, _ ssr'lSk Tax Lot 07 No. Taxpayer/Owner // Oqc N� Exi 5+. Ba si n Ma - Off' Sife shy-13� o� 3 S.E. 1/4 Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 3 East, W.M. o MAY 1 1 1988 38, *- / t` .., estc 115 Berry, James R. i C° 3129 Talbot Avenue So., Renton, WA 98055 i c' 39 Wood, Charles E. 4 71 /So 17008 Talbot Road, Renton, WA 98055 �� �• c 32 Fraidenburg, James D. 1 �> 17014 Springbrook Road So., Renton, WA 98055�v� \ % 31 Urablick, Vernal 17018 Springbrook Road So., Renton, WA 98055``� 71 & 22 Frazier, Max L. 3' 17022 96th Avenue So., Renton, WA 98055 jr- 12 Nakanishi, Frank S. & Ruth Y. 3315 Talbot Road So., Renton, WA 98055 19 Tatro, Don L. 3211 Talbot Road So., Renton, WA 98055 S.W. 1/4 Section 30, Township 23 North, Range 3 East, W.M. 40 Stiegman, Walter W. 044c \6. ,,. (C)