HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP273124 (6) John hasty-City coordination agenda 0608 05 doc _ u _ _ Page 1 _ _ a I-405 Coordination City Design Team Meeting Meeting Agenda Conference Room 511 June 08, 2005 1:30-3:00 PM 15m a. Funding Transportation Partnership Account(TPA) Regional Funding 15m b. Springbrook State/City Agreement Mitigation Bank Instrument,Trail c. John's Creek Stormwater Approach,Concurrence Lettre 5m CI 19, (/2s `v—q,0- 7/ 1 d. Pumps/Parks Task Force 15m Draft Concurrence Letter e. Traffic Analysis Task Force l Om SR-169 off-ramp Traffic meeting Thursday and Friday the 9`h and 10'n Half Diamond interchange at Talbot f. Economic Development Task Force 15m Update g. Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach Process. lom Talbot Hill Meeting report h. Potential topics for next week's(June 15")WSDOT/Renton coordination 5m 1 1Corridor Program /Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid transit Projects Nickel Plus Transportation 2 Partnership Account -$1 .5 B (figures in millions) Nickel Transportation 2003-2012 Partnership Account v�nars«coumr 2005-2017 Kwc courm — — 2 1-5 to SR 169 South Renton Nickel Projects........... ..........$136 1-5 to SR 181 ............................................................................... $30 NB SR 167 to SR 169 ................................................................... 20 SR 515 Interchange .................................................................... 110 SR 167 SB: 1-405 to SE 180th (1 lane) ......................................... 50 Wra,nmx SR 169 to 1-90 NE 44th to 112th Ave.................................................................. 150* 112th Ave to 1-90........................................................................... 20 a[nmsl 1-90 to SR 520 Bellevue Nickel Projects: 1-90 to SE 8th........ 185 NB NE 8th to SR 520 Braided Crossing......................................250 NE 10th Overcrossing ................................................................... 67 SR 520 to SR 522 Kirkland Nickel Projects................................. 164 «[ilm sl «[,rrmx Roadway Improvements: NE 124th to SR 522 .................................................................... 170 teams u' NE 132nd Interchange .................................................................. 60 — Nickel2003-2012 — Transporation """ SR 522 to SR 527 Partnership Account NB 195th to SR 527 (1 lane)......................................................... 45 Arterial Connection f Interchange Y Totals: Nickel 2003-2012 ......................$485 Transit HOV Improvements: j /J 2005 Account..........................................................$972 OST runded HOV Lane Access Point Transit Station 1-405 Corridor Total State Investment ................................ $1,457 ¢a Park&Ride Lots �wm V-7 ZS,tt tbs SIB 6ts 1 Sf,Ap«N Match for regional funding package. Washington State May 4, 2005 Department of Transportation rM YkewkTIT00 ► Meeting Type: City Design Team Monthly Meeting- ► Meeting Date: May 11, 2005 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall,Room 511 ► Time: 1:30-3:OOPM ► " Attendees: Nick Nzali, Transp Ray Sled,Maint Stan Engler,Fire Sandra Meyer, Transp Karl Hamilton, Transp Keith Woolley, Transp. Abdoul Gafour, Utilities Shawna Mulhall,EDNSP Bob Mahn, Transp Peter Renner,Facilities Dan Hasty, Transp. Dave Christensen,Utilities ActionsNotes Date This is the monthly I-405 City Design Team coordination meeting. This meeting takes place one week prior to the monthly coordination meeting with WSDOT. 1.Legislative/Funding Update(by Nick): Just signed into law by the governor—the Transportation Partnership Act, a 9.5¢ gas tax increase, generating $8.513 in additional funding (2005-2017). The increase will be over a 4 year period beginning in July-28¢to 31¢ to 34¢ to 36¢ to 37.5¢. The I-405 Renton Nickel budget is $136M. The TPA budget for I-405 in South Renton is$180M. The TPA also provided $4M to Strander and$2.5M to SR 169. There is $150M budgeted to 1-405 (NE 44h to 112e' Ave SE) with an asterisk requiring additional regional funding. This portion includes redoing the NE 44ei interchange. The TPA includes SR 167 SB lane from I-405 to SW 41', and for SR 167 HOT lanes. It was unclear where the south end of the HOT lanes would be. 2a. Environmental Task Force: John's Creek Update—Ron was absent, no report. Springbrook Creek Habitat and Wetland Bank (SCHAWB) Update — Ron was absent,no report. 2b. Pumps/Parks Task Force: Stacy had taken the City's draft version and revised/reformatted. Abdoul does not object to the format. He added three new issues, taking them from a 1984 letter from the mayor to WSDOT regarding the S-curves project. The three new issues are: • Does not address the addition of a potential source of contamination • Does not include mitigation measures for Source Water Protection. • Has not been approved by the Washington State Department of Health Leslie Betlach has also revised and then sent back to Lys,who has submitted it to 1 Notes Actions By Date Gregg for review. The latest revision is dated May 9 . 2c.Nickel Project: Renton Nickel Scoping Report: Keith indicated that copies had been provided to design team members last month, and no comments/concerns had been brought back to him. Dan and Keith attempted to provide copies of the letter sent to WSDOT regarding the Benson Rd overpass geometrics. The letter will be e-mailed to the design team after the meeting. Dave C. brought up the question why the bridge is being replaced as 2 lanes rather than 4 lanes, noting the 5-lane cross-section required of some developments on Benson Road south of I-405. Nick noted that 4 lanes is not in our transportation plan, and that WSDOT only has to mitigate existing condition. However, transportation will consider this comment to be sure it is addressed. 2d. Traffic Analysis Task Force: This task force discussed the I405 SB to SR 169 ramp impacts to the Riveria apartments,the Sunset railroad crossing,and the Talbot interchange half-diamond. All of these topics are still being analyzed by the WSDOT 1-405 team. 2e. CSS City needs clarification from the I405 team regarding next steps with the CSS Implementation Policy. The City is expecting Master Plan CSS on the Benson overpass — this is what was presented to City Council. However, WSDOT has made indications that there may be a standard CSS and any "extras" would be betterments paid for by the City. 2f.Economic Development Of the $300K Port Quendal grant, $50K will be used for the access study and $250K has been provided to WSDOT for right-of-way work in exchange for CSS elements. Developers have been actively inquiring about the PQ property. 3a Talbot Hill Meeting The 1-405 team last met with the Talbot Hill neighborhood in June 2004. We need an update from Colleen about the status of getting back to this neighborhood, especially since the Talbot '/2 interchange is part of the TPA gas tax. 3b No one knew of any meetings between the 1-405 team and the mayor regarding environmental justice. The question will be posed to the I-405 team next month. 4 Topics for Next Week Update from Ron regarding SCHAWB and John's Creek. Parks/Pumps letter — Abdoul noted potential for third party lawsuits exists even after City/WSDOT concurrence. SR 515 '/2 Interchange operations ► Prepared by: Keith R. Woolley Date: May 12,2005. 2 IProject Congestion Relief S Bus Rapid Transit Projects Agenda Renton to Bellevue Project 1-405, SR 169 Flyover Independent Technical Review Date: June 9 and 10, 2005 Location: Suite 405—Glacier Conference Room Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Introduction: The Renton to Bellevue project will reconstruct the SR 169/31d interchanges. Several charrette and VE processes have taken place with the 1-405 team and the City of Renton to develop the current configuration. While attempting to minimize impacts, this configuration has land use impacts associated with parks and other properties. Meeting Purpose: An independent technical review of the traffic needs is being conducted to insure no other options or modifications to the existing solution can be made to lessen the impacts. The independent technical review will be conducted by individuals having technical expertise in traffic and traffic operations. Agenda Day 1 —June 9 1. Introduction 2. Project background 3. Traffic demands 4. Concepts evaluated 5. Current configuration 6. Technical review Day 2—June 10 1. Technical review(continued) 2. Technical review comments =-3. Atdentification of design modifications if appropriate AMIkk MWashington State Department of Transportation ?Nick Afzali- RE: Fwd: SR 169 Flyover ITR _ From: "John Donatelli"<John.Donatelli@1405.wsdot.wa.gov> To: "Sandra Meyer' <Smeyer@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Alexander Pietsch" <Apietsch@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Dennis Culp" <Dculp@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Gregg Zimmerman" <Gzimmerman@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Jay Covington" <Jcovington@ci.renton.wa.us> Date: 6/8/2005 11:21:11 AM Subject: RE: Fwd: SR 169 Flyover ITR The reviewers will look at the forecasted traffic volumes, demands and intersection ops to determine if the proposed interchange configuration is appropriate and what improvements could be made. This is purely from a traffic point of view. We want to make sure that a flyover from 405 to 169 is the appropriate solution. Is there a better way to serve the traffic demand in this area (ie. can we process 1300 vehicles/hour with dual left turn lanes or triple lefts as opposed to a flyover?) Would a SPUI function as an alternative to the flyover? Is there a better interchange configuration for processing the traffic demand (is a split diamond the best solution?)? We conduct these reviews as part of our QA/QC process. The reviewers will not be looking at specifics such as flyover positioning. We want them to answer the question, "Do we need a flyover?". ---Original Message-- From: Sandra Meyer[mailto:Smeyer@ci.renton.wa.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 10:07 AM To: Alexander Pietsch; Dennis Culp; Gregg Zimmerman; Jay Covington Cc: Leslie Betlach; Lys Hornsby; Nick Afzali; John Donatelli Subject: Re: Fwd: SR 169 Flyover ITR I talked to Stacy and she will send the requested e-mail clarifying exactly what WSDOT is intending for the effort on Thursday and Friday and what is involved (see below). >>> Gregg Zimmerman 6/8/2005 9:17:00 AM >>> Dennis: Because there remains some confusion over the agenda of the charette, I have asked Sandra to contact Stacy Trussler and request that Stacy indicate in an e-mail to all of us who she thinks she needs to attend this. It seems to me that the purpose of the charette as stated by WSDOT has alternated between a multi-disciplanary planning session about the SR 169 off ramp and a.discussion of traffic planning.issues that would not involve-everyone.•Hopefully we'll get this mailing soon-so-we can get the right folks to the meeting. Gregg >>> Dennis Culp 6/8/2005 7:40:51 AM >>> Thanks...... I'll see if Leslie can attend >>> Gregg Zimmerman 6/7/2005 3:38:37 PM >>> Okay, that's fine. I was just judging by the agenda. Gregg Nick Afzali- RE: Fwd SR 169 Flyover ITR >>> Dennis Culp 6/7/2005 12:55:42 PM >>> Hi Gregg...I will defer to your judgment.... but the reason for this charette is to lessen the impacts to parks, so it seems to me parks should be there to make sure everyone appreciates the impacts. regards Dennis >>> Gregg Zimmerman 6/7/2005 11:50:34 AM >>> Thanks, Sandra. Considering the proposed agenda, maybe only Transportation needs to attend. Gregg >>> Sandra Meyer 6/7/2005 11:43:03 AM >>> Here is the information on what will be done for the technical review/charette for the SR169 flyover ramp. It is primarily traffic related. >>>"John Donatelli" <John.Donatelli@1405.wsdot.wa.gov>6/7/05 10:21:10 AM >>> This is an independent technical review(ITR)of the SR 16/3rd interchange specific to traffic needs. An agenda and comments are attached. It would be appropriate if Karl Hamilton or Keith Woolley could attend. <<SR 169 Flyover ITR.doc>> John Donatelli, PE 1-405 Project Team ph: 425-456-8535 fax: 425-456-8600 This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. CC: "Leslie Betlach" <Lbetlach@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Lys Hornsby" <Lhornsby@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Nick Afzali" <nafzali@ci.renton.wa.us>, "Stacy Trussler" <trussler@wsdot.wa.gov> Nick Afzali Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank-Trail From: Ronald Straka To: Sharon L.Wright-SEA Date: 5/24/2005 7:31:40 AM Subject: Springbrook Wetland Mitigation Bank -Trail Location I reviewed the Bank Oversight Committee (BOC)comments regarding the planned Springbrook Creek Trail with Leslie Betlach in our Parks Department. The BOC favored location of a perimeter trail within a proposed 40-foot buffer around the south, east and north boundaries of Site A, located on the east side of Springbrook Creek south of SW 27th Street, is not acceptable. The City's adopted Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Master Plan reflects a north-south route along the east side of Springbrook Creek. The BOC favored perimeter route in the proposed 40-ft perimeter buffer is too circuitous for trail users and diminishes the recreational and educational experience of a creekside trail. Additionally the natural tendency is to take the shortest distance between two points. In this location, there is already a constructed trail immediately to the south and to the north of Site A. A trail located along the creek in Site A would make a direct connection to these constructed connections. Deviating from the adopted plan for a trail along Springbrook Creek to a trail location around the perimeter of Site A does not meet the intent of the planned trail. There is an existing 40-ft greenbelt/Pedestrian easement along Springbrook Creek that was designated for the trail. The Parks Division is willing to modify the previous proposal that showed the trail extending out into the middle of Site A to a trail entirely located within the existing 40' pedestrian easement on the east side of Springbrook Creek. Currently,this trail easement area is shown as a separate tax lot on the King County Assessors records. It is possible to remove the green-belt/pedestrian easement area square footage from the Site A square footage. The trail would then be located on an adjacent parcel of property. Building a perimeter trail around the south, east and north sides of Site A increases construction, daily use, maintenance and operational impacts to the wetland as the trail will be a longer trail (a constructed length more than twice as long as a trail along the creek). In addition, people will still be inclined to take the shortest distance between two points and the adopted plan to connect to the existing trail sections to the north and south of Site A along the creek provides controlled access. Finally,the alignment would conform to the adopted master trail plan. Please incorporate this into the conceptual design of Site A for future discussions with the BOC. Thanks Ronald J. Straka, P.E. City of Renton =`: Surface.-Water Utility Engineering Supervisor 1055 S: Grady Way-5th Floor Renton WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7248 Fax: 425-430-7241 Email: rstraka@ci.renton.wa.us CC: Dennis Culp; Gregg Zimmerman; Leslie Betlach; Lys Hornsby; Nick Afzali May 26, 2005 Gregg Zimmerman,Public Works Administrator City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 VERSION 5 Re: Letter of Concurrence I-405 Wells &Parks Task Force Dear Mr. Zimmerman: The City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)are working together to move the I-405 projects forward in Renton. WSDOT understands that the City's groundwater wells are a vital source of water and that the City's parks,trails,open spaces, and recreation facilities are valuable assets essential to quality of life for Renton's citizens. A focused effort and cooperation between our two agencies is required to work out the I-405 design challenges in the vicinity of the City's water supply system,Liberty Park,Cedar River Park, and the Narco property. Consequently,the City and WSDOT formed a Wells &Parks Task Force in<<date>>to address these complicated issues. The Task Force was able to successfully resolve some of the key issues,but other issues need more evaluation.This concurrence letter documents the Task Force's objectives, accomplishments to date,and-in the attached Findings Report - outstanding issues,future steps,and decisions. Task Force Objectives The Task Force's primary objective was to identify a proposed alignment for the northbound I-405 to SR 169 off-ramp that: 1. Avoids and/or minimizes impacts to the City of Renton's drinking groundwater supply—well heads,pump stations, water treatment facilities,and associated utilities; 2. Ensures adequate and safe access: a. For the City's maintenance personnel to operate and maintain the drinking water wells, pump stations, water treatment facilities,and associated utilities, b. For the City's public park land and park facilities,.and c. 'For emergency response vehicles to the City's water wells and their associated facilities and park land and their associated facilities; and 3. Avoids and/or minimizes impacts to public park land and park facilities and is safe for park users. 4. Accomplishments An important accomplishment for the Task force was identification of the northbound I-405 to SR 169 ramp alignment. The Task Force recommended a northbound I405 to SR 169 ramp alignment to the Executive/Administrators Committee as Recommendation#1.The Wells&Parks Concurrence April 8,2005 Page 2 of 3 Executive/Administrators Committee agreed with this alignment on July 23, 2004. The ramp alignment: • Avoids the footprint of the existing City well buildings (RW-1,2, and 3, PW-8 and 9,EW- 3) and the existing water treatment facilities(the corrosion control and treatment facility (CCTF) and the fluoridation facility). • Minimizes impacts to Cedar River Park and amenities. The ramp alignment requires an approximate 25-foot swath along the west side of the Cedar River Park multi-use ball field/soccer field and the Renton Community Center,placing the ramp within 65 feet of the Community Center. The selected ramp alignment will be further examined in the South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA document and final Section 4(f)determination. Wells&Parks Task Force Finding Report. Determining the northbound I-405 to SR 169 ramp alignment was critical for more in-depth discussion about other aspects of this project.With the specific alignment information we were able to more effectively analyze these other issues, such as the location of potential access points for maintenance vehicles for Wells 8 and 9 and the treatment facilities,as well as underground utility issues.These are complex issues which need further evaluation. Further,the Task Force has uncovered additional design challenges and issues that need resolution.The access issues and new unresolved issues are documented in the attached Wells & Parks Task Force Findings Report. Moving Forward South Renton Implementation Plan Project. The Task Force work done to date has been under the umbrella of the I405 North Renton project,now known as the Renton to Bellevue project. WSDOT has moved project elements south of the SR 169 interchange(including work in the wells and parks vicinity)to the South Renton Implementation Plan project.The improvements made south of the SR 169 interchange are more appropriately connected to improvements made through the Renton"S"curves,and they can be designed and implemented independent of the Renton to Bellevue project improvements north of the SR 169 interchange.Therefore,it is appropriate to move project elements south of the SR 169 interchange to the South Renton Implementation Plan project,allowing WSDOT to construct improvements south of SR 169 only once—avoiding costly and disruptive rework. The Wells &Parks Findings Report will be the basis for continued work and problem solving in the South Renton Implementation Plan project. Starting immediately,WSDOT will closely work with City staff to revisit and solve the issues as the 15%design is developed. The 15%design will identify recommended solutions to be evaluated in the South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA document and final Section 4(f)determination. This work needs to be completed prior to January 2006 so that WSDOT can begin the NEPA process on/before January 2006. This aggressive schedule is driven by the 2005 Legislative intent to complete the SR 515 (Talbot)interchange in 2010. The City provided EA scoping comments (October 23,2003, letter)for the North Renton project. WSDOT will move the Wells &Parks-related scoping comments to the South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA scoping document so that they can be appropriately addressed. Parks Master Plan. The City will be preparing a Park Master Plan for Cedar River Park,Liberty Park, and the Narco property <<when?>.WSDOT evaluated the City parks at a corridor level in CADocurnents and Settings\cynthiai\Local SettingsUernporary Internet Files\OLKA\wellsparks v5.doc\LHHtp Wells&Parks Concurrence April 8,2005 Page 3 of 3 the I-405 Corridor EIS and resulting Selected Alternative in the I-405 Corridor Record of Decision. The I-405 corridor-level Final Preliminary Section 4(f)determination recognized the potential effects on the parks, stating park areas may be permanently incorporated into the transportation facility. Rebuilding the SR 169 interchange is included in the I-405 Selected Alternative; and therefore,changes to the interchange need to be recognized in any future park plan for the area. WSDOT recognizes the importance of parks to the City and is obligated to evaluate park impacts though the NEPA and Section 4(f)decision making processes. The City and WSDOT will continue to work together as a team to explore new solutions and to coordinate plans and designs for the area. Concurrence The 1-405 South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA document is scheduled to begin on or before January 2006. Realizing the complexity of the issues at hand, it is advantageous for both parties to resolve and make decisions prior to January 2006. By working together,both parties will be able to go forward with greater certainty to create the Parks Master Plan and to define project elements the 1405 South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA will examine. By signing below,the City and WSDOT concur: • The northbound I-405 to SR 169 ramp alignment recommendation will be carried forward to the NEPA environmental document and final Section 4(f)determination for the South Renton Implementation Plan project. • The City and WSDOT commit to work together to resolve outstanding issues documented in the Wells &Parks Findings Report by January 2006. • The City and WSDOT will continue to work together to explore new solutions as the City develops and/or contemplates changes to its parks or water supply facilities in a Park Master Plan. • WSDOT will examine avoidance,minimization, and mitigation measures in the NEPA environmental document and final Section 4(f)determination for the South Renton Implementation Plan project. Sincerely, Craig J. Stone, PE Deputy Administrator, Urban Corridors Office City of Renton Concurrence: ATTEST: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Date Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk cc: Administrators Executive Committee members City Design Team members Wells&Parks Task Force Members CA\Docurnents and Settings\cynthiai\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\wellsparks v5.doc\LHHtp Wells & Parks Task Force Findings Report May 2005 The Task Force work to date has resolved one of its primary objectives—the northbound off-ramp alignment. The Task Force has identified access options for the CCTF building. However,the Task Force has not been able to resolve all the access issues. Further,the.Task Force has uncovered many more design challenges and issues that need resolution. The Task Force has documented the access issues and new, unresolved issues in this Wells/Parks Task Force Findings Report. The Findings Report will be the basis for continued work and problem solving in the South Renton Implementation Plan project. Task Force meeting minutes, conceptual drawings, and letters are attached to this report. ISSUE STATUS NEXT STEPS 1. Cedar Valley Aquifer and Water Supply The City's groundwater wells are a vital source of water supply and must be protected In progress WSDOT will prepare groundwater discipline from contamination from the construction of I-405 projects. (Renton to reports for both the South Renton A. Facility Relocation. The City's water pump stations, water treatment facilities and Bellevue Implementation Plan and Renton to Bellevue related utilities are necessary and, if relocated, must be fully operational for the City NEPA). NEPA documents. The groundwater discipline reports will examine avoidance,minimization, to provide drinking water that meets all state and federal regulations and in and mitigation measures for impacts to the Cedar sufficient quantity for fire protection. Valley Aquifer. B. Groundwater Discipline Report. A geotechnical analysis will be prepared to Start on/before assess impacts to groundwater quality and quantity from the construction of the January 2006 support structures penetrating the City's drinking water well field and the Cedar (South Renton Valley Aquifer and increase in impervious surface(reduced recharge). The report Implementation author will consider the following mitigation recommendations: Plan). • The development of a detailed water quality monitoring plan for potential groundwater contamination from construction activities and from accidental spills of hazardous chemicals. • The development of an emergency response plan and recovery plan in the event of a hazardous chemical spill. • The provision for an environmental coordinator during the construction of the project within the sole source aquifer to monitor groundwater quality, storage of hazardous substances and chemical use practices,and the containment of hazardous chemicals. 1 2. Park Access The City must have no net loss of access for maintenance, operation, and use of the Evaluation will WSDOT will work closely with the City through City's parks, trails,recreational amenities and structures, and open spaces. Existing continue to the Transportation Task Force to resolve park access needs include emergency response vehicles,City's water utility operations,park determine a access. maintenance vehicles and equipment, and the public (vehicular,bicycle, and pedestrian). win-win The internal circulation through the parks must be safe to park users and access should solution by minimize conflicting uses among transportation, maintenance, and park/open space January 2006. needs. A. Cedar River Park.There are currently two vehicular access points to Cedar River Park: • From the southwest geographic area via Houser Way and Carco road(the 10.5 feet vertical clearance allows small trucks,passenger vehicles, and all emergency response vehicles except the ladder truck). • From the north via SR 169. B. Liberty Park. There are currently three access points to Liberty Park: • From the west along Bronson Way. • From the south along Houser Way. • From the east via Carco Road to Houser way. C. Narco Property. There are currently two access points to the Narco property: • From the west under I-405 south of the Cedar River via Mill and Houser streets. This access serves vehicles,pedestrians, and bicycles. • From the north via the pedestrian bridge.This access serves maintenance vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. D. Carco Road. Carco Road underpass between Houser Way and Cedar River Park allows pedestrian and vehicular access between Cedar River and Liberty Parks. The current vertical clearance(10.5 ft) allows park maintenance vehicles and equipment, small trucks, passenger vehicles, and all emergency response vehicles except the ladder truck. E. Pedestrian Bridge. The pedestrian bridge under I-405 serves as pedestrian/bicycle and park maintenance access across the Cedar River between the Narco property and Cedar River Park. The bridge is a link in the Cedar River Trail system. 2 F. BNSF Railroad Bridge.The BNSF railroad bridges the Cedar River and Carco road. The BNSF tracks serve the Dinner Train,Boeing, and other commercial uses. The selected mainline alignment requires the BNSF tracks to be moved 54 feet to the west. The BNSF tracks will move closer to the City's pump building for wells RW1, 2, and 3 —approximately 20 feet east of this building. G. Houser Road Bridge. Houser Road bridges the Cedar River. Houser currently is a one-way northbound arterial adjacent to Liberty Park and I-405. H. Access Options. The Task Force examined numerous options to maintain the various park access needs. A key challenge is maintaining two points of access to Cedar River Park, including one point of access from the north(SR 169)and one point of access (Houser) serving the geographic area south and west of the Cedar River. A second challenge is maintaining the east-west connectivity (Carco)between the Cedar River Park and Liberty Park. Further work is needed to resolve access options. The Task Force evaluated the following options; however, an option was not recommended: • Pedestrian Bridge.Relocate existing pedestrian bridge upstream(to the east)of its current location connecting the Cedar River Park and the Nacro property. • Houser Road Realignment to the West.The existing Houser Bridge will be removed and relocated. Access would be provided by realigning Houser Way 54 feet to the west. To maintain the existing 10.5 feet vertical clearance and access through Carco road,the road grade would need to be lowered by up to 6 feet. Lowering the grade will require relocation of utilities associated with Carco road and Houser bridge, and the existing access to the City's pump building for wells RW 1, 2, and 3 will need to be relocated.The horizontal separation between the realigned railroad bridge and between the new Houser Way bridge and the existing City's pump building for wells RW1,2, and 3, would be reduced to approximately 20 feet, with the horizontal distance to the skate park being reduced to less than five feet.This option has challenges that require further study—including utility relocation and access to the pump building • Houser Road Realignment through old City Hall/Liberty Park. Preliminary evaluation demonstrates that the City Hall/Liberty Park access option will provide the existing access functions. Access would be provided by re-aligning Houser Road to the west through the old City Hall property, replacing the Houser Road Bridge, passing City's pump building for wells RW1, 2, and 3 on the west, turning due east go between the 1, 2, 3 pump building and the skatepark, and connecting to the existing Carco Road. The existing vertical clearance and utility access provided at Carco Road can be maintained.This 3 option has challenges that require further study. The option would require parking mitigation at the old City Hall property,require Liberty Park property, and relocation of the skatepark. • Cul-de-sac Houser.This option provides park access from the north off SR 169. The access would be limited to right in-right out off SR 169. The Houser Bridge would be removed and Houser Way will end south of the Cedar River. • Narco/Stoneway.This option builds a new access from the Houser and Mill intersection, under I-405 south of the Cedar River,through the Narco property, and across the Cedar River on a new bridge. This access will connect the Narco property to the Cedar River Park in the vicinity of Carco Theater and the Stoneway property. 3. Park Avoidance,Minimization and Mitigation The City's parks, trails, open spaces and recreation facilities are valuable assets essential See WSDOT The selected ramp alignment will be further to quality of life. Impacts should be avoided in order to maintain the integrity of the park CCTF examined in the South Renton Implementation system. commitment Plan NEPA document and final 4(f) A. Ramp Alignment.Impacts to the parks and amenities resulting from the letter, August determination. recommended NB I405 to SR 169 ramp realignment need to be evaluated.These 2004. When funded,WSDOT will work closely with include the Cedar River Park multi-use ballfield/soccer field,Renton Community the City as the South Renton Implementation Center, the Cedar River Trail, public parking, vehicular and pedestrian circulation Plan project progresses. The South Renton Start on/before Implementation Plan NEPA document will and access, emergency access, heritage tree and landscape amenities, and air,noise, January 2006 Im p and water quality. examine park avoidance, minimization, and (South Renton mitigation. Discipline reports will include air, B. BNSF and Houser Structures. 1-405 widening will be to the west in the vicinity of Implementation noise, water quality, visual quality, and 4(f) the BNSF RR bridges over Cedar River and Carco road and the Houser Road bridge Plan). evaluation. over the Cedar River. The BNSF bridge will need to be relocated to the west.The Houser bridge, including its associated utilities, will be further investigated as part of The Renton to Bellevue NEPA document and the park access solution. Final Section 4(f)determination will evaluate C. Direct Connector.The I-405 traffic model demonstrates that a direct connect ramp avoidance,minimization, and mitigation for southbound I405 to southbound SR 169 is necessary to accommodate the high measures for the SB I405 to SB SR 169 direct traffic volumes. The City and WSDOT are currently evaluating the geometric layout connector ramp. of this ramp as part of the Renton to Bellevue project. The South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA D. Park System.Impacts to the park system need to be evaluated. Unavoidable impacts document and Final Section will evaluate avoidance, minimiimi determinationzation, and will be mitigated reflecting no net loss of quality and quantity through replacement, mitigation measures for the park system. relocation, and/or re-construction. The park system includes Cedar River Park multi- use ballfield/soccer field,the Henry Moses Aquatic Center,Renton Community Center, the Cedar River Trail and pedestrian bridge,Narco access and habitat, Liberty Park Skate Park and amenities, public parking, vehicular and pedestrian 4 circulation and access,emergency access, landscape amenities,planned regional trails between Liberty Park and Cedar River Park and between Cedar River Park and the Narco property, heritage trees, landscaping, and habitat. 4. CCTF Access and Truck Routing—chemical delivery The City's water utility operations include the delivery of water treatment chemicals by See WSDOT Move both options forward to the South Renton semi-trucks to the corrosion control and treatment facility(CCTF), the removal and CCTF Implementation Plan 15% design effort. The replacement of well pumps, mechanical equipment and chemical vessels, and the repair commitment 15% design will identify one of these options or and replacement of existing underground utilities. The City's current access to deliver letter,August a new option to be evaluated in the South Renton water treatment chemicals to the CCTF is from SR 169 via the Cedar River Park 2004. Implementation Plan NEPA document and Final entrance, through park parking along SR 169, and around the Cedar River Park ball field. Section 4(f) Determination. The recommended ramp alignment does not maintain this access. The Task Force identified two solutions for the delivery of chemicals to the CCTF: Start on/before A. Leaye the existing CCTF in its current place. Provide an alternate route for the January 2006 delivery of chemicals to the facility between NB I-405 and NB off-ramp to SR 169 (South Renton via a gated access within the Limited Access limits. The access would be between Implementation the 1-405 mainline and the new SR 169 off-ramp. This access would be designated Plan). as a Type C Special Use approach, and this access would have operational restrictions approved through WSDOT and FHWA. B. Relocate the CCTF to the west side of I405 within the vacated Houser Way alignment. A new entrance would be created from Bronson Way, and access would be restricted to"right in, right out."The new facility would be fully operational and meet all regulatory requirements prior to the removal of the existing facility. Environmental permits will take a long lead time and run risk to trigger new Department of Health drinking water treatment requirements. 5. Park Master Plan The City will be preparing a Park Master Plan for Cedar River Park,Liberty Park, and Master Plan City and WSDOT continue to work together to the Narco property <<when?>. WSDOT evaluated the City parks at a corridor level in efforts will explore new solutions as the City develops the I405 Corridor EIS and resulting Selected Alternative in the I-405 Corridor Record of begin [month] and/or contemplates changes to its parks or water Decision. The I-405 corridor-level Final Preliminary Section 4(f)determination 2005. supply facilities in the Park Master Plan. recognized the potential effects on the parks, stating park areas may be permanently The City will recognize the recommended ramp incorporated into the transportation facility. Rebuilding the SR 169 interchange is alignment and the I-405 Selected Alternative in included in the I-405 Selected Alternative; and therefore,changes to the interchange Evaluation will the Park Master Plan. need to be recognized in any future park plan for the area. WSDOT recognizes the continue to importance of parks to the City and is obligated to evaluate park impacts though the determine a WSDOT will evaluate park impacts through the NEPA and Section 4(f)decision making processes.The City and WSDOT will continue win-win South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA and to work together as a team to explore new solutions and to coordinate plans and designs solution by Section 4(f) decision making processes. WSDOT 5 for the area. January 2006. will utilize the adopted Park Master Plan and existing conditions. 6. Utilities A. Carco Road.Carco Road is a utility corridor between Cedar River Park and Liberty Evaluation will WSDOT will work closely with the City through Park. Existing utilities under Carco road include a 24-inch diameter City continue to the Utility Task Force to resolve utility issues. transmission water line, storm sewers, natural gas lines,and piping for chemicals determine a This includes development of a plan to relocate used for water treatment. Access to these utilities needs to be maintained. win-win existing City utilities that are impacted by the B. Houser Way Bridge.The City currently operates and maintains a 16-inch diameter solution by South Renton Implementation Plan project water main that is suspended under the existing Houser Way bridge: If the Houser January 2006. including the new ramp alignment on SR 169, Way bridge is replaced, then the 16-inch water line across the Cedar River would the relocation of the BNSF railroad track,the need to be replaced. relocation of the Houser Way bridge, and potential changes to Carco Road. C. Utility Access. Adequate access, including necessary vertical and horizontal A utility discipline report will be prepared for the clearance, must be maintained for maintenance,operation, and use of the City's South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA water pump stations, water treatment facilities,and related utilities. document. 7. Ramp Alignment I-405 reconstruction requires the reconstruction and realignment of the northbound I-405 Completed. The recommended ramp alignment will be to SR-169 off-ramp. The Task Force recommended a northbound I-405 to SR 169 ramp further examined in the South Renton alignment solution to the Executive/Administrators Committee as Recommendation#1. Implementation Plan NEPA document and Final The Executive/Administrators Committee approved this recommendation on July 23, Section 4(f) determination. 2004. The ramp alignment: • Avoids the footprint of the existing City well buildings(RW-1, 2 and 3.PW-8 and 9, EW-3) and the existing water treatment facilities (the corrosion control and treatment facility (CCTF) and the fluoridation facility). • Minimizes impacts to Cedar River Park and amenities.The ramp alignment requires an approximate 25-foot swath along the west side of the multi-use Cedar River Park ball field/soccer field and the Renton Community Center,placing the ramp within 65 feet of the Community Center. • Strives to maintain the existing number of parking stalls on the west side of the Renton Community Center by reconfiguring the stalls under the new ramp alignment. • Eliminates the Heritage Tree—Big Leaf Maple(Acer macrophyllum) and other landscaping. 6 8. Mainline Alignment: western City limit to SR 169 Key commitments in the I-405 Corridor ROD delineate the mainline alignment in the Completed. The recommended mainline alignment will be vicinity of the parks and water facilities—avoid Renton Hill and the City Hall.The City further examined in the South Renton and WSDOT concurred with the I405 mainline alignment from the western Renton city Implementation Plan NEPA document. limit to SR 169 (Mainline Alignment Letter of Concurrence,March 14, 2005).The selected mainline alignment establishes the I405 footprint in the vicinity of the parks and water facilities. • In the vicinity of Renton Hill, well field, and parks,the mainline will be widened to the west, including relocating the BNSF railroad and Houser Way to the west. • The I-405 mainline bridges over the Cedar River will be replaced. The Cedar River Trail pedestrian bridge is currently located underneath the I-405 bridges. Due to vertical height limitations caused by the new I-405 bridges, the existing pedestrian trail will be relocated. 9. South Renton Implementation Plan Project The Task Force work done to date has been under the umbrella of the I-405 North Start design The Wells &Parks Findings Report will be the Renton project, now known as the Renton to Bellevue project. WSDOT has moved now. basis for continued work and problem solving in project elements south of the SR 169 interchange(including work in the wells and parks the South Renton Implementation Plan project. vicinity) to the South Renton Implementation Plan project. The original North Renton WSDOT will work closely with City staff to project scope included work south of the SR 169 interchange. The improvements made Start NEPA revisit and solve the issues as the 15% design is south of the SR 169 interchange are more appropriately connected to improvements on/before developed. The 15% design will identify made through the Renton"S"curves, and they can be designed and implemented January 2006. recommended solutions to be evaluated in the independent of the Renton to Bellevue project improvements north of the SR 169 South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA interchange. Therefore, it is appropriate to move project elements south of the SR 169 document and final 4(f)determination. interchange to the South Renton Implementation Plan project, allowing WSDOT to construct improvements south of SR 169 only once—avoiding costly and disruptive WSDOT will include the Wells &Parks-related rework. North Renton scoping comments in the South Renton Implementation Plan NEPA scoping The City provided EA scoping comments (October 23, 2003 letter)for the North Renton document. project. Many of these comments addressed City concerns in the vicinity of the wells and parks. Ronald Straka -_John's Creek Outfall Concurrence Letter _ Page 1 i From: Leslie Betlach To: Keith Woolley; Nick Afzali Date: 03/10/2005 3:47:55 PM Subject: John's Creek Outfall Concurrence Letter Hi Nick and Keith, RE comments on the draft concurrence letter: I continue to have discomfort about potential future impacts to streambank erosion within the confines of the park. There is no mention of who will take responsibility and how the situation will be remedied. There also is no mention in the Concurrence Letter or Attachment about impacts to the Park and the Federal Funding that was utilized to develop the park. Also the Concurrence Letter and the Attachment refer to Agreement language. We have only discussed a Letter of Concurrent but the terminology throughout both documents utilize the word "Agreement". And finally, WSDOT had proposed "treatment" of the 1-405 runoff and it appears this has been "lost". What happened to this or did I just miss it? Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks, Leslie 6619 CC: Dennis Culp; Lys Hornsby; Peter Renner; Ronald Straka �onaId Straka Re 1-405 Nickel - Utility Conflict Identification Page 1 From: Ronald Straka To: Abdoul Gafour; Gregg Zimmerman; Lys Hornsby Date: 03/24/2005 8:14:24 AM Subject: Re: 1-405 Nickel - Utility Conflict Identification If we have to relocate utilities for the South Renton Nickel Project we should consider relocating them in a fashion that will accomodate the Ulitimate 1-405 improvement. Otherwise we could have to relocate the same Utility twice. Unfortunately, to do this it will cost more money. There is no funding budgeted for or programmed in our CIP's or rate structure for these utility relocates. It is interesting when WSDOT wants to develop solutions to solve problems and save the transportation project money, we bend over backwards and work with them to come up with solutions that save them money. When we have a problem, WSDOT just says Renton pays. What happened to the cooperation and partnership? I guess that only applies when WSDOT has a problem or needs something. I know for fact that the solution that we have worked with WSDOT on for the Johns Creek Outfall will save WSDOT $14 Million. We should should stop acting like cowards or sheep being led to slaughter. We should take the position with WSDOT that in exchange for working with the to solve a problem and reduce their costs, that some of the savings would be used to address some of the City costs (i.e. Utility relocates, downstream storm improvments). If they don't agree then we could tell them that we will not accept direct discharge to Johns Creek and they will need to provide flow control for the discharges to Johns Creek and the rest of 1-405 improvements. >>> Gregg Zimmerman 03/23/2005 5:03:21 PM >>> Thanks, Abdoul, good information. I recall that this also happened for the S Curves project, and we did make use of the 90% reimbursement allowance in the RCW, so we should go this route again. I also am not sure whether federal money is involved in this project, however, since the primary funding is the state nickle package. Federal funding has certainly been used for studies done along the corridor. I'm not sure whether we will be able to invoke the reimbursement clause. Gregg >>>Abdoul Gafour 3/23/2005 4:53:28 PM >>> Gregg/Lys: For your information only. At today's (3/23/05) first meeting for Utility Conflict Identification, Doug Mac Askill and Bruce Dibert, of WSDOT 1-405 Project Team, mentioned that as part of the widening of 1-405 under the Nickel Package, the City will have to pay for the relocation of its existing utilities (water and sewer lines), if the City's utilities are impacted by the widening project. The Nickel project will include a new 12-foot lane (up to 24-ft at Benson Rd.)widening of 1-405 from 1-5 to about the Cedar River, including the installation of retaining walls. WSDOT stated that the relocation of the utilities is required under the franchise permits or agreements that were issued to the City for the installation of the utilities. WSDOT also stated that they would like the City to relocate its utilities before they advertise for the design-build process for the 1-405 project, scheduled for 2007. 1 told Doug and Bruce that the City's Utilities Conflict Identification Task Force will not discuss the funding of the project or who is responsible to pay for the relocation of the utilities. I suggest that WSDOT project manager send a formal letter to the City's PBPW Administrator regarding WSDOT's expectations for the City to pay for the relocation of its utilities. The City's task force will work with 1-405 design team and will focus on solutions and develop design criteria for the relocation and protection of the existing utilities from the construction of the 1-405 Nickel project. I also mentioned that there is a RCW that allows the City to be reimbursed for the cost of utilities relocation if the project receives federal funding. (I did look up RCW 47.44.030, which stated that the City is entitled to a reimbursement of at least 90% of utilities relocation cost under the federal aid highway act of 1958. 1 do not know if this project has federal n-,�tr-,akk- ke­. -405 Nickel - Utility Conflict Identification a' funding. VVe may need tn check with the City Attorney to see if this would apply tous) I will have a better idea of the cost to relocate and to protect several City's water lines crossing under 1-405, once I received more information from WSDOT regarding the extent of the project footprint, the depth and location of the retaining walls and support structures. The Water Utility has not budgeted for these utilities relocation in our 2OO5-2O1OC|Pplans. Please let me know if you have any comments on this matter. Thank you. Abdou| 3/23/05'4:50 p.m. City staff present atmeeting: Abdnu| Gafour, Mike Benuit, Allen Quynn, Ray Sled, Dan Haaty, Keith VVooUey, Nick Afza|i (first 1Uminutes). CC: AUanOuynn; David Christensen; John Hasty; Keith Woolley; Michael Benoit; Nick Afza|i; RaymondS|ad� Sandra Meyer ' Ronald Straka - 1-405 City Design Team meeting with WSDOT staff for the month of May Page T From: Nick Afzali To: Abdoul Gafour; Bob Mahn; Karl Hamilton; Keith Woolley; Leslie Betlach; Leslie Lahndt; Lys Hornsby; Michael Stenhouse; Nathan Jones; Nick Afzali; Peter Renner; Raymond Sled; Ronald Straka; Shawna Mulhall; Stanley Engler Date: 05/18/2005 1:27:27 PM Subject: 1-405 City Design Team meeting with WSDOT staff for the month of May This meeting is scheduled for today May 18, at 1:30pm. Please find: 1. A draft agenda for today's meeting 2. Meeting summay for the month of April 3. Two figures: Renton Nickel/TPA projects and highlighted missing section (SB 405 between SR 167 and SR 181) 1-405 corridor schematic with Nickel plus TPA projects-covers all 30+ miles of 1-405 from 1-5 to 1-5 If you have any questions, please let me know. Regards, Nick Afzali CC: Alexander Pietsch; Colleen Gants; Constance Brundage; Crystal McMeans; Debra Mikolaizik; Dennis Culp; Douglas MacAskill; Gregg Zimmerman; Jay Covington; Jennifer Jorgenson; John Donatelli; Lee Wheeler; Margaret Pullar; Ross Fenton; Sandra Meyer; Stacy Trussler; Todd Merkens I-405 Coordination w7AP 1-405 & City Design Tearn Meeting Meeting Agenda Conference Room 511 May 18, 2005 1:30-3:00 PM �V - Legislative/Funding/TPA/Roles & Responsibilities - SCHAWB / Springbrook Trail - John's Creek Letter of Agreement - Status of Draft Letter of Agreement - Benson Overpass Comments - Renton Nickel Project Update - Context Sensitive Implementation Policy - Benson Rd overpass - Other Nickel/Transportation Partnership Components - Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach Process. - Talbot Hill Meeting (date - TBD) Upcoming Meetings �NJ 4 I io� 1. � �R / fit 3d Qs &; p a ✓ > � b, � f ✓it 3�f" a.rF i r s ��� x WEST VALLEY HIGHWAY T <` �f � `��tif � t ( aka •4' ?� '"v�' a r�0-7,5 Yi `' v k�°" aY s fE A?t ,t `' ✓' �"xw ge °yore-, �4 r k 7" � � 1 �'.mAR VALLEY HIGHWAY _��� . a � �� ,£" �v�' � ✓R Lkl. 1i� � -: h'i i t:. ,A`z �` a"f > P`, ?'.i" '; S.� ; INTERCHANGE n „ r ✓ y 2, />t' x a'wr �` , �' `;? rt '�.�> '�,� �; r .¢ a a at��ro a`IL v, t rn� %a 4 °?e, a�' �j 8 �+� � 'ri -� ���;. ✓�,,e"`fr�;mN t° �':,. s�:�. ..,. ;q i r. 4 s i' .? 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Bellevue Nickel Projects: 1-90 to SE 8th ........185 NB NE 8th to SR 520 Braided Crossing 250 NE 10th Overcrossin 67 SR 520 to SR 522 ---.-�� Kirkland Nickel Projects ................................164 NE NE IQri tW W. NE 124th to SR 522 170 NE Wh S!Roadway Improvements: NE:1sf. , NE.1h5. NE 132nd Interchange 60 Nickel 2003.2012 _--._.._ g Transporatlon SEMS` SR 522 to SR 527 Partnership Account NB 195th to SR 527(1 lane) 45 ........................................................ _�-�- Arterial Connection ., ' Interchange .Y Totals: Nickel .........$485 ParNwaY .............. Transit-HOV Improvements: 2005 Account...........................................................$972 OST Funded HOV Lane Access Point 1f1M Are.SE W Transit Station 1-405 Corridor Total State Investment $1,457 Ga Park&Ride Lots ............................... ..._,NEIOM N 9fh S. i r ) M slrs � r °tom. 515 l 167 �181 ,r�Jp SE 1MhS[_.._. j j 3 j Match for regional funding package. Washington State May 4, 2005 ww-Department of Transportation 11 ► ► • ► Meeting Type: I-405 Coordination ► Meeting Date: April20, 2005 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall ► Time: 1:30PM-3:OOPM Conference Room 511 ✓ Attendees: Lys Hornsby,Renton(Water) Jennifer Henning,Renton(Plan) John Donatelli,1-405 Keith Woolley,Renton(Transp) Jill Hall,Renton(Plan) Ross Fenton,1-405 Sandra Meyer,Renton(Transp.) V Abdoul Gafour,Renton(Water) Ron Stratka,Renton(St.Water) Peter Renner,Renton(Facilities) Leslie Betlach,Renton(Parks) Mike Stenhouse,Renton(Maint.) Karl Hamilton,Renton(Transp.Ops) Notes • Program Building o Legislative funding update o Senate-$1,360M o NB 405 between SR 167 and SR 169 o SR 515(Talbot)Interchange o SB 167 south to SW 41st o House-$165M(with Nickel 1 lane in both directions on I- 405 between I-5 and SR-169 o NB/SB 405 between I-5 and SR 181 o SB 405 between SR 181 and SR 167 o NB 405 between SR 167 and SR 169 o SB 167 between I-405 and SW 4151 o Combined House/Senate-$ Renton Nickel Updates o EA Scoping Report—sent out o EA Discipline Reports o Existing conditions complete o Impact analysis to start next week o "Footprint"snapshot to be completed on April 22(Friday) o Liquefaction o WSDOT reviewing policy on when to retrofit o Widening(***Tony?*** densify soil)vs.replacement o ***Tony plan of boring locations?*** -Geotech Investigation o Green River, SR 181, Springbrook,Oakesdale,Talbot structures) o CEVP(Cost Estimation Evaluation Process) o Nickel and New Law o Option E o Implementation Plan(Options D and C) o Master Plan Page 1 of 3 CADocuments and SettingskstrakalLocal SetdngsJennpWeeting Renton 0420-05_1.doc Notes Actions By Date o Utilities o Task force kick-off last month/2"d meeting this AM o Meet City needs for sewer/water/storm o Letter advising City of upcoming utility relocate costs o RCW 47.44.030 o On Interstate funded by federal dollars—No state gas tax o AG—RCW is unconstitutional—State Supreme Court in 1961 —state not obligated to spend gas tax dollars for a utility relocate within R/W through franchise- Wash.HW Commission vs. Pacific NW Bell Co.) o Strander RR Re-alignment—not required of Strander over the top? o Benson Road o Preliminary roadway design plans for review and comment by end of month—proposed alignment,typical section, cross-slope, sidewalk, shoulder o Future submittal to address storm drainage, illumination, etc. Wells/Parks o Concurrence letter needs work—still some issue to resolve Abdoul, Lys,and between Renton staff(Abdoul and Lys)and WSDOT(Stacy) Stacy to discuss John's Creek o Concurrence letter ready to go to Admin/Exec o David addressed maintenance costs and City concurs with this revision. Springhrook 0 4/26 BOC meeting o Tentative inclusion to May Transportation Commission Agenda o Current Progress o Conceptual Plan o Surveys o Hydraulics Analysis Renton to Bellevue Updates o EA Scoping Report—Scheduled for Oct. 2003 o Sunset/At grade Crossing o SR-169 Direct Connector—issues with limited access at Rivera John—to provide Apartments profiles showing ramp touchdown o CEVP Page 2 of 3 Mocuments and SettingshtrakalLocal SetdngslTempWeebng Renton 04.20-05 1.doc ii E E T ► ► • T E S Notes Actions By Date Public Involvement Updates o EJ Outreach o Rita had lunch with Mayor—referred her to Diane Utech o Meeting with Renton Tech College this afternoon o Renton Hill Access Workshop—March 23`d—assignments? o CSS o CSS Implementation Policy—under development(515 Technical Advisory Committee) o Urban Design Guidelines(UDG)—Under development over next several months o Maintenance—Benson Road o Sidewalks—Pedestrian sidewalks maintained by City through IC or on bridge o Illumination- o State responsible for illumination within fully access controlled areas o State may maintain when electrical service powers electrical equipment under both State and City control o City responsible when bridges over interstate— i.e. Benson Exec Admin Meeting—May 19`h These notes are an interpretation of discussions held. Please provide any additions or corrections to the originator within 5 days of the date signed;otherwise they will be assumed correct as written. No. Prepared by: Ross Fenton Date: April 20, 2005 Page 3 of 3 Mocuments and Settings4strakalocal Settingffemp\Meeting Renton 04-20-05_t.doc ��. v�� r. Corridor . . Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid Transit Projects p Nickel Plus Transportation o Partnership Account-$1 .5 B (figures in millions) Nickel Transportation 2003-2012 Partnership Account _sHoro+sNcouNry _ 2005-2017 —G coU, 1-5 to SR 169 South Renton Nickel Projects .....................$136 1-5 to SR 181 ..............................................................................$30 NE,6p/�bY, NB SR 167 to SR 169 ..................................................................20 SR 515 Interchange ...................................................................110 NF„ 5, SR 167 SB: 1-405 to SE 180th (1 lane) ........................................50 r"mu SR 169 to 1-90 NE 44th to 112th Ave .................................................................150* 112th Ave to 1-90 ..........................................................................20 1-90 to SR 520 0s5 Bellevue Nickel Projects: 1-90 to SE 8th ........185 NB NE 8th to SR 520 Braided Crossing .....................................250 NE 10th Overcrossing ..................................................................67 ® SR 520 to SR 522 Kirkland Nickel Projects ................................164 NE 124th to SR 522 170 NE em 5, Roadway Improvements: Ne em sr i NE 132nd Interchange .................................................................60 Nickel 2003-2012 Transporation ""� SR 522 to SR 527 ........................................................Partnership Account NB 195th to SR 527 (1 lane} 45 Arterial Connection 4 � Interchange / Totals: Nickel2003-2012 .......................$485 Transit•HOV Improvements: $972 2005 Account.......................................................... OST Funded HOV Lane Access Point SE Transit Station * 1-405 Corridor Total State Investment $1,457 ............................... 4� Park&Ride Lots NE 4m 1J NBNS 169 518 � 51 1ti7 181 se ream Match for regional funding package. Awl 7% Washington Stale May 4, 2005 Department of hansporlat,on Ronald Straka - 1-405 Coordination—Renton &WSDOT Teams Page 1 From: Nick Afzali To: Abdoul Gafour; Ben Wolters; Bob Mahn; David Christensen; Floyd Eldridge; Henning, Jennifer; James Gray; Karl Hamilton; Kayren Kittrick; Keith Woolley; Lawrence Rude; Leslie Lahndt; Lys Hornsby; Nathan Jones; Nick Afzali; Robert Lochmiller; Ronald Straka; Sandra Meyer; Watts, Neil Date: 02/18/2004 11:04:05 AM Subject: 1-405 Coordination — Renton &WSDOT Teams I would like to remind you of the 1-405 City Design Team meeting with WSDOT staff. This meeting is scheduled for today at 1:30pm. Please find attached: An Agenda Minutes from last month's meeting with WSDOT staff. Minutes from last month's"Pumps/Parks"task force meeting. February 3 work session with the fire and parks representatives. Please let me know if you have any questions prior to the meeting. Ragards, Nick CC: Alexander Pietsch; Clarice Martin; Constance Brundage; Craig Stone; Crystal McMeans; Dennis Culp; Gregg Zimmerman; Jay Covington; Lee Wheeler; Roland Benito; Ross Fenton; Stacy Trussler; Teresa Phelan I-405 Coordination v7AP City & WD®T Design Team Meeting Meeting Agenda Conference Room 511 February 18, 2004 1:30-3:00 PM • I-405/Talbot-Lind Interchange—Update • Renton Hill Access—Update and overview of meeting with Fire and Parks • Nickel Package Design—Benson Road Overpass Replacement • Traffic Modeling/Intersection Analysis—Prelim. City 2030 Model • Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach Process • Early Environmental Investment(EEI)— Springbrook Field Visit • Sunset/Park Interchange Concepts briefing • N. 8 h St. HOV Sound Transit briefing • Pump Station Task Force Update—overview of meeting with Utilities/Parks • Next Meetings/Potential Topics ITEETIVG VOTES ► Meeting Type: I-405 Coordination —Renton & WSDOT Teams ► Meeting Date: January 14, 2004 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall, Room 511 ► Time: I:00PM-3:30PM ► Attendees 1 ✓ Distribution: ' I Nick Afzali,Renton '/ Stacy Trussler,WSDOT ' I ' I Sandra Meyer,Renton '/ Roland Benito,WSDOT ' I Nate Jones,Renton(Transp.) ►/ Ross Fenton,1-405 ' I Bob Mahn,Renton(Transp.) 'I ' John Donatelli,1-405 Abdoul Gafour,Renton(Water) ' I Mike Stenhouse,Renton(Maint.) ' 1 Leslie Betlach,Renton(Parks) ► Larry Rude,Renton(Fire) '/ Keith Woolley,Renton(Transp.) Shawna Mulhall,Renton(Econ.) '/ Ron Straka,Renton(Surf.Water Notes Actions By Date WSDOT/Renton MOU.- • City is still collecting comments from staff on the draft MOU. Prior to These will then be submitted for approval by City management Nick meeting with before providing response to WSDOT. Greg, Craig, • N S. Meyer requested the inclusion of the W loop in the and Stacy Implementation Plan (as adopted on October 2) be verified, and the project description in the MOU be revised if needed. Ross 1 week • The function of the MOU was clarified. The purpose of this document is to establish a common understanding between the None City and WSDOT regarding roles and goals in developing thel- 405 program. Follow-up MOAs will be developed to state specific City requirements in developing the I-405 improvement project(s). • A. Gafour suggested the MOU be expanded to include specific None City interests and needs, i.e. the City's aquifer and wells. • The conclusion is to address these issues in the more formal MOA between the City and WSDOT, to be prepared at a later time after the specific City requirements are established. • Work is underway to address the aquifer/well issue, including review of City provided data, and development of a task force assigned to this task, which is scheduled to begin this week. Transportation Demand Management Strategies for 1-405 Improvements: • Nate Jones summarized TEEM program, which is being None developed in conjunction with WSDOT Urban Corridors. (Handouts included a TEEM PowerPoint slide show and a list of potential study areas.) • Six project areas were selected with two of them located in None Renton, one in the Kennydale neighborhood and one in the Green I Notes Actions By Date River employment area. • A meeting is scheduled on January 20. • Handouts Design-Build and the Environmental Process: • N. Afzali recently attended a workshop on the D/B environmental Stacy—contact 1 week process, and proposed to share info with City staff. This workshop Christina to request was the first in a series of workshops aimed at listening to and copy of slides for addressing permitting agencies' concerns with permitting DIB Nick. contracts. • A DIB class is scheduled for Wednesday, January 21, and will be None attended by two City staff representatives. This class is to present an overview of DIB contracts for transportation contracts. Results of Early Environmental Investment (EEI) • City is continuing to work with WSDOT to identify an EEI site, None with a telephone meeting scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday). • A copy of a letter between Sharon Wright (405 Team) and Ron Straka, prepared by the City, was handed out. This letter was to clarify Renton's position in response to WSDOT's initial findings regarding the Renton EEI sites. • City still needs to clarify the commitments for the City's 3.33 Ac. of mitigation, and to coordinate with drainage district. Update on Boeing Development and Land Use: • Projected growth rates for the Boeing development have been None established. These are added to the regional projections as developed by PSRC for use in projecting future traffic. • S. Mulhall handed out a copy of the Renton/Boeing Urban Center — North development Agreement along with tabulation for RTAZ 128 through 146. N. 8`"Street and Sound Transit: • Roland presented proposal for NE elHouser/Sunset connection. Roland to meet 2 weeks This proposal includes reduced width lanes (for approximately with Larry to 400' on the west end) in order to minimize impacts to adjacent discuss details of properties. L. Rude expressed concern with emergency access Sunset connection along south (pond) side of proposed improvement. A follow-up meeting was proposed to discuss design specifics with L.Rude ASAP Stacy will clarify • A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) to coordinate whether Renton utility issues for the ST N. 8`"project. City staff was not aware of staff was invited to this meeting. this meeting. • City is concerned with existing waterline being buried under A separate meeting 10'of fill at west end of Sunset connector. will be scheduled to 2 weeks IT E E T I , , • -TE S Notes Actions By Date • City indicated there might be a capacity issue with the existing discuss utilities/ waterline in this area, and it may need to be upsized prior to stormwater constructing the Sunset connector. approval with City • WSDOT advised of an existing drainage/creek near the staff Housing landing area (along the RR track). I-405/Talbot-Lind Interchange Options Pros/Cons Matrix: • As a follow-up to previous discussions regarding Talbot Nick—to set up a Last week in Interchange options, a pros/cons matrix was prepared by the I-405 meeting between I- January or team and presented to the City staff for their consideration. Dare 405 team and first week in to time constraints at this meeting, Ross suggested a follow-up interested City staff February. meeting be held with interested staff to discuss the details and to discuss Talbot scoring of these options. Options Nick—to set up a meeting to explain I-405 project basics to City staff Renton Hill Access Options Pros/Cons Matrix (This item was not discussed due to meeting time constraints): Nick—to set up a Last week in • Ross did hand out a plan of access options and a matrix meeting between I- January or comparing these options. A follow-up meeting was suggested (in 405 team and first week in conjunction with the Talbot Option meeting) to discuss these interested City staff February. options in greater detail. regarding Talbot • A meeting to discuss emergency response times is also required. and emergency response times. • City has met to discuss this issue, and has prepared a draft letter Nick—clarify presenting their position. L. Rude requested N. Afzali clarify if whether approval approval by a City official is needed prior to finalizing the letter. by a City official is needed. Nickel Package Design Impact—I-405 SB Lane between SR-169 and SR-167 (This issue was not discussed during the meeting, but was None discussed between Keith and Ross prior to the start of the meeting.) • A typical section of the SB Nickel project (adjacent to City Hall) was included at the back of the Talbot Options packet showing the relationship of the existing and proposed retaining walls • Limits of Benson Rd reconstruction are as shown on the Talbot Option plans. Keith noted that phasing of the bridge replacement at this location would require a Benson road closure, which may not be desirable. Citizen Involvement Process/Update (WSDOT) • Stacy advised City that WSDOT was planning to meet with Stacy to advise City Next week Kennydale neighborhood on January 27 (Tues.) from 7 — 8:30 of meeting agenda. ii ► ► 0 TE S Notes Actions By Date PM. • City advised I-405 team of a Renton Hill neighborhood group. Stacy - to advise Colleen (I--405 PI) Response to Data Requests: • City indicated they are keeping up with data requests. None • Ross requested mapping of High Voltage Power Lines K Woolley—to check with GIS group to see if requested info is available. The following agenda items were deferred to a later time: • Traffic Modeling/Intersection Analysis Stacy to finalize I week • Local Street Design Standards letter These notes are an interpretation of discussions held. Please provide any additions or corrections to the originator within 5 days of the date signed;otherwise they will be assumed correct as written, ► Prepared by: Ross Fenton Date: January 14, 2004 Draft Meeting Notes Water Wells/Park Issues ' Date: Jan. 16;2003 Time: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Location:. City of Renton `PROJECT: I-405 Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Projects Objective: Objective to come up with a balanced solution in the area of the water supply wells City of Renton 1-405 Team Gregg Zimmerman Stacy Trussler Abdoul Gafour Roland Benito Ray Sled Karin Fusetti Leslie Betlach Douglas Morell Sandra Meyer Bob Plum Nick Afzali Tony Stirbys Shawna Mulhall Andrea Charrier Keith Woolley DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. INTRODUCTIONS 2. OPENING STATEMENT—Gregg Zimmerman opened the meeting. He explained that it will be crucial for the I-405 team and the City of Renton to work cooperatively to come up with a balanced design approach in the vicinity of the water wells system and Cedar River Park and Liberty Park. This will be the first of many meetings. 3. TASK FORCE OBJECTIVE—To identify the issues, to identify potential solutions, and to recommend a balanced design approach in the vicinity of the water wells system and Cedar River Park and Liberty Park. 4. MEETING OBJECTIVE Identify the issues 5. CURRENT DESIGN PRESENTATION Roland provided the team with an overview of the current design. He explained that this design resulted after an analysis of widening to the west and widening to the east. He explained that the west and east alignment shifts do not resolve the water and park issues since 405 in this area is bound on either side by the parks and the water wells. The following comments were made based on the current design: • The northbound off-ramp is located over pump number 8 and would require relocating pump number 9 • The design is consistent with the City of Renton's proposed improvements to SR 169 • The BNSF trestle would be relocated to the west. The BNSF ROW is 50 feet but it may be possible to reduce the amount of ROW given the limited use of the tracks in this area—WSDOT is currently coordinating with BNSF • The improvements to Houser Way would not impact the building that houses pumps 1, 2 and 3 • A reversible ramp has been considered but would require large columns on the edge of the aquifer and would not avoid pump number 9 because of the ramp connection down to SR 169. • The traffic impacts from cul-de-sacing Houser Way will not be known until the traffic analysis is completed. • The design does not preclude the construction of direct connector ramps into the City of Renton CBD. 6.PROPOSED TASK FORCE WORK PLAN CADocuments and Seuings\rstraka\Local Settings\Temp\%vatertask force l-l6-04.doc The task force will work together to recommend a balanced approach to the project in the SR 169 vicinity. 7. ISSUES WATER ISSUES The following issues were identified: Need to evaluate the risk of spills and identify mitigation measures: • Consider contamination due to hazardous materials spills, vehicle accident, pollution, or vehicle accident damaging facilities if they were to fall off the ramp • Consider contamination to the water main(running under the design area)and footings placed near the aquifer • Consider safety measures and mitigations would need to be taken to ensure no contamination into the facilities, aquifers or pump stations • Consider WSDOT's past experience with risk and spill control in the SR 169 area • Design the ramp and freeway to trap and contain pollutants—polyethylene layer on the freeway and 10'- 12' on either side • Develop a recovery plan that will be followed in the event of a spill Need to review the commitments that have been made to the EPA as part of the Critical Aquifer Aquifer designation process and determine if the project can comply with these commitments. Need to evaluate maintenance issues and identify modifications for water facilities: • Determine existing maintenance needs. The tanks and pumps in these buildings are currently access through the roof. The City is going to set up a tour of the facilities so the I-405 team can see the constraints for themselves. Abdoul will provide pictures of what it looks like when a pump is removed and the kind of access that is required • Determine how the maintenance needs will be accommodated with the new design. Need to determine and evaluate the issues for relocating Pump Number 9 (PN9) • Evaluate the risks of moving PN9. Consider the quality and quantity of output that must be replaced. Wells have been dug near PN9 that have not had the same output. If the pump is moved and the quality of water is decreased then treatment may be required. • A replacement well will have to be of equal or greater production and quality and must be cleared through the regulatory process. The well output is currently 1250 gpm. • Determine what regulatory compliance will be required through Ecology. The I-405 Team will provide a letter to the City outlining the project design and issues. The City will consult with Ecology to determine the regulatory process. It will be important to consider the timing requirements for any permitting. Need to coordinate with the Department of Health to determine what requirements they may have Need to determine and evaluate the impact on underground utilities • The City will provide Roland with a list supplies for construction near the water facilities. • The design will use the storm and sewer types identified for use in the Aquifer Protection Zone Need to determine impacts and mitigation of dewatering on the aquifer • Consider impacts during project construction and that dewatered water in the CAA will come from the City water supply Need to determine the monitoring that would be required during construction • Consider the existing monitoring wells in place. • Consider the monitoring wells that may be impacted and relocated during construction Need to determine the monitoring that would be required during operation CADocuments and Settings\rstraka\Local Settings\Temp\watertaskforceI-I6-04.doc PARK ISSUES Need to determine and minimize the losses in park land from relocating water facilities and new ramp • Determine if"contact time" will be needed for water treatment of the relocated PN9. If so, park impacts should be minimized. There should be no underground facilities at Cedar River park, because the City plans to expand its Aquatic Facility. Need to determine and minimize the effect that the new ramps will have on the park(including noise, air quality and visual impacts) Need to address the issues identified in the City's October 27, 2003 Environmental Assessment Scoping Comments Involve the Parks Department in the evaluation of the visual, noise and air impacts and mitigations near the park Need to determine and evaluate access between the Narco property, Liberty Park, and Cedar River park. Access must be maintained. Need to determine the impact to the Heritage Tree located in the Cedar River Park. Need to determine the impact on the skate park in Liberty Park. It appears that the skate park will be impacted but it is not shown on the current aerial. Leslie will provide the I-405 team with a plan view of the skate park. ACTION ITEM LIST 1. Review commitments that have been made to the EPA as part of the CAA designation process. Doug Morrell to obtain from Caroline Boatsman. 2. Review previous commitments for spill mitigation. Doug Morrell to obtain from WSDOT 3. Review mitigation commitments for the S-curves— Doug Morrell to obtain from WSDOT 4. Tour the water facilities—Abdoul Gafour to coordinate 5. Coordinate with the Department of Health -Doug Morrell to coordinate. 6. I-405 to provide a letter to the City of Renton outlining the issues—Stacy Trussler/Roland Benito to coordinate 7. City consult with Department of Ecology—Gregg Zimmerman 8. Provide a list of supplies for construction near water facilities to Roland—Gregg Zimmerman 9. Provide pictures of pump maintenance operations to Doug Morrell—Abdoul Gafour 10. Provide a design of the skate park to Karin Fusetti/Roland Benito—Leslie Betlach NEXT MEETING Friday, February 6 at 1:00pm to 3:00 pm, City of Renton CADocuments and Settings\rstraka\Local SettingsUemp\watertask force I-16-04.doc ► Meeting Type: 1405 Renton Work Session ► Meeting Date: February 3, 2004 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall ► Time: I:00PM-4:00PM Conference Room 511 ► ' Attendees / ✓ Distribution: Nick Afzali,Renton 'I ' Stacy Trussler,WSDOT Ed Murray,1-405(environmental) Keith Woolley,Renton(Transp) 'I John Donatelli,1-405 Eric Wolin,WSDOT(environ.) ' I Larry Rude,Renton(Fire) 'I ' Ross Fenton,1405 Patty Rubstello,WSDOT(traffic) Bob Cavanaugh,Renton(Ops) 'I ' Leslie Betlach,Renton(Parks) V Dierdre Widen,1405 Ron Straka,Renton(Stormwater) ►/ Barrett Hanson,1 405 V Larry Kyle,1-405 QA/QC Notes -Actions By Date General Larry Rude suggested that we investigate the location of the heron Investigate— rookery. He also mentioned that the City had to deal with mosquito Environmental breeding when they built fire house 14. The fire station is located Team south of I-405 on Lind. Emergency Response Ross Fenton reviewed the currently proposed components of the Assess possible Nickel, Implementation and Ultimate phases of the I-405 work. In affects to the Ultimate configuration, SR 167 south of 1-405 and north of SW emergency 27u' St. will not be accessible from I-405 or Rainier Ave. This will response times— affect two of the three response routes that currently service this area. Traffic Team The possibility of constructing a slip-ramp for emergency access was Review possibility discussed as a possible solution. of adding an emergency slip ramp—Roadway Team Larry Rude reiterated that the City does not have the resources to Assess possible evaluate how the route changes associated with the 405 projects will affects to affect emergency response times. He provided his thoughts about emergency whether response times would be affected, but cannot say for sure response times— without more in-depth study. He requested assistance from the 1-405 Traffic Team team to help determine how emergency response times will be affected. The City can provide their current database to the 1-405 Team. 0---4—fa Notes Actions By Date The Benson road structure will be replaced as part of the Nickel or Assess the affects Implementation packages. Replacement of the structure may require of Benson Rd closure of Benson road for a significant period of time (approx. 12 closure on months +/-). Larry said that closure of Benson Rd would be a serious emergency impact to emergency response routing. If Benson Rd is closed, the response times— Fire department would need access to Renton Hill from the south via Traffic Team Options F (Grant Ave.)and G (Beacon Way). Fire hydrant locations will be one of the items that are addressed in an Include information MOA. The Design/Builder will be required to provide the requisite in the MOA number of fire hydrants. The I-405 Team requested guidance on the requirements for fire Review City of access around buildings. Larry Rude suggested that we review the Bellevue criteria City of Bellevue requirements. Larry Rude gave us the following information regarding access around buildings: • Fire hose must be within 150' of all areas. • Pedestrian access if building<3 stories • Vehicular access if building>3 stories Renton Hill Access Larry Rude stated that the Fire department would require both option Determine the F and option G to serve as secondary access routes to Renton Hill. required Both options would require that the roadway surface is adequate for improvements— the 40,000 lb loading of a fire truck and have electronically controlled Roadway Team gates. There is a City of Seattle water line that runs underneath the roadway Information of option G. Leslie Betlach informed the group that one of gates located along the Information route of option G is opened for school buses. This access will need to continue if the gates are converted to electronic control. The design requirements for fire truck access roads are; Information 20' minimum roadway width 15%maximum grade Keith Woolley is going to contact Cory Thomas to obtain fire truck Provide fire truck specifications. specifications to the 1-405 Team 11V��� ii ► LE I • Notes Actions By Date Two alignment alternatives were shown for Option B (Option B Information consists of an access road from the trail along the Cedar River to the top of Renton Hill). The first alternative, Option B-1, contained a `T' intersection at the bottom of the hill with a 20% grade. The second alternative, Option B-2, contained a parallel connection at the bottom of the hill with a 15% grade and does not provide direct access to/from the park. This access is not proposed as a public street, but as a gated emergency(and park pedestrian)access. Larry Rude said that the fire department would be ok with either Information alternative, as long as the design requirements are met. The Parks Dept. preferred Option B-1, as it provides access to the park in addition to providing an emergency access route. Larry requested that we offset the intersection at the top of the hill. If Revise alignment to there is an incident at the intersection, emergency equipment would offset intersection— not be able to reach the scene. Roadway Team Keith Woolley asked if this route could serve as residential access to Investigate— the hill during construction. Roadway Team The design team will prepare an exhibit of option 13-1, revised to meet Prepare Exhibits— the fire departments design requirements. The exhibit will use an Roadway Team aerial photo as a base, and will include grading limits. City to provide Roadway Team with a conceptual layout of the proposed sports field developed for an earlier study. The current Implementation plan maintains access to Renton Hill via Analyze the traffic Renton Ave S. Access from Cedar Ave S structure would be operation of Renton eliminated. Hill with one The City raised concerns about the adequacy of one access to the access via Renton Renton Hill neighborhood and indicated that the community may not Ave S. —Traffic support such a proposal. They requested traffic analysis of the Team proposed configuration. Talbot Options Interchange alternatives for Talbot were discussed. The I-405 Team Analyze traffic Notes Actions By Date presented eight alternatives. A few of the options require all of the operations of the traffic to go through an intersection at Talbot. The City was Talbot interchange concerned that this was recreating the existing situation and would alternatives not provide the benefits originally anticipated with the CD system. They requested traffic analysis that showed how the various interchange options would operate. Fire department needs 360-degree access around office buildings, but Obtain Bellevue doesn't have any specific requirements. Need to check into Bellevue and Seattle fire and Seattle requirements for guidance. Renton is anticipating access converting to the International Fire Code prior to construction of this requirements project. Bob Cavanaugh expressed concern about adding traffic signals on Information Talbot. Several interchange options would require the closure of S Renton Discuss with Village Place and the rerouting of traffic through the office park. The Renton Economic City thought that this could be overcome and may actually improve Development the traffic flow within the office park. The I-405 Team will need to meet with the City's Economic Schedule meeting Development office to help them assess impacts to the office park and with the City of other properties along the corridor. Renton's Economic Development office The City has a plan for an `auto mall' area. Nick and Keith are going Review City's plan to obtain the most current version of this plan and provide it to the I- of the Auto Mall 405 Team. Several interchange options would require a cul-de-sac on S 15`h Assess options for Street. It may be possible to maintain emergency access via a gated maintaining access road at the end of the cul-de-sac. emergency access to S 151h St. The widening of 405 could impact the existing location of S 141h St. Assess options If S 141h St. is eliminated all of the streets that it currently connects, Shattuck Ave S, Whitworth Ave S, Morris Ave S and Smithers Ave S, would require a cul-de-sac. Larry Rude gave us the following information regarding dead-end streets: • If the length is> 300' a turnaround is required, and • If the length is> 500' sprinklers are required, and • If the length is> 700' a secondary means of egress is required An alternative solution would be to relocate S 14`h St. ' I 1 , • T -E S Notes Actions By Date Utilities Ron Straka informed us of major drainage crossings and systems in Provide the area of Talbot and S. Renton Village Place. He indicated that all information to the of the existing drainage may need to be upgraded or replaced as part Drainage Team of the I-405 project. These notes are an interpretation of discussions held. Please provide any additions or corrections to the originator within 5 days of the date signed;otherwise they will be assumed correct as written. ► Prepared by: John Donatelli Date: February 5,2004 ' s 'a . I-405 Coordination City & WDOT Design Team Meeting Meeting Agenda Conference Room 511 November 17, 2004 1:30-3:00 PM • Liberty/Cedar River Park Complex o CCTF Relocation Site Review o Existing Facility—New Ramp Geometry o Carco Underpass • Renton Hill Access o Update/Next Steps o Questions to the City • Early Environmental Investment(EEI)—Springbrook o Letter of Principles • Benson Road o Nickel Project Replacement o Questions to the City o Next Steps • Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach o E. Valley Office Center/Larkspur Hotel o Renton Place/Talbot Hill • Upcoming Meetings o (Back Page) November 17 W Wells/Parks task force 16 Th I-405 Executive Committee 24 W Wells/Parks task force December 2 Th Traffic Analysis and Emergency Response task forces 6 M Exec. Administrative Committee 8 W Wells/Parks task force 8 W City Design Team meeting 15 W Wells/Parks task force 15 W City/WSDOT monthly coordination meeting 15 W Permitting task force meeting 15 W Mayor's Briefing (prior to COW briefing) 20 M WSDOT briefing to Council of the Whole January 5 W 1-405 Steering Committee (?) 13 Th City/WSDOT Administrators/Executive Meeting 27 Th Traffic Analysis and Emergency Response task forces 27 Th S. Renton EA Scoping Meeting (Renton City Hall Council Chambers) ii ► G ► • ► Meeting Type: 1-405 Coordination ► Meeting Date: October 20, 2004 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall ► Time: 1:30PM-3:OOPM Conference Room 511 ✓Attendees: Nick Afzali,Renton WO Shawna Mulhall,Renton(Econ) Greg Pierson,HDR Keith Woolley,Renton(Transp) Lys Hornsby,Renton(Water) Linda Osborn,Osborn Assoc. Bob Mahn,Renton(Transp.) Abdoul Gafour,Renton(Water) Stacy Trussler,WSDOT Sandra Meyer,Renton(Transp.) VO Stan Engler,Renton(Fire Mar.) John Donatelli,1405 VO Peter Renner,Renton(Facilities) VO Leslie Betlach,Renton(Parks) Ross Fenton,1-405 VO Karl Hamilton,Renton(Transp.Ops) Ron Straka,Renton(Surf.Water) Notes • Wells Park Task Force Update CCTF Relocation o Twelve potential sites for relocating the CCTF were identified by Task Force to Task Force. Three of sites were identified to have the most promise evaluate four options and will be evaluated further. to identify a preferred o Site 1 —Directly adjacent to existing location in Cedar River option Park. o Site 3—East side of Houser Way adjacent to railroad tracks. o Site 4—West Side of Houser Way adjacent to Liberty Park. o Abdoul noted that these three options were not identified through a formal evaluation and ranking screening process. The design team determined that it was okay to evaluate the three based on the consensus of the Task Force that these three options were the best of the options identified.If an acceptable option is not found after analysis of the three is complete,the nine screened options will be revisited to see if one of them will provide an acceptable solution. o John suggested a fourth option be considered—leave the CCTF at its existing location. This option was originally rejected,however, traffic lane storage length requirements,based on recently completed traffic analysis,are less than was initially expected. Reductions in the ramp lane geometrics may provide enough room for the CCTF to remain at its existing location.Other design issues still need to be addressed before a determination that this is a viable solution can be made. Cargo Drive (park access under RR between Houser and Cedar Park) Task Force to 10126 Widening of 1-405 for capacity improvements requires reconstruction of provide update for both Houser and the BNSF railroad. This work includes reconstructing the Nov. I Exec/Admin Houser bridge structure over the Cedar River with a 3-ft. freeboard over the meeting 100-year water level. A recent hydraulic study shows that the 100-year water level has risen 2.64' from its'previous elevation. To meet these conditions,Houser needs to be raised and shifted horizontally approx. 56-ft. D......9..[G 'I , , • ActionsNotes Date Cargo Road also needs adjusting to match the reconstructed Houser. Discussions included the following: o With reconstruction Houser is closer to Wells Building and is approx. 5-ft. lower at the Wells Building loading dock and 6.5 to 7 ft lower adjacent to the skate park. This would require a retaining wall approximately 10-ft tall at the edge of the skate park. o Access to Wells Build loading dock must be maintained,and relocating the loading dock could be problematic. o A secondary access into Cedar Park is required. It provides a convenient access to the park from the"central"area of Renton and an alternative to the main SR-169 entry. It also serves as an emergency access to Cargo Theater and other park facilities and provides a pedestrian link between Cedar River and Liberty parks. A minimum vertical clearance of 10'-6"is required for emergency response apparatus. o An issue was raised regarding potential flooding of the library if the bridge is raised.The 100-year water level is not expected to rise just because the bridge is removed,so this is not expected to be an issue. o Parks indicated park facilities are being impacted and mitigation/replacement is desired. Option identified for Cargo Road include the following: o A bridge from Narco Park(west side of Cedar River)to Cedar Design team to River park underneath 1-405 develop concepts for o Bridge from Narco Park to Stoneway property(south of park and alternate access. Cargo Theater)—If this option is selected,parks is requesting conversion of Stoneway property to park facilities to compensate for impacts to park property on both sides of the Cedar River. [Note: Stoneway is privately owned 25-acre site. Not all of this site is developable.Narco Park was developed using federal, local and state funds.] o Connection between Houser and Cedar River Park under railroad and 1-405 near existing CCTF. o Maintain existing crossing at"Cargo"road o Connect Bronson through park under 1405(north of existing crossing) o Connect old City Hall over Cedar River through park under I405_ Renton Hill Access Emergency Response Task Force Update o Memo prepared by Stan identifies a need for a secondary emergency access route to Renton Hill through Narco Park. o Emergency response using single access on north side of Renton Hill(Main Avenue to Renton Avenue)is not significantly different than current Renton Hill accesses. o Emergency response using secondary access(if primary access is not available)with current configuration is approx.4 minutes. o Emergency response using secondary response with future configuration from south side of hill(Grant)is estimated at 6:30 minutes,from Narco Park access is estimated at 4:15 11 , V-OTES Notes • minutes. o If Narco Park access road is constructed it will be for emergency,not general public,access only. o If Narco Park access is constructed(for emergency only)road constructed,it will impact park. Next Thursday's Emergency Response Task Force meeting will be used to address 1)4(f) issues—only prudent and feasible options and 2)how to best fit this into the park to reduce impacts. Talbot-Lind Interchange Prepare memo for 10126 I-405 team and City staff met several times over the last two weeks to Nov. 1 Exec/Admin discuss issues/concerns with proposed Lind/Talbot interchange. meeting recommending 1-way o Traffic modeling was adjusted so I405 and City's showed frontage road couplet compatible results(I405 shifted local traffic from Grady to without bypasses proposed frontage road system,and increased traffic exiting SB405 to Talbot. With these adjustments the traffic analysis shows both. the Lind and Talbot interchanges operate at a good level of service without frontage road bypasses at Lind or Talbot. o Renton staff expressed some reservations with the close spacing of the four Lind intersections(Grady,SB ramps,NB ramps,and 16d'), but accepted the traffic analysis results and"no bypass"interchange configurations for both Lind and Talbot. o Options available if for some reason the closely spaced intersections on Lind don't work include: o Channelization improvements, i.e. increased storage areas,add turning lanes,etc. o Street network improvements, i.e. Strander Blvd. o Interchange geometric improvements,i.e.,reconstruct 16`h to south to increase intersection spacing Early Environmental Investment(EEI)—Springbrook Site I405 and Renton staff met with Banking Oversight Committee(BOC)to present proposal for banking site at Springbrook. o Present prospectus proposed 80+/-wetland mitigation credits. BOC indicated they thought less than 80 credits would be generated, though they need more data before a determination of credits would be made. o BOC requested the following additional data o wetland delineation—405 team began delineation work this week with survey crew to follow next week o Washington Functional Assessment Model(FaFAM)to analyze before and after conditions—405 team preparing analysis o Hydrologic data o WSDOT is making investment(estimated at$100k)to prepare for Ron Straka/Sharon presentation to BOC and to generate additional data requested by Wright to prepare 10126 BOC. To protect WSDOT's risk,a"Letter of Principal"is needed outline of letter of to address the WSDOT/Renton's shared commitment. Principal for Nov. 1 ii ► I I I• Notes Actions By Date o Issues that will need to be addressed in the development of the Exec/Admin meeting. Springbrook site include the following: o Distribution of credits o Contributions of parties o Monitoring o Maintenance o Letter of Principal(LoP)will not address all of the above,since feedback from BOC is required to determine direction of Ross/Sharon to Springbrook project. LoP will addressed shared commitment provide City an including the following: estimate of the Nickel 10124 o Renton/WSDOT agree to work together in development of impacts/mitigation Springbrook site o Contributions of parties (Renton:property;WSDOT: design/construction) o If banking site is not feasible,provisions for assisting WSDOT with mitigating Nickel project impacts—though 1-405 team needs to quantify these impacts as best they can so the City understands the magnitude of the mitigation requirements. Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach E.Valley Office Center/Larkspur Hotel o Meeting with property managers scheduled for Oct.25. o Two options: o If SR-167 improvements avoid Panther Creek wetlands,hotel parking will be significantly impacted. One hotel will need to be acquired to replace lost parking of second hotel. o If SR-167 improvements avoid hotel parking(with some impacts to parking strip),Panther Creek impacts will be increased. o Actual resolution will be addressed in environmental process when project funding is identified. Benson Road City staff to provide 1-405 design team is proposing to close Benson Road during reconstruction comments on draft of Benson structure(Nickel project). A draft design decision memo was memo. distributed to the City staff for comments. N 8`h Direct Access Update Project briefing held last Friday,October 15,with ST/City/WSDOT in attendance. Discussions included: o If N 8 h D.A.constructed without I405 improvements,estimated project costs are approx. $433M(limits of construction would extend to Cedar River) o If I-405 Improvements are constructed without provisions for N. 8t' D.A.,estimated project costs are approx.$355M. o Cost of doing N. 8 h assumed to be the difference between these two estimates, or$78M. $78M consists of$60M for hard quantities IT E E T I ► ► 0 T E S--,j Notes Actions By Date (earthwork,structures,pavement,etc.with CEVP risk factor included)and$18M for accommodations(lowering and splitting mainline alignment to create space for the direct access). ST's share is identified as$60M,cost of D.A.without accommodations. Stan expressed concern with emergency response access issues at Sunset if I- 405 improvements are made without N 8`s D.A. Upcoming Exec/Admin Meeting Prepare pre-meeting 10/26 Potential topics for Exec/Admin meeting include: packet for Exec/Admin meeting o Recommendation for Lind/Talbot interchange with one-way frontage road system without bypasses. o Review decision on I405"least impacts"alignment for section between SR-167 and Talbot—impacts to Talbot homes rather than impacts to Renton Place business properties. o Outline of Springbrook letter of principal o Identify proposal to close Benson Road o Discussion of freeway access,North Renton vs.Bellevue Other Issues City has requested Craig Stone provide an 1405 update to the Renton Council of the Whole on either Nov. 1 or Nov.22. Mayor will be meeting with Sound Transit staff for ST Phase 2 update. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for the 3`d Wednesday in November. These notes are an interpretation of discussions held. Please provide any additions or corrections to the originator within 5 days of the date signed;otherwise they will be assumed correct as written. ► Prepared by. Ross Fenton Date: October 20, 2004 E , 0 R I-405 Coordination Citv Design "ream Meeting Meeting Agenda Conference Room 511 April 13, 2005 1:30-3:00 PM — Ai&,X T 13cvc rl+rcl `/Iz clgy- 1. Task Force Updates: (ell ;C a. Environmental Task Force 15 in SCHAWB/ Springbrook Trail- '�---7 "`4 P`S` John's Creek Letter of Agreement - " b. Pumps/Parks Task Force 15 in - Status of Draft Letter of Agreement. c. Nickel Project - Result of Utility Locate Request 10 m - Right of Way Use Permit - BNSF/UP Bridge Liquefaction - Cost Estimation Validation Process - Renton Nickel Scoping Report d. Traffic Analysis Task Force 5 in - Sensitivity Analysis (Boeing/ S. Lake Washington) - BRT Advance Coordination with Lakeshore Landing e. Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS, Design Aesthetics) 15 in - Report on its Culmination - Benson Rd overpass f. Economic Development Task Force - Longacres Limited Liability Partnership 15 m - Renton Village update - Eastbound SR 169 east of Cedar River Park 2. Legislative/Funding Update 5 in 3. Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach Process. 5 in a. Renton Hill Meeting(Mar 23rd) 4. Potential topics for next week's (Apr 20d') WSDOT/Renton coordination Mtg 5 in 5. Upcoming Meetings c , 11 , , • -T-E --S ► Meeting Type: City Design Team Monthly Meeting ► Meeting Date: March 9, 2005 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall, Room 511 ► Time: 1:30-3:OOPM ► Attendees: Ron Straka, Utilities Ray Sled,Maintenance Michael Stenhouse,Maint. Sandra Meyer, Transp Karl Hamilton, Transp Keith Woolley, Transp. Abdoul Gafour, Utilities Shawna Mulhall,EDNSP Nick Afzali, Transp. Peter Renner,Facilities Dan Hasty, Transp. Notes • Date This is the monthly I-405 City Design Team coordination meeting. This meeting takes place one week prior to the monthly coordination meeting with WSDOT. Environmental Task Force: Springbrook Creek Habitat and Wetland Bank (SCHAWB) Update —The letter of principle is at the Mayor's office to be signed Ron this morning had a conference call with the WSDOT team members. The BOC is now indicating approximately 46-50 credits. The team's goal had been 70. The BOC is requiring a 40' buffer. Ron noted that the City's standard for class II wetlands is a 50' buffer. WSDOT staff wants to recommend to their administration to move forward with the bank, even though its cost may be twice as much as other wetland bank sites in the Northwest Region. WSDOT, even though they support the trail, also has concerns with the potential reduction in credits caused by the trail. Ron felt that perhaps the reduction in credits caused by the trail should be deducted from the City's credits. Ron was unsure if the trail requires a buffer or could be allowed in the buffer. Sandra noted that there may commitments to Sound Transit to provide bus queue Transport jumps on SW 27 IhStreet at Lind and Oakesdale. Any known widening needs to ation to be accounted for. Ron and Nick previously discussed future plans for Lind and review Oakesdale and felt any future improvements could be accommodated in the row's on existing right-of-way. Lind and Staff discussed the potential of routing the trail around the wetland and in the Oakesdale buffer, in order to preserve credits needed to make the wetland viable. Dan noted that both sidewalk and trial would not be needed adjacent to an arterial. Ron reported that WSDOT's schedule requires a decision by the end of the month. This bank site has "jumped to the front of the line" at the BOC review level because of its ties to WSDOT and transportation improvements. Ron felt that without WSDOT,this bank site would never happen. 1 H•\File Svc\SWP-Siirfar-.Watar Pmiartc\CWP 77-Trancnnratinn Pmip..rtC ITIPW-40S r.nrfldnr Stiirlvlr.ity f)acinn Taam\Mtn Ananria A Miniitac\r:nT n.1-nQ- ii731r, rev. I[Ol Notes Actions By Date John's Creek Update — Ron would like to sit down with Gregg and go over the draft concurrence letter proposed by WSDOT. The proposal allows WSDOT to direct discharge into John's Creek, eliminating the need for detention, a savings of possibly$14 M. This topic will be presented March 171h as a briefing only. Ron felt that the proposal has nominal impacts to the City's stormwater system. It also has the nominal benefit of freeing up capacity in the Garden Ave stormwater system. Ron wants to clarify in the letter if they will be treating just the new or the new and existing. The proposed treatment is ecology embankment. Pumps/Parks Task Force: Abdoul provided a summary of water utility's response to the proposed letter of concurrence. Abdoul felt there are too many unresolved issues to sign any concurrence. The footprint of the proposed off-ramp (N13 I-405 to SR 169) looks good because it avoids the well and treatment buildings. However, the footprint places it over a number of utilities directly related to these buildings. Abdoul felt the design team should identify how to address all of these utilities before signing concurrence. Relocation of these utilities may directly impact Parks. Abdoul recommended a utilidor. Abdoul also noted that the maintenance routes, including the loss of the Carco route, have not been resolved. Abdoul noted that the roof of the CTFF building has to be set down somewhere before the tanks can be removed. Keith Again, Abdoul felt that additional meetings need to occur before concurrence can schedule be provided. Staff discussed an alternate approach to have all the issues noted as an caveats in the concurrence letter. Water, Parks and Facilities must all agree additional before concurrence can be provided. task force Keith will try to schedule another meeting with WSDOT prior to next meeting. Wednesday. Context Sensitive Solutions: Gregg wants to focus on CSS as it relates to and is included as part of the Nickel project. WSDOT will brief city staff at 1:OOpm next Wednesday on CSS. Traffic Analysis Task Force: The two letters of concurrence have been signed by the mayor. The traffic data on the mayor's suggested roadway connection from Renton Hill to SR 169 will be presented at the March 171h Admin/Exec meeting. Economic Development Task Force: This month's meeting was cancelled. The Port Quendall access study was advertised on 2/28. The HUD$250K will be on the March 171h agenda. 2 HARIP.CvcICWP-Siirfarp Watar PmiartclCWP 97-Transnnmtinn Prniartc ITIPW-4nr,I:nrririnr Shvivkrity nasinn TaamlMtn Ananria R Mimitacll:nT(l�-nq- 1T , , • T E S Notes Actions By Date Regional transportation funding seems to now be focusing on safety projects— SR 520, Alaskan Way Viaduct,I-5 in downtown Seattle. The current federal transportation bill is at $280B but the Bush administration has indicated this is too big for a"non-defensive discretionary fund". Citizen Involvement / Public Outreach Process: A meeting with the Renton Hill neighborhood is scheduled for March 23rd In a meeting with the Mayor, she indicated that WSDOT is to work with both Renton Hill neighborhood groups, even though Ruthie Larson resigned as president from one of them. ► Prepared by: Keith R. Woolley Date: March 10,2005. 3 HARIn RWIRWP-CiirfarP.Watar PrniarfalSWP 77-Trancnnratinn Prniartc ITIPl11-4nS(.r)nirinr Cti,Hv\nity flaginn TaamIMM Ananda A Miniifa.q\r.nT 01-(14- t I-405 Coordination City Design Team Meeting Meeting Agenda Conference Room 511 March 9, 2005 1:30-3:00 PM 1. Task Force Updates: a. Environmental Task Force 15 m - SCHAWB/ Springbrook Trail - John's Creek Letter of Agreement b. Pumps/Parks Task Force Water Utilities comments 15 m Draft Letter of Agreement proposed by WSDOT c. Nickel Project Update 10 m d. Traffic Analysis Task Force -Benson Road"Detour", Operational Analysis 15 m -Renton Hill to SR 169 Road Analysis e. Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS, Design Aesthetics) 5 m -Report f. Economic Development Task Force 10 m -Report 2. Citizen Involvement/Public Outreach Process. 10 m a. Renton Hill Meeting(Mar 23rd) 3. Potential topics for next week's (Mar 16t') WSDOT/Renton coordination Mtg The meeting would start at 1:00 PM to be briefed on CSS 5 m 4. Upcoming Meetings Sm a. March I7 h Exec/Administrators Mtg No. Meeting Type: City Design Team Monthly Meeting ► Meeting Date: February 9, 2005 ► Meeting Place: Renton City Hall, Room 511 ► Time: 1:30-3:OOPM ► I Attendees: Stan Engler,Fire Lys Hornsby,Utilities Michael Stenhouse,Maint, Sandra Meyer, Transp Karl Hamilton, Transp Keith Woolley, Transp. Leslie Betlach,Parks Shawna Mulhall,EDNSP Nick Afzali, Transp. Katie McClincy,Police Dan Hasty, Transp. Bob Mahn, Transp Ron Straka,Utilities Abdoul Gafour,Utilities Ben Wolters,EDNSP Notes • This is the monthly I-405 City Design Team coordination meeting. This meeting takes place one week prior to the monthly coordination meeting with WSDOT. Nickel Project Mitigation Task Force: Dan Hasty gave an update on the compilation of City comments into a letter for Gregg to sign. The agency scoping meeting was held on 1/25. A task force meeting attended by WSDOT(Doug and Allison)was held on 1/31. Comments are due by tomorrow, 2/10. Ron asked if there was a required comment period and should the City request an extension. Utility comments(or verification)due on 2/18. Emergency Response Task Force: Stan reported that he has completed a call analysis on the Benson overpass potential closure. The analysis looked at installation of opticom gates on Beacon and Grant, and temporary positioning of an aid car south of the overpass. No new equipment was required. Response times did not consider additional traffic on the"detour route". Environmental Task Force: Springbrook Creek Habitat and Wetland Bank(SCHAWB)Update—The letter of principle will be referred to committee on the 17`h. The latest SCHAWB design includes the Parks' design for the trail. Ron showed a color graphic prepared by the Parks' Dept. Regarding the trail, WSDOT was concerned with the cost of the trail and loss of bank credits. However,the trail is part of the City's adopted Plan. Shawna explained that the HUD $300K was only available as part of the Master Plan. The SCHAWB is scheduled for construction in 2006. Ron suggested the City attempt to bring money forward for the trail, as a show of partnering with WSDOT. Leslie reported that trex material will probably be preferred over chemical treated wood. The Bank Oversight Committee meeting is in Lacey on Tuesday. Pumps/Parks Task Force: Abdoul clarified the limits of the Nickel Project, in that physical improvements will begin south of the Cedar Ave overpass, so therefore no work should impact the aquifer protection zone. However, Abdoul noted that there may be underground work in the recharge area. Abdoul also expressed concern regarding old City utilities infrastructure that 1 Notes Actions By Date could be damaged/break during the Nickel Project construction project. Traffic Analysis Task Force: The letters of concurrence will be referred to committee on the 17th Keith reported on the Benson Road potential "detour" operational analysis. WSDOT and City analysis shows that if the overpass was closed, the "detour route" could not handle all of the Benson Road traffic, even with improvements made to the detour route. In the A.M. peak hour, Talbot/Puget would be level of service F and could only accommodate roughly 70% of the overpass traffic. In the P.M. peak hour, Talbot/Grady would be level of service F and could only accommodate roughly 40%of the overpass traffic. Mike St. noted that building an adjacent bridge would result in lots of fill, which translates into lots of trucks hauling dirt on Benson Road. Mike also noted the potential for noise issues. Even building a bridge adjacent would result in construction impacts/closures to traffic. A "findings" report will be prepared by the task force. Keith presented traffic data on the mayor's suggested roadway connection from Renton Hill to SR 169. The data showed a high volume of traffic using this connection as a cut-through from Grady to SR 169. The data is also being reviewed by WSDOT. The data will be presented at the Feb 18'h Admin/Exec meeting. Shawna reported on the "Sensitivity Analysis" regarding the traffic generated by the Boeing South Lake Washington redevelopment. The WSDOT and Boeing EIS numbers are consistent, and proposed improvements by both studies are similar. WSDOT 1-405 proposes slightly more lane capacity than the Boeing EIS, therefore everything appears to pan out and work. WSDOT has recently refined the design of the North Renton interchanges, showing detailed channelization. Context Sensitive Solutions: No Report. Economic Development Task Force: Report on Sensitivity Analysis(see above) Potential RTID Packages: Shawna reported that the funding scenarios being examined are continuously evolving. Focus lately is on N. Renton between SR 169 and Park Avenue. Improvements may be more like an extension of the South Renton Nickel Project. Discussions are on-going regarding the inclusion of the N 8'h Direct Access interchange. Citizen Involvement/ Public Outreach Process: A meeting with the Renton Hill neighborhood is scheduled for March 23`d. The meeting will not be run by WSDOT staff,but by their public outreach consultant. Potential Topics for upcoming Renton/WSDOT Coordination Mtg: Approaching the Mayor with the Renton Hill to SR 169 connection. Benson Overpass — all factors to consider. John's Creek study/agreement. Feb 18d'Exec/Admin Mtg 2 ► Prepared by: Keith R. Woolley Date: February 11,2005. 3 March 7, 2005 Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Director City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Zimmerman: Re: Concurrence Letter Springbrook Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank Bank Credit Partnership The City of Renton(City) and Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) are currently working together to develop the Springbrook Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank (Bank). As we move forward in this process, I would like to clarify our commitments in this commitment letter. Full Vision The vision that the City and WSDOT have developed includes the development of 130 acres of Renton-owned property as a wetland and habitat mitigation bank. The concept for the proposed bank includes creation,restoration, and enhancement of wetland area, riparian corridors, upland habitat, and wildlife habitat and corridors. The proposed bank also accounts for future City infrastructure needs, like roads and utilities. WSDOT will work with the City of Renton Parks Division to incorporate a planned Springbrook Trail connection into the full vision concept. We recognize that trail improvements,while very desirable, may reduce wetland mitigation area and increase construction cost. We will need to carefully consider the trade-offs inherent in developing a trail versus maximizing wetland credits. The City and WSDOT are working with the Bank Oversight Committee (BOC)to determine the value of the Bank as measured in mitigation credits. The BOC has requested pre-design work on the site before making their credit determination. This work includes hydrologic analysis, ground survey, and environmental function analysis. WSDOT has started this work to move the Bank proposal forward in a fast-track manner. The proposed Bank provides opportunities for the City to mitigate for City and development projects and WSDOT to invest in mitigation for needed regional transportation projects. The City and WSDOT expect that the entire 130 acre site will provide at least 70 credits—adequate to meet both parties' needs. The City has determined that they require a minimum of 25 credits to make the Bank viable. WSDOT has determined that they require a minimum of 35 credits to make the Bank viable. The City and WSDOT propose to split the available mitigation credits on a fifty-fifty basis. City of Renton Page 2 February 1, 2005 Scaled-Back Strategy In the event that the BOC does not allow sufficient credits to make the Bank viable and justify the expenditure of public funds, WSDOT and the City agree to work toward solutions that will retain the investments made by both parties. One solution is to construct a smaller scale project on a portion of the property that would yield enough mitigation credits with a reasonable expenditure of funds. Given that WSDOT expects the smaller scale project to provide mitigation credits for the "nickel package",the goal of the smaller scale project would be to construct a bank or advanced mitigation that would provide approximately 20 credits. The City and WSDOT would share equally in the mitigation credits provided by the smaller scale project. Concurrence I am anticipating a project that will set a high standard of cooperation between the City and WSDOT. I ask, by signing below,that the City and WSDOT concur with the Credit Bank Partnership. Sincerely, Craig J. Stone, PE Urban Projects Director City of Renton Concurrence: Kathy Keolker- Wheeler Date Mayor, City of Renton cc: Administrators Executive Committee members City Design Team members CJS:sct ' Corridor • • Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid Transit Projects 600— 108th Avenue NE, Suite 405 Bellevue,WA 98004 Main 425-456-8500 Fax 425-456-8600 March 17, 2005 Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Director City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: Concurrence Letter- Johns Creek Outfall Dear Mr. Zimmerman: This letter documents that the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) concur with the 15%design for the Johns Creek Outfall. Johns Creek Background The City of Renton and WSDOT have jointly investigated a non-traditional proposal to provide water quality treatment and stormwater controls for runoff from 7.3 acres of new impervious area which would be added to I-405 in the Johns Creek watershed. The Johns Creek watershed is 1082 acres which is largely composed of residential (868 acres) or commercial (215 acres) land uses. 1-405, including the new impervious area, occupies 65 acres within the Johns Creek Watershed. The increased impervious area from expansion of I-405 would increase impervious area within the basin by less than 1%. All water within the basin currently drains to Johns Creek, and this water is currently discharged near the entrance to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Under existing conditions, runoff from this part of 1-405 is combined with runoff from the upper Johns Creek watershed(City of Renton, residential area), and then discharged to the City of Renton drainage system located in the lower basin. The City system routes the untreated runoff westerly to where it joins the Park Street drainage system. The Park Street system then conveys the water north to where it discharges to a series of intermittent stream and culvert conveyances on Johns Creek beginning approximately 200 yards upstream of the entrance road to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. TWOW�eP Ingto t state rdnen of Transportation Gregg Zimmerman March 17, 2005 Page 2 A traditional stormwater response for this watershed would construct a series of stormwater vaults within the existing Right of Way(ROW)to provide both water quality treatment and flow control, as required by the WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual. The City of Renton and WSDOT held a series of discussions in 2004 and early 2005 to develop a more efficient and cost-effective solution to managing stormwater within the Johns Creek basin. 15% Design Development The City of Renton and the I-405 team held a series of discussions to develop the proposed Johns Creek Outfall as the stormwater component of the North 8 h Street HOV Direct Access Project. This design concept was investigated sufficient to allow preparation of a 15% design package. The design addresses a series of potential concerns and opportunities that were identified through the discussions. Protection of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park facilities and plant materials was identified as a major concern which triggered additional study, consideration of several discharge locations, and careful routing of the discharge pipe to minimize disturbance to Park facilities. Minimizing disruption to Park operations and the Parks users was also a major concern and resulted in limitations on construction timing and activities. Sizing the new stormwater facilities to handle anticipated future flows from both I-405 and from residential areas in the upper watershed was also addressed during preliminary design. Finally,minimizing impacts to the backwater channel of Johns Creek was also a major concern which triggered studies of the projected changes to water surface elevation and stream flow velocities. Preliminary design discussions identified the opportunity to forgo stormwater detention for this project. The purpose of stormwater detention is to provide protection to downstream areas from erosion and flooding problems associated with increased flows as a result of a project. Studies as part of preliminary design established that detention would not provide any meaningful additional protection to downstream areas, and detention would not serve a useful purpose for this project. The bulk of the downstream conveyance for this project will be drainage pipes specifically sized and constructed to hold both current and anticipate future flows. This piped system has been sized specifically for the projected future flows andwill not be affected by either erosion or flooding issues. A short section of Johns Creek within Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park could potentially be affected and was investigated during preliminary design. Studies established that this is a backwater channel of Lake Washington, and the channel is sufficiently large that neither water elevation nor flow rate will be noticeably changed by the project's peak discharges. To address concerns identified during the preliminary design process, a series of conditions were developed which state the specific concerns and how they will be addressed during final design and construction. A full listing of the conditions which will guide final design and construction is attached(Johns Creek Agreement Outline) .ft Washington State Page 2 AV Denartment of Transoortation Gregg Zimmerman March 17, 2005 Page 3 Final Design Development The City of Renton and WSDOT anticipate continuation of the cooperative design process during the development of Final Design for this project. Development of the final design will be guided by the conditions established during the preliminary design process and described in the attached Johns Creek Agreement Outline. Funding for the final design and construction of the North Renton Congestion Relief and Bus Rapid Transit Project is dependent on future funding actions, such as legislative action by the State of Washington or a Regional Transportation Investment Disctrict(RTID)public vote. Concurrence I am anticipating a project that will set a high standard of cooperation between the City of Renton and WSDOT. I ask, by signing below,that the City and WSDOT concur with the 15%design for the Johns Creek Outfall. This 15%design will be examined by the project's NEPA document which is currently in preparation. The City and WSDOT commit to work together, guided by the conditions in the attached Johns Creek Agreement Outline, to develop the final design, obtain necessary approvals, and prepare associated permits once funding becomes available. Craig J. Stone, PE Urban Projects Director City of Renton Concurrence: Date Gregg Zimmerman, PE Administrator, PBPW City of Renton cc: Administrators Executive Committee members City Design Team members I-405 Project Team file �Adft Washington state Page 3 fT Deoa►tment of Transoortatlon Attachment 1 Johns Creek Agreement Outline: City of Renton and WSDOT This document outlines an agreement between the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)to establish a stormwater discharge to Johns Creek at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park in the City of Renton. Included in this outline is a listing of the responsibilities of each party as part of the anticipated agreement, and the 15% design for the Johns Creek Outfall and related conveyance systems (Appendix E: Johns Creek Backwater Analysis and Appendix F: Outfall Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis, Supplements to Preliminary Hydraulic Report, North 8`h HOV Direct Access). Both parties are aware that the Johns Creek Outfall is a part of the larger North Renton Project, and that funding for the North Renton Project has not been allocated at the time this document was prepared. Both parties presume that funding will occur in the foreseeable future and they wish to complete this letter of concurrence now to provide the certainty that the Johns Creek Outfall and the associated flow exemption will be included as designed in the North Renton Project once funding is secured and construction commences. Both parties agree: the Park"needs toleprctected:clurmcons ♦ That Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park is an important recreational resource to the City of Renton, and that substantial efforts should be made during construction of the Johns Creek Outfall to minimize disruption of Park uses; and theJo akhCewatSs B accurate ♦ That the Johns Creek Backwater Study accurately describes the existing condition of the local drainage system in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park at the time of this agreement, and accurately anticipates the effects of Johns Creek Outfall on the local drainage systems in the Johns Creek watershed; and u�flaws�under�discussion�currentl�y�go toJohri"sCreek ♦ That stormwater runoff flows from the affected section of I-405 and tributary areas of the City are currently routed to Johns Creek via local drainage systems, and these flows are contributing to infrastructure limitations in the local conveyance systems; and thechange,_ulunpervious areaLLui the Johns CreekrWatershedfromI=405..un royernents W s small ♦ That construction of the North Renton Project would increase impervious area within the Johns Creek watershed by approximately 7.3 acres. This amounts to less than 1% increase in impervious area across the Johns Creek watershed, which would result in a very small increase to existing flows; and Attachment 1 page 1 Johns Creek Agreement Outline proidingwaterqualitytreatirient to I=405 runoff well irnproue Johns Crere ♦That providing enhanced water quality treatment to I-405 stormwater flows within the Johns Creek watershed would result in improvements to existing water quality in discharges to Johns Creek; and this iilstariceaslt, rovfdesilo°add lot nal rotec thatdetentton is not necessary downstreamtresources ♦ That providing detention to I-405 runoff routed to the Johns Creek Outfall prior to discharge would provide no meaningful environmental or resource protection benefit. The outfall location, as shown to the north of the Park entrance, is within the backwater area of Lake Washington,there is sufficient channel capacity in the affected reach of Johns Creek to safely accommodate unrestricted stormwater runoff flows from the I-405 corridor, and that post-project flow velocities would be low enough that there are no erosion or bank stability concerns; and ° tlie new system willFals'oAeonvey thel00.yr local flows:from u:stream basins ♦ That the I-405 conveyance shall convey the 100-year design storm of 3 upstream sub- basins of Johns Creek that currently cross I-405 to the new discharge so that these flows are removed from the local conveyance systems they currently occupy; and `the new conveyance system and outfall will reduce flooding near Southport,�bndge ♦That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will reduce flooding in the vicinity of the Southport stream crossing immediately upstream of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park; and thexzriewcon�eyan�N ewe systemllfreecapaeltvin�existing uconveyanceHssystems ♦That establishing the Johns Creek Outfall will free capacity in existing local drainage and conveyance systems. City of Renton agrees: -,,;to�prvvlde�easements ♦ To approve drainage and temporary construction easements submitted by WSDOT on properties owned by the City to allow construction and operation of the stormwater outfall and related conveyance system as described in the 15%design document (Appendix E: Johns Creek Backwater Analysis and Appendix F: Outfall Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis, Supplements to Preliminary Hydraulic Report, North 8rh HOV Direct Access).; and to particlpate�mfiriallziig design r-� ♦ To participate in discussions with WSDOT and the Design/Build team as part of progressing the 15%design to the final design such that a final design review by the City will take place in timely manner to approve required City permits for construction; and to'`support direct`:dischargeywai�e 'if oneisneeded ♦To support a WSDOT request for a direct discharge waiver to Department of Ecology, should such a waiver be deemed necessary as part of the permitting process for the North Renton Project. City support will be based on hydraulic and hydrologic analyses reviewed by the City and is subject to any environmental reviews that may be performed in the future; and Attachment 1 page 2 Johns Creek Agreement Outline to wor " towardsconsensus,to""addressnewssues ♦To work with WSDOT and the Design/Build team to reach consensus on how to address new issues as they develop as part of the implementation process for the Johns Creek Outfall; and to_ownpoperate,�and�maintamthe�conuEeyance�systern=.outside:of�WSD®T'R® ♦ To accept ownership upon completion of construction, and to operate and maintain those portions of the conveyance system which lie outside of the WSDOT ROW as shown in the 15% design review plans. The City's agreement to maintain these systems is contingent upon the City's approvals in regards to ease of maintenance access in the final design. WSDOT agrees: NOTE ,GeieralAgreerri to, construct ash 1��ei ♦ To construct the Johns Creek stormwater outfall as described in the 15% design document(Appendix E: Johns Creek Backwater Analysis and Appendix F: Outfall Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis, Supplements to Preliminary Hydraulic Report, North 8` HOV Direct Access).and �,`�topartic�patef finalizing d esgn mh__' ♦ To participate in discussions with City of Renton and the Design/Build team as part of progressing the 15%design to the final design; and tomalcenoproJect char es"wthoutcorieurrence4from Renton ♦To make no changes to the 15%design document (Appendix E: Johns Creek Backwater Analysis and Appendix F: Outfall Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis, Supplements to Preliminary Hydraulic Report, North 8r4 HOV Direct Access) or the area draining to this outfall without prior concurrence from the City of Renton; and t�opohvidegenhaicedwatersqualtytteaiment^,fors I 405 #lows ♦ To provide enhanced water quality treatment methods (per WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual standards applicable at the time of final design) for 100% of the existing and proposed pollution generating pavement surfaces within the I-405 corridor which is routed to the Johns Creek discharge; and tvpo��ndeconveyancecapacitytoliandle 1OOyrxflows"from"I-4U ♦ To provide conveyance capacity sufficient to handle stormwater flows generated by the implementation phase of the North Renton Project; and to provide=conveyancecapactyto liandle:1+00yrflows from"offsrte basuisfuture land�use�condrtions ♦ To provide conveyance capacity sufficient to handle current and future off-site flows from upstream tributary areas identified on Sheet 1, Exhibit A (Appendix E:Johns Creek Backwater Analysis), and as described in Appendix E:Johns Creek Backwater Analysis. It is agreed that WSDOT will capture off-site flows upstream of 1-405 and route them directly to the Johns Creek Outfall without detention or treatment, thereby diverting flows away from existing City of Renton local conveyance systems west of I-405. It is agreed that 200 cfs constitutes sufficient capacity to meet this requirement; and Attachment 1 page 3 Johns Creek Agreement Outline Ito Owrt,,,ope ,_and�"mantain the convey'ancesystern�,witlunttle�WSD�tTfR® ♦ To own, operate, and maintain the portions of the Johns Creek conveyance system that lie within the WSDOT ROW. ♦ To secure all necessary Section 4(f), Section 6 and/or other approvals related to use of the City park as part of the WSDOT project. NOTE�Protection=of Parlc=Uses �Tuning�I'ssues ��to�rruniniizeuriiiactsto` Pazk�operatc►ris ♦ To work diligently with City of Renton Parks Department and the Design/Build team during construction to minimize physical impacts and disruption to recreation activities and maintenance operations at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and at the Park Maintenance Facility; and to�construct�u°'1`and ortioris,letween Oct�lSth�andklVlarch-lL�c ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park by Park users, construction of the portions of the Johns Creek Outfall in the vicinity of the Park will occur during periods of low Park use (between October 15th and March 1s) except where limited by State and Federal permits; and Ito-stait constriction ofin=water'structure after July 4 `:weekend ♦ To minimize disrupting access to the Park by park users. When construction activity which must occur during high-park use periods due to State or Federal permit conditions, such activities will occur after July 4th weekend and not during Renton River Days; and teecessoen.toIvlaintenanceFacilitybetween5amani�llp ♦To minimize disrupting access to the Park Maintenance Facility, construction activities impacting access to the Maintenance Facility will occur during periods of low Park use (between October 15th and March 1st) and will occur so that access to the Maintenance Facility is available during maintenance staff work hours(between 5AM and 11 PM)and tomasntainsecun at the maintenance facile Burin construction t� � _ _ty ty._:n _ g- ♦ To provide and maintain security of maintenance facility during night work conditions when existing security measures are adversely affected by construction activities. N®TE: Protection'of Plant MTWIF atenals to:avoid im acti g me lam t,lantersaand„plant materials ♦To avoid impacts to the Park's natural resources and plant materials,measures will be implemented to protect valuable plant materials within existing median planters on Park roadways. Measures will include prohibition of machinery operation in planter areas,prohibition of stockpiling in planter areas, protective fencing around planter areas during construction, and other measures agreed to by both parties during development of final design; and Attachment 1 page 4 Johns Creek Agreement Outline 5MV to, ngmoSWWWSA ♦To avoid impacts to the Park's natural resources and plants, no mature trees will be removed within the Park and substantial measures will be implemented to protect mature trees adjacent to the outfall route. Measures will include establishment and fencing of an exclusion zone around existing trees,prohibition of any construction related activity within the exclusion zone, and other measures agreed to by both parties during development of final design; and o��confine construction disturbance to.,Mhalt areas,where; 'rachcable ♦To avoid impact to the Parks natural resources and plant materials, all construction activity will be confined to areas of existing asphalt paving where practicable. Construction of the outfall itself will necessitate work on the stream bank within the Park Maintenance Facility, and will not be confined to asphalt paving areas; and to,restore hsturbedeas ♦To restore all disturbed areas including asphalt,mulching, landscaping, fencing, etc. to pre-project conditions at completion of construction; and Ito verify, d'esign;accommodafes.anticipa ,rovemerits intheBasin ♦ To minimize reconstruction of the outfall,the final design shall verify that the outfall system accommodates future City and private improvements that are known by the City at the time of the final design. To�address othe €un acts�asif ei ♦ To minimize park impacts as required. Attachment 1 page 5 Johns Creek Agreement Outline March 8, 2005 Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Director City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Zimmerman: Re: I-405 Wells&Parks Task Force: City of Renton and WSDOT The City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Tans ortation(WSDOT) has formed a Wells& Parks Task Force to address impacts to the' i r 's water supply system and Cedar River and Liberty parks caused byfthefuure I-405 improvements. This letter documents the Task Force's findings add discusses future st ps'and decisions. c Task Force Objective The Task Force's objectives were to identify solutions,• that: ;, Avoid and/or minimize impacts'to� City of Rentan�s water supply system and all associated facilities, ■ Avoid and/or minimize the loss ofusable k and visual impacts and noise .. impacts to Cedar =ve_, Park and Li " rt. ark, and'_ ■ Ensure the safe o users. Key Issues ■ I-405 reconstructio �rneces� tats ereconstruction and re-alignment of the noboun I '45 t1,69 off-ramp ■ E5isting maint Ice and liv ry routes to the water supply facilities located 4107ithing Cedar ark w£i e impacted by the new ramp alignment ■ I-405' e,onstruction necessitates the re-alignment and reconstruction of the BNSF railroadd. t ctures over the Cedar River and the access road between Houser Way and Cedar er• ark ■ The railroad ia�lignment necessitates the removal of the existing Houser Way bridge over the Cedar River, leaving approximately 20 ft between the re-aligned railroad and the building for wells 1, 2 and 3 for a new bridge over the Cedar River. ■ Access to Cedar River Park and Liberty Park for emergency response vehicles, water utility maintenance personnel and the public is currently via Carco Road and Houser Way ■ The Carco Road is a utility corridor between Cedar River Park and Liberty Park and access will need to be maintained for utility maintenance. Questions & Findings 1. How do we avoid andlor minimize impacts to the water supply facilities, principally the well buildings along the east side of I-405 in Cedar River Park? The Task Force identified a ramp alignment that avoids impacts and allows the well buildings to remain in place. 2. How do we provide chemical deliveries to the water supply facilities,principally the corrosion control treatment facility (CCTF)? Since the existing route will be blocked by the new freeway ramp,the Task Force set out to find an alternate route for chemical delivery. The ,as k Force identified Ador two solutions, one of which requires relocation of the CCTF. a) Leave the CCTF in its current location. Chemical;(Zleliveries would occur via a gated access within the Limited Access limit The access would be between the I-405 mainline and the SR lb..off-ramp. This access would AV be designated as a Type C Special�Use Approach. b) Relocate the CCTF to the west side of I-405 thin the vacaiedHouser Way alignment. Anew entrance wool, be Brea ed off of Bronson Way. 3. How do we maintain emergency response, maintenance and public access to Cedar River and Liberty Par ;o the south? i The Task Force identified one comp etelan .one partial, olution for providing emergency response,maintenance and publicaccess o Cedar River and Liberty Parks from the south a) A ne edar "ver crossing between the Old City Hall site and Liberty P , . 's new ac ess would connect to the existing access road between Liberty azk andfed River P k A=neCed 'ver crossin between the Narco and Stoneway sites. This accesswould semergency response vehicles and public access to Cedar Rive: ark o he south. Access to Liberty Park from the south would not be served by this new crossing. Going Forwar Realizing that the -4 5 mprovements are unfunded and the complexity of the issues at hand, it is not expect that final decisions for all of these issues can be made at this time. However, it is advantageous for both parties to resolve and make decisions for those issues that are solvable. By making and documenting decisions as we progress,both parties will be able to go forward with some certainty about what the 1-405 improvements will include. WSDOT will include the work south of SR-169 in the Environmental Assessment(EA) for the South Renton Implementation Plan project. All of the issues discussed in this letter will be included in this document. The work for this EA will begin once the Implementation Plan is funded. WSDOT anticipates that it will take two years to complete the EA and one year to select a design/builder and award a contract. Assuming a funding date of July of 2007,the earliest that construction would begin in this area is 2010. Regarding the findings of the Wells and Parks Task Force, it is our opinion that Finding 1 should be moved forward as a concurrence point between the City and WSDOT. Findings 2 and 3 regarding chemical delivery to the CCTF and park access, should continue to be topics of discussion between the City and WSDOT. Concurrence By signing below,the City and WSDOT agree that; Task Force Finding 1 - The I-405 northbound to SR 169 off ramp alignment that avoids the need to relocate the City of Renton water supply faciliti INU be carried forward and; As plans for the I-405 corridor continue to develop and t e City deve o s and/or contemplates changes to its parks or water supply farlies we recogFiize�the need to continue to work together to explore new solutions for Finding 2 and Fin'n 3. Sincerely, Craig J. Stone, PE s , I-405 Project Director A . City of Renton Conc nce: Greggmmerman, Date Pubi orks Director, -1 ,1, of Renton cc: Administrators ' ecutive Committee members City Design Team members City Wells and Parks Task Force members CJS:jad Nick Afzali- Proposed alignment of new I-405 ramp to SRr169 Page 1 From: Abdoul Gafour To: Afzali, Nick; Woolley, Keith Date: 3/8/2005 2:43:05 PM Subject: Proposed alignment of new 1-405 ramp to SR-169 Nick: 1 have evaluated WSDOT's request for the Water and Wells task force to concur with the proposed location of the new ramp to SR-169. The proposed alignment of the ramp as shown on the preliminary drawing (i.e.: Exhibit CCTF access dated 11/16/04) appears to avoid the footprint of the existing two buildings for the City's water production wells (PW-8, PW-9) and the two water facilities (the corrosion and control treatment facility"CCTF"and the fluoridation building). Although the proposed alignment of the ramp appears to avoid the above facilities, it would significantly restrict and impact the City's access to the facilities and also the operation and maintenance of the facilities including the related underground utilities. WSDOT design team must verify and confirm that there is adequate room for the City to access the above facilities for operation and maintenance including the removal of large chemical tanks and well pumps from the above facilities. WSDOT also need to verify and provide access for the repair and maintenance of related underground utilities, including the 24-inch transmission main under Carco Road and of other existing utilities including chemical, electrical, and telemetry lines. The impacted utilities must be relocated away from and outside of the new ramp to a location that will allow the City's access for maintenance and operation. The removal of the chemical tanks may require a closure of the ramp due to clearance and height limitations. In addition to the new ramp,the proposed relocation of the BNSF railroad track closer to the City's production wells RW-1, 2 and 3,along with the proposed removal and abandonment of the Houser Way bridge and the elimination of the Carco underpass road will restrict the access for the maintenance and operation of the wells and related underground utilities. The Water Utility wants WSDOT and the City design team to further investigates the above impacts before the City's recommendation to the Executive Committee to approve the proposed ramp alignment. Please let me know if you have any questions. Abdoul 3/8/05-3 p.m. Abdoul Gafour City of Renton Water Utility Engr.Supervisor 425-430-7210 425-430-7241(fax) agafour@ci.renton.wa.us CC: Betlach, Leslie; Hornsby, Lys; Sled, Raymond Introductions ■ Facilitator: Rita Brogan ■ WSDOT project staff: ■ Stacy Trussler,Project Manager ■ Ross Fenton,Contract Manager ■ Kart Westby,Traffic Engineer ■ Colleen Gants and Todd Merkens,Public Information ■ City of Renton staff: ■ Nick Afzali ■ Sandra Meyer ■ Shawna Mulhall Why we are here tonight? Our promise ■ Provide context info on the 1-405 ■We are here to listen and learn. program ■We will do our best, working as a team, to address neighborhood ■ Focus on access concerns. ■We will get back to you. ■ Identify issues for future discussion ■We want to continue the conversation. Awn AMM Growth in Renton and the Agenda for tonight Region Population Growth 1999-2000 ■ Renton and the Renton 20.1% ■ 1-405 overview Region are King county 15.2% ■ Renton Hill access issues and growing Regional 1997 2020 Population 564,391 764,660 opportunities ■ And will keep Employment 408,635 552,724 ■ Discussion: How to maintain the growing Year Vehicles dialogue? ■ Traffic is rowin 2o04 147.000 g g 2000 140,000 along 1-405 between 1996 126,000 SR 167 and SR 169 19M 93,000 1976 163,000 What are the Needs for 1-405? Traffic Hotspots ------------ ■ One of the most congested g Lvtmw0o0 i_ freeways in state * _ ■ 56°h growth in daily trips(95- k �� � i. „' ■_.-.. ' I ..�2020) K n la am 1 " ^+► n' 0 - n, ■ 10-12 hours of congestion a f rF f t .Ho + ■ + JCmo „ day in worst areas. I n ^+;+ ■-.:"` _ :, ■ Critical to trade and state economy r�' > Bellewje ■ Washington#1 trade /Newcaa dependent state. � � J"s ,6 _r I 3...........�.. ...... ■ Essential to Growth Management 0, Program ` rum is Renton ■ Investments support smart k ; ".... ......a........... Q. growth strategies. as o o n o t o oryry I' AM ,, y 2 1-405 Goals Multimodal ■ Move people and goods safely and ■ 2 ner81ARRded each efficiently. :,. _ direction ■ Provide balanced modes of ■ Bus Rapid Transit system transportation. ■ Key chokepoints fixed ■ Leave the environment better than it ■ 9 new transit centers added was. ■ 50%transit service increase ■ Support our community's values on with HOV land&new direct . smart growth. access ramps ■ Act responsibly and be accountable ■ Local arterials improved -, ■ 5000 new Park&Ride with public dollars. spaces ■ Work for a healthy economy and better ■ 1700 new vanpools future. ■ Environmental enhancements r ,r I-405 Implementation Principles Completed to date r ■ Achieved ■ Worst First �� '` regional consensus i � on 1-405 Corridor master plan. co„�aa ■ Fulfill the Visionvrognm ■ Completed EIS,selected an ■ Build Logical Segments alternative,with a Federal _ •.- Record of Decision ■ Geographic Investments . First phase is underway with ■ Early Environmental Action $485 M in"nickel projects." ■ Minimize Costs, Risks&Delays ■ Executive Committee Endorsed 1-405 ■ Minimize Construction Impacts 2mOpllementation Plan October _ s ■ Modal Balance 0 ...............................___._......_.. ■ Achieve Early Actions 3 1-405 Master Plan: w.• Phase One: Nickel Projects Phased Over Time -1 485 million for ■ $ ■ Nickel projects— Kirkland, Renton, 1-405 >= Bellevue ■ Focus on Kirklaln- Renton 8 Belles o I ■ Implementation Plan to be built as ■ Funds 5°h desi funds become available from corridor ■ Funded projM � regional, federal, Sound Transit& of 10-year planl� ■ Can stand alorn other sources future funding delayed r S. Renton 1-405 Project Timeline Nickel Project ■ Extends from the West Valley Hwy to Maple a d+ Valley Hwy in Renton '0R1676ffi" ■ One additional NB lane d r on 1405 from SR 181 to I ° t .__ �......�. SR 167 am.ea ■ One additional SB lane 2 �, �,,• ,,,.r ,,rr �,�, � ,j from SR 169 to SR 167 —rc "�`"•' """" 4"� ■ Opportunities for x. s �g Context Sensitive n t Solutions a �E°i 0 ,av ia. . ■ Does not impact Renton Hill 4 —Bus Rapid "` ""�• Transit(BRT) EN f r Bus Ra-'Id Tp an"slt Phase Two: I-405 1 (BRT) Implementation Plan ■ 1-405/SR 167 interchange ■ Renton to 1-90 ■ Bellevue's bottleneck- 1 ■ Kirkland's crawl . ■ Canyon Park transit center ■ Purchase of rapid transit buses&vanpools b.8 low •C %T6FAR®N16W1N[ 3 I.- K.0 R�N1EgNIM1E _ Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) ` S other All Da `e� �• X —Other All Day i � y BRT Routes ` ' * BRTRri s 1 a 'x i, Q ARM # z 1 k3333 3 5 —Bus Rapid ° "F R — Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) Express/Commuter Transit(BRT) VoWM ed —Other All Day , Bus Routes BRT Routes t i a —Other All Day k HOV Projectsa< BRT Routes — Express! �•�• eyro T;` — .-6.r Ex Ri Commuter ' Commuter + r a Bus Routes sv'`# Bus Routes O t 0 Committed O .. HOV Projects r $+ 0 Proposed Q i y HOV Projects IF. OU AMM ARM — Bus Rapid — Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) �'s sr Committed Transit(BRT) \e t f —Other All Day =� � HOV Projects —Other All Day 4a BRT Sfatlons BRT Routes BRT Routes — Express/ : '�+ —A I — Commuter j s i< - Commuter Bus Routes eaJ Bus Routes Committed a r Committed O HOV Projects s ; HOV Projects •"" ; proper s wW HOV Projects € r + .. BRT Stations J� q `u gr � 6 —Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) 4"DayFeedeH.� -Other Ali Day ..1 Bus SeMc's BRT Routes A Focus on Renton Hill . a — Expressl J Bus Routes ■ Tonight's focus: •C0f1A1 ® .. ■ RENTON HILL ACCESS AND HOVProlects Rv r CIRCULATION O Proposed � HovProlecls ■ Upcoming meetings ..w BRT Stations ten` �� ■ City/Neighborhood issues All DayFeeded: ■ Houser Way circulation(to be Load Service A x discussed at next meeting) �__. �. . ■ Other issues as identified by community or city .t — Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) _;.: :: gy ��.. What we've been doing since —Other All Day Q13 :' r Transit Centers BRT Routes w our last meeting with you —Express) o0fr'n10te` 1 - t r Bus Routes r„ ■ Met re presentatives of Renton Hill t,Committed o' : . Neighborhood Association HovProtects i ■ Developed additional Renton Hill access Q Proposed ~, ! options HOV Projects ■ Met with City staff and COR elected O+rC BRT Stations f ` OffICIaIS —AR Day Feeder/ , LOUoalBus ■ Open house opportunity in January Service e ■ Developed additional details for 1-405 OTransit centers improvements - 7 What geometrics need to be Things we have heard addressed in the design? ■ Two Access Points: ■ Roadway grades of 15%or less are needed for ■ General day-to-day emergency vehicles . Emergency response ■ Access points need to perform ■ Traffic Operations Improvements ■ Comply with City standard ■ Traffic signal at 3rd and Main ■ Left turn storage SB on Main at 3rd ■ Comply with Fed requirements for Narco Park ■ Narrow 1-lane streets on Renton Hill ■ Routes must accommodate 2-way traffic ■ Traffic from recent Renton Hill developments ■ Safe for all facility users(emergency response ■ Others and public) ■ Prevent"out-through"traffic ■ Maintain Renton Hill access during 1-405 construction ■ Routes must accommodate pedestrians and ■ Provide for both motorized and non motorized uses bicycles ARM Each Option Planning Assumptions has pro's and con's ■ 1-405 will be widened ■ No"perfect solution" ■ Plan for"worst case"scenario ■ All combinations have tradeoffs ■ Pros: ■ At least two access points ■ Improve/maintain access to downtown,library,parks, ■ Emergency access options etc. ■ Safe geometries for motorized and non- ■ Improve/maintain utes traffic emergency response motorized uses ions: traffic ■ Cons: ■ Environmental responsibility ■ Impacts neighborhood,parks,and/or businesses ■ Respect for existing uses(e.g. park) ■ Impacts environment-steep slopes and/or wetlands ■ Increases construction costs ■ Accommodate traffic growth to 2030 ■ Reduces safety when reducing impacts 8 Working groups Next Steps ■ Do the pro's and con's identified for ■ Follow up investigation of ideas the options make sense? generated at today's workshop ■ Are there other pro's and con's that ■ Discussion on Houser Way and Mill should be considered? Avenue Circulation issues ■ Are there other alternatives or ■ Other Questions—call Stacy Trussler modifications that could improve the (425)456-8563 ortrussler dotwa.aov alternatives identified? MAYOA/GYTY COQNCtt. d �►OBIlC B,VOLVi110Q1'18 Tdba a Bm 'Adminbtnbri lxieotive Cavminee TJb HBI ;!.'lq,Cwht,q Oil A.Ie.hibrlw OlBa� Hf116Rsae _C Pk }B}W Ads4be.r S®IC '� ..Aln}iW E®emio Dev.Admidmeu '.:CYmDrofCasovw. LdiLI�C_in. Ala.iviarar": Low 1VYeib,F Fiv '66nAYB u®e .: .(Fiu+b moumd!nwbM1�hb)anComal) 10— Bm6+ ,TB1rm B6vv.'': : I1MAm4 T,a}�aule Pb-ft�.lnP®Y�Mgs .... 'LP Hm�,Uhlaf STae,s�oary .. Nd WVb,Dnrlopmrm 5va�cuaar ii -': Bw Wd_MW Emmu,eD Iajmim Dime .c Fb}l Bl6 Palm Cmm�ede�Fm+dS dW Qe oeuNvew wah W�O'f�u®doifs _ bGry ml&OT deupnoummwdrbe✓w1,iuc�.):.': �SI�tl1�1 pal)096MddO iTrmpwYea Tmpr,mm P�4 Pa)s 9 9 1 From: Ronald Straka To: Dennis Culp Date: 12/10/2004 8:51:42 AM Subject: Re: John's Creek Johns Creek receives runoff from the North Renton sub-basin in the Lake Washington East Basin The North Renton sub-basin is approximately 2.0 square miles in size and extends from just North of SR-900 intersection with 1-405 to NE 3rd Street on the south,just east of Monroe Ave NE to the east and Logan Ave to the west. The portion of 1-405 within this sub-basin drains to Johns Creek along with all of the other tributary area, including the District 1 Boeing Redevelopment area (Lakeshore Landing). The storm water runoff from the basin is currently conveyed to Johns Creek via pipes system ranging from 72-inch to 12-inch pipes. These systems convey runoff from the portion of 1-405 in the sub-basin, City right-of-way in the sub-basin and private properties. The previous 1-405 project basically collected the runoff into pipe system and discharged the runoff into the downstream storm pipe systems without little to no detention and no water quality treatment. As part of the 1-405 widening project, WSDOT proposes to collect the runoff from 1-405, provide water quality treatment for all of the roadway runoff from the existing and widened portion of 1-405 through the use of a facility that is called an ecology embankment. The project will improve surface water quality, since the project will provide water quality treatment for the existing roadway areas that are currently draining to Johns Creek untreated, along with the new widened portions of 1-405. WSDOT is proposing to direct discharge (no flow control i.e. detention) the runoff into Johns Creek as currently is occurring. WSDOT is proposing to convey the runoff to Johns Creek in a new 72-inch to 36-inch storm line that will discharge into Johns Creek downstream of the culvert crossing to the western parking area in Coulon Park. The proposed WSDOT storm line will also intercept the sub-basin runoff from the east side of 1-405 and convey it to the proposed discharge location. The 1-405 project will convert existing roadway shoulder area and pervious areas with in the 1-405 right-of-way to 10-acres of new impervious area. Based upon their basin hydrologic analysis, the proposed project will increase runoff to Johns Creek by 4.90 cubic feet per second or approximately a 1% increase above the total runoff from the sub-basin during the 100-year storm. WSDOTs position is that direct discharge is allowed into Lake Washington (per the 2001 Ecology Storm water Manual) and Johns Creek is basically a part of Lake Washington. We have asked WSDOT to provide as a basin hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to show us the effect of the direct discharge to Johns Creek on the Park to insure that it will not impact adversely impact the Park. We are currently reviewing their report to verify if we agree with the results. WSDOT is proposing direct discharge to save money. The use of direct discharge would eliminate the need for flow control (detention)facilities for the 1-405 runoff, which would require them to construct large vaults or acquire property adjacent to their right-of-way to construct ponds. Generally the proposed 1-405 Storm water system will improve water quality in Johns Creek, since they will treat all runoff from the portion of 1-405 that drains to Johns Creek. The increase in peak flow due to the direct discharge is estimated to be about 1% above what the flow would be to Johns Creek, if the project had provided flow control. There are other large areas in the sub-basin (Lakeshore Landing)that also directly discharge runoff untreated to Johns Creek. These areas are proposed for redevelopment, but will not be required to retrofit their sites for flow control or water quality treatment since they are already developed, our City code does not require it and the Boeing Development Agreement does not allow us to place such a requirement on the project. I hope this provides you the information you need for your discussions with the Mayor, please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. >>> Gregg Zimmerman 12/09/2004 6:24:50 PM >>> Dennis, go right ahead. Gregg >>> Dennis Culp 12/9/2004 3:59:52 PM >>> Hi Gregg.............. The mayor asked me last week about 1-405 storm water finding its way into Coulon (apparently via John's Creek). I need to say something to her tomorrow at 10am on this subject. Could I impose on Ron's time for a brief history lesson on how the previous 1-405 project processed storm water to get it acceptable to runoff into the Lake. the discussion should take only about 15 minutes. regards Dennis CC: Christian Munter; Gregg Zimmerman; Leslie Betlach; Lys Hornsby RECEIVE&�ITY OF RENTON „u Office,of the City Attorney SEP 12004 Lawrence J.Warren KathyKeolker-Wheeler, Mayor I ENT Obi Assistant Citv Attorneys UTILITY SYSTEMS Mark Barber Zanetta L. Fontes Ann S. Nielsen Sasha P. Alessi MEMORANDUM Whitney A. Faulkner To: Gregg A. Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator From: Lawrence I Warren, City Attorney Date: August 30, 2004 Subject: WSDOT Request to Conduct Wetland Surveys on City Property i believe that you have the authority to sign the right of entry. That document is approved as to legal form CLawrence J. Wan n LJW:tmj cc: Jay Covington Alex Pietsch Neil Watts Sandra Meyer Lys Hornsby Nick Afzali Mile Webby Post Office Box 626-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)255-8678/FAX(425)255-5474 R E N T O N 0 This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM R DATE: August 27, 2004 AUG 2 �?004 TO: Larry Warren CIT Mike Webby W rC1rySRS NM N FROM: Gregg Zimmerman SUBJECT: WSDOT request to conduct Wetland Surveys on City Property Please see the attached request from the Washington State Department of Transportation to obtain the City's permission to access certain of the City's properties to conduct wetland surveys and monitoring. This work is associated with the collaboration between WSDOT and Renton to identify environmental mitigation options for the I-405 Corridor project. As you may be aware, we have been in discussion with WSDOT to enter into a mutually beneficial agreement in which WSDOT will provide improvements to City owned wetland property as advance mitigation for the I-405 corridor project, and Renton will benefit by having these improved city-owned wetland areas recognized by the regulatory agencies as a Wetland Mitigation Bank that would be available for use to provide compensatory mitigation for City capital projects and private development projects. So, I have two questions. For Larry,do you believe that I am authorized to sign this right of entry document? And for Mike,are there any insurance documentation needs? Thanks. cc: Jay Covington Alex Pietsch Neil Watts Sandra Meyer Lys Hornsby Nick Afiali Ron Straka DocumenG\g Congestion Relief S Bus Rapid Transit Projectsa '; /�(.l`� �IiYOF l;_;� �n August 17, 2004 �a- City of Renton / 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055-3232 Dear Property Owner: The Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) is seeking your permission to conduct wetland, fish and aquatic surveys on your property. The purpose of the work is to identify existing wetlands, fish and aquatic resources to analyze design options for the proposed SR 405 Project. In most cases,WSDOT and its consultants plan to conduct surveys during the weekday. The team will identify themselves by presenting official identification. For the wetland survey,one or more environmental specialists will perform the work. They will be taking notes on vegetation and other site characteristics. Their work may entail digging one or more small, shallow(less than 2 ft deep)holes to assess soil characteristics. All holes will be backfilled and foot tamped to ensure that no hole or depression is left that could result in injury to pedestrians or animals. In some areas,they may need to cut invasive vegetation(such as blackberries)using a machete,but they will take care not to damage native or ornamental plants. The amount of time it takes to collect the data on each property will vary depending on the complexity of the site,but in most cases the field inspections can be accomplished in an hour or less. In some instances,it may be necessary to visit the property more than once. If the area meets the parameters for wetlands,the border of the wetland will be flagged with numbered plastic survey tape or small pin flags. A WSDOT survey crew would follow within a week or two to locate the flags and accurately map the wetlands. The survey crew will then remove the flags. For the fish and aquatic survey, one or more resource specialists will conduct a walkover reconnaissance survey of the parcels. If there are possible fish bearing or other aquatic resources on the premises then the area will be flagged with numbered plastic survey tape or small pin flags. A WSDOT survey crew would follow within a week or two to locate,map,and remove these flags. WSDOT appreciates your cooperation in our data collection efforts. Please sign the attached form and return it in the enclosed envelope as soon as possible. Though we anticipate that our work will be complete by the end of August 2004,the right-of-entry approval extends until the end of August 2005,in case the work takes longer to coordinate than planned. If there are any questions related to this form.or the wetland and fish and aquatic survey work, please contact Jason McKinney, I-405 Project Team at(425)456-8562. For additional, general information about this project,we invite you to visit our website at ht1p:,'/ww .wsdot.wa.>;ov/proiccts/I-405. Your timely response to our request is greatly appreciated. Thank you. PERMIT TO ENTER State Route 405 The Grantor(s), CITY OF RENTON, grant(s)to the State of Washington and its assigns, the right, privilege and permit of ingress and egress over, across, under and upon the hereinafter. described lands from the date hereof until August 31, 2005 for the purpose of assessing soil, site and vegetation characteristics. The Grantee agrees to restore the structure, grading, landscaping and other improvements damaged by the entry to at least as good a condition as such structures, grading, landscaping and other improvements, were in immediately prior to the Grantee's commencement of work. Said lands being situated in King County, State of Washington, and described as follows: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof Assessor's Parcel Nos: 3340400585 The Grantee, its authorized agents and employees,will protect, save and hold harmless the Grantor, its successors or assigns, from all claims, actions, costs, damages or expenses of any nature whatsoever by reason of the acts or omissions of the grantee, its assigns, agents, contractors, licensees, invitees, employees or any person whomsoever arising out of or in connection with any acts or activities authorized by this Permit. The grantee, its agents or employees, further agrees to defend the grantor in any litigation, including payment of any costs or attorneys fees, for any claims or action commenced, thereof arising out of or in connection with acts or activities authorized by this Permit. This obligation shall not include such claims, costs, damages or expenses which may be caused by the sole negligence of the grantor, its successor or assigns; Provided that if the claims or damages are caused by or result from concurrent negligence of(a) the grantor, its agents or employees and (b) the grantee, its agents or employees, and involves those actions covered by RCW 4.24.115, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the grantee or grantee(s) agents or employees. Dated Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT A Lots 1 through 32, inclusive, Block 5, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 74, records of King County, Washington, AND Lots 1 through 32, Block 6, C.D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats,page 74, records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH vacated street adjacent which attaches by operation of law,by City of Renton Ordinance 3968, recorded under King County Recording Number 8601080902; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the State of Washington for highway by Superior Court Cause No. 576018; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Renton for road by instrument recorded under King County Recording No. 8202160350. _ Q 3S �O'LW Page 2 of 2 « Rentonnet City Clerk Card File Page I of)I • CJ') C-114 C . -- -1, G a i r F- Record 1 of 47 Title: ACQUISITION, E SIDE GREEN RIVER WATERSHED/E VALLEY RD 97 Effective Date: Jun 23, 1997 Date Entered: Sep 4, 1997 by User: CC6 Date Modified: Mar 6, 2001 by User: slombard Narrative: ■ 6/23/97- Acquisition of The Austin Company's property on SW 19th Street and East Valley Road for wetland preservation. Project known as the East Side Green River Watershed. 11-acre parcel. ■ See also: SW Deed#9707090564, Deed QC 19990903000353; Deed QC 19990903000354(not with City- in file only) Keywords: ■ ACQUISITION 97 ■ AC-037 ■ AUSTIN COMPANY 97 ■ SW 19TH ST 97 ■ E VALLEY RD 97 ■ E SIDE GREEN RIVER WATERSHED 97 ■ WETLAND W-7N Location: CABINET 2 http://rentonnet.org/intranet/CityClerk/index.cfm?fuseaction=showdetail&REC=1&ID=52366 8/23/2004 r Rentonnet Plat Index Search Page 1 of 1 Property Profile Summary Report ACCOUNT INFORMATION ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATI Acct No: 334040058508 Levy Code: 2110 Parcel No: 3340400585 Tax Status: EXEMPT Taxpayer: CITY OF RENTON Roll Yr: 2004 Mail Addr: 1055 S GRADY WY New Cnstr: NO RENTON WA 98055 Land Val: $76,600.00 Impvs Val: $0.00 PARCEL INFORMATION HILLMANS CD Jurisdiction: RENTON Plat Name: EARLINGTON Present Use: VACANT(COMMERCIAL) GARDENS NO. 01 Zoning: CO Plat Lot: 1 THRU 32 Lot Acres: 11.0 Plat Block: 5-6 Lot SF: 479160 S/T/R: 19/23/5 Wtr Frt SF: 0 Qtr Section: SW Prop Type: Commercial SALES RECORDS Excise Tax# Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument 1554098 06/30/1997 $0.00 DEED LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 THRU 32 5-6 HILLMANS EARLINGTON GARDENS#1 LOTS 1 THRU 32 OF BLOCK 5 TGW LOTS THRU 32 OF BLOCK 6 TGW http://rentonnet.org/intranet/kca/index.cfm?fuseaction=displaysummary&R=1 8/23/2004 I Renton --- Renton City Limits ❑ Parcels « Renton Aerial i a � I i R g � x 4 77 N SCALE 1 : 6,275 500 0 500 1,000 1,500 ❑ FEET http://rentonweb.org/MapGuide/maps/Parcel.mwf Wednesday, September 01, 2004 10:48 AM f From: Ronald Straka To: Christian Munter Date: 08/02/2004 3:40-03 PM Subject: Fwd: WSDOT EEI FYI/copy to paper file. I save a copy to the electronic file North Renton/1004 Other Cities &County Correspondence. It looks like we are not the only ones that have concerns with WSDOT's WRIA based mitigation strategy. >>> <KPaulsen@ci.bellevue.wa.us> 07/29/2004 10:00:35 AM >>> Hi Ron, Jenny, This is just a"heads up." We talked with our Council about WSDOT going to release their recommendation for Lk Sammamish State Park as the 1-405 EEI mitigation site. As I forewarned WSDOT, they were not supportive of the idea. I thought I'd share their letter to WSDOT, so you would know what was happening and not be surprised. We'll probably have our interest statement approved on Monday, so I'll ship that along when it's final. Basically, the interest statement will say that Bellevue wants "watershed" defined as "waters draining to Lake Washington" not the WRIA, that viable mitigation projects closer to 1-405 should be given priority, that impacts can't compromise future ESA recovery opportunities, that they manage mitigation at the same scale as the functions are managed (e.g. by chinook population for ESA impacts - mitigating impacts to North Lk Wash. Chinook in similar habitats used by NLW chinook, not Issaquah or Cedar chinook populations), water quality impacts need to be mitigated at the impact area, etc. So, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but figured you should know what we're up to... Kit <<Letter to David Dye 7-26-04.pdf>> Kit Paulsen Bellevue Utilities P.O. Box 90012 Bellevue WA 98009-9012 (425)452-4861 FA Sze City of _% �%a,�,�►� Office of the Mayor • Phone (425) 452-7810 • Fax(425) 452-7919 Bellevue �4s: o� Post Office Box 90012 • Bellevue, Washington • 98009 9012 krN� July 26, 2004 Mr. David Dye Director, Urban Corridors Office Washington State Department of Transportation 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104-2862 RE: I-405 Early Environmental Investments Program Dear Mr. Dye: I am writing on behalf of the Bellevue City Council to inform you that we strongly oppose the prioritized project list for the Early Environmental Investments (EEI) Program and have serious concerns about the approach employed to select these projects. The Bellevue Council supports the watershed approach to mitigating I-405 environmental impacts, where the "watershed" is defined as waters flowing to Lake Washington, rather than the greater Lake Washington (WRIA 8) watershed. The prioritized list does not meet this definition. As a result, the highest ranking projects do not meet the City's environmental goals. Major improvements to the Eastside transportation system are essential to the future of our region. The City of Bellevue looks forward to working with the Washington Department of Transportation on early environmental mitigation projects that provide more natural mitigation in place of engineered structures, show direct improvements for aquatic resources, and expedite necessary transportation improvements. We believe your approach and project list needs revising to meet these goals. It does not make sense to select mitigation projects in areas draining to Lake Sammamish, since I-405 impacts do not measurably affect those waters. Mitigation projects that have been identified in the Lake Sammamish watershed would be more appropriate to other transportation improvement projects in near proximity to Lake Sammamish, such as I-90 transportation improvements. The viable projects with regional benefits available adjacent to the I-405 corridor include the Kelsey Creek West Tributary and Kelsey Mainstem projects. Additionally, the Coal Creek projects that were dropped from consideration during the first screening should be revisited now that the legal issues noted in the June 1, 2004 letter from Craig Stone have been settled. City of Bellevue offices are located at Main Street and 116th Avenue S.E. David Dye, Director Urban Corridors Office July 26, 2004 Page 2 The EEI process has shown that it is possible to move projects forward more quickly by piloting a "reinventing NEPA" process, if the projects make sense. The Council is currently working to finalize an interest statement regarding early environmental investments, which will be forwarded to you when it receives final approval. We look forward to working with you and our regional partners in moving forward and finalizing reasonable mitigation projects so that these critical transportation projects can be constructed as quickly as possible. Sincerely, Connie 9. Marshall Mayor cc: Bellevue City Council Steve Sarkozy, City Manager, Bellevue Goran Sparrman, Transportation Director, Bellevue Jennifer Ziegler, Washington State Transportation Commission Doug MacDonald, Secretary, Washington State Department of Transportation Craig Stone, Project Manager, I-405 Corridor Program Denise Cieri, Project Manager, Bellevue Area I-405 Nickel Project R CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 8, 2004 TO: Nick Afzali FROM: Ron Straka, x7248!,� STAFF CONTACT: Chris Munter,x7205 SUBJECT: I-405 Corridor Project 5%Plan Review Specific Comments: Sheets 263-270, Grading and Drainage plans: These were not included with this submittal. Please provide drawings detailing plan and profile views of proposed and existing utilities. Sizes for existing and proposed culvert crossings shall be verified as well as the condition of the pipe material. Sheets 40-105, Roadway Profile plans: Show existing and proposed utilities in these sections to illustrate possible construction conflicts. Sheets 196-251, Retaining Wall Profile plans: Show existing and proposed utility crossings in these sections to illustrate possible construction conflicts. General Comments: The project should be required to provide compensatory storage for filling of the floodplain. A"zero rise" to the floodway standard should be applied to the project. The project is also required to comply with all FEMA and Nation Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards, since Federal funding will be used. No encroachment into the floodway should be allowed. New bridge low chord elevations (bottom of the bridge) should be set above the future land use condition 100-year flood elevation by a minimum of 3 feet or higher, on streams or rivers with the potential for large debris flows(Cedar River,Green River,May Creek). The I-405 right-of-way creates a major barrier to utility service. A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of all existing and proposed culverts, storm systems and bridges that cross I-405 should be performed to verify that the system has adequate capacity to convey the 100-year, 24-hour storm for future land use conditions. If the analysis indicates that the system has insufficient capacity, then it should be replaced with the properly sized facility. This is needed to ensure that adequate storm water service can be provided across the 1-405 corridor and that the project will not create upstream drainage problems. Any City owned Utility(Water, Sewer, Storm Water)that has to be relocated or is impacted by the project,should be relocated or mitigated for, as directed by the effected Utility. If the Utility system has to be relocated the City shall determine the size and approve the location as to where the Utility system will be relocated to, as part of the project,at no cost to the City. The City would like to see hydrologic analysis for future conditions(from the Comprehensive Plan) and for several storm events, for the 2-yr, 25-yr, and 100-yr, to confirm effectiveness of conveyance HAFile Sys1SWP-Surface Water Prcjects\SWP 27-Transporation Projects(TIP)U405 Corridor Studyl5PercentReviewComments06O72004.doc\RStp l system and predicted flooding impacts. The City wants to review the hydrology and hydraulic calculations when finished. Johns Creek is not listed as a major receiving water body where direct discharge is allowed. WSDOT is proposing to direct discharge (no flow control)a portion of the North Renton project into Johns Creek. WSDOT could be required by the City or other agencies to provide flow control for the increased runoff caused by the conversion of 10 acres of pervious area to impervious area, since Johns Creek is not listed as a major receiving water body where direct discharge is allowed. In addition, by Ecology's standards for retrofitting of the total I-405 area draining to Johns Creek for flow control could also be required. Direct discharge to Johns Creek will only be allowed if WSDOT makes the necessary improvements to the downstream system to accommodate the future condition runoff for the entire basin and the Parks Department concerns about the direct discharge can be resolved along with any environmental issues. The City will reserve their formal agreement till they can review the actual calculations and can better assess the hydrologic, hydraulic, environmental, and Park impacts of the proposal. The City will need to see hydraulic calculations, including backwater analysis for Johns Creek from the mouth to the discharge of the existing city storm drain lines for 1)the existing conditions and 2) for the future conditions. Culvert improvements under the roads and railroad should be based on the future condition flow to keep the design storm water levels less than for the existing conditions. A backwater hydraulic analysis of Johns Creek for future condition hydrology is required to assess existing culvert and channel capacity and to identify required capacity improvements. Where the new I-405 drainage storm drainage mainline(along west side of I-405)proposes to intercept the culverts/storm drainage flows from the eastside of the freeway,the City will want to see the hydraulic/hydrology calculations to make sure that it works and does not cause back-water effects or reduced capacity to the City drainage. The City would also like this to be sized for"future conditions". At a minimum,the project should be held to a"no net loss"of wetland area, function, and value. Replacement ratios for wetland mitigation should at a minimum satisfy Renton's wetland replacement ratios for wetland impacts in Renton. Department of Ecology or Army Corps of Engineers' replacement ratios should be acceptable if they are equal to or more stringent than Renton's. Wetland mitigation should be done in the same basin and as close as possible to where the impact occurs. WSDOT should establish wetland mitigation banks in the basins where wetlands will be impacted by the project and establish the wetland banks as required by the State's Wetland Mitigation Banking rule. This will ensure that the created wetlands are established, and have the same function and value as the wetland that is to be impacted, prior to the wetland being filled by the project. The project should provide mitigation to provide for "no net losses"of stream buffer area, function, and value. In addition,the project's impacts to fish habitat(spawning,rearing, and passage)should be held to the same standard. Replacement ratios(2:1)for impacts to stream buffers and fish habitat should be required. Mitigation should be incorporated at the location of the impact to the maximum degree possible,but the additional mitigation could be done offsite within the same basin or watershed. A mitigation fund could be established for acquisition, restoration, or enhancement of stream buffer and/or prime fish habitat sites that have been determined to be beneficial to improving salmon habitat. The project should not only mitigate for the action impacts but should have a restoration element to offset prior impacts and the fact that mitigation be are not immediately achieved, especially when it comes to stream buffers. Any existing culverts or other stream crossing H:\File Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP 27-Transporation Projects(TIP)\I405 Corridor Study\5PercentRev iewComments06072004.doc\RStp 1 structures that are barriers or restrictions to fish passage should be replaced with new structures that don't prevent or restrict fish passage. Tributary 0283, presently located near the intersection of NE 43`d Street and Jones Ave NE historically was a tributary to May Creek. Through the decades, with the improvements to roads and highways, May Creek and this small tributary have been rerouted and disconnected. Tributary 0283 is a source of potential flooding over NE 43`d Street without annual removal of sediments at the culvert crossing of NE 43`d Street. With the reconstruction of the NE 44`h Street interchange,the potential for reconnecting Tributary 0283 with May Creek exists. One method for doing this is replacing the culverts under I-405 with open channels as proposed for Coal Creek and connecting Tributary 0283 with the ditches along Lake Washington Blvd, which convey water to May Creek. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact either Chris at x7205 or myself at x7248. HAFile Sys\SWP-Surface Water Projects\SWP 27-Transporation Projects(TIP)\I405 Corridor Study\5PercentReviewComments06072004.doc\RStp i From: Ronald Straka To: Christian Munter Date: 05/28/2004 7:59:52 AM Subject: Fwd: FW: Draft Meeting Notes Please review the meeting notes and let me know if you think they are ok or give me any edits. >>> "David Masters" <DMasters@HNTB.com> 05/26/2004 2:15:49 PM >>> Ron: Did you have a chance to look at the meeting notes yet? I'd like to get them finalized soon, while it is still somewhat fresh in everyone's memory, and I really want to make sure that we heard you clearly and accurately. I need to complete the notes so we can keep things moving smoothly at this end. David > -----Original Message----- • From: David Masters > Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:48 AM > To: 'rstraka(a)_ci.renton.wa.us' > Cc: Keith A. Hixson; Earnest Liou (E-mail) > Subject: Draft Meeting Notes > Ron: > Thanks for meeting with us yesterday on direct discharge issues and > potential cooperative projects. I thought it was a very productive > meeting, and appreciate the clarity of your concerns and your efforts > to make sure the right people were there. > I've attached a copy of the draft meeting notes which Keith prepared. > I would appreciate it if you could take a quick look at them and make > sure they state things accurately and that your points were included > appropriately. I'd be happy to get feedback in any way that is easy > for you. Feel free to call and chat, or do a track-changes markup on > the document, or any way else that would work for you. > Thanks again. I look forward to further conversations. > David > <<City of Renton Drainage Mtg 5-17-04-draft.doc>> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. I , Project Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid Transit Projects MEETING NOTES ► Meeting Type: I-405/North ffh Drainage Discharge Concepts to Johns Creek ► Meeting Date: May 17, 2004 No. Meeting Place: City Hall, Room 510 ► Time: 9:30 AM Attendance: City of Renton: Leslie Betlach, Keith Woolley, Chris Munter, and Ron Straka. 1-405 Team: David Masters, Keith Hixson, and Earnest Liou. Notes: The purpose of the meeting was to discuss revised concepts fordirect discharge to Johns Creek from the N. Renton / N. 8th HOV DA project area`YThe revised concepts have been developed from the VE study proposals for this same area'' � Y David Masters introduced the proposed changes,and.Earnest�Liou described the concept in more detail. The described concept revises the I-405 drainage mainline outlet from"discharging into the main Johns Creek Channel inside the Park, to discharging directly to "pond no. 1" which is upstream of the Park on the south side of Lake WashingtonBlvd. This change eliminates construction impacts to the Park and reduces a lengthy pipe jacking route. This concept also proposes to upgrade the existing Johns Creek§culverts under th SRR, Washington Lake Blvd, the SouthPort access, and the Park entrance as needed. The meeting'�continued with informal discussion between the city personnel and the I-405team The majbr points were: • City staff believe that.the intersection with the SouthF'ort'development access is due to be upgraded by existing developments. City will confirm and get us the relevant plans. This improvement by the-deyeloper may include upgrading of the existing culverts or raising the road'atsthe stream crossing. . X • Several proposals were mad4jor�conceptual"im prove ments to the existing Johns Creek ponds and 4 for�hydraulic-efficiency and fish habitat, however 1-405 team needs to check on property/ right'of-way issues, especially with PSE and RR ownerships. . a • AIt;was noted that4there seem to,be a vertical datum difference between the City of k ` k he A ­'Renton's information and the 1:405 project of about 5+ feet. The City uses NAVD 1988 datum:for newer databases, although some of their older as-builts are in other datums. 1-405"team will checkon what datum we are using for comparison purposes, but we had assumed "' are using;NAVD 1929. There should only be about a 3.5 + difference between the'i'29 ffi and,,,488 datums. • City suggestedwthat the concept try to line up the discharge flows through the ponds/ culverts /outfalls a little better, to avoid the 90 degree bends where possible. Ron indicated that the limiting surcharge in Pond #1 was highly desirable since Pond #1 can produce backwater effects in City drainage systems upstream of this location. • There was discussion on the off-site drainage hydrology, where the 1-405 team has been using existing conditions, initially taken from the Watershed Characterization Report. The City would like to see hydrologic analysis for future conditions (from the Comprehensive Plan) and for several storm events, for the 2-yr, 25-yr and 100-yr to confirm effectiveness of conveyance system and predicted flooding impacts. The 1-405 Meeting Minutes-City of Renton Drainage Discharge to Johns Creek page 1 of 2 I-405 Corridor May 17,2004 team noted that the hydrology model will be done using StormShed program, which uses a SBUH procedure to calculate the flow hydrographs. The City wants to review the hydrology and hydraulic calculations when finished. At that time we will meet again to discuss if the selection of future conditions runoff curve needs to be modified for a more accurate modeling result (appropriate runoff curve number represents the percent of impervious estimated). • The 1-405 team noted that the overall drainage area east of the freeway is about 900+ acres and west of the freeway about 250 acres. The 1-405 project is converting about 10 acres of pervious area to impervious pavement of the same watershed area that drains to Johns Creek, which will cause a minor increase in flow vol me and discharge rate. The City agreed that impacts appear to be minimal, but will reserve their formal agreement till they can review the actual calculations. They do,agree that the overall quality to Johns Creek should be better since we are�includi g,a full retrofit on runoff quality treatment using ecology embankments. The team went on`,t`o describe what an ecology embankment consists of and how it works:` City would like to see hydraulic calculations4ncluding backwater anal' i r Johns Creek from the mouth to the discharge of>the,.existing city storm drain lines for 1) the existing conditions and 2) for the future conditions cuulverf�improvements,under the roads and railroad should be based on the future`cond tion flow to keep the design storm water levels less than for the existing conditions • Where the new 1-405 drainage storm drainage mainline(along west side of 1-405) proposes to intercept the culverts/storm�drralnage flows from thhe eastside of the freeway, the City will want to see the hydrauliclhydrology calculations�to make sure that it works and does not cause back-water effect or reduced'c pacity to the City drainage. The City would also lik&this t `"fo be sized for u e condit ns'". • A F&W Dept cgncept for fish enhancement by benching the existing channel was discussed. <Reriton,Parks Department obJected,to any proposal that would reconstruct the Johns Creek\Channel, which would disrupt the parking and other park facilities. Summary: The-concept as presented wassgenerally accepted by the City, subject to further review of finalµliydrology and hydraulic calculations for the proposed drainage. This will include the area hydrology andhydraulic analysis of Johns Creek up through the existing culverts to pond�1where the existing cltypipelineslpresently discharge into the Creek. The I-405 team will prepare 1�j�a�hydraulic-analy� of-the,current_conditions_without.the_project for comparison purposes, and 2) hydraulic analysis of the current conditions with the project. The hydrology calculations wilFgummarize the land use assumptions (if taken from the Watershed CharacterizationNIReport, then what that is based on or how it was developed). The City wants to review the calculatlons3sfo further acceptance and may suggest additional improvements to mitigate problems in tfie;area. ,A', The City also indicated interest in further discussions regarding the concept of reconstructing the existing city drainage pipeline outfall to the Cedar River at the south end of the N. Renton project, to increase conveyance capacity so that it could be used as a joint outfall. However, the proposal to use open ecology ditch type treatment at this same location would have to be addressed by the Renton Aquifer Committee. Prepared by: Keith Hixson, May 17, 2004 Meeting Minutes-City of Renton Drainage Discharge to Johns Creek page 2 of 2 1-405 Corridor May 17,2004 From: Christian Munter To: kwoolley@ci.renton.wa.us Date: 10/22/03 8:48AM Subject: Re: Fwd: Request for Data (WSDOT add'I) Keith, I've assembled the requested drawings and info into the following directory. Are WSDOT staff set up with Buzzsaw access and are you able to allow them access to this directory? H:\File Sys\SWP -Surface Water Projects\SWP 27-Transporation Projects (TIP)\I-405 Corridor Study\North Renton Project\1004 WSDOT Correspondence\Tem pl nfoForWS DOT Let me know if you need anything else. Chris Christian D. Munter, P.E. Surface Water Utility City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way-5th Floor Renton WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7205 Fax: 425-430-7241 cmunter@ci.renton.wa.us >>> Ronald Straka 10121/03 01:31 PM >>> Please review and let me know what it will take to provide this information to WSDOT. Please utilize DaPeng Yue to assist in the pulling of record drawings and Technical Services to get them other base map information. >>> Keith Woolley 10/21/03 12:44PM >>> Ron, The following is an additional request from WSDOT for information on the city's stormwater system. Let me know what you think after you review the following - As with all requests from WSDOT, please let me know if you feel we can not accommodate their request or if we-have already provided this information to-them. Keith Woolley Transportation Systems Renton City Hall -5th Floor Renton, WA 98055 (425)430-7318 (425)430-7376 fax kwool Iey(a)-ci.renton.wa.us >>> "Kjos, Lisa" <KjosL wsdot.wa.gov> 10/13/03 09:01AM >>> Nick, Good morning. I had an initial stormwater meeting back in August with Ron Straka and was given a hard copy print out of Storm Drainage and Outlet Pipe Inventory for parcels 5308 and 5317. 1 would like to get the same information for parcels 5429, 5431, 5432, 5305, 5318, 4323, 4324, 5319, and 1 c t 5320 if this is possible. Also, I was wondering what the protocol will be on data requests, i.e., will you send an email when this information is available on buusaw? Thanks for your time and attention regarding this request. If you require an additional information, please feel free to call me at the number below or via email. Lisa Kjos WSDOT- Urban Corridors (1405) 206.768.5753 CC: rstraka@ci.renton.wa.us From: Ronald Straka To: Christian Munter Date: 10/21/03 1:34PM Subject: Fwd: Request for Information (WSDOT/ N 8th St) Another Request >>> Keith Woolley 10/21/03 12:46PM >>> Ron, The following is a request from WSDOT regarding drainage plans along N 8th Street. Let me know what you think after you review the following. We can discuss plans you know about and, if applicable, where to obtain them. As with all requests from WSDOT, please let me know if you feel we can not accommodate their request or if we have already provided this information to them. Keith Woolley Transportation Systems Renton City Hall - 5th Floor Renton, WA 98055 (425) 430-7318 (425)430-7376 fax kwool ley(cDci.renton.wa.us >>> "Kjos, Lisa" <KiosL a-)wsdot.wa.gov> 10/20/03 09:37AM >>> Nick, Good morning. Thank you for the information below. WSDOT would like to further request drainage construction plans/as-built plans that are available for the following drainage section along N. 8th St to-Garden Ave N.: 12, E5-5 12, E5-6 12, E5-8 12, E5-9 12, E5-10 12, E5-11 Also, WSDOT would like to request drainage construction plans/as-built plans for the newly constructed area for Fry's Electronics. Thank you for your time and attention regarding this request, Lisa Kjos WSDOT- Urban Corridors Office (1405) 206.768.5753 -----Original Message----- From: Keith Woolley [mailto:kwoolley(a.ci.renton.wa.usl Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 8:54 AM To: KiosL wsdot.wa.gov Cc: Nick Afzali; Ronald Straka; Trussler(a)wsdot.wa.gov Subject: Re: Request for Information