HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP272163 (7)� RFI RESPONSE METRO RFI REPLY #7-004 PROJECT: CEDAR RIVER TRUNK PHASE II 5/31/95 CONTRACT NO.: W/M7-94 TO: MIKE LOFSTEDT, FRANK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION CO FROM: MIKE PAULSON, METRO RFI NO.: NONE, VERBAL SUB.IECT: LOCAL SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES C�? STA 1+50, 5+22, 8+01, 10+81, 13+55, 18+09 & 20+89 PER MY MEETING WITH JOHN HOBSON/CITY OF RENTON AT OSOOH ON WEDNESDAY MAY 31, USING THE AS-BUILT INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY FRANK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION CO., THE PENETRATIONS SHOULD BE INSTALLED AS DESCRIBED BELOW. REF DRAWING C-108, DETAIL-B/SCHEDULE-A MH# STATION 1E(� IE(Cl RFMAR4<S 1 1+50 PER PLAN PER PLAN TIE TO EXISTING W/DROP CONNECTION @ AS-BUILT ELEVATION 2 5+22 PER PLAN PER PLAN DELETE DROP CONNECTION. CONNECT EXISTING TO PENETRATION AT "FUTURE CONNECTION" IE(C). RELAY PiPE UPSTREAM FROM MH TO MEET EXISTING GRADE. 3 5+01 PER PLAN PER PLAN 4 10+81 PER PLAN PER PLAN 5 13+55 PER PLAN 27.16' � r `��- Jvl�� �ob<�aj,, TIE TO EXISTING W/DROP CONNECTION @ AS-BUILT ELEVATION DELETE DROP CONNECTION. CONNECT EXISTING TO PENETRATION AT "FUTURE CONNECTION" IE(C). RELAY PIPE UPSTREAM FROM MH TO MEET EXISTING GRADE. DELETE DROP CONNECTION. CONNECT EXISTING TO PENETRATION AT "FUTURE CONNECTION" IE(C). RELAY PIPE UPSTREAM FROM MH TO MEET EXISTING GRADE. RFI REPLY 7-004 PAGE20F2 MH# STATION IEj�� 1E(�� 6 18+09 PER PLAN PER PLAN REMARKS DELETE DROP CONNECTION. CONNECT EXISTING TO PENETRATION AT "FUTURE CONNECTION" IE(C). RELAY PIPE UPSTREAM FROM MH TO MEET EXISTING GRADE. 20+89 PER PLAN PER PLAN DELETE DROP CONNECTION. CONNECT EXISTING TO PENETRATION AT "FUTURE CONNECTION" IE(C). RELAY PIPE UPSTREAM FROM MH TO MEET EXISTING GRADE. cc: FlLE FIELD OFFICE Proj. Engr JOHN HOBSON/CITY OF RENTON �i � --�:� � � _ � Earl Clymer, Mayor June 13, 1995 Mr. Mike Paulson l�TRO 821 Second Ave. M.S. SC Seattle, WA 98104-1598 Dear Mike, C ITY OF RENTON Plannina/Buildina/Public Works Department y Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Referencing your letter dated June 9, 1995, requesting City approval for testing the 42 inch pipeline, the City approves of the test method outlined in your letter and the attached APWA excerpt. If you have any questions please call me at 277-6219. Sincerely yours, �� ����� � \ Rodger K. Schindler Project Manager cc: Dave Christensen 200 :�Ii11:-�venue South - Renton, Washington 9S0�� � This paper comains 50"o recycled matenal. 254', post consumer ii �E�'RO King County / Department of Metropolitan Services Exchange Building • 821 Second Avenue • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 •(206) 684 - 2100 June 9, 1995 W/M 7-10 Mr. Rod Schindler Transportation Project Manager City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 Metro/Renton North Third Street Project Metro Contract W/M 7-94 Testing of 42" �i�eline Dear Mr. Schindler: �ECEIVE� sUiy ;��1Qqc J v Transportation Systems Div. Metro is proposing to perform an alternate acceptance test from the procedure called out in section M02610, paragraph 3.02A of the contract speciiications. The test specified in the contract document is for pressure piping systems and does not apply to a gravity sewer main. Metro proposes to perform an exfiltration test as described in Division III, section 62- 3.lOB of the APWA manual. This is different from the WSDOT/APWA manual. I have included a copy of the exfiltration test procedure in the attachments. Based on the type of pipe and joints bein� installed, Metro would propose that the test procedure show no leakage from the system. Testing will be performed from manhole to manhole Due to the size of the pipe, 42"dia and length of runs, 2751f to 6271f. the test will run for a 4 hour period. Very truly yours, ,-�,�,�.�� :-�'�� Michael A. Paulson Construction Mana;ement IV MAP:map cc: Eddie Tate, 130 Mann-Ling Thibert, 117 Sheldon Teel, SC File Attachments: Test procedure 1/2 scale drawinQs Sta 0+00 to 28+00 Pipe Laying, Jointing and Testing cleaned and relubricated if required, before the jointing is attempted. Care shall be taken to properly align the pipe before joints are entirely forced home. During insertion of the tongue or spigot, the pipe shall be partially supported by hand, sling or crane to minimize unequal lateral pressure on the gasket and to maintain concentricity until the gasxet is properly positioned. Since most gasketed joints tend to creep apart when the end pipe is deflected and straightened, such movement shall be held to a minimum once the joint is home. Sufficient pressure shall be applied in maldng the joint to assure that it is home, as described in the printed installation in- structions provided by the pipe manufacturer. Sufficient restraint as specified in Section 62-3.02 shall be applied to the line to assure that joints once home are held so, until fili material under and alongside the pipe has been sufficiently compacted. At the end of the work day, the last pipe laid shall be blocked in an ef;ective wa�� to prevent creep during "down time." 62-3.08B JOINTS OF DISSIMILAR PIPES. Dissimilar pipes shall be jointed ��i[h a special factory-fabricated coupling. 62-3.08C SOLVENT CEMENTED JOINTS. Solvent cemented joints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions, generally as follows: 1. Wipe the bell of inside of sleeve coupling and the spigot end clean. ?. Apply primer liberally to the inside of the sleeve coupling and the outside of the spigot end. 3. Immediately apply the cement over the primer to the inside of the sleeve coupling and the outside of the spigot end. 4. Immediately insert the spigot end into the sieeve coupling with a slight circumferential twist. 62-3.09 PROTECTION OF EXISTING SEWERAGE FAClL111ES. ?,11 existing live sewers inciuding septic tanks and drain fields shall be kept in service at al] times. Provision shall be made for disposal of sewage flow if any existing sewers are damaged. Damage to existing sewers shall be repaired to a condition equal to or better than their condition prior to the damage, and at no additional cost to the Owner. Water accumulating during construction shali be removed from the new sewers but shall not be permitted to enter the existing system. The Contractor shall be responsible for flushing out and cleaning any existing sewers into w-hich gravel, rocks, or other debris has entered as a result of his operations, and shal] repair lift stations or other facilities damaged by his operations. The physical connection to an existing manhole or sewer shall not be made until authorized by the Owner. Such authorization will not be given until all upstream lines have been completely cleaned, all debris removed, and where applicable, a pipe tem- porarily placed in the existing channel and sealed. 62-3.10 TESTING FOR ACCEPTANCE. 62-3.10A GENERAL. All sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be cleaned prior to testing and shall be tested after bac�ll by the exfiltration method, or by the low pressure air method. Where there is evidence that a natural head of groundwater exists over the crown of the pipe at ali points, acceptance may be based on the direct measurement of infiltration. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to make the test, clean the lines and to per- form all work incidental thereto; and any damage resulting from cests shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense. All cest�s shall be made in the presence of the Engineer. The manner and time of testing shall be subject to approval of the Engineer, provided that the Engineer may limit pipe foot- 8 / DIV. III SEC. 62-3.08A — 62_3.��E age to be laid prior to testing. � All wyes, tees and stubs shall be plugged to withstand t},e' test pressures. Such plugs or caps shall be readily remov�le,; and upon their removal shall provide means for making a flexible jointed lateral connection or extension. In the event that the Contractor elects to test large dia��; ter pipe one joint at a time, leakage allowances shall be based on , the assumption that the entire leakage for one lengt,h of pipe �-� . occur at the joint, as detailed hereinafter. If leakage exceeds the allowable amount, corrective meas-:� ures shall be taken and the line then retested to the satisfaction ; of the Engineer. • 62•3.tOB EXFlLTRATION TEST. Prior to making exfiltration leakage tests, the Contractor may fill the pipe w�th clear w•ater to permit normal absorption into the pipe walls provided, how_ ever, that after so filling the pipe he shall complete the leakage test within 24 hours after filling. When under test, the allo�•able leakage Siiall be limited according to the provisions that follow, Specified allowances assume pre-wetted pipe. Leakage shall be no more than 0.28 gph per inch diameter per 100 feet of sewer, with a hydrostatic head of six feet above the crown at the upper end of the test section, or above the natu- ral groundwater tabie at the time of test, whichever is higher. The length of pipe tested shall be limited so that the pressure at the lower end of the section tested does not exceed 16 feet of head above the invert, and in no case shall be greater than 700 feet or the distance between manholes when greater than 700 feet. Where the test head is other than six feet, the measured leakage shall not exceed O.Z8 gph per inch diameter per 100 feet times the ratio of the square root of the test head to the square root of six. �/H Leakage maxunum = 0.28 z�=0.114 H�gph/inch/100 feet. When the test is to be made one joint at a time, the leakage per joint shall not exceed the computed allowable leakage per length of pipe. : _ _ , �X�C�_`;� )J� i..cN;� i�•,i_ 62•3.10C INFILTRATION TEST. Infiltration test leakage shall not exceed 0.16 gph per inch diameter per 100 feet, when the natural groundwater head over the pipe is two feet or less above the crown of the pipe at the upper end of the test section. The length of pipe tested shall not exceed 700 feet or the distance be- tween manholes when greater than 700 feet. Where the natural groundwater head is more than two feet, the measured leakage shall not exceed 0.16 gph per inch diame- ter per 100 feet times the ratio of the square root of the natural groundwater head to the square root of 2. VH Leakage maximum =.016 x�=0.114 H gph/inch/100 feet. When a suitable head of groundw�ater exists above the crown of the pipe and w�hen the pipe is large enough to work in- side, acceptance may be based on the repair of visible leakage b}' means satisfactory to the Engineer. 62•3.tOD OTHEA TEST ALLOWANCES. Al] ]ateral or side sewer branches included in the test section shall be taken into account in computing allowable leakage. An allowance of 0.2 gph per foot of head above invert shall be made for each manhole in- cluded in a test section or tested separately. 62•3.10E AIR PRESSURE TEST FOR SANRARY SEWERS AND STORM DRAINS CONSTRUCTEO OF AIR-PERMEABLE MATEAIALS• 1. Pipelines may be tested with lo�� pressure air by the pressure drop method, in lieu of water infiltration or exfiltra- 1► ��'�i�0 King County Department of Metropolitan Services Industrial Waste • 130 Nickerson St., Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98109-1658 •(206) 689-3000 May 3 1995 ��,�f••Y �' 't•p � � ���r+4G . � � i� L:.J'..:i'_ �� � 1 � � ,` � � i {C.C� `--� � Mike Paulson, Resident Engineer ^'�QY ' J i�95 Construction Division, M.S. SC ���� �or� King County Department of Metropolitan Services a� _.r_ �`���� ��' '-Y OF �EN � ON 821 Second Avenue ��� - ,:'`"��r�n;: �,,_,. Seattle, Washington 98104 � � � . •- �� �� � �' �' � -�._ ' .�, ',. ' ' • — Dear Mr. Paulson: Your waste discharge permit application requesting authorization to discharge construction dewatering to the sanitary sewer from the Cedar River Trunk - Phase II Construction Project has been reviewed. Discharge to the City of Renton local sewer lines is authorized for the anticipated duration of the project, i.e. from issuance of this memo to August 31, 1995. The discharge shall comply with the following conditions: 1. The discharge shall not cause hydraulic overloading conditions of the local sewerage systems or cause upset conditions at the East Division Reclamation Plant at Renton. Metro and the City of Renton reserve the right to request that discharge from the site be stopped immediately and indefinitely by contacting the Metro Project Engineer and/or individual contractors and/or the employees on site who are directly in charge of the discharge. 2. This letter of authorization permits the discharge of: Construction dewatering from wells whose functions are to lower the water iuuii. 3i til� C^vIIStP,:.`�.T:CP. Slt?, ?.T?� b. Storm water from the construction site Wastes or contaminants from sources other than described above shall not be discharged to the sanitary sewer without prior Industrial Waste (IW) approval. 3. Construction dewatering and storm water from the site shall be routed through detention tanks as described in your permit application prior to discharge to the sewer. If excessive levels of suspended solids are encountered during the project, wastewater treatment other than simple settling may be required. Water Pollutiori Coritrol Depnrtrnent • Clean Water—A Sot�nd I�ivestmertt Mr. Mike Paulson May 3, 1995 Page 2 Q 5. The discharge to the sanitary sewer shall be compliant with the following operating criteria: a) There shall be no pronounced odor of solvent or gasoline; b) There shall be no pronounced oil sheen or unusual color; c) There shall be no pronounced hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg) odor; and d) There shall be no visibly pronounced turbidity, the discharge must remain translucent. The following monitoring requirements shall be met for this discharge authorization: Parameter Flow Settleable Solids Hydrogen Sulfide Explosivity Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene (1) (3) (4) Frec�uencX Daily (expres- sed as gpd) Daily (expres- sed as ml/L) Only if operating criteria are exceeded (1) Only if operating criteria are exceeded (2) Only if operating criteria are exceeded (4) Discharge Limit 120,000 gpd 7 ml/L 10.0 ppm (3) 0.13 ppm 1.5 ppm 1.4 ppm Sample Type/ Me Meter or pump Grab/Imhoff Cone Meter Meter Grab/EPA Method 602 See Item 3 (c) above See Item 3 (a) above At no time shall two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the point of discharge into the system (or at any point in the system), be more than ftve percent (S) nor any single reading be more than ten percent (10%) of the Lower Explusive iemu (LEL) of the meter. See Item 3(a) and 3(b) �bove If a violation of any discharge limits or operating criteria is detected in monitoring, you shall notify the Metro Industrial Waste Section and the City of Renton immediately. A monitoring log containing all monitoring information shall be maintained on-site. Monthly self-monitoring reports containing the above information shall be submitted by the 15th of the month following data collection. 6. Metro will expect operators on site to pay close attention to the discharge limitations and operating criteria specified in this discharge authorization whenever discharge to the sanitary sewer is occurring. Mr. Mike Paulson May 3, 1995 Page 3 If you have any questions concerning this letter of discharge authorization, please feel free to contact me at extension 3012. Sincerely, �. Arnaud J. Girard Industrial Waste Investigator Environmental Programs cc: David ChristensPn, Ci+;� of Rentan e�o �+� a.PR 2 ��� i995 Apri125, 1995 To: Mike Paulson, Resident Engineer - M.S. SC ; � ;,,�_;�-��y From: Arnaud Girard, Industrial Waste Investigator - M.S. IHW � � Subject: Letter of Discharge Authorization For the Metro Cedar River Trunk - Phase II Construction Project Your waste discharge permit application requesting authorization to discharge construction dewatering to the sanitary sewer from the Cedar River Trunk - Phase II Construction Project has been reviewed. As discussed with you during our 4-19-95 telephone conversation, copies of your permit application were sent to the City of Renton and the Department of Ecology to solicit comments regarding the proposed discharge. As with all permit applications, this comment period last� for 14 days. Due to your request to begin discharging from this project before the end of the comment period, this letter of authorization permits the discharge of construction dewatering wastewater into the Metro Eastside Interceptor only. Once the comment period for the propose� discharg� is over, and the City of Renton has had a chance to review the permit application and express potential concerns or special discharge conditions, a separate discharge authorization permitting discharge into the City of Renton sewers will be issued. Discharge to the Metro Eastside Interceptor shall comply with the following conditions: 1. This letter of authorization permits the discharge of: a. b. Construction dewatering from wells whose functions are to lower the water table at the construction site, and Storm water from the construction site Wastes or contaminants from sources other than described above shall not be discharged to the sanitary sewer without prior Industrial Waste (IW) approval. 2. Construction dewatering and storm water from the site shall be routed through detention tanks as described in your permit application prior to discharge to the sew�X. If excessive levels of suspended solids are encountered during the project, wastewa�e� treatment other than simple setding may be required. i�'�i�ET�Q Clean Water—ASound Investment 3. 4 The discharge to the sanitary sewer shall be compliant with the following operadng criteria: a) There shall be no pronounced odor of solvent or gasoline; b) There shall be no pronounced oil sheen or unusual color; c) There �shall be no pronounced hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg} odor; and ~� d) There shall be no visibly pronounced turbidity, the discharge must remain translucent. The following monitoring requirements shall be met for this discharge authorization: Parameter Flow Settleable Solids Hydrogen Sulfide Explosivity Benzene, toluene,. ethylbenzene Frec�uencv Daily (expre- ssed as gpd) Daily (expre- ssed as ml/L) Only if operating criteria are exceeded (1) Only if operating criteria are exceeded (2) Only if operating criteria are exceeded (4) Discharge Limit 150,000 gpd 7 ml/L 10.0 ppm (3) 0.13 ppm 1.5 ppm 1.4 ppm Sample Type/ Method Meter or pump Grab/Imhoff Cone Meter Meter Grab/EPA Method 602 (I) See Item 3(c) above (2) See Item 3(a) above (3) At no time shall two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the point of discharge into the system (or at any poiru in the system), be more than �vo perc.ent (S 1 nnr any single reading be more than ten percent (10 %) of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) of the meter. (4) See Item 3(a) and 3(b) above If a violation of any discharge limits or operating criteria is detected in monitoring, you shall notify the Metro Industnal Waste Secrion immediately. A monitoring log containing all monitoring information shall be maintained on-site. 5. Metro will expect operators on site to pay close attention to the discharge limitations and operating criteria specified in this discharge authorization whenever discharge to the sanitary sewer is occumng. If you have any questions concerning this letter of discharge authorization, please fee: free to contact me at extension 3012. cc: David Christensen, City of Renton i�as���va�e� I�isc%arge ������ A��lic�.��o� � Clean Water—A Sound Irrvestrnent �;::�. .�/�► � - �� F:�°;.`_�: ID��'iET�o You will find detaued instructions [or completing eacn sec:ion oi this appiication and each reauired exhibit in the enciosed packet, 'Wastewater Discnarge Permit Applicatio:� and Exhi�its-Instructions and Cuidelines.' Review the � encire a�piicacion and inscruction vac4cet carefully beiore com�leiing any pari of the application_ >:<:'; Submit one application for each site. ;`:=> ?,nswer all questions and include the required exhibits. Incomplete applications will be rehuned to you. :<;': If you do not have an answer for the requested information, indicate so and explain why. ;:: Indicate ":�lA" ii a section does not appiy to your operations. ': Use additional pa�es, :f needed. :i tio aoplication fee is required. You will be billed a permit fee ii a permit is granted. ;::» Send five copies oF the completed application and exhibits to: Municipality of Mecropoiitan Seattie Industrial Waste Sec2ion 130 Nickerson Street, Suite 200 Seattle, Washington 98�09-1653 .-3PPLIC.�ti C 3USINc55 V?.��tE: j(iniv� �OOnT� ,�eQa�- r zn�' oi �`�,e)v'v ���ific� r� �r�-y1<.z C� ADD['�� OF SiT� �[SC: L4I2GI�iG W? ��AT�Z: Bli5�1�;5 M?.IL.L�1G ADDRF55: — Nor �� 3,..d :r'r 4'�- o>., B.,r n�.i1' tb �n �T � A de . 4;; I� ud #tv.z: %�((S -_`� c= "Saeecndc:essflX.TOryA:i r=m , Jr rtt, Is. 13reeiZS � S�e=c.?ddress -• A1 , 3rooil i�c.r+ Fa�l�� Q�u. �11. T ��nv:�r �'1� 1�• �c'_ cl��v_ � l� {� . Q� 1�'�- '�� Gr:. �? Cocie R E(�) ; C!�l City. =i? C�de P�250N TO Bc COMA�J �150UT THLS AL'PLIC.�TION: j�ii;k�. ��vlso�! Name U� c:...I �N�t �'�i ^� �-!/J ' � �w 5C7EEL�iQdlESS Telepnone Vo. ( �06 ) �7 �4=� �e�5tc{tnt�'' Cv�S:ntr�r o-- iiue :. �1[V. Z:D �od8 ^�+J C/ � `1.1 I�1� / � � � l. REASON FOR APPL1CATlON Brietlu descri'oe fhe main acti��ifies at the aaplicant siie (hJpe of manufncturing, ser�ice, rernedintion). LJ �.c7rl�J/v�vC,[lC:l) El�iNq(Z,r,�nq j P;�1.C, (�iv-z l�l75la/�G�ory ��4`���j '�/d/�IIC-V�iON �J�.G<,,v:,,ZJr.a� �/.1/;.;N3 i'�v:,^a i�' iui:r.> e�,s�ti4.��� �rov�Ic,,wt� � � 4 n � �t� $ c.•_c...tr . I 2. PERTINENT IDENT1FiCA710N NUMBERS AND PERMITS Standard Industria! C]assiiicaaon (SIC� ��r �%'L °� F�vironmental Conti-ol Perauts Issued for Appi.imnt Site: �'A WAD No. N /� ^��� Water/Sewer Account No. � `� Cun-ent Metro Permit No. �v < � Wastewater Discharge Permit Application I►:fT1ETF1� __ _._ �_ _ _ _ _ _.._ _ .. .... ..... _ ..... _. __ .. .. .... ... I :. _ , - . � . . ..._ ,. _ -. _ ,, �. sEc�rtoKc-�oaucraNa�oc�o�sc�no�.: :-= _ -..-. _ . ._ - =;= �. . - . . . ... _ - . = -�. _ . .. �- :Y!�•:: l. RE9UIRED EXHIBITS EXHIB[T ?.: SCHEMATIC FLOW DIAGRr�tii EXHIBIT B: SITE LAYOUi' EXHIBIT C PLANNED CH.�NGES IN PREi REATMENT OR WASTE DISPOSAL PRACi ICES DCHIBIT D: �NALYTICAL O[Z HISTORICAL DATA IXHIBIT E: SPILL PREVE`'TIOIV AND CONTAINMENT PL?.N EXHIBIT F: EEVGINEERING REPORT (Required only if you have wastewater pretreaEment systems or are intending to install such systems.) 2. OPTIONAL EXHIBIT EXHIBIT G: HYDROGEOLOGIC REPORTS FOR LOI�'G-TERM GROUNDWATER RE?�fEDlATION. 3. DA1LY AND S"cASONAL VARIATIONS No. of No. oi Operacing Days/Season No. oi Employees/Shiit Operating Days/Year Soring I Summer Autumn Winter Day Nigitit I Swing Average � `T � I�. � I � I � /� I z v �faxirnum f s�, V �j I ( ,3 C% � � � / � ( � � � c= S Z'! Yvl A��5 S L5T! yn,qTc'S 4. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND PRODUCTS Business activiiies include both manufacturing and ren:ediation actiznties. Business Activity Type of Product or Brand Name Daily Quanaties Average Ivlaximum i:T�(,�- �oiL'S/���T , J � o :,, . S o �u.v� � � , n.o. � <`�' � � v L , r. ��� 2 O� L .1= �- ES T: r�tq*•� , I Wastewater Discharge Permit Application �►:mET�� � '1� � •�'•1 1 •'� 1�. � �. � -� 5. RAW MATERIALS AND CHEMICALS USED IN 7HE PROCESS Brand Name C"nemical, Scienriiic, or Purpose Daily Quanacies Actual tiame Ave�ge I ��� ►� e � :: v=,�- � I I I I I 6. INDU57RIAL WASTEWATERS DISCNARGED TO ME1R0 ScWERS process ihac Generates Suoscances Disc'r.arged Tvpe of rreauency (2) Daily Quandties Wastewace: (1) to Sewer Pretreacment .4verage I��� ,�.o•Go-:flr.,c-�jc:� 7"renc�i �'"�•"``tiw�"'. S.•<i�mi�cTauia:tk Q�CcTnuc•n ��r l�c.r�D.c Cj<=1.u4���Y t'�1t- - �� �lud�jj" btiYu'�" P r e V t b-�> e,yC C r r f,.,et�. I I I I (1) cnter a brie� desrnption and assign a ntember for each pmcess. Also snou� these n:embers in ExniDits r1 and B. (2) Indicnie appropnate ietter: (a) corttint�oteslv discharged wnen genernted, or (b) stored and dischnrged in batcnes. ' =; mE-rRo Wastewater Discharge Permit Appliurtion 7. L19UID WASTES AND SLUDGES REMOVED BY MEANS OTHER 7HAN METRO SEWERS � � . . �• � �— _ �. _..�. �.. _._ ,. .. .... , . ... .. . . ... . . . . .__ ... °. SECT(ON D-WATER 8AlANCE � � . . . EXHIBIT H: DOCUMENTATION OF WATER BAL�,NCE CALCULATIONS. 2. WATER BALANCE Tv�e of � � ° � Use/Discharge Water Use Water Disc:aig= or Loss Sou�e (1) l Average Maximum Discna e Ave� e Vfaximum I(gal/day) (8a1/day) Poinc (2 I(Sai/ ay) I(ga!/day) Industria! orocessing water/wastewater N/n U U NlA Q v !Z r\ Concact cooling warer � f� � O �� I I �j � Nonconcact cooiing water N/� I U I �-� N r� � `�, Boiler and cooi.ing tower feed/blowdown k/�4 N l� v N� eJ d Water incorporaced inco roducc p N��j r,, f/� �_' �/ �i I O I n� Sanitary water/wasrewater � �, � I .� I O %v � I � —� ��v �. -<ic.�� Stormwacer � 3� e. � �° �'� � b ��5o I�,�s� Planc wasiung water/wastewater I � �� �, C:� ,�/ q � � d Site irrigadon � 1� I � I � ^� /A I � � l <'l Evaporation � �i� c7 � n%�� G � Other , . �,'t" `%� �a �a � � �A, � I `�,�/c.0. �=� � 7`" TOTALS NA I�G�./SO I!'ZZ�1�0 NA . I���ISD I ILZ�I� (1) cnies Ehe appropnate lefter fos the rvafer source: a. City Service b. Private Well c. Reclaimed Water d. Raw Materials e. Stormwater f. Groundwatez (2) E�:ter fhe appropriate letter for the discharge point: a. Sewer b. Storm Drain c Receiving Water d. Waste Haulen e. EvaporaEion f. Product (If the dischnrge is entering the setuers, also indicnte thr srde setuer (ss] numoer, if ai�nilnble.) I-_ SECT[ON E-CERTIFlCA710N . . �. : : I cerrify under penalty of law that this document and all attachmenu were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly resoonsidle for gathering the informarion, :he informarion submitted is to the best of my Irnowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitring false information, including the possibiIity of fine and imprisonment for knowing violarions. __ __. ... ..._ S ignature Date ��, ;�. 1 � . l�u�-- �t�lsorJ KeS�-_1�,�-'t Cn��,nezr Printed Name Title SECTION C REQUIRED EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A: SCHEMATIC FLOW DIAGRAM EXHIBIT B: S1TE LAYOUT EXHIBIT G: NOT /�►PPLIC�BLE EXHIBIT D: ANALYTICA/HISTORICAL DATA EXHIBIT E: SPILL PREVENTION/CONTAINMENT EXHIBIT F: NOT APPLICABLE EXHIBIT G: NOT APPLICABLE - 5 ! , a c D E � c H . _. \ ,\ / i / ' � /i _ - �' _ �\ 1 � U. ii / / i ,-� \ �`_ � _ � i �'� ".�� - � - / _ ..`'/ % \ .o'\ . j ^/. ' ./ \' �, � � " \ ``' . �`'` l0 1 _ . - ` 5;\ _ — - -- _ ,! `/ \ \ '\ / / /` / j'/ /" t._ _ � ' : - , / \ ~ j -' �� \` ' � };; ,� ` :✓ � c. `. / • : � j � � c �0' , � � � �" � , � � _ � .-1- � , � c --1 -- ' - % � /.� i - � ' , i �` � \ v� i\ . � � _ � \ �' '� � ��% „/ !� / , 7 �, Z �, J� " � � � ' �� -�� . �-- _ \ . 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I I ��.�. o �. ���. �w�E_ � a ;E�T�MIS GV: SFl 939 �.� ��.«, ,� i,�� T ���� �. k�_�T,a� :": R7 E T R O y,�<<�lit, o� ye���� �e�u. — � - I- I- �— I I I .�'b ot 'tis+r�b/ ,2,Z' o� r'�y, GF I► � z 1 Na, RMSION •'i� a 3 9Y IAPP'01 DATE L � � �� � � '�9 � �� �2 DfUwN: CtiECKE: /; �a - �- ; ; C.18 v� M-li N RECOuu[wp[ r.:z � z•oaz o �: / ?s��sr2aC° a r'�?isit?�' � !� s7orra� G'c�' �s t,` � n /7-�G'�- �ONAL F" i,poRpJCD: i r F YOTED Px � �+o: W/1A7-9d CED�R RNER TRUNK RElOG710N PWLSE 2 PLAN AND PROFILE STA 26+20 TO STA 28+00 G 60 50 40 30 20 10 � � JUN: ��� — �ns C106 y�T 'o a � � e � . �X i-i i � 1"i D - �j�`r� �. <<, ;� � �,T� September 10, 1993 G-0346 METRO - Cedar River Trunk Relocation Page 4 soil sampling, field testing and monitoring well installations, are recorded in Appendix A- Field Subsurface Exploration Program and Boring Logs. The soil and groundwater conditions encountered in the six borings are presented on Plates A2 to A7 in Appendix A. Two boring logs that were recorded by Golder Associates Inc. in 1991 are also included in the appendix as Plates A8 and A9. Due to the complexity of the geologic conditions, soil stratification can not be extrapolated between the test borings. The soils encountered along the alignment are of three general types: brown to tan sandy silt to clayey silt (recent fill), dark gray interbedded clayey silt and silty fine sand (alluvial deposits in Lake Washington and the Cedar River), and olive gray to gray gravelly sand to sandy gravel (glacio-recessional outwash). 2.4 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in all of the six test borings during the time of driliing between July 8 and 12, 1993. The groundwater levels are indicated in the boring logs in Appendix A and Figures 4 and 5. The water levels in Golder's Boring 7 and 8 were measured at 16.7 feet and 17.2 feet, respectively. The current groundwater levels are higher than the pipeline bottom elevation near B-1 and B-2, close to the bottom elevation near B-3, and below the bottom elevations near B-4 through B-8. The subsurface soil at the site is part of the Cedar River aquifer used by the City of Renton to provide water for the City. The groundwater conditions in the project area were studied by CH2M Hill for the City of Renton in 1988 to determine the aquifer protection zone. Groundwater levels are generally lower in the summer and higher in the winter due to higher water levels in the Cedar River and less water pumped from the aquifer. Groundwater is expected to be present during the construction of the pipeline. 3. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3,1 General Based on the results of our field exploration and available subsurface information, it is our opinion that the subject site is suitable for the proposed construction, However, the soils Geo Group Northwest, Inc. September 10, 1993 METRO - Cedar River Trunk Relocation G-03a6 Paee 8 The contractor should be aware that excessive machine vibration at the site can densify the sandy soils and consequently cause pipeline and street pavement settlements. In the area where no sheet pile shoring is installed, street settlement could occur due to soil lateral movement toward excavation. The contractor should keep construction traffic as far as possible away from the excavated areas. We recommend that a survey plan be established to document the site conditions before, during, and after the pipeline construction. This is to avoid possible future disputes due to the deep excavation in a residentiai area. Reference points shouid be set up along the trench to monitor the ground settlement on a daily basis during construction. METRO should establish criteria on the allowable settlements on the street pavement, and allowabie pipe settlement, such as 1 inch maximum settlement within 20 feet. If excessive settlement is monitored, construction work should be immediately stopped for examination. Necessary remedial measures shouid be taken before resuming the construction. The survey should also include the houses along the two sides of the pipeline alignment. 3.4 Trench Shoring As a general rule, trench shoring is required to protect structures and utilities that are located at a horizontal distance to the excavation less than the vertical distance to the excavation bottom. An unshored trench may be excavated in the areas where structures and utilities are located at a horizontal distance to the excavation farther than the vertical distance to the excavation bottom, however, trench boxes should be used to prevent soil sloughing and provide safety for the workers. Based on the shifted pipeline alignment in Reference 5, the following conditions are applicable: Stations 0+00 to 0+50 The pipe invert wiii be 24 feet below the street level. Groundwater is expected to be present at the time of construction. Shoring is required due to the deep excavation and high groundwater level. We recommend that braced sheet pile shoring walls be designed for this section. Stations 0+50 to 10+00 Liquefiable soil will be excavated and replaced with crushed rock in this section. The total excavation will be about 19 feet deep. Groundwater is expected to be Geo Group Northwest, Inc. September 10, 1993 METRO - Cedar River Trunk Relocation G-0346 PaQe 9 encountered in the excavation. Existing underground utility lines are located within 9 feet of the two sides of the trench. Metal sheet pile shoring is recommended for the excavation in this section. Stations 10+00 to 16+50 The proposed pipe invert wiil be up to 13 feet deep. The current groundwater level is 1 to 2 feet below the pipe invert. Groundwater may or may not be encountered in the excavation depending on the groundwater levels during the construction. Existing underground utilities are 7 to 11 feet from the proposed trench. Open trench excavation may be conducted in this section, however, a trench box or metal plates braced with hydraulic jacks should be used as discussed in Section 3.3. Stations 16+50 to 22+50 The proposed pipe invert wiil be up to 13 feet deep. Groundwater is not expected during excavation. Existing underground utilities are located at 3 to 5 feet from the trench. Metal sheet pile shoring is recommended for this section of the trench. Stations 22+50 to 28+00 The proposed pipe invert will be about 12 feet deep. Groundwater is not expected during excavation. Existing underground utilities are 7 to 11 feet from the proposed trench. Open trench excavation may be conducted in this section, however, a trench box or metai plates with hydraulic jacks should be used as discussed in Section 3.3. The design soii lateral pressure is as follows: Cantilevered Sheet Piles (without braces): • Active soil pressure above groundwater: 45 pcf equivalent fluid pressure; • Active soil pressure below groundwater: 25 pcf equivalent fluid pressure; • Passive soil pressure above groundwater: 250 pcf equivalent fiuid pressure; • Passive soil pressure below groundwater: 130 pcf equivalent fluid pressure. • Groundwater pressure should be added if the groundwater levels on the two sides of the wall are different, as shown in Figure 6. Braced Sheet Piles: • Active soil pressure is designed as rectangular distribution of 30 pcf times the wall Geo Group Northwest, Inc. � :� � � � — �� 1�1 � . 1 j � SECTION 01560 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY �� A. This Section specrfies temporary environmental controls required to be mair7tained during construction. � .� "•d � PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SUBMITTALS A. Environmerrtal Mitigation Plan (see Paragraphs 00710-1.14) which effectively incorporates and implements all environmental mitigation requirements of this Section 01560 and the General Cond�tions. The plan shail include spiil prevention and cleanup measures proposed for use on this Contract, and must be approved by the Engineer prior to site occupation by the Contractor. � B. Spill preverrtion materials and equipmerrt to be mairrtained on site by the Contractor. '� � � =� � � _� � `� � `� � PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SITE MAINTENANCE A. Keep the work site clean and free from rubbish and debris. Materials and equipmer�t shall be removed from the site when they are no lonaer necessary. Upon completion of the work and before final acceptance, the work site shall be cleared of equipment, unused materials, and rubbish to present a clean and neat appearance in conformance with the present condition of the site. Refer to each Section for further requirements. B. Clean-up: 1. Waste material will not be permitted to remain on the site of the work or on adjacent streets. Collect, carry off the site and dispose of such materials immediately upon their becoming unfit for use in the work. 2. Keep buiidings occupied by the Contracior clear of refuse, rubbish and debris that may accumulate. Keep buiidings in a neat condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 3. In the event that waste materiai, refuse, debris and rubbish are not removed from the work, Metro reserves the right to have the waste material, refuse, debris and rubbish removed and the expense of the removal and disposal charged to the Contractor. C. Street Cleaning: 1. Prevent dirt and dust from escaping irom trucks departing the project site, by covering dusty bads, washing truck tires before leaving the site, or other reasonable methods. 2. When working dump trucks and other equipment on paved streets and roadways, clean the streets ii required by the Engineer at the conclusion of each days operations. 3. Violations ot the above requirements shall be sufficient ground for the Engineer to order the streets in question cleaned by others, the cost oi such cleaning to be paid by the Contractor. � 3.02 TEMPORARY DAMS � A. Except in time of emergency, earth dams are not acceptabie at catch basin openings, bcal depressions, or elsewhere. Temporary dams of sand bags, asphattic concrete, or other � acceptabie material wiil be permitted when necessary to protect the wor�c, provided their use does not create a hazard or nuisance to the public. Such dams shall be removed from the site as soon as they are no Ionger necessary. �' � 01560 - 1 W/M7-9d �: 3.03 A 3.04 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL The Contractor shall not discharge smoke, dust, and other contaminants into the atmosphere that violate the regulations of legally constituted authorities. Intemal combustion engines shall not �be altowed to idie ior.probnged periods. Maintain construction vehicles and equipmerTt in good repair. Exhaust emissions determined by the Engineer to be excessive shall be corrected. Minimize dust nuisance by cleaning, sweeping, and sprinkfing with water, or other means. The use of water, in amounts which resutt in mud on public streets, is not acceptable as a substitute for sweeping or other methods. NOISE CONTROL A. Construction invotving noisy operations shall be restricted to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Noisy operations shall be scheduled to minimize their duration. B. Comply with bcal controls and noise level rules, regulations and ordinances which apply to work performed pursuant to the ConlracL —� 4� � � � f� C� � � C. Each iniemal combustion engine, used on the job or related to the job, shall be equipped with a muffler of a type recommended by the manufacturer. No internal combustion engine shall be � operated on the project without said mufi(ler. D. Noise levels for scrapers, pavers, graders and trucks shall not exceed 90 dBA as measured � under the noisiest operating conditions. For other equipmerrt, noise levels shall not exceed 85 dBA. Equipment that cannot meet these levels shall be quieted by use of improved exhaust �, mufflers or other means. 3.05 WATER AND EROSION CONTROL A. Temporary Pumping and Drainage: 1. Conform to the regulations and requirements of legally authorized surface water management agencies. 2. Keep trenches and areas other excavations free from water as required to permit continuous progress of, or to prevent damage to the work or the work of others. 3. Discharge dewatering waters and runotf or other waters collected in or intercepted by excavations under the work of this Contract directly to the existing sewer fines. The nearest manhole shall be utilized for this purpose. The Contractors operations shall be conducted in such a manner as to prevent sediment irom reaching the storm drains and surface waters. The local sewer authorRy must approve, in writing, any discharge to the local sewer. B. Erosion Control Measures: 1. Prevent sofids or turtiid runoff from entering bcal waterways. Cover, secure and/or berm excavated area, spoils piles and imported or slored fill materials. Cut and cover techniques, hay bales around storm drains and construction sites, siltafion fencing and similar erosion control measures shall be employed as required to prevent contamination of local waterways and particularly Cedar River. 2. Erosion control measures shall be installed prior to excavation, clearing and grading activiiies. 3.06 SPILL PREVENTION AND CONTROL 01560 - 2 A. Responsibility: The Contractor is responsible ior spill preveniion, containment and cleanup oi oil, fuel and other petroleum products used in the Contractors operations. Bear all costs oi spill corttrol efiorts. B. Regulations: The Contractor is advised that discharge of oil from equipment or facilities irTto state waters or onto adjacent land is not permitted under Washington State water quality regulations. � � � � C� � � � � � �� �� � � � w�-sa ,� � � � C. Minimum Precautions � 1. Fuel hoses, lubrication equipmerrt, hydraulically operated equipment, oil drums and other equipment and facilities shail be inspected regulariy for drips, leaks or signs of damage, and shall be maintaineti and stored properiy to prevertt spills. Property securTty shall be mairrtained � to discourage vandalism. 2. All land-based oil products storage tanks shall be diked or located to preveRt spiils from �, escaping to waterways and storm drains. Diking and subsoils shall be lined w�th impervious material to prevertt oil from seeping through the ground and dikes. 3. All visible fbating oils shall be immediately corrtained w�th booms, dikes or other appropriate � means. Visible oils on land shall be contained with dikes or other appropriate means. Collect oils with absorber�t materials, skimmers, etc., and store cleanup materials in drums or similar leak- � proof containers ior storage and transport to approved disposal sites. 4. Refueling of vehicles should be conducted on paved areas. Spili cleanup materials shall be close-at-hand during such refueling. Catch basins which drain refueling areas shall be covered �� during refueling. 5. In the evertt of oil or product discharge into public waters, or onto land with potential for � discharge into public waters, immediately notrfy the foliowing agencies at their 24-hour emergency response numbers: a. WSDOE, Northwest Regional Office: 867-7000 � 6. Maintain on the }ob site the foilowing materiais (minimum): a. Hay Bales � b. Oil dryall, gloves, plastic bags and disposal containers. c. Oil - Absorbent pads or budc materials adequate to cover 200 square feet. 3.07 GROUNDWATER PROTECTION � A. ResponsibilRy: The Contractor is responsible for conducting operations in such a manner to prevent corrtamination of groundwater. The entire project area is within the City of Rerrton's Aqurfer Protection Area. It shall be the Corrtractors responsibil�ty to compiy wfth all appiicable restr�ctions "� and conditions associated w�th Rerrton's Aqurfer Protection Ordinance. The Contractor shall be responsible for bearing all costs associated with the clean-up of contamination. `� _� :� ==� �� =� � � � � 0 END OF SECTION 01560 - 3 W/M7-94 �i Dewater Permit Calcs Exhibit H: Documentation of Water Balance Caiculations Cedar River Trunk Phase II Assumptions: sources will be groundwater and rainfall. Groundwater is coming from the Cedar River Aquifer. I am not going to calculate the volume and recharge rate of the aquifer. Volume of water removed from groundwater dewatering is based on experience from prior construction projects. Rainfall volume is calculated based on the average monthly rainfall for Sea-Tac AirpoR, from NOAA. Area of rainiall on construction project: length o( pipeline(3,000 ft) x 100 ft on either side of pipe center line. Total area = 60,OOOsf impermiable surface=50% =30,OOOsf permiable surface=50% =30,OOOsf 1 sf=144 sq. in. 30,OOOsf=4,320,000 sq. in. 1 gallon=231 in. cu. Average Rainfall volume in consiruction zone(in. cu.) Permiable(in. cu.) Impermiable(in. cu.) Permiable (gallons) Impermiable(gallons) Average gal/day Max gal/day March April May June July August 3.54 in. 2.33in. 1.7in. 1.5in. 0.76in. 1.14in. 30,585,600 20,131,200 14,688,000 12,960,000 6,566,400 9,849,600 15,292,800 10,065,600 7,344,000 6,480,000 3,283,200 4,924,800 15,292,800 10,065,600 7,344,000 6,480,000 3,283,200 4,924,800 66,203 43,57h 31,792 66,203 43,574 31,792 1,121 4,271 28,052 14,213 21,319 28,052 14,213 21,319 � Page 1 0 �C�� ~ � � �� � v � - . . :-�-t :.. � CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM .�� . � � DATE: April 12, 1995 TO: Ron Straka, Lys Hornsby FROM: John Hobson �� SUBJECT: METRO CEDAR RIVER TRUNKLINE RELOCATION PHASE 3 ALIGNMENT Please review the attached plans for any conflicts between the proposed Metro sewer interceptor alignment and your utilities and return the comments to me by April 28. Thank You. PHASE3.DOC/JDH — WC dC P�J'� `'1ttJC G•^y � a• : ••� _ �., . � . •- � . ✓ �/llr f'rlrK /d Ch.CI+� �ar�?D�C ���v<��J tZ� �/� K,,,S , 7� ��"' f'ir ✓ 5�� r m S� �,.-� ? � l✓n �i er� J 4'f � �, -�C N�� s� f V o IJ i r) S. �� -� Y v» � nC — 1''1vJ-� o-{ -fl�t �r��,�� c� ���rJC �� �0� s`t1 ��riov�l' w�7oT Row . ��l R W li� wDoT �Cr 1�'ti I�( t�ff !�i-K�/rvi�ii�•;, A��� �iJ-bui��T I ot -ie , n-� t�i �,� -� ,-r _ r � e X�� f, J cr ,, C i� r w J'�nrn-� J'}r 1�* », f ��. �� f" � '�� •S1� -r!% 5 �/DJCC�• � Off'fn-� P'Ar� !1T!il�rd ) r � ��r�� / Gury y-i�- �s � � � � z � � � 5308 SE 1/4 V\ W �/�� V � z � � � � O C U CITY OF RENTC��! SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM LEGEND ❑ � �--, ���� I�,E3-►1 � �3-io F `f - I 1 �_y_$ F ti-q N�' �i F 2-3- S3 2 - 3 -S.� Z-3-53 STORM SEWER LINES DITCH LINES CATCH BASINS MANHOLES DIRKTION ARROWS CULVERT CROSSWG RENTON CITY LIMITS No-� ��wn� DISCLAIMER THIS INVENTORY INF�RMATfON FOR THE STORM DRA[NAGE SYSTEM IS SCHEMATIC ONLY. IT VAS COMPILED FROM NUMEROUS SOURCES, [T IS THE BEST INF�RMATION AVA[LABLE AT THIS TIME, AND SHOULD BE USED FOR GENERAL GUIDANCE ❑NLY. THE CITY OF RENTpN [S NOT RESPpNSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSI�NS. VHEN THIS INF"�RMATION IS USED FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES, DESIGNERS PRE TO FIELD VERIFY THIS INFORM.qTION. � 11 i11 :� � � -.. :::;: : :::�: : : ::,::: .:<:::: � :11 5317 SE 1/4 G~�Y �� ♦ � ♦ P/B/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 02/20/95 ��*N"r0 5317 NE 1/4 t T O O + N � N Z J W Z J 2 U H Q � i /. .. •/ �/ /, /� ./ /� "`„o°" STAT FED. AI D PROJ . N0. J0o8 XUMBER H . SENSOR I-IR-405-3(783) 12-6-91 ADDED DRAINAGE STRUCTURES RL 91W 097 10-21-91 ADDED DRAINAGE CODES RL �T�r �o. FOR LEGEND SEE SHEET D-1 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET HIGHWAY DIVISION vr! �- -� \ \,� '� �`- r I. x l ' �� ,<." 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I-IR-405-3(783) HIGHWAY DIVISION �� Woshington Stote Deportment of Tronsportation Z G A2:(110002 ]91 M097DDGN:1 SR 405 SOUTH RENTON TO SUNSET BLVD.-HOV DRAINAGE PROFILE DP-6 119. a (034 � �� �= � Earl Clymer, Mayor June 7, 1995 Mike Paulson Construction Engineer Metro 821 Second Avenue - M/S SC Seattle, WA 98104-1598 CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmernuan P.E., Administrator �AX TRANSMfTTAL NI�AO ��-�''' �'►��o � .�.�/�—� �. � SUBJECT: CEDAR RIVER TRUNKLINE RELOCATION PHASE II Dear Mr. Paulson: The City is formally requesting that Metro direct it's contractor, Frank Collucio Construction, to remove the excavation spoils pile that currently exists within both City and Railroad right of way at the intersection of Houser Avenue North and North Brooks Street. All spoils piles shall be removed from this location within five working days of the date of this letter. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a red tag order by the City. Previous attempts to alleviate the impact to the adjacent single family residents have proven unsuccessful and as such, there is no choice but to either eliminate this operation or relocate it to another location that will not impact the single family neighborhood. The contractor may continue to utilize this area for its import stockpile as it currently is operating. Any significant alteration to this operation that results in unacceptable impacts to the adjacent residents may cause the City to terminate the use of this portion of the right of way for this purpose as well. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (206) 277-6212. Si Waste�ter Utility Supervisor H: DOCS:95-494:DMC:ps CC: Gregg Zimmerman Ron Olsen John Hobson Rod Schindler Rick Kokko ..� .•..� i6 a �a -- as��__� 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 � This paper contains 50� recyded material, 25 % post consumer CAG-95-002 UTILITIES COOPERATION AGREEI�NT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF RENTON AND KING COUNTY FOR METRO'S CEDAR RIVER TRUNK RELOCATION PROJECT - PHASE II AND CITY OF RENTON'S NORTH THIRD LIVABLE STREETS PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between KING COUNTY a political subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter "the County"), and THE CITY OF RENTON (hereinafter the ��City"), a municipal corporation of the State of Washington. WHEREAS, in accordance with a memorandum of agreement (hereinafter "MOA") executed June. 6, 1991, the County plans to construct a new 42-inch sewer pipeline between Burnett Avenue North and Brooks Street as part of the Cedar River Trunk Relocation-Phase II (hereinafter the "Project"); and — - WHEREAS, the design and installation of the new sewer line requires the reconnection of the City's local sewer system at numerous points along the route of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City would normally require restoration of the street surface as a condition of permits for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City desires to make street improvements to North Third Street between Burnett Avenue North and Factory Avenue North as part of the City's Livable Streets Project and in lieu of the aforementioned street restoration, has requested that the County share the cost of said improvements and substitute the improvements for the restoration work that the County would otherwise be required to undertake; and WHEREAS, the City and the County have agreed that the County's Department of Metropolitan Services (hereinafter "Metro") will manage and construct both the new sewer line and the street improvements and that the City will compensate Metro for construction activities related to the street improvements and storm drains. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the provisions and conditions set forth herein, it is mutually agreed by and between the City and the County as follows: -1- 1. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Cooperation Agreement, the terms underlined in the numbered paragraphs of this Section 1 shall have the meanings set forth to the underlined term. 1.1 Citv -- The City of Renton, Washington, a municipal corporation. 1.2 City Engineer -- The staff engineer assigned by the City to carry out the responsibilities set forth in this Agreement. 1.3 City Project Manager -- The individual assigned by the City to carry out the responsibilities set forth in this Agreement. 1.4 County -- King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington. 1.5 Contract Documents -- All documents, including those referenced therein, set forth in Contract No. W/M7-94 between County and Contractor. 1.6 Contractor -- Contractor hired by Metro to construct the Project pursuant to Contract No. W/M7-94. 1.7 Director -- Executive Director of Metro. 1.8 Final Plans -- The plans and specifications set forth in the Contract Documents. 1.9 Implement or Implementation -- Plan, design, construct, operate, maintain, regulate or otherwise manage or take action to carry out the Project. 1.10 Metro -- King County Department of .Metropolitan Services. 1.11 Metr� Director of Technical Services -- That individual who directs and is responsible for the actions of Metro's Technical Services Department personnel who are officially assigned to the Project. 1.12 Metro Project Manager -- The individual assigned by Metro to carry out the responsibilities set forth in this Agreement. 1.13 Metro Resident Enaineer -- The staff engineer employed by Metro. who is responsible for technical coordination of the Project. -2- 1.14 Original Contract Amount -- The original amount awarded to the Contractor for construction of the Project or portions of the Project pursuant to the Contractor's bid. 1.15 P/B/PW Administrator -- the head of the department responsible for coordinating and facilitating City personnel and contractors directly involved with the Project. 1.16 Project -- Construction of a new 42-inch sewer pipeline between Burnett Avenue North and Brooks Street as part of the Cedar River Trunk Relocation Project - Phase II, and street improvements to North Third Street between Burnett Avenue North and Factory Avenue North as part of the City's Livable Streets Project. 1.17 Project Dispute -- A dispute between the Metro and the City arising out of or relating to the Project. 2. UNDERSTANDING This Agreement, including specifications, drawings and contract documents, reflects the understanding between the parties regarding the matters covered. This Agreement incorporates and supersedes all prior negotiations and agreements between the parties related thereto provided that if there is anything herein which is inconsistent with the MOA, the MOA shall control. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. No employees or agents of Metro or any of its contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent themselves to be, employees of the City. Metro shall comply, and shall ensure that its contractors comply, with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the work and services to be performed under this Agreement. 3. SCHEDULE The Project duration indicated in the Final Plans is 250 calendar days following Notice to Proceed. The Final Plans require that the Contractor submit a Project schedule within 10 days following Notice to Proceed and at least five days prior to beginning of construction, said schedule must conform to the construction sequencing constraints specified in the Final Plans. Metro will transmit said schedule to the City for review of the construction sequencing for the street restoration. The City agrees to respond within five (5) working days of receipt of said schedule from Metro. The Project will be constructed in accordance with said Project schedule or approved modifications. -3- The parties agree that time is of the essence in the construction of the Project and agree not to hinder or delay the Project schedule. Metro agrees to transmit within 24 hours (counting only working days) following receipt, the updated schedules which are submitted by its contractor for review by the City. Any updated schedules so reviewed by the City supersede the preceding schedules. The parties further agree to meet at least weekly, with or without the Contractor being present, to discuss schedule information for the purpose of mitigating conflicts and facilitating planning. 4. pT.ANS AND SPEGIFICATIONS Metro has prepared, by and through its in-house engineering staff, plans and specifications stamped and dated August 1994 which describe and specify the requirements for the construction of the sewer line work. The City has prepared, by and through its in-house engineering staff and/or consultants, plans and specifications stamped and dated July 1994 (hereinafter referred to as "City Plans"), which describe and specify the requirements for the construction of its North Third Livable Streets Project. The City Plans were incorporated into the Metro Plans for purposes of bidding, contract administration and construction, and are part of the Contract Documents. The combined plans are defined herein as the Final Plans. :_ •�� • "' Metro will act as the lead agency in the Implementation of the Project. Metro's Resident Engineer will be the primary contact with the Contractor. The City's Engineer shall direct all communication to the Contractor through Metro's Resident Engineer including all requests for field adjustments, correcting deficiencies, and/or implementing design changes as required. Metro's Resident Engineer will evaluate the changes in consultation with the City's Engineer, identifying any potential contractual issues that will need to be addressed before directing the Contractor accordingly. 6. COMPENSATION A. City. The City agrees that it will compensate Metro a sum of $161,115, equal to 500 of the Original Contract Amount excluding sales tax for construction of that part of the Project commonly referred to as street improvements to North Third Street between Burnett Avenue North and Factory Avenue North for which the City� prepared or had prepared the plans and specifications ("City Plans">. The City further agrees to reimburse Metro $20,000 equal to 1000 of the Original Contract Amount excluding sales tax for construction of storm drains which are shown in the -4- Final Plans and as indicated in the bidding schedule as Item No. M8. The City will reimburse Metro an additional amount of $1,640.00 to cover State sales tax for storm drain construction in Bid Item M8. The City will reimburse Metro for one hundred percent (100�) of the cost of change orders on the Project which are related to the City Plans for the street improvements and the above-referenced storm drains. For change orders resulting from unforeseen conditions in the field which could not be anticipated by the City Plans, the City shall reimburse Metro fifty percent ( 50 0) of the cost . B. Metro shall invoice the City monthly with its invoices requesting reimbursement. Back-up documentation shall accompany the reimbursement request. City shall review the invoice and either notify Metro of any disputed amounts, identifying said amounts with specificity, or process for payment any undisputed costs within ten (10) working days of receipt of invoice and pay Metro within forty-five (45) days of receipt of invoice. The City shall pay Metro for the amounts of unresolved disputed costs in the next immediate pay cycle following resolution of those items. City payments to Metro pursuant to any Metro invoice shall not constitute final approval of any specific item by either party. C. Audit. During progress of the Project and for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of final acceptance by Metro and the City, records pertaining to the Project and accounting therefore will be kept available by Metro and by the City for inspection and audit by either party. Copies of these records shall be furnished upon request and shall be maintained in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the Division of Municipal Corporations of the State Auditor's office. 7. FTNAT INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Metro will, upon completion of the Project, request in writing that the City conduct a final inspection. When the final inspection satisfies the requirements of the contract documents and the City standards, the City will provide a written Notice of Acceptance. Within five (5) working days of receipt of said written request, the City will inspect all aspects of the street restoration, reconnection of local sewer system, and, if needed, prepare a written punchlist of deficient work. The City will transmit to Metro within ten (10) working days of said inspection the said punchlist which shall identify the corrective work d.'� needed. Said punchlist shall identify the corrective work needed with specificity. When Metro has completed the work identified on the punchlist, it will request in writing, a re-inspection from the City. Within five (5) working days of receipt of said written request, the City will inspect all work and, if needed, again prepare a written punchlist of work not completed, which it will transmit to Metro within five (5) days of said re-inspection. Said punchlist shall identify the corrective work needed with specificity. The process shall be repeated until all work has been completed, at which time the City will prepare a written Notice of Acceptance and transmit same to Metro. Upon the date of notice of acceptance by the City, the City will assume ownership and maintenance responsibilities of the City's sewer lines. The City shall assume ownership and operational responsibilities of reconnected local sewer lines once they are providing sewer service. The City shall be the only one to operate those sewer lines once they are activated. : .:..��►_ All work on the North Third Livable Streets portion of the Project will be warranted to be free from defects in design, workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year following the date of Notice of Acceptance by the City; provided this warranty shall not cover design defects in the plans prepared by the City or the City's agent. � �-4� -- - �\ The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9.1 To the extent allowed by law, Metro shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, employees and agents from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, losses, costs, expenses of litigation, attorney's fees, penalties, and damages of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of, in connection with or incident to an act or omission of Metro, its employees, agents, and contractors in the performance of Metro's obligations under this Agreement. In the event of litigation between the parties to enforce the rights under this section, reasonable attorney's fees shall be allowed to the prevailing party. This indemnification provision shall include, but is not limited to, all claims against the City by an employee or former employee of Metro or its contractors and, as to such claims, Metro expressly waives all immunity and limitation on liability under Title 51 RCW. �:� 9.2 To the extent allowed by law, the City shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Metro, its elected officials, employees and agents from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, losses, costs, expenses of litigation, attorney's fees, penalties, and damages of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of, in connection with or incident to an act or omission of the City, its employees, agents, and contractors in the performance of the City's obligations under this Agreement. In the event of litigation between the parties to enforce the rights under this section, reasonable attorney's fees shall be allowed to the prevailing party. This indemnification obligation shall include, but is� not limited to, all claims against Metro by an employee or former employee of the City or its contractors and, as to such claims, the City expressTy waives all immunity and limitation on liability under Title 51 RCW. � � _ � C 1l_:.\ : � � 11�_ \ i ���j�� Upon request by the City, Metro will transmit a copy of the performance and payment bonds it receives from its Contractor to the City. ,_�_ •_ _'� This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court of King County. 12. MISCELLANEOUS A. Notice. All Notices to Metro required under the terms of this Agreement shall be given in writing, addressed as follows: King County Department of Metropolitan Services 821 Second Avenue, MS 117 Seattle, Washington 98104 Attn: Mann-Ling Thibert, Project Manager Telephone:(206) 684-6785 Fax: (206) 684-1710 � All Notices to the City required to be given under the terms of this Agreement unless otherwise specified herein, or as may be amended, shall be given in writing, addressed as follows: Utility Systems Division Public Works Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, washington 98055 Attn: David Christensen, Project Manager Telephone: (206) 277-6212 Fax: (206) 235-2631 � -7- All notices issued under this Agreement shall be deemed received on the next business day after being, deposited in the United States mail in Seattle, or at the time they are actually hand-delivered to the addressee. B. Publicitv. All news.releases and public reports issued by County or the City describing any activity on the Project involving both parties should include a reference to the other party. Neither party will re�iease any information about the Project to the news media or to the public without the prior written consent of the other party. 13. PROJEGT DISPtTTE RESOT,UTION Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be resolved pursuant to the dispute resolution provision set forth in Section 8 of the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Renton and Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle. 14. AMENDMENT. WAIVER This Agreement shall not be amended except in writing, executed by both Metro and the City. The provisions of this Agreement cannot be waived except by written agreement of the party against whom a waiver may be asserted. 15. CAPTIONS Section titles or other headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be part of this Agreement, nor be considered in its interpretation. 16. BINDING UPON SUGGESSORS This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon the successors and assigns of both Metro and the City. 17. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but such counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument. 18. NON-WAIVER By executing this Agreement, neither party shall be deemed to have waived, released or contracted away any powers, obligations or responsibilities granted or imposed by law. Metro and the City do not intend the terms of this Agreement to apply to any Metro facilities other than the Project. : � �• • �� ':► \ '+_ This Agreement is entered into solely for the mutual benefit of Metro and the City. This Agreement is not entered into with the intent that it shall benefit any other person and no other such person shall be entitled to be treated as a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement. 1 /_ � • This Agreement shall take effect when both parties hereto have executed this document. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates indicated below. KING COUNTY Date : < � � Carolyn Purnell, Deputy Executive for Metro/Exe utive Director Date : /�3 � Attest. Marilyn e sen, City Clerk Date : ��� 9�� Approved as to Form: Deputy Pros ing Attorney � THE CITY OF RENTON ;; mETRo King County / Department of Metropolitan Services Exchange Building • 821 Second Avenue • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 •(206) 684 - 2100 June 9, 1995 W/M 7-9 Mr. David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 Metro/Renton North Third Street Project Metro Contract W/M 7-94 Contractor Stockpile Area Ref; Citv of Renton Letter Dated 6/7/95 Dear Mr. Christensen: - ��� 1��_ � �-. V'� ` "� ��, �� ,� �r,, ; � �v, � � L� 1. } � � 12 "1�9� OF rRt��'U�� Metro has received the referenced letter in error. The stockpile area described in your letter was not acquired by Metro, but by Frank Coluccio Construction Co. through agreements with Burlington Northern Railroad and the City of Renton. It is assumed that the agreement to use the area in question has requirements placed on FCCC for proper operation of the site, and any correspondence relating to it should be directed to them. I understand that during the first weeks of construction there were problems with excessive dust and dirt on the street. I also understand that FCCC responded to alleviate these nuisances as soon as they were made aware of them, by sweeping the street more frequently, washing down the street and wetting material down to control dust. In addition I have heard that FCCC is washing automobiles of the affected residents. Four items were passed on to me, by you on May 22, 1995. These related to 1) dust 2) dumping spoils 3) safety hazard of asphalt spoils pile 4) feasibility to reduce traffic(truck trips) by moving spoils piles These items were brought up in the weekly construction meeting on May 23. Items 1 and 3 were taken care of within a day or two. Mike Lofstedt, FCCC Superintendent explained the hauling operation and how various trucks were used to haul materials on and off site and explained the need for a consolidated stockpile location. Ron Post, Metro Community Relations Communications Specialist contacted the residents located by the stockpile site and explained the hauling operation and the need for so many truck trips. The feedback I have received from Ron on his meeting with the neighbors was positive and all were comfortable with the stockpile site once its operation was explained to them. Metro/Renton North Third Street Project Metro Contract W/M 7-94 Contractor Stockpile Area Ref; City of Renton Letter Dated 6/7/95 Page 2 Since those initial complaints were received by Metro and FCCC, I have not received nor been made aware of additional problems with the operation of the stockpile site. If there are new problems that have arisen since then please direct these new concerns to Ron Post at 684-1143 ar me at 226-8870 and we will attempt to work with the community to resolve the issues. Ron has been working with the community since the planning stages of this contract. His responsibility is to field complaints and and work with the construction staff to try correct or mitigate community questions or concerns. Very truly yours, /�l,u- lu�����-�-t��.n-,-� Michael A. Paulson Construction Management IV MAP:map cc: Ron Post, Metro Community Relations Mike Lofstedt, Frank Coluccio Construction Co Rod Schindler, City of Renton Transportation Project Manager JUN-09—'95 FRI 11:35 ID: METRO SOUTH CONST TEL N0:206-604-2204 #515 Pal !�• �'q'%i r � �ITIETRO King County / Department vf Metropolitan Services Exchange 8uilding � 821 Second Avenue • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 •(206) 684 - 2100 7une 9, 1995 W!M 7-9 Mr. David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor City of Rentan 200 MilI Avenue S Renlon, WA 98055 Post-ft° F8x Note 7671 To DAV - r t e r� Co./Depi, Pnone ���7 ` Z i 2. r Faz x �� �� �541 ..�,n � q S a�a � es► from � t ke. � j� co. r __k�D �'t5, n,1�� r K �� PAone II z Z � - 8'� 0 F� a � Z Co - $764- Merro/Renton North Third Street Project Metro Contract W!M 7-94 �ontractor Stockpile Area Ref; C�,�y�Renton Letter Dated 6/7/95 Deaz Mr. Christensen: Me�ro has received the referenced letter in error. The stockpile area described in your letter was not acquired by Metro, but by Frank Coluccio Construction Co. through agreements with Burlington Northern Railroad and the City of Reaton. It is assumed that the agreement to use the area in ques[ion has requirements placed on FCCC for proper operation of [he site, and any corresgondence relating to it should be dirccted to them. I understand that during the first weeks of construction there were problems with excessive dust and dirt on the street. I also understand that FCCC responded ta alleviate these nuisances as soon as they were made awarc of them, by sweeping the street more frequently, washing down the strcct and wetting material down to control dust. In addition I have heard that FCCC is washing automobiles of the affected residents. Four items were passed on to me, by you on May 22, 1995. These related to 1) dust 2) dumping spoils 3) safety hazard of asphalt spoils pile 4} feasibility ta reduee traffic(truck trips} by moving spoils piles These items were brought up in the weekly construction meeting on May 23. Items 1 and 3 were taken care of within a day or twa. Mike Lofstedt, FCCC Superintentlent explained the hauling operation and how various trucks were used to haul materials on and off site and explained the need for a consolidated stockpile location. Ron Post, Metro Community Relations Communicadons Specialist contacted the residents loeated by the stoekpiie site and explained the hauling operation and the need for �o many truck trips. The feedback I have reeeived from Ron on his meeting with the neighbors was positive and all were comfortable with the stockpile site once its operation was expla.ined to them. JUN-09-'95 FRI 11:36 ID: METRO SOUTH CONST�TEL N0:206-604-2204 �515 P02 � Metro/Renton North Third Screet Project Metro Contract W/M 7-94 rea Ref: City�Rentan Letter Dated 6/7�95 Page 2 Since those initial complaints were received by Mevo and FCCC, I have not received nor been made aware of additiona] problems with the aperation of the stockpile site. If there are new problems that have arisen sincc �hen please direct these new concerns to Ron Post at 684-1 I43 or me at 225-8870 and we will attempt to work with the community to resolve the issues. Ron hac been working with the community since the planning stages af this contract. His responsibility is to field complaints and and work with the construction staff to try correct or mitiga�e community questions or concems. Very truly yours, �������, Michael A. Paulson Construction Management IV MA.P:map cc: Ron Post, Metro Community Relatioas Mike Lofstedt, Frank Coluccio Canstruction Co Rod Schindler, City of Rencon Transportation Project Manager � ���� ����� ie��ETRO King County / Department of Metiopolitan Services Exchange Building • 821 Second Avenue • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 •(206) 684 - 2100 June 9, 199� W� 7-9 NIr. David M. Christensen Wastewater Utility Supervisor City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 9805� Metro/Renton North Third Street Project Metro Contract W/M 7-94 Contractor Stockpile Area Ref• Citv of Renton Letter Dated_6/7/95 Dear Mr. Christensen: �ECEI�IED :,-.., - �I_ii� . `.:''`.�; Transportatior Systems Div. Metro has received the referenced letter in enor. The stockpile area described in your letter was not acquired by Metro, but by Frank Coluccio Construction Co. through a�reements with Burlington Northern Railroad and the City of Renton. It is assumed that the agreement to use the area in question has requirements placed on FCCC for proper operation of the site, and any correspondence relating to it should be directed to them. I understand that during the first weeks of construction there were problems with excessive dust and dirt on the street. I also understand that FCCC responded to alleviate these nuisances as soon as they were made aware ot them, by sweepina the street more frequently, washinQ down the street and wetting material down to control dust. In addition I have heard that FCCC is washing automobiles of the affected residents. Four items were passed on to me, by you on May 22, 1995. These related to 1) dust 2) dumpin� spoils 3) safety hazard of asphalt spoils pile 4) feasibility to reduce trafiic(truck tripsj by moving spoils piles These items were brought up in the weekly construction meetin� on May 23. Items 1 and 3 were taken care of within a day or two. Mike Lofstedt, FCCC Superintendent explained the haulin� operation and ho�v various trucks were used to haul materials on and off site and explained the need for a consolidated stockpile location. Ron Post, Metro Cominunity Relations Communications Specialist contacted the residents located by the stockpile site and explained the haulin; operation and the need for so many truck trips. The feedback I have received from Ron on his meeting with the neighbors was positive and all were comfortable with the stockpile site once its operation was explained to them. Metro/Renton North Third Street Project Nletro Contract W/NI 7-94 Contractor Stock�ile Area Ref• Citv of Renton Letter Dated 6/7/95 Page 2 Since those initial complaints were received by Metro and FCCC, I have not received nor been made aware of additional problems with the operation of the stockpile site. If there are new problems that have arisen since then please direct these new. concerns to Ron Post at 684-1143 or me at 226-8870 and we will attempt to �vork with the community to resolve the issues. Ron has been workin� with the community since the planning staQes of this contract. His responsibility is to field complaints and and work with the construction staff to try correct or mitigate community questions or concems. Very truly yours, ,L�.�l�,�,�'��-�-, Nlichael A. Paulson Construction Manaaement IV �P:map cc: Ron Post, vletro Community Rela[ions Mike Lofstedt, Frank Coluccio Construction Co Rod Schindler, City of Renton Transportation Project Manager ;' .. ;; mE-rr•�o King County / Department of Metropolitan Services Exchange Building • 821 Second Avenue • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 •(206) 684 - 2100 July 7, 1994 Dave Christensen Utility Systems Division Public Works Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Interagency Responsibilities during the Construcdon of the Joint Metro/Renton N. Third Street Improvement Prqject ARMS No. A65021; Task No. Y75 Dear Dave: 91108 Y75 I'm glad we had the opportunity to discuss the issues of our respective construction responsibilities for our upcoming joint project. Following our recent telephone conversation, I thought it appropriate to summarize and clarify my understanding of our discussions to confirm our agreements before issuing the notice to proceed to the contractor. I have also expanded in detail some of our discussion items to clarify both agencies' general responsibilities for this project during the construction phase. 1. Metro will be the lead agency in the management, implementation, supervision, and construction of the project Metro's Resident Engineer will be the primary contact with the contractor on this project. The City's Engineer shall direct all communication with the contractor through Metro's Resident Engineer, including all requests for feld adjustments, correcting deficiencies, and/or implementing design changes as required. Metro's Engineer will evaluate the changes in consultation with the City's Engineer, identifying any potential contractual issues that will need to be addressed before directing the contractor accordingly. 2. The results of discussions and correspondence occurring between the two agencies' staffs that directly affect Metro's execution of the contract after issuance of the Notice to Proceed should be forwarded to Metro's Engineer. 3. Metro shall be responsible for ensuring that the contractor has taken adequate steps to prevent unscheduled interruption of sewer service and protect existing sewer utilities as outlined in the contract documents. Dave Christensen July 7, 1994 Page 2 4. Metro will provide daily inspection of the contractor's work for both Renton- and Metro-designed portions of the contrac� The City of Renton will provide periodic quality control inspections of the street improvement portion of the work. The City will record and communicate any identified deficiency to Metro's Resident Engineer. 5. The City shall have the right to inspect all work performed by Metro's contractor relating to the City's street improvements and local sewer connections. The City's inspection shall not unduly interfere with the contractor's progress or impede Metro's responsibility to execute the contract. 6. Metro will forward all submittals and change orders pertaining directly to the street improvement design contract documents for the City's review and approval. The City shall return these documents to Metro within ten days of receipt. 7. Metro will provide the City with copies of submittals and change orders associated with the construction of the Metro facility that may potentially affect city utilities. 8. The City will provide Metro right-of-entry and use on City easements as required to perform the installation and/or modifications to the City utilities as shown in the contract documents. 9. The City shall transmit copies of its internal construction-inspection reports associated with the street improvement work for incorporation into Metro's contract%les. Metro will provide the City with copies of it's Inspection reports on a weekly basis�L 10. Metro will, upon the contractor's request for final inspection, request that the City conduct its final inspection of the street improvement work. The City will submit a list of all items that do not meet the terms of the contract Metro will direct the conVactor to complete any deficiencies in contract compliance and/or workmanship. When the final inspection satisfies the requirements of the contract documents and the City's standards, the City will provide Metro with a record of iinal punchlist inspection report and a written Notice of Acceptance. I am currently working with my legal staff to draw up an interagency agreement that will include some of the above mentioned conswction responsibilities, the results of our cost sharing discussions, and address any other outstanding issues that may be raised in the next few months. I will send you a draft of this agreement for your agency's review as soon as we resolve some of these issues. However, the construction project is almost upon us and I want to ensure that you and I reach an understanding of the lines of communications during construction and each of our respective responsibilities before we issue the contract notice to proceed. Dave Christensen 7uly 7, 1994 Page 3 If you concur with me on the above, please sign one of the two copies of the original letters and return that copy to me. I would like to complete this before the project advertisement for bids so your prompt attention will be appreciated. Please feel free to call me if you need any clarification on these items or if I misinterpreted any of our conversations. Sincerely, ��...� �...� �- �c-.� � Mann-Ling Thibert Project Manager MLT/sc:msk �' �� cc: Karen Nyrop - 98 Date Utility Systems Division ��, -"� k� � ; � f � ^ �� - i." . v�. j, - _ ; i G i - : i5 _ � � � t ..�....�.,,�-�. _�. �_•:,- F MafCh `kfl! .�1� Slp1lfilblf p Task Name Duration tlaR Finich 22 2fl 5 12 1D 26 5 12 1D 2E 2 0 t0 Z� 30 7 11 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 18 2J �0 � 1� 20 27 J 10 I7 24 1 1 NOTICE TO PROCEED Od Jan 23 95 Jan 2�'QS m I I I I I I SUBMITTALS 1BOd Jan 2S'PS Sep 2B'4S _. � .. :— .. ..... _ .. .... .. .. . . .. .. .. I i � 3 tCFEDULE M WOR!( iSd Apr �'YS Ju1 2f'4S ,:...�,,.:��:_,.:_• . � 4 MOBIIIZATION 15d Apr 3 95 Apr 21 'QS 5 EXCAVATFJSI-IORE STA. 0+00 TO 0.40 7d Apr 24 'QS . Yay 2'QS 6 47 DIP ST0. 0«OO TO MM R1dtA Bd May �'45 May 10'GS a'f /S !� //� < ff 7 42' DIP/DROP CONNECTION �d May 11 'QS Y�y 15'QS = 47 DIP STA W10 TO YH R1dZ4 6d Mry 10'QS May 23'OS Y INSTALL MH R16-2A 2d Mry 24'QS M�y 25'Q5 �/) % �P�$ PC �,'�� Gt�' W P�/i 10 42' DIP MH R16-2A TO MH RtQ3A Sd Mry 28'BS Jun 1'fl5 11 INSTALL MH R10a.4 2d Jun 2'05 Jun 5'OS 7 S Pi ws5f' o./- � q� ` 12 4T DIP MH R1Q3A TO MH R10-4A 5d Jun 8'Q5 J�n 12'QS /�7/0 L F p / (� eT c✓PS�dt � Q�6Cn I 13 INSTALL MH R10-4A 2d J�n 1�'QS Jun 14'WS SS t I 14 42' DIP MH R10-�ATO MH R1d5A 6d J�n 15'QS Jun 22'a5 � � 15 INSTALL MH R10S4 2d J�n 2] 'a5 hn 26'QS �Q G or y a f 3 �d I �6 �? DIP MH R145A TO MH R10-6A 1d J�n 27'65 Jun 29'OS I I 17 WSTALL YH R1aBA 2d Jin 70'BS Jt! J'GS �{/!�{ � o� �QC�e /r 4f B�oo'�S 1i 47 DIP MH R10-&4 TO MH R10.7A 3d JW �'WS .lu� 6'QS 19 INSTALL YH R10.7A 2d J� 7'?5 .ii1 10'OS p� roo S on� /�o u 5� / 20 PVC SEINER/MH STA 3+68 T0 4f90 bd May 28 '?5 Jun 2'OS 21 STORM DRAIWSEWER STA 5.25 3d Jun 5'QS Jun 7'QS 22 STORY DRNWSEINER STA 8�00 3d Jun 8'85 Jin 12'QS , . 23 SEWER STA 1D+81 2d Jin t3'85 Jui 14'95 ?A STORM DRAIWSEWER STA 1�+55 �d Jin 15'�5 Jun t0'QS 25 SEYVER STA 18+Q8 2d J�n 20'QS Jin 21 'OS I 2f SEYYER STA 20+86 2d Jin 22'a5 Jtn 7!'QS ' 27 RESTORATION STA 0+00 TO 12�00 Od J�n t�'DS Jin 2]'DS 28 RESTORATION STA 12+00 TO Z��00 Bd Jun 26'85 JW 8'Q5 � 29 RESTORATION STA 2J+00 TO 28+00 Bd I Jd 7'?5 Jd 14 '45 — — --- -- -- - — - 30 PIIiCFILIST/DEMOBlCLEA111P 10d Ju117'BS .h128'QS 31 SCHEDULE M CAMPLETION Od JuI 26'a5 Jul 28'QS 2! 32 TiC1EDlLE R MfORK 45d Jul 31 'YS WD 2Y '95 ,5 �l.t �� i✓ P 9��o ��� Y�. 33 MOBILIIATION Sd JW 31 'QS Aup 4'QS 3d EXGIVATFlPREP STl� 0�00 TO 12+60 10d Aup 7'Q5 Aup 18'GS $ u in �f tv Pa �� 9S STORM DRAINS STA. 0*00 TO 12+80 SC Aup 21 '95 Aup 25'PS 38 CURB/GIJfiER STA 0+00 TO 12�80 5d Aup 28 'QS SeP 1'QS - 97 EXGIVATE/PREP STA. 12+80 TO 23+15 10d Aup 21 'Q5 Sep 1'05 Pa,- k tv Fa c�� r y 38 STORM DRAINS ST�I 12+80 TO 23+15 Sd Aup 2B '85 Sep 1'QS 39 CURBlGl1TTER STA 12+80 T0 7l�15 Sd Sep 4'05 Sep B'QS {0 PAVEMENT PUWING Sd Aup 28'fl5 Sp t'QS ♦1 SIDEYVALICS�ORIVEWAYS/FiAIAPS tOd Sep4'QS Sap 15'WS {2 IRRIGATIONSYSTEM 10d Sept'OS Sap15'fl5 43 PIAN'fING Sd Sap 18'QS S�p 72'?5 Mt /�SPHALT PAVING 10d SeP I'DS Sep 15 'WS 45 SIGNS/ PAVEMENT MARKING Sd Sep 18'Q5 Sep 71'85 � '�b PUNCHLIS'f/DEMO&CLEANUP 5d Sep 25'BS Sep 29'OS l7 SCHEWLE R COMPLETION Dd S�p 28'?5 S�P 29'SS �� � � ����U� � rY�a�r - � �9Q� SOUTH SA i ELLITE OFFICE CONSTRUCTIOiV DIVISIOPI METRO/RENTON N. Jrd STREEf T�sk M/estone � RWW Up Ili�ctorn O fR/WK COUICCIO CONSTRUCTION CRITICAL �Y ���� R0� ���� ��� REV. 1-1 W1Y 1095 ���s —�� RWed Up Ta�lc — Yay 4"�5 METRO W/M 7-W CoWedo Canvudion � MEfRO/REHTON N. kd STREEf FRAHK COLUCx10 CONSTRUCTION REY. 1- 4 MAY 1 QBS Task Mleftone � RWed Up Mhdone � CRR1C�l Summry ��� Roled UD Props+s �� Rv�e�s �� Rdsd Up T�sk — M�y t'PS METRO WA1 7-W CoYceb Ca�stru�tio� J IQNG COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF METROPOLITAN S � y�('?n SEATTLE, WASHIlVGTON u v METRO/RENTON NORTH THIItD STKEET PRO corr�cr wrnz�-94 S E P 151994 PART D ADDENDUM NO. 3 CITY OF RENTON Engineering Dept. Prospective bidders are hernby notified that the bidding documents of said Contract have been amended as hereinafter set forth: Page or Ref. Drawint� Location and Description of ChanQe PART A- BIDDING REQUIItEMENTS AND GENERAL CONDTTIONS 3.01 00710 DELETE "ATTACHMENT A" to Section 00710 and REPLACE with "REVISED ATTACHMENT A," attached to this Addendum. This Addendum shall be attached to and form a part of the Contract Documents. All bidders are reminded to aclrnowleclge this Addendum on the Bid Form, Section 00300. Date: September 9,1994 King County Department of Metropolitan Services 821 Second Avenue, Mail Stop 125 Seattle, Washington 98104 Issued by: oanne D. Jones, upervisor Contracts Section W/lyj�_94 Page 1 of 1 ADDENDUM NO. 3 REVISED ATTACHIVIENT A PREVAILING 1��III�RMUM HOURLY WAGE RATES ESTABLISHED BY TI� WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES NOTES • The following pages contain ONLY the state prevailing wage determinations fram the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries applicable to this Contract (refer to paragraph 00710- 1.04 herein). The Contractor shall comply with such State determinations. • Any questions regarding the state prevailing wage determinations should be addressed to : Department of Labor and Industries, Employment Standards Section, 925 Plum Street, Olympia, � Washington, 98504, Attention: Ms. Mariam Moses, Industrial Statistician, or call (206) 753-4019. W��_� ADDENDUM NO. 3 � cTA^f ��� 0� £ � O s �1 = N r il� Q �.� E�. i�F � •-•` f� i�. _ � dy1 ' aoy 1 ` � { ' �.. .. � . . . C . .. �i �.i � � 1689 � STATE OF WASHINGTON S E P 6 1594 � DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES ���C�I��tD ESAC DIVISION - TELEPHONE (206) 956-5335 PO BOX 44540, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-4540 YASNINGTON STATE PREVAILING YAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC NORKS CONTRACTS K1NG COUNTY EFfECTIVE 08-31-94 r • ,r • • « w w : w • « . * w * w * w w • ,e • : • • • (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY NOURLT OVER YAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE '* ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, CERTIFIED Certified Asbestos Abatement Yorker ** AUTOMOTIVE EGUIPMENT MECHANICS Sandblaster Journey Level Mechanic *= BOI LERMAI�RS Boilermaker �' BRICKUYERS AND MARBLE MASOtlS All Classifications *' CABINET MAI�RS Cabinet Maker - In Shop ** CARPENTERS Carpenter Drywall Applicators Creosoted Material Floor Finisher Floor Layer Floor Sander Operator Sawfiler Shingler Stationary Power Saw Operators Stationary Yoodr►orking Tools Accoustical Worker Piledriver Millwright and Machine Erectors �* CEMEMT MASONS CEMENT MASON PATCHING AND PAVING CURING CURB ANO GUTTER SIDEWALKS � SEALING COMPOUND UNDERLAYMENT . MASTIC, EPDXY, PLASTIC CONCRETE SAW POWER TOOLS AND GRINDERS SANDBLASTING FINISH COLORED CONCRETE GUNITE NOZZLE PERSON TUNNEL WORKERS TRONEL MACHINE ON COLORED SLABS, COMPOSITION OR KALMAN fL00RS 19.14 11.20 14.00 22.37 22.54 11.71 21.70 21.70 21.80 21.83 21.83 21.83 21.83 21.83 21.83 21.83 21.86 21.70 22.T0 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.56 21.81 21.81 21.81 21.81 21.81 21.81 21.81 21.81 23.06 4.45 2.19 2.19 8.14 4.96 0.00 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 5.55 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 1M 5D 1B 6B 8F 1g 66 8F 1R 5N 1N SA 1 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 SD 5D 5D 5D SD 5D 5D SD 5D 5D SD SD SD 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E 6E bE 6E 6E 6E � WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFfECTIVE 08-31-94 KING COUNTr (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER yp� FRINGE TIME HOLIDAT CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE •* DIVERS AND TENDERS DIVER 53.16 5.55 1M 5D DIVER TENDER Z3.65 5.55 1M 5D ln addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth premiuns apply to depths of fitty feet or more Over 50' to 100' - E1.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet Over 100' to 175' - E2.25 per foot for each foot over 100 feet Over 175' to 250' - E5.50 per foot for each foot over 175 feet Over 250' - Divers mey neme their own price, provided it is no less than the scale listed for 250 feet ** DREDGE YORI�RS ASSISTANT ENGINEER 21•81 OILER 21.47 LEVERMAN ZZ•23 MATES Z�-81 BOATMEN Z�•8� ASSISTANT MATE (DECKNAND) Z�•4� ENGINEER WELDER 21•� CRANEMAN 21•� MAINTENANCE 2�-3! ** DRTYALL TAPERS Journey Level Z�•6� � ELECTRIGL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORI�RS Journey Level 8.00 ** ELECTRiCIANS JOURNE� LEVEL �•51 JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) 25•86 CABLE SPLICER Z5•86 CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) 28.45 CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON 12.57 *• ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP Craftsperson 13.95 Journey Level 13.29 ** ELECTRICIANS - POHERLiNE CONSTRUCTION Journey Level Lineperson 22•34 Cable Splicer Z4•T3 Certified Line Welder ZZ•34 Pole Sprayer �•� Neavy line Equipment Operator 22•34 Line Equipment Operator �9•2� Head Groundperson 16•� Powderperson 16•� Jackhemner Operator 16-� Grourxiperson 15.85 ** ELECTROMIC TECHNICIANS AND TELECd�1NIGTiON TECHNICIANS Journey Level 12•�� ** ELEYATOR COfISTRUCTORS Mechanic in Charge 26•66 Mechani c � • � Constructor 16.59 Probationary Constructor ��•as 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.87 5.81 5.81 5.81 18 16 18 16 16 16 1B 16 16 5I SI 51 SI 5I 51 5I 5I SI 4.96 1.37 7.11 7.18 7.18 7.25 4.42 1.42 1.40 5.53 5.61 5.53 5.53 5.53 4.43 4.34 4.34 4 34 4.31 0.00 �.n 7.54 7.12 0.00 1 �� 5A 1J 6H 1J 6H 1J 6N 1J 6H 1J 6H � 2A 6C 6C 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A SA 5A 5A 5A 5A 5a SA 5A SA 5A 1 4A 4A 4A 4A 6G 6C 60 60 NOTE CODE 86 8E 8E SE SE 8E. 8E 8E 8E SE 8E 2 YASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE OS-31-94 KING COUNTY • � HOURLY YAGE CLASSIFICATION RATE **FABR1CATm PREGST COHCRETE PR�UCTS ARCHITECTURAI AND PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ALL CLASSIFICATIONS 8•85 ALL OTHER CONCRETE PRODUCTS MAINTENANCE 14.05 OPERATOR 13.55 GUNITE 13.55 REBAR 13.55 FABRICATOR 13.55 NET POUR 13.30 11ARD PATCH 1330 WELDER 13.30 CLEAN UP 13.30 ** FENCE ERECTORS AND FEMCE LABORERS Fence Erector 13.80 Fence Laborer 11.60 � FLAGGERS Journey Level 14.46 ** GLAZIERS Journey Level 22•38 '* GREENHOUSE ERECTORS Greenhouse Erector 8.00 •* HEAT AND FROST INSULATORS (ASBESTOS YORI�RS) MECHANIC 24.74 ** HEATING EGUIPMENT MECHANICS Journey Level 16•a+ ** INDUSTRIAL ENGINE MECHANTCS lydustrial Engine Mech. 12•86 ** 1NDUSTRIAL VACUl11 POYER CLEANER Journey-level �•90 '* INLAND BQATMEN Operator 17.59 Engineer-Deckhand 16•81 Deckhand �5•�9 ** INSPECTION, CLEAMiNG, SEALING Of SEYER Alm WTER STSTEMS Technician 6.25 Cleaner Operator, Foamer Operator 8.25 TV Truck Operator $•� Grout Truck Operator 9.50 Head Operator 10.50 ** INSULATION APPLIGTORS Journey level 16.58 ** IRONYORI�RS JOURNEY LEVEL 20.25 (SEE BENEFIT CODE I�Y) HOURLY OVER FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY BENEFITS CODE �E 0.00 2.70 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 0.00 0.00 4.45 4.18 0.00 4.91 2.41 2.79 1.17 2.96 2.96 2.% 0.00 1.48 1.78 1.98 2.28 0.00 8.1T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1M 2E 1 1J 1J 1 1 1K 1K 1K 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 5D SG 6R SA 5D 5D 5D SA NOTE CODE � WASHINGTON STATE PREVAiL1NG YAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC NORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 KIMG COUNTY HOURLY WAGE CLASSIFICATION RATE *' LABORERS Asphalt Raker 19.62 Ballast Regulator Machine 79.14 Batch Weighman 14.46 Cassion Yorker 19.98 Carpenter Tender 19.14 Cement Durper/Paving 19.62 Cement Finisher Tender 19.14 Chipping Gun 19.14 Chuck Tender 19.14 Clean-up Laborer 19.14 Concrete Porm Stripper 19.14 Concrete Saw Operator 19.62 Crusher Feeder 14.46 Curing Concrete 19.14 Demotition - Wrecking and Moving 19.14 (including charred materials> Diver 19.98 Drill Operator (Mydraulic, Diemond, Air Trac) 19.62 Epoxy Technician 19.14 Faller/Bucker-Chain Saw. 19.62 Final Detail Cleanup 12.14 Gabion Basket Builder 19.14 General Laborer 19.14 Grade Checker and Transit Man 19.62 Grinders 19.14 Hazardous Waste Yorker Level A 19.98 Hazardous Waste Worker Level B 19.62 Hazardous Yaste Yorker Levels C and 0 19.14 Nigh Scaler 19.62 Hod Carrier/Mortartnan 19.62 Jackhammer 19.62 Miner 19.98 Nozzlemen - Concrete Puip, Green Cutter when 19.62 using high pressure eir and water on concrete and rock, sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Yater Blaster Pavement ereaker 19.62 Pilot Car 14.46 Pipe Reliner (not insert type) 19.62 Pipelayer and Ceulker 19.62 Pot Tender 19.14 Powderman 19.98 Powdermen Helper 19.14 Railroad Spike Puller (power) 19.62 Re-Timbermen 19.98 Spreader (Concrete) � 19.62 Spreader - Clary Power or Similar Types 19.62 Stake Nopper 19.14 T�per (Multiple and Self Propelled) 19.62 Tamper and Similar Electric, Air and Gas 19.62 Toolroom Man (at job site) 19.14 Topmen - TailmBn 19.14 . Treckliner (Power) 19.62 Tugger Operator 19.14 Vibrating Screed (air, Gas, or Electric 19.14 Vibrator 19.62 Well-Point Person 19.62 HOURLT FRINGE BENEFITS 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 (SEE BENEFIT COOE I�Y) OVER TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CODE CODE CODE 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 5D SD 5D 50 5D SD SD 5D 5D 5D SD 5D 5D 5D SD 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M ** LABORERS - ISIDERGROUND SEYER AND YATER CONSTRUCTION GENERAL LABORER 19.14 4.45 1M PIPELATER 19.62 4.45 1M SD 5D 5D SD 5D 5D SD 5D SD SD SD 5D 5D 5D 5U 5D SD SD SD 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D SD 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 50 5D 50 5D 5D 5D SD 5D SD 5D MASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC YORKS CONTRACTS - EFfECTIVE OS-31-94 KING COUNTT CLASSIFIGTION '* LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Irrigation Equipnent Installers Irrigation 8 Landscape Equipnent Operators Landscaping or Planting Laborers ** UTHERS JOURNEV LEVEL *� MACHINISTS (HYDROELECTRIC SITE WORK) Machinist ** MATERIAL SUPPLIER - TRANSIT MIX Transit Mix - Under 9 Cu. Yds. Transit Mix - 9 Cu. Yds. and Over ** METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) Fitter Helder Machine Operator Painter Laborer *'' MODULAR BUILDINGS Cabinet Assembly, Electrician, Plunber, Equipment Maintenance, Utility Person, Tool Maintenance, Welder Production Worker ** PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL *i' PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL ** PUTGROUND AND PARK EGUIPMENT INSTALLERS Journey Levet ** PLUIBERS AND PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL ** POWER EOUIPMENT OPERATORS A-Frame Crane over 10 ton A-Frame Crane, 10 tons and under Assistant Engineers (Oilers) Backhce 75 HP & under Backhce 75 HP 8 over Backhce 3 yds 8 under Backhoes over 3 yards to 6 yards Belt Loaders - Elevating Type � Bobcat Broans Bunp Cutter Cableways Chipper Compres"sors Concrete Batch Plant Concrete Pu�s Conveyors Crane - 200 tons and over, or 250' of boom including jib with attachments Crene - 100 Tons thru 199 Tons or 150 Ft. Boam including Jib end over Crane - 45 Tons through 99 tons or 150 Ft. of Boan NOURLY YAGE RATE 11.07 10.63 8.42 z�.n 16.84 19.00 19.25 15.86 15.48 13.04 11.10 9.78 10.23 7.93 19.04 21.34 8.42 26.00 22.05 19.95 19.95 22.05 22.41 22.41 22.85 22.05 19.95 19.95 22.41 22.85 22.41 19.95 22.41 22.05 22.05 73.85 23.35 22.85 HOURLT FRINGE BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.55 0.00 5.84 5.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.33 1.33 3.15 6.75 0.00 9.21 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 (SEE BENEFIT COOE KET) OVER TIME HOLIDAY CODE CODE 1 1 1 1J . 6H 1 2J 6I 2,I 6I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5A 16 5A 1 1T 5A 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N SD 1N SD 1N 5D 1N SD 1N SD 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 5D 1N 50 1N 5D 1N SD 1N SD 1N 5D 1N SD 1N 5D 1N 5D NOTE CODE 8U 8U SL 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8l 8L 8L 8l 5 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBIIC LIORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE OS-31-94 KING OOUNTY CLASSIFICATION Crane - Overhead, Bridge Type (45 - 99 tons) Crane - Overhead, Bridge Type 100 T. and Over Crane - Overhead, Bridge Type (20 - 44 tons) Cranes - 20 - 44 tons Cranes - through 19 tons Crushers Deck Engineer/Deck Yinches (power) Derrick, Building Dozers, D-9 & under Drill Oilers - Auger Type Drilling.Machine Equipment Service Engineer (Oiler) Fi�ishing Machine/Curb Extruder Fork Lifts, under 3000 lbs Fork Lifts, 3000 lbs and over Grade Engineer Gradechecker and Stakeman Hoists, Air Tuggers, Hydralifts/Boom Trucks 10 tons and under Hydralifts/ Boom Trucks over 10 tons Loaders, 8 yds & over Loaders, Overhead b yards up to 8 yards Loaders, Overhead under 6 yards Locomotives, All Mechanics, All (Yelders) Mixers, Asphalt Plant Motor Patrol Grader - Non-tinishing Motor Patrol Grader - Finishing Mucking Machine, Mole, Tunnel Drilt end/or Shield Oil Distributors, Blowers, etc. Pavement Breaker Pernianent Shaft-type Elevator or Manlift Piledriver (Other than Crane Mount) Plant Oiler (Asphalt Crusher) Posthole Digger, Mechanical Power Plant Pu� Truck Mo�mted Concrete Purp with Boam Attechment Pu�s, Yater Ouad 9 end Similar, D-10 and ND-41 Remote Control Operator Rollagon Roller, Other than Plant Road Mix Rollers, Plantmix or Multilift Materi�als - Ca�position Materials Roto-Mill, Roto-Grin�r Saws, Concrete Scrapers - Carry All Scrapers, Concrete Scrapers, Setf-propelled 45 yards and over Screpers, Self-propelled �der 45 yards Screed Man Shotcrete G�ite Shovels and Attachments, 6 yards & over Shovels 3 yds 8 under Shovels over 3.yards to 6 yards Slipform Pavers . Spreader, Topside Operator Sub-grader - Trimmer Tower Crane Tractors 75 HP & under Tractors over 75 HP Transporters, All Track or Truck Type HOURLT YAGE RATE 22.85 23.35 22.41 22.41 22.05 22.41 22.41 22.85 22.05 22.05 22.41 22.05 22.41 19.95 22.05 22.05 19.95 22.05 19.95 22.05 23.35 22.85 22.41 22.41 22.41 22.41 22.05 22.41 22.85 19.95 19.95 19.95 22.41 22.05 19.95 19.95 22.41 19.95 22.85 22.85 22.85 19.95 22.05 22.41 22.05 22.05 22.05 22.85 22.41 22.41 19.95 23.35 22.41 22.85 22.85 22.05 22.41 23.35 22.05 22.41 22.85 HOURLT FRINGE BENEFITS 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) OVER TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CODE CODE CODE 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D SD 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D SD 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D SD 5D SD SD SD 5D 1N 5D SL 1N 5D 8L 1N SD 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8L 1N 5D 8l 1N 5D 8l 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N SD 50 5D SD 5D 5D 5D 5D SD 5D SD 5D 5D 5D 5D SD 5D SD SL 8L SL 8l 8L 8l 8l 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L SL 8L 8L 8L � WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE I�Y) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE Trenching Machines 22.05 5.81 1N 5D SL Truck Crane Oiler/Driver - 100 T. & over 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Truck Crane Oiler/Driver - under 100 T. 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8l YoYo Dozer 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L •* POYER EOUIPMENT OPERATORS - UNDERGROUND SEYER AND YATER CONSTRUCTION (SEE POGIER EOUIPMENT OPERATORS) � POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIIMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE 19.61 4.44 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER 16.93 4.35 4A 5A LINE CLEARANCE EGUIPMENT OPERATOR 18.65 4.40 4A SA SPRAY PERSON 18.33 3.69 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON 11.87 3.47 4A SA •' REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC MECNANIC 21.08 11.04 1A �'� ** RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Res. Carpenters 11.85 3.50 1 Res. Camn�mication Tech. 12.07 0.00 1 Res. Drywall Tapers 19.15 0.00 1 Res. Electricians 15.21 0.00 � Res. Electronic Tech. 12.0T 0.00 1 Res. Glaziers 11.87 0.00 � Res. Insulation Appt. 11.00 2.96 1 Res. Laborers 7.96 0.00 � Res. Painters 14.66 0.00 1 Res. Pl�mbers 16.26 3.41 1 Res. Refrigeration Mech. 12.73 4.01 1 Res. Sheet Metal Mech. 13.55 2.70 1 Res. Soft Floor Layers 19.89 0.00 � Res. Sprinkler Fitters - Fire Protection 15.50 3.32 1R SC ** ROOFERS AND YATERPROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL 21.00 4.80 1R 5A USING BITUMINOUS MATERIALS 24.00 4.80 1R 5A ** SNEET METAL YORI�RS MECHANIC 24-77 6•95 �Z 5B ** SIGN HANGERS S1GN PAINTER 18.39 2.42 � SIGN HANGER 15.63 2.42 1 CONSTRUCTION 15.63 2.42 1 S1LK SCREENER 12.16 2.42 1 CONSTRUCTION "B" 7.91 2.42 1 PROOUCTION SILK SCREENER T-82 Z•42 � SHOP PERSON 4.99 2.42 1 ** SIGN MAI�RS AND 1MSTALLERS (ELECTRIGL) Journey Level 17.29 2.00 1 Stock Person 8•65 �•74 � ** SOFT FLOOR LATERS JOURNET LEVEL 18.79 4.81 16 SA ** SOLAR CONTROLS FOR YIMDOYS All Clessifications 11.20 1.24 1 5S ** SPRINKLER FITTERS - FIRE PREVENTION JOURNEY LEVEL 25.59 10.64 1J SC 7 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING YAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC YORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 KING COUNTI� CLASS1fICATION ** STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (Non Structural) Mechanic ** SURVEYORS Chain Person lnstrunent Person (Junior Engineer) Party Chief ** TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OIJTSIDE CABLE SPLICER SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER 1 SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER 11 INSTALLER - REPAIRER. TELEPFiONE EOUIPMENT OPERATOR - HEAVY TELEPNONE ECUIPMENT OPERATOR - LIGHT JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINEPERSON HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON TREE TRIMMER � POLE SPRAYER TELEVISION STSTEM TECHNICIAN TELEVISION TECHNICIAN TELEVISION L[NEPERSON TELEVISION GRWND PERSON ** TERRAZ20 YORKERS AND TILE SETTERS JOURNET LEVEL *' TILE, MARBLE AND TERRAZZO FINISHERS fINISHER ** TRAPfIC CONTROL STRIPERS _ JOURNEY LEVEL •' TRUCK DRIVERS A-Frame or Nydralift Trucks or Similar Buggymobile and Similar Bulk Cement Tanker Bull Lifts, or Simitar Equipnent (Not Narehousing) Bus or Employee Naul Duipster 0- less than 16 yards Du�pster 16 - 30 yards (Fifteen cents (5.15) per hour increase for each 10 lfard increment over 30 llards.) Escort Driver/Pilot Car Explosive Truck (Field Mix) and Similar Flatbed Truck - Dual Rear Axle flatbed Truck - Single Rear Axle Fuel Truck, Grease Tr�k, Greaser, Battery and/or Tire Service Man Hyster (Nauling Bulk Loose Aggregates) Levermen and Loaders at B�nkers and Batch Plants Lowbed and Neavy Duty Trailer: Mechanic Mechanic Helper Oil/Transport Tanker Oil Oistributor Driver Pick-Up Truck Pickup Sweeper Scissors Truck HOURLT YAGE RATE 10.50 9.35 11.40 13.40 17.53 1T.53 17.12 16.69 17.53 16.11 16.11 8.57 16.11 16.11 14.29 12.57 11.55 8.00 22.10 17.70 18.14 21.22 21.22 21.22 20.64 20.64 20.64 21.22 15.48 21.22 20.64 18.88 20.64 21.22 20.64 Z�.0 20.98 20.39 20.64 21.22 18.88 18.88 20.64 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KET) HOURLY OVER FRINGE TIME HOLIDAT BENEFITS C�E CODE 2.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.08 2.09 2.07 2.07 1.92 2.07 2.07 2.03 2.00 1.98 1.91 4.96 4.96 4.11 5.61 5.61 5..61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 1 1 1 1 1B 1B 1B 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1B SA 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A SA 5A 5A 5a 5A 5A 5A 5A 1N 5A 1N 5A 1K 5A 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 5D 5D 5D SD 5D SD 5D 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 5D 5D SD 5D SD SD 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 5D 50 SD 5D NOTE COOE 8l 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8l 8l 8l 8L SL 8L 8L SL 8L SL 8L SL 8l 8L 8L 8l 8 YASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING YAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 KING COUNT� CLASSIFICATION Slurry Truck Sno-go and Similar Spreaders, Flaherty Straddle Carrier (Ross, Hyster, and Similar) Swe�er Team Driver Traetor, Small Rubber-Tired Vacuun Truck Yarehousernan & Checkers Water Yagon & Tank 7ruck: 0- 3000 gal Water Wagon 8 T.ank Truck: Over 3000 gal Winch Truck Yreeker, Tow Truck, and Simitar ** YELL DRILLERS lrrigation P�mp tnstallers Oiler Yell Driller HOURLT YAGE RATE 20.64 20.64 21.22 20.64 20.64 20.64 20.64 20.64 20.64 20.64 21.22 20.64 20.64 11.60 9.45 11.60 HOURLY FRINGE BENEFITS 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 5.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 (SEE BENEFIT CODE I�Y) OVER TIME HOLIDAY CODE �E 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 50 1M SD 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M 5D 1M SD 1 1 1 NOTE CODE 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8L 8l 8L 9 BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTTVE 08-31-94 ........................................................................................................................ • _ ; 11u�_ . � ]�i ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF R/AGE. A ALL HOURS WORKED ON SANRDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TINffS TI-iE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES Ti� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOUR$ WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Ti� HOURLY RATE OF R/AGE. C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE TI� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS� SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAm AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIvIF.S TI� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G: ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAI� SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TAgS Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SiiALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE TF� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATIJRDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS DUE TO WCLEMENf WFATE�R) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF'I'IIu�S Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOI.mAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE TE� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. TFiE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIviES TI� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUSLE TI3E HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TII�S TI-IE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAm AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS ff WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEN�NT WFATI-�R CONDTITONS) SHAI.L BE PAm AT ONE AND ONE-HALF T'IIu�S Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE: ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUHLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. . N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAI�LJP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIv�S TE� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOI.mAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SAIURDAYS (EXCEPI' FOR MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TDKES TEIE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. NLL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE T'HE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. P. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPf MAKEUP DAYS) SHAI.L BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TA�ff,S TF� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. R ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT TWO TIIuff.S Ti� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. S. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SANRDAYS SH�►LL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TII�S TT� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS HFAI,TH AND WELFARE AND VACATION. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAm AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS i�AI.TH AND WELFARE AND VACATION. T. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIuffS THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TII�.S Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. FOR ALI. HOURS WORICm IN F3CCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK AND FOR ALL HOURS WORKED ON SA'IURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, TI� HFALTH 6t WELFARE, AND VACATION BENEFI'fS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TII�ffS THE HOURLY RATE. PENSION AND TRAWING SHALL BE PAID AT THE REGULAR HOURLY RATE. U. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATqRDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TII�S THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT IABOR DA7� SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIIu�S TI-� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE.. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THitEE TII�S THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. W. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES TE� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS MAY BE WORKED AS A MAK�UP DAY AT Ti� PREVAII..ING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE (NO OVERT'IIVIE) Wi�N WORK IS LOST DUE TO ANY RFASON BEYOND TE� EMPLOYERS CONTROL. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TA�ff.S'THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 Z. TI� FIRST EIGHT HOURS ON THE FIRST. SHIFT ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TAdES TI-IE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. . A TI-IE FIRST SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED W EXCESS OF SIX (6) HOURS ON SANRDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLmAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLmAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID A'f ONE AND ONE- HALF TIIv�S TI� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIIv�S TF� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT THE STRAIGHT HOURL.Y RATE OF WAGE W ADDITION TO TI� HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED W EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLmAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE TI� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIIvIES TI-IE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLmAYS SHALL BE PAID A'f TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, DdCLUDING THE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNPAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. L. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLmAYS SHAI;L BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIv�S THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, IN ADDTI70N TO Tf� HOLmAY PAY. ' O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. • 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IId EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A ALL HOURS WORKED ON SAT[JRDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. HOLIDAY CODES 5. A HOLmAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, IuIEMORIAL DAY, WDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). B. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, I�MORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGMNG DAY. FRIDAY AFfER THANKSGIVING DAY, TI� DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS. AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YF.ARS DAY, WASHWGTONS BIItTEIDAY, IviEMORIAL DAY, IIdDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, TE� FRIDAY AFfER THANKSGIVWG DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). D. HOLmAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, IIdDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVWG DAY, TI� FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVIIdG DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY {8). F. HOLmAYS: NEW YFAR'S DAY, WASHIIdGTONS BIRTiIDAY, IuIEMORIAL DAY, AIDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECT'ION DAY, THANKSGNRdG DAY. THE FRIDAY AFI'ER THANKSGIVING DAY. AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). G. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, IuIEMORIN, DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND Cf�tISTMAS DAY (7). H. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, N�MORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGMNG DAY, THE DAY AFI'ER THANKSGIVWG DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6). BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 08-31-94 I. HOLIDAYS: NE� YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVMG DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). ]. HOLIDAYS: NEVJ YEAR'S DAY, I�MORIAI. DAY. INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVIIdG DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY. DECEMBER 24TH, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND DECEMBER 31 ST (9). M. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, Iv�MORIAI, DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY At�TER THANKSGIVING DAY, TE� DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). N. HOLIDAYS: NEV✓ YEAR'S DAY, WASHIIdGTONS BIRTHDAY, i�MORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, Tf� FRIDAY AF1ER THANKSGIVING DAY. AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). O. PAID HOLmAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, VJASHIIdGTONS BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). Q. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, IIdDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMP,S DAY (6). S. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY, IviEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE ^ AY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). T. PAID HOLIDAYS: SEVEN (7) PAID HOLIDAYS. U. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YF.AR'S DAY, WASHWGTONS BIRTFIDAY, IldDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND A DAY OF TEIE EMPLOYEES CHOICE (7). V. PAID HOLIDAYS: SIX (6) PAID HOLmAYS. W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NINE (9) PAID HOLIDAYS. X. HOLIDAYS: AF�TER 520 I-IOURS - NEW YF.ARS DAY, THANKSGIVWG DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. AFfER 2080 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASi�NNGTONS BIRTHDAY, I�MORIAL DAY, WDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVIIdG DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY AND A FLOATIIJG HOLmAY (8). Y. HOLIDAYS: NEVJ YFAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, IIdDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESmENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, TE� FRIDAY FOLLOWWG THANKSGIVIIdG DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). 6. B. HOLmAYS: NEW YF.AR'S DAY, Iu�MORIAI. DAY, WDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, 'ffiANKSGIVING DAY. THE DAY AFfER THANKSGIVING DAY, TEIE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY BEFORE NEW YEARS DAY (9). C. HOLmAYS: NEW YFARS DAY, WASHIIdGTONS BIItTI�IDAY, I�MORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVWG DAY. Tf� DAY AFI'ER THANKSGIVMG DAY, TH£ LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). E. HOLIDAYS: NEW YFAR'S DAY, Iu�MORIAL DAY, LAST MONDAY W MAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AND SA7URDAY AFTER THANKSGIVWG DAY AND CiiR1STMAS DAY (9). F. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHWGTONS BIRTEIDAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, ARNIISTICE DAY, THANKSGMNG DAY. FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVWG DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). H. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY, MARTIId LLTI'HER KING JR. DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY. LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, Tf� FRmAY AFfER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). 1. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEVN YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, DJDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVDJG DAY, FRIDAY AFI'ER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). M. PAID HOLmAYS: THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. UNP�1ID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, WDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY AND TI� DAY AFTER THANKSGIVWG. N. PAID HOLIDAYS: MEMORIAI, DAY. IIIDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY. THANKSGIVIIdG DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. UNPAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YF.AR'S DAY AND Tf� DAY AFTER THANKSGMNG DAY. BENEFIT CODE KEY EFF'ECTTVE OS-31-94 Q. PAID HOLmAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY. THANKSGIVING DAY, TI� DAY AFfER THANKSGIVMG DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. UNPAID HOLIDAY: PRESmENTS' DAY. R. HOLmAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY; MARTIId LUTHER KING, JR. DAY; WASHINGTONS BIRTHDAY; MEMORIAL DAY; INDEPENDENCE DAY; THANKSGIVMG DAY; Tl� FRIDAY AFfER THANKSGIVING DAY; AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). NOTE CODES 8. B. Ti� WAGE RATES AND DEPTH PRENIILIMS ARE FOR SURFACE SUPPLIED DIVERS AND SCUBA DIVERS. THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES THE DIVERS RATE OF PAY. D. WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDTIIONAL 51.00 PER HOUR. E. ALL CLASSIFICATIONS, INCLUDING ALL APPRENTICES, REPORTMG TO . AN EMPLOYER'S DESIGNATED JOB HEADQUARTERS AND WORK�IG A MWIIvIiJM OF FOUR (4) HOURS IN ANY ONE (1) DAY SHALL RECEIVE A PER DIEM ALLOWANCE OF 7WENTY-FOUR DOLLARS (524.00) IN ADDITION TO THE PREVAILWG HOURLY RATE OF WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS. F. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION AF1ER ONE YEAR OF SERVICE. TEN (10) DAYS VACATION AFfER THREE YEARS OF SERVICE. J. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED ON LABOR DAY OR CHRISTMAS DAY EXCEPT WHEN LIFE OR PROPERTY IS IN IMNIINENT DANGER. SHOULD ANY OF THESE HOLmAYS FALL ON SUNDAY, THE FOLLOWING MONDAY SHALL BE CONSIDERED A LEGAL HOLmAY. ' iC. VETERANS DAY AND TE� FRIDAY Ai�TER THANKSGIVIIdG ARE OP'TIONAL HOLmAYS AND •ARE PAID AT THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY ONLY V1��N WORKED. L. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECfS RECEIVE ADDT170NAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A 50.75, LEVEL B: S0.50, AND LEVEL C: 5025. N. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDTfIONAL HOURLY ?RENWMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A 51.00, LEVEL B: SOJS, LEVEL C: 50.50, AND LEVEL D: 5025. R. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION PER YEAR. U. Tf� PREVAII.ED VACA770N AMOUNT REPRESENTS TI� COST TO A CONTRACTOR OR SUBCOMRACTOR WHICH MAY BE RF.ASONABLY AN'I7C�ATED IN PROVmING TF� FOLLOWIIdG VACA110N PLAN: ONE WEEK AFI'ER ONE YEAR TWO WEEKS AFfER TWO YEARS. THREE WEEKS AFI'ER EIGHT YEARS. FOUR WEEKS AFI'ER SIXTEEN YEARS. TWELYE HUNDRED HOURS MUST BE WORKED IN A YEAR'S TIME TO BE ELIGIBLE. , , I I ! � . DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT 4� DAY: ��t����'��y'-( DATE: %/ /�'� WORK PERIOD: %�a.m./p.m. to � a.m./p.m. � WEATHER:CL�A E TF�4P. MAX �,�^� °F MIN .�G °F PRECIPITATION: l�J,o �•= � WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � �/�/'/ //' � �' � �7 � � . _ - iC G �� � rr�i - . �.�J� .1 -7�' `_ 7- .:� ---' L�/ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE � DATE: i - DAILY INSPECTI�V DIARY � � REPORT l� DAY: � t-- ,--L- t�ATE: �C � iG/q� WORK PERIOD: ��a.m. /�. to 4��a-.�r: /p.m. � � P� l � _�A , � WEATHER: (, l i—;�� TEMP. MAX �_°F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: �C%u�.��. WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: r � � • • I � _ . i�. � _ � ' C � • � ► .� � � ,� � _. : �� � . �� _L � � �� � [ .. �. � ► � � � '` i , i/ A ' � � � � --.= �� � � � � . w� � � � 1_� � , � � � � �_ • r► ,.- - 1� � /,r> , � �'',�� /`(�./!� /� � P,_ . �%�'G'GL � / CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE: ��t � t� �� l � . . DAILY INSPECTION DIARY �, � REPORT l� DAY: t)=-;^F�'� DATE: %/9 /gZ WORK PERIOD: �— a.m./�a..ati., to � �,/p.m. WEATHER: �A�, TII�1P. MAX �°F MIN �' J °F PRECIPITATION: 'V,�+.�� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: M �T2.� � /S � �!�� � ; �. - l� +_ I►c� Co r..t 5T ���nl- C�l T�/� 2��' ���' TN �. �--( � c�-� PA� �� P� �� !'� �'�' = � �. � w � �, � 2 , � � S� P.r�i. 9�,� � �. A �-; � __ � � . �` ----- -'"' . ;� , �� � ;' ' ` � i ,✓��' �=•,�,f'. - . :c`_1..� � � .r �" %; CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE �' INSPE�TOR'SIGNATURE:' ,.! DATE: . , .-->• �, �- ._._. � : �;; .� t` �-- � DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � REPORT 4� DAY: DATE: 5/�y�LWORK PERIOD:��a.m.�. to ���a./p.m. i WEATHER:�'�� � TEMP. MAX �°F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: /� � WORK ACCOMPLISiiED TODAY: s _ _1 � � _ /� � � � � '� l � � t. � t � . r :� �' � � \ � I �4 �Y' C- � � r�T ��7 �� � 't �� �.P �'A � k c� �, ►�r� u —r�. ►� r��� P� � k � ���t ►�� � � � �� .�� ��`� n� �P � 2�� _ %—�r F I L2 �_� -rt� �i h � s / 't—y �f'] �. � � i� t t �' , s e-� s � . 1 1\ � . � �+�—G r� .� , � , � ► �� a - i � i/ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE �" , t �� � � �-- � � �!�°l��iy/.- r_�. .- J�..�tti�_ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE v DATE: [ I � � t , , DAILY INSPECTION DIARY DAY:T}-}-V`(�5��� DATE: (�j /.-rj /�2 �''� �3� REPORT 4� WORK PERIOD: a.m./-p.��. to a,�./p.m. WEATHER: GL�Ac{Z., TEMP. MAX ��°F MIN � 2 °F PRECIPITATION: I�1C�iJ % WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � �"cT �Z,� :�J � IZ �LL�C_ A T�. _ A i� A jZ-�r�t o�[ � D `it-1 � � �G [G..� � �.t.1.1� � �A �t A G �, C� 1 � �. ,� . �. i � � �- = ��v . �►f_. . i az�tn-� t L CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPEC�OR SIGNATUR DATE: r � � � _� � �� ♦ � S � � _�(i��� DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT �� DAY: �p�p� DATE: �/ I�/9Z WORK PERIOD: 7�a.m./�. to a.m./p.m. WEATHER: �-L'� C�.D`�'_ TEMP. MAX (.pZ °F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: �p � WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: i � � �► � r► ► ` ��'_ . � � tr � � � � t. _ � ' — � 1 � �t �1 iy' �v� � � . � . �► r _ �• �• � �� � � [I�l ` � r ' �' � � � ' � � �.� � ��!_ � ti � �'� ���6�'/fil/7�i'1 � .. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNA DATE : r DAILY INSPECTI�1 DIARY REPORT �� DAY:T���Q��_ DATE: 5/�/C�� WORK PERIOD:� a.m.�..a�. to�.a�.a�./p.m. WEATHER: C�jr� TII�1P. MAX �°F MIN 4� °F PRECIPITATION: �C,E. WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: . I t �_ r. ■ � L _ �• , :� i� ■� i � �•� � � � � J � ►�. �. � '� � � G r _ i� ■.. � ►� ,_ '� � � � [ � '� s � • � • r �_ r .� t �-��Zf/l�'L� • t CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE : � [s � � �� � � i • r 1�.. s• � _� .� . ► t .�`_ '�_' � . _ . ; . . _ . _'_ _ i i . . ._ .__. DAILY INSPECTION DIARY Z� qp �� REPORT �� DAY: DATE: / WORK PERIOD: 7-' a.m./�.-�. to � a.�r./p.m. WEATHER: Q{ [„ TEMP. MAX �°F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: (� ��..s� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: �� �ts �as# .� �a•r � � � �. � � . . � 1► � [ � � � �� � i ' ��r � �� ♦ � / � . � _ � . • , .. .� � . � �. _ 11 . -► e� _� _ � � ! (_ � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � � � REPORT �f DAY: � � j , '��� DATE: � /2: � /��„ WORK PERIOD :� a.m. /g..,m., to �= a..�a.. /p .m. WEATHER: C��� TEMP. MAX �_°F MIN G� °F PRECIPITATION: j�j_n �b �_ WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: �� I1 �`7���-1�--,� � f�� A . � :� r _ . . � ..... r .,� . •� �. � r_.* -t—. � «� � ( � �. ( � �.. I /r 9 rl � S� I 0 ��i?�'i� � L°� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE: � � , '�r► �' � _ � a �� � �.. 4 DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � � REPORT �E DAY• �}�i�t�*t��� DATE: -ri /Z�/Q� WORK PERIOD:� a.m./�. to�� a-+-a�-./p.m. WEATHER: FI L`(Cj,1�`'( TEMP. MAX (p_� °F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: t�lO�v� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: 1L t� � --y -� � . � _ �i.= \ . � � � s • � _ S.� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNAT tiATE: ► � r_f� � il � .r � � i .r �� _ . , � '� DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � REPORT 4� DAY:' ���;�1( DATE: / � /�(�, WORK PERIOD: ��a.m. /�-.�. to�� ��e, /p.m. WEATHER:'�. TEMP. MAX �_°F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: ���� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGN DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY -7 REPORT �� DAY: DATE: / / WORK PERIOD: (�a.m./-�. to � a.ui./p.m. WEATHER: Pn.� ��,r�Y TEMP. MAX �J(� °F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: �IOiJF WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � _ � _/ ' � � ,. ► � � _ _ • 1� � � _� fA v �' _�s : ■ _� l � _ s,+ / _ � '_, �'Lr �_ a . = - w'� .� �� �� ! _ � � y � _� i � �� .� / �I ! �� � . . .r� � � %s � �� � � _ '1 / ' � � • � � � - - t � � •,� � , •� ' � • ( �• . � ■,� �. ,�.�i _ \ � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE �1�� ` � INSPECTOR SIGN DATE: M�� � - - - - - -� - -� '- 1 �' I I I ( ! , � , DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � 3� REPORT �� DAY: DATE: /� / WORK PERIOD:� a.m./�. to� a.�./p.m. WEATHER: ��� TEMP. MAX ��°F MIN ��°F PRECIPITATION: �pJ`j�- WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: .► ►� , ► � � _�. � � : '' • • � � r ■� � ► f � .. 0 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE 1 v . �� v PECTOR SIGNA DATE: �r ' �� �ti u.. . ` � ■ � ■,. ' - ■r -� . -� ' � :•► �•— � -� � � � � � f� � � � , � � � 7 a� � "� � � . � _ � ' I ,, a -� � � _ . ��. t� �i► � � '► .� i i i i � i � � , DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT 4� DAY : �j N (,j(�jb f��(' DATE: .�J' / ��/�2 WORK PERIOD :� a .m. /.p.r�-. to � �.�. /p .m. WEATHER: C:�..-��4fL TEMP. MAX ��°F MIN�_°F PRECIPITATION: I�L�i�J� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � . � �� � r _� . s r � � � . �� Li � �� � . 1t�- � .�. , � � . ' �i � . � • � [ _� - . ` i � � � � . � _ � \ ♦ ,► � � � � � � � � � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPE TOR SIGN T E DATE: �� _ � � ► f . � � � � • i . DAILY INSPECTION DIARY _..;•-� -� REPORT �� DAY: I/�_(C,��,�.�;�;`-% DATE: /`%�/�L WORK PERIOD: !�"a.m./�. to ^"a..m„/p.m. ,--. � --' -� - f— WEATHER: L;_..;�=�i� TIIvIP. MAX l� °F MIN ��-` °F PRECIPITATION: I�1.Q Y`: � WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: , ��--T.- n �Ir G �' � ! .^/a � 1 ^'- : . . � � .,rr F : �.%�-t � � - `, ; �_. ; - �... � � ,��. =! �.' � � �.; � =- �- ^ �.� � ,- ' ^� M �9a �~" r�' lh t,�� . r': i—=.� �. � :___ � f � . . � { — — - - � � � � , ..- ���� r� /' � � ,� A', r �.. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE / ' INSPECTOR SIGNATURE. + %f= . f; DATE: L. I ;=j. � FT." .�-H-� I�. � �t_ � � '� 1`1l ; ^ ��.1:. �.� � i :�. � �v-- � �� : �*.:' �' ; ^ �-,� ; � t T. � �' � � �`°�� L_.,::.-- �:'+-t -� ��, ��- ` ��" � i � i � --�-� '.�a �1��,�=-' `�4 �. � 1�.:.� 2�-�4 �;uc� �'� �i ��.1- � iv� s�_ � � -�--��"i � DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � REPORT �� DAY�vCS�%�`-( � DATE: � /�Z/�2.WORKPERIOD:�a.m./�. to �'�./p.m. WEATHER: Prl_� CU�� TEMP. MAX �D3 °F MIN 4-�_°F PRECIPITATION: I�l� N� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: M �T� s�� 2��cc�-�� N, V.1, `E�o �,.�,r, Co�-�t P i- r� r� -t-�I � T�c°av r..1 Cz o� �-Z'� D� I� a I �LTO T�-! � C.D D " � � t tii �� T� I � �D �T= _ � r.L �'Y� r�1_ . F" . _ r :> .t CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPEC R SIGNATUR � DATE: y� - ^ Y y � "�� � �� i � � --- :��.TETRO Inspector's Daily ConstructiUn Report ��-s"���� �-� S�.s Contract No. %v��'.S�' 9� Date 1 %= �� Contract Title ��-��-- ���- �� ��'-�—� Page of Contractor /�-u�c ���Y`� Time Work Started _ Weather �'-�� � �- Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Perfo�med (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): -`✓�.�� . c..._..0 /<.v_l� ���c�+�-t �� -�Co iuJ-�-c�% c�.� r--r� � U � - v�,-%� -�_ ,��_. �-..� � - .�-� ,�,��2 ,-�.� �� ���.��? ,�--�- �-� � .-.:.,��y... � -.�-� � � f .�u.-J' �c.r,..-. � .-✓��,-.+. �2re �il�-''�-�-��-c.. 9�'_�' 'r�� T�+-�i - -s�rr..' C=� . o�., .a.GG � � � . � �o- / � � — ,>�,e �i��ui,.,-�. ZY ��� ��%�'Gt. .�..r�.... ! 1� i�� � � �.f J��' c�v.�,o .iJ .�G"�i�-o-r�.^_ ot-z z� �P �. _w , q: � .2.c,_�' .GYC�. �-y�.. r�o ` � .4�' /�-l-�D /? ��� fL) / JI �-� ._� 7l i2 � n �� �J � . GL.I'..�7/t�/1/�� .`.��?'�4�J,.^i_ .� X%`�^^'1J".� �.N � :✓'�=� -�/.-G.' `- A.��f :l. %'�-���GN!_/, .:J?�'__ !/ �- /� ,! �F _ �1 2G-Y� � 7 f��0 4� �-{C� �t'--.�-C /i!i',�-' s-[-n. - ���-c. ��i f '� � GGC-GG�. �Y '�S�-� � / � '�`'^ a.��^r%'� �t�..�1- .�• �n.�i<a�, 1'�G...O ��.ccs-c?.. J/�!LL/°Gst,l.il - ��. -� � .1-�..-,-z�,�-u-o c�..�: _�.-,� �,�c..���� �...,,�P x��-t�4-� ,���� �_ �, � - ` , � .�"-� 'fz''� ,�.� �� �.... �0.��- �='� .� :� �lI �-w .3 � � ,,l.e_t �--•.��_ �;._/ �, r,L,., �..��. � ,,,,.,�.�� . ,�� �-�i d"e�-�O ..� � - Materials & Equipment Installed: Construction Schedule Achteved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: ��� �r� ,�� ��.lE,�.�, �r��e •,�e.� c%_�/ Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: oz�s cRe�. ,o�ss� Please Complete Reverse Side Oi This Report :��:TETF�O Inspector's Daily Construction Report � � � �~ Contract No. ��� 5—''—�� Date �� �3 ���Z-. Contract Title �� ��- lti--�-�L- t�'� Page � of Contractor C�%�c� /_o-���' Time Work Started _ Weather ��--�-�%� ��%'- Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): _ ' i�,g ,4 �� /S� ry-�-t � �!+l �Z �� v//� �G.�y...� �n .c.��. .i�ir�:1 Y'����i` .f.,-A'..c.i :^�..i� cr�I y� r�:^_u �'n-:-_.w+a � .�.dGu� -�h J�' '— � xF,� I��-�._-.-1t�/�` /�/O-!� c�. - � v � �, . � s�G�''�?' � � _G.�:3-% �i,--�s%:�c._ .��i�o ��. 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Date i'�% /� / � % = Contract Title �'=�`-� �� ��^�- ����-�'� Page i of v /I � '. �-r" ' � �,�/ ,�� � 1�.--� Contractor - �<-�� ��%�•�- �-��'��� ' �"' � Time Work Started _ Weather f''����'���-'� Time Work Stopped Constructlon Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): i'/ %ti. �rc•�'.rr� �c�...� t .l�-�i,% e� o�//.1�- �/J�/ �n �.> /12t+-�-(t-c�n � �!.�.� .. _ � cn-.-.+--�i C ,rr��.�.-r.� ,:cl j ';��0 �.... �r �U.i�l�/ �r-"' �f' -z,�+.�.,�•�. ,_.ri ,j "=1.i- - _ - / / �L .�7• ��.�.. .) ��' f".i �1._!:� A �... �_ -�� Lj �/ .i'Gr /ti� � C..-�° 5�:,^G .,L�Gc.��. r ,Gl � ,. �=F .i7 �G(_%G'/L- �� � /,'i� � � — �. ' q .r .:''!' 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Materials & Equipment Installed: , � � ' , , � v d y, ,.l r, ,, fi F_��;,, � �� �/f ��„ ���r �, � _G�7I' /Ic ./,o �.y, �'.t., � �/ C :�=+f.� / pr �� 1 ✓ L / �` /r_✓� �.:D%�� J�e-�f/ /.-%.�f1 � t.l�� /f. �� /L�GLl.� ./7!�� �LCr.1�/ �� /•� T� ILB�.�J CGD��� ��(i� A: Construction Schedule Achleved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): ���� ���,� �/ ��� ���_ Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutlons: � 4� ��;,, � ��� �,��,,��� �.� ��,./�;� /y/¢�,�;,'� �� //'�/.�.GS v .. Tests Conducted: � " ,- �,:,��' .�._ . � /1�1��� .�:._.: �.�z �-�--�-�` Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: oz�scRa�.,o�a�� Please Complete Reverse S(de Of This Report :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report Contract No. %��� �` S� Date �l��Z Contract Title Page z of Z Contractor Time Work Started Weather Time Work Stopped � ,��,r_f" .a'' � n�_ �� Nlff fZ/D-�� _ .�.rrl G! � `o ,QJ� o>-� G��Z�-z_� % �..��c-�-P� ,�ia 9°Y/ � � ��.�'e:�+-e� .�i.�, � D.,4 L, '/7Gt.-F' - ��✓'.c..�.�.-L_�-ex-_ �?�,��? '� �y- / Sd O t�/� -ia at�,u c.a.p w�e_ cr � c (�...�'�';:.!��w.,X- ,�C.d-�,--.. vw.�r_J 0,-t Oerw .�-�'�.�._ ��.�1z.1-(.��t�.�., r�:.�� Y,a�u.GCe J � o .,.�� Y �..�.,..� �..,..� � � � � ,�.� x .�.1, o� /�--�:-� /�G-L'� �.��- � a�-� � .%'.�,� � n r ,r�.�.�-- �c,:�� G-<;� �,.� �. ..�=� �/61.7�•i�i!: � :. 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Z�G.�c �o-u/ .�.�-e�, ..A� ��,.t..� �' c�s.�-c.,.+ �..�/ c�.cu�,-c� a�..;,,. r� �--;, �' .Go G�-�..., ' u Materials & Equipment Installed: Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Co�ducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initfated: 0276 (Rev. 70/86) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): e��:tT1E°TRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report _ �► � - �� J Contract N;�. ��-j�r-�' � '� -- ',% Date /i"��, �.� , /i /��-=—� Contract Tit.e �=�-<%,— = �= - �''-�- � '"" . . - Page /: of �! .:• � i-� � • i/' ;;- � ,//.� %',., i Contractor - - -��'- - = �-��= y � ' ��-��`" Time Work Started _ - . . .% Weather ='�'�-�'�'• . � Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): - r=�,.. � - . �: :� _.,. ._._.. - � " _ �- - , :� `� ,''` j - � ;� : � _ .-�;t-:�. . f - _ ; = . , - .y ; � , .- � . . . .� -, _ :, , . , .. . . , . - - .. _ : ....: ,.. ..._.. �.._„_.-_.._>. . .... ,_..,. -�. , - - ,.:�.�.. _ ;, _ - � _. .... . , ..� . � _ _ %. �J � ��`, 'c' . . y , -L- _ J �,�' _.s _ " . f � . �. _ _r:. _`� - ', � . � �� ' � G��Yi. ����lt �t?iLt. 0�-�- �� �'�.�l.tivt�.^ .G'./.ct-t'/= �'�`' .,a.., f�a �;JG2/t.e:l �`�-? � / -Ui Q %Z�.�k.J �,c.�. �/ /�-•u . 22s' v r+.tio � -,.. %a_�_.: l�0 t�"/Y' — G�--�-�- �...o /; ., !: ' �/' i(i� ' LFi..�J /i� �L�.e% 7 x.f � . / /��� .P�� 4� �1� !'c'�-::�Llifi!/ �._-c' � {'�? �✓ � ' ��.i('. .-��L�._ � /�-2' � ll� � � � �i /� .-n....., '2!lt��c .a;��•��, :.. �..� f � �� �� ,�� _ s�t. _ ��'=-�%aL' �� .t.<-r�.0 �a� �a t. �ip- cc.a�i .�v r�i<<�t��-Gr�. � .r�cs�� .U�i��1h, i.iG�� =vt � .2-c,r%3 %:� .;'r�i N�%-� �._? � . i��✓.%` a/��y-tt�ce LQ,:LIr�. ..:C� �h.��2 /i,G.n_•`�� vriw �i ��2. ��j<� .�'6'-P �•�, :7 .i,��h-- L'% .G✓Pi�G�� �r�-✓.�< ���F-GIf'i /�w� ��'f�%� ����,;. Materials & Equipment Installed:, � ' ;, ••, � .�-- � ��_,;� �f ,.: _,:- Construction Schedule Achleved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: ._ , . � , „ . . ; , _ , Tests Conducted: Wo�k Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: 0276 (fiev. 10/86) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report � n v � �Ct�-�.-<_'. .�-<�.�v ���,-_�ru:,.`1,C .2R� �„ �<;i..►G2_ �a.�t� f� �L'+�ti iu� GLO �—��� :��:TETRO Contract No. � s� D 7 r Inspector s Daily Construction Report Date ,/'�%-�, // !f 9L Contract Title Page Z of Z Contractor Time Work Started Weather �'��� ���'�-''�'-' O�- Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): �?i.v?�� ��if � l�,c�.-? a ��%�� - ,..✓�,c�� �%L.° �� �ca2 .n-, I�/. !,�/. 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A.c.f� / /Z- ..Y.L/ �Gir:. , '/ .�.. �i �� '^ ;� i. .�..� / `+ v v. .2�,�L , ;•. ��.�-� ,C- � �� ' ' � �`" '� , ,� � `/�� � � "'P� ,o2%��n ✓ �-L-� . ,tI1.F !/! w:l �.-.� L�`�.� � . .d �r`�� li�.:t /,y� .GU/1�t �t-�.. ����.i�'�� i r. %/.l.J ��.. � i�;/�la.:"/, ��(� ^.n! ,-.. ;t�l�..I f �,a'L/ � ' ` - � /'n:,�<� ..=''i ./•� ,tf .�"/ �,�? -.%it�_ �� _G.:r �"::� �✓ ry- 1�'� i�rG, � /r�+�-l� ,J � , :!�, ��.Lo�h 7!:?\,. /.i�t,/,,-�'n-f �,!'"L.��im_ r�l,..�, _L,_l- `,rs�..�� ✓�•�C _/�i ��l _/,' l'� � ! . . �I n.•��;.r ��i!�•'l.�.r^.G/ �.i., n ,�� 1.✓t..�,.:Lj �G�L2� fc�-t: .L�P=i d�-c -�` .G+a �d Materials & Equlpment Installed: ,,��,��� �,L�,,.������ �_ �,1.�..! �5ti���-i �c�..-���- ,��",., ��-�o <�+t.w�- �l .4.E.��!�.�-.i�� A%� � ..%G,c i� �.,:.-�. Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Detaiis): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contraclo� & Changes Initiated: 0276 (Rev. 10/86) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report �� l,Gr<� �1�:..s /CL� u,.,G r :._!-•GG�. .+-� i�Lt..�i ��%i/, / i,.i.1�F� �.� � ��.A-� ��� ! J ,.� . � �/�./ �% - �4Cl,�-E�/ iGa �-t-+« �L. ��`�, r% ��/�� DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT �� DAY: �� �,�� DATE: � /�j /�Z WORK PERIOD: � `� a.m. /p�. to �_1 �. /p.m. WEATHER: C�V D'`� TF;MP. MAX ��°F MIN �[`j °F PRECIPITATION: �o�� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: NI � ; � � % S i�,� i�r.�-r� 1l C • i� • � . � , . � r • � '� � ;� .� _ � � [ � �i f i� � __ L�-� � CONTR.ACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATUR DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY �, �Q REPORT �6 DAY: DATE: ,. / WORK PERIOD:� a.m./-�-r�- to� a-,-c�/p.m. WEATHER:`,� TEMP. MAX �� °F MIN � °F PRECIPITATION: �� � � , WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: . � ,� r . � . _. �.� ! �. . � _ rr ■.. � .� . � . � � _ �r_ � ■.. . � - - - - - -• CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNA DATE : \ �__ � �i �-� ►� -'� ► �� ! _ � ? :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report �' � � `— Contract No. w� M SQ�� � Date =�Ze1-�-� 2�' �?;' �- Contract Title �� �� ���'�- �`'�"� ��=' "-��-^�- Page J � of .� Contractor p �- �"� • � /" � � =`"""-'� Time Work Started _ d Weather ��-�- �^M �L-��'' P�"'� Time Work Stopped J Construciion Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): 1 J O / Z Z O ' � lh�s�t^^t .(�,.�a. /h��� � ^ � !� /�- '��- �Ln�i � C�/h�f��" �. ��...-��..., � �i.�� � ' �' �I /��i .L� _ - - - � � ��G� ��. S�'-P� CL�s� — �� - — zsz�- Materials & Equipment Installed: �. n O /,�.fj..,t�_� _ ;: — Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slipp -� . � Personnel Accidents (Details): Jl%,rh� Problems Encountered & Resolutions: ,C/��. Tests Conducted: ��,�, Work Rejected: �(r/�_ Instructlons Given to Cantrac2or & Changes Initiated: �(lU�^--�_ 0276 (Rev. 10/86) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report Contract No. ���`1 j`�"9� Date G"''^-�� �. �?%L Contract Title � �-� /c ��_ ��^^� �-P-�-�� Page / of � Contractor �- � ''�f• J �� � �-� Time Work Started _ Weather ��<<t--% ! � Time Work Stopped Construc2ion Activities Perfo�med (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): 7 ��� � L `-t tl , `J / ".�-�.+t' .t-.-., /Z�M.A t.<r !w :t-G<-Lti'it. : JzGeL� : ��!_ �C.r...�- 1 � � 1, /3. �D � 2 �a0 , l% nh-�..--t ,L.�. /�{1i�.l,.n ,, . .`� ., � : �-/.�' ;!�.r.�1f />�t.. T r ., � C..•�-a.«.- �✓/ �-�. - /J�r.�- G��.,.a`.�, 4qs�7� Materials & Equipment Installed: �� �,?,� Construct(on Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): �l.(�,,Lti. P�oblems Encountered & Resolutlons: �/� Tests Conducted: �( /„�^ Work Rejected: �� �__ Instructions Given to Contrac2or & Changes INtiated: �C/,..,`�� 0276 (Rev. 70/88) Please Complete Reverse S(de Of Th(s Report :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report Contract No. %'��'"t,`��� Date _��i `� /S�'Z- Contract Title ��--� ��-�-�`- ��2 Page 2— of Z . Contractor �,�-�-%�• �-o�---=�' rl uJ. /-� "�� Time Work Started _ � Weather Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Pertormed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): c� -�2 2��r�c,1 +�z�c4..c u� f1 e �i�S �..o�,J . - ��2� ti�,��o 1a-e.- < /I�.� �-/. r�-� .�-r� . �►' /yaol�s - f�e � ' . /��- .Gvr� � ��D -,��� o r? wJ .u�c� /tiLr��. - .(t :✓. L�C/�/6 /S �Bu� i��f����ivG T �C-�rr.c.i� Se9.-�-*-� �Ct?�r.�.� � >�z.� ����. Materials & Equipment Installed: Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact & Slippage): ��� �,�fj ��b -�D59�✓ �,�. �� �i.�c�.y'k N,u�c�L I � ,�itt /e-� u2c. _� ���� �.G�-��Q �, � i1,d dIR� s!'-GaY-c�iYO � /�O ' �' �-�-5 r . Pe�sonnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: o2�s cRa�. ,o�es� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Repo�t nspector's Daily Construction Report Date �� `i /S�'� ��.. $^- ��-� Page 2-- of � . 1-�` %l UJ. /--' "��-'-.�..� Time Work Started v Time Work Stopped (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): r,r=- �'?�..0--� u;� ��e .�ioc �,,0�. / � � /'�—� �/: �-v .��e_ . �' JYaof��s /L��" .Gv� �t,2- ��.�L.¢�11 �<� � v✓I �/c� �_.LR-t..�-c--� r � �r >' ,�6zu /����v.ivG T ��r..�r.a�� Se�.-.-*-� �-�?�-�..,.� i (Include Impact 8� Slippage): ��y� �,�f �ab -/059 r,/ �-u- ��,�z,..;,.,,;-0,,, r c�;a�'._¢1-�.�ea CG�C � C„ �L.� �2 2c.��itP�-O 6j/ 60 ' �'u/u.�-5 s itions: � & Changes Initiated: Piease Complete Reverse Side Of This Report :; meTr�� Contract No. — -� � �- Contract Title _ '-=-�= � Contractor _��- %�' Weather �-�'r`- �•�- Construction Activities Perfo: � �f / a.i. %Z�.,�-.ti� . —� ��u..�_��t.:, �_,i ...��.� J /. �.C_.•,n /..n.G/—:._���:i<; : -' / W s.�p-�/L �Nci.l / , :ff.�� .�.«./r_..:-.� ( � a r^• % ' ,; �, ,�--,�-�i .�-�? � w� �^„ �D U1��, . - ,.un.v� a „_:° .2. 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U Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): ' it� G/. /2��• �/J /2/.'r.cLG�1. ii.��t:fiL��...��✓ �-./ .: ��/j r21.�_.ZL+I+- ,t� �Q �� ! �^�-% . —�cc_.::.�,._�� �.� .i�la:^ !.i.�, �i� �F 4 % .c`./ l-c��.En_e�. o...,..� Gw� �'�,n �.��vL.�� .�G�� :J / / / ' ��r_v,.� /_ n � i- :._ ��Z."�c_=;1 � F' -�l'-�-� /Jo�.7�� .�L...�G?/G- �4_/�/ ✓ � � ,/ �/� - / M d.�-�-�� 4/�o�L- (/� C,Gc..: 61 , �.�J2-._c_ ,G�.•� .-%. 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Problems Encounte ed 8� Resolutions: Tests Conducted: � Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: Forresi Q-0il � P�oject Superintenden[ � Cedar River Pipelines Guy F. Atkinson � Relocation Construction Company -- A Division ot ? Guy F. Atkinson Company ' P. O. Box 1158 : Mercer Isfand, WA 98040 — ____. _ _. Phone (206)226-1059 ATKINSON� FAX: (206)226-2150 _ 0276 (Rev. 10/88) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report - /�, � a� �. ,� 3/S.C�s f .2r�'1� i.�-� :��-��.,-�� .�-%% ,�*� .�" ,� �6 v z9 v� �,y� F+N2v[o ��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report �� � ��� � -y -n - � '/i=�1�J (.i.//i�'�J ��! / Contract No. —. z Date y�� � i�f'L .--- Contract Title �-=�-� ��-�* 7�-u��-�= ���-�'-A� Page � of Contractor Time Work Started Weather � �_-� v Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Pe�formed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): _"�'I�GCJ. �(/J iLZ�is.A.�.-r�1z-�, �i�-G- w'---�l� .�o is-iJ�tsc-.�e .. � r � ` . 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MAX ��°F MIN �2 °F PRECIPITATION: i�pi� WORK ACCOMPLISHED'TODAY: -- N\�P� ��,5 F\�L.CC,�T� �,. . � 1 t_ ` '� C�� • � � . ► , � '� � t_ C � ► ��• � � � � .r % _ � � ► • s � � - � -� � � � • (■ � . � .�/ eI i� �� i�C. (� • � � `� = CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNA DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � REPORT �� � m DAY :`)U 1•iD AY � DATE: / WORK PERIOD :�'— a.m. /�, to 3 a�a.. /p .m. WEATHEEt: C.L�.A� TEMP. MAX �°F MIN �_°F PRECIPITATION: l�o r�l E WORK ACCOMPLISHID TODAY: � � • � � s � � ' � + ` �il� � �� � - � r� � ► t� � a �� � � � , � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNAT DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY 3o REPORT 4� DAY:�� �D.L��'� DATE: /2 /Q WORK PERIOD:�� a.m./.�...m.. to 3 �..�./p.m. i WEATHER: C��;� � TEMP. MAX ��n °F MIN��_°F PRECIPITATION: _��;.,_I„ WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: �,'"r'� 2, �, r� r� t � r- 2��, '('�i'��T� * �� L� ��J'� (�� ' 1 �1 'lC ��rt, 1"' � 1 fl � � '�/� I �� i r��� � �� t � �f ��� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATiTR'� DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY -7oa REPORT 4� DAY: �2� c,�;Y � DATE: �/ I/GZ WORK PERIOD: 1— a.m./� to 3' :-J�/p.m. WEATHER: GI.J;j�) ^`-! TEMP. MAX Co 3°F MIN �� °F PRECIPITATION: f� p�N "_ WORK ACCOMPLISHED�TODAY: `�'� _ ., r: r-; ,. i' — � — '�J�A � 1 -�, _ '( ��' '� /' \ /` G , _ /' Jt G L � � � � -•J T=_� � G, '^��'-1--T� ,1 i �OLit�lu ��'`��^= ` � - ` 2_ �= i o-`- �, � (j� C� = ;� � !'� ` � �=,"T � �L� � ) r�1 + ► � � ! 1� I I�'� � : � � f—�, =—, � �.�. �' <� � a ��—r - ��-- ' ._ �j2z�-��'.�' i" . �`�L�`�.�"%. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE : :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report ����f 7S Contract No. _--���SS`'"`9/ �.✓,Pi!, j Date � ��� ~'�� Contract Title �'�.�- �..c� %r.�.-�-/L- /�.� �� � Page of Contractor _��� �'^�� ��i w� '��`'t�-�~-� Time Work Started _ r Weather ��� ��� Time Work Stopped a Construc2ion Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): /lllu �� /� l=�-<-.-._ wa�1�c-r.c �i� -�� ��2w-c�.u�- i,� �i�� �� �i,u�! :1✓1.�,:A� '-�_^.t_n., �.Lr1..._. ��ui +-�, _ �` �� /�J..,� � �`•' `Y Cui�._ '�1,....--� �-C�/L� u - � 1 rl � -�� '' .:, „t-/.��,..t'}i.�.�e�.� � n-e-_.0 q -� ;d-2_� - �_c-�i. ,f✓�..., n r� lt�.^..,rL t✓..2r�t.�__r�--<_ an,. ,Q.2,�� �"'- � _� A. ,r�l. — /V �1%, ��[�-LG�'-+_ !� .^_.^q^�� � �/'/ I ( u � ' =��Lc,-1 C-�1�=+.ci1 � l �.l.7/.11�%. > �L.��-n/ �1 - - �c�" /2: �S P rv,. /%�i-c-e. ��. 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'� Date ��%�� � y �S �� Contract Title �-��- ��- ,��-� ��-�'-�— Page ,� of � Contractor ��-��� �%�-� ���-�� ��'�-�- Time Work Started_ Weather i���-u ��= -�, Time Work Stopped � � Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): G���•�_ ,_� :,!t:� - r� �JI �-r� �-- l�r .G�-�U�c�..1�_�( �e vi�� �_ .cv.t� . .s��.�.,-�. r-e-�� a,! .Qo-r� � c�a�.h-�.. i�, t�. /��' lo�± e�1 .�-�ii• �7 �� ,,u �� �� ��,-�i - .af.._/� �.,.�,,,. _ -�U-'�ii�- ��.e-.L� ��� �o �.2, �� .a.i,.o �a�'vt�O ct� � 9/v �11L�s. _��'v Z//.Z O /1-.r�. /.�1� �i*22�1 /r-�.1?�,cit-d Gv��- CaT�x.,a2' .�P� � �G,J� � +.Q�1��Co'*�e O '� �GC � � �� l�t+� oa-�% / 2 �� �c, ca.?>��?�' G�.ere �J� �.vi� !.�/a.- .�..�aL /�J .c.-^ � e� r�..�� <�.�-� a.,i�2�.ac� 3� 4�" �..-.� �o ,��-�" r-�n-r-,�� �.�ao .ca��' � � .Y�tG Gd-� ,rr,�.L� ,�,c.�-�" �i�v./�,Gt�1% m� Gs].. -/z'-'�_�`Go�i d� �v .A-�,uD� -�-� .��� �z.�►�e% � ` ,, - - Materiais & Equipment Installed: � ��� �- � ��� 1' ,� � _ � �, �,, Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): ��� „� ,� ,�2, � /,*� _� �� U !� �.� �1 �r�> Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducied: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: 0276 (Rev. t0/B6) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report — ,t� c.� � � �,�..C, �G /��.-.�, -�a.A�cn.� `t,7 ��- ..c�, �1�--��..u�`. � on v I YvsP.t_ '�" u/ w�rX � �� 6� aiJ AVi7f' �-.� �J �! .2� U�7Z S A r.i(. — �.�2 ,� �.�, �.,Q.aJ .�,/ 3i�.-..z.,_ ,�.._ .� .�u ��Le.v _. -l�s-t- � �1-t�i_wy'. � �i/u�-� i9 /Lo �v.' c.� t.l! ,�-r/ !-G,o .�/�+,.¢ �'� lJ�'/✓�I�tc.'G, �l l� � � - :d�:TETAO Contract No. _ Contract Title — Contractor Weather Inspector's Daily Construction Report 3 7°� � s Date iG✓� �f� I�'� Page Z of f Time Work Started Time Work Stopped �.-=��� tv vl9 4.��`G. Gc..�-.,-,. P ���v c'�i�--� -�-��G�-,s�z���...._7"�- ' ���.�2. 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'- •'�','..�TEMP. WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: , � _�� _ , `� REPORT 46 — /�.:�'/ - WORK PERIOD: . — a.m./�_ to -�'-��a�./p.m. MAX �:L�! °F MIN �S ^ °F PRECIPITATION: �:='` . '= " '.,,; i_�- I 4i �T'�� �' � G �; � •�' *� i � �I .�� t..�•i� <� ` � � `I n\ i J �� � T� � � �, '�ti C.; � �-� � '� � `.� -I —T ;� '�' " G � G �' � � — _'.-'ti (� —' --- � " ', ' , �U i �t C % C1 ��T�1 ��! i � � r' /1i ) : � ' n � � i`� � ` ;� � T� —i �' r = i I �� C` � r-; c ',�, t� • r- n�, � ��r ���� ����, �- ��1 J ( ; � ; � — a � C r ,� t� � � t-,, }.ti C.'_.•�-, r. � ti_ � "� -_ . G �. � � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE , ^ � /�� ,� � li"f �'<�i'_;:�i�'J ;� , /�L/.;' ., i "'. f+ INSPECTOR SIGI�YATURE , DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT l� DAY: �/.��_�r��,� -- �.L� DATE: a- /�Q/�G WORK PERIOD: � �a.m./��. to �.' =''Ja�,/p.m. WEATHER• �C-�-• i2�-� �= TEMP• MAX �= °F MIN `�-'Z °F PRECIPITATION: �JG %.� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: . .^ ��=T�� .���`� �=' '�-'� _ }�� \`'\ t� I V V�' 2-� Ci 2..� � � T-- %1 \ � '� j\� �� r (� -r � '�, � �\� J � 1 �^-� i� � •� .... � ,� � �...: � � I J% L I =-�'1 '� '\\ -r- �'�-" ( � � �� (� � ��. �- r'� �'''-' � ' r f� 1 � t , ` , � i� � I 1 ;� , ���iCC�'1 � h-•��� �-� � IV i� �.i', } `�T�--� t ; J I\; ti' � ^ /' � //� �r?'� 1 Li , �� ��{ -(�,•' /� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATUR.E DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � :� REPORT �� DAY: L! ;� ^: ��% DATE: � / C.�/ � �WORK PERIOD :� a.m..,�m, to � �.m. /p .m. ����.� ���J ,�, WEATHER: ��' � , �, �; 1, ^'� TEMP. MAX �� + °F MIN �-O °F PRECIPZTATION: '-;z_1 _ :� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: �'�, � 1 �� � . U �.'� — , .� ��, ,,� , ._ �_ % ��— i \I �\ �:I ' j0 � � ' \ �; `';, �J ��` j � . ' L \�;� J �-- t �' i � ' \`.��•-J ,�! L� �) � f� � �,,.�-r �1 � ��7 � 'r-- l + � c^ � � i T: ,, J � ; � � � J T7 � Y .� _ �% i � . � . � .r • --- _ — r"? � �^ � ' �. *, � I r _ . � �� _ - .i:1-. _ . _ _ - '_' _. � } --- J �; � L.v � ` 1 �, �� � , r. . � ^- � - , - , ,- . . � � r - == `-' � �,-, ._ -' � �- � ;�=� _ `�_. , . ��.� --.� J �� � , �� ..—r-'n ,, �' i V�— +^:� \ --+ � �/ � �; ,1 .\ , � ��--� ��" — �� - i 1''. { '• ti_,._. ? � � t� � '� � >� i I�.! '�_� \ i\ : -- ' _ ! r � •^ i t�.. r - ) r. t � � �, l�. � . �_ . 4 � �- � �� j�.', !l. �' ! j � ! t' -. I` � =� 7 �.� � r�.C= �� � �, �. � . � G: 1� i�,� t �-- � � , = �� r �:., --.� � �=. � � � , ,� _ - � ^ - ; � \/' � /1./LG"v'Y% (`� ` r� J� /i^, ;'7,1;�, CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE G` (� I� DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � 2� REPORT �` DAY: r'1��,(��!� '`� DATE• �'- / �%/C! WORK PERIOD:� a.m.�. to � �./p.m. �,' . . WEATHER: t�.P,l r�, ��<II'� TEMP. MAX �.�� °F MIN �J °F PRECIPITATION: I��"J J�•� f-•,' �1,� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � G Ti7�_� � � � �� ;� -✓ (� � � / i ��-'-�0 '� � � /' � ``t � : �u� !� �� � _ � � ��-`� � � • ,._.: � ; � `-�` � _ � � t /`.' � l% �r �. 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MAX 1Q� °F MIN �I-Z °F PRECIPITATION: i\,:�}�., � WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: 1 �''� �T � �� � 5 � �-. n ' % � -' �_ {� ; '=-=� �- , ' ._ . ,. _ � �_ �, �. -- --. -- =., i ` ``�,�'• , � - I'..;' /'� i. .i ;� (� _ ^� �. - -- - - � > > t�- ,` _`:'\ l L "�, - � l i�� T�'� `../ � ;-"_•f " r - � � .^ : . �_' - �r � r X. I L A � `_ � �, r � ,� � _ _ r�. �� - - ��_;. r. �, e _ . . _ ._.� ._ — - �� . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE c��..�-.iiJ � ;'l//i..Jr' ' INSPECTOR SIGN TURE DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � ,y� REPORT 4� DAY.� 3�,;;��,'�' DATE: /�/ ZWORK PERIOD:� a.m./.�. to�—'-err�./p.m. � WEATHER: L��,�I�rL TII1P. MAX �'3 �°F MIN �_°F PRECIPITATION: i�►��«L WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: ��..,�� ,� G-; ,1 G, � � � .•.� " T--� � �.- �.• �.. �.sc_ ^-� � l�� ~�OL�� t��' � F'1[i\i �1`.C�,�'�� T�—^' ! � ��1 S:iC� �� t � r � :..1,=• 1� �T � � �� �. -r�-s� �.� ^ � l ^n � , � —��.T1Z�� ��i �rt t`i�� �� �. TtZ� � t c_ !�.o ,..:,--�. � � P +�, i-.t � � �0 1'-� Q�� ��'T i2'� t� � 1�.. o�i �� T�'- Cr ia`'.> >�!+C.� �. �.t G t� i-4 r- �� /� L l � �' � � �- � , � ; � - _-�---, � � _ K,;. .. , � � :� �� � - - �'`�= L�. �, ^ " : C , _ T_=`�y ; �=�` 2'-�2__`� � �— � s`_ _'` /� r`! 1� r� � ! � 4, n � ; ` . . � .-� ,-- �� /�, _,1 � C�� � � G % y�-� � /�i'�u _ `�,�c,�.�� ,-,� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIG:�A URE DATE: �'�� 'C � `�—�— % , i i_ �i__ .. DAILY INSPECTION DIARY 30 REPORT l� DAY: J�'J����j��� DATE: "� /%�./92 WORK PERIOD:� a.m./�. to�_ �./p,m. t WEATHER: (',�,LSI,D� TEMP. MAX �°F MIN � °F PRECIPITATION: �c3o..�� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: I'�ET� s /�� i�ta �..� �c�.�. '��trc.aT�. tJ , v,L . �v t�s ►..1r". � D '��� ��lc�-�-t � �.. ���"� '' �.y'a,.`�� ���:.� l� �-1 D /�.p �/�1 c�IC�T� T F�� �� 5 k t`.t C� �.t�l �b'D 1 T�1 b t1 �!.._ 2�p FT , �c� 2 �• TO'i"R. �,,,., �� I�� G. . F �,�- 2� Zv PI M �.o. e..�. l� A��� i._,To �..t. v..��.� o�.s 5 t T� f�.►.a� ��c� �- ��.t �� 4�' �- �� ►.� �T �- �L.� Pl._ATE A��1.� � � '� i0.t 2 -t"�-'� `� I t�l �. � t� '�.� \ F-1. -�-E-4 'F S�C �.�'� T /� ►�1 D A L.`� T�-� ��-t U r� P�•�' �(2.T �a u'iT`F 2_ ��c�T 4-'4 �� �L l-� t t � 4-� C�' �S_y C�L' �' 7 a�, s A� ��5u��r e�� �a.c.�..���6 ��n�.� � r,�s�� `��5-�-��.��.��� -�r�S?�-,�C�Tlot�.l ��Pta�i" � I� Ap .� � Q7�1, � -ro � b.� �c�-x� t-� �.�r� -r—c� �u �: r��1� -�; ,�. T t�..r� � � � c� '(� t.�T2.l�l� ��....�ii.�,1 �'21 ��. 'T�;� �� �r�,.l,C"� I� �J• �� �' �.,�" �..'i ��. P A t �v CZ,� � (�Oti1 �J M\ � � i _A�C �b �f"� t� ���.:..��--::�i' 'T"�� rt�� �.�.� �'s�`Y� � r'� �-��- J 2�S �:� �, , A� � n ���.�- c� -�� �� ��1 c— �.ic��. � � �t� t�l.��i� � A � � �: ,r, `�� � • �-�vl-F CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGN E DATE: DAILY INSPECTIQN DIARY � � REPORT 4� DAY: ����p� �_ DATE: � /21 /� WORK PERIOD:� a.m. /�tn. to � a-.-�a. /p.m. WEATHER: PTLY CLDY TEMP. MAX �JS °F MIN 39 °F PRECIPITATION: S�-{U,lR� I�-CE C�1►''` WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � �� 5 � � �--� C�„4s'� � tJ, kl ,��, r,a c., i r�.5-s-,r. ���-,� �. ►�.� 1'� �� �� t �.,, ��12Y ��� �►...t � T� � v r c°_�. Tl-1 t S f�•� f-'�, � �. F.r r� �. r-16`C�-1 �. t�'.. �.� �-'T` � ��, �� Ga t �� '' C i�. � + �...� �'� � D �1 t_`� Q u `:� E-! � �.:� '�(-� � C�A 5 t i,.� r, ��cx� T 4 Fr �-r�z�� ,�,�- �. -c-c�c A �- o� 8 2 �, F- . �-� A� B� �( A� t�v a ►�c�n . �. 5��1� �c�� ��,Au �_� ���t�l1�F� � 1..4 T!-4'� L��T ��zt�1��� i_._A r..i � o�- � o u� �� �r•1� ��-1 ,�� P N A l..T P� ��`�" 18" i►s 1� � A�-h �.T�..2_ � L4 �. �:.. TT-� I S 1� ��l �� 'C1-�C. °� S 14.1�� � i�-a. , V�-L �''�:��' hi C�� T �. S`-�-�.L:. L . �,., t , a •., ; .. :: �. �i Q-rc-. �.►�2 -r'�-�:�r_ .� f��,�,-� L.\� l�.. -""'� �-� T��'~�c:.s,�, �ti_r �,�,[ �A-� 4 : �b -c-��S , i �1� , � 1... � C.� %`t" �1� � �a �I `fi'� "'� �..-, I ..� �, e- 6 r� -+ � �._ �T • � 1 � � Q� k� C.`�.,.�.�5 �� r�-� "�.. � ��.,1?��7L�,, l"`�'_�,;.1.��''t�t' �--��1"�.Ii � �" �:�� � � N '�"� �... �`�'�l�k �' ..i s TL-� � `J � � u�T �_.� �`� . �: �� A. fZ ��c_� t�.�' � � �i � c�� P � ti..i� i `�rk � � �r.rro u.l. �T � _ ��I r.l, D� K-� � 5 t�C-� A.T � FT 4{ 1JT��-�l A�5 � � � l r.l IC. !�-�O E 1G_ � i `,.�!`7 i � .�l �t _l� P'� D 4 FT � � I ►.S t� "S'!-�- ,:M. � ( t -? � 1;4! �`-� l...IL 01.�. Tl-1 �� � �`C' .:5 e t`�, � C� rr' 4�c� � (. �- ;�.- .�_.:.. , ,. ,�i`- � ��/'.�� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGN'T E DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT �t DAY: r,�� DATE: /�/ WORK PERIOD:��a.m.�,,. to ,��2-.�r/p.m. WEATHER: L CC.� TEMP. MAX Cp2 °F MIN �_°F PRECIPITATION: �.�,�v..)� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TCIDAY: � F-rr.z� �1S ��t.�C.�4�� �� � �� _. _ . � .. �► � �.�v � . /.�-�..�,�.�r � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATUR DATE: `.�u � A.-r �" `i l., , � , ' _ . ' DAILY INSPECTI�V DIARY ao 3� REPORT 4� DAY: �( �%�`-� DATE: �/ / WORK PERIOD: 7—a.m.,�.p_m► to � a.m_/p.m. , WEATHER: ���C� .. '`�! TEMP. MAX Co 2°F MIN �{-V °F PRECIPITATION: COQ �/p WORK ACCOMPLISHED TdDAY: �� �-r�o � 1 S R��C�bT� ►.I , ��1, � � �- � ►�c� A n� � � � �� � ` �-� �: �° �. � � � � -�� i Ca ( t= +_�, � A`� 'o� � o� Zf.� '_ ,= -C 1� 1 s r� c�,= T � L/ . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGN T E DATE: ,___. __,�. ---- ��- - - - ��-f"�------ -------- - ------�- --`------ -- :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report 2 � � � 7.� Contract No. ��� �y -�// Date 1�f'�-�-� i��"' � S i Z Co n t ract T i t I e ���-�� ,� �.-�-P� ��-^-6L- �—�-.�-�1 Page of Contractor �--�} �"�� ��� �-v �a-�-�- . Time Work Started Weather `'-�=`-�-=�� Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): •--• /,r�i`��I� ., n/'.-�U l-i �i ILC ' � P +�.�I �/U� ��LC.-� / �-E� .GL• .L�J .��L� , L/ � � [i r .C1��i�v i i��f �...t,%LiI:. �-f�_E-'- 2_�-c-r_ - Lc-,O c./ �Oi. �_� �l�-t- �%r-�-E-��cit- _� 9 V � ' U ✓ - . — ^!t.:i+._a._-� ��/ O,.r.: � _,`'..u•.-!_. /.t-!''_2i�. l✓-f cs-nLEi,._. �i�.-� `L ` sU--a' ---... %`?l:/�d_i'.L19.. / � i /1_��'Z_4�+ilO Gc.l..'_ �ih. GVt-i�- !_,CiL'.�,__ / �'vv�-i� r=� .��c�t..a /L'�r=�-��C-/�_;'' . o ' . — rV. c� ,�,..��, .� ����.... ���. �'' y � .� l a „ � �� .:�.�.�: x �.�r (-,t,L" .�f�:� �.�Sv,f•il��_ ���r i: -�vi��. �CO ^n-fn.c.l ��� /.•�vt.�w.. ,J.i.✓_ZLJ / v � � /_ —��/� — t •ii�Gt1- .!/� a_ !.v-/� � =�-.l �J '� L7'- f- � /_l�hi. .c�h _ Z/�--� q�UJ-�-.�„��% e��" .Y'-fi'i..L.i Lf-l�-� /J� � v / v /J � LG�Gtc/ �/J G�!/10 �Li�iil.r �,L2/_ i�!}-�,f-� / !�✓J�-r. /��.G 1✓�i�/',-'/�.,� rl� � '.�.:J/J� _ n . . ' . . l/ �—� U!/ — G.u�1.c�,, V� �f �o i„1-�i x�o ,aa-� 9d'% ,�-� � f.,.-�-2 ��f.�f' � 77 �` =- � �.��/� �� �/ �� ��. Materials & Equipment installed: Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8. Slippage): ,��, �� �.,� �� �u �-� � " r �Pc� 2«,�" /�. G�c� �G1 �ti-.�. . Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Glven to Contractor & Changes Initlated: 0276 (Rev. �0/88) Please Complete Reverse Slde Of This Report :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report 3 3��.� Contract No. _��� sy��� Date __���� •?o 11�/Z Contract Title n��- ��°�- ���� Page of Contractor �u'- ����^ ��✓w� ��^-�--�+� Time Work Started_ Weather �� ��� Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Pertormed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): u ��� �ui�...l . � ./l �� - � /1/ k/� �Jm�l�r,�t.�, o�� Materials & Equipment Installed: Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): - Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions G1ven to Contractor & Changes Initlated: o2�s �ae�. ,o�e�� Please Complete Reverse Slde Of This Report / a -j�I_4 n'?.L�. �-r ..� ? li�=�t.r..YiL �r..c�> /i/�— �f.�/s-/� �IL�- ' :;; meTAo Contract No. Contract Title Inspector's Daily Construction Report 3���S Contractor � � /i%c�/- i�t- Weather L�` C��� Date �/�� ?i /5'S'z Page � of Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): /� �. /�� �,(/ t.� /.' '.cui�.c ,U �.✓�+^� �., ,�/� �.� N�.-�-�..�.� -.�L�a / ���s � T „ , v � Q��ci� .r��c-� .Q/-�-�o.� /'.�-•�C. /i� � � l�r.�.� _L�-+r-c _ f/�-vi ��vc-�� li•c-4, .rZc,/Lt .es't�as.c � "J� Gs.y/�✓CG�.i Y ,/io ��-G! iiij/ .'d'�1%� /ii.�� Z:c.l � � � f� i[ 1- -��1! Gv- i'4-�� �� u�,u�`k ,�-T` d_ �a�..���`" ,� ��-� «:���; � _ ., , -�Yu� .Gv-�-�/L � ,1�� �_6�a.�o ,��-�- -��-o �z���_� ��r�c�a � .U/.s��%L iLdc�-O �uf�_.a� � - .cvu��-- ��«-4 /YI2�.-.;.� � �/ /�..,., �,. �,.,..�-::.�. .� .r�-� �-•.,:.= . �•--� . • � � • � . • - � � �. // ' .�j./A_/ n� .;ln.Q�� d_ .Y%� .�(e�-�-m.._ .sY..�7..`' .r�r�_ i-Y''.�.C� /�il t�ir-s�.r y�a-...?- v .�/-- ° GX � 1 /�� �'^� /� t.t.�-�- ,i!/��rtG /%lYQ.�� _4'4y'Qi� �-1 v �-7 t.��o�..�'�e�. ��.�-.ts,.. ;1��-c�.7`. /�.• ca/� . �,Q .�v%0 a.�.��.P. ��'� �z1 �. .o� � �' � � O � �/��`— ,v� �-.c� � o��.a°�/ .�� � .�-y;� 1�� �r.� l��u t�e � ��.� _ 1 _ � �i_ . � . .� .! Personnel Accidents (Details): � G�,� � 3.:55 r?�1. 0278 (fiev. 10/86) Piease Complete Reverse Slde Of This Report Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact & Slippage): ��y/ ��,,,,:� ����� ���� Instructions Given to Contractor & Ghanges Inftiated: :�;:TET�tO Inspector's Daily Construction Report ? s�� 7S 'z �S a.T Contract No. ���5�- �� � Date 1� Z� /fs Z Contract Title ���- ���� ��--�-�- �a�� Page % of Contractor � Time Work Started Weather � /-� �- ` Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): /J �L / � � �(/�G� -4//LCiif -t _��- �-4v� rC-G!r�,� �-._c ,c i rrt�tn o''� -L/-�' �c.�-'G�,.t✓'.iJ -� � � � � .� Z.�_�,.._ .wr�.� � � �.? ��--t ��-�--!l.Lr,.�.z� L�c- ��-� :,.c..�,c�}- - � GC� � ai:.�,su. � ��.�vL�-� ��� �',�_.� .�r� �9.�t�7 ��.-�,� ��-�, �S � ,� ,.��G 'io .ck .G � r��-:i .�r-'LLC. �- / � : /D .l- •rr�, — �i. �.,�l,�L. .,lL-1,�-ei'---= .-f��G^-�-- �G�.J ^f.t-e^._(�.-ci. .o./G� ��,vJ.Gl�� ^-e�r�'..._2�� .G<. ;��� n�0--..v:liti 0 ,2o-P�_ � �- �'/� � f ' � A s+�. ./t� ��C ,.�-c_,�'f ' � i, � n / � �, lOD � .�22� ��o ..va.o ,est2?L �� � Y�u/=��..�, .�7� o� /�' �� r� r..... q �7 � . '� O �� J�_� �(,,�� -/ � //� G'��� L!/ �"'T�� �+2� ,c��--Q/L.� CG�vi__ U _. i — � / �/-� ,�.l.o �"�i ��.� � � -- �.� �+�Ge��, - c�-�1 � �=O�1 �,,.r.iz- ov�- � c�r � ��v�.o-�- �-e_ �+� -��� `c�u� �*-H-� �.. i�- .��..� o% li�I.n-`�•�.� 4�-� �,,.�� -Gc..� � �,c/�s a! �O �G��f -ac-�-�� �+--�-%� -T � .uC�v� � � .c�i ,�»..2. - �, a-�ao ,�v�� �" .� � �r.�. rJ .�-.�.-�L� a�l'�, t�i ���� � Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): �,�` ���f�,��i �,� �,,�„ �...�, /�; � v :1 /� CI_U..,z�-r_.��: _�-- �/-� Q/_%G.2. ;� � � �>y.._.^� i�� ��.a/�� � �,-, ,�i'...--�,. �rc� Personnel Accidents (Details): �� �-,,',,.� �/ p�y _/ p�r �����. - • Problems Encountered & Resolutions: w�` �� � �� �,y�",,,,� �� � ��,� 1 � �� e �,r� �cll �-� Q.�.uc � �„� -� �-..Ec r�i .�� �,��a � � ,�P�2a.oz �� � � v l�,o ��.•wi� a/ . Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes IRitiated: 0276 (Rev. 10/88) Please Compiete Reverse Side Of This Report o�,� lL�;�, _ - -l�/A�"w ��i � _e2t� �t' �r,s%�t-c A,/ r.�-rc - e.er-n Lcw....-.-C Materials & Equipment Installed: 2�� ��, � ���`� �--�— ��:TETAO Contract No. — Contract Title — Contractor Weather Inspector's Daily Construction Report Date _�A'✓�✓� � �/ r Page 2- of z-- Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): , � � � � � � . i , � , ' �� i � v � _ � � � — 1,�s-_ff.,� � � t�.t �..+� R�'`a /� �r- .�%t c. b 7�".r�.� ��f� / /O '� /l Z ,��f-' o—'.�-� �! v � a/ � . Materials & Equipment Installed: Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutlons: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Glven to Contractor & Changes Initlated: oz�s �aa�. ,o�ee� Please Complete Reverse Slde Of This Report :�:t'T1ETR0 Inspector's Daily Construction Report 3 G ��� �► Contract No. w�� � "91 Date - �—�r-� ? � % S�� Contract Title ��- /F'�� %-�-�� ,�!64�'`� Page �_ of � Contractor �¢ � �1 i-�� i3�-��- Time Work Started _ Weather ��� ��, v Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): /V_ u/. .���u-ttin.�. ,�o nir z�e.��f�iN �/ ,a's+ ��n� _ y � .'J�s�r.,.�n lvul� P_ �7`� � -� ' v -s� �B-c.cQ� ,-LAr.c..-«� v-��D G��c-�� �-.� �,"/-o v�21.rJ l'.cCG-Gst�. �A / �/ �3�-oc ,�%p ,��`' —�...�-�—t � �it-�...� 1e` �,� -s,�� � ,l.-Q�'.�n�c li-� �! ��u-a-t' �y � .�,1 �-t�.�,.� �' G ���(-t � �-.�-�J �.���� . � /r/%P N w. �,.�/,/ � ��:. , , / / � .�-71 � ., ,2e 1 Z� ll.s �.c_7��t-r_ �:l-e�-��-tilc�lc " .�/_.^-�� � % -L�4.� � ...s-��,1. y.Lf ! ��`� � / � -� �� �i ��-�-�. P C:o.-�z. �'.� .r���-'t d-'.� c.� .�wL�� ,+� �1 G.�e �i-....✓� Gt. _ . G, , ,, iin•v�-2.c.-Lri+� .!�/ �r.l�-GA_t.,••*-� �-.�o c-c�-.Jc. i�a�4�./ r�-rrt-co •wa-o yn.sraLG .c�-.1� v y- �j ` �+�7 � D✓L2- O-KiC R �J J' � r lj� -CO . ✓.�.Y.I��A� I' X��'-�d.(�Il-./J - .�t-� �i-s� .f.� m,, .d�� .� � :.s -� � �v �a ��-a.,�--o �..s �fita.criyC- ".� ct-.�..� c�-.�-�r� v _ _ _ . _ . i . _ i Constructlon Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8. Slippage): yyL�j �� �/�� �,�,L�, �,�.�,, A_� �d.� r � o-�( �cL✓..��, K%a-1 � .-:2. < . `�'.>-t�Zo . _ �sc�ov� �CO .Go L,re /�—Y�G.� � //i1 v�.1, � v Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutlons: „�, �� ^�, 2� �� Z'�"_`" ��,n.� ��1._,n � ,��..., l� �.�.� � - _, Tests Conducted: ��Q,,,o Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: oz�s cRe�. ,o�a�� Piease Complete Reverse Side Of Thls Report i / � � � i � •� LL�� rrr = ' _ - � 1�� ��. � i� �l_✓. ,�/�f�a4-�iL�- .��Ln OO� %'7�� L!/� / J !M/� .6�rLK/.C-GV'i- , Materials & Equipment Installed: J � �n.a :��:TETRO inspector's Daily Construction Report 3� � 7� �T Contract No. ���"���� �� Date � �� � %�Z Contract Titie ���6i'- ,�-%�� ��-� -�-L-��--�� Page � of_ Z Contractor �-��, �'�!-�2��-�^ ��J � � �%�"-�-�� Time Work Started_ � V Weather l'��- .4-�.�, Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): .�.t,J . /V • W . /" '�•�, �t/a,o ,�- � � lo - Qs , o !�..- ,n.,�� �t�r-� !1 dcJ�.Jk%� 7 � � � � -'�' ��yr.� Ct�.V %�,�.. lt.Y' �_. - �-�'1= X�''--l�Yr � 7 �✓..-o _-Q�" � _� r-�c /�i.t' ar� I 3 0 0 /(,t,o . ,�.+q� � l i a�-L .a e.¢c. a.t � 3•�s ,�Fn.Js - .�2,�.: _ .,�-�.- �c� � ,t.�-�..� � � a...-.�?. .�r,,� , ..�' �-o-e� ,a--� �_ �_.o-u,�-�- � ��w% �a z� ,� • � � - �-�..�U..�, � � ,7 �..,� ,a.�u� � �.� tS : 2�o r� � �- -�-�r-( � � a J1d � � ? ��� �R��c.,,.._ .� c..� Yr�,�� - Materials & Equipment installed: �, �y��,� �,� ,�� 13. �o �� Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): �� ���,���.-„ ,,,.�.-.� ,,. �G�c dr�� Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered 8� Resalutlons: Tests Conducted: Work Rejecied: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initlated: oz�s,Ra�.,o�ee� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report DAILY INSPECTION DIARY -7 30 REPORT �� DAY• MC�ivDAY DATE: g- / 1( /�? WORK PERIOD: `�a.m./p�� to �'a,�./p.m. WEATHER: TEMP. �IAX CaZ °F MIN �_°F PRECIPITATION: 1(�`'�6 WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: t ' ' i � �.. � ► � _J �. .► n t_ � �. � :. .. r.. � � � � � �. ,� _ � � �.:_ _ � . � � �_ � � � � �� _ _ — � . , r _ - • :. . . ..C_ � .. � � � r ..� y r--� � / � � `- a � � � �� � �► � / .. � � � ` �-� � � � �� � t � � � �s • . � r► r �. � _ � _ •� [ � � �► _� � �� _ . � � _' �� �� i�" `� ' � �, � � ► � � ( � C. , �`t � � 1 �T .��, � -� �rS s�� � � � ,!�c�ti�u� � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SZG�1 E DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY a� � REPORT 46 DAY: ( �-�nA`( DATE: 4/�./QZ WORK PERIOD:� a.m./��. to3'� a-.-m:/p.m. �Tc.�( WEATHER: C1�.eD� TEMP• MAX �D3 °F MIN ��°F PRECIPITATION: Ti��G� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: �_!�ia l ��:. — r - - ` --'' '��7 �.���rll �o � -C-�4-� �=��/�^, c�:r^ �s'� � � G.�� `�� �� r� i"C� i �-r A � � , �Z,� �.A�:.� =� 2� F� ,��Tco�.l O� G4 5 i ti1 C. 1.� f..� � �� �.n ��o Ll P � � � � -� � �� Pf r�. , - . . _� � ► J � � � ��! V r� � ! _ �� • • ,� � �.. � � � _ , � . , _ , � - r � — �� „�� .� CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE ' rf DATE: DAILY INSPECTION DIARY as � REPORT 4� DAY• ��Dti1�SD4�! DATE: 4- / �`j/q2WORK PERIOD: 7— a.m./�. to � r a.�m./p.m. WEATHER: L'L.DUD�f TEMP. MAX Co� °F MIN �_°F PRECIPITATION: ��._,�„ 5��12,� . WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: 1� ��-�.o SS l� ��cc,� �' � N • �/.l • g.�G� 'IZ l � � � � � A r`L C'.r� � T�—1 ' ' �A. `� � s.l ��� � � � F �0 2 � �oT A L O� Z.Z. �� T�-i 1`� �7 A;� TH �`- �,�iF' T l�1 A.rto �� � � t7 � 1� �..{ � �, ►-. : O ; 1-i � �. � FT �' .'� `� 1 t�l Gr T l-� 1 `7 � / h'l � � d I 1 j�,l i � 1 f '�-`. f �17 Li i7 � � � � /v y � �� � "t�l C..� ', i�d � �. �- �,� � %�T �� 2CL7 � ` � A �j �`.r `L = • t -�-+_I F-_ t :!"C..�•/`1 t``�, , � �/..i \T N OUT ����.0 �� � c�� �;��, � o � ( ��_� sQ s -� - «. 3 c3 � 1 �-tTz1� S,� 5� �- �'ro� Rc�,� �� ���..� i►� �oQ r-t �.n -r� � s �.�.t 2�'t' f� K.. 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Gz-._�f �"y�t---a !N�-E'cL�`=�CJ-c:n�c .lc2.-.. �<�,_ ,_f �i�� �'.'�v Gv �` ..� G�� `t ,,/� r '�• �J � ' L '' �' — � (i/1�y'� � �+"_.J�i1�/'ic � -fGG� Lt/d�/G • — �a-�6�i C�2� r-1,2 ,Q�G�-��. Materials & Equipment installed: �� �/�,,� �, , � �� ��d ,G���r rt�l e-�-� �� �.saJ-^.% �'d ...a � y._._< " d Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact & Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: oz�s �Ra�. ,o�as� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report :;; mETuo Contract No. Contract Title 2� �p 7s Inspector's Daily Construction Report Contractor � GG� �/Lf ��?� /� /v.ti`" �a.?�=� /' � Weather �-==�-� �. �l� Date ��l� / 3 /9S'�i Page � of Z Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): L ^ � - _ ,% `�,/, .� J �f�t.� !��_.��. /'�� ac/t� �i��-�tw � ..l� c..�.��__:J-c � %�..,��,.�s�. •-•..a/'.-1�"� �.�,i �f�+[1 �11'� �¢�p iyy/I,s,f .I^.:..�1�_ �;�%�• 6C . - G� �1 v ,a � f✓. ;•�J %�--�`-.�-N+-• -� ..1�r�..�! ��A' -r��f G �n.r-c.-K. ,:✓rJ�`Cii� :d�-iu•-GC-, l,e.;L7'-,C ' � / .6? 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Materials & Equipment Installed: Construcilon Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): ��� ��,�, ����,�� �,,���, ���f , ,, ��1 �� � �.G;/vs �'.l'�n,,i�- �4P /.,�:%v` %� �I���i_�r� �P�� /����id!� L�f:1�:�!✓-�.��Ll.f�w /3'!D�ivl � r'_��i�.:'-�i.� Personnel Accidents (Detaiis): �� :.,� , �; � i;�,;,,�. � ' Problems Encountered 8� Resolutlons: �,y��� � 3����, �.,�,�r�� ,,�� � �.�„� ,5,,���,,, , �.. ,/Y�L�_v �Li,t_o.r�iL ? L,��.•, Tests Conducled: Work Rejected: � Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: 0276 (Rev. t0/86) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Repo�t ' J/,.w�� '�-,-�% /C/, %r/. .�-%�-�, �.�.,-=-r v�- _G-v-�-�- � .La-�._.clZresz-- n�r !� - � -Uef �-(.. � �;. : �i ,' ` • `� �%� �'„c�-cG7" L�rF� .L•'.�--�-�i•�� � ��" �v-:u_c� .±-�.s •..c.:�c� �_c.v�/y, :��:TETR� Inspector's Daily Construction Report � � ,� i J �s Contract No. �`''��''' � ^� Date _�,r'.1 •--� i � � ? %'! Contract Title '�="�'� -"�-�•�=' /�-�-�-�� ��� Pa e � 9 of Contractor �'�`��`'"� N( �J o/2i'�� Time Work Started _ Weather ���=T=�� �j�f-� �-/ Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): � , � ' �! � G� �. �� `-�;'tii-✓� /� / .--�r-'�--=,/Y- �/'� ::�[i` %�T '^'!'�� _-�! 1�..�(- :.r-,' � o - > y � /� _��-c..--./� /'.�� J- �!/�[/1/� /ih� ���1' /�l'{�J ✓�'+^-!X�'�— 4',�s�-�✓.�.�/� � �..�:-t .�/ � :�. ;a�_J�,� � �,� - �% �-: ' v ,� � a.��- � � .�-�r.�/�' ii� �-�� .i�n-c� c�-�-•�-�X :h-� , .?-+/ C��-��.-�n l'7`�., �� � K���� � � ��-�y/ � 1 Cs,_:_� G u _^�--o � f'L� !,< �iD - / C i � /� �`,L _ � ; ,� '/ � ---- l-c� L�_^.�� .,�r.�ii� �/�-� i!�2, /t-�_� / -�Gll�7` __ �._���'-+,:��_ �<:� ./, _. v f/ it- % l._ .,< <� �� i.�-�.. . z.n ` ���-o�•'i /�..2��vi-,� -� :��J ,��'c ,�f��'-co /J-�':✓/. y�i �.-.`'�••l� !i.a�1Jz %o �„«r� �ini,9 — �C..,. � �J���+� � /'.c/�-�- x��l,O.� /J.�-�.�f,.G �i-� Z�-t �/C��D ✓ p � � � �..r��� �!'wJ /'..��> /�-� ��?i� 2/O-/G /ti/f+� ,t3,��/� � sti,a2Tf�L- � -/�-Q1Z� - ?� 2�,��.�L .v.C-�-�'� �r1�il.e_ �'�-z..�/ l�-� �eo �-'�, v � � G� � c%�' /'�� %2- ,C�t%�et �i'�t �s�..�•�.•-�, .4f^- � cu.P�.- c�2�+^+� ie/D -�C v /� - /LJ uJ .�J�.,c.,�, -lY�.� /�.ra-�r/ %i ritv� .�_P��G�" z DJ�" �-� L�Q-2�nt�, � � . �-� - o' v � � �r..t° -�..�°w��.y o�. ��- GIJv �-o� ��, a�-e !-e�-r.s„� -� .l a'--U-r� �--� ;u/.Fi=�/ ,�,64e �G�.,.-� 20',.�11��.-!/�^ e�, � f�a ,�.��1�' N!,!J/-u� �a,0 ,�.-r<�.Z`a.-�I��c.%a � � -�-� /�' t�� -�' -� �v { �J �c0 .��� (J� �L�✓.P� � � G.L6�r-Ci- �' r`��Gh, Materials & Equipment I�stalled: ��-:k Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact & Slippage): ,, l, ;r � ' ��/ �J� ����/� �, � /L2.(/G,1✓� /ietiG�. -G7'�-�� :YL'/2. � _ "" 1 r � / L (�� � �i� �h ///i� � � �T �� /Y-�—�t�_-�C. U��/Y /r P 'rj_'..�-L�.�'�- ./ii/�� O-.G�-'T � .�- . O ,��I�_�..r—�-.+� ���/%�^.i� Personnel Accidents (Details): � � � + / � ��,_;� f,�..,� i'?sf-,�-e+1�- �.✓ ��/ /.s� i� ,1�1% l�L��! GGr��y. �� �r�. ,t_.:•.. '.;f '�l+,t4 ./�/�!u�LP �, J Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: �/ ` ��+� , � � �' > ! '' ;� -=�' - 7 � iY' iCJ� ..�l�.l' . /G.::;C�. /: �.w /?. �-L... / u.���:. i � �c: :'_L�;= ri� • �...c ., % . [i . �.ri� ..r:_i. r:- -!�!.o. jl Work Rejected: � � Inst�uctions Given to Contractor & Changes Initlated: � 0276 (Rev. 10/86) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Repo�t �;; mETRo Contract No. — Contract Title — Contractor Weather Inspector's Daily Construction Report Date ,� "�f� ' �S / `l i ? Page � of 2 Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construciion Activities Perfo�med (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): r�'z• ?` 2-_.,:' icl�, .s-J ? �Z �� � G�'tc;� i�J.l�.t_ �20 %O U�� r:..� �/v'6G � . � � GL�Y�`' �".�`.-.�-.I,/_�''�GO�'� : /_%f+ ^�U ^�Kr_i- � .:9 iGtJ� /.l0 .L� /�'�-Ct�C. Gu �� � J 1 GC:s%CGLIi�'�'Ctn—� - Ll/.r�c��v�•- ✓ ev.. <_���� c� �� �/n�../-r_t�Y� -L� �.?_T / �. �yZ!� // —� Y A • �"�f / ="wCTiV"`1 ��t �-H /__1/1'-a`-/�-- :eh- d�-�- �(.S-'�b�'rc-{J�.LCt/�C.CM. /Zjft./����f� � �/c��- �%':!.lG.9 /Li✓%i��..?t� 1lLf��'..�.. �i��i.ii �./. ./" /'�'iliy=G'h I'�'!��-tr'� /'r !/:,l_!� J' � _ .G a � � 1 " � %� �..✓�.e_. c,c�,�-i.. ,4./' /ii,.� L?-"✓J�I��-`-CLe... �., /�Gt�/ ,Gt�(ti.� y-�Lt�i ��t. 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J � � % 'J oz�s cRe�. ,o�es� �� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report ,c%' ��(�t.ir. :O i''..Gi�_/.--� ✓l.�o-r.�2_ �-'�� %T"..iti0 /LEGc-E?.trr�-•� �!� GL.-<j0 �Gl�/�'-? /' %� ' v �v�� �CL�--C/lr�y✓ �.t/sL� �GE�u_.a_�C� v``l GGU,.� �f . `- GU,u�-�c�. �� e�.�'t �1��zo .� /��.,-�-, �-U,� o �c��,�U�- G,/ �c.ti% o � -� �,�`" f��%i G�ti:.G.-..t�. �� f.fil� �.�_..� xX' �,G ��j�IJY.. l�o oi�. .Qs..�`.� r�c�� �,�.U. v '��:iTl.ETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report ��� 7s` Contract No. � ;��s�-9,...1 Date � O /S /S'9z.— Contract Title �-�- ,�-� ��-� ��e-�-�� Page � of '? Contractor �—r—'--u- i!/ UJ /"-���< � Weather ' �v`�..� �'.�4_,� �, ,�.��. , Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): ;� � �.o , r �/.� ,4 n ..c%Lolui /� L.0 ,..,.Lc�� A��� � 2�-��iit, Gcib-2.% �?'2-r /�/ / G �u.�.�Q /� / �J Ci/Z.afLi.t�G•C � �y� � �� /G•� — /e�l,�i1' l/'�.-!/'K-iu7� G1 �f �A//J/1 /XO/^--� CfiL/J-�-ritJX �D O��i�L(yY(. 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TEMP. MAX �°F MIN =% °F PRECIPITATION: � p�; � WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � �T QZb � � � I'� �- t M �-` �" � — 1�� V� � c��! ►. � r' '� ra P��;-� c. 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C u � �// v ��/�.�.�ic.�. .��� l^—<_./� _P�'G�ct-!� �� .."rc., �i/Le ,,?X�..P Q_ � _/�,/�f1?/.�.vR 1sJJ ��'n-2-c..�.�, . �.`'j c - ;�:1 f.�r..C* �... C�?� '�_1��. _r_LLf..J /l)ia �.r�_ �., l ; : /._� 1:ir .�.�..wJ 'l-�-L U �..�,in? �/' ` � - � / �'�� � ( ir _ie � I V ' � 3(/ ""�; `!-f/.ti'r'.F.' � ; %c-C.Gk � /�/ � � eL / r(O � ./�`�-�,dc <�(/�-' '7l�d�lr? C� . L7 !— Ccn�..a-t��cL -�i/iG�-! a�r-�i,r4 ���� v / � I- �n / � �i[� 2�c�.9�-. K7u.tL�e��t �7' 2cJG� �2�X � G�-2_ ,A.G+.zw..�uL� /z��-e--t. � -�e�-�� r.�.c r�.�J vtA�f Prx� � � � u� a. 3yLr--�� � n� LNtI � 1 O� C ;; meTRo Contract No. ``��"'t S�/- �'� Contract Title Inspector's Daily Construction Report �. � ��,^, �__ Contractor �-�*-li-- Weather -�-�- P�• Date ��,�Lu-Q, 7 //`yZ Page Z of �2- Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): n��� _ . ,w.� a.�eU.� Q,ee wo.a..� �.,� t �,�.� �.�.�2 � ,���. c��-�.�.,� �„�( „�-�,.�.�.w.--.�- �.- ,�..r,-�_ �.,.e-�._._� �.� ,��.-,�- .�.�. , � - �v-�,_ �a�.� % F � �.2� � a �.-.. � Q�.-%� ,• �� t.�.��.n .: o a-.,-t.! �- .2d.�-P -�e�r-,, i +2L6-:�,an. i� La ,G�" U�- C���-!� lL�.-f�l.L-f- �t1L�/�l�Zlh�%I //�4ti.�-z.P .....s�%�' , J t f,� .�.�. , .��� s���� �. � '� � � � � ` � ��.x ,�" /�! �G �<,-t ,a.�..-�_ � � �.,�.�,e. ,a��- �� o �� — /l/!il/. �.,1�/i/i�: ,�oi,u2s�d� t� ,/L@��� /�0 � ..� Ge"1t s..�'�-- 1iJa�Ll�-t�-r� _ L� � � � !% /� e� /� � _��if/J /.�/-LGl Lc !✓�-� , /�G..-.� �t.G�w:� ,!il., Materials & Equipment Installed: ��� ��� �� �� Constructlon Schedule Achieved (Include Impact & Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered 8 Resolutions: „�,,� �,� /o _.,,�/ � %�' .-:� /^�,. T".,:- �n, �� ._„�,U� (� -/ , , ,, � �/i7..� d�� (�' /YI. i?/�.. n . Tests Conducted: Work ReJected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: 0276 (Rev. t0/88) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report o��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report 2v ��s Contract No. ���/�'��� Date ,��z'--� � �%iZ" Contract Title �'-��=�--�- ��•=-�- 7-�-�� �� ��-�'^ ?= Page ,� of �- Contractor ��--� - Time Work Started _ Weather ��-� L�� ��� `'�� '�"—� Time Work Sto � , pped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): — /�J.� •,i;.C.l / �.��v_Gi �:,c..-,�v ���_� .,-i'_..._ / � _`� �Zii � 'v � �L� -i.� . ! ,_i� :i� `�� Ga�ii���u`.� � / �'�O� %�/G� � -�! !'v1:1-' �Go �� �G.�� ,�^yi. �G�r-�_=`='a.!' _ s -- � U _ y _ /:�1 .—.i!� i._.�.. 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Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: �f,�� �� , `,, ,,,, :� ��� ��-,;�,,;i ,��Z.,f �, �,�,��_ � r; � - /',�J / � r; y / / :7"��+^.,ww /�,.e-�.i .i�-��Y ;%��_��/•. � �.i:- i..��, -1 � � �l..i..�.t� -I�U .�M -!1�`� :'V�l,J l�f� f!/G� �'ti. i' � / Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initlated: az�s,Ra�. ,o�e�� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report :��:TETF�O Inspector's Daily Construction Report � / � �5 Contract No. ���� `! �� Date ��"-�� o /99Z Contract Title ��- ,��-{ �� !� ��-� Page ,�� of ; � - Contractor //�-P-u- ��w=c-L�..�U-. 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Z o�S�ii1� Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): �� �� yz �� 3� �� y�s i�C t/6U r, � (.a-a�x�t- , Personnel Accidents (Details): o/I�� �� �� �� � �� �� �� ,, • , Problems Encountered & Resolutions: L�c -�i .�� . 3d '' �� -�o ��'� 5�Z ''9f G����` ��� �,(� �[�'� -,:� �_ � r F�0 ?� ' �1.�.. �� �� ��� z��. �`-3 _ �L.LLlJi G , .�r' ,LG/�_ �,, /1 _ . Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructlons Given to Cont�actor & Changes Initlated: oz�s cRe�. ,o�as� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � � REPORT 4� DAY:�L1ZSs��`�' DATE: '-�- /9 IgZ.WORK PERIOD: Z� a.m.�-.�u-. to3 —=�,�/p.m. WEATHER: CL�A2 TEMP. MAX �_°F MIN �_°F PRECIPITATION: �o�l `. WORK ACCOMPLZSHED TODAY: M �T� 5/� � �J= �� °� � � , ��� � � YJ ��1 ►�1� ��f-�^�.t� u• -='r�t t-- � � 1 �i T�1-� _ �J�2,ti �t�' -� . 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Materials & Equipment installed: �� ���� �«�.:.��� �, ,�. ,� ��', `�'�AJ �� � v Constructlon Schedule Achleved (Include impact 8� Slippage): � <�,��J ,�����;;;;..,, �,, „J ., . f .� �� �, ,/,a;�_�, -�- ,: / '". / ' ✓ r !� , l . � � ^ � � `:�';�"_ i �/.` ; /' ; '� ,� j /' `/ y ,, ,� c �r -r� � ✓/�( f� /.1/�° �7'l . .. , . /;5 /? .. � i. . : �st%_ . .. f !� . . . _ vL . . ,.. .%/ .GI .i . i`{' : fi.� I.� /-r n�� % - Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contracto� & Changes Initiated: � Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report 0276 (Rev. 70/86) i'� �� ��' l T�-�- O � 1',a�./1J �- ��.��- c. w+-cvLa �_ B-Lc�+.�-. ��i'`.�<-i-r.... �z. 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J `� Construction Schedule Achieved (Inc�ude Impact & Slippage): �`���� �� /�i' �, �ti �,�E��,, � lJ� �J /�' ./ / � ` . � .G��[-r-r. �✓�L�-.��. ir�i Gr A';L� —/:Ee`'ic. .*� �.�-�iL�w�..�.�� � � � %� �'.,�l.-c_���C� Personnel � ccidents (Details): ` ��/� ///' ' � � /1 �i �� /�t.-sT� � GC-l�c-i� -� � IN�_P C��?�Pa �a `!-:.LGII'/ U f�,'/% ,�Gt�-f Co .��• � �✓ ,[� � r"'�`;r`=c.' lv�%� �.. ,� / 0 .'i�-r=r ..n. Prob s Encountered & Resolutions: ���� � G� ���Ji ��,�,..f,�,..�.-,./ I�.ti ��� Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Inittated: 0276 (Rev. 10/86) Please Camplete Reverse Slde Of This Report ��������p Inspector's Daily Construction Report �2 � %� Contract No. ���� ��� Date �-��:�-� 3� � �1Z Contract Title �.�"L ,��r"� �1�i��,� �-==�c��"�� page i of Contractor ��-i� C�w S� Time Work Started _ Weather Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): ' /�2 � f' f �2G-�-ri-r �1Zr�._. wo/L/Li �� �/ . : �'— Sl'-�j�i�✓ � c��c� c � t/7 S'%Sr=� rfL7/G- /iLJf/GT/�i?-%/GY✓ !/��� Th`�' C�C �/�i-i / o/�% - � ;- S�i % �� ,f�-/� ,���i'✓/ T�� c � �� ���SiT� �i`iS ,?.-�,�-.. ' i ��"� r�r1�. .' , cc=-i� I-vc ` Ti�'t. S �n . n�' . 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Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contracto� & Changes Initfated: o2�s �Ra�. ,o��s� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Repo�t o��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report �� 7� Contract No. w���'S'�-9� Date i'��%�-'-� i i' 199z , ✓ Contract Title '=� '� �— � � �� �-.-�- i���� %�-�--'---�� Page _ of Contractor �` L�� ��--i�� r��2=��T���c./ Time Work Started Weather ���-��--=� � �� .a ��. Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): / � / - _ _,rf=- a„-- �— �s.�, a�rt_ •Ye.l��c/ %./1_2__ L� s._�.-r .0��-c-s. .i.�N. XL...� / �1 _.�..i!> �_.�—/,'� ` � l .�+� ��--�` L��� t�o �'�-.i� A. � �� t-�c �%: �.Ii �� �._a� o v+� �e � /J /J � ` � �/ � � 6GP /���/GY✓ �G/'� /:e=c�C-vt-GGG.�iI %///�/ ! � — � .� '�� �_. _�' ,;,J.�,..�..�. � ,v,vw�i �� �rc��, �' - �1 � — �r+-P.. ai�..�.1 �� l.s�c_� `O.rc_-i'L' �.<<i-eC- .uiG� ,�!-� .��C�f .t'��-o l9-6GJ f..G /,I' �C.tat.�� �� f._. i; - ,.'ra�--r i�:l ��-:,2Gt..t_t'�� aD...�rr�/ �-�-�-�t-�.l1��..L� . i� d-� I� "%..._.., / / �yz Materials & Equipment installed: Constructlon Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): , � _ ��' _/�--� J Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered 8� Resolutions: !l, , . , - , � -�/ . . „ . , ! . � _ � . . . . _. _ . .. Tests Conducted: Work Rejecied: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: 0276 (Rev. 10/86) Please Complete Rererse Side Of Th(s Report � � : r- �-� � r: � 1-- k- _ I. . ►_ �. i t � � r � DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � REPORT �� DAY: 1��.������� DATE: �/p� /�1 WORK PERIOD:� a.m. /-�-.-�a, to ��. /p.m. WEATHER: �j, TEMP. MAX �_°F MIN �{j_°F PRECIPITATION: �,0�,,,1� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � • � � ;� i � �:- � � . r� � G�:� � �.i _ v . . . •, • . .. ► • �'C��!!�ll:i.rr'��.���.�l�s'�� _ . , � .r �_ � � � . _ - �s r � - - - . _ . � _ .� . ` � v .�� � i.iir�.sr �c� � � ��iw��R1�,���7��� �!J _s ._ ' �f _� � � � � ►- 1 --- � � . - i!i`,�E+rnr.sv � , t` CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE INSPECTOR SIC�I` URE DATE: �._.. __ . ._ . . . . _. .. : _. - - - -:..�..._- . _ : ..,.._ :- � �-=�_--� ._ ..:<_-.--='� --_ -r - - . ._.._ =�y..� _. _ _.� - . ., - ,. .>>:,---_.--. _ -_�. _ �..w..._: _, � w :;;:meTRo . Contract No. Contract Title Inspector's Daily Construction Report Contractor c.- Weather L' ���� ���t t� g �� `�s Date ���Z .�lv f � �� Page � of Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Perfo�med (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): � � � �� Materiais & Equipment Installed: Construction Schedule Achleved (Include Impact & Slippage): �e � i/'as. o.�. % 0 . , � _� Pe�sonnel Accidents (Details):�,,.,� �/� ��� .�Z �'�G�/�d-rs� �� �-����.I � Problems Encountered & Resolutions: ��,� ��,� �� �,�����,� iyu�,� ���,�E .� .��� �t �. �G ��i��f �4� .�� � ��.��� �u� r.�.f Tests Conducted: Z � t'�-��.�' �ai �f,,o,7�t,",o -Z?�,.�o ,4. ,.,�2 ec/� �,�t, �-�T` l.�r�c/� r-� Work Rejecied: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: 0276 (Rev. /0/86) Piease Complete Reverse Side Of This Report _ ._ �,. _ ����%:�%���� « ,�.,.���'��.� i ._ � _yl. � Lr1i v,� _i_''��__ t / I� - / .A i / � ,�e%c�2t,�. �'�- � %�i.c''�•��-� .� t-e�i � .�.� � � �'_;� n�u� ��li � ...� ��. .� �� G�u�.�.. -- S'�.�,..�- .c4���d�_ �.� 1 ��I � � �� �-2 f'c �/oo ��,..� :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report �� ��� • Contract No. W��`"'S `� ��r� Date ���,/�� Contract Title ���- ��- �u�� �=P-�'�- Page of Contractor (,�x,�-a- G.-+�� Weather ��1� Time Work Started Time Work Stopped / - � fi i � i / / i A I .�t �� /. J � - � �/ /a� i • _ _ �_� " ✓LS / * i / � / `. / t .� � � � / "' — i / / - / / 11 � . . - �.t .� � / �..i. � � � _� . :�_ �1_ ti �.� � �� . s / / �/ �i ' ' � _ _�.': � f . i .��- ' . - . . - — � - - �� t t i_� i . . .i � / �� J.Sa I� _ /_ � i !J iL�N � Mater als & Equipment Installed: � ' " d ��� tr��i.-L1 "t,.- c�i� gO�2 �.l�w� a7F1�` �'��utx�t� �•-� -�4 !,v � e%s�o�� .��'i+. �� Constructlon Schedule Achleved (Inciude Impact 8� Slippage): �t.u�--� :,�,w �,� .Q�� �� _v � t.��.� �n�a- �'�� . Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: r !� e Wo�k R � Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: � 0276 (Rev. 70/96) Please Complete Reverse Side Of Thls Report Construciion Activities Periormed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): :�:TETRO Ins ector's Dail Construction Re ort ����J ,► P Y P , Contract No. � '' � Date —_.�1�� Contract Title ��:ti /�u�i , ,�r.�are�. Page / of � Contractor —_ Lu-�- ��-�-�i�.,-- �� Time Work Started Weather �� �.�-rL� Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedute): (slL�.� �� .C¢d��.i �i1E'e-�-.. ��I ��-G[%� 1t%.d/L1 l�l� K� ~�•. �� � • < < j +r /' e� � . � Z y , � , r -�L s.�� ,� � �.l ' � � ` �t_ ' � �' �� � � 1 2 � � • ` •� . . v � L ...9 � M �.G/a .. `'v � ' ♦ � � � i i / � � y ' � i�..� ,� ('� ` / _ , J .c2�� "' Gt.. �2�-Lc�Cc.s. .G��'� ` .l r� .1/GZ1� �i� /1.Ldi�� G� � ��..-.� ..d,��-,.`� �.��.�.�, � �a.o ,,�,L '� -� � .3 . . _ t � � �:� �- t�.�a.v � %w� ltil�� �,�,—( Y � 27:.� d .�_s�.,�.� � :v=e�, 1��.. ,�'lc«� �! � � � � .to -�=�'� .c /°c.��� illv+ ��il'i�s�ii.o Y� ��� .Q�'-CK/lA- ,�(,[�.l�L� /� . Materials & Equlpment Insta led: Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: ` �{ G"�'�.r Z�� 4� r,•�/.dti u s��/L�iG ��� • �� i�2.,eE� ` � _ - ' ..�;�i`'.1 rC� ` � , f�%i • ! T sts Conducted: , �f � , ,,,, �, O ��� /�� ��� � iff �r:� ,f�' `���C�� � � J�� �- T.wwT C6-G� Wo�k Rejected: ��y� `J. �l�,C! Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: oz�s cRe�. �o�es� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Repo�t ��:TETAO Contract No. — Contract Title — Inspector's Daily Construction Report � ����' Date ��2 y/l�� Page � of � Contractor Time Work Started _ Weather Time Work Stopped . Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): /��I�� � � �i� � � � � _� f . _ ._ ;� � - _� �ac� : f�vtd-� S�� :.t�Q d� i_�- -�� ��.r.��•2,¢7.� �.c►-L t�Q i�� �/ !� -�� .��tuP�1-c-�-t�. � �� � Materiais & Equlpment Installed: Construction Schedule Achieved (Include Impact & Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered & Resolutions: Tests Conducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initlated: az�s cRe�. ,o�as� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report � �� , , , �� .I .. 1 �a.l���a..t .t. I� � �I ` a� �y � � i i� ��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report � �� '7� Contract No. W��'"1 ���1 / Date ���1��"�'`- 2`��/�i7�y Contract Title �;�Z��!�r.��c 7��~� �XE-ci� Page of � Contractor ,� !,� Weather ' 1 ��/�i Time Work Started Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Pertormed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): � �,_ ��,...�(% ���i � �___ �, �� �-� .v� <<.�.� �-�-�.� ��' , ��s,�_ _ U/3�'r? —2„e •- �!/ _�.c ..r �:� �? ;. .J't c- l c�f' �.�.i�a�. ...1 „� /'...LLn-�_ l.v� �� ��-�-�_ � c�c. zs,._.f./' �� cz,�/c.c�i+.e,� �t..� . — - -• - - -f • - . t .. _ .. _ � _ . � � _ . _ . _ ---�- _ � sl -_ . - - l .�/ _� � .a., 0 Construction Schedule Achieved (Include impact & Slippage): Personnel Accidents (Details): Problems Encountered � Resolutions: / f / i �. ,.i� �� � , o _ R� t Tests Co�ducted: Work Rejected: Instructions Given to Contracto� & Changes Initiated: �,,� ;����o�� �S% � i��Y �; T�✓ �f= ��''%�•` 0276 (Rev. �0/86) Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Report Mate�ials & Equipment Installed: ���,�� ��, �,�� �4 ���� ���� �� . . . . -. . :�:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report �``�' �`Z? � s . 'Contract No. -1/ Date �`��� 2 2- �!`�t'Z_ Contract Title Page � of Contractor ��'� �'�x�"`� Time Work Started _ Weather C���-�-L .� �. Time Work Stopped _ � i, ' , . � .= y � � i . , �i , , 7� - - ' � J � ✓ � � / ,.L / I ��� / � _ � j _/ � � / / 7 I / / _� / Construction Schedufe Achieved (Include Impact 8� Slippage): /�,�� ,i4��p ,��q,{� ,,���'-u�C Pe�sonnei Accidents (Details):�� i��ai���� ��;� .�,-�,e. ��, `��-e, r A _ ,�.'a ,fte.�u�l �" ✓1c.r�ae �`, ...� �a�4�vs /� �call �-.C��-�A " blems Encountered & Resolutions: _ / Instructions Given to Contractor & Changes Initiated: oz�s cRe�. �o�es� Please Complete Reverse Side Of This Repo�t Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): p.� :�� �v.,z,. Materiats & Equipment Installed: �,.u�T�u �i�C� �k,c e� ,s,�. �� yca k r� � : ���.,� .�. ;�-;�-�.� ,, o! �� �,� �.�,� �. �.,.,,;,.<<; . rk;K.t t � •- , ;._�.:-,. ... �o' Co Con � Wea TF�O Inspector's Daily Construction Report o. �N�/� S9 - 9/ Date S�ZZ�9L itle Cc-,�9i� ��vt� ��V� .�ZvU3�o�c./ I�N—/ pa9e / of � L . �Gi % Time Work Started � '���� Time Work Stopped _ 9'� �'� Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): .t�o 2� wt3T BaP�.v6 �'iu�r.� 9,u.v�c y'�C s�-�'�c i,v c�Si,�b �� ��/ GCn'IE�/T �c�lc2t %� G�rUr1T_ �a G2cU,.� 1,uo2,� �,� � .4c��� aF �s� ,�io - �G , �cr��v�.�6 /�.vJ ,�-�/-9r'�.��6 T'�9r�-l��'r.J /��� cO,N[��i id L�6� cS��9���!� i/�i�ii�c/ v!�/Si?'� i5 �� i.v s�.��cc 8�" vtig-3 G�9n-�.��� ,�r�i.vG ccxi�2Uc;�o,c.� �STic� .c��� i'7� ac i�.¢��2� . ,�!�.� � � Z4- �,uc</ cv� l��v - � � �9�5 aF �H ,�io -6b �i�r� �4,Ci�c16 Hi AD92o.t��l9'l�zy �3GYJ,O�i'I o,v S/z�%%Z. ��•y c•2�-�J A'�SiT�'J Ci� O� /�E,�7av S Gti� �/LEZ�J i.v ���u.U6 A ti 7jT cSGZ/��(/ O� �/�/�/�-. 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G-o �v .u.�=�C. / � �,/.�L/ � � ����-�C�-�.+ G��J �!/.GPhJ � �`�S /v C �-v�'-- � -`7 '�J /='�-Cr �� :��:TETRO Inspector's Daily Construction Report �2 �S 7s Contract No. w�"'t = y� �� Date /Y%.�, ! 9 / S 9 Z� ContractTitle �--�- -�=�---L� '�--�-�� �-�--�-�� Page � of Contractor � ��� - Time Work Started Weather %�`"�- � �'�� Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Performed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): — /��.��w_. i1 : i :..GC�' ..�t�- __%-t.�-r��''-� :.!> GJ--�� ..u.�-c,.-.-�.J.' 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Contract Title Page � of Contractor �"�- �� Time Work Started Weather ��'=�'-u-��1 A�,r�r. Time Work Stopped Construction Activities Pertormed (Reference Construction Activities to Construction Schedule): �_. io*.�f�i-a�-� .�� �.�s� .��+ ,a',�' � ,. ,..ti. o�Z'`L=-- �cs..;, / v � , ,X � � � � /'�— !_�( �C�Q O /�/l� � t i �Q /�� ��1� � n�.t11� � � ��1� � /� � �a'�� �� �^�_t�tti, - G��� � rs1�..�e C�. 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MAX ��°F MIN �°F PRECIPITATION: I�p��� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: 1� _ 1r_ � __ . _� ' 3 , � � • � � .� ' _il !� � r_.► � � �T 1;J ■._ .. .� • ' � � � � � '� •. � - - � ' � ' ■ .� .. • � � ` ■� 1� . � . � �, r. _ _ . r , ,i � L �,� ._ � � . _ . � • � � i .� �u � . . �. � �.. _ ._ � ..� � .. •► � � ' R� � . ,► t � ' l ' � /� ' � ■ . ! � � \ _ '�� .r t� � ► � � � � ,� � ► � � _ � - S = ' -. - • � ■.� ■ . i�. ' � � �_ .. : rs= , • � • �_ � _� .� � 1 . 1. ` � �. � � ' � -� -- C � . � ._ _.� ► i � / -� ._���i�'- � l :� =�i CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE �INSPECTOR SIGI� ��E DATE: � ! .�- �ti! ,. • `� r � �, r � DAILY INSPECTION DIARY � REPORT �� DAY: ���pA� DATE: (o /Z /qZ WORK PERIOD: %�7 a.m./�-�. to� atx�/p.m. WEATHER:�A(L, TEMP. MAX %�_°F MIN j(�� °F PRECIPITATION: ►�jp�� WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: r � ■C _! � � -` � 1� 1r ,A ��I + _ ' !�� �� � �� . � � � � • �/ t- • � � • � -� � � , �'�.��� � � _ '� S. ► � ' � � � � � _� . ■.� � .� . ,:y _ _� � '�r � � � ♦ � � � r „r � a . _ - - I�� �/ ` �i . _ ' .� ►i ��- i ' � r S.. �,� � �w +. � � 1J �� rI � � � � � � � � _ r�. ,� w� _' � .,.._� .� l r► .■ � . � �t 1� • i�. ` � � r � . �� � � . L'� . '� ► • r u . � '� -� � CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE. DATE: .. _ . .. — ---� `--` --- — -- � ��__--� , . _; _ _ , ... . �_.. �� � 7. i : � � r � - 1----: ,. : :. � : ..: �: �. � E ---: f . :... DAILY INSPECTION DIARY REPORT �i DAY: M��gp(.�t,f . DATE: �j /� /�� WORK PERIOD:�� a.m. /p-.�ra to ��a-�m. /p.m. WEATHER: C.�Ij�(z TEMP. MAX �_°F MIN '�j� °F PRECIPITATION: WORK ACCOMPLISHED TODAY: � ►'l ..� � . �►'C_� � ► � �l � : � � _► • �-` r � � �1 ■�. ' • • � ' � �� � t rr . �� s ta _. � � . � �. , � � �.. r ♦ .� ..-� .��.}�.. L�%i!�%J � . 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Address t �— �..—�-- . . � J .,4��r � . .1���=�y �'�� . . , . _ :. . ` �- � :� , ;. � , , ; • ::�: . , 'INSPE�CTIONS ��" FEES � ...� ° ' ' CONSTRUCTION `Sanitary Se�ver/Storm�Water Permifs :. , . ,_:_ . . ' � . �< < � � � � � Righf-o€ Way Construction .� .. .a . : . ;-, t , - sy `, � P�E R M�I T R�ght-of Way Inspect�on Fees ' : � �: .. .. , . :,.} .... , .. , : _._ .. , . . . . . . .,. �, t { � , ' ` ' � .. ' �,,..� re ` s { y y`` r `` ��` `' (Publicj�Right of way) � r �Water Inspection/Approval Fee _ .� 6 �'��' 4 -Y ` *- ��� ,� ( �� , f. -Special Ut�lity Connectron Fee; Water • - '� , � . . - . y . . : �. �, r� r � ' �' `t , � > � � �. -Water.Latecomer .Fee , � x t � ;� ��:• s �r �Special Assessment,District, Water '"� � � . , �. , , � � �-, , �,� ., , r: . , . r , , � , - � , R ate Issu t ..,1 _ r r, , : ,.� ,, t ��. r' �. Sewer Inspection/Approval Fees 'z - � .; ?� � � � �f. . �, ��; s � �'Special Utilrty Connection,FeE, Sewer� ' ,. � t, � : � p�rat�on D te� : Sewer. Latecomer Fee , , ' � : i � � : ; :.,, : ,,t , � :�� t * ; Special Qssessment D�strict, Sewer, ; , . � , r � 4 � , `r �_<� � � � �"' � 'L ' � ; r " r� ai ;� F � ` _ � k � i�� � F = ,� ,'� . y t � Special Depo'sit,, Pri�ate Latecomer � ,; -�� erence Data , �, �� , � �n� � � , { , �: � \ ,` it _ � � F �,ti .Special Deposit, Cash�Bo'nd ' ; �k .rr.�. �c ti. ,,t r,. � ?ti � �: ,f d i' 1' �� ty + E r \l. �! ' . ' �� ,�iy f., ;ti{ ;�, r ' x t , , TOTAL FEE � , ..ci� ,� ,,i , , , ; : � ,,� _ r � - 7 � � � �, .+ '�.. � , ., t � ,:.. �, a s { }... �. :.,. .` _ ii ? _�._f--_T:r:ie,.::y � _ ... �.%_.:?:'��.:;�_ °�..:. ._:i � i,`iy�a e_(t.ti� ..,. _.. ..X��•r:T�_ � _.../i .r.�•y �l ..'-,`:,.._`��.�r; _.. -.,:-,:= :, � /i f 1 ��1 � _. . .. _ � _ .. . � J F .. � � ��� . � ,` .. 1. /: � `_.;: _ .. il/,., /i � :-��;���: .,,. r/.��i„��.�:1.��7�,fj!CG7/..''Lf IE � '�� •� � � '' ' - ` f�;F s. _ �•Busine.ss ' Licerise . �nd' : / . ` ; Y'S� %� � .,:,'.:.,.` ;?�:}��. , . ' -- --- Tel hone � : -��2- �g� - -� . .... .:7 {.. . , j- . .: �..- �.i 'y .�..♦ 1. ,r .- :� ..: ..1 � . ... . . . ' .. . . . :. '. . � 't : `� �_, IT IS �UNDERSTOOD'�TFWT '�THE C•ITY OF RENTON `SHALL BE HELD HAF?MLESS OF ANY AND ALL ;. �� ���'' LIABILITY;' DAMAGE OR INJURY.�ARISING FROM THE PERFORMANCE. OF SAID WORK. - r! _ „ - ! . . � ;: ANY WORK PERFORMED WITHIN:THE RIGHT OF WAY'�OR�ON SEWER MAIN MUST BE DONE BY A `LICENSED:, BONDED:;CONTRACTOR. `LOCATE UTIL•ITIES.BEFORE EXCAVATING.. ;� CALL 235 ' 2631 �FOR INSPECTION :'. � � i I�„V""i ;• Call between..8 AM and "9,.AM ..for ' APPLICANT ���' ' ir�ection in : af terrioon t. ca�ll '� be��re • L2• Noon; the• day before '. •`. � �for inspection in morning. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR �J ; SPECIFY TIME,FOR INSPECTION. ; CALL 235-2620 for street signs CALL.BEFORE Y.OU DIG y 48-HOUR LOCATORS ; / ' � and�lighting. 1-800-424-SS55 ,. i' March 11, 1992 To: Dave Christiansen, City of Renton From: Roger Browne, Metro Project Manager �� Subject: Cedar River Trunk Relocation - Phase I Enforcement of Contract Restoration Provisions. In lieu of having the Contractor separately bond its performance to the City of Renton, I request that Renton use Metro to resolve any restoration issues, and that you hold us accountable for performance. We will require the Contractor to obtain a release from Renton for the initial landscaping installation (etc.) and we further require a one-year warranty from the Contractor which Metro will use to ensure satisfactory long-term performance. I understand that . because Alia has no contract with Renton, that it is difficult to bond its performance on the contract with other than the owner. I trust that this alternate arrangement will prove satisfactory. Thanks for your (continued) patience! RB:rb :;;: mE-r Ro CONDITIONS OF PERMIT for METRO CEDAR RIVER TRUNKLINE RELOCATION GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1) Erosion Control: In addition to requirements to Spec 01560-3.05, Stabilize Trench spoils with tarp, visqueen, spreadstraw, etc. site restoration must include sodding or seeding of disturbed areas. Seeding/sodding and restoration of plant materials must be approved by the Parks Department. 2) Trench backfill within City right-of-way and Parks paved areas shall be pit run backfill compacted to 95% compaction up to one foot below base of asphalt grade, remaining one foot shall be crushed rock compacted to 95% compaction. The existing asphalt shall be replaced one inch thicker than previously existed with a minimum of three inches. AaUIFER PROTECTtON REaUIREMENTS: A) Jacking and Receiving Pits 1) Mobile equipment shall be fueled at one designated location that is set up to contain spills and leaks and prevent fuel spills from entering the soil. Boring/jacking equipment may be refueled within the pit after appropriate containment with berms (either CDF or concrete as part of shoring) and pump is installed. Standby pumps shall be provided for both the stationary boring equipment location as well as for the sump location. Spoils removal area shall have a minimum 12" CDF liner poured into it with a sump pump for dewatering. Fueling and maintenance of all equipment will be limited to the hours of 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. If receiving pit utilizes any stationary equipment or if mobile equipment poses a threat of leakage or spills as determined by the City of Renton, contractor shall pour a CDF liner similar to one in jacking pit. If contractor's equipment (mobile and stationary) leaks fluids, it shall be replaced, bibbed or as directed by City inspector. If problems become habitual, the City will require all equipment to be bibbed. 2) It is critical that deviations in line and grade of the casing pipe not be allowed. Plans show a 36" storm drain under I-405 at approximately station 1+ 80 with a clearance of approximately 12" between its invert and the top of the 60" casing. The exact location of this 36" storm drain shall be verified by the contractor before casing passes this section. The plan specification Section 02150 "JACKED CASINGS" (Part 3-E) allows the contractor to "deviate to the extent that the carrier pipe can be shifted within the casing to compensate for deviation". Such deviation cannot be allowed in the vicinity of the storm drain. The contractor should also be prepared to pump a high flow rate of groundwater coming from the pea gravel bed of the 36" storm drain. 3) The use of pressure treated timbers in lieu of greased or creosoted timber skids is acceptable. Metro Cedar River Trunkline Relocation Page 2 B. TEMPORARY BYPASS AND CONNECTION TO THE NEW LINE 1. Bypassing the existing line during connection at Manhole R10-6 and at Manhole R 10-6C shall be accomplished without pumping sewage from one manhole to another. The connection of the new line to Manhole R10-6 shall be via a core-drilled connection while the flow is re-routed inside the manhole with flexible bypass hoses. An HDF pad similar to that used at the jacking pit shall be installed at both Manhole R10-6 and at the saddle manhole R10-6C. Care should be taken to evenly excavate all sides of the manhole to ensure that tipping of the manholes from uneven earth loads does not occur. Sufficient equipment and materials must be on site at all times to ensure continuous and successful dewatering operations and containment of potential spills during both connection operations. 2. The connection of the new line at Manhole R10-6C shall not occur until after the downstream Manhole R 10-6 is connected. Preventing backups into the existing system is critical. The Contractor shall monitor upstream conditions for Manhole R10-8. 3. The contractor shall submit a bypass/tie-in plan to the City for review and approval prior to starting this task. C. ADDITIONAL CONCERNS 1. The contract has submitted a detailed construction schedule so that the City will be prepared to shut down its production wells when specific project operations pose a higher threat of potential contamination. The City shall be notified of the daily work schedule. The City shall be notified immediately when any regulated substance spills or leaks on the project site. 2. No "oil mat" should be sprayed before asphalt paving. 3. The cleanout for the 8" line coming from the fluoridation building should be relocated after the new line is installed. 4. Existing reinforced concrete pipe and manholes should be thoroughly flushed before being properly abandoned. 5. In order to minimize the point load on a ductile iron pipe as it comes from the casing, no concrete collars should be used as specified in the plans. 6. The contractor should verify that the ductile iron pipe is designed for use as gravity sewer and not for pressurized watermains. The gaskets for pressurized watermains will not seal adequately without internal pressure. . . Metro Cedar River Trunkline Relocation Page 3 7. All new pipelines should be properiy tested before connection to the existing trunkline. (Pipelines should be tested with the intent to prevent or minimize leakage.) AQUIFER PROTECTION REQUIREMENT: D. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY STANDARDS The following standards will be followed for any construction activity which shall be undertaken within Zone 1 of an APA and shall be included as conditions of any underlying permit. These standards shall apply to the storage, handling, treatment, use or production of regulated substances in quantities greater than the de minimis amounts specified in Section 6(B) of this Ordinance. 1. No temporary storage of regulated substances on-site shall be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible site alternative exists. The feasibility determination shall be made by the City and will be based on unreasonable or excessive expense and extreme impracticality, not inconvenience. Should regulated substance storage be permitted, then such storage shall be limited to a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days. 2. The underlying permit shall specify the type and quantity of regulated substances to be used and/or temporarily stored on-site. These substances shall be limited to the absolute minimum quantity required to accomplish the specific task. 3. All regulated substances stored temporarily on-site shall be secondarily contained within leak-proof structures (liners, vaults, paved areas with curbing, etc.). The location of temporary storage must be specified on the building or site plans. 4. The construction activity staging area shall be located in Zone 1 of an APA only if no feasible site exists outside Zone 1. The staging area shall be limited to the minimum area absolutely required. The staging area must be specified on the approved building or site plans. 5. The use of petroleum products on site shall be limited during construction activities to that amount which is necessarily required. 6. The contractor shall comply with all applicable laws relating to disposal of hazardous substances and shall be contractually responsible for ensuring that all subcontractors comply as well. D:92-197:DMC:ps �� � Ma� ' �� j Earl Clymer, r.4ayor January 15, 1992 Mark Dallas METRO 821 Second Avenue South - MS 122 Seattie, WA 981 �4 - 1598 CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Lynn Guttmann, Administrator SUBJECT: INTERIM RELOCATION OF METRO CRTL Dear Mr. Dallas: Please find attached the Plan Review� Section and Parks Department comments for this project. Please address these comments and resubmit to mE for final review and approval. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 277-6212. �--� V�fy truly �f aGrs, David(M. �firisteFisen Waste�ter Utility Engineer D:92-038:DMC:ps Enclosuros 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 METRO INTERIM CRTL RELOCATION Review Comments PLAN REVIEW 12/23/91 1) This appears to include t 330' of continuous jacking or auguring. The length of this will preclude the use of certain construction methodologies. Applicant should (if they have not already) make sure that proposed construction technique is feasible for this proposal. 2) Crossing permits, approvals are needed from City of Renton, BNRR, and WSDOT. City of Renton construction permit needed for R-O-W work. 3) Profile drawing must show all City of Renton utilities, including sewer, water, <� and storm lines. 4) Plan drawings must show all City of Renton utilities, including sewer, storm, and water lines. 5) Provide detail drawings of jacking pits. 6) Include information on restoration of City of Renton paved surfaces that will be damaged during interceptor installation. 7) Sheet piling will be needed to protect roadway at the 12' x 30' jacking pit. 8) Plans/specifications must address barricades and public safety requirements. 9) Provide more detail on connections into existing interceptors. Construction plans/details and a sequence of operation for this work would be helpful. 10) Section numbers should be labeled on drawings. 1 1) Call out what will be done with by-passed section of the Cedar River trunk. 12) Metro will need an easement through Cedar River Park. Show easement on drawings. 13) Drawings need P.E. stamp. D:92-038a: G AZ:DMC:ps r- r� �, i� 5� �' �..���`�t� � � U E C 19 1991 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: �C��1 FROM: December 19, 1991 David Christensen, Utility Systems Sam Chastain, Parks & Recreation Director CITY OF RENT�N Cngineering Dept. �� SUBJECT: Metro Sewer Line - Relocate Cedar River Park and Liberty Park I have attached comments from my staff regarding the Metro sewer project in Cedar River Park and Liberty Park. The �lans indicated the alignment of the sewer line only with no technical specifications regarding the work that the Parks Department would find of most interest, and I'm sure will be addressed later in further detail. When you have the technical specifications and the time frame for the work to be �erformed, our department would like the opportunity to review and submit our input. Scheduling will be a very important issue for this project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at extension 2568. SC:wr c: Jim Shepherd Randy Berg Attachments SEWERCLP MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Sam Randy Metro work Dec.9,1991 in Liberty and Cedar River Parks I've reviewed the drawings metro submitted and find that the work is just as we discussed with metro. The only major impacts on the parks is the placement of two new manholes, which should not be a problem at the proposed locations. The plans do not address any of the real concerns we have, namely the timing and impacts of the construction process itself. Before approving this project we should have a firm construction schedule. The timing of this project will determine the actual impact on parks operations. The plans do not show how the excavation spoils will be stored during construction. Given the size and the depth of the excavation, the location of the dirt and the timing of when the dirt will be removed and when it will be replaced is very important when assessing impacts on the Parks. Also of importance is size and time of use of the staging area which I assume is still planned for the Henry Moses Pool parking � lot. We don't know how much of this lot they will require, or for how long they will be using it. It would also be nice if we saw something in the plans which addresses Park user safety. With the size and depth of these holes there is a fairly high potential for injury, particularly y for kids who will naturally be drawn to the site of the work to play in the fresh dirt. Lastly, I still do not know if the back road into Cedar River Park will be closed during construction or will remain open. It is probable that this road will be closed for some of the time, but we don't know when or for how long. m . . .. , . _ . _.. ... . .. � . _ . . ._ �. . _ - ..:... . _ . .. '� � . . : . . . . . . - � _ • . .. . . . .. . . .. :._ . . _ . . . . . .. . s CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 3, 1991 Don Erickson Paul Forsander ���� Shoreline Exemption for Cedar River Sewer Trunk Relocation Project Phase I Metro is proposing to relocate a portion of the Cedar River Trunk between the Renton Communiry Center, SR 405 and Liberty Park. To resolve the question of whether this project would need a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, Dave Christensen and I measured the distance between the proposed sewer construction and the ordinary high water line of the Cedar River on December 2, 1991. Based on our measurements, the project is 208 feet from ordinary high water, and thus does not require a Shoreline Permit. cc: Dave Christensen, Waste Water Utility � �r:�: ,y : ;; �;' _..�=� a; ;. T _ -:,'_ January 17, 1992 To: Marc Dallas - 122 From: Roger Browne - 117 Subject: Cedar River TrLnk Relocation - Phase I Renton Plan Review Comments Y75 In order, my reply is as follows: 1. Jacking methodologies considered and the project had no bidding problems.. 2. Crossing permits in hand. Please obtain Renton construction permit or details for contract to obtain. 3. Done, based upon information provided by Renton. 4. Done, based upon information provided by Renton. 5. Details for jacking pits will be up to Contractor method, however, information copies will be provided when available (submittal) . � 6. Restoration per attached specification and drawings. 7. Adequate protection for the roadway will be required during contractor submission of jacking pit design and details. 8. Public safety/protection of work/barricades in specifications attached. 9. In part, sequencing will be contractor responsibility. Updated plans show end-product. Contractor will undoubtedly sequence its construction from downstream, and its manhole connections from downstream to upstream thereafter. 10. Done. 11. Done (Filled with grout, see specs also. 12. Marked in yellow on sheet c-1 attached, final easement to be determined by survey and legal description of as-built location. :;;; IT7ET RO � Old Fort Lawton Tunnel Inspection Results September 10, 1991 Page Two 13. Done. In reference to Parks comments: Proposed staging is shown on sheet c-1. Have we obtained permission for use yet? Need for duration of work, say February 20th to May 15th. Spoils will be stored alongside trench, away from river. Timing is that this part of the work will probably be Late March/Early April. See comments re: jobsite safety in Sections 01063, 01500 The back road into Cedar Park will likely be closed for part of the time, particularly during crossing! Since it has to be open for contractor use otherwise, it could be made available to Community Center users. A schedule will be provided by the Contractor. RB:rb �� � � �.�- To: Dave Christiansen From: Roger Browne C�,f� ��.�� � %�,�.-�- ------- -- Construction Permit conditions evaluated! For Conditions 1- 4, will comply. If possible, consider allowing pit run under paved park area @ 90% compaction, a one foot lift of crushed rock immediately under pavement Cv� 95% compaction. 95% F�R PIT RUN. Requirements to obtain permit: � 1. Traffic control plan to be delivered. ��--��� t�•�� 2. Renton named as additional insured, please seek Metro recompense beyond that for restoration. Informational items: 1. Construction schedule to be delivered. �� ,�v �� 2. Staging to be delivered. .��:�=�4 y �,3. ditto stockpile � jacking pit end. Remainder along trench as previously discussed. 4. See schedule. May 25th projected for restoration completion. (could have been earlier with permits...) :��. � Aquifer Protection permit conditions: A-1: Propose the following alternate conditions: Mobile equipment to be moved to a paved area for refueling, absorbent materials on-hand, all due care exercised. Boring/Jacking equipment to be refueled in-place, with due care and clean-up materials available. Controlled-density fill under jacking machine will facilitate the trapping of any spilled fluids. Requirement for bibbing is unclear. If you want whenever equipment is in zone, operating or not, it's about $13,000 I didn't plan for... (Let me know if you really need it). TARP UNDERNEATH. NO BIBBING, BUT WE'LL BE WATCHING. A-2: Foundation per se of the jacking pit is not an aquifer protection issue; we will install per submitted plan unless otherwise advised. To remove spoils, a pit would be dug which would also serve as a sump. Only one slab or CDF pad will be poured, not two. With regard to chemical spill controls, we will comply as written. (An extra pad woutd cost about $18,000.) STILL NEED A CURB, DO 1 SLAB. A-3: We expect to hold line and grade. We propose to inspect line for breaks in the vicinity of the jacked crossing to ensure that it is not breached. If we do break open or bore through the pipe, Metro's contractor will repair the damage. POTHOLE FOR LOCATION. I r� A-4: We propose the use of pressure-treated lumber in lieu of plastic coated insulators. (Otherwise it's an extra $23,500.) A-5: Shoring ptan to be delivered. IT MUST APPLY TO RECEIVING PIT AS W E LL. B-1: Agreed. B-2: Agreed. B-3: It's not complex enough for a written plan. Recommend this be passed verbally to inspectors in field as the work develops. LETS SPELL IT OUT. C-All except 5: Agreed. C-5: Per discussion at the precon, its a structural requirement from WSDOT, we'd like to stay with grout. (ps. contractor quote for this extra is $15,935. Construction activity standards: E-1:5 Ag reed. E-6 and E-7: Per discussion above. E-8: Of course. Dave, let me know what other information I can provide, I'll arrange to have all the submittals there eariy thurs morning. Thanks. Roger Browne. CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: February 27, 1992 TO: Dick Anderson Ron Olsen Lys Hornsby Dave Christensen Mike Benoit Clint Morgan FROM: Gregg Zimmerman SUBJECT: METRO CEDAR RIVER TRUNK RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUANCE OF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT The following issues must be resolved to issue a construction permit for this project: PERMIT CONDITIONS: (To be written into permit) 1) Erosion control: In addition to requirements to spec 01560-3.05, stabilize trench spoils with tarp, visqueen, spread straw, etc. Site restoration must include sodding or seeding of disturbed areas. Seeding/sodding and restoration of plant materials must be approved by the Parks Department. 2) Submit design of jacking pit and sheet piling to City of Renton for review and approval. 3) Trench backfill in City streets and Park paved areas should be crushed rock compacted to 95% density (Class E1, per spec 02200-3.02), with pavement restored over the top. 4) Project must comply with attached requirements concerning protection of the City's drinking water aquifer. REQUIREMENTS TO OBTAIN P�RMIT: 1) Fill out and submit traffic control plan. 2) Provide permit bond for restoration of City R-O-W and Park property. � � Metro Cedar River Trunk Relocation Requirements Page 2 PROVIDE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1) Submit construction schedule. 2) Submit proposed construction staging area. !�,'� ��! i�/ 3) Show where proposed stockpiles wili be. /J� � �����j 4) Will work be completed by May, when Parks become busy? /"/� / /p���C�'� . . . . � ��,��j � 5) Prior to beginning work, provide video of parking lot and proposed areas of G/ work. i �" �G%���G ; J: � r , f�' . . L� . - /� D:92-159:GZ:ps CC: Randy Berg ', � ��T� f � �l�- :�,�., ;� �- -- --- - _ --� %� l� � ��%l� � 1����I l��7'��1� � 5,���'�-� �� y' ��N7?�'YGs ~ ��4� lffG� 1�4'/q/�'�'%d�'- ,..., -�' f./:�c.,`=��� � ;���i�� ; ��.,� t�' PERMIT CONDITIONS - AQUIFER PROTECT'ION A. JACKING AND RECEMNG PITS Fuel oil, hydraulic fluid, and other chemical spills and leaks from equipment must be contained within the jacking and receiving pits. Section E, "Construction Activity Standards" from the Aquifer Protection Ordinance, and Section 01560, "Environmental Controls" of the contract specifications will be strictly enforced. Both of these standards require that: a) storage of regulated substances will not be tolerated, that all refueling of the equipment will take place outside of Aquifer Zone 1; b) All equipment will be properly bibbed contain leakage of all chemical products; and. 3) Sufficient chemical-absorbing materials will be kept readily available on site at all times. Attached is a copy of Section E, Construction Activity Standards. 2. The jacking and receiving pits should be overexcavated, and quarry spalls should be used to ensure a solid foundation. To facilitate both the containment of chemical spills and the removal of water that builds up in the pit, a 1 foot thick, high-density fill HDF pad should be then laid on top of this foundation material, sloping toward a sump and having a 12" high perimeter wall. An adequately sized sump pump will be used to discharge water from the jacking pit directly to the MET'RO sewer. It is also recommended that a standby pump be on site and that iminediate action be taken should any chemicals spill. 3. It is critical that deviations in line and grade of the casing pipe not be allowed. Plans show a 36" storm drain under I-405 at approximately station 1+ 80 with a clearance of approximately 12" between its invert and the top of the 60" casing. T'he exact location of this 36" storm drain should be verified by the contractor before casing passes this section. The plan specification Section 02150 "JACKED CASINGS" (Part 3-E) allows the contractor to "deviate to the extent that the carrier pipe can be shifted within the casing to compensate for deviation." Such deviation cannot be allowed in the vicinity of the storm drain. The contractor should also be prepared to pump a high flow rate of groundwater coming from the pea gravel bed. of the 36" storm drain. 4. Creosoted or greased timbers are not acceptable material for carrier pipe skids. Plastic casing insulators are recommended (PSI Industries, Model PE or equal). 5. The contractor shall submit a shoring plan certified with the stamp of a professional engineer for the jacking pit. This plan will be subject to review by the City's engineer. B. TEMPORARY BYPASS AND CONNECI'ION TO THE NEW LINE 1. Bypassing the existing line during connection at Manhole R10-6 and at Manhole R10-6C should be accomplished without pumping sewage from one manhole to another. The connection of the new line to Manhole R10-6 should be via a core- drilled connection while the flow is rerouted inside the manhole with flexible bypass hoses. An HDF pad similar to that used at the jacking pit should be installed at both Manhole R10-6 and at the saddle manhole R10-6C. Care should be taken to evenly excavate all sides of the manhole to ensure that tipping of the manholes from uneven earth loads does not occur. Sufficient equipment and materials must be on site at all times to ensure continuous and successful dewatering operations and containment of potential spills during both connection operations. 2. The connection of the new line at Manhole R10-6C should not occur until after the downstream Manhole R10-b is connected. Preventing backups into the existing system is critical. The Contractor should monitor upstream conditions for Manhole R10-8. 3. The contractor shall submit a bypass/tie-in plan to the City for review and approval. C. ADDITIONAL CONCERNS T'he contract submits a detailed construction schedule so that the City will be prepared to shut down its production wells when specific project operations pose a higher threat of potential contamination. The City shall be notified of the daily work schedule. The City shall be notified immediately when any potential groundwater contaminant spills or leakage of any sort occurs on the project site. 2. No "oil mat" should be sprayed before asphalt paving. 3. The cleanout for the 8" line coming from the fluoridation building should be relocated after the new line is installed. 4. Existing reinforced concrete pie and manholes should be thoroughly flushed before being properly abandoned. 5. A water or sand slurry should be used to fill the existing reinforced concrete pipe on abandonment in lieu of the grout as specified in the contract documents. 6. In order to minimize the point load on a ductile iron pipe as it comes from the casing, no concrete collars should be used as specified in the plans. 7. The contractor should verify that the ductile iron pipe is designed for use as gravity sewer and not for pressurized watermains. The gaskets for pressurized watermains will not seal adequately without internal pressure. - C.:��+ ,t�/� 8. All new pipelines should be properly tested before connection to the e�risting trunkline. (Pipelines should be tested with the intent to prevent or minimize leakage.) AQUIFER PROTECTION ORDINANCE E. CONSTRUCI'ION ACTIVITY STANDARDS The following standards will be followed for any construction activity which shall be undertaken within Zone 1 of an APA and shall be included as conditions of any undetlying pernut. These standards shall apply to the storage, handling, treatment, use or production of regulated substances in quantities greater than the de minimis amounts specified in Section 6(B) of this Ordinance. No temporary storage of regulated substances onsite shall be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible site alternative exists. The feasibility determuiation shall be made based on unreasonable or excessive expense and extreme impracticality, not inconvenience. Should regulated substance storage be permitted, then such storage shall be limited to a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days. 2. The underlying permit shall specify those regulated substances to be used and/or temporarily stored onsite. These substances shall be limited to the absolute minimum quantity requi�red to accomplish the specific task. 3. All regulated substances stored temporarily onsite shall be secondarily contained within leak-proof structures (liners, vaults, paved areas with curbing, etc.). The location of temporary storage must be specified on the building or site plans. 4. The construction activity staging area shall be located in Zone 1 of an APA only if no feasible site exists outside Zone 1. The staging area shall be limited to the minimum area absolutely required. The staging area must be specified on the approved building or site plans. 5. The use of petroleum products on site shall be limited during construction activities to that amount which is necessarily required. 6. All refueling of equipment shall take place outside of Zone 1 if feasible. If such refueling is not feasible, then the refueling area must be covered with a leak- proof inembrane surrounded by temporary retaining walls. 7. All equipment directly associated with performance of the construction activity shall be "bibbed" to contain leakage of petroleum products. Bibs shall be drained and cleaned a minimum of once each day. Any such equipment which is known to be leaking petroleum products, including fuel or hydraulic fluid, shall be prohibited on the site. 8. The contractor shall comply with all applicable laws relating to disposal of hazardous substances and shall be contractually responsible for ensuring that all subcontractors comply as well. 92-1G1.DOC/LLi�/bh TUWAY MESSAGE To- -' ,�/� � F R O M/��� � � Q u�Ci.E, — � - - - . �r.c 3'`�Q� --- -- --- — --__ �T �"� ���-�,ca.7~..,.ac+1 -- --- - — ---- — C.t2icEti _ �!.!l��G —�''G�'''-' L—�Ga'Ce'C k'�- -- --- - - - � _�1����'-'u—.� ���� _ 7 �'Y �Y�� _ _ � SUBJECT: �- — --- - -- _ DATE �c�y If �i��iZ.. �T__— - -- � � ` t�� _ c��=�C�� d �� M ---- -- -- -- - - — --- -.��"- -s,(- _ , , _ � ��� ff �' - ` � � E _ �tis.c7��� �,i -- � DLZ.O'Gu^_� - -� —��'�.tZ_D.Qia�' _���Y�+e.�, �c.�.) dc*-+� f �� ��� - - - .- ��C . 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DATE: � ADDRESS: � � � S rn � - I,< � � � � f� � SO - � f�.tl �� �l � � � � PHONE #� % 01. �. � Cl U C� CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT: -� � � e W 1 C L S CONSTRUCTTON LOCAT ON: � o � i APPROVED BY: wORK T1ME: � � � (� _ � ,v� - .j � � o f m APPROVAL DATE: �� / /� l q� 1PORK DATE: �'%��� ��T��/ /��� � � �— NOTE: CALL 911, FIRE & POLICE BEFORE ANY CLOSURE COM�ENTS: T`,� . 5 � L A vJ l�; [� � L(� (,� c 1�Q �, v�e .L1Te� (l -- �, n ` L `1 i� a � � e (' � rv�e.-�(L � �e -�� C '� C o � � � � r o � 1 � �-T (� � h �. � .• ��T"1� R �� i � �� r� � � w �i`� � 'P� `n ti`1T � �v. 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SIGNS � BARRICADES � USED IN ROADWAY CONS7"RUCTION AREAS ROAD ROAD CLOSED CLOSED LOCA AT �F.°� o 48�X3o' 60'X30' 3LK.ON SI�VER(REFL.i BLKON SIIVER(REFI; ROAD DET4UR CONS?Rt1CT10 A�iEAD ANEAD �B�X 48' 48�X�18� BLK ON ORANGE IREFL� B�N.ON ORANGE (REFLa ROAD CIASED TO TNRU TRAFFIC 60'X 30' BIK.ON SILVER (REFL.) ROAD C�OSED AHEAO 49' X 46' BLK.ON ORANGE (REFIJ FLA(30ER �1 AHEAD u 48�X2�{� �8�X24� ' 49� X 48' HLK.ON ORANGE BLK. OH ORANGE BLK.ON ORANGE (REFL� (REFI.) (REFL� \ � � 0 END DETOUR X X CON9TRUCTION h1.P. FI. 60'X24' • �48'X 19" BlK ON ORANGE 8lK ON ORANGE 2 4• X 2�• (REFL.1 ' (REFI.I BLK.ON ORANGE • LOCA IREFU DETOuR 4B'X 18' BLK.ON ORANGE (REFL� � TAAFFIC ONLY JO�X 36" BlK ON ORANGE ' (REFL.1 � 0 ROAD CLOSED LOCAL TRAFFIC OtiLY 7YPE tll BARRICAOE YER71CAl. PANE ORANGE ON SIIVI (REFLJ � 18' TRAFF! C CONE �RANG� �YPE ill BARRiCAOE ORANGE ON SILVER (REFU TYP� 1 BARRICAO qRANGE ON 5{LvER � ROAD STRUCTI AHEAO 25 w.P. H. fORTABIE ELINEATOR ORANGE 0 '. t TYPE 11 BARRICA�E ORANGE ON SILVER (REFU CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 27, 1992 T0: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, President Members of Council VIA: Mayor Earl mer FROM: � tmann STAFF CONTACT: David Christensen (X-6212) SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTlON ACTIVITY AT LIBERTY PARK/HENRY MOSES POOL PARKING LOT As you have probably noticed, there is construction activity occurring within the Liberty Park/Henry Moses Pool parking lot adjacent to the City's drinking wells 1, 2, and 3. This construction work is being performed by R. L. Alia Construction for Metro. Metro has been required by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to relocate a portion of its 42" Cedar River Trunkline sewer that interferes with the new alignment of the I-405 S-Curves. In order to accommodate WSDOT's requirement, Metro is boring an interim sewer line from Liberty Park under I-405 to a point of connection in Cedar River Park. This project has been reviewed extensively by City staff with particular attention paid to protection of the aquifer. In addition to a three page set of specific conditions and requirements, staff is providing a full time construction inspector on the project site (at Metro's cost). D:92-235:DMC:ps . CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 27, 1992 T0: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, President Members of Council VIA: Mayor Earl Clymer FROM: Lynn Guttmann STAFF CONTACT: David M. Christensen (X-621 2) SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AT LIBERTY PARK/HENRY MOSES POOL PARKING LOT As you have probably noticed, there is construction activity occurring within the Liberty Park/Henry Moses Pool parking lot adjacent to the City's drinking wells 1, 2, and 3. This construction work is being performed by R. L. Alia Construction for Metro. Metro has been required by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to relocate a portion of its 42" Cedar River Trunkline sewer that interferes with the new alignment of the I-405 S-Curves. In order to accommodate WSDOT's requirement, Metro is boring an interim sewer line from Liberty Park under I-405 to a point of connection in Cedar River Park. This project has been reviewed extensively by City staff with particular attention paid to protection of the aquifer. In addition to a three page set of specific conditions and requirements, staff is providing a full time construction inspector on the project site (at Metro's cost). D:92-235:DMC:ps . � • , .. ;, h� r � � _ _ 1...•�. � � � � �_��� — / • �/ � ,� / � �r,iWl ,• ! -r _ ��i� � - — � i / . - - _ � � i�_ :�� � � .. �, �, — � � . Letter:. #// From /��l�Lro ���47 �'�� �� � r� ��� Date 3/,t(r/f"Z Signed REPLY H�� SFoit� cu�amu Wilsor�Jones GFFV_ir.'[t t:MS4�� y.•�., Signed Date RECIPIENT—RETAIN WHITE COPY. RETURN PINK COPY 1184 i��mETRo Submittalfl'ransmittal It�m No. P/C Spee. Parapraph l �' v3600 o`L C o 3 3.J o _ 3. �. . . o�� � r,,,�_ � Cedar River Trunk Relocation $��yt�Np. b � � � 1;; �j� �;� , ' _ ,tr � � Phase 1 : E j-�-- ! � ��� .. 1. . - Date ,E. 4 1 4'^' `, ... �.. _ F�� � g "�`. - CoM ract No. w/ M S 4- 91 Resubmit� ❑ Prevfol�a Submft�al No. Co��v�.;�;��<<���;;. u,��;:.!o SOU-f�-i Si��tl! I��t OFF{� ��ntractororSupp�er. S%'��N��t� �"`�� Thl� Sectlon To • Thls s�cdon b� compbtod by Contnctor. B� Comp{�tod By Mevo ConVaetor's �p iw R�vl�w . GL or Dwy. No. Descrtptlon of Il�ae � 8ubn. Actfon Notoe /i% t �c � I o S� G (L,=, �.t T ��! /Ji �'a�i [, E L G-'�;'-✓ ��K � m�x "� Sk�S C'��s g f-�� <�aB �->uTrot � S,oE..✓.� % /IJl l� Sl(� C L fi5 t htX "�"0 /� �%l/S C, S7',c'GCG7C/�11� �e:vSG/1G7� / Contraclor certifies to Revlew ot Submirial, Veriticatbn oi Fleld � Measuremerils and Compiance:�th : ontrad Doaments: CJt�� . �, . i%""�---� Dsr �Z16/f ` Rert�arks: � , � 0 Legend — Review Actlon pist�ibutbn: 1 No excepBon� taken ❑ tiitial Review I 2 NOte marking �r � �°t " � a�,' 3 Com�e�s�Attac�d — 1 (�;1it��,`�� '�] �... _ _ . + �,'a 4 "` 's ... 4 Resubm� �����`� , - 5 Rejeaed ' � � � +� � By (P�int) �pleled; F�� ':.: � Date �O �� W O H� • i . Engineer'rg S��pport GrouP � � ' P— PaRial Submittal Fe'tial Review � C— Complete SubrNrial ap n K r+� A � n �. n� f r� M �► � f � i 0 n � not relieve ihe contractor from compliance with pians and � . specifications nor arty rec}uirements oi the Contract Documents. -� �� .a The Contractor remains responsiWe tor details a►zd accuracy� , � - lor confirming and coRelating all quantiUes and dimensions, for selecting tabrication prooessgs� tor techniques ot assembly and °-� ,•� .- � � ior perloRning his work in a safe manner. Engineer's Revlew Rou11nD Initial Daie � � �' .., : .. . Revlew oi Coniractors Inlortnatlan Comments �. • Engineers review is for generai contormance with the design �::. , � � concept and contrad documents. Markings or comments shaN ___... No Exceptions Tak�n ❑ " ; �:-,>:. � , ; . - i . . . �, .. Note Markings ❑ Rejeded ❑ . Comments Altached ❑ • . �, .. Response Requlred ot Contractor Constructbn Dtvision Use ONy ��'� . � . � �.Ptn- CoMirm � � Revlewed Coples To: Date � . Constc. Division Fles � Resident EnQ3nee� � � � Comraclor ProJ. Erzg. . Resubmit ❑ i . , , i ►o e.e, �o, � = mmv � � � N m � S � a� � �� �°`°� � �' � �m . � � � w� m .. : � � _w ST�ONEWAY COI�lCRETE ACCOUNTING: 9125 10TH AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WA 98108 •(206) 762-2566 • FAX 763-4178 SALES: 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY • RENTON, WA 98055 •(206) 226-1000 • FAX 228-4924 rONCRETE MIX DESIGN • RFNTON • TUKWILA • SEATTLE CONTRACTOR: R.L. Alia Construction Co. DATE: January 30, 1992 9215 Martin Luther King Way STRENGTH: 500 PSI Seattle, WA 98118 MIX NUMBER: 1050 Pumpable Lean Mix PROJECT: Cedar River Sewer Main Trunk Relocation Renton, Washington - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MATERIAL � Water Cement Fly Ash . C.A, ( ) ' C.A. ( ) � F.A. (Conc. Sand) Air W.R.A. SSD WEIGHT 400 lbs. ; I 100 � � 400 ! 2830 W/C Ratio: 0.80 Cement Type: I-II Slump: Fluid o Air: Max Aggr.: Conc. Sand Unit Wt.: SPECIFIC MATERIAL GRAVITY Conc. Sand 2.63 Michael Gardner Quality Control � Si�ONEWAY CONCRETE ACCOUNTING: 9125 tOTH AVENUE SOUTH • SEATfLE, WA 98108 •(206) 762-2566 • FAX 763-4178 SALES: 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY • RENTON, WA 98055 •(206) 226-1000 • FAX 228-4924 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN . RFNTON . TUKWILA • SEATTLE CONTRACTOR: R.L. Alia Construction Co. DATE: January 30, 1992 9215 Martin Luther King Way STRENGTH: 3000 PSI Seattle, WA 98118 MIX NUMBER: 5809 Class B Concrete PROJECT: Cedar River Sewer Main Trunk Relocation Renton, Washington - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MATERIAL Water Cement Fly Ash C.A. (7/8) C.A. ( ) F.A. (State Sand) SSD WEIGHT 267 lbs. ; � 540 � 1930 1290 i � i Air 3/4 oz/sk. WRDA-19 WRA W/C Ratio: 0.49 Cement Type: II Slump: 3" o Air: 5 + 1 Max Aggr.: 7/8 Unit Wt.: 148.6 MATERIAL 7/8 x #4 State Sand SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.70 2.62 Michael Gardner Quality Control ' , . • . ST�ONEWAY CONCRETE ACCOUNTING: 9125 10TH AVENUE SOUTH • SEATTLE, WA 98108 •(206) 762-2566 • FAX 763-4178 SALES: 1915 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY • RENTON, WA 98055 •(206) 226-1000 • FAX 228-4924 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN • RFNTON • TUKWILA • SEATTLE CONTRACTOR: R.L. Alia Construction Co. DATE: January 30, 1992 9215 Martin Luther King Way STRENGTH: 4000 PSI Seattle, WA 98118 MIX NUMBER: 6516 Class AX PROJECT: Cedar River Sewer Main Trunk Relocation Renton, Washington - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MATERIAL Water Cement Fly Ash C.A. (7/8) C.A. ( ) F.A. (State Sand) Air / Daravair WRA / WRDA-79 SSD WEIGHT 245 lbs. ; 611 ; 1875 1315 .75 oz/100 cwt. 5 oz/100 cwt. W/C Ratio: 0.40 Cement Type: I-II Slump: 2" `o Air: 5 + 1 1/2 Max Aggr.: 7/8 Unit Wt.: 146.7 MATERIAL 7/8 x #4 State Sand S��CIF�G ��AVI'�Y 2.70 2.62 Michael Gardner Quality Control - ' R � ' . CITY OF RENTON TRAFFIC ENCINEERINC DIVISION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN w�2o-� � CONlTBUCftON COHPANY: � • � • � � � � CO APP4 DATS: r n �waxase: q"�,�_rv� . L l< '�� 6 A� So � ti l e. q Sc 11 S� �! � PHONE �: -, a a,� q c� r� � COItSi'1tUC[ION SUPRRtNTiNDEN7': � [� P W �t [ , �.c � — _ CONa7RUC770l1 LOCA ON: � . �aovs� HY: �oxB 'ru�s: � � 3 U _ r-� �. - .� . : 3 o P m �PPROVAL DA?E: ��,� 1fORIC DATE: /fJ� 2 Tf1/ZC/ /Ntly %� I 110TE: CAI1. 911. IIRR i POLICS BBTORE ANY CLOSURE C010[ENTS: _ T�..'. � � L A+J �� n k n (3 p i n..Q '..,. ��-� n --n�n )L �I L:.,�t P F .✓� ceat� c4 �o ,r�' ;' ,� F!T (�; c,�. � s� a , � O� � � - �._ �� i .;, 1 1 � ' A ���� i� i � 1 ' �:�?..i :'li "�. �t lir'?, _ ! L..�.. `� . 1 i_. i ,�. � ;.�y,i',q;•l�;�w '�.; . f ::., ��i� � . � : .• � .r j. t��,. r . . 1 �jl!R�. � _ � , �r:I' IIOY/ �fl I�1iOfR10d Oi � '� .j.lrotfle tontrol. and a9r�e �v compry w�Zn ciiy -... . "� y aot.d . . „��:' ;� . 1�?I/l��..w._ DA'1'a:._, � � �r .��. . � . ack — u � r 9n S� � Y � Rc�fc•� . C s..w�� �NORTH � R ��H R \+ �� � •f �o t � �0 4 � . �s t ° �� � �t � . �j,yX,�, ► � c � � SL�q�en},-q� �. ARROW cigN o� r,� �,�� \ � � �^ � � I Ss� C� ,��� 7 ly . . . .ei.7 �'�v6. CITY OF RENTON , PMUp J. Chas� ��RYSoN Iy�/�E (�Ofj/ ; T..+� s���o u�.« Pueuc vMoacs c��ar�rr a�s��s�xo ; � � i ���s� � � � O � �� P� 1/ �� \ .};. � • � `" "_. ""_ " _' t ` . \� � � i :'_, .�?� I I I i � i I I - � � -'' -:i ,� . '� ;`:� ; .� :� � -� :�._ _ _ :,�. . . �,. «-. d ,� r - .. ,���;,�, ' �T.�": . . . ���J: : -': . i:r. . i�;. _ . `t' � ' 1 ( _.. ��`. .. � ' '.�j,'.. :=J � ... .���.:��.''._.:,. .:'�`: . ,' _ �ii�3" �� ;`��, :;�:: 2'�' �' .'��. � i::;; '`�'': �:.: ' ;�' tf i ,... � ��.:�.. �` , � �- . � 0 � � ' TYP. � SIGNS � BARRICADES � USED IN ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION AREAS ROAD ROAD CLOSED ROAD CLOSED CLOSED �oCA�T �lii1C o THRU 1'RAFFIC 48'X30' 60�X30' 60'X 30' 3LK.ON S►IVER(REFLa 6lKON SILVER(REFL.i BIK.ON SILVER (REFL.) / ROAD \ ONSTRUCTIO \ AHEAD / �B�X 48� BLK. ON ORANGE tREFU FLA(3QER AHEAD ' 48� X 4g' BlK ON ORANGE (REFL� \ , w END CONSTRUC?IOH 60'X2�' BlK ON ORAkGE � (REFL.1 48'X 16' � � BLK.ON ORANGE - (REFL3 DETQUR AHEAD 48' X 48' BLK, ON ORANGE (REFl.1 ROAD CI.OSED AHEAO 49' X 48' BLK.ON ORANGE IREFIJ �:,;_: r...^, �'� � ;).�.:.� �. it:.'�: 48�X24' 48'X24' BLK.ON ORANGE BLK, ON ORANGE (REFI..� (REFI.� DETOUR X X 1+{.P.N. • � 8' X 18' 8LK ON ORANGE Z 4' X 24" ' (REFL.� BIK.ON ORAN�E • L��AL (REFLi TRAFFIC ONLY 30�X 36" BLK.ON ORAN�E " (REFL.� � ROAD CI.OSED LOCAt,. 7RAFfIC OtILY TYPE I11 BARRICAO� VERTICA� PANEI. ORANGE ON SiLVER (REf�J 18' TRAf FI C CONE POR7A8LE DELINEATOR 0 ROAO STRUCTI AHEAD 25 Y. P. H. ORANGE ORANGE . •. t 7YPE 111 BARRICADE ORANGE ON SILYER IREfU TYPE 1 BARRICADE QRANG ` ON`a lV ER A . /� TYPE 11 BARRICAOE ORANGE ON SILVER (REFU :;�:mE�Ro Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Industrial Waste • 130 Nickerson St., Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98109-1658 •(206) 689-3000 March 5, 1992 REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. David Christensen Wasterwater Utility Engineer City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 . .,F -:�,,��-.�._-_,�-{� � ,� ��, , � ;�� � ,,� c� i992 �� n� RENTON �.,:>,�fi Permit A�plication for Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Dear Mr. Christensen We have received the attached waste discharge permit application from Metro Seattle located at 821 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Washington. The site for this project is located at the Cedar River Trunk (SR405 MP3.39-MP3.96), Renton, Washington. I have determined that a minor discharge authorization will be appropriate for this operation and I will send you a copy of the final authorization for your review and comment. If you have any comments regarding the attached application, please contact me at 689-3017 within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this letter. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, `71 � t Cc f� ,�ti_� _ Horace Lee Industrial Waste Investigator Environmental Programs HL:mwr Enclosure HL3:ATCMCR Water Pollution Control Departtnent • Clean Water-A Sound Investment �� �Z � � -�•C �,� �- . .us �1� �..a •,/�. x/,a . �'a'�o� �S'p�' 2. Mailing Address . . i 3. Location of plant discharging wastes if different from above � C E� �'` �� ��� ~� �� R��� �, 71 � a 4. Name, title, address and telephone number of person to contact concerning information in this questionnaire: Name ���1.�� �� � � °'`l� Title ��� � f f 7 � � `� 1 �l� �- Address �'�� <<� PhoneNo. 6g�i— ��SU City � i6 �f� State �a Zip �� � � � � Waste Discharge Permit Application Application is hereby made for a permit to discharge wastes into the Municipaliry of Metropolitan Seattle sewer system in accordance with RCW 90.48.t65, RCW 35.58.180, RCW 35.58.200, RCW 35.50.360 and Metro Resolution 3374. - Section A — General Intormation: 1. Company Name ��a-� Section B— Product or Service Intormation: 1. Brief description of manufacturing or service at plant address: (��� nr �....�- � �-T�.� ,..► �'� �'T � A�I 2. Raw materials and chemicals used in processes: Brand Name Chemical, scientific or actual name -l.'o.�� Day 3. Describe how raw chemicals and hazardous materials are stored. Have steps been taken to ensure that spills resulting from accidental spillage or ruptured containers will not enter a waterway or sewer? , -�U�< �.:L kao.�Mt�-�-, C%�,�NP� tiP g�uP� se� a� C. ; �l - r�r0 i �il �) � ��' - •�uantity and Unit Product Average Maximum ,. i�ew � \eti �� uJl�tr� iDUo el��� �i 2. r P 4. Products manufactured or processed: � a 5. Sectlon C— Plant Operational Characteristics: ' 1. WsRt-Operatiorts: C CN? ( r�-� � C�-W" ���a Average Maximum 0598 (Rev. &87) � Days per year �� �2 *Quantities Average Used per day Maximum Number of employees per shift Night , ;:=mE-rRo r � � '�—� z��� ►�;�J�..!S�Ti�;a,! �NA�TE y�2 fi� FTR 0 Swing _. r�v = � 2. Explain any seasonal variation you may have in waste discharge volumes, plant operations, raw materials and chemicals used in processes and/or production: � , _ _ J�-f � J W( � Jvr� c.,A: �C. �.Q(/�?�`�ti � IQ.a%�l�l � e1C�4.J,p�f'� �cS�.l.s . �-/ ,�.�•rr�_ � ��'.,u,F ( v oj� i (�� / l G I�► ,. c.�! _ : � �C�/ vc w,��� e � ✓e�.� 0 3. Describe in detail the sources of all industrial wastes within your industry. Describe in detail the treatment given each of these wastes. Include in this description the disposal methods used for.these wastes and also for any sludge collected by your waste treatment system. Include a schem tic flow diagram showing the sources of ail wastes and their flow pattern. Include this information with your application as Exhibit 1. �.I�pr ' , ( 4. Metal finishing and metal etching industries: Give'a breakdown of capacity and number of tanks by solution rype, concentration and estimated dragout. Identify tanks containing significant quantities of phosphorus, nitrogen, heavy metals, cyanide and etching solutions that concentrate heavy metals. Describe what precautions have been taken to contain and prevent discha ge of plating solutions spilled as a result of ruptured or leaking tanks. Include this information with your application as Exhibit 2. N fp Section D— Water Consumption and Loss: 1. Source of supply 2. List water consumption within the plant: a. Industrial processing b. Cooling c. Boiler feed d. Water incorporated into product e. Other (specify) Raw water treatment (specify water conditioning chemicals used) 3. List discharge or water losses to: a. Municipal sewer (industrial and sanitary wastewater) b. Surface waters and storm sewers (specify) c. Waste haulers d. Evaporation Average gallon/day Average gallon/day � � � Maximum gallon/day Maximum gallon/day �vr,o � � u�,c,��w� � 4. Describe all wastewater treatment equipment or processes in use: — N�^r'�- � 5. Plannedwastetreatmentimprovementsshouldbesubmittedonaseraratesheet�sEr.hibit3.CesLribeanyadd�iiunalireatmentorchanges in waste disposal methods in planning or under construction. , . 6. Give any additional information or comments you feei necessary to clarify this application as Exhibit 3. Include all information for previous questions, where additional space is necessary, as part of Exhibit 3. 7. The information given on this application is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. . �� �� U Signature ��G. cJ �ru�,.►Ne �_ Printed Name v2 .� � 2 Date � ����9t,� L�1C�(.+e�� Titte 'Please specify units. For example: tons/day, pounds/day, barrels/day, etc. 0598 BACK (R9v. 8/87) // Speed Lettero To � ��r� From �'` �.�Gcc L�.� ���-vx�'�.c.e.r. �/�1�i:� �C'�l ���Z ,L�✓-f�.. �f�/�'� �, ���-� . Subject '� � � � � � MESSAGE . � . '� vQ . /IJ'��s 2 c1. �_� �.�. � � � � d1 �l� _r✓��' SLrtLv'L ' �. � � ��. , � „� � No ,���o�� Date Signed WIISO�1.J011@S RECIPIENT—RETAIN WHITE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY GRAYIINE FGFM 44-902 3-PART �1983•PRINiEDINUSA ��� '.c �cy� �.L .�-t-E.r.�- �z't_ d'� L f G�- � L L, G/,4•'0�,� .t1'�,Cc�-%>�' c� 7l�tc.� t „ _ . � � , . W� � V � � � V 0 _ \ J ���Jr ' � UJ ���,(,�, r� - � 0 � � �d � � t�� _ � � r�.� r ! � � ' I ' . ,� � � � -- — . . j � +'. � ) ��\ j � �� • `� ,-- i -.\ :,' �, � `'� ' � i , r � ! j ``, I \ , � �, � , �� .,, ,,\\ , ��, ', � , � � � �, 0 \" � i � - �� . _ �� f ;� ; , ; , i � , ;� . ,,; ; , ; � � ; ;� ; , � ,r ; � f � �. ,y � � i � � � � = 1 ; � � 1 � i \ ` , I 4 ' �� {� \ s'i � r � � � — ' � � � �- a � a . � r � � � y � � . � � ��� � y � s�� .� h Z fl � � � G � � � . . � ,� v. .- � D � � � .� �f �� s � � �. � �� / / � - _�- , .��� \������ � �'dM'rV�l� M 7'7 . �i z �' �. 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Actlon No��s Pa e 1 Shorin Plan —�pen cut, trench box s stem 7 EISI #2892 Shorinq Plan — Jackinq pit. frame & sheet method 7 ��SE $"�.�D _� Contractor ceriities to Review of Submittal, Verification of Feld Measurements and Compliance with ; oMrad Doa�ments. � ,, � � � �-� - ; :�. ay � ,�% oa� - Remarka: ' � "s RE �.eN C'v�°i CS Legend - Revlew Actlon siributbn: 1 No exception� taken �� qe�w Completed 2 Note maricinp ❑ 3 Comments Atlached - Confinn ❑ 4 Comments Attached - Resubmit ❑ � 5 Rejected ❑ � Engiieering Support Group ' P- Parlial Submittal Fhal Review C- Complete Submittal qphNnwi fn r�nlrarfn� By (Print) Date ?-� 3 �t Z z j��92� �� �w 0 b� �i . 0 Q w 0 � � _ y._.._...._.. . . . . � � Revlew ol Contractors Intormatbn Commenis Engineers review is (or generai contortnance with the design � -- W��,T "�,,� _ ��, �Zu sck concept and cont�act documents. Markings or comments shall not relieve the contractor from compliance with plans and .� c�, �e C�-c _- �• speGiications nor any requfrements oi the Contract Documents. The Contractor remains �esponsible tor details and aocuracy, (or confirming and correlating all quantl�es and dimensions. for selecting tabrication p�ocesses. ior techniques ot assemWy and tor pe�forming his work in a safe manner. , Englneer's Revlew Rou11�y Initlal Date No Exceptions Taken 3 3 t Note Marlcings ❑ Rejeded ❑ Comments Attached � S Response Requl�ed of Contractor Constructbn Ohrlslon Use OMy Conlirm � Revlewed Coples To: Date Constr. Divisbn Fles ResideM Engineer � / Y1� CoMraclor ProJ. Eng. Resubmit ❑ ��we.a�� �ocnv �m<: � � a. � a� � � J � O I ��� � � � �� �� a � w� 0 � � a t ' ` ', ^1 � "' � ��y -0 44 � : ' .it. � + -' i . �"�� . . .'" t t � Y * r.h � f �� � y'd L j M. t! t^y, x , • ,t. ' . ' N�c i1 1. �' .� _�a .s "' .�f'�yw ! t ; - t F � L i f € ' ._,__., �. .. x ��` � . . :�� � '",'. �. 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G ,�� ' .+ � . � ' !� .. : ��' . . . 4: u. . . � �' 2 � .. 8�ADDITIONACSHIELDS MAY BE STACKED WITH NO a i F>.r'ti PENALTY IN DEPTH OF CUT , 1= �� � ta , � .�. , a. t ' '. c ' j ` ' 4 : : _ � : +- - �. � 5s.' ,- �.:' �- � t:'. �:" -. t �'R . ,. � ' 9�: DEPTHS OF CUTS SNOWN,ARE.BASED ON: , � ,, � •:."EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS SOIL CONDITIONS. YERIFY'" + :`, ,'� `� '� . �'" �; ACTUAL SOILPRESSURES PRIOR TO EACH USE .� S �� f � �.._.•. - ��• �. tt�.c't � ; '�.'}.r��.•.. � . +. ♦ } F '•t ' � � ,10.F: ANY MODIFICATIONS.OR�AITERATIONS NOT „ 4� �, }. a, � �r.`' ��� ' -`� ' � ALLOWED UNLESS APPROVED IN_WRITING BY ,} � ,a� � a � : EFFICIENCY PRODUCTION INC � .f ; `'" t _ ,: , F ^� �t � - ,, `i': h�:( t .._� � �. . � ' , ., � .,� . . .J � a _, � s� Y ,�v. �pHN1N ' ° ; �CERTIFIED,:BY;,�; �� r � 7 i� �'� `r: ��� -' � z McCLURG 8 ASSOCIATES INC ',} :, } z � �(/ oF W� �� ' �+ ,' ��EBRUARY 15 1.990 c � jY � � ' k, V �� .� (S� _ � �, � .. ����- ., i -�.l ti�- .�,' ..p. '� i. ''� �>, �.� •. 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J ; , - �� T�.-� - -- - --......_ —G%� � � N Ac rc�;e �� ;-� ro T�� ,� �p,�� �f�� v� A- s� �S /� lZ l'%"fK,_ �J�:.:�;'�'�:�T'T�....�'t�,�" �- T�l� sL,�r� •, ,� r -_-'� ; � . . ._ . . � � . �r � �d � consult(ng engineers CQ%.:�r.�i,' :' .SNQ,%�..�-._.��.. �1.�..�� --.__v•.r�.s. . , �-:', r t,/��, n� r�� 1800 West Emerson Place ' N�i ;�( ;� . � ✓ ��"�!`t ��a 1 V /� v �i -� %'' ! �i.� /? .4� �J r� �. �d�w 1G�'6..e $UItC 20� ,�x� �� G� �oL`� �+ f+� �� �,��1I,� _ Seattle. Washinqton 98119 i�; �tZ�, � �. `,N �• �F 'QT`p�EpfYlAgy��ptS'� ,�. � �`cGIS7E�E� ��. ���NA L EN�',�i� 't _._. J�cK���S.� _i�e�� . _ _ . 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D� - �- / ___ W.��_ _ _.. _d . _::_.-_... � ----- .1�.._�:. �"%�--l-�:.;-C --1--- �-28� � ., _ �: _ _ __. �._..._.._..._.--- -. _. - ----- --- S E GT � _ _ _ -- S�CT_ _ � . _ � -- - _._.-- ----- ...___.__..__.._-- _. -- .__ . . . . ._ � �E�G'...:.�, i'1' ; ' .�_�fir1 � :�_ = h - _ __ / .--. • , - -- , � �� , . ,. � i / Subject MESSAGE Letter�.: � ���>� �� �- From � � 5 -�'�-���``'� ;�� .y�= - �� � / / , , � •� �� � � G - - -.% � ' - '_�c�� � - � 1 � / _ / ` i l / i �� r_ `_y�� Date Signed REPLY �f1Y dF ►�ENT �,;� RECF±y,�� MAR 1 n 1e?�1�� o��o�;��- s��; v� . _ . .F,,,_ . .�rno Date Signed � WilsonJones GRAVLINEFORM44-9p2 3-PAR? RECIPIENT—RETAIN WHITE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY t1983 • PRINTED iN U S A 11 B4 �� ri1ETR0 Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Fxchange Building • 821 Second Ave. • Seattle, WA 98104-1598 •(206) 684-2100 February 20, 1992 Mr. Michael Hoven R. L. Alia Company 9215 M. L. King Way S. Seattle, WA 98118 Cedar River Trunk Relocation-Phase I METRO Contract T/M 54-91 Pre-Construction Conference Dear Ivlr. iioven:� A pre-construction conference is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Thursday, February 27, 1992, in the South Satellite Construction Office (Building B), 11911 E. Marginal Way S., Seattle, Washington. Attendance by your representatives and subcontractors is requested. _ Among the topics of discussion will be: • Coordination of work with appropriate parties • M/WBE, EEO requirements • Working hours • Project schedule • Environmental control requirements • Administrative requirements • General construction requirements Very truly yours, , / �. � Ed Seib Construction Management IV SCT:khh cc: S. Te�l Bob Van Dyke R. Smith E. Tate Earl Rice Tim Goon Wally Hendrix Gregg_Zimmerman� Randy Burke Dave Christiansen Vicld Renier R. Browne '`'m' o.c 1iECEi � �6�+ �E� � � ,�92 a�'�o���� $ Dry�.Slop��RVlCES Cedar River Trunk Relocation, Phase I Metro Contract W/M 5491 Pre-Construction Conference Thursday, February 27, 1992 NAI�iE ORGANIZATION TELEPHONE � i w,. ;o�� r.�� G �. �a s C �� a «� �Re _ ,--+-�� �k �L.` �n S �� a r�2 �.���+� < < �, ��-; �o �� RK� r���N�R _ . .� , . ��� M ��� zy�3 1 I �� � 7� ��'l7� ��7--5 s ��9 � yy� • ,� � 3� (� �y - Z Z Z.S- 8� 4- l y 88 ZZ-Z4�i0C� � �4-- ����- � ��1- C3 �sEs— ���(- [9 so l.�B4- 2z4z— G � y- zZ Y� � Cedar River T�unk Relocation, Phase I Metro Contract W/M 5491 Pr�Construction Conference Thursday, February 27, 1992 Contract Awarded To: Contract Amount: Number of Days: Date of "Notice to Proceed": Liquidated Damages: R. L. Alia Company $403,496 75; Milestone May 1, 1992 $1000. 00 per day AGENDA ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction � _ .. _ --,-:--_ . .,. _ .- - --- -�;:' _ -_ . , x Contract Administration Letter `6 _ _. ..__.-: �. , _ - :. . _. .-:.=. . � ..:. . _ _ . . _ .. a. � Progress Payment - � � - - -_ , T ' _ . b. Retainage . .; . - - _ � c. Sales Tax � M/WBE and EEO Requirements � . = - City of Renton Representative ; - . Burlington Northern Railroad Company Representative � _- Washington State Department of Transportation Representative � =�` . Questions Related to Above Discussions Dismissal of parties with no further concerns (attendance log) _--�. Review of Contract Specifications and Plans ._�-- _. � 01010-1 1.03A � _ _ - --- . Coordmate sche�ule and work vv�th appropnate parties ___ __ -_ _ � _ . ;,,. . .._ . _ .� . - _ _.. ::� . . . . . . ---.. _ : . . . _ _ - - - - - - - ... . - .. . . ._ ' _ ."_' ' _ .. . . �. _'_.... ,_ - _ �'C�� � Y � _ ' �_ Cedar River Trunk Relocation, Phase I Metro Contract W/M 54-91 Pre-construction Conference • 01014-1 1.OlA Contract time, 75 calendar days 10.2A 1. Complete work in I-405 R/W no later than 5-1-92 2. Coordinate work to accomodate Carco Theater 1.03A Work hours ' 1.03B Schedule 1.OSA Contractor's representative - • 01014-2 1.06A Written notice of completion • 01050-1 1.OlA Name of licensed land surveyor ,, • 01062-1 1.01-1.03 Status of permits and easements 1.04A Permits by contractor • 01062-2 1.06B Written release from property owner - form included BN Pernut, insurance and roadmaster notification - - _ . .. ._ -...... �. ._. _ : • 01063-1 1.03A Submit Safety and Hea1th Plan�� : :. ._. . : '� " � � � �. . ... ,. _. _ x- • 01064-1 1.OlA Metro testing lab is Pacific Testing Laboratory �. • 01200-1 1.02A Meeting Tuesday (�? 10:00 A.M. • 01300-1 3.OlA Submittal sheet included in contract . 3.O1B Substitution requirement-hand out form • 01300-2 3.02A Submit - 1 reproducible, 7 copies � - .. . : : - . 3.02B Review - 14 days � • 01310-1 1.02A Submittals 1. Draft construction schedule - today � ._- 2. Bar chart, schedule of value & cash flow projection ._:;;=�#�� �: :: . within 14 days of NTP ;,.- — 3. Progress report with progress payment _-_:=':;=v,�. -::�i� � ,. _...�..... ..� __ _ _- , . . . . ,.� _......-- - '�� � �.�� _ _ _ _ _ .. . . . _ . - �� �� �..�:���-v. 2 -„ - Cedar River Trunk Relocation, Phase I Metro Contract W/M 54-91 Pre-construction Conference • 01380-1 2.OlA Photos - 24 preconstruction, 24 postconstruction • 01500-1 2.OlA Office space • 01500-2 2.09A Construction fence • 01560-1 2.OlA Submit Environmental Mitigation Plan • 01560-3 3.06C6 Maintain materials at site • 01720-1 3.03A Record drawings • 02050-1 3.OlA Inform Metro prior to beginning demolition work • 02140-1 1.02A Submit dewatering plan - within 14 days fo NTP • 02140-4 3.12A Service of licensed water well contractor • 02150-1 Jacket casing - Contractor • 02150-1 1.04A Submit shoring system • 02200-1 1.04A Submit samples of imported fill materials • 02513-1 1.04A Submit certifications and samples ._ _ • 02900-1 1.02A Submittals - Landscaping • 03300-1 1.04A Submit certified test reports for all materials • 03600-1 1.03A Submittal (4 items) 10. Questions, open discussion 11. Dismissed ;I .__. _. _ �- 3 t r - � � - - - -.�_�_`-= s E:E ', ' '' , .: "� � � .T;="_� � f i �� _�EF', C"t= t ,r. _;_�' .�1��1 P. 1�c - _ _ �� ---�::m�T�a I` Muniripality uf Metropolitan Seattte �' R� E�M'ON m Exchange Building • 82X Second Ave. • Seattle, WA 9620�-1598 FEB � 1 1992 BACS MZLE T SMZ88 QN COVER,.SHEET ����`�'r'`�E�SERVICES DIVIS►p1y DI�TE SENT: TRAN$MITTED x'Q: TRANSMTTTED FROM: � �/t rw✓�c.- 1�7 (Name)� {Mail Stop) �./ ��_ ��� �7�e ��r�+ ,�� �1-� , ,.._.�__�'! 9 �(� ( Phone ) FACSIMILE TRANSMISS�QN NITMBER: N� . UF PAGES TRANSMIT'r'Et7; (Including Cover Sheet) FOR_INTERNAL STAFF OSE QNLY: PROJECT: ARMS/TA$K NO.: SU�3JECT: NOTES: (206) 684�1710 ��_�_ ��c,�r� � �(Q3�.K�� _--- -- PC � s � n�-r k. __� ���� _._ ��- _�332 �/ ��- ,.��`�T �� r.%� - `""t;`�,, k_ �- .��� �, Sc— a __ � 1 �_ � �� � ! � _ , f iE TF'i_� , Ji=� . . tp� i�_F-�_ � . _ l l., � �_� BlC� TA�ULATI4N SHEET r'.� _ Contract: CEDAR RIVER TRUNK RELOCATION - PHASE i, ConVact W/M54-91 Submitta� oeadi�Re: December 20, 1991 - 1Q:p0 �.m. - Conterenc8 ROom 11A Addenda Iasued: 1 FIRM TQTAL B1D 1. Depiano Canstruction incorporated 2. R. L Alta Company �0�.,3 �• J� 3. Tri-S47te CO[�Struction 4. Vlrglnla L Seltz Constructbn Campany �' 5. Frank Coluccia Consirucilon B. V ar�d J Incorporated 7. Roblson Construction 8. Westvvater Construction 9. Vaiker Stevin Pacific lncorparated 10. Pape and Sons Construciior� ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $ APPARENT L�W BIDDER: ✓ 70,8 •• sao�,a�s.00 (� ) , ��.,�----�,�--- '� $537,370.00 (7)' v �508,000.00 (a), � 3���,soo.00 (3� � s►�s�,000.00 ts� . ✓ $512,QU0.00 (5), ✓ $429�545.00 (2) ? J� `S�� C�} �1��r� i0'nh 1 v �17,000.00 �s�• �7zo,00a.00 (�a� , �_ .� S %p �( /D o pvv -_ �otx� �!✓!'1/ � i � ��v x/�o,�t�� = yoGo rw� ��.� 3� X zv�, y y� = 6 I��! �s s2s, ��� �$2 � I 5 lo �, `� � �������� Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle Industrial Waste • 130 Nickerson St., Suite 200 • Seattle, WA 98109-1658 •(206) 689-3000 March 11, 1992 Marc R. Dallas, SR/WA Environmental Compliance Officer Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle 821 2nd Ave., M.S. 122 Seattle, WA 98104-1598 �� �.` � i� �v \�'. 'a .��� _ � �:::,; �1 `� '. � O ,���Q� ;� �� � �N��� � �F cR � �ep�.. Authorization to Discharqe to the Sanitary Sewer Dear Mr. Dallas: The Metro industrial waste section has reviewed your February 27, 1992 letter requesting authorization to discharge groundwater pumped from Metro Seattle's construction site located at the Cedar River Trunk (SR-405 MP 3.39--M 3.96), Renton, Washington to the sanitary sewer. Metro grants approval for the discharge of up to 1000 gpd of groundwater for up_ to 75 days provided that the provisions in the following paragraph are met. There is no fee for this authorization. This authorization permits you to discharge limited amounts of groundwater into the Metro sewer system in accordance with the regulations outlined in Metro Resolution No. 3374 (enclosed) and the following discharge criteria: DischarQe Limitations Settleable Solids Operating Procedures a) There shall gasoline. b) There shall color. c) There shall (rotten egg) 7m1/1 be no pronounced odor of solvent or be no pronounced oil sheen or unusual be no pronounced hydrogen sulfide odor. d) There shall be no visibly pronounced turbidity, the discharge must remain translucent. Metro will expect operators on site to pay close attention to these operating procedures whenever discharge to the sanitary sewer is occurring. If any of the discharge limits or operating criteria are exceeded, you must stop discharging and notify the Metro Industrial Waste Section at 684-2325. Water Pollution Control Department • Clean Water — A Sound Investment Mr. Dallas March 11, 1992 Page two Special Conditions 1. The discharge volume shall be metered to determine total daily discharge output. 2. A sample shall be collected from the initial discharqe from the site and tested for the following parameters: PH, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Lead. Tre result of these tests shall be torwarded to me upon completion of analysis. The formal requirements and fees of a full wastewater permit will not be required as long as you maintain good compliance and do not change the nature and volume of your discharge. Changes to or additions at this facility may cause us to reassess this decision and require that you obtain a full wastewater discharge permit. If you propose to substantially increase the volume of your discharge or change the type and quantities of substances discharged, you must submit a new waste discharge permit application to Metro. State law requires that such application for a permit be made a minimum of sixty (60) days before starting a new discharge. Therefore, to avoid delays, please time your submittal accordingly. Metro industrial compliance with questions about your discharge, Sincerely, waste staff want to help you stay in our regulations. If at any time you have this authorization, or other questions about please do not hesitate to call me at 689-3017. �a-�t-c2. ��. Horace Lee Industrial Waste Investigator Environmental Programs HL:blb Enclosure cc: Doug Knutson, Department David Christensen, City Doug Hilderbrand, Metro of Ecology of Renton, HL2/DGWMCR92