HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP272792s ILI I ENGINEERS P L A N N E R S COPY S C I E N T I S T S September 10, 1999 Ms. LeAnn Keyes, Project Manager RH2 ENGINEERING, INC New Customer Construction Puget Sound Energy http:/lwww.rh2.com 22828 — 68th Ave S., Suite 102 Kent, WA 98032-1834 mailbox@rh2.com Sent Via: U.S. Mail 1.800.720.8052 Subject: Denny's Lift Station Replacement Electrical Service Application REDMOND OFFICE Dear Ms. Keyes: PO Box2553 Attached is the original letter from Karin Ferguson regarding application for service to the proposed lift station. All items requested in this letter have been completed and are enclosed, Redmond, WA 98073-2553 including the utility easement for the sanitary sewer on the Denny's side. The tax parcel (ph) 425.869.1488 number for the property is #3343301180. Please review the site plan of the proposed improvements and make recommendations on (fax) 425.869.7769 how to provide electrical service to the lift station. If you have any questions or comments, please call me at (425) 897-1534. WENATCHEE OFFICE Sincerely, 139 South Worthen, Suite A RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Wenatchee, WA 98801 h 509.663,0150 Scott L. Rogers (fax) 509.663.7975 Project Engineer SLR/kad MCCALL OFFICE Enclosures: Puget Sound Energy Service Application Site Plan PO Box 1922 Utility Easement McCall, ID 83638 cc: Mr. Mike Benoit, City of Renton Mr. Mark Miller, RH2 Engineering, Inc. (ph) 208.634.8264 (fax) 208.634,8265 OWIW99 3:12 PM 1:\Data\REN\199-055\Lti to PSF. re Electrical Service Application. 8-10.99.doc August 27, 1999 Scott Rogers RH2 Engineering P.O. Box 2553 Redmond, Washington 98073 Re: Power Service/Lift Station (Between Denny's & Health Club) 4750 Lake Washington Blvd SE Rentop-, Washington 98056 Dear Mr. Rogers: Thank you for your request for service to the above referenced project. Once you have submitted the following information as a package, we can begin engineering your project: A completed service application with all load requirements. A site plan showing your proposed plans with approximate distances and locations desired for gas and/or power meters. A location tap showing a north directional with approximate locations of the nearest power pole or transformer. __Tax parcel number(s) of the project with copies of any easements or deeds. Any utility pole(s) requiring removal or relocation clearly marked on site plan. Please forward your package to my attention at the address below. Once I have had the opportunity to review your package, I will contact you to discuss your project. Mailing Address: 22828 68 Ave. So., Suite 102 Kent, Washington 98032-1834 Sincerely, Leann Keyes Project Manager New Customer Construction (253)395-6861 LZ SEP 0 7 1999 f)UTE TO: Puget Sound Energy, Inc. • 22828 681h Avenue South, #102 • Kent, WA 98032 PUGET SOUND APPLICATION FOR SERVICE ENERGY Nonresidential Project Project Name Denny's Lift Station Replacement New Service Address 4750 Lake Washington Blvd. Renton, WA Street City State Zip N/A Length of N/A Soc.Sec./ N/A N/A Employer Employment Tax ID No. Spouse Owner City of Renton, ATTN: Mr. Mike Benoit Phone: (425) 430-7206 First MI Last Address 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Street city State Zip Contr./Dev. N / A Address Electrical Contractor N / A person city number Address Street City State Zip Architect RH2 Engineering, Inc. Phone (425) 897-1 514 On Site Coordinator Scott Rogers Phone —(425) 8 9 7 —1 914 Type of Building and Use: Sanitary Sewer Pump Station q• Size: Total S Ft. N/A # Floors: NIA Secondary Voltage: 4 8 0/ 2 7 7 V: 'I Phase: Type Service Desired: UUnderground ❑ Overhead Secondary Conductor Size: # 3 Neutral Size: # 3 ELECTRICAL LOAD IN kW 1 PHASE 3 PHASE Lighting / 0.3 Heating Cooling Elevators -(see de it below) Other Motors (s a detail below) 4.8 Water Heating Cooking Miscellaneous 0.2 Existing Load Total Conn Load Est. Total Demand 0.5 4.8 Operating Hours per Day: 1 / 4 Days per Week: 7 Will existing power facilities require relocation? (mark on site plan) ❑ Yes ® No Describe Will street lights be required? ❑ Yes ff No Billing Agency Wire Number of Runs: 4 PANEL SIZES (AMPS) AND NO. OF METER PER PANEL PANEL SIZES NO. METERS Main Panel Size 1 0 0 Amps Construction Start Date Date Permanent Service Required: Date Temporary Service Required: I affirm that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have been provided with a construction information sheet. I understand that any changes I make in the above information or attached drawings will increase the time required for Puget Sound Energy to provide service to my project, and that I might be liable for additional engineering and construction costs. Signature Date SEP-09-1999 08:52 CITY OF RENTON PBPW 425 430 7241 P.01 UTILITIES #1 E A S E M E N T TH I S I NSTRUMENT, made th I s 9th day of September, 19 83 ; by and between Denny's, Inc. , a California corporation, with offices at 16700; Valley View Avenue, La -Mirada, California. 90637 hereinafter called "Grantor(s)", and the CITY OF RENTON. a Municipal Corporation of King , County. Washington. hereinafter called "Grantee". WITNESSETH: no/ That said Grantor(s), for an4 in consideration of the sum of $ 1.00 One and 100 Dollars paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideration, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey. and warrant unto the said Grantee, Its successors and assigns, an -easement for public utilities (Including water and sewer) with necessary appurtenances over, through, across,and upon the following described property In King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: RF^ORP •.O 1 HIS DAY SEP 15 1108 AM W Legal Description for sanitary Sewer Easement within BY THE ENVISION Of s Restaurant site #1558 RECORDS & �!_ Cf10NS Denny KING COUNTY That portion of Lot #1 of that certain Lot Line Adjustment plat, City of Renton, LLA-015-82 recorded under recording rip land(10 feet No. 8301259003 consisting of a stoitaryesewer easement wide, the centerline of said 10` widesan described as follows: Commencing at the southwest Corner of Tract 182 of C.D. Hill-tan'sLakerecorded Washington Carden of Eden Addition to Seattle Division ivoashington; thence in Volume 11 of plats, Page 81, records of King County, S 0C'S6'18" W 10.00 feet along the West line of said Tract extended southerly, being 10' southerly measured at right angles to the South line of said Tract, to the beginning of a 10' wide easement lying 5' on each side of said centerline; thence N 8'39'02" w 30.00 feet, to a point lying 5 feet Westerly measured at right angles to the West line or said Tract: thence N 0'56118" E. 225.59 feet, parallel with said West line: thence N 44*03142" W 38.63 feet to a point on the North line of not 2 of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment 015-82, as recorded under Rec- No. 8301259003. records of said county: *thence N 88'47117" W 150.00 feet along said North line; thence N 66.17'17" W 12.00 feet: thence ;i 43*47117" W 30.55 feet to a point of the West line of Lot 1, of said Lot Line Adjustment, said point being 32.71 feet from the Southwest corner to said Lot 1 and the Terminus of this easement. FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF OFFICE OF THE Clti CLERK UE# I - I RENTZOO ON BM AVEYE. Q REIM, WA OW D. I. 16 5 SEP-09-1999 08:53 CITY OF RENTON PBPW 425 430 7241 P.02 Said heretofore mentioned grantee, its successors or assigns. shall have the right,,without prior notice or proceeding at law. at such times as iilby be necessary to enter upon said above described property for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, altering or reconstructing said utility, or making any connections therewith, without incurring any legal obligations or liability therefore, provided, that such construction. Min- tai ni ng, repairing, altering or reconstruction of such uti l i.ty shall be accomplished, in such a manner that the private improvements existing in the right rights) -of -way shall not be disturbed . or damaged. or in the event they are o disturbed or damaged, they will be replaced in as good a condition as they were O imwdiately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the °-aforedescribed premises, M including the right to retain the right to use the surface . of said right-of-way 0 if such use does not interfere with installation and maintenance of the utility co line. However, the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right-of-way during the existence .of such utility. This easement, shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be bind- ing on the Grantor, his successors. heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. and en-t ROer C"'V_Je and • gg and Qaul e and STATE OF CALIFORNIASs ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I , the undersigned, a notary public in and for the State of California. hereby certify that on this 9th day of September _19' 83 personally appeared before me Roger K. ercier and Paul J_ Geiger and and and o me Known to Nei iMvIdWTs_­Vd6scr e in an w o ix-e—cuPUTDie foregoing ns rument. and acknowledged that they---..-- signed and sealed the same as their free and voluntary act find deed for Uie u4es and -purposes therein mentioned. OFFICIAL SEAL SANDRA L• SPEER�'�� NOTARY PUBLIC - CALWoRNIA Notary Public in and for the a o omORANGE COUNTY g My Cm. NGEalifornia, residing AUGAUO 25, less at Huntington beach, CA ter" j UEIi-24 TOTAL P.02 GREASE TRAP RIM EL = 33.64' INV EL = 31.40 - 4" EXISTING PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER P ...LL— P P P •--- P i I � I I � u � a u I � a �I a EXISTING DENNY'S BUILDING 0-1 4750 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD SE ` I \ ss _ \ \ PROPOSED LIFT STATION / — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- \ \ �I- - slss 5l \51 4' 0 FORCEMNN \ PROPOSED SITE AND TESCP PLAN 1" . 10' I I ;II I QV� �- I I; aA I I I U a a I III u I o I I I I PROPOSED LOCATION OF UTILITY METER. LEGEND EX SSMH EX CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 " EX CATCH BASIN TYPE 2 X WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT WATER METER ® IRRIGATION VALVE fS TELEPHONE CABINET cD GAS VALVE E2 GAS METER ;P7 POWER VAULT O LIGHT POLE STREET LIGHT MONITORING WELL a SIGN TRAFFIC J INC77ON BOX -,' CONCRETE SIDEWALK ® ASPHALT AND CURB BUILDING DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFER TREE HEDGE UTKI71' POLE GUY POLE o MAIL BOX CYX0 ROCKERY b MON IN CASE ® SURFACE BRASS MONUMENT g PK NAIL C FOUND REBAR & CAP OR IRON PIPE PROPOSED SEWER EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUC77ON EASEMENT SURVEY NOTES INSTRUMENT, NIKON TOTAL STATION D7M—A10LG (5 SECOND INSTRUMENT). METHOD USED: MELD TRAVERSE WITH ACTUAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND ANGLES WAC 332-130-070 DATE OF SURVEY: JULY 1997 BASIS OF BEARING: NpRTH LINE OF THE NE 1 4 SEC 19-13—.3 (N 89'41"3 W) EX GAS £X POWER EX SANITARY SEWER LINE EX STORM LINE EX TELEPHONE EX WATER LINE EX EASEMENT LINE EX PROPERTY LINE £X RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE IRON FENCE PROPOSED EASEMENT LINE PROPOSED TEMPORARY EASEMENT LINE BENCHMARK: C17Y OF R£NTON MON 11834, J/8" BRASS PLUG W/ PUNCH MARK IN CONCRETE IN CASE. AT HTE INTERSECTION OF N£ 43rd STREET & JONES AVENUE NE S 1 4 CORNER OF $EC 29—y4-3 EL VA 77ON — 3743 (11. 41M $ET BENCHMARK: BACK OF WALK AT THE SE CORNER OF THE DENNYS BUILDING ELEVATION - 34.52' I I , co 1 I I I, , I , I --------------------- ' I --------- ------ �----- fi I I D—Ni 40--------------------------------------------------------�R-----------------------------------------�EX. GAS VALVE ---------------------- WATER6------------ --------- I � / / N00°56 30 E -- 05. 2 29' .� oCD I 0 0 W---VIA` 0 = 4'21'09" / R = 428.10 I / BUFFER IMPACT L = 32.5 / (5,318 SO so � T = 16. ' L LITR41L ENHANCEALL DIS URBEDAREAS t� F CE (TYP.) (APPROXIMA TEL Y , 670 SF) SENSITIVEA EA I 34 i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SIGN(TYP.) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.0' \ \ \ \ \ \ FF=50.0 00 r`--+'--+— + +-i- _ p0 N ? + + + + + -� �- + + + + + + + + - -_ � + + + + + + + 1 �i + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + �C II, I + + + + + + 6 + + + - + + + + + + ACREEK/47TLANO BU�FER LINE+ + + + + f� I + + + + + + + + + + + + + -- + + + — + + -I--- + + + M + III I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 I L 'I 2 ii I I + + + + + w + `4 + + + + + - + 46 + + - I- + + -� + + + 44 i 40 42 2 + + + + + +-+ + + fi I - III I + 30 + + + 36 II F BLACKBER 28 DISTURBED BUFFER AREA 34 II ,� 32`� / 0 25.7 30 / f / ' 6 �� �1, �� �/� �� �(� 25.3 28 / I — WETLAND DELINEATION EDGES — — — BASED ON PREVIOUS SURVEY ' , / _ , _ — • . — / + 24.9 CD �' 2 6.0 �� �/, + 2 3.8 N00`56'30"E CD °� 580 — — 2 4.00 I a, N , �— + 2 4.6 2$ �. ryry�, 3L 6.2 / . — 30/n ` 4 3 ` \ z ' ' ��- 3B 40 IGHT JUNCT. BLVD LAKE OHWM OF STREAMAS BASED ON PREVIOUS SURVEY 5,318SFBUFFER /MPACT + + + + + + L-24, 67'0 SF BUFFER ENHANCEMENT (NON -NA TI VE INVAS1 VE SPECIES TO BE REMOVED & ENHANCED W/NATIVE TREE & SHRUB PLANTINGS) I� Wetland Sensitive Area Boundary Help protect and care for ttus area. 0 10 20 30 40 SCALE.- 1 It = 20' WETLAND SIGN NOTES Fe/9% to,VOCDX l reds re B' �� q bout. nlmurrbe owfade. to' is a pr�Xr�mately a ve is �ra e. Th w ff, d/st m si n shalt ?e steel t �heond t y n the Senve r u er t Yl'ng a or Set ack Tact and the ui ing etba Area. p sior1 shall be tod r lot for ev ry 1 oT59{rsibve B rand �hav 9 s d'oonned in a proms�le�nt oocar,, i e. at a �ninayo be attaches se�urely to%fen es. WETLAND SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Q'X 6"X 6"Post 25.13 drain rock Note.' Install habitat fence as shown FENCE DETAIL T TO SCALE NOTE.' BASE DRAWING INFORMATION PRO VEDED BY RUPERT ENGINEERING, INC. B-12 Wetland Consulting, Inc. 1103 West Meeker Street, Kent, Wo 98032 253-859-0515 Fax 253-852-4732 34 44=44 AN W O i 7'"i W Job No. A5-359 Designed by. AW Drawn by. CML Checked by. Date: JAN. 2006 SHEET W 1 OF