HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273549 (7)r ESA memorandum date November 26, 2012 to Dave Christensen, City of Renton cc Tyler Whitehouse, Carollo Engineers from Steve Winter, Hydrologist 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98107 206.789.9658 phone 206.789.9684 fax subject East Renton Lift Station - Large Wood Placement Plan (Revised) www.esassoc.com ESA has prepared this memorandum to outline a plan to utilize the cleared trees from the proposed pipeline corridor near Stewart Creek within Maplewood Park. This effort is intended to address the comment from the Muckleshoot Tribe made on the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Checklist for the project. The Muckleshoot Tribe requested that all wood that would be cut during construction should be used on -site as mitigation. Preparation of a plan for large woody debris placement is included in the Mitigation Measures required in the SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS). We have developed a plan that achieves the goal of re -using the downed wood on -site, while limiting disturbance to the existing creek and wetlands. This memorandum is organized to: (1) provide a brief overview of the stream channel condition and likely geomorphic trajectory, (2) detail our proposed wood installation types and methods, and (3) highlight areas in the existing plans and specifications where coordination will be necessary to incorporate these project elements. These recommendations are largely the result of a field reconnaissance performed on the morning of November 1, 2012, following a period of heavy rain. Stream Channel Conditions The Stewart Creek channel flows through Maplewood Park and the project site generally from north to south (Figure 1). The creek enters the property at the outlet of a stormwater pond, and exits via a culvert with a rebar trash rack at the southern park boundary. The channel is typically small through the project reach, with bankfull widths ranging from 3 feet to approximately 10 feet. The widest areas of the creek are typically in disturbed locations where roads or access trails have eroded the banks. Red alder trees line much of the banks, and the tree roots stabilize the bed and bank. Many of these trees along the banks were inundated by high flows during the site reconnaissance. The stream appears to have been channelized in the past, as the current alignment is very straight generally following an old access road south to the outlet culvert near the park boundary. The creek alignment which is visible in a 1936 photo accessed via King County's iMAP system is west of the current creek channel, and oriented along the topographic low area (Figure 2). The pre -development channel was likely smaller than the current channel as it has fonned under forested conditions with less surface runoff reaching the channel. Currently, the channel is straightened and flows due south towards the street end at 148th Place. A number of depressional wetlands occur in the project area and several appear to be in the historical alignment of Stewart Creek. They may have been altered in the past, potentially used as borrow sources. t The stream channel is generally stable, but one vertical `knickpoint I' is apparent approximately 50 feet upstream of the outlet culvert. The stream bed drops approximately 2 vertical feet over about 15 lateral feet. The knickpoint is partially stabilized by tree roots, but is probably actively moving upstream. This feature may have formed as a result of convergence scour near the outlet culvert. Past instabilities in this location are evidenced by a concrete spillway toward 148th Place and an in -channel weir on a smaller tributary channel that enters on the east (or left) bank just upstream from the outlet culvert. Wood is apparent in the channel, but the vast majority is very small (less than 4 inches diameter and 6 feet long). In general terms, the upper reach of channel from the proposed access road north (See Figure 1) is in better condition than the remaining straightened reach. The upper reach flows through an existing wetland, which has reduced access/use. During the storm flows viewed during the site reconnaissance, overbank flows were engaging the adjacent wetland areas, and were often flowing down the trails paralleling the stream channel. The presence of the knickpoint suggests that the channel is responding to the dual disturbances of channelization and changes in hydrologic regime that occurred after the contributing area was developed. The channel is likely on a trajectory to continue incising as the knickpoint travels upstream. This will eventually result in over steepened channel banks and subsequent channel widening, which in this case could also lead to the channel regaining its historical alignment to the west. Stewart Creek does not have substantial stream power through this reach, and the stream flows over highly compacted glacial soils, so this process may take several decades to achieve a new equilibrium condition. Wood Placement Approaches The Large Wood Placement Plan is intended to meet the request of the Muckleshoot Tribe to use all the trees removed during construction as mitigation for aquatic and upland impacts. Construction plans and a tree survey indicate that 31 trees with a diameter greater than 4 inches will be removed as part of the project. The plan proposes to use the downed wood to provide ecological benefits in both the aquatic and upland areas of the project site. The plan has been developed to limit disturbance to the existing site, cost-effectively provide ecological benefits, and to meet the requirements of the existing permits. ESA proposes three general types of wood placement within the study area: (1) hand placement of logs throughout the main channel, (2) machine placement of larger logs in limited locations along the channel and wetlands, and (3) machine placement along the completed pipeline corridor. These approaches are described below. Hand Placement in the Main Channel The hand placement of logs within the active channel will include the placement of log sections that are 8 to 15 feet long and 6 to 12 inches in diameter. Placing larger logs in the channel than currently exist will increase roughness and channel heterogeneity throughout the reach. These logs will promote local scour adjacent to some logs, but will result in overall diffusion of energy that may offset the knickpoint erosion currently occurring. Collections of logs will also capture some sediments as the channel adjusts to overall higher roughness which could help stabilize the knickpoint. These sizes of tree are likely below a `key log' threshold for this stream, but are unlikely to be particularly mobile and are unlikely to increase the threat of clogging the outlet culvert. Clogging or overwhelming the culvert appears to be an existing issue since a concrete apron/spillway has been installed above the outlet. These log placements, despite the relatively small log sizes, will influence high flow hydraulics and may result in channel avulsions in some locations, potentially speeding the channel trajectory toward the historical alignment discussed in the section above. Channel avulsion toward the historical channel alignment in this location would likely occur within the existing wetland and buffer and would result in a more natural channel morphology over 1 Abrupt vertical change in channel bed profile that is typically an erosional feature relating to change in water or sediment delivery. time. However, King County Parks and the City of Renton should understand the potential for the stream to adjust. Carollo should review this potential in relation to the integrity and functioning of the pipeline. The site should be monitored in post -placement years to track channel movement in relation to the outlet culvert, especially if the channel is actively meandering. A buried pipeline is also present under the existing channel and the as -built drawings should be reviewed to determine how deep it is buried in this location. We envision that many log sections of these dimensions can be derived from the cleared trees. The channel through the project area is approximately 800 feet long. To provide good coverage, we would need approximately 30 pieces. Many of the alder that are not large enough to show on the tree survey would likely be able to produce 2 or 3 acceptable pieces each. These log sections would be stockpiled after clearing and would be carried by hand to the stream. We recommend that the placement be supervised by a qualified individual, especially in the section near the existing knickpoint. Alternatively, ESA could perform the placements under a contract amendment. Machine Placement of Larger Logs Some of the larger logs (including the cottonwoods) could be placed in the existing wetlands and in the main stream channel at the main access road crossing. The cottonwoods are likely to re -sprout and should be removed from the pipeline corridor. The log sections overhanging wetlands will provide habitats for amphibians and microtopographic variation for varied plant communities. The machine placement would only occur along the existing access road to avoid additional clearing in the riparian corridor. Machine placement includes some larger sections of wood in the stream at the access road location to add cover and complexity to the stream crossing location. Machine Placement along Pipeline Corridor The remainder of the logs could be stockpiled during construction then placed in random configurations to cover the area along the pipeline corridor as the excavator leaves the alignment. Placement of wood in the pipeline corridor is consistent with the planting plan for the corridor. Plantings would be placed around the wood so no changes to the planting plan other than a note will be required. The logs placed in upland areas will provide ecological functioning by providing habitat, supporting the nutrient cycle, and increasing surface roughness. The wood placement will also result in microtopographic variations that will support vegetation community development and interspersion. As noted above, cottonwoods should not be placed in this area. The smaller shrubs and trees cleared could be mulched and used on site to stabilize the planting areas. Permitting Implications The plan has been developed to minimize the need to modify the project permits. The Section 404 permit from the Corps of Engineers should not need to be altered because the wood placement would not occur in the channel or in wetlands. The King County permits are also not likely to require revisions, but the City should coordinate with King County parks about the proposed plan. The Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) for the project may need to be amended to include in -stream placement of wood. When directed by the client, ESA will contact the Area Habitat Biologist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to discuss potential amendments and will amend the HPA as necessary. Adjustments Needed to the Construction Set Some adjustments will need to be made to the construction plan set to accommodate the wood placement plan. ESA has identified the following elements that would need to be addressed in the construction set to accomplish the wood placement project elements: 1. The Clearing specification would need to be customized to allow for the stockpiling of the logs and separation and processing of logs to be used in the machine and hand placement. 2. Stockpile locations should be called out on plans. 3. Limit of work boundaries may need to be adjusted. 3 A plan sheet should be added in the L series to show general log placements and typical details. These would be developed to a point that conveys the approach and overall numbers of logs for bidding purposes, but would not specifically locate every log placement. 5. Notes should be added that placements of wood would be field directed, if this approach is acceptable. 6. Mulch requirements and placement areas should be added, if desired. Other minor notes or alterations may be necessary to meet the revised HPA conditions. / ' \ I ^ EASEMENT NEKT N = 177929.78 rTYF, / E = 73765961t \ I i /r/ SEE SHEET C-06 r" — — LIMITSOF — — — — — — \ _ CONSTRUCTION / I 10' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT nYP) 7 r i E a 1316628.21 / / E • 1316764 21 N - 17745138 E _ +.3 /T�/ / I — / / / — — — — — — — — — I — I SEE SHEET C-P / �— — — EAST RENTON — — — — — LL — — — — f j — — �- —J I ACCESS ROAD — — — / LIFT STATION -- FACILITY BRIAR HILLS /� ( / E = 76r,8a 76 = I ' E = 13' �i7?T.7J No 4 7 ) N • ? 7740872 / N a 177602.91 / / ®I 1 N = 17632' 6 / — EEC ' E • 13t6777.18 �� /{— E = 1316728.1� `( i '.4?Ir. PL ``E I I �J I E=1316818.47 N•177612.94 E • 1316819.79 N • 177449.14 1 E • 1316844.86 N a 1 77422.27 a E - 1316844.22 — 1 LEGEND Limits of Construction Expansion — LWD Stockpile Area LWD - With Rootwad LWD - Without Rootwad Small Woody Debris (To be handplaced) SOURCE: Pace Engineers, Inc, 2011: Carollo, 2011: ESA, 2012. 0 20 40 80 Z Scale in Feet A PARKSIDE COURT N - 178282.36 N = 178349.50 E = 1316495.53 \� • E • 1316495.85 SEE SHEET C-05 T \ \ I F:1� / / 1I"SS 3 � G-oe 1 I ` I L-------—-11------I MAPLEWOOD At !III ESTATES f I i J / N • 176329.69 E = 131704235 1 / 1 / N - 178314.46 / E - 1317054.44 GENERAL NOTES: A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 201.19 IDENTIFIES TREES 61NCHES DBH AND LARGER NOT ALL TREES AND SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN. LIMITS OF WETLANDS AND STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. B. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND AVOID DIRECT WETLAND DISTURBANCE. C ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. D. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN Si AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT.CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT STATION AND ACCESS TO ALL OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL TIMES E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS BASED ON RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AFFECTED BY THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. F. INSTALL BURIED PIPE IN ACORDAhGE WITH CITY STANDARD PLAN 405. BACKFILL PIPELINE BETWEEN STA 0+75 AND STA 3+50 AND STA 8+60 AND STA 10+39WITH GRAVEL BORROW PER SECTION "3.1411I. BACKFRL ALL OTHER PIPELINE WITH NATi MATERIAL WHERE SUITABLE REMOVE ROCKS AND OTHER DEBRIS 41NCHES AND LARGER OTHERWISE. BACKFILL WITH GRAVEL BORROW. COMPACT TO 92% MOO BETWEEN STA 1«); AND STA 8+58, AND 95% MDD PER ASTM D1557 FOR AL'.. OIHER PIPELINE. G. PIPELINE EXCAVATIONS SRALL BE CLOSED UP OR PROTECTED PER SECTION 1-07.23(11 AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY KEY NOTES: SEE PLAN FOR BYPASS PUMP114G DETAILS. 2 PROVIDE TEMPORARY CHAIN LINK CATES WITH DO NG ENTER. CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AT ALL SITE ACCESS LDCAMNS. LOCK GATES AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. OPROVIDE TRACER WIRE AND UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE PER SUB -SECTION 10.15052. SEE DWGS C-058 G36 FOR TRACING WIRE STATION DETAILS. V UPON FINAL COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO SCARIFY EXIST GRADE FROM STA 1+00 TO PAVEMENT AT 148TH PL SE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND COVER WITH 21NCHES CERTIFIED WEED -FREE STRAW. OPROVIDE UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE PER SUB -SECTION 10.15052. WOOD PLACEMENT NOTES: 1. All felled trees shall be placed on site. 2. Woody debris of the type shown in the Large Wood Placement Plan (LWPP) and identified by the Project Representative in the field shall be salvaged and stockpiled as shown in the LWPP. 3. A designated Project Representative shall be onsite during woody debris installation to direct the appropriate placement. DRAFT East Renton Lift Station Elimination . 210349 Figure 1-1 Large Wood Placement Plan Renton, Washington November 2012 •V ! rye. •,� : ��;,� +'�` , w� r`�,. ��, 'Renton ;�.' :•,� 07 'J4, Vr•f �i �sr�s sir;r.si SE 211 T ✓ r. r _ t, a �. ,.� � - ., � � ,r. � • j.. >r 2 ..: T ✓' si ! SE.1:15T11.5T - —,k�-' � t s++•' i __ - . �� J 1936 ALIGNMENT • ' ' •• CURRENT CREEK r, !�. ALIGNMENT (AP 'ROX.) �� s OUTLET CULVERT . � r P t • � .t'yi.. "� � •.2 .:,A1/"�'• '! ..• �. w� r,'�r }air . � .i••� • gr.. )aTy a� . ; •� . A 1 • /�� CA ftb lvt r. +ai! tat ♦. ♦t.- k 1iiA �" yr t ` R �. g 1C 12006 Kmg County p ' O95ft. a 0 County Boundary Streets 1936 B/W Aerial Photos o x Mountain Peaks Highway Highways Arterials kf Incoporated Area Local The information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King li County makes no representations or wartannes. express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information LL This document is not Intended for use as a survey product King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect. incidental, or consequential AA c damages including, but not limited to. lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of King �� County 2 this map or information on this map is prohibited except by written permission of King County ^ l a w Date. 11/1/2012 Source. King County iMAP - Property Information (http //wwwmetrokc gov/GIS/iMAP) East Renton Lift Station . 210349 SOURCE: King County MAP - Property Information (http://www.metrokc.gov/GIS/iMAP, 111112012. Figure 2 Stewart Creek 1936 Aerial Photograph King County, Washington Washinpn Department of FISH and WILDLIFE PERMIT # 11-090 Page 1 of 3 WASHINGTON STATE SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION PERMIT Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Attn: SCP 600 Capitol Way North Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 902-2464 RCW 77-32-240, WAC 220-20-045. Permit holder is authorized to collect fish, shellfish, wildlife, or the nests of birds, as provided herein and under the Permit Conditions for: ❑ Display ❑ Research ❑ Electrofishing ❑ Education ® Stream Assessment .❑ Scientific Investigation Starting Date: March 15, 2011 Expiration Date: July 15, 2011 Permit Holder: David M. Christensen Birthday: N/A Agency: City of Renton Address: 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Telephone: 425-430-7332 Email: Dchristen@rentonwa.gov Sub -Permit Holder(s): Steven R. Krueger Species: Number: Location and Method of Collection: Unknown species use <100 King County- electrofishing. Coast cutthroat trout All fish to be identified, enumerated, & released following capture. Three -spine stickleback scul ins GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS: 1. A Scientific Collection Permit is non -transferable. 2. A copy of this permit must be in the possession of any person exercising the privileges authorized by this permit. 3. The Permit Holder is responsible for ensuring that all Sub -Permit Holders are qualified and experienced to conduct the specified activities and comply with all conditions of this permit. Only those Sub -Permit Holder(s) listed on the permit are authorized to engage in permitted activities. 4. Please note that compliance with Scientific Collection Permit requirements and permit conditions does not ensure compliance with federal, local, or other state laws. Collection of state or federal endangered or threatened species, state sensitive species, or state or federal candidate species is prohibited unless specifically authorized in this permit. Collection of gah a birds or game animals is prohibited unless specifically authorized in this permit. Collection of migratory birds, marine mammals, and any species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act may require a federal permit before collecting. For any collection/research activity of marine mammals and/or federally -protected anadromous and marine fish species, etc., contact NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service at htto://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/endanizered.htm or 503-230-5400. For any collection/research activity of migratory birds, resident fish species (bull trout) and/or federally -protected wildlife, contact U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at httl2:Henddneered.fws.gov or 360-753-9440. 5. This permit does not authorize collection from non-WDFW protected lands or waters (may include but not exclusive to: parks, reserves, refuges, natural areas, conservation areas, tribal lands, monuments, etc.). This permit does not authorize trespassing 1 on private or restricted public lands. Additional permits issued by landowners/managers may be required. 6. No collection shall occur in WDFW conservation and wildlife areas or marine preserves, unless otherwise specified in this permit. 7. Specimens acquired under this permit remain the property of the state and will not be offered for sale or sold or used for commercial purposes or human consumption. Exchange or transfer of specimens, unless otherwise specified in this permit, requires prior written approval from the Director of WDFW. 8. Employees of WDFW have the right to inspect the collection activities authorized by this permit. 9. Vessels engaged in collection activities shall display a sign "RESEARCH," readable at 100 feet to unaided vision. 10. Permit Holders using unattended equipment must have attached to that equipment, a tag clearly marked with the permit number and name and current address of the Permit Holder. The address used may be that of the organization the Permit Holder represents, e.g., university, company, or corporation. 11. Permit Holders are prohibited from using anesthetics at times and in places where fish may be subject to "catch and keep" fisheries within 21 days. Irritants or poisons are prohibited at all times. 12. Unless otherwise specified in this permit, release of spechens is allowed only at the exact capture site immediately after - capture. Release of fish and marine and freshwater invertebrates at any other site or time requires a transport, release, or planting permit. The conditions of this permit may specify that no release of certain specimens is allowed. Contact WDFW Fish Program (360-902-2700) or Wildlife Program (360-902-2515) for further information. 13. Reporting Requirements: Reports must be submitted to WDFW upon completion of the display or research project, and must be received no later than 60 days after the expiration of the permit. All reports submitted to WDFW shall include Permit Holder's name and permit number. ❑ For anadromous fish -and freshwater collections, the report shall include the 1) Date of collection; 2) Species name (for invertebrates, to the lowest taxonomic level possible); 3) Numbers of each species encountered and/or retained; 4) Location of each sample site, including county, water body, and latitude/longitude or GPS coordinates; 5) Disposition of specimens. This information is to be recorded at each capture site and includes ALL species encountered (or impacted by the collection activity) even if not retained or meant for the study. ❑ For marine collections, the report shall include the 1) Date of collection; 2) Species name (to the lowest taxonomic level possible); 3) Numbers of each species encountered and/or retained; 4) Location of each sample site, including county, water body, and latitude/longitude or GPS coordinates; 5) Disposition of specimens. This information is to be recorded at each capture site and includes ALL classified and unclassified species encountered (or impacted by the collection activity) even if not retained or meant for the study. IN ADDITION, for: • Rock scallops (Crassodoma gigantea) include: specific location, mortality of any rock scallop during collection, exact position and depth of specimens collected, and shell length measured from edge to edge at the widest part of the shell. • Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) include: specific location, individual weight, depth, and sex of octopus taken. • Geoduck (Panopea abrupta) include: specific location, gear used, depth, and individual weight of geoducks taken. ❑ For wildlife collections, the report shall include the 1) Date of collection; 2) Species name (common and scientific) with number collected, number released, and disposition of retained individuals; 3) Location of collection, with one or more of the following: legal description (Township, Range, Section, and 1/4 and 1/16 Section), map with location indicated, UTM coordinates, or latitude/longitude coordinates. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: SCP shall not be valid for the take of ESA -listed species unless permit holder has obtained all necessary federal ESA take authorization(s) (A Section 7 or 10 must be attached to be valid in the State of Washington) and a copy of the permit(s) or permit number(s) must be provided to Bruce Baker (360.902.2764 or Bruce.BakerL,dfw.wa.gov). An annual report is required, indicating the numbers of each targeted and non -targeted species collected, the location of their capture, the method of capture, the date of capture, and the disposition of these specimens. This information is to be recorded at the capture site, and the report shall be submitted to WDFW within 60 days of project completion. PA Non -target species must be returned immediately to the water in a fashion that will not injure them or cause mortality. SCP does not allow for trespassing on private property. No collecting is allowed on private property without approval from the landowner. Electrofishing shall be conducted in such a manner as to minimize injury to the primary species of interest as well as all associated non -target species while adhering to the attached Electrofishing Guidelines. Permit holder shall avoid electrofishing spawning female salmonids, in identified bull trout habitat, or areas with redds. As per Washington State Forest Practices Board Manual, Section 13, electrofishing above man-made barriers needs prior approval from the Washington Department of Natural Resources in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Ecology, and any affected tribes. At least 96 hours prior to initiating any fish collection activities, the permit holder shall notify both the appropriate regional forest and fish biologist and district fish biologist (see attached lists) of specific sampling sites and collection locations. This is necessary to avoid compromising other aquatic monitoring and research activities in the basin. Permit holder must not use MS-222 at times and in places where fish may be subject to "catch and keep" fisheries within 21 days. Clove oil may not be used at all. The undersigned agrees to comply with the general and special conditions of this Scientific Collection Permit, and agrees to file a final report within 60 days of the expiration date of the permit. ' 1 I igt ature of W • W tepresentative ate THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED OR MODIFIED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DIRECTOR OR THE DIRECTOR'S DESIGNEE. 3 �• �� sic.. ' � � � !, � ore fo r * � � • �»�. �' tee! 44 �� Sri 'a �." -11►1 7 F � ems` '� � + `1 'r - ► ` �'� �f East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT SITE.............................................................................................................................1 2.1 WETLANDS........................................................................................................................................... 1 2.2 STREAMS..............................................................................................................................................2 2.3 BUFFER CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................2 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION..........................................................................................................3 3.1 PURPOSE...............................................................................................................................................3 3.2 CONSTRUCTION....................................................................................................................................3 3.2.1 New Pipeline..........................................................................................................................3 3.2.2 Construction Equipment and Access......................................................................................5 3.2.3 Best Management Practices..................................................................................................5 3.2.4 Schedule.................................................................................................................................6 3.3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE...........................................................................................................6 4.0 IMPACTS....................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 STREAM DEWATERING..........................................................................................................................6 4.2 TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT CROSSING AND PIPELINE TRENCHING ACROSS STREAM ................................6 4.3 PIPE INSTALLATION IN BUFFER AREAS..................................................................................................7 4.4 TREE REMOVAL....................................................................................................................................8 5.0 MITIGATION PLAN.................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION..........................................................................................................8 5.2 STREAM RESTORATION.........................................................................................................................8 5.2.1 Streambanks..........................................................................................................................8 5.2.2 Stream Channel (Bed)............................................................................................................9 5.3 BUFFER RESTORATION AND TREE REPLACEMENT................................................................................9 5.4 LARGE WOOD.....................................................................................................................................10 6.0 GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS..........................................10 7.0 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE...................................................................................12 7.1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION...........................................................................................................................12 7.2 POST -CONSTRUCTION AND BEFORE PLANT INSTALLATION................................................................. 12 7.3 As -BUILT INSPECTION.........................................................................................................................12 7.4 PERFORMANCE MONITORING.............................................................................................................. 13 7.5 MONITORING REPORTS.......................................................................................................................14 7.6 MAINTENANCE AND CORRECTIVE ACTION......................................................................................... 15 8.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN.............................................................................................................15 9.0 LIMITATIONS............................................................................................................................16 10.0 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................16 FIGURES...................................................................................................................................................17 APPENDIX A: March 2013 PLAN SHEETS...........................................................................................1 ESA page i March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Vegetation Success Criteria — Upland Buffer and Stewart Creek Riparian Area .........................11 Table2. Monitoring Program.....................................................................................................................13 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1— Vicinity Map Figure 2 — Streams, Wetlands and Buffers Figure 3 — Site Plan page ii ESA March 2013 P-; East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan 1.0 INTRODUCTION At the request of Carollo Engineers and the City of Renton Public Works Department, ESA prepared this stream and buffer mitigation plan for the East Renton Lift Station Elimination project located in King County and Renton, Washington. The project is to install a new sewer pipe through Maplewood Park to convey wastewater via gravity flow to an existing sewer main located south of the park. An existing pump station north of the park would be removed. ESA delineated streams and wetlands and prepared a critical area report for the project site in spring 2009. That report has since been updated to reflect current regulatory requirements. Detailed descriptions of site conditions including the onsite stream and wetlands are provided in the East Renton Lift Station Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study (ESA, 2011). This mitigation plan has been prepared in accordance with King County Code (KCC) requirements and guidelines for mitigating impacts to streams and buffer areas (King County, 2007). This plan is also intended to meet state and federal requirements for mitigating impacts to streams. The plan summarizes site conditions, describes the proposed project, explains project impacts, and describes stream restoration activities. A proposed maintenance and monitoring program and a contingency plan for the mitigation area are also included. 2.0 PROJECT SITE The project site is located on a plateau on the north side of the Cedar River valley, within Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA 8) — Cedar/Sammamish River drainage. The project site includes an existing sewer lift station north of Maplewood Park in the city of Renton, and a proposed new sewer pipeline running south of the lift station through the park, which is in unincorporated King County (Figure 1). The northern boundary of the park forms the city -county boundary. The existing lift station is located on a fenced gravel pad at the end of a gravel access road extending from SE Second Court. The park contains young, mixed conifer -deciduous forest crossed by unpaved foot trails. There is evidence of other past disturbance including an old concrete building foundation. Numerous underground and overhead utilities are present along the proposed pipeline corridor alignment. A stream (Stewart Creek) flows through the study area from north to south. Several wetlands are associated with the stream, as discussed below. 2.1 Wetlands ESA identified seven wetlands on the project site, designated as Wetlands A through G (Figure 2) (ESA, 2011). ESA rated the wetlands using the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (Hruby, 2004). Each of the wetlands received a rating of Category II and requires a buffer ESA page 1 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan of 140 feet under King County Code (KCC) 21A.24.325.A.1. No wetlands are located north of the park in the city of Renton's jurisdiction. 2.2 Streams ESA also delineated two streams on the site (Figure 2). Stewart Creek flows from north to south through the project site. A small unnamed tributary joins Stewart Creek north of Wetland G. Neither stream supports fish (ESA, 2011). Stewart Creek enters the northern end of the study area via a plastic culvert. The Stewart Creek stream channel averages approximately five feet wide, with portions of the channel in the northern part of the park up to 10 feet in width. Stewart Creek exits the south end of the park via a grated concrete culvert. The stream is piped for approximately 0.3 mile south of Maplewood Park, then enters an open channel and flows another 0.45 mile before joining the Cedar River. The tributary to Stewart Creek is three feet wide with a gravel bottom and appears to have formed as a result of overbank flows from the main stream. The riparian area along both Stewart Creek and the tributary consists of native forest and wetlands. Both streams meet the King County criteria for Type N streams with a buffer of 65 feet (KCC 21A.24.358). Stewart Creek begins south of the park boundary and both streams are in King County jurisdiction. 2.3 Buffer Conditions The portion of the stream and wetland buffers extending into City of Renton jurisdiction (Figure 2) consists mostly of gravel -surfaced access road and the existing fenced and graveled pump station area. Limited vegetation consisting largely of shrubs and red alder saplings is present around two detention ponds north of the access road and pump station. Within Maplewood Park in King County jurisdiction, the stream and wetland buffers (Figure 2) consist of native, mixed conifer and deciduous forest, and cleared areas dominated by invasive vegetation. Native forest vegetation dominates most of the site, with invasive species present mainly at the north and south site boundaries and along foot trails. Within the native forest, dominant trees include red alder, black cottonwood, Douglas fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar. The forest community is fairly young, although some of the Douglas fir trees are older based on their large size. Understory species include salal, snowberry, salmonberry, Oregon grape, and sword fern. Portions of the forest are open and parklike, while a dense understory is present in other areas. Unpaved foot trails parallel the stream and branch off into the rest of the park. The invasive herbaceous species herb Robert is present along the foot trails. The southern portion of the buffers within Maplewood Park has been disturbed by past clearing and grading. Soils in this area are compacted, and the vegetation is dominated by non-native invasive Page 2 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan species such as Himalayan blackberry and Scot's broom, as well as native trailing blackberry. Immediately south of Maplewood Park, the buffer area consists of residential development and 148th Place SE (Figure 2). 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Purpose The East Renton Lift Station, operated by the City of Renton, is approximately 10 years old. It is located north of Maplewood Park near the end of the NE 2nd Court cul-de-sac (Figure 2). The lift station serves to pump sewage from nearby residential neighborhoods (Maplewood Estates, Parkside Court, Shy Creek, Liberty Ridge, and others for a service area of approximately 430 acres) to the gravity sewer system located near N.E. 4th Street. The City of Renton prefers to serve customers via a gravity sewer pipeline, rather than a lift station whenever feasible. A gravity system eliminates electricity costs for pumping and equipment maintenance, which greatly reduces annual Operation and Maintenance (0&M) costs. Based on topographic survey data, conversion to a gravity system is possible at this location by crossing through an undeveloped portion of Maplewood Park and connecting to the Briar Hills Division No. 4 sewer system to the south. Conversion to a gravity sewer system involves installation of a new sewer pipeline crossing Maplewood Park, and removal of the existing lift station north of the park. 3.2 Construction ESA met with City of Renton, King County, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) representatives in the spring of 2011 to discuss the project and permitting requirements. The main point of discussion was whether a trenched crossing of the onsite stream (Stewart Creek) would be permitted. ESA determined that Stewart Creek does not support fish (ESA, 2011). Based on these findings, WDFW indicated that a trenched crossing of the stream would be allowed (Fisher pers. comm., 2011). This is consistent with direction given by King County at the January 25, 2011 pre -application meeting. The project has therefore been designed with a trenched stream crossing. 3.2.1 New Pipeline The new pipeline will consist of approximately 1,030 linear feet of 12-inch-diameter and 15-inch- diameter pipe (Figure 3). The new pipe will be installed using open trenches. Trench excavations ranging from 3 to 10 feet deep would be required to maintain the desired gradient along the alignment. In addition, the existing lift station structure will be demolished. The following general sequence of construction activities is anticipated for pipe installation. 1. Mark limits of 30-foot corridor through Maplewood Park. ESA page 3 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan 2. Survey and mark remaining construction limits. 3. Install TESC measures in 148th Place SE and temporary fencing and gates throughout project limits. 4. Remove existing 8-inch-diameter gravity sewer and existing 48-inch-diameter Manhole 5314 086 and install 15-inch diameter gravity sewer and new 60-inch-diameter Manhole 5314 086 in 148th Place SE. 5. Confirm operation of new 15-inch-diameter gravity sewer by television inspection, air test and inspection of manholes with channeling. 6. Perform asphalt overlay in 148th Place SE. 7. Relocate fencing to facilitate work in area of East Renton Lift Station. 8. Clear and grub 30-foot corridor through Maplewood Park and install remaining TESC measures for installation of the gravity pipelines. 9. Temporarily divert stream flow by bypass pumping and install temporary stream crossing. 10. Install 15-inch-diameter gravity sewer in Maplewood Park from new Manhole 5314 086 to existing Manhole 5314 079, 11. Install 12-inch-diameter gravity sewer between existing Manholes 5314 079 and 5314 080. , 12. Confirm operation of new 15-inch and 12-inch-diameter gravity sewer by television inspection and air test. 13. Install temporary wastewater bypass pumping systems and test. 14. Temporarily plug influent pipelines to East Renton Lift Station and commence bypass pumping. 15. Perform existing Manhole 5314 079 and 5314 080 improvements and abandon existing 12-inch- diameter gravity sewer. 16. Inspect manhole channeling. 17. Decommission bypass pumping systems and pipeline plugs, and commence gravity sewer operation. 18. Decommission and demolish existing lift station facilities. 19. Construct miscellaneous site improvements at East Renton Lift Station site. 20. Remove temporary stream crossing, and construct site and streambank restoration. 21. Perform mitigation planting and large woody debris placement. Page 4 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan. 3.2.2 Construction Equipment and Access The City anticipates using the following equipment to construct the project: backhoe, trackhoe, bulldozer, dump truck, concrete truck, and 5 to 10 HP submersible pumps. Construction equipment and materials will be staged on the existing gravel access road north of the park and on the roadway surface of 148th Place SE south of the park, at least 30 feet away from streams and wetlands (Figure 3). Construction equipment and workers will access the work area from the gravel access road and from 148`h Place SE. A temporary crossing consisting of quarry spall (riprap) will be installed to allow equipment to cross Stewart Creek (Figure 3). 3.2.3 Best Management Practices Clearing of vegetation within the pipeline corridor, trenching to install the pipe, and other construction activities will disturb soils and could cause minor, temporary erosion and sedimentation. Increased erosion and sedimentation could result in a short-term increase in turbidity in the onsite stream or wetlands. As with any construction project, there is potential for water quality contamination due to accidental spills of hydraulic fluid or other materials. The following erosion control measures and construction best management practices (BMPs) would be used to avoid and minimize these temporary impacts: • As part of the project's Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) plan, install silt fence along the construction corridor to protect nearby wetlands from sedimentation (see Sheet C-02, Appendix A). • Temporarily bypass the onsite stream prior to trenching the pipe across the stream or installing the temporary stream crossing for equipment. • Place straw, mulch, or commercially available erosion control blankets in areas that require additional protection. • Revegetate disturbed areas as soon as possible after completion of construction. • Maintain construction equipment in good working order, free of leaks of fuel, hydraulic fluids, or other chemicals. • Keep fueling and equipment maintenance areas within designated staging areas and away from streams and wetlands. • In the unlikely event that a construction accident or spill releases contaminants into waterways or the surrounding environment, BMPs (such as oil booms and adsorbent pillows) would be employed and utilized to contain and minimize the spill. • Route all water from trench dewatering to the existing sanitary sewer system in accordance with permit requirements. ESA page 5 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan 3.2.4 Schedule The City intends to construct the project in the summer/fall of 2013. Construction is anticipated to last approximately three months (July 1 to September 30, 2013). 3.3 Operation and Maintenance The new pipeline will be located underground, with manholes for maintenance access (e.g., cleaning the pipe). No other operation or maintenance activities are anticipated following project construction. 4.0 IMPACTS This section describes proposed impacts to streams and stream/wetland buffers during project construction. No wetland impacts would occur. Tree removal in the buffer is also discussed. Section 5 provides a mitigation plan for these impacts. 4.1 Stream Dewatering Stewart Creek will be temporarily diverted to protect water quality and aquatic life during in -stream work. For this project, in -stream work will include installation of a temporary equipment crossing, and trenching of the new sewer pipe across the stream. To divert streamflows, cofferdams will be placed in the stream channel, both upstream and downstream of the work area, encompassing the locations of both the temporary equipment crossing and the adjacent pipeline trench (see Sheet C-08, Appendix A). Streamflow will be pumped from above the upstream cofferdam into a temporary flexible pipe. Flows will be discharged from the flexible pipe back to the stream, at a location downstream of the lower cofferdam. The temporary equipment crossing will then be constructed while the streamflow is being diverted by the pump. A culvert will be installed through the temporary equipment crossing, extending from the upper cofferdam, through the culvert, to a point downstream of the lower cofferdam (see Sheet C-07, Appendix A). Once the culvert is in place, flows will be diverted through the culvert and the pump will be removed. The temporary equipment crossing and culvert will remain in place throughout the construction period. This will serve to isolate the work area from streamflows and minimize sedimentation in the stream. The quantities of streamflow to be diverted around the work area are unknown. However, the City intends to construct the project during the dry season, during low flows. Stewart Creek does not support fish, based on ESA observations (ESA, 2011). 4.2 Temporary Equipment Crossing and Pipeline Trenching across Stream A temporary crossing of Stewart Creek will be installed to allow equipment access from both ends of the work area (north and south). The temporary equipment crossing will be located within the 30-foot- wide construction corridor, adjacent to the new pipeline crossing of the stream, to minimize Page 6 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan disturbance of the streambed and banks (see Sheet C-07, Appendix A). The temporary crossing will consist of quarry spall with a coarse aggregate covering placed within the stream channel for equipment to drive over. A culvert placed under the quarry spall will carry streamflow through the work area until construction is complete, as discussed above. The new sewer pipeline would be installed across Stewart Creek using a trenched crossing immediately east of the temporary equipment crossing (see Sheet C-07, Appendix A). In general, the pipeline trench will be 4 feet wide but could be up to 10 feet wide depending on the side slopes needed at the top of the trench. The pipe would have a minimum 5 feet depth of cover at the stream crossing (see Sheet C- 05, Appendix A). For purposes of mitigation planning, it is assumed the entire 30-foot width of the construction corridor would be temporarily disturbed at the stream crossing. The equipment crossing and pipe trench will be located where an existing foot trail crosses Stewart Creek. The existing trail crossing is 8 to 10 feet wide and devoid of vegetation. The project would require the removal of some native riparian vegetation beyond the existing foot trail width, resulting in a minor and temporary loss of wildlife habitat and shading for the stream. The stream channel of Stewart Creek at the crossing location is 5 to 15 feet wide (see Sheet C-07, Appendix A). Approximately 437 square feet of the streambed would be temporarily disturbed by the equipment crossing and pipeline trench. This part of the stream would not be available for use by aquatic species such as benthic macroinvertebrates for the duration of construction (up to three months). Aquatic species would be able to move through the construction area via the temporary culvert. Following construction and pipeline installation, the temporary crossing will be removed, and the streambed and banks will be restored and revegetated as described in Section 5. 4.3 Pipe Installation in Buffer Areas Construction of the new sewer pipeline will require clearing a corridor 30 feet wide and approximately 760 feet long through Maplewood Park. The pipeline trench within the corridor will be up to 10 feet wide and 3 to 10 feet deep. The remaining width of the 30-foot corridor would be used for equipment access and stockpiling of materials. Construction will affect 21,948 square feet (0.5 acre) of stream buffer and wetland buffer within Maplewood Park (Figure 3). Impacts within the park will include clearing of native vegetation, soil disturbance to excavate the trench for the pipeline, and soil compaction by construction equipment. Buffer areas outside of the park that would be affected by the project are currently paved or gravel -surfaced. Approximately two-thirds of the affected buffer area within the park (the northern portion) currently consists of native forest vegetation. The southern one-third of the construction corridor in the park, south of Wetland C, is dominated by non-native invasive vegetation (e.g., Himalayan blackberry). Of the 21,948 square feet of buffer impact in the park, 2,736 square feet is currently occupied by foot trails ESA page 7 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan and will be restored to foot trails following construction. Approximately 915 square feet at the north and south ends of the construction corridor within the park is currently unvegetated or grassy and will be reseeded following construction. Removal of native vegetation will reduce the buffer's function in providing wildlife habitat and screening from human disturbance. When construction is complete, the construction corridor will be revegetated as described in Section 5. 4.4 Tree Removal Construction of the new pipeline will require the removal of 31 trees, mostly large Douglas -fir with some big -leaf maple and red alder (see Sheet C-03, Appendix A). Trees will be replaced at a 3:1 ratio by installing new trees along the construction corridor as described in Section 5. In addition, some of the felled trees will be reused as habitat logs onsite. 5.0 MITIGATION PLAN This section first describes mitigation sequencing measures the City has followed to avoid and minimize impacts to critical areas. It then describes proposed measures to restore Stewart Creek and stream/wetland buffer areas temporarily affected by construction. Drawing sheets referenced in this section are provided in Appendix A. 5.1 Avoidance and Minimization King County, the City of Renton, the Corps, and Ecology require that impacts to critical areas must be avoided and minimized to the extent possible. The location of the proposed project is constrained by the need to make connections to the existing sewer main. The proposed pipeline alignment was selected to avoid impacts to wetlands and to follow an existing utility corridor and foot trails to the extent possible. Avoiding impacts to buffer areas by located the pipeline farther to the east or west would have required a longer pipeline traversing a larger area of native forest, resulting in greater impacts to trees and wildlife habitat. 5.2 Stream Restoration 5.2.1 Streambanks Following construction, the quarry spalls and culvert placed in Stewart Creek for the temporary equipment crossing will be removed. The streambanks will be stabilized with coir logs and coir blankets, and then planted with native shrub live stakes (Sheets L-02 and L-03). Live stakes (cuttings) will be installed after October 1 and prior to December 31 of the year of pipeline installation. A foot Page 8 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan path 8 to 10 feet wide surfaced with wood chips will be maintained on both sides of the stream, similar to existing conditions. 5.2.2 Stream Channel (Bed) Following installation of the new pipeline across the stream, the trench will be backfilled with a minimum five feet depth of cover over the pipe. The trench backfill material and cut-off walls in the trench are designed to prevent surface flows in the stream channel from dispersing into the trench (Sheets C-07 and C-08). Appropriate material will be added over the trench to restore the streambed substrate. 5.3 Buffer Restoration and Tree Replacement The 30-foot-wide construction corridor within Maplewood Park will be revegetated when the project is complete. Ten feet of this corridor width will be replanted with native tree species. King County requires trees removed for the project to be replaced at a 3:1 ratio (Casey pers. comm.). A total of 103 trees will be planted along the construction corridor to replace the 31 trees removed, slightly exceeding the County's requirements (Sheet L-02). The remaining 20 feet of the corridor width_ will be replanted with native shrubs; trees will not be planted in this area to avoid tree root damage to the sewer pipe. Tree and shrub species to be installed will be upland species that are dominant in this part of Maplewood Park. A foot path 8 to 10 feet wide, similar to the existing path, will be maintained and surfaced with wood chips (Sheet L-02). Streambanks that are disturbed by construction will be replanted with live stakes (Sheets L-02 and L-03). The pipeline trench in buffer areas will be backfilled with pipe bedding material to meet engineering requirements. A layer of topsoil and organic compost approximately 18 inches deep will be placed over the gravel to provide a substrate for plant establishment (Sheet C-08). Woodchip mulch will be placed around the base of each tree and shrub to suppress weeds and retain moisture. In areas between the woody plantings (not treated with woodchip mulch), an herbaceous seed mix will be applied to prevent erosion of bare soil and reduce infestation by non-native invasive plant species. Restoration plantings will be installed during the rainy season (typically October 1— March 1). This will allow time for plant roots to become established prior to summer drought conditions. The landscape contractor will be responsible for irrigation of the plantings to ensure plant survival for one year following installation. Watering will likely be accomplished via a water truck. Outside of Maplewood Park, the pipe would be installed in existing paved or gravel -surfaced areas. These areas do not provide buffer functions to onsite streams or wetlands. These affected areas will be restored to pre -construction conditions. ESA page 9 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan 5.4 Large Wood To further enhance habitat conditions on the site, large wood will be salvaged from construction areas and installed on the site (Sheet L-01). Larger logs will be installed along the restored construction corridor, while smaller wood pieces will be placed along Stewart Creek. 6.0 GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS This section provides goals, objectives, and performance standards for the restoration project. The goal is to restore Stewart Creek and buffer areas temporarily impacted by construction of the East Renton Lift Station Elimination project. This is assumed to occur through achievement of the following objectives: • Revegetate approximately 18,467 square feet of upland buffer in the construction corridor with a native vegetation community similar to that existing in adjacent areas of Maplewood Park, while allowing for continued use of a foot path through the park; • Revegetate areas of the streambank along Stewart Creek that are affected by the temporary equipment crossing to a native tree/shrub riparian community, while allowing for continued use of a foot path across the stream; and • Ensure the stability of the streambed and banks where the pipeline crosses Stewart Creek. The restoration areas will be monitored for success for a minimum of three years following complete installation per King County requirements (Casey, pers. comm.). Specific performance standards and success criteria have been developed to determine whether the restoration plan has met these goals and objectives. The restoration plan will be deemed successful if the following performance standards and success criteria have been met. Buffer and Riparian Vegetation To determine if vegetative diversity, vegetation cover, and habitat complexity are developing, the success criteria shown in Table 1 apply to the buffer and riparian restoration areas. Pipeline Crossing Stability To determine whether the pipeline crossing of Stewart Creek is stable, the following standards will apply: • No evidence of streambank erosion or settling of the streambed over the pipeline crossing. • Coir logs and blanket installed on streambanks remain in place. • Gravel, cobbles, or other natural substrate will be present in the streambed over the pipeline trench. Page 10 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan Table 1. Vegetation Success Criteria — Upland Buffer and Stewart Creek Riparian Area Criteria Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Vegetation Cover At least 40% cover by native At least 50% cover by native At least 60% cover by native herbaceous species including herbaceous species including herbaceous species including desirable native volunteer desirable native volunteer desirable native volunteer species in areas not treated with species in areas not treated with species in areas not treated wood fiber mulch. wood fiber mulch. with wood fiber mulch. At least 10% total native woody At least 25% total native woody cover including desirable native cover including desirable native volunteer species. volunteer species. Vegetation Survival 100% survival of installed 80% survival of installed woody 80% survival of installed woody woody plants as determined by plants within representative plants within representative comprehensive plant count plots. plots. (contractor's guarantee period). Invasive Species Non-native invasive species Same as Year 1. Same as Year 1. cover will not exceed a total of 10% across the mitigation areas. This includes, at a minimum, King County -listed Class A noxious weeds and reed canarygrass, purple loosestrife, poison hemlock, bindweed, climbing nightshade, non-native knotweeds, and non-native blackberry. ESA page 11 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan 7.0 MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE This section describes the City's proposed monitoring and maintenance of the restoration areas. Three years of monitoring and maintenance will be the responsibility of the City of Renton. The activities described in this section will be coordinated with King County Parks, which owns Maplewood Park..A professional biologist or landscape architect will perform all monitoring. 7.1 Pre -Construction Monitoring of the restoration areas will begin prior to construction of the pipeline project. At this time, the City will meet with the construction contractor to define and clearly mark the limits of work and TESC measures. King County typically inspects the site at this stage, prior to the start of construction. 7.2 Post -Construction and Before Plant Installation After the pipeline is installed, the temporary stream crossing and TESC measures will be removed. At this time, the project biologist or landscape architect will meet with the landscape contractor to discuss site preparation prior to installation of plantings. Should any plant species substitutions be necessary, the project biologist and contractor will discuss and document these for approval by King County. The biologist will also inspect the plant material and assist with placement of plant species in the field. King County may wish to inspect the site again at this stage, prior to installation of plants. 7.3 As -built Inspection After the plants are installed in the restoration areas, the landscape contractor will provide an as -built or record drawing. The project biologist or landscape architect will visit the site with the King County representative to ensure the plants have been installed properly, mulch and seed have been applied, and there are no other issues that need to be addressed. The biologist will verify the as -built conditions, inspect the plants, recommend replacement if necessary, and establish sample plots and photo point locations. Permanent plots for monitoring will be selected to represent the planting areas. The appropriate number and location of plots will be determined on site during the as -built site inspection. Permanent photo points will be located to provide a representative visual documentation of site progress. The photo points and sample plots will be shown on the as -built drawing. Monitoring of the restoration areas will begin upon King County acceptance of the as -built or record drawing, and will continue for three years. Page 12 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan 7.4 Performance Monitoring The site will be monitored according to the schedule and methods shown in Table 2. During each year of the monitoring period, the site will be monitored in the spring for the presence of non-native invasive vegetation. This will allow time for maintenance of the site if needed to remove weeds during the early growing season before seed set. A second site visit in the late summer or early fall will be made to assess vegetation cover and survival against the project performance standards. Table 2. Monitoring Program Monitoring Element Location & Methods Year 1 Year 2 Year Vegetation Percent woody cover Late Summer Late Summer Late Summer cover and data collected within or Early Fall or Early Fall or Early Fall establishment monitoring plots (Years 2 and 3). General observations of installed plant health and seed establishment across the site (all years). Vegetation Comprehensive count Late Summer Late Summer Late Summer survival of installed plants or Early Fall or Early Fall or Early Fall (Year 1 only). Count of installed plants within monitoring plots (Years 2 and 3). General observations of installed plant health (all years). ESA page 13 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan Monitoring Element Location & Methods Year 1 ' Year 2 Year 3 Non-native General observations Early Spring Early Spring Early Spring invasive of invasive species. vegetation Percent cover data collected within monitoring plots. Late Summer Late Summer Late Summer or Early Fall or Early Fall or Early Fall Pipeline General observations Early Spring Early Spring Early Spring crossing of streambed and stability bank stability at pipeline crossing location. Late Summer Late Summer Late Summer or Early Fall or Early Fall or Early Fall 7.5 Monitoring Reports An as -built or record drawing will be provided to King County within 90 days of completion of the mitigation installation. Monitoring reports will be prepared during Years 1, 2, and 3 to document the findings of the monitoring site visits. The reports will be submitted to King County by October 31 of each monitoring year. The monitoring reports will include: • Project background and monitoring schedule; • Restoration goals, objectives, and performance standards; • Quantitative plant survival, vigor, and aerial coverage of tree and shrub strata within the established monitoring plots; • General observations of site conditions and plant health across the restoration areas; • General observations of streambed and bank stability at pipeline crossing location; • Qualitative observation of the condition of installed large wood pieces; • Use of buffer area by humans and wildlife; Page 14 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan • Documentation of completed maintenance activities; • Photographs taken from established photopoints; • Recommendations for additional maintenance actions; • Vegetation plot data (included as an appendix). King County will inspect the site after submittal of each monitoring report. 7.6 Maintenance and Corrective Action The City of Renton will commence maintenance of the restoration areas after acceptance of the as -built report and continue for three years. After initial planting acceptance by the professional biologist, the landscaping contractor will be responsible for plant survival for a period of one year. After this period, maintenance will be performed by City personnel. Maintenance will include, but is not limited to: • Installation of additional plantings if the combination of installed plants and regrowth of native volunteer species does not meet the minimum performance standards discussed above. All plants that die prior to Year 1 monitoring must be replaced. • Weeding twice per year during the maintenance period to remove invasive, non-native plant species in the restoration areas. Trees and shrubs will be weeded to the dripline. Examples of undesirable non-native plants include Himalayan blackberry, English ivy, Scot's broom, knotweed, and reed canarygrass. Weeding is to be performed by hand or with the lightest possible equipment. Use of herbicides is not allowed without prior approval by King County. • Adding wood fiber mulch rings around the base of each installed tree or shrub to maintain at least three inches depth of mulch. • Stabilizing eroded areas using bioengineering techniques that are appropriate if mulching, seeding or other standard erosion control methods fail. • Removing from the site all litter and non-native invasive vegetation. 8.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN Should any monitoring report reveal the mitigation has failed in whole or part, and should that failure be beyond the scope of routine maintenance, the City will submit a contingency plan to King County. Once approved, the contingency plan will be installed and will replace the approved mitigation plan. If the failure is substantial, the County will likely extend the monitoring period for that mitigation. ESA page 15 March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan 9.0 LIMITATIONS Within the limitations of schedule, budget, scope -of -work, and seasonal constraints, we warrant that this study was conducted in accordance with generally accepted environmental science practices, including the technical guidelines and criteria in effect at the time this study was performed, as outlined in the Methods section. The results and conclusions of this report represent the authors' best professional judgment, based upon information provided by the project proponent in addition to that obtained during the course of this study. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. 10.0 REFERENCES Casey, Laura. King County biologist. January 25, 2011— pre -application meeting. ESA. 2011. East Renton Lift Station Elimination Wetland, Stream, and Wildlife Study. Revised June 2011. Prepared for Carollo Engineers and City of Renton. Fisher, Larry. WDFW biologist. March 23, 2011- site visit. Hruby, T. 2004. Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington —Revised. August 2004. Ecology publication number 04-06-025. Olympia, WA. King County. 2007. Critical Areas Mitigation Guidelines. Department of Development and Environmental Services. June 2007. Page16 ESA March 2013 East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan FIGURES ESA page 19 March 2013 ( t ' Ir 1 w P 405 t ' Unincorporated ,. B aim, King County 1 - r,.,' •-.. SE 728th St, 1`if fNIY ji x I SE 116TH ST $E 1367rST s m SE 138TH P1 ;yi q'��.'c �'�, ,ate a`o►' L Of 44 Unincorporated •� '; `, -- "° ? King Countyfil LII*. 0' `` end►: . C ,'w•1..-- of q, `_�a7y C,�. t� -'•IMI'Legend . - ,\ Project Area Roads Unincorporated "'� Parks —� King County City Limits -�-�-� (i�i�!i`�r-..:����.' _ - act• .,� "..-ria�a��_ East Renton Lift Station. 209036 SOURCE: ESA Adolfson. 2009, PACE Engineers, Inc, King County, 2009 (2005) Figure 2 Streams, Wetlands, and Buffers Maplewood Park, King County, WA / \ 20'PERMANENT / STREAM I V \ EASEMENT (TYP) / CROSSING I I AREA \ MAPLEWOOD PARK O SEWER PIPE I I \ � I I / LIMITS OF / CONSTRUCTION \ _ _ _ _ / (TYP) TP-6 I -- —---..�.�.���-------------- ----� TP2 • _ _ _ //--------- / 10-CONSTRUCTION- EASEMENT(TYP) /// // ^����' .. / �� u T 1 l /Y_ �� +� o•� \ ,. + I f SEWER PIPE //_,. �.' 1 g¢IQ BRIAR HILLS // / // 3g4' i►,# N0.4 // // // f I ! 1 I.T l�9 T. r I� i /EAST RENTON LIFT STATION i,r FACILITY TO BE p ' 0 - I REMOVED 41 a m O STE WART CREEK 1' O 14816 PL SE -- SITE ACCESS Y• �- •r/Pf is �� // _ ii � ��#GG P 5 CONTRACTOR U O �' f�� �`� I STAGING AREA r MAPLEWOOD i ESTATES kJ.,1. w 1 m 'j -✓MAPLEWOOD PARK 0 , \ ` WETLANDS (TVP) ...� / \ UNINCORPORATED CRY OF RENTON / KING COUNTY ` \ / CITY OF RENTON . �\ LIMITS 1 \ J \ KING COUNTY WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER LIMITS T, 3 0 20 40 80 e` 301 WATER 5 ij N Scale in Feet C BUFFER IMPACT AREA (21,948 SF/0.5 ACRE) EASEMENT SITE z W.D. 90 ACCESS u MAPL E WOOD PARK BOUNDARY SOURCE: City of Renton; Carollo, 2011. UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT TO CITY OF RENTON - East Renton Lift Station . 209036 Figure 3 Site Plan King County, Washington East Renton Lift Station Mitigation Plan APPENDIX A: MARCH 2O13 PLAN SHEETS ESA Appendix A March 2013 L;a1cE i , , \ -�� j'� ';�• ti lam• �, ,! Y3 � h t �y 41J FRe�monjr- !+�Lh 4 Q t �D3i�ffi��N�f-4la \ t1 t«f a f} - : r �y � �'t+� � PROJECT St-E .. ! t; 1 •- 1� ik.. I't` -a. �:—..' [�'1!.ai,4CF �� S�-iZ = Cs-FnaawvA} `ta0cd IA, kMeom {`� .. 18T 0en.4n MO �� 1 £ REFERENCE 2010 GOOGLE MAP VICINITY MAP NO SCALE •cr� REFERENCE: 2007 GOOGLE EARTH LOCATION MAP NO SCALE ON Cc COMIrlMn CONTRACT DRAWINGS PROJECT NO. WWP-27-3549 CITY OF RENTON 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY RENTON, WA 98057 MARCH 2O13 CONTACT PERSONNEL DAVE CHRISTENSEN WASTEWATER UTILITY SUPERVISOR (425 430-7212 MICHAEL BENOIT PROJECT MANAGER (425) 430-7206 DRAWING LIST SKEET NO. DRAWING NO. DESCRIPTION 1 G-01 COVER SHEET 2 C-02 GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS AND LEGENDS 3 C-01 EXISTING SITE AND CONSTRAINTS 4 C-02 TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDLMENT CONTROL PLAN 5 C-03 DEMOLITION RAN 8 C-04 SITE AND PIPING PLAN T C-05 PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 0.00 - STA 5•00 B C-0B PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE - STA 5M0 - STA 10-31 9 C-07 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS - I 10 C-08 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS - II I L-01 LARGE WOOD PLACEMENT PLAN 12 L-02 BUFFER ENHANCEMENT 6 STREAM RESTORATION PLANTING PLAN d DETAILS 13 L-03 LANDSCAPE DETAILS BURLED UTBRIES 01 AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ISM 42r.55ib GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2. UNLESS DETAILED, SPECIFIED, OR OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS INDICATED IN THE APPLICABLE TYPICAL DETAILS AND GENERAL NOTES, TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL APPLY EVEN THOUGH NOT REFERENCED AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS ON DRAWINGS, 3. WHERE NO CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN OR NOTED FOR ANY PART OF WORK, DETAILS SHALL BE THE SAME AS FOR OTHER SIMILAR WORK. ABBREVIATIONS AB ANCHOR BOLT O.C. ON CENTER ABC AGGREGATE BASE COURSE OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER AC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OHWM ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AHR ANCHOR PL PROPERTY LINE, PLACE ALM ALARM PNL PANEL AL ALUMINUM POC POINT OF CURVATURE PROX AP APPROXIMATE PSI POUND PER SQUARE INCH ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AUTO AUTOMATIC PVMT PAVEMENT AVG AVERAGE V AT R OR RAD RADIUS ROCK REDUCER BSP BLACK STEEL PIPE REF REFERENCE REINF REINFORCE (0) (ING) IMENT) C CIVIL READ REQUIRED CA CONCRETE ANCHOR RWTR RECLAIMED WATER CB CATCH BASIN CHNL CHANNEL S SEWAGE OR SOUTH CITY CITY OF RENTON SCV SWING CHECK VALVE U CONSTRUCTION JOINT 50 STORM DRAIN CL OR C CENTERLINE SOMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE CLP L CONTROL PANEL SDR STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE SE SOUTHEAST CND CONDUIT SIM SIMILAR CO CLEANOUT SPEC SPECIFICATION COMP COMPACTED SS SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY CONC CONCRETE SSFM SANITARY SEINER FORCE MAIN CONN CONNECTION SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CONSTR CONSTRUCTION SST STAINLESS STEEL CONT CONTINUE (D) (OUS) OR CONTROL STA STATION CP CONTROL POINT STD STANDARD CPEP CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE STL STEEL CPLG COUPLING S/W SIDEWALK CTWD COTTONWOOD SW SOUTHWEST CY CUBIC YARDS TDH TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD 0 DRAIN, DEPTH TOC TOP OF CONCRETE 0BA DECIBELS ADJUSTED TP-# TEST PIT NUMBER OBH DIAMETER BREAST HEIGHT TYP TYPICAL DOES DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES V OR VLV VALVE DEG DEGREE VERT VERTICAL DET DETAIL VLT VAULT DtA OR D DIAMETER VOL VOLUME DIM DIMENSION OIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE W WEST, WIDTH, WATER OWG DRAWING W/ WITH OWN DOWN WO WATERDISTRICT W/o WITHOUT E EAST WSDOT WASHING70N STATE EA EACH DEPARTMENT OF TRANFORTATION EL OR ELEV ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRIC (AL) % PERCENT EMBED EMBEDMENT ENGR ENGINEER EDP EDGE OF PAVEMENT EQL EQUAL EQPT EQUIPMENT EX OR EXIST EXISTING FLG FLANGE EROSION AND SEDIMENT FRP FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC 1. APPROVAL OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT FT OR' FOOT, FEET LOCATION OF ROADS, PIPES, RESTRICTORS, S j Gi5 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THESE ESC PLANS THE APPUCANTIESC SUPERVISOR UNTIL ALL HOPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE I HOA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION 3. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CLEARING LIMBS S I HORZ OR HORIZONTAL (SWOM APPENDIX D), DURING THE CONSTRV HORIZ ) MAINTAINED BY THE APPUCANTfESC SUPS ID INSIDE DIAMETER OR INSIDE DIMENSION 4, STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES S j IE INVERT ELEVATION MEASURES. SUCH AS CONSTRUCTED WHEEL IN OR' INCH, INCHES ROAD RIGHT OF WAY DOES NOT OCCUR FOR ! INV OR INVERT INVT 5, THE ESC FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN M I TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO SURFACE WA BUILDING MATERIALS VIEW IN SECTION MATERIAL EXISTING /Rf/E/M/OVJ/EJ� N'E.'W�_-��� CONCRETE SOIL VIEW IN PLAN (NEW SHOWN - EXISTING SCREENED) apJ w SF'AN��x� GRATING PAVEMENT OTHER VIEW IN PLAN EXISTING WETLAND (�^•-.-.•j STREAM SURVEY LEGEND (EXISTING LINE WORK) ' WATER VALVE ( MONUMENT NOT TIED THIS SURVEY 1�1 HYDRANT }, FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION FOUND CASED MONUMENT WATER METER Ltr SET MAG NALIALUMINUM WASHER 11 POST INDICATOR VALVE STAMPED'PACE CONTROL' MANHOLES (SSISO) _ SET 50 IRON REBAR WI RED CB PLASTIC CAP STAMPED PACE CONTROL' PCXWEPJUTILITY POLE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. [' GUY ANCHOR / SOIL TEST PIT �I`' JUNCTION BOX POWER TRANSFORMER i P j 1 POWERITELEPHONE VAULT - CENTER LINES - - ®PM POWER METER CENTERLINES - TELEPHONEfTV RISER PROPERTY LINES GAS VALVE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES N1 GAS METER EASEMENT LINES - LOT LINES - - 1 STREET LIGHT DITCH LINE - - - x SPOT ELEVATION WATER LINE r- SIGN SANITARY SEWER LINE - MAILBOX STORM DRAW LINE - - ;!✓I_t ROCKERY SUBDIVISION LINES f GAS LINE �- CONIFEROUS TREE UNDERGROUND POWER LINES UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES - - -- -- - ' UNDERGROUND PROPER LINES/ (�• j DECIOUOUSTREE TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND CABLE TV LINES RI -- -- - ---. - - - tCV IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES .�. CHAIN LINK FENCE WIRE FENCE r'f Y i 1, DRIP LINE WOOD FENCE _ CONTROL STANDARD NOTES: TIE ATION CONTROL (ESC) PLAN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ITUTE AN APPROVAL OF PERMANENT ROAD OR DRAINAGE DESIGN (E.G.. SIZE AND CHANNELS. RETENTION FACILITIES. UTILITIES, ETC.). AND THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT, AND UPGRADING OF THESE ESC FACILITIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTION IS APPROVED. HOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED BY SURVEY TAPE OR FENCING. IF REQUIRED, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CTION PERIOD, NO DISTURBANCE BEYOND THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE PERMITTED. THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE RVISOR FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. HALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL WASH SYSTEMS OR WASH PADS, MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE KEPT CLEAN AND TRACK OUT TO THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. UST BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL CLEARING AND GRADING SO AS TO ENSURE THAT THE RS, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES IS MINIMIZED. ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, THESE ESC FOR UNEXPECTED STORM EVENTS AND MODIFIED TO ACCOUNT FOR CHANGING SITE CONDITIONS (E.G. ADDITIONAL COVER OCATION OF DITCHES AND SILT FENCES, PERIMETER PROTECTION ETC.) AS DIRECTED BY KING COUNTY. ALLY BY THE APPLICANTIESC SUPERVISOR AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE CONTINUED PROPER FUNCTIONING. WRITTEN RECORDS ESC FACILITIES. ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS. THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON OR SEVEN MEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH THE APPROVED ESC METHODS (EO., SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASTIC COVERING, ETC.), DO NOT REQUIRE IMMMEDIATE ATTENTION SHALL BE ADDRESSED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS, L BE INSPECTED AND MANTANEO A MINIMUM OF ONCE A MONTH OURING THE DRY SEASON, B14AQNTHLY DURING THE WET S FOLLOWING A STORM EVENT. OF SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE WITHIN A CATCH BASIN, ALL CATCH BASINS AND CONVEYANCE LINES SHALL BE OPERATION SHALL NOT FLUSH SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO THE DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM, mrr���r.T1►� NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES HIDDEN NEW PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING (SINGLE LINE) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) NEW EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE NEW EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT HIDDEN EXISTING EQUIPMENT NEW FITTING EXISTING TO BE REMOVED NEW PIPING CALLOUT EXISTING PIPING CALLOUT DRAWING CROSS REFERENCE VIEW IN PLAN (NEW SHOWN - EXISTING SCREENED) apJ w SF'AN��x� GRATING PAVEMENT OTHER VIEW IN PLAN EXISTING WETLAND (�^•-.-.•j STREAM SURVEY LEGEND (EXISTING LINE WORK) ' WATER VALVE ( MONUMENT NOT TIED THIS SURVEY 1�1 HYDRANT }, FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION FOUND CASED MONUMENT WATER METER Ltr SET MAG NALIALUMINUM WASHER 11 POST INDICATOR VALVE STAMPED'PACE CONTROL' MANHOLES (SSISO) _ SET 50 IRON REBAR WI RED CB PLASTIC CAP STAMPED PACE CONTROL' PCXWEPJUTILITY POLE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. [' GUY ANCHOR / SOIL TEST PIT �I`' JUNCTION BOX POWER TRANSFORMER i P j 1 POWERITELEPHONE VAULT - CENTER LINES - - ®PM POWER METER CENTERLINES - TELEPHONEfTV RISER PROPERTY LINES GAS VALVE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES N1 GAS METER EASEMENT LINES - LOT LINES - - 1 STREET LIGHT DITCH LINE - - - x SPOT ELEVATION WATER LINE r- SIGN SANITARY SEWER LINE - MAILBOX STORM DRAW LINE - - ;!✓I_t ROCKERY SUBDIVISION LINES f GAS LINE �- CONIFEROUS TREE UNDERGROUND POWER LINES UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINES - - -- -- - ' UNDERGROUND PROPER LINES/ (�• j DECIOUOUSTREE TELEPHONE LINES UNDERGROUND CABLE TV LINES RI -- -- - ---. - - - tCV IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES .�. CHAIN LINK FENCE WIRE FENCE r'f Y i 1, DRIP LINE WOOD FENCE _ CONTROL STANDARD NOTES: TIE ATION CONTROL (ESC) PLAN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ITUTE AN APPROVAL OF PERMANENT ROAD OR DRAINAGE DESIGN (E.G.. SIZE AND CHANNELS. RETENTION FACILITIES. UTILITIES, ETC.). AND THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT, AND UPGRADING OF THESE ESC FACILITIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTION IS APPROVED. HOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED BY SURVEY TAPE OR FENCING. IF REQUIRED, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CTION PERIOD, NO DISTURBANCE BEYOND THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE PERMITTED. THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE RVISOR FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. HALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL WASH SYSTEMS OR WASH PADS, MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE KEPT CLEAN AND TRACK OUT TO THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. UST BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL CLEARING AND GRADING SO AS TO ENSURE THAT THE RS, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES IS MINIMIZED. ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, THESE ESC FOR UNEXPECTED STORM EVENTS AND MODIFIED TO ACCOUNT FOR CHANGING SITE CONDITIONS (E.G. ADDITIONAL COVER OCATION OF DITCHES AND SILT FENCES, PERIMETER PROTECTION ETC.) AS DIRECTED BY KING COUNTY. ALLY BY THE APPLICANTIESC SUPERVISOR AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE CONTINUED PROPER FUNCTIONING. WRITTEN RECORDS ESC FACILITIES. ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS. THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON OR SEVEN MEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH THE APPROVED ESC METHODS (EO., SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASTIC COVERING, ETC.), DO NOT REQUIRE IMMMEDIATE ATTENTION SHALL BE ADDRESSED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS, L BE INSPECTED AND MANTANEO A MINIMUM OF ONCE A MONTH OURING THE DRY SEASON, B14AQNTHLY DURING THE WET S FOLLOWING A STORM EVENT. OF SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE WITHIN A CATCH BASIN, ALL CATCH BASINS AND CONVEYANCE LINES SHALL BE OPERATION SHALL NOT FLUSH SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO THE DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM, mrr���r.T1►� NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES HIDDEN NEW PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING (SINGLE LINE) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) NEW EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE NEW EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT HIDDEN EXISTING EQUIPMENT NEW FITTING EXISTING TO BE REMOVED NEW PIPING CALLOUT EXISTING PIPING CALLOUT DRAWING CROSS REFERENCE CONTROL STANDARD NOTES: TIE ATION CONTROL (ESC) PLAN DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ITUTE AN APPROVAL OF PERMANENT ROAD OR DRAINAGE DESIGN (E.G.. SIZE AND CHANNELS. RETENTION FACILITIES. UTILITIES, ETC.). AND THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT, AND UPGRADING OF THESE ESC FACILITIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTION IS APPROVED. HOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE CLEARLY FLAGGED BY SURVEY TAPE OR FENCING. IF REQUIRED, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CTION PERIOD, NO DISTURBANCE BEYOND THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE PERMITTED. THE CLEARING LIMITS SHALL BE RVISOR FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. HALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL WASH SYSTEMS OR WASH PADS, MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT ALL PAVED AREAS ARE KEPT CLEAN AND TRACK OUT TO THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. UST BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL CLEARING AND GRADING SO AS TO ENSURE THAT THE RS, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES IS MINIMIZED. ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTICIPATED SITE CONDITIONS. DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, THESE ESC FOR UNEXPECTED STORM EVENTS AND MODIFIED TO ACCOUNT FOR CHANGING SITE CONDITIONS (E.G. ADDITIONAL COVER OCATION OF DITCHES AND SILT FENCES, PERIMETER PROTECTION ETC.) AS DIRECTED BY KING COUNTY. ALLY BY THE APPLICANTIESC SUPERVISOR AND MAINTAINED TO ENSURE CONTINUED PROPER FUNCTIONING. WRITTEN RECORDS ESC FACILITIES. ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS. THAT WILL NOT BE DISTURBED FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS DURING THE WET SEASON OR SEVEN MEDIATELY STABILIZED WITH THE APPROVED ESC METHODS (EO., SEEDING, MULCHING, PLASTIC COVERING, ETC.), DO NOT REQUIRE IMMMEDIATE ATTENTION SHALL BE ADDRESSED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS, L BE INSPECTED AND MANTANEO A MINIMUM OF ONCE A MONTH OURING THE DRY SEASON, B14AQNTHLY DURING THE WET S FOLLOWING A STORM EVENT. OF SEDIMENT BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE WITHIN A CATCH BASIN, ALL CATCH BASINS AND CONVEYANCE LINES SHALL BE OPERATION SHALL NOT FLUSH SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER INTO THE DOWNSTREAM SYSTEM, mrr���r.T1►� NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES NEW OR EXISTING STRUCTURES HIDDEN NEW PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) NEW PIPING (SINGLE LINE) NEW PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (TRIPLE LINES) EXISTING PIPING (SINGLE LINE) EXISTING PIPING HIDDEN (SINGLE LINE) NEW EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE EXISTING EQUIPMENT OR PIPING CENTERLINE NEW EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT HIDDEN EXISTING EQUIPMENT NEW FITTING EXISTING TO BE REMOVED NEW PIPING CALLOUT EXISTING PIPING CALLOUT DRAWING CROSS REFERENCE �— DETAILOR SECTION N N IDENTIFICA„ON �— DETAIL OR SECTION TAKEN ON THE SAME SHEET DETAIL OR SECTION IS TAKEN ON THE DRAWING INDICATED AT TITLE — TYPICAL DETAIL REFERENCE BUBBLE TYPICAL DETAIL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION DETAIL OR SECTION IDENTIFICATION '------DETAL OR SECTION REFERENCE BUBBLE DETAIL OR THE SAME IS TO BE THE FOUND ON SAME SHEET DETAIL OR SECTION IS TO BE FOUND ON THE DRAWING INDICATED TYPICAL DETAIL IS TO BE FOUND ON THE TYPICAL DETAIL DRAWINGS AT CROSS REFERENCE SANITARY SEWER NOTES: 1. THE HOURS OF WORK IN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE PER CRY SPECIFICATIONS ON WEEKDAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY AND APPROVED BY KING COUNTY PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. 2. ALL LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE TRUE AND CORRECT LOCATION SO AS TO AVOID DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE I A PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE THAT INCLUDES THE CITY, KC ROADS, AND KC DOES SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO STARTING NEW CONSTRUCTION (PROVIDE MIN 7 DAY NOTICE). IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO SECURE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. (INSPECTION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CRY OF RENTON AND BY RESPECTS PERMITTING AGENCIES,) IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF BACKFILLING ALL CONSTRUCTION. 4, CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEANS, METHODS AND SEQUENCES OF CONSTRUCTION AND FOR THE SAFETY OF WORKERS AND OTHERS ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, 5, IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN PERMITS OTHER THAN THOSE INCLUDED WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. 6. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 7. ( ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED OR OTHERWISE STABILIZED TO THE SATISFACTION OF KING COUNTYJCITY FOR THE PREVENTION OF oN-SITE EROSION AFTER THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. B. IN UNIMPROVED AREAS, MANHOLE TO EXTEND MINIMUM 6 INCHES AND MAXIAIUM 12 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE OR MUST HAVE MINIMUM 7 DIAMETER CONCRETE RING POURED AT GRADE. IN PAVED AREA COVER MUST SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS TO MATCH PAVING. SURVEY NOTES: HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD $3.91 BASED ON FOUND MONUMENTS WCCS 42832 (PACE CONTROL POINT #2) A CONCRETE MONUMENT AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 14 AND WCCS a2900 (PACE CONTROL POINT #17) A 4- CONCRETE MONUMENT IN A CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF SE 14M STREET AND 148TH PLACE BE. VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD 88 BASED ON CITY OF RENTON SM 'RENT2127• BEING A FOUND ROUND CONCRETE MONUMENT IN A CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF BE 142NO STREET AND 149TH PLACE BE. (ELEVATION 363.72 FEET). LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET THEREOF; AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., IN KING COUNTY tYASHINGTON; EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID SECTIONS 14 AND 15 HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9401080822. 3' PW EXIST EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARD NOTES CONT: 12. ANY PERMANENT RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY USED AS A TEMPORARY SETTLING BASIN SHALL BE MODIFIED WITH THE NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE CAPACITY. IF THE FACILITY IS TO FUNCTION ULTIMATELY AS AN INFILTRATION SYSTEM, THE TEMPORARY FACILITY MUST BE ROUGH GRADED SO THAT THE BOTTOM AND SIDES ARE AT LEAST THREE FEET ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE OF THE PERMANENT FACILITY. 13, COVER MEASURES WILL ISSE APPLIED IN CONFORMANCE WITH APPENDIX D OF THE SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL. 14. PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON (OCT. 1), ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE REVIEWED TO IDENTIFY WHICH ONES CAN BE SEEDED IN PREPARATION FOR THE WINTER RAINS. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF THE BEGINNING OF THE WET SEASON, A SKETCH MAP OF THOSE AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND THOSE AREAS TO REMAIN UNCOVERED SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ODES INSPECTOR. 15. ESC METHODS SHALL BE USED TO PREVENT SILT4ADEN WATER FROM ENTERING THE STREAM, SUCH AS STRAW BALES, FILTER FABRIC, TEMPORARY SEDIMENT PONDS, CHECK OHMS OF PEA GRAVEL -FILLED BURLAP BAGS OR OTHER MATERIAL. AND/OR IMMEDIATE MULCHING (MIN 2 INCHES) OR EXPOSED AREAS. 10. EXTREME CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT NO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. HYDRAULIC FLUID, FRESH CEMENT, SEDIMENTS, SEDIMENT4ADEN WATER, CHEMICALS. OR ANY OTHER TOXIC OR DELETERIOUS MATERIALS ARE ALLOWED TO ENTER OR LEACH INTO THE STREAM OR WETLANDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE STREAM. ALL EQUIPMENT RE -FUELING SHALL OCCUR OFFSITE. BURIED UTILITIES W AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DID 1.BODA24.5555 I I GENERAL NOTES: I PARKSIDE A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 2009 IDENTIFIES COURT TREES 61NCHES OSH AND LARGER. NOT ALL TREES AND N - 1793,19 `.r8 STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. f SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN, LIMITS OF WETLANDS AND 0, ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND AVOID DIRECT i WETLAND DISTURBANCE, STORMWATER C. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED AT THE OETENTIDN CONCLUSION OF THE PRO•IECT PER CONTRACT PON0 DOCUMENTS. i _ ! 0. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE t I I 1 / \ I 3• I 1 AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. f i t` MAPLEW000 PARK ' l 1 2 AD STREAM DEWATERING \ i I \ DEWATERING CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE I I I \ C-08 PLAN `T 1 I t• 4 DISCHARGE EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT STATION AND ACCESS TO ALL OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALLTIMES. I II I I I J•'�{ Sy my}y� •\ %`,�,�•yt�C, A}'J_ LOCATION E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN IS BASED ON RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING _..�_._.���1� _ .1 _� ,]-__. ♦ ��_ L j •._--. UTILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL ITIES :� —_-- -- _. _ e —Lt _'a • �'` \ '7•-`^""'--+F=- y AFFECTED VERIFY Y THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. I t TS{ `_ �92._i '`.• _ J - ' \ t _ 9 r <• i..{ tr'l't....{� tj :}--�- "^t. F. FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARD NOTES, `�` ; \'i&-"' ��_ i -. �_. T�• 3J f' I SEE OWG G-02. IJ , -380 J TIP 5 ,3EG- _ I \ 'j�c• jP ` r '--�•,�M' i c,d4c12T �j. y'✓:'Si r.� �. ' `'T`nc - n`-_..,i,_,,+,,..�s�:��y��P L^--'(-� - Tf=•- - --L _ _. I tti I i U't �,� t -, '9T tAscd!EN11:i`rS .1 - 1 J°� ! N' 1,j( % �: jj a } 3 ^/\ \,--'LIMITS �/ i 34 i�`., + �!'•^1� i''u 1 / .. ' F'.: `'�i ` 1 [, Al PROTECT CATCH BASINS C-0B e KEY NOTES: �( YP1 e O ALLwsrREAM WORK WILL OCCUR DURING THE DRY oz { 1 I _. _ _ _ _ ( i / �O �p 7��•T IT.,Pi _ //�-�..Ir.,, (ELECT 8LLX3 MONTHS AS SPECIFIED AND UNDER THE JiG. ,�, I F. O 1 , 'J11'`. I f I I{\\f I SUPERVISION OFAOUALFIED BIOLOGIST. 1 / II"" I CHANNEL AND DIVERT STREAM FLOWS AROUNCONTRACTOR SHALL DEWATIER D WORK AREA SILT FENCE 3 ..i±i :¢ Y I I t� ;a / YYYY i 1 F ! II p\�j% ,J PRIOR TO ANY IN•CNANNEL WORK. A COFFERDAM 1 I " f / t J .r3 !) 4 . % y �� I i J NtT EAST RENTON CONSTRUCTED OF SAND BAGS OR SIMILAR MATERIAL // , (p/ �T1t-(\ _ U 1 n °b /� f �,/ `1 -' FACILITY SHALL BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM It `� , "' •. J 1 t - ✓ gi (I , V: ELL LIFT STATION I . I I I / - 5' K #jj))' f :% t 1 �, ♦ 1� r I ^-'EMcRGENCY PUMPED AROF THE WORK STREAM FLOW SHALL OUND THE WORK AREA AND B DISCHARGED �' N = 1762 c . t11872't 89 7H ♦ STORAGE 1KEI L t DOWNSTREAM OF THE COFFERDAM, ANY SEEPAGE 70 � I ( CONSTRUCTION INTO THE WORK AREA SHALL BE PUMPED AND ENTRANCE 92 � /i >, ,} �+ -t.-� ', �( .i '� j•�'� � , i•. _/`t LN`i 7832 � 6s _ : M 4 :•".'•••' q ✓ .} 't'y�.^+ t r "•' ,r/ �'. i>,-ir - r ,' / ,t- y, E•131672310 DISCHARGED INTO THE DEWATERING DISCHARGE LOCATION. EXCESS SPOILS SHALL M DISPOSED OF Eso THYWILL NOT RE-ENTER THE STREAM. -}l�•• I' .-� __ ._ _ _BRIAR HILLS_- - COFFERDAMS. PUMPS AND PIPING SHALL ONLY BE e ,r •1 -/� REMOVED AT COMPLETION OF IN -WATER WORK AND ----'�S°"c' -Cam.`'- `<'•'R >. `��y >'il rJ - 4_ - _ _.__� • r>: _ I i , _ � f s � t O�'r - 3 - Y P AL • - o I , % UPON ACCEPTANCE BY OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. ^�, + ~--- `- ,t,. \r ir, '� �L /� J7`.3Lf T7��• _ -.; \•�. STREAM CROSS-SECTION SHALL BE RESTORED TO T ' (j��_74801:PL SE - w I � 1U — `� % w i . e t y�uzi• sta y , a II}-� ! J, th�• "�'+'"' 7+-`� <' n �1'�` \\ ���•. `.�'i� K .;..r ' (' _ / PRECONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS, MATCH EXISTING !•,�.. y •a� ram,. t GRADES. GRADING WORK SHALL BE APPROVED BY ( r r1 S G, OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 4i SEE DWG C-05 AND C07 FOR TEMPORARY STREAM 10 ♦ I I•` "�-. +� , / } - •,,�f.... d'A J _ __ _ .: M1 3`IE It 1 , SILT FENCE 3 CROSSING DETAILS. o INSTALL SILT FENCE INSIDE OF CONSTRUCTION i { I I _ �'i i,{• a, 'T` A v� • ; �� LL :rr- , -+ ` j LIMITS AND TEMPORARYIPERMANENT FENCING �.'�\ WHERE APPLICABLE. i t , { MAPLEWOOD i ( t PROTECT TMANAGEMENT PRACTICES PRIOR TO DISCHARGE 1CH . '> :' ,.`�! c J a4 ' i 1• 7"r `.S +,•' r " - a 91I ESTATES O F L-R OE WATERING WATER WNH ACCEPTABLE BEST 1 PAD ` SEWER SYSTEM. INTO GONE n I I C-OB 7F �' `, , .y `•. ,yam I p ^�' n F -I'( `' + `+ ^~'' S TEMPORARY FENCING NOT SHOWN, PROVIDE FENCING AS 7 i-ENC•E tTTc9 .I \ � � ' � � •� + '� 'T• •� -• �_ 5 � 'Sr+TL 'T`�-. �'�: �\� O SPECIFIED IN SUBSECTION 10.01500. vl , L \ , ~' V_i • MAPLEWOOD PARK Ct , -✓ I i WETLANDS (TYP) JI � -� '-__ _" -� �-- _- "�- �'/ ' �- � I •1 'NTY1 CRY OF RENTON h h NG,��OR.4T=� U OF R6tlTCl% -� i' I.csJTs I IiW _ 1 ; tolp �E = t3170i2.36 1 jI I • `i i t. KING COUNTY wenAN0 AJCD STP_AM BUFFER LIMITS 1 ..� 1 i CONSTRUCTION f \ / N - t lyl7i a,g .. _ .U�, _� ENTRANCE #1 -UiTLIY\AND ACCEysS OF RE'NTO`7 - - - - - - A PLAN f SCALE: 1•=41Y FILE: 8235C00•CA00 (I t' 3DWATEa I ji`�i• �� \\`, ; 5J%� i E W13. EIE� T �1 I MAPLEWOOD?ARK BOUNDARY j %, IL I : J r ESA Yt•ES Whi Arm5309 ShihMle Ave. N'W ® Sea tttle, WA 9810789-9m J'Q' :4 _ PACE EVG carnfJUU F' 12063 7E9.9884 - _- LtiEER9. P•C 1• a 417 E' MAR 2013 CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ° TAv -E ELIMINATION RENTON _ BURIED IRalitE501 AREA Erx DATUM t �e PIwnhou,aaIPuamc WoAs Dew. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT C-02 W EASE CALL BEFORE YOU OIG saea„AT t{' o.c eam ..no�.0 IJIWt24.5555 3'�I13 N0. REVISION BY DATE APPR eR.1 '�'�"' CONTROL PLAN '�" ; 13 1 �_ - ' PARKSIDE I I COURT GENERAL NOTES: N - 178282.36 i N = 176349.58 A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 2009 IDENTIFIES l E = 1316495.53 E = 1316495 66 TREES 6INCHES DSH AND LARGER NOT ALL TREES AND CP 48 /j'SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN, LIMITS OF WETLANDS AND _ I 1 CP #6 MO-10.8wC _ - �I __ _ / _ - _ STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE. N = 178111.131 I t 8350-t0.6RfG / S10RM'NP.TER N • 177901.336 E 1316613.559 / N = \ 0-- DETENTION B. All CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE CONTAINED 178279.84 I ELEV = 390.08 I 1 WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION AND AVOID DIRECT - _ I E = 131880p.520 - - POND i+ ( ELEV - 381.31 CP 03 / r➢U i ! \ CP t2 - BRASS DISC W��O DISTURBANCE. 835D-f0.3RIC N r6350.10.2MONDISTURBED i / I C. ALL CLUSINO AREAS PROJECT BE RESTORED AT THE / \ N = 178036.852 N = 17ffi79.48t CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT PER CONTRACT 20' PERMANENT ) / CP #7 DOCUMENTS. • I / \ EASEMENT (TYP) I E ELEV7390 63 / NB35 8220070 \ ELEV = 39Z87 I I N = 177929.79 Q / LIMITS OF 8 E • f356586.21 / "T (OWN: 1'T) D. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE ONSiRUCT10N I � � } � AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. MAPLEWOOD PART( / ELEV = 390.59 I N = 178242,ffi E = 1316ffi4.00 CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE t I / (TYP) �, ` �• , I ; � '• EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT STATION AND ACCESS TO ALL I 10- CONSTRUCTION H^ `'ri K- r a �. ,,tLr� y .1 ( , `` ? _ Q - j�ry/ { OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL TIM-ES. EASEMENT (TYP)r;i"i` 'tom• l �y\--2C�-n,• =1 l .�.c���T-_-±v -__ _ E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTRtTiES SHOWN IS BASED ON _ TP-b%�_.. ,aqL-^•_'. �_�' TP-2 ��-%-+ZC ,`t•o y"ff--i',.;,.__.._a.Fa�- FIELD I / j T e2J `. / � �C++ l 'Tp.y j�"}• r o p.3 l - �S ; - -�-"1 A f ��_-��-.,y/� ��� v , _ __ _. _. _ _- RECORD DRAWINGSANDA PROXI ATE. CO ALL EXISTING P• - '•� I l t 0` N 1 l7TILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR (r�9K� - _ iQr I j - tf _ _..�. SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES I I CP a9 /( a t• f 7 AFFECTED BY THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK- •-'323 \\•`_ i ♦ y } ,>-�T--�(By-�-gym"' 1, .. _ yam- ! �`L� : 9.. _r ji_ j11 N = 177406.22 635D-10.9R1C / 390-� _ f780-- / / / / ,`+-( /m \ 4 W # �/. ,� '+'P •- j- �I ' E = 1316781.00 N = 177613,380 f �'", -J_ _ ? / i� / TaZy -J oQ - _� F. ALL WASTE MATERIAL SUCH AS CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. 7_ +'pN a 1 1 ! , i , .; j� n `_`j SILT, EXCESS DIRT OR OVERBURDEN RESULTING FROM E = 1316607.095 f 1 /"y ! `D W� ,�. /l' VE VALA 1 p `( / ec � l 'y�j 7 `, j% {- ` THE PROJECT SHALL SE HAULED OFFSfTE AND DISPOSED 7 N = 177422.96 ELEY = 361.17 P ! / / / _ CP 012 \I I E - 1318764,21 / - - ) 635D-11.12MN1W N e 177929.97 OF BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION N • 177869.528 ` ! E = 1316628 21 ^t ,t¢�, (TYP) 2-01. NO BURNING IS ALLOWED. N-177453.38 E=1318685.320 1� _'•i._:'_._ _ �� �.4�� I^--``y tR7"I�O IW ( �,✓+, E = 1316765.16 / / 1 1 a, +Y' �/ CP #10 L..' f 1 , _ ELEV = 380.72 /. _ J • ` ELEC1 B! OG I _ ._.. 635010.9Rrc _1 f- �" J : LS 1 xth`��^ n i `,mot'• i': I r' tI".�� KEY NOTES: BRIAR HILLS / N = Im1r.766y% / E = 13167<5.522 = �. / /, i , , i ) '+ ..7 + ' ; F (1 p\iJ,•• `L Oj TERRAIN EAST AND WEST OF SURVEY IS MAPLEWOOD I NO.4 R�36p / I 1 / 4 j {{{ 1 EAST RE ON PARK AND IS HEAVILY FORESTED SIMILAR TO WHAT IS / ELEV --• ` _ + j m I WET 6= 62.0700' r�,� •. r ' i ,'v \ a , ,r r M ' I r /i WFL 1 LIFT STATK)N SHOWN ON EXISTING SURVEY. �-��. .'-� t r! j L= 390,29' f ) i ✓� r i �.a.✓ + F i� t I f FACILITY CP #14 - BRASS i +_� - / �/ .�� 1 / I T ' � 1, y., } •T� - N - , 78289.76 i I, EIdERGENCY J O2 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TO EDGE OF EXIST GRAVEL I I DISC Wf PUNCH I STORAGE WELL ROAD. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. I i 6350-11.14M;C J} = 177602.81 / `: / r c ,{ ,2 ,,( • '3� m t • ' t ��,,/ ., N - 178321.Bt �•. N • 177437 113 E = 1316777.,8 I - �' ` z J /17 ,�j ""._ -•. �'Li _ _ _ # yy/ ' tJ O E = t3t880i.707 / > T • , ! E = 1318728.10 3 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TO FENCE LINE, UNLESS I I• �+(# sj' t� iI -4rG `\ '�• / S I j� 7 / O OTHERWISE INDICATED. ELEV = 374.17 / '•/� '.{ `}p .,. ,r., �y J,I (DWN: 0.T) I RYPi 4 / I _'.ap 4 i •` t/ aSTEWAR7 CREEK�d4. -MIT ! - •',y''+ %X yX �! .tin +. O l .� Li LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TO CURB, UNLESS OTHERWISE ,C G , \ INDICATED. CP as ``. % 3--• r to �{\y '�a:..a�,.l-�>i•.r' O A ) , I 6350.10.5wc 5 CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA LIMITED TO EDGE OF _SITE ACCESS �=0 / o r - J/ ; p a .\ .Y $\.�+-�.'-...-:- 7 �' C ` N = 1 T8307.528 GRAVEL DRIVE AND OTHER LIMITS AS INDICATED. - TP•6 l ~T i. > �,. ry .. . _ . S f �t c1• ! i • E = 1316729.093 -��- -- -- -� _ _ - r 1 ELEV = 395.21 6 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION THRU MAPLEWOOD PARK TO t p ! L • I i\ 1�'------' -T �!-"ll ' I I r� = / • 1 - t"' �„ic�'S- r V �T r ->R,r /. -.•,^t : ',• I 1 j \ O BE ESTABLISHED IN THE FIELD BY THE CITY BASED ON \ •\ ,_. - -- _ _ 1 - ��, n j' , y i I • �+! + �� K'r'1- .'(�r� . i� 'T' i; f i /�{ 5 0 CONTRACTOR THESE PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CITY 10 'YI`' ib rr // J CP on J _ V STAGING DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE PRIOR TO ON -SITE N = 177612 94 " 635D-20R/C +_, ! •lt CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO'eSTABLSH LIM115, `".. " L 7 I 1 // CONTRACTOR SN/LLL MAINTAINIPROTECT LIMITS DURING 1 } k 7 E= 1316819.79 i N �178162.209 } ,rJ •E = 1318812823 1• , -1' / CP 04 0 4R+C CONSTRUCTION. PROVIDE FENCING AS SPECIFIED IN t yfi•, t ,• £LEv=,3849.00 ,.%F a'� _''r MAPLEWOOD N=176309.163 SUBSECTION 10.07500. N = 1774<9.14 Y > T 1 CP a22 1t J� �'` I' - _ __ 4'�',+� a. • '� E - 1316846,654 lij;E - 1316B44.86 --.a'$ 'JcoNc 6350-3122wc s` - h. �� PESTATES ELEV =<o,.eol P?D II N=1779554% N = 177422.27 ) J' - I r•; I I E - 1316844,02F,}� E = 13t6B24.22t _ n I N - 177407.03 ' L CP #i 1 7•' �• J. 100 ELEV = 383.78 v `L h j �`• 8' FE}tCE ! i"P ' +_ ) E-131681897 , 635D-11.i1MNNN �. 1 •_y, (• g• , nL �- f�% t' n i; ''. rn i N = 177567.910 I MAPLEWOOD PARK 1 r' E = 1316805.701 63 #23 "�! I ` 1 635OJ7.23R/C ELEV • 37571 N - 1777B7.655 / E - 1316804,772 L WETLANDS (TYP) ( - _. _ _ i ELEV-389,67 % �. �! i •! I \ / UNINCORPORATED CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY /.� y / CITY OF RENTON -� r LIMITS rI ' ' + ti N = 178329.69 ' c = 1317042.35 i L- KING COUNTY WETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER LIMITS •.), .', l N=178314.48 I / E = 1317054!4 UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT TO CRY - - f PLAN >, OF RENTON SCALE: V - 40' : -, • r yc.�y / 4 .�, ' FILE: 8235C00-C-100 F I 30' WATER I \ �' :f f �• i i EASEMENT W.D. 90 -- / "''r >• 1 MAPLEWOOD PARK BOUNDARY \p, I �'P� E w �yfTFy �s�® ® -� v --- PACE ENG6tEEa9. o�C "" 1,=�,-•-«-4- EAST RENTON LIFT STATION F=�p13 �ClLI - �,Aw CITY OF - 'p"'rm ELIMINATION BURR UTM1TOES IN AREA PLEASE :ALL BEFORE YOU DIG ISM 424.5566 KlNQ COUNTY YTR TREES TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE AND STREAM BUFFER FELLED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF LiWTS CFO" CONSTRUCTION, OVERHEAD TELEPHONE ]�7' LINE SHALL REMALY IN SERVICE AT ALL .07w �10' CONM F JIT P- N 7 3D a2 TIMES DURING CONSTRt1CT10N. EASEMFIT' fs1%ISE -1;1 (T\'P) �-Tin'._ a- }�t ! Ell?'-F0f] t��,p. WPERMANENT (�` !,) i \\ ' !• ����jj t !' w EASVAENT(TW)_M_`vVe jt5- ,!'t vs`�'� t•' I .YG Z�'� (Gip ,y T2 S\S• �� '�•�• � 13i6GI3,18 _�-�'.--.--'o TT1 �• J r 'P,7` / , ` f�Ffl iP T ` -.'.�� L• 1.S. er / Dr., 5� , i1L - LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION(TYP) ©(7 aJSC-IC7R/C YTL^. r 8 Y'ihJ t 71J'CTrD m1, ! ,� /�` " %'l - • r'�/ � D/� j�.— • `� ``-- _- � �`��— ! _ - ' T � - 1�Y j i. 4 r 7A 1 t �7• EXISTING EXIST OVERHEAD W A ) � i iti 1 t � � ? I � • I ( � : TELEPHONE POLE, •, TELEPHONE l W E!\1 'SE E C-05 FOR DETAILS 'SEE C-05 FOR ( - DETAILS ALL TREES TO BE. REMOVED SHALL BE SALVAGED FOR USE AS � %., =An I I a"y `� �7f ♦ HABITAT LOGS ONSITE PER DWG L-01. PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 1 i 1 I - )% / ✓ TREES SHALL BE MARKED EITHER TYPE A OR TYPE 8 PER DWG L-01. SALVAGED LOGS SHALL BE STOCKPILED AT LOCATIONS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, EXCLUDING 148TH PL t ., _ - • / f • ' SE, TO MAINTAIN CONTRACTOR OPERATIONS. STOCKPILE i LOCATIONS SHALL NOT IMPEDE OWNER ACCESS TO THE EAST RENTON LIFT STATION. (T\'P) N�J[�`•!(� I r Ir- t ) // •' � /� !' 1, � '' + tE 72 _ I_ 41NG COIa4TY WE TIMID AND STREAM BUFFER \ / ,wi •J I I LWrTS \ 49 �I1Mj) i w- BRWRHiLLS / 'fir ��n yZ/ Al %o4 ! I �2 � I / � / `•r/�' �tC twlAn171.12 L o•uffoY353 JI Y,:a'sr;u a i''�1 cr'i7 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION (TYP) 11 (TYP) I TP:A G --'- 4 8' SS 0,✓�,�=- a IAp-ra �2 i EXIST MH 5314 090 RIM EL a 374.53 INV IN a 365.D3 (N,E,W) INV OUTJ65.03 (S) l R• PL Ihl Tn n2rrur_ r'! I p./1, Y .!779E7,-atG EJY•]757} t —o o" v-175Ea EXIST ALH 5314 086 RIM EL-q75.95 IE OUT-367.60(S) A PLAN FILE: 8235C00•1-100 GENERAL NOTES: 12' ss '---'-" -" $TORN .YgTEit A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 20091DENTIFIE$ TREES DETENTION 6 INCHES DBH AND LARGER, CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL POND TREES AND SHRUBBERY WITHIN LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. S •-3m) 0 6 EXIST 60'0 MH 5314 079 WHERE TREES AND SHRUBBERY EXTEND OUTSIDE.OF LIMITS N"jva I RIM EL - 395,92 OF CONSTRUCTION REMOVE AS REQUIRED. BACKFILL WITH C. ! EXISTING , -• TELEPHONE � 0 1 EXIST , �j- k fY55 . 5 i II1{�• � 1 f�U ayp)- / ,J 01P EXIST 60'0 AIH 5314 080 6 RIM EL = 394.91 I INV IN • 369.71(W) INV IN a 384.56(E)y INV OUT • 389.71(N) INV IN = 384.17(W) NATIVE MATERIAL. PROTECT AND RESTORE VEGETATION PSC I i OUT a 370.32(E) PER SECTION 1-07.16(2) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. ,2L1 B. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION FACILITY SHALL BE FENCED TO 1 RELOCATE GATE. \ PREVENT ENTRY AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. / PROVIDE FENCING \ Y TO MATCH EXISTING C. EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE AT AS REQUIRED. ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN DRIVABLE ACCESS TO THE EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT STATION AND ACCESS TO ALL =+<•- _--:�='t-- — �----^--'1 OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL TIMES. 1 i'•"_ - D. RELOCATE ALL SIGNS AFFECTED 9Y CONSTRUCTION. RE -INSTALL AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. KEY NOTES: 7OTEMPORARILY REMOVE ROCKS TO FACILITATE ACCESS. REPLACE AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT DRIVE THRU ACCESS, 96 •,', 1// �'�' 'T-Jet'Sj O TEMPORARILY RELOCATE FENCEIGATES TO FACILITATE --✓`lz^f-_.,�- �'-='I� - INSTALLATION OF SEWER AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION 'RESTORE SURFACE TO ACTIVITIES, REPLACE AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AS EXISTING CONDITIONS DIRECTED BY THE CITY. CAT COMPLETION OF ONSTRUCTION. O REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH NEW SS MH. SEE CIVIL DWGS k• \` FOR DETAILS. 2 APPROX LOCATION \- OF RELOCATES a REMOVE B' SS AND INSTALL NEW SS. SEE CIVIL DWGS FOR -FENCE. O DETAILS. � �-- VALVE O ABANDON tY SS. SEE CIVIL DINGS FOR DETAILS. VAULT SEE DWG C-05 FOR MH MODIFICATIONS. REMOVE INSIDE DROP CONNECTIONS PRIOR TO MH MODIFICATIONS. � ` 1 D:.�J�� OT MONUMENT TO BE RE-ESTABLISHED BY CITY FOLLOWING `•7 , �� -y CONSTRUCTION ACTMRES. \�\ _ •- ELECT O AC PAVEMENT RESTORATION LIMITS, SAW CUT MIN I'4r - WET BLO' BEYOND EDGE OF TRENCH. WELL / O DECOMMISSION AND DEMO EXIST LIFT STATION PER SUBSECTION 10,01738 AFTER SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF MAPLEWOOD SEWER PIPELINE. ESTATES REMOVE WOOD FENCE, METAL GATE AND WOOD POSTS i0 EMERGENCY FACILITATE EOPT ACCESS. SEE CIVIL OWGS FOR STORAGE WELL REPLACEMENT. EAST RENTON •\ 7 ' �/ LIFT STATION 11 SEE DWG C-04 FOR GRADE SCARIFICATION AND STRAW l FACILITY IL-QUIREMEMS. -MAINTAIN EXISTING GATE OPENING µ1.jj wil l EXIST.OVER}tEAD a 73•YA+:j / ,TELEPHONE LINE 0"T) -,SGR / / ,, _— n e LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION (TYP) 72 A.n7ELi1524 -'/-iG J �c / � � PERMAN?:,YT EASEMENT (i'+P1 � ~ 11 sF Tay ' l r/ _ StiE] m J .' f ) \• r> 2 L .ems , -i n Z m I SUfSED UTILITIES LY AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DM, I SW 424.5556 • I I I q ; PARKSIDE - - 1 COURT GENERAL NOTES: 2 ' { C-07 XI N a 1)8349.581 E ,318495B6 A. EXISTING SURVEY CONDUCTED MAY 2M IDENTIFIES N',78282.36 TREES 61NCHES DBH AND LARGER. NOT ALL TREES AND E ,316495�53 p ( =_ _ =. Z — SHRUBBERY ARE SHOWN, LIMITS OF WETLANDS AND — — — — — , STREAMS ARE APPROXIMATE, I I 4WPl EVOQO PART: r III 1>-- _. I B. ALL WITHINCONSTRUCTION NSTR CTTI LIMITS TIES SHALLCTION BE CONTAINED ' I-'� — — I _ — — — — i �I I ST(xRb!WAYE'H DIRECT WETLAND DISTURBANCE. 1 .� — _ — _ _ — _I_ DETENTION _ SEE SHEET C-05 -" '� ` I �•, I F o-Q I C. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED AT THE 20' PERMANENT I N =N = 17� I 1 \� \ I I CONCLUSION OF THE PROJECT PER CONTRACT 1 I / N . 777929.79 EASEMENT (TYP) E = 1316591.D8 I N-i178292 62 DOCUMENTS. I I I -c = 1318596,21 \ I I E-1316624,00 / I EAST RENTON LIFT STATION SHALL REMAIN IN SERVICE I SEE SH E ET, �C-06 _ 3 16- SS I AT ALL TIMES THROUGH COMPLETION OF THE L — — d — ` x ..dA...�/ �tF., I r.`i TO T E EXISTING EAST R TO MAINTAIN STATION A ACCESS 1 C t fi�'t{' N" .a. a. 11� } 2 TO THE EXISTING EAST RENTON LIFT S ATl0.`I AND �' T :83T �. .+. !�(, ` �' :��,.•� r rt,-, ^ 'sJt r-'"�' r _ i t /1 I ACCESS TO ALL OF ITS FACILITIES FOR CITY PERSONNEL AT ALL TIMES. -- --1-- - - _ -` - >- 1 - , 'T r - 1-- --_._ E. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTIUTLES SHOWN IS BASED ION N ,� I I '/f` 9� r _ - _ LT ct. A - RECORD DRAWINGS AND FIELD LOCATES. ALL EXISTING II (7y ' 4.50 . aW0' -3.50 �qOs'^--�• 3�00 _ 2.50 — 2.00 e, 7 39L ,ta50 — ..,L; __ i._f' __ _ _ _ 7J,Y �! I UTILITIES ARE SHOWN APPROXIMATE, CONTRACTOR 'I _ / / — _j�' J .J.L 1 v % �1e = ' tY SS 5 SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES �(` .may Aa^ r y I� AFFECTED BY THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING - `s -4i`-- € t + 1 v - S' � ({' f ! n-.Qa^-„f WORK cN = 177ff29.97 /f ~' ,�.� 1I _ I :CL9' �y •+ '-.r i r tpp/ O �l ��1 1(p i VALVE _. I INSTALL BURIED PIPE AS SHOWN ON PIPING PLAN AND It v E=,316626.2i� `7 '•t .^ �,'77?.--�••;�;}`'I�� :-�j�.,G,X (.•.- i[—'� �1 I4 111 ���*Y VAUtT PROFILE SHEETS. N=177422.98 I // \\6�/ / ,A� LIMITS OF I _ -_ ' '., !,/3�,�.•� r.-! _„� 1 V - I \ �O_)/-.,I' I' L `It F-.ECT G. PIPELINE EXCAVATIONS SFULLL BE CLOSED UP OR E = 1,316764.21 / y CONSTRUCTION �' _ . _ . - ..... - f y,• $ 'i !' I, •'� \ t,7 V �' \ BLDG / Lill' I _- - _ PROTECTED AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. ( N.n7as33e I / / , RYP) . /'-, ; �� , I r c_ SQJit 1 >a`c ! p I `. I E Z. 1318785.16 - _ _ - _ _ 37g �/ t0'CONSTAUCTION ..•%.--9_ - I / ^' / 1, / .'T' I 1 SEE SHEET C_06 EASEMENT(YP)—t t 7 — F /-C4)(TVP) _ -. -y,.�� / / T^--1� / II �o O t\ l �,� 71 N { l \ ` EAST RENTON ' ~Yf� ; fl.,!'LIFT STATION , \'-' .'.1' ( - 1 r,.• • p` `\ FACILITY BRIAR HILLS _/ .r �y J >lc l !cam a �ij" N = t 7eze9.7s �l t N0. 4 �r' -I_ p t 3y �> >c m t I - I + E = 7316727.70! (�; Sf Iry +'f r( #` n I l ,/ y L1 r \ WELL I 1 jj N=,naoazz / Na177602.91 — j ✓_i— �' 8 �`r I:'t 1 7 I KEY NOTES: c=,3, 6777.,Ey�•:— .•' I �. — .r. -__- ` Cif �7\. 'Al -- �.-- / •• N ``\-EMERGENCY ' E = 137678L00 ! •';i L >. V{m! -\p' l\`-••I-, ' I ', �./ /1 7'� !. �' Iv e.ORAti YJctL .I� ] r •STEWART CREEK V '�QS `'+i',% r i •,� / ` I 1 SEE PLAN A/C-07 FOR 6VPA58 PUMPING DETAILS. _ / l r - 1 -- - f -- .— —= II � �,,/�.R,F�� '!• •7+r/ Prn _P t - - - - ` �F .'�x�J' . ) !+L /off .I : �•' 1 I �� 1 — — ! _—___ - /--i.L-. �"t�`�� { 0 1 �-�" '� `-'�-Z�: T"`!�`4'� J, -,- - ,.+ �• � -'� 7� ^ / I� : N = 178321.81 C 2 > PROVIDE TEMPORARY CHAIN LINK GATES WITH DO NOT I `r`"-y-� •mot %�,' y� +':'V' O \ -� 7 m ,I / / M I \ r E = 1316728.10 I vvV// ENTER CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AT ALL SITE ACCESS / Z{�`•' , -' ;- :yi,a[ r / V_,�...;\� .-•_ [C ` yc LOCATIONS. LOCK GATES AT THE END OF EACH WORK ! -",� gr ' y7"' , ! '\`•'\ �_ coNTRACTOR 1 a f481h PL SE t i' 2' -• = r- r / _ _ ��. r }} Jp �y`� S }t / DAY. COORDINATE WITH CITY ON LOCKING REDS. yy .-1_---tt-t.- f• 101� --' --- - -- : 0 I y r (• �, .'� 4 r.e--e d,// P.-.-•�'° I ' n v • '`y - i' !' r S7 AGING ART -A .,I z i y{ - ��-'r 2' •J„ �; I O3 PROVIDETRACER WIRE AND UNDERGROUND WARNING �" $4 r' _ _ -3' i ,•t�i ^r I i t \ TMe PER SUBSECTION 10.15052. SEE OWGS C-05 d C-06 r� % _ I y Ti I I I FOR TRACING W02E STATION DETAILS. s ! 2 ----{— j-> l�-'r ,r \ p� G • S 1 / 'J o f i 1 III 1 1 _ / .?.T _ 1_ 1 4 LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION THROUGH MAPLEWOOD PARK ,y a,77407.03 ��Q' :' _ I ! _ -- '1'w.L• / •y?r,' _ 6P.— — — J O i I : \ ! vJ \,1� — 1— SHALL BE FENCED FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION TO =,3768189797 \ N=tT76,2.9a .2�i C� �` i \II f _E_= 177612.94 'j ° 1 i ' 1*' �-L•' I #'� "� r i \ A r PREVENT OUTSIDE ENTRY. SEE SUB -SECTION 10.01500 I I I' 3jC 4 I FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1 N- 177449.14 'l ,.i 1 11 - =y r I r• T ., If E=t31%".86 I —~� - % MAPLEWOOD •rJ�? �T• r - - C1 •fi ESTATES OS PROVIDE UNDERGROUND \VAANiNG TAPE PER \ Na 177a22.27 I -�7S_ (. I �I xt �VtiC n• 'j •- i o 1 v SUBSECTION 10.15052. E - 1316644.22 — , 001 f '.ate ` •/� I PAD i r r J• .1 1 I • t y r i , �( a i,: i try( a - y,� .Q \r l I 6' F:JxE IT P) N °• / u ? I- -- - - - _ - - I 11 I I� t I � ( 11 6( I I' 1 I � I - -- - WETLANDS (TYPj MAPL ENV:7D PARR ' / / UNINCOFPOF•ATF�__`l KING, ry CITY OF lTFJ.I I1' LDt 75 / \ 1711 DIP `- KING CXA NiY 1VETLAND AND STREAM BUFFER LIMITS N_178314,46 E. 13770 N i -- _ PLAN ASCALE: 1•=40' FILE 8235000L•100 3P WATER EASE7.,ENT _ W.D A MAP' EWOOD PARK BOUNDARY s r�r®®�® �i -� PAGEEtGWEER9,MC UU y V-4V m inv BURIED UTILITIES tTIES AREA EDL �� 'm"Buc PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU Oxi++me,�+ T IMD.443W 311111 No. REVISION BY DATE APPR BRM I I '!I YCITY OF REN',ON I N = 176329.69 � I { E = 1317042.35 , a j 'r C. i !kM CITY OF RENTON PlennhlW8WWkMIPuDIIG Warks Dept. UtT-RYA7:D ACCESS EASEMENT TO CRC' OF REIVTrAi i EAST RENTON LIFT STATION MAR 2013 ELIMINATION SITE AND PIPING PLAN C-04 1, 4 KING AND STREAM BUFFER EXISTING BURIED 7 LIRVTS TELEPHONE LINE \\` . � EXIST 11.25, HORZ BEND T EXIST Y G STA 4.97.01 it.25'VER'T BEND t1.25'VER78END O7 EXIST BURIED � EXIST ONE POLE OVERHEAD B pp N=t77901.027 STA 4.38 STA 4.10 TELEPHONE LINE E - 1316616,39 N = 177956.04 N - 177982.03 • 10' CONSTRUCTION E - 1316616.05 E = 1316615.90 5�iS)1-ta,»;!c LOTS OF 17'1; 57O'P j N•1/6U5„2 CONSTRUCTION 1 - S' ,rei+ � 3 a z•w EASEMCI.T(TlPI %. CdINC97: 41' (. f Ilk In om - -- _A�� C, � �-__--•.\741 v� 3•W / _1. _ --3•00 `3.. m L 20 PER MAj T EASEM- qvt (TYP) „ m n SWRNINc{�` l �I N �, EXIST2 G 1 _ rJy `moBURIED w,-_. �x ,� � ,- •...-� i CO IX 375�- - 370 al S _ 1 360 I I STA 5+00 STA 4+50 i STA 4+00 STA 3+50 SSW re •�C ye m— BURIED U`M ilES IN AREA — PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG e4ji 1.8M0424.5555 ;{rgl(3 NO. 1 IS' SS ® 0.0D7 MIN i i i , s° '� B TEMPORARY y U7Y�01 47 - &Y6 1C.dt N STREAM _ a..1'37T3,L .CROSSING �/ E- t3-192 •� rccc � anlnsa' EXIST ��—`EV— ���` r 1 ✓:»� _ate--� 0} EXIST ) i -.C. 1•'� i �,�. )bts V' TELEPHONE POLE Oy1.22.'•// Ic Xi ✓L jSpy. -.fl -P I 6' •� C ��'!t'•`. /1 NICE t . C LIST s' r I GENERAL NOTES: C200 TRACLNG W IRE A LIMIT PVC JOINT DEFLECTION TO A MAX OF HALF MFR'S Typ STATION RECOMMENDED JOINT DEFLECTION, \ ISTORMWATER B. PIPELINE EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE CLOSED UP OR \OETENTION PROTECTED AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. POND KEY NOTES: FILL WITH SAND APPROX 9 CY PER MH. GD) \ 2 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEPTH BY POTHOLE PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION.MANHOLE CHANNELING O CORE DRILL AND CONNECT NEW SANITARY SEWER PIPING WITH KOR-N-SEAL BOOT WITH SST CONNECT(R• OR EQUAL, TA 0•7S.77 1 EXIST Mn 53,e 0T9O REMOVE MN CONE TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION S)5.7 / n - -- _ ACTIVITIES AS READ. REINSTALL TO MATCH EXISTING. SEAL WATER TIGHT. / O CHANNEL WITH FAST SETTING CONCRETE. PER CITY STD �.- PLANT 4DO.1. — o G- Q_J - O INSTALL HYDROPHILIC WATERSTOP HORIZONTALLY —y -- — _ AROUND INSIDE FACE OF EXIST MH• MIN 6- BELOW INV OF EXIST CHANNEL, MC-2010MN BY ADEKA, HYDROTTTE CJ-0725.3K BY 3 4 / O GREENSTR:AK, OR EQUAL. ADHERE WATERSTOP TO EXIST DIP W MH USING A SINGLE COMPONENT WATER -SWELLING SEALANT, ULTRA SEAL P-201 BY ADEKA, LEAKMPSTER LVA J ¢-141,lL BY GREENSTREAIL OR EQUAL. AFTER CONIC HAS TAKEN INITIAL SET, SEAL JOINT WITH SYNTHETIC RUBBER SEALING EXIST COMPOUND SIKAFLEX 2c NS OR St -OR EQUAL PER 5188 . VAINT VAULT O TELEPHONE POLES AND OVERHEAD AND BURIED LINES INDICATED WILL BE REROUTED BY CENTURY LINK APPROX I 10 FEET WEST AT THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. UTILITIES �1\ WILL REMAIN WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE CLEARING AND WORK ELECT SLOG EFFORTS WITH CENTURY LINK AND CITY DURING 7t j PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. �^ Q � O PIPELINE APPROACH TRENCH SMALL BE ISOLATED FROM Lu STREAM UNTIL PIPE IS READY TO BE INSTALLED ACROSS �1, STREAM. ' - 4,75'Sy�s3 1 ) ���"' --- '� \ ✓✓✓ � �� ��,yy 1 J a O9 ENCASE PIPES COMPLETELY WITH CLSM PER WSOOT DIP (U I 6 1✓� 'H---'� CAN", Q. W SECTION 2-09.3(1)E TO EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 72' ABOVE, BELOW AND BEYOND EDGES OF PIPES. ! 666 EAST RENTON PLAN EXIST 6010 MH 5314 OW LIFT STATION SCALE: V - 20, STA 0-00.00 FACILITY FILE: 6235C00-C.-1DO o I 76 LF S tv a� I 12' PVC SDR 35 _ APPROXIMATE EXIST GRADE w - , �.• 9 (_ ----- F4 rj o STEWART Z C W CREEK Y I 2 (STA 0+972 � Vim\ I STA 0.551 !I 5 8 LOi390.7xD IE 390.9. wl P015 PIPE TRENCH CONC CUT-OFF WALL TYP : 'I 2) PIUG AND -FILL WITH FAST SETTING ,- I i ABANDON (TYP)_ _ _—_—_-1._EQCONCvROX 3CV RAPID SET OR UAL. APPPEJ FILL: 7d' (TYP) ,, f• _ MH. (TYP 2 MANHOLES) BA K C.Og NATIVE STREAMBED MATERIAL , SACKFILL: 1 I NATIVE MATERIAL I t 11 STA 3+00 STA 2+50 STA 2+00 STA 1+50 PROFILE SCALE: HOR2 I"- 20' VERT: i' - S PACE EKGINEEA.4, PC w ,� ,^ "•9 AS INDICATED -- — Tjw o_ EDL f� DATUM — e.em� pSu REVISION BY DATE APPR 380 BACKFILL: / I 5 � d ? W � _ � 365 �BOR20YV ON I SECTI 9-03.14(t) S t3 p I- p S Y �>p MI- �yv2,6g ^~� � x;5 W to cc- ..E_ 360 STA i+00 SSA 0+50 STA 0+00 AM CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION�i3 _ 7K RENTON ELIMINATION �C-05 PtannbVBuzWrWPutMc Works Dept. PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE — STA 0+00 - STA 5+00 _ I ( { z r EXIST TELEPHONE POLE GENERAL NOTES: it I LIMIT PVC 1..T DEFLECTION TO A �y,� MAX OF HALF MFRS RECOMMENDED _EXIST STREAM COUNry:YEitDBUFFERLIMITS \ SELEPHONE EAD••7 HONEOVERLINE LINECLOSED ��jk,1 •D' J04Vr DEFLECTION. •DKrNO `B. f ! \ �� }', �l r PIPELINE EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE UP OR PROTECTED AT THE !•3tIgCG.i0 rENDOF EACH WORK DAY. 1! 11.25' HORZ BEND ( STA )-91.99— jw/ e ' N 12• N=177642.66J 7I .�_- / E = 1316755.79 •a - -__ _ -$nt tew4- =_ /_-_ .__. ._ R1C7 - o F--ti. 7 `"r'.DHL OHL Sa:� (T1 i BRIAR HILLS i �' rrI / i i it 1V t -----rl— _rq N mm r No. 4 11.25' VERT BEND t "tr I a GRIND AND OVERLAY STA B•00 i, O N=177638.25 it /� _ s !'i � CP '/y / 5• �-i �\• et CPf+-E?nS.x a's,;n:r x ''t, Ly" ix xmt Ilt, ,I r=1316762A8 _ . !% iSSS r r r / -<s v�•le r..' .' �� O(T � � ¢ �'' _(.+F :51 x 3 SY:Is+.5) Fl91 c • tn+.7 x t '-rRT BEND t0 ! 11.25* V r_a. _ I� I I �' r / �/ 1;1 f.:-x59cIL iC7 I t 3 "j ,, v -'� 5'50 I� -" CD f >7':.�••• fu.Y.y:a 11 I G_7) UMfTS OF CONS-,RkC KPi TYP { )—� --_.-.�-' i 9�xr,r J• i \ EXIST \ STA 8.28.5' S a EXIST N = 177623.l1Y I /r = 1 rc �.' ! _ I - r L1EtiT5G� L$q„TIiUC'ICN tTY') 1. — -- J ' \ ,'Y ,/ _j,.ia .,� i KEY NOTES: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEPTH 8Y .�!\ _ '-1X W_ __-_ ____ i-- -.�_ \\\ i, !/rye ' 1 i �' P"17�•° _ __ __ �� / / j•' / ,\ ° E PRIOR TO COMMENCING ' S °� POTHOL l.".-• / xe U.•>:,�•a '�.""� u CONSTRUCTION. iL, OCUT PENETRATION WITH —_ C 1 SD - - _ _ 1 P �- -� I /• + I ; I \� . \ _ SAW, 11.25' HORZ BEND POWER SAW, NO HAMMERING POWER _ _,qA 2 5 7 i ! C C �'*`U1��U�- `h m n� �TV,�.3FiD �'� y,� f •/' t5; RUC.. /� ° .� '? I STA 5187,86 ALLOWED. CONNECT NEW SANITARY N = 177825.73 SEWER PIPING WITH NPC WATERSTOP a - I idBDt PL. SE --y - .- �' `-••� Ali 5 I G a _-- FAS"g -NT ytY- EXIST�� 0 \ I 30' S0 .25• STA 7 BEND r \ ) � \1 CS ty.:•• •T �� ST', 7.12.92 /\ � 15' SS / { E = 1316&',1.84 GROUTING RING. OR EQUAL. FILL i VOID WITH GROUT. tTF: eser,. x;.721W;^A OINSTALL NEW 60' SANITARY MANHOLE IP�g-Lt PER CITY STD PLAN 400.1. �C I \ ^.s[ •* z of • -- zcq .2v /'— - i�_-�•� •i /-----'"--=-- I C200 TRACING WIRE -----�j_ I i i--- - df; —= •�- N = 177698.23 / ' E • t316899.5a i \ 1•� I % r /r ' 11.25' HOR2 SEND _ 1 ='rJ ' ' - aO AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, STA 6-46.93 I -'! ' l GRIND EXIST AC 5 FEET FROM ALL N = 777752.67 --' '� J CURBS AND JOINTS, PROVIDE 1-1rr EXIST MH 5314 090 x __ /�� -•--- -.-- _- /�--- \ l� 1 •� y` � y• 2 ----ice I TYP STA710N � � � B �{ 1`-� / \ � •� E. 13:6662.55 - OVERLAY FOR ALL PAVEMENT WITHIN �� % /,. r'�`tej ' \\ LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. STA 70�30.73 /,y � ' /• ' t• C-07 mitt / e \ J` 3 560-0 C \\// MH 5314 ON/ i ! 70' PEWAAV?!Y7 EASEIAEfti ;rrr: / EXIST r .� •: I !sax-1x t;asf. 1 n�rr3Hi P10 (1 % .,+,,,,�� Vi STA 8.57.88 \ r CHANNELING O MATCH - �Y - OUPSIREMZED PIPE DIA, RE TCHANNEL PER 10'SD _ I al 1 j� �l ?�:r?'.'sF 11�r+ f.,x_tt�.i 7:; •` {� o y( iI (2 r O[r ). �: SEWER MANHOLE /� �- / CITY STD PLAN 4D0.1. SIM CHANNEL i$i (I k1 MARKING POST PER CITY 4D42 STD PLAN 4042 \ •9� / 6I'0 S �1 OL-t0 k/L - .' �. i I ONLY. AS ROD, _ . ALL EFAND FENCES TUO CURB EIDGE PER 151 II E �� 1 /1GACHA WSDOT STD PLAN L-30.10-OD AND WSDOT SECTION 8-12. I t� ri„ 7 REMOVE SOIL IN 3' LAYERS AROUND O EXISTING UP / r _� 'J- MANHOLE 7'O PREVENT SOIL LOADING ON ONE SIDE OF MANHOLE, PLAN OTELY WITH PERPES CLSM WSDOT SECTION ON 2-09.3(1)-- SCALE; t' - 20' TO EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 1X ABOVE, FILE: 8235C00-C 100 BELOW AND BEYOND EDGES OF PIPES. I 1172LF I I I I I I 360LF I i 385 _-_ APPROXIMATE —_m m 365 O Y w Nri w S Ntl O t7 i n I s I V STING RARE I m O o m h I \ xI--��—_-- • f—_�`�_.-- .�`` NW_ to W I NW_ytU-NW- N�_N.-W N.-- N^- _ 380 I 1 i --_ �= I 36D _ _ _ APPROXIMA I EXISTING GRADE F 375 _ - 375 370 0 370 Lo 1 II 15 SS (00.009 i + I I SS®001365 LU 365 15' PVC SOR 35 I ( I j 1 S PVC SOR 35 I (i ! I I I 360 I I - 360 EX 15' SS ® O.ou ?. 1 $ BAC!(FILL• GRAVEL BORROW PER WSDOT I Z I 1 I ( ) 5 iBACKFILL• NATIVE C-08 MATERIAL 1 355 < 1 SECTION 1 3.Mit) � "x� I i 1 355 << �a� I 1 �q o90 �wo:--- I I i 350 ux�n¢v£ i I 350 STA 10+50 STA 10+00 STA 9+50 STA 9+00 STA 8+50 STA 8+00 PROFILE STA 7+50 STA 7+00 STA 6+50 STA 6+00 STA 5+50 STA 5+00 SCALE: HOR2 1' = 20' VERT: t' = S' ®® Ew•yr, � FILE: 8235C00•C-100 �)pe PACE ENGNEER9. IVC - � AS INDICATED E� CITY OF EAST RENTON LIFT STATION ELIMINATION o-'MARzot3 �% /®� ®®® R / �I /�. L-11 �[��{+ iAr C1J.I m RENTON _ e... BURIED U"a lOREYOU PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG cW,713� `� �Oa,(,M+ L P,oxtnk ya adiryww;c W«ksD°,L PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE — STA 5+00 - STA 10+31 �C-06 w alto ""'a9�' — — �u 8 13 1.600424.SM6 3111113 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR EXIST MH 53iS 135 RIM EL a 398.041 i 2 1 — CL CHNL 12' IN. E) - 386.391I _ I LIMITS OF CONa TRUCTIQN (rm) �. / — 20 KRMAN'EW / EASEMENT (TYP) . r ;a cGNSTRx;nDai , TEMP BYPASS I �+ PUMPING SYSTEM PLUG 1 14 (TYP EA END) { ✓✓✓✓✓✓ STORWXATER \ OENTE.YTX]N \ p POND EXIST ` I T 0 \ /� MH 5374 079 EASSTAO.75 T7 CE VALVE VAULT I Ib j 17" SS EXIST (TYP)' YSLOPE 1% (TYP) EXIST 60.0 MH 5314 079 I I lrss I L'_ 1 MANHOLE CHANNELING C-05 SCALE: 314- _ V-0' FILE: 823SCID-C-08 r EXIST GRADE QUARRY OEAST RENTON LIFT STATION �... M:q:rml RIM ',v�,� ST470 FACILITY 4 EMERGENCY 0 STORAGE WELL I�4��.�i�.�4/yry. •� 'i��4Fr .�'f�e',r4� ''� �. 9 I ` TEMP BYPASS PUMPING SYSTEM KING COONn IL=NO ANO C N�nl STRE,"l BUFFE!M11S , `! 14 (TYP EA END) / I k 2+00 a_%✓^+. �-(1 > EXIST _ MH 5314 078 s RIM EL = 401.20 ! r CL CHNL 10' (I- W) = 387.20 A BYPASS PUMPING PLAN jet, C-04 SCALE: 1' = 27 FILE: 8235C00•C-100 KEY NOTES: O1 TEMPORARY BYPASS PUMPING MANHOLE. MAX NOISE OF TEMPORARY BYPASS SYSTEM SHALL BE 45 dB. AT NEAREST RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY LINE. FIELD VERIFY DIAMETER OF MANHOLE. OLOCATION AND DATA FOR EXISTING MANHOLE IS BASED ON CITY OF RENTON GIS DATA AND IS APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY. OCHANNEL WITH FAST SETTING CONCRETE. END OF THICKNESS TO MATCH CHANNEL HEIGHT -12 INCHES. 7 EXISTING. CLASS 314' HMA PER WSDOT SECTION 9-03.8 O MPING ROUTE �YA5T0 _ L WSDOT O EMcRGENCRGE PIPING TOUNVERT OF GE WELL TEMPORARILY SUPPORT PIPING AS REOD. SECTION "3.9 3jR OCONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY STREAM IS OGANCHES CSBC PER WSDOT SECTION 943.9 (3) CROSSING PROVIDED TO FACILITATE EQUIPMENT ACCESS ALONG PIPELINE ALIGNMENT. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL PER GENERAL DETAILS 2 NEW AC PAVEMENT ON THE DINGS AND PER BEST MHANAGEMENT PRACTICES, SUBMIT TEMPORARY C-08 SCALE: 3ta• = i'-0' STREAM CROSSING TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL FILE: C-07.dwg PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. REMOVE ALL MATERIALS FOR TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING PRIOR RKJR TO STREAMBANK RESTORATION. SEE SUBSECTION 10.02910 FOR ADDITIONAL REOUIREM211TS, OCOMPACT CSBC AND CSTC TO 95% MDO PER ASTM D 1557. OCOMPACT HMA TO AT LEAST 91% OF ITS MAXIMUM THEORETICAL SPECIFIC GRAVITY (RICE DENSITY). !-COARSE I AGGREGATE AS NEEDED TO O8 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH LOCAL HOA SUPPORT LOADS FOR STORMWATER DETENTION POND ACCESS. O TEMr BYPASSCONTRACTOR TO NN ROUTETEAABROV U DNDERGROUNDAND SUPPORT AS REQUIRED. tp SEE STREAM{ DEWATERING PLAN FOR COFFERDAM �GEOTEXTILE FABRIC DETAILS. ADD VISOUEEN SHEET OR EQUIVALENT TO FUNNEL STREAM FLOW. VISOUEEN SHEET OR EQUIVALENT AT OUTLET OF CULVERT. - - ,� TEMPORARY B'O PtPE - - —Tr CULVERT 12 EXTEND CLSM TO 5 FEET OUTSIDE OF STREAM. INSTALL CONCRETE CUT-OFF WALL AT C SECTION O 13 GLSM SCALE: 1 1, 2, _ ,'1T 14 USE TEMPORARY PLUG TO BLOCK FLOW TO FLLE: 8135C10-C-M DOWNSTREAM MH DURING BYPASS PUMPING. 6 12 1 +50 I . SEE C-05 FOR / 10 ' ADDITIONAL .' INFORMATION B TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING 5 C-05 SCALE: 17r = 1'-0' FILE' 823SC10-C48 } BURLED UTILM. IN AREA • d PLEASE CALL SEFOMYOU DIG SCALE: NTS FILE 8235CIO-C-08 INSTALL TEMPORARY GRAVEL BEFORE GRADING PHASE OF PROJECT, REMOVE PRIOR TO PAVEMENT INSTALLATION NOTE: ONLY INSTALL TEMPORARY GRAVEL AROUND CATCH BASINS W UNPAVED AREAS. USE FILTER FABRIC TO PROTECT EXISTING CATCH BASINS W PAVED AREAS. SCALE: NTS FILE: 8235CIDC4t8 a' - 6' MOUND PLAN INSTALL TEMPORARY FILTER FABRIC BETWEEN FRAME AND GRATE OF ALL CATCH BASINS AND INLETS INSIDE OR ADJACENT TO DISTURBED AREAS. E 8• MIN. T KEY NOTES: i THE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PURCHASED IN A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID USE OF FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 6(• WIDE JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY, FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE SPLICED TOGETHER ONLY AT A SUPPORT POST, WITH A t ROLLS. USE STAPLES OR WIRE MINIMUM 6-INCH OVERLAP, AND BOTH ENDS SECURELY FASTENED TO THE POST. RINGS TO ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE 5 O THE FILTER FABRIC FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED TO FOLLOW THE CONTOURS (INHERE FEASIBLE). THE FENCE POSTS SHALL 2• BY a• WOOD POSTS, BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART AND DRIVEN SECURELY INTO THE GROUND (MINIMUM OF 30 INCHES), STANDARD L BETTER OR EQUAL ALTERNATE / p 7 8Y T BY 14 G0. WIRE rD I O3 A TRENCH SHALL BE EXG4VATE0, ROt1G}AY 81NCHES WIDE /W0 12 INCHES D'cEP, UPSLOPE AND ADJACENT TO THE WOOD FABRIC OR EOUIV. POST TO ALLOW THE FILTER FABRIC TO BE BURIED. 1 I? 1 -)— : •-=~ } .l f FILTER FABRIC I O WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS USED, A WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO MATERIAL i I 1 THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS USING HEAVY-DUTY WIRE STAPLES AT LEAST 1 INCH LONG, TIE WIRES OR HOG RINGS. 2; •'- . O 2• SY 2• BY -< GA. WINE (.` 'q THE WIRE SMALL EXTEND INTO THE TRENCH A MINIMUM OF < INCHES AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 INCHES FABPoC OR EOUIV, i I it Iv ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. THE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SMALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED THE PENCE. AND 20 INCHES OF THE FABRIC SHALL BE EXTENDED INTO THE TRENCH. THE FABRIC SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND ` SURFACE. RLTER FABRIC SHALL NOT BE STAPLED TO EXISTING TREES. 0 \ { 1_ OB WHEN EXTRA -STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC AND CLOSER POST SPACING ARE USED, THE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE MAY BE --{{ MwELIMINATED. IN SUCH A CASE, THE FILTER FABRIC IS STAPLED OR WIRED DIRECTLY TO THE POSTS. t i I I a� L 3 BURY BOTTOM OF Z- r BY a• WOOD POST �T> PRIDE 314 -1.5• WASHED GRAVEL BACKFILL IN TRENCH AND ON BOTH SIDEES OF FILTER FENCE FABRIC ON THE SURFACE. FILTER 114ATERUL IN \/ 8 INSTALL UPSTREAM SCREENED DIVERSION PUMP. PUMP SHALL. AT A MINIMUM, BE A 6 INCH GAS POWERED TRASH PUMP, W MAX_ 8' BY 12"TRENCH SUFFICIENT TO HANDLE EXPECTED STREAM FLOWS OF 0.5 TO 3 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND INCLUDING FLEXIBLE PIPE r SECTION SYSTEM. P) NOTE: FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING O SELECT DISCHARGE POINT DOWNSTREAM OF IMPACTED AREA TO AVOID EROSION, LINE DISCHARGE AREA WITH VISOUEEN PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SMALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. OR EQUIVALENT TO DISSIPATE FLOW ENERGY AND PREVENT CHANNEL SCOUR 2 10 INSTALL UPSTREAM COFFERDAM WITH LOW POINT ALIGNED WITH CENTER OF ACTIVE CHANNEL. COORD LOCATION WITH SILT FENCE DETAIL TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING. SCALE: NTS FILE: 8235Ci0C-08 11 INSTALL DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM BELOW IMPACTED AREA - SACKS SHALL BE #10 JUTE BURLAP 12 COMPLETE ALL IN WATER WORK GRADE SITE AND INSTALL COIR LOGS AND COIR BLANKET WHILE CHANNEL IS OR WITH <b TO SS LBS. OF PEA GRAVEL APPROVED ALTERNATE FILLED WITDE-WATERED. WORK SMALL BE COMPLETED AFTER INSTALLATION OF PIPELINE AND DURING REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY BACKF01 FOR DRAINS. STREAM CROSSING. DECOMMISSION BYPASS PUMPING SYSTEM UPON ACCEPTANCE BY OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. INSTALL APPROXIMATELY 3 FEET t3 WHERE DEWATERING PIPE CROSSES EQUIPMENT CROSSING OR INTERFERES WITH CONSTRUCTION, BURY PIPE IN A ABOVE CHANNEL INVERT. ALIGN TRENCH AND COVER WITH STEEL PLATES. LOW POINT IN DAM WITH CENTER OF CHANNEL' to USE HIGH VISIBILITY FENCING TO DELINEATE IN -STREAM LIMIT OF WORK. A BACKFILL AS INDICATED ON PIPING PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS. ADO NSOUEEN 15 THROUGH FILLED LA BURLAP SACK STACK FLOWLINE P. SACKS FIRMLY AGAINST GROUND LINE AND ADJACENT SACKS. PLAN SECTION A N ` 048 / SCALE: NITS / FILE 8235Ci0-C48 UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE INSTALL NATIVE STREAMBED MATERIAL WHERE PER SUBSECTION 10.15052 SLHTASLE OTHERWISE PROVIDE STREAMSED SEDIMENT PER WSDOT SECTION 9-03.11(1) TO TRACER WIRE PER SUBSECTION DEPTH OF 12'. MATCH EXISTING GRADE. 10.15052 - G 19* TOPSOIL STA 1.00 TO 8-60 i, ♦ \ ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' (EXCLUDNG STREAM CROSSING) ONLY.//' MATCH EXISTING GRADE. SEE ,.- CLSM PER WSDOT SUBSECTION 10.02900 FOR SALVAGE/ I % Q U J O • �A 15 SECTION 2-09.3(tk IMPORT REQUIREMENTS. BACKFILL FOR ALL OTHER STATIONING AS INDICATED ON THE DWGS AND AS SPECIFIED.PER CITY SM PLAN 405 EXCEPT S ZONE MATERIAL SMALL BE GRAVEL MATERIASMALL Yr�`L \\%• \\/� SACKFILL FOR PIPE ZONE BEDDING NATIVE SOIL NATIVE SOIL PER WSDOT SECTION 9-03.12(3), IN NO CASE SMALL PEA GRAVEL BE PERMITTED. 5 TRENCH BACKFILL DETAIL (TYP) 6 TRENCH BACKFI C-M SCALE NTS C-05 SCALE: NTS C-08 FILE 8235C10L-M C-07 FILE: 8235CIDC-08 4,jv(u l® r- ESA 5309 SAUsllole Ave. NW ea S01e, WA 98107 P:(2D6))789.9856 F: 1206j 789-968a i I SMED UTILITIES IN AREA ,e PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU Dr. 1.80D 62d.5S5 UNDERGROUND WARNING TAPE PER SUBSECTION 10.15052 TRACER WIRE PER SUBSECTION 10.15D52 BACKFILL ONLY AM CROSSIN AIL (X)STREAM DEWATERING PLAN C-02 SCALE: 1•-10'-0' FILE: 8235000-1-100 ,` r LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, TYP. / I I t NOTE: PLACE 3 LOGS IN TRIANGULAR FORMATION. • TIP OF EACH LOG SHALL OVERLIE THE WIDEST END OF THE NEXT LOG. PLAN nA S309 Shilshole Aw. NW Seattle. WA 98107 P: 1789-95% F: 06) 789•9684 A r l 3 TYPE A TYR eHABITAT LOG CLUSTER L-01 NITS BURIED U WiIES IN AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1•30:A21.5555 A PLAN FILE: 8235000•L-03 END OF EACH LOG ON FINISH GRADE SECTION KEY PIZ_�j,\` \ HABITAT LOG CLUSTER O I t•Ot HABITAT LOG O • ` I •/ +t ` I -_ c.==Z= IN -STREAM HABITAT LOG 2 O3 LARGE WOODY DEBRIS (LWD) SCHEDULE KEY NOTES: f I 1 Ot HABITAT LOGS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF EXISTING PATH. j / i • (�• 2O HABITAT LOGS SHALL BE MACHINE PLACED WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AND SHALL BE HAND44L4)CED OUTSIDE 777 OF THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, COTTONWOOD LOGS SHALL NOT J \ BE PLACED INSIDE THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION. • DRAWING SHOWS APPROXIMATE SIZES, QUANTITIES. AND LOCATIONIORIENTATION OF HABITAT LOGS. ACTUAL SIZE, // QUANTITY. AND LOCATIOWORIENTATION SHALL BE ;.• DETERMINED IN THE FIELD, SEE GENERAL NOTES. THIS SHEET. i� GENERAL NOTES: A. HABITAT LOGS SHALL BE FROM SALVAGED, ON -SITE MATERIAL PER SHEET C-03. � B. KA917AT LOGS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO PLANTING INSTALLATION TYPE LENGTH DIAMETER QUANTITY HaDltat log Type A 8.15 LF 6-12 IN TBO 3 Habitat Log Type B 1530 LF 12• IN 30 C. HABITAT LOGS SHALL BE FIELD LOCATED BY OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE AND COORDINATED WITH KING COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT. O. THE OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE SHALL BE ON SITE DURING HABITAT LOG INSTALLATION. STEWART CREEK .-VARIES'.; '....:_ NOTE: DETAIL SHOWS POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES FOR HABITAT LOG PLACEMENT IN SI=T CREEK FINAL HABITAT LOG PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IN THE FIELD AND COORDINATED WITH KING COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT. IN -STREAM HABITAT LOG PLACEMENT ALTERNATIVES l-01 NTS KEY ------------ .i--~—_ - t-- �� .-_ •_`i.t~Z.LS tZ... �,-r(�Lr ti�Il� Ti- ,^"r ,> '--L=rv,'� t` ..a .i_`l l WOODCHIP PATH I / _ _ I..; �ti�,/� `ii ".''S,jK�\�,\.'i .'i\i\�,Y`_I \i �� '1 t,-1,.�tX .. -�C }�•r_ ��—_ FORESTED BUFFER ENHANCEMENT Oi ,\ x ! t i, f�, y�. ��ti'„t_"� f / �./ ♦ t. \� r (PLANTING ZONE I) L� x , J'�j�/�,J' �.�`x� - �/ • f ! 3 STREAM BANK RESTORATON r _ ` _ i_ _ _/ SHRUB BUFFER ENHANCEMENT PLANTING BONE 2) L� O O L-02 '7 6:�J ' 1 / _� `'• , /_ _ _ / r , d i _ z — _N _ — if I 1 ' ' ( 3 I 1 I / Jii STREAM BANK RESTORATION e (PLANTING ZONE 3) L-02 L-03 L-03 NATM SEED MIX 2 (PIANTiNGZONE4) O Li e • LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, TYP. GENERAL NOTES: I A. A TEMPORARY STREAM DE -WATERING SYSTEM SHALL BE IN PLACE TO DIVEROUND WORK AREA PRIOR TO IN171ATION OF FLOW TREEAM CROSSING REMOVAL TTEMPOTRARY SHEET C-02). l I t ~�, V S(SEE !�i / I "r ' ��:�/ •�'i/ '` ''� I \ I �� i B, REMOVE ALL MATERIALS USED IN TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING % JJJ ,� �� ll--�+--.---, 1- -` / r ^ `\� \ ,t �- !• 1�''— PRIOR TO PLANTING. SEE NOTES ON SHEET C-08 FOR SEQUENCE OF COIR LOG It BLANKET INSTALLATION. STEWART CREEK ��- Planting Zone 1: Forested Buffer Enhancement Scle mific Nam [Common Mims ITypo ISpacing PtsmtAaaber Spoda1I.urucxiorrs .. Ater rtmuoplryl. jtggleall mple t gal 8 P. o,c, 32 Alnus rt*ra (od cider t gat 8 fl o.e. 16 Pseuddtwp mertzfes8 DMV- @ ll gat B fl o,c. 58 TomiTteos 103 Shrubs- Mabodanumm LawOregongrape Igd 4flo.c, 18 Oanfe/U ceroWwrrs lodan alum 10 4 it O.C. 18 Phytsocapas capttatLia Phdik nbebaA 1 gal 411 o.c. 18 PblysBcntmmlegLun Sword tom t 9d 4 no.c. 36 Rub= apeuabilis SlrtnlnUM t gal 4 it oz. 18 sr. vsoficapos atbus Sn= DOTy .10 4 it o.c. 18 Total Stvubs t —- COMMON NAME T 1 - Douglas fa TYPICAL PLANTING COMPOSITION IN A 900 T2 _ Erg leaf maPle SQUARE FOOT AREA TO CONSIST OF T3 - R� 6Id81 3 APPROX. 16 TREES AND 20 SHRUBS. 51 - Sahronbetry S2 - Indian prum L-03 S3 - Sword fern S4-Sno•.Weny SS - Low 0109M Drop• SB - Pacific ninebatk TYPICAL FOREST BUFFER ENHANCEMENT PLANTING DETAIL U NTS 5309 SNlsnde Ave. NW Seattle, WA 98107 P: 12206) 789.9658 F: 06) 789-9684 BURIED UTILITIES R: AREA PLEASE CALL BEFORE YW DIG 1.1 OA24.558 7"- (A_')PLAN _ FILE: 8235CAOi.-02 Planting Zone 4: Native Seed Mix Botanical Nam* Common toms %by Woight %Purity %'Ain Germination Festuca rubra L ssp rubr8 1t3We Rod Fescue 30.00 95.00 85 Bymus glaucus Blue W4drye 30.00 95.00 85 Bromus cariamus California Some 20,00 90.00 BO Deschartfpsla caesptrosa TuftDd HanVass 10.00 95.00 85 Agropyron dpadum Streantw* NTeatpress 10,00 90.00 80 WA Inert matter I I,5 msx MA NA AIIA volaw Seed 1 0.5 max NA NA C. MAINTAIN EXISTING PATH NETWORK POST -CONSTRUCTION. COVER \ WITH 4' WOODCHIP MULCH AT TIME OF PLANTING. D. PLANTING SHALL EXTEND TO LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION, AS SHOWN ON THE CIVIL DWGS. E. TREES SHALL NOT BE PLANT ED WITHIN 70 FT OF SEWER LINE. KEY NOTES: �j WOODCHIP MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED THROUGHOUT PLANTING ZONES 1 8 2, SEE DETAIL SHEET L-03, ONATIVE SEED MIX SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 40 Las PER ACRE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. O7HE PLANTING PERIOD FOR PLANTING ZONE 3 OIFFERS FROM THE PLANTING PERIOD FOR PLANTING ZONES 1, 2,8 4: SEE _ _ /• i I f�i ; + SPECIFICATIONS. qOINSTALL COIR LOGS AND COIR BLANKET PRIOR TO PUNTING LIVE STAKES. Planting Zone 2: Shrub 8 Native Seed ftlix Buffer Enhancement SClomitlCU31710 commonNmnO I Type ISpochig I PhmTLmbor spacialInstruct&ms Stu ubs - ! Wfortia nerum Lour Oregm grape I gal 4 it O.C. 54 Cla"Ereriecerasifom.Ys hQxnpUn 1gd 4110.C. 54 Physocmiau cepituus Pat tlk r14Ltt ork 1 gal 4 ft o.c. 54 Iodystithun muium So ord tern I gal 4 it o.c, 71 Rubw spectebills Sahmberry 1 gal 4 flo.c, 71 S)f?1#Mrfcarpos 616W Snow berry I gal 4 it o.c. 54 Total Shrubs I J57 Sa —r- COLIIAON NAME S2 52 O 53 O Ger ryOI Indian sum eOS4. Sword SnS5 -Low regon_ S6 - Pack nmobark L-03 3 I S7 SISS O O O O I ss ss— ELAN GROUP LIKE SPECIES TOGETHER TYP. TYPICAL PLANTING COMPOSITION IN A 1000 SQUARE FOOT AREA TO CONSIST OF APPROX. 28 SHRUBS. PLANT SHRUBS IN NATURAL GROUPINGS TO CREATE WILDLIFE HABITAT ZONES, .TYPICAL SHRUB BUFFER ENHANCEMENT PLANTING DETAIL L-0Z NTS Planting Zone 3 Stream Bank Restoration 8dontine Nsmo Common N=o Type Spating Plant Numbar Spscfal instructions Shrubs comusswice0 Imd-osiordW-vood Livastaks 21to.r. 1 20 SON ludda I Flair W Ww 11.1vastako 2 it o.c. 13 Salixsirchensis I Sake Nam jUvestake 12flo.c. 18 Total Shrubs 51 n + eSTREAM BANK RESTORATION 1'=S LOG. TYP. COMMONNAME Si • Redder dopa'..d e e O S2 - Perirw waow L-03 L-03 53 - S4.ka wMaw PLANT LIVE STAKE THROUGH CDR PLANT TREES AND BLANKET ON SLOPE, TYP. SHRUBS IN UPLAND AREA PLANT LIVE, DORMANT STAKES BETWEEN 0.5, y INCH IN DIAMETER, TYF } 111. kN1 I I Jai" INSTALL COIR ypy BLANKET ON SLOPE, TYP., PER 9 COIR LOG, INSTALL AT CITY STANDARD SECTION TOE OF SLOPE, TYP. SEE PLAN 213.10, STAKED COIR LOG DETAIL, METAL STAKES THIS SHIEST. SHALL NOT BE USED STREAM BANK PLANTING l-01 NTS /� Z'X-X24' NOTCHED WOOD COIR LOG NOTES STAKE, 12'ON CENTER _ 7. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. �I 2. WHERE A LOG DOES NOT AEUT —III ANOTHER LOG, SECURELY BURY { I THE END INTO THE BANK TO _ Ir DIAMETER COIR DIRECT THE STREAM AWAY FROM / 1 LOG SET FIRMLY IN SOIL i 1 I I- _I 11=( 11-1 11-11 I— 1=1 ICI I !=I I F, ,111.--111;,;11 SECTION —I e STAKED COIR LOG DETAIL NTS r- ESA 5309 SN11slrole Ave. NW SwrJe, WA 98107 P: �2061789.9858 F: 206, 789A684 BURIED UTILITIES IN AREA PLEASE CAL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.8W,4245%5 MINIMUM OF 2 BUDS EXPOSED, TYP. MAKE PILOT HOLES IN EXISTING SOIL WITH REBAR. TAMP SOIL AROUND LIVE STAKES. TYP. ANGLE GUT AT 45 DEGREES. TYP. SEE PLANTING SCHEDULE."T. I SECTION eLIVE STAKE PLANTING DETAIL NTS SCARIFY ROOTBA ROOTS AN[ K O NF rZ- ZZQr TO EDGE OF ROOTBALL ­cn �=n FINISH GRADE BACKFILL WITH NATIVE SOIL ONLY SCARIFY EDGES OF PLANTING HOLE TO ALLOW FOR ROOT PENETRATION BOTTOM OF ROOTBALL RESTING ON 3X ROOTBALL DETER UNDISTURBED SOIL SECTION eTREE/SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL L-01 NTS