HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273625REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED AEROSPACE TRAINING CENTER 300 RAINIER AVE N, RENTON, WA S&EE JOB NO. 1234 NOVEMBER 18, 2012 1 234rpt S&EE 15AM SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. 16625 Redmond Way, Suite M 124, Redmond, Washington 98052, (425) 868-5868 November 18, 2012 Mr. Tim Richey, AIA SRG PARTNERSHIP, INC 110 Union Street #300 Seattle, WA 98101 Report Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Aerospace Training Facility Renton, WA Dear Tim: We are pleased to present herewith our Report of Geotechnical Investigation for the referenced project. Our services were authorized by Mr. Duncan Thieme on October 22, 2012 and have been provided in accordance with our proposal dated October 21, 2012. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of this report or require additional information, please contact me anytime. Very truly yours, SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS, INC. 1= mve EGGAC. J. Shin, Ph.D., P.E. �- President NoV 1234rpt I1 //—/J1-/ L S&EE TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES................................................................................................................................. I 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS......................................................................................................................................2 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS...........................................................................................................................2 3.2 GEOLOGIC INFORMATION..................................................................................................................... 2 3.3 COAL MINE, LANDSLIDE, EROSION, AND SEISMIC HAZARDS.......................................................... 3 3.4 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATION OF SLOPE STABILTY...........................................................................4 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................................................5 5.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................. 5 5.2 FOUNDATION SUPPORT.......................................................................................................................... 5 5.3 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ON PERMANENT RETAINING WALLS .............................................. 6 5.4 STRUCTURAL FILL.................................................................................................................................. 8 5.5 SITE DRAINAGE....................................................................................................................................... 9 5.6 SLAB-ON-GRADE..................................................................................................................................... 9 5.7 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EXCAVATIONS................................................................................ 9 5.8 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................................................. 10 5.9 ADDITIONAL SERVICES....................................................................................................................... 10 6.0 CLOSURE.................................................................................................................................................... I I FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2: SITE AND EXPLORATION PLAN FIGURE 3: ACTIVE FAULTS NEAR SITE FIGURE 4: SURCHARGE LOAD ON SUBSURFACE WALLS APPENDIX A: FIELD EXPLORATION AND LOGS APPENDIX B: SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES 1234rpt iii S&EE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED AEROSPACE TRAINING CENTER For SRG Partnership, Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION We present in this report the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed aerospace training center. The project site is located at 300 Rainier Avenue North, Renton, WA. A Site Location Map is shown in Figure 1 and a Site & Exploration Plan is shown in Figure 2, both are included at the end this report. We understand that the current project scope involves demolition of the existing building and construction of a new building at the same location. The new building will be similar to the existing one, that is, a single -story, wood -framed structure with a daylight basement. The existing basement opens to the east and carves into the upper portion of the onsite, east -facing slope. We anticipate relatively light building loads, and very minimal cut and fill to establish building grade. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our investigation is to develop geotechnical recommendations regarding the design and construction of the new building. Specifically, our services included: 1. Performance of subsurface investigations by the drilling of three exploratory borings. 2. Recommendations regarding type of foundation support. 3. Evaluation of the stability of the onsite slope; impact by the proposed building and mitigation, if necessary. 4. Evaluation of the onsite grades and comment on the likelihood of onsite slope created by previous cut. 5. Recommendation regarding seismic design; evaluation of liquefaction potential and mitigation recommendations. 6. Recommendations regarding temporary slopes. 1234rpt S&EE 7. Recommendations regarding passive, active and at -rest earth pressures and coefficient of friction for the resistance of lateral loads. 8. Recommendations regarding site preparation, angles of temporary slopes, suitability of onsite soils for use as fill, types of suitable imported fill, fill placement techniques, and compaction criteria. 9. Preparation of this geotechnical report which contains a site plan, boring logs, a description of subsurface conditions, and our findings and recommendations. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS The project site is located at the southwest corner of Renton Municipal Airport. The site is long and narrow in the north -south direction, and is bordered to the west by Rainer Avenue North and to the east by West Perimeter Road. The site is currently occupied by a building that used to be Renton Chamber of Commerce Building. There is surface parking to the south of the existing building, and grass lawn to the north of the building. The site is located on a level bench that overlooks Renton Airport. The east side of this bench is a slope that drops about 26 feet to West Perimeter Road. The slope is relatively steep, about 75% inclination in average. At the time of this report, the slope is covered with thick vines. The slope face is relatively even, and there is no obvious sign of slope movements such as slumps or hummocky terrains. The current building is a single -story, wood -framed building with a daylight basement opening to the east. The topographic information suggests that the daylight basement is constructed with an 8-foot deep excavation in the upper half of the east slope. 3.2 GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Published geologic information (The Geologic Map of The Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington, by D. R. Mullineaux.,1965) indicates that the site area is underlain by artificial fill which is in turn underlain by sedimentary rock with fragments of volcanic rock. The rocks are mainly sandstone, siltstone, and may locally weathered to clay. 1234rpt 2 S&EE 3.3 COAL MINE, LANDSLIDE, EROSION, AND SEISMIC HAZARDS Sensitive Areas Map published by King County indicates no landslide and erosion hazards at the project site. The map also shows that the nearest coal mine hazard area is about 1.5 miles from the site. Figure 3, which is included at the end of this report, shows that Seattle Fault is the prominent active fault closest to the site. The fault is a collective term for a series of four or more east -west -trending, south - dipping fault strands underlying the Seattle area. This thrust fault zone is approximately 2 to 4 miles wide (north -south) and extends from the Kitsap Peninsula near Bremerton on the west to the Sammamish Plateau east of Lake Sammamish on the east. The four fault strands have been interpolated from over - water geophysical surveys (Johnson, et al., 1999) and, consequently, the exact locations on land have yet to be determined or verified. Recent geologic evidence suggests that movement on this fault zone occurred about 1,100 years ago, and the earthquake it produced was on the order of a magnitude 7.5. 3.4 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions at the site were explored by the drilling of 3 exploratory borings B-1, B-2, and B-3. B-1 and B-2 were advanced using a truck -mounted drill rig. As the grass lawn at B-3 was softened by rain at the time of drilling and could not support the drill rig, B-3 was drilled with a hand auger. The approximated exploration locations are shown on Figure 2. Details of the exploration and logs are included in Appendix A of this report. A Soil Classification Chart and Key to Logs is shown at the end of the appendix. Boring B-1 was drilled near the top edge of the east slope and found 13.5 feet of fill soil. The fill consists of loose to medium dense silty sand and gravel, and is underlain by a medium stiff silt. This silt contains trace organics and has the appearance of alluvial deposits. We believe that a swale or creek was once occupied the area. A hard silt is found below the alluvial soil. This silt becomes very hard below the depth of 24 feet and the auger was refused at 25 feet. Based on our experience with the subsurface condition in the region, we believe this hard silt represents the upper, weathered portion of a siltstone. Boring B-2 was drilled near the western site boundary. The boring encountered 7 feet thick of very dense sand at the ground surface. The sand is underlain by a medium dense to dense silty sand that has the appearance of an alluvial soil. Similar to the condition at B-1, the alluvial soil is underlain by a hard silt that is likely a siltstone. B-2 also encountered very hard silt at a depth of 24 feet and the silt became so hard that the auger could not be advance beyond the depth of 25 feet. 1234rpt 3 S&EE Boring B-3 encountered about 10 feet thick of medium dense.to dense sand. Like B-1 and B-2, boring B-3 found alluvial -like silt below the upper sand. This silt is very stiff and prevented drilling below a depth of 10.5 feet. Borings B-1 and B-3 did not encounter any groundwater, but B-2 encountered groundwater at a depth of 8.5 feet. The subsoils at B-1 were moist and not wet, and the alluvial soil at B-3 was moist to wet. This information indicates that a perched groundwater table is present over the relatively impervious alluvial silt. We further believe that the depth of this perched groundwater table will vary with season and precipitation. All soil samples were screened by a PID (photoionization detector) which did not detect any organic vapor. Based on our experience with the subsoils, it is our opinion that the alluvial soils at depths of 7 to 13.5 feet are slightly corrosive. 4.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATION OF SLOPE STABILTY Based on our understanding of the soil and groundwater conditions underlying the site, and our estimate of the soil parameters, we have conducted slope stability analyses using the computer program STABL5M. Both steady state and dynamic/seismic loading conditions were considered. The standard engineering practice considers the stability of a slope to be acceptable if it demonstrates a factor of safety of at least 1.5 and 1.1 for static and seismic conditions, respectively. A factor of safety is defined as the summation of resisting forces divided by the summation of driving forces. Our evaluations show a factor of safety of 1.43 and 0.78 for static and seismic conditions, respectively. The graphic presentations of these evaluations are shown in Appendix B at the end of this report. I234rpt 4 S&EE 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 GENERAL 1. Based on the boring data, we believe that the steep slope at the east side of the site is a filled slope and the fill was probably placed at the time of road (Rainier Ave N) construction. 2. We believe that the daylight basement of the existing building is founded on the competent alluvial soils that include medium to very stiff silt and medium dense to dense silty sand. On the other hand, the western, single -story portion of the building is founded on competent medium dense to very dense sand or silty sand. We further believe that the new building can be supported on conventional spread footings founded on the same soils at similar depths as the existing building. 3. Our slope stability evaluations show that the onsite, east -facing steep slope is relatively stable at steady state (factor of safety = 1.43), but has a high risk of sliding during strong earthquake (factor of safety = 0.78). Also, the slope stability is not affected by the building loads as they are supported on competent soils and the building loads are away and outside the potential slide plane. Details of our recommendations are presented below. 5.2 FOUNDATION SUPPORT We recommend that the new building be supported on conventional spread footings. The followings parameters are recommended for spread footing design and construction. Allowable Bearing Loads: Footings can be designed with an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot (pso. This value includes a factor of safety of at least 3, and can be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loads. Footing Construction: Prior to re -bar and concrete placement, all footing bearing surfaces must be cleaned of loose soil cuttings. Any softened and loosened soil encountered at footing subgrade should be over -excavated, and the over -excavation should be backfilled with concrete or compacted crushed rock. The latter should be approved by an engineer from our office prior to use. 1234rpt 5 S&EE All footing bearing surfaces should be inspected by a geotechnical engineer from our office prior to concrete placement. Our engineer will confirm the bearing capacity of the subgrade soils, and provide recommendations regarding over -excavation, if necessary. Settlement: Interior column footings designed in accordance with the above recommendations are expected to experience approximately 1/2 inch of settlement. Continuous wall footings should experience settlement of about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Differential settlement between adjacent footings is expected to be about 1/4 inch. The settlement will occur rapidly, essentially as the loads are applied. Lateral Resistance: Lateral resistance can be obtained from the passive earth pressure against the footing sides and the friction at the contact of the footing bottom and bearing soil. The former can be obtained using an equivalent fluid density of 250 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), and the latter using a coefficient of friction of 0.5. These values include a safety factor of 1.5. Frost Protection and Minimum Width: All exterior footings should be founded at least 12 inches below the adjacent finished grade to provide protection against frost action, and should be at least 18 inches in width to facilitate construction. 5.3 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ON PERMANENT RETAINING WALLS Lateral earth pressures on permanent retaining walls, underground vaults or utility trenches/pits, and resistance to lateral loads may be estimated using the recommended soil parameters presented in the following table. .� � .. .... a •Y .. . � .. ;. . >;. Equivalent FluidUnit Weighf.(PCF)° of M a�. Friction' at -Base F d , Active'.At-rest. ` Passive Structural fill and 40 50 250 0.5 native soils Note: Hydrostatic pressures are not included in the above lateral earth pressures. 1234rpt 6 S&EE The at -rest case applies to unyielding walls, and would be appropriate for walls that are structurally restrained from lateral deflection such as basement walls, utility trenches or pits. The passive earth pressure and coefficient of friction include a safety factor of 1.5. The active case applies to walls that are permitted to rotate or translate away from the retained soil by approximately 0.002H to 0.004H, where H is the height of the wall. SURCHARGE INDUCED LATERAL LOADS Additional lateral earth pressures will result from surcharge loads from floor slabs or pavements for parking that are located immediately adjacent to the walls. The surcharge -induced lateral earth pressures are uniform over the depth of the wall. Surcharge -induced lateral pressures for the "active" case may be calculated by multiplying the applied vertical pressure (in psf) by the active earth pressure coefficient (Ka). The value of Ka may be taken as 0.3. The surcharge -induced lateral pressures for the "at -rest" case are similarly calculated using an at -rest earth pressure coefficient (Ko) of 0.5. For surcharge loads that are not adjacent to the wall, the induced lateral earth pressure will depend on the magnitude of the surcharge and the distance from the wall. Such induced lateral load can be estimated using the equations shown on Figure 4 The slope -induced lateral earth pressure can be accounted for by increasing the effective height of the wall by one-half the slope height. The traffic -induced lateral earth pressure can be accounted for by increasing the effective wall height by 2 feet. SEISMIC INDUCED LATERAL LOADS For imbalanced, seismic induced lateral loads, the dynamic force can be calculated using the following equation. Pe = 1 OH , where Pe = uniform pressure in psf H = wall height in feet BACKFILL IN FRONT OF RETAINING WALLS Backfill in front of the wall should be structural fill. The material and compaction requirements are presented in Section 5.4 of this report. The density of the structural fill can be assumed to be 130 pounds per cubic feet. 1234rpt 7 S&EE BACKFILL BEHIND RETAINING WALLS Backfill behind the wall should be free -draining materials which are typically granular soils containing less than 5 percent fines (silt and clay particles) and no particles greater than 4 inches in diameter. The backfill material should be placed in 6 to 8-inch thick horizontal lifts and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum density in accordance with ASTM D-1557 test procedures. In the areas where the fill will support pavement, sidewalk or slabs, the top four (4) feet of the backfill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum density. Care must be taken when compacting backfill adjacent to retaining walls, to avoid creating excessive pressure on the wall. DRAINAGE BEHIND RETAINING WALLS Rigid, perforated drainpipes should be installed behind retaining walls. Drainpipes should be at least 4 inches in diameter, covered by a layer of uniform size drain gravel of at least 12 inches in thickness, and be connected to a suitable discharge location. An adequate number of cleanouts should be installed along the drain line for future maintenance. 5.4 STRUCTURAL FILL The structural fill materials should meet both the material and compaction requirements presented below. Material Requirements: Structural fill should be free of organic and frozen material and should consist of hard durable particles, such as sand, gravel, or quarry -processed stone. The on -site sandy soils are suitable for structural fill. The material should be moisture -conditioned to +/- 2% from their optimum moisture contents prior to use. Suitable imported structural fill materials include silty sand, sand, mixture of sand and gravel (pitrun), and crushed rock. All structural fill material should be approved by our geotechnical engineer prior to use. Placement and Compaction Requirements: Structural fill should be placed in loose horizontal lifts not exceeding a thickness of 6 to 12 inches, depending on the material type, compaction equipment, and number of passes made by the equipment. Structural fill should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined using the ASTM D-1557 test procedures. 1234rpt 8 S&EE 5.5 SITE DRAINAGE The site surface should be graded so that surface water is directed away from the structural areas. Standing water should not be allowed. Final site grades should be sloped away from the building unless the area is paved, or yard drains installed to collect surface runoff. Onsite infiltration of storm water is not recommended as the water would incur negative impacts on the stability of the steep slope. 5.6 SLAB -ON -GRADE All slabs can be soil supported. We envision that the soil at the subgrade will be disturbed and loosened by construction activities at the time of slab construction. We therefore recommend that the subgrade be re - compacted prior to pour. Any wet and loose areas should be over -excavated and backfilled with structural fill. Assuming that the slab subgrade is prepared per recommendations presented above, a subgrade reaction modulus of 100 pci (pounds per cubic inches) can be used for slab -on -grade design. We recommend that slab -on -grade be underlain by a 15 mil vapor barrier over at least 4-inch thick free - draining gravel. 5.7 TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EXCAVATIONS Temporary cuts less than 4 feet in depth can be sloped at 1 H:1 V (Horizontal to Vertical) or flatter; temporary cuts deeper than 4 feet should be sloped at 1.5H:IV. The contractor should note the following recommendations. 1. A perched groundwater table may be present near the bottom of the cut. Therefore, temporary cut should be continuous from the top to bottom with no vertical bank at the toe of the cut. A vertical bank will adversely impact the stability of the slope if groundwater seepage occurs. 2. The slope face should be protected from weather using visqueen. All permanent slopes should be no steeper than 2H:1 V. Water should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of any slope. Also, all permanent slopes should be seeded with the appropriate species of vegetation to reduce erosion and maintain the slope stability. 1234rpt 9 S&EE 5.8 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS We recommend that Site Class C as defined in the 2009 IBC be considered for the seismic design. Due to the presence of firm soils below the perched groundwater table, liquefaction potential is negligible. 5.9 ADDITIONAL SERVICES We recommend the following our additional services during the design and construction of the project. 1. Review design plans to confirm that our recommendations are properly interpreted and utilized in the design. 2. Monitor excavation. We will confirm the stability of the excavations, and provide recommendations regarding dewatering and sidewall stabilization, if needed. 3. Monitor foundation subgrade preparation. We will confirm the bearing capacity of the subgrade soils, and assist the contractor in evaluating the protection and over -excavation requirements, if any. 4. Monitor the placement and compaction of structural fill. We will confirm the suitability of the fill materials, and assist the contractor in meeting the compaction requirements. 5. Monitor the installation of subsurface drains. We will confirm that these drains are installed in accordance with our recommendations. 6. Monitor site drainage and erosion control. 7. Other geotechnical issues deemed necessary. 1234rpt 10 S&EE 6.0 CLOSURE The recommendations presented in this report are provided for design purposes and are based on soil conditions disclosed by field observations and subsurface explorations. Subsurface information presented herein does not constitute a direct or implied warranty that the soil conditions between exploration locations can be directly interpolated or extrapolated or that subsurface conditions and soil variations different from those disclosed by the explorations will not be revealed. The recommendations outlined in this report are based on the assumption that the development plan is consistent with the description provided in this report. If the development plan is changed or subsurface conditions different from those disclosed by the exploration are observed during construction, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions, and if necessary, reconsider our design recommendations. 1234rpt 11 S&EE an fit'• _ t ,� IM N\ Y o Newcastle y' ;o Soal Creek r l < { l_ + `, •, ~• f)enclel�cn St -40 ` .r1 3mh Sl m S Bang oRwefton-Bduleva`d Pa, k. 4, a° �, � � \` .ci-e ,. __ � � �1 �� ti � 'd T •t aSuanRa:,� a '�Asj.�- t, oBry'r,1AaHr•Skyway ��� ► a� r• i r �j�y `rj30D as �t\r Ave N. Rai -or. WA 96057, lSti r.} i _ N 41h St :n� rin•=,1 lzelrt St oEast Renton Highlands Ta Jr Ib !%1 fi \' G � � `� "-S�nSe��� � •'® �f• �On/e.`%clieyl, n -y: r Goo¢te-eartr imagery Uate.� r'C12 i. ■- ••`� I.li • .:•1 ;2•'J'.121 14499Ne'e� 1C�7 t! `lE 2:1 t11i71 (Rainier Ave NJ 72 T-1 - - - I - - - T - - - r 1-- PORT PERW LINE B-3 Proposed Building WATER wk- -77 (West Perimeter Road) S W H RIM 24.3 \A`O. f" Figure 2 - Site & Exploration Plani N Aerospace Training Center, Renton, WAI SCALE: 0 6 15'1 301 50' SITE Figure 3 Map of the Seattle area showing prominent active fault systems. Red boxes are recently mapped 7.5-minute quadrangles —Fall City (2007), North Bend (2009), Snoqualmie (coming 2009), and Carnation (coming 2010). 0.2 04 N O 0.6 W D Q 0.8 mom, ■N�i�`� mom 0 0 0 P". -AP, 92, w EMEMOMMENE ONERHOOMME MEXAMEMEME ISOMMONEEMS EVIANNEENE mm 1.0 0 2 .4 .6 .8 VALUE OF CH (S) LINE LOAD QL X FOR m < 0.4: =lT1 H UL Z=nH PH= 0.550L JL FOR m ) 0.4: H , n i.cvn1 n R �H (�) (m2 +-n2)2 RESULTANT P = 0.64 QL H (m2+1 ) PRESSURES FROM LINE LOAD QL (BOUSSINESQ EQUATION MODIFIED BY EXPERIMENT) Reference: Foundations and Earth Structures, Design Manual 7.2, Department of the Navy, May 1982 Rl •. • • C 01 .5 1.0 2 1.5 VALUE OF OH () Z=nH LL rR � H OR m� 0.4: H2 0.28n2 �)= (Q16 FOR m )0.4: kMH (H2 )_ 1.77m2n2 H -P-(m2+.n2)3 9H'CTHCOS 2(1.16) 3 SECTION A -A PRESSURES FROM POINT LOAD Op (BOUSSINESQ EQUATION MODIFIED BY EXPERIMENT) Calculation of Surcharge Loads on Subsurface Walls FIGURE 4 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LOGS The subsurface conditions at the project site were explored with the drilling of 3 exploratory borings, B-1, B-2, and B-3 on October 27, 2012. B-1 and B-2 were advanced using a truck -mounted drill rig. As the grass lawn at B-3 was softened by rain and could not support the drill rig, Boring B-3 was drilled with a hand auger. A representative from S&EE was present throughout the exploration to observe the drilling operations, log subsurface soil conditions, obtain soil samples, and to prepare descriptive geologic logs of the exploration. Soil samples were taken at 2.5-foot and 5-foot intervals in general accordance with ASTM D-1586, "Standard Method for Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils" (1.4" I.D. sampler). The penetration test involves driving the samplers.18 inches into the ground at the bottom of the borehole with a 140 pounds hammer dropping 30 inches. The numbers of blows needed for the samplers to penetrate each 6 inches are recorded and are presented on the boring logs. The sum of the number of blows required for the second and third 6 inches of penetration is termed "standard penetration resistance" or the "N-value". In cases where 50 blows are insufficient to advance it through a 6 inches interval the penetration after 50 blows is recorded. The blow count provides an indication of the density of the subsoil, and it is used in many empirical geotechnical engineering formulae. The following table provides a general correlation of blow count with density and consistency. DENSITY (GRANULAR SOILS) N-value < 4 very loose 5-10 loose 11-30 medium dense 31-50 dense >50 very dense CONSISTENCY (FINE-GRAINED SOILS) N-value < 2 very soft 3-4 soft 5-8 medium stiff 9-15 stiff 16-30 very stiff >30 hard All soil samples were screened by a PID (photoionization detector). The readings are presented on the boring logs. After drilling, borings B-1 and B-2 were backfilled with bentonite chips and the asphalt surface at B-2 was patched with quick set concrete. Boring B-3 was backfilled with the onsite soil. The boring logs are included in this appendix. A chart showing the Unified Soil Classification System is included at the end of this appendix. 1234rpt S&EE m —0 a m m a a� 3 O O c me U U E U 1p fn Surface Condition: Bare BORING B-1 3, 1°10 0 3 i i Sm - 3 inches crushed rocK at ground surtace 3 I I ' Brown silty fine sand (moist)(loose to medium dense)(probable fill) I I ' o 8 1 18 9 10 10 6 ' 0 ; 7 ' 18 trace fine gravel at 5 feet 8 ; 8 10 , 0 318 4 i10 3 I I I i I I I 10' 0 3 ' 18 ' 3 3 i 6 GP Dark brown fine to medium gravel, trace tree debris (moist)(medium dense)(probable fill) I I I 0 6 7� I I ML Bluish gray silt, trace organics (moist)(medium stiff) 15 , o 2 : 18 ' 2 10 5 I , I I I I ML Gray silt (relatively dry)(hard)(possible siltstone) o 114 12 sore • 112 I I I ' I I I I ' I .20,------'------ (Boring log continues on Figure A-1b) Client: SRG Partnership, Inc. Drilling Method: Y-ID HSA advanced by truck -mount Drill Rig Sample Method: SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drill Contractor: Holocene Drilling Drill Date: October 27, 2012 Elevation: 54 feet +/- Figure A-1 a SUE ,lob No.12M Proposed Aerospace Training Center, Renton, WA a a — 20 Gray silt (relatively dry)(hard)(possible siltstone) -driller report: very hard below 24 feet Auger refusal at 25 feet on October 27, 2012 No groundwater encountered during drilling Client: SRG Partnership, Inc. Drilling Method: T-ID HSA advanced by truck -mount Drill Rig Sample Method: SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drill Contractor: Holocene Drilling Drill Date: October 27, 2012 Elevation: 54 feet +/- BORING B-1 (Continued) Figure A-1 b SUE 2 �M Proposed Aerospace Training Center, Renton, WA a BORING B-2 U N a � Q� Q x g magi a cn m c c vj j Surface: asphalt pavement —0 a 18 sP - 3 inches pitrun fill under asphalt 0 50/3"i Reddish brown fine sand with some medium gravel (moist)(very dense) 0 21 ' 18 I sM Brown silty fine to coarse sand with fine to coarse gravel (moist)(very dense) 21 - 6 0 11 ' 18 31 8 ; SM Bluish gray silty fine to medium sand with fine to coarse gravel o 1, 19 15 � e (wet)(medium dense to dense) Q 16 - 10 , 0 ; 8 18 12 0 �50/6-! 6 ® ML Dark gray silt (moist)(hard)(possilbe siltstone) _ 0 — 1$ 0 50/4" 4 4 (Boring log continues on Figure A-2b) Client: SRG Partnership, Inc. Drilling Method: 3"-ID HSA advanced by truck -mount Drill Rig Sample Method: SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drill Contractor: Holocene Drilling Drill Date: October 27, 2012 Elevation: 55 feet +/- Figure A-2a Job No. S& 1M4 Proposed Aerospace Training Center, Renton, WA a iu a aian O� O � cq U it m S e in co - 20 1 1 37 8 1 I 0 5zrz 8 ' , I , , I 1 — 26 0 I � I ' , I 2 50/2": z - 30 —36, I I 1 I ' L401___'___1___'___1__ I � I II I I I I BORING B-2 (Continued) Gray silt (relatively dry)(hard)(possible siltstone) -driller report: very hard below 24 feet Auger refusal at 25 feet on October 27, 2012 Groundwater encountered at a depth of 8.5 feet during drilling Client: SRG Partnership, Inc. Drilling Method: Y-ID HSA advanced by truck -mount Drill Rig Sample Method: SPT sampler driven by 140-lb auto hammer Drill Contractor: Holocene Drilling Drill Date: October 27, 2012 Elevation: 55 feet +/- SUE Job No.1234 Figure A-2b Proposed Aerospace Training Center, Renton, WA a m mo a a a4i O o coi chi m —0 � I I ' I � I I I � o I I I 1 , 1 I 1 , I I I I I � � of I I I ' I I I I ' I I � 0 I � I I I I , 1 I I 0 I I I I 1 1 Q i I I I I � I ; 1 I � I I I I I I I 1 ' I I I -201___� I 1 I I I I I ' I Surface: Grass lawn SM I Brown silty sans with grass Sp I Light brown fine sand (moist)(medium dense to dense) ML I Bluish gray silt (moist to wet)(very stiff) Auger refusal at 10.5 feet on October 27, 2012 No groundwater encountered during drilling (Boring log continues on Figure A-2b) Client: SRG Partnership, Inc. Drilling Method: Y-ID hand auger Sample Method: grab sample Drill by: S&EE Drill Date: October 27, 2012 Elevation: 56 feet +/- BORING B-3 Figure A-3 S&EE Job No.1234 Proposed Aerospace Training Center, Renton, WA UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMru ix SPT (1.4" ID SAMPLER) GRAB SAMPLE V DEPTH OF GROUNDWATER DURING EXPLORATION SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND KEY TO EXPLORATION LOG DESCRIPTION MAJOR DIVISIONS in J �pv�s GW WELL -GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES, O LITTLE OR NO FINES GRAVELS (LITTLE OR o z' m o w J _ z > ^� J a � w a rn rA —� • o- ". GP POORLY -GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL -SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES NO FINES) w x a< N � j N w GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL -SAND -SILT GRAVELS � ? N W W � o w MIXTURES WITH FINES (APPRECIABLE C7 � <� d � ° � = w w <� Z LL S GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL -SAND -CLAY MIXTURES AMOUNT OF FINES) o o � � 0 SW WELL -GRADED SAND OR GRAVELLY SANDS, CLEAN x Z LITTLE OR NO FINES SANDS (LITTLE OR p'� , LL w Z a ° Z � � W= F � w w 2 w � o POORLY -GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS, SP LITTLE OR NO FINES NO FINES) w � Z Q= N � a Z ax�> <uwi Q o Q O mJ U o r co SANDS SM SILTY SANDS, SAND -SILT MIXTURES � w N W N N o w F WITH FINES (APPRECIABLE o« ��' � ° ai � = 'wo o J SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND -CLAY MIXTURES AMOUNT OF FINES) w m aN INORGANIC SILTS, VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR ? w ML CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY SILTS &CLAYS � ,n N J J� p � w �, yF- O a INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CL CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 S&EE APPENDIX B SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES 12334rpt S&EE Aerospace Training Center, Building Loads c:\documents and settings\hp_administrator\my documents\my office\2012 projects\1234 aerospace training center\1234-1.pQ Run By: Username 11/17/2012 02:34PM 100 80 60 40 20 0L 0 STED # FS Soil Soil Total Saturated Cohesion Friction Piez. a 1.43 Desc. Type Unit Wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Surface b 1.46 No. (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) No. c 1.47 Gravel 1 135.0 135.0 0.0 39.0 W1 d 1.53 Fill 2 120.0 125.0 100.0 32.0 W1 e 1.58 Sand 3 120.0 120.0 0.0 35.0 W1 f 1.72 Alluvial 4 125.0 125.0 450.0 28.0 W1 g 1.731 Siltston 5 130.0 130.0 2000.0 35.0 W1 h 1.75 i 1.82 j 2.01 5 Load Value Ll 3000 Ib/sc a j fg ih he c d i � /�' / ZI /�' �i, 3 4_ -' 20 40 60 80 100 STABUH FSmin=1.43 Safety Factors Are Calculated By The Modified Bishop Method Ll 4 120 •140 Aerospace Training Center, Building & Seismic Loads c:\documents and settings\hp_administrator\my documents\my office\2012 projects\1234 aerospace training center\1234-1.p12 Run By: Username 11/17/2012 02:27PM 100 80 60 40 20 # FS a 0.78 Soil Desc. Soil Total Type Unit Wt. Saturated Cohesion Friction Piez.FLIE Value Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Surface3000lb/sgfl b 0.79 No. (pd) (pcf) (psf) (deg) No. 0.300 g< c 0.82 Gravel 1 135.0 135.0 0.0 39.0 W1 0.300 g/\ d 0.84 Fill 2 120.0 125.0 100.0 32.0 W1 e 0.90 Sand 3 120.0 120.0 0.0 35.0 W1 f 0.93 Alluvial 4 125.0 125.0 450.0 28.0 W1 g 1.01 Siltston 5 130.0 130.0 2000.0 35.0 W1 h 1.03 i 1.06 j 1.35 a 1 ih dec b 2 3 Li 3 j '5 - 4 I I I I I i 0 20 40 60 80 100 STABL61-1 FSmin=0.78 Safety Factors Are Calculated By The Modified Bishop Method 120 140 ROTHrilLL MEMORANDUM TO: Dave Christensen — City of Renton FROM: Erik Waligors�i d Erik BrT, faINI,'PE L-' RE: Airport Lift Station Abandonment — Alternatives Analysis COPIES: File DATE: September 27, 2012 PROJECT PURPOSE ROTH HILL, LLC 11130 NE 33rd Place, Suite 200 Bellevue. Washington 98004 Tel. 425.869.9448 800.835.0292 Fax 425.869.1190 Project No: 0015.00021.000 Page 1 of 4 The City hired Roth Hill to complete an alternatives analysis to research and study options associated with the possible elimination of the existing Airport Lift Station located on the west side of the City of Renton Airport along W. Perimeter Road. The scope for the project included evaluating possible gravity sewer options to allow the existing lift station to be eliminated and the existing effluent flow to be routed to the King County trunk main running along the northern part of the airport property. The analysis included evaluating possible construction routes, construction methods, construction costs, and potential impacts to the businesses that regularly use W. Perimeter road and maintain operations along the west side of the airport runway. BACKGROUND The City of Renton currently operates sanitary sewer collection and conveyance systems within the City of Renton Airport in the western portion of the City, bordered by Taylor Place and Lind Avenue to the west, and the airport runway to the east; and from Airport Way to the south and 7th Street to the north, as shown in Figure 1. This portion of the City's system includes a sewer lift station on the Airport property within the security fence. The existing lift station was constructed in its current location in 1987 and the force main discharges into the existing gravity sewer to the southwest of the station in Rainier Avenue. The existing service area served by the Airport Lift Station abuts the service area for Skyway Water & Sewer District (Skyway). A portion of the service area supported by Skyway to the north of the Airport Lift Station service area is located within the City of Renton city limits, although the City has not been able to provide sewer service to this area. The City would like to have the ability to provide gravity service to not only the current area served by the existing airport lift station, but also the area within the City of Renton that is currently served by Skyway. In addition, there is another existing lift station at the intersection of W. Perimeter Road and the western entrance to the airport property from Rainier Avenue. This existing lift station is currently operated by Renton Airport Staff and discharges into the Skyway sewer system. The eastern edge of the service area for the airport lift station consists of sewer mains F:W15t00021.000Wltematives AnalysistDC_091112_ejw_memo_Airport LS Abandonment Analysis.docx Dave Christensen September 27, 2012 Page 2 located in W. Perimeter Road. Any potential gravity sewer option would consist of installing new gravity sewer in W. Perimeter Road flowing north to the existing King County trunk sewer. In addition to the normally expected utilities currently in W. Perimeter Road, -the City of Renton has installed the Black River Culvert under the road. The Black River Culvert consists of an existing 60 inch diameter concrete culvert in some places along the road and a 7 foot by 5 foot or 8 foot by 5 foot box culvert in other places. GRAVITY SEWER ANALYSIS The City of Renton was interested in a potential gravity sewer option to allow for the abandonment of both the existing airport lift station and the lift station currently operated by Airport Staff. The City asked Roth Hill to analyze potential routes for the possible gravity sewer from the existing station on W. Perimeter Road to the King County trunk sewer main that runs across the northern end of the airport runway, approximately 4,000 feet north of the lift station. To facilitate the gravity sewer analysis, a topographic survey was completed from 100 feet south of the existing lift station to the location of the King County trunk sewer crossing. The survey was bounded on the west by the ROW for Rainier Ave and on the east by the airport security fence. The goal of the gravity sewer analysis was to determine if there was adequate room within the limits of W. Perimeter Road for the new gravity sewer between all of the existing utilities, evaluating both horizontal and vertical alignment and clearances. Additionally, the analysis needed to determine if the new gravity sewer could be constructed around the existing Black River culvert. Based on the topographic survey and research of the existing utilities, it was determined that there was sufficient room for a new gravity sewer within W. Perimeter Road and that the main could be constructed around the existing Black River culvert. The preliminary proposed plan and profile for the gravity sewer alternative can be found in the attached drawings labeled C1 through C9. The preliminary route of the proposed gravity sewer would need to be installed on both the west and east side of W. Perimeter Road as it traveled north from the existing lift station to the King County trunk sewer in order to avoid existing utilities and the Black River culvert. Based on the layout shown in the attached drawings, the new gravity sewer would be installed anywhere from 10 feet to 28 feet deep and would require approximately 23 manholes. The proposed sewer would also require 4 crossings beneath the Black River culvert. It was assumed that these crossings would be accomplished using trenchless technology such as pipe ramming or auger boring. Once the preliminary route for the proposed gravity sewer was determined, an onsite meeting with the City was conducted to review the alternative. Based on the anticipated depth of the proposed sewer and the number of required crossings of the Black River culvert, we looked at the possibility of moving the proposed sewer further east inside of the security fence for the airport property. The sewer alignment on the airport property can be seen on Sheets C5 through C9 on the attached drawings. Moving the sewer further into the airport property provided two main advantages over the preliminary route, 1) the main could be installed at a much shallower depth and 2) the new main would only require one crossing of the Black River culvert. The disadvantage of moving the proposed gravity sewer further into the airport property was that there are several buildings that are very close to where the new main would need to be installed and there is evidence of existing utilities that would need to be relocated during construction. F:\0015\00021.000\Alternatives Ana1ysis\DC_091112_ejw_memo_Airport LS Abandonment Analysis.dou Dave Christensen September 27, 2012 Page 3 Based on the potential depth of the main and the number of culvert crossings required for the preliminary alternative; and the disruption to the airport property for the second alterative, the City asked Roth Hill to develop planning level -cost estimates for the two alternatives to see if either would be cost effective in comparison to simply rehabilitating the existing lift station. The following tables outline the cost estimates for the two alternatives: Table 1 Preliminary Alternative Route (Sewer in Road) Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 12" Sewer (0-15 feet) ................................................................................................................_ 2,234 _.__............................................................................................................................................................................................. LF $230 $513,820 12" Sewer (15-20 feet) ................................................................................_............................................................................................................_........_............... .. 1,040 LF _................................................................. $275 .......................... ................................................... $286,000 ......................... ._......... 12" Sewer (20-25 feet) .......... ... .......................... .-........ _....... .................................. 386 LF $320 $123,520 .................. ..................... 12" Sewer (25-30 feet) ... ............ ................_.............. ......... 289 ................ _........................ LF ..... ............................ ......................................................................................................... $375 $108,375 Standard Manholes .............. ............................-...................._.................................................... ................................................. ......................._._.__................ 23 ........ EA ..........._..._....._....................................................................................... $5,000 __.......__._._._.._.............. $115,000 Culvert Crossings _...._ 4 ................1............. __......................LS EA $25,000 ......................... ...--- ..... _....................... $100,000 Landscape Restoration (fencing) .......................$20,000.........._.......................$20,000 .................. ...... Subtotal of Construction Bid Items 1 1 $1,266,715 Table 2 Second Alternative Route (Sewer in Airport) Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 12" Sewer (0-15 feet) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3,861 LF $230 $888,030 12" Sewer (15-20 feet) 0 LF $275 $0 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12" Sewer (20-25 feet) .................... .......... 266 LF $320 $85,120 ................................................. .......................................... ...................... ................................ 12" Sewer (25-30 feet) ...................................................................................................... _........................ .-................................ .............. ..................................... 0 .................................. LF _................................. $375 ................... ......................................................... ........ $0 Standard Manholes ............. .............................. _....................................................................... ..... ........................................... ......... 25 .................................. _.. EA .................................... _...................... $5,000 .......................... . $125,000 ............ ...................... ........................... Culvert Crossings ............ .............................................................. .... .................................. ........... .... 1 ...._.................................... EA ......................................... ................... $25,000 ......................_..._................................................ $25,000 ...............................................--.._................_............................ Landscape Restoration (fencing) .... ............................................. ......................................... 1 _... LS _................. --............ ...................................._.................................... $20,000 ........................ $20,000 Subtotal of Construction Bid Items I 1 1 $1,143,150 Table 3 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Sewer in Road Sewer in Airport Subtotal of Construction Bid Items -............... Washington State Sales Tax 9.5% 9 @ $1,266,715 .........111111 $120,338.................................. $1,143,150 $108,599........................ Subtotal (Engineers Estimate) $1,387,053 $1,251,749 Contingency @ 15% of Engineer's Estimate $208,058 $187,762 Opinion Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) $1,595,100 $1,439,500 F:\0015\00021.000\Alternatives Analysis\DC_091112_ejw_memo_Airport LS Abandonment Analysis.docx Dave Christensen September 27, 2012 Page 4 Based on the planning level cost estimates shown above, the two gravity sewer route alternatives would range in price from $1.44 million to $1.59 million. These.estimates are roughly twice the cost of rehabilitating the existing lift station based on City cost data from the rehabilitation of similar sized stations within the City. Although there would be savings to the City in reduced operations and maintenance costs by eliminating the lift station, the magnitude of these savings would not be significant enough to justify the initial difference in constructions costs. Due to the higher cost of installing a gravity sewer to abandon the existing lift station and the potential construction impacts to the airport property and local businesses, the City has decided to forego the gravity sewer option and to revert to rehabilitating the existing airport lift station. AIRPORT LIFT STATION PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS Once it was determined that the gravity sewer alternative was no longer cost effective, the City made the decision to rehabilitate the existing airport lift station. To initiate this process, a meeting was held with the City of Renton airport staff to summarize the results of the gravity sewer analysis and to discuss possible locations for a new sewer lift station. The goal of the sewer department is to install the new sewer lift station outside of the security fence for the airport. This will facilitate easier access for maintenance and operation of the station. Based on the discussions with the City's airport staff and a walkthrough of the potential lift station relocation site, it was determined that the best location for the new lift station would be on the west side of W. Perimeter Road approximately 200 feet south of the existing lift station location. The grassy area west of the roadway will allow for the installation of the new lift station facility including a 6 foot by 8 foot control building, a 12 foot diameter combined wet well/overflow structure, and a small generator. The site will be designed to include a roll-on curb so that sewer maintenance staff can get any maintenance vehicles off of the roadway enough to keep two travel lanes open when work is occurring at the station site. The site will require a small retaining structure on the hillside to the west of the new lift station towards Rainier Avenue. A preliminary layout for the new lift station can be seen in the attached drawing LS1. In addition to looking at the potential site for the new lift station, Roth Hill prepared Figure 1 showing the approximate service area for the new lift station. This figure was given to the City to have the planning department review for any potential increase in population density within the service area. The City's planning department determined that the area served by the existing, and subsequently the new lift station will not have its zoning changed. As the project moves forward into the lift station design phase, several factors will be further analyzed and incorporated into the lift station design, including the service area, total anticipated peak flow rates from residential and commercial areas (including any modifications to the airport master plan), and how to construct the station to handle initial low flows as compared to final total flows. F:\00 15100021.000\Alternatives Anal ysis\DC_091112_ejw_memo_Airport LS Abandonment Analysis.docx _ R/W CE - SCALE IN FEET IE 12" CONC vr=..3.70 5---- __ ---- STA: 1+OZ21--- -- --OFFSET: 7M, RT SSco 0 I x- r— RIM=26.79 RIM=2S.<2 _ 'TN CHANNEL=15.i9 I[ E" PVC 1=23.62 _ IE E' FVC W=2352 —_ — — BRAINIER AVE ara _ �— _ 0.c ,yf O,ED RIr✓=3i 6i IE 2 ' CONC NW=25.6i ACCESS MH / 7 1• -APPRO% LOCATION OF SEWER FORCc MAIN{26 S10RM DRAIN EO% CCULVERT,CFN iERLINE AND DEPTH CF SHAFTHAFT- �3.1� OF GRASS , WATER VAINS (2) PER CIT'1 OF R_NiON FIELD WW SURFACE.16.96 LOCATES (TYPICAL ALL SHEE iS) C ° ._ _ roBAcc-_ — _ � �F_� MMyy__= - -•(.� +�J��' i � ZQ Z - oHINcz A EF NyN.A- �TAr 6+OCT. 515 OFFSET: 11.40' RT - ; -W'� " = O W --`-------- ACCESS 4H DEPTH OF SHAFT-S.1' '� , 'v SSCO(°) C v WTR SURFACt�19.21 T/ D TOP "FH E,. EPH / C'E S.H PERIMETER RD W RI-25.E9 FLOG \ RIM-2.:26 IE I[" CONC E=23.E5 Ex SEWER LIFT' ...�v \ L_STATtOn \ --_ r MHO: ssmH 6'%6' COVER=2 1D -25--' \ Ex. RIA'.=25.EE \ ELDG CT'n CtiANNEL=1A.76 \ \ �- TELENE iR" PANEL ON POST W/AN'TENNA STA: 2+71.02 OFFSET: 10.05' RT RENTON AIRPORT 0723059007 Z HtGr CONC `3b"-CONO SD ' 1 SSNn RIM 25.E0 sDu!; cTR c4 AnnE,_i7.30' `SSN:i �OR OEPTH Or SHAFT=3.E' RI!✓=2E.E7 FIv.=2�.3A WiR SURFACE=iE.ES CTR CHANNEL=IE.67 ND INVERTS MEASURED C6 3.92 IE 6- CONC w=22.23 I, „' PVC 5 22.7' F- Z cw G O 0 LL Z co O a NW Ly O Z Z F- O Z Q LL O Q Q F- Z Z O LL U J CC w U �w `� o a Q BASE MAP SNFET C l DF g THIS DRAWING REDUCED ONE-HALF (SCALE ACCORDINGLY) DRAWING 12' j 000zz t2 o.002z 1.2.:.. j I:: o.00zz 12': 1 ::0:00,2 _j � 10 I I -I ...! ..:, - ..: �.. :.:: ::: (.. ).:. ;.... :.'. :_-i .. ..12.59(12.5)::::::::' _ _ 13.19 17�5 12.96 1z'SE _I I.. .. ::: 1.. 13:0912"NW ....:I-...�I.12.8612N>..- :.:: T__,.. 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Terry FILE NAME: F:\0015\00021.000\ACAD\Production D.,\NEW LS SITE.dwq In gA 2 � r Z D mo �m 0 O O� Im v p:1 C C Wm I i I Uo ` O ' I I I I i � l I I I I lv I I I I I I I j l I I l l Y I I I I I 20 II I ll I �I Imo\ o �� �' Q N Q I z`� co 4 0 I ■ I I � I I r, � ■ =I O 1 ■ ` ■I r I� ■ I\ : I j � N_ ■ ■ ■ ■ x 0 my • I • ■ ■ II U n: r I : c-) ■ ■ O x m _, W D ■ Q€ Z I r x z I I <■ I■ D■ ■� I I I � O I�I O i I • • x D■ Isoo_ I I � � I � • ��I I I I —ri • �� , I I q I I I ■ Z x I I ■ I � 'I ;s -Wb11 m PPRPRO'EPOL CITY OF RENTON ROTI-'rl ILL r DESRGNAL CONTRACT NO. PROPOSED LIFT STATION Roth Hill, 1l Tel 425.869.9448 www.rothhlll.com 11130 NE 33rd Place, Sulte 200 Bellevue, WA98004 DPAWN SCALE DES. FLD.BK, CST. FLD. BK. CHECKED PRELIMINARY LAYOUT HORIz:AS NOTED VERT: N0. PG. NO. PC. OB No . J.000 . 001500021 NO BY DATE DESCRIPTION REV I S I OIvS Denis Law Mayor April 15, 2014 r city of �Y Public Works Department - Gregg Zimmerman, P. E., Administrator Mr. Dave Honeysett, Project Manager PSE/Potelco Inc. 8001 S 212th Street Kent, WA 98032 RE: JOB #105074941, PROPERTY NEAR 500 W PERIMETER RD, RENTON WA 98057 Dear Mr. Honeysett: Attached are the check and the signed paperwork for Puget Sound Energy's Project Job #105074941, property near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057, to upgrade the existing transformer and to provide the power in connection with the replacement of Renton's Airport Lift Station. Also attached is a copy of the Renton Franchise permit that we have obtained for the work. Please keep us informed, as early as possible, so that we may get the approved traffic control plan and arrange for the traffic control. If you have any questions, please contact me at 425-430-7206 or by email at mbenoit@rentonwa.gov. Sincerely, Michael A. Benoit Wastewater Utility Project Manager Attachments cc: Mr. Clayton Anderson, EIT, RH2 Engineering, 300 Simon Street SE, Suite 5, East Wenatchee, WA 98802 H:\File Sys\WWP - Waste Water\WWP-27-3625 Airport Lift Station\PSE Letter.doc\MABto Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov CITY, RENTON ACCOUNTS PAYABLE-;,.: 1055 S:: GRADY_, V c U.SBANK'OF WASHINGTON c t9 10 ' RENTON;BRANCH .r _ t A 'a m.. 1250 ... 5.. .�"`•.�'Gysti�� i.�� 'TTiCHECK�3"�,` .Fs' Ha,ECKCKMUUNNA... 31 . - 064290 04115%2014 328840 7166 69• PLEASE DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING CITY OF RENTON, WA 98055 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK NO.328840 y� 2..1.n.,.__<..._k........�s._,. s. DATE �.a:d......... Ems"+ `�` DESCRIPTION '�.�5 gy�`T«• � �`�'� 6ra�I>,-.`�:.,.-✓ '"rr'.�.�4!`.!'��....�..,...r.. vu1:sY _�2 :-���'��'"-wi4v£...,.a F POLNUMBERs^'�y"��` nk� _Nx,13`ii�.. - DISC,OUNTiRETA1N�'�"�' ��._ .,�.ct.�'.a��`k.+�,:t�,:. "�'7AMOUNT �y�'� ,...,�'i�.�t 105074941 03/14/2014 Electrical Service - Airport Lift 0.00 7,166.69 7,166.69 PUGET SOUND ENERGY March 14, 2014 City of Renton ATTN: Clayton Anderson 3555 NE 2nd St Renton, WA 98056 Re: Customer Agreement for Commercial Line Extensions PSE order No. 105074941 Dear Customer, POTELCO INC A Ouants Services Company In accordance with Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) Tariff G, Rate Schedule 85 "Line Extensions", on file with the Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission, this agreement confirms our intention to provide electrical service to your project at Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 per the attached PSE design drawing. The delivery voltage of this electrical service is 277/480 volts. This cost information is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter, and is subject to being updated after that time. The payment of the total amount due and the return of signed documents as noted elsewhere in this letter is required prior to commencing our work. Please make checks payable to Puget Sound Energy and return to address listed below: 8001 S 2121h St, Kent 98032 Address City Zip Code The cost for this work is determined as follows: Estimated Normal Construction Cost including transformation $ 2,335.64 Less: Applicable Margin Allowance - $ 0.00 Total line extension charge = $ 2,335.64 (1) Other charges- Upgrade 3 phase padmount transformer $ 4,831.05 Dedicated facilities + $ 0.00 Total Other charges = $ 4,831.05 (2) Total amount due under this letter $ 7,166.69 (1 + 2) Charges for temporary and permanent electric service lines for your project are not included in the above charges. To order these services and obtain costs, please contact PSE at 888-321-7779 after electrical inspections have been approved. These additional charges will be billed after installation in accordance with Rate Schedule 85. These charges also do not include permitting fees or trenching and other excavation related work that is your responsibility. 3538 9/06 Charges relating to your PSE-provided street lighting system in this project are not included in the above prices, and will come to you from PSE's IntoLight department under separate letter. Charges relating to Rate Schedule 73 "Conversion to Underground Service for Customers other than Government Entities" will be addressed under separate letter. This cost information reflects the work being performed during normal working hours. These charges do not include permitting fees or trenching and other excavation -related work that is your responsibility to provide. Please review the attachments provided. The Excavation Requirements & Final Grade Certification must be signed by the project owner or designee, and returned to me along with a signed copy of this letter prior to the start of construction. The work sketch document shows the proposed design, including the location of permanent, aboveground electrical facilities required to provide electrical service to your project. Fault current information for transformers associated with your project are noted on the work sketch drawing. Please notify me immediately if you believe there are conflicts between PSE's design and your project. Additional construction -related information and information on metering and service entrance requirements is provided in PSE's Electric Service Handbook for commercial projects. If you do not have one of these handbooks, and would like one, please contact me. It is your responsibility to provide your project manager, site superintendent, and subcontractors with any relevant information from this correspondence, it's attachments, and PSE's Handbook that applies to their work. Refunds associated with the line extension charge may be available for additional permanent service hook-ups not initially considered that are made within five (5) years of the date on which the electric distribution facilities installed for this project are initially energized. If no Margin Allowance has initially been provided, or if your Margin Allowance exceeds $75,000, PSE agrees to calculate and refund the Margin Allowance, subject to Schedule 85, two (2) years after the line extension is energized. Customers are responsible for making all refund requests. A refund may be requested one (1) time within six (6) years of the date on which the distribution facilities are initially energized. Your refund request should be directed to PSE's Customer Accounting Coordinators at 253-476-6335 or 253-476-6440. You will find it useful to retain this letter to use as a reference when making your refund request. All costs and refunds are in accordance with PSE's Rate Schedule 85, and any discrepancies between this letter and the Rate Schedule will be resolved in favor of the Rate Schedule. Rate Schedule 85 contains more detailed information covering costs, refunds, rights, and obligations than is reflected in this letter. The entirety of Rate Schedule 85 may be viewed at PSE's website www.pse.com under the "Inside PSE" heading. Projects developed by Limited -Liability Companies (LLC's) are required to provide contact information for all managing members in addition to a copy of your Master Business Application. This information too, must be provided prior to commencing construction on your project. Thank you for the opportunity to provide electrical service to your project. PSE will use reasonable diligence in commencing this work, but we will not be liable for any delays resulting from circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to failure to receive necessary Operating Rights. If you have any questions, please call me at 253-677-7726 Sincerely, Dave Honeysett Project Manager Potelco, Inc. I h ve read an ` J agree to t t ms and conditions outlined in this ag Bement and it's attachments.- i ' O ER OR OWNER DESI NEE'S SIGNATURE RINT NAME DA E - 9/06 PSE GET ' S UND POTELCO INC EERGY A quanta S­v,ces Company March 31, 201 City of Rento 3555 NE 2nd t, Renton, WA 9 056 RE: Non-Resi ential secondary electric service to 500 W. Perimeter Rd, Renton, WA 98057 (PSE Job #10 074941) In accordance with Puget Sound Energy's Tariff G, Schedule 85, customers requesting electric Non -Residential underground secondary voltage service connections are "subject to the Customer paying an estiinated charge based on the Company's cost of making the connection(s)." The estimated cost for connecting the underground electric service at the above $ 4,513.85 This quote is tased on the following information that was provided by you on your application for service. Base Fee for onnection $ 429.00 Additional Ru s @ $99.00 per run $ - Additional Trip fee, for customer requested additional trip $ 350.00 PSE Real Estate: Easements, Permits, etc $ - Complex engineering, outage coordination, & switching orders @ $128.00 per hr._ $ 512.00 Requested ov rtime,stand by fee,flagging charges or PSE Serviceman $ 2,604.64 Sales Tax & o erheads (if applicable) $ 618.21 If you reques a change in the number of conductors that need to be connected, request that work be erformed outside of normal working hours, request additional trips than those discus ed or have other changed conditions not indicated by other information that you have pro ided, we reserve the right to adjust this quote based on those changed conditions. his quote is valid for 90 days from the above date. Upon your sigh will receive an days. If you have ar Sincerely, David Honey Project Manage Potelco/PSE R Kent Fleet 8001 S 212th Kent, WA 980,' ied acceptance and return of this quote and completion of the connection work, you invoice for the above amount from Puget Sound Energy, which is payable in thirty y questions please contact me at iett presentative 253-677-7726. ustomer Signature I agree to the price and conditions as stated above. Billing address: c tvv o- ��aN ,c- j Arta rA%kcz 43_Nc,T tZ;Nt�� h `A3Z-52 POTELCO INC PUGET SOUND ENERGY A Quanta Services Company GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOMER PROVIDED EXCAVATION In Municipal/County right-of-ways under a Puget Sound Energy/Potelco permit Dear Customer: March 14, 2014 Re: City of Renton 3555 NE 2nd St Renton, WA 98056 Reference Job# 105074941 — Property Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 After a permit has been issued we will forward a copy of it to you. You are responsible to have the permit activated by the Potelco staff three full working days prior to you (your) contractor working/boring/excavating in the municipal/county right-of-way. If Potelco has not activated the permit, you are in violation of the permit rules and you are subject to code enforcement fines. This fine can be $1,000.00 in some areas. And PSE/Potelco will not accept any of the excavation or install any PSE facilities in the excavation. This permit is only for PSE facilities; all other utilities such as telephone, cable television, etc. must be permitted separately. The permit for the other utilities must be on site or they cannot utilize this portion of excavation in right-of-way under the PSE obtained permit. It is the customer's responsibility to provide traffic control signs, barricades and traffic control flagging personnel per "Part V1 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways." Excavation inspections are required and you are responsible for all trench inspection fees on the closing of this permit. It is important to call your Potelco Project Manager after the trench is closed and all restoration is in place for final inspection and to close the permit. Failure to do so will result in ongoing charges (fines) for excavation inspections passed on to you. These guidelines regarding excavation are meant to better serve PSE customers and the municipality/county permit agencies. Careful reading and following of the guidelines will help you avoid fines, and costly down time or job re -scheduling. Should this agreement present any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly at 253-677-7726. Sincerely, Dave Honeysett Project Manager I hav 'read and erstand ee to the terms and conditions outlined above. OWNER OR OWNER DE 1 E'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DA E uepartment of community and !. - Cityof,� Economic Development , Franchise Permit: MFP14001813 IVR Number: 14001813 Permit Name: Renton Airport Lift Station, CIP WWP-27-03625 Address/Location: 451 W PERIMETER RD Parcel Number: 0723059007 Application Date: 04/08/2014 Permit Type: Franchise Issue Date: 04/08/2014 Permit Work Class: Minor Utility Expiration Date: 04/30/2015 Franchise Type: Electric Job Number: #105074941 Description: Replace Transformer, install power in conduit for new lift station and disconnect power to old lift station . CIP WWP-27-03625 Billing Type Name Address Phone X Applicant Michael Benoit 1055 S GRADY WAY B: (425) 430-7206 City of Renton - Sewer RENTON, WA 98057 Contact DAVID HONEYSETT 8001 S 212TH ST B: (253) 677-7726 POTELCO KENT, WA 98032 X Owner City of Renton 1055 S GRADY WAY B: (425) 430-6500 RENTON WA 98057 - Permission is hereby given for the work described on this permit according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinance of the City of Renton . - This permit and plans must be posted at the job site at all times. - I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements . - Call (425) 430-7203 one working day in advance for inspections and for ANY work in the Right of Way. - Call 8 1 1 to locate underground utilities at least two full business days prior to any excavation . - In accordance with RCW 19.122.033(4) the permit holder is required to contact (Williams Northwest Pipeline at 425.868.1010) (Olympic Pipeline at 206.510.0575)(Puget Sound Energy at 425.462.3207) to request a consultation with the transmission pipeline company prior to performing any construction or excavation activities . This requirement to consult with the transmission pipeline company is in addition to the requirement to Call before You Dig as required in RCW 19.122. WS /i y (Signature) (Date) THIS PERMIT AND PLANS MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES Page 1 of 2 PUGET SOUND ENERGY pOTELCOINC A Quanta Services Company March 14, 2014 Dear Customer: In an effort to design your project in a timely manner, enclosed are forms that need to be executed by you. With these forms in place (returned to me) it will help rush your job through engineering, and are required by Puget Sound Energy (PSE) / Potelco Inc. prior to releasing and scheduling your job to construction. ❑ PSE Cost letter ❑❑PSE Excavation Grade Certification form ❑❑PSE Guidelines for Customer Provided Excavation form ❑❑PSE Requirements for Trenching by Customer on Public Right -of -Ways form ❑❑Trench Inspection Cost ❑❑Utility Permit for City of Renton ❑❑PSE /POTELCO Work sketch Please return forms to: Potelco, c/o David Honeysett, 8001 S. 212th Street, Kent, WA 98032-2453 If you have any questions, please contact me at (253) 677-7726 Sincerely, David Honeysett Project Manager Quanta/Potelco, Inc. Service Provider for Puget Sound Energy U 140o i q (D j'�' r� 140 1�(3 4� PUGET SOUND ENERGY March 14, 2014 City of Renton ATTN: Clayton Anderson 3555 NE 2"d St Renton, WA 98056 Re: Customer Agreement for Commercial Line Extensions PSE order No. 105074941 Dear Customer, POTELCO INC A Quanta Services Company In accordance with Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) Tariff G, Rate Schedule 85 "Line Extensions", on file with the Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission, this agreement confirms our intention to provide electrical service to your project at Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 per the attached PSE design drawing. The delivery voltage of this electrical service is 2771480 volts. This cost information is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter, and is subject to being updated after that time. The payment of the total amount due and the return of signed documents as noted elsewhere in this letter is required prior to commencing our work. Please make checks payable to Puget Sound Energy and return to address listed below: 8001 S 212th Address The cost for this work is determined as follows: Kent 98032 City Zip Code Estimated Normal Construction Cost including transformation Less: Applicable Margin Allowance Total line extension charge Other charges- Upgrade 3 phase padmount transformer Dedicated facilities Total Other charges Total amount due under this letter $ 2,335.64 $ 0.00 $ 2,335.64 (1) $ 4,831.05 + $ 0.00 _ $ 4,831.05 (2) $ 7,166.69 (1 + 2) Charges for temporary and permanent electric service lines for your project are not included in the above charges. To order these services and obtain costs, please contact PSE at 888-321-7779 after electrical inspections have been approved. These additional charges will be billed after installation in accordance with Rate Schedule 85. These charges also do not include permitting fees or trenching and other excavation related work that is your responsibility. 3538 9/05 -Charges relating to your PSE-provided street lighting system in this project are not included in the above prices, and will come to you from PSE's IntoLight department under separate letter. Charges relating to Rate Schedule 73 "Conversion to Underground Service for Customers other than Government Entities" will be addressed under separate letter. This cost information reflects the work being performed during normal working hours. These charges do not include permitting fees or trenching and other excavation -related work that is your responsibility to provide. Please review the attachments provided. The Excavation Requirements & Final Grade Certification must be signed by the project owner or designee, and returned to me along with a signed copy of this letter prior to the start of construction. The work sketch document shows the proposed design, including the location of permanent, aboveground electrical facilities required to provide electrical service to your project. Fault current information for transformers associated with your project are noted on the work sketch drawing. Please notify me immediately if you believe there are conflicts between PSE's design and your project. Additional construction -related information and information on metering and service entrance requirements is provided in PSE's Electric Service Handbook for commercial projects. If you do not have one of these handbooks, and would like one, please contact me. It is your responsibility to provide your project manager, site superintendent, and subcontractors with any relevant information from this correspondence, it's attachments, and PSE's Handbook that applies to their work. Refunds associated with the line extension charge may be available for additional permanent service hook-ups not initially considered that are made within five (5) years of the date on which the electric distribution facilities installed for this project are initially energized. If no Margin Allowance has initially been provided, or if your Margin Allowance exceeds $75,000, PSE agrees to calculate and refund the Margin Allowance, subject to Schedule 85, two (2) years after the line extension is energized. Customers are responsible for making all refund requests. A refund may be requested one (1) time within six (6) years of the date on which the distribution facilities are initially energized. Your refund request should be directed to PSE's Customer Accounting Coordinators at 253-476-6335 or 253-476-6440. You will find it useful to retain this letter to use as a reference when making your refund request. All costs and refunds are in accordance with PSE's Rate Schedule 85, and any discrepancies between this letter and the Rate Schedule will be resolved in favor of the Rate Schedule. Rate Schedule 85 contains more detailed information covering costs, refunds, rights, and obligations than is reflected in this letter. The entirety of Rate Schedule 85 may be viewed at PSE's website www.pse.com under the "Inside PSE" heading. Projects developed by Limited -Liability Companies (LLC's) are required to provide contact information for all managing members in addition to a copy of your Master Business Application. This information too, must be provided prior to commencing construction on your project. Thank you for the opportunity to provide electrical service to your project. PSE will use reasonable diligence in commencing this work, but we will not be liable for any delays resulting from circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to failure to receive necessary Operating Rights. If you have any questions, please call me at 253-677-7726 Sincerely, Dave Honeysett Project Manager Potelco, Inc. read an agree to t ms and conditions outlined in this ag Bement and it's attachments. �E;OR OWNER DESIGNEE'S SIGNATURE RINT NAME DA 3538 9106 PIRGY GET ' SUND POTELCO INC EA Quanta Services Company March 31, 201 City of Rento 3555 NE 2nd t, Renton, WA 9 056 RE: Non -Residential secondary electric service to 600 W. Perimeter Rd, Renton, WA 98057 (PSE Job #10 074941) In accordance with Puget Sound Energy's Tariff G, Schedule 85, customers requesting electric Non -Residents 1 underground secondary voltage service connections are "subject to the Customer paying an esti ated charge based on the Company's cost of making the connection(s)." The estimated cost for connecting the underground electric service at the above $ 4,513.85 This quote is ased on the following information that was provided by you on your application for service. Base Fee for Connection $ 429.00 Additional Runs @ $99.00 per run $ - Additional Trip fee, for customer requested additional trip $ 350.00 PSE Real Estate; Easements, Permits,' etc $ - Complex engi eering, outage coordination, & switching orders @ $128.00 per hr._ $ 512.00 Requested ov rtime,stand by fee,flagging charges or PSE Serviceman $ 2,604.64 Sales Tax & overheads (if applicable) $ 618.21 If you reques a change in the number of conductors that need to be connected, request that work be 3erformed outside of normal working hours, request additional trips than those discussed or have other changed conditions not indicated by other information that you have pro iided, we reserve the right to adjust this quote based on those changed conditions. this quote is valid for 90 days from the above date. Upon your sig ed acceptance and return of this quote and completion of the connection work, you will receive an invoice for the above amount from Puget Sound Energy, which is payable in thirty days. If you have ar�y questions please contact me at Sincerely, David Honey Project Manag Potelco/PSE F Kent Fleet 8001 S 212th 253-677- �1 stomer Signature I agree to the price and conditions as stated above. Billing address: c tYr oft e4m va,To r'i XTTa ►- ,k<z 43vt40; T 906L.%C- La 2ILS LY-6 InrI is 5wk Fa,c odi Kent, WA 9803F iosC' 5 Qw .wOY .� A.-r �Z��ti ;,:>s- 9bo51 -3232 POTELCO INC PUGET SOUND ENERGY A Quanta Services Company GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOMER PROVIDED EXCAVATION In Municipal/County right-of-ways under a Puget Sound Energy/Potelco permit Dear Customer: Re: City of Renton March 14, 2014 3555 NE 2nd St Renton, WA 98056 Reference Job# 105074941 — Property Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 After a permit has been issued we will forward a copy of it to you. You are responsible to have the permit activated by the Potelco staff three full working days prior to you (your) contractor working/boring/excavating in the municipal/county right-of-way. If Potelco has not activated the permit, you are in violation of the permit rules and you are subject to code enforcement fines. This fine can be $1,000.00 in some areas. And PSE/Potelco will not accept any of the excavation or install any PSE facilities in the excavation. This permit is only for PSE facilities; all other utilities such as telephone, cable television, etc. must be permitted separately. The permit for the other utilities must be on site or they cannot utilize this portion of excavation in right-of-way under the PSE obtained permit. It is the customer's responsibility to provide traffic control signs, barricades and traffic control flagging personnel per "Part V1 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways." Excavation inspections are required and you are responsible for all trench inspection fees on the closing of this permit. It is important to call your Potelco Project Manager after the trench is closed and all restoration is in place for final inspection and to close the permit. Failure to do so will result in ongoing charges (fines) for excavation inspections passed on to you. These guidelines regarding excavation are meant to better serve PSE customers and the municipality/county permit agencies. Careful reading and following of the guidelines will help you avoid fines, and costly down time or job re -scheduling. Should this agreement present any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly at 253-677-7726. Sincerely, Dave Honeysett Project Manager F( I hav read and )derstand ee to the terms and conditions outlined above. OWNER OR OWNER DE E-S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DA E Department of Community and - �-- t its of Economic Development Ri iC �'' Franchise Permit: MFP14001813 IVR Number: 14001813 Permit Name: Renton Airport Lift Station, CIP WWP-27-03625 Address/Location: 451 W PERIMETER RD Parcel Number: 0723059007 Application Date: 04/08/2014 Permit Type: Franchise Issue Date: 04/08/2014 Permit Work Class: Minor Utility Expiration Date: 04/30/2015 Franchise Type: Electric Job Number: #105074941 Description: Replace Transformer, install power in conduit for new lift station and disconnect power to old lift station . CIP WWP-27-03625 Type Name Phone _Billing _ X Applicant _ Michael Benoit -Address 1055 S GRADY WAY B: (425) 430-7206 City of Renton - Sewer RENTON, WA 98057 Contact DAVID HONEYSETT 8001 S 212TH ST B: (253) 677-7726 POTELCO _ _ KENT, WA 98032 X Owner City of Renton 1055 S GRADY WAY B: (425) 430-6500 RENTON WA 98057 Permission is hereby given for the work described on this permit according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinance of the City of Renton. This permit and plans must be posted at the job site at all times. I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements . Call (425) 430-7203 one working day in advance for inspections and for ANY work in the Right of Way. Call 8 1 1 to locate underground utilities at least two full business days prior to any excavation . In accordance with RCW 19.122.033(4) the permit holder is required to contact (Williams Northwest Pipeline at 425.868.1010) (Olympic Pipeline at 206.510.0575)(Puget Sound Energy at 425.462.3207) to request a consultation with the transmission pipeline company prior to performing any construction or excavation activities . This requirement to consult with the transmission pipeline company is in addition to the requirement to Call before You Dig as required in RCW 19.122. (Signature) (Date) THIS PERMIT AND PLANS MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES Page 1 of 2 Circuit Feet Added: 0' 318200-165824 Sq. Footage: 80 Panel Size: 100 1 6 5T Est Demand: 25KW 3181200- 1615813 UNKNOWIN TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION TRANSFORMER REMOVAL LR6: 81 I ................Installed at site: Vol Removed at site: Vol • V. Drop: 2.7 Grid Number: 318175-165813 Grid Number: 318175-165813 • Flicker: 4.3 kVA Rating: 11 2.5KVA kVA Rating: 45KVA 18 165825 Foreman to redline the following information Foreman to redline the following information "D Company ID#: Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage Tested Secondary Voltage ... .......... .......... 4. 8 '18 0 - I C- 81 3 2 '5! 120240v �VA ............. . ................... 318176-165812 318213.166814 318175- 165813 318214-155802 AOADW886 Vol 100kVA 1201240v BOADWS87 COADW888 Z, 100T I I 2.5kVA 277/480v X0386 BOADW882 I Od P 318215-165797 N.O. A0ACD780 'J 26kVA 12040v 3182103 6582 BOACD78OACD781 C2- 3 11 8 -18 5-16 5 8111 BOAD�811 W W 81 W, DW, AD 19 2 AOA.W883 B10A a84 3 1 ";'1 SO- 16) 5 8 0 1 .0 OA 5 0 -(D' 3 8 09-165799 37.SkVA MINN A04; 774 - 10 10 3 240) AOADW921 804 775- C041776 - 65T UNKNOWN 31819f>165841 ----------- D— 8 `,3 9 - 16 5 '6, 8 AOUNK BOUNK 11P COUNK 318180-165813 1201240v 26kVA A C030229 3! 8 15" k, J 318176-166812 318175-165813 AOADW878 BOADWS79 46kVA ZT71480Y A COADWS80 JOB SITE 0 k VA 12 0, AOADW926 BOADW927 COADW928 4AD I AO W -5 31aCOADW877 -1'556-11135-17.1� 5 s. DW:1 A < SITE PLAN CONSTRUCTION NOTES -EXISTING VAULT TO REMAIN 318167-165797 SCALE: 1 50' - REPLACE EXISTING 45kVA TRF W1 NEW 112.5kVA 30 TRF. 3-50kvA 1201208v A016517 - CONNECT CUSTOMER RUN UG SERVICES. B016518 C016519 BOADW874 318164-165797 37AVA 120/240v CONTACT INFO: Clayton Anderson 1-509-886-6781 UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT MAP canderson@rh2.com SCALE: 1 100' POWER GENERAL NOTES 1. All materials to be installed in accordance with Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) standards. Any deviation from this work sketch must be AUTHORIZED by Potelco's Project Manager and NOTED on the Foremans' Copy. 2. All switching arrangements and/or outage arrangements are to be made with the Project Manager at least three (3) working days in advance. 3. Contact the Utilities Underground Location Center (1-800-424-5555) at least 48 hours prior to commencing work to get the underground facilities located. 4. All work is to be done in accordance with local municipal and county permit requirements as applicable. 5. Inclement weather conditions may cause delays in construction times and dates. POTELCO INC NOTES FIRST TRIP: POTELCO INC DE -ENERGIZED AND REPLACE THE EXISTING 45KVA 2771480 3 PHASE UG PRIMARY TRANSFORMER WITH A 112.5KVA 2771480 3 PHASE UG PRIMARY TRANSFORMER. THE ELECTRICIAN CAN THEN ENTER LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE VAULT. TO PLUMB IN CUSTOMER OWN CONDUIT AND PULL CUSTOMER OWN WIRE TO THE NEW 112.5KVA 2771480 3 PHASE VAULT FOR AIRPORT LIFT STATION. (SO THE ELECTRICIAN CAN PASS THE LI STATE INSPECTION.) THEN POTELCO INC WILL RE -ENERGIZED THE NEW 3 PHASE UG PRIMARY TRANSFORMER. ELECTRICIAN RESPONSIBILITY ELECTRICIAN WILL CALL AFTER THE ELECTRICAL PANEL HAS BEEN INSPECTED BY Ll. ELECTRICIAN WILL CALL PSE METER DEPT: DAVE MUTSCHLER: 1- 253-395-6815. (TO REVIEW THE 100 AMP PANEL). ELECTRICIAN VERIFIES THE LI INSPECTION NUMBER# ELECTRICIAN WILL CALL THE PSE PROJECT MANAGER DAVE HONEYSETT1-253-606-4983. A• ,t :B. •• RENT W 3Sb: '30 17S a C INIY 7 J ST: PCR 13 AnpewT 4kV : 3 0 : 65T 3`�: X7206 IX405 X3516 X9660 25T 25T N 6 SS✓ 40T -i -'� ••�C . BOEING ALT. FEE e I� t I �� „IbX386 A • 100T I� C :3� — —I?�, I� I JOB SITE X541 , EING SYSTEM REN70"I 1 B� \�� ' Ai AT 25T BA cO ; FROM X386 TO to : 3� METERING BY X733 STAD/UM I �e OVERHEAD CIRCUIT MAP SCALE: 6" = 1 MILE POTELCO DESIGN AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ' y 2&his design complies with PSE Design/Engineering Standards. Any/all variations have been pre-approved/documented by the appropriate/PSE Representative. Signature Print Name �V7✓i •�Y7ri if y > Dale FOREMAN (CHECK BOX WHEN COMPLETED) ❑ PSE Equipment LOCKED/SECURED & Work Area left in CLEAN/SAFE Condition. ❑ Grid. Cable. and Switch numbers INSTALLED & VERIFIED. ❑ Field Changes RED -LINED on As -built. ❑ Material VERIFIED and CHANGES noted on Paperwork ❑ Total PRIMARY Cable noted on As -built. ❑ Company ID#'s RECORDED in correct location on As -built. ❑ Indicate correct FUSE SIZE on As -built & VERIFY proper PHASE. ❑ Deviations noted on the As -built and their reason. ❑ I certify that the work performed meets PSE's standards and procedures and that all quality requirements are met. Foreman's Signature Print Name Date PROJECT PHASE NOTIF# ORDER# PWR Superior UG Trf Removal UG Misc 500100425 105074941 584037683 594095178 Project Manager Contact Information: Manager: Dave Honeysett Cell Phone: 1-253-677-7726 E-Mail: david.honeysett@pse.com Developer Yes Yes x PSE "Locates Required" No No "Outages Required" Yes x No "Flagging Required" Yes x No 3 2 1 REV# DATE COUNTY KING COUNTY 1 /4 SEC SW SEC-07 T23N R05E U-MAP NO (POWER) 2305EO27/028 UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# Vicinity Map I�`if°t Fy LV xl N Thy rj��rry`�1' rat �ur�F�.t �t K I I���r%g: �� k � rt t� F Sri • � \� 1 y k \` // (firCD 1`�h ( \� Ul z fj �4\{����\ ng :� wt Y I Airportwa`iSl{l 1 1-.t iti 3�4 NenW ng STIIRcum St { A�, vt I < t. jnle w x �4 .t I zi R rrl IK EA 4 II N Owner / Developer Contact City of Renton 3555 NE 2nd St, Renton, WA 98056 ATTN: Clayton Anderson 509-886-678 office For contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773) Ci 2 BUSINESS DAYS THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION C REAL ESTATE/EASEMENT PERMIT REVIEW CIT`t FUNCTION CONTACT PHON PROJECT MGR Dave Honeysett 1-253-61 ENGR - POWER Dave Honeysett 1-253-6o BY DESCRIPTION ENGR - GAS Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR OCSOKE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY OP MAP PLAT MAP APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 OH CKT MAP 2305EO28 �UGCKT MAP 2305EO27/028 �CIRCUITNO PCR-13 IFOREMAN #2 IMAPPING JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS D. Goodale 1-2. .L (800) 424-5555 EFORE YOU DIG EXISTING FACILITIES OFRENTON NO DATE '-7726 02-267 '-7726 02-26-14 02-26-14 PUGET INCIDENT MAOP AIRPORT LIFT STATION h SOUND Gas Or er Elect Order ENERGY UPGRADE AR 500 W PERIMETER ErTER RID, CONNECT/DISCONNECT NOTON 98057 SVC SCALE 10 PAGE 1 i DESIGNED BY POTELCO INC AS NOTED 01 / 01 PUGET SOUND ENERGY March 14, 2014 City of Renton ATTN: Clayton Anderson 3555 NE 2nd St Renton, WA 98056 Re: Customer Agreement for Commercial Line Extensions PSE order No. 105074941 Dear Customer, POTELCO INC A Ouants Services Company In accordance with Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) Tariff G, Rate Schedule 85 "Line Extensions", on file with the Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission, this agreement confirms our intention to provide electrical service to your project at Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 per the attached PSE design drawing. The delivery voltage of this electrical service is 277/480 volts. This cost information is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter, and is subject to being updated after that time. The payment of the total amount due and the return of signed documents as noted elsewhere in this letter is required prior to commencing our work. Please make checks payable to Puget Sound Energy and return to address listed below: 8001 S 212`h St, Kent Address City The cost for this work is determined as follows: Estimated Normal Construction Cost including transformation Less: Applicable Margin Allowance Total line extension charge Other charges- Upgrade 3 phase padmount transformer Dedicated facilities Total Other charges Total amount due under this letter 98032 Zip Code $ 2,335.64 $ 0.00 $ 2,335.64 (1) $ 4,831.05 + $ 0.00 = $ 4,831.05 (2) $ 7,166.69 (1 + 2) Charges for temporary and permanent electric service lines for your project are not included in the above charges. To order these services and obtain costs, please contact PSE at 888-321-7779 after electrical inspections have been approved. These additional charges will be billed after installation in accordance with Rate Schedule 85. These charges also do not include permitting fees or trenching and other excavation related work that is your responsibility. 3538 9/06 Charges relating to your PSE-provided street lighting system in this project are not included in the above prices, and will come to you from PSE's IntoLight department under separate letter. Charges relating to Rate Schedule 73 "Conversion to Underground Service for Customers other than Government Entities" will be addressed under separate letter. This cost information reflects the work being performed during normal working hours. These charges do not include permitting fees or trenching and other excavation -related work that is your responsibility to provide. Please review the attachments provided. The Excavation Requirements & Final Grade Certification must be signed by the project owner or designee, and returned to me along with a signed copy of this letter prior to the start of construction. The work sketch document shows the proposed design, including the location of permanent, aboveground electrical facilities required to provide electrical service to your project. Fault current information for transformers associated with your project are noted on the work sketch drawing. Please notify me immediately if you believe there are conflicts between PSE's design and your project. Additional construction -related information and information on metering and service entrance requirements is provided in PSE's Electric Service Handbook for commercial projects. If you do not have one of these handbooks, and would like one, please contact me. It is your responsibility to provide your project manager, site superintendent, and subcontractors with any relevant information from this correspondence, it's attachments, and PSE's Handbook that applies to their work. Refunds associated with the line extension charge may be available for additional permanent service hook-ups not initially considered that are made within five (5) years of the date on which the electric distribution facilities installed for this project are initially energized. If no Margin Allowance has initially been provided, or if your Margin Allowance exceeds $75,000, PSE agrees to calculate and refund the Margin Allowance, subject to Schedule 85, two (2) years after the line extension is energized. Customers are responsible for making all refund requests. A refund may be requested one (1) time within six (6) years of the date on which the distribution facilities are initially energized. Your refund request should be directed to PSE's Customer Accounting Coordinators at 253-476-6335 or 253-476-6440. You will find it useful to retain this letter to use as a reference when making your refund request. All costs and refunds are in accordance with PSE's Rate Schedule 85, and any discrepancies between this letter and the Rate Schedule will be resolved in favor of the Rate Schedule. Rate Schedule 85 contains more detailed information covering costs, refunds, rights, and obligations than is reflected in this letter. The entirety of Rate Schedule 85 may be viewed at PSE's website www.pse.com under the "Inside PSE" heading. Projects developed by Limited -Liability Companies (LLC's) are required to provide contact information for all managing members in addition to a copy of your Master Business Application. This information too, must be provided prior to commencing construction on your project. Thank you for the opportunity to provide electrical service to your project. PSE will use reasonable diligence in commencing this work, but we will not be liable for any delays resulting from circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to failure to receive necessary Operating Rights. If you have any questions, please call me at 253-677-7726 Sincerely, Dave Honeysett Project Manager Potelco, Inc. read an agree to t ms and conditions outlined in this ag eement and it's attachments. R OR OWNER DESI NEE'S SIGNATURE �RINT DA E 3138 9/06 PJEP6Y GET ' SUND E POTELCO INC A auanta Services Company March 31, 201 City of Rento 3555 NE 2nd t, Renton, WA 9 056 RE: Non-Resi ential secondary electric service to 600 W. Perimeter Rd, Renton, WA 98057 (PSE Job #10 074941) In accordance with Puget Sound Energy's Tariff G, Schedule 85, customers requesting electric Non -Residential underground secondary voltage service connections are "subject to the Customer paying an estimated charge based on the Company's cost of making the connection(s)." The estimated cost for connecting the underground electric service at the above $ 4,513.85 This quote is It ased on the following information that was provided by you on your application for service. Base Fee for donnection $ 429.00 Additional Rur s @ $99.00 per run $ - Additional Trip fee, for customer requested additional trip $ 350.00 PSE Real Estate; Easements, Permits,I etc $ - Complex engineering, outage coordination,& switching orders @ $128.00 per hr._ $ 512.00 Requested ov rtime,stand by fee,flagging charges or PSE Serviceman $ 2,604.64 Sales Tax & o erheads (if applicable) $ 618.21 If you reques a change in the number of conductors that need to be connected, request that work be erformed outside of normal working hours, request additional trips than those discussed or have other changed conditions not indicated by other information that you have pro iided, we reserve the right to adjust this quote based on those changed conditions. This quote is valid for 90 days from the above date. Upon your signed acceptance and return of this quote and completion of the connection work, you will receive an invoice for the above amount from Puget Sound Energy, which is payable in thirty days. If you have aly questions please contact me at 253-677-7 Sincerely, David Honey ett _ '- stomer Signature Project Manager I agree to the price and conditions as stated above. Potelco/PSE Representative Kent Fleet Billing address Agra �-a• its tic; r 8001 S 212th Kent, WA 980 ions 5 G.2A�Y cs�I ' POTELCOINC PUGET SOUND ENERGY A Quanta Services Company GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOMER PROVIDED EXCAVATION In Municipal/County right-of-ways under a Puget Sound Energy/Potelco permit Dear Customer: Re: City of Renton March 14, 2014 3555 NE 2nd St Renton, WA 98056 Reference Job# 105074941 — Property Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 After a permit has been issued we will forward a copy of it to you. You are responsible to have the permit activated by the Potelco staff three full working days prior to you (your) contractor working/boring/excavating in the municipal/county right-of-way. If Potelco has not activated the permit, you are in violation of the permit rules and you are subject to code enforcement fines. This fine can be $1,000.00 in some areas. And PSE/Potelco will not accept any of the excavation or install any PSE facilities in the excavation. This permit is only for PSE facilities; all other utilities such as telephone, cable television, etc. must be permitted separately. The permit for the other utilities must be on site or they cannot utilize this portion of excavation in right-of-way under the PSE obtained permit. It is the customer's responsibility to provide traffic control signs, barricades and traffic control flagging personnel per "Part V1 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways." Excavation inspections are required and you are responsible for all trench inspection fees on the closing of this permit. It is important to call your Potelco Project Manager after the trench is closed and all restoration is in place for final inspection and to close the permit. Failure to do so will result in ongoing charges (fines) for excavation inspections passed on to you. These guidelines regarding excavation are meant to better serve PSE customers and the municipality/county permit agencies. Careful reading and following of the guidelines will help you avoid fines, and costly down time or job re -scheduling. Should this agreement present any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly at 253-677-7726. Sincerely, Dave Honeysett Project Manager I hav read and derstand ree to the terms and conditions outlined above. OWNER OR OWNER DE E'S SIGNATURE PRINT NAME DA E POWER GENERAL NOTES 1. All materials to be installed in accordance with Puget Sound Energy's (PSE) standards. Any deviation from this work sketch must be AUTHORIZED by Pote/co's Project Manager and NOTED on the Foremans' Copy. 2. All switching arrangements and/or outage arrangements are to be made with the Project Manager at least three (3) working days in advance. 3. Contact the Utilities Underground Location Center (1-800-424-5555) at least 48 hours prior to commencing work to get the underground facilities located. 4. All work is to be done in accordance with local municipal and county permit requirements as applicable. 5. Inclement weather conditions may cause delays in construction times and dates. POTELCO INC NOTES FIRST TRIP: POTELCO INC DE -ENERGIZED AND REPLACE THE EXISTING 45KVA 2771480 3 PHASE UG PRIMARY TRANSFORMER WITH A 112.5KVA 2771480 3 PHASE UG PRIMARY TRANSFORMER. THE ELECTRICIAN CAN THEN ENTER LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE VAULT. TO PLUMB IN CUSTOMER OWN CONDUIT AND PULL CUSTOMER OWN WIRE TO THE NEW 112.5KVA 2771480 3 PHASE VAULT FOR AIRPORT LIFT STATION. (SO THE ELECTRICIAN CAN PASS THE LI STATE INSPECTION.) THEN POTELCO INC WILL RE -ENERGIZED THE NEW 3 PHASE UG PRIMARY TRANSFORMER. ELECTRICIAN RESPONSIBILITY ELECTRICIAN WILL CALL AFTER THE ELECTRICAL PANEL HAS BEEN INSPECTED BY Ll. ELECTRICIAN WILL CALL PSE METER DEPT. • DAVE MUTSCHLER: 1- 253-395-6815. (TO REVIEW THE 100 AMP PANEL). ELECTRICIAN VERIFIES THE LI INSPECTION NUMBER# ELECTRICIAN WILL CALL THE PSE PROJECT MANAGER DAVE HONEYSETTI -253-606-4983. A. :B• RENT W 3'30 IN :a b C1, �NiY 7 'Sr: PCR 13 A/RPART 4kV :30 65T 3�: X7206 IX405 X3516 25T 25T 25T N 6 ST _ + X9660 — — — 40T��1• ••.0 BOEING ALT. FEE I(n•(bX386 —� — —� 1 I� �� C A . :31 100T I� ` �I �02G B SITE X541 1a Jh 1= ,�, , SYSTEM RENTt�y FROM X386 TO STADIUM B% `�� I Ai AT 25T BA CD : 3� METERING BY X733 �e OVERHEAD CIRCUIT MAP SCALE: 6" = 1 MILE POTELCO DESIGN AND QUALITY ASSURANCE r j,� Inis design complies with PSE Design/Engineering Standards. Any/all variations have been pre-approved/documented by the appropriate/PSE Representative. Signature Print Name r.Ufc� �3¢T>l< (� Date- FOREMAN (CHECK BOX WHEN COMPLETED) ❑ PSE Equipment LOCKED/SECURED 8 Work Area left in CLEAN/SAFE Condition. ❑ Grid. Cable, and Switch numbers INSTALLED & VERIFIED. ❑ Field Changes RED -LINED on As -built. ❑ Material VERIFIED and CHANGES noted on Paperwork. ❑ Total PRIMARY Cable noted on As -built. ❑ Company I04's RECORDED in correct location on As -built. ❑ Indicate correct FUSE SIZE on As -built & VERIFY proper PHASE. ❑ Deviations noted on the As -built and their reason. ❑ I certify that the work performed meets PSE's standards and procedures and that all quality requirements are met. Foreman's Signature Print Name Date PROJECT PHASE NOTIF# ORDER# PWR Superior UG Trf Removal UG Misc 500100425 105074941 584037683 594095178 Project Manager Contact Information: Manager: Dave Honeysett Cell Phone: 1-253-677-7726 E-Mail: david.honeysett@pse.com Developer Yes Yes x PSE "Locates Required" No No "Outages Required" Yes x No "Flagging Required" Yes x No Vicinity Map N i ' ?3t S:k c �� x, s> \\ / O L ha-Lbl*+., v Kai r•2 I ht` { r' k J \ k{'fit !� •> O gal t� , �'r ., , + \ •� F Q , . an",3"J'O�BFSIpTE = r # ix� �'nnNk IO Q/�'� -c,.. ,W rtr Airport=Wad xi 5 ' I Pho H Vuony 5T'Wcum St I �! Ba ` B h41 la N. O - T n,/. fife - 5�Al- n ; I D lit Owner/Developer Contact l City of Renton 3555 NE 2nd St, Renton, WA 98056 ATTN: Clayton Anderson 509-886-6781. office For contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773) 2 BUSINESS DAYS THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION REAL ESTATE/EASEMENT PERMIT REVIEW CIT' 3 FUNCTION 2 PROJECT MGR 1 ENGR - POWER REV# DATE BY DESCRIPTION ENGR - GAS COUNTY KING COUNTY Emer Sect Gas Wk Ctr POWER WK CTR QCSOKE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY 1/4 SEC SW SEC-07 T23N R05E OP MAP PLAT MAP APPROVED BY FOREMAN #1 U-MAP NO (POWER) 2305EO27/028 OH CKT MAP 2305EO28 UG CKT MAP 2305EO27/028 CIRCUIT NO PCR-13 FOREMAN #2 MAPPING JOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTS UTILITIES CONTACT PHONE# CONTACT PH Dave Honeysett 1-25: Dave Honeysett 1-25: D. Goodale ILL (800) 424-5555 3EFORE YOU DIG EXISTING FACILITIES OFRENTON .NO DATE '-7726 02-26-14 '-7726 02-26-14 79 102-26-14 PUGET INCIDENT fv1AOP SOUND AIRPORT LIFT STATION k E UG TRF, CONNECT/DISCONNECT UG SVC Gas OrUPGRADE Elect Order UPGRAD ENERGY NEAR 500 W PERIMETER RD, RENTON, 98057 C 105 SCALE PPAGE 1 AGE DESIGNED BY POTELCO INC AS NOTED 01 / 01 0 318200-165824 ,D' t .L'1:.V 210;^ ti,r' i I I ' �1 E 8176- .1b5<S1? 1 � V01 31.8175-105813 0. 112.5kVA 277/480v 1Gr0 II I f 0 ! `10) i I :!0 ss�t � I I CONSTRUCTION NOTES - EXISTING VAULT TO REMAIN - REPLACE EXISTING 45kVA TRF w/NEW 112.5kVA 30 TRF. - CONNECT CUSTOMER RUN UG SERVICES. CONTACT INFO: Clayton Anderson 1-509-886-6781 canderson@rh2.com TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION Installed at site: Vol Grid Number: _ 318175-165813 kVA Rating: 112.5KVA Foreman to redline the following information Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage TRANSFORMER REMOVAL Removed at site: Vol Grid Number: 318175-165813 kVA Rating: 45KVA Foreman to redline the following information Company ID#: Primary phase connected to: Tested Secondary Voltage 318213.166814 j 318214-165802 AOADWS86 100kVA 1201240v BOADWO87 COADW888 100T X0386 BOADW882 318215-165797 N.O. 26kVA 1201240v 3 3 BOACD78 318212- 65803 COAC781 OACU782 BOAD4V881 AOADW1922 AOADW883 BOADW884 COADW885 318209-165799 37.5kVA 1201240v 1 1 A04774 - BOa1775- A0ADW921 C041776- 65T UNKNOWN 318196-165841 AOUNK BOUNK COUNK 318180-165813 26kVA 1201240v C030229 J 318176-165812 AOADW878 318175-165813 46kVA Z771480V BOADW879 COADW880 JOB SITE AOADW926 BOADW927 COADW928 AOADW875 80ADW676 y COADWS77 < w `m c ¢ 1Cr y E 318157-165797 d 3.50kVA 1201208v & -16517 r B016518 C016519 BOADW8741 318164-165797 37.6kVA 1201240v UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT MAP SCALE: 1 " = 100' PUGET SOUND ENERGY PSE ELECTRICAL FACILITIES EXCAVATION REQUIREMENTS & FINAL GRADE CERTIFICATION PURPOSE This document is an agreement between Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and the Owner/Developer (Developer) who is providing excavation for the installation of PSE's facilities. This document does not provide an easement for operating rights. If PSE determines that a recordable easement on the Developer's property or other property is necessary, it shall be the Developer's responsibility to obtain such easements in a form acceptable to PSE prior to construction. EXCAVATION REQUIREMENTS The requirements and conditions outlined below apply when you provide the excavation for PSE's electrical facilities as a condition of receiving electrical service for your project. If you need additional information, please call the PSE contact person listed below. 1. Developer is responsible for acquiring utility locates by calling One -Call, 1-800-424-5555 at least 48 hours (two full working week days) prior to digging. The excavation must meet the requirements of the Washington Administrative Code and Safety Standards. 2. Developer shall call the PSE contact person noted below for trench and route approval prior to starting excavation 3. The electrical primary trench shall be excavated to provide a minimum of 36 inches of facility coverage, to a maximum trench depth of 48 inches. The electric service trench shall be excavated to provide a minimum of *24 inches of facility coverage, to a maximum trench depth of 36 inches. A 12-inch horizontal separation is required between PSE electrical facilities and other utilities within a joint trench. 4. All back -fill must be free of sharp objects and construction debris. Developer shall provide and install sand bedding and shading material for electrical facility protection as directed by PSE's contact person. Developer is responsible for any damages caused by improper back -fill or compaction. 5. Developer agrees to maintain a minimum of 2 feet of horizontal clearance between PSE conduit, pipe or conductors and any foundation on Developer's property. 6. The vault excavation shall be dug to the dimensions noted on the attached work sketch. Vault holes shall have a solid level bottom with a 6 inch deep layer of crushed rock bedding. 7. Developer shall provide the excavation for PSE electrical facilities within the designed location. Developer shall identify and provide final grade, property lines, and utility easements prior to installation of PSE's electrical facilities. 8. Developer will be financially liable for the relocation of PSE's electrical facilities which are inadequately covered, located outside the area where PSE has adequate operating rights, improperly graded inhibiting standard access and/or any damages resulting from dig -ins due to changes or variations in grade that are made after the installation of PSE's electrical facilities. FINAL GRADE CERTIFICATION By signing below, I certify that the electrical facilities work area shall be at final grade prior to excavation. I assume full responsibility for my excavation work and the resulting location of these facilities. I also agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Puget Sound Energy from all liability arising out of, or in connection with my work, including but not limited to all claims, losses, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, which result from my failure to excavate within easement areas or rights -of -way, or from digging without adequate rights on adjoining properties. Date: Owner or Developer Signature: Project Address: Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 PSE Contact Person: Dave Honeysett (253)-677-7726 PSE Work Order.- *36 inches of backfill to top of conduit or cable required in King County, City of Renton, and City of Newcastle 105074941 Cert. Letter - Electric (Form No. 2806) 02/06 s--0t4 1, GET SOUNDSOUND ENERGY pOTELCOINC A Quanta Services Company REQUIREMENTS FOR TRENCHING BY CUSTOMERS ON PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND/OR ON PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. EASEMENTS The following outlines most local governmental guidelines and company standards for trenching on a public right-of-way or Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (PSE) easement. Any trenching performed by the customer, or their contractor, under a PSE permit or easement must comply with these requirements. 1. All trench construction must be performed by a Washington State licensed and bonded contractor. 2. Trench excavation, backfill, restoration, and facility placement must be coordinated with a PSE designated representative, and receive on -site approval by that representative, and local jurisdiction. 3. Right-of-way easement trenching and backfill must be performed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. Same day excavation and backfill is required for all trenching. Job start notification to the local jurisdiction is the responsibility of Potelco, Inc. Customer shall notify Potelco Project Manager three working days prior to trenching. Penalties for failure to comply with this requirement will be borne by the customer. 4. If the job scope requires excavation beyond a single day, fencing and barricading must be installed around utility facilities exposed above the trench, if allowed, must be in accordance with local regulatory requirements. 5. PSE, all participating utilities, and One -Call Locate, must be notified a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the date and time for right-of-way trenching and facility placement. The One -Call Locate number is 1-800-424-5555. State law requires locating service notification. 6. Excavated material must remain clear of the roadway whenever possible. Excavation material, spoils, and debris shall be removed off -site each day, in accordance with local regulatory requirements. All erosion control requirements in accordance with local regulatory requirements are the responsibility of the customer. 7. Material excavated from the shoulder of the right-of-way shall be properly disposed, and replaced with select backfill material in accordance with local regulatory requirements. 8. Proper compaction is required to comply with local regulatory specifications. If the permit requires compaction testing, the cost of said testing is the responsibility of the customer. 9. All permit requirements, traffic control plans, traffic control and flagging shall meet local regulatory specifications and satisfaction. Page 1 of 2 10. In the event of failure to abide by the above requirements, PSE reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to assume trenching. In the event of delays due to equipment failure, PSE may assume trenching to meet regulatory and joint construction requirements. The customer is responsible for all trenching costs, and will reimburse the company for costs should PSE perform the trenching. (initial) 11. The customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless PSE from all liability (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of, or in connection with, the above mentioned trenching activities. (initial) Job Number 105074941 Trench Location Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057 Customer Name (print) I AGREE TO ADHERE TO THE ABOVE CONDITIONS Customer Signature Title Page 2 of 2 Date own — POT L A Quanta Services Company Private Utility Construction Short Form Construction Agreement 1. The parties to this Agreement are Potelco, Inc., whose address is 14103 8`h Street East, Sumner, IVA. 98390 ('Potelco') and City of Renton whose address is 3555 NE 2nd St, Renton WA 98056 ("Customer'). 2. Customer hereby engages Potelco to perform underground construction operations on Customer's private property. The underground construction operations are limited to the following activities: Inspection of trenching under Potelco permit — Job# 105074941 3. Customer shall pay Potelco the amount of $ 448.00 *plus tax (9.5 %) $ 42.56 fora total of $ 490.56 ® One hundred percent (100%) of this amount shall be paid prior to commencement of the Work, ❑ Fifty percent (5001o) of this amount shall be paid prior to commencement of the Work and the balance is due at the conclusion of the Work or ❑ At the conclusion of the Work. Interest shall accrue on overdue payments at the rate of two percent above the prime interest rate as published_fi•om time to time in the Wall Street Journal; or, if the law prohibits such a rate, then the rate shall be the highest rate allowed under the law. Customer shall also reimburse Potelco for all costs of collection, including attorneys' fees, incurred by Potelco in enforcing this payment obligation. 4. Customer recognizes that if payment is not made in accordance with this agreement, in addition to any other remedies Potelco may have, Potelco may place a mechanics' lien against the property on which the Work was performed. 5. Customer represents and warrants that he is the owner of the property upon which the Work has been requested and that he has the full authority to contract for the Work. 6. Potelco shall perform the Work in accordance with industry standards of practice for the locale in which the Work is to be performed. Customer recognizes that one of the risks inherent in this type of work is the potential ,for damage to an existing underground utility. Customer is advised that Potelco is not in the business of locating utilities and that no such services are apart of the Work hereunder. Therefore, Customer agrees to be solely responsible for identifying, marking or otherwise advising Potelco of the location of existing utilities on Customer's property so that Potelco can avoid contact therewith. Customer hereby expressly assumes all risks that Potelco will strike or otherwise damage an existing underground utility in the performance of the work. 7. To the fullest extent permitted under the law, Customer shall indemnify and defend (with a lawyer to be chosen by Potelco) Potelco and its employees, agents, representatives, affiliates and assigns, ("Indemnitees') from and against all claims, losses and damages, including attorneys' fees, ("Claims') arising out of the performance of the Work notwithstanding Indemnitees' concurrent negligence. Customer shall have no liability to defend or indemni7 Indemnitees for Claims proximately caused by Indemnitees'sole negligence. Complete attached Washington State Resale Certificate if job is for resale. POTELCO, INC. David Honeysett Project Manager Contact #: (253) 677-7726 CUSTOMER Sign: Print: Dated: Utility Permit Letter Date: March 14, 2014 To: City of Renton 3555 NE 2nd St Renton, WA 98056 From: Potelco, Inc. 8001 S. 212th Street Kent, WA 98032 Subject: Obtain necessary permits and/or operating rights for your project located at Near 500 W Perimeter Rd, Renton WA 98057. (Job # 105074941) According to Puget Sound Energy's filed Tariff, Schedule 85, customers requesting new electric service are required to obtain "all legal rights necessary" for the construction of new electric facilities to serve their project. Operating rights need to be obtained by the Company (Puget Sound Energy) prior to the commencement of construction of such facilities. Most municipalities/counties will not issue a utility permit to someone who is not an agent of the utility company. Therefore, Potelco, Inc., as Puget Sound Energy's agent, will obtain necessary municipality/county permits at the request of the customer. The *estimated cost for obtaining the required municipality/county permits for your project at the above address is 595.23. If you wish for Potelco to obtain the necessary permit(s) please sign below as acceptance of these conditions and submit a check in this amount to Potelco, Inc. at the above address. Most permits are valid for 6 (six) months. Funding is required again, if permit expires. * This is an estimated cost, customer is responsible for actual cost on closure of permit. Respectfully, Dave Honeysett Project Manager Potelco, Inc 253-677-7726 Accepted Print Name Date PROPERTY I CLIENT NAME: Former Renton Chamber of Commerce Building FUNDING AGENCY: Community Economic Revitalization Board Project Applicant: City of Renton, Renton Municipal Airport Contact Person: Ben Dahle Address: 616 W Perimeter Rd, Unit A City, State: Renton Zip: 98057 County: King Phone/ FAX: 425.430.7476 E-Mail: BDahIeCa)Rentonwa.gov Funding Agency: Organization: Community Economic Revitalization Boar Address: PO Box 42525 City, State: 01ym0a, WA Zip: 98504-2525 Phone: (360) 725-3161 ® Provide a detailed description of the proposed project: The former Renton Chamber of Commerce Building is proposed for replacement utilizing funds from the Community Economic Revitalization Board, Economic Development, Micro Community Revitalization and Community Revitalization grant program. The structure was originally constructed in 1961, with significant alterations of the building taking place in 1970 (see below). The wood -framed structure is outdated and unsuited for the proposed re -use plan as a aerospace training facility. The present proposal would utilize the current property to build a new structure for educational use by Renton Technical College, operating as Renton Aerospace Training Center. No new property or right-of-way is necessary for the proposal. ® Describe the existing project site conditions: The proposed building project is located on City of Renton Property in King County, Washington. Specifically, it is located in the NE'/4'/ of the NW '/4 of Section 18, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, on the Renton, WA (1989), 7.5-minute U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle (Below). The project is located in a highly developed commercial and industrial use area on a 30 foot steeply cut terrace overlooking Renton Airport and a former, in -filled embayment of Lake Washington where the Black River and Cedar River conflux (Figures 1-2). The property consists of the two-story former chamber building, a large paved parking lot (Figures 3-4) and a small pocket park at the southern end of the property which is not proposed for any re -use. A small amphitheatre was removed previously from the park. The building footprint consists of a large excavation for a daylight basement, allowing for only a single story above the present, surrounding, ground surface. The building is located on a formerly undulating terrace landform composed of sandy glacial drift. Logging, farming and industry have dramatically altered the landform as is illustrated in Figures 1-2 and through subsurface excavations at the property. The U.S. Army was largely responsible for this alteration when, for use in the WWII war effort, they filled in the present configuration of the Renton Airport to build B-29 Bombers. The present project location was cleared and leveled, while a large portion of the lower airport property, including the former course of the Black River, was filled with materials from the upper terrace and hillside itself. The building at 289 Perimiter Road/300 Rainier Avenue South was constructed in 1961 as the original Renton Chamber of Commerce building. The building was designed by Johnston -Campanella AIA + Associates of Renton, Washington. The building was constructed as a single story 56-foot by 40-foot structure on the southwestern edge of the Renton Municipal Airport. It was reportedly constructed at a very low cost, using inexpensive materials and construction techniques. However, its design is distinctive, and representative of mid-century building styles. The distinctive roofline above the east and west elevations mimic the sawtooth roofline of the WWII era Boeing manufacturing plant that it faces to the east, across the airport runway. And the north and south entries originally saw parabolic rooflines. Unusual four -light diamond windows, with one aluminum casement opening provide light on the west, street -side, fagade, beneath each gable peak. The Chamber of Commerce building was originally designed with an expansive observation deck that spanned the entire east facade and most of the north and south facades, accessed by two sets of sliding doors on the east facade, which capitalized on the views of the airport. Because of structural deficiencies, the observation deck was removed and the sliding doors were replaced with vinyl sash circa 2002. In the 1970s, a major addition was built at the primary (south) entry, which highly modified the building's design and materialsAlthough the building exhibits some distinctive characteristics of a mid-century municipal building, it is not recommended eligible for listing in the NRHP because it lacks integrity of design, materials, workmanship, and feeling. ® Describe the proposed ground disturbing activities: Ground alterations would likely be contained to the previously disturbed soils associated with the construction phases of the extant structure. ® Check if building(s) will be altered or demolished. If so please complete a DAHP Determination of Eligibility "EZ2 form" using our on-line Historic Property Inventory Database for each building affected by the proposed project. 41 H E N a — Approximate Project Site AL J.; T N Figure 1. An adaptation of the 1903 T-Sheet approximating the subject property. Figure Z. A portion of a 1936 aerial photo, courtesy of Uity of Kenton, adapted to illustrate the project location. Figure 3. A view north along the east facing side of the former Chamber building. Figure 4. View north from the parking lot toward the building entrance (and Lake Washington beyond). Tnwnshin: 15 Nnrth Ranae 4 Fact Section: is ............................................................................................. Mail this form to: Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation or E-mail to: Robert Whitlam, Ph.D. 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 State Archaeologist, DAHP P.O. Box 48343 (360) 586-3080 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 rob.whitlam(d_)dahp.wa.gov (Within 30 days DAHP will mail their opinion back to you.) 35 _ _ _ 35 T -T- I - -- is I'... 1 ;. ... 1':.j:...: 30 j i :. EXISTING GRADE :. 30 a 2 �o I � I :i::: 25 _ 25 T : � .. - .I � �:. 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ACCESS MH / 7FUM-26.26 STORM DRAIN 50X CULVERT CENTERLINE AND DEPTH OF SHAFT-3.1' GRASS WATER MAINS (2) PER CITY OF REN1pN FIELD W,R SURFACE-18.968.96 LOCATES (TYPICAL ALL SHEETS) O Ls -P� ___- O. D' GO p UP P -Lu __________=r=-= O W --"----"`---" " OFFSET: 11.40' RT '�-_x 7 _ ASPr. 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