HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273626 (2)John D. Hobson From:. Jennifer Bell Denniferb@jshproperties.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 9:57 AM To: David Christensen Cc: John D. Hobson Subject: RE: City Sewer Work Thanks, Dave!! Jennifer A. Bell, CPM® I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 office 425.917 3400 / fax 425.917.3401 ienniferb(2 hpropertie5. com From: David Christensen [mailto:Dchristen@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 8:48 AM To: Jennifer Bell Cc: John D. Hobson Subject: RE: City Sewer Work Jennifer, Our contractor was discharging the groundwater from our excavation into the existing drainage system on the site. It turns out that system has, at least for a portion of it, significant aging within the CMP pipe resulting in holes in the existing pipe. The result was that our contractor had a portion of the system collapse into his excavation. The City will work with the contractor and we will take care of any damage that resulted from our dewatering. At this point, this appears to be limited to the first run of pipe that we were discharging into. However, we will CCTV further downstream to ensure that the work did not cause additional damage. The City will also negotiate with our contractor any additional costs that may have resulted from this additional work. Once we have this complete, we would recommend that you have the remainder of your system analyzed by CCTV Inspection to determine what if any additional repairs may be needed in the portions of the storm system not affected by our project work. This work is probably best done during a dry period to ensure you can view the entire portion of the pipe to determine condition. Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further. Your e-mail was timely, as we were looking to notify you of the work, we were just waiting for the site to stabilize so that we could identify the limits of the damage. Dave Christensen 425.430.7212 From: Jennifer Bell[maiIto: jenniferb(�-b jshproperties.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 2:42 PM To: David Christensen Subject: City Sewer Work Hi Dave, I have heard a rumor that there is a water leak that is Providence's responsibility over at Valley Office Park. Can you please fill me in on anything that you know? Thanks- Jennifer Jennifer A. Bell, CPM® I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 office 425.917.3400 / fax 425.917.3401 Jenniferbna,ishproperties, com John D. Hobson From: Jennifer Bell [jenniferb@jshproperties.com] Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 11:20 AM To: Michael A Benoit Cc: John D. Hobson Subject: RE: Valley Office Park: 1801 Lind Avenue SW Hi Michael, Providence would like to move forward with the following: Roof — Black CMU — Split Face style, Khaki color Thanks - Jennifer Jennifer A. Bell, CPM® I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 office 425 917 3400 / fax 425.917.3401 jenniferbQjshpropen`ies. com From: Michael A Benoit [mailto:Mbenoit@Rentonwa.gov1 Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 9:22 AM To: Jennifer Bell Cc: John D. Hobson Subject: RE: Valley Office Park: 1801 Lind Avenue SW CMU Blocks: http://www.mutuaImaterials.com/professional/products/masonry-products/cmu?section=shapes-colors You should be able to contact them to get a hard copy pamphlet. If you have the time Auburn is not far to go see the actual products. The Home Depots at South Center and Kent carry the Mutual Material products but I am not sure if they deal in the CMU blocks or, if so, what they might have in stock or for display purposes. Mutual Materials — Auburn 1357 W. Valley Hwy N. Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: (800) 688-8250 Roof htti)://www.aepspan.com/roof/ The color chart I attached has a note on the right about 3/a way down about contacting AEP SPAN representative for actual color samples and the phone numbers are on the bottom of the page n��cG�oei ,mot. Project Manager Manager Wastewater Utility City of Renton (425) 430-7206 From: Jennifer Bell[maiIto: jenniferbCabjshproperties. com] Sent: Friday, August 02, 2013 12:30 PM To: Michael A Benoit Subject: Valley Office Park: 1801 Lind Avenue SW Hi Mike, I have been working with John on the lift station project over at Valley Office Park. Do you happen to have an extra pamphlet that has the roof and structure color selections? Thanks - Jennifer Jennifer A. Bell, CPM® I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 ohice 425 917 3400 / fax 425.917.3401 Ienniferb(2jshproperties. com Denis Law Mayor r City Of-E K . SAY - L Public Works Department - Gregg Zimmerman, P. E-,Aclministrato N.oV6'mber 7, 2012 j Ms. JennifqrBell, .CPM JSH,P,,rqperties Inc, 1 2. 0 555,Sopth.R"e"nto'n'.'Vil,lagp Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 RE: `Easement Ae'q6isiiib'nfo'r*`LiriaAv6nbe',Lift Stati6rf oh'Pro%iiden'ce'Pr6perty Dear. Ms. Bell: Attached you wi I I. f i n d ja n original easement document for execution by ' id e n ce Health Systems,— Wa,5h,ington..The,City.pasincorporated ,and ey*atqd,qII,)q.,yqyr comments regarding the draft document submitted to.the CityOy e-mail, datedOctober9,' 2012, The following re spQndstothe;5-,points made -'in,youre-mai 1) Is the City of;Pe'n'ion 'b:m'e'_n"6bie-to Prov'idenic'e'"including such p'?'bvisions, including .,and especially on environrneytql indemnit y?.,As you con,in ogine, the,stotion will be pumping materials that are environmental .jr.is,k,s... Another revision that, Providence would like to see is th) at if the lift statiomever goes away that the City of Renton will restore the area. The r.evIised: easempntdocument.includes language.t_o a'ddress,our regulatory . I ,. ,Z. 31'c:_3 requirements. regarding environmental hazards as well as a requirement -to store the e_-,--1r9er.t a;-, at Eu-Cr: ime -s v�-E a nee_. ;U1 i1111.1 easement-. e,wdI �'G*1j_P"l"'- :, , 1,;' l♦+ I2) Provid,okt1aa'fL1111rL (111LJIYCOOL 00'jC area vvi;'! not impo,_rt ff.!turc r _h /ev^eic,ompnt r Yobr r6qd&st , ed'e-asem'e'ht-la"ngLiage'ch'A-ng'e" s1fde this item cannot be addressed as ' part of an easerfi6nt document. 111,uIes df:cIeVe]opmehtvjill change overtime and in no way can we con-im. it the City to future actions that may be taken by Council. However. it is aiso true that the re .nr:itions of this easement only apply vvithirl the easement area (with the exception of blasting within 15-feet), so as such this easement should not restrain t~_ deveiopment of this property in the future. ;­ c6d ­L L LY J cu"s e -4 -t;,,. te It (200� L;rid (iPnl d Avc�i ! _3rlLqit;n-1 to 1-.:I-j C"7 ing 0t1LIfi"V;"_7 t"r around the of-eci where the new equipment will be instafled. The City ' ! agrees as a condition of Providence Health Services granting this easement to the C-ittv that we wilil inf'ail a niid-block cross-,,�,- i" vvlthi, j. zt­". The Cit.k!Jll include thisv,ork 25 part lil"UUM _D of cuir Lift _qtptinn -nntrir acknow!edges its requirpmr-znt tc. restore those Areas disturbed by nur contract work. Ms. Bell - Page 2 of 2 t - No,vembe'r7;-2012' t 4) What is the commm" 6 cement date for the project? What is the drop dead date for the completion of the project? Is there an outside date? Attached you will find our latest project schedule to complete the lift station replacement. As far as a "drop dead date", the City does riot have any restraints as to when the work needs to occur. The City Council has fully authorized all`` �. .._ , ' _ funding needed to complete this work'and we'anticipate completirig the project roughly within the timeline provided. 5) Can the City of Renton come out and do a mock-up of how the property will be affected.? Flags:in.the•ground-etc. An,cggrial-photo thatshowy the areas, that will, be marked off and how the equipment will be placed `would be extremely beneficial. We have provided paint marks and stakes indicating the location of the primary components of the proposed lift station as well as provided pictures of previous insialla•tions-for'reference: `The'City will`include'in its,Cdntract clbcum'e'Hts a 'requiremen't for the contractor to submit on materia'I "colo"rs forthe-above tground features including th•e•blocVaind ro'of,`as well asfhe"enclosu"re for the generator, to best match existing building'colors on'th"e site, and we willrsubmit those choices.to Providence for final selection of color. In addition to:th'e`permanent easement"ddcument'welhbve also attached a -temporary construction`e"asement to'provide`sufficient area for our coritractor to construct the new proposed lift station facility: Please h'ave' both'of these -document exe'cuted'by-the appropriate individuals at Providence Health Systems and'-'Aurn both originals to'the'City for our final signature: The permanent easement will be sent out by the City for recording with -King County, and JJc will provide a ecorcled_copy to you for -year records pun its return. We will also_provide a copy of the temporary construction easement at that time as well. I greatly appreciate •your assistance.on this-matter.,_Please let me know if there is anything additional that either you'or.,Providence requires,at this time. Sincerely, Wastewater Utility Supervisor Attachments H:\File Sys\WwP - WasteWater\W\IIP-27-3626 Lind Ave Lift Station\Design\Easernents.\Providence Letter for Easement.doc\DMCah David Christensen From: David Christensen Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:27 AM To: Mark Barber Cc: John D. Hobson Subject: FW: Utilities Easement at Lind Av Lift station Attachments: Easement - Lind Ave Lift Station - MODIFIED DMC.doc Mark, The Wastewater Utility is currently in the process of negotiating an easement from the folks at Providence to allow us to modify the location of our existing lift station to give better access for our facility for the Crews. Providence has reviewed our base easement language and has a couple of adds they would like to see. Below, items 1 and 2 cover those additional items. I have attached a draft revise easement document that covers what they are looking for in item one, and is shown in red. For item 2 1 do not believe we can address what they are looking for in easement language and was looking to respond to that item as follows: "Your requested easement language changes requested in item 2 of your e-mail cannot be addressed as part of an easement document. Rules of development will change over time and in no way can we commit the City to future actions that may be taken by the Council. However, it is also true that the conditions of this easement only apply within the easement area (With the exception of blasting within 15-feet), so as such this easement in itself should not restrain the development of this property in the future." Please take a look at the revised easement language as well as my statement above and please let me know what changes you would recommend prior to our response back to Providence. I am hoping to be able to provide a response back to Providence in the next week or so. Let me know if that does not work within your schedule. Thanks, Dave Christensen 425.430.7212 From: Jennifer Bell[mailto:jenniferb@jshproperties.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 7:51 AM To: David Christensen Subject: RE: Utilities Easement at Lind Av Lift station Hi Dave, I met with m Providence contacts last week regarding the easement. I have a few questions or comments. 1) Is the City of Renton amenable to Providence including such provisions, including and especially an environmental indemnity? As you can imagine, the station will be pumping materials that are environmental risks. Another revision that Providence would like to see is that if the lift station ever goes away that the City of Renton will restore the area. 2) Providence would like to see language in the easement that says that this little area will not impact future development changes. 1 3) Providence would like to have the City of Renton install a crosswalk and two curb cuts between Valley Office Park (1801 Lind Avenue) and Southgate II (2001 Lind Avenue), in addition to re -striping, landscaping and fixing the asphalt in and around the area where the new equipment will be installed. 4) What is the commencement date for the project? What is the drop dead date for the completion of the project? Is there an outside date? 5) Can the City of Renton come out and do a mock-up of how the property will be affected? Flags in the ground etc. An aerial photo that shows the areas that will be marked off and how the equipment will be placed would be extremely beneficial. Thanks and please call or email me with any questions. Jennifer Jennifer A. Bell, CPM® I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 office 425.917 3400 / fax 425.917.3401 ienniferbCa?Lproperties. com From: David Christensen [mailto:Dchristen@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 2:08 PM To: Jennifer Bell Subject: Utilities Easement at Lind Av Lift station Jennifer, Just checking in to see if the folks from Providence have had a chance to review our proposed easement documents and whether you and they would like to have us meet with you to go over any potential questions/issues. Internally, we just received the 60% design plans and are currently reviewing those and I would I am hoping that we can move forward with the design as we currently have the sight laid out. Thanks, Dave Christensen 425.430.7212 2 David Christensen From: Jennifer Bell benniferb@jshproperties.comj Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 7:51 AM To: David Christensen Subject: RE: Utilities Easement at Lind Av Lift station Hi Dave, I met with m Providence contacts last week regarding the easement. I have a few questions or comments. 1) Is the City of Renton amenable to Providekincluding such provisions, including and especially an environmental indemnity? As you can imagine, the station will be pumping materials that are environmental risks. Another revision that Providence would like to see is that if the lift station ever goes away that the City of Renton will restore the area. T 2) Providence would like to see language in the easement that says that this little area will not impact future development changes. 3) Providence would like to have the City of Renton install a crosswalk and two curb cuts between Valley Office Park (1801 Lind Avenue) and Southgate II (2001 Lind Avenue), in addition to re -striping, landscaping and fixing the asphalt in and around the area where the new equipment will be installed. 4) What is the commencement date for the project? What is the drop dead date for the completion of the project? Ithere an outside date? 5) Can the City of Renton come out and do a mock-up of how the property will be affected? Flags in the ground etc. An aerial photo that shows the areas that will be marked off and how the equipment will be placed would be extremely beneficial. per, lj,� � p,Gj��p, u / IkA , ':r )W t,1-zP,e,)A4c7 4-0 lug. Thanks and please call or email me with any questions. Jennifer Jennifer A. Bell, CPM@ I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 office 425.917.3400 / fax 425.917.3401 jennlferb@iLhpcQperties.com From: David Christensen [maiIto: Dchristen4Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 2:08 PM To: Jennifer Bell Subject: Utilities Easement at Lind Av Lift station 1 City of Renton Print map Template Information Technology - GIS This map is a user generated static output frum an Internet mapping site and is for reference only Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be 56 0 28 56 Feet RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601 10/24/2012 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Legend Jurisdiction Boundaries Other City of Renton Addresses Parcels Anode T Cathodic Protection Test Station A SCADA Sensor Well <all other values, ti MonitoringWellCity Monitoring Well Private r ProducbonWell Production WellOtherDistrict Wellhead Protection Site <all other values, L.=J ContaminalionSite Facilitylnspection LUST RCRASite UST Sampling Station Control Valve <all other values, M AirGap AirVac A titude ComboAirV acAirRelease CVAirRelease DCDA r DCVA FlapCheck FootCheck RPBA M RPDA SilentCheck SingleCheck SwingCheck r VacReliefAirinlet System Valve <all other values> Notes None C� City of Finance & IT Division Go,)slc Address Southwest 19th Street Address is approximate Legend City of Renton Print map Template r h A.. M0 1 j: 2 ! d �y '. Notes ... None 4 1: 235 Information Technology - GIS This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be Clty Of �— Reffton 20 0 10 20 Feet reference only. RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Washington_ North FIPS 4601 10/17/2012 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Finance & IT Division City of Renton Print map Template 78 0 39 78 Feet NAD_1983HAR N_StatePlane_Washington_ North FIPS 4601 Information Technology - GIS RentonMapSupport@Rentonwa.gov 10/ 17/2012 This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION Legend Notes None 0 1: 940 City of Kennon Finance & IT Division 3 EM City of Renton Prcp� map 1"ernp9a^te (Legend Jurtsdctan 0ourslaries C7 Gryd�wm . Addresses rd � R l Farces `.err. � ,�•:, �;�._;."� ;�: �T �!t A -- Nj a il�"` •.—s-�re' ^re, 9R^,%• 11171�V yi. •.--•>... 91 �F �4+ � �f ft:� 1 � -1"I u .". i IrR25 F• F A- PF,;FOFV F F k-: -- - - -- -- � v EMMU= 183 0 91 183 Feel NACL19P_HARN-StatePlane_Washington_North_FIPS_4601 Q -: " TillE MorwOM, f f. r 0� . E , If r Irlfornwhon Technology - GIS RentmMapSupport@Rentornva.gov 10/12/2012 This map is a user generated static output from an Intemet mapping site and G fa •ererence omy Data layers that appear on lies map may or may not be a --vale wren 1, or "ia—se rehabie THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION None 91 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 334040-4000 Project File #: Street Intersection or Project Name: Lind Ave Lift Station Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Providence Health Systems - 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Washington Additional legal is on page of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Lot 4 of City of Renton Short Subdivision No. 431-79, recorded under Auditor's file No. 8002269013, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; with the centerline of Lind Avenue S.W.; Thence along the centerline of said Lind Avenue S.W., N 1°20' 16" E a distance of 30.01 feet to a point on the easterly prolongation of the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19`h Street; Thence along said prolongation and along the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19`h Street, N 89°49'01" W a distance of 93.91 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence northeasterly along a tangent curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 55.00 feet through a central angle of 88°50'43" an arc length of 85.28 feet to a point of tangency with the west right-of-way line of said Lind Avenue S.W.; Thence perpendicular to said west right-of-way line N 88°39'44" W a distance of 80.00 feet; Thence perpendicular to the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19`h Street S 0°10'59" W a distance of 55.00 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of SW 19`h Street; Thence S 89°49'01" E along the north right-of-way line of SW 19`h Street a distance of 25.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. (SEE EXHIBIT "A") Easement - Lind Ave Lift Station.doc\ Page 1 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water, wastewater, and surface water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described property (the right-of-way) in King County, Washington, more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1-- Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and storm drainage lines and facilities, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work that are outside the limits of the facility, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement that is outside the limits of the facility as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however, have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or C. Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this _day of 20 Easement - Lind Ave Lift Station.doc\ Page 2 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 Form 84 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of 19, before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Easement - Lind Ave Lift Station.doc\ Page 3 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----So-----So-----So-- -So ---- 7-- SD-----SD----"dD----- 11----'"So-----So-----SD-----So-----So-----so--- So--�'--SD'' so-----SD-----SD-----So-----So-----So-----so- io- --- J--- -- -- So -----So- ---------- - - - - - - -----._--_-------_--_- — P _P —P Pam— _p ❑ EXISTING WET WELL �— EXISTING DRY WELL _—_—_ — I —__—_ _— _ _—____ UB J� G NERATOR AD i E TRI BUI " ii �}� ii � I — — — — SD— — — --S'----SD-----SD-----SD-----SD-----SD--- SITE PLAN 1r=w EXISTING WET WELL 10' DIA WET WELL UNDERGROUND POWER GAS LINE - 15' RM OFFSET RIGHT OF WAY v I I I b I I a I I v 1 I I I I I I PROPOSED WET WELL ;;� '�QUL Of' 38� fi�o IGNAL Y O 'A� N O� Sim m RHI ENGINEERING, INC. BEWNGHAM OOTHELL au pt.awo WEN WENATCHEE RICHLAND o . Wl- EMOALE mrw.— TACOMA mizris I 0 1 2' 1 a , "## R. Jul 12, 2012 u � air -�< LIND-D-PLAN.OWG :.:. :...:..... ................... .... ... ... ... ... ... :....:....:...... :.......T .:.....or...'rt.. .... :ice.Age ................................................................................................ ... = ....... -.. :. :....:... .....rr... ✓o.: .:........:...:....:.... � ••-•----fir �s. -. ,�. r. j �r David Christensen From: David Christensen Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:16 AM To: 'Jennifer Bell' Subject: RE: Lind Av Lift Station Easement at Providence Site Jennifer, In general a sewage lift station allows for certain portions of our service area where we cannot obtain gravity to flow to , and then be pumped to a different drainage basin, where it continues to flow by gravity to the treatment plant. A typical lift station consists of a wet well where the sewage flows to and the pumps are contained, from there the flows go through the pumps, then through a valve vault, where we have access to our check valves and gate valves to control the flow, then the piping goes to the next basin where it discharges into a manhole. Along with this we will have a control building that houses the electronics that operate the station and track flows, we will also have an on -site generator when the site loses power. For this particular station the wet well will probably be about 14-foot in diameter and about 25-foot deep, the valve vault will be about 8-foot by 12-foot, about 8-foot deep, to house the piping and valves, the control building will be about 10-foot by 8-foot, standard floor height, and the emergency generator will be in a noise control box that will limit noise to 55dba and will be about 5-foot by 8-foot, and about 6-foot in height. For a schedule, we are looking at bidding the project this winter of 2012 with construction beginning about May of 2013, with completion about November/December of 2013. The June 2014 date just gives us a little flexibility. If need be, we can add language that says "either upon completion of construction, or June 2014, whichever occurs first". Thanks, Dave C. From: Jennifer Bell [mailto:jenniferb(a)jshproperties.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 7:38 AM To: David Christensen Subject: RE: Lind Av Lift Station Easement at Providence Site Hi Dave, I got your package. Can you give me a detailed definition of what a "lift station" is and does? I also need to get some sort of a construction schedule from you to support the June 2014 temporary easement expiration date. Thanks - Jennifer Jennifer A. Bell, CPM® I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 office 425.917.3400 / fax 425.917.3401 jenniferbQj hproperties. com From: David Christensen [mailto:Dchristen(-aRentonwa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 7:34 AM To: Jennifer Bell Subject: FW: Lind Av Lift Station Easement at Providence Site Jennifer, - ENGINEERING GEOLOGY REPORT - REPORT ON SITE GEOLOGY, HYDR0GEOL0GY, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, AND GEommNICAL ENGINEERING ISSUES CITY OF RENTON LIND AVENUE LIFT STATION Prepared by RH2 Engineering, Inc. for the City of Renton October 2012 This report is based on August 7 and 9, 2012, site investigations and subsequent analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of site geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology, and geotechnical issues specific to the design and constructability of a lift station. RH2 Pr ject: REN Bothell ® Bellingham East Wenatchee Medford I Portland _ENGINEERS _ P L A N N E R S S C IENT I5TSIRW Richland Tacoma City of Renton Lind Avenue Lift Station REPORT ON SITE GEOLOGY, HYDROGEOLOGY, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING ISSUES October 2012 Report based on August 7 and 9, 2012, Site Investigations RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) has prepared this report for exclusive use by the City of Renton (City) to support the design of the Lind Avenue lift station. The project site is on Parcel 7001340760 at the northeast corner of the intersection of Lind Avenue and SW 19,h Street, in Renton, Washington. Within the limitations of the scope of work, schedule and budget, RH2 has completed geologic explorations to gain information necessary for developing specific recommendations for the lift station design and construction. The geologic services have been conducted in accordance with the locally accepted practices of a licensed geologist and per the elements of Chapter 18.220 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCXY) and Chapter 308-15 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) that are included in the scope of work. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based upon surface and subsurface geologic exploration of the earth materials and groundwater conditions at the site, and previous studies and maps of the region. Use of this report by others, or for another project, is at the user's sole risk. Based on the explorations completed under the scope of work, RH2 predicts that the types of earth materials encountered during excavation and construction of the facility will consist of variably thick layers of sand, silt, and gravel derived from river alluvium. The lateral and vertical continuity and composition of the alluvium is often variable. Groundwater is approximately 5 to 8 feet deep below the project site, and groundwater conditions will affect design and construction of the lift station. Site inspection by RH2 during construction is recommended to determine the significance of variations in the geology and hydrogeology. RH2 should be notified when excavation begins and for the inspection of the subgrades prior to the initial placement of the foundations to confirm that the earth materials and groundwater conditions are consistent with those predicted in this report and meets the design requirements. If unsuitable earth materials and/or groundwater conditions are exposed, recommendations for correcting the problems may include additional field investigation. If conditions change due to new construction at or adjacent to the project, RH2 should inspect those changes prior to construction. We look forward to assisting and supporting the City to ensure successful construction of the facility. Sincerely, `e RH2 Engineering, Inc. m/ Steve Nelson, L.HG, L.G. Licensed Geologist and Hydrogeologist Steve Nelson Daniel W. Burwell, P.E. Project Engineer 3830 �.`'4 G 1 S I P. t,,",,-L Richard H. Harbert, P.- President This report is a final and complete response to all elements in the Scope of Work and Contract agreement between the City of Renton and RH2 Engineering. TABLE OF CONTENTS ENGINEERING GEOLOGY REPORT.....................................................1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1 ProjectDescription....................................................................................... 1 Locationand Existing Conditions................................................................... 1 Purposeof the Engineering Geology Report ................................................... 1 Products....................................................................................................... 2 PreviousWork.............................................................................................. 2 Exploration Methods and Strategy................................................................. 2 REGIONALGEOLOGY................................................................................ 2 SITE GEOLOGY......................................................................................... 3 Subsurface Exploration and Investigation...................................................... 3 Soil and Rock Mechanical Relationships Related to Geologic Materials and SurficialGeologic Processes.......................................................................... 4 GeologicLaboratory Tests............................................................................. 4 GeologicIn -situ Tests................................................................................... 5 Hydrogeology............................................................................................... 5 INTERPRETATION, ANALYSIS, AND EVALUATION OF SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY......................................................................................7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................8 Conclusions - Risks, Hazards, and Mitigation ................................................. 8 Recommendationsfor Design and Earthwork ................................................. 8 Excavation to the Subgrade and Excavation Stabilization ............................... 8 Groundwater Control.................................................................................... 9 Inspection and Treatment of In -situ Earth ................................................... 10 SubgradePreparation and Compaction........................................................ 10 Compaction of Structural Fill....................................................................... 11 Earth Strength and Bearing Capacity........................................................... it Earth Pressures.......................................................................................... 12 Potential Settlement of the Structures......................................................... 12 Potential Settlement of Adjacent Structures and Utilities ............................. 12 SeismicDesign........................................................................................... 13 On -site Infiltration Capacity........................................................................ 13 Seasonof Work.......................................................................................... 13 BidDocuments........................................................................................... 13 FIGURE FIGURE 1 — GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION MAP APPENDICES APPENDIX A BORING LOG APPENDIX B MATERIALS LABORATORY REPORT APPENDIX C HYDROGEOLOGIC ANALYSIS OF AQUIFER TESTING DATA APPENDIX D GEOTECHNICAL CALCULATIONS SUMMARY 10/18/20122:51:49 PAI \\rh2\dfs\Bothe11\Data\REA\112-023\Geo and Monitor Well\ReportAREN Lind Ave Pump Station GeoRepon 10-I8-2012.docx ENGINEERING GEOLOGY REPORT This report is presented in a format consistent with the elements of the practice of geology outlined in Chapter 18220 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCXYO and Chapter 308-15 of the Washington Administrative Code (\X/AC). RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) has addressed all tasks in the scope of work for the Lind Avenue Lift Station project agreement with the City of Renton (City) and all geologic risks relevant to the feasibility of the project about which RH2 has knowledge. INTRODUCTION Project Description The City proposes to construct a wastewater lift station that will include a 10-foot-wide by 20-foot-long, 14-foot-deep dry well, and a 12-foot-diameter, 25-foot-deep wet well (the project). Location and Existing Conditions The project site is located on the northwest side of the intersection of SW 19th Street and Lind Avenue, in Renton, Washington, on private land which includes an easement held by the City (see Figure 1 — Geologic Exploration Map). The surrounding properties are occupied by office buildings, roads, and a vacant lot. Figure 1 shows the existing site structures and the soil boring/monitor well location. This information should be used to guide any and all alterations to the site, including excavation for the proposed structure and dewatering during construction. The project site is flat in a paved parking lot. The lift station will be completed at grade and the dry well and wet well will be completed below the existing grade at depths of approximately 14 feet and 25 feet, respectively. Purpose of the Engineering Geology Report This report is a public document. It is specific to this project and has been prepared to support the planning, permitting, design, and bid documents for this project. This report is intended to support the completion of the project for the City and protect the public interest by safeguarding life, health, property, and the environment, while promoting public welfare in a manner consistent with Chapter 18.220 RCW and Chapter 308.15 WAC, which regulate the licensed practice of Geology. This report with its appendices, including a soil boring/monitoring well construction log, grain -size analyses, and Atterberg limits reports, supports RH2's design of the project. This report includes recommendations for enhancing the constructability of the project based on site -specific characterizations of the earth materials and groundwater that will likely be encountered during excavation for the project. The purpose of this report is not to dictate any means and methods for construction of the project, but is intended to provide information that will be useful to contractors for preparing bids. Providing this report and appendices will support contractors' cost estimates for excavation, grading, and managing groundwater activities that are specific to the conditions at the project site. Contractors must independently interpret the findings in this report to select construction, safety, equipment, and contingencies for completing the project. Page 1 10/18/2012 2:37:54 PAI \\rh2\df \Bothell\Data\REV \112-023\Geo and Monitor AC'cll\Report\REN Lutd Ave Pump station GeoReport 10-I8-2012.do- City of Renton Engineering Geology Report Lind Avenue Lift Station October 2012 Products Based on the available geologic, hydrogeologic, and geotechnical engineering data, this site is suitable for construction of the project and associated improvements; therefore, planning, permitting, and design should proceed. Previous Work RH2 reviewed the following documents and websites: Booth, D.B, Troost, K.A., and Wisher, A.P., 2007, Geologic Map of King County, 1:100,000 scale. Driscoll, F.G., 1995, Groundwater and Wellr, Second Edition. Golder Associates, Inc., Site Exploration Results and Geotechnical Recommendations, East Valley Lift Station Replacement Project, Renton, lllashington. July 2002. Report prepared for the City of Renton. Palmer, S.P., 1997, Holocene Geologic History and Sedimentolog of the Duwamish and Puyallup Valleys, Washington, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Geology and Earth Resources Division. Washington Department of Natural Resources Washington Interactive Geologic Map. Accessed August 10, 2012. https://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/geology/ Woodward, D.G., Packard, F.A., Dion, N.P., and Sumioka, S.S., 1995, Occurrence and Qualiy of Ground Vater in Southwestern King County, Vashington. Water Resources Investigations Report 92-4098, 69 pages, 4 plates. Exploration Methods and Strategy One soil boring completed as a groundwater monitoring well/test well was used to explore the earth materials (stratigraphy, composition, texture, structure, cohesion, and bearing capacity) and groundwater conditions (permeability, liquefaction, seepage, and infiltration) below the ground surface at the project site. The 41.5-foot-deep soil boring provided data on the density of the earth using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), which was used to calculate the bearing capacity of the entire section of earth materials that will be supporting the lift station, as well as estimate the potential for settlement and liquefaction. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The project site is within the Duwamish Valley, near the historic confluence of the Black River and Green River to form the Duwamish River, prior to the opening of the Lake Washington Ship Canal and the permanent diversion of the Cedar River into Lake Washington in 1917 (Palmer, 1997). The present day surface of the Duwamish Valley was formed by the deposition of material from rivers (alluvium and volcanic mudflows) flowing into Puget Sound (Palmer, 1997). The ground surface elevation of the project site is approximately 29 feet above mean sea level. The Duwamish/Green River Valley forms a low-lying area between upland areas mantled with glacial drift. The valleys represent areas of deposition since the last glaciation. Tectonically, the site lies between an oblique convergent plate boundary and the rising and volcanically active Cascade Mountain Range. An active subduction zone lies deep below King Page 2 10/18/2012 2:37:54 PM \\rh2\dE\Bathe➢\Data\RHN\112-023\Geo and \lonit.,\X'e➢\Report\REN Lind Ave Pump Station GeoReport 10-18-2012.docx City of Renton Engineering Geology Report Lind Avenue Lift Station October 2012 County, and the continental crust is being compressed and pushed northward. The site is also located between the east -west trending Seattle and Tacoma fault zones. This tectonic setting results in significant seismic activity and, assuming a 50-year design -life for the proposed lift station, there is a high probability that the lift station will experience a deep subduction earthquake, an intermediate crustal earthquake (like the 2001 Nisqually earthquake) and/or a shallow earthquake that breaks the ground surface (e.g., along the roughly east -west trending Seattle or Tacoma fault zones). Approximate 50-year probabilities for Puget Sound earthquakes are as follows:' • Cascadia M9: 10 to 14 percent • Seattle Fault M >_6.5: 5 percent (from slip rate, GR model; 1,000 year return time) • Deep M >_6.5: 84 percent (from 1949, 1965, 2001) • Random shallow M 5_6.5 15 percent for entire Puget Sound area including Seattle Fault zone. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WADNR) Interactive Geologic Map, based on the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), assigns the Seismic Site Class for the project site as being very close to the contact between an area mapped as D to E and one mapped as F. Field observations confirm that this site is appropriately categorized as Site Class D to E. Site Class F has been reserved in Washington State for areas containing peat deposits that are at least 10 feet thick. The silt layer penetrated by the soil boring at the project site was less than 10 feet thick and will be excavated for construction of the lift station (see the Site Geology section). The WADNR characterized the project area with moderate to high liquefaction susceptibility. SITE GEOLOGY The project site has been disturbed by clearing and grading and is covered with asphalt, concrete, landscaping, and an existing lift station. No surficial soil or bedrock was observed at or near the project site. The geomorphology of the project site is dominated by the deposition of fluvial deposits associated with river channels, floodplains, and associated wetlands. Because the shallow sediment was deposited in a river, floodplain, deltaic, or wetland environment, without subsequent consolidation or compaction, the project site contains soft to moderately dense soil. The WADNR geologic map, accessed on August 10, 2012, and the Geologic Map of King County (Booth et al., 2007) identifies the surficial geologic unit as alluvium with nearby peat and/or wetland deposits. Subsurface Exploration and Investigation On August 7, 2012, RH2 supervised the drilling and sampling of one soil boring/monitoring well to explore and characterize the geology and hydrogeology of the site. ' taken from http://earthquake.usgs.gov/hazards/ Page 3 10/18/2012 2:37:54 P\I \\ch2\dk\Bothell\Data\R1--_\\I12-033\Ge and \10 ito l3A\R�po \RC\ Lmd Ace Pup station GeoReport 10-18-2012A.- City of Renton Engineering Geology Report Lind Avenue Lift Station October 2012 One soil boring was completed to a total explored depth of 41.5 feet, using a truck -mounted, hollow -stem auger drill rig (BK-81) provided and operated by Holocene Drilling, Inc., of Puyallup, Washington. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals using SPT methods with an auto -hammer. Upon completion of the geological investigation, the bore hole was completed as a groundwater monitoring well that was used to measure the groundwater conditions and evaluate aquifer properties using short-term pumping tests. Figure 1 shows the location of the boring and subsequent monitoring well. Appendix A contains the soil boring log. Appendix B contains the grain -size analysis and Atterberg limits results for representative soil samples. Soil and Rock Mechanical Relationships Related to Geologic Materials and Suriicial Geologic Processes Four geotechnical zones or domains, listed from shallowest to deepest, were found within the site: 1) asphalt and granular fill; 2) silty sand with gravel; 3) silt with organic matter; and 4) sand with interbedded silt and gravel. These can be distinguished based on compositional and textural differences. 1. Zone 1 consists of asphalt and granular fill. This zone ranged from ground surface to a depth of approximately 3 feet deep. This zone includes approximately 0.3 feet of asphalt underlain by coarse -grained sand and crushed gravel. 2. Zone 2 consists of approximately 5 feet of medium dense, moist, very dark gray, silty sand with gravel (USCS — SM). Groundwater was not encountered in this zone. Occasional fragments of sand to gravel -sized pieces of charcoal were encountered. This unit occurs from the base of the Zone 1 to a depth of 6 to 9 feet below the ground surface. 3. Zone 3 consists of approximately 5 feet.of soft, olive brown, moist to wet elastic silt with some organic material (USCS — MH) from approximately 8 to 13 feet below ground surface. This zone contains no sand or gravel. One 3-inch-diameter fragment of wood was penetrated by the split -spoon during sampling. 4. Zone 4 consists of at least 28 feet of black to very dark gray wet sand with interbedded lavers of sandy silt and gravel (USCS — SP). The grain size and density of Zone 4 increases with depth. Zone 4 is dominated by sand with or without silt interbedded silt layers from approximately 15 feet to 25 feet, and by sand with or without gravel and interbedded gravel layers from approximately 25 feet to at least 41.5 feet (boring completion depth). Density of the unit increases with depth from loose at 15 feet, medium dense from 20 to 30 feet, and very dense from 35 to 40 feet. The geologic conditions at the project site are similar to those observed during field investigations for the City's East Vallejo Lift Station (Golder, 2002). Geologic Laboratory Tests Grain -size analysis was performed on three samples collected at depths of 15, 25, and 35 feet. These samples consisted of poorly graded sand with silt, poorly graded sand, and poorly graded sand with gravel, respectively. Page 4 10/18/2012 2:37:54 I'VI \\rh2\dk\Bothell\Data\RFA\112-023\Geo and A1onitorAFc0\Report\RI K Lord Ave pump Station Gc Report 10-18-2012.docc City ofRenton Engineering Geology Report Lind Avenue Lift Station October 2012 Atterberg limit testing was performed on two samples with high silt percentage at depths of 5 feet and 10 feet. Atterberg limits characterize the silty material within Zone 2 as low plasticity silt (ML). Atterberg limits characterize the silt within Zone 3 as elastic silt (All-1). Tests were performed by HWA Geosciences, Inc., and are summarized in Table 1 and presented in Appendix B. Table 1. Results of Atterberg Limit Testing Sample Depth ft Geotechnical Zone Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index 5 — 6.5 2 17 13 4 10 — 11.5 1 3 55 37 18 Geologic In -situ Tests In -situ SPTs were performed at regular intervals in the soil boring, and the results are presented in the boring log in Appendix A. Hydrogeology Groundwater was encountered during project site explorations. While drilling on August 7, 2012, visibly groundwater -saturated sediment was encountered at depths below approximately 13 feet. Groundwater in the monitoring well constructed after completion of the boring rose to a depth of approximately 7.5 feet below the top of well casing (0.35 feet below ground surface). The depth to groundwater was 8.11 feet below the top of casing on September 28, 2012. Groundwater levels will likely fluctuate by a few feet annually. Constructing the wet well will require site excavation to a depth of 25 feet, approximately 17 feet below the summer (low) groundwater level. On August 9, 2012, a centrifugal pump was used to develop the monitor well through intermittent and constant -rate pump operation to remove sediment from the well and formation adjacent to the well. After 40 minutes of pumping, the discharge water was free of sediment and the monitor well appeared fully developed. After the water level recovered from the development pumping, a short-term pumping and recovery test was performed on the well to estimate aquifer properties. The well was pumped for 135 minutes at an average rate of 15.75 gallons per minute (gpm) and discharged to a nearby City sanitary sewer manhole. The water level in the well was measured from the top of the casing. At the start of testing, the static water level was 7.30 feet below the top of the casing. After appro_r-imately 80 minutes of pumping, the groundwater level declined by 1.59 feet to a depth of 8.89 feet. During the final 26 minutes of pumping, the water level rose by 0.06 feet from its maximum depth to stabilize at a depth of 8.83 feet (drawdown of 1.53 feet). See Appendix C, Figure C-1. The short-term specific capacity of this well is approximately 10 gpm/ft (15.75 gpm per 1.575 feet). Attempting to draw a straight line (Cooper Jacob method) through the data points leads to much uncertainty in the calculation. The straight line show on Figure C-1 in Appendix C is one possible interpretation. This line produces a transmissivity of almost 70,000 gallons per day per foot (gpd/ft). Using specific capacity to estimate transmissivity (Transmissivity equals Specific Capacity multiplied by 2000) leads to Page 5 10/18/2012 2:37:54 PM \\t1,2\df,\11othell\Data\Rl-N\I12-023\Geo and Monitor ANW\Report\RHA Lind A- Pump Station GeoR,po,t 10-18-2012.doc City of Renton Engineering Geology Report Lind Avenue Lift Station October 2012 an estimate of 20,000 gpd/ft (Driscoll, 1995). The pumping portion of the test suggests transmissivity of the aquifer ranges from 20,000 to 70,000 gpd/ft. At the conclusion of pumping, the groundwater level recovered to pre -test water levels in 30 minutes. The check valve in the pump was not completely effective at preventing water in the discharge line from seeping back into the well, and introduced a minor error into the estimate. Analysis of the recovery data using the Cooper Jacob method provides estimates in the aquifer transmissivity value ranging from 35,000 to 60,000 gpd/ft, similar to the range estimated from the pumping portion of the test (see Appendix C, Figure C-2). Grain -size analysis was performed by HWA GeoSciences on three samples of the aquifer material collected during the soil boring (Appendix B). Grain size analysis, and more specifically uniformity coefficient and diameter of the 50 percent retained size combined with density obtained from SPT values can be used to estimate aquifer properties. The three samples were classified as loose poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM), medium dense, poorly graded sand (SP), and very dense poorly graded sand with gravel (SP). Table 2 contains the grain -size analysis and SPT classification used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of each sample (Driscoll, 1995). Table 2. Summary of Grain -Size analysis correlation to Hydraulic Conductivity2 Sample Depth ft SPT (N) Density Uniformity Coefficient D5„ grain size min Permeability (cm * 10-4/sec) Hydraulic Conductivity d/ ft- 15 - 16.5 5 Loose 3.25 0.24 200 426 25 - 26 23 Medium 4 0.7 500 1,065 36 - 36.5 >50 Very Dense 18.5 3 Off scale NA 2 Driscoll, 1995 Page 6 10/ 18/20122:37:54 PVI \\rh2\dfs\13othell\DataAREN\112-023\Geo and AlonitorAX'ell\Rtport\R17V Lund Ave Pump Station GeoReport 10-I8-2012.doc- City of Renton Lind Avenue Lift Station Engineering Geology Report October 2012 Table 3. Summary of Estimated Aquifer Properties Data Source Pumping Test Recovery Test Grain -Size and Specific Aquifer Property Density Capacity Correlation Correlation Minimum Estimated 35,000 6,390 Transmis sivity d/ft 70,000 20,000 Maximum Estimated 60,000 15,975 TransmissivitST d/ ft Aquifer Thickness ft ' 15 15 15 15 Minimum Estimated Hydraulic 2,333 426 Conductivity (gpd/ft)r 4,667 1,333 Maximum Estimated Hydraulic 4,000 1,065 Conductivity (gpd/ft2) 'Screened interval thickness (15 feet) was chosen as opposed to saturated thickness penetrated (28.5 feet). If flow into the well was not strictly horizontal, but from the penetrated thickness or greater, this would cause the hydraulic conductivity to decrease proportionately based on the thickness chosen. Based on the analyses performed on the aquifer material (Table 3), the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is estimated to range from 400 to 5,000 gpd/ft'., which is equivalent to fine gravel/coarse sand indicated in Driscoll (1995) and comparable to field interpretation and laboratory analyses of representative samples. INTERPRETATION, ANALYSIS, AND E VAL UA TION OF SITE GEOLOGYAND HYDROGEOLOGY Up to 3 feet of granular fill overlain by asphalt likely occurs as the surficial layer below the project site. Native medium dense silty sand underlain by soft elastic silt with trace organic material exists to a depth of 13 feet. Loose to very dense sand with interbedded layers of Page 7 10/18/2012 2:37:54 PAI \\rh2\df,\Bothell\Data\REV\113-023\G v and ivlonitorVXA\R portARGV Lind Ave Pump Station GeoReport 10-18-2012.docx City ofRen ton Engineering Geology Report Lind Avenue Lift Station October 2012 sandy silt and gravel occurs from 13 feet to approximately 26 feet. Below 26 feet, the soil consists predominantly of sand with interbedded layers of gravel. Depth to groundwater measured on two separate occasions ranged from 7.65 to 8.11 feet below ground surface (August 7, 2012 and August 9, 2012, respectively). This elevation may represent a seasonal low value, and may rise by 1 to 2 feet in the winter months, to a minimum level of approximately 5 feet below ground surface. Short-term pumping test results for the depth interval between 20 and 35 feet indicated moderately permeable aquifer conditions characteristic of sand with gravel. CONCL USIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions - Risks, Hazards, and Mitigation • Risks from landslides and mass wasting are negligible at this site because of its location near the axis of a wide, flat-bottomed valley. However, this site potentially susceptible to post-lahar sedimentation as identified by WADNR (Mount Rainier Lahar (Volcanic Mudflow) Hazards — Property at Risk, accessed August 14, 2012) • Risks from flooding are low. The site is outside the mapped floodways, 100-year floodplains, and channel migration hazard areas (King County iMAP, accessed August 14, 2012) • Risks from groundwater seepage during and after construction are high and must be mitigated. • See Seismic Design section for details regarding earthquakes and liquefaction. Recommendations for Design and Earthwork The dry well foundation will be constructed in an excavation cut through medium dense silty sand and into the base of Zone 3 soft elastic silt, which is considered unsuitable as a foundation for the dry well. The Zone 3 unit should be over -excavated to the depth of moderately dense sand unit in Zone 4 at a depth of approximately 16 feet and backfilled with structural fill (see the Excavation to the Subgrade and Excavation Stabilization section). The wet well will be constructed to a depth of approximately 25 feet within medium dense sand, and approximately 17 feet below static groundwater elevation. The excavation for the wet well will encounter variable conditions including soft elastic silt, loose poorly graded sand, and moderately permeable sand with gravel. The sand unit in Zone 4 is considered suitable as a foundation layer for the wet well. Excavation for both the dry well and wet well will require stabilization of the excavation and groundwater control. Excavation to the Subgrade and Excavation Stabilization • Excavated soils should be exported and not be used for structural fill. • Excavation for the dry well and. wet well foundations should proceed until a level surface has been cut into moderately dense native sand (Zone 4) at or below the design depth. Page 8 10/18/20122:37:54 P\I \\rh2\dfs\Bothell\Data\RGN\112-023\Geo and\Ionitor\%7ell\Rpo"\Rf\ Lind Ave Rump station GeoReport 10-I8-2012.doc-x City of Renton Lind Avenue Lift Station Engineering Geology Report October 2012 • If a zone of unsuitable earth materials is found at the foundation depth, then over - excavation to remove all unsuitable earth will be necessary (see the Groundwater Control section). • The contractor should install construction stabilization (shoring, for example) as necessary to protect workers inside excavations and to support excavated vertical slopes. All excavations should comply with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) safety requirements. • Design and construction of excavation stabilization methods should anticipate groundwater pressures of up to 20 feet of head at the base of the excavation and be designed and constructed to sufficiently prevent adverse groundwater seepage when groundwater controls are inactive. Groundwater Control Groundwater control will be a significant construction issue that should be undertaken by a contractor or subcontractor with relevant experience for construction with similar groundwater and soil conditions and similar underground structures. The following summarizes conditions that likely will occur and objectives that should be met to successfully complete the project. • The excavation will encounter dry to moist conditions to a depth of approximately 8 feet and groundwater -saturated conditions below 8 feet. If construction occurs during the vet season, groundwater -saturated conditions may occur below 5 feet. Groundwater control will be required to maintain dry conditions during excavation and to maintain the stability of the excavation floor. • The contractor should anticipate and plan for moderately permeable groundwater - saturated sand with gravel below depths of 15 feet. Design of groundwater controls to maintain excavation stability should anticipate and plan for at least 20 feet of groundwater pressure head at the excavation depth of 25 feet below ground surface. • The contractor should anticipate and plan for a groundwater control system to dewater the soil that will be removed to a depth of the dry well and wet well foundations (approximately 15 and 25 feet, respectively) • The contractor should anticipate and plan for a groundwater control system to maintain a controlled groundwater elevation that is at least 2 feet below the edges and the center of the excavation at all times. The contractor should have contingency plans in the event of loss of power, inability to discharge water, and/or settlement of the excavation support. • The contractor should anticipate combined pumping rates from a groundwater control system .ranging between 100 gpm and 400 gpm. Groundwater discharge should be managed through settlement and filtering so that it is free of sediment and does not exceed discharge limits for the City wastewater system. • The contractor should periodically monitor the quality of water from the construction dewatering system for the presence of sediment, odors and color in the water. Page 9 10/18/2012 2:37:34 P\I \\rh2\dfs\Bothell\Data\REV\112-023\Geo and Nh itor\Pell\Report\RH\ Lind Ave Pump Station GeoReport 10-18-2012.docx City of Renton Engineering Geology Report Lin dAvenue Lift Station October2012 Inspection and Treatment of In -situ Earth • A Licensed Engineering Geologist (LEG) or Professional Engineer with geotechnical experience (PEG) should inspect the excavation and confirm that the native earth materials encountered during excavation are consistent with this report, meet the design requirements, and are favorable for proceeding with the project as planned. • A LEG or PEG should inspect the in -situ native earth materials at the subgrade elevations before the placement of any imported material. • All cobbles greater than 4 inches in diameter and all organic material should be removed from the subgrade. • A smooth (toothless) backhoe bucket may be necessary to strip off the final layer of earth before during creation of a level pad at the subgrade. The zone of disturbed earth materials on the level pad should be less than 2 inches thick prior to any compaction. • After the native subgrade has been inspected and approved, it should be tested for zones of weakness by probing. This testing should be observed and approved by a LEG or PEG. • Zones of soft soil at the subgrade elevation that are less than 1 foot thick should be over -excavated and backfilled with crushed surfacing base course (CSBC) with less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 sieve per the Washington State Department of Transportation (\X/SDOT) 2010 Specifications 9-03.9(3). This crushed rock should be placed in lifts that are a maximum of 6 inches thick when loose and then compacted to a firm and unyielding condition. • Soft soil deeper than 1 foot should be fully excavated to moderately dense sand layer and backfilled with a base layer of quarry spalls overlain by a layer of crushed rock or Controlled Density Fill (CDF) at the direction of the LEG or PEG. Subgrade Preparation and Compaction • The in -situ subgrade, prepared as recommended in the previous section, will lose strength if it is disturbed or becomes loose or wet. After inspection and approval of the in -situ subgrade by a LEG or PEG, the native subgrade should be kept dry and undisturbed until it can be entirely covered by the surfacing layer. • A layer of CSBC should be placed in two lifts that are not more than 6 inches thick when loosely placed. Each lift should be compacted to a firm and unyielding surface Placement and compaction of the crushed rock should be observed by a LEG or PEG. • Alternatively, installing a "rat slab" at the base of the excavation to provide a working surface may be considered in lieu of a layer of CSBC. This approach may reduce groundwater control requirements by providing a hydraulic seal, as long as the rat slab is designed to counter the uplift hydraulic pressure at the base of the excavation. Page 10 10/18/2012 2:37:34 PM \\rh2\df,\Bothell\Data\REN\112-023\Geo and Monitor AVeU\R tort\RF_N Lutd A- Pump Station GmRepon 10-18-2012A.- City ofRenton Lind Avenue Lift Station Engineering Geology Report October 2012 • The crushed rock surface can be the finished subgrade. The LEG or PEG may direct the contractor to further test this subgrade using a hoepack. This testing must be observed and approved by a LEG or PEG. • Contractors should note that the dry well and vet well footings should be poured directly on a firm and unyielding surface of crushed rock that is "free of all loose material," not saturated with water, and undisturbed by construction activity. "Free of all loose material' means that, in areas where concrete foundations will be poured, there shall not be any loose material, including earth, fill or construction debris resulting from building the forms and placing rebar. • If foundation subgrades are loosened by formwork placement or other construction activities, they should be restored to a firm and unyielding condition with motorized equipment like a plate compactor or hand tampers immediately before pouring concrete. In certain situations, a Vactor truck or other suction equipment may effectively remove loose earth and water. • The footings for dry well and wet well are adequately deep to provide protection from frost penetration. Compaction of Structural Fill Structural fill will be placed between the native soil and the wet and dry well. Structural fill may also be placed at the base of the excavation to replace unsuitable soil at the foundation subgrade elevation. • Structural fill should be within +/- 2 percent of its optimum moisture content when placed. • Structural fill should be placed in lifts not to exceed 12 inches in loose thickness and then compacted using methods that will not compromise the adjacent structures. Compaction should achieve 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the modified proctor test (ASTM D 1557) at depths within 2 feet vertically and horizontally of foundation elements and proposed surfaces. Outside of these zones (beside drywell and wet well walls, compaction should achieve 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM D1557). Earth Strength and Bearing Capacity • Strength and bearing capacity assumes the subgrade will be prepared as described in the Subgrade Preparation and Compaction section. • The undisturbed native sand unit of Zone 4 is suitable for supporting the proposed wet well and dry well if loads can be spread so they do not exceed 3,000 pounds per square foot (pso for the net allowable bearing capacity. The estimated bearing capacity is based on SPT values for in -situ sand with gravel, which was at or exceeded 20 blows for less than 6 inches of penetration. The bearing capacity may be increased by one-third for seismic (short -time duration) loads to a net allowable bearing capacity of 4,000 psf. Page 11 10/18/2012 2:37:54 P\I \\rh2\dfs\Bt)thcll\Data\RG:\\112-023\Geo and \[onnor\Cell\Report\RL\ Lind Ave Pump Station GeoReport 10-18-2012.docs City of Renton Lind Avenue Lift Station Earth Pressures Engineering Geology Report October 2012 The wet well and dry well will experience earth pressures from unsaturated and saturated soil against these subsurface structures, which will be partially submerged below the water table. Appendix D contains a summary of calculations for the following earth pressure estimates. • The at rest earth pressure above the water table is 61 psf per foot of unsaturated soil depth. The active earth pressure for soil below the water table is 38 psf per foot of submerged soil depth and 100 psf per foot of submerged soil depth combined submerged soil earth pressure and hydrostatic pressure. • The active earth pressure above the water table is 40 psf per foot of unsaturated soil depth. The active earth pressure for soil below the water table is 25 psf per foot of saturated soil depth for soil and 87 psf per foot of saturated soil depth for combined earth and hydrostatic pressure. Potential Settlement of the Structures Constructing the wet and dry wells in groundwater -saturated conditions at the project site will affect groundwater pressure and native soil response to changes in loading and unloading as construction proceeds during multiple phases of operation and removal of excavation stabilization and groundwater controls. Immediate settlement of the wet well and dry well will likely occur as the soil is loaded by the weight of the structures, and as the excavation stabilization is removed. Once construction is complete and the wet well and dry well are in place and the wet well is filled, additional settlement that may occur will likely be negligible (see the Potential Settlement of Adjacent Structures and Utilities section). In addition, the adjacent ground surrounding the construction may be affected by activities of excavation stabilization and groundwater control. The methods used for construction should consider the risk of vibration -induced settlement. • Piping connections to the dry well and wet well should be designed with flexible joints to accommodate settlement of up to 1 inch. This recommendation also applies for mitigation of potential settlement during a seismic event. • The estimated post -construction settlement of the dry well and vet well foundations is less than 0.25 inches overall, assuming the entire foundation is placed on moderately dense sand or moderately dense sand backfilled with structural fill as described in this report. • The estimated post -construction differential settlement of the dry well and wet well foundations is less than 0.25 inches overall. Potential Settlement of Adjacent Structures and Utilities The adjacent ground surrounding the construction may be affected by activities of excavation stabilization and groundwater control due to vibration and/or changes in hydrostatic pressure and water elevations. The proximity and potential vulnerability of nearby structures and utilities should be considered when selecting the methods for excavation stabilization and groundwater control should consider. Prior to construction, nearby structures and utilities should be identified, and assessed for potential vulnerability, and if warranted, surveyed for Page 12 10/18/2012 2:3754 Pill \\rh2\dfsAHothcll\Data\RENV112-023VGco and Monjtor%Pell\R portAREN Lind Ave Pump Station GeoR port 10-18-2012.docs City of Renton Lind Avenue Lift Station Engineering Geology Report October 2012 position. The allowable changes in position and/or orientation should be pre -determined and stated within construction bid documents. During and after construction, selected nearby structures and utilities potentially affected by construction should be monitored for changes in position and/or orientation. Seismic Design • The dry well and wet swells should be designed to the 2009 International Building Code (IBC) standards as adopted by the State of Washington. It is almost certain that the wet well and dry well will be subject to.an earthquake greater than Magnitude (M) 6.0 with its epicenter within 100 miles of the site during its design life (50 years). • The location of the site is at latitude 47.462923 N and longitude 122.223813 W. • The moderately dense sand with gravel that will support the dry well and wet well should be considered as a Site Class D, soft soil in the classification system from the 2009 IBC, Table 1613.5.2 Site Class Definitions. • Liquefaction hazards associated with earthquakes are moderate to because the till and glacial drift is very dense and the saturated zone is believed to be more than 100 feet below ground surface. On -site Infiltration Capacity • No infiltration rate testing was conducted since all excess water at the site will be routed into the municipal stormwater system. Season of Work • RH2 recommends constructing the project between July 1" and September 30th, at the time of lowest groundwater elevations at the project site. Bid Documents • This Engineering Geology Report and appendices should be provided to all contractors interested in submitting bids for the work, to ensure site specific estimates for excavation, shoring, and construction de\watering. Page 13 10/18/2012 2:37:54 PM \\rh2\dE\Bothe11\DataARGV \112-023\Geo and %1onitorVA ell\Report\REV Lind Ave lump Station GeoReport 10-18-2012.docc FIGURE 1 GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION MAP \OATAVM-D-QOJ APPENDIX A SOIL BORING LOG Boring Exploration Log Lind Lift Station Geologic Investigation (Prov. Health Pkg Lot) REN Lind LS MW-1 City of Renton Renton, WA REN 112-023 Exploration Name Project Location Andy Dunn, LHG August 07, 2012 BK-81 truck -mounted hollow stem auger - 4-in. ID Holocene Drilling Inspected by Date Drilling Equipment and Contractor Depth Blow counts* Description Lithology Well Completion Well Description 5 0 to 3 ft —Asphalt overlying Granular Fill (gravel, sand, silt) ................ Flush Monument set in Concrete 3 to 8 feet: Silty Sand with Gravel (SM), dark gray; fine to medium sand, low to moderate plasticity, fine subrounded gravel; trace charcoal; soft; moist. (Alluvium) 10 6-9-5 SWL = 7.4 BTOC 8/7112 8 to 13 feet: SILT (ML), olive brown; moderate plasticity (elastic), few pieces of woody debris to 3 inches, trace fine to medium sand; soft; moist to wet. (Alluvium) Hydrated Medium Bentonite Chips Colorado SIIICa Sand 10x20 2-inch ID 0.020-inch machine -slotted Sch 40 PVC Threaded end cap Native soil 15 0-1-2 13 to 41.5 ft: SAND (SP): dark gray; fine to medium, some coarse; some layers of sandy silt (ML) and layers of fine to coarse subrounded gravel (GP); coarsening below 26 feet; wet; loose to very dense (Alluvium). Boring completed at 41.5 feet. 20 1-2-3 25 0-10 9 30 2-s n 35 2-6-13 40 17-30-50/6 22-31-50/6 Collected using SPT methods I Surface Elevation = 30 feet amsl. Cedar River = 19 feet amsl. Lake Washington = 17 feet amsl. APPENDIX B MATERIALS LABORATORY REPORT ' I-IWWA GEOSmNCES INC. August l 4, 2012 HWA Project No. 2012-013-23 Task 600 RH2 Engineering, Inc. 22722 29t1i Drive SE, Suite 210 Bothell, Washington 98021 Attention: Mr. Steve Nelson, LG, LHG Subject: Materials Laboratory Report Crain Size Testing Ren Lind Pi-ojeet Dear Mr. Nelson; As requested, HWA GeoSciences Inc. (HWA) performed laboratory testing for the subject project. Herein we present the results of our laboratory analyses, which are summarized on the attached Figures. The laboratory testing program was performed in general accordance with your instructions and appropriate ASTM Standards as outlined below. SAMPLE INFOIINIATION: The subject samples were delivered to our laboratory on August 8, 2012 by RH2 personnel. The samples were designated with project name and depth of sampling. The samples were delivered in small sealed plastic bags. Based on manual -visual methods, the soil description for the samples is as follows: Ren Lind 5' Very dark gray, silty SAND with gravel (SM) Ren Lind 10' Olive brown, elastic SILT (MH) Ren Lind 15' Black, poorly graded SAND with silt (SP-SM) Ren Lind 25' Very dark gray, poorly graded SAND (SP) Ren Lind 35' Very dark gray, poorly graded SAND with gravel (S11) MOISTURE CONTENT 01, SOIL: The moisture content of selected soil samples (percent by dry mass) was determined in general accordance with ASTM D 2216. The results are shown on Figures 1 through 3. PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOILS: Selected samples were tested to determine the particle distribution of material in general accordance with ASTM D422. The results are summarized on the attached Grain Size Distribution report, Figures 1 and 2, which also provide information regarding the classification of the sample and the moisture content at the time of testing. 21312 301h Drive SE Suite 110 hothell, kVA 98021.7010 Tel: 125.774.010E 1=ax: 425.774.271,1 wwwAlwageo.coIII August 14, 2012 HWA Project No. 2012-013, Task 600 LIQUID LimIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, AND PLASTICITY INDEX OF SOILS (ATTERBERG LIMITS: Selected samples were tested using method ASTM D 4318, multi -point method. The results are reported on the attached Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index report, Figure 3. CLOSURE: Experience has shown that laboratory test values for soil other natural materials vary with each representative sample. As such, HWA has no knowledge as to the extent and quantity of material the tested sample may represent. HWA also makes no warranty as to how representative either the sample tested or the test results obtained are to actual field conditions. It is a well established fact that sampling methods present varying degrees of disturbance or variance that affect sample representativeness. No copy should be made of this report except in its entirety. We appreciate the opportunity to provide laboratory testing services on this project. Should you have any questions or comments, or if we may be of further service, please call. Sincerely, HWA GEOSCIENCES INC. 94� Harold Benny Materials Laboratory Manager Attachments: Figures 1 & 2 Particle Size Analysis of Soils Figure 3 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils George Minassian, Ph.D., P.E. Geotechnical Engineer Letter Report 2 FIWA GeoSciences Inc. SYMBOL SAMPLE DEPTH (ft) CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name % MC LL PL PI Gravel Sand 0 • Ren Lind 5.0 - 6.5 (SM) Very ]3�09 _J dark gray, silty SAND with gravel 11 17 13 4 18.2 43.7 ■ Ren Lind 15.0 - 16.5 (SP-SM) Black, poorly graded SAND with silt 31 0.4 90.6 ♦ Ren Lind 25.0 - 26.5 (SP) Very dark gray, poorly graded SAND 19 6.1 90.0 PARTICLE -SIZE ANALYSIS � Laboratory Testing for RH2 Engineers, Inc. OF SOILS HWAGEOSCIENCESINC. Ren Lind METHOD ASTM D422 PROJECT NO.: 2012-013 TF)OO FIGURE HWAGRSZ 2012-073 T600.GPJ Bn G/12 my- Me SYMBOL SAMPLE DEPTH (ft) CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL- ASTM D2487 Group Symbol and Name % MC LL PL pl Gravel Sand Fines • Ren Lind 35.0 - 36.5 (SP) Very dark gray, poorly graded SAND with gravel 10 39.5 56.8 3.7 PARTICLE -SIZE ANALYSIS Laboratory Testing for RH2 Engineers, Inc. OF SOILS HWAGEOSCIENCES INC. Ren Lind METHOD ASTM D422 PROJECT NO.: 2012-013 TGOO FIGURE: 2 HWAGRSZ 2012-013 T600.GPJ 8/14/12 60 CL CH 50 d 40 LLI 0 Z 30 U F- 20 g 10 CL-ML ML MH 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) SYMBOL SAMPLE DEPTH (ft) CLASSIFICATION % MC LL PL PI %Fines • ■ Ren Lind Ren Lind 5.0 - 6.5 10.0 - 11.5 (SM) Very dark gray, silty SAND with gravel (MH) Olive brown, elastic SILT 11 58 17 55 13 37 4 18 38.0 � Laboratory Testing for RH2 Engineers, Inc. LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT AND PLASTICITY INDEX OF SOILS HWIIlGEO$CIENCESINC. Ren Lind METHOD ASTM D4318 PROJECT NO.: 2012-013 TGOO FIGURE: 3 FiWAATTB 2012-013 T600.GPJ B114/12 APPENDIX C HYDROGEOLOGIC ANALYSIS OF AQUIFER TESTING DATA mil. ��_n/■■■■ IIIIII_INI �_m/■■■��M__/■■■I �mmoons�_n:::::��_n/■■■NNNRMEmMmMS SON! IIIIISMEM m MISS --.... ---•■■■. MEMO... --_/■■■■ -=mmmmo: ---/■■■■ ---.... ---....:�_::::::: -----■■■■�___/■■. ___/■■. ��_n/■u■ �/■n■��_n/■w��_n/■■■■ ��_a■n■ ■m / ONE�__/■m MNNMMMIMZMm son ��__/■W ��_�/■■■■ /ME ■■■ /i■■ ��_�/■■■ _�/_■ __/■O __/■■■■ ��■.a■n ■■■l �_/�/■ ■ �_n/■ni —::3 =— :MISS ===::m ===:: m_m: ME 0■ �� ns MISS ii::: delta s' ��___�/■■■■�_�__�/_■: �___.■■■■ o/■■■ �n/ ■•w■�+/■■■ � �__/■■■ MINIM_ on .���.. �.0.KQ 01100111111 �mmmmon �__/■■■■ ■■■■ �_■■/■■■ En��j ��_n/■■■■ WOMEN �_n/■■■■ Recovery Red T = 264 delta s' Recovery - Orange T = 264 Q delta s' 0 no .1mm m 11mul SOMMMUNNNEM IBM �mom ME ON �om BE No �MMM=nii EmoMmmommoll BEEN No IN MONEENNIm mm "iWl—�mmm NMI �==Mmml No woos mmomon WE 'Em =�"a on ==MEN momomomlli WOONS10"m ME ==mono WE MOWN ON No SO no a mMEmo ON on UUM ON mm am am ONE Mq Recovery - Blue IN MINNES ]INS Recovery - Green MEN MMEMEN MOMS, �mommm mmm IN IN I �mmmon NMI BROKEN" BE om ME MR= mmo a, BEEN No 10" MEN US JL u Jv Cam_--...■ �o APPENDIX D GEOTECHNICAL CALCULATIONS SUMMARY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\} !!` i �2 v� ea KUe�£NvumNN=iU6Utiu_U6U8U8u��aNBUYUe�C�=�B��UmU��wNU ��BUeUmUOUaUU=fuGNVN'SS�mNBN�NaNGYYNWNVUW�8�8Ue 088888R88$8a88888088888888888$8$$8888$$S8$8o8888UNe Calculations 1 Earth Pressures - Equivalent Fluid Pressure REN Sand Effective Friction Angle 30 degrees Soil Unit Weight (moist) y 121 Ibs/ft3 Rankine Theory Lateral At Rest Pressure for Sloped Conditions: Dry Soil, above water table Ko 0.5 At Rest Coefficient P. 61 Ibs/ft2 per foot depth No Slope At Rest Earth Pressure Active Earth Pressures: Ka 0.333 Active Earth Coefficient (level backfill) N 40 Ibs/ft2 per foot depth Active Earth Coefficient (level backfill) Passive Earth Pressures: 1.5 Factor of Safety P 3.0 Passive Earth Coefficient (reciprocal of active earth pressure) P 363 Ibs/ft2 per foot depth P 242 Ibs/ft3 Safety Factor - Depends on Situation Earth Pressures: le Distribution lRobe at 0.6 of backfilled wall height (F Surcharge Pressures P9 100 Ibs/ft (300 Ibs/ft2 ' Ka) Robe Lind Ave LS 10/10/2012 9:31 AM J:\Data\REN\112-023\Geo and Monitor Well\Data\App D Renton Lind LS Geo Calcs.xlsx City of Renton Lind Ave Lift Station Replacement Engineer's Construction Cost Estimate Prepared by: David Baisch Last Updated: 1/16/2013 Bid Item Description Units Qty. Engineers Estimate unit price total price I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mobilization and Demobilization Site Work and Utilities Traffic Control Trench Safety and Shoring Dewatering Lift Station Structural Electrical Building Structural Lift Station Pumps and Motors Mechanical Electrical Finishes Operation & Maintenance Manuals & On Site Owner Training Construction Records LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $31,000 $31,000 $99,000 $99,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $29,000 $29,000 $169,000 $169,000 $25,000 $25,000 $46,000 $46,000 $48,000 $48,000 $147,000 $147,000 17000 $17,000 $2,500 $2,500 $5,000 $5,000 SUBTOTAL $643,500 TAX 9.5% $61,133 $704,633 1/17/2013 1 1:36 AM Z:\Bothe11\Dala\REM1 12-023\Design\Cost Estimate\Engineer Cost Estimate - Lind LS.xlsx Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 334040-4000 Project File #: Street Intersection or Project Name: Lind Ave Lift Station Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Providence Health Systems - 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Washington Additional legal is on page of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of Lot 4 of City of Renton Short Subdivision No. 431-79, recorded under Auditor's file No. 8002269013, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; with the centerline of Lind Avenue S.W.; Thence along the centerline of said Lind Avenue S.W., N 1 °20' 16" E a distance of 30.01 feet to a point on the easterly prolongation of the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19`h Street; Thence along said prolongation and along the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19`h Street, N 89°49'01" W a distance of 93.91 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence northeasterly along a tangent curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 55.00 feet through a central angle of 88°50'43" an arc length of 85.28 feet to a point of tangency with the west right-of-way line of said Lind Avenue S.W.; Thence perpendicular to said west right-of-way line N 88°39'44" W a distance of 80.00 feet; Thence perpendicular to the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19`h Street S 0°10'59" W a distance of 55.00 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of SW 19`h Street; Thence S 89°49'01" E along the north right-of-way line of SW 19`h Street a distance of 25.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. (SEE EXHIBIT "A") Easement Lind Ave Lift Station.doc\ Page 1 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water, wastewater, and surface water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described property (the right-of-way) in King County, Washington, more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1-- Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and storm drainage lines and facilities, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work that are outside the limits of the facility, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement that is outside the limits of the facility as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however, have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or C. Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this _day of 20 Easement - Lind Ave Lift Station.doc\ Page 2 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of 19, before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Easement - Lind Ave Lift Station.doc\ - Page 3 FORM 03 0013/bh/CA2-21-97 1. . U) wl Q z z J 80.00' N89°49'01"W w o� O N L6 O O z 9191' 0 0 SW 19th ST _ N 89' 49' 01" W EXHIBIT "A" I / � I POWER EASEMENT I ECOR ING NU BER: l 80020 0480 Ii I I RE ORDIN NUMB F. i� 8 03150 12 ?; ED VI#LVE 'V ULT I I ---SD-----SD-----5,-- - -- PROPOSED EASEMENT I I ADJUSTMENTI PRdPOSEDIWET i F-- 15.83' -1 ---------------------------------� =----- -- -`�\ EXISTING WET WELL SW 19TH ST EXISTING CURB EASEMENT PLAN 1'=20' I; I I II " I Ir II 11 110 II I I I II .I R /W I �i I it rL I �i I II I I I EXISTING DRY WELL SEWER EASEMENT RECORDING NUMBER: 8002269013 SEE NOTE REGARDING CURVE \\ U 30 45 55.00 34.30 11 , 32 IL -= =- . 27 KFENTON 15 5oup� SURVEYOR MAP NOT TO SCALE RECORDING NUMBER: 8002269013 SW 19TH ST. VICINITY MAP 1•-200' NOTES: 1) THE SHOWN SEWER EASEMENTS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE KING COUNTY RECORDING OFFICE. WE WERE UNABLE TO CONFIRM THIS IS THE MOST CURRENT EASEMENT. 2) THE SHOWN SEWER EASEMENT IS DESCRIBED BY THE SURVEYOR TO FOLLOW THE CURVE OF THE ROAD. AS SHOWN, THE RADIUS OF THE ROAD EASEMENT IS 55' WHILE THE SEWER EASEMENT IS SAID TO HAVE A RADIUS OF 35'.THIS DISCREPANCY SHOULD BE RESOLVED WITH THE EASEMENT ADJUSTMENT. ENGINEERS PLANNERS AT0IEE\DATA\REN\112-023\CAD\LMID-%-9TIX I v I I v I I I 89.00' / �-- 25.00' ---------- _____________—___---- --------___ 30.00' o CV 0 Z EASEMENT PLAN 1'=20' N88039'44"W �s N89048'35.0"W 93.21' I I I ii l it I I I ; I �j I II I' I I II I 85.29, I F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � i ill li I I ; ICI II,!I I. I o I , SW 19TH ST. --------------- VICINITY MAP WNENNERS SCIENTISTS mw ATCMEE\DATA\REN\112-023\CAD\UND-X-SITEX T ' 1 ' � I 1 T I I \/ c ,c 8q.00'f' I i WI I! I 2 .00' N88039 I I '44"W i = ' � I 0 ai I 1 N O -- --- ---- ----- --�__-------j----` - -- / / --- - - 85.29' — I �--- 25.00' ` �I �\ I ----------------------- ----------------------- --------------- _ 30.00' a 2------------- I �- 93.21' �N I l --ss' EASEMENT PLAN 1*=20 SW 19TH ST. VICINITY MAP -- - t'=200' I Z, Rc /Zc- -ice tiJEL.l k��l tanrE74+�T 1J0,•L T'�r''c►'.r.�ti( C�...S-n2✓C--nc•,J Fi45�7'�� � . A-,HEE\CA7A\RENV112-023\CAC\, N^, X-S,' X Denis Ma o aw — :; City of,,- b G ul Public Works Department - Gregg Zimmerman, P. E., Administrator November 7, 2012 Ms. Jennifer Bell, CPM JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 RE: Easement Acquisition for Lind Avenue Lift Station on Providence Property Dear Ms. Bell: Attached you will find an original easement document for execution by Providence Health Systems — Washington. The City has incorporated and evaluated all of your comments regarding the draft document submitted to the City by e-mail dated October 9, 2012. The following responds to the 5-points made in your e-mail: 1) is the City of Renton amenable to Providence including such provisions, including and especially an environmental indemnity? As you can imagine, the station will be pumping materials that are environmental risks. Another revision that Providence would like to see is that if the lift station ever goes away that the City of Renton will restore the area. The revised easement document includes language to address our regulatory requirements regarding environmental hazards as well as a requirement to restore the easeme. t vie.: 4t such time as rF no iono_r ._\t rmite a ieed for easement. 1. _. _ _ ,_ _� +,, �+ +h ++,., 2) Providence w;:uic.r iiKe i-C see ial oUcige iii i,rc r_iuriiiei,L i1,�L sC.y� "" .L ilii, 1!«1� area f/ill not imi'll c jutL!!-C develC»merit changes. Your requested easement language changes for this item cannot be addressed as part of an easement document. Rules of development will change over time and in no way can we commit the City to future actions that may be taken by Council. However, it is also true that the conditions of this easement only apply within the easement area (v,ith the exception of blasting within 15-feet), so as such this easement should not restrain the development of this property in the future. Provilolc-Inre Word ; lii:e tc, gave tfie City Oj Renton install a CI"GssiNalA and two Curb Cuts between 1�a11Py' i {F' e PI ;"t: �i:3n1 ii 7d ,�L/'' 1!'A! C!I Soi,rngate 11.(2001 Lind AvenueJ, in addi! i-o!? to ;-e-striping, landscoping and fixing the asphalt in and around the area La/here the new equipment will be instailed. The City agrees as a condition of Providence Health Services granting this easement to the City that we will install a n d-block crosswalk within S. 19" Street, includi<<„ 40A , _ ,; :red curb cuts. The City will irrh.,,de this work as part of our Lift Station contract. The City also ackno%vledges its requirement to restore those areas disturbed by our contract work. _ _ _„ - - - I\CI ILVII L LV I I�11 1.11 I-ILI. ­I11 rruY . ...... I , •uu. �. :y �:::'. i....�. - �... ..... ... :. �'.; Ms. Bell Page 2 of 2 November 7, 2012 4) What is the commencement date for the project? What is the drop dead date for the completion of the project? Is there an outside date? Attached you will find our latest project schedule to complete the lift station replacement. As far as a "drop dead date", the City does not have any restraints as to when the work needs to occur. The City Council has fully authorized all funding needed to complete this work and we anticipate completing the project roughly within the timeline provided. 5) Can the City of Renton come out and do a mock-up of how the property will be affected? Flags in the ground etc. An aerial photo that shows the areas that will be marked off and how the equipment will be placed would be extremely beneficial. We have provided paint marks and stakes indicating the location of the primary components of the proposed lift station as well as provided pictures of previous installations for reference. The City will include in its contract documents a requirement for the contractor to submit on material colors for the above ground features including the block and roof, as well as the enclosure for the generator, to best match existing building colors on the site, and we will submit those choices to Providence for final selection of color. In addition to the permanent easement document we have also attached a temporary construction easement to provide sufficient area for our contractor to construct the new proposed lift station facility. Please have both of these document executed by the appropriate individuals at Providence Health Systems and return both originals to the City for our final signature. The permanent easement will be sent out by the City for recording with King County, anu we will provide a recorded copy to you for your records upon its return. We will also provide a copy of the temporary construction easement at that time as well. I greatly appreciate your assistance on this matter. Please let me know if there is anything additional that either yot-or Providence requires at this time. incerel�r; Oa id WChrl'stensen-J Wastewater Utility Supervisor Attachments H:\File Sys\VAA61P - WasteWater\WtNP-27-3626 Lind Ave Lift Station \Design\Easements\Providence Letter for Easement.doc\DMCah David Christensen From: Jennifer Bell Uenniferb@jshproperties.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 7:51 AM To: David Christensen Subject: RE: Utilities Easement at Lind Av Lift station I met with m Providence contacts last week regarding the easement. I have a few questions or comments. 1) Is the City of Renton amenable to Providence including such provisions, including and especially an environmental indemnity? As you can imagine, the station will be pumping materials that are environmental risks. Another revision that Providence would like to see is that if the lift station ever goes away that the City of Renton will restore the area. 2) Providence would like to see language in the easement that says that this little area will not impact future development changes. 3) Providence would like to have the City of Renton install a crosswalk and two curb cuts between Valley Office Park (1801 Lind Avenue) and Southgate II (2001 Lind `'LC Avenue), in addition to re -striping, landscaping and fixing the asphalt in and around the area where the new equipment will be installed. ;NC_,_,.,v4FZ ,I,J may_ C. O/JPI Ti'J p' c; %P we ,.,L.c;c 4) What is the commencement date for the project? What is the drop dead date for the completion of the project? Is there an outside date? 5) Can the City of Renton come out and do a mock-up of how the property will be affected? Flags in the ground etc. An aerial photo that shows the areas that will be marked off and how the equipment will be placed would be extremely beneficial. Thanks and please call or email me with any questions. Jennifer Jennifer A. Bell, CPM@ I JSH Properties Inc. 555 South Renton Village Place, Suite 100 Renton, WA 98057 office 425. 917. 3400 / fax 425, 917. 3401 ienniferbC�?L!�hproperties. com From: David Christensen [mailto:Dchristen@Rentonwa.gov] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 2:08 PM To: Jennifer Bell Subject: Utilities Easement at Lind Av Lift station Jennifer, Just checking in to see if the folks from Providence have had a chance to review our proposed easement documents and whether you and they would like to have us meet with you to go over any potential questions/issues. Internally, we just received the 60% design plans and are currently reviewing those and I would I am hoping that we can move forward with the design as we currently have the sight laid out. Thanks, Dave Christensen 425.430.7212 2 -S ,-1 --:11. QN) � 1'^ w�� ( iw,iQ ,j� 4,-V` r,,, o `wiz' ""Z� WASTEWATER CREW WORK REPORT WORK ORDER. # ADDRESS ACTIVITY # DATE CLOSE YES or NO LABOR EQUIPMENT EMPLOYEE # NAME HOURS KOT UNIT # HOURS 06097 . Sittner, Rocky 06601 Hiatt, Kevin 03484 Larsen, Marney 09027 Wallace, John COMMENTS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED: T•\WW\( RF.WRFPnRTC no PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTriroolcity.f M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 5, 2012 TO: Rich Marshall, Maintenance Manager Stan Job, Maintenance Supervisor Dave McKinney, Lift Station Technician FROM: John Hobson, Wastewater Utility Engineer, xI 7279 k 1 SUBJECT: Lind Avenue Lift Station 60% Plan Review I have attached 3 sets of the 60% design plans for the Lind Avenue Lift Station replacement project for your review. Since this is the 60 % review, you'll notice that there are a number of details and notes that are missing and/or need updating (usually indicated by red text). Your review should concentrate on the overall layout of the station, equipment and materials, and how it could affect the operation and maintenance of the new station. Please return your comments to me by October 24, 2012. The project is currently scheduled to be advertised for bid in December 2012, with construction beginning in March 2013. Attachments h:\file sys\wwp - wastewater\wwp-27-3626 lind ave lift station\design\review 60% memo.doc/JHah Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Title: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION Property Tax Parcel Number: 334040-4000 AGREEMENT Project File #: WWP-27-3626 Project Name: Lind Avenue Lift Station Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Providence Health Systems - 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Washington The Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits, does by these presents, grant, unto the City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation, Grantee herein, its successors and assigns, permission to use for public purposes with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described real estate, for Right -of -Way purposes, situated in the County of King, State of Washington: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A temporary construction easement over and across the following described area: That portion of Lot 4 of City of Renton Short Subdivision No. 431-79, recorded under Auditor's file No. 8002269013, records of King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington; with the centerline of Lind Avenue S.W.; Thence along the centerline of said Lind Avenue S.W., N 1'20' 16" E a distance of 30.01 feet to a point on the easterly prolongation of the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19th Street; Thence along said prolongation and along the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19th Street, N 89649'01" W a distance of 93.91 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence northeasterly along a tangent curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 55.00 feet through a central angle of 88°50'43" an arc length of 85.28 feet to a point of tangency with the west right-of-way line of said Lind Avenue S.W.; Thence N 01 °20' 16" E along the west right-of-way of Lind Ave SW a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence perpendicular to said west right-of-way line N 88°39'44" W a distance of 180.00 feet; Thence perpendicular to the north right-of-way line of S.W. 19th Street S 0° 10'59" W a distance of 70.00 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of SW 19th Street; Thence S 89°49'01" E along the north right-of-way line of SW 19th Street a distance of 125.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. All situate in the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington. This permit shall become effective upon execution by the Grantor from date hereof, and shall terminate on June 1, 2014. Title: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION Property Tax Parcel Number: 334040-4000 AGREEMENT Project File #: WWP27-3626 Project Name: EARLINGTON SANITARY SEWER Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Providence Health Systems - 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Washington INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: H:\File Sys\WWP - WasteWater\WWP-27-3626 Lind Ave Lift Station\Design\Temporary Construction Easement - Lind Ave Lift Station.DOC i W a ofZ 180.00' I J o o GpNS�RpG,��pN pl� '(E�e SW 19th ST TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ;1 s•'.:., M'":....fi..'�.�,3"i17�4"A-i ...:. ... :. ..... . �1RIll 111P 2A. UTILITIES it AR )I E-S-E'b`E M�T� �iY `' 11 t 11kti �lN _ THISJ_NS-T- VM_ENT, made this2nddby of FEBRUARX 19 g2 ; by and between :THE PRUDENTIAL.INSURANCE COMPANY OF.AMERICA; A NEW JERSEY: C0000TION hereinafter called "Grantor(s)'', and: the EN CITY OF. a Muntclpal-Corporation of:,King tv County, Washington, hereinafter called."Grantee... . lO. WITNESSETN. ai 'ThatsaidGran tor (s), for and in consideration of the sum of O (One -Do _Pain by Grantee -and other valuable consideration, do -by these presents, grant, barga.i-n,.sell,,.convey , and .warrant unto the said Grantee, its successors: and ,ads i gns an easement;.for. pubi l c uS I � i C i es .( Inc lud i ng water and sewer) wi th. nteeSsar.y: appur-tenances=over;._thro.ugh,.actoss and upon the follotiving descct�ed:nroperty In King County,',Washington, mo.re:particularly described.as follows. That.portion of Lot 4 of.City'of Renton.Short'Subdivision No. 431-79.`recorded under Auditor's file No..8002269013, records of King .County, Washington. i described.'as follows: l Beg inn ing-at-the-inter-section_-of-the-south-line-of-the-northwest quarter of j the`southvest:quarter o.f'Section 19, Township•23-North; Range 5_East, W.M., Ii King County. Washington; with'the centerline of Lind Avenue S.W. Thencealong. the centerline of said Lind Avenue S.W., N 1°20'16" E..a distance . . 3Q;01.feet to :a point on the easterly prolongation of the north right -of - of way.. line_of.S.W. 19th`Street; i i Thence-along-said-prolongation_and along the north.right=of-way line of S.W. 19.th'$treet,.N. 89'49'01': W..a'distance of 93.91.feet to the True Point of I Beginning; Thence.northeasterly along a tangent curve concave to the northwest having . a. radius of 55.00:feet.through.a central of 88'50'43" an are length.of $5:28.feat to a point of.tangency with the west right-of=way line of said Lind Avenue S.W.'; 1 Thence Perpendicular .to said.west right-of-way line N—$$°39`44:"7W—a-d1-stance- - of.55.00 feet to the center."of the circle of said curve; Thence pe-rpendi-cu-lar.-to-the north r-i-ght-of-way.line-of=S..W.-1_-9th-Sir.ee.t.. 5,.0.°10:'S9" N :a distance of 55.00 feet..to the True Point of Beginning. Cont thing 2.345 sq, ft. ± 1°/ EXCISE TAX NOTREQUIRED 1t1n jtO RnMids Ulvision 9Y -� Deputy' %3i� �:<�?`.a SL�i. L'4Y'L�s'S. S3fir�'�`�:�1.�'.�u �:,'i�$,..U'";�'CY�'}:P�-'��a •.tea � t� +� c. 1a r ��� i..' ;:Co :'c .- .- -:r.Tr Said heretofore mentioned grantee, `its successors or assigns sh.;ll have: the right. without`.prio.r notice or. proceeding: at :l aw, at` such tunes as may `be necessary>to enter upon sa1d._aboVe describe .proper...: for the purpose of construe �ng,.'ma�ntaimng,' rep airing, -e taring or reconstructing:said.: utiii_ty,,or making any connections ther6il without incur`ri.ng any legal obligations: or lability therefore;,provided, that such: cons truction,:main tain'ng. repairing, altering 6T ,reconstruction of such .util_ity shall be.. accorrpl shed in -such a. manner`that =the prlvaLe .)"provements existing in` the ri ght riglit.(s)-of->.ay,'sha11 not be',disturbed or.damaged,: or in the event they: are.: . disturbed or Damaged, hey wi-1_l�replaced in as�jood_a_conditton as they were. �rme'diately before the property was:.entered Upoh'by the Grantee, And it is 0; fustier,agreed that Grantee shall rpt consiruc+ any new utility. tructuvisible from .Grantor's abutting:: property —Other: than:repair or.replacement of:c,urrent structures.,; withoua.the prior;.written.co.nsent of Grantor. The Grantor-shal1:fully use and enjoy: -the aroredescrrbed premises l nel udi di -the .n ght o.-retain=the- ri gnt to=userthe—s.urf_ace o_f: said -r� ght-of wa f if. uch .use does not..interfere xith ins.tallati.on and. maintenance of the. utility )ine_'' However; -the :grantor shall n.ot erect: buildings or structures over, under or -,crass -the right-of=way—dur-ing- lle.ex-isfen•ce_of such utility This%easer>znt, shall be :a..covenant running with the la.�d and shall be bind - rng on theme is'. successors, hei is and assigns: Grantors covenant that ' they;�t�il� i�6fy ners of. _•the at;ove properties and `that they have `a goad and 1ewfi�l�`." h yft► f p" a this'agreerrent THE:.JP COMPANY.'OF AMERICA wDo F3 - 18 T23N R5E W 1/2 4324 036 4324 06 4324 03T- col_ 0� Q C 046 e " 4324 036 6319 00OUT 5319 0119 I4 5012 319 6 m I 6319 08 6319 16 1919 W 7l/t St 192 4 631.9 253 5 1 11 6319 `� t S! t/t St " } 9 r 14 6319 B19 5 19 r 19 5 017 o> 02 0 5 - — -- J I�♦ Detail 11 -_- Ci 319 _ _ _ 5319 \� 03 CA 1- Ob6 6319 5319 ,. - - - 821 193 m C) - 'r -- - 04 - -i 5319 247• 6319 319 J 19 C D7 9, , 7194 _. 6316319 26 e" b 196, 5319 195 6319 ` I- - -6319 1 026 619 6319 i, ' 82053 ! 5319 010 0 8 849, J 009 m 6319 027 6319 198 , 18^ 028 L Wa -b319 030.-8 Stiy Gran 5319 17. 5319 5319 b t 5 19 801 818 6319 5319 319 Z 127 5319 17_6 029 6319 128 ,188 129 Q 8 J631' 19 30 r S w 1i tlt St 6319 r 131 r 319 c,� 17 SW12th Sti ✓ 13 6 19 8" 133 5319 1631 6319 329 169 a"! 217 @319 't[8" —e' 5319 I 531�1 ,19 .90 4 !►m 5319 19 6 19 173 4 4- - 6319 , SW 13t1i 189 O o� Q C a 5319 4324 5.19 6319 a+ 5119 5319 6319 t1_4.0_ k 1.36 .11--1' 7 139 swi j 6111 INt 5319 142 Q 5319 vj 145 d 319 i _ 16319 1 ' 143 8 144 - -.- - -I 5319 166 5319 146 -- D�899 AG 5319 1so - Q 6319 to 6319 5319 5319 6319 V�,� j 211 147 146 8. _ 149 214 -- C 6319 6319 O N 212 210 531 ::0319 0 � 5319 1b 6319 5319 088 hG ;p 205 (� _ co 5 151 _ 203 I 6319 5319 6208 8 ^ 206 ' e " 20� o 5319- 5319 - - -- xj :�o 2158" 216 �L' 5319 6319 209 213 6319 5319 5319 66319 Lind Ave 153 Lift 152 b319 5319 199 5319 SW 19tk St Station 169 319 160 161 Rolling 631\9 166 6319 SW I9t11 St 00 167 t p AG w 4324 41324 1 093 094 5319 249 ^ 5319 1s2 A I At- 4324 00 092 - SW 21 st St 6349-531 4324 5319 53196319 16 322 321 J R 91 _1•" A ` 5319 1668" 164 6319 �5 319 5319 5319 • 43247ID 320 319 8 „ 318 0 � O - o��~PPd 1•�f AG 0p ��•� �G AM0. 1PHanth SANITARY SEWERS Public Works Department, Wastewater Utility, Engineering Division, D. Ellis 5319 5� 04 lb 631 5319 0 151h St 6319 1� UI`9 N H3 - 30 T23N R5E W 1/2 03/30/12 City of —t S (;3 0 200 400 Feet 19 T23N R5E W 1/2 1:4, 800 5319 50 hr labor cost per hr. 150 hr equip cost per hr. + operator Units Unit Price labor hrs. equip hrs. Subtotal Total Mob/Demob $ 27,652.95 Demo Wet Well 1 ea 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 Demolition $ 4,000.00 Demo Wet Well 1 ea 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 Demo Dry Well 1 ea 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 By Pass System $ 30,OS0.00 48" Man Hole (15' deep) 1 ea $ 2,500.00 16 hr 8 hr $ 4,500.00 Eletrical/ Gas for By Pass Pump 1 Is $ 3,000.00 16 hr $ 3,800.00 Pump 2 ea $ 9,000.00 16 hr $ 18,800.00 4" HDPE Discharge Hose 100 It $ 12.00 $ 1,200.00 Misc Fittings 4 $ 150.00 $ 600.00 Set up and Operation 23 hr $ 1,150.00 By Pass Tie In $ 3,100.00 8" (FLxRJ) Tee 1 ea $ 600.00 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,600.00 8" Cap with 4" Port 2 ea $ 250.00 $ 500.00 Sewage Truck For shut down 1 ea $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Valve Vault $ 9,500.00 Valve Vault 1 ea $ 5.500.00 $ 5,500.00 Valve Vault Hatch 1 ea $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Mechanical $ 73,400.00 Check Valves 2 ea $ 900.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 3,400.00 Isolation Valves 2 ea $ 1,200.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 4,000.00 Mag Meter 1 ea $ 6,000.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 7,600.00 Misc. Piping and Fittings 1 Is $ 12,000.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 13,600.00 Pump and Rail 2 Is $ 20,000.00 48 hr 16 hr $ 44,800.00 Wet well $ 29,011.85 8' Dia x 20 (Depth) 1 ea $ 8,000.00 4 hr $ 8,200.00 On Grade Footing (14'xl4'xt') 7.3 cy $ 470.00 $ 3,411.85 Hatch and Lid 1 ea $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Ladder 1 ea $ 3,000.00 8 hr $ 3,400.00 Painting 1Is $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Tie In $ 3,100.00 8" (MJxFI) Tee 1 ea $ 700.00 $ 700.00 8" Gate Valve 2 ea $ 1,200,00 $ 2,400.00 Site Work $ 33,500.00 Land Scalping 1 Is $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Site Excavation 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 Dewatering 1Is $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 HMA repair 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Site Clean Up 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 TESC 1Is $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 Eletrical (I-S.) $ 160,000.00 Base Cost $ 373,314.90 25'^9"', Wetwell Rehabilitation 50 hr labor cost per hr. Estimate By: TRL 150 hr equip cost per hr. + operator Date:4/4/12 Units Unit Price labor hrs. equip hrs. Subtotal Total Mob/Demob $ 27,142.76 Demolition $ 2,000.00 Demo Dry Well 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 Wet Well Lid Removal 16 hr 8 hr New Pumping Configuration $ 14,000.00 Remove Pump 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 Additional 8" DI Pipe 120 If $ 100.00 $ 12,000.00 Pump and Rail 2 ea $ 20,000.00 48 hr 16 hr $ 44,800.00 Additional 8" Fittings 2 ea $ 800.00 $ 1,600.00 Tempary By Pass $ 6,000.00 4 - Sewage trucks (3 days) 120 hr $ 6,000.00 Valve Vault $ 9,500.00 Valve Vault 1 ea $ 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 Valve Vault Hatch 1 ea $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Mechanical $ 70,600.00 Check Valves 2 ea $ 900.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 3,400.00 Isolation Valves 2 ea $ 1,200.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 4,000.00 Mag Meter 1 ea $ 6,000.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 7,600.00 Misc. Piping and Fittings 1 Is $ 12,000.00 8 hr 8 hr $ 13,600.00 Pump and Rail 2 Is $ 20,000.00 16 hr 8 hr $ 42,000.00 Wet Well Modification $ 36,584.51 12'x1'2x10' - 10" thickness 7.7 cy $ 470.00 4 hr $ 3,802.28 Anchoring System 3.6 cy $ 400.00 16 hr 8 hr $ 3,422.22 Hatch and Lid 1 ea $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Stainless Steel Grating 48 sf $ 70.00 48 hr $ 5,760.00 Stainless Angle Bracketing System 80 It $ 25.00 16 hr $ 2,800.00 Stainless Handrail 1 ea $ 3,000.00 8 hr $ 3,400.00 Ladder 1 ea $ 3,000.00 8 hr $ 3,400.00 Wet Well Painting 1 Is $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Tie In $ 3,100.00 8" (MJxFI) Tee 1 ea $ 700.00 $ 700.00 8" Gate Valve 2 ea $ 1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 Site Work $ 37,500.00 Landscaping 1Is $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 Site Excavation 16 hr 8 hr $ 2,000.00 Dewatering 1Is $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 HMA repair 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Site Clean Up 32 hr 16 hr $ 4,000.00 TESC 1 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 Site Electrical (L.S.) $ 160,000.00 Base Cost $ 366,427.27 090— 5319137 5319138 gar, P*P(- 'Pro 19089 04-1 - Prll oft ?r rrkg F, fF F y ;eF r(SP (f F F94 QfFF, F q 5319211 1p ad 5319212 5319205 � 1� — ul 19088- t F=lj FFpfol F P F pqfffp#F F JmT 19087 . SL -"* �5319143 - -1 'M 4. 3 " I'S 144dF ?. i w R w AN f0i _,41s 4 r OL t 46- 5319150 -5, PL Sol. 1'5319203 =5319216- 158 -"-OwV 'I --5319160 5319161 Old —410 oil & 1M�ml 9157 1 �,���4°5 YN V�c,� �v I .,�`-- �� 'As�.� c:�yScwt+-Mw w�crs�1 �G4ST %:z, R.PTa s 1 Iz" c,o* 1 ENV OWA Si C, a al+- Sure wa{IG iCl\1esT S�,L�, I .�° Issb �.� ,4: C A s 0 1 i5f: Po%ocr wrisil p i " 15 I a, b If 5 so 2 s; ti stB 70 0z6 q t7- 5' q 11 am _ 170� 24M w�r� �► g � � s V� .•. G ra--Y c.ouclw',+- oN Icl r <3 Tl— c0.s-r-� ON L�r �a�O� S O o IN q 9c° <,.; � ram— G �? n ' I r �11 CP ins �i LOc4 L) iAtz.-\S,, cO� L�' Cf F(eM Angf �.1-� I�Z-L2�ti� �, ulcer K4 -� CID 01s � C or1►�1u�►.��G G L N beh�rla �' i I ea �e�/LJ D'' cc�ncQu, , sum M {{