HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWP273628C� I�� ��- �r � - �� . � � � ��, , � � ��0 - , � � � � � � J� ���� � �� �� � . " '� . � \ .- / L I�'� ^�� i� ����Y Hr �� � L I�'����� :S J��� Ir �� � ����1 r�; r�.�R� � � 12� � �V OL� ��1 r� � O �� � CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG ONE CALL 1-800-424-5555 REPORT ALL SPILLS DEPT. OF ECOLOGY 1-800-25&5990 ���� ; � .�� , � __ _-- -� ���'�� � f--= ,�; , -_ , CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET INDEX � � :. . � '} i . 0 � � W� � -� c O =� � � vm � � W � � �O Z �U � �� � a . �-fi H, f 3!•!GI4f f� HING. IhC BELLIN6MAM l�O.ol.OY/ SOTlldl �rr�i�ee EAR WENATQiEE sraaeo UWO wsr���� TAC avfis PROJECT LOCATION MAP �. -�- LIFT STATION OBLIQUE �a� ..� ; . = �;. , ,_=•4: �� � - � � LEGEND �asnN� .—.—•—•— FENCE EOGE OF PA�£NENT CONTOUR (2') CaJtOUR (5') - - - - � SE1BAq( LME -- — — — PROPERTY LINE DETENTION POND BERu EA$ENENT/LEASED AREA - TREES � GRAVEL PROPOSED � - GRAVITY $EWER AIAIN FORCE NAIN ..�.0 � TELE4ETRY a UNDERGROUND PONER �� UNDERGROUND TELEPNONE WATER IIAIN -- - � � — �-�- 9LT FENCE —•—•—•—•— CONSTRUCnON FENCE — — — — CONSTRUCnON LIIAITS _ _ - ` ' _ _ - - - CONTWR (2�) �gp0—� CONTOUR (IO') � � STAGING AREA ASPHALT ,N�� CONSTRUCTION NOTES GENERnL NGiES CIXJTRACTOR SnaLL CnLL I-SOG-<24-5555 GOR '��Ti i'r L'��Cn'.S <A tiOCRS BE�J4E ;�JVS"R,1C'ON CONTRACTOR INITIATED CNANGES SHALL BE SUBNITTE� IN VA21TING TO iHE ENGINEER FOF2 APPROVAL PRIOR TO IMPLEIAENTATION OR corasrnucnon. CONTRACTOR YUST KEEP A COPY OF THE APPROVED PUNS ON-SIIE NHENE�ER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. tHE CON7RnCTOR SihU. TAKE Nl NECESSARY PRECAUnON$ TO PROTECT THE PUBIIC �ND PREVENT NUISN+CES. CONTRACTOft StiALL PRONDE TEAIPORARY BRACING FOR 1HE STRUCTURE AND STRUCNRhL COMPONENTS UN11L ALL FINAL CONNEC710N5 HA�E BEEN COMPLEIED IN ACCORDANCE N1TH THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING COMPLEIE AS-BUILT RECORDS. CONSTRUCTION OF 14PROVENENTS SHALL CCNFORAI TO THE CURRENT EDIiION Oi IHE CITY OF RENTON AND KING CWNTY STANDARDS AND 1HE STANDARD SPECIFICA710N5 FCR ROAD, BRIDCE AND NUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION, 2010 EDIPON, AS IS$UED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF iRANSPORTAT10N AND THE AAIERICAN PUBUC VqRKS ASSOCIATICN. THESE OOCUMENT$ HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE STPNDARD SPECIFlCAliONS. TNE PN9S ARE AVAILABLE FOF2 PURCHhSE FROIA THE CITY iHE CONTRACTOR IS REOUIRED TO PROYIC£ ALL CONSIRUCTION STANING ON TMIS PRO,ECT INCLUDING THE PREPARATION OF COIIPLETE CONSIRUCTION RECORDS. STAKMG FOR GRADES AND ALIGNIIENT $HALL BE PERFORAIED BY AN ENCJNEERING OR $URVEI1NG FIRM UCENSE� AN� CAPABLE OF PERFORIAING SUCH WORN. RIGHT OF WAY AND EASENENT LIYITS MUST BE CLEARLY IDEN➢RED IN THE FIELD oumr+c caasrnucnor+ A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AND 24-HOUR NOTICE 1NLL 8E REQUIRE� PPoOFi i0 STaRiING CONSTRUCTICN OR RESTARiINC CONSTRUCTION AFTER A PERIOD OF NORE TMAN 5 DAYS OF NO WORK BEING PERFq2AlED. CON7RACTOR $MALL RESTORE ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION TO CONDInOP15 EOUP1 OR BETTER TO THOSE FWND PRIOR TO CONSiRUCPON. CONTRACTOR SHALL HrDROSEED ALL EXISTING GRASS AREAS iHAT ARE DISTURBED BY HIS ACnN71E5. SEE�DINSION 1 OF THE SPEGFlCATIONS FOR PERMIT WFORNAlION. TME CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERANNE THE SCOPE, T1PE, 42E, WANTITY, IIEIMOD OF INS7ALLATION, OPERATION, AND RE40VAL Oi iHE DEWATERMG SYS1E4 NECESSARY TO KEEP THE E%CAYATION 9iE DEWAiERED TO STABWZE THE 501�5 FOR CONSTRUC110N. 1HE ORDINARY MIGH W�TER NARK IS PRONDED IN THE PLANS BASED ON THE SURVEY. CONTRhCTOR AIAY FlND GRWND WAiER SEEPAGE IN 1HE E%CAVATIQN THAT I$ HIGHER THAN THE ORD�NARY HIGH WATER NARK TME CONIRACTOR SHALL DISCHARGE WATER FRpA THE DEWAiERING SYSTEN IN ACCORDANCE 1NTN T11E REWIREMENTS OF STAiE AND LOCAL REGl1LATI0NS hN� THE REOUIREMENiS OF THESE PLANS AND SPEqFICAT10NS. AT M�5 SILi LAOEN WATER BE DISCHARGE� OFF 9TE. CONTRACTOR AIAY DISCHARGE FlLiERED STORAI WhTER INTO THE STOR4WATER PON OORDINATE AND RECEIV£ APPROYAL FROM ME CITY PRIOR TO DISCNr1RGING ANY DEW�TERING WATER INTO TNE SE tC�Ci(O SYSTEI. hiE CONIRACTOR SHALL CLEANUP ALL AREAS AFFECTED BY 7HEIR nCT�NTIES TO iHE SATISFACTION OF iHE GTr OF BONNEY Ln�cE REPRESENTATIVE BY TME END OF EACH WORi(ING DAY OR AIORE FREWENTIY IF REWIRED BY THE qTY OF BONNEY LAl(E REPRESENTATIVE. THIS WCLUDES REAIOVAL 0� ALL DUST, IAUD, ROCKS, ASPHAU �EBR15, AND REFUSE PROM STREETS, SIDEWAl1(S, DRI�fWArS, AND ANY OTHER AREAS PFFECTED BY THE CONSTRUCTION ACTI`ATIES. FAILURE TO CLEhNUP TO THE SATISFAC➢ON OF THE ONNER'S REPRESENTATIV£ M1LL NECESSITATE A SHUTDOYM OF THE PROJECi UNTIL CLEANUP IS PROPERLY PERFORME�. DP1LY CLEANUP IS AN MTEGRA� PART Oi EROSION AND POLLU710N CONTR0.. ALL E%ISTING UTIUTIES IN�ICATED ON THE ORAWINGS HFVE BEEN PLOTTED FRW THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER RND SNWLD 1HEREFORE BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY AND NOT NECESSARILY COAIPLETE. THE SWRCE OF INFORMATION GENERPLLY CONS�SiS 0� CONSTRUCTION RECCRDS ANO O1HER DATA OBTAINED vERBALLY FROM OFFICIALS ASSOCIATED 'MTH THE PARnCUUR UTIUTY. 0'MrER AND ENGINEER DO NOT GUARANTEE AND DO NOT ASSU�E nraY RESPONS�BILITY FOR THE ACCURACr OF THIS INPORNA71qJ IT IS UNDERST000 THAT OTHER ABOYE GRWND AND UNDERGROUN� FACIUTIES NOT SHONN ON THE DRAINNGS GAr BE ENCOUNTERED WRING THE CWRSE OF THE VqRK. iT iS 1HE SOLE RESPON9BNTY OF THE CONTRACiOR TO INDEPENDENTLr •.LAiFr THE ACCURACY OF ALL Ui1LITY LOCATIqJS SHOYM TO Av01D DAIAAGE AND/OR DISTURBANCE TO SUCH UTILITIES, AND TO FURTHER DiSCO�f'R aND nvp0 t�r OTHER UTIUTIES NOT ytOxN HEREON vMtCH MAY BE FFTECIED BY ME IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN CONTRnCTOR SHALL PRESERVE, PROTECT AND SUPPOfiT ALL EXISTING UnLI11ES ENCWNTERED DURING CONSTRUCPON iHE CONiRACTOR SHhIL HAVE ALL U71L1TIE5 LOCATED BY iHE APPROPRIATE U➢UTV LOCAIiNG PROFESSIONALS, PRIOR TO AND DURWG CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR $FIALL IYMEDIATEIY NOTIFY hIE ENqNEER �WD THE UTIUTr CpnPANr wHEN A CONFLJCT OCCUPS E%TENiS OF OVERHEAD PO`hER UTILITIES ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE. NOT ALL OYERIiEAD UTILIIIES ARE SHOWN ON 1HE PLANS nrvG iHE CONTRACTOR $HALL E%PECT TO ENCWNTER AfORE O�ERHEAD UTIUTIES iNAN SHOMN THE CONTRACTOR $HALL ACCWNT F�P hCCOr.�M00AnNC ALL OY£RHEnD U�LInES IN HIS BID u�D NO ADDIPOnA� C04PENSAnON YA�L BE PRONDEO FOR FAqLITAPNG ObfRHEAD UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SM�LL COORDINATE YATH ih+E 6SAqUnH SCHOOL Di5?RiCT REGARDiNG MAINTENaNCE aND ACCESS i0 THE �nCiLl'ES FRiOR TO 1HE START OF CONSTRUCTION TREE PROTECTIIXJ NOlES THE CONIRACTOR IS NOT ALLOX£D TO STORE i00LS, EOUIPMENT, AND BUILDINc �AATERIALS OR SiOCHPILED SOIL N1TH'iN iHE ORIP-LINE OF hNY iREES IDENTIFlED FOR RETENTION AND PRESERVATION NHEN TRENCHING NEAR PROiECTED TREES, THE CONTRACTOR iS ALLOWED ONLY MANO-DIGCING 'MT19N THE TREE PROTECTION jONE UNLES$ OTHERYASE APPROYED IN XRITING BY THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL iUNNEL UNDER ROOTS CREATER THAN I-INCH IN DIAMEiER. TORN ROOTS SHOULD BE CUT CLEAN TO THE EDGE OF THE TRENCH. EXPOSEDIOLATiON, WATER Pq1UT10N CONTROL, AND WAC 173-201A, WATER pUALiT� ��,C�aFi.�_ �]P SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. AND IS SUB.�CT TO ENFOF2C£NENT RCnON. PIPE LENGTH MEASUREMENTS PiPE LENGTHS C4LLED OUi ON PLANS nRE AIEnSURED AS fOLLOWS: r- PIPE LENG7H -{ FLANGE z FLANGE (FL.FL) PIPE AIEASURED FROA1 PACE OF FLANC£ � - TO FACE OF FInNGE. FLANGE r PLAIN END (FLxPE) PIPE AIEASURED FROA1 FACE OF FLANGE i0 CENTER OF fRTiNG. PLNN END x PLAIN END (PE.PE) PIPE NEASURED FROY CENTER OF RTTING TO CENTER 0� FITTING. RESTRAINED JOINT x RESTRAINE� JOINT (RJd2J) PIPE AIEASUREO FRW CENTER OF FITTING TO CENTER OF FITTING. � PIPE LENGTH ^�j ! '! R � PIPE LENGTH � � ��� x -� F� PIPE LENGTH --i I I � �. � l 1. 1 FlTTINGS ARE ASSUAIED TO BE STAN�AR� LENGTN 125�, 250/ FLANGED OR COAIPACT CLASS 350 AIECHANICAL JOINTS. CONTRACTOf2 RESPONSIBLE FOR �ERIf11NG LENGTHS li IS TME COrvTRAC10R'S RESPONSIBILITY TO TANE INTO �CCOUNT ANY VARIATIONS IN FlT11NG D�MENSIONS. NTE: qTY, PLEASE CONFlRN THIS IS ACCEPTABLE INORTHING AND EASTING I CALLOUT POINTS TEES x BENDS: ' x RANC£5: M REWCERS: �F * � � VAL4E5: %� �lr �° " `�,p �, j o. .:,A,��� 4� �Ry ��� � u ����� �,\N HqC �p` a ..��, ��h �9, �+c �c8889 0 � � �au� �' �� � J C,1 ��� + � I� } �r l� `S � , O� 2 � � � � O � � � U mS J N W` r Z � � � � 1% . l: r�. . �. � h... F' RN2 ENG�NE:F itlhG. �NC w_/1AM iR�l�IO�M �LL �s��� GtT V1�EMAT'O� RICHLAND ws�a���� NLVp�AL[ aaa�� TAGdAA arma $H�NTI 0 1 2 1 ��`- �EB )OQ( ^' EH AUG 22. 2011 � � REN . . 1t1-003 1 -� 11BH5-D-GEN.DNG . - -%/r/' r� ��Y _1 P -`I- \ ~ . , � ��`fv � ����r� - ,� �1 % . ��r . �z �_,_.�T� . / 1 . � - � ' \ . �. �. �4�- '- - �r� � ., .. � y � d ; ( `� — — - — I , r-q __ " . � ' � .� _ � . ' . � ia , " _ � , i F � TEIAPORARY CONSTRUCTION : � � � _ � � � FENCE �' � � .� � ._._.- '- -�� � � ` ; _ .��_ - �� � / _ ^�%':� , � �� -- ��1 /� ' -�J _ --% _ J � � \ � _ '� i' ' �_ -r � , `ti � � � . ' a �,i' � � �' '� � ■ � � � � - ,, j � ,' ,fi, �, �' -r '%� ' �' % ,'1 � - �-��- f-� �-,� i � i � , � ' - / � . . .. G�¢EC`T LOCATION � � { � - � Y�, . . � �� � ` : � � ��\ � _ � � > �� --�� A ., e � 1 ��� ' �_•'�,',+�,�,' 'y���f�u Y f� -_ e ' I ' .7 � � � -h •' � � . _ � _ �, . �-�, - -. -- EXISTING SITE ANDoTESC SITE PLAN ��� STORMWniER DEWATERING NOTES. 1. CONTRACTp2 SHALL HA�f A SUMP PUA1P ANO A MINIMUM OF 1p0' OF MPROPRIATELY S12ED HOSE VA1N FLOW DIS9PAlER FOFt DEWATEPoNG UiT STAIION FOUNDATION AREA OF STq2NWATER. 2. IF REAIOVAI. OF STORAIWATER FROA1 L1FT STATION FWNDATION BECOAIES NECESSARY CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTNl SUMP PU11P IN A AIANNER THAT YININ12ES SEpNENT YOBILIZATICN AND SHA�I PUNP WATER TO TME ADJACENT SiOFiNWATER PONO TO TME NORTHNEST Of TNE LIFi SiAT10N $ITE, NHICH IS 0'MNED BY WSDOT. THE DISCHARCE END OF THE PIPE SHALL HFV£ A FLOW DIS9PATER TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION AT THE DISCHARGE LOCATION. TNE PERI4ETER OF 7HE DISCHhRGE PROPERTY SFIALL BE MONITORED FOR SURFACE WAIER RUNOFF WPoNG DEwATERING OF THE PWND�TION. SURFACE WATER RUNOFF FRqJ THE PROPERTY IS hCCEPTABLE If IT IS MEhSUREO AT LESS THhN t00t�TU NRBIDITr ,wD i5 NOT CAUSiNG EROS�ON. ...� ` ' \ ��, �'¢ � 4<��/ . I' � � � , ,� _ � ��, � � ' l i�` �.� � ,; , ���,��� . y� �^_. i � Y ' , � � � . -� � '. r� ♦ � � � . � � L ��Y �+ - '` f . ' %/ _ f� :1 1 lr �f ' � 'v�E A:'; ' .. ��.� /ME� ~t�vF�.,Aa i '� � VIEW OF � _ _ '�'� ,1 %, ���Y � � � � , � J' ' \\ � - �1 ,� f' : -- ��` �� , � � ��^ �__�� �� � � � :��� � ���� � — - � - _ --��-�-- � �� � � � � � i - - - ; � ,�tt � � � � r�� , 4 e�_�e-iS— . ._�_°- __-_'�y'- � 5 ♦ " _ � yS�E � .. :.. ..,� i d�--� � _ � _ - - —" _ _ . -_ _2.. � � . ��k .. , � �� `d _ ��—d_�d._.. Z -Z. � � - -- ��—�X- - � LMRM tl y z� . > t � `- � �~ � ��p� �J_ �. r� 8 ��. `{ % � - � � � q t DEWATERI G DISCHARGE POINT � � y�E�S , s , l' �,i� . / ' 1 �e i"rn ?i �• . `. " -f '_",(''`"'�. ' i - � , \ _ e \ /e f _ %� -...-- v� �_ � �a� . � �o VIEW OF a�4�'\���a ��'�/� ��411AL � ,I�1N HqC �, 0,�;1 3AH09 ;R �`;� ��`. Z � � W � � J � y � �� �m 3 � G' �. /. ' v I -i S S C� i F �: ' `: t S RH2 ENGIMEERIHG, INC. 9F111N('JL�M f�ar�e.au� SOTNEIl �s.wi.s�m EI�iT WENATGf1E:E o.rum RICXIAXD ��r lILVQIOAIi Mcrn.�Y�e � rACOMA Pa'+i.+er _ , _.�. n .l.l�.. I� I ^^/ d v APPROX. FINISHED GRADE = 434.OD' � ROOM FOR PARKING ODOR / > ,, - / ' —_ 'Q� - / �I _� � �i , � ., �' � ��--- � J ' ' � ' � ' E.G. — ELECT. __ / � a6 5' I I I � � � � 28 S � / — MAl(IMUM WALL HEIGNT LESS THAN 4' � \ ---_ � ` ` � � _ i � I' � � � / _- _ �� � � � � � � � � I - a\ 1 ._ � a_ \�` � _ _ ` _� ____ " \ ` � \ ___'d � \ ` � ____' \ r � � ` � � �_ � -�_� _' � _� '_ '_- � �� `�___ ,' _ � _` � � � % • '�-,��__._ __ _____ '/�-.. .� - _ — .. .. - '____ -- , /.- . --'"� ' ` r � 1 PROPOSED LIFT STATION SITE PLAN � I ,_, ; � ,,. i � I I I � I I 1 I / / / ' / I / � � � - � � � � i � � � � I � � � / ° � � � � � � Q / � / � / I / � � �J a :`�`��\��` ��A � .�a � �,��� w��''���� ��;�88a/1,/�I} n .:�cy�8�/�3' "�QYAL fSF'� � � � � � Vj O � � � V � I r � � H�i1 LNGI.\LEHiNG, INC !lWN6HAM aa�oar SOT1iRl �ai aa WWATd1FE ra�.soo RICMl.WO w�i�� lILVERONE aw.�'�o TACOYA mms GRANTY WFLUENT LME � µE7NfLL PUSSrvf v£NT r FORCEMAIN / ��'.�', !- �� Q �� � .'. � VAULT LA�fR � �I� FLOW NETER AND NR VACUUAI RELEASE \ VAL�E VAULT �DANT CRANE ` CHECK 4ALYE VAULT � AIR YAC qSCHARGE 11NE PEOESTAL BnSE OVERALL LIFT STATION PLAN wtTvh_� r;� IaRANiY LIN� — —I OVERALL LIFT STATION OBLI�UE FLOW AIETER AN� AIR VACUUAI RELEFSE 4AlYE VAULT AIR VACUUM RELEASE VALVE hIR VAC DISCHARCE ur+E � WET WELL AND VAULTS OBLI�UE N0� TG SCxLE �ELL BOTTOM 4D H.s�9� I x� R yc��� �6� �'`��'�°�i �� �QlAL � I �`N �l' I �v0��'�,y 1' �^ /'� ���%�m �4UL �` � �' G �� �, � � ♦ � " 1� � O 2�OO � � o= �� V W m 3 , •�� � ���..-. � � HH] [NGIN! 1 iii1.�G �ih.. KL4N611AM ao�w.m� SOTl1l11 �ar. um EAff YYQ1AT07Q' w.ar aam 1ncH��vm .o......�.� �av�enue a�o.ss. a..o TACOMA a�ritaar `hE TNf LL — ACCESS -^ ����1 MEIER / jl'. \ wET ��vEc� c — 8' iaSC_ DiAME�ER CCNCRE� 1YEiWF�L 7'-4� I � 1 8" I � � 9. 3'-6' � B 8• �,. r�` --�,�.-_ �nNr c�nHE, sEE ovn, �TCH SCHEDULE 40UNTING GRpTING•• GASKET ODOR i1GFlT / STI�NDARD BOLTS 1ES ODOR TIGHT ANCHOR NO STANDARD ANCHOR NO STANDARD , ���D' H. � °� ��= °� � �a ` c�� � �,�.t � ,p1N FL4�/ ��4 ai �aH�`'� n � �� 38889 Q � ��hrsn � `��au� as' O �� � � � � = � Vw m 3 ��i� , H�Il t. NGIM1E3:HIMG. IHC SlELLlNOHAM adea� m� SOTH[LL mf� e�m EAtf WE)IATtlEE ervm ItlCHLAND �sar.���i w.vcrtnuF s.e�,..,..e TACOMA msnas LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL ELEVATION � - , _�. 3/8' SST CAST IN P�ACE J-BOLT$ FOR SECURING HATCH FRANE. LES Iry FRANE TO � T1P OF 8 CRANE STAL � b•_8• � 4'-10' — 1. 7. - -�1-. - L � - -� i�. � 4'-10' � � -�� �F r PROPOSED PRE-CAS1 CHECK VnLVE VAULt 6' 8' ACCESS LADDER, TYP PROPOSED PRE-CAST CONCRETE AIR RELEASE VAL�E AND FLOW NETER VAULT \ — AIR RELEaSE JAL�E pSCHARGE P;PE LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL PLAN � i k' _ �'-o' C 12" PV� �RANiY INf!JEN� LINE �� ti •M� aCCESS HAiCH OPENING rra oF � NE' V�E 6' D� ECCENiR�C vAL4E (FLd7), TrP. 0� 2 8' Di �CA, T'ra. OF 2 6" DI SPOOL (FLxPE) �PROX. I'1' LENGhi, T1P. OF 2 6' DI SNING CHECK _4E (FLxF�), TW OF 2. 1 L I �\ ; _ � 6' p SPOOL (FL.PE) APPROX. 6�-Y LENGTH 6' DI SPOOL (FLxPE) APPRO%. 4'-6� LENGTH � 6" VICLAWC CWPl1NG 6' F�OW METER (FL.fL) � — 2'-t� �i " �J � 8'.6' a REDUCER (IAJxYJ) � { I� PRESSURE GAl1GE, � � y `J TrP. SEE DEThiL 201 � 6" DI WYE � ON DNG N0. M02 (IIJx11JxA1J) W/ 5r THRUST BLOCK � � ' APPRO%. 3 LF I- � �r- OF J'-0' DI PIPE � � _ 7.. 6' DI SPOOL (FI�NE) �E J �� � 6" a�5' BEND (uJ,uJ) � �PROx. 3'-}• LENGTH 6' Z-�� � N1TH iHRl1ST BIOCK � 2� AIR RELEASE YALYE TH � 6' DI SPOOL (FLxPE) � � APPROX. 3'-5' LENGTM ��� ��� VAULT DRAINS TO �ISCHARGE \, � 10 WETNELL, TW. � f� . . . . - .. -- --.-- - �� '` 1-I/2' PVC AIR RELEASE � - - _ _ - � DISCHARGE LINE "_______L____________._____________________ PROPOSED LIFT STATION MECHANICAL PLAN ��, i x� _ ,'-o' � ACCESS HATCM, TYP I THERN DAVIT CRANE M�EL 5110 OR EWIVALENT W/ 4W M2-K HAND N1NCH, POYAER COATED- PRONDE PEDESTAL BASE AND 36-FEET OF ." STAINLESS S7EEL VAR= ROPE _r.+.- . }. , -'- - - _ . - ',� . . ._ti,:- h __ ' , , * �- - -- �- --__`: � ' .. - --- .. ... . �., _ ,, .. _t; c" Ji 90 BEN� ••�• (NCxNC), ' �}.. 'YP OF 2 � ��. �-.�I��. .,. � :t � :� � :.: xx��x �Xx� - �.,� ,�; , :. , _. VlET WfLL PASSIVE �fNT • �� , �: , �.; a . • ' Kx� � .`J CHECK VAL� ANUE WaTER . . PEC'CL= _ SiEN �� ;iwl .�� j, v��. .` . �t •, , � ..'� '`i• _ � . � _ .. �' � . . . _ . . . al '� A.� ��. �'� r. �. 'ti' � ' ' ` e" D' SPOOL (,FL*PEi �� 12' INELUENT �"'' �.- APPROx 6�-6� LENGTH � �'�, ,j . TrP OF 2 �.. �` .� • . • `i 4 Ciil��I� � � S� �pE � � .. 1 A� �JI�E E� � iH. '• �. � • �• EJ�I'EEF '' . � �J I � � ,r ) ` L . � _ ( • SiJBN:P'",.:_. F._M= — INSTALL 'LADDER UP" SYSTEII ON LADDERS, TW. �� _ ECCENiItIC YA14E MECHANICAL ELEVATION A ,'�' = 1'-0" M� �. ,�.�. - {�w. A n���. O �� � � � y � � V w 3 ��i� �. �� S. ' s RH] ENGINL! H NG. INC. BElLNGN/1U1 �r»ur WTHal a��.enoa W�QI TO� O.w noo RICFILJMIO W���i MLVENOALE wMa�w rwca�w .�.�s � �''.... — ri:.' .<��•. z< I DEB )QQ( E� David Christensen From: Brianne Gastfield [Brianne.Gastfield@esmcivil.com] Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 3:22 PM To: David Christensen Cc: Michael Gladstein Subject: Liberty Lift Station - Heritage Sewer Extension Attachments: Heritage - Sewer Extension Exhibit -2012-01-09.pdf Hello Dave, Per our meeting this morning, I have asked Universal, Heritage sewer extension contractor, to give us the material pricing for the upsizing of the Heritage sewer extension. I will pass this information along as soon as I receive it. Since we discussing ways to reduce cost of the sewer system, another potential future cost savings is to service the northeast portion of the current lift station area (noted by the solid green line between SSMH F-1 and SSMH F-10 in the attached) by a separate smaller lift station located near the intersection of 164`h Avenue and SE 128`h Street since the existing ground flows that direction anyway. If this occurs then the small number of lots (�12) along 166th Avenue SE and SE 135`h Street could be serviced by a low pressure sewer system routed to the Liberty Lift Station. These two changes would avoid deep sewer along 164th Avenue SE and within Liberty High School as well as reduce the overall demand on the Liberty Lift Station. Please let me know your thoughts on this potential option. Bt2IANPJE GASi�IELD, PE, L.IE�C?` AP ESI� CC3N5llL7itrIG IENGTiVEE125, LLC Asscrciate www.esmcivil.com brianne.qastfield@esmcivil.com Feci:�ral G"J��y ; E�v�rc�:t� ' �E;e.n�b�3rc� I8i S 333rd St, Q[.dc� C, Ste Z7.0 Federal ;^,ay, 'v'JA �`i3fi(13 T�(; 253.838.61.1? k ax; 25:�.�3i3.7.i.:�i.: �ivil Engi:�eer:r��' Si�rveyir�g I i._�yn�{ Piannin; i L.an�Scape �rc;�i:c�etu�2 ; G:CS J �� 4 = �� ' i ■ r� �.'1� ��n , R�� �= - � i, �ra l�' � 1 � ,� , ■ �� � -_ _ �r ,:� � � � �, � �� i� ' ��i ��� � . �� � r� , ��� � i--.r0�w�l� � = -'. ��11 irf;i�� � _ri�l�■� �\ M�� , _ � � rI� ' � ! .,.� �,lir:��. __ w�. . ,� � ��� f ��f���� ' r ,... . -� �� !-�- ...; � � _ � . �. a.: � `ii � �' � �', , �� � - � ���%� '� � _ - � �[��[!�� � r!� . ' t � � � \���C'_���i � �•. �� �w. � ���/: , r- .� 1��.��C � �:�. � �1 ��� ���i�� � �■ �.1�1�� - — ��� :. �1i1i1����� i� �i�/V�1; -- �i ► �� i " �■ � . . ... 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FLOW CONTAOL ACCESSORfES D- oz5 PN10 � COMBINATION AIR VALVE FOR SEWAGE "SAAR" SHORT VERSION Description Thc Cu�nl�inanun Air �'ahr cuml�inr, an ��ir �'i ��:icuuni I:irgc �m�icr �in�l an _�utomatic,mall �iriCicc in a,in�le h<xh�. 7'li�• �ahe is s��•ci:ill7 Jrsigned to ��prr.rtr �� ith liyuid., carn'ing �ulid p:trtirlcti suc'h :ts sr�� a};e anci rfftucn[. �I�h� comhin�tic�� afr c:ilcr dischar�,es air Igasesl durinK Ihr tilling or charginK c�f the ,�.titrm. aclnii[s air to the s stem c� hile it is heing rmptircl c�f liyuid .ind disrhargrs acrumulated air lg:i,rs ) frcnn tt�e s� titcm �� hilr it is undcr prrs.surc and o�r,uing. The � al� e',ti uniyur ele�ign �;uaranters complrtr ,rparation uf thr lie�ui�l frum the sealing mrrhanism ancl pn>cidrs optimum ��urk ��mcliiicmti. Operation l hc :iir �� aruun� cc�mpc>ncnt. cli.�churg�n air ai high ticnr ratrs �lunn}; thr filling uf the .ystem ancl admi[. uir int<� the tit�..tem �.0 hi};h tl��w rates durin� its draiinagr. High cel�x'it}� air cannu[ hle��� the tle>at shut. Vi�ater rntry to thr I���� rr portion <�f the ��:�l��e ���ill cau.,e thr s�aling oF the ��ake. �t am timr clurins; tit�titrm operation. should intemal pressure of thr .+�strm fall helo�� atmo.phrric prrs,ure. air �cill re-rntcr d�r s�stcm. The smoo�h release c�f air precents prrssure surgcs and olhcr drtiuzicti�e phcnumena. Admitting �ir in resp�>nse to ne�;ati��r pressum proterts thc ;}�stem fr<m� drstnicii� e cacuum eonditions ancl pre�•ent, ciaunige cauaed h}� �rater c�>lumn se�aration. Air re-rntn is essrntial tu efficientl}° elrain the �}.ytem. The autc�matir cemipe>nent. rrlea,es rntrapped .iir frcm� praks of pres.urized st�.trms uherr the ��al��c should hr installr�l. P��ckcts ��f accumulat�d air ma� c.iusr th� h�llti�n ing destructi��c phrnumrna: •[mpe�limet�t of effecrice fl<�ti� anel h��ilr.iulic ronclucti��ity of thr ,�titt'm alon}� ��iih a dirottling rffcct as ��ould :t partiall� cl��srd ralt-e. In esCreme c.�ses lhis c�'ill c�use cnmplrte flo��� �.t��ppa,�e. • Arcelrra[r c:nit:ttion dam:igcs. • High-pres,urr .ur};cn. • A�rrlerate r��rru.,iun <�I ni�t:il paiZs. • I)angrr ��t a hi};h-rncrg}� I�urst ��f comprr.srcl air. As the system starts to Fill, the valve functions according to the following stages: 1. Entra��E�ccl :iir i� rclr:isr�l h� thc �:il�c 2. Al'hrn [hr sr�tiage le��cl rrachea dte t'al�e's lemrr pr�rtion, the I�n�'er t]��at tises, and dr,nc, the "se:il ��lu};° t� � itti se:tlin�; p��siti<m. 3. The e•nRapprd air is icmYined in a pockrt hrtt�ren dtr sr�vagcand and the sealink mrchanitim. Thr air Pressure i. thc s�strm pressurr. i. Inrrra.�•� in .�strm Firr..ur�� c��n���rrss Ihe [rapFx•cl air in [he up�xr ,eriicm �>f dic ronr �hupcd rhxmlx r. Thr conic�l sha��r guarantr�s thr height c�f thi• air ;;:ip. This as.ures r<�mplctr separaticm of Ihe tiyuid fr�nn die sialing mechani.m. �. Entrapped air lgxs l ariumulatint; at pe�ks i ��here air �:ih�c� shoul�l be ins�allecl) al�mg [he �,�:s[em rises [<� the tup of thr �al�r. ��liich in turn di,rlares the liyui�l in th� �:il�r's h<�d}'- 6. VC'h�•n the Iiyuid le� el i, hnrered tu a point �vherr thr fl�>at is no lun�er huo�-ant. du float ���ill de.rencl. �rlin}; d�r r�>Iling seal. This artion o�x•n.c [hr cak�r's orifiie and all��c�s p�rt uf d�e �ir tha[ :tccumula[rd in the upper portion <�f the �ah�e [o he release�l to ihe atm��sphere. '. Liyuici rnters thr �ahr. Thr flc�at risrs. rc�lling [hc ruhhrr- +r:ilin�� hancl [�� its scalin�; p�>,iti�m. 'Ihe rrmaining :iir �;ap F�rr��ent.s [hr ,r�cagr from f��ulin� [he nuchani.m. When internal pmssure falLs below atmospheric pressure (oegative pressure): I_ Rcnh urificr, ��ill hr iinnirdi:it�•Ic un��lug�;c�1 _i, the Il��at� �Iru�� :i�c,n ? �ir i. ,ic(�l�inr�i t�, tlir ���•trin Main Features • uixkin� Firr„ur�� r:inkc� u_'-f�i har, •"Ilic ���.tl� e'.� uniyur de.,i�;n pre� cnt, ��n� runt:irt het�rrcn se�� agr and die tie:+ling mecl�anism by crr�ti��g an air };aP �t the tc��� of the � al�r. Thiti :iir �;ap is guorantecd e� en under extreme cemdilinn,. Those fe.rtures are achir� rJ h� : � The conical hoci�� shapr eJc+igned ta: ntaintain tl�e �naYimwn ilititance het�crrn the liquic3 anil the iealing �trrhani.m: ,i> a., lu c�htuin ininimum hod� Irngth. •���ring loaeled jc�int }xt��ren the stem anci the up��er ilc�at. V'ihraticros of [hr low�er floxt ���ill not unu•.tl thr autcm�:ttic cal��e. Rrleasc ��f air ���ill c�ccur �>nl}� aftrr en��ugh air accumulates. • The cah e design, R<�Iling Seal 11ech.mi.tim: is le�, srnsiti��e to prrssure elifferrntial, than a direc'[ floxt seaL R.irc�mi�li.�hes thi� h�� hx� in� a comparahl�� largr orifice for a w�iele pressure ranKe (up to lU harl. • Funnrl-shapecJ lu�rer Ixxi�� is clrsigned [o rn,urc [hat residue ,e�a aKr uiatter �+ ill .�ink tc� the systrm :ind }�e curried a«a� and �� ill ncx rrntain in thc �al�e. • All inner metal ��arts madr of stainles5 sterL Float madr of plastic m:iterial.e. • I 1�?" threaded drain�ge oudet enable� remo�al of excess tluid�. • Pre�'rnting �rem.iture clo,ing the ��al��r di.rhargrs xir at high � cic irit� . • u'orkir�g Temprraaue 60° C. \lasimum imcink�neous wurking tem�xrature 90" C. ►- � �� D-025 Valve Selection •�I'hrtic �:il�r. are a�.iil.ihlr �cilh 2". i" malr B�P <<mnrcti�m.. ur fl:in����l. :�\�I ti[andard. • fhese � al� e, :ir�• a� ailahle �� ith Ixxl�� made of rrinf� �rcrd m lcm ur ,[ainlrss steel SAE 316 or ductilr irc�� • AV"ith a ��acuum Gu:irding. (�ut-onl�� att�chment. ��hich o�l� alkm. air diticharge. not allonin� air intakr. � \�ith :i \'x�uum Brraking. In-onl� attachment. ��hich cmlc :illcro s.iir inC�kr. nc�[ allcn;ing air dischargr. • AV'ith a lcin-Sl:tm. dixhargr-tivottling att:tchinent. �cltich �Ilc>�i�ti in r:iir intakr, hut [hrcxdes air di.,ch.irgr. • I'��r he,i �uliusunent. it iti recumniencl�d t�� send thc fl��ui�l. , li� iui�'.il ��ru��erti�<t :ilcm}� �� i�li thc rryuinn� nt DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS Nominal Dim. mm Si2e A B C r�;ummi i�, �,:.,. ��ti ��i 1.� �'� 1 SUn�m 1 ri ��,,;�,i �?0 ��t(� l.i i" (8(Imml T.�:�d��i 370 �5i 1.5 3" (SOmm) fl.���.�,i 3?0 460 l.5 +" I liHlmml r«-.����.i 3?0 45� 1.5 i' c l OpmnU ri.��,,:�,i 3?0 460 1.> •� A�R•I. FLOWCONTROI.ACCESS�RIES � � 1 AIR AND VACUUM FLOW RATE o e . _ ,__ _ _ � ---- , � °o o-s t m - . N OA . y d — � -- a o2 -_ _ m — , . c o � d � 02 i r o } � : _ oa — : ; _ — �_ J zoo -�oo o ,00 Flow Rate [m3/h] Weight Kg. Orifice Area mmz Nylon , St.St. Auto. � Kin. i)i �-1. f �� iil)i i.? 1(i.? lZ t�-t �.�+ - 12 F30� 5.-� I�i.S 1Z 80-i 3.9 - 11 80-i 6.0 18. � 12 f30� � r 20o soo AUTOMATIC AIR DISCHARGE @ zo � — � , m I — — - � � v�i 10 � I a` " i _ __ � . C 50 100 150 2p0 d a� o Flow Rate [m'/h) A PARTS LIST AND SPECIFICATION No. Part 1. I)r:tina��� �)utlet l Seal Ylug AS>cmhl� 3. Float +. Clam��ing Stem �. B<xi� 6. Cro�a�n \ut C)-Kink t;. Stcip��rr 9. tiPring 10. l�'a�her 1 L Strm I?. B<xi�� 1 i. Clamp 1-i. O-Ring 15. Fk�at 1G. Tap 1'. �'a,her lti. Ba..e Material I'� �h ��rc ���cicne R \. + E.P.I).'�9. + S�. S[. f oainr�l Pc�lypr<�pt�lrnr RrinForced 'Vtiun Reinforccd �i�'I�m .' St. St. stain�r„ sterl snr 316 �'iton 13L'\A-�; A�'rt31 Stainles. itrrl ti.qE 316 Stainlesti Strrl tiAE 316 titainle�ti ttrcl SAE 316 R.A. � tiLtit.� [)uctile Iron Stainics Strrl SAE i16 [3L'\A-\ Fo:�mec1 Pol}pr��p}•lenr liratiti AtiT\ :� 1 �i ti[ainless Strel tiAE 31(� R.A. � .ti[.tit. I)uctile Iron B 1� �. 't� i3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16' 17' 18. l'lril 3 �r �' � :� A.R.I. I�L� )V�(' (:Oti"I�ROL ACCh:tiSORIF.ti Kfar-Chann 12932Isra�l TeL 9'2--�-6�619Rti Fas. 9'Z--�-h=(�i�+U2 ��������.�ri���hes.cc�m r�T �u P�sg�c �Nr - 91�ERSIBIf R11P 48� P1iC (yiANTY I � �ilUElll PPE c � t �8' o I77 + \, I 1- � �, C� _ � _ �ss �ura O�E�G �. _Q �` /o ��,�,� V �� / r" YM1lT ptAN OIS�UIIARff - 0 ET�LL 6' p CCfFM1RIC VAL4F (FLflj, IW. OF 2 6• q���) �ratox t'-T �Ncn� 6' p FCI� 6� 01 IS' 7-3� TYP. UF 3 � (�) . � 6� q �OOL (flfl) I ,y4 i� l APPNO7� 3'-{' IFNCiH p � � 1 f�, '� ��ty'+" i f ��i 1:..�.-: 6' Q�1F I(FL6Ldl) � 3�'� I 191ACMf ROU. 1YP. I 6• q�OOL (FLBC) ' � I — — — — L — — — — M OF 3 LOGIK�IS � 1' 3. ,p���� APPROIC 6'-6' �cn�, rw. a z I -- MaRo7LY-o'lENc1F1 � , y ' PfESAlftf Cu1CF. � IIP. Yl O[ IAIL 201 � 6' ROW YE7ER (fLdl) . C ON DNC N0. ip2 ,.. I �� �� �-�� �. `' � �I� ��II 'il � � 6� p SPO0. (R�FF) ` 6' q �O0. (FLd'I. ) � �w�++ox ,•-r �tncn+. rw. a z "�0K s-s- �Ncn+ 2 AR fif1EAY YN14 I 6' p S�IG OfIX Ui PYC AR REIfASE 6• p gpq ��) vux (Ft,�t� nr. ar z. �� �rsRoz. Y-s' �cTM ,�� � CRAlE YOOEL �NENI t/ IM ■IQ1, PO�ER � �s,K �,�n• ��� PROPOSED LIFT STATION MECHANICAL PLAN _ �._ro, —_ �casz H�ra, rw. NSTML iA�OER UP� STSIEY pl LADUERS, IYP. . • �. • . • •, , z ' aN cx vu rt � � LCCLNiRN; YAL�k � JI � � � 1 � 8' q �OOL (Rfl). 11NGIH AS flQS5Nt7 f4R POLYPIG IAINOMG 8.-0. A 0 s'ac�rt VALYE (FLdl) �-.�• a D�� a�.�ll� lEE (FWL 8' p �oot (FL�FL). tfIIGIH A$ IECf$$ARY ����� a' a sPoa p,�c). inicm �s r�wr�o TO YAIQ C011[C110M TO PRQP04D 8' PYC faiCiYAN (CpISIRUCIED BY OIFlRS) � • � • . , 1JR kfLfASL VAt N . V,:, �'___ 5+� �F•1 ',� 'SllI i❑ i . �� � �� �. �� • 4.__-26.8% i��! \ � ,F` �_ , � +�• � RO�N YEIER I r. r _.•. Y•�,'r •..+ .. .�y•�•�.,w.i.'�;•�- ..� ,.+ ...'.'�ti•�" .•f . . ' q �OOI (F l iNF ) �aRox s'-z' �Ncm fP. 6 2 �, ai. sarE �s or�chn er n[ [uoFEx �� ✓,�'-%�; l ����'.�i�l���`i ����� f r�� w `�>�YS �� .� ���.�-�. - ���l�u; y, �- /`/�- f'� /v �% G�i ��-�'����� �y'�-��F C�,F; C����� MECHANICAL ELEVATION � �,��,� �. _ ,•_o. e �- � i�F �; y �� L��f� ��-�r�;s'.. H. e ��w�., ` 16 ���� �� ��N N.�� � r` ••� �� � C,�� Y � ♦ � � ��NTO� g � a � J Z a OO �_ U 2 Z � � � i U � ty � W � _ -� V � �� m � � � 1.� a •� � . ! f h(.ihl � ti ... .n( INGHAM w�-. . - .� «�� Hu�m xoaa n.�rH"� ue� Pi.e 4. S�n, . e i .�.'t NATCMEE . � .. ,.,.� •:n�. tiw. s,.. � 11AN0 pa ».. � •. ��n�b0 Vonl UR. . . � r,. DALE �� r •. v..i .. �. ,cornr,.,. ,. _. , . � SFqrl 0 I' 2' �.l.e1MS .. M1�.� � . .. , �.A_, � � . 1. ., z� -• .i � �� v at os. zoii � �, f�M .,, iii-oos rr ��� IIBHS-D-1q1.D11G \ lY�' � l�- � � � — —�—_—.— , / I � � a I � ,,�, � `� .. ��- -�------�-----� i � _ —� a �� , �� � —__ �^' _ ---n--_---- ----- � l i IE IN = -. ' 'E QUT = s2 � �� --ROX1=2126 `_.,�. �zt i" e / 1 � � w ,� c �.� _ ��,- ;: � � ,: 1 I ' � i� � � � T _..----- - - d----- � -d-- --4--- � d— a — — .- . � \ A�PROPOSED SS MH #1 48'0 � �� ° �- -------- ' ----'- - ' -- . _... - ----- _— --- -. . _- ------ - PROPOSED 26' PiPE � �\ RIM=43196' - qavRpx •�.`? c aR0��5ED 2d' PIPE.' °�- IE IN =<22 78' .� / •.\ APPROX N 1 lF IE IN =122 76' �.� -.. -- _ - _ . � •' « IEWT=17168' ,___----`-_ s �/ = - _ d /---- a—�c- " j . _ �EPTH (APPRO)( � - 9 53' _ -- -- - - ---- I � �: �. 0 R' � �� � I 1 H. . r �'6 , � � �+au fP ♦��=�` • S� �a�� � G�� Y � � � � � 1 % aRoaosED : �=_ APPROX '.E�F 0 I � I // ` a , c-aoaosE� �e =�r �:,���, .,, _. 'i \ /I ` ' , �� � � - (1 , - -� � MA%IAIUM i �VI1LL � �-� : � ♦ �> � � ' / � / _ r_--- . " t j}' I _— _ _ _ � '` ,_-o � .._ - - � � % . . . _ _ nFR^vOSED SS Mr :" -- . PROPOSED LIFT STATION SITE PLAN 1� - S� N�O7E -- PIPES. MANMOLES AND TEXT IDENTIFIED IN GREEN REPRESENT NEWIREVISED LOCATIONS. ALIGNMENTS OR INVERTS ALL OTNER PIPES AND MANHOLES HAVE wuNrar,�o �at¢oritu nr�o veancu oes�crrs /LLL PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER PiPE, AS IDENTIFIED ON OWG NO CAt. FWS BEEN UPSIZED AS INDICATED_ � / - ' �w � � \ Q � e� / j ,.� �c-' / a' / o ... ' ' i �"_. RIM = :':: : IEIN-=�- �� IE OUT = :. - � • APPRlIs � � PROPOSEDFORCE MAIN. CONSTRUCTED BV OTHERS 0 � ye O 1 \ �� � Z� g O �_ W � � N � � y � � � U� � oWD �C � � i � �.,.+r,...0 ,. .., trx�, �:��� wr,. BEL�INGNAM a�ex�e ^ �� �� �blm MwE eo*Nqu �.s . . . .. tn Dwe Y. Su:t. � � lw�sr ENwTCMEE soa�en+ ��� �..��n v.ee�. SMr s R�cNu�o m. . � � , � 1'ml Awe.9•v� , SIIV �RMi� . .. . .�.. i�COMA �.; 4. i gq�l 0 1� 2" ��.�ikA1M4i. i�. h:�. . .: ,, . I� 11h4 :', Nf.l ,�' . �:'Nf � � ra rr. �P � � •c Q� .. «, ,�. �„ •�4 ., �, �ii-oo3 rr ,�,•• lBS-D-W2.O�C C�I�� ��- �r 0 - �� - � 1- ��- , � � ��� - , � �� � � J� ���� � �J � -���� � { }�., ♦ :� � . .Jl , �`, , f' �.� � `� LIr� =�������'Y'��' �; r�S�� LIr�;� � Sj-���A-� ;�I��� ����� r�1 ���� � �� 12� � �V O L �U �� ��� ?..-� � �-' � PROJECT LOCATION MAP ���.....:.. � �:,: Ji ` - � , �� � , SHEET INDEX I SMT NO �ESCRIPT�O�: 1 CD�ER 'i 2 GE.1"ERAL .YOTES 3 EXISTl.1'G S1TE.�.�'D TESC PL�.�' 4 PROPOSED SITE PL�.1 S LI£TST.�T10.�'STRCCTCR�ILPL4.� 6 PROPOSED 1fECH.�S7f.aL PL.4.Y 7 11ECHA\7C.aL DET.�ILS � .� :,`� �, � ; :1:�. , � _ X;..,. , �: �������:� . � :...,.... � � ��j) 1 �� � '� ,� �� ' � ,. �;' ��- ; � ! �y � � 1 � `�1 ��. 1 l 1 � +� `� ��'b� i LIFT STATION OBLI�UE CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG ONE CALL 1-800-424-5555 REPORT ALL SPILLS DEPT. OF ECOLOGY 1-800-25&5990 CONTACT INFORMATI�N �, DN'G NO C01' GBl C01 C01 � S01 .NO1 NO2 � +�v �� ��ii r, ��� � . �� �o.�. ���,_ ,�� ,,��.�.,,. ,, : ���. �'`�`«;; �:�'`3 �� �� a= �¢ U ,a, 3 � =o � � � r '� � � e �.._ .. � r„ �. ... � ,...s...:o�, . .. ., � �w.�� ,�. E�.,. 1'A Rs1 Iblm NopE wTM�u ' �79 79M P.e 4. S+p "�� EAST ,�,��rc� �.__� . tl,eei. Srle '� R�CMLANp . .•.� cabriDio P�i P�c-.. SIIVERDALE �- '•)T. H� Mre R6 S�Ir � a TACOMA r..l I�a�r� �wnr SMe? �a '. ',:.All: i710'M� l�;'. . �; `." �- �.)NAYING IS 1:�'I .. �� Ih BAR IS NC' . 1p • . ,��•�A COV .o��� . {x � ���. : ,.1. �+ f+(N . �i �,x;� i?��i. _�vl�Vn ' , j �-� � ( � �f� f��� . j�( I � � REVISE T0 24' PiPE +' I -- --- � � � � i ��� Y� / �� �� � c • � � .i.�' � ,_ %" / I � , I � ,', , �._•�' . • • �� 1 � i ��� / � ��� ' � � .., � - --� �' . �'� j � _� , , _ __ " 1 � t � i �^.... �) REVISET024'PIPE i � . .. � . � � 1. � � . � ; KF. � I I ��: - q ' A / . � I ��. `,� �� I i I SEE DWG N0 CO2 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS `� , 1 � � � . REGARDING PROPOSED AND REVISED MANHOIE h �/ � _ '�- ��A LOCATIONS AND INVERT EIEVATION CHANGES. � APPROX. 62 LF OF t . �� t 1+ r� .„j e � � � ,f PROPOSEDaB' �' .:=��_ � �\;�1 ' � ! I I C905 PVC PIPE � � t' � Y P � � , � � _ 1 � � , PR0.IECT IOCATION t (�� �� e � ,� � REVISE TO 18' PIPE ' � 6� e.aa�ox iso�FOF ' ��,+ M�c + �` . . * — I ,� � ' � ��. . � J � PROPOSED a8' C9L5 PROPOSED � � � �� � �' �� � ' � PVC PIPE FOR FUTURE r" � � .-`.` �`� � I /� EMERGENCY STORAGE ��E � �- �e � ' � k ? ' �! ' �, „ � ` � � � REVISE TO 18' PIPE r -- � � � \. 1 �� ".l , i , -„ _- �j--_`_,,�___.-,,.,�--_. ,, —^— \•� ; - — � - � �� , ' � , � . ; j'� � ,,r" � � REviseroza•a�ae , .�. — ._..s. . v <'� �� REWSED c` -� i �� � REVISE TO 711 LF " MANNOLE ,i , r ; � �� ` EXISTING OVERALL SITE AND TESC SITE PLAN �� ,. - .�. H. . �� 6 L �� �� �,\N N.�� M •��� •• � ���� o�u. p �Y � • � � � ♦ ��NTO� g �t a /� � Z W � �� � � �� Z Q � h W � � H_ U W '� m � 3 � X W � . . �E<<. .. . ,�',� �.. ;. �, �,�. , , BE��iNGHAM +�� - �� a ,1 �.-..i �blm PuoO BOiHELL ....: �.'91� Orwe 7. Su��le .� E�Si WEN�TCHEE . -� ur. .mn Sryeel. S1ile � RICMLANp . � : �I�n�tio Ponl Gwe.��i Sil4ERDALE -�-. Jl�ll M9 IP�- 4-. �.�. TACOM� h l j�p� � � 0 1' �„�.M.��. I . h�.' , .,. ', . . . . 1�' I . � , vy . a � � � � "ptg C.�1 .� � �• OCI 19. 2011 _ •� pp� - � �. 111-DQi � 11BH5-D-COi.MG �' I� REVISE TO 24' PIPE _ � '.,'.�. � .�h{ �,� � OF 24'%PE LOCATION � _-_-�r�--"..` _'_ - - --.f.N� .> � �- ` REVISE TO t06 LF ���, � .�, , , , � ` OF 24' PIPE � Y y �`C'� �" Y �� . _ ..- � '+�� ` � ' , ' \ - ' �\ � �'. � -� _ .. _ � ,� . , _ � ,y , . / � J� v / a' . � -✓ � � � . �- ' _ - - - � _ . � ,, 1; / l � � � � ;� � _ _- Y .z! � ,_ . ./� ���,. � Y' �.. . {�. /, 1� � , 1 \`� � F' •.+� , . . �. � _, " � . �/ 4 f' . , a/e' ssr c�si N rua a-Bars ra+ s[a�c ruta rna[. oRu �/z' �s N rxaE ro I�fF1YF BOLTS TYP 6 fl 17� r-�' �i � / � -- � �-r (� \ / � _ -- Y1ET MEIL c — — I — — — � �r�• I ! � 1 / \\ �� - �-- /� , KlllElli PPF -/ � (R � � g.� DIAIEIER CONfliE lE .�,�LL �� . , , , ,- � �.Ir- ,.-,_ � � i � o�wT crur� �rttsru � 1 5-11' � �s �-- II�II II II � ;��r � _�•=�[I � r.,� � o�Wr cx�, � orc t9'•17' � r_r � r-io� r---- ��� I � — - - � �� � FROPOSED PRE-CA51 QEIX VAL�E Aln IEIEWIG V1141T 6fllIDIT Pi'E LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL PLAN - -- - _ x- - �. o. --- — __ LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL ELEVATION x = ,�_� N19iD QiAOE �c..s, cowasrz f VAUL( 818-B-U IT. ACCESS HATCH SCHEDULE MD. QfM OPEIIIC � 1ifS RA1NC YOIMiNC• QtA1NC" ODpt 11(fl�l�/ SiMDARD O �8'.7Y 1 N-20 BOLIS YES �Qt IIQIT -- � �8'�60' i 14-10 MIOIOR NO STNOAI� � �� P H-4(1 NIC}ipt Ip STMOARD �ss n�ra rarts • AOCESS HATOi 01[R �1 �LL 41ALL BE YOlM1LD U571C STAKE$$ S7EEl BOLiS AS 410w1 pl 1H5 PlAll OMR ACQ55 HATOI 41N1 BE YpM1ED U91G 11E siwo� rx�uc Na�aRs nur caE rn� n[ �uia •• ACCtSS HATG1 O�4R Ei (LL 41N1 HAVE f�YOVAHE fRA7NG C01[R ffLOr ACQSS HATCH lUS H. 4 .� 'r,� �,.,� s � u � �� ��N Ii�� . � �''� ' � � ��a � `� Y C�• � ♦ � ♦ ��NTO� Z g J Z� � � �_ � � 3/ � � � � � � ;Z .� �w � � � � J � .. � .E ER���. ��, HE���NGNAM . � � - i a hr �blon ItooJ BOTHELL .. ":' ;VI� bAe 4. Sui�� . ��ST EN�TCHEE �. .� w.a. sa� � w�cHuao s. .. � ��ur.aio Yml 6i�e.m � S�LVEROALE — .. r.Wwr.v. .,.. - .caM. . . ... , !. i 4q�1 o �' ;rhAN1N'� I'� N(il ' ,�. n; � � i� �,n.� r. :�:I .' �xu , z� . . � oEe )00( �' Ell + OCi 05, 2011 � .� �„ . ,,,-� .. �-o-� � A I � 1�T IELL PAS9YE YENT Sl19ER9�f R11P 48' PVC QtANTY MLUENi PIPE ,L�� � ��'t� 1 ��-_ ��" �'L: ACCEA HATCH OPElMIG, T1P. / �'� \O V� V��� VM1LT DRNH pSCHAR(,'E 0 E71[11 r r-3• I- -- 3�&' 1'-3' MI� a �oa (�nc�at) APPROX 6'-6� LENGTH. T1P. OF 2 p EC(.ENTRIC VALVE 6• q�pp� ��) (Fldt). TYP. OF 1 MPROX 1'-3� IENChI 6�pFCA 6'p15' rw. aF 3 1 � eE'° (�) I 6� q�0� (Fl�6L) r ��, I i�aoz Y-4' �NctH 6' p MYE I(FLdLfL) I � (_ 91AC7QE ROD. IYP. � 6' d�OQ (fl�BE) OF 3 LOCATK7H5 - - - - + �arsox z'-o' �� _� - -- � �� � � 6' ROM 11ElER (fl�l) T1P. 4E OETAIL 20 e�_ pl DNC NO_ 1102 � — -- J — � . � 6� p SPOOL (R�E) 6' q SPOOI (FLBE) ,wv�cox 3'-s' �cm �rsox r-i' �o�cn�. rn. ar z - - - - - -- —_ - - — - - - z' u�t rmF� vu� I 6' p SqNG piEp( I)j' PVC AR RFifASE 5• p�pp� (�) vu� (r�t). rtv. or z. o�saiu� u� ,w�ax x'-9' i�cn� 1 B'-0' &' 5� �� �� �� �� �� �� � � ,,, � • 6' q 90 BDD �.Y (MCiNC� � TYP. OF 2 � :•� 91F31ER�� . �� 1 18� MIFIUDIT. ' ROTAa�FOR � �.t. I IIEIM DANT CRAIE YOOEL sno at couvu�r w/ �r Y2-K HMI� Nlllpi. PO�ER COATED. PROVI�E PEDESTK BAY urD .w-iEET oF Y, STANfSS SIFFL IINE ROPE. ACCE55 HATpi, 1'R. �.ti ..� � / , 'f 1_l` '� . . . r _ . . � . . . . _ . . . } - - . . PROPOSED LIFT STATION MECHANICAL PLAN x• _ ,'-o• NSTALL i.ADDQ{ UP' SYSIEY ON U�OERS, T1P. 8' q �OOL (FL�ffL). �cn� tis rc�s�r FOR POLYPIG tAUNCFMNC � 8�-0. � 0 8' q GATE ��� c�� �/ e's6' p Di ✓"" �A�� � �� -�N R�k Y�-� e' a �oa (n,�). lB+cn� u rfcissMr FOR P0.TPIC W1NOING e' a �oa (rt�). �wcm �s r�wrffn TO YAKE CONNECTN111 TO PROPOSED 8' PVC FORCEYAN (CONS7RUCTED BT OIFERS) H. Ga �•w•� 16� �� C /pyL PF ttN ll.�� fi~ V��� :� ����art � �C Y G` � fn♦ F,� '-� \'`'i �-� `�-- �- A � � `'� f ;: 2 rifi . � ,� �_'4���_ �r��a� (`c I'�j � f'� --,2� c]` � �_ ,-y •� � �'�'- �' _ _ . . _. _ ___._ _... � �•�-�Lr.�T� l ti V �l � V� � --- - -- - - J_:tii'J � j'�.t'.�-c ti �/ �� c_ 4� �. . .1 � ��y �i� � l �-�l. �� 1 ti� .1 ` � �... �S� L/�� �( ` ! /� � r� V� , J� V��..�t� ��t 1' � "_. ' . _' ' � �� � �l �' -!>�.L�n_ '. v� � i . �.a f. 1 . �� ` J. 4 `� G C�� ..�� /� _ �., +..�� _ _ _ ' � ,--/ -/ . __ .� , � _ .� ��fi n� � ��,c;�� \ . _.c�e � .z .- S - -. a�a vu� .-. WR REI.E/1g � �'�. �L 1 . 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(POY,iR) (753) 606-I406 1'T���"'��' ..t.�'Y� . .Us^i�-��..��'� !�Ro�f:��S §�y'i �_C� ��rnr y� ,yY: �- - DET.fILS I hf01 c�yp H. �iq2 ���•-,;`,*��F � �,. � �16�7/ � OA'.1L �tSx'� � ,P�� NAG �_ ' "%,�ai �c ���; �: � .�` � pi�L Ef� � 1' � ti ♦ � '� ♦ � � r-� . �.1V `�' ��. o �� � W �' �y 0 � � U� W m J � =o U �' ��� `'�1 „� �, ,,,� �, �� E�NGINEERS P L A 1 N E R 5 SCI-nTISTS RH2 ENGINEERING.INC. r!,% <.- r.�.r.c�D�i.-c�.-. ...�i �J�.�... BEWNGHAM M ncoe3e eor`+e�� ..,.? )�i� li,�. .. ...,.. ..,. EAST WENATCHEE zsoo .4I "nr�n . �-.. .��,. _ aictiur+o n� ca,M�:,:; r�.�i u�.9•..i$1c SILVERDALE i0�: M1Y ♦e� I:e. '.��.,_e1V ]96a TACOMA 5s c:l f�o[�I: a.-Wr ..�ssr If�� ORAHIYG IS �01 10 SC.ALt If dAR IS NCI Z IONG � 20 _- —__�_a.c m rn pC8 C�V rcu.01 __-.____ - oci os, zon "' n. REN �,�.� _a- ��i-0�3 —� iu.� LIBHS-D-COV.DN'G PROJECT LOCATION MAP IJ01 10 $CAl( � � � �/ (JV . .. � I . � I 1 ` ` �� /� . . . `/ . . � � �; �� . . C v ; � —�--� `-'� — ;��. � (; � �. � . p —1—L _� , � � I - n �. . 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I � Ir , , PROPOSED 48 �31 < , ;, I �' ' `- ` , { , � I• �- y,`�,.� � i : i C905 PVC PIPE ;�' ,, �- a � � I F', , � - � / ` \ T � `, � � � � I. . . �l � .. �r :_ ,.._.�., � �- PROJECT LOCATION i �3 . .� , ' r � � - ' � I� - j.�. ,� .,.�•\ � , . i '.0 . .; { � � . . �! ' "� � � - � . R� REVISE T018' PIPE ' i /� �,.. - : ' / ,� 1 t'_� i APPRO7(.1 W LF OF _. I� , �� � � �' � : . . v �, ' � � � i �- � PROPOSED 48' C905 . � � � �' ` �j � J � � '- ,,, -^�, --Y I � PROPOSED � � - �� � i` , J r .\. � _ --- _ - �: � PVC PIPE FOR FUTURE - MANHOLE � �F � ' � 1 /�' . � �,�� .��`• � � �`. . �j� ':,.;,,., ` �..�� n � ( , .-- �� I . ?, ////�''' EMERGENCYSTORAGE - \�� ��� ;.% � �j �', ` \ . � � :�i i �'1 � i . - � ,�° — �—Q � /l / .� / : \ � ��. . ; \ -\ REVISE TO 78' PIPE •'' ' .� y__J- �//� .. �'\;" n -^ . r ��- � _^y}7 ��i- ��-`�, n. � � �\ � � \ \ - :!_ /� ' . .. � ' - / �1 � � . 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ACCESS HATCH SCHEDULE No. a� ar�omic �� rUm�c uwNiwc• auiwc� ooat nai�srumum O 48'i72' 1 H-20 BOLiS YES ODOR 11CHT � ��� 2 H-ZO ANU10R NO STANDARD � �'�' 2 H-20 ANpiOR NO STANDARD AC�4 HATOi NOIE4 • ACCESS HATCH OYER rEf rELL 41N1 BE YOIAl7FD U9NG STNIlESS STEf1 BOL15 AS 910�M! ON hOS PI.AII. OhQ2 ACCESS HATCH 41AL1 ff YOUN7FD U�IG 1FE STANDARD FRAIE ANCFIORS 7HAT COYE M1H hE HA7CFL " ACCESS NATCH OVER NET Ell SHALL HAVE REYOVABLE GRAIWG COYFR BElOM' ACCESS HATCH 11DS ,�QJ—o x. 4`C`N �w�� � � 16J27 � � �� . `a��''�N � 64 C � � ��� `S Y VA � ♦ � ♦ ��NTO� z g. � J Z �; �^ O ��� r W �� � � J, � ,H^ � V/ O = �Z V � 1�� m �-� J !� � J � ENGINE�RS P L A N N E R S SC�Ef�'—:ST� RM2 ENGINEEFING.INC. �'. /1..� rr.; c:r. etvilrnn�..� [m. , rtn�..^:..�f:�:.i' BEWNG�iAm ms.oe.3a �S� res: �k.lin F�.c�. BOTHELL 2:]?1 ?9tr. [n�.: �. ��ie ?�0 EAST WENATCMEE .zsoo W i�m il,�-.�I. :u�l� � aicr+ur+o � .s ��1 CNun�tia �'o.it L�i...9:�it�1e SILVERDALE 707� nM wN. Rti `�:Ic ��J�� TACOMA ss 6?I f'o.�! �..�u� .,vue Il1� 0 1' DRANING IS NOI i0 SCALE � IF BAR IS N01 2' LONG Y4 wc .o ��R OEB �(j( sKm pl OCT 05. 2911 ;^, � �� a- 111-003 Y r.c..,.: LI8lIS-D-501DMC LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL ELEVATION �' = 1'-0' Specifications Minimum Design Criteria: • Wind Load: 90 mph class C • Snow Load: 30 psf • Seismic Load: Varies, meets local code requirements • Basic Soil Bearing: 1500 psf • Concrete Bearing: 2500 psi Maximum Design Parameters: • Wind Load: up to 175 mph • Snow Load: up to 300 psf -�- �. :� - —... --- .,�,, .� �.;� -�:_ ; _ ��i� �-�; . � -.• �. _, �... , � ' �, , h R , `��a... �, i ♦ �j � .. - .� � f % �� J p� .�., 'f.,� "" . ` � - � ..-= .�: < � _�,� : �� Specifications: • Roof Style: Gable or Hip • Roof Pitth: 3/12, 4/12 or 6/12* * Roof pitch varies by model. Please see individual specifications for each model. • Wood Posts: 6x6 or larger # 1 Douglas Fir free of heart center, free of wane; sanded & surfaced all 4 sides(54S); CBA pressured treated. • Steel Posts: Minimum 4x6 by 3/16 square tube (A 500 Grade A). • Wood Beam: 6x4 or larger # 1 Douglas Fir free of heart center, free of wane; sanded & surfaced all 4 sides(S4S); CBA pressured treated. • Roof Decking: 2x6 Fir select deck tongue and groove. Decking shall be kiln dried to a moisture content of 19% or less and vee grooved on the finished face. Decking is unfinished and requires on site cutting. Pressure treating or staining is available. • Fascia: 2x6 or 2x10 Fir #1 or better; surfaced all four sides. • Finish: Steel connections are sand blasted to SP 10 near white and electro statically polyester powder coated after fabrication 4-6 mils. Hardware is zinc coated or hot galvanized. • Optlons Availabk: o Tables; Benches; Reader Boards; Bike Racks; State Engineers Stamp; Hot Dip Galvanizing; Asphalt shingles; Cedar shingles or shake; Hi Rib, Standing Seam or Tile Roof. Sentinel Sizes Steel Post 8� Beam Only Model Description Size 98-82 Bench Shelter 6'3" x 9'4" 98-90 Bike Rack 10' x 12' 98-92 Kiosk Shelter 12' x 24' 98-100 Shelter Only 10' x 10' 98-102 Shelter Only 12' x 12' �� 5@11t111e� SIZeS Available in Wood or Steel Model Description Size 98-70 5helter Only 8' x 8' 98-73 3 Sided Kiosk 8' x 8' 98-74 Kiosk 8' x 8' 98-75 Table Shelter 8' x 8' � PO Box 270, Baker Cit��, OR 97814 (541)523-0224 (800)252-8475 Fax(541)523-0231 w�����.naturalstructures.com - infoCnaturalstructures.com City of Renton Liberty High School Lift Station - Engineer's Estimate Preliminary Design Cost Estimate 7/29/2011 M2npowercost perday $400 Material or Installed Cost Labor Subtotal Percent Item Total Description Units Unit Price Quantit Cost Crew Da s Cost Cost OH&P OH&P Total Cost .a>�1::Mobilization,:Demo;=Site�Pre �"anii Cleanu "5./,;of:Gonstruction Cost ",=;-. .E,�_;;:r, �'=�,� � ' ;" ' .: s'�.��.� r. ..;.,,s � .:, ,' . �-, :: .k .��,;, ,_ .�.<'". r.. '. . �`� '�", •,. � ..�<;,.�,�.�._� s.����k� _z�$.78'OQO� Mobilization, Demo, Site Pre , and Cleanu ,. ,. _ e......._ .. ............ . . ... ... m..,.... 9e{,.. � :._,. � ._ ..: T ._��� e��:�'�i._4 ;:.� .r�` �.:: " �' ,, k, �'"�:+���.s'a� :�' �t�, .��„ .=x2,��Tem orar Erosion�and:Sedimentauon Control, . �'�,, x��-�,,<Q � �. �. ��. , ,r,, >� r� ,�.e�,�.� ,. ��� ` s �,e,,�.� ���;�$B;OOOo .,. ��. ».ar v.,�. ,..,..*.._. ., ,.,,, , .�.. <... , < �, ,, ..� r.. ,.......;d... ,�..< . .. . ... SiltFence LF $7 100 $700 1 1.0 $400 $1100 20% $220 $1,320 StrawMulch ACRE $3,000 0.25 $750 1 0.5 $200 $950 20% $190 $1,140 TemporaryFence LF $10 200 $2,000 1 1.0 $400 $2,400 20% $480 $2,880 Miscellaneous TESC LS $2,500 1 $2,500 0 0.5 $0 $2,500 20 % $500 $3,000 '%3`';Slte'Wo�k � � .�. � .r,: i�x�s__' '� ���� �;,,, .��s�e�z �k°�� =r� �;'.�.,.� ` ,c.s. �..y. ;' �:�.�����,�. � `�,.���$50;000'< �.> 4. .0 a°��, F �`B Y�...�. R,.me �€ k: s n�` ': t u,. _.. .: �.s X � . : ..ti. . •, a . . .,, � _ . . .. .. , . . .- • _ �- .�.. , ., .� ., . ,«� �.. .«.� ,.�«s ;, , .._, Excavation CY $25 100 $2,500 3 1.0 $1,200 $3,700 20% $740 $4,440 Final Site Grading LS $2,500 1 $2,500 3 1.0 $1,200 $3,700 20% $740 $4,440 Parking CSTC TON $30 100 $3,000 0 0.0 $0 $3,000 20% $600 $3,600 Parking HMA TON $100 20 $2,000 0 0.0 $0 $2,000 20% $400 $2,400 Hydroseeding ACRE $3,000 025 $750 1 0.5 $200 $950 20% $190 $1,140 Misc. Site Work LS $5,000 1 $5,000 0 0.0 $0 $5,000 20% $1,000 $6,000 Imported Select Backfill TONS $20 100 $2,000 0 0.0 $0 $2,000 20 % $400 $2,400 Tench Safety and Shoring LS $2,500 1 $2,500 0 0.0 $0 $2,500 20 % $500 $3,000 Chainlink Fence LF $40 200 $8,000 0 0.0 $0 $8,000 20% $1,600 $9,600 Manual Gate LS $5,000 1 $5,000 0 0.0 $0 $5,000 20% $1,000 $6,000 Landsca in LS $5,000 1 $5,000 0 0.0 $0 $5,000 20% $1,000 $6,000 vi. ' .�`�§:> ,.r. ,�i*.. ,� :��'S� x �..m: .sbw ��,,.� ?- k� TM� xt�5t :��s F? hrz�a. 5 '���.Yt ��.%�' a �.x .i£.,� , �� a°a. �*i: � 0 5 E � � S £"�4, +. �., -, +s:�" �. ., w �, � q �. � ��. a . ,{ �< r .,_. , ti . ��� . 6ts;FitrUClU[HI, ,�,�. .< ��_ �, . ,;s. �. �x�' �^�..,s�".` �-� i�..a��°3�. �, ., �... �,2= �� .r .'i$50;OOOa ValveVault LS $5,500 1 �$5,500 0 1.0 $0 �$5,500 20% $1,100 $6,600 Wetwell LS $10,000 1 $10,000 0 0.5 $0 $10,000 20% $2,000 $12,000 Valve Vault - hatch LS $4,000 1 $4,000 0 1.0 $0 $4,000 20 % $800 $4,800 Wetwell - hatch LS $4,000 1 $4,000 0 0.5 $0 $4,000 20 % $800 $4,800 Eletricalshelter LS $10,000 1 $10,000 0 1.0 $0 $10,000 20% $2,000 $12,000 WelwellCoatin SF $12 704 $8,093 0 1.0 $0 $8,093 20% $1,619 $9,711 ;s73�iV1BChdf11C8�,a�:'s�"��:������:;&'� .e.,..: r,.,.:-: �. .r ,. ��.s ����'+.��f,..�. i..�...:. . .....�,i�"., k`r.€ :"�, '�. 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Pi in and Fittin s LS $70,000 1 $70,000 2 2.0 $1,600 $11,600 20% $2,320 $13,920 ..w t., _. ..._Y_..._ .. _..... � .. �:.:..r ��: r- :.v�: r *T �.. �'�;�- , � �<°'F ,. � .,.� �'" C --�:.. d & ,�.�:""2 . ,+� ;.'.ro x �� �,� . � .3�'�N '�S .:5�a^ .,�.,: <� 4�»„y.°.�„ "E . ��SarP._-um s,andMotors�.��.�.�`�� ��_��...._ ��,.a� �_.3.p�,;:r�;�,.�t���, �4 d�� �, �OOOY , �� �� -�s Ert .�, .�, _�a..�i;��t_.�§. 47� � , . _ �o. . ����-�. ._. .. „,�� _ .•..�. � _ �. � . �. �. __. , ..�• . � .. , . �,. . �. �_. � FI t Pum s, uide rails, and base fittin EA $17,500 2 $35,000 2 5.0 $4,000 $39,000 20 % $7,800 $46,800 e s �'�:e^ at:�. � xaw": r as &n.��' �^� � �� r, :;.� ��� � t t .�§-., �.9�'EleCtr(C81`���. .;,.�:�,.� , ��.�, <F �?,,, f"��., r'' a� Ni� �.��t�r �a^�`A��Rst,. •.�.� .:'����,.��"-���.�ari..��,.� .;;idy .,t...:�� ,a,�k �:�'a ..,c.....t,..:�.`�... d�'s$1.17>;000: Electrical Permit � EQ $2,500� 1 � $2,500 � 0 � 0.0 $0 $2,500 2D % $500 $3,000 Submittals/Engineering EA $500 1 $500 0 0.0 $0 $500 20 % $100 $600 Power Distribution Equipment EA $4,500 1 $4,500 2 4.0 $3,200 $7,700 20 % $1,540 $9,240 Conduit and Wire, and Termination EA $10,000 1 $10,000 2 4.0 $3,200 $13,200 20 % $2,640 $15,840 Electrical Site Work LF $10,000 1 $10,000 2 5.0 $4,000 $14,000 20 % $2,800 $16,800 Testing and Startup HRS 1 $0 1 5.0 $2,000 $2,000 20 % �$400 $2,400 Utility Service EA $65,452 1 $65,452 0 0.0 $0 $65,452 0% - $0 $65,452 Miscellaneous Electrical EA $3,000 1 $3,000 0 0.0 $0 $3,000 20 % $600 $3,600 ='tz 2 �1 :�p:. Af, y k. .'� `�' .� "�3 `�.,;{ °°� .•r � xai c s" � �L :k�' � �.iO�Autometic Con�rol,�,�<or.�: ..'�fr ��,,��,.d.�.. ..�.��� . a. .. � ' .. ..� vaa���s.�a°..� ..�,_�C.�a ^��...��_e € �.;s �,. ... s�Ab �..,k.�, a.�n.. , . ��.. . ��..a �� �.z ��.� . ..�.�����$50.00Op Submittals/Engineering EA $500 1 $500 0 0.0 $0 $500� 20 % $100 � $600 Pump Control Panel EA $30,000 1 $30,000 2 3.0 $2,400 $32,400 20 % $6,480 $38,880 Instrumentation EA $5,000 1 $5,000 1 3.0 $1,200 $6,200 20% $1,240 $7,440 Testin and Startu ' HRS $0 1 5.0 $2,000 $2,000 20% $400 $2,400 . . 12:;0&MManualsand,'ConstructioriRecords��..,���� � `��"�`�� ;s .. . .��'�����.�;'���'s�3�-�,i _ �...,z ._r... �'.`A""<..�_k` .��.�:�.�.�e"�..x-�a.a�.�c,,.�'..;� ��°��:;,?.�_, .�r�Mu..�����°���`��$5;000; O&M Manuals and Construction Records LS $5,000 1 $5,000 1 0.0 $0 $5,000 0% $0 $5,000 Materials Total $270,845 Labor Total $29,200 OH&P Total $46,919 Subtotal Construction Costs $373,000 Washington State Sales Tax 9.5 % 9.5 % $35,435 Contingency 0 % $0 Total Construction Costs $409,000 7/29/201 1, 10:44 AM J:lilata\R13N\I I 1-003\Liberty HS Pump Station\Gnginner Cost Lstinurte - Liberry HS IS - Preliminary.zlsz `� � �� � �� � C� I�� ��- �� � - �� - � 1- ��- � � � ��0 - � � �� � J JJ ���� � �� i \ ::� . . � � .-� L Ir� = - ��� � 1��y � r � �� � L Ir� � � � � � � ���Ir �� �' ��� ��1 r�� r�� ? 2�0� 1 � -� 'V 0 L � ��1 �� � � �� � CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG ONE CALL 1-500-4245555 REPORT ALL SPILLS DEPT. OF ECOLOGY 1-800-258-5990 PROJECT LOCATION MAP �. -(D- LIFT STATION OBLIDUE CONTACT INFORMATION SHEET INDEX � �_ � .� :. . ,� � Z � � W � � W � � � 0 � � �U V W �� � a . � - f RH1 tNGINL 1 �t,N4. INt BELLINGHAM i�o.M.m� SOTT7Rl aaMts1o0 F.11ff WENATO/EE �w.w�.soo XIAMD oyai��� TAC �a.aor � � �y�� , ��� �, ,.� ,� �__ � ��_ '� � \� 4, , � LEGEND D�STING —•—•—•—•— FENCE E�GE OF PAYfMENT CONTWR (2') CONTWR (5') - - - - - $ETBAp( LME PR�ERTY IINE - DE7EN110N POND BERM EASENENT/LEASED AREA - TREES � GRAVEL PROPOSED � GRAYIiY SENfR NAW FORCE MA1N .. - — � .-- . - TELEMETRv a UNOERGROUN� PONER r[� UNpERCRWND IEIEPHONE WAIER IIAIN — �—•—• --•-- SILT FENCE —•—•—•—•— CONSTRUCTION FENCE — — — — CONSTRUCTION LIMITS . .:. ______ CONTWR (2�) -----�sc)0—� CONTOUR (10') _ - -� � �� STAqNG AREA ASPHAIT GRA�EL CONSTRUCTION NOTES . _. _,.�� .� ,�.._. _ . GENERAL NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL 1-SOG-424-5555 F�R U'IUT� LGCATES a8 HOURS BEFORE CONS7RUCnON CON7RACTOR INITIAIED CNANGES SHALL BE SUBNITTED IN NRIi1NG TO TME ENGINEER �OR APPROVAL PPoOR i0 IMPLEMENTATIQN OR CONS7FtUCT10N. CONTRACTIXt MUST KEEP A COPY OF THE APFROVfD PUNS ON-SITE VMENE�ER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. THE CONTRACTOR SHAl1 iAKE /LL NECESSARY PRECAUTION$ TO PROTECT THE PUBUC AND PREV£NT NUISANCES. CON7RACTOR $HALL PRONDE TENPOf2ARY BRAqNG :OR THE STRUCTURE AND STRUCNflAI CpIPONENTS UNTt� nLL �INAL CONNECPONS HA�f BEEN COAIPLETED IN ACCORDANCE NITH THE PIANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING COMPLETE AS-BUILT RECORDS. CONSTRUCTiDN OF IMPROVENENTS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE GTY OF RENTON AND KING COUNTY STANDARDS nND n# STnnDARD SPEGFlCAnOr�S FOk eOnD, BRiDC£ u+0 uUwiGPnl Cq+STRUCnOn, 20t0 EpTiOri, n5 tSSUED Bv n�E wnSr+iNGTpa STATE DEPARTNENT OF TRANSPOF2TAl1pJ AND 1FiE A4ERICAN PUBUC WORKS ASSOC�ATION. 7HESE OOQ111ENTS HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE STAN�ARD SPEqFICATIONS. THE PN9S ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE FROAI THE CITY h7E CONTRACTOft IS REWIRED 70 PROVIDE ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING ON TMIS PROJECT INCLUDING THE PREPARATION OF COMPLETE CONSTRUCTICN RECORDS. STAKING FOR GRADES AND AUGNAIENT SHAIL BE PERFORNED 81' AN ENG�NEERING OR SURVEYING FIRN UCENSED AND CAPABLE OF PERFORIIING SUCH WORK. RIGHT OF WAY AND EASENENT LIMITS AIUSi BE CLEARLv IDENTIFlED IN THE FlELD DUR�NG CONSTRUCiION a PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AND 2�-HOUR NOTICE YALL BE REWIRED PRIOR i0 STARTING CONSTRUCnON OR RESTARTiNG CONSTRUCTION AFTER A PERIOD OF NORE THAN 5 �AYS Of NO VqRK BEING PERFOFtNED. CONTRACTOR SHRLL RESTORE ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCiION TO CONDITIONS EIX1Al OR BETIER TO THOSE FOUND PRIOR TO CONSTtiUCT10N. CONTRACTOR SHALL HYIXtOSEE� ALL EXISTING CRASS AREAS THAT ARE DISTURBED Bv HIS ACTINTIES. SEE DIVISION 1 OF 1NE SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERIIIT MFORAIATICN. THE CON7RACTOR SHALL DETERIIINE THE SCOPE, TWE, SIZE, WANTITY, AIETHOD OF INSTALLATION, OPERATION, AND REMOVAL OF TME DEWATERING MTEN NECESSARY TO KEEP THE E%CAVATION SITE DEWATERED TO STABWZE THE SqLS FOR CONSiRUCT10N. THE ORDINARY HIGM W�TER NARK IS PR0�IDED IN TME PLANS BASED ON TME AIRVEY. CONTRACTO(7 YAY FlND GRWND WAIER SEEPAGE IN ME E%(AVATION iHAT IS HIGHER THAN TNE ORDINARY Hl�li WAl[R MARK. TNE CON7RACTOR SNALL DISCHARGE WATER FROII iHE DEWATERING SYSTEN IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH THE REOl11REAlENTS � STATE AND LOCAL REGULAT10.4S AND THE REWIREMENTS OF THESE PLANS AND SPEGFICAliONS. AT MF,�S ILi LADEN WATER BE DISCNARGED OFF 9iE. CONTRACTOR MAY DISCHARCE FILTERED STOftM WATER INTO THE STORYWATER PONq OORDINATE AND RECEI4E APPROVAL FRqA THE GTY PRIOR TO �ISCHARGING ANY DEWAIEPoNG WAiER INTO TME SE �fE�e�fOr�fSrS�E . THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEANUP ALL AREAS AFFECTED BY THEIR ACTIYITIES TO 1HE SAIiSFACTION OF 1HE pTY OF BONNEY LAKE REPRESENTATIVE Bv THE END Oi EACH wORICING �AY OR A10RE FREIXJENTLr IF REWIRED BY iNE dTY OF BONNEr LAxE REPRESENTpP�E. THIS INCLUDES REuOVni OF ALL DUST, MUD. ROCKS, nSPHnLT DEBRiS, nND REFUSE FROu STREETS, S�DEwnucS, DRIVEWAtS, nND ANr OTHER AREAS AFFEC7ED BY THE CONS1RUCnON ACPNiIES. FAILURE TO CLEANUP TO THE SAi15FACnON 0� THE ONNER'S REPRESENTATI�L N1LL NECESSITATE A$HUTDONN OF 7HE PRO.ECT UNTIL CLEANUP IS PROPERLY PERFORAIED DAILY CLEANUP IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF EROSION AND P�UTION CONTROL ALL E%ISTING UTILITIES INOICATE� ON THE DRFYANGS HAVf BEEN PLOTTEO FROAI THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER AND SHWLD T�iEREFORE BE COt�S�DERED nPPROxIMATE ONLr nND NOT NECESSnRILv COUPLEIE. n+E SOURC£ OF Irv�ORunTiOri GENERALLY CONSISTS OF CONSTRUCTION RECOftDS AND O1HER DATA OBTAINED VERBALLY FROA1 OFFICIALS ASSOCIATEO YATH iHE PARTICULAR UTIUTY. OYMER AND ENGINEER DO NOT GUARANTEE AND DO NOT ASSUAIE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THIS INFORIAATION IT IS UNDERST000 THAT OTHER ABO�f GRWND ANO UNDERGROUN� fACILITIES NOT SHONN IXJ THE DRANINGS MAY BE ENCWNTERED DURING 1HE CWRSE OF TNE WORK. IT IS THE SOIE RESPONSIBIUtt OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INDEPENDENTLv VERIFY THE nCCURACY OF nLl UnuTY LOCAnONS SNOVN TO AVqp DANAGE AND/OR DISTURBnNCE TO SUCH UTIUTIES, uaO TO FURhiER DiSCOv£R nND nYpD aNv O1HER U7IUTIES NOT St�OYM NEREON 1MnCH 4nv BE AFFECTED Br THE INPLEIIENTATION OF THIS PLi1N CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESER�f, PROTECT AND SUPPORT ALL E%ISTING UTILITIES ENCWNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVf ALL UTILITIES LOCATED BY THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY LOCATINC PROFESStONAIS, PRIOR TO AND DURING CON5IRUCTION. THE CONIRACTOft yiALL nAIIEDIAIELY NOnFY THE ENpNEER ,�ND THE UPUTY CONPMIY M41EN A CONFLICT OCCURS ExTENTS OF O�fRHEAD PONER UTILITIES ARE SHOYM FOR REFERENCE. NOT AlL OVERHEAD UPLIiIES ARE St{OWN ON Th� PLANS aND THE CONTRhCTOR SHALL ExPECT TO ENCWNTER IAORE O�ERHEAD U1ILITIES TNAN SHONN THE CONIRACTOR $HALL ACCWNT FOR ACCpAMODATING All O�ERHEAD UTILIiIE$ IN HIS B�D AND NO ADDITIONAL COAIPENSATION N1lL BE PRONDED FOR PAqLITATING OVfRHEAD UTILITIES. CONIRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE 'MTH THE ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRiCT REGRRDING AIAINIENANCE AND ACCESS 10 THE FAGLITIES PRIOR TO 1HE START OF CONSTRUCTION TREE PROiECTION NOIES iHE CONIRACTOR IS NOT ALLONEO TO STOF2E TOOLS, EpUIPAIENT, AND BUILDING MAiERiqLS OR STOCKPIIE� SOIL MITHIN TME DRIP-LINE OF ANY 1REES IDENTIFlED FOR RETENTION AND PRESERVATION. NHEN TRENCHMG NEAR PROTECTE� TREES. THE CONTRACTOR I$ ALLOMED ONLY HAND-DIGG�NG 'MTH�N THE TREE PRO7fC71�1 ZONE UNlESS OTHERVASE pPPRO�fD IN NRITING Br THE ONNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TUNNEL UNDER ROOTS GREATER THAN 1-MCH IN OIAAIETER. TORN ROOTS SHWLD BE CUT CIEAN TO THE EDGE OF TFIE TRENCH. EXPOSEDIOLAi�ON, WAIER POLLUTION CONTROL, AND WAC 173-201A, WATER WNJTY STANDARDS FOR SURPACE WATERS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, AND IS SUBJECT TO ENFIX2CEMENT ACTION PIPE LENGTH MEASUREMENTS PIPE LENGTHS GALLED DUT ON PLANS ARE AIEASURED AS FOLLDWS: FLANGE x FLFNCF (FL�FL) PIPE I-' PIPE LENGTH --j LffASURED FRpI FACE OF FLANGE ' � TO FACE OF FLANGE. FLMlCF x PLAIN END (FLxPE) %PE 11EASURED FRON FACE Cf FLFNGE TO CENTER OF FlTTING. PLAIN EHD � PLAIN END (PExPE) PIPE h�ASURED FRqA CENTER OF FITTING TO CENTER OF FITTING. RESTRAINED JqNT a RESTRAINED JqNT (RJd7J) PIPE 11EASURED FRpA CENTER OF FITTING 10 CENTER OF FITfINC. � PIPE LENGTH �` � 1 � PoPE LENG7H --' — F--.� I,. .� �- � � PIPE LENGTH �-I I � �' " � � 1 FITTINGS ARE ASSUNED TO BE STANDAR� LENGTH 125/, 450/ FLANGED OR COMPACT CLASS 350 MECHhNICAL JOINTS. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR 4ERIFYING LENGTHS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIUTY TO TANE INTO ACCOUNT ANY VARIATIONS IN FITIING DIIIENSONS. NORTHING AND EASTING CALLOUT POINTS iEES � x 1 BENDS: ; x FLANGES�. K REWCERS: � w � f#� YR�4E4 MF�-Y' N7E�. CITY, PLEASE CONFlRN ��%�����.� �`� �J C/L�I/�.4, " ��"4�^-�L� �� TMS IS ACCEPTABLE �/�— �l-L ���J..��� E����/i� t�� �� L��D���F ��A � .�� II cb]2� o � , ���� � �c+0� ° R' x,�'fj a �� e� �� �',a;,;��` �� �' � G � .C, ♦ � ♦ ��NTO� O`�t'� W �� � (�1 O � � � � W m � N W � Z � J � � W � � V . i r n�� �� h�_ r � �� a r.� n RH2E.NGINFEftING.INC ��MAM a6��� SOThI�l �w�s�oo WENATCiIEE w.�wroo RICHLAND �s�ai�i RNlJlDALL ad�>� rw TACOMA aaen�s $HQNN 0 1 • 2.. 1 DEB )QQ( ^ E� AUG 22, 20>> � REN lit-003 ' 'r � LIBHS-�-GEN.DWG ..\ , . / . . .. 1c. � - . � --- � t\� �� 'iEl+'" , � � \ 4 � �` �-�_:ti , y r ..� �I� . \i � ' _ ~ i � G� k� �_.��1 ��.. �� •�' I � � - . =�� � i , � , � � ".�. � ,: �t$�. . �r � . �, f :- ,�- ,, EXISTING SITE AND TESC SITE PLAN �� ��� - ;o� STORNWATER DEWATER�NG NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL HhYE A SUAIP PUMP AN� A MINIAIUM OF 10�' OF APPROPRIATELY SZE� HO$E N17H FLOW DIS9PATER FOR DEWATERING UFT STAl10N FWNDATION AREA OF STORIIWATER. 2. IF REMOVAL Oi Si0R4WATER FROA1 LIFi STATION FWNDATION BECOAIES NECESSARY CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SUAIP PUMP IN A MPNNER THAT AIINIAlIZES SEqNENT YOBIUZATION AND $HALL PUAIP WATER TO THE ADJACENT STORYwAIER POND TO THE NORTHNfST OF THE UFT STATION SITE, MHICH IS OMNED Bv NSDOT THE qSCHaRCE END OF hiE PIPE SHALI HAVE A FLOW D159PATER TO REWCE �iE POTENTIAL FOR EROS�ON AT THE DISCHARGE LOCATION. TNE PER�I/ETER OF THE D�SCMARGE PROPERTY SHALL BE MONITORED FOF2 SURFACE WAiER RUNOFF WRING DEWATERING OF TME FWNDATIIXd. SURFACE WAIER RUNOFf FRp1 iHE PROPERTY IS ACCEPTABLE li IT IS MEASURED AT LE55 THhN 100N1U TURBIDITY AND iS NOT CPUSING ER090N e?;� ��'?o c9� �r,� �� 1,L � r?;j� �Iqy� i eo�,�\�l '� � e/ �8�8�� , �;�.� � � Y �j �� � �,� ♦ rr�� ��� � � O W �� 0= �� , c� ,a� � . HH3[NGIVLi�_Hih� ih[. BFLLINGHAM �a�n.m� BO'fHRL �w�i�oo EA�'f WETIATCiIEE w.�ra�oo RICMWIp e •. lRVOiDALL ��arn rv�o TACONA aan�or NTE ADD PHOTO NHEN 4vAiLABLE '�_ \ � VIEW OF L� - - � . - - � �-*- _--�--- � - - -w ��� - - - - - —r`� � �- / . � — ... - ' , � � � / � TE4PIN2ARY CONS7RUCTION �'� � � � :�. _ — — l — � FENCE— — ./'�; / J� � / � S ` � � . , � �. � f/, �/ ; / �. � ; , �\/ " _ � � ,� _� � , �. � � � � _ ,, / � L � !—! � � J , ;� ,h / ���� r �'� �_ } , - ��`�������p � ` � . � ' � . + 'aa`��F� � � — - � CT LOCATION � � � �' � . / � � - - - , / ! �j � . n�� .' . } `\ - � ,` ���-ff.� 1 , � °� �:� � � ���. ��.� � � �� .� , i � � �,;�. '� _^ � ��� � ^ .�� ; � � — — ' �. �—� �---^�-- �- � ��� — — — � :' � : � ��a � � i , s ��E + , �----- d •___�—=^--.-.�..�a.i.. . 5. � -yr---4__.--�--Kr- ` � 9R6 - --- - - - -- •- d�____���� ... . __ �_ -_._._ - ' r � 92.:� . .. � � ---_. - �5 e�—�a .. Az -..i _ � - ' — --- - � t�t� n J'.� i�g � , � � �e+_ x II'- B r"'�-" ' - '� ' ; f �bt�� DEWATERI G DISCHARGE PpNT . 1 r f iC � �� X- ,, � ' -oA SS i + ��"y.� � / �{'_`� ` 'F'��� //�''� � ;Enr � Y��c� / J�' • � � / �'-� �- , 'l / . � • /u „ __ . �� � y VIEW OF e i._ j ,l � ; j !�" l %, � 0 ��� ��, ��. � I ___ _,,, \ ` ! —. ��\ i �� ` ,�"` ~� �=1 � —' _'" _\� / i % auC � . �_ ,�; � ; —4_ ROOM FOR PARICING APPROX. FII GRADE _ / —'� / ODOR I �i�— - / � � t� � �- � --:__ _ � — 1 _ — � . ELECT. _ _ E-G. — _ _ � I 4 i is / � / / // !�� �� ��� / �� l r I `,./�-IL�L�i - � I,�,� p., r � � _�---- .��� �I � _ _ ��' 1 � I I � I � � � / , I / uJ ��3t'� I ' � 1 ���tL� ���° ? ' � � �--��e-�- � �,���:�� , ' � � 'I � ` -� � I � / \ �� � �25 �� I �� � ' � , �5 ��--- _ --_ � �� � d_d�tl _ _ _ _ ` '-------- _ ` __ , l 1 r�� � � 6 �� �C��r��C� , lt''Co,�J � �`'� � , �,.,� � � ��`'t' I . �� �, � �� �� i ' —�_ �� � �c� __ .- - . .._.. . . � �� / � / � � ��.�- �`;,�I� /! � ., C l _ ,— �— � � r � � PROPOSED LIFT STATION SITE PLAN �� ,�=5 MAX�MUM WALL HEIGHT LESS THAN 4' ,� l i� �������F� �� � ! �..1 � ,�� ��q�F, t�A �ry �'�a I �� ���� ; �/UUL i2�'� � � 2 �� OWC � Oy � U� m � � , RH1 [NG�i.t �. v.r.;,. ir�C BEliJNW1A1�1 s�e�».m� eo�rHni ��..00 WENATCl� �s.raso RICHU1Np we+ a� lILKm+ ao.rn ��ao TACOMA fuznm Y II / I �e � I / I � / �D � � �� � � , ,. , J ,. / '- ; e � � ��� ��v. � �1p � � � � �h � , / ����� � � c� � � � `� � � /`_ �� �° � A � GftANTY INFLUENT UNE ✓ � .��� L �� ��� ���i�� � � U� �, , � � � .� �� � � � � � �� �� � �� � � / SUB4ER9BLE PUMP v�fTWf�� PASS���'E 'v£NT WET'hELL TOP �� GRAV1IY LME � � r FORCEYAIN ,- � �� — I �/ � t� 1 1 I� VAULT L� �- �� . FLOW 4ETER AND NR - YACUUTA RELEASE VPLVE VAULT � DANi CRANE � CHECK VRL�f vAUL1 AtR vaC D�SCMARGE LINE �PEDESTAL BASE OVERALL LIFT STATION PLAN OVERALL LIFT STATION OBLIQUE NOT TO SCA��E , V J� �i� �v �4�� �s � � �`' . � �� ,� � � ,.� � �� � � �� �� �� � � �� �� �[�,�,1�'�'. �/" - L ��.� � � ! 1 Y'] � � v ��� ��� y ��. � ��� " `C�� AIR VACUU4 RELEnSE VALYE WET WELL AND VAULTS OBLIQUE vcr -e su� NL TWf LL \ YIELL T04 ��:°���F ��•• � ��,�� \ �bs��, �!�� �rQUL v` ��N HqL �� *1 ��� � ; q J8889 a � �OA.�h�araR° VOiaru� tl�'� ti���� ��� �.�� ,�, . , �� 1� '� �� O� ��C � 0= � � UW aD 3 g a z O H � N � � � �J ��i� , �.,. II RIiZENGINEFRING.INC ld1�NOMAM rn eu� 00'f1/[LL aaw� wa Ewifr WFNATG//[E wraaoo ItlCHIANC sir���i �LYE110A1E wux'iwo TACOMA auanaer 1 DEB JQQ( EH AUG 16, 2011 � REN ��f-pp3 / ��y�I� �ETER \ � � 3/8' SST CAST IN PIACE J-BOITS , FOR SECURING HATCH FRANE. ; ORILL 1/2� HOLES IN FRAAIE TO RECE�� eaTs rw o� e 3 IDA41T CRANE I PEDESTnL � 6•_g� � 1'-4 � . \ r Z � \ � �� I \ \ � 8• � 3 3 I � i � I�,. ,I / �. �.r- -a� - I_ 1 � 1 ii wETwELL c— -- — ---- 3'-6' I� I 0 I 1 / 8'-8' �__ \ / � � -. � � v, � �- � \ � ` _ � � 4 ��•> PROPOSED PRE-CAST CHECK VA�VE VA�i�T N,� � , L 4'-10� 4'-10� P � � _ X` T^ QI'-6' .� 6' - 8' nCCESS �aDUER, im. PROPOSED PRE-CaST COnCRETE AIR RELE�SE VALVE /U!0 ROW NETER VAULT �--- }' 1• % l [ ._____ ...._.. DANi CRANE, SEE DNG \ -- AIR RELEASE VALbf DISCHARGE PIPE LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL PLAN ��i n• _ �'-o- LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL ELEVATION 14' = i'-0� . 7'-0' PRELAST LONCREIE ) UTILIiY VAULT 687-U OR ALENT. NISHED GR�1DE � FORCEYFIN / ACCESS HATCM SCHEDULE N0. CLEAR OPENING �A�S RATING NWNTING CRATING•' �� P�T /ESiANDARD yl 4B"x72' I H-20 BOITS 1ES ODOR TIGHT � 48'x60" 1 M-20 ANp10R NO STANDARD � 42"x42� 1 M-20 ANCMOR NO STANDARD ACCE55 HATCH NOTES: • ACCESS HATCH OY£R NfT NfLL $HALL BE MOUNTEO USING STAWLESS S1EEL BIX.TS AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. OTHER ACCESS HATCH SHALL BE IAWNTED USING THE STANDARD FRA4E ANCNORS TMAT COIAE YATF1 THE HATCH. �nCCE55 MATCH O�fR w£T wELL SHALI HAv£ eEuovne�E caariH� cov�R eE�ow nccEss Nnrc«+ uos I�`'�K �.4�I i F,/ o. ..aq,� �i �' R .�\ a� cry "�.•�c,,.:+"O � ���au� vd � `. ��1 �� ��� � ��NT� O` �1'� � � I O Z � � U � � .� - �,:�, .. .. t t.�� ;�•_ E _ HN] EMGINF ERING, INC SF11lN6MAM aarn.m� SOR7[iJ. sM�.��ao [AfT WQ�ATO!'f O.�Y.a�oO w�cNWVo s.�aa�.� �ILYEROALE ap�x'�o TACOMA arnaa� 8' iN51DE DIAMEIER CONCREiE NETWfLL 12 PVC GRAVITY INFLUENT L1NE � A �A 01 ACCESS H.4TCM OPENiNG TN OF 3 wf T �1 6" DI ECCENTRIC YALVE iR�6L). TVP OF 2 8' DI FCA, TYP. OF 2� 6' DI SPOOL (:LxPEJ �PROX. I'I' LENG7H, TW. OF 2 6' DI 51NNG CHECK LYE (FIxFL), TYP OF 2. � � a J I 6� q SPOOI (FLxPE) MPRO%. 6'-2' LENGTH 6' DI SPOOL (FLsPE) APPROX. 4'-6' LENGTH � � 6' DI WYE (MJxMJxYJ) W/ THRUST BIOCK � APPRO%. 3 LF OF 3'-0' DI PIPE � ' 6" NCTAWC CWPLING 6' PLOW METER (FLyfL) � — 2'-1' —{ � 8".6" q REDUCER (AIJKMJ) Y u i I I 1 � 6' DI SPOOL (FLaPE) APPROX. 3'-3' LENGTH �E� � 6 DI 45' BENO (MJxMJ) � 6• 2-��� � N1TH THRUST BLOCK � 2' AIR RELEASE VALUE TH � 6' DI SPOOL (FLxPE) � � APPROX. 3'-5' LENGTH � � ��� VAULT DRAINS TO DISCHARGE � TO N£TNELL, TYP. � r� -- -� -" -. . . � - . �' jC I-1/2' PVC AIR RELEASE / / DISCHARGE LINE '-_��___L_-___�����������������_�_____________._ PROPOSED LIFT STATION MECHANICAL PLAN ��i �. _ , _�.. �� c�`-�i THERN DANT CRANE AIODEL � 5110 OR EWIVALENT W/ 4W \ � M2-K�HAND'MNCH, PONDER \� I COAIED. PROVIDE PEDESTAL �� BASE AND 36-PEET OF ;' STAINLESS STEEL 1NRE P'JPE � ACCESS HATCH, TW. - .:f.--. . . - . ;.t��F".: " _ .�� '`' ,\ � 'R -- � ._ . . � . . __ � _, ,••�', ' .. � . �t �f . �. � • 6" Di 90 BEND �` rn �I ' ',f� � .'.��:.. � ir➢. OF 1 •. `T' I i- ' �r � .. _ . xxx.xx' (�i zxx.xx •. lj�. ��� i ' •� � �T �.� Fas�� �N, — � %XY.xr � _� CHECK VAL�£ ANUE WATER � �' . } j;•� RECYCLE 5'rcTEN � !_ 's a . •. ♦ ': . ''+.� � .'1 �f � ••�' �. ' _ ..1. xrkYk �,. � �I r.' . . � " ' .. . . . . . �'�� t.� I :'• � I l�'_ [� . �2' irvFWENr r' ' - _.i!` ar--_ ._-, Cclv,i� .�[ �1 �'P^- � •' :i' .. : �-- �' �• GBO� FI L �� :P= - - w. � nS DiRE['iEC 8 ?HF � � ^' � ' �, i � . - . FN'ol :c: c ��� . . . • 7 . _ . � ' . r. . y: SUBA+���BL� °UMF• =� INSTALL 'LADDER UP' SYSTEM ON LADDERS. T1P. �-`-�� . ,. . ,.. ,y ECCENTRIC VnLVE MECHANICAL ELEVATION A � y. - , _�,� o, . �. A O1 :��D���� �1.;� � =`,la ���%� �au� �' ,��N Hq� �� ����r�' �� 38889 I histaf�� � �au� �'� 1� 1 � V �� \'� � � � ' c�� � � � 0 O �� rr � �y 0= �� UW � I •� � I N��JiN41M10E1.'�Nti�w.. lnlJNfiHAM s�e.�».ow SOT�I[11 s.�� a.no W�Q'! TCIIlL �sraaao IIICMWID �s.w�,�� IMLVEIlOALE ss.rw�eaa TACOMA �:�a�� � SMONtJ I0 1 Z� DEB EH AUG �6, 20t', ��� �� C�Ir� ��- �r 0 , �� . � � - ��- , � � ��0 - , � �� � � �� ���� � �� � � ., .. . � . � \� � � / L Ir� =�� �-�.��� :� r ��::.� � L Ir�,-��� � �� �-���Ir �� � �� ��1 r�1 r�:� � � � 1 � =� �v 0 L � ��1 r� � � �� � CALL 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG ONE CALL 1-800-4245555 REPORT ALL SPILLS DEPT. OF ECOLOGY 1-800-258-5990 CONTACT INFORMATION � ,, — �, , ��-y �� , sra� ;.�= ��-! ��� — c �=". _ �f � i�.� ��� ,.- LIFT STATION OBLIQUE SHEET INDEX :�} -,� . -- . . m- ��- � � �- � . �� .* � Z� � � � 0 = � � V W 3 � � W > > � O � � V 1V � a R1/1 EN6INEERING, INC. BEl11NC.NAM ap�n�� eOfNpl Wf �M[)iATaFP �aam HIJWD ��i T +e — `. � PROJECT LOCATION MAP �. —�— LEGEND oasnN� —•—•—�—•— FENCE EDC� OF PAVEYENT CONTWR (2") � CONTWR (5') SETBAq( LINE — — — — PROPERTY LME -�-- - DETENPON POrID BER� EnSEUEr+i/�EaSED akEn TREES � GRAVEL PROPOSED GPA'�liv SEMER NAIN �ORCE MAIN . TELEIAETRv P UNDERGRWND PONER T[� UNDERGRWND IELEPH�JE - WATER NAIN � -- • - � � SILT FENCE —•—•—•—•— CONSTRUCiION FENCE — — — — CONSTRUCPON LIAIITS . �' � - CONTWR (2') �-6pp CONTIXIR (l0') � _ -� STAGING AREA �� ASPHAIT L_._______�StY] GRqv__ CONSTRUCTION NOTES GENERAL NOTES CONTRAC70R SMALL ChLL 1-800-424-5555 FOFi UTIUTY LOUTES 4E �OURS 9EFOPE _ONSR_�ilOti' CONTRnCTOFi WiTin1ED CHANCES SHALL BE SU84iTTED IN NRinNG TO ME EnGiNEER FOri APPROvnL PRIOR TO iuPLEUENTAnON OR caasmucna+. CONTRACTOR 4UST KEEP A COPv OF iHE APPRO4ED PIANS ON-SITE WIENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGf2E55. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAU110N5 TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND PREVENT NUISANCES. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEAIPORARY BRACING fOR iHE STRUCTURE AND STRUCNRA� COAIPONENTS UN➢L ALL fINAI CONNECTIONS HA�E �EN C04PLE1ED IN ACCOFtDANCE YATH THE PLANS. TF1E CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING COMPLETE hS-BUILT RECORDS. CONSTRUCTION OF IAIPR0I�ENENTS SHALL CONFORM TO iHE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CIiY Of RENTINJ AND KMG COUNTY STANDAR�S AND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD. BRIOGE AND NUNICIPAL CONSIRUCTION, 2D10 EDITION, AS ISSUED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTIJENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE AAIERICAN PUBUC VqRKS ASSOCIATION. 7HESE DOCUMENT$ HEREINAFTER REFERREO TO AS iHE STANDARD SPECFICA710N5 1NE PKDS ARE AVAILAB�E FOR PURCHASE fRpA1 THE qTY. THE CONTRACTOR IS REOUIRE� TO PROVIDE ALL CONSiRUCT10N STAKING IXJ THIS PROJECT INCLUDING THE PREPqRAPON OF CqAPLETE CONSIRUCTION RECaiDS. STAI(�NG FOR GRhDES M!0 hUGNMENT SHhLL BE PERFORFIED Br AN ENGINEER�NG OR SURVEVING FIRAI LICENSED AND CAPABLE OF PERFORAIING $UCVi WORN. RIGHT OF WAY AND EA$ENENT UWIT$ 4UST BE QEARLY IDENTIFlED IN THE FlELD oua�Nc ca+smucnor,. A PRECONSiF7UCTI0N CONFERENCE ANO 2hHWR NOTICE N1lL BE REWIRED PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION OR RESTARTING CONSTRUCnON AFTER A PERIOD OF MORE THAN 5 DAYS OF NO wOf2N BEING PERFORMED. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESiORE ALL AREAS DISNRBED BY CONSTRUCTION TO CONDIT�ONS EWAL OR BETfER TO THOSE FOUND PPoOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR $HhLL HYDROSEED ALL EXISTING GRASS AREAS iNAT ARE DISNRBED BY HIS ACTINTIES. SEE D�V14pJ 1 OF THE SPEGFICAiIONS FOR PERAl1T INFORIIATION. THE CONTRACTOR SF1ALL DEIERMINE TNE SCOPE, TWE, SIZE, OUAHTITY, METMOD OF INSTALLhTION, OPERATION, AND REIAOVAL OF TME DEWATERING SYSTEM NECESSARY TO KEEP iHE EXCAVATION $RE OEWATERE� TO STABIIJZE THE SOILS FOR CONSiRUC➢ON. THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER I/ARK IS PRONDED IN THE PLANS BASEO ON THE SURVEY. CONTRACTOR MAY FIND GROUND WAIER SEEPAGE IN THE EXCAVATION THAT IS HIGHER THAN THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER AIARK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCHARGE WATER FRpA THE DEWATERING SYSTEIA IN ACCORDANCE MITH iHE REOUIREMENTS OF STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS uJ0 THE REIX1iREMErvTS OF THESE PLANS uaD SPECiFiCnTIOHS. A wE�S �LT LADEN WATER BE DISCMARC£D OFF 9TE. CONIRACTOR 4AY DISCMARGE FILTERED STOR4 WATER INTO THE $TOFtA1WATER PON pORpNATE AND RECEIYE APPROVPL FROM THE GTY PRIOR TO DISCMARGING ANY DEW�TEPoNG WAIER INTO THE SF �KT� _ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEANUP ALL AREAS AFFECTED BY iMEIR ACTIVITIES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE qTY OF BONNEY LA10E REPRESENTATIVE 8Y THE END CF EACH WORNING DAY OR MORE FREWENTLY IF REWIRED BY 7HE qTY OF BONNEY LAKE REPRESENIATI�F. THIS INCLUDES RENOYAL OF ALL DUST, MUD, ROCKS. ASPHALT �EBRIS. AND REFUSE FROM SiREETS, 5lOEWALKS, DRIO£WAYS, AND ANY OTHER AREAS AFFECIED BY TNE CONSIRUCTION ACIINTIES. FMLURE TO CIEANUP TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ONNER'S REPRESENTATIVE N1LL NECESSITAiE A SHUIDONN OF THE PROJECT UNTIL CLEANUP IS PROPERLY PERFOR4ED. DNLY CLEANUP IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF ER090N AND POLLUTION CONTROL nLL ExiST1NG UTiLITIES iNDiChTED Ory THE DR�INNGS HAVE BEEN PLOTTEO FRpa TtiE BE51 iNFOFtuAPON AYAIUBLE TO 1HE ENqNEER AND SHWLD THEREFq2E BE CON9DERED APPROXINAIE ONLY AND NOT NECESSARILY C04PLETE. THE SWRCE OF INfOR4AT10N GENERALLv CONSISTS OF CONS1RUCnON RECCRDS AND OTHER DATA OBTAINED VERBhLLv FROM OFFICIALS ASSOCIATED N1TH THE PARIICULAR UTILITY. ONNER ANO ENGINEER DO NOT GUARANTEE hN� DO NOT ASSUIIE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THIS MFORMAl10N. IT I$ UNDERSTOOD THAT OTNER A80YE GRWND AND UNDERGF2WND fACILITIES NOT SHONN ON THE �RAYANGS MAY BE ENCWNTERE� DURING THE CIXIRSE OF THE WORK. IT i5 THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INDEPENDENTLY YERIFY THE ACCURACY OF ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHONN TO AVOID �AMAGE AND/OR �ISTURBANCE TO SUCH UTILITIES, AND TO FURTHER DISCOVER AND AVOID ANY OTHER U1ILITIES NOT SHONN HEREOfJ NHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE IMPLEAIENTATIIXJ OF THIS PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL PRESERVE, PROTECT M10 SUPPORT ALL E%IS➢NC UTILITIES ENCOUNTERED DURINC CONSTRUCTION. THE CON7RhCTOR SHALL HhVE A1.L UPUTIES LOCATED BY THE APPROPRIATE UnUTY LOCATING PROFESS�ONAIS, PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONIRACTOR $HALL IMIIEDIhTELY NOTIFY THE ENqNEER MID THE U1ILITY CWPMIY MHEN A CONfLIC1 OCCURS. ENTENTS OF O�RHEAO POIIER UTILITIES ARE SHONN FOR REFERENCE NOT ALL OVERMEAD UTIUPES ARE SHONN ON THE PLANS AND THE CON7RACTp2 $HALL E%PECT i0 ENCWNTER MOF2E OVERNEAD UTIUTIES 1HAN SHONN. iHE CONTRACTOR SHALL RCCOUNT FOR ACC041/ODATING ALL OVERHEAD UTILITIES IN HIS BID AND NO ADDITIONAL COAIPENSATION N1LL BE PRONDED FOR FAGLITATING OYERHEAD U7ILITIES. CONTRACTOR $Hµl COORDINATE 1MTH THE ISSApUAH SCti00l DISTRICT REGnRDING 4AINTENANCE AND ACCESS TO iHE �nCiUTIES PPoOR i0 THE START OF CONSTRUC710N TREE PROTEC110N NOTES THE CONIRACTOB IS NOT ALLOxfD TO STORE TOOLS, EWIPMENT, AND BUILDING MnTERULS OR STOCKPILE� SaL 'MTHIN THE DRIP-LINE OF ANY 1REE5 IDENTIRED FOR RETENi1pN AND PRESERVATION. NHEN TRENCHING NEAR PROIECTED TREES, THE CONTRACTOR IS ALLOWED ONLY HAND-DIGGING VATHIN THE TREE PROTECTION ZONE UNLE55 OTHERNISE APPRO�fD IN NRITING BY THE ONNER. TNE CONTRACTOR SHALL TUNNEL UNDER ROOTS CREATER THAN 1-INCH IN DIAAIETER. TDRN ROOiS $HWLD BE CUT CLEAN TO iHE EDGE OF iHE TRENCM. EXPOSEDIOLAiION, WAIER POLLUTION CONTROL, AND WAC 173-201A, WATER WALITY STANDARDS �OR SURFACE WATERS OF THE SiATE OF WASHINGTON, AND IS SUBJECT r0 ENFORCENENT ACTION PIPE LENGTH MEASUREMENTS � — — ---t PIPE LENGTHS CALLED WT ON PLANS ARE MEASURED AS FOLLOWS: FLANGE * FLANGE (FLxFL) PIPE I� PIPE LENCTH -j MEASURED FROA1 FACE � FLANGE TO FACE OF FLPNGE. FLPNGE r PLAIN END (iLxPE) PIPE AIEASURED FRqA FpCE OF FLANGE TO CENTER OF FITTING. PUM END x PLAM END (PExPE) PIPE IAEASURED FROA1 CENTER OF FITTING TO CENTER OF FITTING. RESTRAINED JqNT . RESTRAINED JOINT (RJdiJ) PIPE A�ASURED FROIe CENTER OF V7T71NG TO CENTER OF FITIING. j� PIPE LENG�1 �{ - I �. � � f-- PIPE LENGTH �-I I I � � t � � � PIPE LENGIH � _ I `v � {. � FlTTINGS ARE ASSUMED TO BE SiANDARD LENGTH 125/, 250/ RANGED OR COMPACT CLASS 350 MECMANICAL JqNTS. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFNNG LENGTHS. IT �S THE CONiRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILIT7 TO TAKE INTO ACCWNT ANY VhRIATI�lS IN �ITTiNG OINENSIONS. NTE: GTY, PLEASE CONfIRM THIS IS ACCEPiABIE NORTHING AND EASTING CALLOUT POINTS TEES x � i BENDS: " xf FLANGES: M REWCERS: + �_ �; � VAIVES: �I - ��''�,��D H "'��E+ ��l�a � z�� �� ��� � o��g ��RULJ�` N tvj ' "\'b �e' '\� I� � ele� � ��4UL �� I � 1 \ l„��f, ♦I � �♦ ����� ` v, OL W` ^ r Z � W Z � J � y � � � U � � Q � a . RM1 F N6�kf. F:N�'r�G. INC �NIU/ a�e.e�aeY� S07/mL i�o UR WFNATCHEE �araoo RICHLAND wrwii�� u�vawtr ,o�..� TACOMA arivs $H�`IIN 0 1 2.. 1 DEB �Q( ^ EH AUG 22. 2011 � REN 111-003 r �� u8H5-�-GEN.OwG �i.�._� ��_. � � � > i �\ 1, TA ��iY�� . -- � .A � �.L�-_, , _�� t � � rl1 - \ � { � \'�+ % I - — ' � — - ' � j ` � - % ..� -� % ` 'r � � . , � ' ��. _ _ j� TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ', � � �� � f ..� .\ ` _ I / . _ _ , _ , . FENCE /•�• / ' : /,. � / _. ._ -- -- , .. _,�.—• r . �� j ��, � � , � � � _.-.-. •- �� � , i � ��- j � - - � -�,, � ��..- r ' _ ---- , _, s j - : � � - -� � �,�, �' � -_- n / � �•� T\ � % � ! F_� . �L=� � � ��', � � � � �. ,� �� `. Ir e fG , � �ll Y �-�\ �� A,; �,�-�, 1' �} { +� _ ti � } : �_{ W^�} �� ; �....� , � � � � � '-� 'c� � �Y µ� \ � �('L�' . �. � \ i,7 �,� �, " ✓ . ,� a � �\ ;, A `' ' '. �' f `�� .,�.y� � � _, d r ;_. /.i!r a \. \\ �� \ � j _'�:' � / '` � � _ � � /" , 1. ;° -- �, , � � � � " ' �' 'I �/ y /�� r) �����'� � '4 � l � J � i . ., {!', � � : i;• , ,`� � � - � ��` ,--�'' ��y� � � . Pp']Ip�'��,�`�.T LOCAnON � � � � �-� � ' " — - _ ___ - -.. - �� M / K �l-l} � \ ' �`�� . � {� .�i` �14 - - _ � �� � . � . � � � . �� � , �}� .�Y ��,�. � � _�� f�-,� � � � � �/�,/�� - �- - � �� � � � =-J � � � � - - . � � _ . n`��_� . . . iX . . , - �--n _`.-- — n_��n �. � �- � � . ,� I, �tl _—^ ,. � - — — .-.-_ . d � .. . .. >?� a �� �r---..-�..�r�i,-+L.� ' y�§� �� �,.' \d• � _. ♦ y�— --_a-il---__--d---�--i?-- � yc=c � d��_� _ ..: . _._ _ - _ . (� � �.:l� , ; � � � ., � . ..� s -�- _ . . __- ' ..... � . --- - � fr_�--��� . _�—�. �� �6 .,� � �r 1 d - d .. d L . T� � S� ��4 ,., y a ,,� �. r, -�x� �= . _ F t � r .� � � i� ~ i `---+ ���E3 I DEwnTERI G DISCHnRGE PO�rvT � � / �j--� ' ,Y ' / - -� ;Ennee ', � , 'LC ''Ji \ f � �.t.r � 't��.. �\� / /. � � / 11_11~�.' - ', / ^. _ . . c\ ` , ' x � SiORNWATER DEWATERING NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR 41ALL HAYE A SUMP PUYP AND A MWIYU4 OF 100' OF MPROPRIAIELY yZEO NOSE 'M1H FLOW DISqPATER fOR DEWATERING LIFT STAiION FIXINOATION AREA OF STORAIWATER. 2. IF REMO4AL OF STORMWATER FROM LIFT STATION FWNDAiION BECOAIES NECESSARY CONIRACTOR SHA�L INSTALL SUAIP PUTAP IN A MANNER THAT AIINIMIZES SEqAIENT MO&LIZATION hND SHALL PUAIP WATER TO THE ADJACENT STORNWATER PONO TO THE NORTHNfST OF THE UFT STATION SIiE, MHICH IS ONNED BY MS�OT. THE DISCHARGE END OF THE PIPE SHALL HAYE A FLOW DISyPATER TO REWCE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION AT THE DISCHpRGE LOCATiON. TME PER�4ETER pF iHE ��SCHARGE PRpPERTY SHALL BE AIONITORED FpR $URiACE WATER RUNOFF WRING DEWJ�TERING OF THE FWNDA710N. SURFRCE WATER RUNOFF FR04 THE PROPERTY IS ACCEPTABLE IF IT IS MEASURED AT LESS 7HAN IOONN TURBIDiTY AND IS NOT CAUSING ER090N. / \ � t �_ � .�,, �1�N k1< � o � �� �� �8�8�� la.,� 0�'. O �� � � o= �� �m � � � rr Ni Fti��� ks sc : - ...,Ts IM9 ENGiHEERIH�i, INC, BELLR/G11A1�1 a�e.r�aa�a� �Idl wie�.enoo VVED/ATCl/EE w.wemo RICHLAlID wsr.�.�� fiLYlR�ALZ a�rre�xo TACOMA ad.riam NiF A[i= "H�_T'� AHE�r a�cAi�48Le" — \ � VIEW OF �� VIEW OF EXISTING SITE AND TESC SITE PLAN � ,�� - =�� B � ' �� _ �'^ APPROX. FINISHED GRADE = 434.00' � ELECT. � _ ` _ _ � � _ _ _ ' / /,� °� _ ` - a` � . � d\e _ � � _ _ _� _"'\ � � "" d-� ` , \ "' ` � � � � �_ _ _ "_ - 1� _____ _ _ � �" —" ; '_— � ' —� / � �'�! � � � -- - -'� �_ _- �1 „ r � � � ! � i � � � ; I I � i � / _. / // � I I I I ' _ { � , I � i / I � � I � / i � i �� � � � _ � � ' � � �. -� i I � I I ,- � � I� � I v �. � � % � � Q / � � I � � � i � , / �_ , —� 7 MAXIMUM WALL HEIGHT LESS 7HAN I' ° a 1 � ;�:°���� a/`� � �`i�'a 1 � ,e r ��'� ', �iau� 0f'� i �Q� oN � `'y (�� � °�' ;.q 58889 � 0�� ���� � ! o�w OWC � 0= � � V y� m � � eRJ.1Nat�wM aar�am� WiqdL swt �+oa VV�F11ATo�fl saa�so IUCHL.IIHD �aar.�i�i �LVEIlOALE acrn.�f�e TACOMA armas PR�POSED LIFT STATION SITE PLAN �� �-- � �Ravrr ��aF�uEr,- uN� � ��oMcrzyo�c i 15£TNf�I P4SSI�F VfNi � FORCEMAIN �.`.'�i J. .r A .. -�� . � VAULT LA�fR °" �-_" U�' FLOW METER AND NR YACUUM RELEASE VAL�E VAUIT DAVIT CRANE � CHECK VAL�E YAULT �� AIR YAC DISCHARCE UNE PEDESTAL BASE OVERALL LIFT STATION PLAN NOi TO SCA��E � �v, f� 1NETNfLL 1pP ;�fiANTt UNE �-y OVERALL LIFT STATION OBLIQUE FLOW AIETER AND AIR VACUUAI RELEASE VALVE VAULT _ .. .:,= I __ _ ,i � � � ' ��. S: � � `_ 'l '� �+. �' � C.J . � ; r �.;�,r� - - r=�` _ � �� ,� Z v ; ; s S, rs� � ,V + X L .� z---. -__ _ ._ . . - :.'�•r►_ _ /Js, . � i.�- � .._ .. . '.L \,..: � -) L � t. .: �; c.. '� � A � G •� j /% C'.Sce2�s S..'�.t'�r r ��.,..�.�. , �� H�.�t,, E- -ti ...1 . � � M R �' � � � 1'v,.c c_ rt ,.... l . � 1, . ' � VAW �-- / gf4^ _ � ' � �' � Ao•��e Dw� ��� . �� _� J�� f ^ t1 h,cT r. `�. v�rxEu AIR VACUUN ' RELEASE VAL�E / �� , ��� \.1 ' /� � �,_I'(,'� AIR VAC �ISCHARGE LINE � WET WELL AND VAULTS OBLIQUE WETNELL BOTTOu �D H �� �?i ° '�m.�, �;A FR =;m� I � ; � � �``�''� �4 ��� � � i� -, P`-.��.. -- � RN]EHGIh'tFH�hG :NC BE1LlHfiHAM fo�wm� sOR1E7.L �w1.��oe W�Ef1 TC� ormc Inc�iuwo �aai�.� lLVEAOAIE a�ain.'�ssn TACOMA man.sos DEB I )QQ( I � �I� �� ME1ER \ " 3/8' SST CAST IN PLACE J-BOLTS FOR SECURING HATCH FRANE. ; ORILL I/2' HpLES IN FRAIIE TO RECEi�f BOLTS. TYP OF 8. 3 I DANT CR+WE PEDEST�L � 6'-8' --{ I �- \ r�� z-} � � � � I \ � 8� I \ / 3 3 I � 1 � I wET wELL c I — ---- 3�-6 1 I / 8'-8' � / \ V1 � � � \ / ` _ � � I �'-7' - , s�' , _ L � ,�_,o� ''!'��� � i PROPOSED PRE-CAST CHECK VqIVE VAULT 4'-10' ❑ _ � -- ` i� � � , � , _6• -- 6' 8' ACCESS LADDER, TiP PROPOSED PRE-C�ST CONCRETE �- AIR RELEASE V/�11�f �ND FLOW NE1ER VAULT � I r^ �-i � ( ( \ 8' i':9DE ?tiNETE�' CONrpETF 'NF�'bf'_L DnvIT CRANE, SEE DwG C��� 1.������� i � / I q;, i6.�� � � / I ��i ��L � � — nIR �ELEnSE Va�vE GiSCNnRGE Pi�E LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL PLAN �—'� �� _ � -a� O` �1'� � � � _ � � V W � � � �„�;.�����N.�� �� �,�. ..>...�.,. .o.,�m.. �..� � � WE)lAT� �.wvao RICNUND ar.�i�� NLVER�KE se�.'n�e TACOMA wa'n.aew LIFT STATION STRUCTURAL ELEVATION �; _ ,�_,,� � 0 •2" Pvc :,�nwrr 'NFLUENI LINE � C r` � ALCESS HATCH OPENING iYP Q' } NET W 6' DI ECCENiRIC VALYE (FL�6L), i1P. OF 2 8' DI FCA, TrP. Of 2 6' DI SPOOL (R�PE) �PRO%. I'1' LENG7H, T1P. OF 2 6' DI SNING CHECK _�£ (R.R). TTP. OF 2. 1 _9 ` L ! ,` � i I�I PRESSURE GhUGE. � '�TVP- SEE DETAIL 201 ON D'hG N0. M02 � j � V� •� , . , �_. _.�. 6' p SPOOL (FL�E) AFPROX. 6'-2' LENG7H 6' DI SPOOL (FLxPEJ APPRO%. 4'-6' LENGTH � ' � 6" DI YlYE (AIJMAIJaA1J) W/ 7HRUST BLOCK PPPRD%. 3 LF OF 3'-0' DI PIPE \ 6' NCTAUUC CWPUNG 6� FLOW 4ETER (FLxFL) 8',6' p _ 2�_�. REDUCER (AIJxA1J) f) � � � 4 $; I I I I � 6' DI SPpOL (FLd'E) x nPPkOx. 3'-3' LENGIH E) � 6' DI 45' BENO (NJxMJ) � 6' 2-�� � N1TH 1NRU5T BLOCK � 2' AIR RELEASE VALVE iH � 6� DI SPOOL (FLxPE) � � APPROX. 3'-5' LENGTH .� ��� VAULT DRAINS TO DISCHARGE . � TO riETNELL. TW. �/ . _. . .- -"- "�-� -'� jC I-1/2" PVC AIR RELEASE / / DISCHAfiGE LME ' � � � � � � � L � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � PROPOSED LIFT STATION MECHANICAL PLAN ��i 4' _ �'-C" ���� r � ----- ---- � ACCESS HATCH. TW THERN DANT CRANE MODEL i 5110 OR EOUIVALENT W/ 4W M2-N HANO NINCH, PONOER COAIED. PROVIDE PEDESTAL BASE AND 36-FEE1 OF Y" I S�ni.NL�SS S1EEL YARE �OPE ..e:.:_-__,.-f. . ... _ "- —r-T.� �..� •. .. - �y.• �,A� 'f.. h '�' �% .. .' . _ � � . ..� ._ I`T__. . . .. . � .y � -t: ' .. :, �� 90 BEND '. ^'.�.'. lNLxNC). ''•+•' , , � -. _ . : � � .. 'rP. OF 2 � .• ; t . .. r. ' ��' .� --� , �� :' ,xr x. � xx� xxx � ' � , . r .� _� . nfr wE_� cr. >,T >E';r : TC f• , . j, ♦ . rxx> �N,;� Wn'Eu —��' :-: � CHECK VAL�f 3 i:�, . ��''i1E SISTEN �` �,:: •'r Y .�y :*. •�!' ���'- .i. . iK' � .�.. � . . . .. � � _ . _ . _� : 12' INFLUENT ��� � . _, r __, ,'r : �.�1< i . . Y � :.t . �� �,•.,. .:"y. ''i '�t S� ,ROI. � S���PE ��. �'__ _ A< JiP . �E B` 'HE �� a . . _M;�NEEF �.• � � ' �. .. -� . _ � . . . . . . .! � • '� � t iUBM'cESIBL� P.�MF � INSTALL 'LADDER UP' SY57EN ON LADDERS. TYP. �� ECCENrniC veyvE MECHANICAL ELEVATION ti; �� _ -a� � A M01 O` �I ^ I � � I O V� _ � � U � 3 � \ ' S Ht�] 1� NG�1:E.F ING.INC. �LNOMAM adr�a.os SQfHRL sa�f�oo w�o� rcHEe wr�.eo mcHur�o ..._..., NLVEA�ALE ac��a.awo r�cpu uamaa. � —�'i:i�i'i•i;� �i�� ��-��� 2/ DEB EH KEY D MMIIFACTUFiEfi PART NUA�6Bt DESC�iPTION OTY ASA�6LY DEVICE D COA�6�IT8 1 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURES INC. C—SD36248 ENCLOSURE, CONCEPT, WALL—MOUNT, SINGLE DOOR, NEMA 4/12/13, 36 X 24 X 8, QU RTER—TURN1 ATCH 1.1 HOFFMAN ENCL05URE5 INC. C—WHPTO CONCEPT SME PADLOCK HANDLE 1 1.2 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURES INC. C—SP3624 SWING OUT PANEL FOR CONCEPT 36X24 1 2 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURES INC. C—P3624 BACKPANEL, 36 X 24 1 3 RUGID COMPUTER RUG98 RTU, BASE UNIT W/ LCD & CPU, NO I/O, LOOP/CHGR OR MODEM 1 1PLC 3.1 RUGID COMPUTER R9MDM MODEM/RS232, 300/1200 BAUD, 4W/2W, BELL 103/212, LPU 1 3.2 RUGID COMPUTER R9LOOP LOOP POWER SUPPLY, 12V CHARGER, 24VDC/160MA OUT, DIAGNOSTICS 1 3.3 RUGID COMPUTER R9AI4/16 ANALOG INPUT, FULLY ISOLATED 4CH, 1661T, 4-20MA 1 3.4 RUGID COMPUTER R9DI8 DIGITAL INPUT, COMMON PIN BCH, 24VDC/24-120VAC 4 3.5 RUGID COMPUTER R9D08 RELAY OUTPUT, COMMON PIN BCH, 3AMP RATED 1 3.6 RUGID COMPUTER WT WALLPLUG TRANSFORMER, 120/12VAC, 24VA, FRIWO FW6798, UL, CLASS 2 1 1T 4 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—JR2KC16 3—POSITION MAINTAINED SWITCH, KC1 CAM, 2N0. 2NC CONTACTS 1 4S5 5 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—NR2KF4AAXX SELECTOR SWITCH, 4—POSI110N MAINTAINED, 4X, 1 NO EA POSITION 1 3SS 6 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—QR12G PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE. 12VAC/DC. 4X, GREEN 1 1LT 7 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC, 4X, RED 1 6LT 8 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY SOOH—QR12G PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC, 4X, GREEN 1 2LT 9 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE. 12VAC/DC. 4X, RED 1 7LT 10 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—JR2KCIC 3—POSITION MAINTAINED SWITCH, KC1 CAM, 4N0, 4NC CONTACTS 1 1SS 11 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—AR2D1 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 3P6 12 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—JR2KCIC 3—POSITION MAINTAINED SWITCH; KCt CAM, 4N0, 4NC CONTACTS 1 2SS 13 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—AR2D1 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 4P6 14 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY SOOH—QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC. 4X, RED 1 3LT 15 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC; 4X, RED 1 4LT 16 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—AR2D1 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 1PB 16.1 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800T—XD1 CONTACT BLOCK 3 16.2 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800T—XA2 2 N.O. CONTACT BLOCK 2 17 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—QR72A PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE. 12VAC/DC. 4X. AMBER 1 5LT 18 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 800H—AR2D7 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 2PB 19 DITEK DTK-120/240 CM+ SECONDARY SURGE ARRESTOR, CAT C 1 20 HUBBEIL GF 5362—W RECEPTACLE, GFCI, 20A 1 1RECP 21 HUBBELL DRUB15 UTILITY OUTLET BOX, DUPLEX, DIN RAIL, 15AMP 1 2RECP 22 HUBBELL DRUB15 UTILITY OUTLET BOX. DUPLEY.. DIN RAIL, 15AMP 1 3RECP 23 CUTLER—HAMMER APF120NO3 ( DO NOT USE OLD #) AGSHWC BOYIEIBQf�lE FILTER, 120VAC, 3AMP 1 iFLT 24 SIEMENS ENERGY dc AUTOMATION, INC. CQD115 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 15A, 227VAC, BRANCH CIRCUIT 1 1C8 25 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 1492—GH050 CIRCUIT BREAKER, SUPPLEMENTARY, 5A, 1—POLE 1 2C8 26 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 1492—GH020 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 2A, 1—POLE 1 3C6 27 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 1492—GH010 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1A, 1—PO! E 1 4C8 28 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 1492—GH010 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1A, 1—POLE 1 SCB 29 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 1492—H5 FUSE BLOCK, W/DC BLOWN FUSE INDICATOR 1 29.7 BUSSMANN MDL-2.5 (DUPLICATE) FUSE, CERAMIC, TIME DELAY, 2.5A 1 1FU 30 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 1492—HS FUSE BLOCK, W/DC BLOWN FUSE INDICATOR 1 30.1 BUSSMANN MDL-1 (DUPLICATE) 1A GLASS FUSE 1 2FU 31 ALLEN—BRADLEY COMPANY 1492—HS FUSE BLOCK, W/DC BLOWN FUSE INDICATOR 1 37.1 BUSSMANN MDL-1 (DUPLICATE) 1A GLASS FUSE 1 3FU 32 IDEC CORPORATION RH26—UL—DC24V RELAY, 24VDC. DPDT, 8—BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, L1GHT 1 1CR 32.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH26—OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8—BLADE, FOR RH2B RELAYS 1 33 IDEC CORPORATION RH28—UL—DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8—BLADE. UL RECOGNIZED. LIGHT 1 2CR 33.1 - IDEC CORPORATION SH28—OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8—BLADE, FOR RH26 RELAYS 1 34 IDEC CORPORATION RH26—UL—DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8—BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 3CR 34.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH26—OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8—BLADE, FOR RH2B RELAYS 1 35 IDEC CORPORATION RH26—UL—DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8—BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 4CR 35.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH28—O5 RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8—BLADE, FOR RH26 RELAYS 1 36 IDEC CORPORATION RY4S—UL—OC24V RELAY, 4 POLE, 24 VDC COIL W/LIGHT 1 5CR 36.1 IDEC CORPORATION SY4S—OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8—BLADE, FOR RY & RM RELAYS AND GTSY 11MER 1 37 IDEC CORPORATION RH36—UL—AC120V RELAY, 120VAC, 3PDT, 11 B�ADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 6CR 37.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH36—O5 RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 11—BLADE, FOR RH3B & RH2LB RELAYS 1 38 IDEC CORPORATION RY45—UL—DC24V RELAY. 4 POLE. 24 VDC COIL W/LIGHT 1 7CR 38.1 IDEC CORPORATION SY4S—O5 RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 14—BLADE, FOR RY & RM RELAYS AND GTSY TIMER 1 39 IDEC CORPORATION RH26—UL—DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT. 8—BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 8CR 39.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH2B—OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8—BLADE, FOR RH2B RELAYS 1 40 IDEC CORPORATION RH26—UL—DC24V REIAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8—BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 9CR 40.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH26—OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8—BLADE, FOR RH2B RELAYS 1 SYM REVISION RECORD BY DATE SYM REVISION RECORD BY DATE r �A� CITY OF RENTON DA� 0 ORIGINAL DLP 02-23-06 S�stems Inter f ace Inc DRAWN BY: DLP 02-23-06 LAST 02-23-06 � ENGINEER: DLP z-2a-oe RENTON WASHINGTON REVISION sn+ea �-...'� ;'---- • cHecKeo: MANUFACTURE DUPLEX RTU PANELS o _ � naaRoveo: DUPLEX RTU CONTROL PANEL A DRAwING NUMBER: �.� � BOTNELL, VA., U.S.A. 98021-7406 �(425> 481-1225 x FAX (425) 481-2115 �PROVED: BILL OF MATERIAL www.syster+s-interfnce.cor� S06B41 - A2401 c � � _ � A4101—AC � GND � � 1CB 15A „ 1 2C6 5A ^_ A41 120 VAC 1PH 60HZ A4101—NT7 20A � � SURGE N ARRESTOR 5 1RECP 6CR 2 A4101—AC3 � A4101—N 3RECP GFCI RECEPTACLE POWER FAIL RELAY UPS RECEPTACLE TO ANTENNA (BY OTHERS) LIGHTNING ARRESTOR RIBBON CABLE RTU OPERATOR INTERFACE DATA RADIO 1RTU RUGID 9D RTU SLOT: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P a w �p tnc=.> �c=J �c=.> r-U HU �c=.� V o Up ra �m �oo �ao �ro �ao � O� z z z z z � � � CZ_7 p H H H H O Q�j a J U' U' U' V' Q a' \ Z 0 � � O w W a ao ro ao co � � � rn rn rn rn O a � � � � � � U Q � r � J a a � � _ o � CABLE 1T � TRANSFORMER 120/12VAC 24VA 2.SMM COAXIAL PLUG (LOCATED ON LEFT SIOE 1RTU OF CARD CAGE � CABLE PINOUT MODEM DB15 MALE RUGID TRANSFORMERS � RUGID 9D A4101—RT1 )� RECEPTACLE RACK 1 � 1RTU 3CB 2A ed�m_ 1FLT INPUT OUTPUT 1P5 POWER SUPPLY 15VDC 3.4A A4101- 6CR 1FU �A4101- 4C6 tA DATA RADIO 2FU A4101—RT1 A4101—DC202 CPU A4101—DC4 � LOOP SUPPLY/ — � "� CHARGER/ INTERNALLY FUSED DIAGNOSTIC BOARD LOOP SUPPLY/ _ LOOP CHG A4101—DC101 +24 CHARGER 24 A4101—RT101 � i BUS 2PS 24VDC / � POWER SUPPLY 22VDC A4101—DC101 TO DIGITAL AND A4101—RT101 \ / LOOP ANLOG INPUTS SLOT 3 � � REF DWG: A4501 �A A4101—DC102 TO FIELD I/O \ � CHRG REF DWG: A4301 /O� DC201 LOOP: +Z4 RACK 1 INTERNALLY A4101—DC101 TO ANALOG A4101—RT201 FUSED 1/2A LOOPS AND � BT+LOOP SUPPLY/ GND 160mA DIGITAL INPUTS A4101—DCS 0 CHARGER A4101—RT1 REF DWG A4201 24_ A4101—RT101 CH ARGER: 14.5VDC BT+ ~ INTERNALLY A4101—DC5 TO BATTERY (+) 16AT 5C6 0 FUSED 3A tA BATTERY 320mA � A4101—DC6 + 12AH GND A4101—RT1 TO BATTERY (—) � MAKE POWER CORD THAT PLUGS INTO UPS LONG ENOUGH TO PLUG INTO 2RECP IN THE EVENT OF UPS FAILURE. � CLASS 2 TRANSFORMER 1T PLUG DIRECTLY INTO � ADJUST 15 VDC POWER SUPPLY TO 13.6 VDC RECEPTACLE 3RECP TO LIMIT RADIO OUTPUT TO 2 WATTS .{-�'�' S stems Inte ace Inc °A� CITY OF RENTON �A� � � DRAWN BY: DLP 02-23-06 LAST 04-26-07 r fNGtNEER: DLP 02-23-06 RENTON WASHINGTON REVISION svueo� , . cHECKEo: MANUFACTURE DUPLEX RTU PANELS o naPRo�o: DUPLEX RTU CONTROL PANEL A DRAwING NUMBER: B�TNELL, VA., U.S.A. 98021-7406 �(425> 461-1225 ■ FAX (425) 481-2115 �PRO�ED: `��_ CONTROL POWER & www.systens-Interfnce.cor+ RAC'K C('HFfll II F S06B41 - A4101 A4101-DC202 1SS P� �HAND A4201-DC6 X00 5CR OFF OXO 7CR 1CR AUTO OOX A4201-DC7 2SS '�HAND A4201-DCS XOO SCR OFF OXO 7CR 3CR AUTO OOX A4201-DC9 P1 � P2 � MS1 A4201-DC10 — —o-� � — — 1LT 2CR A4201-DC11 �.-.� 1P8 � �A4201-OC12 ) TO 2LT REF DWG:A4201 0 o A4401-Y1 1 TO 3LT REF DWG:A4401 � A4401-Y2 1 TO 4LT REF DWG:A4401 � A4201-DC13 ) TO SLT REF DWG:A4201 o A4401-Y6 1 TO 6LT REF DWG:A4401 o A4401-Y8 ) TO 7LT REF DWG:A4401 M52 A4201-DC14 — — —a �-o— — — 4CR A4201-DC12 �2LT� ^� G i FROM 1P8 REF DWG: A4201 5LT A4201-DC15 � i A i � A4201-DC13 SCR A4201-�C24 _�1. 4CR PUMP 2 RUNNING PUMP 2 RUNNING LIGHT LAMP TEST PUSHBUTTON EMERGENCY PUMP REQUIRED EMERGENCY PUMP CALL KS1 A4302-X24 _ _ _ _a � _ _ _ _ EF DWG: KEY SWITCH CLOSE TO A4302 DISARM INTRUSION SWITCHES A4101-DC202 � ZS� Z52 ZS3 A4201-DCi7 ?SX„A4201-DC16 ZS5 I A4101-RT201 �A4201-DC15�4201-DC16 �r� ��� �_ J INTRUSION SWITCHES ' S�stems Inte�f ace Inc• DCHECKED: ENGINEER: /__„`"r. ` �APPROOED: �`� BOTHELL, VA., U.S.A. 98021-7406 �(425> 481-1225 � FAX (425) 481-2115 �PROVED: www.systeris-Interface.con SCR —� i � REF DWG: A4201 1TR A4101-RT201 PUMP 1 INTERPOSING RELAY P1-IN PUMP CONTROL PANEL PUMP 2 INTERPOSING RELAY P2-IN PUMP CONTROL PANEL PUMP 1 RUNNING PUMP 1 RUNNING LIGHT LAMP TEST PUSHBUTTON A4101-DC202 A4101-DC202 A4101-RT201 1158 A4101- RT201 WETWELL LOW FLOAT STOP FLOAT START FLOAT HIGH FLOAT CITY OF RENTON °A1 RENTON WASHINGTON LAST oa-2s REVISION snts MANUFACTURE DUPLEX RTU PANELS o DUPLEX RTU CONTROL PANEL A DRAWING NUMBER: HARDWIRED CONTROL S06B41 - A4201 KEY D MMIUFACR1FiER PART MA`66t DES�PiION OTY ABABLY DEVICE D COA�trBlTB 1 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURES INC. C-SD36248 ENCLOSURE, CONCEPT, WALL-MOUNT, SINGLE DOOR, NEMA 4/12/13, 36 X 24 X 8, QU RTER-TURN1 ATCH 1.1 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURES INC. C-WHPTO CONCEPT SME PADLOCK HANDLE 1 1.2 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURES INC. C-SP3624 SWING OUT PANEL FOR CONCEPT 36X24 1 2 HOFFMAN ENCLOSURES INC. C-P3624 BACKPANEL, 36 X 24 1 3 RUGID COMPUTER RUG96 RTU, BASE UNIT W/ LCD & CPU, NO I/O, LOOP/CHGR OR MODEM 1 1PLC 3.1 RUGID COMPUTER R9MDM MODEM/RS232, 300/1200 BAUD, 4W/2W, BELL 103/212, LPU 1 3.2 RUGID COMPUTER R9LOOP LOOP POWER SUPPLY, 12V CHARGER, 24VDC/160MA OUT, DIAGNOSTICS 1 3.3 RUGID COMPUTER R9AI4/16 ANALOG INPUT, FULLY ISOLATED 4CH, 1661T, 4-20MA 1 3.4 RUGID COMPUTER R9DI8 DIGITAL INPUT, COMMON PIN SCH, 24VDC/24-120VAC 4 3.5 RUGID COMPUTER R9D08 RELAY OUTPUT, COMMON PIN BCH, 3AMP RATED 1 3.6 RUGID COMPUTER WT WALLPLUG TRANSFORMER, 120/12VAC, 24VA, FRIWO FW6798, UL, CLASS 2 1 1T 4 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-JR2KC16 3-POSITION MAINTAINED SWiTCH, KC1 CAM, 2N0. 2NC CONTACTS 1 4SS 5 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-NR2KF4AAXX SELECTOR SWITCH, 4-POSI110N MAINTAINED, 4X, 1 NO EA POSITION 1 3SS 6 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-QR12G PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC, 4X, GREEN 1 1LT 7 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC, 4X, RED 1 6LT 8 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY SOOH-QR12G PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC, 4X, GREEN 1 2LT 9 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC, 4X, RED 1 7LT 10 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-JR2KCIC 3-POSITION MAINTAINED SWITCH, KC1 CAM, 4N0, 4NC CONTACTS 1 1SS 11 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-AR2D1 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 3P6 12 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-JR2KCIC 3-POSITION MAINTAINED SWITCH, KC1 CAM, 4N0, 4NC CONTACTS 1 2SS 13 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-AR2D1 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 4P6 14 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY SOOH-QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC. 4X, RED 1 3LT 15 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-QR12R PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE, 12VAC/DC, 4X, RED 1 4LT 16 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-AR2D1 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 1P6 16.1 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800T-XD1 CONTACT BLOCK 3 16.2 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800T-XA2 2 N.O. CONTACT BLOCK 2 17 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-QR12A PILOT LIGHT, FULL VOLTAGE. 12VAC/DC, 4X, AMBER 1 SLT 18 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 800H-AR2D1 PUSHBUTTON, MOMENTATY, FLUSH, BLACK, 1N0, TYPE 4X 1 2P6 19 DITEK DTK-120/240 CM+ SECONDARY SURGE ARRESTOR, CAT C 1 20 HUBBELL GF 5362-W RECEPTACLE, GFCI, 20A 1 1RECP 21 HUBBELL DRU615 UTILITY OUTLET BOX, DUPLEX, DIN RAIL, 15AMP 1 2RECP 22 HUBBELL DRUB15 UTILITY OUTLET BOX, DUPLEX, DIN RAIL. 15AMP 1 3RECP 23 CUTLER-HAMMER APF120NO3 ( DO NOT USE OLD #) AGSHWC BOpIFl9Qf�lE FILTER, 120VAC, 3AMP 1 1FLT 24 SIEMENS ENERGY dc AUTOMATION, INC. CQD115 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 15A, 227VAC, BRANCH CIRCUIT 1 1CB 25 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 1492-GHO50 CIRCUIT BREAKER, SUPPLEMENTARY, 5A, 1-POLE 1 2CB 26 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 1492-GH020 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 2A, 1-POLE 1 3C6 27 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 1492-GH010 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1A, 1-POLE 1 4C6 28 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 1492-GH010 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 1A, 1-POLE 1 5CB 29 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 1492-H5 FUSE BLOCK, W/DC BLOWN FUSE INDICATOR 1 29.1 BUSSMANN MDL-2.5 (DUPLICATE) FUSE, CERAMIC, TIME DELAY, 2.5A 1 1FU 30 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 1492-HS FUSE BLOCK, W/DC BLOWN FUSE INDICATOR 1 30.1 BUSSMANN MDL-1 (DUPLICATE) 1A GLASS FUSE 1 2FU 31 ALLEN-BRADLEY COMPANY 1492-HS FUSE BLOCK, W/DC BLOWN FUSEINDICATOR 1 31.1 BUSSMANN MDL-1 (DUPLICATE) 1A GLASS FUSE 1 3FU 32 IDEC CORPORATION RH2B-UL-DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8-BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 1CR 32.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH26-O5 RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8-BLADE, FOR RH26 RELAYS 1 33 IDEC CORPORATION RH28-UL-DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8-BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 2CR 33.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH2B-OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8-BLADE, FOR RH26 RELAYS 1 34 IDEC CORPORATION RH26-UL-DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8-BLADE. UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 3CR 34.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH26-05 RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8-BLADE, FOR RH26 RELAYS 1 35 IDEC CORPORATION RH26-UL-DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8-BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 4CR 35.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH28-OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8-BLADE, FOR RH28 RELAYS 1 36 IDEC CORPORATION RY4S-UL-DC24V RELAY, 4 POLE, 24 VDC COIL W/LIGHT 1 SCR 36.1 IDEC CORPORATION SY4S-OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8-BLADE, FOR RY & RM RELAYS AND GT5Y T1MER 1 37 IDEC CORPORATION RH36-UL-AC120V RELAY, 120VAC, 3PDT, 11 BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 6CR 37.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH36-OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 11-BLADE, FOR RH3B & RH2L8 RELAYS 1 38 IDEC CORPORATION RY45-UL-DC24V RELAY, 4 POLE, 24 VDC COIL W/LIGHT 1 7CR 38.1 IDEC CORPORATION SY4S-OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 14-BLADE, fOR RY & RM RELAYS AND GTSY TIMER 1 39 IDEC CORPORATION RH26-UL-DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8-BLADE. UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 SCR � 39.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH2B-OS RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8-BLADE, FOR RH2B RELAYS 7 40 IDEC CORPORATION RH26-UL-DC24V RELAY, 24VDC, DPDT, 8-BLADE, UL RECOGNIZED, LIGHT 1 9CR ' 40.1 IDEC CORPORATION SH28-O5 RELAY SOCKET, DIN RAIL MOUNT, 8-BLADE, FOR RH26 RELAYS 1 SYM REVISION RECORD BY DATE SYM REVISION RECORD BY DAlE �A� CITY OF RENTON �A� 0 ORIGINAL DLP oz_23_as � S�stems Inter f ace Inc DRAWN BY: DLP 2-23-06 LAST 02-23-06 �^"° . ENGINEER: DLP z-za-oe RENTON WASHINGTON REVISION s»nea r=-� �-f---..,,� • cr+ecKeo: MANUFACTURE DUPLEX RTU PANELS o �'' ^PPRov�°: DUPLEX RTU CONTROL PANEL A DRAWING NUMBER: �,_, _,,� BOTHELL, VA., U.S.A. 98021-7406 �(425> 481-L225 � FAX (425) 481-�115 APPROVED: BILL OF MATERIAL wwwsyster�s-Interface.con S06B41 - A2401 � � = I A4101-AC � GND � � 106 15A n 120 VAC 1PH 60HZ 20A 2C6 5A � ed�rn_ z -AC� O SURGE ARRESTOR -NT1 -NT1 2RECP A4101-NT1 _ � GFCI RECEPTACLE POWER FAIL RELAY UPS RECEPTACLE DATA RADIO 1RTU RUGID 9D RTU SLOT: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a � O �n� �c=.� �c=.� �-v �c=.> Nc=.� � o Up �a �m �ao �m �ao �oo � Fin a z z z z � � o� z � o � p ~ ~ F � � Q�j a J U' U' U' (.7 Q � � Z � � � � w W a ro ro ao 00 � � `O rn rn rn rn o ¢ a � � � � ' rn U Q � r � a d � � _ o ' CABLE � 1T � TRANSFORMER 120/12VAC 24VA 2.SMM COAXIAL PLUG (LOCATED ON LEFT SIDE 1RTU OF CARD CAGE) � CABLE PINOUT MODEM DB15 MALE RUGID 9D A4101-RT1 )J� RUGID TRANSFORMERS RACK 1 � RECEPTACLE 1RTU 4C6 1A �� A4101-DC3 3CB 1FLT 2A � A4101-AC4 � INPUT N J7-ACS L N POWER SUPPLY � 15VDC 3.4A 1FU A4101—DC2 ��A4101—DC1 6CR DATA RADIO 6CR 2FU TO ANTENNA (BY OTHERS) lIGH1TJING ARRESTOR RIBBON CABLE RTU OPERATOR INTERFACE A4101—DC202 CPU LOOP SUPPLY/ A4101—DC4 ) � — �^' CHARGER/ INTERNALLY FUSED DIAGNOSTIC BOARD LOOP SUPPLY/ _ LOOP CHG A4101—DC701 +24 CHAR�ER 24 A4101—RT101 � i BUS 2PS 24VDC � � POWER SUPPLY 24VDC TO DIGITAL AND � � 2•5A A4101-DC101 ANLOG INPUTS A4101-RT101 LOOP SLOT 3 � � REF DWG: A4501 3FU � i �A A4101-DC102 TO FIELD I/0 CHRG REF DWG: A4301 / � DC201 LOOP: +24 RACK 1 INTERNALLY A4101-DC101 TO ANALOG A4101-RT201 FUSED 1/2A LOOPS AND � A4101-DCS g0} LOOP SUPPLY� GND A4101-RT1 160mA DIGITAL INPUTS REF DWG A4201 CHARGER 24_ A4101-RT101 CHARGER: 14.5VDC � BT+ A4101-DCS 1BAT INTERNALLY TO BATTERY (+) SCB 0 FUSED 3A 1�� + BATTERY 320mA A4101-DC6 12AH GND A4101-RT1 TO BATTERY (-) � MAKE POWER CORD THAT PLUGS INTO UPS LONG ENOUGH TO PLUG INTO 2RECP IN THE EVENT OF UPS FAILURE. � CLASS 2 TRANSFORMER 1T PLUG DIRECTLY INTO � ADJUST 15 VDC POWER SUPPLY TO 13.6 VDC RECEPTACLE 3RECP TO LIMIT RADIO OUTPUT TO 2 WATTS ,}r r DRAWN BY: DLP 02D23-06 CITY OF RENTON LAST 04D26-07 S�stems Inter f ace Inc ENGINEER: DLP 02-23-06 RENTON WASHINGTON REVISION svMeo� �� -...,. '=-- • cHECKEo: MANUFACTURE DUPLEX RTU PANELS o naPRovEo: DUPLEX RTU CONTROL PANEL A DRAWING NUMBER: �,,,�_�, BOTHELL, VA., U.S.A. 98021-7406 �(425) 481-1225 ■ FAX (425) 481-2115 ^PPRo''Eo: CONTROL POWER & www.systens-�nterface.con RACK SCHEDULE S06B41 - A4101 A4101-DC202 1SS �HAND A4201-DC6 X00 SCR „ I „OFF y �tOXO 7CR 1CR AUTO OOX A4201-DC7 2SS �HAND A4201-DC8 0 XOO 5CR � OFF OXO 7CR 3CR AUTO OOX A4201-DC9 P1 � P2 � MSt A4201-DC10 - - -� �-o-- - - 1LT 2CR A4201-DC11 � / G / 1P8 � �A4201-DC12 ) TO 2LT REF DWG:A4201 0 o A4401-Y1 1 TO 3LT REF DWG: A4401 � A4401-Y2 ) TO 4LT REF DWG:A4401 � A4201-DC13 1 TO 5LT REF DWG:A4201 � A4401-Y6 ) TO 6LT REF DWG:A4401 o A4401-Y8 ) TO 7LT REF DWG:A4401 MS2 A4201-DC14 - - -a{ � - - 4CR A4201-DC12 �zLTj ^� G i FROM 1PB REF DWG: A4201 � 5LT SCR A4201-DC15 � -:� A i REF DWG: A4201 A��C13 � � SCF _ _ A4201-DC24 _�` A4101-RT201 2CR PUMP 1 INTERPOSING RELAY P1-IN PUMP CONTROL PANEL PUMP 2 INTERPOSING RELAY P2-IN PUMP CONTROL PANEL PUMP 1 RUNNING PUMP 1 RUNNING LIGHT LAMP TEST PUSHBUTTON A4101-DC202 A4101-DC202 PUMP 2 RUNNING PUMP 2 RUNNING LIGHT LAMP TEST PUSHBUTTON EMERGENCY PUMP REQUIRED EMERGENCY PUMP CALL KS1 A4302-X24 _ _ _ _o..l �_ _ _ _ _ EF DWG: KEY SWITCH CLOSE TO A4302 DISARM INTRUSION SWITCHES A4101-DC202 I ZS2 ZS3 ZS4 ZS5 I A4101-RT201 l_ Z�A42��-����A42��-DCI�420�-DC1_��A42_0�-DC��� J INTRUSION SWITCHES A4101-RT201 1158 A4101-RT201 WETWELL LOW FLOAT STOP FLOAT START FLOAT HIGH FLOAT r„ unic CITY OF RENTON ""' �!��" S�stems Inter f ace Inc DRAWN BY: DLP 02-23-06 LAST o4_z6 RENTON WASHINGTON i ENGINEER: DLP 02-23-06 REVISION SYb16 '�� !-- . cNecKEo: MANUFACTURE DUPLEX RTU PANELS o '�PRo�°: DUPLEX RTU CONTROL PANEL A DRAWING NUMBER: �� ,,� BOTHELL, VA., U.S.A. 98021-7406 �(425) 481-1225 � FAX (425) 481-2115 '4PPRov�o: HARDWIRED CONTROL www.syster�s-Interfnce.cor+ S06B41 - A4201 < C c., � r � � I/ ( '1 �'" _ - --_��j f� 6��� I 11 / FUTURE 16 LF. 'i; 18'0 ?VC $pR-35 5.5. � � o s - a4ozJ /,l; / ' � � = =— . �� � y' + A'����''� ,_, „ 1 , � ��� � � ,; �� I 13' PROPOSED SWITARY SEWER FASEMENT �� : � LIBERTY HIGH SCHOOL N O � N W 2 N W � < - � � - - ,. _ _ � - - - � 0 I � ' I � — -- ;----- - ��- -- � -- . 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MiLLER GIi�ELOC fALL PRO'ECTION SYSTE4 SHALL BE USED 0.S F�1L1 RES7RAINT OEVICE UNIESS OTHER4ASE APPROVED FfY THE C�lY. �IL k �x�« n�L �� .,, �� �� �iMTM� � Ow,M000 �LJ � n � 4so KEY MAP �,ro� 445 440 435 430 ---..E _�26. 9,o o_— 4Z5 S— 3 b 2 I 0 5 _ 420 PoA1 � 445.37 I.E IN � 438.00, 70�0 CNECKED FOR COMP�IANCE TO CfTY STANDAROS � (1Y/INSICE OROP) I �. iN = �28.53. 10'� l.t� I.G. OIJi = �2S.1O. 30�0 l 1 1Q3+20 1Q3+60 104+00 104+40 ��'��' ' " � L,! TY OF HERITAGE PLAT SANITARY SEWER EXTEN510N 4W � -� �ENTO��I PHASE i(LIBERTY HIGH SCHOOL) �� DATUM � eo� �..�, . �,�9;a.�.���-�,�a_���� ,��-.s , PLANANDPROFILE �E!'. S-3C� �' �S saa es. W7Lr �'i ��l`_ IS � 17 `, I ` X ., r ���'. Michael A Benoit From: Mark Miller [mmiller@rh2.com] Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 2:52 PM To: Michael A Benoit Subject: FW: Liberty Lift Station Wetwell Comparisons Attachments: Calculations - Emergency Storage - Value Engineering.pdf From: Edwin Halim Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 3:01 PM To: Mark Miller Subject: Liberty Lift Station Wetwell Comparisons Mark, Please see the attached summary of the cost comparisons between the 8' wetwell, 10' wetwell, and 12' wetwell attached the marked up plans on the scenario as well on page 2. The green color are the sizes of the pipes for the 8' wetwell scenario. The gravity pipe will still be used as emergency storage space; however, the pipe size will be reduced from 30" to 15". There are also pipe size and manhole size reductions on the south side of the gravity main. The red color are the sizes of the pipes for the 10' wetwell scenario. The gravity pipe can be made shallower and reduced to 15" on the north section. There are also pipe size and manhole size reductions on the south side of the gravity main. The blue color are the sizes of pipes for the 12' wetwell scenario. The gravity pipe can be made shallower and reduced to 12" on the north section. There are also pipe size and manhole size reductions on the south side of the gravity main. All of the wetwell options will require a crane to be placed onsite. However, the 8' wetwell weighs less than the 10' and the 12' wetwell. The 10' and 12' wetwell may require a big crane for placement. The 8' wetwell came out to be the cheapest option. However, there is approximately 260 LF of deep excavation to install the gravity main north of the lift station. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. I hope this will satisfy what the City is looking for from this exercise. Edwin Halim, P.E. [ RN2 Engineeri�ig, inc. �"L122 2:;�`' Drive S�� L3�tr�eil, LNr� a�r21 i�: �i5.�51.5332 C: ��5.7$O.S25� www.rh2.com Michael A Benoit From: David Christensen Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 12:11 PM To: Michael A Benoit Subject: FW: Liberty High School Lift Station - Response to Questions Attachments: ISD - Approved Liberty High School Sewer Extension.pdf; Heritage - Approved Sewer Extension through Liberty High School.pdf From: Brianne Gastfield [mailto:Brianne.GastFieldC�esmcivil.coml Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:21 AM To: David Christensen Cc: mmiller@rh2.com Subject: Liberly High School Lift Station - Response to Questions Hello Dave, The following responses to the questions that we posed during our meeting last Friday. 1. Please direct all questions regarding the existing Liberty High School sanitary sewer holding tank to Steve Crawford (CrawfordS@issaquah.wednet.edu; (425) 837-7040). 2. For information on construction schedule and coordination during construction of the lift station please contact Ladd Stejskal at the School District (StejskalL@issaquah.wednet.edu; 425-864-0459). The contractor for the Heritage gravity sewer system is Mike Johnson with Universal (mikej@uni-land.com; 425.483.6200). 3. The gas main will be constructed by the general contractor for the performing arts center improvements. Steve Crawford mentioned that coordination of the trenching is a possibility and noted that minimizing the impact to the driveway is critical. Please coordinate with Ladd Stejskal. 4. Dewatering can go thru the pond. As noted previously, the school pond will also be expanded this summer. 5. Oversizing material pricing (excluding structures): a. 30" diameter pipe is $104.12/LF b. 12" diameter pipe is $10.60/LF c. 8" diameter pipe is $4.58/LF 6. Attached are the approved construction plans for Heritage Sewer Extension and the ISD Liberty High School Sewer Extension. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or comments. Take Care, �RIAt�I1VE GAS'['FIELQ, FE, L�E�'8' AP ES�i CO(dStlLTING �P+1GIt�EERS, LLC Assaciate www.esmcivil.com brianne.qastfield@esmcivil.com Fc�ilc�r�.1 4^i�y ; �veicf.t i!-1;en�b;�rc7 I8y v 33�rd ��t, L31dta C, `�fe Z1�J �'t'.�f'_'ie4i 4'i'�ly� ':"1�l �.)ti?.��.� i icl; %53.838.6i1; F�?a.: Z�3.838.71:)4 : i�r;l £;�gineer:n�� ; S�;rveying ; I..�t��I €�;annin; � t_an:isc��.;e Arr.t�ice:-t.��:� � t;IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . : . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . � � % . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . � . . . � . . � . . 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City of Renton Liberty Lift Station Wetwell Sizes Cost Comparisons 4/17/2012 f f .. 8 ft Wetwell with Pipe 10 ft Wetwell withaa�# 12 ft Wetwell without Description Storage Pipe Storage Pipe Storage Wetwell depth (ft) 16 - " 17.5 15 Wetwell material cost $ 7,500 $ 13,000 $ 22,000 Wetwell excavation quantity 70 100 120 Wetwell excavation cost (at $25 / CY) $ 1,750 $ 2,500 $ 3,000 Wetwell placement cost (crane rental / day) $ 2,000 $ 5,000 $ 7,500 Subtotal $ 11,250 $ 20,500 $ 32,500 Difference $ (9,250j $ (21,250) S�� � � --- � . w /` �� �� � �� - �" �c. �=�� , .�' o- , � yu �P y + � 1� O 4/17/2012 J:\Data\REN\112-033\Calculations - Emergency Storage - Value Engineering.xlsxSummary Cost Comparison K � R� (� rn � _ Q w m � � A PORTION OF SEC 13, 14 8 24, TWP 23 N, RGE 5 E, WM, KING CO. WA ir r�arnm s�r«.,vn� . 4MR GSCKIlf _ - ...... . .�(RM1 M MFNfM) � ".__. I �l fI1tURE � � _.. � �. ; ����' .. f .�__ _ I . _ , _- _ / . O.S�G C90O S __ t . _... . . � S 5 00I ]0. . 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IN = 424.66. 18�0 � p�� 415 � out - a2a.35 +a'a 10 100+00 100+40 100+80 101+20 101+60 102+00 102+40 � C0�6u�r�Ma fwOiMfFPi WARNING: :��.�r. I o �� I�r I �.....a.m, THE UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN """ """" `°"' � � � ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. �EPTH "^�••� '�"�"' � �"'""'�""" UNKNOWN. CALL 1-800-424-5555. ESM JOB �1352-020-011 ruer awrrx ILi ua I �e��s�o�� ��Y�ii] _ -_ , i __ 259 l F. �0 C905 S.S. O S� 0.1W.G _ - �ti-�i �� � . __-__- ____-__- _ __ _ ___ . a 14 LF. 10'o C900 5.5. - - --o s = o.�ox - --- - - 0 i � I i P[ ' E I � j PoM � 445.37 , , I.E IN � 438.00, 10"0 . .. � (W/iNS�DE DROP) ��. LE. iN � 426.53, 10'� ' LE. OUT � a25.70. 30"e 103+20 103+60 104+00 104+40 n SCALE: ��'p Mor+iZ_ 1'.5 Wtt. CONTOUR INTERVAL � 2' !0 f0 0 20 �O NOTES: 1. E7f15TING u7iUT�ES ARE SURFACE LOCATED ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOGITION ANO ELiVAT10N PPoOR ro cotisrRucnorr. 2. FOR TRENCN SECTION AfrO PAVEUENT RESTORA'lON SEE ROaDw�Y REnORA'ION SHEE� CT-01. 3. iINAL RIM ELEYATIONS SHALL MATCM RESTORED PAVEAIENT CRADES. 4. MiLLER Gt�DELOC FAIL PRO'ECTION SYSTE!A SHALL BE USED 0.5 FAIl RESTRAINT DEVICE UNLESS OTHERWiSE APGR�VED BY THE C�iY. <j 8 � �,��, ' ��� 5a�oa SE ld6Try 57 I � _�I� ueom � Hri+ so�oo� � ��� l -� sE +4sn� sr Oww�000 Q �E KEY MAP NQi TO SCIlE S-36Z105 GMEGKE� FOR COMP�lMlCE TO GTY STANDARDS /Yi �� HERITAGE PLAT SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION �/�� � ' r� �•��• �-~ w�� � "� � Y O� PHASE 1(LIBEFITY HIGH SCHOOL) �..� -� ?tNTO`� -� � � �� °xruM ` , �; a ,;, ,,� -a��r� ,v�.45 ��„ PLAN AND PROFILE SS-O� 8r Dar"c APPR ""'�'a, ^. S 16 nE.�', s-3� �: �.�� Michael A Benoit From: Michael A Benoit Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 3:29 PM To: 'Mark Miller'; James Swanson; David McKinney Subject: RE: Liberty Panel Status T�aCking: Recipient Read 'Mark Miller' James Swanson David McKinney Read: OS/09/2012 5:34 AM Gentlemen: Dave is going to start work on these items tomorrow. Dave: When you get into the list, if there are parts that we do not ha�e in stock, please !et us know status on order and receipt. Thanks '�I�✓✓. _�'' '!. �" °" _ ... Project Manager Wastewater Utility City of Renton (425) 430-7206 From: Mark Miller [mailto:mmiller@rh2.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 08, Z012 2:18 PM To: )ames Swanson; Michael A Benoit Cc: David McKinney Subject: RE: Liberty Panel Status Our design drawings for Liberty call for them in the MCC but I will keep an eye out for them during the submittal process. Thanks, Mark From: ]ames Swanson Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:17 PM To: Mark Miller; Michael A Benoit (Mbenoit@Rentonwa.gov) Cc: David McKinney Subject: RE: Liberty Panel Status Item 4(interposing relays for MCC motor calls) is up to the contractor on where they want these to be located. We have room in our panel but they will need to be wired up. James Swanson: RNL f�r�,�ir� � ri���;�, ir�;� SCADA/Control Manager Bellingham, Bothell, East Wenatchee, Richland, Tacoma, Silverdale WA Medford, Portland OR � . , >, r. , _ , t: t<�g:;t ;<:;; www.rh2.com From: Mark Miller Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:15 PM To: Michael A Benoit (Mbenoit@Rentonwa.gov) Cc: James Swanson; David McKinney Subject: RE: Liberty Panel Status Mike — I would recommend that all these items be addressed before we turn it over to Loren. Do you agree? Thanks, Mark From: James Swanson Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 1:13 PM To: Michael A Benoit (Mbenoit@Rentonwa.gov); David McKinney Cc: Mark Miller Subject: FW: Liberty Panel Status James Swanson ���; RN2 Er��ineeria��t, Ir��,= SCADA/Control Manager Bellingham, Bothell, East Wenatchee, Richland, Tacoma, Silverdale WA Medford, Portland OR „ � ; www.rh2.com From: James Swanson Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 1:01 PM To: Mark Miller Cc: Lee Tumbleson Subject: Liberty Panel Status Liberty Lift Station Control Panel Status: Missin� Components: 1. One of the connector wires for the battery is missing the female connector spade. This can easily be fixed by City staff. 2. The pigtail cable from the radio polyphaser to the RNET Radio is missing. This can be ordered from Accu-Comm if a spare is not available. There might be one of these in a spare Rugid 6 panels. 3. 12VDC power supply to the Rugid PLC from 3RECP is missing. This was probably cannibalized for an existing site in the last year. This needs to be ordered from Rugid Computer if a spare is not available. All testing was accomplished using the existing battery. 4. There is a DIN rail at the lower left of panel that once held interposing relays for an external MCC motor tall. This is due to the outputs identified on page 6 of plans are not dry contacts (P1 and PZ outputs). These are 24VDC outputs that are meant to drive external interposing 24VDC relays. These external relays can be located in Rugid control panel or in the MCC. These have been misidentified bv electrical contractors on numerous installations. S. Top wire channel cover is slightly off and needs to be covered. This channel is very full and I was only able to get the right side covered. I would recommend that Bob give this a try or leave it for the contractor. The 12VDC power supply to the Rugid 9 from 3RECP needs to be routed through this wire channel. Informational Items: 1. I loaded the latest 6.50 firmware on Rugid 9 with latest Liberty Lift Station program. This program will use address 13 for communications. 2. Battery is in panel with a 12.SVDC charge. 3. UPS is charging on bench next to panel. 4. This is a UPS based panel (third generation Rugid 9). Therefore, the 120VAC is wired to the AC, NT1 and GROUND terminal connections in the field. The existing power cord in the panel plugs into the UPS unit. The UPS plugs into 2RECP. JameSSWanson; RF�; F.t'��i�te��rEr2f� I,r�< SCADA/Control Manager Bellingham, Bothell, East Wenatchee, Richland, Tacoma, Silverdale WA Medford, Portland OR �. �� f _�,t , . , www.rh2.com 3 J'' . RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item co�-ered by this submittal: Applicable specification section: X First Submittal X This item is as specified For.� City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 M I�� � � ��.... __ � �� 4 ��� ;�^ ; � �� Aggregates and Dump Site from Cadman Black Diamond pit#4 A- 511/455 Refer to the followinp attachment(sl for a detailed description of the item. 2.11.3 thru 2.11.8 ❑ Supplier/SubconttactoY certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor de�riations as specifically noted Q Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 1 OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/oY equal Notes to Engineer: Review PYiority: X 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: 7-27 Date Recei�Ted by RH2 Engineering: 7/25/12 Date Returned to Equit��: 7/25/12 ❑ Reviewed ❑ Rejected � Revise and Resubmit ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 7/25/12 Re�rie�ved By: David Baisch Da�rid Baisch Signature Comments from Engineer: All submittals are reviewed except "foundation material" is revise and resubmit. The "foundation material" in this submittal does not meet specifications. For Structural fill for foundation subgrades or where free drainage is not required through the structural fill shall conform with 9-03.9(1) "Ballast" of the Standard Specifications. i.`.-1£�€7li::i, ia5:, "" � � + ��''� July 12, 2012 Equity Build�rs Project: Liberty Lift Station Subject: Aggregate Submittal Package Dear George, This letter certifies that the materials listed in the table below maet the specifications you have provided, for the above referenced project. You will also find multiple sources far many of the products to accommodate flexible transportation options. — _ _.._.. ___ _ ___._.... _. .._ _ _..... .._.�.---- ._....__.._.... _..._ _ �. � .....__....� Pit #1 Pit #2 Pit #3 Pit #4 Pit #5 Pit #6 Pit #9 Pit #11 PRODUCT Redmon High Rock Sky River B. Qiamond Issaquah SeattEe North Bend Gald Bar � A-51Q/4 D-309/336 D-191/35i A-5111455 A-189 X-125 A-460 p-351 � Backfill for Wa!ls x CSBC X CSTC X �` Pipe Zone Bedding X � ` BlF Sand Drains X ( Bank Rur� Gravel x � Fvundation Materiaf X ___ ._._._...___ _.�_�� Please also find attached: r WSDOT Aggregate Source Approval Report for eaeh source � Sieve Analysis reports for each product from each saurce except Spalls & Rip Rap � Permit Information for dispasal sites In the case that you find the need for additional products, or should any of the products listed abave become available at additional locations, we will be happy to submif further data fo meet your needs. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions. ! can be reached through my office at {425) 961-7386, or my cell at (425) 864-0050. All of us at Cadman thank yau for yaur corztinued patronage. Sincerely, m��i���-- Mitch San Sebastian Sales Representative :`' y g;.,. E .�o � t.f 5'���3 ;,� a .. _ F �z.��s'�,4�� i, i��,�.».�, I July !2, 2Q12 L�quity }3uil�lc-�:s 54bfi 11. 2(i`h f )r. Belfingham, �4'A Projcct: Liberty Lift Station Suhject: Pei7nit to accept sur�lus clean sail at Cad�nan Alack Diam���d Gravel Operation Dear Geoi-ge, Cadman, It1C. will acccpl clean surplus soils firom tl�e abovc refereneed project in accardance i��ith our Black Diamond }3ackfil) Quality Cantrol I'lan. A conciition ofthat p(an requires that as� �wuer or nfficer of your finn cioes agree to, and sign a`'CI1:Rt1 �(lf� A4'('i',�ti1CtCC Ar'�'1'f:C(il�iYt.�� Anv soils failing to fully rneet these yR�ality requirements will bc rejected, and tnust hc immediatcly removed from our sitc by your firm. Acceptable soils v�riil be tstilized in the rcclai��atit�n af aur Black Diamond mining site in accnrdance with our DNR Surface Mining and Reclamation Permit. Ii is not Cedman's policv to distribute copies c�f c�ur iitij��eri�us pennita issued by variou� agencies. However, ihose �ermits most directly retafed to your request are public rec�rd, �ittd arc listed bclo�v for easy reference: __�_._ ---,....�__ _.. ___ _ __ __ ___. A�ENf'Y Pl�,itMIT' 1'l�'�; ISSUE i?ATE YERIVIIT 1l�IJl�1IiER ��'ashin�ton State DNR Surface Mining ar�tl Reclamatiun �� October 19, 2U 10 ?0-Q I 15�3 K111� COUiii)V Grading / Clcaring�Permif ` Octaber i0, �1997 L93G012I Kii�� County (�rading / Clearing Ye�rmit Revisicm Ju►�e 9, 2009 �-�=�����'1- [Ze :�i:;iuE� L,09iZI��:tif)Z _�___ � ___ -- --- I hope this information is sutficient to satisfy the requesting agency. Please feel free ta contact mc directll' with any questions. I can be reached throu�h my officc at (425) 961-7386, or tny cell at (425) 86�1-0050. AIl of us at Cadman that�k you for your continued patrona�e. Rcspectfully, �%��� Mitch San Seh3stian - - Sales Rcpresentativ' , Cadrnan, Inc. Aggregate Source Appro��l Report Page l i�f�? � � Washinglon Statr, � Departrnent ot Trans WSDOT MATERIALS LAB Aggregate Source Approval Report q�.���ner: Cadman, Inc. �essee; Cadman Inc. Lc:;x+i�(� 1�1: 5i%� Sf?CtlrJll 1� I"2 N R61- Remarks: Concrete Oegradation Va41ue=60...05/1S/2012 BH U7/ 12!2t712 PiC Run Materials: At the discrr.�tion of the Project E� gineer, preliminary sampies for Gradatic�n and Sand Equivaient kesks m�y be F��rfermeo te determine if the. material does in fact meet the specification for the intended use: E3ackfill for f�ock Wal! Backfill for Sand Drains Bedding Material for Rigid Pipe fi�dding Material fnr Thermoplastic �ipe Blending Sand Faundation Material for Classes �1: E3 ar C Gravel Backfili for t�rains and 17rywells Gravel E3ackfill for Foundation Class B Gravel Backfili for Pipe Zone Bedd'+ng Gravel E3ackfill for Walls � Gravel 9orrow Sand C7rainagp Eilanket 5e€ect or Comii3on 13orrow � No Prelirnin�ry Tests are required tn be pvrforrneJ t�y Lhr, Stale Materials Lat� ( �.__---......._.__...______._._.._..------..._.__ __�._...-----..------------------------------.._..---------- Gravel Base: � Test Date: 42/20/20Q9 Urainage: f�ree � 12 Vafue: 65 Swell F'ressure: U Expiration Cate: Q2/?0; 2014 Crrtt�ct thc Rcgiottal Matcrials O€ficc to rcqu�st PRFI_IMINARY SAMRLFS bc acquircd. Evaluati�i� �a�d ap�3rovai 4F Y!�is sitc a� � source of GRAVEL E3AS[ is requir{:d prior to use. Mineral Agg. and Surfacing: Ahsorption: Deg: 72 Currently approved as a source ATB BST Crushed Screenings Crushed Surfacing Top Course HMA Wearing Course Acceptance tests need to be Portland Cement Concrete ASR - 9a (�ay : 0.294 FCA Absorption: 1.98 Mortar �trc�nyth: Currently approved for: Coarse t;oncrete Aggregates Fine Concrete Aggregates Aggrer�ate Source: F'S-A-511 Kno�vn ds: Eil�ck Di�ntotttl Pit (_our�t�y; King Test Date: 04/3U/Z011 Ex.piration CJate: G4/30/2017 Apparent Sp. G.: E3ulk Sp. G. (55�): 272 Sutk Sp. G.: LE1: 13 aggregate for: Ciallast E35T L'rushed Go�er Stone Crushed Surfacing Base Course Crushe�i Surtacing Key Stone Gravel Backfill for Foundation Ctass A HMA Other Courses Maintenance Roc:k Permeable Bailast as necc�sary, �regates `iest i:)atr, 05/2.�/1l)12 Ex�siraticm C�ate: �SJ1Q/2017 A5R - One Year: CCA �bsorption: 1.34 C,CA Sp.G: 2,698 �C/\ Organics: 2 FCA Sp. G: 2 LA: 12 Petrographic Analysis: ASR MITIGATION MEASURES AR� f1FQUIRED PER NJSDOT STD. SPEC. 9-03.1(1), WHEN USING AGC�REGf1TE FRC?t4 TI1IS SGURCE FC�R PORTLAND CEMENT CONCR�-TE. Acceptance tests need to be performed as necessary Riprap and Quarry Spalis: 1"e=,t. t7ate; 0�/3aJ2�312 Ex��iratian C'�ate: Absorption: ; Apparent Sp. G.: Bulk Sp. G. (SSD)� 2.72 Bu[k Sp. G.: Deg: 72 � I�A: 13 � ... �: � ;, � , . , �.: .,. i � '," i�. f._C:rdvel Bac.kCll fc►r.._Waits.... _ � _ _; .... . _. � u�o.o ,,,,,.,�...,,�„_� �r•a � � s�a� �r_ �s° ;a° ��o half _ _. lii.tck [l�nmu.n� ri?oca , ( � � -- �..•-,•,,,-� 90.(} �.... : _._... :.. _.... .i I ...,_. _. i � �� i ; I ; ; i � � _; _ _ � . ; . , � , I , . . . ��� ; r�.� _ � ; __ , _ __ _ � �. 1� __ � . _ _ __. . { . _ _ _ . , , ; ; . _� , :. !� � ,�.�� , � � � : ... ; : . .. . . _ � t { _a ._ _ _. � � ....::�..__.._.. , _ ._. ..... � : _�_..�_._ _....�._.__ � � � ; � : � .. .._ _ . :. u.. f,a.o ...._...... .._._.:_ ...._... _ _ ............... _.__........ ..,...,,,. � �....__,.. .... : . . . � I . ... v, � I . ......._ I .. : . ..� .... _.._._..... J .. i ..._� ........ .... ... .. . a _ � � f � � _: , _.. _.. _..... _ SU.O �.. _........ � _ I � � ' , ' I I , . . , � _ . _.. . ....... � � � � � � . _ _ ; �� � I � � � ao.o � _ . I. j. x __ . . ,. . : _ ... _ . , . ..,; � } ? ; , , i , ; ; _. ,. . _ __... __ I : , ; 0. , � ; . ; , � � i.. I . . , . , 30.c1 __..I _ _ I... .._ ' : . � . ...... _..... .. _...._ , , . , _. ........ I . � f � � __ _I � � ...- --- .-- ... . . ; ��� i . . i � . , . � _ _. . . � � . , .. , . i. . �. ., . , _� ; .. . ���� � � .. . . . _ _ . I � � ��� , , . . ,. ., . __. , , , . . . i , .. � � _. _ < <. , :,.�� � � _ .�_ � � ; -- �___� -_ I f � � . - _ _ ---_______ _ _ ___�_ _ . _ ___ � � i , � ioo.o i�i � i.c� o. � --� o.v GRAI� S►ZE (mm) -..,�. �.._ _..._-�. ..---- S;E:Vi: S1F:t:R1C 51[;b'F,. ACC;IAl. R`"f. ACt:iJ'v1. % ACC;(ffM. °6 Ci .f3•Ppl..l; A'AE_I.S Dt�TE SAti1PLCC�: 6113112 sourzf�r: As1i 1'ESTED I3Y: Mark J SAMALED BY: Mark J SPI.IT PA'� W"I`.= Cl�5.0 4" 3" 2 I/2" 2" 1 1/4" � ,r 3;�„ 3 ��„ i ,!4„ :14 �16 #40 #1.U0 1VE�7'�200 ' i 00.0 7�.Q 62.5 50.0 31.3 25.0 I 9:0 9.5 G.� 4.75 1.18 {}.4� � f�.15{� 0.075 SAMPLE WT �.E.- 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oa {). 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ACrUM. % ACCIIM. °.o 4" 3" 2 t/2" 2�� 1 1/4" 1 f� �/4�� � ��,� 1 /4" 1�4 (! 16 #40 #100 t�'ET#24C) 100.0 75.0 62.5 sa.o 31 _3 25.0 I 9.0 9.� 6.3. 4.7� 1.15 0.4? 5 � 0.1 SCl O.Q75 SAMPI:.,E 1�'VT S.E.= o.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 0.00 749.10 1906.80 442G.50 �67S.U0 392.7 571.0 640.7 654.4 J 4C1�6.70 90 o.o O.0 0.0 0.4 a.o S.3 l 3.5 31.4 4�.3 45.7 7i.8 )2.3 98.0 99. l sa N��,� iao.o l 00.0 1 U0.0 100.0 100.0 94.7 86.5 68.6 59.7 54.3 z2.2 7.7 2.0 0.4 0.1 CL 13(iltk0A\' 75-100 0-3Q 0-7 O.D E �ound:�tian M:aterial (not ��er spc;c} 2" X� �l l/�t" CLE�1.R CRUSHED Black I�ia�n�n�i 0 1 I!4" 1.� j!$" V2�� ;;3" ;:d e i r; � r��n __,.. —...............—......,_.,......._....._.... 1 RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item co�Tered by this submittal: Applicable specification section: x First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For.� City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � I�n�l �� �� � �� k � � �,�.. �s��. 1�lechanical Piping,ealves appurtenances,erosion control devices, limit s�citches for check valves (link pYovided) Refer to the followina attachment(s) for a detailed descriation of the item. Div 2 and 15, table of contents ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor de�riations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Review Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Date Recei�-ed by RH2 Engineering: _7/18/12 � Reviewed ❑ Rejected ❑ Revise and Resubmit � Furnish as Corrected OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: Requested Return Date: Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Date Returned to Equity: _08/02/12_ Equity Builders Submittal Log # 2 RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 7/27/12 Reviewed By: EH Edwin Halim Signature Comments from Engineer: All submittal components are revie�ved other than the submittals listed below are furnish as corrected: • Eccentric Plug Valves: Shall ha�re fusion-bond epoxy coating on interior �ralve body, 6" eccentric plug valves shall ha�re '/4 turn actuator • Swing Check Valve: Shall have fusion-bond epoxjr coating on interior vahTe body, the swing arm on the check �Talve shall be installed as shown on the plans 8/2/2012 2:13 P\I j:\data\ren\ 112-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #2 hd fowlcr suppGed piping etc.docs � � .� . �n��` • -- , ,. , To Company: Equity Builders ContaCt: George H. Phone: (360) 592-2929 Fax: (360) 592-2655 Emall: alderlea@aol.com Submittal Information Submittal Type: New Revision: Subject: Spec Section: The following items are submitted: Project Information P►'OjeCt: Liberty Lift Station OWller: City Of Renton Contractor: Equity Builders Engineer: Contact Information Prepared By: GARRETTF Salesman: TODD L. (360) 815-1207 A. B198609 � Date: 07/05/12 Spec No Item Submitted Comments Pages WIRE BACKED SILT FENCE LAYFIELD PLASTICS, RENTON, WA METAL T-POSTS NW LININGS & GEOTEXTILE, KENT, WA CATCH BASIN INSERT LAYFIELD PLASTICS, RENTON, WA DR 25 C900 PVC JM EAGLE, UMATILLA, OR DETECTABLE WARNING TAPE OMEGA MARKING CO., BEAVER DAM, WI SERIES 1500 BELL RESTRAINTS EBBA IRON, EASTLAND, TX ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES M&H/KENNEDY VALVE CO., ANNISTION, AL VALVE BOXES OLYMPIC FOUNDRY, SEATTLE, WA FLANGE BOLT & GASKET KITS CAIN BOLT & GASKET, SEATTLE, WA PVC ACCESSORY PACKS ROMAC INDUSTRIES, BOTHELL, WA TYTON JOINT DI PIPE US PIPE, UNION CITY, CA C110 MJ FITTINGS TYLER UNION, TYLER, TX DI ACCESSORY PACKS ROMAC INDUSTRIES, BOTHELL, WA DI SPOOLS FAST FABRICATORS, PORTLAND, OR VIC GROOVE DI FITTINGS VICTAULIC OF AMERICA, KENT, WA SWING CHECK VALVE KENNEDY VALVE, ELMIRA, NY EXPLOSION PROOF LIMIT SWITCH ALLEN BRADLEY, BIRMINGHAM, AL RESTRAINED FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTER ROMAC INDUSTRIES, BOTHELL, WA SINGLE STRAP SADDLE ROMAC INDUSTRIES, BOTHELL, WA STAINLESS FITTINGS MULT-ALLOY, TUKWILA, WA STAINLESS BALL VALVES MULTI-ALLOY, TUKWILA, WA STAINLESS GATE VALVE MULTI-ALLOY, TUKWILA, WA LIQUID FILLED PRESSURE GAUGE WIKA, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA DOUBLE U-BOLT SADDLE ROMAC INDUSTRIES, BOTHELL, WA COMBO AIR VAC A.R.I FLOW CONTROL, LYNNWOOD, WA SCH 80 PVC PIPE JM EAGLE, UMATILLA, OR SCH 80 PVC FITTINGS SPEARS, AUBURN, WA HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 1: Ln 1: Sec. 1: Ln 3 Vendor: 76540 1�4YFlELD �'rcvu�:t ��ut� S!��et 1. Product Description This variation on the traditional Silt Fence style provides rugged, reliable, and low maintenance silt control. Wire Backed Silt Fence will effectively protect storm water drainage systems from fouling with silt, and will protect you from environmental liability due to silt leaving your project site. Layfield's Wire Backed Silt Fence is constructed with a three-foot high wire scrim (0.9 m), covered with a woven polypropylene filter fabric. The galvanized steel scrim supports the fabric in an upright position, even under substantial loads of silt and water. A fabric apron extending beyond the wire is also available. The apron extends across the anchoring trench beneath the Silt Fence, and helps to anchor the fence and prevent undercutting. Layfield can provide metal T Posts and ties to secure the Wire Backed Silt Fence in position. 2. Technical Data Materials information is on page 2. 3. Installation Drive support posts approximately 2' deep every 6'. Excavate a 6" x 6" trench on the upstream side of the posts. Extend minimum 12" of fabric into the trench and backfill and compact. Attach silt fence to the posts using tie wire or plastic cable ties. Place an extra post where a roll of fabric/wire reinforcement ends and overlap minimum of 450 mm. Regular maintenance of the silt fence is required and it should be inspected after every rainfall and cleaned out when sediment reaches 1/3 of it's height. Check and follow local requirements. Wire Backed Silt Fence 5. Manufactured By Layfield Environmental Systems Corp. Layfield Geosynthetics & Ind. Fabrics Ltd. 6. Warranty Products sold will meet Layfield's published specifications at time of sale. Full warranty details are available from Layfield. 7. Maintenance Silt and Sediment Control Devices should be inspected on a regular schedule and after every significant precipitation event. Any accumulated silt and sediment should be removed once they reach 1/3 the height of the device. 8. Filing Systems www. LayfieldGroup.com www.geomembranes.com 4. Availability and Cost Available from Layfield or distributors. Call 425-254-1075� Pacific time 780-453-6731 � Mountain time, or 905-761-9123� Eastern time HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 1: Ln 1: Sec. 1: Ln 3 � Vendor:76540 9. Fabric Material Pro erties- Wire Backed Silt Fence Wire Backed Silt Fence 22Dec2011 Fabric Material Properties (typical) Fabric Style ASTM SF 100 SF 124 Grab Tensile D4632 116/120 Ibs 125/125 Ibs (MD/CD) 516/534 N 556/556 N Grab Elongation D4632 23.7%/24.1% 21%/21% (MD/CD) Trapezoidal Tear D4533 58 Ibs 65 Ibs 258 N 289 N Puncture Strength D4833 53 Ibs 65 Ibs 236 N 289 N AOS D4751 N/A 30 US Sieve 600 microns Permittivity D4491 N/A 0.05 s'1 UV Resistance (500 D4355 N/A 70% hours) Note: Layfield has additional silt fence products to suit regional requirements. Contact your Layfield representative for more information. 10. Material Pro erties 22 Dec 2011 Wire Backed Silt Fence Properties Wire Height 36" (0.91 m) Fabric Height 36",42", 48" 60" .91 m, 1.07m, 1.22m, 1.52m) Wire Guage 14 Wire Weave Pattern 2" x 4" (51x102) Wire Material Galvanized Steel Roll Length 100 ft(30.5 m) Roll Weight 70 Ibs (32 kg) Post Material Metal T-Posti 1. Posts are supplied upon request. �c�l f1-�[C� v�.rt�r.�etxrier��k:tartws.car;� Te:l ;USi: t-8t`){l-7;;Ei-E'�EiF3 �'i��frL3l3(;'E,`(�}j�� ��tCi��('�'�C sGrviv��c�a�r:?�;nbrants.ccr» Tul;�.z.n�dai: i-i3t}i}-84J-ZF'8•, HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 1: Ln 2 Vendor: 78590 �;� � �N. �� �� f � � �� � � �� �I��r rr ���� NORTHWEST LININGS & GEOTEXTILE PRODUCTS, Inc. "Helping to Protect the Environment" 21000 77th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 (253) 872-0244 • (800) 729-6954 FAX: (253) 872-0245 www.northwestlinings.com PermeaTexT'" Metal T Posts All posts have angled studs to help hold the fence against the post. DESCRIPTION Steel T-Posts Painted Green with Anchor Material Rolled Steel Height 5' Post Weight 0.925 Ib / foot Chemical Analysis: C: 0.17 - 0.30% S: 0.04% Si: 0.35 - 0.80% Mn: 0.40 - 0.80% P: 0.04% PermeaTexT"" is a trade name of Northwest Linings and any use of this name without the express written consent of Northwest Linings is strictly prohibited. The information and data contained herein are believed to be accurate and reliable. Northwest Linings makes no warranty of any kind. Northwest Linings accepts no responsibility or liability for the results obtained through application of this information. HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 1: Ln 4 Vendor: 76540 �- } �� ,� � �� �� � � � i ��x, � ��, a� f: � �� � � �' �" �� � � c �� � � � � � ����,� �.. �� - �;e�o 1 � ��° The Storm SentinelT"' Drain Protection Inserts help companies comply with Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and Stormwater Best Management Practices by protecting your storm drains and catch basins. It is the sure way to catch oil and sediment headed into storm drains and sewers. Equipped with an oil-absorbent media in a screened bag, the Storm SentinelT"' � guards against any potential ;• �. ..>.. J:..�=��>ir.w-.iw��,�.:� ��„�� �,n " ., discharge. �.m��� ENPAC',� enhanced design has increased thc surface ama for grcater sediment mtention while decreasina the depch of the unic in the catch basin. • 1341 SL 1344 fic any size rectangular ca[ch hasin's from 16"x20° to 28"x36". XL version fic; rectan�ular catch basin's up to 42"x42". • 1340 & 1343 fit any size round cacch basin's from 27" to 29" in diameter. � ;; L=��, • Requires no special tools ro install. • Helps comply uith NPDES, 40 CFR 12216 when used as Best Management Practice in Storm Water Pollution Pre��ention Plans. • U.S. Pazent No. 7,201,843 • Custom sizes available. No part of the insert T� �iE����: Simply lifr extends above the surface. the grate, grab che handle and pull oue che insert. lnsert won't fall into the basin, even when fully loaded. Dispose of the used insert according to company policy and all applicable laws , and regulations. ::� j i', � � i � ^�' i �, ,. �a �I, �p� �S ����, 9 � � a�.� a. �.„ FI ti • Industrial facilities • Construction si�es • Parking lots • Drive-up retail facilities ENPACs� new Storm Sentinel"" Adjustable Curb Inlet Insert was designed and engineered to perform to the same demanding test requirements as our award winning Catch Basin Inserts. You can now have the same high qualiry inserts for Curb Inlet situations. Adjustable to fit curb inlet openings from 24" to 30" wide. ��;;" www.ENPAC.com �; HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 1: Ln 4 Vendor: 76540 ENPAC t rm nti n 'TM S o Se e .���j�stable C�ic�� �asi�� ���sert Trap pollutants and control contaminants from entering our water systems. �., �< � __ $ �. � . `� , � �� � �,,�� �- ✓ US Patent Approved (No. 7,201,843) ✓ Comply with stringent NPDES & E.PA standards {40 CFR122.26) ✓ Inespensive & Easy-to-use Best 1�•ianagement Practice (Bi'�IP) ✓ Vital element of any Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ✓ Overflow outlets allow excess to bypass system, reducing flooding & ponding J Self-supporting wire frame ✓ No trimming needed! Copyright 2011 OO F.NPAC, (.LC R-lade of non-�voven geotextile fabric, the Storm Sentinel'" Adjustable Catch Basin Insert is supported by a durable �vire frame and can fit a variety of drain shapes 8: sizes. Competitive units require multiple people to get the job done. ��Vith the Storm Sentinel�', installation and retnoval is al�vays a 1-person job! Specifications: - Size: Rectangular - 16��X2��� (4lcmx�lcm) i0 42��X42�� (l0icmx 107cm) Round - 27" t0 29" (69cm to 74cm) .biaterlrtl: 8oz Polypropylene, Non-Woven Geotextile Fabric FIow Rafe: Maximum overflow rate varies depending on the level of soil that has accumulated with the fabric. (Proper maintenance is mandatory to maintain maximum waler tlow). 500 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) IietFrovaC CapaGitities. Oil, Grease, Sediment, Trash, Hydrocarbons & Debris Disj�nsut: Dependent on the nature of pollutants being collected. Should be in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. �1'eighf: Empty - 2-41bs. (32-64oz) Full - Dry; 30-501bs. (13.6-22.7 kg) Liquid; 85-100 lbs. (38-45.4 kg) �., 1- Adjust Insert 2- Place in Drain 3- Comply & Filter! HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 3: Ln 5 Vendor: 74630 • JM�agle f �„<<,,,tx �.,.,e»«u,, or n better tomorrow- � : � . , � _.. '�' _ �' ' € � SiJ�MIT`i��. A�(t� C7AiA SH��i ts�RF�3Rflit _ . PIPE SIZE AVERAGE O.D. NOM. I.D. MIN. T. MIN. E APPROX. D9 APPROX. WEIGHT (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (LBS/FT) PRESSURE CLASS 165 psi (DR 25) 4 4.80 4.39 0.192 5.25 5.57 1.9 6 6.90 6.31 0.276 6.40 8.00 3.9 S 9.05 8.28 0.362 7.05 10.50 6.7 10 11.10 10.16 0.444 8.20 12.88 10.1 12 13.20 12.08 0.528 8.80 15.31 14.4 PRESSURE CLASS 235 psi (DR 18)* 4 4.80 4.23 0.267 5.25 5.87 2.6 6 6.90 6.09 0.383 6.40 8.43 5.3 8 9.05 7.98 0.503 7.05 11.06 9.2 10 11.10 9.79 0.617 8.20 13.57 13.9 12 13.20 11.65 0.733 8.80 16.13 19.7 PRESSURE CLASS 305 psi (DR 14)* 4 4.80 4.07 0.343 5.25 6.17 3.2 6 6.90 5.86 0.493 6.40 8.87 6.7 8 9.05 7.68 0.646 7.05 11.63 11.6 10 11.10 9.42 0.793 8.20 14.27 17.6 12 13.20 11.20 0.943 8.80 16.97 25.1 Consult JM Eagle`" for CSA and other listing availability prior to shipment. Note: 'FM Approvals Pressure Class 150 psi for DR 18 and 200 psi for DR 14. D9 � ,;� � T I, O.D. _ I �E E / Assembly Mark Product Standard: Pipe Compound: Gasket: Integral Bell Joint: Certifications: Installation: ANSI/AWWA C900 ASTM D1784 Celis Class 12454 ASTM F477 ASTM D3139 ANSI/NSF Standard 61 UL Standard 1285 Pipe Length: 20 feet laying length AWWA C605 JM Eagle'" Installation Guide I.D. : Inside Dameter O.D. : Outside Diameter T. : Wall Thickness D3 : Bell Outside Diameter E: Distance between Assembly Mark to the end of spigot. � N a W '9 N � n a ��J g 0 v � Non-Detectable Warning Tape Material Specifications • ]00'%, virgin low density polyethylene • Pigmented with lead-free resins • Withstands temperature range of -94 F through 20U F • All colors are consistent with A.P.W.A. color code guidelines • Manufactured for durability and resistance to the elements Applications • Non-detectable warning tape is used for protection, early identification, and accurately locating underground �rtility installations • A.P.W.A. color code denotes: Orange-=Celeco�nmunication and CA't'V Lines, Blue--Water Lines, Green--Sewer Lines, Purple--Reclaimed Watcr Lines, Red--Electrical Lines, Yellow--Gas Lines Product Analysis ATTRIBUTE PROCEDURE VAWE* Thickness ASTM D 2103 4.0 MIL Elongation ASTM D 88280A M D 600 % TD 750 % Density ASTM D 792-66 0.922 (gm/cc) Tensile Strength ASTM D 882 MD 3,500PS1 TD 2,700PS1 Printability ASTM D 2578 Min .45 Dynes Flexibility ASTM D 671-76 Pliable Hand Graphic Repeat MFRG. SPECS Repeat Every 23" Material MFRG. SPECS Virgin LDPE Endorsements • Meets federal gas safety regulation S-192-321(E) • Meets OSHA regulation 1926-956 (C) (f) covering the location of underground utility lines " Values are a nominal + or - 10% to allow for manufacturing variance Detectable Warning Tape Material Specifications • 5.0 mil overall thickness • 100'%� virgin low density polyethylene • Aluminum center core • Withstands temperature range of -94 P through 200 � • Manufactured for durability and resistance to the eletnents Manufacturing Specifications • Subsurface graphics • "Criple-layer lamination Applications • Detectable warning tape is used for protection, early identification, and accurately locating underground utility installations • A.P.W.A. color code denotes: Orange-=1'elecommunication and CATV Lines, Blue--Water Lines, Green--Sewer Lines, Purple--Reclaimed Water Lines, Ked--Electrical Lines, Yellow--Gas Lines Praduct Analysis ATTRIBUTE PROCEDURE VALUE* Thickness ASTM D 2103 5.0 Overall Thickness Elongation ASTM D 88280A MD 80% TD 139% Density ASTM D 792-66 1.090 (gm/cc) Coefficient of Friction ASTM D 3248-73 Static 0.247 Tensile Strength ASTM D 882 5,800 PSI Printability ASTM D 2578 Min .45 Dynes Flexibility ASTM D 671-76 Pliable Hand Graphic Repeat MFRG. SPECS Repeat Every 23" Endorsements • Meets federal gas safety regulation 5-192-321(E) • Meets OSHA regulation 1926-956 (C) (I) covering the location of underground utility lines * Values are a nominal + or - 10% to allow for manufacturing variance � �. Omega Marking Co. ��� �� P.O. Box 655 Beaver Dam, WI 53916 �,,�� u Y.:1 A a�,.R'.. � F i� � � ��� �_�� � ���./ - ri � ''� :��A'`i� �� 3' ,.,�_..'�..,,_ �m � ���,. .,,- ., . ,- - r � � �� �'� ,��� `� � �� � � ,� �` �, � n �� � ; � � ��...���, ,� � _.� � . �w; �3,� Bell Restraint Harness for C900 PVC Pipe Features and Applications: • For use on AWWA C900 PVC pipe bells • Minimum 2 to 1 Safety Factor • MEGA-BOND� Restraint Coating System For more information regarding MEGA- BOND refer to www.ebaa.com • Split design for ease of installation • Constructed of ASTM A536 ductile iron • Available in accessory packages • For use on water or wastewater pipe- lines subject to hydrostatic pressure and tested in accordance with either AWWA C600 or ASTM D2774 � �� i �� � �� . o. a �' r a' �• : � �� � �� f o oe e 'e . �� � �� � � �,:���« � �� ���--� � � E E ��� � E� � NOTE F�or appli�cations o�r pressures ot�her thanpth1ose shown please cantact EBAA for ass�stance :��t.. � � � � �� e �.�3' � ._. �..`.. ., -�_ c� ,,. "�` �. Packaged Items. ,�. - :r.: ,.. �a-�� a.xav� m --. �m." � a u : ; ' � � �'�" �... I 3�/ �"' � za Y' �=�s �< .:.: , - ...�..�.� �.� _. .._..�v��. ��- ...,,.___-� _._�.:. _ r �_ ?..{ _.3.m.__ s�s....n.��...._ �..� _�,.-_ ..�..,i�>..:..y: :..�,. , -_.. Y.c�_.`�ns...�. . ��' � �° x� noin � c m� � r�__.._:_4. �nn-r a� cn e e r_.._ �__� n �� n:_t,._ n,.__,._a Series 1512 on 12 inch PVC Pipe. _, D , ,. e� ��� ,, ; ���`�'` A� �� ninal � �S�ries` ����Ripe � Size= Numbe�r� , ;,�.�0 D: �� :� 6.75 � __ _ C _:i__-... �ated I.D, Restralnt Ring ' . . ,. , .. � : ._. - , . � 9.25 13 ��:�. 2-3/ax13 8 1508 9.05 12.25 14.75 18 2- 3/a x 18 � � 10.. ,.�� ��..�. � .�1510,._.;��_...._ ��,� 10�:u,?.; ._ ___...�. +':�`.�.1'4.:?�,w��_ ,..a�:,w':��=.w.,,• � 16 85 . ;��� ����i���`i���? `x�22.� �._� ���,�.' �. 4 3/a x 22 �..:�� ;;; 12 1512 13.20 16.90 19.45 22 4- 3/a x 22 Installation Instructions � � - g - - . • . - o - � . _- • o - 3. Install both halves of the serrated ring around the pipe behind the bell, tapping each half into place. Make sure that the complete ID of the ring is touching the pipe before instailingthe side bolts. Install the side bolts and tighten evenly to 110 ft-Ibs. of torque. (60 ft-Ibs on 4 inch and 6 inch) Members of... � , ,r - �;: / / � ' (-- � �� 1 / / / i'� ��Y��`�; % ''-1 -.-'t , : L,r�- � ; AMER/C4N iOUNDAY SOC7ETY EBAA IRON Sales, Inc, P,O, Boz 851, Eas�a�d, TX 16448 Tel, (254) 629•1�31 Faz, (254) 629•8931 (800) 433•1)16 within US and Canada contact@ebaa,com www ahaa enm Restralnt Ring, 1. The Series 1500 is designed for restraining push-on PVC pipe bells. It has a split, ser- rated restraint ring on the spigot and a split serrated ring behind the bell. 2. Assemble the push-on joint per the pipe manufacturer's instructions. 6. Place nuts on the thrust bolts and tighten until they are snug. Allow enough room on the thrust bolts to fully engage the nuts. Do not tighten these bolts enough to force the spigot further into the bell of the joint. 4. Remove the side bolts from the second serrated restraint ring. Use the Thrust Bolts to determine the proper location of the restraint ring on the spigot. Allow enough room on the thrust bolt to fully engage the nuts. 5. Install both halves of the restraint ring at the proper location, tapping each half into place. Make sure that the complete ID of the ring is touching the pipe before install- ing the side bolts. Tighten the side bolts ovcnlv tn 9 9(1 ff_Ihe !C.(1 ft_Ihc nn a" �nrl R"1 s Serving the ater � aste ater Industry Since 1878 3 � ' � ' ; � ?" ;. y"'/ � T '' � � .e�� 9 ��_ � � t ,a" .,*x,v � � +� . �.`r y _ �_ 3 .�,€ "n*»,�� i,�'- k&"� -'�,k � r ✓ � s " ER � � fl.. �� �� aua. � �32� t�c.a �'��� `' �"��� � ��^ �� � � ....� f�� :� �y:� " xx �` �, � �; g � �r � � ���, �� � r � � � ,,., �� � � � � � � , � �� � y✓ � f � p '�.�� � ;� �� � � .'se'� � �,� z� � ,�„ f � � '-� , s �v , �` : - � � ? '�''�'� f�,' . a ' � �'"� , � � �$ �'� �� : 3 � i " °:� � e� � f � � ,. ���;�r.�.,.� '�..<.,. �,..�y._. �`�`,.,,_,,;s� ..e �..d.d;� c . . ,. �'r �,,. ��.��* " ��*_ ,:.. � �z� �, ....__. � s q x a �.: 3 �' x 7 �. '� �`l�f. t � �� �� � � �tc. �,� . - � : .�'% �: ;� s ...�`''' z ��� ` r � �.,., � !� . ��`. �� � t � a I-' � 5 s �, � �,�`� �'�: _� �, , .. ��`�'. m -�;_.. � Ss . ��� q� � �� a ,� ��; � �� � "� ._w �w C517 • 3"- 24`' sizes aVailable • Multiple end connections available 1 c l N1&H VALVE COMPANY wr,�tE M&H ualve is a division ot Mcwane; lnc. F�i.G@�@�Ot1�11$ www.mh-valve.com • _ AVAILABLE END CONNECTIONS � . � � � � . . . � . . � ' . . . . � . . . � � . � � � h18H YAIVE COMPANY . . . . � . �- .' . � '� ' �� � .� ; �. � " . � . 1 � � .. I �. . . � . i I � - . _ � - ' � _ I.. I . ' ' � � . I I'. . � . .. . �j f� J(No. holes tapped � E— �E.� each flange) . F � . ,�:r D F � ,. �` ,�"� - ' � I -- I-- I � � �,,�� .� . � i ��— i �� i � \� i I � � I?�� �t � B'� �—;+j��- i± �� F � i. � I � ��� ���; i �C� i �,_ �� H ��;%—" '�H� (No. & size of bolts) 1820-02 FLANGE END 1820-01 MECHANICAL JOIIVT END R I� L � _. P-�� - --�-j _ � , j � -��-.. N _ i ; -j- `� iD'I �M- __ E � I E, F, I: ! � •. . �r i '� I f �_�_ _ js T -- � p y� I , � _ w �_ ��. � y� -c�: I � I ^j �- '�`—`T-r= ; � ; �`� �, ��I T ��4 I � `�/ C2� � ' `'�c`�-l_:j 182Q-GR GROOVED EiVD ALL ENDS. WITH WORM GEAR VALVE S12E A A1 B B1 C C1 C2 �D D1 E Et F 3 7 1/2 7 5/8 6 6 3/16 8 i l 7/8 9 3 15/32 * 6 3/4 * 11 4 9 91/8 71/2_: _71/2 .. 9. .. 121/4_._.. 9 47/16 ....9.3/i6- 11 1L1/16 163/8 6 11 11 1/8 9 1/2 9 1/2 10 1/2 14 1/8 10 1/2 6 1/8 10 7/8 14 1/2 12 3/4 21 8 13 1/2 13 3/4 11 3/4 11 3/4 11 1/2 U 1/2. 15 1/2 7 5/8 12 3/8 16 14 1/4 24 1/4 10 16 15 3/4 14 1/4 14 13 19 3/8 17 1/4 9 3/4 14 1/2 15 16 3/8 25 3/16 12 19 18 17 161/4 14 203/4 18 115/16 161/i6 i61/2 1715/16 291/4 14 21 20 5/16 18 3/4 18 7/8 17 24 1/2 21 5/8 12 7/8 * 20 114 * 34 1/2 16 23 1/2 22 1/2 21 1/4 21 17 3/4 24 3/4 22 1/2 14 * 21 1/2 * 37 1/4 18 25 24 3/4 22 3/4 23 1/4 21 1/2 28 5/8 * i6 1/8 * 23 1!2 * 40 5/8 20 27 1/2 27 25 25 1/2 23 U2 30 3/4 * 17 3/4 * 25 1/8 * 45 1/8 24 32 31 112 29 1/2 30 30 37 * 19 1/8 * 26 * 53 UALVE SIZE F1 G N H1 J K L M N P R 3 * 3/4 4- 5/8 4- 5/8 0 6 7/8 2 1/2 * * * * 4 16 7/16 1 8- 5/8 4- 3/4 . 4 7 1/4 2 1/2 8 11 10 3 1/4 6 19 1/4 1 1/16 8- 3/4 6- 3/4 2 9 1/8 21/2 8 11 10 3 1/4 8 22 1/2 1 3/i6 8- 3/4 6- 3/4 � 4 12 1/2 2 1/2 8 11 10 3 1/4 10 26 11/16 1 1/4 12- 7/8 8- 3/4 4 14 3/8 2 1/2 8 11-12 10-18 3 1/4 12 30 1 1/4 12- 7/8 8- 3/4 4 15 3/4 2 1/2 8 11-12 10-18 3 1/4 14 * 13/8 12-1 10-3/4 4 171/2 31/2 * * * * •i6 * 1 7/16 16-1 12-3/4. 6 17 3/4 . 3 1/2 * ' * * 18 * 19/16 16-11/8 12-3/4 8 215/8 31/2 * * * * 20 * 1 11/16 20-t 1!8 14-3/4 8 23 3/4 3 1/2 * * * * 24 * 1 7/8 20-1 1/4 16-3/4 8 30 3 1/2 * " * " � f NGiNEER1NG FEATURES , POSITION lNDICATOR AND ` 'MEMORY STOP M&H guarter-turn valves.are equipped with` a position indicator marked at � 10 degree increments and an.open position memory stop tlia.t can be used for balancing applications. Q-R1NG BONNETSEAL� The seal between the body and,fhe bonnef is an 0-ring allowing for easier maintenance. And since 0-rings seal better than flat gaskets;.fhe number of bonnet bolts is reduced. VALVE BODY I The body and cover of the M&H valve are - cast iron conforming to ASTM AT26 Glass B. Flanged valves are in full compiiance with ANSI B16.1 Class 125 sfandards. Mechanical Joint valves are in comPliance with AWWA C111/ANS1 211.11, Grooved end.valves are:in. compliance with AWWA C606. PLUG � The valve plug iscast iron ASTM A126; Class B: The portion of fhe plug in the valve botly cavity is coated with Buna-N rubber using an injection molding process. This allows for the entire surface to be, covered, not,just the plug face. With this injection molding process:you do not have:to worry about the. rubber disponding from the iron. , STEM PACKING SEALS M&H utilizes Buna-N multiple V-�ing stem _ pacKing seals. This sealing.system conforms -. to AVW1/A.C504 and AWWA C507 standards. Replaceabl,e packing seal is held.in place with an adjustable gland follower to provide many years"of reliable service. BOLTED BONNET Valve bonnets are fully sealed and securely bolted to the valve body for easy removal of the plug should maintenance be required. � SHAFT BEARINGS Sintered 316 stainless steel shaft bearings are � used in'the upper.and lower trunnions. These bearings are perinanentlyl.ub�icated fo� ease of � operation even after long periods of inactiviry. WELDED'NICKEL SfAT A corrosion resistant nickel seat is welded to a raised area in the body; The weld is of 95%0 nickel, at lea.st 1/8" thick after it is machined. 1'he nickel covers the entire seat su�face so thatthere is no possibility of corrosion that couid damage the plug;face. � SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS M&H VALVE--ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES (3"-24".) Eccentric Plug va(ves shall be of the tight closing, resilient faced, non-lubricating variety and shall be of eccentric design such that the valves pressure member (plug) rises off the body seat contact area immediately upon shaft rotation during the opening movement. Valves shall be drop-tight at the rated pressure (175 psi through 12", 150 psi 14" and above) and shall be satisfactory for applications involving throttling service as well as frequent or infrequent on-off service. The valve closing member should rotate approximately 90 degrees from the full-open to full-close position and vice-versa. The valve body shall be constructed of cast iron (semi-steel) conforming to ASTM A126, Class B. Body ends shall be: 1. Flanged with dimensions, facing, and drilling in full conformance with ANSI B 16.1, Class 125. This includes flange thickness. 2. Mechanical Joint to meet the requirements of AWWA C 111 / ANSI A21.11. 3. Grooved ends to meet the requirements of AWWA C606. Eccentric Plug Valves shall have a rectangular shaped port. Port areas for 3"-2Q" valves shall be a minimum 80% of full pipe area. Port area for 24" valve shall be a minimum 70% of full pipe area. Valve seat surface shall be welded-in overlay, cylindrically shaped of not less than 90% pure nickel. Seat area shall be raised, with raised area completely covered with weld to insure proper seat contact. The machined seat area shall be a minimum of .125" thick and .500" wide. The valve plug shall be constructed of cast iron (semi-steel) conforming to ASTM A126, Class B. The plug shall have a cylindrical seating surface that is offset from the center of the plug shafts. The plug shafts shall be integral. The entire plug shall be 100% encapsulated with Buna-N rubber in all valve sizes. The rubber compound shall be approximately 70 (Shore A) durometer hardness. The rubber to metal bond must withstand 75 lbs. pull under test procedure ASTM D-429-73 Method B. Shaft bearing, upper and lower, shall be sleeve type metal bearings, sintered, oil impregnated, and permanently lubricated Type 316 stainless steel conforming to ASTM A743 Grade CF-8M. Thrust bearings shall be Nylatron. Plug valve shaft seals shall be on the multiple V-ring type (Chevron) and shall be adjustable. All packing shall be replaceable without removing the bonnet or actuator and while the valve is in service. Shaft seals shall be made of Buna N. Each valve shall be given a test against the seat at the full rated working pressure and a hydrostatic shell test at twice the rated working pressure. Certified copies of individual test shall be submitted when requested. Certified copies of proof-of-design tests shall be submitted upon request. Marival valves shall have lever or worm gear type actuators with handwheels, 2" square nuts, or chainwheels attached. Lever actuators shall be fumished on valves 8" and smaller where the maximum unseating pressure is 25 psig or less. Worm gear type actuators shall be furnished on a114" or larger valves where the maximum unseating pressure is 25 psig or more. All eccentric plug valves shall be M&H 1820-02 (flanged), 1820-01 (mechanical joint), or 1820-GR (grooved) or approved equal. July 2005 / M&H Eccentric Plug Valves ..� . _..._. __...�.....� ........�..��.. FEATURES AND BENEFITS � M&H VALVE--ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES (3"-24") 1. STEM PACHING SEALS — M&H utilizes Buna-N multiple "V" ring stem packing seals. This sealing system conforms to AWWA C054 and AWWA C507 standards. The M&H valve can be repacked under pressure without removing the actuation. The packing seal is held in place with an adjustable gland follower to provide many years of reliable service. 2. BOLTED BONNET — Valve bonnets are fully sealed and securely bolted to the valve body for easy removal of the plug should maintenance be required. 3. SHAFT BEARINGS — Sintered 316 stainless steel shaft bearing are used in the upper and lower truunions. These bearings are permanently tubricated for ease of operation even after long periods of inactivity. 4. VALVE BODY — The hody and cover of the M&H valve is cast iron (Semi-Steel) conforming to ASTM A126 Class B. Flanged valves are in full compliance with ANSI B16.1 Class 125 standards including flange thickness. Mechanical Joint valves are in compliance with AWWA C111/ANSI 21.11. Grooved End valves are in compliance with AWWA C606. 5. WELDED NICKEL SEAT — M&H welds a corrosion resistant nickel seat to a raised area in the body. The weld is of 90% pure nickel, at least 1/8" thick after it is machined. The nickel covers the entire seat surface so that there is no possibility of corrosion that could damage the plug face. 6. PLUG — The valve plug is cast iron ASTM A126, Class B. The portion of the plug in the valve body cavity is coated with Buna-N rubber using an injection molding process. This allows for the entire surface to be covered not just the plug face. With this injection molding process, you do not have to worry about the rubber dis-bonding from the iron. , 7. O-RING BONNET SEAL — The seal between the body and bonnet is an O-ring allowing for easier maintenance, and since O-rings seal better than flat gaskets the number of bonnet bolts is reduced. July 2005 / M&H Eccentric Plug Valves ._ . ....._. _.....�.......� ........_.._.,.. PRESSURE R.ATINGS AVAILABLE CONFIGURATIONS ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS M&H VALVE--ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES (3"-24") Size Ran e Seat Test si H drostatic Shell Test si 3"-12" 175 350 14"-24" 150 300 Size Available End Connections Ranee Stvle No. Flanged Ends 3"-24" 1820-02 MechanicalJoint 3"-24" 1820-01 Grooved Ends 4"-16" 1820-GR Flanged Ends "Full Port" 3"-12" 1820-FP Accessories / Oations: Floor stands Extension Stems 2" Square Operating Nuts Hand wheels Chain wheels Lever Wrench Head (3"-8") Worm Gear Actuators Electric Motors Actuators Cylinder Actuators Limit Switches Stem Guides Floor boxes "T" Handles Chain Levers (3"-8") 1VOTE 1: Contact Factory For Special Applications NOTE 2: Valves 3" through 8" are available with lever actuators. Geared actuators are recommended on 6" and larger valves. It is also recommended that valves installed in pipeGnes with high velocity or where water hammer conditions can be caused by sudden valve shut-off that geared actuators be installed. Lever actuators can only be used for pressure ratings of 100 psi maximum and 25 psi in the reverse flow condition. July 2005 / M&H Eccentric Plug Valves ._ . ,....,.. _.....�_..� ......---__..._ PRESSURE RATINGS AVAILABLE CONFIGURATIONS ACCESSORIES / OPTIONS M&H VALVE--ECCENTRIC PLUG VALVES (3"-24") ��p �: �� Size Ran e Seat Test si H drostatic Shell Test si 3"-12" 175 350 14"-24" 150 300 Size Available End Connections Ran�e Stvle No. Flanged Ends 3"-24" 1820-02 MechanicalJoint 3"-24" 1820-01 Grooved Ends 4"-16" 1820-GR Flanged Ends "Full Port" 3"-12" 1820-FP Accessories / Oations: Floor stands Extension Stems 2" Square Operating Nuts Hand wheels Chain wheels Lever Wrench Head (3"-8") Worm Gear Actuators Electric Motors Actuators Cylinder Actuators Limit Switches Stem Guides Floor boxes "T" Handles Chain Levers (3"-8") NOTE 1: Contact Factory For Special Applications NOTE 2: Valves 3" through 8" are available with lever actuators. Geared actuators are recommended on 6" and larger valves. It is also recommended that valves installed in pipelines with high velocity or where water hammer conditions can be caused by suiiden valve shut-off that geared actuators be installed. Lever actuators can only be used for pressure ratings of 100 psi magimum and 25 psi in the reverse flow condition. July 2005 / M&H Eccentric Plug Valves HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 3: Ln 9 Vendor: 79700 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 18: Ln 128 Vendor: 79700 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 3: Ln 11 Vendor: 79700 fy'� [ i � � ; �� ,61 �,.- CAIN BOLT & GASKET, INC. 7724 7th AVENUE SOUTH * SEATTLE, WA. 98108 PHONE: (206)763-6460 * FAX: (206) 763-6878 * DOMESTIC & IMPORT INVENTORIES * * FLANGE BOLT & GASKET KITS * * METRIC FASTENERS AVAILABLE * ., � � � ��' � ��' ;,� �!, � �� � PLAIN, ZINC PLATED, CAD PLATED, MILD STEEL, STAINLESS, GRADE 5& 8 * BOLTS * * NUTS * * WASHERS * * SPECS * * SPECIALS * HEX HEAD FINISHED HEX USS B7 / L7 U- BOLTS STAINLESS STEEL HEAVY HEX SAE A307A & B J- BOLTS ANCHOR COUPLING HARD B8 / B8M LOW CARBON STUDS LOCKING NUTS BEVEL GR 5 STRUCTURAL BENT BOLTS ALL GRADES LOAD GR 8 ALLOYS SOCKETS STRUT LOCK A325 STAINLESS STEEL SPECIALS FENDER A36 EXOTICS STRUCTURALS SQUARE 304SS ANCHOR BOLTS FLANGE BOLT KITS PLATE 316SS ALL THREAD � �, � + � i :i �, � ELASTOMERIC, NON-ASBESTOS, HIGH TEMPERATURE, FDA APPROVED * GASKETS & CUT PARTS * * SHEET GOODS * * FLANGE INSULATION* IN- HOUSE MANUFACTURING RUBBER TEXTILES SLEEVING DIE MAKING SPONGE CORK INSULATING WASHERS SPECIAL GASKETS PLASTICS GRAPHOIL ONE PIECE KITS CUSTOM PARTS FELT EXOTICS TYPE "F" & TYPE "E" HEADS/ PUMPS HIGH-TEMP TEFLON PHENOLIC HEAT EXCHANGER/ VALVES GARLOCK NON-ASBESTOS NEMA CYLINDERS METAL GASKETS PIPE PENETRATIO.N SEALS INNERLYNX EY:PANSI�N JOINTS METAL * FABRIC * COUPLINGS * CONNECTORS API, ASTM, ANSI, A WWA, FEDERAL & MILITARY SPECS * CALL 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK * (206) 763-6460 ASK ABOUT OUR DELIVERY SERVICE &"KIT" PACKAGING CAIN BOLT & GASKET TECHN[CAL MANUAL LINECARD.DOC ��`� �--_ �: CAIN BOLT & GASKET, INC. y;;& ' a'. HEX BOLT CAr SCi\L' W j.•,.r ., �?—J-' s� �� ._ ............�..��_ �"�' .'�:1tl ={'+ yl .:4'�gi�flfi �.� _._.. � � � �,a _ �-.:... � i � ` V , � `� � ,� � F� .i �ic�i'� g� �� ��� � ����_� ,_g �_ r �1 ��,: 9-' � w i ALL THREAD STUDS . � �i!iI%��� �y i � � � .1(!�' i�r'`�r �t : fl�. � ,�.�� ' � (� T..- �. ��. !•� �� .''� ���� �� i .p P y � ��. .. D � � '� � � . ........ ..... .......�... � f"f .i� � . F.5£'C ... ..eai �3` F�s�x'.,�-T �y S >..S t .%�':' y,"zro'I'.. ^ �.� —�^:'Y;:,. A'.•l�.F:, �?' NUTS �>_ - F ---; � _ w----�-----�- (���'/'�;p'�'��. � — . �,{ �..�3,3 � 1�� � ��� 4 � n � [V � �� �m� � r.; ., r��� � �.Ft'Ad7e. CAIN BOLT & GASKET, INC TECHNICAL MANUAL HARD.DOC Ei'i'L4R+��:� GET41� pF FI� LE � RUBBER SHEET PRODUCTS: APPLICAT/OiVS. COLOR: THICKNESS pNCHES): DUROb1ETER HARDNESS /SHORE A+/- 5�. TENSILE: ELONCATIOti: TEIIIPERATURE h1AX: R'EICHT PER LINEAL FOOT(36" WIDE): FINISH: SPECIFICATIONS: APPLlCAT/O�VS: COLOR: THICI�IESS (INCHES): DUR01�tETER HARDNESS /SHORE A+/- 5: TENSILE: ELONCATION: TEDiPERATURE M11AX: WEIGHT PER LINEAL FOOT(36" �YIDE): FINISH: SPECIFICATIOtiS: SPECIALTY SHEET PRODUCTS: CHARACTERISTICS& APPL/CaT/ONS: CREEP ASTbt F38B 212 F: SEALABILITY AST�1 F376 FUEL A: GAS LEAKAGE DIN 3535/6: HOT CODIPRESSION: THICKNESS DECREASE AMBIENi' 3625 psi THICKNESS DECREASE 572 F COMPRESSIBILITY ASTM F36J: RECOVERY ASTM F36A: TENSILE ASTM 152: VACWM TO FULL PRESSURE: CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: DENSITY: PRESSURE M.�C: ECOLEPOLYTEC Cb psi a GASKET MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS GOOD OIUGAS RESIST GOOD FOR BUDiPERS, PADS & SEALINC; RESISTS ROT, CHECKINC & CRACKING BLACK I /32 - ? 60 1300 500 170 F I/8 - 2.7 SMOOTFI -ASTM D-2000-S6c -SAE 1200, I BC 609 -MIL R-3065,SC 609 RED RUBBER RECOM�tENDED FOR L0�1' PItESSURE— HEATING R PLUhIBING (LOW COST) AGING, ABRASIO\ & TEAR RESISTANCE CONFORMS TO UNEVEN FLANGESURFACES RED I/8-3.5 1�8�� 75 600 200 170 F I/8 - 3.5 FABRIC FINISIi ASTM D-1330-66 CLASS 11 ASTM D-2000 SO FT-C H EM EXCELLENT RESIS'CANCE TO CHEMICALS, MOSTI.Y UNAFFECTED BY STEAM FIBROUSSTRUCTURE HIGH COMPRESSIBILIi'Y EXCELLENT CORROSION RESISTANCE 35% (I/32„) .002 ml/min 37 % 29 % 60 % 12% min I500 psi 3000 psi 0-14ph 85 g/cm3 3000 psi 1260 02 COMMERCIAL BUNA GOOD RESISTANCE TOOILS & ARODIATIC FUELS SUPERIOR CHEMICAL RESISTANCE COOD RESISTANCE TO BOTH OIL & WATER BLACK I/32 - I 60 900 300 170 F U8-2.6 smoorti -ASTM D-2000-86e -SAE 1?OQ I BE 609 C017MERCIAL EPDM EXCELLENT FOR EXTItE�1E TEMP/WEATHER O"LONE & CHE6iICAL RESIST. EXCELLENTELECTRICAL & DYNAIT[C PROP'S EXCELLENT RESISTANCE TO HIGH TEDiP, ANIMAL & VEG OILS, STEAM & OXYCENATED SOU'ENTS BLACK I/16 - 1/4 60 1000 500 ��0 F I/8 - 2.2 SMOOTFI -ASTM D-2000-86e -SAE 120Q 36A (608, 708), C12 -MIL R-3065 -ASBESTOS-FREE, NO F[BERS, BINDERS OR ADDITIVES IMPERMEABLE TO GASES & LIDQUIDS,RESISTS THERMAL SHOCK, EXC. SEALABILITY DOES NOT AGE, SHRINK OR HARDEN, HIGHLY CHEMICAL RESISTANT H0�10GENEOUS o.os WHITE FDA NITRILE GOOD FOR ALL TYPES OF FOOD PROCESSING PHARI�IACEUTICAL AND COS�fETIC PRODUCTS RESISTANT TO OILY & GREASY FOODS, ti0Y-TOYIC NON-MARKING, NON-ALLERGENIC w�ure 1/16 - I/4 60 1000 650 220 F 1/8 - 2.8 SMOOTFI FDA APPROVED/ NOn-TOXIC \ON-ALLERGENIC/ NON-MARKING GOOD OIL RESISTANCE CLOTH INSERTED RUBBER EXCELLENT FOR AIR, HOT & COLD �YATER, SATl7RATED STEAM, LOW PRESSURE HYDR:IULIC -EXCELLENT FOR'CUSTObt CUTTItiG & OFF-SI'LE APPLICATIONS BLACK 1/16 - I/4 65 400 200 170 F N/A SMOOTIi FABRIC W EIGIiT: 4 OZ FABRIC TYPE: POLYESTER OIL RESISTANCE: NONE i. � � }�t � � ,n,��� a P��� • � =a : ��� s: ` i � � TANC INSERTED (31 o. i 45% (SOOOpsi) 20 % ( SOOOPSI) 700 PSI 0-14ph 62.4 Ibs/ft3 900 F in air 1200 F (in steam) 2000 psi 98% minimum cAeaoN 12U� m maX TOTAI,SULFUR PP LEACHABLECHLORID[S 35% (5000 psi) 18% (SOOOpsi) 5000 psi 0-14ph 6?.4 Ib/ft 900 F (in air) 1800 F (incn media) 2000 psi 98 % minimum 1200 ppm max CAIN BOLT GASKET. INC TECHNICAL MANUAL GASSPEC.XLS 12/28/03 � .�, ����� ���� .,. .: .�o � . �. • �. , ��rW:- . • . � � . BOLT SIZING American Water Works Association ( AWWA) 150# Qty 250# Qty Flange Per Bolt Flange Per Bolt Size Set Size Size Set Size 1/2, 3/4, 1 4 1/2-13 x 1 3/4 1 4 5/8-11 x 2 1/2 1 1/4 4 1/2-1 3 x 2 1 1/4 4 5/8-11 x 2 1/2 1 1/2 4 1/2-1 3 x 2 1 1/2 4 5/8-11 x 2 3/4 2 4 5/8-11 x 2 1/4 2 8 5/8-11 x 2 3/4 2 1/2 4 5/8-11 x 2 1/2 2 1/2 8 3/4-10 x 3 1/4 3 4 5/8-11 x 2 1/2 3 8 3/4-10 x 3 1/2 3 1/2 8 5/8-11 x 2 3/4 3 1/2 8 3/4-1 0 x 3 1/2 4 8 5/8-11 x 3 4 8 3/4-1 0 x 3 3/4 5 8 3/4-11 x 3 5 8 3/4-10 x 4 6 8 3/4-11 x 3 1/4 6 12 3/4-10 x 4 8 8 3/4-11 x 3 1/2 8 12 7/8-9 x 4 1/2 10 12 7/8-9 x 3 3/4 10 16 1-8 x 5 1/2 12 12 7/8-9 x 3 3/4 12 16 1 1/8-7 x 5 1/2 14 12 1-8 x 4 1/4 14 20 1 1/8-7 x 6 16 16 1-8 x 4 1/2 16 20 1 1/4-7 x 6 18 16 1 1/8-7 x 5 18 24 1 1/4-7 x 6 1/2 20 20 1 1/8-7 x 5 20 24 1 1/4-7 x 7 24 20 1 1/4-7 x 5 1/2 24 24 1 1/2-6 x 8 30 28 1 1/4-7 x 6 1/2 30 28 1 3/4-5 x 8 1/2 34, 36 32 1 1/2-6 x 7 36 32 2-4 1/2 x 9 1/2 42 36 1 1/2-6 x 7 1/2 42 36 2- 4 1/2 x 10 1/2 48 44 1 1/2-6 x 8 48 40 2-4 1/2 x 11 54 44 1 3/4-5 x 8 1/2 60 52 1 3/4-5 x 8 3/4 72 60 1 3/4-5 x 9 1/2 84 64 2-4 1/2 x 10 1/2 96 68 2 1/4-4 1/2 x 11 1/2 TECHNICAL MANUAL CAIN BOLT GASKET, INC AVWVA.XLS HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 3: Ln 15 Vendor: 82790 N C � V N � � � 'i. � ++ � � ROMAC � INDUSTRIES, INC. 1-800-426-9341 July 5, 2010 �,= RomaGripT" for PVC Pipe MAQE IN U.S.A Gland: Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Gasket: SBR, compounded for water and sewer service in accordance with ASTM D 2000 MBA710. Other compounds available for petroleum, chemical, or high temperature service. Restraining Bolts: 7/8 —9 roll thread, Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536. Restraining Lugs: Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting orexceedingASTMA536. Heat treated using a proprietary process. T-bolts and Nuts: HSLA steel T-head bolt. National coarse rolled ihread and heavy hex nut. Steel meets AWWA C111 composition specitications. Coatings: Shop coat applied to cast parts for corrosion protection in transit. Use: C900 4"-12", C905 14"-24" and, IPS 3"-12" Class 160 and greater, scd 40 & 80. Contact Romac representative for thin wall pipe such as IPS PVC (less than Class 160, etc.) C909 and Class 100 C900 (see instal- lation instructions). Not for use on polyethylene or ductile iron pipe. To Order: Specify catalog number. FM $" RomaGrip PPPPOVEO ��� � for PVC p�a • ��� �� Torque Off Bolts � -,.: ' ,:tw Assure the proper ;.} �orque is applied � Radial Pads � Contact lhe pipe and apply force eveny ROMAGRIP for PVC Accessory Pack (RomaGrip, Gasket, Bolts and Nuts) ___ _ NOM. PIPE RANGE "��� CATALOG T BOLTS WEIGHT SIZE NUMBER ouaNTiTv: size (ea.) '3�� 3.50-3.96 ':3' RG=P;VCAP D�� �% 4: s/e" x 3" 11 # 4 4.50-4.80 :; 4' RG'PVCAP D;�'' 4: 3/a" x 3'/i' 15# �j�� 6.63-6.90 "6' RG=P,VCAP-D ._`'; 6: 3/a" x 4" 20# $" 8.63-9.05 ` 8' RG=FVCAP-D .;i 6: 3/<" x 4" 24# 1 �° 10.75-11.10 � 10" RG PVCAP D'a:;: 8: 3/4' x 4" 30# 1'1" 12.75-13.20 _`:] 2"� RG=P,-VCAP-D .' " 8: 3/a" x 4" 37# 14" 15.30 �14 RG FVCAP D, 10: 3/d' x 4'/z" 58# 1 s� 17.40 16 RG-PVCAP D; .= 12: 3/a" x 4'/z" 68# " 19.50 18" RG-PUCAP-D.�,:;� 12: 3/�" x 4'/z" 80# 20�� 21.60 % 20 RG-PUCAP D`�`; 14: 3/<" x 4'/z' 87# '24" 25.80 �24' RG-PVCAP D�;�.�' 16: 3/d' x 5" 112# CRATE QUANTITY 54 80 48 30 32 32 r S ROMAGRIP for PVC (PVC-RomaGrip Only ) NOM. PIPE RANGE CATALOG � y; WEIGHT BANDED SI2E ` NUMBER : (ea.) QUANTITY .e 3" 3.50-3.96 ': ` 3 RG=PVC D';' ? 9# 5 4.50-4.80 ."; 4',RG-PVC-D_, ' 11 # 5 6� 6.63-6.90 �%�,; 6' RG=PVC D,�,,,., 14# 5 8�� 8.63-9.05 ;;„ 8' RG:PUC D`„ -'R, 18# 5 � 1 � 10.75-11.10 <`° 10 RG=PVC D�. '� 22# 3 12 12J5-13.20 12 ;-RG-PVC-D `. ::' 28# 3 14� 15.30 :� 14" RG=PVC D:';:`: 47# - 16 17.40 °16' RG=,PVC D, :'': 53# - 18" 19.50 � ��18 RG ;PVC.O `',��� 68# - 2O 21.60 '20 RG,PVC D,.;:;; 72# - 2t� 25.80 ;:;24" RG=PVC;D. '; 95# - NOTE: 3" - 12" special Romac gasket works on both IPS and C-900 ODs. 7-7 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 3: Ln 15 Vendor: 82790 ROMAC INDUSTRIES, INC. ROMAGRIPTM MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINING GLAND FOR STEEL AND DUCTILE IRON SIZE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE 3 THROUGH 12 INCH SUBMITTAL INFORMATION USE The Romac RomaGrip restraining gland is used for the restraint of inechanical joint valves, fittings, and fire hydrants in water transmission and fire protection lines. The RomaGrip replaces costly concrete thrust blocks, corrodible steel tie rods and clamps. MATERIALS Gland Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Gaskets A Romac DI / IPS combination gasket may be used on either DI or IPS size pipe. Gasket compounded for water and sewer in accordance with ASTM D 2000. A standard MJ gasket may be used with this fitting on C900 PVC pipe. An MJ X IPS transition gasket is used for IPS size pipe. Restraining Bolt Restraining Lugs Coating PERFORMANCE 7/8 —9 roll thread, Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536. Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536. Heat treated using a proprietary process. Shop coat applied to casting for corrosion protection in transit. Number of Approx. Pressure Maximum Nominal Pipe Restraining Weight Rating Joint Size Bolts Pounds si Deflection 3 4 6.0 5° 4 4 7.5 Pressure 5° 6 6 11.0 rating of pipe 5° 8 6 16.5 with 2:1 5° 10 8 23.0 Safety Factor 5° 12 8 29.5 5° FM Approval FM approved for AVWVA C900 pipe class 150 and 200. Document Number OS-8-0020 2/09 This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above, please check with Romac Engineering Department for any updates or changes. Phone (425) 951 6200 • Toll Free 1 800 426 9341 • Fax (425) 951 6201 • www.romacindustries.com 5s HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 5: Ln 18 Vendor: 85870 � � TYTON JOINT P� e p NSF. 0 TYTON JOINT Pipe TYTON JOIM is U.S. Pipe's trademark for pipe with a push-on type connection. Simplicity, sturdiness and water-tightness of the system are built into the system by design. Convincing proof of its worldwide acceptance is shown by the fact that more than 95% of the pipe now sold by U.S. Pipe is TYTON JOINT Pipe. MON JOINT Pipe is available in sizes 4° through 64". Sizes 4" through 42" are available in nominal 18-foot laying lengths. 6° through 24" sizes along with sizes 48° through 64" are available in nominal 20-foot laying lengths. MON JOINT Pipe in sizes 4" through 36" are UL Listed and sizes 4" through 16" are FM Approved When MON JOINT Pipe are used for bridge crossings or other above-ground instailations, each length of pipe must be supported in a manner to restrict both vertical and horizontal movement. MON� Gasket is the only accessory required when installing MON JOINT Pipe. It is a circular rubber gasket which has a modified bulb shape in cross section. Gaskets are furnished in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.1. Composition and dimensions of the gasket have been carefully engineered to ensure a water-tight and lasting seal. The standard MON Gasket is manufactured of SBR - styrene butadiene rubber. 6askets of special elastomers may be ordered for special applications. The gasket contour and bell socket contour ensure that the gasket will remain seated during proper assembly of the pipe. When joint restraint is required for push-on joint pipe, two options are available from U.S. Pipe. For joint restraint of 4" through 24", FIELD LOK 350� Gaskets may be used and�for joint restraint for 30" and 36", FIELD LOK� Gaskets may be used. FIELD LOK 350 Gaskets are rated for 350 psi in sizes 4° through 24". In addition, for 4" through 64" sizes, TR FLEX� Pipe and Fittings may be used. TR FLEX Pipe and Fittings are rated for working pressures for 350 psi in 4" through 24° sizes, 250 psi in sizes 30" through 48", and 200 psi in sizes 54" through 64". For higher pressure applications contact your U.S. Pipe representative. Complete details on both FIELD LOK 350 Gaskets and TR FLEX Pipe and Fittings can be found on our website, www.uspipe.com. NOTE: U.S. Pipe qaali(ies for Federal Procurement �nder Public Law No. 94-580, Sectian 6002, known as the Resource Recovery Act of 1976, since, due to modern technology, recycled iron and steel scrap is used to a large degree in our Ductile Iron Pipe production. The plain end of the pipe is furnished beveled or with a quarter ellipse on the edge to allow assem- bly More than 40 years of successful experience have proved its sealing capabilities. Hydrostatic tests have shown that the system will withstand pressures far in excess of rated pressures. TYTOIV�, TYTONlOINT�, TRFLEX�and FIfLD LON 350� are Registered Trademarks of U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company, LCC. 201 0 EDITION � p 3 .. � : :. i �'�'jf � � �t � i � . �..._._,.. ,�.. , .- . � . .. � ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.5; Ductile=lron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for;Water Ductile Iron TYTON JOINT Pipe is centnfugaliy �' cast in metal molds in accordance with ANSI/ AWWA C151%A21:5. The asphaltic'outside coating is in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. As specified in ANSUAWWA C151lA21:51;' , � pipe weights`have been calculated using : standa�d barrel weights and weightsbf bells being produced. ANSI/AYVWA C104/A21.4, Cement-Mortar � ; � iining for,Ductile-Iron Pipe and�Fittings � .. .� For Water. -- The cement,mortar,;lining and inside coating a�e in accordance with ANSVAWWA'C104/A21.4. Special linings and/or coatings can be furnished far specific conditions. ANSI/AYVWA C111/A21.11, Rubber-6a§ket loints for Ductile-iron Pressure Pipe and f�tfings ; : �= TYTON� Gaskefs are furnished in accordance �>�, � with ANSUAWWA C111/A21.11. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5, Polyethyleae ,;; Encasement#or 0uctile lron Pipe Systems. , If specifiers and users tielieve tfiat corrosive ; soils wdl be encountered where our products `; ��are�to be.installed�, piease refer to�':- �'' - � ANSUAVJWA C105/A21.5, for proper exte�nal . protection procedures. � ASTM A746=03 "Standard ipecification for Ouctile;iron 6ravity Sewer_ Pipe.". ASTM A716-06 Standard Specification . tor Ductile Iron Culvert�Pipe ��� ' ASTM A536 "Sfandard Specification`for Ductile Iron Castings." U.S, PtPE AN[; �OUNDRY GC3. MON 101NT Pipe BRO-003 REVISED 6.10 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 5: Ln 18 Vendor: 85870 TYT N I NT° Pi 0 10 e p NSF I 2010 EDITION I P 13 0 Thickness Class - Thicknesses, Dimensions and Weight 18-FOOT LAYING LENGTH V^ 20-FOOT LAVIN6sLENGTH OUTSIDE AV6. WEI6HT WEI6Hi AVG. WEI6HT WEIGHT SIZE THICKNESS THICKNESS DIAMETER� LEN6THt PER FOOTfii' LEN6TH1' PER FOOTtt Inches CLASS Inches Inches Paunds Pounds Pounds Pounds 4 51 0.26 4.80 215 11.3 __....._ _._._._.._. . _ _ .. . ...... . ... ...... . .. 4 52 0.29 4.80 235 12.6 - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ._. __ ........ ...__ _..._ _.... .... ...._ _ 4 53 0.32 4.80 260 13.8 - - _..__.___..__--- _._ ._---..----__..____. _.�___....._......___..------ -----------._. 4 54 0.35 4.80 280 15.0 - - -.�___.. _ ._ __ - --_ _-.....__....__. __.--- -..._--- 4 55 0.38 4.80 300 16.1 - - _.._... _..... ... _ __.... . __ ___ _ .._ .. _.... ... ....__ _......... __ _ 4 56 0.41 4.80 320 17.3 _....._ __..... _... __ __. _ _..._ __ _ _ _._ .... .. ........_ _ __.._._.. 6 50 0.25 6.90 305 16.0 335 16.0 _ _ .._ _.. __._ ............ _ . _ ____....... _ _ __. 6 51 0.28 6.90 335 17.8 370 17.8 _._�.._ _ ......_. . 6 52 0.31 6 90 310 19.6 410 19.6 _. _ . ... _ . . . _ .. . _ _.._ __ 6 53 0.34 6.90 400 21.4 445 21.4 _..... . . _ .. _...... . _ _... __.... _. 6 54 0.37 6.90 435 23.2 480 23.2 _ _ -------- _--------------......__.. __.. --- . ---- __ _ . ------------------ 6 55 0.40 6.90 465 25.0 515 25.0 -- - -- __ -- ------- -.. _ _ . __-�------- - __.....-----_ _ 6 56 0.43 6.90 495 26.7 550 26.7 _ ____ ..... . ...._._ ... .._ . .......__..... ... ..._..._. _ _ .. . .......... ___.._ _. _.._....... . . . __...... _ . . S 50 0.27 9.05 430 22.8 475 22.8 _.... .....__.. _ __..... __,_ __ ._.... _ 8 51 0.30 9.05 475 25.2 525 252 _ . _ ...... ., _.. 8 52 0 33 9 05 520 27.7 575 27.7 ___ _.. 8 53 0.36 9.05 560 30.1 620 30.1 _ .. _ _._....._. _ __ _ __._ .._ __ __ _ _ _ 8 54 0.39 9.05 605 32.5 670 32.5 _ . . _.._. _ _ _ __ _ _._.._. _ __ _ __ _... . 8 55 0.42 9.05 650 34.8 720 34.8 ------- --- ----- -------- ------- -- 8 56 0.45 9.05 690 37.2 765 37.2 __-----_._- --- ----_.____ _ __ ._ ____._._..____ _-- __._ _� _.___._.------- 10 50 0.29 11.10 570 30.1 630 30.1 _ _ _ .. . ............ _ ...._ ........... __...... 10 51 0.32 11.10 625 33.2 690 33.2 _.. __.._ _.. _..... _._.. _..___ .. ............ __.... 10 52 0.35 11.10 680 36.2 750 36.2 _ __ ___- _ _ .. _ .. ._. ......... , 10 53 0.38 11.10 130 39.2 810 39.2 _ ...... ..... ....... ____ _.. _.......... _........ __..... 10 54 0.41 11.10 185 42.1 810 42.1 _....._...... . _..._ ___ _ _ - ---.. _ _ _ . . ...__.... __ 10 55 0.44 11.10 840 45.1 930 45.1 _ . ..........__._ _ . . _.._.._ ._ . _ _. _ _ .. _. 10 56 0.47 11.10 890 48.0 990 48.0 NOTE: lhicknesses and dimensions of 4" through 64"Ductile Iron pipe con/orm to ANS//AWWA C151/A21.51. Weights may vary from the standard because of differences in bell weights. *Tolerance of O. D. of spigot end: 4-12 in., ±0.06 in.; 14-24 in., +0.05 in., -0.08 in.; 30-48 in., +0.08 in., -0.06 in.; 54-64 in., +0.04 in., -0.10 in. t Including bell; calculated weight of pipe rounded off to nearest 5 Ibs. tt lncluding bell,• average weight, per foot, based on calculated weight of pipe before rounding. Table continued an next page. U.S. PEPE AND �Qt1NQRt` G€�. TYTON JOINT Pipe BRO-003 REVISED 6.10 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 5: Ln 20 Vendor: 84890 - � =_y . � � �� .�:... � ��� �� TYLER !�! I�f 1 t�N�� Lt��1"�� :��� t�f"�CS ��ti �BqC�� 2" through 48" ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-08 and 3"-12" UL Listed (EX2111) Note: Cast with tested and traceable ASTM A536 Ductile Iron �r � � � �: 1 � . pR�SS�,D�E R�T[{�C�: 2"- 24" rated @ 350 PSI; 30"- 48" & all fittings with flanged branches rated @ 250 psi Note: With use of special flange gasket 2"-24" flanged fittings can be rated @ 350 psi �EF%��1"It�Pd :................. Upon completion of installation, mechanical joint fittings 2" - 12" are rated for a maximum of 5° deflection and 14" - 48", a maximum of 3° deflection. � � .:,. .t�.:... r �r, s • • Meets all requirements, UL Registered ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4-08 AN51/AWWA C104.A21.4-08, Double cement lining available ANSI/AWWA C116/A21.16-09 Note: Epoxy coated fittings are available to the specification(s) required for your application(s) Available .......... ANSI/AWWA C 111 /A21.1 1-7 1�57�4LL�i1�i�l :............. AWWA C600-99 using pipe conforming to ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-02 J�l�`T [?lMER15iC3NS ti� tt�iCFtES Size A B C D F 0 X J K' KZ 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 2.50 3.96 4.80 6.90 9.05 11.10 13.20 15.30 17.40 19.50 21.60 25.80 32.00 38.30 44.50 50.80 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.39 4.84 5.92 8.02 10.17 12.22 14.32 16.40 18.50 20.60 22.70 26.90 33.29 39.59 45.79 52.09 3.50 4.94 6.02 8.12 10.2 7 12.34 14.44 16.54 18.64 20.74 22.84 27.04 33.46 39.76 45.96 52.26 2.61 4.06 4.90 7.00 9.15 11.20 13.30 15.44 17.54 19.64 21.74 25.94 32.17 38.47 44.67 50.97 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 28° 20° 20° 20° 20° 3�4 3�4 '/e '/e '/e '/e '/e '/e ��8 '/a '/e '/a � �8 1 %a � 3�8 � 3�8 4.75 6.19 7.50 9.50 1 1.75 14.00 16.25 18.75 21.00 23.25 25.50 30.00 36.88 43.75 50.62 57.50 6.25 7.69 9.12 11.12 13.37 15.69 17.94 20.31 22.56 24.83 27.08 31.58 39.12 46.00 53.12 60.00 22U - Mechanical Joint C � � �/QZ �. � � Full Body Revised 10/09 6.25 7.69 9.12 11.12 13.37 15.62 17.88 20.25 22.50 24.75 27.00 31.50 39.12 46.80 53.12 60.00 L M N O P .75 .94 1.00 1.06 1.12 1.19 1.25 1.31 1.38 1.44 1.50 1.62 1.81 2.00 2.00 2.00 .62 .62 .75 .88 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.31 1.38 1.44 1.56 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.37 1.50 1.63 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.06 2.13 2.19 2.31 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .38 .38 .38 .38 .63 .63 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tyler Pipe Company • 1 1910 CR 492 • Tyler, Texas 75706 •(800) 527-8478 Union Foundry Company • 1501 W. 17th Street • Anniston, Alabama 36202 •(800) 226-7601 www.tylerunion.com S .44 .52 .65 .70 .75 .80 .85 .89 .97 1.05 1.12 1.22 1.50 1.80 1.95 2.20 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 5: Ln 21: Sec. 5: Ln 22 Vendor: 82790 1-800-426-9341 July 5, 2�? 0 �o��l�� INDUSTRIES, ,,,,,,,,,,,�.�; �"�. RomaGripT" Pipe Restraint Gland: Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45- i z. N Gaskets: 3-24" sizes: A standard MJ gasket is used with this fitting. See ANSI/ O AWWAC111/A21.11 for gasket specs. For 30-48" sizes, SBR in accordance with ASTM D2000. Other compou�ds available for petroleum, chemical or high � temperature service. V Restraining Bolt: Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536-84. � (3-24" sizes: 7/S —9 roll thread), (30-48" sizes: 1 1/4 - 7 roll thread) U d Restreining Lugs: Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536- Q 84. Heat treated using a proprietary process. � Coatings: Shop coat applied to ihe casting for corrosion protection in transit. � •i Use: Ductile iron pipe 3" - 48", cast iron pipe 3" - 48" (same OD's as ductile iron), � IPS size and STD steel 3" - 12" with iransition gasket and a minimum thickness }' of schedule 40. � � Not for use on polyethylene pipe, PVC pipe or plain end mechanicaljointfittings. To Order. Specify catalog number. UL FM I�PPROVED /Torque Off Bolts Assurethe proper torque is applied ` Radial Pads Coniact the pipe and apply force evenly ROMAGRIP for Ductile Iron Pipe Accessory Pack (RomaGrip, Gasket, Bolts and Nuts) NOM. PIPE �. ;r.CATALOG T- BOLTS WEIGHT CRATE SIZE '� NUMBER �UANTITY: SIZE (ea.) QUANTITY . . ��. . �� � . .,. r. $" ;� .t ;> 3" RG;4P D. .. `;� '' 4: s/a" x 3" 8# 54 �` �` 4" RGAR D -',: -..-=� 4: 3/<" x 3'/z" 11# 96 ����� 6" ' `�, , `;<�6" RGAP-D � . � " � - � 6: 3/<" x 4" 17# 72 --� 8 ' .=�8 z=RGAP D 1,� e: .r 6: 3/d' x 4" 22# 48 1 Q° `..�;10"xRGAP D,�� " 8: 3/a" x 4" 31# 30 1'1" ` 12."�RGAP D 8: 3/a" x 4" 37# 32 14" -� 14": RGAP D` - 10: 3/4" x 4'/z" 53# - :..: — :.: 16� - 16".RGAP,-D : 12: 3/n" x 4'/z" 62# - 18" `'"-,;18"..RGAP D �. 12: 3/a" x 4'/i' 68# �M. PIPE SIZE 24": RGAP D 1 S. 3�4�� x 5" 'RGAP-IMPORT :, 20: 1" x 6" RGAP-IMPORT 24: 1" x 6" RGAP=IMP,ORT"' " 28: 1'/a" x 8'/z" 'RGAP-IMPORT;�; . 32: 1'/a" x 8'/z" ROMAGRIP for Ductile Iron Pi E CATALOG ' � :x WEIGHT ���..e�., _� �....� , � 6# 11# 16# 21# 28# 41# 49# 56# 64# 250# 479# 594# 98# 295# 380# 595# 730# (RomaGrip ONLY) � � 0 � BANDED 5 5 5 5 3 � ' ' i � � ' ' � Some initial axial movement may occur in lug style restraints as the lugs seat. Movement is directly related to the size of the piping system '., and the system pressure. In generel terms movement of approximately 0.25" can be expected in rest�aints under 16". For larger sizes, ■° > movement of approximately 0.4" may be seen. lf this is critical to your application please contact Romac Engineenng for additional information. 7-6 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 5: Ln 21: Sec. 5: Ln 22 Vendor: 82790 ROMAC INDUSTRIES, INC. ROMAGRIP MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINING GLAND 3 THROUGH 12 INCH SUBMITTAL INFORMATION USE The Romac RomaGrip restraining gland is used for the restraint of inechanical joint ductile iron pipe, valves, fittings, and fire hydrants in water transmission and fire protection lines. It may also be used on steel pipe (minimum thickness schedule 40) with MJ by IPS transition gasket. The RomaGrip replaces costly concrete thrust blocks, corrodible steel tie rods and clamps. Not for use on plain end mechanical joint fittings. The RomaGrip may be used on cast iron pipe as long as it has the same OD as ductile iron pipe. Note: Some initial axial movement may occur in lug style restraints as the lugs seat. Movement is directly related to the size of the piping system and the system pressure. In general terms movement of approximately 0.25 can be expected in restraints under 16". For larger sizes, movement of approximately 0.40 may be seen. If this is critical to your application please contact Romac Engineering for additional information. MATERIALS Gland Gaskets Restraining Bolt Restraining Lugs Lug Locators Coatings Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536-84, Grade 65-45-12. A standard MJ gasket is used with this fitting. See ANSI/A1NWA C111/A21.11 for gasket specs. 7/8 —9 roll thread, Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536-84. Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536-84. Heat treated using a proprietary process. Polyurethane, a thermo-set plastic. Shop coat applied to the casting for corrosion protection in transit. Epoxy coating optional. PERFORMANCE Nominal Number of Approx. Working Test Maximum Pipe Restraining Weight Pressure Pressure Joint Size Bolts (Ibs) (psi) (psi) Deflection 3 2 6 350 700 5° 4 2 7.5 350 700 5° ,`;g; 6 3 11 350 700 5° 8 4 16.5 350 700 5° 10 6 23 350 700 5° 12 8 29.5 350 700 5° FM Approved UL Listed FM approved for cast iron and ductile iron pipe at 175 psi working pressure (4 : 1 test). UL listed for cast iron and ductile iron pipe. Document Number OS-8-00 8/06 This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above, please check with Romac Engineering Department for any updates or changes. Phone (425) 951 6200 • Toll Free 1 800 426 9341 • Fax (425) 951 6201 • www.romacindustries.com ss Fabricators,LLC 4827 N. W. Front Avenue Portland, OR 97210 Phone: S03 223-7I01 Fax: SD3-223-�13� Fast Fabricators LLC Certificate of Compliance DUCTILE IRON SPOOLS WILL BE MANUFACTURED AS FOLLOWS: We hereby certify material furnished by Fast Fabricators are manufactured in accordance with the following AWWA and ANSI standards, and meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations therein: PIPE DI FLGD PIPE FLANGES GROOVES LINING COATING AN S UA W WA-C 151 /A21.15 CLASS 53, MANUFACT'URED IN THE USA ANSUAWWA C115-A21.1.5 ANSUAWWA C115-A21.15 AWWA C606 CEMENT LINED PER ANSUAWWA C-104-A21.4-95 M1N 1/lb BLACK ASPHALTIC COATED PER ANSUAWWA C151 A21.51 THRUST COLLARS STEEL R.ATED FOR THRUST LOAD DEVELQPED AT 250 PSI FOR A MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR OF 2. PER NAPF 7Q0-2 NSF/MATERTAL SPOOLS MANUFACTURED BY FAST FABRICATORS 1N PORTLAND, OR ARE 1��IANUFACTURED USING NSF 61 APPRQVED MATERIALS. Kathy Olsen, Branch Manager HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 9: Ln 35 Vendor: 86750 ;� AWWA FITTINGS Victaulic fittings for AWWA size pipe are supplied with rigid radius grooves in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C-606. Fittings conform to ANSI A21.10/AWWA G110 for center-to end dimensions and AWWA C 153 or ANSI A21.10/AWWA C-110 for wall thickness. While most requirements are specified "black" or non-coated, fittings can be supplied with an alkyd-phenolic primer, or bituminous coating. Coal tar epoxy and other coatings are also available. The standard black asphalt coatina used on our cement lined AWWA size fittings is NSF 61 Listed. Cast surfaces will be provided with surface equivalent to SSPGSP6 prior to coating unless specified otherwise. Fittings are available with flanged ends wherever grooved ends are shown. Linings include cement/mortar Type 2(standard) and others. Fittings can readily be prepared for glass lining by others. Fittings are rated for working pressures to 350psi/2400kPa (ductile iron) in 3— 12"/80 — 300mm sizes and to 250psi/ll25kPa (gray iron) in sizes 3— 12"/ 80-300mm, and to 250psi/ll25kPa (ductile iroN, or 150psi/1035kPa (gray iron) for 14"/350mm and larger. Victaulic fittings shown have an end-to end dimension tolerance of t'��' in all sizes and styles. CAST FITTINGS — TAPPED Victaulic can supply tapped fittings on order to ANSI B16.1 dimension locations. Specify fitting size, tap location by letter on order. BASE FITTINGS Grooved end base 90° elbows and base tees are available with dimensions to ANSI B16.1. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Fitting: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to AS i M A-395, grade 65-45-15 is available upon special request. Fitting Coating: (specify choice') • Standard on request: • Non-coated • Alkyd-phenol primer • Bituminous coating • Optional: • Coal tar epoxy coating • Cement/mortar lining — Type II • Glass Lining • Other linings available. Contact Victaulic. ' Coatings are appiied per manufacturer's recommended mils. 10B/OWNER System No. Location CONTRACTOR Submitted By Date ENGINEER Spec Sect Para Approved Date www.victaulic.com iCtaU�iC° VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRA6Fy�FlRK OF VICTAULIC COMPA�Y. � 2007 VICTAUIIC COM?ANV. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRI�TED IN THE USA. ��V 1 ai.�� � HD Fowier Company Submittal Sec. 9: Ln 35 Vendor: 86750 k���JJ� C�uCTILE� IRCitU PlPE - G�tt3E9'JEt3 �cl�i'ii*iG,`i �������� ����� �4��������� i����l �������� DIMENSIONS EI bows N0. 100-C 90° Long Radius Elbow N0. 10-C 90' Elbow N0. 11-C 45° Elbow -- c to E--I N0. 12-C 22'k° Elbow � N0. 13-C 11'/a° Elbow � I I I N0. 100-C 3 a"0 4 100 15O �- CroE i I II C - i - -fl - I I to E i L NO. 10-C 550 ino 6.�0 165 L'.00 2U3 9.00 2?9 . _....._.... 11 00 z�o 12 C0 305 14.Op 356 IS.CO 387 16.50 419 I8AC 457 1LO0 SS) 25.00 635 23.00 711 CtoE� � N0. 11-C 3.5 3 00 ;.9 76 u.o 4 00 5.4 102 210 �CO 10.0 i?7 33.0 5.50 U.2 1-0 76.0 6 SG 3G5 1ti5 ��z o � 50 41.7 197 114 0 750 789 797 239.0 c.00 iO3� 2C3 323.G 8.50 7�:9.8 2:6 41 i.0 9.50 1873 24I 66E 0 17 00 �03.0 279 1002.0 75.00 454.4 �31 1oG80 � � � iS00 724A 457 S.E 2.6 sa 3.S 15.0 6.8 zs s 13.1 4s3 19.6 72.0 's'_' 7 104.0 47.:' 142.0 6?.4 I E6.0 aa.a 24E,.0 11 i.6 411.0 187.3 720.0 326.6 1152.0 522.6 CroE / � NO. 12-C 300 125 76 SJ 4.00 11 5 i 02 5.2 5�0 t�� 127 lt's 5.50 395 tao n.� ......_. _ __..__. 5.50 67.0 165 304 . .. . __..._ 7.5o iosn 791 49.G /SO 92.0 191 41.7 0.00 17=n 203 50.8 5.50 145.0 Z1`s o5.3 9.50 200.� 241 90.7 iL00 7_820 279 12; 9 15,p0 6°1_0 3R1 30R.9 12.00 975.0 457 4d23 23.05 I � C to E� i N0. 13-C 3.00 76 � 00 102 SIJO 1?7 5.50 i�o 6.50 i65 7.Sp . 191 750 19i 8.00 20� E.50 LIO 9.50 241 11 AO 279 15.00 381 is o0 457 90 4.1 1 i.5 5.2 �1.5 9.F� 39.0 i iJ ....__. .. _ 77.0 3d � ��zoo 54A 101.0 45.8 121.0 549 � ¢b.� 66.2 202.0 41.6 ?84 0 128.0 599.0 317] 1 I 24.0 509.8 www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRAD��.tAR�f O:� VICTAULIC COM?ANV. � 2007 VICTA�JLIC COM?A:VY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRIPITED I!V THE USA �Ct.aUI1C� 2.3.Q5 Z RE4J i 3.9c0 100.6 a.aoo I21 � 5 900 1753 9.050 229.9 ... _ ....._ . 11.700 zai � 13.200 3353 15.300 388.6 17400 442.0 19.500 4953 21.6CU saa E 25.i�00 6553 32.000 762 0 38300 __ 914A 7J5 197 S.00 229 1t50 292 1 �.00 356 fi ,0 ai � 19.00 483 Z150 546 2d.00 61O �6 S0 673 29.00 ?37 34 00 c64 4150 1054 49 00 . 12h5 19� 8fi zs o 12J �5.0 2 S.0 o� 0 37.7 160.0 ?�.6 zin.o 953 26L0 118.4 's37.0 152 9 451.0 2G4.E SaS.O 266.' 909 0 412.� 2135 0 968 9 3120 0 14li2 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 9: Ln 36 Vendor: 86750 STYLE 31 Style 31 couplings are designed to provide a sVong component for ductile iron pipe systems of AWWA dimensions. The Style 31 coupling is designed for use on radius cut grooved pipe with minimum wall thickness of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51, Class 53. The Style 31 FlushSeal� gasket is specifically designed for ductile pipe surfaces and provides an efficient triple seal. Rigid radius grooved ductile iron systems with Style 31 couplings are comparable with flanged ductile iron systems. The outside surface of pipe between the groove and pipe end must be smooth and free from deep pits or swelis to provide a leak-tight seal for the Victaulic gasket. All rust, loose scale, oil, grease and dirt shall be removed. Peened surfaces may require corrective action in order to provide a leak- tight gasket seal. Sizes 3— 12'/80 — 300 mm are two-piece housings, with 14 — 20'/350 — 500mm sizes cast in four identical segments and 24 — 36'/650 — 900mm in six segments, to assure concentricity and easy handling. All sizes are supplied painted, with plated nuts and bolts. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS � f�' �� � �S - , .:t PATENTED Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: Couplings are alkyd-phenolic primer (2.5 mil) Optional: • Orange enamel • Coal tar epoxy coating (3 mils) • Organic zinc primer(3 mils) • Bituminous coating //"''"'�� • Others available, contact Victaulic( � �,l Gasket (specify choice'): Grade "M" FlushSeal Halogenated Butyl (Brown color code). Temperature range —20° F to +200° F/-29°C to +93°C. Specially compounded to conform to ductile pipe surfaces. Recommended for water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air, and many chemical services. UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86° F/+30°C potable water service. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES. Grede "S" FlushSeal Nitrile (Red color code). Temperature range —20°F to +180°F/-29°C ro+ 82°C. Specifically compounded to conform to ductile pipe surfaces. Recommended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperaWre range; except hot air over +140° F/+60° C and water over+150°F/+66°C. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR HOT WATER SERVICES. " Services listed are General Service Recommendations only. It should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not recommended. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service recommendations and for a listing of services which are not recommended. Bolts/Nuts: Heat-treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. Optional: Type 316 Stainless Steel, Grade B-8M, Class 2 JOB/OWNER System No._ Location CONTRACTOR Submitted By_ Date ENGINEER Spec Sect _ Approved _ Date Para www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. � 2010 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHiS RESERVED. 1Ct.'s�UI1C� R�.'� � :�.�.(iF S Exaggerated %r Clarity HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 9: Ln 36 Vendor: 86750 r.,,rs�c, n� irTir,� �ran�s ntp�' _ t;�ttnv�n rnt}a3„3�1c5 ����i�� STYLE 31 DIMENSIONS ur/��!�\a'� I�i:1 % = III _l1�� � Y --r -ry Z � I I � 1 X �� / � 14 - 20' Sizes � � / x 1 / 1 24 - 36' Sizes 1 n `I '. Cv 3 80 4 6 150 200 70 250 12 300 14. 350 ,fi.. 400 18# 450 20 500 24 600 30 750 36 900 3 960 100.6 4.800 121.9 6.900 1753 9.050 229.9 11.100 281.9 13.200 3353 15300 388.6 17 400 442 0 19.500 4953 21 600 548.6 25.800 6553 32.000 872.8 38.300 972.8 500 , 6200 - 0 0.09 �,_21. 3450 ' 27590 0 24 500 �. 9000 0- 0.09 : � e_ 8. 3450 ; 40050 0 Z 4 ._--` ..... . ..........�. 400 14950 0- 0.09 ' Qa 47. 2750 . 66528 0 - 2.4 . 400 ' 25600 0- 0.09 ,� Qa _ 36" 2750 ��. 113920 0-2.4 � 350 �. 33850 0-0.16 � Q,_48. 2C10 � 150632 0-4.0 ' 350 � 47.900 0-0.16 : pa 41. 2470 21150 0-4.0 -� __ .......... . ,_. _... . _ . 250 � 45950 0-0.16 0°-35' 1725 204470 � 0-40 - 250 59400 0�-0.25 : 0°-49' 1725 264330 0-54 : 250 74650 0-0.25 ; �e �. 1725 � 332190 0-64 . . . ._.... .. .. .. 150 . 54900 0 0.25 _ 0°-40" 1035 244305 0-6.4 150 72.400 0�025 , pe 33. 1035 34880 � 0 - 6.4 1S0 : 1ZOSJO O-O.SJ -: O°-S1' 1035 ! 536530 0-11.9 ; 150 172815 0-0.47 0°-47' 1035 .. 7fi9030 . 0 - 11.9 23.02 � 026 - � 550 , 7.63 213 ; 4.8 � 2 'h x 2'/a ! 23 ` . 140 194 54 _ 22 . . _ _ . _.__... --- _..._._- 0.27 ;�-�x3'/ �. 525 9.20 2.09 � 7.5 . 17 159 � 234 53 3.4 0.14 � 2-Xx3'/. ` 828 : 17.19 2.22 9.4 12 210 i 284 56 43 0.11 : 2-'/<xS � 1074 � 1433 2.59 16.5 9 : �� 273 I 364 66 7.5 0.75 - 2-%x5 ' 1284 � 16.44 2J5 � 2L5 13 326 i 418 70 102 0.13 2-dx5 ' 15.27 i 19.16 275 � 30.0 11 . 388 ; 487 70 14.0 .. . _ . , ....... . . ._.. _. .......�...... O11 �.. : 1721 r 21.96 2J5 i 40.8 9 ; 4 1 x 3'h ' 437 i 558 70 18.5 _ , .. ............. . .. _ . ....... 016 : G �x3'h -�1990 , 23.96 3.50 . 613 13 505 '�. 609 89 27.8 . .. , .__ __:..__.... 0.14 4-1x3'h �: 2203 . 2633 350 -. 80.0 12 : 560 ; fi69 89 363 .. .. .. ... ... _.... _.�....... . _. ...... :. ....._.... 0.12 4 � k x 4 _ 24.13 � 28.69 3.50 76.0 10 - 613 � 729 89 34.5 0.11 6-14x4 -. 2831 � 33.06 3.50 � 1040 9 719 � 840 89 . 472 0.17 � 3�02 i 3939 4.38 � 1620 14 �� 6 t k x 4 ;, 890 • 7001 1 1 1 73.5 0.15 � � 41 5.5 � 46.04 4.44 200.0 13 ; 6-lkx4 '. 1056 ' 1169 113 90J # For dass 53 pipe rating is 150 psi (7035 kPaL For larger couplings concact Vic[aulic. ' Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all intemal and exremal loads, based on AWWA dass 53 (except where noted) duc[ile iron pipe radius cut grooved in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C-606 specifications. Contaa Vctaulic for performance on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONETIME RELDTESTONLY, ihe Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 7'/z times thefguresshown. t Allowable Pipe End Separa[ion and DeFlection fgures show the maximum nominal range of movement available at each join[ for pipe prepared [o Flexible radius cut grooved specifications. Pipe cut grooved to rigid speciFications is essentially rigid and does not permit expansion and contraction. @ Number of bolts required equals number of housing segmenu. Metric thread siie bolu are available (color coded gold) for all mupling sizes upon reques[. Con[aci Vaaulic for details. WARNING: Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to inscail, remove, or adjus any Vctaulic piping products. www.�ictaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. � 2010 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2+.€�2 2 Jctaul�c' RE.r � HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 42 Vendor: 75810 • � �" �. � A.W.W.A. C508 was developed in 1976 to set a standard for the manufacture, testing and application of Iron Body Bronze Mounted (IBBM) Check Vaives. The valves are designed with an iron body and include either metal-to- metal or composition-to-metal seating. Kennedy Swing Check Vaives are designed and manufactured in conformance with A.W.W.A. C508 and are for use on water, oil and gas lines. Under certain circumstances where it is desirable to have more positive control of the closing of the disc, the valves can be supplied with either lever-and-spring or lever-and-weight. For restricted spacing requirements Kennedy Valve manufactures a Wafer Check Valve that also helps to control water hammer. �- Swing Check Valve-AWWA • Stainless steel hinge pin. • Working parts are removable through the top of the valve. • Tapped bosses available. • Available with lever-and-spring or lever-and-weight. • Double bronze side plug construction. • Bodies are made of high strength cast iron with reinforced flanges - ANSI B 16.1/125 # flanges. • May be installed in a vertical line with the fiow up. • Figure #1106 Series Test Pressure - Seat and Shell Working Pressure - non-shock CWP • Figure #106 Series Test Pressure - Seat and Shell Working Pressure - non-shock CWP FLOW VERSUS PRESSURE DROP Data Representative of Kennedy Figure 1106 and 1106A Swing Check Valves Certified to ANSI/NSF 61 io e 6 5 4 3 � a z z 6 � O I � o.e 0.6 W O.S g 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 � FLOW IN G.P.M. Flow Versus Pressure Drop Data Representative of Fig. 1106 and 1106A 2"-12" 400 PSI 200 PSI 14"-24" 300 PSI 150 PSI 1106/1106A 4"- 12" Updated09/O6/11 Kennedy Valve / Check Valves 15-1 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 42 Vendor: 75810 _�_ :� _ ResilientiBronze - Figure # 1106A 1106AW, 106AS Bronze/Bronze - Figure # 1106, 1106LW, 1106LS SWING CHECK VALVES 2"-12" TECHNICAL DATA & PARTS LIST KENNEDY VALVE C"' �4A � 1iA ���A 7AA 13A t17AA �� J7A8 _KEVWAYfO :; ; , ""t �': � � �G':. i0A LS+Iw RESiUENT TO BRONZE SEATIMG ASSEMBIV (1106A, 1106AW, 1106AS) IEVER ANO WEiGHT ASSEMBLY BRONZE TO BRONZE SEATiNG ASSEMBLY (1706, 1706LW, 1106LS) eae LEVER AND SPRtNG ASSEMBIY l: A,�;' a„�ZfA Disc Arrangement 2"- 3" 70A �� A BRONZE DISC RESIUENT DISC Pzrt No. C.ry. Descriution Mzte!ial 8 A3TM, Scac. tA With e Side Pluy LVi:h O.Rinq Bronze p.l. P-536 (q...i2'1 7yt3 7 Hinge wrkr.�v�ay tcr �SiI.W �ronze (2"-3') Ductile Iron ASTM AS?5 (3'-72'1 bAA t Disc Bolt �n'-!2'1"' 6renza �70'-12'1 S:exl {a'-B'1 AAA t Oisc Rnit ia^.??•� .• Bronzc- /10'-12'} S[eel (4`-e') 9AA DiSC �olt O-Rin� ("-72' 1706A 3'-12' 110C•� Svn RuOber 9A8 Disc Bolt Gasket (a' 8 8' 7106� 1CA 1 Oisc HolCer Brrnze (2"-3'1 Casi IrCn, ASiM A:25 CIaSs �(4'-�2"1 t1.4 t Disc Plato 3ronze 72AA t Disc Nilrile ;'Bura N1 Ru6eer 12AB" 1 Oisc Brenze f2'-3'1 Ca51 Iren., ASiM F12E C�aSs B(4'-t2'� 13A 7 Dist Hut 5[a:nless S�eel, A3TM F593C (tA-A) Updated 09/06/11 Kennedy Valve / Check Valves 15-3 2�4 1 vJei ht Cxs[ Iron, A`u'M A129 Class Q 2AA t Se:Screvi Steel "'JP? (] Oh D33E b. " Denct^s th:ft part is a�a!lable oNy as ?�� of zn ?s's=mbly. .•.Cas: inegrall2'-3'). HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 42 Vendor: 75810 ��� � .•; � .? .��� � �'� �1 !� �� ���� ,. . .___�,_,�..�: ��_ _ � ,: ,..� _.s ��m �. . ..�,� ��.. ,:�,. FIG. 1906�W SHOWN. SAME DIMENSiONS APPLY TO 1106 AND 1106LS AND 1106A AND 1106AW AND 1106AS 'Face to face dimensions conform to ASME 616.10 �-Bp�T CIRCLE �IA. ENO FLANGES M-N0. OF BOLTS PEFl FLAT ENQ PtANGES N-80LT MOLE DIA. END FLANGES CONFORM TQ ANSI 916.1 SIZE *A B C D E F G H J L M N Q' R 2" 8.00 0.65 6.00 6.00 6.56 6.50 4.72 .50 0.34 4.75 4 .75 4 10.0 2'/2" 8.50 .069 7.00 6.44 6.�6 6.50 4.94 .50 0.41 5.50 4 .75 4 8.0 3" 9.50 0.78 7.50 6.85 6.56 6.50 5.34 .50 0.44 6.00 4 .75 4 8.0 4" 11.50 1,00 9.00 8.69 9.00 7.75 8,19 .62 0.41 7.50 8 J5 4 12.0 6" 14.OQ 1.03 11.00 10.51 11.00 9.75 9.00 .75 0.43 9.50 8 .87 4 15.0 8" 19.5Q 1.25 13.50 12.56 13.50 14.13 10.18 .87 0.75 11.75 8 .87 4 15.0 10" 24.50 1.31 16.00 14.07 16.75 18.00 11.62 1.00 0.81 14.25 12 1.00 6 15.0 12" 27.50 1.38 19.00 16.13 19.00 18.00 13.75 1.00 0.87 17.00 12 1.00 6 15.0 BODY MARKINGS (ONE SIDEj (OPPOSITE SIDE) A.W.W.A. FIG. NO. KENNEDY 200 W CAP MARKINGS YEAR KENNEDY SI2E BOSS AND DRAIN TAPPING SCHEDULE VALVE SIZE (In.) 2-3'/z 4-5 6 8,10,12 MAX. SIZE PIPE TAP (NPT) 3/a 1 1'/a 2 When ordering Check Valves tapped for by- pass or drain, specify exact location and size of tap using letters above for boss designation. These locations of drain and by-pass tappings conform to the Manufacturers Standardization Society Specification SP-45-1953. Conforms to MSS SP-71 and AVWVA C508 15-4 Kennedy Valve / Check Valves Updated09/O6/11 DEtAII LW/LS Limit Switches $OZX Watertight or Hazardous Location Switches ��' ", � 5 ��o. �. �. ° �,�,, �'�� �ti y �-&..., , ��� .� a��° ��: �� -�..�;: �m �, � � ���o s�� � Description Bulletin 802X NEMA Type 7 and 9 limit switches are designed for use in atmospheres and locations defined as Class I, Groups B, C or D, Division 1, Class II, Groups E, F or G, or Class III in the National Electrical Code. Typical applications for this switch include refineries, distilleries, grain elevators and flour mills. For Class I, Division 2 locations, a Bulletin 802R limit switch may also be used (see page 5-32). Bulletin 802X NEMA Type 4 watertight limit switches are designed for use indoors in locations where their intemal parts require protection against seepage of water and splashing, falling or hose-directed water within the limits of the NEMA specified tests for Type 4 watertight enclosures. They are not sleet- (ice-) proof. Typical applications are dairies and food processing plants. Specifications EnClOSsf� °�:�^^y � ":E""� � �� ? 2^d ° Approvals � UL listed, CSA certified Ambient Temperature0 Push type with spring return and all lever types except neutral position: -46°C to +121 °C (-50°F to +250°F). Wobble stick and cat whisker devices: -29°C to +54°C (-20°F to +130°F). Side push maintained: -46°C to +121 °C (-50°F to +250°F). Neutral position: -18°C to +t 21 °C (0°F to +250°F). AC Contact Ratin Maximw NEMA Rating Max Designation Vottage 120 A600 240 48� 600 DC Contact Ratin Maximw NEMA Rating Max Designation Voliage P150 125 50 or 60Hz, same A � Make Break 60 6.00 30 3.00 15 1.50 12 1.20 �le) A Make Break 1.1 Continuous VA Carrying Current Make Break 10 7200 720 10 7200 720 10 7200 720 10 7200 720 Continuous VA Carrying Current Make Break 5 138 O Temperature ranges below 0°C (+32°F� are based on the ahsence of freezing moisture or water. A wide variety of operating heads and operating levers are available. Operating heads can be mounted in four positions, 90° apart. The enclosure base has two through holes for front mounting, two tapped holes for rear mounting and two tapped holes for side mounting. Features • Class I, groups B, C and D or Class II, groups E, F and G or Class III • Multiple operator styles: side rotary, wobble stick, cat whisker, adjustable top push and top or side push with or without rollers Watertight or Hazardous Location Lever Type • Spring Return page 5-71 Standard and Neutral Position Models LeverType • ............. page 5-72 Maintained Contact Push Type • Spring Return . page �73 Push Type • ............. page 5-75 Maintained Contact Wobble Stick and . . . . . . . . . page 5-76 Cat Whisker • Spring Return 5-70 Allen-Brad/ey Limit Switches 802X Lever Type • Spring Return Watertight or Hazardous Location Switches Range of Operation Travelto Travelto Operate Contacts Operate Contacts No Contact Max Travel -� � Mau Travel Ma�c Travel -� f Movement ( .� Travelto Travelto Travelto � Reset Contacts Reset Contacts Reset CoMacts -- Lever Operation When Levers Lever Operation When 802T-WI and W8 Except 802T-W7 and W8 Are Used "One-Way" Levers Are Used Selsction Guide—Standard and Neutral Position Models Torque to Travel to Operate Operate Lever Movement vs. Contact Operation Max Contacts (Max) / 0.34N.m �s 5� Clockwise or t O O 2 1 v i v 2 � n I n p (31b in) Counterclockwise 3 4 3 O O 4 3�6 a 0.51N.m sa (4.51b in) 0.34N.m �6.5° ��1�2 ��2 i,�� 2 (3.51bin) Clockwise �� � �� 30 04 30 04 3�6q 0.51N.m so (4.SIb in) 0 34N m Travel to Max Reset Travel Contacts M 43° 8' 50° 3° 43' 8° 50° 3' .�'rt: ��'„ ; i � � � `� �; Switch Without Lever Catalog Number NEMA 4 NEMA 7 and 9 802X-A4 802X-A7 — 802X-H7 802X-A14 802X-A17 — 802X-H17 (3.51b in) 16.5° 43° 8° 802X-A24 Counterclockwise �� 2 � O O 2 i� 2 3 O O 4 3 O O a 3 O O a 0.51N.m 6° 50° 3° — (4.51b in) Clockwise � 4�4 2 �" �" 2 802X-L14 3 O O 4 3�Q a 0.45N.m (41b in) ��� 91° 11° Counterclockwise i� 2 i QL 2 602X-L24 3 4 30 O 4 Neutral Position Switch � � 0.25N.m with Normally Open � 2 � � � O 2 � v i v 2 12° 53° 6° — Contacts 3 O O 4 3 O O 4 3 O O 4 (2•251b in) Note: Details regarding wiring Allen-Bradley Limit Switches to Allen-Bradley PLCs can be found in publications 802T-4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Dimensions—mm (inches} �� � �, , � �'� � �J i�i� �i �■A� , :: "' "' 138.18 (s.aa) (2) �la-zo Tapped Holes for Rear Mounting 104.9 (4.13) 2-6.73 (0.265) _ I Dia. Holes tor � � Front Mounting 87.38 (3.44) �. . . 19 �"- 50.8 ���—'1' 19 Note: For operating head and lever assembly 38.1 �0.75) (2 19) (0.75� dimensions not shown, see page 5-83. (1.5) Conduit pipe opening 1/2" NPT. 57.15 (2.25) Levers—See page 5-83 for a complete listing of operating levers. 802X-A27 802X-H27 802X-L17 802X-L27 802X-NP7 Approximate Shipping Wt. 0.9kg (21bs) Mounting Hole Dimensions 2-0.265 Dia. through hole wifh 0.500 Dia. x 0.25in deep C'Bore for front mounting. 2-1/4-20 x 0.56in deep Tapped ho/es for rear mounting. 2-1/4-20 x 0.5in deep Tapped ho/es for side mountrng. Allen-Bradley 5-71 Limit Switches 802X Lever Type • Maintained Contact Watertight or Hazardous Location Switches Range of Operation Max Travel `1 � Travelt� Operate Contacts Selection Guide Travelto Reset Contacts ( � Lever Movement vs. Contact Operation Clockwise or •� Counterclockwise �� 2 i O O 2 30 04 3 4 O From one maintained position to the other. Dimensions—mm (inches} � . ��; �� �: �� ..: ��. �� s h� � � �. -� Torque to Travel to Operate Max Travel to Reset Catalog Number perate (Max) Contacts (Max) Travel Contacts (Max} NEMA 4 NEMA 7& 9 0.25N.m 70° O 84° O 35° 802X-AM4 802X-AM7 (2251b in) r�11� `J _ ��� 138.18 (5.44) 104.9 (4.13) 19 .75) 22.35 (0.88) B I) 8.64 (a.sa 87.38 (3.44) Approximate Shipping Wt. 0.9kg (21bs) 2-6.73 (0.265) � Dia. Holes for Front Mounting Mounting Hole Dimensions 2-0.265 Dia. through hole with 0.500 19 5o.s y �s � Dia. x 0.25in deep C'Bore for front 38.t ��� (2.19� �0.75) mounting. (1.5) 57.15 i (2) 1/4-20 Note: For operating head and lever assembly (225) Tapped Holes for Rear 2-1/4-20 x 0.56in deep Tapped holes dimensions not shown, see page 5-83. Mounting for rear mounting. Conduit pipe opening 1/2" NPT. 2-1/4-20 x 0.5in deep Tapped ho/es for side mounting. Note: Details regarding wiring Allen-Bradley Limit Switches to Allen-Bradley PLCs can be found in publications 802T-4.0. 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Levers—See page 5-83 for a complete listing of operating levers. 5-72 Allen-Bradley Limit Switches 802X Push Type � Spring Return Watertight or Hazardous Location Switches Range of Operation Travelto Operate Contacts Travelto Reset Contacts � I Max Travel Selection Guide Top Push Rod Adjustable Top Push Rod Side Push Rod Top Push Roller Side Push Vertical Roller Side Push Horizontal Roller �- � �' Top Push Rod Contact Operation Normal Operated t O � O 2 1 v i v 2 3�6a so oa 1 V 1 V 2 1 O I O 2 30 04 30 04 Dimensions-mm (inches) Force to Operate 15.6N (3.51bs) 20.ON (4.51bs) 15.6N (3.51bs) 20.ON (4.51bs) �. � .�.. 4 �� Adjustable Top Push Rod Travelto Operate Contacts M 1.9mm (0.075in) 3.2mm (0.125in) 1.9mm (0.075in) 32mm (0.125in) 9.65 (0.38) � 43.69 (1.72� i � 170.18 (6.70) 104.9 a� <r�* � z s i' _ �' �:. }n Side Push Rod Max Travel 5.1 mm (0.202in) 5.5mm (0.21 Bin) 5.1 mm (0.202in) 5.5mm (0.218in) �s �. �..- � �,� � � Top Push Roller Travel to Reset Contacts 0.8mm (0.030in) 1.5mm (0.057in) 0.8mm (0.030in) 1.5mm (0.057in) :.;��. � 3 Side Push Roller Catalog Number NEMA NEMA 4 7 and 9 802X-B4 802X-67 802X-BA4 802X-BA7 802X-C4 802X-C7 802X-D4 802X-K4 802X-K14 802X-D7 802X-K7 802X-K17 (� 3) � Approximate Shipping Wt. s�.38 0.9kg (2/bs) (s.aa) 2-6.73 (0.265) � � Mounting Hole Dimensions Dia. Holes for 2-0.265 Dia. through hole with 0.500 Front Mounting Dia. x 0.25in deep CBore for front � 2.os � mounting. Note: For operating head and lever assembly 38.1 (0•75) (53.09) 2-�/�20 x 0.56in deep Tapped holes dimensions not shown, see page 5-83. (1.5) (2) 114-20 f0Y re2l mOUnting. Conduit pipe opening 1/2" NPT. '�•15 Tapped Holesfor Rear Mounting (2•15) 2-1/4-20 x 0.5in deep Tapped ho/es for side mounting. Note: Details regarding wiring Allen-Bradley Limit Switches to Allen-Bradley PLCs can be found in publications 802T-4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Allen-Bradley 5-73 Limit Switches 802X Push Type • Spring Reiurn Watertight or Hazardous Location Switches Dimensions-mm (inches) i9 �•9 --► �9 36.83 (0.75) (0.31 � (0.75) (1.45� � 13.46 I 67.56 23.11 (0.53) i s�.�s � �2.ss� Ma� (o.si) � (3.22) 53.09 26.16 � 7.87 75.44 (2.09) Min �' (1.03) (0.31) (2.97) , 8.64 � (0.34) t � � 22.35 162.05 23.88 194.56 (0.88) (6.38) (0.94) � (7.66) 8.64 My� 104.9 (0.34 i i 23.88 (4.13) 87.38 18821 (0.94) (3.44) (7.41 � 8.64 ~ 104.9 '1� (0.34� 87.38 2-6.73(0.265) (4.13� (3.44) Dia. Holes for � � Front Maunting (2) 6.73 � 19 (0265) 38.1 0.75T (2) 114-20 Dia. Holes � (1'5) 57.15 � Tapped Holes for Rear Mounting for (2.15) Front Mtg. �y I 2.09 I (0.75) (p) �14_20 r (53.09) -' eulletin 8o2X 38.1 - Tapped Holes for Side Push Rod Type (t'S) 57.75 � Rear Mounting (2.15) Bulletin 802X Adjustable Top Push Rod Type as.�a 19 I 19 � (1.84) � (0.75) '! (0.75) 12.7 (0.50 } 12.7 0.50 � f 57.91 � 26.16 (2.28) 13.46 (1.03) 0.53 22.35 �, (0.88) 13.46 0.53 22.35 � � (0.88) 162.05 23.88 � � (6.38) (0.94) 104.9 8.64 23.88 (4.13) �4 �3� (0.94) (0.34 87.38 8.64 (3.44) (0.34) 87.38 2-6.73 (0265) 170.69 (3.44) 2-6.73 (0.265) Dia. Holes tor (6.72) Dia. Holes for � � Front Mountlng Front Mounting � � 19 . , 38.1 0.75 (2) 114-20 (� �5) 57.15 Tapped Hotes for 19 If 2.09 � 3$•1 �•75� (53.09) (2.�5) RearMounting �i.s� 57.15 y (21 �/a-2o eulletin 802X (2 �5) Tapped Holes for Rear Mounting Side Push Roller Type Bulletin 802X Top Push Roller Type Mounting Hole Dimensions 2-0.265 Dia. through hole with 0.500 Dia. x 0.25in deep Approximate Shipping Wt. 0.9kg (21bs) C'Bore for front mounting. 2-1/4-20 x 0.56in deep Tapped holes for rear Note: For operating head and lever assembly dimensions not shown, see page 5-83. mounting. Conduit pipe opening i/2" NPT. 2-1/4-20 x 0.5in deep Tapped holes for side mounting. 5-74 A/len-Brad/ey Limit Switches 802X Push Type • Maintained Contact Watertight or Hazardous Location Switches Range of Operation Max Trave�� f— Normal Travelto�� Operate Contacts Selection Guide Operated -► � Travel to Operate Contacts Contact Operation Operator Type Normal Operated Side Push Rod � o 0 2 �� 2 3� �4 3� �4 Dimensions—mm (inches) 2-6.73 (0.265) Dia. Holes for Front Mounting 26.16 (1.03) Travel to Force to Operate Operate (Max) Contacts (Max) 35.49N (Blbs) 6.Omm (0.234in) 48.51 1.52 (1.91) (� �� � 13.46 (0.53) � 104.9 15723 (4.13) (6.19) � � p� � -„� Y%� 8," ' i��;.�ti �,�,. �H �. � �- ' '�� Max Travelto Reset Travel Contacts (Max) 6.7mm 5.1mm (0.202in) (0.265in) I 22.35 (0.88) 23.88 (0.94) 8.64 (0.34) g7.38 (3.44) 19 (0.75) Catalog Number NEMA 4 NEMA 7 and 9 — I 802X-CM7 I� 19 I 53.09 38.1 (OJ5) �'— (z.os� � (1.5) 57.� (2) 114in 20 Tapped Holes (2•25) ~ for Rear Mounting Note: Details regarding wiring Allen-Bradley Limit Switches to Allen-Bradley PLCs can be found in publications 802T-4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Note: For operating head and lever assembly dimensions not shown, see page 5-83. Conduit pipe opening 1/2" NPT. Allen-Bradley 5-75 Limit Switches 802X Push Type • lNobble Stick and Cat 11Uhisker • Spring Return Watertight or Hazardous Location Switches Range of Operation � Travel to Operate Contacts Max Travel Travelto Reset Contacts Travels are measured at rrgid section of stick or whisker. Selection Guide `� . �""";.� � ..� Wobble Stick i i $'. �: Cat Whisker Contacf Operation Torque to Travel to Catalog Number Operate Operate Max Travel to Reset Operator Type Normal Operated Max Contacts Max Travel O Contacts (Max) NEMA 4 NEMA 7& 9 Nylon Wobble Stick ,, �� 0.51 N.m 802X-WS4 802X-WS7 10 02 1v�v2 9° 10' 4° Wire Cat Whisker 3 4 3 0 0 4 14.51b in) 802X-WS14 802X-WS17 O These swiiches should be mounted in such a way that the wobble stick will not be deflected beyond the "Maximum T�avel" position, as this could cause undesirable repetition ot contact aclion on rebound. Dimensions—mm {inches) 6.35 Dia.� � (0.25) 263.65 (10.38) 19 (0.75) 13.46 (0.53) � T 22.35 � (0.88) 104.9 (4.13) (0.34 (3.44) 2-6.73 (0265) Dia. Holes for Front Mounting (0.13) I� � � ~ � 447.80 (17.63) 19 48.3 (0.75) (� �9� 13.46 � (0.53) � 8.64 (0.34) 2-s.�3 (o.2ss� Dia. Holes • for Front Mounting 104.9 (4.13) 8.64I I 0.34� 87.38 I (3.44) 19 53.09 ' � ' � 38. 0.75) (2.09) � 19 � 2.09 yl �(t.5)57.15 (2) 114in 20 38.1 (0.75) (53.09) (2 25) Tapped Holes for (� �5) 57.15 (2) 1�4-20 Rear MounGng (2.15) y Tapped Holes for Rear Mounting 802X-WS4 and 802X-WS7 Bulletin 802X �re Wobble Stick Type Note: Details regarding wiring Allen-Bradley Limit Switches to Allen-Bradley PLCs can be found in publications 802T-4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Note: For operating head and lever assembly dimensions not shown, see page 5-83. Conduit pipe opening 1/2" NPT. 5-76 Allen-Bradley ROMAC INDUSTRIES, INC. RESTRAINED FLANGED COUPLING ADAPTER FOR STEEL AND DUCTILE IRON PIPE 3 THROUGH 12 INCH FM SUBMITTAL INFORMATION APPROYED USE The Restrained Flanged Coupling Adapter is used to connect plain end steel (Schedule 40 minimum thickness) or ductile iron pipe to a flanged pipe or fitting. It provides flexibility before and after installation, and a RomaGrip wedge style restrainer provides restraint for the plain end pipe. Not for use on plain end mechanical joint fittings. The RomaGrip may be used on cast iron pipe as long as it has the same OD as ductile iron pipe. Note: Some initial axial movement may occur in lug style restraints as the lugs seat. Movement is directly related to the size of the piping system and the system pressure. In general terms movement of approximately 0.25 can be expected in restraints under 16". For larger sizes, movement of approximately 0.40 may be seen. If this is critical to your application please contact Romac Engineering for additional information. MATERIALS Gland and Flange Body Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Gaskets Gasket is made from virgin Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) compounded for water and sewer service in accordance with ASTM D 2000 MBA 710. Flange gasket is O ring style and is made of Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) in accordance with ASTM D 2000. Other compounds available for petroleum, chemical, or high temperature service on request. Restraining Bolt Restraining Lugs Lug Locators T-bolts and Nuts Coatings FLANGE AVWVA C219 FM Approved PERFORMANCE 7/8 -9 roll thread, Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536. Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536. Heat treated using a proprietary process. Polyurethane, a thermal plastic. High strength low alloy steel T-head bolt. National coarse rolled thread and heavy hex nut. Steel meets AVWVA C111 composition specifications. Stainless steel bolts and nuts available on request. Shop coat applied to cast parts for corrosion protection in transit. Fusion bonded epoxy available on request. Compatible with ANSI Class 125 and 150 bolt circles. Romac 501 couplings meet the specifications set forth in the AVWVA Standard C219 coupling spec. FM approved for cast iron and ductile iron pipe. Nominal Max. Joint Pipe Size Pressure Ratin si Deflection Pi e Insertion inches (inches) Workin Test (°) Minimum Maximum � 3 275 412 2.0 2.0 4.5 2.5 4 275 412 3.5 2.0 5.0 3.0 6 275 412 3.5 2.0 5.5 3.5 8 275 412 3.3 2.0 5.5 3.5 10 275 412 3.0 2.0 6.3 4.3 12 275 412 3.0 2.0 6.3 4.3 SIZES AND RANGES See Catalog. Document Number 20-8-0018 1 /10 This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above, please check with Romac Engineering Department for any updates or changes. Phone (425) 951 6200 • Toll Free 1 800 426 9341 • Fax (425) 951 6201 • www.romacindustries.com HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 47 Vendor: 82790 July 5, 2010 � Rc���c 'INDUSTRIES, O INC. V,-800-426-9341 A� Single Strap Service Saddles Style 101 U Style 101 NU Style 101 S Style 101 NS Painted Saddle Nylon Coated Saddle Painted Saddle Nylon Coated Saddle with U-Bolt with U-Bolt with Stainless Steel Strap with Stainless Steel Strap '/i' I.P, 3/a" & 1" I.P. Or C.C. TAP 1'/a" - 1'/z" - 2" I.P. or C.C. TAP (2'/i' I.P. ONLI� NOM. p�pE O.D. PIPE avvaox. SIZE RANGE 101 U 101 NU CTN 101 S 101 NS CTN � 01 U 101 NU CTN 101.S 101 NS CTN yyEIGHT ea. QTy �TY QTY QTY pns.) 1�/2� 1.90-2.13 15 25 15 25 1.7# 2" 2.38 - 2.50 15 25 NA NA 1.7# 2��2 � 2.88 15 15 NA NA 1.7 # 3° 3.45 - 4.05 12 12 NA NA 2.5 # 4.00-4.50 10 10 7 7 4.3# 4" a.so - a.ao . i o i o � � a.o u 4.50-5.40' 10 10 7 7 4.0# 6.00 - 6.63 5 5 5 5 5.1 # s�� 6.63 - 6.90 6 6 5 5 4.8 # 6.63-7.60' 6 6 5 5 4.8# 8.00-8.63 4 4 4 4 5.5# $�� 8.63 - 9.05 5 5 4 4 5.0 # 8.63-9.80' S 5 4 4 5.0# 10° �o.00->>.�o s s s s �.sa 11.10-12.12 6 6 6 6 7.5# 12° 12.00 -13.20 5 5 5 5 9.0 N 13.20-14.38 5 4 5 5 9.0# we�gnts snown are per saatlie ' Not recommended for iron pipe size PVC or ductile iron size PVC (C-900). 21'/e" IP tap only. To Order: Add tap size to the upper range of the saddle. When ordering for PVC pipe, specify O.D. (D.I. or IPS) Example: Painted Saddle with U-Bolt: Stainless Steel Strap-add letter "S": Nylon Saddle-add designation "NU" Manufacturer Recommendation: For PVC pipe, choose the saddle ihat has the pipe O.D. closest to the top of the saddle's O.D.range. For Copper pipe, single strap saddles should be preformed at the factory, or see pg. 4-6 for 304/306 stainless steel saddles. UPPER TAP TYPE STVLE RANGE SIZE THREAD 101 - 7.60 x �/a" IP lO1S - 7.60 X '/a" IP 101NU- 7.60 x '/a" IP 4-3 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 48 Vendor:82790 ROMAC INDUSTRIES, INC. STYLE 101 S& 202S SERVICE SADDLE SUBMITTAL INFORMATION � MATERIALS Casting The saddle body is cast from ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Gasket Gasket is made from Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) compounded for water and sewer service and a tolerance of petroleum products in accordance with ASTM D 2000 MBC 610. Other compounds available for special applications. Straps Type 304 (18-8) heavy gauge Stainless Steel per ASTM A 240. Straps are two inches wide to spread out clamping ', forces on the pipe. GMAW and GTAW welds. Passivated for ' corrosion resistance. ' Bolts, Nuts For sizes 1-1/2" through 3", 1/2" UNC roll thread Type 304 (18-8) Stainless Steel bolts with heavy hex nuts. 4" and above use 5/8" UNC roll thread Type 304 (18-8) Stainless Steel bolts with heavy hex nuts. Rod for bolts are per ASTM A 240 and nuts are per ASTM A 194. All welds fully passivated for enhanced corrosion resistance. Nuts coated to prevent galling. Washers Coating Flat, type 304 (18-8) heavy gauge Stainless Steel. Shop coat applied to casting for corrosion protection in transit. PRESSURE RATING Ductile iron, cast iron and steel pipe: rating of pipe up to 350 psi maximum, pipe sizes up through 24 inch, larger than 24 inch up to 30 inch pressure rating is 150 psi. PVC and asbestos cement pipe; rating of pipe, PVC up to 305 psi. For other applications please consult your representative. AW1NA STANDARDS SIZES AND RANGES These service saddles meet the requirements of ANSI/AW1NA C800, Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings. See catalog, sizes up through 32.10. Romac Document Number 25-8-0002 3/09 This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above, please check with Romac Engineering Department for any updates or changes. Phone (425) 951 6200 • Toll Free 1 800 426 9341 • Fax (425) 951 6201 • www.romacindustries.com 41 I:�' � SCREINED 150# F(TTINGS — Generally con(am io ASA B 16.3. Pipe ihreads conf�o+m to �\SA 82.1. 3000 POUND FffTINGS —Generally conform io ASTM A182 fio+- mc�terial specification and ANSI 816.11 for dimensional specifications. 2274 Bridger Road, #1 MULTALLOY 17160 Alburtis Ave. Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 18201 Olympic Ave. S. Artesia, California 90701 801-973-9339 • 800-846-8922 Tukwila, WA 98188 562-402-6836 • 800-846-8922 Fax 801-973-9352 (425) 656-0125 • Fax: (425) 656-0131 Fax 562-402-3847 � . STAINLESS STEEL SCREWED FITTINGS 150 LB. WORKING PRESSURE ,//I/. � ��/ /-- � � �� � / �-=� 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1X. 1S4 2 2X 3 4 .750 .750 ,875 1.062 1.312 1.562 1.937 2.187 2.7b0 3.562 4.312 5.375 .750 1.000 1.000 1:000 1.125 1.312 1.375 1.437 1.562 1.812 1.937 2.187 1 1.5 2.5 4 6 9.5 12 21 34 61 104 - oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. c � C 0 0 E E HEX BUSHING Wt. Per Eech F -�+� I�G H � HEX HEAD PLUG J �c�'«. ll�h M K � SaUARE HEAD PLUG F � G H Wt. Per Each � J K L M Wt. Per Eech - .625 .687 .875 1,062 1.437 1.812 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.625 - .125 .187 .187 .250 .250 .375 .375 .437 .500 .500 .500 - .500 .562 .562 .750 .812 .875 ,937 1.000 1.187 1.250 1.6Z5 .437 .625 .687 .875 1,062 1.437 1.812 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.625 250 .250 .312 .312 .375 .375 .562 .625 .687 ,750 .812 1.250 .562 .625 .687 .750 .9 37 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.062 1.312 1.375 1.500 1 1.5 2 2.5 4 7,5 15 20 41 oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. - - - 281 .375 .437 .562 ,625 .812 .937 1.125 1.312 1.500 1.687 1.750 .625 .687 .812 .937 1.187 1.375 1.499 1.562 1.687 1.874 2.125 2.187 .375 .437 .500 .562 .625 .750 ,812 ,812 .875 1.062 1.125 1.187 250 .250 .312 .375 .562 .625 .687 .750 .812 .812 1.000 1.000 .5 1 2 3,5 6 10 14 22 - oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. - - - � N -�+� --�i N � �I � � P uN10N Wt. Per Eech 2274 Bridger Road, #1 Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 801-973-9339 • 800-846-8922 Fax 801-973-9352 1.187 1,437 1.540 1.800 1.875 2.000 2.330 2.P00 3.000 3.750 4.125 4.375 .625� .765 .906 1.020 1.312 1.500 1.910 2.220 2.656 3.120 3.906 6.125 1 A00 1.125 1,312 1,500 1.800 2.000 2.500 2.970 3.630 4.375 5.375 6,750 2.5 4 5. 9 10 16 30 35 90 147 264 - oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. MULTALLOY 18201 Olympic Ave. S. Tukwila, WA 98188 (425) 656-0125 • Fax: (425) 656-0131 17160 Alburtis Ave. Artesia, California 90701 562-402-6836 • 800-846-8922 Fax 562-402-3847 . � STdAO NL€�S � 1 GC� SCREVi►CU rI I I I NGS 150 LB. WORKING PRESSURE 0 90° ELBOW TEE � `� K r � � 45° ELBOW , - - _�1 � 1= J1 1� J1 ,--- •: , o --•1 N N , O � Wt. Pet Each REDUCING COUPLING 2274 Bridger Road, #1 Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 801-973-9339 • 800-846-8922 Fax 801-973-9352 Sixe 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1X. 1K 2 2Y, 3 4 A .527 .614 .730 ,845 1.000 1.187 1.750 1.937 2.250 2.687 3.062 3.812 B 1.055 1.229 1.460 1.690 2.000 2.375 3.500 3.674 4.500 5.374 6.124 7.624 C .715 .850 1.020 1.200 1,460 1.765 2,240 2.540 3.070 3.580 4.130 - 2 3 4 5 7 10 24 32 50 67 108 179 Wt. Per Each oz, oz: oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. .690 .813 .950 1.120 1.302 1.500 1.750 1.937 2.250 2.687 3.062 3.812 .700 .8�5 1.019 1.205 1.460 1.775 2�.240 2.540 3,070 3.580 4.190 - 1.381 1.626 1.900 2.240 2.606 3.000 3.500 '3.874 4.500 5.374 6.124 7.624 .517 .617 .722 .850 1.020 1.187 1.750 1,930 2,240 2.720 3.070 3.813 2 3 4 6 10 15 33 38 64 112 150 248 oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. oz. oz, oz, oz. oz, oz, � oz. D E F G Wt. Pe� E.sch H i J K Wt, Per Each � M Wt, Per Each .700 .840 1.016 1.195 1.475 1.765 2,070 2.360 2.870 3.500 4.170 - .595 .655 .755 .810 .915 1.015 1.312 1.437 1.687 1.837 2.187 2,625 .835 .965 1.030 1.065 1.185 1.270 - - _ _ _ _ t.310 1.530 1.715 1,895 2.185 2.480 - - _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 6 9 14 17 34 64 83 151 oz. oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, oz. oz, oz. .750 .760 .875 1.062 1.312 1.562 1.937 2.187 2,750 3.562 4.250 b.250 1.250 1.375 1.500 1.562 1.625 1.937 2.000 2.125 2,500 2.875 3.187 3.687 1 1 1.5 2.5 4 5 8 11 23 - 52 73 131 oz, oz, oz. oz, oz, oz, oz. oz, oz, oz, oz, oz, - 1.375 1.500 1.312 1,500 1.687 1.937 2.125 2.500 3.250 3.687 4.315 - .750 .875 1.062 1.312 1.562 1.937 2.187 2.750 3.562 4.312 5.375 MULTALLOY 18201 Olympic Ave. S. Tukwila, WA 98188 (425) 656-0125 • Fax: (425) 656-0131 17160 Alburtis Ave. Artesia, California 90701 562-402-6836 • 800-846-8922 Fax 562-402-3847 • Full port • Two piece body • Investment cast • Anti-blowout stem • Locking SS handle • Adjustable stem packing • NPT screwed ends • Carbon steel and special alloys available � � � � �� - ._, i,l:.-_1 „1, . �ITEM ' , ;DESCRIPTION SPEC. � `� � BODY A351-CFBM 2 END CAP A351-CFBM 3 BALL A351-CFBM Q SEAT RTFE 5 STEM , A276-318 ��� ;,�; g BbDY GA��KET ._ PTFE. . �.; i �s,n_,,:,: ,iv, I. � THRUST WASHER RTFE $ STEM PACKING PTFE 9 GIAND NUT SS304 10 HANDLE..:_--. - ::.SS304..�-..: i.�.. ....:�: � t � _.'; _. -•cr... 11 STEM WASHER SS304 . . , �.;:, � ._ � �,�.:� 12 STEM NUT A276-316 .... . . �.�_ �1.� iLl 13 COVER PLASTIC , . . , �: . ..-,,. ; . . � � 7":F� . �,200 1,000 eoo � � n: � noo aoo 0 �so o �oo aoo aoo aoo a�o TEMPERATURE B� D ,�; � �,:., .. ,_. - . ,- �� ; _ _ - . - � ,, � i ij � ,.. :i . ; ' . SIZE 1/4 3/8 1/2_ 3/4 1 1-1/4 _ 1-1/2 � 2.: "'2=1/2 � 3 A 0.25 0.38 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 _ B 3,75 3.75 3:75 � 5.00 5.00 6:75. 6.75 6.75 10.00 10.00 C 2.15 .,, 2.15 . 2�5Q,;,. 3:00 3.45 4:00 4.30 5.00 6.75 7.25 D �.00 2A0' 2�13 � 2'.50 2.50 3.10 3.20 3.75 5.35 5.75 , - ,.. � P�PE NY�PLES Camco Fittings manufactures not only stainless steel nipples in SCH 40, 80, 160 and XXH but also all other exotic alloys. Each nipple, where space is available, is permanently marked with type and heat �� number for complete traceability. Plain End Pipe -- - -- —_ _...__ q .-- 1. Roller Cut ---� 5, S uare Cut — Reamed and Chamfered (R&C) 2. Roller Cut — Reamed and Chamfered (R&C) 3. Square Cut — Cut-off Tool 4. Square Cut — Deburred Minimal Burr O.D. Burr I.D. Na Burr O.D. No Burr I.D. No Burr I.D. 6. Square Cut — Groove-End 7. Beveled 37.5° — Standard Bevel 8. Other — Specify No Burr O.D. Minimal Burr I.D. No Burr O.D. � No Burr I.D. _— Threaded End Pipe 1. TBE —"Thread Both Ends" (Both ends threaded with �1, NPSL —"Straight LocknuY' (Standard straight pipe standard NPT threads.) threads for loose-fitting mechanical joints with lock-nuts.) 2. TOE —"Thread One End" (One end threaded with 5. NPSM —"Straight Mechanical" (Standard straight pipe standard NPT thread. Customer must specify other end, threads for free-fitting mechanical joints for fixtures.) otherwise roller cut will be shipped.) 6. NPTF —"Dryseal" (Standard taper dryseal pipe threads.) 3. NPT— "Tapered" (Standard tapered pipe threads: National Pipe Taper.) 7. Other — (Specify) Tn nlaro an nY/inr nr 4n nh�n:.. ...J.1:�:......1 :_L_.._"�" .. ._ . .. w �nn �..+ ��.... �1 A No Burr O.D. No Burr I.D. No Burr I.D. • Non-rising stem o Wedge type disc • 200 psi cold working pressure 0 316 stainless steel body and trim �� • Boited bonnet • Outside screw and yoke • Screwed end and socket weld • S00 psi at 1100 F • 2000 psi at 100 F XSELTM Process Gauge - Stainless Steel Type 232.34 - Dry Case iype 233.34 - Liquia-Tiiieei C�Se WIKA Datasheet 23X.34 Applications _ � For applications with high dynamic pressure pulsations or vibration a liquid filled case and socket restrictor are available Suitable for corrosive environments and gaseous or liquid media that will not obstruct the pressure system � Process industry: chemical/petrochemical, power sta- tions, mining, on and offshore, environmental technology, mechanical engineering and plant construction. Special features � Excellent load-cycle stability and shock resistance � Solid front thermoplastic case � Positive pressure ranges to 30,000 psi � XSELT"' Process Gauge with 5 year warranty on gauge and 10 year warranty on pressure system (see terms and condition � All lower mount connection gauges are factory prepared for liquid filling (LBM: must install membrane prior to field filling) Standard Features Design ASME 640.100 Sizes 4�/z" & 6" (115 & 160 mm) dial size Accuracy class t 0.5% of span (ASME 640.100 Grade 2A) t 1.0% of span (ASME 640.100 Grade 1A) (for 20,000 psi range and above) Ranges Vacuum / Compound to 200 psi Pressure from 15 psi to 30,000 psi or other equivalent units of pressure or vacuum Working pressure Steady: full scale value Fluctuating: 0.9 x full scale value Short time: 1.5 x full scale value Operating temperature Ambient: -40°F to +150°F (-40°C to +66°C) - dry -4°F to +150°F (-20°C to +66°C) - glycerine filled -40°F to +150°F (-40°C to +66°C) - silicone filled Medium: max. +212°F (+100°C) (See Note 1 on reverse) 1 'u Weather protection Weather resistant (NEMA 3/ IP54) - without membrane Weather tight (NEMA 4X / IP65) - dry case or filled case with membrane installed Pressure connection Material: 316L stainless steel Lower mount (LM) or lower back mount (LBM) 1/4" or 1/2" NPT with M4 internal tap Restrictor Material: Stainless steel (0.6 mm) Bourdon tube Material: 316L stainless steel < 1,000 PSI: C-type >_ 1,500 PSI: helical type Movement Stainless steel. Internal stop pin at 1.3 x full scale Overload and underload stops - standard Dampened movement - optional Dial White aluminum with black lettering, stop pin at 6 o'clock Pointer Black aluminum, adjustable Temperature error Case Additional error when temperature changes from reference Black fiberglass-reinforced thermoplastic (POCAN) temperature of 68°F (20°C) ±0.4% for every 18°F (10°C) ris- Solid front, blowout back ing or falling. Percentage of span. Turret-style case with built in rear flange lugs WIKq Datasheet 23X.34 06/2010 Page 1 of 2 � � ��Part af your business Bourdon Tube Pressu�e Gauge Model 232.34 Window Clear acrylic with Buna-N gasket Case filling Glycerine 99.7% - Type 233.34 Note 1: The maximum continuous media temperature for this gauge is 212°F. However, higher temperatures can be maintained safely for short term exposure per table to the right. The user should con- sider temperature error and gauge component degradation when exposing gauge to any media or ambient temperature above 212°F. For continuous use in either ambient or media temperatures above 212°F, a diaphragm seal or other heat dissipating means is recom- mended. Consult factory for technical inquiries and application assistance. Dimensions 0M 0N d:--�-=:" ,/� �, j , z , %' ,,,, �3; .,(: � �; �+ m. m r :;ji !; � 1:� F �� i � � l: � � t �l ,� i � �\\ � �. �\� �..�� ,. `�`"^--...__� m' W (SQ) . _ p J T (NP� � _- - i 4.5" mm 128 103 84 in 5 4.06 3.31 6" mm 164 122.5 88 in 6:46 4.82 3.46 ' Weight without optional accessories Page 2 of 2 ` Q, �! _ ._� 120.3 6.3 40 4:74 0.248 1.57 123.4 7.1 40.2 4.86 0.28 1.58 Optional extras � Silicone dampened movement � Panel mounting adaptor kit (field assembled) � Silicone case filling �a Halocarbon case filling � Cleaned for oxygen service � Instrument glass or safety glass window � Drag pointer (maximum reading indicator) w Alarm contacts switches (magnetic or inductive) � Special process connections � Custom dial layout � External zero adjustment (4.5" size only) Short term, intermittent maximum media temperature limits (Optional glass window required for all these temperatures) 500°F (260 °C) - Dry Gauge 250°F (130°C) - Liquid filled gauge 300°F (150°C) - Dampened movement gauge ,r,i,.,i 28.5 148 136.5 25 12.5 1.12 .5.83 5.37 0.99 0.49 28.5 190 177.8 25.4 12.7 1.12 7.5 7 1 0.5 Ordering information Pressure gauge model / Nominal size / Scale range / Size of connection / Optional extras required Specifications and dimensions given in this leaflet represent the state of engineering at the time of printing. Modifications may take place and materials specified may be replaced by others without prior notice. J �, C 22 21b. dry 1/2" 0.87 ' 31b. filled 22 31b. dry 1/2" 0.87 41b. filled WIKA Datasheet 23X.34 O6/2010 ' O WIKA Instrument Corporation 1000 Wiegand Boulevard Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Tel (770) 513-8200 Toll-free 1-888-WIKA-USA Fax (770) 338-5118 E-Mail info�wika.com www.wika.com C R HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 61 Vendor: 82790 July 5, 2010 [f A II II A /+ fl V IYIM V INDUSTRIES, INC. ,-$00-426-9341 p� Double Strap Service Saddles Style 202U Style 202NU Style 2025 Style 202NS Painted Saddle Nylon Coated Saddle Painted Saddle Nylon Coated Saddle with U-Bolts with U-Bolts with Stainless Steel Straps with Stainless Steel Straps 'h" I.P, '/a" & 7" I.P. or C.C. TAP 1'/a" - 1'/z' - 2" I.P. Or C.C. TAP (2'/:" IP ONLY) NOMINAL O.D. ' APPROX. PIPE SIZE P�PE ZOZU ZOZNU CTN '1O'2S ZOZNS CTN 'LOZU ZOZNU CTN 'LOZS ZO'LNS CTN yyEIGHTea RANGE QTY �TY �TY QTY �ibs.) 2" 2.38 - 2.50' 10 10 10 10 3.5 # 3„ 3.50 z' 8 8 S 8 5.0 # 3.45-4.05z 8 8 8 S 5.0# 4.00-4.50 5 6 5 6 7.5# 4" 4.50-4.80 5 6 5 6 7.5# 4.50 - 5.40' 5 6 5 6 7.5 # 6.00-6.63 6 5 6 5 9.0# 6° 6.63-6.90 6 5 6 5 9.0# 6.63-7.603; 6 5 6 5 9.0# 8.00-8.63 4 4 4 4 10.0# 8�� 8.63 - 9.05 4 4 4 4 10.0 # 8.63 - 9.80' 4 4 4 4 10.0 # 10n 10.00-11.10 4 6 4 6 11.5# 11.10-12.12 4 6 4 6 11.5# 12�� 12.00 -1320 4 4 4 4 12.5 # 13.20-14.38 3 4 3 4 12.5# 14" 15.30-16.80 4 4 15.3# 16" 17.40-18.90 3 3 16.0# �$" 19.50-21.10 3 3 18.0# 2Q" 21.10 - 22:70 3 3 20.0 # 22" 22.70 - 24.30 POA 3 POA 3 21.0 # 24" 24.30 • 25.90 3 3 23.0 # 26�� 25.70 - 27.30 3 3 24.0 # 2$" 27.30 - 28.90. 3 3 24.5 # 30„ 28'90 - 30.50 3 3 25.0 # 30.50 - 32.10 3 3 26.0 # weights shown are per saddle. ' 202 - 2.50 can accommodate up to 1'/i' I.P, and 1 Va' C.C. 2 202 for 3" nominal size can accommodate up to 2" I.P. and 1'/z' C.C. 3 Not recommended for iron pipe size PVC or ductile iron size PVC (C-900). 4-4 naanutacturer necommenaation: For PVC pipe, choose the saddle that has the pipe O.D. closest to the top of the saddle's O.D. range. For Copper pipe, Romac recommends single strap saddles which should be preformed at the factory, or see pg. 4-6 for 304/306 stainless steel saddles. To Order: Add tap size to the up- per range of the saddle. When ordering for PVC pipe, UPPER TAP TYPE specify O.D. (D.I. or IPS) STVLE RANGE SIZE THREAD Example: Painted Saddle with U-Bolt: 202 - 7.60 x'/<" IP Stainless Steel Strap-add letter "S": 202S - 7.60 x'/a" IP Nylon Saddle-add designation "NU": 202NU - 7.60 X 3�4 � IP HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 62 Vendor: 82790 ROMAC INDUSTRIES, INC. STYLE 101 U& 202U SERVICE SADDLE SUBMITTAL INFORMATION MATERIALS Casting The saddle body is cast from ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Gaskets Gaskets are made from Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) compounded for water and sewer service and a tolerance of petroleum products in accordance with ASTM D 2000 MBC 610. Other compounds available for special applications. U Bolt, Nuts & Washers For sizes 1-1/2" through 3", 1/2" national coarse roll thread, electro-galvanized mild steel strap with heavy hex nuts and 1/2" flat washers. 4" and above uses 5/8" national coarse roll thread, high tensile strength, low alloy steel, with heavy hex nut and 5/8" flat washer, electro-galvanized, meeting AW1NA C111 composition specifications. The electo-galvanized coating with cromate seal meet ASTM 6633. COATING Shop coat applied to cast parts for corrosion protection in transit. PRESSURE RATING Ductile iron, cast iron and steel pipe: rating of pipe up to 350 psi maximum. Asbestos cement pipe: rating of pipe up to 200 psi maximum. For other applications please consult your representative. SIZES AND RANGES See Catalog. AW1NA STANDARDS These service saddles meet the requirements of ANSI/AW1NA C800, Underground Service•Line Valves and Fittings. Romac Document Number 25-8-0001 3/10 This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above, please check with Romac Engineering Department for any updates or changes. Phone (425) 951 6200 • Toll Free 1 800 426 9341 • Fax (425) 951 6201 • www.romacindustries.com 40 .. �. �s t �r� � s ��ri�'��� � �� �� ��-�'�.{rS�4,�`ro.S. r ti� �,r �c. t�� ��3.t,, �c.s: � �„7� ,. �k�� � c � ��, Fsn�\,4� . ay ti�.l\'��.� �r _ u �� �" a � h..k� ��. .: �, { ���� ; h.� � ` � �t �� - �.y• +� �^ .�..y : .: - . .:.-.-. . . �4�� - .._.. � `.�. . tt ��:.: �1'>,':_.i �. Y._ ; - .�^.._: _ '� 150 PSI Was[eaalet gUOI�� nV . .,'p' e L! 1,1 ' 150 PSI '-`�V c N � 0 0 � � c� 0 V V Combination Air Valve For Wastewater - Short Version Description 11�e D-025 Combination Air Va1vc combines an air & vacuum orifice and an air release orifice in a single body. The valv� is specially designed to opera�e with liquids carrying sofid partides such as wastewater and effiuents. ii�e combination air valve dischazges air (gases) duri�ig the fiiling or charging oEche syscem, admits air into che sysrem while i� is being emptied of liquid and releases accumulated air (gases) Crom the system while ic is under pressuic and operating. "Ihe valvc's anique dcsign enab[cs the scparation oF the liquid from the sealing mechanism and assures optimum working condi�ions. Applications - Low pressure sewcr systems - Wastewater & water rreacment plants. - Wastewacer, ef$urnt wacer and seawarer supply lincs. - Manholrs in urban arcas. Operation The air & vacuum componenr dischaeges air at high ftow races during che filling of the sys�em and admi�s air into the sysrem ac high How races during its drainage and ac water column separacion. Hi�h velocity air shotcld not blow the Hoat shuc. Water wiU lift che floac which scals the valve. At any cime during syscem operation, should internal pressure oFthe systcm fall bdow atmospheric pr�ssare, air wil! re-enter che sysrems. 17ie smooc6 discharge of air reducu pressure surges and other descructive phenomena. TEzc in�ake of aer in response co negative pressure procects �he system from des�ruccive vacuum coaditions and prevencs damage caused by wacer column separation. Air re-entry is essential to efficiently drain the sys�cm. 'Ihe air re(ease componen� releases rncrapped air in pressuriud syscems. Wirhout air valves, pockets of accumulared air may cause the following destructive phenomena: - Impedimenr of efEeccive How and hydraulic conducciviry oF the system along wich a chrottfing effecc as would a partialiy dosed valve. In extremc cases this will causc complcrc flow stoppage. - Acce[erate cavita�ion damages. - High-prtssure surgcs. - Acceleratt corrosion of inetal parts. - Danger oEhigh-energy bursts oEcompressed air_ As the system staru to fil1, the combination wastewater valve functions acwrding to the foUowing stages: 1. Entrapped aidgas is discharged by the valve 2. When the liquid level reaches the valve's iower portion, the lower ftoat is lifced, pushing the sealing mechanism to its sealing posicion. 3. The entrapped air is confined in a pocicet becween che Iiquid and che sealing mechanism. The air pressure is equal to che sys�em pressure. 4. Incrrases in system prrssure compress the trapped air in che upper section of the conical chamber. The conical shape assares the height of the air gap. This enables complece separation of the liquid from the sealing mcchanism. 5. En[rapped air (gas), accumulating at peaks along the system, rises ro rhe cop oE che valve, and displaces the ]iquid in the vaFve's body. 6. When the liquid levcl is lowercd ro a point wherc the Aoat is no longer buoyant, the Aoar drops, unsealing �he rolling seal. The air release orifece opens and allows pazt of che air chat accumulaced in �he upper portiun of �he valve to be released co che acmosphere. 7. Liquid re-enters the valve. The Aoat rises, pashing the rolling seal co ics sealing positEon. The remaining air gap prevenrs che wastewacer From Foctlirtg the mechanism. When interaal pressure Ealls below atmospheric pressure (negative pressure): 1. The floats will immediately dcop down, opening the air 8r vacuum and air release orifices. 2_ Air will reentcr [he system. Main Features - Working pressure range: 3- 150 psi. - Testing pr�ssure: 250 psi - Maavmum working temperacttre: I40° F. - Maximum intermiitent temperature: 194° F. - The unique design of the valve prevents contacc becwcen the wastewater and the sealing mechanism by creating an air gap at the top of �he valvc. These featares are achieved by: • The conical6ody shapr. designed co maincain �he maximum distance benveen che liquid and the sealing mechanism and s�ill obtain minimum body lcngth • Spring-loadcd joint betwcen the stem and the upper Hoat vibra�ions of �he [ower float will not unseal the air release component. Release of air will occur only after enough air accumulates. � • The Rolling Seal Mechanism: less sensitive to pressure differentials than a direct float seal. Ic accomplishes this by having a comparably large orifice for a wide pressure rangc (up to 250 psi). • Funnel-shaped lowv body: designed to ensure that residue wastewater matter will fall back into the system and be carried a�vay by the main pipe. - AlI inner meta[ parts made of s�ainless steel. Float made of composite materials. - 1 1/2" [hreaded drainage outicc enab[rs rcmoval of excess Ruids. - Dynamic desipn allows for high velociry air discharge while preveating premacure closure. AIR & VACUUM FLOWRATE iz � � __ �----- - I ' __ � _.. �� _�� . i � ; .... I � � _ I _ I Q s m � y 4 d Q � 0 c m � � 0 _g ' � b" o' in 'a` S � a o 0 Ffowrate CFM DIMENSiONS AND WEfGH7S Nominal Size 2" �readed 2" Flanged 3" Fianged 3" Threaded 4" Fianged Weight lbs. Vylon ST 8.37 27.33 9.25 31.30 8.37 32.G2 11.9 - 18.6 3G.37 Valve Selection - Valves Sizes: 2", 3" and 4" Aanged, 2" , 3" NPT male threaded connections. - Valves are manufac�ured with Aanged ends to ineet ASA 150 standard or any requested standard. - Valves are available with body made of composite materials or scainfess steel, for 150 psi. - Accessory Opcions: • Wich a Vacuum Guard, Quc-only accachmenc, allows for air discharge only, preven�s air inrake. • With a Vatuum Breaker, In-only attachment, allows for air intake only, prevencs air discharge. • With a Non-Slam discharge-throctling atrachmenr, al(ows for free air intake, throttles air discharge. - For best sui�abi[ity, it is recommended co send the Ruid chemical propertics along with the valve request. Upon ordering, please specify: model, size, working pressure, threads scandard and rype of liquid. AUTOMATIC AIR RELEASE �ao a �20 m � 100 N � 8� a � 60 c i 40 � Q 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Air release rates CFM c i� 0 N � � c� 0 � � PARTS LIST AND SPECIFICATION No. Part I. Discharge Outle� 2. Body 3. Rulling Seal Assembty 4. Float 5. Clamping Stem 6. O-Ring 7. Se[f Locking Domed Nu� 8. Stopper 9. Spring 10. Washer I1, S[cm 12. Body 13. O-Ring 14. Clamp 15. Floac 16. Ball Valve 17. Base Material Polypropylene Reinforced Nylon Reinforced Nylon + Sc.Sc. + E.P.D.M. Foamed Polypropyfene Reinforcrd Nylon BUNA-N Stain(ess Sccel SAE 316 Acetal Srainless Sceel SAE 3I6 Stainless Steel SAE 316 Stain(ess Stcel SAE 316 S�ainless Steel SAE 316 ! Reinforced Nylon BL1NA-N Scainless Sceel SAE 316 Foamed Polypropylene Stainless Steel Srainless Sreel SAE 316 / Reinfarced Nylon PARTS USTAND SPECIFfCATION No. Part I . Discharge Outlet 2. Rolling Seal Assembly 3. Float 4. Clamping Stem 5. Body 6. Crown Nut 7. U-Ring 8. Scopper 9. Spring I0. Was6er 11. Stem 12. Body I3. Floac i4. O-Ring 15. Clamp i6. Seal 17. Bal! Valve t 8. Wacher 19. Base Material PolypropyEene Reiaforccd Nyfon + E.P.D.M + Sc. Sc. Foamed Polypcopylene ReinForced Nyfon Reinforced Nylon Scain[ess Steel SAE 316 BUNA-N Polypropylene Stainless Steel SAE 316 Scainless Scccl SAE 31G Srainlcss Steel SAE 316 Scainless Steel SAE 31G 1 ReinEorccd Nylon Foamed Polypropylene BL1NA-N S�ainless Stccl SAE 316 &ber Stainless S�eel Scainlcss Steel SAE 316 Scain[ess Scecl SAE 31G / Reinforced Nylon x .` � ' �025 ST flanged - r• Q025 threaded B [�025 S7 threaded �: A HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 13: Ln 65 ' Vendor:74630 ��������� ��� ���-� �����r PVC SOLVENT WELD - (SCHEDULE SERIES) Dual marking for both Pressure and Drain, Waste, Vent (DWV) Applications JM EAGLE�" PVC SCHEDULE 40/DWV PIPE Speeifications: ASTM D1785 & ASTM D2665 :: Burlding essentia/s JM�agle for u 6etter tomorrnw- Listed : ANSI/NSF-PW NSF-DWV Standard 61, Standard 14 NOM. PIPE SIZE O.D. NOM. I.D. MIN. T. WATER PRESSURE APPROX. WEIGHT (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) RATING AT 23°C (73°F) (LBS/FT) 1/2 0.840 0.609 0.109 600 0.164 3/4 1.050 0.810 0.113 480 0.218 1 1.315 1.033 0.133 450 0.324 1-1/4 1.660 1.363 0.140 370 0.439 1-1/2 1.900 1.593 0.145 330 0.525 2 2.375 2.049 0.154 280 0.705 2-1/2 2.875 2.445 0.203 300 1.118 3 3.500 3.042 0.216 260 1.463 4 4.500 3.998 0.237 220 2.083 6 6.625 6.031 0.280 180 3.663 8 8.625 7.942 0.322 160 5.512 10 10.750 9.976 0.365 140 7.815 12 12.750 11.889 0.406 130 10.333 14 14.000 13.073 0.437 130 12.220 16 16.000 14.940 0.500 130 15.980 :: Standard Color: White, Standard Length 10' & 20', Plain End and Belled End. Purple color for reclaim, contact your sales rep for availability. JM EAGLE`M PVC SCHEQULE 80 PIPE Specifications: ASTM D1785 : : Listed : ANSI/NSF-PW Standard 61, Standard 14 NOM. PIPE SIZE O.D. NOM. I.D. MIN. T. WATER PRESSURE APPROX. WEIGHT (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) RATING AT 23°C (73°F) (LBS/FT) 1/2 0.840 0.528 0.147 850 0.210 3/4 1.050 0.724 0.154 690 0.285 1 1.315 0.936 0.179 630 0.419 1-1/4 1.660 1.255 0.191 520 0.579 1-1/2 1.900 1.476 0.200 470 0.701 2 2.375 1.913 0.218 400 0.969 2-1/2 2.875 2.290 0.276 420 1.479 3 3.500 2.864 0.300 370 1.979 4 4.500 3.786 0.337 320 2.892 6 6.625 5.709 0.432 280 5.516 8 8.625 7.565 0.500 250 8.336 10 10.750 9.493 0.593 230 12.375 12 12.750 11.294 0.687 230 17.027 : Standard Color: Dark Gray, Standard Length: 20' overall, Product Standard: ASTM D1785 Pressure Pipe Plain End Only Pipe Compound: ASTM D1784 Cell Class 12454 t Available in Western Region Only. Installation: JM Eagle'"' Installation Guide I.D. : Inside Diameter O.D. : Outside Diameter T. : Wall Thickness ._ . _..._. .,�...�.......� . . ... . . .___ � � � �� � �� �� � ���%£�� � �� � �� PVC SCHEDULE �0 FITTINGS AND PIPE Performance Engineered & Tested 80-2-0610 SPEARS�' Schedule 80 PVC product designs combine years of proven e�erience with computer generated stress analysis to yield the optimum physical structure and performance for each fitting. Material reinforcement is uniformly placed in stress concentration areas for substantially improved pressure handling capability. Resulting products are subjected to numerous verification tests to assure obtaining the very best PVC fittings available. Futl 1/4" Through 12" Availabitity Spears� comprehensive line of PVG injection molded fittings 1nd extruded pipe offers a variety of configurltions in sizes 1/4" throt►gh 1?". Schedule 80 fittings,are manufactured to ASTM D 2467 and pipe is produced ta ASTM D 1785. Spears `� exclusive CL150 Flanges are produced in sizes 1/2" - 18" with ANSI B 16.5 bolt patterns, plus numerous Unions, Saddles, Transition and Specialry fittings in a variety of sizes. Exceptional Chemical & Carrosion Resistance Unlike metal, PVC fittings and pipe nevcr rust, scale, or pit, and will provide many years of maintenance-free service and extended systetn lifc. High Temperature Ratings PVC tliennoplastic can handle fluids at service temperatures up to 140� F(60° C), allowina a wide range of process apptications, including corrosive fluids. Lorver [nstallation Costs Substantially lower material costs than steel alloys or lined steet, combined with lighter weight and ease of installation, can reduce installation costs by as much as 60% over conventional metal systems. `�N c.ercrrF� � z �� � w � ��� UKAS �'^o� aa°� MANAGEME,�. oo� o�oner sr•ram: ee�nf��o.e Ne. 290 Cerporafe Fael/ifiss. Sylmar, CA Assessed to i50 9007: 2008 Higher Flo�v Capacity° Smooth interior cvalls result in lower pressure loss and higher volume than conventional metal fittings. Additioual Fabricated Configurations through 36" Extra large, hard-to-find, and custom configurations are fabricated from NSF Certified pipe. Fittings are en�ineered and tested to provide full pressure handling capabilities according to Spears� specifications. Advanced .Design Speciai[�� Fittings Spears'�' wide range of innovati��e, improved products include numerous metal-to-plastic transition fittings and unions with Spears� patented special reinforced (SR) plastic threads. P!'C Valves SPEARS'� PVC Valve products are availaUle for total syste�n compatibility and uniformity; see SPEARS`r� THERMOPLASTIC VALVES PRODUC;T GUIDE & ENGINEERING SPECIFiCATIONS (V-4). Sample E ngineering Specifications All PVC Scheduie 80 pipe and fittings shall be produced by Spears� Manufacturing Company from PVC Type i: cell classification 12454. conforming to ASTM Standard D 1784. All PVC injec6on molded Schedule 80 fiiiings and extruded pipe shali be Certified for potable water service by NSF Intemational. All Schedule 80 fittings shall be manufactured in strict compliance to ASTM D 2467 and Schedule 80 pipe shall be manufactured in strict compliance to ASTM D 1785. All fabricated fittings shall be praduced in accordance with Spears° General Specifications for Fabricated Fittings. All PVC flanges shail be designed and manufactured to meet CL150 bolt pattern per ANSI Standard Bt6.5 and rated for a maximum intemal pressure of 150 psi, non-shock at 73° F. PROGRESSIVEPRODUCTSFROMSPEARS�'INNOYATIOIV � TECHNOLOGY Visit our web site: www.spearsmfg.com , ._ . _..._. _.....i.._..� . . _. . ..___ • PVC Thermoptastic Pipe 7eni�erature Pressure De-Rating To detennine t.he naaximuni internal pressure ratiu; at an etevated temperature, simply multiply tl�e pipe pressure rating at 73° F by the percentage specified for the desired temperature. System Operating 73 80 90 100 110 Temperature ° F (° C) (23) (27) (32) (38) (43) PVC 100% 90% 75% 62% 50% 120 130 140 (49) (54) (60) 40% 30% 22% NOTE: Valves, Unions and Specialty Products have different cicvated temperature ratings than pipe. Typical Material Properties ASTM Properties Test PVC Method Mechanical Properties, 73°F Specific Gravity, g/cm' D 792 1.41 Tensile Strength, psi D 638 7,200 Modulus of Elasticity, psi D 638 440,000 Compressive Strength, psi D 695 9,OOQ Fiexural Strength, psi D 790 13,200 Izod Impact, notched, ft-ib / in D 256 .65 Thermal Properties Heat Deflection Temperature, ° F at 66 psi D 648 165 Thermal Conductivity, BTU / hr / sq ft/° F! in C 177 1.2 Coefficient of Linear Expansion, in / in /° F D 696 3.1 x 10�5 Fiammability Limited Oxygen Index, % D 2863 43 UL 94 Rating 94V-0 Other Properties Water Absorption, % 24 hr. D 570 .05 Industry Standard Color White / Dark Gray ASTM Cell Classification D 1784 12454 NSF Potable WaterApproved YES Pti C Chemical Resistance PVC is generally inert to most mineral acids, bases, salts and paraffinic hydrocarbon solutions. For more information on PVC chemical resistanee refer to the Chemical Resistance of Rigid Viny(s Bascd on Immersion Test, publ.ished by the GEONr com�any. �UT FUR U5F.. �'!'i'I'H COt�•1P.RESSF:,:D :�iR ().R G;1SL5 Spears'" Manufacturing Company DOES NOT RECOb4A�END the use of thennoplastic pipin� products tor systems to transport or store compressed air or gases, or tl�e testing of ti�erntoplastic piping systetns with compressed aii• or gases in above and below ground tocations. The use of our product iu compressed air or gas systems automatically voids any warranty for such products, aad its use against our recommendation is eutirely tUe responsibiliry and liahility of the installer. ���:i�ZI�lN{3: DO NOT USE COMPRESSED AIR OR GAS TO TEST ANY PVC OR CPVC THERMOPLASTIC PIPING PRODUCT OR SYSTEM, AND DO NOT USE DEVICES PROPELLED BY COMPRESSED AIR OR GAS TO CLEAR SYSTEMS. THESE PRACTICES MAY RESUT;T TN EXPLOSIVE FRAGMENTATION OF SYSTEM PIPING COMPONENTS CAUSLNG SERIOUS OR FATAL BODILY INJURY. v PACIFIC SOUTHWEST 15860 Olden St. Sylmar (Los Angeles), CA 91342 {818) 364-1611 • (800) 862-1499 Fax (818) 367-3014 NORTFi►1{�ST 4103 C St NE Sui[z 200 Aubum (SeatUe), WA 98002 (253) 939-0433 • (800) 347-7327 Fax (253) 939-7557 SPEARS�IVANUFACTURING CONPANY •CORPORATE OFFICE �`` 15853 Olden St., Sylmar, CA 91342 • PO Box 9203, Sylmar, CA 91392 (818) 364-1611 • www.spearsmfg.com '� ROCKY NDUMAIN 4880 Rorence S[ Denver, CO 80238 (303) 371-9430 • (800) 777-4154 fax (303) 375-9546 SOUTH CEMRAL 7000 Lakeside Parkway Flower Mound, TX 75028 (469) 528-3000 • (800) 441-1437 Fax {469) 528-3001 UTNH 5395 West 1520 South Saft Lake City, UT &4104 (303) 371-9430 • (800j 777�154 Fax (303) 375-9546 NORTHEAST 5901ndustrial Dc, Suite 10U Lewisberry (Harr(sburg), PA 17339-9532 (717) 938-8844 • (800j 233-0275 Fax Q17) 93&6547 SOUTHEAST 4205 Newpoint PI., Suite 100 Lawrenceville (Atlanta), GA 30043 {678) 9851263 • (800) 662-6326 Fax {678) 985-5642 FLORIDA 9563 Parksouth Court Odando,FL 32837 (407) 8431960 • (800) 327�390 Fax (407) 4253563 MDWEST 1 GatewayCt., SuiteA Bolingbrook (Chicago), IL 60440 (630) 759•7529 • (800) 662-6330 Fax (630) 759-75t5 INTERNATIONAL SAIES 15853 Olden St. Syfmar(LosMgeles), CA 91342 (818) 364•1611 • Fax {818) 89&3774 � Copyright 2010 5pea�s' Manufacturi�g Company. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America 06110. 80-2-0610 � \� RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal � Item co�Tered by this submittal: � Applicable specification section: ❑ First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For.� City of Renton Liberty Lift Stat�on CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � �s�p�i . . �� � �:r � �� -` �;� : � � ���.� 12" DI Resilient Wedge Gate Valve Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Division 15.3 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 2A I OR � Resubmittal #:. 2A OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IReview Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Reguested Return Date: Date Recei�Ted b�� RH2 Engineering: . _09/05/12 � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected � Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Date Returned to Equity: _9/6/12_ RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date_9/5/12_ Re�Tie�ved By:_DB_ David Baisch Signature Comments from Engineer: The submitted I�I&H 12" DI resilient �vedge gate valve is an acceptable substitution for the 12" eccentric plug val�re. This is a no cost substitution. The valve shall be installed w-ith stem vertical. �/s/zotz �t:�5 ��nt j:Adata\ren\]12-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #2a ga[e �-ah-e.docx � Features ��� �� nefit� DELRIN THRUST BEARINGS ABOVE AND BELOW THE TNRUST COLLAR REDUCE FRICTION AND MINIMIZE OPERATING TOR6IUES 304 STAINLESS STEEL NUTS AND BOLTS PROV{DE LONG LIFE CORROSION PROTECTION. LONG, TROUBLE FREE LIFE WITH HIGH STRENGTH, NON-CORRO- SIVE BRONZE STEM AND STEM. NUT. � - _ 100% COATED WEDGE ENSURES BUBBLE-T{GHT SEAL EVERY TIME UP�<TO 250 PSI. WITH TWIN SEAL DESIGN. _ ELLIPTICAL BOLT HOLE DESIGN ELIMINATES THE NEED F4R ANTI-ROTATION B�LTS SM�OTH, UNOBSTRUCTED FULL SIZE WATERWAY iS FREE OF POCKETS, CAV!- TiES, AND DEPRESSIONS ,,.. , _. ALLOWING FOR� fVl[NIIVIAL FLOW LOSS AND LOWER PUMPING COSTS. THE OPERATING MECHANfSM IS TRIPLE O-RING SEALED TO COMPLETELY SEAL AGAINST LEAKAGE PAST THE STEM. NVO O-RINGS ARE PROVIDED ABOVE THE THRUST COLLAR AND ONE BELOW: UPPER O-RINGS CAN BE REPLACED UNDER PRESSURE WITHOUT REMOVING TNE STEM WHEN THE VALVE IS FULLY OPENED. O-RING SEALS AT STUFFING BOX AND BONNET TO SODY FLANGES TO ENSURE THE BEST POSSIBI.E SEAL. NO FLAT GASKETS. M&H CORROSION RESISTANT FUSION- BONDED EPDXY C�ATING, CONFORMING TO AWWA C�50 AND NSF61 APPROVED, PROTECTS BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE �F VALVE. PADS ON THE BQTTOM OF ALL VALVES KEEP VALVE �r IN llPRIGHT POSITION F4R EASIER STORAGE '" "AND PROTECTION`FRON1 THE ELEMENTS. ALL TAPPING VALVES ' ALL VALVES ARE RATED AT 250 PSI FOR 10 YEAR LIMlTED WARRANTY ACCEPT FE1L! SIZE AWWA SERVICE AND 200 PSI FOR TAPPING CUTfER. ULFM SERVICE. Al.l VALVES ARE NYDROSTATICALLY TESTED TO 540 PSI. After the official adoption oi the AWWA C515 specification, M&H once again is on the forefront of modern valve design and construction. The M&H Style 7000 Resilient Seated Gate Valve embodies all of the latest valve technology for simplicifiy, durabi[ity and superior performance. With fihe end user in mind, M&H engineering designed fhe M&H Style 7000 to be fully interchangeable with the M&H C509 Style 4067. M&H Styie 7000 meets or exceeds AWWA C515 and C55U in all sizes. M&H C5 ] 5 valves are fisted by Underwriters Laboratories and are approved by Facfiory Mutual Research. Wifh no compromise in materials or workmanship, M&H S#yle 7000 valves carry a] 0 year limited warranty. .. it's the clear choice of those who demand the best. REC�MMENDED SPECiFICATIONS FOR C-51�5 DUCTILE IRON RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE� M&H VALVE COMPANY Valves shall conform to the latest revision of AWWA Standard C-515 covering resilient seated gate valves for a11 water supply service. The valves shall have a ductile iron body, bonnet, and o-ring plate. The wedge shall be totally encapsu[ated with rubber. 7he sealing rubber shafl be permanently bonded to the wedge per ASTM D429. Vafves shall be supplied wifh o-ring seals at all pressure retaining joints. No flat gaskets shall be allowed. Blind bolts shall not be allowed. The valves shal[ be either non-rising stem or rising stem, opening by turning teff or right, and provided wifih 2" square operating nut or a handwheel with the word "Open" and an arrow to indicate the direcfion to open. Stems for NRS assemblies shall be cast bronze with integral collars in full comptiance with AWWA. OS&Y (rising stems) shall be bronze. Alf stems sha[l operate with bronae stem nuts independent ot wedge and of stem {in NRS valves). Stainless steel stems or stem nuts are not allowed. NRS stems shall have two o-rings located above thrust coflar and one o-ring below Stem o-rings shalf be replaceable with valve fully opened and subjected to fulf pressure. The NRS stems on 4"-12" shafl also have fiwo low torque thrust bearings focated above and below the stem collar to reduce friction during operation. Waterway sha11 be smooth, unobstructed and iree of afl pockets, cavities and depressions tn the seat area. Tapping valves 4" and farger shall accept a full size tapping cutter. . The body, bonnet, and o-ring plate shall be fusion-bond epoxy coated, both interior and ex#erior on body and bonnet. Epoxy coating�shall be NSF 6i approved and applied in _ _ _ - - accordance with- AWWA C550. � _ Each valve shall have manufacturers name, pressure rating, and year in which it was manu- factured cast in the body. Prior to shipmenfi from the factory, each valve shal! be tested by _ hydrostatic pressure equal to the requirements of�AWWA C-515 (and UL/FM where appficabfe). Valves shall have al[ component parts cast and assembled in the USA and shall be manufacfiured by the M&H Valve Company. During the decade of the 1980's, the water�vorks industry was introduced to the Resilient Seated Gafie Valve, a design principal thafi is dominate ir� preierence for use in distribution . systems. M&H Valve Company was at the forefront in this industry-wide movement by introducing the Styie 4067, our AWWA C509 Resilient Seated Gate Valve. M&H AWWA C515 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES {2000) During the decade of the 1980's the waterworks industry was introduced to the Resilient Seated Gate Valve, ad design principal that is dominate in preference €or use in distribution systems. M&H valve Company was at the fore front in. this industxy-wide movement by introducing the Style 4067, our AWWA C509 Resilient Seated Gate Valve. After the officiai adoption of the AWWA C515 specification, M&H once again is on the forefront of modern valve design and constxuction. The M&H Sryle 7000 Resilient Seated Gate Valve embodies ali of the latest valve technoiogy for simplicity, durability and superior perforrnance. With the end user in mind, M&H engineering designed the M&H Style 7000 to be fully interchangeable with the M&H C504 Sryle 4067. M&H Style 7000 meets or exceeds AWWA C515 and C550. M&H C515 valves are listed by Underwriters Laboratories and are approved by Factory Muri,zal Research. With no compromise in materials or workinanship. M&H Style 7000 valves carry a 10 year limited warranry. , it's the clear choice of those who demand the best. EASE QF OPERATION The M&H RSGV has only two moving intemal parts—the gate and the stem. The gate is fully supported throughout travel by an integzally cast tongue and groove fit between it and the valve body. Lugs on the gate fully engage the coated guides cast into the valve body so the gate closes smoothly, without "chatter", every time. This positive gate alignment, plus positioning and engagement of the stem nut, virlually elir�ninate stem binding, and provide balanced loads and low operating torques. The M&H RSGV is among the towest in``operating torques of all - avaitable competitive type valves ; , P4Si1'IVE SEALING A dual rubber seal is formed between the rubber encapsulated resilient wedge and the valve body to guarantee drop- tight shut-off every time. The combination of true compression and dynamic wedging of the gate is cr�ated without harmful sliding, shearing or other wear-inducing action. The massive vulca�ized rubber seating edges on the gate self-absorb normal wear and iear, assuring a positive seal, even after years of service. The M&H RSGV will seal bubble-tight to 250 psi working pressure, with the flow in either direction and the valve in any position. FULL FLOW CAPACITY / DUAL SEATTNG The M&H RSGV features an unobstructed, thru-conduit flow path for full flow capacity. Closed, the RSGV provides bottle-tight, zero lealcage in either direction at fuli rated differential presswre with dual body gate seating. + _ . .. _ .. __.. . ..... _ _.. . .._. .. __. .... _.�._. .:� � ... _ July 2005 I C515 Gate Valves 3-1 FEATURES & BENEFITS / PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1VI&gi AWWA C515 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES {200�) FEATURES BENEFIT Ductile Tron Body, Bonnet, Stuf�ng Box • Easier handlin Bubble Tight Closure at 2�0 psi {AWWA) • No Leakage — No loss of water 4" —12" at 250 si AVWVA Dual Rubber Seal • Assures dxo -ti ht shut-off in either direction. Smooth, unobstructed waterway to maximize flow. • High flow chazacteristics • 100% smooth passage without turbulent flow , • No sediment build up • Will. not im ede txavel of line cleanin tools Only Three Internal Parts '• Virtuall maintenance free Only Two Moving Parts, the gate & the stem • Less friction, less tor ue, Ion er life. Integral Cast Tongue and Grb�ove between wedge • Positive gate alignment every time and valve bod . A No Seat Rings • Nothin to be dama ed b scorin Delrin* Anri-Friction Thrust Bearing • Operating torque to close and open held to absolute minimum ' Solid, Bronze Stem Nut and High Strength Bronze • No corrosion Stem • Trouble free service � Stem Nut is Self Centering • Eliminates ossible stress on stem and wed e Two O-Ring Seals Above Stem Thrust Gollar and • Two O-Rings can be replaced with valve in One Below service High Strength Iron Wedge Fully Encapsulated with • Trouble free service rubber Percnanently Bonded to Metal. • No leaks — no wear No Lubrication Required • Trouble free service American Cast and Assembled • American Jobs • American backed product for more than 100 years � • American uali 10 year limited warranty against defective �naterials • Customer assurance that M&H believes in the or workmanship stron roduct the roduce. Body / Bonnet Epoxy Coating Inside & Out � Unprecedented Protection Against Corrosion and abrasion * DuPont Trademark PERFORMANCE INFORMATION • 4"- 6" valves sizes have been hydrostatically shell tested at five (5) times UL rated pressure (1000 psi}. • 8",IO", and 12" have been hydrostatically sheli tested at four (4) times iJL rated pressure (800 psi). • Valve is bubble-tight at all pressuxes up to full rated pressure (250 psi}. • Valve is capable of bubble-tight seal at pressures up to (4�Opsi) fpr short periods of time. _ _. __ . _ -.__.. ___._. • Va ve as een subjected to torques 150 percent of the designated muumum required torques. • Valve has been cycle tested 5,000 times without Ioss of bubble-tight seal. � • Rubber to iron bond on wed.ge is iuspected for strength as per ASTM D429 specification July 2005 / C515 Gate Valves � -----_ 3-2 � c ,� (, J END CONNECTIONS (4"-12"} M&H AWWA C515 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES (2000) Shown at right are the principal ends available on M&H Gate valves. Other type ends are available upon request. Mechanical Joint end vaives are fumished for , use with mechanical joint cast iron pipe. � Mechanical joint bolts, glands and gaskets are furnished unless oiherwise specified in order Mechanical joint ends axe in accordance with ANSU AWWA CI 11 / A21.11. PVC Piastic end valves are fumished for use witb PVC water pipe. Gaskets are furnished with valves for installation on pipe. � Push on ends for C900 plastic and ductile and cast iron pipe furnished with siab rubber gaskets to ANSi / AWWA C11 i/A21.11. Flanged end valves are furnished with flanges rnade to ANSI / AWWA C1 i0/A21.10 {ASME B 16.1, Class 125) dimensions. Flanged end valves are most commonly used for filtration plants, sewage disposal plants and pump � stations. Flanged valves have the advantage of quick and easy removal for repairs or replacement without disrupting the pipe line. Flanged by mechanical joint end valves frequently are used as auxiliary gate valves with flanged end fire hydrants, also to connect flanged pipe to mechanical joint pipe lines. Threaded / Screwed end valves are furnished for smaller pipelines for general service with iron pipe threads, in accordance with ASME B 1 b.9, Ctass 125. \����� ilf.����ll� �a �� Me chanical J oint End PUC End ` �� 1\-��.i�.� Push-On End Flanged End � ��� � � � � �,\ -� . July 2005 / C515 Gate Valves 3-3 SPECIFICATIONS / AVAILABLE CONFIGURATIONS & STYLE NUMBERS li�&H �iWWA C515 ][�SILIEN'T WEDGE GATE VALVES (2000) Size Range Water Working Bubble Tight Seat Hydrostatic Shell Pressure si Test si Test si AWWA 4" — I2" 250 Water Works 250 & 400 5Q0 [TLFM 4" — 12" 200 Fire Protection 250 & 400 SQO Style No. Style No. Style No. Size With With With Available End Connections Ranee 2" Nut Hand wheel Post Plate Mechanical Joint (NRS) 2"-12"(no 2%z") 7571 7571-HW (3"-i2") 7571-P Flanged Ends (NRS) 2"-12" 7561 7561-HW (3"-12") 7561-P Note: 7�61A is Tapped & Plugged in "A" Position 2" = 4" ='/Z " Tap 6" —12" = 3/4" Tap Flanged End X Mechanical J�in�t (NRS) 3"-12" 7572 7572-HW 7572-P Push-on (For PVC / SDR} �"-8" 7597 7597-HW y (3"-8"} 7597-P Threaded (NRS) 2"-3" 7057 7057-HW (3" only} 7057-P Fush-on (For D.I. / C900) {NRS) 4"-12" 7901 7901-HW 7901-P Push-on X Flange (F'oz D.I. / C900)(NRS) 4"-12" 7902 7902-HW 7902-P Flanged Ends (QS&Y) 2'/2"-12" 7068 N/A N/A Note: 706$A is Tapped & Plugged in "A" Position 2" — 4" _%z " Tap 6" —12" = 3/a" Tap Tapping Valve (NRS) 4"-I2" 7950 7950-HW 7950-P Nota: Each size accommodates a full size diameter tapping cutter. M.J. Cutting-in Valve (NRS} 4"-12" 7576 7576-HW 7576-P Note: 3" and below manufactured to c509 spec, but made of ductile iron. VALVE ACCESSORIES Mechanical operational accessories are used for valves having special operational needs such as; 1. Location with limited access 2. Hazardous locations 3. Revision of operational positian 4. High Torque Operation 5. Indication of Valve Position Accessory selection must be evaluated for its capability to transmit the required tarque requirements to the valve. To assure long-term trouble free operation, its materials of construction should take into account factors relating to corrosion and maintenance. Accessories used on M&H valves can include the following: Electric Motor Operators Stem Guides Indicator Posts Hand v,rheels `.`T" Handles Extension Stems � Floor Boxes Chain Wheels Floor stands.(Non-rising stem) Position Tndicators __ _ _ --...___.. _ ._ _..._ __.. _.... __._ _.. __.... _. .. .__.. _ .. ._ __ _ Miter Box Geanng Electronic Switches ' July 2005 / C515 Gate Valves i , 3-4 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIQNS (4"-12") (Styles 7000 NRS: 7068 OS&Y}(1 of 2) M&H AWWA C515 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES (2000) General: Gate vaives shaIl be of the resilient seated wedge type, fusion bonded epoxy coated to ANSI / AWWA C550, ductile uon body design. They shall compIy with the Aznerican Water Works Association Gate Valve Standard C-515-99 as latest revised. Approvals: Gate Valve to Meet or Exceed the Requirements of AWWA C515 Gate Valve to Meet or Exceed the Requuements of UL-262 Gate Valve to Meet or Exceed FM — i i 20 / 1130 Gate Valve to Meet NSF b 1 Gate Valve Wedge to Meet of Exceed The Requirements of A3TM D429 Testing: Each valve shall be hydrostatically tested to the requirements of both AWWA and UL/FM and be rated for 250 psi AWWA service. Valves shall be rated for zero leakage at 250psi water worlang pressure and have a SOOpsi hydrostatic test for structural soundness for 4" through 12". All testing sh�il be conducted in accordance with AWWA G515 Pressure Ratings: Size Range Water Working Pressure psi Bubble-tight Test psi Hydrostatic Shell Test psi 4"-12" AWWA 254psi 250psi SOOpsi 4"-12" ULFM 200psi 200psi 400psi Materials: AIl cast iron shall conform to ASTM-A126 Class B. Castings shall be clean and sound without defec�s that will impair ttieir service. No plugging or welding of such defects will be allowed. All ductile iron shall conform to ASTM-536 70-50-OS Stem and wedge nut shall be a copper alloy in accordance with section 4.4.5 of AWWA C515 Bolts for above ground vaives shall be electro-zine plated steel with hex heads and hex nuts in accordance with ASTM A-307, and A-563 respectively. Bolts for below ground valves shall be 304 stainless steel with hex heads and hex nnts. Powder Coating: A high performance, one-part, heat-curable, thennosetting coating which provides superior conosion resistance protection for metal parts. M&H Powder Coating material is a stable, non-toxic resin consisting of 1!}0% solids. It is impervious to and imparts no taste to potable water. M&H Powder Coating is fozmulated from materials deemed acceptable in the Food and Drug Administration Doctunent Title 21 of the Pederal Regulations on food additives; Section 175.3000 entitied "Resinous and Polymeric Coatings". . M&H Powder Coating is applied using a heat appiication, fusion-bonding process which secures the coating materiai to the metal valve components. This process provides a visibly void-free coating 5-8 mils thick with excellent adhesiou qualities. The durable M&H Powcler Coating has a hard finish and e�chibits excellent corrosion resistance in most aqueous sotutions. It will not sag or cold flow or become soft during long-term storage. In addition to excellent corrosion resistance to aqueous solutions, the coating has excellent stability and resistance to acidic soil conditions. . -- . .. _... ... __... ._. ... . . .... . .... .... M&H Powder Coating meets both the application and performance requuements of the American Water Works Association standard ANSI / AWWA C550 entitled "Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants". July 2045 / C515 Gate Valves 3-5 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATTONS (4"-12") (Styles 7000 NRS• 7068 OS&Y}�2 of 2) Design: Resilient Seated valves shall conform to the latest revision of AWWA Standazd C-515-99. 4"-12"shall be UI, listed and RM approved. The valve shall have a ductile iron body and bonnet. All internal parts shall be accessible for repair or maintenance without removing the body from the line. NRS and OS&Y stems shall be of cast bronze. NRS stems shali have integral thrust collar with Delrin ihrust bearing above and below the collaz. NRS stems shall have two machined grooves above the thrust collar and one groove below for O-ring seals. The upper two O-rings shall be field removable with the valve under pressure. Valves shall be supplied with O-ring seals at all joints. No flat gaskets allowed. Blind bolts threaded into tapped holes in bonnet or body shall not be acceptable. The stem nut shall be of cast bronze and independent of the stem and wedge for NRS valves. Stem nuts for OS&Y valves shalI be securely fastened to the stem: Tapping valve shall pass a full size cuttec 4"-12" The waterway in the seat area shall be smooth, unobstructed, free of cavities and f�r valves 4" and larger at least 0.19" greater in diameter than the nominal valve size. Coating 5-8 mill inside and out. Thickness Wedge / Gate: The wedge shall be of cast iron and completely encapsulated with a resiiieat elastomer material permanently bonded to the wedge and have a rubber tearing bond that rneets ASTM D429. Markmg: Marinngs in accordance with AWWA G515 standard. Includes name of manufacturer, the year of manufachue, maximum working pressure and size of valve: In addition, country of origin to be clearly cast into body & cover castings. Wamanty: Resslient seated gate valves shali be covered by a ten-year limited wamanty against defective materials or workmanship. End Mechanical joint end valves to match ANSI / AWWA Cl l l/A21.11. Connections: Flanged end valves to match ANSI / AWWA C110/A21.10 (ASME B16.1, Class 12S} Tapping valves througb 12" sha11 mate ali sleeves through 12" ouflet regardless of manufacturer. Valves shall be furnished with tapping sleeve side to ASME B 16.1 Class 125 flanged end with centering ring. Outlet side of valve shall be mechanical joint with (without) accessories to ANSI / AWWA Cl i 1/A21.I 1. Push-on ends suitable for stab joints with ductile or cast iron. " Laying Lengths Valves not listed in ANSI, AWWA, UL, or FM have dimensions per M&H design as noted in catalog. / Configurations _. _ .. _..... '.. _ ._.... ... _. ....__ _ _ _. ... _ July 2005 / C515 Gate Valves ;._. . ; 3-6 �...� R RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal For: �,... ��..w� City of Renton Liberty Lift Statioti CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � Item co�-ered by this submittal: � Applicable specification section: X Fitst Submittal ❑ This item is as specified Refer to th DIV. 11 and Equity Builders Submitta/ Log # 3 fYom a OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. t OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor ceYtifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major de�riations as specifically noted Notes to Engineer: IRe�rie�v Priority: X 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� I Date Received by RH2 Engineering: _7/18/2012_ Date Returned to Equiry: _8/1/2012 ❑ Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected � Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and pertorming his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: Impeller shall be high chrome impeller Pump shaft shall be 431 stainless steel RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 7/27/12 Reviewed By: EH_ Edwin Halim Signature 8/G/2012 9:23 ANI z\bothell\data\ren\112-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #3_flygt_pumps_and_appurtenances.docx �h�tney ]Equiprnent Cornpany, Inc. is proud to present The Submittal for CI�'Y OF �NT'OII�TT I�I�EI2TY I.I�'I' ST't�TIOI�t SECTION 11.12 CONTRACTOR: ENGINEER: SUBli1IERSIBI.E SE�VAGE PUl�PS Equity Buitders, Inc. RH2 Engineers, Inc. T �' July 12, 2012 � s , ; �. _ .� � : �. SECTION 11.12.2 SLTBIVIEI�SIB�....E SEWr�GE PITl�IP� LIBERTY LIFT STATION PUMPS 1& 2 2ea 2ea 2ea 2ea lea 2ea 2ea lea lea 2ea 2ea 2ea FI.YGT NP 3153X - 463 , 4", 20 HP Submersible Sewage Pumps 20 HP Explosion Proof Submersible Motors, 460 Volt, 3 Phase 50' SUBCAB 4/3-2-1 GC Power Cables 4" Cast Iron Discharge Elbows Flygt 4901 Mix Flush Valve FLS Moisture Sensors Flygt Mini-Cas 120 Relay Units Set of Special Tools Flygt Grip Eye Lifting Device Stainless Steel Lifting Cables and Shackles 2" Stainless Steel Upper Guide Bar Brackets Sets of 2" Stainless Steel Guide Rails 1 ea Day of Manufacturers Startup and Training Services WHITNEY EQUiPMENT GOMPANY, INC. 21222 30`h Drive SE, Suite 110 Botheli, Wash. 98021 �' �i Phone: (425) 486-9499 Fax: (425) 485-7409 1 QUANTITY 2 20 CABLE SEAL GROMMET TYPE 2 MODEL NUMBER IVP-3153X - 463 2 j CABLE SIZE AWG #8/3-2-1 (50') 3 RATED CAPACITY A 39O GPM C 87.5 FT 22 SEAL- INNER TUNGSTEN-CARBIDE Q. RATED CAPACITY B 23 SEAL- OUTER TUNGSTEN-CARBIDE � SHUTOFF HEAD 120 FT 2L� WEIGHT 560 �BS s DISCHARGE SIZE 4" 2� GUIDE BAR BRAGKETS STAtNLESS STEEL 7 IMPELLER TYPE NON-CLQG BACKSWEPT 26 LIFTfNG CABLE/CHAIN STAINLESS STEEL $ HORSEPOWER 20 HP 27 LIFTING DEVICE GRIP EYE 9 MOTOR SPEED 1755 RPM 28 GUIDE RAILS 2" STAINLESS STEEL '( Q MOTOR ELECTRICALS 4F>OV, 3 PH, 6O H2 29 FLUSH VALVE 4JO1 MIX FLUSH 11 INSULATION CLA55 H 30 1� SERVICE FACTOR 1.15 31 VIBRATION TESTS FACTORY TESTING 13 PUMP BODY CAST IRON 35B 32 14 IMPELLER 463 CAST IRON 33 15 PUMP SHAFT 420 STAlNLESS STEEL 34 1 g MOTOR RATING tNVERTER DUTY 35 17 1 SET OF SPECIAL TOOLS 36 18 37 FLS MOISTURE SENSORS MINI-CAS 120 RELAY UNITS 19 � 38 � N-3153 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Furnish and install 2 submersible non-clog wastewater pump(s). Each pump shall be equipped with an 20 HP submersible electric motor, connected for operation on 460 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz, 7 wire service, with 50 feet of submersible cable (SUBCAB) suitable for submersible pump appiications. The power cable shall be sized according to NEC and fCEA standards and also meet with P-MSHA Approval. PUMP DESIGN CONFIGURATION The pump shall be suppiied with a mating cast iron 4 inch discharge connection and be capable of delivering 390 GPM at 87.5 FT. TDH. The pump(s) shali be automatically and firmly connected to the discharge connection, guided by no less than two guide bars extending from the top of the station to the discharge connection. There shalt be no need for personnel to enter the wet-well. Sealing of the pumping unit to the discharge connection shall be accamplished by a machined metal to metal watertight contact. Sealing of the discharge interface with a diaphragm, O- ring or profile gasket will not be acceptabie. No portion of the pump shall bear directly on the sump floor. Each pump shall be fitted with 20 feet of stainless steei lifting chain/cable and grip eye system. The working load of the lifting system shall be 50% greater than the pump unit weight. PUMP CONSTRUCTION Major pump components shafl be of grey cast iron, ASTM A-48, Class 35B, with smooth surfaces devoid of blow holes or other irregularities. All exposed nuts or bolts shall be of stainless steel construction. All metal surfaces coming into contact with the pumpage, other than stainless steel or brass, shall be protected by a factory applied spray coating of acrylic dispersion zinc phosphate primer with a polyester resin paint finish on the exterior of the pump. Sealing design shall incorporate metal-to-metal contact between machined surfaces. Critical mating surfaces where watertight sealing is required shall be machined and fitted with Nitrile or Viton rubber O-rings. Fittings will be the resuit of controlled compression of rubber O-rings in two planes and O-ring contact of four sides without the requirement of a specific torque limit. Rectangular cross sectioned gaskets requiring specific torque limits to achieve compression shall not be considered as adequate or equal. No secondary sealing compounds, eiliptical O-rings, grease or other devices shail be used. (Cooling Jacket Equipped) Each unit shall be provided with an integral motor cooling system. A motor cooling jacket shali encircle the stator housing, providing for dissipation of motor heat regardless of the type of pump installation. An impeller, integral to the cooling system and driven by the pump shaft, shall provide the necessary circulation of the cooling liquid through the jacket. The cooling liquid shall pass about the stator housing in the closed loop system in turbulent fiow providing for superior heat transfer. The cooling system shall have one fill port and one drain port integral to the cooling jacket. The cooling system shall provide for continuous pump operation in liquid or ambient temperatures of up to 104°F. (40°C.}. Operational restrictions at temperatures below 104°F are not acceptable. Fans, biowers or auxiliary cooling systems that are mounted externai to the pump motor are not acceptable. CABLE ENTRY SEAL The cable entry seai design shail preciude specific torque requirements to insure a watertight and submersible seai. The cable entry shall consist of dual cylindrical elastomer grommets, flanked by washers, all having a close tolerance fit against the cable outside diameter and the entry inside diameter. The grommets shall be compressed by the cable entry unit, thus providing a strain relief function. The assembiy shaii provide ease of changing the cable when necessary using the same entry seal. The cabie entry junction chamber and motor shall be sealed from each other, which shall isolate the stator housing from foreign materiai gaining access through the pump top. Epoxies, silicones, or other secondary sealing systems shall not be considered equal. MOTOR The pump motor shall be a NEMA B design, induction type with a squirrei cage rotor, sheli type design, housed in an air filled, watertight chamber. The stator windings shali be insulated with moisture resistant Class H insulation rated for 180°C (356°F). The stator shail be insulated by the trickle impregnation method using Class H monomer-free polyester resin resulting in a winding fiil factor of at least 95°/o. The motor shali be inverter duty rated in accordance with NEMA MG1, Part 31.The stator shali be heat-shrink fitted into the cast iron stator housing. The use of multiple step dip and bake-type stator insulation process is not acceptable. The use of pins, bolts, screws or other fastening devices used to locate or hold the stator and that penetrate the stator housing are not acceptable. The motor shail be designed for continuous duty while handling pumped media of up to 104°F. The motor shall be capable of withstanding at least 15 evenly spaced starts per hour. The rotor bars and short circuit rings shali be made of aluminum. Three thermal switches shail be embedded in the stator end coils, one per phase winding, .to monitor the stator temperature. These thermal switches shall be used in conjunction with and supplemental to external motor overload protection and shall be connected to the motor control panel. The junction chamber shall be sealed off from the stator housing and shall contain a terminal board for connection of power and pilot sensor cables using threaded compression type terminals. The use of wire nuts or crimp-type connectors is not acceptabie. The motor and the pump shall be produced by the same manufacturer. The motor service factor (combined effect of voltage, frequency and specific gravity) shali be 1.15. The motor shall have a voltage tolerance of +/- 10%. The motor shall be designed for continuous operation in up to a 40°C. ambient and shall have a NEMA Class B maximum operating temperature rise of 80° C. A motor performance chart shall be provided upon request exhibiting curves for motor torque, current, power factor, input/output kW and efficiency. The chart shall also include data on motor starting and no-load characteristics. Motor horsepower shall be sufficient so that the pump is non-overloading throughout its entire performance curve, from shut-off to run-out. The motor and cable shall be capable of continuous submergence underwater without loss of watertight integrity to a depth of 65 feet or greater. BEARINGS The integral pumplmotor shaft shall rotate on two bearings. The motor bearings shali be sealed and permanently grease lubricated with high temperature grease. The upper motor bearing shall be a singte ball type bearing to handle radial laads. The lower bearing shall be a two row angular contact ball bearing to handle the thrust and radiai forces. The minimum L�� bearing life shali be 50,000 hours at any usable portion of the pump curve. MECHANICAL SEALS Each pump shail be provided with a positively driven dual, tandem mechanicai shaft seal system consisting of two seal sets, each having an independent spring. The lower primary seai, located between the pump and seal chamber, shall contain one stationary and one positively driven rotating corrosion resistant tungsten-carbide ring. The upper secondary seal, located between the seai chamber and the seal inspection chamber, shail contain one stationary and one positively driven rotating corrosion resistant tungsten-carbide seai ring All seal rings shaii be individual solid sintered rings. Each seal interface shali be held in place by its own spring system. The seals shali not depend upon direction of rotation for sealing. Mounting of the lower seal on the impeller hub is not acceptabie. Shaft seais without positively driven rotating members or conventionai doubie mechanical seals containing either a common single or double spring acting between the upper and lower seal faces are not acceptable. The seal springs shall be isolated from the pumped media to prevent materiais from packing around them, limiting their performance. Each pump shail be provided with a lubricant chamber for the shaft sealing system. The lubricant chamber shall be designed to prevent overfilling and shall provide capacity for lubricant expansion. The seal lubricant chamber shall have one drain and one inspection plug that are accessible from the exterior of the motor unit. The seal system shall not rely upon the pumped media for lubrication. The area about the exterior of the lower mechanical seal in the cast iron housing shall have cast in an integral concentric spiral groove. This groove shall protect the seals by causing abrasive particulate entering the seal cavity to be forced out away from the seal due to centrifugal action. A separate seal leakage chamber shall be provided so that any leakage that may occur past the upper, secondary mechanicai seal will be captured prior to entry into the motor stator housing. Such seal leakage shali not contaminate the motor lower bearing. The leakage chamber shall be equipped with a float type switch that wil( signal if the chamber should reach 50% capacity. PUMP SHAFT The pump and motor shaft shall be a single piece unit. The pump shaft is an extension of the motor shaft. Shafts using mechanicai coupiings shail not be acceptable. The shaft shall be stainiess steei — ASTM A479 S43100-T. Shaft sleeves wiil not be acceptable. IMPELLERS The impeller shall be of gray cast iron, ASTM A-48 Ciass 35B, dynamically balanced, semi-open, multi-vane, back swept, screw-shaped, non-clog design. The impeller leading edges shall be mechanically self-cleaned automatically upon each rotation as they pass across a spiral groove located on the volute suction. The screw-shaped leading edges of the impelier shall be hardened to Rc 45 and shall be capabie of handling sofids, fibrous materials, heavy sludge and other matter normafly found in wastewater. The screw shape of the impeller inlet shall provide an inducing effect for the handling of up to 6% sludge and rag-laden wastewater. The impeller to volute clearance shall be readily adjustable by the means of a single trim screw. The Impeller shall be locked to the shaft and held by an impeiler bolt. VOLUTE/SUCTION COVER The pump volute shall be a single piece gray cast iron, ASTM A-48, Class 35B, non-concentric design with smooth passages of sufficient size to pass any solids that may enter the impeller. Minimum inlet and discharge size shail be as specified. The volute shal{ have a replaceable volute insert ring containing spiral-shaped, sharp-edged groove(s). The spiral groove(s) shail provide the relief path and sharp edge(s) across which each impeller vane leading edge shail cross during rotation so to remain unobstructed. The internal volute bottom shall provide effective sealing between the multi-vane semi-open impeller and the volute. The insert ring shai! be cast of (ASTM A-48 Ciass 35B cast iron or ASTM A 532 (Alloy Iil A), 25% chrome cast iron) PROTECTION Each pump motor stator shall incorporate three thermai switches, one per stator phase winding and be connected in series, to monitor the temperature of the motor. Should the thermal switches open, the motor shall stop and activate an alarm. A fioat switch shall be installed in the seal leakage chamber and will activate if leakage into the chamber reaches 50% chamber capacity, signaling the need to schedule an inspection. The thermal switches and float switch shall be connected to a Mini CAS controi and status monitoring unit. The Mini CAS unit shai4 be designed to be mounted in the pump controi panel. PRODUCT TyPE ����T PERFORMANCE CURVE NP3153.091 HT DATE PROJECT CURVE NO ISSUE 2012-07-10 63-463-00-6050 6 1/1-LOAD 3/4-LOAD 1!2-LOAD RATED IMPELLER DtAMETER POWER..... ZO hp 263 mm POWER FACTOR 0.83 0.77 0.66 STARTING EFFICIENCY 87.5 % 89.0 % $9,Q o�a CURRENT ... � 4$ A MOTOR # STATOR REV MOTORDATA ___ __ � RATED 21-18-4AA 05YSER �2 CURRENT ... 26 A COMMENTS INLET/OUTLET RATED FREQ. PHASES VOLTAGE POLES -/ 4 inch OT.MOM.OF 1755 rpm 60 Hz 3 460 V 4 IMP. THROUGHLET INERTIA ... 0.097 kgm2 GEAR7YPE RATIO NO. OF --- BLADES i -- I --- [hp] 18 16 W14 1 � 12 � � � � � o a a H � � Q a = z N O� a 10 � w � J � $ Q W W � o a DUTY-POINT t B.E.P. ft [l [ftl 120 60 � o0 50 E [° � � Q $o ao W _ �o 60 30 60 50 40 NPS =36 40 30 � 20 10 20 M O O 1O 0 N � � � c° � 2�� 4�0 M � � } J LL NPSHre = NPSH3% + min. operational margin Performance with clear water and ambient temp 40 °C FLOW[USgpm] HEAD[ft] POWER [hp] EFF. (%] NPSHre(ft] 399-7 88.1 15.4 (13.7) 57.8 (65.4) 13.1 599 71.0 17.4 (15.4) 62.1 (702) 14.2 O� NPSHre � 0 � LL LL W 1-- � w m r �F. o) soo soo i000 [USgpm] FLOW FLYt�T H I B C u rve 38 172 rrnd- � � 3 24 , REF.LINE � Ii �- �I � _ �I - U Q g8 BOLT �4 C4X� � O � VIE W Z❑ - Z❑ * DIMENSION TO ENDS OF GUIDE BARS tj.�" (TO FURTHEST POINT) F�.+'!�'� a xytem brand issued: 5/12 Supersedes: 9/05 Gen�ric Duplex Lifii Staiion Layout � GROUND EL. \ _�T_IN II—II� �� —� ( �—� �:: :; , 2 _YG HATCH CESS COVER SHUT OFF VALVE FLYG 5 ECKB VALVE Q �I—I�I ���— a INTERM GUfD R BRK (US OR G 8AR OV 20 . ONG) � REINFORCED� CONCRETE PIPE ;HARGE CONNECTION M. SIZE) _ . - � � � � —. ., � � � � ' ��.� —� UPPER GUIDE 8AR BRACKET — CABLE HOLDER FLYGT ' 2 �SAF HATCH ESS COVER 1 --GROUT � i � III-111-111-1 HIGH LEVEL � ALARM I dO � _ LAG PUMP ON a C07 �IN� � a LEAD PUMP QN__FT_IN� � � = I( GUIDE BARS � � _D I A. INFLUENT�' _ PIPE _FT__IN ° PUMPS OFF _�T_IN 3 s a.- `� a � < I BASE ELEVA � �FT_IN O NOTES: 1. COVER SHOWN IS A STANDARD DUTY SAFE 4. 60� RECOMMENDED. HATCH WITH ANGLE FRAME. FOR DIMENSIONS ON 5. OTHER MATERIALS AVAILABLE. CONSULT FLYGT ACCESS COVERS WITH SAFE HATCH OR WITHOUT ENGINEERING. SAFE HATCH AS WELL AS HEAVY �UTY OR OTHER 6. FLYGT LIQUID LEVEL CONTROL MONITORING TYPES, CONSULT FLYGT ENGINEERING. SYSTEM. 2. INSTALL ACCESS COVERS PER MANUFACTURER'S 7. GOOD DESIGN PRACTICE DICTATES THAT INSTRUCTIONS. INFLUENT PIPE ELEVATIONS HIGHER THAN LWL 3. MIN. LIQUID LEVEL MUST NOT FALL BELOW TOP OF SHOULD BE AVOIDED DUE TO RISK QF AIR VOLUTE. ENTRAINMENT, UNLESS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE. VENT PIPE FL axylembrand Issued:ll/11 Supersedes: 2/09 ,�/���3� �3 �� O NOTES: 1. CONFIGURATION AND DIMS. SHOWN ARE SUGGESTED 3. LOCATE ANCHOR BOLTS USING INSIDE EDGE OF REQUIREMENTS ONLY. ALl DETAILS, INCLUDING CLEAR OPENING AND PUMP CENTERLINE AS SIZING OF PIT, TYPE, LOCATION AND ARRANGEMENT REFERENCE POINT. BOLT LOCATIONS MUST BE HELD OF VALVES AND PIPlNG, ETC. ARE TO BE SPECIFIED TO MAINTAIN EXACT POSITION OF PUMP TO CLEAR BY THE CONSULTiNG ENGINEER AND ARE SUBJECT OPENING. ' TO 1}1EIR APPROVAL. 4. FLYGT MIX-FLUSH VALVE. 2. REFERENCE GENERIC DUPLEX LIFT STATION LAYOUT FOR ELEVATION VIEW. ' plex � PIT Duplex �Pir ST� S T �� 4 � V 4 � �\ �� / \ / \ � / \ � � � / - \ � � y� � i\ / — 1 � W + _ —111- _ � 1� W J_ I i -� i MIN. �- i i MIN. i _+ I �` - � � �_._.�. � �� �� �----- � � -�-� . � � I � �� i . . > - . .i . � . . � � � _' M N. �� \ �---� v � , i � - - - --/ MIN. Y MiN. Y MIN. TOP VIFW TOP VIEW A INSIDE EDGE OF� CLEAR OPENING REF. POINT� �" ANCHGR� BOLT (4x) i C _ i OO - + - - �PIT, PUMP & UPPER D � GUIDE BAR � B '., BRACKET _ � a: � PIT �ASE SECTION ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES MOOEL S�E� VERSION A R C', f� i A -`I � IN �IDo no�Eu �� O REF � POINT 4" ANCHOR� BOLT (8x) � PL - TYP. �--- + - � �PIT � - � PUMP AND3 +" UPPER � B � GUIDE BAR BRACKET TYP. �PIT BASE SECTION PRODUCT: i�IP 3153 HT Product picture i Pump Data ICurveid: 63-463-00-6050 Cu�ves a Enlarge Head - [Ft] Rotiver - [Hp] 200 20 � � � K . . . . . . —^--_ � � �. iDO�.:__','. .. - -- ---10 r , � ' 0 p � 1 2 Flow - [USgpm x1000) �� Pecformane:e �� NPSHre ') Impeller: 463 Poles: 4- pole Motor: 21-18-4AA Frequency: 60 Hz Motor Data � Rated output Nominai Full load Locked rotor Locked rotor power � voitage current current Locked rotor code letter Poles/rpm Hp (kW) (V) �q) �A) � kVA kVA/Hp 20(14.9) 3 460 26 148 � 218 G 4/1755 Pump Efficienc motor Y Power factor Hp 100% load 75% load 50% load 100% load 75% load 50% load 20 87.5 89 89 0.83 0.77 0.66 Cable Data — I HP Cables Voits Max. length (Ft) Cable size/Nominal OD. Conductors (In one cabie) Type Part number (3) 6 AWG (PWR) I 20 1 #6/3-2-1-GC (2) 10 AWG (CTRL) 460 675 1.22"-(31.Omm) (1) S AWG (GND) STD 942109 I (I) 10 AWG (GC) Available Discharge Connection Outlet Size jlVarm Liquid Data utlet Drilled Flange 4� �Rtd. Amb. Temp, Rtd. Curr.(1) Rtd. Curr.(2) De-rated Shaft Power 70° C/ 158° F 22 A 45 A 16.8 Hp � !TT Water & Wastewater Flygt iVlix�Flush Systern Model 4901 Accessories Issued: 6/94 � Supersedes: 12/91 The Flygt Mix-FlushR"^� System automaticafly flushes the sump during initial operation of the pump. The system consists of the F{ygt 4901 Flush Valve, Impeller and Volute. The operation of the valve depends only on the pump fEow and pressure. No electrical components or cables are used with the valve. Thus, the valve is intrinsically safe and suitable far pumps used in hazardous locations Class 1, Division 1, Groups C and D. The powerfui stream of water exiting the valve violently churns up the liquid in the sump thus re- suspending any built up sludge. The system is based on the ejector principle with a ball closing the.vaive in a period of 20 to 50 seconds. A means of adjustment is provided on the outside of the valve to obtain the desired flushing period. Valve Open Vaive Closed Model 4901 Flush Valve (with 90° discharge eibow) Part No. 556 51 01 ��,�"��'..�� .....��'� : � , � �� � ��� Water & Wastewater Flygt Aliix-�lush Syster� Mix-Ffush Model 4901, With 90° Discharge Elbow Accessories Issued: 7/11 � Supersedes: 11/10 Standard Version, P/N 556 51 01 (Head must be above 10 feet, see individual curve) Model Pum Housin Pressure A B C D E F G H K M 37975xx LT 15 1/4 13 5/8 11 1/2 15 16 5/8 12 7/8 3/4 38399xx �T 13 7/8 11 7/8 11 18 7/8 17 1/8 15 5/8 1 1!4 39890xx MT 15 131/4 115/8 151/2 14 13 13/4 40844xx HT 15 3/8 13 7/8 11 1/2 12 3/8 11 1!8 10 1/2 2 5/8 3085 43534xx LT 14 3/4 13 11 5!8 16 3/8 14 5/8 13 3/8 1/2 52147xx MT 14 12 11 15 3!4 13 7/8 12 3/8 7/8 69328xx MT 15 13 1/4 11 5/8 15 5/8 14 12 7/8 1 3/4 71937xx S H 6 5/8 5 3/4 5 1/2 19 5/8 18 1/4 15 5/8 1 3/8 72455xx MT 20 1!8 19 16 1!8 4 3/8 4 1/8 3 7/8 1 3/4 30324xx MT 13 11 1/8 10 3!8 18 1!4 16 3/8 14 3/4 7/8 30335xx LT 15 3/8 13 3/8 12 1/8 17 5/8 15 7/8 14 1/2 1 1/8 3102 38399xx LT 13 7/8 11 7/8 11 18 7/8 17 15 1/2 1 1/8 38732xx HT/SH 14 3!4 13 5/8 10 3!4 11 5/8 11 5/$ 11 5/8 1 3/4 42962xx MT 14 1/2 12 5/8 11 3/8 16 5l8 14 3/4 13 1/2 43534xx LT 14 7/8 13 11 5/8 16 1/8 14 3/8 13 1/8 1(2 30925xx MT 15 5/8 13 5/8 12 5/8 18 718 17 15 5/8 1/8 30926xx HT/SH 15 13 3/8 11 1/8 14 7/8 13 3/4 13 1/8 1 318 30927xx LT 14 1/4 12 3/8 11 3/8 15 5/8 13 3/4 12 3!8 3/8 3127 30959xx HT 14 1/4 12 3!8 11 1/8 18 3/4 16 7i8 15 1/2 2 1!4 42644xx MT 14 1/2 12 1/2 11 1/Z 18 1/4 16 3/8 15 114 43532xx LT 16 14 1/8 12 7/8 18 3/8 16 1/2 15 1/4 46514xx HT 16 1/4 14 1/4 13 114 17 3/4 16 14 1/2 1/2 42960xx MT 15 5/8 13 3/4 12 5/8 17 1/8 15 3/8 13 7/8 38105xx LT 15 13 1/8 12 3/8 17 3/4 15 7/8 14 1/4 41209xx MT 15 1/2 13 5/8 12 7/8 21 5/8 19 5/8 18 1/8 3140 42961 xx MT 15 5/8 13 3/4 12 5/8 17 1/8 15 3/8 13 7/8 2 3/8 55601xx HT 15 3/4 13 7/8 12 3/4 18 1/4 16 3/8 14 7/8 1!2 55601 xx HT 16 1/4 14 1/2 13 1/4 17 3/4 15 7/8 14 3/8 3S101xx HT 14 12 11 3/8 20 3J4 18 7/8 17 1/8 1/4 40851 xx HT/S H 15 1/4 13 1/4 12 1/4 19 1/4 17 1/2 16 1/2 41209xx MT 15 1/2 13 5/8 12 7/8 21 5/8 19 5/8 18 1!8 3152 43796xx LT 17 15 1/8 13 7/8 17 15 1/4 13 7/8 3 42961xx MT 15 5/8 13 3/4 12 518 17 1/8 15 3!8 13 7/8 2 3/8 55601 x HT 15 314 13 7/8 12 3/4 18 1/4 16 3/8 14 7/8 1/2 60650xx MT 15 1/2 13 5/8 12 7/8 21 5/8 19 5/8 18 1/8 1 3/4 64362xx HT 14 1/2 12 5/8 11 3/4 16 3/4 14 7/8 13 1!2 3/4 64363xx T 14 1/2 12 5(8 11 3/4 16 3/4 14 718 13 1/2 3/4 64364xx LT 14 1/2 12 5/8 11 3/4 16 3/4 14 7/8 13 1/2 3/4 65478xx LT 16 7/8 14 7/8 13 3/4 16 7/8 15 13 3/4• 3153 �$ � 27� SH 15 3/4 13 7/8 12 1/2 15 3/4 13 7/8 12 1/2 1 1/8 70227xx MT 14 5/8 12 5/8 11 3/4 16 7/8 15 13 5!8 1/4 70281 xx HT 14 518 12 5/8 11 3/4 16 7/8 15 13 5/8 7/8 70284xx SHT 15 314 13 7/8 12 5/8 15 3/4 13 7/8 12 5/8 7/8 70287xx LT 4 0l 12 1l2 14 5/8 13 3/8 16 1/2 14 5/8 13 3/8 1 3/8 70465xx LT 6 0l 17 15 13 7/8 17 15 1/8 13 7!8 2 52121 xx LT 17 5/8 15 5/8 15 26 3/8 24 1/2 22 7/8 3170 53523xx MT 17 15 1/8 14 18 1/8 16 1/4 14 7/8 53530xx HT 17 1/2 15 5/8 14 3/8 17 1/2 15 5/8 14 3/8 64915xx MT 17 15 1/8 14 18 1/8 16 1!4 14 7/8 " Flush Vaive far Low Head Version, P/h! 556 51 02 (Head must be above 7.5 feet and below 10 feet, see individual curve) Note: Add 2" to Dimensions H and 2-3/8" to B 8� E when using valve with straight outiet pipe. � fTT Water & Wastewater tJpper Guicie �ar �racket (for 3000, 5500 & 8000 Series Pumps) Accessories � 4-t/4" � 0 0• 0 ' � �.� �� ��� _�_— - �_ �_ � T � " OPTIONAL: NUT RAIL Note: use with 2" nominal guide bars FEATURE 3 PER GUIDE BAR BRACKET v+TEan�Nur 661 54 Galvanized Steel 661 54 01 318 Stainiess Steel BRACKET � � 9-13/16" 49/ 16" . � /2° I �f" 3-� /S" - � t s->>ne° issued: 2J11 � Supersedes: 8/10 MOUNTING HARDWARE 1 4-59 00 00 (stainless steei} r J� �! Sec 3/g°_16 LATERAL NUT 14-46 37 OS �% HEX. HEAD BOLT (2), '� - 3/8"-16 x 7/8" 14-46 20 25 � � 3(8" PLAIN WASHER (2) �TS� TJ 14-46 50 07 3/8" LOCK WASHER (2) 14-46 50 67 MOUiVTiiJG HARDWARE 14-59 00 00 (stainless steel} i + ln ti4�c 3/8"-16 LATERAL NUT 7 a-as s� os Standard for the following pumps: DP-3068 DP-3080 CP/DPJFP/NP-3085 CP/FP/NP-3102 CP/FP NP-3t27 NP/FP-3153 N PIFP-3171 HP-5520, 5530 DP-8050, 8053, 8056, 8058 Standard for the following pumps: NP/FP-3171 CP/NP-3400 NP-3202 CP-3501 CP/NP/RP-3231 CP-3531 CP-3240 CP-3602 NP-3301 CP-3800 CP/(VP-3306 HP-5570 CP/NP-3312 NP-3315 CP-3351 CPiNP-3356 �HEAD BOLT (2), 3(8°-16 x 7/8" 14-46 20 25 01l2" � 5-1/2" �� 3/S" PLAIN ER (2) � 14-46 50 0 3/8° LOCK WASHER (2j 14-46 50 67 C�7 �❑ Note: use with 3" nominai guide bars 2" UPPER GUIDE BAR BRACKET 613 68 04 � 316 Stainless Steel M i n i—CAS 120 Features: � Plug in replacement for existing MiniCAS / FUS unit • 120 VAC, 24 VAC, or 24 VDC powered • Durable plastic enclosure with flange for mounting on door of pump control enclosure o Highly visible red LEDs for indication of Leakage and Temperature alarm.s o. Green LED for indication power is applied o Temperature alarm reset rriode select switch, for selection of Manual or Auto reset modes • Temperature alarm reset push-button on front of unit • Input power transient protected • Sensor input circuit transient protected � Sensor input circuit short circuit proiected • Noise Filter on Sensor Input � • Sensor circuit supply voltage regulated to 12 VDC o Detailed connection diagram on side of unit ITT FLYGT CORPORATION 35 Nutmeg Drive Trurrbull, Connecticut 06611 Phone (203) 380-4700 FAX (203} 380-4705 PART NO. 14-407'i29 LIUL1 �� ���L�l� IJ � O PART NO. 14-407129 Specifications: • input Power: 120 VAC �10%, 7.0 VA max " 24 VAC �10%, 3.5 VA max 24 VDC �10%, 125 mA max ' Input Power Transient Protection: Metal Oxide Varistor o Sensor Input Transient Protection: Metal Oxide Uaristor • Relay Contact Rating: I OA @ 250 VAC o Relay Contact Material: Silver Cadmium Oxide (AgCdO) • Ambient Operating Temperature: —20°C to +65°C (-4°F to +149°F) • Agency Approvals: UL 508, CAN/CSA (Pending) • Alarm Indicators: Super Bright Red LED • Power On Indicator: Green LED • Enclosure: Blue Lexan (141 R) or Noryl (PX9406) e Faceplate Overlay: Silver Lexa.n with Black Text • Side Label: Silver Lexan with Black Text • Sensor Circuit Supply Voltage: Regulated 12 VDC �10%, • Weight 11.75 oz (334 grams) � Temperature Alarm Trip Point: Sensor Current <3 mA �5% • Leak Alarm Trip Point: Sensor Current >22 mA �5% � ITT' '�Ygt ������y� �i�'tin� �ys�em 1�n o�tional accesso�y to �he I'I'�' Fly�t subn�ersible pump ���e is the paiented Flygt Ga-ip-eye Systerre. 'I'h� syster� consists of a short sectio� �i �t�inles� stee� chain (�pp�-oxirnat��y 1�-inches) attached to the pump handle via a stainless st�el sh�c�I�, a g�a�de cable made of s�ainless steel i� � length apprmpria�e to the sp�cific vvet v�elI and �ttac�ed go the stainless chain via a s#a�nless �u�ck I,in�, aa�d the Grip-eye dev�ce (rnade of a wrou�h# alpoy stee�). A baist is aIso �eeded but is not part o� t1�e GriP-eye �ifting sysiern. �'he oper�tion of t�ae �+'��gt Grip-e�e systean is as foilows: �. Cont�ect the smali eye oi the G�ip-eye �o the end of the boisi cable. 2. Slip t�e enci of the g.iaide eab�e �hrough tl�e Iarge eye oi the �rip- eye. 'I'he guide cable sinipl� �cts as a guide for the Grip-eye on its vvay down ta the short length af ihe pump �ifting chai�. 3. V�hile kee�arag the guide line taut, proceed to lo��er �he Grip-eye tantil it is `��11 positioned over the pump tifting c�ain, 4. Release the tension on the guide line. The �ifting chaiat vvill now ta�c� a position �o become ��egaged in �he �rip-eye. 5. Gradually �ake up tension on the hoist eable and the Gri�-�ye will �ake a positive gt-ip on the puinp lflfting chain. Continue hoisting u�til the p�amp is elear o� tbe s�a�i�n. �. .....:.. � ( r � ��; �� - ��� o�., � _ � ����. � � � � �� � r � � : � . . r� ,, �. � m � � �, T � � _ �. � �� � 4✓ ��, � - � �:: : . . .. . . . .... .. ._... _.. . -. --. _"..._.. . ._.... ... . ..�_'"'-' 1. _...... ; 2 � __. _ ....... ......... _.. � , ._ .. .. � J � - � ���lt T, � �■ �� f � = i t:- :.� .. _"__' _ ""_ . . ... . .. .. ... .. . __... __ .. 3. �.: 2. 3. � RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal � Item co�rered by this submittal: I Applicable specification section: X First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Statior� CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 Concxete and CDF from Cadman Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed de 3.31 DN 3/plan note for CDF pg C-03 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major de�riations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 4 OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. ������. �' ,'� � �� �"' h ��. ��� of the OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRe�-ie�v Priorit��: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asap � Date Received by RH2 Engineering: � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: Date Returned to Equity: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 07/27/2012 Reviewed By: Ton Conner Jon Conner Signature 8/7/20129:51 f1N[ z:\bothell\data\ren\112-033\sdc\submittals-\submittal #4 concrete and cdEdocs � �. 3�th. ��� u. �: 1�llv 12.2()12 E��►�t� �«�i��et�� LLc ��G6 �. 26`f' I�ri ve i3e(lin�l�am VVA 9�022f� I'rc�ject: Lit�erty I.,ifit Station - Rcnton Cadman,lnc. st,��� �oo 7554 185:h Avenue NE PO t3ox 97i138 Redr�en�,, 41+t\ 9fi073-9738 4?.5_8fi7.12� ��. a25.86t=taao wv.tiv.cadman.com Caciman, Ine. proposes to deliver the fc�llowin� eoncrete mix dcsi�ns f�or the above ref'erenc:ed p�-oject: Mix Desirn �cac���a. W A40�43 W�iGT�F l�eseription 4C40484 WSDC)T CL �()t)0 t�ir WSDOT CI�F Use Structural Concrete I'f�rust T3locks, Drive�vays> Sidewalks Backfill G�«n approval, kindly retiu-n a cc�py ot the a�pi•oved submittal to C�adrnan. �,arly notitication of the testing laboratory re�ponsibie f��r fhis prc�jcct to include Cadrnan on its repc»1 distribution mailin, list is .rppreciated. Cadman cnntinu�illy monitors tl�e status of each project, sorrletimes prcaviding that data f��r future �r�jccts. Cadman cannUt control and lherefore cannvt bz responsible for the plastic properties of conerete beyond the cnd of the [ruck chute. MSDS' and otk�e�- technical data ar�c� available upon request. Fo�� any additional questians regarding tliis subnaittal or project, �lease c�ntact: ��Iitcli San 5ebastian S�les Representati��e (�2�) y61-7386 Prepared By: Cadman, Inc. .�%��u ���..��, Lori Ketterlin tldministrativc Suppo�� July 13, 2012 ECjUlty S111�Ci2lS Liberty Lift Station - Renton Page 2 of 6 Mix Design: Descrip#ion: All Plants: Speci#ied Use: 4C40484 4000 PSI 3/a" 4" Slump Air See Footnoie � Structure Concrete S.S.D. Weighis per Cubic Yard Partland Cemen#, Type I/I I' Fly Ash (S1ag} 2 *` Coarse Aggregate, 314" 3 Coarse Aggregate, 3/8" a Fine Aggregate � Water Reducer, Type A � Water Reducer, Type F' Air Entrainer $ Water 9 Slump Entrained Air Maximum W/C Ra#io � ;:: � `��`: �� � ... 4...,. �'! 470 � 20 Ib 94±15 Ib 7.74 cu. ft.* 3.39 cu. ft.* 7.74 cu. ft.� 19-29 oz 11-21 oz 1-10 oz 226 Ib ��� t i �� 6% � 1.5% 0.40 Fc�r F�reak data sec comparative mix 4C504G4 on the fc�llowin� pa�e ��er ACI 318. ' Conforms lo ASTM C-15� Range Allowed Per IBC 1905.�/ACI 318.5.5 Z Conforms to ASTM C-618 (C-989) Range A1lowed Per IBC 1905.5/ACI 318.5.5 3 WSDOT Approved Pit 4 WSDOT Approved Pit 5 WSDOT Approved Pit ' Pozzolith 8Q, BASF Admixtures, inc. ' Glenium 7500, BASF Admixtures, Inc. e MBRE 90, BASF Admixtures, Inc. 9 Potable, Well, and/or Recycled ` Multiply by the unit weight for the hatch plant used to determine the actual batch weight ** Siag may be used in place of fly ash should fly ash become unavailable a technical ser�ice by Cadman, lnc. July 13, 2012 Equity 8uild�rs Liberiy Lift Station - Renton Page 3 af 6 Mix Design: 4C50464 Description: Comparative Mix � � £: �� ° .�;� S.S.D. Weigh#s per Cubic Yard Portland Cement, Type I/I I' Fly Ash {Siag) 2 "* Coarse Aggregate, 3/4" � Coarse Aggregate, 3/8" � Fine Aggregate � Water Reducer, Type A 6 Air Entrainer' Water 8 470 ± 20 75±15 7.43 3.71 7.42 14-24 1-10 270 Ib Ib cu. ft.* cu. ft.* cu. ft.* Slump Entrained Air Maximum W/C Ratio r•� oz Ib 4�� + 1 �� 5% t 1.5% 0.5Q ' Conforms to ASTM C-150 Range Allowed Per IBC 1905.5/AC1 318.5.5 2 Conforms to ASTM G618 (C-9$9) Range Allowed Per IBC 1905.5(ACI 318.5.5 3 WSDOT Appraved Pit ° WSDOT Approved Pit 5 W SDOT Approved Pit 6 Pozzolith 80, BASF Admixtures, Inc. ' MBAE 90, BASF Admixtures, Inc. 8 Potabie, Weq, and/or Recycled ' Multipiy by the unit weight for the batch plant used to determine the actual batch weight ** Slag rnay be used in piace of fly ash should fly ash become unavailable a technicai service by Cadman, Inc. . Cadtnan, Inc. 7554 185th Avenue NE ,Suite 100 PO Box 97038 Redmond, WA 98Q73-9738 425.867.1234 425.86'! .4046 fax www.cadman.com ��� �� � � �` � � . � � � ,a� ,,���� s;- � �� �,�� -� ACI Statistical Report 4C50464 4000 PSI 3/4" 4" SL AIR Number of 28D Tests 30 CoV 28 Day Strength 112 % Average 2$D Strength 5480 ACI Running Average of 3 Criteria YES Min Rea 28� Stfength 4920 ACi 318 Standard Deviation Criteria YES Specified Strength 40�0 Standard Deviation 611.3 �tir f�ercer�? Mix: 4C5Q464 Pe�iod; 0210112011 Max 6.50 Min 3.50 Count 24 Mean 4.93 SD 0.81 CoV°/, 16.32 400Q PSI 3/4" 4" SL AIR to 12/22/2011 Cl�te Ticket Air °fa 12/2212D11 12/14/2011 12td2/2011 09/16l2011 08/17/2011 07! t 81241 i Q7! 14/2011 0711112�1 i 07/08/2011 05/fl512D1 i 04/2fi/2p11 04/20l2p11 QA/1912p11 04/06120i1 44/01 /2011 €i31291201 l Q3/2812011 p3/2512Q 1 'E Q3/23/201 t 03(22/2p11 03/181201 t 63lS 712411 03l14I2011 Q3(11/2014 03/07/2011 02/21l2011 Q2f15/20t 1 a2rosrzol� D2109l20t t 02/p112011 12333 11431 1fl13& 59Q 995474 991084 990650 99p230 99�041 98237$ 981466 98d901 98482t 979331 979016 978813 s7asss 977962 977672 977551 977231 977127 s�ss2� 976711 976389 975367 874834 974203 9742&1 973589 4.5p 5.10 5.80 3.80 5.20 4.80 4.80 3.80 3.50 4.50 4.80 3.50 5.30 4.50 6.50 4.60 5.20 520 5.90 6.00 5.30 6.10 5.20 a.ao ��ur�7p in 6.00 3.00 30 4.67 p.64 13.70 Slurr�p in 5.00 5.00 4.50 5.1Q 4.00 4.50 4.50 5.00 S.Oq 3.00 4.50 4.75 a.2� 4.50 5.00 4.50 3.50 5.00 4.00 a.so 4.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.00 5_00 5.00 s.00 S.OQ 4.54 7� STR psi 5270 3280 30 4180 500 10 7D STR p5i 5000 5040 4030 4080 3950 4230 3850 A200 3930 3740 5270 4330 4330 4530 4040 4370 5220 3580 4480 418Q 4Q00 3470 3750 3280 4320 4520 3490 3600 4420 4220 ?8i� S7R psi 7060 4470 30 548� 611.3 11.2 28O STR psi 6270 6Q30 5760 5fi00 4930 5510 4950 5740 5280 5140 7060 5300 5470 5780 5770 5680 6590 4620 5380 5660 4980 4560 �a�o 4470 5770 594Q 4930 4540 5710 5960 7/1312412 9:31:13 AM ACI Stat�stica! Re�ort g o{ � July 12, 2012 Equity Builders Liberty Lift Station - Renton Page 3 of 5 Mix Design: WA40003 Description: WSDOT Class 4000 Air A[1 Plants: See Footnote ' Specified Use: Thrust Blocks, Driveways, Sidewalks S.S.D. Weights per Cubic Yard Partland Cement, Type I/I I' Fly Ash (Slag) 2 *` Coarse Aggregate, 3/a" 3 Coarse Aggregate, '/e" a Fine Aggregate 5 Water Reducer, Type A 6 Water Reducer, Type F' Air Entrainer 8 Water 9 Slump Entrained Air Maximum W/C Ratio i,'�& �'�� �14a ��,.�' 470 ± 20 94±15 7.�s 3.32 7.56 19-29 1-3 1-10 253 Ib Ib cu. ft.'' cu. ft.* cu. ft.` oz �•� oz !b 4�� + �„ fi% ± 1.5% 0.45 ' Conforms #o ASTM C-150 Range Allowed Per IBC 1905.5/ACI 318.5.5 2 Conf�rms #o ASTM C-61$ (C-989) Range Allowed Per IBC 1905.5/ACI 318.5.5 � WSOOT Approved Pit 4 WSDOT Appro�ed Pit 5 W SDOT Approved Pit 6 Pozzolith 80, BASF Admixtures, Inc. ' Glenium 75Q0, BASF Admixtures, Inc. � MBAE 90, BASF Admixtures, Inc. 9 Potable, Well, and/or Recycled • ' N4ultiply by the unit weight for the batch plant used to determine the actual batch weight " Slag may be used in place of fly ash should fly ash become unavailable a technical service by Cadman, Inc. . Cadman, inc. 7554 185ti� Avenue NE ,Suite 100 PO Box 97038 Redmond, WA 98073-9738 425.$67.1234 425.861.4046 fax www.cadman.com �� �� , � . �`�J„� � ���. ' .��3 �, AC1 Statisticai Report WA40003 WSDOT CL 400Q AIR Number oi 28D Tests 30 CoV 28 Day Strength 7.5 % Average 28D St�ength 5550 ACf Running Average of 3 Criteria YES Min Rec. 28D Strength 4560 ACt 318 Standard Dev�ation Criteria YES Specified Strength 4000 Standard Deviation 416.5 Ait P�rcEnt n�iX: wAaoao3 Period: 02/0112d12 Dats 04/2412f312 04/20/2012 OAl0912012 04102/2012 Q3113l2�12 03JQ8/2012 42123/2D t 2 a2r2orao� z ozr� s�zo� 2 02/10/2012 02109l2012 02l09/2012 o2�osrzo� 2 02t0912012 42/0812012 02lOJ(2f312 02108/2d12 02/48/2012 02/48t20 Y2 02t08i2412 02/08l2012 02/0812fl 12 02/0812012 02/0812(39 2 Q2l07/2012 02t47/2012 o2ro7Jzo� z 02/05/201 Z 42l06/2012 02/d1/2012 Max 7.50 p��n 4.60 Count 29 Mean 5.64 5D 0.69 COV% 12.14 WSDOT CL 4000 AIR to 04/24l2012 Ticket Air °!e 23901 23597 21987 24832 19065 18619 17366 16983 ,s7so 16290 16106 16121 161$2 16187 i6188 16192 15904 15904 159i0 15846 15970 36010 16015 16035 15783 15814 158B5 15734 15772 15345 6.40 6.20 4.60 5.10 6.50 6.20 5.30 6.80 �.oa 5.Od 6.00 5.50 4.8Q 5.10 5.40 7.5Q 6.00 6.fl0 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.20 4.80 5.40 5.50 5.30 4.70 6.30 Slump in 6.50 3.50 30 5.31 0.64 12.04 S1ump in 6.00 5.50 4.04 4.75 5.75 6A0 5.00 5.50 4.75 5.50 5.25 6.00 4.75 5.75 5.25 6.00 5.00 5.25 6.50 5.50 S.OQ 5.25 6.00 5.75 3.50 5.00 s.00 5.00 4.75 5.D0 7n STR psi 50fi0 3910 10 455D 340 10 7D STft �jcj 4520 5020 4820 3910 4570 4380 SOfiO 4420 4530 4320 28C) S�fR psi 6460 4860 30 5550 416.5 7.5 28D STR �St 5570 5770 fi460 asso 6980 55A0 6320 5970 6180 5550 4890 54Q0 5680 5820 6050 5440 5420 5500 5170 5160 4990 5a20 5030 5500 56i0 5590 5060 5600 54$0 5240 7113/2012 9:31:52 AM AC� Statasticat Report t ai t July 12, 2012 Equity Buiiders �.iberty Lift Station - Renton Page 4 of 5 Mix Design: Description: Afl Plants: Specified Use: WACDF WSDOT CDF See Footnote * Backfill S.S.D. Weights per Cubic Yard Portland Cement, Type I/II' F1y Ash (Slag) 2 ** Fine Aggregate 3 Air Entrainer 4 Water � Slump Entrained Air Maximum W/C Ratio �< ��Aa,�� ��� �.� 50 Ib 300 Ib 18.54 cu. ft.* 1-10 oz 300 !b 4�� � � �� $% # 1.5% 0,86 ' Conforms to ASTM C-150 Range Allowed Per IBC 1905.5/AC1 318.5.5 1 Conforms to ASTM C-618 (C-989) Range Allowed Per IBC 1905.5/ACI 318.5.5 3 WSDOT Approved Pit ° MBAE 9Q, BASF Admixtures, Inc. � Potable, We(I, and/or Recycled ' Mulfiply by the unii weight fvr the batch plant used to determine the actual batch weight "' Slag may be used in place of fly ash should fly ash become unavailable a technical service by Cadman, Mc. 0 M July 12, 2012 Equity Builders Liberty Lift Staiion - Renion Page 5 of 5 AGGREGATE UNIT WEIGNTS BY PLANT — POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT � i. ��. • �i� i , LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE UNIT WEIGHT VARlES AND IS MEASUREO AT PLACEMENT. 110 LBSlFT� MAY BE USED AS AN AVERAGE. Sky River (30) Pit: Dt91/�351 Redmond (50) P�c: Aaso Seattle (54) 1 Y2" l 68.48 3/a" 168.4$ 3/8" 167.86 B.S. 165.36 Mill Creek (31) Pit: D1911C}351 1'/a" 168.48 3/4" 16$.48 3/g" 167.86 B.S. 165.36 1'/z" 16$.4$ 3/4" 168.48 3/$" 167.86 B.S. 165.36 issaquah (51) Pit: A189 and/or X125 3/0" 168.48 172.22 3/$" i 67.86 173.47 B.S.164.11 �s7.23 1 i/2" 172.22 Pit: Xt25 3/c" 172.22 Pit: x725 3/s" 173.47 Pit: X125 B.S. 167.23 Fit: CA7 Beilevue (53) 1 �h" 168.48 P�t: aaso 3/a" � 6S.�S Pit: A460 3/e" � F)%.S� Fit: A460 B.S. 165.35 P�t: r��s� *Multiply the volume of the specified material of the mix design by th� unit weight of that material for the plant of delivery in order #o determine the total weight for that material at that plant. a technical service by Cadman, Ine. '� � } RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item covered by this submittal: Applicable specification section: X First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � ��� ��� � .� F Pre-cast concrete structures Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. 3.40.10 ❑ Supplier/SubcontractoY certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specificallj� noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 5 OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: Revie�ti Priorit��: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� Date Received b�� RH2 Engineering: 08/01/2012 Date Returned to Equity: 08/02/2012 � Reviewed � Rejected � Revise and Resubmit ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 08 01 12 Reviewed By: DB Da�Tid Baisch Signature Comments from Engineer: All submittal components are reviewed other than submittals listed below: -The Ladder Up safety post is not called out on the plans or specifications, it is Rejected. -The valve vault removable guard railing does not meet the required 42" min to 45" max clearance around all sides of the access hatch as specified in the valve vault removable safery chain detail on DWG No. S01. Revise and Resubmit. - Submit wetwell interior coating systems per specifications Division 8/2/2U12 2:59 PM j:\data\ren\112-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #5_pre-cas[_strucmres.docx J � - �. i ' � . ............ ... ... ... ..:' ' _ . . � :. :' �' �'�� � . ., ' . _ � _ . _. . . .. _ - �' ; . , _ - . ...::,.. i ; P�P3CC�Q�11Di'�9C� � G�OO 3`�C4L3C�4G� �S�C�o _ _ ; - - - i - _- _ - - _ _ ;<-, ` . ��n �� � ���� C :��� ����� �/����� ��d � `�'���� �� ������ � � _ As a NPCA certified plant, �ve cert�fy that �11 materials manufactul ed by Granite :: Precastil�g & Concrete, Inc, comply with the followi�lg and are of domestic o1 igin :� ,; 1) Manholes and catch basins are constructed in accot dance wlth �;STM C-478 2) Vaults are constructed in accordance with_ASTM C-858 and ASTM� C-913. 3) Precast trenches�are constructed in accordance with ASTM C 85'$ ° _ 4) Structural design loadi�ng per ASTM C g�7 and ASTM C-890 5) All conci ete minimum'4000 P.S.I - - 6) Aggregate:�and sand`supplied from Wasl�ington State Pit I�-197 or F 1:75. 7) All rebar`conforrns to ASTM A-6.15 `- 8) Welded wii e fab�ric conforms to ASTivI A-497. - 9) Rubber gaskets meet ASTM C 443. All rr%aterials manufactured by Granite Precasting & Concrete, Inc. conform:to _ WSDOT s�ecifxcations. Addrtionally, Granite Precasting & Concrete, Inc is an approved WSDOT.,supplier of manholes;_catch basins, short span Uridges, t�affic barrier;_and t��affic curbs. - _ _ : ;� � _ : _ _ �� Sincerely, i , - �% / ��' } - ���``'�, �,,� �- s � - Mark Salisbury _ _ President - ,� 0 A� � � r � ,�'` �s � ;/�S �� � '� �k � � � w��, �.`'�'r ��`q`',`-. - � ��.¢r � .; �� _ st.__, PLAM VIEW Rubber �.�.5��—.._� Gasket 1�\ n �'"V �i ,� A + 4 i� I JOINT DETAiL I 34"--{ 2", 4", 6", or 12" � � Grade Ring I � --IS"� 24" ----{ � a: ;o c � Q. 0 a �. �.. � q e �'( � a — --- -.... . � o: 12" `. v c' - a 2'or3' Eccentric Cone 1 1' to 6' Riser a See Joint ;.c 1 Detail a 2', 3', 4', 5', 6' Base 0 -< a � �. a 1 � - a. 6�� `�.{.V: � . .�.;.. ^ 'd.n.C..��,..f'. 1. '�.R.�e '�.C'�� 5" O 2011 Granite 48"� 5" 58" SECTION AA castinq & Concrete, Inc. Meets or Exceeds WSDOT Sfd Plan B•i5.20-00 Manholes Conskruc4ed in Accordar�ce with ASTM G478 Rubber Gasket Conforms to ASTM C-443 Polypropylene MH Steps Conform Eo ASTM G478 34" t-� CONC�NTRIC COPlE � i i 8,. �- -------�---- - �- - _ —� i TOP SLAB �-�— 53" --�--j � ��� g„ i— 58" - i � BASE SLAB WEIGH7S: CONE: 2' - i,740 Ibs CONE: 3' - 2,540 Ibs TOP S�AB: 8" - 1,580 Ibs R1SER: 1' - 1,020 Ibs 2' - 1,900 Ibs 3' - 2,660 Ibs 4' - 3,540 Ibs 5' - 4,500 Ibs 6' - 5,400 Ibs BASE: 2' - 3,200 Ibs 3' - 4,8001bs 4' - 5,300 Ibs 5' - 6,420 Ibs 6' - 7,540 Ibs SASE SLAB: 8" - i,900 Ibs CbNCRETE: Fc= 4,000 psi @ 28 Days REINFORCING STEEL: Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A497 Rebar; ASTM A615 Grade 60 Top Slab: 0.�0 Sq in./ft e.w. min. Base wlintegral Riser: 0.15 Sq in./lin ft min. Base Slab: 0.23 Sq in,rft e.w. min. PIPE !'ENETRAT[ONS: Maximum Hole Size: 36" Minimum Distance Hole fo Hole: 8" Holes Cored io Pfan Specificatians Kor-N-Seal Connectors Available Standard Knockouts Available -- : - - . . - :-: � > L :� _ - - - "- ,. , -, . , , ._ "' - - = 1' � , -- - _ 41i6 BAKERV{EW SPUR • aELLINGHAb{, WA 98226 •(360} 671-2251 • 1-800-808-2251 • FAX: (360} 67i-0780 (3) BOLTS (SEE DETAIL) / ��� � � o� � � RENTON AHEAOOFTMECURVE 0 \ SEWER �,ti �^^ � ����. ���� �d�� 25" DIA.--- (� 1" 3/4" dI '":%"i'"r i- - _....�...,.-: -._......,. _ _ f � ✓�,./__U��7lJL �. �/JJr`- -. ,,� \LJ �._T.. II— $ 3/a' � 2 � �z., .�.�� TYP S�Ci�ON VIEW BOLTHOLES — 3 PLCS EQUALLY SPACED 120' APART ON 23 1/16" DIA B.C. (SEE DETAIL) 26 1 /2" DIA 25 1 /4" QIA , , /, s„ 1 /4�� D1A � NEOPRENE GASKEi � � 6., — _� 5/$��� -- 23 3/8" DIA CL OPEN�- —�— 27 5/16" DIA 34 1 /8" DIA � i: ! I , • 'i .' (3) BLT SOC. (ALLEN HEAD) 5/8"-11 X 1.5 SS W/ SS RU86ER WASHE I� � ' ; '��� ��� � �� � ,y� � ,c� � I ' �4�� _' _`_' , , �, s„ I � f ,�8.. � f � �8.. IRON WORK�S� 800-626-4653 www.ejiw.com MADE 1N USA PRODUCT NUMBER ��3�1572 CATALOG NUMBER �715ZP�' 3i17C1 P�' f�, t'�, ` � s . ,� _ � „ � °�r r.,_. ,�. LOAD RATING ����� ���� COATING �������� MATERIAL SPECIFICATION COVEf2 — GRAY IRON ASTM A48 CL35B FRAME — GRAY IRON ASiM A48 CL35S OPEN AREA N/A d DESIGNATES MACHINE SURFACE DRAWN DATE SMH d5/15/07 LAST REVISED DATE ��5��� ������ ����8�. � 1 /8,. 2" STACK� STAC9CONG �ET'A�L CONFlDENTIAL: This drowing is the property of Eost Jordan Iron Works, Inc. ond embodies confidenGel informat�on, trode secret infortnat�on, and/or know how that is tha proparty of East Jordan iron Works, Inc. Q Copyright ?007 East Jordan Iron Wortcs, Inc. REFERENCE INFORMATlON 0037178� 0�371512 7 Gi2ANl�'E Pf2ECAS7' Job: 6030 Customer: EQU17Y BUILDERS �LC Job Name: �IBERTY LlFT STA710N Structuce �roduct Detail ;tem Protluct (}ty,. Product,0escription , _. Yards.______.__.,Weight .... .... . ....._.. ... _..._... Rim C.624RC 1 G X 24 GI RING & CI COVER'REN1"ON 0.00 315 SEW[Ft' LOCKING '1"on 4 04dX03C 7 48" X 3' CON[ 0.64 2 SAO Too 9 CR-G6X2 1 G' X 24" GRAUE RWG 0.00 240 'I'ao 2 CR•04X2 1 4" X 24" GRADE RING O.OD ib0 Itetn 2 048X04R 1 48" iC 4' RISER 0.90 3,oD0 ltent 1 OA8X04R 1 48" X 4' RISER 0.90 3.600 nase DAf3X05G' 1 48" X 5' E3ASE WI tIOLE 1.53 6.i28 Acces S 106-16A 2 1G" M1-1 130Q?/ i2" PVC PIPE O.OD 16 Sfruclure Totals 3.97 to,599 Elev l�ngle Pipe ............................. .. I2dm „ q39.24 ; (".} 522.18 � 0 i12 PVC {2! ' 422.28 ; '!'12 .12 PVC (3) 0 � i4) p {5) 0 Structure Code:SSMH 1A Station: Rim to Invert 17.06' Less Casiing 16.56' Invert to Floor 0.27' Adjustinent (Brick/Mort.) 0.00 {g� � Top 4 Item 2 Item 1 �oeV�ilOP1S hioie Hole" hiole" Up" Item Typc i-leic�ht Ul�idlh __..... S10u-�tiAWP 7G 16! ..,t5,25i.,.._ Base.. � pase ' 5106-16AWP ; 16 16j...._16,45�...._8ase_.__..� � Q 0! Oj 0 oi 0� � ALL COR�f�lGS �'�OTME�. :(6! : . : U I... ' : 0 OI .... Oi ; i ;i�) i � I 0.. 0, 0' � , '{8} 0 Descriplion: 48" X 5' BASE WJ HOLE Product ID: 048X05BWC i1em: Base (2)S105-16AWP iip; i6.45" lAng 112 i _ �... _.._��. .,.._�.._,_ ._ _.... � S��p �oCation: D011 .._........ . . .................... (1)S106-16AWP Up: 15.25" / Ang 0 Up To Center! Up Calcuiatio Type: Sanitary Descriplion: 48" General Sanitary fnside Area View ; Precast Height 16.83' � Wall i Floor 6.00" Sump f Plus Floor 17.33' �" # ��" ��AB� �Ia� A8" X 3' CONE 48" X 4' R15ER 48" X 4' RIS[R 48" X:i BASE W/ HOLE aP�Rova� o� RRa �ir��l. 1'H �S DRA NG'� ���� Ap��p OR Wi� C�NGES� � IF �Rooucrion+ wr�.c Har srARr uHr». APPROVED dRAWfNGS ARE RETURJdED• 5.00 " 0.27 ' 90 0 .�1`�;' - r':`� ;'� -.,'�s :. r:z� �, � �rs�'.— ' r .� x �.r , � r .� a�~�''r�y,�-�.-�;�,'�"� �,... .���y' � �'� -. .��,-.�-�-��.,���. � a �= ,'� � ��z ; � �� �. _., ,� � I� -+, � � z%� 36, ���' C k� �� � z a x �- ,T t s�,sse�.a eamee �nes 4.� i raa� re� {msler notein5 ecw�ee s�-�'�'g' SPE�IFICAiIONS: ,� :� All Lane Pol Ste s meet the re uirements of ASTM C-4i8 B�'RhludiHt«(crf b� Y p q , !a� Sro�lm �:s3eb�:r AASHTO M-199, WISHA and al! OSHA specifications. The /^`°'°° ' F a'°= � ,�, a , � Pol y pra p ylene conforms io ASTM D-4101. The 1/2" Grade 60 � '° reinforcing bar meets ASTM-A-615. - ' � �� LONCEVITY: Copolymer polypropylene is known for its high impact strength and superior resistance to the corrosive environments found in sewers. S�►FETY: Lane poly steps have sure footed self-cleaning tread design. Poly steps will not spark so there is no danger of igniting sewer gasses. lNSTALL/�TION: 1) The step can be cast in place 2) Driven into preformed holes with the concrete cured to 3,000 PSI minimum 3) Drill two 1" to 1-1/8" ho{es, 3-3/4" deep 10" on center far the Lane step number P-10938 and 13" on center for the P-14850 and P-14938. Apply any non-shrink grout around the barbed portion of the step. Then drive the step into it's full inser�ion point. Any of the above methods will resist a pullouf force of over 1,504 Ibs. Assaciate IVlember Of �a� , ��� �`�� '.. Pacific Narthwest Precast Concrete Associatian �'t ' .. .f�''fi-r4 �' ". �� r' -.. �;: '� - ' `* r; �:rh T } �� r� _� 1 � �ikJ . � f•" .:ry/�i' _ .;�! e j%�. !'� ..'Y„'�%' :/'F ��' � =�y-y ���i������� ������� ��������- ���0������� ,%� � % � 'w �-� ,., �c'�, �" �. y �-s. �.. .� y�, �: 3'=. 13" :l30 mm �O O� O O 0o Bright Red Reflectors oa o° °o O O QO a O� �O .� O O O O O O O O O P O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q �� O Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O �:,�..;�._i-�_�..s-1C_�,.!,_���J_.�_a_�_�-�_�_�_i_M._�_.■ • f:;��',, ��,.....,_'__.._-�......___...._�._.._...:..._._._..>._._� .__.._.._._,,..._._..._ ___..�.:...__.�_� SPECIFiCATI�NS All La�le Poly Steps nieet tlie requirements of ASTM C-47$ and AASIITO M-199. Tlte po{ypropylene conforms to ASTM D- 410I. Tiie '/z" Grade 60 reinforcing bac• meets ?�STM A-C15. • • '�.a � -w�.- �� �...�� � `� N ����G� <������I � �1!(1�1���� �'; �'i � �1l� [ i�i �1 ', � .__. _ �_ ;�,., �<�:_� "`�.<tt "__"_"'--�.^:4�w��1�"..�.., _. . RUNG ` = � � �` �%� /� "I r :_ - ,.,. . ;, , _ ,_ ,� , ; ; '�._.',♦'� �:: > P.O. �3ox 925 • 10755 5.���. Ma»hasset Dr. a'1'ualatin, OR 97QE2 • 503-692-9$CQ o 800-666-007( Fax 503-b92-9S63 a �v����ti�.laneinternational.com Ladders to be fastene�i t4 ti�rafl vrith f/r x 2=/4' stud �n�ho�s Folypropy[ene caniorms to ASTtJI D-4101. Ladders r7�ee� all ABTM C-497 load requirements. � -- ; �: ai !: -� j 4� � � - . ,;- ,:, t � ,.. �. i -- r:� � �' :t ; ��.i Wt�a.ght i;ach: 46 Ibs _ ?hdn6 503J684•OQ77 P.U. Box 9�a Fax S03i6$4•0076 1806i S4Y Lo�,vor �oonCv �etty Rd. � -�i��-���7-aQ%�} Tuaint�n, (>rcgan 970�2 WALl. FAS7ENING We�_gh�� Each : 10 l_�hs . 12" polypropylen� conforms to ASTM D•4101. Ladders meet all RSTNf �-497 load requirements. r r; `w � : ; � � � _ �1 /!� ��i�P�i�%��%l �i�d. 6� ������/ �6./!� PhonQ 5031684•0077 P.O. Box 925 Fsx 5031684•007$ t8C167 3W Lbw�r BOOnEs Ferry Rd_ � ���Q�6�6�0�7�} Tualatin, Oregon 37062 WALL FASTENING Ladders to be fastened to wall with'12' x 23/a" stud anchors r ' i �, �� � • z�� < ' �__ , Fw;. h `. � �5 f,. E � �. ���� k ` i.� i i t i__.� 1�£< . _- ;Y _ .= f. �.: _"tt ic"1 =- . ,. . . ' i r.. ., . _ _.,- .� ,. . ..y � . ... . ... . ..... PERFORMANCE Performed on all standard sizes of Kor-N-Seal Connectors. Test ASTM Method FteaJ P!essure C923 - 7.1 Deflection 7est Load Test RESILIENT RUBBER MATERIAL Conforrns to ASTM C923 Test Chemical Resistance 1 N Sutfurlc Acid i N Yydrochloric Aci� 7ensife Sirertgin Eloi�galion at Break Hardness AcceEerate6 Oven-Aging Comp�ession Set 1:'ater Absorption Ozone Resisiance Low-temp2rature 3rittle Pcint Tear Resistance C923 - 7.2.2 C923 - 7.2.3 ASTM Methoq D543, a: 22°C tor 48 h �412 D2240 [shore A durometer) �573 70 ± i°C ior 7 tlays D395, method B, at 70'C for 22n D471, frnmerse 0.75 by 2-in. specfinen in distilEed wat�r at 70°C for ?8 h D1171 D746 D624, metnod B 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL Conforms to ASTM C923, ASTM A666, and A240 Test Kor-N-SealProducts Tensiia Svength 75,OOD psi Yielcf SVeng[h (min.� 30,000 psi Elongation in 2' (min. ^6) 40`,� Hartlness Rockvreli 'B" 95 Test Requlrements 0°- 13 psi (30 ft) far 10 min. 7° - 10 psi (23 ft} fot 10 min. 7' in any direction 1501bs/in. pioe tlia. Test Requirements t�o weighi ioss No �veight loss i200 pSi 350;fi nzin, ± 5 from the inanufacturer's soecified hardness Oecrease of 35�, n�ax. of orig�nal tensite strengih decrease ot 20% max. oi etongation Oecrease of 25°�, max. of ori�inal defleciio�i increase of 10 �, max. of original by weight Rating 0 No fracture ai �40°C 200 Ibfji�i. /= Trelleborg 1'ipe Scals \Iiliorci, Inc. � �/( 2:i0 I:lm Srrcct, P.O. Bos 30"1, \filford, \e�v f-Ia�npshi�e 0305a L'.S._�. ������ 'I'cl: 8UG-6?G-21S0 603-G73-8G80 F:i�: GU3-G73-%??"1 �ti�t���.trellebe>rg.com/npc � TRELLEC��f�G ENGIN@ERED SYSTEMS Kor-PJSeaI Products +� 3 psi for IO min. +SO psi (or 10 n�in. Over 7° iEi any direciion Ov�r i501bs/in. pipe dia. Kor-NSeaf Products No vreight lass Na vreiaht loss 1580 psi �00': 4g±5 10.1 N tensile decrease 14% elongation dec�ease 1395 decre2se .Ssbincrease Rating 0 No fracture at-40°C No tear at 210 Ib�/in. ; .. - `�% - , "�' :�: �� �` , �,� �' r, i. ��° � �, - �� £ ,M; € .',: '�i � �: � .�, f,;. i.. Wedge 5tyle Connectors EX Series Plastic � ;� or Stainiess Steei 1:= : Installation requires a '/z" socket �vrench 8 presei torque limiier. PIPE h10UEL �OMIN�iI O.D. RAAG£ VVA4IIER HOL� SiZE 1.50 - 4.80 S106-7hrtW 7" __ __----------__...�-- ._-_.._..-- 3.50 - 4.80 sso�-7w �° ----- ---------.........._-�.._._.._...__..--- 4.20 - 6.40 S106-8SRW 8" }..50 - 4.80 S106-8MW 8" ------------ ---------- ---_.._.__.._.__.. - 6.00 - 6.75 S406-10A4`J 10" - --- - --------- ---------.._.._ _ _. _._...__. 7.50 - 8.20 S406-10W 10" 6.06 - 6.75 S406•10.5AW 10'/z" ----------------_._..____._.__.__.._....__..__... 7.50 - 8.70 S406-10.5VJ 10%z" ----------- ...................................._..... . ..._........ ._._.. 6.00 - 7.00 S406-416W � � " --- ---_._..____....._....,__..__ ...................... 7.5� - 9.00 S406-11A�1J � i" -- -----._..------___.__.--_...__...__..._._.__.._._._ 3.50 - 6.90 S106-12�v1 12' --- -- ---- - - -- ---....__.__._,. _....__ _- 6.00 �- 7.00 5406-12CW 12" 6.25 - 7.50 ----S406�126W _���~�12' �. 7.50 - 9.00 ---S406-12A'ld ��12� _ --- --- __..._ �- ---�__ _�_ _ 9.00 - 10.20 S40"o-12W 12" -- ------- -------_...-- --- -- _._.._._........._,. 5.75 - 7.00 S10o-12BVJ 12" ----- ------ -----._...._....._._._...� ..._..._ 7.00 - 8.50 5106-12AW 12" - ---...----------..._._.._......__.___........__._. 8.25 - 9.75 S106•124V 12" - --.._...._._._.__.___.___ 9.50 - 11.25 S106-14AW 14" 9.50 - i1.25 S106-16BW 16" 11.25 - 13.00 S166-26AW 26" 13.00 - 14.20 S106•16�N 16" 14.00 - 15.50 S106•24BINS 20" 15.50 - 17.00 S106�20AVJS 20" 17.00 - 18.15 S10E•20wS 20" Re(er to Recommerrded lnstaltation fnstructions. Toggle Style Connectors (Jack-in 5tyle) ('-- Installation requires a hydraulic jack �ssemoiy Ordering Information Kor-N-Sea I I: 106/406 Series Pipe-io-Manhale Con PIPE MODEL NOMINAL Q�. RA�GE \�UA46Eft HOLE S1ZE 1.50 - 4.80 3.50 - 4.50 4.20 - 6.A0 1.50 - 4.80 6.00 - 0.75 - - - ------ ----- 7.50 - 8.40 6.00 - 6.75 7.50 - 8.90 �------ - -....._ . 6.00 - 7.00 - ----- ----------- -- - 7.50 - 9.00 3.50 - 6.90 �.ao - �.00 6.25 - 7.50 ------------- 7.50 - 9.00 9.00 - 10.50 . -- -- - - ------ 5.75 - 7.00 7.00 - 8.50 8.25 - 9.75 9.50 - 11.25 9.50 - 11.25 11.2b - i3.00 13.00 - 14.5fi S106•7 MT S106-7T S106-8SRT ---------- -- S106-8NT 5406-10AT 540&-lOT S406•10.5AT S406-20.5T _ �. _ _....,.......... _ S406-11BT _..__ .................... �a6-I IAT S106•i2MT �06•12CT S40B-126T S406-12AI' S406-12T 5106•128T S106-12AT _...._.._... - -- S106-12T S106•14AT 5106-168T S106-16AT S106-16T �,. �„ $„ -8.- 10" 10" 10�/z" 10%z" 11" ----._.. 11" 12' -�2�- iz� 12" 12" 12" _12 _.. i2" 1L" �6� 16" � 6�� Refer to Recommended fnstaltation InsVuctions. To tnstall 7" & 8" 7oggle Style Connectors: [x,oander Assembty (p/n 40225} 8' Extensron (p/n 13808} The 106 Series connector is 8 inches lo�g. the 406 Series connector is 6 inches long. The number followiag the hyphen in our model numbers is the required hole size. The S10fi-20 Series is availabte in StaiNess Steei Wedge only. Recommended Torque Values; Connectors �vith 8" hole size and smaller: Plastic tNedge • 3/16' Nex Nead Torque Wrench - 51t. los. Stee! t"ledge � 1/2' Socket 4Vrench - S tL ll;s. ConneCtors tvith 10 - 20" hole sizes: EX Series - S/2' Sockef Wrench -12 - 20 ft. lbs. Sieel 4Yedge - 1/2' Socket 1lrench - 22 f[. Ibs. Preset torque limiiers are avail�bie. Contact Customer Service at 1-800-626-2180 for more information. For farger pipe sizes refer to Kor-N-Seal II 5eries Connectors 206 Series - Far pipe sizes 15" - 51" in diameter. 306 Series - 7o fft larger pipe inio smaller diameter manholes. 50G Series - �esigned specifically for storrnwater applications. Using Corrugated Pipe Adapters are required when using Corrugated Pipe. Refer to the Corrugated Pipe Adapter Data Sheet for datails. Cocered unUer U.S. Patent No. 5,738,359 � TRELLEQORG ENGINEERED SYSTEMS Trellebort; Pipe S�als \4ilford, Inc. I'.O. Boc .i01� 7JII I:IEIl SCCCCC, \filEord, \e�s� Ilampshire C13(.)�i L'.S.�1. Te(: 800-G26-2130 G03-673-46S0 Fax: CO3-fi73-r271 �e«�uerrelle}�o�;�.com/npc s,�ii � TRELLE[3�RG ENGINEERED SYSTEMS � ;. -- { !' �, � � � �'� i j' � ;� rl�� �� : �� q � ��� ' �. • ( "� � , ��i ; � .� � � j ; .% i � ,.-?.`�, � � .,:;_2 -.}Y..E ... .. . . _ . ., Korband installation (If not already installed� 1. Install Korband into Connector by first fitting Wedge Expander into center of cuto�rt provicied, then installing remainder of Korband. Make sure that the Wedge Expander boit head is located to the outside of Connector/inside of manhole. 2. Using pipe lubricant, lightly lube at Eeast ti�ree io four sections of Karband by bending baci< rubber one section at a time. Do not lube wed�e area. 3. Check to be sure Korband is properly iocated in Cannector groove. Connector [nstallation 1. Inspect tl�e inside surface of the cored hole. If there is porosity or �vire-to-concrete separation, use patching or hydraulic cement to smooth the surface. 2. Insert Connector Assembly into the hole properly positioning 1, 2, 3, or 4 Wedge Expander(sj. Do not place wedge at bottom of hole. 3. Position Connector so it is flush with the inner wall of the manliole at top and bottoin of hole and/or assuring full contact of the Korband. Be sure the connector is square in the hole. 4. 7ighfen Wedge Expandei� equally using a torque wrench with a 2/a" cirive and a 3/8" I�ex bit socket (p/ii 80718). 5. Place piastic cap over end of bolt. Recommended Torque Values: Single Wedge: 75 ft. Ibs. Multiple Wedges: 45 - 75 ft. Ibs. Note: Multiple Wedges should be tightened incrementally to at least 45 foot pounds. Higher torque can be applied to one or more �vedges since the wedges apply force IinearEy. Torque values can be different on each �vedge. Pipe Installation 1. Be sure sealing area of pipe is smooth and free of defects. Repair if needed, 2. Center pipe in Connector opening. {Pipe must not rest on Connector Korband) 3. Position the Pipe Clamp(s) in the Connector's Pipe Clamp groove, 4. Tighten the Pipe Clamp screw to 64 inch pounds with a T-handle Torque Wrench, P/N 80090. Note: On minimum pipe O.D. instaliations, lift the rubber up underneath the Pipe Clamp screw so that the Connector contacts tlie bottom surface of the pipe while tf�e Pipe Ciamp screw is being tightened. Application of pipe lubrication on the underside of the c(anip wiil also help ensure that an even contraction of rubber is maintained throughout the clamping area. 6. Retorq�fing prior to shipping is recon�me��ded but not required. Caution: Do not use impact wrench for installation. All pipe stubs must be restrained. �i/lo E � , � � i �� •4 F� I� � \ + _: i f •�l �. � `'� `� � �� �! � � _ ; i�� E'' ! t _ . - ..__.__. .. I ; Suggested Pipe 0 D. . kale Sfze Range ��.. Wnnector Dimension Pipe CYamps � P/N .._ �._ _ ._ � � Range q B 1 C D i Qty � P/N �_. . . ......... .. --- . .... - - -- - - .... t. ._. __ : 1�000 i5.6?���� 17.98 18.13... 2>-fi7� j I6 i0S0 2 � ���82 € � S20Fr18i _ ' - ----------__.. . ..._. ._._ _ __. - 520G90 15.G2o :�7.600 ` 19.58 20.i31 P.875 17 Id.�O 2.... 1-282 , �........570G20L _: 17.OG� 17.625 � �,� 18-------__-_ ---_� --I-3Co-- � ----- ........ .._._ � _., . ---- - ---- � - . 57_06-22 - i7.G25 29.060 21.98 22.13 19_875 1� � 10.50 � � I31$ ... _967� ��. � 20 : 2 1 1�346 ; � S2uG22E ; 19:000 � _ � ._. .._... --- -- � - ---- _.... , x 520G945 18.000 i9�0� '�. 23.98 24.13 25.87� 18.75 � 10.00 4 i 1�180 _. ._-- ... - ____�. ....,... . _.... . _._ I.. 570G2a 19.G25 71 Q00 ?S 4 : 23.98 24.i3 � 27..87a i050 i-180 , 5206-24L - 21.000 �1 G2� 2� i 4 1 .... .-- - -- ---- � �--- -..... _ - ------ - I 52C'a?6 ; 21.625 73.OGJ . I 7.3 . ', 4 I. , : : 2G.00 2G.7_0 ' 23-875 ; S0:'0 190 i 52G6�26C ; 23.000 23.625 ' j 2r ; ; A 1-218 ; �i � - ----..._.... '� ...............-- --.,..._._...------ - -� --.._...�_._..----- � .___,.._.---- S S20&28 � 7.3.G25 25.00D : 28.00 ?.820 i 25.875 2� i.... 10.50 � 4 • 6218 � S20Cr281 ': 2�.GC0 7_�.G2� i 2& I 4 ; S20o30 : 25.G25 27.000 j 36.00 --" 302Q ! 27.875 ?7 10-50 4 � 2S8 S26u�30L � 27.00D 27.G25 ; I 28 �1 1-242-.... � 520&32 'i 27.625 �s.00a ! !� ' 2� ; � ! I 32.LY'i 3220 j 29.875 10.50 I-242 S20G321 ", 79.000 29.625 i 30 4 520634 : 7.9.625 31.000� ' 31 4 = 34.00 34.20 � 31.875 3� � F0.50 4 � I-258 S20&34L : 3i.G00 31.G25 ; � 520Cr3G 31.625 33.060 : 33 36.C� 3G.20 ; 33.875 10.50 d !-282 ( S2Q636t : 33.000 33.625 � ( 3M1 n =----_.._..........-- --- _ _- --- - --....---- --- -=-- ........_-- ---` ..._. ---- _. � S20638 ; 33.62j 35.000 � 36.00 3820 `"s5.875 � 35 � 50.50 ' h �-2&2 �5206-38L � 35.U00 35.625 : � 36 � j 4 l-30& --_..........__._-__ -.._.,.,.'___- "..........._...___'- �__'_'.__...._..'_ ___......__._f_" � S20o-40 ; 3�.u25 37.000 ; I 37 4 i 40.00 40.20. 37.875 ! 10.50 , l-306 I ! S20�-40� [ 37.000 37.625 ; : 38 � i `� � i.._ _ ....... _ --- --... --- _......._�.. _ -- -...__._.. - -- ` - -......._.I.- _...___` � 520�42 i 37.62a 39.000 � ' � 39 4 1318 �. � 42.60 42.20 j 39.8)5 ' � 10.50 ; � � 5206-421 ' 39.000 39.625 i ` ----- 4� ---_"----- j 4 --....1348_� ---...._..----- -......;..._...-- ---.__;.._.... . !. S20Cr44 : 39.625 A1.000 � ' 41 I 4 : � 44.00 44.20 1 41.875 CZ 10.56 i 4 �.. t-348 520644t ; k1.000 41.623 ; : �-- _ ...._- --- - ---__ _- ----.... ----- - -- ......__- - - --- -- � . � ' --_ 8 � S20G4G ; 41.625 43.060 � ' 43 4 !-34 � r ' 43.625 ;�6.G0 46.20: h3.S75 44 i0.50 A i-242.... I S206� ��L i 43.000 ; � 5206�48 � 43.fi1.5 A5.000 ' q5 G 1-242 i A8.00 45.20 ; 4:i.875 10.50 S26�fr48E : 45-G60 45.625 ; i 46 6 1•258 � 5?.OG50 ' AS.00D 45.G25 ! ^ � ' ( � 50-00 50.25 � 47250 4fi 10.50 i � � SOG87 i S?.OG50� i 45.&25 47.066 � �7 � ... . - � -..__......_ �� __........._.--- � ----._.---- ! ' _.__.__ S20G52 �. 47.OP� G7.625 ;. ; � d�---...�-....._�: G : S2.OD 52.25 i 49.25D : : SO.aQ : 80667..�' � �S20GS2L ' 47.6?.5 49.00Q ? ; � 49 ; � G ' II-_�..._ :----- -----";-.__-- ----` --- -'----- � S20f-Sh i 49.06�7 49.fi25 i 5� '�---- 6 I . � 54.00 5Q25 � 51.250 10a0 806G7 ; S2DG54L ';. 43.625 52.000 ! ! 51 i � � �-----._....._-�-`---- --._._�....--- � --_....._----� -- -�--..._..----' =---._'�'-�---�-- ' � TRELLEQORG ENGlNEERED SYSTEMS Double Wedge is availai3le for 22 to 48 inch sizes, but .500 inches must b2 subtracted trom the "B" din�ension Thus limiting your pipe OA. range by .500 inches. The Ooubie Wedge is only available on the "L" connectors. • Special sizes yuoted upon request. • 50 inch {or larger) Connectors have 2 Wedges or inore. • Using Corrugated Pipe: Adapters are required tivhen usu�g Corrugated Pipe. Refer to the Corrugated Ripe Adapter Data 5heet for details. �� Trelleborg Pipe Seals \filforcl, Inc. � ��0 ]::f�n Street, P.U. lios 301, liilford, \e�v l Iampshire O�Oa7 C�.ti.:1. Tel: €��Q-G2G-2I80 G�i-Gi3-�36�i0 ra�:: G03-�i?3-7271 «z«s�.trelleborg.com/npc � TRELLE6�i�C� ENGEMEERED SYSTEMS � � € ��'_ K 5 ��/ I ' ,' i ri n� t r i E� ; ';#+..:.=4.z�._£c.€'_/ 'e _...�s . _� ' ..i� .. Korband (nstallation {If not already insta�led} 8. Retorquing prior to shipping is recomrnended but noi required. 1. Instail Korband into Connecior by first fitting Wedge Expander into center of cutout provided, then instailing ��emainder of Korband. Ma!<e sure that head of bo{t on Wedge Expander is lacated to the outside of Connector/inside of manliole. Recommended iorque Values: 5ingle Wedge: 75 fi�. Ibs. 2. Using pipe lubricai�f, lightly lube at least three to four sections of Korband by be4�ding bac!< rubber one section at a time. Do not lube wedge area. 3. Chec1<to be sure Korbancf is properly located in Connector groove. Connector Installation 1. Inspect the inside surface of the cored hole. If there is porosity or wire-to-concrete separation, use patcf�ing or hydraulic cement to smooth the surface. 2. Refer to the Overhang Dimension Chart to determine the inside "overhang° dimension for the connector at the top a�id bottoi� of the hole. This diinension corresponds to the manhole size and the connector size. 3. Position the connector in the hole so that the top and the bottom of ti�e connector are inside the manhoie at ti�e correct `bveriiang" dimensioro for your ma��hole and the connector hole size. Make sure that the sides of ihe boot (at 9:00 and 3:00) are also equally aligned in the hofe and the Wedge is located at i0:30 or 1:30. The position of #he Wedge is critical #or proper installation of this connector. 6. 7ighten Wedge Expancier equaily using a torque wrench with a 3/8" hex bit socket (p/c� £i0718}. 7. Place plastic cap over end of bolt. Multiple Wedges: 45 - 75 ft. Ibs. Note: Multiple Wedges should be tightened increi�entally to at least 45 foot Uounds. Higher torque can be applied to one or inore wedges since tl�e wedges apply force lineariy. Torque values can be different on eacf� wedge. Pipe Instailation 1. Be sure seaEing area of pipe is smooth and free of defects. Repair if needed. 2. Center pipe in Connector opening. (Pipe must not rest on Connecfior Korband) 3. Position the f'ipe C[amp(s) i�� the Connector's Pipe Cla m p groove. 4. Tighten the Pipe Clamp screw to 60 inch pounds with a T-handle Torque Wrench, P/IV 80090. Note: On rninimum pipe O.D. instaliations, liit the rubber up u�iderneath the Pipe Clamp screw so that the Connector contacts the boitom surface of ihe pipe while tl�e Pipe Clamp screw is beir�g tightened. Application of pipe iubrication on the underside of ihe ckamp will also ielp ensure that an even contrac#ioio of rubber is maintained throughoui the clamping area. Caution: Qo not use impact wrencli for instal3ation. All pipe stubs must be restrained. oa�a� Kor-iV�5ea1° li 3Q6_5eries Cn_�nectar_�izi_ng_Char�__,__ ; ; �� 40! Size Ran e� Cornector Oim^nsions ? Pipe Clamp � ?/N ! Suggested Pipe O.D. - ---- _! --- _.. .�. -- -.._.. ; Minimum � Range � A 8 C � D Qty `: �'/h j hlanhole Size � ' --------- -------�---------- ---- ----=-- ----------- -=----=--.._..-L _---=------------- - j 5306-22 � �7.625 - 18.500 �; � : 19 i 2 � 1�318 : ; r_---......_._-------------_..., 21.98• 2213 I 19.875 ;_..._._......__; 10.5 =------ --____ _ 36/4 I iS305-22L 16.500-19.625 S f ?.p ` 2 l-3A8 =-----------. .._i.--------------.�.__._.;..------------------- -_..------------- ............. ...---.__. ---------._......----._._----- ,.. ;S30G-7.4 � 19.625-20.500 ; � ,_. � 21 � i 4 I ; =-----...__-_..------------ 23.98-24.13 ; 21.875 :-------; 10.5 i------- �-150 ; 36/4 ;5306-24L ; 20.SC0-21.625 ` ' I ZZ � � `� ' i ; . ' ' � --------- -------- --..........----------- � -___,...._._.-..__.....------`- -------"-...........-------------------------. .__.___.... �--------_-..._._.- - --......... __ � 'S3D6-26 i 21.625-22.SC0 ; ; � 23 ' 4 � 1•190 ' ' =----....----.__....---------'-.....; 26A0 - 26.20 j 23.875 ;-.____--- 10.5 =---... _..._.__.. 3GJ4 ---` ....-: 15306-26L 22.500-23.625 24 l ' 4 ; 1�218 � : ___; ---------- - - __----- - --- - ----- --..._ �S30b-28 i 23.625-24.500 ; 25 : 4 ; =....---�----------.....-.. � 25.00 - 28.7.0 ; 25.875 =-----; 1D.5 ;�-----! I-218 € 48/5 �5306-281 ' 26 : 4 � ZA.SCO - 25b25 � ... _ .---- .� _ ..- . .. _._ ` --- . . _..._.__.._.. ---- . _._ ...--- --- .. �5306-30 25.625-26 S00 27 4 '�-218 -- --- 30.00 30 20 I 27.875 10 S�-- - 4S/5 ;5306-30L 26.500-27.625 : 28 � 4 1•242 �----------.........._-.,___......-----------__._..._..--.._.._.__.....----------._..........__ . �S3Q6-32 ; 27.625-7.8.500 - 29 � 4 ;--.--..----- ------; 32.00-32.2Q i 29.575 =----- 16.5 ;---.--- � I-242 ; 48/5 15306-321 i 28.SC0�29.625 ; � : 30 ':, ; 4 j ; ' -- - --- -- . ;----- ---__-__ - ---- -- •------ - - - - �5306-34 ' 29.625-30.500 ' ; . 31 : 4 f =-.....-......-......---- + 34.Ca • 34.20 ; 31.875 �---- .= 165 � � i-258 � 48/5 i530G-34L 30.500-31.b25 ; 32 ; 4 i__ ..................._....-- ---'----...__.._..,___ -- ---..._..__.....____----- --- --..-.. __....._ -- -- -...__.. _ _...--- ----- _.., . �5306-36 31.625-32.500 i i3 t 4 800'67 ` '---"-- - "-' 36A0-36.20 i 33.875 :'-`--; 10.5 - -� Povrer : 60/0 53C6•361. 32.SC0 • 33.000 34 i 4 � Gear , , , � . . ; , i , , , , `---- =---.....-._..___--=----._--..--...----�----------_.-------'- --- i ;530636-5€ORM 31.625 - 32.500 ; ; 33 : 4 , __.._.._.........------ ----= 36.00 - 36.20 ; 33.875 �-- ---- 10.5 =---__.__i l-7.82 ; 60/5 €S30o-36l-STORM 32.500-33.625 i : 34 � 4 ' -------"��---- -._�._..,.----- ------..__.. _- � -- - ' � 5306-38 � 33.625 - 34.500 � � 35 4 80667 : , i � � �..-..---------' 38.00-38.20 3 35.875 '-------��-�-�; 10.5 ` ; Power � fi0(6 ' �I 'S305-38L � 34.500-35.000 36 f 3 4 Gear ; ; ' ----..--i.__..------ ----__ ------ ---------��.---------� ------...._i_._------..-._ --------....------ i5306-38-STORM k 33.625 - 34.500 : 35 � A � E-282 i � ` ---._.._--------; 38.00 - 38.20 : 35.875 ;---._._.____� 10.5 � .' ---- 60/6 ;5306•381-S70RNi 34.500 - 35.625 � i 36 4 1€•306 ; � - -------- -- =-----' - -` - --.....- ---�- -- - _ __- -- -`----- -- --......_ 15306-AO ' 35.625-3o.5C0 37 4 � 80667 � ; i : ' :- _.--+ - j ----" -- -; 40.00 - 40.20 I 37.875 ;- -; 10.5 : ---' Power i 60/G �5306-40L ( 36.560 - 37.000 ; ; ; 38 � ; 4 Gear i ' ' � ( ) . � � ,....._ -- ----- - ..._.._. ---- - ------ - -- --... - `:5306-40-STORM ; 35.625 - 36.500 ; ' . i 37 ' 4 ; ;....------ -----.........; 40.00-40.20 ; 37.A75 ; ' 10.5 ':.......-...------' t-36b ; 60/5 i5306-401-570RM 36.500 • 37.625 ': 38 ` 4 - -------.._L._---- ------'------ -------;- ---- - -------- -- -------------- i530o-42 37.G25 - 38.500 j 39 4 ': SOfio7 : --...._."`�-"----- 42.00-42.20 i 39.875 --�----; 10.5 ; �; Power i 72(7 j i5306-42L ; 38.500-39.00� 40 i i 6 Gear i . ! !.�- --- ---- _--:-- --- ....� �.--- - - -- - - -- ----' - -- --___ _ --- 15306-42-STORM I 37.G25-38.500 ': ; i 39 j A i I-318 ; ' -----------= 42.00•42.Z0 ! 39.875 1 _: 10.5 ! ; ---------� 72/7 _. ._.._ 5300-42E-STORM � 38.SC0 - 39.625 i i j 40 ` ! 4 � I-348 � -------- ------...__,--- : - ---- -- --- _ _ --- - - �5306-44 39.525-40.500 ' 41 1 6 I 8D667 ; '-----........" i Q�.CO-A4.20 ; 41.875 :---� 16.i i------�--� Povrer ': 72/7 �5306-44L � 40.500-41.000 E 47. � b ; Gear ; I ��------------ � --------------- ------.........--- ---_.. . ; ;5306-444TORM j 39.625-40.500 ; ( i A1 i 4 j j =----.-..- ; 44.00-A4.20 i 4?.875 r----i 30.5 =-----i l348 ; 72/7 ;530fi•-04L�STORN i 40.500•41.625 � I ; 42 ' ; 4 --_.---- - -`---- -.-...----- ----..._. , 153Q6-46 ' 41.625-A2.500 i � : 43 I � 6 ; 80667 : � � =---..-.--- ' 46A0• 46.20 ; 43.875 i-------- ]0.5 � ..-.-: Power ( 72J7 I 'S306-46L 42.SC0-43.040 i � 44 ; 6 E Gear ; �-----_....�__._..._..._---�----_...------ ' -._._.....__ -- � - -......- --------- ---._.._ i ._...- �5305-4fi-STORM ; 41.625 - A2.500 ' � � 43 . 4 , ----•----- 4b.Q0 � 46.20 : 43.875 =------:: 10.5 ' •.-348 i 72/7 �5306-46L-STORM ; 42.500-43.625 � � 44 ; 4 i „ __--- --- =------ --�_ .------- --------- --- - --- ----- --_ ___ ----- • iS306-48 43.625-44.540 i 45 � ! 6 SOoG7 i i ' ' . -- --- -- �' 48.00 - 48.20 ? 45.875 ; 1 10.5 i - --- --: Power [ 72/7 i �iS3�o-A8L 44.500•45.006 � 46 i 6 ; Gear ' -_- � ---._.._......---- =------------ �-- ...............1__....- -- - ----- ---- -........- i � 1 ..................__ i 43.625 - 44.500 ! i 45 [ 6 �� �_ZqZ i �5305•48-SiORM : ' , 45.875 � ; 10.5 °:- •------ 72/7 _.---- -- - ns.ao - as.zo I5306-48L•SFORM 44.500 -45.625 f : 46 i 6 ` I-258 i � Tf�ELLE6�R� ENGINEERED SY57EM5 FAdapters are required wlien using torrugated pipe. I�efer to the Corrugated Pipe Adapter Uata Sheet for details. �overed under U.S. Patent No. b,b41,176 � Trelleborg Pipe Seals Milford, Inc. �li 250 Elm Street, P.O. Box 301, Milford, New Hampshire 03055 U.S,A, � Te1:800-626-2180 603-673-8580 Fax:603-673-7271 www.trel(eborg.com/npc 5/11 � TRELLE60R� EMGINEEREU SYSTEMS � 99 � �9 � 99 � . � - �, �z � , , � . i > � � } ; ; � : § r. r ` F s ' � � . ° ;,� � ?. ; ...i € � .;. � t_� €v. _, ; _ � £. � `�-. —i— f �-< ; --� �X- i b : �.t �..$�� � � � `� { # - ' e : t f - ?...� �.,! �.. I �� ! i <<:� Connector Installation for Wedge Korband 1. Check to be sure the Korhand is properly located in Connector groove. 2. knspect the inside surface of the cored hole. If there is porosity or wire-to-concrete separation, use patching or hydraulic cernent to smooth the surface. 3. Insert Connector Assembly into hole �vith Wedge Expander at top of hole. 4. Position Connector so it is square to ma��hole i�oth vertically and horizontaliy. 5. Wedge Expander for 7" & 8" holes should be tightened as folloevs: Plastic Wedge — 6 tt.lbs. Stainless Steel Wedge — 8 ft Ibs. 12" holes should be tigf�tened as foElows: Stainless Steel Wecfge - 12 ft. lbs. Retorquing is not required prior to shipment. Connector Installation for Toggle Karband %" 8C 8�: 1. Insert the Korband Expander Assembly (P/N 90225) under the Korband Toggle and rotate the hex rod by hand to ensure that the Expander is properly engaged. (7he 8" Togg�e requires a foot extension (P/fV 13808) 2. Insert the Connector and Expander into the cored or formed opening from inside the m�nhole, 3. Using a�vrench, rotate the hex rod until the Korband Toggle is expanded weil past center and is fi��mly seated against the Connector. * 12" Toggie requires Hydraulic Jack (P/N 91910) Pipe Installatian 1. Be sure sealing area of pipe is smooth and free of defects. Repair if needed. 2. Center pipe in Connector oper�ing. (Pipe must not rest on Connector Korband} 3. Position the Pipe Clamp in tl�e Connector's Pipe Clamp groove with the screw at the top. 4. Tighten the Pipe Clai��p screw to 64 inch pounds with a T-handle Torque Wrench, P/N 80090. Nate: On minimum pipe O.D. instailations, lift the rubber up underneath the Pipe Clamp screw so that t1�e Connector contacts the bottom surface of the pipe wl�ile the Pip� Clamp screw is being tightened. Application of pipe lubrication on the underside of tlie clamp �i11 also help ensure that an even contraction of rubber is maintained throughout tl�e clamping area. Caution: Do not use impact wrench for installation. All pipe stubs must be restrained. 9� � �9 � , . ,.�. :Eri� .?� � �E'.. , ..:;:z ...__. ;---------�------- --7 ` i : � " --- . . - �-------: -�__.__...._...... g I -- � c , _ ;� i1 � C ' �--� C : ........ �-� S 106-7 �t � ;6� _....._ , ci � �- ---'� `�. S 106-85R _ ..—. p._�__._: : B , z - --: -; ' �I ' �-- - C ; • I `-t.,<..-.. 106�12M 106•8M � Ho{e Size� V� Pipe Pipe O.D. Connector Dimensions p�N Range Clamp Range A g C D p/� S106-7MWP 1.6 S10Cr7MWS 1.5 — 4.8 6.995 — 7.055 6.125 3.6 7�8 �$� S10fr7MT 4.8 S106-7WP S106-7WS 3.5 — 4.8 6.995 - 7.055 6.125 4.5 6 I-80 S10Fr7T S106-8SRWP S106-8SRW5 6.2 - 6.4 7.995 — 8.055 7.125 6.4 7.5 I-1?_8 S106-SSRT S1068MWP 2•3 S10fr8MWS 1.8 — 4.8 7.995 — 8.055 6.83 3.6 6.37 I-SO S10fi8MT 4.8 5106-12MWP S106-12tvIWS 6.2 _ G.9 10.995 — 11.055 10.125 6.5 8 1-128 S10G12MT Installation Tool� Plastic Wedge Korband ^ . �y P/N 91819 T-Handle � _.!:_ia'� Torque Wrench with '�� �''—��, 3/16" hex head '�D (Torqued to 5 ft. Ibs.) Stainless Steei Wedge Korband P/N 91440-8 Torqiie limiter � &'/z" Socket Wrench (Torqued to 8 ft. lbs.) _ _�:�1 �:;eF,;-:--__• Toggle Korband �;; �'�' P/N 90225 Expander Assembly � 3;;'l �;��'�� Far 8" Toggie Korband P/N 13808 - 8" Foot Extension � (crse with P/N 90225} Pipe Clamps �'� P/N 80090 T-Handle �.�,�k � Torque Wrench � � �'�',� , 'r-� � TRELLE��RG ENGiNEERED SYSTEMS / � r'_.f �.� S-1 ,' i•�i �.� � � :� � na � c I �� !�� S106-7 . ---- _--__-1 �, .• , ; : _---�- -__, i B ' -� : A ' � � E C I � C i - I � Z'mllcborg i'ipe ticals \lilford, in�. ��f ��Q F?Im Screet, Y.(7. I3os 301, lIi[ford, \e�v flampshire 030�� U.S..�. ���� � Tel: 80O-62G-2180 (Q3-673-8650 Fas: 603-G73-?2?1 �v���v.trelleborg.com/npc �� i �. � i ' ' � t�k y 'A�� } � �.�, f � � i T �,� ' s ' �: ` { =� ..l , -. � .� , _ • ¢ • .� .�. =� .:� � ; s I L �; �� The NPC Self-Lube Gasket is made from high quality materials and inanufactured to the higf�est standards of tf�e rubber gasket industry. The unique design and instailation-friencily features trar�slates to less installation [ime and Iower costs. Call your Treileborg Pipe Seais representative for more detaiis. Advantages: � Contractor-friendly instailation � fnstalls on pipe spigot easily � No external lube required � Less chance of joir�t contamination � Tube positioning I�elps center pipe � Less insertion force required � Faster installation equals labor savings ^ \�leets the requirements of ASTM C1619 and ASTM C443 • Made with EPDM rubber for f�igh durability and UV Resistance • Manufactured in Milfor8, NH USA � �.,�; "` - � TRELLE6ORG ENGINEERED SYSTEMS Trcllcbor�; PiE�c Seals _lfilford, Inc. 1?O. Box 30[, 2zQ Etiti Srreet, �Iitfc�rd, Nea� Hampshire OiO�i li.S.,1. Tel: R00-G2C>-2t$f) 603-G73-8GS0 Pa�: G03-G73-72�I ��1c�c�trelleborg.cotn/npc ouio � ` n.. � � l 5 � ' : 2Yfi a�Jy^ ;/r = 'r G� TC�ELLEC�C�I�C� Re: NPC Seif Lube Gaskets for Concrete Pipe � Granite Precast — Attention: Mel Oltman Bellingham, WA This letter is to certify that ail Trelleborg Self-�ubricating gaskets manufactured by Trelleborg Pipe Sea1s, of Milford, NH conform to the physical requirements af ASTM C 443 and 1619 Class C and/or E. Please see the attached Lab Test Repari as evidence to support our certification to meeting the requirements listed above. Please feel free ta contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ��.� %�.� <�� � Weldon Mitchell Cell: (443) 340-0311 Direct Tel: (410} 635-3360 'I'relleborg Pipe Seals Milford, Inc. P.O. Bos 301, 250 Ehn Street Milford, Ne�v Hampshire, U.S.A. Phone: 603-673-8680 800-b26-2180 Fax: 603-673-727I w�v�v.trelleborg.com/npc ASTN� C �23-08 C�RTl�1CATfC�i� RE['aRT TPSM Rcoduct tested - TPSM Batch number- iPSM 'Compound No. Supplier Name Supplier! Batch Range Compound Type SL175 212'l 911-1 P241 Hexpol Compounding 730244 EPDM � Tf�ELL�93C�1R� CQNDITION ASTM TEST METHQD M{N. REQUIREMENTS RESULTS S� ATtJS iPSM Testecf Properties Tensile strength PSI 500mm / Min. Pufl D 412 120Q PSI 1667 Pass Splice strength Bend 18Q° in each Direction Pass Hardness Shore "A" D 224a 47 - 53 53 Pass Compression Set % 22 Hours @ 70� C D 395, Method B 25% max 12.56% Pass SvppJiers Tesfed Properties Eiongafion at break % 500 mm / Min, pull D 492 350°/4 " Pass Heat Aging Tensile Strength 168 Hours @ 7Q°C D 573 -15% " Pass Elongation Change 968 Hours @ 70°C D 573 -20% " Pass Hardness Change 168 Hours @ 70°C D 224{} ±5 " Pass Chemica! Resistance i N Sulfuric Acid 48 Hours @ 23° C 0 543 No �veight loss " Pass 1 N Hydrochtoric Acid 48 Hours @ 23° C D 543 No weight loss " Pass Fluid Immersion: Water Mass Change %(max) 4$ Hours @ 70°C D 471 10°/p lV�ax ` Pass Ozone Resistance D 1174 No Cracks " Pass Brittleness Point 3 Min @-4d°C D2137 A f�onbrittie " Pass Tear Resistance 540 rnm / Min. pul! D 624, Die B 2bd Ibfrn * Pass � T.BIocEcer ` Pass ' See Vendors annual Contormance and physical properties cert�cate 7EST DATE 92/19/11 TPSM QC Technician T.Blocker REV -6-8-2090 www.trelleborgJnpc.co m 250 Elm S:., Mi3ford, NH Q3055 Tef:80Q-62&-2180 Fax: 6D3-673-727 P:1G-OrivelCompany Shared\C2uality Contro{IBLANK FORMSIC 923 � TRELLEQ�RC� ENGIMEERED SYSTEMS ;�? � , � I ` � ` f � ; � J i .� � �` r Ms _ � i _ %,! .; � � � � - — — — \�! f _�.,. ,.�,. i- �, -r- Y' � *,. i`3 � � .` ��_ � y � � f F 1 : 4 .s ' '.,{ �.✓ t .. 3. _ '.'� �'��.,� Y �� � . - r ..:.,�� ��:.:.:�.; "� • - i;:�r� _ No lubrication required! 1. Inspect spigot surface for defects to ensure that tf�e joint is suitable for a good gasket installation. Inspect 8ell section, remove any lose material tl�at might interfere with instalfation. 2. Stretch gasket onto the pipe spigot surface taking care to place the back (hinged) part of the gasket against the concrete offset as sl�own, with the tube facing forward. 3. Align pipe s{�igot with bell section so tl�at the gasket is evenly in confact witli the bell section, ready to push home. 4. To compiete the installation, pust� pipe home to fully compress the gasket as sliown. /� 'I'rellcbor� Pipe Seals \Iilford, Inc. �``� 2�0 LIf1� Srr�ee, P.O. Bos 301, .11ilforcl, \e�v I-Iainpshire 030�? Lf.S..�. '1'eL• S00-62G-21S0 603-673-SGSO I�ax:603-G?3-?2?1 \VR'\V.fiCIlCUOI�T.COill�npc a � U � 3 w Z < � � 0 a U � 0 0 � � � . ��� � � ����� � e o ��� ��.. � 4 • tie Carefulliy Ciean Spigot or Tongue of end of Menhole including the Gasket Recess. �� � � Fit the Gasket Carefully. Equalize the Rubber Gasket Stretch by Running a Smooth, Raund Object, Gasket sf�ould be placed firmiy against the offset all lnserted Between Gasket and Spigot, around the the way around the spigoi of the manhole Entire Circumfrence Several Times. i 1 1 i Align Bell and Spigot of Manhole to be Jointed. Before Homing the Joint, Check that the Entry Taper around ihe Entire Circumfrence. Make Sure Manhole is Aligned PRQiECT: SiRUCTURE: CUSTOAIER: �� ����� ���������� �������� ���� �� ���� �������� • JP � 3/23/08 St1EET: 1 of 1 � PFPE��TfNCv ' � �' a/zs/oe SrA� o• t/a•e�'—o' Sc CONCREiE ING ^ .' 4518 &U(ERNEW SPUR, BELUNCHW, Wil 98228 (360) 671-2IS1 �-eoo-eos-zzs� FAX: (360) 671-0780 ' 0 3/23/OB JP REFFRFNCE nn DoausfR ooMe�ea ��ac�mauv nus sYei wx a oo►eo aa dsaasm w on�s �enna na oa�rs vemvi �+aop ar aewR �cmo�a�ew wo aoeawnc F ,�.4 ■ � �1 -. f � rdt' � �: }, ` j: ip ,t, � �� 1,���i �, Liltin9 Pin Mtlwr Patterson LPA4T434G ]2"x12' Sump (OrivewaY Catch Busin) i�) w��-'� Typ. B� e� r —::.—:.':...� ._ �..q• � �„ � . — � _— _ _. ...: � � � � �;,ti!:�i_i':_- -__.. __.... __.::,'�,. .y::::.::1 ,�' �' B �IM� � . � .. _ ...._ ..; _�� � G I� (N � ( � � i � I � � � �, � �� � A , e A II ! I l� s� �� s �I J'' � � I I� I. � 1�.,.. _ � �_i: i' <._� ' � �>« � .�. , ��_-,�� _ _ _; � � �� � k �; - — - -- -!.�-' I lj L B� 1'-fi" —�+—�+-+�— 1'-M1" 48"x60" DouDte Door Alum. Nalch With Safery Chain Sleeves anU Railin95 PLAN R�m CL-�93a.0U'� ��� 4' ��-i sts• I G. of e• �1 v;pe, 7yp, EL �• 426.87' / I I � Floor fL=425.42' J �� 1'-5 3!8" Afum. L'nUdNf SeC SIIt, p5 Wi[h WdOCr Ap � � � J ii i_. J r � L J SECTION A-A 12"xi2' Sump (Drivew�y Catcb Basin) . I ^,_$., D ��_Z�� n�-� i.,4., x I..e., (4) per side IQ) Per Entl � , Mastic ]oin[ Sealan, 1" . �".. ContrJclor l0 ApP�Y� TYV� =� - - 70IIVT DETAIL D SCALE 1 / 24 � 1 I'��" �L —❑I' � i EF' �i 1.�9. ��i ��: �I a � �' ��-, 5�8" �j �� FI� I I: _ .!.._..._ .. . ..,�� . . . .. . ...... . .i - � i �,�, _�< � I �i � �� 5._5.. �- �-1 . ;.�; . � _I— . � �' �� i� �'- 3/s^ � l.- - - -- — ' � -- - -�� � �_._ ___. . _ ._ � .. - � -- _: •-,-_ .. � :�,;_._-a,�� ��Cl�:1CASlQNS. 1. Conaete: FcR7,000 Rsi �28 d3ys Z, ReWr: ASFM A-615 Grade GO 3. Desl9n: FSfM GS57 "Minimum StnKWral Design Loa�in9 !or Lln�erryrounU Recase Concrete Ueilliry Struceur�" 9. LO�dS: NLSH7'O H$-2O 5. U3tkf11 w4h gmnuWr free droining material (sanc� or �xa 9ryvel) free of 5[ones or cobbl�5 �tt:atcr thnn 4" In tlia. 6. i•loles corod to pan spedfica[bns. 7.:nstall IiA prior fo �ckfll. Noee: VauR ExterlW (6ottom & Wdlls) fo bC COate(1 vrith One Cont Series qGH-� t3 !ii-Build Tnemet-Tar. Cwocrete Exterior SoAace Sealer at Vauh Top, $uDMrt� anA Applietl by Othea. i � I �I_U I �--NOIC: Kno[kaRt Muve hCt�n Removed From [he Ba50 Pie[e. (3)�12"OCo:eU Holec j.,�•,. � ---.{ 1�,�•� for G' DI Pipe & Kor-N-Seal Ebots � I 12"x1Y' SumP iDriveway Catth Uusin) 2,�9. —�— 3•.6- —' ��.— 2��9• VIEW B-B reoxc,: Ll�oer[a� A.B�C 9tea¢ion Bu0 ft�A�fB d/AdIL'H' � � ��� a��wc srr pCq 6Tf-0Gt t.00Oa➢6lpt P.W P� �t�� (0 2017. Granha Prewsting E, Canc:r.tc. �nc. i��;� ■ � � r; ,il� '�n_ �.• '.,.�� ii.. s< < I12"x12" Sum t�fole I r��_ U_— _ �^'.'.' _"_-----..—....—� iii i' -"-� .._ .. ....... ....... ___.. .. _......._ _._. �;� � ro�<� I � �I i I � ;� i I •! � II I + __ '�.�li ' I � ; � �' � i « �r; I I I II I � ;l 1-------�------ — ��-....--..-_ =...— — _ .._ _. . —..- -.... ... . .. .. . L..------ -- PLAN G" . q�,G• _ 1 ]' — _) — .�� .... ... ... ....... . T � I r,.�, � �-) `O � � I _ _ �.�—� i� 4� �L) i _' _'�,-�-Ji 9' �0 � AS x 8•-8" Lg , 0 • F4 x 8,,8•, L9 � � 8" o.C. G1 l2" o.C. �:—w«., "��r` �r "" � ; �_ �-�..._ _�-.._ .-�--�= - =-r==�, -� il--�--�--I- j--f -- I----t--(- -'1-r- - il� I I f I I I I I 1j _j-p- -{- -I- -{ - �!- -I- - I- -4- -i- �-; . . f_f_ i.._ �. _ I I_ I I_I_ i.� _ � I I I 1 I I I I Ij ,..�_,_�__,_��._�_�_�_-�,- SI DE 9,� 1� Z..�.. - z,,��. _ �-9" [-- 9' ? �._��, ' I 7�-9^ I S.i(fing Pin Mchor vanerson LPn47a3nG (4) Placrs Typ. ]nside (4) Placzc 7yp. OuLsiAc (w Fam Removat �U - Jt4 [M:nt Onrs �— (,? 10" o.c. All Around. TYP• Adjust Ac Req'd For Haes i�. ( � ; I ��-,• � � . �I �U� � ua woriz. Bent GaR _ j T. io•• o.c. na�osi a aen d �- l'o Miss HoiPs (4)�Plau� I �„ 1'-�" Miil. Li 11 1 � ��_9,. 90 Nom: This Piccc is Cast UpslCcdown Nolc Knockouts a�e liemrn��1 for Bsse Piece '9 - s4 x 9'-8" Lg. (� V,' b.c. 9' � - 55 x b.�8• Lry. @ 0" o.c. I-I ( I-� I-l--�--�-;. il _i_ I� IT I TI �� _�_ ��. --- 3'�G' - ERfD L�AlJO.'Y' �{^ p� PIgCAeY1NG 1$� ��1�. i CIDYIQ�'fC @YL o __, memeaisiesi t-0nomo.�si r�ucvoma�saaco �~.�.��. i � i ��-5 5��. � � -_.�..� I(3)-]2"!9 Corec! noles fe�r fi" DI P�pe & Kor-N�Seal Geocs r-�. � �uilder� ...��.. �i �e. ` , i ;. � ��a �� �c.'';� �i i� v �� t'� " �?4;. � " Al t 9. I i: � � i i. � I � :-.. _. . —...— .�-.--. �.—..— -_. � . ._._. _ __. .- ..- ._- ... .. . y'_ —"-_-- _... l._ '__ .. _ .. _._. ._.. .._. . .- . --. .: ...� --�'—�_J 48`xGU" lbuhtc lbor Alum. Hacch 1� WN� Safety Chain Sleevc�: anU Raillnps �-^ ���6 � �JO - FS x 8'�8" Lg. Ca� 12" a.c. Plus (3)-Each Side of Hatth Access Cu� a5 FiM1'd fpr MdlCh A[tCSS �jp - Jt7 z 9'-8" Lg. im T' o.c. - Rotate Rebar A5 Plus (3)-Eac� Sule of Hatc1� Accas Req'U to Mi55 Nalch � CUC as Req'A (or I1atCli Ac[ess q..8�. .���-�- I-�`---a�9�� — -F1-- I— -F —I_ -+i- — — -li� ^ ���J 11 � ,� _��_* „ � --.lL� 1_I-1L���11 Knockout� �,.�,. x I,,B„ (4) per side (4) per End �� A9 x 3'�2" L9. � 10" e.c. (5)-Per Siae Between Knockwts Lilting Pin Anchor PJttCiSon i-PA4T434G (9) PIBCCS Typ. A�K3.0"l9 @ Ht�lch Corrier� I 9U - 714 Ben[ Bars (J.}Each Side o[ KnockouCs and (�? 10^ o.c. Between Knockouts All Around, 7yp. p� LS x 8'�8" L9. @ 12" o.c. PIuS (3)-Cuc� Sitle of Hatch Access Cul as Req'd for liatch Access 0� � r7 x 8'-8" L9. C� 7• o.c. 1 7�7� 1" Plus (3}[ach Side o( Natch ncass ��j� Ge�r Cut as Rcry'tl for Hntc� Acttss � � �_F-^ T' � ., __ — , --._.._. l- ..__. ..._ iL L..._..�._.I.._.._.1...._11 .--- �.... ' � --� I� I 1 � II.-�-�-_i _ (----I+--I--�--'t--1=_it---If- . � f I �`- � �,_t. � � ;� 1{. _ � _;. — �-- .µ � i i ....-.._1L.--�-.-�--_ _:...-L11-�--�-.�.�... _.._� � �,�- ���� ? �A4 Bent ears Pef Comer n t0" o.c. 4D - r.a hlonz. ! 6enc [3ars {4)�P�aces 3 13CCwP.en Kn0(k0u5 1. 9.. Min. Lap �n 40 : M1 r. 4'�!" L9. (�7 :0" o.c. .r EnQ lieM�een KnoCkouCc �q (� pt�cwmmts � Cl��r BCmV�TE1NL Pcmn»am� isoumo�J+��s.weme��aaw tlaLP P�■ �t i f � � ., �� � ,. r::S ■ , �� � .<.::i _ 1�,q�� �,� � 1. 1,� i — ,.... .---- ----� --' 2" ; .. .... ...... ...... ..... ..... _.__ _.� ; I . i � �. I � I I i. 1._q�. ( � � I I I. , ... ....... ..._.. _........ ._. ....� ....... ._, _ �. �, Z.. pLAN �+---1 4 M I I )" � 9,. �,_�,. I I 1 —L 1 J I I `� I I. . I � I I � SIDE G"0 Kiwckout I4)'Places, TYP. ���� (DRNEWAY (i1Tp18A51N) ����OY��yD I 1,�••� I � i I i� �! I — —� I ; � I I I.. I I END PLAiV C���� � 5J8" Concmlc nnchors, l"y;>. -- 3" �+ 13 � IT ��_^.� 1"0 Run,c,5 � (1)�SR�. C� l2" o.c. �• 7• � 9/1G"0 Hoics � for Mchar Botts, 7yp. .. 1 -- + �s$° � �1� 5/8.' Concrcle MChon, Typ. J � 3" i ELEVATION �� A'I'E � �"�� p�leftamf f�/M%�R�ort.PJW SfDE Noles: L LdUtler to [k FaU�icated From Atwninum 7, Lnader Mas[ Mcc[ Cons[ruttlon RepuiremCnLv of AN51 A153 Notc: Knockouc� �re RCKnoved i��"� ■� �� . t � Yt�� ts -�5�, r� Y ±� U., v� � G. Jl ��� �� ���� ����tl���9� BAR NAME �E�CRxVRON Sizc/$ource a REQ'D 4Dt »413ent Rebar l=4'-j"x24" 4: aU2 xA fient RCbar L•=8'�8" x 24" 1G 501 a5 StraigRC RcUar B'-8" ').2 .. ,• � ��y ��� ,� :�� .� ► i . ; 1 :��:� {�������� anR NnME OESCRIPTION Sixe/Sourte fx REQD 4D1 LA Oent Rebar L�.�.q.-3"x7.9" 5� 902 �19 f3ent Rebar L�=8'-8" x 24" 1G 407, 404, & 405 Fq Sfrai9ht ReWr 3G",3'•2",�'-4" 4,8,8 4QG A4 80nc Rebar Lu1'3" z 8" 1G SOl A5 Stra�9ht Reb3r 8'-8" 15 701 77 Sttal{�h: ReOar A'�8" 19 Noles: 1: Typicat A57M A-615 Giade 60. 2: WelUable Dar Per ASfM A70G, Grade GO As Req'tl. 3: Au rel�ar OimcvisioM aro Oucsiae [o Oursiac. 4: fir�.nd Di,�m„�,(�;, Min. L'� C3 Ba� = 2 1/4"W Min. 19" Y4 ti�r � 3"0 Min. Z�" t5 Dar - 3 3/4"f9 Min. 2G" FG Bar = 4 lf2"0 Min. 31" r.� &,r � S 1/4"0 Min. 36" p8 Bar =: G"0 ML�. 4G' 401 40'l. 403 4� Jt4 BCnt ReDer n4 &��t Rebnr n9 SUaig�t ficbar .rq S[raigM Rebar (94) • RCq'd (32) • Rcq'd (4) - Req'tl (9) - Req'4 � � I I 2M1" 2T' 4" 36 � �� ZY � �-} ___ t _ I � C�_.T� j I ji L �,_3.,� B�_8.,� --.._.._._I C' � �OS �50G J�4 Svui�hc Rebar u4 Strai9ht Rebor (8)' Recl'� (16) - Req'� I 9 �,� 8� I �._3. � I _ ______. _—_ _..-..—.—i SOI i t5 Straght Rebar f (37) • Req'U � � 8,,$'• � I 1 � _�_� i 70t x7 Straiqhf Rebar (19) - RP.q'0 � �8 8 � � I I � ��6G ��� WG VAl P pOW OTi-00a� ��OO�YO6E6lt IAL00mOTt�Ol00 � ` t Y [i I/ r . � ;:.,y } ` , l ...: r f ` $ :.i �f tii ���i 1 ': , • < : 3 ,. 1 � . , . .. ::. � -•i. ,. >> .a 7"0 Holc 3"� P.Y.C. FOr BooC ��-� -r= \ ��� S . �V� f p 1� _ �� --� � A I'':�_'.�;___�___I '—�__ j,b, ----- — Ii EI. � 43U,��� I � 3�m r.v,c. I rA }lqle r� .� � p: .,� i Far 6�iat I {2)'12"0 Ho�es I 13'- 1/16" G' I Fw �� F � I--- --------1-� � _--_— _'__— I � � �iIZ� � iZ)�tz'n Ho�cs For 6" 41. Pipc k3oott p1ff Hoist Sockci Casl /� I I � T intp Top Sla� /� � I I I � � � Socket .SuppliixJ By Othcrs. VEfil_FY I�TTON � I I i I '-� � 6~ ! � �8 � I � ( � , �, �._�., Rim LL 43..00' 26° �� !� I( I I bp �/__ —'.-1— 3'-G' 76" r� ria�'''""""""��� l..y.. For Boot � \ � . ' ' _ I� �� ^__ — ]2"0 P.V.C. . '� � � � i GO„rH,i'• DouUle Door h1�2(1 Ningc This Sidc � J Alum. Hal[h �i[h Alum, &ifety Chain An0 Grate. - 2'�6" 7'-G" OUOR Ti�ht 3 5.5. Ancl�ors 1ncluAeA 7•-I 9/1L" H3lch to Drain C�R. � y' __'_ I I L�__ PLAM1! _�------�—� L 2'-n 7lt6" 16 0 Hole - For 9oot �� l � �,. 3� � __ , �- i , � I g_�. 12"OVVC �.�„ � I �e,nzi.on I I � � ��--�r---�.:.._._... _-vc-- -------__----- r -� i io•m i� pSt2' vzew �,-�. SCALE 1/48 Q EL = 42G.87' I � � � �.. � � i DETAIL B SCALE 1 24 wr EL: 4I6.50' Notes: - Interior Coating By OChers - Coai Tar Exterior Coating, Sottom and Walis. - Concrete Shaping at Bottom Excluded - �avit Sieeve Suppied by Contractor and Cast in By GPC. - Ladder and Ladder up Excluded. �� l&� 8� NG _ oem osuma> >saoamooe� e.w pem mf aYnn Mectc or f:xceeAs WSDO7 StA wan 8� t5.G0-00 Manho�es CoinlruRed in ACCordance With ISTM � Rubber Gasket Conforms to ASfM C-Mi3 Polyp:opyiene MH Steps COnlomi ro ASl'M C-�78 -uv�xcr�s: �OP AAB: u" - 14,000 lbs RISH2; - S,XJD IbyR 60.Y 9AB 12" • 18,9001bs OINVCf�TE: FG: 4,00p p9 @ 2S DdyS Fr 7,000 psi @ 7S Days for tid FQIVFORQNG: Wd�l Nhre FabrC: ASTM A497 Retsr: ASIM nG15 Gade EO TopSlab: Q20 Sq in/Re.w, mii. Ri�r: O.Si `,.q inJlin R min 3ase 9ab: 0.70 Sq inJft �w. min PlPE P8N EIRATfONS: ai ndc� o«+� ay ou,ers �n ne F�a S1TE PREPARATION: Cor4rdQcr D� est�tish I�vd �J'a� p'ior Co �Gitz� to�e pi�e �' a tdennceof ]J4" [0 3�8„ E7 2012 GraMee PrecasUr.q E� Cor.crece, : �i t i .r: t ��. � �7y?�: 1� .,�. i � � � � �il wet weU � Q° Q � Q° 8x3 Mv vault � �° �° PLAN VIEW r- Run E�: 434. W' ESO VIEW Layout For Verify of PipeS Lini�q Up � �II ��� a c�iirc n�� aem cr�am: ,momo.m�, .wn aem c>,mou ;'i•%'£�::::Ct: :�_'�iprs�"i Lr:.� � � ��, � �i�" ��"°.. a �� t.� �� ,�r .�'- ���t _ ,C_ =1 '!', ;�; _ } ... � �:i; :i; ; �i; �,: ' ;;� e Up fo 4�0 Nm of protection in only one coat, eliminating intercoat adhesion problems of 4wo-coat coaltar epoxies • Low temperature curing e One-coat application significantly reduces labour COSfS 0 5uperior application by airless attd conventional spray o For #anklining, imrrzersion or non-immersion service • Suitable for waste treatment plant service Typicaf Uses Marine structures, piling, bilges, ballast tanks, crude oii and cargo/ballast tanks, ships bottoms; pipe coating and lining; industrial coating in power planis, oil production and refining p[ants, sewage treatment plants. �ining for immersion in crude oil, salt solutions, and fresh or brackish water or seawater. Outstanding Characteristics Ainercoat 78HB6 is a coalfar epoxy which dispfays exceptional application versatiiity, for use varying from cold to hot climates. It can be easily applied in one coai at a thickness of 400 Nm or more. Alternatively, two coats a# 200 �rm or three at 125 um may be applied, if required by specification. These features, combined with its high soEids content and broad spectrum of water and chemical resistance, provide in Amercoat 78HBB a durable, high performance and economical coating. Amercoat 78HBB is suitable for use over both steel and concrete. Systems using Amercoat 78HBB Amercoat 78HB 6 normafly does not rsquire a primer or a��y additional topcoats. In the event that a holding primer is required, Amercoat 71 may be used. If an inorganic zinc silicate is required as primer, Amercoat 71 has to be applied on the Dimetcote to serve as a tiecoat between primer and topcoat. (For both immersion and non-immersion services). Application Data Summary For complete information on procedures, equipment and safety precautions, see application instructions. Amercoat 78HBB must be applied as recommended to obtain maximum performance. SURFACE PREPARATION/EQUfPMENT - Refer io applicatian instructions for Amercoat 78HB6 as well as application instructions for primer and intermediate coat(s}. `� �. � �� . ^ t �,� f � �' - � ,A;, Coaltar �poxy Amercoaf 78HB is used in USA Physical Data Finish ..................................... lov� sheen Colour ............._...................._ black, darkbrown Substrate ............................... steel or concrete Components .......................... 2 Curing mechanism ................. sc4vent retease and chemical reaciion belween companents Vo(ume solids ........................ 77% (ASTM D2697, modified)' VOC ....................................... 23% by weight / 330 g/l Dry fiim thickness ................... 400 �m per coat Number of coats .................... 1 Caicuiated coverage .............. 1.93 m�li at 400 Nm Aliow for appfication losses, surface irregularities, etc. Application methods ._....._.... airless or conveniional spray Potlife (at 21°C) ..................... 4 haurs Drying times (at 21°C) dry to repair ......................... II hours dry to handle ........................ 1S hours fulty cu�ed ............................ 10 days Potlife and drying times are dependent on temperature and quantities mixed. Environmental conditions are critical for this cfass of coatings. 5ee application instructions. Mixing ration (by volume} resin ..................................... 4 parts cure ..................................... 7 part Thinner/cleaner ...................... Amercoat 65 Specific gravity ....................... 1.49 kgll Flash poinfs (Closed Cup) resin ..................................... 27°C cure..................................... 24�C Amercoat 65 ........................ 24°C Packaging resin ..................................... 16 I in 20 I can cure ..................................... 4 I in 5 I cari Shipping weight resin ..................................... approx. 34.6 kg cure ..................................... approx. 5.3 kg Shelf life ................................. 2 years from shipment date when stored indoors in unopened, original containers at 5 to 40°G. ` Volume solids is measured in accordance lvith AS7M D2697 modified. Slight variations ± 3% may occur due to colour and tesFing variances. AC78HBBp — R10/04/2002 supersedos R21101148 Safety S:ncz improper use and handing c�n 6� Razardcus Io h2alth and c2u�e fire cr exp'.osion, safcty orec2u!lons ir.duded v.;th applicatlon inslruc;ions must ba observzd dunrg all storage, ha:W;�ng, use 2rd drying penods. To avoid any conhrsion lha[ may arise through trens'a6on into other 12nguages, the Engs.ish version cf tha Prodact 6ata!App!icai�on inslruc6ons w::l he LF:e gove;ning literature and musl ba rcterced to in case of dc•.�aticns v,ith preduct lilerature in olhzr Ianguagss. Warranty AmzronwarranLs its producls to be free Irom detec.s in matena! aad �voricmanship. Ameron's sWe obtigations ar,d Buye's exdusive remedy in connecuon �yitY� the products shaJ be Ifmited, et Ameroii s optlon, to either rep!acement of prafucts no; contorming to this warranty ar uedit to Buyers accouM in Ihe invoicstl amount of ihe nonccrterm[ng producfs. Any da�izi ontlsr tris v+arranry must Ce made by Buyer lo Am�ron in wrting erilhirt fi��e (5) days o� Bupers oiscovery of tii2 Gaimed defecl, bat in no event later than lhe expiratian o( Ihe applicable shHf lite, or one year Lom the delivery dale. ��hichever is eadier. 8uyefs fa�!ure to notify km=ten of such nencon(crmence 2s requirea I�.ere�n sh:aA 6ar B�yer frcm rccovery ur,dzr this v2rtanty. Ameron makes no other warrantEes conceminfl the producf. No othet x�arra�ties, vrhether exp�ess, Impiied, ot statotory, sucb as wananties of mewhantability or fitness for a particular peirpose, shap apply. In no event shall Ameron be liable tor conseyuentiat ot ificidental damayes. Any re�mmendaGon or su9pes�on re!ating to the u;e of the products mado by Ameron, v�heiher in i1s tscfirticaf I:terature, or response �o speufic enyui,y, or ofhervrise, is 6ased on tlata be'izved to be rHiah!e; hcwrevc:, the products znd infctmaGon are intended for use by Buyers having requisite :rti!! and knovr•hav in the industry, and therefore i1 is 8:ryer m sa5s y itse:f of the suitabi!ity of the produc!s for its o•.m particuzr use and it shali be deemed that 8uye: has dc^e so, as i;s so!e discretien and risk. V2tiation tn env�ronmertt, chan9.:s in procedures of usa, or extrapo?a5on of data may cause unsatisfactory resWts. Limitation of Liability Ameron's tiabiliiy on 2ny Uaim oF any kind, inciuding cla�'ms basa4 upon Ameren`s neg!i9ence or slrict liah�!ily, for any loss ar tlamage e!is�ng ou! ot, connzcted vr.th, cr fe5u1tin9 flOm Ihe u5e O( lh¢ produClS, Shalt in no Case ezc�ed !ne purchase price a!�ocable ro the preduds or part thereo! y;hich give nse to'.h2 cla:m. ln no evenf sha'I Ameron be tiable for consequenJ2F w incid2ntaf dam2ges. Conditions of Sale AI! our transadions are su.�r',ect to cur Terms and Condi;ions of Sa!e. Performance Coatings & Perlormance Coatings 8 Performance Coatinc�s & Per?ormance Coatings & � Finishes Ewope Finishes/USA FinisheslAusUalia Finishes/New Zealand ��E�Q� +(31) 345 587 587 +(� � 678 393 0653 +(61) 2 9421 8000 +(&4) 9 573 1620 �..«....�a,,, v±vnv_�tneron-bv.com vrtnv.ameroncoatings.com ti:�vw.ameron.com.au v:vay.ameron.co.nz � . : _ ._.. #F . , � ...�x , � ..»: ..;:.�.� �:.�___� y��������:_ _r,,:: �::.:. .,�.�,� �:. ,� ��,}-�-:_ - - _ - - � ..� � i • ' ' f/ t 'J/ �.�:>_,_.�x.�.�_ �.��_:,.J<..__;:,, w. � ..;: _ �_��_:F-�.�:����.�--�.L:�•=_ .. �>--.._ � a�:_ �:,�.,�.__. -.r.,,M_��.�- � � �:.�_�_�.�.�=. --- � � ��� ����� ����0������ ���i��������� � Protectiott in only one coat, eliminating intercnat adhesion problems of ri��o-coat coal-tar epo�irs �(hle-coat application for significantly reduced labor costs 0 Sei��erior application l�y F�irles�s aiid conventio��al sl��ra�� ° i'Ol' iflil� �II1111S�T, llllll](;]'SIOlI Ol' 1]ORIl711IlL'1'S1UCl S0i'PlCE o Suitable for �vaste t►•eatment plant sei•vice Amcrcoat 78I-IB displays e�ceptionall.p��ISeation vcrsatility. ��sity appliecf in one-coat thick��esses of 7 6 inils (400 microi�s) or more. Alternativelp, t��ao co�ts at 5- 8 mils (125 - 200 microns) each may� be applied if requireci by specification. 'I'hese features, cumhined with its high solids content and broad spectrum of water ancl chemical resistance, provide in Amercoat 78H(3 a chn�able, high performance, eco�iumical coat.ing suitable fi�r use o��er bot}i steel ancl concrete. Typical Uses ivtarine structures, piling, bilges, ballasttanks, erude oil cargo/ballast tlnks, ship i�ottoms; pipe co�iting ancl Iining; indush•ial cnating in po�ver plants, oil production aizd refi�3iiig plants, ���astewater Creatment plan�.s. I.ining fo►- intermittent or COl11:1I1110US 1111111Ct'51011117 CPIiCI(; Qll, salt. solutions, and fi-esh oi- hj•�ckish t�rater or seawatei: Systems Using �4mercoat 78Fi6 Physicai �ata l�inish Cnlor C:aulponents Curulg mec,haniszn Volume solids (AST\�i D2�i97 uiodified) llry iiltn thickness per co�t Coats 7'heoretic�i co��er��ge 1 mil (`L� micron5} 16 mils (400 microns} VOC muced i��i�ed/ti�inned (1 pVgal) '1'eroperature resistancc ���y �,Teutral salt solutions Ft•esh �vater I-1ash ��oint (SETA) cw•e resin Aniercoat.l2 fUnercoat 6� Amerco�t 101 Flat 131ack, red Soh�c�nt releast and chemical reaction betrveeii components 78%+ 3% 16 mils (400 microns) i't'/gal 1250 78 1 b/gal 1.) `L.:i �r 30U 160 1h0 a�. l42 1`L7 2 78 145 Amercoat 78H1.i normally does ��ot rec{uire a pricner or <iny additional topcoats. In tl�e eveut � l�oldin� priiner is rec�uii•ed, Amercoat 370 i3�ay be used. Di�netcote" can he used �s a primer for A�nercoat 781 Ii3 �vhen the cathodic protection provided by an inorga��ic �inc is rec{uit•ed. Por inunersion ser<<ice, Amercoat 370 is recommencled 1s a t.iecoat betl��een Dimetcote and rl�nercuat 78H13. Syste;ns i�sing Amei•coat 78Hi3 '�'onirsimersion $plasl�/Spitlaoe SVstem Inunersion Pumes AmercoaG 7b1313 Pe.s Yes :��icrcoat 370/Ai��ercoat 78t-tE3 Yes Yes Dimetcote9Series/�unercoat7SflLi \0 1'es Dimetcote 9 SerieslAmereoat 370i r\mercolt 7S13t3 Yes Yes Application Data :1E�plied urer Surface E�rep�ration 1'ritner �7ethod m�/1_, 30.0 1.9 g/I. 228 3U0 �C 1�0 7'l E,0 °C 61 �3 -l7 2� 63 Preparecl or primed stecl or concrete ;�lirasive btast or acid etch Dimetcute 9 Sei-ies, :�mercoat 370 ,4irless ot• com entional spra}r P9ixin� ratio (I�y volui�ie) 1 part cu�•c to 19 parts resin Pot life and dry�ing rimc depcndent on tempertiEure. F:nvironmemal condiaoiis are critica! for this class of coati�3g. 5ee npplication iitsuuctions. Pot lifc (huurs} 'F/'C 9Q/3'L �Ol`L1 S0/10 'L 4 3 Gnviironment2l conditioi�s 'leny�ei•at�re air sw•face material 'P 'C 40 to 122 � fo iif) 4Q to 7 20 1 to 49 SO to 100 10 to 38 Surtace temperature must lae at teast �'i' (3°C) abu��e cte:tv point to pre��ent coudensation. .\'ote: For »trrxinuurr btdlr! ttrtd ease of applira tiat, air surJ'ace ruu! u�crt ericd t entperat ure shoteld be TD Io 70 F(� 1 to 32 °C). Iligher or lou�cr tenrperatru-es nuiy require spra� teclnaiqne modfrcatrar. P-r i ci G t f � ' l ( � � ' � Surface Preparati�n Coating perform•r.nce is proporlional to ihe degret; afsurfar,e preE�:�rat.ian, Prio3- to coating, all surface must l�e ct�;an, dry and ti•ee of' all co�tt<unina�its, including saft deprrsits. Stee1- ��Veids sl��ould be coittiuu�,us �+ith no s�ip-«�elds on o��erL•ipging steel surfac<s. \ni�uumersinn - �e��� steel �ti idtoiit pits or depression: abrasive blast, SSPC-SPF. Pre� iatisly O1171tf,(I OI' i]1t�C(1 SICCL' iiLlE'fl51YC blast. SSPC- Sl'10. Iuni�ersioF� -13last all steel SSPGSI'l0, as a niinimuin. t3last to a 2-�� mil (50�- 100 nucrons) profile xs detei�7ined ���ith a Keane=tator Surface Profilc Comparator or a similar device. Ftc:mo� e abrasiac: rr.si�tue or dust from stu�fac.e. Gonerete - I.iglu lbrasire i�tast to remo�-c; <cll pre� ious coatings, ci�alk: .tnd surfxcr. gl�tze or lair<ince. tf i�fastir�g is not possible, acid etch uncoetted cc�ncrete to obt�in a �112e-free si�rPaee with a slighily granular tC\IUL'P,. IZIII.Sf; �vith clea�i �rltee• and �tllo�a to dry thorounhly.:lFter blasting or xcid etching, filt ail sniall holes ot- ��oids ���ith material such �is:�E�-Klaci ` 17 4:� filler corn��owid. Diiueteote �- Su�•face uiust be clean anc! di��. Remo��c an�� cont.�mi- nation or curing resictue. lf surtace is glazed, s�ti�eep 131ast to eoughen. T3efnre topcoatino refer to d�e specific Dimetcote.ipplic,ation instruc- tions for drying time and uther rec�uirements. :�'ole. -For immersion seraice, .4mercoat 370 primcr r�rast be used us cr ticcoat orer• Dimetcot�� before a pp(yiitg Aniercoa! 781113. Amercoat 37(3 prin►er - SEu•f��ces must be drq and fi�ec of ali cuntai�ii• nation. Refer ta:�merco�t 370 BiJjJItClTtOl11115iCLiCLlOIIS fU2' (II'�'1R�; ai�ct CLLCtilo illlleS. Lnportarit -Apph� Amercoaf 7�Y!(D as soat as possiblr af t�r stzrfucc preparalion. I)o �tot leat�e GIClSIB(I S1Y.BI1IRCUCifC(� DI!81'71I[fl1l. It7 C((SC'OflCCOItfQAt- intuion, ren:oz;e roirtamiirants. Spot blaststeef ifneeded. Application Equipment "i'hc follo�ving is a guida Suitable ec�uipmc:nt fron� otl�er munufacfurers ma}' be used. C:lianges in pressure and tip size may bc needed to achie�re t}�e proper spra�� characterisrics. r1u•Iess spray -Standard ec{uipment, ���itii 30:1 ptunp ratio or tar�e�; «1th a O.Ois- to O.U2 t-inch (0.46 to 0.69 mrn) fluid tii�. Conventiona) 5pr1}�- Indush�iaE equi��me�it such as DeVitbiss �tI3C oi• JGA or Rinks 7 8 or G2 spray gtut. A pressure material pot ���ith a n�oisture and oii trap in the main 1ir st.�pply line a�•e essentinl. Separate pressure regulators for air an<I fluid �xessure 1re recommended. Po�i�er mixe►• - Jif�,y ��fixet• po�i�ee•ed by air or ex��losion-proof electric moto�: Propeller-type mixiug head is satisfactory�. Application Procedu�e :lmercoat 7833B is packaged in the 2)t0�)t'C �)t'Uj)01'f1011S 11'I11CI1 illlFS[ I)8 mixed together before use. 1. T%(ush ec{uipmeni �i�ith Amercoat 7 2 cleaner bef'orc use. 'L. S[it• �-(:Si11(p[atti[ �i[ed 171�tte�-ial) «idt a po�ver nii�er to an e<<en CO[1SIStY.I1C4�. 3. :ldd cure (clear solution) to i�esin and c��ntinue stirrina for fi��e I171R111CS. Pot lifc (hours) ��;��� )Q/3'Z �0121 5{l/1(3 :L'ote-Do not mi.r �riore mrrterinl Uui�r uill brr usr�rt mithin pct lrj�r. lfiyl�er terapery utum.r sttorteu pot li(e. �. Thiiuiing is itornially tlot rec�tiired �elieil lisiiig 1i�-tess spi•ay equipment, :i. For coitvencio��ai spray, Ehin only as aiec�ssai-�� for ��-orkability. Use ll�l TO OI1C ]]II1C:ti111C1'C01f C)J OC I�YI LI1IRi1C1' j)cr �ailon of mised coating. 6. Apply in eaen, parall�l passes t-vitlt 50 percent overlap. Immediately foilo�ti� �� ith cross-spi•ay passes to obtaii� a cui�tinuous film �a�thout bare spots, }�inhotes, or holidays. 7. Doubfe-coat all«�elds, cornet�s, sharp ednes, ri��ets and bo{ts, rougti spots, etc. R. A 20.5 mil (520 micro�i) wet fihn thickness u�ill normaily ��ro��ide 7 G mils (400 microns) of dry� filin. 9. Check thickness of [Lti� but unr,tu•ed coatinn �«tE� a nondestructive o1U�0, SLICIl 1S �'Il�:l'OiCSt Ol' L1CO111CIC1'. I� �I11CI�I1C55 IS I�SS tI7Ft11 specifiecl, appty additional material as necded. Allo�vable thickness r�nge is 8 to'LO �nils ('L00 ta 500 microns}, depending u��on ser�-ice. 10. Por a pinhole-free coating, check continuih� of c€iy but uncinr.d coating �tith a nondeshlEctive holictay detectvr s��ch as 1'inker and Hasor �4odo1 A]'/1�1r at �p��rozimazcly� 2300 ��olts. ftep�ir hy brushing Atnercoat 78H13 o�°er affected areas. 11. Apply additionxl material to corrcct film thickness and replir i�inholes or damaged areas. See Recoat and Repair Scheclule. The sw•facc must bc cican and ctr}� �vhc:n repair coat is applied. ] 2. IFisidc tanks, pipes and other canfined areas, ��entilate diu•ing ap}�lication anci curinn to remo��e sol��ents. I.3. C,�P,i31t 1I� Q(�lll�)RtP,ll�, LVItI3 :'1�nercoat 12 cleanci• immediatol�� afrer completion of �vork. Getied Amerr.oat 78f-I13 «�ill p(cig sprag eciui��ment. %sr�a �cs��� �::�-. z o�,. Curir�g Can be etposed to mosE atrnosl�heric condiTions as soon as sufficiently hard to witl�stand the h��ridling required. Can be ii�imersed in ���1ter ��t�hero abrasio�� is not c,ritical, such as in sltips' ballast tanks or bil�es, after 72 houis at 70°P (21°C) Full ciu•e, s��laere rnaxi�num c.heruical oi• abi•fisic�n resistance is requireci, takes 10 clays ��t 70°1� (Z] °C}. rVo1e: DryfttJ and curiu� times nre clepeurleut vu tenrperrcture and tltir.k,iess ojcoari�r,y. Recoat and Repair Schedule 1•Vhen t�vo caats are specifieci or f'or repair, apply additionxl:lmcrcoat 'f �i'� �� \l'li�llt11�18 5j)CCI�ICC� C�!'1�lilo tli]ICS �O E11SLI1'G �)COpL'.f [1(��1CS10i1. :111otiti� no more than si� hi>urs uf iotal suntight esposiu�e before recoating. I'roiect against rai�a, moistm•e or condensation. Oihen��ise, intercoat acihesion mZy� be impaired. lf tl�e tnaximui�l �-ecoat timc. has br.c�i� e�ceeded, roughen st�rf'<zce b� brusll blastin£; l�efore cuatin�. 41'iiere ma�:imum chen�ical or Zbrasion i•esistance is i•equired, tlie coatii�g must be fuliy cured ar,corcting to the sched�ile. '1'hese times at•e foi• a thickness of 16 miis (4Ci0 microns).1-'or nrr,acer thickness, atlow additional timc. Drying znd ct�re times (AS"I'\1 ll1640) `P/'C 90/32 70/27 :i0/i[) touch(hours} 3'/ C'f 72'/ througti (hours) 10 15 % 4S eecoat bua�imum, hoursj 12 24 72 c:ure before servir,e (day�s) 4 1 C1 28 +vater imiuersion (minimiui3, d<tvs) 3 chemicatresistauce(minimum,ci<��s) 10 Dryiny fintes are depen dent at nir ancl siu face lemperahu ns tts rcell aSfiGn thick�2ess, aetttilation atd relative hrunidily. ,llrarinuun rerontiny lirrte. is hi�trl� rlepnndcat upon actrrul st�rf[rce t e»q>errttum.s - nnt sirnpl f anrbient air tempera- I717'f?S. SIO'f(!CC IC!)!�)CI'Gt1l1'C$ SllOIfICI bC lT1011IL0)'Lcl, especia/li� t��ith srat-ez7�osed or othertcise Iteuted surfaces. tligher surfiice te�ri perlru�es slrorten t/re 7R(!SlA2l(117 ICLY1Qi !1'!7!(�011? �afiety Precau�ians Read ear.h compcx�ent's matcrial safety data shef�t i3efin�e mi�ing. ��ti�ed maEeri�l has hazarcls a`'each component. Safety �>recat�tions must be sCrictly follonmd cluring stot�s�c, handiing and use. CAU"TIU�7 — Impi•oper iisc and Itt�ntlling of't1�3s protlttr,t cat� l�r. hazardous to lietitth and cause fire or ex��losiou. Do not use this producf �vit[�out first takiug all aPpropriate saPety measures to pa•e��er�i pi•opc�rty datnage 1tic1 iiij�u•ies. "I'i�ese met�sures may include, tieiti�out Iimit2ti1011: 1111[IICIl1L'Il1Hil0A Of� proper veniilt��ion, use of proE�er 3anips, �ve�uvig of proner protecti�re clothing and masks, teutiug ae�d proper separation of applicr+f-ion eireas. Consult F�our superti�isor. Proper vetitilation and profecti��e n�easiares musl be Ix•a��id�d diEriug applictttion .�nd drying to lteeit spray �itiSlS 8l1(1 �'ili)Ol' CUI1L'BE1CP311UI1S 1�71Ii111 Sii�C limifs and lo proteet agauist toxic liazards. Aecessai•y ss�fel,y equipmeni mF�st be used a�ad �=enEilatian requireutents ca��t:full,y oi�serveci, especially in canliEied ot• enclosect sp�tces, such as fank intcriors and buildiiigs. 'Fhis piroduct is to be used by t{�ose k��owledgeabte about proper apglfcation methods. I'PG makes ijo recommenciltion about the. tti'}3P,S qCSlfCly 111P.i1SIITCS lll3i lllfly �ieed to be actopted because these tiepend on app(ication eu��ron�nent 1nd space, of �s�hich PPG is una���are and over �vhicii it iias �io control. If �rou clo not fully tmdersianct these �ti�arnings and insiructiovs or if you cannot stricQ}� comply 4ti�ith then�, do not use tl�e prociucE, i�ote: Considt Code of I� ederai Rc:gulations Title 29, [ abor, parts 1910 aacl 1915 concerning occu��atiunal safetl' 1nd health staitdards and re�ularions, as �vell as an� other applicab)e federll, state and local regulatinns on safe practices in coating operations. This produci is for� professiotirrl rrse onfy. A'o( for resicleatia! rtsn.. Peo�3a , 7£J-'cPCS'!i Di-��ing and c��re times (�1S'I'i��f D1640} `F/°C 9U/32 �0/21 :i0/10 toticllp�ours} 3��z 6��� 12'iz throuah (hot�rs) 1O ] 5 ��z 48 reco<Ft(maairmun, hours) 12 24 72 cui•e before se�•vice (day�s) 4 10 28 tia�ate�• immersion (minimum, days) 3 chemicai resist�{nce (minimum, da�rs) 10 Uryrny 1 inies rere ctepc ndL�rrt on c�ir ruid surftrce tenq�eraU�res «s rr. eU us flnt fkickness, CG'!I(llCllfl117 fU7(I !'C�CtI(CL' IiflO7!(Ili(f. :S([7.YI!»(lIt71'C'CO[t(Uifj I!!12(? FS II! fllitf dependent upon artunf surface temperatures -�ra1 sinrpl+� mnbierrt air tent p<rratzeres. ,tiurjacc temperntures s/im�tcl Ge trtatitored, especia(1� u ith sturerposed or otherrr,isr. Irec�lt'rl surf'pcea�. Ifi�hCr sr�rjru�e (Q177))Bf (1if(;Y tiI101'I(.'11IIiG Il1O.TU7GU771'L'CR(lI 111Ut(I0t0. '['llinner Amercoat 65 or 10"I ]:quipii�ent cic�anf,r '1'hinner or �UtiercoaY 12 Ship�ing Data Packaging units 1 gal :i gal ciu•e '�z-pt can l-c{t can resin 1-gal can 5-gal can Shipping �veigl�t (approx) lb kg 1-081 U11tt CIFI'0 .J .� resin 1 `L.6 :i.7 �-gal unit cure 2.�k 1.1 resiil G2.5 2�.4 Shelf Life �vhe�i stored indours at 40 to 100°l� (4 to 38°C) cure and resin i year fi�om shil�mea�t date \umerical ��alucs are sttbject to uormal ntan�tfacturin� fulernnces, color �ind tcsliitg varitcnces. Allow for applicatio�� Insses and surfacc i;�rc�ilaritics. Sec. xpplictuion instructioi�s fm-complele inPormatiun and safet}� prr.c�iirtions. '1'iiis mised product is photocl�eiuicaily i•cactiee as deCuieQ Uy the.5'outli Co.is[:\ir Qiialitt� lfanagement Dish-ict's Rule 102 or r.c;uiraie�r.t regulatioas. ° � PPG Protective & IViarine Coatings One f'PG Place, Pittsbttrgh, Pi\ 15?i2 •'1'eh ;Q003 441-9695 tvtivw.Pp�p�nc.co�n 7L.ti3 F��S'iJ F2y� 4 0': 4 �� A7 PF'�,1�,1�5tr".;s • pr,n; �+ i� U.S.A. •�i t t iQl s�o� s:sics R°%R3 � T[�ELLE6�R� EMGlNEERED SYSTEMS f" : ; . � r � f i �_. 5 � ' _ � s . � I j • '• F � '' t " f 3 , -- , . ,' f .,_ ...- .� �-�.J • `� ��: `�. .. �. , � , _-, r � - _ --s �. . ; ; = � r ", �"' 3 4 .�_ "4 . �:.;- � . - .:.. ._ . . .�.. �,:. l t,. --='S } � --' PERFORMANCE Performed on all standard sizes of Kor-N-Seai Connectors. Test ASTM Methad Hea6 Pressure C923 - 7.1 Defl�ction Test Load Test Test Requl�ements 0° • 13 psi (30 fi) (or 20 min. 7°- IO Asi {23 ft� for 10 min. 7° in anydireciion 1501bs/in, pipe dia. Kor-NSeai Products i13 �351 fOf �.Q It}FR. � i0 psi tor i4 min. Over 7° in anydirection 6ver ].SO lbs/in. pioe dia. RCSIl.IENT RUBBER MATERIA� Conforms to ASTM C923 Test Chemicai Res+stance 1 N Suiiuric ACitl 1 N Hytlrochloric Acid Tenskle StrengUt Elongatia� at Br2ak Hard�ess Accelerted O�en-Aging Comp;essian Set tJaFerAbsorpiion Ozone Resistance low-temperaWre BritFle Poittt TeBr Re5fSt811ce C923 - 7.2.2 C923 - 7.2.3 AS7M Method D5A3, at 22`C for 48 h D412 �2240 (shore A tlurometer) D573 70 ± i°C Sor 7 tlays D395, methed e, at 70`C �or 22h �471, immerse 0;75 by 2-in. specimen in dis2illed water ai 70`C for 48 h oa?7i D746 062�, method 8 300 SERIES STAlNLESS STEEL Conforrns to ASTM C923, AS7M A666, and A240 Test Kor-NSeal Products Tensila Strength 75,000 psi Yiel� Strengih (min.) 30,000 psi flangation in 2" {rnin. 9�) 40%S Hardness Rcckvrell 'E' 95 Test Requirements No weignt loss No weignt lass ? 200 psi 350% inin. ± 5 from the manufeciurer's specified hardness D2crease of 15`.�5, maz. of orig�nai tensile strength, decreass of 20% max, of elongaEion Decrease of 25°�, max, of ori�inal deflec[ion Incre2Se of i0 �, max. oi criginal oy weight Rating 0 No tracture a[ �40`C 200 Ibfjin. Kor-NSeal Products No weightfoss No wefglit loss 1580 psi 500°b ng±5 10.14'ro lensile 6ecrease 14`h elongation tlecreass 13.� deaease .8% increa se Rating 0 No fraccure at 40°C !�o tear at 2i0 Ibf/in. �= Trel.leborg 1'ige Seals \filfotd, Inc. �// ?51) F.Itn Street, P.O. Bos 30], 1[ilfc�rci, \eu� Flamps[iire 0305� li.S._1. ������' 'I'eL S00-G26-2140 G03-Gi3-RG80 F�a1: 6�3-G73-'27F «1vcv.t�ellcborg.cofn/npc �' '-. ',�S ! • � - ;4 � � � . - Y � S� �' .,- � � '•` . � . i � f w E i � „ ' _ . _- ; r, , �:'.: ., �•. � i a..: ..".' i {�� _... W �' I --�i � '., ji.�. ���� [ ^.'l n � � • , . A,_. � '. ,... _ --.. _ ' ' . ,i � i .. . f Wedge Styte Connectors EX Series Plastic � or Stainless Steel � installaiion requires a -/z" socket tivrench & presei torquc tiiniter, PIPE MODEL NOMI�AL O.D. RANGE N�MDER HOLE SIZE 1 �0 - 4.80 S106-7N'N 7" 3.5Q - 4.80 S1Q6•7VJ y^ 7" -------- ------------ ----.---- 4.20 - 6.40 S106-8SRVJ S" ---- --- ------ - __ i.50 - 4.80 S106�8MW 8" 6.00 - 0.75 S406-10AW�� - -i0" -- 7.50 - 8.20 S406-10W 10" ------- ------ ..___---- 6.00 - 6.75 S406•10.5AVJ 10�'z" 7,50 - 8.70 5406�10.5W i0'-/z" -------- --.._..__..._._.------ 6.00 - 7.00 S406-116V�1 li" ---- ---- _ 7.50 - 9.00 5406-11AW 1_" ------ -----...�..__-...------ 3.5Q - 6.90 S106-12M i2° - ----- -----.....-__._..------- 6.00 - 7.00 S40fi-12CW i2" 6.25 - 7.50 S406-12BW � 12" --------- ---------..._------ 7.50 - 9.OQ S406�12AW 12" - - -- ----...._..._..._.._-- --- 9.00 - 10.20 S406-12W 12" -- --------- ---- --- 5.75 - 7.00 Si06-12BIN 12" ---- ------ ..._. -------- 7.00 - 8.50 S106-12AW 12" ------ --------_ _ _----- -- 8.25 - 9.75 S106-12W 12" -- ------- _ ----- 9.50 - 11.25 S106-14AW _4" -._____._..._.------- ---._____. 9.50 - 13..25 S14fi-16BW i6" --�-----..__... --- ---......___,._ 11.25 - 13.00 S106•16AW 16" �13.00 - 14.20 S106-16�N 16' T _._._....._----------- ----._.__._.....-- 14.Q0 - 15.50 S106•206WS 20" _�___.__----------- --._.__�.__._ 15.50 - I7.00 S10o-2QA'NS 20" �17.00 - 18.15 S106•20WS 20" Refer to Recornmertned lnstallatiort Insiructrons. Toggle Sty(e Connectors (lack-In Style} �:> �� �; �� �; � Installation requires � ahytiraulicjack � - �-r �-�_ � bSSeillbly = r.,�,. : �" r_,.�....r.-.'.fir. � ,,. - -'r -:,.- " ------PIPE --- MO�EL NO\41�AL 0.�. RANGE iVUMeER FiOLE SIZE 1.50 - 4.80 3.50 - 4.50 .. . -- ---------- 4.20 - 6.40 _...... ---.__..----- 1.50 - 4.80 6.00 - 6.75 7.50 - 8 40 . 6.64 - 6.75 7.56 - 8.90 6.00 - 7.00 7.50 - 9.00 3.50 6.90 6.00 - 7.00 _ -- - ------ 6.25 - 7.50 7.50 - 9.00 9.00 - 10.50 5.75 - 7.00 .. ___.._- - ---- 7.00 - 8.50 8.25 - 9.75 9.50 --11.25 - ---- --........._..._.__.. 9.50 - 11.25 1i.25 - 's3.40 13.06 - i4.50 S146-7 MT S146-� T s�a6�ssRr S106-8�T S406-10AT S406-10T S406•10.5AT S406-10.5T ____.__----....._.... S406-11BT S406-11AT S106-12MT S406-12C? S406 i28T S406-12AT 5406-12T S106-126T S106-12AI 5106-12 i S10E-14/�T S106•168i S106-16AT S1Qb-� 6T 7" -7„ - _.g�; _ - --- 8� _ia- 10" 101/z,; 10'h" 11" 11" 12' 12" 12" 12" 12" 12"_ 22" 12" 14" 16". 1fi,... 16" Reter io Recommended fnstalfaiion Instructions. To Install 7' & 8" Toggle Styie Connectors: ExpanderAssen>by�(p/n 90225) 8" Extension (p/n 138fl8) Ordering Infor►nation - � ��'"� Kor-�-Seal I: �� ` 106/406 Series � Pipe-to-Manhole Connector � Tl�e 10fi Series connector is II inches long, the 406 Series connector is S inches long. The number foAowir,g the hyphen in our model numbers is th2 required hole size. The 5106-20 Series is available in Stainless Steel 4'ledge only. Recommended Torque Values: Connectors �vith 8" hole size a��d smaller: PlasUc V✓edge - 3/2G Hex Head Torque LVrench - 5 f[. lbs. Steet Wedge - 1/2" Socket IViencb - 8 ff. Ibs. Connectors �vitti 10 - 20" hole sizes: EX Series -1/2' Socket Wrench -12 � 20 tt, lbs. StCe! Wedge - 1/2" Socicet tNrenCh -12 ft. fbs. Preset torque liruiters are avail2Ule. Contact Customer Service at 1-800-626-2180 for more informaiion. For larger pipe sizes refer to Kor-N-Seal il Series Connectors 206 Series - For pipe sizes 15" - 51" in diameter. 306 Series • To fit larger pipe into smaller diameter nianholes. 506 Series - Designed specifically for stormwater applications. Using Corrugated Pipe Adapters are required �vizen using Corrugated Pipe. Refer to ffie Corrugated Pipe Adapter Data Sheet for details. Covered under U.S. Patent No. 5,738.359 � TRELLE�OR� ENGINEEREp SYSTEMS lrelfel�oi�g l�ipe Seals \iilforcl, Inc. P.O. Bos 3tll, 2�0 F?Im Sueet, \•filforel, Ne�a I-lampshire 030» t'.5.�1. TcL• SC10-G�C,-2l bi1 603-G73-8G8�1 Pa�: 603-G73-727 [�v«lutrcllcbor�.c���n/n}�c �iis � TRELLE�C�R� ENGINEEREO SYS7EMS / L � � f � I< i�- � � w I% s �� ,_ . , �.:. �� �,F 1.� Y, % F� � .. ` �� .�- �,.� � .� � i � ! �,� f - i �- - � .. _ . i . y- :.^[ sC" . f _. E_ � . . ..,,, . . » . . � � E ...,. : 3 _.. ... , ' " f -.. Korband Installation (If not already instailed) 1. Install E<orband into Connector by first fitting Wedge Expander into center of cutout provided, then installing remainder of Korband. Make sure that the Wedge Expander boit head is located to the outside of Connector/inside of rnanhole. 2. Using pipe luhricant, lightly lube at least three to four sections of Korband by bending back rubber one section at a#ime. Do not lube wedge area. 3. Check to be sure Korband is properly located in Connectorgroove. Connector Instaliation 1. Inspect the inside surFace of the cored hole. {f there is porosity or wire-to-concrete separation, use patching or hydraulic cement to smooth the surface. 2. Insert Connector Assembly into the hole properly positioning 1, 2, 3, or 4 Wedge Expander(s}. Do not place wedge at bottorn of hole. 3. Position Connector so it is flush �vith the inner wall of the manhole at top and bottom of hole and/or assuring fuil contact of the Korband. Be sure the connector is square in the hole. 4. Tigtiten Wedge Expander equally using a torque wrench with a 1/z" drive and a 3/8" hex bit socl<et (p/n 80718). 5. Place plastic cap over end of bolt. Recommended Torque Vaiues: Single Wedge: 75 f#. Ibs. Muitiple Wedges: 45 - 75 ft. Ibs. Note: Multiple Wedges should be tightened increinentally to at {east 45 foot pounds. Higher torque can be applied to one or itiore �vedges since the wedges apply force linearly. Torque values can be ditferent on each �vedge_ Pipe Installation 1. Be sure sealing area of pipe is smooth and free of defects. Repair if needed. 2. Center pipe in Connector opening. (Pipe must not rest on Connector Korband) 3. Position the Pipe Clamp(s) in the Connector's Pipe Clamp groove. 4. Tighten the Pipe Clamp screw to 60 incii pounds �vith a T-handle Torque Wrench, P/N 80090. Note: On minimum pipe O.D. installations, lift the rubber up underneath the Pipe Cfamp screw so that the Connector contacts the bottom surface of the pipe while the Pipe Clamp screw is being tightened. Application of pipe fubrication on the underside of the clamp will also help ensure that an even contraction of rubber is maintained throughout the clamping area. 6. Reto��quing prior to shipping is reconimended bt�t not required. Caution: Do not use impact wrench for installation. A(I pipe stubs must be restrained. ���io E. i`-; rJ � � � ��� - �`%' �2 I� r 1 ;�j . �t- 5+. :" -; `; F .', -, ? A 5 ' "" f' -� LLF { F J :•� � F� t �'�; t w`f�- �,F` _�.•s�Ft'i:�. .. -_ _____.__-__. .....____'____ ____ ____._.___.___ ____._-_--..." ___ I P�`� ; Suggested Plpe O.D. ; Hole Site Range ! �noecior Dimenslan Pipa Ciamps '�. �----..__.....__._.__..---�-- -j �-- i �- -- �- --- � � � Range ; A � B C ` 0 Qty P/N ; :_ -_ __- --- ------`- --- =------ ---- - ----1--'..---- =-- _L------ !. � 5?GG-1Fs� ; 25.090 .15.625 ; 17.98 18.13 j 15.8'75 � 16 : IOb"0 `: 2 I-7.S2 i �--��-�---- �----'---._..._.._----- �-�_-___.......-�---' 17 - �------- --- 1282 j` S2G620 � 15.625 17.CC0 i.� & 2013' 27875 ��..___.....-... 1050 2 . I 5206-20L ; 17.000 17.625 i 1�J � ; 18 7. �I-306 I- ---E-_- -------'----'------=-_-._�_ _----�.._ ; - - - I 5206�22 17.67.� 19.000 ' � j ��� R318 ( + 21...8 22.13. 19.875 � .t9 : 10.50 ? : S20G221 : 19.G00 19.623 i j � 20 ; j 2 i l-348 �` � . _,-- --' �-�-�-_ ------ ---:..___._.- .._..---..._-�_ -----.�_J � ..._-..._..__. .. --- �' =---�--.. _.._� 4 4 i-iS0 ':, S20G2AA 18.000 19.500 23.96...._ 2413 � 2:.875 I i8.75 16A0 i '--___k._....._.---------' S205-25 ; 19.6�� 21.a00 `: ' 1 21 ' 4 � -x-�-�---- : 3.98 2A.13 i 21.875 ; 1Q.�0 � � 4180 ; : 5206-24L : 21.000 2�.625 ; I 22 � i 4 �. I S20&26L ; 23.000 23640_�:__26.G0-------26-20i 23.8'15-��--'-2M1- - 10.50-------'n-�-�--�!�-�---{218 i I --...� - i 5206-28---' 23.625 2�.000 ! 28.Q0 2&2� � 2�.875 I 25 10.50 ....� - 4 421$ � S�LO�O-2SL . ZJ.COO 27.C12? ; _Y � i� 4 i s2os-3o i 2a.e2� z�.coa - ' 27 a ��21s ! so.00 ao.a.o : 2r.s�s �o.�o , s�o�sa� i 2z000 z�.szs � 2s n ��- i-2az ; �---= - - - S20Fr32 : 27.62� 29.000 ' ! ' ; 32.C-0 3220 i 29.&75 2� i0.50 � 4242 5206-32L ' 29.0(1fi 7.9.G25 ; 30 4 � 520G34 • 29.625 ---31-000 ` -'v' � 3f � `. 4 ^ : 34-00 34.20 � 31.875 10.50 I-258 5206�34L i 31.000 31.625 i + 31. i � 4 S20fi36 i 31.625 33.000 � '' 33 ! 4 � ! 3G.00 36.20 � 33.875 3n � 10.50 ' h'-' 6282 52063fi1 '; 33.000 33.G25 ; , � � I -- -----�---- - -------=--- - -- --------- ------- - -- � 5206-38 � 33-625 35.006 : ` 35 � �"�&2 � �_ ; 38.G0 3820 i 35.875 I i0.50 � 520G3&L : 35.006 35.625 ; ; 1 3G � 's 4 l-306JJ :...._....---- �� ----_..--- � -----_..--- ' .._..-.--+-------- ---- --- - 5206�40 � 35.625 37-000 ; � 37 i 4 40.00 40.20 i 37.875 � 10.50 � 1306 ° S24Fr40L ; 37.004 37.625 ; ; I 38 � � A � --_._____ --- ---;_.._._...------ ---- - - ' _ ___...._._ 5206�42 � 37.625 39.aJ0 `: f?.� 47.1.0 � 39.R75 3� 10.5D --�-- -....4 1�31& j � I 5206-42t � 39.000 39.G25 i ; I 40 ? � 1-348 � � . . - --._._._."-_.--i- --...._i.___.- - �----._..------- , ----- ; 5206-44 k 39.625 41_000 � ° 41 I 4 i , 4A.60 44.20 i 41.875 10.50 j I-348 5206-d41 ; 4's.000 41.625 i: i 42 ; ; 4 ; ---- � I _...---- ------- ----------' ;--- -�---� - - ------ (-348 S206�46 41.fi25 43.040 ( 4G.00 4620 I 43.815 I n3 10.50 � 4 520G461 � C3.000 43.G?.5 i � S4 I 4 v L242 .i I 520648 �: 43.625 45.000 `• ! 45 G 1-�42 : ; 48.00 48.20 ; 45.875 i 10.50 �--.._.--+ S206-d8L � 45.000 45_625 i 46 j 6 i �-25B � � S20u-50 ; 45.OD4 45.62� : ' I AG � G � 1 . : 56-00 50.25 i 47250 1�.50 ; 80G67 i S20fr50L ; 45.G25 A7.00A ; I � A7 6 -- ----:._.___._._._ ' ------- - ___�-'`__ 520G52 i 47.000 47b25 i ' : - � -�--' --- ._..:_. : • 52.00 52.25 ; 49.230 49 10.50 i.. 6 80667 i 5206-52L i 47.625 49.000 ? ' � L------------� ----'-'------� -'--°'--- -..__------��� I -----_. 5206-54 i 49-000 49.623 ; aq,00 54.2$ : 51.250 I 50 lOSO � � &06G7 '; S20G-54L ; 49.625 51.000 ; i 51 ; : 6 i : �------- ' ' _,_-._'-----`-- -----�-' -----= � TRELLEL�ORG ENGINEERED SYSTEMS Dout�le Wedge is availal3le for 22 to 48 inch sizes, hut .500 inches must be subtracted from the `B" dimension Uws limiting your pipe O.D. range by .500 inches. The Doubfe Wedge is only available on the `L" co�nectors. • Special sizes quoted unon request. • 50 inch (or larger) Contiectors have 2 Wedges or more. • L'sing Corrugated Pipe: Adapters are required when using Corrugated Pipe. Refer to the Corrugated Pip2 Ada��ter Data Sheet for details. � Trelleborg Pi��e Seals Afilford, Ior. �� 2�0 l�lm 5trccr, P.O. 13os 30"1, \filEord, \e�v I-lampshue 030�7 t:.S. �. �� Tel: S00-C>?G-2i80 G03-C,73-SG£U Pax: 603-673_7271 �v�v«�.tcelleborg.com/npc � TRELLE��RC� ENGINEERED SYSTEMS ? � i i' � � E l �� � � ��; : ; ����. � E ; � �' :I `� 4 i i ri� ���ct�r , E..n �>t� 1 et ._ E �.� Fr# e C ;F % J � i_, i z S t,.F �..= Korband Instailation (kf not aiready installed) 8. Retorquing prior to shipping is recommended but not required. 1. Install Korband into Connector by first fittii�g Wedge Expander into center of cutout provided, then inst�lling remainder of Korband. M�i<c sure that head of bolt on Wedge Cxpander is located to the outside of Con��ector/inside of manhole. Recommended Torque Values: Single Wedge: 75 ft. Ibs. 2. Using pipe lubricant, lightly lube at Icast three to four sections of Korband by bending bacl� rubber one section at a time. Do not fube wedge area. 3. Cneck to be sure Korband is properly located in Connector groove. Connector Installation 1. inspect the inside surface of the cored hole. if there is porosity or wire-to-concrete separation, use patching or hydraulic cement to smooth the surface. 2. Refer to the Overhang Dimension Char[ to determine the inside "overhang" dimension for the connector at the top and bottorn of the hole. This dimension corresponds to the manhole size and the connector size. 3. Position the connector in the hole so that the top and the bottom of the connector are inside the inanf�ole at tl�e correct "overhang" dirnension for your i7ianhole and the connector hole size. Make sure that the sides of the boot (at 9:00 and 3:d0} are also equally aligned in the hole and the Wedge is located at 10:30 or 1:30. The position of the Wedge is criticai for proper insta[lation of th€s connector. 6. Tighten Wedge Expander equaliy using a torque wrench with a 3/8" hex bit socicet {p/n 80718). 7. Place plastic cap over end of bolt. Multiple Wedges: 45 - 75 ft. ibs. Note: Multiple Wedges should be tightened incrementaily to at least 45 foot pounds. Higher torque can be appiied to ane or more wedges since tf�e �vedges apply force linearly, Torque values can be different on each wedge. Pipe Instailation 1. Se sure sealing area of pipe is smooth and free of defects. Repair if needed. 2. Center pipe in Connector opening. {Pipe must not rest on Connector Korband) 3. Position the Pipe Clamp{s) in the Connector's Pipe Clamp groove. 4. Tighten the Pipe C{amp scre�v to 60 inch pounds with a T-handle Torque Wrench, P/N 80090, Note: On minimu�n pipe O.D. instaAations, lift the rubber up underneath tt�e Pipe Clamp screw so that the Connector contacts the bottom surface of the pipe while the Pipe Clamp screw is being tigl�tened. Application of pipe lubrication on the underside of tl�e clamp will also help ensure that an even contraction of rubber is maintained throughout the clamping area. Caution: Do not use iinpact �vrench for installation. All pipe stubs must be restrained. O8; 09 Kor-N-Seal° tl 306 Series Connec�or Si�ing Chart __________ ____.____ ___ .____--- - --_. ._..---- _ -------------- -- ----- ------------------------- ' � : Hole Size Range ; Connector Dimensim�s ( Pipe Clamp j p/,y ; Suggested Pipe O.D. i------- ' ' --- '' -------------+---------------------- -------- ---- Mfninn n Range A � 6 C ! l7 Qry T P/� ` Manhoie Size ; : . . ------- i - --- --- ----- - _ .. - _._ - ^ -- - :5306 22 1 1 � ' 17.625 - 18 SCO ---- 19 2 I-3i8 � ------ 21.98 • 22.I3 ` 19 875 i� � 10.5 , , 36/4 5306•22l 18.500-19.67.5 ; 20 : 2 � I-34S � :-- �. . -----=- . ..-._..__... --- _-_;-. : - ._. __... '• -- -___- ------- ----- - - - --- - -- _ .. ,. � �530fi-24 ; I9.625�20.500 ; ' i 21 ; " 4 . € i--.-.-_-------__-.----, 2398 - 24.13 � 21.875 =-----.__.-i 10.5 �;- ----'. I-180 i 3G/4 ;5306-24t 20.500-21.625 ` zz ; 4 ! ,.....--------------------------=�._._----------------�-------_._._._-,_._i............-----------.....---.._.__ _._-----...___._ 5300-26 ; 21.625 - 22.500 � : ; 23 ! 4 ! i-190 � ;. ` �------------------------i 26.00-76.20 23.875 �-----� 10.5 =--_.-'...._...._..__.._...; 36/4 ( �5305-2GL 22.SC6-23.625 ; 24 � � 4 � t-218 � _.-- ��------`-------------------�-�--`-,... _--------------___. :5306-2R ; 23.625 - 2h.500 : ! 25 4 ; ------ -------------------' 23.00 - 2820 j 25.575 '----------; 10.5 �--'--- 6218 . .48/5 15305-28L 24.500-25.G25 ; z6 ' h � `---...-------------=- -�-------------`---------------------..r-------------= -------------------- ._._-------- 'S306-30 '' 25 67.5 • 26.500 � : ; 27 � �' 4 �� I-7.18 : ' ` ' 30.00 - 30.20 ; 27.875 ; ; 10 5 =- - � -----�� ; 48/S � ;5306�30L --�' 26.SC0-27.625--�--- : 2S ': 4 I I-242 : :_....__.__�__...._---------------------------- ----�-----------`-._,,. . �5306-32 27.625-28.500 ; ; 29 : 4 ' ---.._.�..._---- -: 32.00-32.20 � J.9.875 i-------; 10.5 ;---....._.; I-242 - 48/5 ;S30G-321 25.500-29.67.5 ; 30 ' i 4 I ,..... _- ---- -. . ---- - - -- -- -, _ __. ES305 34 29.625- 30 500 . , ; 31 . Q ' 's � - -. 34.00 - 34.7.0 , 31.875 !� � �- � 10.5 ` � I-7.58 � 48/5 ,...._ ___.... . . _ . •:S3C6-3Al 30.500 • 31.625 i 32 : 4 = --------_...__-...._._- --._....._..__....----: --._ .. ............--- � - - -- �---------- - -_.....--- -- ----- -- ... ..., _. ... _. ;5300-36 31.625 - 32.500 i i 33 � 4 € 80667 ; � � --��-���-�'-`-��---- ; 36.00-36.2C ' 33.875 �----""; 10.5 ;� ��--""-i Povrer : 60/6 iS306-36L 32.500-33.000 ? 34 4 Gear ; � ; i ; ; i i, ' : E :..____ -____.._-;_____ ___._�___..___. __..�...._____ __.._� :5306-36-STORN i 31.67.5 - 32.500 j ; ' 33 ; 4 ; = ---------- ' 36.OD-36.20 i 33.875 �--------� 50.5 =----; t-2S2 ; 60/6 ':530'0-361•STORN 32.500 - 33.67.5 : 34 i 4 - -_ _-._......_...... --------- - -- -;_' ------ - -- ------ _.� --- - : ---- S30G•38 33.525 - 34500 i 35 i 4 : 8ab67 ; ! ' ' ` '- ---' `-'-"�"""""' � ; 35.8�5 ' � : 10-5 j i Power ; 60/6 _.-... ___._` 38.40 • 38.20 . iS3C6-38L 34.500-35.000 � 36 ' 4 � Gear ; .._.___ ...... - �.._ .. . .. ------.__. .. ......-- - .. ..._ _ `5306-38-STORM ; 33.625-34.SC0 � 35 i 4 ' I-282 ; -- -- --�- -- 38.00-38.20 '��. 35.875 � ` 105 �. ---- o0J6 ;5306-38L-STOR�6 34.500 - 35.625 � 36 A I-30o ` ' --- -- ------;- ----- __.._.........-- - ---- -' `- - ---`- ---- ----- -- -- __ -- 'S306-46 35.625-36.500 � 37 ' ! 4Ji 806G7 i � 't- -�----- �. ! :_......------` ---- 40.00 - A0.20 37.875 ; 10.5 ` � Power ' b0/6 i5306-401 36.500-37.040 38 4 Gear ; � ; � 1 i ; � --....__ _.,.......- --.._..--- � ------ �--_--- ---- ------- ----- - ;5306•40-STORM : 3i.67.5- 36.500 ; ; �: � 37 � 4 ; �_ .............__- --___; 4Q.00-40.20 ; 37.875 ; ; 10.5 �- -----; I-306 ` 60/6 ;5306�40Z�STORM 36.500 - 37.625 s 38 I 4 `----...-..�_....--------�--__.�....----- --.....;_--__..--- ---._;--........---- ---..._ � .__.---- -- --.._....-�------ jS306-�i2 37.b25 - 38.500 I j 39 � i 4 E 80667 i , ' :. ; � i :.. ; _.._. �._._..._, nz.00-azzo , . ' 39.875 ---.".....-.-`, 50.5 ; ; Power ; 72/7 ; i53Q6-42L 38.5'W` -33.000 i 40 i 6 ; Gear I � � ; ; ' i : : �: i t...___.�__..._.______ � _�._' _._.�_.__.___ _.. _ ________ -____ _ ;5306-42-STORM ' 37.625 - 38.500 � 39 4 I-318 ; ;.._._--_- ---_.----.-; 42.00-42.20 � 39.875 =---- 10.5 � '---------- 72(7 'S30o-42i-STORM 38.500-39.625 � 40 4 i !•348 � ` ----......_-..._--; _._-..---- ' --------.._- _-j---- ---- --_"---- iS306-44 39.625-40.SC0 41 ; 6 ^80667 : A4.00 - 44.2� ; 41.875 -- 10.5 :` "; Power ; 72/7 53Q6-44L 40.500 � 41.000 42 ' 6 Gear ' ----...�_....----' ------ - -____ --- - ---- -...._._.. _ . _...._-_.......--- ; -.-.. .... � i .. �5306-44-S70RM ; 39.625 - 40.500 ' ; ' 41 j 4 ! s__ i I � � ' ------- ' 44.00 - 4410 : 41.875 �----- 10.5 ' -.--.; i-348 � 72/7 � � 530b�441-STORM d0.500 - 41.625 ' 42 ': ` 4 '----�-------- � _._.._...-- -._.. _ ._.--- ---- ;530'0-46 { 41.625-42.500 ; 43 ' 6 80067 : : !- --.-.---- ; 4G.OQ- 46.20 ; 43.$75 �----- � 10.5 .�---- { Povrer i 72J7 i ;5306-46� 42.500-43.000 ! 44 '! 6 i Gear � �----- --s.---....--- -._..__._...__; _.....-_..___- � -_.__.. -------- ------.`_----- --- 'S306-4G•STORM ; 41.625 • 42.500 � 43 4 ; I..-.-- --_.....-----< 46.00 • 40.20 '; 43.875 ;-._..__......_.{� 10.5 =- I•348 72/7 ' i azsoo-a3.sis ` ° nn < : a j5306-4GI.�STORM ; ; � ; : ? i --.--___.._....._._ � : -----...-__-'- ---'----- ' ---.....---------- --.._- ------ ---..._-- � --- - s5306�A8 43.625 - 44.500 ' i i 45 � 6 ; 80G67 � ' � -�----`--- --..'.. ' 48.00 - 48.20 � 45.875 : ; 20.5 ; �-�-�----- i Power ; 72/7 A4.500 • 45.CC0 I � 46 � 6 � Gear j i5306�481 ; ' ; I I ' i ' , --------..--r- -------- � --_�..-.-- --.__J`-�---- ---- - :;5306-A8-STORM ; 43.625 - 44.500 ; � ' 45 � b � f-242 � ; =----------- ----: 48.00 - 48.20 ; 45.875 ; ; I0.5 i --- ; 72/7 ;5306-4SL-STORM j 4��500-45.625 � � ; 46 ; ; 6 i I-258 i ,� � TRELLEB�R� ENGINEERED SYSTEMS 'Adapters are required when using corrugated pipe. Refertothe Corrugated Pipe Adapter Oata Sheet for details. Covered under U.S. Patent No. G,641,176 �- Trellebarg Pipe Seals Milford, Inc. �l/ 250 Elm Street, P,O. eox 3d1, Milford, New Hampshire 03055 U.S.A. � Tel: 800-626-2180 603-673-8680 Fax:603-673-7271 www,trelleborg.com/npc 5/11 � TRELLEQ�[�� ENGINEERED SYSTEMS � 91 � 99 � � �9 (� � � � - : f., f� - , , � . F r �� E ; f . � i{ t i � , t ,r .r s F �-, :.� 5 [ r j t�- z ."E „"e. � � . i -- ! ~� �... F _. r� .-.' �y''E_':,.$. #-�'. �-3 .,✓� f � _.�.` • �.4 � � ; ' Connecior Insfallation for Wedge Korband 1. Check to be sure the Korband is properly located i�� Connector groove. 2. Inspect the inside surface of the cored hole. if there is porosity or wire-to-concrete separation, use patching or hydraulic cement to sn�ooth the surface. 3. Insert Connector Assembly into hoie with Wedge Expander at top of hole. 4. Position Connector so it is square to manhole botli vertically and horizontaily. 5. Wedge Expander for 7" & 8" holes should be tightened as follows: Plastic Wedge — 5 ft. fbs. Stainless Steel Wedge — 8 fG Ibs. 12" holes should be tightened as follows: Stainless Steel Wedge - 12 fL lbs. Retorquing is not required prior to shipment. Cannector lnstaliation for Toggle Korband 7^ & 8": 1. Insei�t the Korband Expander Assembiy (P/N 90225) under the Korband Toggle and rotate the hex rod by I�and to ensure that tlie Expander is properly engaged. (The 8" Toggle requires a foot extension (P/1� 13508) 2. InseE� the Connector and [xpander into the cored or forrned opening from inside the manhole. 3. Using a�vrench, rotate the hex rod until the Korband Toggle is expanded �vell past center and is firmly seated against the Connector. *12" Toggie requires Hydraulic Jack (P/N 91910) Pipe Installatian 1. Be sure sealing area of pipe is smooth and free of defects. Repair if needed. 2. Center pipe in Connector opening. (Pipe must not rest on Connector Korband) 3. Position the Pipe Clamp in the Connector's Pipe Ciamp groove ��ith the scre�v at the top. 4. Tighten the Pipe Clamp screw to 60 inch pounds with a T-handie Torque Wrench, P/N 80090. Note: On minimum pipe 0.0. instailations, liit the rubber up underneath the Pipe Clamp screw so that the Connector contacts the Uottom surface of ti�e pipe while the Pipe Clamp screw is being tightened. Application of pipe lubrication on the underside of the clamp will aiso help ens��re that an even contractian of rubber is maintained throughout Ehe clarnping area. Caution: Do not use impact �vrench for installation. A!I pipe stubs must be restrained. � �9 � 9� � .,. . _ � . . �� ' �� r a i f � `�� ``. r------- D --�--___...; � r : i ='-_ ; i E J 'C ,i � � c `. � �,; c : :a - I_ .__��:-_ -_::--- �..._.�� S 106-7 \� ^^F__�_._��.. . � � i � �....�... . ..... 6 : --- -: : � : � --- c ' ,: . S10G-8SR , — -- 0 ----' . :- -- - ._....,, s s --- -, ; �; � � � c i: 106-12�A , ._ , : �� _ ; ; s ; Ea ; ; ° � � � � s , < < .% ? �-- o � <<�� � s 'f";� c j�f f� S 106-7 ------- -- - o -----; ; ' _--t..--- _� , B T— � ' —' C i ' � � C � ----� � .- 106-8M � I-iole Size Pipe Pipe O.D. Connector Dimensions p�N ftange Clamp Range A B C 0 P/N S106 7MWP 1.6 S106-7MWS 1.5 — 4.8 6.995 — 7.055 6.125 2�3 7.8 I-80 S10Cr7MT 3.6 4.8 sia��wP S106-7WS 3.5 — 4.8 6.995 ' 7.055 6.125 4.5 6 I-80 S 106-Tf S10Fr8SRWP S10fr8SRWS 4.2 - 4.8 7.995 — 8.055 7.125 4.3 7.5 I-128 6.2 - G.4 6.4 S10Fr$SRT S106•8MWP 2.3 S106-8MW5 1.8 — 4.8 7.995 — 8.055 6.83 3.6 6.37 I-80 S106-8MT 4.8 S10Cr12MWP S10Fr12MVJS 3.5 - 4.8 10.995 -- 11.055 10.125 4.5 8 l-128 6.2 - 6.9 6.5 510fr12M1' lnstallation Tools Plastic Wedge Korband '� P/N 91819 T-Handle i.l� � i ��i,{A Torque Wrench with �� -�:�, 3/16" hex i�ead �Z� (Torqued to 5 ft. lbs.) Stainless Steei Wedge Korband rr--�� P/N 91440-8 Torque Limiter i,___,___ p, &'/z" Socket Wrench � �Y �-----� (Torqued to 8 ft. fbs.) r{ut ., ,; ��,. To le Korband � �`'-�' �� � `,.r';� P/N 90225 Expander Assembly r,',rr � e� For 8" Toggie Korband 1� P/N 13808 - 8" Foot F�ctension � (use with P/N 90225) Pipe Ctamps '�` l%r P/N 80090 T-Hand(e ;c�,:_ �� Torque Wrench � �'4` ��� '_��. �D � TRELLEQQRG ENGINEERED SYSTEMS � 'i�eitcborg Pit�e Seals \filfo�cf, Inc. � 3�0 I;Im Street, 1'.O. Bor 30I, lfilford, \e�a Ftampshiie 030» L?.5.:�. `L�� � Tel: S00-G2G-2180 G03-6/3-SGSO }�a�: G03-G?3-7271 �����v.treUebarg.com/npc SPF'C/F/C � %/ONS 1. Fu�l ua �cop 1$ _T ' I"L- Rele�se �roc Lv/ vinyl li`t handle I.i. Lock up brecke; � �. 6cicr,cing sprir.g r � 5. Square tub�nc, fc o q�jusie�le mountir�q cFannel 7. Clcmp brocket 8. Stcinless steel mo�n±ing bol�s l3/8-15 x 2") N�TES: 1. Thc Bi!co LcGdcrUP scfety pos; is furnisheC eomple4ely osscmbled reedy to mount on reor of Iacder with clamp brockets on ciimbiny siCe. 4odCcr mu�: 6c e:rueturo;ly sound ond 5ea:rely anchored. �.On hollow ra�nC rung Icddcrs inyert .olid round bor (^>ame lenqth os ning) into :he top two rungs ic prov:oe ed6itionet �trenyth cnC prevent crwhiny of t5e runn,. v�hen thz LoCCerl;P �s fo,tened. 3. Atljus:o5le mountiny (it> lodders with :ung ,paeinc; up ta ebou: 1a" (355mm] crnter .o cen;er. 4�. Clcmp brecke: moy be rr.verscd :o occommoCct.e runy sizes of 3/4" [19mm] tc i 1/4" [$Zmm] witi Stondard 2" �Simmj bOlts l�misheC. lorqer n:ngs will requlra iorger boltis. RDOF SCUTTLE //OT /r'✓CLUDcG P.O ��' n(D�� r-•° THE BILCO COMPANY C�+d��d�� Yd+� Sd+�P'�� ��S d z Q'� �E P�TERII�LlF9N�S9� � C B.�D-1 STEEB.t�LhC� Ef�EL CO ��9�2 SiE�l.lHOY DBP��D Gd1�. o � �.U-3 STAINlESS �'EE� , ��:� ➢.�-4 ,�L@9MINUA91PA9LL FiQ�DS&� o "l�o : Granite Precast For: City o�(� Rentoi� Libeetv Lift Station � � �� �� ���►�' ��y ���v 8_i3 �-2 i 9t1� Street SE Bid�. A Woadi��ville. W�1, 98(372 42�-483-0300 �"ax:485-2058 SUL3MC'f'"l'nL DA"I�F: 7/23/2Q 12 1'/�R�' NO. I-ID-4C [-I U-3 B DLSCRIPT{ON 13R/1ND/'fYPL OF MODE[� 60"x84" double Ieaf alum access door H-2Q load ratiilg odor-ti l�i, salel cl�ain W GU�(y� . LW I-Iateh/ 'f �e HD Model 48"�6U" doublc leaf alum access door I-[-20 foad ratinb aluminuin railin<�, safety chain LW 1-Iatch/ "fype I-ID Mode( [ZEM,�IKi<S All LW �-IatcEi C~overs are providec� ��itlt spri�z� iifts, seli� locfcin� support ar��s, lifting handle, recesed padlocic hasp, 1 1/2" d�•ain cauplin�, 3/8" ��oui�d EPDM to acilicve a weather ti�E1t seaL slait� locf< witl� removal�le handle, all s.s f�ardware, �-einEoz'cing channe[ ('eaEz� wo�-k, and 1 /4" alfuir�i��u�t� diamond plate dooE• let fs. I:' ., �� . �• 1' ; �' :, �; ,� ,, . . � • ��t ; ;�, � �1.11��S %2 ��'��I� COU.p���� 425 483-0300 �� m ������S �� �� Pa.d�ock recess �� i,'i, j I' , /; • ), � �� ��� End sec��ons sh�wing bea��ng shel�' ��Tr�:,�, si,�u� i�' i �, .._.{.—' i ~-I sa�� inss�� a�i„�it.�on I,�"s I I!?"x 3"� 3i4° I.ong. Anchpr Clips I�" on CcnLcr inxidc dimc�i�inn -i� I! I � ,�,, Y,� �•� ,;� I t . i I. I i �., f''' ,,: : ; Drain Guttcr• 1" Anchor 1� lange 1/4"r 1 V2"x 3"x 3/4" Long Ai�chor C3ips 12" on Center ltcintorced Covcrete Groovc l:or iycoprc;nc scal 60" fiside dimcnsioi� inside dimensiot� = I � End s�ct�ons w�t�o�.t b�ar�r.�g sh.elf i i .. `�` ,�; ; .; �� • 'i' '� �' ii' ;.� ' � ' .! � I a.11 a�um�n� cons� �sin� d061 T6 I 6� �;�' ;.E ' �� � i�� ! , `+' � �I��.geS ' C : _ �' �I : i �i `I: � "�� �� �''h � � x�� ��: � �,_ � x �..^ � t�� � Y � ;# . Padlc�ck recess Side v�ew of �yp�cal guard railing on a doub�e doo� �,.i%V.Produc�s {425} 483-030;0 7 7 M11 .���... �...:1:�....:�. �711....:1 �.........r:«.. ..1......�... .lum Tread Plat� ,.. � ��---�-- Ler�gth D�rnension � � �-- � s � ,� . � � ,� < 6 . �� � �, � , � ,� �� , b ^c v� �/' r K- > � �,� � � � _ � � r �. � Nlodel "HS" and "HD" (H�20 Raiing) Aluminum Access Doors Both type "HS" and type "HD" fcatures reinforcing chaunel framework that transfers the the load fi•om the'/" aiuminum diamond plate door leaf to tl�e daor frame, a��d our stainless stecl spring lift makes the ope�iing of our hatch doors easy. The locking support arm hoIds tl�e doors open automatieally. We use 3/8" EPDM to acl�ieve a weathei•-tight se1i. All hardwaa•e used on our hatches is stainless steel, 300 series, excepl the 1%z" aluminum drlin coupling and the removable handle used for access into the liatch. All LW HATCH�S are provicled with a self- Iatchin� stainless steel siam lock and with a recessed padlock hasp so they ean be Iocked with a padlocl<. Aii type "HS" ai�d type "HD" daors are designed for use in off sti•eet locations where not su6jected to high density traffic. Howevcr, special p��ovisions �nay be made to the IZatch to aliow use ir� hiaher density tF•af#ic loc�►tion when requested. May be cast in an 8" slab. 'rype "[-�S" (Sin�le-leai' door} STANDARD SIZI? Part # A B C D E � G HS-1 24"x24" 24"x30" 24"x36" 24"x42" 24"x48" 24"x60" 24"x72" HS-2 30"x30" 30"x36" 3d"x42" 30"x48" 30"x60" 30"x72" 30"x84" HS-3 36"x36" 36"x42" 36"x48" 36"x60" 36"x72" 36"x84" 36"x96" HS-4 42"x42" � 42"x48" 42"x60" 42"x72" 42"x84" 42"x96" 42"x108" HS-5 48"x48" 48"x60" 48"x84" 48"x96" 48"x108" �� Type `:1-[D" Part # A � B C I D E F (Double-leaf door) HD-1 36"x48" � 36"x60" 36"x72" 36"x84" 36"x96" S-['A�DAR� �{D-2 42"x42" 42"x48" 42"x60" 42"x72" 42"x84" 42"x96" srzE �� HD-3 48"x48" 48"x60" 48"x72" 48"x84" 48"x96" HD - 2 5 F 4 6 x HD-4 60"x6�" 60"x72" 60"x84" 60"x96" 60"x108" 60"x120" HD-5 72"x72" 72"x84" 72"x96" 72"x108" 72"x120" 72"x� 32" LW PR�DUCTS COMPANY, INC. :.ACCF_.S.S UDOXS' L3L•7L.7'!O !.l,S7'.' 8333 21)�' St►-eet S�, Building A Woaditiville, Wasliingtan 98072 Phone (425) 483-0300 Fax (42�)485-2Q58 Slmr Lo& � Type "HS" (Single-Leaf Door) Aiaa hnd 9i�tt �r�s a�.ia cyu,a�r nhm� ����� &u4� 4�aY ' � d ��t. . Type "I�D" (Double-LeaiDoor) LW I'ROI)rIC'7'S C'�1i2'�'�1VY, I1�C: 8333 219t�' Street S.E., Building A �Voodinville, VVA 98072 SPECII'ICt�T:fO�;�S For: Type "HS","HD", "HD-SBS" and "HTD" LY�ACCE'SSH�iTCht" Fabricated aluminttm access hatches to su�port live load of H-2� wheel load with a iriaximurll deflection of 1/150'�' of tl�e span. II-20 doors are designed for off street locations where not subjected to high density trafiic. Door leaf shall be %" aluminttm diamond plate ��ith support beams on tt�e underneath side that will tratisfer the load bearing to ti�e '/" extruded alutninum cl�amiel fi•ame that has a 1" at�chor flailge aroursd the pei•imeter, and is equipped to i•eceive a 3/8" round EPDM gasket and bolt do��vns for an air tight seal and has the capabi]ity to ac}�ieve an air tight ar odor tight seal. A 1�/z" alutnintitn dt•ain coupling is integi•ated into the fi•aine woi•k for an appropriate �vater drainage. Compression springs are enclosed in telescopic stainless steel tubes which makes the openi�ig of the hatcli cover easy, sinooth aud controlled tiu-ou;l� both opening and closing. Whe» thc door leaf is opened in a verlical position it �vili automaticaliy lock into place ��ith a hold opefi arm that has a i•elease hancile. The l�old open a�7n lzas a stainless steel pin attached so that it maybe inserted tlu•ough the holcl open arm to act as a secondary safety insurance. The doo�• is equipped ��ith i�eavy stainless steel hinges. The door latches shut with a stainless steel snap lock. A removable turn handie is provided for access into tlie hatch cover and a t}ireaded cover plug for wl�en it is nat in use. Hardv��are used on all hatch covers is stainless steel, 300 series. Factoiy imish is a mill finish. Manufacturer shall guarantee against defects in material or �,vorkmanship for a period of tive years. LYY 3 Ri�S1'lJ ��� li'V1Ig��1 Y�p �1 r'l�e 8333 219`�' Street S.E., Bui(ding A «oadi�lville, ti�JA 98072 SPT?C�IFICATIONS For: Type "HS","HD", "HD-SBS" and `�I�TD" LWACCESSHATCH Fabricated allinlinuiu access hatches to suppoi-t- live lo�d of H-20 wheel load with a maxiinum deflection of U150`�' of the span. H-20 doors are deszgned fo�- off street locations �vhe�•e nat subjected to hi�h density traftic. Dooi- leaf shall be 1/" 1luininu�n cliamond plate with support beams on the underneath side that will transfer the load bearing to the '/" ext�•uded alumii�um channel fi•aine that has a 1" anchor flange around the pei•imetei•, and is equippeci to receive a 3/8" �•otmct EPDM gasket for a���eathei• tigl�t seal and lias tlie capability to achie��e aii air tight or odoi• tight seal. A 1'/z" aluminum di•ain c�upling is integratec� into the fi•ame wo�•k for a1i app�•opriate water drainage. Con�pression spi-ings are enc[ased il� telescopie stainless steel tubes which makes the opening of tlie hatch co��er easy, smooth and controlled through both opening and closing. When the door leaf is opened iri a vertical position it will autornatically lack into pIace with a hold open arm that has a release fiandle. The hold open at•m has a stainless steel ��in att�clled so tl�at it n�aybe inserted ttu•ou;h the llold open arrn to act as a secondaiy safety insui'ance. The door is equipped �vith l�eavy stainless steel liinges. Tl�e daor latches shut with a stainless steel snap locic. A removable tui•n handle is provided for access iiito the hatcli covei• anci a tlu•eaded cover plu� for ���hen it is not in use. Hai•dware used on all l�atch covers is stainless steel, 300 series. Factoi-y finisli is a rnill iinish. Manufacturer shall guarantee agaiust defects ii� inaterial oi• worknianship �or a period of iive years. M'��' .. i` 1i �. �i :�' p } � Si i :� ,.:� u ,� �� .,�.... �:: ,; Y. �>i ,.: �: �E:�. �: cuf � s �, ..a � ,c i:�,...__. ... _...._:.. . �� .. INDEX: Sheet # Desaiotion 1 �over Sheet 2 Overall Assembly 3 Base Fabrication 4 Lid Fabrication 5 Rebar Fabrication INTERIOR DIMENSIONS: t'-10 1/2"W x 2'-10 1/2"L x 2'-7 1/2"H WEIGHTS: ! ID (550 Ibs) BASE (i.900 Ibs� NOTE: Side panel has been shifted to show internal view and is not removable. (0 2012 GraNtr. Prec�:ting & Concrete, �nc. p� p1�CABTW6 [4� ��� @CON�iE3E1N[. f"6(61YOL�WCI�OIL'B � awo o>��am� +momnm�i rww oaeo asiasw x �� �-���� au�� F�---- 3''e" (L�tl) —►1 � I O � Mn5[ic )oln[ S�iWnt LontrORor to M7dY, T1'P� A � � p �n.. 7 8" � � . ." � � (:iu) O G �� I n O _ �0 PLAM 24" x 36" Ga�v. I�I-20 Single Door Acccu Hatch Matked "ELECTR[CAL^ With Wekl 6enA 3' Galvani:c�l � GChanx� �_"'_�1 f�_....-:- f -. ....:f�i_-_( I � i1._ .._C�__ i� _. �J..... ....1� � J..... ..Ijl -- - i; ....._....�-........ - i � i — - - - _ _:�� _ ,I 'I... �ly _t � , : ; , _. : , . . � -- -�: �-- --' '1 1.1!` 5" DW. Swnp Liftin� FIoOk (7.) P�aces 7yp. z�-io u�° • SECTI�N A—A _��� � 70INT DETAIL C SCALE 1/8 B q.. � q, I�_ 1,._ ,�.. �' f I'�G" x 1'-G" �� Knackout — ( t ) Each End ,.. H ..:................. ; _`" t3�.;..�,...���. �_.I 1 � : �— -., r:__. _....... ___ ...... ....... ....... ...'... .... � I ' �._,�. 1, :� "�____ i: i y �:: I . � : -G" 3 1�,��� �{ li I 1— I � � � �; ' ,, �� � � I L _ ; i -..r _ f .,,... ;.i.._ ....'^ R,. .__ __ _ � � S-' I I ��'�, X 1'-0.' B Knockout GrowulliW —� (2) [xh Srcle KnockouP (2) PWccs'iyp. � 3/ r'. 9 31�.' — t'-lO 1R'.--+�f+-�-9 3,;�.' VIEW B-B SVI;ClFIUTIONS l. ConcreYe: Fc=7,�U psi @2N Uays 7.. Rebar, fSTM A•515 GmUc 6C 3. Deti�n: A57h7 G85� "Minimum Stru[tural Desi9n loading for UnderpmunA PreCa,t ConRetc Utllliry Aniclure5" r. LO�Us: MSl�Y(O MSQO 5- Backfill wlth granuta< <ree d�B�nin� rtwtCru�f (sanct o� Oca pravep free of 5lone5 or mUbles qreater fhan 4" in dia. G. Holc, cored in fic�a by o[Ders. 7. Ins4�li liU prbr to b.xkfill. (0 201). Gnnile Preca::tinf & Conr.retr, (� � ��� om�Nurc _ U� 4 e � a„�e, ,�, .�, m�, a,,.o,.� i �i��� � ...� 1 �� � ��.� i �l �i :<�' \ °:i�r' � i :S ;'' ;�.. �i; GrounU ROU KnoCkou[ (2) PW[rs Typ. � t'-10' / .. ..... ...... ...... ���..-:::�1'='-_ _"__`_✓- �ir --�-�- -._... -.-._� �... �. ; � �- --- --- --- --- .._.. ���F� 11�II' 1ij �, I�, 'I� ... 1� I ,I�I `� ��;! �61 ;, li';��� 'r•� ; � ;, : �.._ _._. ...._ ..... ...... ..... :i '_'_"""'.�.�� Liltin9 Hook (2) Places Typ. n 3/4" � _ ........................ ,, � —�—�— — — - � ��� �=....... _..,__ ....... ... � -= = _ =� --� � P�aN �,. �„_.�_-�,.��•�.- 3'-9" 2'� ] 0 I/2' 14. - (4)'.i3 x 1•�9" l9 @ ID" o.c. I�II�►I I��I � I�I�'"I �I�I � � � 1 9 LaP 4"—�+—►�+— Z._5..� Ol (3)•b35[irnq�sJ 3 -5" t07 (8J'R3 x l2' l�. Rebnrs � (A)�Each Sidc i0. � O)�AD�'l 'J3 x 3. �.. Lq Each Sicle si�e vz�w 1'- I O" h" � _. _. ...� _� _ _...... ....... . - -�:---r__ _� _� �.. ". ..'_�I Ij -...._......�:.: -e fill -��� ,�';il��� +�,. �If��! �/''��� ' {I' ;; �=��%� �II��� I��il; 1,.,., z,_8„ ,�-.,- � G" pla. Suinp 9 3J�" Gmund Rod —� 3M' KRockoi�l (2) Piacc:7yp. 1" � W�:x L 1 IJ2" Ckur 1'0" x 1'�U" Kno[koul (2) E�[h SiUa — 7�.g- 7'�t0 ;,2" � 3/4" '�i .l� (5)-J3 x 2�,5� �9 (1 7 1/2" o.c. I � / � ; I�II� i !� II�I � I� � I� II � . �_ --. . �. _.. ■ � � FY 3 } (2)�AA L-!?d2 Ex[end d"Inlo Ca9c Slab, Typ. fach Corner �I._�.� y �.,�, Knockouf �1��� (1)E.xhEnd P" I �,._o,. x ,,_o., Knockout _�, Gdvanired — '�.. (7) Each Si�e 9' --�� _....... GChann0l �(z)�n4 �-ears E�tenA 8" tnto (D-rvcn SKie ase S�ab, Typ. EaUi SiUe�envecn Knockoms EN� VIEW StNUC�VkI:: !e�Sy L1R 5tat9On 2x3 FLF�3Y3lCfi&. !/i �� ��� & CONQ�iE LLYG ncme>�aos fawmsm�irws�omwaaia�uo u^.e Notc: This Pie[c ix Cast Upsidedown ". �s a � .� a� t�4. ,. Y ( .., ..�, c :f ", �i. �:� a 'S'.' •.Y .� !; �t lk 1i-20 Sifz�lc DoOr nccess hiatG, Marked "F.11"CfR1UC' WI[h WeM Bu�tl ��.8�� I�'` Z�.g•� �_..� I ''�T� '^^'^-----�— -�—. rr' . . •. T T /'o ; ��_ ..�, _�s- �>. . ��:,_.:,'�.. I`"0i. (2)-�SGr[um(en:ntial ; `o I � �-�--i�....�_ � - J I"'';m� v' J.. G 1!Z' G" I �. ^ ..� ...,-...� �... I 2'-2" 1.1P Min. 501 i� i 1 � o --- o a "� � T 7�2., 2•_ �• �._J. (;� �G � 51 Pi � 6�OON�'7E¢J[. \%� �IA'6DBGC� p0� Off-0GI f�1 P!W Pm19TLO]OD /�?�i ..��� � � . i ��i. } .. . ;i; ., c �;. I. � � }: Y� 1 u t. �� i:; S �::i � . i� y y., �d ;j _.... �.... ". i`.r�� i. 2x3 �V �ASE (2�-�tEQ'D BAR NAME C P[ON Sizu Sourcc tt R O 9�RS._L._ —�-- - 3U1 �3 Stirrup D�=2'-S"z3'�5" 3 3p) 43 Strai9ht Rurs t2" 3 307 AS Sfraight Onrs 3'�9" G 3pq b3 Straighc Oars 7.'�5" � 401 H4 BenC B:irs L-7'-10"xB" 12 ��� �� ��� ��)'������ BAR NAME DESCRIPTION Sizc Sourcc Yl RE O _L.__' --' " 501 n5 Snrmp y'1=2•-,•a3�3^ 2 301 302 303 ^ ^ 30� �� 33 Sti�rvp n3 Straiph[ 6ars J3 5[rai�ht 6'nrs 73 5[ruighf Ears (G)�keatdTotal l'�9"laP� (16)'Req'A7'oYaf (t2)•Rcq'dl�o[til ([0)-Req'UTotal I i — i I I ` i � 12" � � 3 4 ---- � 7 .> --ry 2. 5,. � � I I � 3�,5�. __ � _—'._..-. �'_ _ nm •"9 t3ent li�rs (2Aj-Req'0 7o�al S" I —•— z•-ia� � I i so� � �s scirrun 1'`2" ��� � i {q)•RCp'tl Tpttd � i � i 2..�.. � � �+ 3 3 --�� � ��� �r.v[. pOW aTl-00� 1�>AC.'1t IA1Q PmN ¢i�.OJCO RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Equity Builders Submittal Log # 5A I Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � Item covered by this submittal: � Applicable specification secuon: First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified ��■ . r� �� �� � � � � �� Vault Hatch from LW/Granite precast Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Plan na�e 6 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. SA OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRe�Tie�c PrioYity: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� � Date Received by RH2 Engineering: 8/14/12 � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: Date Returned to Equiry: 8/ 14 / 12 RH2 ENGINEERING. INC. Date: 8/14/12 Reviewed By: DB David Baisch Signature 8/14/2012 8:47 AM j:\data\cen\112-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #�a vaul[ haah.docs Side view of typical Safety Chain on a double door Chain w/ SS Clevis Grab Hook w/Safety Latch Eye 2"Q� Posts in 6" Pockets in all 4 Corners Mounted with 4- g Bolts 42"Min 45" Max Above Grade Aluminum Posts and Pockets w/Stainless Steel Hardware d II II lo II II ol lo 0 � �� �� � d a � d , ` All hardware mounted to not interfere with the closing of the hatch L.W.Products (425) 4� RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item co�rered b�� this submittal: Applicable specificauon section: X First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For.� City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � �� � .� � � � Davit arm sleeves Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Plan sheet 6 ❑ SupplieY/Subcontractor cerufies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor de�riations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # G OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substituuon/or equal Notes to Engineer: Plan notes for final location by city. Can you give dimensions for the sleeve in the wet-well lid? The sleeve will be cast in at the factory. Revie�v Priorit��: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� Date Received by RH2 Engineering: 8/09/12 Date Returned to Equity: 8/16/12 � Reviewed ❑ Rejected ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/16/2012 Reviewed By: DB David Baisch Signature Comments from Engineer: The davit arm sleeve for the wet-well lid is to be located 5.5 inches from the outside edge of the frame to the center of the sleeve. See attached foY detail. 8/16/2012 ]03� �bI j:\data\ren\112-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #G,_da��it_ami_slee�es.docs 12' C�IJ��iC�� nLAML'i��' I''kE�AST C�l3�C.�2ET= lh'E�T� 'N�LL i�i��' �Jhdl—Hi,il�'i' ���EVE EME;=CrDEC� lt`�1`C� �"�f' 0; V�E'f� 'h'ELL �+ti���1� �'�`��� � IPv��UEhk'�T Pi�� f � r r r�f ��- 1j I � ��„ � � � � ��\ `�. � 1C1' Ihl;ID� t�I�,M�i��2 ��?NCRF fiE i'�E1�'A�ELL f,. _,_ —_— —__. % � � �,- 2'—�" ,� � — � a � , , , �. � ,.�,..�, .,..�„v �. �.� �..m.._..� .� � � . � ���,. , `� ; , �y � �� . � ��� � ���� � � 3 � ��r�� �- � �, ���;� � �� _..__ � � _____ .�... ____. ____. � � �S�d�' � � �: � ., � "`."-` � �, �i''» ___ -._.�1 , , t� r t ,�- � � - _�._._ .- - C� � ��' ,� d .�.� ;�:��� jf _ ____ __ �- ' � J�,• ., .c:� � �a. r' . � . � • n , �,; �� `-__ � ` ` � _w� �� � . �� �� � � w s ::iJNI-HOIST� V�ati lU�ounted 41I�.' ":.--�li It7�::cti iS c�itf.tt�:t�ir �'ty' Zi{3ii5 Uf Y,'�ic^i5 'tG i t"r. �?�`.�-!Tt,+�``='S. i'C�iltt Y:dii�s, ;i{j`:5 C� :it7' :Y aii�4.'.i, n;�:er piiS: t�}a'ii#�rs. # IC. �TE'.? 3nte��if -.`t,��:;:n :.>: i.fs� ..a=:�`_..c,�5 <; �.ts:s �S ,E`i0 � ;S�',�ti:E:s:� N ^�7��i �tPS.� ' � G �D�' ���` >(�`!4 �lush �1�or Mounted - Fresh Concrete N:e,!:rii rrt i''t;Sf: �+.��€�-�se':it, itti5 Sir€��.�_ tt :�°,.r�i5'E:laY ` t.'�ti?b i�S�? t:�°?. ;7 # i,+ � a•'e1L {,ri( il=�`Tl t,._ �i: �; eiiG'i�5 ��Yii��i�' �ISfl �iLi�:� .LS �� � V.P.±��k-4GjS, ?i'�:4�i1:.'-�L» Carner Mounted Y'i�;i G�iC:C�� C fi�45=dE: �ls�' ?r`�1� �� is;t�:r�i: �it;' #ia��,r, 1l�w �',�it,e;f rr�siss t� ini;,i�ute:tS iVr ti�.:1��, i� t�'i.i tf:tG•�,�. [tv3:k tttlr'a;{Y r4. �,ti�lt;t, !;1::. �s�s �v€sc�r= 1ijc:..t?A-G t14 'xU i,'�,.0 `:.�::1J: {11)tt �i d , a �t� ,`�ii$a!:}�i.;.n;,� ., �,?i: r:;iSit*' =�t�?a5 ':t� a"*�� S$ ;t' vqCS F.TAI.'iii�=� � _ u� '�iti f: : ��l��■! �UY� �Y� �� � ' - �is#ingC�ncre S?c' e'�. S:f�� G'N�f,ff'i="_, i iJSY- T'..'�} i� �� c;�i a5 �`f :".`€Y ��� _'�t:��:^,' ,rr Cit.^.tz ::� �sr .ti�te�t� u' *10 ,Y i:� �.� . �'s* . - i�,;t ! . :3ft#; 3fMd�� :� .)wra '�f��' : �a<� :i5 iorr-+:t Cek'G�'• - � � �'� « „: Z� Cd °�" a � .� � ~ G �3�� . ff � �S'i�;.. %t i 1$ � .S.?.xr�. o _� ;4 `"xS �.'.E.` r:5 SI.;g�.>i:'+i`+ c:r[.i ` ���5'.�- �}riinder �ore iiiG Cy°li,-drr ^3r� n-r_.;�n( .r, gt;€i�a €rSIP? rcx��?i{ih ��;.^ c, Gt F;'. e.M i`�Ei3'! :5„ �onsf ",it' �n� �t�ta5: ii •�S � a � t t :3� # '� '�XZ' t's? �r q,it�*;; .f„ G`�.`it�f• tw' wti, ��3 ; G ..1`n �:t:•t,�;i3t +;ie �i�?� v='s'��C C.t>1£;+t�?r1s. . N `�� M- 'a'_ � � �� ��� ��� k" � x � `s.- �a -,�--��� �.t',:'2�. y . � 3@a � . +`"i�ai�.��--3..t. �. �T'�;V YYE.Giii �' �.Sc t.�:i--iwJ � i.!�i zt,�en�.7J*, S. �+ „.s5 �S .7L ,:T � Cf .`=4.r.+=1 ' u t : +`s ' "�".w <��: ��C�?'[i .. r:Y �i 4.% 5::3 ��{ fd G'+.; 1 4�� .J �Ct`'�.F.. JT.S3 �.`+::� �:f ����r.;, Sleeve Caps �.vai;abt.= tn ,:nc r�'s7'.C:! ,G':�.+. S{:3tt'.:?v.`� 4L�;..'s �! 1,43$ pt;iS�Y: t.s�° : t•> St:9! g?��, :s `.tiil�.a1 t'?t i,, i::;e, :TE:'> VfE'��T •a i".7.'"i�i i `,A'�: '� SS�f.:; ; :it 7.3 .f".:��'`�.r�:i''i::C' ,'1`4::S.i f �C��i•. ..R�atc,Sa b �. 's�'«�.,i'1 r :._. 8/9/2012 httn•//nni-h�ist.ca/ �.r RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item co�Tered by this submittal: Applicable specification section: X First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: Ciry of Renton Liberty Lift Stcrtion CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 �r � "� � � �� � � K�`2 �� Interior structure coatings Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Section 9.97 interior structure coatin�s ❑ Supplier/SubconttactoY certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Buildeis Submittal Log # 7 OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: Revie�v Priorit��: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� Date Recei�Ted by RH2 Engineering: 08/10/12 Date Returned to Equiry: 08/13/12 ❑ Reviewed ❑ Rejected � Revise and Resubmit ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and pertorming his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 08/13/12 Revie�ved By: DB David Baisch Signature Comments from Engineer: This submittal package did not include a primer. Primer is required for the concrete w et �vell interiox per specificarion Resubmittal only required for the proposed primer. 8/14/2012 11:14 Ahd \\rh2\dfs\bothcll\data\ren\ I 12-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #7 interior s[rucmre coatings.doc� Fr�om:UTILI7Y VAULT CO 2537354201 Uy/ ly/Nu� u�� 1L * lu� r.w�+� w� .,: j W25 - Ptodud D�a B.?S Area of Use Substrates Possible Uses Ovar properly prepared Structural Stee) Food Processing Perrous Metal Concrete Floors Work Boats Galvanized MeWI Concrete Block Material Handling EquipmeM Refineries Aluminum/Non-Ferrous Metal F � b Previousfy Existing Coatings Pulp and Paper Mills MannelPort aa i es Chernical Processing Faalities Offshore Platforrns Pipes Hydropower Facilities Wate� and Wastewater 7reatment Faalities Ready Ref�erer►ce Information �iesfn Type: Arornatic Urethane TheofeUcAl CoPverdge: @1 mi! DFT: 994 ftzigal s Plgment Type: Sheen: ColOrs: Vdume Solids: Coloring Gioss Whiie 62.0°�6 ± 2.Q VpC: <28 Ib/gal (340 g/!) {Volatile Organic Content) (@ 25 µm DFf: 24.4 m/I) Hecommended Ftm Thickness Wet 24 - 3.2 mils (84 - 81 microns) Dry: 1.5 - 2.0 mils (38 - 51 micronsj Recommended Coverelge Rer coat 497 ftz/gal a12A mils DFT - 663 itz/gal at 1.5 mils D�T (t22 m�/I at 51 rrrcxons DFT - 16.2 m�/I at 38 micxons DFI� Thinrong: MC-Thinner, MGThinner 100, a MC-Thinner XMT pean up; MC-Thinner, MGThinner t00, or MC Thinner XMT Drying Tmes and Temperatures ' 'At 50°6 Numidity 50° Fl1a° C 75° F/24° C 85° F/35° C wilhOutPUAOuik� MitIJPI�Q� wiU�wtPUiiQuik� N�EhPfAfOtJdi� WilFwulPUROuik� hdtl�Pl/ROtA� 7adc Free t hr Recoat Mirorrwm' 10 hrs Fult Cure � 0 days — 30 min — > hr 8 hrs 30 min 7a�ys 7 days 5days Re%r fo Wasse�s PURQuiI� Acce/eratar Product Data for adaihbnaJ mformation *Humidity, temperahere arid coating thiclmess wdl affect drying and curing times t. Ahrade atter 72 hours and apply to a dean surface 20 min — 8 hrs 1�7 mtn 5 days 4 days Product Features Single Component Masture Cure Urethar►e Low VOC No Dew Pant Restric6ons No Mixir�g Ercors. Arornaac Uretha�e Pertormance ����� rnust be visibly dry} No Poi Life Versatile glass topc�aat ior various Can be applied in below freezing substrates temperatures (no ice or frost} fE�asy� t� pply by brush, toller or spray Can ba applied at 9996 fiumidity CompaOble with PURQuikA Accelerator tw faster dry and cure tirr�es. Product Description p�"s'°" oate at"�°3 MGAroshield is an aromatio, gloss-finish, moishrre-cure ureihane topcoat The a�omatic urethane properties of this coadng aBer excelleM resistance to abrasion and demanstraie outstanding barrier periormance in harsfi exposures. This topcoat is ideal for appGcation to various substrate types in non-UV, iriterior erniranments. �� ^' F�om:UTILITY VAULT CO 2537354201 l!y/ ly/�uu� u�. ►� +� iuc r.���� w� Recornmended Systems Interior Surfaces FeffOu3 N19?SIS: 1" Caat MC-Zinc 3.0-5_0 mils DFT Or MC-Miozinc 2°a Coar MC-Ferrox H 3.0-5.0 mils DFT 3'd Coat: MC-Aroshield 1.5-2.0 mi4s DFT Optional Clear Coat 4`^ Coat MC-Arodear 1.5-2.0 mils DFT Total System DFT: 9.0-14.0 mils DF7 1�' Coat: MC-Zinc 3.U-5.0 rnils DFf Qr MC-Miozinc 2nd Coat: MC-CR 3.0-4.0 mils DFT 3'd Coat MC-Aroshield t.5-2.0 mifs DFT Optiona! Gear Coat 4°' Coat: MC-Aroclear t.5-2.0 mils DFT Total System DFi: 9.0-13.0 mils DFT Aluminum/Non-�errous Metals/ Galvanized Metal: S# Coat MC-Arosfiield 1.5•2.D mits D�T 2°d Coat: MC-Aroshield 1.5-2.0 mils DFT Total System DFT: 3.0-4.0 mits DFT 1"Coat MGFerrox 8 3.0-5.0 mils DFT 2n° Coat MC-Aroshield 1.5-20 mifs DFT Total System DFT: 4.5-7.0 miis DFi Concrete': 1"Coat MC-CR 3.0-4.0 mils DFT 2nd Coat MC-Aroshield 1•5-20 mils DFT 3id CoaC MC-Arocfear 1.5-2.0 mi15 ��T 7otaf Sy�em DFi: 6.0-8•0 mils O�T' 1=' Coat MGAroshield 1.5-2.0 mils DFT 2n° Cost� MC-Aroshieid 1.5-2.0 mils DFT Total System DFT: 3.0-4.0 mils DFT 1:' CaaC MC-Aroshietd 1.5-2.0 miEs DFi' 2nd Coat MC Aroshield 1.5-2.Q mils DFT 3id Coar MC-ArocJear 1.5-2.0 mils DF7 Totai System DFT: 4.5-6.0 mils DFT performance Testing Data Dry Heat Resistance: Con6rtuous: 25(}°F ( i 25°C) *Contact Wasser High-Tech Coatings }or detailed testing of this produci Compatible Coatings P►imer: MC-Prepbond NeoPrime 803 Epoxy Primer MGTrnc NeoCoat 885 PW Epoxy MC-Miozinc NeoTech 855 Clear Epoxy Concrete Sealer fleoBlock 878 Acrylic Cortaete Block Fl1Ier NeoPrime 801 llniversal Primer NeoPrime SQ7 Shop Coa! Primer NeoPrime 8Q11 Inorganic 7.inc Primer l�ermediates: MC-Ferrox B MC-Miomastic MC-Cp 1. Prime ooat tor ca�crete may be reduced up to 25°� to iacifitate coating penetration. 5ubsequent c�ting applications may be ►educes# as necessary up to 10%. 7'ten in accordance with 4ocal and federal regulatians. Note: U� ov� recommended primers or irttem�ediatas for ferrous metal. Not recommended for d'mect to fert�ous metal appGcations. *Other Systems are ava�able and appropriate. Contact your Wasser Repra�ntative for arry questions. Gear Finish Topcoats: MC•Aroclear {interior) Coating Acc�lerator. PUEiQuik� Coating Accelerator Revision Date 4117/03 �c='-_-::�,;� •='i`s='�i�''�.a�s::`==:a=•^�'- _^,^¢_ � �"`°`�'''�ar�.. ....."...�'` - - �s:'r: :�.: ��-, --u�"._ " '-=-��s-"�"�� .. �'c ,. .^=. _ '... � .. � e-�=w:c:::� .� ..-�_"S: � .--.... s-' '" __. . . .. . . ._._ .� . .. . _ ..:...-,-.._ _,..,rr-.-.�.c-.-. . , �n.�'vz..ia=�'.�--'�wTas, .u-: _.•_ anK,x.' .' ' . . From:UT ILITY �1 AULT CO 2537354201 uyi iyr�ws u� : i� ++ ivc r.uuu� u� r � r Surface Prepara6on Ferrous Metal qppJy to clean, dry, Wasser racornmended primers. Refer to the pcimer Produot Data for additional infamation Aluminum/GalvanizedMan-Ferrous Metals Prepare surlaces using SSPC-5Pt SolveM Cfeani� and SSPC-SPI2/NACE No. 5 Low Pressure. Water Clle nment methods to remove suotace consaminaiion. Supp weaU�ered �anizsd s�xface preparatian with SSPGSP2 and 3 Hand and �we� Tool cleaning to remove excessive corrosion and impart surlace profile on bare metai. Supplemerrt new gaManized surface deanmg with mect�nical abrasion to impart surface proiile and support mecharuca! adhesion. Concrete/Concrete 91xk The suAace must be dry, free oi surface contaminants, and in sound condition. Grease, and oil stealld be removed by ASTM D4258-83 (Reapproved 1999} and release agents shwld be remaved by ASTM D4259 - 88 (Reapproved 1999). Refer ta SSPC-SPI3MACE No 8 mecharocal or chemical surface preparation methods for prepanng concrete to suitable cleanlmess for intended sernce. Surface preparation methods shoufd 'anpart sufficient surface protile for mechanical adhesion to xcur. Ensure surface is thoroughty rinsed and dry pnor to coating applicatio�. Asow a minimum 7- 14 days cure [ime tor new cartcrete prior to preparation and application. Previously Existing CoatiRgs Prepare surfaoes using SSPC-5P12JNACE No. 5 Low Pressure Water qeaning methods to remove surEace cantarnination_ SuppEem�t SSPC-SP 12 LPWC with SSPGSPt Solverit Gearting and SSPC-SP2 and 3 Hand and Power Tool clean areas of corrosion and loose ot Naking pairrt (feather edges ot sound, e�cisting paint badc to a firm edgej. Spot prirne dean, bare metal with Wasser recommended pnmer. Sand glossy �rtaces ro provide profife. Apply a test sampie to a small area to determine coating compatibility. Good Pcactices MC-Arashield is desig�d for appficaiion ta a variety of substrates and tighUy adhering, previousEy ezistin� coatin�s. Apply a tesl sample to a smaU area to detemene coating adhesion and(or compatibility. Spot prime any areas cleaned to bare meta! with a Wasser recommended pnmer. The s�uiace to be coated must be dry, clean, duA, and iree irorrt dirt, grease, oil, rus� miA scale, salis or any other surface cantaminanls that interfere with adhesion. Ensure welds, repair areas, joiots, and surface detects exposed by surface preparatian are properly cleaned and treated pnor to coatmg appEicaUort, Consult the referenoed standards, SSPC-PAt and yaur Wasser Representative br ad�tional infwmation or recommendations. App(ication Information MGArost�ie�d can be appfred by brush. rofl, airless spray and conve�tional spray methods. Follow proper mi�ting insWctions betore applying. Mixin� Material temperaane must be 5° F above the dew poi�t before opening and agitating. Power m6c ihoroughty prior to appficatiort. Do not keep und�r c�anstant �tedon. Appty a 3-6 oz soNent float over rnateRat to prevent moisture intrusion and cover pail. Brush/Roller. Btush: Naiural Fber Rolle� Natural or synthetic fiiber oover Nap_ '/.' to'✓s Core: Phenolic Reduction: Typically not reqwred. If necessary, reduce with MC-Thinner 1QQ. Airless Sp�ay. Pump Ratio: 28-40:1 pressure: 2100-2800 psi Hose: '/.' to'�G' Tip Size: .007-.013 Fitter Size: 60 mesh (250 µm} Reduction: Typicaliy not required. If necessary, reduce with MC-Thinner or MC-Thinner 100. Cornentiona! Spray. {Devlbis MBC. JGA or ec{uivalent) Fluid NovJe: E Fluid Tip Air Cap: T04 or 765 Atomizing Air: 45•75 Ibs. Fluid Pressure: 15-20 lbs. Hosa '/:' ID; 50' Max Reduc4on: Typically oot required. If necessary, reduce wilh MGTh'vtner at NtC-Thinner 1Q0. qgduCei: MC-Thinner, MC-Thinner 100, (if VOC regt�ations restrict thinning, use MGThinner XMT). Reduction is typically not required. I� necessary, thin up to t096 with recommended thinnet. Thin in aocordance with local and tedecat regulatory standards Gean up: MC•Thuzner, MGThinner tOD. If Wasser thinners are not available, use MEK, MIBK, Xylene, a 50:50 blend of Xylene and MEK or MEBK, ar acetone ta clean up anly. Do not add unauthorized solvents to a Wasse� coating I►Pplication Cond�ions: Temperature: 20°-� Oo° F (-8°-38°C) This temperature range should be achieved br ambient, surface and materia� temperature. Substrate rrsusl be visihly dry. MC- Thinner 100 is recommended for spray application in temparatures above 90°F. Relativa Humidity: s"/o-99°% Coabing Accelerator. PURQuik� Acceleratar_ See Wassers PURQuik` Accelerator Product Data tor information. Storage: Store oN the ground in a dry, protected erea in temperature belween 4Q-100°F {4-38°C). MCU containers must be kept sealed when noi in use. Use a soivent float to reseal partial conminers. Revision date 4/17/63 _�--- — __ - - � - - _ -�--�,--. .:._ � _ - � _ - _ -- - — _ __ .�. _ : - - - - - - _�_ _ . ___ ._ _ _,_ _. __ , r.: � � _, � �rom:UTILITY VAULT CO 2537354�01 U�/]y/1utr� uy:14 ��u� w.w�iuu� VOC Compliant (Na6onal Standards — in�strial Maintenance Coating, and Concrete Protsctive Coating) �ualified for use in USDA and FDA inspected faciliGes Ordering fn�ormation Product Numbers: Package Siz� W25.7 White 1 galkon and 5 gallon pails Sheff Lie: 12 morrths irom date of shipment when stored unopened at 75°F (24°Cy Shipping Information Rash PoiM: WeighUgallon: OOT HAZARD CIASS DOTPACKAGING GROUP DOT LABEL QOT SHIPPINi� NAME DQT PLACARD UN/NA NUMBER so°F (2s-s°ci 11.0 ± t.0 Jbs (1.32 ± .12 kg/1? 3 III FLAMMABLE LIQUID PAINT FLAMMABIE LIQUID 12B3 Safety Precautions ' DE�►11tGER! 1lAPOR AND SPRAY MIS7 HARMFUL. OVEREXPOSURE MAY CAUSE IUNG DAMAGE. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC SK1N AND RESPIRATORY REACTION, EFFECTS MAY BE PERMANENT, MAY AFFECT THE BRAIN OR NERVOUS SYSTEM CAl3SING DIZ7_1NESS HEADACHE OR NAUSEA. CAUSES EYE, SKIN, NOSE AND THROAT IRRITATIOK. FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAFOR CONTAINS: Toluene, Xyisne, Ethylbenzene, Methyl•n-Amyl Ketone, Modifled lu�f KOTiCE: Reports have assoaated repeated and prolonged occupational aver-expowre to solveMs with perrnaneM btain and nervous m damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately oonc�ntrating and inhaling contertls may he ham�ful or tatal. INDfVIDUALS WITH L NG OR BREATHING PROBLEMS OR PRI�i R�ACTION TO ISOCYANAI'ES MUST NOT BE EXPOSED TO VAPOR OR SPRAY MIST. Use Only VUiUi Adequate Ver�tilation. Do-not breathe dust, vapors or sQray mist Ensure fresh air ermy daring app�ication and drying. li you experience eye waterin headache or diainess or if air morritoring demonstrates vaporlmist Eevels are above applicable firnits, wear an appropriate, properly�itled respiratw (NIOSH approved) duririg and adtar appGcation. Follow respirator manufacburer's direotions ior resp�rator use. Do not get m eyes, on sk�n or oR dothmg. Wash thoroughly after handting. Keep away from heat, spa[ks and flame. Vapor rnay cause flash fire. KEEP OUf OF REACH OF CHILDREN FIRST AlD: If af%cted by inhalation of vapor or spray mist, remove to fresh air. {f breathing difficulty persists a occuts tater, cortsult a physiaan and have label iriformation avaitable. In case of ere contact, flush immediately with plenty of wraDer for at least 15 minutes and gst medical attention; fot skin, vrash thorou�Fdy with soap and water. If swaflawed, get me�cal attention immediately. If swallowed, do not induoe vomiting Get medical attention immediately. Wash dothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean or destroy contartunated shaes. Keep casit�iner closed when nat in use. If spilled, cantain spilled material and remove with inert absorbenl Dispose of contaminated absorbent, cor�tainer and urwsed contents in accordance with local, state ar�d tederal regulatians. WARNING; This produci contains a chemical known !o the state of Calffomia to cause cancer artd birth defecis, or other reproductive h2rrri. Obtain and Read the Ma�erial Saie�y Data Sheet 9efore Using. lNTENDED FOR PROFESS]ONAL USE ONLY. W25.7 iNGREDIENT C�iS_N0. INGREDIENT CAS N0. Toluene — 1,3-Diisocyanate ropnetary Modified Mettrylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate Prc�ietary Xylene 1330-ZO-7 Titanium Dioxide t34fi3-67-7 Eihylbenzene 100-41-4 Methyl n-Amyl Ketone 110-43-0 Note: k�predienls and VOCNOS may vary !or prodcxts witli catalyst� iM hases. and other colora Wasser High•Tach Coatings' tiability on arry claim of any kind, induding claims based upors Wasser High-Tech Coatings' negligence or strict liabiliry, for any loss or damage arising out of, conrtected with or resulting from the use of the products, sha11 in no case exceed the purchase price allowable for the products or part theteof that give rise to the elaim. ln rto eVet►t shall Wasser High•Tech CoaUngs be liable for consequerrtial or incid�tal damages. Published Product Data Sheets are suhject to change without r�otice. Contact your Wasser Representa6ve for cuaent Product Data Sheets. Certificatiorts and Qual'rfications Revision Date 4/17/03 ' ' . . ��.� =�°iK.� . DESCRIFTION � RavenO 405 is a' salvent-free 100°/v solids, ultra high build epoxy coating formulated with exceptionalty high physical strengths arid braad range chemical resistance. 445 e�ibits superior bond to�concrete, steel, masonry, Eiberglass and other surface`s. Designed for operating temperatures up to 2QO�F, 4Q5's..unique uftra high-build abiliEy allows it to be spray apptieti'�,on vertica]. and everhead surfaces. The surface tolerarice ar►d high physical strengths of 405 alloH> it to be 'desigiied as a structurai lining in manholes, pipefines, tanks and other de#eriorated struceures. TYPICAL USES Surfaces where rehabilitation of an existing structure requires enhancement oE the structural integrity and where exposure to concen#rated acids and caustics may be expected, including: • Tunnels and pipetines � Clarifiers • Digesters � Tanks • Secondary containment • Manholes • Wastewater faciiities • Floors an�i walls APPLICATION METHOD Brush, roiler, heated.�.plural:-component airiess ar air- assisted spray. For,spec�fic �x►fc�rmation an application, spray system design; �'appmvecl systems and CerHfied Applicators contact RLS ; - y R THINNING Do noE thin with solven'ts, pznholing and ioss of adhesion can result. If lower viscosi Ls d'e"sired, dxum heaters and inline heaters can be iised for:iarger quantities and on specialized spray equipinerit:y; I4laterial components should not be heated beyond,manufacfurer's suggested limits. Contact RLS for detailed information. CLEAN-UP - To clean toais, use acetone, �cylene ar MEK. To clean skin, immeciiatety wash,tttoroughly with s�ap and cvater. Refer ta the Material Safety Data Sheet fc�r additional information an health and safety POT LIFE > ,, ,., .,�.,, Zi7 minutes for 1; gallo;z a# 75°F. 15 miriutes for'2 �;allans at 75°F. ,z}_,; . 'Tlie a�mount af pot life and �vorking life r�rill vary depending on the quanNty and temperature of e�oxy mixed, ambient temperature and the container in which the m.ixed material is held. Contact RLS for additional information. coioR Lighk blue is standard. Limited special c�lors are available' an request. Contact RI.,S for information. SOLiDS BY VOLUME 100% solids by ��olume t�olatile C}rganic Compounds: Q_O lbs/gallon FILM THICKNESS Raven 405 is a 100°�o solids epaxy hritl� zero shrinkage. Therefore, actual wet fi1m thickness and final dry film thickness are the same (i.e. ltl mils WFI'=1Q mils DFT). Dependent upon surface prafile, a maximum of 200 mils per coat is recommended to prevent sagging on verticai or overhead surfaces. Generally, application of twa coats are recommended for quality assurance in coverage. A wet fiim thickness gauge can be used to determine caaHng co��erage. THE(3I�ETICAL COVEitAGE 4Q sq. ft. per gallon at 4� mils thickness. A�tual surface coverage will depend on surface irregularities and desired resul#. Trials are recommended to determine the actual coverage required to yield a desired film thickness for each individual ty-pe o€ installaiion. Recommended coverage will vary from 40-250+ miis depending on the instailation. Additiona! infonnation is available by contacting RLS. CURE AND RECOAT TIME Initial set generally occurs within ii hours at 70°F. Curing continues far several days, even underwater. When applying muitiple coats, na more than 24 hours at 70°F should be permitted to pass between caats. Environmental conditions may shorten this window. Protect surfaces from contamination of any type between coats. Before recoating, inspett, dry and clean surface thorou�hly to remove all contaminants, including amine b2ush and candensation. If the recoat window is missed, clean and abrade surfaces pri�r to tapcoating. For additional information cont�ct R L5. SURFACE TEMPERATiJRE Minimum recommended: 40�F. Maximum recommended: 120�F. Raven 405 5URFACE PREPARATiON SurEaces to recei��e coating must be cleaned - of all �: oil, grease, rust, scaie, depasits ar�d other contamina"nts. Cc�nta�t RLS for additic�nal recommendations. STEEL surfaces may require "Solvent Cleaning" (SSPC- SPI} to remo�>e ail, grease and other soluble contaminants. Surfaces t€� be cc�ated should then be prepared according to SSPC-SP1Q ar NACE No. 2: "Near iNhite Blast Cleaning". In certain sittratic�ns, an alternaie procedure may be t� use high (>5,O�Qpsi} or ultiahigk {>10,00dpsi) pressure water cteaning ar water with sand injection and an approved rust inhibitor. The anchor pz'ofile for surfa�e preparatian musF be a minimum of 2 mils. CONCRET'E ANI? MASQNRY surfaces can general2y be prepared by high pressure water cleaning, L1'ater jetting, abrasive biasting;'::shatblastin.g, or a cambination of methods. A penetrating primer sueh as locv viscosity Raven 120 may be recommended. FIBERGLASS surfaces shc�uid be rinsed and ne�€tralized, scarified and cleaned with water or an emuls4on af sotvent and water tr� remove remaining dast and loose particles. �114�v tile surface to dry thoroughly. AVAILABLE PACKr1GES : 5 gallon pails;{24 gallon kit}, ,�p gailan drums {120 galtan kit),. 55 gallon .. drums (220 gallon ki#). Raven 405 is available throug}i"Certified Applicators. CQMPQNENTS AND MIXED RATIQ Part A, Resin. Part $; Har�ener. 3:1 by �=alume. VISCOSITY � ` _ ,:: .., .,.. i'art A,160,C�04 cps at 23°C; Brookfi�ld R�'� Part B, 40,000 cps at 23°C;,Bzookfield RVF SHELF LIFE AND ST'ORAGE':`_ . Shel€ LiEe: 1 year in seaieci,:iiz�mixed contain�rs at room temperature. Stare in a sheltereti; area between b(3°F and 80°F {15°C and 27°C). : , 3�-. ;:-. SAFETY Consult the YiateriaJ Safety,Data:Sheet for this product concerning heaith and safety ii�fo`�riiiation before using. Strictly fnllc�w all notices on the Material Safety Data Shezt and container labei. If you' cio; not; fuJ.ly understand the notices and procedures �rov�cled- oi if you cannot strictly comply with them, do nat use this product. Actual safety measures are dependent an application methads and work enviranment, eontact RLS ta: obtain a copy of the Material SaEety t3ata Sheet at.8Q04324'-28i0. PERFt�RMANCE TESTING DESCRIPTION Flexural Streng#h Compressive Strength Tensile Strength Tensile tJltimate Eiongation Hardness, Shore D 4Vaier Vapor Transmissian 7aber tlbrasian, CS17 Wheei Adhesion MET�-i{?D ASTM D790 ASTM D695 ASTM D638 ASTi�4 C?638 r1S'T'M D2240 ASTM D1653, Meihod B ASTiVi D4Qb0,1000 g load J10Q0 cycies r�STM �4541, Concrc,>te Steel {SSPC SP-l0) RESULTS 13,OtlQ psi I�,OOQ psi i,60� psi 1.5"l� 88 3.8 gmsisq.m. p�r 24 hours <l12 mg loss Substrate Failure >1,4an ps; 4i'arranty and Disciaimer: RLS, a division af CiPAR, Inc., tvanants its products t� be free of manufactvring defects and that they h�ill meet RLS current �uhlished physical �r�yerties �vhen applied in accardante x�ith directions and cested in accordance µith A57M and KLS standards. tf, within one year from purchase, any praduct does not meet th. physical �roperties or is defective in manuFacture, RL, at its sole option, a�ll either replace the defective product or refund the �Surchase p»ce. This warranty is ��oid if the prodt�ct is used contrary to R1S �uritten directions. THE AFCTR[SAiC3 IS TIiL EXCLUS(VE WARRAlVTY AND IS IN LlEU �F ALL O'CI{Eit WARRAIVTIE5, EXPRL•55 OR I:14PLIC•Q. TH�RE tS NQ WARRANTY OF iY1ERCHANTABIti'TY (}R P[Tl\'ES8 FOR AIYY PARTICLTLAR PURfl+DSE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL RIS 8E LIABLE FOR INCILtENTAL OR CONSEQUENT[AL DAMAG�S OR FOR 1.C75T PROFiTS. iVC3 ACTION AGATNST RL5 MAY BE COMMEIVCEi� iNOftF. THAtii O�E YEAR AETER "IHE CLAIA3 ARISES. w��w. ris-sc��utir�ns.carn E{30-324-2810 + Finai�: contact�rls-solutions.com a C"-��: HESi4NT company ;� 2067 q�,,,c Y �` � RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item co�rered by this submittal: I Applicable specification section First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For. City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 �� �.�_.. � � �� � ��� � Interiot structure coatin�s (PRII��IER) Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Section 9.97 interior structure coatin�s ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ MajoY deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 7A I OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. 7A OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: Please see note on e-mail regarding the Wasser being a self priming material Re�rie« Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� Date Recei�Ted by RH2 Engineering: _8/15/12_ Date Returned to Equity: _8/16/12_ � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: The Wasser coating does not require a primer. Primer is xequired for the Raven 405 protecrive coating. Date:_8/16/2012_ Reviewed By:_DB_ David Baisch Signature s/1�>/Zo�� � i:=�z ,»t j:\data\ren\112-033\sdc\submitcals\submittal #7a_intenor_structure_coa[ings-pnmer.docx y Raven 171 DESCRIPTION RavenO 171 is a solvent-free 100% solids, low viscosity penetrating epoxy primer or coating that may be applied to dry or partially damp surfaces. Designed to seal concrete and reduce off-gassing �vhen concrete temperature is above 70°F. TYPICAL USES Formulated for use as a primer on concrete, masonry or brick substrates in: • Tunnels and pipelines • Clarifiers • Digesters • Tanks • Secondary containment • Manholes • Wastewater facilities • Floors and wall COLOR The Part A Resin is clear; the Part B Curing Agent is a "motor oil" color. When mixed, the product dries to a dark yellow, transparent film. SOLIDS BY VOLUME 100% solids by volume Volatile Organic Compounds: 0.0 pounds per gallon COVERAGE Apply to the concrete substrate until the surface is saturated. Theoretical coverage is 320 square feet per gallon at 5 mils wet film thickness (WFT). Actual surface coverage will depend on substrate porosity and roughness. Good painting practices suggest application of two coats for quality assurance. This material is designed to penetrate and will be rapidly absorbed into the concrete making WFT measurement inaccurate. APPLICATION Apply with '/4" to %z" nap epoxy-compatible roller or airless spray system with a 0.019" to 0.025" tip. Adjust pressure as needed. Do not allow mixed material to remain in hose, gun, or spray equipment. It is good working practice to flush equipment between mixed units. For best results, apply this product to concrete when its temperature is stable or falling. THINNING Do not thin with solvents. If lower viscosity is needed, heat unmixed material by placing the containers in hot tap water until the desired flow properties are obtained. Unmixed material should not be heated above 120°F. COMPONENTS AND MIX RATIO Part A Resin:Part B Curing Agent mix ratio is 1:1 by volume. - . - .�:. :� .v�� �� � � HAND MIXING Individually mix both Part A and Part B containers prior to measuring out 1 part of Part A to I part of Part B by volu�ne into a clean disposable pail. Coinpletely mix cotnbined A& B for a mini�num of one minute before transferring contents to a clean pail. Continue mixing at least another minute, scraping the sides and bottom, to obtain a thorough mix before application. Properly mixed material will be a uniform color without light or dark spots. CLEAN UP To clean tools, use acetone, MEK ar xylene. To clean skin, wash iminediately and thoroughly with soap and water. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information on health and safety. POT LIFE The pot life is 25 minutes for one gallon at 90°F. Longer pot life is possible by mixing smaller amounts and/or icing down the part A& B before mixing. CURE TIME Thin film set time varies with substrate temperahue and application thickness. Generally, the coating will be tack-free in 4 hours at 90°F and dry-hard in about 4'/z hours. RECOAT TIME This product may be recoated as soon as it becoines tacky but does not transfer to the finger. When applying multiple coats, do not allow more than 24 hours at 90°F substrate temperature to pass between coats, higher temperatures will shorten this window. Before recoating; inspect, clean and dry surface thoroughly to remove all contamination, including ainine blush or condensation. If the recoat time is missed, clean and abrade surfaces prior to recoating. SUBSTRATE TEMPERATURE Minimum recommended substrate temperature: 70°F Maximum recommended substrate temperature: 120°F TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE Maximum recommended dry temperature: 200°F. Wet temperature resistance depends on chemical concentration and exposure time. SURFACE PREPARATION Prior to coating, the substrate must be prepared in a manner that provides a unifortn, clean, sound, neutralized surface suitable for the specified coating. The substrate must be free of all contaminants, such as oil, grease, rust, scale or � � Raven 171 deposits. In general, coating performance is proportional to the degree of surface preparation. CONCRETE AND MASONRY surfaces must be sound and contaminant-free with a surface profile equivalent to a CSP2 to CSPS in accordance with 1CRI Technical Guideline No. 03732. This can generally be achieved by abrasive blasting, shot blasting, high pressure water cleaning, water jetting, or a combination of inethods. AVAILABLE PACKAGES . Available in one gallon kits (2 quarts of part A in a 1 gallon pail & 2 quarts of part B in a 1 gallon pail) and 2 gallon kits (1 gallon pail of part A& 1 gallon pail of part B). Kits are supplied in the correcf proportions of A& B; these two components must be mixed together before use. Raven 171 is available through Raven Certified Applicators. SHELF LIFE AND STORAGE Product shelf life is 1 year from purchase date in original unopened containers, stored in a sheltered area between 60°F and 80°F (15°C and 27°C). SAFETY Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for this product concerning health and safety information before using. Strictly follow all notices on the Material Safety Data Sheet and container label. If you do not fully understand the notices and procedures provided on the MSDS or if you cannot strictly cotnply with them, do not use this product. Actual safety measures are dependent on application methods and work environment. Contact Raven Lining Systems to obtain a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet at 800-324-2810. TYPICAL PROPERTIE5�'� DESCRIPTION METHOD RESULT Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 1,870 psi Tensile Ultimate Elongation ASTM D 638 63% Hardness, Shore D ASTM D 2240 71 Adhesion, concrete ASTM D 7234 Substrate Failure (1) Typical properties are to be considered as representative of current production and should not be construed as specifications. Warranty and Disclaiiucr: Ravcn Lining Systcros, Inc. ("Raven") warrants its products to bc frec of manufacturing dcfects in accord with applicablc Raven quality control procedures and that they meet the formulation standards of Raven. To the best of our knowledge the technical data contained herein is true and accurate on the date of publication and is subject to changc without prior notice. If, within one ycar from purchase, any product is proven defective, Raven, at its sole option, will either rcplace the defcctivc product or rcfund the purchasc price. This warranty is void if thc product is used contrary to Raven's written directions. THE AFORESAID IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL RAVEN. BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR LOST PROFITS. NO ACTION AGAINST RAVEN MAY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN ONE YEAR AFTER THE CLAIM ARISES. ww�v.raven linina. com 800-324-2810 � Email: contact�ravcnlinine.com Septcmbcr 2011 a CC";NESfaNT camHany c�' 2011 Raven Lining Systcros. , � DESCRIPTION APPLICATION 1VIETHOD Raven� 405 is a solvent-free 100°!v solids, ultra high buitd Brush, roller, heat2d;,piural` camponent airless or air- epoxy coating formuiated with exceptionally high physical assisted spray. Far spectfic�iziformatiUn on application, strengths and b`road range chernical resistance. 4�5 exhibits spray sysiem design, ;appmved systems and Certified superiar bond ta concrete, steel, masonry, fiberglass and Applica#ors contact RLS:. other surfaces. Designed for aperating temperatures up to 2�0°F; 445`s unique ultra high-build ability allows it to be THINNING '�" spray applfed'. pn vertical and �verhead surfaces. T`he Da not thin with solvents, pu�}ialing and ioss af adhesion surface tolerarice and high physical strengths o# 405 al1oH� can r2sult. If lc��ver viscosFty, is'desired, drum heaters and it to be designed as a structural lining in manholes, inline heaters can be'used far<;larger quantities and on pipelines, tanks and other det�riorated structures. specia(ized spray equ�pirient :FMeterial components should not be heated beyond';manufacturer's suggested lisnits. TYPICAL USES Contact RLS for detailed iiifarination. Surfaces where rehabi2itation of an existing structure '� f''� requires enhancement of the structural integrity and where CLEAN-UP � :�� � .,. exposure to concentra#ed acids. and caustics may be To clean tpols, use acetone; xylerie or NfEK. To clean skin, expected, including: immediatety wash tliomughly with soap and water. Refer ta the Material Safe Data'Sheet ft�r additional informatian tY� .. _ o Tunnels and pipelines a Claritiers an health and safeiy �;;j�� • Digesters d Tanks ' �` d Secondary containment • Manholes PC7T LIFE ..'` • Vti'astewater facilities • Ftoors at�d �valls 2Q m3nutes fo'r 1`gallon at 75°F. 15 �niriutes for 2 gallans at 75°F. coioR Lighk blue is standard. Limited special colars are available :�.Ttie " amt�unt oE pot life and working tife will vary on reques#. Contact RLS for informatian. depending on the quanHty and temperature of epoxy mixed, ambient temperature and the container in wliich SOLIDS SY VflLUME the mixed maierial is I�eld. Contact RLS for additional 1Q0°l� solids by crotume informatian. Volatile Urganic Compaunds: QA lbs/gallon FILM THICKNESS Raven 405 is a 1Q0°�o salids epoxy wid� zero shrinkage. Therefore, actual wet film thickness and final dry film thickrress are the same {i.e. 10 mils iNFT=10 mils DFT}. i?ependent up�n surface profile, a maximum nf 200 mils per coat is recommended to prevent sagging on vertical ar o�erhead surfaces. Generally, applicaiion of twa coats are recommended for quality assurance in coverage. A wet fiim thickness gauge can be used tc� determine caating co�-erage. THEC}RETICAL Ct3VEitAGE 40 sq. ft. per gallon at �� mils thickness. A�tual surface coverage will depend on surface irregularities and desired resul#. Trials are recommended to determine the actual coverage required to yield a desired film thicicness for each individual type of installation. Recommended roverage wil) vary from 40-25Q+ mils depc�nding on the instailation. Additiona! infonnarion is available by concacting RLS. CURE AND RECOAT TIME Initial set generally occurs within 6 hours at 70°F. Curin� continues for se�eral days, etien underwater. When applying muitiple coais, no more than 24 hours at i0°F should be permifted to pass between caats. Environmental conditions may shorten this window. Protett surfaces from contamination of any type between caats. Before recoating, inspect, dry and clean surface thoroughly to remove all contaminants, inr�uding amine blush and candensatian. If the recoat window is missed, clean and abrade surfaees prior to topcoating. For addiHonal informatian contact R L5. SURFACE TEMPERATURE hiinimum recommended: 4Q�F. Maximum recommended: 120°F. i� Raven 4f15 5URFACE PREPARATION Surfaces to recei��e coating must be cieaned - of all ;oil; grease, rust, sra3e, deposits ar�d other� contaminarsts. Cuntact RLS for additional recomrnendations. STEEL surfaces may require "S�Ivent Cleaning" (SSPC- SPl} tc� remove oil, grease and other soluble cantaminants. Surfaces ta be cvated shauld then iie prepared accordirig to SSPC-SP1Q or NACE No: 2: "Near Wkute Blast Cleaning". In cer#ain situatic�ns, ari attemate procedure may be to use high (>5,OQOpsi) ar uitrahigh (>1Q,Of}4psi} p�essure waier cleaning ar water with sarid injectzon and an approved rust inhibiEor. The �char pxofile for surface preparation must be a minimum of 2 miLs. CONCRETE Ai�1t} NiASONRY sur#aces can generally be pre}�ared by high pressure water cleaning, K�ater jetting, abrasive blasting;': shotblastin.g, or a caml�ination Qf methods. A penetrating primer such as lory viscc�sity Rav�n 120 may �re recommended. FIBERGLASS surfaces should be rinsed and neutralized, scarified and cleaned with water or an emulsion of solvent and water tU remove remaiz�in� dr�st a.nd loc�se partides. t�llo�v the surface to dry thoratighly. AVAILABLE PACICAGES 5.gallari pails (20 galion kit}, 3Q gallon drums {120 gallan kit},,. 55' gallo.n . drums (220 gallon kit}. Raven 405 is available through"Certified t�pplicators. coMno�vEiv �.:. �. �:; .. � � T� AND. MIXED RAiI{� Part A, Resin. Part $� Haidener. 3:1 by volume. ''1�ISCOSITY Part A,1b�,0i3Q cps at 23°C;-Brookfieid RVF Part B, 4Q,E}Qt� cps at 23°C;,Biookfield RVF SH-ELF LIFE AND STORA.GE:°:.:. Shelf LiEe: 1 year in seal'ed; .unmixed cantainers at room temperatrzre. Store in a slieltereci�area between 6(?°F and t�0°F {15°C and 27°C)- SAFETY Consult the Material Safety Daka`. Sheee for this �roduct concerning health and safeky utforinaric�n befare using. Skrictly follow all natices ori tYie Materiai Safety Date Sheet and container label. If yau`.do not' ful.ly tinc�erstand the notices and procedures pi•ov�ded''or if you cannot strictty eomply with them, dc� nat use this praduct. Actuai safeEy� measures are dependenf�on application methods and work environment. Contact RLS, to. olitain a copy of ihe Material _. _ Safety L?ata Sheet at.800=324=281p. PERFQRMANCE TESTIN� DESCRIPTit�N Flexurai Strength Con�pressive Str�ngth Tensile Strength Tensile Uitirnate Elangatian Hardness, Shore D Water iiapor iransmission 7'aber flbrasian, CS77 Wheel Adhesign METHOD ASTM D790 ASTM �695 ASTM Db38 ASTM U638 AS'T'M 172240 ASTM D1653, Methcxi B as�rr� ��osa, �aoo � ta�ar���c� �y��p� r�STM D4541, Concr�te Sceel (SSPC SP-1(l) ItE5ULT5 13,£i�0 psi IS,t704 psi 7,&00 psi 1.5"IU 8$ 3_$ gms/sq.m. per 24 haurs <17 2 mg loss Substrate Failure >1,4a0 ps; 4�,jarranty and Diseiaim�r: R[S, a division of CiPAK, In<., cvarrants iis products to be free c�€ manufacturing defects and ihat they ti+�iil meet Rf.S curmnt puhlished physical proyerties tivhen applied in accardan<e x•ith directions and tested in accordance wt#h AS"1 i'�t and RLS standards. Tf, wiihin one }•ear from purchase, any product does not meet the physical prpperties ctr is defecti�e in man�facture, RlS, at its sole optioM, ��Il either replace the defecii�e product or retund the }�urchase price. This wasranty is vc�id if the praduct is used contzary Eo itLS �vritten directions. THE AFC?ReSAID t5 TtiE EXCLUSIYE WAR[iANTY AIVD I5 IN LI£:U QF ALL O'CF{ER WARRAIVTIES, EXPRESS OIt 1:�PLiLD. iH�C#E IS i`O WARRANTY OF 1tiERCFIANTAB1L17Y OR F[T1V�SS FQR AiYY PARTICUI_AR PURPOSE. UNDER iV0 CIIiCUMSTAIVCES SHALL RLS B£ LIABLE FOR iNCIL}EIVTAL OK CflNSEQU�NTIAl DAMAGES OR FOR LOST PRQF1'TS. l�fl AC7ION AGAI]VST RL5 M19AY BE COM1t4EiVCEl� '�1OftF. THA�I Oi�'E YEAR AFTER THE CLAI.�1�i AR[SES. W X'h�.rls-sUtutiUns.[vm 8()Q•324-2810 • Finaii: contact�rls-solutions.com a C"�': ME513NT company � 2�7 RLS From:UTILITY VAULT CO 2537354201 uyiiyf�ws u��iL f+luL r.�4��� W25 - Product Dffia 6.25 Area of Use Substrates PossibEe Uses Over properlY Prepared Structural Steel Food Processing Ferrous Metai Concrete Floors Work Boats Galvanized Metal Concrete Block Matenal Handiing EquipmeM Aeflneries AluminumlNon-Ferrous Metal F 'C ' Previousfy Existing Coatings Pulp and Paper Mills Manne/Port aa ides Chemical Processing Faalities Offshare Platforrns Pipes Hydropower facilities Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities Ready Referer►ce Information fle�n Type: Arorna6c UreEhane Theorelical CaPverage: C�� ��� D�T. 99�► ft�igai a Pigment Type: Sheen: Colors: Vofume Solids: Cobring Gloss White 62.0°�6 ± 2.0 VOC <28 Ib/gal (340 Sfl) {Volatile Orgartic CoMentj {@ 25 µm DFT: 24.4 m/I} Hecommended Flm Thickness Wet 24 - 3.2 mils (61 - 81 microns} pry: 1.5 - 2,0 mis (38 - 5t microns) Recommareded Coverage per coat 497 ttz/gal a120 mils DFT - 663 tt�/ga) at 1.5 mils OFT (12.2 m'/I at 51 micxons DFf - 16.2 mz/f at 38 microns DF� Thinrnng: MC-Thinner, MGThinner 400, or MC-Thinner XMT qean up; MC Thirmer, MC-Thinner t00, or MC Thinnar XMf Drying Tmes and Temperatures � *qt 50� Hutnidity 50° F/10° C 75° F/24° C 85° F/35° C wilh0ut WRGnk� witlrPl� witl�t PURQuk� �iPf/TiGuDlr� wi0wulPl�#f]uik� ndtleP!/ROud� Tadc Free 1 hr -- 30 min — Rewat Minirr�um' 10 hrs 1 hr e hrs 30min Fu� Cure � 0 days 7 days 7 days 5 days Reler to Wassers PURQuiI� AccxJeratar Producd Data far adaftional;nlomration *Humidity, temperature arid coating ihiclmess will affect drying and cu�ng 6rtses t. Abrade atter 72 hours and apply to a dean surface 20 min 8 hts 5 days .ZD i1Nn 4 days Product Featu�es Single Component Masiure Cure Urethane Low VOC No Dew Pant Restricbons No Mixing Enws. Arorna6c Urethane Pertormance (Svbstrate rnust be visibly dry) No Poi Liie Versatile glass topcoat for various Cart be applied in below freezing subsCrates temperatures (�o rc;e or frost� Easy to apply by brush, roller or spray ' methods Can be applied at 9996 humidity Compatible with PURQuik� Acceleratw tw faster dry and cure tirt�es. Product Description Rwisioo oace atj�la3 MC-Aroshie�d fs an aroma6o, qloss finish, moisture-cure urethane topcoat The aromatic urethane properties of ihis coating ofler excelleM resistance to abrasion and demanstrate outstanding barrier performance in harsh exposures. Ttus topooat is ideal for appiication to various subsUate types in non-UV, interior ernironments. F�om:UT1LITY VAULT CO 2537354201 uy/1�/�uus u�•i� +�iuc r.����r Recommended Systems Interior Surfaces Ferrous Metals: t" Coar MGZinc Or MC-Miozinc 2"d Coat MC-Ferrox H 3rd Coa� MC-Aroshield Optional Clear Coat 4`" Coat MC-Arodear Total System DFT: 3.0-5.0 mils DFT 3.Q-5.0 mils DFT t.s-2.a mits oF�' 1.5-2.0 mils DFT 9.0-t4.0 mils DFT 1�' Coat: MC-Zinc 3.0-5.0 miis QF'f Qr MC-Miozinc 2id Coat: MC-CR 3.0-4.0 mils DFT 3'0 Coat MC-Aroshield 1.5-2.0 rrsils DFT Optional Gear Coat 4�' Coat: MC-Aroclear 1.5-2.0 mils DFT Total System DPT': S.o-13.0 mils DFT AluminumMon-Fenous Metals/ Galvanized Metal: t# Coat MC•Aroshield 1.5•2.0 mils DFT 2^tl Coat: MGAroshield 1.5-2.0 rnils DFT Total System DFT: 3.0-4.0 mils DFT 1"Coat MC-Ferrox B 2nd Cas� MC-Aroshield Total System DFT: Concrete': 1 " Coat MC-CR 2nd Coat MC-Atoshield 3`� Coat MC-Arocfear Totai System �FT: 1S'CoaC MGAroshield 2n° Coar MC-Aroshield Tota) System DFT: 1:' Coat MC-Arashield 2nd Coat MC Aroshield 3'd Coat MC-AroeJear ToWi System DFT: 3_0-5.0 mils DF'f 1.5-20 mils OFT 4.5-7.0 mils DFi s.o-a.4 m�is �Fr 1.5-20 mils DFT 1.5-20 mils DFT 6.0-8.0 mils OFT 1.5-2.0 mi15 DFT 1.5-2.Q mils DFT 3.0-4.� mils DF7 1.5-2A mils DFT 1.5-2a mils DFT 1.5-2.0 mils DFT 4.5-6.0 mils DFT 1. Prime coat for concrete may be reduced up ta 25°� to iaaGtate coating penetration. Subsac{uent coating applications may be red�ed as necessary up to 10%. Ttdn in accordance with Ixal and federat regulations. Note: Use over recommended primers or irttemrediades for ferrous metal. Not recommended for d�ect to ferrous meta[ appliCations. *Other Systems are available and appropriate. Contact your Wasser Repraser�tative far atry questions. PerFormance Testing Data Dry Heat Resistance: Confinuous: 25(?`F (125°C) *Contact Wasser Nigh-Tech Coatings far detailed testing of this product Compatible Coatings Primer: MC-Prepbond NeoPrime 803 Epaxy Primer AIIGZnc NeoCoat 885 PW Epoxy MC-Miozinc NeoTech 855 Clear Epoxy Concrete Sealsr NeoBlodc 878 Acrylic Conaete Blodc Fi11er NeoPrime 801 Universat Prim�t NeoPrime 807 Shop Coat Primet NeoPrimc 8011 Inorganic Zinc Primer 1�ermediates: MC-Ferrox B MC-Miomastic MC-CR Clear Fmish Topcoats: MIC-Arodear ¢nterio� coatmg ncce�erator. PURQuik� Coating Accelerator Revisiort Dffie 4117/03 �:—_�_�,:....w.y;. _�,;.,........_.. _ —_ - - - ..,....T�..Y,,._:�.__ ��r-. �s�_:;,:�r,:r��_---,^�' - _ ...... �� � � :s� s�.2�`fy.?�-."r"T:i�'%S�r_^.,� .- ... (y ,' �;_�.._�=�� ' - . . ._..... . __ . . .. . _ , ... '�_S'YSL� .:.f^�EsT`.� �L.��.. . .`lc� ..� . , _ .. ...�..��._._....:_._..��'j....:�y; •• yw,,,.._ .�.� :�a �-.:�ar.wb�C�.:t __ ..... ..... _ . . . , . . From:UTILITY �IAULT CO 2�373542(}1 lJ�/ly/'LtA1� uy:�� ++iuc r.wu���� Surface Preparation Ferrous Metal qpply to clean, dry. Wasser racammended primers. Refer to tha pnmer Product Oata for additional informabon. Aluminum/GalvanizedMon-Ferroas Metals Prepare surfaces using SSPGSPI SoNent Cfeani� and SSPC-SP12/NACE No. 5 Low Pressute. VNate� Cleaning methods to remove su�aee contamination. Supplertrent weathered gaNanized surface preparation with SSPC-SP2 and 3 Hand and p�wer Tool cleaning to remove exoessive corrosion and impart su�face profile on bare metal. Supplemerrt new galvanized surface cleaning with mechanical abrasion ta impart surface profile and support mecharncal adhesion. Concrete/Concrete 81ock The surface must be dry, free of surface contaminants, and in sound condition. Grease, and oii should be removed by ASTM D4258-83 (Reapproved 1889) and release agents shwld be removed by ASTM D4259 - 88 (Reapproved 1999J. ftefer to SSPC-SPI3/NACE No 6 mecharrical or chemical surface p�eparation methods for prepanng concrete to suitable cleanlmess for intended sernce. Surface preparation methods should impart suifiGent surface profile fa mechanical adhesion to xcur. Ensure surface is thoroughly rinsed and dry prior to coating application. Asow a minimum 7- 14 days cure time 1or new cortcrete prior to preparation and application. Previously Existing Coati�tgs Prepare surfaces using SSpC-SP12/NACE No. 5 Low Pressure Water qeaning methods to remove surface contamination. Supplement SSPC-SP 12 LPWC with SSPGSPI Solvent Geaning and SSPC-SP2 and 3 Hand and Power Taol cfean areas of corrosiorr and loose or flaking pai►n (feather edges of sound, existing paint badc to a firm edga). Spot prirne dean, bare metai with Wasser recomrnended primer. Sand glossy autaces to provide profiJe. A�ply a test sampie to a small area to determine coating compatibiEity. Goad Practices MC-Aroshield is designed for appdcaGon ta a veriety of substrates and tightly adhering, prewousfy ezistin� coatin�s. Apply a test sample to a sma� area to detemnne coahng adhesion andlor compatibility. Spot pr�me any areas cleaned to bare metal with a Wasser tecomrnended primer. The sw�ace to be coated must be dry, dean, duR, and free irom dir� grease, od, rust, mif! scale, salts or any other surface cantaminants that interfere with adhesion. Ertsure welds, repair areas, jants, and surfac:e defeats expc►sed by surFace preparation are prope�ly deaned and treated prior to coating appl'rcation, Consult the referenced standards, SSPC-PAt and your Wasser R�tesentative for addltional informatior► or rscammendations. Appiication It�forrnation MGAroshield can be appGed by brush. roll, airless spray ar�d cornentianal spray methods. Follow proper mixing instructicns betore applyi�g. Mixing Materiat tempera�re must be 5° F above ths dew point before opening and agitating. Power mix ihoroughly prior to appGcation. Do �rot keep wrda►' c�nnsfent agitedon. Appty a 3-8 oz sohreni float over rnateriaf to preveni moisture inbusion and cover pail. Brush(Roller. Htush: Natural Fber RoNer: Natural or syntheti� fiber oover Nap: % to 3/a Core: Phenolic Reduction: Typically not reqwred. If necessary. reduce with MC-Thinner t Q0. Airless Spray. Pump Ratio: 28-40:1 Pressure: 210o-2800 psi Hose: '/.' b 3G' Tip Size: .OQ7-.013 Fitter Size: 60 mesh (250 µm} Reriuction: Typicafly rtot required. If �ecessary, reduce vrith MC-Thinner or MC-Thinner 100. Cornnentional Spray: (Delrlbis MBC, JGA or ec�utvaler�t) Fluid NovJe: E Fluid Tip Air Cap: 704 or 765 Atomizing Air: 45•75 lbs. . Fluid Pressure: 15-20 �s. Hose: '/:' ID; 50' Max Reduc6on: Typically not required. If necessary, reduce with MGThiriner ot MGThinner 100. ReduCer MC-Thinnet, MC-Thinner 100, (if VOC regt�ations restrict thinning, use MGThinner XMT}. Reduction is Eypically not required. 1� neCessary, thin up to 1096 with recommended thinnet. Thin in accordance with local end federai regulatory standards. qe8n up: MGThinrtei, MGThinner t00. If Wasser thiro�ers are not avai{ahle, use MEK, MIBK, Xylene, a 50:50 blend ot Xylene and MEK or MiBK, ar acetone fa clean up only. Do not add unauthorized solvents to a Wasser coating. %►Pplication Conditions: Temperature: 20°-100° F (-8°-38°C) This temperature rarige should be achieved for ambient, surface and material iemperature. SubsVate musl be visibly dry. MC- Thinner 100 is recommended far spray application in temperatures above 90°F. Relative Humidity: s%-99% Coa�g AeceEerator. PUR�uik� Accelerator. See Wasser's Pt1R�uik` Acceterator Produc! Data for infoRnation. Storage: Store ofS the ground in a dry, protecied erea in temperature betwaen 40-100"F {4-38°C). MCU containers musc be kept sealed when noi in use. Use a sofvent float to reseal partial conminers. Reviaon Date 4117/03 �-��,: — , - - -- -, - -- -- - ,. r---- � _ ' - ' �: ,:i _ _ - _ �^ _ — - - - From:UTILITY VAULT CO 2537354201 tly/ly/�W� Uy:l4 #FlUL F'.wiiuu� VOC Compliant (National Standards — lndustriai Maintenance Coating, and Concrete Protective Coating) �ualified for use in USbA and FDA inspected facilitles Ordering in#ormation Shipping Information Product Numbers: Wzs.� White Package Siz� t gallo� artd 5 gaiion pails Sheff LHe: 12 morrths irmr� date of shipment when stored unopened at 75°F (24°C) Rash PoiM: Weight/gallon: OOT HAZARD CLASS DOTPACKAGtNG GROUP DOT �ABEL DOT SHIPPINi3 NAME DOT FLACARD UN/NA NUMBER 80°F (28.6°C) 11.0 * t.0 fbs (t.32 ± .12 kg/I) 3 II! FLAMMABLE LIQUiD PAINT FIAMMABIE LIQUID 1263 Satety Precautions ' DANGER! YAPOR AND SPRAY MIS7 HARMFIiL. OVEREXPOSURE MAY CAUSE LUNG DAMAGE. MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC 5K}N AND RESPIRATORY REAC710N, EF�ECTS MAY BE PERMANENT, MAY AFFECT THE BRAIN OR NERVOUS SYSTEM CAUSING DIZZINESS HEADACHE OR NAl1SEA. CAUSES EYE, SKIN, NOSE AND THROAT !RR(TATIQK. FLAMMABLE LIQUIO AND VAPOA. CONTAINS: Toluene, Xylene, Ethylbenzene, Methyl n-AmyI Ketone, AAod�ied Iu1Dt HOTiCE: Reports have assoaated repeated and prolonged occupational over-expawre to soiveMs with pe►rnaneM brain and nervous m damage. Intantional misuse by deliberatelY corxx�trating and inhaling contents �rsay he harmful or tata{. INDIVIDUALS WITN L NG OR BREATHING PROBLEMS OR PRI�i REACTION ZO ISOCYANATES MUST NOT BE EXPOSED TO VAPOR OR SPRAY MIST. Use Only Wrth Adequate Verdilation. Do not breathe dust, vapors or spray mist Ensure fresh air er►try during application and drying. If you expecience eye watetirsg, headache ar diainess or if air mortitofing demonstrates vapor/misi Eevels are above applicable firnits, wear an appropriate, properly litted respirator (NIOSH approved) during and aftar appGcation. Folbw respirator manufacturer's diredions for respirator use. Do not get m eyes, o� sk�n or on dothmg. Wash thoroughly after hanfiing. Keep away frorn heat, sparks and flame. Vapor rnay cause ilash fire. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN FIRST AID: {f atfected by inhala6on of vapor or spray mist, remove to fresh air. {f breathing difficulty persists or occurs later, consult a physiaan and have Iabet information avaitable. In cass of eye contact, flush immediately with plenty of wa�er for at 4east 15 minutes and gst medical atterition; ior skin, wash thorou�hly wifh soap and water. if swailawed, get med4cal attention lmmediately. If swallowed, do not mduoe vomiting_ Get medical ariention immediately. Wash cloihing before �euse, Thoroughly clean or destroy cantaminated shaes. Keep cantainer closed when not ir� use. If spilied, cantain spilled materia� and remove with inert absorbenL Dispose af conSaminated absorbent, container and unused contents in aocordance with local, state ar�d tedesa! regulations. WARNING; This product conteins a chemical known !o the state of Calffomia to cause canc� artd birth defects, or other reproductive harm Obtain and Read the Material 5afety Data Sheel $efore Using. INTENDED FOR PROFESS]ONAL USE ONLY. W25,7 INGREDIENT CAS NO. INGREDIENT CAS N0. Toluene — 1,3-Diisocyanate Propneiary Modified Methyletie Diphenyt Di,socyanale Prcprietary Xy��e f330-20-7 Titanium Dioxide 13483-67-7 EtFrylbenzene ��-41-4 Meth}M1 n-Amyl Ketone t 7o-a3-o Nota: h,predianx and vOCNOS rnay vary for prod�ts witl� csualysts, iM bases. and other miora Wasser High-Tech Coatings' Eiabiliiy on arry claim ot any kind, induding claims based upon Wasser High-Tech Coatings' negligenoe or strict liability, for sny loss or damage arising out of, connected with or resutting (rom the use of the producis, shail in no case exceed the pu�chase price allowable for the products or part thereof that give tisse to the claim. In na event shafl Wasser High•TeCh Coatings be liable tor consequermal or incidental damages. Publi�ed P�oduct Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. Cflntact your Was�r Representative for ourrent Product Data Sheets. Certifications and Qual'rfications R���a, o� an��oo RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item co�reYed b�� this submittal: I Applicable specification section � First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Statiosi CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 I 'Il � i�� � � � �, � ��� �� � �:� Misc. Metals-pipe for bollards-ss pipe for vent riser Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Type II bollards standaxd plan H020/�rent riser materials ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor de�Tiations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # g OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: Vent pipe riser to be fabricated as per plan detail sheet#5 drawing #CO3 for "Wet well Passive Vent Detail" Revie�c Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� Date Received by RH2 Engineering: _8/15/12_ Date Returned to Equity: _8/16/12_ � Reviewed ❑ Rejected ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date:_8/16/12_ Revie�ved By:_BD Da�rid Baisch Signature Comments from Engineer: Submittal re�riew limited to materials used for construction of bollards and vent piping. Contractor is responsible to construct vents and bollards per construction details. 8/ I6/2072 =�:22 Pbf z:\bothell\data\ren\112-033\sdc\submi[tals\submit[al #8_�-ent_pipe_and_bollards.docx � ! �I.�R �t)i�iLER COMPANY Attn: Garrett Felton Re: Liberty Lift Station Contractor: Equity builders 0 7-14-i2 Ga.rrett, The materials we wiIl use on the above mentioned project are as fol�ows. Bollards: 3" Sch40 A.S.T.M. A53 Grade B, E.R.W. Galvaruzing: To A.S.T.M. A123 Specs Venti: SchlOs Grade 3�6L � � Pipe: A.S.T.M. A778 Fittings: A.S.T.M. A774 Flanges: A.S.T.M..A182 Weldneck 150# � If I can answer any further quesiion, please call. ; . . Sincerely, .`��'�� � . J. F. ea � _ Marysville Branch 6016 29'" brive NE Marysville. WA 88271 (360)659-1438 (866)629-9733 (360} 657-7814 Fax � I RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Equity Builders Submittal Log # 9 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal For.� City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � Item co�reYed b�� this submittal: I Applicable specification section Z First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified Refer to the 11.12.3 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted a OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. � � � r��� � � .�� . �� _��: ..�..n_ �� : ..:�. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRe�Tie�v PrioYity: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� I Date Recei�Ted by RH2 Engineering: _8/15/12_ � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: Date Returned to Equity: _8/16/12_ RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date:_8/16/12_ Reviewed By:_DB_ David Baisch Signature 8/1G/2012 130 PD4 j:Adata\ren\112-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #9 sump pump.docx S33 SE RI ES I/3 HP Submersible Sump Pumps .� Applications 8asement Sumps, Dewaterin� Ca acities 32 GpM 121 LPM Shut-off Head 25' 7.62 m Operation: On 10.31" 261 mm � 3.31" 84 mm Pump-down Ran�e 7" , 178 mm Solids Handlin I/4" 6.4 mm - �� ���" � arain water Intermit[ent Liquid Temp. up to 140°F up to 60°C Motor 1/3 HP, PSC Electritaf Data 3000 RPM, 1 I SV, 6.5A, I f?�, 60Hz Acce tabfe H Ran e (,-9 Shaft Sea( type f I A, carbon & ceramic, second li seal Housin cast iron Power Cord I Q', 20' Dischar e, NPT I- I I2" 38_ i mm Min. Sump Diameter Float i g�� � Vertical: 457 mm � Q- ��2" 267 mm • Versatility for rnany ••Dual ball-bearing motor light-duty jobs and additional iip seai • Designed for drain water provide durability and removal or permanent longer pump life applications with smal� • Durable PSC motor for amounts of debris years of service • UL and CSA Listed • Oif-filled PSC motor for • Maintenance-free operation m���um heat dissipation, • Wide-angle or vertica! �ontinuous bearing mechanical switch for small lubrication i a- ri2" diameter sumps ' R��sed vortex impe(ler for free flow of fiquids and solids 10. . :a�0 ` Pentair Wates- 2� ° r z: w 2� w �- I f z fE Q 14 T 12 � 10 �O e b 4 2 Q IS � CAPACITY LffERS PER M 30 15 60 75 • Thermal overload protection with automatic reset «, ,�� M9009SSE Ut C � � 6 � E 5 Z 0 4 w z 3 r O � t ' CApqCITY GP,LLONS PER M1NlJTp� 30 � j RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal I Item covered b�7 this submittal: � Applicable specification section Z First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 �� � ����'.�:.:; Utilit�� Meter Enclosure Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Div. 16.21.2 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor de�Tiations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Su6mitta/ Log # 1�.1 I OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v Priorit��: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� � Date Received b�- RH2 Engineering: 8/31 /2012 Date Returned to Equit��: � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and perfoRning his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/31 /2012 Reviewed Bj�: MLM MARK MILLER Signature 8/31/2012 137 PDi z:\bothell\data\ren\112-033\sdc\s-ubmittals\submi[tal #10.1 electrical_u[il_meter.docs � i ELECT]E2ICAL SUBMIT�'AL UTILITY METER ENCLOSURE DIVISION 16 PROJECT: LIBERTY LIFT STATION OWN�R: CTTY OF 1tENTON G�N�RAL CONTRACTOR: �QUITY BUILD�RS LLC �L�CTRICAL CONTRACT4R: ADVANCED P�VVER, LLC PO BOX 13705 MILL C1tE�K WA 98082 �125-481-8260 Phone 425-486-31 G2 I'ax t TB S��'ses '100 Amp/600 Volt Socket Only/Self-Con�ained -.� . • Single meter position • Designed to receive �vatdlour me�ers d�at meet ANSi C12.10 • Overheadjunderground feed • SurEace mounc • Top or bottom load eaic • Type 3R canstruction �ss facilities' • Safety socke� �vith factory insCailed testj�yp� • Snap type sealing ring included • St1� jaw provision at nine o'clock— 11�4TB only • Pcovisions for Z AW base caPs or hub lcics on top • Padlack provision • Ring sryle • UL hl4 listed, compties with ANstciz.� � ANSI 61 gray acry�ic: electrocoat finish _ - i • i�ifth ja�v l:it — cacalog �50371 • Center and offset pole mounting bracicets • Bussed guCCers, see page b8 • AW hubs • Scretiv cypc sealing ring — catalog •�2501GD • S�eel or clear lcxan covers for socker o�ening �1. ,��.�� 41h1EiIS14}i5 � . . � . ,�. � 114T0 • t NONE' 125 tU0 640 10 3W d AW 14 AWG - y0 AWG 14 A1VG • 1N AWG �9. ti t�OHE 125 100 6fl0 3A 3W 5 AW 14 AWG • 7J11 AWG �a awc -�ro awc Fa}.1 i15T8 t hW IdAWG�2KIAWG IdAWG•4HIAWG F�9�1 1ti� t NOftE 125 100 G00 S6 4W 1 �- 60-rn. Jbs lorque recommended for circuit-clasing nut t= Meter sockefs on this page have cenain short circuif current ratings when used in conjuncfion with !he tables on page 72 Nofe: For 208/J20V, iU 3W systems, order 4-jasv unit aad a 5th jasv krt . �'� � . � r ,-. �. � __� .._:i:... �,� .,�,.� :,�rrnrance. All dimensions in �n��"s• , � �:Q.� . ' PUGET S�UIVD EIVERGY Metering Equipment : � AMP ngle Phase CT Cabinet ngle Phase CT Mounting 6ase Phase CT Cabinet, 4 Wir Phas�'-AA mu 6ase CT2448'E1-HC or SC K4797. K4729 36"x4 "xii" � 50 kV for a11 K4798 Notes: � 1. All meter sockets shal� have Anaiized Screw -Type rings {CAT# MR-4) 2. 3 Phase, 3 Wire is not an authorized service. 3. "Self Contained meler sockels on services 300-600V phase to phase require a disconnect ahead af lhe meter {cald sequence}. 4. # Add 5th Jaw in 9 o'clock position CAT#105J or 5TeK2 ANY QUESTI�NS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO PSE METER DEPT. Contact Lizzjr Sairanski at (253) 437-G799 � CATALOG NUMBERS FOR MILBANK RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal I Item covered by this submittal: � Applicable specification section: Z First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � � �.�. � � a� '�:,:: Service Disconnect Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. DIV. 1�.21.3 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor ceYtifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor de�riations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 1�.2 I OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v PYiority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� � Date Received by RH2 Engineering: 8/31/2012 Date Returned to Equity: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/31 /2012 Reviewed By: MLM MARK MILLER Signature Comments from Engineer: � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. ELECTRICAL SUBMITTAL SERVICE DISCONNECT DIVISION 16 PROJECT: LIBERTY LIFT STATION OWNER: CITY OF It�NTON GEN�RAL CONTRACTOR: �QUITY BUILD�RS LLC EL�CTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ADVANC�D POW�R, LLC PO BOX 13705 MILL CRE�K WA 98082 425-481-$260 Phanc �125-�86-3162 Fax .� .' � � � �mayinction ot t� or� Circuil Firenkcrs,ltulJed Cnsc Circuit lirc��lccrs I'n,durt �r tiC;lllltr,u11.3\X tiho�i 17rscri�i�ion: til:i� \I j I�0 .i� f:: \I(' I Of i"o I.ti I-\.0 SPECi 1'IC.':1'E'IOti ti !':rtcEtc�n� ��il�l�ill'I �.I[le 1'tip tirylr f=rarur'i)'pc An�pera�c Cnlcs Sy':trm \'t�haet 1?D \'uc Ini�riuptiu� ld;�ting I _(i;?.iD \'ac hucrmpiinc kacini ?.Ifi \°a�• Iturttuptiitg Riling . ?" �`:ic Iwcrn�pii:ic li:�iitu� •{Ril \ u� fmr�rupiimi ltutiuE h(19 1-ac hitcrniptinn E1;uin¢ l�rip limction "frip Indicuiim'C;uEc� Carminuou�, C'urrcnt Raicd tiuital�le !iv Rcceise Peed f. uE s Ltmc'I i�uc si„��� r����r tu<uat�ancna; Gmund i�ault Ground fai�li Al�uiu Kcuunl f'�i�lc:tinu "/.nn� �cIdclirc Imcrlo:k Rcdncr� ]ai�t�!)' I.tt=Chroiq:f� f'u�l�cni \I.ICI'il�;! . . (�1�I11i71URil'al1Uf I5 11;���clixm L',y�nn�� I'iuiecticr Rcl;ip: Spc:i:il \furl:ines [il. f"iir �' C'ti:t Pilct: 1i5:1 l i�mpli:ntcr L Pf. tipc�u:� ii�iS"' I�:Ic.tra:�ie'I-iip .. .. Spccunit\i.1-micral:mcUiQuanl � Inler.han�x;d�l� ti ( ifrUO lUu:\ : I'_5:1 . I ill:1 , (li:i . !it1.1 1'?il Y�ic . I'_(I�_'�tU \'ac . ?-IG \'a: . �7? \`:1C . •iY(1 1'ac , f�UU \'uc 6� f;.11C L� f::11(' � . ........_. GS 1;:\I(' ;}5 k:,11C - � . .. . . . ....... _ _... �S k����� ?5 h:,\U' � 1.51 l�ti `Ilu'!„ } L•5 '1'(.'1..1{ _iGJ _ . .. 1dju;�:ihk :��ii��<„t�it ��c,n� �t�iju�taLlc tii �u . . . . .. .... f+❑ ... ... . . _.._ .. . . . _._._.. ... .. I� n _. Nu � �5 :�U \I1 �\ n FIACIt i?ll�:)� , . ... . t_k•11135p � ;�u ,r;s:,laa.uo5s . ..�.. , .,. , �;.:,: r,<;. r::. f4.j�!E:.1y� ^ n J."c^:.�� ; ���� � : __-_.=. ��t���-�,�•� jt: r":; -�n �- f . ��` :�i � -:.._ .� SE�cCF1;l,Fr R�IS lnnitlC�I..��e c�rcuit in�cakcr.t u�nll ntiicrufinldtiliva�dl�\-I tsip units (tiCildNl aud til:l'_OU) uflct Aeciblc ,��slctn piuic.�iun. mcicrin�! uzid:c,nutunti�a�ion nptions raptircd on �hr mnst ad��anccd tlr�trical s� ctems. Fully ad.iustnl4c timr-cunan �urvcsrxiq: thrcr Inu� timc :ur� c;liapcs: \t\"f� 121, Cfl, �tnd 3�ust I�li l;uid opiiunnl prntcni�'c iclacs p�uiidc nplimal nyslcnt s:nu�dinalinn nnd prutc:ueu. le� nJdi�ion �o �cu�d;uJ niricriu}!, tl�e utic�niinlclli(ivart173i trip imits ard :n•ail�i6lc ���ilh ErnunJ Eim4 :�I;um, liednced Gner}y Lcl-7'hrou�h i IlL'l:ll. %nne ticicctiec huedockinu iS1?(iPrlti5"I ). ututi;�! pralcclion, w�aacfi�nu �upnnc, piu�r,uumahic uutpm cunmci;, s.h wi�ed melaing and dirrci \1adLus cmmuuni�atinus tirc integr.�tinu uilh I:n.•r1'isl:i Vic���poinl po�ecr s��slr�u tn�iuitniiw; u�li�ra�c. 'I�hc Itlll'IDLSIICIII�ill:li(I I.1I Ifl�l lllill ItSC> UIL':nlfllC IIIII\'tlIS13I ntinu pluus :md tat kit nffcccd li�r Ihc f:niclliCivardl�• l li irip unit ns �crll as amnuou int.��inl nccess��ries uhed ucro:;s ihe c�:tiic Spr.trrJi I.t15 liitiuily nfntolJed c:e,r ri�r�cit l+rc:ik.r;. http://products.geindustrial.com/IndustrialProducts/Dispatcher?REQUEST=SPECAAGE... 08/02/20l 2 - a� �� iR59�i�CUCr, Cf ::Otn Circuil Ilrcakcrs,Circuii i3rcifker Enclusccres f'mduri = 5Gdti�}I; Shnri (7cticripiiim 'I ti Pf .iR I'_'dl�l., �10�}.�, tiltRt��\C'I' tiPECIF't(.':17'10\ti C',nc�;on� 1.'in'uit lhc:ikcr I:uclu:wr•� t_ncli�<urc i)•��_ \G\I:1'i�pc?it kln�unin4 tiurlacr I�r;unr'I y pc SI.ihIfU .tsnp: n_r II}U: \ I;I.:CI'l_ l.i:w��: Cti:1 . Ul. �I:ilrti:il 51cc1 ii�;Fin ;�,.hi ;�� o.yn�� � in 11'iJth _ �-i G? in \l'cight .1_' Ib liti�1 (`cnnpli;m��c tiu l.;I�C_' I) iS� 164_' I')i] , ..b.. . .,.. , , f� �i. .4 ;4`� «�� liE's:ir.uil bretil:rrenclosuiesar¢ l`1_ I.ist<<S. CtiA Ceitilicd ond :ud ;;ilitaltlt fur u>c as ::en-icc c�pii��m¢nl f c�ccpi a:; uot.d). 'I'hc slsi�n :ir:uil rusin� uf thc enelosiucciruit bic:il:er cnm6in;uiim i; cipial t�i Ilit SIIIll1 Cfl'CUII 171IIIly± OFIIIt in;falltd cire�eii bir;iker. 5p.ctr,iF: IL\IS circuit brrukrrs me suicihl�� G�� iu: an AC sy;tnu.- wil�•. f:urloswm nuics �nd'or Iivut:tllO1C I'171'? �IIIi15�� -I-IVITC EI�111IUI luull. ur,lcr ncuti�ll Li� :uiJ ncuu:�l :urrent scnsiir lii I�its mi:si I�e uwunlcd in ni�:liliUfil. L'�ICIIISIIII' 1I11L'S 1101 t11GIlf�Ie rciuo�•t�61e closing rit�. I kJ�r riintighl huL se�ru�a�.l�• ! r.�p�ires licfi! cut I. :�CC'i:titii )I; I f:ti: VcnV;�l F:il faau•CiF u�ryilic�yli�,us):T�1-1�IUI1 ticun�l F;itisl n1�r c;F ,����i��,d�n,s}: �ra:l,1•iiHil�Ci `culr,d (�mrem ticn;oil.� Ui�r Gf npE,lientiunsi''iSt�i7201.'f5R4?��.{ ftaimighi Ihibs: 1'(`?Ilp, fCISD,'CC3t10,'I('C'E' llttp://products.gei ndustrial.com/Industrial Products/Dispatcher?REQUEST=SPECPAGE... O8/02/2012 . ti. . ,.D.. . �.. , t , �� � �mauincticnat.vor: Stvitchcs 3c Di9connects,Disconncct & Sufetp S�viichcs k'roduci;: fC,;Szr;.lfl tiE�nnl7rscripiinn: IiIUA }I'i)RI.'ftilt Sti ,�?fi GC�tl1' til)tiFi?tif r SPEfj1I'1C.A1'[OA'S f.';ucEuri []��iddc'Ihrn+t _ ' � �'idtap�� hf10 :1(: �\w�x•racc li!b ,1 . . . Pulcs 7 3 -j� A�nrs . .. . _ ... ' . , ... �,.i, ��t�:-i !'usinc tin 1'use . Icn.l�nurc �:F.\L1 :K �clmdaur� O�niuns . ... . . .. . tii�.nr . . . . i lE �Elu 2� 91 iu ��k� f _ _ _._.... . _.. _ ._. _. .._.. . . . � Uapih 7.h� in 1�'idlh t-1.�1 in ll'ciglu ;�� �I� . Dt� icucd t:=r cruuucr.ial auJ indu�trial opplicetitm; lNi�c knnF�c ICu�:111 1'_-2 �ehcrc =;�tc1}•. hi�h pertiinnans :md cuNinuit}' nl' ?.t(i \'e�c, �EC Sid. :S•ph I S fq� scn i:c ;uc c:scmiul. . I.i,red ��� I.ii. stanJard �>B cncloscd and dcad tiunt CiSA f_�i1111�1I1;I11Cd ��CS zl�'llChcs. C'tiA Ccsiificd 1u . SuiiaLle Ii�r usa u> 5cnice ee;ui�nn_n1 u1trei rusr�lled in fJL Lisled 1'cti a�ennloti.c tri�h �lu \�liuunl 1_Icc�ricnl ('ude. . tiuicnhl� !u� u;r a. u:vist:r ta�uiprnctti in til�iudlr�. ::ctilemr in accur�lanee �cilh :1rti.ir i0.�, oFdie \alioeial L•lec�n.nl f'ndc. . Fu�iblc �nd nrni-tiisihic >u•i�chcs ;rcailaVilc 4�����sal1 IliccLo�� livin�emipl r.ninpx). • (,II:75°l.'cumfucWrs��inE. • i�idl cuttt intcdcitRti. http://products.geindustrial.com/IndustrialProducts/Dispatcher?REQUEST=SPECPAGE... 08/02/20l 2 .11 14.b6 l31 13721 + � y `_ i61 [4u � �7641 I I 27.28 (b43) .11 [31 DEfAIL A �--Hue Loa SEE CHART 2 127] 8.00 [2D3j oumoemee L53 m l391 n+eeox 93.270 m DEfA1LA 4 QLCS MTG HOLE �iii-}-�II ii -F I) iii�-it �� � .; i a ii o�;!� �• 1 �— _+ ' L12 64 k50 4S0 (-�� I281 I161 (ual iu4] - 6.00 6.00 (15?J IlSZI 7.78 a [lsal G,D, Z64 (671 1 T� � "`'"'�� MPEA' LUG WlRES� CATNO. qqTiNG 7YPE V1N/GIKCMILI TCLK365 �Z� #2/0-500 CU-AL SGH,SGLSGP AOOA 111118-606 CU-AL TCOKi65 {2�#v0-SOOCU (l} #8-600 CU FiEiD INSTALIASLE NEUTRALASSEMBLY AND GROUND K1T CATNO. AMPERE WIRES� pftEFtX RATING G1WCilKCMIU TGL20 150-400A I11#6-2/0 CU-AL 41 #14-8 CU TGL3 75-125A 141 #12-8 AL {3) #14� tU 3 #6-4 AL TNIA 400 12S-GODA a-fi U-AL 2 # 0.250 CU-AL TN(A 600 225-600A 12} #2/d-500 CU-AL 3.19 ��� � � [Blj N MM M MM Zsfl A 3 L2 89 41/B 105 �� «� B 3 76 3 3/5 91 �96 C 21/2 S4 3 76 G501 2.64 D 2 Sl 2 2/2 64 [fi7J E 11/2 36 2 51 F 1/2 13 .88 22 CAT ND ��� �0 � 75 1.96 [19) [501 I114) (114J 14.16 Nor�s: a60' 1. MATERIAL• LOW CARBON STEEL 2. FIN15H: ELECTROCOAT ENAMEL, GRAY 3. AGENCY APPROVAL• UL USTED -F(LE E11542,CSA 4. SUffABLE FOR USE AS SERVICE EQUIPMENT WHEN NEUTRAL ASSEMBLY IS INSTALLED 5. THE SHORT CIRCUIT RA71NG OFTHIS ENCLOSEO CIRCUR BREAKER IS EQUALTO THE INTERRUP7ING RATING, ATTHE SUPPLY VOLTAGE MARKED ON THE CIRCU{T BRFAKER INS7ALLED 6. FOR ALTERNATE LUGS CONSULT THE BUYL�G 7 HUB MGT HOLES TO BE PROVIDED BY CUSTOMER DUALDIMEN510N5 �NCHES FOR USE WI7H SPECTRA G IMIUJMETERS) CIRCUIT BREAKER :� imagination at work OUTLIWE DRAWING-NEMA TYPE 3R ENCLOSURE SG400R AWG N0. PqTE pEV. 208C2837SH1 Q7/16/2d09 02 Catalog #: SG400R 3►o.�s Mr�.,�a�Es 0.66 C A � � oii OFr o;i � _� H 0 B 1.Q0 FIG 1 5.62 A G (410.33 M7G. HQLES � �� --. i^ . i � i + � �\ / ��� -- 0.66 0.12-- DIMEN510N TABLE GCAT IJO. MqD. FIG. KO VIEVJ A B C D E F G H I TC35323R/ 1 1 1 22.91 14.40 16.63 ?�+.14 T2.:6 7.88 19.12 9.�0 14.52 7C353G3R TC75324RJ 1 2 2 30.63 17.43 19.62 17.6G 30.02 8.98 Z4.00 14,p0 1L86 TC353u4R OF B�X � —�— � I ( I I ( ( I I ,T �F I I aw �J Wn � -I 7.a0 I— 14.00 - KO VIEW 1 — C — H ev Pnr �: � cr, I o�r f ca I � 1 22.1i M J � v.i� —.— � __�1 �.�0 B FIG 2 �a NOTE : 1. ALL !]IMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. 2.ALL bIMENSI0N5 HAVE±0.125 TOLERANCE. � imagination atwark KO TABLE SYM. 9ZE TM' vi:w� v�Rvz OUTUNE DRAWIt9G-DOUBLE THROW SAFETY SWITCH � 1% 11/G H 1 I/2 KO 4 - 100 & ZO�A, NEMA -TYPE 3R ENCLOSURE y ! iJ4%11/2X2K0 1 5 � 1 7J2 n 2:l? 1/2 KO • ± n�NG ND. OATf RFV 10103091SH125 10/30/2Q09 Ol 1 ', KO VIEW 2 $ ." RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal � Item covered by this submittal: � Applicable specification section: Z First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 ..�'3a'.,..,e f ' � , ' � a � �` ��:J4^ Y � . . ., � ` . ;:` �;.._. . ,. ,:� >y�, Electrical Conduit and Fittings Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Div. 16.70 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor cextifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviarions as specificalljT noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. IRevie�v Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Retuxn Date: asa� � Date Received by� RH2 Engineering: 8/31/2012 Date Returned to Equity: Equity Builders Submittal Log # 1�.4 I OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/31 /2012 Reviewed By: MLM NLARK MILLER Signature Comments from Engineer: .. � ELECTRICAL SUBMITTAL CQNDUIT AND FITTINGS DTVISION 16 PRO.TECT: LIB�RTY LIFT STATION OWN�R: CITY OF R�NTON GEN�RAL CONTRACTOR: �QUITY BUILDERS LLC ELECTRICAL CONTRA,CTOR: ADVANC�D POW�R, LLC PO BOX 13705 MILL CIZ�EK WA 98082 425-481-82G0 Phonc 425-486-31 G2 Fax �^ � � ��1� Rigid �1��ric�.l �o�duit SI�.E PEt2 PL�ntS �r5PCC5 ��h�dui� 4�� �andu�� �� LISTED Canforms to UL 657 and NEMA TC 2 . , .. _::_.�:--�.--�:: � : �. . � :: �.� ..- 1. Conduit conformer�o UL 651 including 9Q° C rating and sunlight resist�ncQ criteria. 2. Alf canduit is produced with intogral soiveni-weld bolls. S'lain-end canduit may bo available. 3. Conduit is produced in 14-foat lengths. 20-ioot�' lengtl�s may bo avallablo. 4. Co��duit color is gray, except where noteci. Itom Trado Num6or Slze Avorngo Approxlmato OutBide ln�ldo Dlamotor Diamoter (Inchea) �Inches) Mlnlmum Wall Approxlmnto Thlcknosa Wolght (inches) (Ibs/100') �1GQ05Q0103 '/Z � 0.8��Q U.60 0.109 16 �4600750"I �3 3/,, 1.050 0.80 0.1'13 22 4G01000�103 `� 1.315 �I .03 0.-f 33 32 4601250'lQ3 1'/, 1.66Q. �1.3G 0."I��� �G _ ��6015a0103 1'/Z 1.900 'I.59 0.145 5�3 �G02000103 2 2.375 2.O�i 0.154 73 4G02500103 2'Jz 2.875 2.4�! 4.203 120 �1603400103 3 3.5Q0 3.03 0.216 170 �6�350Q103 3'12 4.000 3.51 0.22G 2Q0 �soaaooi as 4 �t.500 3.99 0.237 230 4605000i 03 5 5.563 5.d1 0.258 320 4606000� 03 6 6.625 6.Q2 0.280 410 o� � 0 0 n. rn c .� 0 n E � z d m � a P.O. Box t:?049, E�gene, �regon 9?440-20�t9 (SOOj 347-020D f54i} 34�-0200 F�x {54tj 686•9253 n�K7•E-7ao (o�;o2i �c�l m A Traditian of High Standards in Corrosion Pratection 4CAL-BLUE PVC coated conduit for superiar corrosion profecfion Corrosive elements cause millions of dollars in damage through lost time, materials, and Isbor. For years, our industry has searched for an answer to this expensive prablem. OCAL Inc. has the solution. �CAL-BLUE coating is a cornplete and total protectiort package for your entire conduit sysEem. By encapsulating the conduit, OCAL prevents corrosion from striking weak points in your system. OCAL-BLUE is a complete system with more than 2,50d varieties of fittings in stock, as wefl as corrosion-resistant supports, and patchfng compounds. OCAL-BLUE conduit and fittings have set quality standards throughout the electrical Endustry for over 35 years. OCAL lnc. has achieved its autstanding reputation through caretul attention to every step of the manufacturing process. OCAL is unique in the industry. We start with 700% American-made steel pipe, and then fabricate and galvanize the product in our awn facilities, beEore applying the PVC coating. We maintain total qualiry contro! throughout the praduction process. Only OCAL meets NEMA RN-1-19B8 standard 2.1 which reads, "Where unusually corrosive elements require additiona! prot�Ctian, il is recammended ihat threads be zinc coated wrth a hof di�� process or equivalent " On1y OCAL hot dip galvanizes the threads befora coating them with hEue urelhane for doubfe protection. Hot dipped gal�anizing is the process through which the Iron plpe is dipped In molten z(no causing the zinc ta alloy with the iron at the surface. � L.1� L[STED — Wiih No Disclaimers File E46453 • Unly �CAt-BLUE Conduif is U.L. Listed with both the zinc coating and the PVC cnating invesfigated and listed per U.L. 6. • Only OCAL supplies PVC coated condui# with hnl dipped galvanized threads. • Only OCAL supplies PVC coated cnndui� with a fu!! undisturbed zinc coating under the PVC coafing. ■ �nly OCAL fultills the requirements of U. L. 6 regarding undisturbed zinc coating over fhe conduif. S�° CERTIFIED File i10787 • �nly OCAL PVC coated conduif is UL Lisfed for UV resistance. ������ � ��a7 �2 O 2003 Thamas d BetLs Carpom�an. Spedficatlons aro s�oct to chango wiihaut nalko. WWW.tnb.CO[il �:.. � ��1� OCAL-BLUE Steel Conduit � canduit is PVC Coated Steel. • rslue urethane caating over threads. • A minimum .040' (40 mil) PVC coating on the exterior. • A naminal .002' (2 mil) blue urethane on the interior. • Color coded thread protectors. • Couplings shipped with conduit are packaged separately. 1 1 : � i Outsldn Oulsido Homtnal Nominal Nominal Mlnimum Slio Dlamalar Olamolor Walf Thicknnss Wall Thicknass Insldo Cross Snstlon Lanpih WHhoul Wolplil Inchos Sloal On1y Wllh PVC Sino10n1y Wilh PVC Ulamnlur Araa la Square Coeptlnps Par Fool Molrlc 5lzo In�hns Inohos Inchas Inchns Inches lnahns Foat Paunds Dasipnatar' MIIIEmolars MIlllmntars MlUimnlar� MIIlimalnrs Mllllmnlors MI111motars Mnlors Nlloprams i4 .1140 .92D .10A .144 .632 .3a4 9' 1i'/P .79 16 21.3 23.3 2.64 3.55fi 16.1 J.12 3,03 35.(i3 i5 1.050 - 1.130 .1 U7 2.71 .036 .533 9' 11Y" '1.05 21 26.7 28.1 271 - 3.73 21.2 13.59 3.63 47.63 1 1.315 1.395 .126 .166 1.063 .il64 9' 11" 1.53 27 33.4 35.A 3.20 A.21 27.0 21.94 3.02 69.40 1�/ t.fi6U 1.74U .133 .773 1.394 1.495 9' 11' 2.01 35 42.2 4A.1 3.37 4,38 35.4 37.97 3.02 91.17 1i4 1.9U0 1.9U0 .13fl .17D 1.624 2.63fi 9'11" 2.40 41 bU.3 502 3.50 4.52 412 51.71 3.02 112.95 2 2.375 2.455 .146 .106 2.003 3.355 9'11' 3.32 59 60.3 G2.3 3.70 4.72 52.9 115.21 3.02 150,fi0 PS4 2.t175 2.955 .193 .233 2.4U4 A.lOa 9' 10Yi 5.27 G3 73.0 75.0 4.90 5.91 fi3.1 121,61 3.01 239.05 3 3.5U6 �.56D .205 .245 3.09D 7.393 9' 101i" fi.D3 7a �U.9 9R.9 5.ZQ 6.22 78.5 187.70 3,01 3D9.63 3S4 4.ODU 4.009 .2i5 .255 9.57 9.U66 9'10�/" 8.31 91 101.6 103.fi 5.46 E.41 90.1 250.59 3.Oa 31G.�JA 4 4.5D0 4.5Q0 .225 .2b5 4.05 12.730 9'10%" 9.73 103 114.3 118.3 5.71 6.73 i02.9 329.34 3,40 A41.04 5 5.SG3 5.643 .245 .205 5.073 20.�06 9'10" 13.14 129 1413 143.3 fi.22 7.23 12�.9 5Qa.15 3.00 595.05 6 6.625 G.7Q5 .266 .306 6.093 28.091 9' 10" iT.AG 155 1GQ3 1703 G.75 .71T 154.4 733.83 3.OR 791.b7 JOTE - Inches and Paunds indicded fn hald lace ty{r�e MeGle measure ls tllreclty belaw bold Lice lype ' MeUic siza desipnalor (ANSI COQ.1-4�14}. item Size Material Cofor co�o 3i I SA = AlumEnum Blank - Steel -G I -G � Gray -R - Red -W = White -B � Blue ` Cuslam Colors AvaiiaBie 1P° CERTIFIED File 110787 ocun�e av orniawo a nerra yL urre � nimos�.callouR =' �SBUE HQ H}1�9868 0 am�srornm�mmearmiaw�wc � �homas p ei`ts 0 h 6f a 2003 Thomas 8 Batts Co�poratian. Spoc£1lcutlons ero sub�oct ta chonge wilhoul notica. W WW.tnb.00111 Brj T1�PE LA � A ilexibEe steel conduit which is both listed by --— - Underwriters Laboratories Int. and certified by �, �� � y� "' - ''~=`'� � Canadian Standards Association. lt offers ou[stantiing � .. I I ,.,. -= „w_ '�• -�• • -,'_r,;:u..,>,r�' :` prote�tion against wet, oily conditions and is permitted :� for use in ex¢osed or can�ealed locations. 1 il c� �' .�1n.� 1 S��i 'st:�' ����� F}1niiD:�t� i. f �� i'�i 0 9 � L� I."L- �`h�i�::��;s:, �`_%�.3�`ir ,,��(�'.;t�f �i - ;s!�;2 ��i��11�;?:x� fkf?��1�?1;r�� �'�:;al a � ��}� #�;��'a% �� , , � , , � }� r. li`; • :r--�ri� r��n1 m� �I,�J1�t !n t,, , ,��. ., �,i��i�� '�i�' �'F��.1�.�iCS' ��I��ii°.LtJ.s�lrtt:`�:� �iiSiUStJ:ta3�} 6t�K����rtr,f� :1 ��,;i e i, y'i'+ '� :�h'i' 'I.'`. ,i�f. .�Jti i :<<)�:��/..;�;��: � : � :,'��:.�; - I/ i = a � . � " o'' b .-j d; ; o-,: , f . .il .� .�r - .r_, L• a ,�..,�i�(�. t _ f � ,:• = � ��.�3 � � b � �., I �..T� L.•S .h :�L... L�-n::�Fi 1 1 1: ttir:� �f� .�S L[�'�i 9��n��T li o=�. i��`L'�"+Oilt�j ?iiR•s.ti a 0:'i'ti. �'�,�,�'" 4��(a' ; c.� i !Y� .c i ,� �f. . �i�._ �1 i,�E:Sd _a�i.�_ .a r. f �l�iJ'�3?,t�c ' � ! CONSTRUCTION: 7he flexible inner core is macte from a spiral wound strip of heavy -� gauge, corrosion resistant, hot-dipped galvanized steel. The 31B through 1-1/A inch trade sizes are squarelock formed and include an integral bonding strip of copper that is enclosed within the convolutions tllroughout their entire length. The 1-12 through 4 inch trade sizes are designed witli a fully interlocked strip. The liquidtightjacketing materiai is of a high quality, rugged, flame retardant ilexible PVC campound which resists oils, mild acids and exposure to sunlight. Re(er to the Chemical Resistance Guide on our Web site for further information. APPLICA710N: This conduit is intended for instaElation in accordance with Artide 350 of the NEC (ANSIINFPA-70) anc! in section 14.5.4 of the ANSIJNFPA-79 Standard for Industrial Machinery: • Listed and marked for direct burial and in poured concrete. • For containment of 600 volt and lower potential circuits. • Sunlight resistant. • Suitable as a grounding conductor when used for circuits rated up to 24A for the 3/e and 1/2 inch grade sizes and 60A for the 3/Q through 1-1/4 inch trade sizes in lengths six feet or fess per NEC Article 250.118(7}. Footage Ree1 faotage ' �' Part# _, -„ Part# Part# I GraylBlack length GrayJ8lack Length GraylBlack i �+��� ilG.�a' ���+J�',:i t1i ���7,��: ."-�{`i'���. .�:.1�{��2�JJ�3u�: ;i;t�;:� a o(�l:�h°: 1' a??�)I?J�'rV,�1 0 e Olv�� �... �" �r, / 1 CI 11 I :1 111 1� :1� Z3102/2380� 400 � r „ 25102125802 150 Z31 D4/23804 25104 / Z5804 -/- -/- 1 :1 1 �1 � h w� T. :5^r � -,,qr n � ' `, , -.-�Kc�: �;,S,st 1't ? "� f 113 4 tt�'y iHn t�e�It�.C1dr, Uf1'.�:;� «S;�t,lf�+r����s�; :�x� tdlo��%,��c� n T,, �,;.t:,:��.��. ti...�. ..!'r �.� e.c� :`.'��k_,!Sl.s��wf� :{�i_.��. ;�;�1.k��A4�� 1 1 �y..'�. �... '�`__ 7 ^ �'[c:-:-:•� i:ew`.^"4i5i.�{" syQ.idlior�)?".,�r: �.t . t. 7�9 0 T�f %ja ' O�yi 1� II 0 t�' '' �f[q� 0>{�1 � D��'q t i:✓,'S �}y rfy �5/j n°• 7 i� �>>a� �t��s��.� �� ��_�i�.c.��_� ���� .��.ra.u;�►:i:t�� :��..:���,�,r�� ,.:� , hUM,�t:,�� GL' 1...T�3: til�r. J��n�: • Installations in hazardous (classified) lacations: - Class ! Div. z Article SO1 - Class If piv. 7 and 2 Article 502 - Class III Div. 1 and 2 Article S03 • Installed under raised floors in data processing areas. Artitles 645.5(D){2). • Elertric signs and outiine lighting over 1000 volcs. Articles 600.7/b00.32(A)(1). • Permitted for service entrance wirin9 to six feet. Article 230.R3. • Used as feeders and services at marinas and �oatyards. Articie 553.7(8). • Wiring on building. Article 225.10. • Conductor enclosures adjacent to motors over 600V. Article 430.223. • Underground serviCe, feeder, branch circuit, and recreatianal vehide site feeder circuit conductors. Article 551.80. • Elevators and hoistways. Article 620.21. • Pools and fountains. Article 680. � Listed File IfEZ9Z78. �onforms to tlnderwriters Laboratories Standard ANSIlUL-360 for Liquidtight Flexible Steel conduit. iioHS and WEEE Compliant. SR �ertified File IIlL18858. Conforms ta C5A 22.2 No.56 for use per the Canadian Elertrical Code C2z.1 5ection 12-1300. STANDARD COLORS: Machine Toal Gray and Black. Other colors available upon request. Blue is cammonly used for computer room instaflations. See 7ype CBLA. WORKING 7EMPERATURES: -20'C to 60°C METAI USED: Steel PLAS7IC USED: PVC See the Cliemicvl Resistance Guide on our Web site. Squa�elock with filler 512f5: 318" - 1-T1�^ lnterlock SlZFS: 1-l/2"-4" www.electriflex.com j eleetri-flex eompany � 7 '' METAL FRANIING CHANN�LS Channe! B-Line'x metal Fr��min� channel is cold farmed on our mo�lern roflii�� mills �from 12 Ga. (2.Gmml, 1� Ga. ( I.�)171111), uncl 16 Ga. ( I.Smm) 1aw c�rbon stee! strips. A conlinuous slot with in�urnecl lips provides the ability to makc allnclullents �tt any point. Le»gths Stancr�rd lenglhs are lU' t3.{}Sm) �tinc[ 20' (G.09m} �vith Icm�lh toleran�e of ±�/�" (+3.2mm). Cuslom leneths are ,�v,�ilabfe up�it requesl. y Slots 13-Line's slott�d series ol' chai�nels offer full �exibility. A v;iriety of pre-punchetl slol pailerns elimi��ale the neecf lor precise Cielcl meatitn•in: for hole 1oc�tions. Slots offer wide adjus�meniti in the ali�11171C111 illlCl (JOII SIZIn�. IIOICS A variety ol' pre-pu��checl '�/ir;' (14.3 mm} diameter l�ole paucrns are av,iilal3le in [3-Line channels. These hole p,uternti provide an econrn�}ical �I�erna�ive to coslly fielcl drillin�� rec��Eircd f�nr m�ny applicntionti: ICnocicouts Whc�i used tivith series f3217-21) Closin'e Slrips, B-Line's knocl<c�ut channels can be used to provide .in econon�ical U.L. litited surf',tce racewuy. Cha��ne(s are furnishecl �vith 7/ti" {22? mm) knockauts on 6" {152 mm) centers, allowims I-or perl'e�t fixt�n•e ttli;nment on spans up lo 2f)' (6.09 m). Malerials & I+inishes {Unless olherwise noted) Sleel: Pluin 12 Ga, (2.G), I� G.i. (19) and IG Ga. {I .S) Steel: Pre-balvanized 1? G,�. (2.G). {4 Ga. { 1.9) ai�d 16 Ga. {I .S) `1 ��I Desig�i I,oad The cletii��n Inadt �iven !'or stru� be�m loacls �re based on a simple bc.un condition usin� an tillo�vable stress af ?5,000 psi. This uEfe�Gv��f�le stress results in a snfety facEor of I.68. Tlii� is I.�;isecl upnn vir�,in titeel minimum yield stren�th oi 3�,(1!f(f psi cc�ld worked d�u•in� rolfin� ta an avera�e yield tilr�sti iii'42.QQ0 psi. Weldi»� Welcl spacin�� iti muintainecl between 2�l3 inches (63.5 mm) ancl 4 incheti (IOl.G mi��) on cenler. Throueh hi�h c�uality conlrul Ics�in�� al' �velcled channels and continuous nu�nitciri�ti�, uE� weldin� equipment, 8-Line provides the me�st �unsislenl co�nbination cEtanitiels available today. Meh•ic Metric dim�nsions �ire shown in paE'entheses. Unless noted, ull metric dimensions are in millimeters. CO�PE�t B-Line � Nrn�: A mii�imiim orcler Enay ap��ly on special materi.tl anil I inisheti. ' l�lltil � 1 � L' L ' GUOPER H-Line �� SELECTZON CHART for Channe(s, Materials and Hole Patterns *Metric equivalent for thicicnesses shown in chart. 12 Ga. = 2.6 mm 18 Ga. = 1.2 mm 14 Ga, - 1.9 mm .lOS = 2.6 mm 16 Ga. = 1 S mm .OBO = 2,0 mm j�'�z S�T Properties may vary due to commercial tolerances of the material. Cl�unnel Pnrt I�Iumbcring �xamptc: � 54 I20 Cl�unncl Type Holc Patlerns Matcriat/I�inisl� Lenglh B 1[ SH (pg. ao) GRN 120 812 S (pg.40) GALU 240 822 t H 178 tps. ao> I-iDG B24 t TH (Pg.dl) YZtV B26 K06 {pg.41) SS4� B32 SHA (pg. 41y SS6 B42 S56 (P6.42} AL B52 j' M (pg.42) BS4 f H25 �Ps. a3� B56 H 112 t(pg. az) B62 * Leave blank for no hole pattern $72 E7016 ** t - Steel � - Aluminum 3- Type 3Q4 5tai ss Steel g- Type 316 5tainl teel. ss � �Z� j� BK sryle channel available in four (4) channel sizes and one (1) hole pattem only. (Example BK22H112) Reference page 14 for general fitting and standnrd Finish specifications. � 15 The selection has 6een prapared to provide n reference for avuilnble channel, muterinls and hole patterns. Materiai lypes available For various hole pattems are defined by numbers I thru 4. Some stainless steel channels with hole pattems are available on special arder only. . i%alm OCAL-BLU� Double-Coat Sealing Fittings � n--r-_ r...e--- ---._._, .�- - ------ -' - - .. . _ v wui�y ��aun.�.� �couwi t��c �ooanyc vi yaacJ� vq�.lUl�� UI IId111CJ IIUIII UIIF,' �JOI[IUfI of the electrical installation to another at atmospheric pressure and normal ambient temperatures. They prevent precompression dr "pressure piling" in conduil systems. • Double coated with a nominal .042" (2 mil) blue urethane on both the inlerior and exterior, before PVC coating is applied. • A minimum of .040' (40 mil) PVC coating is bonded ta the exterior. EYS 8 EYSX" Vorlleal Verllcal ol Harfzonaf Malu & Mala 8 Melric Sfzo Fumnlo Fumafn Fnmalo Famalu Inchos Deslqnator• Y4 fG EY51 EV576 EYS11 EYS116 34 21 EYS2 EYS26 EY521 EY5216 1 27 EYS3 EYS38 EYS31 EYS316 1'/, 35 — — EYS4 EVS46 114 41 — — EYSS EYS56 2 53 — — EY56 EYS66 214 fi3 — — EY57 EYS7fi 3 78 — — EY50 EVS86 314 9i — — EYS9 EVS96 4 103 — — EYS10 EYS1U6 • Metrlc size desiqnalar (AN51 cOD.1-19s4). " EYSX and EYpX are expandetl 1111 slyles. When ordedng add X lo parl numbcr. Example EYSX31, EYOR31 � < �, > .c \. .� � .�.{� �s• �'`t`. ;:�I j � � �' o F,�i' ;. 'Q.. �� EYS EYB � (Fitlings shown uncoated) EYD 8 EYDX•' Fnmale Gal. Ha. EYD1 EYD2 EYD3 EYpA EY�5 EYD6 EYD7 EYDB EYD9 EYD10 Ma1e 6 Femala EYD16 EY026 EYD36 EYD46 EY056 EYD66 EYa7b EYDe6 EYD96 EYD1 Q6 � EZ5 EZD MafQ & Famalo fnmale EZSi EZS2 EZS3 EZS4 EZSS EZS6 EZS7 QSB EZSi fi E2526 EZS36 EZS46 EZS56 EZS66 EZS76 EZSe6 EZD1U EZ020 EZD30 QD40 EZD56 EZD6D ` � Cat. No. Color IEYS1 -G I -G = Gray, -R = Hed, -W = Whlla, -6 � Blue • Cuslam Colors Avallable B14 T'homas p efts m 2003 Themns 8 BetLg Carparatlon, Spndlicatlons a�e subJect W changa withoul rsotke. WWW.tf1f3.COR1 EZU wilh Inspection Caver �-,�-C�dem Pratect-A-Line� Warning Tapes Barricade Tape Bright colors are not the only advan- tages of these Barricade Tapes. T8�8's attention-getting Barricade Tape is also inexpensive and easy to handle. Protect-A-Lirie tape is ideal for mark- ing hazardous or off-limit areas. Convenienl and reusable, it performs wefl both indoors and out- af-doors. • Available in 3' X 1000' rolls. _ _ Protect-A-l.ine� Barricatle_antl Burial Tapes Survayora Tape 114" x 1000' NA-0200 NA-0201 . NA-0202 NA-0203 NA-0204 No Lepond, No Prinling No Lepend, No Printing No Lepend, Na Printlnp No Lepend, No Printtnp No Lepend, Na Printlnp Yollow Rod Green BIUB Oranqe Barricode Tnpe 3" x 1000' NA-0250 NA-0253 NA-0254 NA-0Z56 NA-0257 NA-0258 NA-026t NA-0267 Burlad Ulitlty Tapo 3" x 7000' NA-0600 NA-0600 NA-D601 NA-0602 NA-4fiO3 NA-O805 NA-OfiU& NA-0609 CAUTION CAUTIUN CONSTRUCTION AREA CAUTION DD NOT ENTER CAUTION HhRD HAT AREA CAUTIQN HtGH VOLTAGE CAUTION MEN WORKING Ch[1TION OPEN TRENCH OANGER, an Stripes ELECTRIC LINE ELECTRIC LINE war�a uN� TELEPHONE LINE GA5 tINE SEWER LINE HIGH VOLTAGE LlNE Fl�ER OPTIC CABLE Yallow Yellaw Yallow Yepow Yatlnw Yallow Yaflow Red 6 Wh4e Red Yellaw Blue otanpe Yollow Grann Rud Oranfl u Foil Bncknd Datectuhln Burled Utlfity Tnpo 3" x 1000' Buried Utility Tape nA►'-otiuu tLtGTHIG LINE Rad � NAF-oso0 ELECTRIC LINE Yallaw Now you can help insure against costly NAF-06D1 WATER LINE Blua dig-ins. Place 7&B's Buried Utility Tape l0 NA_ F�6D2 TELEPHONE LlNE Oranpa � 1�e feel below the ground surface directly NaF-0sos eas uN� a aw above the pipeline or cable below. Bright NAF-0604 OIL LINE vattaw fade resistanl colors warn equipment oper- NaF-osos SEWER LINE Grcen ators that a vital pipeiine or cable is NAF-06D6 HIGN VOLTAGE LINE Rad BURfED BELOW, before damage occurs. HAF-0so� CA9LEN LINE oran�e Buried utility tapes are printed bfack on a NAF-D6D9 FIAER OPTIC CABLE oranoe bright background. Burind Ul11EtyTnpo fi^ x�000� • Available in 3' and 6' Widlhs. NA-070U ELECTRIC LINE Rod Folt Backed Detectable Buried Utlllty Tape In addition to brighl calors, the Foil Backed Detectable Tape features a metallic back- ing that is designsd to be detectabls under normal earthen surfaces up to 18' with common melal deteclors. A simple and fast method lo relocating lines, cables and conduit far future renavaiion. • Availabls in 3' and 6' widths. NA-8700 NA-0701 NA-07U2 NA-4703 NA-0706 NA-0709 ELECTAIC LINE WATER LINE TELEPHONE LINE GAS LINE HIGH VOLTAGE LfNE fkBEA 4PT{C CABLE Ynllow Bluo Oranpn Yallow Red Oranpn Foll Backed Dotectabin Burled UqiEty Tapu b" x 100U' NAF-07Q0 ELECiA1C UNE NAF-0708 ELECTRIC LINE NAF-0701 WATEH LINE NAF-0702 TELEPHONE LINE NAF-0703 GAS LINE NAF-Q704 OIL IINE NA�-O7Q5 SEWER UNE NAF-D705 HI6H VDL7AGE LINE NAF-0787 CASIE N L1NE NAF-07D9 � FIBEfl OPTIC CABLE fled Yallow Blua Oranpo Ycllaw Yallow Green Red Oranpa Oranqe R n C, 4 0 � a Note: All lapes are WBT A MIL polyethylene. Thcy are nW pressure sensitive. All lepends are prinled fn Wack. 5tandard Package is 1 Roll. Thomas � etts m 2002 Thomss 6 Balts CorporaUon. Speclfralions aro cu6�oG lo changa w3lhoul notica. WWW.tnb.com �29 `._ .� RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal I Item covered by this submittal: � Applicable specification section: 1 First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � ,F".� , � �,��'� , � ���� ��&� :. � � �, :z � �,--� ;:�: Outlet and Junction BoYes Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the Div. 16.72 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 1�.5 I OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v Priorit�T: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� � Date Received by RH2 Engineering: 8/31/2012 Date Returned to Equit�T: � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from E ngi neer: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/31 /2012 Reviewed By: MLM MARK MILLER Signature EL�CTRICAL SUBMITTAL OUTLET AND JUNCTION SOXES DIVISION 16 PROJECT: LIB�RTY LIFT STATION OWN�R: CITY OF ItENTON GENERAL CONTRACTOR: �QUITY BUILDERS LLC �LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ADVANCED POVV�R, LLC PO BOX 13'105 MILL CT2E�K WA 98082 425-�81-8260 Phone 425-48G-3162 Fax ` Condulet� Single Gang Cast Device Boxes With and Without Mounting Lugs for Threaded Rigid and IMC Certifications and Compliances: Accessories Pg. 3F-17 ta 23 Application: Cast device boxes are installed to: • accommodate wiring devices • act as pu�l boxes (or conductors in a canduil system • provide openings ta make splices and taps in conductors • provide access to conductors tor maintenance and future syslem changes • connect conduit sectians • FSY boxes tor mounting suriace devices on tloor or bencl� {used wilh single gang covers} Features: • Internal green ground screw standard on boxes • Suitable for use in wet locations when used with gasl<otad covers • Mounling lugs slandard on most boxes • Tapered lhreaded Ilubs (tVP� with integral bushing • Avallable for suriaco mounting (with mounting lugs) or Ilush mounting (without mounting lugs) as listed • Available as shalluw (FS) or deep (FD} configuration. Use FD i( device ta be onclased exceeds 1%" in depth • Ample wiring room provided in eilher FS or FD configuralion • Wide saleclion o( surtace or Ilush covers available in Ihree malerials (sheet steel, Feraloy, aluminumj • Covers tor flush mounling extend lo conceal Ihe rough plaster line • Available in single gang and multi-gang con(iguralions wilh hubs, and as blank bodies for drilled and lapped openings Standard Materials: . Feraloy iron alloy and copper- free aluminum. See "Shape 5elector," page 3F-0, t Standard Finishes: • FeraJoy-eleclrogalvanized and aluminum acryEic paint • Aluminum - natura! Opiions: • Finishes: Corro•free'° epoxy powder coat - informalion available on request Size Ranges: • Hubs - %" l01" • UL Slandard: 514 • ANSI Standard: C33.8A • Fed. Speo.: W-C-5B60 • C5A 5tandard: C22.2 No. 18 �.); - ---- . ��� fiy � •S+� �& FD STze Cat. # Cat. � Y- F51" FD1' '/, FS2*' FD2' 1 fS3* FD3* yka � '�y, ��. �' Slze Cat. dk CaL # Y� FSC1*• FDCi' '/. FSC2*' FDC2• 1 FSC3* FDC3* _�_� � -�- ;:�; � Size Cat. �l Cat. � %� FSRi FDR1 '/. F5R2 FDF2• �: ,, - � �;' :� I !' Y � I, � , Size Cat. # Cat. /f Y7 FSLi FDLi '/. FSL2 FDL2* 3F-3 CROiISE-HfNbS` , .'`� �.;:-:-_,' .:.' � ;��r:,: �. } - {' j .;:�.�1 :: : a.:,,�lai: -•.�I �". �w�.. =a • Die Casi Aluminum� Size Cat. if Cat. # Y F51-SA FSCi -SA '/ FS2-SA FSC2-SA t Mounlin9 higs and graund scraw nro nol alfa�od wiih slandard dia cazl baa - add sufllx SCA lo Cat. No. lar sand cnsl aluminum box wltlt tnounlinp luc�s and ground screw. (E�ampte: F51-SCA) ` AvallaWo In cappor-lrau aluminum - add sufli� SCA la Cal. No. "AvaitaLlo In coppar•Irco aluminum • add sullix SA lo Cat. No. Dimensions I b yl ° --- -�----� 6-32Tap �----� a , � � � � ,� I---_o--d—•�----� ' I ' �� i �-- 3� z3 ---' i �-'i 4 � , , 4 e ------- -�3? i 4 � � � `'_ _ 16 4 i -� "'a i � �---i _� � C --�t -�} k,� 4R � o o�o - -• ::'--- --I � o Tap'of � / _ ' / , maunling ( -i-- �.-) s I ledge d I" � DIA. I � --28 .J -Za �, DiA. i___ _2 e �j _ 6-32 b � ° a � _,; � t� � Tap � � �; �- -- �I% � R --� � ' �j 1 � I --' i� i . I � ( � " II 9 �.i�l � � �;� n is 432� --• 9--3 � i 4 i 3� 2q 3� , � -� °—O . � j � C_i�_� !. a �Top`of l ; �— �e mouniing =.jd ledge Capyrighl' 1996 Cooper Industries, tnc. January 1996 �r-�u uuc, uun �uiictiun aux�5 LRQUSE-HIN�S` UI. I� V14. 1 CY L� UI VU�.1J U�U�L! CI. I1, Div. 1, Graups E,F,G CI. II, Div. 2, Groups F,G CI. III NEMA 4,7BCD,9EFG L.A�.I1VJIlJ11lJI UUI Dusi-Ignitionproof Raintight Wet Lacations Watertight Application: GUE, GUB series junction boxes are used in _ threaded rigid conduit systems in hazardous ' areas: -• to tunciion as a splice bax, pulf box or equipmeni and device en�losure • indoors and ouldoors • Features: � • Threaded construclion lhroughout permils use in hazardous areas. • Bodies have thic{c walls so they can he faclory or iield drilled and tapped lo meet NECICEC requiremenls for Class I hazardous areas. • Covers are provided with a neoprene "O" ring gasket to meel NEMA/EEMAC 4 requirements for a waterlight seal` • Internal grounding lug provides a means to graund enclosed equipment. • Boxes are machined for tield installed mounting pfales, Standard Materials: • f3odies - Feraloy" iron alloy '1 • Covers - copper-free aluminum `� Standard Finishes: � Feraloy iron alloy - GUBU1, GUB02 - electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paint. All other boxes-zlnc chromate primor and aluminum acrylic painf • Copper-free aluminum - natural ��1t1017S: Suf(Ix to 6e Descrlption Added lo Cat. �� Material- Feraloy Iron alloy covors . . . . . . . . . . . . . WOD For GU601, GUB02, GUB03 and GU04& to be iurnished in copper-tree aluminum . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SA Mounling plale for relays, terminal blacics, electrical devices, etc.. ... .... .. MP Faclory installed lermina4 blacics . . .. .. . .. . . . .. Iniormalion on requesl Certifications and Compliances: • NECICEC: Class t, Divlsion 1 8 2, Groups O,C,D Class �I, Dfvision 1, Groups E,F,G Class 11, Division 2, Groups F,G CISSS III • UL Standard: BOfi • CSA Standard: C22.2 No. 30 Junction Boxes Without Hubs** (use as tirst segment of Cat. No. for ordering} GU: GUE: 4��/�a" X 4`�/ie" X 4�/e 5�/e" X 5%0' X 5�/e 3'/s" caver opening 3'/e' cover opening G11B01: GU602: 6'/r" X 7" X 5'/� 8" x 10" x 5'/a 5'/." cover opening 7" cover opening GU606:8%d'x10"x6%" 7" cover oponing GUB03: GU901110: 11"x12"x8"/o° 1M1"x10"x13% 9'/." cover openfng 12Y�` cover opening GU81515i: 19" x 21" x i6'/o" 1fi'/." cover apening GUB04: GU809: i 1" X 12° X B'Y+e 8'/r" x 10" x 6"/e 9'/e" cover opening 7' cover opening Orciering Informaiion: Junction boxes listed can be furnished with drilled and lapped conduit openings, subject to Ihe limilalions of maximum opening, number and spacing shown in Tables 1, 2 and A. To Order: 5lep 1 Select the box required (rom pholos al {eft and dimensional drawings on page 6F•12 Step 2 Select standard conduit arrangement (rom Table 1. Step 3 Datermine maxlmum size conduit opening required fram Table 2 (cansider conduit opening spacing from Table 4). Step A Select appropriale symbol for required drilled and tapped holes from Table 3. Exampte: Stap 1- bax required GUBoB Step 2-arrangement 1oe S[ep 3- openings - i h" al "a" and "c"; 1" at "b" and "d". Slep 4-symbols aro substiluled and written in clockwise order starling wlth location "a". For this exemple: FCFC Complole Cai. No. is made up of lhree pa�ls: Pari 1- box number; Pa�l 2- arrangement numbar; Part 3 - symbals for conduit openings. For this example: GlJB06-iQB-FCFC. When na oponing is raquired aE a particular locatlon, use symbol "0" (zero). !t none ot Ihe standard arranc�emenls meet requiremenls, send a s{<atch showing junclion box number wilh size and locatian of each opening desired. t TaUlos t, 2. �. 4 and S appoar on par�u. GF•I I. 12 nnd 19. " Nal availabin on GU�01116 and GU015151. "` Es�amal dlmon.fons p�ov3dud. Np7E: For conduil ti�ar aidaiin[� Inlormntlon, soo pagu GF•29. . y. January 194fi Copyr3ght" 1996 Caopar Induslries, Inc. ..R�li"-1 L CAOUiEWNDS' TSble 4/Conduit SQacings Dust-Ignitionproaf Raintight Wet Locations Watertighl . . r------� � i � . � � _ p, , , All types uuo �uu�it,«uii ou�ca �iR12[1510I1S �i Q q �-- � Z _ t� -�-- - — t T r r I�- � , � S -t-- - s �� 2, 3 or 4 entrances for conduit opening spacings on top, bottom or sides, all ►YPes. Type Gl1 GUE GUBUi GU802 GU846 GUBOB GU843 GUB04 �uea11 i o GUB15151 Dimensions P 1'/a 1'/e 2'/�s 2`/�. 2Y,e 2Y�o 3'/n 3'/n n�i s 9 1 1'/n 1 �/a 1'Yu 1 ���v 1'i;a 2'h 1='/u 3 a r Z�IP 2�%e 2'/,e 2%� 3'/�� 3'/ � 4 5'/. s 2Y0 2�/ e `2°�ie 2'/�e 3'/+0 3'/ie 6 5'/e t 1 j ��e 1'/e 1 "/s: 1'%v 1 "h� 3 3 h n CI.11, Div.1, Groups E,F,G CI. {I, Div. 2, Groups F,G CI. I{I NEMA 4,7BCD,9EFG v ��n 1 %» j �fir 1'/s 1+'/� 1 ��y 2 2 w 1'/ Z���e 2'/ e Z��e 25/�a 2��ie 4 A x . z'h� 7/e 7/a '/. 1'/u 1 °/a 1 "h� 2 Y 1 °/6 1'/. 1'/. 1'/ `ZS�ie 2%e 3�/�a a . i'-- a —�i __"."_____''T: i � J-'T � � T ; ; d , e- ; f b , � , ; 1 � ;�.� � .1:.�- _►i h c � 9 '� GUB 01, 02, 03, OG, 01110, and 1515i. Dolted mounling teet are included on GUB 03, a1110, and 1515t only. GUE does not have mounting [eet. �- ° -1i � ---------------- � � � � i , ; , � � e ' b ; ' ; � , , 1 I 1 � � � �-•— c � .� , f 4- � i�•— g � h GUB 04 and 08 �m� r------�� i , il� � ; -�P � • 'I � � il � �I --------� k- l — AI! types Type a b c$ d:k e t g h J k# I:►: m n G �1 A"/�e A°/ 0 3"/� � 3"/ 0 3'/e — — — 4'/e 1°/ia 3'/ie 2'/e A% �. GUE 5'/�n 5'/�e 47/�o A%e 3'/� — — — 5'/a 2'/ 3'/is 3Y� 4% GUBa1 6% 7 6% SY� 5'/e 5'/ 7Y: '�_ 5'/. 3Yie __._ 4%_ _...._ A%a ---- -6� ---- - BQ2 B 10 7'/a 9Y� 7 8'/� 9 "/u 5'6 3 A'/� 4%a J T/� GUBO6 BY� 10 7'!e 8'b 7 8'/. 9%r '/e 7'/� AY. 5"/�a 5% T!� GUOQB B'/� 10 7'/a B'b 7 2'/: 9'/. '/� 7'/� 4Y. 5'/� 5Y. 7'/. GU803 11 12 9'h 10'/� 9'/e 10'/. 12% '/u B"Ga 5 7'/� 6'/e 11 GUH04 11 12 9'/. 1 Q'/ 9'/� 3`h 12% '/u 8'%ia 5 T/� 6%r l 1 GUB011iU 14Y6 iBY. 13 i7 12Y. 16 16 i 13%, 6"/�a 10'/. 9'/. 14 GUB151 S1 207� 18'/e 19'/� 17% 16'/. 18 21 S 16% 9 13'/� 11'/+ 18 $ In�lde Oimenslon5 NOTE: For conduil Ilner ardeting Informal3an, sna pago fiF•29. January t996 Copyrlght" t996 Copper Industrlos, Inc. _I 0 ----------_-- __��. _........,.�........ . ....b.. .�r... .._ "C�-INFSS" Junction Boxes Finish Enclasures are unpainted. Cover and sides o( body have smaoth brushed finlsh. Optiona! sninless sceel panels are unpainted. Optional steei panels are white. Application Provides unmatched protec�ion for housing electrical componenrs in highly corrosive environmenrs. Th(s enclosure is used in indoor and oucdaar settings that are frequendy wet or have conswnt exposure to water, acher liquids, ar concaminanu. Construction • I 6 or 1�I gauge Type 304 or Type 316L staEnless steel � Seams continuously welded and ground smooth, na holes or I<nocicouts • 5eamless foam-in-pla�e gaslcet assures wa�erdghc and dust-�ight seal • Swinless steel screws and clamps assure watertight seal • Door remaved by pulling sninless s�eel continuous hinge pin • Weldnurs provided for mounting ap�ional panels and cerminal Iciu • 5pecify side �a he liinged when ordering custom boxes Industry Standards UL 5Q 7ype 4, Type 4X, and Type 12 t�lEE`1AlEEMACType 4,7ype 4X,Type 12, and Type 13 JIC standard EGP-I-1967 CSA Type A,Type 4X, and Type I� IEC 529, IP66 Price List Page 6.00 Accessories See GenemlAccessorfes Index page 4.ao Corroslon Inhlbitors Electri�al Interlocks Fast Operating Junction Box Clamp Lock Kic Panels {See table) Swing-Out Panel Kit Termfnal KicAssembly Window Kft Wiring duct -�� Contact your locol No�man Sales Rcpresentotive (or injormadon on modi(icauons to tl�is product Standard Sizes Continuous HingeType 4X "CHNFSS" Junctian Boxes Oox Box • • 5lainless • 5teel Calalog Calalag • 5leel Panel Panel Panel Numbcr Number 6ody Caver Box S(ze Catalog Catalog Size Mounting Oueral3 Type 304 Type 3t6L Ga. Ga. A x 8 x C Number Numher 0 x E G x H L x W F J N T V Y A-G04ACHNF55 O A-G044CHNFSS6 15 . ifi 6.00.x 4.a� tt 4.a0 A-6A4S5 A-GP4 '4.BO x.2.B8 fi.75 x 2.U0 ..` 7.50 x 4.9A 3.50 ; 3.82 236-`3.00 %. Q,31-0.56 (152 x 102 x 102} �124 x 73) (171 x 51) (191 x 125} .{09} -�92j ;(Gp). :�76j;: ;(8�,. (1.4) . A-fiOGCNNFSS 0 A-6U6CHNFS56 1G t6 6.D0 x 6.00 x 4.00 A-6PG55 A-6Pb 4.8U x A.US fi.75 M 4.�0 7.50 x 6.94 3.5D 3.62 2.34 S.QO Q.31 0.5G (152 x 152 x 102) (t24 x 124) (171 x t02} (141 x 17G) {89► (92► (601 (12n �8) {14) p-B064CHNFSS 0 A-BOG4CHNFSS& 14 16 B.DQ x 6.OU x A:00 A-aP6SS A-6P6 fi.75 x 4.84 8.75 x A.06 9.50 x 6.94 3.50 3.62 1,38 5.00 0.25 0.62 '. �2D3 x 152 x 102) (171 x 12A} (222 x 102} (241 x 176� {89} (92? C�) (�Z� I6) i�sl A-1008CNNf55 0 A-7008CHNFSSfi 14 16 10.00 x B,�D x 4.D0 A-10PB5S A-1 DPD 8.75 x 6.SB 70.75 x 6.aD 71.50 x 8.94 3.50 3.62 1.38 7.00 0.25 O.fi2 (254 x 203 x 162) (222 x 175} {273 x 152) (292 x 227� j89) (42) (35) (S78) (6) (ifi) . A•12106CH��FSS 0 A-12tOGCNNFSS6 l4 78 12.00 x 10.00 x 6,00 A-12P105S A-12P10 10.75 X B.fiB 12.75 x U.Od 13.50 x 14.94 5.50 5.62 2.38 9.U0 U.25 0,62 {305 x 254 x 15� (273 x 225j {32q x 203j (343 x 278j (140) (143� �60) (229) (6� (tG) A-1212CHNFSS 0 A-1212CHNFSSfi 1A 7fi 12.00 x 12.OD x 6.00 A-12P1255 A-12P12 10.75 x 76.00 12.75 x tU.00 i3,50 x 12.94 5.50 S.fi2 2.38 11.�0 0.25 D.62 {305 x 305 M 15� (273 x 27G) j324 x 254j �3A3 x 329) (140) (743} (bQ) {279) �fi) (16} A-1412CHNFSS 0 A-1412CHNFSS6 1Q 1G 14,00 x 12.00 x fi.00 A-14P12SS A-14PS2 1275 x t6.88 14.75 x 10.OU 15,5U x 1294 S.SQ 5.82 239 11.00 0.25 0.62 (356 x 305 x 152) {324 x 27fi) (375 x 254} (394 M 329� (140) (t43J (60) (279} {6) (16) A-1674CHNFSS 0 A-1614CNNF556 74 16 F6.OU r 14.06 x 6.00 A-16P14SS A-16P74 14.75 x 12.88 16.75 x 12.OQ 17.50 z 14.44 5.56 5.fi2 2.38 13.OU Q.25 O.fi2 {406 x 356 x 152) {375 z 327j (425 z 305} (445 x 379) (140) (i43) {fi0} (330) {6} (16) �rwuu�c�m uU11L•II]1W li 1� tllu IW ICICIC11tiC UIIIY� uu nui cunve�� memc amensrons �o mui. 0 5landard product avallahle for sliipmant wilhin 1U warking days. ' Panefs m�t he ordered separately. Optiana! aluminum panels are also avaflahla ior most sizes. See Gene�al Accessorles. 6.02 �1497 Hoffman Engineerfng Company 4 '' RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal � Item covered by this submittal: I Applicable specification section Z First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberry Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 Electrical Handholes and Vaults Refer to the followina attachment(sl for a c Div. 16.72.4 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ MinoY deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 10.6 I OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. � I� ���� m.��x. � ��=-;� OR ❑ This item is a subsutution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v Priority: ❑ 1 � 2 � 3 Requested Retutn Date: asa� � Date Received by RH2 Engineering: 8/31/2012 Date Returned to Equity: � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/31 /2012 Re�rie�ved By: MLM M�1RK MILLER Signature ELECTRICAL SUBMITTAL �LECTRICAL HANDHOLES AND VAULTS DIVISION 16 PR4J�CT: LIBERTY LIFT STATION OWNER: CITY OF 1t�NTON GEN�RAL CONTRACTOR: �QUITY BUILDERS LLC �L�CTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ADVANCED POW�R, LLC PO BOX 1.3705 MILL C1tE�K WA 98082 �25-481-8260 Phonc 425-�18G-3162 Fax � , .�. ^ COVER No. 23-2436P 450 ibs. VAULT No. 233-L 1,9501hs. S8"x 1B'tCNOCKOUT i EACH END OPTIONAL PULLfNG [RQN 1 EACH ENO DIAMpNp RLATE COVER WITH LOCKtNG f.ATCH 4-5/8'DIA. LIFTING INSERTS �. ,/'" � o _ n i� • + ' o G" DIA. SUh --� , \ .. - 2'-B" \ � � , ,� '` OPTIONAL RISER SECTION RISER No.23R6- 290 i�s. OR No. 23R12 580 Ibs. LI ''� 2'-8' 233-LA 2 - 1 1/4" OIA. LIFi NOLES � 12"x 12' k<NOCKOUT 2 EACH SI�E L 2• 1" DIA GROUNd ROD ICNOCKOUTS I T - , G"ari2' . ' �. f �. 3'-8' ' j .: �•' ,'`!'' �. Copyright 1992 1p * ETEMS SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. FOR DETAlLS SEE REVERSE SIDE. Issue: April, 1992 ^�1 F�G - ��E J11 TYPE 1 I N C O R P O R A T E D wxTt� GROUI�ID TR�if FIC LID 17ik I�'Ho�C ;%� SI b DIR. p�R'f'E COVCR. \�J -! !f -! -UPr�ouAL L�fTC��.Jr.IV:' l--J-I- -� -� -1-/-I- �3�- ��C.� -r-r -1 -I-l-I-I /-! -! -! -!-!-!-/-/- ' � -1 �l -r -r-r ', � '� '1 - I-r-1-� i ,-r f-�_ � -l-1- 1-r r- -' � � I -L� ' I- � _ 1-r- I ,_, .�.�„ 30� a s�b Dtr�. Pt�rr- �ru�ME � STC� Ar � .�� 1,� a � � \ `� ��' _ � —' ! Z" B�TTOM 1 31 #k T-CSF}jL A111L}-IOR BOX COMPL�T� I�}8# , '�nEn u,rRF FftAME SDua to,uLiZETE E tiLT E' n� S 1 D ni �z-_ /9 .. \ \� \ page �� � �. � F�G �TE GR�UND ROD BC�X t N C 0 R P 0 R A T E D ,n�Tc:R�:TL CU`.'E.'.< ; i� BOTTOM 37# HOX, COMPLETE 54# / I 2" i 3�6" r� • RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal I Item covered by this submittal: I Applicable specification section: Z First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 Electrical Wire and Cables Refer to the following attachment(s) for a Div. 16.60 & 16.63 ❑ Supplier/Subconttactor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically� noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 1�.7 I OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. � ;�a��� � ��... �� ...� �«�,,. item. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� I Date Received by RH2 Engineering: 8/31/2012 Date Returned to Equit��: ❑ Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected � Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/31 /2012 Reviewed By: MLM MARK MILLER Signature Comments from Engineer: Submitted Belden t�visted pair conductors are #18 AWG. Per spec 16.63, "1'WI' conductors shall be #16 AWG. Furnish as corrected. .. ` ELECTRICAL SUBMITTAL WIRE AND CABLES DIVISION 16 PROJ�CT: LIBERTY LIFT STATION OWN�R: CITY OI' It�NTON G�NERAL CONTRACTOR: EQUITY BUILD�RS LLC EL�CTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ADVANC�D POWER, LLC PO BOX 13705 MILL C12�EK WA 98082 �25-481-8260 Phonc �25-486-31 G2 Fax �r. .: Copper Building Wire •cd_'� :�=� �; r.�.:; ,;�� e:;._ _ _ ;; ' . . '. .::. � - ; .. .. :... � ..—., ,. ( �=.r �.. - _ c �. . : r! y.'�- - �.:Fr � : _ ��' � ' S �.Y A : I �,-�. iri 2 _� -, _ � - . �.� ' t ' „�'. 600 Volt. Copper Conductor. Tttiermoplastic insufation/Ny1on Sheath. FOea�, Moisture, Oil, and Gasoline Resistantl. Ali Sizes Rated THWN-2. AIf Stranded Sizes Rated MTW. AWG Sizes 14 Through 6 Rated AWM (105°C}. AWG Sizes 14 Through 1 Rated VW-1 and Larger Sizes Etated for CT Use. APP9.lCATIO[dS 5outliwire Type THHN ar THWN-2 cflnductors are primarily usecl in conduit and cable trays for services, feeders, and branch circuits in commercial or industrial applications as specifiied in the National Electrical Codez. When used as Type THHN, conductor is suitable for use in dry locations at temperatures not to exceed 90°C. Wlien used as Type THWN-2, conductor is suitable for use in wet or dry locations ai temperatures nol to exceed 90°C or not ta exceed 75°C wlien exposed to oil or caolant. When used as Type MTW, conductor is suitable for use in wet locations or when exposed to oil or coolant at temperatures not to exceed 6Q°C or dry locatians at iemperatures not to exceed 90°C (witl� ampacity limited to that for 75°C conductor lemperature per NFPA 79}. Conductor temperatures not to exceeci 1Q5°C in dry locations wtien raked AWM and used as appliance wiring maierial. Uoliage for all applications is 600 volts. SPECIFBCATIOlVS Southwire Type THHN orTHWN-2 or MTW {also AWM) meets or exceeds all applicable ASTM specifications, UL standard 83, UL standard 1063 (MiW), Federal Specification J-C-308, and requirements of the Natianal Electricaf Code. COMSTRi1CT10N Southwire Type THHN or THWf�-2 or MTW copper conductors are annealed (softj copper, insulated with a tough heat and moisture resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC), over which a nylon {polyamide) tir UL-listed equal jacket is applied. Available in black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, brown, orange, and grey. Some colars standard, some subject to econamic order quantity. Sizes 1 AWG through 1,000 kcmil available in black only. ' Oil and gasaline resislance II as defined by Undenvriters Laboralories. � t999 Edition. �;'� MADE Copy�iphl 1990, SaWlw+ire Campany. ., F� UI� IN • THE P�inled on Fecycled Paper �J SD�.ILIl`��IC� ��,1,' USA � AIIRight,Reservcd. a.-�. ��898 �2, : � � �� �, s � n� i� I� Ls F� �� a Canductor Allowable Ampacities+ Nominal Approx. Net Insulation Jacket O.D. Weight Per Standard Size N� Thickness Thickness (mi�s) 1000' (Ibs.) Package (AWG or (mils} {mils} fid C 75 C 90 C kcmil) Strands Sol. Str. Sol. 5tr. • "14 19' 15 4 102 109 15 1fi 15 15 15 DNF "12 19' 15 <1 119 128 23 24 2a 2Q 20 DNF ' "10 19' 20 4 150 1G1 37 38 30 30 30 �aF^ "8 19 30 5 -- 213 -- G3 �10 50 55 - 19 30 5 -- 249 -- 95 5S 65 75 - 3 19 �IO G -- 318 -- 152 70 85 5 C 3 19 40 6 -- 3�1G -- 186 85 110 OC 2 19 4 6 -- 378 -- 234 95 115 130 G i 19 50 7 -- �I35 -- 299 0 13d 150 [i 1/0 19 50 -- �474 -- 125 15Q 170 B 2/0 19 50 7 -- 518 A61 145 175 195 B 3/0 19 50 7 - 56B -- 57�1 1 G5 200 225 8 4/0 19 50 7 -- -- 717 195 230 260 B 250 37 60 B -- 694 B50 215 255 290 B 30� 37 60 B -- 7�47 -- 011 240 285 320 B 350 37 GO B -- 796 -- 11 r 260 310 350 E3 �IaD 37 f-�0 8 -- 842 -- 1333 335 380 f3 5Q0 37 8 -- �J25 -- 1G53 320 SO A30 D 600 70 9 -- 102d -- 1985 355 d20 C 750 G1 70 9 -- 112G -- 2�162 d00 �175 595 C G1 70 9 -- 1276 -- 3255 �I55 5�l5 G15 '5oluJ con,lru��ion availal�ie in sizes 14. 12, L 10 as Types TI-pil�l oi TFIWiJ•2 ar AWM aiEy. S7ANDAfiD PACI(AGIc COqE: "Nso suimUlo lai 105 C upplianco wiiiru� mataud N1WM�. Faui 500' snoas pe� caria�. [3 - 1000' Fleel ^Two 500' ,panls per cariun. C- ;�0' Ret�l rlUkw+aWe Nnpaciiies: D- 2506' Slwol JV1owalNe amp�xila!�c shown me foi �encral use as s�rr.citiecJ by tlu! P4�ticvk�l [k�cUical Code, E• 1004' SpoW I�J Cctilion. seclian � 10� 15. F• 500' S�wol GU C- YYI}Clf IMIItl11:lICU ICl L'CI111�1f1iL911 IOf CCLUIL'i niatl 1 W am�r:re, ai le�:, or nivlmd for A t•1 W• 2W6' C�iton tivou�h u� cornkiclai::. M1W wel laraliaiu m wlien aKpoeed lo oJ or wo4uH. �- :l50' Cndon �J C' Wlll'll II:fI11BK1IL(J IO L'QlII�71i1011I IOI CGCltlIS lilll:(I (]Vl'f I W anq�eros ur in�ik��rl fcx cu�uluclors Imger ll ,�n U{.11�IWPl•2 tivh4M� eMposed lo od n+ caol:ud. M'iW Qry localiun;. �J6 C- TI-IhIM dry lacotions. 1FIWhl•2 wut a c4y Iw:ali�n;. Nl AWG s4es 1�1 Ihiour}h I rU�KI VW� �. La��:� :;ius �aicd lai CT lh,�c. RECOMMENDED SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS: (MTW OR THHN OR THWN-2) Conductors shall be UL-listed Type MTW or THHN or THWN-2 gasoline and oil resistanl 11, suilable for operations al 600 volls as speci(ied in ihe National Electrical Code. AWG sizes 14 Ihrough 1 shali be raied VW-1, larger sizes shall be rated lor CT use. Conduclors shall be annealed copper, insulated with high-heal and moisture resistant PVC, jackeled with abrasion, moisture, gasoline, and oil resistant nylon or UL-fisted equivalenl, as manulaclured by Southwire Company or approved equal. (AWM) Conductors shall be UL-listed Type THHN or THWN-2 or MTW or AWM, suitabte for operation at 600 volts at conductor temperatures not lo exceed 105°C. .' ► One Southwire Drive c � Carrallton, GA 30119 USA �,�j; �7011U1�V11'C� 770/832•4242 r� �l Souihwiie is a ieqistered Irademark ol Southwiie Campany. W W W.SOLiIIIWIfE.COfT1 . �- ` Detailed Specifications & Technicaf Data r ENGLISH MEASt1REMENT VER510N .``�+ �a ��.� � . - - - .. 1120A Multi-Conductor - 600V Tray Cable For more Infarmation please cafl :�� :- .- w,�1�� ;' � :r� �` t% Lar.�, � L � ��Ai ��y{. �BSCri�tIOR: 18 AWG pairs stranded (7x26) bare copper conductors, twisted pairs, PVC/Nylon insulation, overall Beldfoil shield {100% coverage), PVC ja�ket. Physical,Characteristics (OveralE) Conductor AWG: �P Pa1rs AWG StrandlnQ; Conductar Matnrtal 1 1 B 7x2G BC - Bara Copper lnsulation lnsulatton Maicsrlal: IrisuldLion Mntorldl . - - . - PVC/tdylon - Polyvinyl ChloridelNylon : auter Shield Outor 5hfnld Malerlal: OutorShlold Trada.Nemo,TyPo:_QutorShfold Motnrinl ..' . , Covarago (°/a) Beldfoil9D iTape :Aluminum Foil-PalyesterTape 7p0 Outer Shiold drain Wire AWG: AWG.Stranding prnln Wlro Coniluclor 1Natorlul 20 7x2B TC - Ttnned �Copper Outer Jacket Outor Jackot Matorial: 'outurJuekntMntn�iol;.> NombWoll�Thleknona (In.) :: .. . .. : ..: .... .. . . ..... ...:. ::. ... .. .. _ . PVC - Polyviny! Chloride .OAB . Outnr Jackat Rlpcord: Yes _ _.__... ._. .. . . . . .... .. . . . . .. Overall Gabling Ovorall Nominal �lamotor: 0.278 in. .. _ .. . . _ .... .. .. . Pair Palr Color Coda Charl: Numhni Color' . � : 1: � Black 8 Red Mechanical:,Characteristics (Overall) Wot 7omporaturn Rango: -30'C To +75°C _..---. .. .. _ . _ ,. .. _ . . _ Dry Tnmperaturo Range: -3U°C Ta +g0°C 8ulk Cablo Watght: 35.7U0 Ihsl1000 ft. Max. Rocommendod PullEng ionsion: 59 Ibs. Mln. Bond Radius (Install}lMinor Axis: 2.800 in. Applicable_5pecifications and Agency Compliance (Overall) Applicable Standards 8 Environmental Programs NEC!(UL) Spectflcatlon: NPLF, TC, UL 1277 , �;. . ... . Copper Building Wire 1�= ;:s.�' - � ���:: -- - _ _ = ;': Z-�ti, � , �.�C 't _, ��.-_, � 600 Volt. Copper Conductor. Cross-Linked Polyethy[ene (XLP) tasulaiion. High-Heat and Moisture Resistant. AWG Sizes 14 Through 8 Also Rated SIS. A�'�'�10ElT90N5 Southwire Type XHHW-2 conductors are primarily used in conduit or other recognized raceways for services, feeders, and branch circuit wiring, as specified in ihe Naiionaf Electrical Code'. XHHW-2 conductors may be used in wet or dry lacations at temperatures not to exceed 90°C. Voltage rating for XHHW-2 conductors is 600 volts. SPECBFICATIONS Southwire Typ� XHHW-2 canduclors meet or exceed UL standard 44, Federal Specification J-C-308, and requirements of the National Eleclrical Code. CONSTI�UC710N Southwire Type XHHW-2 copper conduciors are annealed (soft) copper. Insulation is an abrasion, moisture, and iieat resistant cross-linked polyethylene (XLP). AWG sizes 14, 12, and 10 available in black, wliite, red, blue, yellow, green, orange, Urown, purple, and grey. ALiERIVATE CONSTRUCTION Southwire Type XHHW-2 copper conductors are also available in sizes AWG 1/0 and larger rated for cable tray use and sunfight resistant. Specify XHHW-2 for CT use when requesting quote or ordering. ' 1999 Edilion. _� //�� ■l � �I' Copyright 799B, Seushwire Campany. ��j� ;�• s011ll���1•C � UL � SA � Printed on Recycled Paper � . �� All Ri�hts Reserved. 1,'2 1� � m1998 XHHW' �� �.�� � Conductor Allowabfe Ampacities+ Approx. Net Standard Slze Insulation fVomfnaf Wetght Per {AWG No. ThicEcngss O.D. 1000' Ibs. Package or Strands (mils) �mi�s� fi0°C 75°C 90°C � 1 kcmifJ . 14 7 i31 i5 15 15 A 12 7 30 149 0 26 A �� 7 2 30 30 30 A . B 7 45 234 40 50 55 66 B 6 7 45 271 55 65 75 100 B 4 7 45 318 7Q SS 95 150 B 3 7 45 345 85 100 11Q 186 B 2 7 45 378 95 115 130 231 B 1 �•.19 55 434 110 130 150 292 8 � 1/0� ��•19 55 473 125 '150 170 3fi3 8 2/0 • 79 55 517 145 ;�175 195 452 8 3/� 19 55 587 i85 200 225 565 B 4/0 19 55 623 195 230 260 70fi B 250 37 65 691 215 255 290� 835 8 340 37 65 744 24Q 285 320 995 H 350 37 fi5 . 793 260 310 350 1155 8 40U 37 85 ' 839 280 335 380 1314 8 500 37 65 9Z2 320 380.. 430 .f632 B 600 61 80 1029 355 420 475 1966 C 700 6i 80 1098 385 480 520 2283 C 75Q 61 80 1131 400 475 535 2441 C 1�D0 fi1 80 1281 455 545 615 3231 C +N�ownbfo fvnpaciUa�: ST{WDARD PACKAGE COOE: Apowahla ampudibs dwwn oro lor gmmral usa an apodAad by A'- 2500' Rool tho Natbnal �acl�Ca1 Codo, 1999 Edltlon, socllan 310-15. � B- 1000' Roe! 60•C • When tom�lnntod lo oqulpmant Ior clrcvlls mlad 100 C- 500' RQaI ampflraa or lo� or markod (or Y14 tivough M 1 conduclar�. 75'C - Whon Ionninnlod to aqulpmanl br dreuits rntod avm 100 amparoe cx mnrl�ad lor cpnduclor� larpor than A I. 94'C � Wat or dry lacatbn�. RECOMMENOED SAMPLE SPECIFICATI�NS: Conduclors shall be UL-Ilsted 7ype XHHW-2, sultable for oparation at fi00 volts or less in wel ar dry IocaUons, at iemperalures nat to exceed 90°C.. Conductors shalf be annealed copper, as manufactured by Southwire Company or approved equal. CABLE TAAY RATED RECQMMENDED SAMPLE SPECIFICAT{�NS: Conductor shall be UL-listed Type XHHW-2 ra�ed ior cable tray�use and sunlfght reslslance. Also, suitable fnr oparation ak 6Q0 volts or less in wet or dry locativns, at temperalures not to exceed 90°C. Conductors shall be anneafed copper, as manu(aclured by 5authw(re Company or approved equal. One Soulhwire Drive �� �70Uu,�Wlre Carrollton, GA 30119 USA T70/932-4242 � Soulhwim Es a raglslerad Irademark af Soulhwiro Cumpany. yyyyW.50tJ1hWIf8.COfT1 Detailed Specifications & Technical Data ��L „�,E� ' ENGLISH MEASUREMENTVERSION ' " ' � ' � " 1120A Multi-Conductor - 600V 7ray Cable EU CE Mark: Yes . . . . .... . . .. . . . _. . _ ... _.. EU Directive 2000153lEC (ELVj: Yes ___ . . ... ......... _ ...... ..... ...... EU �irectfve 20621951EC (RoHS): Yes ,....... . _ . . . _.. _ ... EU RoHS Compllance Date (mmlddlyyyy): D4lD112005 EU Directive 20021961EC (WEEE}: Yes .. .. . _ ... ... .. .. . EU Directive 2003f111EC (BFR): Yes .. CA Prop 65 (CJ for Wlra 8� Cablej: Yes MII Order �139 (China RoHS): Yes Othor Specfftcatian: ICEA 5-73-532, 5-61-402 F{ame Test UL Fiame Tost: ULi685 UL Loading _.. _ ...... C(UL) Flame Test: F74 . IEEE Flamo Test: 1202 _ .. _ ..... .. . ... . . ICEA Flame Tast: 7-29-520 _ . . _ .. 5uitability 5uitabilfty - Burtal: Yes _.._...._.. . _....._ _._. ..... . . Sunlfght Rnststance: Yes _._ _ .... ... _ . .. ... . .. . . _ --__. PlenumlNon-Plenum Planum (YIN): No Electrical Characteristics (Overall}- � _ Nom. inductanco: . . . _. . . __. .:. Inductanco (NlilR) :::.:,. ,.:.: .19q5 Non�. Capacitanco Conductor to Shiold: Copocl4nnco (pF/ftj. 74 . _.. Nom. Mutual Capacilanco: Chpdclfoii co'(pFllt) 41� -., Nam. Conductor OC Roststanco: DCR. � 20°C (Olim1106D_ fl} 5.�6.,.-.._ :............ ..... ..�. tJominal OutorShlold DC Rosistanco: bCR �'zo�c �oh:miloao, iiy ' 7.�i6 .... _. Max. Oporating Voltago - UL: . ...,.- ._.. ...,. . . . . . Voltn9q-::.:`;: _.; .. . , 6UU V�FiMS (NEC Type TC} . 150 V RMS (NPLF) , Notes jOveral!) Notos: Alternale color coding available upon request. Put Ups and:Colors: . - , . � ltom # � Putup.. . ` . Ship Wolght •.. Cc1or ` Notes .'' ` Ilem Deee ; . .: �t�2oA 6lotoaDo 1a,Doo FT a5o.f}oU LB � BLACK G 2 �!2 #18 PVClNYL FS PVC Notea: �� RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal � Item covered bjT this submittal: I Applicable specification section: � First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 S�vitches and Refer to the folloi Div. 16.75 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 10.8 a OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. �, �� � �� s'�� �k ;� � � �..;. � ;� ,� F �� OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v Priorit�7: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� I Date Received by RH2 Engineering: 8/31 /2012 Date Returned to Equity: � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 8/31 /2012 Revie�ved By: MLM Mt1RK MILLER Signature _� ELECTRICAL SUBMITTAL SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES DIVISION 16 PRO.TECT: LIB�RTY LIFT STATIUN OWN�R: CITY OF ItENTON GEN�RAL CONTRACTOR: �QUITY BUILDERS LLC �LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: ADVANCED POWER, LLC PO BOX 13705 MILL CREEK WA 98082 425-481-82G0 Phonc �25-�$G-3162 1+ ax Dlnn�.sr�►rA� SPELl�1CATIDII GRa1JE Back and Side IA�u�ed 12�'177V AC Quief Switches DESCRIPT10l1I 15 AMP 20 AMP 30 AMP COLOR' Basc Cai Na Daiofas 6o�n Singla-PoloTogglo 1201-� 1225-2 3b31-2 i5A: I, W, GY, R 20A: I, W, GY, R, E, A 30A: I, W Stngle-Pota Lxidngr 1201-2L i221-2L 3031-2L 15A: f; 20A: I, W, G, R E]aublo-Polu Toggla 1202-2 1?22-2 3032-2 15A:1, W, GY 2QA: I, W, GY, R, E 3QA: I, W Dou61n-Palc Lockingt 1202-2L 1222-2L. 3032-2L 20A: f 3 WayToggSo 1203-2 1223-2 3Q33-2 15A: I, W, GY, R 20A: I, W, GY, R, E 30A: I, W 3-Way lackingt 1203-ZL 1223-2L 3033-2L 15A: I -' 20A: I, W, G 4-Way Togglo 1204-2 12242 15A: l, W, GY 20A: I, W, GY, R, E 4Way Lockingi 12D4-71 12242L 20A: I, G, W Singlo Po1n Togglo 12015 122'IS 15A: I, W, R, G . 20A: I, W, R. G 3-Way Togglo 1203S 1223-S 15A:1, W, R, G 20A: I, W, R, G �Koy tar Lodcfnp Switch: Cal No. 55.i00-PRT. Badc ar�d Side �nd Canadian 347V AC Quiet SwiEches DESCR1PTlON 'I5 AMP 20 AfUlP COLOR'• 347V AC 347V AC �CanndianCotar Singio-Pofo Togglo 18201 18221 isa a 2a�►: i, W, B, R, G Singlo-Po10 locicingr 18201-L 18221-L 15A 8 20A: B only Dou610-Polo Togglo 182Q2 18222 15A: I onty Doubla-Polo Lockingr 18Z02-L 3-Wny Toggla iB2Q3 3-Way Lockingt 18203-L 4Way Togglo 18204 4-Way Locking� 18204-L tt(oy fpr Locking Swilrh: CnL Na. 55500-PRT. 18222�. 18223 18223-L 1B224 18?Z4-L � � 20A: I, B 15A 8 2QA: B only t5A 8� 20A: I. W, B, R, G 15A & 2oA: B onty 15A: i, B, R, G 2QA:1, B 15A & 20A: B only SPECIFtCATI�NS 8 FEATUftE5 • Top�of-thalfno Induslrial quafity • Haevy gauge cappor ullay ono-plom ami fortop partormonca • LargaslWarodmium-0x)domntactsfarlanfllifo, pmwnt sUcking, wolding und nxcossivo piLLing • Color�sndadcovors:lSAmpfiluo; 20 Amp-rod; 36 Amp�gteen • Sa� Soc3ion Tfor mars tnehn(ml information TESTING 8 CODE COMPLIANCE • Moals all NEMA WD-1 8 ANSI tnquiromonts • Maats Fadaral Spadfinifon WS-896 • UL Usled (Fln t�E-T458) • CSACortifiad (Fllo #15210.5) • NOM CaA�od (ItU57) • Badtod by n Lfmittd 10-Yaar Wettanty 'COLOR Bmic Cat Nm. atuwn ahovo dorosa Bmwn mlw. OUm mlors mro&abb m Tdad add +�dfu In ad.iloD rumbir m fa6ower. lvo7 l-;1. Wtdia {-VI1�. C*nY {r,Y or -0?. Rnd {-R� Bto�l�a�y l�� Nmond (,A� "CANAUTAN COLOR Fw mlorau6d+an. udd mdCu lo cdn4p rcuMor m followx ►vaY (-l1.4Vh8o {-w}. Brorm (-Sj. Rnd (�tl. end GmY (�Ca!• HORSEPOWER iSA iCA 3QA 1hQ12UV 1Q1ZOV 2�S20V 2�2AOV 2�24DV 2�240V MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Environmonlal: Flemmability, Ftalnd V2 Qparating Terr�per.tturn: -40'C fo 85'G For more Irtformadoa rsgarding matchittg wallplates, coiors, mahurlals, sirtgSe and muitl-gang, refe�to Wullpiatsa, sed{an G. Fw aRswers !o lachni�al quosik�rs, call Levilan's Tochlino ai 1�00-824-3005._.Bo!lding a Cortnactnd S+IAortd LOCKWG t2Q1�1,1227,21. ro�c� �zo��, tn�� �/� � �: - . , �'��� SPECIAL PURPOS�E � SWITCHES i� IIlDUS1'RI�4L TOP-OF-THE-LINE SWITCHES FOR SPECIF(C APPLICATIONS SPFC/FICAT/OnGAaDE • fVarrow width for ease af installation • Large brass binding head terminals accept • Silver alloy contacts up to No. 10 CU wire {side wire) • UL Listed, CSA certiFied, complies with UL 20 • Clamp-type terminals accept up to No. 14 • Extra wide rust-resistant strap. Break-off plaster ears CU wire {back wire) • Color-coded face indicates ampere rating • A�99ed nylon toggle C� �� ; �'% :�-� rt�i ^ ; ,� - _ � �.� !�:; ;,�i� 4 n o� 0 : ; �i 12�1 All devices are UL Lisled. Also CSA Certitied ex�ept where indicated by * MAINTAINED CONTACT SWITCHES BACK AND SIDE WIRED 120/277V AC i HP @ 120-240V AC Brnwn ivory Description 1281 1281-] Single Pale, Oouble Throw, Center Off 1282 1282-I Double Pole, Double Thraw, Center Off ' + i za�2�7v ac 1 HP @120-240V AC 1285 1285-1 Single Pole, Double Throw, Center Off 1286 1286-I Doubie Pole, pouble Thraw, CenEer Off i 2a�2�7v Ac 1 HP @ y20-24QV AC � _(.1� O �� A . Cr`r t � :a n u `,� (i� � �zs� �x� seoe�-nac 1287 1267-) Single Pole, Double Throw, Center Off 1288 i 288-I Double Pole, Double Throw, Genter Off MOMENTARY CONTACT SWITCHES BACK AND SIDE WIRED � i 5A 120V AC 10A 277V AC '/z HP @ 120-24QV AC 1256 1256-i Singfe Pole, Qoubfe Throw, Center �ff � 1201277V AC • ' '/z HP @ 120-240V AC 1257 1257-I Single Pole, Double Throw, Center Off 1257-L 1257-L! Locking Switch, Single Pole, Double Throw, Center Off * A.C. MANUAL MOTOR STARTING SWITCHES 30A 250V AC 20A 600V AC Cat. No. Description fi808U-DAC Double Pale, Single Throw 6808G-OAC Same, but in NEMA-1 Enclosure A.C. MANUAL MOTOR STARTING SWITCHES 30A 60QV AC 7810-UD Three Pole, Three Phase 7810-GD Same, but in NEMA-1 Enclosure DOOR SWITCH 6A 125V 3A 250V 1865 Switch turns ON when door is opened Receptadee • Trip Ihrnshotd mao� ar axcoods UL rvqulinmonts far Iripping limn • {R�pac!•rvsislant thartnoplaslic cqvarand body • Sitvaralbywnlacts • Camp�tiblo wilh afl Ocmra dovica� ,upptind vrilh ppoors u�Aplala; avallahla In saloclad Oa�a wbrs Cam�lnallan Swl1rl�fGFCI � Idoal forkitchons, Gathrooms, madular kitcf+on uniL, balJunam caUinal fiKlums, lamp aWnol fixluras and applicctims whoro wmhination dovicos am usad. TESiING 8 CflOE COMPLIANCE • Ul Slnndnrt� �1 Clu�s A{GFCIj and 498 (rn�optadas) • UL Li,tad (f-ila 114t1]a4) • MooL M151 C77, N[MA WD-1 roquirn- manL far duplox racoplaclos • CSACartifiad (LR-51811} • �ackad hy a Llmisud Two-Yoar Warrdnly 'CQLOR [�i CnL N�. slwh+� abwa Jc�nic ILwm cnlor. Fer a�r mlor ,oyxliorn. �1 Itn suni� to utn1o� numlwr � Idhwz lvory I•�1,1Nhdn (-w1. Gr�Y (-GYj, Rtsl {-R). 91ock �{�. A[rcwrd (•A). MATERIAL CHARACTERlSTICS Flamm�bility. Ratad V2 pparalinp 7amparafuro: -]0'F (-35'C) In 151'F �6G'C� Hospital Gracie GFC! Recep�'acies — Back and Side Wired 15 AMP t 25V at Receptacle; 20 AMP t25 V Fe�edTivnugfi DESCRIP''1'ION CAT. NO. CdLOR' NEMA COlVFIG. IJa�c Cal Na. Ocnotas [imwn RaceptaclQ with LED I, W, GY, s.z�n 2U AMP 125V at Re�eptacle and FeedThro+�gh DESCRIPTION CAT_ NO. o Oc aap ocnolc�emwn ��A CONFIG. Duplex Receptacle with LEQ L1ght fi898-HG 1, W, GY, K .�i.ZUR Commercial Grade GFCI Receptacles -- Back and Side Wired 1� AMP 125V at Receptacl� 20 AMP 725V Feed-Tiunugh pESCR1!'TIOIU Dos(c LaL!!o. denofus ilmwn No Indicatar Ltght 6599 I, W, GY, E, A Quploz Rocoptacln wlth LED Indicator Lighl G596 I, W ,.�,�i d�„ With 4V5" l�ads* 6599•L I, W 8urians mntch tacc cotor CA7 NQ. COLOR' 111EMA COIVFIG. fi599-A I, W, A 20 AMP 925V at Rec�ptacle artd FeeaF-Trirouyh DESCRIPTIAN CAT. 1110. CULOR' NEJVIA CONfIG. 8a:ic CoL No, Dondas Orowa No Indicator Ugfit �r 6899 I, W, GY Duplez Recuplatln with LED �� 6�9a I, W saar� fl� Indicnlar Llght . Buttons match tace color fiff99-A I, W, A Switch-Rated GFC1 - Back and Side Wired 20 AN[P 12SV Switch-Rated; S�ritch Ratirtg ?.S HP 6' 120V DESCRiPTlalll CAT. NO. . CQLOR' Dusic Cnf. Nn. Ocnalu� Qiown Blank Faco GFCI, No fndlcatar Ught 6490 I, W, E Combination Switch GFCI �utlei — Side Wired g4yitch ?OpOW t25V AC; Uutlet TS A1W� �25V; F�.rnro�yn zoan� izsv DESCRIPTION CA7 NO. COLOR' Datic CaL No. OanWus �rown Singfe-Pole Swltch S GFC! Protecled OuUei 5299 �• w NI davicas nro UL Lislod. Nso CSA Cortifiod axmpl whara indicntod by'k O Q° O � � � c aa �C �m r� � �� E L� � si � � � # � � �7 d Q 0 t.+x �� Q � t.t7 (28.6 rttm} � Q � �.��++�^) 1.47 (30.2 mm) u� (memm COM6SERCIAL GRADE GFCI RECEPTACLE Cat No. 6599 CQIdBiNATION SWI7CH GFCI OUTIET Cal No. 5289 � To loam moro aUoul Lovilon's ouLlanding ol(aring oi dov'� visil our Wot�ito al: hUplfww+w•loviton.cam._.Bufldinp R Can»ecicd WorJd SPECiF1CATIONS 8 FEATURES � .. RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal � Item covered by this submittal: I rlpplicable specification section Z First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 Div. 16.85 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to conttact ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviarions as specificall�r noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 10.9 I a OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. of � � � , -- ��, � .��;.,. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� IDate Received bp RH2 Engineering: 8/31/2012 Date Returned to Equity: � Reviewed ❑ Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Comments from Engineer: RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: S/31 /2012 Revie�ved By: MLM MARK MILLER Signature �� ELECTRICAL SUBMITTAL LIGHTING DIVISION 16 PROJ�CT: LIBERTY LIFT STATIUN OWN�R: CITY 4F It�NTON GEN�RAL CONTRACTOR: EQUITY BUILDERS LLC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTQR: ADVANCED POWER, LLC PO BOX 13705 MILL CI�EK WA 98082 425-481-8260 Phone 425-�t86-3162 Fax ! '' 1 L L U M I iV A gs�oo FLUORESCENT (T8) r ���� � ! �q, ��� � ..;; .._ - "�� Suspended luminalre Appllcation: fie ILLUMINA' BS 100T8 linear iluorescent has been designed fo offer performance, etficfency, rellabifily and easy installotlan. fie three plece deslgn snaps togelher without ihe need of any tools, fie BS100T8 HT verslon weighs a msre 6.51bs and Is avallable (n 2ft or 4H verslans. Conshucf(on Is 100°� polycarbonate, whlch makes It corroslon. tlome and vQndoi resistant. fie ILIUMINA" BS100T8 fs Ideal for parking structures, warehouses, breezeways, conoples and schools. Ac ony AC & finergency (�� e.�nu �.. . ��� m�in: Wet/1P66 CONFIGURE: �a MODEL b❑ LEt�GTH � Q OPERAT]ON BS100TB 2 2favt H7 awtiuta,t- 4 a lool SA astao re SFRlFS OSIOOIU HOUSING: 1 �0°,6 W stabnlzed palycaibanate maie- rlol, integrated 6quid sflicone perimeter gasket with memary retenllon, recessed stainless steel mounling brackets. REFLECTOR:Dualporahollc (2-lampverslonsJandsin- gfe parabotic (1-lamp versEons) hlgh emission reilec- tor. Vacuum metallized finlsh. Dlrect moun! reflectar canffgurallon supports all elecirlcal components. wrslaru 700 rumens ❑d IAMPS 177W ix174YI9 217W 2+'l7N�T9 � 32YV ►x32W T9 32w 2x3��vre rype: ProJect: �e INPUT ❑f OPiIONS 120V SS slolnless sleel c!'�s 277y FP lnlrnelusepmteclron 120/277V LUGE3 ld0olumenEM(U54onyJ 347V PK �lgid pertdanf kit: 16; F4: 36' & 48' AC ovlolloncab1e:50; 72; 100: 15�' & 250' CH choirt hang k!� $L snnila!!onlisled TP tana�woo� niore: coR:w1 roc- rrorF: rne a ax� ronqm ro iw specmed. !ory !or Jd7VlSA1 l.o. PK7a w AC100 afe constructlan, Impact resistanf, W sioblllzed to reduce yellowing Index. LAMP�SOCI(Ef: Two (2) or (our {4) T6 raEchet iype sockeis, MOUNTING: Surface mount conffgurollon as slan- dord. Opllonal (AC) crvloffon cable, ad�usiable and (PK) pendanl mountfng are rnallable. Requl�ed maunling holght fo be specl�ed. DIFfUSER: Hlgh perfarmance ctiffuser. Complele POWER LlNEIFEED: 3-wire, solid type 18owg, pre- Ilght em[ssion (CLE� lechnology. l OD% Polycaibon- shlpped 12' leads for quick In-(leld connectlon. _ � - � � - ��q q�� __ _ - ��; EMERGENCY (SA): Infegrol emergency ballast to aperaie one (1 j lamp for a minlmum durolion of 90 mEnutes. Reflector maunted monitor IncEfcator and test swiEch. (SAJ for AC & emergency opera- tlon. The (SAJ verslon Is only ovaElable wlth ellher 120V a 277V lnpuls, (consull factory for 3411�. WEIGkT: 6,51bs,! 2,948 kllo. Sanilaifon [Isted (SL); fs equivaient lo the N5F ston- dard 2, meeting 1he rigorous sonl(ation, electrlcal safety and performance stondtirds. The IlLUMINA'' BS1001s Ideal lar use In food serv[ce equlpment envfronmenis, �004� - i i � f�� i ,���. Project: Liberty Lift Siation, City of Renton Beplrop msarvo� me npro ro chonpa �tithaA rsoeca. u�outicatbns a mator�s mo1ln nu opFilon wi� nol dter trw furclbn or parlamonco at TYPe: A-Alt M fg: Beg he II i thoproduct. ToclWcrospoG7cortoiutnotuppoapnww,vDogno7iuco.comwponaCoalattuxve�:iorue.tsnnphpnfadoc4an3clarm. Cat#: BS100TB4HT232W1201277V . ! F3pH��/I�S L841/P� US/p LTO L���'� /! � .__ plUg 1.8 3`Lr..� s71r �� r:r-•;. - .- - .. zw Cal #: F32T8lTL841/PLUS/ALTO Lonb life, extra low rnei�cury Philips PLUST8 lamps are environmentally respon5ible and offer long life. Outstanding fumen pertormance • 95% fumen maincenance and reduced lamp-end blacicening Long li(e • Reduce maintenance and recycling costs by ex[ending the relamping cycle • Up to 50% longer life than an industry standardTB lamp' • Warranty period: 36 montlis Better for the environir�e�it • Only 1.7mg of inercury wich AL70 (I'" Technology • Reduced impac� on the environmenc withou� sacrificing per{ormance (', �:e bock ai pile fof iootrote) 1 � Philips PLUSTS Lamps fea�uring ; ALTO Il'" 7echnolagy : lJcof jor ci(�pliccrtian; ; 4vlicrc 1oti�cr rcictrnp c?�cic�s ; �vould be f�cnr.(rinl ���1`�'�. �� ^ ,�{��t.�,��1 �. .;i�,e .::''� ALTO 11" means SO% fess mercury than the original ALTO T8 lampsl = o��-.,� 1'.: ,�: ��ru �,yr r�,w,^sniTcu l�qilcJswlorylu�7�n��dnx�ravy.l<ew ]',7' tnl4'TB lartr� (eaurngAlTCI II'i�de�olny,ry I.m I.lnigoh�K�n�n� "' y,r � :, 1: •. � kf+ti�. �. ,G�`' A p )i.�� t7ry'r y- �a�sli �� } :i:ir` — 2. ,1u< r � �� �����M $�� ������Y V �6 ra FEATURES & 5PECIFICATIONS P80DUCTOVERYIEW Arm-mounted securi�y light for yards and lou, service rwds and 6uilding perimeters CertaEn alrharne contaminaats can dlminish integrlty o[acryfle 91tk here for AmUc Envi�onmenlal fomnatibllitv tahle ja r suitadle uses CONSTAUCfION Augged,die•cast alumtnum head. Formed aluminum ieflector and opeo-bottam refractor for ease nf maintenanre and lamp replacement Prfunatic reGactar p�ovides uni(arm symmetrlal Type Y disiribullon. Mounting aim and all maumtng hmdware Induded En canon. Pliolucell and lamp are induded. i20V. LISTINGS Llsled and lahcled ta UL slandards �ar wet locations. Listed and la6eled to C5A slandards. WARRANTY • fl�mres are caveredl�y Uthanfa Lighting 24-manth warranry agalnst mechanical defects in manufacture. Nnie: Specifiwtions subJect lo chan9e tivitl�o¢t notice. �d1d�0f� �iUIM1�7l1 NOt[3 Type Rf�iE� F. CT� a u i0U65 �z 1�0.51 TDD Contractor 5el ect Security Lights � 17 (43.21 1 TDD65 ' ' ' ' ili'!�'lid:llL'! :.. _. , _ __ _ - - -- , _> ,. - - -- - - , .. . _ : . ': Mounting , Appmx. Standard : : . ' Catala9 `: - - Arm' 4�mp Welght Pallet Wrton : �, Number - UPC ' Desc�iptlon Wattaqe tamaSouice Voitane Lenath Induded (lbs) Qty ° Qty TD019041L120b12 1AS974104140 12'sccmHyfight 100 Mli i70 24' Y t2 24 2 TODISOSLIIOM2 7459735061R 1�'seartryll�ln 1S0 IIPS 1� 2M1' Y 12 2q 2 1UD65L120MI 7459741B744i 10"semrlrylight b5 flumeumt 120 1B' Y q )1 2 Accessorles:_Orderpsteparcteiciulognumber '_,.: .'::.:. .. {Fb5QT41M6 Repla�ementfot654Yfluaa�entlamp. AB] TUUlEMS M6 ReOectorpens assemhlrla HfD anly. COIJIAAC1OIt SEIECi! OUiUDOR Project: Liberiy Lfft Station, City of Renton Type: A1 Mfg: Lithonia Cat #: TDD 100ML 124 M2 SECURIi1 I� L/THON/A L/GHT/NG9 .� FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION — Weldable-grade, hot-ralled, commersial-quality carbon steel tubing with a minimum yield ot 55,OOQ psi {11-geuge), or 54,000 psi {7- gaugey. Uniform wall thickness ot .125' or.lUB'. Shaft is one-piece with a tull- length longitudinal high-Irequency electric resistance weld. UniEormly square in ¢ross-soction with flat sides, small corner radii and excellent torsionol qualitias. Avpilnhlc shah widths ora 4, 5 and 6 inches. Anchor hase is fa6ricuted from hot-rolled cnrbon steef plato con(orming to ASTM A36, that meets or exceeds a minimum-yiefd strnngth o( 36,000 psi. Basa platQ und sha(t nro eircumlarontially weldod top end 6attom. Base covar is tinished to match polo. A hnndhalo hoving naminnl dimensions ol 3' x 5' for all shnfts. Includod is a covnr with attnchmQnt s�rews. Top enp providod wiih all drill•mount poles. Fasteners are higii-strangth galvanized, zinc-plated or stninless steel. Fnish: Must speci(y linish. Grounding: Provision lacated immndiotely insida hpndhala rim. Grounding h¢rdwaro is not included jprovided by others�. Anchor Bolts: Top partion of nnchor 6olt is gnlvnnizod per A5TM A-153. Made of steal rod having a minimum yield stren�th of 55,000 psi. Anchor Base Poles ��� SQUARE S7RAIGHT STEEL URDERING INFORMATtON �-ead times will vary depending on options selected. Consult with your sales representative. Example: SSS 20 5C DM19 DdB SSS 5eries Nominal lixturn SSS mounting hnight 10 — 38 feet {sun hack pagu.► HANDHOLE OR1EN C p `�� B A Handhale Nominal shnft base siz Mounting' wnll thicknoss Tonoo monndnn i5ee bock paqn.j PT O�nn top T20 Z-31B'O.O.j2'NPS) T25 za�a•a.o.�i•in- NPSj TATION T30 3•1/2'U.U.(3'NPS) T75 4'O.D.�3-1/2'NPS) prill mauntinnT OM19 1 ot 90° �hA20 2 nt IBO° OM26PL 2 at 100° wilh anc N07ES: 1 When ordorinq tenon mouming and Jrill moimtinp for th� samn pala, fallaw Ihis exnmple: UM261T20. Tl�e comhination includns n requirad nxtt� handholu. 2 Tfiu drillinc� tnmplate to Le used for a particulur luminnire dopnnJs on tha luminaire Ihat fs used, Rafer lo the Technicul Oata Soction af �he Omdoor Bindar far DriUing Templates. 3 Insnrt'I' or'2'to da.ipnate lixture sizu; e,p. OMI9ASTZ. 9 Specify lacation and oriantotion when ardoring option. For 1st'K: Specify the heipht in foot nbovo Uasc al paln. Exarnplc: 5ft = 5 anJ 20lt = 20 Fnr 2nd "x': Specify ariuntotion irom hnndholn IA,0,C,0) Reler ta fhe H�rtdhuln Drientation diagram a6ave. 5 Harizantul nrm is 18' x 2•3!9' U.D. tonnn stundnrd. 5 Comhinution at tenan-tap and drill mount fncludus extra hondhale. T Addilionnl calors availu6le; soe www.lithanin.comlorchcolors ar Architeeturol Colors 6rochure jForm No, 794.3). Powdnr Cnish stondard. sidn plupqoJ DM73 2 at 90" 6M'�1 3 nt 90" UM49 4 ot BO" AFt11S�"�lOMFH6�'"DriOmo intinn= DM19AS 1 nt 90° oMzaas z o� �eo° UM29A5 2 ot 90° DM39A5 3 nt 90° DM49A5 4 ot 90° AERIS�� Susnnnrl ��riU mnun�inn�•� DMI9AST t at 90° OM2UAST_ 2 at 160° OM29AST 2 nt 90' UM39AST 3 at 90" 6MA9AST_ 4 at 90" OMFR0f4 S�isnnnd rfrill ��7.] OMI9MRT_ 1 ot 9U° UM28MRT_ 2 at tII0° pM29MRT_ 2 at 90° OM39MRT 3 nt 90° DM44MAT_ 4 at 90` Options Finish' Siai000d instolled UAEi Loss anclwr balta �DEi Uark 6ron:e W Vibrutian dampur WVH Wfiite TP Tamper proaf dpL Hfa�k N1-I�Sxz Norf:antul orm hrucket DMB Modium Uronzo {I fixwrn)'� ONA Notural nluminum fDLxx Fasloon ouNet Inss GALV Golunni:ad finish oluctricnl' CPU2xx 1/2' couplinp� ��assic colors CPL34zx 7J4' couplinp' DSS Sandstonc CPLI � I' coupling' OGC CMnrcnn! flray NPL12xx 1!Z' tftroadud nipplu' OTG Tnnnis prNen NPL34ax 3!4' lhreodod nipplo' �� Brlpht rod NPL1 xx 1' thraodnd nipplc' � Steal Gluo EHH�ot ExVn hnnJhaln'•e Architucti nlor� fpowdor finishli Outdoor Cutalog Number Notes 7ypc Project: Liberty Lift Station, City of Renton Type: Pole Mfg: Lithonia Cat #: SS5 20 5G XX (Specity mounting) DDB 0 . SSS Square Straight Steel Poles � TECHNICAL fNFORMATiON EPA {iti) with 1.3 gust Nominal Wali Approximate Catalog sheft PoleShe(t Thickness BO Max. 9D Max. 100 Max. BoltCircle BoltSize shipweight Num6er len thifeetl Size{inxhj (inches) Gau e m h wei ht m h wei ht m h ei ht (inches) lin.xin.xin.) ( ounds) SSS 10 qC la 4.0 x 10.0 0.125 11 30.6 765 23.8 595 18.9 473 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 75 SSS 12 4C i2 G.O x 12.0 0.125 i1 24.4 610 18.8 410 ]4.8 370 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 90 S5S 14 4 C 14 4.0 x 14.0 0.125 11 19.9 498 15,1 318 11.7 293 a--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 100 S5S 16 4C 16 4.Q x 18.0 0.125 11 i5.9 39B 1].8 295 8.9 223 8--9 3/4 x 1 A x 3 115 S5S 98 4C lA 4.Q x 18.0 0.125 11 12fi 315 9.2 730 6,7 168 8-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 125 SSS 20 4C 2U 4.0 x 20.0 0.125 71 9.6 240 6.7 167 4.5 150 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 140 SSS 20 9G 20 4.0 x 20.0 0.188 7 14.0 350 11.Q Z75 8.0 2D0 5--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 198 SSS 20 5C 7!1 5.0 x 20.� 0.125 11 17.7 443 1Z7 343 9.A 235 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 185 SS5 20 5G 2i1 5.� x 20.0 0.188 1 2B.1 703 21.4 535 16.2 4U5 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 Z65 SSS 25 4C 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.125 l l 4.8 150 2.fi 100 1.0 5d B-9 3/4 x 18 x 3 170 SSS 25 4G 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.188 7 10.8 270 7.7 188 5.4 135 B--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 245 5SS 25 5C Z5 5,0 x 25.0 O.t25 11 9.8 245 6.3 157 3.7 150 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 225 SSS 25 5G 25 5.Q x 25.0 0.1$8 7 18.5 463 13.3 333 9.5 238 10-12 1 x 36 x A 360 SSS 30 9G 30 4.0 x 3D.0 0.188 7 6.7 168 4.4 11U 2fi fi5 8--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 295 SSS 30 5C 30 5.0 x 3D.0 0.125 11 4.7 150 20 50 -- -- 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 265 SSS 30 5G 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 10.7 267 6.7 167 3.9 100 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 386 SSS 3D 6G 3Q S.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 19.0 475 13,Z 330 9.0 225 11--13 1 x 36 x Q 52Q SSS 35 5G 35 5.0 x 35.0 0.188 7 5.9 150 2.5 100 -- -- 10-12 1 x 3fi x 4 A40 S5S 35 6G 35 6.0 x 35.0 D.t88 7 12.4 310 7.6 1� 4.2 105 11--13 1 x 36 x 4 540 SSS 39 fiG 39 6.0 x 39.0 U.188 7 7.2 180 3.0 T5 -- -- 11--13 1 x 36 x A 605 BASE DETAIL ��� � � / 18• �� � Pole Oata 5ha(1 Boll Boll Anclior bolt base CIfCIO prajectlon 8ase 7emplate Anchor holl and templale size A B square description description num6er d'C e-1/2' 2-3/4'-4' 8' ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 A818-0 ABSSS-qC 4'G 8-1/2' 2-3/4'-4' e' ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB30-D A855S•AG 5' 10'-12' 3-318'-A' 11' ABTEMPLATE PJ5U010 AB36•0 ABSSS-5 6' 11'-13' 3-3/8'-4' 12-1/2' ABTEMPLATE PJ50U11 AB36-Q N/A IMPORTAAiTiNSTALLATION NOTES: • �a nat erect palps without havinq fixtures instol(ad. • Fnetorysuppliod tomplatos must bn usud whon suninq anchor bolts. Lithanin Liphifnp will nat nccnpt cloim lor incorrnct onchorogc pincamont dau m(ailorn ta usu Lithonln Liphling lactoty tumplates. • If polns nro s�ored outsfde, all protnctiva wrnppinQ musl bo removod immedlofoly upnn delivery ta ptnvunt linish dnmafle. • Liihania Liphtinp is not rospansihlu for tha loundation dosign. I� � �i IMPORTANT: • 7hnse spacifications urn intunded lor penntol purposns only. Lithonia roserves Ihe riqht to chanQa motariol nr dusign, witham prior noticn, in a continuinp nffart to up4radu its products. I� L/Ti5/L7N/,4 LO�Hi//�/G� Project: l.iberly Lik Station, Clty of Renton � AnSHeuity8randsComparry Type: Pole Mfg: Lithonia Cat #: SSS 20 5G XX (Specify mouniing) DDB Sheet #: Pof e-SSS mi99q-2D10 Acuity Bronds Liphting, Inc. All riqh�s reserved. Rev. 11l1i/10 www.lithanio.com _ Mast�rColorO Standar�d Prociuct data • Genci�l Ch�iacccristics Base Bue Informacion Bulb f3ulb Material Bulb Finish Operating Position Main Appliacion RatedAvgLifc(Scc Fimily Notes) �� �: �; F�.;ti �� .- ;!:< .��'�-'=�'. a� � Medium [Single Concatt Medium Screw] Brass [Biass Base] ED17 Hard Glass Clcar Universal [Any o� Univarsal (U)] Genenl lJghting 20000 hr • Lieht Technical Chancterinics Color Codc 940 [CCT' of 4000K] Color Rendering 92 R.iB Indc�c Color Designation Dcluxe Cool White Color Tempenture 4000 K Color Temperrture 3900 (min), 4100 (nam). 436D {max) technic�l K Chromaticiry Coor- 373 (min}, 382 (nom}, 39t (max} - dinatc X Chromaticity Coor- 366 (min). 372 (nom}, 378 (max) - dinacc Y Inicial Lumens 9U00 Lm Luminous Hfiu�cy 90 Lm/W Lamp EM Lumen hlain[enancc 91 0 200Uh Lumen M�intenance B2 : SDOOh Design Mean Lumen. 675D Lm • Efeccrical Characreri<_ucs Wa�cs 100 W CDM ED17 Mzstcrt_ofor CDM 100W/9-10 i�ir-�d ED f' CL Al_TO Energy savings without changing a balEasdA high-ef(lcienq enclosed E- rated CDM lighdng so[ution that provides energy savings wi�hout compromfsing Ifght qualiry. lamp Volt�ge 102 V Limp Currcnt 1.1 A Ignition Timc 10 (max� s Re-Igaition Time 10 (max) min [min] • Enaironmentil Charactcri,tics Mcrcury (H� 6.1 (max) mg Content Pirogram per Lumen 49.6 plLuHr Hnur • UV-relSred Chirn�ccriscic, Damagc Faaor Dlfc .41 - PET (NIOSHj 2H6.7 h5Q01x UV A 14.8 mWJcm2 11V 8 0.02 mW/cm2 UV C Q.006 mW/cm2 • Luminaire Dc,ign Reqvirements Cap-Base Tempera- 190 (maz} C turc Bulb Tempera�urc 40D (maxy C • Product Dirnensioru Light Center Length 3.438 in L Max Overall Length 5.438 (max) in (MOL) - C Diameter D 2125 In � �� . Project: Ltberty Lift Station, Clty of Renton Type: A1 Mfg: Philips Cat #: MHC1001UIMlAK/ALTO • - s e (i� Q s'+.�+-�-. • FOOCRO[CS Footnotes HID • Produa Daca Product number Full produa namc V'JaminKti anJ Safe_y 9Q2 [Exclusive co Piiilips Lighting Company.] 26t352 MascerColor CDM t00W/9d0 Med ED17 CL ALTO • R"WARNENG: 7hese lamps can cause serlous sl<in hurn and eye inllamma�ion from short wave ultraviolet radiatfon if outer envelope ot �he lamp is broken or puntured. Do no� use wltiere peaple wiil Uirn�nsional dra•,�fine � l � E26 �� U Shon product name Pieces per Sku eop�ck dg SkuslCase 8ar codc on pack Bar mdc on pse Logistia code(s) cop nc� wcight�p CDM tU0W1440 Med ED17 CL AL70 1 12 12 466772H1359 5004667728735q 928601137801 O.1 Q0 kg remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shlelding or ocher safeq pre�uadons are used. Certain lamps chat will aucomaticallly extinguish when the outer envelope is broken or punaured are commercially available." This IamP complies with FpA radlation performance standard 21 CFR subchap�er J. (USA:21 GfR 1090.30 Canada: 50R/DOR5190-381) E26. ED-17 r�odu,, C fMa.) o (Ns,n; Pf�K tUOV✓liiU E25 EUI7 l� A.LTO S.a39 2575 Project: Uberty Lfft Station, City of Renton Type: A1 Mfg: Phillps Cat #: MHC1001U/M14K/ALTO io, z A�guzc •1 dan suh�ectto [hange .. • RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal I Item covered by this submittal: � Applicable specification section: ❑ First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For.� City of Renton Liberty Lift Station CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 � � � � �� � � �' ..� ;��:� Nlotor Control Center Refer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed description of the item. Div. 16.213 ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submittal Log # 10A OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. 1 OR ❑ This item is a substitution/ot equal Notes to Engineer: IRevie�v Priorit��: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� � Date Received b�T RH2 Engineering: 10/23/2012 Date Returned to Equit��: ❑ Reviewed � Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date: 11 /19/2012 Revie�ved By: MLM M�RK MILLER Signature Comments from Engineer: MCC subtnittal meets design intent but is incomplete. Submittal lacks SPD full model number with cut sheet and MCC build component cut sheets. See markups for design questions. Revise per markups. Resubmit with all required cut sheets of build components. 11/19/2012 3:32 PM z:\bothell\data\cen\]12-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #l0a\submittal #l0a electrical_mcc.docs ,� ; (1) �2 MCM CABLES PER PHASE 42,000 AVAIL. SHORT CIRCUIT AMPS 480 VOLT,3 PH,4 WIRE,60 HZ,WYE SOLIDLY GROUNDED NEUTRAL To METERING UNIT 04 UNIT iK CS70634568 MCC MAIN LUGS ONE-LINE DIAGRAM BUS — 600A COPPER/TIN PLATED 42,OOOA RMS BRACING DISC 30 A PowER MONITOR UNIT 1A CS70433494 POWER MONITOR NOTES: 1 16C � i soa,F iSAT UNIT 1 C Y-406880 PHASE FAIL RELAY MCC SUPPLIED WITH 1/4 X 1 HORIZONTAL GROUND BUS «*'+ INDICATES AN UNKNOWN VALUE MOTORS ARE REMOTE FROM THE MCC FUTURE UNIT UNIT 1E � 1 16C � isoaF 30AT Bulletin 2100 Unit W/Circuit Breoker UNIT iG Y-406881 SPD FUTURE UNIT UNIT 2A CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER 54767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON MCC N0. LBERTY LIF7 STATION MCC SALES OFFICE SEA WA SALES REP. 126 K�74033-J4F3-121023-0145-E FROM SHT O1 BUS - 600A COPPER/TIN PLATED 42,OOOA RMS BRACING T) 150AF ) M50AF ) MSOAF 15AT SOAT SOAT Bulletin HIC HIC 2100 FU FU Empty Unit or 5.00 Section KVA SMC 043A SMC 043A i� 20 �i •••• i 20 �I •••• \ HP i FLC \ HP i FLC UNIT 2J Y-406882 UNIT 3A Y-406879 UNIT 3G Y-406879 UNIT 4A LIGHTING TRANSFORMER P-1 P-2 TELEMETRY PANEL 'RTU" PUMP N0.1 PUMP NO2 K/�74033-J4F3-121023-0145-E CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER S4767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON MCC N0. LIBERTY LIFT STATION MCC SALES OFFICE SALES REP. ONE LINE DIAGRAM � .��� � (AS SHOWN) POSITlON. I1- I2- I3- I4- TORQUE ALL FIELD CONNECTIONS TO THE VALUE SPECIFIED IN THE CUSTOME WIRING TORQUE SPECIFICATlON TABLE. ALL FACTORY WIRED CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY TOROUED AND NEED NOT BE CHECKED. REFER TO 40110-920 FOR FACTORY WIRING TORQUE SPECS �-------------� I I I I � � I I I I I I I l�i ' I I I � Powermonitor 3000 � � DISPLAY MODULE � (BUL. 1404-DM) �--------------� DOOR (REAR VIEW) r-------------------------� I I Y L1 ❑ O 51 � I � R74 �+� 1 � K L2 ❑ O S2 � � R11 Z �D �-) X2 ❑ O SCOM j� I R72 �� �� �P I � N�� Ethernet � �N/C vt 2L1 � I7+ I1+ I II1- v2 2L2 I I2+ I2+ I �12- V3 2L3 � I3+ I3+ � �I3- N N � Ia+ I4+ � �14— DISPLAY � � MODULE � I jPowermonitor 3000 j � MA$TER MODULE � o SHLD i I (BUL. 1404—M5/M6) ° ° I i ❑o + � i R�� Ri�y2 ��y RS-485 i L'-------------------------J � FU I I X1�1 I I I L _ _ _ _ J � I4t BLK iHt) I i (xt)' 4CT� X2 iI4 NhiT H2) I I �jl �---- --� � N � I2t BLK .�H7) I i (xi)' 2CT� X2 iI2- yN.it H2) I � o� �---- --� � — ----- ----- — � DEVICE I I BEING I I METERED L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J r------------- � � TO BUS � ; q � � ; i �-- �--- ps i �__1L1 __1L2__ 1L3_J r 1l1 1L2 1L3 � I � 1 � 2 � 3 � I FU FU FUI L 2L1 _ _ 2L2 _ _2L3 J � 2L1 - - - - 2L2 � � H1 H3 H2 H4 � j TRANS. j � GRD. � I �I X2 X1 � I I �-- X� -----X�-J I1 I2 I3 I4 ❑2 + + + + TB 1 1 223344N t-t-+-+- I1 I2 I3 I4 � I I I I I I L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J DEVICE BEING METERED �■ 1 I 2 3 � � 6 I HORIZON- : ■ CI �■ �■ L1 �2 L3 � �N P�L1 �1L. II�FR'� TNl-'nMTf�l � 1T1 I� Tl/2 q�� c2�iri> T2/4 IT�� �— r�/i a� (4/T2) T3/6 1T3 � � <5/L3) (6/T3) FLEX �2 YP OL'S (2/Tll (2/Tll (Tl/i OL'S (4/T2) (4/T2> (TI/F �L'S L1 TO BUS L2 L3 480V 3 PH 60 HZ ixAC ----- 1X1 � - Xl IKANS. XI X2 'JI' 23 0-60 SEL. sEr e io sEc. C2/All\ ��"-/C7/A2) �/ SMC FLEX �� ��� CU (2) (3) C4) — — — — — � � ` niY 1 TR1 1 (6/24 �.C. RESET 2 CR2 „ ❑5 � 6 5 'J2' O O 1 7 0 0 lol 10 CRI E-STOP 3 3 � '� � 5 ro� c5> c3� ce/a> "�` v/a� PUMP ❑VERTEMI 4 6 R lo—o B B CB�B� CR3 ���A� pUMP SEAL FAI 9 7 R 1�0 MINICA$ 120 cBiB� CR4 c7ia� 0-60 SEC. SET 8 5 SEC. � CR2 ... CRS � � BYP �� � ❑L � A- HA OF � MU CO NU 2/AU\ -/4/A2) �/ BYPASS SOFT START � MANUAL 11 I� 12 BYPASS ENABLE ��B I c22) <2ll 1�� w I 13 OL I I (Al> BYP CA2) C95) (96) I I I I I I 14 BYP 15 �� —� B��� (22) (Al) "' CA2) 17 ^ / \ ELAPSED TIME METER / � , - \ RUN i � N�TES a REMOTE DEVICE 0 BULLETIN I50 SOLID STATE MDTOR CONTROIIER. REFER TO SMC USER MANUAL FOR APPLICATION DATA. 0 PROGRAM LOGIC MASK(PARAMETER 87) TO MASK LODE JL'_. _ ❑4 FOR SET-UP OF PUMP CONTROL FEATURE, REFER TO SMC FLE% USER MANUAL, ❑5 BASE RELAY SUPPLIED BY FACTORY. MINICAS RELAY TO BE INSTALLED BY CUSTOMER. OO 60�5 pMpS NAMEPLATE RATIO 5 AMPS E�FECTIVE RATIO VITH 1 PRIMARY TURNS 0 SEC�lDARY TURNS BE SURE TO LONNECT PER — POLARITY MARKINGS. SECONDARY CONNECTIONS OF CURRENT TRANSFORMER MUST BE CONNECTED TO A LOAD OR SHORTED TOGETHER AND GROUNDED TO AVOID A HIGH VOLTAGE ALROSS SECONDARY LEADS. D • - BOTT�M TERMINAL O - TOP TERMINAL TOP VIEV VITH DRUM SWITCH IN HORIZONTAL POSITION. —o 700H PIN NUMBERING EXPLANATION C P NME�STIC / IPIN Rk AT L � EXAMPLE� C2/A1) � AMMETER � I GRD � AMPS I � AM I 104 105 I � — — — � i IOFF i 2 101 � 3 � 103 I I t2> cll C4> C3) �� 102 I <e> C7> i I UO> (9> I ciz� ui> � � — — — � AMMETER SWITCH O C❑NNECT BETWEEN SIMILARLY MARKED TERMINALS r H1 H4 � I Hl H3 H2 H4 I I TRANS, I I GRD, I I �I X2 XI I L —x� — — xl J � 1FU � I'"�" I � 2Fu � h��41 I F� I I x�xil �-J �-----------� — — — 1 � 2 � r � X2 4 � � I 2L1 2L2 2L3 I 1 FAN X2 � � � �---� I I"'1 I I L2� ��L"5 I I I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 I ������ �� �-21 1 I 22 16 1 20 1 X2 GRD I ���� I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I � r ELAPSED 1 oc I TIME METER I rO H.S. CNT � 17-0 L.S. LNT I O REM. RST I ETM O RST. EN I 17 X2 I X2�O COMMON_ J L-_-J I RESET 1 I I � ��z � L___J I SMC RESET � I 1 �Lo 20 I � SMC FIe�FM DPI I� I �� � O B P2RT I T6/12 T4/B TS/10 � � � I T1/2 T2/4 T3/6 � � — � � J ITI 1T2 1T3 � L1A � I 101 BLK �Hl� I a»• � icr� I104 �X2� VHT (H2) I � _ ��� o� �-----------------� I A15 x A2 Al2 13Az I I 1T1 1T 1 a� � iv 2L1 2L 2L I I�1 L1 �3 �3 Ll � 1 13 1 I I � 4 I C4 17 I Tl � T2 IC 4 T2 BYP T3 14 I i zTl 4T2 T36 Y�N 2 4 6 i L— — — — — — — — �— — — — — J � �� � I T❑ HUS I Ll L2 L i �� �} _� I b � � 1LA 1LB 1L L------ r L1B � I 102 BLK <Hll I IXll� I 2CTI I �oa cxa> I VHT (H2) � _ ��z �� �1� � I L Z�1 _ 2 1 ❑8 �q 16 � �o HN I e-i � A2 � Xi 4 I 4 3� 2 1 700- I 8 HBLADE I C R IMINI S0. BASE I 25 2 8 7 B A 6 SJ � 3 30 � 4 3� ' 2 1 �oo- 1 NN11f. I 1 NOTES AI v� cl �� �� � 1 � 3 � H1 H4 � I I � H1 H3 H2 H4 � I I j T1 1 FU H 1 j I I I T2 �F H 4 I I I I 1 X1 FU X1 I I I I I IGI I� � � � � 1 � ---- --- ---� i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 I � 1 I I � 13 � PHASE/VOLTAGE � I I M ON I TOR � SLA � I I � I I � � 7 8 9 10 11 12 � I L-- ---------� I 5 � 6 "� TO HORIZONTAL BU' L1 L2 L3 — -------- I I I I I I � �---}--- � 43 ' I I I I I I'� 1 � 2 � 3 � 4 5 � 6 � NOTES 0 DEVICE IS PRE-WIRED WITH 36" OF A#10 AWG WIRE. WIRES SHOULD BE SHORTENED IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE WIRE LENGTH. MINIMIZE NUMBER OF WIRE BENDS AND SHARP WIRE BENDS SO PERFORMANCE OF DEVICE IS NOT LIMITED. B TO HORIZONTAL BUS L1 L2 L3 - -------- - I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I i �---�---� i � � L - ❑� I E I �------ � UNIT LOCATION� 02J UNIT INSTALLATION TIIE HANDLE EXTENDER KIT, 2100H- NE1, MAY BE NELESSARY FOR ANY TOP UNIT OPERATING HANDLES THAT ARE HIGHER THAN 6 FEET-7 INCHES OFP THE GROUND FOR COMPUANCE VITH NEC. T❑ GROUND BUS OR CUST�MER'S � GROUND SYSTEM. I L3 Y � BUS I L2 o--�� � I � I Ll ���-1 � I L — — — J CB F460 VOLTS� r — — — — — I I HI H3 H2 H4 � X4 X2 X3 X1 L - -_ F240 VOLTS� — TORQUE ALL FIELD CONNECTIONS TO THE VALUE SPECIFIED IN THE CUSTOMER WIRING TOR�UE SPECIFICATION TABLE. ALL FACTORY WIRED CONNECTIUNS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY TORQUED AND NEED N�T BE CHECKED, REFER TO 40110-920 FOR FACTORY WIRING TORQUE SPECS CUSTOMER WIRING TORRUE SPELS (*10%) Load Lable Connectlons at Sec. Fuse Holde 20 Ib-InC2.2 Nn) � UNIT LOCATION� 02E � PANEL NEUTRAL � � — — — — — — — ` J — — T❑ TB LOCATED r 1 �� —� 2 IN TOP WWY OF SECTIaN 2 3 0—�� ��-0 4 I 5 o--�� ��-0 6 I _ I 7�^ ��B I n �1 �n IL2 � � r — � I TRANS. IFU FUI � L _ J + 0, 02 03 04 05 06 07 88 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � 33 34 35 36 - 37 38 39 40 41 _ 42 PIUG 1 t UNIT 01C-1 UNIT 03A-1X1 PLUG 1 2 UNIT 01C-2 UNIT 03A-1XA PLUG 1 UNIT 01C- 3 UNIT 03G-1X1 PLUG 1 UNIT 01C- 4 UNIT 03G-1XA 0, az 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 ,a is — �s n ia 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � 33 34 35 36 - 37 38 39 40 41 _ 42 � i INTRUSION SWITCH DIAGRAM a, 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i� is �s 2e - 2� 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 � 33 34 35 36 - 37 38 39 ae ai _ a2 i � NEMA 3R FAN WIRING DIAGRAM _!- 3o[75z] 1 2 3 4 � 25 50��E 35 [ 635 ] [ 1270] [ 889 ] 13 � A lA 2A 3A 4A [330] B �� i C 2C D E 1E 2E 925[2350] F � iG 3G H � 2J K iK L 6 152 �1.5 [38] NOTES: VENTED 3R DOOR WIiH HOOD AND FILTERED EXHAUST FAN IN SEC 3. 3R DOOR SWITCH (INTRUSION) POWERED FROM LPAN CIRCUIT. CLA55 II WIRING FROM PMR TO EACH UNITS CONTROL CIRCUIT AND FROM LPAN TO INTRUSION SWITCHES. ' - WIREWAY LEGEND CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER 54767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON 6- 600 AMP VERTICAL BUS IN SECTION S- SPACt HEATER LOCATED IN SECTION MCC N0. LI9ERTY LIFT STATION MCC 9- 9 INCH WIREWAY SECTION T- THERMOSTAT LOCATED W SECTION SALES OFFICE SEA WA N- NEUTRAL CONNECTION PLATE OR VERTICAL BUS W SECTION C- CORNER SECTION P- PULL BOX MOUNTED ON TOP OF SECTION I- DEEPER SECTION SALES REP. 126 K#74033-J4F3-121023-0145-E FORM 385 - E�EVATION DRAWING � MOTOR CONTROL CENTER SPECIFICATIONS NEMA WIRE CLASS: 2 WIIH /N7ERWlR/NG NEMA WIRE TYPE: BT INTERWIRING DIAGRAM: Y-4068B3 INTERWIRING WIREWAY: TOP DIAGRAM POCKET LOCATION: CENTRAL WIREWAY TIE BARS: NO ENCLOSURE DEPTH: 30 �762J FRONT MOUNTED-3R NEMA TYPE: 3R OUTDOOR NONWALK-lN ENCLOSURE PAINT: HIGH GLOSS WNITE DRIP HOODS: NO TOTAL NUMBER OF SECTIONS: 4 EXTERNAL MOUNTING CHANNELS: NO NUMBER OF SHIPPING PARTS: 3 NEMA 3R �IFT ANGLES: YES SPACE HEATERS: NO SECTIONS PER SHIPPING PART: Porf 1: 1 Porf 2: 2 Poif 3.• 1 INCOMING SUPPLY: 480 V,60 HZ,WYE,3 PH,4 WIRE,WITH SOLIOLY GROUNDED NEUTRAL INCOMING CONNECTION: MAIN LUGS ONLY WCOMING CABLE ENTRY: BOT70M RATING (AMPS): 600 INCOMING CABLE SIZE (KCMIL): �2 INCOMING CABLES PER PHASE: / INCOMING CABLE SUITABILITY: ALUMINUM/COPPER INCOMING CABLE LUG TYPE: MECNANICAL NUMBER OF INCOMING LINE SECTIONS: 1 INCOMING LWE SECTION NO.iS : Of POWER BUS MATERIAL COPPER/TlN PLATEO POWER BUS RATING AMPERES : 600 A 71" HIGH POWER BUS LOCATION: N A HORIZONTAL NEUTRAL BUS: FULL RA7E0 LOCATION RELATNE TO POWER BUS: B£LOW NEUTRAL CABLE SIZE (KCMIL): NEUTRAL CABLES PER PHASE: NEUTRAL CONNECTION PLATES: NO NEUTRAL BUS SECTION N0.(S): 01 00 00 00 VERTICAL NEUTRAL BUS RATING (AMPERES): NEUTRAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: HORIZONTAL GROUND BUS: 1/4�6.4J X 1�25.4J UNPLAT£0 COPPER GROUND BUS LOCATION: BOTTOM VERTICAL GROUND BUS: S7EEL PLUG-lN GROUND CABLE SIZE KCMIL: 6 NUMBER OF GROUND CABLES: 1 BUS BRACING: 42,000 A�A/LABLE SHORT CIRCUIT AMP£RES 42,DDOA FULLY RATEO SYSTEM MANUAL SHUTTERS: YES AUTOMATIC SHUTTERS: NO PROTECTNE CAPS FOR PLUG-IN STAB OPENINGS: NO ISOLATION BARRIER BETWEEN UNIT AND VERTICAL WIREWAY: NO EXPORT PACKAGING: NO NO-OX-ID COMPOUND ON BUS: NO "T" HANDLES ON WIREWAYS: NO STAINLESS STEEL NAMEPLATE SCREWS: NO DEVICENET CONNECTOR COVERS: NO � OPTIONAL 2[50.8] X 6[152.4] PHENOLIC MASTER N.P. � MCC 0 0 CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER 54767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON MCC N0. LIBERTY LIFT STATION MCC SALES REP. 4033-J4F3-121023-0145-E SALES OFFICE SEA WA FORM 385 - ELEVATION DRAWING UNIT DOOR NAMEPLATES 1-1/8 [29] X 3-5/8 [92] ❑ NO NAMEP�TES — NAMEPLATE SCREWS PROVIDED. ❑ CARDHOLDER ❑ BLANK NAMEPLATES ❑ ENGRAVED ACRYLIC — BLACK LtTTEKS ON WHITE BACKGROUND. ❑ ENGRAVED ACRYLIC — WHITE LETTERS ON BLACK BACKGROUND. ❑ ENGRAVED PHENOLIC — BLACK LETTERS ON WHITE BACKGROUND. ❑ ENGRAVED PHENOLIC — BLACK LETTERS ON YELLOW BACKGROUND. ■ ENGRAVED PHENOLIC — WHITE LETTERS ON BLACK BACKGROUND. ❑ ENGRAVED PHENOLIC — WHITE LETTERS ON RED BACKGROUND. ❑ SPECIAL, LINE 1 LINE 2 �INE 3 POWER MONITOR PHASE fAIL RELAY SPD MCC MAIN LUGS LIGHTING PANELBOARD "L" LIGHTING TRANSFORMER P-1 PUMP N0.1 P-2 PUMP NO2 TELEMETRY PANEL "RTU" Heater elements are — NOT SUPPLIED. MtItK MtItKING UNII NCP NEUTRAL CONNECTION � CPJC � DeviceNET CONNECTOR UNIT DESCRIPTION PI C PROGRAMMARI F I OGIC �� �� �J 2 p ��O � ��P/ i � Q-P � O�P 2�' � � CS70433494 Y-406880 Y-406881 CS70634568 UNIT �c' � o= �P ��� \e QC � � � o�� O� � � METER CB DOOR Y-406S82 Y-406882 Y-406S79 Y-406879 DOOR DOOR LPAN XFMR SMC SMC CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER 54767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON MCC N0. LIBERTY LIFT STATION MCC VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE, VT—Variable Torque ISALES OFFICE SEA WA VFD(xx) CT—Constant Torque, HD—Heavy Duty, ND—Normol Duty /S—Supplemental Unit SALES REP. 126 XFMR ITRANSFORMER K#74033—J4F3-121023-0145—E FORM 385 — ELEVATION DRAWWG �E UNIT MODIFICATIONS �� �� 2J 2 �O � � � / �o� �� �J �QQ � � � � � ti'r � � � � � � Q 0J p� C�S C�� �� � V� �� �P J�� ��� � =P �P 0 �� J� s� s� o= O �t�, � � �� � �J� � �� �p � = Q�� 0 ��� -, Q'� P O� i� i� } Q� \' � ,�4' J� � v� � Qe 4,� �� �iC'� ,��v�� C�\ O O h�v �� J��P �� ��v OP C�-T � �O ��O �� Q�� p�" c�} t�� v .�. C�� � �� C�� C�� �' � QJ Z� � F� � UNIT DESCRIPTION NCP NEUTRAL CONNECTION DNC DeviceNET CONNECTOR PLC PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DNPS DEVICE NET POWER Sl RVAT REDUCED VOLTAGE AU1 SMC SOLID STATE MOTOR CON SPD SURGE PROTECTION DI TERM TERMINAL UNIT T51W R TWO-SPEED ONE WIND TS2W R TWO-SPEED TWO WIND VARIAB�E FREQUENCY VFD(xx) HD-Heavy Duty, nin-ni„�..,�i n��t„ /c- FVNRIVIIFULL VOLTAGE NON-REVERSING NACUUM K�74033-J4F3-121023-0145-E 3iE CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OE RENTON C.O. NUMBER S4767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON MCC N0. LIBERTY LIFT STATION MCC SALES OFFICE SEA WA SALES REP. 126 FORM 385 - ELEVATION DRAWING �� �� 2J a �� � Q/Q �J � 2191MB-CKC-52-88FNB-80A002 2190-BKB-52M-86UEDXB-751HS 2193F-AKC-30CM 2100-EKC2X38-1 2100-8K10 CATALOG REFERENCE NUMBER CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER 54767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CIiY OF RENTON MCC N0. LIBERTY LIFT STATION MCC SA�ES OFFICE SEA WA SALES REP. 126 K#74033-J4F3-121023-0145-E FORM 385 - ELEVATION DRAWING 3iE � FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT FIG 4 FIG S (Oi) (02) (03) (04) FIG i FIG 2 FIG 2 FIG 3 � 25.00 [635] -►� � �3 � � �.aa� � n.�z [aso] ��8� (BACK OF ENCLOSURE) 0 25 - - - INCOMING LWES.-= _ 30.12 �6�, ------------ ------------ 13.56 �765] / / / / / / / [344] 16.56 CONTROL AND / / I �421� 7.38 POWER WIRES / / I [187] • , , i BAFFLE AND / 11.25 J GROUNDRBUS �Z86� .63 [16] DIA. �, FIG 1 FRONT OF DOOR HANDLE �- INDICATES THE LOCATION OF A BUS SPLICE � 25.00 [635] � 4.37 [iii� �.as� n.�z [aso] ��8� (BACK OF ENCLOSURE) 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 25 //////// 30.12 [6� 73.56 [765] / / / / / / / [344] 7 6.56 CONTROL AND / / I �4z�� 7.38 POWER WIRES / / I [187] � � J I- 11.25 6ROUNDRBUS ,63 [76] DIA�6] FIG 2 FRONT OF DOOR HANDLE CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER 54767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON MCC N0. LIBERTY Llf-f STATION MCC SALES OFFICE SEA WA SALES REP. 126 K#74033—J4F3-121023-0145—E i�- 35.00 [fifi9] 4.37 _I ['� �.aa� i zz�z [�oa� [ (BACK OF ENCLOSURE) 0 / / / / / / / / 25 / / / / / / / / [6]� //////// 73.56 � /////// [344]16.55 CONTROL AND / / 1 [4I,] 7.38 pOWER WIRES [187] i i � � � / / J I` 16.25 6ROUNDRBUS � [413]� .63 [16] DIA. FIG 3 FRONT OF DOOR HANDLE FORM 385 - ELEVATION DRAWING ATTENTION - NO BUS SPLICE REQUIRED HORIZONTAL GROUND BUS SPLICING REQUIRED ACROSS SHIPPING SPLITS OR MCC ADDITIONS EXISTING GROUND p BUS Q STRAIGHT SPLICE � � ADJACENT VERTICAL SUPPORT CHANNElS —/� OR T SPLICE BUS OFFSET A� SCREWS i�rcvu� iv r rhnnimum o� LB—IN (7.3 Nm� (FROM STRUCTURE—NOT IN KIT) CUSTOMER NORTH COAST ELECTRIC CO USER CTY OF RENTON C.O. NUMBER S4767679 CUSTOMER ID 15083 PROJECT CITY OF RENTON K#74033-J4F3-121023-0145-E 31E MCC N0. LIBERTY LIFT STATION MCC SALES OFFICE SEA WA SALES REP. 126 FORM 385 - ELEVATION DRAWING i � �_ RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal Item co�Tered by this submittal: , Applicable specification section: Y First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified For: City of Renton Liberty Lift StatiosT CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 Paint fox Refer to the ❑ Supplier/Subcontractor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted Equity Builders Submitta/ Log � 11C I sed ductile iron pipi �a attachment(s) lor a det� OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. "iiaql� �, �, y, �� .,.-� y -�: � ,: �� � � � m��p OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer: Mark, We request a quick turn-a-round on this one. My apologies for not getting it in sooner. We would like to pre-paint the piping at Profection Painting's shop. This needs to happen next week to keep with our three week schedule. Re��ie�v Priorit��: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� Date Received by RH2 Engineering: _9/4/12_ Date Returned to Equity: _9/5/12 ❑ Reviewed ❑ Rejected ❑ Revise and Resubmit � Furnish as Corrected Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date:_9/4/12_ Reviewed By:_EH_ Edwin Halim Signature Comments from Engineer: Confirm if intermediate coatings are the same as the finish coat. Thickness of intermediate coat shall be 6-8 mils for the Macropoxy 646 FC — B58-600 Series, 6-8 mils for the DuYaplate 235 and the thickness of the fmish coat shall be6-8 mils for the Macropo�y 646 FC — B58-600 Series, 6-8 mils for the Duraplate 235 as described in the specifications. The color of the fmish coat shall be per Owner recommendation. 9/4/2012 10:10 PDd c:\users\ehalim\desktop\temp\submi[tal #1 lc_paint_for_di.docl << Edwin Halim From: Sent: To: Subject: Randy, 6283 Rep <swrep6283@sherwin.com> Tuesday, September 04, 2012 1:49 PM randy.backman@comcast.net Sherwin-Williams Topcoats for Tnemec Omnithane 1 Our MacroPoxy 646 B58 series and Duraplate 235 B67 series products are compatible over Tnemec's Omnithane 1 Zinc coating. Our Sherwin-Williams Corothane 1 Galvapac One Pack Zinc is the crossover product to Omnithane 1. If you refer to the data pages you will see the similarity in the Zinc products. You will also see that MacroPoxy 646 and Duraplate 235 are recommended products over Corothane 1 Galvapac Zinc. Therefore, MacroPoxy 646 and Duraplate 235 can be applied over Tnemec's Omnithane 1 Zinc coating. As with any of our Industrial Coatings and Tnemec's coating in this case, I advise to follow the technical data sheets for recoat windows, pot lifes, sweat-in times, etc. This will ensure proper prep and application and acheive the desired appearance and performance of the coating. Thank you! Tf u! Csf dl f o� ehf ! Tbrfit !Sf qsf tf o�xj�nf ! Ti f 9c j o. X j rrj�bn t! 471. 521.14: 9! t x sf q7394A t i f s►c j o/dpn >i ._. .,� -, 1 1'�- �.� �I /.: V 1. � 1 w.:J SJ J V L� f J t1..i � V d � Sher-Cnass Gompetiti�•z Gcossov�c -- �'iet� Praduct Etef�rence Sher-�ross Compet'rk+v� �rassav�r SW Pr'oduct 1nfc�rmat�an ; B65�OOpi �_.��_ __�....._.. _..�...._� Pr4ducURex Num .. � _�.,,�,.. ,�. __._..._. C;QR£�ThiAN�EI � !'i�+tVr\?AG gNC FroduC�Mam� DA�hz+AtC ,v _,_,i Company Name � 5W Sl��rwin V�nll�ams �� ��7 �( Volumct Sotids ,__ .__. ... ._.,__.._ - „� .� ... �.-_ -•�� __ - VO� 4 �3db _�.. .,, ._ , � �..____.�.. ___ Cotnments: � t � i i � : Return to Produ�t Intormatian Rekurn to Sea�ch t of I htt�:il�hertink?.sherwia.c�m'sa�er ti�1�,'s�c=AeB�rossRe£.. Comp product Inform�tion _.n __,...��,. ,�.. ...,__� ProducttRex Flum � �.�,�,..�. ,�--._.__._,...�.- Praduct Name �����'�'`� .. ,�.'-. � w t Comp�ny N�me ' 7nem�C � � _. _._ �. ._ _ -1 Votum� Solids � 6� .._,.. . � ,..._ ......, _... V 0 C � .� 3 �,w. _� �__. ..�_._. .�_ .._� Commertts: ;A Single.,�bmponent maist�re curpd'�c_...__.°i �resin, co��tainang a propr�e�ary btAnd ` ja4 m�i.caca,�us irnn oxide and zfnc a , xprirc�er ,�ha.ch 1,s ii€:id �n� sPti�p f��.�nd1Y i � � _.._._e__ .... __.�. . . _.� ._.... � _�.__.: b _..___.p � pQ,'(�i; 2412 nJ.:32 PM �3/VMlLVlt 1�.JV uVVi�__��v 5hcr-�rc�ss Con}�titivc Crosss�ver -- Pr�ciu�t- lnt'or�n�tia�� hn�p::lsherli��k?.3hentiiv.con�!s{�er-iinklcrc�sS�lte���tas�iiei.. ,� Sher-Crvss Com�titive Crossover Product Information _ ,�.._ _. .� �.e__....._._.. ._ _.._..,. .__...�-------. .�.,.__...,�. ..._..... ......a..,...,. ._.. .. ... _�. .._._ _ �I productName �GtnnithanC ,_ �, _.__��.__..� .._._......d..��.,�. -;�_;� =': � ��`� . . . - � V4� 's 3�4 «i ProductlRex Num � � .,. _ --- .,� .'b._._.,:__... �:.µ...�. -- __..., ._.._ ...-- _.�.W. _w �° �_. . ,:..�.._. _»_.,.. __.�� _.___ _..., _.._. __..,.v__, : 61 . _ ... '' VGlume 5eilds . � CornpnnyName `7"nemec ._....--_.__.�_.____....._._._,.��.—.� Gomments: ;p yinc�le comt�or,ent, moi5ture-cured�. �. ..� ; resit�, eontda,�-f.ng a P�pr����T� �1end � ;pf mit�ceou5 i.�on oxide and ZinC a 3 ! ; frientlty � � pt>mer rohi.th o 4i.etd �nd shop � _._.. � ... _.__. _�._ _ _,,._ ..' Existing C�asS References .__...__µ..._... ....._ ,__.—.._-_�.� ._.�..�. ._._... _.....---•— . ..�. - . t— RotoAvailat+lc ,_�,,,, ..^.—..._. ---- Gnmp�nyNzs;+c ' ProductiR4xN�rn ('rndu�lN<-mi� ____a� -,.^.--" �_ ..�. - __�_�_ ..—.--•..-- :_""""- �..,.»,_—. W ......�,_.... 5 YSheY'+�rVt ll.�"� All � y8�i.5C,'Y'"ii �COP.07tiAt+SE+DiG�t�fA�'fiCOr3E?AC.tt INC _._._n._. __._.�..e.�.___._...�.-.�_ .a.--�«... t.�....�.--�. ..._ _» �__._. ..__ —"'� Return to Search 0�10�/2012 Q1t32 P?VI t c�f 1 � � Edwin Halim From: Mowbray, Torin <tmowbray@tnemec.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 12:58 PM To: Randy Backman Subject: No Letter Tnemec has not tested the competitors product over Series 1 Omnithane. Torin Mowbray tmowbrav@tnemec.com TNW, Inc. 7929 2nd Ave South Seattle, WA 98108 Office: 206.762.5755 Fax: 206.767.7588 Cell: 206.790.3664 Green Never Performed Better! .,� RH2 JOB NO.: Ren 112-033 Transmittal of Shop Drawing or Equipment Submittal I Applicable specification section: I Item covered by this submittal: � First Submittal ❑ This item is as specified ❑ Supplier/Subconttactor certifies: ❑ Conforms to contract ❑ Minor deviations as specifically noted ❑ Major deviations as specifically noted For: City of Renton Liberty Lift Statiosi CONTRACT: WWP-27-3628 Equipment Shelter Aefer to the following attachment(s) for a detailed OR ❑ Resubmittal #:. ❑ Reviewed � Revise and Resubmit ❑ Rejected ❑ Furnish as Corrected IRe�rie�v Priority: ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 Requested Return Date: asa� I Date Received by RH2 Engineering: _9/27/2012_ Date Returned to Equity: _10/11/2012_ Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The contractor is responsible for: confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his work with that of all other trades; and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Equity Builders Submitta/ Log # 12 inSn �� �y i � � �, �-� � �� ,.� , �:.. �. , �.�...� item. OR ❑ This item is a substitution/or equal Notes to Engineer RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. Date:_9/27/12_ Reviewed By:_DB Da�rid Baisch Signature Comments from Engineer: The submitted post footings will not fit on site. Revise and resubmit or follow what is shown on the plans for the post footings and deck slab. to/ i�/zo t z s: z� .li�-t \\ih2\dfs\bothell\data\ren\ IIZ-033\sdc\submittals\submittal #12 equipment sheltec.docx . �. N atu ra I Stru ctu res Quotation Form TO: ESTIMATOR DATE: 6/12/2012 PROJECT: Liberty Lift Station DESTINATION: Renton, WA Project #: #WWP-27-3628 BID DATE: 6/12/12 @ 2:30 Qty Catalog# Description Price Each Price Total 1 98-102 Sentinel Mountain Series Shelter $ 3,458.00 -3T-SS Size: 12 x 12 Beams: steel Posts: steel Steel finish: alvanized Roof Pitch: 3:12 Fascia: standard fascia trim Roofin Material: 24 ga. Standing seam metal Engineerin loads: 90 mph wind, 30# snow State of WA engineering stamp $ 900.00 Please note that all products are shipped unassembled unless otherwise specifled. Manufactured in the USA Salesperson: Yolanda McVcker Approved Submittals Required Cash With Order Net 30 To Government Agencies Terms on Approval See Exhibit "A" Lease Program Applicable Other Terms � Tax Paid By Other Unless Indicated Authorized Signature: Total Merchandise: $ 4,358.00 Sub Total: �Tax: $ 461.51 FREIGHT: $ 500.00 Total: $ 5,319.51 Quote Good For 15 Days Telephone: Natural Structures PO Box270 Baker City, OR 97824 Phone (503)590-4029 Fax (503)590-6084 + ��� 7315116 � 12'- 0" . .� . _ \ y A `� SEE DETAIL "A" 2 9116 � OUTLINE OF METAL ROOF HI RIB OR STANDING SEAM ROOFING 7'- 6" FLUSH MT (AS SHOWN) `- 6 X 8.2# CHANNEL 7'- 7" ADJ MT WITH 1" GROUT � 6 X 4 X 3116 TUBE STOCK POST 7'- 2" BURIED MT (4" BELOW GRD) 4' X 3' X 1' DP FTG 4" MIN DECK SLAB (IF SO DESIRED) �----- -- ---, �------ -----� �- 4'- 0" �- 11'- 6" X 11'- 6" SHEET 1 OF 5 SENTINEL MOUNTAIN SERIES SHELTER 4X4X114 ANGLE PURLIN SEE DETAIL "B" MODEL: 98-102 ALL METAL SHELTER WITH 6 X 4 POST & 3/12 ROOF PITCH 0 2003 REV 11 /18/08 N IS SCALE: NONE a tura �ru�i �u�e.s P.O. BOX 270, BAKER CITY, OR 97814 PHONE: (541) 523-0224 FAX: (541) 523-0231 ' NOTE: TRIM NOT SHOUVN IN THIS VIEW. FOR ILLUSTRATION OF RIDGE CAP AND RAKE TRIM, SEE DETAIL SHEET, 4X4X114 ANGLE (4X) 7�_ 6�� 6 X 8.2# STL CHANNEL 12'- 0" METAL ROOFING �., � - �� I' i I _ ! � 6X4X3116 SQ, TUBING 10'- 0" SEE DET. "C" 10" SQ BASE PLATE WITH 7112" SQ BOLT PATTERN � � 3'- 0" 4" DECK SHOWN 10'- 2" � 1'- 0" NOTE: SEE OPTIONAL BASE PLATE MOUNIING TO PIER FOOTING ON SEPARATE SHEET. SHEET 2 OF 5 SENTINEL MOUNTAIN SERIES SHELTER MODEL: 98-102 ALL METAL SHELTER WITH 6 X 4 POSTS & 3/12 ROOF PITCH SCALE: NONE O 2003 REV 11 /18/08 NLZ �ZIrLZI S�I�ZIC�ZIreS P.O. BOX 270, BAKER CITY, OR 97814 PHONE: (541) 523-0224 FAX: (541) 523-0231 � '. 0 NOTE: CONCRETE FOOTINGS TO BE 2500 PSI MINIMUM RATING, & SOIL BEARING STRENGTH TO BE 1500 PSF OR GREATER. 518 x 12" L ANCHOR (4 PLACES) CTR OF FTG - 3 314 � � 3'- 0" rrt � ��- � � 7112 3 314 '� � - 5'- g�� � �7112� DRILL PATTERN DETAIL SCALE: 3X 6 X 6 WELDED ---� WIRE FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT � 5�_ 9�� : 5�_ 9�� 10'- 2" 5�_ 9�� r�-� �� 518 x 12" L ANCHOR (4 PLACES) 4'X3'X1'DPFTG � OUTLINE OF POST FTG OUTLINE OF DECK SLAB : 1'- 0" (SEE NOTE) : � 3 9 �- 4'- 0" � NOTE: 11'- 6" X 11'- 6" FOOTING TO BE 12" DEEP, OR 12" BELOW FROST LINE. IF NOT POURING A SHELTER DECK, MAKE THE POST FTGS 4" DEEPER. SHEET 3 OF 5 SENTINEL MOUNTAIN SERIES SHELTER MODEL: 98-102 ALL METAL SHELTER WITH 4 X 6 POSTS 8� 3/12 ROOF PITCH � SCALE: NONE 0 2003 REV 11 h 8/08 NCZ �ZII�CZI S�rLIC�ZII�eS P.O. BOX 270, BAKER CITY, OR 97814 PHONE: (541) 523-0224 FAX: (541) 523-0231 4" MIN DECK SLAB (IF SO DESIRED) � � 4" MIN (3) #4 REBAR X 30" LG CROSSWISE, (4) #4 REBAR X 42" LG LENGTHWISE . y 115116 144 � TOTAL ROOF AREA 3 SPCS - 148 SQ. FEET ---------------- @ 36" CVRG CENTER RIDGE 147718 ---------------- PITCH = 3112 PRE-CUT = 74" LG 36 � 115116 CUT OFF� PRE-CUT (TYPICAL) PANEL ROOF LAYOUT 6 X 8.2# STANDARD CHANNELRAFTER (3) 518 X 1314 HEX BOLT CENTER OF WI2-SAEW, LW, & NUT SHELTER PER EACH RAFTER SIDE 4 X 6 X 3116 �� 318" CONNECTOR PLATE TUBE POST WELDED TO POST SECTION A-A SR X72 GPLV. L PNCHOR WASHER, IOCK WASHER 8 NUT TYPICPL FOR PLL FTG SMES i-- SHELTER POST FINISH GRPDE S�E' L PNCHOR SURFACE MOUNT RIDGE CAP, SECURE WI STITCH SCREWS ANGLE PURLIN CHANNEL RAFTER � � �� � SECTION A-A RIDGE CAP 518" HEX BOLTS (6X) HIGH-RIB ROOFING SHOWN 6X8.2#STD CHANNEL RAFTER o b I o 0 o ,���,� o � � � � HIGH-RIB METAL ROOFING SHOWN GABLE TRIM FACIAANGLE, USE 3116" POP RIVETS MOUNTING ANGLE 112 X 1-112 HEX BOLT Wl2-SAEW, LW, & NUT 2-PLC PER MTG ANGLE 4X4X114 ANGLE PURLIN 4X6X3116 TUBE POST � 318" CONNECTOR PLATE DETAIL "A" NONSHRINKGRWT SHELTERPOST I' FlNISHGFtPDE 6� � •OFOOTING e LE�ELINGNUTBWASHER(TYP) FOOTING �. 518' L ANCHOR � — SHELTER POST — FINISH GRPDE —I 4' BELOWFlNPLSHELTER � FLOORORFlNISHGRPDE �LEVEUNG NUTB WASHER (T1P) 5�8' L PNCHOR GROUTLEVEL MOUNT BURYMOUNT SHEET 4 OF 5 SENTINEL MOUNTAIN SERIES SHELTER MODEL: 98-102 ALL METAL SHELTER WITH 4 X 6 POSTS SCALE: NONE & 3112 ROOF PITCH 0 2003 REV 11 /18/08 NCZ �LI�CZI S�rI,IC�Z.Ir�iS P.O. BOX 270, BAKER CITY, OR 97814 PHONE: (541) 523-0224 FAX: (541) 523-0231 a ISOMETRIC VIEW: SHOWN WITH HI-RIB METAL ROOFING, RIDGE CAP AND RAKE TRIM 4X4; FACIA �Q �2X) NOTE: SEE OPTIONAL FOOTING MOUNTS ON SHEET 4 OF 5 112" X 10 X 10 BASE PLATE CONCRETE FOOTING TO BE 2500 PSI MINIMUM STRENGTH SOIL BEARING STRENGTH TO BE 1500 PSF OR GREATER SHEET 5 OF 5 SENTINEL MOUNTAIN SERIES SHELTER MODEL: 98-102 ALL METAL SHELTER WITH 4 X 6 POSTS 8� 3/12 ROOF PITCH O 2001 REV 11 /18108 SCALE: NONE NCZ �ZII�LZl S�I�ZIC�ZIr�iS P.O. BOX 270, BAKER CITY, OR 97814 PHONE: (541) 523-0224 FAX: (541) 523-0231 7C f�A/�C DII'1/�C ('M �1C (�A/�C ❑AVC TI]I�A CONSTRUCTION NOTES N W co Z T O � N LLI a--r 0 ch� N N M Q O (D U) PAY LIMIT TnrNlnu MAP%1lC11 1 SEE DETAIL FOR STREET RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE 100% SELECT IMPORTED BACKFILL PER SECTION 9-03.19 (SELECT BACKFILL) OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS PROPOSED 8" SEWER PIPE PIPE ZONE MATERIAL PER SECTION 9-03.12(4) GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAINS OR PEA GRAVEL. EXCAVATION OF UNSUITABLE SOIL AND BACKFILL OF FOUNDATION MATERIAL (IF NECESSARY) DEPTH AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER. MATERIAL SHALL MEET SECTION 9-03.9(1) BALLAST 8" SDR 35 PVC SEWER PIPES TYPICAL TRENCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL NOTES: 1. PROVIDE UNIFORM SUPPORT UNDER BARREL. 2. HAND TAMP UNDER HAUNCHES. 3. COMPACT PIPE ZONE MATERIAL TO 90% MINIMUM DENSITY EXCEPT DIRECTLY OVER PIPE WHERE COMPACTION WILL BE HAND TAMP ONLY. 4. PIPE MUST BE ANCHORED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO ENSURE FLOW LINE IS MAINTAINED. 5. ALL EXCAVATION AND BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALS BEYOND PAY LIMIT OF TRENCH SHALL BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEMS BID ITEM. SAWCUT FINAL JOINT TYP. EACH SIDE 12" \ TYP TRENCH (SEE DETAILS) PAY LIMIT OF TRENCH PAYMENT LIMIT OF PATCH ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT RESTORATION DETAIL (S 7th ST & S 9th ST) NOTES: EX. ASPH. CONC. PAVEMENT, TYP. 4" OF CLASS B ASPH. CONC. PATCH PAVING SHALL BE DONE IN2-2"LIFTS 6" CSTC BACKFILL (SEE BEDDING/BACKFILL DETAIL) 1. ALL TRENCHES IN ROADWAY AREAS SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND PATCHED PER SPECIAL PROVISION 5-06.1 AT END OF EACH WORK DAY. THIS WORK IS INCIDENTAL TO ALL TRENCH RESTORATION WORK. 2. THE FINAL SAWCUT JOINT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 1' BEYOND THE UNDISTURBED EDGE OF THE TRENCH. 3. ALL ASPHALT PATCH AREA OUTSIDE OF PAY LIMIT SHOWN SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO OTHER ITEMS OF WORK. 9 4. ALL TEMPORARY PATCHES ON TRENCHES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY PATCHED WITHIN (2) WEEKS OF COMPLETION OF WORK WITHIN THE ROADWAY AREA UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 4" EX. ADJACEN T SURFACES TRENCH (SEE DETAILS) PAY LIMIT OF TRENCH LIMITS OF CSTC BASE ALLEY RESTORATION DETAIL NOTES: 6" CSTC 1. ALL EXISTING ASPHALT IN ALLEYS SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF. 2. THE FINAL CSTC SURFACE ELEVATION SHALL BE 4" LOWER THAN THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES. (ALLEYS TO BE FINAL PAVED BY OTHERS). 3. CSTC RAMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED TO ALLOW VEHICULAR ACCESS FROM ALLEY TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. RAMPS SHALL ALSO BE PLACED AROUND NEW SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES. ADJUSTMENT RINGS (2" MIN.) SEE NOTE 6 MORTAR JOINT(S) (3/8" MIN.) SEE NOTE 5 p p 12" o. v 1 5411 p %-� V p Q. 7v p v V p p a p MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER PER DRAWING 401. SHALLOW SANITARY MANHOLE MANHOLE NOTES: 4" MIN. TO 81, 12" MAX. Q 00 0 z N v 1. STEPS TO BE POLYPROPYLENE SAFETY STEPS. 2. STEPS ARE TO BE IN PLACE BEFORE MANHOLE SECTIONS ARE INSTALLED. 3. CASTING SHALL BE PER STD. PLAN 401. 4. MANHOLE SECTIONS TO BE OF REINFORCED PRECAST CONCRETE. 5. ALL JOINTS BETWEEN THE CONE, RISER RINGS, BRICKS AND CASTING SHALL BE GROUTED. 6. ADJUSTMENT OF THE CASTING TO GRADE SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH A COMBINATION OF ADJUSTMENT RINGS, BRICKS AND MORTAR ONLY. BRICKS SHALL BE STAGGERED TO CREATE A RUNNING BOND OR 1/2 BOND. THE USE OF SHIMS IS PROHIBITED. 7. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES SHALL HAVE ALL INTERIOR SURFACES, INCLUDING CHANNELING, COATED (SEALED) WITH A HIGH SOLIDS URETHANE COATING; WASSER MC-AROSHIELD OR APPROVED EQUAL; COLOR OF COATING SHALL BE WHITE. 8. RUBBER GASKETED JOINTS SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM C-443. 9. CHANNEL HEIGHT SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3/4 OF THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE LARGEST PIPE. 10. CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLE SHALL BE MADE USING GPK ADAPTOR, KOR-N-SEAL BOOTS OR APPROVED EQUAL. TRANSITION FROM THE NEW 8" PIPE AT THE MANHOLE TO THE EXISTING 6" SEWER MAIN SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH ECCENTRIC REDUCER. 11. IN UNIMPROVED AREAS, MANHOLES SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6" AND A MAXIMUM OF 12" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE OR MUST HAVE A MINIMUM 2' DIAMETER CONCRETE RINGS POURED AT GRADE. IN PAVED AREAS, COVER MUST SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS TO MATCH PAVING. 7'IV 48" M H 54" M H 60" MH 1. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS BASED ON MONUMENTATION AS SHOWN ON THE RESPECTIVE PLAN SHEETS. VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD '88 BASED ON CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINTS AS SHOWN ON THE RESPECTIVE PLAN SHEETS. 2. UTILITY CROSSING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ADVANCE OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 3. EXISTING PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE TEMPORARILY RELOCATED AND PERMANENTLY REPLACED TO ACCOMMODATE SERVICE CONSTRUCTION. 4. PROVIDE AS -BUILT INFORMATION SHOWING ALL INVERT AND RIM ELEVATIONS OF MANHOLE AND SIDE SEWER VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LOCATIONS. 5. INSTALL SEWER MAIN AND SERVICES A MINIMUM 2' FROM PARALLEL GAS LINES WHERE CONFLICT OCCURS. 6. WHERE UTILITY PIPE LINE VERTICAL SEPARATION IS LESS THAN (1) ONE FOOT, INSERT ETHAFOAM HS 600 PLANK -FOAM BOARD OR EQUAL AS CLEARANCE SEPARATION. 7. A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 8. ALL EXISTING LIVE SIDE SEWERS SHALL BE RECONNECTED TO THE NEW SEWER MAIN USING "FERNCO" OR APPROVED EQUAL COUPLINGS. THIS WORK SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE SEWER MAIN LINE INSTALLATION. MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER SEE STD. PLAN 401 ADJUSTMENT RINGS (2" MIN.) SEE NOTE 6 MORTAR JOINT(S) (3/8" MIN.) SEE NOTE 5 CONE (ECCENTRIC) RUBBER GASKETED JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-443 STEPS - POLYPROPYLENE STEPS SHALL BE INCLUDED CONCRETE RISER BY PIPE INC., OR APPROVED EQUAL. LADDER -POLYPROPYLENE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO MANHOLE MAX. PIPE SIZE - 'E' CONCRETE SHELF PRECAST BASE SECTION OR CAST IN SHELF. STANDARD SANITARY MANHOLE A) B, C, D, E, 48" 6" MIN. 5"MIN 24" MIN. 21 I.D. 54" 8" MIN. 5.5" MIN. 24" MIN. 24" I.D. 60" 8" MIN. 6" MIN. 42" MIN. 30" I.D. DATE: SURVEYED: SCALE: ROTH/HILL VERTICAL: NAVD 1988 J U N E 2013 DESIGNED: N/A HORIZONTAL- NAD 1983/1991 ,= CITY 0 DRAWN; JDH RENTON RENTON HILL ALLEY SEWER PAGE800K: JDH ONE INCH DRAWING NO: CHECKED: DATUM REPLACEMENT 2013 s-4 DMC AT FULL SCALE Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. IF NOT ONE INCH N 0. R EVI S I0 N BY DATE AP P R APPROVED: SCALE ACCORDINGLY SHEEP: 4 OF: 4 LH SI-131617181014 00 (0 RENTON AVE S OL Co ; `r .1rn m 3294700082 3294700080 I SDI 706 RENTON AVE S 700 RENTON AVE S IE 6" WOOD W=318.01 BRICK LINED DITCH ROCKERY w M ZT 0 (y 3"DS BH CONC 3' CHAIN LINK FENCE _ o z w i 0 � ' 1 W' I o � `— MH #3 _ ui n CW 4' CHAIN FENCE LINK/ n 3294700190 02 X SSMH i 1315 S 7th ST ASPHALT LINED a RIM = 321.04 IEE=316.84 DITCH I IE S = 317.04 A IEW=316.74 U) SDI 1 IE 6" WOOD W=320.66 Q ^� 0 N 3294700191 y 1321 S 7th ST 1 W Lu Lu un W W Ln a z w J w GRANT AVE S 330 RE 40VEALL; EXISTING ASPHAL TIN THEALLEY.........:.......... 325 .................. see sheet-4 for alley rrestoration detail EX.: ALLEY ABOVE SEWER 320 315 ............................................................................. MH #3 N 175885.11 E 1302470.74 310 ...... REMOVE.EX, MR. & INSTALL........... . NEW 54" SHALLOW MH RIM= 321.0± 1E8"W=316.74 .....................................IE 8" E=.316:84......:...........30..... 1E8"S = 316.84 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOR CFWAASy�� C� A (92`sisso �Q 9oc FGISTEP� \�� FS3/ONA1-�G 6-S- g13 MH #5 � 1 II I z \ P n ySSMH 0 RIM = 351.96 M IEN=342.51 IEE=342.51 z IEW=342.41 5640500130 1400 S 7th ST NOTE: SIDE SEWER LOCATIONS ARE BASE ON CCTV INSPECTION THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPOS/BL E TO RECONNECT EACH L I VE SIDE SEWER THAT IS CONNECTED TO THE MAIN LINE. ROCKERY CONIC \ LAWN 3H/ / LANDSCAPE EDGE 5640500135 1410 S 7th ST 5640500150 1416 S 7th ST 5640500151 1422 S 7th ST 6' WOOD FENCE GRAVEL EDGE 4"SP 1 LAWN GRANT AVE S 5640500120 620 GRANT AVE S 5640500110 EAST EDGE OF GARAGE BROKEN CONIC WALL 6' WOOD FENCE GRAVEL 6' WOOD FENCE CONIC GRAVEL EDGE 5640500145 627 HIGH AVE S \\-GRAVEL EDGE 5640500165 615 HIGH AVE S RECONNECT ALL EXISTING LIVE SIDE SEWERS. SEE NOTE 8 OF THE "CONSTRUCTION NOTES" ON SHEET 4. HIGH AVE S 5640500108 608 GRANT AVE S 5' CHAIN LINK FENCE 1'Hx0.5'W CONIC J BLOCK WALL WITH 6' WOOD FENCE ® TOP 5640500105 1425 BEACON WAY S 5640500100 604 GRANT AVE S OUTER EDGE 0.6'W CINDER CLOCK SET FLUSH 5640500091 1415 BEACON WAY S OUTER EDGE OF LAWN �CONC BLOCK WALL 9 #1 ANGLED CONC BLOCKS 0.2'H 360 360 345 345: ............................................................................................................................. ....................... AY SEWER AND REPLACE WITH 320 LF OF 8"PVC @ 0.08% CO #1 REMOVE EX. 6 CL 340 N 176206.78 340 .. MH #5.................................................................................................................................... E.1302814..34.............................. N 175884.77 REMOVE EX. CO & E 1302806.01 INSTALL NEW CO 335 : REMOVE EX. MH. & RIM= 348.3+ 335 ......................INS TALL NEW 54" MH.....:...............................................................................................................1E-8" S = 345.07 ........................... RIM= 352.0+ IE 8" W = 342.41 330 IE 8" E 342.51 330 .................. .... 1E.8' N:= 342.51......................................................................................................................................................................i SURVEYED: SCALE: " ROTH/HILL , j HORIZONTAL- NAD 1983/1991 � JUNE 2013 DESIGNED: 1 20 6 CITY OF FIELDBOOK: DRAWN: JDH �- \ RENTON Renton Hill Alley Sewer PAGE: JDH DRAWING NO: CHECKED: ONE INCH r1 a. v KQ Replacement 2013 s-3 DMc AT FULL SGALE Planning/Building/Public Works Dept. IF NOT ONE INCH \ NO. 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