HomeMy WebLinkAboutWTR2701769.1EXISTING f W. MAIN NEW 8"¢ D.I.P. 8"0 TRANSITION COUPLING ."' TEMR \ C 8'0 M✓ x FL ADAPTOR BLoc� - �� I C I mi*a / =XISTING WATER MAIN CROSS (MJ x FL) VERTICAL TEE IMJI BLIND FLANGES ONE TAPPED 2 PLUG (MJ) AFTER PRESSURE AND PURITY SOLID SLEEVE (LP) 2" PLUG PLUG (MJ) W/ TEMP BO ASS'Y CONNECT TO EXISTING MAIN W/ (OR TRANSITION COUPLING) BLOCK AS REQUIRED 90' BEND IMJI NIPPLES BEFORE AFTEP WA TER CONNECT/ON DETA/L TYPE 1 EX- W.M EX. WM (CONNECT TO NEW 8" MAIL' IS C/TY) y EDGE OF EXISTING Q PA VEMENT (TYP.I I � 2 D 24- q¢ STA. 1'20 48' RTI I -8"0 G. V. M,t/. X M.J EOVA TION- WA TER LINE STA. Oo00 TO NORTf WA TER LINE STA. 3426 TO SOU7 EX. 8" SANE TAR .SEWER I 1 EX. S.S. M.H, •053 >,5T4 2t `77 i RIM 201Y INV. (810J 195.00 (VERIFY) 1 P. 3 � �J EXISTING 2" GAL V, WA TER �1 3 1 811 D (32D• l• f? STA. 3400, NEW J MAIN i L, T.B. !1lEW 5Ek VCCF WM le / 3 J t 59 STA, ' =_' -'Al. CCI✓1✓EC7' NEW 8" MAIN .; C EX 2" GAL V, MAIN / - 8 " x 2" TAPPED TEE !=L X FL 2 -2" NIPPLES I - TEMPORARY 2" BL OW -OFF w/DEADMAN THRUST BL OCK & RESTRAINT RODS PER DETAIL 2 -2" GA TE VAL VE I -2" 90' BEND .� 2 -BLIND FLANGES EXISTIAJ 2" WA TER • r . r r • s+ rl , p r rapRED I _ .ate MIa TEE - T,arwsa .� I ( rtss rHfa r In far SMALL- 04 1(,OCKW[L.L 4•Y12 a+a0 cm# Co..i.4,• r• uai guru-.-,•�•• p�� r• sarllts Ear i his mer re,Iets Y' taaaMllla 'mo an, IP' ton CONNECTION BY CITY PLAN 11a Elect TIJT InA+ .a,srl tit,. Iew. T6 Elil .ALW Cs., a1AeaAri r I" "I".. wT. raaAs a+ra •�.., rtlla. u.an x• ra t``I't r. rIn u r«Ir6 i v "am" a haft plot !r• .als - "OflScr r• ueu .Ines ranrlwit. (Ar " oat r f• bit« AT 10TIbIm ELEVATION TEMPORARY 2- BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY FOR 6" MAIN", ANJ 5HALLEd2 It7 kN0 t Afllir6lL rt,hlNS Vila_ 1ZeQL4IkE A• FIRE NYDRAWr IFOC EJ-W-OFF RECOMMt ivutU FOR APPF VAL 71Y 5la19l RE PRFv Nr/oN 5EE NOTES�� " 7.. EW I W.M. , /% ' � WA TER SERVICE f I LINES (PRI VA T�'. EXISTING 6" SIDE SEWER (T YP. ) I 5' (VER/FY) ?-72 LIN9 FROPOSED° HOUSE I I PROPOSED DR'W'Y (ASPHAL TJ NEW W 1VJ 278- L, NP AVG. NUJ. PROPOSED HOUSE PROPOSED DRI VEWA Y I (ASPHAL TJ I _ �R66106HTIAL p It4I<L6 PROPOSED ' DR'W'Y !ASPHAL TI I RECOMNi 4DED I I 20' ��. /i f�.Y� 144, LllF. N. W- EX. W.M. CONNECT TC NEW 8" MAIN 69Y C/TY) 20' TRANSITION FROM NEW EXISTING OR'W'Y MATCH PA VEMENT TO EXISTING PA VEMENT TO NEW OR'W'Y 80' PROPOSED DRI VEWA Y CL. B' A. C, OVER CR. SURF. MIN. WITHIN L IND A VE. N. PV, ROW \01-32 16'LT STA. i o 446-/4' FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBL Y 6"x6" TEE (Xt x FLJ 6" G. V. (FL x MI) 5% " M. V,0..14)Ii7RANT 4SS'Y 30' ACCESS_ AND. TO LOT'' r - z D 4" PCR UR1 VEWA Y W/ Tf,1 C, SEMEN. tI �r QS- ,QUILT BASED OA/ FIELD MEA5U2EMFNTj OF SURFACE FEATU2E5 ONLY 4• g. 9 2 By t/- R• NEWEL L EXISTING 2" WATER LINE EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT ITYP.I NI TO REMAIN /N SERVICE f. UNTIL ABANDONED BY CITY 2 I L IND A VE, A. W, 3 EX. 2" GAL V. WATER L INE1 STA. 3t31 13' RT. � �� EXISTING 2" G. V, & ?. " 90 a BENDS - --.. -. EXISTING �8EX/STING 8" C.I WATER FH. (W. -308) STA 3f2 72 1 NATALr1t.P NETER BOKII ATUr,NAY H i YYRTAL LTST POR 1• sY+n Tcr o •LP6OPSTA. 324_. (22' RT) ` -- --t--JE_L ' ENTY LYNE �� tt CAUTION valve box -hould not Tint on Iilpa . ' � �; x n �i 1. 1' :,pp.d t.. • 8' TRANSITION COUPL /NG Later com(Iactlun In area of valve box could i I r i• i 1J c ippia (MIM M�`JJ 1 '' `� t 2" WA "" 8" CROSS -VERTICAL i Md x FL) t lNs- the bra•kaUa ni lne tarvlca. rx~, I I / � •-. 1. 2" (IBBM) IOWA. pet vahr (full npaaisy Caw t - / wp -) 2 - 8 " SL iND FLANGES w/ONE TAPPED 2" & 2" Pt UG 6. Tw Sol-* -at iron v.1va box, Al." Vrlve Coe..Y or •gual. st•adard 6' toy •ert1on - L OFF ASSEMB -_ .---- tMPORA !tb requl r w . lift lerpth co tit Y OW Y I S. 1' ech-dule 40 WC alpple (MIPT a NIPT). To be a►ad as aft 1nsvistor Set- dia.iallar •' -- - i I 6• 4� I Astal- and to iasaldta "aa ter "Ellice lrpo.alW. ift-lime "Ehodic protection. - `Y I/t't• esaxa •r 1 IN. 6. 1' rItr . carpt...lon tittirota aq, C14-77 or equal. I -8fO /V%✓ x [',,. ADAPTOR 7. 1- t -a- sate r tubt ,f -.. • I +t,.... type ooPW rw, lenq cn to tic. ,40 6. 1• pecked jointall, rant L,4/-11 or equal. - r G5Uo� �[# � -. f. outlet.at ter with by-W a-, toed Y".t.ft16 a 1J- .r ai... lit, Vertical inlet anti - , dueler. IY-city currant City of *salon rt.r dlwasions prior to orderlaq ourccwtartt•r). BLOCKING AS REOUir�'ED Y: Temporary 1- "-it it •tact, per "t.il. Ll«yt EXYt7SLD i M1H 11. *star eater .hall he .applied by the Cie of Aontae w LAaulled SEE A TER CONNECTION DETAIL TYPE / 6' TO 1G' ItATNS Y "att rrruvrl at tide . ----�� Ni()UIxE )' MIN. CUVLR z ta.porarY Ol-.r-tilt -aa+h1Y dad acwpuftce of purity awe praeeur+ "au. 11. 11' . I6• aonar.t- rtrt bo. rl to J16• steel dlr-uM plan cove, to7-ci is w4ar a•rl 12" krill 1..A1LC;EH ItAIN3 „� ' l 11I .. .v-,r;--- . i Co. Mo. 2T *sees hoe or +qw1. .QUiRL 6' MIN. COVEFt2 ,y • 1J. 1' edit ling (oaaWr+anion . ITPTI rltA plug INIrT) raja C-la-7'7 nr +qu.l. Tfa+ pro,nrcy '(C` n p i► o.rnei 1a to ponalbl• for any ftec"sarY adaptation End _t• 4_ at ta. weal Service. A Lt. 1• ewter Llanq+ IrL a /IPT1, ford 7► or pwi. (witA pstm) 15. I• long . 1• Valvanisad iron aippi. (NIPT). I$A. M"Ed Sal -toll elpp)r T 1t. 2" Trr ng x a Jolt' 17, 16' long . T g.lvanl red iron nlppl+ (MYrT).16. 1- Valvanised iron cop IYIrTI. CimWIED ROCK SASE.TOSLMRTVASJL.T CAST IRON OR DUCT I LE IRON 2 900 BRASS OR BRONZE WETYRTAL LTST ►OR 14• cy1NIGC WATERMAIN El1S (FLYT r FTYT) FOR SERVICES FROM [RESTING 2 • SRASS ox SRtxIZE WATERMAINS INSTALL 2" FORD 14"L . (2") 1. I- tapped Co.. F2D2 STYLI SADDLE (IYTI J • BRASS OR BRONZE NIPPLES 2. 6- ;ens a r- brat nippk (Mirr) ALTERNATE CONNCTION DETAIL40 OW a) 11u0 a rse IW uppaK) or .yu.l %d4 1707 1. 2 011104)1 A 0.14 t - PL M FOR EXISTING MAINS t. Tva plea:., cast lean V.lva bit-, 61ch Valre CswPany or eq"" "Aba-d s- Gap Sec cede warn r-qulxc ba.a sectico, length to tits /may a� ` 7�EKL) / NO rES EN ERA ♦♦♦ I •TTT777ggg��� 4/ /'•� �( }� \/ \ •/T(� (- 6. I. •. f. dctwaul• 60 rVC has 1111"Inq ImIVT s rlrY). T. Iw u.+d a• ♦n lneul.[ur u,twa,• aia.lailrr wul. .rid to Laaa16to the _tat •ervlr. tcoft poeetnl. w/"-il." a.tnodic protectl,.. I,. N,pT . cwpc.rr ion tit.lnq, turd 16466 ar equal. 14- type -t' eat[ wpp+.z tubing, lrnq th to [it.. _ -.. I4• packad Joint oil, rare W a-bt " equal. a..tooa"t.1 with hY-Pa-+, rare vrr4b-1J6 a 1J• ar aq al, with wetua.l tai.t .t d out,at. (V.rlry cVrreet city of wntaa .star eL,een•iona Pricer to "441Lftg awtwwett.t. 1. All work materials shall be in conformance with the standards and specifications of the City of Renton Utility Department and the latest edition of the WSDOT/APWA Standards and Specifications, ar approved by the City of Renton. A set of approved pans shall be kept on site at all times during construction. 2. The ho -irs of work in the street right-of-way shall be limited to 8:30 AM to 3:30 FM on weekdays unless otherwise approved in writing by the Department of Public Works at 235-2635. All street closures, partial or full, shall be approved by the Department of Public Works 24 hours in advance. The Police Department, Fire Department, and 911 shall see notified 24 hours in advance. ;ONC. /2' WIDE 10. Terparary Lh' bluwotf stock, par detell. FIN151-1. 11. wt.r rt,r .nail w .uppllwt et' w city of nanwn and lode.)).) awn rwov.l at cb. 3. All locations of existing utilities shown art approximate and it shall be the contractor's nsibility to verify the true and correct A tarporary blowotf a.a."17 cite-ac-pte". of purity sad prea-urs "-to- location so as to avoid damage or disturbance, For utility locate cRll 48-Hour Locators, 1-80044 -5555. Go. vL th I/11' .'--I dlsaond-plats savor, roq-tlks "-tar seal. 1T -to r ba. or Waal. 4. All water main pipe to be cement lined ductile iron pipe conforming to AWWA C110 and C111 or latest revision, thickness Class 52. • I T-I)2" Cement mortar limn and seal coating shall conform to AWWA Clod or latest revision. Pipe joints to be push -on or mechanical joint. it ,�j 11. I4• co,,PILnq (coot/-delon - rrrT) vtrh ptu,I (Hirt), race c-Is-66 ac syu.l. Y1s- pru.- q¢, 1 V P-rty ovnar is redpvnaible for any "cos-aty-a.ptrtloa and -xtob.Wn of L" west Bedding to be class C. All ductile iron pipe installed South of Sunset Blvd. mppim Way' SR 900) and West of SR 167 (East alley �d a.rroi.e. Freeway) or in soils of high resistivity shall bepolyethylene wra r ANSIJAWWA C105-77 Standards. 14. W escar fl*ayl LYE x riPTI , tuld or or aqual. ("ilk ra"s) Y) g tY PPS P< iiJ�l 13. 1' lonq a IV q.lvanised Ira„ alpple (NTPTI. ESA. nwled phulir•d aipplr S. Cast iron and ductile iron fittings shall be cement lined, pressure rated as noted on plans, and in accordance with ANSI/AWWA I6. I In" T« (Kry r wr•-) C110/A21.10-82. Cement lining shall be in accordance with ANSIJAWWA C104/A21.4-85. If fittings arc 3 inches to 12 inches in ! li, 1•' long ■ 14' galvanlrad iron nipple INI►T) • diameter and have mechanical joints, the fittings shall be in accordance with either ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-82 or ANSI/AWWA I A CI53/A21S3-&t. 3 inch to 12-Loch diameter fittings which have mechanical nts and/or flanged joints shall be in accordance with u. 14' q.lvanlaed iron cap (Ertel . AN C110/A21.10.82 or a combination of ANSI/AWWA C110/A2.10.82 and ANSI AW�A C153/A21S3 84 such that the �EMPOr�Z(L= portion of the fittin with a mechanical joint(s), may tx in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C153/A21S3 84 and that portion of the fitting 1 ,r® • SE t /� with flangged ��'omt(s�shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 82. Acceptance testing in accordance with section 53 r a of STA.,,,,'{ ' TAI� W ! ANSI/AWWA C153/A21S384 or with section lOd3 of ANSIJAWWA C110/A21.1082 shall be obtained by the contractoc and 2 transmitted to the owner. 60 * WIDE 5TORA4 DRAINAGE & SANI T, SEWER EASEVEN T TO CI T Y OF RENT PER ORDINANCE 4259 FOR or FOR APPf r"111 E) �ARV� �'% B'+, /ti /g �, �" �• ` J l�`gl COTIEY TYPE FIRE HYDRANT EQUAL TO Il7WA F-SnO Al SNOW., STATES CAST WON PIPE Cu NUGtL 2, OH ED a/!�`��V�l pL A IQ� V ItEW L 1 l-1/4_ EQUAL 6" NECNAHKAI lOillT IN1 CT MITI LUGS 5-I/<- NAiH LOUAL VALVE OPENING TWO 2-1/2' HOSE CONNLCIIONS NATIONAL STANDARD THREADS. L- PUMPER CO"ECTION CITY OF SLATTLE ' -• - Date " -_ THREADS. 1-1/2- PENTAGON OPERATwu NUT, FIRE HYDRAHT TO BE PARITED WITH TWO COATS OF PART, PRESERVATIVE ......,:,. RECORECOMMENDEDf�,� '1.1. PAINT No. /1-11,, WTENNATiONAL YELLOW OR APPROVED FORAPPROVALPPFOVAL Ihm+'• '" - EQUAPUMPER CONNECTION TO FACE ROADWAY L. HYDRANT ASSEMBLY FOR 1-1/2' TRENCH. Date r``•.;~`i % .. P.. `NRE OR SESTA.GiG DAIL - - _ �EE �,•.% SHEET _ T 11�f ATE 1Q U TI i 1 y r' ATE TWO-PIECE CAST IRON VALVE BOX, _ ✓ EQUAL TO R)CH VALVE CO., ST AHOARD 6- TOP SECTION WITH NO r TOGU'AR BASE SECTIOT. N LENGTH C,/ CJ• T T _ /------ CONCRETE BLOCKING l.I EX/S', lNG ROADWAY PAVEMENT & C: HER /MPRO VEMEIVTS 3, TFM ORA,�?Y SERVICE AGREEMENTS Wl' HAVE TO SE `°"`HET° BLOCK 1vG - TAKEN FROM CITY OF RENTON PLAN AND AS8IJIL .T PLANS. EXECUTED BY `' O TS I, 2 & 3 OF PLA T FOR. WA TER FLANS REFERENCE WERE SERVICES SUCH THA T /F WA TER MAIN IS EVER Il1ISTA41LEO IN THE FUTURE IN iiI. W 3rd ST; ?HA T WEST HILL SANITARY SEWERS S. 1,30th. ST -87th. THESE PROPERTIES WILL. PARTICIPATE IN ?HE S to 90th. A VE. S S- 70 01261621 INS TAL L A TION COS TS. 1 2J AS-BUIL T' WA TER PL AN (W 86 ' 516187 L IND A VE..IV W. N, W 2nd TC NW 3rd 4J DC VA ASSEMBLIES WILL BE INSTALLED /N HOUSE PL UMB/NG FIRE SPRINKLER LINE DOWNSTREAM 21 PROPOSED UNITS ON LCTS 2 & 3 FYRNISHED 9Y STORYBOOK HOMES 1116189 OF CONNECTION W/TH DOMESTIC WATER LINE. 16- r 6- a 1- HWA* M - CONCRETE BLOCK Date 2021191 REVISED PER CITY OF RENTON COMMENTS AiuD MEETING 12128190 4111191 DEVISED PER %f 1ji�:%VT��% REi•-LINES .3129/9/ 4.8.92 AS-8Uic7_ DATA 5) SUPPLIER OF FIRE SPRINKLERS FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SHALL FURNISH Cl T Y Of REN TON W/ TH VER/FICA T/ON OF SUPPL Y L /NE & WATER METER SIZE PRIOR TO COANE!'TION OA' SERVICES TO MAIAV 41VD 11VS7ALL4TION OFME7-E2 . App'd By Designed By J.RI; Approved By CAST NON TEE, WITH = s' FLANGE SIDE OUI LET T' •• _ 6- uATE VALVE (FL v NJI l 6UUAL TO MULLLER CO. A-2160-I6 t- DUCTILE IRON PIPE, CLASS 12, CEHENT LINED, LENGTH TO FIT TWO 1/4' STEEL TIE RODS, LENGTII TO FIT, SEE STD OEIAIL FOR TIE RODS. 7 Cu. FT. HWIHUM WASHED GRAVEL. PASSING 1-1/2' AND RETAINED ON 1/1' MESH FOR DRAIN flft€_jjY�fANT ASSEMB(_Y VI C/N/ T K MAF NTS Drawn By: - S,N./✓.N. Date _- _ - -J Cy h- a e weliess., I sow C P o y _ 231 Williams South, Renton, Washington �� . � �j Phone 255-2190 Horiz. = 2Q'- _ Checked By: - _ Scale: - -. Vert. h, Gate valves cho!l conform to AWWA C500 and shall be iron body, bronzed -mounted, double disc with bronze wedging device and O-ring stuffing box. Valves shall be designed for a minimum water operating pressure of 200 PSI. Gate valves shall be Clow List 14, Mueller Companyy NO. A2380, or M&H. Ail valves 12" in diameter and larger, shall be installed in a vault. See water standard detail for 12" Gate ValVe Assembly Vault and 1" Bypass Installation. 7. Fire hydrants shall be Corey type (opening with the pressure) conforming to AWWA C-504-80 with a 6 inch inlet and a M.V.O. of 5 inches, two 2-� inch hose nozzles with national standard 7 inch, 60 de es V. threads, O.D. thread 4.875 and root diameter 4.6263, 1-1-4 inch pentagon operating nut opened by turning counter clockwise (left 8. All water main 10 inches and smaller to maintain a minimum cover of 36 inches below finish grade. All water main 12 inches and larger shall be at a minimum of 48 inches below finish grade. Where utility conflicts occur, water mains are to be lowered to clear. 9. All water mains six (6) inches in diameter and larger shall be cleaned with pipe cleaning "PIGS" prior to disinfection. The "Poly Pippss shall be Girard Industries Aqua Swab -AS or appravcd equal, 2 lb/cu ft density foam with 90A durameter urethane rubber coating on rethe mar of "PIG" only. "PIGS' shall be cylinder shaped with bullet nose or square end. The City will assist the contractor who will perform the cleaning operation. 9a. All water mains and services shall be pressure tested to a minimum of 200 PSI or 150 PSI over operating pressure, in accordance with the specifications of the City of Renton and the Washington State Health Department. All pressure testing shall be done in the prosence of a representative of the City of Renton. 9b. All water mains and services shall be disinfected by the injection of a 50 ppm (Minimum concentration) chlorine/water solution. Dry Calcium Hypochlorite shall NOT be placed in the pipe as laid. Chlonne shall be metcrcd/injected in accordance with Section 7 11.3(12)E or 7-11.3(12)F of the Standard Specifications referenced in 1 above. 10. A preconstruction conference is required prior to any construction. A minimum of 3 (three) working days notice is required for scheduling. Prior to scheduling the precon a permit information sheet must be supplied to the tility Engineces Office. Twenty-four hour notice will be required prior to starting new construction. 11. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to secure all necessary permits prior to starting construction. 12. Installation of corporate stops, water services, lines and meters shall not be done until all service agreements, meter applications, construction permits, and payment of fees have been made to the City of Renton. 13. All connection to existing mains to be accomplished by the City of Renton, except wet taps which may be made by approved wet tap contractors with prior approval of from the Department of Public Works. All necessary excavation and materials to be supplied by the contractor and be on -site prior to City notifications. 14. inspection will be accomplished by are rescntative of the City of Renton. it shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the Utility Department 24 hours in advance of bac�lling all construction. The contractor as well as the Engineers shall keep as built drawings. IS. Contractor to provide plugs and temporary blow -off assemblies for testing and purity acceptance prior to final tic -in. 16. All joint restraint systems (shackle nods, nuts, bolts, etc.) shall be as manufactured by the Star Manufacturing Company of Columbus Ohio or equal approved in writing by the Department of public Works. 17. Asphalt and concrete street paving shall be sawcut to a minimum depth of two inches. Oil mat streets may be spade cut. All surface concrete, pavement, sidewalks, curb, gutters, and driveway approaches shall be sawcut to a minimum depth of two inches or removed to an existing expansion joint. 18. A temporary cold mix asphalt patch shall be placed on the day of initial excavation with a permanent scaled patch to be placed, to City of Renton policy, within ten days. Cal for subgrade inspection prior to placement of final patch. Trenches will not be left open over night without prior written approval of the Inspector. 19. For City projects such as telemetry conduit, the PVC pipe used shall be schedule 40 in unimproved areas and schedule 80 under improved areas. All chemical process lines shall be schedule 80 PVC pipe ►S• ui�TT. STORYBOOK HOMES Drawing No P. t. 80)(2814 * KIRKL AND, WA. 960.33 00 11 1 WA TER MA IN IMPRO ✓El42_C- , �g fqo f-OR L IND A VAE. No ✓� ~ Rl Y RJY� W. Sheet.... ®_ of _- 3 SONS 116045