HomeMy WebLinkAboutTED4001775.5rnr1'• . Pos ITI oN o mole,, 1C) Pcoiz I4 I G I M F0� "f I ON FW-0V 1 D� D Y� N CO.mow- N G15. Cor.�Co • 33-�; G • t 55 I. _ I • I �' C/ �C� o JQMMV -! LE (hA) 1( R,) ! I I - &a 0,A-rL- VN,\1e_ (FL X- M� I PPF � s tD• P(.�N (Z•3•Z I -L211? ! II ' GANG I I � . 3 ��� ° . I it • _ , __ __ __-_ __ I � _. ,., .. ter• . - -- - - - - - `' F--B- w v_ _ I ,ry 1444iiiiii oa I ' (�n/ E . 1-jTM S 3 5s.�lu I i I + " t I� f _ {[ s• t �� , Ny + , �1 J II 1-v I ; — I t7 ! ! 3 _ _ N 3 t ;; ; �/ / .. ✓� ` ,�, !G i ter+ �l - s� — I kz • - .- - -- — - - 1: 2 t MO vW/ PCA�� GAP Tio FF.¢la (Mlu) ! i 7 -_ r I s-rb i t+c - j PF4-18.0(M1N i t 4a8•S(MI1�1• F�.44(5 5 (Mite - -- — x; 1 1 0 ! I I 1 0 — — — — - F�4-1 Co 0 (M I - - — 1 1 �F �-Is•s r►�lu� ' � � I � i 1 � 1 - — — — — � I _ !o G�I,OP��tvE vtI4�.C, •., `� - - _-------------------------------- ----- =_ GI-tY o;: Y.�To1J IE51vl 1t1.0-1 C�jl�V�14ST 0� W�, IN v 11�1� W1 i�OF PF-J E -To 140 •1-4-100 O1J t-ADE1114 SIGH OF .. _5T- ` i YM,1a-KW Ct'1 1T%-■ 1T%-GbK1[Tf rfT[f f07f _- ._- �4iwvf0„fs a6Rt'•OF.r•AI s Co11[7 TTK .nf MLwuR f01YL ff tip. s.7tr .f >a,owl ✓-i �i Yr ` f70Tts r*GY IOlal•T Mt/OLJ<• •„VRTN VW 21ctI tIAM10„O"LAIt ' MaS7Alt aNlta SOX lwOrtAiY rACIM STATTS CAST MOM r" CL MODEL 2. M AI"aOrm ' ! •• I "' - - ZO' COvtn EOMIAL 10 FOG TITS asalSA tM! tawaL. r MiO,AICAL IYIT ma wTTM LuaL LVr Miss i SIT AL CO. 10 aNTSneW LAIR tfE/MMO. Two bwr MOST Comacnow NATZMAL 1 ,i,I 11• • • sumoam rmicAm t- nova CO -[CT ow CITY os S[ATT%A , Vt . I! ' TIst.AOS. 1•V7' ►cNTAWN D►OAT-e MVT. FMIE MTOMANT �» K ►AMTm WITH Two COATS � PANT. ►scSD1rA T1Mf WA 6Z No ►AWF A L3_tu. 1ITDM"TwMAL nuaw OR A"►aOVED '! .. iL An woet ■uteriai shaf w : eow(0e-mom .ith rd speair■aties of I�s� w asi� �m and 6. bum [oWL KWO Co.■4eTION TIE FACIE MCAOwAT aditi0n of tIEe WSDC7T APWA Sasdstdt sad apPesM by y +pest --had plas &M.p k Inept MTDaAwT ♦SStMIT FnR M-Y7 taElol stpdti.eajr % , w sins Me uses tiatashMa[ wneeacaoa p I r 14), •� • - - - 1T t file fora Of w0et is the -a" riSAtd+.t Shen be lissibed to 1[30 AM b a30 rt,( °° --ems-r ,ales ether-s •Pwta•i4 : we;tiM1 by ^ [Ltlf TfAFFC .otiIECTOR I Z . �' .. . • . �, :;: ` - Mows.\,,,, n,e Dep.rtuseet of ]•ebtie Worits at 23S-=. All meet cloa■ea4 P°rti.l or !r4 s►.0 ►s tse of = •CLM ° _ WATER INTtR To tt ' 31 Jloea ie sd.eaOs the To+ioe 1y�. of Prhiic wows sEf STA\OYo ocT .t ! I W !•• • : • ' •� awl surrut D av TIN a TV Department. FIR Dep,rtao� and 911 ado[ M mooned 1 - advaoea �� flteT - 1 �. An In,atiaas 0f� a�t�lT�it�iss lbowa afa spp- Red it than be do mMaacfoh n 10: a r0* b Teriy tits tyre had correct _ - _ Motion so s b •'� -'� «diatarborce F« °eiier lodes ts0 sLFior LaeaoaM. Two-/EQ CAST ON TAIrL DM i L .AD weer -is ppppp,,pppppeeecc b be muscat hoed damns boa oppe m°foasi°r b AWWA G10 rd QIl of hits R.ieio■, thkitws C1as, Q TANDAMC it' TOP SECTION WITM Comsat amaers 3msf shad snJ motion slap coel«s b AW WA Q «ban ,eviam b Oe v.Ja « eechaeiol i'aoe � ' t - TYM FORAPPROVAL 'TL- LOFT CO►►t A TiMIIMa TV" T SOFT Co"" "$W. Sdd-s b be chum Ap d■ctik Moe i■mlied Swu od Suet IiAd (ram W �SR 9W) and Wax e( SR 167 (F�let Vapor KwIAA IIAZA S TMML LOOT+ � � s ' . GENERAL NOTES - 37a• J. ere t.w, and deeds inn n > masaae To PIT. a mods cc ho�� ens AiewG'�xnsd.a.ra� eoMo,eTe nloww— CacxTn nLocaw Q10/A2L10i2 Cement thus[ ha : smOldeepe Fein A1-15i/AWWA GOt I! nIDa6 ne 3 inches b 12 6,h. im { tTfap haul sexed a�1aes, asd : s,taedree ri0 AIEI/ATVWA d —"tr _d b- -eth■eioml P M tse facia soap be : s eont es �! either ANN/AW WA Q30/AZL10.2 « ANNIAW WA /A2L1 IE5 1 LOUMMY JOINTS SMALL NOT DE p LESS THAN 3✓16- IN THIC%N ESS -- _ C153/A21S3 K 3ioeh b 12•\W dLmesa Ltd .hieh te.o r,ec�nidp+t: a■d/« Oaa puo Iia[ he in somedaeca t,lh .� .T// AND SMALL !E Of THE SAME DIMENSION L' ltA� 1 Lom OOw+To CEwTERLm f Or MAllml I lihMt[ tFM[ Tb tl0t7ft K TO f[ ANSI/AWWA QIO/AZL1Q «• mmhism. d ZVjAWWw Q10/A=1a awd ANSt wWA QS3/A2 -U n,e! m■t the O . • AS THE CURD li GUTTER -EXCEPT THAT il11AMA\\M MAIM TO ►ROv,OE SLAdt w COMMA - pcm 0( the fittm with a s,eehmaieal joint(t), avt be w ar:vldsaQ with ANSI/AWWA C353/A21S3-N sad uat of the 5 •' �� IT 3MA LL EXTEND ON LT 2-I/q- INTO StnveeE Lwt To META MIITALl10 aM That FVTLIat "TAIL mina 0a0eed ioint(a) thatl be s aaeMdascf a'lu ANSI/AWWA C310/A21- testis - a®rdeso aith WW CIS SO.t� WW t flaw CIa3] OA w ANSI/A A 3/A2131M R with mmm K A,SI/A A CUD// shalt Im obeird � FwT.Cwm►atsaeoACOUTtMtMa y CAST mom SIM MUTLET - TM mm :.UTTER SECTION. � - .- - eoa"owATrOtr fTor, /t>w0 TAPE ME - - - _ - transmitted b Wt oraeL S�• .... . - - - ilwtAO KO . raCK 3DtLLT C 7-7+01It . It -Oft r a-,, -rf D :LUG L Cate wWs dnn cod- Ta b AWWA 0110 Mod than be ins ►°dr. MOnmd--owtrd dd\b4 dt with brows vedlief die s mad o ri g + ..,:. .. • , - ISEE CITY OF REHTON STANDARD VAR VAR. ?r► . tcvibq Dec Vahet Mhmn ha for a -iaiamam vats: 0peratio; Peear,e o! 200 PSL Gate valves the[ be Oo► lia 14, M-eDcr r' i�^.: DETAIL FOR DEPRESSED Asse-0r, or i'dt[i 12' it diasee4 ud ►v=cr: chap he iesa0d a va■A See wesrt saMAeed dead !or 12' . �, 9 eATTi vAtR ti ay Co-Coo�.,a.� [awL To naioKa CG A Luo-r Jet/ • C w/T- • :iC� • Y - ii J ' :J DRIVEWAY CURS a CUTTER- EXPANSION JOINT -" -' Vwttand l• In-ADaOO- C ouc an La Walt WT_W.T •Ass s2, n t,�• �! TYPE 0 . - fox SIM"CES Pao" f"mmia snrt, T. 11110 s MINI be Caey" (OPT-t � the Pt•' -"re) [ to AWWA GJ04f0 with a 6 iod :Jet sad a xV.O. c(S Two 33/t-STili TV M.�i.m C.D*1G M01.i • V,// �� Lyr 1NCiV'E2i MAX. SLOPE : IM Assmstos uwl.r oa r•,ri,■ATEs MAIMS ischss ew0 YlI :d Does MOesf■s wWl Matio,\al stmodard 7:eh dD V, thn-AS O D. thread tt?S sad coat dtaeetsr 1 tam ■ r ■ r t�sw FOR TK NGTH Taws. stIE ETo xTAiL 1J t l 1D� I ■■STALL DOYaLE STMA" SAAWKS CLAW- -- 4a4631-'1i■d n sat I\Irais aow,srebelww t Ct»cMIErt Rout FLA _J'-. ,•:: •: i:l; - : i ~ cowl TO "WELLt* Ca, Peat,+ope tirq opsand b IE . (] • °' ! : ':' : L AN .over tea: XO:ches and ,balky b -aiaaia a aeisiMiw °over of 36 ie�es below 6sish Fade AD wMa ms 12 inches and tarns 7 Cst R. IM4M wASIEO ,, . •.. `'F fhsD ha Me a mMoi-u m of a inches below fbol Fads. When ■tiary conaim accar. am a &= am to be lowetd so dcac uu,.EL ►ASSM\e T-Wr AND 1 1l An voter atais fix (9) :cbms : diameter Mod larser than be deaaed -ab Pipedo.r.� nGr Nm b Owdecdos, The •Tdf a�M OI YL- MCfI FOR Mad be Gin IMdstrim Swea tiS or ogr.l 2 Ib/cm It density fore with drtometer ■rxtmm r■bber eartia w SECTION A -A Ate. ,wowed �nA IE tie am�`' (,S' altw be ry fins dv f6+ptd with sera matt or Squat t cud Tm Cuy -&A Moot me 0anuacter _w ..w J.fm --- XPANSION JOINT- !/ M� - ���� I L F1 � Ny -�-ra�c. OLL I NIS & ASSOC I ATES . ' >ti N -t,o� aeT.i� a ,y�eess\�„`Wteaae b. ai�t.a er mo rs « u0 ra weer operatic[ yrema : aavraaa« with cis A ALTERNATE 2 �4•a ar t1eeF of Iieatoa Oa°s stAf. lin,u DepsrtsesL Aar.. tesoa[ ahaa he dace .the ptveass a( {'>'D 1`f U7Y 01=t,r r0�1) A An -•�-�t:e..d Ma.ime =Raf b. dmnf«T.d b,me sett of a so pp.f (Maim.. ta�■t„t;aM) dt,Dt,.ta,al.ta. D� `� P .0. BOX 2332 REDMOND VA 98073 1206) 885 - 0102 ,o C AN Et PA Y M 6 M t O t M ej Rb FUS L i DIE: Yti(.O PEtt, 0 N'P°"n MJaO Nor be a• w pipe M JMid�eiieiiid flJo,t\.. rhea be .etaad/ie,eOed : with seeia. U-10AC. 1:7!%G�{ 2� F?(10P1: Tt I�r Fb�'TI ON t'JF -ice �3 >✓ . ` • .'co ay. it A p,.�otrvstioa ma stet+ tegwed prior�sb eow■exwetioa-ioim.m of 3 (three wottia aetit: is iced ibe I I T N - � �i iV �' /�, of �� 4 ri� IN � pc,�-r�� 2.�.�4 0�c�4y-�Tt,23U. K.SE• W.M. �N1NG Gus �,vb.. • tchMd■hat h,« b fuW■lin� tin° perms .pea-Mt-�%esntiar Ml.st sees be wpplied b the Utrliry F = tf OQica iveatTd°■r k�C/�,!!S flt�) U11J i7 �} I F. �.�. L N�•"� O� i g. Fin . }/4-\ �} IFi �LL D� DEPANSION JOMTMPei RECOMMEND6D FOR APPQOVAL 8Y I►aer.ewes s►ereq 'st °�- ---ypersistPnarb-..neoss ion �G° �' �iD �"�'. „ .�� 1L 14 ,I.f be aIe m.ra,<w�f b accsle a[ y -ro o� �' ' "� C f T Y O F R E N T O N WMERE THE �/h I .'� r 12 1-112 ion Of to "ter is. -it trees sod mass shaft a« be does ■.a M[ ,uvtte-rr1v-uci✓ N • `� � 3Z W. So T Tt I�i R'11V , ��1N(�l 1 , DRIVEWAY EXCEEDS 16� '�`-C°�'�1O000S • t f `' �• x= -- D E P A 1R T M i N T O F P U B L I C WORK S P P� -t �r - wF_NC -1 N. O i Z5 e. 1 165. Gb oowMu■csie. +sus o! fists h■ve bur, u.a a the of Rsataa IN wiOTM A 2 DUMMY JOINTFECOMMENDO SMALL DE PLACED' ••.•• , OVALeomuacsoaw„h eR t l ��{ •`+ SMALLLONGITUD(NAL C ALONG CENTERLINE. 11 An eowwearoo b east,ns -a,aa b k sea,aplithed ►'ttte Goy e( ltcam� Maccpe wet tape w!\d e■�>K srde ti ■pp,aod wet -n•E>\iC� M - 1� ° �' 32" W• �`t'G�-•1 10 f t 1 ` .FM - eo0tractor sad Mel oemuss b so C ¢rt'"e't d twht-e Mutt J1D mess -airy sscavetlaa and aeataiaM b bo s°ppiierl by ts■ '1ii �GCi W . � Ct'-,3V W ., I� • t) ; 1/2-EXPANSION JOINTS SMALL IE teprvee t . �,C/S � ��,(`'�� �J %� ��O ✓ ��� ' rr I I ' PLACED AT DRIVEWAY RETURNS AND AT &fM . li /ruPesao. w•aI be saco-aPtitbed b7'bactliLin atl a■raacoa The ooettran«r.ep M t>k "ftOr' a�pa\aDOiry b.«iry the clhLg -riJEUG�' . D' �i 22 W.T I'1!o• G� t'`f t S/ Y •� ' �✓ G•� �,/ , l THE BACK OF DRIVEWAY, By AWMV l� Pitt t--+tr m advesm of i Papeeua sdaC kerp r-0.,\h dra.\ep QQa ``�,{{ -3 P 2. CONCRETE E SHALL DE CLASS Si3/4-)AIR ENTRAINE 4 SUBGRAOE COMPACTION SMALL DE 93% �� � CQ°�10 SS D�l•3Z->✓ \ �"C/`T"• J7 �� TO �>✓ ��t� o� ��I�tNIF�IG• J A PmI idc plrF sod Iempoary bktw.ot4 msembtks for Testis[ mad peri y-ptasee prior to ruW titan l•� H PORTLANO CEMENT CONCRETE. (MODIFIED PROCTOR), W,4TER UTILITY` 3/27/9 I F �F PRE` AITJO�t/ u �1°iAf T�1L°t sytrem■ (th.ci,e todf, wt; imeltr et) Ib.n be r-aedaca.rrd by de Star Was■lscnriet[ Comp.°yof Cd■-bee / - 2' t - �J Qs Otuo «-q"•t apes,wed e t titian sue b epertme N a! his webs 'ij ��`� �� V 1�l t � Z- ZI 1 ' l 3 DRIVEWAY ZS NOT TO !!E POURED INTEGRAL I'7UDOW. Asplak and soe�ve,e rant pevia MI.O be f°.ct.e b a araam.\e depth of t.o e�.x 07 set meets -.y be Mp.de cut. /TIE a\rfaa DESIGNED DATF FILE NO p•vesent poem sad ahAn a M.crt w a suei\srm depu a( two aecbea «remwad b DRAWN 1TT7Tt THE CURL! S Gi1T7FR,RECO- eoeaetq midewwltq a drive-"7 eppn�aies eri� � / Q �y'f FM 1���/�j �y� GI-I�J zev e"Xi \/{ I (- `D Q� ,.{(� rI[LD BOOK PAGC_ , VS 1 /�T[ 7�/ iTTEM It A M56potsry toida mu aeplsit Pesch ILan be ptscsd w the dsl of ieitiai env+stiw with a ptrmeaeat srsled patek to be p(sc to cry t MJL 7 IZ' S C/1L�L�1G`- `+ C.� Y �i �� ✓ V�/--A- et Re.,tb pain cy. within. tea afyt cAti for m■DFaae irPento+ P^ot t° p++aseat d 6aal retch T,eachu wa .« be tkl p aiiAt withe■e Pear.nttee aPPta •1 a the °p" e`er D- Z°i - cl o CHECKED sy "1" 3/0 7// 1 1f. !°r City Pei- lmd r tel =-Y teed,\iy the PVC pipe ,_3 AM be wbd■k 40 im eeimp,oved areas mad acbed\\k 20 Fader hap�adaces`, cbsm-idproc §scssba°bescb."t80rVCrps N0. REVISION eY APPR. DATE APPROVED SHEET�OF T E: o o — SCANNEO W 2 8 2003 I