HomeMy WebLinkAboutTED4001782.155heor key @ Slat ,K 3cc Sht 4/ Qj zz IV O �h I m I � 20 - -5 �3q // O r/ 4 i 0 //wit ii Orr - --- -- ---i{ 20 SHEAR KEY DETAIL 120 % Scole//2 /r= /� Qrr (3 (to" (To 0- of &eom ) lob 5%rr (End of Conc. /'-O%4' Por on A24 I z_n�c 2 - ///.0 x /�- O/' A, B. x 44 0 G v Roughened Roughened /� 2 o` 5- #5 @ /8"— �, n iN TYPICAL GIRDER STOP (AT PIERS a I2) C3io 20 Sco/e •' / /% li O /� Dearing.' Column Bearing 02` 2 #.5 n C2/ 2 - 05 r� B 20 � 20 C23� 4-* 5 C22 2- #`.5 j �F( )?- 0o A 2 2 of C20 /-#5lumn C20 If #5 n 20 I 2 2 i C ,-/ DesC� EA. BP �— C lCu C EA. BRIG, 20 PLAN VIEW 20 i Sco% I12 602 601 *5 H 83 2 - *4. Q - --� See OeloilY 4 20 � � � n Q � ce_9:0�1 (022 Steel Bottom oeor/ng A with 4 - /" 4 Anchor ,Bolts Stee / Too Bearing A with 9412"0 /ieoded studs /nc/den ta/ to 6;ni4'y� 1:� T �? �?f3eor�ir�g tt Awy a- I I I i I v 1� I 4 i 4% // Imo►— --- - �4 ¢/2 a SIP ------ iq ,Bec�rii�9 Co/urnn \ ,Beo�ing , See 6v @� Sht, 49 ti q Vert/co/ Re/nf' i Ties in i -- W1 Thk, ExPonded V-1 cn Co/ums, See ColUrrrn &eotlbl? Po/ysfynene E �levofion 12,E SECTION A 2C� Sco% %2/! /i 0/i SUPERIOR REPROGRAPHICS ICO IF 14U49 �? X - beom Top of Br/d9e Assembly 3L 0// 3i Qa i I 'a' See Sht. 49 b/* X-Beam Steel Top .3eoring A j I wish %2rr0 f/eoded ' 9 9 4 Voris with T e al UP Steel Bott Beorir?g /I?- wr#7 AnoAor /30/ts —/ Toro of Co/umn d DELETE C2if SPIRAL CNOT SHOWN @EA. BRG. C22 _ veritiCo/ Reir71'. e' Tres i� Columns ►2,2 SECTION 20 Stole B3 2-#4- C] %2 /' Thk . fxponded Po/ys 71yrer7e -- - Ver1lool Re/nf. E Ties in Columns - - Pier Co%mn �8eor�ng r2r'=/D 1 - Beom 2�. O/' 1 21011 Vories See lol-I P/er P_ Column 3i ! 9- #,5 n DELErE''C' 4 SPIRAL. CN®TSHOdfJNi Cm EA. BRO. C/9 -a/4 "� x G /' Studs "- - We/oto l- %2rrx411x4'0// T.-._ / r/ /2 /r x4/i x4-0 t�--fi-- X - Beezm Vories w/fh Type Of 'beorinq f— -- --- J 2rix3rQ/ram — -- — A //2rr.x X'x 4Qrr vTo/o of Col - -- -- - -----_ X vor les wiffh Type of Beori�?g ) � I Reinf ire X - Beom, III IIIIIIIIII fill Shear? B/oek IF C0/Urn1 - -----_ _ _- /S not $%IOWO fo/- y I'x 4/1x 3O// Fob 3/4ic Pad with r/32 r/PTFE SUrfoce, bonded %2 /' T/rk . Expanded to Angle Polys,fyrene �Stoinless Steel �. x S %2'r X 3 Weld to A %2 /'x X'x 4� 0/r 20 SHEAR BLOCK DETAIL (AT PiI_RS 2,3,I0aII) 4 20) Stole ; / %2 „,/Q,/ SEE (C 49 �49. 8'' yVrng W011 A20) #5 12 SECTION �� C........,.�- .�.:..-...7..... I..�.......,...1. CSystems Architects Engineers 20 SCo% %2//=/!Orr �� Seattle Incorporated, P.S. Austln Outs/de free to SECTION D 20 Stole .' /rr 2 L,4 /r URS C M im Y Consulting Engineers and Analysts Seattle, Washington REQ71ON NO. STATE FEDERAL AID PRO.JE= NO. SHEET NO. 10 WASH. BBM-I28Bt2 I-405-3((03s) Ver ti 00 In, Co% 10 /' D/orne ter W20 o/ra/ @ 311Pitch (Anchor Spiro/ at Top E Bottom A/i M /%oo/K A40y be /,/e/O' bent ;'- 4/' S/ol/oe 20 SPIRAL DETAIL FOR COLUMN 5 20 Soole O" Cone. Curb for Ao///ng CONS TRUCT/ON J O/N r /90 Stage f W/ng Wo// /'-Corr flwc Stage 11 Wing Wo/l /'-0 ti Stoge I Mio'd/e pyln9 Wo// )9P A3o *5 /2 12 A23 A32 #� Vert. #S 0 /2ir 133 A27 1192/ ,Bot_i Sio'eS � I , 1 o WING WALL REINF, DE i AIL Q Seale . /2 rr = /� Q U. Rq p R O CN ze "ry0/P wnsyg3, 91101�7 Pipe � a = s mCORD DRAVil�,�-IG �CIS 19L ss/ONAL EN�� .�ES�fUhiAL 14.32 III I .I i 0 f 2 3 4 5 0-®`' o ©? 1/2 -iQ scale feet CITY OF RENTON 3/4" CIOu i 0 I 2 3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG WORKS _ scale feet S.W. GRADY WAY BRIDGE 11 ^u �II �n -. O -I1 I2l9 I/2"- I' o'° REPLACEMENT scale feet MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS DESIGNED DATE 4 — 82 _ FILE NO. —.� DRAWN VNQ PP SCALE AS SHOWN FIELD B0aI~.__PA�E I AE►-,Sl:D PER REc�'RD D�tW� �T✓ 3 • � 1_ 87 CHECKED- NO. REVISION BY APPR. DATE APPROVED SHEET 2O OF �`� DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS S. ANNIQ BAR .,