HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP2702149.1N GREEN RI rz: I , WASHINGTON STATE N. T.S. LOCATION MAP L1TUEX OF' DRA WINGS SHEET NO. 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. >0. 11. 72. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 27. .Vvvp Z 7 -s 10.0 T/ TL E INDEX OF DRA WINGS SITE MAP GRADING PLAN PLAN - PROFILE PLAN - PROFILE CHANNEL CROSS SECTIONS CHANNEL CROSS SEC77ONS CHANNEL CROSS SECTIONS CHANNEL CROSS SECTIONS GABION DETAIL S W/NGWALL STRUCTURE AND REINFORCING DETAILS WINGWALL REINFORCING DETAILS TRANSITION WALL TRANSITION SLAB EROSION CONTROL BLANKET PVC MEMBRANE DETAILS FISH HAB/TA T AND PLANTING PLAN FISH HABITAT AND PLANTING DETAILS SOIL L OGS PEDESTRIAN TRAIL PLAN AND DETAILS PEDESTRIAN TRAIL DETAILS EAST SIDE GREEN J?1 VEJ? WATERSHED PROTECTION AND FLOOD PREVENTION PROJECT KI-zVG COUNTY, WASHING-TO-1V' P-l CJANN.L�'L STA 6 70 -/76 TO S-.T--A- 680 -t- 26, 3 7 PRTPARF-0 FOR THF, GREET' RIVER FLOOD CONTROL ZONE DISTRICT GE,VERA L NOTES 1. Tne Washington State coordinate system NAG 27 (North Zone) has been used. 2. E/evations are in feet above meon sea level, NG VD 29 datum. 3. All stationing is measured horizontal distance and refers to main channel centerline unless otherwise noted. 4. Soil logs shown on these drawings indicate general conditions at the site. Soils investigation logs and geological reports are available at the SCS Renton Project Office for reference. No warranty of soil conditions that are encountered during construction is expressed or implied. 5. No representation is made of any utilities, public or private. Absence of utilities on these drawings does not assure that no utilities are present. If buried utilities are shown, the location and depth are approx/mote. The exact location and depth of any utility must be determined by the uNity company prior to any, excavation. i US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CO-IVS ER VA TION SP!.RVICE' w 11i 24037 �ONAt SIR UCI TURA L NOTES 1. CnOmfer J14 inch all exposed concrete edges. 2. Spocing of reinforcing bars is measured center to center of bars. J. Bar cover is clear distance between the surface of the bar and the face of concrete. Unless otherwise shown is 2 inches for formed and top surfaces and 3 inches for surfaces poured against earth. 4. All bar splices not shown on these drawings shall be staggered with bars lapped a minimum of 30 diameters of the smaller bar in the splice. 5. Reinforcing bar placement shall conform to tolerances loved out by C.R.S.I. Concrete forms shall be set /n conformance to A. C.I. tolerances. /l-''� ,y a'_�.� ���i •s` �.,_,_ � ,:��� fir' Section or Detail i 2' 160" Sheet where sectionZ __ Sheet where section or de tail was taken or detail /s shown NO. I REVISION I BY I APPR. 0o 2/44,0 / A0=&z*d"00J F'ECOMENDED FOR A PPFO ✓A � ary 1 " �. PL AN REVIEW CITY OF RENTO N DEPARTMENT OF PUBI-IC WORKS SPRINGBROOK CREED / P-- I CH I NNE-L IMPR0 VEW-N T DESIGNED: AS NOTED "ATE: AS NO,t[i FILE NAME. DRAWN: AS NOTED CHECKED: AS NOTED SCALE: AS NO FIELD BOOK: PAGE. APPROVED: SHEET: OF: W IJ I= W E-+ 1.4 U V 0 t7 - W Q J Z RECISION NO, DRAWING 40. EESGR-3 SHEET OF b�JS. 17,7-0