HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWP2703170.42GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET Ll FOR LEGEND MATCH LINE SEE SHEET ISR3 lilt sill, AIL -L 1 auL s1LL AIL. alit 1 LL all. Ail. lit all sl1L A ul ALL ZE1, ,LL[L a111,. sLLt, all./t lilt,. slits AiL silt, sillL. AIL sill sll1L ALL, AIL AIL ll1 ,11E mill ,11LL ZIL ALL Ali. ALL 111.11 ALL alLLL sill. .t t1, AIL aliL LlL ,11L AL, s1L1< ,LlL, a11L ails, AIL 1xi L mice a111L -%IW 31114 lilt- lilt, 311L, Aw Aw ALL AiL ,11L l LL AiL aiiLL Ilt, slit, al11- All. ALL ALLL s11L, Au. WL alit all.L AiL .l � AIL AIL ants all AiL a11L ALL., ,11E rill, sill, LIW A.U. lilt XUL a11L ALL AEI. W. ali1L AIL zL1L al1L 311� AIL zti1L Allis Ali, Gill, ,lilt lilt s11tc alltL alit a11L sill lilts a111L lilt all . ALI AW .� 11, silt, asill SLIt, AIL AU L ALL All, ,Lit AAL sill: .%IW allL Ai& All., slit. A L all. xl1 ILL. S11L ,ILL all, � lliL: ,111s ail1L altt, At -L alitL LUL, silt, 4.I1L al1L AIL, lilt, AIL .U� Ail, 4UL zl tL sLL L L�1 ,1LL AjL, All, allL all, ,1U, a1Ll. AL4, sill, ," Z L a11t, %. J all, s11L ,IIL ,11� lint AIL ,11� aLi %ILL ,11� sill 111LL .1 I 1 • All, sILL AIL a11L %Lill ALLL lull slit, AiL. ,Ili Ali, all, s11L &UL allL allL alit 3IW all,': lilt sill, 4IL L sills a111L sLit, jilt sLL L AU.LL zL1L s11L Aw sill, luL sill %" still Al.L ALL A.Ul ALL AIL All i, ,llt, stile lilt, l alit a11L ,LIB still silt, aLLL sill A I /, silts AIL silt, IUL llil L 11- L &UL AIL ll L sill all slit, 4W, AL!, AIL ,11L sill AIL a11L All, 1, a]1L atiLL AIL sill, .1ILL %IW AIL, sllL< .\ I f, AIL xl. AIL -► ll, Al xl1 ill silt. lu.L AL, sill AIL ,+ i;, ,st r AIL AiL ,sit, ZIL ,L� All., W.L molts AFL c lilts ,alto ALL ,�LL Aitl I" W.L AI& allL Allis ,ILL s111L AIL a" sill aL1L Alit, ,ill slits ills: alit silLL ,11� Ali-- Allis All, Ali., 41 W 111L 3111s A" luL Aw alit ALL aWl slits iLLtL alit , sills All s1tL, , a1LL.e sill :list lilt ,liL 311L WiA silts alit, ALLL alll, All, ,11� 411t, aL1 ALL jilt 11 W silL S11L lilt, sill. Allt slit- ALL' AiIA silts sill sill AiL SILL silLL ..11L ,11� A.W atilt a11L sill, ALL, All, si.ils %LW ,ILL slits sill 2." luLl ,ILtL silts AIL, .l � lilt AIL ALL AIL albs slits ALL ALL, sill ZIL slit: sill, xUL slit 411LL silt, s11L s111L &UL, silts alit stills a111, a," al1L %ILL silt, lilt AU, silts slit allls still sill s1 L1L slily a111L silts s11L A1L ,LIE ,t l t, 3111E sLLL A-U, lilt AIL a111s 4 L�Ge ALL sill, sill., AIL AIL ii1 �111, z`11t 1,L si ill sal u, .salsa XUL All, a1 i le IUL AIL AUL a1L t, aisle sill, slit all% a111L - iLw &UL silL AIL ALL silt, al lls All, ak AIL � AW, All L ll � AiLl A" � � . • w ALL y" XUL ALL AIL ALL XUL 1111� } Wit ALL &ULI 31� AIL All, %LW ALL, ALL slit AIL Ali, :list AiL, slit, slit, AiL a111L all1L s111, 31 W sill AiL ili L sill &UL AIL xUj., s111c IUL 31 W lilt. jL1L sills lilt slid 111L, s1l.LL AIL ILL ALL stills :lilt AIL slits lit, sills :lilt AIL.LL1L all is silts sill alit SiIL ,LIIL sill AIL AIL111.1, aliL 311� :slit silt, AiL alll., siliL ALL 311E a] lL ants sLl1L AIL i!L L 3111s ,u& ,AIM &UL. WL All, AliA ALL, allL alit All. XUL, 141i IUU s` ' • •. .ILL AIL, &UL alit[ 10L All, 1_Ur+ AU r Ali—, ZIL. kLW s7..: IUL -Ai L. AIL All, ALLL ,,UL ,111. &UL All, ALL, sLLL alit slue albs all L silt, AIL a]LL AIL All, ants AIL L slit, a111L lilt, AiL sLLL, sill: a iL all, ALL sS_ L all1L sill sill sill al.lt4 Bite sL1L a111, All, si1L ,list %ill, s1Lte :sill alit, sill, ,list AIL alll, silts sLLtc alllL alll, S11L lilts &UL &UL xULL a1LL, a1i1L 3LLLL ALL sllLL a1L.Lc ALL 311L lilt, sill ALL All, a111L AIL s11L alUL XUL SlllL 31W XUL AiL AIL, al1L still ,11L kill, all1, silts Al.L s11L AL 4 ants ALL AIL a111L Ai , ALL, a1ilL ZIL, AIL SU L a1 itL ZIL iLU, lilts sILL, AIL iLIL sii.lc Aw AIL Aug A LL alit, ai.iic WL atilt ,L L ALL. All. :lilt, :Liss AIL s1LL AiL aLlls Adis Ali, sills AIL XUL a1LLc alit, SLt1L bill Ak all, &UL alit, W4, %ILL :lilt ALL A" silt, sill all alit: TILL ALL alLlL Ali, al.iiL sill, Silt al iL a11L sill, Silt, AULL :ILL SllL,c AIL al1L siiLs sl.liL xli AIL ,ills all, AIL ,11L sill s11L 311L, AIL: Z u. sill, ,11E ,11 L, AIL t � / ,ILL SILL, .111L ,l �_ ,Lit, s11L alit sl.11, alLls silt. alit, 3U11L lull All, sl ll, AIL alltl %ILL lilt, atilt: dill alit, al1L ALL all.tr alit ALL silt ,l ul f ( ,Litt AIL lilt ,Eli, AU.4. slit, lilt. S11L ail L lilt AIL' %ILL ALLL AIL -% 1 al1L ALL AliLL &UL sill slit, s1L1L a l L Slit, sill slit, xU& ,111, sill aLl,;r .%I L ALL AIL AIL lull alit, -AIL AU, silLL ,11� -0,W %ILL ALL ALL slit AIL. s11L sill, ALL ails, ail1L s11L sill a111L ,111E sill sill, a51 L, ,111E All L / sill silt, ALL AIL, ,lit, alit AIL al1L ALL AIL slit, si lt, Z L ALL alit alit, sill AIL A lL L lit ,lit silt, WL AIL ,111L. al1L Lill ,11� silt, s11iL ,L w AIL AIL, AIL AiL sill, lilt AIL AIL, slit, silt, sill, lilt, sLL ,lilt Gill, ZIL Al.L ,ILL Ail', allL. AIL aLLr.. IILLe .11 /, slur. XUL slit, ,j.LL, ALL sill, a111L sLLI, a1LLL ALL ALL ALL. AIL S11L &U.L 3L1L, lilt, Lill, :ILL 311.1� SU L slate 31Lt silt: lull alit HULL allL ,\ilr 11LLL AL, AIL ALL, ALL ants slliL ALL AIL sill s111, .L� AIL ALL 111L AIL, 37111 a..rr Slit, 311L[ ?11.LC .. •.A 3a ��r .�.e. milt I L L L �a t�� , , � a11L1 3)L J, �� a L a 11 ZIL .slit AIL, AU, ALL, sl1LL I" 1l1L 311L .1 L lilt, lilt, 31itc a1L+Lc All L, Ali, Aw a.LIL AIL lilt a111, s11L AL, 4144 a11L sL 1 Awl. silt. RILL, 1as.uL sj.11, ,lit lilts 3LiLe slit slit, AIL ail,, alit, %ILL ,L alit, AIL alit ,ills 3l.i.Le AlltL 31L1, silk a1Ll: s1lL, sift, a3LCe alit, .sill, ,li.l, JUL slit slit slice All, ALL silt, a]it, slits ALL sill &UL. slits sitL sill sill. AIL zlllL silts lilt lilt sill, al.lL 3,1 alit AIL AiLl XUL, IUL s1LL, AIIL: ALL. sill ALL ,ALL ALLL AIL lilt, &UL SUL. slit. lilts AI& AIL a1L,:4 .sills silt. AL, aliL 311E jilt, AIL slit, ,lit, xui. :ILL lilt &1L AIL lilt aLLL alit. z1llL AiL ALL, XUL AIL ,L1L A L sl1L All, AIL lilt aLltL alit, all s11L aliLL silL AIL ZIL, 11w aLLL allll SILL, t s111, ALL A14, alit. 311� i]J.t, slit a111L XUL Au. alit, ALLL IUL S L xU L ALLL ak1.LL stiUL, Silt, 3ll4 sill, AIL ALL ALL { 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET FILE NAME H:1PSE172001Units_A_& B_Invasive Species Removai Plan.cign TIME 12:48:12 PM REa srATE FED,AlD PRO.i.Nfl. =Mo►; rtc. DATE 'I10512009 � O SAS PLOTTED BY ciarkdh DESIGNED BY JOB NUMBED coNr►cr NC, � 00 ENTERED BY B. MCKINNEY CHECKED BY I PROJ. ENGR. Ii,. SAWYER REGIONAL ADWL DATE BY — REV1.S10N' P.=, STAMP sox s1LL zLIL A." 3L" a" silt, sill a1LL s11L 11 i r, _.." silte s1l L LL U s1LL Ali. i, 1L1L ; Ali- XUL AiL XUL lilt, Aw .11l. Al" ,il.L slit, a1111 alllL IiLL ,ELL AIL ,ILL alit: attic .�i1, lilt sj.11, ,t l r= ALL si iL. a11L lu L sills .11 L_ slit, Sl1L alll, allls WL4 silts ALL ALL ALL AIL L u , silts s]l.t: slid AIL, Ali, suss AR, slits silt, AEI. sill still AIL, ALL siYL s1LtL AIL ,ILtL ALL ALL SILL lit s111. li1L All,. s1l_L sills All' AiL AUA sins ALL AU, SilLs 311 z sills _11 L a111L ll1 lli SELL, ,ill. ll. 1 AiL ..� ALL, slit ants slit, AIL AiL AIL ALL ALL ,111� ,111, s 41l ALL a1L L AIL, SELL .0 ALL sL tli Al & :loft zILL sti'llrs ALL AIL situ ALk 6 r, 1111E ,Lill alLL lilt, sLLL lliL, 3liii ALL AIL XUL ,LlL, silt, ,ill 3111� Aid, XIL L 11 L all, x11L ALL sill, s11.t silt, s1LL XUL allL sill, SILL, Lu AIL AIL AtL SULL alit ZILL alit a1LLL Sl1L lull Ail alit, Alt 11111. XUJA sliLL ALL lilts 1111L attic lilt, a11L AIL, AiL ALL Sl1.L, s1LLL ,ills XUL, a111L sill, a1Ll, aiiL. SLLLL slily sill -ILL 3.1L1, sill, ALL, S111L ai114 sI Li A114 a1.Llc A" lilt, a1L1, &UL ALL S11L AL. all, 0 slit, allL s1lL z111L xl.L ,lit,. ,grits ,IW ALL a1LLL x LL ilLLL ALL s11L a11.L alit. Allis Ll- t ,►Ilr . L1 sill i" ALL ably slLLL ills: %ILL .1L1, ALL. a111, alit: z11L AL iliL ails, Ali, alit, AiL Sl1L AIL, ZIL slit ZIL silt, &ILL .ILIA A LL lilt, all1L AIL alit s1Lt< AiL alit, slit lilt, sll aiLLL a1LL alit, ALL All, ALL lilt, sill alit, ALL ALL ails, ' silt, lilt %ILL IiW SELL a1LL WL ALL All, xULL ALL, aliL AIL i slit, ALL sill, ALL ALL AL, alit, i l J siiCL sal tL si(`1L a]l1L ali1L D=3 17042 PS—STAUm BOX U ;T= AMIL V AP Washington State IDerartment of Transportation cl%j Lt1 Z W U) LLl .J i�— Q ME KE PL AN ED ?TTF S cr 3 J D a 5 6 4 2 LL: 34 T H a < o 4lS7 S' ' 43RD ST tS MOTH STa Plot a I-405 SPRINGBROGK CREEK WETLAND AND ISR4 HABITAT MITIGATION BANK 3NEET OF INVASIVE SPECIES REMOVAL AS -BUILT sH� b a� �o y � 7C y d