HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarijuana Businesses Moratorium (5/12/2014) � � LEGIStATION - -- _._ Ordinance for first reading and advpncement to second and final reading: a) Ordinance No.5817: An ordinance was read extending interim Zoning Regulations for Recreational Marijuana Retail uses and declaring an emergency. �( ��� MOVED BY PRINCE,SEC�NDED BY CORMAN,CC3UNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDtNANCE �J FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following a second reading, it was MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CAlL:ALL AYES.CARRIED. rdinance forsecond and finol reading: b) Ordinance No. 5816:An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1-250 of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement,Section 4-4-080 of Chapter 4,City-Wide Property Development Standards,and Section 4-11-130 of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations)of the Renton Municipal Code, by amending marijuana zoning and parking regulations,and adding and amending definitions. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS _ ._______—_.z Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. Councilmember Persson referred a letter received by Council regarding bank foreclosures to the Administration to look for anything of interest. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADIOURN.CARRIED.TIME: 7:31 P.M. ,�i` �r t �,:J p,. Jaso A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor,CMC, Recorder Monday, October 3, 2016 October 3, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES � � A GENDA ITEM # 9. a) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, EXTENDING INTERIM ZONING REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL MARUUANA RETAIL USES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City has the authority to adopt an interim zoning ordinance pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220, 36.70A.390 and 36.70.790; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2015, the City Council adopted interim zoning regulations for recreational marijuana retail uses in certain zones by Ordinance No. 5770,which limited the total number of recreational marijuana retail uses to five (5); and WHEREAS, a work program was initiated by CED with the involvement of the Planning Commission and the Planning& Development Committee; and WHEREAS, that work program is very near completion; and WHEREAS, the Council should be in a position to make a decision on the work program very shortly; and WHEREAS,it is necessary to extend the interim zoning regu�ations for an additional period of time not to exceed six (6) months; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held on August 17, 2016 and September 7, 2016, before the Planning Commission, and October 3, 2016 before the City Council, to take testimony; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. 1 A GENDA 1 TEM # 9, a) � � ORDINANCE N0. SECTION II. The City Council hereby extends the interim zoning regulations for recreational marijuana retail uses in certain zones established by Ordinance No. 5770, limiting the total number of recreational marijuana retail uses in the City of Renton to five (5). SECTION I11. This is hereby declared an emergency in order to protect the public safety, health and general welfare and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Should the City Council pass an ordinance establishing the number of allowed recreational marijuana retail uses in the City of Renton, then this interim zoning control shall terminate. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCtL this day of , 2016. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2016. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1934:9/12/16:scr 2 � � A GENDA ITEM # 9, b) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 4-1-250 OF CHAPTER 1, ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT, SECTION 4-4- 080 OF CHAPTER 4, CITY-WIDE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, AND SECTION 4-11-130 OF CHAPTER 11, DEFINITIONS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, BY AMENDING MARIJUANA ZONING AND PARKING REGULATIONS, AND ADDING AND AMENDING DEFINITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Renton adopted interim zoning that limited the number of retail marijuana stores in the City to five (5); and WHEREAS,the interim zoning was adopted to allow time to engage in a work program to consider allowing six (6) retail stores, as allocated by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board; and WHEREAS,the City also needed to consider and evaluate amendments to City regulations regarding marijuana in response to amendments to State laws regarding marijuana, such as allowing some buffers from sensitive uses to be reduced, and to allow for a pubtic process; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission duly studied and considered regulations for recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter of the proposed regulations for recreational marijuana on August 17, 2016; and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission deliberated and made a recommendation regarding recreational marijuana on September 7, 2016; and WHEREAS,the Council held a public hearing on October 3, 2016; 1 AGENDA 1TEM # 9. b) � ORDINANCE N0. � NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCII OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-1-250, Marijuana Regulations, of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: 4-1-250 MARUUANA REGULATIONS: A. PURPOSE: The City of Renton, in an effort to comply with state law, has adopted marijuana laws that are intended to be consistent with Chapter 69.50 RCW, Uniform Controlled Substances Act, and Chapter 69.51A RCW, Medical Cannabis, as they exist or may be amended. B. AUTHORITY: The City of Renton derives its authority to act on marijuana use, production, processing, a� sales, and cooperatives within its jurisdiction from Washington State Constitution Article Xt, Section 11, Police and Sanitary Regulations; Chapters 69.50 and 69.51A RCW, as they exist or may be amended; its authority to regulate zoning within its jurisdiction; and any and all other authority granted to Renton by the State Legislature and the Washington State Liquor Ear�e� and Cannabis Board. C. COOPERATIVES AND TRANSPORTERS: Marijuana cooperatives are not allowed in the Citv and mariivana transporters shall not be licensed in the City. 2 AGENDA ITEM # 9, bJ � ORDINANCE N0. � DE. BUSINESS REGULATION: By accepting a license issued pursuant to this chapter and/or Chapter 5-5 RMC, Business Licenses, as they exist or may be amended, a licensee, jointly and severally, if more than one, agrees to indemnify and defend the City, its officers, elected officials, employees, attorneys, agents, insurers, and self-insurance pool, if any, against all liability, claims and demands, on account of injury, loss or damage, including, without limitation, claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with the operation of the marijuana-related business that is the subject of the license. The licensee further agrees to investigate, handle, respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at its expense, and to bear all other costs and expenses related thereto, including court costs and attorney fees. The Administrative Services Administrator may require a licensee to execute a written instrument confirming the provisions of this chapter. E.S-LICENSE REQUIREMENT: All business licenses related to marijuana shall contain language that substantially conforms to the following: 1. Renton shall not be responsible or liable for any claim, defense, or anything related to the operation of a marijuana-related business activity. 2. By signing the business license application, the licensee accepts, agrees and acknowledges that it shall not have any claim again Renton related to any 3 A GENDA 1 TEM # 9. b) � ORDINANCE N0. '"'� claim, defense, or loss related to the operation of a marijuana-related business activity, and that the applicant shall hold Renton absolutely harmless for any such claim, defense or loss. This Section shall govern the licensee's responsibilities in the event of a claim, defense, or loss related to the operation of a marijuana- related business activity. 3. By signing the business license application, the licensee accepts, agrees and acknowledges that under federal law, and more specifically the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution, Article VI, Paragraph 2, federal law generallytakes precedence over Washington State laws,and even the Washington State Constitution. 4. Based on the supremacy clause and federal law in general,the applicant may still be subject to arrest, prosecution,imprisonment,and/orfines for violating federal law, Renton shall have no duty, responsibility, or liability based on any of those events, and that Renton may be the entity to arrest, prosecute, imprison or fine the applicant. F. €-PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING CITY LICENSE FOR MARIJUANA USE: 1. Any marijuana retailer, producer, or processor must obtain and maintain a valid Washin�ton State Liquor and Cannabis Board license or endorsement to sell, produce or process marijuana in the City of Renton at the State approved location. ^ ^ ' *'^rt , �����^^«�� �^� ^^^�,+,,,.,.- �►,-,+ ,� � +i � �•.� c+ + i• „ ..,...-+ -,.,,,i.,f�..- -,.,,� . ., ic,.,,.,�„ „ . 4 A GENDA ITEM # 9, b) °jr"* ORDINANCE N0. � , �� 2. Upon timely obtaining a marijuana license or endorsement from the State and complying with the City Zoning Code and other applicable City codes, and upon application and payment of all appropriate taxes and/or fees, a City business license may be issued. ��N�PE6-G. LOCATION: 1. Marijuana zoning can be found in RMC 4-2-060. 2. As defined and measured in WAC 314-55 and as authorized under RCW 59.50.331, mariivana retailers producers and processors shall not be located within one thousand feet (1000') of anv child care center elementarv or secondarv school, game arcade librarv play�round public park public transit center, or recreation center or facilitv H. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MARIJUANA RETAIL LICENSES: The Citv will issue no more than five (5) business licenses to mariivana retailers. The licenses shall be issued to the first five (5) applicants that hold valid licenses from the Washin�ton State Liauor and Cannabis Board and comply with Citv zonin�and development requirements The date apptications are received bv the Citv shall be used for the qurpose of determinin� order SECTION II. The Commercial Activities Outside of the Center powntown Zone and Except Shopping Centers section of subsection 4-4-080.F.10.d, Parking Spaces Based on Land Use, of Chapter 4, City-Wide Development Standards, of Title IV (Development 5 A GENDA 1 TEM # 9. b) �'` ORDINANCE N0. `"� Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended to add a new row labeled "Retail Marijuana," to read as shown below. The rest of the subsection shall remain as currently codified, except for the addition in SECTION III of this ordinance. USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE OF THE CENTER DOWNTOWN ZONE AND EXCEPT SHOPPING CENTERS: Drive-through retail or Stacking spaces:The drive-through facility shall be so located drive-through service: that sufficient on-site vehicle stacking space is provided for the handling of motor vehicles using such facility during peak business hours.Typically 5 stacking spaces per window are required unless otherwise determined by the Community and Economic Development Administrator. Stacking spaces cannot obstruct required parking spaces or ingress/egress within the site or extend into the public right-of-way. Banks: A minimum of 2.5 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area and a maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area except when part of a shopping center. Convalescent centers: A minimum and maximum of 1 for every 2 employees plus 1 for every 3 beds. Day care centers, adult day A minimum and maximum of 1 for each employee and 2 drop- care(I and II): off/pick-up spaces within 100 feet of the main entrance for every 25 clients of the program. Hotels and motels: A minimum and maximum of 1 per guest room plus 1 for every 3 employees. Bed and breakfast houses: A minimum and maximum of 1 per guest room. Mortuaries or funeral A minimum and maximum of 10 per 1,000 square feet of floor homes: area of assembly rooms. Vehicle sales (large and A minimum and maximum of 1 per 5,000 square feet. The sales small vehicles)with outdoor area is not a parking lot and does not have to comply with retail sales areas: dimensional requirements, landscaping or the bulk storage section requirements for setbacks and screening. Any arrangement of motor vehicles is allowed as long as: • A minimum 5-foot perimeter(andscaping area is provided; • They are not displayed in required landscape areas; and 6 AGENDA ITEM # 9, b) "� ORDINANCE N0. � � Adequate fire access is provided per Fire Department approval. Vehicle service and repair A minimum and maximum of 2.5 per 1,000 square feet of net (large and small vehicles): floor area. Offices, medical and dental: A minimum and maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net ftoor area. Offices,general: A minimum of 2.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area and a maximum of 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. Eating and drinking A minimum and maximum of 10 per 1,000 square feet of dining establishments and taverns: area. Eating and drinking A minimum and maximum of 1 per 75 square feet of dining establishment combination area. sit-down/drive-through restaurant: Retail sales and big-box A minimum and maximum of 2.5 per 1,000 square feet of net retail sales: floor area, except big-box retail sales, which is allowed a maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area if shared and/or structured parking is provided. Retail Mariivana: A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5 0 per 1 000 square feet of net ftoor area. Services, on-site (except as A minimum and maximum of 3.0 per 1,000 square feet of net specified below): floor area. Clothing or shoe repair A minimum and maximum of 2.0 per 1,000 square feet of net shops,furniture, appliance, floor area. hardware stores, household equipment: Uncovered commercial area, A minimum and maximum of 0.5 per 1,000 square feet of retail outdoor nurseries: sales area in addition to any parking requirements for buildings. Recreational and entertainment uses: Outdoor and indoor sports A minimum and maximum of 1 for every 4 fixed seats or 10 per arenas, auditoriums, 1,000 square feet of floor area of main auditorium or of stadiums, movie theaters, principal place of assembly not containing fixed seats, and entertainment clubs: whichever is greater. Bowling alleys: A minimum and maximum of 2 per alley. Dance halls, dance clubs, A minimum and maximum of 1 per 40 square feet of net floor and skating rinks: area. 7 A GENDA /TEM # 9, b) � ORDINANCE NO. �✓ Golf driving ranges: A minimum and maximum of 1 per driving station. Marinas: A minimum and maximum of 2 per 3 slips. For private marina associated with a residential complex, then 1 per 3 slips. Also 1 loading area per 25 slips. Miniature golf courses: A minimum and maximum of 1 per hole. Other recreational: A minimum and maximum of 1 per occupant based upon 50% of the maximum occupant load as established by the adopted Building and Fire Codes of the City of Renton. Travel trailers: A minimum and maximum of 1 per trailer site. SECTION III. The Commercial Activities Within the Center powntown Zone section of subsection 4-4-080.F.10.d, Parking Spaces Based on Land Use, of Chapter 4, City-Wide Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended to add a new row labeled "Retail Marijuana," to read as shown below.The rest of the subsection shall remain as currently codified, except for the addition in SECTION II of this ordinance. USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CENTER DOWNTOWN ZONE: Convalescent center, drive-through These uses follow the standards applied outside retail, drive-through service, hotels, the Center powntown Zone. mortuaries, indoor sports arenas, auditoriums, movie theaters, entertainment clubs, bowling alleys, dance halls, dance clubs, and other recreational uses: Retail Marijuana: A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. All commercial uses allowed in the CD A maximum of 1 space per 1,000 square feet of net Zone except for the uses listed above: floor area,with no minimum requirement. 8 AGENDA ITEM # 9, b) '�' ORDINANCE NO. � SECTION IV. Section 4-11-130, Definitions M, of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code is amended to add definitions of "Marijuana Cooperative" and "Marijuana Transporter" in alphabetical order and to read as shown below, and to amend the definitions of"Marijuana Processor," "Marijuana Producer" and "Marijuana Retail," as follows: MARUUANA COOPERATIVE: Persons that as qualified patients or desi�nated providers, as defined bv RCW 69 51A share responsibilitv for acquirin� and supplyin� the resources needed to produce and process mariivana in the residence of one of the members. MARIJUANA PROCESSOR: A person or business entity that is licensed by the Washington State Liquor �►-� and Cannabis Board, under RCW 69.50.325 (Marijuana producer's license) and/or RCW 69.50.328 (Marijuana producers, processors—No direct or indirect financial interest in licensed marijuana retailers), and related sections of the RCW, as they exist or may be amended, to process, package, and label useable marijuana and marijuana-infused products for sale at wholesale to marijuana retailers. MARUUANA PRODUCER: A person or business entity that is licensed by the Washington State Liquor �e+�et and Cannabis Board, under RCW 69.50.325 (Marijuana producer's license), and related sections of the RCW, as they exist or may be amended, to produce and sell marijuana at wholesale to marijuana processors and other marijuana producers. 9 A GENDA /TEM # 9. b) �r ORDINANCE N0. "� MARUUANA RETAIL: A person or business entity that is licensed by the Washington State Liquor Ee#�e� and Cannabis Board, under RCW 69.50.354 (Retail outlets licenses), RCW 69.50.357 (Retail outlets — Rules), and related sections of the RCW, as they exist or may be amended, to sell useable marijuana and/or marijuana infused products and restrict entry to the premises to persons twenty one (21)years of age and older. MARUUANA TRANSPORTER• A person or business entity that is licensed by the Washin�ton State Liquor and Cannabis Board under RCW 69.50.385 (Common carriers—Licensin�—State liquor and cannabis board to adopt rules), and related sections of the RCW as they exist or may be amended, to transport mariivana plants useable mariivana and/or mariivana infused products to other marijuana licensees. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordinance's title PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2016. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk 10 A GENDA ITEM # 9. b) `�.r+ ORDINANCE N0. � APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of 2016. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1933:9/28/16:scr 11 t , PROCLAMATI ON � � aj Domestic Violence Awareness Month-October 2016: A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring October 2016 to be "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in the City of Renton,encouraging everyone in the community to take an active role in supporting all victims so they can lead healthy lives safe from violent and abusive behavior. Domestic Violence Victim Advocate,Tina Harris, accepted the proclamation with thanks and provided information regarding challenges that victims of domestic viplence face on a daily basis, and recognized local human services programs that assist these victims. MOVED BY tOFtMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCI!CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING aj Extending Interim Zoning Regarding Limit on Number of Marijuana Retail Businesses: This �� being the date set and proper notice having been posted and published in accordance with ,,( local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider extending interim �� zoning regarding a limit on the number of marijuana retail businesses. Long Range Planning Manager Angie Mathias reported that Council adopted interim zoning setting the maximum number of retail marijuana stores at five on October 5, 2015.She explained that the interim zoning is effective for one year, unless it is renewed and that the renewal requires a public hearing. Ms. Mathias clarified that the reason the interim zoning was established was due to the September 2015 decision made by the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB)establishing that a new application period for retail stares would open, and there would not be a limit ta the number stores allowed per jurisdiction due to the consolidation of inedical marijuana stores with recreational marijuana stores. In January of 2016,the LCB retracted that statement, timiting the number of stores per jurisdiction,and allocating six stores as the total allowable number of stores for the City of Renton. Following two briefings, a public hearing, and deliberations,the Planning Commission and City staff recommended keeping the maximum number of stores allowed in Renton at five.This zoning would become effective through the adoption of Ordinance No.5816 (see.belowJ, which, if adopted,wil� become effective on November 6, 2016. However, City Attorney Larry Warren explained that the adoption of this proposed interim zoning ordinance would need to be adopted via two readings this evening as an emergency ordinance, so as to avoid a gap in zoning regulations where six stores would be allowable. Public Comment was invited. Following this clarification, and there being no public comment, it was MOVED BY PRlNCE,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIEp. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2016 and beyond. Items noted were regarding: • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. October 3, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - . � �, � � � � � � r � � �' �� o � ' � . I� � � '� ' � � Public Hearing � October 3, 2016 � m Z ���� �� n ♦ +�,=. y � ",, � � �, Purpose of Tanigh� • Council adopted interim zoning setting the maximum number of retail marijuana stores at 5 f • October 5, 2015 � Interim zoning is effective for 1 year, unless renewed � • Requires a public hearing � � � m Z � _ ---�,,,�- +� _. RE N T O N �;.�.`'.3 ,y WASHiNGTON ����� � � Ahead of the Curve � � Marijuana • September 2015, liquor and Cannabis Board notified Renton new application period open -- No limit on number of retail stores � � October 2015, City adopts interim zoning . . . '� -- Set I�m�t at 5 reta i I sto res ; -- Basis was intent to consolidate retail and medical '' • Initia! allocation was 3 retail stores • 2 Collective Gardens � � Januar 2016 LCB allocates Renton 6 total stores � y � m z ___ ° ----.�..,r,,,� � n RE N T t�►N 1���u ���� -� WASFilNGTt7N � � Ahead af the Curve � �. Marijuana � Staff engaged i n work progra m to forma I ly consider maximum number of retail marijuana stores � -- I n itiated Ma rch 2016 — Planning Commission : 2 briefings, public hearing, deliberations — Planning Commission and staff recommended maximum 5 stores -- Planning & Development Committee concurred � ''i with recommendation and recommended � �� . m I adoption o �_-�'.`� ��� � � �� i�ENTON ,� m � � � � � Ahead af the Curve � �. Marijuan� • 4rd #5816 presented for first reading — September 26, 2016 � • Second reading on tonight's agenda -- October 3, 2016 • However, wil ! not be effective prior to expiration of interim zoning (october s, 2016� • To ensure City's intent to have no more than 5 � retail marijuana stores is preserved, interim �� n zoning should be extended m z � n_ __--..� � _ i RENT+DN ,� i� m WASHFNGTON � Ahead of the Curve � � Nex� Steps • Ordinance extending interim zoning on tonight's agenda � � If adopted, Ordinance #5816 effective November 6, 2016 -- Terminates interim zonin �� g � n c� z n__.--�..,,�,� � _ �_ RENTON ��� � .�� � � n�i 1NASHtNGTQN � Ahead of the Curve � � • � ' " �, .„�;, A GENDA ITEM #4, a) � � � � t�.�. 4y ����ii � �� � � x � r:� . . ,. . - . _, �3.�: � . nx*�`"�`� - � � � � � f� I�> � u � � . �z, �.z ��` �. � ,>�.�. * ., �� � �'i%.,. . �� ` . .� ti �rrr ,� d) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on September 26, 2016 ciaims vouchers 350143—350157, 350178—350574 and 5077—5Q79, SQ88-5095,four wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$6,688,207.23 and payrotl vouchers including 704 direct deposits and 59 payroll vouchers totaling$1,369,469.96. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMEN�ATION.CARRIED. e) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Forma Cantract(JQC-02j Work Order in the amount of $162,965.59 for the Parks Maintenance North�uilding Interior Upgrade. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CUNCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDQTION.CARRIED. f) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve Amendment No. 2 to CAG-16-129 with The City of Seattle Office af Sustainability and Environment to accept additional FINI Grant Funding for 2016(increasing the amount by$5,232.50),to fund an incentive program for shoppers using their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. lEGI5LAT10N Ordinance for first reading: � � � � a) Ordinance No. 5816:An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1-250 of Chapter 1, , Administration and Enforcement,Section 4-4-080 of Chapter 4,City-Wide Property ,�n'��1• Development Standards,and Section 4-11-r30 of Chapter 11, Definitions,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of the Renton Municipal Code, by amending marijuana zoning and I�w parking regulations,and adding and amending definitions. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING.CARRIED. Ordinance for second and fina!reading: b) Ordinance No.5815:An ordinance was read amending subsection 10-11-1.6 of the Renton Municipal Code, increasing the speed limit on Southeast May Valley Road and Nile Avenue Northeast from twenty-five (25)miles per hour to thirty (30) miles per hour; and establishing an effective date. MOVED BY P�REZ,SECONDEQ BY PERSSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. � MOVED BY P�REZ,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNGL REFER THE TOPIC OF KING CUUNTY'S COMMITMENT TO WORK WITN THE CITY TO REIOCATE THE TRANSIT CENTER TO A NEW STATION AT RAINIER AVE.S AND S.GRADY WAY;AND AN UPDATE OF THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN TO THE TRANSPORTATIQN COMMITTEE. CARRIED. September 26, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES � �` AGENDA ITEM # 8, a) � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION� -�59 OF CHAPTER 1, � , �689-�F'CHAPTER 4, , AND CHAPTER 11, , T ����QT��' ^�; OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, BY AMENDING MARIJUANA ZONING AND PARKING REGULATIONS, AND ADDING AND AMENDING DEFINITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Renton adopted interim zoning that limited the number of retail marijuana stores in the City to five (5); and WHEREAS,the interim zoning was adopted to allow time to engage in a work program to consider allowing six (6) retail stores, as allocated by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board; and �rr►' WHEREAS,the City also needed to consider and evaluate amendments to City regulations regarding marijuana in response to amendments to State laws regarding marijuana, such as allowing some buffers from sensitive uses to be reduced, and to allow for a public process; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission duly studied and considered regulations for recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the matter of the proposed regulations for recreational marijuana on August 17, 2016; and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission deliberated and made a recommendation regarding recreational marijuana on September 7, 2016; and WHEREAS,the Council held a public hearing on October 3, 2016; � 1 "`'� `� AGENDA ITEM # 8. a) ORDINANCE NO. � NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-1-250, Marijuana Regulations, of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: 4-1-250 MARIJUANA REGULATIONS: A. PURPOSE: The City of Renton, in an effort to comply with state law, has adopted marijuana laws that are intended to be consistent with Chapter 69.50 RCW, Uniform Controlled Substances Act, and Chapter 69.51A RCW, Medical Cannabis, as they exist or may be amended. � B. AUTHORITY: The City of Renton derives its authority to act on marijuana use, production, processing, a� sales and cooperatives within its jurisdiction from Washington State Constitution Article XI,Section 11, Police and Sanitary Regulations; Chapters 69.50 and 69.51A RCW, as they exist or may be amended; its authority to regulate zoning within its jurisdiction;and any and all other authority granted to Renton by the State Legislature and the Washington State Liquor �e� and Cannabis Board. C. COOPERATIVES AND TRANSPORTERS: Mariivana cooperatives are not allowed in the Citv and mariivana transporters shall not be licensed in the City. � 2 � � AGENDA ITEM # 8, a) ORDINANCE N0. �rr� D�. BUSINESS REGULATION: By accepting a license issued pursuant to this chapter and/or Chapter 5-5 RMC, Business Licenses, as they exist or may be amended, a licensee, jointly and severally, if more than one, agrees to indemnify and defend the City, its officers, elected officials, employees, attorneys, agents, insurers, and self-insurance pool, if any, against all liability, claims and demands, on account of injury, loss or damage, including, without limitation, claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with the operation of the marijuana-related business that is the subject of the license.The licensee further agrees to investigate, handle, respond to, and to provide defense � for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at its expense, and to bear all other costs and expenses related thereto, including court costs and attorney fees. The Administrative Services Administrator may require a licensee to execute a written instrument confirming the provisions of this chapter. E.�LICENSE REQUIREMENT: All business licenses related to marijuana shall contain language that substantially conforms to the following: 1. Renton shall not be responsible or liable for any claim, defense, or anything related to the operation of a marijuana-related business activity. 2. By signing the business license application, the licensee accepts, agrees and acknowledges that it shall not have any claim again Renton related to any � 3 `�' '``� AGENDA 1TEM # 8. a) ORDINANCE N0. � claim, defense, or loss related to the operation of a marijuana-related business activity, and that the applicant shall hold Renton absolutely harmless for any such claim, defense or loss. This Section shall govern the licensee's responsibilities in the event of a claim, defense, or loss related to the operation of a marijuana- related business activity. 3. By signing the business license application, the licensee accepts, agrees and acknowledges that under federal law, and more specifically the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution, Article VI, Paragraph 2, federal law generally takes precedence over Washington State laws,and even the Washington State Constitution. 4. Based on the supremacy clause and federal law in general,the applicant � may still be subject to arrest, prosecution,imprisonment,and/or fines for violating federal law, Renton shall have no duty, responsibility, or liability based on any of those events, and that Renton may be the entity to arrest, prosecute, imprison or fine the applicant. F.€:PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING CITY LICENSE FOR MARUUANA USE: 1. Any marijuana retailer, producer, or processor must obtain and maintain a valid Washin�ton State Liquor and Cannabis Board license or endorsement to sell, produce or process marijuana in the City of Renton at the State approved location. � 4 � "'�" AGENDA ITEM # 8, a) ORDINANCE N0. � , �-�- 2. Upon timely obtaining a marijuana license or endorsement from the State and complying with the City Zoning Code and other applicable City codes, and upon application and payment of all appropriate taxes and/or fees, a City business license may be issued. `• 'r—�:�rrG. LOCATION: 1. Marijuana zoning can be found in RMC 4-2-060. 2. As defined and measured in WAC 314-55 and as authorized under RCW 59.50.331, mariivana retailers producers and processors shall not be located a. Within one thousand feet (1 000') of anv elementarv or secondarv � school, plav�round public park or public transit center and b. Within seven hundred fiftv feet (750') of anv recreation center or facilitv, child care center librarv or�ame arcade H. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MARUUANA RETAIL LICENSES: The Citv will issue no more than five (5) business licenses to mariivana retailers. The licenses shall be issued to the first five (5) applicants that hold valid licenses from the Washin�ton State Liquor and Cannabis Board and complv with City zonin�and development requirements The date applications are received bv the Citv shall be used for the purpose of determinin� order SECTION II. The Commercial Activities Outside of the Center powntown Zone and Except Shopping Centers section of subsection 4-4-080.F.10.d, Parking Spaces Based � 5 "�'' � AGENDA 1TEM # 8, a) ORD�NANCE N0. on Land Use, of Chapter 4, City-Wide Development Standards, of Title IV (Development � Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended to add a new row labeled "Retail Marijuana," to read as shown below.The rest of the subsection shall remain as currently codified, except for the addition in SECTION III of this ordinance. USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE OF THE CENTER DOWNT�WN ZONE AND EXCEPT ' SHOPPING CENTERS: Drive-through retail or Stacking spaces:The drive-through facility shall be so located drive-through service: that sufficient on-site vehicle stacking space is provided for the handling of motor vehicles using such facility during peak business hours.Typically 5 stacking spaces per window are required unless otherwise determined by the Community and Economic Development Administrator. Stacking spaces cannot obstruct required parking spaces or ingress/egress within the site or extend into the public right-of-way. Banks: A minimum of 2.5 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area and a � maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area except when part of a shopping center. Convalescent centers: A minimum and maximum of 1 for every 2 employees plus 1 for every 3 beds. Day care centers,adult day A minimum and maximum of 1 for each employee and 2 drop- care (I and II): off/pick-up spaces within 100 feet of the main entrance for every 25 clients of the program. Hotels and motels: A minimum and maximum of 1 per guest room plus 1 for every 3 employees. Bed and breakfast houses: A minimum and maximum of 1 per guest room. Mortuaries or funeral A minimum and maximum of 10 per 1,000 square feet of floor homes: area of assembly rooms. Vehicle sales(large and A minimum and maximum of 1 per 5,000 square feet. The sales small vehicles)with outdoor area is not a parking lot and does not have to comply with retail sales areas: dimensional requirements, landscaping or the bulk storage section requirements for setbacks and screening. Any arrangement of motor vehicles is allowed as long as: • A minimum 5-foot perimeter landscaping area is provided; � 6 � `"� AGENDA ITEM # 8, a) ORDINANCE N0. �rrrr • They are not displayed in required landscape areas; and • Adequate fire access is provided per Fire Department approval. Vehicle service and repair A minimum and maximum of 2.5 per 1,000 square feet of net (large and small vehicies): floor area. Offices, medical and dental: A minimum and maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. Offices,general: A minimum of 2.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area and a maximum of 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. Eating and drinking A minimum and maximum of 10 per 1,000 square feet of dining establishments and taverns: area. Eating and drinking A minimum and maximum of 1 per 75 square feet of dining establishment combination area. sit-down/drive-through resta ura nt: Retai) sales and big-box A minimum and maximum of 2.5 per 1,000 square feet of net retail sales: floor area, except big-box retail sales, which is allowed a � maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area if shared and/or structured parking is provided. Retail Mariivana: A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5 0 per 1 000 square feet of net floor area. Services,on-site (except as A minimum and maximum of 3.0 per 1,000 square feet of net specified below): floor area. Clothing or shoe repair A minimum and maximum of 2.0 per 1,000 square feet of net shops,furniture,appliance, floor area. hardware stores, household equipment: Uncovered commercial area, A minimum and maximum of 0.5 per 1,000 square feet of retail outdoor nurseries: sales area in addition to any parking requirements for buildings. Recreational and entertainment uses: Outdoor and indoor sports A minimum and maximum of 1 for every 4 fixed seats or 10 per arenas, auditoriums, 1,000 square feet of floor area of main auditorium or of stadiums, movie theaters, principal place of assembly not containing fixed seats, and entertainment clubs: whichever is greater. Bowling alleys: A minimum and maximum of 2 per alley. � 7 '�''` � AGENDA 1TEM # 8. a) ORDINANCE N0. � Dance halls,dance clubs, A minimum and maximum of 1 per 40 square feet of net floor and skating rinks: area. Golf driving ranges: A minimum and maximum of 1 per driving station. Marinas: A minimum and maximum of 2 per 3 slips. For private marina associated with a residential complex,then 1 per 3 slips. Also 1 loading area per 25 slips. Miniature golf courses: A minimum and maximum of 1 per hole. Other recreational: A minimum and maximum of 1 per occupant based upon 50% of the maximum occupant load as established by the adopted Building and Fire Codes of the City of Renton. Travel trailers: A minimum and maximum of 1 per trailer site. SECTION II1. The Commercial Activities Within the Center powntown Zone section of subsection 4-4-080.F.10.d, Parking Spaces Based on Land Use, of Chapter 4, City-Wide Development Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton � Municipal Code, is amended to add a new row labeled "Retail Marijuana," to read as shown below.The rest of the subsection shall remain as currently codified, except for the addition in SECTION II of this ordinance. USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE CENTER DOWNTOWN tONE: Convalescent center, drive-through These uses follow the standards applied outside retail, drive-through service, hotels, the Center powntown Zone. mortuaries, indoor sports arenas, auditoriums, movie theaters, entertainment clubs, bowling alleys, dance halls, dance clubs,and other recreational uses: Retail Marijuana: A minimum of 4 0 and a maximum of 5.0 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. All commercial uses allowed in the CD A maximum of 1 space per 1,000 square feet of net Zone except for the uses listed above: floor area, with no minimum requirement. � 8 � 1`"�'' AGENDA ITEM # 8, a) ORDINANCE NO. � SECTION IV. Section 4-11-130, Definitions M, of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code is amended to add definitions of "Marijuana Cooperative" and "Marijuana Transporter" in alphabetical order and to read as shown below, and to amend the definitions of"Marijuana Processor," "Marijuana Producer"and "Marijuana Retail," as follows: MARIJUANA COOPERATIVE: Persons that as ualified atients or desi nated roviders, as defined bv RCW 69 51A share responsibilitv for acquirin� and supplyin� the resources needed to produce and process mariivana in the residence of one of the members MARUUANA PROCESSOR: A person or business entity that is licensed by the � Washington State Liquor �t�e.4 and Cannabis Board, under RCW 69.50.325 (Marijuana producer's license) and/or RCW 69.50.328 (Marijuana producers, processors—No direct or indirect financial interest in licensed marijuana retailers), and related sections of the RCW, as they exist or may be amended, to process, package, and label useable marijuana and marijuana-infused products for sale at wholesale to marijuana retailers. MARIJUANA PRODUCER: A person or business entity that is licensed by the Washington State Liquor �e� and Cannabis Board, under RCW 69.50.325 (Marijuana producer's license), and related sections of the RCW, as they exist or may be amended, to produce and sell marijuana at wholesale to marijuana processors and other marijuana producers. � 9 "'�' `� AGENDA 1TEM # 8. a) ORDINANCE N0. MARUUANA RETAIL: A person or business entity that is licensed by the � Washington State Liquor �e� and Cannabis Board, under RCW 69.50.354 (Retail outlets licenses), RCW 69.50.357 (Retail outlets — Rules), and related sections of the RCW, as they exist or may be amended, to sell useable marijuana and/or marijuana infused products and restrict entry to the premises to persons twenty one (21)years of age and older. MARUUANA TRANSPORTER� A person or business entity that is licensed bv the Washin�ton State Liquor and Cannabis Board under RCW 69.50.385 (Common carriers Licensin�—State liquor and cannabis board to adopt rulesl, and related sections of the RCW as thev exist or mav be amended to transport mariivana plants useable mariivana and/or mariivana infused products to other mariivana � licensees. SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordinance's title PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2016. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk � 10 � `"�'` AGENDA ITEM # 8, a) ORDINANCE N0. �` APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of 2016. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1933:9/12/16:scr � � 11 v � � g) AB-1756 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Addendum No. 2 to CAG-15-224 with Tetra Tech, inc., in the amount af$431,754,for Phase 2 of the Cedar River Section 205 Project Levee Certification. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNCIt CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, MINU5ITEM 6.E.CARRIED. ITEM 6.E-SEPARATE CONSIDERATION e) AB-1758 Police Department recommended approval of an Interagency Agreement with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to receive$12,500 in grant funds for the purpose of conducting multi-jurisdictional, high visibility enforcement traffic safety emphasis patrols to reduce traffic related deaths and serious injuries. Council Concur. ' MOVED BY PAVONE,5ECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.E.AS COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Planning&Development Committee Vice Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending �� concurrence with the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to adopt the proposed amendments to incarporate low impact development principles and practices into RMC Title 4 and Title 9.The Planning and Development Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding these amendments be prepared and presented when complete. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONQED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. b) Planning&Deveiopment Committee Vice Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending concurrence with the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to adopt amendments to the development regulations to allow Unit Lot Subdivisions in the R-10, R-14, and RMF zones and to establish standards far such subdivisions.The Committee further recommended that an ordinance for this item be prepared and presented for first reading. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONpED BY PAVONE, COUNCI!CCINCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENpATION.CARRIED. c) Planning&Oevelopment Committee Vice Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending concurrence with the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to adopt regulations to /��r� adopt a maximum of five retail marijuana stores in the City, to establish parking requirements for retail marijuana stores,and to not allow marijuana cooperatives or transporters.The Plannin � �� and Development Committee reviewed and amended the buffer distance required from sensg ive uses to retain a minimum 1,000 feet.The Committee recommends first reading of the ordinance on September 26, 2016. Finally, the Planning&Oevelapment Committee further recommended the interim zoning for marijuana be extended. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. September 26,2p16 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES � wr� PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE �������� �� COMMITTEE REPORT [,����y �,,�� ����� �1.J'u � . '\.�=✓�: September 26, 2016 a���:=,.w�LL ___ �y Regulations for Legalized Marijuana Work Program Referred on January 6, 2014 The Planning and Development Committee concurs with the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to adopt regulations to adopt a maximum of five retail marijuana stores in the City, to establish parking requirements for retail marijuana stores, and to not allow marijuana cooperatives or transporters. The Planning and Development Committee reviewed and amended the buffer distance required from sensitive uses to retain a minimum 1,000 feet. The Committee authorizes first reading of the ordinance on September 26, 2016. Finally, the Planning & Development Committee further recommends the interim zoning for marijuana be extended. E rince, Chair � .---- , f'`� ! - n M rvin, Vice Chair ondo Pavone, Member cc: Chip Vincent,CED Administrator STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of RENTON CITY COUNCIL general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN � that the Renton Ciry Council has prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in fixed the 3ra aay of o�cobe�, the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King 2016 at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public heazing to be County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as held in the seventh floor Council a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Chambers of Renton c��y xau, Washin ton for Kin Count . loss S. Grady way, Renco,,, g g �' 98057,to consider the following: The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues Extension �not co eX�eed s�X of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was montns> of the interim Zo„�ng established by Ordinance regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. as�so cnac i�m;ts cne n�mber of � licensed retail marijuana busi- The annexed notice, a: ness within the City of Renton I Public Notice to fi�e. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments was published on September 23, ZOIC). regarding the proposal. Renton C�ty Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Ac[, and in[erpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provid- ed upon prior notice. Call The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is (425) 430-6510 for additional ;,,- � the sum of$82.63. f°°"at;°°. Jason A.Seth,CMC City Clerk '� Published in the Renton Reporter �;,^�j^?..� �(.�� September 23,2016.#1700388. "Linda Mills Legal Advertising Representative,Renton Reporter ubscribed a sworn to me this 23rd day of September, 2016. ale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,Washington 3 C�NSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Ac�M°dc�were adopted with one motion,followr`l�'rhe listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of September 12, 2016.Council Concur. b) AB-1739 City Attorney Department recommended adopting a resolution assigning the City's rights and obligations for Basic life Support Services, provided by King County,to the Renton Regional Fire Authority.Council Concur. c) AB-1753 Community&Economic Development Department recommended setting a public � �� hearing on 10/3/2016 to consider extending interim zaning limiting the number of retail ��y marijuana stores that will be licensed in the City of Renton. Council Concur;Set public hearing on 10/3/2016. d) AB-1751 Community Services Department recommended setting a public hearing on 10/10/2016 to consider approving the 2016 Community Development Block Grant allocation of funds for human services. Council Concur;Set public hearing on 10/10/2016. e) AB-1752 Transportation Systems Division submitted the LED Conversion of City-dwned Street lights Project(CAG-12-120);and requested appraval of the project and release of the retainage of$154,953.95, once all�required releases are obtained. Council Concur. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA,AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending NOT authorizing the expenditure of$98,274.22 to complete the Airport Blast Wall Artwork Project. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. b) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Pere2 presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a General Services Contract Agreement with Western Systems, Inc.for the Siemens Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique Adaptive Signal Control Technology System for the SW 43rd Street/SE Carr Road/SE 176th Street/SE Petrovitsky Road Corridar Safety Project in an amount not to exceed$406,251.55,plus any applicable state and local sales tax. MOVED BY P�REZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. c) Transportation(Aviationj Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the Ordinance amending Renton Municipal Code 10-11-1.8 to include the speed limit on SE May Valley Rd. and Nile Ave. NE be established at 30 (thirty) miles per hour. MOVED BY P�REZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE tOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. September 19,2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES `� � AGENDA ITEM #7, c) AB - 1753 CITY OF 4 ---._= enton � . �- • • -. � . SUBJECT/TITLE: Extension of Marijuana Interim Zoning RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Community& Economic Development STAFF CONTACT: Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manager EXT.: 6576 . . � � . N/A ' ' � � • Interim zoning ordinance#5750 limited the number of retail marijuana stores that will be licensed in the City to five. Staff has been engaged in a work program to formally codify a maximum number of retail marijuana stores and make other amendments to the marijuana regulations. That work program is nearly complete. However, ordinances are not effective until five days after publication so the ordinance adopting maximum number of retail marijuana stores and other amendments will not be effective before the interim zoning expires on October 5, 2016. State law allows the interim zoning to be extended for up to six months if Council holds a public hearing and makes findings of fact. Staff would like Council to set a public hearing for October 3, 2016 to consider extending this interim zoning. None . � � , � Council concur to set a public hearing for October 3, 2016. � � � � � � ar� uana � . . n er� m on � n . x ens � on Public Hearin � �� g October 3, 2016 � m Z � CITY t�F n ` - �, m � � .o� Purpose of Tonight • Council adopted interim zoning setting the maximum number of retail marijuana stores at 5 � • October 5, 2015 • Interim zoning is effective for 1 year, unless renewed • Requires a public hearing � n � � 0 �------..,,,� n RENT4N �` y WASHINGTON � � Ahead of the Gurve � �. �:. �, �; �, � �, Marijuana • September 2015, liquor and Cannabis Board notified Renton new application period open — No limit on number of retail stores � • October 2015, City adopts interim zoning — Set I i m it at 5 reta i I sto res ' — Basis was intent to consolidate retail and medical • Initial allocation was 3 retaif stores • 2 Collective Gardens � • Januar 2016 lCB allocates Renton 6 total stores � y � m � 0 _._-----_.,,� � n RENT4N ,y m WASHlNGTON � Ahead of the Curve � �. Marijuana • Staff engaged in work program to formally consider maximum number of retail marijuana sto re s � -- Initiated March 2016 — Planning Commission: 2 briefings, public hearing, deliberations — Planning Commission and staff recommended maximum 5 stores — Planning & Development Committee concurred � with recommendation and recommended n � Z adoption o _ ---....� � n 1�ENT4N „� m WASHINGTOtV � Ahead of the Curve � � �.. �:; �. � � � Marijuana • Ord #5816 presented for first reading -- September 26, 2016 . . , � • Second reading on tonight s agenda -- Octo be r 3, 2016 • However wiil not be effective rior to ' , p expiration of interim zoning (october s, 2016) • To ensure City's intent to have no more than 5 retail mari'uana stores is reserved, interim � 1 p n zoning should be extended m z 0 ---`-.,,� � n RENT4N � m WASFitNGTON � Ahead of the Curve � � Next Steps • Ordinance extending interim zoning on tonight's agenda � • If adopted, Ordinance #5816 effective November 6, 2016 — Terminates interim zoning � n c� m z v _.._._-----•.,,�,` � �, i�ENT�N ,� m WASHINGTON � Ahead of the Curve � � � �_ � �"' � AGENDA ITEM #4, a) � ;, � ' � � � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 3rd day of October, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 5. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: Extension (not to exceed six months) of the interim zoning established by Ordinance#5750 that limits the number of licensed retail marijuana business within the City of Renton to five. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call (425) 430-6510 for additional information. � r ason A. Seth, CMC City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter September 23, 2016 Account No. 50640 December 8 2014 �✓` Renton Cit Council Minutes �` Pa e 371 pay a fee in lieu of replacing trees when it is determined by the Administrator that site constraints preclude the planting of replacement trees. Fees would go to the City's Urban Forestry Program. D-112 Administrative Code Interpretations: Sixteen interpretations,which have already been in effect, are proposed to have their related code language updated. � The Committee recommended that the ordinances regarding D-101, D-104, D- 105, D-106, D-108, D-109,and D-112 be presented for first reading on 1/5/2015. MOVED PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4236 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on accepting applications for CED: Medical Marijuana, business licenses or permits for medical marijuana businesses and Moratorium Extension establishments involved in the sale, manufacture, distribution or use of inedical � marijuana;and establishing a termination date for the moratorium. MOVED BY � ����� PRINCE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading and adoption: CED:Sunset Master Plan E�S An ordinance was read establishing a planned action for the Sunset Area pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5740 After second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was CED:Sunset Master Plan EIS MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCILADOPTTHE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE#5741 An ordinance was read amending Subsection 1-3-1.B. of Chapter 3, Remedies Attorney:Amend RMC 1-3-1.6. and Penalties, of Title I (Administrative),of City Code,allowing for the City's use of the South Correctional Entity Regional Jail or another appropriate facility for the imposition ofjail time. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5742 An ordinance was read amending Subsection 6-28-6.C. of Chapter 28, Race Attorney:Amend RMC 6-28- Attendance,of Title VI (Police Regulations), of City Code, updating the penalties 6.C. for violating a Stay Out of Areas of Racing("SOAR"j Order to be consistent with RMC 1-3-1. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Taylor reported that he recently attended the Local Progress Council: Local Progress, convening in New York City. He remarked that Local Progress is a policy Conference Attendance network of progressive-minded local elected officials from across the country, united in the commitments of shared prosperity,equal justice under the law, livable cities,and good government that serves the public's interests. + December 8 2014 �` Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 369 � Enjoy Clam Lights at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, nightly from 5 to 9 p.m.,through January 1, 2015. � Start your new year off with a quick dip in the icy waters of LakE Washington at the Annual Polar Bear Dip, 11 a.m.on Thursday,January 1, at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. No registration in required and a life guard will be on duty. Mayor Law thanked Community Relations& Event Coordinator Sonja Mejlaender for coordinating the Clam Lights event. He also thanked everyone in the Community Services and Public Works Departments for their hard work making City events enjoyable for all residents. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Mayor Law removed Consent Agenda Item 7.f.from consideration. Council: 11/24/2014 Council Approva)of Council meeting minutes of 11/24/2014. Council concur. Meeting Minutes Council: 12/1/2014 Council Approval of Council meeting minutes of 12/1/2014. Counci) concur. Meeting Minutes Council: 12/2/2014 Special Approval of Special Meeting/Committee of the Whole minutes of 12/2/2014. Meeting/Committee of the Council concur. Whole Minutes Court Case: DeLaTorre, CRT- Court case filed by Melinda De La Torre v. City of Renton, et al. Refer to C� 14-012 Attornev and Insurance Services. CED: Medical Marijuana, Community and Economic Development Department recommended adoption Moratorium Extension of a resolution extending the moratorium on accepting applications for �� ���Q,/ business licenses or permits for medical marijuana businesses. Council concur. (See page 371 for resolution.) u...,,�., o...-.,��. . rt,�.,..., � - o a �' L nn +n .+ +. .,a.,.� ., -,I fr,,.,..�niri n �., c„If �.,.-��.-,,.� + �, „�.,,..,, �ni-,.-ti�.,�.+,,., r�+�„� i.,�....,., „ n,�rw,,.�+., o � _ �e��AA,898-�ereeearrenEe �^��^��'��^���� MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA M�INUS ITEM 7.f. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Counci) President Persson presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the CED: Sunset Master Plan EIS Amended Sunset Area Planned Action,and recommended authorization of first and second reading and adoption of the amended Sunset Area Planned Action Ordinance on 12/8/2014. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See page 372 for ordinance.) Police: Car Thefts Council President Persson remarked that the Police Department presented an anti-auto theft video to Council a few weeks ago. He noted that Detective Onishi reported that eight cars were stolen between November 28 and December 1, 2014. He stated that four of the eight cars were left running in the cold weather. He reminded everyone to turn off their vehicles and lock them up. • , "�►' �,,,f+ CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL �� e. Subject/Title: Meeting: Extension on Moratorium for Medical Marijuana REGULAR COUNCIL-08 Dec 2014 Permitting and Business Licenses Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Resolution Community and Economic Development � Staff Contact: C. E. "Chip" Vincent, x6588 Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal lmpact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: Council held a public hearing on October 27, 2014 on extending the moratorium on accepting applications for business licenses or permits for medical marijuana businesses. The State Legislature had legislation regarding medical marijuana pending but failed to take meaningful action and there is no assurance that the State Legislature will take meaningful action in the 2015 session. Adopting a six months moratorium extension will allow the City time to consider its own legislation controlling the medical marijuana businesses that wish to locate within the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution extending the moratorium on accepting applications for business licenses or permits for medical marijuana businesses. � '�,' ''�i' • CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINE55 LICENSES OR PERMITS FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA BUSINESSES AND ESTABLISHMENTS INVOLVED IN THE SALE, MANUFACTURE, DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA; AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS,state Initiative 697 legalized medical marijuana;and WHEREAS, a moratorium was established by Resolution No. 4199, on November 4, 2013, to provide the Planning Commission with a staff recommendation, and fonivard the Planning Commission's recommendation along with the staff's recommendation to the City Council;and WHEREAS, the moratorium was extended by Resolution No. 4211, on March 17, 2014, as the State Legislature had legislation regarding medical marijuana pending but the legislature failed to take meaningful action; and WHEREAS,there is no assurance that the State Legislature will take meaningful action in the 2015 session;and WHEREAS, such uncertainty means that the City needs to consider its own legislation controlling the medical marijuana businesses that wish to locate within the City; and WHEREAS,the City Council held a public hearing on October 27, 2014; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. 1 • ' �l,�r �yr RESOLUTION N0. SECTION II. The City Council hereby declares a moratorium upon the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of any permit applications or licenses by or for new medical marijuana establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture or processing of medical marijuana. SECTION III. The interim zoning control set forth in this resolution shall be in effect through April 30,2015, unless subsequently extended by the City Council pursuant to state law. SECTION IV. A public hearing was held on October 27, 2014. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of .2014. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of . 2013. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney R ES:1654:11/21/14:scr 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal � Advertising Representative of the ' CITY OF RENTON li NOTICE OF ' PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton Reporter NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton Ciry Council has fixed the 27th day of October, 2014,at 7:00 p.m.as the date and a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of c+roe for a public hearing to be general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months held in the seventh floor Council �' Chambers of Renton City Hall, prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in �oss S. Grady way, Renton, the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King wa 9sos�, to cons�der cne following: County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as a s�X-mon�, extension, as ae- a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of clared on September �s, ao�a Washin ton for Kin COUrit . by adoption of Resolution g g y No. 4224, of the moratorium The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues ae��azea on November 4, ao�3 of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was by adoption of Resolution No. 4211, on the submission, regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. a��ept�,�e, processing or The annexed notice, a: approval of applications or li- Public Notice censes by or�for new business Iicenses or rmits for new establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufac- ture, distribution or processing was published on October 10, 2014 and October 17, 2014. ofined�ca�mar��uana. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present ,.,*;a''`''`i�`•3�y g�i� written or oral comments regard- C �,? � . ing the proposal. Renton City T'he full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is � � ;�, k ,�,rpx,,,� xan �s �� compliance with the � the sum of$168.00. - '_ ' '' �i. American Disabilities Act, and ` ¢`4 :n<,; ` "�';'��; interpretive services for the heaz- � '" ` ;, ing impaired will be provided ��_ -?,���� ,, ��� �_ . -- upon prior notice. For informa- ,�����' �i /i�� tion,call 425-430-6510. ��.'rrida M. Mills l��, � :,tr `�f ��'!� .►asonA.Seth � ,� � � Acting City Clerk Legal Advertising Representative, ReritOri RepOI'�eT' �t: ' Published in the Renton Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 17th day of October, 2014. E ;� ';�{ October �o, Zo�a and October _,, `� 17,2014.#1157572 G �� , � �',(.e�zx� �� �L��f�tlz� Kathleen C. Sherman, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Buckley,Washington � � � . RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27, 2014 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Denis Law called the meeting of the Renton City Councii to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF DON PERSSON, Councii President; MARCIE PALMER; RANDY CORMAN; GREG COUNCILMEMBERS TAYLOR;ARMONDO PAVONE; ED PRINCE. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBER TERRI BRIERE. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE DENIS LAW, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer;ZANETTA FONTES,Senior Assistant City Attorney;JASON SETH,Acting City Clerk; IWEN WANG,Administrative Services Administrator; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Public Works Administrator; CHIP VINCENT, Community and Economic Development Administrator;JAMIE THOMAS, Fiscal Services Director;ANGIE MATHIAS, Senior Planner; COMMANDER JON SCHULD, Police Department. Council President Persson requested a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting incident. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring November 2014 to be "DECA DECA Month & Hazen DECA Month and Hazen DECA Entrepreneurship Month" in the City of Renton and Entrepreneurship Month— encouraging everyone to join in this special observance. MOVED BY TAYLOR, November 2014 SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Gene Kolcynski, Lindbergh High School,thanked City officials for recognizing the achievements of the Renton School District DECA students. He added that Hazen High School's entrepreneurship program exemplifies what DECA students are doing in Renton's high schools. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in CED:Six-month Extension of accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to Medical Marijuana consider the six-month extension, as declared on September 15, 2014,of the Moratorium moratorium on the acceptance of business licenses and permits for medical � marijuana businesses declared on November 4, 2013. Q� 1rp� Senior Planner Angie Mathias reported that the City is required by State law to � hold a public hearing within 60 days of declaring the six-month extension of the i moratorium. She explained that the purpose of the hearing is to rovide the P public with an opportunity to speak in favor or opposition of the moratorium extension. She also clarified that the moratorium is related to the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of applications or licenses by or for new business licenses or permits for new establishments in the sale, use,growing, manufacture, distribution or processing of inedical marijuana only. Ms. Mathias reported that the City has already adopted regulations related to the zoning of recreational marijuana. She explained that the State Liquor Control Board regulates recreational marijuana,and controls the issuance of licenses for producers, processors, and retailers. She added that the recreational marijuana industry is highly regulated, and noted that the medical marijuana industry is not. October 27, 2014 � Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 317 � Concluding, Ms. Mathias reported that the City declared the moratorium because the administration anticipates that the State legislature will take action to align the regulations regarding the recreational and medical marijuana industries. She stated that moratorium also prevents businesses from vesting to regulations that are anticipated to be changed by the State legislature. Public comment was invited. Howard McOmber(Renton) acknowledged that the City is not going to take any action on this issue until the State provides further guidance. He urged Council to apply as liberal a policy as possible for medicinal cannabis when making its final decision on this issue. He also remarked that he believes medicinal cannabis to be no more harmful than over-the-counter headache medicines. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report CED: Enclave at Bridle Ridge recommending that the City Council AFFIRM the Hearing Examiner's Final Decision on Reconsideration (Final Decision)on August 13, 2014, subject to the suggested modifications made below. Facts: On October 23, 2014,the Planning and Development Committee (PDCj,with a quorum, heard the closed hearing arguments of the Appellants, Roger and Jason Paulsen, and the applicant's/developer's representative, attorney Brent Carson. Staff, represented by Jill Ding, provided a basic overview of the project with a PowerPoint presentation which was followed by the Appellant's argument. Findin�s of Fact and Conclusions of Law: The PDC reviewed the materials before the closed hearing, and the Parties stayed within the record. After careful consideration of the arguments;the hundreds of pages of documents, including the Final Decision,the PDC does not find any substantial error that warrants reversal of the Hearing Examiner's Final Decision. As a result,the PDC adopts the Hearing Examiner's Final Decision, in its entirety, subject to the modifications noted below. Concerning the positions of the parties,the PDC understands that one of the Appellants' concerns relates to the volume of traffic that utilizes 156th Ave. SE. It appears that this volume may be the result of people seeking to avoid or bypass I-405 and other passageways in the vicinity. Traffic operating at LOS F (the worst possible level), is not desirable and needs to be corrected. Furthermore,the PDC understands that traffic along 156th Ave. SE is a problem now,will continue to be a problem in the future,even without this development, and that the addition of up to nine more trips during rush hour will not make it better. Notwithstanding this fact and the anticipated poor access,the PDC does not believe that the solution to the existing problem and the anticipated problem is to prevent the development of Enclave at Bridle Ridge. An effective solution must address the flow and/or amount of traffic along 156th Ave. SE. As a result,the PDC recommends the following: f � � (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 . Name: Name: Address. Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: ToPic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: Address: `\ City: Zip.Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: ` �� y��l,,��C��� � �'`�`l,[yy� �enda item No.: Y�-���-�� �� �',�,t. RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING �, PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE� DATE: 1 a 2� 2!� y- PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 1 . 5 Name: �� � c�..� Name: Address: � Address: City: 1 1GW��4� Zip Code: �'1���� City: Zip Code: EmaiL• �i Email: Topic: �,R�` -�c�d.�-fL V��`4X�C�- T�t�C0.. Topic: 2 _ _ 6 Name:��C'E w U Name: Address: �n CQ (/l)� ��� N��� Address: City: v� Zip Code: l���b City: Zip Code: Ema' v���-5� ��v�C�� Email: Topic: Topic: 3 � Name: �IDC![�4`' I"��/�^'�/�V � �' Name: Address: �1�U u J�l U/� �-V/�'___�✓� � C� Address: City: �� U` Zip Code: �!�`0 �� City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: �-p�ll'�l' ��ll-�� . Topic: 4 g Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: EmaiL• Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) � � �.✓ 10/27/2014 , � �; .. ��� �� ��'1,����1�1 ���"����� � �1� �� �� �"'ll�� City Council October 27, 2014 _� ``�y�l ,, � � � ° ♦� � � � .="e> � •r • r�:•;�,n�'' P��r����� +�f �°��1 �# � Council extended a moratorium on accepting applications for medical marijuana business licenses or permits � September 15tn �^ State law requires public hearing within 60 days of adopting a moratorium * This public hearing meets this requirement and provides an opportunity for public comment _��� �� �e � '�\ • � ♦ -4`R . RENTON 'r,,,�.,��; 1 � `� 1 G/27/2014 �� .. �"1« � City has adopted zoning regulations for recreational marijuana � State Liquor Control Board regulates � Allows possession if over 21 � Creates licenses for producer, processor, & retailer � Many requirements, highly regulated � Traceability, security, employees, etc. .:�'� �� � A ' _-----'.� . � �. RENTUN ��'�..�.,i�� ��c����� ��r�i����� * City has not adopted regulations for medical marijuana � Allows qualified patients or designated provider to grow and possess � Collective gardens � Proposed to be eliminated .�� � � �! ` � � ♦ � ♦ RENTON 'ri.,,�.,�t� 2 ` . "' �""" � 10/27/2014 ��� � �����c������ � Legislative action anticipated to align recreational and medical � Action by legislature likely to have direct bearing on potential City policy and regulations .��� r� � l a RENTON �r,� `� .,,,,� „� ,,., ���,, 'ti�r �'�r���� �f ��r�t+���� � Allows time for: � Legislature to take action * Stop businesses from vesting � Also, allows City to continue to provide public participation ;�`' o -------� ` g . RE�1TVN fr�, ,�� ��,,, .� �,�� „«„ -:v�� 3 � `�+' 1(3'r27/2014 . � �V��:t �#+�pr� � Comments tonight �► Review any legislation that is passed and initiate work program � � '�f l�l�' . � � � ♦f�f..,4♦ .y � '�r\'\". � 4 ',�r � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 27th day of October, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,to consider the following: A six-month extension, as declared on September 15, 2014 by adoption of Resolution No. 4224, of the moratorium declared on November 4, 2013 by adoption of Resolution No. 4211, on the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of applications or licenses by or for new business licenses or permits for new establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture, distribution or processing of inedical mariivana. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. � .` �� , , , }as A. Seth �Acting City Clerk � Published: Renton Reporter October 10 and 17, 2014 Account No. 50640 Seqtember 15, 2014 �''' Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 266 Lease:Amendment 2-14, Transportation (Aviation)Committee Member Taylor presented a report Bosair LLC, LAG-12-004 recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the amendment 2-14 to the Bosair, LLC lease, LAG-12-004,and authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to sign the amendment. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Lease:Termination, Rainer Transportation (Aviation)Committee Member Taylor presented a report Flight Services LLC recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the termination of 12,000 square feet of ground lease area from Rainer Flight Services, LLC's lease and authorize the Mayor and Citv Clerk to sign the amendment. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Lease:800 Building, Rainier Transportation(Aviation)Committee Member Taylor presented a report Flight Services LLC recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the building lease with Rainier Flight Services, LLC and authorize the Mavor and Citv Clerk to sign the building lease agreement. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Transportation: Growing Transportation(Aviation)Committee Member Taylor presented a report Transit Communities Compact recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Growing Transit Communities Compact. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4224 A resolution was read extending the moratorium on accepting applications for CED: Extension on Accepting business licenses or permits for medical marijuana businesses and Permits or Business Licenses establishments involved in the sale, manufacture,distribution or use of inedical for Medical Marijuana ,,�j� marijuana; directing the setting of a public hearing date for October 27, 2014; Establishments ��} '�o�U` and establishing a termination date for the moratorium. MOVED BY PRINCE, � SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCILADOPTTHE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4225 A resolution was read authorizing the City's participation in the Regional Fire: Regional Coordination Coordination Framework for disasters and planned events for public and Framework Agreement private organizations in King County,Washington, and authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to enter into the agreement for participating organizations. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4226 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to execute the Transportation:Growing Growing Transit Communities Compact. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY Communities Transit Compact CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4227 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to enter into an Utility: Emergency Sale of interlocal agreement with King County Water District No. 90 for the sale of Water, King County Water water during an emergency. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY CORMAN, District No.90 COUNCILADOPTTHE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. h. � September 8.2014 �,.r Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 254 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Persson presented a Committee ofthe Whole report Committee of the Whole recommending the following referrals be closed: Council:2014 Clean-Up Report 1. Design Process for New Libraries—Committee met several times in 2012 and 2013. Schematics are done. 2. Council Communications—Committee met on the matter in July of 2012. 3. Annual Council Volunteer Project—Committee discussed in July of 2012. 4. Food Trucks in Public Right-of-Ways—Committee was briefed in August of 2013. 5. Audience Comment Policy Revisions—Committee met to discuss. 6. Smart Meters and Bird Population—Committee met to discuss. 7. Council Meeting Frequency—Committee met to discuss. 8. Class A Burn Prop for Fire Station 14&Aging Staff—Committee met and discussed in December of 2013. No further action is required on any of these matters at this time. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Plannin�&Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report stating Committee that Council adopted an extension of a moratorium for issuing licenses and CED: Medical Marijuana permits associated with medical marijuana that is set to expire on September Zoning 24,2014. It has been anticipated that the State Legislature will adopt � `��;1 legislation regarding medical marijuana. However,such legislative action has �i� �'b not occurred. The Committee recommends adopting a resolution extending C� the moratorium. The Committee further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented on September 15, 2014 for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.* Councilmember Prince clarified that the original moratorium was set to expire on September 24,2014. He stated that the City is extending the moratorium for an additional six months in the hope that the State legislature will provide guidelines and regulations for medicinal marijuana. Mayor Law stated that it is unfortunate that supporters of inedical marijuana are in a situation where they feel that elected officials are potentially taking a stand to either approve or deny the use of inedical marijuana. He emphasized that City officials are not taking a stand. He explained that because the State legislature has not recognized medical marijuana it makes it illegal for the City to address the issue. Mayor Law further explained that because medical marijuana has not been addressed like recreational marijuana has,the City has no authority to issue licenses and permits,or adopt zoning regulations. He stated that the City is hoping the State legislature will address the issue within the next six months. Councilmember Prince confirmed that existing medical marijuana dispensaries in Renton will be allowed to continue to operate during the moratorium. September 8. 2014 � Renton Citv Council Minutes �,r,r' Pa�e 255 City Attorney Warren remarked that medical marijuana is not regulated the same way as recreational marijuana. He added that some medical marijuana dispensaries are operating appropriately and some are not. Mr.Warren stated that the federal government has called the present state of lack of regulation in the medical marijuana industry unsupportable,and may interfere with the process if controls are not put in place. *MOTION CARRIED. Council:2014 Clean-Up Report Planning and Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report recommending the following referrals be closed: 1. South Renton Community Garden briefing—Committee was briefed. 2. Lanz Vacation—After more than two years with no short plat application,this project was canceled. 3. One &Two Way Streets in Downtown—Committee was briefed in March of 2013. 4. Benson Community Garden and Benson Dog Park briefing—Committee was briefed and this was included as part of the Benson Hill Community Plan. 5. Model Home Requirements—Reviewed by staff and handled as part of the 2013 Docket. No further action is required on any of these issues at this time. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Pavone presented a report regarding the proposed Council:2014 Clean-Up Report reduction in services at the King County Renton Transfer Station. The Committee was briefed on this issue in October 2013. The Committee recommends that no further action be taken at this time. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Public Safetv Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending the Council:2014 Clean-Up Report following referrals be closed: 1. Social Media Policy—Committee was briefed in August 2012. 2. Photo Enforcement Briefing—Committee was briefed in September 2012. 3. Valley Comm CAD/Radio System Upgrades—Committee was briefed. No further action is required at this time for any of these items. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Transaortation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Committee recommending the following referrals be closed: Council:2014 Clean-Up Report 1. Downtown Parking,Signage,Safety Concerns—Committee was briefed. 2. Expanding Airport Leasing Policies regarding Tenants in Good Standing- Committee was briefed in March of 2013. 3. Airport Performance Based Navigation Recommendations—Committee briefed on RAAC Recommendations in October 2013. � � PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE �`����v�� �� COMMITTEE REPORT �ITY CO�I�CIL �c'i`[� � � �D/ September 8, 2014 Regulations for Medical Marijuana Referred on January 6, 2014 The Council adopted an extension of a ' moratorium for issuing licenses and permits associated with medical marijuana that is set to expire on September 24, 2014. It has been anticipated that the State Legislature will adopt legislation regarding medical marijuana. However, such legislative action has not occurred. The Planning arrd Development Committee recommends adopting a resolution extending the moratorium. The Planning and Development Committee further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented on September 15, 2014 for reading and adoption. ' Prince, Chair N�� I�►� '��G1�iCIGtN�C� Marcie Palmer, Member �- A ondo Pavone, Substitute Member cc: Chip Vincent,CED Administrator STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal crrs�oF ReN�roN Advertising Representative of the NOTic�or � PUBI.IC HE:IRING RENTON CITt"COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBI' GIVEN that the Renton City Council has Rej"it�jl Rep�j'teY' fixed the 12th day of May, 2014. at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Co�incil Cham- a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of eers of Renr�„c�ty Hau, ioss s. Grady Way, Renron, WA 98057_ belleTal C1TCUl�lt1011 a11CI 1S 110W aT1Cl�laS be0I1 fOI'1110T0 t�lall S1X 111011tI1S to consider the following: prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in A s;a-mo��tn e.te„s�on. ds � dedared on March 17. 2014 by the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King adop,;o„ ot Resoi„t;o„ No. County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as 4z>>. or tne mora�or+um a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of de�ia�ea on No�emee� 4, zo�3 by adoption of Resolution No. wc`1S11117bt011 fOr Klllg COUIlty. 4199, on the submission, The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues a°�epra"�e. p�°°ess'°� o� ap- proval of applications or licens- � of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was eS ey or for 1eW eusineSs � regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. i��e„se� or pe�m�rs to� neW �s- I, tablishments involved in the � The annexed notice, a: sale, use. growing manufac- PubllC NOtlCe ture, distribution or processing ofinedical marijuana. _ , (Note: This public hearing e �°���.4?i:aw;,, regards medical marijuana was ublished on A ril 11 2014 and A ril 25 2014.. � ��'� � ''` �`' �"`"�'n� a"`� p�`°„tt"'g °n�`', _. f, p p � p � � �^ �e,,, not recreational marijuana � �"��� �` licensing and permitting.) ,". ``r ;.��C ;- r �� All interested parties are invited " �� = to attend the hearing and present The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is '� ` � � = � Wr�rren o� orai �o,,,r„e�,ts regard- �� .� ,4...;�r� �%.t",'. ',"F t�le SU171 Of�Ig2.��. < ��,� ,,e.,4 .�:� � ing the proposal. Renton Ciry �<f, <,, 1'as��`G-' � �� t. Hall is in compliance �vith the ��` .� �>, f, r �, ti `_ American Disabilities Act, and �i�/�� ��� `p, �-,: �'t; '� r � ��� interpretive services for the hear- �� ���""� ����L"�✓ 'i{•-�" � � ing impaired will be provided � `1�,,`;. �-�E� `''��.�`� upon prior notice. For informa- I.111C1a M. M111S ��'�°E�o��°���� � tion,call 425-430-6510. Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter �°""'e i.wa�r°° Ciry Clerk Subseribed and sworn to me this 25th day of April, 2014. �uei�snea +n rne Rent�n R�po�rer on April II, 2014 and April 25, � 2014.#1028081. F'L�-C.Q�rt�s1--� �� � lK''`z�d3L.�G2�.� Kat leen C.�Sherman, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Buckley, Washington '+�r�' �rr�+` RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 12,2014 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M 1 N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Denis Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF DON PERSSON,Council President; ED PRINCE;TERRI BRIERE;ARMONDO COUNCILMEMBERS PAVONE; MARCIE PALMER. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS RANDY CORMAN AND GREG TAYLOR. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE DENIS LAW, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative Officer; MARK BARBER,Senior Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk;GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Public Works Administrator;JENN�FER HENNING, Planning Director; and ANGIE MATHIAS,Associate Planner. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Maggie Breen, Executive Director of the Renton Ecumenical Association of Community Services: Renton Churches (REACH), shared the purpose and mission of the Renton Meal Meal Coalition Update Coalition. She explained that volunteers from REACH,the Salvation Army, and the Harambee Center have partnered to provide a hot meal to homeless or very low-income people every day at 5:30 p.m.at the Salvation Army,720 S. Tobin St. She stated that the coatition serves between 50 and 80 people per night, including the men of the ARISE (Area of Renton Interfaith Shelter Endeavor) program. Ms. Breen displayed the webpage rentonmealcoalition.org, and noted that information can be found on the site regarding donating time,food or money to the organization. She encouraged people to sign-up to help feed people, and to donate food and snacks to the program. She also noted that there are chaplains,social workers, and mental health professionals on site to work with any individuals that might need help. Ms. Breen thanked City officials for supporting the Renton Meal Coalition. Council President Persson remarked that the coalition is a unique organization, and encouraged citizens to volunteer and help feed the community's homeless population. Councilmember Palmer added that the Salvation Army is hosting an Open House this Wednesday, May 14,from 5 p.m.to 7 p.m. She remarked that everyone is invited to attend the event,and explained that the purpose is to showcase the Salvation Army facility's recent remodeling and kitchen renovation. PUBLIC HEARING � This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in CED: Extension of Six-Month accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to Moratorium on Medical consider the six-month extension of the moratorium declared 11/4/2013 on the Marijuana Applications submission,acceptance, processing or approva) of applications by or for new business licenses or permits for new establishments involved in the sale, use, '�(0`� growing, manufacture,distribution or processing of inedical marijuana. �� Mav 12, 2014 � ., Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 146 ` Associate Planner Angie Mathias reported that the purpose of the public hearing is to consider and take public testimony on the six-month extension of the moratorium declared 11/4/2013 regarding medical marijuana. She reported that Council extended the moratorium for medical marijuana only on 3J17/2014. She added that Council has already approved regulations regarding legalized recreational marijuana. Ms. Mathias explained that recreational marijuana is highly regulated,and falls under the purview of the State Liquor Control Board. She remarked that the board established licenses for marijuana producers, processors and retailers. She remarked that there are extensive requirements for the recreational marijuana industry including traceability,security,employee rules, and other regulations. Ms. Mathias reported that medical marijuana is not as regulated as recreational marijuana. She explained that the City has extended the moratorium in anticipation of the State legislature aligning the regulations for medical and recreational marijuana into one system under the purview of the State Liquor Control Board. She remarked that this did not happen during the last legislative session,and in the absence of legislation the City is not prepared to make a decision on the issue. Concluding, Ms. Mathias stated that extending the moratorium prohibits businesses from vesting to old regulations, provides adequate public participation in the process, and provides time for the City to develop a work program for medical marijuana. She stated that regardless of the outcome by the State legislature,the City will follow an administrative process that includes presenting a medical marijuana work program proposal to the administration, then to the Planning Commission, and ultimately to the City Council for final action. Responding to inquiries from Councilmember Prince, Ms. Mathias confirmed that the moratorium expires on 9/24/2014. She noted that the City must either adopt regulations or extend the moratorium again by that date. Public comment was invited. Howard McOmber(Renton)stated that he believes that medical marijuana is something different than recreational marijuana. He praised Council for taking the time to consider this issue,and noted that there are a lot of people who depend on alternative medicines. He also remarked that he believes the moratorium is a good idea,and Council should use the time to get information from the medical community regarding this topic. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2014 and beyond. Items noted were: � The 35th Annual Senior Stage Revue performances at Carco Theatre, 1717 Maple Valley Highway,will be held on Thursday, May 15, at 1 p.m.and Friday, May 16, at 7 p.m. Admission is$3 at the door. `-� ��v� 5( O� Q� �1����i�v( I�P�� agenda Item No.: . G� o Y� -� � _ v "- � C'���'�'�' RENTON CITY COUNGL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE� DATE: � (Z l� PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit T 1 5 Name: ��� /' �L Dj'N FJCN Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: 2 6 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: 3 7 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: 4 g Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) � (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT S Minute Time Limit g 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: EmaiL• Topic: Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Zip Code: City: Zip Code: Email: Email: Topic: Topic: � '`""' ''�''` 5/12/2014 ��t��+��� ���`I�l�c"'�r1� M�►�'�t�1"I IUI�1 �tr1���� ���1"1�1� City Council May 12, 2014 � ., :� �r�� �. � .,. w � ,.. .. �� ., � .a,�� ' ,:;, r� � -� `�1 �� � ,,�t �.,r :s 4 A:. ,. „,�r'�° '�..'�`'�='� s� � ����♦ % ��.0 '� • �rl�`\' y . ' �'������ c�f Toni�h�t � Council extended a moratorium on accepting applications for medical marijuana business licenses or permits • March 17tn * Council has adopted zoning regulations for recreational marijuana � State law requires public hearing within 60 days of adopting a moritorium � This public hearing meets this requirement and provides an opportunity for public comment :/�y" �� »� I` �j RENTON r�_ ,��. ,..� _, ,;,�� ,.,,. -t�� 1 � �` 5/12/2014. ., ��crea�i+�nal ��i�u��� � City has adopted zoning regulations for recreational marijuana only * State Liquor Control Board regulates • Allows possession if over 21 � Creates licenses for producer, processor, & retailer • Cannot have all 3; can be producer and processor • Many requirements, highly regulated • Traceability,security, employees, etc. �%��;. �(g ---�,,,�\ '�=•� • RENTON '''E..�;-�..; IVle�i��� ��iju�n� + City has not adopted regulations for medical marijuana • Allows qualified patients or designated provider to grow and possess • Collective gardens • Proposed to be eliminated _:j--��a ..,A ' _..—�.._�\ .�,.�3 . '`i�M RENTON �''�--:�f `•� 2 .. �"�' �"` 5/12/2014 h�y a Nlorat4rium? � Legislative action anticipated to align recreational and medical • Did not happen last session s City action depends on legislation, in absence City cannot make an informed decision on appropriate action .:�'=`O�J �� R E�N—N 'r�, "�; ,,,,,, ,, ,,,, ,,�.. ,�..�. �'�rp���e �f Nlor�ataric�m • Allows time for: p legislature to take action • City to consider options regarding medica) marijuana o Collective gardens: not allow, zone and regulate, or other a Stop businesses from vesting � Also, allows City to adequately provide public participation .:`� ', ._. 4,a�� �., �.E N T�)N �r!g�{� ,�,.., .� ,.,, , �" -,�;'� 3 � v� 5/12/201�. ,. ��xt �t�p� • Comments tonight , Develop a work program � Follow administrative process = Develop and present proposal to Administration, Planning Commission,and City Council for Council consideration and action * Throughout process provide opportunity for public review and comment x�� .. � ,`, ( .. .� � � � ��� .,� ., � ,r� _�� ��-� � ��,,: t , s :t ►. . �,, 4 � � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of May, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Half, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,to consider the following: A six-month extension, as declared on March 17, 2014 by adoption of Resolution No. 4211, of the moratorium declared on November 4, 2013 by adoption of Resolution No. 4199, on the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of applications or licenses by or for new business licenses or permits for new establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture, distribution or processing of inedical mariivana. (Note: This public hearing regards medical marijuana licensing and permitting only, not recreational marijuana licensing and permitting.) All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. ��,9�,1'zt,t��l �U-�-�r�-� Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter April 11 and 25, 2014 Account No. 50640 � � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION N0. 4211 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS LICENSES OR PERMITS FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA BUSINESSES AND ESTABLISHMENTS INVOLVED IN THE SAL�, MANUFACTURE, DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA; DIRECTING THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING DATE; AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, state Initiative 697 legalized medical marijuana; and WHEREAS, a moratorium was established by Resolution No. 4199, on November 4, 2013, to provide the Planning Commission with a staff recommendation, and forward the Planning Commission's recommendation along with the staff's recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has legislation regarding medical marijuana pending and any action by the City regarding medical marijuana shall rely decisions made by the Legislature, making an extension of the moratorium on accepting applications for business licenses or permits necessary; and WHEREAS, a public hearing will be held on May 12, 2014, to take testimony on extending the moratorium; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION 11. The Renton City Council extends the moratorium on the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of any permit applications or licenses by or for new medical 1 � RESOLUTION N0. 4211 � marijuana establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, and manufacture or processing of medical marijuana. . SECTION I11. The interim zoning control set forth in this resolution shall be in effect through September 24, 2014, unless subsequently extended by the City Council pursuant to state law. SECTION IV. A public hearing will be held on May 12, 2014. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of March , 2014. �• (�f/G��� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of March , 2014. Denis Law, May ,,,,� �,,, ��� �F• '�� f� Approved as to form: ,' � ,�C��� � TJ;.= - * "'�� • * - �,�,,,.�,,.,,,�`�,�7�(,..�.,,�_ : _ �EA L : � ; .�= . �_ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney =,�p•. � " �� RES:1628:3 12 14:scr ,�%,�q TF � 5E4���, � � . D �� ''��,ir��+�` Published: 3/28/2014 (summary) 2 March 24,2014 � ; Renton Citv Council Minutes ,...,� Page 85 City Attorney Larry Warren added that Renton has asked to be the lead agency for the Renton area of the project, but the actual decision as to which route is chosen rests with PSE. He noted that their governing authority is the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission. Mr. Warren also confirmed that Tariff 80, which is regarding undergrounding of transmission lines, allows PSE to charge local communities for undergrounding because this option is deemed aesthetic by the State. Mr.Corman remarked that he is curious to know if other municipalities have had to pay for undergrounding. He stated that he would not want to be told that the City had to pay for undergrounding the lines only to find out later that was not the case. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES 4/7/2014 Council meeting for second and final reading: Community Services: Kenyon- An ordinance was read accepting the gift and device of certain real property in Dobson Property Donation the Last Will &Testament of Arthur R. Kenyon,deceased, upon the conditions stated therein. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/7/2014. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: ORDINANCE#5706 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-8-110 of Chapter 8, Permits— Attorney:Amend RMC 4-8- General and Appeals, of Title IV(Development Regulations),of City Code, by 110.E.12.0—Hearing Examiner changing the period of time in which the Hearing Examiner shall render a final Decisions decision to be consistent with state law. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5707 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1,Administration and Enforcement, CED: Marijuana Regulations, Sections 4-2-060 and 4-2-080 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts—Uses and Recreational Marijuana Standards, and Sections 4-11-090 and 4-11-130 of Chapter 11, Definitions,of � r��(��� Title IV(Development Regulations), of City Code, by adding regulations and � definitions related to the use, production, processin g,and sales of recreational marijuana. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Paul Ouellette (Renton) suggested undergrounding portions of the PSE project Citizen Comment:Ouellette— to save costs. He added that Renton's permitting authority could be used to get Energize Eastside Proposal some of the lines placed underground. Citizen Comment: Petersen— Inez Petersen (Renton)shared how meetings for the Highlands Subarea Energize Eastside Proposal Committee were run,and cautioned PSE not to use that format. She explained that they were not conducive to raising awareness and solving issues. She also remarked that City planners used the Delphi Technique to control meetings, and stated that she believes use of that technique is also inappropriate. Citizen Comment: DeMund— Jean DeMund (Renton)questioned Puget Sound Energy's impartiality to which Energize Eastside Proposal route is chosen. She remarked that she thought PSE was a public agenty and it is not. She also remarked that PSE has pointed out that they will have a public process, but ultimately will decide which route is choseri. Ms. DeMund also questioned the methodology for coming to consensus that PSE uses in their meetings. Lastly,she urged Council to use their influence to make PSE and Seattle City Light share their resources for the greater good of the community. ---- __ __.----- March 17.2014 +�,r Renton Citv Council Minutes 'w►�' Pa�e 74 AUDIENCE COMMENT Inez Petersen (Renton)cautioned that the City may be infringing on Citizen Comment: Petersen— constitutional rights by exfending the moratorium on medical marijuana. She Medical Marijuana remarked that the State expects lower government entities to take a Moratorium Extension reasonable amount of time to implement laws once they are passed. She �� added that regulations could be implemented now and amended later if � .l,��G necessary. 1 � Councilmember Briere pointed out that the moratorium extension is only for medical marijuana and asked the City Attorney for a response. Mayor law remarked that the City Attorney's office reviews all City resolutions,ordinances, moratoriums,and other action the City is taking on this issue. He noted that all legal opinions will come from the City Attorney's ofFice. Mr. Covington stated that the reason the moratorium on medical marijuana is being extended is because the State legislature could not figure out how to regulate it during their recent sixty-day session. He remarked that the City is struggling with the issue because of the ambiguity in the current law and how it conflicts with some of the recreational marijuana regulations. He noted that the public will have an opportunity to speak on this issue at the 5/12/2014 public hearing. Mr. Covington added that the City is adopting an ordinance that will allow the legalization of recreational marijuana per the wishes of the voters. Community and Economic Development Administrator Chip Vincent explained the differences between the City's current regulations for I-692 regarding medical marijuana and I-502 regarding recreational marijuana. He explained that the City had an expectation based on representation from the State legislature that the regulations would be merged into one legislative package. He remarked that medical marijuana is highly unregulated and untaxed, whereas recreational marijuana is highly regulated and taxed. Mr.Vincent added that because the State legislature failed to combine the two initiatives into one sensible law,the administration is recommending that the moratorium on medical marijuana (only) be extended. Citizen Comment:Ouellette— Paul Ouellette (Renton) remarked that he believes it is a good idea to extend Medical Marijuana the moratorium on the medical marijuana issue. He explained that this will give Moratorium Extension the City more time to regulate it correctly,as opposed to having it wrong and trying to change it later. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME:8:16 p.m. 1CJd'1�liYLLG�� •�. �(��Q '' G`���: Bonnie I. Walton,CMC,City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder March 17,2014 March 17.2014 �,,,�r Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 73 Mayor Law added that the City has a schedule for fleet replacement. He noted that the fleet manager determines whether something should be replaced on schedule, replaced earlier than scheduled,or kept longer than scheduled if feasible. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4210 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to enter into an Finance: I-Net Service& interlocal agreement entitled "Contract Between King County, Washington and Support, King County City of Renton for Institutional Network Services, Contract No.02COR14." MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4211 A resolution was read extending the moratorium on accepting applications for CED: Marijuana Regulations, business licenses or permits for medical marijuana businesses and Medical Marijuana establishments involved in the sale, manufacture,distribution or use of inedical marijuana;directing the setting of a public hearing date of 5/12/2014; and establishing a termination date for the moratorium. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPTTHE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4212 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to enter into an CAG: 64-764,Second interlocal agreement with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District regarding Addendum for Cascade rehabilitation and maintenance of the Cascade Interceptor. MOVED BY Interceptor,Soos Creek Water PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. &Sewer District CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the 3/24/2014 Council meeting for second and final reading: Attorney:Amend RMC 4-8- An ordinance was read amending Section 4-8-110 of Chapter 8, Permits— 110.E.12.0—Hearing Examiner General and Appeals, of Title IV(Development Regulations),of City Code, by Decisions changing the period of time in which the Hearing Examiner shall render a final decision to be consistent with state law. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3 24 2014. CARRIED. CED: Marijuana Regulations, An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1,Administration and Enforcement, Recreational Marijuana Sections 4-2-060 and 4-2-080 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts—Uses and � Standards,and Sections 4-11-090 and 4-11-130 of Chapter 11, Definitions,of P� �'iUI�� Title IV(Development Regulations), of City Code, by adding regulations and definitions related to the use, production, processing,and sales of recreational mari�uana. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/24/2014. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: ORDINANCE#5705 An ordinance was read amending Section 1-3-3 of Chapter 3, Remedies and Attorney:Amend RMC 1-3-3, Penalties,of Title I (Administrative), of City Code, by clarifying the definitions Chronic Nuisance Premises "Call for Service," "Chronic Nuisance Premises,"and"Genera) Public," and Liens amending regulations regarding liens. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPTTHE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. March 17, 2014 � Renton Citv Council Minutes �rr+ Pa�e 73 Mayor Law added that the City has a schedule for fleet replacement. He noted that the fleet manager determines whether something should be replaced on schedule, replaced earlier than scheduled,or kept longer than scheduled if feasible. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4210 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to enter into an Finance: I-Net Service& interlocal agreement entitled "Contract Between King County, Washington and Support, King County City of Renton for Institutional Network Services,Contract No.02COR14." MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4211 A resolution was read extending the moratorium on accepting applications for CED: Marijuana Regulations, business licenses or permits for medical marijuana businesses and Medical Marijuana establishments involved in the sale, manufacture,distribution or use of inedical Q� �r marijuana; directing the setting of a public hearing date of 5/12/2014;and ! �(�� � establishing a termination date for the moratorium. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCILADOPTTHE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4212 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to enter into an CAG: 64-764,Second interlocal agreement with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District regarding Addendum for Cascade rehabilitation and maintenance of the Cascade Interceptor. MOVED BY Interceptor,Soos Creek Water PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL ADOPTTHE RESOLUTION AS READ. &Sewer District CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the 3/24/2014 Council meeting for second and final reading: Attorney:Amend RMC 4-8- An ordinance was read amending Section 4-8-110 of Chapter 8, Permits— 110.E.12.0—Hearing Examiner General and Appeals, of Title IV(Development Regulations),of City Code, by Decisions changing the period of time in which the Hearing Examiner shall render a final decision to be consistent with state law. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3 24 2014. CARRIED. CED: Marijuana Regulations, An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1,Administration and Enforcement, Recreational Marijuana Sections 4-2-060 and 4-2-080 of Chapter 2,Zoning Districts—Uses and Standards,and Sections 4-11-090 and 4-11-130 of Chapter 11, Definitions,of Title IV(Development Regulations), of City Code, by adding regulations and definitions related to the use, production, processing,and sales of recreational marijuana. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/24/2014. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: ORDINANCE#5705 An ordinance was read amending Section 1-3-3 of Chapter 3, Remedies and Attorney:Amend RMC 1-3-3, Penalties,of Title I (Administrative), of City Code, by clarifying the definitions Chronic Nuisance Premises "Call for Service," "Chronic Nuisance Premises," and "General Public," and Liens amending regulations regarding liens. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. - — - -- -- --- - -- March 17.2014 '�✓ Renton Citv Council Minutes `�` Pa�e 71 Lease: Modify Construction Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an addendum to Provisions for New Hangar, lease LAG-12-004,with Bosair, LLC modifying provisions regarding the Bosair LLC, LAG-12-004 demolition of three buildings and construction of a new hangar at the airport. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation:On-Call Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with URS Architectural & Engineering Corporation in the amount of$191,500 for on-call architectural and engineering Services, URS Corporation senrices. Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONSENTAGENDA MINUS ITEM 6.d. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Item Community Services Department requested approval to waive picnic shelter 6_d. fees in the amount of$280 for the annual CROPWALK event on 5/4/2014. Community Services: Fee Refer to ��^�^^^�^^�^,:**^^ Waiver Request,CROPWALK Councilmember Briere remarked that this is a routine fee waiver for the annual CROPWALK event. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 6.d.AS COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report Plannin�&Development recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend RMC 4-8- Committee 110.E.12.C, in compliance with state law,to reduce the time for the Hearing Attorney:Amend RMC 4-8- Examiner to render a final written decision from 14 to 10 days, unless a longer 110.E.12.0-Hearing Examiner period is mutually agreed to in writing by the applicant and the Hearing Decisions Examiner. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 73 for ordinance.) CED: Marijuana Regulations Planning and Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report recommending concurrence with the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to adopt regulations for producers and processors of ��` �d� �� recreational marijuana, categorizing them as Heavy Industrial, allowing in the IH zone, and categorizing it similar to Taverns,allowed in zones with conditions, and proposing a new definition for Marijuana Retailer. The Committee also recommended that the moratorium for issuing licenses and permits associated with medical marijuana be extended for an additional six months. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance and resolution regarding these matters be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page for 73 and 74 for resolution and ordinance.) Councilmember Briere remarked that the moratorium on medical and recreational marijuana was initially established to give the City more time to determine how this issue would impact the community. She remarked that the medical marijuana portion of the moratorium was being extended because the State legislature failed to provide direction on this issue. `�+'` v,rr� PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE����(�'��� �� COMMITTEE REPORT _ ��'� �O��GIL March 17, 2014 ���� 3-/7_�.��� Regulations for Legalized Marijuana VVork Program (Referred January 6, 2014) The Planning and bevelopment Committee recommends concurrence with the Planning Commission and staff recommendation to adopt regulations for producers and processors of recreational marijuana, categorizing them as Heavy Industrial, allowing in the IH zone, and amending the Heavy ` Industrial� definition. And for recreational marijuana retailers, categorizing it similar to Taverns, allowed in zones with conditions, and proposing a new definition for Marijuana Retailer. - The Committee also recommends that the moratorium for issuing licenses and permits associated with medical rnarijuana be extended for an additional six months. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance and the resolution regarding these matters be presented for first reading. Prince, Chair � � Terri Brier Vice Chair �`%� � Marcie Palmer, Member cc: Chip Vincent,C,ED Administrator . '�r►` � . lanuanr 13, 2014 � Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 15 Annexation:Alpine Nursery, Community and Economic Development Department submitted 60% Petition to 160th Ave SE&SE 146th PI Annex for the proposed Alpine Nursery Annexation and recommended a public hearing be set on 1/27/2014 to consider the petition and zoning; 17.1 acres bordered by Renton City limits at the north and west, by parcel lines and 160th Ave.SE to the west, and parcels lines in proximity of SE 146th PI.to the south. Council concur. CAG: 12-024, Friends of the Community Services Department recommended approval of Amendment III to Cedar River Watershed the Landowner Collaboration for Knotweed Control on the Cedar River Project Collaboration Knotweed agreement with King Conservation District to accept$100,026 in grant funds Control, King Conservation and extend the agreement through 12/31/2016;and authorize the project District Grant budget adjustment: Refer to Finance Committee. Fire: Fire Resource Fire & Emergency Services Department recommended approval of an Mobilization Plan interagency agreement with the Washington State Patrol regarding Reimbursement, WA State reimbursement of certain costs associated with the Washington State Fire Patrol Services Resource Mobilization Plan. Council concur. (See page 16 for resolution.) Human Resources: Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval Reclassifications, 2 Community of the reclassification of two positions in the Community Services Department Services& 1 Public Works (Golf Course Supervisor, m21 to m22; and Golf Professional, mZ0 to m22) retroactive to 1/1/2013 with salary grade increases covered by the 404 Golf Course Enterprise Fund; and one position in the Public Works Department (Capital Project Coordinator to Civil Engineer III, a25 to a28) effective 1/1/2014 with salary grade increase covered by departmental budget. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG-13-118, Eastside GA Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-13-118, Eastside GA Apron Apron Rehabilitation, ICON Rehabilitation project; and requested approval of the project,final pay estimate Materials in the amount of$186,814.40,commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retainage in the amount of$8,938.73 to ICON Materials,contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Transportation: Logan Ave. N. Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with Improvement, WA TIB Grant the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board to accept$4,618,248 for the Logan Ave. N. (Cedar River Bridge to N. 6th St.) Improvement project. City match is$1,154,562. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS � Planning and Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report Plannin�&Develoqment recommending that work on Renton's regulations regarding legalized marijuana Committee be initiated with the Planning Commission. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CED: Legalized Marijuana BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Work Program RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES � � �PPROVED Bl� PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE �ITV GO.UIVCILc C�OMMITTEE-REPORT �/�3 c���l� � ���� __._� - January 13, 2014 Regulations for Legalized Marijuana Work Program Referced on January 6, 2014 � The Planning and Development Committee recommends that work on Renton's regulations regarding legalized marijuana be initiated with fhe Planning Commission. < Ed Prince, Chair : � � Terri Briere, ice Chair Marcie Palmer, Member cc: Chip Vincent,CED Administrator ,=- - Januarv 6. 2014 `"�Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 6 CED: Legalized Marijuana Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval Work Program �� of the proposed Legalized Marijuana Work Program,which establishes the � ��� process of developing the City's regulations regarding legalized marijuana. � Refer to Plannin�and Development Committee. Human Resources:2013-2015 Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval Labor Agreement, Renton of the 2013-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Renton Police Police OfFicers' Guild Officers' Guild-Commissioned personnel,which includes housekeeping Commissioned amendments,base wage increases, premium pay increases, and other changes. Council concur. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE . CONSENTAGENDA MINUS ITEM S.c. CARRIED. SEPARATE CONSIDERATION Community and Economic Development Department requested authorization . ITEM S.c. to hire a Senior Planner at Step E of the Grade a28 salary scale,effective CED: Hire Senior Planner at 12/16/2013. °^`^�+^ ��^,^�^ ''^^�^����^ Step E Councilmember Briere noted that the candidate previously worked for the City at this position and pay grade. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENTAGENDA ITEM 8.c.AS COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Added Council President Persson presented a plaque to Councilmember Randy Council:Award to Mr. Corman Corman in recognition of his outstanding service to the City and the Renton for Service as 2013 Council community as President of the City Council during 2013. President UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 325956-326338, six wire transfers and two payroll runs with Finance:Vouchers benefit withholding payments totaling$19,524,450.42,and payroll vouchers including 1,445 direct deposits and 93 payroll checks totaling$3,294,083.10. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCILCONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Utility Bill Adjustment Finance Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending granting the Request,Westgate waiver requested for water,sewer,and King County METRO related charges Condominiums due to a main line water leak at Westgate Condominiums(Account#6322-000), 2300 Benson Rd.S., Building B, in the total amount of$14,182.91. The adjustment includes City water($2,220.74);City sewer($4,214.43);and King County METRO ($7,747.91)charges above normal usage. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCILADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:52 p.m. X��t�Zt-t- �. W��-►'L� Bonnie Walton,CMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Reco�der - December 9, 2013 � V Legalized Marijuana Rules and Regulations Work Program December 2013—Staff develop issue paper and recommendations January 9, 2014—15t meeting with Planning and Development Committee January 15,2014—1St Planning Commission briefing February 5,2014—2"d Planning Commission briefing February 13, 2014—2"d meeting with Planning and Development Committee February 19, 2014—Public Hearing at Planning Commission March 5, 2014—Planning Commission Deliberations and Recommendation March 13, 2014—Planning and Development Committee reviews Planning Commission recommendation and makes their recommendation March 17,2014—Council considers proposed ordinance, potential 1n reading � March 24, 2014—2"a reading of ordinance (5 day effective date following publication =April 2,2014) , —. � � CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL � :�: Subject/Title: Meeting: Legalized Marijuana Work Program Regular Council -06 Jan 2014 Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Draft Work Program Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Chip Vincent,x6588 Recommended Action: Refer to Planning and Development Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: On November 18, 2012 the Council adopted a six month moratorium on accepting applications for medical and/or recreational marijuana business licenses or permits. The purpose of the moratorium is to allow adequate time to: develop an understanding of Liquor Control Board rules and implications of those rules, study potential impacts of the new land uses, evaluate and consider how other jurisdictions are regulating, and determine what is right for Renton. Also,the moratorium allows the City to adequately provide public participation. Attached is a draft work program for staff to begin the process of developing Renton's regulations regarding legalized marijuana. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the legalized marijuana work program. , 6Cecember 2 2013 _ �__� Renton Citv Council Minutes � Pa�e 358 PUBLIC HEARING � This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in CED: Moratorium o+�r accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to Acceptance of Business consider the moratorium on the acceptance of business licenses and permits Licenses&Permits for for medical and/or recreational marijuana businesses for a period of six Marijuana Uses months. � � �n�(�'� � Associate Planner Angie Mathias explained that there are two pathways for legalized marijuana in Washington State. She remarked that I-692 legalized medical marijuana,and that collective gardens are one of the only remaining ways a medical marijuana cardholder can obtain marijuana. She added, howeyer,that collective gardens may become illegal next year. Ms. Mathias further explained that I-502 legalized recreational marijuana and created three permits. She stated that the permits are for retailers, producers, and processors,and that recreational marijuana use is governed by the State Liquor Control Board. Ms. Mathias reported that the City established the six-month moratorium because it was not anticipated that there would be a need for something called a marijuana producer, processor,or retailer. She remarked that the issue must be studied to determine whether these new land uses are agricultural or manufacturing in nature. She also remarked that the City needs time to develop an understanding of the State Liquor Control Board rules, and to determine whether or not to impose additional restrictions on these businesses. Ms. Mathias remarked that this moratorium also allows public participation in the process. She stated that the next step is for the department to develop a work program, and then follow the City's administrative process to develop and present a proposal for Council approval. Ms. Mathias added that citizens can follow the progress by regularly checking the department's website. Mayor Law stated that the moratorium is in no way an attempt to avoid or circumvent the will of the people. He stated that nearly 60%of Renton voters voted in favor of legalizing marijuana. Mayor Law remarked, however,that there are a lot of unanswered questions and the moratorium will provide City time to bring a proposal to Council. Public comment was invited. Howard McOmber(Renton) remarked that he believes that medical marijuana should be viewed as medicine and treated difFerently than recreational marijuana. He added that the City should not curtail people's ability to obtain medical marijuana. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation:Trace Matthew, accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public meeting to 154th Ave SE&SE 139th PI consider the 10%Notice of Intent to Annex petition for the proposed Trace Matthew Annexation;4.54 acres bordered by Renton City limits at the north, 154th Ave.SE to the west, parcel lines in proximity of SE 139th PI.to the south, and 156th Ave.SE to the east. � G m(,d.��1����,�(�"(�Qr Ef Agenda Item No.: q-. (�.- � �. RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: 1212 I ZD I�J PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 1 5 Name: �/ Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 2 6 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: . 3 � Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 4 g Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City � Zip Code Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) ✓ � (�'ontinued from Reverse Side-Page 2� � RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APFROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: r � �- �✓ """"''" 12/2/2013 �I�r�ij��n� nllor�tc�ri��r1 �t��l�� Fl��r�rtg city council December 2,2013 „ �.�. , x ,,... �w�,,, � S.'' \�1 � ,� ..i-. � �.�.. � " � i� .�♦ ��� �^^5t �� '' � ;�' r��,�1. * .i �� �! ! t � �.r P'u��ese �►f T�nigh� � Council adopted a moritorium on accepting applications for medical and/or recreational marijuana business licenses or permits � November 18th � State law requires public hearing within 60 days of adopting a moritorium + This public hearing meets this requirement and provides an opportunity for public comment ��S �� � ir� i RENTON ri,, �� ,,..�,.., .,, �,.., �.,�. 1 Y � '''� 12/2/20'�3 � ��C��� �� � ,� ,� � �� � �i � ��� �� ,���,��� . �� . . ��i s . . ._ , „ � . , ���a���� �������� • Medical Marijuana • Allows qualified patients or designated provider to grow and possess • Collective gardens means of obtaining � Proposed to be eliminated • Recreational Marijuana • Allows possession if over 21 4 Creates licenses for producer, processor, & retailer • Cannot have all 3; can be producer and processor � Licenses to be issued by Liquor Control Board • Rules developed and enforced :�� r��; ��.. R E— r�t� -r,,�j',�.,_,�=- ,,, , � ,,,, , ,,.� .�., 2 ' �`'� �""` ''"''� 12/2/2013 ii�l�� a� �c�rat�rium? s City has not determined what most closely matches new land uses � Marijuana Producer=Agriculture? � Marijuana Processor= Manufacturing? + Marijuana Retailer= Retail sales? � City has not considered appropriateness of additional regulations • City has not heard from public on either of these issues ��r`'JF' B�\ ♦ �f/ ♦ _� +E REIVTON 'r� ��; .,,,., �,< <,,, �,E.. ._�.�. �'ur���� �f �It�r�toriur�n $ Allows time to: � Develop understanding of Liquor Control Board rules and implications of those rules * Study potential impacts of the new land uses • Evaluate and consider how other jurisdictions are regulating � Determine what is right for Renton • Stop businesses from vesting � Also, allows City to adequately provide public participation �� r � �i �'f a � ��� �� R E N T O N 'r�,`�.,`,,; 3 �° `� 12/2/20'r 3 • ��xt ���p�� � Comments tonight * Develop a work program • Follow administrative process • Develop and present proposal to Administration, Planning Commission,and City Council for Council consideration and action * Throughout process provide opportunityfor public review and comment • To stay involved check City website and/or provide emait address for meeting notification �"`� ' � ' <. a� `�l ��. . Y ♦�; � •/�\\`� { �a a! 4 .�' :#'I�.! 4 � � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of December, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: The six-month moratorium, as interim zoning control, declared November 4, 2013 by adoption of Resolution No. 4199, and re- declared on November 18, 2013 by adoption of Resolution No. 4201, on the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of applications or licenses by or for new business licenses or permits for new establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture, distribution or processing of marijuana, including any and all aspects of recreational marijuana All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call (425)430-6510 for additional information. � son Se � eputy City Clerk ; Published: Renton Reporter November 22 and 29, 2013 Account No. 50640 � � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of December, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,to consider the fotlowing: The six-month moratorium, as interim zoning control, declared on November 4, 2013 by adoption of Resolution No. 4199, on the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of applications or licenses by or for new business licenses or permits for new establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture, distribution or processing of marijuana, including any and all aspects of recreational marijuana All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. �8o��,�e. �1a� Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter November 15 and 22, 2013 Account No. 50640 � � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION N0. 4201 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS LICENSES OR PERMITS FOR MEDICAL AND/OR RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA BUSINESSES AND ESTABLISHMENTS INVOLVED IN THE SALE, MANUFACTURE, DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF MARIJUANA; DIRECTING THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING DATE; AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, state Initiative 697 legalized medica) marijuana; and WHEREAS, Initiative 502 legalized recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, proposed state regulations may combine many of the rules controlling medical marijuana and recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, additional time is needed to study existing and potential impacts from land uses associated with marijuana; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide the Planning Commission with a staff recommendation, and forward the Planning Commission's recommendation along with the staff's recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Renton City Council will hold a public hearing within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Renton City Council hereby declares a moratorium upon the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of any permit applications or licenses by or for 1 � RESOLUTION NO. 4201 � new marijuana establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture or processing of marijuana, including any and all aspects of recreational marijuana. SECTION 111. The interim zoning control set forth in this resolution shall be in effect until April 4, 2014, unless subsequently extended by the City Council pursuant to state law. SECTION IV. A public hearing will be held by December 2, 2013. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this l8th day of November , 2013. � ' l � J on A. th, Deputy City Clerk I APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of November , 2013. � Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: a���.,,��/%�G.-.�-..,,s�,._._ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES:1615:11/7/13:scr 2 � November 18. 2013 � � Renton Citv Council Minutes �,.,.r Pa�e 339 Separate Consideration Item Police Department recommended approval of an interlocal agreement with the 7_k• Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC)to provide a Police: Instructor Services at commissioned officer to serve as an instructor at the State's Basic Law Basic Law Enforcement Enforcement Academy program for a three-year period terminating Academy,Washington State il/30/2016. WSJTC will reimburse the officers salary and benefits during the Criminal Justice Training three-year period. . Commission Councilmember Persson remarked that the Public Safety Committee continually reviews the manning requirements of the Police and Fire& Emergency Services Departments, along with other departments,and would like to review this agreement to discuss any potential impacts to the police force. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.k.TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 325342-325658,two wire transfers and one payroll run with Finance:Vouchers benefit withholding payments totaling$5,293,554.27,and payroll vouchers including 721 direct deposits and 54 payroll checks totaling$1,603,245.19. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4200 ' A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and Citv Clerk to enter into an Finance:Joint Purchasing interlocal agreement with eCityGov Atliance entitled "Subscription Agreement." Subscriber Agreement, MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE eCityGov Alliance RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION#4201 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on accepting applications for CED: Moratorium on business licenses or permits for medical and/or recreational marijuana Acceptance of Business businesses and establishments involved in the sale, manufacture, distribution Licenses& Permits for � / or use of marijuana; directing the setting of a public hearing date; and Marijuana Uses � ,(,� � Q,i establishing a termination date for the moratorium. MOVED BY CORMAN, � `� SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPTTHE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ELECT Council: 2014 Council COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON AS 2014 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND President(Persson)& COUNCILMEMBER ED PRINCE AS 2014 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM.* President Pro Tem Election Mayor Law called for additional nominations. (Prince) Councilmember Taylor nominated himself. He stated that he believed that the practice of Council had been at one time that all councilmembers in addition to having served on all committees would also equalty share in serving as Council President. He remarked that this is his sixth year on Council and he not yet had his turn. Discussion ensued regarding the process for amending a motion on the floor; the process for calling for nominations and whether a nomination had to be seconded;the process for nominating and electing positions individually rather than combined; and whether or not friendly amendments are allowed. *MOTION WITHDRAWN. November 18. 2013 �r Renton Citv Council Minutes � yt Page 340 , Mayor Law called for nominations for 2014 Council President. MOVED BY ZWICKER,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ELECT COUNCILMEMBER DON PERSSON AS 2014 COUNCIL PRESIDENT. CARRIED. Councilmember pon Persson was elected and declared 2014 Council President. Mayor Law called for nominations for 2014 Council President Pro Tem. Council President Corman nominated Councilmember Ed Prince. Councilmember Taylor nominated himself. Mayor Law called for a voice vote for those in favor of Ed Prince. Councilmember Taylor asked for a roll call. ROLL CALL: IN FAVOR OF ED PRINCE:Corman; Persson; Prince; Briere;Zwicker. OPPOSED: Palmer;Taylor. Councilmember Ed Prince was elected and declared 2014 Council President Pro Tem. Council: Set Public Safety MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL SET A PUBLIC SAFEIY Committee Meeting, COMMITTEE MEETING ON NOVEMBER 25,2013 AT 5 P.M.TO DISCUSS THE il/25/2013 at 5 p.m. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE WASHINGTON STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING CENTER. CARRIED. Council:Taylor Councilmember Taylor remarked that he would like to discuss a reimbursement Reimbursement Request request for a recent trip to Washington, D.C. at a future Committee of the Whole meeting. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER MR.TAYLOR'S REIMBURSEMENT REqUEST TO THE COMMIl7'EE OF THE WHOLE.* Discussion ensued regarding the calendaring of this topic. It was determined to add the request to the 11/25/2013 Committee of the Whole agenda. *MOTION CARRIED. Council: Committee on Council President Corman announced that the Committee on Committee Committees members for 2014 are himself as outgoing Council President,Council President- elect Persson,and Council President Pro Tem-elect Prince. He also stated that he will announce the meeting time at the next Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCILADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 8�00 p.m. ? Jas Seth,CM , Deputy City Clerk lason Seth,CMC, Recorder November 18, 2013 'i�ovember 18. 2013 Renton Citv Council Minutes Page 338 Annexation: Trace Matthew, Community and Economic Development Department submitted 10% Notice of 154th Ave SE&SE 139th PI Intent to Annex petition for the proposed Trace Matthew Annexation and recommended a public meeting be set on 12/2/2013 to consider the petition; 4.54 acres bordered by Renton City limits at the north, 154th Ave.SE to the west, parcel lines in proximity of SE 139th PI.to the south, and 156th Ave.SE to the east. Council concur. CED: Moratorium on Community and Economic Development Department recommended adoption Acceptance of Business of a revised resolution reaffirming commencement of a six-month moratorium Licenses& Permits for \-� on accepting business licenses or permits for all marijuana related businesses, Marijuana Uses '��\� and setting a public hearing date on 12/2/2013 to consider the issue. Council �D` concur. (See page 339 for resolution.) Police:Target Zero Teams Police Department requested approval of a memorandum of understanding to Participation, WTSC Grant accept$7,500 in grant funds from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for Target Zero Teams project participation,a high-visibility traffic safety emphasis program. Council concur. Police:Target Zero Teams DUI Police Department requested approval of a memorandum of understanding to Patrols Participation,WTSC accept$4,896 in grant funds from the Washington Tra�c Safety Commission Grant for Target Zero Team DUI Patrols participation, a high-visibility trafFic safety emphasis program. Council concur. CAG: 13-103,2013 Street Public Works Maintenance Services Division submitted CAG-13-103, 2013 Overlay with Curb Ramps, Street Overlay with Curb Ramps; and requested approval of the project; Lakeside Industries authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$130,265.04, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $33,932.83 to Lakeside Industries, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Lease: Increase Ground Lease Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an addendum to Rate,540 Renton Hangar LLC airport lease LAG-99-002,with 540 Renton Hangar, LLC, to increase the total ground fease rate by$1,423.80 plus leasehold excise tax annually through 7/31/2016. Council concur. Transportation:S 7th St/ Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the Shattuck Ave S Preliminary amount of$126,528.34 with DKS Associates to prepare the preliminary design Design, DKS Associates and design report for the S. 7th St./Shattuck Ave. 5. Improvements project. Council concur. Transportation: Deed of Transportation Systems Division recommended adoption of an ordinance Donation for 9812&9822 S accepting a deed of donation,without compensation,for two lots with an Carr Rd,The Erwin Family appraised valuation of$224,000 located at 9812 and 9822 S. Carr Rd.from The Trust Erwin Family Trust. Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. Utility: NPDES Phase II Permit, Utility Systems Division recommended approval to accept$170,000 in 2014 WA Ecology Grant Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant funds from the Washington State Department of Ecology to implement requirements associated with the new NPDES(National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Phase II permit. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE CONSENTAGENDA MINUS ITEM 7.k. CARRIED. ',�►` ��r+' CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL �� �� ` Subject/Title: Meeting: Marijuana Moritorium Resolution Regular Council - 18 Nov 2013 Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Resolution Community and Economic Development Staff Contact: Chip Vincent, x6588 Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ Transfer Amendment: $ Amount Budgeted: $ Revenue Generated: $ Total Project Budget: $ City Share Total Project: $ SUMMARY OF ACTION: The State of Washington Liquor Control Board is expected to start accepting applications for marijuana related businesses November 18, 2013. The City of Renton has not analyzed potential impacts these businesses may have on the city as a whole or on properties that are in close proximity to the businesses, made determinations regarding appropriate land use classifications for the businesses, or considered additional regulations the city may wish to impose on such businesses. In the absence of such review and consideration, the city is not adequately prepared to begin issuing business licenses for marijuana related businesses. Given this, it is appropriate for the city to adopt a moratorium that would give the city the time needed to engage in the process of analyzing impacts, making determinations regarding land use classification, and considering additional regulations. The resolution sets a date for a public hearing at the Council meeting of December 2, 2013, which will provide the public with an opportunity to comment on the moratorium, and the issues identified above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council read and readopt a Resolution commencing a six month moratorium on accepting business licenses for marijuana related businesses, setting a public hearing date, and directing staff to engage the public and begin a work program regarding regulations for marijuana related businesses in Renton. � `� CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON RESOLUTI�fV N0. A RESOLUTION OF TNE CITY Of RENTON, WASHtNGTC7N, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON ACCEPTING APPL1CATtONS FOR BUSENESS LICENSES OR PERMITS FOR MEDICAL AND/OR RECREATIONAL MARUUANA BUSINESSES ANp � ESTABltSHMENTS INVOLVED IN THE SALE, MANUFACTURE, DtSTRIBUTION OR USE OF MARIJUANA; DIRECTlNG THE SETfING OF A PUBLIC HEARIEVG DATE; AND ESTABLISN[NG A TERMfNATION DATE FOR THE MORATORiUM. j WHEREAS, state lnitiative 697 legalized medica! marijuana;and � i WHfREAS, Initiative 502 legalized recreational marijuana; and I WHEREAS, prop�sed state regulati�ns may combine many of the rules controlfing � � medical marijuana and recreationai marijwana; and WHEREAS, additional time is needed to study existing and potential impacts from land uses associated with marijuana; and I WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide the Planning Commission with a staff recommendation, and forward the Planning Commission's recommendatian along with the staff's recorrtmendation ta the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Renton C�ty Council will hold a public hearing within sixty (6Q} days of , � the passage of this resolution; ' I NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCI! OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHI(VGTON, DOES � i RESOlVE AS FOLLOWS: i SECTION l. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION il. The Renton City Council hereby declares a moratorium upon the ' � submission, acceptance! processing or appraval of any permit applications or licenses by or for ; � 1 � � � RESOLUTION NO. new marijuana establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture or processing of marijuana,including any and a!I aspects of recreational marijuana. SECTIOIV II1. The interim zoning control set forth in this resolution shall be in effect untii Apri(4, 2014, unless subsequently extended by the City Council pursuant to state law, SECTI�N fV. A pu6lic hearing will be held by December 2,2013. ; � PASSED 8Y TNE CITY COUNCtL this day of , 2013. ; ; i Bonnie L Walton, City Clerk APPR�VED BY TNE MAYOR this day af , 2Q13. I Denis Law, Mayor � � Appraved as to form: � Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney � RES:1615:11/7/13:scr ' i i i I � I � � 2 `�+` �rrrr CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION N0. 4199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS LICENSES OR PERMITS FOR MEDICAL AND/OR RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA BUSINESSES AND ESTABLISHMENTS INVOLVED IN THE SALE, MANUFACTURE, DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF MARIJUANA; DIRECTING THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING DATE; AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE FOR THE MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, state Initiative 697 legalized medical marijuana; and WHEREAS, Initiative 502 (egalized recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, proposed state regulations may combine many of the rules controlling medical marijuana and recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, additional time is needed to study existing and potential impacts from (and uses associated with marijuana; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide the Planning Commission with a staff recommendation, and forward the Planning Commission's recommendation along with the � staff's recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Renton City Council will hold a public hearing within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The Renton City Council hereby declares a moratorium upon the submission, acceptance, processing or approval of any permit applications or licenses by or for 1 � RESOLUTION N0.4199 '� new marijuana establishments involved in the sale, use, growing, manufacture or processing of marijuana, including any and all aspects of recreational marijuana. SECTION III. The interim zoning control set forth in this resolution shall be in effect for six (6) months unless subsequently extended by the City Council pursuant to state law. SECTION IV. A public hearing will be held by December 2, 2013. PASSED BYTHE CITY COUNCILthis 4th day of November , 2013. ,'? �,r' , ;` � , ��, ._f Ja on A. Set , Deputy City Clerk APPROVED BYTHE MAYORthis 4th dayof November , 2013. � 1 Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: � .�� <C�� "`��"' Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES:1615:11/5/13:scr - 2 '�r+' �rr+' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 4, 2013 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hat) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Denis Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF RANDY CORMAN,Council President; MARCIE PALMER; DON PERSSON; ED COUNCILMEMBERS PRINCE;TERRI BRIERE; RICH ZWICKER; GREG TAYLOR_ CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE DENIS LAW, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney;JASON SETH, Deputy City Clerk; IWEN WANG, Administrative Services Administrator;GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Public Works Administrator;TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Community Services Administrator; CHIP VINCENT, Community and Economic Development Administrator;ANGIE MATHIAS,Associate Planner; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR DEBORAH NEEDHAM, Fire& Emergency Services Department; COMMANDER CLARK WILCOX, Police Department. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation by Mayor Law was read decfaring November 2013 to be Pancreatic Cancer Awareness "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month" in the City of Renton and encouraging Month—November 2013 everyone to join in this special observance. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Michelle Bouchor accepted the proclamation, and stated that her mother will be a 12-year cancer survivor this February. She thanked City officials for supporting Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month because it means so much to her family and those who are still battling this disease. DECA Month—November A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring November 2013 to be "DECA 2013 Month" in the City of Renton and encouraging everyone to join in this special observance. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Sesinos Zerbabiel, Lindbergh High School DECA President, accepted the proclamation with appreciation. He stated that DECA is a marketing and business organization that focuses on competitions,community service, and {eadership. Mr. Zerbabiel added that the Lindbergh DECA Chapter has so far raised $600 of their$2,000 goal for Child Haven,their charity of the year. GradNation Day—November A proclamation by Mayor law was read declaring November 8, 2013 to be 8, 2013 "GradNation Day" in the City of Renton and encouraging everyone to join in this special observance and urge the citizens of Renton to support our young people by working together and creating local solutions to this national crisis. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Damien Pattenaude,Chief Academic Officer for the Renton School District, accepted the proclamation, and expressed appreciation for the recognition of the DECA program. He remarked that he looks forward to the continuation of the partnership between the district and City in supporting students in school, and those who have dropped-out but are seeking to re-engage the system. Y f�ovember 4, 2013 '�r+` Renton Citv Council Minutes '� Pa�e 326 � PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Annexation: Maertins, NE 16th accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to St&SE Renton lssaquah Rd consider the 60% Petition to Annex and zoning for the proposed Maertins Annexation; approximately 4.2 acres, located south of NE 16th St., east of 145th PI.SE,and north of SE Renton Issaquah Rd. Associate Planner Angie Mathias reported that the proposed annexation site is in the City's potential annexation area (PAA), it contains one single-family home and vacant land. She noted that the site is within a larger area that had been annexed through the unincorporated island method a few years ago, but property owners repealed that annexation. Ms. Mathias stated that there are no significant slopes or critical areas (wetlands or regulated streams) in the annexation area,and public services are currently provided by Fire District#25, Water District#90, Renton sewer service, and the Issaquali School District. Reviewing the site's zoning, Ms. Mathias stated that the existing King County zoning is R-4(four dwelling units per gross acre). She reported that the City had pre-zoned the area in 1996 as R-5 (five dwelling units per net acre), but that zoning designation is no longer available. She also reported that the City's Comprehensive Plan designates the site as eCigible for residential low density zoning and explained that R-4 (four dwelling units per net acre) is being recommended and will become effective upon annexation. Ms. Mathias reported that currently there is one dwelling unit in the area, and if annexed it is estimated to generate$1,603 in revenues and cost$1,701 annually to the City's Operating Fund, which would change to$24,015 in revenues and $18,281 in costs if the potential 13 additional dwelling units are built over the next ten years. Concluding, Ms. Mathias remarked that the City's best interests and general welfare are served by this annexation. There being no public comment, it was MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BYZWICKER,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCILACCEPTTHE 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO FORWARD THE NOTICE OF INTENT TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2013 and beyond. Items induded were: � Renton Lions Club is celebrating 75 years of serving the Renton community and the world. Chartered in 1938, Renton Lions Club has a long history of humanitarian efforts and community contributions. Most recently, they played a significant role in Renton River Days as they hosted the Saturday morning pancake breakfast, assisted with the Saturday parade,and manned the lions Screening Test Van and Lions Information Booth. Congratulations and thank you for many years of hard work and commitment that have benefited the Renton community. • November 4,2013 '�r✓ Renton Citv Council Minutes �` Pa�e 327 Library: High{ands Library City Attorney Larry Warren reviewed Council actions over the past few years Construction Update related to the construction of two new King County Library System (KCLS) libraries in Renton. He also reviewed the complicated four-way real estate transaction required forthe new Highlands library. Mr. Warren reported that two parts of this transaction have been successfully completed, and after some site clean-up by the private developer,the next two parts can be completed so that construction on the new library can begin. Chief Administrative Officer Covington remarked that a briefing on the progress of both new libraries is scheduled for the next Committee of the Whole meeting. AUDIENCE COMMENT Howard McOmber(Renton) urged anyone interested in volunteering their time Citizen Comment: McOmber— to help the Salvation Army and the Emergency Feeding Program feed Renton's Volunteerism in Renton hungry and homeless populations they should contact those organizations. Additionally, Mr. McOmber advocated for affordable housing, and for the use of City facilities as nighttime shelters for the homeless during the winter months. Councilmember Taylor thanked Mr. McOmber for sharing his spirit of community and campassion. He remarked that it is that kind of spirit that wi{I help the City create shared prosperity throughout the community. Citizen Comment:Torbenson— William Torbenson (Renton) requested assistance regarding an issue of trees Neighbor's Trees Falling on falling from a neighboring property that have been damaging buifdings on his Property property. He stated that he has attempted to contact the neighboring property owner; and his insurance was canceled because they could not recover their losses from the absentee owner. Mr.Torbenson remarked that he has also worked with the City's Code Enforcement Division and arborist. Further, he asked if the City had a dangerous tree ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding City regulations,code enforcement procedures and whether any improvements had begun on the neighboring property, as wel{as the current condition of the property. Mayor Law stated that the City will contact Mr.Torbenson after the administration has reviewed his issues. Citizen Comment: Sunderland Eileen Sunderland (Renton)stated that she lives in a different home on the —Neighbor's Trees Falling on same property and reiterated the concerns brought forth by Mr.Torbenson. Property She remarked that Section 4-11-080 of the Renton Municipal Code states that a qualified arborist must certify a tree as posing a risk of damage to personal property before the City will deem it as hazardous. She pointed out that the City sent an arborist to her property but could not certify any of the trees because he was not allowed to access the neighbor's private property. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council: Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 10/21/2013. Council concur. 10/21/2013 Council: Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 10/28/2013. Council concur. 10/28/2013 November 4. 2013 � Renton Citv Council Minutes �/'' Pa�e 328 � CAG: 13-177, Will Rogers— City Clerk reported bid opening on 10/17/2013 for CAG-13-177; Will Rogers— Wiley Post Seaplane Base Wiley Post Seaplane Base Maintenance Dredging project;five bids; engineer's Maintenance Dredging, estimate$1,098,394.50; and submitted staff recommendation to award the American Construction Co contract to the low bidder,American Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of $575,313. Council concur. CAG: 13-178, Misty Cove Lift City Clerk reported bid opening on 10/22/2013 for CAG-13-178; Misty Cove Lift Station Replacement, Gary Station Replacement project; eight bids; engineer's estimate$729,599;and Harper Construction submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Gary Harper Construction, Inc., in the amount of$820,877.70. Council concur. CED: City Center Community Community and Economic Development Department submitted the City Center Plan Advisory Board Annual Community Plan Advisory Board Annual Report for review and approval. Refer Report to Plannin�and Development Committee. Fire: Emergency Management Fire and Emergency Services Department recommended approval of an Program,WA Military . agreement with the Washington State Military Department to accept Department EMPG Grant Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant funds in the amount of$96,967 to support the emergency management program; and recommended adjusting the budget as necessary. Council concur. Lease: Ground Rate Increase, Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Addendum#5 to Lane Hangar Condominium LAG-99-003,Airport lease with Lane Hangar Condominium Owners Association, Owners Association, LAG-99- to increase the total ground lease rate to$27,301.56 plus leasehold tax 003 annually through 7/31/2016. Council concur. Utility: Storm System Field Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the amount of Mapping(Phase 2)—NPDES $191,851 with APS Surveying and Mapping for the Storm System Fieid Mapping Permit, APS Surveying& (Phase 2)—NPDES Permit project. Council concur. Mapping MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending approval of Finance Committee Claim Vouchers 325008-325341, four wire transfers and one payroll run with Finance:Vouchers benefit withholding payments totaling$8,611,785.50,and payroll vouchers including 732 direct deposits and 54 payroll checks totaling$1,553,563.01. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Plannin�&Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Zwicker presented a report Committee recommending referral to the Committee of the Whole the City Center CED: City Center Community Community Plan Annual Report for presentation at a future Committee of the Plan Annual Report Whole meeting. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES � November 4, 2013 '�' Renton Citv Council Minutes `� Pa�e 329 ADDED MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCiL ADD A RESOLUTION RESOLUTION#4199 REGARDING A MORATORIUM ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS FOR CED: Moratorium on BUSINESS LICENSES OR PERMITS FOR MEDICAL AND/OR RECREATION Acceptance of Business MARIJUANA BUSINESSES. CARRIED. Licenses& Permits for A resolution was read in its entirety decfaring a moratorium on accepting Marijuana Uses � application for business licenses or permits for medical and/or recreation e�� �lp� C/ marijuana businesses, including collective gardens and other establishments 1X � involved in the sale, manufacture, distribution or use of marijuana; directing �`� the setting of a public hearing date of 12/2/2013; and establishing a termination date for th�e moratorium. Responding to Councilmember Briere's inquiry, Mr. Warren cfarified that this moratorium affects all types of marijuana businesses. MOVED BY ZWICKER,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.* Mr. Corman remarked that he believes it is appropriate to put a system in place that effectively manages and complies with the intent of the voters regarding the legalization of marijuana. He added that anyone affected by this resolution will have a chance to speak at the upcoming public hearing. *MOTION CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: ORDfNANCE#5696 An ordinance was read amending Section 1-3-3 of Chapter 3, Nuisances, of Title Attorney: Nuisance I (Administrative), of City Code, criminalizing nuisance and chronic nuisance Definitions, Code Amendment conduct in residential locations and in or around commercial, retail, and entertainment businesses by amending the definitions of"Calls for Service," "Chronic Nuisance Premises," and "Premises." MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Taylor shared that he attended a conference October 21 to 23, Council: Councilmember 2013 called Railvolution that provided a wealth of information regarding Taylor, Conference Attendance employment transit-oriented development. He noted there were over 80 workshops, museum visits, and trade shows. Additionally, Mr.Taylor shared that he is a founding member of a group called Local Progress, and explained that Local Progress is a nafional municipal policy network made up of hundreds of local elected officials from around the country, and key allied organizations,who are united by a shared commitment to a strong middle and working class, equal justice under law,sustainable and livable cities,and good government that serves the public interests effectively. He requested time on the Committee of the Whole calendar sa he can discuss these issues in further detail at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCILADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 0 p.m. � Jas Seth, Deputy Cit Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder � November4, 2013 � RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR � Office of the City Clerk � , COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 4, 2013 COMMfTTEE/CHAIRMAN DATE/TIME AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MON., 11/11 NO MEETINGS (Veterans Day Holiday) (Corman) MON., 11/18 Update on New KCLS Libraries in Renton 5:30 p.m. (briefing); 2013/2014 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment COMMUNITY SERVICES (Taylor) FINANCE MON., 11/18 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) (Briere) 4 p.m. Remodel (briefing); Vouchers; Emerging lssues in Revenue Streams (briefing) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MON., 11/18 CANCELED (Zwicker) PUBLIC SAFETY MON., 11/18 Fire Department Staffing Update (Persson) 5 p.m. (briefing); Emerging Issues in Fire & Emergency Services (presentation of new aid car& stretcher) TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) THURS., 11/14 CANCELED (Palmer) UTILITIES (Prince) NOTE: Committee of the Whole meetings are held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. All other committee meetings are held in the Council Conference Room unless otherwise noted.