HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlock Grant Program - 2017 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Renton small business development in at the Renton Senior Activity PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing Renton. The City will be con- Center. Community Development ducting an RFP process for an If the amount of CDBG funds Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Block Grant(CDBG)Funds agency(ies) (yet to be deter- changes for 2017, allocation will Proposed Use of mined to rovide micro busi- be modified as follows: Advertising Representative of the 2017 CDBG Funds& � p ness services targeted to If the amount of funding is in- Reallocation of 2016 Funds low-income and underserved creased, additional funding will NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN residents. be used for the improvements that the Renton City Council has 3) Capital Projects: The esti- at the Renton Senior Activiry Renton Reporter fixed the lOth day of October, mated balance of $309,607 is Center up to a maximum of 2016 at 7:00 pm as the date and proposed for capital projects: $350,000. If the amount of time for a public hearing to be $75,000 for Healthy Housing CDBG decreased, the decrease held in the Counci( Chambers of �n the Housing Repair Program wi11 come from the Senior Center a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of Renton c�cy xau, se�e„cn F�oo�, �to �,,,,,;,,,;Ze moisture). improvements. 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, Healthy Housing is proposing For more information contact general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months WA 98057, to provide an oppor- to replace approximately 6 Dianne Utecht, Human Services � prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in tunity for public comment on the roofs, provide an est�matea ia Coordinator ac 425-430-6655 or allocation of CDBG funds. Pub- homes with ventilation to mini- dutecht(a�rentonwa.�ov. the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King �;� �o,,,,,,e„t ;S requested on cne mize mo�5c�re, ana �ns�n Tne pUb>>� �s �n��cea co �o„�- County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as proposed aoi� cDSG alloca- HEPA fumace filters �n homes ment on the proposed projects at a Le al News a er b order of the Su erior Court of the State of tions and reallocation of 2016 of active Housing Repair the hearing or by submitting g p P y p funds. Clients. The Healthy Housing written comments prior to the Washin ton for Kin COUIlt . 2017 Funds g g y clients will be identified from public hearing to the attention of The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues The City will receive an estimat- the approximately 217 active Jason Seth, City Clerk, 7th Floor, ed $631,333 in 2017 CDBG Housing Repair Clients, city Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was f,,,,as. afte� contractual sec N,�de Way,Renton,9aos�. regularly distributed to its subscribers dunng the below stated period. as�des �o�er�ng K�ng coUncy ad- The balance of$234,607 to be This notice is available in alter- minisvation and human service used for renovations, including nate formats upon request for The annexed notice, a: program costs, the amount avail- ADA improvements, at the individuals with disabilities. Public Notice able is estimated to be $397,740, Renton Senior Activity Center All interested parties aze invit- which the Ciry is proposing to al- located at 211 Burnett Avenue ed to attend the public hearing locate as follows: N, Renton, WA with approxi- and present written or oral 1) Planning and Administra- mately 62,250 visits annually. comments regarding the propo- tion: $63,133 or the maximum Z016 Action Plan Amendment sal. Renton City Hall is com- was published on September 23, 2OIE). amount allowable to plan and Reallocation of 2016 funds: pliant with the American Dis- administer the CDBG program $40,000 of the 2016 funds cur- abilities Act, and interpretive at 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, rently allocated to the Downtown services for the hearing im- WA 98057. Commercial Rehabilitation and paired will be provided upon 2) Public Services: Of the es- Fa�ade Improvement Loan prior notice. Call The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is timated $334,607 in remaining program will be reallocated for (425)-430-6510 for additional � CDBG funds, the City propos- Architectura( and Engineering information. the sum of$242.13. es to allocate $25,000 for design work for the renovations Jason A.Seth -'�'� City Clerk � f Published in the Renton Reporter - ���o� ��.� September 23, 2016. #1700394. inda Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter ubscribed d sworn to me this 23rd day of September, 2016. � ale Gwin, Notary Public or the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,Washington , � •� �rr/ SPECIAL PRESENTATION State of the County: King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn presented the annual State of the County Address. He discussed the following topics: • Increases in services,frequency, and safety in transit services. • New Drop Box for Ballots in Renton Highlands in the Renton Public Health Clinic. • Infrastructure improvements within King County to protect from flooding. • Cedar River Watershed Corridor Program. • Parks and trail improvements for non-automotive transportation. • Lake to Sound Trail grant support. Additionally Councilmember Dunn answered questions/concerns raised by Council and thanked them fortheir hard work. PUBIIC HEARING 2016/2017 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Funding: This being the date set �Q„Cf and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, U Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider the 2016/2017 Community Development �n��,�� Block Grant(CDBG) Funding. 1/" Human Services Manager, Karen Bergsvick reported that CDBG funds are allocated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD) and are received through an interlocal agreement with King County.She stated that the CDBG is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs, and that 2017 allocation is estimated to be$631,333. Ms. Bergsvick further laid out the City's recommended plan on how to use the 2017 allotment: YEAR ACTIVITY NATIONAL AMOUNT OBJECTIVE 2017 King County Contractual Set Asides: Not Applicable • General Administration $63,133 • Capital Administration i $12,627 � Housing Stability Program $31,567 i � Housing Repair Program 126 267 Subtotal � $233,594 ; __ _ --- ------_ _ -- --- -- -. _ City Planning and Administration + Not Applicable $63,133 ---------- —_ ___ _ - --- - - -_ __- — _ _- Public Services: Small Business Low-and-Moderate- $25,000 � Development in Renton Income residents _---- -------- ----- --__ _ ---- -- ---__ _ _ _ __ Capital Projects: Low-and Moderate- • Healthy Housing Project Income residents $75,000 • ADA Improvements at the Removal of $234,606 Renton Senior Activity Center Architectural I (211 Burnett Ave. N) Barriers � _---- - --- __ _ _ ___ - - - ' 2017 TOTAL $631,633 �-- ---� - - _ October 10, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES l+ w � Additionally Ms. Ber�vick explained the need to reallocate $40,000 of 2016 funds currently allocated to the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Fa�ade Improvement Program. She explained that the funds would be used for the architectural and engineering design work for the removal of architectural barriers(ADA improvements) at the Renton Senior Activity Center. Following discussion, and there being no public comment, it was MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE 2016 ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT TO ALLOCATE$40,000 OF 2016 CAPITAL FUNDS TO ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN WORK ON THE RENTON SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER TO REMOVE ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS. CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE USE OF 2017 FUNDS,AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Preeti Shridhar reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2016 and beyond. Items noted were regarding: • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Vic Bishop, Bellevue, Chair-Elect of the Eastside Transportation Association recommended a "No"vote on the upcoming ballot proposition for Sound Transit 3 (ST3). • Diane Dobson, Renton, addressed Council regarding the understaffed Police Department and requested to be informed about what can be done to assist the City in funding the appropriate training needed for Police officers so the City can have a fully staffed department.Additionally, she shared concerns related to the animal shelters during the cold weather season. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the ConsentAgenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of October 3, 2016. Council Concur. b) AB -1765 City Clerk submitted 10% Notice of Intent to Annex petition for the proposed Tim D Annexation and recommended a public meeting be set on�10/24/2016 to consider the petition; 2.7 acre site abutting the City at its northern City limits. Council Concur. c) AB-1769 Community& Economic Development Department recommended the transfer of the $50,000 balance from the South Renton Reserve account to the CED Arts and Culture Capital Projects account for purpose of the design,fabrication, and installation of artwork in the South Renton neighborhood. Refer to Community Services Committee. October 10, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2017 Communit Develo ment 61 k r � y p oc G ant Fu nds Allocation � & Use .�' . . �. Public He rin a g , Presented to the Renton City Council � � c� October 10, 2016 � 0 n - rn � CITY OF J� �J� J� � � � m n i Develo ment Block G ra nt Com u t Y p C DBG Fund Allocation & Use Summar y � • 2017: Utilize $631,633 in CDBG funds for King County contractual set-asides, City planning and administration, public services, Healthy Housing and removal of architectural barriers at the Renton Senior Activity Center. � c� rn ! z v n — m � CITY OF - �. n � e CDBG 6ack rou nd g • City of Renton receives an annual allocation of CDBG funds via an agreement with King County. � — CDBG is a flexible program that provides communities with resourcestoaddressawide rangeof uniquecommunity development needs. — Program utilizes federal funding that is administered through the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ( HUD). � � Z � . 2017 allocation is estimated to be $631,333. �° ' — m � CITY OF - �J� J� � � C DBG Fu nd i n Pla n g �������� . . . • . � . : � . 2(�17 King Cvunty Contractual Set- Not �►pplicabfe asides - Generai Adminis�ration $�3,13'3 - Capital Administr�tion $12,�27 - Housing Stability Prograrn $ 33,5�7 � - Housing Repair Prc�gram �2�,�67 : Subtotal � 233,594 City Planning & Administration Not Applicable $ 63,133 Public Services: Small Bus�ness Benefit to Law- and Develapm�nt in Rer�t�n Moderate-�ncom� $ 25,Q�U residents Capital Projects: � - Healthy Housing Project Benefit to Low-and $75,000 rn - ADA Improvements at the Moderate-Income � Renton Senior Activity Center residents $234,606 � � (211 Burnett Avenue N) Removal of m Architectural Barriers � ' � _ ' 2U17 TOTAL $ 631,633 . �. 1 . . � • • - `��' ',� � ���� . � ��.=� j � ,...= f � I�, 1 . . � �, .s �� � � � # i ti16 � � yy • �`t � `, '�� �.`� #�^ r��.. �� � y ''x,� ' � .�� � �,�} #�. ��,� �� �� . . , . . , ° ��, , ,�. i �. 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P .. .�� � � _ . � , � ._ . . � � :� � � � �� � � � ��,�£� ,r� �. .��, � �,�� � � � ���� � ��� �� �: � .aa � � e * '� * +-a ''-. ' ��� , �„ ; �. ?zw� " .. �k -r ;t� ��P '� 6`�st HC„ r. c ' ;•:t,�' -*,.. y , " y. � ,W .:� . �.�k� �«>. ' �' . . � - n;t.i`��--'�, ..�� .^:s '��. �.�.`:',�,.4 �' '�R �f --,o :t r',,. � � , �� ., � �Y 2016 Action Pla n Amend ment � • Reallocate $40,000 of 2016 funds currently allocated to the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Fa�ade Improvement Program . Funds will be used for the architectural and engineering design work for the removal of architectural barriers (ADA improvements) at the Renton Senior Activity Ce nte r. �. c� m z 0 n — m CITY OF -r ��� �� ' � ' ' ' r Fr nt Desk Sen ior Activit Cente o y �„� �a � ������� ��,�a��� ��� � ,� � �� �: �� � � ��� ���� # � � �� �����!w�� ���� � �� : . ;�, ��� ]� G� Z O � ► • Counters currently at 40 inches, not the ADA m height of 31 inches. i c�-rY oF '� . � � ' Fundin Contin en PI n g g cy a • King County requires a Funding Contingency Plan if the � Housing and Urban Development Department ("HUD") allocation is greater or less than the 2017 estimated amounts. • If there is an increase in funds: After the contractual set- asides, additional capital funds will be used for the improvements at the Senior Activity Center- to a maximum � of $350,000. c� . . . Z • If there is a decrease in funds, the decrease will come frorn� the Senior Activity Center improvements. � rn 3 � � �, . � ' Recommendations • Approve the 2016 Action Plan Amendment to allocate $40,000 of 2016 capital funds to Architectural and � Engineering design work on the Renton Senior Activity Center to remove architectural barriers. • Following the public hearing and consideration of public comment, staff recommends that Council take action tonight , by approving the recommendations for the use of 2017 fund : � as presented . m z v n — rn � CITY OF � �� � Fundin Contin enc Plan g � y • King County requires a Funding Contingency Plan if the � Housing and Urban Development Department ("HUD") allocation is greater or less than the 2017 estimated amounts. • If there is an increase in funds: After the contractual set- asides, additional capital funds will be used for the improvements at the Senior Activity Center- to a maximum �, of $350,000. c� . Z • If there is a decrease in funds, the decrease will come from� the Senior Activity Center improvements. � m CITY OF I � • J� � Recommendations • Approve the 2016 Action Plan Amendment to allocate $40,000 of 2016 capital funds to Architectural and � Engineering design work on the Renton Senior Activity Center to remove architectural barriers. ��c��'�` � ��� � �� � • Following the public hearing and consideration of public comment, staff recommends that Council take action tonight by approving the recommendations for the use of 2017 fund� as presented . . �,����� m ` z � U� o � J �� � n _ � � CITY OF �� • �� � 3 CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent A�M``da were adopted with one motion,followi the listing. aj Approval of Councif Meeting minutes of September 12, 2016.Council Concur. b) AB-1739 City Attorney Department recommended adopting a resolution assigning the City's rights and obligations for Basic Life Support Services, provided by King County, to the Renton Regional Fire Authority.Council Concur. c) AB-1753 Community&Economic Development Department recommended setting a public hearing on 10/3/2016 to consider extending interim zoning limiting the number of retail marijuana stores that will be licensed in the City of Renton. Council Concur;Se#publit hearing on 10/3/2016. � .CO�6, d) AB-1751 Community Senrices Department recommended setting a public hearing on S 10/10/2016 to consider approving the 2016 Community Development Block Grant allocation � � f funds for human services. Council Concur;Set public hearing on 10/10/2016. ej AB-1752 Transportation Systems Division submitted the LED Conversion of City-Owned Street lights Project(CAG-12-120};and requested approval of the project and release of the retainage of$154,953.95,once all�required releases are obtained. Council Concur. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA,AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending NOT authorizing the expenditure of$98,274.22 to complete the Airport Blast Wall Artwork Project. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. b) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a General Services Contract Agreement with Western Systems, Inc.for the Siemens Split Cycle Offset Optimization Technique Adaptive Signal Control Technology System for the SW 43rd Street/SE Carr Road/SE 176th Street/SE Petrovitsky Road Corridor Safety Project in an amount not to exceed$406,251.55,plus any applicable state and local sales tax. MOVED BY P�REZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. c) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to adopt the Ordinance amending Renton Municipal Code 10-11-1.B to include the speed limit on SE May Valley Rd.and Nile Ave. NE be established at 30 (thirty} miles per hour. MOVED BY P�REZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. September 19,2016 REGULAR COUIVCIL MEETING MINUTES � � AGENDA ITEM #7, d) AB - 1751 C17Y OP � • ______ entan � • • - • •. � . SUBJECT/TITLE: Proposed uses of 2017 Community Development Block Grant funds and amendment to 2016 funds RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Community Services STAFF CONTACT: Karen Bergsvik, Human Services Manager EXT.: 6652 , • . . • The City will receive an estimated $631,333 in 2017 CDBG funds.The allocation after contractual set asides is estimated to be $397,740.The 2016 CDBG funds have been allocated to the Downtown Renton Commercial Rehabilitation and Facade Improvement Program. $200,000 in loans have been proposed, leaving a balance of $136,183 to reallocate. We are proposing that $40,000 be allocated to the design of the Renton Senior Activity Center ADA improvements. (For more information and detail, please see Summary of Action.) � • • � • Set a public hearing for October 10th at 7pm as the date to provide an opportunity for public comment on the proposed allocation of 2017 CDBG projects and reallocating a portion of 2016 projects. From the estimated $631,133, the City must provide contractual set-asides per the Joint Agreement with King County consisting of County Administration ($63,133), County Capital Administration ($12,267), Housing Stability Program ($31,567; provides rent and mortgage assistance to prevent individuals or families from eviction), and King County Housing Repair Program ($126,267; provides interest free loans and emergency grants to low and moderate income homeowners to repair their homes).The net amount for the City's use in 2017 after setasides is estimated to be $397,740.The City proposes$63,133 or the maximum allowable under the program for Planning and Administration; $25,000 for Public Services for small business development, and the balance for capital ($309,607). $75,000 for Healthy Housing in the Housing Repair Program (to minimize moisture), and the balance ($234,607)for ADA improvements at the senior center.$40,000 of the 2016 funds currently allocated to the Downtown Renton Commercial Rehabilitation and Facade Improvement Program will be reallocated for architectural and engineering design work for the ADA improvements to the Renton Senior Activity Center. None � • � � • Authorize a public hearing date on October 10, 2016 for public comment on the City's proposed allocation for 2017, and amending the 2016 allocation. J � . 2017 Commun �t Develo ment Block Grant y p Funds Allocation & Use Public Hearin g � Presented to the Renton City Council October 10, 2016 � CITY OF - -- en on � Co mmunit Develo ment Block Grant Y p . � CDBG Fund Allocation & Use Summar y • 2017: Utilize $631,633 in CDBG funds for King County contractual set-asides, City planning and administration, public services, Healthy Housing and removal of architectural barriers at the Renton Senior Activity Center. � � CITY OF -- en an � CDBG Back round � • City of Renton receives an annual allocation of CDBG funds via � an agreement with King County. — CDBG is a flexible program that provides communities with resourcestoaddressawiderangeof uniquecommunity development needs. — Program utilizes federal funding that is administered through the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development � (HUD). • 2017 allocation is estimated to be $631,333. � CITY OF --� en on � CD6G Fundin Plan g 1 � � � I� . � illl ,III�� � � II 2017 1Cing County Cantractual Set- Nat Ap�licable asides - C�neral Adrninistratic�n �63,133 - Capitaf Administration $12,627 � - Housing Stability Pragram $ 3�,567 - Hvusing Repair Program 1�6,2,�7 Subtotal � 233,594 City Planning & Administration Not Applicable $ 63,133 Publ�c Services: Small Business B�nefit to �ow- and aevelapment in Rentc�n Nloc�erate-Incc�me $ 25,OOQ residerrts ` Capital Projects: � - Healthy Housing Project Benefit to Low-and $75,000 - ADA Improvements at the Moderate-Income Renton Senior Activity Center residents $234,606 (211 Burnett Avenue N) Remova) of Architectural Barriers 201.7 TOTAI $ 631,633 � • • � • • � .� .1' � i.' �, . � # �t. ,� rt ..* �, i� � F Sf �' b � � r • i '�� �t �y, 'j ;{� ,�. � _'�� , i � �j� ��� �.�� ��"1 ', � � ���.'�'" .�", � "� � . � � , , - .«� , �:�. ; �i . �-x� «+ ' ; . ,_ - _ , — � .� _.� .�. ��'` � _. _�.,� � � . .. �....:rr"'�-----.r��......�r..�---� � y"""". • .a ��r �r�+�' �, ..., ''p�. 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Funds will be used for the architectural and engineering design work for the removal of architectural barriers (ADA improvements) at the Renton Senior Activity Ce nte r. � � CITY OF �� �� � Senior Activit Center Front Desk v ,. :� � � h�k��,�,�,i�u �� G �'li� e��= � � 1 �� 1 �� 1i�17 ti'I 1 �'_ ��i ��� �.. � ��,� :� • Counters currently at 40 inches, not the ADA height ot 31 inches. CITY OF en on � Fundin Contin enc Plan g � Y � • King County requires a Funding Contingency Plan if the Housing and Urban Development Department ("HUD") allocation is greater or less than the 2017 estimated amounts. � If there is an increase in funds: After the contractual set- asides, additional capital funds will be used for the improvements at the Senior Activity Center- to a maximum � of 350 000. $ , • If there is a decrease in funds, the decrease will come from the Senior Activity Center improvements. � CITY QF -- -'''''.. 1�1 �Jrl ' �' Recommendations • Approve the 2016 Action Plan Amendment to allocate � $40,000 of 2016 capital funds to Architectural and Engineering design work on the Renton Senior Activity Center to remove architectural barriers. • Following the public hearing and consideration of public comment, staff recommends that Council take action tonight by approving the recommendations for the use of 2017 funds � as resented . p CITY OF �� ��� � ,� `� Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing October 10, 2017 • The City of Renton in 2017: Utilize$631,633 in CDBG funds for King County contractual set- asides, City planning and administration, public services, Healthy Housing and removal of architectural barriers at the Renton Senior Activity Center. 1 � ` ` � ' • : i • '. 2017 King County Contractual Set- Not Applicable asides - General Administration $63,133 - Capital Administration $12,627 - Housing Stability Program $ 31,56? - Housing Repair Program 126 267 Subtotal $ 233,594 City Planning& Administration Not Applicab(e $ 63,133 Public Services: Small Business Benefit to �ow- and Development in Renton Moderate-lncome $ 25,000 residents Capital Projects: - Healthy Housing Project Benefit to Low-and $75,000 - ADA Improvements at the Moderate-Income Renton Senior Activity residents $234,606 Center (211 Burnett Avenue Removal of N) Architectural Barriers 2017 TOTAL $ 631,633 2016 : Real�ocate$40,000 of 2016 funds currently allocated to the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Fa�ade Improvement Program. Funds will be used for the architectural and engineering design work for the removal of architectural barriers (ADA improvements). � � City of Renton Notice of Public Hearing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds Proposed Use of 2017 CDBG Funds& Reallocation of 2016 Funds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 10th day of October, 2016 at 7:00 pm as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the Council Chambers of Renton City Hall,Seventh Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,to provide an opportunity for public comment on the allocation of CDBG funds. Public comment is requested on the proposed 2017 CDBG allocations and reallocation of 2016 funds. 2017 Funds The City will receive an estimated $631,333 in 2017 CDBG funds. After contractual set asides covering King County administration and human service program costs, the amount available is estimated to be $397,740, which the City is proposing to allocate as follows: 1) Planning and Administration: $63,133 or the maximum amount allowable to plan and administer the CDBG program at 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057. 2) Public Services: Of the estimated $334,607 in remaining CDBG funds,the City proposes to allocate$25,000 for small business development in Renton. The City will be conducting an RFP process for an agency(ies) (yet to be determined)to provide micro business services targeted to low-income and underserved residents. 3) Capital Projects: The estimated balance of$309,607 is proposed for capital projects: $75,000 for Healthy Housing in the Housing Repair Program (to minimize moisture). Healthy Housing is proposing to replace approximately 6 roofs, provide an estimated 12 homes with ventilation to minimize moisture, and install HEPA furnace filters in homes of active Housing Repair Clients. The Healthy Housing clients will be identified from the approximately 217 active Housing Repair Clients, city wide. The balance of$234,607 to be used for renovations, including ADA improvements, at the Renton Senior Activity Center located at 211 Burnett Avenue N, Renton, WA with approximately 62,250 visits annually. 2016 Action Plan Amendment Reallocation of 2016 funds: $40,000 of the 2016 funds currently allocated to the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation and Fa�ade Improvement Loan Program will be reallocated for Architectural and Engineering design work for the renovations at the Renton Senior Activity Center. H:\001 CITY CLERK OFFICIAL\NOTICES\2017 Public hearing notice cdbg.docx � � If the amount of CDBG funds changes for 2017, allocation will be modified as follows: If the amount of funding is increased, additional funding will be used for the improvements at the Renton Senior Activity Center up to a maximum of$350,000. If the amount of CDBG decreased,the decrease will come from the Senior Center improvements. For more information contact Dianne Utecht, Human Services Coordinator at 425-430-6655 or dutecht@rentonwa.�ov. The public is invited to comment on the proposed projects at the hearing or by submitting written comments prior to the public hearing to the attention of Jason Seth, City Clerk, 7th Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,98057. This notice is available in alternate formats upon request for individuals with disabilities. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is compliant with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call (425)-430- 6510 for additional information. ��� ���L� Jason A.Seth City Clerk Published Renton Reporter September 23, 2016 Account No. 50640 H:\001 CITY CLERK OFFICIAL\NOTICES\2017 Public hearing notice cdbg.docx