HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 4298 �ITY �F RENT�N, WASHINGT�N RES�LUTI�N N�. 4298 A RES�LUTI�N QF THE CITY �F RENT�N, INASH�NGT�N, AD�PT�NG BY REFERENCE THE CURRENT CAPITAL FACILITIES PLANS FDR THE KENT, lSSA�}UAH AND RENT�N SCH��L DISTRiCTS. INHEREAS, under Sectian 4-1-19� af �hapter 1, Administratian and Enfarcement, af Title IV �De�elapment Regulatians}, the �ity af Rentan has heretafore ca�lected 5chaal impact fees on behalf af the Kent, Issaquah, and Renton School Districts; and INHEREAS, the Kent, Issaquah, and Renton School Districts each ha�e requested that the �ity af Rentan adopt their District's current �apita� Faci�ities Pians; and INHEREAS, the rate charged an behalf of each District is listed in the ��17-2�18 �ity of Renton Fee Schedule; N�IN, THEREF�RE, THE �ITY C�UNCIL �F THE CITY �F RENT�N, INASHiNGT�N, D�ES RES�LVE AS F�LL�INS: SEGTIaN I. The abo�e recitals are faund ta be true and carrect in all respects. SECTIDN II. The ��ty �ouncil of the �ity of Renton here�y adopt5 by reference as if fully set forth herein the foilowing Capital Facilities Plans: A. The Kent School District Capita! Facilities Plan ��16-2�17 — ���1-����, dated M ay 2�16. B. The ��16 Capital Facilities Pfan of Issaquah School District Nv. 411, adopted May 25, ��16 �y Resolutian 1�7�. �. The ��16 �apita� Facilities Plan af Renton Schoo# D�strict Nv. 4�3, dated May 2�16. 1 RES�LUTI�N N�. 4258 SECTI�N V. Cvp�es of each Capita� Facilit�es Plan advpted herein by reference wiil be at a�l t�mes vn file w�th the City C�erk. PASSEC] BY THE ClTY C�UNCIL this 215t day vf Nv�ember, 2�16. � � �ason . Seth, Clerk APPR�VED BY THE MAY�R this 215t day of No�ember, � 16. C]en is Law, M ayor �.�♦��,,����1��r i���i ,* p f I�F ��''���♦ � •,,��` �� +*N1il1111ii1�� � ♦��� A ra�ed as ta farm : �' C��_,�•��� �""��,� �'. . . p p � : ,: : � - � - - r � � � ■+ � w : � � � � i� � r. � � f r � * � � ► � r � � � � � � � � � ► � ` w I � �I � r j � ,���/ r��` 0 � � • r Lawrence J. Warren Cit Attvrne ''���Q�� ++'�'``"�",''`��` �*.�,.� , v v ���., °��4 TEo s�p��,•``' ��������s���»►��►�'`. REs. 1�16: Zolssls�:SCr z � � � � � � �� � � � ��� � � � ��� � ���� � TM �� ��� � � � � � f . s s . -� e�� � ��� �'��� ���es � �t � �'cx�6� o �'o��e�r��s ��ctic�n P��e N um b�r I E�ecutiv� Summary � I I �i�cwl��ar �r���i�r��nt P`r��e�tiar� � �istory 4 I I I �istr��t Star�d�rd �� ��rvice 9 I V inv��nt+�ry, �apacity �& Maps �f E�isting S�hva�s 1� � �i�-Y�e�ar Planning � Cor�s�ru�tion Plar� -� ��te M�p � 7 V I Port��l� �las�rooms �l V I I Proj�ected �iassrvorn �Gapac�ty �� V I I I Fir�a��e P�an, ���� �as�� and �mpact ��ee S�ch�du�e� �� I � �ummary af �hang�� tv Prev�v�s P�an �4 � Append�xe� 3� Kent Schaal D�strict Six-Year �ap�faC F�ci�ities P��n �ay �D'i fi 1 I Execut��e Sumr�ary Thi� ��x--Year �apital Faci[iti�es Pian �the "Plan"} has b�en �r�pared by the K�nt Sch�o� C�%strict �the "D�istri�ct�'} as the organEzatian's �apita[ fa�ilities planr�ing document, ir� c�mpliance v�ith the requirements of tlll'�shington's �Growth M�nag+ernent A��, Kin� �Cour�ty �od� K.C.�. � � A.43 and �ities of Kent, Cvving�vn, Rer�ton, Auburnr Blacl� aiamvnd , Il�aple '1�'alley, and SeaT�c. This ann�ual Plar� u�date was pr�pared using �1ata av�a��a�l� �n the spring vf �� � �5 fvr the �� � �-��� � s�h�avl year. Yh�� Pl�r� is ��ansist�nt wi�� pr�or I�n�-term cap�tal fa�i[�ti�s plan� �dopt�d �y thr� Kent �ch�v�� D��trict. This Plan is nvt inten�ded to be the s�le pla�ning dc�cument for all of the District's n�eds. The District may p�repare interir� and period�c Long Range �apita! Facilities Plans cvns�stent vvi�h Bvard P��icies, �aking in�v a�count a Ionger or sh�arter tinn�e periad , other factars and trerrds in the use �af facilities, �nd �o�h�er needs vf the Distr�ct as may �e required . Pr�or �a�ital Faciliti�s Plans of #h� Kent Schoa� Di�trict have b�een ado�ted by Metr�politan �ing �vur�ty +Coun��l and �iti�s vf �Cent, �vvin�t�n, Auburn and F�entor� and ir�cluded in the �apit�l Fa�cilities Plan element vf the �amprehens�ve Blans c�f ��ch jurisdictivn. Th�s �lan h�as also been submitt�ed �v cities af Bla�k D�aman�d � Maple Valley, and SeaTac far their inf�rmativn and inclusion ir� th�ir Cvm�reh�nsir�e Plans, ln order fc�r `rmp�rc� fees tv be cvllected in t�e unir�corporated areas of Kent Schavl �3istrict, the M�trv�olitan King Gounty ��unci[ must adopt this F�la�n ar�d a f��-impiern�nting ordir�anc� fvr th� Distric�. For ir�pact fees tv �� cvlle�t�d in the incvrp�rate+� portians of t�e D�strict, �he citi�e� �f I�ent, Cvv�ngtvr�, Renton and Auburn must a�so �do�t �his Plan �nd th�ir own schv�l impact f�e vrdinances, This Ca�ital Facilities Plan establishes a standard of serv�c� �n �rder t�o �sc�ertain curr�nt and future capacity. While th�� �ta#e �uperintendent of Pub�i� Instructian �stablishes square fc�otage gu��de�ines for capacityr those �guide���ne� dv not ac�vunt for Iocal �rogram n��eds ir� the Distri�ct. The �rowth Mana�gement �c�, Kin� �ounty and City c�des and �rdinanc�s authariz� th� District to make a�justm+ent� to �he standard vf se�vice based on specifc nee�s f�r s�udents �� th� District. This Pl�n inc�u�es the standard vf service as �sta�lished by �Cent Schoal C�i�trEct. Pragram +capacity is bas�d on an a�er�g� �a�acity �nd updated t� refiect ��anges t� special pr�grams s�rved in each building . Port�bl�s in the capacity calcu�ati�� use th� s�me standard of service as the �ermar�ent f��iliti�s. �continued} Kent Schvaf District Six-Year Capi�al Facilities P[an May ��'i� 2 . I xecu�tfve ummary �cvn�inued} The capac�ty af each schavl in th� C}istr��t is calculated based� vn the D�strict's standa�rd of s�r�ice ar�d the exist�ng inventary �f per�a�ent facilities. The District's pr�gram capacity of permanen� fa�c�lities refl�eG�s program ci�anges and the stat�'s ma�ndated reductian of class si�e ��o meet t�e standard of serv`rce for K�nt Schaol Di�trict. Pvr�ab�es pravide additivnal transitivnal ca,�ac�ty. �Kent Sch�vl Distri�t is �he fourth large�t �fte basis� district in �he state. E�rol[ment is electror�ical�y r�ported m�nthly to the C�ffice of th� Superinter�+dent of Pub�li� I nstr�uctiar� �"�S P I"} �r� �'orm P-22�. Althvu�h fu nd ing a,�pvrt��nment �s b���ed �n An r�ual Average Fu II Time E�u ivalent �AAFTE} , en rollm�nt �an C3ct�ber 1 is a widely recogni�ed "snapsh�at in time" that is used ta report the D�str�ct's enr�llment fvr the year �s r��orte� ta C7SP� . The Bvard c�f Directc�rs appro�v�d Fuli [�ay Kinder�arterr �"FQK�'} far all Elern�ntary Schv+ols i� �� 11 -1 Z a�nd FDK proj�ctivns are used tv fvrecast kinder�garten enr�llm�r�t in future years. T�e state plans to fully fund FaK far af! the d �stri�t's el��nentary schv�ls �n ��� �-��}17. The Distr��t re�ceived authar�zafi�an frvm the C]ffice of Sup�rintendent of Publ�c I nstru�tivn t� �emporarily re-vpen the fvrm�r Kent Element�ary S�cho�l at 317 Fvur�h Ave S+out� ir� Kent. This facility v�ril� be us�ed ta hvuse �he kinc�ergarten and eariy chs�d education �lass�s� far bo�h Kent and �leely-�'Brien Elemer�tary Schvols to a[le�iate v�ercr�wding at those schav�s. This building r�-opened in fall �� 14 as the Ke�t Vall�y Early Le�rr�ing �enter. The Q�str��ct's standard of seruice, er��o�lr�ent history► and prvje�ctiar��, an� use af transit�ona� faciiities are revi�wed in de�ail in �arivus sections af this Plar� . The District �lans to co�tinue t� satisfy concurrency require�m�ents thrv�gh th� transit�onal us� of p�r�abfes. A f�nancir�g plan is includ�d �n �e+ct�on �III v�rh ich d�manstrates the [3istri�t's ability t� imp��rnent �his Plan. Pursuant to the re�uirem��ts af the �rawth Mana�em�nt Act, this Pla�n will be updat�d ann�ally vtirith +�hanges in the impact f�e s�chedules adjusted a�c�rd�ngfy. Kent ��hvol District �ix-Year Capi��l Facilities Plan May �0�5 3 I I �ix - Y�a�r Enr��lmer�t �r+vj�ctivn F�r ca�it�� fa�i�ities p��nning, enro�Imer�t �r�wth pr�je�tiflns ��� b���d �r� ��hort survfv�al ar�d st�d�nt yie�d fr�m doc�ment�d res�d�n�ia� car�stru�t�vn pr�ject�d , vu�r the n�xt �ix �ears. �s�� r��r� �, ,�a�� s ��� ►��� ��s�, e stu �nt ger�e�a�i�n a�tor is th� b�sis for th� gr�w�h �r�j��tivn� fr�m new c�e►���vprr��r�ts. �s�� ���� �� �ing �ounty live k��rths and the �]istr��t's r�f�t�on�� per��nt�ge av��age wer� �s�d t� deter�ine t�� nu�b�r �f ���+d��gartn�r� ent�r�n� t�� sy���rr�. ���� ��b� �, ���� �� �.�a�'.�� �f ��,��� ���� ������ ���v� b��rth� i� ��1 � i� ��������� f�� �� � �� �t�ad�r�t� ��c��ected �n Kinc�ergar�en f�r C�ctvb�r 1 , �D1 G. ThiS is an incre�se c�f � � � li�e bir�hs �n K�r�g ��unty ov�r th� pr�vivus ye�r. �See rab�e �, pa�e s} Ear�y �Gh��dhavd Edu�cat�or� studer�ts �als� �der�tified as "E��"}, "Early �hi�dh�vd �p��ia� Ec�uGat�on �"���E"} s#u�ents ��� f�re�a�t and r�p�rte�d t� C��PI ���arat��y vn �Farm P����H fvr Sp�cia� Educ�t��n Enrvllrr�e�nt. �a�ac�ty is reser��d tc� �serv� �tudents �r� the E�E �r�gr�rr�s at �lementary schavls. Th� first gr�de popu���ic�n of ��nt SchvQ� Di�tr�ct �s trad�ti�na��y �-�% larg�r than the I��r�d�rga�t�n pv�ulat�o�n d�ue t� growt� �nd t�a�nsf+�rs to th�e ��strict. �Conort surv�val m�thvd us�s hist�ri��� enra�lmen# �d�ta tv f�r�c��t the numbe� �vf stu��nt� �r��e�t�� for th� fv��v�nring y�ar. F�r�j�ct��ns for ��tvb�r � , ��1 +�-��� 1 �r� fr�m �3�P! F��part � 0�� -- a�term�nativn �f Pr�je�ted Enrvllments. V1lithin pr�ctical lim�t�� the a�strict �as k�ept a�r�ast �f prvp�a��d d�v��lopments. T�e District w��� �on��nu� t� tra+�� n�w deve�opment activity tc� d�t�rm�n� �nap�ct t� schoals. Ir�f�rrr�atic�n �n ne�r resident�al deve���mer�t� ar��d th�e comp��tivn v� th�se prc�p�sed ��v�lvpmen#s in all �urisd�cti�ns will be cvnsidered �n t�e D�str��t`s futur� an�l�ysi� vf �rv�vth pr+���ctic�ns. �see mappage 38} Th�e �ent Sch��1 D�str��t serves eic�ht permittir�g jurisdictic�r�s: uninco��vrated ��ng �aunty, the �cit��s �f ��nt, �c�vington, Rent�r�, an�d Auburn ar�d �ma���r portians �f th� cities af Se�T��, �la�k �ia�mv�d, ar�� Map�� Val�ey ��an�in,�e�} I��nt S��vo� ais�rict S��-Y�ar Capit�� Faciii�ies Plan May �01� 4 I I Six - Y��ar Enrollment Pr�j�ction �conr►n�,��� STUC7ENT �ENERATI�N FA�T�R "Student Factor" is defin�� by King ��u�ty cade as '�t�e numb�r d�riv�d by a �s�hovC district t� des�ribe how many students vf each grade span are e�pected to be generated by a d►uvelling unit" �ased an d�str�ct recor�s vfi average actual student gen�rat�ed rates for �dev�e�opmer�ts c�mp�eted w�thin the I�st ten years. F��iov�r�ng th�s� �uid�Ein�s, th� �t��+�nt g�nerat�on r�te f�r �i�nt ��h��o! Distr�c� is as foll�v�rs: Single Family Elementary .2�7 Middle �chvvl .D7� S�niar High . � 3$ Tvtal .4�5 Multi-Famil� Elemer�tary . 11 � M�dd!e Sch�ol .�D�� Seni�r High .D39 To�al . � �'� The �tudent c��r�erati�r� fact+�r �s based �n a su rvey c�f 3,8�7 �i�g I� fam�ly dw�!ling units ar�d ��5 multi-family dw�lling ur�its with r�v adjustment for �ccupancy rates. Pl�ase r�fer to Appendix E an Pag� 38 �f the �apital Faciliti�s Plar� fvr de�ails vf the �tuden� �e�n�rativn Fact�r survey. !r� preparin� th� Z�1 �-��'[ � t� ���� -�U�� �api�al Faciliti�es Plan the District cvntraGte�d with [��W�s D�mogra�hi�s and Pfannir�g �D�]P} vf Riv►erside �alifornia, a nvted expert in dem�graphic stu�i�es fvr schaol districts, tv analyze and pr�p�re the stud�nt generatian fa�ct�r. DDP u�sed a larger samp�e vf sin�l� family residences than th� distr��t did in pre�rivus plar�s �n�d i��cfuded bath "garden" ar�d "urban style" apartm�nts �n the calculatiar� for multi-fam�ly res�dences. Urban sty�e apartment� typi�ally ha�e fvur sto�ries, a centr�l l�obby and entrance, e[e►��tor a�c�ss t� a�E floors and ha�re a central c�rrid�r with apartments �r� e��ach side. Thes�e ap�artments haue �itt�e �r nc� surface street pa�rkin� , with parking l�c�ted ben�,��h the building, retail rr�ay ar may r�ot be include� witl� th� building. If th�re is reta�l it ►will gener�lly be Iocated on the first flvor. The�� apartments se�d�m h�ve sv�r�mmi�g p��vls �nd dv n�� �ave playgraunds for children. Ker�t Schoal ais�ri�# Six-Year Capital Facil��ies Plan May 24'�5 5 I I Six - Year Er�rallment Proje��i�n �can��n�►��� �arden style apartments will have very I�ttle stuc��v apartments �nd v�rNll hav� mor� three b�drovm ap�r�rnents then the urban style and in theory g�er�erate mare students enrvlled in sc�o�l. These apartm�n�s will al�� ha►ve lawns, club houses, swimming p�avls and places f�r cf�ildren to pl�y. �h� �i�t�i�� f�it th�t it is �r���rtant t� i�a�I�d� b�th �ty[e� �f a�artments for the student generatior� fa�t�or. Thvug� it is anticip�te� that few studen�s �nrill c�me frvm the urban styie, they are naw part vf the mix in K�ent a�d thus shauld be �ncfuded �r� mi�c of multi-f�ami�y hou�ing u�nits. Vllithin th�e district's b�arders there ar� se�era� lov�-incame arrd multi-fam�ly housing pra�ects �oming on-lir�e during �� � �-17. O�nce de�rel�ped �r�d occu�ancy �ccurrin� the Dis�rict d�es re�cvgnize tha� the studer�t �eneration for multi-family hausing v�rill i�kely increase fvr the ��17 �apital Facilities P`lan. Kent Schvvl �]isfrict Six-Year �apita[ Facilifies Plan May �t31� 6 iU � G tV 7+ i�5 � � o L�7 � � o �] �-- t'r) Cfl CS? t�C] cA �' C� C� � �O N � N `V' C� � � ,�" L�j '� "� � ['� CD i�- Gt0 u7 '� li C� � L� r- 'ct � 0 tc] t'�'� +a r r� �— C? C� C� � r-- C7 r QD i`� � c�v � � [y `a� ' €�! C`d �# �h�1 C''� � [V 'r-�' N CV N r r- t�7 � � iU � m � C�D � � 1�11 � Q 'C�` 4 j � o �D !`� � C7 �€] C+�3 � � Y- (�3 r-- i�l C� N ty � G7 � � �# � � � � � i�^.+ � .� �+ �'i -�— ^� � � �' �['- G�u' :� � � � � � .� � m +[� �C] � N [V N N � ttif ['�! N [1� N N � �` � � � � L�„ LI� � � � .J � � .G �v t/7 �, � � � � N � � � C� �.C? N f� �CD C� +L� T' CY] LL7 t'�] C�7 � � �y � �s] � '� �F �- dp � N Qa t� I�-� �" CV tA �,t I� t�7 �Cy iY7 � .�-r � :� � e� � 4-- r- c� az a v c� r� � � o cv �n � �r r� � F� m v `� � cv �rv �v �-- cv r� c� cu cv c� cv � � � � � � �, cv � r�.[? R o i � v � � � o � � �C? (�1 [3 � C�3 f� #� t�3 (V C'�'3 CL] � � � C W �ii �a � op � �'`� tY7 Wr C] 00 C7 �#' N Cr? C+7 �7 i�] M d' � t^�3 at7 �,, �' � r C] C3� C7 Q C3 Q �- r *� C� � [A � [�] .fl � N � � � � � � � � C� N �r C\# Cw C'V N C`r4 i[�1 CV CV r � � � � -� � `� r � � � � � � � '" a �— � �r � c� a� ct� c� d- �t u� Ec] r � n� �7 a� � � � � � �C � � ['�t �-- ,� CD �]C3 �Q �D �-- 0(9 C�l 1` ['�1 C3 r � I�- C3? �.{7 {�] � e�7 3 � � � C �p �? r- �7 CQ C7 {3? U C3? ^� t-- �`- � CV L311 CD '� tr3 u3 � � � � ' � N � C�1 r" C� �! t'�! N N r �-- � � t� � R3 � m �l � � � �' � +L�7 � � � � c � #"" � � � � � � � Q +� � ,�- � �i7 C�! N C�! � tD �7 �7 t�? C3 RX3 OQ `� t� �. � .� � � � ,� � '�" c,� p� M d' � � Q �i7 UG C*7 � �!7 � C'r7� "� C�3 �p [�] [� � y- L� w�g c Q � r �O � � � C3� +C7 s-- p r �' (`� C] [fl � r� c� � C � � w� � (y � ' � r r tV � C1i C� N N tV C�1 C,+! ;" '� ' ' � =3 � C �t"" � � � � � � � '�"` Q � �"� � C�? �' o �c-- r- "� v3 2�,� � � � � �y c� M1 �t] C�7 � CV �L7 f�- tw3 CV 1`� CaQ N � � 't'3 qy � �.�1 � �3 p� M C'7 � LQ C�3 C� � C�7 h- � i'� � r- tt' r � � � D t1� � � C G � �1 �] �7 4"3 � C� O C3 �- � ''Ct ['tif U � � � � � v � ,.� W � (� � � r r r � C�1 C�E E�t CZI tti1 C� [�l C"�3 '�' � ' ,p � � � � � O.. N � � � � � � � � � `"� �p QO � � v r- C�3 �0 1'� CC} C] �'V C`� OD 4) OD C� OD �j r ti� Ri � .�, � _ � � � n � N �oD CQ u3 aL� [V �f' ti �' �] �1' oD [C� N r� v Q � � +j3? [�7► 47 � C3 � C] r- t- �f7 N G3 C4 � r �+ '�j L- ;+• � T' m � � �c-- �- �r N C+� N C*�I CV N C11 N CV � � � '� �� � � � � J � � '� � C� 'U � �` O � � o l�3 C� � CU C�! 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""i uy � � '� — L? �'- � � � y^' C� � � � "� r � r N O Z3 N c � � Q. _ �` �7 N ,� r N Cw3 �t u7 CS3 1`- � � �-- r-, �- � sn c17 � �3 � � s- � U � �y � � � � � � U � °i� � a � � � � � N Q? �}] � tU tU �13 ,� Qi tD 43 � � � � N .e v iiJ = qa � "� "z3 "C3 � '�3 'i� '�3 "�3 � '�3 '�3 �3 ,;�, �+ � � � � �] p� "p [Q� t[f tQ � L� !Q � [Q [� iU � Q s� `C � C (y .tt3 [� C C '� i L � s.. �.. t�. � r� � L L � � � � � �"'�^ �7 W w � � � � C� � � �7 C� C� C� � C� C� C� +C� � C3 r � cw =� � � ,� � t� � � a� � � � cn � U .� � N ❑ a ❑ � G� [J7 � c c� �C 7 HCENT SCHQGL D15TRI�T` I�o. 4'� 5 Sf� - YEAR ENF�[3LLNfENT PF�[]JEGTlf�N F�ail aay Kind�r�arten a� af! Elem �e� 3� �a�a LB in 2�1 � LB in 2�12 Lg in ��1� €.B in 2�14 �B Fst �+�75 �.� Fsf. 2�16 A� Tl1AL P R �3 J E G T � � N �ctvber Z�1 � �a 1 � ��1� � ��1 $ Z�]19 �C��� �C3�� K�n� �a��rnt� Li�►� ��rths ' 2Q,��4 �4,��� ?'�,Q�� ��,�9� 2�,d�� ,��, �9� ��3��'� � Increase 1 �ec�ease � 1 �� 4D� 858 ��� 50� �`�� K�nd�r�arten 1 B�r�h °�o � $.34°l0 $,$Q% 8.��3°/a $.�C°�o B.Ga% $.58°/a $.fi3°/a FC3 Kinder�arten � � .�3 2�4� �, 1 fi7 �,��4 2,�4� �2,�79 �,3� � �,35� Grad� � ��I �� 2,f�8� �,�05 �,�43 �,2�� �,3� 9 2,�58 �rade � �1�53 �,1 �� �, 1 �� 2,23(� �,��$ �,3�8 2,3�5 Gra+de 3 �1 �6 �, � 91 �, � 8� �, � 33 �,�5� �,��7 2�,337 ��ade 4 ��89 �, � 98 �,��2 2t��� 2, 15� 2,�8� �,3� � �rade 5 � 9�8 �, 1 �05 2,�1� �,��9 �,��� �, � 7� �,�9�7 C�rade 5 �458 � ,�7� �, 9�� �,�35 �,�5� 2,�4� �, � 91 ��ade 7 � 9�4 2,��� � ,97� �,1 � 8 �,2�8 �,�4� �,234 �3�G��� � G� V Q � ,��� ���IJV� � r��� L, � �J L,G�� L,G�� �Grade 9 ��9� �,�60 �,�34 Z,��� �,��� 2,39�` Z,5�� �r�de � �Q �16�5 � ,828 �,��� 'I ,95 7 �,C3�� � ,�49 �,094 �rad� � '1 � 818 1 ,889 � ,5�� � ,�98 � ,��� � ,77�D 1 ,�'�� �rade � � � ?4� 1 ,54� � ,��1 � ,35� � ,5�4 � ,�43 1 ,�D� T�ota� Enra�lment Prajec�ivn � ��,5�� ��,5�3 ��,�'?6 �?`,�4'I 27,�5� ��,��7 �8,5�� Y+eariy lncre�s�lDecreaSe � �1 2�3 2�5 ��6 4�� 53� Yearfy �ncreas�IDe+�rease °lo a.�8°l� D.�2a�� �.�9°�� � .9�'�/� 1 .��'°�'� � .��°lo T�tal En�ollmen� Prvjec�i�� 2�,5�� ��,��3 ��,7�� �7,D41 �7,�57 2�',9�� �8,5�39 � ��nde��arten en�allment proj�ctian fa� �D16 +s based +�n Ken� Si] percen�age of �ive bir�hs in King County �ve years pre�rivus, � Kindergarten projection is ca�cul�a�ed �by us�ng �h� District's previau� ye��- per�entage vf ��ng Gau�n�y births fve y�ar� ear�ier cvr�np�ar�d t� actual kEnd�rgart+�n enroilment in �he prev��us y�ar. �Exc�udes E�CSE - Ear1y �hikd��o►d Special Educat�on preschaole� 3 Hear�cvunt Pro�eu�ivr�s for �i�1� - ���� frvm C]SP� Repvrt � �49 - �]etermina��vn vf P�vjec�e� Enr��lmer�ts � +�ct. ���� P��3 H�adcflunt is ��,5'#fi & FTE �5,98D.33. Fu�� Headcount with EC� Pres�hoa� � R�unning Start stu�ents = 28,�31 � � � 1111 T H P R C] J E � T � C� N � - �d�us#m�r�ts fvr Gurr�nt �ca�n�m�c f�ctars For facifi��es p�annin� purpases, �his ��x-year �nrallmer�� pro�e���on an��c�pa��s c+�nse�v�tive �nrv�lr�ent grau�rth f�am r��v� dev�ivpment �urre�n�ly in svme phase of pla�n�in� v� cv���ructian in th� d�s��ict. Kent Schoo� [�istrict S�x-'Y�ar Cap��al FaciEi�ies P�an Ta��+� � May �Q�6 8 I I I �urren� Kent S�ho�rl District "�tandar�d vf S�rvi�e" Ir� �rder ta determine the ca�ac��y af fa�i[i�ies in a schooi �district, King County �od� � � A.�6 referen+ces a "�ta�dar� of servi�e" that �eaci� sch�vl distr�ct mu�t estab�lish �r� arder to ascertain its owerall �a�acity. The s�andard vf ser��c� identifies the program year, tE�e c�ass s�ze, the numb�er vf �lassrvoms, students and prvgrams vf �p�ecial need , and �th�r factvrs determined by th� distr�ct wh�ch vvvu[d best ser�e th� stud�nt po�ulativn. T�is �`lan in�ludes th� st�ndard vf s�ervice as established by K�nt Schaof a�strict. T�e Distr�c� h�s id�entified sc��oo[s wi�h si�nificar�t sp�cia[ ne�e�s pro�rams as "i�n��ct" �c'��o�s an�d �he standard �f ser�ic�e t�rg�ts a ���nre� c�ass siz+� �t th��� facilities. Pnrt�bles inclu�ed in the ca�acity calculativn use th� same standard of ser�ric� �� th� p�rr�anent facili�ties. �'��e Ap��rrdix A, B & �} The standard of s�ervi�e c�efined her�ir� will cvnt�nue to e�r�lve in �he future. Kent Schaol Qistrict is �cvnt�n�ing a lo�n�-term strategi�c ,��annin� process �omb�ned w�th r�ev�iew of char�ges tfl capacity and standard of �ervice. This pro�ess wi11 affect various a�pects of the Di�trict's s�tand�rd of s�ervice and future changes w�ll be reflected in future cap�ital fac�lities plans. �urr�nt Standards vf Ser�i�� for E�ementary Students �Class size f�r Kindergarten is planned fvr an avera�e �of �3 �r fevver students. �lass siz� fvr grades � - 3 is planned ��r an a�erage of 23 vr f�wer stude�ts. Class sEze far �rades 4 � 5 is plann�d for an �v�rage �af �7 vr fe�+ver students. �lass siz� for Kindergar�en an�d grades � , � ar�d 3 far schools that qualify far high p�v��r�y fur��ing �1 � elerr�entary sc�c�ols for ��� �-17} is planned fvr ar� av�erag�e vf 'f 8 �r fewer st�ac�e�ts. Sor�e speci�l programs requ�re spec�alized �lassrvom s�a�e and the pr+agram capacity �af sam� of the bui Id�ngs hous��g these prvg rams is red uced . �om�e s�uc�ents, for exam pl�, I�ave th�i r reg u lar c��s�ravm fvr a �F�art p�ri�d of tir�e t� recei►ve ir�structivn in spe�cia� pr�gr,�ms and spac� must be allvcated to serv�e these �r�gr�ms. ��me students have sche�u�ed time in a camp�ut�er �ab. Stude�ts may als� �� pr�avided r�nusi� instru+�t��r� and physical educa��an in a s�para�e classroam or faci I ity. Ken� Schvol Dis�r�c� Six-Year Capital Facikities Pl�n May 2�1 G 9 Some id��tifi�d students v�rill also be provided �du��ti�anal c�pportun�ties in classrooms far specia�l pr+agrams such as t��s� design,�t�ed as fc��laws: English L�ngu��e Learners �E L L} Ed�uc�tion for a'rsad�ant�g�ed �tud�nts �Titl�e I} — F�dera�l Program L�earning Assisted Programs �LAP} -- State Pr��ram Highiy Cap�b�e Stud�nts-State Program R�adi�g , Math vr ScEence L�bs Dual Langu�ge Prvgrams in 4 �elementary s�ho�Is Inc�usi�e Edu�ation Servic�e for Eiementary �r��1 ��con�ary students with ���ab�l��ies r;��y be pror�id�d �� � ��p�r��� �r ���f-cor���in�d cla��r��r� ��rn�tinn�� with a capacity vf � �-� � depending an the p�agram; Early �hildhood Sp�Gial Educatian �E�SE} -3-4 yr. old students w�th d �sab�lities Ti�ered I nt�rv►�n�ivn in Inclusi►�e Ed ucati�n Se�ppark �Center Pr�grams Integrat�ed �'rvgrams & Res�ur�� Rvoms {for sp�cial rerr�edial assistan�ce} Self-c�nta�ned In�clusive Edu�ation Suppvrt �en�er Programs �S�} Scho�ol Ad�ustment Pragr�ms for �tu�en�s w�th behavi�ral �isorders ��A) Adaptive Su�part Gent�r for Mil� , hllc�derate & �e�ere Disab�lities (A S�D�� �pe�ch & Lan�uage Thera�y & Programs for Hear�ng Impair�ed �tudents +�c+cupatiflnal & P��s�caE Th�ra�y Program� ��T�`PT,� Th�e t�utreach P�rogram �T�P} for � 8-� 1 y�ar old s�cvr�dary st�ud�nts S�me newer build�ngs have been const�uct�d tv accamm�date most of th�se prvgrams, some older k�ui[din�s have be�n rr�odified , and in some circumstan�es, these modif�cativn� redu�e the Glassra�m capacity of the bui�dings. 11Vhen pr�grar�s cF��ng�, pro�ram �a�acity is updat�� tv reflect the change in pragram a nd ca pa�city. Current Standards vf Servic� ��r Sec�nda �tu�er�ts The standard� vf service �utlined b�f�w refl�ct vnly th�se programs and e�ucational vp�vrtur�ities provid+ed to seGondary student� uvhich direct[y affe�t the capacity of fihe sch�ol buildin�s. Class si�e far grad�e� � — 8 �s planned far an av�rag�e �f �8.�6 or fe►�er students. Class size for grade� � — 12 is planr�ed f�r an averag� vf ��D.� or fewer studer�t�. S�milar to l���usi�re Edu�at�on Prvgrams listed abv►ve, many flther se�Qr�dary programs re�uire sp�ciali�ed classro��m space which �ar� r�educe t�� pro�ram capacity vf the perman�ent s���aal buil�din�s. F�ent Schovl �istrict Six-Yea�- Ga�Etal Faci�ities Plan May �a�6 10 Identified s�cQ�dary stud�nts will also be �ro�id�d other educati�na� opportur��ties in classrc��ms for prograr�s designated as follows: C�mpu��r, Mu�ti-fUledia & T�:chnvlvgy Labs & Pragram� Techna�ogy Academy at Ken�-Meridian High� School & Mi�� �re�e�C Middle Scl��ol Science Prog rams & Labs — Bivlvgy, �hemis�ry, Ph�sics, �ceanog ra�hy, Astronomy, Meteorv��gy, Marine Bivl�gy, Gen�ral Sci�:nce, etc. Er�g�ish Lang uage Learn�rs �E L L} Music Prv�grarns — ��nd, C�rches�ra, Chor�us, Jazz Band, et�. Art Programs — �ainting , Design, C]rav��ng , C�r�mics, Pot�ery, Photograp�yf ��c. Thea��r Art� — Dram�a, Stage T+e�h, etc. J�urnalism and Y�arbo�vk �lass�s y��h�y �apable �Hor�ar� or ���ted} ar+d �d�ar�+ced �la����nt Pro�r�r�� lnternat�or�al Bacca[�ureat� �"I B"} Program JR+C�T� - Jur�ivr F��ser►ve �fficers Trainin� +Cvrps �areer & �echn�c�l Educa�ian P'ragrams �CTE � Vvcational Educ�tivn} Family & �onsumer �ci��ce — �ulinary Arts, S�wing , +�ar�ers w1�hildrenlEdu�. , �fc. �hi�� DeWel�pmer�t Pr�s�hc�o� and aay�are Pr�grams Health & �uman Serv�ces — �part� Me�diGin�y Sign Langua�ge, +C�smetal��y, etc. Busin�s� E� u�a�ion -� VV'or�d Pr�c��s�ng , Accounting , Business Law & Math , �Illarketin�, E�v�omics, Web Desi�n , DECA, FBLA �Future Business Leaders}. T�e�ch�ical & I r�� �ustry — Wvodwarkin� , ��binet Makin� , Building Tra�les, Meta�s, Automotive & Manufacturing Techn�logy, W�[dir�g , Drafting, Dra�rvin�, �AD {Computer-aided Q�s��n} , El�ctronics, Er�gineer�ng � Qesign , Avi�tion, ASL, �tc. �raphic & ��rr�mercial Arts, Me��a, Phvtography, Theater & 5tage, Ag & Horticulture. �Cent Phveni� Academy- P�rfiormance LearnEr�g �enter, �ateway, Virtual Hig� S�hool and Ker�t �u�ce�s� p��grams S a��e �r �I�rssro�m l�t�lization A� a result of schedufin� cvnflicts f�r stu�ent programs, th� n�ed fc�r spe�iaNi�e� rv+ams for �e�tain p��grams, and the need for tea�ch�rs to hav� a work sp�+c� �d�ring tl�eir p�lar�r�ing peri�ds, it is n�t pvssib�le tv achieve � ��% �tili�ativn �f regular teaching �tations �t ��ec�ndary schools. Based on the �nal�si� �f actual ut�lization vf cl�assrooms, the D�strict �as d�term��ed that the standard uti1i�ation ra�e is 85% fior sec+�ndary schvvls. Prvg�am capacity at elementary schvols reflects 1 ��°/o utilizat�on at the e�lement�ry I�vel. �ent Schvol ❑is#ricf S�x�Year C��ita[ Facilities P�an May �016 11 I V In►rent�ry and Capa�city �f Existing �chao�s �urr�ntly, th� Distri�ct f�as perm�nent prc�gr�m c�r�acity t� h�us� �7, � �� st�adents an� trans�t�vnal �p�rtable} ca��city tv hc�us� �,��4 . This �ap�city is bas�d on �h�e QistriGt's Star�dard vf Service as set fvrtFa in Sectivn I I I. ln�cluded in this Plan �s ar� �n�re�tory of th� District�s s�E�o�ls by type, address and current capacity. �S�e� Ta�le 3 �n P'age 73}. 7'h� r�tio �e�v�veen p�rmanent capacit� and partab�e �apacity is ��.5�i'a�4. 5'°�'0 . �h� p��c�r,�rr� ��p���t� �� p��r���i�aii� �a,���t��d f�r �h��ges ir� p�a�r��s, addit�c�r�al classr�oms and new schovls. Pr�ogra�m cap�city h�s ��en �apd�t�d �r� tF�is P[�n to re�lect p�r��r�m ch�ng�s i�ple�entet� in the Fall vf 2�]1 �. Far th� �D15-��� � schaol y��r and beyond the state has a manda�ed 1o�u�r c[ass size in '� � elementary schools �hat ar� class�fied as high poverty. l�he new c���s s���e in grades K-� , � �nd 3 will be � 8.�4 students f�r ev�ry t�acher, Calculatior� of Elementary, Nl�ddle Sch�o1 and �enior High �cha�l capacit��s �r�e set fvnth in Ap,�endices A, B and C. Maps of �xi�ting schovls ar� include� or� Pages � 4-1 �. Fc�r cl�rif�ca��on, tM�e f�allawing is a �rief �escription af �o�+� �f the n�vn-tr��ttianal p�rogr�ms far �tudents ir� �e�nt Sch�ol Qistr��t: Kent Nl�untain V��rn� Academy serv�s �rad+�s 3 — 12 with transiti�n , choic� ar�d home s�chool assis#anc� pr�agrams. [t �s I�ca�ed �n �he fvrm�r �ra�nd�i�w �chc�c�� in tl�e western part �f th� distri�t in Des Nioines. �`his schoc�� was arigina��y designed as ar� elementary s�h��� and �s included in the �I�m�r�tary capacity for �his Pla�. �ent Phvenix A�ad�r�y is a r�c�r�-tradition�l high s�ch��al vwhi�h opened ir� Fall 2�D4� ir� th� r�n�vate� site and �uilding that form�rly serv�ed Sequoia Middle ��hoo�. F�ent Phc�enix A�cademy has four spe�'ral programs i�clu�ing the Performan�e Learning Center, �ateway, llir��ual High Schooi and Ke�t Su�cess. i�rad - �n partner�hip wi�h �reen Riu�r Coll�ge, Kent ��hool Distri�t has pi�one�ered the I�ndi�id �alized Graduation and Degree Pr�ograr� or "iGrad". i�ra�d �ffers a s�c�nd ch�n�� tc� students age � �-� 1 v�rhv i�ave d rvpp�d +�ut af high s�chv�l �n� war�t ta e�rn a h��h schaa� dip�oma. i�r�d is n�t included �n thi� C��ital F�acilities Plan becaus� it is serve�d in ��eased spa�e at the K�er�t Hill Pl�z� S�h�pping �enter. �ver the past thre�e years, enrQllrr�ent in th� i�rad pro� r�m has a�rer�ged aver 3�� stur��nts. Kent �chaol Distric� SixWYear Gapital Facilities Plan May 2��6 12 �tENT a+�HC]C)L DlSTR[CT No. 4'�5 IN�IENT�l�Y and �A�A�GITY of Ei�lSTlNG SGHt�ULS ��� ��� � Y�ar S�H��L opened ABR �f�DRE,SS �'�`v��'2�m �apacit C��riage G�rest E�erne�tary '�990� CC 15�35 -� '�4�th A�enue SE, F�entan 98Q58 45�� Cedar 1laliey E�ementary 'f 9?1 CV 2���0� Tim�erl�rne Way SE, Cor►ington 98a4� 35� �oving#�n ECementary 1��1 �C3 'I 7Q�� SE �JVa� �vad, �avingt�n �804� 4�4 Cr�estwvod El�em�ntary '�9�� GVII 2���� - �S�th Aven�e SE, Ca�ing�on 98��� 43� Ea�s� Hill E��m�r�t�ry 19�3 EH �82� S 2�G�h ��re��, �e�� �8{33� ��a Emera�d Park 'i'9�9 EP '! 'f 8�Q SE �'�G#h Street, Ken� 9��3'� 462 Fa��wvad Efemen#ary '�959 FVII �65a� - 148th ►�venu� SE, R�ntQn 98�58 �98 Geor�e T. �anief Ef�mentan�r �99� QE 1 '�3'�0 SE �48th ��reet, �en� 98�3� 42D ��en�idge E�emen��ry 199fi GR '#94�5 - �2a�h Adenue SE, Ren�c�n 98��8 �18 G+�ass Lake Elementary �97� �L �87'�lQ - 19�st P}ace SE, �Cent 98��� 452 Hari�an E[emen�ary 1990 HE �'T�4� - �44th Avenue SE, �ent 98a42 4fi2 Jenkins Creek Elementary '�987 J� 2�9�� - �86th A��nue �E, Cvvingtan 98D4� 404 Ken� Elementar� ��99 KE ��4���0 - f4th Avenue 5�u#h, Kent �8��2 �4fl Kent Va�ley Early L�a�ning C�er�te� �a�4 KV 317 ---�th Awe S, Kent, �11A 98D�� 3Q8 Lake Ya�u�gs Element�ry �9�� LY 't�fiFO - '�4�nd Avenu� SE, �Csnt 98D4� 524 Martfn Sartun E[emen#ary ��87 M� '��7'� 1 SE 248th 5treet, Kent 9�0�3� 4�4� Meadvw Ridge El�menta�}r �#994 MR �771� - "�DBth Av�nue �E, Ken� 98a�� 4�a Meridian Ele�nentary '19�9 M� 25��'� - 140�th A��nue SE, Ken� 98�4� 524 Miflennium E4emen#ary �OU� ML '� 19�9 SE 27�th Stre��, ��nt 9���� 4fi4 Ne�ly�C]'�rien E��m�n�a�y 1�9� Na fi30D South �3G�h �tree#, Ken� 98�D32 44(� I'an�her Lake EEem�e�tary ��Da9 'PL 2�D83'� - '�[�8th Avenue SE, Ke�t 98�3� 48� Park �rch�rd E�em�n#ary 19��3 PC] 1 �0�� SE ��2nd Str�eet, K�nt �8�31 450 Pin� Tree Elem�n�ary �967 P7 �7825 - '� �$th Avenue �E, Kent 9803U �?2 R��g�ewo�d Elemen�ary 1987 RVII '�8a3� - 'f��nd Place SE, Rentvn 98��8 va4 5awyer V1�'c�ads Elemenf�ry 1994 SW 3'�'�3� - ��8t� Ave SE, Black Diamvnd 98�1 D 5�4 S�enic Hilf E�ementary 'f 9�a SH ��0�� Waodiand Way 5vuth, �ent 9��}�Q 442 Sav� Creek Eiementary 19'�'# SC 1��5'I SE �'���h Plac�, �C�nt 98�31 350 Spr�ngbrvok Elementary �9�9 SB ���35 - '�Df�#h A�renue SE, Kent 98�3� 384 Sunrise Elem�ntary �f�9� 5R 223a� - 13�nd Avenue SE, Kent 9��4� 5�4 El�menta�y T�7TAL '�2,848 Geda�r Height� Middle Schvaf '��993� GH 19�64� 5E 2�2 Street, �ovingtan ���4� �95 Mat�svn �Middfie Schaol 'I 98'f M►4 1�4aD SE Z51 st ��reet, C�v��gtan 98�4� TST M�eker� �liddle Schavl '�97� MK 1�6�� 5E '�9�nd Str�et, Renton 98�58 832 Meridian Midc��e 5choal '�9�8 M[Ill �34�� - 1��th Avenue 5E, tKent 98Q�'! TJZ Mill �reek Middle Schc��1 ���� MC ��� hlv�th Cenira� Av+�nue, Kent �8�3� 9'�G Northwavd Middle Schooi °f�9� f�W �7�Q� SE 184th S#r�e#, �entvn 98�358 ��G MEdd�e Schvv! �TC�TAL 5,�48 Kent-Meridian H�gh Schon� 195� KM °I(]��� �E �5�th S�re�#, K�nt 9�a3�D '�,9L34 Kentlak�e �enia� High Sch��l 199'� KL 2���� 5E 3��th Stree#, 'K�n� 95�4� �,��7 Kentrid�e Senivr High School 19�5 KR '12�3� SE 2�8th S#ree#, Kent 98�3�1 2,27� Ken�wa+ad 5�niv� H�gh Schaal 1981 KVII �58U� - 1 b�th Av�nue 5E, �avington 98Q4� 2,'159 �en��� 'High �`�TAi� 8,29T Kent Mvuntain View a�cademy 199�` MVJLC ��4�0 Mi�itary �vad, ae� Moin�s 98'19� 3�fi Kent Phvenix ►4cademy 2�Q7 RH '[ ��DU SE ��4th S�r�et, �en# 98�?�4 4'14 DISTFt�CT TC��`AL �7,'I�3 �enfi 5ch�a1 Di�tr�ct Six-Year Capital Fa�i��ti�s Plan T���'� � May �0�� 13