HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 1 • *G-09-170, Adden #1-11
� Wash�gton State
CIA Department of Transportation
SuSupplemental Agreement Organization and Address
pp KPG 9 .Inc.
Number 1 753 9th Ave North
Seattle,WA 48109
Original Agreement Number
Phone: 206-286-1640
Project Number Execution Date Completion Date
CAG-09-170 10/5/2009 12/31/2014
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Rainier Avenue S.(SR 167)Final PS&E $ 3,771,049.00
Description of Work
Design changes and continued right-of-way negotiation services.
The Local Agency of City of Renton
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with KPG,Inc.
and executed on 10/5/2009 and identified as Agreement No. CAG-09-170
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read:
See aLlached Scope of Work
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for
completion of the work to read: enmpletiny,daLg of E1ef ether 31,1014
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
The nrigin .r nontrad amnhnt-n 095 Rfi 10 inc at d h � 7 00 to $3 771 049 00
f$3 �is K� �.�Z.4.,.I$
as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement.
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces
below and return to this office for final action.
B y: .�C)S'y ;u ,_ BX.... Denis Law, Mayor, City of Renton
> . .
•i � r
o sulta t nature/ „ * s `Appro ing A ority Signature
•� Date
DOT Fo 1 -063 ., r�
Revised 9/200
Bmw L WhIM city Clerk
EX imif A
City of Renton
Rainier Avenue—Grady Way to S 2"d Street
Supplement No. 1
Budget Adjustment for Design and Right of Way Services
Scope. of Work
July 20th", 2011
The>purpose of this supplement'is to provide a,budget adjustment for changes in design and
right of way services necessary to complete the project and to approve the use of Bright
Engineers, Inc.for structural engineering services on the project This supplement shall also
serve as::an extension to the contact completion date to carry through the end of construction.
The new contract completion date shall be December 31, 2014.
Changes to the plans, estimates and additional right of way efforts have become necessary as
Task 1.-'Management/Coordination/Administration (Design)
1:1 The Consultant shall provide continuous project management for the project
duration(estimate 18 months).Construction is to start at'the end of 2010.
The design and right of way negotiations are still in progress with a new.:
construction start date of September, 2011. This will result in a 9 month
increase in Contract time.
Task 7 Utility Coordination
7.3 The Consultant shall coordinate with franchise utilities to incorporate the
necessary relocations,adjustments, or upgrades into the project design.Design
of franchise utility relocations,adjustments, or upgrades will be completed by
the utility owner and is not included in this scope of work.
City of Renton 1 KPG
Rainier Avenue—Supplement 1 712012011
The utility involvement has evolved to include a total system relocation
including the development of joint utility trenching plans,.which required
a great deal more coordination effort. See task 10 for the development of
joint utility trenching plans.
Task 10—.Prepare Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates
10.3 Following City review and comments on.the 60%submittal,the Consultant
shall incorporate review comments and prepare 90%design documents,
contract specifications and revised construction cost estimate.
The plans shall show complete details for the construction of the proposed
improvements including:
• Construction control points
• Limits of construction.and removals
• Curb,gutter, sidewalk and pavement layout
• Storm drainage.layout
• Grading
• Retaining walls<
• Utility relocations/adjustments/installations
• Erosion control
• Channelization and signing
• Signals and lighting
• Landscape and irrigation
• Urban design/gateway features
• Property`access/construction staging plans
10.4 The consultant shall submit 90%contract documents(plans,specifications and
cost estimate)for City review and comments.
Changes to the design that occurred during the preparation of 90%
design documents are as follows:
Illumination plans were changed to include supplemental
pedestrian level lighting.
Joint utility trenching plans and details were added.
Concrete paved approaches were added to all intersections..
Temporary signalization plans were added..
City.of Renton 2 KPG
Rainier Avenue-Supplement 1 712012011
12" water main was deleted.
- water bypass plans were added.
Channelization plans required changes to resolve WSDOT
weave issues on northbound SR=167
Modifications to multiple plan sheets to resolve issues raised
by property owners during ROW negotiations.
Added Filterra vaults to the project.
Added storm drainage pump station connection and drainage
system to deal with previously unknown under drain lines
located in the contaminated soils/ground water area.
Added Gateway Artwork.
Because of the changes outlined above 185 plan sheets were added to
the set as follows:
36 Plan sheets were added for the 60%submittal.
149 plan sheets were added for the 90%submittal.
Task 11 Right of Way
11.1 The Consultant shall provide all appraisal and right-of-way acquisition services
necessary for the project i.n.a.ccordance with Federal Guidelines. It is
anticipated that 57 parcels will require right-of-way takes and/or easement
acquisition and up to 3 business relocations.
The right-of-way plans were completed at the 30%stage of plan
development and no time for right of way plans was included in this
contract. The total relocation of the franchise utilities resulted in having
to re-do all of the right of way plan sheets (13 sheets)..
In addition, extra time was spent on legal descriptions, displays,
appraisals;review appra.isals and negotiations due to the right-of-way
plan changes, change with business sign relocation policies, negotiation
services that exceed the original estimate, greater than anticipated
relocation services and possession and use agreement services.
City of Renton 3 KPG
Rainier Avenue-Supplement 1 712012011
Task 15-Structural Engineering(New Task)
15.1 The Consultant shall provide structural engineering for the design of walls 1,3,
4 and 5;the proposed box culvert access structures near the Rainier/Sunset
intersection;and the gateway treatments in the Rainier/Grady Way and the
Rainier/Sunset intersections. The Consultant shall prepare plans(6 sheets) and
specifications for the structural work identified.
The original contract did not include structural engineering services.
City of Renton 4 KPG
Rainier Avenue—Supplement 1 712012011
Hour Summary • KPG • EXHIBIT E
Hour and Fee Estimate
City of Renton
Rainier Avenue S(SR 167)
SW Grady Way to S 2nd Street
July 20,2011
ro} Senior Pro!. Des survey CADD Admin 1.00 .qDirect
Task Description Mgr Engr Engr.. Engr Tech. Direct$62.50 $48.08 $40,87 $38.48 $48:46 31.08 $21.63 Hours Cost 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENTICOORDINATION IADMINISTRATION
General P ct Management 18 months)Additional 9 Months) 9. 18. 18 0 0 0 16 61 $2,510 Pre re and rrreinhaln schedule Additional9 Months 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 10 $413
Prepare monthN progress reoorts and Invoices Additional 9 Months 8 0 0 0 . 0 0 8 1 17 $736 $1.939
Moopment and administration of subconsuttants(Addarorrat 9 Maahs) 4 8 0 0 .0 0 4 1 16,_ $721 $1.901
C8v start coaordinaitan (estimate 30)(Addit'mnal9 f+rmnths 18 18 0 0 0 0 0 1 36 S1,990 $5,247
Subtotal; -40 46 22 4 0. ....0 28- 140 $6.370 $16.794
66".OAIOC 0 0. 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 $0 s0
90%QAIQC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0
Contructabili Claim Avoidance 0 0' 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $0 so
Subtotal: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 s0
S!Shmentatsurvoy 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 s0
K,9111-of-way maw 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so SO.
Su of u to 40 thole locations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0. $0
Subtotal: ... 0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 $4 $0
Prepare for and attend one 11 community rneet!22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 so
Attend oneon-;ne pTperty owner meetings est 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0
Prepare prolert newsletters test 21 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 s0 $0
Propane reoh$s and mombly iodates for city web site Posft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s0 $0
PMM for and attend two 2 City council meetings 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0. $o So
Subtotal .0 0 0. -: 0 0 0 0 0 - s0 $0 .
WSDOT coordination megtin asst 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 $0 so
o imem meatlM notes and phrona correspondence with WSDOT 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 $D so.
Subtotal: 0 0: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 $0 SO
Sound Transit Coordination meetings est.6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 so $o
P ,submit and respond to ST comments 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 $0 $0
Document meeting notes and phone correspondence with ST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s0 $o
Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 $0
Prepare potholi2i plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 SO.
Oistdbute plan Information to utilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 so
Coordination for relocations.adjustment of franchise ut3tias(Utillitity Unclargrounding Coors 1 0 24 24 48 6 48 4 148 $5.559 $14.656
Franoh[so utility coordination meetings(Gat 4)(Utility Under grounding Coord) 0 24 24 0 0 0 8 56 $2308 $6.084
Subtotal: 0 48 48 48 0 48 12 204 57.867 $20.740
Coordinate geotachnical exploration plan for Phase II ESA 0 0 f 0 o. 0 0 1 0 0 so So
Srsbtotat 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 $0 so
City of Renton KPG
RoinlerAvenue-Supplement 1 712012011
Hour Summary KPG • EXHIBIT E
Hour and Fee Estimate
City of Renton
Rainier Avenue S(SR 167)
SW Grady Way to.S 2nd Street
July 20,2011
ro) Senior Pmj. Des 1bu=eYCAD05 Admin 1.00 2.6363
Task Description Mgr En r Engr Engr Direct. Direct
$62.50 $48.08 $40.67 $38.46 546.46 $31.08 $2163 Hours Cost Cost
Coordinate Environmental Documentation Phase It ESA.Phase 111,and cultural resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0. $0 $0
Subtatat 0 _0 0 0 0 1 0 0. 0 $0 Sa
10 PREPARE P. S. &E -
Pre 60%Submittal t36 Additional Sheets) 18 36 72 108 0 144 . 8 386 . $14.601 $38,492
Calculate Quantities and Cost Estimate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0
Prepare 90%Submittal 149 Additional Sheets) 75 149 298 447 0 596 6 1,573 559,919. . $157.965
IRWM Sid Documents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0
Subtotal: 93 185 370 555 0 740 16 1959 $74,520 $196.456
Coordinate AppraisatsM otiations 0 24 40 40 0 1 80 16 200 $7,160 $18.675 _
Revise ROW Plans 12 Rounds,48 Pamets 24 48 .96 192 0 384 0 744 $27.050 $71.313
Revise Legal Descriptions&Figures 2 Rounds,48 Parcels) 0 24 48 96 1 288 .1 0 0 456 $20.764 $54,741 .
Subtotat: 24 0, 184 328 1 288 464 16 1400 $54.974 $144,929
Grant Wolicationsicoordinatlon 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 $0 $0
Subtotal: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0- $0
Questlonsladdendnmibld tabulation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 I $o
Subtotal: 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 $0
Man ~:000rdnalhm,and administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s0 $0
On-calf construction supoart 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so $0
On-ran construction LUM support 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 SO 50
Prepare record drawings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 $0 $0
Subtotal: . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ff730 ,$9,832 0
15 Structural Engineering New Task
Prepare Structural Plans 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 120 32
Subtotal: 0 0 0 0 .0 120 0 120
TOTALS: A157 3-0-0 ._6W, 931 112 1 X1572!X72:;93823'7 ,752
City of Renton KPG
Rainlel,Avemre-Supplement 1 7/20/2011
KPG Exhibit E
City of Renton
Rainier Avenue S(SR 167)
SW Grady Way to S 2nd Street
Direct Salary Direct Salary
Classification Cost: Total Hours Total Cost
Senior Engineer $62.50 157 $91812.50
Project Manager $48.08 375 $18,0.30.00
Project.Engineer $40.87 624 $25,502.88
Design Engineer $38.46 935 $35,960.10
Surveyor $48.46 288 $13,956.48
CADD Technician $31.08 1372 $42,641.76
Administration $21.63 72 $1,557.36
DSC Subtotal 3,823 $147461.08
Overhead (OH) Cost (include Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 163.63% $147,461.08 $241,290.57
Fixed Fee (FF)
FF Rate 0.00% $147,461.08 $0.00
DSC Total $388,751.65
Direct Reimbursables
Mileage $459.00
Reproduction $8,000.00:
APS $24,864.78
Reimbursable Total $33,323.78
Fehr& Peers $0.00
GeoEngineers $0.00
Pharos/HDR $194,000.31
Jacobs $0.00
Widener Associates $0.00
G H D/Rosewater $26,885.00
Bright Engineers, Inc. $32,226.24
Subconsultant Total $253,111.55
Total.Agreement Amount $675,187
City of Renton KPG
Rainier Avenue-Supplement 1 712012011
Date: May 19, 2011
To: Jason Fritzler, KPG
From: Jay Larson, HDR
Re: Contract Extension and Out of Scope Services/Associated Costs
Dear Jason,
This memorandum replaces the previous memorandums dated April 19, 2010, December 9,
2010, September 23, 2010,November 18, 2010, and December 6, 2010,regarding our Contract
Extension and Out of Scope Services/Associated Costs.
Included in the attached Exhibit A, are the costs associated with the additional appraisals,
appraisal reviews, and sign appraisals, as well as relocation requirements which at the time
caused us to revise the relocation plan pursuant to LAG Manual guidelines, conduct site visits
and interviews with displacees.
Because of Right of Way plan changes, the appraisal reviewer, Joe Granger, was requested to
complete approximately 38 additional appraisal reviews, as well as a monument sign appraisal,
and one Appraisal Summary converted to a traditional appraisal. Any additional plan changes
will also require revised appraisal reviews and additional funding.
There are anticipated out of scope services regarding the relocation of PSE's utilities onto
private property which was not a part of our original scope of work. We were originally under
the impression that the utilities would be placed in the right of way and 5' permanent easement
areas, and covered by a franchise agreement. There were approximately 12-15 easements that
required additional document revisions, revised offers, and further negotiations because the
required areas lie outside of the 5' permanent easement. In addition, if the Permanent
Easement areas needed to be changed that also required 12-15 additional appraisal reviews.
The City of Renton approved a Possession and Use form that will be used if the owners will not
settle. That is not included in our original scope of work and our level of effort is increased
requiring additional document preparation and time to re-negotiate the Possession and Use. At
this time we have already prepared approximately 35 Possession and Use acquisition packages
HDRIPHAROS 123 Second Avenue South Phone:1425)744.7440
HDR Engineering,Inc. PO Box 1589 Fax:(426)744-1408
Edmonds,WA 98020-8457 www.hddnc.com
which included revised escrow agreements and further explanation to the respective property
As you are aware, there was the Autozone sale which has generated additional meetings with
the City as well as coordination with the appraiser and review appraiser, and the State to
determine a proper course of action. That was not anticipated or provided for in our existing
scope of work and budget.
It was assumed in our December 9, 2011 memorandum that an.amended scope and request for
funding would.go before the City Council for approval the first two weeks in January, it now
appears that.it may go before the Council by mid-May:
We anticipate getting .a contract extension through August 26th, 2011 and request an
additional$194,000.00 in budget funding.:
The out of scope work and tasks are defined as follows:
Unforeseen Appraisals
• 12 additional sign appraisals($8,700).
0 1 monument sign appraisal ($650).
• 2 additional appraisals($5,000).:
• l additional appraisal reviews($750):
Task 1 -Relocation
•: Cost Estimates for new displacements
o Genesi Motors
o Arby's,
o Les Schwab Tires
o Walker Subaru
• Revised Relocation Plans(revised twice)
o Add above businesses to plan
o Interviews with Genesi,Arby's
o Extra site visits
Relocation, -extra displacement
o Genesi Motors
General Notice-preparation and delivery
■ Eligibility Notice-preparation and.delivery
• RFP,move bid,walk through,bid analysis
■ Documentation review-in lieu payment
■ Claim preparation and submittal for in lieu
o Arby's
■ General Notice-preparation and delivery
Eligibility Notice-preparation and deliver}+
■ RFP,move bid,walk through,,bid analysis
Task 2-Right of Way Plan Changes
• 38 additional appraisal reviews at($4,900).
• Administrative:revise documents,review coordination,etc..
a Agent time:Re-negotiate new changes/offers
• Project Management:Review revisions/coordination,etc.
Task 3 Meetings
• Autozone.Sale
•. PSE
• Possession and Use
Task 4-Relocation of PSE Utilities
0 15 additional.appraisal reviews at$200/ea($3,000)
• Administrative:revise documents,review coordination,etc.
• Agent time:Further negotiations.
• Project Management:Review negotiations/coordination,etc.
Task 5-.Possession and Use Agreement
• 35.parcels
• Administrative:prepare/revise documents,etc.
• Agent time:Negotiate P&U
• Project Management-Review negotiations/coordination,etc.
15%.Contingency (for unforeseen revisions/added level of effort)
Total additional funds requested: 5194,000.00
Please review and give me a call when you would like to discuss this.
Thank you,
Jay Larson
HOR Enginen ring.Inc.
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Exhibit A-1
City of Renton
Rainier Avenue Improvements Project
Scope of Work=Supplement#1
Final Storm Drainage Design
This.scope of work includes additional final drainage.design tasks to be performed by
GHD associated with the roadway improvements: in. Rainier Avenue between.S Grady
Way and S 2"d Street:
Following are the additional tasks needed to complete this design:
Redesign Runoff Treatment to use Filterra Tree Box Filters
GHD will redesign the runoff treatment facilities for Rainier Avenue: The 60% drainage.
design had been completed using treatment trains consisting of wetvaults and
StormFilter vaults to provide the required Enhanced treatment, the concept that had
been documented in the 30% Technical Information Report (TiR). The decision has
since been made by the City of Renton to utilize Filterra tree box filters to provide runoff:
treatment. Specific elements of this task include:
• Conceptual design to determine potential Filterra unit locations, for required
roadway project mitigation as well as potential additional retrofitting
Prepare final design and details for four Filterra units to provide runoff treatment,
including revisions:to the drainage conveyance design to accommodate the units
• Preparing a standards adjustment request as required.by Renton Stormwater
• Revising the:TIR to document the Filterra design.
Box Culvert Access improvements
An 8' x 10' X1.8.0' box culvert was found to be located under the intersection of Rainier
Avenue and: Sunset Way. The City of Renton will improve maintenance access to the
culvert as part of the Rainier Avenue improvements . GND to coordinate video
inspection of the existing culvert,develop conceptual.design alternatives, and coordinate
with the structural engineer preparing the final design.
36-inch Storm Drain Crossing North of Grady Way
Renton Stormwater has required via the 60% review comments replacement of an
existing 30-inch diameter storm drain crossing under Rainier Avenue north of Grady
Way with a new 36-inch diameter pipe. This task includes evaluating utility conflicts,
constructability, and preparing plans, profiles, and specifications for the new pipe
Underdrain System at Railroad Crossing
An underdrain.system was found to exist under the southbound lanes of Rainier Avenue..
at the railroad crossing. This task includes developing:and .evaluating options for a:
replacement system and preparing final design plans and details:
Page 1 of 2
18614159\..,Supplemental Ralnler Final Design Scope-GHD Revl.doc.
The above-described additional tasks will be incorporated into deliverables
described in the original scope of work,as follows:
• Final Storm Drainage Technical Information Report(TIR)(final submittal)
Storm Drainage Plans, Profiles,and Details(Draft 100%and 100%)
• Engineer's Estimato (Draft 100%and 100%)
• Specifications(Draft 100%and 100%)
The following" is an additional deliverable:
Standards Adjustment Request for use of Filterra Units for Runoff
Treatment(draft and final)
No additional assumptions.
Page 2 of 2
18614.15M...supplemental Relnier Final Design Scbpe-GI-ID Rev1.doc
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er1,34 E—neineering Inc:: Consulting:Structural and Civil Engineering
1809 7th Avenue,Suite 1100 1 Seattle,Washington 98101-1851 I. T:206.625.3777 1 F:206.625.1851 1 infocabrighteng corn
Client: KPG Date:... Way 19,2011
Attn: Jason.17ritzler
Address: 2502'Jefferson Avenue .
Tacoma,WA 98402
Project: Rainier Ave S6.,Phase 11 Location: Renton,WA
Job No.: BE[Ref.No.: 138.06
Project Structural
Manager, Engineer CADD CADD I Total
TASKS-Labor Descriptions 9 9
a. Culvert Rehabilitation 7' 79 12 18 116
b. Trellis-Urban Design 11 40 36 8.
c. Pump Station Review 1 1 4 6
d. BNSF Retaining Wall 1 17 4 22
5 10 12 27
_ I
Total Labor Hours 25 147 68 26 266
Billing Rate $189,57 $161,:12 $101.26 $73.74
Labor Subtotals> $4,739,25 $23,684.64 $6,885.68 $1,917.24 $ 37226.81
- --
Total Labor Amount $ 37,226.81
In-House Expenses Unit Unit Cost �. Qty Direct Cost Totals
- _
Mileage Miles $0.51 S -
--- - -
Submittal Vellum Plots: Sheet $8.00 $
Photocopies Sheet $010: S
Check Prints Sheet` $1.00 S`
Total In-House Expense S
Total.Estimate of Labor&Expense $ 37,226.81
Fsrimare of Labor and Fxpense
13ET Form 700