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j !üt that h€rstoforo Eerrf¡ Greer¡wald deeded sald proporty, that s¿id propsrbi ras.turqliaseil ôvoilmars sgo ud purches€d for e h@e ud etnce ühe said dsto of reld purohorc ny hulba¡d.a¡d clrtrù
resldsd ø the iøo a8 a h@e fo¡ ourselvee â!d fâülly; that Doltho¡ nysolf aor Dy husbeåd
¡ycclf lrro
I tofore flloal a h@esload declaratl@ a!d, ¡o h@ost6¿d bas b€en ftlod by æy othei ¡nrsoa on
havo ór0r
; læfùer dsscrlb€d; ühat durfng sll tho tÍÃes horol¡'I haw begn atd !ø ajl the nl¡fe 6¡.
thd la¡d
] le¡d of a ful¡y a¡d slth euch feü.y, I havs been 6vor sLncs the saLd ttue aa aboyB
rooldl.¡g on sald praioeo¡ thsü the land md pr@isos h€rei! rêfêrrgd to ed oD
Ec[tlotrsd â¡d
I o1¡la a¡ a høeste¿d for Dysslf &d Y/lfo Âr€ looatod
and dêBorib€d ag foll*s:
whlch i rogtdo eU
Lqt l{1¡e (9), Btoak T6n (10 , ,lfauå t/alla Âdditlon, Soattio, Ktn6llgton;cou¡ty, [utì,
Ioreìtr¡ j
of ¡y Àr¡r. I
e¡d lt tg ay latonttoe to use a¡d claln the sald pr@fs6s abovo descrlÈed, totothei rith thehoueo q¡d ¡4ürton&oea as a h@€stead, a¡d I do noy olÀl¡ the 6a&e aa a høosöeaal o¡ bchêlfband aad fully, and tbåt the aotuel cash value of setd land I e8tlnats td bo lot ùo oxoê.€d?hres thousa¡d ($SOOO.OO) dollaro, ed thaü this doolaratfo! t6 nade or bohalf of,
the s¡¡ ¡¡
of ny husbud ed fauity,üd for the. !ôÞafli
r¡oveebEr,.a. ¡; ì9¿gl
û¡ ÌΡTflsss ræREo!', r hgv€ hercunto 86ü ny heat a¡d s6ar ¿hts r6th dai of
srl'lE 0F lnsElt{oloN,.
coulrr oF ÎE0RsÎOJss'
UrB. ltsuis Groona.ld,
r, Eaffy L. Parr, s Notery publiô, ho¡oby oort lfythat o¡ thå dqy a¡at læÂr hôrol!a¡tsr'rltt{aPlþsrod bofo¡o ¡s !{rs, .Ieei€ grêo*åld , to no loor¡ to be thè i¡dl"tdua¡foregolag 1uÈi.ree¡t ud sho aokno¿ledged thet shs rho exooutod t[ô
deod f,or the u8€s ed purpos€s thsrein set forth on
gÌ€cufed thg seô aB her fÞe eat ?o¡utrtslï-8st r¡d
Ill lfIl¡IESS iT¡EREOF, ¡ have Àêreunto 6et
the dey a¡d ¡oar thoreln ¡?¡ttteB.
llæoube¡, À. D. 19¿9.
ny hed a¡d êfflxad ny offfslat soal thls.16 dsy of(8. L. p. ¡fot&rtal seal)(c-. s*. Jut. ts, ¡gso)Ear¡y L. perr
lfotâry publlc i¡ a¡d ior.tho State ôf ïmhbf
Flled for rEoord. åt
i"sr tãÉ au re$l€8t of lorry L. PÂr¡, uov
ton, re6ldtn6 st 0lltlpl8.
18, t9Z9 at 9 ¡ln. past 9 ;. il.
over Copy of Oralor
offloe of C@nl8sløer
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogoooogooo October ?8, 19Zg
f¡I372e ¡r.Tt;f;,3L
cgr-o ORDER
rt aplEsrtlg to the ccunlsslonãF r+ *L¡^ !r irloe bv the *;;. r;;-;;". scullËslo'æ at this èlno rr
&d Â*o8s tho $ of ilrfå,
& lteht c@p'ov "";-";;;.;"0
apPllcatlon No' 13??8 wE. fllod tr th18 ot"
or Rorro¡, r¡ xr¡s cou¡ry¡ ;* "; *e ""u","iri":ïiil.:;:åîï:j;:::î:ïïïïî;
It ¡rüher appserlnc the{: +h- --_r.tho rqnd "-r""u ; ";;;";;;:^:::t
tho applioant rs I pubrio corporarion propociu ro
:::, ï",-d ",ih; ;;; ä1ï:'å"":'fÍ,äï*lïït'ïÏ:.:ïï:îiîilï:ï:1.ïï,
;;::i";î:,* u*h suffio,onr ,*; ; ;;;""i:: å"ï.";:.::-:"î: neoosaary ror rho purpose.i)f for l¡gross apd e6reos to nalntal¡ ¿nd rdtsfi
lats¡ a
¡t furbher appearlng that thfé rlght of wây ru¡oPortlo¡ botsoeE the Prooont rtght of Tay
dtago¡auy ùhrough the ta¡cls. tnvolved ald l¡o'.aPpì.loatloa ¡{o. ¡g409, thåù 1t wlll be nco€aaary
êralt s!4 a foroor graat uade to thts ame ompany uldor.and e6reaa to s¡ld Lsolåtod t¡aet; thqt thore are
1¿ thg grÂntlag of the oasono¡ts to provido for 1¡grt!9,cluded l¡ rald r{ghü of vravthe¡eforo a¡d the¡e belat ¡o
!o lep¡wô¡lents bolo¡glng !o the etate ud.the lud t¡'l
l!, ireason why seid rlght of wry atrout4 not be g¡antod; lt
ORDESED Á¡d DETERuIilED thst tho full valus of tho
I that
wlth the ¡ll Élu€ of the tlobor thoroon, bo qÃd
lênd laoludod witht¡ tho Lqj,d applfcatldl,8o1d aDou¡t togothor rlth the statutory fee f,or
tho 8eo 18 herþby flxerl ud appraleod ât. ptror, prlyllogo ed autho¡lty to constn¡ct, operats
l6ou{ng a cortlflqeta has becu pald, aud. tho rlgltürlaud hs¡et¡afber described nay û¡q nÊLntal¡ a trq¡tu¿ssloû .Ifns æer ald aoiogsbo o¡eroleed l¡aoco¡duoo Elth thg1[ tht8 rtght of.wÂy bãl!6 uo¡s Þartloularly dslorlb€d qs lollowEl -statutes. ths 8a1¿t land lnoluded
.j' ras. purotìasðA òy.i c¡otqEy husba¡al.ald Þysc¡f ¡thaor Ey ¡a¡sbaìd havc óvo¡othei ¡nrson on tho ¡e{the vt¡ls 6¡Earry
a0 Âbov6 nôÞtlo¡od a¡dI or vhlch I reslde a¡dqfs :
, Soattic, &n6 corrr¡r,
o8êthoi ?ith ths drqllb¡
rstead o¡ tchalf of ay fu¡.r ¡ot to oxoeod tho s& olf of, ud for the b!¡lflt
daji of ¡toveeber,.L. D¡ t9¿9¿ald'
td )Ear hãroluftr¡ vrtth¡l
.lTidual ,ho exooutod tù6ee eal volunùsry_sot å¡drfttcu¡
lâl seal thls .16 dsy of
¡d iortho .stato irf
paot I 4. l,t.
I was ftl€d ln th18 of.,
r ürar¡snissto¡ 118ô
, rete.5 €Âst, Ju6t
rE to oonstruot aoro88 ;
rlttlng oleotrlo pcleri I
lsary for the purpos, rl'i
s to nalnùain s¡d rdlrtl
laads hYolved s¡d l6f'
this ¡me oonpsn¡, u¡dor,
bo provido fo¡ 1¡Érr!3 |
8ùaùe ed.üho lud ¡r.l
not Þe gra¡tetl; tt llri
o sqlal applloatlol,to¿
nd appralôed ât
Patd, a!d. tho rtght'
06 æêr ed aorog8
?t¡ose po¡+1@s of the e.å of mrà,the 6ffà Nråoåstof â¡d Lot l,¡cotlø'16,tornrhip z3 '¡orüh,w.¡¡.lnolud..d vlüht¡tþe ltnltr of a dtrlp of ¡â¡d 100 f3oü ln wldth havlngwldüho¡caoh 8ldc of üho fo11illug -ôossrtbod foct of ¡uoh
'oantcF Llno;¡t polnù o4 ùhâ ¡orth 1i¡o oft1t¡saLd seotion 16,223.16 frót wc¡ù of thcoo¡lcr on ¡eid north ll¡e aad m!¡l¡ig the¡oo quarbo¡.
506errotr v¡¿31.8 fôot,3300ı r28'lÐdlöo44r66t!E.¿118.4 foct to e pôtlt tho tr.9666.
of the southwoBt o.&6 outh l¡o of srild scgü1on 16.rhtôh ls 9¿8.1ioornorthrroof foot
¡ .Jury¿5, 'illlïi:"1*t""r'
to rLsht ofwsvforpo{er lf¡r €rarrod ror. r. Båksrrhfoú8h'docd.lrsucd
SubJcot to rtghù of wây for oounty rGd.EubJe.oü to gra!üôd.Jæ.10,t9¿5,udoi.,appllcaùion !¡ó 462;rlght of wÀy for.tnneûisston ¡'1¡c to ako
Feb.7th,1919 udsr applloatlm graat€ô Chioagb,t¡tlvãri.kee &st PaulNo.lo5lr.
lhe r16hü .of wFy horol¡abæe d€gsrlbedotfil9i¡.håB aà arg¡of,lo.s¿ac!e8,aooord.{irg tô tåi þiaton.the offloo of the Can¡sslonor of Putllo ¡¡!ds ô,r 01¡eplÂ,Warhlngta)¡rand
It ls fi¡rther ORbERED a¡d DEßEM¡ÐIEDsüateIte thrt !hts oi¡sdtro¡ù 1û grgiìiþd cùbJdcito!auooe680¡6 to lagreoa &¡d to ùhc'rlghts ofggroaarosohauchlüdsortlnborf,r@ aooos6 to roads or tra!sporbaùioB,a!my b làoiaücd or outItbollgundorotoodthat@alorlonsorothortnü€rost o to fnterf€rô !o oo¡ditlonr.arê roeet¿å o¡prò-'wlth or daüago the tra¡mlssl,cin lln.o@oùn¡oted by tho g¡a¡toê ùhorein,OF rppurtó!¡Doar thcreto atthePueotSoundPoy,ot &¡,fSht Cúpuy.Dated ùhls 29th dsy of Oqtober Ä.(spa¡D.,19?9.0¡,rEE c(I¿¡ÁISS¡0NBR OF PI'BI,TC LANDS)v.SûTldgo.
_- Fiteat for reoord at rqus.t of stoae. & Iyôboüer
cqrblssloncr of pubHs Imd¡.:
ts'/rTi Ëj, Þevas c troo8üer &8. co¡p.r lûov. Ig, t929.at l.¿'al¡¿ pâ8t 9 ¡:
E. w. oum€y, or a' ffiwffiwffilh#lhl#Hffi* Â' 'oRAll?' cott¡rrYÂutrloR'
to Qr¡lt-Ct¡tb. Dccd.corety of Xtug
QûIÎ - q¡ÂD¡ ¡Bs¡fhe grut016 horoln,a.Y.ed Ell.aidoratlø cur.ggy,of ïio1r Crdct<,.Iogophlao Coui¡ty,oo!,s of Orâ ($r.oo)Dol,lars À¡d also of 0rogon,for tht
establlshlng ,b6nefit8 to aooruo to th@ by reaàon of lÊyi¡6apüblforoadtb¡ough tl¡slr propcrty,out a¡d
ual.qult'olsi¡a¡d thloh 1s herolnaftor dosorlbcal,:od¡vcy,,to the Couty of,l(lng Statc of lfeshtûEt rclcatc,
ål¡d hlghway,all.l¡torest oD¡for u80 of'.the 'Publ 1ó forôvor ¡cl¡tho foufli¡g rloe orl,bed reàl osùÃto publl.c road
AlI of satd trÂtrtorrs rlght or tltte
Elook 36, of the N. yt. t of Soatlon 8,
Do6 Uol¡cs
Contel¡lng O.O4 aoroa nore oP leaa
a¡¡rl to aDy pÂrü or Éaroo1 of tho 1¡1 1.6 fect a3u11,rrP.of 8,o l0
Add.22 ù.Ba¿go E.tÌr '8or¡therâùo !âolfta I,aúd 0orò
I aiÈuaùed
¡tght-of-WÀy lEt.Âv€. So. Þcün. to De6 ¡lof¡os1¿ ùho gou¡ty of ßþ8, Stltc of ra6hl¡güo!.
Ihtgd thts gth alay of ¡{ov€elFr, ¡. D. ¡9?g,
tr. c. clarke
$¿lnifr6d L. Cl¿rice
sr.drB 0F OR¡cot{
couN'r oF orun*r)tt'
tu thö gth day
S. lT. eu¡lcy
Elle Guney
of Novøbor r.9¿9 before ror q Notary PubllodulyoemfusLonedilOtîr,l¡a¡d for tþe Sfalc qf or'sgon,ed porson¿l1y otto E.r ed EIla€crlboû t¡ud tho Curqy to !Þ lc¡or¿to bo ùho llatl?lduqkcxeoutoilthsvtühi.a lmtn¡to¡rt Ând aohdlôdgod toðturoeatholrf ne that thry o Lgned +nd Eealadæoedvolu¡tBry ôot ård deod for ühô thou80AsadI)urpoac!tbcrol¡Do¡ülolod.lrltne6o ny hB¡d ald offlolal ¡eal th€d"y a¡d yrer fl¡st abov. writton.
.Âr e. C¡erkg
rosl,dl.lg at
(i,.c.l¡ofârlol Soal)
Filed ror roooxr ar r.quoet or cô. EÞs., o",. ,I l;äTT fflil,lî; i: Jlrr,
l1d led lno