HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx06_Geotechnical_ReportApril 19, 2022
JN 22150
c/o Broderick Architects
55 South Atlantic Street, Suite, 301
Seattle, Washington 98134
Attention: Kevin Broderick
via email: kevin@broderickarchitects.com
Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Study
Proposed Additions to Existing Building
720 Rainier Avenue South
Renton, Washington
Dear Mr. Broderick:
We are pleased to present this geotechnical engineering report for the planned addition to the
existing building in Renton. The scope of our services consisted of assessing the current site
conditions and reviewing available geologic information for the site vicinity, and then
developing this report to provide recommendations for general earthwork and design criteria for
foundations. This work was authorized by your acceptance of our Contract for Professional
As a part of an interior remodel of the existing building, a small covered entry will be created at the
southwest corner of the current structure. An employee break room is to be added to the south side
of the eastern half of the existing building. We expect that this addition will be one-story in height.
A more substantial addition for vehicle repair/service will be constructed between the east side of
the current building and the eastern property line. We expect that the additions will have slab-on-
grade floors near the existing site grades. The southern portion of the property will remain paved for
parking and drive lanes.
If the scope of the project changes from what we have described above, we should be
provided with revised plans in order to determine if modifications to the recommendations and
conclusions of this report are warranted.
The subject property is located on the east side of Rainier Avenue South, three properties
north of its intersection with South Grady Way. A building used as an automobile dealership
occupies the northwestern portion of the property. The remainder of the irregularly-shaped lot
is covered by pavement. The surrounding lots are, or have been, developed with commercial
buildings used for automobile dealerships or automotive repair. There are no steep slopes on,
or anywhere close to, the site. Consistent with the entire downtown Renton area, the subject
property is essentially flat.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 57102B24-44A9-4D9C-85FC-BE85E3655BCA
01/19/2023 AWeihs
EXHIBIT 6DocuSign Envelope ID: D9B437AE-790D-4029-8662-F67F13AAFB4B
ARB c/o Broderick Architects JN 22150
April 19, 2022 Page 2
The soils that underlie the site and the surrounding area have been deposited by various rivers
that flowed through the deep valleys that remained after the last glaciers receded from the
Puget Sound. These soils are known as alluvial deposits (alluvium). Published geologic maps
confirm that the site vicinity is underlain by alluvium. Our firm has conducted borings for
projects within one to two blocks of the subject site. These borings, which have extended to
depths of at least 60 feet, found alluvial soils that typically consisted of finer-grained sediments
(silt and silty, fine-grained sands) extending to depths of 20 to 25 feet. Below this depth, the
alluvium becomes more coarse-grained, consisting of gravel and gravelly sand, having been
deposited by faster flowing water. The groundwater table that underlies the entire area
fluctuates seasonally, but often lies within 8 to 10 feet of the ground surface.
Based on existing subsurface information, the site is underlain by alluvial soils and a relatively
shallow groundwater table. Older structures supported on lightly-reinforced conventional
shallow foundations on top of these soils typically have varying, sometimes noticeable,
amounts of settlement due to consolidation over time. The loose sandy soils beneath the level
of the groundwater table are susceptible to liquefaction during the design seismic event.
Heavily-reinforced shallow foundation systems are being used on newer construction in the
surrounding area, in order to limit excessive post-construction settlement, but also to protect
against foundation collapse in the event of soil strength loss (seismic liquefaction) that could
occur during a large earthquake. The smaller entry and break room additions should be
constructed using reinforced mat foundations. A mat foundation is essentially a heavily-
reinforced, slab-on-grade foundation that is intended to distribute the building loads, reduce the
necessary bearing capacity, bridge over any excessively soft areas of soil or localized soil
liquefaction (sand boils), and reduce the amount of differential settlement across the new
construction. For the eastern addition, where there will not be any interior supports, the
perimeter walls can be supported on heavily-reinforced continuous footings that are designed
similar to grade beams. If the floor slab of the addition is to support heavy loads, such as from
vehicle lifts, the slab should be reinforced.
Any loose or soft soils encountered in the foundation or slab excavations should be removed
and be replaced with imported granular soils. We recommend that the project geotechnical
engineer assess the exposed footing and slab subgrades prior to placement of forms and/or
rebar. The project budget should account for the potential that removal and replacement of
unsuitable shallow soils, such as old fill and/or topsoil, could be necessary.
The use of mat foundations and heavily-reinforced continuous footings will result in more
uniform settlement of the new construction as the underlying soils continue to undergo long-
term secondary compression. However, movement between the new and existing construction
may be evident over time. This may cause some cosmetic issues, but should not be of
structural concern. Settlement-tolerant construction such as wood and metal framing and
siding should still be used for the new construction. Masonry, stucco, tile and other settlement-
DocuSign Envelope ID: 57102B24-44A9-4D9C-85FC-BE85E3655BCADocuSign Envelope ID: D9B437AE-790D-4029-8662-F67F13AAFB4B
ARB c/o Broderick Architects JN 22150
April 19, 2022 Page 3
sensitive materials should be avoided, as they will more readily show the cosmetic effects of
foundation settlement.
Footing drains will not be needed for the new additions if their floors are at, or above, the
surrounding grade.
The erosion control measures needed during the site development will depend heavily on the
weather conditions that are encountered. The site is generally flat, so the overall erosion
potential should be low. The existing pavement areas should be maintained for truck loading
and staging. Any soil spilled onto the pavements should be immediately cleaned up. Cut
slopes and soil stockpiles should be covered with plastic during wet weather. Following
clearing or rough grading, it may be necessary to mulch or hydroseed bare areas that will not
be immediately covered with landscaping or an impervious surface. On most construction
projects, it is necessary to periodically maintain or modify temporary erosion control measures
to address specific site and weather conditions.
Geotech Consultants, Inc. should be allowed to review the final development plans to verify that the
recommendations presented in this report are adequately addressed in the design. Such a plan
review would be additional work beyond the current scope of work for this study, and it may include
revisions to our recommendations to accommodate site, development, and geotechnical
constraints that become more evident during the review process.
We recommend including this report, in its entirety, in the project contract documents. This
report should also be provided to any future property owners so they will be aware of our
findings and recommendations.
In accordance with the International Building Code (IBC) and ASCE 7-16, the site class within
100 feet of the ground surface is best represented by Site Class Type E (Soft Soil). As noted in
the USGS website, the mapped spectral acceleration value for a 0.2 second (Ss) and 1.0
second period (S1) equals 1.44g and 0.49g, respectively, for ASCE 7-16.
The IBC and ASCE 7 require that the potential for liquefaction (soil strength loss) be evaluated for
the peak ground acceleration of the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE), which has a
probability of occurring once in 2,475 years (2 percent probability of occurring in a 50-year period).
The site is underlain by loose, saturated, alluvial sand soils. These soils have been
demonstrated to have a moderate to high potential for liquefaction during a large earthquake.
Using procedures developed by Seed, Idriss, et al. we have calculated the approximate total
ground settlement that could result if liquefaction were to occur in the saturated, loose to
medium-dense soils as the result of the design earthquake. Based on this analysis, it is
probable that soil liquefaction could extend down to a depth of 25 to 30 feet following an
earthquake as strong as the MCE. Our calculations for sites with similar subsurface conditions
have indicated that total ground settlement of at least 4 to 6 inches could theoretically result
during the MCE. Differential settlements across the structures would be mitigated by the
heavily-reinforced foundations such that we would predict differential dynamic settlements of 2
to 3 inches across the structures.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 57102B24-44A9-4D9C-85FC-BE85E3655BCADocuSign Envelope ID: D9B437AE-790D-4029-8662-F67F13AAFB4B
ARB c/o Broderick Architects JN 22150
April 19, 2022 Page 4
The foundation recommendations presented in this report are intended to prevent catastrophic
foundation collapse of the new construction during the MCE. By preventing catastrophic
settlement of the foundations, the safety of the occupants should be protected. The intent is not
to prevent damage or ensure continued function of the structure after the design seismic event.
An allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf) should be used for the
foundation design. A one-third increase in this design bearing pressure may be used when
considering short-term wind or seismic loads.
Heavily-reinforced continuous footings should be designed similar to grade beams, and should be
sufficiently reinforced to be able to span a distance of at least 10 feet without soil support. This
creates a rigid footing. The perimeter footings should extend to at least 18 inches below the
surrounding grade.
Mat foundations are typically designed using the approximate flexible method. Foundations
designed using this method are also known as Winkler Foundations. For this analysis, we
recommend using a coefficient of subgrade reaction of 90 pounds per cubic inch (lb/in3). Mat slabs
should be thickened a minimum depth of 18 inches below the adjacent finish grade around the
perimeter of the mat, and this thickened edge of the structural slabs should have a minimum width
of 16 inches.
Lateral loads due to wind or seismic forces may be resisted by friction between the foundation and
the subgrade soil, or by passive earth pressure acting on the vertical, embedded portions of the
foundation. For the latter condition, the foundation must be either poured directly against relatively
level, undisturbed soil or be surrounded by level, well-compacted fill. We recommend using the
following ultimate values for the foundation's resistance to lateral loading:
Coefficient of Friction 0.45
Passive Earth Pressure 250 pcf
Where: pcf is Pounds per Cubic Foot, and Passive Earth
Pressure is computed using the Equivalent Fluid Density.
If the ground in front of a foundation is loose or sloping, the passive earth pressure given
above will not be appropriate. We recommend maintaining a safety factor for the foundation's
resistance to lateral loading, when using the above ultimate values.
The mat foundations will serve as the either the floor slab, or the support for a topping slab for
the lowest level of the buildings.
Even where the exposed soils appear dry, water vapor will tend to naturally migrate upward
through the soil and concrete to the new constructed space above it. This can affect moisture-
DocuSign Envelope ID: 57102B24-44A9-4D9C-85FC-BE85E3655BCADocuSign Envelope ID: D9B437AE-790D-4029-8662-F67F13AAFB4B
ARB c/o Broderick Architects JN 22150
April 19, 2022 Page 5
sensitive flooring, cause imperfections or damage to the slab, or simply allow excessive water
vapor into the space above the slab.
As noted by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) in the Guides for Concrete Floor and Slab
Structures, proper moisture protection is desirable immediately below any on-grade slab that will be
covered by tile, wood, carpet, impermeable floor coverings, or any moisture-sensitive equipment or
products. ACI also notes that vapor retarders such as 6-mil plastic sheeting have been used in the
past, but are now recommending a minimum 10-mil thickness for better durability and long term
performance. A vapor retarder is defined as a material with a permeance of less than 0.3 perms, as
determined by ASTM E 96. It is possible that concrete admixtures or topical applications to the
surface of the slab may meet this specification, although the manufacturers of these products
should be consulted. Where vapor retarders are used under slabs, their edges should overlap by at
least 6 inches and be sealed with adhesive tape. The sheeting should extend to the foundation
walls for maximum vapor protection. If no potential for vapor passage through the slab is desired, a
vapor barrier should be used. A vapor barrier, as defined by ACI, is a product with a water
transmission rate of 0.01 perms when tested in accordance with ASTM E 96. Reinforced
membranes having sealed overlaps can meet this requirement.
We recommend that the contractor, the project materials engineer, and the owner discuss these
issues and review recent ACI literature and ASTM E-1643 for installation guidelines and guidance
on the use of the protection/blotter material.
If the subsurface conditions encountered during construction are significantly different from those
anticipated, we should be advised at once so that we can review these conditions and reconsider
our recommendations where necessary. Such unexpected conditions frequently require making
additional expenditures to attain a properly constructed project. It is recommended that the owner
consider providing a contingency fund to accommodate such potential extra costs and risks. This is
a standard recommendation for all projects
This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of ARB, and their representatives for specific
application to this project and site. Our conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions
derived in accordance with our understanding of current local standards of practice, and within the
scope of our services. No warranty is expressed or implied. The scope of our services does not
include services related to construction safety precautions, and our recommendations are not
intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as
specifically described in our report for consideration in design. Our services also do not include
assessing or minimizing the potential for biological hazards, such as mold, bacteria, mildew and
fungi in either the existing or proposed site development.
Geotech Consultants, Inc. should be retained to provide geotechnical c onsultation, testing, and
observation services during construction. This is to confirm that subsurface conditions are
consistent with those indicated by our exploration, to evaluate whether earthwork and foundation
construction activities comply with the general intent of the recommendations presented in this
report, and to provide suggestions for design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from
those anticipated prior to the start of construction. However, our work would not include the
DocuSign Envelope ID: 57102B24-44A9-4D9C-85FC-BE85E3655BCADocuSign Envelope ID: D9B437AE-790D-4029-8662-F67F13AAFB4B
ARB c/o Broderick Architects JN 22150
April 19, 2022 Page 6
supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor and its employees or agents. Also, job
and site safety, and dimensional measurements, will be the responsibility of the contractor.
During the construction phase, we will provide geotechnical observation and testing services when
requested by you or your representatives. Please be aware that we can only document site work we
actually observe. It is still the responsibility of your contractor or on-site construction team to verify
that our recommendations are being followed, whether we are present at the site or not.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this report, or if we can be of further
Respectfully submitted,
Marc R. McGinnis, P.E.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 57102B24-44A9-4D9C-85FC-BE85E3655BCADocuSign Envelope ID: D9B437AE-790D-4029-8662-F67F13AAFB4B