HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Geotechnical_Report_Part_3_Page_Set_211222_v1DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371 F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail Location: Renton, WA ---- 5 ----- - Soil Description 1.5 ± inches ASPHALT above 3 inches medium dense, damp, brown, gravelly SAND above loose, moist, black, pinic, and red, silty SAND with trace GRAVEL (coal and shale fragments) Very loose. wet. black, pink, red, silty SAND (coal and shale fragments) Very soft, wet. gray, SILT and fine sandy SILT Q) - Q) a. a.E >­ � I- ----+----___ .l_ __ _ ___ T __ _ ----±-------r--- ____ -- �----------1-------------------1 -·-1--· --- 15 ---- 20 ----- 25 Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 7.5 feet at time of drilling. Explanation JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-23 PAGE 1 OF 1 Approximate Elevation: 34.5 feet Q) .. - G> a. .cE E I'll :, u, z S-1 S-2 S-3 "C ... C G> :, -e:: (!) � ATD Penetration Resistance .. b,. Standard Blows per foot Other 0 10 20 30 40 • __ L __ L __ L __ !. __ !. __ !. __ l -- J -- J - - . t f t ' l I I I I I ---r --r -.. ,. -• T - -r --1' -· -1 --1 --1 --· ••• I. -• L •• L • • 1. •• 1. •• J. •• l •• J •• J ••• Cl) 0) G> :, iii ; Cl) >, G> z I- ' • , : •: ' , 10 MC · -- r --i --; --i --i --i • -t --, --• --· �:,,, �:,. 6MC . --i ---; . -;-.... ; --i - -i - -• ---; --"j --• MC=53% • . -- ._ - - '--- '---� --!. --! --! -- ! -- .!. - - • • ; o I I I I I •: • --,. -- ,. -- r -- r - - 1' --T --T --T -- , --• . • .... '-.... L ., .. I. .... L ,. ... l ., ,. ,l ,. .. t .... l .... J -...o I o I I I I I . . ' • • -r - -r --r ... - r -• r --, - -, - -1 - -, - -· • --L --L - - L --1 -- i. --i. --J --J --J --• I I I I I I ! I I . --,--,- -;- -,--,--i --,--,--i--. I , I , , , I I I - --i --: --. I - -T • -; - -I - -i --i --i " - . ... -!. .. _!,. __ !,. __ !, __ !, __ !, __ !--! .. -! .... I I o o • o I I I . --• .: ....... --,. --.. --.. --.. --.. --'9 --'9 --. . --� .... !. ... � -.. � -- !. - • ! --! --! -- ! --. I I • I I I ' I f ·--r .. •r••r--r--r--T ·-'9:--,--,--· • -.. !.. .... !. __ L __ !.. .. _ .! .. _ i __ l --l --J. --• I t I I I I I I I l I I I I · -- r -- r --r - - r --r --T --T - .. T -- 1 -• • 0 10 20 30 40 50 3 MC 2 I Monitoring Well Key 2-inch O.D. split spoon sample � Clean Sand Moisture Content ]I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample � Cuttings ® No Recovery es2SI Bentonite PlasUc Limit Natural • Liquid Limit I T Groundwater level at time of drilling -Grout ATO or date of measurement El Screened Casing Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. BORING LOG Figure A-1 Geotechnical & Environmental Consultants Date Drilled: 9/25/02 Logged By: DCW PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-24 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:34 feet g c 15. Gl C Soil Description Ql Ql0.0. E >.~ I- Ql .. Qlo..aEE 111 :::Jrnz Penetration Resistance III CI't:I ... A f:::,.Ql C Ql :::J C J-iii ;;e~Standard Blows per foot Other III>, Ql C)Z I- 0 10 20 30 40 4 ±inches ASPHALT above 4.5 ±inches medium dense, damp, brown, gravelly SAND above very loose, moist, grading to wet, black and reddish orange, silty SAND (coal and sedimentary rock fragments-fill) 1-_s-t 1'"--r - r - - r - -T - T - T -"I --1 -- A:•3 MC I -....--I -T - -T -"I --"I -.,- MC MC 2 3 I __1._•, A 0 T ATD S-4 S-2 S-3l...__ T--- I--- 1--------------1 Very soft, wet, gray, SILT and sandy SILT 1Q I--Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 6.5 feet at I--time of drilling.I -r-r--r-,--T--l--'-- I-- I I !._, , , I-- L __ L __1..1 __ 1 __ L __ 1 __1 _,, r -- r - -r - - r - -T - - T - - T - - T - - 1 - -I-- 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 Monitoring Well Key I 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample ~ Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings f'29BentoniteNoRecovery T •Grout Groundwater level at time of drilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing Plastic Limit I Moisture Content Natural Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO.J-1470 BORING B-25 PAGE 1 OF 3 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:33 feet Soil Description Cll Cll0.0. E >. Jl.lt- Cll .._Cll o..cEE Cll ::l l/)Z Penetration Resistance III Cl"tl ...... 6.Clls:Cll ::l s: l1O iii ;:Standard Blows per foot OtherIIIe::~Cll~ Z t- O 10 20 30 40 12 Inches asphalt over 0 mcnes loose, moist, oarx brown, silty,gravelly SAND (Fill)---------------------------------------------------------------, L _ L __ L __l _1-!__.1 _.!__ 6 f--Loose, moist, black, COAL TAILINGS (Fill) Very loose, moist, black, COAL TAILINGS (Fill) Soft, wet,dark brown,ORGANIC SILT with some sand interbedded with gray, SAND with some silt andgravel10~---------------------------------------------- Loose,saturated,gray SAND with some gravel and trace silt 1-_ T--- 1-_ T--- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 ATD 1--1-1-- 1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ L _ _ _ _L !._1._ _ ___ __ r - -I - -r --T - -r --T - - T - -,- -1 - -, , 3 5 7 GSA Loose, wet, gray, silty SAND with some organics,trace f--gravel interbedded with sandy SILT T---- S-5 .:MC=54%•8 200W 12- Grades to medium dense 100- 25 T---- S-6 I.._ _!.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___~__,, L 1 __1_1 __. 1 _, 11 GSA Explanation I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch a.D.split spoon sample r.::::zJ Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings e No Recovery 1329 Bentonite T -GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing 0 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Plastic Limit Natural Liquid Limit I •I Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/24/02 Figure A·1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-25 PAGE 2 OF 3 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:33 feet Soil Description CIIQ.Q. E >- lilt- In CII ""_CII Q..Q E E III :::J Inz Penetration Resistance III Cl'tl ... A 6CIIcCII:::J C J"i1i ;:o III Standard Blows per foot Other III"";::: rCIIC)Z t- O 10 20 30 40 Medium dense to dense, wet, gray,gravelly SAND to f--sandy GRAVEL with some silt, trace organics T--- S-7 S-8 36 28 T---I I I I- - ---~-- - - - - - - S-9 r - r T --T --.--- T - T - T --1 - - 20 Loose to medium dense, wet, gray, silty SAND with some gravel with interbedded PEAT (3") T--- S-10 11 f--------------------------------------------------------------__1-__1-__1-_l---+--+--+--+---I---, Medium dense to dense, wet, gray,gravelly SAND with some silt and trace organics Medium dense, wet, gray, silty SAND with some gravel and peaty organics (1") T--- S-11 37 L L __1.__ 1.__!__1._.!__1 __, r - - r - -I --r -- r --T -- T - -.-- - 1 --., 50 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample I:Z.}J Clean Sand 3-inch 1.0 Shelby tube sample Cuttings e ~BentoniteNoRecovery T •Grout Groundwater level at time of drilling ATD or date of measurement El Screened Casing Plastic Limit I Moisture Content Natural Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/24/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO.J-1470 BORING B-25 PAGE30F 3 Location:Renton,WA Approximate Elevation:33 feet Soil Description II IIC1.C1. E >- COl- II ..._<II C1..QEEco::I(/) Z Penetration Resistance til Cl'tl ...• 6 <IIC<II ::I C 1-iii ;:l~~ Standard Blows per foot Other til:r ~ C)Z 0 10 20 30 40 Medium dense, wet, gray, silty SAND with some gravel I and peaty organics (1")±_ S-12 20 L _ L __ L _ L __. L ~_1 __1 __.1 __.1 __ t --,-- -I -.,- -T --"I - -i --I"- -1 _. Medium dense, wet, gray, silty, fine SAND Loose, wet, gray, silty SAND interbedded with sandy SILT T--- S-13 S-14 17 9 r r --T - T -- T --,- -"'I -, Medium dense, saturated, gray, silty SAND interbedded with sandy SILT T--- S-15 L __ L __ L __. L __.I._.L __.1 __.1 __.l __ 20 Very dense, damp, light gray, silty SANDSTONE 70 Boring completed at 70 feet on 9/24/02 Groundwater seepage observed at 6.5 feet at time of drilling S-16 6 00/1" r - -r--r --T - -r--T --,--j--,--- 75 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample f2z:J Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings I'2SlBentoniteNoRecovery T •Grout Groundwaterlevel at time of drilling ATD or date of measurement E3 ScreenedCasing Plastic:Limit I Moisture Content Natural Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/24/02 FlgureA-1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-26 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:32 feet g s: Q. Gl C Soil Description CII CII0.0. E >. 1lI!- en CII ..._CII o..cEE III :::senz Penetration Resistance Ul Cl"Cl .... A 6CIIcCII:::s c::: s-~+loIIIStandardBlowsperfootOtherUl"' 3:CIIC)Z !- 0 10 20 30 40 50 I Surface gravel over medium dense. moist, orown, Silty. 9 _,, L __L !. _ !.__1-__.!__1 __J.__ I--Loose, moist. black, silty SAND, COAL TAILINGS, some organic wood debris (Fill)L _S-1 11, , , I"- I --;--- I"--" I --T - -.,- -.,- -I - - . Very loose, moist. block, silty SAND with COAL I--TAILINGS wood debris and organics (Fill) 1---S-2 3 I I I I I I------------------------------------------------ I--Very soft. wet, black. organic SILT with some wood fragments I-- Very soft, wet to saturated,greenish-gray,sandy SILT I--with some clay interbedded with silty SAND L _ T--- S-3 S-4 ATD MC=132%H • I I I I----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---, ATT MC I------------------------------------------------ Very soft, wet, brown-gray, silty SAND interbedded with I--silty SAND and PEAT (4") T--- S-5 L L _L _1-_.L __.l _.L __.1 _.L __, I -i--I--I"--I--T--I--------- A MC=116% • 2 200\11 I--- 1------------ 1- Boring completed at 21.5 feet on 9/26/02 Groundwater seepage observed at 8 feet at time of I--drilling S-6 I I I I I I, I I I I I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.--- r - - r - -r -- r - - r - -T - - T - -,.- -,- - • L 1 __!.__! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, 16 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 Natural Moisture Content Plastic Limit Liquid Limit1-------1 I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample f2J Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings e No Recovery Bentonite T •GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/26/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-27 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton,WA Approximate Elevation:31 feet g a Glc Soil Description I) I) Q.Q. E >. I- I)... I) Q.J:lEE III ::lcnz Penetration Resistance en Cl"C ..... I:::.( I) C (I)::l C l"-iii ;::o III Standard Blows per foot Other en...:;::r (I) e z I- 0 10 20 30 40 Medium dense grading to very loose, moist grading to wet (below 4.5 feet), brown, gray, and black, gravelly, silty SAND (Fill) L !..__L _.L _ 1 __.J._, 1-_S-1 L __ L-__t.__L __1.__.1 __J.__J.__-.I _ A;, r ,.- -I --"I -'I -T -I"-"i I - - . 18 MC T--- S-2 ATD 3 MC Soft to very soft, weI, gray, SILT with interbeds of saturated,greenish-gray,fine to medium SAND, irregular horizons of fibrous organics up to 0.25 inches thick Q L _S-3 S-4 A: I I I t-------- - - - - - - - --- 3 Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 4.5 feet at time of drilling,---r - - r - - r - r - -T - - T - - T - - T - -"1 - -, L __ L __1.__1.__1,.__.L __.1 _.1 __.1 __, I I I I I I I 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Liquid Limit1--------1Plastic Limit Natural I • MonitoringWell Key Zi"'J Clean Sand Cuttings Bentonite Grout E3 ScreenedCasing No Recovery 2-inch a.D.split spoon sample 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Groundwaterlevel at time of drilling or date of measurementATD I J[ e• Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING lOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 FigureA-1 logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-28 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:32.5 feet Soil Description ell ellQ.Q. E >- I'll I- en ell .._ell Q..Q E E I'll :::Jenz Penetration Resistance III Cl'tl ...... 6ellCell:::J C J-iii ;o I'll Standard Blows per foot Other III..:::rellClzI- 0 10 20 30 40 loose to medium dense, damp, brown, gravelly SAND Fill) Medium stiff to soft, moist to wet, dark brown, sandy SILT with some fine organics (Fill)-L _S-1 5 MC T···----±--- S-2 3 MC MC 2 e: I I I I I - - - - - - - --------- - - - - - - - -.. S-4 ATD S-3···- 1-·- I··· 1--------------1 Very soft, wet, gray, SILT with some wood fiber I--horizons Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 7.5 feet at I--lime of drilling. L _ L _1...1 _ 1 _ _ _ _1 _ r - r -- r -,-r -T --T -- T -,-_. I 1 I I I I I--1-- r--r --r --r--T--1 --T--l--1--', 1..__1...__1..__1 l __.1 •,- 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Liquid Limit------<.--- 1PlasticLimitNaturalIe MonitoringWell Key rzs:.:J Clean Sand Cuttings f'Q9 Bentonite Grout E3 Screened Casing 2-inch a.D.split spoon sample 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample No Recovery Groundwater level at time of drilling or date of measurementATD I I e Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 FigureA·1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT:Renton Retail JOB NO.J-1470 BORING B-29 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:33 feet g a Q) c I-- Soil Description 3.5 ±inches ASPHALT above 4 ±of medium dense, damp, brown, gravelly SAND above very loose, moist, black, silty SAND (coal fragments)with scattered horizons of brown, gravelly SAND (Fill) Q) Q) CoCoE>. Ill .... en 1-_ Q)... Q)Co.cEE III :::J enZ S-1 Penetration Resistance 1Il 01"C ....... 6- Q) C Q):::J C J'"iii ;;o III Standard Blows per foot Other 1Il...::~ Q) C)Z .... 0 10 20 30 40 A:.3 MC J --I !-..-T --I -..-- I"-- I-- I------------------------------------------------ Very loose, saturated, gray, fine SAND with some silty zones and scattered fibrous organics T--- L _ S-2 S-3 T ATD MC MC T--- I--t--t---±---- Boring completed at11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 7.0 feet at time of drilling. I-- I-- S-4 I I _!..t _ L _ L _ L _L __.l _1.__.1 __J.__J_ I I I I--- 1--1--'-,--,--T--l--,--I--, , I I I I-- --- - - - - - - - ---- ---- - - - - - - r - - r - - - r - -T - - T - - T - - T - -"'f - -, i'"- -r --r - - r - -T - - T - - T -- T - - , - - . 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 I Monitoring Well Key 2-inch O.D. split spoon sample IZSJ Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings BentoniteNoRecovery T •GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing Plastic Limit I Moisture Content Natural Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled: 9/25/02 Figure A-1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-30 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:34 feet Blows per foot Other Penetration Resistance b. 30402010o Standard 0 ....e Q) o I'll..:: e CII .._CII a..QEE I'll ;:, l/)Z 9!CIIa.a. E >. I'll I- l/) Soil Description Medium dense, damp, brown,gravelly SAND (Fill) I-- Very loose, moist grading to saturated, black, red, and I--beige, silty SAND and sandy SILT (coal fragments-fill)----+----__.- 1.._S-1 r -~,--r--T -- T --T--l--1--1--- L __ L __L _1.__1._ 1.__.1 __. 1 __l __. MC=58% •3 MC MC=58% • MC=69% • T--- L _ S-2 S-3 ATD •-- t --- - - - --I - -" I --" I -- . 2 MC MC I _!..__!.__ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ A '0 r - r - - - - r - -T ---- - T -r -_. S-4---I--- 1 Very stiff, wet, gray, SILT with trace fine SAND and fibrous organics f-- I--Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 5.5 feet at f--time of drilling. L _ L __ L __1._.L __.l-__.1 _ .1 __.J_, I - -i - -i --,.- -T - --;- -I - -..- I - - I ---"I --I"--i -- f-- r-- -to - -r-- -.,..- -.,..- -T - - T - - ,. - - .1 - - f-- r--r-r--T--T--l--1--1--1--, 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample ~ Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings BentoniteNoRecovery GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing Plastic Limit I Moisture Content Natutal Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-31 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:32 feet Soil Description G).._G) a.J:lEE l'll ~ fl)Z Penetration Resistance III Cl"C .......c:G) C G)~C iii :;::le~Standard Blows per foot Other III~ G) C)Z I- 0 10 20 30 40 Medium dense grading to very loose, damp to moist, I--brown and dark gray, silty SAND with trace gravel (Fill)---_ f-- 5 ---------------------------------------------- Very soft. wet. dark brown and gray, SILT with some fine sand and organic material interbeds- I--Loose to very loose, saturated, gray, fine SAND with some fine and fibrous organics f--Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 7.5 feet at I--time of drilling. 25 l"=----___-. L _ T--- l _ S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 Y ATD r - -j'"--r -- r - -T - T - - T -1 -I --, , A: I -T --;---T - -i - -..,- -.,- -- I I I I- - - - - - - - - ----, , ,.. I-_ r -- r -T - T - - T - T - - T - -.,- -1 - -- I I I I I, ,, , I- _I-__I-__I-__+-__I-_.j.- -.j.- --I - 1..1.1 __1_l __!__!__l _, , 3 o 5 4 MC MC MC Explanation I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample 0 Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings No Recovery Bentonite Y •GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement a Screened Casing 0 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Plastic Limit Natural Liquid Limit I •I Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-32 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:33 feet Penetration Resistance 6- Blows per foot Other Soil Description Medium dense, damp. brown. silty,gravelly SAND (Fill) CIl CIlQ.Q. E>. CllJ- t/) CIl .._CIl Q..Q E E Cll :::l t/)Z gQj ... l- 2 ~Standard C) o 10 20 30 40 r--r--,-,--r--T-,--1--1---,~---------------------------------------------- Medium stiff. moist to wet. black and brown. silty SAND coal fragments-fill) I-- Very loose. wet, black, SAND with some fine roots and wood fibers (coal fragments-fill) 1-_ T--- S-1 S-2 ATD .' MC=51% • 5 200W 2 MC Very loose.saturated.gray-brown.fine SAND Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 4.5 feet at time of drilling. I-- L _S-3 S-4 I.:. r -f --r -- r - -T - - T - - T - - T - - 1 - -- I I I t 1----j--i--i--i--i--"'i-- j I _,,, r - - r - -r - -I - -T --T - - T - - T - - , - - ., 1 __.!__J.__1 __1 __, r - -r--,--r --r--T--I--7--1--, 4 3 MC 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample !' L::TI Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings BentoniteNoRecovery..• Grout-- Groundwater level at time of drilling ATD or date of measurement a Screened Casing Plastic Limit I Moisture Content Natural Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-33 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:33 feet Blows per foot Other Penetration Resistance c:g a CIlc Soil Description CIl CIlc.c. E >. C111- f) CIl ..._CIl c.,c E E CII :I f)z gQj .... I- E!~Standard C) o 10 20 30 40 Medium dense to loose. damp, brown,sandy GRAVEL Fill) MC MC MC 7 2 2 4 L __ L __ L __ L _1._.1 __J.__.1 __.1 __ MC=81:%. r -I"--I -T --'I -,.-T --I --;- ATD S-4 S-2 S-1 S-3 L _ l _ T--- Loose,saturated,gray,gravelly SAND I----~~~ Medium stiff wet brown oroanic SILT Very soft. wet. dark brown. SILT with abundant fine and fibrous organics.and thin interbeds of sand size coal fragments (Fill) u I--Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 7.0 feet at time of drilling. L . L __L __ L __L __.I.__. I._.1 __J.__J __, I"--1--,.-I --,.- -T - T --"i --"'i -- I-- I.-_L _ L ;j._.j.__..._ _ _ _.j.__..I __, I--I I I I I-- I I I I I I------------------------------ I j I I I I I, L __L __L __ 1 __!1 _.!.__1 __., I-- 25 Explanation 0 10 20 30 40 50 MonitoringWell Key I 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample Clean Sand MoistureContentI'Zi"Z1 J[3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample WI Cuttings Plastic Limit Natural Liquid Limit 229 Bentonite I •INoRecovery Grout Groundwater level at time of drilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 Figure A·1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-34 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:33 feet Soil Description Gl GlQ.Q. E >-~ 1- Gl ..._Gl Q..Q E E III :;, I/)Z Penetration Resistance CIl Cl'tl ......6..GlCGl:;,C:;,- iii ;e$Standard Blows per foot Other CIl>,~ C)Z 0 10 20 30 40 MC3, I --,-I"--.,--T --p - -T --I"- -i - -. L __l _ L __L _J.__.L __.1 _1 __j __ e:~ATDS-11.-_ 4 ±innches ASPHALT above 2 ±inches of medium dense, damp, brown,gravelly SAND above very loose, moist to wet, black and brown,silly SAND (coal fraqments-flll) I-- I-- 1---S-2 2 MC I-- I--Very soft, wet, gray, SILT with saturated fine sand interbeds ----+---____-.L _S-3 MC I--- 1 S-4 o I--Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 3.5 feet at I--time of drilling. 1._ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __.!__1 _. L __ L __ L __L __l.__.L _ .I.__i __.1 __ I-- I---c i" - I-- I-- r-- - -r - - - - - -"t - -,.- - .,. - -"'t -- I-- I-- I-- r --r--r --r --r --r--T--'--'--- l __ i l . 25 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample Clean Sand MoistureContentf'L::'a 3-inch 1.0 Shelby tube sample Cuttings Plastic Limit Natural Liquid Limit Bentonite I eINoRecovery GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 Figure A-1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-35 PAGE 1 OF 1 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:34 feet Blows per foot Other Penetration Resistance 6. 40302010o gCii ~ 5 1li Standard(;: i: CIl ..._ CIlc..QEEco:::Itnz CIl CIlc.c. E >- COl- tn Soil Description 3 ±..ASPHALT above 7.5 ±inches medium dense. I--damp. brown.gravelly SAND (Fill) above very loose, moist. black SAND (coal fragments-fill) 1-_ T--- S-1 S-2 I ATD L _ L __ L _I.._.L __1._.I.__.1 _. 1 __ A: I - -T -,.- -T - -I - -...- - 3 2 MC Me I -I I ,--1--- A' Very soft. wet. gray, SILT and sandy SILT with some fine and fibrous organics- r---____.1-_S-3 S-4 I I I I I------ - - - - - - - - - - - - ---, o MC Boring completed at 11.5 feet on 9/25/02. Groundwater encountered at approximately 5 feet at time of drilling. L L __ L __L __1 __ 1 __1 __1 _,,, r -r-- r --f --T --T -- T - -,- -"I - - . r--r--1--'I--,--I--,--i--- I-- I-- 25 r--r--r--r--r--T--T--T-1---, , Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 Natural Moisture Content Plastic Limit Liquid Limit1-------1 I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample rzs:.:J Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings No Recovery I1Q9 Bentonite T •GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement E3 Screened Casing Zipper Zeman Associates.Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/25/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: DCW DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT:Renton Retail JOB NO.J-1470 BORING B-36 PAGE 1 OF 2 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:34 feet Penetration Resistance 6- Blows per foot Other Soil Description CD CDQ.Q. E >-~ 1- CD '"_CD Q..cEE III ::Ifl)z C ... c CD:: 1-o III'":= C) Standard o 10 20 30 40 3 inches asphalt over loose to medium dense, moist. brown, silty, gravelly SAND (Fill)~---------------------------------------------- Very loose. moist, black, COAL TAILINGS (Fill) Very loose. moist.brown-gray-black,silty SAND with some gravel interbedded with COAL TAILINGS (Fill) Very loose. moist to wet. gray. silty SAND with some gravel interbedded with black sandy SILT and peaty organics (2") 1-_ T--- 1.._ T--- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 ATD I .!.__.!__, r -r - - r - -l'-T - - T - - T - --r --.,.- -,, 3 2 3 4 r--r--r--T-- T-- T-~ T-- T--'-- Medium stiff, moist to wet, brown-gray, sandy SILT with some interbedded silty SAND with some organics T····---±-._- S-5 L __ L __L __ L __ L _.1 __J.__.l __..I __•,:. I - -.,, 7 c---- I------------------------------------------------.-.-------.--. Very dense. moist, tan-brown, silty weathered SANDSTONE- I----------------------------------------------------------.-.- Very dense, moist. light gray, silty SANDSTONE I-- 25 S-6 I_!I I _~__~__. A 50/6" I I I I I I- - - - ---- - - - - --- r f --T - - T - T -- T --,- r - r -f - -T --T - T - - T ~- T --,- - Explanation Monitoring Well Key I 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample r;::;:a Clean Sand I 3-inch 1.0Shelby tube sample Cuttings BentoniteNoRecovery T •Grout Groundwater level at time of drilling ATD or date of measurement a Screened Casing 0 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Plastic Limit Natural Liquid Limit I •I Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9124102 Figure A·1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-36 PAGE20F 2 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:34 feet Soil Description I) I) Q.Q. E >.~ I- I)... I) Q.J:IEE 111 :Icnz Penetration Resistance III Cl't:l ...• 6.( I) C (I):I C 1-iii :;:le~Standard Blows per foot Other III1-(I) C)Z I- 0 10 20 30 40 Very dense, moist, light gray, silty SANDSTONE I-- S-7 .5014" L _I..__L __1.__.L __. L __.1 __.1 __. 1 __, , r - -I - -I --I - -T - - T -1--i --1- c---1--------------1 I--Boring completed at 30.4 feet on 9/24/02 Groundwater seepage observed at 9.5 feet at time of drilling S-8 A 50/4" L _!..__1.__!._1.__1 _!__.!__1 __,, r -r - - r - -T -r - -T - T - - T - - 1 - - L __ L __ L __ L __ L __J.__J.__.1 __. 1 __ 1-__-1-_...__..__+__+__+__, 1._ 1.__.!.__..!.___,, r -- r - - r - - r - -,..--T - -,.-- T - - ,. - - 50 Explanation o 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Liquid Limit f----a__--I Plastic Limit Natural I • E:3 Screened Casing MonitoringWell Key EZJ Clean Sand Cuttings I32SI Bentonite Grout No Recovery 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample Groundwater level at time of drilling or date of measurementATD I e T Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/24/02 Figure A·1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-37 PAGE 1 OF 2 Location:Renton, WA Approximate Elevation:42 feet Soil Description G) G)a. a. E >-~ I- G).._G) a..Q E E III :JU)z Penetration Resistance CIl Cl"C ....... 6- G) c:CI):J c: J'"iU :;::o III Standard Blows per foot Other CIl..~:::- G) C)Z I- 0 10 20 30 40 50 Surfacegrassover I-- I--Looseto mediumdense,moist,brown-black,silty SANDwith somegravel,coal tailings andorganics (Fill) I-- L _ r -- r - - r -r --T - - T - - T -"I -"I --. L _ L __1..__ 1.l.__J.__ J.__.1 __J _. S-1 11 5 ---------------------------------------------- I-- Veryloose,moist,brown-black,silly SANDwith trace I--gravel,interbeddedwith sandySILTand PEAT T--- S-2 I ,-- --- ---- --- I I I I 3 I--Very soft,wet, brown,PEAT lQ. I--Veryloose,wet, gray, silty SAND interbeddedwith organicSILTand PEAT Loose,saturated,brown-gray,gravelly SANDwith I--somesilt I------------------------------------------------ Veryloose, saturated,brown, silty SAND with some I--graveland trace organics I-- 25 1-_ I--------------- 1-_ T---- T---- S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 ATD A; I..__!...__!..__!"..!., r -r -T - T - - T T --1--,-r -- I I I I I I I I I-- - - - - - ------ - - - - 1 __l _!_.t _1_.1 __, 3 2 10 2 Explanation I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch O.D. split spoon sample D Clean Sand I 3-inch I.D Shelby tube sample Cuttings BentoniteNoRecovery T •GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement a Screened Casing 0 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Plastic Limit Natural Liquid Limit I •I Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/24/02 FigureA-1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 PROJECT: Renton Retail JOB NO. J-1470 BORING B-37 PAGE20F 2 Location:Renton,WA Approximate Elevation:42 feet Soil Description CI) CI)a. a. E>o I'll I- en CI).._CI) a..cEE I'll ;:, enz Penetration Resistance II) Ol"'C ... A 6. CI) I:CI);:,e ltioI'll Standard Blows per foot Other...;:: CI) e Z I- 0 10 20 30 40 Loose, wet,brown-greenish-gray,silty SAND with I--some gravel and trace organics I-- L-. S-8 6 I"- f - f -i"--,--,.-,.-"'i --;-- 30~ Dense, moist, tan-brown, silty weathered SANDSTONE I------------------------------------------------ I-- T--- S-9 I-L __L L __..._.i._ _ _ _ ___, 40 I-- Very dense, moist, light gray, silty SANDSTONE J§..........---::c---- Boring completed at 35.2 feet on 9/24/02 Groundwater seepage observed at 8 feet at time of I--drilling I-- I-- I-- I-- S-10 ..50/2" r - - r - -T - -r - -T - T --T -- T -- 1 - -, , I"- -I - -f - -i"- -I --T - -T --I"- -"j - - I-- 50 Explanation I MonitoringWell Key 2-inch 0.0.split spoon sample r,:;;;]Clean Sand I 3-inch 1.0 Shelby tube sample Cuttings e \l25IBentoniteNoRecovery GroutGroundwaterlevelattimeofdrilling ATD or date of measurement E3 ScreenedCasing r - - r - - r - -T - - T - T - - T - - T -- , - -,,, 0 10 20 30 40 50 Moisture Content Plastic Limit Natural Liquid Limit I •I Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Geotechnical &Environmental Consultants BORING LOG Date Drilled:9/24/02 FigureA.1 Logged By: CRT DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 J-1470 LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES All drilling samples were collected using split-spoon and Shelby tube sampling techniques as described in ASTM D-1586 and D-1587, respectively. Samples collected from test pit excavations were obtained from discrete soil layers in order to have a representative number of disturbed, but representative samples. A series of laboratory tests were performed on representative samples during the course of this study to evaluate the index and geotechnical engineering properties of the subsurface soils. Descriptions of the types of tests performed are given below. Visual Classification Samples recovered from the exploration locations were visually classified in the field during the exploration program. Representative portions of the samples were carefully packaged in moisture tight containers and transported to our laboratory where the field classifications were verified or modified as required. Visual classification was generally done in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system. Visual soil classification includes evaluation of color, relative moisture content, soil type based upon grain size, and accessory soil types included in the sample. Soil classifications are presented on the exploration logs in Appendix A. Moisture Content Determinations Moisture content determinations were performed on representative samples obtained from the exploration in order to aid in identification and correlation of soil types. The determinations were made in general accordance with the test procedures described in ASTM: D-2216. The results are shown on the exploration logs in Appendix A. Grain Size Analysis A grain size analysis indicates the range in diameter of soil particles included in a particular sample. Grain size analyses were performed on representative samples in general accordance with ASTM: D-422. The results of the grain size determinations for the samples were used in classification of the soils, and are presented in this appendix. Atterberg Limits The liquid limit, plastic limit, and plastic index of representative cohesive soil samples were determined using standard Atterberg limits testing procedures in general accordance with ASTM:D-4318-84. The Atterberg limits are presented in this appendix. Consolidation Test A one-dimensional consolidation test was performed in general accordance with ASTM:D-2435 on a selected sample of the site soils to provide data for developing settlement estimates. The undisturbed soil sample was carefully trimmed and fit into a rigid ring. Porous stones were placed on both the top and bottom of the sample to allow drainage. After seating loads were applied, the sample was inundated and the swell was measured. Vertical loads were DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 then applied to the sample incrementally in such a way that the sample was allowed to consolidate under each load increment over time. The rebound of the sample during unloading was also measured. Direct Shear Test Two direct shear tests were completed in support of the stability analyses completed for this project. The tests were completed in general accordance with ASTM D-3080. Samples were subjected to four stress increments (500 to 2,000 pst) and the shear stress was determined at each point. The apparent cohesion and friction angle of the soil for peak and/or residual conditions could then be inferred from a best-fit line through the four points. Organic Content Test The organic content of three near-surface samples were determined by AASHTO T-267, Organic Content by Loss on Ignition. pH and Resistivity Tests Soil chemical analytical tests were completed on three representative soil samples by AMTEST Laboratories in Redmond, Washington. The results of the pH and resistivity tests were used to assess the corrosion potential to concrete and unprotected steel. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371 F2EBC8E65 � 0 ..5 II) 60 50 40 30 20 10 7 4 0 "'"') e1a11 <>nrl ·-------I...L- / Lowo1as l'�r -1- s l"'CIY::>, ev silts <><>nrl� - " " V ----/-,, ·1 I J I/ M c moraanic lrlu <>nrl c::illv I'\ / '\. / � /"' V ' I-///// / I/ PLASTICITY CHART ASTMD4318 / / / / ,, / ./ _, ,v,v ,,,_ ., V / .. ;gh-p astic;,,_ - / \,;H / / ./ / ./ V / / Medium /1 • / "'--··-/ / ,/ .. vr / -./--VJ"/ / V \,;L / r,1 / " / .., -�aAKH:l"" . -ii ......._ .. � n ...... ...I' 1..,.,,,, .......... f i anas / / v I/ ./ ..!-Ii�:: / / � ·A-lln� ./ / / ./ V -UI v,vw,.,v, ,... __ ._. ,111111J sana�--111y sous; e1 ciSIIC sifts;' oroani t clavs anc siltv cfavs VI ULJ S-3""' ·,� -· �"'1 VI v•v1 ., """ 0 10 20 30 40 50 Liquid Limit % 60 70 80 90 100 uses Received Liquid Plastic Plasticity Symbol Boring Sample Description M.C. (%)Limit Limit Index Comments •B-8 S-16 MH 57 60 33 27 .. B-11 S-6 MH 57 59 37 22 •B-6 S-4 MH 55 78 47 30 •B-11 S-16 CH 44 66 29 37 Remarks: Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting DATE OF TESTING: 10/7/02 Renton Retail PLASTICITY CHART ASTMD4318 iU;no J ./ I''J ./ jH ./ v Low plast C morqaruc /./sanoyano my SOliS;e asnc snts: clavs:~~,r1"~~r1 siltv ./oraanic silt clavs and siltv clavs b""/Medium ./ nl"c:ti,.../,././ vr ay~v, vlll~clays;-,/./U\..I c1av ~v silts V / l;L./()I ny./UI ..~~r1 "•.,<._----------/--..........- J -J l;L-"////./'"JOO ,IV""'"IIVY',""'y U.v •.,y ry ....'" 1/h,./anos 60 50 40 0 CJ) 0 30. E u I/) 20IVc:: 10 7 4 o o 10 20 30 40 50 60 Liquid Limit % 70 80 90 100 USCS Received Liquid Plastic Plasticity Symbol Boring Sample Description M.C.(%)Limit Limit Index Comments B-26 S-3 CL 132 42 34 8 B-13 S-2 ML 39 46 26 20 Remarks: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting DATE OF TESTING:10/9/02 Renton Retail DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371 F2EBC8E65 CONSOLIDATION TEST BASED ON ASTM D 2435 AND ASTM D 4546 Job Name: Renton Retail Exploration No.: B-37 -------------Job No: J-1470 Sam p I e No.: S-4 ---------------Da�: 1w1ro2 -----------------Depth (tt): ______ 1 o_-_1 o_._5 ____ _ Tested By: EUME Description: Peat --------------- Moisture Content (% ): Before: 60.3 After: 107.4 Pl= Wet Unit Weight (pcf): u.s.c.73.6 --Atterberg Limits: LL = PL= �� ·; 0.01 0.10 Stress (tsf) 1.00 10.00 100.00 10 20.0 •Settlement •-Rebound �-.... �; 18.0 *Cv . , : i : ':: : : . '. . �: ! 0 r---<1,-;,.-�;;;.::=-----:-t--'--�+-:-----"�-�-'---� .. .+ .. -'' .... -.. . .. -i .. ; . ...t...� •• : 16.0 . -� -� - -. -1-.. } ···-. .... d . . • :.J .. : ... •• i ···-i --. -�·«••• ., 14.0 -10 -i-------,.-------........ ----------------------· ..... ·-.i-Hi -20 ... . I' - · .. ·-· .. '--- . i I ••• I ....• ;...!..._ •.. . ...... . ;-·�· 12.0 1 I ; , i I 10.0 ---· ·-· .... '···· 1· 8.0 . !. -30 +-------�---'-----'---'..:....;..:...,..i-------------+---+-__.._.....+-i-'-+I 6.0 ..... ! ---··-.. :-···---·-----·--·-.. - ' � �--!O -•M• ·--··�-� ; f � .... ··-,-··; 4.0 40j----i--�+r-----°'"""""'1�:::!::j::t-��-t"++"'"-'':t11r-----r-___.._._;-·r--t,�'I. ' ;-: -i - ·-·-·" I 2.0 -50 '· '' 0.0 Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 01140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"11/2"314"3/8" i 10 20 i 50 100 200 I IIv I I ~"' v"\- I n v 1\, n 1\ n ~' v ...... v I-~ n 1\ 1\.n V 1\n1 9 2 3 10 J:8 C) W 3:7>- m ffi6z LL 5Z Wo 0:::4W Q. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine COarse 'IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%) Description B-1 S-7 30-31.5 20 7.4 gravelly SAND with some silt PROJECT NO:J-1470A PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc, Renton Retail SlopeDATEOF10/2/02 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING:Stability DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 01140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1 112"3/4"3/8"4 10 20 T50 100 200 I - I IIrv r-- rv n I~ V" v I II I I 1\," 1\ v \- 0 v n n 2 9 3 10 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-6 S-4 20-21.5 20 30.0 silty SAND with some gravel Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. PROJECT NO: J-1470A PROJECT NAME: DATE OF 10/14/02 Renton Retail Slope Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING:Stability DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 0 1140,422 0.0010.0100.1001.00010.000100.000 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARDSIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3" 1f'2" 3/4"3/8" f 10 20 T50 r 200 v "l-t-.~- 1\' v , 1\ v 1\- v n v"\- 0 v n ... v . 2 1000.000 9 3 10 I-~ 8 C) iii 3:7 m ffi6z u. 1-5Z Wo 0::4Wa. PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description B-1 S-5 15-16.5 39 28.9 silty SANDwith trace gravel PROJECTNO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. DATE OF 10/9/02 RentonRetailGeotechnicalandEnvironmentalConsultingTESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM D 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36'12' r 3' 1f'2'r 3/S' j 10 20 4,50 r 200 r-.~ rv v 1\- v I'-n 1\.~ n v"\- In v 0 v v 2 9 3 10 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description B-2 S-2 5-6.5 29 32.3 silty SAND PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. Renton RetailDATEOF10/9/02 Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 0 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12"6" 3"1 1/2"3/4"3/8"4 10 20 T50 100 200 I I I n V '~- n ~' v n 1\ n ~ v 1\- 1\:n 1\n v n n 0 n v 2 9 3 10 8 C) iii 7 m ffi6zu:: 1-5Z Wo 0:::4W D. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt ICla y BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description B-2 S-8 30-31.5 25 25.3 silty SAND with some gravel PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/9/02 Renton Retail Geotechnicaland EnvironmentalConsulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM D 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1 1/2"3/4"3/8" i 10 20 T50 100 200 n IIv-..... n r'.~ rv n v n \' v ~ 1\'n n v 1\-n 1\,n v n... 2 9 3 10 I- I:8 W 3:7 m 3]6 Z LL 1-5Z Wo 0::: 4wa. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-4 S-4 10-11.5 20 7.2 SAND with some silt and some gravel PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/9/02 RentonRetailGeotechnicalandEnvironmentalConsultingTESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 0 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES u.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12"6"3' 1(2' 3/4"3/8"4 10 20 4\50 100 200 I I I 1\nv v v n v 0 1\ 1\ n \' v \ f\1(\ 1\1"1 v 2 9 3 10 i:8 W 3:7 ffi6 Z ii: 1-5Z Wo 0:::4wa. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-5 S-4 10-11.5 27 8.4 gravelly SAND with some silt Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: DATE OF 10/9/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM D 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3" 1(2" 3/4"3/8"4 10 20 T50 100 200 h I I--"' r-.- h V h V I~I- I'I'!I I , t"'L I h v 1\n h v 1\-I' I 0 \- i I I h V 2 9 3 10 I- I:8 W 5:7 0- m 3]6 Z i:i: 1-5 Z Wo 0:::4W Q. 1000.000 100. 000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) Fines (%)Description 8-6 S-1 2.5 16 20.8 silty SAND with some gravel PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc, DATE OF TESTING:10/4/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 01140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12"6"3"11/2"314"3/8"4 10 20 T50 r 200 rv I1v rv 1\ 0 I 1\II I I II I-I f\~II I I I-rv v I i I I <,-I I!i I n v n n v 1\- 0 1\, I I I I I III i I i i-I il. I I I I I n v 1\-I 0 f\. 2 9 3 10 I-~ 8 W 3:7>- m 3]6 Z LL 1-5Z Wo 0::: 4Wa. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay. BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-6 S-3 7.5 18 5.4 gravelly SAND with some silt PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF TESTING:10/4/02 RentonRetailGeotechnicalandEnvironmentalConsulting DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12"6"3"1 112"r 3/8"4 10 20 T 50 100 200 I I I l-i-..- 1\ v I'- v 1\- rv 1\nv \- v 1\-0 0- v 2 9 3 10 8 S2w:= 7 m 3]6 zu: 5Z W J 0:::4W D. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%) Fines (%)Description 8-7 S-3 7.5'35 9.7 SAND with some silt and trace gravel PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Iuc. DATE OF 10/6/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES u.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"11/2"r 318"4 10 20 i 50 r 200 I v i',. v ~--. 1\ v \- 0 0 1\,n2 9 3 10 I-:: I:8 C) W 3:7 Xl ffi6 Zu:: 1-5Z Wc 0:::4W Q. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse TMedium IFine Silt /Cla y BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) Fines (%) Description 8-7 S-6 20'25 11.2 gravelly SAND with some silt PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/6/02 RentonRetailGeotechnicalandEnvironmentalConsultingTESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1112"r 31a"4 10 20 T 50 r 200 10" I"- grt ~ eo C)1\ w -1\3:7~ 1\ m - ffi 6" Z i:i:- 5"Z ,,~ 1\w - 0 D::4" W D.-1\ 3n 2~ 1n 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt Clay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description B-8 S-2 5'14 18.1 silty SAND withtrace gravel PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/6/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES u.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1 112"r 3/8"4 10 20 T50 r 200 n n. 1'\ n v 1\ 1'\1\ I~- o,\ i"'L v n n n n v 2 9 3 10 8 C) W 3:7 a:l ffi6 Z u::: 1-5Z Wo 4W D. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%) Fines (%)Description 8-8 S-4 10'20 22.2 silty SAND with some gravel Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: DATE OF 10/6/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"11/2"3/4"3/8"4 10 20 4\50 100 200 I I-~ r-,- v 1\' v v , n 1\ n."\- 0- 0 n 0 v 2 9 3 10 8 W 7 a:l ffi6 Zu:: 1-5Z Wo 0:::4W D. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description B-8 S-11 45'22 33.1 silty SAND with trace gravel PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/6/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SiZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARDSIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1 1/2"r 3/8"4 10 20 T50 100 200 IIv r-, n V n 1\ n v 1\n v \- nv 1\-n v , 1\0 \- n v nv v 2 9 3 10 8 C) iii 3:7 aJ ffi6 Zu:: 1-5Z W CJ 0:::4wa. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-8 S-18 80'19 10.4 SAND with some silt and trace gravel PROJECTNO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/6/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 0 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3" 1f'2'r 318"4 10 20 4150 100 200 I I" v 1\-I(}j I \- 0 I I I I r-."I , r-, vr ~~- In ,! i ii 1\- i I 1\, 0 1\- 1'\ ill'l i I ~rll·:\o- JI-I IlftlIrl ,1\I{\ i II ,.i i 1 i '!'Ire-.L , n 1 2 9 3 10 I- I:8 C) W:= 7 m ffi6 Z LL 1-5Z W U 4W Q. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%) Fines (%)Description B-9 S-4 12.5-14 2 5.3 gravelly SAND with somesilt PROJECT NO:J-1470A PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/14/02 Renton Retail Slope Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING:Stability DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12"6" 3"11/2"r 3/8"4 10 20 \50 T 200 I I v 1\,,, 1\ I~ v n v 1'\Inv"""' II 2 9 3 10 I- 1:8 C) m 7 EO 3]6 Zu:: 1-5Z Wo 4Wa. 1000.000 100. 000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-10 S-6 17'31 9.1 SAND with some silt and trace gravel PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/6/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES u.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3" 1f'2"r 3/8"4 10 20 40 50 r 200 1Qn I 9"\- 8" C) W - 3:7r1- 1\a1 - a:so ~W 'v 1\z LL - I-5"~ Z , W - f\oa:4"W 'v \ D.- 30 1\ 2~1\ 14 1\ 1n I'l. n 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse Fine Coarse IMedium Fine Silt Clay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%) Fines (%)Description 8-11 S-5 15'12 4.6 gravelly SAND with trace silt PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/6/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 0 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1 f/2"3/4"3/8" 4 10 20 T50 100 200 I I r-, J ~- J 1\-\.\~, 1\" v \- J 1\- v 0 ~- n v 2 9 3 10 J:8 C) jjj 3:7 m ffi6 Zu:: 5 Z Wo 0:::4W D. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture (%) Fines (%)Description 8-15 S-2 5-6.5 36 20.8 silty SAND with some gravel PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/9/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM D 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12"6"3" 1(2" 3/4"3/8"4 10 20 4\50 100 200 I I In n \ v \-~ n v'\- I J\. 1\ n ~ v 1\ rv.[\. i I -. 0 n -.... 1"1 n 2 9 3 10 8 C) W 3:7 0- m 3]6 Zu: 5Z Wo 0::4W D. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration 8ample Depth (feet) Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-16 8-1,8-2 2.5-5.0 11 14.4 silty sandy GRAVEL composite PROJECT NO:J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/3/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM D 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1 1/2"3/4"3/8"4 10 20 T50 100 200 I I V" n ~ v" nv 1\'1'\ 1'\ v \- n v iO 1'\ 1\ n v 2 9 3 10 8 C) iii 3:7 III ffis Z u::: 1-5Z Wo 0::: 4wa. 1000.000 100.000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse IMedium IFine Silt IClay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-25 S-4 10-11.5 14 2.5 SAND with some gravel and trace silt PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates,Inc. DATE OF 10/9/02 Renton Retail Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting TESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Test Results Summary ASTM 0 1140,422 SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE SIZE HYDROMETER 36"12" r 3"1r2"3/4"3/8" i 10 20 T50 r 200 v n v ~- n I~- n 1\--' v n V'\- rv 1\' v \- 0 In 0- 0 2 9 3 10 i:8 C) jjj 7>- m ffi6z LL 1-5Z Wc 0::4W D. 1000.000 100. 000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse IFine Coarse 'IMedium IFine Silt 1C1ay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Comments: Exploration Sample Depth (feet)Moisture (%)Fines (%)Description 8-25 S-6 20-21.5 29 18.4 silty SAND with trace gravel PROJECT NO: J-1470 PROJECT NAME: Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. DATE OF 10/9/02 RentonRetailGeotechnicalandEnvironmentalConsultingTESTING: DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 HWAOIRS 2002092.GPJ 9/26102 NORMAL STRESS (ksf) Zipper Zeman and Associates, Inc. Miscellaneous Testing Services 49.9 PROJECT NO.: FIGURE: 1 SAMPLE DEPTH (tt)CLASSIFICATION J1470A 851 6&7 21.5 - 23.5 (SM) silty SAND, occasional organic inclusion TEST CONDITIONS:RESIDUAL 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.30 2.001.751.501.251.000.750.500.25 1/ V V V-: V V V V V V v V 0.70 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.60 0.50 0.80 1.20 0.20 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.30 1.50 2.00 1.90 1.40 f) f) Wc::: I- f) c:::« w I f) NORMAL STRESS (ksf) FRICTION ANGLE (degrees) 35 APPARENT COHESION (psf) 120 AVERAGE DRY DENSITY (pet) 91.0 AVERAGE WATER CONTENT (%)30.4 Zipper Zeman and Associates,Inc. Miscellaneous Testing Services DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULT PROJECT NO.:2002-092 FIGURE:2 HWADIRS 2002092.GPJ 10/25/02 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371F2EBC8E65 DocuSign Envelope ID: 6314EAD5-0BEB-42DD-88C0-371 F2EBC8E65 Organic Content Test Results ASTMD-2974 Test Location Moisture Content(%) . Or2anic Content(%) B-2 (a), 20-21.5 ft.97 12 B-26 (a), 7.5-9 ft.57 19 SOIL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SAMPLE LOCATION DEPTH (FT) pH RESISTIVITY ( ohm-cm) B-2, S-2 5-6Yi 6.9 4,600 B-5, S-2 5-6Yi 6.7 9,400 B-8, S-5b 15Y2 5.6 3,300 B-26, S-2 5-6Yi 5.6 4,500