HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit .�j�,�lG�- ,p'�:� � ��s� �� ;,��- �.Form F.�2. 8.F.•No.MfBr.!(�Mv.1-8�-7•6��C. �. /�,':�, . . : PLRMIT.NO.......�...�9,..'......... 6TATE Q?� WABHIN(iTON D�PqR�M�NT OF"CONS�BVATION DIVY$YONIOF FLf)OD'CONTBQL `. OLYMPLI . , _ Perm9t!s`ranted ueder provisfons oi Ch. 89.18,RCW, 2hta.........��i�l:..:....:dpy of......... ..:..�At�x�.�,...;...... ...: .....:,,19..G�, : ' tc,. :...,..City.::nf.::ftc3ri Lon... ...... .. ...... . ......... ........ . . . .:......... - . .......... . . .... .... .......�. ......... . ............... (Na�nn o[�ppllcaati . . : . .. .--Itonton, 41 ;hin oiY ...... .......... .. ......�.... ..._..... . ......... ... ...:. ............... .. . ........ .....:. .. ......._. ....:... .........,. (Add»Nq , ' to construct and matntalr...:..3:.?Jxid�T�....�.�Q:.�Q�.t...C�.@&.�..,�p��...�1'1l�.,.jJ.lt�2�,�.C.:a.�.bTBtxX........... . ......:. . ...:............ IDcecrlptlon nt worksl r�r the per(odc......... ... .............:... ... is:..,.:..:`t�... .....::.�.. . ...:.. ....::..; io:.,:..... or......�.:�A.Qxp.�tu�.t3'.:-..:....... ',:..,.,.. ', in....S�.,P�,tF�...:.. ...... :.. ......:... ..._ Sc�tior�......:�„7...., Tmvi�.ship.:..�:....i1.� Ranue;:..5..E. W.A7.. _..:.. ',_:...:.... ;.......... .. `_ on..... :.....:... . ._ ...... .................. ....i:...... :..:..�.�ti2'.:�VAx:..:. ....... .: ......:.., ....: . ......_. .... . . .. . ..:.. . ............... I Name oR�tream ar800d p]e!n u7eoted 1 which aaid works, structuree and"improvements nre iocated withSe� ...:;. :..�iA�7C.:R1,1,t.eT........ ..:..... ....::.:. ...�::::........ Flood Canlrol Zone No......... ..�....... ...:, ali in accordanre wlth Applicatlon No..�.-�.a.9.. ...::.....and p18ns attached theretc on ,` fllc wlth the State Divlsion of F1ood-Contrqt, whlch appllcatioa,wtth plena sttached;ia mede a pnrt hereoL w3.thin the wotted nerimoter3 Unlea9 the work hercin auUiorized�is'commenced on or before t9ie.. ........18.t:..de� of..............�tiTie ......_........., 19.6�..,- � and rnmpleted on or betore the......�at........day at.,........,.00i Obo�•........ . .......... 19:.�J„or betore such detes an tnay be speci- fled by any extir.stons Crented, this permit shall, wtthouf notEce,become null and void. . This permlt :s aubject !o the condittons prin,ed nn the reverse hereof Giver, under my hand and oHfcial seoY the day und year tirst above wrltten. � � ... . ... .._.. . .. .. . .,._:. ,...: . � . . .. ,.. t uj>t+r iaur i;f Fivud Co ot. �:,�:= M,�.-a s,c.. ..r<;. _ .:�-�.,._�.N: ,,.,_�;��, - s - 'r; .,i-d , ' .: , � ' THIS PEFsNxIT ia aub�ect to th� tollowiny conciltiona, which are hereby accepted a�aCreed to by the permittee; i. Thia ptrmlt is �r�nted under authority ot Chanter 158,'Sesalon Laws af 1935. (Ch, 88;1� '_iCW.) - ' 2. T7� property .rights aro grnnted heroln„nor doea thla permit abamlve percniftee fcum 1lnbillty fnr any dar.�age� whiclr may be sUttcred to li.e or to property, publlc or grtyate, by reason ot worke, structurea and improvemenla guthvrizcd here- under. ' This permit-dees nat obvlate'the necesalty o! obtnining asser.t af the Feberal Government in case ot United St�tes t�avigable waters. ': 4. The permtttee shall rertiove, at hls own ex�ense, all telseworks;structures and materidls`1ncldent to the conalruc- tiun o! the work.herein autt�orized. 1Norks and strvctureA er0cted u�delr permlt covering a Bpecrlfic periat o! time shall be removed by the permltfee at his own expense upon th'e espiration of spid per:cd or at the e,r.plratinn ot any extension ot time whtch"may brgroa.ed. 5. Should aermtttee tail to r,emove, ut the pr�p¢r tirne, mntcrfa?s, works and structurea.re.(erretl to underppragraph 4, tha SuperYisor ot Flood Control reaerves:the right t0 heve it dnne af the axpen6e of the permittee. : &. Any alt�raticin ot pinns !or works`and st�ucturea mnde aubsepuent to the Nl[ng af opplication or the lssuancE ot permit shull bc subject to approvni hy Yho Supen•13or: 7, The Supervisor ahelC be notiRed by the �,ermittee of tfic complletion of wockA un��r il�is Eierrnit in qrder thal he n�ay inake en�l 1n�pecdon and give,Ana�u�proval., : B. This perm(t is sub�ect to fucth�r apectal conditlor.e ee foltowa: �.. . Y. 3. This permit is accepte<S sub.�ect :o pf•ovtsions of low and �egulntUans und canciitions herein prescr3bcri. . ., y � . ��G L. l���/���7�"z`L-^''� ... � .. .__ . . .. . . �C'� . tPenalttce� l / f / / . � . . � . .� r J �/`�� - . . . . � .. BIy... .v/�/ `�.���l,..,4:'.._'�' ` . . . - - �. � _ '� ... . . ��>Ir.�Y�_, � � , �!}_�1 �/ / • . - . �l -W� C�it<-t'r�(��f'Y.-�' .. - : _,; ,. r�t��/� c.-�..,� . '. .� ; _ .�, � -' '_' .. r.,. >-W,.� � STATE OF Y�A�HlN�TGK ow�s�or,s; �a�S�AiEa� � ,�=� ,�/ acat�r��rioN •�a� FLOOD CONTpOL "' ROY MUNdY, pInC�7aR: wwrzn quountcs ' a x ,,, -. �iNcs�No oco[oar �-- 1,� � - 336 6ENERA� ADMINISTqAT1�ON BUILOINO . COLUMO/A OAtIN PROJlCT y1/8b9'� OLYMPIA rowsn nc�ovnccs - . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � ..WEATHE�-MODIiIC71T10N.-� . . . -DANIEL-�.J. EVANS . � . . . � � . • ... .. � � . . . . �_��OOiL�WAT[R CONitRVAT1oN� OOVLRNOfl � � � . � . COMMIiTEC` �9�ir..i,C �, 1 y65 : _ : � �r�. �� � �'c . � . . c �lon. D. l�. Cic���h _ : lhac�on og �te C.i,� og /�en;ton (,,i,t� �la,� - ,Renfon, Ulcu�u�rt�on . l�ecvc 111ac�on. Cu..s�e�c: GUe �.e enc,Lo.�,in� �1r.e on.�.oa.c`na L a.»c� co�r� og I��n.i�E No,, j..71�, : a dir.i:dge �80_goo� �..ean .�pan� and Pu6.�CC:c ,u:6ir.a� on �1iQ Cec�air. ,�.ive/%. n�ea.�e �.i�n bo�lz co�.c:e.� on �/ze nev�r.aE .�:ide a.� �e�fee,:: ne�cun �1ie 'o+u:�in:n.� and n.e�cUui .�ze co�r� �o �flze D..�:v.i.�.t:vn og .3.�ood �On�r.o,�, , youn. con�.uzuec� coo�e�r.a.t�:on ,irz �ur.� ma;t,t�2 .v� a��ir.eci.a�ed. . l�� �.c�.(� c�°"',''', /�oc� /Y1unr�, D.i�r.ec.to�. �e�ruifinen� p� Corr..se�.v . n : ���� `"1/��� j�hB�¢D, /11• 97Q�]�112l�iJ� SCt�PJt.V.:uJ01L : Q.�.i.�.(iJ.i.nn Ug ��oOCL �O!'LtJLD� 7"r��g �lIC. � � _,;,� ..� :;�'�-.�•�--� �/ �� ���+ �: �'!�,_} V� /�f � y�.5. .-3�: 'LYi� F.. .,r r i. STATE OF WASHINGTON DIVI810N6: �,�55Atp p� � Ly���y���/ ��L � - l ��r;�L��l�'M�i�i�Lfr..� /��/fQ���� II[CL4MA�1ON a � V M'""— •1000 CONThOL � x � ' �...� .�. ��.. � �,,-� WAY[M�R[fOU�G[6 . �.. ROY MUNDY, DIREGTOR M�Nta AN0 t60lOOY � J' � ' -_ . .. .� � .. 33lJ GENERAL AOMINI6TRATION BUILDIN:s �� co�uweu s�niN�rto.iccr �y'��e89'�y OLYMF!4 rowcit ecsou�c�e . . . � � .. � � � ' � � . - � - - - � � � � -W[A7NCK.MODIIICATiON ::- � .. C1AN1lL J.-EVANB� � � � � � - . so��s w�if:�coNecnV�riOn � ; oOVLi:N011 � � � � �� �� ��' }�.L� . . _ COMMITT L- / 0 1 �. _ '. - . �_:) i. _ ;�i ..ki;J flon. n�ia Ul, Cu�.�e.�. _ 11�1 AY Q R ` /har�o�z o� �Iie (�� og Rert�on ,� �en.tan, U/u.��unq,f.on �`� %' �' �� . �, � Dean 111ar�oic Cu.�.tet r. /�e: .�.Cood C'on.#.�.o,L' Ae�n.i�f No. �-11 y Tjie .���a�a.t;i.on ..L�. �ie ��e�rm.i,t "mu,e� 6e comnienced Er� aunP. 1'` . .aftou.,f� nead wo� �o' 6e c�one a.� aru� �i�ne 6e�f,rueen �une' 1, 19b5 : v.•�d .tlze: g�� "og �ctnde�r. 1965. The ,Lar��ua�� og a,;cn. lnenmi,t gaiun .c:,: � wonh �n�u:od ca�egon� doe.� .aou,-cd .1.im.i�Eec� We can cr.�.au�r.e c�ou .t,�zcit. .c:t -i� no� n�ea�t,f �tcLt rua�. �un on,� ur.t�h .t� .�o congoiun �o �Ize r�oia�t pelu.od a.J ;ae.t go��h tS� �1r,e Depa�r.tme�z.t og,.3.i..th�u.e.a. .� Ito�e ��r.i.� alecvw up .tfie gue.��i.on .in �ocvL nu:rr.d.' _ : /�e,epectg`�CG� �o'.ui,°, ``Ro�.�'1lundc�, D.ucecf olr, : de�a.n,tmen.f c�� Con�ercva�on _ �. . � . . J ' �. r �.- � . - _,��.c��� � `����� �- �F r-Gz�-�� �, � u�a,�.teh:Qen�e�.cm, �narunee�c lGL2rIt� D.i.v.i.:s.i.on `o� .3.,Lood Con.tno,L cc: �o{cn.�.�on-�ar�an�a �r �o, �9�cch,c:.t.ec�.� and`C'oiz.su,Ctan�.a : 83 Q 2i.ve�.i.c�e D�u:ve N., l�c_rz.t az _ .�,.- _ , ; k�>' .�„