HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx09_Geotechnical_ReportMEMORANDUM Project No. 190398 - Task 3 January 14, 2020 To: Russ Gaston, PE and Charles Dewey, PE, Otak From: Elson T. “Chip” Barnett, LEG Senior Engineering Geologist ebarnett@aspectconsulting.com Erik O. Andersen, PE Principal Geotechnical Engineer eandersen@aspectconsulting.com Re: City of Renton, Preliminary Stormwater Feasibility Evaluation Monroe Avenue NE Storm System Improvements This memorandum, prepared by Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect), provides Otak and the City of Renton (City) with an overview of local geology, available geotechnical data, description of data reviewed for the infiltration feasibility GIS-based analysis, the resulting shallow infiltration feasibility map, and recommended next steps on the Monroe Avenue NE Storm System Improvement Project (Project). In support of the Project, Aspect completed a desktop-level GIS-based geological survey for an approximately 245-acre stormwater subbasin (Subbasin) in Renton, Washington. We created maps of surface conditions, including ground surface topography, aerial photography, surficial geology, slopes, wetlands, critical areas, and existing facilities. Existing geotechnical reports and studies within the area of study were included in the review to include measured data where available. We evaluated the combination of this GIS data and existing reported soils data in combination to develop a shallow infiltration feasibility map that identifies areas expected to have high, medium, and low capacity for shallow infiltration. This memorandum is intended for use by the Otak team as input to further investigate particular areas or sites within the Subbasin as preferential stormwater infiltration areas. The following sections provide background on the Project, an overview of local geology, available geotechnical data, a description of data reviewed for the infiltration feasibility GIS-based analysis, the resulting shallow infiltration feasibility map, and recommended next steps for the Project. earth +w ater Aspect Consulting, LLC 710 2nd Avenue Suite 550 Seattle, WA 98104 206.328.7443 www.aspectconsulting.com 1/14/2020 1/14/2020 EXHIBIT 9 RECEIVED Clark Close 08/18/2023 PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 2 Project Background The Project encompasses the Subbasin in the Renton Highlands area (Figure 1). A 670-foot, 36- inch perforated pipe along NE 2nd Street and a 200-ft, 48-inch perforated pipe along King County Access Road drain portions of the stormwater runoff. In addition, numerous areas throughout the Subbasin are drained by points of infiltration and stormwater ponds (Figure 2). In 1994, a large rain event caused flooding in the street along Monroe Avenue NE, south of NE 4th Street, and erosion of the northeast corner of the Upper Balch Pit, a privately-owned gravel pit (301 Monroe Avenue NE). In order to accommodate any future high-flow runoff, the City provided the property owner with a temporary easement. The easement allowed construction of one 18-inch and one 24-inch overflow pipe, which would discharge flows into the pit during high flow events. This temporary system has prevented roadway and property flooding since the original event. However, a recent Application to the City to redevelop the Upper Balch Pit site will remove the two overflow pipes from operation. In order to minimize risk of property damage or incidents nearby, a new approach to managing high flow runoff needs to be constructed prior to the removal of the pipes to allow the City to continue to manage stormwater within the Subbasin. Overview of Local Geology Local soils will directly inform the feasibility for infiltration across the Subbasin. Based on our review of the geologic map (Mullineaux, 1965), the Subbasin is underlain by Pleistocene Vashon Stade continental recessional stratified drift, glaciofluvial deposits (Qpa), and Vashon Stade continental glacial till (Qgt). The glaciofluvial deposits consist chiefly of well-sorted sand and gravel with few fines. The unit is subdivided according to origin and topographic form with outwash along the Cedar River. The glacial till deposits consist of a diamict of dense to very dense silty sand with gravel. The Subbasin is divided into two geologic units, glacial till and outwash (drift), as shown on Figure 3. Data Review Aspect compiled and reviewed data, including GIS data from the City of Renton, King County, and various state agencies, as well as geotechnical reports made available by the City of Renton. The following sections describe the various data reviewed. Topography King County Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data with a 3-ft cell size resolution covers the Subbasin. Ground surface elevations developed from the 2016 King County LiDAR data (2019) and 5-foot topographic contours from the City of Renton are shown on Figure 4. The Subbasin topography ranges from Elevation 425 1 feet in the northeast to Elevation 320 feet in the southwest portion of the Project area. 1 1 Elevations referenced to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 3 Critical Areas The City of Renton has established a set of Critical Areas Regulations protect health, safety, welfare, and property by minimizing adverse environmental impacts due to development within and near to critical areas. (City of Renton, 2019a) The mapped extent of critical areas within the City of Renton are available on the City’s Critical Area Inventory maps and GIS data from the City’s data download portal (City of Renton, 2019b). Mapped critical areas for the Subbasin are shown on Figure 5. • Flood Hazard Areas – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 100-year Floodplain dataset shows no mapped floodplain areas within the Subbasin. • Wetlands and Streams – City of Renton Wetland and Stream Corridor Critical Areas Inventory shows one small wetland area (approximately 7800 sq ft) within the Subbasin. No significant streams or rivers flow through the Subbasin. • Erosion Hazard Areas – City of Renton Erosion Hazard Areas show areas subject to erosion hazards. There are no high erosion hazard areas and only localized moderate erosion hazard areas within the Subbasin. • Landslide Hazard Areas – The City of Renton Landslide Hazard maps approximately 16 acres of areas with moderate risk of landslides within the Subbasin. The largest of which is 4 acres. • Seismic Hazard Areas – The City of Renton Seismic Hazard Areas show no known hazards in the Subbasin. • Steep Slope Hazard Areas – The City of Renton Steep Slopes Areas, created from the 2016 King County LiDAR data, defined slopes greater than 25 percent as sensitive. There are localized slopes greater than 25 percent and smaller areas greater than 40 percent that likely represent areas of cut and fill slopes within the Subbasin. • Wellfield Capture Zones – The City of Renton Wellfield Capture Zones do not lay within the Subbasin. • Group A and B drinking water – Well locations were downloaded from the Washington State Department of Health (2019). There are no water sources located within the Subbasin. • Environmental Data – The Washington State Department of Ecology’s Facility Index, includes state Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) cleanup and federal cleanup (Superfund) sites. It includes facilities with known or suspected contamination to soil and groundwater in any stage of cleanup. This data is shown on the map (star symbol) and may be useful in site screening when considering potential infiltration feasibility. Geotechnical, Soil, and Groundwater Data Review Aspect reviewed available GIS data and reports to characterize the soil and the soil’s potential to infiltrate stormwater runoff. Our methods and findings are described below. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 4 Geotechnical and Soil Data Using the Washington Geological Survey 1:24,000 Surficial Geologic Units map and geotechnical reports provided by the City, Aspect mapped 94 subsurface locations to assess feasibility for stormwater infiltration. To assist in the infiltration assessment, information about the explorations, including depth to groundwater, depth to glacial till, and infiltration rate testing, was incorporated into a GIS database. In general, the subsurface data corroborate the geologic mapping with outwash and till units observed as mapped on Figure 3, with some exceptions. GeoEngineers (2006) observed outwash deposits on the order of a few feet overlying glacial till at a depth of approximately 5 feet below ground surface (bgs) in areas mapped as glacial till. Stratigraphically recessional outwash typically overlies glacial till. Just south of the Subbasin at the King County Regional Communications and Emergency Coordination Center, HWA GeoSciences (HWA, 2002) reported a sequence of recessional outwash overlying glacial till, over unsaturated advance outwash. HWA evaluated shallow infiltration feasibility using pilot infiltration testing (PIT) methods and correlation to grain-size distribution. Groundwater There is no available GIS layer that maps depth to groundwater or areas of shallow groundwater across the Subbasin. Areas of shallow groundwater are typically less than ideal for infiltration. Figure 3 shows the available depth to groundwater information compiled by the 15 geotechnical reports reviewed. In general, shallow groundwater perches on glacial till in the east areas of the Subbasin. There is no groundwater data available within the western portion of the Subbasin that includes deposits of outwash, however Aspect (2019) did observe groundwater immediately west of the Subbasin within outwash at depths greater than 50 feet, as shown on Figure 3. Shallow Infiltration Feasibility Assessment and Map Three of the geotechnical studies we reviewed provided infiltration testing at exploration locations completed in outwash (Aspect, 2019, GeoEngineers, 2006, and HWA, 2001) and glacial till (Otto Rosenau and Associates, 2011). The infiltration rates for glacial till are considerably lower, at less than 5 inches per hour compared to those measured in recessional outwash that are greater than the maximum allowable design infiltration rate of 20 inches per hour. Available infiltration data are provided below in Table 1. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 5 Table 1. Geotechnical Explorations and Infiltration Data Exploration Type Consultant Exploration Name Geologic Unit Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Site Location Monitoring Well Aspect MW-1 Glacial outwash 33.9 (20 design rate) 3005 NE 4th St Monitoring Well Aspect MW-2 Glacial outwash 106.6 (20 design rate) 3005 NE 4th St Test Pit HWA TP-6 Glacial outwash >150 (15 design rate) 3511 NE 2nd St Hand Auger GeoEngineers HA-4 Glacial outwash* 8.1* 475 Union Ave NE Hand Auger GeoEngineers HA-5 Glacial outwash* 7.7* 475 Union Ave NE Hand Auger GeoEngineers HA-6 Glacial outwash* 5.1* 475 Union Ave NE Test Pit Otto Rosenau & Assoc. TP-1 Glacial till 4.9 421 Union Ave NE Test Pit Otto Rosenau & Assoc. TP-3 Glacial till 1.3 421 Union Ave NE Test Pit Otto Rosenau & Assoc. TP-4 Glacial till 0.3 421 Union Ave NE * GeoEngineers infiltration rates reflect testing in shallow glacial outwash overlying glacial till at a depth of approximately 5 feet bgs. We assimilated the mapped data and previous studies and assessed shallow infiltration feasibility within the Subbasin. The unique combinations of the factors show areas that are more or less likely to be feasible for infiltration. The combinations of the following input data within the Subbasin are provided below: • Soil Permeability • Surface Slope Classification • Geologic Hazard Areas Soil Permeability The permeability of a soil is the core factor in determining its feasibility for infiltration. Typically, higher permeability soils are more feasible for shallow stormwater infiltration. If the soil cannot infiltrate runoff effectively, flooding and water quality issues can occur. The properties of the surface soils in the Subbains were evaluated for their permeability and categorized into two permeability groups (Figure 8): • Low permeability (infiltration observed at 0-5 inches/hour) • High permeability (infiltration observed at greater than 5 inches/hour) Surface Slope Classification The steepness of a surface slope is a factor in the potential for runoff to effectively infiltrate. If the ground surface is too steep, water can daylight down the slope from the point of infiltration. Steeper DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 6 slopes can pose design challenges. The City of Renton Critical Area regulations define medium landslide hazards as areas with slopes between 15 and 40 percent. Spatial analysis was used to calculate the slope percentage over the Subbasin from the King County 2016 LiDAR data (King County, 2019). Areas within the Subbasin fall within one of three categories: • Good: Slopes less than 8 percent • Moderate: Slopes between 8 and 15 percent • Poor: Slopes greater than 15 percent These categories reflect previous observations across the region of slopes in relation to infiltration and potential hazard issues due to ground surface slope. The surface slope categories over the Subbasin are shown on Figure 7. Geologic Hazard Areas Three input datasets from the City’s available Critical Area Inventory were used to identify geologic hazard areas to avoid from potential infiltration site locations. Erosion, Landslide, and Seismic Hazard areas were considered poor for shallow infiltration (Figure 6). Soil Infiltration Map Figure 9 shows areas across the Subbasin that are expected to have good, moderate, and poor capacity for shallow infiltration (generally less than 10 feet deep). • Good – Shallow infiltration is expected to be feasible, unlikely to pose hazards, and cost effective. • Moderate – Shallow infiltration is expected to be feasible with slopes are between 8 and 15 percent • Poor – Shallow infiltration is expected to be low or risks could be high. Areas shown mapped as Poor may not necessarily exhibit poor infiltration upon further site investigation. Recommendations and Next Steps Our recommendations for next steps on the Project as follows: • Complete a site reconnaissance in coordination with City staff to observe subsurface conditions at the Greenwood Memorial Park and some of the City stormwater facility discharge points. • Identify explorations that include borings and monitoring wells in the southwest portion of the Subbasin where infiltration appears most feasible. We anticipate five borings along Monroe Ave NE south of NE 4th Street, along NE 4th Street west of Queen Avenue NE, and along 3rd Avenue NE would be well suited for explorations and may be needed if mounding analysis is required. We recommend two of the five monitoring wells be installed along NE 4th Street, one along Monroe Avenue, and one to two along NE 2nd Street. The monitoring wells should be installed with data loggers and to record seasonal high groundwater. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 7 • Identify potential pilot infiltration testing locations. References Aspect Consulting, LLC, (Aspect) 2019, Geotechnical Evaluation – 60 Percent Design, King County Parks and Recreation Division – Renton Shop, 3005 4th Street NE, Renton, Washington, for Mr. Christopher Walling, Project Manager, HDR Architecture, Inc., May 31, 2019. City of Renton, 2019a, Critical Areas Regulations, Chapter 4-03-5, accessed December 20, 2019. City of Renton, 2019b Critical Area Data Download accessed on May 25, 2019, https://rentonwa.gov/city_hall/administrative_services/Information_technology/maps___g_i _s_data/data_download. GeoEngineers, Inc., 2006, Geotechnical Engineering Services, President Park Substation, Renton, Washington, File No. 0186-673-00, for Puget Sound Energy, February 22, 2006. HWA GeoSciences, Inc. 2001, Geotechnical Engineering Report, King County Regional Communications and Emergency Coordination Center, for Hewitt Architects, August 16, 2001. King County KCGIS Center GIS, 2016 LiDAR data, accessed on December 6, 2019, http://www5.kingcounty.gov/gisdataportal/Default.aspx. Mullineaux, D. R., 1965, Geologic map of the Renton quadrangle, King County, Washington, U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-405, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000. Otto Rosenau & Associates, Inc., 2011, Infiltration Feasibility Study, Proposed Firestone Complete Auto Care Facility, 421 Union Avenue Northeast, Renton, Washington, for FES Group, January 17, 2011. Washington State Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, Office of Drinking Water, 2019, Individual System Viewer, Accessed December 8, 2019. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 8 Reports Reviewed for Infiltration Mapping Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., 2005, Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard, and Geotechnical Engineering Report, Proposed Le Development, Renton, Washington, Mr. Alex Le c/o Wu Architecture, December 14, 2005. Earth Solutions NW, LLC, 2006, Geotechnical Engineering Study, Proposed Highlands Square Townhome Development, 343 Union Avenue Southeast, Renton, Washington, for Davis Real Estate Group, September 27, 2006. GeoEngineers, Inc., 2010, Geologic and Geotechnical Design, Olympic Pipe Line Milepost 109, Landslide Stabilization Project, Renton, Washington, File No. 0894-188-00, for Olympic Pipe Line Company, March 26, 2010. Geospectrum Consultants, Inc., 2004, Geotechnical Consultations, Storm Water Infiltration Feasibility, Tax Lots 518210-001, -0012, -0014, 254, 316 & 318 Union Avenue NE, Renton Washington, for Redhawk Construction, December 17, 2004. Geotech Consultants, Inc., 2013, Geotechnical Engineering Study, Proposed Taco Time Restaurant and Second Retail Building, 4114 Northeast 4th Street, Renton, Washington, for Taco Time Northwest, November 11, 2013. Hong West & Associates, Inc., 1997, Geotechnical Report, King County Transfer Stations Seismic Evaluation, First Ave. NE, Algona, Houghton, Factoria, and Renton Facilities, King County, Washington, for ABKJ, Inc., July 18, 1997. The Riley Group, Inc., 2007, Geotechnical Engineering Report, Proposed Walgreens Drugstore, 4105 & 4111 NE 4th Street, Renton, WA 98059, for Mr. Robert Sherry, Phillips Edison & Company, November 14, 2007. The Riley Group, Inc., 2012, Geotechnical Engineering Report, QFC 871 Fuel Station, 4615 Northeast 4th Street, Renton, Washington 98059, for Kroger, Inc., August 22, 2012. Pacific Geo Engineering, LLC, 2007, Geotechnical Engineering Study for Union Avenue Property, Renton, King County, Washington, for American Classic Homes, LLC, February 15, 2007. Shannon & Wilson, Inc., 2005, Geotechnical Report, Heather Downs Park Development, Renton, Washington, for J.A. Brennan Associates, PLLC, October 10, 2005. Terra Associates, Inc., 2018, Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation, Upper Balch Development, 3005 NE 4th Street, Renton, Washington, for Mr. Mark Seagle, Seagle Properties, LLC, November 9, 2018. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 9 Limitations Work for this project was performed for Otak (Client), and this report was prepared consistent with recognized standards of professionals in the same locality and involving similar conditions, at the time the work was performed. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect). Recommendations presented herein are based on our interpretation of site conditions, geotechnical engineering calculations, and judgment in accordance with our mutually agreed-upon scope of work. Our recommendations are unique and specific to the project, site, and Client. Application of this report for any purpose other than the project should be done only after consultation with Aspect. Variations may exist between the soil and groundwater conditions reported and those actually underlying the site. The nature and extent of such soil variations may change over time and may not be evident before construction begins. If any soil conditions are encountered at the site that are different from those described in this report, Aspect should be notified immediately to review the applicability of our recommendations. It is the Client's responsibility to see that all parties to this project, including the designer, contractor, subcontractors, and agents, are made aware of this report in its entirety. At the time of this report, design plans and construction methods have not been finalized, and the recommendations presented herein are based on preliminary project information. If project developments result in changes from the preliminary project information, Aspect should be contacted to determine if our recommendations contained in this report should be revised and/or expanded upon. The scope of work does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Site safety is typically the responsibility of the contractor, and our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s site safety methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures. The scope of our work also does not include the assessment of environmental characteristics, particularly those involving potentially hazardous substances in soil or groundwater. All reports prepared by Aspect for the Client apply only to the services described in the Agreement(s) with the Client. Any use or reuse by any party other than the Client is at the sole risk of that party, and without liability to Aspect. Aspect’s original files/reports shall govern in the event of any dispute regarding the content of electronic documents furnished to others. Please refer to Appendix A titled “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use” for additional information governing the use of this report. We appreciate the opportunity to perform these services. If you have any questions please call Chip Barnett, Senior Engineering Geologist, at 206-413-5398. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C Otak MEMORANDUM January 14, 2020 Project No. 190398 - Task 3 Page 10 Attachments: Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Stormwater Map Figure 3 – Surficial Geologic Units Figure 4 – Surface Elevation Figure 5 – Critical Areas Figure 6 – Geologic Hazard Areas Figure 7 – Surface Slope Classification Figure 8 – Soil Permeability Figure 9 – Shallow Infiltration Feasibility Appendix A – Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use V:\190398 City of Renton Monroe Ave NE Storm System Improvements\Deliverables\Preliminary Technical Memo\Final\Preliminary Stormwater Feasibility Evaluation_20200114.docx DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C FIGURES DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C ^GIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 01 Site Location Map.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/9/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/9/2020Site Location MapPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility EvaluationMonroe Avenue NE Storm System ImprovementsCity of Renton, Washington FIGURE NO.1JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - 0 2,000 4,000 Feet ! ! ! #! ! ! ! !( W A S H I N G T O N SITELOCATION Bellingham Olympia Port Angeles Seattle Spokane Tacoma Wenatchee Yakima ! ! ! ! # !( SITELOCATION PugetSoundLake WashingtonElliottBay Bellevue Kent Renton Seattle C edar Riv e r GreenRiverBasemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user communitySources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS User Community SITE LOCATION DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,, 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Control BMP !!(Outlet Culvert ,,Pipe Ditch Stormwater Ponds Project Boundary Project Boundary(1000-ft Buffer) Stream/river Lake or pond Basemap Layer Credits || Pictometry, King County DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C """) "J "J "J "J"J "J "J "J"J "J"J"J"J "J "J"J"J"J "J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J"J "J"J !<!<!<""") """) "J """)""")""") """)""") """) """) """) """) "J"J"J"J "J"J "J"J "J "J "J "J "J "J"J """) """)""") """) """) """) """) """)""")""") """) """) """) """) "J"J "J "J "J """) """)""")""") &<&< !<!<!<""") """) NE 4TH ST QUEEN AVE NEMONROE AVE NENE 2ND ST NE 6TH ST NE 8TH ST UNION AVE NE67.29 67.88 8 3.51 10.5 3.5 46 4 3 6 0.5 3030 2438.5 47 7.6 7.5 5 5 6 0.5 8 12 12.5 8 1010 158 9.55 11.5 5 11.5 11.5 4.5 1940 2629 33 Qac af Qmc Qac Qpa Qgt Qu Qu Qu Qlp Qgt Qgt QpaGIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 03 Surficial Geologic Units.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/9/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/9/2020FIGURE NO.3JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - Surficial Geologic UnitsPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility EvaluationMonroe Avenue NE Storm System ImprovementsCity of Renton, Washington 0 600300 Feet Explorations from Previous Geotechnical Reports ")Blue Color IndicatesExploration with Infiltration Test "J Boring_____ !<Hand Auger_____ &<Monitoring Well_____ """)Test Pit_____ Surficial Geology (WADNR 1:24,000) Quaternary Rocks and Deposits Quaternary bog, marsh, swamp, or lake deposits Holocene artificial fill and modified land Quaternary alluviumQuaternary mass-wastingdeposits Pleistocene continental glacial driftPleistocene continentalglacial tillPleistocene glacial andnonglacial deposits Project Boundary Project Boundary1000-ft Buffer Basemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community 12 11Depth toGroundwater (ft) Till Depth (ft)(If Observed) DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C NE 4TH ST QUEEN AVE NEMONROE AVE NENE 2ND ST NE 6TH ST NE 8TH ST 300 15 0 12 5 100 75 35 0 32 5 275 200175325 27542 5 40 0 400375250225 3004 0 0 4 0 0 35 0 5 3 0 0 300 27530027522550GIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 04 Surface Elevation.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/9/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/9/2020FIGURE NO.4JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - Surface ElevationPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility EvaluationMonroe Avenue NE Storm System ImprovementsCity of Renton, Washington 0 600300 Feet Project Boundary Project Boundary 1000-ft Buffer 5-ft Contour (City of Renton) Surface Elevation (King County Lidar, 2016) Value High : 440.507 Low : 44.2797 DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\!\ !\ !\ !\!\ !\!\!\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\ !\!\ !\ !\!\!\!\!\!\ !\ !\ NE 4TH ST QUEEN AVE NEMONROE AVE NENE 2ND ST NE 6TH ST NE 8TH ST UNION AVE NEGIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 05 Critical Areas.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/9/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/9/2020FIGURE NO.5JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - Critical AreasPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility EvaluationMonroe Avenue NE Storm System ImprovementsCity of Renton, Washington 0 600300 Feet !\Facilities (WA Ecology) Project Boundary Project Boundary1000-ft Buffer Wetland (City of Renton) Classified Streams (City of Renton) Stream (no Classification) Wellfield Capture Zones (City of Renton) Ten Year Capture Zone Steep Slopes (City of Renton) Percent Range >15% & <=25% >25% & <=40% >40% & <=90% High Erosion Hazard Area(City of Renton) Moderate Landslide Severity(City of Renton) Basemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C NE 4TH ST QUEEN AVE NEMONROE AVE NENE 2ND ST NE 6TH ST NE 8TH ST UNION AVE NEGIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 06 Hazard Areas.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/9/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/9/2020FIGURE NO.6JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - Geologic Hazard AreasPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility EvaluationMonroe Avenue NE Storm System ImprovementsCity of Renton, Washington 0 600300 Feet Geologic Hazard Areas Low Hazard Elevated Hazard Project Boundary Project Boundary 1000-ft Buffer Basemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C NE 4TH ST QUEEN AVE NEMONROE AVE NENE 2ND ST NE 6TH ST NE 8TH ST Upper Balch Pit UNION AVE NEGIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 07 Surface Slope.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/9/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/9/2020FIGURE NO.7JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - Surface Slope ClassificationPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility EvaluationMonroe Avenue NE Storm System ImprovementsCity of Renton, Washington 0 600300 Feet Surface Slope Classification Good: less than 8% Moderate: 8 - 15 % Poor: Greater than 15% Project Boundary Project Boundary 1000-ft Buffer Basemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C """) NE 4TH ST QUEEN AVE NEMONROE AVE NENE 2ND ST NE 6TH ST NE 8TH ST UNION AVE NE4.88 1.250.25 33.91 106.56 8.17.7 5.1 150GIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 08 Soil Permeability.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/12/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/12/2020FIGURE NO.8JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - Soil PermeabilityPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility EvaluationMonroe Avenue NE Storm System ImprovementsCity of Renton, Washington 0 600300 Feet Surface Permeabilty High Permeability Low Permeability Project Boundary Project Boundary 1000-ft Buffer Explorations with Infiltration Test """)Test Pit Basemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community 150 Infiltration Rate(in/hr) DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C NE 4TH ST QUEEN AVE NEMONROE AVE NENE 2ND ST NE 6TH ST NE 8TH ST UNION AVE NEGIS Path: T:\projects_8\CityofRenton\MonroeAveNEStormImprovements_190398\Delivered\PreliminarySWFeasibilityEvaluation\Fig 09 Shallow Infiltration Feasibilty.mxd || Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet || Date Saved: 1/9/2020 || User: ecrumbaker || Print Date: 1/9/2020FIGURE NO.9JAN-2020 PROJECT NO.190398 BY:EAC / ETB REVISED BY:- - - Shallow Infiltration FeasibilityPreliminary Stormwater Feasibility Evaluation Monroe Avenue NE Storm System Improvements City of Renton, Washington 0 600300 Feet Shallow Infiltration Feasibility Good Potential Moderate Potential Poor Potential Project Boundary Project Boundary 1000-ft Buffer Basemap Layer Credits || Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C APPENDIX A Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C ASPECT CONSULTING REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE This Report and Project-Specific Factors Aspect Consulting, LLC (Aspect) considered a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the Scope of Work for this project and report. You should not rely on this report if it was: •Not prepared for you •Not prepared for the specific purpose identified in the Agreement •Not prepared for the specific real property assessed •Completed before important changes occurred concerning the subjectproperty, project or governmental regulatory actions Geoscience Interpretations The geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering, geology, and environmental science) require interpretation of spatial information that can make them less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. It is important to recognize this limitation in evaluating the content of the report. If you are unclear how these "Report Limitations and Use Guidelines" apply to your project or site, you should contact Aspect. Reliance Conditions for Third Parties This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limitations. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and recognized geoscience practices in the same locality and involving similar conditions at the time this report was prepared. Property Conditions Change Over Time This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by events such as a change in property use or occupancy, or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, slope instability, or groundwater fluctuations. If any of the described events may have occurred following the issuance of the report, you should contact Aspect so that we may evaluate whether changed conditions affect the continued reliability or applicability of our conclusions and recommendations. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C ASPECT CONSULTING Discipline-Specific Reports Are Not Interchangeable The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study differ significantly from those used to perform an environmental study and vice versa. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering or geologic report does not usually address any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations (e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants). Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding the subject property. We appreciate the opportunity to perform these services. If you have any questions please contact the Aspect Project Manager for this project. DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C k:\project\33200\33201a\projectdocs\reports\field work and modeling memo\21_0415 field work and modeling memo.docx Appendix B – Geotechnical Evaluation for Potential Stormwater Facilities Technical Memorandum DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C DocuSign Envelope ID: 00997718-9B11-4D89-AD86-5EF6CC7CC14C