HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Winsper_Div_I_1021 S 32nd Pl_RVMP_230919_v3DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D_Winsper_Div_I_1021 S 32nd Pl_RVMP_Fin PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF DECISION: September 19, 2023 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA23-000298, RVMP PROJECT NAME: Winsper Division I 1021 S 32nd Pl Routine Vegetation Management Permit PROJECT MANAGER: Mariah Kerrihard, Assistant Planner APPLICANT: Jennifer Byroads 17404 Meridian E Suite F PMB 171 Puyallup WA 98375 OWNER: J&M Property Management 17404 Meridian E Suite F PMB 171 Puyallup WA 98375 CONTACT: Jennifer Byroads 17404 Meridian E Suite F PMB 171 Puyallup WA 98375 PROJECT LOCATION: 948576TR-B, near 1021 S 32nd Pl PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Jennifer Byroads is requesting the approval of a Routine Vegetation Management Permit in order to remove four (4) dangerous trees in Tract B (APN 948576 TR-B). The subject vacant property is “common property” for the Winsper II subdivision and is approximately 1.09 acres according to King County records. An arborist report prepared by Terry Flatley was submitted with the project application (Attachment 1) that describes damage and risk posed to a neighboring residence by the trees in the common open space tract. The neighboring property to the North addressed at 1021 S 32nd Pl (APN 3943600120) abuts Tract B of the Winsper II subdivision and both properties are within the Residential-8 (R-8) zone. The six (6) trees included in this report are located along the North property line of Tract B and south of 1021 S 32nd Pl. Tree #1 is an 11-inch (11”) DBH Bigleaf maple and has a 30% condition rating with a hollow stump base, top dieback, small hanger and Kretzschmaria. Tree #3 is a 21-inch (21”) Bigleaf maple and has a 0% condition rating with hollow/decay in the lower trunk, top dieback and large deadwood. Tree #4 is a 31-inch (31”) Bigleaf maple, has a 0% condition rating, has a large wound on the west face, hollow/decay for at least eight (8) feet above ground, large hollow at root crown, and is located 15 feet from the fence and it is standing at eighty 80 feet tall. Tree #5 is a 22-inch (22”) Bigleaf maple with a 0% condition rating, with extensive decay, this tree is located forty (40) feet from the fence, and it is standing at 80 feet tall. According to Flatley, the risk rating is “HIGH” because of the targets, and the intermittent presence of people. One (1) other tree was also assessed at various levels of health and was recommended monitoring by an arborist on a yearly basis. Other trees could have their heights reduced to a length shorter than the distance to the fence for wildlife habitat purposes instead of whole tree removal. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit Winsper Division I 1021 S 32nd Pl Routine Vegetation Management Permit LUA23-000298, RVMP Permit Date: September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4 D_Winsper_Div_I_1021 S 32nd Pl_RVMP_Fin CRITICAL AREA: None EXPIRATION DATE: One (1) year from issuance GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA 4-9-195D4: YES 1. The lot shall comply with minimum tree density requirements pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Staff Comments: The subject lot is a heavily-wooded common open space tract for the Winsper Subdivision II approximately 1.09 acres in area and therefore, 30 tree credits would be required. Removal of the subject trees would not bring the site below the required 30 tree credits based on an aerial review of the site. This tract has had three (3) RVMPs issued in the previous three (3) years due to high-risk trees. Based on this and previous arborist reports, the tract contains a mix of cottonwood, red alder, and big leaf maple trees. Such species tend to have short life spans and are susceptible to disease and limb loss. Based on the Winsper plat recording dated in 1989, it is likely many of the trees within the tract have reached their life span. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval, any future RVMP applications for tree removal within Tract B of Winsper Division II shall include an inventory of all trees within the tract, their health, and the tree density calculation for the tract. The arborist report shall include a tree planting plan for the tract that includes native large species evergreen trees and other species of vegetation as determined by the Current Planning Project Manager to ensure Tract B remains a wooded open space tract that requires fewer maintenance needs. N/A 2. The land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with restrictions for critical areas, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations, and RMC 4-3- 050, Critical Areas Regulations. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The subject lot is not mapped with applicable critical areas. YES 3. Removal of a landmark tree shall meet the review criteria for removal off landmark tree, pursuant to RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Staff Comments: The applicant has proposed to remove a 31-inch Bigleaf maple (Tree #4), which is a designated landmark tree. At least one of the following criteria must be met to remove a landmark tree pursuant to RMC 4-4-130F.2.c: i. The tree is determined to be a high-risk tree; or ii. The tree is causing obvious physical damage to buildings (over 200 square feet), driveways, parking lots, or utilities, and it can be demonstrated to the Administrator’s satisfaction that no reasonable alternatives to tree removal exist, including tree root pruning, tree root barriers, tree cabling, or preventive maintenance, such as cleaning leaf debris, deadwood removal, or directional/clearance pruning; or iii. Removal of tree(s) to provide solar access to buildings incorporating active solar devices. Windows are solar devices only when they are south-facing and include special storage elements to distribute heat energy; or iv. The Administrator determines the removal is necessary to achieve a specific and DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit Winsper Division I 1021 S 32nd Pl Routine Vegetation Management Permit LUA23-000298, RVMP Permit Date: September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 4 D_Winsper_Div_I_1021 S 32nd Pl_RVMP_Fin articulable purpose or goal of this Title. Based on the arborist report, Tree #4 contains a large would on its west face and contains hollow decay for at least eight (8) feet above ground. The tree’s health and striking distance to the abutting property has resulted in a high-risk rating based on the report. Therefore criterion (i) has been satisfied. N/A 4. Street frontage and parking lot trees and landscaping shall be preserved unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. Staff Comments: Not Applicable. The tree proposed for removal are not street frontage landscaping or parking lot trees. YES 5. The land clearing and tree removal shall not remove any landscaping or protected trees required as part of a land development permit. Staff Comments: Tract B of the Winsper Subdivision II is a tract that was set aside for common open space and recreational use for the benefit of the property owners within the subdivision. Maintaining the trees and vegetation within the tract is the responsibility of the subdivision’s homeowners. As indicated in the arborist report, Trees #1, #3, #4, and #5 have become High-Risk Trees. While the trees proposed for removal was at one time a protected tree associated with the common open space tract, they have become high risk and no longer can be maintained. With the exception of Tree #3, the trees can still provide a habitat function as a felled tree within the tract left as large woody debris. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval, that the applicant comply with the recommendations of the arborist report and reduce the height of Trees 1, 4, and 5 to a length shorter than the distance to the fence for wildlife habitat purposes instead of whole tree removal. Trees 2 and 3 may be removed in their entirety. YES 6. The land clearing and tree removal shall maintain visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity, consistent with applicable landscaping and setback provisions. Staff Comments: The tree proposed for removal is not being used as visual screening or buffering between land uses of differing intensities. YES 7. The land clearing and tree removal shall not create or contribute to a hazardous condition, such as increased potential for blowdown, pest infestation, disease, or other problems that may result from selectively removing trees and other vegetation from a lot. Staff Comments: Provided documentation did not indicate that the removal of the trees would create or contribute to a hazardous condition, but instead indicated that it is a net benefit that the trees have been removed. The subject trees pose an immediate risk of failure to people and property at any time and therefore, the removal of the tree would reduce the potential for a hazardous condition. N/A 8. The land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with the requirement of the Shoreline Master Program, pursuant to RMC 4-3-090F1, Vegetation Conservation and RMC 4-4-130, Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations. Staff Comments: Not applicable. The property is not located within shoreline jurisdiction. DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit Winsper Division I 1021 S 32nd Pl Routine Vegetation Management Permit LUA23-000298, RVMP Permit Date: September 19, 2023 Page 4 of 4 D_Winsper_Div_I_1021 S 32nd Pl_RVMP_Fin DECISION: Winsper Division I 1021 S 32nd Pl Routine Vegetation Management Permit, LUA23-000298, RVMP is Approved with Conditions* and subject to the following conditions: *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Any future RVMP applications for tree removal within Tract B of Winsper Division II shall include an inventory of all trees within the tract, their health, and the tree density calculation for the tract. The arborist report shall include a tree planting plan for the tract that includes native large species evergreen trees and other species of vegetation as determined by the Current Planning Project Manager to ensure Tract B remains a wooded open space tract that requires fewer maintenance needs. 2. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the arborist report and reduce the height of Trees 1, 4, and 5 to a length shorter than the distance to the fence for wildlife habitat purposes instead of whole tree removal. Trees 2 and 3 may be removed in their entirety. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Matthew Herrera, Acting Planning Director Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. APPEALS: Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 3, 2023. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov or delivered to City Hall 1st floor Lobby Hub Monday through Friday. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date if your appeal is submitted electronically. The appeal submitted in person may be paid on the first floor in our Finance Department. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4 -8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. EXPIRATION: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one (1) year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made at least 30 days in advance of the expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. Attachment: Attachment 1: Addendum to the Arborist report authored by Terry Flately, August 24, 2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 9/19/2023 | 4:30 PM PDT ARBORIST REPORT FOR J AND M MANAGEMENT COMPANY C/O BREZE REED AND WINSPER 1 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Prepared by Terrence J. Flatley Forester/Certified Arborist PN7272 AM 1021 SOUTH 32 PLACE/TRACT B July 24,2023 - Revised August 23, 2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 J and M Management Company C/O Breze Reed For Winsper Homeowners Associa=on At 1021 South 32 Place, Renton Washington 98055 and Parcel 948576 TR - B Arborist Report LOCATION OF PROPERTY Tract B is an open space parcel (PID 948576 TR-B) behind the back yard at 1021 South 32 Place. The parcel is near the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec=on 29 within T23N, R5E, City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. Tract B is over one acre in size and heavily wooded with black co\onwood (Populus trichocapra) and bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) trees with an understory of Himalayan blackberry and winterberry shrubs. The six trees of this report are located along the north property line of Tract B and south of 1021 South 32 Place (referred herea^er as 1021). Figure 1. Plat Map Loca=on of Parcel 12, 1021 S. 32 Pl (red shaded) and Tract B (yellow shaded) DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 METHODS A visual tree inspec=ons occurred on Friday, July 21, 2023. Tree number 1 was found near the east property line of 1021. Tree number 2 had a whole trunk failure in early June causing damage to property at 1021. Tree numbers 3 through 6 were found within 40 feet south of the fence-line of 1021. Trunk diameter was measured for each tree, each tree trunk and root flare were sounded with mallet, condi=on noted and assigned a risk ra=ng for observable roots, trunks and branches. Table 1 provides the summary of this informa=on. 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 2 9 Figure 2. Approximate Loca=on of Trees Inspected !""#$%&’ ! ()$*+&$, "-)*)./+"-, )0 *-# */##, +$% + ()$(#"*1+2 3455 67!8398: 67!8; DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 TREES OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Tree 1 (Tract B): This tree is behind 1027 South 32 Place but adjacent to 1021. It has a hollow beneath its trunk and within striking distance to both proper=es. The top has died-back about 10 feet, there is a small detached and dead hanger. Kretzschmaria disease was noted at base of tree. Table 1. Tree Inventory and Assessment Tree No.Species Diameter at 4.5 Feet CondiCon RaCng*Risk RaCng 1 Bigleaf maple 11”30% - hollow stump base, top dieback, small hanger, Kretzschmaria High 2 Bigleaf maple 17” None. Previous whole tree failure 0 3 Bigleaf maple 21”0% Hollow/decay lower trunk, top dieback, large deadwood Very high 4 Bigleaf maple 31”0% Large wound on west face, hollow/ decay for at least 8 feet above ground, lg. hollow at root crown, past storm damage to top, 15 feet from fence, 80 feet tall High 5 Bigleaf maple 22”0% dead with extensive decay, 40 feet from fence, 80 feet tall Very high 6 Bigleaf maple 17”80%Very low *Condi=on ra=ng percentage: 0% = very poor; 100% = excellent 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 3 9 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 Risk ra=ng is “HIGH” because of disease, dieback of crown, and hollow root crown. The tree is 50 feet tall which would impact property and people. Tree removal as soon as possible is recommended. Tree 3 (Tract B): This bigleaf maple should be removed immediately. At the least, the lower 6 feet of the trunk is hollow. Large stems of the upper crown have died-back and par=ally failed in the past and con=nue to drop large wood into the yard at 1021; hollow and decayed wood was seen in the top. Addi=onal trunk decay was noted above 6 feet from ground. Targets include the wood fence, backyard items, the house and people, including children. Risk ra=ng is VERY HIGH. Tree 4 (Tract B): Considered a Landmark tree due to diameter by City of Renton regula=ons, this large bigleaf maple lost its upper stems/branches from past storm damage with older sprouted branches surrounding decayed wood. The trunk has a large wound along its west face which when sounded with a mallet indicated hollow and decay for at least 8 feet from the ground. There is a large hollow below the trunk and ground with Kretzschmaria present. Risk ra=ng is HIGH because it is 15 feet from the property fence and 80 feet tall, capable of impac=ng property and people. The tree should be removed or height reduced as soon as possible. Tree 5 (Tract B): Risk ra=ng for this tree is VERY HIGH because it is 40 feet from the fence at 1021 and approximately 80 feet tall. The tree is dead, has hollows, decayed and diseased wood and sloughing bark. The tree should be removed or height reduced as soon as possible. Tree 6 (Tract B): Tree 6 is in good condi =on and does not require any ac=on at this =me. CONCLUSIONS Trees 1, 3, 4 and 5 should be removed to avoid damage to people or property because of their present condi=on, risk ra=ng and proximity to people and property. Tree 2 has already had a total trunk failure damaging property. Tree 3 is of immediate concern and should be priori=zed when considering removal. Other trees could have their heights reduced to a length shorter than the distance to the fence for wildlife habitat purposes instead of whole tree removal. Retain and protect Tree 6 when considering tree removal as it is in good condi=on. For further informa=on please contact: Terry Flatley, Cer=fied Arborist PN7272A tjflyfishing@me.com 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 4 9 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 APPENDIX A: PHOTOGRAPHS 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 5 9 Tree 1. Kretzschmaria deutsa and basal hollow DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 6 9 Tree 3. Hollow cavity on lower trunk DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 7 9 Tree 4. Large wound and associated decay and trunk cavity DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 8 9 Tree 4. Large hollow under trunk with associated Kretzschmaria deutsa DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 1021 S. 32 Place Page of 9 9 Tree 5. Dead tree DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787 DocuSign Envelope ID: AB028AE5-C590-4826-9610-E9E3DD90A787