HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/2023 - Minutes CITY OF RENTON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS & FIREFIGHTERS DISABILITY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 27, 2023 – 9:00 a.m. Renton City Hall – 1st Floor Training Room #109 or Video Conference (MS Teams meeting) In Attendance: Jim Matthew, Russ Olson, Ruth Pérez, Jim Phelan, Valerie O’Halloran, Erika Eddins, and Jessica Cromer Not in Attendance: Alex Tuttle CALL TO ORDER Jim Phelan called the meeting to order at 09:02 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Phelan called for public comments and there were none. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Valerie O’Halloran moved to approve the April 25, 2023, meeting minutes and Russ Olson seconds. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS • Request to reschedule the August 22nd meeting due to conflicts Erika Eddins explained this as a heavy meeting day for City staff with back-to-back meetings currently scheduled. She proposed Monday, August 21st or Wednesday, August 23rd at 9:00 AM as alternative dates/times. Councilmembers O’Halloran and Pérez are unavailable on Monday. Erika offered to follow-up via email to agree on a rescheduled date/time. Councilmember O’Halloran asked if the July meeting was happening, and it was confirmed it will happen if there is any new business. • #1954 – Request Board review for out-of-pocket Durable Medical Equipment (DME) purchase Jim Phelan introduced this item to the Board and called for any questions or comments. Jessica Cromer provided a review of the claim request and Jim called for any questions or motions. Councilmember O’Halloran asked Jim if it was customary for retirees to first come to the Board for pre-authorization. He confirmed that under normal circumstances, yes; however, it’s unusual equipment that’s been purchased and it is also under the dollar threshold that could be authorized by the Board Secretary. The discussion continued regarding the threshold amount, and Erika confirmed it is $500. Erika added she would like the Board’s decision here, so there would be a baseline for Board Secretary approval for similar circumstances in the future. Russ Olson moved to accept the claim request and pay the amount of $234.29 in full. Jim Matthew seconds. Motion carried. LEOFF Board Jim Phelan Member at Large (Chair) Ruth Pérez Council Member Valerie O’Halloran Council Member James Matthew Fire and Emergency Services Russ Olson Police Minutes approved by the LEOFF Board on 9/26/2023 COMMENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Jim Phelan called for any comments or announcements. There were none. ADJOURNMENT Jim Matthew moved to adjourn the meeting and Russ Olson seconds. The meeting was adjourned at 09:10 a.m.