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WASHINGTON I N.E. 44th ST. R•308.10' • %QS. °.6i0 40. .yj 52� �/ °L 7�OO I i /i' �� �j '� 34s F m V A 1 1 '/ 1y V'� I I {' O j W/ O' vk/ I 1 S O��O N ' \..01 0SQ1%. IVpY;oow17 ' 3PzsP - NI . } — i :� se«, �- .S • 6. �P �� o ;I03 As 40 bo• co :1 N gA•43'09• L•302.14' / QO� 0 I '• 19 46' A•54.28'16' / `Q-� �T 0 1 = „ , A / I•/ O 1 / / M 69.43'09•w�1is1.19• MS / Al - Si••'J Z .23 lE I El � 2 � / 4* / / / I Q �,� / t; / / / ��y2 l al I °' 11 / / �` •�\ w /tee/ S01.40'27•W O • p1- \,\ \• :lb / / / p / • •h� a g. xi ./ • / `y/b‘ \ I I , ‘s \ / u / p y\ \ J / 1 / 4 // 147.49• 7 ' •____. N 88.45.09•W .\ ` 403.O0 hM L W 552.49' Co W N.E. 43r_d_,ST. _310 Q 47 /.7/"/ . • 3''� 5o OFFICE/RETAIL. // j/' . . 11 // w!4 I / / 4 84-/1.276 32•5a • /////// ' tc2 / • • • • _ /9 X. £M/e°r: a t� io ^ ro �e "/.1:fl ' ! / :'•� Q.' AA R R B •• ' 4-4 .; ,'•1 ,r»•.'.x i •`ij'rt we o \\ . . /� ' / .14/,' -1,..'". ///y 4.., w pw • 1 r v t 184 •r^., .v .o i I '0 ,Io 10. Fr 1,t. 44 / ..�• EXIT 7 PROJECT ^' - /./ \-• ,,Tt /./,/: ' . . 4.. • - „-V / / Its. .; / ° . ,/ • 3. / / / 0f.7 C / / i • • • . . .. , ;, //� �'' , ' . . / '' 4.4 1 • . '} \ v ' l // ' ,f • 'fit 40 40 ' • •: r // I N Y - • / / HE/Dskl PH714875 RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON DULY 14, 1987, at 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: EXIT 7 Application for a three lot short plat of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property, and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shopping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45, 000 square feet of retail space. Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 43rdiPlace. File Nos. : ECF-099-87, SH PL- 011-87, SA-012-87. -- 4 Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department, ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 14, 1987, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS, 1 ?-t \\\\T \I \ '1 ,'; fs4' .2,, I ,/s• ' I r ,, ... .. . , , , 43, J o ,,,, ,,,,,i. en, llii ] III! •J ,, ., ,. .,,,, V,/4, )1. 10I ":f 1 UUr j —II v �{ �y� �� �.�/ Jll,t / +� t: r /' '' r + ew t' I1 / 4,2 4� / a 4, ' %i / t tb8 14,9 ISz a, 194 1 j h.4; ' ,,,7 ',///2/.:, ' / ' //, • '/ ,i4/*. / //;/ ••/ ,,, ,R, ,4.1 \ A ,i,r. ,_. / a y I •4rt,"( /--------// 047////, , -'','; 1 i /.1/7— .i'..-:.`. .P' 3 'fqi,. ,. ZI . ,, , .,I „J'r ) I //z/ f1'trjl /i% if • 62 r4s 4 rZ3 raB rj5 / /,/ // / / / / ',5 tr.4 .ii _....,_ u ' / l '//fA 7/ . /// / /// 4 2/ I r7.'1 k7Y, ,:i' .� 'M tj 3o 4 '1.•'' : 1 I l/' fJf /7 • ' ," I,' _i_ $$,,4r, f l 11' / 1.bl, — yl u.y i /•� /F/% /\\ / it ` It? A 5 ri ! 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' • . r'-'-""- - • I 'hi.' .. . . ,., iNOT DELIVERAEO E' ''z---"--------. 64,-- ,..- -,.: . • ., . . -4:4-44S ADDRESSED t-t•-:.• li .... ,- . --- ' • r• -..,„•------7 . ... • - .- . ,1....>-..- . .,,..r '..: ..17, .. nr.,1!!?,DO . • - f i_4 ---- .0... :.i- - -•- As l'" ...F..,.' j ..7 r‘r ti VI .7`,.. .'„ . _ Il.lidolifilIMill11.1f11,11111 .— ... • ' .. iii-tN • w ia fl 2,1 :!:1. - \ , r -- - ---- _ _ \- ' 'KD . _- - , , , _- , , AP 4 ow 1 „,. , a ; .- It f r II ." . .4. — •:' • ..s• '''' , 1-.,..r 1 ....k • , •••• TO: DON MONAGHAN DATE: March 18, 1988 FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE C110��-6►Z-81 SUBJECT: Exit 7 Short Plat S PL-011-87, Summerwind Division No. 2 Final Plat . FP-002-87 Please furnish the following to the City Clerk's Office: 19191 IMMOMMI Certification of Posting Legal Description Irmo Certification of Valid Petition Map 3C: Deed Pro r Rata Share of Costs rri Easement Restrictive Covenants Verify. Content X Please make 3 blueline copies and return copies - Retain mylars for your files. Maxine E. Motor THANK YOU! Requested by: Y . t Y J TO: Jerry Lind DATE: March 18, 1988 . 1 C FROM: CITY' CLERK'S OFFICE OMMUMMO SUBJECT:. Exit 7 Short Plat SH PL-011-87, Sumnberwind Division No. 2 Final Plat In,FP-002-87 NC Please furnish the following to the City Clerk's Office: CO Certification of Posting Legal Description mon simmum Certification of Valid Petition Map Deed Pro Rat'a Share of Costs iiiii: Easement Restrictive Covenants -. . Iron Verify. Content X Building and Zoning-and Applicant copies of the abo referenced Short Plat and Final Plat THANK YOU! Requested by: Maxine E. Motor i _ • o*i. ' IL.mED . . • 106. •4n,y, ti qyC FF,vT7 /6, a• p /NrRCI, F � o cYO /J y4s• NQ z D z s -I v CD A �Y. g4.e,12°23'18"E m p /41.02' * Z 8684, - --- -- --NO2°12'32" W _J18.57' -Op T1 / PUBLIC UTILITIE A.F.No 79I21.0.93 \\ O T r/ / . \\co --ImD Q \ IT =z� / z \ N_ Z m D-I "� y O /, m ev \\`,1 m mo �/ w 81 o a \ —mow / / f i $�� \ o A xozz // 139.27' a As , •, ��-,{' "765 • N ly1 2S- b-CO: � W ••OC O "Co e . ' :` °') � . e � m • ` tl.toCn'�ur::. ti ,b, -•'•z O0T ,. 2.Ql4'5'fil:E,L9h..Q ti130.x �V � <+' • Oo,'�: 1' :t,:tr, .41 t �. h; —s2i iy-. 1-7 i..,- !:zo '.7 3d:` $u;<. 4c;- ' ', ' Z O -IZ -Li, x" ,i a t Tr , bM' '�af/;.C. A Y-fa:... t° 'i11E51�] 269 SO t i ''a E{ 106.71' E17 —I I m '' f• • N 01'14'51"E = O Nm— Yi'i ta`'�O u mm y" -I =-ID I . 1 w N .a, mu 0 .9rZ d o'(J m e mN0 Z N m N v e CA A O r z r A i O I mom =z m' i XIZr. 0 N 01.14'5I'E 191.54' N -4.CD Z O= C \f 0) --I \/q) O • m�<O D Z En 61 \\\ v U i D .1 ■ m ? �•. \\ CA WW X Z ^ •v N• -11 Wo ; ^4• \ 1\\ 'O 3. A wO.._ ._. .'",, \\ 110th AVE. S.E. U, C D r N m - lir, ('��rT�'�6��ENTOIV ' t. ry i7 0 . 1 , E ,, 2 �987 • �?UILDING/ZONfNC•DE i. • Rarghausen • For: • Tltln:PROPOSED LOT LINE LAYOUT '237 w.,csa� N.,N.MN I ConiuRRrrr Engineer iris.°°•`•"..Rs 1'•30• C,E, LOVELESS & ASSOCIATES I-'405 EXIT a 44th ST. ' "''' • I �o„dPbl,ntrw.Surveya Fna 6rrins St1W4IoIl9t� ••+'°•r — """" KIRKLANp, WAE;HINOTQN R'F;N7(YN, VIABHIPJdTON ' ›• .4c. /- - i ', I ' . . .t% ' • . N V) • -17 vi .. . ; ‘ C) ,1:: •''..,.:,:ri, • --- •ro• ', 41 • . \ftil\ . % . ••..; :. r•...• • ,..:7-- ' / sr.o.,0 • . -. • . --•./ • 0 q !, ?% .• .. • • / 7 . a •• - . v ". " •"":`••‘! • .14... - • • •!...1,:,..'i \: - . , It • • '•':--cl:''' - -: / .. . ••;1. tn . • • V • ...1.,1 . __-- •• .1 • . fri VACANT. LAND. \1 e\NI/. . • • ,- - • _ , .1•1:c.1.4i]. 8*•• . . • :-/ . .., qDENNEY'S. RESTAU • ANT • . ' • • , , .. . • • : .- -1- ..•.• ,v• Far . . •• - . , 4 - it. , • •,' t. + II IP -. 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Sleet sero. - • ---. • . • • :hyu N • ' i N.E. 44th ST. -.,, I � v ���o— t � l.�. /i _ ice ,- i �_ \ ill��(Ij�b III 'Ill PHI i i '1 /o I 7 \ \\\ 1 • .. III��\II IIIj i'\ \, l \ L 11 / I\�\\ ��I o / °°--• , . . ,r �1I I��III 1 j �1 �I �\ o 1 I \\\\ \ 1 ' ,I II III \ I E-- p \ \�\\�-° 11\ I1. \ ' .y • • iIIIJ!I/JIIio/ t1 °� iI i 1 I " N \\\ Il Z • %///� \ , \ v \ -.7*`•j(/ `. o T 1 _\ �I Il llli I ui c7 \/ \\)1 / . •\ " I I to\ \ �\ Z\\ \, 1 //; .'t _ /% / �� � � r 0 -1 //j x °. //Gi/ v xN.E.43rd ST.' b 1 I °// '/, Ix L/ � 4co ----- I. Jro N 6a-. 2 rrr . a �,� it/�'.' C}` � ..ua \ / [XL/ale..c...e crtrl q 9 ,1 Jxi- 11,PWIv!--leA1rlai HMe nrle ..�/r[y . etld� ,, . \\��0� �, ^ - awno�r fir/ o•rz �.4 • . �\�/ rr ,�.,...Awn I it /7.4`+us /'/�°f/ aY w/ . it 26 • �� I -rr rr g + .1..,om.,.,... v' a `W^'+^ a•�"""'� C {0I ""T` b, m ,, It' NreP',R l�voxyl/•rEi. ^ k3 •�i .., nr.. 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Ii:A /"I�KF Mrh �` Oq, •soX,L/ J/ +.'/u% '1Ceo. 01 ru+� r.r i • ;:., •r am rrn*r Z J 4. loRE �b• 7 .rsld Q ^a. ,= '.• - o ial 4 ! 18r:.' ' ,�, NWT 'tpr"`� J 0. „,, g , / ,-04 ifi;"i 1 i- X g P 1 Miner ,0! - • . e `;P. ilo 110 itiiik'' \„...4. • a+yF+ — 'pr:. . 'wM( ?4 j— " pr.••. j •,..r.+e/a, � "dr . �i AYp g.. C/ G111E11'!*(--1Z ^.•rilitlf Rg ,'sj 0! 6= r/Y+unv}e f, o 44© o rig 0oo00y + 2eWft.".1 -5?aS'A l66a 4 o oAbL' a I a oor0 enoy '• ..J Pji -- NE 43rd ST. ,17f o re °`, — a,. a l` )) 1a.r<v °,s i ,ns._i • . -----t-- nnn I • . . . rg t • �CCgll��s©Callp© ' Pl�1+..' I"c eon ea Sops r-Lo•aa-f6 s,ner 4.f6 ' . . • . • • . • •. • ' . • . . • ' • _ _ • ' . • ..... . . •. . BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY >_ w : > A PORTION OF THE SWI/4,OF THE SEI/4 OF SEC.29,TWP.24 N,RGE.6 E.W.M 3 Z ".. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • 7 • f . 1 5 g 5 Fr \ -t. 111.) ...7..\ _,,,..... -, • i Vn . f,. f....... • ..• .- g R l• ...ni OFSTAIPTIOW tect ^.•'-..1:. •....:-.'-‘44,..., . •-.4...--;,-,-_-- :..-....:-....A•441 .- a..,A...'..--- ,,,.. ,-;.--,E..r--, t• i ,_o`t • .•-:'-:.;:e.'1, ' '''-'4"-'14;c:5.:7_,,-..:,. •••-••16,- 10-- ...._ .''' (Wt..'-'434.'- v • Tlat partioe of Tracts 133 ard ISO of C.O.Milimanr•Lake WashIngton 4a.n E •,-clJ . of 2.additIon to the City of Seattle,DWI..Mo.3,according to Ine ti d5 < plat Maw.rear.]la Vol.II of plats,pegs el.In Wing Canty. ""- ---.= •&T. i'i.-..,, .•.../.A. IMIThIolTOnn.,.111.2,07.„,..f.......ally e.rd ilasterIol.Primary State MIghvay — ›-- F.- -..7".. .:e.:,,M11,%) ' 'Mo.1 ea co..,for high.,purposas by T.Sta.of Wardlinwton order h• CC n e w va..„,..:..t...-.,:$0..c..42:"Prn..."°- King ty . Ilumbe 613E80. I dIng Mat partIon of spC Z ti. ---,,,—.--..-.—-.,.---_,..._ _ --,,os,,.,.... .......-...,.., . ..,.. --.•-h;-,46,,i;,,..-=.." county road vara.by Ore..Ma.2111 of tim City of Ranton. o C1,0 0 2 3 Z o I- -' _.,..._ .S...511.-,_-!----.7.---------.. .-,--r....--4- - -..- ‘ ,.---------- •Nt. IlasbIngton State Coordinate Sye.Martb Zora — -- -' ", .-- -.__ - ,.. I ----„4• -______-_-,.....„... ---„, ----'-------'.----< .,' • / =_.... ---t:\'4.-,"-• ,////' Za.,,,r.-- -,-;--10., ‘6,9,P,,. R=308.10 ..• --------.A ,., -. .i r , .,,,,,,.. ..,. ,,, Washington St.EMparflont of Train...Ion T ;X ' ',•:-.7'. ,,//// \roo,,. „opt,/, i F;;:,,,,„!3,1%. L=145.28 . ......... , •.,\ . , .., •/, / ; 'I i((1 1 I i iiV pill ri i )'V, I , A.27.01 03 ., ——74. . - ,,, •,-',. ‘ e.--- 1‘..' a coraans ear,mbar yak.mom, Was.otnonew na. . .. 0 bgt*4 ,..,I „ re. .i.t• .-T-'•A'.. (' ----... ..;\ • '17,,.'.:. .„4 ,, * Ilertront eraonsad as no. . 111 me,'r. 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( '-: '-PP�>7 .� r` -- 1a '7`' .,6 1b3 ;I 1.50 g 3 w 5 �6 __. ; ._,,. . . . / ,,,, I. s a F z A�; SE $O'" ST — 1 i 5T. f.. SE Q---- T 1 I r z z I z z • I I • z ' z I t,i i / ,• ' ' r t W .id - I 10 / % - I343 4 13 4 343 4I^. ( ' ': ' ' 1. 6 5 eir yi b 5 -. b 5 4 I7 r`f /�\ �.. - - .I'' i Vi' �F F wP7 g 7 g • 5 I I. 10 ��;� — fr. - - -- --- W f iiI ../ \ 7 sE off`°cr. x 7 8 > r `I. IIi.a / �� ;• »- 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 b I 1 II / r I 94. B4ri�' B5 � _toe J . +,�`�', ��;. .`• \ " z I • 2 I >T ' I dl A „_,;,: //1 i oa 0 7 III `t:4 —3 — P.\ I l -- ti ° 3 4 Q I L ! 71 '. ,lt BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE �I IN .421w012d i$A4 SI�PI - oil —t1 Exit Seven, Inc. UEC 1 8 1990 12503 Bel-Red Road, Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98005-2508 e �r ILA► (206) 453-2400 FAX (206) 455-8554 December 14 , 1990 Mr. Donald Erickson Chief, Current Planning Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: This letter is in regards to garbage pick up charges. At the _p_v_i t 7 renter in Renton, we 11ai,e two enclosed dumpster areas, as required by the City of Renton in zoning. Because of these enclosed dumpster areas, the garbage company levies an additional charge for each time it opens and closes the doors. This means that each month we pay an additional 31% surcharge. We feel strongly that this Surcharge is unwarranted and at the very least excessive. I would also like to point out that the truck driver will have to get out of the truck to position the dumpster, regardless of whether there is a door to be opened. Like wise, upon placing the dumpster backing in the area. Also, even after several complaints to the drivers and the Waste Company, the dumpster area doors are routinely left ajar. All this to say, Mr. Erickson, we feel that there is: 1. An unwarranted charge for opening dumpster area doors . 2 . A conflict of interest, in that the City of Renton requires the doors, and also approves the contract with the Waste Management Company to charge for opening these same doors. We would appreciate if you would look into this protest and forward this letter to the appropriate parties. If we can be of assistance or can answer any questions, please contact us at 453-2400 . A Happy Holiday Season to you and yours. Best Regards, Brad Van Peursem Vice President BVP:mvp chPIO1). 87 /f/ # 4A. 0 CITY OF RENTON BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Earl Clymer, Mayor December 6, 1990 PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF RENTON DEC 1 0 1990 Mr. Brad VanPeursem Exit Seven, Inc. "t o of i E D 12503 Bel-Red Road, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98005-2508 - SUBJECT: Release of On-Site Improvement Bond #815B100495335, $79,500 1717 N.E. 44th St. Dear Mr. VanPeursem: This letter will serve as your authorization to release the subject deferral bond as the improvements have been completed and accepted by the City of Renton. If you have questions, do not hesitate to call. Very my yours, ✓ arcs" -c �2'' 2 .mes Hanson Chairman bdrel/ext7/PMP cc: Paul Lumbert Don Erickson Transportation Div. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2569 Facsimile (206) 235-2513 `'' ` ' CITY �IF RENTON v �- "u Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Administrator October 16, 1990 Brad van Peursem 12503 Bel-Red Road, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98005-2508 SUBJ: Proposed Release of Landscape Bond/SA 012-87 Exit 7 . Dear Brad: Attached is a memorandum transmitted to Ron Nelson, Building Official for the City of Renton. As you will note, the memo recommends release of the monies held by the City to assure installation of the approved landscaping for the Exit 7 commercial development. The memorandum is a recommendation only. The final decision rests with the Board of Public Works. Please also note the stipulation that requires the installation of the remainder of the street trees that are so indicated on the dated and approved plans of January 5, 1988 . These trees, Acer Rubrums, being eight (8) in number, along with the other approved landscape improvements, are to be installed at such time as the future retail and office building is to be constructed. If you have further questions, please call me at 277-6169 . ' 7erely Robert Arthur Land Use Inspector RA:mjp ra/exit7rvp 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: October 16, 1990 TO: Ron Nelson, Building Official FROM: Robert Arthur, Land Use Inspecto SUBJECT: Release of Landscape Bond With Stipulations. Exit 7 , SA 012-87 , B-13713. The landscape modifications for Exit 7 have been completed in a satisfactory manner with the following stipulations. The remainder of the street trees, Acer Rubrums, must be installed according to the approved landscape plans on file with the City of Renton and dated January 5, 1988 . These trees are to be planted, along with the remainder of the landscaping materials, when the future retail and office building is to be constructed. This stipulation was agreed upon by Brad Peursem, Vice President of Exit Seven, Inc. I recommend the release of the landscape bond with the stipulations so noted. %o 1. CITY F RENTON Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Earl Clymer, Mayor Lynn Guttmann, Administrator August 2, 1990 Brad van Peursem 12503 Bel-Red Rd, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98005-2508 SUBJECT: Revisions to interim landscaping, SA-012-87 Dear Brad: This is to confirm our earlier meeting a few weeks ago at which we met to discuss interim landscaping for the Exit 7 commercial development. At that meeting I agreed to the substitution of Hypericum C. (St. John's Wort) for viburnum and other shrubs pending the development of the third building on this site. It was agreed to by you that all street trees would be installed and staked in an acceptable manner to the City and that all landscaping would be irrigated per City code. You also agreed to sod the area between the street and the St. John's Wort with the area inside this area to be hydroseeded for erosion control and aesthetic reasons. If you have any questions please give me a call at 235-2550. Don Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DE:kac cc: Ron Nelson 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2631 Exit Seven, Inc. PLANNCITY OF RENTON ING DIVISION 12503 Bel-Red Road, Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98005-2508 AUG - 7 1990 (206) 453-2400 FAX (206) 455-8554 F( E I V E D August 3 , 1990 FAX# (206) 235-2513 Mr. Donald Ericson, AICP Chief, Current Planning Community Development City of Renton, Municpal Bldg. 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Revisions to Interim Landscaping SA-012-87 Dear Don: Thank you for your FAX regarding the Exit 7 landscaping revisions. I would just like to confirm our conversation that the plant substitution (St. John's Wort) agreed upon is a permanent replacement, as long as the replacement plants are healthy and properly maintained (providing attractive and necessary ground cover) , as can be expected with this kind of plant. Also, that the landscaping plan approved by the City of Renton, will be adhered to for the Perimeter Landscaping. Be assured that it is our perogative to maintain this property to the satisfaction of the City of Renton and the neighboring community. Thank you again for your assistance in this matter. If we can be of assistance, or answer any questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, wIAV1n Brad Van Peursem Vice President BVP:mvp - 1. WI fGRO landscape servi4 i �� _ C7(Z - -7'' . 1 �r' "A DESIGN/BUILD&MANAGEMENT FIRM" .„ P.O.BOX 525 r - `•! ISSAQUAH,WA 98027 C ; O f', c�SC A •p 0�•; /' ,�r (206) 392-1137 .11$ • JULY 19 ,1990 EXIT 7 CORP. E RE : EXIT 7 LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION 110th AVE SE. . ATTN : BRAD 4i7.7 SCOPE : WESTGRO TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY LABOR,EQUIPMENT,MATERIALS AND ADMINISTRATION TO COMPLETE THE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION AS FOLLOWS TO INCLUDE; TOPSOIL (LAWN ONLY) 120C.Y. 7r • SOIL AMENDMENTS (FERT. & LIME) STEERCO MULCH 75C.Y. PRUNUS YEDOENSIS ' AKEBONO' 3@11/2-13/4 cal . ACER PLATANOIDES ' COLUMNAIRE' 7@2"cal . FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR ' KIMBERLY' 1@2"cal . HYPERTCUM S, ' ST. JOHNSWORT' 855 @ lgal .07L. @ 3`"7 0. c. ,> HYDROSEED LAWN ALONG 110th AVE SE- __ -- HYDROSEED (ROUGH) 45,000sq ft PRICE , LANDSCAPE $19 , 698. 00 IRRIGATION $12 , 509 .00 PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE; W. S. S.TAX POWER SOURCE. BORING OR TUNNELING. SUB GRADES. GRUBING OF EXISTING DEBRIS. NECESSARY PERMITS. IRRIGATION IS TO UTILIZE EXISTING P.O.C. . THANK YOU FOR ASKING WESTGRO TO REVIEW YOUR PROJECT. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ME AT 255-6220 . ;1100111111WESTGRO LY I „= landscape services s J IC DICKSON "A DESIGN/BUILD&MANAGEMENT FIRM" ociated Landscape Contractors of America J. VICTOR DICKSON ssociation of Landscape Professionals O. BOX 525 ST.CONTR.#WESTGLS158NZ SAQUAH,WA 98027 255-6220 W ESTG LS1 5 8 NZ ny/ /a0 ( Yf i 08/03/90 17:09 a 206 455 8554 !ABC Services Inc P. 01 ✓ 11111111111.11111111 PIANNIoFRENT INN CIT`(AUG - 6 1990 C�DATE J v, �� Sr MCI q RECEN ED FACSIMILE (FAX) ATTN: 111 . Th ' d Ln( so'1, flICP TO: CAD nil uVnl4\ 4f el C119 p1'~P1 - ROD Mi I f Chtrl ike, S. leJeAki-ovt, q.goc,5 THIS PAGE PLUS I NUMBERED PAGES INCLUDED IN MESSAGE. IF ANY QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS, CONTACT '.1 )/(k..4 AT THE ABOVE NUMBER. 12503 BEL-RED ROAD, SUITE 101 • BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 9B005-250B • (206)t3 •P199. FAX:(206)455-6554 08/03/90 17: 10 2 206 455 8554 1=16,G Services Inc. r.nz • Exit Seven, Inc. PLANNING DIVISION 12503 Bel-Red Road, Suite 101 CITY OF RENTON Bellevue, Washington 98005-2508 AUG - 6 1990 (206) 453-2400 FAX (206) 455-8554 RECEIVED August 3 , 1990 FAX#(205) 235-2513 Mr. Donald Ericson, AICP Chief, Current Planning Community Development City of Renton, Municpal Bldg. 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Revisions to Interim Landscaping SA-012-87 Dear Don: Thank you for your FAX regarding the Exit 7 landscaping revisions. I would just like to confirm our conversation that the plant substitution (St. John's Wort) agreed upon is a permanent replacement, as long as the replacement plants are healthy and properly maintained (providing attractive and necessary ground cover) , as can be expected with this kind of plant. Also, that the landscaping plan approved by the City of Renton, will be adhered to for the Perimeter Landscaping. Be assured that it is our perogative to maintain this property to the satisfaction of the City of Renton and the neighboring community. Thank you again for your assistance in this matter. If we can be of assistance, or answer any questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Brad Van Peursem Vice President BVP:mvp DO U G LAS MULVANNY Architects (206) 881-7600 MULVANNY •. LEE &Associates Douglas Mulvanny 12200 Northup Way • Bellevue,Wa 98005 Jerry Lee 10 March 1988 j f1 i �I it 1_ Mr. Don Erickson City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Exit 7 Retail Center Renton, Washington DM/A #86-46. 01 Dear Mr. Erickson: This letter is written in regard to the proposed site work which we will have to complete in order to obtain an occupancy permit for the above referenced project. Since the project is now being divided into two phases, we would like to separate the site work in to two phases also: PHASE I - RETAIL SHOPS Under Phase I, the retail building will be completed and occupancy permit issued. For this permit issuance, we propose the following: 1. Paving of site will be with an asphalt treated base material (ATB) . This will act as a temporary paving surface for a period of 12 months as per soils report recommendations from our soils engineer, Earth Consultants. A copy of the report will be supplied upon request. At the expiration of the 12 month period, final asphalt paving will be applied over the temporary base. 2 . Parking lot striping will be applied on the ATB, and additional striping will be applied at final paving. ' 3 . Extruded curbing will not be provided until final paving. Along with this, the interior landscaping within the curbing will not be completed until final paving. continued. . . 10 March 1988 Mr. Don Erickson - Page (2) 4 . Will provide all cast-in-place curbing required in the Phase I portion. 5. Will install parking lot lighting required for proper lighting of the Phase I portion. 6. Will install all perimeter landscaping within property lines, as per the landscaping plan submitted to the City of Renton. 7. The McDonald's restaurant lot will be developed by McDonald's and will be completed by McDonald's. Enclosed is a site plan showing the portion of the Phase I plan. The aforementioned items will occur in this area. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, DOUGLAS MULVANNY/Architects Kelly McBride KTM/lad encl. cc: Michael Wensman - Exit 7 Inc. Mitch Treese - Leary Construction a BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC.' "Land Planning, Survey, and Design Specialists" January 21, 1988 Mr. Jerry Lind City of Renton Building Zoning Department . City Hall 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Re: Exit 7 Short Plat SP11-87 Our Job No. 2186 Dear Jerry: Enclosed is the original mylar and two blueline copies of the above referenced short plat. Per your request the utility easement to be granted to the City of Renton is shown at the southwest corner of Lot 2 and the pedestrian note has been revised to reflect that it will be granted to the city upon recording. Please forward copies of the recorded short plat to the owners and to this office as soon as they are available. If there are any questions, please give this office a call. Sincerely, Dennis J. Salt s, Manager Survey Divisi n DJS/lc C308.72 enc: Original Mylar (2) Blueline Copies Short Plat cc: Mr. Michael Wensman (w/enc) Mr. Doug Mulvanny (w/enc) CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED JAN 2 21988 • BUILDING/ZONING DEPT. Home Office: 18215 72nd Avenue South • Kent, Washington 98032 • (206) 251-6222 ' Sacramento Office: 3134-A Auburn Blvd., • Sacramento, California 95821 • (916)484-1212 ) BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. "Land Planning, Survey, and Design Specialists" Cif? i €ci4T(X r -m1 7.) J 4 December 11, 1987 b �,. BEG 111, ? 4./3 • Mr. Jerry Lind City of Renton Building and Land Department City Hall 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98056 RE: Exit 7 Inc., Short Plat SPL - 011-87 Our Job No. 2286 Dear Jerry: Enclosed is the final short plat mylar, lot closures, and short plat certificates for the above referenced City of Renton short plat. This information is being submitted for the final review and recording of this short plat. Please process this submittal as soon as possible as the parties involved would like this finalized by the holidays. If there are any questions, please give this office a call. Sincerely, Dennis J. Salty , Manager Survey Divisi n DJS/bb C303.25 enc: As Noted cc: Mr. Michael Wensman Douglas Mulvanny Architects Ms. Leslie Bach, McDonald's Corporation 18215 72nd Avenue South • Kent, Washington 98032 • (206) 251-6222 �l�lf�i J�1 �j1 •� CITY OF RENTON Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Daniel Kellogg - David M. Dean-Mark E. Barber - Zanetta L. Fontes -Theodore R. Parry Assistant City Attorneys December 2 , 1987 CI 9 'v` OF RENTON WI- 11V11-45 1 DEC 3 -1987 d_ BUILDING / ZOMN G DEPT. TO: Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator FROM : Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Documents - Exit 7 Dear Don: Attached please find the Covenant and two Agreements regarding the above-captioned matter, which I have approved as to legal form. _r Lawrence J Warren LJW:nd Encl. cc : Michael Wensman Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206) 255-8678 COVENANT4 41111 Grantor, Exit 7, Inc. , hereby covenants not to develop or make improvements to the following described property: That portion of Lot 2 , SHPL 011-87 which is westerly of a line formed by the southerly extension of the western boundary of the north/south alignment of the western utility easement, south of the concrete right-of-way marker (N.O.O. - E 0. 5) identified on the survey, a copy of which is attached hereto. Grantor acknowledges that the described property is now a wetland, and covenants not to take any action which would alter its existing condition. It is intended that this covenant run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and/or assigns of Grantor. Exit 7, Inc. ki64. By: Thomas J. vlin, Presid nt 41, AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this - day of 19 , between Exit 7, Inc. ("Grantor" herein) and the City of Renton ("Grantee" herein) . In consideration of Dollars ($ ) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby conveys and warrants to Grantee the following easement: A. A perpetual nonexclusive easement across the western ten feet of Grantor's property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made ,a part hereof for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing and using a public foot path to be available for use as the nonexclusive right of ingress to and egress from said Grantor's property for the foregoing purposes: The terms "easement" and "easement area" in this instrument refer to the easement on the ten-foot strip of property described in Exhibit A. This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. 1. Costs of Construction and Maintenance. Grantee shall bear and promptly pay all costs and expenses of construction and maintenance of the public foot path. 2 . Compliance with Laws and Rules. Grantee shall at all times exercise its rights herein in accordance with this agreement, and all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 3 . Review of Plans. Prior to any construction, alteration, replacement or removal of the footpath or any other substantial activity by Grantee on the easement area, notification and plans for the same shall be submitted in writing to Grantor by Grantee for review. To the extent practicable, and to minimize substantial negative impacts of Grantee 's activities on Grantor's property or the business located thereon, Grantee agrees to modify such plans as requested by Grantor. 4 . Repair. Upon notice from Grantor, Grantee agrees to repair any damage to the foot path or other condition which creates a hazard to the public. AGREEMENT -1- 5. Coordination of Activities. Grantee shall coordinate the dates of its construction and other major activities on Grantor' s property with Grantor and Grantee shall provide said Grantor with at least five (5) days' prior written notice of its intent to enter upon Grantor's property to commence such activity; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the circumstances. If access to the Grantors "noneasement" property is required, the parties shall negotiate a separate construction period easement. 6. Work Standards. All work to be performed by Grantee on Grantor's property shall be in accordance with the plans submitted to Grantor and shall be completed in a careful and workmanlike manner, free of claims or liens. Upon completion of construction of the foot path on Grantor's property, and upon completion of any subsequent work performed by Grantee on Grantor's property, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the surface of the property as nearly as possible to the condition in which it was at the commencement of such work, and shall replace any property corner monuments, survey references, or hubs which were disturbed or destroyed during construction. 7. Grantee's Use and Activities. Grantee shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid interference with Grantor's use of the property as a shopping center. Grantee shall at all times conduct its activities on Grantor's property so as not to interfere with, obstruct or endanger Grantor's operations or facilities. Grantor reserves the right to construct a fence along the easement line if it concludes that such interference has occurred, the design of which shall be approved by Grantee. 8 . Termination for1Cessation of Use. In the event Grantee does not construct the foot path for a period of ten (10) years from the date hereof, this Agreement and all of Grantee's rights hereunder shall terminate and revert to Grantor. 9 . Release of Obligations on Termination. No termination of this Agreement shall release Grantee from any liability or obligation with respect to any matter occurring prior to such termination, nor shall such termination release Grantee from its obligation and liability to remove the foot path from Grantor's property and restore the premises. 10. Removal of Foot Path on Termination. Upon any termination of this Agreement, Grantee shall promptly remove from the easement area the foot path and restore the ground to the _ AGREEMENT -2- condition existing at the time such foot path is constructed or in the alternative, take such other mutually agreeable measures to minimize the impact on the property. Such work, removal and restoration shall be done at the sole- cost and expense of Grantee. 11. Third-Party Rights. Grantor reserves all rights with respect to its property, including, without limitation, the right to grant easements, licenses and permits to others subject to the rights granted in this Agreement, and such easements, licenses and permits being consistent with the easement to allow the development of a public tract across the easement granted herein. 12 . Release and Indemnity. ;- Grantee does hereby release, indemnify and promise to defend and save harmless Grantor from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, actions and claims, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising directly or indirectly on account of or out of acts or omissions of Grantee and Grantee's servants, agents, employees and contractors in the exercise of the rights granted herein or from any liability, loss, damage, expense, actions or claims arising from the use of the foot path including passage onto and off of the easement area from portions of owner's property by any person if such injury is caused by a hazard on the easement area of which Grantee has received prior notice. 13 . Mechanics Liens. Should any supplier of services or materials to Grantee place a materialman's lien on the property, Grantee agrees to satisfy said lien, or place a bond covering such lien, within thirty days of receipt of notice by Grantor. Failure to do so shall be grounds for termination of the easement. 14 . Title. The rights granted herein are subject to permits, leases, licenses /and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting the property subject to this Agreement. Grantor does not warrant title to its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. 15. Assignment. Grantee shall not assign its rights hereunder. No assignment of the privileges and benefits accruing to Grantee herein and no assignment of the obligations or liabilities of Grantee herein, whether by operation of law or otherwise, shall be valid without the prior written consent of Grantor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 16. Successors. Subject to the preceding paragraph, the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. AGREEMENT -3- EXECUTED as of the date hereinabove set forth. EXIT 7, INC. CITY OF RENTON By: By: Title: Title: 5agr.ex7 AGREEMENT -4- M4111 AGREEMENT PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT are the City of Renton and Exit 7, Inc. RECITALS A. Exit 7, Inc. received a favorable determination from the Office of Hearing Examiner, the City of Renton, on July 28 , 1987, with regard to its short plat request and site plan applications under City of Renton File No. SA-012-87 and SHPL- 001-87. B. Under the terms of the Hearing Examiner' s determination, the findings of the Environmental Review Committee were adopted in part. C. One of the items adopted by the Hearing Examiner included a traffic impact assessment fee on each of the three lots which was subject to reduction depending upon the results of a traffic impact study to be conducted by the City. The fee is to be used on the construction of a wider overpass, and to widen off ramps and on ramps at Exit 7 . D. The tentative traffic impact fee for Lot 2 was determined to be $42,426 based on a per trip assessment of $91.44 . E. The intent of the parties in entering into this agreement is to set forth the payment terms and conditions under which Exit 7, Inc. will pay the fees for Lot 2 which may be reduced based on the traffic study. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed between the parties as follows: 1. Amount and Improvements. Exit 7, Inc. agrees to pay up to $42,426 as a fee to pay its share of the costs of the following improvements: (a) Traffic signals at the following intersections: (1) Lake Washington Boulevard and Port Quendall Access Road (2) Lake Washington Boulevard and Ripley Lane (3) N.E. 44th and the I-405 Southbound on/off ramp at Exit 7 AGREEMENT -1- (4) N.E. 44th and the- I-405 Northbound on/off ramp at Exit 7 (b) Five-lane roadway on N.E. 44th Street from Ripley Lane across I-405 to Lake Washington Boulevard. (c) Widening all off ramps and on ramps at I-405 Exit 7 to accommodate additional improvements. 2. Reserve Account. In order to secure payment of the fee, Exit 7, Inc. , agrees to deposit into an account in the name of the City of Renton at Peoples Bank the sum of $42,426 at such time as the final building permit is issued by the City of Renton. 3 . Withdrawals. The Finance Director of the City of Renton shall distribute accrued interest to Exit 7, Inc. from the account on a quarterly basis. The entire balance of principal shall be withdrawn by the City of Renton at such time before January 1, 1998, as proof is presented of the following: (a) The project as outlined in Paragraph 1 above has been approved by the Washington State Department of Transportation. (b) A preliminary design for the project has been completed. (c) The project is included in the City of Renton six- year plan for completion within five years. If the City of Renton canpot provide such proof before January 1, 1998, then the entire account balance of $42,426 will be disbursed to Exit 7, Inc. by the Finance Director of the City of Renton. 4 . Traffic Improvement District. Should the City of Renton form a traffic improvement district or LID for purposes of constructing the improvements outlined in Paragraph 1, Exit 7, Inc. will be exempt from making any payments for the stated improvements under such programs. Exit 7, Inc. shall be allowed to join the LID if agreeable to both parties, and receive all funds held in the account provided for herein. 5. Traffic Study. The City of Renton has agreed to perform a traffic study for purposes of better determining the need for the improvements outlined in Paragraph 1 above, as well as the cost and allocation of such cost to the affected AGREEMENT -2- + - • property owners. If the cost allocation to the parcel is less than $42 ,426 or $91.44 per trip, the difference between these figures will be immediately refunded to Exit 7, Inc. by the Finance Director for the City of Renton upon adoption of the revised study by the City of Renton Environmental Review Committee. 6. Letter of Credit. At any time Exit 7, Inc. has the right to provide a bond or an irrevocable letter of credit with collection terms equivalent to those outlined herein. Upon presentation of such bond or letter of credit, all funds, including principal and accrued interest in the account will be disbursed to Exit 7, Inc. 7 . Attorney's Fees. If any action for breach of or to enforce the provisions of this Agreement is commenced, the court in such action shall award to the party in whose favor a judgment is entered attorneys' fees and costs. Such attorneys' fees and costs shall be paid by the losing party in such action, and shall include actual fees and costs for all phases of such litigation including preparation, negotiation, discovery, trial, appeal and enforcement. Entered into this day of 1987, between EXIT 7, INC. CITY OF RENTON By: By: Title: 1 Title: 5agr2 .ex7 AGREEMENT -3- J ' COVENANT Grantor, Exit 7, Inc. , hereby covenants not to develop or make improvements to the following described property: That portion of Lot 2, SHPL 011-87 which is westerly of a line formed by the southerly extension of the western boundary of the north/south alignment of the western utility easement, south of the concrete right-of-way marker (N.O.O. - E 0.5) identified on the survey, a copy of which is attached hereto. Grantor acknowledges that the described property is now a wetland, and covenants not to take any action which would alter its existing condition. It is intended that this covenant run with the land and bind the heirs, successors and/or assigns of Grantor. Exit 7,, Inc. By: Thomas J. vlin, Presid nt II 2170N BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT APRIL 22, 1987 A. BACKGROUND: PROJECT: Exit 7, Retail Center, Exit 7, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-009-87 APPLICATION NO.: SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for short plat approval to allow the subdivision of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property into three (3) lots and application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shopping center comprised of three buildings having a total building area of 45,000 square feet. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located east of I-405, south of Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue, N.E., and north of N.E. 44th Street. B. ISSUES: 1. Whether sufficient measures have been taken to preserve and incorporate in their design existing wetlands on the site? 2. Whether sufficient measures have been taken to protect nearby residential areas from light, glare, and noise associated with the proposed development? 3. Whether sufficient measures have been taken to control the anticipated traffic impacts associated with the proposed development? 4. Whether the applicant is providing excessive amounts of on-site parking that exceed probable demands for such a mixed-use facility? 5. Whether sufficient development standards (in terms of landscaping, lighting, building materials, and themes) have been developed to ensure that the site wll be developed with a common thematic or campus like theme? C. ANALYSIS: The applicants are proposing to develop a 45,000 sq. ft. commercial shopping complex with on-site parking for 257 cars. An 11,400 sq. ft. of retail is proposed in a one-story "shop" building and the first floor of a three-story retail/office building consisting of 29,800 sq. ft. A future 3,800 sq. ft. restaurant is proposed later on the northwest corner of the site. The applicants as a part of their request wish to subdivide the subject site up into three parcels, two of which would go through site plan review and the third, which is designated for a • McDonald's restaurant, would be developed at a later date. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 2 Since the applicants are not submitting the whole site at this time for site plan review, we are not in a position to fully evaluate the aesthetic impacts of their proposal. Since aesthetics will be an important consideration, staff are recommending as a mitigation measure that the applicants prepare site development standards for the whole site that will ensure that later phases fit into and integrate with a campus like setting. A review of the applicant's submittal indicates that they are providing approximately 257 spaces. If parking uses are calcualated for the development as a shopping center, only 248 spaces would be required. As a consequence, staff are recommending as a mitigation measure that the applicants reduce their parking count to 248 spaces. Another issue that an analysis raised was the treatment of wetlands on the site. The applicants' site plan indicates that they will be filling in about 30-40 percent of an existing wetland marsh at the southwest corner of the site. In that this marsh likely serves as a habitat for certain species of wildlife and could function as a secondary bio-filtering system of excessive storm water (that has already gone through an oil/water separator) but must be retained temporarily on site to allow for a slower storm water release rate, staff are recommending that most of this area be retained. By recapturing the area near the southwest entrance that had been set aside for parking, we believe the most critical points of the wetland marsh can be retained. Staff estimate that seven to nine parking spaces would be deleted here. In addition, the entrance drive should be shifted approximately 10 feet to the east. In order to control light and glare off parked cars as seen from the apartment complex across the street, staff are recommending that additional landscaping in the form of deciduous trees be provided along the N.E. 44th Street and 110th Avenue S.E. property lines. These trees can have sufficient height at the time of planting so as not to impair traffic sight lines and have smaller leafs so as not to block storm water drains. Additional intense site landscaping is also encouraged to help visually soften this heavily paved site and reduce the amount of impervious surfaces on site. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated with the following conditions: BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 3 1. That development standards be prepared for the whole site in order to ensure that later buildings are thematically integrated into a campus like setting. 2. That all on-site lighting luminaries be mounted at a pole height or be sufficiently screened so as not to be directly visible from the apartment complex to the east. 3. That the applicant develop covenants acceptable to the City that will protect the existing marsh/wetland at the southwest corner of the site. 4. That canopy type trees be provided in the interior portions of the parking lot to buffer glare off parked cars and improve views from the apartment complex across 109th Avenue S.E. 5. That nine (9) parking stalls be deleted from the project (in the southwest corner of the site) to reduce excess parking and reduce encroachment into the existing marsh/wetland). 6 That a temporary erosion control plan be developed to minimize construction impacts on the adjacent marsh/wetland (along the west property line and at the southwest corner of the site). 7. That a storm water retention/detention facility based upon a 25 year, 24 hour storm and a 5 year storm release rate be provided on site. 8. That additional street trees (of sufficient height and shape so as not to impair vehicular sight distance lines) be provided along N.E. 44th Street and 109th Avenue S.E. frontages in order to visually help soften this otherwise hard surface site, particularly as seen from the Cedar River Apartment complex to the east. 9. That a landscape plan acceptable to the Building and Zoning Department be prepared in conjunction with the development standards called for in Item 1. 10. That a traffic impact assessment fee of $320,511.01, based upon $103.63 per vehicle trip, signalization of nearby intersections and a five lane roadway from Ripley Lane to the Lake Washington Boulevard/I-405 on/off ramp be provided. 11. That a traffic system management plan with information on ridesharing, carpooling, etc. be prepared. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 4 12. That because of the site's remote location that all structures be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 13. That the applicant provide curbs and gutters along all streets abutting the site. 14. That the Department of Game and Fisheries be notified and asked to advise the City whether the existing drainage channel is considered to be a viable fish habitat. 15. That wetland conservation covenants and utility trail easements be provided that are acceptable to the Department of Public Works. E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING AGENCIES: Various City Departments have reviewed and commented upon the project's environmental impact. These comments are as follows: Police: No minor or major impacts. No more information required. The following suggestions were made: 1. Center turn lane entire distance of N.E. 49th Street by 110th S.E. in the area of the shopping center. 2. A dedicated turn only lane from the I-405 northbound off ramp along N.E. 49th turning into the shopping center. 3. Signalization at the northbound off ramp. Fire Prevention: Minor impacts to public services. No further comments. Engineering: Minor impacts probable to all environmental elements. Except more information required on water and utilities to determine impacts. Commented that work adjacent to creek on west side of sewer may require a fisheries' permit. Traffic Engineering: Determined minor impacts likely to all environmental elements, but major impact on transportation element. Comments on mitigation measures include: 1. Provide plans showing off-site improvements on N.E. 44th Street and also on N.E. 43rd Street to City standards. 22 x 34" Mylar drawing required for final approval, street lighting included. 2. Assessment for needed improvements to mitigate transportation problems that would be generated by the development is $103.63 per traffic impact analysis. • BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 5 Total Estimated Trips: Drive in Restaurant 553 x 3,800 = 2,101.40 1000 Retail Shop 40.7 x 11,400 = 463.98 1000 Office Building 17.7 x 29,800 = 527.46 1000 Total Trips Generated = 3,092.84 Total Assessment Amount: $103.63 x 3,092.85 = $320.511.01 The above assessment covers the following items: o Signals at the following listed intersections: - Lake Wash. Blvd./Port Quendall Access. - Lake Wash. Blvd./Ripley Lane. - N.E. 44th/I-405 Southbound on/off ramp. - N.E. 44th/Northbound on/off ramp/Lake Wash Blvd. • Five (5)-lane roadway on N.E. 44th Street from Ripley Lane to Lake Wash. Blvd./I-405 on/off ramps. 3. Management to discuss with Metro Transit the possibility of locating a transit stop at the N.E. 44th Street interchange. 4. Retail center management to provide information center for ridesharing, carpooling and vanpooling for employees. Utility Engineering: More information needed on public services and utilities. Minor impacts likely on other environmental elements. Reviewer made following comment: Extend along all of frontage road. Building Division: Minor impacts to all environmental elements. No further comments. Policy Development: More information required on earth, water, aesthetics and transportation. The following comments were made. 1. A temporary erosion control plan should be provided. • BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 6 2. A wetland study incorporated in the drainage plan should be provided. 3. Full color perspectives of the office and retail buildings should be provided. 4. Pedestrian linkages between buildings should be provided and enhanced by raised crosswalk markings and landscaping. No recommendation at this time. Additional informatin needs to be provided. More information needed on: 1. Source of fill, if required, for site. 2. Adequacy of landscaping and size of sign. 3. Relationship of project related trips/day to anticipated improvements on 44th Street. 4. Adequacy of length between access driveway on 44th Street and freeway ramps. Zoning Division: More information required on plants, animals, and land. Major impact on transportation likely and minor impacts likely on all other environmental elements. The following comments were made: 1. Marsh in southwest corner of site should be preserved for drainage and wildlife habitat. (Note: checklist does not address any wildlife at site). 2. A ten foot landscape setabck is required along the west property line adjacent I-405. What is shown tapers to five feet. 3. Proposed McDonald's restaurant lacks detailed plans. BEI *1Ii OF FILE FILE TITLE L. MOIC•irFoliME• 00 )JtLO0g4S SA —0 a--28-7 DOUG AAS MULVANNY/Architects -_,nn iL. O7 ,C\KO l0 u7LQ, 12200 NORTHUP WAY • BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 (206)881 j 7�•� � y DATE 8-2 43 13 JOB. - e'IV E.II,- ATTENTION SEp 1 �TO ll d � � t rr . . GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU `I Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Submittals , Prints ❑ Preliminary El Specifications El Copy of letter El Change order ❑ Originals ❑ Field Report ❑ Certificate of insurance ❑ Signed contract ❑ Field Order ❑ As-built ❑ - drawings COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION • ._ -7- " 1 &c l'UNO — ' tL — 0 RE . E1V so, 1. 1987 err( OFRM 1 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as the edbeRlf*P. '. i, Ea ❑ For approval ❑ Reviewed as submitted- ❑ Resubmit copies for review L For your use ❑ Reviewed as noted= ❑ Submit copies for distribution ca,,As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected submittals ❑ For review and comment ❑ REMARKS ,\ COPY TO SIGNEDC . 1--WV c, If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once Vf-rjf012 -87 • CITY OF RENTON Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Daniel Kellogg -Mark E. Barber - David M. Dean -Zanetta L. Fontes - Robert L. Sewell - Mary deVuono, JUN2 41988 .43 June 23, 1988 BUILDING /ZONING DEPT. TO: Ronald G. Nelson, Building & Zoning Director FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE: Exit 7 , Inc. Agreement Dear Ron: Whether or not the city has agreed on a lower traffic assessment amount is something that Gary Norris will have to answer for you. If there is a lesser amount, then we should permit the amendment of the agreement to reflect that lesser amount. The agreement does allow for return of interest on the money deposited to Exit 7, Inc. I don't know what the mechanism is to return the interest, but we should agree to assist Exit 7 in getting the interest paid to it. You might wish to check with the finance director to ascertain how this "an be accomplished. Lawrence . Warren LJW:as . cc: Mayor A8 . 25: 04 . • Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206) 255-8678 r I y MEMORANDUM June 23, 1988 CITY OF RENTON c_1F, CE [IVE--;\ TO: Ron Nelson JUN 2 41988 FROM: Gary Norris BUILDING /ZONING DEPT, SUBJECT: Exit 7, Inc. Agreement I read the letter and proposed agreement from Michael Wensman to Jim Hanson and am totally confused. The issues I see are: a) Traffic signals - there were no traffic signals identified in the Transportation Benefit Assessment District Study costs. If we are to include the signals the trip fee must be adjusted. The traffic signal at NE 44th and the NB on/off ramp was included in the ill- fated LID. b) I am not aware of any agreement to pay interest. The WSDOT is ready to begin design of the modified interchange. We can spend the funds almost immediately. c) Where did the $42,426 figure come from? The amount for McDonalds alone was approximately $48,000. As stated earlier I have no knowledge of the proposed agreement. GAN:cf cc: Richard C. Houghton Robert E. Bergstrom John R. Adamson GAN87 4.) BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 9:00 a.m. Renton Municipal Building May 11, 1988 4th Floor Conference Room AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting Minutes of April 27, 1988 3. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Request for 60-day deferral extension from Renton School District per Board's letter to them dated Arpil 20, 1988. b. Letter dated April 21, 1988 regarding expired deferral for Highlands Community Church 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL: 5. REFERRALS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS: 6. NEW BUSINESS: Request from Buchan Bros. Construction, Street Use permit, 365 Rainier Ave. N. 7. OLD BUSINESS: Release of bonds associated with LID 334: Denny's, SeaBelle (Butrim) , Heath Printers, and May Creek Assoc. 8. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9. ADJOURNMENT: f , ' BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 9:00 a.m. Renton Municipal Building April 27, 1988 4th Floor Conference Room ATTENDEES: Richard Houghton, Chairman Don Monaghan, Design Engineer Ron Nelson, Building Official • Mike Parness, Administrative Assistant Patricia Porter, Administrative Secretary Larry Springer, Policy Development Director VISITORS: Larry Warren, City Attorney MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Houghton at 9.07 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by SPRINGER, seconded by NELSON, to approve the Meeting Minutes of April 20, 1988. MOTION CARRIED 3. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter dated April 25, 1988 from Mr. Floyd Kerb was distributed to Board members. He requested that Revocable Permit R-0077 issued to him for the property at 353 Sunset Blvd. be cancelled due to his vacating the premises. Moved by SPRINGER, seconded by NELSON, approve Mr. Kerb's request to cancel Revocable Permit R-0077. MOTION CARRIED 4. REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL: None 5. REFERRALS FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS: None 6. NEW BUSINESS: None 7. OLD BUSINESS: a. N. 52nd Street (Street Vacation Request) - tabled from last week. A letter from John Webley, Parks Director, dated April 26th was read wherein he stated that the Renton Park Board had reviewed the proposed vacation of the street end; and, with the understanding that any funds derived from the sale of this property would be used for acquisition of additional public property or development projects on Lake Washington, they had endorsed the proposal . Discussed followed. Moved by PARNESS, seconded by SPRINGER, to recommend the vacation of the street end right-of-way based on the following: a) input from Public Works Department which detailed the fact that the street is not currently being utilized as a street nor will it be needed in future; b) access to water at that point would create adverse public impact as discussed in previous review; c) benefits from sale of property being BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS -April 27, 1988 Page Two used to improve public properties on same body of water as stated by the Parks Director in his April 26, 1988 memo; d) inventory of all rights-of-way within the City has been prepared in compliance with State Law, adequate access to the site has been provided for, and the loss of this site will not cause any harm. (Exhibit I); e) conditions of the vacation would be that the City receive approximate market value for the property, an appraisal should be obtained to determine the value of the property, and a utilities easement must be retained. MOTION CARRIED b. Exit 7 - continued from last week. The Chairman explained that Board of Public Works granted an off-site deferral based on the fact that a Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) would be formed in the area. If the L. I.D. failed the applicant would be required to post a bond in the amount of. 150% of the estimated cost of the improvements. Later the applicant applied for an on-site improvement deferral under the short plat process; however, the short plat no longer is a process which can be used due to the fact that after the short plat process was completed the applicant applied for site plan approval all of the land with the exception of the McDonalds parcel . Therefore, the City would be operating under the site plan rules and regulations and the Hearing Examiner's decision rather than short plat process. Moved by PARNESS, seconded by SPRINGER, to deny the request on the basis of a site plan already having been adopted and a review of the record which indicates that the arguments related to the short plat by the applicant are negated by the site plan approval process and the requirements of the site plan process. Review of the short plat application illustrates the necessity to integrate all the development visually and physically within the entire plat. The applicant should now apply through the building permit process to phase the site plan approval. MOTION CARRIED 8. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: None 9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. 0/ V Us 0 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS March 30, 1988 Page Two 7. OLD BUSINESS: a. Continued from last week - Ron Nelson report Exist 7 Request. Ron Nelson submitted a report ref. Building and Zoning's review of the request for on-site improvement deferral which stated that since changes are major, the matter should be referred back to the Hearing Examiner (Per Ordinance) requesting a phased site plan. Moved by MATTHEW, seconded by NELSON, that based upon the Building and Zoning report and the fact that this matter is not within the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works, the matter be referred back to the Hearing Examiner. MOTION CARRIED b. Summerwind Division II six month deferral to expire. Don Monaghan advised Board members that Henderson Homes Summerwind Division I has been accepted and requested that the $95,000 bond for the loop road be released. Moved by MATTHEW, seconded by NELSON, to concur in Design Engineering's request and authorize Don Monaghan to release the $95,OOO bond. MOTION CARRIED Note: Mr. Monaghan will also release the bond on Summerwind Division II at the appropriate time but was requested by Board members to report back on the matter, preferably by April 15th. . 8. COMMENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: None 9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. LY I-67 iixe • 0 CITY OF RENTON • Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Daniel Kellogg - David M. Dean-Mark E. Barber -Zanetta L. Fontes -Theodore R. Parry Assistant City Attorneys • • October 13 , 1987 er ° OF CiENTON iU OCT 141 ' 1 TO: Don Erickson Environmental Review Committee 'FROM: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RE : Exit 7 Project Dear Don: Enclosed please find another draft of the t i easement, wetlands covenant and traffic assessment for the Ex 7 project. My comments are noted in the margins. Would you please review this document and let me have your comments. ( / Lawrence J. Warren LJW:nd • Encl. • N8.12:93 • • • • J J Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206) 255-8678 0FK L �i .� ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR Z o 9 UMW � MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 • 235-2540 0qFD SEP1' .��P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR MEMORANDUM DATE: September 25, 1987 TO: Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator FROM: Jerry Lind, Land Use Inspector SUBJECT: EXIT 7 INC. RETAIL CENTER, FILE NO'S SH.PL. -011- 87, SA-012-87 I have conducted a review of the new plans for the above referenced project received by the Building and Zoning Department on August 28, 1987. My review has noted the following problems or changes from the plans presented to the Hearing Examiner at the July 14, 1987 public hearing. 1. The retail/office building at the east end of the site has a different configuration and the gross square footage has changed from 29,800 square feet to 33 ,900 square feet. This is an increase of 4, 100 square feet (13 .75% more space) . The site plan approval ordinance states under Section 4-738 (F) that a change of 10% in area or more is a major adjustment and requires an amended application. 2 . The retail shops at the south end of the site have changed configuration slightly and the gross square footage has increased from 11,400 square feet to 11,420 square feet. This is an increase of 2.0 square feet (0. 18% more space) . 3 . The drive-in restaurant at the north end of the site has changed configuration, but the gross square footage remains the same. 4. The total building area of the site was 45, 000 square feet and is revised to 49, 120 square feet. This is an increase of 4, 120 square feet (9. 15%) . Exit 7 Memo September 25, 1987 1) ) Page 2 5. The parking lot needs better dimensioning with stall and aisle widths. The former plan had a combined stall & aisle width of 44 feet along N.E. 44th Street/ilOth Avenue as required. The revised plan is not dimensioned and measures at 42 feet. Parking stalls here are not allowed to overhang into the required 10 foot landscape buffer along the street. 6. The ERC required that nine parking stalls be removed from the S.W. corner to preserve the marsh (12 stalls were shown there) . The Hearing Examiner expanded on this condition to eliminate all 12 stalls to prevent encroachment into the wetland. The applicant did remove the 7 most western stalls and has now increased the 5 stalls opposite of those to 6 stalls. 7 . The former plan presented had a total of 257 parking stalls and would have been reduced to 250 by the ERC and to 245 by the Hearing Examiner. The revised plan states that there are now 242 stalls. I cannot determine yet if this is enough parking for the shopping center because it is necessary to know the net square footage of the buildings. I have tried to reach the architect but he is out of town and is the only one in the office who can provide that information. 8 . Handicap parking used to be centrally located in front of the retail/office building. That parking has now been shifted to the northern most end of the aisle and is much less convenient for handicapped individuals. 9 . Each building was served by at least one handicap parking stall (4 required for total site) . The drive in restaurant was served by one stall along it's west side and is no longer served by any. !r/-/- Exit 7 Memo September 25, 1987 Page 3 10. The Parking and Loading Ordinance requires that any landscaping be a minimum of five feet in width. The former plan did comply in that respect. Several interior landscaping islands now have widths varying from 2 feet to 4 feet wide. 11. A new north elevation plan has been presented for the retail building. It is much the same as the previous except for a redesign of the windows and now a mansard roof has been added. Other elevations were not presented and therefore, cannot be compared to the former plans. 12 . The new plans submitted are not detailed enough to plan check with many required conditions imposed by the Environmental Review Committee and the Hearing Examiner. That review will need to be done at a later time. • • 4. N CITY OF RENTON s • Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney ..LL Daniel Kellogg - David M. Dean -Mark E. Barber - Zanetta L. Fontes -Theodore R. Parry Assistant City Attorneys �'` September 23, 1987 Li Y^1. Mr . Michael J. Wensman 11 1517 Plaza Center building SEP 25 j987 II 1I 10900 N.E. 8th Street L) Bellevue, WA 98004 • cU?L ING / 70Nim DEFT. Dear Mike : I have reviewed the documents that you have provided to me concerning payment of the traffic impact assessment fee and the footpath easement. Unfortunately I cannot accept either agreement as they are presently drafted. With respect to the traffic mitigation fee, the City has not and will not agree that you may pay the amounts over a ten-year period of time following the year in which the construction of the traffic improvements are completed. It is not the City' s responsibility to fund traffic improvements and then allow developers a long term payoff. We will agree to permit you to join any LID formed to construct those improvements. You also indicate that you will have the option of participating in a traffic improvement district. That option may not, be available to you if the City Council determines to form the traffic benefit district and there is not sufficient protests . Finally, the City will not agree that it must complete the construction of the improvements by January 1, 1993 . That is an unreasonably short period of time. With respect to the trail easement, your document is much to far reaching and oppressive on the City. While the City will agree to show you plans for the trail and will agree to modify the plans to the extent practicable to not interfere with your client' s business , we will not give you the right of prior written approval . Nor will the City agree to paragraph 6 which would require the City to provide assurance of payment if there were any alteration or restoration or other changes or repairs to your facilities. We were talking about building a footpath, not an overland oil pipe line. With respect to paragraph 7 concerning claims or liens, the City will agree to keep the property free from claims or liens although there is no State law that permits filing of claims or liens on municipal work projects. We will not submit .to the Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton. Washington 98057 - (2061 255-8678 • Mr . Michal J. Wensman September 23, 1987 Page 2 grantor ' s decisions as to whether or not the work has been performed in accordance with plans preapproved by your client. Paragraph 9 with respect to restrictions on access is unacceptable as is paragraph 10 on inspectors . Paragraph 12 is unacceptable. I really do not think there is much of a chance of a breach if we get this document back to a simple grant of easement but if there were any argument about a breach I would want a dispute resolution mechanism written into the document whereby the issue would be presented to some third party within a reasonably short time frame and the parties would agree to abide by that arbitrator ' s decision. I have not checked with my clients about paragraph 14 and 15, although I have some question as to whether or not the City would find those paragraphs acceptable. I do know that the City will not find paragraphs 17, 18 , 19 and 20 acceptable. With respect to having a sample land use covenant for the marsh area, I do not maintain that type of documentation in my office. Additionally, the City does not include the drafting of such documents in my work responsibility. I did pull the Hearing Examiner' s report and find that the only mention is preserving the wetland area from additional encroachment. I would presume that you could impose a very simple restrictive covenant on the property indicating that the property within a specified legal description, because of its environmental characteristics, shall not be further developed and shall remain in its existing condition subject to any natural changes that would occur . I do not think you would want to guarantee that it remains a wetland in case someone upstream from you diverts the waterflow or wetlands are suddenly shown to be a negative environmental factor . I would suggest that we meet. I am not sure how far apart we are in arriving at agreeable documents. I would want a representative from the Environmental Review Committee present at that meeting and perhaps Mike Parness, the Mayor' s Administrative Assistant. Perhaps you could call my office and indicate the times that you would be available for such a meeting. Ve t my yours, `'- Lawrence . Warren LJW:nd N8 .11: 73 cc: ERC Committee Mike Parness Ill" AGREEMENT PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT are the City of Renton and Exit 7, Inc. RECITALS A. Exit 7, Inc. received a favorable determination from the Office of Hearing Examiner, the City of Renton, on July 28, 1987 , with regard to its short plat request and site plan applications under City of Renton File No. SA-012-87 and SHPL-001-87. B. Under the terms of the Hearing Examiner' s determination, the findings of the Environmental Review Committee were adopted in part. C. One of the items adopted by the Hearing Examiner included a traffic impact assessment fee on each of the three lots which was subject to reduction depending upon the results of a traffic impact study to be conducted by the City. The fee is to be used on the construction of a wider overpass, and to widen off ramps and on ramps at Exit 7 . D. The tentative traffic impact fee for Lot 2 was determined to be $42,426, the fee for Lot 3 was tentatively determined to be $48,231, and determination of the fee for Lot 1 was postponed pending a City. of Renton traffic study. E. The intent of the parties in entering into this agreement is to set forth the payment terms and conditions under which Exit 7, Inc. will pay the fees for Lots 2 and 3 which may be reduced based on the traffic study. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed between the parties as follows: 1. Amount. Exit 7, Inc. agrees to pay up to $42 , 426 to be assessed against Lot 2 and up to $48,231 to be assessed against Lot 3 . 2 . Terms. Exit 7, Inc. agrees to pay these amounts over a term of ten years commencing January 1 of the year following the ; 1/4'4,0 year in which construction of the traffic improvements outlined in Recital C above are completed with equal annual payments on each January 1 thereafter until the amounts are paid in full. -1- • 3 . Traffic Improvement District. Should the City of Renton form a traffic improvement district for purposes of constructing the improvements contemplated herein, Exit 7, Inc. would have the �oaton. of participating in that traffic improvement district or making the payments as set forth herein. 4 . Termination of O i ation. If construction of the improvements is not to prior to January 1, 1993 , Exit 7 ' s obligation under this agreement shall terminate, and Exit 7 shall have no further obligation to participate in any traffic improvement district formed to develop the improvements. Entered into this day of , 1987 between - EXIT 7, INC. By Its CITY OF RENTON By Title -2- 1 - AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of , 19 , between Exit 7, Inc. ("Grantor" herein) and the City of Renton ("Grantee" herein) . In consideration of Dollars ($ ) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor hereby conveys and warrants to Grantee the following easements: A. A perpetual easement across the western ten feet of Grantor' s property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof for the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, removing, repairing, replacing and using a public foot path to be available for use as a portion of a proposed City of Renton trail system, together with the nonexclusive right of ingress to and egress from said Grantor' s property for the foregoing purposes: The terms "easement" and "easement area" in this instrument refer to the easement on the ten foot strip of property described in Exhibit A. This easement is granted subject to and conditioned upon the following terms, conditions and covenants which Grantee hereby promises to faithfully and fully observe and perform. 1. Costs of Construction and Maintenance. Grantee shall bear and promptly pay all costs and expenses of construction and maintenance of the public foot path. 2 . Compliance With Laws and Rules. Grantee shall at all times exercise its rights herein in accordance with the requirements (as from time to time amended) and all applicable statutes, orders, rules and regulations of any public authority having jurisdiction. 3 . Approval of Plans. Prior to any construction, alteration, replacement or removal of the foot path or any other substantial activity by Grantee on Grantor's property, a notification and plans for the same shall be submitted in writing to Grantor by Grantee and no such work by Grantee shall be commenced without Grantor's prior written approval of the plans therefor, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities -1- • or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the circumstances. An chan es or revisions in the plans approved by Grantor shall a so be subject to Grantor's prior approval. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to impose any duty or obligation on Grantor to determine the adequacy or sufficiency of Grantee's plans and designs, or to ascertain whether Grantee's construction is in conformance with the plans and specifications approved by Grantor. 4 . As-Built Survey. Upon Grantor' s request, Grantee shall promptly provide Grantor with as_buil_ drawings and a survey showing the location of the foot path on Gran or' s property. 5. Coordination of Activities. Grantee shall coordinate the dates of its construction and other major activities on Grantor's property with , or such other employee of Grantor as Grantor may from time to time designate, and Grantee shall provide said employee with at least five (5) days ' prior written notice of its intent to enter upon Grantor's property to commence such activity; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the event of an emergency requiring immediate action by Grantee for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property, Grantee may take such action upon such notice to Grantor as is reasonable under the circumstances. 6. Changes. and Repairs to Grantor' s Facilities. Grantee shall promptly pay to Grantor the cost of any relocation, alteration, restoration and other changes or repairs to Grantor's facilities or improvements which Grantor shall reasonably deem necessary by reason of the construction, use and maintenance of the foot path or other activities of Grantee on Grantor's property. If Grantor so requests, Grantee shall provide ayunent satisfactory to Grantor prior to Grantor's 42) 7' commencement of such work. Grantor shall accomplish such changes or repairs, subject to the availability of labor and materials. For the purpose of this paragraph, "cost" shall be defined as all direct or assignable costs of materials, labor and services, including overhead, in accordance with Grantor's standard job order policies in effect from time to time, and may include charges for transportation of men, materials, and equipment, storage expense of materials, and rental of equipment. Grantor shall give Grantee reasonable advance notice of Grantor's intent to make such changes or repairs to its facilities in order to permit Grantee an opportunity to review the reasonableness of Grantor's determination as to the necessity for such changes or repairs, except in the following instances: (a) where Grantee has requested such changes or repairs or (b) where an emergency requires immediate action by Grantor for the protection of its facilities or other persons or property. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, Grantee's review of the reasonableness of -2- Grantor' s determination shall not prevent Grantor from making • such changes or repairs nor affect Grantee's liability for payment therefor. 7. Work Standards. All work to be performed by Grantee on Grantor' s property shall be in accordance with the plans submitted to and approved by Grantor and shall be completed in a careful and workmanlike manner to Grantor's satisfaction, free of 91aimc nr J en-s. Upon completion of construction of the foot path on Grantor's property, and upon completion of any subsequent work performed by Grantee on Grantor's property, Grantee shall remove all debris and restore the surface of the property as nearly as possible to the condition in which it was at the commencement of such work, and shall replace any property corner monuments, survey references, or hubs which were disturbed or destroyed during construction. Grantee shall also pay Grantor all of Grantor's costs in surveying and monitoring the alignment of Grantor's transmission line poles and towers. 8 . Access by Grantor During Construction. Grantee shall make provisions satisfactory to Grantor for continued access by Grantor along, over and across the easement area during periods in which Grantee is conducting construction or other activities. 9 . Restriction on Access by Grantee. Notwithstanding that Grantee is granted the right of ingress to and egress from the property described in Exhibit A hereto, Grantee shall exercise its right of ingress and egress only in such locations as may from time to time be reasonably designated by Grantor and in accordance with such reasonable rules and regulations as Grantor may from time to time specify. 10.. Inspectors. Grantor shall appoint one or several Grantor representatives who shall serve as inspectors to oversee all work to be performed by Grantee on Grantor's property in order to ensure that Grantee's activities do not unreasonably jeopardize Grantor's operations or facilities. Grantee shall not carry on any work unless_ it has given such notice to Grantor as may be reasonable in the circumstances so as to allow for the presence of such inspector or inspectors. Grantee and Grantee' s contractors shall promptly and fully comply with all orders and directions of Grantor's inspectors, including, without limitation, cessation of work, and Grantee's construction contracts shall so provide. Grantee shall promptly pay Grantor' s charge for such inspectors. 11. Grantee's Use and Activities. Grantee shall exercise its rights under this Agreement so as to minimize, and avoid interference with Grantor's use of the property as a shopping center. Grantee shall at all times conduct its activities on -3- • Grantor's property so as not to interfere with, obstruct or endanger Grantor's operations or facilities. 12 . Termination for Breach. In the event Grantee breaches or fails to perform or observe any of the terms and conditions herein, and fails to cure such breach or default within ninety (90) days of Grantor's giving Grantee written notice thereof or, 2 if not reasonably capable of being cured within such ninety (90) days, within such other period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances, Grantor may terminate Grantee's rights under this Agreement in addition to and not in limitation of any other remedy of Grantor at law or in equity, and the failure of Grantor to exercise such right at any time shall not waive Grantor's right to terminate for any future breach or default. 13 . Termination for Cessation of Use. In the event Grantee ceases to construct the foot path for a period of five (5) years ( .-from the date hereof, this Agreement and all of Grantee's rights hereunder shall terminate and revert to Grantor. 14 . Release of Obligations on Termination. No termination of this Agreement shall release Grantee from any liability or // obligation with respect to any matter occurring prior to such ` termination, nor shall such termination release Grantee from its obligation and liability to remove the foot path from Grantor's property and restore the premises. 15. Removal of Foot.. Path on Termination. Upon any termination of this Agreement, Grantee shall promptly remove from the easement area the foot path and restore the ground to the condition existing at the time such foot path is constructed, or, in the alternative, take such other mutually agreeable measures to minimize the impact on the property. Such work, removal and restoration shall be done at the sole cost and expense of Grantee and in a manner satisfactory to Grantor. In case of failure, of t Grantee so to remove the foot path, restore the property or take such other mutually agreed upon measures, Grantor may; after reasonable notice to Grantee, remove the foot path, restore the ground or take such measures at the expense of Grantee, and Grantor shall not be liable therefor. 16. Third-Party Rights. Grantor reserves all rights with respect to its property, including, without limitation, the right to grant easements, licenses and permits to others subject to the rights granted in this Agreement. 17 . Release and Indemnity. Grantee does hereby release, indemnify and promise to defend and save harmless Grantor from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, actions ' and claims, including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Grantor in defense thereof, asserted or arising -4- directly or indirectly on account of or out of acts or omissions • of Grantee and Grantee's servants, agents, employees and contractors in the exercise of the rights granted herein or from any liability, loss, damage, expense, actions or claims arising from the use of the foot path including passage onto and off of the easement area from portions of owner's property by any person. 18 . Insurance. During the course of any of Grantee's construction activities or other substantial activities on Grantor's property and prior to commencement thereof, Grantee shall submit to Grantor certificates of insurance in a form approved by Grantor evidencing that Grantee or Grantee's contractors have comprehensive general liability coverage (including broad form contractual liability coverage) /satisfactory to Grantor with limits no less than the following: Bodily Injury Liability, including $2 , 000,000 automobile bodily injury liability each occurrence Property Damage Liability, including $2, 000,000 automobile property injury liability each occurrence 19. Mechanics Liens. Should any supplier of services or materials to Grantee place a materialman's lien on the property, ` ,� Grantee agrees to satisfy said lien, or place a bond covering / such lien, within thirty days of receipt of notice by Grantor. Failure to do so shall be grounds for termination of the easement. 20. Taxes. Grantee shall promptly pay or reimburse Grantor Id for any taxes levied on the easement area. 21. Title. The rights granted herein are subject to permits, leases, licenses and easements, if any, heretofore granted by Grantor affecting th property subject to this Agreement. Grantor does not warrant title to its property and shall not be liable for defects thereto or failure thereof. 22 . Notices. Notices required to be in writing under this Agreement shall be given as follows: If to Grantor: If to Grantee: 23 . Assignment. Grantee shall not assign its rights hereunder. No assignment of the privileges and benefits accruing to Grantee herein and no assignment of the obligations or -5- r - liabilities of Grantee herein, whether by operation of law or otherwise, shall be valid without the prior written consent of Grantor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 24 . Successors. Subject to the preceding paragraph, the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED as of the date hereinabove set forth. EXIT 7, INC. CITY OF RENTON By: By: Title Title -6- 63, ituatms-45Dsw 152 /g47. 2 if )00-i OF R4,4 o THE CITY OF RENTON `% MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 n MIMI ° BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 09.0 `�' FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 0,9g7 0 SEPS-�O September 2, 1987 Michael Wensman 1517 Plaza Center Building 10900 N.E. 8th Street Bellevue, Washington 98004 RE: Exit 7, Inc. File No. SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 Dear Mr. Wensman: The Examiner's Report regarding the referenced application which was published July 28, 1987 has not been appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final and is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for filing. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, )1/1-11-P----aea-vty FRED J. KAUFMAN 0 HEARING EXAMINER FJK:dk cc: City Clerk Building & Zoning Department DOUGLAS IVfUL\/ANNY/.architects C MG © 1, LaHMMD` L 1 12200 NORTHUP WAY • BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 (206)881-7600 DATE 63.0 n JOB.NO ATTENTION 1 i crs'o I RE: �xI T I 1 TO C)1"ti O Y%?ktte I�r GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU M Attached Cl Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Submittals ❑ Prints ❑ Preliminary ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ Originals ❑ Field Report ❑ Certificate of insurance ❑ Signed contract ❑ Field Order ❑ As-built ❑ drawings COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Cs 2,?*l S ptgi - pt-ttitu,kpoio THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ Reviewed as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for review ❑ For your use ❑ Reviewed as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution IY\As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected submittals ❑ For review and comment ❑ REMARKS 11 COPY TO SIGNED: Y� h If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at on 4 • OF 1?4,, v �� r� ,,, THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR • LAND USE HEARING EXAMINER 9 co. O91TFD SEPSEtst% FRED J. KAUFMAN. 235-2593 August 18, 1987 Michael J. Wensman, P.S. 1517 Plaza Center Building 10900 N.E. ' 8th Street Bellevue, Washington 98004 Re: Request for Reconsideration Exit 7 - SA-012-87 & SHPL 011-87 Dear Mr. Wensman: I have reviewed your request for reconsideration in the above entitled matter and my response follows. It is quite possible that an early version of the site plan was relied upon, as a number of revisions were submitted to the City up until the day of the hearing. In any event, if the wetlands are as demonstrated in the survey, then the driveway need not follow the alignment of the utility easement as it turns southeast. But neither the driveway nor parking shall be permitted westerly of a line formed by the southerly extension of the western boundary of the north/south alignment of the easement, south of the concrete right-of-way marker (N. 0. 0 ' & E 0.5 ' ) identified on the survey submitted with this request and further identified on the survey with the notation "30.6" adjacent to the marker. In addition, this office still is not convinced that the driveway is necessary in this location, even for emergency access, and the driveway should be eliminated, if in fact it is not necessary for emergency access. Another driveway is located along this frontage, and mere convenience does not justify the additional curb cut. Rather then approve a revised plan which did not go through the Public Hearing Process, which has not been presented to this office, and which might be subject to too much conjecture, the plan shall not be altered in any other facet. There does not seem to be any need to relocate either buildings or parking under the already reviewed plans. Sidewalk extensions can easily be integrated into the existing parking bays without the major modifications you suggest. ' Moving the building • would also eliminate some of the expansiveness of the project, which would not be acceptable. Condition 6 of the decision is, therefore, modified to read as follows: 6. Neither a driveway nor parking shall be permitted westerly of a:lUne formed by the southerly extension of the western boundary of the north/south alignment of the western utility easement, south of the concrete right-of-way marker (N.0.0' & E 0.5') identified on the survey submitted with this request and further identified on the survey with the notation "30.6" adjacent to the marker. •No other modifications of the decision shall be authorized by this reconsideration. If any questions remain please feel free to contact this office. The appeal period has been extended to expire not later than 5:00 pm, September 1, 1987. Sincerely, FRED J. gAUFMAN HEARING EXAMINER FJK/dk cc: All Parties of Staff All Parties of Record Ll LAW OFFICES OF • MICHAET. J. WENSMAN, P.S. 1517 PLAZA CENTER BUILDING 10900 NE 8n-I STREET BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 MICHAEL J. WENSMAN MEMBER: WASHINGTON STATE BAR TEL: (206) 455-0777 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BAR FACSIMILE (FA)O: (206) 455-8554 August 10, 1987 RECEIVED AUG 111987 Mr. Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue S. HEARING EXAMINER Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Request for a Reconsideration by the Examiner of Decision Regarding Applicant Exit 7, Inc. File No: SA-012-87 and SHPL-011-87 Dear Mr. Kaufman: As indicated on the hearing record, I represent the Applicant Exit 7, Inc. The Applicant hereby requests a partial reconsideration of the above referenced decision. Your statement No. 6 of the Decision Section eliminates twelve parking stalls from the Southwest corner of the site. You indicate that not only will you incorporate the Environmental Review Committee requirement that 9 parking stalls be eliminated, but that you further extend the elimination to all 12 parking stalls. We believe that you reviewed an old drawing in making this determination. As indicated by Mr. Erickson at the Public Hearing, the original documentation submitted by the applicant to the City included a drawing which was outdated. As he indicated at the Public Hearing, a visual inspection by the City indicated that the swamp area designated on that drawing was substantially less than indicated. Enclosed with this letter is an updated boundary and topographic survey map of the area which reflects the current topography of the parcel, and conforms with the findings of the physical inspection by the City's Environmental Review Committee. As can be seen from this topographic survey map, the swamp area does not extend into the total proposed parking area. Mr. Erickson also voiced a concern regarding visibility from cars parked on the west side of the building if the driveway entrance is at too sharp an angle which would be the case if the driveway were to follow the utility easement as indicated. Elimination of the driveway completely would restrict fire access, and should not be considered. ►/ , MICHAEL J. WENSMAN,P.S. Mr. Fred J. Kaufman August 10, 1987 Page Two Also, in preliminary design work to incorporate the pedestrian traffic paths you've required into the project, the architect has indicated that it would be best to move the building on Lot 2 to the east. This would also result in the movement of the parking stalls on the east side of the building to the west side of the building. This modification would not have a major impact on the project, and would allow sidewalk to sidewalk passage between the buildings. The Applicant requests that you modify your decision such that parking can be included on the portion of the property approximately up to the 33 foot contour line as indicated on the attached survey. We feel that this modification to your decision will conform with the recommendations of the Environmental Review Committee as indicated by Mr. Erickson at the Public Hearing. It will also allow the applicant the flexibility of efficiently making the changes required in other parts of your decision. We appreciate your consideration and request a response as quickly as possible to avoid any delay in the project. Sincerely, MIC L J. WENSMAN, P.S. By: i/ t,--___----------. s ael J. Wensman MJW:al Enclosure 2C:10KAUFMA LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, 1517 PLAZA CENTER BUILDING 10900 NE 8TH STREET BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 MICHAEL J. WENSMAN MEMBER: WASHINGTON STATE BAR TEL: (206) 455-0777 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BAR FACSIMILE(FAX): (206) 455-8554 August 10, 1987 RECEIVED AUG 111987 Mr. Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner CITY OF RENTON 200 Mill Avenue S. HEARING EXAMINER Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Request for a Reconsideration by the Examiner of Decision Regarding Applicant Exit 7, Inc. File No: SA-012-87 and SHPL-011-87 Dear Mr. Kaufman: As indicated on the hearing record, I represent the Applicant Exit 7, Inc. The Applicant hereby requests a partial reconsideration of the above referenced decision. Your statement No. 6 of the Decision Section eliminates twelve parking stalls from the Southwest corner of the site. You indicate that not only will you incorporate the Environmental Review Committee requirement that 9 parking stalls be eliminated, but that you further extend the elimination to all 12 parking stalls. We believe that you reviewed an old drawing in making this determination. As indicated by Mr. Erickson at the Public Hearing, the original documentation submitted by the applicant to the City included a drawing which was outdated. As he indicated at the Public Hearing, a visual inspection by the City indicated that the swamp area designated on that drawing was substantially less than indicated. Enclosed with this letter is an updated boundary and topographic survey map of the area which reflects the current topography of the parcel, and conforms with the findings of the physical inspection by the City's Environmental Review Committee. As can be seen from this topographic survey map, the swamp area does not extend into the total proposed parking area. Mr. Erickson also voiced a concern regarding visibility from cars parked on the west side of the building if the driveway entrance is at too sharp an angle which would be the case if the driveway were to follow the utility easement as indicated. Elimination of the driveway completely would restrict fire access, and should not be considered. MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, P.S. Mr. Fred J. Kaufman August 10, 1987 Page Two Also, in preliminary design work to incorporate the pedestrian traffic paths you've required into the project, the architect has indicated that it would be best to move the building on Lot 2 to the east. This would also result in the movement of the parking stalls on the east side of the building to the west side of the building. This modification would not have a major impact on the project, and would allow sidewalk to sidewalk passage between the buildings. The Applicant requests that you modify your decision such that parking can be included on the portion of the property approximately up to the 33 foot contour line as indicated on the attached survey. We feel that this modification to your decision will conform with the recommendations of the Environmental Review Committee as indicated by Mr. Erickson at the Public Hearing. It will also allow the applicant the flexibility of efficiently making the changes required in other parts of your decision. We appreciate your consideration and request a response as quickly as possible to avoid any delay in the project. Sincerely, MICE , L J. WENSMAN, P.S. By: ic 'ael J. Wensman MJW:al Enclosure 2C: 10KAUFMA AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of King ) DOTTY KLINGMAN , being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 28th day of July , 1987 affiant deposited in the mails of the United States a sealed envelope containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this a8 - day of 2real 1987. Notary Publ c and for he State of Washington, residing at ..P�t/Lt , therein. Application, Petition, or Case #: EXIT 7, INC . - SHPL-011-87 & SA-012-87 • (The minutes contain a list of the parties of record.) i July 28, 1987 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: EXIT 7 INC. File No.: SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 LOCATION: Located at the South East Corner of the intersection of State Highway 405 at N.E. 44th Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Short Plat and Site Approval to divide existing property into 3 legal lots including road and drainage improvements at property boundary. The three lots are to be improved as a retail commercial project. Lot #1 is a proposed McDonalds fast food restaurant; lot #2 is a proposed single store retail shop building of 11,400 sq. ft. and lot #3 is a proposed three story commercial building housing a restaurant and retail space on the ground floor, with rental office space on the second and third floors. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Building and Zoning Department Recommendation: Approval with conditions., Hearing Examiner Decision: Short Plat and Site Approval are approved, with conditions. • BUILDING & ZONING The Building & Zoning Department Report was received DEPARTMENT REPORT: by the Examiner on July 7, 1987 PUBLIC HEARING: After•reviewing the Building and Zoning Department Report, examining available information on file with the application, and field checking the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The hearing was opened on July 14, 1987 at 9:35 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit #1 - Yellow File containing application, proof of posting and publication and other documentation pertinent to this• request. Exhibit #2 - Landscape Plan Exhibit #3 - Parking Plan Exhibit #4 - Vicinity Map Exhibit #5 - Photos showing wetland area in S.W. corner of the site. Exhibit #6 = Site Plan 011-,87 showing 3 lots Exhibit #7 - Elevation Map',showing three lots Exhibit #8 - Other elevation drawings. The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Zoning Administrator, Don Erickson. A review of the staff analysis was given noting the property is 3.6 acres zoned B-1; the proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance; utilities are available to the site, drainage is adequate, and due to concern over fire department response time the buildings all contain sprinklers. It is felt architecturally the project will enhance property values in the area; there should be no concern over impacts due to light, noise and glare to the Cedar River Apartments and surrounding property; staff suggested access begin from the buildings and be continued on to Lincoln Avenue; and parking EXIT 7 INC.. SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 July 28, 1987 Page 2 appears to be sufficie t and meets the more stringent standards of the City code. Mr. Erickson continued addressing matters such as the retention of wetland areas which may necessitate the elimination of some or the proposed parking stalls; internal circulation; future parks; and a trail system to connect to May Creek which would require a 10 ft. easement along the west property line. The area of 43rd and Lincoln should provide a pedestrian corridor; screening of mechanical equipment on the roof should be providd; impacts within the site were discussed noting a reduction of parking in the southwest corner of the site could help preserve some of the natural landscaping; on-site conditions could be improved upon for pedestrian circulation with crosswalks and other amenities provided which would link the buildings to the streets; the applicant is trying to treat the three buildings as separate entities; Erickson stated a transportation management plan is to be provided by the applicant; and plans for signs have not been submitted at this time. With information provided, the Zoning Administrator recommended the Site Plan and Short Plat be approved subject to the ten conditions set out in the report to the Hearing Examiner. He pointed out that staff received a request from the applicant to re- assess ERC condition 10 in that they would like to divide the traffic impact assessment fee over the three lots as plans have been submitted for lots 2 and 3 - but because lot #1 is not prepared for development in the near future the mitigation fee for that lot could be deferred until specific development has been IIldetermined. It was suggested the figure of $91.44 per trip be used resulting in suggested revised assessment figures. Wishing to testify in support of this application, and representing the applicant was Michael Wensman,, 10900 N.E. 8th, Suite 1517, Bellevue, Washington 98004. Mr. Wensman stated discussions had been held with staff regarding the ERC mitigated conditions and read the applicant's responses to conditions set out in the staff report. He commented there were various standards on the ERC report they were not aware of for pedestrian walkways and site design requirements, and other matters they had not been able to completely address, claiming the staff report arrived late to the applicant. Mr. Wensman stated he was not sure even if they had more time, and were to the building permit and design stages of the project, that they would be'any further along in their understanding of some of the requirements, but felt they could be addressed at the building permit stage. He stated there is no problem in providing an easement for the future trail system; no problem screening the roof top equipment; agreeable toil reducing parking stalls; waiting for wetlands language from the City but had no objection to granting the easement; and continued with comments on the ERC mitigation conditions. Mr. Wensman, in his review of the 15 ERC conditions stated the architect is in the process of developing development standards for the buildings; light poles combined with a screening effect will be used to protect the apartment complex across the street from night lights; an erosion plan will be provided by the contractor as part of the construction contract; the landscape plan will be presented to the City landscape architect for approval. Addressing the assessment conditions, Mr. Wensman stated contact has been made with the City Attorney and basically agreed any assessment whether bond or letter of credit will be payable upon issuance of a building permit so it is not a condition imposed as part of the site review pi ocess; the City is contemplating an LID for the area and they understand if the applicant is required to be a participant then the assessment fee would be credited toward that improvement. There will be a time period the funds will be set aside and if the City does not come up with an LID or proposal for the area then the funds are to be released to the developer. The Examiner noted there was no mention of that understanding in any correspondence he had before him. In conclusion Wensman reviewed the 10 conditions recommended by staff briefly commenting and noting there were no conditions imposed that were of great concern to the applicant. Also wishing to speak in favor of this proposal was Tom Devlin, 25930 S.W. Volley, Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 who reiterated it is felt the applicant has reached accord with the City on all issues and wishes to move ahead on the project. He referred to the fire and UBC items as a protection of wording to be sure any wording that comes out of this process does not infringe on the later use of the one time credit in the UBC Fire Code toward their use in the building. He clarified the wetland area on the map and stated the driveway has been moved so as not to infringe upon the wetland. He had no further comments at this time. Mr. Erickson addressed some comments made by the applicants as to notification of the hearing; new items referred to by the applicant that are actually items that are part of the Site Plan process; calculation procedure for parking; traffic mitigation fees; sprinkler credit; trail easement and the maintenance of the 10 ft. landscape strip. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 11:05 A.M. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Exit 7, Inc., filed a request for approval of a 3-lot Short Plat together with a request for Site Approval for two of three lots resulting from the Short Plat. 4 . ', EXIT 7 INC.. SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 July 28, 1987 Page 3 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official issued a Declaration of Non-Significance (DNS) for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an_interest-_in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of the I-405 and N.E. 44th Street interchange. The northbound off-ramp from I-405 forms the western boundary of the subject site. 6. The subject site was annexed into the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1823 enacted by the City Council in April, 1960. The site was reclassified from its initial G (General) zoning to its current B-1 (Business/Commercial) zoning by the adoption of Ordinance 2487, enacted in July, 1969. 7. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of commercial uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the plan. 8. The site slopes downward approximately 20 feet from east to west, from an elevation of approximately 48 feet to approximately 30 feet. The I-405 ramp is elevated and a low area is wedged in between the site's higher topography and the higher off-ramp. This low area is shown on the applicant's map as a "swamp" and is located in the southwest corner of the subject site. The ERC recommended that covenants assure the preservation of these areas of wetlands. The entire subject site is approximately 3.603 acres in area. 9. The site is shaped like the northeast quadrant of a circle, with N.E. 44th Street and Lincoln Avenue N.E. (110 Avenue S.E. - King County) circling the site on the north and east. N.E. 43rd Street forms the southern boundary of the subject site. These three streets provide access opportunities for the subject site. As indicated above, the I-405 off-ramp forms the western boundary of the subject site. 10. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into three lots. Given the irregular quarter-pie shape of the subject site, the three lots are each quite irregular in shape and reference to the attached maps will be necessary. Proposed Lot 1 would contain approximately 35,000 sq ft. Lot 1 would be in the northwest quadrant of the existing parcel. 11. Proposed Lot 2 would contain approximately 53,329 sq. ft. It is generally located in the southwestern to central portion of the subject site. The wetland is primarily located on this lot. 12. The last lot, Proposed Lot 3, would contain approximately 68,611 sq. ft. The lot follows the arc formed by Lincoln and N.E. 44th. 13. Generally following the western boundary, although angling in both near the north and south boundary lines of the subject site, are two parallel, abutting utility easements. These easements are each 10 feet wide, 20 feet in total. (Note that one of the proposed buildings is constrained by this easement and is designed to follow this easement). 14. A separate easement cuts the southeast corner of the site. This second easement is 10 feet wide. 15. The land uses in the area vary considerably from east to west and from north to south in the areas surrounding the subject site. West is obviously dominated by I-405. West of I-405 is the Quendall property and Lake Washington Boulevard. South, while a mix of zoning types, is generally undeveloped. There are some scattered warehousing uses to the southwest, single family uses south and southeast, and apartments east of the site. A developing commercial center is located north of the subject site. 16. Property east of the site is generally located in King County and the site is not far south of the City's northern boundary with King County. 17. Many of the lots in the area in which the subject site is located are similar in size to the subject site. The large lots and a combination of steeper slopes and creek patterns create access problems for some of the properties in the vicinity. The areas south and east of the subject site are served by a circuitous road system. 18. While the application included plans for all three lots, apparently no specific development has been proposed for Lot 1, or at least until other matters are settled, the proposed McDonalds Restaurant is not part of this application. 19. Proposed Lot 2 would contain a one story retail facade. The building would be twenty feet from the south property line. The building would have a footprint of approximately 11,400 sq lj • EXIT I INC.. SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 July 28, 1987 Page 4 ft. It will contain one bend of greater then 90 degrees providing some relief from a simple box-like structure. The exterior treatment will be a textured surface and shop window facade. The rear wall facing south will be smooth painted block interrupted occasionally by the rear doors of the retail businesses. This rear facade faces N.E. 43rd Street. 20. A three story mixed use office and retail building is proposed for Proposed Lot 3, the easternmost lot. Retail space and a restaurant would be housed on the first floor, while office uses would be located on the upper two floors. The building would contain approximately 29,800 sq ft of space. 21. The two buildings subject to this review have a similar exterior treatment, glass curtain wall/retail facade and textured surface on all non-glass elements. The entry areas have the same structural elements scaled to the building height. These similar treatments of windows, walls and entries unify the style elements of the complex. 22. The applicant proposes providing 257 stalls, which include 51 for the use on Proposed Lot 1, 57 for the retail building and 149 for the office building. Parking will be located throughout the site and along the periphery. Landscape islands will break up the parking and will follow the theme established along the periphery of the site. Staff has suggested that additional pedestrian links from the complex to the exterior sidewalks and_between the buildings be provided, rather than leaving pedestrians to the roads and driveways. 23. The applicant has proposed parking in the southwest corner of the site with an aisle and driveway located between two tiers of parking. Staff has indicated that this parking would be located in a portion of the wetland area of the site and has recommended modification to protect and preserve the wetland area. The ERC required elimination of 9 of these parking stalls. As shown on the applicant's maps, a "swamp" area extends to within 20 feet of the proposed building on Lot 2. 24. While sidewalks generally surround each of the separate building units on the site they do not connect with one another. It appears as if pedestrians are encouraged to use vehicular aisleways and driveways. As indicated, staff has recommended linkages between the buildings. 25. The buildings will be spaced at least 80 feet from each other and will not appreciably shade one another. 26. The record demonstrates that the conditions imposed by the ERC are reasonable and no evidence submitted contradicted the ERC's determination. CONCLUSIONS Short Plat 1. The proposed Short Plat generally appears to serve the public use and interest although the applicant is creating a series of fairly irregular lots, one would surmise to accommodate the parking load of each of the intended buildings. 2. Each lot will have access to a public right-of-way, although it appears as if some lots may have shared rather than independent driveways. 3. The subdivision does not appear to have any impacts upon the Comprehensive Plan designation for the area, and lot sizes appear to accommodate an acceptable building envelope. 4. The applicant will have to provide the usual and accustomed on and off-site improvements as a result of the subdivision, including gutters, sidewalks and street lights. 5. The subdivision shall also accommodate the recreational needs of the development and community as both City and State law require that provision be made for streets, schools and parks. Therefore, an easement for a trail shall be provided along the west margin of the subject site from its north property line to its south property line. Site Plan 6. The criteria for Site Plan review are rather expansive. Besides the obvious requirement that the proposal should not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare, the requirements, in part, follow: a. The proposal conforms with the Comprehensive Plan and land use regulations; b. Its potential impacts on surrounding property are mitigated; c. The proposal does not adversely affect property values; EXIT I INC.. SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 July 28, 1987 Page 5 d. Adequate provision has been made for both pedestrian and vehicular circulation; e. Adequate provision for the entry of light and air to the site; f. The site will not generate harmful odors or noise; g. Public services are adequate to serve the subject proposal; h. The proposal is compatible as to size, scale, and use with the surrounding uses and community. i. The site is integrated into the community and linked to it with access for both vehicles and pedestrians. j. It is an effective plan which scales and blends the development with the natural characteristics of the site and surroundings; k. It provides a campus-like/park-like setting where appropriate; and 1. Preservation of natural landscaping, features and topography is achieved where reasonable. The proposal appears to successfully satisfy these criteria. 7. The proposed combination of uses is compatible with the commercial designation of the site in the Comprehensive Plan. The uses are also clearly permissible in the B-1 zone, the district in which the subject site is located. 8. The relatively low scale of the buildings and their location adjacent to I-405 should minimize impacts on the surrounding properties and also assist in minimizing the impacts of I-405. The project will in its own way act as a buffer between easterly uses and I-405. 9. The project appears generally well designed with the exception of the south elevation of the retail building, and if executed as proposed, should not have any adverse affect on property values. The rear wall of the retail building would appear to present a rather unattractive facade to the public right-of-way of N.E. 43rd, and one which contrasts sharply with the dual sided nature of the office building. The rear facade should be altered to correspond with the facades presented by the front of the retail building and both the east and west facades of the office building. While this is the proposed rear access for that building it is not simply the matter of a commercial rear yard or facade facing a complementary commercial rear yard. This facade faces a sidewalk and streetscape which should not suffer the unattractive rear wall. Additionally, landscape materials should be supplemented to soften this windowless facade. 10. The proposal appears to provide for adequate vehicular circulation but modification to the pedestrian patterns seems necessary. The various building units do not provide for a linked passage between them. Sidewalks do not invite usage between the buildings, they merely circle the individual elements, and in one case, that of the office building, sidewalks do not encircle the building. There should be walkways which punctuate the parking stalls and continue the flow across parking areas. The proposal shall be modified to include links and transitional walkways between the buildings and also to intertie the buildings to the periphery where the streetside sidewalks are located. 11. The sidewalk should continue around the south side of the office structure. A finger of walkway should extend toward the eastern end of the retail complex from the western facade of the office building and and a complementary one from that retail complex toward the office building. Similarly, walkways should extend from the north side of the retail building toward the proposed northern restaurant. In addition, breaks in the perimeter parking shall be required for walkways to allow pedestrians to move from the interior of the site to the sidewalks. Specifically required shall be links: from the southeast corner of the office building to the sidewalk paralleling the south property line; from the eastern entry of the office building to the eastern sidewalk; from the northern corner of the office building to the northeast arc of the sidewalk; and from the Lot 1 restaurant (proposed) to 44th Street. 12. Since there are no reasons to modify the conditions imposed by the ERC the parking stalls located in the area identified as 'swamp' in the applicant's plan shall be eliminated, and any driveway located in that location shall be located over the utility easement. Any parking in this area would eliminate part of wetland and shall not be permitted. Even the driveway should be eliminated if possible, but this latter element will not be required, simply suggested. 13. Staff has indicated that even with the elimination of some of the proposed parking to comply with the conditions, the applicant will have legally sufficient parking. EXIT 7 INC.. SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 July 28, 1987 Page 6 14. The location of buildings on the site would appear to guarantee adequate light and air. The buildings are widely spaced, not closer than 80 feet, and landscaping breaks up the concentration of parking stalls. 15. The proposal should not generate any harmful noise or odors, and might serve to screen some of those conditions generated by I-405. 16. The site has adequate public services available and access to I-405 is excellent. 17. With the preservation of the wetlands and the provision of an easement for a trail along the western property line the site will be well integrated into the area and into its remaining natural environment. 18. The elimination of the third parcel from this approval process does raise some concerns. Without that proposal it is a well orchestrated campus with similarly designed, finished and styled buildings, and it should remain such when the third parcel is developed. Since this entire parcel is self-contained, more or less an island with roads all around it, it seems reasonable to maintain the development theme rather than introducing a disparate facade element on the new building. The ERC has included this_as a condition of approval and it shall also be part of this decision. 19. Staff has recommended the addition of street furniture including benches near the Lincoln and 43rd intersection, and as a component of that addition, they have also recommended removal of the large trash enclosure from that corner. 20. Since the site is adjacent to what the City intends to be part of its major trail system which provides bicycle access, staff has recommended that the applicant install bicycle racks for at least six bicycles at each of the buildings in the complex. 21. In summary, with the few exceptions noted above, the proposed Site Plan appears to serve the public use and interest and will constitute an attribute to this growing commercial node along I- 405. DECISION The Short Plat and Site Plan are approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall make provision for a 10 foot easement to the City for a trail along the west margin of the subject site from its north property line to its south property line. This easement shall be executed prior to the issuance of any building permit for the site. 2. The rear facade shall be altered to correspond in appearance with the facades presented by the front of the retail building, and both the east and west facades of the office building. Additionally, landscape materials in a narrow planter strip or by planter boxes should be installed to soften this windowless facade. 3. The proposal shall be modified to include links and transitional walkways between the buildings and also to intertie the buildings to the periphery where the exterior sidewalks are located. The sidewalk shall continue around the office structure. A finger of walkway shall extend toward the eastern end of the retail complex from the western facade of the office building and a complementary walkway shall extend from that retail complex toward the office building. 4. Walkways shall extend from the north side of the retail building toward the proposed northern restaurant on Lot 1. 5. Breaks in the perimeter parking shall be required for walkways to allow pedestrians to move from the interior of the site to the sidewalks. Specifically - links-from the southeast corner of the office building to the sidewalk paralleling the south property line; from the eastern entry of the office building to the eastern sidewalk; from the northern corner of the office building to the northeast arc of the sidewalk (44th and Lincoln); and from the Lot 1 restaurant (proposed) to 44th Street. 6. The conditions imposed by the ERC are incorporated by reference and shall be part of the conditions for this proposal, and shall include but not be limited to the elimination of the 9 parking stalls at the south corner of the building, and further extended to eliminate all 12 stalls, thereby preserving the wetland area from additional encroachment. The driveway in this area, if necessary at all, shall be in an alignment over the utility easements which parallel the angled wall of the retail building in this location. , EXIT 7 INC.. SA-012-87 & SHPL-011-87 July 28, 1987 Page 7 7. The applicant shall install street furnishings at the Lincoln and 43rd intersection, and as a component of that addition the applicant shall remove the large trash enclosure from that corner. 8. The applicant shall install bicycle racks for at least six bicycles at each of the buildings in the complex. 9. All landscaping and pedestrian walkways shall be subject to the approval of the City's landscape architect. ORDERED THIS 28th day of July, 1987. K FRED J. KA MAN HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 28th day of July, 1987 to the parties of record: Michael Wensman 10900 N.E. 8th, Suite 1517 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Tom Devlin 25930 S.W. Volley Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 TRANSMITTED THIS 28th day of July, 1987 to the following: Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch Councilman Richard M. Stredicke Richard Houghton, Public Works Director Larry M. Springer, Policy Development Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Ronald Nelson, Building & Zoning Director Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator Glen Gordon, Fire Marshal Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Renton Record-Chronicle Pursuant to Title IV, Section 3015 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 P.M. August 11, 1987. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific errors relied upon by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Section 3016, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. 1..I',1' ' 1, ,... ‘i, \ f4 . - C, '7 i------ --- N ti // i`{ 5Y a 7 s <w n' _ ' J > ,�,J t 4,1V.. ® , t is il • <^ i 91 'Y 4 - 4. s- ,41$ '"0, V.• /ye; ! 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COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Commercial - COMMENTS • • .. 410� r.•� .• .., 41.IAl v; l • wd fel=1Proar r 4.....a. u ad .7 ,� b / f SZI`WW,),r �`� . // •- ..-.. • • a t� • ...).1.0,�. ....-.4..•fl a,.,,� __1 -tea),1 _� _ _r Isas salsas. %�•`�• 44.0 , a d 0 a d Iiiilii ° _ !• . . . • _. 0 al . - 11-14 ' r- 1711, :-..,,,, ._..--.. .....„,,,.., . ii.=ii:95-Eli ....41.111i-trIll ciliT. .. qa a - , „. _,__ . • . z,,„ Cg © b c�➢Qe uo� mouth ellwat°uon, . • .` weer 0so - • . -. • .. ' . . III # • I • . . t - . .• i f7+. T. Tr",-4.t.i .',. . !ol....._---- '1 . -9.7—‘13- .. . . . • • .'4/. .41.-1:1:olt .. . •'• • -'••— "f.'-.-•. ... '.•...-"'.. ' ".-..'. ....-.. . 11" — --Z 7:'-& ._ . • 11.,.., ...1:1:0:n.,*.liZ.,..fliMa A:44;W _ ',3,F=10.i.S.k•iiiiiiirridereig 1..."•tif".."4- •it ..i...•-*AI: - T., ''' ' ._L; ....-,47.-- r -;-I -;---7-:;:., . .-• .. 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J ,;� � � kl, yw3,i OF EDEN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEATTLE, DIVISION NO. 3 o , a Aa r 'f.,.+,,'"�".4. ... :'"` """"'"'" "� ;,,., ' ""-" `�'".9f'-'• ..•'r,-:. "�'t .�.... L+ y4 r,+�-' IN THE SW 1/4 OF THE SE I/4 OF SECTION 29,TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH,RANGE 6 EAST,W.M. -a-"^ + Aq' Ca r '-^w* v�r„' ,-"" k' 't r+ -*"� '"' t,+,c - : +t,�•••' ICING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 2kro' ✓F'1- A,`a w ✓•r, 3. -. +,=t it., :�. r - ., . 2'� .,.- ti� ., • psi .- —_ .__.- - - th Irti__ f.,,,, f' 3Jvr f ,,„.-;:‘,ik s-. v"tz ,,N. '� r,G- "'x' ""` b�j16r - zx��>��. t „ S ' w p1 �...�4 `�_ :sr'':r<;' ,s.-a../�:,.:: W a .,S,r „, '+ -,„", 1", J;-44-.-2 wx1.�. .`--'- .,r�-,ay`. „3`-• .>.cw =:c�"".'1. ,.ry�•"�';: ,` ,- 'X.t'`''ag,��° l a`•fi.. b >:t' ,�: _ .-r W%•�:%;��#�-s,�,Y' .-= ,,,.,,,,,,,,,„j_,,, , 5:t �'"^s-,. ?'", . t.+±' ice.{ A.. 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A' Sacs r,G g.. • Se _ _ V 3516 le-A.6, . ._,,, ,•!I 2 ._ ,, q ; , ; ;2! 2 0 .5. ,., ,.,„ \....„ ,. i ,ici :,..,,.... .._ ,. icor.„., ..... c ,.., ryi S 01.40'27•W . .., :fir,_4;1... �� -/'/i' ��,' • •allat no••H a0500':::7::. �' / . —im 43R0PL.43 , . ,..,. ... . ,40,....,....,.......,_ . , ,_ ,i,. ,....„:4„;,.„,,,,,,,,,_„, ...,...,.,.. C.y - Z.:,'rnCaM+, 4srp 3R'°c-i T�+ C�?.cm - - - .. r- ._......:::„.„ . ,_,,,,„___,,,..„:.?„. _. z.i,�'�-,_-"- .. _ _ __ _ , , .>.�r... .CC "-mom ,,,. q'- -::.;.,•,.p 31i . �:-v,..;.'.'.-.... _ __ _ _ Yid"..>:M` 'yam_ ._ . wed , rif i,Aka, /3)7 row i` 16 CITY OF RENTO / Lawrence J. Warren, City Attor dterY 'iLL Daniel Kellogg - David M. Dean-Mark E. Barber - Zanetta L. Fontes -Theodore R. Parry Assistant City Attorneys July 28, 1987 Ci T Od- REi\4 B OlV 15C DUI ( JUL2919B7 J TO: ERC Committee ..„ FROM : Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney ?��.,_'- r• RE: McDonald' s Traffic Mitigation Fee Gentlemen: By telephone call received July 23, 1987, McDonald' s attorney informed me that they had elected to have the City go ahead and do the traffic study on the N.E . 44th corridor . They will assist the City by providing information from McDonald' s. If you want any additional information, please let me know. Lawrence . Warren `.y LJW:nd cc: Mayor N8. 8: 40 RE/TiEN visARING Post Office Box 626 - 100 S 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (206) 255-8678 f > et41� ott LAW OFFICES OF GJA �. p1 Z.-tq MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, P.S. 1517 PLAZA CENTER BUILDING 10900 NE 8TH STREET BELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 98004 MICHAEL J. WENSMAN MEMBER: WASHINGTON STATE BAR TEL (206) 455-0777 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BAR FACSIMILE (FA)0: (206) 455-8554 July 24, 1987 Donald K. Erickson, A. I.C.P. Zoning Administrator City of Renton Building and Zoning Department 200 Mill Avenue S. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: First I wanted to thank you for your expeditious response to our appeal dated June 30, 1987 regarding various mitigating factors imposed by the Environmental Review Committee on the Exit 7, Inc. project. I think our meetings of July 6, 1987 and July 13, 1987 went a long way towards resolving many of the items before the Public Hearing on July 14, 1987. Although the changes you made to the Committee Report did not fully comply with our suggestions, I think it was definitely a positive step, and we were able to make our position known to the Examiner. The purpose of this letter is to go over once again the mitigating items set forth in the Environmental Review Committee Report to make sure that we both have a clear understanding as to the status of each item. To make review easier, I will make comments based on the numbers set forth in your letter of May 29, 1987 which were carried over to the June 30, 1987 letter from me to you. Since Item No. 10 has been revised and broken out into new Items 10 and 11, I ' ll address both new items under Paragraph 10 and leave the original numbering intact. My comments are as follows: 1. -, The architect is currently in the process of developing . building standards that will be acceptable to the City of Renton. 2 . As we discussed, the lighting will have to be addressed by virtue of screening rather than trees due to the fact that the apartment building is at an elevation higher than the shopping center. ( 3 We are waiting for you to provide us with forms for the covenants which you indicated would be provided in our meeting on July 6, 1987 . c MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, P.S. Donald Erickson July 24, 1987 Page Two 4 . This item is not in issue and will be dealt with in conjunction with conversations with your landscape architect. 5. As I understand it, we still have a potential dispute over this item, which will probably be resolved by the Hearing Examiner and in conjunction with a review of all applicable statutes and zoning requirements to make sure that each individual lot could be sold separately. 6. The contractor again will provide this plan during the construction phase. 7. The Project Engineer is already into the design phase of the underground systems and this will not be a problem. 6-1? p Again, this is an item that can be dealt with with the City's Landscape Architect once we go into the building ' o• permit phase. 1 9. ~; Same comment as Item #8. 10. This item encompasses both 10 and 11 of the revised statements. It was our understanding in our various meetings that the figure that we would agree to would be a temporary figure, subject to adjustment, but that it would be a maximum figure for purposes of allowing us to go forward with the project. There seems to be still a dispute between your interpretation and our interpretation on what was discussed at those meetings. You had indicated that after discussions with the Public Works Department at the City of Renton, and with their concurrence, you might be in Va position to agree to fix the maximum figure subject to reduction as the City's Traffic Study gets under way. I understand that your representatives have met with McDonald's representatives and Traffic Engineers to commence Y the Traffic Study required to come up with the final figure for the McDonald's Restaurant which may be going on the site. 11. This item is not an issue. 12 . This item is not an issue. • . ,. MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, P.S. Donald Erickson July 24, 1987 Page Three 13 . This item is not an issue, except that we have been informed by the City Engineer that he would like the traffic improvements to be done in conjunction with LID rather than as an independent project of the developer, since the LID and the project will be under construction at pretty much the same time. 14 . This was an item that you were going to deal with, and we assume that the existing drainage channel is not a viable fish habitat and that there is no environmental concern in that regard. glitYou were going to provide us with a form to use for the Conservation Covenant and the Trail Easement so that we could begin working on this item. In addition to these items, your final proposal to the Hearing Examiner included screens for garbage receptacles, rooftop equipment and pedestrian access and benches. Again, we have no objection to these items in principle, and they can be designed into the project during the building permit stage. We look forward to a positive response from the Hearing Examiner so that the project can move forward, but even if there is further consideration at the plat and site approval level, we will still want to move forward on all of the various items outlined in this letter so that we can have documentation prepared in a timely manner to make sure that the project continues to move forward. Sincerely, M C EL . WENSMAN, P.S. By: Mi ael J. Wensman MJW:al cc: Thomas Devlin 2C:24ERICKS.EXI OF R4,4, c) C'r Co z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT z RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR ..LL 9 �-82.) MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 0,9gT�D SEPZ',k4O�P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH eol-NrE'l MAYOR `, 3s`` ' MEMORANDU ,u - 131*1 DATE: July 13, 1987 TO: Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner FROM: Don Erickson, Zoning Administrator SUBJECT: EXIT 7, INC.,INTERSECTION OF STATE HIGHWAY 405 AT N.E. 44TH STREET, SA-012-87,SH PL-011-87 The Environmental Review Committee at the request of the applicant reconsidered Condition 10. this afternoon. The applicant was concerned by the amount of the traffic mitigation fee and the fact that it was not divided up to reflect the three lots proposed by the short plat. After considerable discussion the Committee has agreed to modify Condition 10 so that it reads as the following two conditions: 10. That traffic impact fees of $42,426 for Lot 2. and $48,231 for Lot 3. respectfully, based upon an estimated per vehicle trip amount of $91.44, signalization of nearby intersections and a five lane roadway from Ripley Lane to Lake Washington be provided to the City by means of an irrevocable letter of credit or other means acceptable to the City Attorney. Said fees may be adjusted subject to revised figures coming out of traffic improvement studies for the area now underway; 11. That traffic mitigation fees for Lot 1. be deferred until such time that a specific development proposal is presented for this site. Such a fee will be imposed as supplemental environmental impact mitigation condition and shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of a building permit by either an irrevocable letter of credit or other means found acceptable to the City Attorney. This approach should allow you to continue to consider the short plat and site plan review elements of the whole site. We believe this is important if the objectives of the Site Plan Review Ordinance are to be met. If you have any questions on this please let me know as soon as possible. Tan OF R4,4 �� Co BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR Zmi 09 �) MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 • 235-2540 O,QgT�D SEP-Cs-' � r Re" BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH �1 MAYOR 30-.1'319 MEMORANDUM R NN ON DATE: July 13, 1987 , fa`‘ Act �G, E%J'M TO: File FROM: Environmental Review Committee SUBJECT: Revised and new condition for Determination of Significance - Mitigated for Exit 7, files SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87. Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit-7 off ramp of. I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. The Environmental Review Committee has reviewed and refined its former Condition No. 10 of the Determination of Significance - Mitigated to reflect comments raised by the applicant during recent conditions. Condition 10 has . been broken down into two conditions (10 and 11) resulting in the renumbering of Conditions 11-15. Conditions 10 and 11 read as follows: 10. That traffic impact fees of $42,426 for Lot 2 . and $48,231 for Lot 3 , respectfully, based upon an estimated per vehicle trip amount of $91.44, signalization of nearby intersections and a five lane roadway from Ripley Lane to Lake Washington be provided to the City by means of an irrevocable letter of credit or other means acceptable to the City Attorney. Said fees may be adjusted subject to revised figures coming out of traffic improvement studies for the area now underway; 11. That traffic mitigation fees for Lot 1. be deferred until such time that a specific development proposal is presented for .this site. Such a fee will be imposed as a supplemental environmental impact mitigation condition and shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of a building permit by either an irrevocable letter of credit or other means found acceptabl o the City Attorney. nald G. Nelson La y . ringe Building and Zoning Director Po icy De lopme Director Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director HE/dskl AG71487 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER . PUBLIC HEARING DULY 14, 1987 AGENDA11 COMMENCING AT 9: 00 A.M. : COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR, RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING The applications listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. CARLYLE SHORT PLAT Application for short plat approval to allow the subdivision of approximately 0.94 acres of property into four (4) single family residential lots and application of a variance to allow one pipestem lot. File Nos. : SH PL-043-87 and V-044-87. Property located at 2314 Union Avenue N.E. Exit 7 Application for a three lot short plat of 3. 6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shopping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45, 000 square feet of retail space. Property located east of 1-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of 1-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 43rd Place. File Nos. : ECF-009-87, SH PL- 011-87, SA-012-87. THE POLYGON CORPORATION (SUNPOINTE CONDOMINIUMS) Application for final planned unit development for Phase II of the Sunpointe Condominiums to allow 256 multi-family units on approximately 13.29 acres of property. Property located at Stevens Avenue S.W. and S.W. 5th Street. File Nos. : ECF-033- 87, FPUD-037-87. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING APPLICANT: Exit 7, Inc. i FILE NUMBER: ECF-009-87, SA-012-87,SH PL-011-87 LOCATION: Located at the South East Corner of the intersection of State Highway 405 at N.E. 44th Street A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Application for Short Plat and Site Approval to divide existing property into 3 legal lots including road and drainage improvements at property boundary. The three lots are to be improved as a retail commercial project. Lot 1 is a proposed McDonalds fast food restaurant. Lot 2 is a proposed single story retail shops building of 11,400 sq. ft. Lot 3 isaa proposed three story commercial building housing a restaurant and retail space on the ground floor with rental office space on the second and third floors. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Exit 7, INC. 2 . Applicant: Exit 7, INC. , Tom Devlin, President 3 . Existing Zoning: B-1 4 . Existing Zoning in the Area: B-1, Business, R-1, Residential, H-1, (PUD) 5. Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Commercial 6. Size of Property: 3 . 603 acres , 7. Access: N.E. 44th Street and N.E. 43rd. St. 8 . Land Use: Vacant 9. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Vacant, Office/Retail East: Cedar Rim Apartments South: Warehouse, Vacant Land, Residence West: SR 405 C. HISTORICALJBACKGROUND: Action File Ordinance Date Annexation 1823 April 21, 1960 Rezone G to B-1 2487 July 18, 1969 / Building and Zoning D--rrtment .4 .Preliminary Report to e Hearing Examiner Public Hearing Page 2 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities a. Water: A 12" water line is located along N.E. 44th Street. b. Sewer: The site is served by a 12" Sanitary Sewer line. • c. Storm Water Drainage: Surface water drains generally to the S.W. corner of the site. The applicant proposes an enclosed stormwater system installed with restrictor and on site retention. 2. Fire Protection: Provided by the City of Renton as per ordinance requirements. Currently area has fire response time that is less than City standard. 3 . Transit: Metro lines operate on Interstate 405 but at the present time do not serve the site. 4 . Schools: a. Elementary Schools: N/A b. Middle Schools: N/A c. High Schools: N/A 5. Recreation: There is p proposal for the May Creek Trail System, a major natural zone trail to be located just to the south of this site which will allow the opportunity for linkages to the project site. The nearest City Park is Gene Coulon Park located approximately two miles to the southwest of the site. E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE: 1. Section 4-711, B-1, Business District. 2. Section 4-738, Site Plan Review. F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR OTHER OFFICIAL CITY DOCUMENT: 1. Commercial goal and policies,Policies Element, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, March 1986 pgs 16-18. Environmental goal and policies Policies Element, City of Renton Comprehensive Plan Compendium, pg. 8. 2 . Renton Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-1105, Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions. G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. The applicant, Exit 7, Inc. is requesting approval of their short plat request to divide the existing property into three lots to accommodate future commercial development. They are also requesting site plan approval for the siting of three structures including a future McDonalds restaurant on Lot 1, a single story retail building on Lot 2, and a three-story commercial building housing a restaurant and retail space on the ground floor with rental office space on the second and third floors. 2. The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for this project on June 3, 1987. The appeal period expired on June 26, 1987 at 5: 00 p.m. Under its substantive authority the Environmental Review Committee imposed fifteen (15) mitigation measures on the project. These are attached to this report as Appendix 'C' . Building and Zoning C rtment •Preliminary Report to a Hearing Examiner /' Public Hearing 2' ' Page 3 3 . In considering such a short plat basically the same criteria that are used in evaluating a site plan are used. Since this is a joint application Staff are treating these two applications as one for the purpose of this report. 4. In considering Site Plan Review a number of general and more site specific criteria are considered. These are addressed below: a) Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The subject proposal complies with the Plan in that the site is currently designated as 'Commercial ' and zoned B-1. The project also meets the general policies for commercial uses as well as those contained in the Northeast Plan; b) Conformance with existing land use regulations. The proposal complies with all the B-1 zoning regulations as well as the City's regulations for landscaping and parking; c) Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses. The conditions imposed by the Environmental Review Committee (see Appendix 'C' ) , will mitigate aesthetic and glare impacts on surrounding properties; d) Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site. As noted above the mitigation measures imposed by the Environmental Review Committee are anticipated to mitigate impacts of the development on the site. Some of these measures include landscaping, retention of wetlands on the site, easements for a future trail system, and roadway improvements; 4 e) Conservation of area-wide property values. The 'subject proposal is of a sufficiently high quality (see building elevations, Appendix 'C' ) that it is believed that it will improve property values in the surrounding area. f) Safety and efficiepcy of vehicle and pedestrian circulation. Staff believe that more provisions should be made for pedestrians wishing ,to access the site from across N.E. 43rd Street and N.E. 44th Street as new development occurs here. Also, as more residents move into the area, provision needs to be made to accommodate them on foot as well as in the automobile. Staff is therefore recommending that the applicant's landscape plan be modified to provide for pedestrian access through the planter strips at the edge of the site near the intersection of N.E. 43rd and 110th Ave S.E. as well as along the north side of the site. In addition, benches should be provided in the grass landscape strip at appropriate locations for pedestrian use. g) Provision of adequate light and air. The subject proposal because of street setbacks from surrounding properties does not appear to adversely effect surrounding properties in terms of shadowing, etc. Internal spacing of the buildings (buildings are spaced 80 feet or more apart) will also minimize shadowing within the site. h) Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions. /i. Building and Zoning D" rtment 44 'Preliminary Report to e Hearing Examiner , Public Hearing Page 4 No harmful or unhealthy conditions were identified for this site as a consequence of the project's environmental review. Some noise and odors will be associated with the proposed business and restaurant uses but these are sufficiently spaced from the residential areas to the east so as not to poise any serious inconvenience to residents. i) Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use. As noted in item D. above 12" water and sewer lines serve the site. The site currently is not served by public transit but as the area to the east (County) develops it is likely that bus service will eventually serve this area. j) Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. As noted above, the subject proposal is expected to improve property values and thereby should help prevent blight. k) Mitigation of Impacts to Surrounding Properties and Uses. 1) Mitigation of undesirable impacts of proposed structures and site layouts that could impair the use or enjoyment or potential use of surrounding uses and structures and of the community: Mitigation measures imposed by the Environmental Review Committee to control glare from night lighting as well as solar glare off parked cars should ensure that surrounding properties are not adversely affected. Landscaping and architectural treatment will also enhance surrounding properties. 2) Not applicable. 3) Provision of a desirable transition and linkage between uses and to the street, utility, walkway and trail systems in the surrounding area by the arrangement of landscaping, fencing and/or other buffering techniques, in order to prevent conflicts and to promote coordinated and planned benefit from, and access to, such elements: Staff is recommending that pedestrian walkways be developed linking the proposed commercial center to other nearby uses as well as nearby residential areas. In addition, we are seeking a minimum ten (10) foot wide trail easement paralleling the property's west property line that could be used to eventually link into the proposed May Creek trail system. 4) Not applicable. 5) Effective location, design and screening of parking and service areas in order to promote efficient function of such facilities, to provide integrated facilities between uses when beneficial, to promote "campus-like" or "park-like" 5layouts in appropriate zones, and to prevent unnecessary repetition and conflict between uses and service areas or facilities: Mitigation measures imposed by the Environmental Review Committee included the provision of additional interior landscaping to break up large visual expanses of asphalt paving, reduce glare of parked cars and to promote a "campus-like" setting. �'' Building and Zoning D, 'rtment 4 ,Preliminary Report to a Hearing Examiner Public Hearing ti Page 5 6) Mitigation of the unnecessary and avoidable impacts of new construction on views from existing buildings and future developable sites, recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to attractive natural features and of promoting "campus- like" or "park-like" settings in appropriate zones: Views from existing buildings are primarily from the residential apartment complex to the east of the site, east of 110th Avenue SE. The applicants have mitigated the visual impacts of the proposed three-story retail/office building by treating it in an architectural manner by stepping the east facade of this building for greater visual interest and providing a decorative arch parapet feature facing the residential units to the east. 7) Provision of effective screening from public streets and residential uses for all permitted outdoor storage areas (except auto and truck sales) , for surface mounted utility equipment, for rooftop equipment, and for all refuse and garbage containers, in order to promote a "campus-like" or "park-like" setting where appropriate and to preserve the effect and intent of screening or buffering otherwise required by. the Zoning Code: Staff is recommending that the trash receptacle at the corner of NE 43rd Street be relocated away from this sensitive corner towards the east end of the one-story retail building to the west. Staff is also recommending that all trash receptacle enclosures be designed in brick and be of sufficient height to screen the receptacles contained therein. Likewise, rooftop equipment on the lower one-story buildings are recommended by Staff to be screened with decorative wood lattice visual screens approved by the Building and Zoning Department. 8) Consideration of placement and design of exterior lighting in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets: Mitigation measures imposed by the Environmental Review Committee to address nighttime glare from exterior lighting. 1) Mitigation of Impacts of a Proposed Site Plan to the Site. 1) Building placement and spacing to provide for privacy and noise reduction; orientation to views and vistas and to site amenities, to sunlight and prevailing winds, and to pedestrian and vehicle needs: Staff generally supports the proposed siting for this block with the nine urban three-story retail/office buildings at the corner of NE 43rd Street and 110th Avenue SE and the fast food restaurant sited nearest the freeway and farthest from the residential complex to the east. 2) Not applicable. 3) . Preservation of the desirable natural landscape through retention of existing vegetation and limited soil removal; insofar as the natural characteristics will enhance the proposed development: Staff is recommending that the parking area at the southwest corner of the site be relocated elsewhere or deleted to preserve the wetland area at the southwest corner of the site. fP `,' Building and Zoning Di - 'tment Preliminary Report to' .. Hearing Examiner Public Hearing i { Page 6 4) Use of existing topography to reduce undue cutting, filling and retaining walls in order to prevent erosion and unnecessary storm water runoff, and to preserve stable natural slopes and desirable natural vegetation: See item 3 above. Staff is recommending that the applicants provide a wetlands conservation easement to preserve wetlands on the site that is to be maintained. 5) Limitation of paved or impervious surfaces, where feasible, to reduce runoff and increase natural infiltration: A reduction in:lthe number of parking spaces provided and the provision of additional landscaping could increase the amount of impervious surfaces on the site. The Environmental Review Committee has recommended that the applicant reduce the amount of parking by nine spaces. 6) Design and protection of planting areas so that they are not susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements: The above referenced reduction in parking will help protect fragile wetlands on the site which should be used for bio-filtering surface water run-off. 7) Consideration of building form and placement landscaping to enhance year round conditions of sun and shade both on-site and on adjacent properties and to promote energy conservation. Other considerations imposed by the shape of the site and functional layout considerations outweigh energy conservation. Shadowing was addressed above. m) Circulation and Access: 1) Provision of adequate and safe vehicular access to and from all properties: The City's traffic engineer believes vehicular access to and from the site is adequate. They did ask that no view obscuring landscaping be provided along NE 44th Street - 110th Avenue SE. 2) Arrangement of the circulation pattern so that all ingress and egress movements may occur at as few points as possible along the public street, the points being capable of channelization for turning movements: See response to item 1 above. 3) Consolidation of access points with adjacent properties, when feasible: The three parcels contained in the short subdivision will share common ingress and egress points. 4) Coordination of access points on a superblock basis so that vehicle conflicts and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts are minimized: Not applicable since block is not part of a superblock system at this time. 5) Orientation of access points to side streets or frontage streets rather than directly onto arterial streets, when feasible: Two of the subject property's four driveways are located on NE 43rd Street, a side street. Building and Zoning D'--rtment .Preliminary Report to e Hearing Examiner . Public Hearing Page 7 6) Promotion of the safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, including the location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways and emergency access ways: City .departments have reviewed the applicant's plans for safety and efficiency of internal circulation and generally signed off on them. Building and Zoning Department staff, however, are requesting that the applicants provide more delineated pedestrian pathways between parking areas and nearby building. 7) Separation of loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas: The applicants have not identified separate loading or delivery areas for this project. Other than for the sometimes large delivery trucks that fast food restaurants us;e, Staff does not see this as being a particularly significant problem as most deliveries are infrequent and this development by definition is vehicular oriented by its location at a major freeway on/off ramp. 8) Provisions for transit and carpool facilities and access where appropriate; and: The Environmental Review Committee did ask applicant to prepare a Traffic System Management Plan as one of their traffic mitigation measures for this project. 9) Provision for safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, buildings, public sidewalks and adjacent properties: As noted above, Staff is asking the applicant to provide more pedestrian connections between this site and adjacent properties as well as between parking areas and buildings on the site. An easement for a future trail system also is being considered. n) Signage 1) Employment of signs primarily for the purpose of identification: The applicants have not submitted a signage plan for the site. Staff has notified them that such a plan (development standards) should be submitted prior to public hearing. H. DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis and discussions, it is recommended that this short subdivision and site plan for Exit 7, Inc. , files SH PL-011- 87 and SA-012-87 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant comply with the mitigation measures required by the Environmental Review Committee in its Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated for this project; 2. That the applicant work with the City's landscape architect to ensure that pedestrian walkways are developed through and to the site from nearby or adjacent areas as well as between buildings and parking areas on site. Clearly delineated walkways should be established to ensure relative pedestrian safety in and through largely vehicular oriented areas; . Building and Zoning D---rtment 'Preliminary Report to e Hearing Examiner Public Hearing Page 8 3 . That a ten (10) foot wide trail easement paralleling the property's west property line be provided so that this and other properties can eventually be tied into the proposed May Creek park and trail system at a later date; 4. That the trash receptacle at the corner of N.E. 43rd Street be relocated away from the corner, possible further to the west near the end of the proposed one-story retail building; 5. That all trash enclosures be concrete faced with brick veneer or brick paves to ensure their sightly appearance and reduce on-going maintenance; 6. That rooftop mechanical on the lower one story buildings be screened with decorative wood or metal lattices; 7. That pedestrian benches be installed near the corner of N.E. 43rd Street and 110th Avenue S.E. and elsewhere on the site for pedestrian convenience; t, 8 . That bicycle racks for at least six bicycles each be provided for both the one-story retail building and the three-story retail office building; 9. That a pedestrian linkage be provided between the office building and 110th Avenue S.E. to facilitate drop-off and pedestrian loading; and 10. That perimeter landscaped areas be bermed to maximize their visual impact whenever possible. 'The applicant is encouraged to meet with the City' s landscape architect. 8 • 1,;ii . ))i 1 °;, ^ {� r IIII � I$(it i ' h W . u I T. :k til ig • i69 Y ft`� �J. �''' f] \ * � I ..1 if • 4:1` , ',+ / r ,,✓✓ 'r I ff .$),:„. i%.oS,..,k zax,„..0.,,..+. ,iry,a. 'y;1, :h" 1,4 , 11 t 14 '''''' 4 't$4, f ✓„...„..,.....././. 'i • ;,c1:4*- , / ..• / '',././ • ., // / if. d-i tk. ./ \ it , / /N, \ ( ./it ✓ /6 // /////' r/ 1135 4 i e3: W s, i M' ArA, ZZ —as--- j5 F © f�/ A� i5r r2� 14,7 `1 S 4 � .il /2 / fir., r / . // 4'r/ e /. , �� Y ... _. B ���' ,, / • // / /I ( // IP • ?PU r o r r • tit ,• - if ' // r/, ./i i , I, •, „ ii / �' r t 'T � 4 1r 3 4 • 1, . , / TM3Ikb" f#s��t I 6 5 C 6 1 5 f /' Ali R-3 ,, fr 7 ' j------ ' a t� r07 --- �f / aP II _ — — i EXIT 7 INC. SH rL -011-87, SA-012-87 APPLICANT EXIT 7 INC. TOTAL AREA 3.603 acres PRINCIPAL ACCESS N.E. 44th Street and N.E. 43 Place EXISTING ZONING B-1 EXISTING USE Vacant PROPOSED USE r cDonalds Resturant, Retail Shops, Office Building with retail shops and a resturant. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN Commercial . ' COMMENTS ... II ' SE 68'2\ LAND USE ELEMENT . ! ,), , # .• . ,..,. .... . i ! • • , I . •• i .,„ .d I . 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Q �� PM�eo lr uM.rs/Rvrs) rnL" -'A t,410, /P.a-..++r^e lsk_"rtk3cc r�yu 14 . .: A /s-Is' 0,-me ea / ca,slc,/r,,7, � t:- -.-j�lll=➢I=�1=-III '�� lor.rm mmw.ri,,.r+..s..w ,z'-,d 00c'd am aer%R.,.r� O iste ® ® B •Prin rxG=o1.1170 ®, N -ram _� M:.• NE 44th ST. �• / "��` ..\-------.. 1 g Ooa:oc f ��r�' : - :, ce wrwey �0� .rmw,/ /xr-/sy�v-. ...w `'e'p�'YGL 1•P It' ..c�q`v:: , 7.1== a/n.00 90 Y. NevNrr/R,�•+'Rn ram'*T u9l Ia•.y}' 'CPe`- ,� ...OoB�o.ti...,'.... cwcso-Rb v..07,1-r 0 p. 44:0-F$�`rX°i _ �'n_c''o'''': fr%�..may/ i"..'r d-e'pa ° R rs.�s/tt o r .aRfh'�J4/ <e:uca 6 Itsg9 L✓r p0 =ry.,yp.y. w - 'N:., Ke.e T >,1 9dec. G� o 'y ,ai' �. .�4a y5'. Ids::=:::, �. g ,. l �di J Igo ��r d�M � �aB.:� � D 110 dii awe 41 iglip 0 r8:igl 44" ill ii 9F f,� it -�° e l i p S- FF-P."•i' OYSF 'Qr� /aPK,.eA/e..+.o lb ii ,0 `p� / ' © 1 - u 100\-11-,' ,m.....,.>rrr r-w y30; } �� r�° mnws J 8 A' W WC° 1/4,/,'"..., - It,. ...11.6 4114 ral :- �ov' `:. aa .. �n o >e > 7,exi �Yi n • O�Ou�pdp � o4 - A Z . .- NE 43rd . ."7•-•-"i.-,4-'1.W Aseo P•T.-I ---t- • I l q w Q t 7��d.sapo rgen:R j1 1°a 9o�-c oars Na•IX,'74 aT-6z-ii+atry `• • PA.-�vr wi` .M+s-nmi/wcm., .o-n,q, bra s�v, a;,©.11 Q . . "� `may - .. ... .':t.,. ` .,,1,:C%a®'-_, Z rt. u r. - :�ipi.i.. °.�-? a _.:Y:'. •�'• -_S'.". . �, I r 1 r 1 1 • i , ......„,„„,...„,_f_;_____ _ _ _ . 4 co . �. r , LI100 ,La&©110 Nf 1 OS` . a ,,,,to, , tS L _-lcaldoDo� L -- - . L, i • w.,...a.,Ari„,/,:ji SWsa-y •'-......L u_ - y, - •• IWinniff4X4,411Mil --:...-•- .--: • • f i \ as r\ 1 I ..�� 'I I i Pr./TIT •�: •.`` •• :M1'glih111SEI 1 ' ""f'�' • ''.11.61121E.:'WI 111 kr Reef mst ®ll i1p©W .. V ' , }ea v r A „fin T n -MillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iI u i1 ____ _- o M111111111111 ME d . • IUMEll 1 111 MEM d 1 south ©l©1v1al0 o©ui morn ©lla tIlon rcioC 1 Sze..4&f CPIs"II.M.E. Isneer J*G. U 1 J V V 1 1 1"1 1 M Y APPEND I X. 15/ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 0' � ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH 0 DITIONS v ❑ NOT APPROVED CZDIAIA.A. - LI) 14144,1 ) 7('"1- 7DCL49,40Le,,cUft_eXt,cL— 7bilsptli-MLettAxli CAP-A, c-A,LLA,1 iCcaLL,Oit_A-ciLa1/4_,) tAlTYK DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR A THORIZED PRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7orvlrtc LI APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ❑ NOT APPROVED © f ) (COI K,eoto RrLoIVC& Logs/ PRc et l ( mid PD c. -1 TO a'-good. S61151;c14, SHowIJ -rtvgats TO 51., rim To 66 I V )C OK PONE -1E. C.o o I r wo l ro-ro L p1Nosc AP no& ¶0 wl PIr'JTA EPtSoroPIL G.- LOB 11-t-Ck0LrpHOV"( kC- Pnh� i PLI'+T Pp oU w>714 AAA. CUFF 5116 s-r iwcrit Kret5,,_)-("A„...eluw:ol... 4- ►7- Br DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 n�vi�rviivu 'LrnnirILivi/ Uiviaiviv . El APPROVED Ei APPROVED W1194" CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED eti/ --r e & Le- /u.7�7`J�- oud4-t- A a‘v 9 3/`7. r. �a4a4 ter, p 6 --3) DATE: r/- REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/D1 ION ; c"'/_/`; APPROVEDAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED // J l I/1-7_ .i u `fir '.' '' •R�'>_ a q 8 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTO OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVEATE. -iA��- -s )2e? REVISION 5/1982 _ _ . . . Form 182 OAPPROVED SAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED Jcue-- --7mac �.4,, c az../2�.."..e.e: .sr-“c:t. e_ 2) 0@a1.Z„ � ., ems' .-'- ..��.? •� r-. .. 7.e.e.,(4z, 7, .ate '2.e -z`' _.,=U-@-, ea�2 �i.6' A/y..a. . ....P..4 5) ` 714.40 .. cam .,a-t .tea oo 7»'r. -24Z<- - /so' __,6„„tiz,L. _v_e_e,„,,,,.___.€4,07, ----4-0,-ezt-m-4, -e--f-i-i-ae-i---* - ci'd 0.. C?d -d-e-m„..Z. ...e.-;, o'er" / ` 7 - ' *gA ` Z2-- DATE; �.�.L /9, i9i7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE � REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 fl APPROVED )2TAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS 0 NOT APPROVED / ' ,Z„ .1 ,Z,,t_e-4%, , C -_ . . oz //(2 ,,e 5&--—-___,__;-_, .____ _--17 ,e,,,e.."._. -‘ V , .-4,-;..1 , ,ye:;4,,—e :-2-Le (_zi V 6---- /7243 • .PLC ' (/ '9 . • .' : -- C-ei1224 j______T.,..,r,,, .v..- /ii ‘-t.7'e----,"7 DATE: 3 ‘—. SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER NE 44th Street/I-405 at SE Quadrant 1 . Provide plans showing off-site improvements on NE 44th Street and also on NE 43rd 'Street to City standards. 22 x 34 Mylar drawing required for final approval . ,ZtAeLt i , /,-Lgacze. 2. Assessment for needed improvements to mitigate transportation problems that would be generated by the development is $103.63 per traffic impact analysis. Total Estimated Trips: Drive In Restaurant 553 x 3,800 = '.2, 101 .40 1000 Retail Shop 40.7 x 11 ,400 - ,; 463.98 1000 Office Building 17.7 x 29,800 = ; 527,46 1000 Total Trips Generated = 3,092.84 Total Assessment Amount: $103.63 x 3,092.85 = $320,511 .01 The above assessment covers the following items: c Signals at the following listed intersections - Lake Wash. Blvd./Port Quendall Access - Lake Wash. Blvd./Ripley Lane - NE 44th/I-405 Southbound on/off ramp - NE 44th/Northbound on/off ramp/Lake Wash. Blvd. o Five (5) -lane roadway on NE 44th Street from Ripley Lane to Lake Wash. Blvd./I-405 on/off ramps. 3. Management to discuss with Metro Transit the possibility of locating a transit stop at the NE 44th Street interchange. 4. Retail center management to provide information center for ridesharing, carpooling and vanpooling for employees. • wro 2a� Jt)f LJ 4 _ e.,..) .//w..— , v ,,,,../ 7 iv L/714 iTir NOT APPROVED CONDITIONS DPROVED WITH .. . 1 WA Co ' -REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : • A jcit,EA/AJA .., •-••,, / APPROVED . peveZ. iitts.Pie AA 1#1f 1 1,11.-1Z-79, 1171"7: GO , Mir" . , --- timunFpROVAL IMet E,- g4 D394Y:W1 i.2FEi nI2R Es Eau"N DBI; EsiEPN cTr.T-. .T vOoCtal ER LATE CON 'S# EBEN -SEWER ii - 1 G N - v','.....' 7r-:.e.—_ 0,-- 6-."..4 r, .,--$ L 4-,.,"• 7 ' e po sIst,a y . te.,f4i4v„ir,a 2'445 011s_z2r5.51e-7 SYSIMW541ET clIARRE-SEWER 170•01/5M " —fli 5l.to— 0 SPECIALASESSNTAREA CHARGE-VATERN6 SPECIALAssissng AREACHARE-SEWER NO APPROVE WATER PIA . r •-1 o). 5 wPetj/ PPROVEDSEERPUN N S / APPROVED FIREHYDRAT LPTIOS , ---`-, -6-i-'/ -`',....-, 'gill ....,. ..- - ....„ .4 .. fre / i 4?-7 - 1• --I.'' • Se' . 1' DATE: TIVE • REVISION 5/1982 18 2 Form DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTA • SIGNATURE OF • • y( 0 NOT APPROVED • ON : 9 El APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : APPROVED • , . • ..• • DATE: • REVISION 5/1982 --fi-- Form 18 2 ' DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED SIGN A ,E,,0 F REPRESENTATIVE . , . •..•• • . . . .. . .. , „•••• ., ..,...,.r •• .,.-„.-....:.••••••-•:•-:-.-..,,,. ....i•••••,•,,,:•••••:•••-2•-l.'::::•'••••.::•:••••••,',..,,,^•••:•••:•'...:•••.'•-•::::.••';:y•••'-f: ,. _...,,.. ..., .....,•,?,6,...,,...,..:::::-:-,..,-..••••,:::;••••••.••• •::.:,;1:::',:(:•.',;•-•;;•••••:'2:,-;•••••::.:Tt.:•••••','..:-'!;;:t•-•'•••••:::-..±...:;',..:::::,-,,:l. ••'••••:::-,•••:•i,:. •,•:.7.....i,:::::.!••-•,-7:'-•••••.::-.'..-.•-•.•:,.........:•,,:..1'.•_,.::.•:7•.1?1,2.,••••• •••:-•-•-:,:•••.,.'•.::: • • • -•• --- ,- • -• --••-••••••-.-•••••.,:•-,-.••••;•,.-..,;,-•,'-L-•••••::',...•.':•••;:.•;',..'„:',,•:'.;,•:...•;:',"::,.••.....,.-;.•-••••,:::',-••7'•;•";••:•,--.1.'..:?.:•.,:••••;,,,..:::-.;••,\:-.,••1:,;)%,-:::::......:•:•••;:•:-•-,-. ••::-...,,,•.'•-••.:.-;7.,.,..,::,.,••;,•,.,..,ii.,:r7.,•• •:-,•-1 , ;-:::::::,:::‘,:•:: ... ,,.,:, ,..:, ..........:,.....„,...,...•,,,,,•,,..,:,,•:,,,:::••-•::,,,••- •.:::•,:::::'i•:,..•::,,,•-•;,;i2.:_it:,- --;‘,:••••,--•-,-••••z,.,••..„:•:2",,,:,,. . . :••••••.:•.J.,,,,,:-.•:::.:;:::,,:::-:•„;••,...:.:•-•,•::: ',•• ••-•,•:,-7,;•!:::;;‘,:•..-:..,„;,:-'.',,•.-..,,-F:•.--,'•-1•,-.,,;;,:•..--,..-:::',,-.-,,,-;-,•:?•;•1:•••••-•:•,..',--...•,.? :•f-''.'"!'::••;Y`-,:•::7.•';-:'"-.•••••-':::-••1•.;•••:::;::::::.,-:-..?-:;;:::;1--X-'•- •I' :-..•:•.-..,-;:::::.,,•••.:•.;:,:•,•••,•.':•-•--y. 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PROPONENT: Exit 7 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Ave. N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C. 030(2) (c) . This decision was made after review of an expanded environmental checklist and preliminary site plan, on file with the lead agency. Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) . These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340. The lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days from June 25, 1987. Any interested party may submit written comments which must be submitted by 5: 00 p.m. , July 10, 1987, in order to be considered. This Determination may be appealed by 5:00 p.m. on July 10, 1987. Any appeal must be submitted in writing stating clearly the reasons for revising the Determination and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75.00 filing fee. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 235-2500 DATE OF DECISION: June 3, 1987 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 26, 1987 / Ata altiUg 'Al Rona d G. Nelson 1171 1!11I.SprinTer Building and Zoning Director 'olicy ► -velo• ient Director Richard C. oughton Public Works Director JJ � J DS/dskl Exit7MM CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATION MEASURES ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-009-87 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Appiicatio, i for a three lot short plat of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shipping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45,00Q square feet of retail space. PROPONENT: Exit 7 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Ave. N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. CONDITIONS: 1. That development standards be prepared for the whole site in order to ensure that later buildings are thematically integrated into a campus like setting. 20 That all on-site lighting luminaries be mounted at a pole height or be sufficiently screened so as not to be directly visible from the apartment complex to the east. 3. That the applicant develop covenants acceptable to the City that will protect the existing marsh/wetland at the southwest corner of the site. 4. That canopy type trees be provided in the interior portions of the parking lot to buffer glare off parked cars and improve views from the apartment complex across 109th Avenue S.E. 5. That nineS (9) parking stalls be deleted from the project (in the southwest corner of the site) to reduce excess parking and reduce encroachment into the existing marsh/wetland) . 6. That a temporary erosion control plan be developed to minimize construction impacts on the adjacent marsh/wetland (along' the west property line and at the southwest corner of the site) . 7. That a storm water retention/detention facility based •upon a 25 year, 24 hour storm and a 5 year storm release rate be provided on site. 8. That additional street trees (of sufficient height and shape so as not to impair vehicular sight distance lines) be provided along N.E. 44th Street and 109th Avenue S.E. frontages in order to City of Renton Determination of Non 4nificance Mitigation Measures Exit7MM/DS/Dsk1 Page 2 visually help soften this otherwise hard surface site, particularly as seen from the Cedar River Apartment complex to the east. 9. That a landscape plan acceptable to the Building and Zoning Department be prepared in conjunction with the development standards called for in Item 1. 10. That a traffic impact assessment fee of $282,809.26, based upon $91.44 per vehicle trip, signalization of nearby intersections and a five lane roadway from Ripley Lane to the Lake Washington Boulevard/I-405 on/off ramp be provided. , 11. That a traffic system management plan with information on ridesharing, carpooling, etc. be prepared. 12. That because of the site's remote location that all structures , be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 13. That the applicant provide curbs and gutters along all streets abutting the site. 14. That ' the Department of Game and Fisheries be notified and asked to advise the City whether the existing drainage channel is considered to be a viable fish habitat. 15. That wetland conservation covenants and utilitytrail easements be provided that are aceptable to the Department of Public Works. ti :. r CITY OF RENTON 11111 POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor July 1, 1987 Mr. Barry Kenney 2700 Northrup Way Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: Applications for Short Plat and Site Plan Approval to allow a shopping center, files SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87. Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and North of N. 44th Street. Dear Mr. Kenney: -.. — A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for July 14 , 1987 . The public hearing commences . at 9: 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed :to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, (77:214.4d S 1 ( .21--...___,_A Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:DB:csb:Dskl LtKenney 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2552 av ` !''. CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director July 1, 1987 Exit 7, Inc. 1517 Plaza Center Building 10900 N.E. 8th Bellevue, WA 98004 RE: Applications for Short Plat and Site Plan Approval to allow a shopping center, files SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 . Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and -North of N. 44th Street. Dear Sirs: A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for July 14 , 1987 . The public hearing commences at 9: 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. y, Do . • K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:DB:csb:Dsk1 LtExit7 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 URN CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director July 1, 1987 Mr. Tom Devlin 19500 S.W. 90th Court z • Tualatin, OR 97062 RE: Applications for Short Plat and Site Plan Approval to allow a shopping center, files SH PL-011-87 , SA-012-87 . Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and North of N. 44th Street. Dear Mr. Devlin: A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for July 14, 1987. The public hearing commences at 9: 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, Caod . Donald K. Erickson, AICP - Zoning Administrator DKE:DB:csb:Dskl LtDevlin 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 OF R�� 4. �k 0 z BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT U t$ 1 ,5 RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR O MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 • 235-2540 9,0 cc. O,Q�T�O SEPle". BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR y . MEMORANDUM DUM DATE: July 13, 1987 TO: File FROM: Environmental Review Committee SUBJECT: Revised and new condition for Determination of Significance - Mitigated for Exit 7, files SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87. Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit-7 off ramp of. I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. The Environmental Review Committee has- reviewed and- refined its former Condition No. 10 of the Determination of Significance - Mitigated to reflect comments raised by the applicant during recent conditions. Condition 10 has been broken down into two conditions (10 and 11) resulting in the renumbering of Conditions 11-15. Conditions 10 and 11 read as follows: 10. That traffic impact fees of $42,426 for Lot 2. and $48,231 for Lot 3, respectfully, based upon an estimated per vehicle trip amount of $91.44, signalization of nearby intersections and a five . lane roadway from Ripley Lane to Lake Washington be provided to the City by means of an irrevocable letter of credit or .other means acceptable to the City Attorney. Said fees may be adjusted subject to revised figures coming out of traffic improvement studies for the area now underway; 11. That traffic mitigation fees for Lot 1. be deferred until such time that a specific development proposal is presented for this site. Such a fee will be imposed as a supplemental environmental impact mitigation condition and shall be provided to the City prior to the issuance of a building permit by either an irrevocable letter of credit or other means found acceptabl o the City Attorney. nald G. Nelson La y . ringe Building and Zoning. Director Po icy De lopme Director Richard C. Houghton Public Works Director . HE/Dsk1 PH714875 RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF ' CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JULY 14, 1987, at 9: 00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: EXIT 7 Application for a three lot short plat of 3 . 6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shopping center consisting of three , buildings with a total of 45, 000 square feet of retail space. Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of 1-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 43rdPlace. Fi1e Nos. : ECF-099-87, SH PL- 011-87, SA-012-87. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 14, 1987, AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. ---7 `` ; ... ,;,, „ �I, : I I ,A d V• 'h:y' i �21+"" S 'zd .'i� - 7Z • I, „,, S • ,i" ill I IIII 'I 4 ,,,..:,,,f' R... II, : :., 7, vv. t.1• . Itp a�t r , / . ! e°1+, . I aky, ) I ;a 4 / /r ,u: a , r11 'g' h'' q,;r:°,-,et. -•i: i ,lib / % / 8 /y P 168 °ln•9 1 5 Z .41 136 ,1 4' /// /9/7 /, :/ ram; uj 1 i ' R1 1 L l'' i 4///v. .,,,////4/ i , ; , • ,,,,1 ,, o 541• ( ]n! / / • / •1 y , 3 I © // / , f % i 105 �fi 02 a7 `'_ 4 +f �3 ,I ` ia© 135 1 ./.. s I G - s .' ,/ �1 • / �j�/ t� //:/ ir,/,/,.. 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N08.45'o9" L•30214' / �=V ,o I:1 I n 130 CV6.54.28'I6• / m I Z ^ �` Q 1 a tl1 E. / i•/ w I 139=°- / d P / zm ':Ia / ;8 //,I •R . 1, w j I I j,`:/ / I a' a . 11.. 0 .,19 / ;ru Ill / • \�h2CI I n9 / df //9.87' / � `� n W / f/ S 01°40'27'W d20 .\ \ c ik��'/ Y Y 4 _-_ N 88'45'09'W / / °j L \ 40s.00' // laza9• //• y W 582.49' fn • N,E. 431•_d_-_ST._____. —_ - -- C /11'P ...- • /r_ / • • ' ` ;'• 21g OFFICE/RETAIL. •/ j, • �� . P ,5 /P6./7• 1 3z.sZ}� //// � c /IN B4-14-276 / K:'Y CB.10 /////// p',-, Ily > •`• C9�'44Y® SYRQ@$. vat • • // . . 0;IIkG e I • y. anv! n :v ci.(�0a '~ k v / CEDAR R9 'a'• �F %,.r'.Sww _ y \\ / // M 'o\ / • j k •m84 , • _ o / ` ' r EXIT 7 PROJECT . 1/... ' .) te. /1 ,f,„' '44k, / t:r 4,1; . / , / / / 1.e • i" /!, / !•' /' I ' dam'' t ///:/// ' ' // i • .y •T,NJ I / / ' s,• t�+ „C*, rr '' '• it- r' W 1 r; gyp^ n CINf3 45RO arortrg_ O F R4,4, A09�TE j Et�e4e ' '. Q SEP City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner will hold a , 1 . i p'4. ., A, „ ', ; ' ' ' ,v-: ' 1 AA 1 I ',. :: '.•,;-, lirt: , '..t j,, . 0 r s t ; . 1., lir ,,,$, v , , v 4-4.".: fl.' .;' 4 • , A 1 : i N4: °* F' '` li^•' i A, 4k.z ra • .41- A - - '',. t yi' •,,t,i I:i i4i;.: -, i in CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS , CITY HALL ON Jun' 14, 1987 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. P.M. CONCERNII , ,:: 1 EXIT 7 APPLICATION FOR A THREE LOT SHORT PLAT OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY AND AN APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTIO OF A SHOPPING CENTER CONSISTING OF THREE BUILDINGS WITH A TOTAL OF 45, 000 I` SQ. FT. OF RETAIL SPACE. FILE NUMBERS: ECF-099-87, SH PL-011-87 & SA-012-87 GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF THE EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN. AVENUE N.E. & NORTH OF N. 43RD PLACE, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO. BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER ; AUTHORIZATION , / v HE/Dskl PH714875 RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JULY 14, 1987, at 9:00 A.M. TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS: CARLYLE SHORT PLAT Application for short plat approval to allow the subdivision of approximately 0.94 acres of property into four (4) single family residential lots and application of a variance to aljlow one pipestem lot. File Nos. : SH PL-043-87 and V-044-87. Property located at 2314 Union Avenue N.E. r EXIT 7 Application for a three lot short plat of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shopping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45,000 square feet of retail space. Property located east of 1-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 43rd Place. File Nos. : ECF-099-87, SH PL- 011-87, SA-012-87. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 14, 1487, AT 9: 00 A.M. TO EXPRESS THEIR OPINIONS. PUBLISHED: JULY 3, 1987 Ronald G. Nelson Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, Teg % E. L.I , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT FIVE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN FIVE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARBY THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the St too Washington residing in n the .-' day of 2.<4-1.11 / , (fyv.. SIGNED: V) r F' is LAW OFFICES OF 3 F.) j g . MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, •.P S. YV s • =� F 1517 PLAZA CENTER BUILDING ` ' (� a•' 10900 NE 8TH STREET 9 � 0 rI BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 DEPT. MICHAEL J. WENSMAN MEMBER: WASHINGTON STATE BAR •t, TEL: (206) 455-0777 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BAR FACSIMILE (FA)0: (206) 455-B554 June 30, 1987 Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator City of Renton Building & Zoning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Erickson: This firm represents Exit 7, Inc. and this letter is in response to your letter to them dated May 29, 1987. We would have responded in writing sooner, but after my conversation with you in early June, I was unable to acquire the documentation on the traffic assessment until June 26, 1987. Apparently the City Engineer had been unable to assemble the documents earlier. To date we have received no Final Determination and assume that the review process is still open. We understand that there is a hearing on July 14, 1987, but we have received no formal notice of the hearing and are not certain of the agenda. We would like to resolve the issues outlined herein prior to that hearing so that there are no additional delays. With the permit applications six months old, any further delays will be fatal to this project. A fact that I hope you appreciate. Our response item by item as reflected in your letter is as follows: 1. We assume that item number one refers to the McDonalds restaurant or such other facility as is developed on the Northwest parcel. Since they will be making their own building permit application, we assume that such a determination would be between the City and McDonalds or such other developer. Our application is for a Short Plat and for building permits on two of the platted parcels. If you have any clarification as to whether this item requires any action on our part, please let me know. 2 . In general terms we agree to item number two, but assume that any trees planted as part of the landscaping will not have to be full height at planting, and that the final details will be worked out with the Building Department. Please provide clarification. MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, P.S. Donald Erickson June 30, 1987 Page Two 3 . Could you provide sample covenants and suggest wording for the wetland protection? 4. We have no objection to item 4. 5. A new plan is being prepared that will retain the stalls, but they will be removed from the marsh area. 6. The contractor will provide this plan. 7. Once permits are issued, the project engineer will design the system which will incorporate the marsh area and an underground system for retention purposes. 8. We have no objection to item 8. 9. We have no objection to item 9. 10. Item ten does present us with some major concerns. We have reviewed a memorandum to your committee from Gary Norris dated July 30, 1985, a Development Application Review Sheet dated March 25, 1987, an ERC staff report dated April 22, 1987, a Memorandum to the ERC from Richard C. Houghton dated May 22, 1987, and your letter of May 29, 1987. There are several issues that should be discussed based on these documents as follows: 10. 1 Method of Assessment: My understanding is that any assessment similar to that proposed must be based on a formal municipal plan and ordinance that has been duly adopted by Renton. We have been unable to locate any formal plan or ordinance, and, in fact, have been informed that none of the other projects on the interchange have been assessed in this manner. All such developers have agreed to certain improvements contiguous with their property, and to participation in any LID for other street improvements. We assumed, and agree to both of these requirements, but no other development has been assessed for this non-contiguous, off-site project. Although we do not agree with your methods, and I do not acknowledge your authority to make the assessment, at this time we reserve legal objections in the hopes of forging an agreement that will provide you with help in meeting your needs, but ' S - MICHAEL J. WENSMAN, P.S. Donald Erickson June 30, 1987 Page Three one that does not break the project. We reserve the right to pursue any other remedy we might have should we not be able to reach an agreement on this issue. 10.2 Project Cost: I was given no detail on the assumed $3.4 million cost of the project. In fact, the May 22 , 1987 memo stated that the WSDOT indicated that this figure was high for the project, yet there was no indication as to a more realistic figure. It would appear difficult to allocate an assessment where there has been no accurate assessment of the cost. 10.3 Breakdown: Given this and other factors, my client's project may be constructed in phases, and it may be _redesigned as all retail or all office. It would-5e easier for their planning to have this- assessment on a lot by lot basis rather than on a total project basis. Although your letter of May 29, 1987 included a single figure assessment, we would like the assessment to be broken down as it is in the background memos on a lot by lot basis. We also would like clarification that any assessment would be at the building permit stage and that there is no assessment for the Short Plat. 10.4 Amount of Assessment: We don't feel that it is fair for this project to assume almost 10% of the cost of redoing a freeway interchange. There are other very recent developments in the immediate vicinity which were not assessed for this project. If you cannot legally assess them for their share, then the City of Renton should pay for them, which would reduce the private dollar need. There is also the benefit to the entire current population in the area which should be considered. We would propose that the portion allocated to Exit 7, Inc. be reduced further to take these factors into consideration. McDonalds has indicated that the traffic count you've based your calculations on for their lot is inaccurate and if these other items can be concluded, they will present other data to support a reduction of the assessment on their restaurant. 10.5 Method of payment: Rather than a fee, Exit 7, Inc. would agree to pay the amount at such time as the project is fully funded from all sources including Exit 7, Inc. , future development and government funds, and . J ' ~ ti MICHAEL J. WENSMAN,P.S. Donald Erickson June 30, 1987 Page Four that payments be made over a twenty year period to amortize the cost. 11. Do you have any standard forms or brochures for the traffic system management plan? We have no objections, but we need some guidelines. 12. We have no objections. 13 . We have no objections. 14. We have been advised that the Department of Game and Fisheries has been notified and that their lack of response indicates that the drainage channel is not a viable fish habitat. Please confirm. 15. We are not sure what the "utility trail easement" means. Could you provide clarification as well as sample covenants and easements for our review? Messrs. Devlin and Mulvanney will be visiting with you on July 1, 1987 to deliver this letter and discuss its contents. I hope that all of these items and issues can be resolved prior to July 14, 1987 so that the hearing can conclude this matter. Sincerely, M HAEI J. WENSMAN, P.S. By• ich• : l J. Wensman MJW:al cc: T. Devlin C:ERICKSON.EX7 urf tiro AD CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Barbara Y. Shinpoch, Mayor Ronald G. Nelson, Director June 29, 1987 Mr. Charles Gliege . Construction Management Corporation (Northland Contractors, Inc. ) Suite B Building C-3, Paine Field Everett, WA 98204 RE: Applications for Short Plat and Site Plan Approval to allow a Shopping Center, Files SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87. • Property located east of I-405, South of Exit 7 off ramp, west of Lincoln Ave. N.E. and North of N. 43rd Place. Dear Mr. Gliege: A public hearing before the City of Renton Land Use Hearing Examiner has been scheduled for July 14, 1987. The public hearing commences at 9: 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2550. Sincerely, Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DKE:DB:csb:Dskl LtGliege 200.Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2540 } RENTON "ILDING & ZONING DEPART.YeeNT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 009 — 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL—011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO : 4/8/87 n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ❑ ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : 17(UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT F ri BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT IS - M � IY1 n POLICE DEPARTMENT f' N - I - 1987 r El POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ZG MN G DEPT. OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M, ON MARCH 31, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : &7—/4 7y . /c /A/,E,1/Ac- n APPROVED 2[ APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS DNOT APPROVED [MLR APPROVAL SUBJECT TO I P/E720-1ewAeo LITE PIERS AGREEMENT-WATER As `/ l& re pVP pelt& /yZAI.tlA $4 734. i� �m fiCS M.IRI UTEE CUM AGREEMENT-SEWER T ' SYSTEM DEYIWPI®!T CHARGE-WATER V 5 `#0 / './FT. x /56,, Weil.. `04 2v7.6S SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SEWER, 1t/,ES OD.41,/59,#,T e o' F& z'7'!00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE-WATER ,/vo /Z SSS?D SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AREA CHARGE-SEWER N® APPROVED WATER PLAN MAuki EXYcfuusc ' REGtw'267 a.c ar6 �94r� Si' APPROVED SEWER PLAN Ag) •i0 6 ,r IP°Ss�sc y oK w EST s�nE P� `� APPROVED FIRE HYDRAE LOCATIONS Yc5 %/ BY FIRE DEPT. C1, U.* 5 I rev /g7 !_ DATE ; / SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTO' _UILDING & ZONING DEPAF SIENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 009 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTTON OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A -TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO: 4/8/87 n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : EIENGINEERING DIVISION OTRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : EIUTILITIES ENG . DIVISION ( FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT c, C L1 d E-- n POLICE DEPARTMENT MAR 151987 J POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : Bill DIG / ZONING DEPT. COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON MARCH 31, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : DAPPROVED ElAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED 47-et - r2c Ldc2t✓ axe/ Cr./8,.,6.41;v-tcd 2-Y L .,ru, e Q� 2 , lz •e-0- /26 44 i , -Q.f �� �i.t' y . _Lug /s'o i20.H /d 00 9ic G Gee DATE: r.��� /7, /9F7 SIG ATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTG BUILDING & ZONING DEPAF ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 009 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. : " LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO : 4/8/87 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : OENGINEERING DIVISION I ( TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION n FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ( PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT OBUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT XIPOLICE DEPARTMENT f'=u _sr, OF ° ; T ' Eln)n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ( 'i �r r� C r n OTHERS : �{!F Jtj LL-rj) D'"4G / Z�io71G COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON MARCH 31, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED ) rAPPROVED WITH CONDITIONS [' NOT APPROVED 7- , oye.;‘-2:-2-Le YL26- /1i4? ,-27,a72 - ;/ !,4 /2„ fr ;p55 // 73: DATE : �7 SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTO WILDING & ZONING DEPAF. LENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 009 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A -TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO: 4/8/87 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : 0 ENGINEERING DIVISION "" TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : ri UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU El PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT El POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON MARCH 31, 1987 • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : / / EJ7i,7e -/� APPROVED E.-APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS NOT APPROVED e-- ifa- GITV '; . a DATE: <. i02� / 0? SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR%OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER NE 44th Street/I-405 at SE Quadrant 1 . Provide plans showing off-site improvements on NE 44th Street and also on NE 43rd 'Street to City standards. 22 x 34 Mylar drawing required for final approval . 4' to .t x ' ,emu. e.e. 2. Assessment for needed improvements to mitigate transportation problems that would be generated by the development is $103.63 per traffic impact analysis. Total Estimated Trips: Drive In Restaurant 553 x 3,800 1000 - t2, 101 .40 Retail Shop 40.7 x 11 ,400 - 463.98 1000 Office Building 17.7 x 29,800 = 527,46 1000 �s. Total Trips Generated = : 3,092.84 Total Assessment Amount: $103.63 x 3,092.85 = $320,511 .01 The above assessment covers the following items: • Signals at the following listed intersections - Lake Wash. Blvd./Port Quendall Access - Lake Wash. Blvd./Ripley Lane - NE 44th/I-405 Southbound on/off ramp - NE 44th/Northbound on/off ramp/Lake Wash. Blvd. • Five (5) -lane roadway on NE 44th Street from Ripley Lane to Lake Wash. Blvd./I-405 on/off ramps. 3. Management to discuss with Metro Transit the possibility of locating a transit stop at the NE 44th Street interchange. 4. Retail center management to provide information center for ridesharing, carpooling and vanpooling for employees. 1 4 i'r 4el't:hG L)..a RENTOt UILDING & ZONING DEPAR' ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 009 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. : LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO : 4/8/87 n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : Li ENGINEERING DIVISION n TRAFFIC ENG , DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU n PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT :: n BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT n POLICE DEPARTMENT W.\\\ n POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ri OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P ,M, ON MARCH 31, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : n APPROVED n APPROVED W CONDITIONS F- NOT APPROVED dev,/g.- 3/6 11 //o - f4, 3) /3-4 s /. Go 16,--6 ,4 DATE: 5//a:/;--;7 SIGNATURE OF DIR CTOR OR AU HO IZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTON ' JILDING & ZONING DEPAR F ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF - 009 - 87 APPLICATION NOS) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW' THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A -TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO : 4/8/87 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : [1] ENGINEERING DIVISION riTRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : n UTILITIES ENG , DIVISION FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5: 00 P .M. ON MARCH 31, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 7orui v APPROVED APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED cD 100 rocri LitsvoosCPp K,l O P &j& Wes-( PRoppRT`c (Alvd PcDJAc TO 1/--40 , SI✓1L a4 SHoWiJ I APRs TO !s KSEC0 TO 66 I YUC OK PONFy1E.'. C-©iu I r Itou� TR.0 S I to-to 1-plioosc, p In3G Tp 11Y1PliN7TAIro e'E.FISDIV$L. GOVOR TI$itotx u-f 'fENP-, t_CO Mhete SHORT i PLprT w t1Ih RA IA. CFI g)76 s- cEer t iv‘Fctcy, hAsirrS . 4- 17,- Z57 DATE: SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTOI UILDING & ZONING DEPAR ENT a DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW.SIiE gioN MAR 1 u 1987 ECF - 009 - 87 POLICY nicvpLOPMFMT nF" APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO : 4/8/87 El PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ❑ ENGINEERING DIVISION El TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : El UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 0 BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING . PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON MARCH 31, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : 602_ 0-W-thrfaint 0 APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH 1 DITIONS `' El NOT APPROVED ..,6.1t-e.— .c.,o LA) ' '' AAA2.4-. .. 662SZPLakW11 /44.4L.e., if.A _... 2,0,......4.„ . ) A-X-A-2ntigue ...,,,,,,(4.__. 7(x) 1)-it, kor i ,_,..e..,4 ..k..Q.,r., er..4,..ac -±Ast4,4,taiviatt,01,, (bk,..14,Le,u,-1-AA ._.0...dx.s.- p.e4.1-,, ,-) ---kb ct___ ri,A, _.er-11..,AJ-e tut,..2-y&sr&s.,4&Aisutit-43-1i u tAzyyl ---u4. 4--. avia-t. --64)4/tAba , aA4 At f / DATE : 3--- SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED I PRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 RENTOIV UILDING & ZONING DEPAR' ENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET ECF — 009 - 87 APPLICATION NO(S) : SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT : EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE : EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS HAVING A -TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATION : EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44thSTREET. TO: 4/8/87 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULED ERC DATE : ® ENGINEERING DIVISION El TRAFFIC ENG . DIVISION SCHEDULED HEARING DATE : UTILITIES ENG . DIVISION 0 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU EilPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT El OTHERS : COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN WRITING , PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS TO THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT BY 5 : 00 P .M. ON MARCH 31, 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION : W 4 APPROVED n APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS ONOT APPROVED A9%! i DATE: ej J SIGNAT F DIRECTOR OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE REVISION 5/1982 Form 182 -• s © CITY OF RENTON , BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT I!Ii.;'N a I 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 • 8 ) • lA1, " I� 1 CITYOF Rit.1T�� . r Exit _ r Inc. ��� I JUL2200 6th Ave. Suite 430 , A J r'•��� Seattle, WA 98121 IA _ t U;Lt.i' 70SV1NC, DEPT. djb - ------/,--- l.lNt:I...(., .-t-il--Z.D- . l..1 i:.N('IAN............. REF VA al.Jt:;l:�.a:i........,�li� MAIL... Fti1:::i.;i::.t::��I,,.:,t:a_.1::......._--------_.. C iN T................ORDER EX i'"RE.i)............... ........._.. :).:i�l::kJ I".:'J:t:::I:l:::i�•i..i. r"1I::�4"Dl�E:t. •::i----..... R0 UT El 41: WO r INITI yl... II,i„i„I,,,,II„1,I,,,IIi,I„I OF /24, A + CLIA.Z......) 7777e1,, 0, BUILDING 6, ZONING DEPARTMENT . (.'' 6 4) - 200 Mill Avenue South. Olt-IL. ! Renton,Washington 98055 /s/7 p -•. _ . 4, 0.40 CTY ORENT9N loVoo /ue, iF. Le ' .5) ECCEOVIEn 6-664-,t-k , Z000y 1 JUN 111987 y d : .---:2------, -,.._ -__,,,-----------, ______________________„ , 2200 6th Ave. , Suite 4 e.---- -- ---, BUILDING /ZONING DEPT. 44) Seattle, WA 98121 CI A EXI 00 ARETURN TO SENDER NO FORWARDING ORDER ON FILE . .-:--_ - ..-- • JRESSEE , • - -1--- UNABLE TO FORWARD I ,e1Z7,5,TT. '.URN TO SENDEB k,- .1'948.? illLiult!IMAIHLItlitilii i„. _ DS/dskl ecf00987 4 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-009-87 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for a three lot short plat of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shipping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45,000 square feet of retail space. PROPONENT: Exit 7 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Ave. N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton, Building and Zoning Department The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43 .21C. 030(2) (c) . This decision was made after review of an expanded environmental checklist and preliminary site plan, on file with the lead agency. Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) Renton Municipal Code (see attached sheet) . These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340. The lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen (15) days from June 25, 1987. Any interested party may submit written comments which must be submitted by 5: 00 p.m. , July 10, 1987, in order to be considered. This Determination may be appealed by 5:00 p.m. on July 10, 1987. Any appeal must be submitted in writing stating clearly the reasons for revising the Determination and must be accompanied by a non-refundable $75. 00 filing fee. Responsible Official: Environmental Review Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 235-2500 DATE OF DECISION: June 3, 1987 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 26, 1987 / ASAla! Rana`ld G. Nelson 1171 Sprin'er Building and Zoning Director -olicy7-velo•i ent Director 'J,6e) Richard oughton Public Works Director �;i DS/dskl Exit7MM CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE MITIGATION MEASURES ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST NO. : ECF-009-87 APPLICATION NO(S) . : SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicatioi for a three lot short plat of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shipping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45, 00Q square feet of retail space. PROPONENT: Exit 7 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Ave. N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. CONDITIONS: 1. That development standards be prepared for the whole site in order to ensure that later buildings are thematically integrated into a campus like setting. 2 . That all on-site lighting luminaries be mounted at a pole height or be sufficiently screened so as not to be directly visible from the apartment complex to the east. 3 . That the applicant develop covenants acceptable to the City that will protect the existing marsh/wetland at the southwest corner of the site. 4: That canopy type trees be provided in the interior portions of the parking lot to buffer glare off parked cars and improve views from the apartment complex across 109th Avenue S.E. 5. That nine (9) parking stalls be deleted from the project (in the southwest corner of the site) to reduce excess parking and reduce encroachment into the existing marsh/wetland) . 6. That a temporary erosion control plan be developed to minimize construction impacts on the adjacent marsh/wetland (along the west property line and at the southwest corner of the site) . 7. That a storm water retention/detention facility based upon a 25 year, 24 hour storm and a 5 year storm release rate be provided on site. 8. That additional street trees (of sufficient height and shape so as not to impair vehicular sight distance lines) be provided along N.E. 44th Street and 109th Avenue S.E. frontages in order to t . City of Renton Determination of Non-, Tnificance Mitigation Measures Exit7MM/DS/Dskl Page 2 visually help soften this otherwise hard surface site, particularly as seen from the Cedar River Apartment complex to the east. 9. That a landscape plan acceptable to the Building and Zoning Department be prepared in conjunction with the development standards called for in Item 1. 10. That a traffic impact assessment fee of $282,809.26, based upon $91.44 per vehicle trip, signalization of nearby intersections and a five lane roadway from Ripley Lane ,to the Lake Washington Boulevard/I-405 on/off ramp be provided. 11. That a traffic system management plan with information on ridesharing, carpooling, etc. be prepared. 12. That because of the site's remote location that all structures ,be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 13. That the applicant provide curbs and gutters along all streets abutting the site. 14. That ; the Department of Game and Fisheries be notified and asked to advise the City whether the existing drainage channel is considered to be a viable fish habitat. 15. That wetland conservation covenants and utility trail easements be provided that are acceptable to the Department of Public Works. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Declaration of Non-Significance Mitigated for the following projects: HENDERSON HOMES, INC. (SUMMERWIND DIVISION #2) : Resubmittal application for preliminary plat approval to allow a 73 lot subdivision or: 17.1 acres of property zoned R-1, Residential Single Family, for Division 2. Property located approximately at the 2200-2300 block of Duvall Avenue N.E. File Nos. : ECF-020-87,PP-025-87. BUCHAN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION (RAINIER AUTO CENTER) : Application for site plan approval to allow the construction of an auto service center comprised of two buildings having 9,720 sq. ft. on a 0.74 acre site. Property located on the west side of Rainier Ave. North at 371 Rainier Ave. North. File Nos. : ECF-011-87,SA-014- 87. RON LIEN: Application for conditional use permit to allow a three story office addition having approximately 2,160 sq. ft. A substantial shoreline development permit is also required as said development is within 200 feet of the Cedar River. Property located west of the Cedar River at 289 East Perimeter Road. File Nos. : ECF-018-87,CU-020- 87,SM-003-87. PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES VIII LTD. AND KOHL EXCAVATING INC. PROFIT SHARING PLAN: Application to rezone approximately 3 .53 acres of property from G- 1 to B-1 for future commercial use. - - Property located on the west side of Rainier Ave. N. at the 800 to 900 block. File Nos. ECF-086-86,R-102-86. KOHL EXCAVATING INC. PROFIT SHARING PLAN: Application to rezone approximately 2.60 acres of property from R-2 Ito B-1 for future commercial use. Property located between 87th Avenue South to the west and Rainier Ave. South to the east in the 800-850 block. File Nos. : ECF-087-86,R-103-86. THE POLYGON CORPORATION (SUNPOINTE CONDOMINIUMS) : Application for final planned unit development for Phase II of the Sunpointe Condominiums to allow 256 multi- family units on app Coximately 13 .29 acres of property. Property located at Stevens Avenue S.W. and S.W. 5th Street. File Nos. : ECF-033-87,FPUD-037-87. E&H PROPERTIES (GARDEN PLAZA) : Application to rezone approximately 3.3 acres of property from L-1 to B-1 Property located between Park Avenue N. and Garden Avenue N. between North 5th and 6th Streets, File Nos. : ECF-013- 87,R-016-87. SUNSET PROFESSIONAL CENTER: Application for site plan approval to allow construction of a three-story, 26,010 sq. ft. professional and general office building to be located on a 1.44 acre site. Property located north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. and east of Anacortes Ave. N.E. , File Nos. : ECF-014-87,SA-018-87. 1 'i 1;;fir PUBLIC STORAGE. INC. : �r Application for conditional use permit to build a mini- storage warehouse on 2,388 acres and application for short plat of two (2) lots. Property located at N.W. quadrant of Edmonds Avenue N.E. and Sunset Blvd. N.E. , File Nos. : ECF-019-87rCU-021-87,SH PL-022-87. STONEWAY CONCRETE AND CITY OF RENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Application for special permit to allow the filling and grading on 3.88 acres of property with approximately 53,000 cubic yards of material in order to bring the property to grade with the remainder of the site, and substantial shorelines development permit to allow said fill and grading within 200 ft. of Cedar River, File Nos. : ECF-005-87,SP-005-87,SM-002-87. x EXIT 7: Application for a three lot short plat of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan , approval to allow the construction of a shopping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45,000 square feet of retail space. Property located east of I+405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. File Nos. : ECF-009-87,SH PL-011-87,SA-012-87. This decision will be finalized in 15 days. Written comments received after 5:00 p.m. , July 10, 1987, will not be considered. A fourteen (14) day appeal period will commence following the finalization of DNS. The mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton°s Environmental Review Committee are available at the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington. Phone 235-2540. The Determination may be appealed by 5:00 p.m. on July 10, 1987. Any appeal must be submitted in writing stating clearly reasons for revising the Determination and must be accompanied by a non refundable $75.00 filing fee. PUBLISHED: June 26, 1987 • • N OT C E ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION APPLICATION NO. ECF-009-87, SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 APPLICANT EXIT 7 PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION FOR A 3 LOT SHORT PLAT OF 3 .6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY & AN APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER CONSISTING OF 3 BUILDINGS WITH A TOTAL OF 45,000 SQ. FT. OF RETAIL SPACE, GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF I-4054 SOUTH OF THE EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, ST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. & -NORTH OF N. 44TH STREET. POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES t DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMEN WILL ►�� WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE BELOW. COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., JUNE 29, 1987 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. (iw PL -ot( Public Notice Public Notice NOTICE OF acres of property from L-1 to B-1. Property ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION located between Park Avenue N. and Gar- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE den Avenue N. between North 5th and 6th RENTON,WASHINGTON Streets,File Nos.:ECF-013-87, R-016-87. The Environmental Review Committee SUNSET PROFESSIONAL CENTER: (ERC)has issued a Declaration of Non-Sig- Application for site plan approval to allow nificance Mitigated for the following proj- construction of a three-story, 26,010 sq. ft. ects: professional and general office building to AFFIDAVIT OF PUB HENDERSON HOMES, INC. (SUMMER- be located on a 1.44 acre site. Property WIND DIVISION #2): Resubmittal applica- located north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. and east tion for preliminary plat approval to allow a of Anacortes Ave. N.E., File Nos.: ECF- 73 lot subdivision on 17.1 acres of propety 014-87,SA-018-87. =ud +ey DeJ-ojo ,being fi zoned R-1, Residential Single Family, for PUBLIC STORAGE, INC.:Application for he/she is the Chief Clerk of the Division 2. Property located approximately conditional use permit to build a mini-stor- thatat the 2200-2300 block of Duvall Avenue age warehouse on 2,388 acres and applica- N.E.File Nos.:ECF-020-87,PP-025-87. lion for short plat of two (2) lots. Property BUCHAN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION located at N.W. quadrant cf Edmonds Ave- VALLEY DAIL` (RAINIER AUTO CENTER): Application for nue N.E. and Sunset Blvd. N.E., File Nos.: site plan approval to allow the construction ECF-019-87,CU-021-87, SH PL-022-87. • • Kent Edition • Renton Edition] of an auto service center comprised of two STONEWAY CONCRETE AND CITY OF buildings having 9,720 sq.ft.on a 0.74 acre RENTON PARKS AND RECREATION Daily newspapers published six (6) times a site. Property located on the west side of DEPARTMENT: Application for special per- Rainier Ave. North at 371 Rainier Ave. - mit to allow the filling and grading on 3.88 are legal newspapers and are now and ha North.File Nos.:ECF-011-87,SA-014-87. acres of property with approximately 53,000 months prior to the date of publication refers RON LIEN: Application for conditional cubic yards of material in order to bring the use permit to allow a three story office property to grade with the remainder of hte in the English language continually as dai13 addition having approximately 2,160 sq. ft. site, and substantial shorelines develop- County,Washington.The Valley Daily News A substantial shoreline development permit ment permit to allow said fill and grading newspaper by order of the Superior Court of is also required as said development is within 200 ft. of Cedar River, File Nos.: within 200 feet of the Cedar River. Property ECF-005-87,SP-005087,SM-002-87. King County. located west of the Cedar River at 289 East EXIT 7: Application for a three lot short Perimeter Road. File Nos.: ECF-018-87, plat of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned CU-020-87,SM-003-87. property and an application for site plan The notice in the exact form attached,was pi PUBLIC STORAGE PROPERTIES VIII approval to allow the construction of a —, Renton Edition , Auburn E LTD. AND KOHL EXCAVATING INC. shopping center consisting of three build- PROFIT SHARING PLAN: Application to ings with a total of 45,000 square feet of supplement form) which was regularly di5 rezone approximately 3.53 acres of proper- retail space. Property located east of 1-405, during the below stated period.The annexed I ty from G-1 to B-1 for future commercial south of the Exit 7 off ramp of 1-405,west of use. Property located on the west side of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 44th Notice of Environmental -Jots Rainier Ave. N.at the 800 to 900 block.File Street. File Nos.: ECF-009-87, SH PL-011- Nos.ECF-086-86,R-102-86. 87,SA-012-87. was published on Jim e 2(:)' 1' ;i KOHL EXCAVATING INC. PROFIT This decision will be finalized in 15 days. SHARING PLAN: Application to rezone Written comments received after 5:00 p.m., approximately 2.60 acres of property from July 10, 1987, will not be considered. A R-2 to B-1 for future commercial use. Prop- fourteen (14) day appeal period will com- erty located between 87th Avenue South to mence following the finalization of DNS. The full amount of the fee charged for said west and Rainier Ave. south to the east in The mitigation measures imposed by the the 800-850 block. File Nos.: ECF-087-86, City of Renton's Environmental Review sum of $36.10 R-103-86. Committee are available at the Building and THE POLYGON CORPORATION (SUN- Zoning Department, Municipal Building, • POINTE CONDOMINIUMS): Application for Renton,Washington.Phone 235-2540. final planned unit development for Phrase II The Determination may be appealed by / ! • of the Sunpointe Condominiums to allow 5:00 p.m. on July 10, 1987. Any appeal 256 multi-family units on approximately must be submitted in writing stating clearly 13.29 acres of property. Property located at reasons for revising the Determination and Stevens Avenue S.W. and S.W. 5th Street. must be accompanied by a non refundable Subscribed and sworn to before me this JQt. File Nos.:ECF-033-87,FPUD-037-87. $75.00 filing fee. E & H PROPERTIES(GARDEN PLAZA): Published in the Valley.Daily News June Application to rezone approximately 3.3 26, 1987. R2370 No a y Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. VON#87 Revised 11 86 510b'( `� t f'L --o i I- 1 Sq - UIZ- t'5--) RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON,WASHINGTON ; A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY1 THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER ATV, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MEETINGHIS REGULAR IN CIL CHAMBERS N THE THE SECOND; FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASH-; INGTON, ON JULY 14, 1987, at 9:00 a.m.; Audrey De Jo ie ,being first duly sworn on oath states TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PETI-; TIONS: that he/she is the Chief Clerk of the CARLYLE SHORT PLAT Application for short plat approval to allow the subdivision of approximately 0.94 VALLEY DAILY NEWS acres of propertyinto four single family; residential lots anddapplication of a vari- • Kent Edition • Renton Edition • Auburn Edition ance to allow one pipestem lot. File' Nos.:SH PL-043-87 and V-044-87. Property Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week.That said news papers located at 2314 Union Avenue N.E. P P EXIT 7 are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six Application for a three lot short plat of months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published 3.6 acres of commerically zoned property and an application for site plan approval to in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King allow the construction of a shopping center, County,Washington.The Valley Daily News has been approved as a legal45,0 consisting of three buildings with a total of newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for located square of feet , retailut space. Property' b' located east I-405, south of the Exit 7 off King County. ramp of 1-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 43rd Place. File Nos: ECF- 099-87,SH PL-011.87,SA-012-87. The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the Kent Edition THE POLYGON CORPORATION (SUN- , Renton Edition X , Auburn Edition , (and not in POINTE CONDOMINIUMS) Application for final planned unit devel- supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers opment for Phase II of the Sunpointe Con-, during the below stated period.The annexed notice a dominiums to allow 256 multi-family units Notice on approximately 13.29 acres of property., of Public rye a r i ng Property located at Stevens Avenue S.W. and S.W. 5th Street. File Nos:ECF-033- was published on Jul y 3, 1 98 7 Ra38 3 87,FPUD-037-87. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS TO SAID' The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the PETITIONS ARE INVITED TO BE PRES-' sum of $ 36.90 ENT AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 14, 1987,AT 9:00 A.M. TO EXPRESS. THEIR OPINIONS. Ronald G.Nelson Building and Zoning Director { Published in the Valley Daily News July 3, v 1987.R2383 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14 thday of July 1987 2��/D ,;r V.--- S- -, Not r�b is for the State of Wa shington, residing at Federal Way, King County, Washington. VD ♦87 Revised 11 86 i /P PUB61587 Dskl NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a declaration of NON-SIGNIFICANCE for the following projects with additional conditions imposed as mitigating measures under their authority of Section 4-2822 (D) of the Renton Municipal Coder SUNSET PROFESSIONAL CENTER Application for site plan approval to allow construction of a three-story, 26,010 sq. ft. professional and general office building to be located on a 1.44 acre site. Property located north of N.E. Sunset Blvd. and east of Anacortes Ave. N.E. , File Nos. : ECF-014-87, SA-018-87. PUBLIC STORAGE, INC. Application for conditional use permit to build a mini- storage warehouse on 2 . 388 acres and application for short plat of two (2) lots. Property located at N.W. quadrant of Edmonds Avenue N.E. and Sunset Blvd. N.E. , File Nos. : ECF- 019-87, CU-021-87, SH PL-022-87. STONEWAY CONCRETE AND CITY OF RENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Application for special permit to allow the filling and grading on 3.88 acres of property with approximately 53, 000 cubic yards of material in order to bring the property to grade with the remainder of the site, and substantial shorelines development permit to allow said fill and grading within 200 ft. of Cedar River, File Nos. : ECF-005-87, SP- 005-87, SM-002-87. - EXIT 7 Application for a three lot short plat of 3 .6 acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shopping center consisting of three buildings with a total of 45,000 square feet of retail space. Property located east of I-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. and north of N. 44th Street. File Nos. : ECF-009-87, SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87. Further information regarding this action is available in the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2550. Any appeal of ERC action must be filed with the Renton Hearing Examiner by June 29, 1987. Published: June 15, 1987 • i NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMI- NATI 11 ' ENVIRONMENTAL REOV EW COMMITTEE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ENVIRONMENTAL WASHINGTON The Environmental Review'Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of NON- tiudrey DeJoie , being first duly sworn on oath states that SIGNIFICANCE — MITIGATED for the fol- s lowing project(s) under the authority of the he/she is the Chief Clerk of the Renton Municipal Code. The Applicant(s) i have completed a mitigation process pursu- 1 ant to WAC 197-11-350. VALLEa STONEWAY CONCRETE AND CITY OF Y NEWSPAPERS RENTON PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Daily News Journal, Daily Record Chronicle, Daily Globe News Application for special permit to allow the filling and grading on 3.88 acres of prop- Daily newspapers published six (6) times a week.That said newspapers erty with approximately 53,000 cubic are legal newspapers and are now and have been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to,printed and published yards of material in order to bring the property to grade with the remainder of in the English language continually as daily newspapers in Kent, King the site, and substantial shorelines devel- County, Washington. Valley Newspapers have been approved as legal opment permit to allow said fill and grad- ingnewspapers by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Numbers:w CF00 ft.0 -8of Cedar River. File g ECF-005-87, SP-005-87, SM- King County. 002-87, EXIT 7 Application for a three lot short plat of 3.6 The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the Daily News acres of commercially zoned property and an application for site plan approval to Journal , Daily Record Chronicle . ., Daily Globe News , (and allow the construction of a shopping cen- not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its ter consisting of three buildings with a total of 45,000 square feet of retail space. subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice a Property located east of 1-405, south of the Exit 7 off ramp of 1-405, west of Lin- Nctice ©i' invironn%entel Deteri-_i-nat' ,_. was published coin Avenue N.E. and north of N. 44th on N18 22, 1981 1 22tS9 Z Street. File Numbers: ECF-009-87, SH PL-011.87,SA-012-87. This decision is effective in 15 days.Writ- ten comments received after June 8, 1987 will not be considered. The mitigation mea- The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sures imposed by the City of Renton's Envi- ronmental Review Committee are available sum of $_ ,,(�.,'- at the Building and Zoning Department, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, 235-2540. ��vt�.�i� � Published in the Valley Daily News May jG , — �E' 22, 1987.R2289 ` Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 a t day of June 19=1. i Not Public for the State of Washington, residing at Federal Way, CITYIT2 OF RENTON LE King County, Washington. 15') �, E 1] V Ei) VN#87 Revised 10/84 JUN 101987 BUILDING /ZONING DEPT. A' r 0BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Its clL RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR oO� mom ; co'9? MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 p 235-2540 0 SEPTE�0�P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR May 29, 1987 Mr. Tom Devlin 19500 S.W. 90th court Tualatin, OR 97062 Subject: Site Approval 012-87 and Short Plat 011-87 Applications Dear Mr. Devlin: This letter is to inform you that the Environmental Review Committee completed their review of the environmental impacts of your site approval and short plat requests for property located on the southeast corner of the intersection of I-405 at N.E. 44th Street. The Committee on May 8, 1987, decided that your project may be issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated with the following conditions: 1. That development standards be prepared for the whole site in order to ensure that later buildings are thematically integrated into a campus like setting. 2. That all on-site lighting luminaries be mounted at a pole height or be sufficiently screened so as not to be directly visible from the apartment complex to the east. 3. That the applicant develop covenants acceptable to the City that will protect the existing marsh/wetland at the southwest corner of the site. 4. That canopy type trees be provided in the interior portions of the parking lot to buffer glare off parked cars and improve views from the apartment complex across 109th Avenue S.E. Mr. Tom Devlin RE: Exit 7, Inc. May 29, 1987 Page 2 5. That nine (9) parking stalls be deleted from the project (in the southwest corner of the site) to reduce excess parking and reduce encroachment into the existing marsh/wetland). 6 That a temporary erosion control plan be developed to minimize construction impacts on the adjacent marsh/wetland (along the west property line and at the southwest corner of the site). 7. That a storm water retention/detention facility based upon a 25 year, 24 hour storm and a 5 year storm release rate be provided on site. 8. That additional street trees (of sufficient height and shape so as not to impair vehicular sight distance lines) be provided along N.E. 44th Street and 109th Avenue S.E. frontages in order to visually help soften this otherwise hard surface site, particularly as seen from the Cedar River Apartment complex to the east. 9. That a landscape plan acceptable to the Building and Zoning Department be prepared in conjunction with the development standards called for in Item 1. 10. That a traffic impact assessment fee of $282,809.26, based upon $91.44 per vehicle trip, signalization of nearby intersections and a five lane roadway from Ripley Lane to the Lake Washington Boulevard/I-405 on/off ramp be provided. 11. That a traffic system management plan with information on ridesharing, carpooling, etc. be prepared. 12. That because of the site's remote location that all structures be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 13. That the applicant provide curbs and gutters along all streets abutting the site. Mr. Tom Devlin RE: Exit 7, Inc. May 29, 1987 Page 3 14. That the Department of Game and Fisheries be notified and asked to advise the City whether the existing drainage channel is considered to be a viable fish habitat. 15. That wetland conservation covenants and utility trail easements be provided that are acceptable to the Department of Public Works. Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather than issue a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end on June 8, 1987. Following the end of the comment period, the City will issue a Final Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation of its earlier threshold determination. Following the issuance of the Final Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. Appeals are made to the City's Hearing Examiner. In addition, by the end of the comment period, we should be able to establish a tentative public hearing date before the Hearing Examiner for your proposal. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call our office at 235-2540 and ask for myself or Jeanette Samek-McKague. For re Environment el,' Committee. P( Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator DICE:wr:2240N of R4,4 a ® BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 0,9 cp� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 m 235-2540 Ao P 4TFO SE131 -' BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR May 29, 1987 Exit 7, Inc. 2200 6th Ave., Suite 430 Seattle, WA 98121 Subject: Site Approval 012-87 and Short Plat 011-87 Applications Dear Sir: This letter is to inform you that the Environmental Review Committee completed their review of the environmental impacts of your site approval and short plat requests for property located on the southeast corner of the intersection of 1-405 at N.E. 44th Street. The Committee on May 8, 1987, decided that your project may be issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated with the following conditions: 1. That development standards be prepared for the whole site in order to ensure that later buildings are thematically integrated into a campus like setting. 2. That all on-site lighting luminaries be mounted at a pole height or be sufficiently screened so as not to . be directly visible from the apartment complex to the east. 3. That the applicant develop covenants acceptable to the City that will protect the existing marsh/wetland at the southwest corner of the site. 4. That canopy type trees be provided in the interior portions of the parking lot to buffer glare off parked cars and improve views from the apartment complex across 109th Avenue S.E. Exit 7, Inc. May 29, 1987 Page 2 5. That nine (9) parking stalls be deleted from the project (in the southwest corner of the site) to reduce excess parking and reduce encroachment into the existing marsh/wetland). 6 That a temporary erosion control plan be developed to minimize construction impacts on the adjacent marsh/wetland (along the west property line and at the southwest corner of the site). 7. That a storm water retention/detention facility based upon a 25 year, 24 hour storm and a 5 year storm release rate be provided on site. 8. That additional street trees (of sufficient height and shape so as not to impair vehicular sight distance lines) be provided along N.E. 44th Street and 109th Avenue S.E. frontages in order to visually help soften this otherwise hard surface site, particularly as seen from the Cedar River Apartment complex to the east. 9. That a landscape plan acceptable to the Building and Zoning Department be prepared in conjunction with the development standards called for in Item 1. 10. That a traffic impact assessment fee of $282,809.26, based upon $91.44 per vehicle trip, signalization of nearby intersections and a . five lane roadway from Ripley Lane to the Lake Washingtnn Boulevard/I-405 on/off ramp be provided. 11. That a traffic system management plan with information on ridesharing, carpooling, etc. be prepared. 12. That because of the site's remote location that all structures be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 13. That the applicant provide curbs and gutters along all streets abutting the site. IF )- Exit 7, Inc. May 29, 1987 Page 3 14. That the Department of Game and Fisheries be notified and asked to advise the City whether the existing drainage channel is considered to be a viable fish habitat. 15. That wetland conservation covenants and utility trail easements be provided that are acceptable to the Department of Public Works. Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather than issue a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end on June 8, 1987. Following the end of the comment period, the City will issue a Final Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation of its earlier threshold determination. Following the issuance of the Final Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. Appeals are made to the City's Hearing Examiner. In addition, by the end of the comment period, we should be able to establish a tentative public hearing date before the Hearing Examiner for your rezone. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call our office at 235-2540 and ask for myself or Jeanette Samek-McKague. For Environmen 1 iew mittee. Donald K. Erickso , AICP Zoning Administrator DICE:wr:2240N r /. ,... V , _ • - 0 • • L, q� 'L " ! (! ` y Y �y ' r Y'� ya Y! �`1"�r )1 ty 1 �rt v r 1� *3Y I Y " ri.. 'i" f" r' a', "k Sj .,0, f i !. d al..s . .,, /l,ur k'� ,. I' .. ,, , 11 -t•.14.4 sy APPLICATION NO. ECF-009-87, SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 APPLICANT EXIT 7 PROPOSED ACTION APPLICATION FOR A 3 LOT SHORT PLAT OF 3, 6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY & APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLO' CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER CONSISTING OF 3 BUILDINGS WITH 45, 000 SQ, FT. OF RETAIL SPACE. GENERAL LOCATION ND/OR ADDRESS EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF THE EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF 1-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVE. N. E .' & NORTH OF N. .,44TH STREET. POSTE* Ti* NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSI NS F AN Ec V[i , ONE, ENTAL '''`tCT0i•. '>Io THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (E.R.C.) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION r' .t �rES OES :'',4OT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ,I !ILL PELL NOT BE REQUIRED. • THE CITY OF RENTON WILL NOT ACT ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE EL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JUNE 8, 198/ AN APPEAL OF THE ABOVE DETERMINATION MAY BE FILED WITH THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BY 5:00 P.M., 4 1 f,'' , 0 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION. I OF R4,1, rs-,4-L,4. 0 RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR co� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o 235-2540 0 9�rFD SEP. c���P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR May 28, 1987 Washington State Dept. of Ecology Environmetal Review Section Mail Stop PV-11 Olympia, WA 98504 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are copies of the Mitigating Measures and Environmental Checklist for the following projects: 1. Stoneway Concrete and City of Renton Parks and Recreation Department. File Nos.: SP-005-87, SM-002-87, ECF-005-87. 2. Exit 7, Inc. File Nos.: SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87, ECF-009-87 3. Medical Center Development Group/Health Care Development Associates (Sunset Professional Center) File No.: SA-018-87, ECF-014-87 4. Public Storage, Inc. File Nos.: CU-021-87, SH PL-022-87, ECF-019-87 5. Gerald Grieve (Food Service Brokerage Company Building) File Nos: SA-029-87, ECF-026-87 Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather then issued a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end June 9, 1987. Following the end of the comment period, the City will issue a Final Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation of its earlier threshold determination. Following the issuance of the Final Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. A copy of the Final Determination will be mailed to you_ • Washington State Dept. of Ecology May 28, 1987 Page 2 If you have any questions, please call 235-2540. •• 'ncb / ;) Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator Enclosures DE:JL:cb:2227N OF R4,4 °D BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RONALD G. NELSON - DIRECTOR 0 GISMO co� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o 235-2540 0g1 1) SEP1-- BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR May 27, 1987 Mr. Gerald W. Marbett Building & Land Development Division 450 King County Administration Building Seattle, WA 98104 Dear Mr. Marbett: Transmitted herewith are copies of the Mitigating Measures for the following projects: 1. Stoneway Concrete and City of Renton Parks and Recreation Department. File Nos.: SP-005-87, SM-002-87, ECF-005-87. 2. Exit 7, Inc. File Nos.: SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87, ECF-009-87 3. Medical Center Development Group/Health Care Development Associates (Sunset Professional Center) File No.: SA-018-87, ECF-014-87 4. Public Storage, Inc. File Nos.: CU-021-87, SH PL-022-87, ECF-019-87 5. Gerald Grieve (Food Service Brokerage Company Building) File Nos: SA-029-87, ECF-026-87 Because the Environmental Review Committee imposed specific mitigation measures rather then.,issued a Determination of Significance, there is a required fifteen (15) day comment period during which comments are solicited from various agencies, jurisdictions or individuals who may have an interest in the Committee's decision. The comment period will end June 9, 1987. Following the end of the comment period, the City will issue a Final Determination unless comments received require a reevaluation of its earlier threshold determination. Following the issuance of the Final Determination, there is a required 14 day appeal period. A copy of the Final Determination will be mailed to you. Mr. Gerald W. Marbett Building & Land Development Division May 27, 1987 Page 2 If you have any questions, please call 235-2540. Donald K. Erickson, AICP Zoning Administrator Enclosures DE:JL:cb:2227N A 2170N BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT APRIL 22, 1987 A. BACKGROUND: PROJECT: Exit 7, Retail Center, Exit 7, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: ECF-009-87 APPLICATION NO.: SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Application for short plat approval to allow the subdivision of 3.6 acres of commercially zoned property into three (3) lots and application for site plan approval to allow the construction of a shopping center comprised of three buildings having a total building area of 45,000 square feet. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Located east of I-405, south of Exit 7 off ramp .of I-405, west of Lincoln Avenue, N.E., and north ,of N.E. 44th Street. B. ISSUES: 1. Whether sufficient measures have been taken to preserve and incorporate in their design existing wetlands on the site? 2. Whether sufficient measures have been taken to protect nearby residential areas from light, glare, and noise associated with the proposed development? 3. Whether sufficient measures have been taken to control the anticipated traffic impacts associated with the proposed development? 4. Whether the applicant is providing excessive amounts of on-site parking that exceed probable demands for such a mixed-use facility? 5. Whether sufficient development standards (in terms of landscaping, lighting, building materials, and themes) have been developed to ensure that the site wll be developed with a common thematic or campus like theme? C. ANALYSIS: The applicants are proposing to develop,a:.45,000 sq. ft. commercial shopping complex with on-site parking for 257 cars. An 11,400 sq. ft. of retail is proposed in a one-story "shop" building and the first floor of a three-story retail/office building consisting of 29,800 sq. ft. A future 3,800 sq. ft. restaurant is proposed later on the northwest corner of the site. The applicants as a part of their request wish to subdivide the subject site up into three parcels, two of which would go through site plan review and the third, which is designated for a McDonald's restaurant, would be developed at a later date. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 2 Since the applicants are not submitting the whole site at this time for site plan review, we are not in a position to fully evaluate the aesthetic impacts of their proposal. Since aesthetics will be an important consideration, staff are recommending as a mitigation measure that the applicants prepare site development standards for the whole site that will ensure that later phases fit into and integrate with a campus like setting. A review of the applicant's submittal indicates that they are providing approximately 257 spaces. If parking uses are calcualated for the development as a shopping center. only 248 spaces would be required. As a consequence, staff are recommending as a mitigation measure that the applicants reduce their parking count to 248 spaces. Another issue that an analysis raised was the treatment of wetlands on the site. The applicants' site plan indicates that they will be filling in about 30-40 percent of an existing wetland marsh at the southwest corner of the site. In that this marsh likely serves as a habitat for certain species of wildlife and could function as a secondary bio-filtering system of excessive storm water (that has already gone through an oil/water separator) but must be retained temporarily on site to allow for a slower storm water release rate, staff are recommending that most of this area be retained. By recapturing the area near the southwest entrance that had been set aside for parking, we believe the most critical points of the wetland marsh can be retained. Staff estimate that seven to nine parking spaces would be deleted here. In addition, the entrance drive should be shifted approximately 10 feet to the east. In order to control light and glare off parked cars as seen from the apartment complex across the street, staff are recommending that additional landscaping in the form of deciduous trees be provided along the N.E. 44th Street and 110th Avenue S.E. property lines. These trees can have sufficient height at the time of planting so as not to impair traffic sight lines and have smaller leafs so as not to block storm water drains. Additional intense site landscaping is also encouraged to help visually soften this heavily paved site and reduce the amount of impervious surfaces on site. D. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated with the following conditions: y BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 3 1. That development standards be prepared for the whole site in order to ensure that later buildings are thematically integrated into a campus like setting. 2. That all on-site lighting luminaries be mounted at a pole height or be sufficiently screened so as not to be directly visible from the apartment complex to the east. 3. That the applicant develop covenants acceptable to the City that will protect the existing marsh/wetland at the southwest corner of the site. 4. That canopy type trees be provided in the interior portions of the parking lot to buffer glare off parked cars and improve views from the apartment complex across 109th Avenue S.E. 5. That nine (9) parking stalls be deleted from the project (in the southwest corner of the site) to reduce excess parking and reduce encroachment into the existing marsh/wetland). 6 That a temporary erosion control plan be developed to minimize construction impacts on the adjacent marsh/wetland (along the west property line and at the southwest corner of the site). 7. That a storm water retention/detention facility based upon a 25 year, 24 hour storm and a 5 year storm release rate be provided on site. 8. That additional street trees (of sufficient height and shape so as not to impair vehicular sight distance lines) be provided along N.E. 44th Street and 109th Avenue S.E. frontages in order to visually help soften this otherwise hard surface site, particularly as seen from the Cedar River Apartment complex to the east. 9. That a landscape plan acceptable to the Building and Zoning Department be prepared in conjunction with the development standards called for in Item 1. 10. That a traffic impact assessment fee of $320,511.01, based upon $103.63 per vehicle trip, signalization of nearby intersections and a five lane roadway from Ripley Lane to the Lake Washington Boulevard/I-405 on/off ramp be provided. 11. That a traffic system management plan with information on ridesharing, carpooling, etc. be prepared. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 4 12. That because of the site's remote location that all structures be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. 13. That the applicant provide curbs and gutters along all streets abutting the site. 14. That the Department of Game and Fisheries be notified and asked to advise the City whether the existing drainage channel is considered to be a viable fish habitat. 15. That wetland conservation covenants and utility trail easements be provided that are acceptable to the Department of Public Works. E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING AGENCIES: Various City Departments have reviewed and commented upon the project's environmental impact. These comments are as follows: Police: No minor or major impacts. No more information required. The following suggestions were made: 1. Center turn lane entire distance of N.E. 49th Street by 110th S.E. in the area of the shopping center. 2. A dedicated turn only lane from the I-405 northbound off ramp along N.E. 49th turning into the shopping center. 3. Signalization at the northbound off ramp. Fire Prevention: Minor impacts to public services. No further comments. Engineering: Minor impacts probable to all environmental elements. Except more information required on water and utilities to determine impacts. Commented that work adjacent to creek on west side of sewer may require a fisheries' permit. Traffic Engineering: Determined minor impacts likely to all environmental elements, but major impact on transportation element. Comments on mitigation measures include: 1. Provide plans showing off-site improvements on N.E. 44th Street and also on N.E. 43rd Street to City standards. .22 x 34" Mylar drawing required for final approval, street lighting included. 2. Assessment for needed improvements to mitigate transportation problems that would be generated by the development is $103.63 per traffic impact analysis. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 5 Total Estimated Trips: Drive in Restaurant 553 x 3,800 = 2,101.40 1000 Retail Shop 40.7 x 11,400 = 463.98 1000 Office Building 17.7 x 29,800 = 527.46 1000 Total Trips Generated = 3,092.84 Total Assessment Amount: $103.63 x 3,092.85 = $320.511.01 The above assessment covers the following items: • Signals at the following listed intersections: - Lake Wash. Blvd./Port Quendall Access. - Lake Wash. Blvd./Ripley Lane. - N.E. 44th/I-405 Southbound on/off ramp. - N.E. 44th/Northbound on/off ramp/Lake Wash Blvd. • Five (5)-lane roadway on N.E. 44th Street from Ripley Lane to Lake Wash. Blvd./I-405 on/off ramps. 3. Management to discuss with Metro Transit the possibility of locating a transit stop at the N.E. 44th Street interchange. 4. Retail center management to provide information center for ridesharing, carpooling and vanpooling for employees. Utility Engineering: More information needed on public services and utilities. Minor impacts likely on other environmental elements. Reviewer made following comment: Extend along all of frontage road. Building Division: Minor impacts to all environmental elements. No further comments. Policy Development: More information required on earth, water, aesthetics and transportation. The following comments were made. 1. A temporary erosion control plan should be provided. BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT EXIT 7, RETAIL CENTER APRIL 22, 1987 PAGE 6 2. A wetland study incorporated in the drainage plan should be provided. 3. Full color perspectives of the office and retail buildings should be provided. 4. Pedestrian linkages between buildings should be provided and enhanced by raised crosswalk markings and landscaping. No recommendation at this time. Additional informatin needs to be provided. More information needed on: 1. Source of fill, if required, for site. 2. Adequacy of landscaping and size of sign. 3. Relationship of project related trips/day to anticipated improvements on 44th Street. 4. Adequacy of length between access driveway on 44th Street and freeway ramps. Zoning Division: More information required on plants, animals, and land. Major impact on transportation likely and minor impacts likely on all other environmental elements. The following comments were made: 1. Marsh in southwest corner of site should be preserved for drainage and wildlife habitat. (Note: checklist does not address any wildlife at site). 2. A ten foot landscape setabck is required along the west property line adjacent I-405. What is shown tapers to five feet. 3. Proposed McDonald's restaurant lacks detailed plans. 4 _ EN- INMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEE' REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: U-TIL- i T1t DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31, 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH PL7011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT: EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS Da ATOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EAST,OET:Lk4O5, .SOUTH‘OELEXIT 7 0FFRAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1). Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services ,,�/ 16) Utilities - e COMMENTS: 5hte. amumoRt. Pe-ti DoetrelLpftstok- ,, ® . AR:A(4 ,364% G2vS'Ickifs. WTv OF RENTON_ 5 9 r.''-.'1 1 1 g B7 1 I,J ; MiN ; /IONING DEPT. REVIEWED BY: .r Lii, TITLE: Vr,L/TI /✓ec/n.l.E,E0/0/6-- DATE: 4/ t /8.7FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 1 E RONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHE' ,. 1 , REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Pi1:=IRSt PIFU lk,r00 DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31, 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH P ai.1-87, SITE O. PPROVAL: SA-012-87 C.- PROPONENT: ' EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER ��gggggg� BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATIQ Ft 1 4? 'T APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPEWARIIVOfT0 (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS F OI TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 4 ,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EAST:OUI 405,1SOUTHEOELEXIT 7 OFFRAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: CITY OF RENTON C IFA V f- L) MAR 191987 BUILDING / Z_ONING DEPT. REVIEWED BY: TITLE:. —270..‘44ek, DATE: /y /9/ ' FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 r,,f) E RONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHE._ REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: FvLIC1 r 7. DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31, 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT: EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE . PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS V'd GIdl\ITOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EAST-:OF'. I.r405, 'SOUTHLOELEXIT 7 .OFF .RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 4 \ e 1;-. 14) Transportation • FF, !_� ��_ n 15) Public Services II ` �`; Irtr`161 :: 1.3U'1 II) 16) Utilities COMMENTS: _/— SCcyA I 1 n�— S 6 ILA Get eCt_ e ` Cri? 2, Pr aeaCcce,) tcs< o, cr20 -o \` am-� V� �l CJ l c N �`{ `." vt 1�1.�-� ` k .Fr e-) 3 --? Cv-c7 rI C REVIEWED BY-: a-07 TITLE: (�� /e=19 DATE: 3 87 FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 1\\ El. ..ONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHE, !/le REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: t-v GI4 v l I(U V" DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31, 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT: EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS FNWITOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EAST: OF:-I405,4^SOUTHiOE}_.EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air ✓ i 3) Water 4) Plants ✓ 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources ✓ 7) Environmental Health i✓ 8) Land and Shoreline Use L/ 9) Housing �✓ 10) Aesthetics �✓ 11) Light and Glare ✓ 12) Recreation ✓ 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities COMMENTS: 1 '' `Lr 1}t{}`p 1 4,ti'YiC. , �m 7W, vtk t;C}7 11 REVIEWED BY: TITLE: DATE: 5//87/8 FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 I / EN `ONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEE REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: /0 I YU 6) DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31, 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH PL7011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT: EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS DaATOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EAST; OE -I 405,:SOUTH,OELEXIT 7, OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and'clue U3e 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare >( 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation �C 15) Public Services �( 16) Utilities COMMENTS: © MARSH i N t.srH u c( (.o --c sr-if SHauLo .. (pe_ pp e_twE.o Fog_ IDRAmyl(oE POOD 1 iLDLIr , C. Nye; GA-6 hus-r nos Nol Ptcome525 AIW t i sr/K ) Pr 1 ) ' '1 L-Wce5ch9E, se—ttcK 'o psLorv& rHf4- W5S-( ► IE, !NDYtOgrk'i Z-11r405-. W I/931 11 5 1.40w10 Tqp 5. -io P ro}r- ►mc/cc ADS Kt-.57'AuR ro-f L-PU&15 'T\ c. fn PLAN) . REVIEWED BY: 1.t,t.,,ot, TITLE: DATE: I--/7-.157 FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 ..i' . .ir r1tN(ON EP ;ONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEE . ` MAR 1 1987 REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 0L1 1 C ) ‘- - POLICY Mirt npwAr' II"'* DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31 , 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT: EXIT 7 , INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS LOCATION TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EAST OF I-405, SOUTH OF EXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES BUILDING ..AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. ibq(5-: ©_; ErvLmAiIMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENT S J MORE I gr T 1g67 TACT INFORMATION U II l 1) Earth I 2) Air Cl)'1_°ir'q, /ZON1":► DEPT. 3) Water ✓ 2 4) Plants 5) Animals ✓ 6) Energy and Natural Resources ✓ 7) Environmental Health ✓ 8) Land and Shoreline Use V 9) Housing ✓ 10) Aesthetics ✓ 3 11) Light and Glare ✓ 12) Recreation ✓ 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation ✓ 14) Transportation ✓ 15) Public Services V 16) Utilities V COMMENTS: Q it. 1. -L) 1�-2� A— 4 i i. 'h.ed 7 ki-- , A.d� ttk--t. irAA--e. 7 2.. ilt-- -e LFtz--2A...k.aLt_oL,die --4.)--e 6-yo-4-r—e— a-44..04._ = 1.)...e__ REVIEWED BY. TITLE: a-A.,60, DA1 -: , ) 173i- FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 A- . AA -1)44 IcA 7tnA.FA l cLo+ Gum( dU-en GU -G( Q Gtlraue 3bk•.t0 Ga1,t-u*.a..> 44'tL, ( ,elk.rtc1-4L at&_oC /�ll> ALG.a'YYt-6k-2.VLLU-"tA•dYl EN DNMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEE REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: VDU V i L,o i r4 DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31, 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH PL7011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT: EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS f �1� 1VOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EAST':OF:TI4405,,SOUTH1OELEXIT 7 OFF RAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES ' BUILDING AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth 2) Air 3) Water 4) Plants 5) Animals 6) Energy and Natural Resources 7) Environmental Health 8) Land and Shoreline Use 9) Housing 10) Aesthetics 11) Light and Glare 12) Recreation 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation 14) Transportation 15) Public Services 16) Utilities e COMMENTS: REVIEWED BY: - TITLE: DATE: 5 °"5 FORM {#14 REVISED 9/10/85 ENS, 1NMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: I F API L ECG , DATE CIRCULATED: MARCH 17, 1987 COMMENTS DUE: MARCH 31, 1987 ECF - 009 _ 87 APPLICATION NO(s). SHORT PLAT: SH PL-011-87, SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SA-012-87 PROPONENT: EXIT 7, INC. PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: APPLICATION FOR SHORT PLAT APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.6 ACRES OF COMMERCIALLY ZONED PROPERTY INTO THREE (3) LOTS AND APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHOPPING CENTER COMPRISED OF THREE BUILDINGS Da TOTAL BUILDING AREA OF 45,000 SQUARE FEET. LOCATED EASTOF -I:k405,,.SOUTH;OE .EXIT 7..OFFRAMP OF I-405, WEST OF LINCOLN AVENUE N.E. AND NORTH OF N.E. 44th STREET. SITE AREA: 3.603 ACRES BUILDING AREA (gross): 45,000 SQUARE FEET. IMPACT REVIEW ON ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS MINOR MAJOR MORE IMPACT IMPACT INFORMATION 1) Earth L 2) Air G- 3) Water t--- 4) Plants /.'� 5) Animals e..---- 6) Energy and Natural Resources L.-- 7) Environmental Health Z. -- 8) Land and Shoreline Use - 9) Housing Le-- 10) Aesthetics 1.- 11) Light and Glare e.--- 12) Recreation L.--N 13) Historic and Cultural Preservation L---- 14) Transportation 1- 15) Public Services /' __ 16) Utilities L/-- . COMMENTS: 6.e_e, 4-i fr'a 4 h7 e_-/ ---(7— cm(( OF RENTON T-M © [5. 0VIE-) 11 i J [vu.\�. 2c1 60 LI BUILDING /ZONING DEPT. REVIEWED BY: i= 5.- �I!�("v 'TITLE: DATE: ii2-A c,6-5 / %V7 FORM #14 REVISED 9/10/85 11 a EXIT 7 RETAIL CENTER NE 44th Street/I-405 at SE Quadrant 1 . Provide plans showing off-site improvements on NE 44th Street and also on NE 43rd Street to City standards. 22 x 34 Mylar drawing required for final approval . ,lj,iu r hikt-7, ,Ln dzet 2. Assessment for needed improvements to mitigate transportation problems that would be generated by the development is $103.63 per traffic impact analysis. Total Estimated Trips: Drive In Restaurant 553 x 3,800 - : 2, 101 .40 1000 Retail Shop 40.7 x 11 ,400 = 463.98 1000 Office Building 17.7 x 29,800 = r.,:527.46 1000 Total Trips Generated = ;.3,092.84 Total Assessment Amount: $103.63 x 3,092.85 = $320,511 .01 The above assessment covers the following items: • Signals at the following listed intersections - Lake Wash. Blvd./Port Quendall Access - Lake Wash. Blvd./Ripley Lane - NE 44th/I -405 Southbound on/off ramp - NE 44th/Northbound on/off ramp/Lake Wash. Blvd. • Five (5) -lane roadway on NE 44th Street from Ripley Lane to Lake Wash. Blvd./I-405 on/off ramps. 3. Management to discuss with Metro Transit the possibility of locating a transit stop at the NE 44th Street interchange. 4. Retail center management to provide information center for ridesharing, carpooling and• vanpooling for employees. �A l� O 1 OF I oo ° BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT lEa -• RONALD G. NELSON — DIRECTOR o 1 41` ' �go. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 ® 235-2540 0 SEP1•04' BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR April 16, 1987 Charles Gliege Construction Management Corporation Suite B, Building C-3 Paine Field Everett, WA 98204 Subject: Exit 7, Inc., File SH PL-011-87, SA-012-87, I-405 and N.E. 44th Street Dear Mr. Gliege: This letter is written as a follow up to our telephone conversation yesterday regarding the above referenced short plat and site plan approval applications. As was mentioned, it will be necessary for you to provide our office with some additional information, specifically as follows: 1. Subdivision Map The map submitted for the 3 lot short plat is not to scale. The drawing submitted has a scale designated at 30 scale, but apparently the drawing was reduced to between 40 and 50 scale. We do need drawings that are drawn to true scale. 2. Vicinity Map The vicinity map on the cover sheet of the site plan is not very useful as it really only shows a street plan of the greater Renton area. The map needs to focus more with the actual site showing the surrounding land uses around it and abutting streets. Please provide six (6) copies of each of these requested maps to this office at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, � l • L Jerry F. Lind Land Use Inspector JFL:csb:3705Z Li)Cl.` 3621Z NOTICE OF PENDING SITE PLAN APPROVAL RENTON, WASHINGTON A SITE PLAN APPLICATION HAS BEEN FILED AND ACCEPTED WITH THE BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT. THE FOLLOWING BRIEFLY DESCRIBES THE APPLICATION AND THE NECESSARY PUBLIC APPROVALS: DESCRIPTION: EXIT 7 INC. Application for site plan approval to allow the development of a retail/office shopping complex having a drive-in restaurant with 3,800 sq. ft., a retail shop building having 11,400 sq. ft., and a 3 story office building having 29,800 sq. ft. on a site area of 3.6 acres. GENERAL LOCATION: Located east of I-405, south of the N.E. 44th Street overpass and west of Lincoln Avenue N.E. (110th Avenue S.E.). PUBLIC APPROVALS: Short Plat: SH PL-011-87 Site Plan Approval: SA-012-87 Building Permit The application can be reviewed at the Building and Zoning Department located on the third floor of City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to public hearings and during public hearings. For further information on the application or dates of final action by the City, please contact the Building and Zoning Department at 235-2540. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Renton Building and Zoning Department. Building and Zoning Director CERTIFICATION I, JERRY LIND, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE COPIES OF THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON OR NEARYBY THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing in RP,111i ril , on the p ill day of Jam:'C*,, \c\R-7 . 1 _ SIGNED: • k,vl /�ses'ise�wo s,ORES •eo\ssion, ,1 4- ••� NOT01�9" m1 ar) y •:G etIC TWA rj S H\�)/�` —....ter... OF RF+ v `/ © Z O 09q'ea SEPZt" POSTED : 2/27/87 OF PENDING SITE PLAN APPLICATION EXIT 7 INC, DESCRIPTION : . APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A RETAIL/ OFFICE SHOPPING COMPLEX HAVING A DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT WITH 3,800 SQ. FT., A RETAIL SHOP BUILDING HAVING 11,400 SQ. FT., AND A 3 STORY OFFICE BUILDING HAVING 29, 800 SQ. FT. ON A SITE AREA OF 3. 6 ACRES. GENERAL LOCATION AND/OR ADDRESS: LOCATED SOUTH OF N. E. 44TH STREET, NORTH OF N.E. 43RD STREET, EAST OF I-405 AND WEST OF 110TH AVENUE S. E . . PUBLIC APPROVALS REQUIRED : 1, SHORT PLAT APPROVAL SH PL-011-87 2, SITE PLAN APPROVAL SA-012-87 3, BUILDING PERMIT PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT ANYTIME PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARINGS AND DURING PUBLIC HEARINGS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CITY OF RENTON BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 THIS NOTICE NOT TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION /-2/x//2./'ZJ /. 2y - ,-6 ;A ->- ,2 REQUIRED FIRE FLOW CALCULATIONS 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NAME ,5-)6,-,7- f / 42 U.B.C. CLASS OF BUILD ADDRESS -5,e -/OS /97 /./.zE- 9'v' s7 FIRE MGMT AREA 2. DETERMINE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - CLASS CCIRC ONE): I - II IV II V INAR FIRE-RESISTIVE NON-COMBUSTIBLE ' 0 WOOD FRAME MIXED (NOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW) 3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA: //, '/dd FT2 (A) NUMBER OF STORIES: / TOTAL BUILDING AREA: // 4. DETERMINE BASIC FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE 01, USING AREA (A): ,2, 0DD GPM (B) 5. DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: ®--- GPM (C) IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF (B): IF HIGH HAZARD, ADD UP TO 25% OF (B) 6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL (B+C):. (IF B+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) Zj avv GPM (D) 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: — /, 000 GPM CE) CIF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF (D): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCY AND FIRE RESISTIVE OR NON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF (D). 8. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OF THE "FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ. 0 - 10 25% MAX. NORTH RSA ADD /O % 11 - 30 20% MAX. EAST R S' ADD /b % 6131 - 60-100 15% MAX. SOUTH • z 0' ADD 20 % 10% MAX. WEST SS' ADD /U % 101 -150 5% MAX. TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT 150 OR 4-HR WALL 0% MAX. (NOT TO EXCEED 75%) : S4 % CTOTAL % ADJUSTMENT TIMES CD) ADJUSTMENT: / Q/) GPM CF) 9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT: CIF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: -G--- GPM (G) 10. COMPUTE ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED: CIF D+E+F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) 3 000 CIF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000 GPM, INSERT 12,Ou0 GPM) (D+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: aiOOG GPM CH) i g / PJ 11. SIGNED: ,;.t �4 _.,yr,� �y f [['ATEc`72Z..,41, e,/�, /7, /?cf7 7 1CITY OF RENTON E © ILL-7: 1] V 1E:5) r-' MAN 1,t1937 Li QWWLD NG / ZONING DEPT. ti REQUIRED FIRE FLOW CALCULATIONS 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION NAME /// 7 /A/C. U.B.C. CLASS OF BUILD ADDRESS '/41 '/Os /JT ,/;6: .96E41 .S — FIRE MGMT AREA 2. DETERMINE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - CLASS (CI• 'NE): I - II IV III V FIRE-RESISTIVE NON-COMBUSTIBLE oRD 4• •Y WOOD FRAME MIXED (NOTE: IF "MIXED", SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR AREA AND BASIC FIRE FLOW) 3. DETERMINE AREA: GROUND FLOOR AREA: 9,9.��1 FT2 (A) NUMBER OF STORIES: 3 TOTAL BUILDING AREA: z9/,940 4. DETERMINE BASIC FIRE FLOW FROM TABLE 01, USING AREA (A): ../D,0,1 GPM (B) 5. DETERMINE OCCUPANCY FACTOR ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: -f3P GPM (C) IF LOW HAZARD, SUBTRACT UP TO 25% OF (B): IF HIGH HAZARD, ADD UP TO 25% OF (B) 6. COMPUTE SUB-TOTAL (B+C):, (IF B+C IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) pia O GPM (D) 7. DETERMINE SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT: ADJUSTMENT: -- // .52 c GPM (E) (IF COMPLETELY SPRINKLERED, SUBTRACT UP TO 50% OF (D): IF LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCY AND FIRE RESISTIVE OR NON-COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, SUBTRACT UP TO 75% OF CD). 8. DETERMINE EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT: USING THE TABLE AT LEFT AS A GUIDE, ENTER THE SEPARATION AND ADJUSTMENT FOR EACH OF THE "FOUR FACES" OF THE BUILDING IN THE TABLE AT THE RIGHT: SEPARATION MAX. ADJUSTMENT EXPOSURE SEPARATION ACT. ADJ. 0 - 10 25% MAX. NORTH R S' ADD /O % 11 - 30 20% MAX. EAST s/c-' ADD /5' % 31 - 60 15% MAX. SOUTH . w) , ADD i.s % 61 -100 10% MAX. WEST 85"-' ADD /4 % 101 -150 5% MAX. TOTAL % OF ADJUSTMENT 150 OR 4-HR WALL 0% MAX. (NOT TO EXCEED 75%) : ,co % (TOTAL % ADJUSTMENT TIMES (D) ADJUSTMENT: /'ADD GPM (F) 9. DETERMINE ROOF AND SIDING COVERING ADJUSTMENT: CIF SHINGLE COVERING, ADD 500 GPM) ADJUSTMENT: GPM (G) 10. COMPUTE ESTIMATED FIRE FLOW REQUIRED: (IF D+E+F+G IS LESS THAN 500 GPM, INSERT 500 GPM) CIF D+E+F+G IS GREATER THAN 12,000 GPM, INSERT 12,030 GPM) (D+E+F+G) REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: d 00 N GPM (H) ir 11. SIGNED: / ,4'4,--04--�. I.ATE O/ ..(A..e �: � /l,/7,7 CI . o OF RENTON r ) TEC c � VI , MAR 1 G 1987 l3i1LD NG / 7O .iNG DEPT. ao • - �. TY OF RENTO_ � FILE NO(S): A-- 0,2 -5�• //1/F/r/(;:':° 71;' a e BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTM LT 51 1Pt-D11-81 , ♦ . . EGF- 009-8') • J • MASTER APPLICA11ON ,,t,;,..:6'NOTE.TO APPLICANT: Since this is a comprehensive application form, only those items related to your specific type of application(s) are to be completed. (Please print or type. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) APPLICANT • TYPE OF APPLICATION ' NAME • I. FEES EXIT 7, TN( . Q REZONE*(FROM TO ) ADDRESS VS Ili PL A AOM• CrQNP.<<e i2. tbkill1� Q SPECIAL PERMIT* . 30 i1 EDTEMPORARY PERMIT* CITY i OR 00 Nft. Citv, ZIP . 1 CDCOMDITIC AL USE PERMIT* 'S ' CD SITE PLAN APPROVAL 428.01 TPCPHONE rjajtjU 4, l b_DI Q SPECIAL PERMIT FOR GRADE AND FILL 44.1a44748 S4'1 -4000 No. of Cubic Yards: Q • VARIANCE* CONTACT PERSON . From Section: . * Justification Required NAME ' Mr. Tom Devlin ADDRESS ' 231.94 SUBDIVISIONS: .. 19500 S.W. 90th Court ' U SHORT PLAT i CITY • ZIP Ea TENTATIVE PLAT Tualatin, OR 97062 0 PRELIMINARY PLAT TELEPHONE CI FINAL PLAT 503-692 4998 0 WAIVER (Justification Required) TC5TAINER NO. OF LOTS: 3 NAME PLAT NAME: Exit 7 Plat t EXIT 7 IluC. ADDRESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: Q Q PRELIMINARY j • CITY ZIP Q FINAL SLalll.,, WA. 1 P.U.D. NAME: TELEPHONE Industrial 444-44U8 Residential �.. a Commercial n Mixed LOCATION . MOBILE HOME PARKS: PROPERTY ADDRESS TENTATIVE SR 405 at 44jb_5'tr et Q PRELIMINARY EXISTING USE PRESENT ZONING tiO FINAL Vacant B1 PROPOSED USE . . . PARK NAME: Retail Commercial i�� NUMBER OF SPACES: • U ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE �• SQ. FT. ACRES �''— -: AREA: TOTAL FEES 659.95 156.940 ,I.603 __. „,u-i-Th- `"`q �`, "`r ,-n P USE ONLY -- AD. INISTRATIVE PROCESSING � W r"� r i �`E1 ��. r .' c: DATE STAMP= ifs � ' ' ) APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: I l 'III " -- , L'A L;; II j' 1 j 1°B 7 v.. APPLICATION DETERMINED TO -BE: .:,:. J.-..'..,-AAC3 / Accepted -; DG)jl_b1 4,61, "ril, ,it-PT, 0 Incomplete Notification Sent :fin-_ ,J r , },; By: .(Ira.Lials) DATE ROUTED ADDITIONAL MATERIAL RECEIVED BY: ;•,, , 3 — i —7 - 87 APPLICATION DETERMINED TO BE: , 0 Accepted Q Incomplete Notification Sent On By: (Initials) • ROUTED TO: CA Building `0 Design Eng. C50 Fire CP Parks Police In Policy Dev. 113 Traffic Eng. tg Utilities REVISED 1-31-84 1 l I Legal description of property (if more space is required, attach a separate sheet). A portion of tracts 183 and 184 of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition Division 3 City, of Renton, Wing County, —State of Washington located in tho SW 1/1 of tho SE 1/2 of Sootion 29, Township 24 North, Range 6 East. W.M. King County. Washington • ,AFFIDAVIT I, mh a o��i ; n lx-iing duly sworn, declare that I am D authorized representative to act for the property owner,Downer of the property involved in this application and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN O BEFO E ME THIS DAY OF , - ; a ;#T.— NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF vVA HINGTON, ESIDING AT EXIT 7, INC. c.a-r 5 1 ( mck of Notary Public) (Signature of Der) By' : President _Ljer, 5-L t 30 , 2200 Sixth Ave. Suite 430 (Address) • ,Qom" z- • , ot,�(2'1 •• (Address) - Seattle, .WA. 98121 (City) (State) (Zip) 206 441 9718 . (Telephone) Acceptance of this application and required filing fee does not constitute a complete application. Plans and other materials required to constitute a complete application are listed in the "Application Procedure." Form #174 Narrative EXIT 7 PLAT City of Renton, WA. The project located at the intersection of N.E. 44th Street and SR 405 • has been presented as a short plat application subdividing the three acre parcel into three commercial lots. The proposed improvements on these subdivided lots will share services such as sewers and fire protection, electrical and telephone services brought to the subdivision. The subdivision will be improved on three sides by curb and gutter and sidewalks constructed to City of Renton Standards. The proposed use for lot 1 is a McDonalds fast food restaurant. The proposed use of lot 2 is a single store retail shops building of 11,400 square feet. The proposed use for lot 3 is a three storey commercial building housing a restaurant and retail space on the ground floor with . rental office space on the second and third floors. • Site improvements for the entire site will be started as soon as approvals are granted and plans approved for construction. Lot 1 will be sold to McDonalds Corporation and it is understood that they will complete their building as early as possible. The • remaining retail construction will be started as soon as approvals are granted and building permits available. The fronting improvements on 44th Street will likely be completed under a Road Improvement District to which this development will subscribe. Presiders of : �•••- Exit 7, Inc. -;-- ? ` � EN `ITON 1 1 G q8 0' !!�„ r, ,.. ._.'NC/ZONING T. • t 6 L Or RA, • ECF: F F-00 87 1 ° City of Renton LU: —®12-8 Z SP► 514 p1_ -011-8-7 900 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST 91T�D SEPw"��P Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43,21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for allproposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later., Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impacts. Use of Checklist for Nonproject Proposals: (Please Type or Print Legibly) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name Of proposed project, if applicable: X r 7 Pt-"•.r- 2. Name of applicant: E,R, r -7 A ,ocl 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: TOH flaw L v Zc6 454 0l. I Soo l\ZT.i bJ4 W.i . $ot'ric $,tb W wis 4$o e 4 4. Date checklist prepared: e,c,o,%, -5 k, % q g 5. Agency requesting checklist: e..vry o f t•+ c-(1, N, ,✓G I 0.4I.3c 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): 1,,rr R r\To'm _ } NAR 111987 GUILD NG/ZON NG DEPT. 7. Do you have any plan--i or future additions, expansions, a'._-;'rther activity related to or connected with this proposal? if yes, explain. 14 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. 1,"Lae lirC,fir • rre e✓i/ S .r•4 IM926Jc.Atwirl �7� kNs 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. I4l b 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. G (T'Y o C 2 E ni'rve wl 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. --P141 . o J O� cx / STi•JG paoot'c.Ty 11.3ro '`� LEGAL. Lois I cuv+Ocil� 12,0 4.0 .a v O p cZ.A 1 v w.c.c •+ P n o IS att'1• P2o OP.R 4 1 i3 0".,r,..rt.y. '1 L4s. 3 Lar$ ..t a a,t„ (3.e 10.W R.o v c 0 A.s 2$ Go.4 .-a cs.c c AA-, Qa o,pic.T I.S S 4Oaa1 it) owl h,P P I G AT t c.1 t`O!Z Sire Pa....J A.?, Qo J k' 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your.proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topography map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. 5 o v r N Li-s r G o R.u are- d F •1 Z-cYLS o c."1-c o• e; S tPer Y 40S AT E 44TIl• sT a—c'sT, B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one); flat rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? `ass wJ o.S% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, caly, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If .you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. • G�,Ay Si i..r' 4 OAa.DP.4J (CD s•[ TILL) d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. 1�4 o - 2 - %: e. Describe the purpose, type. and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Zero aAvt .JG or Sris, CrfAwG,t tw,cisTtvoG G►a.,•Oes IS`I + o 4,— Two f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. H 1 tJ I M fit. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? �o 04 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: S I TV IV4A AGd FA .1t_tT!/ vJ lT4t pe&tWAGe QEll'R.1 GTe4 -ro wesretc.r FLow To el.isrtt.lc #• ats CAA rt,Gd 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. H t a4A A..t.?owE Rtt �i elm I SSIo +i T• b. Are there any off-site sources of emission? 110 ew .J c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: 1•10 N e 3. WATER a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal, streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. 1.a 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. “ 4". - 3 - 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawo. or diversions? Give . • general description, purpose, and approximately quantities if known. 5) . Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. Flo 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and appaoximately quantities if known. • 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals . . .; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. t'Loa6 c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. e►a c 1-0 6-a •5-rth a m ...,•.A-%-•rz. S i 3 r s r w e 1Z c.r®a. .twL.) ow) sires ✓Zcrrwrio J , 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. rLn • • - 4 - • d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: o.a S t ra Scot..., uS Perud, •.a o 2 cr v r. i Ty. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: a deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other o evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other ❑ Shrubs did grass o crop or grain o Wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other ❑ water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other ❑ other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Soo. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. 11oyg d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: co rr.i w-a c., 4.L. r h P /2.o icm cad 715 I y c L u O b c-v Pmo S1-rd 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: Hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other r-le.r c Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other rho Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other r•(o&s b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. hCoour c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. t1 e . - 5 - d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: goo 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No • c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: b.T PvMPs vs.-o 470 cr. sav s e.1 C. hrat tMUM 'qW t9/Ue t►+SJ(. T'tO' w7C.' ' 911,4c, 1toS�L,I.T-ud, GLAft ZtI.rC. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If_so, describe. 1.L o . 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. F� gIa;PIGo r.c-T 1 o J peV t_ 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Nlet b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? - 6 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. TR.I.QCie. p(oese 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: LAaDS Cie*p C , 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Sln IS ✓Ac- ar AD7Rce=Air PQ,OPwA-reis 141...4. Q.Qt'ALL de,•rx P (=Art U.y rpm g.li ✓LIH urt'S a lyTL Uc . SrAer- t!- 4 * # 4.o4 Fezoeel-rs r�2oP.,ra.t-y b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. c. Describe any structures on the site. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? 14,o e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? • '4 1 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? IU o r A O P c ik rj u.e h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? I SO wavw., 3.s Oe,,O eo o•a Se'rd . j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? 1.Cov� k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: - 7 - • 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is comp;:�:.:,le with existing and • projected land uses and plans, if any: SITS PM" .J s isktiTT'eD 3 416 .yG A...sitc. ltAr 9 I N9R.OJt t' 1*-+71• 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. )40 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: g0w� 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 3e1 tiv, c.bi M+•SOs*ty t 5Toe.e.0 f*" ILOt.1t. 4 ,-.rTiotto O4, b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? 1So WC- c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts. if any: N o.� 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? • H 1 v • • b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? b c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? 5tadmer Llc.1i-rIvia, d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: 1410,E - 8 - • • 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? PILO 0 oSwro c. rry P Ant.14- b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. 14. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: 4 A. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Ito we b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. 1,Lo is c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. A D.3'n-c.c r.+r T® S r r qE 0-t c. t4.-y 40 S, N.•a 44'r11 A.,r,o t o o-7-+1 Si'a=naT N .16. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximately distance to the nearest transit stop? H ow c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Zsp (JAe.YGI ✓e. , d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). col s,rC Pw 1.1C r.,i G is..vfl o C R S r rut c u•a.o S A")O av ..A G • - 9 - e. Will the projer_- use (or occur in the immediate vi. _ty of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. l4o f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. 7 50 C P.4, Tt.%P.a g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Pka.TIc. I PATI ,w) 1 +a 2eh0 I MPCOOc 'i %mot, PISTQ.ICT Tks wID J N.16 . 44TI.)• S1g.•ser. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. F I ez P Q-OT'e e.T I o,, h••►0 Po I.I c�c. I�R.0 t C-T I co I.) 2 41*Q.l I tZ,.t10 b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. uo�>F 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currentl available -t the site: , ectricit natural gas wate), .-efuse servic,,. telephonetelephonelagEliMi septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. E1.e-cT2l , , 3ra& Sev! , ATu CArS W AT�H�• C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and .complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed: -C-H 0 N A.s DI L I.J . - 10 - #176 11-8-84 • D." SUPPLEMENTAL Shtci FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (This sheet should only be used for actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs. Do not use this sheet for project actions.) Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful, to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types. of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous sutstances; or production of noise? Automobile traffic and automobile emmisions Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Normal traffic in retail center 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect,plants, animals, fish, or marine life? None Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life are: N/A/ 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? None Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: N/A 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? None Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: N/A • - 11. • How would the proposoi be likely to affect land and sh a line use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? None Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: N/A 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Slight increase in automobile traffic Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: Participation in Road Improvement District proposed by City of Renton 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. None SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Exit 7, Inc. Name Printed Thomas J. i vlin • • • - 12 - • - CERTIFICATION OF NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS/SUBDIVISION * * *FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY* * * PROJECT TITLE: EXIT 7 PLAT ; : a. APPLICANT: EXIT 7,INC. APPLICATION NUMBER: mac'0 1 2-87 The following provides a list of the names of property owners and their addresses who own land within 300 feet of the subject plat. The following provides a list of property owners and their addresses who own land within 300 feet of the subject site. The following individuals were mailed notices of the public hearing on the subject plat as prescribed by RCW 58.17.090 and Renton City Code, Chapter 11, Renton Subdivision Ordinance. ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER • Nancy Coad 8010 110th S.E. , Renton, WA 98055 Lot 1 & 2 Telmei Okimura 5642 116th Pl. S.E. , Bellevue, WA 98000 Lot 3 Algot Nyblom 8028 110th S.E. , Renton, WA 98056 Lot 3 & 4 & 6 Glen Bieker 7409 114th S.E. , Renton, WA 98055 Lot 149 James Coe 11256 S.E. 80th, Renton, WA 98055 Lot 149 Evans Co. 1457 130th N.E. , Bellevue, WA 98055 Lot 150 James Rendhal 7805 113th Ave. S.E. , Renton, WA 98055 Lot 150 Dwayne Johnson 7838 112th S.E. , Renton, WA 98056 Lot 150 Malcom J. Lyle 1020 8th Ave. S. W. , Calgary, Alberta T2P1J3 Lot 183 & 184 Kao Mingtsong 17118 N.E. 40th Court, Redmond, WA 498052 Lot 184 & 185 Cedar Rim % J.D.A. Corp. 7904 110th Ave. S.E. , #202 Renton, WA 98056 Lot 166 Martin Seelig P.O. Box 1925, Bellevue, WA 98009 Lot 167 Michael J. Sweet P.O. Box 21926, Seattle, WA 98111 Lot 165 ' Campbell Holdings 2701 East Cligsman Ave. , #210, • Fullerton, CA 92631 Lot 182 Business Park N.W. 11206 Des Moines Way So. ,Seattle, WA 9816 8 Lot 183• . • CITY oCl RFNTO°R Fin re re) r?, WI 13 rfl) NAR 111987 ` 6 C,UILDING/ZONING DEPT. ASSESSOR'S NAME ADDRESS PARCEL NUMBER a r t CERTIFICATION I, 1740 sem S Z. D_Q L% , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property owners and their addresses were taken from the records of the King County Assessor as prescribed by law. ATTEST:. -59bscribed and sworn to before me, a • •'Not&ry` -'Rsiaiic,_i and for the State of Washington • residing- =- at Q.Y'�.a.r T5 Lt.d on the- _ day of wnam24-14}.I9 e7 Ii-vvC49 aa____ SIGNEC: .I I. hereby certify that notices of the public meeting on the subject plat were Ved on , to each listed adjacent property owner as prescribed by law. ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at , on a the day of -• SIGNED: FORM 190 1 \ 1 ! 1 1 • . i .. ,„,,.. ,i-r .. v_ y ,_ . . .. ........_ ..... . __ • • • • • ______. ._ . .. . . _ .. _ . . -3 4 H < . .T I - . I N • • 1 . 1 . r, ,„,.. •, , ,, • A - ) , i ke 6 /69 . . . ty- \ . .---------) . // r r , i i , 1+ __.K1 til(ry ) i ri -- i 1 I 1 1 -4 i 4 t 1 \ 1 , ; In 1 .. ---- \ .1,-.._ \ \. i , .......................•••••..• • .I • .. m. • • • .w � 4 - • S,4 r'ORiy1 . 4ps 4R'y' RF �rQr 4. YC FFNT� cyk'q J,pap /,yr�. •viv No / . , a F R�,y.4A, 4- . F z /'TJ Z D aY. • 2 O t. 3q 18,12.23'ivt f21 -1 u !4j In O Bg 8q, p2, f z i N 02.12'32' W _J 18.57'2 4 0 0 "'v i /„Z.:—.0 nun.u0 9 [ • •2.M, 2ei2i9 — xi 0•s1 - -- \\ 71-- X \\w.01 �mn 0 / xz / _ �\ , N, Z mD- m Ho O %,/ d \� m mod / // P. 81 JJ �O \\a A1W u O 5. - " z '1 O_ Itl1 MM 29'-•"SO M D y 0 W. 'Y N O n + r- . N 01.14'51*E l 130.23' fig{ o' C m O O AO 52.27' 77.66'. W 4 {s V .Z•1 z-�1 .UI 29.50' • C • u \Im N Z O • O � N= m N014'51'E = O zfnmr • � n z• r :' .�O Y m m 1 -w -4_-1D W N �a�.� I; 'mom a Z v m z n a .o o� you r. N D " 71 pyx 2 m I• y S Z co - O S z D N 01•I4'51'E 191.5 4' N. (v,r n 0 CAC -0 z' S • �.c 01 -4 • cm(0 . 69j m z D ,10 a . - —. 'AO— •�q Yrye y •Nm M 4 ., V:A O CI 1/2 •.. • S 9'J p ` : .. J 8 • f • 110th AVE. S.E. cn o D , r m 1 • WY OF RENTON • . • I u6 1._J JAN 2 61987 . . : tottt� f�t7fV . BarghausenPROPOSED LOT LINE LAYOUT .r. . . For: TII�7 wConsultin Engineers Inc. I. ' LOVl. ffi d A ® IA1gffiSN$ • NTON, WAININOT®N1m21I ►y,W �y1Ee,1.91 "i4"u n'"" KIRKLANDI WAOHINOTQN PROPOSED LOT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Tracts 183 and 1984 of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 81 , in King County, Washington, lying Easterly, Southerly and Westerly of Primary State Highway No. 1 as condemned for highway purposes by the State of Washington under King County Superior Court Cause No. 613780, including that portion of county road vacated by Ordinance No. 2111 of the City of Renton. More particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the South line of said Tract 184 and the East margin of said Primary State Highway No. 1 (SR-405) ; THENCE South 88° 451 09" East 405.00 feel along the South l i ne of said Trac i s 184 and 103 1FIE10E North 01 ° 141 r1" East 191 .54 feat; TIIE:4CE. North E18° 451 d9" West 138.46 feet ; THENCE South 01 ° 141 51" West 52.27 feet to The TiUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 01 ° 141 51" East 130.23 feet; THENCE South 88° 451 09" East 31 .00 feel ; THENCE North 01 ° 141 51" East 106.71 feet io a point of curve on the South margin of said Primary State Highway No. 1 , the radius point of which bears South 07° 191 42" West 308.10 feel distant; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 308.10 feet through a central angle of 13° 051 34" and an arc length 70.40, feet along said Southerly margin; THENCE South 73° 331 52" West 108.01 feet along said margin to the Easterly margin of said Primary State Highway No. 1 ; THENCE South 02° 121 32" East 118.57 feet along said margin; THENCE South 12° 231 18" West 86.84 feet along said margin to a point that bears North 88° 451 09" West from the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 88° 451 09" East 151 .79 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Subject to easements of record. PROJECT NO. 2237 Prepared by: Dennis J. Saltys October 24, 1986 R 2237.01 E CEIVED o`, r 24 1986 was Muh nny1ArChjtect x PROPOSED LOT 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Tracts 183 and 1984 of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 81 , in King County, Washington, lying Easterly, Southerly and Westerly of Primary State Highway No. 1 as condemned for highway purposes by the State of Washington under King County Superior Court Cause No. 613780, including that portion of county road vacated by Ordinance No. 2111 of the City of Renton. More particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Intersection of the South line of said Tract 184 and the East margin of said Primary State Highway No. 1 (SR-405) ; THENCE South 88° 451 09" East 405.00 feet along the South line of said Tracts 184 and 183; THENCE North 01° 141 51" East 191 .54 feet; THENCE North 88° 451 09" West 138.46 feet; THENCE South 01 ° 141 51" West 52.27 feet; THENCE North 88° 451 09" West 151 .79 feet to the East margin of said Primary State. Highway No. 1 ; THENCE South 12° 231 18" West 54.18 feet along said margin; THENCE South 51 ° 421 02" West 135.24 feet along said margin to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Subject to easements of record. PROJECT NO. 2237 Prepared by: Dennis J. Saltys October 24, 1986 2237.02 RECEIVED O C T 2 41986 Douglas Mulvanny.(Architect _rY PROPOSED LOT 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Tracts 183 and 1984 of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. 3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 11 of plats, page 81 , in King County, Washington, lying Easterly, Southerly and Westerly of Primary State Highway No. 1 as condemned for highway purposes by the State of Washington under King County Superior Court Cause No. 613780, Including that portion of county road vacated by Ordinance No. 2111 of the City of Renton. More particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Intersection of the South line of said Tract 184 and the East margin of said Primary State Highway No. 1 (SR-405) ; THENCE South 88° 45' 09" East 405.00 feet along the South line of said Tracts 184 and 183 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 01 ° 14' 51" East 191 .54 feet; THENCE North '88° 45' 09" West 138.46 feet; THENCE North 01 ° 14' 51" East 77.66 feet; THENCE South 88° 45' 09" East 31 .00 feet; THENCE North 01 ° 14' 51" East 106.71 feet to a point of curve on the Southerly margin of said Primary State Highway No. 1 , the radius point of which bears South 07° 19' 42" West 308.10 feet distant; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 308.10 feet, through a central angle of 13° 55' 29", and an arc length of 74.88 feet along said margin; THENCE South 67° 13' 46" East 87.71 feet along said margin to a point of curve, the radius point of which bears South 37° 15' 11" West 318.10 feet distant; THENCE Southeasterly along said margin along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 318.10 feet, through a central angle of 54° 25' 16" and an arc length of 302.14 feet; THENCE South 01 ° 40' 27" West 9.87 feet along said margin; THENCE South 29° 05' 34" West 65.15 feet along said margin to the South line of said Tract 183; THENCE North 88° 45' 09" West 147.49 feet along said South line to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Subject to easements of record. PROJECT NO. 2237 Prepared by: Dennis J. Saltys October 24, 1986 2237.03 RECEIVED 1 2 4 1986 Douglas Mulvanny jArchrtect I `N 6 P pN • • -�y r .. .l • • II NDING OF FILE FILE TITLE -A. A iwi vv . a di f 1 P (‘4iOI - 8741 h 1 � ,w J.�l rt' ti y .• • 1 v. �r. crI' 1 7 F. • �' r,�' > r , A' • 1} �� , ,t, ... - 4,4. ,A tv 1 : -•s;;,.-1,:k:-..) :1.11 ej4;:e'• '- .,., 4 1�!.e Ili': «, 4i ti • •s.•µ., L•”''V i:` { , r i pit. .1, F .„,''.tt,.:i-.. ',i-.t'.--,,n,,.--,,‘"-„.,4-,i I,-i t-t,-Ijj.-.•;••••„I.3—.,44.,,"971i,,.,1••4.),,,....,...,-!,..,..i-A_F•-.,---•,._,,.•:',-7._,,,.•,.,...'.f,ik•.,•l-,,-"•i:,'‘','.,-,.,'',••.-,•.,,.;'.-`y-,•4.1;.,1t4,.:s 11:''i4.i:.,),,,,„. ‘,..!, F r tir 51 .1 , r i • ys, . .Y .4 3 �?- �` +\, R i'` " ti •'•! i ) ^' k .t "P:.? t t{Y 9 y ;*f Iy r -, , T A� j t 0 t `-0a i r 'i: ;*.N.• l'‘' livv Alt-,?1,,....,:e-ttii: ,\.—s-,...,... 0-,' *locf, -•• :-• r � r ,11 y Ir t•i4 �1 � ;�, 5*'Z ( -87 .. 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