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F. ' r • _ + NE 12TN ST ....... PRO — _ 4_ _ _ • : 589'.'1'S(o"E _ 444 29= JECT 151.I1' SUMMARY / I I 101b.05' _ 900'45'33"W f alli 2■ff I t�iT}lR. SUITE Ed 9.ffi' FVIE, VA 98004 / I I 1,41 AITLICXN7L (2126) 739-5000 / GTE / I,CURVE DATA: I 2621 NGRTHUP,BUTTE 700 TEL(206)139-5000 A • 59'00'22" I I e BELLE'.E,WA 98004 CONTACT:)E1 RENSHAW R• 15516' I I I t $(// L • 15989' I I I lc �/ I 1 \C-3r- �oATER ypLTD. a840 BUNSET w. Pc�/ 1I, SEWER EASEMENT t•� (206) .WA 98066/ ! T ��(��GP rz06)643-8400 ra0664WA E .z0l � °�/dryI I I I GTE PROPOSER TO cONSTR)CT A RADIO Cct'9'LNICATION6 • ATER t I I a p FACfLITM.THE FACILITY WILL CON818T OF RADIO EQ)IPMENT GSITE NAME: '©io \` �tN(S A�i. *NA GRADE ia eEcrOR rE ANTENNA PREEOJr r°R6 HI-LANDS ? I I I R� FUTURE.(Q TOTAL),MOUNTED ON A NEW MQJO•OLE r/ APPROX.A¢PIpALIT 0 ,� m/. / /���.``� PARKING I Z Ay 4> SITE NUMBER: by 3' ZONING, CS re�u�.w aNrR) W A 0148 / /b D. I I a \of�1� S.R. NAME ;' 4 ,*' i") I I cONBTId GT1ON TYPE wA SUNSET tGOONJT •• i'a fit ASPHALT \ OGG)PN�CY, wA LOCATION OF /VERIFY • ) l� IIGODS' 1.3943 NEC NEAREST ABOVE i / f/ I II993 NEC GROU ND UTIL ITT " �) i ,t 4//4 EXIST.GA , UTIL PY�LE VAULT /' aidArif,v4 Y �/ _ NO 2110 f / - I I WITRANSFORMER ; I \2 UNAFECTEDD. G1 L. / P I 2. -¢a=1c IB wArFecTED a i .„// )� /� I I N33 59+0w / 3. NC�GNAGE IS FRONDED /.4, L .•• Q , ea //� 32.09' ff rc \ aaa///% i� '��` ,! LOWER I / W in ROOFTOP i N (p / \ �a >E �O� I�',, 1 °e 1y' LEVEL II I / / / CONSULTANT i I g ml UTIL POLE 1:' y. / ExISTING 1 I I 15'-0"• / NO'•318618•Ie615 , Q�, BUILDING SETBACK TEAM u g i 2130 ` f *// BUILDING I 3, "✓� 75'TALL PRO,$C. R EY=+`lf'! L(t 1 ( l / / JM CON&JLTRYa GROUP,INCORPORATED I ,� • �pp� I\ 500 106TH AV£.NE STE.1180 \Q� �. l..- CXJE II°I"IEN?D 9�I \ / / BELLE:vU' WASHMGTCN 960424 n n r TEL:206-631-8650 p •`n� / FAX,206-631-6651 PI / 3 UTIL POLE \\ / CONTACT:WN.TER MALONE-WHITE N N In 114 3115601-16614� ARCHITECT 1 1 , •` ll4G//2122 Z��^C7�I / 1 APPROX.40'TALL \ AIRCHITEKTON \ \ / 12951 ea-Pea RD,SUITE 110 / BELLEWE,WABHINGTCN 98005 EXISTING / TEL 206-631-1001 N // - / BUILDING— ' , EXIST. / FAX:706.631-1008 J 361.1 CONC.C -,- CONTAC: DAVID DEAN /1// RECEIVFFN � / �•�� APR 14 1997 /\ I / 3, / DEVELOPNEN1�PLHNNING N♦-r SITE PLAN CITY OF REM NH SCALE: 1" • 40-0" LEGAL VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX APPROVALS DESCRIPTION /\ ,PAM ,, 110SPDANI ■ ■ • TAX PARCEL NUMBER, 122160-1205-06 T-I TITLE SHEET,VICINITY MAP, ■ ■ ■ ■ BLOCKS 39 AND 43,CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS HLANDS NO.2,ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED,I N VOLLT•IE 817E PLAN ■L■� ■ II • IG 51 CF PLATS,PAGES 92 THRO 98,IN INCLUSIVE,IN KING COUNTY,6WASHIN GTON, n•- N G-I SITE SURVEY DIEM-Ff. MR("V�4 TAT TOGETHER WITH VACATED ITNVN PLACE NORTH(5UN9ET LANE NORTHEAST)AS VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO 1830, WW041T Yn 1� RECORDED DER KNG COUNTY RECORDING NO.6323964, a C-2 SITE SURVEY EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID,BLOCK 39 DESCRIBED AB FOLLOWS: • Q A-I BTS EQUIPMENT LAYOUT/ GTEM-SF M[�2 0.N.,. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IB • +a BM 4 ANTENNA DETAIL II ■ ■ ■ BEGINNING Al THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID BLOCK.THENCE N36.42'00'E,ALONG THE 6.LINE THEREOF,0000 FEET, Li 9C1"1 El ■ II In ■ THENCE N54'35'47'W,PARALLEL TO THE SW LINE OF SAID BLOCK 9000 FEET, - G. A-2 1 74 EEX6TERIC •EELLE AATION/ 0"rz ARMY W. BAILEY T-CNGE 635'42'00w,PARALLEL TO TIE SE LINE OF SAID BLOCK 7E00 FEET TO THE 6W LINE OF SAID BLOCK: _ • GTEM- min>�- No T-ENCE 694.36'42"E,ALONG SAID SW LINE,S000 FEET TO T PONT OF BEGINNING, n A-3MI 121 ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS MAKE ■e■ EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID BLOCK 43 DESCRIBED A6 S:FOLLOW AE-I STANDARD ELECTRICAL INFORMATION, GTEM-EAR ama1 "!• E PARK DR ■ DETAILS,G DIAGRAMS un �- (EGNNNG AT THE POINT OF NTEFEECTIGN OF THE W.MARGIN OF YC"ST.(KIRKLAND AVE.NE.)AND THE 6.MARGIN OF QTH AVE.NE.ENE.91146T GTEM-LUP .1 THENCE N06 51'15w,ALONG SAID 5 MARGIN SILII FEET: DAM THENCE 60I'02'45w 21405 FEET TO THE NW MAIM.N OF VACATED IITH PLACE N. PROP.OWNER _— THENCE WA-55'13"E,ALONG SAID NULL MARGIN,I90b5 FEET TO THE W.MARGIN CF X'8T, a.n THENCE N.ALONG SAID W.MARGIN ON A Q1RVE TO 71E RIGHT,HAVING A RADIUS CF 361.12 FEET,AND ARC DISTANCE OF 125,41 FEET,N 0.n _ ONCE,CONTRJUNG ALONG GIN SAID W.MA ,NOI'09!6' E 9.92 FEET TO THE PEW'OF BEGINNING.SITUATE N TLE COIMT OF KING,STATE OF LLASHINGTON. -f/ OAR AIOf1�QgN JCS•� ?SW DAS 3-❑-0, • , 4 E 12TH ST _ LEGEND NOTE: - - - - / TELEPHONE LOCATED ON 25' - P POWER LINE (BURIED) UTILITY POLES WITH - - $89.21'56"E 257.22' or POWER LINE (OVERHEAD) OVERHEAD POWER. / - 106.051 - -• -- 151 17 - - ) -0- POWER (UTILITY) POLE S00'45'33"W f� F- GUY POLE OR ANCHOR 9.92 4-t * LIGHT POLE/LUMINAIRE / G GAS LINE I I GAS VALVE PKSITE INBENCHMA ASPHALTRK 0 CURVE DATA: 0T- PHONE LINE (OVERHEAD) ELEV=347.07 A = 59'00'22" Io I R = 155.26' 1.1-. I m TELEPHONE MANHOLE SS Z� L = 159.89' ` SEWER LINE s`,, \ "___, ._ a SEWER CLEAN OUT CATCH BASIN �� / SEWER EXIST EASEMENT I f JG�Q�101` + y W- WAso OTER LRM INE DRAIN `r Z WATER METER • Q� I % \ O Da WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT --\ APPROX. ASPHALT 3 �L o CHAIN LINK FENCE O�/ PARKING AREA �� o li°3° 35� 2_49 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION i (4 ) r ��/�;"�ry\� �?,' " ASPHALT iN 65�5 % 30'\,,,,,„ Z SURVEY POINT 21 ? V �� r �o- N �g06 NAD83 47.30'11.4"N 12210'45.8"W GROUND ELEV = 351.4 Q- / d ‘ NAD27 47.30'12.0"N 122'10'41.4"W / �• CURVE DATA: / 0 = 14'51'O3" SITE INFORMATION `,// / R = 361,72' 4' % • GATE UTIL POLE L = 93.76' TAX LOT NUMBER: 722780-1205-08 UTIL POLE 25' �/�P� NO 2710 \ . SITE ADDRESS : 2808 SUNSET BLVD. NO's 318618-16675 / ♦' //QZ V"/�, W/TRANSFORMER \ X RENTON, WA 98055 ROB BENSUSSEN 2730 / I.� // ��� \ PHONE CONTACT (208) 643-99002, EXT. 207 FOUND RAIL- �,: N33'59'40"W ROAD SPIKE1\ // t� ''•/ O • ° ' 32.09 AREA 324%950 S.F. 2/3/97 /` / M •r / 7.480 AC SS:� • '� �, LOWER LEGAL DESCRIPTION o-. 6 •, ROOFTO NOTE: / / \ ?O�ry \r. 1 8 I LEVEL 1 BOUNDARY DERIVED FROM: BLOCKS 39 AND 43. CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO. 2. 1. RECORD OF SURVEY VOL. 31, PAGE 235 / ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 57 OF PLATS, PAGES \ l / EXISTING RECORDED UNDER A.F. NO. 820421903 92 THROUGH 98, IN INCLUSIVE, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; / •" 411 BUILDING RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WA / 23- 2. CORRECTED PLAT, RENTON HIGHLANDS NO. 2 / TOGETHER WITH VACATED 11TH PLACE NORTH (SUNSET LANE NORTHEAST) AS ���'"9 UTIL POLE VOL. 57, PGS. 92-98, RECORDS OF K.C., WA. VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO 1830, RECORDED UNDER KING \ cG�e/ `��37a.s NO's 318607 1667 3\ »-��_ COUNTY RECORDING NO. 5323954; \ � 774C//2722 / / EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID BLOCK 39 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: / \ \\ / IPIP 50' I \\ BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID BLOCK; SURV PT CONC THENCE NORTH 35'42'00" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE 21 CURB 7THEREOF, 125.00 FEET; EXISTING 21 PK 3S THENCE NORTH 54'35'42" `WEST, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE BUILDING ?� OF SAID BLOCK, 90.00 FEET; /� 3671 EXIST 10. \ v THENCE SOUTH 35'42'00" WEST, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE 62 / 50• I . WATER EASEMENT \ OF SAID BLOCK, 125.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID % 01 P 003' 4, \ / BLOCK; NOTE: THENCE SOUTH 54'35'42" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, 90.00 0" SEE SHEET C2 FOR N\ �� FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, RE `V/ COMPLETE BOUNDARY �``� / //vQ� \ (�v AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID BLOCK 43 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A\/ BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF �(/ IJ . / "K" STREET (KIRKLAND AVENUE NORTHEAST) AND THE SOUTHERLY S U HERLY MARGIN NOTES: / OF 12TH AVENUE NORTHEAST (NORTHEAST 12TH STREET); 1. LOCATION OF EXISTING EASEMENTS / J D THENCE NORTH 88'57'75" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 151.17 �� APPROXIMATED FROM PLAT. NO O� FEET: / ^�a o' NUMERICAL DATA GIVEN. ^) �O / THENCE SOUTH 01'02'45" WEST 214.05 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY / 2. A 10' X 40' WATER & SEWER a to, MARGIN OF VACATED 11TH PLACE NORTH; / �0�� EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 39 c-� , / THENCE NORTH 65'55'13" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN. IS NOT SHOWN. NO NUMERICAL 190.65 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF "K" STREET; / INFORMATION GIVEN. THENCE NORTHERLY,HAVINGA ALONGRADIUSOF SAID WESTERLY AN MARGIN,ARC ON ADISTANCE CURVEOF125.TO tT1 HE // / SITE PLAN RIGHT, 361.72 0EEET; / // THENCE. CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, NORTH 01'08'15" / SCALE: ��=501 EAST 9.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. / SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGT ECEIVE . PTHIS PLAN DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY (• CAUTION! REVISIONS ]iDCII ELTYOFR RENTON .__' I BENCHMARK IS HAFF (PID: SY5646) • G T CITY OF RENTON4 BURIED UTILITIES EXIST IN THE AREA STATION MARK IS A HORIZONTAL AND UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN MAY # DATE, DESCRIPTION BY: ICK ,/�A�7ln�� wyp�D�T JMCG CONTROL DISK WITH SETTING TOP NOT BE COMPLETE. CONTACT THE ONE- • �efY�f10, COMPANY, Jee•n T OF CONCRETE MONUMENT (ROUND) CALL UTILITY LOCATE SERVICE A MINIMUM 19� WA0148-B SUNSE 1 THE MARK IS STAMPED HAFF 1990 Phones c20[d0�9166Fax c2a5) ELEV = 337.4 OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION g 1 -800-424-5555 DRAWN: JED DATE: 2/4/97 S" GREAbgkibANDS PROJECT: 96160.060 Cl EXISTING URVEY •,I . - I 141 SITE NE 12TH ST NE 12TH STREET - - S00'45'33'W N89'21'S6"W 9.92' C. 106.05' 151.17' mac., , 25' ' Ate oo P�� Al I I o ` r pgRk 900 DOE. z �4;F 6 I 81� ► J - �J�� 4/ CURVE DATA: I I \ Q = 9'00 22 3p' �Cv R = 155.26' ,� o� L 159.89' ,�e Dry I 0 i •16 �L Ai, NF 2C7 2"' tiry IIN6 906 N332.09' "W ! o z Fj OlH S . • / 1 I A 32.09' > r CURVE DATA: (� m Q w I 14'51'03" to z 0 R ' 361.72' 4. g z o / ` 23v s 0 F / z ct / \ I- g L 0 / Z 2 R / . 1> , cc w / � s /_� / �y VICINITY MAP / / NOT TO SCALE / / �'/ / 2 / �/ a c13. / A,N / P^ 0 o, / % / so-./ el' `\/ 50' / >i4/ / / / 7 / / / // / / /SSs co 90 S' /SS p) °° •00 S o / \4s's • 9 CAUTION! � a•do" /�'� / BURIED UTILITIES EXIST IN THE AREA - AND UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN_Jv1AY __ NOT BE COMPLETE. CONTACT THE ONE- CALLBOUNDARY UTILITY LOCATE SERVICE A MINIMUM OCONSTRUC 1"=100' 1F 48008 HOUR5 424PRIOR T-5555TION • THIS PLAN DOES NOT REPRESENT A BOUNDARY SURVEY / REVISIONS IDCIt GTE # DATE, DESCRIPTION, BY Oa Illmemastri EDUNCANSON O l JMG�G es R > 1 A1. pp SHEET. DRAWN: JED DATE: 2/4/97 APR 1 4 1997 PROJECT: 96160.060 • DEVELOPMENT PLANNING (ITV( F RFNT(rN s ul / / E" // ffi " Er ea. / I ■ / / 1 // PROPOSED FRUTILITY MOUNTING SEE ADE1 11.1�1 LINE OF EXISTING © / APf ROxIMATE ASPHALT / PROPOSED T CHAIN LINK BARB FENCE / PARKING AREA / ` ,���BARB O / SITE GREATER / r. �' PROPOSED TRANSITION VAULT / Oj / HI-LARDS COAX CONDUIT / tars CNE EDGE OF ANTENNA N / II •,; -j* fI / O PLATFORM T CO ee RM11 ORIENTATED_ Q)DpILCTKNAL (AZIMUTH, ) eECTOR A-ow). SITE NUMBER: 0148 • -. •, A•.: -. / T,,..wow PANEL AHNrENNAS, S R. NAME: UNSET \ r \ �' / Q r":-•..,^ / Q)RGUIE PANEL S.R. NAME: m �' al :.. / /o cS a-®' ' a►+rE>«A 91�/� m►�:A.:'..` PROPOSED BTS $istertrmCARNET-SEE ENLARGED _ **.::::::•:*.:-..:: ' / \\ :'i: °.A.,` $ LAYOUT CN THIS SWEET / '.•.••.••••:•••..•• ••., f ' r \ ' - EllTUI(� / eECrOR O-Cllerh r p . � Era CABINET (])DIRL'CTICNAL EXISTING FENCE I r I' / PANEL ANTPANEL. :;.4'•:•:••••!:❖',•:•: .❖.••4••'. / - _- \ Q PIQOPO6ED<'-D• l7)RITUIE PANEL J:�% '•• • i%: i ':.•.. w f AO'-O"PR'OPOS!<D MUVOPOLE- AID ANTErIA •:.❖,.•.•.....,. SEE:ELEVATION --� GATE-SEE DETAIL.• / ---.�;.�.• S :40❖.❖i •:•.'• : T'F\'tg SHOP FOUNDATION- / 'Ii•••• :`•OS•�..�.•� ° t C ._ eEE DRAWINGS •.� / PLATFORM •I••�.�O • .:� i•J a-.''f✓ x s 5 ` I ROUTE GF UNDERCsRDUIJD .. :: AT TOP CF .. .. .%` 11 a a w o UTILITIES,VERIFY UUTH � .. MONOPOLE*�, �.•.....- .• � i� IN :-.,..•v JMCG PROJECT MANAGER eNCP DUGS :::::::::704% ❖ ''d' -OW) >/ 1 ./ • / . • / TURERS FFOR A DITICT+a. ' `• PN A'irST 9ANTENNA x ix Xi a. 1 1 FFO -• n)anuFE PANEL m oaof / s. < , / r \ •• • • N. �. ENLARGED ANTENNA PLAN 0 01 1 4 �� I j\\ / \\i n\ \EX\�N / \ \ / tl P I- E v \ N:i.P /p , 4 IIT//e \ ` \� a, / LINE CF \ \ •8' / EXISTING \ / 6UILDI • APPROX. 'NNN EXISTING • N \ ,® N` 40'NIGI•,T 13'-II• CUT 1 \ �� ' / \ '\ \ / tT ra i RADIO EOIIPi'QNT CABINET* \ N. N \ / 01 I ,��REDIREMENTS WITH PROJECT MANAGER. \ `\ \ \N _ / 11 S j_ Rat:SIRED CLEAR SPACE EGllpi'EPiT \ \ \ N Tn r CABINB:T. \ \\ \ \ N / \ I i FOR TCO�IU''RO O.CABINET COUT \ ® OCNTRACTOR TO PROVIDE t I I INSTALL(2)a=MITA FROM \ \ \ ' UTIL POLE i TA I I .OUP.CABINET TO TRANSITION NO'e 3ISS01-Is -I43 .ymANR• �� NOTE. q...4_L J FFt T.4NETERM \ • T 14Cr/2T72 REMOVE UNSUITABLE SOIL FORI'1 EXISTING GRADE WITHIN _ TRAT SITICN VAULT p ® ® t1 \ APPROX. PROJECT AREA AND USE SUITABLE MATERIAL FROM EOUIq'ENr ■ d ri ■ to RR 4O'WIGWT FOJ NDATION EXCAVATION TO FILL I GRADE errs WITHCRO AR S N \\ J M U4'N CP SW X V CLEAN T CR:USWEp ROCKO SID%.GRAVEL aWITH NITE O PINSCABINET • KNOCKOUT PLATE -- - \\ - - - - - - - mI - ® 0 ® ■ El v\ ^,� ficitstriNG R 6U d) in' &SPACE VARiE6 ARNY W. BULLY \ N IBM>��RD i MN IQ \ e6S1e1Q eTHn WEE /61-11111 NOTE:EQUIPMENT CARNET SUPPLIED MID METALLED ISY OTI•ER&THIS DETAIL IS FOR . MEDD • INFORMATION ONLY,CONTRACTOR TO'.ER FT ALL CABINET FEOURFhENT6 CEO E. . 5TS EQUIPMENT PLAN STS EQUIPMENT DETAIL li �••T-o• __ _ „4••I'� 1 ����� -�1 • AIOIRtlRW Ap®. inn OEVELOP''i'- Pl CA"'&�,. n1N OF BEN—Ohs 1an ell NOLDLUP WE e6 CEINO -s1m =XISTING OLE LIGHTING ROD UTILITY F (7)PANEL ANTENNAE I (2)FUTURE ANTENNAE - TOP OF ANT � MO NTED TO EACH SIDE a6.-, CF PLATFORM FOR(17) ANTENNAE TOTAL - PII TOLLIR PLATFORM- OLED TAIL THI6 T SITE NAME: 40'-0"T'IONOPOLE GREATER • HI—LANDS SITE NUMBER: a WA 0148 4 SUNSET EXISTING BUILDING (APPROX.HT.25'•0") 1 Pe Ici?' ./ t a a w 1INWi EXISTING FENCE / W >> I WS EQUIP. f CAHRCT-EIL m to rn EOWP.DETAIL y rH18 9FEET nn N. 3.. FENCE L CO CO m .a N n N N M NORT1-I ELEVATION U 1RNIWRTTER ECIIIR1E T CABMET6t PROVIDED AND WALLED DY OTHER6t COMPACTOR TO VERIFY MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS U1TH MAMFACIURER6 E'CONCRETE NAB ON GRADE UV 6x6 x I1179iI29 UELDED WIRE 6'COMPACTED.CRJ6{ED ROCK ■ 61 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ GRADE PER WE � �AN +T FLAN 1H18 SHEET AA�H= �_. ELOPE TO DRAM ALLAY FRal PAD ▪■ ■ Q m C' '�,•.�..,J``;i:`�`��' i�i,;�•�21�i�i i� i��C�` ��••��;'�����;��-'� �.�' 'r twirl REGAR OOVERi ■ ■ ■ ■ -■-_—_ ' _ *1 ?41kkit,t�ti` A` �'• ?�``l�` i°,is r„11 , o�y 114411,i: Y AT Faa�D reksCE6 MI III t a C� '�..i , y'� O ,���pi' ,„ o a �.�p��o �G4�GO jc • s��l GG1� AIQIY R. BAILEY G ' i � .. � � Gi""' 'Kti�c�3 �fi2� 1, 3'AT LIfCRED BLFFACES : �finG•ZT G,��4i,N i . ...c AG?liii`� FAttp,,4%,4f��llc fii �1�ricl ri�i'2- 5 BAR AT 16'OC Trmc.AL ■T-�1 TO FROBnINE �• AT PERMEIER MI I'-0" �AA�itamlo I'-6'MIN / NJ V BAR,CCNT9LW6 TOP T Lim AND COTTGf•I 1 r- __ gE$TS SL48 SECTION - ` 1c9�A-2 .,A• ,'-O• •OEVE` OF` N4 i CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY PROJECT MANAGER OF ANY DISCREPANCY WT-I THE PROPOSED LAYOUT PRIOR TO PROCEEDING IV-V A-p• 2 ALL PIPES,BRAOCETS,PLATES,CONNECTORS AND MISC.HARIDIWIRE TO BE i TYPICAL PANEL 4 GATE / 3 SITING*OF BARBED HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED UNLESS OTHERNSE NOTED. ✓ . MIN 3 INSTALL ALL EQ11PhETNT AND MATERN.6 IN ACCORDANCE WTN n GA GALV. CABLES Fie'USHED INSTALLED BY 1 6'-0•FENCE POST F r _ _ ERA,GE Ab 6rECIyPIED MA FACTA@ES RECOMMENDATIONS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED METAL SHROUD GTE,CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE •,W? lGli�617A10E TO OUTObE tIF71 VLE. SJ1TE E9 SE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR REGULA1ICNB TAKE FRECEDB4 E. INSTALLATION W/PROJECT MGR C'OF .c x I/4• ti:::-:-:7:•:-:•:•:•:•:•4::::.:.;.;:•:•:•:•:•:-:•". V1 + OTHERWISE GLEAN.G V i 1:• tA�i)7�SOB0 IGLJ6FEp ROCK L PLANS ARE INTENDED TO!3E A TO SCALED. THESE I - NOT WTH ARE NO F 4 PLAN e NNE wine, ' µµ1I . -�L T RAIL I TtTB.CAAX SUPPORT � OP DIAGRAM'EATIG OUTLINE OUTLRJE ONLY E NOTED OTHERW 1-5A3'WISTRUT CHANNEL � PROJECT AREA CALL BEFORE YOU DIG CLOCKS OR OWNER - pl1 .; lW1 AT 3'-0"t OZ.HORIZONTALLY o a A PPROVED EQUAL NE GF EklSt 3 jj LNG .I EGathmSNLB2,N2Sna.L_NSUES '1 GRAPE I •MIN 0 MESH I HAVE A • O 2 SHALL TYPE AND I SHALL BE MADE FROM 2E00 T CONCRETEI/A•EXPANSION ALLXP ON •�6fn r��.+i DAYS. _ ...._.. 7JNCP pal6'MAX FINI 861 6 2L00 )SJ DBH TRENG ULTIMATE COMPRESSIVE P STING _ ... GRADE UL MM ... s T( 2"t BON. (YIP) ..ram ,xs;` NOT 4" TO O 612E AGGREGATE SMALL EXCEED 3/ .SLUMP BE 5° -. MAXIMUMi.► �;,i;� ��i r,� AI .I �'"r�^e ��d��•1_.n:,.;w.a�:�: 1 ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CONSOLIDATED BY INTERNAL VIBRATION IN a ' '�'�° :1511:$': :.:•:•:-:.X.X.,%-::::::::::::::::*:* 1 - M"" M""'"�`( ` :;::'ACCORDANCE WITH A.W.STANDARDS RECO1 4DED PRACTICE FOR - a^ p � •�f�IlOJ88 OR ICJ -1r n H=('I� n Ur u=_d_'i7 617E GRAlDING CONSOLIDATI N GF CONCRETE. •aa• a EQD3 ALL GOLD WEATI-ERhIOT UEATHER CCJQRETE PLACE`ENT SHALL CE IN a IS'DNA. RAN FOOTED - b ROD AS REgUnACGOIDAUJOE WITH AGI.STANDARDS. •a. iE I%�_ESEfE • •CORNER AND GATE ~ BOTTOM TENSION0U STRETCH DAR "`'"'"""' . POSTS 12•DIA•LNEWRE I SiI=i=ii=iiiii=irii=i aiiaii=ii'i�=iati-ii :ii=if=1=i- POSTS,T1F. IBM DIA FOOTING GATE 4 ASSUMED SOIL BEARING PRESSURE OF 2000 PbF. "�11,V11'-IIPII LP11=11=RI=11IR11-11'---'.II-II411.ill-11-11-11�ICI? BEARING SOIL TO SE UNDISTURBED NATURAL SOIL OR 11511=.IL_I411EIL 11-=•15 ;NEW=.1L=_IR�II_IId'7 F CHAIN LINK FAERIC SEE LATCH AND�R POST COMPACTED SIRIGTURAL PILL AS APPROVED B7 PROJECT MANAGER CONCRETE PAD NOTE"B GREATER D ALL NEW SOIL AND SAND UNDER FOUNDATION SHALL COMPACTED n'DIA FootING , HI-LANDS GENERAL NOTES MINIMUM 9576. � 2'-0"MIN. � •LINE POST 6 UNDER FOU!DATICN ALL EXISTING VEGETATION IS TO BE REMOVED TO A DIMENSION TO BE DETERMINED BY I. �'�POST AND R POST:2-VS•O .PIPE,6GHED 50 ASM-F1053 6. TIE WRE,MINIhU'T 0 G:4 GALVANIZED STEEL DEPTH OF STEELLOW GRADE SIZE AND NUMBER OF CABLES 2. LINE POST.2-1/6"OD.PIPE,SGHED S0 ASTM-FUSS3 6. B.d/�ED WRE,DOUSE STRAND Q-IQ OD.TWISTED WIFE TO MATCH FA�RC WTH l.�IPFORGA•C.STEEL I ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE ASTM A615 GRADE 60 BARS. 3 GATE FRAME.L90"OD,SCHED 80 AST I-Fl063 14 GA,4 FT.DADS SPACED GN APPROXRMATEL7 5•DENIERS SITE NUMBER: ASTM AILS STEEL MESH.(ALSO SEE SPECIFICATIONS) 4. TOP AND BRACE RAIL.L66 OD.PIPE.SCHED S0 ABM-F1053 • t' LATCH.I-3/6 OD.Pl.1CNCa?:R IFOD WIT}{ KQ,O,g1 TYPE CENTER CATCH " WA 0148 S.R. NAME: CI-LAIN L INK FENCE 4 ' SUNSET GENERAL NOTES ® CABLE RUN SECTION GATE SECTION/ELEVATION RILL SCALE I..I'-®. a a a DENgRAL NOTESi La LJ LaIn (fi (A 7 2 C I) ONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CLEARANCES AND CONDITIONS OF EXISTING ROOFING AT LOCATION OF WORK AND REVIEW DETAILS FOR ANY REQUIRED ADJUSTMENT& o a 9 71 PRIOR TO JD R TTO ANY ROOF APPROVED BY ROOFING MA PACTURER AND cr cc re INSTALLED B7 GTE CONTRACTOR o o oo -CONSULT WITH PROJECT MANAGER AND REVIEW PROPOSED DETAILS FOR ALL - ROOF TOP PENETRATIONS AND INSTALLATIONS. o -REVIEW WITH PROJECT MANAGER AND OWNER/DUI MAN AGER MAGER ALL 1/1 LiWARRANTIES THAT MAY DE AFFECTED Err PROPOSED WORK ORIGINAL ROOF WARRANTY TO CE MAINTAINED. CA N -' -ALL ROOFING MATERIALS AND DETAILS TO MATCH EXISTING AS VERIFIED BY IN N 1 N ROOFING INSTALLER PROJECT MANAGER AND BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER • 3) CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY PROJECT MANAGER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH a N n n THE PROPOSED LAYOUT PRIOR TO PROCEEDING. N Ol .1 4) ALL PIPES,BRACKET'S,PLATES,CCNNEGIOR6 AND MISC.HAROWAIE TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED U4LE88 5) USE I-5/6"MIISTRJT FOR CABLE GUIDE(S�),SPACED AT 36"0G.UNLESS �I 'I 'I p�l "I `9 NOTED OTFERUISE. 6) PAINT CABLE GUIDE(6)/OOVERB AND HONING STRICTURES t0 MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT SURFACE AS REQUIRED. 1) UEATFER SEAL CAULK ALL PENETRATIONS IN EXISTING WALLS AND/OR ROOF 8) PANT ANTENNA SCREENS WBHERIUN WILLIAMS DIM ACRYLIC COATINGS. A) PRIMER DIM BONDING PRIMER"B66A50. C) TOP COAT"666W00-SERIES. GENERAL NOTES FULL SCALE ANTENNA NOTES U ALL.ANTENNA AND COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLE TO BE BURNISHED CY GTE AND INSTALLED DIY CONTRACTOR 2)COAX SHALL BE TAGGED WITH COLOR CODING AT(2)PLACES USING I" WIDE LLEATHER=ROCP GOLOIeto VINYL TAPE.AS FOLLCIJA. "1 AT ANTENNA GOMNECTION .2 AT ENTRY TO EQUIPMENT CABINET 3)RN COAXIAL CABLE WITH MINIMUM I2•SLACK TO 12"FROM EDGE OF EQUIPMENT CABINETS,ALONG PARAPET/ROOF CN CABLE GUIDE(S) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ AND DISTRIBUTE TO EACH ANTENNA DEVICE.FURNISH AND INSTALL EINEM MINIMUM (3)GROUND KITS PER COAXIAL CABLE PER ELECTRICAL. DRAWINGS. VERIFY NUMBER OF ANTENNAS,C4"I F,AND CABLE DIAMETER WITH PROJECT MANAGER. n +"`C11_111N 4)ANTEI+LA PANTING SPECIFICATION-PRIMER 16 SHERWN WILLIAMS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ pT1 BONDING PRgIER' 66A50 AND TOP GOAT APPLICATION IS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SHEROIN WILLLIAMS DM ACRYLIC COATING"e66111100-SERIES ARMY W. RAV,.7 ALL PAINT SHOULD MATCH ADJACENT SURFACES. sailll 1 r WIN 89-LM 4 ANTENNA NOTES .��p-} FULL SCALE �Evc 09 OF Rai L�r..�.�n • L 4 . • - '-0" FROM UTILITY CONNECTION -!•C,(3)4/0 f(I)1/0 GRIND .____ 1-5/b•LNISTRUT (I20/240 VOLT,SINGLE PHASE) SPACED AS REQ. © METIER BASE MB CU COPPER O METER SASE OM. OVERHEAD FOR INSTALLATION \ OF EQUIPMENT APPLETON CONNECTOR 031 aft:cm RATED APSES44RS RECEPTACLE TYP. TYPICAL 0 JUNCTION SOX OZ. ON CENTER I j i (3)TYPICAL 170/140v.3W.4P 4�a 13 BWTCH GY 4]KAIG.Tb3yq 3R 2621 wN�1 •94 2f� CO. CONDUIT ONLY ® SPECIAL RECEPTACLE, GA. GAUGETELCO ELECTRICAL A1ND WA �cIST. E7(IBTIYa AS NOTED OD. OUTSIDE ® I RFY E0JIPT1 r EOUIM•SNT WITHIN �� M -I 705-•736-60E0 O� S{WTGH DIAMETER REQUIREMENTS WITH DASFED AREA IS PARTANUAL TRAMPER SilITC14 WP ILEATHER°ROCF MIN. MINIMUM * PROJECT MANgGEqOFTHE EQUIPMENT 1!®FUSEIP9700 W19TRUT CARNET PArseeir MIC) _ 7-3•C,(3)4J0f(I)I/O GRINDPro PUBLIC UTILITY CONT.CONTIMATIQ'1 III I I IIPOST WITH I/4• F�7UIDISTRICT �+ DI6CCNUNECt SWITCHi I SEAL PLATE 1 I Q � ' STOP-1 SURGE ARRESTOR Q GROUND ROD ® HAND HOLE y - 1 I i I WELDED IN TOP I IP I ]-!'C,(3)4/0 f LINE OF CONC PAD INCGfyING- 1 I I PANEL (I)ViS GRIND t- � 6•xb"x1/4'WISTRUT I ! 700A PANEL NO1Eb�F!FOR ALL 6Y6 ab) sizE ei_VAnrsa 134QNT ELEVATION BASE MOLTED TO TELEPHONE L� I� — nAu UV 7-fOOA 2P THIS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO BURNISH AND INSTALL LINE VOLTAGE - - -- CONCRETE PAD ` 'I-_ J WREAKERS NE .. � �- �scarf• 42 KAIC,NUEMA 3R CONDUIT,WIRING AND LOW VOLTAGE CONDUIT.ALL FINAL CONVECTIONS L I.DIAGRAM IS FOR 1'PORIATION ONLY■RENEW AND MODRPY FOR SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS TO THE EQUIPMENT ARE TO BE CF FLEXIBLE UEATHERPROOF CONDUIT L 36"M1MPt21 CLEARANCE REO)IRED BETWEEN INSTALLED ELECTRICAL 2.SERVICE CONSISTS OF 200 AMP,C0/)40V,SINGLE PHASE. SITE NAME:Cs TO MEET UNIFORM BUILDING CODES EQUIP-ENT AND ANY oeeTRJcrION 1ALL PROTECTIVE DEviCEa SHALL HAVE AN NTER6 IN UpTING RATING EQUAL TO oR GREATER THAN THE GREATER DIAGRAMS ARE 6C14=MATIC ONLY.ACTUAL WIRING OF ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL 2.LOCATE BOARD PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS • AVAILABLE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT. 1 -LANDS BE PERFOR•ED,DASED 014 EITHER MANFACTURER15 RECCI'1'ENDED CONTROL 3.SEE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM.THIS SHEET FOR4.THE COMPLETE ELECT SYSTEM SHALL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIAGRAMS OR CONTRACTOR'S APPROVED SHOP DRAWING& WRITTEN ADDITIONAL 1-FOR RATION NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AR S 6 ON ALL EQUIPMENT AND CONTROL WIRING DIAGRAMS 5.INDOOR ENCLOSURE SHALL BE RATED NUEMA I,OUTDOOR 1•ICFALTED ENCLOSURES SHALL BE SITE NUMBER: SECURED. EGLIRED. RATED NETIA 3R - WA 0148 GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOteb 0-ELECTRICAL SUPPORt BOARD Ea ONE L INE D iAGRAM S.R. NAME: COORDINATE WJO NG WITH PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY I PROPERTY - IG.. -0 P . SUNSET I` OUIGRMANAGER I•..j■ 2. ALL WIRING SHALL BE COPPER h&IV/THILN INSULATED COPPER 3. VIEW 4 ALLOW FOR EXISTING CONDITIONS RM 74•! EXIST. 1 1R 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY ALL PERMITS,FEES.AND SHALL BE 11 y ASPHALT RESPONSIBLE TO OBTAIN ALL REGIIRED PERMITS,COORDINATE NSPECTION AND OBTAIN BUILDING OLNERE APPROVAL \ \ . 6. ALL ELECTRICAL.WORK SHALL CONFOR•1 TO THE RE4IURMENT GF • THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL.CODE NE.C.(tE3S)A6 UELL AS APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. E(iJIPPENT OOD"DOTTED AREA 16 A PREPACKAGED 4VERGOOD"PANEL(SERVICE ENTRANCE RATED, FAUIFi"IENT WITHIN DA54 0 AREA IS PART N s i. ALL ELECTRICAL ITEMS SHALL DE UL.APPROVED OR LISTED. \ 7 iA1MPS,AA40T S ,3 WrysS, THE EQ)IPMFNi CABINET PAOGAGE(NIG) w w g 1. ALL WIRING INSIDE THE PULPIT,*PING SHALL RW IN E.M.T. ALL WIRING OUTSIDE _ ENGL�t1f�) a a WI 41 o, TFE BUILDING SHALL BE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUITS AND -II I O I- E-G IYJUER > a O WATER TIGKr. 111= I—I E---LNEXCAVATED METER BASE sO°(' . . _ _ 0 0 S. WORK INCLUDES ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS DESCRIBED BY DRAWINGS EARTH MY CONTRACTOR) •• I- T -I i A A m AND SCOPE or WORK INCLUDING INCIDENTAL WORK TO PROVIDE COMPLETE, k —I I "III- 1 r - 1 PC,39 OPERATING AND APPROVED ELECTRICAL SYSTEM n I I I WARNING TAPE I - - f GINm I rc z -�I _ Oaoo _ _III_ ] 'C.(3)M/0 © • �" I I•• FUTUtE 0 0 0 f(U/0 GROUND I > j GENERAL GROUNDING NotEe, 1 I 1-- 4 1-I y N I) GROUNDING LAYOUT MAY YARN'DUE TO 617E SPECIFIC GONDITIONb. ", -I ----- - I: I I • 1 1• I �(' FO I I-' ? ELECTRICAL CONDUIT(S)• I I I I f THE BUILDING GROUND LOCATION SMALL BE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT �{ l NOR.NOTIFY PROJECT MANAGER OP ANY DRFICULTIES INSTALLING THE `3, Fes' -I I "1 1 I 7-LiJ� MN,SCFEDULE • I I I I CROWDING SYSTEM DIE TO 617E OR SOIL CO4DITIGN6. it I_ _ 40,OR AS SHOILN I W I I. a � ^ ^ GN�� FROM UTILITY I I r N r7I 3) GROUND TEST,CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEST OF THE GROUNDING —I I -III. CONNECTION . .,-..^ t - — I. I,,',,',,' ^I SYSTEM BY A CERTIFIED TESTING AGENT. PROVIDE INDEPENDENT TEST ]"C,WITH PULL — -I I jalQ�t NC I��ry�II STING(700 IbJ I I"I"I 'I _I " RESULTS TO THE PROJECT MANAGER FOR REVIEW. RESULTS TO TIE I I- 1- i GROUNDING SYSTEM RESISTANCE TO EARN GROUND SHALL NOT EXCEED -I I "CI: TELEPHONE CONDUIT• IRN�:oMING . . 6 OHMS. P THE ND TEST EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM OF 6 OIM6, �I"-�t=l / I I 1 q2 A3 9IIOUN GN FLAN �1 -- J CONTRACTOR SHALL BE ESPON610LE TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL VJ'/ Z GROUND CONY ECTION6 A6 REQUIRED. TELCO SERVICE 4) ALL GRIND WIRE SHALL BE TIN COATED AND GREEN INSULATED WIRE, ♦ \ 1 I- SERVICE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROVIDE GROUND CONDUCTORS TO GROUND I -I I GROUND RODS PREPACKAGED EQUIPMENT CABINETS _ GROUND 7 AWG RODS AS INDICATED CN GROUNDING PLANS. GROUND RODS SHALL BE - I O H . 3/8•XS'•0'COPPER CLAD STEEL RODS AT S'-0°SPACING. PROVIDE TEST 111I < {II COMPACTED SAND W/PROJECT MANAGER LEAD/MU-8 A6 INDICATED. f I- 6) CONNECTIONS,ALL ABOVE-GRADE INTERIOR GRO NDNG CONNECTORS • SHALL BE DOUBLE-LUG COMPRESSION TYPE ALL BELOW-GRADE AND T-_I I i-I 1 I-I l I-III-III 111-1 I I= EXPOSED EXTERIOR GROUNDNG CONNECTIONS TO PERMANiI44T ECU/Pt-ENT -' -' .-� '-'' -� AND FIXED BUILDING ELEMENTS SHALL BE CADUELD TYPE EXCEPT A6 IS'MN. � OTHERWISE INDICATED. CONNECT CABINET DOOR FRAME TO GROUND USING CLEAR STAINLESS STEEL SELF-TAPPING SCREWS WITH DOUBLE-LUG CG"IPRES6ION CONNECTORS. VERIFY CONNECTION LOCATIONS AND MATERIAL TYPES I.EXCAVATE TO REQUIRED DEPTH TO GROWN AVOID G LUG!BLE AND SIZING IG CORROSION. 2.VERIFY ALLATRENCHING REQUIREMENTS ONE L INE D i AC RAM IIEIVERC OOD II ,� TRENCI� DETAIL PER LOCAL BEFOREU YOLD FOR 4 AW6 SOLID WIRE USE BURVDY LONG DARR!L LUG YA3G-7TC38 3A'J•HOLE f I•HOLE SPACING 3.CALLCUTIUTY CVPAN CONTACT PANEL OPTION TAW-7N UV HOLE 4 13/4•SPACING R •• LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY FOR V AUY•SOLID WIRE USE BURNDY LONG DAR EL LUG 1 1'-0" c:> 1••I. YASC-2TC3S 3/S'HOLE I I'HOLE SPACING YA2C-PI I/)"HOLE 4 13/4•SPACING ANTENNA COAX GROUNDS(TYP)(3) PLACES FOR 06 ALIG SOLID WIPE USE BURVDY LONG BARREL LUG YA6C-7TCH V4•HOLE f 3/S"SPACING [ ' COAXP GROUNDS BAR)EACH AT ANTENNA RECTOR LOCATIONS YA6C-]TCIE7 I/4•HOLE 4 3/4.SPACING (TrI YAiC-7TCES SAY HOLE f I.SPACING L ANTENNA RACK(OR AS!INDICATED) ■COAX ■■■■■■■■ 6) ALL EXPOSED GRQNDI CONNECTIONS TO BE COATED WITH ■ ■ ■ ■ ANTI-CO OSED C AGENT SUCH T No-oxY•,YNOALOX•OR°F'ENETRox". . . COAX G ANTENNA ( ��■ Z� N . VERIFY PRODUCT WITH PROJECT MANAGER . . 1) ALL BOLTS,STAINLESSER8 AND NUTS USED ON GROUNDING CONNECTIONS - COAX GROIAD BAR AT TCIJER CASE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SHALL BE STEEL S _ Y ALL EXPOSED GRO1NOING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE ROUTED TO TRANSITION VAULT ■II II■III II■■• IN PVC, TRAMWAY. PVC RACEWAY MAY DE FLEXIBLE OR RIGID. *MPG CU STIR IN PVC RACEWAY GROUND CONDUCTOR!SHALL NOT MAKE CONTACT WITH ANY METALLIC • d TO G'SELOU GRADE(TYPICAL) • GROUND FENCE CORNER POSTS(TYP) ABNY W. BAILEY UTILITY SUPPORT BOARD GROUND 1i RI III ID CADLLELD CO CONDUITS,SUFEACE6 OR EQUIP. TOWER BASE 3I!f ME 3 PLACES)MALL*CU) 0 GROUND FOR TRANSMITTER EQUIPMENT O WI alai _ GROIND RING 6URROWDNG PAD j _ �i ( 9AUG Ql TO FQNDATICN IRBAR - msT• _ PROVIDE INDEPENDENT ELECTRICAL SERVICE -- GROUND PER LOCAL UTILITY REQUIREMENTS �_GROAm ROD AT CORNERS AND _ �� 4 { 199A E 1 THIS DETAIL IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, Al MNIMIfM 6'INTERVALS OR NIT RODS AS IRQUIIR —��� - ��. VERIFY SPECIFIC NAGIAIDING REQUIREMENTS ® GROUNDING DIAGRAM WITH PROJECt IC GROUP ei DSNI I..i■ © ReS 3si a 0 CITY OF RE TON NA Planning/Building/P blic Works _ $4,4 f.4U p M . .:' 200 Miii ,4, -- - I-- Avenue South-Renton,Was ington 98055 . t, . *---- ,..,. I 1 rs•DD ? 90 1P7 .. " ,. I, . 0 ,..,1 -11.,,. rot • 4, . lb- eV{,` . 4:r, t '• I STAGE , . ,: ...___ ; i 1 .1 ,.,‘_.. - t C.• ciTy 0 ing Depi. .... I:nr,irkeer • ...k. igiNc\ir'2A, .•t:, • 1000 Index Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 OL) 71'0'Y 0 C076-03 tC)( ct-c • ,........._____ .,.„.„ c)01 h.:ii,....,1 , ,,,,lf."'„_.E ,--- --__ f • "'% ! - ''... I!7:',;•1 ", .', (. -, -li • __ :..' • _A ;L,...,_,... :_ , 1.2. ‘,! ',' `------ • c-, . -,i , • f :(r i-u:-3,,, 1 J '...Ell;E3 1 setr-47,s/7: 64,:a: cic-v Iiiinlidilliniliiiiiimiiill Miliillinillindlilliffilillifillimiliin ----- (---i rVY ♦ ♦ . NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: - ';.'.'Administrative Conditional Use Permit_:..-. :. The application can be reviewed,in:thee-Development)Services",:Division:;located'on,the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted;anytime:.priior-,;to the:Environmental Review Committee (ERG) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or:prior;to%'an administrativedecision.'For:further information'on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF -RECORD- and receive :additional 'notifications,. by:. mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods;and/or'•the-public ,hearing.:.date(s) for this•project,_'please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the:project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. 'F'SI� n�E' �� I � 3WEMr !I Y I e'.1� 1 % ► n. tip. `., •r' 4zi ,! - O' Uu 1� •c�, t 1fY�,,HIlTN 57. Agm Ya. i7-7E ' �... , • d ,i9:".0= . it, i !,:g . 7. rill• NI,E1J4.1164134 LC. gs: F- ! , 6 *ate! W NE. , Or .w u U ,Itu 7° "illitiv �� . y .. e "yak' LG. . 4 .1t,":t;?:V.ILI' 'yr,. ";.,,,,- • "I:Al .4rirf.ii tfir ._,,,,,, ,_...-:,,,g2.., , ::,.4, . , Nkr'a :Plx- iv.:Pi V.: r,, ,k.9,,,. 1-ppr . I' 4`' • ?iv' kr In- -1,4:4 -.4"" 4) 4 .. P.A t6-,1/4.14 al 7 w z• .. 4 .t�{L .i-.�':TF•w�LG 9.1,i al I ,, U; ,. �J :, 1..! - ,�.i Ji `r--u' 4` . gin sy -%/ 'saz::, 4`", ..r[ilDq6E '--g. .;t- • 9i:'... ' -- - . :: i!!•3 r._. :•- .:�' .. .:1:. .� ll� f • e, i1.'.(•.2 .l i ,ft ,••i-• d. S.v::!7:'.. .. ;:i, ..:J y-! .. .. �'�`r^ . �-'7J.�1�gp �,��t: ''� rq5 _.2 �l� �'i•`,�S�'�'-.y ��� IL'� a�A i. . ._ . 1 .. e'; �.i`. .-•• tom,r Ciq "y"�� • � i�'... ��? 7*•�0 0 �r GENMALOT.DOC , fkFl4 s� :;i n', [ i4zJ _ . . _ L .N'�C�'TB, 4•—, ...Z...‹=-1-i-li el_'-,-.- ---- a 0 CITY OF RENTON ..'i...- eirivo 4..4‘ “;..... , ..m. Planning/Building/Public Works iii a ck 640-- _______„„ • . 4, 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 J.- ail cc a c APR 2 1° 0 2 9 -9 T .) ..e!'a Z 5.4,.., cl"i . . . , - • ' « 1 376 •.- ''‘. IV ; c 1'-::-.';:. ...., Stephen Sylvia 1175 Harrington PINE#203 ;1,,.. -!--, ii.ii•L'i L'.1:::::fy,ji Renton,WA 98056 , 317-1000/0006 ------- _--____ ).7:' ,•-;v44 i -- ' •• '9 'Mir-A .364tAtirt.-Aris;':: lati4ZUatii.ZA41Ali'-ffll, tl TO Uti�Y 0,A + MIR + NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative:Conditional:,Use Permit, The application can be reviewed U in the-',Development-.Services.Division'located-on,the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted:anytime pnor to the Environmental,:Review'Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF. RECORD and . receive ,additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project �NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. • PKE r49 ", oCI gq• 2,fr -�r Y I f O '• mci Yn 11. c 9 y. . l '• ..4y,i in ccri, Di.- FE. AA"- U„ —'—•IF '•50=—•-�b>: --.�.��.� 1�.� .}.—, FFy . am_ y -- asr e a : 0.,0. aalkl • ." - 4it'''''. /,'; '. ta-41-4 L211 4 BRI 2.4 3 ,,r.. �r , o do �P `i'�� : ,��� w • e,, •i.4 i ro.-\:•y/I .4.'. ; �� 'A �rev 2``6'. • —•'1 .41r i. N. •.fir N• �j •T'o Z�'".�[CCy r '�4 6 reN ' Mr f _5 5 .dT ge.•• 3• .., G .'.r 0, '• •• •• s?.Sf IL!.-... � ioi^.old 2' N .. r %.� � ,.4 01 '"Y� 711 '- ... -. _ _- .I;, �is� �'. ,i�.i�'J rt✓ J/� ,pA r..>�}� �•r �,� ,,�'lli Jo .� �\, . .- .. .,''' f, Z;12^"43/4,. .an z ® r •;-$ 37 i.y,�W I . ET>'r;et'IR' l•1i tl .. . - .. .: ..ICJ•. ,:i �ui-ws •,Y9y LINE v. '- .fN -#7.44 r i , '` i-, .. 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The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: . . . Administrative Conditional.Use Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development:Services-Division;located .on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted:anytime prior;to,the Environmental=Review Committee;;(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to,an administrative decision" ror fuither information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF :RECORD ' and receive additional notifications, , by. 'mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public; hearing dates) for this project, .please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. �� , v'c xE :,:v -:.:• ,:I r. ' ..a.. in Y . . y I • 4e ,1' i_,ki„ a . I1 •1N.. .n.-•. ...4% i Y •riL toll -a •fi B ' r le 4 `� VIP ¢wr oT . gP , 'wire ter UK I �� 1 rliN Si. •�'',w� Equ riri �_ '.r` T__ �...rsikir, 3_ . .E . Fr ..-t—f-' -"It% ' _ ..4 1 . y[� ��1 ) NE �rF ,c • n ;p6,�:�, '+` If cv .,,- r.Y,., 4 r ..� .4.,,M T- ` ,-14 v ,e`'�� �° . . kg 1 x 1 wtl... N 'ate'-`®+�.� �rJ�. 7�r .e i: ' o 0 • ,f;- , 4:1 .1 ' Li , 4 "7<< er; 7 • ni •1i' o'�'? . ►'.'LZ`-UT��Q.z i` �' , 1: Hai."1D`i .,;1_, I-i Jr:..., . r: • i; Z� : •�.' toll._l ' GENMALOT.DOC Me �.�`""r9 =[ ; _ ' . - , a 0 CITY OF RENTON 2 u... - Planning/Building/Public Works il ii st V t,I T'pi itiai,..6:.:".1.4- ---""*".,maross:r...1 : -4411111 — IA #1 9 c f 200 Mill Avenue South-Renton, Washington 98055 cc c €-' :: APR 2.1 Al'9 T '' at Z CO .0 r. ; • V3-"I''. . 1111 2 , ......-43.0- ,.• •iii'' •a ''l,,,- ,) 4 '' "- . 1 .17-6 ..— Rev Lyng Trst Correa 1175 Harrington PI NE#303 Renton, WA 98056 317-20b0-7J1'co7 , -„..... RETURN 0 _1:1:- !,1 „ L - kW R T E R 'rs5,k.'4.-::-.41 il il I il-.11.,-'44441....li I I it1:441,414ZilUrA14-ai;i4:111i1 . , - 2 Gn t) ma tt7 re. NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. I PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed:in the Development'Services'Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to,the Environmental;Review Committee.(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information"on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD" and receive additional notifications, by, mail, of the City's environmental ! determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services.Division at 235-2550. Please include.the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. m _ . 48 .;- 1;€1 Z:il ',. ' 1I2 ;:'""-- /- Z % GN O , v . WE Nr.R y / P ,,,.__AF�/ _, � I =nR sr Irv- � Dion C � . 1k17 -te n_ - - 4_ ` I a isk tLi* 1!E i liMPwia-sal „4/r eMy- aej- i ,cRo. •�,^ •1. • "-'_�" Wa'. .;� PI... L7 YJ � III �,' -�,�: I w :iiiir ';112/1 /.. :-4° ' .P 'If 41C L'7.1 . „c.4 �•� 2.i - iii`ra 11'1.,�(/�� All N. 11 r. ss.iy O ,d e 1 ypP ' tw 1' a_. (i{�},'� =1 .e1l0 i. M . . - _k• I t .y.,,L'.nl� h.... 'i6 •,.38.:.4' , t yf[L�ti�4 •eASZ._-I• �I • .. 6 W Iv A A< "e `"I 1 c 'ten x� r '37'� ii � II>C .1 ',u;'. ;i,',. . : •.'- : .-,: - ' ' .M.:rliTirlii, 74.11F I2t '-,:' g •i -4%2,-1,..; :. - ,, . - _i . , ' 2, -..: - • gE rgi�4D• ..1.. i� II' r: • .It ; = ci' �_ m ig GENMALOT.DOC �lilhY�w.w7+nL g It: . . — •! r 0 ,.. ._ !:.' a 0 CITY OF RENTON - - ,4 - .„,,,,,,..N 7 0 4, et'1,.f •Ii, .....1••••51 a :,, Planning/Building/Public Works c" 200,Mill Avenue South - Renton,Washington 98055 0 illift 2 1'97 O a Z ki .2 7 5 • ' C/7...V-V &I i , , 7 r .076 . Michael&Stuart Teramoto i _... 1175 Harrington PINE#312 Renton,WA 98056 - Si 7-2.00o-33008 .„.. •----7----1 ,f-C.A.:-- '4 \ RETURN .-----z;--.---_ — (...,- 1-Q. WRITER ‘L"--.1' ,�(VY O Li • wil4R4 + �,c,Nrc0 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DEISCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed in'the DevelopmentServices-Division located,_on':the third floor of Renton City Hall. Coimments will be accepted anytime;prior to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior.to an'administrativedecision. •For..further information;:on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD •.and 'receive -additional''notifications,': by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods ::andlorthe: public hearing date(s), for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. W �-�k Lie y IL 2 ME �a � � y� � J O lI i�`� g u ewe, Ri $ Fr. if•IFa-. 7 ru -ds_�—___.—�.—.— .L._._'-7... -. .JLE ••T -worm: 1:3„ 4,,,- . 43 • , .ies!..: ,, ,2., . :ill -.;1;.. ____PrZri: ' EE /J7,, I� `Tr r '1 M �ti d � AJ►.eS�GI --"'i'e�jy.2T,�•{d i' N_ _ ... ' t ; lr �L+,ai G -•`�•`J i ary_ . .. ., ' ..— ".• „'"ck$t`•: J .. 0 '1 '� 131 I �f(��- .. a .. . iri, 17 .... ; - ' .. - - • . ` . .. •. ,. ' : .. i - ;P q"4, - +i Eni ® r ,.37 • 4:: AFED.e 1 � : • .'t ^yi . -,.":", :':ail c% . _ .9: CANE, ; f1. _ 14�0 1 , . 1: •t - M ,. �;,i' H � p # R r :2 ?„,` .1iu ` � ' a:: � Ma 1 : _il'/� ,,,'t• 3`. . _ Y g, ` "thr,,,iyiiip, .7q1.7imirrik ,• x ,F N-. 2,,,,, . •'*, -!114.a . GENMALOT.DOC ,a f.w,i. ,, ••—!'i i__. r ,s.' ._ 1 0 0 CITY OF RENTON . : •, •••„. ... „ • . -..___,.. .4 , ... 1,, sal Planning/Building/Public Works al ii 0 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 rE 1 Q •. APR 2 il 7 f 0 a • 5 1 — • ....- ...P. ''."'.Fi . . . - , : - - • C///,-1/-1j._ •-,.•.-71 4.11. .. - :1241' •.'. :. , • --- . / , .. . UNITED TATES ' •- - - - 2605 mnset Ln NE Re n, WA 98056 ------ 722)80/651607 , ------, ----- -_,-,.- •••o -,. r RETURN <---7-1-:-;.-------__,---1 ts / L661 , •'. TO----• -..-,-- -,: ,. - , , .,:-.7..:,.- •-• .,.s,;&:1),,4.IV,,§q,,,4, .4.14 .'r..z.k-..•. 111;I i i I i'difi, hi . ' ' • . .__ •"?------v"-. . I ♦C 1+ NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON. i A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following.briefly describes the application and the,necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard - PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit.;.''::; The application can be reviewed;in"the;Development Services Division located oii the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime-prior to the:Environmental.Review.Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or priorio an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD -.and ,receive' additional notifications, by 'mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the,public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. C ...'y:2;:t I Y .. 48 -r_ ,�i I lir ill,"1W...w..ra..i.y`T, I Y I I a Z�'Irv— ".uc'�}_� 161.r2 _ L-O W.Br� 7 . - Q,• O Orr— • y ► nel� y y ro -4F - 0---;--.Fite..--- ------.ter-L.,.= -. --_-_W, --__=_ psi. ii, O •', e i •L7•Ei Mk �� /•C At.• •"�� ,n 8 icy{ ' z W .?4,`. - -_. -1 .wit� . ...v Al., 4' I ,° . il 1 - .p .- ,,Ai , .171: Anna; lit!.ki Ani: . - ' i •q, ��.U.'z �.-•tea. •�3B am '. e'3 Y�,t1�� :'—,r' U; ,, .. •.`n. .. '' . 1'' - , s eat, N , t' " '+.- k!• '\ v - -?'RA, " r" -. - a ,, 1' . _ . - _. . ........ . ... . .- '�PJ �4 �,c� tee.m _® t sf`37 - �.a;� . ����- �. ' I,• - :r 13 �►4• Jrf [4MEr . 's' .•. .y.. ?_ if; * _ _ ^r.I.. ,-.. . .. .-J I Sr .S y� � ti- a tg„!_,...,,L,g c,k4--t-,.. . g f:. � �^4 Q `"",;7 a ', "I.,Z'A .32 �,rµG'k,,'c�,:'Q T 2 I GENMALOT.DOC , h[KtA�R�.,r"j"" - ' _ . ., '� ��3' V !' ,.._ a 0 CITY OF RENTON ' '--- - --- :,........ _- —_......:_...... - Planning/Building/Public Works ^4 ita fr• t:. st 1,4 r.45›...„. e . ,4... ...................„_ ; 200 Mill Avenue South-Renton, Washington 98055 ti g c, ofr -A -:'• 0 . ,, ,, „. 11PR 2 1'9 7 r.,V9-It : W .CVZ i 405 h- ce ., : ..' • ia• =, • ..., , ... e David&Marcelle Vaughn 1100 Harrington Ave NE#310 ,r Renton, WA 98056 --,4 6 3 7730t,2.ao 67 - - RETURN 0+31 TO --e_2--,-) - . 1 9 Kti , WR1TER 1 . ' • ks'-a-liz.t.z.V-1-z:•-ti..*'-`4"--- V% -=-5 ' •1•""n 1 tS Tr i‘'d.''''' • • ''. •'••• . . ti`VY 4 Ct + 004 + 'lin:NT° NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of ' Renton. The following brieflyy describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed in the,Development'Services Division located,on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior the Environmental Review Committee'(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior-to an administrative decision For•;further information.on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive .•additional' notifications,;:by'-mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods•and/or'the public hearing date(s).for:;this..project,..please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550.:-Please include the project'NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. J -lip z J@.• ' ri I ;* j ' '~\ ` /�_ n '•.fir.s• . 411filli t,:.a'- � A - IN itrommiagid-HE Br riy• •.'''' i .1-- --7. f�:NE. . � �. O •� .lam•='^J'r.I Wei 7• ¢10..r. r M-may.•i` �. 0 LT_9 •�. 40 .�_ , g r+n A 7 ,.. ."..te, t.;....4_ '2 r.,,,,,„ ,,,,i- • _.. • . ..,,,,,,,,,, ,. r•,,,c '.:,--,'..11.-3'',I.-S,"".:-:.-,--.J.-,4).7:--.:-,'..'. ,"-'.',':' ;.,.-7.: e.-ilEs • eq,',7,tvss-.‘,.v...,:?-•e ,,` l k J-.:. 0 e7.,!+th4,.p 3I4- :3;•7. ausa ��T��Yy1. ,.-.. ,.c:ig.!.'1.!i..:1..i.....,,r,..`,,,: -;-'',-. .,:-,-.'---_-,:-... - +L, - M .cif ¢ ^�-J b ?. ..' /a •y,. p� 7" o fu : . `C' ... ...i,-4,.'4.i: N N; / e ' 1 t, k, 4�' �^�J. l� '. i7 • T'i z J t • . J®.�J-- SAC f:.l�"�"WTF'i�' it •,:.•, *�51.�v-;�'o C iron 1.•ri_'y�,',�"7i�l7 7 of ti ,i w di i P r L•+Z�''-�VS 'Q.• I J:n 1.. Z'�e`+ .-�1, i:r.• r: • it Zf , !..�[S>,�'fly . 9. GENMALOT.DOC li ltlgt til i07Rt J . ii _ 1:i ICI ilk • WM — _ . 1\ - . - --4- ,- Pill a c• CITY OF RENT---is N -- 4 " asIL Planning/Building/Public Works -a- oe -• cc 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 o ‘) APR 2 1'9 7 S J a 2 0 2 9 5 : 0 ••• plittli . ' • • ' . ' , • -7 7, . - -:x.y.ti • c • • Victoriano Benitez Jr. 1175 Harrington PINE#113 Renton, WA 98056 3)22.0000-7007_ -------------3 /:-.,..:-.- • LEE;1 ' I 0 - .--..--.1'- ' ' -- .. '.. ' 9 l'':gile-.>•Astrestellej*.-vIci,A, ,4i 1 if-ail-11i liAil,ii-4,iiii4;444iiiali4444-Aiiiislai • '•-.' ' Vt!fr--11 i T R \-- ti`SY 4 v ♦ NER4 -;Nrr0 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use,Permit • The application can be reviewed in the Development'Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted..anytime prior to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, orprior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD. and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. Pro'i `—lam xe : . - Q� x� ., o �,ac 1 O 4QC O ► � per! `�-.�.' �,.w f — A: J' .1 ,nit; /0!_ ,•���3 � � � o IL ' 'aill� •+ryM. fie r�'. ! • i.�i'.. •o ' revj;g j4r ) '/ , 0 S. . ,6' 4111,1,17 �! ,'N �� �l �f.� 7J, �� °:' • M' � = ICJ 'jr •' .J o y'F,? • A 3.X pie 91•.. r a�P. • �•, •to 0% O 9J�G•� rr 7e�•, i 4 � L..1 • y� � v II• N a e la ( L ._ Y11 44 '1: •n s ® 'r+°t 37 a •M�:C. Jati `Y ,I o o %� :�q etc • ' ' � .�� s • Z '. ly - 41 1• �. ' L7 sr !Ai Tim • t®I r!gccEs-sfg n' .. .?� -_"•., I 32VV'��'� ';}""�g'♦al' D .. ..- -iE Qe' ir7 01 Oil 2( ' L-. f. GENMALOT.DOC "FOP ..:;�l 2 I., _ :i f!?;��G�,�• _�•' ...........k. . LIONE1111111•11=IMINMINIMIICIENIMErmili1M11.‘,,7111111 a 0 CITY OF RENTON cii ,ti, v- 0410 •F--4: -------,-- ma Planning/Building/Public Works rel n - • , • 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 0 APR.2 1'9 I • .,:- tiSi Z A; 2 9.5 : eis t4 ct I_ . ...,...,..., . . . ,. 4. e...tei6, 4. Lawrence&Visitacion Brown 1175 Harrington PI NE#202 .. Renton, WA 98056 - -:;,: ;'.• !::- .:: . 1 2.20000900a ....,_ ._ ---_-----1 ,,,.: ;\S ,/ .,, s I rp:--1-1 ;pm - ---77:7•77------____7--1 '/ ' g ,N n . rc 4 ''''' \-- T 0 C �Y!). li NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop 'a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development Services.Division,located on,the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted-anytime prior to the-Environmental Review,Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior'to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF=:.RECORD and receive "additional notifications,- by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. • ri 'r-• e1ti/g/g{{Y NE ..r'f -_• {. ' J• 11 Q'r 1o1 � kJ(T {I' d O O . it_44 yQ.• ,01 .L 5M r efs1N sr.. lTrt oi fly •N E.. . �E�ij�� O ��., .� LWi�i •L•1 �I 43 Pr sir � ~ J `� 'A QL L G x-2tl r - -.117 _NU ; • S o • i 4 4�• a'7 Ai t ' !1� ,/�a l�i' ' i •� e • ; ,. - O / ++�.rr.,��` (.are^ y f .. .. - �. .,. , o = L ,L viv ;_� n 7i �F ar �� fie. *. I „ �;� t'" • • JD NACt E tit 413rtriroik ff ill A.32 Yrim .u{�'"sg� aFR GENMALOT.DOC ► 'j^ ;tJ _' i� 1 jJ1(21$ t. � i ._ . ----\ " a 0. CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works 1,4,1- cf; , 01470 ___ 41 tig. • )Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 0 an 2 1'9 7 "xi -- 0 2 9 -5 i 0 h.. t 2 ° $ , q Lee CP3NNI • waiter ist Doll! poie 1111 10,11dalla x 9s056 ys ,,_-- . • '," r k-,:--1 '; elltoll,Vsl`- „ ..,,,.~'- , . • - ‘, •:. !'..-''''I 140 603 ,_',e• ._rzelpEo --, - — N -" : v,LI - cr) HI) II II L.1 III lETURN TO SENNA ' 4- — .A j Seic-YS4/-acAl-a "?'$-.` niiiiiiihni;islillilliiii hit ititittlitudittinitti it t tt tit hid L. 4•7 3--1\_ , , ....__ _ - ---__ ,• +ER ' + NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed,in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative.decision. 'For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF=_;RECORD and receive additional notifications, :by::mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or:thez_:public'hearing date(s) for.this ,.project, -please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please.include the'project NUMBER .�e.. NUMBER When calling for proper file identification. ' C'�ty ll Jra J f 1rr1��I44I , -d1�, 1 a o -- ,G`- -'lI t ' - .. W t Al }1 Q' % /�10, O y � F Hq.Sr. _ 01e'l lam" mm O z 7 YIIL' , • Y 0 Ii G.' L 1' NE �M alp. Rd% '7 lq^ „�:1,,,, '2.•to "ir'"` , `S'.1 :ti S S ♦ 'Ifj7� '. nr � T e ms' : G A • .p • ,,A, i, w,,, 9',4i a R- . rr. ., ... .;. � n l�' ±�' te mFr ® ?• s'F 37 ..q • .,1At �P<� ' �_�� m ._ _.. I ... • ��p{1 1.�1 E '. i o $11- t '''" 1 � J Tat 'r :: r ]�{ z r4 Cu a 0 GENMALOT.DOC F"110 •-•!"'i .[g'a- . - 1;; __ f*; OF3 ,ea, © CITY OF RENTON ,d c., oil, 0 h``e%,,fr;: •.,:_..- -�. s c Planning/Building/Public Works e�1 a . ------• « 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 • .- 1 .. Malu&Bernadette Salavea "_ :. - 1067 Harrington Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 pp:D2 c u ifs N 'E� .. y.4,�. .eta„ a'4. r 3 �""r-1 1itil�it,iliimiiii11iziJllilifi,IIISIiIiIiHliiI�,ii:;iiJiiii ♦ lit4 ♦ 11Zlvrc NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: .Administrative Conditional Use Permit.: The application can be reviewed.in:the Development?Services Division located on;the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime;prior to'the Environmental Review Committeei(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or priorto an administrative'decisioii: For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF- RECORD and :receive additional: notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods 'and/or the:public hearing date(s) for this.. project, ,please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. •. . i NE.- • Y • hirlintli Ir' � 'g! Cs a. % O � �p,.�Lrw1:-�• Yi� ra'�y7'�+ /yy�• �y�•' g,I f t!J', . N.ff lFu! �J$/\ ��p�� _A 1, l Nrcialiw*Irpiwiq rd: F. —771. .71011. L• z W V..° ` r O `_-v� 1�i ~' iri.1 liiii�� m • `.a ►�'a C • .. , ..r o` 97 y �� ry�, * t� „14 • v.;. `..• • ��[�11���jj, •r- r V a� at UU , ... •���' .fit j' q ' +�.¢ 'v 4r y+. r . '��'t•,+ O •''�' ��=�� �' '�li .. rt:: .i� ; -i f. _ -YJ4+ - ten i� -`� r� i37r > r7I1:l� ��•� .:,i�:- -:AP.• ,fa ,.i. y _ _ `���V• ^' [,INE .�. ... .y ♦ ` �"'r �f�,. r. II:: • dam'' '{J r 11i •1 - F.- 9� . \ ..:i' ! .p o Y7MCk4�`'a�j� o j, . ..•>. . ni., i w... NSF r z - (. •Z�' .` �- " `` ¢ Ka • ` r 2 ,), J i sr. 4'1. le e� c F. ,, r. .M. VW fy`•.: r�r�. .05 " ', 1:1 ,y% ^ y.teu.wi ni 01 •:; `•T.�• • MALeo= xiet �.'.:1'.. I/_ r: • ii ; � u..J!_ Lr�ha ., T . .. - . i - ----' . . 0 0 CITY OF RENTON ell Planning/Building/Public Works ..,../ ,., fi 7; 41,1 14 4 i 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ri g 0 APR 2 I°9 7 ( ,S°a , e 11 0." 0 2 9 . . . P " ' Os 7 7. • , ''..;._!1 :1,.,.; c : Ic.: -.- . Lydia McKay ji 1100 Harrington Ave NE#304 Renton,WA 98056 - 1, 6377 300Zoco44 ._ •,, °Ei5i I RABLE . -------,, ,1',. Lb tv `4,,,,,,, ''''"> --'' / E.:.ii sq• iLE: 13 Ffin" E3 VI d 1,.....j . `,;• '.-A \*4.1..11-...:.traarerfaark/'',-.- ..e..,:s .c..).::= ihildtiiiiimitthiiiiI,Ihiliiiii lifilliiiiiiiiiimpliiii I , I (VY �� ire NT NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has,been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall.monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative,Conditional Use Permit „ The application can be reviewed>''in'the-D:evelopment_Service 'DivisioOfoceted on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior,to:the:Environmental;Review'Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an,'administrative:•decision.: For further.information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF,.RECORD-and'- receive-._additional 'notificatiions by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s). for this project, please contact the. Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. pp.. 2Ei —p+.l(payZf 4L MA.f. ' 447,iiie R•N � 3 a a U 44 Sai a LZI Ia. � ! 'Y: -....„ry IN e.--,,, [if A ya 3,G:7� •W iiiiir'IT '•y 1. ���_ 2 ' `,'1 Mom;L '111,�y? •-;' ��..• k. • .4q. T •.Cj IT dry^3Mi N rA S . .. - - . ••Loz.`4 A --/ y0`'S • � ui ..d ttl x:ajL".-N= _ .... `,a: i _Ir ..._ '"....� IN : t i��'. 'a - 'n � ;;���;,39 :r iti Y ilii ����I -• ;U i '.l`. , !+„' ,. .. , r •, ..a •J �e �L ��j� Y— �—.1'.0 .- -.. • .:i VNa� 1 3 4r' I • .I•' -.ny.IL • `e. YL"o3 l! _ J,•` 1.'1� I' . i .-.) _ .1,1 Y' �.' 4NE F '�� / ti y.. -r+°_,37., = '�iE!. L b .® d/ti.r`.i'" I• „�..r',t f)i_ �,:. .`;s • '..ic‘, Wi'e'.. T. f •-k - •1 `•-,..•'�.. god . ,19. ;7`�ti'..14.3 .e mg ?i C?i, Ln..32V Yi6 ' �l�I "l f. inAd GENMALOT.DOC Filtk R �2.,R�'F?ta4s -re'"Art . ; _ I;� IFIll � '�f- UMW :I 1 1 �. r� G K. i.. � a © CITY OF RENTON IA Planning/Building/Public Works iiJ " • 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 cc `� • RPA 2 4'9-7 r': r 8 .. Q, 9 5 `• a. • John Cowan 1100 Harrington Ave NE#208 Renton, WA 98056 - ---- - 16 777Z00/900 7 err! ,: Er), 3LE,._ j G(/`�� , • LE i%. ti„ ,sw I n V,Jd A C-:TU:'q1-Ei' `'. /_ seisz e J J iii!t! tii`llliiiS1!,iIi iSSji i!i fl!IIC+idSJ 11if!1j i£j , ti( Y U � NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services .(PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed-.in:the DevelopmentDeVelOprnent-ServiceS,Diviori,Kickted.:ort the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted:anytime prior to the Environmental Review-Committee(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an"administrative\decision.:_For further;information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s)'for project,: please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. • ,le ' ean ¢r i�ii1: ��c .c l.wfn " • % -� �s. un: as roIr.��iy�,.3 .y..... N E.p fi i J „m ' irk • •to y��,,++��_11yy��f..IF��I�':.,(�'y�}�'ru ryryy�����_�_.�� ti.�.�.}.—. 1'r �Nyy',,r[y7l t - Lti.''ET'f _ .�, w- - s.mar6 �; ;' -q� n5.-.' 1177��Av..)�,f�} i.r �'� �. ��iY�• •a.Y)�a IC: o,: 7,ij•T�. ■Tih� � 3' . r i "' i L7 Sit 's1..7. „we; A. i`r.°._.. • ZA•1��i,��'y���:� �iNE1-.-'�'•"a/• y 'L3 B .t� asW7��'F1uwi t�fvJ �a_ � � d, ��� ! -® :r.i ;!E:arq' 2 :b- ® i'' :b... ; `c o .p r:. a '4 :t• +_u.�l' o' ,' 'Neat C_D a. • �r� .47r{r�. - s,�, '• . . J®IIq� Ir•:•: 'i -�•7 Y�''-L s ' +Irk ,�., • i". E Ma Z , 11 ' 4.32• •Y L`.I Z ll=�. uN� tt`.k c1r % CI"' 0�1. 1 Ley I IR;n GENMALOT.DOC Flh.1l�.`��:!yn; otaRf� ] -. gj. 18s IMRIII.P119FNIMIMIIIPIIIIIMIIIF - IIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP' , I —'11/111111111W ---- mumivrIngumpv -4111=MIIIMIIIIIIIININ / a 0 CITY OF RENTON -- : , Itii) .$ „tti,. 2•11. Planning/Building/Public Works 44 tf, 4.. 4 criti tz d 200 Mill Avenue South- Renton, Washington 98055 c Off 2 1'9 7 0 p. Os ita e • ' 71 • , - Delores Matthai L 1100 Harrington Ave NE#207 Renton, WA 98056 6.377306/ 009 11'1;;EFIALE ‘::::--.7-.---.. — .,, -,r•A ta" ;,7 TO FOR\;I:J--',D lififiliiiiiimeilliftfintiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimilimiiill • ,. A ba 417 • NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. • j GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: ' - Administrative Conditional Use Permit -: ' The application can be reviewed in the-Development.:Services..Division located~on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime..pnorto the Environmental:Review.Committee:(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, orpriorto,;an administrative decision:-.,For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF .RECORD`•and '•"receive•",additional' notifications,-.:by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or%the•public hearing,date(s) for this,project,'.please. contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. 1 • • ";- ,iliii J f��']J�r�•, '8.,,., , , p r- v NI I2' 14-"s±: A i arl 1 .%. 20%d':.-- lq = 14N P,A10, .. t 0,0, .,.‘,,. 4.4 hal , liimi s:r t.— ,, , -,,.,„,..„ .,,,, . .,. ...-v. , . §,44.L_._ ., ., .. . \7„,---• % , ..,ttli , IP Iti. ..-01— 'WTI 't0�va.�• � =_ ��r ��.}.—. :JfFhRU1S�:-a.. rill Kw tzw--ia-iv; rm.:it- i:,,,,.---ij iti_ . 71„4, ! Ole Mit, W. .‘7>: ' ' eda:'°W,, it/..,,Iviii IA 0. g� ,-; . . W N -' •:"Wiir I 4"/ % S *'''..4. T iliN312' i..:zz' `- . _... >.. • -"'� Np t SV L F _•.tr. •i31 tyr....• . s., :,,- . r2:10p.1 t.).,--4;_g i- 0,:,i zi..2.0.c aXJi,��'■'• ii L rx I_..I .r' ... ,. . , .l.i".. tp: til'oiri 31 i9"S.- , � !N ..® .,. L .)��' it= ? ���� .. ..:... � � , .ti' i./t..' .. . �• _•l.{' 3� " .G... , � , �y LINE • •Vl --? .b > • t I-42 d. i •'�'.. .I fed ,1: s\�- •Q YT- t� �.�II � ``I r,; .i �..'lei• y If 'l d J�4 RT 1 ". J Y •rr g� i6 7„CJEN Tea�[ :`"•,I * lll///Y, }%p -1" GENMALOT.DOC . �,b,klFk-s .;r n' [ i J .<� Ii to linf t _ F: © CITY OF RENTON NA Planning/Building/Public Works w e "' eg r o `� - -=- ; 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 si g , �d,�`a, : - �..�. 19PA 2 19 7 -.1 A .., V Z 9 5 `; W ,M,� .' e Donald&Doris McWilliams , 1100 Harrington Ave NE#306 . Renton, WA 98056 -- 63-77 30D ZZ coo - BELiVER',"LE ---,.f .c i / SLrrt4,3M1•J ,- ''�-rI Czv 1., 21rc." TO FC:5'1,1M '"4,--7"."-- ,f (1- , 1, 'Ur'; --? ',r.•,irli ri - `-:1 e' 2 Ss's-arms bees r Y 1I1lliiiiiIiiiil-i{{'!1111121hIt2tnliiiiliiniifll111 IIidd ti(SY O CAA i ♦ " J NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION 11 RENTON, WASHINGTON I A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City. of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental Review Committee(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an.administrative'decision; :For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF- RECORD and :receive additional notifications;,by: mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this- project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. ` '�. ,.s 6...., , -I ' ; -P C /I ki 1-'f•"...231‘.4r-"I 1/:ro:',74.1.'377-43:;.. Afili....n, ± _— / -LL:... r.� -i -?°t . ' 3 3. .t1lB4 ,,,,,..r.E. % ra <r.. . . , . W +--� ` 0\" '? 1er tom- 'r 0 E • -...: s ' : J Jo � 5 i • $WZ W•." •"• •- , ,.. _ :r , y ® �°} • N �: 1�fi l . Al r, � .• _ i :i,' : yN, TiV.,.t)it, 1! '4? _ ,38 .tv'• .Pi y ' :I u l _ :ii. , - I `r[ - q, p � O 7,.,"NE p, . r,`� ct •i-L R d . . '.: t . 'I -. 1 !J _. , ..r . N lliitt : qR; .Q� _ °fh;-ks, mai"a- ¢ Ka1 - :, :y.``"#QthjA11 - e: •yr; Zf ` 0) GENMALOT.DOC n` `i`' L. 11 1 .•....•' ' f q CITY OF RENTON - pi f. Planning/Building/Public Works al t4 >#4eM ; 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 • < 0 • g vs,� SPA 2 t°s 7 ,• .� a .� 9 5 cf1b11. . • Darlene& Vanessa Johnson r 1100 Harrington Ave NE#303 Renton, WA 98056 • - - - 63�73oc,/9oa6 — — '',-.].-:"-c; i/r= c\).\)1 ...... ' 1,l i1 il)- ;I.-:,•...,:-.'..-�.-_.,-..-_�._._.- A,* ' �, --,�i -'35�W t:*31,�r� {y;I,) lliiii'fiIiI'illi1iiiiiiilii1iffff'lhill1llil1IiillIIWJihI a__._ U � b., ' . ... . w vrv,_ O NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of 1 Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU I DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed in:the Development Services Division located,on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime:prior to the,Environmental Review Committee.(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior:to`an'administrative.decision. For further information.on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF .RECORD :‘and receive additional:notifications;-i:.by::`mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the .public;hearing:;:date(s)' for:this project,_please contact the Development I Services Division at 235-2550: Please:include the project NUMBER when•calling:for proper file identification. �-.� •� 1JIi�a •yw...s. i Y ' r 1 tit t,Ocu -. r7 .• 1 ` - € �'l , P j . ati i� Ji �, c —'CIF '40=.�- " L. �.}. . hati__ . 3T.. IN,Ic ,.� a .• 0 �[[ ,y� lt�� ,.p 4.,;.•.•••k•,A,IP!.,.;. 6,A•,,,q,.A.r•t,*..g?o.o_-,_.t,.i.t.,4.,*;,;4;.,4-.1.-.4-•,45,.",;....„, �'�, = W '�yt, ] z ♦ InA R J _ v.:'1�;,✓VX;.� !s. }i v�`°s, •?- ` '�{..._'s.'w�J ..N R�S ,V.', 9. y— _ y W '64 ♦ N_* T :Axe -� •sr, '1':-:: . . " �W :�4 2 .: -:# age kR1_ - 'e d_'.- '1 ., i,,1 • ,:. : ,.„.:. .:: , , , ; 0411044,94: g 7!. - ‘ i.I 1 1. "' t .ti �� �'��• O 4,1 7 sue',�yl if a,• L. ts Is.r=-.,...%7Gt:VI* OW - �!w O1. lik.32V YI��Gr.L',},�-: ili i m 1:.=4 I •4 DWI z f• P L.fL'- 15 pN 1 zr � a GENMALOT.DOC rilhY �%!„m a igJ :: _ .:. _. I�1c.1 s,:D`.-�' TM .•! .— r a .s.. _ .- a q CITY OF RENTON amIL Planning/Building/Public Works itd is Y ea f°,,:�g ��,-�, '..w �� • .11 200 Mill Avenue South'-Renton, Washington 98055 agj ri '�.im • g MR 2 1'9 7 le(A• a� .a_ 9 5 • OA Jay Hill 1100 Harrington Ave NE#305 ; , n _ Renton,WA 98056 .) , —4 63 77300-2_1 aO2 - IT DELIVERABLE r."- _,_ ::", vz , - 3 w 0RES':.:iD N / .,A' ID a'U;in1ii '--------0 S L' d _?� r� +J y r f�) t i J ) I �ETUR v ! $':!i Eii �-_ ��.�� J , SeAtkif tt7e v�}eic41� - 7Slililiihiltiiiiiiidalitiliiiii1113711idullliel{ill'eitifl �Y Uti �� ♦ 1.111R415 + „u 1.P.NrrO NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD"LUA-97-048,ACU I DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit: , GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard , PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional.Use.Permit - The application can be reviewed inthe Development Services.Division located_•on,.the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime'prior to,the.Environmentat Review`Coriiriiittee;(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior.to;an administrativede cision:: :.For:further,information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD -and'-'receive additional notifications, .by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public:hearing date(s) for this project, 'please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the �projectt NUMBER when calling foe proper file identification. a L•i7 W* 4T'': on ,, _7---: 44. --=.0...v.; , _ .t,.i• „,‘,%.,,,v, Lii. a, Arm - C"� " V. Irkill1111217 A- Valli d fry *� ' ENE.. , �• 46 FC.. .: o! SliCil-'; 7-1°.- 1 361, i)7;,/q.. ".41;P''''' ; 417' ;.A.' 9' 4 . N 4 ;li,_____P- ,,` ' S 4:: -4' , r7.1"."11 ....4,.:.cil "Iriligc • .-�.*1-i il1r;3 ipe:;r i..• ? y.. • 1ler IBC• ' '_. if N• • ri y:r -� a .yet ♦ eN i_1pgr, ;. N a ,,,' ZT 1= . ,, . • lir ,'t 1u .� 1i t .•..._.-.. q6�!� ‘N a®f .¢ _•, , `iJ� . •/ 4 O •' rTill 1' - i l. < -- -. • 't` t _ �`���'O .� [ENE' i- ;y •_. a��Li'` ,Y-Y.� d� .i�:"".. 1 . - yi GENMALOT.DOC �,s h'dRf::" L gtg,ia�_j _ ' ' reXT4 'a' -- FINININNIIIIIF-1111111•11111 ,.. ,_.... 0 CITY OF RENTON ., ...,,,,.,..,..,.....7i. .. ......,,,,........_...__...... , Planning/Building/Public Works 14.1 61% , sio APR 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 o " • pr-,e,,v43 .., . •2 V9T . .., b Z02 9 0 : .. 4,l 1 1..0,1`)r 0./J. '.. • e li e•61. . ..., I • 7. S :0 2.-;-. (j r .. * Mary th Leitch 11 Harrington PI NE#302 /6 enton, WA 98056 i i .1 •1 ---L IJ 3 i zwooz-z 009 —4 ,,-7., ,,r ,.. ,a ' / \ I i_... A. rn ,,., ,- a k' \,.. i I Li ,-0. ro.• 4.'.3-ercr-t":4-1W2,1L-As tsr-1 lidilliallimildidliiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiithiltillai ,.., "' 45 "•"...••.' •••• • • ... ... t TilR + NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL. USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PC facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requin an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. _ GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit : . The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division.)ocated on"the third floor of Renton City Ha Comments will be accepted:anytime prior to.the.Environmental ReviewCommittee;(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearing during Public Hearings, or prior to an:administrative decision. For further'information"on the application, or if you wish be made a PARTY OF RECORD-;;and-'receive additional notifications• , by: mail, of the City's environment • determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Developme Services Division at 235-2550.. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. TP j d. 1 / ^, a • 3 — y W t - • �.,:a f 41 , .gF InN n, .�,�. t \•�,✓ Y� jj �• 4k tY." 1OAi�l EE. , sl 4 •••i• ui, t7.3' .6 46 ' ' ,v t 0 �' kJ si • IgAil L i V :'- M• � xwV x (f.,-.M .'4 �N ' ' ' ', ..• o ` a r y ; q E , a:,irn. •� x y LiWii- 1 �, i y m - . . -I.. �.I - ..- - ��'Gf .,NE \ ► :0 C j Jt� e W .R'Et ti, .., _., ,t.. , t . 9sa-R:z z �j '.` �� Sr� Ti'.. 2 ''Er .: ',.. ?~ i, litA 0• ±7i` 45g mu7 ,el ilw 0'.I. 9.32 �`r..�.!r;7!. ; j la.,, I . t:r ti� rq I'4i'1/r7 •i z f• F. 'i' 7'.f2 Ll.19N 1 LTA iT a GENMALOT.DOC a.von.k1�4,2PI Z2Iffi irl _ i - S�! �3�jJ•�e �` p CITY OF RENTON -; -�. , I,,.4.,,,,,, ................../EN 0/.......... 10, loll Planning/Building/Public Works gow • t° 410Nyw 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 0 PR 2 1'9 7 f c Er 5 4 wa- ..,,,,., ., • 76'•' - t;,. k Kenneth&Valorie Borao Jr. 1175 Harrington P1 NE#204 ��, Renton, WA 98056 • ,J 3122co0//ct44 V a d pu E_"W'_ „� 'tl *, c,- -1 " ' . gi e'r.'1G+ r? .ii'j`..1 i ti ii F 7iii ! it i ii!li !if i6 iiit iti fill! i (V.V. T)-) 01111FR4 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop' a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit ' : ; The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted_anytime°prior to.the Environmental Review,Committee(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. 'For fthiber inforrriation°on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD ;and receive additional notifications, _by, mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. •am , e 'r .p` I : F-it NL. .' y1 i J,r e776,0173. W � 3t" -/� % y�F� 'Y m /� • �:}a 'ti .��:'# -IE HlJill yr. .Q...f� Erm /� k'M.E �. `.J bo �' d �W V �, it ,k � /,`��"'a gd AYE "�L t,� ra.� .:"�. = 43 IL 9�i l NE. • : 46 FC,.o- o tEms .yl W A ��V3..�.,v, ` ' > a�yb� ! Sit • N � ati f m W 5.„ W A�L'r.' • . ;Z 4/��'- E �O J� � AAeS�C� lr, ./_1'yLI i� el�Q 2. N `I. - r,~ <• �: 'I:i¢ • J?6'.?(!fc k Ve?�y} pT.r'a.erk'agr3 �i• wi:dun . •j. .,1, �. .. ti " .� •.• GF (� . ` i t-4 %y i-t_. ' li '' .. ' q \ : 'i � •U7�( ►� Q . .. .. • ie.�'�=j;r:7.E .4- Y pew „ ` , .0;,, k9.,� .krrL.,-�Ar .ici Til.. I.if Aie. . ��i::rr y*�j ,: . .i # 1 r?� � l00,111.;),A ; �i Lam, I I 'i 1 pzirci s, '. •em GENMALOT.DOC y( . _ r„F.B, ; o CITY OF RENTON 'a. Planning/Building/Public Works MI it ti '� 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 p� 2 vs T P� A5 ; " CV 1 is CITY OF RENTON 1104 Harrington Ave NE \-.- Renton, WA 98056 ,- 7zz-7 3 7P/08 N .9 iil, :?l. :,.: ri - "b 6, r I! !! !i!i !1 ifi!}} !Di ! !!i !! } 7i H! i4-!i. iF - _ ' _ __ - .�t = : . - ram ` �_ �f ' II I ' ' I ! 1 !!� lif 1 I� 1f `�f — ScY O G A 114 + 111111FIR + NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit::, The application can be reviewed':in the Development Services;Division located on.-the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted':anytime:prior to,the Environmental ReviewCommittee(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to'an"administrative-'decision. Foriurther information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF .;RECORD-;and receive additional -notification's,: by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for: this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling'for proper file identification. *1.8y asit Ne. v- -_4,y,::I!' 9 C ee 5- n Vv r,HIJM fr ti� .1,4:,091IP 1 L.q `%.-• li Milo, ,Ri ,� ;, ` 4 � 3r �" :sf0 `. I W � `�'=. _ *tv 43 Kit W •.,.q,7 ! a� 'Silk,' 0,1110V1 • ',"/„4 . • 'S � •i ♦ Y 1 "0""g�i is 1 •, ?• , R' )- .- �,4.7 0..,, ., ll�.tA 1 l`.�:'i IL,Ir• -,.. ",-..:• -..t7. '- - IJ ..:;. ,'.• .':S,, : .v ...- , � N. -ij•' ,�r v ® ?4.,'�'e,- •1 37 .i• .. ' W r6E,+F��1. .in ,l ,r•=. ..... At, Rda. 'J 1 I � oat , .tea kV +�f Z , t C, . C[F 7 .. .,I i G , Zr.j •'+7/� :�iiI r�� ,D;t, l4.3z r�i.1Q��EZ�f��, 're. Wf4e.+�paiM iia4ll _ . . ;j :.r r�Az l• lla. e� f i —I'1 * - GENMALOT.DOC �+ y r �; •._..•; ;__. r,t-I, � i , a © CITY OF RENTON - IA Planning/Building/Public Works " « s�`� T°'' a� ` • 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 p- Y y *' -Z� APR T I: { /.. w. 2 1'9 ;•. .. 2 9 - . • sa* T • - /C' Jam °•�. . t• 02 . , c,� I r,=_::t . // u i e I cc:),°Z,5 /'''''' '''''''' Tr:1\ LI:. '''''' Frank J es Ray RENTON 117� arnngton Pl NE#107 CITY OF R nton, WA 98056 312Z?7c04009 RAY-175 98056 20 13 1N 22 O4/24/g7 RUNSENDER� � i dTDP ° O L—L/ :,- v @ NO FORWARD ORDER ON FILE t!`:�E 1-'1 i'V`F; 4!: -_--= �_ `°� @ UNABLE TO FORWARD ` i L Hir :!, •`-.b L:1 tea€ selv..s,W,,, F •ter• ( If if,if,ililiil,ilifiildiiiiii11:ilii11iiiiiiiiiiiii1iw4Il11 . . 07 ,.et it4 + v'PLN re NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires 1 an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: - - = -Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed in._the.Development_.Services:Division located on-the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental'ReviewCommittee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision_•Forsfurther°information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD. and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. :a° 1 + Y .c -S .�:J.:I 4,76.T4 ' �gOgHHHH,.,.c% ■v—o�y�Yyywp "'�1 -I'• Ig 7. ".- t'--- iiin • t�''," i ^Tim 90 O NrjaParpf,,„„111M1 .4;:: 4,, iriy- .2.0-.7- :! p 8. SI -!vtai , .,y./'''. 4 N% e jr :1,1.;.?/4,+;:, 1,.:71 .. k, llfr �� L 2 -,• liCci .•,[.l1 :14A NE V .. 4. '4.-,. - v•Jo y s ` �, 5. � :ajl a��, • A �f� �'+� a. L r, ~-.s. • v. ',Ad :+‘ "' eii 4 iJ l—•-I-Y, r, ..." 11 y J 1 1 Sr..��[ o ,qt41.17Ai DP: in,Aj oigc� TCa Eft I -'''•, * Y, o "per it rD♦ 1.. i:.rr " • _a j 1 t, 'B_ �,, GENMALOT.DOC rxr>!0 ok:FP"> [ate i _i _ 1'' rc5 ,s Wefiff - —� - .. . © CITY OF RENTON - - ,� , 4, e.EH T® . ". . ... .., --mod' ealL Planning/Building/Public Works it gi, ' ' ` "' . 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ® '2 f 9 T ril • • _ : • Francis&Margaret Webb e xo'�q 1100 Harrington Ave NE#103 ,'{ '_? "=`, Renton, WA 98056 1' e?' _ —��, 637.?3vo ,Oo� ,.�' s it°,l i ;;s is[: y�Ffi.9 ""n ft N=; i,, ---- — v>1.1.: -\ „. ' m ? {v lied! TO k::,F_.,.E �..- L"' V4.-".'.,.��\I'� I '.:�t:c '^`l.Y7'A`'•i*�=d i 'r-kr-1 IlIiIf iP!llliitl tliiiFi117 t7If1llf�lliilt iJiiilltiflllif31l17i N. 4 G � r ''jvrr NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12.panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit ::_ The application can be reviewed,in:the Development Services;Division:located=:on`the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted;anytime:prior to.the•Environmental;Review Committee:(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or,'prior-to an:administrative decision.'':For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF--:RECORD:and ':receive' additidnar notifications,.':by; ;mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or_the public '.hearing date(s) for this'project,,please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. f` z_ I a._ �,w a r� - ' 46 ,, � ` p41. « r41i an. „ x , "a' - y `' 'yQ y. gsg �_ .gel �_ Adr LA 44.,n 7- jr,,ir y� l '''- ASS 3. 35�� 1 Ara"' git� a r� g: w' ...cf., Eb-per -N ; i.74/f,,4,..i.,......, LII ;,,,,,...m4 ,/ ** Eir ti Y' `_ O .S7' E' 4 l e 7 ., x si `.e� Mai a ' WI , ` ' N �A ,9N G v q i 4i-. Q W 44 .Y P-:I. Nit® r1'..:r , ;k •,, x '! •li,:,a 't - _ ,)• • ' y .19 u.. _ L�� .j CApNE: \�s .- Q' moo_ �-3P� '�CfA�Jty Tte I'E�W •R d. •C., •. - :,L' ..,t2 '• lt.i . •'1 .:�aril ��t; .v.;'.i 7. _.it - ;1. "yn 7ltx ;j1 _ .!..,'I n„_. . . _,,, '_1 , . .. ._._t - r,, "'._ . .. •.� d� C +.'x I' 1,:!� _• -i!1 3_!7�_riu�P, �" �.0''.f c+i �f l;�- tl l..i.!� ., e®.r'..2►< ., VW LA C. e, !I 'o•.I• ' ` *V',--y.''a'NE '(fie.1 y ' r:.: 1 - I:.RQ ,101 QS I� °liw =J.' 1=1 L, i 'BN I .. '¢l ram;. 'I.' I. .l r: • ii' . .. ree a. Wig GENMALOT.DOC �Y� '%1'r 3[a.7d4) _ 1 �5 .1'.� _• '� '���--- ��� mac ._ 1 a q CITY OF RENTON �;> ;,. la' "`' '-. _. : ,- ' �; Planning/Building/Public Works eaa.r ro .. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 A • 1 .. it Gs r. Pflit4mci 71k-1=.x De. '4"A)} vi-/,,,, GREAT�FR toLANDS LTD PARTNER 975 arnngton Ave NE ton, WA 98056 f72.2;780/2-36-00 ,_ `` =?�='2 2.78 o/49 6 d •G! � L,a -._�-� �..` f 67 ,, 1 7 z7c'OI7 OQ 1 .a,.a..--..-._.. �......�.__ .�.Pk} ,,,!i`' 22�_y';'r J ...?� s.�.1�:/stas .:a'c� 11,1.,1..1_ill.1,11117l1tilil f711.,111i1,,11,..11,,,,,Ild + ENR4 + NT NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application ha been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City c Renton. The following briefly describeslthe application and the necessary Public Approvals. 1 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE;PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: I Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCE facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project require an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: .'Administrative Conditional Use Permit: 'i The application can be reviewed in the Development Services:Division;located on:the third floor of Renton City Hal Comments will be accepted_anytime:prior to the:Environmental Review;.Committee`(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearing: during Public Hearings, or prior:to an,administrative decision: For further information'.on the application, or if you wish t be made a PARTY OF: RECORD and .receive additional notifications,:, by mail, of the City's environmentE determinations, appeal periods and/or.the'. public hearing date(s) for this project,' please contact the Developmer Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. ; W W .— f` l'iti s.-I '+ :Imam cL.. a[urea _ A ;r qie.;, )44' 4.1ge, 0;: a + W :.ft •off_ 3�3"-yi.wor. �./ , .c6; H. 22.. ;a IElIt}�1 W 0 'ai r,„ ...v tiqr Ir./40' . .2"-. n You,,vla I , ,2, r% .il'111 1r 4." S .N.2'1 411IN „5'1 1:41.: :'.:- ' ''' t.''�.1:._....,. ti ail . ,:,4:7 ti `:r �1�1 dw r !e` I „�. ..... •C . J .. ...'i_ 4 ,.i., • �r ,,,T, , ;V. -1: ...:.�f 1-� .�A�N z \ - �Zit• ��rq�. s 'f!:7•7 lL t•o c► . ,•i�'.� _ i1f.'...`y^��'{.ii i.,. - . . r. ' oi . '.•W tits ame T�QS; q . I ;J:I i .32 .5rE iQ G rr . IiiIrg � GENMALOT.DOC a t ,+ E _ - - . _ ' % .CIT "Li OF RENTON :.u. =x.. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor • Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator September 24, 1997 Mr. Paul Inghram • JM Consulting Group, Inc. 500- 108th avenue NE, Suite 1150 Bellevue, WA 98004 • SUBJECT: GTE PCS on NE Sunset Boulevard Project No. LUA-97-048,ACU • Dear Mr."Inghram: This letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's(ERC) Determination of Non-Significance for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed. This decision is finial and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed. The applicant must comply with all Conditions of Approval. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 277-6186. For the Environmental Review Committee, �v " J Jennifer Toth Henning Project Manager - cc: Greater Hi-Lands Ltd. Partnership/Owners = Parties of Record • • FINAL.DOC " • 200 Mill Avenue South-Renton, Washington 98055 .:::.:......:..:..::::.::::...........::..:.:......::::..:::::......:..:.::.::.:..:. ...:...... • • :;;,:,;;:<E1.10 fg>���'ILIN�G MINI < > ' ?> >< 111. < > `» :>::>::::>::>::>::>::>:>;::>::>::::»>::::>::»::»::>::>:::::>:>::::;::>::>::><»»;::»::<>::::::<:>: :::>::::>::>:::>:>:::AFFIDAVIT.t) S • On the 103/ day of ' , 1997, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing • Por avid DectStov documents. This information was sent to: • • Name Representing Gre-0-Cer- Lowrd.s Ltd. Pav vvelstvr • 1'a l'vkrtvayn Z3hn suth v Gvou. • ��lte Lewis -roy�y t4advAear Retecttr% ttbu st&c AUcktnov'hj PAta .11e. Gave e<<h • • • • • • (Signature of Sender) . A.ISeiierkr.r. • • • STATE OF WASHINGTON - ) ,) SS COUNTY OF KING ) • I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 55eli1 bRA • 5 G-2 .signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act .for the: ises and purposes mentioned in the instrument. •• , `• • Dated: V/Digi • Notary Pu in and fo a State of Washtt'tarif Notary(Print) • WiRGARET4eRCILIAR My appointment expires: coiAMISSICX4 EXPIRES'S/9/98 • • Project Name: G- cs or nI✓ 5.4.inScl. BtVd - . Project Number: • Lt) _ -�1 048, cu-Pt NOTARY.DOC City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning/Building/Public Works 8` ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE DECISION LAND USE ACTION DECISION DATE September 10, 1997 Project Name GTE PCS on NE Sunset Boulevard Applicant JM Consulting Group, Inc. (Paul Inghram) File Number LUA-97-048, ACU ,. Project Manager Jennifer Toth Henning Project Description Administrative Land Use Action (Administrative Conditional Use Permit) for the installation of a personal communication services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. The facility would be considered to be a Monopole I facility and is permitted with an Administrative Conditional Use Permit in the CS Zone. Project Location 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard Exist Bldg. Area gsf N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area N/A gsf Site Area 7.5 acres Total Building Area gsf N/A -_ `. ;tY 1xyF lam_ - -6~-.II`1�i _ 40 w' 'J !i li ,ifr{..°�l�..- ° ..-k` ' p tsn ritiw gt_R last- F•+t- - uA Y_._` - -- o _ E13TM s;y}.I.-. .JIF.IP. 0 `47 -��� a } ` �� t J �/ ' p.pY/ —_.. 0 2 4 , . T4g UFALIA A e till; 'VIZ :cif.rzi 2-0 y _ ri. ... R s c til.i � t , N 31 E 9Yil C � q ig LY7+CE a 9 il � _ it- . : L �5 o • • r 4 ?y e ;�#1 iWm1 W r7 -i zalagi v o .fie t•�O 4; .,j,. i .,..E yL ,,+� Z. N t' �f. ♦ 38 r • a LLII yr +a s s Va®11.1 i �.p 4, etc, .. 0 ' "' Y�0 r1 Wii7.„69 E / � � t i p n rw iii 6 I d CI 5 \ Zf � mo 4 _L- j k,e O i s# q� ru'a1 ow II �• of I- a M'a- ■ .: '�W r7 ;a ZJ l z 1� �p.��{ k4" f&k7�hk!wYY4n( o[ '4c7, i t �p�� k , 3 ,.��. f •. . ......1 I.•m. roc•JT �S S•° , ' ' Administrative Conditional Use Repuii GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 2 A. Type of Land Use Action x Conditional Use(Administrative) Binding Site Plan Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Special Permit for Grade&Fill Administrative Code Determination B. Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 2: Drawing No.T-1, Site Plan&Vicinity May(Received April 14, 1997). Exhibit No. 3: Drawing No.A-1 , Equipment Plan and Details, (Received April 14, 1997). Exhibit No. 4: Drawings No.A-2 and A-3, Sections and Details, (Received April 14, 1997). Exhibit No. 5: Photosimulations(Received August 13, 1997) C. Project Description/Background: The applicant, JM Consulting, is requesting approval of an Administrative Conditional Use Permit for GTE in order to install a new telecommunications facility on a site within the Highlands Shopping Center at 2806 Sunset Boulevard NE. The proposal would consist of the installation of a 40-foot high galvanized steel monopole with 12 antennas, each measuring approximately 53 inches by 6 inches. Antennas would be organized in three sectors (with four antennas per sector). The monopole would be located next to and behind an existing commercial building that is approximately 25 feet high. The applicant has stated that the location was selected, in part, to shield the facility from public view while minimizing its impact on the current business operations of the commercial area. Each of the two radio equipment cabinets, containing radio transmission and receiving equipment as well as electrical backup batteries would measure approximately 8 feet long by 6 feet high by 2.5 feet wide. The facility would include a 250 square foot concrete foundation to support the equipment cabinets and the antenna support pole. A 6-foot high chain link fence would be added to the open side in the existing fence to restrict unauthorized access to the support pole. The facility would not be occupied, but would be visited approximately once each month for scheduled maintenance activities. This application was first accepted for review in April, 1997. During the time that the application was being processed, Ordinance 4666 governing Wireless Communications Facilities was adopted by the Renton City Council. In order to comply with Ord. 4666, the applicant was required to submit additional materials including photosimulations to illustrate the aesthetic impact of the proposal. Those materials were received in August, 1997. The monopole is proposed to be 40 feet in height, but at the City's recommendation, the applicant provided photosimulations illustrating the monopole with an ultimate height of 60 feet, in the event that the City recommended a taller monopole to permit another purveyor to collocate on the site. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION Having reviewed the written record in the matter,the City now makes and enters the following: ACURPT.DOC/ • Administrative Conditional Use Rein.. GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 3 D. Findings 1) CONSISTENCY WITH CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Section 4-31-36 lists 11 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These include the following: A. CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,ZONING CODE& OTHER ORDINANCES: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standard of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. (1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ITS ELEMENTS AND POLICIES The proposed telecommunications facility is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies: Policy U-1: Utility facilities and services should be consistent with the growth and development concepts directed by the Comprehensive Plan. The City of Renton's business, industrial, and residential development is growing. The expansion of the Personal Communication System within the City is to ensure that a high quality of service can be offered to the local and regional community. Policy U-5: Encourage the appropriate siting, construction, operation, and decommissioning of all utility systems in a manner that reasonably minimizes impacts on adjacent land uses. The applicant has stated that the proposed facility has been located and designed to minimize aesthetic impacts of the community while providing a valuable communication service. Policy U-100: Require that the siting and location of telecommunications facilities be accomplished in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on the environment and adjacent land uses. The applicant states that the proposed facility has been located on commercial property in the Center Suburban Zone and with a reduced height so as to not impact residential neighborhoods. Furthermore, the applicant maintains that the facility would not impact streams or wetlands, cause erosion, or otherwise be a detriment to the natural environment. The applicant provided photo-simulations per the City's request that illustrate the monopole at a height of 60 feet, since the proposed 40 foot height would not provide a reasonable opportunity for collocation. The photosimulations show that the monopole would be seen from 12th and Harrington Place, 12th and Harrington Lane, and from Sunset Boulevard. Both a 40-foot monopole and a 60-foot monopole would be visible from off-site areas, the taller monopole would be more visible than the smaller. However, the taller monopole would be predicted to result in one less future new facility, as it would allow for collocation. Policy U-101: Require that cellular communication structures and towers be sensitively sited and designed to diminish aesthetic impacts, and be collocated on existing structures and towers wherever possible and practical. The applicant states that the specific location was selected behind and to the side of existing structures in order to minimize the visual impact while also minimizing impacts on the existing commercial activities. The height of the facility is proposed to be 40 feet to provide the minimum height to provide coverage of the area,while minimizing visual impacts. The applicant investigated the possibility of collocating on an existing structure, but there were no structures of an appropriate height in the immediate vicinity in which to collocate with. A height of 40 feet however, would preclude other purveyors from collocating on this facility in the future. A height of 55 to 60 feet, would permit another purveyor to achieve similar coverage while maintaining ACURPT.DOC/ ' Administrative Conditional Use Repo; GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 4 the distance separation of 10 to 15 feet that is necessary. Staff will recommend that the applicant be permitted to achieve a maximum height no greater than 60 feet in order to permit another purveyor to collocate on the monopole. (2) ZONING CODE The project site is zoned Center Suburban (CS). The CS Zone allows for the construction of medium utilities (wireless base stations) providing that an administrative conditional use permit is approved. The CS Zone limits the heights of structures to a maximum of 50 feet. Heights may exceed that maximum height with a conditional use permit. As proposed, the project complies with the height limit of the CS Zone. Ordinance 4666 regulating Wireless Communications Facilities permits Monopole I structures (freestanding structures less than 60 feet in height The CS Zone requires additional setbacks and landscaping for lots abutting residentially zoned parcels. These requirements would not apply to the proposal, as the subject site is not located adjacent to residentially zoned parcels. The closest residentially zoned parcels are approximately 400 feet from the subject site. The CS Zone requires that lots abutting public streets have a minimum landscaping strip of ten feet, except where reduced through the site plan review process. The equipment compound fronts on Sunset Lane, which is a public street. No landscaping is proposed by the applicant. (3) ORDINANCE 4666-- WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES The proposal is regulated by the recently adopted Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance. Monopole facilities of less than 60 feet in height are considered to be Monopole I facilities. The proposed structure would is permitted in the CS Zone, subject to an Administrative Conditional Use Permit, provided it is set back a minimum of 100 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel. The monopole would be located approximately 400 feet from the closest residentially zoned parcel. B. COMMUNITY NEED: There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of community need, the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors, among all other relevant information: (1) The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental over concentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. There are presently no other telecommunication facilities in the immediate vicinity of the proposed facility. The Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance encourages collocation of facilities, and a 40-foot high monopole would not allow collocation, based on service area and equipment separation requirements. Staff will recommend as a condition of approval that the applicant increase the size of the monopole -- up to 59.5 feet in order to accommodate an additional wireless communications purveyor. (2) That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. The proposed location is part of a commercial area with zoning that permits retail, service and residential uses. Wireless base stations are defined as medium utilities, which are permitted in the CS Zone with an Administrative Conditional Use Permit. C. EFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required: ACURPT.DOC/ ' Administrative Conditional Use Repo.. GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 5 (1) Lot Coverage: Lot coverage shall conform to the requirements of zone in which the proposed use is to be located. The proposal would not result in the development of an additional 890 square feet on an existing 7.6 acre site. Permitted lot coverage in the CS Zone is 65%, and the proposal would be far less than this. (2) Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. The proposed facility would meet the setback requirements of the CS Zone. (3) Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, belltowers, public utility antennas or similar structure may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding used in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. Heights of structures in the CS Zone are allowed to be a maximum of 50 feet. However, the Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance (4666) permits Monopole I facilities to achieve a height of 60 feet. The proposal for a 40-foot monopole would meet the requirements of the Zone. Staff's recommendation to install a taller monopole to allow another purveyor to collocate on the site may result in a tower that exceeds the height limit of the zone, but which would be within the definition of Monopole I per Ordinance 4666. The height limits for Monopole I structures as stipulated by Ordinance 4666 are understood to supersede the height limits of the CS for wireless communication facilities. In addition, whenever the standards of the Zoning Code conflict with standards of other ordinances, the decisionmaker may decide which prevails. In this instance, no variance or conditional use permit for excess height that would be required. D. COMPATIBILITY: The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood. (Ord 3599, 1-11-82) The applicant states that the proposal in a commercial area, is intended to avoid impacts to residential neighborhoods. The facility would be located behind existing structures to avoid impacts to existing uses in the commercial center. Staff concurs that the proposed project is generally compatible with the commercial area. E. PARKING: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy-five percent(75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone, in which the proposed use is located, if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. (Ord.3903, 4-22-85) The proposed facility would not displace parking or require additional parking. Maintenance of the facility would require a visit to the site approximately once each month, and existing parking would be utilized to accomplish the maintenance. The occasional service vehicle should not require the addition of any additional on-site parking. F. TRAFFIC: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. Not applicable. Use of the facility would generate only one trip to and from the site each month for maintenance. The occasional service vehicle trip would not adversely affect the traffic on the adjacent roads. ACURPT.DOC/ ' Administrative Conditional Use Rep.i GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 6 G. NOISE, GLARE: Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. The monopole, antennas and equipment cabinet are not expected to generate noise, light or glare. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will not require lighting of the proposed 40-foot high monopole, and glare from the galvanized monopole is not expected to result. If the City requires that the height of the monopole be increased up to 60 feet in order to accommodate an additional purveyor, the applicant will be advised to notify the FAA of the change filing a Notice of Proposed Construction. H. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by building or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. The applicant is not proposing that landscaping be installed as part of the proposal. The compound location is currently partially screened by an existing building and surrounded on three sides by a chain- link fence. Since the monopole would be installed in an area that is currently asphalt, the applicant is proposing to install a six-foot high chain-link fence to the open side in the existing fence to restrict unauthorized access to the support pole. Staff will recommend that the approval of the conditional use permit be conditioned upon the provision of acceptable screening around the base of the equipment compound. Acceptable screening includes chain-link fencing with slats, wood fencing, or landscaping as prescribed in the Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance. 1. ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they are located. Not applicable. J. CONVERSION: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. Not applicable. K. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities, and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities, and/or services. Public improvements already exist at this site. No new improvements will be required as part of this project. 2) REQUEST: The Applicant, The Walter Group, has requested approval for Administrative Conditional Use Permit for a proposed Personal Communication Services (PCS)facility at 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard. The proposal includes the installation of a 40-foot high monopole and two radio equipment cabinets. . ACURPT.DOC/ . ' Administrative Conditional Use Repk,. GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 7 3) ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE: The applicant's administrative conditional use application complies with the requirements for information for conditional use. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings are entered as Exhibits No. 2 through 4. 4) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Center Suburban. 5) ZONING: The proposal complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the CS (Center Suburban) Zone. 6) WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE: The proposal as presented, generally complies with the requirements and standards of the Wireless Communications Ordinance with the following exceptions: 1) the applicant is proposing to substitute chain-link fencing as screening in lieu of landscaping; and 2) the 40-foot height of the proposed monopole precludes other purveyors from collocating on the proposed monopole. Ordinance 4666 states that Monopole I facilities shall be landscaped in conformance with City Code Section 4- 31-34, Landscaping. A minimum landscaping area of 15 feet is required surrounding the facility. Landscaping is to include trees, shrubs, and groundcover. However, Ordinance 4666 states that the Administrator or his/her designee may permit alternates and modifications, providing that the proposed design and/or methodology is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of this Chapter and that the materials, method or work offered is, for the purpose,intended, at least the equivalent of that.prescribed in this Chapter in suitability, strength, effectiveness, durability, safety, maintainability and environmental protection. It would appear that the applicant's request to substitute fencing for landscaping on the one open side of the facility would be an appropriate solution to screening of the equipment compound provided that a chain-link fence would have slats for screening. 7) EXISTING LAND USE: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: commercial; East: commercial ; South:commercial; and West:commercial. E. Conclusions 1) The subject proposal generally complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton. 2) Specific Land Use (e.g. Administrative Conditional Use Permit) issues were raised by various City departments as follows: a) Airport Manager commented that the proposal requires that a Notice of Proposed Construction must be submitted to and approved by the FAA. The applicant has provided the approved Notice of Proposed Construction. FAA is not requiring obstruction marking or lighting. If the height of the proposed monopole is increased, the applicant will need to re-notify the FAA of the design revisions and file a new Notice of Proposed Construction. 3) The proposal generally complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Center Suburban; and the Zoning designation of Center Suburban. Compliance with Policy U-101 would be greater if the design of the monopole allowed the accommodation of an additional telecommunications purveyor. Also, the proposal does not include a 10 foot strip of landscaping along the street frontage per the CS Zone. The facility is not considered to be redevelopment of the entire site and would not trigger the landscape frontage requirement of and by itself. 4) The proposal generally complies with the Ordinance 4666 regulative Wireless Communications Facilities. The applicant will need to provide an appropriate measure of screening around the equipment compound, and raise the height of the proposed monopole (resulting in a height that is less than 60 feet) that would permit another telecommunications purveyor to collocate at the facility. ACURPT.DOC/ ' Administrative Conditional Use Reps... - GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 8 F. Decision The Administrative Conditional Use Permit for GTE PCS on NE Sunset Boulevard, File No. LUA-97-048,ACU is approved subject to the following conditions. 1. The applicant shall submit either: 1) a landscape plan to the City's Development Services Division which provides for the installation of a dense screen of ornamental vegetation on the perimeter of the equipment compound; or, 2) a detail of the proposed fence design that demonstrates how the fence would screen the equipment compound from the surrounding area. 2) The applicant shall be required to increase the height of the monopole to not greater than 60 feet, in order to permit another telecommunications purveyor to collocate on the facility. SIGNATURES: ,,--,7_,J 3 '� / :—/�~/ 7 es C.Hanson,Zoning Administrator approval date 9 ''/e7 '� - Michael D.Ka term nn,Zoning Administrator approval date ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. 1. The applicant must comply with all applicable local, regional, state and federal laws and policies. 2. The applicant must notify the Federal Aviation Administration and City of Renton Airport Manager regarding any revisions to t he proposed monopole height. id TRANSMITTED this.9fh day of September, 1997 to the applicant and owner: Greater Hi-Lands Ltd. Partnership • Morris Piha Management Group 3650 131st Avenue SE, Suite 205 • Bellevue, WA 98006-1334 Paul Inghram JM Consulting Group, Inc 500 108th Ave NE, Suite 1150 Bellevue, WA 98004 ACURPT.DOC/ Administrative Conditional Use Repo:- GTE PCS on NE SUNSET BOULEVARD—LUA-97-048,ACU- Page 9 TRANSMITTED this 10th day of September, 1997 to the parties of record: Julie Lewis 1175 Harrington Place NE, #211 Renton, WA 98056 Tony Ladner Renton Housing Authority PO Box 2316 Renton, WA 98056 Michelle Gamelin 1175 Harrington Avenue NE, #304 Renton, WA 98056 TRANSMITTED this 10th day of September, 1997 to the following: Larry Meckling-Building Official„ Neil Watts-Public Works Division, Art Larson-Fire Marshal, Lawrence J.Warren-City Attorney, South County Journal Land Use Action Appeals APPEAL:This administrative land use decision will become final if the decision is not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM September 23, 1997. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4- 8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)235-2501. Appeals must be filed in writing,together with the required$75.00 application fee, to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. ACURPT.DOC/ 1 ,,, , .. n k 7 - i :j t' , i Consulting Group, Inc. TELECOMMUNICATIONS September 2, 1997 Jennifer Toth Henning City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: GTE PCS Site on Sunset Blvd. Dear Ms. Henning: Finally, I have another computer plot of the service area. The engineer used different colors from the one I gave you earlier. I hope this will work. If not I'll bug him to re-do it. I also enclosed a second copy of the photo-sim page. I want to let you know that I will be leaving JM Consulting next Wednesday, September 10, to pursue other opportunities. If I find out who my replacement is I will let you know. Otherwise, if you need anything just call 637-8650 and explain the situation to the receptionist. She will understand. If anything comes up and you need to reach me after September 10,you may try calling me at home at 206-524-3891. For the time being, if you have any questions or need any additional information please call me at 635-5829. Sincerely, JM Consulting Group c2—.....-A- Paul Inghram Planner enclosures Seattle Regional Office:500 108th Avenue NE,Suite 1150 • Bellevue,WA 98004 • Telephone: (206)637-8650 • Fax: (206)637-8651 WA0148 Sunset SEATTLE_CDMA_1997 ♦� . ,�;:>:: : .; `''>:�:.;:� ...;:;}:z?;}:: :;: : :::::i::>::»:::::::: '.:.:a::.: ::r.. 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DEv LOPMENFPLANNING T LECOMMUNICATIONS -NTON August 11, 1997 AUG 1 3 1997 Jennifer Toth Henning RE ' d litij City of Renton - 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: GTE PCS Site on Sunset Blvd. Dear Ms. Henning: The following documents are enclosed to complete the application for the GTE facility: • Inventory of Existing Facilities • Predicted Coverage Map (service area) • Photo-simulations • View Area Map The predicted coverage map was completed with the antennas modeled at 50 ft. The RF engineers predict that this is the highest height GTE will require. There will be room for another carrier to locate 60 ft high on the pole or below GTE at 40 ft. The photo-simulation is shown estimating a 60 ft monopole with one antenna array located at the top. This is actually a digital composite of the GTE facility located at NE 4th Street and Union Avenue overlaid onto three scenes at Sunset Boulevard. GTE will likely limit the height of their antennas to 50 ft and allow a second carrier to locate antennas at the top of the monopole. The blue dot is the approximate location of the proposed facility on the view area map. The yellow demonstrates areas where any portion of the facility might be viewable. This area was determined through physical analysis of accessible areas in the vicinity of the proposed facility. The facility will not be veiwable from all areas within the yellow. Trees and structures will block much of the facility from view even within the yellow area. If you have any questions or need any additional information please call me at 635-5829. Sincerely, JM Consulting Group S7j- Paul Inghram Planner enclosures Seattle Regional Office:500 108th Avenue NE,Suite 1150 • Bellevue,WA 98004 • Telephone: (206)637-8650 • Fax: (206)637-8651 Inventory of Existing GTE Wireless Facilities: • 50 ft monopole at NE 4th Street and Union Avenue • 100 ft monopole at 164 Avenue SE and SE 128th Street • rooftop facility at SE 72nd Street and 132nd Place in Newcastle • 70 ft monopole at N 30th Street just east of the freeway interchange at Kennydale • rooftop facility on the stadium off Logan Avenue • 120 ft monopole has been proposed near NE 12th Street and Duvall Avenue WA0148 GTE PCS Site at 2806 Sunset Blvd Predicted coverage for the Sunset [WA0148B] site at 50 ft. SEATTLE_MTA SECTION GRANET Ver 2.3[Build 16] Map#72 i 1."-\.k\ . . Ir ' UTM zone 10 User ID:seadb Wed Aug 6 13:31:32 1997 e Signal Strength(d6m] I f 1 BELOW-93to-80--93 r `' (>« •>'i AYE-80 lkiiiii...... 1 : ,i,:': ... k t1l 47-30 N -Til �� 1' _/111110 Scale 1:100,000 � , mile 0 1 2 Ian 0 I 2 3 4 ------ -"''.."*.%."%%.*%%%,.. A i / t (Jim GTE Wireless-Seattle 2821 Northup Way,Suite 200 122-15W 122-10 W 122-5 W Bellevue,WA 98004 ( /1, (0,7 *-.% y•••• _ %., i, �/� J� •y p . ® - 74t3, . ..50 iS m ' O957.I•.. t .. �� y �, ,r , 1,8'698Z>.i.62 /o0 95.02 94J2 �' /� ._,)c.'0\`.. a N.) --1 0; Cr, N Z.15' i -•-•\ \ �\ � / / 4/q_D pi �% � 91.51•011 0 6) _ 01 o t11 0— N rn Y S I W o 2. l,y \ .\\ \\\ \`` // 0 /� t0F 1 / o.- v �,-1 aT —1 duw— w� o_ _ y� N \\ 1 lb ��A U „rill mt. ..© 'vN I� �—hi , 1 NUS 3 n� •1 k \\\ \\ 1 IIl ITC j 1 p • Ei G, 5ti)I- • /Oi�V :l:'•' 100 14/.7 S -. 94/ '�. 4 ac /00./4- Is L ♦, \1 I I I 1 m W NGT•� AVE. • - N.E. 1 6 .6Z R 736 9 89 97r •5 92 /2 //E $ • >s • HA RRI NGTON yle 'A.� s o.. NP re. ri T E 0LYM I C i `- _ , B ` [�- • .6: , 0• ads' , ��\ ' \ I ,•:,- ri 1 j \ r x' o r j �• Q ��. I •6 .4 XU. N Iv W ~ I �O % Z -t, Ellg 1 J-CF a' ti UN ° ;8 r/ 5 •• 1 \ t� Er '9 11<1 • � i. S TR• 46 C ' 1�TQ AD' its,y z/v Er ,(1,, �`?? u. ,4 p i 40 i •,.1 ,� Y W N \• 'Ys3 L0 �•. '. 05 'sue• vy 7d..j/..•y� ,t 4�.• q • _2 OI A- 9 a. _`to 4 � • O• Ras \� 0'� % ' �'L •- .^ /� as.? Z�+ \�� :� y �. / ) -;••" 400‹17... ` a • R• N _ AP P6 /ss r / N os, y�\ E `� a "# O4 • •• n N /2i 1 _ 40.... „. ...gyp a ti - O J�P/gm, :. SQ 1 . � D O N N - Y r •r {Y; 7. CF// ' r{�DTI��71 / J� _-_ • _ ` �ti o/W ��s ..,, y.;)\i W ' 11 l mis JEFFE M `'�o / • oG, 'ro, y,,i, W ','p T l' 6a./t 9so i�,c So _ 1 pazol T 1 �1� O 0\ 4/CLLRE57 •'' 67.•S y • T / ro� O o L •'^' • 77.8 T V W sows s� /') .V I l/+ -' vN T 2 O a �: [ -14 1.1 ,.. 0 F ) \\ \ K%;K �\�� o/' 1/40 crie�, urn �LS 7 3 76 9Z _y,p F f/3/`\ q jIJI� �,�b s ✓�S y / ' V 4dik • n Ohl J'•7. f C" '1 ‘9(j1 \ *Z" '7 I C 111111111111111111. ' .' ''.I' z ....ail •� - 7—OB . O\ • .A P •• /Q�'' /c / N 6 1 • )„ . p. ii��'Na► �� :OD .z. / 65 75 0 I \ F .li y I$ N Q) 6 • I SOv�ilit. C' J ley.48 o`� I� s o ,,� I I Jf i `!.,�%S' • I O >�, 't !' y V •r r•• ' ifp k,' 'a2 a _ 9; iii►.1 "vR .z1lL� J ►1.,•.�i f,�� i4 .�0a q J T u!— m 1 n. ^-+Tf,l,. d��o`// 0� �� I fel y ts 3 _ _ 60'�- ,► ti Nq o 1 w n l p q 1 0 �" 4...., / — �1 1 y\\ e�8ti\ 01 30 PC !17.2/ 527.20 A I I iv I ry N 0 CA / �` O, �S •I n ^ _ 1 I�� /0 ^` 1 8¢• ry 18S 75 /04./5/ ' :So N.,S 3s • t O .3 ��� o O •• ,la �. JD A N. E. 6�o ., . ,... .., 74 • y �� E. • 0 i3S7 �� • II 0�I ! ca�� �`� �?/ moo " 7/ .- 0.49 Z94 q o �. c `�\,' �!, ...GO N. • t.m31 ? N .. � ` W OP N N A�v / / 4.i/1F0 ,}• os m O /^� f IO V lJ1 W A W u n, v _ W f.P tA:P , ` C .P I C` n //� • / r Or Sijc! e :4 l�l�\::.r , J • • • 1164 •••". 4fri •-• '411 A or •nvolif •••10, • Awl} 7 • • • 4Itf •.„ wit • A 11°. 411V 4.: VI 0 • 1 . 4 10 • 41, •, www.architekton.com P425.637.1007 i425.637.1006 r a f i ".i yea. rt-, -. t ;.r ... ..._06.41041c . _. '-:.- :11111:44, View from 12th and Harrington Place 4 •-F :.: . rl s- r la i ` -11 • a ..4 ..,,,„„, . _ \ J • r.• t, . .� . _ - ee . .• ., • 4 . v� ,.• .. . ..... • ...„. . • -4,-- s _I - - --•-.- .'• '�''"� ;�. `t _ r v.! View from Sunset Lane across the street V -; - from the Site. View from 12th and Harrington Lane 7a- CITI )F RENTON =LI I \ Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator July 23, 1997 Paul Ingrahm JM Consulting Group, Inc. 500 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1150 Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: GTE PCS ON SUNSET BOULEVARD (FILE NO. LUA-97-048,CU(A) Dear Paul: As we have previously discussed, the Renton City Council recently adopted a Wireless Communications Ordinance (Ordinance No. 4666) on June 2, 1997. This ordinance was adopted on an emergency basis and became effective immediately. The administrative conditional use permit application for the GTE PCS Facility on Sunset Boulevard was in process at the time of ordinance adoption, as was an application for a building permit. The processing of the administrative conditional use permit was placed on hold while the City consulted with its attorney to determine the applicability of the Wireless Communications Ordinance to the project. Based on a review of the applicable case law,the City has determined that application is subject to the requirements of the Wireless Communications Ordinance. In order to continue processing the administrative conditional use permit application, additional submittal materials will be required per Section 4-38-5 of the Ordinance. These materials include a diagram or map depicting where within a 3-mile radius any portion of the proposed facility could be seen; photo- simulations of the proposed facility from affected residential properties and public right-of-way at varying distances; a map showing the service area of the proposed wireless communications facility; an inventory of the provider's existing facilities within the Renton corporate limits, and any of the facilities outside of the city limits that are within 1/2 mile of the proposed facility. The 40-foot tall monopole would be considered to be a Monopole I facility, requiring an administrative conditional use permit in the Center Suburban (CS) Zone. Equipment cabinets/shelters must be fenced, screened and landscaped with a minimum 15-foot sight obscuring landscape buffer around the accessory equipment facility. The additional materials needed to evaluate your proposal include the fencing/screening and landscape plan which would meet section 4-38-13 A.3. of the Ordinance. (All landscaped areas must also have an automatic irrigation system per City Code.) Please feel free to contact me at (425) 277-6186 should you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, 1,_",LAA:\ V;(I ke.,(AAA,k,:----) Jennifer Toth Henning Project Manager enclosure. H:\DIVISION.SIDEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\PROJEC'I'S\97-04S.JTI-I\PIXGLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton. Washington 98055 APR-16' 97 (WED) 13:03 J M CONS"1,,TING GROUP TEL: 206417-8651 /- P. 001 . 5. _ g7ifiS i� :. gg Post-IIr Fax Note 7671 Date C /6 pages 6 . T e , �N From r m- 7:Aiwigicwi Co/Dept. Co. Inc.Consulting Group, Phone# Phone# TELECC)MMUNIC'ATIcONS Fex# — Fax# 37.46Sf April 16, 1997 Q CITY OF RENTON APR 1Laureen Nicolay 1997 Associate Planner bUiLi.9oti56 vY�'��� 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 • Re: GTE Wireless Application at 2806 NE Sunset Blvd, Dear Ms. Nicolay: Personal wireless service towers less than sixty feet in height that are located in commercial, industrial, manufacturing, forest or agricultural zones are exempt for RCW 43.21C.030 per Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2828 passed during the 1996 regular session of the Washington State Legislature and signed by Governor Lowry March 30, 1996. I have enclosed a copy of the bill. I hope this clarifies why SEPA is not needed for our application. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, JM Consulting Group, Inc. Paul Inghram Planner Seance Office:500 108th Avenue NE,Suite 1150 • B [ILvue,Washiorgoo 98004 • Tdenhone:(206)637.8650 • Game(2061 617.LMl APR:-16' 97 (WED) 13 : 05 J NI COW<< TING GROUP TEL:206-617-8651 P. 002 .08/00/85 15:15 FAX 205 - ' 8405 ATER WYNNE 11003 APR. 05 ' 96 (FRI) 12=33 CODE •11tVIBER 960513664E10 PAOL. 1 (0 A • Pert..1'Fax Note 7671 1Dpe 4 f€s- 1'Ale ...r � �° � f .:., ont • ,PRenr! �p�M i �' gP(3[___ YIf L mEil- ___- ti-Ii.e. N OF ENT:t???"-- -7 . - ROLLMENT c�}�' - a CERTIFICATY4 `t+ xc W ROSSsm sMSOTXTUTS ROUSE BILL 282e Chapter 323, Laws of 1Q98 - . ti • I1 54th Legislature 1996 Regular Session 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 8, 1998 sassed by the Souse maroh 6, 1996 ®XTIFICAT3 Yeas 71 Naya 23 I, Timothy Ai Martin, Chief Clerk of • the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby �, certify that the attec2te4 is Speaker o he alvaAdeSta 9tT88rITUTI ROu®s DILL 2828 moues of Representatives as passed by the I ouee of Representatives and the Senate on Peened by the Senate march 7, 1996 the dates hereon met forth- 36 say I O'rroio /;fjAraid""( ' ''''°40:::?....- ' !resident of the Senate chief Clerk f Approved March 30, 1996 8'SL3D 1 MAR 3 4 1996 I Time /f•' 120-- • clearstory of dilate govern r of the Stet ashingtoe • - state of Waekinoto4 4 APR. -16' 97 (WED) 15 : 04 J M CONc'•'L ING GROUP TEL:2064"-8661 P. 005 .05/00/06 15:15 FAX 206 ri8406 ATER WYNNE 004 APB- 05 ' 96 (FRI) 12: 3D CODE SSVIBEA 9605B664150 pAOT. 2 ENGS099ED 9485TITCTE HOUSE BIIIL 2 92 B AS AMENDED BY THE SENATE Passed Legislature - 1996 Regular session State of Washington 54th Legislature 1996 Regular Bessie- By House committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored b Representative Crouse) Read first time 02/05/96 . • • • • 1 AN ACT Relating to personal wireleee service facilities; adding 2 new section to chapter 43 .21C RCW, adding a new section to chapte 3 80 .36 RCW: adding a new section to chapter 19.27A RCW/ adding a ne 4 section to chapter 70.92 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 63 .70 R 5 and creating a new section. 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEG?9LATUE OE THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 7 Er SECTXQN. Elsa. 1. The legislature finds that concerns ha = 6 been raised over possible health affects from exposure to some wirelee= 9 telecommunications faoilitiea', and that exposures from these faciliti: = 10 -should be kept as low as reasonably achievable while still allowing t • 11 operation of theae . networke. The legislature furthir finds that t 12 •departteent' of health should serve as the etata agency that follows t e 13 issues and compiles information pertaining to potential health effec-s 14 from wireless telecommunications facilities . 16 ITEW SECTION.. sec. 2. Anew section is added to chapter 43 .21C Rd 16 to read as follows: APR. -16' 97 (WED) 13 : 04 J M CONCff1•TING GROUP TEL: 206-�_, -8651 P. 004 uoiuti#uo 13;16 FAX 206 8408 ATER WYNNE 005 Alm 0S ' 96 (FRI) 121 ,4 coDE •AEVI9EX 9605366480 PAGE. 9 1 (1) Decisions pertaining to applications to site personal wirelee 2 service facilities are not subject to th requirements of R 3 43 . 21C. 030 (2) (c) , if those facilities meet the io .lowing requirements 4 (a) (i) The facility to be sited is a microcell and is ' to b - 5 attached to en existing structure that is not a residence or school en„ 6 doe■ not contain, a residence or a school; or (ii) the facility include . 7 personal wireless service antennae, other than a microcell, and is t•• 8 be attached to an existing structure (that may be an existing tower 9 that is not a residence or school and does not contain a residence o ' 10 a school, and the existing structure to which it is to be attached is 11 located in a commercial, industrial, manufacturing, forest, o 12 agricultural zone; or (iii) the siting project involves constructing 13 personal wireless service tower lees than sixty feet in height that i - lia, located -in a commercial, . - industrial, manufacturing, forest, o 1$ agricultural sone; and . 16 (b) The project is not in a designated environmentally senaitiv, 17 areal and 18 (a) The project does not consist of a series of actions : (i) som 19 of which are not categorically exempt; or (ii) that together may hay- 20 a probable significant adverse environmental impact . 21 (2) The department of ecology shall adopt rules to create . 22 categorical exemption for microcelle and other personal wireless 23 service facilities that meet the conditions set forth in subsection (1 24 of this section. 25 (3) For the purposes of this section: 26 (a) "Personal wireless services" means commercial mobile services 27 unlicensed wireless services, and common carrier wireless excharng= 28 access services, as defined by federal laws and regulations. 29 (b) "Personal wirelese service facilities" means facilities for th. 30 provision of personal wireless services . 31 (c) "Microcell° means a wireless communication facility consistir1► 32 of an antenna that is either; (i) Four feet in height and with an are- - 33 of not more than five hundred eighty square inches; or (ii) if = 34 tubular antenna, no more than four inches in diameter and no more tha 35 six feet in length. 36 FEW SFs<CTIONV, sea. 3. A new section is added to chapter 80 .36 RC 37 to read as follow : APRs-16' 97 (WED) 13 : 05 J M CONc"' TING GROUP TEL: 206- -8651 P, 005 _ 05/08/08 15;18 FAX 208 r 8408 ATER WYNNE �008 • aPA 05 ' 96 1FRI) 12:94 CODE REVIDER 96031366430 PAGE. 4 (1) If a personal wireless service provider applies to site severs 2 microcells in a single geographical area: \\ 3 (a) If one or more of the microcells areV not exempt from th- • 4 requirements of RCW 43 .21C. 030 (2) (c) , local governmental entities ar. 5 encouragedi (i) To allow the applicant, at the applicant' s discretion 6 to file a single set of documents requited by chapter 43 .21C RCW tha. 7 Will apply to all the microcells to be sited; and (ii) to rande S decisions under chapter 43 , 21c RCW regarding all the microcells in . 9 single administrative proceeding; .and 10 (b) Local governmental entities are encouraged: (i) To allow th.- 11 applicant, at the 'applicant' s discretion, to file a single set o 12 documents for land use permits that will apply to all the microcells t•. 13 be sited; and (ii) to render decisions regarding land use permits fo • 14 all the microcells .in a Single administrative proceeding. 15 (2) For the purposes of this section: 16 (a) "Personal wireless eervices" means commercial mobile services 17 unlicensed wireless services, and common carrier wireless exchang= 18 access services{ as defined by federal laws and regulations . , 19 (b) "Microcell" means a wireless communication facility consisting 20 of an antenna that is either: (i) Four feet in height and with an are- 21 of not more than -five hundred eighty square inches; or (ii) if • 22 tubular antenna, no more than four inches in diameter and no more tha 23 six feat ,in length. • • • 24 1 SECTIolt. Sea. 4'. A: new section is added to chapter 19 .27A R 25 to read as follower 26 (1) The state building code council shall exempt equipment shelter 27 of personal wireless service facilities from building envelop- 28 insulation requirements. 29 (2) For the purposes of this sections "personal wireless servic- 30 facilitiee" means facilities for the provision of personal wireless 31 services. 32 NEW SZCTIDN. see. S. , A new section is added to chapter 70 . 92 R 33 to read ae follows : 34 (1) The state building code council shall amend its rules unde 35 chapter 70 .92 RCW, to the extent practicable while still maintainin- 36 the certification of those regulations under the federal Americana wit 17 Aiaahilsties act . to axemot oersonal wireless cervices squipmen APR,:-16' 97 MED) 13:05 J M COW" TING GROUP TEL: 206-''-8651 P. 006 . 05/08i06 15:17 FAX 206 __! 8408 ATER WYNNE al 007 - APR. 05 ' 96 MIT) 12135 CODE REvi3ER 36058664E10 PAQE. 5 1 shelters, or the room or enclosure housing equipment for persona ' 2 wireless service facilities, that Meet the following conditions: (a 3 The shelter is not staffed) and 'CB) to conduct maintenance- activities 4 employees who visit the shelter must be able to climb. 5 (2) For the purposes of this section, "personal wireless serric- 6 facilities" means facilities for the provision of personal wireles: 7 services. 8 j4EW.SpCixON. Ceo. 6. A new section is added to chapter 43 .70 R • 9 to read as follows: 10 When funds are appropriated for this purpose, the department shall 11 conduct a eu-zvey of scientific literature regarding the possible healt 12 effects of human exposure to the radio frequency part of th 13 electromagnetic spectrum Mae to 300GH2) . The department shall 3.4 submit the suzvey.results to the legislature, prepare a summary of the 15 survey, and make the summary available Co the public. The departmen 16 shall update the survey and summary periodically. 17 NEW SECT/W. Bee. 7 . A new iection is added to chapter 43 .70 A 18 to read ae follows: ' 19 Unless this section is preempted by applicable federal statutes, 20 . the department may require that in residential zones or areas, all • 21 providers of personal wireless services, as, defined in section 1 0. 23 this act, provide random test results on power density analysis for t - 23 provider' s licensed frequencies Showing radio frequency levels befo = 24 and after development of the personal wireless service anten 25 facilities, following national standards or protocols of the federal 26 communications commission or other federal agencies . This secti.o. 27 shall not apply to microcells as defined in section 3 of this act . T 26 department may adopt rules to implement this section. i raw ,i'HD .�_ RENTON FIRE DEPT Floc°PFVFNTif^I SIIRFAU City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REI ll'ig/157''?EET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: FlY,,e_ Pret,ya-�,o COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 29, 1199 ..' .®; .ti, APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard SITE AREA:. 890 Sq.Ft. of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES (PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE(ACU) PERMIT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,100 Feet � `�d ttv IoG� 1 dC S tel .) B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have revie ed this application 'h particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition I information is ne 'd to properly assess this proposal. ate \41 0//9� Signatur o irector or Authoriz-. Repr ntative Date DEVAPP. Rev.10193 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: MAY 1, 1997 TO: JENNIFER HENNING FROM: NEIL WATTS J2h SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE REVIEW GTE PCS-2806 NE SUNSET BOULEVARD I have reviewed the preapplication submittal for a 40 foot monopole to be located at 2806 NE Sunset Blvd. I suggest that we used the standards outlined in our draft wireless communications ordinance in reviewing this proposal. Some of the applicable submittal and review standards are listed below: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the information required for a building permit, the following items shall be required for a Wireless Communications application: A. A diagram or map depicting where within a three mile radius any portion of the proposed facility could be seen. B. Photosimulations of the proposed facility from affected residential properties and public rights-of-way at varying distances. C. A map showing the service area of the proposed WCF and an explanation of the need for that facility. D. A site/landscaping plan showing the specific placement of the WCF on the site; showing the location of existing structures, trees, and other significant site features to be retained; and indicating type and locations of existing and new plant materials used to screen WCF components and the proposed color(s) for the WCF. E. A signed notarized statement indicating: 1. The applicant agrees to allow for the potential co-location of additional WCF equipment by other providers on the applicant's structure or within the same site location; and 2. That the applicant agrees to remove the facility within 6 months after that site's use is discontinued. 4 r s MAY 1, 1997 PAGE 2 F. A draft lease agreement with the landholder that: 1. Allows the landholder to enter into leases with other providers; and 2. Specifies that if the provider fails to remove the facility upon 6 months of its discontinued use, the responsibility for removal falls upon the landholder. G. For support structures: A report including a description of the support structure with technical reasons for its design. H. For support structures: Documentation establishing the structural integrity for the support structure's proposed uses. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SUPPORT STRUCTURES: MONOPOLE I A. From Definitions Section: MONOPOLE I: A wireless communication facility which consists of a freestanding support structure, the height of which shall not exceed 60 feet, erected to support wireless communication antennas and connecting appurtenances. B. Monopole I Facilities may be allowed with a Administrative conditional use permit in the RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10 and R-14 zones, provided that the site is over one acre in size, and the facility has minimum setbacks of 100 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel. Monopole I Facilities may be allowed with a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit in the RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10 and R-14 zones if the site is less than one acre in size, or has minimum setbacks of less than 100 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned property. C. Monopole I Facilities may be allowed with an Administrative conditional use permit in the MF, CN, CD, COR and CC zones if the facility has minimum setbacks of 100 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel. Monopole I Facilities may be allowed with a Hearing Examiner conditional use permit in the MF, CN, CD, COR and CC zones if the minimum setbacks are less than 100 feet from any adjcent residentially zoned property. D. Monopole I Facilities are a primary permitted use in the CA, CO, IL, IM and IH zones if the facility has minimum setbacks of 100 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned parcel. Monopole I Facilities may be allowed with an administrative conditional use permit in the CA, CO, IL, 'IM and III zones if the minimum setbacks are less than 100 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned property. E. The maximum permitted height for a Monopole I Facility shall be 60 feet. F. Antennas equal to or less than fifteen (15) feet in height or up to four (4) inches in diameter may be a component of a Monopole I Facility. Antennas which extend above the wireless communications support structure shall not be calculated as part of the height of the Monopole I wireless communications support structure. For example, the maximum height for a Monopole I shall be sixty (60) feet and maximum height of antennas which may be installed on the support structure could be fifteen (15) feet, making the maximum permitted height of the support structure and antennas seventy-five (75) feet (60 feet plus 15 feet). G. Macro facilities are the largest wireless communication facilities allowed on a Monopole I Facility. MAY 1, 1997 PAGE 3 H. The shelter or cabinet used to house radio electronics equipment and the associated cabling connecting the equipment shelter or cabinet to the Monopole I facilities shall be concealed, camouflaged or placed underground. I. Monopole I Facilities shall be landscaped in conformance with City Code Section 4-31-34, Landscaping. A minimum landscaping area of fifteen (15) feet shall be required surrounding the facility. Landscaping shall include trees, shrubs and ground cover. The required landscaped areas shall include an irrigation system. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SUPPORT STRUCTURES: MONOPOLE II A. From Definitions Section: MONOPOLE II: A wireless communication facility which consists of a freestanding support structure, greater than 60 feet in height erected to support wireless communication antennas and connecting appurtenances. B. Monopole II Facilities are prohibited in the RC, R-1, R-5, R-8, R-10 and R-14 zones. ADDITIONAL PERMIT CRITERIA FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES The following criteria shall be met before a building permit can be granted: A. Visual Impact 1. Antennas may not extend more than fifteen (15) feet above their supporting structure, monopole, lattice tower, building or other structure. 2. Site location and development shall preserve the preexisting character of the surrounding buildings and land uses and the zone district to the extent consistent with the function of the communications equipment. Wireless communication towers shall be integrated through location and design to blend in with the existing characteristics of the site to the extent practical. Existing on-site vegetation shall be preserved or improved, and disturbance of the existing topography shall be minimized, unless such disturbance would result in less visual impact of the site to the surrounding area. 3. Accessory equipment facilities used to house wireless communications equipment should be located within buildings or placed underground when possible. When they cannot be located in buildings, equipment shelters or cabinets shall be fenced, screened and landscaped in conformance with City Code Section 4-31-34, Landscaping. Landscaping shall include a minimum fifteen (15) foot sight obsucuring landscape buffer around the accessory equipment facility. Accessory equipment facilities located on the roof of any building shall be enclosed so as to be shielded from view. 4. Accessory equipment facilities may not be enclosed with exposed metal surfaces. B. No equipment shall be operated so as to produce noise in levels above 45 dB as measured from the nearest property line on which the attached wireless communication facility is located. Operation of a back-up power generator in the event of power failure or the testing of a back-up generator between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. are exempt from this standard. No testing of back-up power generators shall occur between the hours of 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. MAY 1, 1997 PAGE 4 C. Security fencing, if used, shall be painted or coated with a nonreflective color. Fencing shall comply with the requirements listed in City Code 4-31-15(C), Fences and Hedges. D. Towers shall not be artificially lighted, unless required by the FAA or other applicable authority. If lighting is required, the governing authority may review the available lighting alternatives and approve the design that would cause the least disturbance to the surrounding views. Security lighting for the equipment shelters or cabinets and other on-the-ground ancillary equipment is also permitted, as long as it is appropriately down shielded to keep light within the boundaries of the site. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW CRITERIA A. The governing authority may grant, with or without conditions, or deny the requested conditional use permit. The governing authority may limit the term and duration of the conditional use permit. Conditions imposed by the governing authority shall reasonably assure that nuisance or hazard to life or property will not develop. B. The governing authority shall consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a conditional use permit, although the governing authority may waive or reduce the burden on the applicant of one or more of these criteria if the governing authority, concludes that the goals of this ordinance are better served thereby. 1. Height of the proposed tower. 2. Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residential district boundaries. 3. Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties. 4. Surrounding topography. 5. Surrounding tree coverage and foliage. 6. Design of the tower, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness. 7. Proposed ingress and egress. 8. Potential noise, light and glare impacts. 9. Availability of suitable existing towers and other structures. AIRPORT RESTRICTIONS A. All wireless communications facilities and attached wireless communications facilities must comply with the Airport Zoning regulations, as listed in City Code 4-31-17. B. A Notice of Proposed Construction shall be submitted to the FAA and received back from the FAA prior to the issuance of any building permit for any wireless communications facilities or attached wireless communications facilities. OBSOLESCENCE Any wireless communications facility or attached wireless communications facility that is no longer needed and its use is discontinued shall be reported immediately by service provider to the Administrator. Discontinued facilities shall be decommisioned and removed by the facility owner within 6 months of the date it ceases to be operational or if the facility falls into disrepair, and the site restored to its pre-existing condition. MAY 1, 1997 PAGE 5 CO-LOCATION A. Availability of Suitable Existing Towers or Other Structures: No new tower shall be permitted unless the applicant demonstrates to the reasonable.satisfaction of the governing authority that no existing tower or structure can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna. Evidence submitted to demonstrate that no existing tower or structure can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna. Evidence submitted to demonstrate that no existing tower or structure can accommodate the applicant's:proposed antenna may consist of any of the following: 1) No existing towers or structures are located within the geographic area required to meet applicant's engineering requirements. 2) Existing towers or structures are not of sufficient height to meet applicant's engineering requirements. 3) Existing towers or structures do not have sufficient structural strength to support applicant's proposed antenna and related equipment. 4) The applicant's proposed antenna would cause electromagnetic interference with the antenna on the existing towers or structures, or the antenna on the existing towers or structures would cause interference with the applicant's proposed antenna. 5) The fees, costs, or contractual provisions required by the owner in order to share an existing tower or structure or to adapt an existing tower or structure for sharing are unreasonable. Costs exceeding new tower development are presumed to be unreasonable. 6) The applicant demonstrates that there are other limiting factors that render existing towers and structures unsuitable. A. A permittee shall cooperate with other WCF providers in co-locating additional antennas on support structures and/or on existing buildings provided said proposed co-locators have received a building permit for such use at said site from the City. A permittee shall exercise good faith in co-locating with other providers and sharing the permitted site, provided such shared use does not give rise to a substantial technical level of impairment of the ability to provide the permitted use (i.e., a significant interference in broadcast or reception capabilities as opposed to a competitive conflict or financial burden). Such good faith shall include sharing technical information to evaluate the feasibility of co-location. In the event a dispute arises as to whether a permittee has exercised good faith in accommodating other users, the City may require a third party technical study at the expense of either or both the applicant and permittee. B. All applicants shall demonstrate reasonable efforts in developing a co-location alternative for their proposal. RADIO FREQUENCY STANDARDS A. The applicant shall comply with Federal standards for radio frequency emissions. Within six months after the issuance of its operational permit, the applicant shall submit a project implementation report which provides cumulative field measurements of radio frequency emissions of all antennas installed at the subject site and compares the results with established Federal standards. Said report shall be subject to review and approval of the Administrator for consistency with Federal standards. If on review, the City finds that the WCF does not meet Federal standards, the City may revoke or modify this permit. MAY 1, 1997 PAGE 6 B. Interference must not exceed standards established by WWCIC. C. The applicant shall ensure that the WCF will not cause localized interference with the reception of area television or radio broadcasts. If on review the City fmds that the WCF interferes with such reception, and if such interference is not remedied within sixty (60) days, the city may revoke or modify this permit. PERMIT LIMITATIONS A. The permittee/operator of a WCF shall and does, upon approval of the building permit, agree to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the City, its Council members, officers, employees, agents and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorneys' fees (collectively, "liabilities") incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from: a) City's approval and issuance of this building permit; b) City's approval or issuance of any permit or action, whether discretionary or non-discretionary, in connection with the use contemplated herein; and c) Applicant's installation and operation of the facility permitted hereby, including, without limitation, any and all liabilities arising from the emission by the facility of electromagnetic fields or other energy waves or emissions. Permittee/operator compliance with this section is an express condition of the building permit and this provision shall be _ binding on any and all of the permittee's/operator's successors and assigns. B. The applicant shall maintain the WCF to standards that may be imposed by the City at the time of the granting of a permit. Such maintenance shall include, but shall not be limited to, maintenance of the paint, structural integrity and landscaping. If the applicant fails to maintain the facility, the City may undertake the maintenance at the expense of the applicant or terminate the permit, at its sole option. C. The applicant shall notify the Department of all changes in ownership or operation of the facility within sixty (60) days of the change. The draft ordinance would allow this small monopole as a permitted use. I recommend proceeding with the project approval without requesting additional submittal material. Compliance with the other listed standards are suggested as part of the conditional use approval for the facility. City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Pla'n ReV%ew—U3 .y COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 29, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER T©Itl '1611NRENTON PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard APR 2 1 1997 SITE AREA: 890 Sq.Ft.of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A il{.,-aw� EL.1.0 Ow rse w eVe•,Je‘t SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES (PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE(ACU)PERMIT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health _ Public Services Energy/ Historfc/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS See s vett. wteµtc, C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS !Vo wa"tev peviv'(15 0 ✓ett'c>s. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. IdOZti 14/30/47 • Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:1S 'Ca- COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 29, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard SITE AREA: 890 Sq.Ft. of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES(PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE(ACU)PERMIT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS • Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline.Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistortdCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet C17Y APR 7 8 ::37 ®levr�.. .. DIVISION .."v6S B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 5-cc sera✓kf e. me wt 0 . 1\10 I va664.6 14; fiutl0H tire.kuived. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS tJ0 tv*Kspo✓tittioti revvult) 0 V 4614 ✓etWW 1. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. N 5/t/q7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative • Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:atriace. WoitaCOMMENTS DUE: APRIL 29, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard SITE AREA: 890 Sq.Ft. of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES (PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE(ACU)PERMIT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historfc/Cultu al Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet CITY OF Perk rr1A1 P'- APR ( 8 ;.397 DEV ILV r ov..-.o. .._n v,L;Es' DIVISION B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS -ee- SepaVatC etato. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 1' t ItA.41t L �T1 Set,c 't /eVIMItS -i -I.e ✓et('d We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: N S COMMENTS DUE:.APRIL 29, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard • SITE AREA: 890 Sq.Ft. of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES (PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND.A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES.AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE(ACU)PERMIT. • • A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation • Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 2 47b � , • • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Ate • • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS • • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas.of probable Impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. - L Signature of Director or Authorized Representative DateY DEVAPP.DOC i Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: iSoyszor'\ COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 29, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard SITE AREA: 890 Sq.Ft. of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES (PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE(ACU)PERMIT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing V Air tel Aesthetics V Water sc,, Llght/Glare Plants . / Recreation v' Land/Shoreline Use ,// Utilities 1/ Animals ✓/ Transportation Environmental Health r Public Services 1/- Energy/ HistodelCulturel Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 11114 v 14,000 Feet l5 • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS City of Renton Ordinance 4-31-17 is appl i babl e.: The,..hei,ght limit in 4-31-17B3 is 150 feet above the Renton Airport altitude of 29 feet, not a structure height of 150 feet. The proposed tower is proposed to be constructed at an elevation of 355 'feet, with a structure height of 40 feet. ' A Notice of Proposed Construction must be submitted to, and approved by the FAA prior to the issuance of a building permit/variance. If lighting is required to mark the tower, the tower owner/operator must be required to install , operate and maintain such markers and/or lights. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Refer to restr-i cti:Ons in Renton Ordinance 4-31-17. We have reviewed this app/i• tion with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addi+": .Jinformatio needed to properly assess this proposal. • , tie 25-e. (K-7 Signature . Director or Authorized Representative Date L � DEVAPP.D., Rev.10i93 i,-.K:.•:_•::::::::::::::::.--L:E.f_f::E-:::::::: -I.E.:::-..-:ii.--_-::::-.1 1-4.i_. ,1 1 — \... 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Q,,,7 w-141."3.131Dintr .,,, 11/F,[1_ \ iimo _ 1... 4-_ , I ,,,i,,t L.,- IHR(161.:) mu, inim.:73 . ii Nc,-9 unia gii i kr .va-4. I :011;r41, milkipm._ ms,, 'pro, ilrr!..,rgi I not g e.mr. V---- , iiii iiii.:j c 11,.,,,r.,:ii .0i.... -x-wo - kr idirul II _ . win rlim.... ...iligin 4 4„.1.s„",it, iii IFPirti" " ' . . fop . Ty,..tilliipt__A --.... • ), ,-, rit & w..-„::...-. 0;2;2 pi. C.11)111 .461"... .........wili moimm.,..- i .sq c,,,Lrn,zit_ ..,.. ,,74„..1,p,,,„ 4,,,,j,„fit , " .._ 1411; 11, a-. ... , I.,aini.it a lit.t. ,41, r ati . ,-A-wItr, . , ---------------4 /...--- ,./10,k----zpk.i�prp7.0On°�+`r'' : for', ® ,;,/-►..... ems ,: .,!.Ar .Allipp iiTook. .:. tit" 1441.1 . new■1regur_,:__7,-,-44' a x .t � S 4-31-16 4-31-18 ministrator shall determine which ordinance C. Use Restrictions: Notwithstanding any other shall prevail based upon the intent of the provisions of this Code, no use may be made zones. Life, safety and public health ordinan- of land within any airport approach zone or ces are assumed to prevail. (Ord. 4404, airport turning zone in such a manner as to 6-7-1993) create electrical interference with radio com- munication between the airport and aircraft, making it difficult for fliers to distinguish 4-31-17: AIRPORT ZONING: between airport lights and others, result in glare in the eyes of fliers using the airport, A. Zones: In order to regulate the use of proper- impair visibility in the vicinity thereof, or ty in the vicinity of the airport, all of the otherwise endanger the landing, taking off, land within two (2) miles south and one mile or maneuvering of aircraft. east and west of, or that part of the area that is within the City limits, whichever is D. Hazard Marking And Lighting: Any permit nearest the boundaries of the airport, is or variance granted as provided in this Chap- hereby divided into airport approach, tran- ter and affecting the airport approach, tran- sition and turning zones. The boundaries sition or turning zone shall be so conditioned thereof are shown on the Renton Airport as to require the owner of the structure or Approach Plan numbered No. 1, dated March tree in question to permit the City, at its 1, 1956, which plan is made a part hereof. own expense, to install, operate and main- tain thereon such markers and lights as may B. Height Limits: Except as otherwise provided be necessary to give adequate notice to in this Code, no structure or tree shall be aircraft of the presence of such airport erected, altered, allowed to grow or be main- hazard. (Ord. 1542, 4-17-1956) tained in any airport approach zone or air- port turning zone to a height in excess of the height limit herein established for such zone. 4-31-18: COURTS: In all buildings hereafter For the purposes of this regulation, the fol- erected or structurally altered, all win- lowing height limits are hereby established dows shall open upon a yard, court, street or alley for each of the zones in question: (Ord. 1542, as hereafter provided. In no event shall any yard 4-17-1956) or court be made to serve two (2) buildings hereafter erected, or any existing building and a 1. Approach Zones (Shaded Dark Red On building hereafter erected. Plan): Height limitation to be one foot (1') in height for each forty feet (40') lateral Every court shall be open and unobstructed to the separation from a line which is two hundred sky from the floor level of the lowest story in a feet (200') south from the "Displaced building in which there are windows from rooms Threshold" at Station No. 10+00 as shown on or apartments abutting the said court and served revised Renton Airport Approach Plan, No. by the said court, except that a cornice, belt 1-R, dated May 17, 1960, which approach plan is filed herewith and by this reference is made a part hereof. (Ord. 1829, 5-17-1960) 2. Approach Transition Zone (Shaded Light Red On Plan): Height limit to be one foot (1') in height for each. seven feet (7') of lateral separation from the Renton airport boun- dary. 3. Airport Turning Zone: Any object over one hundred fifty feet (150') in height is an obstruction. 996 City of Renton City in Renton Department of Planning/Building/ Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: i=OttCC COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 29, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard SITE AREA: 890 Sq.Ft. of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES(PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONAL USE(ACU)PERMIT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary . Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Ught/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services ✓ Energy/ HlstoddCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet • Loec6v2-e_c/ zuu6 / GDP B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad itional information is needed to properly assess this roposal. Signat e of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Co" S�yv(C,C COMMENTS DUE: APRIL 29, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-048,ACU DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 18, 1997 APPLICANT: JM CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD WORK ORDER NO: 78205 LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard SITE AREA: 890 Sq.Ft. of a 7.6 acre site I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEVELOP A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES(PCS) FACILITY CONSISTING OF TWO.RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS AND A 40 FOOT TALL MONOPOLE WITH 12 PANEL ANTENNAS. PROJECT REQUIRES AN ADMINISTRATIVE 1CONDITIONAL USE(ACU) PERMIT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment. Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health. Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet CITY OF REN'TON PtlEINfr APR 1 8 397 DIVISION B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Nib6 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS NO WE We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or area: where ad ' nal information is needed to p perly assess this proposal. 17,4/7f7 Signature of Dir A h rized Represe tive Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/9: Q CITY OF RENTON . Planning/Building/Public Works �` '�r° �'� ""-" ' J !" i Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 a " 11P�`2 1'9 T A "' ® 2..:9 • 5 **• Kathleen Bell&Dennis Curran 1100 Harrington Ave NE#203 Renton, WA 98056 63.7 30O0Gpa 7 .NOT DELIVERABLE - �66/ ILE' TD FORW RD 03 (5, -- Viol "7, . 1 RFTUR"I TO SENDER 11 • b!a a.:=`'- r: II,I„I,,I,Ii,,,,i,1„f,li„I,I„,ICI„I,1,1„II,,,Ii,,,,,ll,l a_.�-.m o ,e tii 731 C,,��Y Q� + .1:14;t ..** NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City 1 Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PC: facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project require an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. ' GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard - PUBLIC APPROVALS: - Administrative Conditional,Use:Permit The application can be reviewed in the:Development Services;Division:located;`on,.:the third floor of Renton City Ha me, Comments will be"accepted:anytime prior:to.the Environm Rev ental iewCommttee.(ERC) meeting date, Public Hearing; during Public Hearings, or priorto an administrative"decision;`.:For:further information on the application, or if you wish I be made a PARTY OF: RECORD';and: `receive- additional .notifcations, by 'mail, of the City's environment determinations,.appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s)`for this' project, please contact the Developmei Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. x1. Qg tLNYS O!' V' a HIITX Sf.. 1 "4 n \/ ,-•, _ . 0 T,r: L�R:1� C --ier,,IN liesrW 43. 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A'[ 2,06LP SONSiT BLVP, APPLICATION NO: LUA 91 - 046) GU(A) The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL -NUMBER - D&C Wong 2809 NE Sunset Blvd. 008900001002 722790009103 • 722790009608 Dwaine B Willis 1175 Harrington P1 NE#101 312200001005 Sharon Brown 1175 Harrington PINE#103 312200002003 ' Karrie Kamcheff 1175 Harrington P1 NE#105 312200003001 Frank James Ray 1175 Harrington PINE#107 312200004009 Grant L Faulconer 1175 Harrington PINE#109 312200005006 :P William T Blyth 1175 Harrington P1 NE#111 312200006004. Victoiano B Benitez, Jr. 1175 Harrington PINE#113 312200007002 Sandra G Charlebois 1175 Harrington PINE#201 312200008000 Lawrence &Visitacion Brown 1175 Harrington PINE#202 312200009008 Stephen E Sylvia 1175 Harrington PINE#203 312200010006 Kenneth J&Valorie J Borao 1175 Harrington PINE#204 312200011004 Laura L Ambrose 1175 Harrington PINE#205 312200012002 Loretta N Chandler 1175 Harrington PINE#206 312200013000 David D Mckinlay 1175 Harrington PINE#207 312200014008 Clarence Donald Shively 1175 Harrington PINE#208 312200015005 Janet M Miles 1175 Harrington PINE#209 312200016003 Betty P,Sanders 1175 Harrington PINE#210 312200017001 Julie.&James Lewis 1175 Harrington PINE#211 312200018009 Secretary of Veterans Affairs 1175 Harrington PI NE#212 312200019007 William R Schultz 1175 Harrington PINE#213 312200020005 Margaret B Lindberg 1175 Harrington PINE#214 312200021003 Jerry B &Janet E Phelps 1175 Harrington PINE#301 31220> 9 0 'F (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) APR 14 /997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RE'NTON .+.::±::.t•Tv ::4r {hy -.,y.}.....;{. :. •.;::±xOT}>}..Y t:yx:.x:v}:w:ii vx h::.......:y. .+/^�--m v... ...{.. :}.{Y:fY: :•}:W}„!3�'T'�'irlfv.>:n 4•%• :T:}' r,:`:�F@••<n: ..;.�t•�:'}'N:E'�::x x. -i{:}:r.i:. .:�.r•:}.:!'::i:`.:`;}T;:;�.:.,•.!t..•;.x.'�. .t7.�f>.-:fH:i:::hk:;::t/r�:t:. +± S• 'Gh•. �},� >„}..>;:Tv:010 v.:`: •,.x�.,:::::'«:;.N}< ::.:.:Cl - ".EI TON:nt.} <:.. ::<::.: .:}:.: €n' > ��:'�`''••• : • T;rT}S•r.•}xa•.- ±:.+.- ..:.,Fy.:^{v.•,•.wY:c'n+'.r.--}!qr..:,:.::T,•}tT:T{::;iNh:{.}:y}7±::,�°•;:..`..,+...,:4.:c;s'?`:.:r:;:<;»'tx3 {..,•T,t#'.• •f �S' >*`. .tf"'� :tt';.�t:.tr{:.;:.::..,,.{,�;..:}::... .3+ ;{ham;:+; .:r,,.,�/ :{�!,">krC,•YT�; a r xiLi`j::±,v^%S•.::: vi:•':.v.Si. , ...i:.h:'•... !v\v'v:•?:LG,%/.,�}•k rWn'..�.�};}}.. .:=�'t::.±}::t:<::<::;::;:...:.::.....:.. • bl�ltStOl�:;.:::..r. ..h.+•nh ...�::. :tt->}:thT::: .v.�.... :{ •Rvr �s ..:�... �` EV {::•%%w}��i���v+�i••:.•Lrr�-•3i�!. +r+.Fv.:C..+%i :r�:t`' ..h. � �. R'':::::.:-.,!.'ti :.}:'.��v :..vy}.:t`•}>'.;..:y..>::<;i>:::>{:r•}'i'•r•:±- .:!+: k}}:... �.: ...<.'-i:;ir,:t:';/�4,.�•.:..;r :v.:r.. :- . .:: ::R :::. xPRO PERDU{Oi. . ::N .::;:r :';; :Y. ..:::.:::}.LI�`l`..0.�...SU.R. R. O.,U.ND.IIVG.......:::...: . ..:.:y... .r�111... . .E . .max.. ii!+i:Si�:...... .±.}':::Sn:fh}if.•..±T:v>xr:-:.v•.+irisi:;v;:::--.... :•:>{..:::;•{:::::.;}:.r.,}:-;:::}:.}'..}-:.:'::>:::: b ecf':S1te-;}::,.. ..:r... .s..:::f::..,{:.,.;..:rr::::..:::. .::t.},:;;'::::::::................ .:.;.}'wrth�n::300..feeL of:-the::.su ...... .....:,,:.:,:.:.::{.:....s.:.:t..::h v.,:...: ..r:. n+.'::{•...:..::r:.in;±:..:}v.,......vx:::::±.vn::•-{;AChi :J:ttrf;. PROJECT NAME: (1VAOI ( TE— se , -r- 2CP svrv5f.r- APPLICATION NO: The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME - ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 1 Mary Ruth Leitch 1175 Harrington Pl NE#302 312200023009 • Correa Rev Living Trust 1175 Harrington PINE#303 312200024007 Michelle Louise Gamelin 1175 Harrington PINE#304 312200025004 Joan Y Charlebois 1175 Harrington PINE#305 312200026002 • Laverne M Malhoney 1175 Harrington P1 NE#306 312200027000 Bridenna M Hart 1175 Harrington P1 NE#307 312200028008 Bernard G Edlund • 1175 Harrington PINE#308 312200029006 Kerry &Luz Milligan 1175 Harrington P1 NE#309 312200030004 Wesley Calhoun 1175 Harrington P1 NE#310 312200031002 Myrtle Mae Jung 1175 Harrington PINE#311 312200032000 Michael&Stewart Teramoto 1175 Harrington P1 NE#312 312200033008 Dianna J Kimmer 1175 Harrington PINE#313 312200034006 Melissa A Achtenberg 1175 Harrington P1 NE#314 312200035003 Marthajean Dinsmore 1100 Harrington Ave NE#101 637730001004 Lillian W Vaughn 1100 Harrington Ave NE#102 637730002002 Francis&Margaret Webb 1100 Harrington Ave NE#103 637730003000 Garry&Hilda Walter 1100 Harrington Ave NE#104 637730004008 Larry Joel Dean 1100 Harrington Ave NE#105 637730005005 HV &PK Banasky 1100 Harrington Ave NE#106 637730006003 Philip K&Elaine B Fife 1100 Harrington Ave NE#201 637730007001 Velma 0 Niemeyer 1100 Harrington Ave NE#202 637730008009 Kathleen Bell; Patricia Miller 1100 Harrington Ave NE#203 637730009007 Robert E Coppock 1100 Harrington Ave NE#204 637730010005 Gladys E Kelly 1100 Harrington Ave NE#205 637730011003 Margilee A Thomas 1100 Harrington Ave NE#206) 637730012001 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) 2. ::,::RaF}o"{::}}::cY{•:{;.r{....•:TT::a••..,::r,}r':?.:»:C{.?:}•:.{yF•.:... / �:�::.::. ..-. y. ..Y::�-:r.-r::r.::...::..:: -'Y".q"`•3:1:%�:{'•- s^-! ,Tr'a� ::/-.4:.... }. {4: ...bv n�tr r:.:':.>-i:n?}:! ;}:::Y��. �::.: .i�`i'F'.S':rh;:L}Q"%yp;:4�y4vY{J./{'ssl:{ 4}. :;::F•Y.a•:k�*ah-°.i5F•>, :� "`?'"'{'k:;ik:., x. .Yf�h�,sY.. -�./• rr{r.2�{Yi:;{.: :.:<{Rc?c:. 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DE�IEI�PMEI�t'1`;.S�R....0 ::::rK' r.;3� ...T:i;'i}.Y._..T�:r.:.:;r... :•;�{};:-:Y:>.:ic:{::{:.c;•{:c�;.F::lr- �}T3:•:`,+;:T:: 'F.2. :\�.j} /..::•:.{.;...n•::�!:Y:• l'� .fit}<l v. -\h �?.%t:: / :fv:::x:::.•:r{:w rj�'.•7}Sih:•}'•}.f{;.: -�F::,:�:�Yii?}•i; •'::.v..y....-q{";�+�Tv.' y:. ., v� y�'.v:.}is ni..:..rr.::r..::r....::.v.::.viviiY.:F`} {'•}�•}}:x}. .i}h:;� pAl-:..:..:•.v.�::::n.Y/M?:!fll..:w�,:•fr{'�{•,{.,{.:•:{�; �C:. �:'.::xf.:..:?_•:i.v .... :. :.'✓/.W� 'a�v,J;• f.. ..•.,J.f:S;. •{i:^.!:... ::L I. T`}F 0: ;::::5 U.R RO.U.N DI NG:::FP. R.O{PERTYO:W N.E r i �:.:;{.}:::4 .....Y vv v:v:::::{.r r'�.v.Y.{...;..:..1?:•:S•$:OTi:?{i}{;}:•'f.•}}j:}ri Yi:S=i{. ..........r:.............,...•v::-.aaa•:::::::::•::a:::.-.:::v:::::.+:;:,.....}::•:.� ....•:::: ....:.:::•:.;•::�..x,•.f.....;:. .�.:..o•:.y::�:•v{:.r..r. ..o/i7•'};{:5:...... '::>.•}}r:�:{.::?{-T:-}:::}}}T•:i:.;}.. •::4.T:{.}}%?:::.. 4 OC{.i}:•}:•:{•}:Gf{i:.t.?{j f:-i.F,�•:/.v.,v,.::.::f:::•. :•i:,.i::;.}' f. e< ub ect.:sit@.;•i.:}..::::::: ;:.};:..... . tiii:::>:•;::'i•;:.\:.:...:.._:?;:;-:.:;•::::•i••},•::::.:,::.::::::.::::{..:..r:::::-. .tfVlthln•.300-.f@@t.O tl'1 :S. PROJECT NAME: WAOI y g f. TE- PLS 2qtGL'v Swsir r i3tVa. APPLICATION NO: The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME_ ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Delores L Matthai 1100 Harrington Ave NE#207 637730013009 - . • John L Cowan 1100 Harrington Ave NE#208 637730014007 Virgil&Beverly Johnson 1100 Harrington Ave NE#209 637730015004 Donald&Dorris McWilliams 1100 Harrington Ave NE#210 637730016002 Erika Braun 1100 Harrington Ave NE#211 637730017000 Donald&Dorris McWilliams 1100 Harrington Ave NE#212 637730018008 Joan L McGlasson 1100 Harrington Ave NE#301 637730019006 Janet C Mace 1100 Harrington Ave NE#302 637730020004 Darlene&Vanessa Johnson 1100 Harrington Ave NE#303 637730021002 Lydia E McKay 1100 Harrington Ave NE#304 637730022000 Jay G Hill 1100 Harrington Ave NE#305 637730023008 Donald&Dorris McWilliams 1100 Harrington Ave NE#306 637730024006 John H Young 1100 Harrington Ave NE#307 637730025003 Gary Garvin 1100 Harrington Ave NE#308 637730026001 Paulette M Danielson 1100 Harrington Ave NE#309 637730027009 David&Marcelle Vaughn 1100 Harrington Ave NE#310 637730028007 Coralee K Schultz 1100 Harrington Ave NE#311 637730029005 Michele M Smith 1100 Harrington Ave NE#312 637730030003 Tosco Corporation 3002 NE Sunset Blvd. 722780028501 John L Hennessy 2725 NE Sunset Blvd. 722780102603 United States 2605 Sunset Ln NE • 722780105507 • Renton Housing Authority 970 Harrington Ave NE 722780108501 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) 3 .::.:::::::..::::: .0:. :...:..::::::::.:...a::.::::.::rc::n:.:.:...:..+.i::..........:.::.:..:x:.:.:?::::•i;:::..;.:.;.?'iii}i}ij:r:'i!•}j}}}:%j::•>;:}}IIIIIIIN n;}:x}:???.}:ti?''}:::'::n};x?:ay.}/: DO:..:::«<::?:;><::;::>>:;.:�>:;:;;::>}:.»>::»::>::>:::.»•:;:.;::;':>:::<: ::>::>::;�:.>DE EL PMEI�I : S .. .... .... ..��e.?,.,. ......................... ... •}}i:i}}'..;;:::•::..iCv?.ih ::: :v:}:v}::-0iv::•.r^n8:dai::.:f v:::::•:.::}}}}}!r}::•}}ri^}'.}:•:;:•:n......:......:......::d✓..ryY.�.r li ..:......:.::::•:..•:?,r}.:'.::,..::::.�::..•.oc:?v:.:C?:. :.....: ::..:.};:?:.;............. •• .:•a'a::?::•:;,{.:.�:.v::.v:::..v:::::•:::?•}:•}::Sa':?.}::•}ii:.ii?:'}:v:-•: .:•.::..} •::}'....?.:...: ...::•...:.:}:{:..:. .::. ....} .:....::..:?:•}i:.:??:?n:•.y:n .••?:...:.:... :. .. :. .... :. •:...i*'::::i:.}::::..}.'.:«'::.:v.}}v:.v:;:..:wg.Yy:.'•r.,'?:?::�1::: � � �LISS� 0.1=` SURROUNDIN.. ..... ... . .. .. .... . .. . ..... .. . . . . .�.........- ::::.:::::..::..::.,...:....... ..:.:...........:.:.:.....:....:.-}:.:.::::: ittin300eet;ot:th. s . ..... PROJECT NAME: ( .A01`{S &`)' . � ' ;4 'i 0.8410. S' AuS6-'r .C?Lup, APPLICATION NO: • The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 722780140009 U S Bank of Washington 2950 NE Sunset Blvd. 722780120605 - Greater Highlands Ltd Partner2806 NE Sunset Blvd. 722780123500 722780140504 722780178009 Frances M Murph 1127 Harrington Ave NE 722780128509 Letty E Cole 1073 Harrington Ave NE 722780129507 Malu&Bernadette Salavea 1067 Harrington Ave NE 722780130000 Walter&Dona Lee Crow 1171 Kirkland Ave NE 722780140603 City of Renton 1104 Harrington Ave NE 722780178108 Housing Authority PO Box 2316 722780178504 West.One Bank of Wash. 3003 NE Sunset Blvd. 722790001605 • Robert.A Hall 1124 Kirkland Ave NE 722790001704 Sea-Eye Bldg. Corp. 1000 Index Ave NE 722790007503 Sanford Sandleman 2825 NE Sunset Blvd. 722790009400 University Federal Savings 2829 NE Sunset Blvd. 722790009509 • (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) I � " • (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER i Applicant Certification I, ' L is 6dACZAw► , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: 0 City of Renton Technical Services Records 'ritle Company Records D King County Assessors Records Signed C •-,� Date i/II/4'7 • ppliCant) NOTARY ATTESTED: Subscri ed and'sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Was ington, residing at on the (ink-, day of rj 1 , 1917 . /4 LESLIE BRAIN Signed 41''s J. (Notary Public) 1 Y COMMISSION EXPIRES:4-29-00 tv t C i::ti::>%j ii:tiv l;:;:;#:+ii:%ii$}iiiij>?iii.'•i:':•}}}ii::i?i:ti;:y;:;: �;::<%}i}i vii$••+% iii\:tom ii;::•::;. ..••:v;....:;•..:..•..:..:?{.•.:.;::.;::vw::::{.}'L;;;{{;;C'{pyiY:ti:v:::;{:.}'{+,!{•;.::.v::{.?':.}'.}'.:::.:..?..v....i..}....:•.v�:::::.:.:::::;•.:.:n:•::v v:..: .}:?.}: ?:{:?}}}:%;::: :•:?}.}}?}Ci<.}}:,:?'.;iii:;;::?.}}::':+:::":?;��+;r;��{;v}•::{i?:%::::v:i:ti%?is•Y;%i:>:fi i?::;:}:;:�.;:{.:.,:<%:'%i;:{::2%i'i'%is2i:%SS::::%::•i'%::�r?i::i'%:ti%:{::{:::::.v::::::::::. :::• 4:J:?{•: w::. w .v:::.v:w:..:.:::n...F.}••.i:n:i:i:.::.:::::v\:::tii?:•?:::::{:is i::�:r:�:.:.::.:::..:v.tiv.F.k....:.:{...;.:;i.......v.:'�::•ww::}}{,�•........ :: ........ w:::v ::::•:.. .:. :....:.v;.. -.}:.}i:::�{�is}?:{.}?::;::♦ :::::' ...:..{.:..:?•?:FF4??::•???::•}'}}"::.::.:::;i:{::.}::.?::.}::?'{{'}i}•{{:•::.. ::}:+.:,.�r•:•:•}}}:??:? .... .... 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Scribed:;and s.wor...n.<before:me4 a:Nota : «;Public>::I.n::> :forithe State:.:of:<Was.. to. :::» :::<: f s dt :°a?: ' ?:r listprop.dx ' 07q6P REV 07/95 2 ICI ti`VY 4 O + IIIMER" + ��NrcO NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON A Conditional Use (CU) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. 1 PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: i Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use (ACU) Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Administrative Conditional Use Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. - _es - % ` - • -.. NLE . • - . r � �__ J�¢ ,.�per'• ', .[.mA. I • ' yrr /94.41 7 �1/ �+( .t - ,,., • .- eQ � IO p 6 . . - ,/,,y la W .0.... „,, 2,,a ' [iNgw sti-tiel fy- r . , _..1.40•• . .t.;._ t,,,, .,....t v NE• . � y4� , .., p. -, '�^"I li �.• "''� sir';�!i Y%..N '^S #` , IL Nitq,.,t7-,_;, E.'.4 :-.--. ��• s-off �r:.'d• F � �y� ♦ y� A� N "# ICI 1%, •jr.,,e`lit“.p• ` ,4', 'IT glisq -411:•cr' Ami °� W r-C1 F !!, a 9 ��' 7, NE P•' . :p ill 'o `= 1" �L >te' sF> 1n .- • • 1 I �r •. ':;fir .��jq�� ,Cw► x ,1 �;�E.�M . nary .� 1 7tit Y r§' 3. t" - I GENMALOT.DOC '-; Z K • .`� �;.rr r: • i ,9 rd ! i ] !iTIOE PENDING APPLICATION PROJECT NAMEINUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD I LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services(PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-loot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use(ACU)Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: • Building Permit Preliminary Plat Short Plat • XXXX Conditional Use Permit -Rezone Site Plan Approval (Admin.) _Environmental Review _Shoreline Conditional Use _Other Permit -Fill 8 Grade Permit _Shoreline Substantial -Other Development Permit The application can be reviewed In the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. • Comments will be accepted any time prior to Environmental Review Committee(ERC)meetings,Public Hearings,during Public Hearings,or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application,or If you wish to be . made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications,please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. c R 4i „hy b:_.1-.t y',III r§hi;yr.p1;' • ,. • B___ 7 I'L-y .ff ', ,.f G,,7,9• .. - =•:z.1). ' t • � Pt\t ! t'V• • I-ii.?.!.''!. i :� ' Tfir.: rrrar9't77 .3716- . • fig. • Y_ P ;y 1 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION. . CERTIFICATION • i, Sail I/' •)a,C_SU ' . hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were•posted&by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on - Apri ► l9l, Iiior/ Signed: Ctytct,u), 9a,iok4/h . - STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING • ) • - I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that jANI)y • .74-6/4.0 ✓ . signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volunlkir‘).�a'tfopthe uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. :.- ,.:�•*46�c�o'•,`'� Dated: ' qq/ ilL -NotaryPu• mand � the S a ).AtltH .- n e Notary (Print) MA, 7`?7' e kt- M-i — My appointment expires: /a q/912 NO TAR Y•DOC ., INCITICE- . PENDING APPLICATION PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: GTE PCS ON NE SUNSET BOULEVARD/LUA-97-048,ACU DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to develop a Personal Communication Services (PCS) facility consisting of two radio equipment cabinets and a 40-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas. Project requires an Administrative Conditional Use(ACU)Permit. GENERAL LOCATION: 2806 NE Sunset Boulevard PUBLIC APPROVALS: Building Permit Preliminary Plat Short Plat XXXX Conditional Use Permit Rezone Site Plan Approval (Admin.) Environmental Review Shoreline Conditional Use Other Permit Fill&Grade Permit Shoreline Substantial Other Development Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted any time prior to Environmental Review Committee(ERC)meetings,Public Hearings,during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications,please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. J a y I; .I •' I • 4 _. fir _I % � � OMI h'�ii�i�j°G'a�L�d il /44. =:..,0,i'''',',, ' •Mil .1-43F A rg.:. ,! 0., . ,, !aiiikiWy 1 Et -17, Nitsrilw _ _ 19.7 ..� r• t,u ' . u' I ; law " z74,3 5 y z7 y ` 4 JJ I O ° An• ® 4L l? ., e 'rit,.• LAN".,'."• :Ai, 1Zs ,.K# .4.1 rN. ., y• ,4i i j l .,,,.., . I ; • •,, • w y .r a,... N to� I O 4 . • �� s ' y . ® p G 1-:,.1 IP ti: �� � � � r i , LLi i 117 It riff*,. ',/ ".. t* ...1 .ft.,..„0-i, 6 J ar tiw T2.' o ,,IEm,,,r.ik,c.71 r rstk ,, Li di , 32 4.rt_do %., ,, ,;I .,, ep.e..12 -- 14 ...,,,v4,0,,..„,i, 1,1_411 ,. ..1 . v_ii , , ii�! t� PLEASE INCLUDE PROJECT°NUMBER<WHEN CALLING:;FOR°PROPER:FILE:;IDENTIFICATION�>;€;`;:_:;'»: CITE OF RENTON ..LL I Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P E.,Administrator April 17, 1997 • Mr. Paul lnghram JM Consulting Group, Inc. 500- 108th avenue NE, Suite 1150 Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: GTE PCS on NE Sunset Boulevard Project No. LUA-97-048,ACU Dear Mr. The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application for a Conditional Use (CU) Permit is complete according to submittal requirements and,therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at 277-6186, if you have any questions. Sirlcer‘ly, 6AAkir..?11„,r rd IMAZI /fifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Greater Hi-Lands Ltd. Partnership/Owners ACCPTLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 F �� C ' RENTON Consulting Group, Inc. CfTY OF RECF_luS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS APR 1 a 1997 April 16, 1997 DEVtd_c)r:vuz.nsii �`g-tvAL0=0 DIVISION Laureen Nicolay Associate Planner 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Re: GTE Wireless Application at 2806 NE Sunset Blvd. Dear Ms. Nicolay: Personal wireless service towers less than sixty feet in height that are located in commercial, industrial, manufacturing, forest or agricultural zones are exempt for RCW 43.21C.030 per Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2828 passed during the 1996 regular session of the Washington State Legislature and signed by Governor Lowry March 30, 1996. I have enclosed a copy of the bill. I hope this clarifies why SEPA is not needed for our application. Pleage call if you have any questions. Sincerely, JM Consulting Group, Inc. c"?...1 C6Q---1----N Paul Inghram Planner 1 Seattle Office:500 108th Avenue NE,Suite 1150 • Bellevue,Washington 98004 • Telephone:(206)637-8650 • Fax:(206)637-8651 Offices in:Seattle,San Francisco,San Jose,Santa Barbara,Long Beach,Irvine,Carlsbad and San Diego )05/09/96 15:15 FAX 206 467 8408 ATER WYNNE Z1003 . .. APR. 05 ' 96 (FRI) 12:33 COD EVI BER 3eo 4ea PAGE. i • /Vr" . Post•It"Fax No 7671 Dee t sass 4 ::'' pan • . "=r— CA • • Co, W� t .1 Phone aR Phone* � _ v Fix� J�7" "' Fax* �a4 '` S t4. CERTIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT c .. . fry%, ` X.; ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2828 i' •I• • II • Chapter 323, Laws of 199E • . 11 54th Legislaturle ' 1996 Regular Session • • s • EFFECTIVE DATE: June 6, 1996 :• Palmed by the House March 6, 1996 CERTIFICATE Yeas 71 Naye 23 I, Timothy Ag Martin, Chief Clerk of • Che House of Representatives of the •16514.-Q.S2414Q1._ thane of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is Speaker o he ENGROSSED SUSOTITUTS HOUSE SILL 2828 Eons* of Representatives as passed by the Nouse of Representatives and the senate on the dates hereon set forth. 'Mooed by the Senate March 7, 1996 i 36 Na I www::74,0444mail II :ttAezp6i,:.....h.._....__ ,i - � � i • President of the Senate Chief Clerk i FILED i Approved March 30, 1996 ' MAR 2 0 1996 . 3,.. Time • ' 4 • • Secretary of Seats Govern r of the Stet sahington State of Washington . it , i!tom,. ,05/09/96 15:15 FAX 206 487 8406 ATER WYNNE [a004 A?R 05 ' 96 (FRI) 12:33 COL ..-MISER 360! 4B0 FAGS. 2 • ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE ROUSE RIIr\L 2528 . AS AMENDED BY THE SENATE • Passed Legislature - 1996 Regular Session • State of Washington 54th Legislature 1996 Regular Sessio• ay House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored b Representative Crouse) Read first time 02/0S/96. 1 AN ACT Relating to personal wireless service facilities; adding 2 new section to chapter 43 .21C RCW; adding a new section to chapte • 3 80.36 RCW: adding a new section to chapter 19.27A RCW; adding a ne 4 section to chapter 70.92 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 43 .70 R 5 and creating a new section. 6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OE THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 7 * *J s CT off:. 6e0. 1. The legislature Untie that concerns ha 8 been raised over possible health effects from exposure to tome wireless 9 telecommunications facilities', and that exposures from these faciliti= 10 .should be kept as low as reasonably'achievable while still allowing t • ].1 operation of these. network. The legislature further finds that t 12 •department'cf health should serve as the state agency that follows t e 13 issues and compiles information pertaining to potential health effec•s 14 from wireless telecommunications facilities. 15 ECTION4 Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 43 .21C RI 16 to read as follows: ' f • 05/09/96 15: 16 FAX 206 467 8406 ATER WYNNE [JO05 MPR 05 ' 96 (FRI) 12 :34 COD ?VI BER 360 480 PACE. 3 (1) Decisions pertaining to applications to site personal wireles . 2 service facilities are not subject to the requirements of R 3 43 . 21C. 030 (2) (c) , if those facilities meet the following requirements (a) (i) The facility to be sited is a microcell and is to b 5 attached to an existing structure that is not a residence or school am.; 6 does not contain, a residence or a school; or (ii) the facility include. 7 personal wireless service antennas, other than a microcell, and is t.. 8 be attached to an existing structure (that may be an existing tower 9 that is not a residence or school and does not contain a residence o 10 a school, and the existing structure to which it is to be attached i = 11 located in a commercial, industrial, manufacturing, forest, o 12 agricultural zone; or (iii) the siting project involves constructing 13 personal wireless service tower less than sixty feet in height that i = 14 located -in a commercial, industrial, manufacturing, forest, o 15 agricultural zone; and 16 (b) The project is not in a designated .environmentally sensitiv- 17 area; and 18 (c) The project does not consist of a series of actions : (i) Som- • 19 of which are not categorically exempt; or (ii) that together may hav- 20 a probable significant adverse environmental impact . 21 (2) The department of ecology shall adopt rules to create 22 categorical exemption for microcelis and other personal wireless 23 service facilities that meet the conditions set forth in subsection (1 24 of this section, 25 (3) For the purposes of this section: 26 (a) "Personal wireless services" means commercial mobile services 27 unlicensed wireless services, and common carrier wireless exchang' 28 access services, as defined by federal laws and regulations . 29 (b) "Personal wireless service facilities" means facilities for th= 30 provision of personal wireless services , 31 (c) "Microcell" means a wireless communication facility consistin. 32 of an antenna that is either: (i) Four feet in height and with an are, 33 of not more than five hundred eighty square inches; or (ii) if 34 tubular antenna, no more than four inches in diameter and no more tha 35 six feet in length. • 36 NEW SEC IQN Sec. 3 . A new section is added to chapter 80 .36 RC 37 to read as follows : , 05/09/96 15:18 FAX 208 467 8406 ATER WYNNE. 008 ' , • APB- 05 96 (FRI) 12:34 COD; VIER 360 48o PAGE. 4 1 (1) If a personal wireless service provider applies to site severa 2 microcells in a single geographical area: 3 (a) If one or more of the microcells are not exempt from th • 4 requirements of RCW 43 .21C.030 (2) (c) , local governmental entities ar 5 encouraged: (i) To allow the applicant, at the applicant' s discretion 6 to file a single set of documents required by chapter 43 ,21C RCW tha. 7 will apply to all the microcells to be sited; and (ii) to rende 8 decisions under chapter 43 .21C RCW regarding all the microcells in 9 single administrative proceeding; .and 10 (b) Local governmental entities are encouraged: (i) To allow th;. 11 applicant, at the •applicant' s discretion, to file a single set a 12 documents for land use permits that will apply to all the microcells t•' 13 be sited; and (ii) to render decisions regarding land use permits fo 14 all the microcells in a mingle administrative proceeding, 15 (2) For the purposes of this section: 16 (a) "personal wireless services" means commercial mobile services 17 unlicensed wireleSs services, and common carrier wireless exchang= 18 access services, as defined by federal laws and regulations. 19 (b) "Microcell" means a wireless communication facility consistin•: 20 of an antenna that is either: (i) Four feet in height and with an are 21 of not more than -five hundred eighty square inches; or (ii) if 22 tubular antenna, no more than four inches in diameter and no more tha 23 six feet .in length. 24 M.—S CTT Sea. 4•. Anew section is added to chapter 19 .27A R • 25 to read as follows : a6 (1) The state building code council shall exempt equipment shelter= 27 of personal wireless service facilities from building envelop- 28 insulation requirements. ' 29 (2) For the purposes of this section, "personal wireless servic• 30 facilities" means facilities for the provision of personal wireles= 31 services. 32 NEW SECTION. See. S. . A new section is added to chapter 70 . 92 R 33 to read as follows: 34 (1) The state building code council shall amend its rules unde 35 chapter 70 .92 RCW, to the extent practicable while still maintainin: 36 the certification of those regulations under the federal Americans wit . 37 disabilities act, to exempt personal wireless services equipmen . 05/09/96 15:17 FAX 206 467 8408 ATER WYNNE 007 APR- 05 96 (FAI) 12:35 CODE VISER 3605 400 PAGE. 5 1 shelters, or the room or enclosure housing equipment for persona 2 wireless service facilities, that meet the following conditiIons: (a 3 The shelter is not staffed; and (b) to conduct maintenance- activities 4 employees who visit the shelter must be able to climb. 5 (2) For the purposes of this section, "personal wireless servic- 6 facilities" means facilities for the provision of personal wireles= 7 services . 8 EW §ECTTQ ,. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 43 .70 R 9 to read as follows; 10 When funds are appropriated for this purpose, the department shall 11 conduct a survey of scientific literature regarding the possible healt . 12 effects of human exposure to the radio frequency part of th 1.3 electromagnetic spectrum (3001.1z to 30041.12) . The department shall 14 submit the e•urvey.reaults to the legislature, prepare a summary of tha 15 survey, and make the summary available to the public. The departmen 16 shall update the survey and summary periodically. `` 17 „kw SECTION. See. 7. A new section is added to chapter 43 .70 R 18 to read as follows; 19 Unless this section is preempted by applicable federal statutes, 20 ' the department may require that in residential zones or areas, all 21 providers of personal wireless services, as. defined in section 1 ci 22 this act, provide random test results on power density analysis for t - 23 provider' s licensed frequencies showing radio frequency levels befo - 24 and after development of the personal wireless service anten 25 facilities, following national standards or protocols of the federal 26 communications commission or other federal agencies . This sectio, . 27 shall not apply to microcells as defined in section 3 of this act . T = 28 department may adopt rules to implement this section. I ... END M r ..:..:.................. 11111.13111 ..............:::. ........... .....::.:::.::::. .... ...::,..:..:. FELOPMENT S RVICES DIVISION• • ...........:..:..:.:...................................................:............. :.. • :..: ..::....:::::..:.:..........:.:..:::::..:::::..:..:::::•?:::•i'i?::::::::::::::w::::::::.:�::.::�:.iw::.�:::::v::.�._:::::v:::.:�:::._:::................:........:::.v:.�::::...:.... • • 'Nhoottaer i<YeF<t Ore:"4.4ali ctka atin o faer i. 'o. e. i °.'.a ac. a..:n:..add.:....o:..:a:., . EXISTING LAND USE(S): .- : ..::: : ..NAME: Greater Hi -Lands Ltd . Partnersh ' p Commercial /retail operations . ( MorrisPiha Management Group ) • ADDRESS: 3650 131 s t Avenue SE , Suite 205 PROPOSED LAND USES: Bellevue , WA 98006-1334 Addition of a PCS wireless facility . CITY: ZIP: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( 206 ) 643-9002 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: . .. /AP...L.CANNo change . NAME: Paul Inghram JM Consulting Group , Inc . EXISTING ZONING: Suburban Center • ADDRESS: 500 108th Ave NE , Suite 1150 PROPOSED ZONING: CITY: Bellevue , WA ZIP: 98004 No change . SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( 206 ) 635-5829 7 . 6 Acres PROJECT VALUE: • � �JC O O PROJECT OR:•DEVEMENT.NAME: 5 0 '0 0 0 OL LOP / . W A 0.1'4 8. GTE ,P E,S" Site a t 2 8 0 6 NE IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? -S:ij ise`t�97-.v Y5— Z PROPERTh`%PROjECt AC)GRESS(S)7LOCATION: ' ``':28676)Ek S,u`rts"et• Blvd . IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? Re KING COUNTY!dSSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): N 0 , ,,EivEr) 722780_1405=04 APR 7 �S 1997 722780 1205 06 722780-1206-05 GiNO ryowi aptly I ..f, 1." :;>:<::>::>:: ;:::<::>::::::><:::>::<>:::::: :;. . : :> A ache .ara e°e:t;';if>n "cessa ............... : : .:::....:::.::..:.:::::.:LEGAL.:DES.CRI:PTI, :.O.F::P.RO.PERTY::.(..:..t�.:...:.::.:::.:..p.::::::::1 .:,:::.:::�::::::::.:::::::::.�:._:::::::::::.Yl.:�.�::::::::....::::.::.............. , '.;0 A r-ce-c,%l G.C3 . C }} :: :::.�::.: :}:ti•:•:•ii;.;{.}:tiffSi:b::•i:::(:{}ii:i:i+ti•.::::. ? ::{i'�':::S:::::(.ir:iiii!ii:i}::::i::�::i::-L;•i:'i':!;i;:::::;:v:.:i:ii::.:•.Y..:.i:;:}:;;:,..}.��.::. ':i:Xi:::• :i ::.. 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YDS: 1 PLANNED',,UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ _ FINAL ' _WETLAND PERMIT $ _ ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ ' MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ , _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ .' _VARIANCE $ • _ EXEMPTION $No Charge — ENVIROINMENTAL REVIEW $__, _ REVISION' $ I VT<:OF�':;OW.NERS. .. . . .............................................. .... :.:....................................................+...... ;.........i............e...... attach roof of authorizati I, (Print Name) I PAN..t— 1N RI odec area tha fl am (please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application, the act for the r t (pleaseon), and that the foregoing statements and ans rs herein authorized representative toproperty iy P contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. `i',�,� �1i , ,. ,i -AA ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me,.a Notary.Public, in and C�+i for the Stat of laillg,4119%, residing at (Name of Ow -r/Representative) , on the Life-day of 4 pp 19�, v✓` _ (Signature of Ownef;epresentative) _ ig ature'of N ry P 4Itc)�, • a .41:$ :cr : :.1 :: om .le e.d_:b. C t ::Sta -... .. ff.>>;:>:><:>:«<>:>:<:>: < >:< }i > >::>;::>:.:: ...:::::....::. .. . :: . :. :-�::> ..:';>;';<;:>.::�:::�::::.;:«:>::>::»:>:>:: .;' :::<:> ... ..::. HpL.:::.0 :.�::�.LA.....P.P.....�F�:.:.TP. Sp.::::R..:MP.::..............:. :::: .:..: ....... .CI . ..Flte::N'umber... :.:�'�....:..:.:.�...... :..::::::.::::EeF.::::SA::.::R:::::s.....:......... :;:>:.: SP»:>a:;<><::CP > �� ;>> »:::111>>> <> � <> » >> » <<>>>: ::::.::::..:::.:....:................. ... . ... . . ..::::. ::::.:. ....r.. .. ...........................T. .TAL:.P...OSTA.GE:.)yR .1/lb.6611';.: �.�.' ..4:. :;:;::;:.:.;:.:>:<•>;;::.>:.;:.:>: ::: s:.;:.::. >;::: REVISED 2/95 DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. 336359-5 } THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BLOCKS 39 AND 43 , CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO. 2, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 57 OF PLATS, PAGES 92 THROUGH 98, INCLUSIVE, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH VACATED 11TH PLACE NORTH (SUNSET LANE NORTHEAST) AS VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 1830, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 5323954 ; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID BLOCK 39 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SAID BLOCK; THENCE NORTH 35°42'00" EAST, ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE THEREOF, 125. 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 54°35'42" WEST; PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK, 90.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 35°42'00" WEST, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK, 125.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK; THENCE SOUTH 54°35'42" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, 90.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID BLOCK 43 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF "K" STREET (KIRKLAND AVENUE NORTHEAST) AND THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF 12TH AVENUE NORTHEAST (NORTHEAST 12TH STREET); THENCE NORTH 88°57'15" WEST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY MARGIN 151.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°02'45" WEST 214. 05 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF VACATED 11TH PLACE NORTH; THENCE NORTH 65°55'13" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY MARGIN, 190.65 FEET TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF "K" STREET; THENCE NORTHERLY, ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 361.72 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 125.41 FEET; THENCE, CONTINUING ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, NORTH 01°08'15" EAST 9.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. (CONTINUED) PAGE 2 OF 14 / (IP THE DESCRIPTION CAN BE ABBREVIATED AS SUGGESTED BELOW IF NECESSARY TO MEET STANDARDIZATION REQUIREMENTS. THE FULL TEXT OF THE DESCRIPTION MUST APPEAR IN THE DOCUMENT(S) TO BE INSURED. BLOCKS 39 AND 43, CORRECTED PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS NO. 2, VOL. 57, P. 92-98. PAGE 3 OF 14 -mow - �_- - - fU Project Narrative RE: WA0148 GTE PCS Site at 2806 Sunset Blvd. GTE, represented by JM Consulting Group, Inc. (JMCG), requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a Personal Communications Services (PCS) facility to be located at the Highlands Shopping Center, at 2806 Sunset Blvd., in Renton. The proposed facility is an effort by GTE to provide complete coverage throughout their wireless communications network. The proposal calls for the construction of two radio equipment cabinets and a forty foot antenna support pole with an array of twelve panel antennas. The site is zoned Center Suburban and is part of the commercial neighborhood along Sunset Blvd. The site is part of a commercial/retail center containing several commercial uses and associated parking. The site is relatively flat, is not near a body of water or wetlands, and contains minimal vegetation. The entire parcel is approximately 324,960 SF. The specific location of the proposed facility is next to and behind an existing commercial building that is approximately 25 feet in height. This location was chosen to shield the facility from public view while minimizing its impact on the current business operations of the commercial area. The project area is paved with asphalt and is surrounded on three sides by an existing chain-link fence. Power lines, approximately 40 feet in height, lie directly adjacent to the proposed location. The facility will be located approximately 330 feet from the front property line (minimum setback by Code is 15 feet) and 165 feet from Harrington Place NE that runs along the rear side of the commercial property. Each of the two radio equipment cabinets, containing radio transmission and receiving equipment as well as electrical backup batteries, measures approximately 8 feet long by 6 feet high by 2.5 feet wide. The antenna support pole will be a galvanized steel pole, 40 feet in total height, with a triangular platform at the top. The antennas will be organized in three sectors (four antennas per sector); each antenna is approximately 53 inches by 6 inches. Each sector is approximately 13 feet wide. Please refer to the attached site plans and elevations. The facility will include a 250 SF concrete foundation to support the equipment cabinets and the antenna support pole. The facility will be located in an area that is currently asphalt; it is already an impervious surface area, so no new impervious surface will be added to the site. The height of the monopole was specifically chosen to be the lowest height possible while providing signal coverage over the majority of existing structures in the area. A six foot chain link fence will be added to the open side in the existing fence restricting unauthorized access to the support pole. There Atrimiverill be one APR 1 4 1997 DEVELOPMENT oF NR T1 ONN PLANNING maintenance visit per month. The PCS facility will operate and be monitored twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. APR 10 '97 17:00 TO-96378651 FROM-MORRIS PIHA MANAGEMENT T-915 P.02/02 F-428 APR, -10' 97(THU) 15:23 J M GONS'__. ..1G GROUP TEL:206-637. l P, 002 • 2806 Sunset Blvd. ADDRESS o J PROPERLY Renton,WA 98056 CITY STATE ZIP h 1‘1(CIU ._,,. .hereby and/or the agent of the ro certify that I am an/the Owner p perty which is the subject of this application for permit or approval. I further certify that I am authorized by any and all owners of the property to authorize GTE Mobiinet Incorporated to apply for and obtain approval for this permit or approval and the items contained within the permit application. GTE Mobilnet Incorporated is the "applicant" for this permit or approval and shall remain the "applicant" for the duration of this permit or approval unless'a subsequent written certification is provided. I ce that the foreg is true and correct. /SILL&GNAW ATESIGNED nEceivEn " + 14 1997 ucvtLOPMENT CITY OF RENTON • R•,96% 911a ao,7 OQMI nA_... n., ,,. . JUSTIFICATION FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST Comprehensive Plan Sections of the Renton Comprehensive Plan have been addressed per the direction of Renton Planning Staff: Policy LU-10 The proposed facility will be located behind an existing commercial building and within an area surrounded on three sides by an existing fence. Additional landscaping will not further screen the facility and may impact the existing commercial operations. Landscaping will be provided if requested by the City of Renton. Policy LU-30 The proposed facility has been located and designed to minimize aesthetic impacts to the community while providing a valuable communication service. Policy U-100 The proposed facility has been located on commercial property in the Center Suburban zone and with a reduced height so as to not impact residential neighborhoods. The facility will not impact streams or wet lands, cause erosion or otherwise be a determent to the natural environment. Policy U-101 The specific location was chosen behind and to the side of existing structures to minimize visual impact while also minimizing impact on existing commercial operations. The height of the facility is limited to forty feet to provide just enough height to allow coverage of the area while minimizing visual impact. No structures in the immediate vicinity were of an appropriate height to attach to. Community Need JMCG knows of no other communication facilities in the immediate vicinity of the proposed facility. Allowance of the proposed facility will not result in a concentration of a particular use. The proposed location is part of a commercial area, with commercial zoning. The specific location of the facility is behind existing commercial structures so as to shield the facility from public view. The facility is not adjacent to a residence. Effect on Adjacent Properties The proposed facility is surround by commercial uses. RECEIVE APR. 14 7997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON REVIEW CRITERIA Lot Coverage The proposal does not include any new buildings, only equipment and the support pole. Therefore, it will not change the amount of lot coverage from the existing. Yards Zoning requires a fifteen foot front yard setback. The facility will be set back more than 165 feet from the street. Height Zoning allows a maximum height of fifty feet. Additional height may be approved through a conditional use permit. The maximum height of the proposed facility is forty feet. • Compatibility The facility is proposed for a commercial area so as to not impact residential neighborhoods. Further, the facility is positioned behind existing structures to avoid impacts the commercial area. Parking The proposed facility will not displace parking or require additional parking. It will typically require one maintenance visit per month. Traffic The proposed facility will typically require one maintenance visit per month. Impact on traffic will be minimal. Noise, Glare The proposed facility will not create any new noise or glare. Landscaping The project area is surrounded by an existing building and fencing. Accessory Uses RECEWW N/A. APR 1 4 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON fl Conversion The proposed facility will not convert any existing structures on site. Public Improvements The proposed facility will not create an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities or services. The proposed facility will add to the areas telecommunications capabilities. j /A Consulting Group, Inc. TELECOMMUNICATIONS NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: April 14, 1997 DELIVERED BY: TO: Development Services HAND XX City of Renton MAIL PICK-UP OVERNIGHT FROM: Erik Farstad RE: Application for Administrative Conditional Use Permit THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ENCLOSED: Eleven (11) Master Application Form (with legal description) One (1) Authorized signature from property owner One (1) Set of mailing labels Two (2) Lists of Surrounding Property Owners One (1) Check for $1,000 for CUP fee One (1) Check for $25.92 for postage Eleven (11) Copies of the Project Narrative Eleven (11) Neighborhood Detail Maps Eleven (11) Sets of Site Plans and Elevations One (1) Reduced plan set and PMT reduction Eleven Eleven (11) Copies of Justification and Review Criteria APB 1 1997 PURPOSE/COMMENTS: DEVELoP1,1ENT P CITY OFRN oNNNING GTE is in the process of notifying the FAA. GTE is willing to authorize Renton to charge for a limited amount of overtime work to expedite permit processing. Seattle Office:500 108th Avenue NE,Suite 1150 • Bellevue,Washington 98004 • Telephone:(206)637-8650 • Fax:(206)637-8651 Offices in:Seattle,San Francisco,San Jose,Santa Barbara,Long Beach,Irvine,Carlsbad and San Diego **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 04/14/97 15 :47 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9702267 Amount : 1, 000 . 00 04/14/97 15 :45 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #5148 JM CONSULT Init : LMN Project # : LUA97-048 Type : LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 722780-1235 Site Address : 2806 NE SUNSET BL Total Fees : 1, 025 . 92 This Payment 1, 000 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 1, 025 . 92 Balance : . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0006 Conditional Use Fees 1, 000 . 00 **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 04/14/97 15 :47 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9702268 Amount : 25 . 92 04/14/97 15 :46 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #5153 JM CONSULT Init : LMN Project # : LUA97-048 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No : 722780-1235 Site Address : 2806 NE SUNSET BL Total Fees : 1, 025 . 92 This Payment 25 . 92 Total ALL Pmts : 1, 025 . 92 Balance : . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 25 . 92