HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/11/2023 - Minutes Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION 4:30 PM - Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Conferencing Center, 7th Floor, City Hall - 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 or via Zoom 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Al Dieckman called the regular Parks Commission meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present In-person: Cynthia Burns, Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Marlene Winter Members Present via Zoom: Tim Searing, Troy Wigestrand Member(s) Absent: Christine Santos (excused) City Staff Present In-person: Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director; Erica Schmitz, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director, Jennifer Spencer, Recreation Manager; Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant Cynthia Burns moved to excuse Christine Santos, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Marlene Winter motioned to approve the agenda as presented, motioned seconded, all in favor, motion carried. b) Cynthia Burns motioned to approve the March 14, 2023 meeting minutes. Amendments to the March meeting include clarifying that the May Creek Corridor topic in section 6.b. will be in the ‘May’ meeting not ‘next’ as it wasn’t included in the April agenda; in Section 7.c. the 2 fountains at Piazza Park should be referenced and recommended as a priority to keep in the Piazza Park in the Downtown Civic Core Vision plan, and correcting typos in the date of the meeting on page 1 header and ‘park’ in Section 9.b. Cynthia Burns changed her motion to approve the March 14, 2023 meeting minutes, with amendments as noted, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 4. PUBLIC / AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION a) None. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) Parking situation at Sunset Neighborhood Park is limited for the excessive number of guests who drive there to enjoy the park and the current area construction contributes to parking limitations as well. Parks Commission Meeting April 11, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). b) Trails on east side of I-405 in the NE 44th Street construction area, coming out behind McDonalds, may be impacted by a large construction site. Erica will research this and report back. May Creek Trail/Park could be added to the May meeting site tour. 6. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS a) Tour Sites – Erica Schmitz Cleveland Property, Edlund Property, Talbot Hill Reservoir Park and May Creek were discussed. Decided to move the May Creek site tour to the June meeting . Board comment that the Springbrook Trail fencing is in need of repair. Parks maintenance will check it out. b) Board Member Assignments – Erica Schmitz Discussion on having board members visit predetermined parks prior to a Parks Commission meeting for discussion and board input. Erica will provide the boa rd with a list of suggested prompts for looking at the parks. Discussion resulted in limiting the assignments to: visiting 1-2 identified parks, no assignments prior to months when the agendas are site tours, and the board’s follow-up comments on the parks would be limited to 15-20 minutes on the meeting agendas. Board is interested in learning history of the parks or park naming, as it’s available and possibly have board members coordinate with staff to learn history/interesting park facts to then share out at future meetings. Assignments will be determined at a future meeting. c) Events Update – Jennifer Spencer 2023 City events list for was provided and reviewed with the board. Informational only. Volunteer opportunities list will be provided to the board. 7. ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT a) Coulon Park Projects Update – current details are also available at www.rentonwa.gov/currentprojects No completion date yet for Trestle Bridge replacement. Approximately May – June completion of the North Water Walk replacement. No completion date yet for Kiwanis Park and Philip Arnold Park will be completed late Summer 2023. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Park Rules and Regulations Briefing – Final update of Park Rules and Regulations is pending Legal and City revision of ‘camping in parks’ rule, then will be brought to the board for review and recommendation. 9. ADJOURNMENT a) Cynthia Burns motioned to adjourn, motioned seconded, all in favor, motion carried at 6:02 pm. The next Parks Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. Minutes approved by: ParksCommissionMeetingApril11,2023Page3of3At1(1(1,Recorder:AlDieckman,ChairDateRobertaGraverApril11.2023WheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TDD)or425-430-6600(voice). PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL AREAS PLAN | 179 APPENDIX A: PARK AND FACILITY INVENTORY Appendix A1 - City Inventory Park Acres Status Diamond  Shaped  Fields Rectangular  Fields Multi‐ Purpose  Fields Tennis  Courts Basketball  Courts Play Eqpt. Open Lawn Trail/ Access Picnic  Shelter Swimming Outdoor  Restrooms Indoor  Restrooms Rentable  Space Programmable  Space Parking  Spaces Parking  Area (SF)Misc. Facilities Recreation Center Building  Type** Neighborhood Park Burnett Linear Park*1.1 Developed Yes Yes Trail, Plaza Cascade Park 11.1 Developed Yes Yes Trails Cleveland Richardson Property 23.8 Future Park Earlington Park*1.5 Developed 1 Yes Yes Edlund Property 17.7 Future Park Glencoe Park*0.5 Developed Yes Yes Heritage Park 9.2 Developed 1 0.5 Yes Yes 115 3,000 Soft‐surface loop trail and paved loop trail Jones Park 1.1 Developed Yes Yes 1 Trail Kennydale Beach Park***1.3 Developed Yes Beach 1 12 2,700 Kennydale Lions Park 5.5 Developed 1 1 Yes Yes 1 38 26,000 Neighborhood Kenyon Dobson 2.2 Future Park Kiwanis Park 9.0 Developed 1 2 1 Yes Yes 1 53 25,000 Neighborhood Maplewood Park 2.0 Developed 1 1 Yes 1  May Creek Park 16.6 Future Park North Highlands Park and Neighborhood Center 2.6 Developed 1 Yes Yes 1 16 12,600 Meadow Crest Accessible Playground: Fully inclusive playground developed in partnership on  City and Renton School District Owned property Neighborhood Parkwood South Div #3 Park*0.6 Future Park Philip Arnold Park 11.1 Developed 121YesYes 1 1155 27,000 Neighborhood Riverview Park 12.1 Developed Yes 1132 21,500 Canoe launch, Interpretive trail SE 186th Place Properties*0.6 Future Park Sunset Neighborhood Park 3.2 Developed Yes Yes Yes 1 Fitness, Regional Stormwater Facility, Interpretive Signage, Mist Feature Talbot Hill Reservoir Park 2.6 Developed 3 Yes Portable 14 8,500 Tennis practice board; 3 Pickleball courts Thomas Teasdale Park 9.7 Developed 1 1 Yes Yes 1 1 47 23,000 Neighborhood Tiffany Park 6.7 Developed 1 2 1 Yes Yes 1 33 10,700 Neighborhood Windsor Hills Park 4.6 Developed 0.5 Yes Yes 156.3 0 0 710816164 5 1 9 4 9 6 305 160,000 Community Park Cedar River Park 20.6 Developed 1YesAquatic Center 2 373 150,000 Community Center, Theatre Cedar River Trail Park 15.1 Developed Yes 1 1 127 86,750 Small boat launch, Boathouse Highlands Park and  Neighborhood Center 10.8 Developed 1 1 2 2 Yes 1 25 33,000 Safe route to school Neighborhood Liberty Park 10.6 Developed 2 3 1 Yes Yes 12168 50,000 Skatepark, Grandstand Administration Building N.A.R.CO Property 24.0 Future Park Dog Park (Temporary) Ron Regis Park 43.4 Developed 1 1 2 1 Yes Portables 115 50,000 Two Future Park field spaces are currently used, one as a practice field and one as a temporary  cricket pitch 124.5 4 1 4543352 1 6 13 2 808369,750 Regional Park  Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park*** 51.3 Developed 2 0 Yes Yes 4Beach4 390 275,000 Two restaurants (one with separate restrooms); Eight lane boat launch; boat launch parking ‐  123 stalls; Day moorage with six finger piers; Waterwalk with two floating picnic pads;  Swimming beach with waterwalk; Picnic pavilion; Bathhouse with concession stand, restrooms;  Five wooden bridges; Fishing pier with shelter; Canoe launch with wooden float; Sailing club;  Two sand volle yball courts; Horseshoe court. 51.3 0 0 0201114 1 4 01 0 390275,000 Special Use Park Community Garden/Greenhouse 0.6 Developed Maplewood Golf Course 192.3 Developed 3 191 70,000 30 stall heated driving range, restaurant, lounge, banquet facility and pro shop Maplewood Roadside Park 1.0 Developed Yes 32 Cedar River Trail access Piazza & Gateway 0.9 Developed Yes Plaza Senior Activity Center Property 2.8 Developed 1 100 26,700 Patio, Fountain Senior Center  Sit In Park***0.5 Developed  Tonkin Park 0.2 Developed Yes Bandstand Veterans Memorial Park 0.2 Developed 198.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 4 3 1 323 96,700 Natural Area Black River Riparian Forest 93.3 Natural Area 3 660 Cedar River Natural Area 264.2 Natural Area  Honey Creek Greenway 43.0 Natural Area  Lake Street Open Space 0.3 Natural Area May Creek Greenway 42.0 Natural Area Soft surface loop trail and interpretive signage Panther Creek/Edlund Property 3.7 Natural Area Panther Creek Wetlands 69.0 Natural Area Renton Wetlands 139.2 Natural Area Boardwalk Springbrook Watershed 52.2 Natural Area Tiffany Park / Cascade Park Connection 4.8 Natural Area 711.7 0 0 0000050 0 0 0 0 0 3660 Corridor Cedar River Trail Corridor (City Owned) 1.8 Developed  1.8 0 0 0000010 0 0 00 0 00 TOTAL PARKS AND NATURAL AREAS 1,244.1 4 1 11 17 12 20 23 19 11 3 19 9 16 9 1,829 902,110 * Parks that have been provisionally classified even though they do not meet minimum size or other design guidelines *** Developed Park Area not entirely under fee simple ownership Subtotal Neighborhood Park Subtotal Community Park Subtotal Open Space Park Subtotal Special Use Park Subtotal Corridors Subtotal Regional Park Renton_ParkInventory 111819 Table A.1 - City Inventory 116th Ave NESE 208th StE Mercer WayTalbot Rd SNewcastle G o l f C l u b R d SW 27th St SE 168th St SE Petrovitsky Rd S 133rd St 124th Ave SENE 4th St East Valley RdR e n t o n A v e S 156th Ave SE164th Ave SESW Grady Way SE 192nd St W M e r c e r W a y Puget Dr SEBenson D r S SW 7th St Lake Wa sh ing ton B lvd NW Valley HwyHoquiam Ave NESE Petr o v i t s k y R d LakeWashington Lake Youngs Cedar R i v e r Panther Lake Lake Boren May Creek Springbrook Creek Cedar R ive r Honey DewSchool RentonHigh School LindberghHigh School Fred NelsenMiddle School Cascade ElementarySchool Sierra HeightsElementary School Benson HillElementary School John McknightJr High School Renton TechnicalCollege Renton ParkElementary Talbot HillElementarySchool Tiany ParkElementary School HighlandsElem School Maple HeightsElementary School Early ChildhoodLearning Center SartoriElementary School HazenHigh School KennydaleElementary School New HorizonSchool St. Anthony'sSchoolBlack RiverRiparian Forest SpringbrookWatershed Panther CreekWetlands RentonWetlands RentonWetlands Panther CreekWetlands May CreekGreenway Honey CreekGreenway Cedar RiverNatural Area Ron RegisPark MaplewoodGolf Course Gene CoulonMemorial Beach Park EdlundProperty CascadePark Cleveland /Richardson Property KiwanisPark Cedar RiverTrail Park HeritagePark PhilipArnold Park TianyPark SpringbrookTrail ThomasTeasdale Park Highlands Park andNeighborhood Center KennydaleLions Park WindsorHills Park EarlingtonPark North Highlands Park andNeighborhood Center SpringbrookTrail KennydaleBeach Park May Creek Park N.A.R.COProperty KenyonDobson Property CedarRiver Park LibertyPark RiverviewPark Tiany Park / CascadePark Connection MaplewoodPark Talbot HillReservoir Park JonesPark Senior ActivityCenter Property Sit InPark GlencoePark ParkwoodSouth Park SE 186th PlaceProperties BurnettLinear Park Lake StreetOpen Space TonkinPark MaplewoodRoadside Park Piazza & Gateway Veterans Memorial Park Sunset NeighborhoodPark RentonMunicipalAirport §¨¦405 §¨¦405 FAIRWOOD KING COUNTY TUKWILA KENT NEWCASTLE MERCER ISLAND Meadow CrestAccessible Playground Other Park and Recreation Facilities Parks Provided by Others Schools Sources: City of Renton and King County GIS, 2019. September, 2019. Renton Park and Recreation Facilities Regional Park Community Park Neighborhood Park Open Space Trail Corridor Special Use Future Park Base Map Features Renton City Boundary Potential Annexation Areas 0 0.5 10.25 Mile Existing Renton Parks, ° Recreation, and Natural Areas