HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/13/2023 - Minutes June 13, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION 4:30 PM - Tuesday, June 13, 2023 Council Conferencing Center, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER Chair Dieckman called the Parks Commission meeting to order at 4:32 p.m. ROLL CALL In Person: Board Members: Al Dieckman, Chair Cynthia Burns Larry Reymann Christine Santos Tim Searing Troy Wigestrand Marlene Winter Staff: Kelly Beymer, Parks and Recreation Administrator Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director Erica Schmitz, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant Jessie Kotarski, Economic Development Manager Virtual: Board Members: Troy Wigestrand Guests: Lesley Bain, Principal & Co-founder, Framework Cultural Placemaking Bobo Cai, Project Manager Sarah Lukins, Planner/Urban Designer Board Members Absent: None CONSENT AGENDA June 13, 2023 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES a) Approval of Agenda MOTIONED BY BURNS, SECONDED BY SEARING. CARRIED. b) Approval of the Parks Commission, April 11, 2023 meeting minutes. MOTIONED BY SEARING, SECONDED BY BURNS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. NEW BUSINESS • Member Burns gave reminder of the Family First Community Center Open House, Friday, June 16th, 4:30pm and mentioned the Renton City Band's Juneteenth's Concert was really good. • Member Reymann mentioned that he and Don Hunsaker will be at the Senior Center's Juneteenth luncheon, June 16th representing the Environmental Science Center to connect the guests to the Center's offerings. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEMS a) Arts and Culture Plan for Renton - Jessie Kotarski introduced Lesley Bain, Principal & Co- founder, Framework Cultural Placemaking, Bobo Cai, Framework Project Manager, and Sarah Lukins, Framework Planner/Urban Designer who will be working with the Municipal Arts Commission to update the commission's Arts & Culture Master Plan. The guests asked for input from the Parks Commission board members for feedback on how art is and can be implemented in city parks. Kelly Beymer and board members shared how there are various forms of art in parks and that new interpretative signage/kiosks will be implemented at the Coulon Park Trestle Bridge, May Creek and other places. The design stage of two new parks will start this year, so incorporating art in this phase would be beneficial, as it has been in recent park projects, which included partnering with the Municipal Arts Commission to connect with local arts to fulfill this goal. Member Reymann recommended having more First Nations and Black History represented in art in the city and Member Santos recommended bringing in the richness of the current diversity as well. Lesley Bain introduced how this goal can be accomplished through city events as well. Kelly Beymer shared that funding is always an issue but that this topic will be included in upcoming Parks Commission meetings to discuss their goals and priorities for implementing art and culture into city parks and reviewing the current inventory relevancy moving forward. Framework guests look forward to communicating again for further input into the master plan update. b) Bond Projects Update - Erica Schmitz provided an update on current projects. The Trestle Bridge and North Water Walk projects at Coulon Park, Philip Arnold Park are ahead of schedule. While, externally, Kiwanis Park looks done, there remains a few more items to complete before being approved to re-open. c) Board Member Park Survey Follow-up - Board members were surveyed as to which parks they were familiar with and they jointly decided on two of the lesser familiar parks for them to visit on their own between now and the August meeting, to then share out their observations. Staff will provide guidance and history on Earlington Park and the Community Garden/Senior Center Outdoor Fitness area for their observation visits. ADMINISTRATOR’SREPORT•TherewillnotbeJuly4thactivitiesatGeneCoulonMemorialParkthisyear•RentonRiverDayswillbeThursdaythroughSunday,July2Oth-23rd,withactivitiesattheRentonDonPerssonSeniorActivityCenter,LibertyPark,RentonCommunityCenter,andPiazzaPark.OneofmanyhighlightsincludethedonedisplayatPiazzaParkonFridayevening,July21st.UNFINISHEDBUSINESSParkRulesandRegulationscontinuestobeunderreviewanddiscussionbetweenthedepartmentandthelegaldepartmentastherecentMartinvs.Boisedecisionimpactshowthecityparkrulesarewritten,implemented,andenforced.Oncethefinaldraftiscompleted,itwillbebroughttotheParksCommissionforreview.ADJOURN1ENTrSigned:t\Date:____________________AlDieckman,ChairWheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TDD)or425-430-6600(voice).June13,2023REGULARCOUNCILMEETINGMINUTES 1 Roberta Graver From:Roberta Graver Sent:Friday, May 12, 2023 8:43 AM To:ccjrburns1@msn.com; christineksantos@gmail.com; dawgs49@comcast.net; fulmen8@hotmail.com; marlene@marlenewinter.com; tjsearing@outlook.com; Troy Wigestrand (Trand4@Outlook.com) Cc:Kelly Beymer Subject:Park Familarity Based on the little survey/game on the park tour, here’s how the votes tallied. সহ঺঻  Enjoy getting out and enjoying the warm weather this weekend! Maybe swing by a park you’re not so familiar with.    www.rentonwa.gov/findapark    APPENDIX A: PARK AND FACILITY INVENTORY VOTES PER FAMILARITY Park    Acres Status  Neighborhood Park 7 PARK COMMISSIONERS  Burnett Linear Park* 1 1.1 Developed  Cascade Park 3 11.1 Developed  Cleveland Richardson Property   23.8 Future Park  Earlington Park* 1 1.5 Developed  Edlund Property   17.7 Future Park  Glencoe Park* 1 0.5 Developed  Heritage Park 3 9.2 Developed  Jones Park   1.1 Developed  Kennydale Beach Park*** 4 1.3 Developed  Kennydale Lions Park 2 5.5 Developed  Kenyon Dobson   2.2 Future Park  Kiwanis Park 4 9 Developed  Maplewood Park 1 2 Developed  May Creek Park 3 16.6 Future Park  North Highlands Park and  Neighborhood Center 2.6 Developed  Parkwood South Div #3 Park*   0.6 Future Park  Philip Arnold Park 3 11.1 Developed  Riverview Park 4 12.1 Developed  SE 186th Place Properties*   0.6 Future Park  Sunset Neighborhood Park 4 3.2 Developed  Talbot Hill Reservoir Park   2.6 Developed  2 Thomas Teasdale Park 1 9.7 Developed  Tiffany Park   6.7 Developed  Windsor Hills Park 1 4.6 Developed  CEDAR RIVER DOG PARK (TEMP) 2       Subtotal Neighborhood Park   156.3  Community Park    Cedar River Park 5 20.6 Developed  Cedar River Trail Park   15.1 Developed  Highlands Park and Neighborhood  Center  1 10.8 Developed  Liberty Park 3 10.6 Developed  N.A.R.CO Property   24 Future Park  Ron Regis Park 4 43.4 Developed  Subtotal Community Park   124.5  Regional Park    Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park*** 6 51.3 Developed  Subtotal Regional Park   51.3  Special Use Park    Community Garden/Greenhouse   0.6 Developed  Maplewood Golf Course   192.3 Developed  Maplewood Roadside Park 1 1 Developed  Piazza & Gateway   0.9 Developed  Senior Activity Center Property   2.8 Developed  Sit In Park***   0.5 Developed  Tonkin Park   0.2 Developed  Veterans Memorial Park   0.2 Developed  MEADOW CREST PLAYGROUND 2       Subtotal Special Use Park   198.5  Natural Area    Black River Riparian Forest 2 93.3 Natural Area  Cedar River Natural Area   264.2 Natural Area  Honey Creek Greenway 2 43 Natural Area  Lake Street Open Space   0.3 Natural Area  May Creek Greenway 1 42 Natural Area  Panther Creek/Edlund Property   3.7 Natural Area  Panther Creek Wetlands   69 Natural Area  Renton Wetlands   139.2 Natural Area  Springbrook Watershed   52.2 Natural Area  Tiffany Park / Cascade Park Connection   4.8 Natural Area  3 Subtotal Open Space Park   711.7  Corridor    Cedar River Trail Corridor (City Owned) 4 1.8 Developed  Subtotal Corridors   1.8  TOTAL PARKS AND NATURAL  AREAS    1244.1  69     Roberta Graver | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Creating an active, vibrant, connected community! City of Renton Parks and Recreation (425) 430-6604 |rentonwa.gov/parksandrecreation