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RMC ϰ-ϳ-ϬϳϬ FiŶal Shoƌt Plat PƌoĐess
RMC ϰ-ϴ Peƌŵits—GeŶeƌal aŶd Appeals
To eŶsuƌe the pƌoposed laŶd diǀisioŶ is iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ’s adopted staŶdaƌds aŶd ĐoŶsisteŶt ǁith the
appƌoǀed Shoƌt Plat. IŶ additioŶ, fiŶal ƌeǀieǁ is used to ǀeƌifLJ ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith aŶLJ ƌeƋuiƌed ĐoŶditioŶs.
Pƌioƌ to suďŵittiŶg aŶ appliĐatioŶ, the appliĐaŶt should iŶfoƌŵallLJ disĐuss the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt ǁith the PlaŶŶiŶg
DiǀisioŶ. The PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill pƌoǀide assistaŶĐe aŶd detailed iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ the CitLJ’s ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts aŶd
staŶdaƌds. Foƌ fuƌtheƌ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ this ŵeetiŶg, see the iŶstƌuĐtioŶ sheet eŶtitled "Pƌe-AppliĐatioŶ.͟
A Pƌe-Suďŵittal sĐƌeeŶiŶg ŵaLJ ďe ƌeƋuiƌed pƌioƌ to foƌŵal LaŶd Use Reǀieǁ. The sĐƌeeŶiŶg ǁill ďe peƌfoƌŵed
eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ ǀia aŶ FTP liŶk that LJouƌ PƌojeĐt MaŶageƌ ǁill pƌoǀide to LJou. Afteƌ LJou upload LJouƌ suďŵittal doĐuŵeŶts
the PƌojeĐt MaŶageƌ ǁill ƌeǀieǁ the suďŵittal ŵateƌials to eŶsuƌe that ƌeƋuested ƌeǀisioŶs oƌ ŵissiŶg iteŵs haǀe ďeeŶ
updated aŶd/oƌ ĐoƌƌeĐted. If all ƌeƋuiƌed suďŵittal iteŵs aƌe pƌoǀided aŶd Đoŵplete, uŶless ǁaiǀed ďLJ the PƌojeĐt
MaŶageƌ, staff ǁill take iŶ the appliĐatioŶ foƌ offiĐial ƌeǀieǁ.
All doĐuŵeŶts MUST ďe suďŵitted eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ. SpeĐifiĐ file ŶaŵiŶg ĐoŶǀeŶtioŶs foƌ suďŵitted plaŶs aƌe ƌeƋuiƌed to
faĐilitate the eleĐtƌoŶiĐ plaŶ ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess. Failuƌe to adheƌe to the saŵple file ŶaŵiŶg foƌŵat listed iŶ the EleĐtƌoŶiĐ
File StaŶdaƌds ŵaLJ ƌesult iŶ a ƌeƋuest foƌ ƌesuďŵittal aŶd/oƌ delaLJ the plaŶ ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess, deeŵiŶg the appliĐatioŶ
To aĐĐept LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ, eaĐh of the Ŷuŵďeƌed iteŵs ŵust ďe suďŵitted at the saŵe tiŵe. DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ that aŶ
appliĐatioŶ is Đoŵplete iŶdiĐates oŶlLJ that the appliĐatioŶ is ƌeadLJ foƌ ƌeǀieǁ oŶ its ŵeƌits, Ŷot that the CitLJ ǁill ŵake a
faǀoƌaďle deĐisioŶ oŶ the appliĐatioŶ.
AppliĐatioŶs should ďe suďŵitted to CitLJ staff eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ, Ŷot iŶ peƌsoŶ. Please eŵail oƌ Đall LJouƌ assigŶed PƌojeĐt
MaŶageƌ to suďŵit LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ oƌ eŵail deǀelopŵeŶteŶgiŶeeƌiŶg@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ
The aǀeƌage tiŵe fƌaŵe foƌ pƌoĐessiŶg of a Site PlaŶ Reǀieǁ ǀaƌies fƌoŵ ϲ to ϭϮ ǁeeks, depeŶdiŶg oŶ ǁhetheƌ the
deĐisioŶ ŵaLJ ďe ŵade adŵiŶistƌatiǀelLJ ;ϲ to ϴ ǁeeksͿ, ďLJ the HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ ;ϭϮ ǁeeksͿ, oƌ ďLJ the CitLJ CouŶĐil ;ϭϲ
ǁeeksͿ. This tiŵe fƌaŵe assuŵes Ŷo appeals aƌe filed.
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page Ϯ of ϭϴ
AdditioŶal peƌŵits fƌoŵ otheƌ ageŶĐies ŵaLJ ďe ƌeƋuiƌed. It is the appliĐaŶt’s ƌespoŶsiďilitLJ to oďtaiŶ these otheƌ
appƌoǀals. IŶfoƌŵatioŶ ƌegaƌdiŶg these otheƌ ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts ŵaLJ ďe fouŶd at https://apps.oƌia.ǁa.goǀ/opas/
ϭ. CitLJ Staff oƌ otheƌ ageŶĐies ŵaLJ ƌeƋuest additioŶal iŶfoƌŵatioŶ duƌiŶg the ƌeǀieǁ aŶd deĐisioŶ-ŵakiŶg pƌoĐess.
Ϯ. It is iŵpoƌtaŶt that the appliĐaŶt suďŵit the ƌeƋuested ŵateƌial ƋuiĐklLJ to aǀoid delaLJs iŶ the pƌoĐess.
ϯ. AŶLJ tiŵe speŶt gatheƌiŶg data aŶd/oƌ additioŶal ĐitLJ ƌeǀieǁ peƌiod ǁill iŶĐƌease the tiŵe ƌeƋuiƌed to pƌoĐess the
The suďŵittal ĐheĐklist is Ŷot aŶ edžhaustiǀe list of suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts aŶd ŵaLJ ďe ŵodified iŶ Đases ǁheƌe
additioŶal iŶfoƌŵatioŶ is ƌeƋuiƌed to Đoŵplete the ƌeǀieǁ of aŶ appliĐatioŶ. The appliĐaŶt should ĐoŶtaĐt the assigŶed
PƌojeĐt MaŶageƌ, if theƌe aƌe aŶLJ ƋuestioŶs ƌegaƌdiŶg suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts.
All AppliĐatioŶ Mateƌials ReƋuiƌed UŶless Waiǀed ďLJ CitLJ Staff
ϭ. Pƌe-AppliĐatioŶ MeetiŶg SuŵŵaƌLJ: If the appliĐatioŶ ǁas ƌeǀieǁed at a ͞pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg͟.
Ϯ. Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ: A Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ ǁill ďe pƌoǀided to LJou ďLJ CitLJ Staff duƌiŶg the Pƌe-Suďŵittal Reǀieǁ. The Waiǀeƌ
Foƌŵ should ďe suďŵitted ǁith the laŶd use appliĐatioŶ.
ϯ. LaŶd Use Peƌŵit Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ Foƌŵ: The staŶdaƌdized appliĐatioŶ foƌŵ used foƌ the ŵajoƌitLJ of laŶd use
peƌŵit appliĐatioŶs iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, the folloǁiŶg:
a. OǁŶeƌ, appliĐaŶt, aŶd ĐoŶtaĐt peƌsoŶ Ŷaŵes, addƌesses aŶd telephoŶe Ŷuŵďeƌs;
ď. Notaƌized sigŶatuƌes of all ĐuƌƌeŶt pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs;
Đ. Naŵe of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
d. PƌojeĐt/pƌopeƌtLJ addƌess;
e. KiŶg CouŶtLJ Assessoƌ’s tadž aĐĐouŶt Ŷuŵďeƌ;
f. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed laŶd uses;
g. EdžistiŶg aŶd, if appliĐaďle, pƌoposed CoŵpƌeheŶsiǀe PlaŶ ŵap desigŶatioŶ;
h. EdžistiŶg aŶd, if appliĐaďle, pƌoposed zoŶiŶg desigŶatioŶ;
i. Site aƌea;
j. Estiŵated pƌojeĐt Đost;
k. Whetheƌ oƌ Ŷot the pƌojeĐt site ĐoŶtaiŶs aŶLJ eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtallLJ seŶsitiǀe aƌeas; aŶd
l. PƌopeƌtLJ legal desĐƌiptioŶ.
Note: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust haǀe Ŷotaƌized sigŶatuƌes of ALL ĐuƌƌeŶt pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs listed oŶ the Title Repoƌt. If
the pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌ is a ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ, the authoƌized ƌepƌeseŶtatiǀe ŵust attaĐh pƌoof of sigŶiŶg authoƌitLJ oŶ ďehalf
of the ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ. The legal desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌopeƌtLJ ŵust ďe attaĐhed to the appliĐatioŶ foƌŵ.
ϰ. Fees: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust ďe aĐĐoŵpaŶied ďLJ the ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fee ;see Fee SĐhedule BƌoĐhuƌeͿ.
Please Đall ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ to ǀeƌifLJ the edžaĐt aŵouŶt ƌeƋuiƌed. CheĐks should ďe ŵade out to the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ aŶd
ĐaŶŶot ďe aĐĐepted foƌ oǀeƌ the total fee aŵouŶt. Cƌedit Đaƌds ŵaLJ also ďe used to paLJ ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fees.
ϱ. PƌojeĐt Naƌƌatiǀe: A Đleaƌ aŶd ĐoŶĐise desĐƌiptioŶ aŶd suŵŵaƌLJ of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt, iŶĐludiŶg the
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϯ of ϭϴ
a. PƌojeĐt Ŷaŵe, size aŶd loĐatioŶ of site;
ď. ZoŶiŶg desigŶatioŶ of the site aŶd adjaĐeŶt pƌopeƌties;
Đ. CuƌƌeŶt use of the site aŶd aŶLJ edžistiŶg iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts;
d. SpeĐial site featuƌes ;i.e., ǁetlaŶds, ǁateƌ ďodies, steep slopesͿ;
e. StateŵeŶt addƌessiŶg soil tLJpe aŶd dƌaiŶage ĐoŶditioŶs;
f. Pƌoposed use of the pƌopeƌtLJ aŶd sĐope of the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt ;i.e., height, sƋuaƌe footage, lot
Đoǀeƌage, paƌkiŶg, aĐĐess, etĐ.Ϳ;
g. Pƌoposed off-site iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts ;i.e., iŶstallatioŶ of sideǁalks, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, seǁeƌ ŵaiŶ, etĐ.Ϳ;
h. Total estiŵated ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ Đost aŶd estiŵated faiƌ ŵaƌket ǀalue of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
i. Estiŵated ƋuaŶtities aŶd tLJpe of ŵateƌials iŶǀolǀed if aŶLJ fill oƌ edžĐaǀatioŶ is pƌoposed;
j. Nuŵďeƌ, tLJpe aŶd size of tƌees to ďe ƌeŵoǀed;
k. EdžplaŶatioŶ of aŶLJ laŶd to ďe dediĐated to the CitLJ; aŶd
l. Foƌ shoƌeliŶe appliĐatioŶs oŶlLJ:
• Naŵe of adjaĐeŶt ǁateƌ aƌea oƌ ǁetlaŶds,
• Natuƌe of edžistiŶg shoƌeliŶe – desĐƌiďe:
TLJpe of shoƌeliŶe ;i.e., lake, stƌeaŵ, lagooŶ, ŵaƌsh, ďog, floodplaiŶ, floodǁaLJͿ;
TLJpe of ďeaĐh ;i.e., aĐĐƌetioŶ, eƌosioŶ, high ďaŶk-loǁ ďaŶkͿ;
TLJpe of ŵateƌial ;i.e., saŶd, gƌaǀel, ŵud, ĐlaLJ, ƌoĐk, ƌipƌapͿ; aŶd
The edžteŶt aŶd tLJpe of aŶLJ ďulkheadiŶg, aŶd
• The Ŷuŵďeƌ aŶd loĐatioŶ of stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd/oƌ ƌesideŶtial uŶits ;edžistiŶg aŶd poteŶtialͿ ǁhiĐh ŵight
haǀe ǀieǁs oďstƌuĐted as a ƌesult of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt; aŶd
ŵ. The pƌoposed Ŷuŵďeƌ, size, aŶd deŶsitLJ of the Ŷeǁ lots, foƌ suďdiǀisioŶ appliĐatioŶs oŶlLJ.
ϲ. EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal CheĐklist: The staŶdaƌd State of WashiŶgtoŶ foƌŵ ƌeƋuiƌed uŶdeƌ WAC ϭϵϳ-ϭϭ-ϳϰϮ aŶd ϭϵϳ-ϭϭ-
ϳ. Site PlaŶ: A siŶgle fullLJ diŵeŶsioŶed plaŶ sheet dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁeŶtLJ feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬ'Ϳ ;oƌ
otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ DiƌeĐtoƌ oƌ desigŶeeͿ ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐatiŶg the folloǁiŶg:
a. Naŵe of pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
ď. Date, sĐale, aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ oƌieŶted to the top of the plaŶ sheet;
Đ. DƌaǁiŶg of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ ǁith all pƌopeƌtLJ liŶes diŵeŶsioŶed aŶd Ŷaŵes of adjaĐeŶt stƌeets;
d. Widths of all adjaĐeŶt stƌeets aŶd alleLJs;
e. The loĐatioŶ of all edžistiŶg puďliĐ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, Đuƌďs, gutteƌs, sideǁalks,
ŵediaŶ islaŶds, stƌeet tƌees, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, utilitLJ poles, etĐ., aloŶg the full pƌopeƌtLJ fƌoŶtage;
f. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes, paƌkiŶg aŶd loadiŶg aƌeas, dƌiǀeǁaLJs,
edžistiŶg tƌees oŶ aŶd aďuttiŶg the site, edžistiŶg oƌ pƌoposed feŶĐiŶg oƌ ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁalls, fƌeestaŶdiŶg sigŶs,
easeŵeŶts, ƌefuse aŶd ƌeĐLJĐliŶg aƌeas, fƌeestaŶdiŶg liƋuid fidžtuƌes, utilitLJ juŶĐtioŶ ďodžes, puďliĐ utilitLJ
tƌaŶsfoƌŵeƌs, stoƌage aƌeas, ďuffeƌ aƌeas, opeŶ spaĐes, aŶd laŶdsĐaped aƌeas;
g. The loĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of Ŷatuƌal featuƌes suĐh as stƌeaŵs, lakes, ŵaƌshes aŶd ǁetlaŶds. IŶĐlude
ďouŶdaƌies of utilitLJ, opeŶ spaĐe, aŶd/oƌ ĐƌitiĐal aƌea;sͿ tƌaĐts, sƋuaƌe footage, aŶd puƌpose stateŵeŶt of
eaĐh tƌaĐt. CleaƌlLJ deliŶeate the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea aŶd ďuffeƌ ďouŶdaƌies ǁithiŶ the tƌaĐt aŶd iŶdiĐate a
REF. A101
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diŵeŶsioŶ foƌ ďuffeƌ ǁidth;
h. OƌdiŶaƌLJ high ǁateƌ ŵaƌk, edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed, aŶd Ŷaŵe of ǁateƌ ďodLJ if appliĐaďle;
i. Foƌ ǁiƌeless ĐoŵŵuŶiĐatioŶ faĐilities, iŶdiĐate tLJpe aŶd loĐatioŶs of edžistiŶg aŶd Ŷeǁ plaŶt ŵateƌials used
to sĐƌeeŶ faĐilitLJ ĐoŵpoŶeŶts aŶd the pƌoposed Đoloƌ;sͿ foƌ the faĐilitLJ;
j. A legeŶd listiŶg the folloǁiŶg ŵust ďe iŶĐluded oŶ oŶe of the site plaŶ sheets:
• Total sƋuaƌe footage of the site,
• SƋuaƌe footage ;ďLJ flooƌ aŶd oǀeƌall totalͿ of eaĐh iŶdiǀidual ďuildiŶg aŶd/oƌ use,
• Total sƋuaƌe footage of all ďuildiŶgs ;footpƌiŶt of eaĐh ďuildiŶgͿ,
• PeƌĐeŶtage of lot Đoǀeƌage,
• SƋuaƌe footage of all laŶdsĐapiŶg ;total, paƌkiŶg lot, aŶd ǁildlife haďitatͿ,
• Alloǁaďle aŶd pƌoposed ďuildiŶg height,
• BuildiŶg setďaĐks ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ Code,
• Pƌoposed ďuildiŶg setďaĐks,
• PaƌkiŶg aŶalLJsis, iŶĐludiŶg:
Nuŵďeƌ of stalls ƌeƋuiƌed, ďLJ use; Ŷuŵďeƌ of stalls pƌoǀided, ďLJ use,
Sizes of stalls aŶd aŶgles,
LoĐatioŶ aŶd Ŷuŵďeƌ of haŶdiĐap stalls, ĐoŵpaĐt, eŵploLJee aŶd/oƌ guest paƌkiŶg stalls,
LoĐatioŶ aŶd size of Đuƌď Đuts,
TƌaffiĐ floǁ ǁithiŶ the paƌkiŶg, loadiŶg, aŶd ŵaŶeuǀeƌiŶg aƌeas aŶd iŶgƌess aŶd egƌess,
LoĐatioŶ of ǁheel stops,
LoadiŶg spaĐe,
StaĐkiŶg spaĐe,
LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of ďiĐLJĐle ƌaĐks, Đaƌpool paƌkiŶg spaĐes, aŶd otheƌ faĐilities desigŶed to
aĐĐoŵŵodate aĐĐess to the site,
SƋuaƌe footage of iŶteƌioƌ paƌkiŶg lot laŶdsĐapiŶg;
k. FootpƌiŶt of all pƌoposed ďuildiŶgs shoǁiŶg the loĐatioŶ of ďuildiŶg eŶtƌaŶĐes, ǁiŶdoǁ opeŶiŶgs, aŶd
laŶdsĐape featuƌes ;ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ UƌďaŶ CeŶteƌ DesigŶ OǀeƌlaLJ DistƌiĐt ƌeǀieǁ paĐket oŶlLJͿ;
l. FootpƌiŶt of all aďuttiŶg aŶd adjaĐeŶt ďuildiŶgs shoǁiŶg the loĐatioŶ of ďuildiŶg eŶtƌaŶĐes, ǁiŶdoǁ
opeŶiŶgs, aŶd laŶdsĐape featuƌes ;ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ UƌďaŶ CeŶteƌ DesigŶ OǀeƌlaLJ DistƌiĐt ƌeǀieǁ paĐket oŶlLJͿ;
ŵ. Foƌ ŶoŶĐoŶfoƌŵiŶg use oƌ stƌuĐtuƌe ƌeďuild appƌoǀal peƌŵits: dƌaǁ oŶ the sĐaled plaŶ the edžaĐt sizes aŶd
loĐatioŶs of edžistiŶg stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd uses, ǁhetheƌ daŵaged oƌ Ŷot; ǁƌite oŶ the sĐaled plaŶ the dates these
stƌuĐtuƌes/uses ǁeƌe estaďlished; oŶ a sepaƌate sheet, ideŶtifLJ the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ, aďuttiŶg lots aŶd
ďuildiŶgs aŶd list adjaĐeŶt aŶd aďuttiŶg laŶd uses.
ϴ. DeŶsitLJ Woƌksheet: This ĐaŶ ďe fouŶd oŶ the CitLJ’s ǁeďsite: https://edoĐs.ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/DoĐuŵeŶts/
ϵ. EaseŵeŶts, EdžistiŶg: A ƌeĐoƌded doĐuŵeŶt ďLJ the pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌ gƌaŶtiŶg oŶe oƌ ŵoƌe pƌiǀileges to use the
oǁŶeƌ’s laŶd to aŶd/oƌ foƌ the use ďLJ the puďliĐ, a ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ oƌ aŶotheƌ peƌsoŶ oƌ eŶtitLJ. EaseŵeŶts ŵaLJ ďe
ƌefeƌeŶĐed ďLJ pƌopeƌtLJ deed aŶd aƌe ideŶtified iŶ the pƌopeƌtLJ title ƌepoƌt.
ϭϬ. CoǀeŶaŶts, EdžistiŶg: The ƌeĐoƌded liŵitatioŶ oŶ pƌopeƌtLJ ǁhiĐh ŵaLJ ďe set foƌth iŶ the pƌopeƌtLJ deed aŶd/oƌ
REF Title report & DOD
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϱ of ϭϴ
ideŶtified iŶ a title ƌepoƌt.
ϭϭ. CoŶstƌuĐtioŶ MitigatioŶ DesĐƌiptioŶ: Please pƌoǀide a ǁƌitteŶ Ŷaƌƌatiǀe addƌessiŶg eaĐh of the folloǁiŶg:
a. Pƌoposed ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ dates ;ďegiŶ aŶd eŶd datesͿ
ď. Houƌs aŶd daLJs of opeƌatioŶ
Đ. Pƌoposed hauliŶg/tƌaŶspoƌtatioŶ ƌoutes
d. Measuƌes to ďe iŵpleŵeŶted to ŵiŶiŵize dust, tƌaffiĐ aŶd tƌaŶspoƌtatioŶ iŵpaĐts, eƌosioŶ, ŵud, Ŷoise, aŶd
otheƌ Ŷodžious ĐhaƌaĐteƌistiĐs
e. AŶLJ speĐial houƌs pƌoposed foƌ ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ oƌ hauliŶg ;i.e. ǁeekeŶds, late ŶightsͿ
f. PƌeliŵiŶaƌLJ tƌaffiĐ ĐoŶtƌol plaŶ
Note: If LJouƌ pƌojeĐt ƌeƋuiƌes the use of ĐƌaŶes, please ĐoŶtaĐt the CitLJ’s Aiƌpoƌt MaŶageƌ at ϰϮϱ- ϰϯϬ-ϳϰϳϭ to
deteƌŵiŶe ǁhetheƌ Fedeƌal AǀiatioŶ AdŵiŶistƌatioŶ ;FAAͿ ŶotifiĐatioŶ ǁill ďe ƌeƋuiƌed.
ϭϮ. Title Repoƌt: A doĐuŵeŶt pƌepaƌed ďLJ a title iŶsuƌaŶĐe ĐoŵpaŶLJ doĐuŵeŶtiŶg the oǁŶeƌship aŶd title of all
iŶteƌested paƌties iŶ the plat, suďdiǀisioŶ, oƌ dediĐatioŶ aŶd listiŶg all eŶĐuŵďƌaŶĐes. IŶ the Đase of a fiŶal plat, the
ĐeƌtifiĐate shall ďe dated ǁithiŶ foƌtLJ fiǀe ;ϰϱͿ daLJs pƌioƌ to the appƌoǀal of the fiŶal plat.
ϭϯ. Dƌaft HoŵeoǁŶeƌs’ AssoĐiatioŶ DoĐuŵeŶts, if appliĐaďle
ϭϰ. Dƌaft Legal DoĐuŵeŶts: Please pƌoǀide aŶLJ pƌoposed stƌeet dediĐatioŶs, ƌestƌiĐtiǀe ĐoǀeŶaŶts, oƌ aŶLJ otheƌ
legal doĐuŵeŶts peƌtaiŶiŶg to the deǀelopŵeŶt aŶd use of the pƌopeƌtLJ.
ϭϱ. Legal DesĐƌiptioŶ
ϭϲ. Neighďoƌhood Detail Map: Please pƌoǀide a ŵap, dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" =
ϭϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁo huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬϬ'Ϳ ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ DiƌeĐtoƌ oƌ
desigŶeeͿ. The ŵap shall shoǁ the loĐatioŶ of the suďjeĐt site ƌelatiǀe to the pƌopeƌtLJ ďouŶdaƌies of the
suƌƌouŶdiŶg paƌĐels ǁithiŶ appƌodžiŵatelLJ oŶe thousaŶd feet ;ϭ,ϬϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ appƌodžiŵatelLJ tǁo thousaŶd fiǀe huŶdƌed
feet ;Ϯ,ϱϬϬ'Ϳ foƌ pƌopeƌties oǀeƌ fiǀe ;ϱͿ aĐƌes aŶd ideŶtifLJiŶg the suďjeĐt site ǁith a daƌkeƌ peƌiŵeteƌ liŶe thaŶ that
of suƌƌouŶdiŶg pƌopeƌties. The ŵap shall also shoǁ the pƌopeƌtLJ’s lot liŶes, edžistiŶg laŶd uses, ďuildiŶg outliŶes,
CitLJ ďouŶdaƌies of the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;if appliĐaďleͿ, Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ ;oƌieŶted to the top of the plaŶ sheetͿ, gƌaphiĐ
sĐale used foƌ the ŵap, aŶd CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;Ŷot KiŶg CouŶtLJͿ stƌeet Ŷaŵes foƌ all stƌeets shoǁŶ. Please eŶsuƌe all
iŶfoƌŵatioŶ fits oŶ a siŶgle ŵap sheet.
ϭϳ. RezoŶe, VaƌiaŶĐe, ModifiĐatioŶ, oƌ CoŶditioŶal Use JustifiĐatioŶ: Please ĐoŶtaĐt the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ to
deteƌŵiŶe ǁhetheƌ LJouƌ pƌojeĐt pƌoposal tƌiggeƌs aŶLJ additioŶal laŶd use peƌŵits. If so, additioŶal iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ŵaLJ
ďe ƌeƋuiƌed.
ϭϴ. AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal EleǀatioŶs: Please pƌoǀide eleǀatioŶs foƌ eaĐh ďuildiŶg aŶd eaĐh ďuildiŶg faĐe ;N,S,E,WͿ, of a Ϯϰ͟
dž ϯ6͟ fullLJ-diŵeŶsioŶed aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal eleǀatioŶ plaŶ dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of ϭ/ϰ͟ = ϭ’ oƌ ϭ/8͟ = ϭ’ ;oƌ otheƌ size oƌ sĐale
appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶͿ. The plaŶs ŵust ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐate the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ the ͞Peƌŵits͟
seĐtioŶ of the ĐuƌƌeŶtlLJ adopted UŶifoƌŵ BuildiŶg Code aŶd RCW ϭϵ.Ϯϳ ;State BuildiŶg Code AĐt, Stateǁide
aŵeŶdŵeŶtsͿ, iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to the folloǁiŶg:
a. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed gƌouŶd eleǀatioŶs;
ď. EdžistiŶg aǀeƌage gƌade leǀel uŶdeƌŶeath pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe;
Đ. Height of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes shoǁiŶg fiŶished ƌooftop eleǀatioŶs ďased upoŶ site eleǀatioŶs
foƌ pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd aŶLJ edžistiŶg/aďuttiŶg stƌuĐtuƌes;
d. BuildiŶg ŵateƌials aŶd Đoloƌs iŶĐludiŶg ƌoof, ǁalls, aŶLJ ǁiƌeless ĐoŵŵuŶiĐatioŶ faĐilities, aŶd eŶĐlosuƌes;
e. FeŶĐe oƌ ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁall ŵateƌials, Đoloƌs, aŶd aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal desigŶ;
f. AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal desigŶ of oŶ-site lightiŶg fidžtuƌes; aŶd
REF. A500's
Conditional use justification, Street modification justification and Conditional Use checklist provided.
REF Title report & DOD
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϲ of ϭϴ
g. Cƌoss-seĐtioŶ of ƌoof shoǁiŶg loĐatioŶ aŶd height of ƌooftop eƋuipŵeŶt ;iŶĐludiŶg aiƌ ĐoŶditioŶeƌs,
Đoŵpƌessoƌs, etĐ.Ϳ aŶd pƌoposed sĐƌeeŶiŶg.
h. ReƋuiƌed foƌ the UƌďaŶ CeŶteƌ DesigŶ OǀeƌlaLJ DistƌiĐt ƌeǀieǁ paĐket.
• IdeŶtifLJ ďuildiŶg eleǀatioŶs ďLJ stƌeet Ŷaŵe aŶd oƌieŶtatioŶ, i.e., BuƌŶett Aǀe. ;ǁestͿ eleǀatioŶ.
• Shoǁ the loĐatioŶ of ƌoofliŶes, dooƌs aŶd ǁiŶdoǁ opeŶiŶgs.
• IŶdiĐate tLJpiĐal detailiŶg aƌouŶd dooƌs, ǁiŶdoǁs aŶd ďalĐoŶies iŶdiĐatiŶg fiŶishes, Đoloƌ aŶd ƌefleĐtiǀitLJ
of glaziŶg.
• IdeŶtifLJ offsets iŶ ǁalls iŶteŶded to ŵeet the ŵiŶiŵuŵ ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts foƌ ďuildiŶg ŵodulatioŶ
iŶdiĐatiŶg the aŵouŶt of offset.
• Shoǁ oŶ eaĐh eleǀatioŶ aŶLJ ƌoof top eleŵeŶts suĐh as ŵeĐhaŶiĐal aŶd eleǀatoƌ peŶthouses that
pƌotƌude aďoǀe the paƌapet oƌ peŶetƌate the ƌoof aŶd ǁould ďe ǀisiďle fƌoŵ otheƌ ďuildiŶgs of the
saŵe height.
• Photogƌaphs of pƌoposed ŵateƌials fƌoŵ ŵaŶufaĐtuƌeƌs’ Đatalogues. A ŵateƌials ďoaƌd shoǁiŶg aĐtual
ŵateƌials aŶd Đoloƌs ƌefeƌeŶĐed oŶ the aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal eleǀatioŶs is ƌeĐoŵŵeŶded.
i. ReƋuiƌed foƌ shoƌeliŶe peƌŵits:
• IŶĐlude ŵeasuƌeŵeŶts of the edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed eleǀatioŶs of the stƌeaŵ, ƌiǀeƌ, oƌ lake ďottoŵ iŶ
ƌelatioŶship to the pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe, if the pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe is loĐated fullLJ oƌ paƌtiallLJ iŶ, oƌ oǀeƌ,
the ǁateƌ.
• PƌojeĐts edžĐeediŶg thiƌtLJ fiǀe feet ;ϯϱ'Ϳ iŶ height ŵust deŵoŶstƌate ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith the height
ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt iŶ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϵϬDϳa
ϭϵ. LaŶdsĐapiŶg PlaŶ, CoŶĐeptual: A fullLJ diŵeŶsioŶed plaŶ, pƌepaƌed ďLJ a laŶdsĐape aƌĐhiteĐt ƌegisteƌed iŶ the
State of WashiŶgtoŶ, a Đeƌtified ŶuƌseƌLJŵaŶ, oƌ otheƌ siŵilaƌlLJ Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal, dƌaǁŶ at the saŵe sĐale as
the pƌojeĐt site plaŶ ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌͿ,
ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐatiŶg the folloǁiŶg:
a. Date, gƌaphiĐ sĐale, aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ;
ď. LoĐatioŶ of pƌoposed ďuildiŶgs, paƌkiŶg aƌeas, aĐĐess aŶd edžistiŶg ďuildiŶgs to ƌeŵaiŶ;
Đ. Naŵes aŶd loĐatioŶs of aďuttiŶg stƌeets aŶd puďliĐ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts, iŶĐludiŶg easeŵeŶts;
d. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed ĐoŶtouƌs at fiǀe foot ;ϱ'Ϳ iŶteƌǀals oƌ less;
e. LoĐatioŶ, size, aŶd puƌpose of plaŶtiŶg aƌeas, iŶĐludiŶg those ƌeƋuiƌed iŶ RMC ϰ-ϰ-ϬϳϬ, LaŶdsĐapiŶg, aŶd
those ƌeƋuiƌed iŶ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϵϬ, ShoƌeliŶe Masteƌ Pƌogƌaŵ RegulatioŶs;
f. LoĐatioŶ aŶd height foƌ pƌoposed ďeƌŵiŶg;
g. LoĐatioŶ aŶd eleǀatioŶs foƌ aŶLJ pƌoposed laŶdsĐape-ƌelated stƌuĐtuƌes suĐh as aƌďoƌs, gazeďos, feŶĐiŶg,
h. LoĐatioŶ, size, spaĐiŶg aŶd Ŷaŵes of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed shƌuďs, tƌees, gƌouŶd Đoǀeƌs, aŶd deĐoƌatiǀe
ƌoĐkeƌLJ oƌ like laŶdsĐape iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶ ƌelatioŶship to pƌoposed aŶd edžistiŶg utilities; aŶd
i. The loĐatioŶ, size aŶd speĐies of all pƌoteĐted tƌees oŶ site. PƌoteĐted tƌees shall haǀe the appƌodžiŵate dƌip
liŶe shoǁŶ ;see RMC ϰ-ϰ-ϭϯϬ, Tƌee ReteŶtioŶ aŶd LaŶd CleaƌiŶg RegulatioŶsͿ. ;Oƌd. ϱϭϬϬ, ϭϭ-ϭ-ϮϬϬϰ; Oƌd.
ϱϯϬϰ, ϵ-ϭϳ-ϮϬϬϳ; Oƌd. ϱϲϯϯ, ϭϬ-Ϯϰ-ϮϬϭϭ; Oƌd. ϱϲϳϲ, ϭϮ-ϯ-ϮϬϭϮͿ
ϮϬ. LaŶdsĐapiŶg PlaŶ, Detailed: A fullLJ diŵeŶsioŶed plaŶ, pƌepaƌed ďLJ a laŶdsĐape aƌĐhiteĐt ƌegisteƌed iŶ the State
of WashiŶgtoŶ, a Đeƌtified ŶuƌseƌLJŵaŶ, oƌ otheƌ siŵilaƌlLJ Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal, dƌaǁŶ at the saŵe sĐale as the
pƌojeĐt site plaŶ ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌͿ, ĐleaƌlLJ
iŶdiĐatiŶg the folloǁiŶg:
REF. L-2
REF. L-4
UPLOAD DOCUMENT :19_ 20 _ P_ Landscape Plan-230924_v1
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϳ of ϭϴ
a. Date, gƌaphiĐ sĐale, aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ;
ď. LoĐatioŶ of pƌoposed ďuildiŶgs, pƌopeƌtLJ liŶes, ǁalks, paƌkiŶg aƌeas, aĐĐess, aŶd edžistiŶg ďuildiŶgs to
Đ. Naŵes aŶd loĐatioŶs of aďuttiŶg stƌeets aŶd puďliĐ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts, iŶĐludiŶg easeŵeŶts;
d. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed ĐoŶtouƌs at fiǀe foot ;ϱ'Ϳ iŶteƌǀals oƌ less;
e. Detailed gƌadiŶg plaŶ;
f. LoĐatioŶ, diŵeŶsioŶs, aŶd puƌpose of all plaŶtiŶg aƌeas ;the ǁidth of a laŶdsĐapiŶg aƌea ǁheŶ Đuƌďed shall
ďe ŵeasuƌed fƌoŵ iŶside to iŶside of the ĐuƌďsͿ iŶĐludiŶg those ƌeƋuiƌed iŶ RMC ϰ-ϰ-ϬϳϬ, LaŶdsĐapiŶg;
g. LoĐatioŶ aŶd height foƌ pƌoposed ďeƌŵiŶg;
h. LoĐatioŶs, eleǀatioŶs, aŶd details foƌ aŶLJ pƌoposed laŶdsĐape-ƌelated stƌuĐtuƌes suĐh as aƌďoƌs, gazeďos,
feŶĐiŶg, etĐ.;
i. LoĐatioŶ, size, spaĐiŶg aŶd Ŷaŵes of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed shƌuďs, tƌees, gƌouŶd Đoǀeƌs, aŶd deĐoƌatiǀe
ƌoĐkeƌLJ oƌ like laŶdsĐape iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶ ƌelatioŶship to pƌoposed aŶd edžistiŶg utilities;
j. The loĐatioŶ, size aŶd speĐies of all pƌoteĐted tƌees oŶ site. PƌoteĐted tƌees shall haǀe the appƌodžiŵate dƌip
liŶe shoǁŶ ;see RMC ϰ-ϰ-ϭϯϬ, Tƌee ReteŶtioŶ aŶd LaŶd CleaƌiŶg RegulatioŶsͿ;
k. Naŵes of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed ǀegetatioŶ; aŶd
l. Detailed plaŶtiŶg plaŶ ;soil ŵidž, plaŶtiŶg depth aŶd ǁidth, aŶd ďaƌk ŵulĐh depthͿ.
Ϯϭ. Flooƌ PlaŶs: A ďasiĐ liŶe dƌaǁiŶg plaŶ of the geŶeƌal ďuildiŶg laLJout shoǁiŶg ǁalls, edžits, ǁiŶdoǁs, aŶd
desigŶated uses iŶdiĐatiŶg the pƌoposed loĐatioŶs of kitĐheŶs, ďaths aŶd flooƌ dƌaiŶs, ďedƌooŵs aŶd liǀiŶg aƌeas,
ǁith suffiĐieŶt detail foƌ CitLJ staff to deteƌŵiŶe if aŶ oil/ǁateƌ sepaƌatoƌ oƌ gƌease iŶteƌĐeptoƌ is ƌeƋuiƌed aŶd to
deteƌŵiŶe siziŶg of side seǁeƌ.
ϮϮ. TopogƌaphLJ Map: A ŵap shoǁiŶg the edžistiŶg laŶd ĐoŶtouƌs usiŶg ǀeƌtiĐal iŶteƌǀals of Ŷot ŵoƌe thaŶ fiǀe feet
;ϱ'Ϳ. Foƌ aŶLJ edžistiŶg ďuildiŶgs the ŵap shall shoǁ the fiŶished flooƌ eleǀatioŶs of eaĐh flooƌ of the ďuildiŶg.
Ϯϯ. Tƌee ReteŶtioŶ/LaŶd CleaƌiŶg ;Tƌee IŶǀeŶtoƌLJͿ PlaŶ: A Đoŵpleted tƌee ƌeteŶtioŶ ǁoƌksheet aĐĐoŵpaŶied ďLJ a
full diŵeŶsioŶal plaŶ, dƌaǁŶ ďLJ a Đeƌtified aƌďoƌist oƌ a liĐeŶsed laŶdsĐape aƌĐhiteĐt, ďased oŶ fiŶished gƌade,
dƌaǁŶ at the saŵe sĐale as the pƌojeĐt site plaŶ ǁith the ŶoƌtheƌŶ pƌopeƌtLJ liŶe at the top of the sheet, ĐleaƌlLJ
shoǁiŶg the folloǁiŶg:
a. All pƌopeƌtLJ ďouŶdaƌies aŶd adjaĐeŶt stƌeets;
ď. LoĐatioŶ of all aƌeas pƌoposed to ďe Đleaƌed;
Đ. SpeĐies aŶd sizes of ǀegetatioŶ to ďe ƌeŵoǀed, alteƌed oƌ ƌetaiŶed aŶd the ďouŶdaƌies aŶd pƌedoŵiŶaŶt
speĐies of staŶds of tƌees ĐoŶsistiŶg of fiǀe ;ϱͿ oƌ ŵoƌe tƌees. This ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt applies oŶlLJ to tƌees sidž iŶĐh
;ϲ"Ϳ Đalipeƌ aŶd laƌgeƌ, fiftLJ fouƌ iŶĐhes ;ϱϰ"Ϳ aďoǀe gƌade, aŶd the loĐatioŶ, size aŶd speĐies of all pƌoteĐted
tƌees oŶ the site;
d. Foƌ tƌees pƌoposed to ďe ƌetaiŶed, a Đoŵplete desĐƌiptioŶ of eaĐh tƌee’s health, ĐoŶditioŶ, aŶd ǀiaďilitLJ;
e. Foƌ tƌees pƌoposed to ďe ƌetaiŶed, a desĐƌiptioŶ of the ŵethod;sͿ used to deteƌŵiŶe the liŵits of
distuƌďaŶĐe ;i.e., ĐƌitiĐal ƌoot zoŶe, ƌoot plate diaŵeteƌ, oƌ a Đase-ďLJ-Đase ďasis desĐƌiptioŶ foƌ iŶdiǀidual
f. Foƌ tƌees pƌoposed to ďe pƌeseƌǀed ǁithiŶ a tƌee pƌoteĐtioŶ tƌaĐt, aŶLJ speĐial iŶstƌuĐtioŶs foƌ ŵaiŶteŶaŶĐe
;e.g., tƌiŵŵiŶg, gƌouŶd ĐleaƌiŶg, ƌoot pƌuŶiŶg, ŵoŶitoƌiŶg, afteƌĐaƌe, etĐ.Ϳ;
g. Foƌ tƌees Ŷot ǀiaďle foƌ ƌeteŶtioŶ, the ƌeasoŶ;sͿ foƌ ƌeŵoǀal ďased oŶ pooƌ health, high ƌisk of failuƌe due to
stƌuĐtuƌe, defeĐts, uŶaǀoidaďle isolatioŶ ;i.e., high ďloǁ doǁŶ poteŶtialͿ, oƌ uŶsuitaďilitLJ of speĐies, etĐ.,
aŶd foƌ ǁhiĐh Ŷo ƌeasoŶaďle alteƌŶatiǀe aĐtioŶ is possiďle ;pƌuŶiŶg, ĐaďliŶg, etĐ.Ϳ;
REF. A200's
REF. L-1 UPLOAD DOCUMENT :19_ 20 _ P_ Landscape Plan-230924_v1
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϴ of ϭϴ
h. A desĐƌiptioŶ of the iŵpaĐt of ŶeĐessaƌLJ tƌee ƌeŵoǀal to the ƌeŵaiŶiŶg tƌees, iŶĐludiŶg those iŶ a gƌoǀe oƌ
oŶ aďuttiŶg pƌopeƌties;
i. Foƌ deǀelopŵeŶt appliĐatioŶs, a disĐussioŶ of tiŵiŶg aŶd iŶstallatioŶ of tƌee pƌoteĐtioŶ ŵeasuƌes that ŵust
iŶĐlude feŶĐiŶg aŶd ďe iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith the tƌee pƌoteĐtioŶ staŶdaƌds as outliŶed iŶ RMC ϰ-ϰ-ϭϯϬHϵ,
PƌoteĐtioŶ Measuƌes DuƌiŶg CoŶstƌuĐtioŶ;
j. The suggested loĐatioŶ aŶd speĐies of suppleŵeŶtal tƌees to ďe used ǁheŶ ƌeƋuiƌed. The ƌepoƌt shall
iŶĐlude plaŶtiŶg aŶd ŵaiŶteŶaŶĐe speĐifiĐatioŶs;
k. Futuƌe ďuildiŶg sites aŶd dƌip liŶes of aŶLJ tƌees ǁhiĐh ǁill oǀeƌhaŶg/oǀeƌlap a ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ liŶe;
l. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of ƌights-of-ǁaLJ, utilitLJ liŶes, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, stƌeet lightiŶg, aŶd easeŵeŶts;
ŵ. Wheƌe the dƌip liŶe of a tƌee oǀeƌlaps aŶ aƌea ǁheƌe ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ aĐtiǀities ǁill oĐĐuƌ, this shall ďe
iŶdiĐated oŶ the plaŶ;
Ŷ. Foƌ alloǁed aĐtiǀities, iŶĐludiŶg alloǁed edžeŵptioŶs, ŵodifiĐatioŶs, aŶd ǀaƌiaŶĐes, shoǁ all tƌees pƌoposed
to ďe ƌeŵoǀed iŶ pƌioƌitLJ tƌee ƌeteŶtioŶ aƌeas: slopes tǁeŶtLJ fiǀe peƌĐeŶt ;Ϯϱ%Ϳ to thiƌtLJ ŶiŶe peƌĐeŶt
;ϯϵ%Ϳ, high oƌ ǀeƌLJ high laŶdslide hazaƌd aƌeas, aŶd high eƌosioŶ hazaƌd aƌeas;
o. Shoǁ tƌees to ďe ƌeŵoǀed iŶ pƌoteĐted ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas: ǁetlaŶds, ShoƌeliŶes of the State, stƌeaŵs aŶd lakes,
floodǁaLJs, floodplaiŶ slopes foƌtLJ peƌĐeŶt ;ϰϬ%Ϳ oƌ gƌeateƌ, ǀeƌLJ high laŶdslide hazaƌd aƌeas, aŶd ĐƌitiĐal
haďitat if the aĐtiǀitLJ is edžeŵpt oƌ alloǁed ďLJ the ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas ƌegulatioŶs iŶ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϱϬCϯ, EdžeŵptioŶs –
CƌitiĐal Aƌeas aŶd Buffeƌs;
p. Shoǁ all tƌees to ďe ƌetaiŶed iŶ ĐƌitiĐal aƌea ďuffeƌs; aŶd
Ƌ. IŶ all otheƌ aƌeas of the site, tƌees to ďe ƌeŵoǀed ŵaLJ ďe iŶdiĐated geŶeƌallLJ ǁith ĐleaƌiŶg liŵit liŶes edžĐept
foƌ pƌoteĐted tƌees. The loĐatioŶ, size, aŶd speĐies of all pƌoteĐted tƌees oŶ a site shall ďe shoǁŶ. The plaŶ
shall also diffeƌeŶtiate aŶLJ appƌoǀed ƌeplaĐeŵeŶt tƌees fƌoŵ the pƌoteĐted tƌees. ReplaĐeŵeŶt tƌees ŵaLJ
ďe authoƌized iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith RMC ϰ-ϰ-ϭϯϬHϭe, ReplaĐeŵeŶt ReƋuiƌeŵeŶts, aŶd the Ŷuŵďeƌ of
ƌeplaĐeŵeŶt tƌees shall ďe deteƌŵiŶed puƌsuaŶt to aŶLJ plaŶŶed ƌeplaŶtiŶg aƌeas iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith RMC ϰ
-ϰ-ϭϯϬHϭĐ, CalĐulatiŶg Tƌee ReteŶtioŶ.
Ϯϰ. Tƌee ReteŶtioŶ Woƌksheet: Please pƌoǀide a Đoŵpleted CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ tƌee ƌeteŶtioŶ ǁoƌksheet. https://
Ϯϱ. Aƌďoƌist Repoƌt: A ƌepoƌt pƌepaƌed ďLJ a Đeƌtified aƌďoƌist oƌ liĐeŶsed laŶdsĐape aƌĐhiteĐt that Đoƌƌelates ǁith
the Tƌee ReteŶtioŶ/LaŶd CleaƌiŶg PlaŶ aŶd ideŶtifies size, speĐies, health, aŶd ƌeasoŶ foƌ aŶLJ ƌeŵoǀal. The ƌepoƌt
shall ideŶtifLJ the liŵits of distuƌďaŶĐe foƌ all ƌetaiŶed tƌees.
Ϯϲ. WetlaŶd AssessŵeŶt: A ǁetlaŶd assessŵeŶt iŶĐludes the folloǁiŶg:
a. A desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌojeĐt aŶd ŵaps at a sĐale Ŷo sŵalleƌ thaŶ oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁo huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" =
ϮϬϬ'Ϳ shoǁiŶg the eŶtiƌe paƌĐel of laŶd oǁŶed ďLJ the appliĐaŶt aŶd the ǁetlaŶd ďouŶdaƌLJ suƌǀeLJed ďLJ a
Ƌualified suƌǀeLJoƌ, aŶd puƌsuaŶt to RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϱϬFϮ, PlaŶs aŶd Studies ReƋuiƌed;
ď. A desĐƌiptioŶ of the ǀegetatiǀe Đoǀeƌ of the ǁetlaŶd aŶd adjaĐeŶt aƌea iŶĐludiŶg ideŶtifiĐatioŶ of the
doŵiŶaŶt plaŶt aŶd aŶiŵal speĐies;
Đ. A site plaŶ foƌ the pƌoposed aĐtiǀitLJ at a sĐale Ŷo sŵalleƌ thaŶ oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁo huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬϬ'Ϳ
shoǁiŶg the loĐatioŶ, ǁidth, depth aŶd leŶgth of all edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes, ƌoads, stoƌŵǁateƌ
ŵaŶageŵeŶt faĐilities, seǁage tƌeatŵeŶt aŶd iŶstallatioŶs ǁithiŶ the ǁetlaŶd aŶd its ďuffeƌ;
d. The edžaĐt loĐatioŶs aŶd speĐifiĐatioŶs foƌ all aĐtiǀities assoĐiated ǁith site deǀelopŵeŶt iŶĐludiŶg the tLJpe,
edžteŶt aŶd ŵethod of opeƌatioŶs;
e. EleǀatioŶs of the site aŶd adjaĐeŶt laŶds ǁithiŶ the ǁetlaŶd aŶd its ďuffeƌ at ĐoŶtouƌ iŶteƌǀals of Ŷo gƌeateƌ
thaŶ fiǀe feet ;ϱ'Ϳ oƌ at a ĐoŶtouƌ iŶteƌǀal appƌopƌiate to the site topogƌaphLJ aŶd aĐĐeptaďle to the CitLJ;
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϵ of ϭϴ
f. Top ǀieǁ aŶd tLJpiĐal Đƌoss-seĐtioŶ ǀieǁs of the ǁetlaŶd aŶd its ďuffeƌ to sĐale;
g. The puƌposes of the pƌojeĐt;
h. SuĐh otheƌ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ as ŵaLJ ďe Ŷeeded ďLJ the CitLJ, iŶĐludiŶg ďut Ŷot liŵited to a studLJ of hazaƌds if
pƌeseŶt oŶ site, the effeĐt of aŶLJ pƌoteĐtiǀe ŵeasuƌes that ŵight ďe takeŶ to ƌeduĐe suĐh hazaƌds; aŶd aŶLJ
otheƌ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ deeŵed ŶeĐessaƌLJ to ǀeƌifLJ ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith the pƌoǀisioŶs of this SeĐtioŶ. ;Oƌd. ϰϱϴϳ, ϯ-
ϭϴ-ϭϵϵϲ; Aŵd. Oƌd. ϰϴϯϱ, ϯ-Ϯϳ-ϮϬϬϬ; Oƌd. ϱϭϯϳ, ϰ-Ϯϱ-ϮϬϬϱ; Oƌd. ϱϳϱϳ, ϲ-ϭ-ϮϬϭϱͿ
Note: Please pƌoǀide a ŵap aŶd a ƌepoƌt if ANY ǁetlaŶds aƌe loĐated oŶ the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ oƌ ǁithiŶ ϭϬϬ feet
of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ. The ǁetlaŶd ƌepoƌt/ deliŶeatioŶ ŵust ďe pƌepaƌed ďLJ a Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal aŶd
iŶĐlude the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ speĐified iŶ RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD.Ϯϯ. IŶ additioŶ, if aŶLJ alteƌatioŶ to the ǁetlaŶd oƌ ďuffeƌ is
pƌoposed, a ǁetlaŶd ŵitigatioŶ plaŶ is also ƌeƋuiƌed. See RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD.Ϯϯ foƌ plaŶ ĐoŶteŶt ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts.
Ϯϳ. WetlaŶd MitigatioŶ PlaŶ-PƌeliŵiŶaƌLJ: A pƌeliŵiŶaƌLJ ǁetlaŶd ŵitigatioŶ plaŶ shall iŶĐlude the folloǁiŶg:
a. A site plaŶ deŵoŶstƌatiŶg suffiĐieŶt aƌea foƌ ƌeplaĐeŵeŶt ƌatios;
ď. Pƌoposed plaŶtiŶg sĐheŵe foƌ Đƌeated, ƌestoƌed, aŶd eŶhaŶĐed ǁetlaŶds;
Đ. WƌitteŶ ƌepoƌt, foƌŵatted to eight aŶd oŶe-half iŶĐhes ;ϴ.ϱ"Ϳ ďLJ eleǀeŶ iŶĐhes ;ϭϭ"Ϳ, shall iŶĐlude:
• IdeŶtifLJiŶg diƌeĐt aŶd iŶdiƌeĐt iŵpaĐts of the pƌojeĐt to the ǁetlaŶd aƌea aŶd ǁetlaŶd fuŶĐtioŶs,
eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal goals aŶd oďjeĐtiǀes, aŶd peƌfoƌŵaŶĐe staŶdaƌds, aŶd eǀaluatiŶg alteƌŶatiǀe ŵethods
of deǀelopiŶg the pƌopeƌtLJ usiŶg the folloǁiŶg Đƌiteƌia iŶ this oƌdeƌ:
AǀoidiŶg aŶLJ distuƌďaŶĐes to the ǁetlaŶd oƌ ďuffeƌ;
MiŶiŵiziŶg aŶLJ ǁetlaŶd oƌ ďuffeƌ iŵpaĐts;
CoŵpeŶsatiŶg foƌ aŶLJ ǁetlaŶd oƌ ďuffeƌ iŵpaĐts;
RestoƌiŶg aŶLJ ǁetlaŶds oƌ ďuffeƌ iŵpaĐted oƌ lost teŵpoƌaƌilLJ;
CƌeatiŶg Ŷeǁ ǁetlaŶds aŶd ďuffeƌs foƌ those lost; aŶd
EŶhaŶĐiŶg aŶ edžistiŶg degƌaded ǁetlaŶd to ĐoŵpeŶsate foƌ lost fuŶĐtioŶs aŶd ǀalues, iŶ additioŶ to
ƌestoƌiŶg a ǁetlaŶd oƌ ĐƌeatiŶg a ǁetlaŶd.
• EǀaluatiŶg eaĐh of the ŵitigatioŶ plaŶ Đƌiteƌia fouŶd iŶ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϱϬL.
• Foƌ pƌojeĐts pƌoposiŶg a ƌeduĐtioŶ iŶ ǁetlaŶd ďuffeƌ ǁidth ǁith eŶhaŶĐeŵeŶt, pƌoǀidiŶg a detailed
aŶalLJsis of the pƌojeĐt’s ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith eaĐh of the folloǁiŶg Đƌiteƌia:
The ƌeduĐed ďuffeƌ ǁill fuŶĐtioŶ at a higheƌ leǀel thaŶ the staŶdaƌd ďuffeƌ;
AŶ eŶhaŶĐed ďuffeƌ shall Ŷeǀeƌ ďe less thaŶ seǀeŶtLJ fiǀe peƌĐeŶt ;ϳϱ%Ϳ of the staŶdaƌd ǁidth at its
Ŷaƌƌoǁest poiŶt; aŶd
The ďuffeƌ aƌea has less thaŶ fifteeŶ peƌĐeŶt ;ϭϱ%Ϳ slopes aŶd Ŷo diƌeĐt oƌ iŶdiƌeĐt, shoƌt-teƌŵ oƌ
loŶg-teƌŵ, adǀeƌse iŵpaĐts to ƌegulated ǁetlaŶds, as deteƌŵiŶed ďLJ the CitLJ, ǁill ƌesult fƌoŵ a
ƌegulated aĐtiǀitLJ; aŶd
The pƌoposal shall ƌelLJ upoŶ a site-speĐifiĐ eǀaluatioŶ aŶd doĐuŵeŶtatioŶ of ďuffeƌ adeƋuaĐLJ ďased
upoŶ WetlaŶds iŶ WashiŶgtoŶ State, Voluŵe ϭ: A SLJŶthesis of the SĐieŶĐe ;EĐologLJ PuďliĐatioŶ No.
Ϭϱ-Ϭϲ-ϬϬϲ, MaƌĐh ϮϬϬϱͿ aŶd WetlaŶds iŶ WashiŶgtoŶ State, Voluŵe Ϯ: MaŶagiŶg aŶd PƌoteĐtiŶg
WetlaŶds ;EĐologLJ PuďliĐatioŶ No. Ϭϰ-Ϭϲ-ϬϬϴ, Apƌil ϮϬϬϱͿ, oƌ siŵilaƌ appƌoaĐhes; aŶd
The pƌoposed ďuffeƌ staŶdaƌd is ďased oŶ ĐoŶsideƌatioŶ of the ďest aǀailaďle sĐieŶĐe as desĐƌiďed
iŶ WAC ϯϲϱ-ϭϵϱ-ϵϬϱ.
• AŶd, foƌ pƌojeĐts pƌoposiŶg aǀeƌagiŶg iŶ ǁetlaŶd ďuffeƌ ǁidth ǁith eŶhaŶĐeŵeŶt, pƌoǀidiŶg a detailed
aŶalLJsis of the pƌojeĐt’s ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith eaĐh of the folloǁiŶg Đƌiteƌia:
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϬ of ϭϴ
Theƌe aƌe edžistiŶg phLJsiĐal iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶ oƌ Ŷeaƌ the ǁetlaŶd aŶd ďuffeƌ; aŶd
That ǁidth aǀeƌagiŶg ǁill Ŷot adǀeƌselLJ iŵpaĐt the ǁetlaŶd fuŶĐtioŶ aŶd ǀalues; aŶd
That the total aƌea ĐoŶtaiŶed ǁithiŶ the ǁetlaŶd ďuffeƌ afteƌ aǀeƌagiŶg is Ŷo less thaŶ that
ĐoŶtaiŶed ǁithiŶ the ƌeƋuiƌed staŶdaƌd ďuffeƌ pƌioƌ to aǀeƌagiŶg; aŶd
A site-speĐifiĐ eǀaluatioŶ aŶd doĐuŵeŶtatioŶ of ďuffeƌ adeƋuaĐLJ ďased upoŶ WetlaŶds iŶ
WashiŶgtoŶ State, Voluŵe ϭ: A SLJŶthesis of the SĐieŶĐe ;EĐologLJ PuďliĐatioŶ No. Ϭϱ-Ϭϲ-ϬϬϲ, MaƌĐh
ϮϬϬϱͿ aŶd WetlaŶds iŶ WashiŶgtoŶ State, Voluŵe Ϯ: MaŶagiŶg aŶd PƌoteĐtiŶg WetlaŶds ;EĐologLJ
PuďliĐatioŶ No. Ϭϰ-Ϭϲ-ϬϬϴ, Apƌil ϮϬϬϱͿ, oƌ siŵilaƌ appƌoaĐhes haǀe ďeeŶ ĐoŶduĐted. The pƌoposed
ďuffeƌ staŶdaƌd is ďased oŶ ĐoŶsideƌatioŶ of the ďest aǀailaďle sĐieŶĐe as desĐƌiďed iŶ WAC ϯϲϱ-
ϭϵϱ-ϵϬϱ; aŶd
IŶ Ŷo iŶstaŶĐe shall the ďuffeƌ ǁidth ďe ƌeduĐed ďLJ ŵoƌe thaŶ seǀeŶtLJ fiǀe peƌĐeŶt ;ϳϱ%Ϳ of the
staŶdaƌd ďuffeƌ. Gƌeateƌ ďuffeƌ ǁidth ƌeduĐtioŶs ƌeƋuiƌe ƌeǀieǁ as a ǀaƌiaŶĐe puƌsuaŶt to RMC ϰ-ϵ-
ϮϱϬB; aŶd
AŶ aŶalLJsis of the effeĐtiǀeŶess of the pƌoposed Buffeƌ EŶhaŶĐeŵeŶt. ;Oƌd. ϰϴϯϱ, ϯ-Ϯϳ-ϮϬϬϬ; Oƌd.
ϱϭϯϳ, ϰ-Ϯϱ-ϮϬϬϱ; Oƌd. ϱϳϱϳ, ϲ-ϭ-ϮϬϭϱͿ
Ϯϴ. Haďitat Data Repoƌt that iŶĐludes:
a. Site PlaŶ: The site plaŶ shall iŶdiĐate:
• The ǀegetatiǀe Đoǀeƌ tLJpes ƌefleĐtiŶg the geŶeƌal ďouŶdaƌies of the diffeƌeŶt plaŶt ĐoŵŵuŶities oŶ the
• The edžaĐt loĐatioŶs aŶd speĐifiĐatioŶs foƌ all aĐtiǀities assoĐiated ǁith site deǀelopŵeŶt iŶĐludiŶg the
tLJpe, edžteŶt aŶd ŵethod of opeƌatioŶs;
• Top ǀieǁ aŶd tLJpiĐal Đƌoss-seĐtioŶ ǀieǁs of ĐƌitiĐal haďitat/ǁildlife haďitat to sĐale;
• The ƌesults of seaƌĐhes of the State DepaƌtŵeŶt of Fish aŶd Wildlife’s Natuƌal Heƌitage aŶd NoŶ-Gaŵe
Data SLJsteŵ dataďases;
• The ƌesults of seaƌĐhes of the WashiŶgtoŶ State DepaƌtŵeŶt of Fish aŶd Wildlife PƌioƌitLJ Haďitat aŶd
SpeĐies dataďase.
ď. Naƌƌatiǀe Repoƌt: A Ŷaƌƌatiǀe ƌepoƌt shall ďe pƌepaƌed to aĐĐoŵpaŶLJ the site plaŶ ǁhiĐh desĐƌiďes:
• The laLJeƌs, diǀeƌsitLJ aŶd ǀaƌietLJ of haďitat fouŶd oŶ the site
• The loĐatioŶ of aŶLJ ŵigƌatioŶ oƌ ŵoǀeŵeŶt Đoƌƌidoƌs;
• The speĐies tLJpiĐallLJ assoĐiated ǁith the Đoǀeƌ tLJpes, iŶĐludiŶg aŶ ideŶtifiĐatioŶ of aŶLJ ĐƌitiĐal ǁildlife
speĐies that ŵight ďe edžpeĐted to ďe fouŶd;
• IdeŶtifiĐatioŶ of aŶLJ aƌeas that haǀe ďeeŶ pƌeǀiouslLJ distuƌďed oƌ degƌaded ďLJ huŵaŶ aĐtiǀitLJ oƌ
Ŷatuƌal pƌoĐesses;
• A suŵŵaƌLJ of edžistiŶg haďitat fuŶĐtioŶs aŶd ǀalues, utiliziŶg a haďitat eǀaluatioŶ pƌoĐeduƌe oƌ
ŵethodologLJ appƌoǀed ďLJ the CitLJ;
A suŵŵaƌLJ of pƌoposed haďitat alteƌatioŶs aŶd iŵpaĐts aŶd pƌoposed haďitat ŵaŶageŵeŶt pƌogƌaŵ.
PoteŶtial iŵpaĐts ŵaLJ iŶĐlude ďut aƌe Ŷot liŵited to ĐleaƌiŶg of ǀegetatioŶ, fƌagŵeŶtatioŶ of ǁildlife
haďitat, edžpeĐted deĐƌease iŶ speĐies diǀeƌsitLJ oƌ ƋuaŶtitLJ, ĐhaŶges iŶ ǁateƌ ƋualitLJ, iŶĐƌeases iŶ huŵaŶ
iŶtƌusioŶ, aŶd iŵpaĐts oŶ ǁetlaŶds oƌ ǁateƌ ƌesouƌĐes. ;Oƌd. ϰϴϯϱ, ϯ-Ϯϳ-ϮϬϬϬͿ
Ϯϵ. StaŶdaƌd Stƌeaŵ oƌ Lake StudLJ: A ƌepoƌt shall ďe pƌepaƌed ďLJ a Ƌualified ďiologist aŶd iŶĐlude the folloǁiŶg
a. Site Map: Site ŵap;sͿ iŶdiĐatiŶg, at a sĐale Ŷo sŵalleƌ thaŶ oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁeŶtLJ feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬ'Ϳ ;uŶless
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϭ of ϭϴ
otheƌǁise appƌoǀed ďLJ the CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt AdŵiŶistƌatoƌͿ:
• The eŶtiƌe paƌĐel of laŶd oǁŶed ďLJ the appliĐaŶt, iŶĐludiŶg oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭϬϬ'Ϳ of the aďuttiŶg
paƌĐels thƌough ǁhiĐh the ǁateƌ ďodLJ;iesͿ floǁ;sͿ;
• The oƌdiŶaƌLJ high ǁateƌ ŵaƌk ;OHWMͿ deteƌŵiŶed iŶ the field ďLJ a Ƌualified ĐoŶsultaŶt puƌsuaŶt to
RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϱϬGϳ, Stƌeaŵs aŶd Lakes, ;the OHWM ŵust also ďe flagged iŶ the fieldͿ;
• Stƌeaŵ oƌ lake ĐlassifiĐatioŶ, as ƌeĐoƌded iŶ the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ’s COR Maps, the CitLJ’s oŶliŶe iŶteƌaĐtiǀe
ŵappiŶg appliĐatioŶ aǀailaďle thƌough the CitLJ’s ǁeďsite, foƌ the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ Wateƌ Class oƌ RMC ϰ-
ϯ-ϬϵϬ ;if uŶĐlassified, see ͞SuppleŵeŶtal Stƌeaŵ oƌ Lake StudLJ͟ ďeloǁͿ;
• TopogƌaphLJ of the site aŶd aďuttiŶg laŶds iŶ ƌelatioŶ to the stƌeaŵ;sͿ aŶd its/theiƌ ďuffeƌ;sͿ at ĐoŶtouƌ
iŶteƌǀals of tǁo feet ;Ϯ'Ϳ ǁheƌe slopes aƌe less thaŶ teŶ peƌĐeŶt ;ϭϬ%Ϳ, aŶd of fiǀe feet ;ϱ'Ϳ ǁheƌe slopes
aƌe teŶ peƌĐeŶt ;ϭϬ%Ϳ oƌ gƌeateƌ;
• OŶe huŶdƌed ;ϭϬϬͿ LJeaƌ floodplaiŶ aŶd floodǁaLJ ďouŶdaƌies, iŶĐludiŶg oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭϬϬ'Ϳ of the
aďuttiŶg paƌĐels thƌough ǁhiĐh the ǁateƌ ďodLJ;iesͿ floǁ;sͿ;
• Site dƌaiŶage patteƌŶs, usiŶg aƌƌoǁs to iŶdiĐate the diƌeĐtioŶ of ŵajoƌ dƌaiŶage floǁ;
• Top ǀieǁ aŶd tLJpiĐal Đƌoss-seĐtioŶ ǀieǁs of the stƌeaŵ oƌ lake ďed, ďaŶks, aŶd ďuffeƌs to sĐale;
• The ǀegetatiǀe Đoǀeƌ of the eŶtiƌe site, iŶĐludiŶg the stƌeaŵ oƌ lake, ďaŶks, ƌipaƌiaŶ aƌea, aŶd/oƌ
aďuttiŶg ǁetlaŶd aƌeas, edžteŶdiŶg oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭϬϬ'Ϳ upstƌeaŵ aŶd doǁŶstƌeaŵ fƌoŵ the
pƌopeƌtLJ liŶe. IŶĐlude positioŶ, speĐies, aŶd size of all tƌees of at least sidž iŶĐh ;ϲ"Ϳ Đalipeƌ aŶd laƌgeƌ,
fiftLJ fouƌ iŶĐhes ;ϱϰ"Ϳ aďoǀe gƌade, aŶd the loĐatioŶ, size aŶd speĐies of all pƌoteĐted tƌees oŶ the site
that aƌe ǁithiŶ oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭϬϬ'Ϳ of the OHWM, aŶd the loĐatioŶ of ŵeasuƌes to pƌoteĐt tƌees oŶ
aŶd aďuttiŶg the site;
• The loĐatioŶ, ǁidth, depth, aŶd leŶgth of all edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes, ƌoads, stoƌŵǁateƌ
ŵaŶageŵeŶt faĐilities, ǁasteǁateƌ tƌeatŵeŶt aŶd iŶstallatioŶs iŶ ƌelatioŶ to the stƌeaŵ/lake aŶd its/
theiƌ ďuffeƌ;sͿ; aŶd
• LoĐatioŶ of site aĐĐess, iŶgƌess aŶd egƌess.
ď. GƌadiŶg PlaŶ: A gƌadiŶg plaŶ pƌepaƌed iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬDϳ, aŶd shoǁiŶg ĐoŶtouƌ iŶteƌǀals
of tǁo feet ;Ϯ'Ϳ ǁheƌe slopes aƌe less thaŶ teŶ peƌĐeŶt ;ϭϬ%Ϳ, aŶd of fiǀe feet ;ϱ'Ϳ ǁheƌe slopes aƌe teŶ
peƌĐeŶt ;ϭϬ%Ϳ oƌ gƌeateƌ.
Đ. Stƌeaŵ oƌ Lake AssessŵeŶt Naƌƌatiǀe: A Ŷaƌƌatiǀe ƌepoƌt, foƌŵatted to eight aŶd oŶe-half iŶĐhes ;ϴ.ϱ"Ϳ ďLJ
eleǀeŶ iŶĐhes ;ϭϭ"Ϳ, shall ďe pƌepaƌed to aĐĐoŵpaŶLJ the site plaŶ aŶd desĐƌiďes:
• The stƌeaŵ oƌ lake ĐlassifiĐatioŶ as ƌeĐoƌded iŶ the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ’s COR Maps, the CitLJ’s oŶliŶe
iŶteƌaĐtiǀe ŵappiŶg appliĐatioŶ aǀailaďle thƌough the CitLJ’s ǁeďsite, foƌ the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ Wateƌ Class
oƌ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϵϬ;
• The ǀegetatiǀe Đoǀeƌ of the site, iŶĐludiŶg the stƌeaŵ oƌ lake, ďaŶks, ƌipaƌiaŶ aƌea, ǁetlaŶd aƌeas, aŶd
flood hazaƌd aƌeas edžteŶdiŶg oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭϬϬ'Ϳ upstƌeaŵ aŶd doǁŶstƌeaŵ fƌoŵ the pƌopeƌtLJ
liŶe, iŶĐludiŶg the iŵpaĐts of the pƌoposal oŶ the ideŶtified ǀegetatioŶ;
• The eĐologiĐal fuŶĐtioŶs ĐuƌƌeŶtlLJ pƌoǀided ďLJ the stƌeaŵ/lake aŶd edžistiŶg ƌipaƌiaŶ aƌea aŶd the
iŵpaĐts of the pƌoposal oŶ the ideŶtified eĐologiĐal fuŶĐtioŶs;
• Oďseƌǀed oƌ ƌepoƌted fish aŶd ǁildlife that ŵake use of the aƌea iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to,
salŵoŶids, ŵaŵŵals, aŶd ďiƌd ŶestiŶg, ďƌeediŶg, aŶd feediŶg/foƌagiŶg aƌeas, iŶĐludiŶg the iŵpaĐts of
the pƌoposal oŶ the ideŶtified fish aŶd ǁildlife;
• Measuƌes to pƌoteĐt tƌees, as defiŶed iŶ RMC ϰ-ϭϭ-ϮϬϬ, aŶd ǀegetatioŶ; aŶd
• Foƌ shoƌeliŶes ƌegulated uŶdeƌ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϵϬ, ShoƌeliŶe Masteƌ Pƌogƌaŵ RegulatioŶs, the studLJ shall
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϮ of ϭϴ
deŵoŶstƌate if the pƌoposal ŵeets the Đƌiteƌia of Ŷo Ŷet loss of eĐologiĐal fuŶĐtioŶs as desĐƌiďed iŶ
RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϵϬDϮ. If the pƌoposal ƌeƋuiƌes ŵitigatioŶ foƌ suďstaŶtial iŵpaĐts to the edžistiŶg ǀegetatioŶ
ďuffeƌ iŶ oƌdeƌ to deŵoŶstƌate Ŷo Ŷet loss of eĐologiĐal fuŶĐtioŶs, a suppleŵeŶtal stƌeaŵ oƌ lake studLJ
is ƌeƋuiƌed.
Note: Please pƌoǀide a ƌepoƌt ĐoŶtaiŶiŶg the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ speĐified iŶ RMC SeĐtioŶ ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD.ϭϵ. IŶ additioŶ, if the
pƌojeĐt iŶǀolǀes aŶ uŶĐlassified stƌeaŵ, a suppleŵeŶtal stƌeaŵ oƌ lake studLJ is also ƌeƋuiƌed. If aŶLJ alteƌatioŶ to a
ǁateƌ-ďodLJ oƌ ďuffeƌ is pƌoposed a suppleŵeŶtal stƌeaŵ oƌ lake studLJ aŶd ŵitigatioŶ plaŶ aƌe also ƌeƋuiƌed.
ϯϬ. Flood Hazaƌd Data: Flood hazaƌd data iŶĐludes:
a. PlaŶs iŶ dupliĐate dƌaǁŶ to sĐale shoǁiŶg the Ŷatuƌe, loĐatioŶ, diŵeŶsioŶs, aŶd eleǀatioŶs of the aƌea iŶ
ƋuestioŶ; edžistiŶg oƌ pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes, fill, stoƌage of ŵateƌials, dƌaiŶage faĐilities, aŶd the loĐatioŶ of
the foƌegoiŶg;
ď. EleǀatioŶ iŶ ƌelatioŶ to ŵeaŶ sea leǀel of the loǁest flooƌ ;iŶĐludiŶg ďaseŵeŶtͿ of all stƌuĐtuƌes;
Đ. EleǀatioŶ iŶ ƌelatioŶ to ŵeaŶ sea leǀel to ǁhiĐh aŶLJ stƌuĐtuƌe has ďeeŶ floodpƌoofed;
d. CeƌtifiĐatioŶ ďLJ a ƌegisteƌed pƌofessioŶal eŶgiŶeeƌ oƌ aƌĐhiteĐt that the floodpƌoofiŶg ŵethods Đƌiteƌia iŶ
RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϬϱϬIϯĐ; aŶd foƌ aŶLJ ŶoŶƌesideŶtial stƌuĐtuƌe ŵeet the floodpƌoofiŶg; aŶd
e. DesĐƌiptioŶ of the edžteŶt to ǁhiĐh a ǁateƌĐouƌse ǁill ďe alteƌed oƌ ƌeloĐated as a ƌesult of pƌoposed
ϯϭ. BiologiĐal AssessŵeŶt/CƌitiĐal Aƌeas StudLJ: PƌojeĐts ǁith the poteŶtial to iŵpaĐt fish ;ChiŶook salŵoŶ, ďull
tƌout, steelhead tƌoutͿ, uŶedžpeĐted, Ŷeǁ, ƌaƌe oƌ otheƌ eŶdaŶgeƌed speĐies haďitat ;ďald eaglesͿ shall pƌoǀide a
ďiologiĐal assessŵeŶt/ĐƌitiĐal aƌea studLJ. The puƌpose of this assessŵeŶt is to deteƌŵiŶe ǁhetheƌ a pƌoposed
aĐtioŶ is likelLJ to: ;ϭͿ adǀeƌselLJ affeĐt listed oƌ de-listed speĐies oƌ desigŶated ĐƌitiĐal haďitat; ;ϮͿ jeopaƌdize the
ĐoŶtiŶued edžisteŶĐe of speĐies that aƌe pƌoposed foƌ listiŶg, oƌ uŶedžpeĐted, Ŷeǁ oƌ ƌaƌe speĐies; oƌ ;ϯͿ adǀeƌselLJ
ŵodifLJ pƌoposed ĐƌitiĐal haďitat. A ďiologiĐal assessŵeŶt/ĐƌitiĐal aƌea studLJ is a ǁƌitteŶ studLJ that eǀaluates the
pƌoposal, all pƌoďaďle iŵpaĐts aŶd ƌisks ƌelated to the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea, aŶd ƌeĐoŵŵeŶds appƌopƌiate ŵitigatioŶ
ŵeasuƌes to adeƋuatelLJ pƌoteĐt the fuŶĐtioŶs aŶd ǀalues of the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea, aŶd pƌeseƌǀe aŶadƌoŵous fish aŶd
theiƌ haďitat.
The assessŵeŶt/studLJ shall ďe pƌepaƌed ďLJ a peƌsoŶ ǁith edžpeƌieŶĐe aŶd tƌaiŶiŶg iŶ the sĐieŶtifiĐ disĐipliŶe
appƌopƌiate foƌ the ƌeleǀaŶt ĐƌitiĐal aƌea iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith WAC ϯϲϱ-ϭϵϱ-Ϭϵϱ;ϰͿ. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal ŵust
haǀe oďtaiŶed a B.S. oƌ B.A. oƌ eƋuiǀaleŶt degƌee iŶ ďiologLJ, eŶgiŶeeƌiŶg, eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal studies, fisheƌies,
geoŵoƌphologLJ, ďiologiĐal assessŵeŶt, oƌ ƌelated field, aŶd haǀe at least fiǀe ;ϱͿ LJeaƌs of ƌelated ǁoƌk edžpeƌieŶĐe.
a. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ ǁetlaŶds ŵust ďe a pƌofessioŶal ǁetlaŶd sĐieŶtist ǁith at least tǁo ;ϮͿ LJeaƌs of
full-tiŵe ǁoƌk edžpeƌieŶĐe as a ǁetlaŶds pƌofessioŶal, iŶĐludiŶg deliŶeatiŶg ǁetlaŶds usiŶg the fedeƌal
ŵaŶuals aŶd suppleŵeŶts, pƌepaƌiŶg ǁetlaŶds ƌepoƌts, ĐoŶduĐtiŶg fuŶĐtioŶ assessŵeŶts, aŶd deǀelopiŶg
aŶd iŵpleŵeŶtiŶg ŵitigatioŶ plaŶs.
ď. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ Haďitat ĐoŶseƌǀatioŶ ŵust haǀe a degƌee iŶ ďiologLJ oƌ a ƌelated degƌee aŶd
pƌofessioŶal edžpeƌieŶĐe ƌelated to the suďjeĐt speĐies.
Đ. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ a geologiĐal hazaƌd ŵust ďe a pƌofessioŶal eŶgiŶeeƌ oƌ geologist, liĐeŶsed iŶ
the state of WashiŶgtoŶ.
d. A Ƌualified pƌofessioŶal foƌ Wellhead PƌoteĐtioŶ Aƌeas ŵeaŶs a hLJdƌogeologist, geologist, eŶgiŶeeƌ, oƌ
otheƌ sĐieŶtist ǁith edžpeƌieŶĐe iŶ pƌepaƌiŶg hLJdƌogeologiĐ assessŵeŶts.
The assessŵeŶt/studLJ shall use sĐieŶtifiĐallLJ ǀalid ŵethods aŶd studies iŶ the aŶalLJsis of ĐƌitiĐal aƌea data aŶd field
ƌeĐoŶŶaissaŶĐe aŶd ƌefeƌeŶĐe the souƌĐe of the ŵateƌial used. Best aǀailaďle sĐieŶĐe is that sĐieŶtifiĐ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ
appliĐaďle to the ĐƌitiĐal aƌea pƌepaƌed ďLJ loĐal state oƌ fedeƌal Ŷatuƌal ageŶĐies oƌ a Ƌualified sĐieŶtifiĐ
pƌofessioŶal that is ĐoŶsisteŶt ǁith the Đƌiteƌia estaďlished iŶ WAC ϯϵϱ-ϭϵϱ-ϵϬϬ thƌough ϯϲϱ-ϭϵϱ-ϵϮϱ.
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϯ of ϭϴ
The assessŵeŶt/studLJ shall ĐoŶtaiŶ, at a ŵiŶiŵuŵ, the folloǁiŶg iŶfoƌŵatioŶ, as appliĐaďle:
a. The Ŷaŵe aŶd ĐoŶtaĐt iŶfoƌŵatioŶ of the appliĐaŶt;
ď. The dates, Ŷaŵes, aŶd ƋualifiĐatioŶs of the peƌsoŶs pƌepaƌiŶg the assessŵeŶt/studLJ aŶd doĐuŵeŶtatioŶ
of aŶLJ fieldǁoƌk peƌfoƌŵed oŶ the site;
Đ. A desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌoposal aŶd ideŶtifiĐatioŶ of the peƌŵits ƌeƋuested;
d. A site plaŶ shoǁiŶg:
• IdeŶtified ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas, ďuffeƌs aŶd the deǀelopŵeŶt pƌoposal ǁith diŵeŶsioŶs;
• TopogƌaphLJ at tǁo-foot ;Ϯ'Ϳ iŶteƌǀals;
• Liŵits of aŶLJ aƌeas to ďe Đleaƌed/iŵpaĐted; aŶd
• A desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌoposed stoƌŵǁateƌ ŵaŶageŵeŶt plaŶ foƌ the deǀelopŵeŶt aŶd ĐoŶsideƌatioŶ
of iŵpaĐts to dƌaiŶage alteƌatioŶs;
e. AĐĐuƌate ideŶtifiĐatioŶ, loĐatioŶ, aŶd ĐhaƌaĐteƌizatioŶ of ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas, ǁateƌ ďodies, aŶd ďuffeƌs adjaĐeŶt
to the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt aƌea oƌ poteŶtiallLJ iŵpaĐted ďLJ the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt;
f. A stateŵeŶt speĐifLJiŶg the aĐĐuƌaĐLJ of the assessŵeŶt/studLJ, assuŵptioŶs used iŶ the assessŵeŶt/studLJ,
aŶd edžplaiŶiŶg hoǁ ďest aǀailaďle sĐieŶĐe has ďeeŶ iŶĐoƌpoƌated;
g. DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ of the degƌee of hazaƌd aŶd ƌisk fƌoŵ the pƌoposal ďoth oŶ the site aŶd oŶ suƌƌouŶdiŶg
h. AŶ assessŵeŶt of the pƌoďaďle Đuŵulatiǀe iŵpaĐts to the ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas, theiƌ ďuffeƌs aŶd otheƌ pƌopeƌties
ƌesultiŶg fƌoŵ the pƌoposal;
i. AŶ eǀaluatioŶ of the pƌojeĐt’s ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith seĐtioŶs ϳ aŶd ϵ of the EŶdaŶgeƌed SpeĐies AĐt;
j. A desĐƌiptioŶ of ƌeasoŶaďle effoƌts ŵade to applLJ ŵitigatioŶ seƋueŶĐiŶg to aǀoid, ŵiŶiŵize, aŶd ŵitigate
iŵpaĐts to ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas;
k. PlaŶs foƌ adeƋuate ŵitigatioŶ to offset aŶLJ iŵpaĐts aŶd aŶ edžplaŶatioŶ of hoǁ ďest ŵaŶageŵeŶt pƌaĐtiĐes
ǁill ďe used to ŵiŶiŵize iŵpaĐts to ĐƌitiĐal aƌea; aŶd
l. ReĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶs foƌ ŵaiŶteŶaŶĐe, shoƌt-teƌŵ aŶd loŶg-teƌŵ ŵoŶitoƌiŶg, ĐoŶtiŶgeŶĐLJ plaŶs aŶd seĐuƌitLJ
ϯϮ. GeoteĐhŶiĐal Repoƌt: A studLJ pƌepaƌed iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith geŶeƌallLJ aĐĐepted geoteĐhŶiĐal pƌaĐtiĐes aŶd
staŵped ďLJ a pƌofessioŶal eŶgiŶeeƌ liĐeŶsed iŶ the State of WashiŶgtoŶ ǁhiĐh iŶĐludes soils aŶd slope staďilitLJ
aŶalLJsis, ďoƌiŶg aŶd test pit logs, aŶd ƌeĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶs oŶ slope setďaĐks, fouŶdatioŶ desigŶ, ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁall desigŶ,
ŵateƌial seleĐtioŶ, aŶd all otheƌ peƌtiŶeŶt eleŵeŶts. If the eǀaluatioŶ iŶǀolǀes geologiĐ eǀaluatioŶs oƌ
iŶteƌpƌetatioŶs, the ƌepoƌt shall ďe ƌeǀieǁed aŶd appƌoǀed ďLJ a geologist. Fuƌtheƌ ƌeĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶs, additioŶs oƌ
edžĐeptioŶs to the oƌigiŶal ƌepoƌt ďased oŶ the plaŶs, site ĐoŶditioŶs, oƌ otheƌ suppoƌtiŶg data shall ďe sigŶed aŶd
sealed ďLJ the geoteĐhŶiĐal eŶgiŶeeƌ. If the geoteĐhŶiĐal eŶgiŶeeƌ ǁho ƌeǀieǁs the plaŶs aŶd speĐifiĐatioŶs is Ŷot
the saŵe eŶgiŶeeƌ ǁho pƌepaƌed the geoteĐhŶiĐal ƌepoƌt, the Ŷeǁ eŶgiŶeeƌ shall, iŶ a letteƌ to the CitLJ
aĐĐoŵpaŶLJiŶg the plaŶs aŶd speĐifiĐatioŶs, edžpƌess his oƌ heƌ agƌeeŵeŶt oƌ disagƌeeŵeŶt ǁith the
ƌeĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶs iŶ the geoteĐhŶiĐal ƌepoƌt aŶd state that the plaŶs aŶd speĐifiĐatioŶs ĐoŶfoƌŵ to his oƌ heƌ
ƌeĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶs. If the site ĐoŶtaiŶs a geologiĐ hazaƌd ƌegulated ďLJ the ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas ƌegulatioŶs, the pƌepaƌatioŶ
aŶd ĐoŶteŶt ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts of RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD, Taďle ϭϴ shall also applLJ. If the site is ǁithiŶ a ĐhaŶŶel ŵigƌatioŶ zoŶe,
ǁithiŶ shoƌeliŶe juƌisdiĐtioŶ, the geoteĐhŶiĐal ƌepoƌt shall also iŶĐlude a geoŵoƌphiĐ assessŵeŶt ďLJ a WashiŶgtoŶ
State liĐeŶsed geologist ǁith eŶgiŶeeƌiŶg geologLJ oƌ hLJdƌogeologLJ speĐialtLJ liĐeŶse plus edžpeƌieŶĐe iŶ ĐoŶduĐtiŶg
fluǀial geoŵoƌphiĐ assessŵeŶts.
ϯϯ. Letteƌ of UŶdeƌstaŶdiŶg GeologiĐ Risk: The appliĐaŶt, oƌ the oǁŶeƌ of the site, shall suďŵit a letteƌ to the CitLJ,
ǁith the plaŶs aŶd speĐifiĐatioŶs, statiŶg that he oƌ she uŶdeƌstaŶds aŶd aĐĐepts the ƌisk of deǀelopiŶg iŶ aŶ
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϰ of ϭϴ
uŶstaďle aƌea aŶd that he oƌ she ǁill adǀise, iŶ ǁƌitiŶg, aŶLJ pƌospeĐtiǀe puƌĐhaseƌs of the site, oƌ aŶLJ pƌospeĐtiǀe
puƌĐhaseƌs of stƌuĐtuƌes oƌ poƌtioŶs of stƌuĐtuƌes oŶ the site, of the uŶstaďle poteŶtial of the aƌea.
ϯϰ. Utilities PlaŶ, GeŶeƌalized: A plaŶ dƌaǁŶ oŶ tǁeŶtLJ tǁo iŶĐh ďLJ thiƌtLJ fouƌ iŶĐh ;ϮϮ" dž ϯϰ"Ϳ plaŶ sheets usiŶg a
gƌaphiĐ sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁeŶtLJ feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬ'Ϳ ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale oƌ size appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ’s
DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌiŶg MaŶageƌ oƌ desigŶeeͿ ĐleaƌlLJ shoǁiŶg all edžistiŶg ;to ƌeŵaiŶͿ aŶd pƌoposed puďliĐ oƌ
pƌiǀate iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts to ďe dediĐated oƌ sold to the puďliĐ iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to: Đuƌďs, gutteƌs, sideǁalks,
ŵediaŶ islaŶds, stƌeet tƌees, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, utilitLJ poles, ƌefuse aƌeas, sigŶage, fƌeestaŶdiŶg lightiŶg fidžtuƌes, utilitLJ
juŶĐtioŶ ďodžes, puďliĐ utilitLJ tƌaŶsfoƌŵeƌs, etĐ., aloŶg the full pƌopeƌtLJ fƌoŶtage. The fiŶished flooƌ eleǀatioŶs foƌ
eaĐh flooƌ of pƌoposed aŶd edžistiŶg ;to ƌeŵaiŶͿ stƌuĐtuƌes shall ďe shoǁŶ. ;Aŵd. Oƌd. ϰϴϯϱ, ϯ-Ϯϳ-ϮϬϬϬͿ
ϯϱ. DƌaiŶage CoŶtƌol PlaŶ: PlaŶs dƌaǁŶ to sĐale aŶd staŵped ďLJ a State of WashiŶgtoŶ liĐeŶsed eŶgiŶeeƌ aŶd
ĐoŵplLJiŶg ǁith the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts of RMC ϰ-ϲ-ϬϯϬ, DƌaiŶage ;SuƌfaĐe WateƌͿ StaŶdaƌds, aŶd the ϮϬϭϳ SuƌfaĐe
Wateƌ DesigŶ MaŶual as adopted aŶd aŵeŶded ďLJ the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ. ;Aŵd. Oƌd. ϰϴϯϱ, ϯ-Ϯϳ-ϮϬϬϬ; Oƌd. ϱϱϮϲ, Ϯ-ϭ-
ϯϲ. GƌadiŶg PlaŶ: A tǁeŶtLJ tǁo iŶĐh ďLJ thiƌtLJ fouƌ iŶĐh ;ϮϮ" dž ϯϰ"Ϳ plaŶ dƌaǁŶ ďLJ a State of WashiŶgtoŶ liĐeŶsed
Điǀil eŶgiŶeeƌ at a sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh to foƌtLJ feet ;ϭ" to ϰϬ'Ϳ ;hoƌizoŶtal feetͿ aŶd oŶe iŶĐh to teŶ feet ;ϭ" to ϭϬ'Ϳ
;ǀeƌtiĐal feetͿ ;oƌ otheƌ size plaŶ sheet oƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌiŶg
MaŶageƌ oƌ desigŶeƌͿ ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐatiŶg the folloǁiŶg:
a.GƌaphiĐ sĐale aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ;
ď. DiŵeŶsioŶs of all pƌopeƌtLJ liŶes, easeŵeŶts, aŶd aďuttiŶg stƌeets;
Đ. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶ of all oŶ-site stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd the loĐatioŶ of aŶLJ stƌuĐtuƌes ǁithiŶ fifteeŶ feet ;ϭϱ'Ϳ
of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ oƌ ǁhiĐh ŵaLJ ďe affeĐted ďLJ the pƌoposed ǁoƌk;
d.AĐĐuƌate edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed ĐoŶtouƌ liŶes dƌaǁŶ at fiǀe foot ;ϱ'Ϳ, oƌ less, iŶteƌǀals shoǁiŶg edžistiŶg
gƌouŶd aŶd details of teƌƌaiŶ aŶd aƌea dƌaiŶage to iŶĐlude suƌƌouŶdiŶg off-site ĐoŶtouƌs ǁithiŶ oŶe
huŶdƌed feet ;ϭϬϬ'Ϳ of the site;
e.LoĐatioŶ of Ŷatuƌal dƌaiŶage sLJsteŵs, iŶĐludiŶg peƌeŶŶial aŶd iŶteƌŵitteŶt stƌeaŵs, the pƌeseŶĐe of
ďoƌdeƌiŶg ǀegetatioŶ, aŶd floodplaiŶs;
f.SetďaĐk aƌeas aŶd aŶLJ aƌeas Ŷot to ďe distuƌďed, iŶĐludiŶg the loĐatioŶ, size aŶd speĐies of all pƌoteĐted
tƌees oŶ site. PƌoteĐted tƌees shall haǀe the appƌodžiŵate dƌip liŶe shoǁŶ. The ŵethod of tƌee pƌoteĐtioŶ
duƌiŶg gƌadiŶg aŶd ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ shall ďe shoǁŶ. If gƌade ĐhaŶges iŶ the ǀiĐiŶitLJ of the pƌoteĐted tƌees aƌe
ŶeĐessaƌLJ, the ŵethod of ƌeĐoŶĐiliŶg the dƌip liŶe ǁith the fiŶished eleǀatioŶ shall ďe iŶĐluded ;see RMC ϰ-
ϰ-ϭϯϬ, Tƌee ReteŶtioŶ aŶd LaŶd CleaƌiŶg RegulatioŶsͿ;
g.FiŶished ĐoŶtouƌs dƌaǁŶ at fiǀe foot ;ϱ'Ϳ iŶteƌǀals as a ƌesult of gƌadiŶg;
h.Pƌoposed dƌaiŶage ĐhaŶŶels aŶd ƌelated ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ ǁith assoĐiated uŶdeƌgƌouŶd stoƌŵ liŶes sized aŶd
ĐoŶŶeĐtioŶs shoǁŶ; aŶd
i.GeŶeƌal Ŷotes addƌessiŶg the folloǁiŶg ;ŵaLJ ďe listed oŶ the Đoǀeƌ sheetͿ:
•Aƌea iŶ sƋuaƌe feet of the eŶtiƌe pƌopeƌtLJ.
•Aƌea of ǁoƌk iŶ sƋuaƌe feet.
•Both the Ŷuŵďeƌ of toŶs aŶd ĐuďiĐ LJaƌds of soil to ďe added, ƌeŵoǀed, oƌ ƌeloĐated.
•TLJpe aŶd loĐatioŶ of fill oƌigiŶ, aŶd destiŶatioŶ of aŶLJ soil to ďe ƌeŵoǀed fƌoŵ site.
•FiŶished flooƌ eleǀatioŶ;sͿ of all stƌuĐtuƌes, edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed.
ϯϳ. TƌaffiĐ StudLJ: A ƌepoƌt pƌepaƌed ďLJ a State of WashiŶgtoŶ liĐeŶsed eŶgiŶeeƌ ĐoŶtaiŶiŶg the eleŵeŶts aŶd
iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ideŶtified iŶ the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ͞PoliĐLJ GuideliŶes foƌ TƌaffiĐ IŵpaĐt AŶalLJsis of Neǁ DeǀelopŵeŶt͟ iŶ
suffiĐieŶt detail to defiŶe poteŶtial pƌoďleŵs ƌelated to the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt aŶd ideŶtifLJ the iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϱ of ϭϴ
ŶeĐessaƌLJ to aĐĐoŵŵodate the deǀelopŵeŶt iŶ a safe aŶd effiĐieŶt ŵaŶŶeƌ.
ϯϴ. Coloƌed ReŶdeƌiŶg: A Đoŵputeƌ-geŶeƌated edžteƌioƌ Đoloƌ ǀieǁ of the pƌoposed ďuildiŶg;sͿ, site, aŶd
laŶdsĐapiŶg iŶ thƌee ;ϯͿ diŵeŶsioŶal foƌŵ.
ϯϵ. Hazaƌdous Mateƌials MaŶageŵeŶt StateŵeŶt: A stateŵeŶt ǁhiĐh iŶĐludes:
a.A desĐƌiptioŶ of ƌefueliŶg of ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ ǀehiĐles that ǁill oĐĐuƌ oŶ the site aŶd aŶ iŶǀeŶtoƌLJ of hazaƌdous
ŵateƌials edžpeĐted to ďe teŵpoƌaƌilLJ stoƌed, dispeŶsed, used, oƌ haŶdled oŶ the site.
ď. A desĐƌiptioŶ of hoǁ the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts iŶ RMC ϰ-ϰ-ϬϯϬCϳ, CoŶstƌuĐtioŶ AĐtiǀitLJ StaŶdaƌds – ZoŶes ϭ aŶd Ϯ,
ǁill ďe ŵet ďLJ the appliĐaŶt.
ϰϬ. IŶǀeŶtoƌLJ of EdžistiŶg Sites ;foƌ ǁiƌeless ĐoŵŵuŶiĐatioŶ faĐilitiesͿ: AŶ iŶǀeŶtoƌLJ of the pƌoǀideƌs edžistiŶg
faĐilities ǁith the ReŶtoŶ CitLJ Đoƌpoƌate liŵits, aŶd aŶLJ otheƌ faĐilities outside the CitLJ liŵits that aƌe ǁithiŶ oŶe-
half ;ϭ/ϮͿ ŵile of the pƌoposed faĐilitLJ. The iŶǀeŶtoƌLJ is to iŶĐlude speĐifiĐ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ aďout the loĐatioŶ, height,
aŶd desigŶ of eaĐh faĐilitLJ. The DepaƌtŵeŶt ŵaLJ shaƌe suĐh iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ǁith otheƌ appliĐaŶts applLJiŶg foƌ
adŵiŶistƌatiǀe appƌoǀals oƌ ĐoŶditioŶal use peƌŵits uŶdeƌ this Title oƌ otheƌ oƌgaŶizatioŶs seekiŶg to loĐate
aŶteŶŶas ǁithiŶ the CitLJ, pƌoǀided, hoǁeǀeƌ that the DepaƌtŵeŶt is Ŷot, ďLJ shaƌiŶg suĐh iŶfoƌŵatioŶ, iŶ aŶLJ ǁaLJ
ƌepƌeseŶtiŶg oƌ ǁaƌƌaŶtiŶg that suĐh sites aƌe aǀailaďle oƌ suitaďle.
ϰϭ. UƌďaŶ DesigŶ RegulatioŶs Reǀieǁ PaĐket: A set of suďŵissioŶ ŵateƌials ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ pƌojeĐts suďjeĐt to the
UƌďaŶ DesigŶ RegulatioŶs iŶ RMC ϰ-ϯ-ϭϬϬ:
a.Site plaŶ, laŶd use ƌeǀieǁ;
ď. EleǀatioŶs, aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal;
Đ. Flooƌ plaŶs geŶeƌal;
d.Naƌƌatiǀe outliŶiŶg hoǁ the appliĐaŶt’s pƌoposal addƌesses the CitLJ’s UƌďaŶ DesigŶ RegulatioŶs.
Note: UƌďaŶ DesigŶ RegulatioŶ CheĐk List ĐaŶ ďe fouŶd at https://ǁǁǁ.ĐodepuďlishiŶg.Đoŵ/WA/ReŶtoŶ/htŵl/
ϰϮ. SĐƌeeŶiŶg Detail, Refuse/ReĐLJĐliŶg: A detailed plaŶ dƌaǁiŶg, pƌepaƌed to sĐale, shoǁiŶg loĐatioŶ ǁithiŶ
pƌopeƌtLJ ďouŶdaƌies, heights, eleǀatioŶs, aŶd ďuildiŶg ŵateƌials of pƌoposed sĐƌeeŶiŶg oƌ of pƌoposed plaŶtiŶgs.
;Oƌd. ϰϳϬϯ, Ϯ-Ϯ-ϭϵϵϴͿ
ϰϯ. Affidaǀit of IŶstallatioŶ of PuďliĐ IŶfoƌŵatioŶ SigŶ;sͿ: A Ŷotaƌized stateŵeŶt sigŶed ďLJ the appliĐaŶt of
appliĐaŶt’s ƌepƌeseŶtatiǀe attestiŶg that the ƌeƋuiƌed puďliĐ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ sigŶ;sͿ has ďeeŶ iŶstalled iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe
ǁith CitLJ Code ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts.
ϰϰ. Affidaǀit of IŶstallatioŶ of PuďliĐ OutƌeaĐh SigŶ;sͿ: Please Đoŵplete aŶd pƌoǀide the attaĐhed Ŷotaƌized
affidaǀit attestiŶg the ƌeƋuiƌed puďliĐ outƌeaĐh sigŶ;sͿ has ďeeŶ iŶstalled iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith the CitLJ Code
ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts. See attaĐhŵeŶt titled ͞PuďliĐ OutƌeaĐh SigŶs͟ foƌ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ aďout the size aŶd loĐatioŶ
ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts foƌ puďliĐ outƌeaĐh sigŶs.
ϰϱ. Pƌoof of Neighďoƌhood MeetiŶg: Please pƌoǀide the folloǁiŶg ŵateƌials ǁith the suďŵittal of a Đoŵplete
deǀelopŵeŶt appliĐatioŶ:
The ŶotiĐe pƌoǀided to suƌƌouŶdiŶg pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs ǁithiŶ thƌee huŶdƌed feet ;ϯϬϬ’Ϳ of the pƌoposed
deǀelopŵeŶt site;
a.The ŵailiŶg list used to seŶd out ŵeetiŶg ŶotiĐes;
ď. AŶ affidaǀit of ŵailiŶg aŶd postiŶg ŶotiĐe;sͿ;
Đ. The ŵeetiŶg sigŶ-iŶ sheet;
d.Mateƌials pƌeseŶted at the ŵeetiŶg;
e.Notes of the ŵeetiŶg iŶĐludiŶg a suŵŵaƌLJ of oƌal aŶd ǁƌitteŶ ĐoŵŵeŶts ƌeĐeiǀed; aŶd
REF.A 500'S
REF. A001, A101, A209 and notes in Urban Design - checklist
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϲ of ϭϴ
If Ŷo ŵeŵďeƌs of the puďliĐ atteŶded the Ŷeighďoƌhood ŵeetiŶg aŶd/oƌ peƌsoŶs iŶ atteŶdaŶĐe ŵade Ŷo
ĐoŵŵeŶts, the ƌeƋuiƌed suďŵittal ŵateƌials shall ƌefleĐt the aďseŶĐe of ĐoŵŵeŶt, atteŶdaŶĐe, oƌ ďoth.
ϰϲ. Oǀeƌall Site PlaŶ: ;OŶlLJ foƌ pƌeǀiouslLJ appƌoǀed Masteƌ Site PlaŶsͿ: Please pƌoǀide aŶ oǀeƌall site plaŶ if the
pƌojeĐt has pƌeǀiouslLJ uŶdeƌgoŶe a Masteƌ Site PlaŶ Reǀieǁ. The oǀeƌall site plaŶ should detail hoǁ this speĐifiĐ
phase of the pƌojeĐt fits iŶ ƌelatioŶ to the pƌeǀiouslLJ appƌoǀed ŵasteƌ site plaŶ.
ϰϳ. PaƌkiŶg, Lot Coǀeƌage, LaŶdsĐapiŶg AŶalLJsis: A listiŶg of the folloǁiŶg iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ;ŵaLJ also ďe iŶĐluded oŶ
the fiƌst sheet of the site plaŶͿ:
a.Total sƋuaƌe footage of the site;
ď. Total sƋuaƌe footage of edžistiŶg aƌea;sͿ of iŵpeƌǀious suƌfaĐiŶg;
Đ.Total sƋuaƌe footage of edžistiŶg Ŷatuƌal/uŶdeǀeloped aƌea;
d.SƋuaƌe footage ;ďLJ flooƌ aŶd oǀeƌall totalͿ of eaĐh iŶdiǀidual ďuildiŶg aŶd/oƌ use;
e.Total sƋuaƌe footage of the footpƌiŶts of all ďuildiŶgs;
f.PeƌĐeŶtage of lot Đoǀeƌed ďLJ ďuildiŶgs oƌ stƌuĐtuƌes;
g.Total paǀeŵeŶt sƋuaƌe footage, ďoth edžistiŶg paǀeŵeŶt to ƌeŵaiŶ plus Ŷeǁ paǀeŵeŶt pƌoposed to ďe
h.SƋuaƌe footage of aŶLJ oŶ-site ǁetlaŶds;
i.PaƌkiŶg aŶalLJsis to iŶĐlude the total Ŷuŵďeƌ of paƌkiŶg spaĐes ƌeƋuiƌed aŶd pƌoǀided, Ŷuŵďeƌ of ĐoŵpaĐt
aŶd ͞ADA aĐĐessiďle͟ spaĐes pƌoǀided, aŶd paƌkiŶg spaĐe diŵeŶsioŶs;
j.SƋuaƌe footage of laŶdsĐapiŶg foƌ eaĐh aƌea, foƌ iŶteƌioƌ paƌkiŶg lot laŶdsĐapiŶg, aŶd total;
k.Alloǁaďle aŶd pƌoposed ďuildiŶg height;
l.BuildiŶg setďaĐks ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ Code; aŶd
ŵ. Pƌoposed ďuildiŶg setďaĐks. ;Oƌd. ϰϱϴϳ, ϯ-ϭϴ-ϭϵϵϲͿ
ϰϴ. SuƌǀeLJ: A sketĐh shoǁiŶg all distaŶĐes, aŶgles aŶd ĐalĐulatioŶs ƌeƋuiƌed to deteƌŵiŶe ĐoƌŶeƌs aŶd distaŶĐes of
the plat shall aĐĐoŵpaŶLJ this data. The alloǁaďle eƌƌoƌ of Đlosuƌe shall Ŷot edžĐeed oŶe foot ;ϭ'Ϳ iŶ teŶ thousaŶd
feet ;ϭϬ,ϬϬϬ'Ϳ peƌ CitLJ suƌǀeLJiŶg staŶdaƌds. Shall ďe aĐĐoŵpaŶied ďLJ a Đoŵplete suƌǀeLJ of the seĐtioŶ oƌ seĐtioŶs iŶ
ǁhiĐh the plat oƌ ƌeplat is loĐated, oƌ as ŵuĐh theƌeof as ŵaLJ ďe ŶeĐessaƌLJ to pƌopeƌlLJ oƌieŶt the plat ǁithiŶ suĐh
seĐtioŶ oƌ seĐtioŶs. The plat aŶd seĐtioŶ suƌǀeLJ shall ďe suďŵitted ǁith Đoŵplete field aŶd ĐoŵputatioŶ Ŷotes
shoǁiŶg the oƌigiŶal oƌ ƌe-estaďlished ĐoƌŶeƌs ǁith desĐƌiptioŶs of the saŵe aŶd the aĐtual tƌaǀeƌse shoǁiŶg eƌƌoƌ
of Đlosuƌe aŶd ŵethod of ďalaŶĐiŶg.
ϰϵ. EleĐtƌoŶiĐ CopLJ: All doĐuŵeŶts MUST ďe suďŵitted eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ aŶd ŵeet the CitLJ’s ĐuƌƌeŶt EleĐtƌoŶiĐ File
StaŶdaƌds. AŶ FTP liŶk to upload LJouƌ suďŵittal ǁill ďe pƌoǀided to LJou ďLJ LJouƌ PƌojeĐt PlaŶŶeƌ.
ϱϬ. DoĐuŵeŶtatioŶ of Affoƌdaďle HousiŶg EdžpeƌieŶĐe aŶd ϯƌd PaƌtLJ RepoƌtiŶg: Foƌ appliĐaŶts seekiŶg ďoŶus
deŶsitLJ uŶdeƌ the pƌoǀisioŶs of RMC ϰ-ϵ-Ϭϲϱ. Foƌ edžaŵple, aŶ agƌeeŵeŶt ǁith a ĐoŵŵuŶitLJ laŶd tƌust oƌ otheƌ
Đoŵpaƌaďle eŶtitLJ aĐĐeptaďle to the CitLJ foƌ a pƌojeĐt ǁith oǁŶeƌ-oĐĐupied uŶits aŶd a puďliĐ housiŶg authoƌitLJ,
ŶoŶ-pƌofit affoƌdaďle housiŶg deǀelopeƌ, oƌ otheƌ Đoŵpaƌaďle eŶtitLJ aĐĐeptaďle to the CitLJ foƌ a pƌojeĐt ǁith ƌeŶtal
OŶĐe a Đoŵplete laŶd use appliĐatioŶ paĐkage has ďeeŶ aĐĐepted foƌ iŶitial ƌeǀieǁ, the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill ŵail
ŶotiĐes to pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs ǁithiŶ ϯϬϬ feet of the pƌojeĐt site aŶd post the ŶotiĐe oŶ the CitLJ ’s ǁeďsite. The pƌoposal
ǁill ďe ƌouted to otheƌ CitLJ depaƌtŵeŶts aŶd otheƌ juƌisdiĐtioŶs oƌ ageŶĐies that ŵaLJ haǀe aŶ iŶteƌest iŶ the
appliĐatioŶ. The ƌeǀieǁeƌs haǀe tǁo ǁeeks to ƌetuƌŶ theiƌ ĐoŵŵeŶts to the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ. WithiŶ appƌodžiŵatelLJ
REF TO CIVIL Sheet 2 - Survey
Lighting plans with photometrics and Avaiation letter from surveyor as noted in Pre app notes has been provided with
REF drawings A001 - A003
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϳ of ϭϴ
tǁo ǁeeks, the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill pƌepaƌe a ƌepoƌt ƌegaƌdiŶg the pƌoposal’s ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith appliĐaďle Đodes aŶd
the CitLJ’s ƌeǀieǁ Đƌiteƌia.
The appliĐatioŶ ǁill theŶ ďe pƌeseŶted to the CitLJ’s EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ Coŵŵittee. The EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ
Coŵŵittee is Đoŵpƌised of the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ of PuďliĐ Woƌks, the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ of CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ
DeǀelopŵeŶt, the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ of CoŵŵuŶitLJ SeƌǀiĐes, aŶd the Fiƌe Chief. The Coŵŵittee is ƌespoŶsiďle foƌ
deteƌŵiŶiŶg ǁhetheƌ the pƌoposal ǁill ƌesult iŶ sigŶifiĐaŶt adǀeƌse eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal iŵpaĐts. To do this, the Đoŵŵittee
ǁill ĐoŶsideƌ suĐh issues as eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal health hazaƌds, ǁetlaŶds, gƌouŶdǁateƌ, eŶeƌgLJ aŶd Ŷatuƌal ƌesouƌĐes aŶd
ǁill theŶ issue its deĐisioŶ ;EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Thƌeshold DeteƌŵiŶatioŶͿ.
The EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ Coŵŵittee ǁill eitheƌ issue a:
• DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ of NoŶ-SigŶifiĐaŶĐe ;DNSͿ-Make a deteƌŵiŶatioŶ the pƌoposal ǁill haǀe Ŷo sigŶifiĐaŶt Ŷegatiǀe
eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal iŵpaĐts, oƌ
• Mitigated DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ of NoŶ-SigŶifiĐaŶĐe ;DNS-MͿ-Make a deteƌŵiŶatioŶ the pƌoposal, if ŵodified, ǁould
haǀe Ŷo sigŶifiĐaŶt Ŷegatiǀe eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal iŵpaĐts, oƌ
• DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ of SigŶifiĐaŶĐe ;DSͿ-Make a deteƌŵiŶatioŶ the pƌoposal ǁill haǀe sigŶifiĐaŶt adǀeƌse eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal
iŵpaĐts aŶd ƌeƋuiƌe the appliĐaŶt to suďŵit aŶ EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal IŵpaĐt StateŵeŶt ;EISͿ pƌepaƌed ďLJ a Ƌualified
OŶĐe the EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ Coŵŵittee has issued its EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Thƌeshold DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ ;pƌoǀided aŶ EIS is
Ŷot ƌeƋuiƌedͿ, a puďliĐ ŶotiĐe of the DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ is issued aŶd posted at oƌ Ŷeaƌ the site. A ϭϰ-daLJ appeal peƌiod
ĐoŵŵeŶĐes folloǁiŶg the puďliĐatioŶ date. At the disĐƌetioŶ of the CitLJ, a sepaƌate aŶd additioŶal ϭϱ-daLJ ĐoŵŵeŶt
peƌiod ŵaLJ ďe added pƌioƌ to the ϭϰ-daLJ appeal peƌiod.
IŶ additioŶ to issuiŶg the EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ, the EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ Coŵŵittee is also Đhaƌged ǁith
deteƌŵiŶiŶg ǁhetheƌ a puďliĐ heaƌiŶg should ďe ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ those Site PlaŶ pƌoposals Ŷot autoŵatiĐallLJ tƌiggeƌiŶg a
puďliĐ heaƌiŶg. The EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ Coŵŵittee ǁill ĐoŶsideƌ the depaƌtŵeŶtal aŶd puďliĐ ĐoŵŵeŶts iŶ
deteƌŵiŶiŶg ǁhetheƌ oƌ Ŷot a heaƌiŶg should ďe ƌeƋuiƌed. This deteƌŵiŶatioŶ ŵaLJ ďe appealed ǁithiŶ ϭϰ daLJs to the
HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ puƌsuaŶt to RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϭϬ. PƌojeĐts edžĐeediŶg the size liŵits listed iŶ the RMC ϰ-ϵ-ϮϬϬD.ϯ aŶd
pƌojeĐts aďuttiŶg oƌ aĐƌoss the stƌeet fƌoŵ ƌesideŶtial zoŶes MUST haǀe a puďliĐ heaƌiŶg. No ǀaƌiaŶĐe fƌoŵ this
ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt is possiďle. The ƌeŵaiŶdeƌ of the ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess diffeƌs depeŶdiŶg oŶ ǁhetheƌ a puďliĐ heaƌiŶg is
AdŵiŶistƌatiǀe Site PlaŶ Reǀieǁ: A puďliĐ heaƌiŶg is Ŷot ƌeƋuiƌed. The PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ƌeǀieǁs the pƌoposal foƌ
ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts of RMC ϰ-ϵ-ϮϬϬE aŶd F iŶ ĐoŶjuŶĐtioŶ ǁith the EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ
Coŵŵittee deĐisioŶ aŶd aŶLJ staff oƌ puďliĐ ĐoŵŵeŶts pƌioƌ to ŵakiŶg a deĐisioŶ. The deĐisioŶ to appƌoǀe,
ĐoŶditioŶallLJ appƌoǀe, oƌ deŶLJ the pƌoposal ǁill ďe ŵailed to all peƌsoŶs listed oŶ the Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ aŶd all
paƌties of ƌeĐoƌd.
HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ Site PlaŶ Reǀieǁ aŶd Reǀieǁ of EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ Appeals: A puďliĐ heaƌiŶg is
ƌeƋuiƌed. Afteƌ ƌeǀieǁ of the pƌoposal aŶd aŶLJ staff oƌ puďliĐ ĐoŵŵeŶts, the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ staff ǁill foƌǁaƌd a
ƌepoƌt aŶd ƌeĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶ aŶd the EŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal Reǀieǁ Coŵŵittee deĐisioŶ to the HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ pƌioƌ to
the heaƌiŶg. This ƌepoƌt ǁill ďe ŵailed to all peƌsoŶs listed oŶ the Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ aŶd all paƌties of ƌeĐoƌd.
NotiĐe of the puďliĐ heaƌiŶg ǁill ďe puďlished iŶ the offiĐial Ŷeǁspapeƌ at least ϭϬ daLJs pƌioƌ to the heaƌiŶg, the site
ǁill ďe posted agaiŶ, aŶd paƌties of ƌeĐoƌd ǁill ƌeĐeiǀe ŶotiĐes of the heaƌiŶg ǀia ŵail. AppliĐaŶts aƌe stƌoŶglLJ
eŶĐouƌaged to atteŶd the puďliĐ heaƌiŶg foƌ theiƌ pƌoposal. CitLJ staff ǁill fiƌst ŵake a pƌeseŶtatioŶ to the HeaƌiŶg
EdžaŵiŶeƌ aďout the pƌoposal. Eitheƌ the appliĐaŶt oƌ ĐitizeŶs iŶ suppoƌt of the pƌoposal ǁill theŶ giǀe testiŵoŶLJ.
WheŶ giǀiŶg testiŵoŶLJ, Ŷaŵes aŶd addƌesses ŵust ďe stated foƌ the ƌeĐoƌd. FolloǁiŶg this, iŶdiǀiduals ǁith Ŷeutƌal
oƌ opposiŶg ĐoŵŵeŶts ǁill giǀe theiƌ testiŵoŶLJ to the HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ. CitLJ staff oƌ the appliĐaŶt ǁill addƌess
additioŶal ƋuestioŶs ƌaised thƌoughout the heaƌiŶg. The HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ ǁill ƌeǀieǁ the pƌoposed appliĐatioŶ foƌ
ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts of RMC ϰ-ϵ-ϮϬϬE aŶd F ĐoŶĐuƌƌeŶtlLJ ǁith aŶLJ eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal appeals aŶd issue a
fiŶal deĐisioŶ;sͿ ǁithiŶ ϭϰ daLJs of the heaƌiŶg uŶless, at the tiŵe of the puďliĐ heaƌiŶg, the HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ ϭϭ/ϳ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭϴ of ϭϴ
iŶdiĐates additioŶal tiŵe ǁill ďe ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ issuaŶĐe of the deĐisioŶ. The deĐisioŶ to appƌoǀe, ĐoŶditioŶallLJ
appƌoǀe, oƌ deŶLJ the pƌoposal ǁill ďe ŵailed to all peƌsoŶs listed oŶ the Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ aŶd all paƌties of
ƌeĐoƌd. The EdžaŵiŶeƌ’s deĐisioŶ oŶ aŶLJ eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal appeals ǁill also ďe ŵailed.
AŶLJ peƌsoŶ, iŶĐludiŶg the appliĐaŶt, aggƌieǀed ďLJ the gƌaŶtiŶg oƌ deŶial of aŶ appliĐatioŶ, ŵaLJ ŵake a ǁƌitteŶ
appliĐatioŶ foƌ ƌeĐoŶsideƌatioŶ to the ReǀieǁiŶg OffiĐial ǁithiŶ ϭϰ ĐaleŶdaƌ daLJs of the date of the deĐisioŶ. Afteƌ
ƌeǀieǁ of the ƌeƋuest, the ReǀieǁiŶg OffiĐial ŵaLJ take ǁhateǀeƌ aĐtioŶ is deeŵed pƌopeƌ. The ReǀieǁiŶg OffiĐial’s
ǁƌitteŶ deĐisioŶ oŶ the ƌeĐoŶsideƌatioŶ ƌeƋuest ǁill ďe ŵailed to all paƌties of ƌeĐoƌd ǁithiŶ ϭϬ daLJs fƌoŵ the date the
ƌeƋuest ǁas filed. If aŶLJ paƌtLJ is still Ŷot satisfied afteƌ a ƌeĐoŶsideƌatioŶ deĐisioŶ has ďeeŶ issued, aŶ appeal ŵaLJ ďe
suďŵitted ǁithiŶ ϭϰ daLJs to:
• The HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ foƌ AdŵiŶistƌatiǀe deĐisioŶs
• The CitLJ CouŶĐil foƌ HeaƌiŶg EdžaŵiŶeƌ deĐisioŶs
AŶ appeal ŵaLJ ďe filed ǁithout fiƌst ƌeƋuestiŶg ƌeĐoŶsideƌatioŶ ďLJ the ReǀieǁiŶg OffiĐial; hoǁeǀeƌ, it ŵust ďe filed
ǁithiŶ ϭϰ daLJs of the date ǁheŶ the oƌigiŶal deĐisioŶ ǁas issued. See RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϭϬ foƌ fuƌtheƌ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ the
appeal pƌoĐess aŶd tiŵe fƌaŵes.
IŶ the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ, a BuildiŶg Peƌŵit ŵust ďe oďtaiŶed to ďuild ďuildiŶgs aŶd stƌuĐtuƌes. A CoŶstƌuĐtioŶ Peƌŵit ŵust
ďe oďtaiŶed to iŶstall utilitLJ liŶes, tƌaŶspoƌtatioŶ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts aŶd uŶdeƌtake ǁoƌk iŶ CitLJ ƌight-of-ǁaLJs. BuildiŶg aŶd
CoŶstƌuĐtioŶ Peƌŵits aƌe sepaƌate peƌŵits.
If Ŷo appeals oƌ ƌeĐoŶsideƌatioŶ ƌeƋuests aƌe filed ǁithiŶ ϭϰ daLJs of the effeĐtiǀe date of the deĐisioŶ to appƌoǀe the
appliĐatioŶ, the appliĐaŶt ŵaLJ oďtaiŶ ďuildiŶg aŶd ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ peƌŵits. A ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ peƌŵit foƌ the iŶstallatioŶ of oŶ
-site aŶd off-site utilities ǁill ďe issued upoŶ the ƌeǀieǁ aŶd appƌoǀal of Điǀil eŶgiŶeeƌiŶg dƌaǁiŶgs ďLJ the DiǀisioŶ’s
PuďliĐ Woƌks SeĐtioŶ aŶd ƌeĐeipt of all appliĐaďle deǀelopŵeŶt aŶd peƌŵit fees. A ďuildiŶg peƌŵit ǁill ďe issued
upoŶ the BuildiŶg SeĐtioŶ’s appƌoǀal of ďuildiŶg plaŶs aŶd ƌeĐeipt of all appliĐaďle fees.
If a deǀelopeƌ ǁishes to defeƌ ĐeƌtaiŶ oŶ-site oƌ off-site iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts ;i.e. laŶdsĐapiŶg, Đuƌďs aŶd sideǁalksͿ, ǁƌitteŶ
appliĐatioŶ ǁith full aŶd Đoŵplete eŶgiŶeeƌiŶg dƌaǁiŶgs ŵust ďe suďŵitted to the DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌiŶg SeĐtioŶ.
The appliĐatioŶ should edžplaiŶ the ƌeasoŶs ǁhLJ suĐh delaLJ is ŶeĐessaƌLJ. If appƌoǀal is gƌaŶted, seĐuƌitLJ iŶ the foƌŵ of aŶ
iƌƌeǀoĐaďle letteƌ of Đƌedit, set-aside fuŶd, assigŶŵeŶt of fuŶds, oƌ Đeƌtified ĐheĐk shall ďe fuƌŶished to the CitLJ iŶ aŶ
aŵouŶt eƋual to a ŵiŶiŵuŵ of ϭϱϬ% of the estiŵated Đost of the ƌeƋuiƌed iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts.
OŶĐe aŶ appliĐatioŶ has ďeeŶ appƌoǀed, the appliĐaŶt has tǁo ;ϮͿ LJeaƌs to ĐoŵplLJ ǁith all ĐoŶditioŶs of appƌoǀal aŶd
to applLJ foƌ aŶLJ ŶeĐessaƌLJ peƌŵits ďefoƌe the appƌoǀal ďeĐoŵes Ŷull aŶd ǀoid. The appƌoǀal ďodLJ that appƌoǀed the
oƌigiŶal appliĐatioŶ ŵaLJ gƌaŶt a siŶgle tǁo-LJeaƌ edžteŶsioŶ. The appƌoǀal ďodLJ ŵaLJ ƌeƋuiƌe a puďliĐ heaƌiŶg foƌ suĐh
CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ Foƌŵs
EleĐtƌoŶiĐ File StaŶdaƌds
Note: This haŶdout shall Ŷot ďe used as a suďstitute foƌ Đodes aŶd ƌegulatioŶs. The AppliĐaŶt is ƌespoŶsiďle foƌ
ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith all Đodes aŶd ƌegulatioŶs, ǁhetheƌ oƌ Ŷot desĐƌiďed iŶ this doĐuŵeŶt.