HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_Parking Slope 15 % Narrative_230927_v1 Date: September 27th, 2023 TO: Andrew Van Gordon City of Renton, Department of Community & Economic development RE: NARRATIVE FOR 15 % SLOPE FOR DRIVE RAMP SITE INFORMATION: Parcel Number: 722930-058002 Site Address: 511 Airport Way, Renton, WA Lot Size: 16,000 square feet (0.37 acres) Zoning: Commercial Arterial (CA) and Commercial Downtown (CD) Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Mixed Use Maximum Parking Lot and Parking Structure Slopes: Maximum slopes for parking lots shall not exceed eight percent (8%) slope. The Administrator may allow a driveway to exceed eight percent (8%) slope but not more than fi"een percent (15%) slope, upon proper applica&on in wri&ng and for good cause shown, which shall include, but not be limited to, the absence of any reasonable alterna&ve. (Ord. 5156, 9-26- 2005; Ord. 5450, 3-2-2009; Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012) The narra:ve a;ached is to formally request an exemp:on from the standard 8% slope requirement for the driveway ramp that connects two levels for the proposed development at 511 Airport Way. Our request for a 15% slope is based on a series of unique and significant site constraints that make adherence to the 8% slope requirement imprac:cal, as mandated by current regula:ons. Our buildable site area, primarily falling within the Commercial Area (CA) zone, covers approximately 10,627 square feet, with the CA zone occupying 7,970 square feet of this space. The site's maximum dimensions are 156 feet in the East-West direc:on and 88 feet in the North-South direc:on. To comply with an 8% slope requirement for connec:ng two floors, we would need a ramp length of 120’ The ramp requires a flat landing on either side and that would mean a total length of 200 feet. These site dimensions and area limita:ons pose substan:al challenges to our ability to effec:vely meet zoning and building regula:ons. We have explored numerous alterna:ves, including the possibility of off- site parking on a neighboring property, which s:ll would not fulfill the parking count requirement. We have carefully examined zoning requirements and considered a variety of factors that have led us to the unequivocal conclusion that construc:ng an 8% slope driveway connec:ng two levels of parking is unfeasible. The specific challenges we have had to grapple with include: 1. Lot Coverage and Commercial Square Foot Requirement: The CA zone imposes a maximum lot coverage of 65% and a minimum commercial square foot requirement of 40%, leaving us with limited space for both driving aisles and parking spaces. Despite achieving a coverage rate of 75%, we s:ll do not have sufficient room to accommodate the ramp run at an 8% slope. 2. Building Setbacks and Width: Mandatory 15-foot building front setbacks from the property line and the requirement for a minimum 30-foot width for the commercial zone along the façade further limit the available width we have leG to provide parking space, the driveway, and commercial area. 3. Fire Department Access Requirement: The Renton Fire Department has s:pulated a 20-foot- wide fire access point from Airport Way, including a requirement to maintain a minimum height of 14 feet and 6 inches along the en:re length of our site in the North-South direc:on. We do not have adequate length in any direc:on to accommodate an 8% ramp run slope while maintaining the required 14 feet and 6 inches of clear height inside for Fire access. 4. Curb Cut Limita+ons on Airport Way: Having an entry from Airport Way, classified as an arterial street, significantly restricts our op:ons for the loca:on of the curb cut. We must be a minimum of 125 feet from the street intersec:on for our curb cut along Airport Way. 5. Sprinkler Riser Room Loca+on: The Fire Marshall has mandated that the Fire Riser room be posi:oned along Airport Way. 6. Curb Cut along Tillicum Ave: Despite having a vehicular entry on Airport Way, we are s:ll required to provide a curb cut from Tillicum Ave, resul:ng in two vehicular curb cuts for a 30- unit development within a total site area of 10,000 square feet. 7. Preserva+on of Significant Trees: Our site features four significant trees that we are commi;ed to preserving, making it challenging to accommodate a tradi:onal curb cut as requested by the Fire Department. 8. Liquefac+on and Height Limita+ons: Due to the risk of liquefac:on and our proximity to the Airport area, construc:ng mul:ple levels of underground parking is infeasible. Furthermore, height limita:ons in the Airport zone impose constraints on ver:cal height. Given the substan:al constraints we face and aGer exploring a mul:tude of op:ons, it has become abundantly clear that adhering to the 8% slope requirement for the driveway while mee:ng all other zoning and project requirements is una;ainable. Our current plan aligns with all parking and commercial square footage s:pula:ons, ensures the preserva:on of significant trees, and guarantees safe access for the Renton Fire Department through a curb cut from Airport Way. Therefore, we request that the City of Renton Planning Department grant us an exemp:on from the standard 8% slope requirement, allowing us to proceed with the construc:on of a 15% ramp for the driveway. We firmly believe that this modifica:on is indispensable for the success of our development project and will enable us to adhere to all other regulatory requirements and safety standards. We possess a substan:al volume of plan itera:ons and email correspondence with our planner that we are willing to provide to facilitate the review process. Sincerely, Lavina Wadhwani, Principal Veer Architecture, PLLC