HomeMy WebLinkAbout11_CM_Construction_Mitigation_Description_230927_v1Date: September 27th, 2023 TO: Andrew Van Gordon City of Renton, Department of Community & Economic development RE: DREAMLINER: CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION PLAN Parcel Number: 722930-058002 Site Address: 511 Airport Way, Renton, WA Lot Size: 16,000 square feet (0.37 acres) Zoning: Commercial Arterial (CA) and Commercial Downtown (CD) Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Mixed Use Proposed Construction Schedule: We are planning to commence construction in early November 2024, with a targeted completion date in December 2026. Operating Hours: Construction activities will typically take place from Monday through Friday, between 7 am and 5 pm. Proposed Hauling and Transportation Route: Before the commencement of construction, the contractor will prepare a comprehensive traffic control plan in accordance with the State of Washington Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. This plan will be submitted to the Public Works Transportation department for review and approval. Additionally, the project hauler will apply for the necessary City permits before initiating any new or expanded hauling operations and will submit a detailed haul route plan. The project will require the use of a crane for construction. We will contact the FAA (federal Aviation administration) and City’s airport manager to understand what additional documentation would be required and provide as needed. A separate permit for installation of the crane itself will be applied for before its erection on site. We recognize the importance of traffic management plans in ensuring the safety and efficiency of construction activities. Construction sites can be bustling with activity, including the movement of powered mobile vehicles, deliveries, material handling, and various trades working concurrently to complete the project. A well-designed traffic control plan can help mitigate potential hazards and disruptions to traffic flow. We are committed to maintaining a clear separation between pedestrians and vehicles by clearly marking pedestrian and transport zones with physical barriers. Exclusive traffic routes will be established to ensure the safe movement of vehicles throughout the site. Loading and unloading zones will be clearly defined with physical barriers. The construction site and work area will be clearly marked with appropriate signs and cones. If necessary, traffic may be diverted to side streets during construction hours with prior approval. Flaggers will be deployed if the safe management of traffic requires their presence. Some of the proposed measures may include road closures when deemed necessary for the safety of both drivers and workers. Detours may be established to minimize traffic congestion and provide alternative routes for drivers. Traffic signs, cones, and barricades will be strategically placed around the construction site to communicate the traffic control measures effectively. Advance notice will be given to drivers to allow them to choose alternative routes, minimizing potential backups. Businesses located in close proximity to the construction site will be informed in advance, and temporary signage will be installed to direct motorists to affected businesses. Measures to Address Dust, Noise Pollution, and Erosion: To prevent erosion during construction, we will implement soil stabilization and slope protection measures such as geotextiles, silt fencing, and sediment traps. The provided drawings include a drainage and sediment control plan, and the final package will include a comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Efforts to minimize noise pollution during construction will include the use of low-noise machinery, regular maintenance, and lubrication of equipment and machinery. The work schedule will be carefully planned to utilize noisy machinery, if necessary, during times when fewer people are on-site. Workers operating noisy machinery will be provided with hearing protection, such as earmuffs and canal caps. Additionally, temporary barriers or enclosures made from materials with sound-absorbing properties may be constructed around noisy equipment to significantly reduce noise levels. Special Construction Hours: In certain circumstances, the project may require construction activities to occur during weekends or outside the specified hours mentioned above. In such cases, prior approval will be sought. Attached to this document are some of the details to be included with our Traffic Plan.