HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA97-110 Volume I of II t 6I1 _‘16 , PP (Li) i ,u��'i l III \�1� . JIII 11101lluiyu ''i` � Inc. . , ,. n��,,. ._..�A'!�� I B-twelve Associates, Inc °` h,e!J=IIIICi IPA 1103 W.Meeker St. (v)253-859-0515 "'ssSPINII1=0,- ` Suite C (0'253-852-4732 I Kent,WA 98042-5751 (e)bl2assoc@compuserve.com BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION -TALBOT ROAD SOUTH CITY OF RENTON REVISED WETLAND ANALYSIS REPORT ( k c:.:au,, ; may PREPARED FOR: BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - 1215120'' AVENUE NE, SUITE 201 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98005 `• ptl G 10 `�9 43 ,:. BY: �1, 50 • B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES INC. =�, " 1103 WEST MEEKER STREET, SUITE C KENT, WASHINGTON 98032 SEPTEMBER 17, 1997 as,+ `�-x, �Q,� y ,, ':d JOB#96-175 ° ` n``a` .- , \ c�;.--.F. • 1 j „040111i0f B-twelve Associates Inc. .A 19 ii1 i 1103 W.Meeker St. (v)253-859-0515 t n��;11V11—I%Ifl�_Illlln; Suite C (f)253-852-4732 Kent,WA 98042-5751 (e)bl2assoc@compuserve.com i I BURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION-TALBOT ROAD SOUTH CITY OF RENTON REVISED WETLAND ANALYSIS REPORT { 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General This report describes jurisdictional wetlands and streams located along the proposed Burnstead Construction Talbot Road Subdivision, located on the west side of Talbot Road, in the City of Renton, Washington (the "site" - see Exhibit A). Specifically, the site consists of an irregularly shaped 26.6 acre parcel located in Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East of W.M., King County, Washington. The site is located along a west facing hillside and is bordered by residential homes and Talbot Road along the east, multi-family apartments on the north, undeveloped land on the south, and SR 167 on the west. north and west. The eastern portion of the site contains an old single family structure as well as two agricultural outbuildings located on agricultural land currently used to grow rye. The western portion of the site as well as a narrow 200'-250' band along the north edge of the site is forested with a mature • deciduous tree canopy. The northern strip of forested has been selectively thinned in the past leaving a rather open canopy. The western edge of the site includes a small • steep slope abutting the edge of a large wetland along the west side of the site. One (1) forested Category 2 wetland and seven (7) Category 3 wetlands were • delineated along the site. , - 1.2 Proposed Use The proposed project consists of construction of 51 single family residential lots as well as 130 multi-family units. 2.0 METHODOLOGY The wetland boundaries along the site were delineated by Ed Sewall of B-twelve on November 6 & 12, 1996. In addition, several site visits were conducted in the early Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97-175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 2 part of the growing season in 1997 to confirm hydrology to the delineated wetlands. Wetland and data points were subsequently surveyed by Dodds Engineers, Inc. (see Exhibit B). The wetlands on site were identified,using methodology described in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). This is the methodology currently recognized by the City of Renton for wetland determinations and delineations. The 1987 Federal Manual requires the use of the three parameter approach in identifying and delineating wetlands: A wetland should support a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils,and display wetland hydrology. To be considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50% 'of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultative (FAC), facultative wetland (FACW), or obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed, 1988). A hydric soil is "a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part". Anaerobic conditions are indicated in the field by soils with low chromas (2 or less), as determined by using the Munsell Soil Color Charts; iron oxide mottles; hydrogen sulfide odor and other indicators. Generally, wetland hydrology is defined by inundation or saturation to the surface for a _ consecutive period of 12.5% or greater of the growing season. Areas that contain indicators or wetland hydrology between 5%-12.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands depending upon other indicators. Field indicators include visual observation of soil inundation, saturation, oxidized rhizospheres, water marks on trees or other fixed objects, drift lines, etc. Under normal circumstances, indicators of all three parameters will be present in wetland areas. Prior to visiting the site, a review of several natural resource inventory maps was conducted. Resources reviewed included the King County Soil Survey (Snyder et al. 1973-see Exhibit C), the National Wetlands Inventory Map (see Exhibit D) and the City of Renton Critical Areas Inventory. 3.0 OBSERVATIONS 3.1 Existing Site Documentation. 3.1.1 Soil Survey According to the Soil Survey for King County Area, Washington (Snyder et al. 1973), the site is mapped as containing Alderwood (AgC & AgD) soils and a small area of Snohomish silt loam (So) on the southwest corner of the site (see Exhibit C). - i Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97-175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 3 Alderwood soils are a moderately well drained soil and are not considered hydric soils according to the publication Hydric Soils of the United States (USDA NTCHS Pub No.1491, 1991). However, areas mapped as AgC may contain inclusions of hydric soils. Snohomish soils are poorly drained soils formed in stream valley alluvium. Snohomish soils are considered hydric soils according to the publication Hydric Soils of the United States (USDA NTCHS Pub No.1491, 1991). The Snohomish series is mapped in the area of the large Springbrook wetland located on the west side of the site. Also of note is that the area currently in agricultural use on the site appears as agricultural land in the soil survey.photograph taken in the late 1960s. 3.1.2 National Wetlands Inventory Map (NWI) According to the NWI map for the site, there is a large forested wetland depicted along the southwest edge of the site (see Exhibit D). This wetland corresponds to the area depicted as Snohomish soils in the Soil Survey. 3.1.3 `City of Renton.Wetland Inventory - According to the City of Renton Wetland Inventory, The Springbrook Wetland is located in the same area depicted as wetland on the NWI map (see Exhibit E). 3.2 Field Observations The site contains several small hillside seep type wetlands located in sloping swales where groundwater discharges at the surface. Most of these are located in the agricultural fields on the east side of the site, although two (Wetland H &Wetland G) are located in a cleared forested setting. It should be noted that our November 1996 observations were conducted during a period of heavy rainfall and it had been raining for several days prior to the site visit. The March site observations followed a higher than normal rainfall for the previous 3 months, probably elevating groundwater levels above those that would be found on an "average" year. - The upland portions of the site consist of the rye dominated agricultural lands on the east and the deciduous forest on the rest of the site. The forested portion of the site is dominated by big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), and scattered Douglas fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii),hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), cottonwood (Populus balsamifera)and cedar (Thuja plicata). Indian plum (Oemlaria cerasiformis), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus), sword fern (Polystichum munitum) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are common understory component of the upland areas. Soil pits excavated within the upland areas revealed Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97-175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 4 gravelly sandy loams with soil profiles similar to those described for the Alderwood series. These contrast with those excavated within the wetland areas which are comprised of a mottled clay loam. 3.2.1 Wetlands All wetlands on the site share a similar hydrologic regime in that they all appear to have at least some surficial groundwater discharge supporting the wetland. In addition, all of the wetlands have a gravelly clay-loam soil that is relatively impermeable and allows water to stay near the surface long enough to allow wetland plants and soils to develop. With the exception of Wetland "A", all of these wetlands are side hill "seep" type wetlands with groundwater discharging or lensing out of the hillside at the uphill edge of the wetlands, and flowing out onto the relatively impermeable substrate of the wetland. The following is a description of each of the wetlands delineated in this study. WETLAND "A" Wetland "A" is a large forested wetland that encroaches onto the western side of the site and is associated with Springbrook Creek. The eastern edge of this wetland was delineated with flags Al-A41. Wetland "A" on-site is vegetated with a canopy of red alder (Alnus rubra) in some areas and hemlock and cedar in other portions of the wetland. Understory species included salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), vine maple (Acer circinatum), red osier dogwood (Corpus stolonifera), devils club (Oplapanax horridus), twinberry (Lonicera involucra), lady fern (Athyriun filix femina), skunk cabbage (Lysichitum americanum), large leaved avens (Geum macrophyllum) sedge(Carex stipata), slough sedge (Carex obnupta) and manna grass (Glyceria spp.). Soil pits excavated within this wetland revealed a six inch A-horizon of sandy loam with a soil color of 10YR 2/1. The underlying B-horizon consists of a sandy clay loam with a soil color of 5GY 4/1 with many, coarse prominent-redoximorphic concentrations. Soils were saturated to the surface with minor areas of standing water and a noticeable hydrogen sulfide odor was present in the soil pits. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979), this wetland would be classified as PFOlE (palustrine, forested, deciduous, seasonally flooded! saturated) and PFO4E (palustrine, forested, needle leaved evergreen, seasonally flooded/ saturated) I � Burnstead-Talbot Road/##97--175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 5 According to the criteria described in the City of Renton Ordinance No. 4346 (Chapter 22 Wetland Management), Wetland "A" appears to meet the criteria of a Category 2 wetland due to large size and headwater location. Category 2 wetlands located within the urban areas typically have a 50 foot buffer measured from the wetland edge. WETLAND "B" Wetland "B" is a small (802sf), emergent wetland that was delineated with wetland flags Bl-B7 along the side of an intermittent stream channel. This wetland is a small area of groundwater discharge dominated by giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), and skunk cabbage. Soils were low chroma gravelly, sandy, clay barns saturated to the surface. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979), this wetland would be classified as PEM1E (palustrine, emergent, persistent, seasonally flooded/ saturated). According to the criteria described in the City of Renton Ordinance No. 4346 (Chapter 22 Wetland Management), Wetland "B" is smaller than the regulated size of either a Category 2 or 3 wetland and would not be regulated. WETLANDS "C, D, E, & F " Wetlands "C, D, E, & F " are all located within an existing agricultural field and are under crop (rye). The hydrology of this agricultural field has been historically modified through ditching, piping of upstream surface water and drainage modifications such as french drains and tiles. All'delineations were based upon the presence of hydric soils and the presence of wetland hydrology that was confirmed in the early part of the growing season. In several of these wetlands, soft rush (Juncus efjlusus) and slough sedge (Carex obnupta) was also observed emerging through the planted crop. Generally, the wetland areas in this field contained low chroma sandy, clay loam soils with redoximorphic concentrations in the B-horizon. Soils were found to be saturated within 12 inches of the surface which as confirmed by observations of the site in the early growing season in 1997 (end of March). According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification method. (Cowardin et al-. 1979), these wetlands would be classified as PEMC (palustrine, emergent, seasonally flooded). According to the criteria described in the City of Renton Ordinance No. 4346 (Chapter 22 Wetland Management), Wetlands "C, D, E,,& F " all appears to meet the criteria of Category 3 wetlands due to small size, isolation, and heavily disturbed (cropped) Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97-175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 6 condition. Category 3 wetland typically have a 25 foot buffer measured from the wetland edge. WETLANDS "G & H" Wetlands "G & H" consist of two small (5,280 sf& 10,460sf, respectively), forested wetlands that were previously connected by an intermittent channel The hydrology of these wetlands was historically altered by upstream ditching and diversion of surface water away from this portion of the site in a subsurface pipe. During our observations of this channel, no water was ever observed flowing in the channel and it is now assumed to have had its stream flows permanently diverted from its channel. Additionally, historic selective thinning of the trees within these wetlands has reduced the tree and shrub canopy somewhat. Both.of these wetlands have black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) and ash (Fraxinus latifolia) in the open overstory canopy. The understory consists of disturbed soil interspersed with patches of salmonberry, red-osier dogwood, and manna grass. Soils consist of dark (10YR 2/1) sandy clay loams with saturation within 12 inches of the surface. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979), these wetlands would be classified as PFO1C (palustrine, forested, deciduous, seasonally flooded). According to the criteria described in the City of Renton Ordinance No. 4346 (Chapter • 22 Wetland Management), Wetlands "G & H" appear to meet the criteria of a Category 3 wetlands due to small size, isolation:and high level of human caused disturbance. Category 3 wetland typically have a 25 foot buffer measured from the wetland edge. 4.0 FUNCTIONS AND VALUES With the exception of Wetland "A", overall functional value of all of the wetlands on-site is low due to small size, single wetland class and particularly the high level of disturbance and close proximity of residential development. Wetland "A" is a large multi-class wetland that has many functions including wildlife habitat, flood attenuation, and hydrologic support to Springbrook Creek. The overall functions of this wetland have been somewhat reduced by the close proximity of SR 167 which poses a hazard to wildlife as well as increasing noise in the wetland dramatically. Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97-175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 7 5.0 REGULATIONS In addition to City of Renton wetland regulations previously described for wetlands and streams, certain activities (filling and dredging) within "waters of the United States" may fall under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). The ACOE regulates all discharges into "waters of the United States" (wetlands) under Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. Discharges (fills) into isolated and headwater wetlands up to 3.0 acres are permitted under the Nationwide 26 Permit (NWP 26). However, discharges that result in over 1/3 acre of fill require "Notification" and mitigation at a ratio of 1:1. Washington State Department of Ecology has placed Regional Conditions on the Nationwide 26 permit that are more restrictive than the Federal regulations. The Washington State Regional Conditions on NWP 26 include a maximum fill of 2 acres, no authorization of fill into any water containing documented habitat for a State-listed endangered, threatened or sensitive animal species, and no fill in any wetlands adjacent to any stream with a channel width >2 feet at the ordinary high water mark. Additionally, State 401 certification is required for any of the following; 1. Discharges affecting more than 1/3 acre of wetlands; 2. Discharges affecting greater than 1/3 acre to 1 acre of wetlands that do not include a wetland mitigation plan approved by the certifying agency; or; 3. Discharges in wetlands in the 100-year floodplain unless the proposed project: a. Is consistent with the local floodplain management comprehensive plans and ordinances; and; b. Through design/ and/or mitigation, results in no increase in water levels and no loss in live storage during flood events up to and including the 100 year flood. Wetlands adjacent to streams with mean annual flows >5cfs and other waters of the United States or with channel widths at the ordinary high water mark greater than 2 feet may be considered "adjacent" and would require going through the Individual Permit process. However, the Corps has requested that all consultants refrain from making recommendations as to whether a wetland is isolated, headwaters or adjacent. These determinations can only be made by the Corps. 6.0 PROPOSED IMPACTS AND CONCEPT MITIGATION 6.1 Proposed Impacts The proposed project consists of construction of 51single family residential lots as well as 130 multi-family units. In addition, roads and associated stormwater facilities will Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97--175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 8 be constructed on the site. The project has been designed to reduce wetland and buffer impacts wherever possible. However, some impacts to the wetlands and buffer do occur. As part of the design, a portion of Wetland "C", all of Wetlands "D" & "G", and a portion of Wetland "H" will be filled. This results in a total of 16,089sf of actual wetland fill. Portions of Wetlands "C", "F", and "H" totaling 3,350sf have also been counted as wetland fill since the Ordinance requires a minimum 25 foot buffer. These areas will not actually be filled but will be counted as fill since they will now be considered buffer. This results in a total of approximately 19,439sf of Category 3 wetland being filled for the project. 6.2 Conceptual Mitigation The proposed project has been located to create the least impact on wetlands and buffers that was possible. Still, the wetland and buffer impacts previously described cannot be avoided. All disturbance has been limited to disturbed Category 3 wetlands and their buffers. As,described in Section 4-32-6 of the Ordinance, impacts to Category 3 wetlands must be mitigated for at a ratio of 1(fill):1.5(creation/restoration). To compensate for the 19,439sf of Category 3 wetland fill, we propose to create 19,550sf of wetlands as well as restore 22,521sf of existing wetland (all of Wetlands "F" & "E"). This combination of creation and restoration results in an overall creation/restoration of 2.16 times the amount of wetland fill, exceeding Ordinance requirements. As depicted in Exhibit F, the creation and restoration will occur in the areas surrounding existing wetlands "F", "E" and "H". Wetlands "E" and "F" are in a severely degraded condition since they are used as agricultural land and are constantly tilled and replanted with pasture grasses. We propose to excavate out 19,550sf of existing farmed upland surrounding Wetlands "E" and "F" as well as some disturbed forested upland on the north and south sides of Wetland "H" to create additional wetland. Following excavation, we propose a dense planting of native trees, shrubs and emergent vegetation in the newly created wetland as well as the existing wetlands "F" & "E". Species utilized in this creation and restoration will mirror those in the existing native communities. Surrounding Wetlands "F" & "E", the goal will be to create a 41,766sf wetland containing both open water, emergent, scrub-shrub and forested wetland classes. The resultant wetland is anticipated to create an area meeting a Category 2 wetland criteria, a vast improvement over the existing disturbed Category 3 wetland proposed to be filled. The creation area along the north and south sides of Wetland "H" will be planted to create additional forested wetland. Some of the previously diverted water along the northeast corner of the site will be redirected into the two wetland creation areas to re-establish historical hydrology and insure adequate water to the creation Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97-175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 , Page, 9 areas. The mitigation areas are proposed to have 25 foot buffers planted with native trees and shrubs. Additionally, interpretive areas and signs will be included around the mitigation area to educate the surrounding homeowners about the important functions and values of these areas. If you have any questions or need additional information in regards to this report, please call us at (206) 859-0515. Sincerely, a itDetland 0e B-twelve Associates, Inc. i.,6 so/�tp� o® p. �s Ed Sewall (0.0. •®o Senior Wetland Ecologist ���s�® 000212 S`As '$1 @ eetle.'t File:Ed/96175WA2.doc Burnstead-Talbot Road/#97-175 B-twelve Associates, Inc. September 17, 1997 Page, 10 REFERENCES Cowardin, L., V. Carter, F. Golet, and E. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79-31, Washington, D. C. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Franklin, J.F. and C.T. Dryness. 1987. Natural Vegetation of Oregon and Washington. OSU Press. Hitchcock, C. and A. Cronquist. 1976. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. Jones and Stokes Associates, City of Renton Critical Areas Inventory, June 1991. King County Sensitive Areas Folio Maps. Munsell Color. 1988. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kollmorgen Instruments Corp., Baltimore, Maryland: National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. 1991. Hydric Soils of the United States. USDA Misc. Publ. No. 1491. Reed, P., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest • (Region 9). 1988. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland Freshwater Ecology Section, St. Petersburg, Florida. Reed, P.B. Jr. 1993. 1993 Supplement to the list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Northwest (Region 9). USFWS supplement to Biol. Rpt. 88(26.9) May 1988. Renton City of, Ordinance #4346, Chapter 32, Wetland Management. Snyder, D., P.. Gale, and R. Pringle. 1973. Soil Survey King County Area Washington. U.S.D.A., Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. z >d t `--,,., 06,)) S33 • S =`'� '4^)'."!l;s1•It'c,( ,. V'r'\t `�'G :'Ri riy ;ILE--( n '��•• .'.".; ild ,♦ • i � itRD K +a -• 11 ;, / a r 47H ., 'AV �f ,,.3 V • !IA.! • • •• `• �q..w'r,;1 5TH .AV S I.. I ,"' R5E -v ,• la,' NN yyN���t.',' P;, iIfi: 1: 1 Iq.• ''r j ,. I. 7 ; __ ::; I ..p1E _p_,P ! , ' r ",•l71� j•,' V*r -, ..- ._.1 1 -'; ,P1 1 0T{I AP IU' �" n1 -i ; I' .-.ye,8 t•7 0 a :.r �• (',:� .. 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I r''%4 .1 _ ti�zx0 SE 4V SE SE ►e.l • 5 Ai „___�t'q m ,4 d '51,_ c_~„ • ¶ 226 :L21ST PL SEg �.11 sE124T1tAvI 125TI1• v li .' T}i AV cc Im Ir.,: k,: N N IIIIV//..r EXHIBIT B: WETLAND SURVEY (see attached Plan) 1 EXHIBIT C: Soils Map Base map per Soil Survey, King County Area Washington, (Snyder et al. 1973). ,L °, So 0 -•(t-') 1 AgD, • I qL:M AmB '. • Wo r �;. pm1941, it ..1 . 2 ,e F � i i ii,' ter' -'•• ,: ' AgC:',r`.';=\•• •• ' • .1 7<='a•Nr, u,YAmc• • ••••_9' �. I '.- IIIF 2,-'• = ii•'rq' % iI ; ;A0 ;2A8 .4 ';t -= = t•Age o ° I AirBr Re: r't ;'"'a-::>.s .°I` • Wafer,., 1 Wo 'C Yy. ,�;',+�;�:: ;.._, __ 'j! •``�:1 Tank. : +`Me.„ i;r .=emu.`'I`.. 'ar r.` .° ry , a '1 • $ •i•• :gin ;. • • • - 1 • I .g.'..".... *r.•-=','"12",,• • 421111541Ntsi4t.`!):2.;. . .: It 7 • t.!O. t; Nc - .1 .. AmC 1r_', ; At AgC.. 1• i Ag8 a ,i Drive-I• ••.a:> '"= - '-.',•'• ?`ix 1 �.I .. ^• os AgB ••I No [ 1 ' � ° Wo AgC :. •AmC N:• ' . M11 - Ur p., . Ir. o . AmC •Ur.1, r.:• .Y_• : I: •Ag ?;";• • V/ .,:•:: 1 - •AgD• ,I. 7 F: co l .� �wwlil® Iril' • Ag �^•,"` '.r i ....... .n s:.,t. ss;.` •.fir — :: JfL A Cg {pq�a=•• - .pull. w�.Y f`.• /r NORTH B-twelve Associates,Inc. v1110 � 1:.. V 1 Ecological Systems Design&Management ilk t 1 it 1103 W.Meeker St.•Suite.C • Kent,WA 98032 L.''r` (206)859-0515 Fax(206)852-4732 Job# : 96-/75- Date: 7-Z -9 F RURNSTEAD CONSTRUCTION Drawn by: ��s Scale: r. TALBOT ROAD SOUTH .. Revised: Checked by: CITY OF RENTON, WA EXHIBIT D: National Wetlands. Inventory Map 5C '! �,G, "' • I PEMA I;-. e\ PSSC :I ,.,,....r -5 ,. ,••. , • __-7.1.-- - - _ ! • g — .PEMC / , % _ ' �'�� ' • C / • 1 "' r; t ,i. t . ,t = F,i , ,. , 1 '' r ..a.Ty i I 1- ,1'\• ' 1 fla:Z1 `''!'i t, • f 4 ' � FIr .II �s /: 'a•, EMG x z F /'.:' cc. 1 .R3118{iF!.. \ ,{ N„t, i i r/ I ."-11'• :.-';i:;-..' :, .:r.-:,:,."'',_;-- ' ..;.- • PEMC\" _ �` PEMC : • _'.;.ti.,�;`; "0. 4 DEML /PEMC t s xN.,..2.; - 'r.,.. ,,, ! . . PEMCk ,,' 1'J' E; '`-0.f.A h>�.;a.,..,;1. ! .fir , '-- -_- PF°G ' t i,,, - ', r �C PEMA X - c r` fir''' . tPEMC ,'.R3UBH ,ii:.'•. ', r: `U --"''',.:1, • • c PEMC ., ,f' • • 1,, i((` PUBiIh " • ,0. �- - F;' :PEMC - .'�A3UBF1 • {i • • ' PEM1C `' ll ors' . SIN'I}, ''t ". N' Y amv1 i NORTH �t B-twelve Associates,Inc. �\, ~_\ '�- NWI quadrangle: 12e '1' A Ecological Systems Design&Management ri t. f.1 jio Mapping Date: I! ,rV • 1 103 W.Meeker St..Suite.C • Kent.WA 98032 ; y;'�' (206)859-0515 Fax(206)852-4732 Job# : 9G-/75- Date: 7-75.97 BURNSTFAD CONSTRUCTION Drawn by: £ks Scale: ",,,•-c TALBOT ROAD SOUTH Revised: Checked by: • CITY OF RENTON, WA 1 • IF , L,Jiii , . • ,„, . jr. ' � $ � � i 1 '' I • �� / .\�. l s -r I ,7 l ' \\\ `�: • I j --' I-Iti' /--..• w , -"\ 7: i 4 i ((- ��\\ • ��• �� „/ �/. %II 11 \\ •\l-- /,r/, fir tr\ 1., �= \' 1. i -��=`ii•_� ..� :-::mot ' - �_•_ I ice/ ��---/ \� \11 � � _!•_•.i � \ i .' ▪ .1 3� ..- / \.. ( I / • r / I !I 1 / Div r 1 \ W! / I/ I ` f`�/ n---=�\. • \� C -•Pe� \�-_ . I / -- 1 - '" \ '1 // NI /. / 1 1(\\\ //i_i/�. �\�'\\`\\`\\,i _si'- 1\ \\ • ▪ I1 /e■si•■ :ne ) / \\ /i/_. / _�\ .� „ i \, \ \ Wr I U "�.. ; PfANTE�i\\CF3Ef ,'a .'.�` ��\ • �' 'I I I C �.U®—B IFt �' \ f J \: ` \ \ ▪ I 1k 1 I I i I 1 II 7 f814-/• !/ ,I v" (1 , •• 1SP�RINGBR K rris,,, ,-, A • \\\' � ;SUB—e4A�S2N 1 .� I ' I 4 ! `. . 11 11 1,11 II I 1`�7 Sources: 1; ft . ' i; 1i i i I I ( • •King Co. Sensitive Areas Map follo-1989 IAA �• I. SITE i \ I 1 ! i\, \, ; *City of Renton Community Profile-1989 1 j 6�\\ <\ i I ) I I, ,1\�\1 \\ 1 'City of Kent Topographic Map-1988 1 �O� \� i l I 1 \( ) i •City of Renton Topographic Map-1962 \ \ \ \ \ I \\ \ I *City of Renton Wetlands Study-1981 iitra I t\ ; \\ ! i \I 1 `\\ \� )\ \1 \\\� I •U.S..Depart. of Fish & Wildlife I.- \ 1 \ 1 \ I , I I 1 I National Wetland Maps-1985 ! I 1 \\, \ ' \\\ \ \I j it I 1 1\\ \ ,h •METRO Water Pollution Control Depart. i. \ \ I - 4 : i -s% 1 1987-1988 Status Report • ; \ { \ j l ; I '\�\\ 'Washington State Depart. of Fisheries r $FAR ill G B '\ 1 1 `I \ I I ; Catalog of Streams and Salmon Utlization ° +>� \ \ \ I { � I l {• l I \ I \ II \ • 1 -0 I 1 \ 1 \\ 1\ \ %11 Ali �f/� `1 j' i s l\\ \i , I I I 1 ,I }; ` • 1 \ .1 t,1.•.ll!ti I Y 1 \J f.— ; \\ ' \ 1 () \ \ \ \ w xo igir . �Aal bandary ® 7. 4(.1.1.3 1 , OF RF OMR City of Renton Mapped Wetland 'Yj [ ' .i U.S. Fish & Wildlife Mapped Wetland fg,4 z [unui Study Area Sub-basin Bqundary HYDROLOGY ', i i.----- Anadromoua Stream ..". r--••••4 Stream 'r4a sari11, ® Seasonal Stream VVT T12TTi'• 'i • EXHIBIT F: CONCEPT WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN (see attached Plan) ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859--0515 ' I Proiect Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-6-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# / Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: ""'6 Problem Area: nw V,EGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. !n.,bcis 4,; Frn-c 5' 3. /vi u�s.r, /'At.G/`,--' // F,.L) 2- _ 4. U-T;<. o? ..C.� f lr-/4-C 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: /O ) Hydrophytic vegetation criteria me : Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration colorTexture eO yz 1-4 �4 • min. -G y (pm's- n.cd, 4214.51',,-ct .`.�-, y /' u/ m. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen suldeA, gleyed , redox concentrationsX, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron!concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) . Hydric soil criteria met:p No Basis: Comments: HYDROLOGY - ; Recorded data_, inundation / ,saturation A ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns ,�, /' [ Wetland hydrology criteria met:Ct. No Basis: 2 ' Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" dept • NA Gro I Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation_ Hydric soil ,f Wetland hydrologyN Data;point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?; Yel. No _ I i I ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-6-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# - Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. 4 Mwcio� 2. -S �/ l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes Nb Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /J/72 Z/_ in. in. in. Or attic soil_, Histic epipedon_,, Hydrogen sulfide_, l ed , redox concentrations , redox depletions_,pore linings_, giePP _ 8 ey - iron,concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes No Basis: Aid e. Comments: ' I HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation - - ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns ; Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes g Basis: N,' ^�-'��- ' C" Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA, Growing, eason?: Yes - Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/1G1 Hydric soils: Y/i ) Wetl d hydrology: ; Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes(N /}- , ROUTINE WETL• of DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCLATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street - I Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 ,/6/'/.,...,i Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-6-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# 3 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: 1 j VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. g9vi., . 74e%a ft�c. /f -- A--c- ,/ 2. ,� Sidl+/L. ar....A..•C�,..� /3' O'er L.. I t 3. 7 ' ' spa cta b, 15 1=A--L 4 5. - 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.! . % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: /®C) Hydrophytic vegetation criteria m t: Ye No Marginal Comments: SOILS - Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD I Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color , Texture / f /6in, ly/Z�ll ,5—y2 4/d wx Qr✓n,:.ACT grawL�j e C ,,,s in. I / / m. , . In. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen suldee, gleyed_, redox concentrations, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) Hydric soil criteria met•O No Basis: , Comments: j HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation X ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits , drainage patterns == , ' Wetland hydrology criteria met: �No Basis: -�4 ` , Ti .Z'- =-i Comments: I SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth. NA Grow Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: N Hydric soils Wetland hydrology /N -. I Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland? Ye No - I ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B=TWEL VE ASSOCIATES,INC 1103 West Meeker Street Kent,' Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-6-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#4 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: rS Problem Area: r"o - I VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. Scc�/C Cete /r,z) 2 3. 4. 5. I 6. 7. I 8. 9. I 10. I % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: U Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes�io'Varginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture 8 in, /0 //L —// sa ,c (7/L,4)11. /o y/L z// , � f,,� N t m. —.1 . m. Organic soil , Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide___, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) . Hydric soil criteria met a" No Basis: Comments: , e� HYDROLOGY • Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ,watermarks , drift lines ,sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes Basis: /4 /1 2 e vw ,r ,,t/ 4 /95 �- Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth:_NA Grow Season?: Yes Hydlrophytic vegetation: Y/l't Hydric soils: Wetland hydrology: Y4 3 Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes e ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Proiect Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-6-96 Investinator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# ' Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: ,1 VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum I Indicator Coverage % 1. -sect./c 70"0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11 8 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) tifatrix color Redox concentration color Texture in. Y/n` -// ^ Ss,�/j c c, 111. /DY/Z-- 3/.4- C c l7 /c m. in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_,manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes Basis: /"0 '"'� fJ Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns . Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes N( Basis: No ; ` Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil,Temp. at 19.7" depth:�_�N�A Growi eason?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Hydric soils: Y/N' d hydrology: Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Ye Noy ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM + I (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 IN? A��l C. - Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# �D Juridiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: 4.1'-s Problem Area: "-id VEGETATION DominanlPlant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. cA coca /<. ' " 2. - 3. 4. I 5. I 6. 7. 8. 9. ' 10. of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: ��/ A-I ✓c`�ir.f SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /OY/2 z7/ .I M. • Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_,gleyed X redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron)concretions_,manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) Hydric soil criteria met:YebNo Basis: C Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation k ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits , drainage patterns . Wetland hydrology criteria met: es No Basis: Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/N Hydric soils:&INT Wetland hydrology'. /N + Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?:AM No ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Proiect Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: /cs Problem Area: Nd -- I VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. Se /c 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: > Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal ' Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth, (0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /oy2 3/Z -- in. in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions , organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes i !� Basis: /N/L ,/.' e^ Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns � - Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes !gV Basis: ro ,- d�I Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing,8eason?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/1V� Hydric soils: VW Wetland hydrology: YI J% Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes�No) _ I ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Eurnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: e S Problem Area: No VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. SGCsc/L GeO2&,lQ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: d Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes iVQ)Marginal Comments: � I SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration c for Texture - 4 in. /60Y2 "z-/1 w �c al,ci-,- Shy 67 , (o� -- m. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed , redox concentrations, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_,manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, _ organic pan (sandy soil) Hydric soil criteria met:(Ye -'No Basis: C Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation A ,watermarks , drift lines ,sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met:(I es To Basis: �T 7 "' =R. Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil(Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/N Hydric soils:ON (Ye/ hydrology:MN Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: (Ye No ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. 57tr4/6 CMc4/t /74- 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. --- 9. I 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture in. /OWL 3/L ,&in. /DY/e,_ 3 I3 in - . _m. Organic soil , Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed , redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron'concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes(1`3l Basis: rs, rf Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes(-N& Basis: No < r Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA SoilITemp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/N Hydric soils: YOU Wetland� hydrology: Y� f1V Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes " ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#/? Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: y c J Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. wry e ceA?c.re 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture ; fj� cP in. l o y 3/ ?-" —' nip/'%'.��ilN•7 _f'".�-L� .� .1 A9 r'rt-yj RlC / M. —.I . M. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide , gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, ' iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_: t � Hydnc soil criteria met: Yes Basis: Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ,watermarks , dry lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes NO-Basis: Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/N Hydric soils: YEN) Wetland hydrology: Y/N;,, Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes'No i ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 - Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#1/ Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: =e#'1 Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. .SAC!4 ei,4 2. /2-, r 3. c2 ,- iP 4. v 5. - 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: '6 Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: 0 No Marginal - ' Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture $in, /[) %/7- Z/Z - �, yam- 3/Z c in. in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations), redox depletions_,pore linings_, ironlconcretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) Hydric soil criteria met:l ' o Basis: ," AJ -.- F Z Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation ,saturation ( ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: 1No Basis: Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil;Temp. at 19.7" depth. NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: L i Hydric soils: Wetland hydrologyLV/N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?:�rYe1 No - i ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#/Z- Jurisdiction: Renton State: -WA Atypical Analysis: as Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. c4/{- c&,€ 4- ' 2. 7 -, 3. n 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: 6 o Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture 4in. /oY/Z -1 %le in /J 7/ 3// co,,,,.,, min. in. Organic soil , Histic epipedon_,Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) l Hydric soil criteria meqP No Basis: e, ,-e, g. 71.,""=g - Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation '< ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns /. -- Wetland hydrology criteria met:(yDs No Basis: A Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growjpg Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation:,(YN Hydric soils: N etland hydrology:e�/N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?:, 'e o �' I ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM. (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 ,v,A,- Wt 1—' • Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#/3 ' Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. -Seru/{ ee4 k 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. i % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: O Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /0://e 3/3 , in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, ' organic pan (sandy soil)_. Hydric soil criteria met: Yes N) Basis: Nc, r-c 4 c Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes IV Basis: Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/NT— Hydric soils: !S1 Wetland hydrology: I%N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Ye No ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 ' (206)859-0515 /,tee Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#/4 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1 0-yew,.‘_ c' iS e-5 1/21 l—/-G U 2. F f 4,c/1..e, t74- F/4 -✓ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: /U Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Aldenvood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture Lin. loyg- 7-// in. in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) / Hydric soil criteria mete No Basis: Comments: e ) e, HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation J< ,watermarks , drift lines ,sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: a No Basis: 8 Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation:JN Hydric soils:7N Wetland hydrology/N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?:tar No ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#/-5 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: y& Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 2. i Z, rrS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No M ra Qi�n Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /6 in. /a`/r`L z,/' — w .: c/ _in. • in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) Hydric soil criteria met: e J� No Basis: �'p~ 4- ' Comments: - HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation ,saturation /? ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns - Wetland hydrology criteria met: J No Basis: Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Grow*Season?: Yes , Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/.N ' Hydric soils;'YLN �Vetland hydrologytiY7N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: tYe I No ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TI ELVEASSOCIATES, INC 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP# /Q Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. See, ee,,e,i 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: 6 Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /G in. /D Y2 Z/2 J e - in. in. in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_. Hydric,soil criteria met: YesrQ Basis: evo 5- Comments: HYDROLOGY - • Recorded data , inundation , saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes' Basis: /va Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil'Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing,Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/N Hydric soils: Y) Wr5t1n d hydrology: a Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes/No..) it ROUTINE WETLAND DETERIVIINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES,INC 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 174-1 ,� Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#/*` Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: e3 Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. se c a 4 r-e AJ? r't ��� 2. 7, cF��.se - 3. re 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture 3 in. / Y/z 3/1L ���r,.tG s- 2 0 Y; all PoN r1, ,4„ 7, %.. in. m. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations 7s, redox depletions_,pore linings_, { iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) Hydric soil criteria met:('e No Basis: a 4'"'-k ' a• / 7t" re''14) F`t �'-—5- - Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation 7C ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits , drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: es No Basis: 'N Comments: - I SUMMARY OF CRITERIA SoiliTemp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation:i N Hydric soils: r .LN etland hydrology:62N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: o ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 — Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: I1-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sew all Data Point: DP# l S Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: i frS Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. St CeAe.,.-C 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 • 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: O Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Textur in. /O YR-- C!w, �- in. - . in. Organic soil , Histic epipedon_,Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_, redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_,manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, _ organic pan (sandy soil)_. , Hydric soil criteria met: Yes cis.) Basis: /1 ,,i__ ,,I t r Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation ,saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits• drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes Basis: 4/0 /ti.. a Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing.Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: YW Hydric soils: YIN) Wetland hydrology: YIN) Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes7No.' ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 kiel/ G- Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#/1 Jurisdiction: Renton ` State: WA, Atypical Analysis: '��S Problem Area: U,-Jed (/'L� ^t,.Gr,.:1 �' v�yY"Qf!� Cy/ J �. L%rN2.r. VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. I Zc.b sec � fK S F/-3c _ 2. 3. ; 4. 5. i 6. 7. ' 8. - 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met:N-1 No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /4 in. ,14 y/ 1'// c� , n.�, ,4 ,-r r s•.,- :, "f � . in. in. _ Organic soil , Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed , redox concentrationsi<, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils) , organic pan (sandy soil) / Hydric soil criteria met& No Basis: �" '^-'k^-�_ / Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ^" ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns . Wetland hydrology criteria met: fa No Basis: — -- ," Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil'Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation:i YIN Hydric soils Ii/N/N Wetland hydrology/N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?l( ')No ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 Project Name/#: Burnstead/Talbot Rd. Date: 11-11-96 Investigator: Ed Sewall Data Point: DP#2 Jurisdiction: Renton State: WA Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator .Coverage % 1. re. c),3e r 5- 2. e"r�,� 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes Vo Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Alderwood On Hydric Soils List?: No Drainage Class: MWD De th(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture / . T3/ in. Tin. _ in. Organic soil_, HisticisticePiPedon—� Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed_,ed_, redox concentrations_, re dox depletions_,pore linings_,, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil)_. Hydric soil criteria met: Yew No Basis: Comments: HYDROLOGY - . Recorded data_, inundation , saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes/Vo basis: Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: NA Growing Season?: Yes Hydrophytic vegetation: ' i Hydric soils:0N Wetland hydrology: Y/I Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes( is /`_ V i R� — _+__ I ( — tY i --- jj ;l! I ' I : _, c -\ R 14 _ __ _ _ F _ _ _ E Ali di tO v.%_ , ! , Iv) wlik C t 0 _ 7 11 R 14 �;i,,,,,!v`y,> ' if - �� 1 r� kiwis Q� 1 i — :e — �, it_ R-1 \_____-• 1 � � - r - _ - D ,ce5 R . � i *„,-,..„-_--) - >c: --— _ _ I Ij Li --1-1 : Rt(P)I P) ' 1 � —�Th_H_L ____14,___i,_,,,, 4 � - RC 0 ii, . t1Ig. 1 ci '0 mi St - . --! l 1 .419r, , gr- , I dig vr•__I r _._, ..----1 _L_ ti,,,i rt L� - I ['<f- -- I ,J.— Ell 1 II _ I ,_______ --:_r- 2-D, , ...._, — -_ . 7 , __ 1 1 i )H .:11 1 7 _ , ,,__. __J .,a, __ _ _ _ _ _ ,.. . t. 1 _ 4 t___- 1 i City of Renton - _ City Limits 0 800 1600 Urban Separator i////, Mapping Conflict- KC Urban Separator rj_j�•��j Policy Conflict-KC Urban Separator Conflicts 611- Iio (�) DRAFT �LOPMENT P ':-AG DEv DF REtt(UId Gt l l DECLARATION OCT 0 FOR p4V ® A CONDOMINIUM THIS DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM is made as of the date below by L.L.C. , a Washington limited liability company, as sole owner of the Property located in King County, Washington hereinafter described, to submit the Property as a condominium pursuant to the Washington Condominium Act (Revised • Code of Washington Chapter 64 .34) : SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS As used in this Declaration unless the context requires otherwise: 1 . 1 The "Act" means the Washington Condominium Act (Revised Code of Washington Chapter 64 . 34) , as amended from time to time. 1 . 2 "Allocated interests" means the undivided interest in the Common Elements, the Common Expense Liability, and votes in the Association allocated to each Unit . 1 . 3 "Airspace Unit" means an envelope of space, the horizontal boundaries of which represent an extension upward and downward of the side surface boundaries depicted on the Survey Map and Plans and the vertical boundaries of which are represented by the subsurface and above-surface elevations as shown on page 3 of the Survey Map and Plans . An Airspace Unit shall include all improvements and fixtures hereafter located within the Airspace Unit and is subject to the rights described in this Declaration, including, but not limited to, construction of the Airspace Unit and its subdivision into units, as referenced in paragraph 5 . 1 . 5 . Any improvement within the Common Elements, such as a driveway which serves a specific Unit or Units shall be Limited Common Elements for that Unit . 1 . 4 "Assessment" means all sums chargeable by the Association against a Unit including, without limitation: (a) - 2 - .;,. 12794AGR.JEH 1 „r; regular and special assessments for Common. Expenses, charges, and fines imposed by the Association; (b) interest and late charges on any delinquent account; and (c) costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the Association in connection with the collection of a delinquent Owner' s account . 1 . 5 "Association" , IMMEMMOMMICondominium Association" , or "Unit Owners' Association" means the Unit Owners' Association organized pursuant to Section 14 below. 1 . 6 "Board of Directors" or "Board" means the body, with primary authority to manage the affairs of the Association. 1 . 7 "Building (s) " means the Building(s) containing the Units comprising a part of the Property of the Condominium. 1 . 8 "Bylaws" shall mean the Bylaws of the Association as initially promulgated by the Declarant, and as amended from time to time by the Association. 1 . 9 "Common Elements" means all portions of the Condominium other than the Units . 1 . 10 "Common Expenses" means expenditures made by or financial liabilities of the Association, together with any allocations to reserves . 1 . 11 "Common Expense Liability" means the liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit pursuant to Section 15 below. 1 . 12 "Conveyance" means any transfer of the ownership of a Unit, including a transfer by deed or by real estate contract, but shall not include a transfer solely for security. 1 . 13 "Declarant" meansIMMEMONOMMOMOW L.L.C. , a Washington limited liability company, its successors and assigns . 1 . 14 "Declarant Control" means the right of the Declarant or persons designated by the Declarant to appoint and remove officers and members of the Board of Directors pursuant to Section 14 .4 . 5 . 1 . 15 "Declaration" means this instrument by which the Property is submitted to provisions of the Act and as it may be, from time to time, lawfully amended. 1 . 16 "Development Rights" means any right or combination of rights reserved by a Declarant in the Declaration to (a) add Real Property or improvements to the Condominium or (b) create Units, 12794AGR.JEH - 3 _ 1[!%} :4 Common Elements, or Limited Common Elements within Real Property included or added to the Condominium. 1 . 17 "Dispose" or "disposition" means a voluntary transfer or conveyance to a purchase of any legal or equitable interest in a Unit, but does not include the transfer or release of a security interest . 1 . 18 "Eligible Mortgagee" means the holder of a mortgage on ' a Unit that has filed with the secretary of the Association a written request that it be given copies of notice of any action by the Association that requires the consent of mortgagees . 1 . 19 "Foreclosure" means a forfeiture of a real estate contract or a judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure of a mortgage or a deed in lieu thereof . 1 . 20 limmommi a Condominium" means the Condominium development which is the subject of this Declaration. 1 . 21 "Identifying number" or "Unit Number" means a symbol or address that identifies only one Unit in the Condominium. 1 . 22 "Limited Common Element" means a portion of the Common Elements allocated by the Declaration for the exclusive use of one or more, but fewer than all, of the Units . 1 . 23 "Majority" or "Majority of Unit Owners" means the Unit Owners with fifty-one percent (51%) or more of the votes in accordance with those assigned in this Declaration, as duly recorded or as it may be lawfully amended, to the Units for voting purposes . . 1 . 24 "Mortgagee" means an institutional lender (i.e . , a bank, savings and loan Association, insurance company, FHA- approved mortgage lender, Massachusetts-type Florida business trust, and Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) which is the holder of a note or the beneficiary of a deed of trust covering a Unit or other portion of the Property, and shall also mean the vendor under a real estate contract covering a Unit . 1 . 25 "Mortgage" means a mortgage, deed of trust, or a real estate contract covering a Unit or other portion of the Condominium. 1 . 26 "Purchaser" means any person, other than a Declarant or a dealer, who by means of a disposition acquires a legal or equitable interest in a Unit other than (a) a leasehold interest, including renewal options, of less than twenty years at the time of creation of the Unit, or (b) as security for an obligation. - 4 - 12794AGR.JEH �' 1 . 27 "Real Property, " "Property, " or "Land" means any fee, leasehold or other estate or interest in, over, or under land, including structures, fixtures, and other improvements thereon and easements, rights and interests appurtenant thereto which by custom, usage, or law pass with a conveyance of land although not described in the contract of sale or instrument of conveyance . 1 . 28 "Residential purposes" means use for dwelling or recreational purposes, or both. 1 . 29 "Special Declarant Rights" means rights reserved for the benefit of a Declarant to: (a) complete improvements indicated on survey map and plans filed with the Declaration under RCW 64 . 34 . 232 ; (b) exercise any development right under RCW 64 . 34 . 236; (c) maintain sales offices, management offices, signs advertising the Condominium, and models under RCW 64 . 34 . 256 ; (d) use easements through the Common Elements for the purpose of making improvements within the Condominium or within Real Property which may be added to the Condominium under RCW 64 . 34 . 260; (e) make the Condominium subject to a master Association under RCW 64 . 34 .276; .or (f) appoint or remove any officer of the Association or any member of the Board of Directors during any period of Declarant Control under RCW 64 .34 .308 (3) . 1 .30 "Survey Map and Plans" means the survey map and the set of plans filed or to be filed simultaneously with this Declaration showing the location, boundaries and other information relating to the Land, the Building (s) and the Units, as required by the Act, as further described in Section 37 . 1 . 31 "Temporary Board of Directors" or "Temporary Board" shall mean the persons appointed by the Developer to manage and administer the Property for the Association until such time as the Unit Owners elect the Board of Directors as provided in this Declaration. 1 . 32 "Unit" means the parts of the Property intended for residential use and occupancy. All spaces, interior partitions, and other fixtures and improvements within the boundaries of a Unit are a part of the Unit . The boundaries of the Unit shall be the interior surfaces of the exterior walls, the lowest floor and the highest ceiling which enclose the Unit . All lath furring, wallboard, plasterboard, plaster, paneling, tiles, wallpaper, paint, finished flooring, and any other materials constituting any part of the finished surfaces thereof are a part of the Unit, and all other portions of the walls, floors, or ceilings are a part of the Common Element . Any chute, flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column, or any other fixture which lies partially within and partially outside the designated boundaries of a Unit, and any portion thereof serves only that - 5 - 12794AGR.JEH Unit shall be Limited Common Element allocated solely to that Unit, and any portion which serves more than one Unit or any portion of the Common Elements shall be a part of the Common Elements . The existing physical boundaries of the Unit as originally constructed or as reconstructed in substantial accordance with the original plans thereof shall be conclusively presumed to be its boundaries rather than the metes and bounds expressed or depicted in this Declaration, deed or Survey Map and Plans, regardless of minor variance between boundaries shown in the Declaration, deed, or Survey Map and Plans and those of Units in the Building(s) as actually constructed. 1 . 33 "Unit Owner" means a Declarant or other person who owns a Unit, but does not include a person who has an interest in a Unit solely as security for an obligation or debt. "Unit Owner" means the vendee, not the vendor of a Unit under a real estate contract . SECTION 2 - DESCRIPTION OF LAND The Land on which the Buildings and improvements are, or are to be, located is described on Appendix A to this Declaration. SECTION 3 - NUMBER OF UNITS CREATED 41111111111.11M, a Condominium, shall contain 41111.111.11111116 Units which shall be located in IMMIMMOOMMO Buildings . IN111111.1. All the Buildings and the Units are shown on the Survey Map and Plans. SECTION 4 - DESCRIPTION OF UNITS The number and description of each existing Unit is set forth in Appendix B to this Declaration. SECTION 5 - BOUNDARIES 5 . 1 Unit Boundaries . 5 . 1 . 1 Interior Surfaces . The Interior Surfaces of perimeter walls, floors, and ceilings are designated as boundaries of a Unit . Decorative and finished surface coverings are a part of the Unit, and all other portions of the walls, floors, or ceilings are a part of the Common Elements . - 6 - 12794AGR.JEH 5 . 1 .2 Ducts, Wires, Etc. If any chute, flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column, or any other fixture lies partially within and partially outside the designated boundaries of a Unit, any portion thereof serving only that Unit is a Limited Common Element allocated solely to that Unit, and any portion thereof serving more than one Unit or any portion of the Common Elements is a part of the Common Elements . 5 . 1 . 3 Partitions, Etc . Subject to the provisions of Section 5 . 1 . 2, all spaces, interior partitions, and other fixtures and improvements within the boundaries of a Unit are a part of the Unit . 5 . 1 .4 Shutters, Etc. Any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, stoops, porches, balconies, patios, and all exterior doors and windows or other fixtures designated to serve a single Unit, but which are located outside the Unit' s boundaries, are Limited Common Elements allocated exclusively to that Unit . it in Buildin_• — r ,__ . - _-._ r re ►mir•arvim "..-�. •e. -er. _ s . 5 .2 Monuments as Boundaries . The physical boundaries of a Unit constructed in substantial accordance with the original Survey Map and Plans thereof become its boundaries rather than the metes and bounds expressed in the Survey Map and Plans, regardless of settling or lateral movements of the Building or minor variances between boundaries shown on the Survey Map and Plans and those of the Building. This Section does not relieve a Declarant or any other person of liability for failure to adhere to the Survey Map and Plans . 5 . 3 Relocation of Boundaries; Adjoining Units . 5 .3 . 1 In General . Subject to the provisions of the Declaration and other provisions of law, the boundaries between adjoining Units may only be relocated by an amendment to the Declaration upon application to the Association by the Owners of those Units . If the Owners of the adjoining Units have specified a reallocation between their Units of their Allocated Interests, the application must state the proposed reallocations . Unless the Board determines within thirty (30) days that the reallocations are unreasonable, the Association shall prepare an amendment that identifies the Units involved, states the reallocations, is executed by those Unit Owners, contains words of conveyance between them, and is recorded in the names of the grantor and grantee . 12794AGR.JEH R..+ag • • 5 . 3 . 2 Survey Mao and Plans . The Association shall obtain and record Survey Maps and Plans with the requirements of RCW 64 . 34 . 232 (4) necessary to show the altered boundaries between adjoining Units, their dimensions and identifying numbers . SECTION 6 - DESCRIPTION OF COMMON ELEMENTS Except as otherwise specifically allocated by the provisions of Section 5 . 1, Section 7 or any other provisions of this Declaration or amendments thereto, the Common Elements consist of all portions of the Condominium except Units and shall include the following: 6 . 1 The Real Property described in Exhibit A. 6 . 2 The windows, roofs, foundations, columns, girders, studs, joists, beams, supports, walls (excluding non-bearing interior partitions of Units) , chimneys, and all other structural parts of the Buildings, to the boundaries of the Units as the boundaries are defined in Section 5 . 1, and any replacements thereto. 6 .3 Installations of central services such as : power, light, gas, hot and cold water, heating, refrigeration, air conditioning and incinerating; pipes, conduits, and 'wires; elevator shafts, tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts; and in general all apparatus and installations existing for ' common use; but excluding plumbing, electrical and similar fixtures, which fixtures are located within a Unit for the exclusive use of that Unit. 6 .4 The driving areas (not allocated as Limited Common Elements by this Declaration or amendments hereto) which provide access to the Limited Common Elements for parking; and any guest parking or other parking areas (not allocated to Units as Limited Common Elements by this Declaration or amendments hereto) . 6 . 5 The yards, gardens, landscaped areas and walkways (not allocated as Limited Common Elements by this Declaration or amendments thereto) which surround and provide access to the Buildings or are used for recreational purposes . 6 . 6 All other parts of the Property necessary or convenient to its existence, maintenance and safety, or normally in common use. SECTION 7 - DESCRIPTION OF LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS - 8 - . 12794AGR.JEH n7,1 �". 7 . 1 Limited Common Elements . The Limited Common Elements are allocated for the exclusive use of the Owner or Owners of the Unit or Units to which they are allocated and, in addition to any Limited Common Elements provided by law or other provisions of the Declaration or amendments thereto, consist of : 7 . 1. 1 Patio or Deck. The patio or deck, if any, which is adjacent to each Unit as more particularly shown on the Survey Map and Plans, the boundaries of said patio or deck being defined by the Interior Surfaces of the walls, floor, ceiling, doors, windows, ground, railings, fence or curb enclosing said patio or deck; but if there are no such Interior Surfaces, then the boundaries as delineated on the Survey Map and Plans; but if no such boundaries are so delineated, then the perimeter of any patio or deck as actually constructed by Declarant . 7 . 1.2 Driveways . The driveway leading from the street to the garage in each unit as shown on the Survey Map and Plans . 7. 1.3 Garacres . The single car garages in Building 5 and the two (2) single car garages in Building 6 . (See Section 8.2 below) . 7.1.4 Boundary. If there is no fence, wall or other enclosure establishing the boundary of a Limited Common Element, then the boundary shall be as depicted on the Survey Map and Plans . 7 .2 Transfer of Limited Common Elements . 7.2 . 1 Reallocation Between Units . A Limited Common Element may only be reallocated between Units with the approval of the Board and by an amendment to the Declaration executed by the Owners of, and approved in writing by the Mortgagees holding Mortgages against, the Units to which the Limited Common Element was and will be allocated. The Board shall approve the request of the Owner or Owners under this Section within thirty (30) days unless the proposed reallocation does not comply with the Act or the Declaration. The failure of the Board to act upon a request within such period shall be deemed approval thereof . The amendment shall be recorded in the names of the parties and of the Condominium. 7 .2 .2 Common to Limited Common, Etc . Sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Unit Owners, including the Owner of the Unit to which the Limited Common Element will be assigned or incorporated, must agree to reallocate a Common Element as a Limited Common Element or to incorporate a Limited Common Element into an -existing Unit . Such reallocation or incorporation shall be reflected in an amendment to the Declaration, Survey Map or Plans . Provided, however, this Section shall not apply with. - 9 - - - t= 12794AGR.JEH ;9; respect to any such reallocation or incorporation made as a result of the exercise of any Development Right reserved by Declarant . SECTION 8 - GARAGES AND PARKING SPACES 8 . 1 Each Unit contains a single or double garage, as shown on the Survey Map and Plans. 8 . 2 The two (2) single c arages in and the two (2) single car garages i maybe sold and transferred by Declarant to any Owner as an additional Limited Common Area for the Unit of that Owner. If any such garage remains unsold when the last Unit is conveyed by Declarant, it shall be conveyed to the Association as Common Area to be managed, rented or used in any way determined by the Board. The Board may impose any restriction on the use or regulate the activities in any such garage so that the use of such garages does not adversely affect the use and enjoyment of the Units adjacent thereto. 8 . 3 There are uncovered parking spaces available for Unit Owners and guests subject to the control of the Association. 8 .4 Parking is also allowed on the driveway leadin to each unit except for those leading to units in Buildings SECTION 9 - DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS AND SPECIAL DECLARANT RIGHTS RESERVED BY DECLARANT 9 . 1 The following development rights are hereby reserved for use by Declarant : 9 . 1 . 1 Declarant may add up to ninety-five (95) additional Units on the Property, pursuant to the terms set forth in Section 33 below. 9 . 1 . 2 9 . 1 . 3 All of the Buildings and Units which are built pursuant to Section 9 . 1 . 1 shall be substantially the same architecture and substantially the same exterior finish materials as the Building containing the existing Units on the Property of the Condominium. t. 11 - 10 - 12794AGR.JEH _ • 9 . 1 .4 Declarant shall have seven (7) years from the date of the recording of this Declaration to construct and add the additional Units pursuant to Section 9 . 1 . 1 . 9 .2 The following Special Declarant Rights are hereby reserved, for use by Declarant : 9 . 2 . 1 Declarant may complete the improvements indicated on the Survey Map and Plans, and as described in this Declaration; and 9 .2 . 2 Declarant may maintain a sales office, management office, signs advertising the Units for sale, and models on the Property until all Units are sold. 9 . 2 . 3 Declarant may use easements through the Common Elements as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of discharging Declarant' s obligations or exercising the development rights and Special Declarant Rights or making improvements within the Condominium. 9 .2 .4 Appoint or remove any officer of the Association during the period of Declarant Control pursuant to Section 14 .4 . 9 .3 Declarant shall have seven (7) years from the date of the recording of . this Declaration to convey to the City of Woodinville that portion of the Property designated on the Survey Map and Plans as "Storm Drainage Tract . " SECTION 10 - ALLOCATION OF UNDIVIDED INTERESTS IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS, COMMON EXPENSES , AND VOTES IN THE ASSOCIATION 10 . 1 The undivided interest in the Common Elements and liability for Common Expenses for each Unit Owner are set forth on Appendix C attached hereto . 10 .2 In all matters relating to voting in the Association, each Unit shall be entitled to one (1) vote and all votes shall be of equal weight . SECTION 11 - OCCUPANCY AND USE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 11 . 1 Residential Use . The Building(s) and Units shall be used for single family residential purposes only, on an ownership, rental or lease basis, and for social, recreational or other reasonable uses normally incident to such purposes . The Building (s) and Units may also be used by the Association for the purposes of operating and managing HAWTHORNE, a Condominium, and ' - 11 - y -- 12794AGR.JEH �j4- for such additional uses or purposes as are from time to time determined to be appropriate by the Board. 11 . 2 Leasing of Units . Although Declarant intends to sell the Units as Condominium Units, it is recognized that the Units may be leased or rented by the Declarant or any Unit Owner at any time . No Unit may be leased or rented by any party for a period of less than thirty (30) days . Each lease or rental agreement shall be in writing, a copy shall be filed with the Board, and by its terms shall provide that the terms of the lease or rental agreement are subject in all respects to the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws of the Association, and all rules and regulations thereunder. Any failure by the lessee to comply with the terms contained in said documents shall be a default in any lease or rental agreement . No Owner may lease less than an entire Unit . The Association shall supervise all leasing, renting or subleasing of Units to ensure compliance with this paragraph and, at the discretion of the Board, may require the Owner to deposit not more than $500 . 00 with the Association as a security deposit to cover move-in and/or move-out damage to the Common Elements . The Association shall not consent to any lease, sublease or rental agreement, the effect of which will result in noncompliance with this paragraph. 11 . 3 Timesharing. Timesharing of any unit as defined in Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 34 . 36, is prohibited. 11 .4 Sales Facilities of Declarant . Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 11.1, Declarant, its agents, employees and contractors, may maintain during the period of sale of the Units upon such portion of the Property as Declarant may choose, such facilities as in the sole opinion of Declarant may be reasonably required, convenient or incidental to the sale, rental or management of such facilities, including, but not limited to, two (2) model Units, a business or sales office, signs, storage facilities, and parking areas for prospective purchasers or tenants . 11 . 5 Parking. Parking outside of garages is restricted to parking of operative automobiles . Trailers, trucks, campers, recreation vehicles, boats and other vehicles and equipment may be parked or kept outside garages only subject to the rules and regulations of the Association. The Board may require removal of any inoperative or unsightly vehicle, and any other equipment or item which is improperly stored outside a garage. Thereafter, if that vehicle or equipment is not removed, the Board may cause removal at the risk and expense of the Owner thereof . - 12 - v, 12794AGR.JEH 11 . 6 Maintenance of Interiors of Units . 11 . 6 . 1 Each Unit Owner shall, at his sole expense, have the right and the duty to keep the interior of his Unit and its equipment, appliances, and appurtenances in good order, condition and repair, and shall do all redecorating and painting at any time necessary to maintain the good appearance and condition of the interior of his Unit . Each Unit Owner shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair or replacement of any plumbing fixtures, water heaters, fans, heating or other equipment, fireplace flues, electrical fixtures or appliances, deck and/or patio which may be in or connected with his Unit . 11 . 6 . 2 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Unit Owner shall have the right and the duty, at his sole cost and expense, to maintain, repair, paint, paper, panel, plaster, tile, and finish the interior surfaces of the ceilings, floors, window frames, door frames, trim, and the perimeter walls of his Unit and the surfaces of the bearing walls located within his Unit, and shall not permit or commit waste of his Unit or the Common Elements . Each Unit Owner shall have the right to substitute new finished surfaces for the finished surfaces then existing on said ceilings, floors and walls . Each Unit Owner shall have the right to maintain, repair, paint, finish, alter, substitute, add or remove any fixtures attached to said ceilings, floors or walls . This Section shall not be construed to permit interference with or damage to the structural integrity of the Buildings or interference with the use and enjoyment of the Common Elements or of the other Units . 11 . 6 . 3 Unit Owners may not modify, paint, or otherwise decorate, or in any way alter their respective Limited Common Elements without prior written approval of the Board or pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted thereby. 11 . 7 Maintenance of Exteriors of the Buildings and the Common Elements . Except to the extent provided by this Declaration, the Association is responsible for maintenance, repair, and replacement of the Common Elements, including the Limited Common Elements . Each Unit Owner shall afford to the Association and the other Unit Owners, and to their agents or employees, access through the Owner' s Unit and Limited Common Elements reasonably necessary for those purposes . If damage is inflicted on the Common Elements, or on any Unit through which access is taken, the Unit Owner responsible for the damage, or the Association if it is responsible, shall be liable for the expense of the repair or replacement thereof. 11 . 8 Declarant' s Liability for Real Property Sub-ject to Development Riahts . Declarant alone is liable for all expenses in connection with Real Property subject to development rights, - 12794AGR.JEH 13 - ,.,c ;V; cy c'7;-'4 ;�'l except that the expenses associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of a Common Element that the Owners have a right to use shall be paid by the Association as a Common Expense . No other Unit Owner and no other portion of the Condominium is subject to a claim for payment of those expenses . Any income or proceeds from Real Property subject to Development . Rights shall inure to Declarant . 11 . 9 Uniform Exterior Apoearance . In order to preserve the uniform exterior appearance of the Buildings, and the Common and Limited Common Elements visible to the public, the Board may require and provide for the painting and other decorative finish of the Building (s) , patios, decks, fences, or other common or Limited Common Elements, and prescribe the type and color of such decorative finishes, and may prohibit, require or regulate any modification or decoration of the Building (s) , patios, decks, fences, trellises, or other common or Limited Common Elements, including screens, doors, awnings, rails or other portions of each Unit and Building visible from the exterior thereof . The Board may regulate and control the items stored or used on the patios and decks in order to present a good appearance to the ' entire Condominium. The Declarant will require andlater the Board may also require that window coverings visible from the exterior of the Buildings be of a uniform color and style. 11 . 10 Insurance. The Unit Owners shall not permit anything to be done or kept in the Units or in the Common or Limited Common Elements which will increase the fire insurance premiums thereon or result in the cancellation of such insurance on any Unit or any part of the Common or Limited Common Elements, without the consent of the Board or pursuant to rules and regulations adopted thereby. 11 . 11 Sians . No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on or from any Unit or from the Common or Limited Common Elements without the consent of the Board or pursuant to rules and regulations adopted thereby; provided, that this Section shall not apply to sales activities of Developer permitted pursuant to Section 1.29 and 11 . 3 above . 11 . 12 Pets . Domestic household pets, such as dogs and cats, may be kept by the Unit Owners; provided, that the keeping of pets shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Board may from time to time adopt . The Board may require the removal of any animal which the Board in the exercise of reasonable discretion finds disturbing other Unit Owners unreasonably, and may exercise this authority for specific animals even though other animals are permitted to remain. 11 . 13 Offensive Activity. No noxious or offensive activity,_; , shall be carried on in any Unit or Common or Limited Common � `� - 14 - • �.�L-U. 12794AGR.JEH °:.'tf Elements, nor shall anything be done therein which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to other Unit Owners, or which would be in violation of any laws . 11 . 14 Alterations of Units . A Unit Owner: 11 . 14 . 1 May make any improvements or alterations to the Owner' s Unit that do not affect the structural integrity or . mechanical or electrical systems or lessen the support of any portion of the Condominium; 11 . 14 . 2 May not change the appearance of the Common Elements or the exterior appearance of a Unit, without the prior written approval of the Association; 11 . 14 .3 After acquiring an adjoining Unit or an adjoining part of an adjoining Unit may, with approval of the Board, remove or alter any intervening partition or create apertures therein, even if the partition in whole or in part is a Common Element, if those acts do not adversely affect the structural integrity or mechanical or electrical systems or lessen the support of any portion of the Condominium. Removal of partitions or creation of apertures under this subsection is not a relocation of boundaries . The Board shall approve a Unit Owner' s request, which request shall include submission of the plans and specifications for the proposed removal or alteration, under this subsection within thirty (30) days, unless the proposed alteration does not comply with the Act or with this Declaration or impairs the structural integrity or mechanical or electrical systems in the Condominium. The failure of the Board to act upon a request within such time period shall be deemed approval thereof . 11 . 15 Alterations of Common and Limited Common Elements . The Common and Limited Common Elements shall not be reconstructed, rebuilt, altered, removed or replaced except by the Association acting through the Board, subject to the rights of mortgagees set forth in Section 22 . 11 . 16 Bylaws and Rules and Regulations . The Association may from time to time adopt reasonable additional provisions in the Bylaws or in the rules and regulations of the Association as may be necessary or advisable to ensure compliance with or to supplement the foregoing covenants, conditions and restrictions, and the Unit Owners shall comply in all respects therewith. 11 . 17 Native Growth Protection Area . That portion of the Common Elements designated on the Survey Map and Plans as "Native Growth Protection Area Tract" is designated as a native growth protective area. - 15 - 12794AGR.JEH • SECTION 12 - COMPLIANCE WITH DECLARATION 12 . 1 Enforcement . Failure of any Unit Owner to comply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration and with the Bylaws and rules and regulations of the Association, as they may be lawfully amended from time to time, and with all decisions of the Board or the Association adopted pursuant to this Declaration and the Bylaws and administrative rules and regulations shall be grounds for an action against the noncomplying Unit Owner to recover sums due for damages, or for injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by the Board acting through its officers on behalf of the Owners, or by any aggrieved Unit Owner on his own. 12 . 2 No Waiver of Strict Performance . The failure of the Board in any one or more instances to insist upon the strict performance of any of the terms, covenants, conditions or restrictions of this Declaration, or of the Bylaws or rules and regulations, or to exercise any right or option contained in these documents, or to serve any notice or to institute any action, shall not be construed as a waiver or a relinquishment for the future of such term, covenant, condition or restriction which shall remain in full force and effect . The receipt by the Board of any assessment from an Owner, with knowledge of any such breach shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach, and no waiver by the Board of any provision hereof shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed for by the Board. This Section also extends to Declarant or Declarant' s managing agent, exercising the powers of the Board during the period of Declarant Control of the Association and the Condominium development . SECTION 13 - SERVICE OF PROCESS The person initially designated by Declarant to receive service of process in cases provided for in the Act is Scott Hall, whose place of business is 1215 - 120th •NE, Suite 201, Bellevue, Washington 98005-2135 . After the election of the Board under Section 14 .4 .3, service of process for the purposes provided in the Act may also be made upon the president of the Association. After the election of the Board, the Board shall designate a new or different person or agency for such purposes by filing an amendment to this Declaration limited to the sole purpose of making such change, and such amendment need only be signed and acknowledged by the then president of the Association. Declarant may, at any time before the Board is elected, change such designation by amendment to the Declaration signed and acknowledged only by Declarant . • - 16 - • 12794AGR.JBH ' ;��„_ • SECTION 14 -. OWNERS' ASSOCIATION The Association shall be a nonprofit corporation. The rights and duties of the members and of such corporation shall be governed by the provisions of the Act and of this Declaration. The Association may use the name Condominium Association, " or such other names as may be selected by the Board. 14 . 1 Membership. Each Unit Owner shall automatically become a member of the Association and' shall be subject to its Bylaws and such rules and regulations as may from time to time be adopted by the Association. The membership shall be appurtenant to and nonseverable from the ownership of each Unit . The membership shall automatically pass to the succeeding Owner with the conveyance of each Unit . 14 .2 Voting. 14 .2 . 1 Number of Votes . For the purposes of determining voting ri hts under the Act and with respect to the administration of , a Condominium, through the Association, the total voting power of all Units shall be equal to the number of Units then in the Condominium. At the time this Declaration is recorded, that number is forty-two (42) . After Building 13 is subdivided into four (4) Units, the number shall be forty-five (45) . Whenever the approval of a stated percentage of the Unit Owners is required in this Declaration or the Bylaws, unless expressly stated otherwise, the percentage shall be determined by reference to the voting power of the Units as defined above. 14 . 2 .2 Person Authorized to Vote. There shall be one (1) voting Owner for each Unit . The voting Owner shall be designated by the Unit Owner or Owners of each Unit by written notice to the Board and need not be a Unit Owner. The designation may be revoked at any time by the Unit Owner or Owners by written notice to the Board, and the death or judicially declared incompetence of the Unit Owner shall revoke the designation, provided that such designation shall not be effective until the- Board has been notified thereof . The powers of designation and revocation may be exercised by the guardian, trustee, administrator or executor of a Unit Owner or his estate . Where no designation is made, or where a designation has been made, but is revoked and no new designations have been made, the voting power of each Unit shall be the group composed of all of its Owners . The Association may recognize the vote of any one or more of such Owners present in person or by proxy at any meetings of the Association as the vote of all such Owners . If there is more than one such Owner and they do not vote unanimously, the Association may divide the vote in accordance with their - 17 • - 12794AGR.JEH , ; . respective interests if they shall agree thereon or have furnished sufficient written evidence thereof . Otherwise, the vote for that Unit may be disregarded by the Board. For purposes of electing members of the Board, the Owners may use cumulative voting. 14 . 2 . 3 Ownership of More Than One Unit . If a person shall own more than one Unit, he shall be entitled to exercise the votes for the combined total of all Units owned. Declarant, and any person acquiring under or by virtue of the deed of trust referred to in Section 22 , shall be entitled to the same voting privileges as other Unit Owners, until all Units owned by Declarant are sold. 14 . 2 .4 Quorum. A quorum of Unit Owners at any annual or special meeting of the Association shall be the presence, in person or by proxy, of persons holding twenty-five percent (250) or more of the total votes, unless otherwise expressly provided herein. If a quorum is present at any such meeting, any action may be taken by an affirmative vote of a majority of the total votes present at the meeting, except as otherwise expressly provided in the Act, this Declaration, or the Bylaws . 14 . 3 Bylaws . Declarant, on behalf of the Temporary Board of Directors, shall adopt the initial Bylaws of the Association to provide for the administration of the Property and the organization of the Association, consistent with this Declaration and the Act . The Bylaws shall designate the time and specify the procedures for the holding of annual and special meetings of the Association and may specify other procedures applicable to the organization and administration of the Association. The Bylaws may be amended by Declarant, on behalf of the Temporary Board, at any time prior to the replacement of the Temporary Board by the Board pursuant to Section 14 .4 .3 . Thereafter, the Bylaws may be amended in whole or in part, by a vote of Unit Owners accounting for not less than sixty percent (600) of the total votes at a meeting of the Association duly held for that .purpose. Written notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting shall be delivered in person or mailed to each Unit Owner at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such meeting. 14 .4 Management of the Association by the Board. The Association shall be administered and managed by a Board of three (3) persons who shall serve during the interim period described below, and thereafter as established by the Bylaws . 14 .4 . 1 Initial Board of Directors. Declarant may, at such time as it deems appropriate, appoint a Board of three (3) persons who need not be Unit Owners . The Board (and Declarant, until the Board is appointed) shall exercise the rights, duties and functions of the Board as set forth in this Declaration until - 18 - 12794ACR.JEH firr . the entire Board is elected by the Unit Owners pursuant to Section 14 .4 . 3 . 14 .4 . 2 Election After Sale of Units . Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Units which may be created to Unit Owners other than a Declarant, at least one member and not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Board must be elected by Unit Owners other than Declarant . Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of fifty percent (50%) of the Units which may be created to Unit Owners other than Declarant, not less than thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the members of the Board must be elected by Unit Owners other than Declarant . 14 .4 . 3 Election of Complete Board. Within thirty (30) days after the termination of any period of Declarant Control, the Unit Owners shall elect a Board of at least three (3) directors, at least a majority of whom must be Unit Owners . The Board shall elect the officers of the Association from among the Board members . Such directors and officers shall take office upon this election. 14 .4 .4 Expansion of Board. In the event the number of Units in HAWTHORNE, a Condominium, increases to a total of fifty- one (51) or more, the number of directors on the Board shall be increased to five (5) . 14 .4 . 5 Removal of Directors . During the period of Declarant Control, Declarant may remove any director appointed by Declarant at any time and for any reason. The Unit Owners, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting power in the Association present and entitled to vote at any meeting of the Unit Owners at which a quorum is present, may remove any director with or without cause, except for a director appointed by Declarant . Declarant may not remove any director elected by the Unit Owners . Prior to the termination of the period of Declarant Control, the Unit Owners, other than Declarant, may remove any director elected by the Unit Owners by a two-thirds (2/3) vote . 14 .4 . 6 Term. The term of office of each director shall be two (2) years, with two (2) directors being elected at each annual meeting during even-numbered years, and one (1) director being elected at each annual meeting during odd-numbered years . (If there are five (5) directors on the Board, three (3) directors shall be elected at each annual meeting during even- numbered years and two (2) directors shall be elected in odd- numbered years . ) At the special meeting called for the purpose nn • - 19 - 12794AGR.JEH of electing the directors, pursuant to Section 14 .4 .3 of this Declaration, the three (3) directors so elected shall, by lot, determine which shall have one (1) or two (2) year terms, to stagger the expiration dates of the terms of the appropriate number of directors . Any director may be elected to serve for an additional term or terms . 14 .4 . 7 Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall act by majority vote of those present at its meetings where a quorum exists . Meetings shall be called, held and conducted in accordance with the Bylaws . 14 .4 . 8 Officers . The Board shall elect a president, a secretary and a treasurer of the Association from among members of the Board. Each officer shall hold office for one (1) year, or until his successor is elected. Any officer of the Association may be reelected by the Board for any number of successive terms . 14 .4 . 9 Employment of Manager. The Board may, to the extent it deems advisable, employ a person or firm to manage HAWTHORNE, a Condominium, as well as such other persons as are necessary in its opinion for the proper operation thereof; provided, that the employment of a person or firm to manage HAWTHORNE, shall be under a written contract for a term not in excess of one (1) year and shall permit the Board to revoke the . same without cause and without payment of a termination fee, upon no more than thirty (30) days notice. 14 .4 . 10 Standard of Care . Except as provided in this Declaration and the Bylaws, the Board shall act in all instances on behalf of the Association. In the performance of their duties, the officers and members of the Board are required to exercise the following standards. of care : (a) If appointed by Declarant, the care required as fiduciaries of the Unit Owners; or (b) if elected by the Unit Owners, ordinary and reasonable care . 14 .4 . 11 Limitations of Board Authority. The Board shall not act on behalf of the Association to amend the Declaration in any manner that requires the vote or approval of the Unit Owners to terminate the Condominium, or to elect members of the Board or determine the qualifications, powers, and duties, or terms of office of members of the Board pursuant to Section 14 .4 . 3 of this Declaration. The Board may, however, fill vacancies in its membership for the unexpired portion of any term. - 20 - 12794AGR.JEH _ _. 14 . 5 Authority of the Association. The Association, acting by and through the Board, its officers, manager or other duly authorized agents or representatives, may: 14 . 5 . 1 Adopt and amend Bylaws, rules and regulations; 14 . 5 .2 Adopt and amend budgets for revenues, expenditures, and reserves, and impose and collect assessments for Common Expenses from Unit Owners; 14 . 5 .3 Hire and discharge or contract with managing agents and other employees, agents, and independent contractors; 14 . 5 .4 Institute, defend, or intervene in litigation or administrative proceedings in its own name on behalf of itself or two (2) or more Unit Owners on matters affecting the Condominium; 14 . 5 . 5 Make contracts and incur liabilities; 14 . 5 . 6 Regulate the use, maintenance, repair, replacement, and modification of Common Elements and contract with third parties to accomplish these objectives; 14 .5 . 7 Cause additional improvements to be made as a part of the Common Elements; 14 .5 . 8 Acquire, hold, encumber, and convey in its own name any right, title, or interest to real or personal Property, but Common Elements may be conveyed or subjected to a security interest only pursuant to the Act; 14 . 5 . 9 Grant easements, leases, licenses, and concessions through or over the Common Elements and petition for or consent to the vacation of streets and alleys; 14 .5 . 10 Impose and collect any payments, fees, or charges for the use, rental, or operation of the Common Elements, other than Limited Common Elements described in Section 7 of this Declaration, and for services provided to Unit Owners; 14 . 5 . 11 Impose and collect charges for late payment of assessments and interest thereon pursuant to Section 15 . 2 . 10 . 1 of this Declaration, and after notice and an opportunity to be heard by the Board or by such representative designated by the Board and in accordance with such procedures as provided in the Declaration or Bylaws or rules and regulations adopted by the Board, levy reasonable fines in accordance with a previously established schedule thereof adopted by the Board and furnished to the Owners for violations of the Declaration, Bylaws, and rules and regulations of the Association; 21 - Y ,, > n 12794AGR.JEH +:';` a 14 . 5 . 12 Impose and collect reasonable charges for the preparation and recording of amendments to the Declaration, for resale certificates required by RCW 64 . 34 .425, and for statements of unpaid assessments; 14 . 5 . 13 Provide for the indemnification of its officers and Board and maintain directors' and officers' liability insurance; 14 . 5 . 14 Assign its right to future income, including the right to receive Common Expense assessments, but only to the extent the Declaration provides; 14 . 5 . 15 Exercise any other powers conferred by the Declaration or Bylaws; 14 . 5 . 16 Exercise all other powers that may be exercised in this state by the same type of corporation as the Association; and 14 . 5 . 17 Exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the governance and operation of the Association. SECTION 15 - COMMON EXPENSES - ASSESSMENTS 15 . 1 Prior to Initial Assessment . Until the Association makes a Common Expense assessment, Declarant shall pay all Common Expenses. 15 . 2 Assessments and Budaet for Common Expenses . 15 . 2 . 1 Annual Budget of Common Expenses . Prior to the sale of the first Unit by Declarant, and thereafter within sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Board (or Declarant, prior to the appointment or election of the Board) shall estimate the Common Expenses which it anticipates will be incurred during the forthcoming fiscal year, and determine the monthly assessments and any special assessments to be paid during such year. The Board shall establish the dates for the fiscal year consistent with the needs of the Association. The Board shall also make provision for creating, funding and maintaining reasonable reserves for contingencies, operations, and repair, replacement and acquisition of Common Elements; and shall take into account any expected income and any surplus 7jI •-fir pp 22 12794AGR.JEH �`` available from the prior year' s operations . The determination and collection of assessments for any initial partial year of operation ofaillIMIND, a Condominium, may be made by Declarant or the Board at any reasonable time. The initial assessments for all Units shall commence in accordance with Section 15 . 2 . 7 below. If at any time during the budget year the sums estimated and budgeted at any time proves inadequate for any reason (including nonpayment for any reason of any Unit Owner' s assessment (s) ) , the Board may at any time levy further assessments, which shall be assessed to the Unit Owners . 15 . 2 .2 Approval of Budget . Within thirty (30) days after adoption of any proposed budget for the Condominium, the Board shall provide a summary of the budget to all the Unit Owners and shall set a date for a meeting of the Unit Owners to consider ratification of the budget not less than fourteen (14) nor more than sixty (60) days after mailing of the summary. Unless at that meeting the Owners of Units to which a majority of the votes in the Association are allocated or any larger percentage specified in the Declaration reject the budget, the budget is ratified, whether or not a quorum is present . In the event the proposed budget is rejected or the required notice is not given, the periodic budget last ratified by the Unit Owners shall be continued until such time as the Unit Owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Board. 15 .2 . 3 Special Assessments . The Board may also, from time to time, impose such special assessments as may be determined by the Board, subject to the restrictions in this Declaration and the Bylaws . 15 .2 .4 Initial Payment for Working Capital . Declarant shall collect from each purchaser an amount equal to at least two (2) months' assessments at the time of the first conveyance of each Unit to establish a sufficient initial working capital fund. This initial payment into the fund shall be in addition to the assessment for the first month which each purchaser of a Unit from Declarant will pay at the time of closing of the sale . Each Unit' s share of the working capital fund must be collected and transferred to the Association at the time of closing of the sale of each Unit, •and maintained in a segregated account for the use and benefit of the Association segregated from all other funds of the Association. The purpose of the fund is to ensure that the Association will have cash available to meet unforeseen expenditures, or to acquire additional equipment or services deemed necessary or desirable by the Board. Amounts paid into the fund are not to be considered as advance payments of regular assessments. Declarant shall deposit a sum equal to at least two (2) months' assessments in the working capital fund for each - 23 - 12794AGR.JEH - i existing but unsold Unit within sixty (60) days after conveyance of the first Unit . Thereafter, at the time of the conveyance of each Unit, Declarant shall be reimbursed for the working capital deposit from the funds collected from the purchaser of the conveyance . 15 . 2 . 5 Liability for Assessment Payments . All Common • Expenses shall be assessed against all Units in the percentages set forth in Appendix C, except that assessments to pay a judgment against the Association resulting from a foreclosure of a lien against the Association shall be made only against the Units in the Condominium at the time the judgment was entered in proportion to their allocated Common Expense liabilities at the time the judgment was entered. To the extent that any Common Expense is caused by the misconduct of any Unit Owner (s) , the Association may assess that expense against that Unit (s) . The Board may, in its discretion, allocate 15 . 2 .5 . 1 any Common Expense associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of a Limited Common Element against the Owner (s) of the Unit (s) to which that Limited Common Element is assigned, in equal shares . 15 . 2 . 5 .2 any Common Expense or portion thereof benefiting fewer than all of the Units shall be assessed exclusively against the Unit (s) benefitted. 15 . 2 . 6 Payment by Unit Owners . Each Unit Owner shall be obligated to pay its share of Common Expenses and special charges made pursuant to this Section to the treasurer of the Association in equal monthly installments on or before the first day of each month during such year, or in such other reasonable manner as the Board shall designate. No Owner may exempt himself from liability for payment of assessments for any reason, including waiver of use or enjoyment of any of the Common Elements or abandonment of the Owner' s Unit . 15 . 2 . 7 Commencement of Assessments . Assessments for each Unit Owner shall begin on the date said Owner closes the transaction in which he acquires right, title or interest in the Unit . Declarant shall commence payment of assessments for existing but unsold Units no later than sixty (60) days after the conveyance of the first Unit in each Building. In the ' alternative, Declarant may, at its option, elect to continue to pay all operating expenses for , a Condominium, after conveyance of the first Unit in each Building and commence the assessments at a later time . Whenever assessments are thereafter commenced and required from any Unit Owners, assessments shall be required from all Unit Owners, including Declarant for existing Units then owned by Declarant . Assessments for the initial month - 24 - ;.. rf 12794AGR.JEH ---' shall be prorated if closing occurs on other than the first of the month. 15 . 2 . 8 Payment by Mortgagees . Subject to Section 16 . 2, the holder of a mortgage or other purchaser of a Unit who obtains the right of possession of the Unit through foreclosure shall not be liable for assessments that became due ,prior to such right of possession. Such unpaid assessments shall be deemed to be Common Expenses collectible from all the Unit Owners, including such mortgagee or other purchaser of such Unit . Foreclosure of a mortgage does not relieve the prior Owner of personal liability for assessments accruing against the Unit prior to the date of such sale as provided in this Section. 15 . 2 . 9 Security Deposit . From time to time, the Board may, at its sole discretion, require a Unit Owner to make and maintain a security deposit not in excess of three (3) months estimated monthly assessments, which may be collected in the same manner as other assessments . Such deposit shall be held in a separate fund, credited to such Unit Owner, and resort may be had thereto at any time when such Owner is fifteen (15) days or more delinquent in paying his monthly or other assessments . 15 . 2 . 10 Interest, Late Charges, Expenses and Attorneys' Fees . As part of its collection of delinquent assessments, the Association shall be entitled to recover interest for the period of delinquency, late charges, expenses of collection, and attorneys' fees incurred by the Association whether or not a suit is commenced or prosecuted to judgment . In addition, the Association shall be entitled to recover costs and reasonable attorneys' fees if it prevails on appeal and those incurred in the enforcement of a judgment . 15 . 2 . 10 . 1 The Association may, from time to time, establish reasonable late charges and a rate of interest to be charged on all subsequent delinquent assessments or installments thereof . Delinquent assessments shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at the maximum rate permitted under RCW 19 . 52 . 020 on the date on which the assessments became delinquent . 15 . 2 . 10 . 2 The Association may impose a late charge in an amount not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) of any unpaid assessment or charge which had remained delinquent for more than fifteen (15) days . 15 . 2 . 11 Remedies Cumulative. The remedies provided are cumulative, and the Board may pursue them concurrently, as well as any other remedies which may be available under law although not expressed in this Declaration. - 25 - 12794AGR.JEH 15 . 3 Surplus Funds . Any surplus funds of the Association remaining after. payment of or provision for Common Expenses and any prepayment of reserves shall, in the discretion of the Board, either be paid to the Unit Owners in proportion to their Common Expense liabilities or credited to them to reduce their future Common Expense assessments . SECTION 16 - LIENS FOR ASSESSMENTS 16 . 1 Lien in Favor of Association. The Association has a lien on a Unit for any unpaid assessments levied against a Unit from the time the assessment is due . Fees, late charges, fines, and interest charged by the Association are enforceable as assessments . If an assessment is payable in installments, the Association has a lien for the full amount of the assessment from the time the first installment is due . 16 . 2 Priority of Association Lien. 16 . 2 . 1 General Priority. The lien of the Association ' under this Section shall be prior to all other liens and encumbrances on a Unit, except : (a) liens and encumbrances recorded before the recording of the Declaration; (b) a mortgage on the Unit recorded before the date on which the assessment sought to be enforced became delinquent; or (c) liens for Real Property taxes and other governmental assessments or charges against the Unit . 16 . 2 . 2 Priority Over Mortgages Encumbering Individual Units . 16 . 2 .2 .1 If the Association elects to foreclose its lien under Section 16 . 5 of this Declaration, the lien shall also be prior to the mortgages described in Section 16 .2 . 2 of this Declaration to the extent of assessments for Common Expenses, excluding any amounts for capital improvements, based on the periodic budget adopted by the Association pursuant to this Declaration which would have become due, in the absence of acceleration, during the six (6) months immediately preceding institution of an action to enforce the lien. 16 . 2 .2 .2 The priority of the Association' s lien against Units encumbered by a mortgage held by an eligible mortgagee or by a first mortgagee which has given the Association a written request for a notice of delinquent assessments shall be reduced by up to three (3) months if and to the extent its foreclosure includes delinquencies which relate to a period after such holder becomes an eligible mortgagee or has given such 26 - „ 12794AGR.JEH notice and before the Association gives the holder a written notice of the delinquency. 16 . 2 . 2 . 3 This subsection 16 .2 . 2 does not affect the priority of mechanics' or materialmen' s liens, or the priority of liens for other assessments made by the Association. 16 . 3 Recording Not Required. Recording of this Declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of the lien for assessments of the Association. While no further recording of any claim of lien for assessment under this Section shall be required to perfect the Association' s lien, the Association may record a notice of claim of lien for assessments under this Section in the Real Property records of King County. Such recording shall not constitute the written notice of delinquency to .a mortgagee referred to in Section 16 . 2 .2 .2 of this Declaration. 16 .4 Limitation on Enforcement . A lien for unpaid assessments is extinguished unless legal proceedings to enforce the lien are instituted within three (3) years after the amount of the assessments sought to be recovered becomes due. 16 . 5 Enforcement of Lien. 16 . 5 . 1 The lien arising under this Section may be enforced judicially by the Association or its authorized representative in the manner set forth in Chapter 61 . 12 RCW or nonjudicially in the manner set forth in Chapter 61 . 24 RCW for nonjudicial foreclosure of deeds of trust . For the purpose of preserving the Association' s nonjudicial foreclosure option, this Declaration shall be considered to create a grant of each Unit in trust to Chicago Title Insurance Company or its successors or assigns ( "Trustee" ) , to secure the obligations of each Unit Owner ( "Grantor" ) to the Association ( "Beneficiary" ) for the payment of Assessments . Grantor shall retain the right to possession of Grantor' s Unit so long as Grantor is not in default of an obligation to pay Assessments . The Trustee shall have a power of sale with respect to each Unit, which becomes operative in Assessments. The Units are not used principally for agricultural or farming purposes . 16 . 5 .2 The Association or its authorized representative shall have the power to purchase the Unit at the foreclosure sale whether judicial or non-judicial and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, or convey the Unit to a third party. Upon an express waiver in the complaint of any right to a deficiency judgment in a judicial foreclosure action, the period of redemption shall be eight (8) months . Nothing in this Section shall prohibit an Association from accepting a deed in lieu of foreclosure from the Owner of the Unit subject to the lien. - 27 - 12794AGR.JEH 16 . 6 Appointment of Receiver. From the time of commencement of an action by the Association to foreclose a lien for nonpayment of delinquent assessments against a Unit that is ' not occupied by the Owner thereof, the .Association shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver to collect from the lessee thereof the rent for the Unit as and when due. If the rental is not paid, the receiver may obtain possession of the Unit, refurbish it for rental up to a reasonable standard for rental to others, and apply the rents first to the cost of the receivership and attorneys' fees thereof, then to the cost of refurbishing the Unit, then to applicable charges, then to costs, other fees, and charges of the foreclosure action, and then to the payment of the delinquent assessments . A receiver shall not . be appointed less than ninety (90) days after the delinquency. The exercise by the Association of the foregoing rights shall not ' affect the priority of preexisting liens on the Unit . 16 . 7 Personal Liability of Unit Owners . In addition to constituting a lien on the Unit, each assessment shall be the joint and several obligation of the Owner or Owners of the Unit to which the same are assessed as of the time the assessment is due. Suit to recover a personal judgment for any delinquent assessment shall be maintainable in any court of competent jurisdiction without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing such sums. 16 . 8 Certificate of Assessment . The Association, upon written request, shall furnish to a Unit Owner or a mortgagee of a Unit a statement signed by an officer or authorized agent of the Association setting forth the amount of unpaid assessments against that Unit . The statement shall be furnished within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the request and is binding on the Association, the Board, and every Unit Owner, unless and to the extent known by the recipient to be false. SECTION 17 - ASSOCIATION ACCOUNTS AND RECORDS ' 17 . 1 Bank Accounts . The Association shall maintain four (4) separate bank accounts, one each for its general account, reserve fund, insurance reserve account, and working capital account . 17 . 1 . 1 General Account . All assessment payments shall be deposited in the general account and thereafter distributed to other accounts or paid out for current expenses . 17 . 1 . 2 Reserve Account . Any reserve funds of the Association shall be kept in a segregated account and any transaction affecting such funds, including the issuance of - 2 8 -12794AGR.JEH checks, shall require the signature of at least two persons who are officers or directors of the Association. 17 . 1.3 'Insurance Reserve Account . Each month the Board shall first deposit to the insurance reserve account that portion of the Common Expense assessments necessary to pay at least one-twelfth (1/12) of the total cost of all of the insurance coverage then in effect pursuant to Section 19 and such insurance reserve account shall be held separately and inviolate until utilized for payment of such premiums . 17 . 1 .4 Working Capital Account . This account shall contain the funds paid to the Association collected pursuant to Section 15 . 2 .4 . 17. 1 . 5 No Commingling. The funds of the Association shall not be commingled with the funds of any other Association, nor with the funds of any manager of the Association or any other person responsible for the custody of such funds . 17 . 2 Financial Records . The Board shall keep complete and accurate books and records of the receipts and expenditures affecting the Common Elements, specifying and itemizing the maintenance and repair expenses of the Common Elements and any other expenses incurred, together with any additional information which may from time to time be designated by the Board. Such books and records and the vouchers authorizing payments shall be available for examination by the Unit Owners, their mortgagees, agents or attorneys, at any reasonable time or times . All books and records shall be kept in accordance with good accounting procedures . 17 .2 . 1 Records for Resale Certificates . The Association shall keep financial records sufficiently detailed to enable the Association to comply with requests for resale certificates pursuant to RCW 64 . 34 .425 . 17 .2 .2 Financial Statements and Audits . 17. 2 . 2 . 1 At least one (1) copy of the annual financial statements shall be furnished to each Unit Owner and any mortgagee requesting the same within sixty (60) days following the end of the fiscal year covered thereby or as soon thereafter as the statement shall be completed. 17 ..2 . 2 .2 An annual audit shall be made of the records and accounts of the Association, unless it is waived annually by Unit Owners other than the Declarant of Units to which sixty percent (600) of the votes are allocated, excluding the votes allocated to Units owned by the Declarant . - 29 - 12794AGR.JEH SECTION 18 - DECLARANT CONTROL OF THE ASSOCIATION AND TRANSFER TO UNIT OWNERS 18 . 1 Declarant Control . Subject to Section 14 .4, Declarant may control the Association, and, acting alone, appoint and remove the officers and members of the Board until the earlier of (a) sixty (60) days after conveyance of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Units which may be created to Unit Owners other than a Declarant; (b) two (2) years after the last conveyance or transfer of record of a Unit except as security for a debt; (c) ' 1 two (2) years after any development right to add new Units was last exercised; or (d) the date on which Declarant records an amendment to the Declaration pursuant to which Declarant voluntarily surrenders the right to further appoint and remove officers and members of the Board. Declarant may voluntarily surrender the right to appoint and remove officers and members of the Board before termination of that period pursuant to (a) , (b) and (c) of this Section, but in that event Declarant may require, for the duration of the period of Declarant Control, that specified actions of the Association or Board, as described in a recorded instrument executed by Declarant, be approved by Declarant before they become effective. 18 . 2 Transfer of Control of Association. Within sixty (60) days after termination of the period of Declarant Control pursuant to Section 18 . 1 of this Declaration, Declarant shall deliver to the Association all Property of the Unit Owners and of the Association held or controlled by Declarant, including, but not limited to: 18 . 2 . 1 The original or a photocopy of the recorded Declaration and each recorded amendment to the Declaration; 18 . 2 .2 The Certificate of Incorporation and a copy or duplicate original of the Articles of Incorporation of the Association as filed with the Secretary of State; 18 . 2 . 3 The Bylaws of the Association; 18 . 2 .4 The minute books, including all minutes, and other books and records of the Association; 18 . 2 . 5 Any rules and regulations that have been adopted; 18 . 2 . 6 Resignations of officers and members of the I Board who are required to resign because Declarant is required to relinquish control of the Association; 18 . 2 . 7 The financial records; including canceled checks, bank statements, and financial' statements of the • - 30 - 12794AGR.JEH `,`._ Association, and source documents from the time of incorporation of the Association through the date of transfer of control to the Unit Owners; 18 .2 . 8 Association funds or the control of the funds of the Association; 18 . 2 . 9 All tangible personal Property of the Association, if any, represented by Declarant to be the Property of the Association, or ostensibly the Property of the Association, and an inventory of the Property; 18 .2 . 10 Except for alterations to a Unit done by a Unit Owner other than Declarant, a copy of Declarant' s plans and specifications utilized in the construction or remodeling of the Condominium, with a certificate of Declarant or a licensed architect or engineer that the plans and specifications represent, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the actual plans and specifications utilized by Declarant in the construction or remodeling of the Condominium; 18 .2 . 11 Insurance policies or copies thereof for the Condominium and Association; 18 .2 . 12 Copies of any certificate (s) of occupancy that may have been issued for the Condominium; 18 . 2 . 13 All other permits issued by governmental bodies applicable to the Condominium in force or issued within one (1) year before the date of transfer of control to the Unit Owners . 18 . 2 . 14 All written warranties that are still in effect for the Common Elements, or any other areas or facilities which the Association has the responsibility to maintain and repair, from the contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers and all" Owners' manuals or instructions furnished to Declarant with respect to installed equipment or Building systems; 18 . 2 .15 A roster of Unit Owners and eligible mortgagees and their addresses and telephone numbers, if known, as shown on Declarant' s records and the date of closing of the first sale of each Unit sold by Declarant; 18 .2 . 16 All leases of the Common Elements and other leases to which the Association is a party; 18 . 2 . 17 All employment contracts or service contracts in which the Association is one of the contracting parties or service contracts in which the Association or the Unit Owners have an obligation or a responsibility, directly or indirectly, 12794AGR.JEH to pay some or all of the fee or charge of the person performing the service; and 18 . 2 . 18 All other contracts to which the Association is then a party. 18 . 3 Audit of Records Transferred. Upon the transfer of control to the Unit Owners, the records of the Association shall be audited as of the date of transfer by an independent Certified Public Accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards unless the Unit Owners, other than Declarant, by two- thirds (2/3) vote elect to waive the audit . The cost of the audit shall be a Common Expense. The accountant performing the audit shall examine supporting documents and records, including the cash disbursements and related paid invoices, to determine if expenditures were for Association purposes and the billings, cash receipts, and related records to determine if Declarant was charged for and paid the proper amount of assessments . SECTION 19 - INSURANCE 19 . 1 Insurance Coverage Provided by the Association. Commencing not later than the time of the first conveyance of a Unit to a person other than Declarant, the Association shall maintain, to the extent reasonably available : 19 . 1. 1 Prooerty Insurance . Fire insurance, with extended coverage endorsements, in an amount as near as practicable to the full insurable replacement value (without deduction for depreciation, but less any other deductions which the Board may find reasonable after consultation with insurance consultants) , covering the Units and Common and Limited Common Elements, and including all equipment, improvements, and betterments in a Unit installed by Declarant or the Unit Owners, insuring against all risks of direct physical loss commonly insured against . The full insurable replacement shall be reviewed and adjusted as necessary, and at each renewal date, exclusive of Land, excavations, foundations, and other items normally excluded from Property policies of property insurance . 19 . 1 . 2 Liability Insurance . General comprehensive liability insurance, including medical payments insurance and insuring the Unit Owners, the Association, the Board, Declarant, and such others as may be designated by the Board against liability to the public or to the Unit Owners, and their invitees, guests, or tenants, incident to the ownership or use of the Units and Common and Limited Common Elements (including but not limited to owned and nonowned automobile liability) with coverage limits determined by the Board, but not less than $1, 000, 000 for personal injuries and deaths arising out of a - 32 12794AGR.JEH single occurrence, and $50, 000 (per accident) for Property damage. Each such policy shall contain a Severability of Interest Endorsement or its equivalent which would preclude the insurer from denying a claim of the negligent acts or omissions of the Association or another Unit Owner. Each such policy shall contain protection against water damage liability, liability for nonowned and hired automobiles, liability for the Property of others and any other coverage which may, from time to time, be required by regulations of the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) , Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) , Federal Housing Authority (FHA) , Veterans Administration (VA) , Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) , or other governmental or quasi-governmental agencies involved in the secondary ,mortgage market, so long as it may be a mortgagee or Owner of a Unit within the project, except to the extent such coverage is not available or haslbeen waived by such agency. 19 . 1 . 3 Workmen' s compensation insurance to the extent required by applicable laws . 19 . 1 .4 Insurance against loss of personal Property of the Association by fire, theft and other losses, with such deductible provisions as the Board deems advisable. 19 . 1 . 5 Insurance coverage, in such amounts as the Board may in its discretion determine, to indemnify the directors, officers and agents of the Association pursuant to Section 23 .2 . 19 . 1 . 6 Such other insurance as the Board deems advisable . 19 . 2 Insurance Ratings . All insurance shall be obtained from an insurance carrier or carriers rated Class IV or better by "Best' s Key Rating Guide" or equivalent rating service, and licensed to do business in the State of Washington, or from Lloyd' s of London. The Board shall have the insurance coverage reviewed by the insurance consultants of the Association not less often than once every year with respect to the adequacy of the policy limits and coverage. 19 .3 Notices to Unit Owners Regarding Availability of Insurance Contracts . If the insurance described in this Section 19 is not reasonably available, the Association promptly shall send notice of that fact to be hand-delivered or sent prepaid by first class United States mail to all Unit Owners, to each eligible mortgagee, and to each mortgagee to whom a certificate or memorandum of insurance has been issued at their respective last known addresses . - 33 - - 12794AGR.JEH 19 .4 Special Policy Requirements . Insurance policies carried pursuant to Section 19 . 1 . 1 shall provide that : 19 .4 . 1 Each Unit Owner is an insured person under the policy with respect to liability arising out of the Owner' s interest in the Common Elements or membership in the Association; 19 .4 . 2 The insurer waives its right to subrogation under the policy against any Unit Owner, member of the Owner' s household, and lessee of the Owner; 19 .4 . 3 No act or omission by any Unit Owner, unless acting within the scope of the Owner' s authority on behalf of the Association, will void the policy or be a condition to recovery under the policy; 19 . 4 .4 If, at the time of a loss under the policy, there is other insurance in the name of a Unit Owner covering the same risk covered by the policy, the Association' s policy provides primary. insurance; 19 .4 . 5 The insurer shall not be relieved from liability for loss occurring while the hazard to such Building (s) is increased, whether or not within the knowledge or control of the Board, or because of any breach of warranty or condition or any other act or neglect by the Board, the Unit Owners or any other persons acting under authority of any of them; 19 .4 . 6 The policy may not be cancelled (whether or not requested by the Board) except by the insurer giving at least thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof to the Board and every other person in interest who shall have requested such ' notice of the insurer; 19 .4 . 7 The policy contain a cross-liability endorsement wherein the rights of an insured party under the policy or policies shall not be prejudiced with respect to actions against another insured party thereunder, or other equivalent coverage in cases of liability of the Association or . Unit Owners to other Unit Owners; 19 .4 . 8 The policy contains a standard mortgagee clause which shall : 19 .4 . 8 . 1 Provide that any reference to a mortgagee in such policy shall mean and include all holders of I mortgages of a Unit or Unit lease or sublease, in their respective order and preference, whether or not named therein; 19 .4 . 8 .2 Provide that such insurance as to the interest of any mortgagee shall not be invalidated by any act or - 34 - 12794AGR.JEH ''"$ ri,l. l!'- + w •tit c • neglect of the Board, and Unit Owners or any persons acting under authority of any of them; 19 .4 . 8 . 3 waive any provision invalidating such mortgage clause by reason of the failure of any mortgagee to notify the insurer of any hazardous use or vacancy, any requirement that the mortgagee pay any premium thereon, and any contribution clause. 19 . 5 Unit Owner' s Additional Insurance . Each Unit Owner may, at his own expense, obtain additional insurance covering his Unit and its contents . However, no Unit Owner shall be entitled to maintain insurance coverage in any manner which would decrease the amount which the Board, or any trustee for the Board, on behalf of all of the Unit Owners, would otherwise realize under any insurance policy which the Board may have in force at any particular time. Each Unit Owner shall notify the Board of all improvements made by the Unit Owner to his Unit, if the value thereof is in excess of $1, 000 . Any Unit Owner who obtains individual insurance policies covering any portion of a Condominium, other than personal Property belonging to such Unit Owner shall file a copy of such individual policy or policies with the Board within thirty (30) days after purchase of such insurance, and the Board may review its effect with the Association' s insurance consultants . 19 . 6 Insurance Proceeds . Insurance proceeds for damage or destruction to any part of the Property shall be paid to an insurance trustee designated by the Board, on behalf of the Association, which shall segregate such proceeds from other funds of the Association for use and payment as provided for in Section 19 . The Association, acting through the Board, shall have the authority to settle and compromise any claim under insurance obtained by the Association and the insurer may accept a release and discharge of liability made by the Board on behalf of the named insureds under the policy; provided, however, that no provision of this Declaration shall entitle the Owner of any Unit or any other party, to priority over the mortgagee of that Unit with respect to the distribution of any insurance proceeds . Subject to the provisions of Section 20 . 1, the proceeds must be disbursed first for the repair or restoration of the damaged Property, and Unit Owners and lienholders are not entitled to receive payment of any portion of the proceeds unless there is a surplus of proceeds after the Property has been completely repaired or restored, or the Condominium is terminated. SECTION 20 - DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION - REPAIR AND RE CONSTRUCTION 20 . 1 Initial Board Determinations . In the event of damage or destruction to any part of the Property, the Board shall 4`ryA';ry, • 12794AGR.JEH 6.,i } . .•, �fik4u4 promptly, and in all events within thirty (30) days after the date of damage or destruction, make the following determinations with respect thereto employing such advice as the Board deems advisable : 20 . 1 . 1 The nature and extent of the damage or destruction, together with an inventory of the improvements and Property directly affected thereby. 20 . 1 . 2 An estimate of the cost to repair and reconstruct the damage and destruction, which estimate shall, if practicable, be based upon two or more firm bids obtained from responsible contractors . 20 . 1 .3 The anticipated insurance proceeds, if any, which will be available from insurance covering the loss, based on the amount paid or initially offered by the insurer. 20 . 1 .4 The amount, if any, that the estimated cost of repair and reconstruction will exceed the anticipated insurance proceeds, and the amount of any special assessment which will be necessary in such event . 20 . 1 .5 The Board' s recommendations as to whether such damage or destruction should be repaired or reconstructed. 20 . 2 Notice of Damage or Destruction. The Board shall promptly, and in all events within thirty (30) days after the date of damage or destruction, provide each Unit Owner, and each mortgagee, with a written notice summarizing the initial Board determinations made under Section 20 . 1 . If the Board fails to do so within said thirty (30) days, then any Unit Owner or mortgagee may make the determinations required under Section 20 . 1 and give the notice required under this Section 20 .2 . 20 .3 Definitions. As used in this Section 20, the words "repair, " "reconstruct, " "rebuild" or "restore" mean restoring the Buildings, the Common and Limited Common Elements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage or destruction, with each Unit and the Common and Limited Common Elements having substantially the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as before. Modifications to conform to then applicable governmental rules and regulations or available means or construction may be made. As used in this Section 20, the term "emergency work" means that work which the Board deems reasonably necessary to avoid further damage, destruction or substantial diminution in value to the improvements and to reasonably protect the Unit Owners from liability from the condition of the site . - 36 - 12794AGR.JEH i '}yi 20 .4 Reconstruction. 20 .4 . 1 Unless prior to the commencement of repair and restoration work (other than emergency work) the Unit Owners shall have decided not to repair and reconstruct in accordance with the provisions of either subsection 20 .5 . 3 or 20 . 6 . 3 , the Board shall promptly repair and reconstruct the damage and destruction, use the available insurance proceeds therefor, and pay for the actual cost of repair and reconstruction in excess of insurance proceeds secured as a Common Expense which shall be specially assessed against all Units in proportion to their allocated undivided interests in the Common Elements . 20 .4 . 2 The Board shall have the authority to employ architects and attorneys, advertise for bids, let contracts to contractors and others, and to take such other action as is reasonably necessary to accomplish the repair and reconstruction. The Board may, in its discretion, authorize the insurance carrier involved to proceed with the repair and reconstruction. 20 . 5 Limited Damage - Assessment Under $3 , 500 . If the amount of the estimated assessment determined under Section 20 . 1 .4 does not exceed $3 , 500 for any one Unit, the following provisions shall apply: 20 . 5 . 1 Either the Board or a requisite number of Unit Owners, within fifteen (15) days after the notice required under Section 20 . 2 has been given, may, but shall not be required to, call a special meeting of the Association to consider such repair and reconstruction. 20 . 5 . 2 Except for emergency work, no repair or reconstruction shall commence until after said fifteen (15) day period and until after the conclusion of said special meeting if such meeting is called within said fifteen (15) days . 20 . 5 . 3 A unanimous decision of the Unit Owners will be required to avoid the provisions of subsection 20 .4 . 1 and to determine not to repair and rebuild the damage and destruction; provided, that the failure of the Board or the Unit Owners within said fifteen (15) day period to call for said special meeting shall be conclusively deemed a unanimous decision to undertake such work. 20 . 6 Malor Damage - Assessment Over $3 , 500 . If the amount of the estimated assessment determined under subsection 20 . 1 .4 exceeds $3 , 500 for any one Unit, the following provisions shall apply: - 37 - 12794AGR.JEH 20 . 6 . 1 The Board shall promptly, and in all events within thirty (30) days after the date of damage or destruction, call a special meeting of the Association to consider repair and reconstruction of such damage or destruction. If the Board fails to do so within said thirty (30) day period, then any Unit Owner or mortgagee may convene and conduct the meeting required under this Section 20 . 6 . 1 . 20 . 6 . 2 Except for emergency work, no repair or reconstruction shall commence until the conclusion of the special meeting of the Association required under subsection 20 . 6 . 1: 20 . 6 . 3 A concurring vote of eighty percent (800) or more of the total voting power will be required to avoid the provision of Section 20 .4 . 1 and to determine not to repair or reconstruct the damage and destruction; provided, that failure of the Board, the Unit Owners, or mortgagees to convene the special meeting required under subsection 20 . 6 . 1 within ninety (90) days after the date of damage or destruction shall be deemed a unanimous decision not to undertake such repair and reconstruction. 20 . 7 Decision Not to Restore - Disposition. In the event of a decision under either subsection 20 .5 . 3 or 20 . 6 . 3 not to repair or reconstruct damage and destruction, the Board may nevertheless expend such of the insurance proceeds and Common Expense funds as the Board deems reasonably necessary for emergency work (which emergency work may include, but is not necessarily limited to, removal of the damaged or destroyed Buildings, and clearing, filling and grading the Land) , and any remaining funds and the Property shall thereafter be held and distributed as follows : (a) The insurance proceeds attributable to the damaged Common Elements shall be used to restore the damaged area to a condition compatible with the remainder of the Condominium; (b) the insurance proceeds attributable to Units and Limited Common Elements which are not rebuilt shall be distributed to the Owners of those Units and the Owners of the Units to which those Limited Common Elements were allocated, or to lienholders, as their interests may appear, and (c) the remainder of the proceeds shall be distributed to all the Unit Owners or lienholders, as their interest may appear, in proportion to their allocated undivided interests of all the Units in the Common Elements. If the Unit Owners vote not to rebuild any Unit, that Unit' s allocated interests are automatically reallocated upon the vote as if the Unit had been condemned pursuant to Section 21 of the Declaration, and the Association promptly shall prepare, execute, and record an amendment to the Declaration reflecting the reallocations . Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, Section 20 . 1 of - 38 - , 12799AGR.JEH this Declaration governs the distribution of insurance proceeds if the Condominium is terminated. 20 . 8 Miscellaneous . The provisions of this Section 20 shall constitute the procedure by which a determination is made by the Unit Owners to repair or reconstruct as provided in the Act . By accepting an interest in the Property, each Unit Owner • and party claiming by, through or under such Unit Owner hereby consents and agrees to the provisions hereof . In the event that any provision of this Section 20 shall be determined to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Declaration. The purpose of this Section 20 shall be to provide a fair and equitable method of allocating the costs of repair and reconstruction and making a determination for repair and reconstruction, if all or a portion of the improvements are damaged or destroyed, and the provisions hereof shall be liberally construed to accomplish such purpose . SECTION 21 - CONDEMNATION 21 . 1 Total Condemnation or Taking of a Unit . If a Unit is acquired by condemnation, or if part of a Unit is acquired by condemnation leaving the Unit Owner with a remnant of a Unit which may not practically or lawfully be used for any purpose permitted by the Declaration, the award must compensate the Unit Owner for the Owner' s Unit and it appurtenant interest in the Common Elements, whether or not any Common Elements are acquired. Upon acquisition, unless the decree otherwise provides, that Unit' s allocated interests are automatically reallocated to the remaining Units before the taking, and the Association shall promptly prepare, execute, and record an amendment to the Declaration reflecting the reallocations . Any remnant of a Unit remaining after part of a Unit is taken as described in this Section is thereafter a Common Element . 21 . 2 Partial Condemnation or Taking of a Unit . If part of a Unit is acquired by condemnation, the award must compensate the Unit Owner for the reduction in value of the Unit and its appurtenant interest in the Common Elements, whether or not any Common Elements are acquired. Upon acquisition, unless the decree otherwise provides : (a) That Unit' s allocated undivided interest shall be reduced in proportion to the reduction in the size of the Unit, or on any other basis specified in the Declaration; and (b) the portion of the allocated interests divested from the partially acquired Unit shall be automatically reallocated to that Unit and the remaining Units in proportion to the respective allocated interests of those Units before the - 39 - 12794AGR.JEH taking, with the partially acquired Unit participating in the reallocation on the basis of its reduced allocated interests . 21 . 3 Partial Condemnation or Taking of Common Elements . If part of the Common Elements is acquired by condemnation, the portion of the award attributable to the Common Elements taken shall be paid to the Board, which shall use the award to repair and reconstruct the damage done to the remaining Common Elements, and the remaining sum shall be treated as surplus funds under Section 15 . 3 of this Declaration. SECTION 22 - MORTGAGE PROTECTION 22 . 1 Construction Mortgage . 411111110111111ftm ( "construction lender" ) has financed the construction of the Buildings and improvements on the Property and holds a Deed of Trust on each separate Unit which will be reconveyed upon sale by Declarant . Construction lender does not waive or consent to any modification of its rights thereunder, and retains all security interests against the Buildings, the Units, and the Common Elements, except insofar as the same may be specifically relinquished by reconveyance of the Deeds of Trust signed by construction lender from time to time, for each Unit and its percentage of interest in the Common Elements, as each Unit is sold. and conveyed, pursuant to agreement for such reconveyance made apart from the Declaration. 22 . 2 Retention and Extension of Declarant' s Control . In the event that Declarant' s control obligation to any mortgagee or deed of trust financing construction of the Condominium has not been paid in full at the time Declarant' s control has expired, then said powers conferred upon Declarant in this Declaration shall be extended for an additional two (2) years if the construction lender so requests in writing; provided, however, that said control extended under this Section shall not be extended, or if previously extended, shall terminate, when Units are sold, and sales closed according to Section 18 . 1 of this Declaration, and provided further that the construction lender will not unreasonably refuse to permit Declarant to relinquish Declarant' s control, nor insist on retention should such retention at any time conflict with provisions of law, or if the relinquishment thereof be required by any proposed institutional first mortgagee of a Unit or by a mortgage insurer, or corporation or agency administering any program creating any form of market for mortgages. - 40 - 12794AGR.JEH 22 .3 Rights of Construction Lenders After Foreclosure . Although no such rights are warranted to such mortgagee by any party, the following rights shall be accorded to the construction lender of the Condominium to the extent permitted by law. 22 .3 . 1 Obtaining Declarant' s Powers . If the lender of the Condominium forecloses its mortgage or deed of trust or acquires a deed in lieu of foreclosure, and obtains possessory rights, legal title, or certificates of sale to the unsold Units and appurtenant Common Elements to which the deed of trust or mortgage liens extend, then the construction lender may succeed to and assume, to the exclusion of the Declarant, the rights, powers and privileges of Declarant as set forth in this Declaration, and may further assign and transfer such rights or the right to have or obtain such rights to any other person. 22 .3 . 2 Appointment of Receiver. The construction lender shall be entitled to appointment of a receiver during the pendency of any foreclosure of its security instruments, if it accelerates its indebtedness, and said receiver shall immediately, upon appointment, succeed to and assume the rights and power of Declarant as set forth in this Declaration, and the receiver shall be entitled to sell unsold Units during the pendency of said foreclosure, and said sales shall be subject to confirmation by court order. All proceeds of such sales shall be accounted for and, after reasonable receiver' s fees and costs of sale approved by the court, shall be applied in reduction of the indebtedness to the construction lender. 22 .3 . 3 Liability of Construction Lender. In the event the construction lender obtains possessory rights, or any rights which may subject it to liability for Common Expense assessments for any Unit, in any way as a result of the foreclosure of the mortgage or deed of trust financing construction of the Condominium, or by taking of a transfer in lieu of foreclosure, then said construction lender shall be liable for only that portion of any assessments against any Unit to which said construction lender is so entitled for which Declarant is liable under law and this Declaration. In no event will the construction lender be liable for any past due assessments which accrued or became due prior to the time the construction lender obtained possession by foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure, except as provided in this Declaration or the Act . 22 . 3 .4 Signature by Construction Lender. If this Declaration is signed by the construction lender of the Condominium, such signature indicates that arrangements have been made to- partially reconvey Units for sale, and that upon the first such release, the said construction lender accepts the Condominium status of the project, but until such first - 41 - 12794AGR.JER .1 r•<<Y1qn` i I �4 ti it reconveyance the rights of the construction lender against the entire Property and each Unit are superior to the rights of any purchaser of the project or of any portion or Unit thereof . 22 . 3 . 5 Liability for Past Due Assessments . The liens created under this Declaration upon any Unit for assessments in favor of the Association shall be subject to the rights of the • secured party in the case of any indebtedness secured by mortgages made in good faith and for value of the Unit or of all or a part of the Property which extend to the Unit, subject to the provisions of Section 16 . 2 . 2 of this Declaration. Where a mortgagee of a mortgage of record or other purchaser obtains possession of a Unit as a result of mortgage foreclosure (including sale under deed of trust) , such possessor and his successors and assigns shall not be liable for the share of the Common Expenses or assessments due prior to such possession. To the extent there are unpaid assessments for Common Expenses after foreclosure of any mortgage as described in this Section, the unpaid assessments shall be an additional Common Expense collectible from all of the Unit Owners, including the foreclosing mortgagee, its successor or assignee. 22 . 3 . 6 Option to Pay Past Due Assessments . Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any mortgagee may pay any unpaid Common Expenses payable with respect to the Unit on which he has a mortgage, and upon such payment the mortgagee shall have a lien on the Unit for the amounts paid of the same rank as the lien of his encumbrance. 22 . 3 .7 Abandonment or Chancre of Condominium Status - Use of Hazard Insurance. Except for consequences provided by the Act for certain situations involving damage or destruction, or in cases of condemnation effected by judicial action, neither the Association nor the Board, nor the Owners shall, without prior written approval of sixty-seven percent (67k) of all first priority institutional lenders : seek by act or omission to abandon or terminate the Condominium status of the Property; partition or subdivide any Unit; seek to abandon, partition, subdivide, encumber, or sell the Common Elements (but easements or grants to public utilities or governmental agencies, or for utility or public purposes, are permitted if they are required or if they are consistent with the use of the Property for purposes of this Condominium) ; use hazard insurance proceeds from losses to any Condominium Property for other than repair, restoration, • rebuilding, reconstruction, or replacement of the Property; or seek to change the single family residential or related uses as defined and limited in this Declaration to which any Unit of the Common Elements is restricted. - 42 - 12794AGR.JEH 22 . 3 . 8 Additional Rights and Privileges of Mortgagees . Each mortgagee shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges upon written request to the Association: 22 . 3 . 8 . 1 In the event a Unit Owner has pledged his vote to a mortgagee, to cast the vote pursuant to the authority given under the terms of the pledge involved; provided, however, that a Unit Owner may only pledge his vote to a mortgagee during the period of a pending foreclosure. 22 . 3 . 8 . 2 To receive written notice contemporaneously with notice sent to the Unit Owner at the address designated by the mortgagee of: 22 . 3 . 8 . 2 . 1 All annual or special meetings of the Association; 22 . 3 . 8 . 2 .2 Any default by the Unit Owner in the performance of any obligations under this Declaration, the Bylaws or the Act which is not cured within thirty (30) days; 22 . 3 . 8 .2 . 3 Any sixty (60) day delinquency in the payment of assessments or charges owed by the Owner of any Unit on which the mortgagee holds the mortgage; 22 .3 . 8 .2 . 4 Any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding affecting the Property; 22 . 3 . 8 . 2 . 5 Any lapse, cancellation, or material modification of any insurance policy maintained by the Association; and 22 . 3 . 8 .2 . 6 All other matters for which the Unit Owner is entitled to written notice under the terms of this Declaration, the Bylaws, the Act, or other applicable laws, ordinances or administrative rules and regulations . (The notices required under subparagraphs 22 .3 : 8 . 2 . 1 and 22 . 3 . 8 .2 .4 shall be given to the mortgagee on or before the time or times that comparable notices are to be given to the Unit Owners . ) 22 . 3 . 8 . 3 To examine the books and records of the Association and to be given a copy of the annual financial statement and report of the Association, as provided in Section 16 .2 . 2 . If no audited statement is required by Section 16 . 2 . 2, the mortgagee may have an audited statement prepared at its own expense . - 43 -12794AGR.JEH • 22 . 3 . 8 .4 To be given the endorsements of insurance policies and the notices, and to exercise all other rights and privileges with respect to insurance matters which are specified in Section 19 for the benefit of mortgagees . 22 .3 . 8 . 5 To be permitted to designate a representative to attend all meetings of the Association. 22 .4 Termination of Professional Management . The prior written approval of fifty-one percent (510) of all institutional holders of a first mortgage on Units in , a Condominium, including all institutional holders which have previously required professional management, shall be required before any decision by the Association to terminate professional management and to assume self-management . 22 . 5 Amendments of Declaration and Bylaws . Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Declaration, no amendment of this Section or of any other provision of this Declaration or of the Bylaws shall affect the rights of the holder of any mortgage recorded prior to the recordation of such amendment, unless the holder shall have consented to such amendment in writing. SECTION 23 - LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 23 . 1 Liability for Utility Failure, Etc . Except to the extent covered by insurance obtained by the Board pursuant to Section 19, neither the Association nor the Board (or the Declarant or the managing agent exercising the powers of the Board) shall be liable for: any failure of any utility or other service to be obtained and paid for by the Board; or for injury or damage to person or Property caused by the elements, or resulting from electricity, water, rain, dust, or sand which may lead or flow from outside or from any parts of the Buildings, or from any of its pipes, drains, conduits, appliances, or equipment, or from any other place; or from inconvenience or discomfort resulting from any action taken to comply with any law, ordinance, or orders of a governmental authority. No diminution or abatement of Common Expense assessments shall be claimed or allowed for any such utility or service failure, or for such injury or damage, or for such inconvenience or discomfort . 23 . 2 No Personal Liability. So long as a Board member, or Association committee member, or Association officer, or Declarant or Declarant' s managing agent exercising the powers of the Board, has acted in good faith within the applicable standard of care set forth in Section 14 .4 . 10, without willful or - 44 - 12794AGR.JEH intentional misconduct, upon the basis of such information as may be possessed by such person, then no such person shall be personally liable to any Owner, or to any other party, including the Association, for any damage, loss or prejudice suffered or claimed on account of any act, omission, error or negligence of such person; provided, that this Section shall not apply where the consequences of such act, omission, error or negligence are covered by insurance obtained by the Board pursuant to Section 19 . 23 .3 Indemnification of Board Members . Each Board member Association committee member, Association officer, Declarant, or Declarant' s managing agent exercising the powers of the Board, shall be indemnified by the Owners against all expenses and liabilities, including attorneys' fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed in connection with any proceeding to which he may be a party, or in which he may become involved, by reason of being or having held such position, or any settlement thereof, whether or not he holds such position at the time such expenses or liabilities are incurred, except in such cases wherein such person is• adjudged guilty of willful misfeasance or malfeasance in the performance of his duties; provided, that in the event of a settlement, the indemnification shall apply only when the Board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being for the best interests of the Association. SECTION 24 - EASEMENTS 24 . 1 In General . It is intended that in addition to rights under the Act and other easements rights created in this Declaration, each Unit has an easement in and through each other Unit and the Common and Limited Common Elements for all support elements and utility, wiring, heat and service elements, and for reasonable access thereto, as required to effectuate and continue proper operation of. this Condominium plan. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each Unit and all Common and Limited Common Elements are specifically subject to an easement for the benefit of each of the other Units in the Building for all duct work for fireplaces and associated flues or chimneys, for the intercom and electrical entry system, if any, for the electrical wiring and plumbing, for all air conditioning lines and equipment for each Unit, if any, for the vacuum system roughed-in in each Unit, if any, and for the master antenna cable system, if any. Finally, each Unit, as it is constructed, is granted an easement to which each other Unit and all Common and Limited Common Elements are subject for the location and maintenance of all of the original equipment, facilities and utilities for such Units . The specific mention or reservation of any easement in this • - 45 - 12794AGR.JEH • Declaration does not limit or negate the general easement through common elements reserved by the Act . 24 .2 Authority. The Board, on behalf of the Association and all members thereof, shall have authority to grant utility and similar easements under, through or over the Common Elements, which easements the Board determines are reasonably necessary for the ongoing development and operation of the Property. 24 . 3 Association Functions . There are hereby reserved to the Association (and to Declarant prior to the transfer of Declarant Control pursuant to Section 18 . 2) a reasonable right of entry to any Unit or limited common area to perform the proper maintenance of the Property, and such easements as are necessary to perform the duties and obligations of the Association as set forth in this Declaration, the Bylaws, and the Act . 24 .4 Encroachments . Each Unit and all Common and Limited Common Elements are hereby declared to have easements over all adjoining Units and Common and Limited Common Elements for the purpose of accommodating and maintaining any encroachment due to engineering errors, errors in original construction, settlement or shifting of any Buildings, or any other similar cause, and any encroachment due to Building overhang or projection; provided, that in no event shall a valid easement for encroachment be created in favor of a Unit Owner if said encroachment occurred due to the willful act or acts with full knowledge of said Unit Owner. In the event a Unit or any Common or Limited Common Element is partially or totally destroyed, and subsequently repaired or rebuilt, minor encroachments over adjoining Units and Common and Limited Common Elements shall be permitted, and there shall be valid easements for the maintenance of said encroachments so long as they shall exist . Said encroachments, if any, and resulting easements, shall not be construed as encumbrances affecting the marketability of title to any Unit . SECTION 25 - SUBDIVIDING OR COMBINING UNITS Subdivision and/or combining of any Unit or Units, are authorized as follows : 25 . 1 Owner Proposal. Any Owner of any Unit or, Units may propose any subdivision or combination of any Unit or Units, and appurtenant Limited Common Elements in writing, together with complete plans and specifications for accomplishing the same and a proposed amendment to this Declaration, the Survey Map and Plans covering such subdivision or combination, to the Board, which shall then notify all other Unit Owners of the requested subdivision or combination. - 46 - 12794AGR.JEH = • it 25 . 2 Owner/Mortgagee Approval . Upon written approval of such proposal by sixty-seven percent (67a) of the Owners and sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Eligible Mortgagees, including all Eligible Mortgagee (s) and Owner(s) of the Unit (s) to be combined or subdivided, the Owner(s) making the proposal may proceed according to such plans and specifications; provided that the Board may in its discretion (but it is not mandatory that the Board exercise this authority) require that the Board administer the work or that provisions for the protection of other Units or Common Elements or reasonable deadlines for completion of the work be inserted in the contracts for the work. 25 . 3 Survey Mao and Plans . The changes in the Survey Map and Plans, if any, and the changes in the Declaration shall be recorded as amendments to the Survey Map and Plans, and Declaration in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 . 25 .4 Allocated Interests . The Allocated Interests formerly allocated to the subdivided Unit shall be reallocated to the new Units in any reasonable and equitable manner prescribed by that Owner of the subdivided Unit . The Allocated Interests of the New Unit resulting from a combination of new Units shall be the aggregate of the Allocated Interests allocated to the Units prior to the combination thereof . SECTION 26 - AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION, SURVEY MAP AND PLANS 26 . 1 Approval of Unit Owners . Except in cases of amendments which may be made by Declarant, under RCW 64 . 34 . 232 (6) or RCW 64 .34 . 236, the Association under RCW 64 . 34 . 060, 64 . 34 . 220 (5) , 64 .34 . 228 (3) , 64 . 34 .244 (1) , 64 . 34 . 248, or 64 . 34 . 268 (8) , or certain Unit Owners under RCW 64 . 34 . 228 (2) , 64 . 34 . 244 (1) , 64 .34 . 248 (2) , or Section 26 .4 below, the Declaration and the Survey Maps and Plans may be amended only by vote or agreement of Unit Owners of Units to which at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the votes in the Association are allocated. 26 .2 Execution of Amendment . Amendments to the Declaration required by the Act to be recorded by the Association shall be prepared, executed, recorded, and certified on behalf of the Association by any officer of the Association designated for that purpose or, in the absence of designation, by the president of the Association and without any other signature. - 47 - 12799ACR.JEH li y � 26 . 3 Recording. Every amendment to the Declaration must be recorded in each county in which any portion of the Condominium is located, and is effective only upon recording. 26 .4 Exceptions . Except to the extent expressly permitted or required by the Act and as set forth in this Declaration, no amendment may create or increase Special Declarant Rights, increase the number of Units, change the boundaries of any Unit, the allocated interests of a Unit, or the uses to which any Unit is restricted, in the absence of the vote or agreement of the Owner of each Unit particularly affected and the Owners of Units to which at least ninety percent (900) of the votes in the Association are allocated excluding the votes allocated to Declarant or such larger percentage as this Declaration provides . 26 . 5 Special Declarant' s Rights . No amendment may restrict, eliminate, or otherwise modify any special Declarant right provided in the Declaration without the consent of Declarant and any mortgagee of record with a security interest in the special Declarant right or in any Real Property subject thereto, excluding mortgagees of Units owned by persons other than Declarant . ec aran s a execute (by its signature only) and recordamendments to this Declaration (and Appendices) and the Survey Map and Plans to reflect all of the information regarding the newly created Units in the same manner as all other Units in a Condominium. 26 . 7 Limitation of Action. No action to challenge the validity of an amendment adopted by the Association pursuant to this Section may be brought more than one year after the amendment is recorded. 26 . 8 Approval by Mortgagees . Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, fifty-one percent (510) of all mortgagees who have requested notification of amendments must give prior written approval to any material amendment to the Declaration, including any of the following.: 26 . 8 . 1 Voting rights; 26 . 8 . 2 Assessments, assessment liens and subordination of such liens; 26 . 8 .3 Reserves for maintenance, repair and replacement of Common Elements; - 48 - 12794AGR.JEH 26 . 8 .4 Insurance or fidelity bonds; 26 . 8 . 5 Responsibility for maintenance and repair; 26 . 8 . 6 Expansion or contraction of the project or the addition, annexation or withdrawal of Property to or from the Condominium; 26 . 8 . 7 Boundaries of any Unit; 26 . 8 . 8 Reallocation of interest in the Common or Limited Common Elements, or rights to their use; 26 . 8 . 9 Convertibility of Units into Common Elements or of Common Elements into Units; 26 . 8 .10 Leasing of Units other than as set forth in this Declaration; 26 . 8 . 11 Imposition of any restrictions on the right of II a Unit Owner to sell or transfer his or her Unit; 26 . 8 . 12 Decision by the Association to establish self- management when professional management had been required previously by an eligible mortgage holder; 26 . 8 . 13 Restoration or repair (after a hazard damage or partial condemnation) in a manner other than that specified in the documents; 26 . 8 .14 Any action to terminate the legal status of the Condominium after substantial destruction or condemnation occurs; or 26 . 8 . 15 Any provisions which are for the express benefit of mortgage holders, eligible mortgage holders or eligible insurers or guarantors of first mortgage on Units . 26 . 9 Amendment to Record Change in Service of Process . The Board (or Temporary Board) may record any changes in the name or address of the person authorized to receive service of process under Section 13 without any approval of the Unit Owners; provided, that any such amendment shall recite the approval of the Board (or Temporary Board) and shall be signed by any officer of the Association designated for that purpose or in the absence of any other designation by the president of the Association. 26 . 10 Amendments by Declarant . In addition to the foregoing, Declarant may amend this Declaration and the Surveywoe • - 49 - 12794AGR.JEH Map and Plans without the consent or approval of the Board or the Unit Owners, as follows : 26 . 10 . 1 To add additional units or real property to the condominium pursuant to the exercise of Declarant' s Development Rights and Special Declarant' s Rights created in this Declaration. 26 . 10 . 2 To correct or revise the boundaries or descriptions of the Buildings, Units, and Common Elements to reflect their locations as built; 26 . 10 . 3 To make such reasonable changes as may from time to time be required by a mortgagee; provided, that any such changes shall not affect the allocation of undivided interest in the Common Elements or materially and adversely affect the rights of the Unit Owners or other mortgagees . 26 . 10 .4 To execute and record amendments . 26 . 10 . 5 To commemorate the exercise of development rights and Special Declarant Rights pursuant to this Declaration. 26 . 10 . 6 Neither the Declaration nor the Survey Map and Plans shall be amended without the prior written consent of the Veterans' Administration until the Board has been elected pursuant to Section 14 .4 . 3 . SECTION 27 - TERMINATION OF . CONDOMINIUM 27 . 1 Approval by Unit Owners. Except in the case of a taking of all the Units by condemnation, the Condominium may be terminated only by agreement of Unit Owners of Units to which at least eighty percent (800) of the. votes in the Association are allocated. 27 . 2 Termination Agreement. An agreement to terminate must be evidenced by the execution of a termination agreement or ratifications thereof, in the same manner as a deed, by the requisite number of Unit Owners . The termination agreement must specify a date after which the agreement will be void unless it is recorded before that date and shall contain a description of the manner in which the creditors of the Association will be paid or provided for. A termination agreement and all ratifications thereof must be recorded in King County and is effective only upon recording. A termination agreement may be amended by complying with all of the requirements of this Section and the Act . - 50 - 12794AGR.JEH ,G` 27 . 3 Sale of Common Elements and Units . A termination agreement may provide that all the Common Elements and Units of the Condominium shall be sold following termination. If, pursuant to the agreement, any Real Property in the Condominium is to be sold following termination, the termination agreement must set forth the minimum terms of the sale . 27 .4 Ownership after Termination. The Association, on behalf of the Unit Owners, may contract for the sale of Real. Property in the Condominium, but the contract is not binding on the Unit Owners until approved pursuant to Sections 27 . 1 and 27 . 2 above . If any Real Property in the Condominium is to be sold following termination, title to that Real Property, upon termination, vests in the Association as trustee for the holders of all interests in the Units . Thereafter, the Association has all powers necessary and appropriate to effect the sale . Until the sale has been concluded and the proceeds thereof distributed, the Association shall continue in existence with all powers it had before termination. Proceeds of the sale must be distributed to Unit Owners and lien holders as their interests may appear, in proportion to the respective interests of Unit Owners as provided in Section 27 . 7 below. Unless otherwise specified in the termination agreement, as long as the Association holds title to the Real Property, each Unit Owner and the Owner' s successors in interest have an exclusive right to occupancy of the portion of the Real Property that formerly constituted the Owner' s Unit . During the period of that occupancy, each Unit Owner and the Owner' s successors in interest shall remain liable for all assessments and other obligations imposed on Unit Owners by the Act or this Declaration. 27 . 5 Tenancy in Common. If the Real Property constituting the Condominium is not to be sold following termination, title to all the Real Property in the Condominium vests in the Unit Owners upon termination as tenants-in-common in proportion to their respective interests as provided in Section 27 . 7, and liens on the Units shift accordingly. While the tenancy-in-common exists, each Unit Owner and the Owner' s successors in interest have an exclusive right to occupancy of the portion of the Real Property that formerly constituted the Owner' s Unit . 27 . 6 Payment to Creditors . Following termination of the Condominium, the proceeds of any sale of Real Property, together with the assets of the Association, are held by the Association as trustee for Unit Owners and holders of liens on the Units and creditors of the Association as their interests may appear. No such proceeds or assets may be disbursed to the Owners until all of the creditors of the Association have been paid or provided for. Following termination, creditors of the Association holding liens on the Units, which were recorded or perfected under RC;W,. - 51 - 12794ACR.JEH 4 . 64 . 020 before termination, may enforce those liens in the same manner as any such lien holder. 27 . 7 Division of Ownership after Termination. The respective interests of Unit Owners after termination are as follows : 27 . 7 . 1 Except as provided in Section 27 . 7. 2 of this Section, the respective interests of Unit Owners are the fair • market values of their Units, Limited Common Elements, and Common Element interests immediately before the termination, as determined by one or more independent appraisers selected by the Association. The decision of the independent appraisers shall be distributed to the Unit Owners and becomes final unless disapproved, within thirty days after distribution, by Unit Owners of Units to which twenty-five percent (259s) of the votes in the Association are allocated. The proportion of any Unit Owner' s interest to that of all Unit Owners is determined by dividing the fair market value of that Unit Owner' s Unit and Common Element interest by the total fair market values of all the Units and Common Elements . • 27 . 7 . 2 If any Unit or any Limited Common Element is PP destroyed to the extent that an appraisal of the fair market Y value thereof before destruction cannot be made, the interests of all Unit Owners shall be their respective Common Element interests immediately before the termination. 27 . 8 Suspension of Right of Partition. The right of partition under Chapter 7.52 RCW shall be suspended and it shall continue unless and until no binding obligation to sell exists three months after the recording of the termination agreement, the binding sale agreement is terminated, or one year after the termination agreement is recorded, whichever first occurs . SECTION 28 - COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND • The covenants, conditions, restrictions, uses, limitations and obligations contained in this Declaration shall be deemed to run with the Land, shall be a burden and benefit upon the Units and all other portions of the Property, shall be binding upon all persons acquiring or owning any interest therein, their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and shall supplement the Act and be and remain effective independently of the Act, if it should for any reason or in any respect be or become inapplicable . This Declaration shall no longer apply if the Property is removed upon submission from under the Act and discontinued as a Condominium. SECTION 29 - WAIVER - 52 - 12794AGR.JER The failure of the Association, the Board of Directors, its officers or agents, or Declarant, to require in any one or more instances a strict performance of or compliance with any of the terms., covenants, conditions or restrictions contained in this Declaration, the Bylaws, or the Act, or to serve any notice or to institute any action or proceeding, shall not be construed as a waiver or release thereof, but they shall continue and remain in full force and effect . The receipt by any of said parties of any sum paid by a Unit Owner, with or without the knowledge of the breach of or failure to comply with any such provision, shall not be deemed a waiver thereof . No waiver, express or implied, of any such provision shall be effective unless made in writing pursuant to procedures specified herein, or in the Bylaws or in the Act, or if no such procedures are specified, then in writing and signed by the president of the Association pursuant to the authority contained in a resolution of the Board. SECTION 30 - ENTRY FOR REPAIRS The Association shall have the right to have access to each Unit from time to time during reasonable hours as may be necessary for maintenance, repair, or replacement of any of the Common Elements therein or accessible therefrom, or for making emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the Common Elements or to any other Unit or Units . SECTION 31 - NOTICES Any notice permitted or required to be delivered under the provisions of this Declaration, the Bylaws or the Act may be delivered either personally or by mail . If delivery is by mail, any such notice shall be deemed to have been delivered forty- eight (48) hours after a copy has been deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid for first class mail, addressed to the person entitled to such notice at the most recent address given in writing by such person to the Association. Notice to a Unit Owner or Owners shall be sufficient if delivered or addressed to the Unit if no other mailing address has been given the Association. Notices to be given to the Association may be given to the person named in Section 13 hereof until the Board of Directors has been elected pursuant to Section 14 .4 .3, and thereafter shall be given to the president or secretary of the Association. SECTION 32 - CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM The Real Property described in Appendix A, all of the Units located thereof, and the Owners thereof are subject to and bound' - 53 - 12799AGR.JEH by that certain letter of agreement executed by Declarant and TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc. providing for the installation, maintenance and operation of a cable television and FM signal distribution system for the entire Condominium project . A copy of the agreement is available upon request to Declarant or to the Board. The agreement permits the Board to revoke the same without cause and without payment of a termination fee, upon no more than thirty (30) days notice. SECTION 33 - PHASED DEVELOPMENT 33 . 1 Development in Phases . 33 . 1.1 Declarant intends to develop and establish this Condominium in phases : 11111.111111111 a Condominium, which is created by recording this Declaration and Phases el and r which will be added in the future. 1111111111.1111111 a Condominium contains 01111111.11111111111111111 Units . All phases will be built upon the Land described on Appendix A. Phase will contain 111111111111111.11.1) and Phase w will containdial11111111111MINIM111111110. Section 33 . 6 states the development rights and Special Declarant Rights reserved for Declarant in Phases M and l" Future phases may be added in any order selected solely by Declarant . The Survey Map and Plans, filed simultaneously herewith, depict a survey of the surface of the location of the Buildings, the plans of the Buildings, showing the vertical and horizontal boundaries of each . Unit in a Condominium, the location of each Unit, and the number and dimensions of each Unit . The provisions of this Declaration shall be effective immediately to establish 101111111111111 (including the Land and all Units, Building and other improvements constructed thereon) as a Condominium under the Act . No provisions regarding each future phase shall be effective to establish that phase (including the Units, Building and improvements constructed on the Land) as part of the Condominium under the Act until Declarant records an amendment to the Declaration for a future phase (and an amendment to the Survey Map and Plans, if necessary) pursuant to Section 33 . 1 .3 . 33 . 1 . 2 The Declarant expects to complete all three phases, but it is not required to complete Phases 2 and 3 . If Phases 2 and/or 3 are not, in fact, completed within seven (7) years from the date of the recording of this Declaration, a Condominium (or 111111101ft, a Condominium and any combination with Phases 2 and/or 3) shall constitute a complete Condominium, the Land described for the uncompleted phase or phases shall remain within the Condominium. 33 . 1. 3 Declarant shall execute and record an amendment to this Declaration stating thatIMMUMB a Condominium and any future phase, and subsequently any additional future phases (s) 12794AGR.JEH `! • 1 I (including the Units, Buildings and other improvements thereon) , are established as a Condominium under the Act . From and after the recording of said amendment, all of the Units, Buildings and other improvements constructed in Phase 2 (and later in Phase 3) , shall constitute a single Condominium pursuant to the Act and the provisions of this Declaration. In conjunction with said amendment to the Declaration, an updated or revised Survey Map and Plans shall be recorded describing a Condominium and each future phase as it is added, including as-built certification or other matters required under the Act . 33 . 1.4 All Common Elements for each phase will be utilized by Unit Owners of the next succeeding phase as it is established, and the additional Owners will, after the effective date of the subsequent phase, also share in the expenses of the Common Elements in the succeeding phase. Owners in each prior phase shall utilize the Common Elements for the subsequent phase and also share in the expenses therefor. • 33 . 1 .5 Each future phase shall be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared from time to time by Declarant' s architect, and as approved from time to time by governmental authorities and lenders financing the construction of that phase. Completion of each future phase will be pursued by Declarant as expeditiously as reasonably possible after commencement of construction, subject to delays for reasons (including, but not limited to, labor disputes, material shortages, and acts of God) reasonably beyond the control of Declarant . 33 .2 Phase Allocation of Undivided Interests in Common Elements, Liability for Common Expenses and Votes in the Association. 33 . 2 . 1 After each future phase is incorporated into the Condominium the undivided interest in the Common Elements and the liability for Common Expenses for each Unit shall be according to the percentage of undivided ownership for . each Unit stated in the Amendment to this Declaration recorded by Declarant, provided that the allocation of undivided interests shall be in accordance with the ratio of the square footage of living area in each Unit compared with the total of the square footage of living area in all the Units then incorporated into the Condominium. 33 .2 .2 In all matters relating to the Association, each Unit shall be entitled to one (1) vote and all votes shall be equal . 33 . 3 Easement for Phased Developments . In addition to the general easements reserved by the Act and by reference in other - 55 - 12794AGR.JEH J `J 4 Sections of this Declaration, there is reserved a nonexclusive easement in favor of the Declarant and Declarant' s successors and assigns, over and across , a Condominium and, for ingress and egress, and over and across easements, roadways and utility lines specified or established in and for , a Condominium for the benefit of all future phases. This reserved i easement shall entitle Declarant and Declarant' s successors and assigns, for development of all future phases, to tie into water, • sewer, storm sewer, electrical, gas, telephone or other utility lines of all variety, and to connect with roadways or utilities systems developed and located in the completed phases of the Condominium; provided, however, that Declarant shall bear the cost of tie-ins to said utilities, and shall not tie into such utilities in a manner that impairs or significantly reduces the quality of utility service to the Units in , a Condominium. 33 .4 Phased Amendment . Declarant, upon Declarant' s sole signature, may execute and file the amendments to the Declaration (and to the initial Survey Map and Plans, if necessary) as provided under subsection 33 . 1.3, said amendments to contain and depict such information and data as is necessary to establish the Units in Phase 2 and Phase 3 . Said amendments shall contain and depict such information and data as is necessary to establish the Units in Phase 2 and Phase 3 , as part of the Condominium pursuant to the Act . Such amendments shall not require the consent of any other Owner, other than Declarant . 33 . 5 Liens Arising in Connection with Future Phases . At the time the amendments are made incorporating each future phase, into the Condominium, no lien arising in connection with Declarant' s ownership of and construction of the improvements in phases not yet added to the Condominium, will adversely affect the rights of the existing Unit Owners, or the priority of the first mortgages on Units existing Condominium Property. All taxes, assessments, mechanics liens and other charges affecting the Land in future phases not yet added to the Condominium, will be paid or otherwise satisfactorily provided for by Declarant. 33 . 6 Development Riahts and Special Declarant Rights Reserved by Declarant. The following Development Rights are hereby reserved for use by Declarant in each of the future phases; 33 . 6 . 1 Declarant may create and add Units in Phase and 411111111.MMUnits in Phase i. 33 . 6 . 2 All of the Buildings and Units which are built pursuant to Section 33 . 6 . 1 shall be substantially the same architecture and substantially the same exterior finishes as the Units on the Property of Phase 1 of the Condominium. - 5 6 - 12794AGR.JEH (7.'; J.V I l I ' 33 . 6 . 3 Declarant shall have seven (7) years from the date of recording of this Declaration to construct and add the additional Units pursuant to Section 33 . 6 . 1 . Rights are 33 . 6 .4 The followingSpecial Declarant P hereby reserved for use by Declarant in Phases and .: 33 . 6 .4 . 1 Declarant may complete the improvements indicated on the Survey Map and Plans for the respective phases, and as described in this Declaration; 33 . 6 .4 . 2 Declarant may maintain a sales office, management office, signs advertising the Units for sale, and models on the Property until all Units are sold; 33 . 6 .4 .3 Declarant may use easements through the Common Elements as may be reasonably necessary for the purposes of discharging Declarant' s obligations or exercising the development rights and Special Declarant Rights or making improvements within the Condominium and in Phases and a; and 33 . 6 .4 .4 Upon the completion of construction of the Building(s) and Units, or any portion thereof referred to in Section 33 . 6 . 1, Declarant shall execute and record an amendment to this Declaration and an amendment to the Survey Map and Plans to reflect the addition of the Buildings and Units . No signature other than Declarant' s shall be required on any such amendment . Upon the recordation of each such amendment, the Units described therein shall be added to the Condominium and shall thereafter share in the ownership of the Common Elements, the liability for Common Expenses, and shall have the right to vote in matters of the Association as set forth in Section .10 . 33 . 7 Binding Effect . The provisions of this Section 33 shall constitute irrevocable covenants running with all Phases and shall be irrevocably binding upon Declarant (and its successors and assigns) with respect to all Phases . SECTION 34 - SEVERABILITY The provisions hereof shall be deemed independent and severable, and the invalidity or partial invalidity or unenforceability of any one provision or portion hereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof . SECTION 35 - INTERPRETATION • The provisions of this Declaration shall be liberally _ construed to effectuate its purposes to create a uniform plan for - 5 7 - T:•., ,.,.,' 12794AGR.JEH 4 ;, a. the development and operation of the Property as a Condominium project under the Act . SECTION 36 - EFFECTIVE DATE This Declaration shall take effect upon recording with the King County Auditor. SECTION 37 - SURVEY MAP AND PLANS The Survey Map and Plan referred to herein were filed with the Recorder of King County, Washington, simultaneously with the recording of this Declaration under King County Recorder' s No. 1110111011111111 , in Volume igmb of Condominiums, pages gem through SECTION 38 - INFLATIONARY INCREASES IN DOLLAR LIMITS The dollar limits specified in this Declaration. may, in the discretion of .the Board, be increased proportionately by the increase in the Consumer Price Index for the City of Seattle, Washington, for ALL URBAN CONSUMERS, prepared by the United States Department of Labor, for the base-period January 1, 1998, to adjust for any inflation in the value of the dollar. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this Declaration as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT: 11111111.1111111111110, L.L.C. , a Washington limited liability corporation • By Mary J ne ly , Design ted Signor Pursuant to Resolution dated 7/28/97 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • ss . COUNTY OF KING THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this Z(day of 4D-ab4A-1 1997, before me, a Notary public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, came Mary Jane Slye4,,.., personally known or having presented satisfactory evidence that - 58 - 12794AGR.JEH 4 ; ' • � I ; she is a designated signor of Rolling Meadows, L.L.C. , a Washington limited liability company, and that she is authorized to act on behalf of said limited liability company and she executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and vdluntary act of said limited liability company for the uses and purposes stated therein, and on oath stated she is authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said limited liability company. S BSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 2& day of 997 . ``,11111111///�� Q�,.•\sslon F• JAint d Name : lS S ." 'O.•:ddea y Public in and for the o FlOTARY � aS ,A te� of Washington, residing at FJ3LIC 1/02 — rf %clj •. piration Date: 4-z S - b ''' ,oF 111�1'S • - 59 _ y 12794AGR.JEH 91 - 10 (14) DGDDS ENGIjp, . . oi)t 6le PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE o� CALCULATIONS F '1 for OC�o Rk'4, '1%L TALBOT ROAD 4e\� RENTON, WASHINGTON • I' ��of rr,�.s�N, • • 0;4 co iI . i� , �• 33817 6) NAL sNG• WIRES 7 •Z.5,19, 8 13 .76 Prepared For: Burnstead Construction Co. Prepared By : Brennan P. Taylor, P.E. DEI Project No.: 94172 August 1998 Planning•Engineering•Surveying 4205-148th Avenue NE Suite 200 Bellevue,Washington 98007 Tel.425-885-7877 Fax.425-885-7963 E Mail.DoddsEngrs@aol.com TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECT OVERVIEW II. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS III. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS IV. DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS V. PROPOSED DETENTION DESIGN SUMMARY { I. PROJECT OVERVIEW The proposed project of Talbot Road is situated on approximately 26.6 acres in south Renton, of which approximately 22 acres will be developed. The site is located just east of Highway 167 and west of Talbot Road, approximately 1500 feet south of S.W. 43rd Street. The proposed project includes 240 units in 53 separate townhouse and condominium buildings. Access to the site will be from Talbot road, with a private street system through the development. The east half of the site is moderately sloped to the west at 3% to 10%. This area is presently developed with several residences, outbuildings and pasture area. The western portion of the proposed developed area continues to slope to the west at 8% to 30%. Much of this area is covered with second growth forest. The far west portion of the site will not be developed due to steeper slopes and wetlands. The King County Soils Survey map indicates that the soils onsite are classified as `Alderwood', hydrologic group C. Drainage onsite will be collected and conveyed to a detention vault in the southwest corner of the site. All roofdrains will be tightlined to the conveyance system and all road runoff will be collected. The detention facility will be designed to Department of Ecology criteria for release rates and water quality treatment. The detention vault will discharge to a biofiltration swale prior to release into the existing wetland. This drainage analysis is based on SBUH methodology and utilizes the WaterWorks hydrology program to generate and manipulate hydrographs. aW mil' 4I�I� 'E V I'J SEE 685 HAP —Z—� COPYRIGHT 1996 �1611tatb'7. ./y�06® - I [we. II'' " ,,, I •:._ N CENTRAL VALLEh N RD �w 84TH �a al�g AV S I S R4E _ : y B6TH AV S BSTH�, o rV -:AYS rn :STH AV S I'" I +^ r, BBTH P S a6m PL = 2; 87TH AV 1 S 1g I N e E <k�. rx AN 5 • s exrx AV �r " , hkile,88T-B-t_. S LIND • G'�� 39rN5As1g39TH Av S Iq _ 4 e), AV•• $ ~ 1--, 92HD ..__AV. 5 Ivy -f.it) 9 ND AN S - -- -- •' • l •nW r '�" '93N0 H to 5 M '^ a -- •._, - 94TH AV 5 94TH AV LBOw- .' rn B �''-':_ :C;u• _.a,� �C Y 94TH PL 5 'T N � 97A0 951N AY p� '1v�. �,,rm1 rn / nsm 947H AV 5^ , I,,PLS S8. •W �,•.._•1,< ;'v .�y'...�`� Y. ...lPc t rye," 4. Z .M I PI s a 4 E ?j _%rx AY w o '� t:':.. N. Ql' f 96TH V o •9s • ao" fi, 2l rs 6 l ':,' .• r���' zp_ A,rf,1 Ln N S - AY.-• .'��9elx AV s 9cn1 - - `•„;1�..`t7O .�r.•4 �` 22800 960H r;!r- I-?6rx TliL801 :' :> $ ■ 3 — e ; '. rs 1'h°,�%IxRSE 1yM s y tir`,9 96TH PL r E� •n1n��' ®N '• T� 1, _ les-iY• AYS 5 ^' I' 98TH +AYS a�'^ 9ox� i 4 + „ `�' .,rq`r ', ®'1,::::.i,,,,a:x7.-0 m �'p^ u ro 98TH ti 4 AY 98TH PL 5 P f 98TH AV SJ ./ F, ,Ya.o.'F+.a«1-1>:S+P �� 1 d 01 PL 5 99TH AY S _ ,� ❑o �- l$ _i '•,;�;••'-.; ;:'f r<r`;,r.:•% 1'. 180TH d 11 AN •E ., m 100T11''' 4 9 AV _ I ' ,� .9 PL S --1. .V:,.iJ}c:�tl;. S pi. � , a >^ m m _ ti a T AV SE o 01r1:r Cr SI ,^\ ,.N H PL S'� 1.` s .�3 'I • .o -1e I N l ' ` 3 20F$C y 1 AY sC H T S': I I2,Atie`�i,ar rcr Y."!.. 4 'slot gr' I N 2 4^ I I • N;:. ':y�.t.Y.,U4.>' !"'.�. [ s5 ,., OM Av SE D SE iA.;..-,c ..,g:r+:�ai`, c 'v I x-1 N !joy ccl 10]AD Vs.I N 102N Pl b. 102 '4 ��m AV $E I.,, ... ,,;,; 11 wd .p ," 1 ., v 303RD 'L SE fit^ 'iAL + - v;. 104TH ,7 A',m AV S 1,- "" 3• ,5A 103RD 9 • m 103R0 AV SE f;:, m, _ w .,y >',;... o °Rn $i0]nn lwtx �•'P: 4 i' m 9- ;y_, fe ® lOJRO NPL SC }� ld "s'_ " '' 7 1w1x ' 5 ,PL SE .,,c :< 18 AY SE nu r tx I ;`:.`:�.•�,..-^;: 'IV�SE ,. .�I� m 1® �,,,, 104TII PL SE '�"= 'a -••ry=WI m I4 104TH PL SE I O.I PL �5E �', --- 1•' PL SC 104TH AY SE P w n v iN {r1 �� macrr��Am N1r0S- T ~ d ,~ • r-JPi:a r,A/5E-- " ~ T. 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N S ❑v o ti _m ,T' ..4: Pq'`' slam PL 5L s~ Ar � u �1Y01 1]zxo q,3%, t d `" m Iv n AY SI Ni: PL r 1]z o n sE ' G ..2 S7• >� ~x IN111 i• :'SG�pia Al 1 /]]NO m m I]]91 ,.. 1.35TH AY SE PL s[r� s�„ g ^ �Q,PL PL"S[ 1]ux Av 4 a r s[" I Mill Av u rn usM PL s[ 'P c ®¢I�'^ s11M m s ssx _ A 176TH PLSE SP95 v m 4 An 136TI1 AV® _,tH �i.. K - h �i m �xsx.`�Tt� AAA^^^ r A m „. 6 m � ..-13N7 rn . ..Y,: V, ;Tr":vC"71.:�.. T- ._• .2! + A+1'LS ll ;7 Y I . PI R 1]5TH a . :• `.HI�---YN3�,r --SCYK 'Al•:.a�<:��, ®v-, Irv' _. A1.,s - rimu - m q $ ,AY 17'TH ro E7 .� .. l,..- mg 138TH AY st 1 yi AV SE y� 140TH AN SE fe d C 0-3 =0 20200 - m N til — 142ND = Co n s1 l 140TH AV D �:,.,, 1-1 n ^' t o IS m SE ■ �, C., _ AV"s-� 14. 1" AV $Ena'J �1 1 1 m m (4',..'" Imo.) m /.+ ICI 3s CV m 143RD _ o '41, g m ST4T .rE. I Z. v s ]44TH 144TH A S AV OU ~ '', 14 $E rn 5 11 141P11,,,14PA0 PL /S . �vM01rf v y O H C AV SE 35,>, -1 75 CI 1 IE I45TH AV SE m Ntl H V 144TH PL 1a NI r ��r p,MM `'. 1 '��r" E..a m _y SE _I.' ':-; m An r—T4519 AN St- .--• ,n l l O 1111N�SL o • �° n1967 AY 5C 146TH m ma..y ro TH m1471H av r � TSE AV SE %::•p SE11-4 1471H AY A. l.1 AY SE Ars3L TH ;wyv l. YD 2 600 za 148TH 1'r a m AV .E 24)iN AV .. S yy-, 1 200. 1 -5E `� p H $$�' L 1WL'0 119111 AY Ai _ zy I� Ism • AV u c 'i ro'CIF'its,. ?.I N RD AV SE - *' `6 e G, I• ex , AYS - l I /s] 15r1n P` CIT • .P.. ..p _ GJ,- _.. .. :. 1V -, _. .-.. .,e':'i: .e!,',a'^s.iGi S��i12ar.T r 5 dVH L89 33s \"% `OJ1JI31f II. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS UPSTREAM: There is one parcel west of Talbot Road South which is tributary to the proposed project. The property is 2.43 acres in size and consists of three separate building structures and a small pond. The remaining portion of the property is covered with grass. Drainage flows to the west onto the proposed development and will be intercepted by the onsite drainage system and conveyed through the detention system. An offsite drainage basin of approximately 36.8 acres, contributes runoff to the roadside ditch on the east side of Talbot Road. The drainage flows south in the ditch where it is intercepted by a 18" CPEP. The 18" CPEP which travels under Talbot Road South is located approximately 670 feet south of the northeast property corner of the proposed site. The 18" CPEP appears to have been recently installed or improved. The culvert discharges into a well defined ditch, which flows to the west through the southerly portion of the property, and then continues through the site to a ravine on the south side of the property. At the time of our field visit on February 26, 1996, there was a steady flow of water in the ditch and culvert. The proposed onsite drainage design will include intercepting this basin's runoff as it enters the site, conveying it through the project in a separate system and discharging it directly into the ravine. DOWNSTREAM: Runoff from the site sheet flows to the west where it enters one of two onsite ravines, continuing to the west. The ravines are approximately 600 feet apart and both discharge into the wetland at the west property line. The flows eventually merge within the wetland and continue west for approximately 100 feet to Highway 167. Three culverts cross the Highway in the vicinity of the wetland; one 36" CMP culvert approximately 800 feet to the south, one 30" CMP culvert approximately 400 feet north, and one 24" concrete near the site. While we have assumed that the northern culvert is the main discharge route, it is difficult to determine for sure due to the flat terrain. During our site visit in February of 1996, the 24" culvert was dry and appears to be at a slightly higher elevation, which tends to indicate that it may be a secondary discharge for the wetland. It is safe to say . that during periods of high flows, the wetland will fill up and overflow into all three of these culverts. The 30" CMP crosses SR167 to the west and enters a well defined channel, approximately 8 feet wide and 8 feet deep. The channel flows west for 1100 feet to the East Valley highway, where a 6 foot X 4 foot concrete box culvert crosses to the west. The channel then turns to the north where it continues for over 1000 feet where it enters industrial developments. The system ultimately reaches the Green River. II II. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS (cont.) The 36" CMP south of the site, crosses SR 167 and continues to the west along the north side of South 55th Street in a 6 foot X 6 foot channel. It flows for approximately 600 feet and crosses 55th to the south in a 36" concrete culvert. The channel flows south and west for 500 feet to a pair of 48" concrete culverts. These culverts discharge into a large stream, designated as Drainage District#1 on the Kroll Maps. It flows to the northwest for 800 feet to the East Valley highway,where a stream gauging station is located. The stream crosses under the highway through a bridge and continues west. The 24" concrete culvert crosses under SR 167 to the west into an industrial development. A discharge point was not located during field investigations,but this area originally drained to a wetland with discharges both north and south, it appears, towards the drainage paths described above. The developed drainage system must also follow one or both of these routes. • • I r rr! \N't I!r ii t. ,i; i iji U '4.-::: :,7 i 7.4 I I .44;1f 1 1 i i i /1 i /f. : I I ottl.'13'/,/-.4 1 , r ' ' FAA///4. it,„Li 1 ,,, 1 \ ! — 7y i ___Zi Old . , ,,,, i , A , . . , ,. .. , , ,:,.. ., . . , . , ,,.,..... _ , ./ ._,___. .. , i _,,, ,/, ii rah I „t = y_ )' .�j.. � .1f I �' �1 I J = i �• .',['� 11.•I`:�J =�= y" •i ii ?d % j ,! ' 11(1( /// / 1),..,..1 / ) li• 71_1/1 1 ' �4:/11,' - 7 / .1r. 1- Q/�/�// , IA ,... 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I • I 1i11 . 1 l l t • Gage• C ULVEETS C l/J [,�,,,�a�aDEI PROJECT NO 94172 g M 110.131.71 • f III. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: As described previously, the eastern portion of the site is partially developed with several buildings and driveways. This area is also cleared of trees and is mainly pasture. Proceeding to the west, the site is forested with second growth cover. Forested wetlands extend along the western property line. Existing Onsite Basin Input: Hydrologic Soils Group = C Total Area=20.2 acres Impervious Area=0.1 acres @ CN=98 (roofs) Pervious Area=20.1 acres @ CNavg= 83.01 (10.1 ac. pasture @ CN= 85, 10.0 ac. second growth forest @ CN= 81) Time of Concentration=43.98 minutes Precipitation Amounts: 2-year/24-hour=2.0 inches 10-year/24-hour=2.95 inches 100-year/24-hour=3.95 inches RESULTS (Peak Flow Rates): 2-year/24-hour= 1.47 cfs (50%=0.735 cfs) 10-year/24-hour= 3.66 cfs 100-year/24-hour= 6.33 cfs UPSTREAM OFF-SITE CONDITIONS: As described previously, there are two basin areas that drain from tributary upstream areas onto the proposed site. "Offsite Basin X"is the basin located on the west side of Talbot Road South and that is surrounded by, but not part of the proposed project. This basin will be routed through the detention system. The second basin is located east of Talbot Road South and contributes runoff to the roadside ditch on the east side of Talbot Road South. This basin drains into the 18" CPEP described previously. This basin will be conveyed through the site in a separate conveyance system and will not contribute to the detention system. Offsite Basin X Input: Total Area=2.43 acres Impervious Area=0.51 acres @ CNavg=98.20 (0.46 ac. impervious surfaces @ CN=98, 0.05 ac. ponds @ CN= 100) Pervious Area= 1.92 acres @ CN= 86 (grass) Time of Concentration=35.49 minutes RESULTS(Peak Flow Rates): 4� 2-year/24-hour= 0.40 cfs Y =',', `'n,v , _ 10-year/24-hour= 0.75 cfs `'"' 100-year/24-hour= 1.14 cfs 8/13/98 10 : 48 :27 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 1 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE CALCS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: EX002 NAME: EXISTING BASIN 2YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 20 .20 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 20 . 10 Acres 0 . 10 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 83 . 01 98 . 00 TC • 43 . 98 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .2400 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Shallow L: 420 . 00 ks : 11 . 00 s : 0 . 0800 'TcReach - Shallow L: 300 . 00 ks :5 . 00 s : 0 . 1500 PEAK RATE: 1 . 47 cfs VOL: 1 . 18 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: EX010 NAME: EXISTING BASIN 10YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 20 .20 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 95 inches AREA. . : 20 . 10 Acres 0 . 10 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 83. 01 98 . 00 TC • 43. 98 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .2400 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Shallow L: 420 . 00 ks : 11 . 00 s : 0 . 0800 TcReach - Shallow L: 300 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s : 0 . 1500 PEAK RATE: 3 . 66 cfs VOL: 2 . 38 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: EX100 NAME: EXISTING BASIN 100YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 20 .20 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 95 inches AREA. . : 20 . 10 Acres 0 . 10 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 83 . 01 98 . 00 TC • 43. 98 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns: 0 .2400 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Shallow L: 420 . 00 ks : 11 . 00 s : 0 . 0800 TcReach - Shallow L: 300 . 00 ks :5 . 00 s : 0 . 1500 PEAK RATE: 6. 33 cfs VOL: 3 . 79 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min f... ..''' .. 8/13/98 10 : 48 : 43 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 1 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE CALCS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: OX002 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN 2YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 . 43 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 1 . 92 Acres 0 .51 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86. 00 98 .20 TC • 35 . 49 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 270 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 .00 s : 0 . 0700 PEAK RATE: 0 . 40 cfs VOL: 0 .21 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: OX010 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN 10YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 . 43 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 95 inches AREA. . : 1 . 92 Acres 0 .51 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86. 00 98 .20 TC • 35 . 49 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 270 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 PEAK RATE: 0 . 75 cfs VOL: 0 . 38 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: OX100 NAME: OFFSITE TRIB BASIN 100YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 . 43 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 95 inches AREA. . : 1 . 92 Acres 0 .51 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86. 00 98 .20 TC • 35 . 49 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 270 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 PEAK RATE: 1 . 14 cfs VOL: 0 .56 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL • FIGURE 3.5.1E 10-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS 1.4tilliFiV-0•4 1AI . - Ait ; '. \('r.. .-. il 10Il1�W `. \• Raw -"er Ailli 24 i -711,1wria ilsaglicAtilitT 4 e• Algal' Al 1 Or '2.7 .i1111121011•50, igrilipt ,� 4 '1t ,/ • \ , oz.,klfilig-giit ..-7.:)1- :AM ingimk‘itip—, 4 ., ,.. 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''''''-' rifif ./„...i...., cv 1 li etil,Liitio 1, 4,-,- , A Tt w jk , 411P. .Witiont4 or , for, .. „, , _ _„ „ , , 4t, ' 17/7,,A. r-, . . OA . 4' i . i vy(,-,',- - • , - -iv- . _ .1-- i‘. _2:.! . .______ .._. `�' VONA711II '' 2-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION 1 AVEMI •, -f.. 0.3.4�' ISOPLUVIALS OF 2-YEAR 24-HOUR �► I � $: TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES qt. '1, �Ir 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Mlles ry cv _ w,•+ VIL !I .. �. N 1:300,000 3.5.1-8 `fir `/ ' 1/90 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL i FIGURE 3.5.1F 25-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS f' Re .,•'; *Will*:416411041.4 -1: -- r12' HI .../7. \.,= �ai (29 ,. / Atli- Poi �► 111 ith, (\3 . ill :.1: 400g1NRiglikl,v;11;10111,11V ' e-' . ' /1041118w-r....., - 1,40:..,g . . Itraile "1111j' ,. . : aal f • ••/ - --•- ElLmr, ...a.nimPF/ k. -11pritralliMir . I 4 -4 ' \. - to -1-1690. , ,. : .1.0 ro, i \ ib -,10r- /%26,•T\. rFi.t.,.5E vitiOACII, if I c.• if : . •\_ AtOiftill .. 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CUSAVI'i All i j•4;1' t Ai IMI '.r .n.. e ..:1,ilhatil ,..ait. ''F' 1110 . ' • -. • I' l'illill' (.,. \, : 1 - •=iithiliplik Atill/711., ,i irilw pti - -\ . . ,.... . L. . r---Ate... iiiil 111 ow ,_ 1, ti. pm . AltirnN ' ',. 1 , ��� fir' . I,� �� , ► . It ).:,- 1 N. 44t Arlie. , ifti - 'k __,_„_>\ Till: , _.__ r han, . A A -fli ..44, Ira_ ., :IgifFi :„.[,(0::f.•,*..._.: : :::: : : . : : , ...:.:,::\1\::,..7,: : : : : ...:. \AI ralu-- - 25-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION 44. (r:;',.....,../ ' i.4.1.R. SS • 3.4 : ISOPLUVIALS OF 25-YEAR 24-HOUR WAPArif 70 ryl' _�y'r - 4 TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES ej. r0 IV y .$ 3' /f 'b. .,, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles l$Cb Q -- n- _-_ 3.5.1-11 Aj• �• 1 I ' - KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL I FIGURE 3.5.1H 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS ' t 1‘ ow,:rirt ,,,k • ..g. _ .40,14N i , . tj ... v...„-__•rte..,, „ilif -..',...... 1 SY " Ikillitalairtril "AK\ (, 1 . .:, SIENtir 1110Ass A ti , ve7)1 ......„,,irpb ft par „,„,,' .,,,, MrPriiiiii s ► ' . ii - dli Attbillii7jP1 14. R � 61�A ��m V - i4 \ • tlikRfil ikof yi, , 1 4, 1 . ..,,,,7NN.,,10.57:41ffiki rahil,Amm, -t. • M lip ` � ' 447 ..._... ,44t44, Voil".1.4. 1 40igirAim, 30,10 ritibfj i *ttir ..•.:\ - ?,., 'VSill: ., --'71210V3:11.14011011 ,01. _f- i co,, 1 ! 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'il .,.(li IrF 4A, 1:7; -*A ilk( I f / vow i , OfI 1 limiallitreor Notorr 01.011 1 7moir.7:7--'lLgr _ ittAiligunt 1 p {ce esilargpfl , -1._ . \ ,.. 4114ll imilILe-wAlr - -- ql•- i -A"-• lit - ,,j,. , Mr4.1k..., , el 41 1 Ife.- f 4."..' 0.1. , Fitiv? gigiftwagimpro L. . L. _ _. 1 .lip T, ..nro \NNAT011446.1 'iii 7 .- ,,_) 4. , . , , , , . :, ;71..iing .1, , . • mkt , ' - f. LI,L,:_, _\_-_,,,. , - 2.- . - - :---- r . ---. .-. 1 4 I I g PriA r ge 4 ril .owl t ) toy 100-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION O r, •°' WAVA'lii '� ,,,, rt••- �-� L VIALS OF 100-YEAR 24-HOUR Wi� rR"li�.•� • o' •.-, �3.4 . ISOP U � � ��s�/� 11 � 5.5 TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES rb tw YeV 0g• 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles 43 ►., i s I _ • 3.5.1-13 �`• O 1:300,000 4 .-- 1/90 `;• 1 i. InC 1 \ AgB • 1. •'t Wo \�M 15G e'' I AgB• o' =y- II 1 JArnB•• n,. . . u, ABC •� :.a�: �1 !' • .I:• `�> B — ut\Amy' �•A C ..i o+ •7 r•rn „ C pyNg 1 1 I• AmB :AgB � a Ag Ur .• I .gO • 3• Wa A C. =-111 i •.�n :MQ. lir AgB 11 . ...•O• :•94• • ••' V.. ilil If I l� • g •• //)} ' 4 Re •I - \ Wader, _• • rti • .. ... .••: i .•. Br I ,I===� .`t 1 Tank. . I. No 1 u .I: AgC• ca \i‘\4:111.. _ ' mot; • •AgC ii .•; 1:.:. ��I .I—'1 • AgB• • . • • h Ma I�!• -- •u• •81'1 • 'I ` . • �rrr•:JIAYES •. �N j.. . ..!. . I . \ . II( .-= `rr11 a �✓ •.o �' I AgC N �` t/� 0 •O yp e I • Q _ Tu w r: ,ci OOP; I .' 7 t 1 No-0 • •n / x'' ^�y'a ••, AkF AgC c • ia�u; w� II Ame a) I :r, :{k Drive-I. .l• .•• :1 .:1.• •J 'r :I :i5Ml y •'I Am8 1� . '\ t Os •�� 'Theater _ ` A B • 1. .I 1,I P n • I .. • • •AgC :I;• ' - % .t� � a'• AmC :l:• : 1�• n c • r• • G Nc \Re;. •Re ,I� � _ _ Url o AmC : •' • •• .1 • ..• �..•: P. 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Ur �� :,I••. •.;; �_ TALBOT ROAD 13 �3 1� Br •,• Bmos r 3s No I AgC•;I I • • KING COUNTY II •F?4 _` \^gB . .\ i• 1� , SOILS SURVEY MAP 9 Os 1 'q� • \. II• I IIIl••I. i I Urg=_ '1'•. �- DEI PROJECT NO 94172 --- n�... 1= . I- �i/ -Z uJ'V�� 1,F • _; (: I 1iiL;--. •\:._....... • IV. DEVELOPED SITE CONDITIONS As described previously, all runoff from roof drains, streets, driveways and the majority of the yard areas will be intercepted by the proposed storm drainage system and conveyed to the detention pond. Additionally, the drainage from Offsite Basin X will flow through the detention pond. Developed Basin Input: Total Area=20.2 acres Impervious Area=9.75 acres @ CN=98 (impervious surfaces) Pervious Area= 10.45 acres @ CN= 86 (grass) Time of Concentration=21.48 minutes RESULTS: Peak Flow Rates: 2-year/24-hour= 5.14 cfs 10-year/24-hour= 8.67 cfs 100-year/24-hour 12.54 cfs • 3td'Tt . msm'5asa^m -- - - ' 8/13/98 10 :48 : 3 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 1 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE CALCS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: DE002 NAME: DEVELOPED BASIN 2YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 20 .20 Acres BASEFLOWS: . 0 . 00 cfs . RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 10 . 45 Acres 9.75 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86. 00 98 . 00 TC • 21 . 48 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Shallow L: 150 . 00 ks:11 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Channel L: 600 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0400 PEAK RATE: 5 . 16 cfs VOL: 2 . 18 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: DE010 NAME: DEVELOPED BASIN 10YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 20 .20 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 95 inches AREA. . : 10 . 45 Acres 9.75 Acres TIME INTERVAL . 10 . 00 min CN • • 86. 00 98 . 00 TC • 21 . 48 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Shallow L: 150 . 00 ks :11 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Channel L: 600 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0400 PEAK RATE: 8 . 69 cfs VOL: 3 . 62 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: DE100 NAME: DEVELOPED BASIN 100YR EVENT SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 20 .20 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 95 inches AREA. . : 10 . 45 Acres '9. 75 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86. 00 98 . 00 • TC • 21 . 48 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Shallow L: 150 . 00 ks : 11 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 TcReach - Channel L: 600 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0400 PEAK RATE: 12 .56 cfs VOL: 5. 20 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min V. PROPOSED DETENTION DESIGN SUMMARY The detention criteria used for this analysis is from the Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual For The Puget Sound Basin. Since offsite tributary basins are involved in this analysis, the design release rates must be adjusted to allow the runoff from the offsite basins to pass through the detention system without being detained. This simply involves adding the appropriate offsite basin hydrographs to the existing basin release hydrographs. The required peak release rates are as follows: •Developed 2-year release=50%Existing Onsite 2-year+ Offsite Basin"X"2-year= 1.11 cfs •Developed'10-year release=Existing Onsite 10-year+ Offsite Basin"X" 10-year=4.37 cfs •Developed 100-year release=Existing Onsite 100-year+ Offsite Basin"X" 100-year=7.42 cfs The detention input hydrographs are the result of combining the developed onsite hydrographs to the offsite hydrographs for each storm event. The detention vault is to be 200' long X 40'wide X 7.15' deep. SUMMARY: Required Depth Design Peak Peak Storage Live Release Rate Input Rate Release Rate Volume Storage 2-year 1.11 cfs 5.56 cfs 1.11 cfs 38,965 4.18 ft 10-year 4.37 cfs 9.44 cfs 4.37 cfs 44,704 5.26 ft 100-year 7.42 cfs 13.71 cfs 7.42 cfs 57,176 6.83 ft The vault will discharge into a biofiltration swale for water treatment prior to discharge into the wetlands. The bioswale will be designed according to the King County Manual using a design water depth of 8 inches for wetland vegetation(see attached spreadsheet). _ t 8/13/98 10 : 48 :5 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 5 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE CALCS LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW -STO- -DIS- <-PEAK-> OUTFLOW STORAGE DESCRIPTION > (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-STAGE> id (cfs) VOL (cf) ��ooa�0000��o�noo=0000000000momaoavooeeoeeee�vem�0000am�omoo��o�------------ooem 1/2 2YR 1.11 5.56 VAULT REST 104.87 17 1.11 38965.00 cf 10YR 4.37 9.44 VAULT REST 105.59 18 4.37 44703.85 cf 100YR 7.42 13.71 VAULT REST 107.15 19 7.42 57176.49 cf r— 1 ' 8/13/98 10 : 48 : 3 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 2 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 I PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE CALCS HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 1 0 .733 490 25699 cf 0 . 00 /2 EX' r 2YR 2 0 . 733 490 25699 cf 20 .20 " bi 3 3. 660 490 103653 cf 20 .20 EXIST IOVR 4 6.331 490 165053 cf 20 .20 E7XI' r Ia)y2 5 0 .401 480 9242 cf • 2 . 43 O;FFsrTE le zyst 6 0 .748 480 16363 cf 2 . 43 . H 16Y2 7 1 . 140 480 24352 cf 2 . 43 't IO YR '8 5. 161 480 95004 cf 20 .20 DEV. ZYR 9 8 . 693 480 157655 cf 20 .20 m IOVrZ • 10 12 .565 480 226365 cf 20 :20 « looYR 11 1 . 113 490 34940 cf 2 . 43 Y2 EX 2yR,-I-o FFs I T E zyt? mArTal s L12 4 .372 490 120016 cf 22 . 63 Ex royt + 4 loyY vALAJ 13 7 . 420 490 189405 cf 22 . 63 k (00YR-1- 4 1o6112-• NNcLb J 14 5 .562 480 104246 cf 22 . 63 PENzY2 +oFFs%TE ZyQ VALU%S 15 9.440 480 174018 cf 22 . 63 u ioy2 i- " roy, 16 13 . 705 480 250717 cf 22 . 63 I`• IOyr2-- t% toosig Rt:l.E'6 17 1 . 114 980 104245 cf 22 . 63 -LW-4, RELr'A5E V U 18 4 .366 550 " 174017 cf 22 . 63 LbyrZ. 11 19 • 7 .415 530 250716 . cf 22 . 63 tOb R. ti • :i is .. r ,. 1 . 8/13/98 10 : 48 : 4 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 3 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE CALCS STORAGE STRUCTURE LIST RECTANGULAR VAULT ID No. VAULT Description: PRELIM DETENTION VAULT Length: 200 . 00 ft. Width: 40 . 00 ft . voids: 1 . 000 • • i.. 8/13/98 10 : 48 : 4 am Dodds Engineers, Incorporated page 4 TALBOT ROAD DEI JOB NO 94172 PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE CALCS DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LIST MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. REST Description: RESTRICTOR Outlet Elev: 100 . 00 Elev: 98 . 00 ft Orifice Diameter: 4 . 3125 in. Elev: 105 . 00 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 12 . 3516 in. „l :::: :BIQTILTRATION SAL.......N.........S.5....................................................... SWALE GEOMETRY JOB NAME:_ TALBOT ROAD BOTTOM SLOPE = 0.0200 JOB#: 94172 _ - SIDE SLOPE(Z:1)= 3.00 OPERATOR: ' BPT , ic.;I:._I MANNING'S n= 0.35 DATE: 8/13/98 DESIGN FLOW DEPTH I 3 INCHES 4 INCHES 8 INCHES (NATURAL GRASS) (WETLAND VEGETATION) BOTTOM DESIGN FLOW DESIGN FLOW DESIGN FLOW WIDTH FLOW VELOCITY FLOW VELOCITY FLOW VELOCITY (FEET) (CFS) (FPS) (CFS) (FPS) (CFS) (FPS) 0.00 0.03 0.14 0.06 0.18 0.37 0.28 0.50 0.05 0.17 0.10 0.20 0.50 0.30 1.00 0.08 0.18 0.14 0.22 0.63 0.32 1.50 0.11 0.19 0.19 0.23 0.77 0.33 2.00 0.14 0.20 0.23 0.23 0.91 0.34 :B23 1 2.707. 0.18 0.21 0.30 0.24 1.11 0.35 FOR 3.00 0.20 0.21 0.33 0.25 1.20 0.36 f7.J,IIC 3.50 0.22 0.21 0.37 0.25 1.34 0.37 4.00 0.25 0.21 0.42 0.25 1.49 0.37 4._ a 4.50 0.28 0.22 0.47 0.26 1.63 038 d =8 5.00 0.31 0.22 0.52 0.26 1.78 0.38 5.50 0.34 0.22 0.56 0.26 1.93 0.39 6.00 0.37 0.22 0.61 0.26 2.08 0.39 6.50 0.40 0.22 0.66 0.26 2.22 0.39 7.00 0.43 0.22 0.71 0.26 2.37 0.40 7.50 0.46 0.22 0.75 0.27 2.52 0.40 8.00 0.49 0.22 0.80 0.27 2.67 0.40 8.50 0.52 0.22 0.85 0.27 2.82 0.40 9.00 0.55 0.23 0.90 0.27 2.97 0.41 9.50 0.58 0.23 0.94 0.27 3.12 0.41 10.00 0.61 0.23 0.99 0.27 3.27 0.41 11.00 0.67 0.23 1.09 0.27 3.58 0.41 12.00 0.73 0.23 1.18 0.27 3.88 0.42 _ 13.00 0.79 0.23 1.28 0.27 4.18 0.42 14.00 0.85 0.23 1.38 0.28 4.48 0.42 15.00 0.91 0.23 1.47 0.28 4.79 0.42 16.00 0.97 0.23 1.57 0.28 5.09 0.42 17.00 1.03 0.23 1.66 0.28 5.39 0.43 18.00 1.09 0.23 1.76 0.28 5.70 0.43 19.00 1.14 0.23 1.86 0.28 6.00 0.43 20.00 1.20 0.23 1.95 0.28 6.30 0.43 25.00 1.50 0.23 2.43 0.28 7.83 0.43 30.00 1.80 0.23 2.91 0.28 9.35 _ 0.44 35.00 2.10 0.23 3.39 0.28 10.87 0.44 40.00 2.40 0.24 3.88 0.28 12.40 0.44 45.00 2.69 0.24 4.36 0.28 13.92 0.44 50.00 2.99 0.24 4.84 0.28 15.45 0.45 • • .01. , , ' : ' . - ' . 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HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC Transportation and Civil Engineering GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS RENTON, WA } Gal L'1 1 0 IvS.,- • • J 4" W A") (Thz, Prepared'for: Mr. Steve Berg SEB,Inc. vt5 ell �® 4109-C Bridgeport Way West ° `��GtsT • - . IOC University Place, WA 98466 ,SION-A E " Se N\NG EXPIRES: 6/30/1• 00 0Ev0Gm pF SEPTEMBER 1997 2214 Tacoma Road • Puyallup, WA 98371 • (253)770-1401 • Fax (253)770-1473 GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 3 II. Project Description 3 III. Existing Conditions 3 IV. Forecasted Traffic Demand 10 V. Conclusions and Mitigation 15 Appendix LIST OF TABLES 1. Existing Level of Service 9 2. Trip Generation 10 3. Future LOS With and Without the Project 11 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map 4 2. Roadway System 5 3. Site Plan 6 4. Existing Peak Hour Volumes 8 5. Trip Distribution-Project Traffic 12 6. 2000 Peak Hour Volumes Without Project 13 7. 2000 Peak Hour Volumes With Project 14 2 GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS I. INTRODUCTION This study serves to examine traffic impacts related to the Glacier Creek project located in Renton. The main objectives of this study include an assessment of existing roadway conditions and intersection congestion, forecasts of newly generated project traffic, and estimations of future delay. The first task includes the collection of roadway information and peak hour traffic counts. Next, a detailed level of service analysis of the existing volumes is made to determine the present degree of congestion on the network. Based on this analysis, forecasts of future traffic levels on the surrounding street system are determined. Following this forecast, the future service levels for the key intersections are investigated. As a final step, applicable conclusions and possible on-site/off-site mitigation measures are defined and addressed. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is 160 unit townhouse project situated near Valley Medical Center above SR-167. Access to the site is to be provided at several points onto Talbot Road and onto South 55th Street. The overall area surrounding the project is transforming into a moderate density residential area though much of it remains somewhat rural in nature with low density single family units predominant. Management projections estimate a completion date for overall build out of 2000. Figure 1 on the following page shows the site location while Figure 2 shows the surrounding street system. The proposed site plan illustrating the overall lot configuration is given in Figure 3. HI. EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Surrounding Street Network The street network serving the proposed project consists of mostly rural two lane roadways. Streets adjacent to the site consist entirely of two-lane arterials. Characteristics for most roadways vary with respect to lane widths, grades, speeds, and function. Any differences are based on specific roadway designations and proximity to the major destination areas. 3 1 NiT • SITE • S 55TH ST QED � w w C a x a F-F co co • HEATH Ec ASSOCIATES, INC VICINITY MAP Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 1 -\ i9 , SW 43RD ST F a) 4.7 a F SITE S 55TH ST ,\^ S 200TH ST C a-t4 CO °' SE 208TH ST co cr • S 212TH ST NST HEATH taB n andCivil Engineering SOe INC ROADWAY SYSTEM FIGURE 2 r • 1 . • • • t'1l'nsi.• ,may ._ .4-Iti•-1 --7--7;�t1_i— _.,Tz, 1, .;•.i-71,rwitl,,, :, . .1.7.4_.- . , Pt io:....A rit .(1.-.t,. -• 0 - ,:i-)s, \i 1 \ 11 111:11-.‘ . ,. . in \ q, % i \. - v t A. A. ,� it ��, �, il 1 1 :;71.,:tj'..r;;,'-'.\\-',, ,.1 ,. i -:'1i1:4%."11 �,,,,, L � . f. , „ j --;---1 i is ),jolm% \(I c-* 1 1 . t ,SZ*U.::::"r'e'S\- \\\- \\\ \\ \\ \\ 1 .1,ii 1- \-\..--,z...---\\_.:--_,-_ _. , \\\ \ • ti I-It-44,_,::.-'-.: 1-1t7.tt*-' \ \\\\ \\\ ‘,\N\ ' 12",1 li..?1,‘ ell#,\* \\\ \\ ‘,0 \ ) --.11-,-,A=..-111-' --:!---at,i --T.:,.\ \ \‘ NM, \ 11 T., 1\1 \ \ fIf • ;rz �_ ' \ � , , ,ate;\\ 1 1 ' 1 - l'irvi 1•Iiii_-,---. .-% ' ''. ' . . " — : " '"?'\\VOI\)( f . t •1: ,:‘15. .., r_r. j;' . 44-.1-- ...' 4. 3 1 )).\) . 10 i ..% , .4 Iri .41 .1; ..,..Vs l \1 \ 1 i ilti, \V i . �i ,, • j • `\-- c \ \:,....„,\ < �11 1'. \ \ \111 \ t lilliF: -:_.-.. .' -... . • — 0.7.. ).HI 'I. Vc I I iltillp . . . . li :.-., 1 \ !1/41 1SI \111)1 . • • 414 HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC SITE PLAN Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 3 K Talbot Road South is a somewhat meandering, two-lane arterial which lies east of the Glacier Creek project and has a speed limit of 35 mph. Pavement surfacing consists of asphalt concrete with lane widths of 10 to 11 feet. The roadway is somewhat rolling with grades generally in the range of 0 to 5 percent along its length. Shoulders are minimal along much of the road and range from 0 to 3 feet wide and are composed of gravel or a combination of asphalt and gravel. The roadway becomes more intensely developed in terms of number of lanes and geometrics toward the north at its intersection with SW 43rd Street. B. Peak Hour Volumes Field data for this study was collected in September of 1997. Traffic counts were taken at the intersection of 208th Street/96th Way during the evening peak period between the hours of 4 PM and 6 PM and also the morning peak hours between 7 AM and 9 AM. Information for the intersection of SW 43rd/Talbot was received from the city of Renton and used in the analysis. These specific peak periods were targeted for analysis purposes since they generally represent a worst case scenario for residential developments with respect to traffic conditions. This is primarily due to the common 8 AM to 5 PM work schedule and the greater number of recreation and shopping trips associated with the late afternoon period. Commuters typically travel at the same time of day which, in turn, translates to a natural peak in intersection traffic loads, especially when combined with the relatively large number of personal trips. Figure 4 shows the weekday AM and PM peak hour volumes for the affected intersections. Average daily volumes for the area roads are available from the applicable jurisdiction. D. Existing Level of Service Peak hour information and geometric intersection data collected in the field were used to perform capacity computations in accordance with the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual. Capacity analysis is used to determine level of service, which is an established measure of congestion for transportation facilities. LOS is defined for a variety of facilities including intersections, freeways, arterials, etc. Intersection methodologies are described below. The methodology for determining the LOS at signalized intersections strives to determine the volume to capacity(v/c) ratios for the various intersection movements as well as the average stopped delay for those movements. Delay is generally used to measure the degree of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and lost time. Stopped delay, in particular, is defined as the amount of time a vehicle, on average, spends not in motion at an intersection. Aside from the overall quantity of traffic, three specific factors influence signalized intersection LOS. These include the type of signal operation provided, the signal phasing pattern, and the specific allocation of green time. The methodology for determining the LOS at unsignalized intersections strives to 7 1 _r ----- -- SW 43RD ST SE 85 43 13 240140 209 1111' 4' cil (15 —i4 \42 vW44-1 � F 1042� -- �AM � 662 731— PM —1416 A. 410 35 I42 28 I r+—j w a23 30 45162 120 SITE ~\ S 55TH ST j, \/\-7\ S 200TH ST co G. >, co a a M E-- Fcc' SE 208TH ST co rb �1t ib'' VIR/ 60 S 212TH ST �`� tip` L 6 V AM PM rk Vr ...,,,2 ______,,2 N.0,,E h y� ti0 HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC EXISTING PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC AM & PM Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 4 determine the potential capacities for the various vehicle movements and ultimately determines the average total delay for each movement. Potential Capacity represents the number of additional vehicles that could effectively utilize a particular movement, which is essentially the equivalent of the difference between the movement capacity and the existing movement volume. Total delay is described as the elapsed time from when a vehicle stops at the end of a queue until the vehicle departs from the stop line. Average total delay is simply the mean total delay over the entire traffic stream. Several factors influence potential capacity and total delay, including the availability of gaps in the traffic stream, the usefulness of gaps, and the priority ranking of movements. TABLE 1 Existing Level of Service Intersection Control Approach LOS Delay SW 43rd/Talbot(AM) Signal Southbound C 27.0 Westbound B 14.0 Northbound C 24.2 Eastbound B 17.8 Overall B 17.4 SW 43rd/Talbot(PM) Signal Southbound E 81.7 Westbound E 66.3 Northbound E 77.1 Eastbound C 26.8 Overall E 61.0 208th/96th Way(AM) Signal Southbound D 60.0 Westbound C 25.4 Eastbound A 2.7 Overall C 22.8 208th/96th Way(PM) Signal Southbound C 42.2 Westbound B 14.8 Eastbound C 27.8 Overall C 26.6 For unsignalized intersections, LOS A indicates low average total delay, while LOS E indicates long delays. Existing LOS is shown in Table 1. Level of service calculations were made using a widely used and well known computer analysis program known as Signal94 as designed by Dennis Strong, P.E. of the Teapac traffic engineering design packages. Signal94 emulates Chapter 9 procedures of the HCM for signalized intersection analysis and was used for the two primary intersections under review. 9 IV. FORECASTED TRAFFIC DEMAND A. Trip Generation Trip generation is used to determine the magnitude of project impacts on the surrounding street system. Data presented in this report was taken from the Institute of Transportation Engineer's publication Trip Generation, Fifth Edition. The designated land use for this project includes residential condominiums (LUC 230). Data for the peak hours were used for future traffic estimations. Table 2 shows the trip generation values used for this study. Included are the average weekday daily volume and the AM and PM peak hour generation volumes for the total 160 proposed dwelling units. TABLE 2 Trip Generation Volumes Time Period Volume AWDT 972 vpd AM Peak Inbound 13 vph AM Peak Outbound 62 vph AM Peak Total 75 vph PM Peak Inbound 61 vph PM Peak Outbound 31 vph PM Peak Total 92 vph As shown in the table, roughly 20 percent fewer trips are expected for the AM peak hour versus the PM peak. This primarily results from the slightly greater number of personal, recreation, and work/commuter trips. The overall peak in total traffic would most likely be realized during the evening peak period due to the combination of heavy commuter traffic and larger evening project generated volumes. The anticipated inbound and outbound split for the AM peak is estimated at roughly 17 percent entering and 83 percent exiting. A 66 percent/34 percent split is expected for the PM peak hour. B. Trip Assignment and Distribution The destination and origination of future project traffic primarily influences how the driveways and nearby major intersections will function as they distribute traffic to outlying areas. The trip assignment and distribution scheme developed for this project was used to determine the specific paths of travel for traffic into and out of the site via Talbot Road traffic. The trips generated by the project are expected to follow the general trip pattern as shown in Figure 5. The project traffic was assigned at 40 percent to the south and 60 percent to the north. This figure reflects primarily work-based and home-based trips taken by project traffic during the peak periods. 10 -- C. Future Traffic Volumes With and Without the Project The owners of the project anticipate a completion date for the build out of this project by 2000. Future 2000 traffic volumes without the project were derived by applying a 2 percent annual growth rate to the volumes of Figure 4. This growth rate was determined by the City of Renton staff. Several pipeline projects are incorporated in this study as directed by the City of Renton staff. These projects include a 160 unit residential townhouse project and a 130 unit townhouse project coupled with 51 single family residential units. The trip generation used for these pipeline projects are found in the appendix. Future 2000 volumes with the project completed were found by adding the project generated volumes of Figure 5 to the future 2000 volumes without the project. Figure 6 represents 2000 traffic without the project. Figure 7 represents 2000 traffic with the project completed and generated trips added. D. Future LOS With and Without the Project A level of service analysis was next made of the peak hour volumes with project generated 1 trips applied. This analysis once again involved the use of the Signal94 program for the studied intersections. The year 2000 without the project includes traffic volumes from the two pipeline projects cited by Renton staff to be included in the study. These volumes are also carried forward in the year 2000 with the project. The results for 2000 future traffic conditions with and without project trips are given in Table 3. TABLE 3 Future Level of Service Intersection Control Approach 2000 Delay 2000w Delay SW 43rd/Talbot(AM) Signal Southbound C 28.0 C 28.0 Westbound B 14.1 B 14.1 Northbound C 25.5 C 26.2 Eastbound B 18.4 B 18.4 Overall B 18.2 B 18.4 SW 43rd/Talbot(PM) Signal Southbound F 113.9 F 114.7 Westbound E 71.0 E 72.9 Northbound F 122.4 F 121.5 Eastbound D 51.0 D 53.6 Overall E 78.3 F 80.1 ' 208th/96th Way(AM) Signal Southbound E 95.4 E 106.2 Westbound E 46.0 E 55.3 Eastbound A 4.2 A 4.5 Overall D 41.8 E 50.2 .E 208th/96th Way(PM) Signal Southbound D 45.9 E 50.5 Westbound B 17.9 B 18.3 Eastbound D 42.6 D 42.7 Overall D 37.0 D 37.7 11 As shown in the table, a minor amount occurs at each of the intersections studied. No dilution was assumed in the distribution therefore the full project traffic is assigned to either intersection. V. CONCLUSIONS AND MITIGATION The Glacier Creek project is a residential townhouse project comprised of 160 units. This project is expected to be a modest generator of new trips in the area. On a daily basis, the housing group can be expected to add nearly 450 total trip movements onto the adjacent roadway. Of the total daily traffic, roughly 13 movements should enter the site during the AM peak hour with 62 trips outbound. An estimated 61 inbound trips and 31 outbound trips are anticipated during the PM peak hour. 12 • r ---- SW 43RD ST _5E y-o 3 0 0 13 0 kt)Wt` a 0—► AM 4-0 0 —* PM 4_0 V a� a 2 I3 3 +41 21 8 11 19 9 6 4 SITE S 55TH ST \p/\ S 200TH ST En >- W >, Cl) d a = .-3 �0 c xcy °' SE 208TH ST co O \lnl:: S 212TH ST J tip`1 AM O �O PM 0 /101 O • • Aix HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC TRIP DISTRIBUTION Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 5 I i r ----- SW 43RD STE 90 53 14 12;5 178 222 Aq v] 122 ♦ 14 'L447 A. 4/ a 1106-* AM 4-703 1776—� PM 4-1503 A.� 0 41 W 52 37 276 F 41 56 89 192 141 73 SITE S 55TH ST QED S 200TH ST Cl] w 1 W 7, Cl] d a Z1 ( m nu a LIJ _ "'_SE 208TH ST co / y \SIR/`' ti9�9 �R/ > () I S 212TH ST{l J `� by V AM PM tib rbcb tic (PA ..-••••"2 • HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC 2000 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES WITHOUT PROJECT Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 6 —) (-- ----\ , „T SW 43RD ST SE 90 56 14 255191 222 <Zs III cn 122 14 58III 1441ti 447 w a 1106—* AM —703 776_0. PM —1503 �� o 4355 40 297 F rn 49 67 108 201147 77 SITE S 55TH ST \ri\ S 200TH ST Cl) co w w y. co a M a E, cc cD Ex' > ( ° SE 208TH ST co \Aviv �41' \711r/�' p0 S 212TH ST/ 09 1. V AM PM ti�g� 1 � I `�2 n,4� ..-2 (9 diPik HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC 2000 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES WITH PROJECT Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 7 GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS APPENDIX 16 LEVEL OF SERVICE The following are excerpts from the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual- Transportation Research Board Special Report 209 The concept of level of service is defined as a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, and their perception by motorists and/or passengers. A • level of service (LOS) definition generally describes these conditions in terms of such factors as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort and convenience, and safety. Six levels of service are defined for each facility for which analysis procedures are available. They are given letter designations, from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions and LOS F the worst. Level-of-Service definitions The following definitions generally define the various levels of service for uninterrupted flow facilities. Level of service A represents free flow conditions. Individual users are virtually unaffected by the presence of others in the traffic stream. Freedom to select desired speeds and to maneuver within the traffic stream is extremely high. The general level of comfort and convenience provided to the motorist, passenger, and pedestrian is excellent. Level of service B is in the range of stable flow, but the presence of other users in the traffic stream begins to be noticeable. Freedom to select desired speeds is relatively unaffected, but there is a slight decline in the freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream from level of service A. The level of comfort and convenience provided is somewhat less than at the level of service A, because the presence of others begins to affect individual behavior. Level of service C is in the range of stable flow, but marks the beginning of the range of flow in which the operation of individual users becomes significantly affected by the interactions with others in the traffic stream. The selection of speed is now affected by the presence of others, and maneuvering within the traffic stream requires substantial vigilance on the part of the user. The general level of comfort and convenience declines noticeably at this level. Level of service D represents high-density,but stable, flow conditions. Speed and freedom to maneuver are severely restricted, and the driver or pedestrian experiences a generally poor level of comfort and convenience. Small increases in traffic flow will generally result in the occurrence of operational problems at this level. 17 Level ofservice E represents operating conditions at or near the capacity level of a given p p g p tY facility. All speeds are reduced to a low but relatively uniform level. Freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream is extremely difficult, and it is generally accomplished by forcing a vehicle or pedestrian to "give way" to accommodate such maneuvers. Comfort and convenience levels are extremely poor, and driver or pedestrian frustration is generally high. Operations at this level are usually unstable, because small increases in flow or minor perturbations within the traffic stream will cause breakdowns. Level of service F is used to define forced or breakdown flow. This condition exists whenever the amount of traffic approaching a point exceeds the amount which can traverse the point. Queues form behind such locations. Operations within the queue are characterized by stop-and-go waves, and they are extremely unstable. Vehicles may progress at reasonable speeds for several hundred feet or more, then be required to stop in a cyclic fashion. Level-of-service F is used to describe the operating conditions within the queue, as well as the point of the breakdown. It should be noted, however, that in many cases operating conditions of vehicles or pedestrians discharged from the queue may be quite good. Nevertheless, it is the point at which arrival flow exceeds discharge flow which causes the queue to form, and the level-of-service F is an appropriate designation for such points. These definitions are general and conceptual in nature, and they apply primarily to uninterrupted flow. Levels of service for interrupted flow facilities vary widely in terms of both the user's perception of service quality and the operational variables used to describe them. For each type of facility, levels of service are defined based on one or more operational parameters which best describe operating quality for the subject facility type. While the concept of level of service attempts to address a wide range of operating conditions, limitations on data collection and availability make it impractical to treat the full range of operational parameters for each type of facility. The parameters selected to define levels of service for each facility type are called "measures of effectiveness" or "MOE's", and represent those available measures that best describe the quality of operation on the subject facility type. Each level of service represents a range of conditions, as defined by a range in the parameters given. Thus, a level of service is not a discrete condition, but rather a range of conditions for which boundaries are established. The following tables describe levels of service for signalized and unsignalized intersections. Level of service for signalized intersections is defined in terms of delay. Delay is a measure of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption and lost travel time. Specifically, level-of-service criteria are stated in terms of the average stopped delay per vehicle for a 15-minute analysis period. Level of service for unsignalized intersections is measured in terms of potential capacity and average total delay of the lane in question. 18 Signalized Intersections-Level of Service Stopped Delay per Level of Service Vehicle(sec) A less than 5.1 B 5.1 to 15.0 C 15.1 to 25.0 D 25.1 to 40.0 E 40.1 to 60.0 F greater than 60.0 Unsignalized Intersections-Level of Service Average Total Delay Level of Service per Vehicle(sec) A less than 5.1 B 5.1 to 10.0 C 10.1to20.0 D 20.1 to 30.0 E 30.1 to 45.0 F greater than 45.0 As described in the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual, level of service procedures for all- way stop controlled (AWSC) intersections have been refined significantly, though they are still treated in a slightly different manner than typical two-way stop controlled locations. Procedures for AWSC intersections are generally not as well defined as other forms of control. Due to the presence of stop control on all legs of an AWSC intersection, factors such as gap frequency and acceptance are generally eliminated, resulting in procedures which are slightly simplified. Nonetheless,the same criteria measures for two-way stop intersections are used for all-way stop locations. The table below describes AWSC intersection level of service. AWSC Intersections-Level of Service Average Total Delay Level of Service per Vehicle(sec) A less than 5.1 B 5.1to10.0 C 10.1to20.0 D 20.1 to 30.0 E 30.1 to 45.0 F greater than 45.0 19 I 1 Glacier Creek SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION CALCULATION FOR 160 DWELLING UNITS OF RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM 9/97 I DRIVE AVERAGE STANDARD ADJUSTMENT WAY RATE DEVIATION FACTOR VOLUME AVG WKDY 2-WAY VOL 6.07 0.00 1 .00 972 I 7-9 AM PK HR ENTER 0.08 0.00 1 .00 13 ' 7-9 AM PK HR EXIT 0.39 0.00 1 .00 62 7-9 AM PK HR TOTAL 0.46 0.00 1.00 74 4-6 PM PK HR ENTER 0.38 0 .00 1 .00 61 4-6 PM PK HR EXIT 0.20 0.00 1.00 31 4-6 PM PK HR TOTAL 0.57 0.00 1 .00 92 AM GEN PK HR ENTER 0.08 0.00 1 .00 13 AM GEN PK HR EXIT 0.38 0 .00 1 .00 61 AM GEN PK HR TOTAL 0.47 0.00 1.00 74 PM GEN PK HR ENTER 0.38 0.00 1 .00 60 PM GEN PK HR EXIT 0.20 0.00 1.00 33 PM GEN PK HR TOTAL 0.58 0 .00 1 .00 93 SATURDAY 2-WAY VOL 6.29 0.00 1.00 1006 PK HR ENTER 0.30 0.00 1 .00 48 PK HR EXIT 0.25 0.00 1.00 41 PK HR TOTAL 0.55 0.00 1 .00 88 SUNDAY 2-WAY VOL 5.36 0.00 1.00 858 PK HR ENTER 0. 27 0.00 1.00 43 PK HR EXIT 0.28 0.00 1.00 44 PK HR TOTAL 0 .54 0.00 1.00 87 Note: A zero rate indicates no rate data available The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) = .85LN(X) + 2 .565, R-2 = .82 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = . 787LN(X) + .314 R-2 = . 74 , . 17 Enter, . 83 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = .818LN(X) + .368 R-2 = . 78 , .66 Enter, . 34 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .808LN(X) + .209 R"2 = .78 , . 18 Enter, .82 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .777LN(X) + .59 R"2 = .8 , .65 Enter, . 35 Exit Sat. 2-Way,Volume: T = 3.615(X) + 427.925, R-2 = .84 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: T = .286(X) + 42. 627 R-2 = .84 , .54 Enter, .46 Exit Sun. 2-Way Volume: T 3. 132(X) + 357.258, R-2 = .88 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: T = .232(X) + 50.009 R"2 = .78 , .49 Enter, .51 Exit I Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 5th Edition, With Feb. 1995 Update. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS i Pipeline Proj . for Glacier Creek SUMMARY OF AVERAGE VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY DRIVEWAY VOLUMES 9/97 24 HOUR AM PK HOUR PM PK HOUR TWO-WAY LAND USE SIZE VOLUME ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM 290 DWELLING UNITS 1611 20 98 99 51 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 51 DWELLING UNITS 555 12 33 38 21 TOTAL 2166 32 131 137 72 Note: A zero rate indicates no rate data available TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS • Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380A Page : 1 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 208TH ST S 212TH ST S Southbound Westbound Eastbound :.:art Time Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Total 5:30 8 0 11 115 481 0 0 84 2 701 5:45 4 0 3 124 436 0 0 106 3 676 Total 12 0 14 239 917 0 0 190 5 1377 7:00am 14 0 11 125 481 0 0 119 7 757 7:15 16 0 7 108 420 0 0 104 5 660 7:30 10 0 2 96 316 0 0 93 8 525 7:45 6 0 7 103 305 0 0 104 6 531 _our Total 46 0 27 432 1522 0 0 420 26 2473 rand 58 0 41 671 2439 0 0 610 31 3850 of Total 1.5% 0.0% 1.1% 17.4% 63.4% 0.0% 0.0% 15.8% .8% Apprch % 2.6% 80.8E 16.6% of Apprch 58.6% 0.0% 41.4% 21.6% 78.4% 0.0% 0.0% 95.2% 4.8% Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380A Page : 2 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 58 41 31 671 702 Inbound 99 Outbound 702 212TH ST S Total 801 671 2497 2439 58 - 2439 31 Inbound 641 Inbound 3110 Outbound 2497 Outbound 651 610 Total 3138 Total 3761 41 610 651 208TH ST S Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380A Page : 3 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 06:30am to 07:45am on 09/11/97 Start Peak Hr Volumes Percentages Direction Street Name Peak Hour Factor Rght Thru Left Total Rght Thru Left Southbound 96TH AVE S 06:30am .740 42 0 32 74 56.7 .0 43.2 Westbound 208TH ST S .945 472 1818 0 2290 20.6 79.3 .0 Northbound .0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Eastbound 212TH ST S .853 0 413 17 430 .0 96.0 3.9 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 42 32 17 Lommommilimmomm 472 489 Inbound 74 Outbound 489 212TH ST S Total 563 472 1860 1818 42 1818 17 Inbound 430 Inbound 2290 Outbound 1860 Outbound 445 413 Total 2290 Total 2735 32 413 445 208TH ST S Heath i Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380B Page : 1 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 208TH ST S 212TH ST S Southbound Westbound Eastbound :art Time Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Total 1:15 6 0 93 18 169 0 0 410 8 704 1:30 7 0 84 20 139 0 0 413 11 674 4:45 2 0 93 20 179 0 0 458 8 760 '^,tal 15 0 270 58 487 0 0 1281 27 2138 5:00pm 3 0 103 18 139 0 0 431 8 702 5:15 5 0 131 17 166 0 0 492 11 822 5:30 4 0 99 18 176 0 0 444 16 757 otal 12 0 333 53 481 0 0 1367 35 2281 rand 27 0 603 111 968 0 0 2648 62 4419 of Total .6% 0.0% 13.6% 2.5% 21.9% 0.0% 0.0% 59.9% 1.4% Apprch % 14.3% 24.4% 61.3% a of Apprch 4.3% 0.0% 95.7% 10.3% 89.7% 0.0% 0.0% 97.7% 2.3% Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Divieion Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 13808 Page : 2 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 27 603 62 111 173 Inbound 630 Outbound 173 212TH ST S Total 803 111 995 968 27 968 62 Inbound 2710 Inbound 1079 Outbound 995 Outbound 3251 2648 Total 3705 Total 4330 603 2648 3251 208TH ST S Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380B Page : 3 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 04:15pm to 05:30pm on 09/11/97 Start Peak Hr Volumes Percentages Direction Street Name Peak Hour Factor Rght Thru Left Total Rght Thru Left Southbound 96TH AVE S O4:45pm .809 14 0 426 440 3.1 .0 96.8 Westbound 208TH ST S .921 73 660 0 733 9.9 90.0 .0 Northbound .0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Eastbound 212TH ST S .928 0 1825 43 1868 .0 97.6 2.3 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 14 426 43 73 116 Inbound 440 Outbound 116 212TH ST S Total 556 73 674 660 14 660 43 Inbound 1868 Inbound 733 Outbound 674 Outbound 2251 1825 Total 2542 Total 2984 426 1825 2251 208TH ST S GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:00:03 EXISTING LOS AM PEAK HOUR SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 11.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 76 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 1 Phase 5 **/** + * + A + + ++++ /� *\ <+ * +> <++++ V A ++++ A **** v ++++ North <+ * *> ++++> ****> * * ++++- ++++ + * * V V G/C= .108 G/C= .108 G/C= .110 G/C= .000 G/C= .407 G= 6.5" G= 6.5" G= 6.6" G= .0" G= 24.4" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=17.5% OFF=34.9% OFF=52.7% OFF=52.7% C= 60 sec G= 44.0 sec = 73.3% Y=16.0 sec = 26.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMI TOTALS SB Approach WB Approach NB Approach EB Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVo1: vph 94 48 14 15 772 47 52 35 26 39 1216 128 2486 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 9 4 2 0 23 5 0 4 3 4 34 10 g/C Used: % 12 12 12 0 42 13 0 12 12 42 42 13 SV @E: vph 193 231 219 0 1573 223 0 422 219 671 1578 223 5552 Svc Lv1:LOS C+ C+ B B+ C+ C+ C+ B+ B C+ B Deg Sat:v/c .48 .21 .06 .00 .50 .21 .00 .21 .12 .06 .77 .57 .60 Avg Delis/v 28.6 24.9 23.6 .0 13.4 24.9 .0 24.2 24.2 10.4 16.8 29.9 17.4 Tot Del:min 11 5 1 0 44 5 0 9 3 2 85 16 181 # Stops:veh 22 11 3 0 144 11 0 20 6 6 260 30 513 Max Que:veh 3 1 0 0 15 1 0 3 1 1 23 4 52 Max Que: ft 69 35 25 0 191 35 0 32 25 25 296 94 296 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units SB Approach WB Approach NB Approach EB Approach Total AdjVol: vph 156 834 113 1383 2486 Svc Lv1:LOS C+ B+ C+ B B Deg Sat:v/c .36 .48 .19 .73 .60 Avg Del:s/v 27.0 14.0 24.2 17.8 17.4 Tot Del:min 17 49 12 103 181 # Stops:veh 36 155 26 296 513 Max Que:veh 4 16 4 28 52 Max Que: ft 69 191 32 296 296 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:04:14 EXISTING LOS PM PEAK HOUR SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 75 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 Phase 5 **/** * + + A A * + + ++++ **** / \ <* + +> <++ii <**** V A I H I **** A **** v v North <* + +> ++++> 1 * + + ++++ * + + V G/C= .172 G/C= .106 G/C= .042 G/C:= .062 G/C= .451 G= 20.6" G= 12.7" G= 5.1" G= 7.5" G= 54.1" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=20.5% OFF=34.5% OFF=42.0% OFF=51.6% C=120 sec G=100.0 sec = 83.3% Y=20.0 sec = 16.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 267 156 232 491 1652 239 70 140 180 31 853 61 4372 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 29 23 26 0 61 26 0 22 24 20 32 21 g/C Used: % 18 18 18 0 55 15 0 11 11 46 46 5 SV @E: vph 271 323 306 0 1996 242 0 390 183 727 1711 71 6220 Svc Lvi:LOS E D+ D E E D E B B E+ E+ Deg Sat:v/c .94 .46 .73 .00 1.07 .92 .00 .52 .89 .04 .50 .69 .86 Avg Del:s/v 127.2 45.8 53.5 .0 60.6117.9 .0 50.9107.7 18.0 23.4 79.3 61.0 Tot Del:min 141 30 52 0 541 117 0 45 81 2 83 20 1112 # Stops:veh 66 35 55 0 535 59 0 49 44 4 150 15 1012 Max Que:veh 15 9 13 0 96 14 0 12 11 1 31 4 206 Max Que: ft 369 216 321 0 1214 344 0 157 269 28 389 98 1214 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 655 2382 390 945 4372 Svc Lvi:L0S E+ E E+ C+ E+ Deg Sat:v/c .75 1.06 .69 .50 .86 Avg Del:s/v 81.7 66.3 77.1 26.8 61.0 Tot Del:min 223 658 126 105 1112 # Stops:veh 156 594 93 169 1012 Max Que:veh 37 110 23 36 206 Max Que: ft 369 1214 269 389 1214 GLACIER H;R CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:01:05 2000 LOS AM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 76 I Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 1 Phase 5 **/** ▪ * A + * + ++-H- /�\ <+ * +> <++++ v A i_+++ A A **** V ++++ North <+ * *> ++-I I> ****> + * * ++++ ++++ * * V V G/C= .104 G/C= .104 G/C= .112 G/C= .000 G/C= .414 G= 6.2" G= 6.2" G= 6.7" G= .0" G= 24.8" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=17.0% OFF=34.0% OFF=51.9% OF'F=51.9% C= 60 sec G= 44.0 sec = 73.3% Y=16.0 sec = 26.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT MEALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 100 59 16 17 820 58 104 65 46 46 1290 136 2757 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 9 5 2 0 24 5 0 7 4 5 36 11 g/C Used: % 12 12 12 0 43 13 0 12 12 43 43 13 SV @E: vph 186 222 210 0 1600 226 0 407 210 682 1605 226 5574 Svc Lv1:LOS C+ C+ C+ B+ C+ C+ C+ B+ B C+ B Deg Sat:v/c .53 .26 .08 .00 .52 .25 .00 .41 .22 .07 .80 .60 .63 Avg Del:s/v 30.1 25.6 24.0 .0 13.3 25.2 .0 25.6 25.3 10.2 17.4 30.6 18.2 Tot Del:min 13 6 2 0 46 6 0 18 5 2 94 17 209 # Stops:veh 23 13 4 0 154 13 0 39 10 7 281 32 576 Max Que:veh 3 2 0 0 16 2 0 5 1 1 24 4 58 Max Que: ft 74 44 25 0 201 43 0 63 34 25 310 100 310 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 175 895 215 1472 2757 Svc Lvl:L S C+ B+ C+ B B Deg Sat:v/c .40 .51 .37 .76 .63 Avg Del:s/v 28.0 14.1 25.5 18.4 18.2 Tot Del:min 21 52 23 113 209 # Stops:veh 40 167 49 320 576 Max Que:veh 5 18 6 29 58 Max Que: ft 74 201 63 310 310 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STKEe ' & TALBOr ROAD 08:03:30 _ 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 75 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 Phase 5 **/** * + + A A * + + ++++ **** /•\ <* + +> <+++F <**** A V -H-F+ **** A **** V V North <* + +> ++++> 1 * + + ++++ * + + V G/C= .171 G/C= .114 G/C= .031 G/C= .118 G/C= .482 G= 41.1" G= 27.4" G= 7.5" G= 28.4" G= 115.6" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=18.8% OFF=31.9% OFF=36.7% OFF=50.2% C=240 sec G=220.0 sec = 91.7% Y=20.0 sec = 8.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 283 198 247 522 1753 307 85 165 213 41 905 64 4783 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 49 46 47 0 69 48 0 45 47 44 51 44 g/C Used: % 18 18 18 0 62 17 0 12 12 49 49 4 SV @E: vph 152 182 172 0 2234 160 0 1 1 755 1810 1 5468 Svc Lvl:LOS F F F E+ F F F C D+ F E Deg Sat:v/c 1.02 .61 .80 .00 1.02 1.02 .00 .60 1.02 .05 .50 1.02 .86 Avg Del:s/v 136.2 93.1105.1 .0 62.3135.3 .0100.5148.0 32.7 42.4184.7 78.3 Tot Del:min 161 77 108 0 590 173 0 105 131 6 160 49 1560 # Stops:veh 70 46 59 0 568 76 0 59 53 5 154 16 1106 Max Que:veh 32 22 27 0 123 35 0 29 26 3 62 8 367 Max Que: ft 805 551 687 0 1558 877 0 372 647 71 785 211 1558 - APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 728 2582 463 1010 4783 1 Svc Lvl:LOS F E F D E Deg Sat:v/c .83 1.02 .79 .51 .86 Avg Del:s/v 113.9 71.0 122.4 51.0 78.3 Tot Del:min 346 763 236 215 1560 # Stops:veh 175 644 112 175 1106 Max Que:veh 81 158 55 73 367 Max Que: ft 805 1558 647 785 1558 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:01:50 2000 LOS AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 76 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 1 Phase 5 I **/** + * + A + * + ++++ /1\ <+ * +> L v A -i <+++-14-1-1- A A **** v 1414 North <+ * *> +++F> ****> I + * * +++F- * * v v G/C= .104 G/C= .104 G/C= .112 G/C= .000 G/C= .414 G= 6.2" G= 6.2" G= 6.7" G= .0" G= 24.8" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF` .0% OFF=17.0% OFF=34.0% OFF=51.9% OFF=51.9% C=C= 60 sec G= 44.0 sec = 73.3% Y=16.0 sec = 26.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMP TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 100 62 16 17 820 61 126 78 54 48 1290 136 2808 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 9 5 2 0 24 6 0 8 5 5 36 11 g/C Used: % 12 12 12 0 43 13 0 12 12 43 43 13 SV @E: vph 186 222 210 0 1600 226 0 406 210 682 1605 226 5573 Svc Lvi:LOS C+ C+ C+ B+ C+ C+ C+ B+ B C+ B Deg Sat:v/c .53 .28 .08 .00 .52 .27 .00 .50 .25 .07 .80 .60 .63 Avg Del:s/v 30.1 25.7 24.0 .0 13.3 25.3 .0 26.3 25.6 10.2 17.4 30.6 18.4 Tot Del:min 13 7 2 0 46 6 0 22 6 2 94 17 215 # Stops:veh 23 14 4 0 154 14 0 48 12 7 281 32 589 Max Que:veh 3 2 0 0 16 2 0 6 2 1 24 4 60 Max Que: ft 74 46 25 0 201 45 0 76 40 25 310 100 310 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVo1: vph 178 898 258 1474 2808 Svc Lv1:10S C+ B+ C+ B B Deg Sat:v/c .40 .51 .45 .76 .63 Avg Del:s/v 28.0 14.1 26.2 18.4 18.4 Tot Del:min 22 52 28 113 215 # Stops:veh 41 168 60 320 589 Max Que:veh 5 18 8 29 60 Max Que: ft 74 201 76 310 310 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:02:39 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROTECT SIQ1AL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 75 I Phase 1 I Phase 2 I Phase 3 I Phase 4 I Phase 5 **/** * + + A A i * + + ++HF **** / \ <* + +> <++++ <**** v A +++F **** A **** v v North <* + +> ++++> 1 * + + ++++ - * + + V G/C= .170 G/C= .119 G/C= .031 G/C= .130 G/C= .466 G= 40.9" G= 28.5" G= 7.5" G= 31.3" G= 111.9" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFE=18.7% OFF=32.2% OFF=37.0% OFF=51.7% C=240 sec G=220.0 sec = 91.7% Y=20.0 sec = 8.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMI TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 283 212 247 522 1753 330 90 171 223 44 905 64 4844 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 49 47 47 0 69 49 0 45 47 44 51 44 g/C Used: % 17 17 17 0 62 18 0 12 12 47 47 4 SV @E: vph 150 180 170 0 2221 189 0 22 11 726 1752 1 5422 Svc Lvl:LOS F F F E F F F C D+ F F Deg Sat:v/c 1.02 .65 .80 .00 1.02 1.02 .00 .60 1.02 .06 .52 1.03 .87 Avg De1:s/v 137.5 94.9105.6 .0 64.1133.5 .0 99.8146.9 34.8 45.0187.7 80.1 -._ Tot Del:min 162 84 109 0 608 184 0 109 137 6 170 50 1619 # Stops:veh 70 49 59 0 568 82 0 62 55 6 158 16 1125 Max Que:veh 32 23 27 0 127 37 0 31 27 3 64 8 379 Max Que: ft 813 590 688 0 1604 935 0 386 677 79 808 214 1604 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total A1jVol: vph 742 2605 484 1013 4844 Svc Lvl:LOS F E F D F Deg Sat:v/c .84 1.02 .80 .53 .87 Avg Del:s/v 114.7 72.9 121.5 53.6 80.1 Tot Del:min 355 792 246 226 1619 # Stops:veh 178 650 117 180 1125 Max Que:veh 82 164 58 75 379 Max Que: ft 813 1604 677 808 1604 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:05:09 EXISTING LOS AM PEAK HOUR SICL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 1 Phase 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 **/** * * A * * **** /1\ <* *> <**** A **** North ++++> ++++> G/C= .071 G/C= .059 G/C= .737 G= 6.4" G= 5.3" G= 66.3" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFE=11.5% OFF=21.9% C= 90 sec G= 78.0 sec = 86.7% Y=12.0 sec = 13.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMr TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 47 0 36 550 2121 0 0 0 0 0 482 19 3255 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 . 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 12 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 18 8 g/C Used: % 0 8 0 0 75 0 .0 0 0 0 85 7 SV @E: vph 0 106 0 0 2647 0 0 0 0 0 3236 113 6102 Svc Lvl:LOS D C A D+ C+ Deg 'Sat:v/c .00 .70 .00 .00 1.01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .15 .15 .87 Avg Del:s/v .0 60.0 .0 .0 25.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.2 40.7 22.8 Tot Del:min 0 21 0 0 283 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 309 # Stops:veh 0 20 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 20 4 711 Max Que:veh 0 4 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 48 Max Que: ft 0 96 0 0 498 0 0 0 0 0 45 25 498 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 83 2671 0 501'. 3255 Svc Lvl:LOS D C A C+ Deg Sat:v/c .70 1.01 .00 .15 .87 Avg Del:s/v 60.0 25.4 .0 2.7 22.8 Tot Del:min 21 283 0 5 309 # Stops:veh 20 667 0 24 711 Max Que:veh 4 39 0 5 48 Max Que: ft 96 498 0 45 498 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:07:50 EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 **/** * * * * ++++ / \ <* *> <++++ A **** North ++++> ****> G/C= .326 G/C= .083 G/C= .391 G= 19.6" G= 5.0" G= 23.4" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% 0FF`39.3% OFF=54.3% C= 60 sec G= 48.0 sec = 80.0% Y=12.0 sec = 20.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 16 0 473 85 770 0 0 0 0 0 2129 48 3521 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 34 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 56 5 g/C Used: % 0 34 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 56 10 SV @E: vph 0 543 0 0 1464 0 0 0 0 0 2118 176 4301 Svc Lvl:LOS C B+ C C+ C Deg Sat:v/c .00 .90 .00 .00 .58 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .26 .88 Avg Del:s/v .0 42.2 .0 .0 14.8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 27.8 26.9 26.6 Tot Del:min 0 86 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 247 5 391 # Stops:veh 0 116 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 532 11 825 Max Que:veh 0 11 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 34 1 63 Max Que: ft 0 271 0 0 214 0 0 0 0 0 430 36 430 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 489 855 0 2177 3521 Svc Lvl:LOS C B+ C C Deg Sat:v/c .90 .58 .00 .99 .88 Avg Del:s/v 42.2 14.8 .0 27.8 26.6 Tot Del:min 86 53 0 252 391 # Stops:veh 116 166 0 543 825 Max Que:veh 11 17 0 35 63 Max Que: ft 271 214 0 430 430 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:05:50 2000 LOS AM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SI( L94/TEAPAC[V1 11.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 **/** * * * * **** /I\ <* *> <**** A North +++F> ++++> G/C= .110 G/C= .043 G/C= .747 G= 13.2" G= 5.2" G= 89.6" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=14.3% OFF=22.0% C=120 sec G=108.0 sec = 90.0% Y=12.0 sec = 10.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVo1: vph 83 0 64 598 2250 0 0 0 0 0 511 20 3526 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 25 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 26 20 g/C Used: % 0 12 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 83 5 SV @E: vph 0 153 0 0 2670 0 0 0 0 0 3161 74 6058 Svc Lvl:LOS E E+ A D D Deg Sat:v/c .00 .86 .00 .00 1.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .16 .22 .92 Avg Del:s/v .0 95.4 .0 .0 46.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.1 56.7 41.8 Tot Del:min 0 58 0 0 545 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 612 # Stops:veh 0 36 0 0 712 0 0 0 0 0 25 5 778 Max Que:veh 0 9 0 0 88 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 104 Max Que: ft 0 219 0 0 1114 0 0 0 0 0 72 32 1114 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 147 2848 0 531 3526 Svc Lvl:LOS E E+ A D Deg Sat:v/c .86 1.07 .00 .16 .92 Avg Del:s/v 95.4 46.0 .0 4.2 41.8 Tot Del:min 58 545 0 9 612 # Stops:veh 36 712 0 30 778 Max Que:veh 9 88 0 7 104 Max Que: ft 219 1114 0 72 1114 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH 'WAY 08:13:01 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIG AL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 I Phase 1 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 1 **/** * * A / \ <* *> <++++ A **** North ++++> ****> G/C= .350 G/C= .056 G/C= .461 G= 31.5" G= 5.0" G= 41.5" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" j OFF= .0% OFF=39.4% OFF=-49.5% C= 90 sec G= 78.0 sec = 86.7% Y=12.0 sec = 13.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 17 0 532 132 817 0 0 0 0 0 2260 71 3829 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 60 10 g/C Used: % 0 36 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 57 7 SV @E: vph 0 572 0 0 1686 0 0 0 0 0 2175 107 4540 Svc Lvl:LOS D B D D+ D-1- Deg Sat:v/c .00 .96 .00 .00 .56 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.04 .59 .90 Avg Del:s/v .0 45.9 .0 .0 17.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 42.4 50.4 37.0 Tot Del:min 0 105 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 400 15 591 # Stops:veh 0 134 0 0 171 0 0 0 0 0 565 17 887 Max Que:veh 0 18 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 68 3 114 Max Que: ft 0 444 0 0 317 0 0 0 0 0 857 84 857 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 549 949 0 2331 3829 Svc Lvl:LOS D B D D+ Deg Sat:v/c .96 .56 .00 1.02 .90 Avg Del:s/v 45.9 17.9 .0 42.6 37.0 Tot Del:min 105 71 0 415 591 # Stops:veh 134 171 0 582 887 Max Que:veh 18 25 0 71 114 Max Que: ft 444 317 0 857 857 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:06:36 2000 LOS AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIG AL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 I Phase 1 I Phase 2 I Phase 3 **/** * * A * * **** /� <* *> <**** A **** North ++++> ++++> G/C= .127 G/C= .042 G/C= .731 G= 15.3" G= 5.1" G= 87.7" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=16.0% OFF=23.6% C=120 sec G=108.0 sec = 90.0% Y=12.0 sec = 10.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 99 0 77 603 2250 0 0 0 0 0 511 20 3560 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 26 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 26 20 g/C Used: % 0 14 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 81 5 SV @E: vph 0 180 0 0 2613 0 0 0 0 0 3095 72 5960 Svc Lvl:LOS E E A D E+ Deg Sat:v/c .00 .89 .00 .00 1.09 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .17 .22 .94 Avg Del:s/v .0106.2 .0 .0 55.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.5 56.9 50.2 Tot Del:min 0 78 0 0 658 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 746 # Stops:veh 0 43 0 0 713 0 0 0 0 0 27 5 788 Max Que:veh 0 10 0 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 122 Max Que: ft 0 257 0 0 1334 0 0 0 0 0 80 32 1334 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 176 2853 0 531 3560 Svc Lvl:LOS E E A E+ Deg Sat:v/c .89 1.09 .00 .17 .94 Avg Del:s/v 106.2 55.3 .0 4.5 50.2 Tot Del:min 78 658 0 10 746 # Stops:veh 43 713 0 32 788 Max Que:veh 10 105 0 7 122 Max Que: ft 257 1334 0 80 1334 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:07:13 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIG AL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 1 **/** * * * * .++_ + / \ <* *> <++++ A **** North ++++> ****> G/C= .350 G/C= .059 G/C= .458 G= 31.5" G= 5.3" G= 41.2" Y+R= 4.0" Y+i= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% , OFF=39.4% OFF .49.8% C= 90 sec G= 78.0 sec = 86.7% Y=12.0 sec = 13.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVML TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 17 0 546 150 817 0 0 0 0 0 2260 80 3870 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 41 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 60 11 g/C Used: % 0 36 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 57 7 SV @E: vph 0 572 0 0 1671 0 0 0 0 0 2175 114 4532 Svc Lvl:LOS E+ B D D D+ Deg Sat:v/c .00 .98 .00 .00 .58 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.04 .63 .91 Avg De1:s/v .0 50.5 .0 .0 18.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 42.4 52.4 37.7 Tot Del:min 0 118 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 400 17 609 # Stops:veh 0 139 0 0 176 0 0 0 0 0 565 19 899 Max Que:veh 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 68 4 116 Max Que: ft 0 455 0 0 325 0 0 0 0 0 857 94 857 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 563 967 0 2340 3870 Svc Lvl:LOS E+ B D D+ Deg Sat:v/c .98 .58 .00 1.02 .91 Avg Delis/v 50.5 18.3 .0 42.7 37.7 Tot Del:min 118 74 0 417 609 # Stops:veh 139 176 0 584 899 Max Que:veh 18 26 0 72 116 Max Que: ft 455 325 0 857 857 U.S. POSTAGE u,'PAID TTV sT Mill, OOOOQ�� UNITED STATES JUL 29. 00 POSTAL SERVICE AMOUNT 0000 $2 98 EMT 00053u13-10 ENVELOPE ADDRESS. U.S, POSTAGE )NE uNPAIOTr AIL Algtiii, u CT I JUL024. 00 UNITED AMOUNT �'OSTq�SEpyKF Q� I III 0000 $0,88 00053913-:0 2725 c 'DC l.. , CaradL, I/O ok-A--c \JOA qgo (Z RETURN RI REQUES PLACE STICKER AT TO TO THE RIGHT OF RE FOLD AT DOTT CERTIFIE' 111111111111111111111 7000 0520 0012 28 0