HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA96-004 (2) 4gia Elle -00(+1&A' , .. .. . . „ . , : 1 , . ,..,..: GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 1:]:...-.. v ......,:: The Cottages Renton, Washington ...: .::: . ...: •::::::':::.:::: . .„ „ ,...,....__:„.. Project No. T-2865 L. :-. .,..._ Terra Associates, Inc. . . : • i: „ , ...............:!:::::-;:ii.. Prepared for .:.: Environmental Development Corporation Bellevue, Washington . . , . '...*::::::..... „:„... ..,. May 5, 1995 RECEVED .-.i...,.,..,,,,, ,....:,......, , JAN 0 9 1996 ,..,...,.. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ' ..: H . . , ,:, „:„:„:„.....„..,...,:.:: ":, :,:,,,........: -.....-...:iii......E.,:::::,:::]:::::: ....,: :.,:::::::: : '•::::::::,',:::::::::::::.:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::i:PIITV.OFIRENTON--, ii,:::::::-..:::-,:::::...: : : 1 . .. TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc' . Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences May 5 1995 Project No.T-2865 Mr.Thomas W. Ichelson Environmental Development Corporation P.O.Box 1574 Bellevue, Washington 98009 Subject: Geotechnical Report The Cottages Renton,Washington Dead Mr.Ichelson: As requested, we conducted a geotechnical engineering study for the subject project. The attached report presents our findings and recommendations for the geotechnical aspects of project design and construction. I Our field exploration indicates the site is underlain at shallow depths by dense, silty sand glacial till soils. It is our opinion that the multi-family residences may be constructed using conventional spread footings placed on the competent native soils or on structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors and pavements may be constructed on properly conditioned recompacted native inorganic soils or structural fill. • We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Environmental Development Corporation during the preliminary design phase of this project and look forward to being of continued service during the fmal design and construction phases. We trust the information presented in this report is sufficient for your current needs. If you lave any questions or require additional information,please call. _ Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES,INC. Amy Beite anal , Staff!Engineer q ' eodore J. Sche per,P.E. Principal Engineer EXPIRES 6/18/95 AK/TJS:tm 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 • Phone (206) 821-7777 3 n TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 , Project Description 1 2.0 Scope of Work 1 3.0 Site Conditions • 2 3.1 Surface 2 3.2 Soils . 2 3.3 Groundwater 3 !,_ ' 4.0 Discussion and Recommendations 3 4.1 General 3 4.2 Site Preparation and Grading 4 I '; 4.3 Structural Fill 4 i ; 4.4 Slopes and Embankments 5 4.5 Excavations 5 4.6 Detention Pond 6 •. ' 4.7 Foundations 6 4.8 Slab-on-grade Construction 7 4.9 Lower Level and Retaining Walls 7 i, 4.10 Drainage 7 4.11 Utilities 8 _ 4.12 Pavements 8 i 5.0 Additional Services 9 6.0 -Limitations 9 r- 1 Figures Vicinity Map Figure 1 r Exploration Location Plan Figure 2 Soil Classification System Figure 3 Test Pit Logs Figures 4 through 7 T Appendix r Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing Appendix A P a . 'I 1 -' 7 (i) . I • Geotechnical Report The Cottages Renton, Washington r 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Based on the site plan provided to us, we understand that The Cottages project will consist of 60 1, 2, and 3- s i bedroom residential units grouped into buildings as follows: four 3-level fourplexes, three 2-level fourplexes, three 10-unit buildings, and one 2-unit building. Additional development includes construction of a stormwater detention pond, a biofiltration swale,and associated utilities. r- Further details of the project are unknown to us. However, based on our previous experience with similar developments, we expect perimeter bearing wall loads to be two to four kips per lineal foot and isolated column y footings may carry 50 kips. No details pertaining to planned construction grades were available at the time of our study. ' We anticipate that cuts and fills of about five--to ten feet may be required to establish construction elevations. Traffic volumes and loads accessing the development are expected to be light, consisting of passenger vehicles and light commercial trucks with occasional heavier loads in the form of moving trucks and trash removal vehicles. The recommendations presented in the following sections of this report are based upon the above design features as we understand them. If actual features vary or if changes are made, we should be informed and requested to review actual design features. This will allow us to modify our recommendations as required. In any event, we should review final design drawings and specifications to verify that our recommendations have been properly a interpreted and incorporated into the project design. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK f� , On April 17, 1995, we excavated seven testpits to depths of seven to ten feet below existingsurface Pp grades. Using the information obtained from the subsurface exploration, we performed analyses to develop geotechnical recommendations for project design and construction. 0 • 1 May 5, 1995 Project No.T-2865 Specifically, this report addresses the following: • Soil and groundwater conditions • Suitability of native soils for use as fill • Recommendations for import fill material • Site preparation and grading • Foundation support alternatives • Earth pressure parameters for basement or retaining wall design • • Slab-on-grade support • Drainage • Utilities • Pavements • 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Surface • The project site is located on Talbot Road South in Renton, Washington. The project location is shown on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. The site consists of two approximately equal size parcels which are currently occupied by single-family residences. The addresses of the two residences currently occupying the project site are 4614 and 4700 Talbot Road South. The parcel to the north has a fenced front yard used as pasture land. The backyard is sod-covered and is well maintained. The parcel to the south is landscaped and is well maintained. The total project site measures about 620 feet from east to west and 310 feet from north to south. The site is bordered by Talbot Road South along the west and lightly developed rural pasture and forest lands to the north, east, and south. The portion of the site proposed for development slopes gently downward to the west at a grade of approximately six percent with a total elevation change of about 60 feet. East of, and directly adjacent to, the proposed development the forested land slopes up at about 2:1 to 3:1 (Horizontal:Vertical). r•� 3.2 Soils Topsoil beneath sod generally covers the site, with thicknesses between about 16 and 24 inches. The topsoil is underlain by one to two feet of soft to firm sandy silt. In Test Pit TP-7 we encountered three feet of clean sand under the topsoil. Glacially deposited weathered and unweathered till soils cover most of the site, as observed in the test pits. The weathered till consisted of four to six feet of medium dense to dense silty sand with gravel. The I weathered till unit is underlain by dense to very dense silty sand with trace to little gravel and occasional cobbles. Boulders as large as two feet in diameter were encountered in several of the test pits. Page No. 2 • May 5, 1995 Project No.T-2865 In general, glacial till soils continued to the maximum depths explored, seven to ten feet. However, at Test Pits TP-4 and TP-5 excavated at the east end of the site, we encountered u o twash deposits of clean sand and gravel with cobbles and occasional boulders to the bottom of the excavations. In Test Pit TP-7, this same unit was encountered as a two-foot layer from about four to six feet below ground surface. The!subject property is mapped by the Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington (U.S. Soil Conservation Service) as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. This soil type has a moderate to high runoff potential and the erosion hazard is slight. The Alderwood soil group is classified as Hydrologic Group C. A more detailed description of the subsurface conditions we encountered is presented on the Test Pit Logs, Figures 4 through 7. • The test pit locations are shown on the Exploration Location Plan, Figure 2. 1-7 33 Groundwater We observed slight to moderate groundwater seepage in Test Pits TP-3,TP-4, TP-6, and TP-7. In Test Pits TP-3 and TP-6 the seepage appeared perched on top of the glacial till at 2.5 and seven feet, and three feet below ground surface, respectively. At Test Pit TP-4 we encountered heavy groundwater seepage within the outwash soils from a depth of 6.5 feet. In contrast,in Test Pit TP-5 located 60 feet east of Test Pit TP-4, no groundwater seepage was encountered in its outwash deposits. In Test Pit TP-7, the groundwater seepage was contained in the sand and gravel layer from four to six feet below ground surface. The ground surface along the northwestern portion of the development in the pasture land was wet and very soft during our field work, likely due to the perched groundwater. Groundwater seepage may be present in this area during the time of grading operations, introducing difficulties. The amount of seepage flow and the potential impacts will depend on the time of year site grading is undertaken. Fluctuations in groundwater seepage levels should be expected on a seasonal and annual basis. The amount of seepage will be at its highest during extended periods of heavy precipitation and during the wet winter months. a ' 4.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' 4.1 General. - s Based on our study, in our opinion there are no geotechnical considerations which would preclude construction as proposed. The primary geotechnical consideration for development of the site will be the planned cuts and fills and control of groundwater seepage. The residential buildings may be constructed using conventional spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils or, if required, on compacted structural fill. Floor slabs may be similarly supported. We encountered perched groundwater within the upper two to seven feet of the existing ground surface in the eastern end of the site. Therefore, you should expect light to heavy groundwater seepage from slope cuts and utility excavations. In our opinion, most of the seepage flowing onto the site can be controlled by installing interceptor drains along the east perimeter of the construction area. Page No.3 a: i_ I • May 5, 1995 • Project No.T-2865 The native glacial till soils we encountered at the site contain a significant amount of fines and will be difficult to compact as structural fill when above their optimum moisture content. If grading activities will take place during the winter or spring season, the owner should be prepared to import free-draining granular material for use as structural fill and backfill. Detailed recommendations regarding the above issues and other geotechnical design considerations are provided in the following sections. These recommendations should be incorporated into the final design drawings and construction specifications. 4.2 Site Preparation and Grading To initially prepare the,site for construction, it will be necessary to remove all vegetation, organic surface soils, debris from the demolished buildings, and other deleterious materials. Based on our study, surface stripping depths of about 16 to 24 inches should be expected to remove organic topsoil. Stripped vegetation and building debris should be removed from the site. Organic topsoil will not be suitable for use as structural fill, but may be used for limited depths in non-structural areas or for landscaping purposes. Where encountered, the soft sandy silt layer.should also be stripped to expose competent bearing soils. We anticipate the thickness of this layer will be about one to two feet. Oncel clearing and stripping operations are complete, cut and fill operations can be initiated to establish desired s ' building grades. Prior to placing fill,we recommend proofrolling all exposed surfaces to determine if any isolated soft and yielding areas are present. If excessively yielding areas are observed, they should be recompacted in- place or overexcavated to expose firm bearing soil and replaced with structural fill to final grade. If excessively yielding areas are observed at pavement subgrade elevations, they should be cut to firm bearing • soils and filled to grade with structural fill. If the depth of excavation to remove unstable soils is excessive,use of geotextile fabric such as Mirafi 500X or equivalent in conjunction with structural fill could be considered. As a general rule, a minimum of 18 inches of a clean, granular structural fill placed over the geotextile fabric should establish a stable bearing surface. is We should observe all proofrolling operations. We also recommend field evaluations at the time of construction • to verify stable subgrades. s • 43 Structural Fill Our study indicates that the native soils contain a significant percentage of fines (silt and clay size particles). Ss These soils will be difficult to compact as structural fill when too wet or too dry. Accordingly, the ability to use the native soils from site excavations as structural fill will depend on their moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions at the time site grading activities take place. Moisture conditioning may be necessary depending on the silt and moisture content of the material. Moisture conditioning could include drying by aeration during dry weather conditions or using an additive such as cement or lime to stabilize the soil. Page No.4 • ' May 5, 1995 Project No.T-2865 If grading activities are planned during the wet winter/spring winter/spring season qr if they are initiated during ng the summer and • extend into fall and winter, the owner should be prepared to import wet weather structural fill. For this purpose, we recommend importing a granular soil which meets the following grading requirements: Maximum Aggregate =6 inches U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing #4 75 maximum #200 5 maximum* *based on the 3/4 inch fraction Prior,to use, Terra Associates, Inc. should examine and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. Structural fill should be placed in uniform loose layers not exceeding 12 inches and compacted to a minimum of • 95 percent of the soil's maximum dry density, as determined by Test Designation ASTM D-698 (Standard Proctor). The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction should be within two percent of its optimum, as determined by the same referenced standard. In non-structural areas or for backfill in utility trenches below a depth of four feet, the degree of compaction could be reduced to 90 percent. 4.4 Slopes and Embankments All permanent cut and fill slopes should be graded with a finished inclination of no greater than 2:1. When grading is complete, slope faces should be thoroughly compacted and track-walked and then appropriately vegetated or provided with other physical means to prevent erosion. All fill placed for embankment construction should meet the structural fill requirements as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. We recommend providing the toe of embankment slopes with a drain to collect potential seepage and to prevent hydrostatic pressure development. Mid-slope drains beneath the embankment fills may also be necessary if seepage areas are observed after site clearing is complete. 4.5 Excavations All excavations at the site associated with confined spaces,such as utility trenches and lower building levels,must be completed in accordance with local, state, or federal requirements. Based on current Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, soils within the upper five feet of the surface would be classified as r; Group C soils. Below this level, soils fall into a Group A category. For excavations more than four feet in depth, the side slopes within the upper five feet should be laid back at a minimum slope inclination of 1.5:1. Below this level, side slopes should be completed with a gradient of 0.75:1 or flatter. If there is insufficient room to complete the excavations in this manner, you may need to consider using temporary shoring to support the excavations. Page No.5 May 5, 1995 Project No.T-2865 Groundwater seepage should be anticipated within excavations extending below depths of 2-1/2 feet or more below existing surface grades. The volume of water and rate of flow into the excavation should be slight to moderate. In our opinion, conventional sump pumping procedures within utility trench excavations of six feet and shallower should be capable of maintaining a relatively dry excavation for construction purposes. As identified at --1 Test Pit TP-4, heavier groundwater flows may be encountered at deeper excavations that extend into apparent outwash soils. If deep utility excavations are planned, the contractor should be prepared to dewater using isolated wells or well points before excavation, if required. - The above information is provided solely for the benefit of the owner and other design consultants,and should not • ' be construed to imply that Terra Associates, Inc. assumes responsibility for job site safety. It is understood that job site safety is the sole responsibility of the project contractor. 4.6 Detention Pond • A stormwater detention pond is planned south of the entrance to the site. Excavation depths for the detention ,. pond are unknown at this time. Interior embankment slopes for the pond should be no steeper than 3:1. Exterior slopes can be graded to 2:1. If fills are used to construct perimeter berms, they should be compacted as a • structural fill. - We ;encountered perched groundwater seepage within the upper weathered soil zone, around 2.5 feet below ground surface in Test Pit TP-3. No groundwater seepages were encountered in Test Pits TP-1 or TP-2 near the proposed pond site. If groundwater seepage is encountered in the detention pond excavation, we expect that it will be slight. • 4.7 Foundations Spread Footings Foundations may be supported on competent native soils or on structural fills placed and compacted on competent native soils. Foundations exposed to the weather should be a minimum of 18 inches below final exterior grades. Interior foundations can be constructed at any convenient depth below the floor slab. Foundations can be dimensioned for a net allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). For short-term loads such as wind and seismic, a 1/3 increase in this allowable capacity can be used. With structural loading as anticipated and this bearing stress applied,estimated total settlements are about 1/2 inch and less. For proportioning foundations to resist lateral loads, a base friction coefficient of 0.4 can be used. Passive earth pressure development acting on the side of the footing and buried portion of the foundation stem wall can also be considered. We recommend calculating this lateral resistance using an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pounds per cubic)foot (pcf). We recommend not including the upper one foot of soil, which can be affected by weather or disturbed by future grading activity, in this computation. This value assumes the foundation will be constructed neat against competent native soil or backfilled with structural fill as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section. The values recommended include-a safety factor of 1.5. Page No. 6 May 5, 1995 Project No.T-2865 4.8 Slab-on-grade Construction Slab=on-grade floors may be supported on a subgrade prepared as recommended in the Site Preparation and Grading section. Immediately below the floor slab, we recommend placing a four-inch layer of clean, free- draining sand or gravel that has less than three percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve. This precaution will guard against wetting of the floor slab due to capillary movement of water through the underlying soil. Where moisture by vapor transmission is undesirable, a durable polyethylene vapor barrier should also be installed. This vapor = barrier should be placed on the capillary break layer. This may be covered with one to two inches of clean,moist sand'to guard against damage'during construction and to aid in uniform curing of the concrete floor. 4.9 Lower Level and Retaining Walls The magnitude of earth pressures developing on lower level walls or retaininglwalls will depend, in part, on the wall Ibackfill. We recommend placing and compacting wall backfill as structural fill. Below improved areas such as pavements or floor slabs, the backfill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the soil's maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Designation D-698 (Standard Proctor). In unimproved areas, the relative compaction can be reduced to 90 percent. Basement and retaining walls should be provided with continuous drainage to reduce the potential for hydrostatic pressure build-up behind them. A 12-inch wide zone of free-draining gravel should be placed behind all walls. The top 12 to 18 inches below final exterior grades may be capped with native soils. A perforated pipe should be placed at the base of the wall to collect water from the free-drainage zone and to discharge it away from the walls. As an option, a drainage board material such as Miradrain may be used to replace the 12-inch free-drainage gravel zone Use of other appropriate drainage procedures and materials may be feasible. These should be discussed with,Terra Associates, Inc.personnel at the time of construction. With proper wall backfill and drainage, we recommend designing unrestrained walls for an active earth pressure imposed by an equivalent fluid weighing 35 pcf. For restrained walls, an additional uniform lateral pressure of 100 psf should be added. These values assume a horizontal backfill condition,and that no other surcharge loading such as traffic, sloping embankments, or adjacent buildings will act on the wall. If such conditions will exist then the imposed loads must be included in the wall design. Friction at the base of foundations and passive earth : pressures will provide resistance to these lateral loads. Values for these parameters are provided in the Foundations section. ,3� I 4.10 Drainage Surface Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage away from the building sites at all times. Water must not be allowed to pond or collect adjacent foundations or within immediate building areas. We recommend •- providing a minimum drainage gradient of three percent for a minimum distance of ten feet from building perimeters, except in paved locations. In paved locations, a minimum gradient of two percent should be provided { unless provisions are included for collection and disposal of surface water adjacent the structures. Page No. 7 1 • May 5, 1995 Project No.T-2865 • In addition, surface water must not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the crest of any slopes and embankments. Preferably, surface water should be directed away from the slope crests to a point of collection and controlled discharge. If site grades do not allow for directing surface water away from the slopes, then water T, should be collected and tightlined down the slope face in a controlled manner. Subsurface To guard against groundwater seepage into crawl spaces and beneath slab-on-grade floors, we recommend installing perimeter foundation drains. The foundation drains should consist of four-inch diameter perforated pipe surrounded by at least six inches of pea gravel or similar drainage rock. Drain pipe inverts should be equivalent to the bottom of the adjacent footing. Roof gutter downspouts should be separately tightlined from the foundation drains to an appropriate discharge point. Depending on final construction elevations, subsurface drains may be required elsewhere on the site to control groundwater seepage. Control of groundwater seepage will be particularly important when observed along permanent cut slope faces and final pavement subgrades. Subsurface intercepting drains at back-of-curbs or above the crest of cut slopes should be constructed where groundwater seepage is present at or above the planned cut elevation. - 4.111 Utilities Utility pipes should be bedded and backfilled in accordance with American Public Works Association (APWA) specifications. At minimum, trench backfill should be placed and compacted as structural fill, as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section. As noted,soils excavated on-site are moisture-sensitive and will be difficult to use as backfill material in their present condition and during wet weather. Therefore, moisture-conditioning • will.probably be necessary to facilitate proper compaction. If utility construction takes place during the winter season, you should be prepared to import suitable wet weather structural fill for use in utility trench backfilling. 4.12 Pavements Pavements should be constructed on subgrades prepared as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section. However, regardless of the degree of relative compaction achieved, the subgrade must be in a firm and relatively unyielding condition prior to paving. Proofrolling the subgrade with heavy construction equipment should be 3 completed to verify this condition. The 'pavement design section is dependent upon the supporting capability of the subgrade soils and the traffic • conditions to which it will be subjected. For traffic consisting mainly of light passenger and commercial vehicles with only occasional heavy traffic in the form of moving trucks and trash removal vehicles, and with a stable a.: subgrade prepared as recommended,we recommend the following pavement sections: • • Two inches of asphalt concrete(AC)over four inches of crushed rock base(CRB) '• Two inches of AC over three inches of asphalt treated base(ATB) v Page No. 8 • May 5, 1995 Project No.T-2865 Paving materials used should conform to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) specifications. Long-term pavement performance will depend on surface drainage. A poorly-drained pavement section will be subject to premature failure as a result of surface water infiltrating into the subgrade soils and reducing their supporting capability. For optimum pavement performance, surface drainage gradients of no less than two r : percent are recommended. Also, some degree of longitudinal and transverse cracking of the pavement surface should be expected over time. Regular maintenance should be planned to seal cracks when they occur. 5.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Terra Associates, Inc. should review the final design and specifications in order to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in project design. P.• Terra Associates, Inc. should also provide geotechnical services during construction. The purpose of this is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications, and recommendations. It will also allow for design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. We should provide the following services during construction: • Examine site excavation and seepage conditions • Observe subsurface drainage installations Observe proofrolling of subgrades . I• Observe earthwork activities and perform density testing of structural fill and utility trench backfill We request a minimum of two working days'notice be given to schedule our services during construction. 6.0 LIMITATIONS This report is the property of Terra Associates, Inc. and was prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. This report is intended for specific application to The Cottages project, and for the exclusive use of Environmental Development Corporation and their authorized representatives. No other warranty, expressed or implied,is made. The ;analyses and recommendations presented in this report are based upon data obtained from the test pits PI-, advanced on-site. Variations in soil conditions can occur, the nature and extent of which may not become evident until'construction. If variations appear evident, Terra Associates, Inc. should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations in this report prior to proceeding with construction. g 7_ Page No. 9 i • r i nru j \1 I I Yi;II - e . $c lfii5. y. u^Frle SE r. :��q — i I J ^ r,�cs'& s .+ 1 �62ND<. <I rISM __•°�'��_.S,_t"6i5T0. q� i 4::2 : li• 3.,: , `4 T .' , ...: _S . ,_�. i 9 a. 29 SE N =r i_I68TH i^n _I ST'S D 41 73R2 5T ' • ♦ y 16e-- 16BM sr .n a SSE lfi9TH I ni SE 169TH _ rf �c9�i<-i N NI,+I<i__ _ T 63 N • • 169M��-6. t P1 SE= 1 Si 1 ST • 0,, N t. <I ! I- T'SE'69 _- I W .T F7 �� f ^ Ls, rI : SE 170ix' a1- aE- F-, Sli _ \- 21 ,�1 -,_t 1 o �i sl x�-ga't SE'I I. TM • .. S 172N0 S7 =1,',SE 1 I72ND ST Z, SE 472H0 ST.�., ``�r'�• -I�i -•1 al N��.TSt S5�5_E�v�l�ilyy� '. G i. I • LOBO° ¢ 1Y"Ii' '"5E 17262 sr}.1 112200 i 172N0^ z F > 515 <E 1T7(1. ST -fir 5T ,;120,5X SE I 9E 5T I •� _ F,Ff I` S '.�r> W�� 17JaO' -< . -- 1 ua>f 5•17Frx Si � 17.rx sr i �,�. ` . �• Y P-, T r., :a ' 1al.a o „FS . 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In� '_ • n \9 ST i n o St / PANDER ar Ka '?p,,,t '::r+P S m m € s 2g6rH I / p„pi suE --I SE, y "'"w; '-J o S, sT E..C j sE zo6M V S?R' V � SE 207TH sr-SE 7UTM n '•' cam n}+4^+i?X, sE m71H Sl r ,9:.,_ 3�_ _ MTh 5 209TH S �5 209TH i V �� - SE l 111E 208TH eT.( " 1'1ST SFmnx rL ±XfNTRfOGE.HSst�;� m7nr`i •I m,< r ST ` _ =I' <<n>r' - St 2 S . 1080° '�y u u �� SE 209TH v1520( _ S 210T1i�ST r�N I -- 73 w s iA S torn 12+ .. a' ^_SE 209iM SE 230TN� r v sw ft. -- _I• �•� ��10'Y�- — u tlosx r . '!pi..x SE 2fOTH T_ EEE, n� —i__ _ is. SE 214TH ST d '- a ,' U SE 2IOTH'W^ PLC cT ST FS S 212TH l t�f '� �� 24 ^ ry r zllrx �!,ST s - v r F.1 SE 212TH ST _ Et 7n'w sF 211M< pL E a ;e„ ..; sE • 4 ?' $ SE SE 212M = siM 9 `� „re/ 211M sr j8�.`1'`�' ( yyy- ,2J12TH 5T : P1:t s`�r.< �'< SE 212M PL 2 ,,cr SE 2LzrH 1 I'� PJ _.....?„...ST 2 S i1M TTMu sE PS C sR SE 213_ 21:Mn ST SE ;H S 2244 s i77M Pt s 5 q 5 nm °' I( 4.,,, ` /STH pi GL• MN :n K t ELTM d `n 1 I sT , [ N s i... H ts'' SF tUM n SL T• I sT, .1.f.... M1�-f a d Iu C / d 7.1.''L,`-',1 j jr S � ail J ;SE t11M ; ..Tarp � Ny : s• 4 p ti sL �y SF 211TN R •�'P� to a III S 216TH KEN e !. -,< <' o e FS 8 a = r< ^I ri OFFER-,t p,.. v v Q~ •""sE euM -a te w;.Te n 5T i �, ` _1_ SE 216TH ST - n6T' sc}" H rREE t o 4 sh 6 1 I x 10300 t (, SE zl7TH as p SE PARK• ,- -216TH s, ST r A r,,,,t_ IF, 1= O sr c L. sw 11 ao,�av,_I-. Q SE 217TH ST a M MOO 5 218TH ` II y;T i<. t •-.`� 5' rb _ _d' H n SF s``cv~i HRi>«/r"""s'F ,C/ ST isrrx .. f� st t� A_ _ SE a 219TH $C._ _ .r— r - ,,,,, T>�' ,,,,>,mr� .:._lu,w.a CU t: ,I. H 9M\Ps ty s SE 2s9 S7 SE' 2187H P °L,rF n ....4 n ��--'Q--' J r .•.aa .t a a > r-- a SE P�THisese ♦ s '}a r SE��HI�PL j yr �S :y;�.. �E vTmn r s SE a 7,� - - i.11 SE 220TH ST. '(�' SF _I 219 - ^ �roT„ �f' 0 v�e7m,.sr < g I 10000 NI l' L 'LPL _ r`rrl{. r v a v r..9�.r EII q0S• r . x..' REFERENCE: THE THOMAS GUIDE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PAGES 656 AND 686, 1995 EDITION. TERRA VICINITY MAP N THE COTTAGES ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. 2865 Date 4/95 Figure 1 1 I - III ' Swale ( Typical 10 Unit Building Toe of Steep Slope I i / 1 1: [I Ir _ i r'i I"',%/ /i j1 \. : :. %/ e' A, A I1M!-J1P9.-7 i k ir,,,\,-.--r\____I;\ . ,, s . ( iiI I. i 1 / ..ter ;; 1 1 1 \) \\t / ' ; ! 1 . \ ` ' ! I . i i .11, masellillia \ \ Ig . -1 / MN O. 111111 • \ \ 1 ' i ►t 1 7 L c i A LI 13 , • �nni \i , , Ik , 1 WC 1 \'. .- 1 i Typical 3 Level Fourplex .:29 . ..=,...* _ ....niezzimil- iLamiriAlk. ..a _:..01111111111 i 1 . 15 ..----7.7 ; . N 4 j 1101111ftiftire 1 01111011— I i j i I ' I I • \ , i(iii 1 ` .. ..TypicalTP-5 ' 1 I . i�uun,■ I 2�Leve1 ` ►_+, 1 ._ �. TP-3 1 v,.., f.\ \ I1 I r 1 HH ) i : i. • iii , 4E ,, ,i_ kig$* IL 251 I ( „ I , ,,,, / .\ , , , t, l • / millarialli.—....121 1 \ 1 WO \\ I , .)(---- TS ''. i .I iy rn. , ii , —7/ /i ; . \ _1_1 ____________.— ' / ! 250 300 170 i 180 190 / 200 �/; 220 230 i 240 210 Detention Pond _ il N 1LEGEND: APPROXIMATE TEST PIT LOCATION _ APPROXIMATE SCALE 60 0 60 120 feet L5 L _ REFERENCE .,:�Y: ; TERRA EXPLORATION LOCATION PLAN x SITE PLAN PROVIDED BY MILBRANDT ARCHITECTS, DATED 3/30/95. f::� THE COTTAGES -.-. ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON I - / Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. 2865 Date 4/95 Figure 2 MAJOR DIVISIONS LETTER GRAPH TYPICAL DESCRIPTION ' SYMBOL SYMBOL GRAVELS Clean GW '0. Q.•• Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little ai Gravels .Q•q• or no fines. co13 (less than GP Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little co N More than 5% fines) or no fines. O 1 -N 50% of coarse rn .� fraction is GM : • r Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non- 0 ati larger than No. Gravels D • plastic fines. w co-- 4 sieve. with fines gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic Z E u GC Clayey Q o 00 ••�' A . fines. C7 S N SANDS Clean SW '> Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or w o Sands no fines. co co z More than (less than ^<>rt4ti< : o ,i,.ti:i.'W Poorly-graded sands or gravelly sands, little • c 0 5/ fines) SP ><n �w". 50% of coarse . ,: or no fines. fraction is ' C.) 0 smaller than SM . >``, Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. No. 4 sieve. Sands ' :::: ::li< :': s, with fines t;::> ::>':.>:!;i]:>:::� SC �f Clayey sands, sand clay mixtures, plastic fines. a) SILTS AND CLAYS ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or J KJ clayey fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity. as Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly O I m y Liquid limit is less than 50% CL j�j clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. O Q ii iiiiii' w o N OL iiliiiiiiiiiiiii Organic silts and organic clays of low plasticity. Z 0o iiii,iii if' ct m z Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine CD SILTS AND CLAYS MH sandy or silty soils, elastic. w iu i z_. a.) Liquid limit is greater than 50% CH f Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. ie E OH : : : : : : ' it Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, i i organic silts. W 1,4'h HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat and other highly organic soils. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS a ' J Standard Penetration 2" OUTSIDE DIAMETER SPLIT w Density Resistance in Blows/Foot I SPOON SAMPLER ii rx (9 Very loose 0-4 — 2.4" INSIDE DIAMETER RING SAMPLER Loose 410 — OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER ° Medium dense 10-30 P SAMPLER PUSHED Z Dense 30-50 * SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED < Very dense >50 WATER LEVEL (DATE) Ei WATER OBSERVATION STANDPIPE Standard Penetration C TORVANE READINGS, tsf } Density Resistance in Blows/Foot qu PENETROMETER READING, tsf �_ v Very soft 0 2 W MOISTURE, percent of dry weight o Soft 2-4 pcf DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot a J Medium stiff 4-8 LL LIQUID LIMIT, percent 6 Very stiff 16-32 Stiff 1 PI PLASTIC INDEX ` ' Hard >32 ' N STANDARD PENETRATION, blows per foot s - • SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM `: :'....".<."':.i;; TERRA - THE COTTAGES ���� ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants iir Proj. No. T-2865 Date 4/95 Figure 3 1 Test Pit No. TP-1 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 165 Date: 4-17-95 Depth (ft.) Graph Soil Description (oW) _ 16 inches TOPSOIL. _ - ML Gray sandy SILT, rust-mottled,fine, firm, moist. Gray-brown silty SAND, fine, medium dense to dense, moist, it- ``•`'::!S..Mti'':�3 occasional cobbles from depth 4 feet. (Weathered glacial till) 57:31111: ?. ' ?'' 17.7 . Brown,silty SAND, fine, dense, moist,trace to little gravel. - SM (Unweathered glacial till) 16.1 1.0— Test pit terminated at 9 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. 15 Test Pit No. TP-2 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 181 Date: 4-17-95 Depth (ft ) Graph Soil Description (%) 0 _ 24 inches TOPSOIL. '•>3>=_`• i*3>i, Gray-brown,silty SAND with GRAVEL,rust-mottled,fine sand, fine to coarse gravel,medium dense to dense,moist,few lenses 16.4 • of gray clayey silt,boulders to 2 feet diameter from 4.5 feet. "'`' (Weathered glacial till) Brown, silty SAND, fine, dense, moist,trace to little gravel. 7_ lSM (Unweathered glacial till) 14.6 Refusal on many boulders at 7.5 feet. No groundwater seepage encountered. { > 10— ° 15 • TEST PIT LOGS TERRA THE COTTAGES <i`»3i>>3 , RENTON, WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-2865 Date 4/95 Figure 4 • - Test Pit ,No. TP-3 Logged by: ABK • • Approximate Elev. 200 Date: 4-17-95 . Depth USCS/ w "ft'' Graph Soil Description o 0 (/o) 16 inches TOPSOIL. ' ML Gray,sandy SILT,rust-mottled,firm,moist to very moist,trace to little clay. 18.2 y -- - >`'€I€ Gray-brown, silty SAND, rust-mottled, medium dense,moist to wet, :...ISM`" fine sand, little gravel, occasional lenses of gray silty sand from 5--viNi ••i i '" depth 4 feet. (Weathered glacial till) 18.1 i • 41i..'.. ...141 iii.i Gray, silty SAND, fine to medium, medium dense,wet. iiiii`''` "`'1 Dark bluish _•����E:•�.,••��•� gray,silty SAND with GRAVEL,fine,dense to very dense,very ;i SM< i moist,with boulders to 2 feet.(Unweathered glacial till) 13.3 ' 4 ' 10— Test pit terminated at 9 feet. Boulders encountered at bottom. Light groundwater seepage encountered at 2.5 and 7 feet. 15 • • a ' Test Pit No. TP-4 - Logged by: ABK • - ., Approximate Elev. 216 Date: 4-17-95 P Depth (ft.) Graph Soil Description (%) p: > 0 _ 24 inches TOPSOIL. ' ' Gray, sandy SILT, rust-stained, fine, soft,wet, brown lenses lML throughout. 18.0 • • `"( <''' Brown, silty SAND with GRAVEL, rust-stained, fine, dense,very a5—`.'`'' SM moist,with lenses of gray silty sand. (Weathered glacial till) . - `:;::: ' ;: 16.4 1 - .'.+ ;...A fb tci Brown.SAND and GRAVEL.fine to coarse.dense.wet.cobbles to 6 inches_ s' — Test pit terminated at 7 feet. - Very heavy groundwater encountered at 6.5 feet. 10— 15 • . TEST PIT LOGS ...0iiiiimmi TERRA THE COTTAGES `l ;; N, RENTON, WASHINGTON i. ASSOCIATES Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-2865 Date 4/95 Figure 5 1 t I . Test Pit No. TP-5 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 224 Date: 4-17-95 Depth (ft ) USCS/ W Graph Soil Description (%) 0 _ 8 inches TOPSOIL. ML Gray sandy SILT, rust-mottled, fine,firm. M L- ML Brown sandy SILT, grading to gray-brown,firm to stiff, moist to I I very moist. (Weathered glacial till) 5_• • ••• •, Brown, SAND,and GRAVEL,fine to coarse, dense,wet,cobbles - • _ to 3 inches. 15.1 • • • I• -• • .GP. J• Grades to very dense from depth 7 feet,cobbles to 6 inches, • -I• •• • • occasional boulder. -• • •• • •' 10— Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. • 15 Test Pit No. TP-6 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 170 • Date: 4-17-95 Depth (ft.) USCS/ W Graph Soil Description (%) 0 _ 16 inches TOPSOIL. IML Brown, sandy SILT, rust-mottled, fine, soft,wet. 18.8 Brown, silty SAND with GRAVEL, fine, dense,moist, rust-stained to depth 4 feet. (Weathered glacial till). 5�': < . >. 15.4 • ISM >: 7• >:)♦SIVI €':€ Dark bluish-gray,silty SAND with GRAVEL,fine,very dense,moist 10— Nto very moist.(Unweathered glacial till) Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet. Light groundwater seepage encountered at depth 3 feet. 7' - 15 TEST PIT LOGS TERRA THE COTTAGES I~ ' ` ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON • Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-2865 Date 4/95 Figure 6 Test Pit No. TP-7 • Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 209 • .7 . Date: 4-17-95 Depth (ft.) USCS/ ' Graph Soil Description (%) 0 14 inches TOPSOIL. A Brown, SAND, fine to coarse,trace silt, medium dense, moist, c-, ' A SP rust-stained from depth 3 feet, becomes very moist. 14.8 tgNWV.* • iessii , Brown, SAND and GRAVEL,fine to coarse,medium dense,wet, • p , trace silt grading to little silt. 19.1 Gray-brown, silty SAND, fine, medium dense,very moist to wet, little gravel,trace rust stains. (Weathered glacial till) • Dark bluish-gray, silty SAND with GRAVEL, fine,very dense 17.4 moist, 10 fine to coarse gravel. (Unweathered glacial till) 4 Test pit terminated at 10 feet. Moderate groundwater seepage from 4 to 6 feet. 15 P • • • 7r" • a TEST PIT LOGS TERRA THE COTTAGES ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-2865 Date 4/95 Figure 7 r APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING The Cottages Renton,Washington On April 17, 1995, we performed our field exploration using a rubber-tired backhoe. We explored subsurface soil conditions at the site by excavating ten test pits to a maximum depth of ten feet below • existing grade. Test pit locations are shown on Figure 2. The test pit locations were approximately determined by pacing and visual references from existing property lines and site features. Surface elevations at the exploration locations were approximated from contour elevations shown on the site plan provided by Environmental Development Corporation dated March 30, 1995. The Test Pit Logs are presented on Figures 4 through 7. A geotechnical engineer from our firm conducted the field exploration and classified the soil conditions encountered, maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative soil samples, and observed g pertinent site features. All soil samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described on Figure 3. s . Representative soil samples obtained from the test pits were placed in closed containers and taken to our laboratory for further examination and testing. The moisture content of each sample was measured and is reported on Figures 4 through 7. ./ s'^ Project No.T-2865 I • \\ ge TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. • 2101 - 112th AVENUE N.E.,SUITE 110—BELLEVUE,WASHINGTON 98004 ICTOR H.BIS-iOP P.E.President TELEPHONE(206)455-5320 ID H ENG==P.E Vice President FACSIMILE(206)453-7180 December 29, 1995 Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION c/o Mr. Alan D. Fure, P.E. TRIAD ASSOCIATES, INC. 11814 115th Ave. N.E. _ Kirkland, WA 98034-6923 -- Re: Springbrook Condominiums Traffic Impact Study Dear Mr. Ichelson: We are pleased to present this traffic impact study for the proposed 90 unit Springbrook Condominiums project to be located on the east side of Talbot Rd. S. at about S. 48th St. in the City of Renton. We have visited the project site and surrounding street network, and have based the scope of this study on our discussions with Mark Pywell, Senior Planner at the City of Renton and with Ron Grina and Roy Lewis of Triad Associates. Per our discussion with Mark Pywell, this traffic impact study includes evaluation of the intersections listed below. The first two intersections involve Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) facilities, and are included because WSDOT requires evaluation of State facilities that are expected to be impacted by ten or more peak hour trips. IRECOVCII S.W. 41st St./SR 167 SB ramps/E. Valley Rd. S. 43rd St./SR 167 NB ramps �g96 S. 43rd St./Talbot Rd. S./Carr Rd. N 0 Talbot Rd. S./S. 55th St./S. 192nd St. NNiNG Talbot Rd. S./North site access pEVEc r.(c) N oN Talbot Rd. S./South site access The conclusions and recommendations begin on page 7 of this report. R0659.rpt Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 29, 1995 Page -2- PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of the site and the surrounding street network. Figure 2 shows a preliminary site plan, dated December 28, 1995. The plan consists of 90 condominium/townhouse units arranged in one and two story buildings. Two vehicle accesses are proposed onto Talbot Rd. South. Full development of the Springbrook Condominiums project is expected to • occur by 1997, therefore 1997 is used as the horizon year for the purposes of this study. EXISTING PHYSICAL CONDITIONS The project site is presently partially wooded with gentle to moderate slopes. Two occupied single family houses are currently located on the project site, and will be demolished in order to construct the proposed project. Street Facilities Figure 3 shows existing traffic control, number of street lanes, number of approach lanes at intersections, and other pertinent information. The primary streets within the study area are classified in the City's Comprehensive Plan as follows: S./S.W. 43rd St. Principal Arterial S.W. 41st St. Collector Arterial E. Valley Rd. Collector Arterial Talbot Rd. S. Collector Arterial S. 55th St. Local Access Transit Facilities Metro Transit is the transit agency which serves the study area. The nearest transit stop is located at the intersection of S. 43rd St./Talbot Rd. South. Metro Transit route nos. 155, 163 and 169 serve this transit stop. R0659.rpt T 1 A Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 29, 1995 Page -3- Route no. 155 is the Renton, Fairwood and Southcenter route. Route no. 163 is the route to downtown Kent. Route 169 is the Kent and Renton route which stops at the south Renton park and ride lot where route connections to other destinations can be made. Pedestrian Facilities Generally, there are sidewalks on both sides of most streets in the study area with the exception of Talbot Rd. South. South of approximately S. 45th St., Talbot Rd. S. has sidewalks in only spot locations where developments have constructed frontage improvements. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Traffic Volumes Figure 4 shows 1995 AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes at the pertinent intersections. All of the traffic volume data was provided by the City, except the AM and PM peak period manual traffic volume counts at the intersection of Talbot Rd. S./S. 55th St., which were conducted by TP&E. All traffic volume count data is attached in the appendix. Level of Service Analysis Level of service (LOS) is a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic flow, and the perception of these conditions by drivers or passengers. These conditions include factors such as speed, delay, travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort, convenience, and safety. Levels of service are given letter designations, from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions (free flow, little delay) and LOS F the worst (congestion, long delays). Generally, LOS A and B are high, LOS C and D are moderate, and LOS E and F are low. Table 1 shows calculated AM and PM peak hour levels of service (LOS) for 1995 conditions at the pertinent street intersections. The LOS were calculated using the procedures in the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual - Special Report 209, 3rd Edition, 1994. The LOS shown indicate overall intersection R0659.rpt Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 29, 1995 Page -4- • operation at signalized and two-waystopsign controlled intersections. LOS is P 9 determined by the calculated average delay per vehicle for all types of intersection control. Level of service calculation sheets are attached in the appendix. All of the pertinent intersections currently operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS A through LOS D) in the AM and PM peak hours. • Accident History Traffic accident data was obtained from the City for the period from October 1, 1992 to October 31 , 1995. at the pertinent street intersections. Traffic accident data was also obtained from WSDOT for the period from August 1, 1992 to July 31 , 1995. Table 2 shows the accident history at the intersections and an accident rate for each intersection expressed in accidents per million vehicles entering the intersection. All of the accident rates shown are considered to be low. The traffic accident data is attached in the appendix. Injury accidents comprised 41% of the total accidents. No fatalities resulted from any of the accidents at these intersections. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITHOUT THE PROJECT Figure 5 shows projected 1997 AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes without the project. These volumes include the 1995 traffic volume counts plus background traffic volume growth and traffic associated with a nearby development project, Summit Park, which is currently under construction. A non-compounded background growth rate of 1.6% per year was used in this report, determined from traffic volume projections found in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Site-generated traffic volumes associated with the Summit Park Condominium project currently under construction were added in addition to the 1.6% background growth. Table .1 shows calculated AM and PM peak hour LOS for 1997 conditions without the project at the pertinent street intersections. AM peak hour level of service at the intersections of S.W. 41st St./SR 167 SB ramps/E. Valley Rd. and S. 43rd St./Talbot Rd. S. is expected to degrade from LOS C to LOS D. Otherwise, the LOS will remain the same as the existing conditions with small increases in average vehicle delay due to background traffic volume growth. R0659.rpt t 1 Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 29, 1995 Page -5- TRIP GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION The Springbrook Condominiums project is expected to generate the vehicular trips during an average weekday and during the street traffic peak hours as shown on Table 3. In order to show the proposed project's net impact, the trips generated by the existing houses located on the project site were subtracted from the primary project trips. The trip generation is calculated using the trip rates and equations found in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, Fifth Edition, 1991 for Single-Family Detached Housing (ITE Land Use Code 210) and Residential Condominium/Townhouse (ITE Land Use Code 230). A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (exiting or entering) inside the study site. The trip generation values above account for all site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes, including commuter, visitor, recreation, and service and delivery vehicle trips. According to the Renton School District No. 403, children who will live in the development will attend the schools listed below. Busing would be provided to all of these schools. Talbot Hill Elementary School, K-6 2300 Talbot Rd. S. Nelson Middle School, 7-8 2403 Jones Ave. S. Lindbergh High School, 9-12 • 16426 128th Ave. S.E. Figure 6 shows the estimated trip distribution and the calculated net new site- generated traffic volumes. The distribution is based on the characteristics of the street 1 network, existing traffic volume patterns, the location of likely trip origins and destinations (employment, shopping, social and recreational opportunities), expected travel times and on information contained in the City's Comprehensive Plan. R0659.rpt Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 29, 1995 Page -6- PROPOSED ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The City's Comprehensive Plan lists two planned street improvement projects within the study area. A new off ramp from southbound SR 167 to E. Valley Rd. is planned for sometime between the years 2010 and 2015. If constructed, this project would have a significant effect on travel patterns on E. Valley Rd. in the study area. Talbot Rd. S. is planned to be widened from S. 43rd St. to the south city limits. However, the schedule for this street improvement project is beyond the year 2015. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT Traffic Volumes Figure 7 shows the projected 1997 AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes with the proposed project. The net new site-generated AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes shown on Figure 6 were added to the projected background traffic volumes shown on Figure 5 to obtain the Figure 7 volumes. Level of Service Analysis Table 1 shows calculated AM and PM peak hour LOS for 1997 with project conditions at the pertinent street intersections. In general, the LOS for all of the intersections will stay the same, but the intersections will experience small increases in average vehicle delay due to project traffic. The site access intersections will operate at LOS A in the AM and PM peak hours. Sight Distance Sight distances were measured by TP.&E at both site accesses, onto Talbot Rd. South. Available sight distance in both directions exceeded 500 feet at both accesses. The required sight distance per AASHTO is approximately 490 feet using the posted speed limit of 35 MPH. Therefore, the available sight distance is adequate. R0659.rpt Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 29, 1995 Page -7- TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes a City-wide traffic impact mitigation fee rate of $75.00 per average weekday trip. The fee rate was developed as • documented in the City's Transportation Mitigation Fee Support Document, and adopted with resolution no. 3100 and ordinance no. 4527. The fee rate is based on developers paying their fair share (9%) of a 20-year transportation improvement program costing $134,000,000. The Comprehensive Plan states that in addition to the fee, there may be site- specific improvements required by the City to mitigate on-site and adjacent facility impacts. However, on-site and adjacent facility impacts are not defined. The Comprehensive Plan also states that a development may qualify for a reduction of the $75.00 per vehicle trip mitigation fee through certain credits for development incentives, construction of needed transportation improvements (arterial, HOV and transit), through public/private partnerships, and transportation demand management. Specific credits and the amount of the reduction in the mitigation trip rate fee that could result from such credits will be determined on a case by case basis during the development permitting process. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that the Springbrook Condominiums project be constructed as shown on the site plan with the following comments and traffic impact mitigation measures: 1. Level of service at the intersections studied is expected to be acceptable in 1997 with the project. 2. There are no apparent traffic safety problems at any of the intersections studied. Sight distance at the site accesses is adequate. 3. Per the City's Comprehensive Plan requirements discussed above, a traffic impact mitigation fee has been calculated as follows: ($75.00 per AWDT) X (577 AWDT) = $43,275.00 R0659.rpt i J Mr. Tom Ichelson ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 29, 1995 Page -8- 4. The developer is offering to construct frontage improvements on Talbot Rd. S. to include street widening, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting and drainage. Since these improvements will be integral to a future planned street widening project on Talbot Rd. S. identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan, the cost of these improvements should be credited against the City-wide traffic impact mitigation fee of $75.00 per average weekday trip. No other traffic mitigation should be necessary. If you have any questions please call me at (206) 455-5320. Very truly yours, TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. Robert M. Herman, P.E. Transportation Engineer RM H/mes martin t, t^ '9 ,0 30730 O 43- �O,c FG/STEPS 'SS/ONALENc\ I2 Z9-9S EXPIRES: 1-31-97 R0659.rpt , 1111 TABLE 1 INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS INTERSECTION 1995 1997 W/O 1997 PROJECT W/PROJECT AM PM AM PM AM PM S.W. 41st St./ C D D D D D E. Valley Rd./ (24.0) (25.6) (25.2) (27.4) (25.1) (27.4) SR 167 SB Ramps S. 43rd St./ D B D B D B SR 167 NB Ramps (27.8) (13.1) (32.6) (13.7) (32.9) (13.8) S. 43rd St./ C D D D D D Carr Rd. / (24.9) (22.9) . (28.0) (24.0) (29.5) (23.9) Talbot Rd. S. Talbot Rd. S./ A A A A A A S. 55th St./ [3.6] [1 .7] [3.7] [1 .8] [3.7] [1 .8] S. 192nd St. Talbot Rd. S./ -- -- -- -- A A North Site Access' [0.2] [0.1] Talbot Rd. S./ -- -- -- -- A A • South Site Access' [0.1] [0.1] o Number shown in the parentheses ( ) is the average stopped delay in seconds per vehicle for the intersection as a whole, which determines the LOS for a signalized intersection per the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual. o Number shown in brackets [ ] is the average stopped delay in seconds per vehicle for the intersection as a whole, which determines the LOS for a two-way stop sign controlled intersection per the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual. Total site-generated driveway traffic volumes were used as input for these LOS calculations (i.e., existing site traffic volumes from two occupied houses not subtracted). TABLE 2 INTERSECTION ACCIDENT HISTORY SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS INTERSECTION 10/1/92- 10/1/93- 10/1/94- ACC'S/ 9/30/93 9/30/94 9/30/95 TOTAL MEV' S.W. 41st St./ 3 3 72 13 0.59 E. Valley Rd./ SR 167 SB ramps S. 43rd St./ SR 167 10 13 132 36 1.04 NB ramps S. 43rd St./ 7 8 7 22 0.70 Talbot Rd. S./ Carr Rd. S. Talbot Rd. S./ 0 2 1 3 0.33 S. 55th St./ S. 192nd St. ' Accidents per million entering vehicles (three year average). 2 Does not include accidents recorded by WSDOT for August and September, 1995, but includes all accidents recorded by the City of Renton for the time period shown. TABLE 3 VEHICULAR TRIP GENERATION SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TIME PERIOD TRIP RATE OR EQUATION' ENTER EXIT TOTAL Residential Condominium/Townhouse (Land Use Code 230), 90 units Average Ln(T) = 0.850 Ln(X) + 2.565 298 298 596 Weekday (50%) (50%) AM Peak Ln(T) = 0.787 Ln(X) + 0.314 8 39 47 Hour (17%) (83%) PM Peak Ln(T) = 0.818 Ln(X) + 0.368 38 19 57 Hour (66%) (34%) Existing Single-Family Detached Housing (Land Use Code 210), 2 units Average 9.55 10 9 19 Weekday (50%) (50%) AM Peak 0.74 0 1 1 Hour (26%) (74%) PM Peak 1.01 1 1 2 Hour (64%) (36%) Net New Trips (Primary trips minus existing trips) Average 288 289 577 Weekday (50%) (50%) AM Peak 8 38 46 Hour (17%) (83%) PM Peak 37 18 55 Hour (67%) (33%) T = number of trips, X = number of units R065995.Tb1 • 1 S ^ / DN 1' /IH .� A Sir 1,/. = 6m S s 7T11,,T\ I. .mu if -8I A8_ zy 8 1r, PARK O`k .p\ a. a8r„. •� g7 a 1 to a. D i RIDE �'j� 3 t' a . ,E b PE . ' 1 < , \ 5 LL ,9ll1'S1 'WWI-. R- J •Eh7Dv VILLAGE z S w ARNOLD ,.4p t\\ I ST =SW ,, 01 to iw CENTER 'sill s ^a PARK •`+ CF 1111 lE'(H GM ■ S RaR011 VILLAGE PL ,5 lllx ST BAR � HOLIDAY �I ::/, \ :re OR .P�.0_ Oil . Si INN F_W� 405 0 1 011111.1. fro z 191N ``y C�/ c4Fi . r. O J 1406 z �i .1' .�< z 2� oy F - SH psi l a I6TII I ST SW S -e 15ix p') _ R•C`^. < 400 16TH ST. - li s 16TNST ,ER s pasE' , s` 1 I 1 2 T -,.1 N 5 N ,g o SiS([=161x.,, y al =W bE y4 c .� I,Ix G g . Zara -..-j I I tan g 5 18TI1 P ST r.. '+u nix �o° ¢ f a -[ I -SW 19TH ST mit N to Y ST PO s�y' �lpj 1.} a 3F a I S 19TH ST: TALBOT„ •- § '+4't>cl '4 a4 s ,'°za sI iris Lu LDNDACRES �.1 W '.y F',Qq xl'p P S ^ Roll x5, _ .+ dS` . RACE CC re .r OO p Sr u,4e n iD�-.: 1� SW 215T ST r S. '< � UGET`�*' �4''.r ci a •?T sr [\5 TRACK 'Tf1 0 [?N - s zznn s1 915T 'Tc dal . .••� = CI .rp.=prPl n...OM' !UDR� .sE=.cS�S[ f E ' w SW 23RD ST _S 23ROc I 3 ST> I [' . r. -Es _ •r z i! 1 La] rav s S • I62110 it'c ST _J 2 C ,Are % '2t.T. r Z -11440 Q Q i tElr�_r E\ riper I v W SF 167. SW 2)TH ST > P"t,"U s� 5 1 S 27T�T q' NE 1090D 164TH ^ 11100 T $E�) I .. S In pi,so_ P'vs TO. C\ 1'' • S 29r m a ""E SE 165TN r�`!' = S 1 `' •I 2 a M. G - a' in Yn'ST ,.� I. TI `$ < Yv1N .E 166TII`,' blx 57 i s„•' :H 29TN ST �q?f^T1T 111\ ST s•'-`-`1 Sr 1677N 51 Sc-1E61 I30 -mac • G''*�.= mixer I'"I ,ng q. �- a H 5N 30TH V" 5 .)��... -. 6E ^ - \ I ST \:. -_3F.:AA 71,1..1 ST' '1 ti y[1, a a G 7 111111 CV i 1 1681x w J l 33RD ST I y 169rx P[ cT„16nH1 _ ,„SE 169L1 4 ti so 169TH _ f 1697n•^`^ 1691x a pg. s SE-1170TH 51 1 ST a I W 167 P' -s%PL .c 1-is 6' 2 170T11 •?rci SN .14TH _ D oo SI e_. _ jS ST r4 S 172110 ST - %;x�.SE 111 ND> ST -; Si 7100 Sr:`: ``^ I jc „ < 1OR00 C��.u. - '"' SE 172xU S 41 I sRoen+sr ' 110 N 515 .� SII710s� osT 44,f.: fi oh, S 174TH ST `; [ nan 51 .,; g; a EL ,Y S ..rx 1 = 1`", ., FS „" y`I 71 o SW 391H ST Cr r S a $ ���' I. SE 175111 l:".1 I CCJ'N ST Q �p� SE 176TI ST o SW _ 41 ST ST I Q-' ..erusa.' _' _ - - § �tx Q • -F,i I O !' r4trr . . fri �'h Sr 1791II 111 ,.ten , '< SW rr.x. / •• :-....... ^.-I..,_.-.,-4 ..3RD.._. SUr SE�FQa�, . �I 5eom vi 16oH1-sl „r uvm SI SE 181 NI•,... (Q 167 / 5 PROJECT. I.i 191515Isigr �� i/i t a7 7' oa,��`' SE-'18211U< Sr 8p �ILL' I 7 S 45111 PI Sir re I -SSE 18)RD j�.,i�� - / a 'y c(1 V 31 il c bC 5r \ PL r'r�^ in M I v 32 -.n 191R9 L m •• l I JP `I w 184111�� SE IB4T11" SI 1 C/ REN . , 1•I• . -L 4_, -FIT86111� SI SE 1061II ' I 3 I. L T. I-186IR-ta-6/ , 2 >�H61k-P 1 I 1.... I E.': - " I00111 SI 5_187111 SI 1l C II 1117' -Y yl i I �I' SE Ilull,l SI '`a• � Ia,cl SE 188TII oil) a S I9DT11 ST a'SE r; „ `,SI 16901 a Iwm '^ 5F 10911I 51 _ a, y{t1 190111Q si^ >. st 190111 51 1eon'h f 5, m�a 000 !1 190111 51 II= ¢ ..a�' r I 5I 19011191 " .' .4 4. t I = 190111 PI - s,onto'x4 n?1 t- 19211D Si S 19211D 5T .,.....-55T) .110 .... T.-,y,r.1 SE n L _1 H 194T1 SrLtii '7 74 co w ...,... . [ ^r3 r . sr I l41I I—rL 1, p ---- Q y4 I..v t., air ....Hi PI l; ?t 5 196111 ST �.; •;^-'......... . sl Fo6111_51 - �f -A,..x1 S IJ,III Sf S_ 198r11 S II j e11j FA} 1'T- 198rII ST ('-T'-- t 2 _ +'t 1 .....?'; 1 5 rNl it 1. i, a1r y ,�,!/�' �, :. B 199111 l e SE if 19x�t11'•51 L 200111 ST 'aI II 200TIL. .. 15T j175 a1. - SE SI 200111 Si •, 9 •.~ell II , II .. .r ..r. it; ••9800f1l I 1 •^ nil'<51 Ls / - FIGURE VICINITY MAP ' SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 1 V II Aa ' - 111ter_ ! � --ffil ``I ��� y ¢ y iii3 �® I r4 mil III 1 .kwp 1,., . 1 : -_-_-_ ,,s rg _,..........„„,,,,, H f1‘• Nib, :Oh--111 ! kill ,dolly>,,,..___ ___________ --N\ A lot , i 5 1111Millaillik r .L._ ,1 • v„,„.4 . 1 v. , o I — L , o OD1 , I' 1 X - ...........a \ Agalli 1 i „I i, „„, � ' ---F-_ ce .: nil _ Nt, • ..,,,, , 1 I _` r IP Mit -1 1 di nalL.1 -:1 /rim i i -- ------- I - rrtim ; 1 - ----- 1011w. 1 I I/rt7M2MIUMMfflMMW-i o I 0. oL I � Olk J ° ; �, 13 J12 I11 c 10 u~c , I �1. LI d 1 r-Irl ir I - I L ram- -.�— i f I♦ fIII M. —;---- I . I FIGURE PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN ii_. SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 2 t s 0 a in SW 41st St. 41\ ,i 5L 'lIf' 35 mph -c ? a ' E a Lo in o� G 6Lm SW 43rd St. -IA f 35 ph 1 R S 43rd St. J/ ,r tip 5L ),�' 355L mph ��/' ti `!' 35 mph / Project Site -izT / 4 E �4r) WA , a. a Q 1 J - 15 mph Advisory N speed on curves Lc) r7 C I- 167 • 1 S 55th St. + .13- S 192nd St. 2L +1. + 2L 25 mph 35 mph Q J E Nin ro / 1995 TRAFFIC CONDITIONS " . FIGURE SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 3 a ' ( 7:00-8:00 AM Wednesday 7/5/95 4:00-5:00 PM 00 °worn Thursday ,.-o o •7/6/95 Intocv _53(65) SW 41 st St. ) tk r4902Z •,--299 485) (5)22� R } -978(1585) 7:00-8:00 AM 22)291 I 1 (97)301-1 R } _ Monday (15)139-k OoA (438)1753� (,)/O rs, co 7/31/95 ^ �N 3:30-4:30 PM `-'torn • cn Ci- w CO n, 3:15-4:15 PM Wednesday 3/22/95 Tuesday 6/20/95 7:00-8:00 AM tea* Wednesday -NI 6/21/95 Go�� nor, °'�c7 �_91(37) SW 43rd St. S 43rd St. ) t • A- (4o)696(1609) 54(40) (101)205__.i • (409)1263 (59)294-k r;1in %,o�rn j Project Site Nov a' -o o 0 I- 7:00-8:00 AM 4:30-5:30 PM 1 6 Tuesday Thursday 12/12/95 12/15/95 o�5 ;N) 84(374) S 55th St. i ` A'101(10) S 192nd St. • (1)1.__s (0)2-_,- � � � col, ^ o N- LEGEND o" (xx)yy (AM)PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes & Direction 1995 AM & PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 1-FIGURE• SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 4 a N MAN •-55 67) SW 41st St. )1 ` 532(511)) •-312(507) (5)23 R —1012(1643) (23)300 1 I f (100)311 - RR4 (15)143—'1/4 ;; (453)1818~ iol I r 0 CO P. u� N co • tea. id-" t� o Nd" GO 'N Nk_94(38) SW 43rd St. S 43rd St. ) j 718(1 r--58(42 60) • 58(42 (104)212., R (422)1303— I 1 • (63)315—'1, Nr 0o r rr) ^N_^ / Project Site a• Q • La O H 16 7cn o�^ N,' 90(387) S 55th St. j '111(10) (o1))2y f S 192nd St. (1)1Th ^coo o LEGEND \ (xx)yy—.-- (AM)PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Sc Direction 1997 AM & PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITHOUT PROJECT FIGURE SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 5 o N. tO SW 41st St. A-7 11(3) . rn 1.0 N —6 11) �' 5�12) CD \ (4)17 r v0 N �a. o of 60% �' [346] 43rd St. cNi +k A-0 5 / S 43rd]St. 1 .r—4 1 NC) 13% (1)5 ) (5)22— ( ) `��� [75] %' r r co -=,N^ ,/ Project Site Ct (C.---:1 t r O CO u N ,fy 24)) f / ,,,,_ . ,-_-_--- �° �o �N d.� u., CVO 510) -6 AM PEAK HOUR I/2�5 -8 `a ' �Cl O 8 Enter ^'� -O 38 Exit AVERAGE 1- 46 Total WEEKDAY5�� 16 7 �Ln PM PEAK HOUR 37 Enter N N 15% 18 Exit S 55th St. j 5(1 ) [86] 55 Total S t S 192nd St. LEGEND (XX)YY-i- (AM)PM Peak Hour Traffic Volume & Direction r, [XXX] Average Weekday Traffic Volume 0 in - i_, I NET NEW SITE-GENERATED AM & PM PEAK HOUR 1FIGURE- & AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES ti,_ SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 6 } \ 1 • �oT or,ro tor)cj R-55 67) SW 41st St. 1 ` # 523(95) �523(514) N-318(518) (5)23-4, R + ~1017(1655) (23)300-� I I r (100)311--,1 (15)143'-'1 )(-. (457)1835� � �i rn Coco Knit) (Ni ..,.... N • tea. C"'N ...._94(38) SW 43rd St. S 43rd St. 1 —718(1660) 62(43 (104)212 ! (422)1303 I (68)337-41/4 toinrn • r,�n / Project Site 0/ ...L.T.A.i,.. I � 1//r/// Ir N C., A Cfl _ N O O b. h N CD O U-) \_ '--51 j r 0) i i r 2�5) fr 0 N C., O r F- 167 v C__O N O O 0) rn�� N.._95(388) S 55th St. ,I 1 ` —0(0) P-11(10) • (1)1� S 192nd St. (0)2 1ii• (1)1--1/4 N O O LEGEND "'" i \ (xx)yy—,-- (AM)PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes & Direction / 1997 AM & PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITH PROJECT ^ FIGURE SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 7 APPENDIX PETRA Software eather : SUNNY Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Site Code : 00000000 punted by: RLC/MED Japer Techrolonies, inc. Start Date: 07/31/95 ward # :I T-0919 iu_yiand, PA. P/M File I.D. : TMC075A ' ther :' DRY Page : 1 CARS/PEDS, TRUCKS EAST VALLEY RD ISR-167 ON/OFF RAMPS !EAST VALLEY RD 1SW 41ST ST Southbound IWestbound INarthbound . }Eastbound I 1 I I Other Right Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left 1 Other Rinht Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left I Total ate 07/31/95 - �- -- �- a:15 ' 0 0 11 3 1 0 6 68 76 I 0 71 106 ' 13 1 0 4 3 0 361 5:30 ; 0 0 20 10 1 .1 8 60 , 112 1 0 55. 58 15 1 2 5 6 1 1 393 .:45 0 2 . 19 3 1 0 17 69 111 I 1 48 117 - 15 I 2 3 7 1 I 415 7:00 0 1 13 4 t 0 11 70 111 I 0 58 126 21 I 0 3 4 2 1 424 r Total 0 3 63 20 I 1 42 2E7 410 I 1 232 447 64 I 4 15 20 4 I 1593 _ 7:15 1 0 1 14 3 1 0 15 75 111 I 0 77 148 10 I 1 5 6 1 I 473 7:30 ' 0 2 21 8 1 1 19 67 138 1 0 70 122 18 1 0 2 8 0 1 476 7:45 ' 0 6 20 9 1 0 20 74 134 1 ' 0 62 140 28 1 0- 5 4 2 1 504 r Total 0 9 55 26 I 1 54 216 383 I 0 209 410 56 1 1 12 18 3 1 1453 TOTAL* ' 0 12 118 46 1 2 96 483 793 I 1 441 857 120 I 5 27 38 7 I 3046 DATE °)5 PETRA Software ' - steer : SUNNY Copyright (C) 1990, 1551 Site Cade : 00000000 unted by: RLC/MED Samar Technalooies, Inc. Start Date: 07/31/55 and 1 : T-0915 Ivyland, PA. File I.D. : TMC075A - ;per : DRY Pane . : 2 CARS/PEDS, TRUCKS • EAST'VALLEY RD ISR-167 ON/OFF RAMPS IERST VALLEY RD 1SW 41ST ST 1 Southbaund 1Westbound INorthbound (Eastbound 1 1 1 I 1 Other Right Thru Left 1 Other Right Thru Left 1 Other Riont Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left 1 Total to 07/31/95 - _ak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 06:15 to.08:00 on 07/31/55 ak start 07:00 1 07:00 I '07•ryf) 1 07:00 1ume '0 • 10 . 68 30 1 1 65 286 454 1 ' 0 267 536 77 ! 1 15 22 5 . -rcent 0% ' 5% 63% 28% I 0% 8% 34% 58% 1 0% 30% 61% 9% 1 2% 35% 51% 12% 1 total 108 1 846 1 880 I 43 chest 07:45 I 07:45 . 1 07:15 1 07:15 plume ;0 6 20 5 ! 0 20 74 134 1 0 77 148 10 i 1 5 .. 6 1 total 35 1 228 1 235 } 13 F .77 I 53 I 54,% 1 83. d.). HV�' 7 el ) % 1.� v .C.y ,1 V0 33. 0 4 3 EAST VALLEY RD ! 4 4 ! 1 I # 4 f 1 ' } # ' - 04 - . yI - 531 - . 1 ; 1 5 4 • 04• c: i • 151 - 13 i 55336 4 • 4 I 1 I 35 ---- 4' 1 1 i # - 1 L># 101 681 301 1 506 #i 1 • 0 4 1 I 1 # 4444444444444444444+ 108. + 44444 44 444444444444 I + • -- 714 -----+ + - 61 H 41'ST 1 ST 1 65 • 4 1 1 77; + - CARE/PED + I , -- 256' 373 1 • TRUCKS 1 - 254 101 I 1 845 286 32 1 1 - 4' + I 1 1 -•- -- 11 5 1 1 - 464 I 415 1, 164 1 4'34 • 30 1 + 1 1 ; 1 .1 11 2�_ 42 1 Intersection Total I 30 • 1 1, 675 1 . 319 22 1 1 1 267 13; 1 4- 2; 15 1 'SR-16; ON/OFF RAMPS + + -- 1, 457 + t444444444444444444 + 8-8 ) -- +#444444444444444444## 1 , 4 . 1 I 1 4 01 1 # • 494 1 - 74 ► - 508+ 1 - 2624- 0 # 651 • 3 } • 28I • 54- 0 I4 151 I 1 # 1 # 1 I ------- I . -, 4 5771 77 1 5361 2674 0 4 1 I 1 . 4 ' # I I I 4 4 EAST VALLEY RD I 1 4 0 75P City of Renton Weather :SHOWERS Transportation Systems Division Site Code : 00000000 Counted by:SST, SLC 1994 Turning Movement Count fav0/1 Start Date: 03/22/95 Board # File I.D. : TC075P)0 Other Page : 1 Vehicle group 1, Vehicle group 2 E VALLEY RD ISW 41ST ST IE VALLEY RD ISW 41ST ST Southbound 'Westbound 'Northbound 'Eastbound I I I Other Right Thru Left ' Other Right Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left ' Other Right Thru Left ' Total Date 03/22/95 15:00 1 2 72 73 ' 0 11 35 145 I 0 66 63 11 I 0 32 87 9 I 607 15:15 2 6 54 55 I 0 8 23 130 I 0 105 63 7 0 32 65 9 I 559 15:30 0 7 88 53 I 0 23 20 131 I 0 102 90 8 ' 0 36 82 5 ' 645 15:45 1 7 95 51 I 2 8 23 118 ( 0 89 83 8 0 28 45 5 563 it Total 4 22 309 232 I 2 50 101 524 0 362 299 34 ' 0 128 279 28 ' 2374 16:00 0 7 77 54 I 0 13 25 119 0 116 73 11 I 0 39 89 5 ' 628 16:15 1 9 70 52 I 0 9 22 122 0 125 60 11 I 0 36 75 7 I 599 16:30 0 1 86 67 I 0 6 22 118 0 92 76 9 I 0 43 91 10 I 621 16:45 0 6 91 57 0 9 18 141 0 87 68 7 0 34 43 3 I 564 Ir Total 1 23 324 230 I 0 37 87 500 0 420 277 38 ' 0 152 298 25 I 2412 'TOTAL* 5 45 633 462 I 2 87 188 1024 I 0 782 576 72 I 0 280 577 53 4786 \N4i O City of Renton Weather :SHOWERS Transportation Systems Division Site Code : 00000000 Counted by:SST, SLC 1994 Turning Movement Count Start Date: 03/22/95 Board # File I.D. : TC075P)0 Other Page : 2 Vehicle group 1, Vehicle group 2 E VALLEY RD ISW 41ST ST IE VALLEY RD ISW 41ST ST I Southbound 'Westbound 'Northbound 'Eastbound I I I I I ' Other Right Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left I Total Date 03/22/95 Peak Hour,Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 15:00 to 17:00 on 03/22/95 Peak start 15:30 15:30 15:30 15:30 'Volume 2 30 330 210 2 53 90 490 0 432 306 38 0 139 291 22 Percent 0% 5% 58% 37% 0% 8% 14% 77% 0% 56% 39% 5% 0% 31% 64% 5% Pk total ' 572 635 - 776 452 Highest 15:45 15:30 15:30 16:00 Volume 1 7 95 51 0 23 20 131 0 102 90 8 0 39 89 5 Hi total 154 174 200 133 PHF .93 .91 .97 .85 Hy 4-.1+- W 5.n 4\1 c',o(, 1tv .2_ E VALLEY RD • 2 •. 29 • 312 • 202 22 • 0 • 1 • 18 • 8 306 53 • 2 2 30 330 210 381 2 • 0 570 951 i - 48 .)07 41ST ST 53 • 5 38 • Vehicle group 1 90 158 • Vehicle group 2 • 80 30 633 90 • 10 • 19 • 3 22 468 610 1, 566 490 • 22 • 281 • 10 291 452 Intersection Total 210 2 , 431 933 291 432 • 137 • 2 139 SW 41ST ST 1,735 r-- 776 :1.11111..mmillimillimil0 • 0 0 490 • 36 • 269 • 424 • 0 330 • 2 • 37 • 8 0 139 959 38 306 432 0 E VALLEY RD • City of Renton077 ' • Waather •: OVERCAST Transportation Systems Division Site Code : 00000000 Courted by: RLC/IyED Vehicular Turning Movement Start Date: 07/05/95 • Board t : D4-1028 1995 Volume Count PW M File I.D. : TMC077A Other : DRY Page : 1 CARS/PED5, TRUCKS _ - S157 NB OM RAP 16R-167 ND OFF RAMP IS 41RD S rJi{'.JS !u OM RAMP IS 43RD ST vi + , Sauthoc;.;r,: 1W �xund IF. rtr curs s ••.r! ac �-t !!{ai b!!r•L+ww a �•�C�u,... Other Right Thru I Other Right hru Left I Other Ttr Left 1 Other R g Thru Left t ! Total tllet 31i�Y Left Other g i Yiir� Right . 7�? LL>Y 3 1 •:b Thru GS Late 0 i 05 rd • • 06:15 9 :' _} 1 5 157 253 f`' 1 1 23 4 107 1 0 0 55 13 I 690 06 31 1 0 0 0 1 0 149 106 0 I �' 43 0 121 I - 34 :8 I 722 06:45 0 0 0 0 1 1 143 146 1 i 2 71 0 144 1 0 0 52 i- . _... 07:0? 0 0 0 it 0 149 34E, 0 1 1 40 0 123 1 0 .:'1 10 , 7_3 Hr Total 10 0 0 :3 1 t1 6 3 '9� �' 1 4 152 4 472 1 0 0311 34 1 2.25 i� 07:15 0 0 0 0 1 0 132 459 0 1 0 52 0 1'- 1 101 22 1 514 vV '� ' 07:30 0 0 0 0 1 0 105 315 0 1 1 55 0 175 1 0 0 113 221 341 07:45 0 0 0 Cl 0 99 394 0 i 1 76 . 132 902 Hr. Total 0 0 0 0 1 0 336 1239 0 1 2 134 0 435 1 . 0 0 141 67 1 2964 *TOTAL* 10 0 0 0 1 6 949 2537 1 I 6 3,56 4 337 ' • • • WANG OK R Lc. DATE /to t,5 - City of Rer{to,l ;hEr .: OVERCAST Transportation Systems Division Site Code : 40000000 • ': uTted by: RLC/MED Vehicular Turning Movement • Start Date: 07/05/95 • rcard # : D4-1025 1995 Volume Count File I.D. : T%C077A Other . DRY Pane • CARS/PEDS, TRUCZ SR-167 NB ON RAMP IS 43,D ST 1 SR .B OFT ,rr:;,r ;S 43 D ST .:,.- S utiiocunC 1Wesi•nounO :' r'tnr,o nc ;.East•. u 6 1 , 1 1 1 Other F Thru Left (�t__. t T'r Left t t T1-.r 't I Total Right 1/{3 1u 1 Other Ir'i1�ISY 111r1) )I• 1 Other Right Thru Left I :1V 11G`I Right 11:1� Left i L+L C{a Date 07/05195 ----------- ---- Peak AnalysisBy - intersection for • 0 :15 05•00 on 07,0r.95 =eafi hour Arfa�l •ate �:lL;re ir{Zer c��iCfiS the . _, .JG. :`.�J to ii•.. C I 1/'. - PEER Start rj:. t- .f1 +O ! 07:00 • f 07:00 ! 07:00 i Volume 0 0 0 0 1 0 4E5 1555 0 1 3 224 0 "= 1 0 C 433 7 I Percent ' 1 0% 0% 0% 1 23%. 77% 0% '1 ;:5r 27. 0% 734r i ar 0•, _2% 1 Pk total f 2070 1 54 53 r r1. total 1 1 _ Highest 06:15 1 07:15 1 07:45 :45 1 Volume 5 0 0 0 1 0 132 4E9 0 1 i ,. C 1E2 1 0 0 127 23 1 Hi i.CLLc: 0601 1 253 1 l..a+u` 1 PHF . .0 1 .56 • 1 .51 1 69 1 H V. 0.40'4 klitP /. 3.3 Y I N.Y� i 1 i':—1`v/ NB ON f':r1;i^I #} • # 1 1 .YI. # 1 f I #r , - 04- 01 - 01 - 01 . 7 ;# # 1 1 I :t -.21 f, ';r -----— i 1 - n - # 0 I 01 01 5:+2 # 0 • r) # 1 1 1 .;fL u F • .1.11••i tL}�.yy.1..y,µy..yL�'.Ll.�t#y.}# .1 .l ,f .µ,y�,yy�{' f j -- -!- #:1.} i i '1#?::.1# #r #'It#t iT ii'I1'�It i#Y ri ]'!i$ti Si'f7 tf�t i7 h }f-f1'1#'1#7$7$7}7r'i7ST:Y�- -F -- 532 ------------ -F . v' 43 %D ST I 435 • i • 1 1, 535 `, 200 1 . -1 i;L:C1KE 1 - 1 ,, _v 1 - 52 't-- 1 I • 45 97 1 1 ' - 1 -F 1 43`{ 1 �„ +1� 1 Intersection '; •=lrt�ct.. ' 1 r ii S ! -{_ •!_•_-__.. ,may #♦'.i#:71-i••.L.e•.:.L.1f.-#11_,.-._.__-;:1" 'Lt1.- .4 r+ --'----'---•--F'fl'.,4.4 4..14..4 r1#t.7f±1.YY'.1.1..YL:1:#fjl 'If'rt tr}rlR'1T'fT 7T'Sr i/:-Y�r TT-l!!r4$1Y'7r'I$17 + -•_._—__- `:`r - 0 # 1 , • 0 0 # 01 - 5','_' 1 - _ . - 222 r - - t6 01 . 1 1 4$ rr .;$ ' 01 1 1 _ r ._:_4 4{• ..I.17 .1 1 #µ 1 1 1 #1$ G�'?—1 L+7 �'i l-i 1.��e`:- ;':i-11":;f 1 'ii: City of Renton ©77 P Weather : :RAIN Transportation Systems Division Site Cade : 00000000 . Counted by:SLC Vehicular Turning Movement Start Date: 07/06/95 ' Board # ' :D4-1029 1995 Volume Court O r'\ File I.D. : TMC077P • Other :WET PAVEMENT Page : 1 CARD/PEDSS TRUCKS -, S? 167 ON RAMP :3'W.43PD ST !SR 167 OFF RAMP 13W 43RD ST I Southbound !Westuourc INorthbouno IEastbound .1 1 I ! Other Right Thru Left 1 Other Right Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left I Other Right T74% Left I Total Date 0m5190 '---- . ' 15:00 0 0 •0 0 1 0 97 231 0 I 0 5E 0 49 1 0 0 EE7 93 1 915 :1 0 ' 0 0 0 I 0 106 217 0 1 0 75 0 46 1 0 6 415 i SEO, 15:30 1 0 0 0 I 0 . 100 259 0 I 1 70 3- 63 I 0 0 161 75 1 537 15:45 _ 0 C 0 I 0 65 215 0 I C 66 0 43 . 0 0 427 99 I 921 Total 2 0 0 0 1 0 366 922 0 I 1 273 3 206 1 0 0 1590 3� 1 3731`r .iub i 16:00 0 0 0 0 I 0 72 237 0 I 0 72 0 40 1 0 0 435 79 I 935 . 16:15 1 0 0 0 I 1 65 252 0 I 1 • 60 0 33 I 0 0 435 63 I 316 16:30 2 0 0 0 1 1 75 2E2 0 I 1 51 A 61 1 0 0 435 77 I 945 16:45 0 0 0 0 I 0 87 237 0 t 2 85 0 50 i 0 0 448 52 1 551 Hr Total : 3 0 0 0 I 2 255 978 ' 0 I 4 266 0 179 I 0 0 1753 301 I 3767 *TOTAL* 5< 0 0 0 ! 2 667 1900 0 1 5 541 3 3E5 I 0 0 3343 667 I 7516 • • • WANGOC • R � air LC DA�-1/20/9S . . City of Renton Weather ':RAIN -. Transportation Systems Division Site Code : 00000000 Counted by:SLC .. ' Vehicular Turning Movement • t Start Date: 07/06/5; Board # :D4-10223 1551 Volume Count File I.D. : TMC077P Other :WET PAVEMENT Page : 2 , CARD;TEDS, TRUCKS • SR 167 ON RAMP ISW 43RD ST :SR 167 OFF RAMP :'SW 43 D ST . S- +i.}}••,, Ii stp INortn ri.no sgyp-.,••.,o : • Jl1�Y/SJV�IISC • Ifle-+Y U�+1]11C IlKc1•v11LIli JIIU iL��Yu♦.`J11 I I I Otter T� Thru e 1 Other ai gnt Th Left ! Other R t Thru Left 1 Total Other Ricr:t Thru Left : i`41ier 1��,1�^,t Left i CY.1G1 a�1/4 i11Y�u �G/i• UvSIG, 1.1g1iY CfY 1 Date 07!06155 — ------__ --- PEERAnalysis sis By C..t: Intersectiontier. to 170: 07106195 rCar Hour nYid.V�a: •j :.riY:Y't' a1. a"SEC4iC1Y1 fC;F' the Per ion: 1:ia1�� a i._�� on Peak .tart F 1 6:+0 1 16; 0 1 11:00 Volume f, 0 0 i • 2:9 :78 y�} 1 . 268 7 t`) ,., 1 7i •.0 t 100% !f•' 0 0 1 ;`1% 3 76 0% 5 vi3 ♦ a 1 t :L J `_./ 1 51: Percent 14` re) GFi4 14•a•l� vI` •n 'r r !� 1Ll/� I /� . . . : r•A •rl� i r2' total J 1 1271 3 451 : 2054 - ! l I i priest 16:10 I 16:30 I 16:45 16:45 1S Volume 2 0 , 0 0 I 1 75 0 1 2 65 0 f0 : 0 0 446 E2 I Hi total 2 I 328 I 137 1 no I PHF .35`� 1 i /- % o.0U • 1 r 1 1 1 HV?o O 1HV% 6. 5 / VAa 1 - 3 #r I SR 1 E7 ON RAMP : 7 I 1 a+ 7Iy I + 'n' Tr I I I It - 37- ;) 1 - 0 I - r) I 301 7 Ott• 0 1 - 0 I • 0 ) C) 4% 9T I . 1 I L :r_I Ti :it -- I I I :It - i4 _) I ?_) 1 0 I S i)i_) 7 L - 0L`•_ #i I I I 4 '- ,11,##ayy}.I,1...�.1ayI...Iy.F 1..1 +.i}L}I.'µ..144..I4_L i . 1+a+.µ.L.JL.1...1.i.y'}"�y.L�+i it ti T Tl'7Y 77 T7•17 gY'1T'f7 Tf'1'11�' •Tl'1T!i'TT 7'Y Y1'i7 '_) --�- iY i7 iT')7"IY 7't'i!'+7n'"3'Y'rf'17':T'i 3'Tl'iT":T'{'7'T!7 i -:9`; ;7$ 1, 157 . . • TRUCKS I _ : I q 237 f : _ _- ------ • 14 301 I I 1 - ;' , 1 I 0 • f1 ---- 1 ± - 1, 741 • .- . I I ======"-==_-===__°_-..== r_ 1 Intersection -r'_.� 1 t C.: - • 1 2 1 753 2, f)`-+4 I Total a 1 + t I g 773 _i _g _i 1 , ;' _.—- -— I : 263 - 0 SW / 3 RD ST ..s.,byt.## ### t i ill •L` • --`- -_F i't Yt r•rr'n iF#r"l7•tr YYT7 it'Ti' 77r7TiT•;T"'T7 n. r7t#7t r-,,7 •rf 7Y Tt 7.�t'T'7't•rt1t•rr1l It '�•------ r'�S' 3 ----- .D I I 's i r - 0 0 TY >_) I - 1 `2 1 - ( I - 2J6# _ 4 r I - 2 *• 0 7 01 I I 1# :I# I -------- I 1 --it # :) I 17S I i_) I 2 _3;r a.' • i+ I f _. 4 1 • I I :;f tr SR 137 OFF RAMP I I ©76 fq City of Renton ither ' :C er.cast Transportation Systems Division Site Cote : 00000000 {ted.by:RLCI#ED Vehicular Turning Movement gw.m Start Date: 06/21/95 rd :D4-1027 1995 Volume Court File I.D. : TY1C076A .er' :DRY Pace 1 1 Vehicle group 1, Vehicle group 2 TUN RD S 18 43RD ST !TALBOT RD S IS 43RD ST 1 • aw vl.`GurIU 1 Wesv uGurid 1 NGr'thIIClUriC I iast bCura 1 1 1 1 i Other Right Thru Left 1 Other Right Thru Left 1 Other Rig:{t Thru Left 1 Other Right Thru Left 1 Total r- 15 :1 29 2- 2 1 1 L 420 S i • 1 J 17 i C i . j C= 1 1 of 1 30 0 23 1 -ray y ]a 71 2 1 ,ti'_I 22 2 9 1 1 J - _ - 1= 1 14 7r 21 1 :?v 2 V 1 1 10 'iLtii J . 0 0u a! Ili` 1 1 /v ] ) 123 .00 0 22 6 12 1 1 4 402 14 1 0 14 +9 1 1 7 82 1 i 1 ESS Tort l 10 1 27 2 [72 31 1 10 [[O 33 1 3 - 301 v 2i12 Tot 2 ]>.117 11 LI 1 u L� 1UIL 1J1 ( 1 1'1 V•1 vlJa) 1 lIJ Jva '� 1 1. 0 28 5 8 1 0 12 420 ; 1 1 3 12 121 1 1 23 92 27 1 ;50 ,30 0 39 4 11 1 1 9 404 12 1 0 4 12 111 1 4 14 114 32 1 772 .46 0 33 5 11 1 0 12 383 ; 1 1 2 21 101 1 0 15 114 24 1 712 Total 0 100 17 30 1 1 13 1207 26 1 2 5 45 333 1 5 52 320 84 1 2264 lA * ,•{�C 28 =7 1 5(' 2879 1 1 q 0r 693 ' 1 A0 6211 38o I 37. �' 2 Ll'J u•/ 4 JD 117 { 3 ].1 15.IV 1�� 1 U 1'vY luD 1 !b WANG OK MtT Pleb DA S tr s,: X. . ;?, •;J� City of ' *,E7 D e ,.art Transportation Systems Division Site Cote : 00000000 2,,ii by:RLC/MED Vehicular Turning Movement Start Date: 06/21/95 ':' :D4-10E7 1995 Volume curt File I.D. : TMC076D , .:*- :DRY • Pace : P 7 Vehicle croup 1, Vehicle group 2 - TA'EDT RD S !S 43RD ST 1- 1 . T S {r nT { Ll• � ..::.. � {tA;.i.D{ ��1; ., la 43 D r•1 , Southbaunt Nestbount 1tor the unc tEartilaurltdi ! 1 1 1 • 1 Other Right Thru Left ! Other Right Thru Left 1 Other. Right Thru Left 1 Other Ri_ t Thr-L' Left 1 Total e 06/21/:5 --- — -------- dY Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for toe Period: :u:i. to :3::: on .:iL /S 5k start 07:00 ! 07:00 1 • 01:.0 .! 07:00 ', .urle 0 132 23 42 1 2 37 1203 40 1 2 _ u. 432 1 6 fS 40? 1C1 1 -cent 0 7. 12N n1% 1 `! 9L.J ' 1 - _% •.,, 3_.J 1 1•1 110 1% la% ! J• •�.raP lrJ• l...J• 1 i%- J• .!1 { a_J• rJ• LVJ• 1 ♦J• •1• 1�.. total 1'7 1 1_. 1 502 _-_. total .a 1v�J ..a.L { r•I r' :hest 07:30 1 07:15• 1 07•15 1 07:30 ! :q 1 ] J 7 > - 1? 1i1 1 1 11 u�sle 0 .,. 4 11 ! 0 IL 4Ln , , 1 a .a._ ,._a 1 y Li .14 as 1 total 54 433 { +•ii , 185 = .91 1 .56 1 1 1 .37 ' ' `t % 5o5 r,64 5".26 4q2 a 1 T;LBOT RD S 1 a . 4 a ! 1 ! n ! 1 1 n • 0a- 1301- 2.:1- 361 101 4 • 0W• 21• 01• 41 55 4 1 ! 1 37 r n -----! ----! ---! ----- n - L 04 1321 231 421 157 1 2 • 0 L b ! 1 1 77 'tttttJuttt ,y A --- 57 L ]14iitt4::'ttt-t •: .77, unnanll a•E--- 1:J f 7 Yf7747 irl11»a�»>r1in7»•nn + 354 f f - 35 60 ST 1 . 37 1 432 i it- --'- g. -'•- 1 Ytll.L�c iG'Uu,i T ,609 2,173 1 • Vehicle group 2 1 - 1,5a0 132 1 r_2 • !0J . 2S 1 1,cap 1,��,•� 100 t- 1 1 1 - --------- 1 101 1 ! 40 . 1 2,742 2,146 1 40 • 1 ff +er.^e:t;-. Total iu 409 563 1 i;,.C,err.-��+,1 ! 42 1 2•592 1 460 409 1 1 1 7 vet !----+ f---- 1 5? 1 S, 43RDSI f f 622 ---------- 7flllll/4 D1IA7Il1A7171'tlA 4'---- v.t:t ------t4'd4f/l�T'!77!'/f'117711117/ 7f91R '11 6 # ! ! ! t - 0 . 6 n 401- 4291• 551- . 94• 2 >. a 231• 31. 01. Ot. 0 n 591 1 1 tJ 71 1 -----1 ------1 4 ----- Y a 1.5 1221 4321 7t i t 1 1 1 n n 1 1 ! n 4 TALBOT RD S 1 1 4 --� • 0761° City of Renton tier :Ovelt ast Transportation Systems Division; Site Code : 00000000 • rated by:SLC/AOM Vehicular Turning Movement WA" Start Date: .05/20/95 * :D4-1O22 1995 Volume Count File I.D. : TMC076P :Dry, Pane : 1 Vehicle group 1, Vehicle group 2 • TALBOT1RD IS 43RD ST !TALBOT RD IS 431D ST 1 Southhound !Westbound 1Nortnoound lEast c'ur;c 1 1 1 Other; Right Thru Left 1 Other Right Thru Left I Other Right Thru Left 1 Other Right Thru Left 1 Total 06/20/95 =-- ----- — — --------- 0I 32 24 -34 1 0 20 179 15 1 ' 0 11 11 35 1 1 53 302 45 1 758 1 55 30 46 1 4 _ 37 152 16 i 2 8 13 46 1 0 89 298 58 1 354 1 62 41 SO 1 0 22 174 17 1 O. 7 14 44 1 2 65 302 45 1 855 ;5 0 33 28 55 1 0 20 . 190 11 1 :' 12 22 34 ; a 58 322 66 I 257 tal 2 r 123 155 L 5 53 66 1 1 - 25 ]8i ,, 1 4 99 u3,1 �j 1 2 .,3 t,:, 171 � i❑.i 1230 214 1 ..s`;, 0 ; 38 31 55 1 0 12 180 10 1 0 ' 8 16 35 1 1 82 341 36 1 846 0 47 25 36 1 4 10 155 15 1 0 11 11 50 1 1 87 300 53 1 731 0 45 34 44 1 1 10 191 5 1 0 7 14 43 1 0 103 315 47 1 859 0 ! 40 33 31 1 0 33 168 9 1 0 5 13 59 1 3 104 304 29 1 841 0 : 170 130 167 1 5 65 634 35 I' E} 35 54 157 1 5 376 1260 170 1 3337 L 2 359 253 362 1 9 164 1389 38 1 2 73 120 333 1 3 641 2490 384 1 6692 • • • WANG OK � r / ?KX-U�� DA .6...�� • • • }'` v'j City cif Renton ▪ 7 :Overcast Transportation Systems Division Site Ccce : 00000000 4ed by:SLC/AOM Vehicular Turning Movement Start Date: 06/20/95 d # :D4-1028 1995 Volume Count File I.D. : TMC0762 :Dry pane . 2 - Vehicle group 1, Vehicle ro<uo 2 r_i ' TALBOT, RD 5 IS 43RD ST I TALBDT RD 5 IS 43RD ST ▪ S outhbound !West:,ourfd 1 Nortr r clur;o 1 East bc:ur c 1 r Thru 1 1 }, r, 1 1 (1 Other Right Thr u Left 1 Other Right T{ru Left I Other !irnt h u Left 1 Other Right Thru Left 1 Total OS/20/55 ------- ----- ----- Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection fair the Pe i:c:: 15:00 to 17:C/ on E06/20/55 _mil '•= 1 1C•)C C•/= -•t= 1 start Y 15:15 1 15:15 { 15:15 . 15:1f 1 • J 195 130 1/7 . 4 91 695 54 ! J _5 7• 1 5 J53 05 1 ,ie L 1�U tJ� L1/ 1 L JJ !+ 171 N ljlt 1LJJ L••v { -nt 0 y N 24% 4f% 11% J% 6% I 13% t %- .nry ��n vvh .fir 1 0% �.., f 1% 1:..,l� Olh I Ci• 17% 72% 12% ! • gtal 544 1 845 1 279 1 1 E5 1 • .Es; 15:30 . 1 15:45 1 15:45 1 16:00 1 :me 1 62 41 50 1 0 20 190 11 1 0 12 22 44 1 1 8 341 36 1 atal 154 ! 221 1 76 1 460 1 .8.; St go? 1 .96 ' 1 , ! .35 1 .36 1 # ! T ALBL'T RD 1 # t O # 1 1 1 # ' _ # ! ! I # - 24- 1921- 1301- 2151 205 • 0#• 3!• 01• 21 71 # # ! I 1 91 # ----# - ! ---1 -----1 ----- # • 4 ' 2# 1951 1301 2171 357 41 4. . 0 A 1 ! ! # • .A########## s###f---- 542 1 #######n####rat##44#44 . +---- 90 , -f + • 83 1 _T 1 Si3 . .)! v t • 1 :71 • Vehicle group 1 + 1 --------- 396 1.052 1 {eh; 1 ❑ • Vehicle group 2 53� :95 1 1 841 656 • • 7 1 105 • + I ! ! --------------- 0 205 I ! 63 1 2,324 2,356 1 54 • 1 • ----^------ 1 + 1 _' 8 1.263 1.752 1 intersection Total ! • 217 1 • 1 3,422 1 1,515 1,263 1 1 1 35 :.7,-.1 • 1 T 1 294 I 5 43RD 51 ; i-------- 765 --------+ 1m1## ###n##### i 277 M---+#44n 10#1?#n,40#4-nV.T 3 # • 1 1 1 # n 3 # 541• 1581- 701- 35#• 2 # 1301• 31• • 11• #• 0 . • # 2541 ! 1 # . 4 •f// 1 -----1 ---1 -----4 2 • •IJ l 1711 711 35# 2 • D 1 a 1 I r.# ! I ! 4 • 73 TALBOT RD 1 1 # 1 1 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. 2101 112TH AVE NE, SUITE 110, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 455-5320 VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUME COUNT JURISDICTION: King County DATE : 12/12/95 LOCATION: Talbot Rd. / S. 55th St. DAY : Tuesday ID NO: Talbot TIME : 6-8 AM WEATHER : Rain & Wind PK HR: 7 : 00-8 : 00 AM SURFACE : Wet MINUTES COUNTED PER INTERVAL : 14 TECHNICIAN : DJL i TURNING INTERVAL START TIME COUNT PK HR PK H: MOVEMENT : 00 : 15 : 30 : 45 : 00 : 15 : 30 : 45 TOTAL VOL ADJ TRUCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB THRU 2 4 4 5 15 12 17 11 70 55 59 LEFT 1 2 4 0 2 3 4 5 21 14 15 TOTAL 3 6 8 5 17 15 21 16 91 69 74 TRUCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT 35 43 70 59 76 90 82 101 556 349 374 WB THRU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEFT 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 13 9 10 TOTAL 36 44 71 60 78 92 85 103 569 358 384 TRUCK ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 RIGHT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 NB THRU 35 34 58 65 52 79 76 75 474 282 302 LEFT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 35 34 58 65 52 80 76 75 475 283 303 TRUCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 EB THRU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEFT 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 TOTAL 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 2 2 0 INTERVAL TOTALS 0 TRUCKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 VEHICLES 75 85 138 130 148 187 182 195 1140 712 763 NB SB EB WB %HV 0 0 0 0 PHF 0 .88 0 . 82 0 . 50 0 . 87 PED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. 2101 112TH AVE NE, SUITE 110, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 455-5320 1 i VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUME COUNT JURISDICTION: King County LOCATION: Talbot Rd. / S . 55th St. DATE : 12/12/95 ID NO: Talbot DAY Tuesday WEATHER : Rain & Wind PK HR: 7: 00-8 : 00 SURFACE : Wet TECHNICIAN : DJL LANE CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM NORTH TURNING MOVEMENT DIAGRAM NORTH 751 74 677 R T L 0 59 15 374 R 0 0 T 384 10 L 2 400 L 1 2 T 0 16 R 1 0 302 1 L T R 70. 303 373 A7e‘` T l .>/\'.4c91"': .; 17- - - - - - --- - -TR 4N-SP--ORTATION-PLANNING ENGLNEERNG-- -- --- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - --- - - - 2101 112TH AVENUE N.E. SU1TE. 1I0, BELT VUE WA 98004 (206) 455-5'320 LOCATION: �CU) 5 5 DATE: / /'t q -- FILE ID: DAY: -PS WEATHER: ,,,.. .1-- (,-)l./\_ TIME: --- SURFACE: LAJsp TECH: L INTr.RVAL: /e_"/( cc- SouthE3ound WestBound NorthBound EastBound Street T-C\ Udzir 1 \ - Tct ece:d-- VA - 5-5—J-L, S.J , TIME Truck! Right! Tnru I Left Truck! RiehtI Thru I Left Truck! Ri2htl Thru I Left Truck' RiEhtl Turu Left Total 0 I 0 '1 21 . ( 0 i ? ---1 p I ( 0 ! 0 - I 0 (n 11 1 0 1 0 o1 e i til q i 11 b l 0 ±3 p ' o I C I o1 i re7 � or � � l � I l _ 01 � I � I CA I DI (_ I 6Ib . I Tr) c515 ► o I I DI0 !b - ! © IoI © I • I ( -t Z O -7 (e 7 01 � qZ e) 01 O p I j° CG cu.) 0 2 . �I I 7't c5! © O If) ® y7 (9 - t� Is 767 U 0 .i � I 0 ll ` . F *l b (. I 7 C © +TOTAL I . i i i 1 l I III ! I i 1) ill i a 1: 'V I '7 ‘'\ 11 171 1' ' '171 i l' '17 1 17f r , 1 I i 1 1 T of Lanes I I i i ! ! IIiii i i ! I I i I Type of Traffic Control: SIG-Sipal S-Stop Y-Yield , TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. 2101 112TH AVE NE, SUITE 110, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 455-5320 VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUME COUNT . JURISDICTION: City Of Renton DATE : 12/14/95 LOCATION: Talbot Rd. S . / S. 55th St. DAY Thursday ID NO: talbotpm TIME : 4: 00-6: 00 PM WEATHER : Mostly Cloudy, Mild PK HR: 4: 30-5 : 30 SURFACE : Wet MINUTES COUNTED PER INTERVAL : 14 TECHNICIAN : RMH TURNING INTERVAL START TIME COUNT PK HR PK HE MOVEMENT : 00 : 15 : 30 : 45 : 00 : 15 : 30 : 45 TOTAL VOL ADJ ' TRUCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 3 3 SB THRU 83 80 81 95 110 100 69 74 692 386 414 LEFT 62 67 87 97 77 92 100 93 675 353 378 1 TOTAL 145 147 168 194 187 193 169 167 1370 742 795 TRUCK 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 RIGHT 21 14 24 15 14 25 24 22 159 78 84 WB THRU 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 LEFT 0 0 2 1 4 3 1 1 12 10 11 TOTAL 22 14 26 16 18 28 25 24 173 88 94 ' TRUCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT 2 4 3 0 3 3 1 2 18 9 10 NB THRU 19 25 21 25 20 19 14 23 166 85 91 LEFT 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 TOTAL 21 29 24 25 25 22 15 25 186 96 103 TRUCK 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 1 1 1 RIGHT 0 0 0 1 0 ' 0 0 0 1 1 1 EB THRU 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 2 2 LEFT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 TOTAL 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 5 4 4 INTERVAL TOTALS 0 TRUCKS 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 VEHICLES 188 190 219 236 230 245 209 217 1734 930 996 NB SB EB WB %HV 0 .0 25 0 PHF 0 . 96 0 .96 0 . 50 0 . 79 PED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. 2101 112TH AVE NE, SUITE 110, BELLEVUE, WA 98004 455-5320 VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENT • VOLUME COUNT JURISDICTION: City Of Renton LOCATION: Talbot Rd. S . / S . 55th St. DATE : 12/14/95 ID NO: talbotpm DAY Thursday WEATHER : Mostly Cloudy, Mild PK HR: 4: 30-5 : 30 SURFACE : Wet TECHNICIAN : RMH LANE CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM NORTH 0 S. 55- \\1\ii TURNING MOVEMENT DIAGRAM NORTH 795 176 R T L 3 414 378 84 R 5 0 T 94 11 L 10 484 L 1 4 T 2 390 R 1 2 91 10 L T R 425 103 528 17"7 ___ _ ._ _ _ _ __ _ - --- - -. _ _ _ _ ___ ._ _ __ - _ • TRANSPORTATION_ P_LANNING _.&-- .ENGINEERING 2101 112TH AVENUE N.E. SUITE 110, BELT.F,VUE WA 98004 (206) 455-5320 LOCATION: T, t.t- (22. S. / S ci&4 51) , DATE: - /2 - )v-/s FILE ID:. DAY: Th.., WEATHER: I1/47- .P J /M iLd TIME: q ' 0-0 - G • 01, e:%� SURFACE: ,,,e-f TECH: iCC.-ti , INTERVAL: 1 y SouthBound WestBound NorthBound EastBound Street - TIME Truck Right Thru Left Truck Right Thru ' Left Truck Right Thru Left Truck Right Thru Left Total 4:aa- y.'/s .0 o 83 (,z. 2 2t I 0 0 2 -lcl v 0 0 0 -, O /:f c- q:30 0 0 86 67 0 .I L-I o 0 v Y 'S o • . 0 c, o 0 9:3o,- Li: Lir - 0 0 81 e7 0 2 y 0 2 0 3 2 l 0 1 0 1 0 y:vS " 5. 0, 0 Z S 97 0 1 S 0 / .) 0 25 0 0 / D 0 5:w - S:i5- v 0 110 77 0 /y U y 0 3 2.0 2 0 0 0 0 S• i5" S: 30 o / 1 0 0 gz o 2 5 0 3 0 ? / 0 6 0 5":3°- S:YS o U 69 - /30 0 `y 0 / b / /y 0 0 0 0 S- - 6:o1' D 7 y 6I 3 o ?2. _ 1 / 0 2 7.3 U v n 1 0 TOTAL • . 1\ 1 `ttil ? tfi (1 Ilit r (itillt rt tfr #of Lanes I ' 1 ) i Type of • . Traffic Control: I) - SIG-Signal . S-Stop Y-Yield ti ��^ T1-x:.- CITY OF �KENTDN l..a N ING/BC:IL?)!NG P BLIC WORKS • TRA.i`;SPO. TATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 200 ?:venue Soucn, 5r11 Floor Re^con, Washington 9S055 IS :'none: 2O6) -god. (2061 2/!-44_3 • AX TR Y'ISNIFET L • 1 '.. . J;:)'` ,2 / e '4:;Ali J J_ -.. _V - - -r :l_ -_ !• ,1° 46.�� I7 ° �1�t:k. // :sqUi b,.:: l)[ ptig,,s ine!tuuln!l e:)ver :sheet: c-c-/ 45121' / , r''�cr s�1°'a5 J t sue. yt-t • - • • • c.rrrTllCr. CGi�l.l 7ni ! dA �r r•b to 1• O= 1:1 . ,0 E. • .7-yt/-z- ---,yr/5 h i--ri c_i.-, LC. ---\\ 01 I ---) --Ni i (.10 C115) - 5 i(463 1.-- z, [... ( . 7 0 1 11 I 1,h L , 0 cii .si 4c,, 0v i_z_ sc., oz A7t 1,45 „Tv L7, 7zrri cz .. ...... y 1 • --. I .--------------------7- 0:. --. CI ...-. , (t)'--. ......-..---7' -------------- V \______---------1 ) I 1 i 1 1 I - i ,r r- r- C.J r.1 = Ct: Ll.. i\k/ ' c. • i 1 j../ -7 i y •-•-..7 ie.:'" `1"7 ---- • n • I - 1 , .. ,.. \I)n-z/-- "2_ 4).4- q n9t4 '2,/on,4-- IS rg-t-c, ..... . 41 i .• 1 171 AV^ C_ --- 1 P I I i ii 1 rn a - I il ,r; , 0 E----'2- r \I, C = 1 I 0 1 h, / 1 i i/ -----) /1 i 1 f I 3 / / fil I " I i .D r---- i iti = '" .1,1 • .1., c-_—_,/ 1 I i h / . . r.:_--tz- p / .11 i sti ,., pk, i 11 i 1 I f 5 I--; I ii 144, I I II I i 4110 C-1-This• . 0 :-_I 2 0 / -„ c. ---) c F.___ / i,r 1 s I i 1.--t- .--P" C-----1 i .- ,-`,..-------'"- cc, =9 -2.1A.(-•(- • 3 8.,,,---- 2.3,„,...-- /c-:.2)—<__ I 13 1I pel '1 —/z 1v1. mq if•.• .-•:, \ C T ,..... ___.. i 1/714_,''_,•r,,to,.;;..„......,- % ,,...•• l',)11 i ,..) J 1 . FM r / ,...,' Z13R_D. .%'..,;,11 g f h°I) I III g B i g li II .,, ‘,.... ,— . P.t! -• it 1 i 5 I - 1 ,5, -. ....4 ,r_--.5--.-_-...- -,--5-_,..1-5,--------..-----,--2.....----_--- IF 16 o' r5 C' 13.4y =-...-. • '.. s-;-4;,-,/,/ • P II \s, ti.1.1 .,..•-•,• / I. --------------------- I I .., • • -•-• — _ . - — _____ liT --I -...r.r._- 17.8 r'------'[1-1731i:y ./77 ------- --'1-------77-7 _____ ra.i....,,•--/ __...., / .. L343.411.11 [1 31 _ . - ,. 17.3...-=-_:_-.it.-.,;43.34.-54_2:1 0 7.-- 3i3.i LL-2I [ ../tifil.91.(11,31-__•--,- 27.4' .. -- - -' -i 1--------- i'-----FL3P.7.1.6111.4-i- • . __-, 7.-,; .. ___., ]lb irLS-1.38.+ILI. 22_•4' --- -- —__ _ .,,.., cpt„ ,...- iwii6.2. '12.4" 1 __ _ ' - -- -• - -• ...._.- -- ___ ,.1 ..,,___, •,,__, - „. /„- ------- 1-11 e ____,. .. ,----- -•-..,,,,, 1/7---v .-•• •.-----.,-- I •.___________ .,, -----:;‘,..„...--.._•..-_.; a.5 2€.5.2.8 ' ••'" •- ..i. ......, .., r 1 i _ ., Ln i_1•3.3 .r. ? ,92 1• 11\ C?) 43 2- 43 3 ,dp 4 4S C. ) - _-_-- • ci!---1-i4•4 .4 i' ,041.1 ,.11.3..1, 8,....ti, r,..\ .,_ . At'4 15 C 8. '2_‘ 1e; 1 3 6 i eo I I ;.4'50--.3.'so-.i-• 4 II Liz9-i -' ---P35 1 I I `••• , , • C IT-V OF RENTON PPA 3 4 3% -2_3 z_S 1 3 5c1 I i --..._7 ..... . DEPAR'I'M ENT 01, PL 0,HUI NO ART I t.DIMI &. P1.1BLIC WORKS TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPS . ;2..0 5c.-.... . ,r , . • s ••tanr) S rr .8.: irs.A.L.1107' R.0..,'3._r) S _. 1 i f ______ . DEitGht.l.l kli I DA rEe LIGTOCE11 ,.5192 ritE NAM E. iCu-023 I / I ORAIM FICA/CAD i WA C imPrf.- f 1 C.HECREL, P.11 SCALE, 1"=50' ' .'3 FILE • AVT-EiOVED, 5541E1U, CF: 00,111.011 MearNISTII.T. -,J I. ...., - . _ ' /•-• ••••• '1 \ / , 1 / / \ .. / j -\ / -•••,, / ', \ r 4-i 7 'I -',,_ p i„„ C•:-___Iii:-)----- r . , n 1..." /7-14- 3 AA-4- 161 AAA C /IAA- 3 0 /2-e--6 3) ,-,.._4,- 3 y p-A--- 1 9/.-e , ,--/A...z..-c_ 3 3/).t.,- -.. n 1 = I [i 1 i- C...___ I OUT:2aq 1 1 I I CD •-, 1772.____i_,, ._1. .. 1. 1 Ca---:- F i n .:!... ' .7, // 'l I i [ tik 1. 1 '1 -• " .• ....-• j.:ti 1 „---.. :....---- 42.2fiv_21 i .., : _-_--- -_- „.- ----- -- , 4,-r !. -- -__ PM'—/---- -- i-=i• [ 1 I -- — T... i 1 (_7—::. ..:. 11 I „-..-- . 11 1 t--I—L—I RiN .fflYill : i ▪‘-24ti2-.4. i2. .4..1 ... ._,... 1n01 \ :.-. -- -------_ P37_ •„•-- __ SW41S SIM:FT _ - , • i i ii i ___ , 251 i1 1 - _ • -' ----. i ., .....- -- ___ _____ _ i -... __ ....., _.,-..- ..._-,.---.._. i gai ..:,... --• ----- -••- --- • -- .___. .., .._.--=-.7... t d)-2-' •17.‘. \ lard ,_.•3 '• ---" ,rat •-• ---,--,r.-,:-. ..- ,----,--- ----P.St . ,11..i.1 i 52.1f ....4. Ic33.3 7.0'f1:33=-----2P.9' 1 r 106V''-'-'1 _•:;;;.}----'-'---- t:,-._-;•?•,-.:: C' . ,. [1.-5118-2.11. -- el)t - V ' .77-•:-,:_-_,--- - , 'GI V • ..."'''. 4 ' ) .• — _ --— I . 1.4;151ii. \ --•-••' , - ," ,....-- ,1,1i3 .13L12,c.-7--t---211...1' t. I'Ir / '----..-.. N.) r ---'-=--,,,,, ____ _____%.,=-\-\ _ .:,„-- ..., -__ --z.,,, 1 1 - , , . Sr' .,, CO 1... ....- —..mr. .......... '... ..,....+" .......—....-,.-"e-...---- ‘'- '?:, •-...., .-,-.. 1.6 . '"\,, • -PH \ \:•:.)1 11 ! 11 1 11 1 11 ! 1/ ( 1 • - --, --i...-.. P31- 1 ••••'•\''.. cn • ...47/ q3 i 4,3 cm. 4)-I ckg—;.--. -\ , 1 . 1 il -\\„„ _ '1 49-0.1 4,9A VA i . s, ... 4: i 14" Va 33 24 30 1 9 35 \ 1 f.01 Olt'I 1.1-J1 I 1 .. : N. N, •-•_-..-___ RP/ FA 1 • .....4 , 63.3)1113.1N 63.6 \11----- ‘,.) i 1 .,, I11 i IC 1 1.---- -:-111ri.';.::'-—131 -_.:2._-_-_-_ ,: CITY OF RENTON 1 i —P35 pm -7, ,,-- 31. [1 31 'z--) - ...„ ..4... - $3.1 - ----/,, ctr DEPART/4E11T OF PLANNIt(G/BISILDING £ PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPS Iv 172,7 In. 3 3 IL . I L , I„,_„,,,t, ,1 .w ....... STREET & EAST VALLEY ROAD --- — ----- .:..1----------'C,- .--------- OESN2E0: NH EWE: JAN.3. Sail. FIE NAME.: ICU-04 i ---1 HT [ i rit_Lt.v133-11,1:2-,,,__,„ . 0 RAVI rk UCA:00.0 tiC/AE, 1".:5 0' RE..FILE- NW31-23.5 . CFIECNED: lot 4-3-503 . ..,... APPROVE1):. 5.10E7: OF: co....nnatnir Arita.ITFIAT Oft f...I 041 , n ' Z_ ~ � FAA 2-<- 43 44, - - � z ^ " ` ^ � ' p0 [l , ]�K �U --' -- �--------- -- — ----------- — ' xvx' J'xrxr�r - ._~f --- ----- --' � __� -_- ��~==7 ^ �- \ � =. � CITY OF RENTON L F-PARTMENT OF PLANNING/BUILDING & PUBLIC WORKS - . -----------�� TRAFFIC; SIGNAL LOOPS _-PAk,_ CGIOD_H `_-vo ��y� awm� - v""� ~~�~mvv x/''2x'y `��~_--- -^n ^P?,GWm. " • SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9 S .W . 41ST ST ./SR 167 SB RAMPS/E . VALLEY RD . 13:37 1 1995 AM PEAK HOUR _. SIGNAL85/TEAPAC [V2 16 .2] -- Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .62 Vehicle Delay 24 .0 Level of Service Sq 67 I Phase 1 I Phase 2 i Phase 3 I I I Phase ''i' I Phase 5 + + + + \ *> <++++ V u n..^. V ++++ - Nor th <+ <+ + +> ; +> "{"! *;i**> ++++. + ++++ * + + .i< + + i ++_{-+ • G/C-- .1.36 G/I - .009 6/0= .300 i 3/0= .255 6/C= .091 0= q r- I q i t I _., 3 ^0 I I I 2` " I I I .�-- �.:a .�:) ' I C-;= .I_ .�:I , i.7- :3_ .� I i s= �3 ,0 I C;= 10 .0 0 n i ..fJ... ;•i II I R..-. " I ♦. I"-.,._. " I .,/."fR= C'" " Y '{"R=- I� I ( { i. ^r ,�l I �I '�"I t.._. 5 .0 I 1 {"11'- 5 .0 I 1 { I�,-- J .C� OFF= .0% i OFI =17 .3% i OFF_21 .8% i OFF=56 .4% OFF=86 ,4% C=110sec G= 87 .0 sec = 9 . 1`°y Y=23 .0 sec - 20 .9% Ped= .0 sec = .0 Lane ; Width/ I g/C ,Service Rate ; Adj ; ; HCM ; L ; Maximum Group : Lanes : Reqd Used i C ( vph ) E ,: Volume : V/C, i Delay 1 S : Queue • N Approach 21 .1 C ` I TH+RT ; 24/2 i .175 i .318 i 788 i 985 1 101 i .103 i 17 .1 i C+ i 61 ft LT - _ ; - 12/1. - : .237 ; .145 ; 1 ; 198 ; 39 ; .178 ; 31 .4 *D+ ; 59 ft - - S.--Approach ----- - _- RT 12/1 .252 .664 951 967. 284 .294 3 .7 A 150 ft TH 12/1 .368 -364 562 642 570 .889 26 .1 *D+ 568 ft LT 12/1 .246 .191 1 303 82 .256 28 .9 *D+ 104 ft E' Approach 29 .1 D+ TH+RT ; 12/1 ; .309 : .273 ; 302 ; 457 : 378 ; .828 ; 31 .3 ; D+ ; 440 ft LT : 24/2 i .302 : .273 i 349 1 869 i 531 . : .612 i 27 .5 i *D-I- i 309' f t W Approach 24 .9 C RT 12/1 .167 .327 307 418 18 .043 16 .3 C+ 25 ft TH 12/1 .169 .109 1 156 • 27 .160 28 .7 *D+ 44 ft LT 12/1 .228 . .109 1 138 6 .038 33 .3 D 25 ft SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9 S .W . 41 S T ST ./SR 167 SB RAMPS/E . VALLEY RD . 13:37:5 1995 PM PEAK HOUR SIGNALSS/TcAPAC I[V2 L6 .21 -- Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .60 Vehicle Delay 26 .5 LeveJ. of Service D 3q 57 ; Phase 1 ; Phase 2 ; Phase 3 Phase 4 ; Phase 5 + .+. + -+- + + + + + + .+•+-+ ± /1 \ i - ) <''r' + +) {+ + j <++++ V V- jig*** I i V ++++ Forth i +• +) +> ::*;;;: i ++++ + i * + i + ++++ I _... I .125 6/0= .000 G/C= .233 i G/C= .242 i G/0= .208 6. ... " " I 2 I I ,.., - 15.� .0 G= ,.�.� G= 8 ,0" I G= 29 .0 " , G= 25 .0" Y R._ 4 .0" ••.r_l.R-._ I " i YfR= 0" i Y+R= 5 .0 " I R= 5 .0" OFF= .0% OFF=15 .8% OFF=19 .2% OFF=46 .7% ; OFF=75 .0 0 C=120 sec G= 97 .0 sec = 80 .8% Y=23-.0 sec = 19 .2% Ped= .0 sec = . .0: Lane ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate : Adj 1 MCM ; L ; Maximum Group : Lanes ; Reqd Used : C ( vph ) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay ; S ; Queue N Approach 31 .9 D+ TH+RT ; 24/2 ; .247 _ : .283 _ ; _ 617 ; 982 ; _ 387 ; _.394 ; 22 .5 ; C ; 238 f t LT : 12/1 ; .316 : .167 ; 1 ; 254 : 226 : .812 ; 47 .9 : *E+ ; 323 -.ft ' • S Approach 16 .3 C+ RT 12/1 .367 .533 718 769 445 .579 9 .4 8+ . 359 ft ', TH 12/1 .243 .250 327 437 315 .722 23 .8 *C 408 ft : LT 12/1 .268 .133 1 195 39 . 176 35 . 1 *D 58 ft : • E Approach 29 .7 D+ TH+RT ; 12/1 ; .241 1 .258 : 206 ; 423 ; 157 ; .372 ; 23 .8 ; C ; 201 ft LT ; 24/2 ; .329 ; .258 ; 1 ; 831 1 538 ; .648 ; 31 .4 ; *D+ ; 344.: ft W Approach 31 .5 D+ • RT 12/1 .251 .383 436 561 164 .293 16 .7 Ch 172 ,ft TH 12/1 .301 .225 116 399 342 .859 38 .8 *D 450''ft LT 12/1 .265 .225 1 361 26 .069 27 .8. Dt. - .,:34...'ft is .SPRINGEROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12%29/9 S .W , 41ST ST ./SR 167 SB RAMPS/E . VALLEY RD ; 13: 38:3 1997 AM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNALS5/TEAPAC [V2 L6 .2] - Capacity Analysis Summary .Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .64 Vehicle Delay 25 .2 Level of Service D Ph • e 1 i Phase 2 i Phase 3 i Phase 4 i Phase 5 I , + ..f. +++•f• I North + •1• -f-> , * +> f•> ***> ++'-+ + ++++ + + i * + + ++++ <<i "f' w -}• + + I -:i + + V • G/C = . 136 j 3/0= .009 i G/10= .300 i G/C= .255 j G/C= .091 .� 5 I I^• u I -334 " I 2 " I " (.;== ,,:a .c:� " I G= :L . .J I G= ..,,. ,0 I (:,= .. .0 G= 10 .0 `f R= fi n I \r_..k'= -1 /^ " I k: i r= " I Y+R= " I ti r " I f• •.� .0 I I + ;:._ ,.l I � -�•I-f- 5 .0 I .� .0 I �'-+-;�= o .0 I ..�F f -� 3% I F._2 I F r I r o t_�I F= ,.0� , t�'r='F=`=].: ..,�-� , OF•I - 1 .8� , OFI --�6 4% , Or F'=86 .�-,o 'C=110 sec G= 87 .0 sec = 79 . 1 o Y=23 .0 sec = 20 .9% Ped= .0 sec = Lane ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj HOM ; L ; Maximum 1 Group _anvsI Reqd Used I C ( vph ) E : Volume : volume , V/C I Delay. I S 1 Queue N Approach ' 21 .1 C Tk-f•RT i 24/2 1 .176 1 .318 i 788 -1 . 585 i 104 i .106 i 1.7.1 i C+ i 63 ft LT ; 12/1 ; .237 ; .145 ; 1 ; 198 ; 40 ; .183 ; 31 .4 ; *D+ ; 61 S Approach 21 .2 C RT; 12/1 .261 .-664 951 967 297 .307 3 .7 A 156 _f t THi 12/1 .377 .364 562 642 588 .917 28 .9 *D+ 586 ft LT' 12/1 .247 . 191 1 303 84 .263 28 .9 *D+ -106 ft E Approach 29 .9 D+ TH,+RT ; 12/1 ; .314 ; .273 ; 302 ; 457 ; 389 ; .852 ; 33 .0 D 452 ;ft I LT ; 24/2 ; .305 ; .273 ; 349 ; 869 ; 549 ; .632 ; 27 .8 ;*D-+• ; 319 f t I • W Approach 25 .0 C RT 12/1 .167 .327 307 418 18 .043 16 .3 C+ 25 .-.ft TH; 12/1 .169 .109 1 156 28 .166 28 .8 *D+ 46-.ft ' LT 12/1 .228 .109 1 138 6 .038 33 .3 D SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/`: ' ' S .W . 41ST ST ./SR 167 SB RAMPS/E . VALLEY RD . 13 : 39: ( 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL85/TEAPAC I.V2 L6 .21 - Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .62 Vehicle Delay 27 .4 Level of Service C Sq 57 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 * + -F + + + + + -+- + + ; -++++ / \ I + +> <+ + ; <++++ v ++++ North *** > ++++ + :;: + : + ; ++++ J to/C= .125 i G/C= .000 i G/C= .233 i G/C= .242 i G/C= .208 " I " i ... I t:G= J_.. ,Q G== .0" G- 23 ,0' , G= 29 ,Q" , G= 25 .Q" Y- R-._ l I Y.-R= " I 5 " I " Y.. " i +-n- � .Q" , I I ice.-- 4 .Q , '�(-I•R= .� .0 , (-I•R= 5 .Q i I R= 5 .0 ' OFF= ,O% OFF=15 .8 4 OFF=19 .2% OFF=46 .7% OFF=75 .0% C=120 sec G= 97 ,0 sec = 80 .8% Y=23 .0 sec = 19 .2% Ped= .0 sec = ,C Lane ; Width! ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj ; HCi"l .L ; Max imurr Group ; Lanes ; Regcl Used ; C ( vph ) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay ; S ; Queue ' N Approach 32 .8 D TH+RT ; 24/2 ; .249 ; .283 ; 617_ ; 982 : 400 : .407 ; 22 .6 _; C ; _246 ft I LT ; 12/1 ; .318 : .167 ; 1 1 254 ; 233 ; .837 ; 50 .2 ; *E ; 333 ft S Approach 16 .9 C+ RT 12/1 .378 -533 718 : 769 462 .601 9 .7 8+ 372 ft TH 12/1 .250 .250 327 ; 437 326 .747 24 .9 *C 422 ft LT 12/1 .269 .133 1 : 195 40 .181 35 . 1 *D 60 ft E App'roach 30 .2 D+ TH+RT ; 12/1 ; .243 ; .258 ; 206 : 423 ; 162 ; .384 : 23 .9 : C ; 207-:ft I LT ; 24/2 ; .333 ; .258 : 1 1 831 ; 563 ; .678 ; 32 .0 ;*D+ ; 360 ft W Approach 33 .2 D RT! 12/1 .253 .383 436 561 168 .300 16 .7 C+, -176 f t TH 12/1 .306 .225 116 399 353 .886 41 .4 *E+ 465 'ft LT' 12/1 .266 .225 1 361 27 .071. 27 .8 ' SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/c S.W . 41ST ST ./SR 167 SB RAMPS/E . VALLEY RD . 13: 39: 1997 AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT S.IGNAL85/TEAPAC (,V2 L6 .2 1 - Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .65 Vehicle Delay 25 .1 Level of Service C Sq 67 ; Phase 1 ; Phase 2 Phase 3 ; Phase 4 ; Phase 5 + + 1 I I I + +++I- ; 1 / I \ !:> <+ -I- v ++++ North <+ < + +> * +> -+-> ! r;r.**> .+_+_+,-+.. + ++f+ i( + + %i: + + ; +'+'++ + v •t• + + - + 0/C- . 136 0; 0= .009 0/C= .300 G/C= .255 ; G/C= .091 G= 15 .0" ; G= 1 .0 " ; 3= 33 .0" G= 28 .0" ; G= 10 .0" `r, n__ " I •Y+R= " I Y+R=. r " Y+R= " I Y+R= �" +•,..-- 4 .0 , I i �.- 4 ,0 I + ��.- .� .0 5 .0 I + 1,-- 5 .0 ; OP = .0% ; OIF F=1 7 .3% ; OFF=21 .8% OFF=56 .4% ; OFF=86 .4 C=110 sec G= 87 .0 sec = 79 . 1% Y=23 .0 sec = 20 .9% Ped= .0 sec , = .0 ; Lane ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj ; ; HCM ; L ; Maximum Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E ; Volume ' V/C ' Delay1 1 1 I 5 , Queue N Approach 21 .1 C TH+RT ; 24/2 . ;. _,176 .; .318 . ;. ._ 788 ; 985 ; .104 ; . 106 ; ; LT ; 12/1 ; .237 ; .145 ; 1 ; 198 ; 40 ; .183 ; 31 .4 ; *D+ ; 61 ft S Approach 21 .1 C RT 12/1 .265 -664 951 967 303 .313 3 .7 ; A 160 ft TH 12/1 .377 .364 562 642 588 .917 28 .9 : *D+ 586 ft LT 12/1 .247 .191 1 303 84 .263 28 .9 ; *D+ 106' ft • E Approach 30 .0 D+ TH+RT ; 12/1 1 .314 ; .273 ; 302 ; 457 ; 389 ; .852 ; 33 .0 ; D ; 452 .ft ; LT ; 24/2 ; .306 ; .273 ; 349 ; 869 ; 553 1 .637 ; 27 .9 ; *D+ ; 322.- ft W Approach 25 .0 C RT • 12/1. .167 ' .327 307 418 18 .043 16 .3 C+ - 25 :ft TH 12/1 . 169 .109 1 156 28 .166 28 .8 *D+ 46. ft LT 12/1 .228 .109 1 138 6 .038. 33 .3 D _ 25 _-_ft • • SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9. S .W . 41ST ST ./SR 167 SB RAMPS/E . VALLEY RD . 13 :40: 0: 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGNAL85/TEAPAC [V2 L6 .2] -- Capacity Analysis Summary ,Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .62 Vehicle Delay 27 .4 Level of Service D -Sq 57 ; Phase 1 i Phase 2 ; Phase 3 ; Phase 4 ; Phase 5 :t: + + + + + •+- + + ; + + ; -+-+•+•+ / \ *> <+ + +> ; <+ + ; ;++•t-+ ' I 1 I I U ' + + North <-+- ; * +> ; -+•, ; , , -+-+++ + * + ; + ; ++++ + .+: + G/C= . 125 ; G/C= .000 G/C= .233 G/C= .242 ; G/C= .208 G= 15 .0" ; G= s .0" G= 28 0" G= 29 .0" G= 25 .0" I^,..... " I Y+ ! " Y r " t.� " I �(+I�- t+ .0 I I + R= �-4 .0 I +R= 7 .0 i •+R= 5 .0 i Y+R= 5 .0" ; OFF= .0% ; OFF=15 .8% OFF•=19 .2 0 OFF=46 .7 a OFF=75 .0% C=120 sec G= 97 .0 sec = 80 .8% Y=23 .0 sec = 19 .2% Ped= .0 sec = .0=;. Lana ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj ; ; HCM ; L ; Maximum ; I; Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay ; S ; Queue N Approach 32 .8 D ; _ TH+RT ; 24/2 ; .249 ; .283 ; 617. ; 982 ;: 400 ; .407 .; .- . 22 .6_ ; C ;. .246,__ft1 •; LT ; 12/1 ; .318 ; . 167 ; 1 ; 254 ; 233 ; .837 ; 50 .2 ; *E ; 333 ft ; S Approach 16 .9 C+ RT 12/1 .379 .5-33 718 769 ; 465 .605 9 .7 8+ 375 ft TH 12/1 .250 .250 327 437 ; 326 .747 24 .9 *C 422 ft LT 12/1 .269 . 133 1 195 ; 40 .181 35 .1 *D 60 ft E Approach 30 .4 D+ TH+RT ; 12/1 ; .243 ; .258 ; 206 ; 423 ; 162 ; .384 ; 23 .9 ; C ; 207 _ft ; ; LT ; 24/2 ; .335 ; .258 ; 1 ; 831 ; 575 ; .692 ; 32 .3 ; *D+ ; 368 ft ; - W Approach - 33 .2 D RT ! 12/1 .253 .383 436 561 168 .300 . 16 .7 C+ 176ft TH ' 12/1 .306 .225 116 399 353 .886 • 41 .4 *E+ 465 .ft LT ' 12/1 .266 .225 1 361 27 .071 . .. 27 .8... -.-.D+ SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/5 S . 43RD ST ./SR 167 NB RAMPS 1995 AM PEAK HOUR SIGMA L85/TEAPAC IV2 L6 .2.) -- Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .78 Vehicle Delay 27 .8 Level of Service. C 1 Phasei Sq 1�, � �-� �� Phase 2� Phase , {.++..}. +.1-++ / j \ i <i--+•-+•+ North C.;. ..I-) ;_..I.+.1.> }..F++> Gi•C ,. .200 C./C= .145 ; G/C= .527 22 .0 G= 16 ,0 i G= 58 .0 5 .0" R.._ 1 0" i R= 5 .0 " OFF-- .O ; OFF=24 .5' ; OFF=42 .7% C=1.10 sac G= 96 .0 sec = 87 .3% Y=14 .0 sec - 12 .7 o Ped= .0 sec = .0 Lane , Wiwth/ , g/C , Service Rate , Adj , HCM L , Maximum Group i Lanes : Reqd Used 1 C ( vph ) E : Volume : V/C i Delay i S i Queue S Approach 81 .7 F RT ; 12/1 ; .183 ; .218 ; 150 ; 314 ; 67 ; .213 ; 22 .8 ; _C ; 82 . ft .342 , .218 , 1 , 701 , 759 , 1 .084 , 86 .9 , F , 462 'ft E Approach 14 .3 B RT ; 12/1 ; .420 -791 ; 1186 ; 1186 ; 564 ; .476 2 .0 ; A ; 182 ft TH ; 24/2 i .517 : .545 1 1959 ; 1980 i 1843 1 .931 : 18 .0 i C-+' i 645 ft W Approach 7 .8 B+• TH ; 24/2 ; .193 ; .727 ; 2405 ; 2405 ; 492 ; .205 ; 2 .3 ; A ; 111 ft LT ; 12/1 ; .255 ; .155 ; 1 ; 222 ; 109 ; .449 ; 33 .0 ; D ; 153 ft ie nLT, , .. 5 1 2L. - q 9.-.& F 2ii _HOUR .. - QT(2MAI S:2�/TADAr ru, I L SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9 S . 43RD ST ./SR 167 NB RAMPS 13: 41 :3 1995 PM PEAK HOUR >IGNAL85/TEAPAC IV2 L6 .2] - Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .66 Veh.ic.J..e Delay 13 . 1 Level of Service ------------------------------------- 'jq, 13 ; Phase 1 Phase 2 ; Phase 3 h { F f +.+.-+..+. / \ i <++++ ++++ North <.+- +> •+-+..+....+.; 1 + I G/C= .225 G/C= .025 G/0= .333 (r3-� 39 II I l ^ 0 11 l-I- G../ �..�11 I �.a"" .J ) Cl I �- c�l� .0 Y R.:..- 5 ," I / I...M 1 .0" I +. R . " OFF= .0% i OFF=2 6 .7 i OFF=62 .5 n C=120 sec G=106 .0 sec = 88 .3% Y=14 .0 sec = 11 .7 o Ped= .0 sec = .0` Lane ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj ; 1 HCM ; L ; Maximum Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E ; Volume ; •V/C Delay ; S Queue S Approach 27 .1 Di- RT ; 12/1 ; .218 ; .242. ; 136 ; 341 ; 71 ; .207 � 23 .5 � C 93_.ft LT ; 24/2 ; .286 ; .242 ; 1 ; 763 ; 218 ; .286 ; 28 .2 ; D+ ; 143 ft E Approach 17 .0 C+ - RT ; 12/1 : .270 ; .617 ; 895 ; 927 ; 308 : .332 ; 5 .3 ; 8+ ; 198 ft TH 24/2 ; .320 ; .350 ; 1132 ; 1274 ; 1008 .792 ; 20 .6 ; C 549 ft ; W Approach 8 .8 B+ TH ; 24/2 ; .526 ; .708 ; 2496 ; 2496 ; 1807 ; .724 ; 5 .9 ; 8+ ; 443 ft LT 12/1 1 .343 ; .333 ; 282 ; 558 1 310 .556 ; 25 .8 ; D-+- ; 347 ft SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9 S . 43RD ST ./SR 167 NB RAMPS 13:42:2 1997 AM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT . SIGNAL85/TEAPAC LV2 L6 .2.1 -- Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .80 Vehicle Delay 32 .3 Levw]. of Service Sq 1 : Phase J. ; Phase 2 ; Phase 3 -f-1_ f .f- 1 ++++ North C-f- +> ±+±±) f hi h 1 f. + G/C- .200 ; C/C= .145 ; G/C= :52.7 I- 22 0 u i q 0 u I 58 n n . 1 OFF- .0% I FF=24 1 7% =110 s ;c G-- 96 .0 sac -- 87 .3% Y=14 .0 sec = 12 .7% Ped-- .0 sec = .0 L: ne I Wid _n/ I g/C 1 Service RateI Adj I I HCM L I Maximum Group 1 Lanes : Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E : Volume : V/C i Delay 1 S 1 Queue S ,approach 96 .1 F PT i 12/1 1 .186 : .218 i 150 i 314 i 77 i .245 i 23 .0 i C i 94 ft LT. i 24/2 1 .347 i .218 i 1 i 701 i 784 : 1 .120 i 103 .2 i F : 477 ft E Approach 16 .9 C+ RT. ; 12,'1 ; .435 ; .791 1 1186 ; 1186 ; 590 ; .498 ; 2 .0 ; A ; - 190 ft TH' : 24/2 i .534 1 .545 i 1959 i 1980 i 1910 i .965 i 21 .4 1 C 1 669 ft W Approach 7 .9 B+ TH ; 24/2 ; .199 ; .727 ; 2405 ; 2405 ; 509 ; .212 ; 2 .3 1 A 1 115 ft LT ; 12/1 1 .256 ; .155 ; 1 ; 222 ; 112 ; .461 ; 33 .2 ; D ; 157 ft • SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS • 12/29/9 . S . 43RD ST ./SR 167 NB RAMPS 13=42 =5 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL85/TEAPACEV2 L6 .2] -- Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .68 Vehicle Delay 13 ,7 Level of Service ;c:1 13 ; Phase 1 ; Phase 2 ; Phase 3 • •+--+• ; -+-+++ /; \ ; <++++ • +++•+- \4orth <+ +> ; -+-+++> -+-+++> + + + •+• _ G/C= .225 G/C= .325 G/C= .333 G= 27 .0„ G= 39 .0" G= 40 .0" YfR= 5 .0" ; Y+R= 4 .0" Y+R= 5 .0 . OFF= .0% ; OFF=26 ,7o OFF=62 .5% C:=•120 sec G=106 .0 sec = 88 .3% Y=14 .0 sac = 11 ,7 Ped= .0 sec -- Lane ; ; Width! : g/C i Service Rate ; Ad.] i i HCM i L ; Maximum Group ; Lanes : Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay ; 3 ; Queue S Approach 27 .1 Di- RT . ; 12/1 : .223 ; .242 ; 136 ; 341 ; 85 ; .248 ; 23 .8 ; C ; 112 ft LT : 24/2 : .287 : .242 : 1 ; 763 ; 226 : .296 : 28 .3 : D+ ; 148 ft E Approach 17 .9 C+ ' 1 RT ; 12/1 : .279 ; .617 ; 695 : 927 : 322 ; .347 ; 5 .3 ; B+ ; 207 ft TH ; 24/2 : .330 ; .350 ; 1132 1 1274 ; 1048 ; .823 : 21 .7 : C ; 571 ft W Approach 9 .2 B+ TH ; 24/2 ; .543 ; , .708 ; 2496 ; 2496 ; 1874 ; .751 ; 6 .3 ; Bi- : 459 ft LT , ; 12/1 : .346 ; .333 : 282 1 558 : 321 : .575 ; 26 .2 : D-+- ; 359 ft SPRING6ROOKE• CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9' S . 43RD ST ./SR 167 NB RAMPS 13:43:2. 1997 AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGH LSS/TEAPAC LV2 L6 .2.1 - Capacity Analysis Summary intersection Averages ,Dore:: of Saturation ( V/C ) .81 Vehicle Delay 32 .9 Level of Service :>c:a 13 ; Phase :1. ; Phase 2 ; Phase 3 1 I I +++-+• I +_+.++ I I I 1 I I I I North ; < .+. ++ +--+-> -+•+ +•+> - I + + 1 I I I I I +. + , 1 CSC .200 ; G/C= .145 ; G/C= .527 1 ._ 2 2 I " 1 = • , l_I- � .0" 1 G= 16 .Ci 5_a i'-�8 .0" 1 '•f +-R= 5 .0 " i -I-R= / n 1 '".(..R= 5 .0 " OFF .0% OFF=24. .5 ; OFF=42 .7% -------------------------- ----------- 110 sec 5= 96 .0 sec -- 87 .3% Y=14 .0 sec - 12 .7% Ped= .0 sec = .10' I 1 Lana ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj HCM ; L ; Maximum : Group Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E : Volume : V/C Delay i S 1 Queue S Approach 96 .0 F RT ; 12/1 ; .187 ; .218 ; 150 ; 314 ; 78 ; .248 ; 23 .0 ; C ; 95 ft ; LT, ; 24/2 ; .347 ; .218 ; 1 ; 701 ; 784 ; 1 .120 ; 103 .2 ; F 477 ft E Approach 17 .5 C+ RT ; 12/1 ; .442 ; .791 ; 1186 ; 1186 ; 602 ; .508 ; 2 .1 ; A ; 194 ft TH . 1 24/2 ; .537 . ; .545 i 1959 ; 1980 i 1924 i .972 ; 22 .4 ; C i 674 ft W Approach 7 .8 B+ TH, 24/2 .200 ; .727 ; 2405 ; 2405 ; 513 ; .213 ; 2 .3 ; A ; 116 .ft ; LT ; 12/1 ; .256 ; . 155 ; 1 ; 222 ; 112 ; .461 ; 33 .2 ; D ; 157 ft ; • I ' SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/c. S . 43RD ST ./SR 167 NB RAMPS 13=43:4 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGNAL85/TEAPAC [V2 L6 .2] - Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: ,Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .69 Vehicle Delay 13 .8 Level of Service Sq 13 I Phase 1 Phase 2 1 Phase 3 I _ . .,+.++.+- i .,+..+-+.+- / I \ I , \++++ I 1 ^ I I I I 'I ++++ North I; G+ +> -+-+++> ; -+-+++> 'I G/C= .225 G/C= .325 i G/C= .333 0= 27 .0" G= 39 .0" G= 40 .0" Y+R= 5 .0" Y+R= 4 .0" ; Y+R= 5 .0 " OFF= .0% OFF=26 .7 4 i OFF=62 .5 a C=120 sec G=106 .0 sec = 88 .3 o Y=14 .0 sec = 11 .7%n Ped= .0 :ec = ; Width/ ; g/C Lane' Service Rate ; Ad..; 1 HCM L : Maximum Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used C ( vph ) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay ; S ; Queue S Approach 27 .0 'C-+- RT ; 12/1 ; .225 ; .242 ; 136 ; 341 1 91 ; .266 ; 23 .9 ; C ; 119 ft LT, ; 24/2 ; .287 ; .242 ; 1 ; 763 ; 226 ; .296 ; 28 .3 ; D+ ; 148 ft E Approach 17 .8 C+ RT' ; 12/1 ; .283 ; .617 ; 895 ; 927- ; 328 ; .354 ; 5 .4 ; B+ : ' 211 ft - -; TH ; 24/2 ; .330 ; .350 ; 1132 ; 1274 ; 1048 ; .823 ; 21 .7 ; C ; 571 ft W Approach 9 .3 B+ TH' ; 24/2 ; .548 ; .708 ; 2496 ; 2496 ; 1892 ; .758 ; 6 .5 ; B+ ; 463 ft LT , ; 12/1 ; .346 ; .333 ; 282 1 558 ; 321 ; .575 ; 26 .2 ; D+ ; 359 ft SRRINGE3ROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9 S . 43RD ST,./TALBOT RD . S ./CARR RD . 13:44 :2 1995 AM PEAK HOUR • SIGNAL85/TEAPAC [V2 L6 .2] - Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .76 Vehicle Delay 24 .9 Level of Service Sq 76 , ; Phase 1 ; Phase 2 ; Phase 3 ; Phase 4 ; Phase 5 I I / I \ <+ + +> I <++'+'+ ' .+..,+--+..+. I I ^ ++++ v ++-+-+ - North , ; < +- + -t-) ±+++> ++ -+> + + + ++++ ++-+--+- •+, + .+- V, Gi C= .091 0/C= .145 G/C=. .082 ; G/C= .000 G/C= .491 u I I " II C�;= J.0 ,0 G= 16 .0" , 0�..,= 9 ,p G= .0" , G- 54 .0" YR.,.- " I i " i u 1 " I Y+R= " r-+�,- 5 .Q , '1,.,R= 5 .0 , Y+R= �-� .0 , '�r-+-R= �_ .0 , �I t ��.-- 5 .0 OFF= o, I �r_F_ry�y 3 o 32 o. I FF= % I % Q�� , `J�f I J.J �� , Vf- f�" =JG. 7u , OFF=44 .5%�+�4 5�c+ I �1�f�=i.�.(J ��-u C-1.10 sec G= 39 .0sec = 80 .9 o Y=21 .0 sec = 19 . 1% Ped= .0 sec = .0 Lane, ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj ; ; HCM ; L ; Maximum Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay S ; Queue • N Approach 51 .6 E RT, 12/1 .216 .109 • 1 ; 145 ; 145 .922 61 .0 ; F 201 -ft TH 12/1 .167 .109 1 ; 179 ; 25 . 131 28 .6 ; D+ 35 ft L"f' -_ . ... .._12/-1. . _....238 - - .109- 1-. ; 1-58 ;-- - 46 -:254 - -34 :3 -;.. D- ........_.64 :.f.t S Approach 42 .7 E+ TH;t°RT ; 12/1 ; .180 ; .164 ; 11 ; 278 ; 74 ; .262 ; 26 .1 ; D+ ; 98 ft LT ; 24/2 ; .290 .; ,T64 ; 1 ; 523 470 ; .882 ; 45 .3 ; E+ ; 310 f t ' E Approach 20 .6 C TH+RT ; 24/2 ; .491 ; .509 ; 1789 ; 1828 ; 1715 ; .939 ; 20 .2 ; C ; 650 ft ; LT ; 12/1 ; .236 1 .091 ; 1 ; 133 ; 42 ; .270 ; 35 .7 ; D ; 59 ft ; W Approach 12 .7 B RT 12/1 .087 .527 709 754 68 .090 6 .1 B+ 51 ft TH 24/2 .180 .527 1793 1824 470 - .258 - 6 .7- ' B+ -.175. .ft LT . 12/1 . .256 .109 1 157 116 .647 • 41 .1 E+ 163 ft 1 SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9 S. 43RD ST ./TALBOT RD . S ./CARR RD . 13:45• 0 1995 PM PEAK HOUR SIGNAL85/TEAPACIV2 L6 .2] - Capacity Analysis Summary :intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .66 Vehicle Delay 22 .9 Level of Service 5q 7 6 i Phase 1 i Phase 2 i Phase 3 Phase 4 i Phase 5 + + + + + + + + + +" i -+...+"+-+" / \ i <+ + +> <+ <+ <++++ v -+--+,.,+,.+ I i ' ++++ V +-++-+' North <.+ + -+-> ; +-+"++> ++++> ++++ + + •+ ++++ ; ++ V + + + V 1 G/C= .167 0/0= . 150 ; G/C .075 ; 0/C=- _ :1.- : C/C:= .275 G= 20 .0" I � G= 18 .0" G= 9 .0 I G= 1, .0 I I::. - 33 .G ' C 0" 1 Y+R= F .0 " '+' R= .0" YI-P A .0" I I -+"R= J .0" OFF= .0 j OFF=20 .8 j 1OF =i+.O .0% O F r0 .3-';> i _;Fi =6S .3", C=120 sec G= 97 .0 sac = 80 .8? Y=23 .0 sec =- J9 .2% P. d= .0 sac = .0. Lane : Width: : g/C : Service Rate : Adj i i wV HCM I L ; Maximum Group 1 Lanes : Reqd Used 1 C ( vph ) E : Volume : V/C i Delay i S i Queue N Approach 38 .0 D ' RT, 12/1 .282 .450 557 657 235 ; .358 ; 14 .1 B ; 217 :ft TH 12/1 .237 .167 1 286 157 ; .534 ; 30 .8 D+ ; 219 ft LT-.- 12/1 -- .327 .167- • - - -1 - - 256 ---261 ; -.934 : -63 .8- --..E i---364- ft S Approach 30 .8 D+ TH+-RT ; 12/1 ; .227 ; .183 ; 1 ; 306 ; 119 ; .381 ; 28 .1 ; Di- ; 163 f t LT ; 24/2 ; .282 ; .-183 ; 1 ; 596 ; 192 ; .315 ; 32 .4 : D+ ; 132 ft ' E Approach 24 .3 C TH+RT ; 24/2 ; .281 ; .292 i 864 ; 1033 ; 820 ; .794 ; 23 .2 ; C ; 488 ,f.t LT ; 12/1 ; .272 ; .083 ; 1 ; 116 ; 56 ; .392 ; 40 .5 ; E+ ; 86 ft W Approach - 15 .6 C+ RT 12/1 .275 .675 968 987 306 .310 3 .8 i A : 166',ft TH 24/2 .404 .467 1573 1651 - 1316 .797 -- 16 .1 ; C+ ; 587: ft LT 12/1 .312 .258 1 422 214 .493 29 .5 ; :;D+; 265''ft SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/(::: 5 . 43RD ST ./TALBOT RD . S ./CARR RD . 13: 45: 4 1997 AM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL85/TEAPAC (_V2 L6 .2] -- Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : ;Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .79 Vehicle Delay 28 .0 Level of Service C Sq 76 . Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 P a S e 4 Phase :;� • + + i~ + ..+- + ..I--+•-f-+ (+ + +i (+.+-+'+ ++++ V -F-+•++ North , <..+- . +> .+.-+--+-+i -+-..+._+.a.i + `+" + ++++ ++"+'+ ..+. ..+. .+. G/C= .091 ; G/C= .145 G/C= .082 ; G/C=- .000 ; G/C= .491 6= 10 .0" G= 16 .0" G= 9 0 " ; G= .0" G= 54 .0" ••I...}.r.-- 5 .G `1`+r. .a .0 Y-+'R-- r •- r,...- 5 G OFF= .0% OFF=13 .6 o OFF=32 .7% ; OFF=44 .5% �( t.=110 sec G= 89 .0 sec = 8 0 .9% Y=21 .0 sec = 19 .1% Ped= .0 sec = .0 Lane. :Width/1 g/C ; Service Rate ; Adj HCM L : Maximum Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used 1 C ( vph) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay ; S ; Queue N Approach 54 .9 E RT' 12/1 .218 .109 i 1 i 145 i 149 i .947 i 66 .0 i F i 207 f't TH 12/1 . 168 . 109 ; 1 179 ; 26 ; .137 ; 28 .6 ; D+ ; 36 ft • . . -LT, - -- - 12/1 - :238 .109 ; - - 1 ; 158 ; • 47 ;- :260 ; 34-.-3 ; -D 1. --- 65. f t S Approach 48 .5 E+ TH-+•RT ; 12/1 ; . 182 ; .164 ; 11 ; 277 ; 79 ; .280 ; 26 .2 ; D-+• ; 104 ft LT , 24/2 ; .294 ; .164 1 ; 523 ; 499 ; .936 52 .0 E 329 ft : E Approach 23 .7 C TH+RT ; 24/2 ; .504 ; .509 ; 1789 ; 1828 ; 1769 ; .968 ; 23 .4 ; C ; 671 ft : LT ; 12/1 ; .237 ; .091 1 1 ; 133 ; 44 ; .283 ; 35 .7 ; D ; 62 ft : W Approach 12 .9 • B . RT ; 12/1 .090 .527 709 754 ; 72 .096 6 .1 B+ °54 ft TH ; ; 24/2 . 184 .527 1793 1824 ; 485 .266 6 .7 B+ 180:,,ft LT ; 12/1 • .257 .109 1 157 ; . 120 .669 42 .0 E + 168 ft • • SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/s S. 43RD ST ./TALBOT RD . S ./CARR RD . 13: 46: 1 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL85/TEAPAC [V2 L6 .2] - Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .69 Vehicle Delay 24 .0 Level of Service Sq 76 Phase a Phase 2 nh a.. c 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 LGf + + + +- ± /I \ (+ + +> f+ f+ f +-+++ r +++.1• .V .I..i.+.+- N o r t h, f +- + •i-> +-+--I•-I-> +-+•,I-•+-> ++++ + + + ++++ ++++ 'V I. ..I.. ..I. ' i i G/C= . 167 G/C .150 i G/C .075 j G/C- . 142 i G/'O-- .275 r` 0 r ° 9 -.� ., . _ " M •7 r �i= 2 . ,� Ci-- 1� .i�" , t;i-- . �; , i�i= ...' .r:.� , is- �,� � " Y+R= n /...R= 5 .0" .i R-- ' " .. u , iP COFF= .0% OFF=20 .3% OF".._40 ..0% OFF-50 ..5% OFF=68 .'3% 2 G= '7 .0 s � 30 3�: = c^C 'J ' tJ'u (-,�.:5 �� �.^C -- 19 .2% i,�.:i,l- .0 svG .0 Lane : Width! : g/C i Service Rate : Ad HCM ,l i� , , L : Maximum Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E \Fo I um :� 1 , V/C r, Delay r, S , Queue N Approach 40 .9 E+ RT . 12/1 .286 .450 557 657 242 .369 ; 14 .2 B 223 ft TH 12/1 .239 .167 1 286 163 .554 ; 31 .1 D+ 228 ft LT. _12/1- .329_ . _ .167 -- - -_. 1 --.. 256.- 270 -.966 ; •- 70:6---- F. --377 .ft S Approach 30 .9 D+ TH+RT ; 12/1 ; .229 ; .183 ; 1 ; 305 ; 125 ; .401 ; 28 .3 ; D+ ; 172 ft LT ; 24/2 ; .283 ; :183 ; 1 ; 596 ; 204 ; .335 ; 32 .5 ; D ; 140 ft E Approach - 25 .3 D+ 1 Ty+RT ; 24/2 ; .287 ; .292 ; 864 ; 1033 ; 846 ; .819 ; 24 .2 ; C ; 503 ft LT ; 12/1 ; .273 ; .083 ; 1 ; 116 ; 60 ; .420 ; 40 .9 ; E+ ; 92 ft W Approach 16 .1 C+ RT 12/1 .289 .675 968 987 328 .333 3 .9 A 178=f t TH 24/2 .414 .467 1573. 1651 1357 .822 - _16 .9 - C+ 605-•aft . LT 12/1 . .315 .258 1 422 221 .509 29 .7 D+ 274 =!ft SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/S S. 43RD ST ./TALBOT RD . S ./CARR RD . 13: 46: 4 1997 AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGNALS5/TEAPAC [V2 L6 .2] -- Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages : Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .79 Vehicle DelaY 29 .5 Level of Service E S 76 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Ph^.a. 5 + + + I I I I I I I I / \ < i + +) i (++•r+ V i •I +++ -r+++ v -r-r+ North <-r •I• +> -r+++> ++++) + + + ++++ ++++ + -1- •+• ; v v G/C= .091 G/C= .145 G/C- .082 G/C= .000 i G/0 - . 49 3= 10 .0" G= 16 .0" G- 9 .0 ", G= .0 " G-= 54 .0 " rI-R= 5 .0" Y-+.R= 5 .0" Y-I-R= 4 .0 Y + R= .0" 'Y +-R= 5 .0 " I OFF= .0% OFF=13 .6% OFF=32 .7% OFF- ` 'I .5% i OFF =46 0=110 sec G= 89 .0 sec = 80 .9% Y=21 .0 sec = 19 .1% Pad= .0 sec -- .0 Lane ; Width/ ; g/C ; Service Rate ; Ad•j ; HCM I L : Maximum M I 1" axl.ml..1m Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E ; Volume ; V/C ; Delay ; S ; Queue N Approach 54 .9 E RT' 12/1 .218 .109 ; 1 145 ; 149 ; .947 ; 66 .0 ; F 207 ft TH: 12/1 . 168 .109 ; 1 179 26 ; . 137 ; 28 .6 ; D+ 36 ft LT - -12/1- . . . ..238 .109 . ; 1 158 ; . 47 -..-_..:260 ; 34 .3 -1...D .65_. ft S Approach 56 .0 E TH+-RT ; 12/1 ; .184 ; .164 ; 11 ; 275 ; 84 ; .300 ; 26 .3 ; D+ ; 111 ft LT ; 24/2 ; .298 ; .164 ; 1 ; 523 ; 524 ; .983 ; 60 .8 ; F ; 345 ft E Approach 23 .8 C TH-rRT ; 24/2 ; .504 ; .509 ; 1789 ; 1828 ; 1769 ; .968 ; 23 .4 ; C ; 671 ft LTi ; 12/1 ; .237 ; .091 ; 1 1 133 ; 45 ; .289 ; 35 .8 ; D ; 63 ft W Approach 12 .9 B RT; 12/1 .095 .527 709 754 78 .104 6 .1 B+ 58 :f t : TH 24/2 .184 .527 1793 1824 485 .266 6 .7 B+ 1801ft LT 12/1 .257 .109 1 157 120 .669 42 .0 E+ 168 ft SPRINGBROOKE CONDOMINIUMS 12/29/9 S . 43RD ST ./TALBOT RD . S ./CARR RD . 13:47: 1 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGNAL85/TEAPAC [V2 L6 .2] - Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation ( V/C ) .69 Ver0.cle Delay 23 .9 Level of Service 5q 7• V Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase i Phase 5 LC/nn I,.,._.,......_.�_........... ....................._..._ .....,.._...._.._.__ _....._...... _......... .� _...._.,............_ + .+_ !- +- -+ L._+_.+- \ \+ + +> <.+. V +-+_'+_ +- ^ ++++ V North <.-+- + +> +._r.+..+-> + + + +> ++++ + + + f-+++ ++++ 4V -+- + .L V 'v G/C= . 167 + /C= . 150 u/C= ,-0 7 (?, . 142 r"__`C/_ = .275 G- 20 .0" I G= ,10 .0 " 1 G= J .0" I (- qq i I 33 .0" .0" I^- 5 .0" I t. R.... ti u I OFF= .0% i OFF=20 .8% i . OFF--;.0 ,0% 0 i" :;50 .8% OFF=68 .3%, ,0=120 sec G- 97 .0 sec -- 80 .8% 23 .O sec - Ped= .0 sec - .0 Lane : Width/ 1 g/C ; Service Rate ; Ad.] HCM ; L ; Maximum Group ; Lanes ; Reqd Used ; C ( vph ) E ; Vo.Lume I V C ' I I I / I Delay S� Queue N Approach 40 .9 E+ RT 12/1 ; .286 .450 557 657 ; 242 .369 ; 14 .2 B 223 ft TH 12/1 ; .239 . 167 1 286 ; 165 .561 ; 31 .2 D+ 230 ft _LT_ .. -- . 12/1 _ i- .329 .167-- .. -. 1 256 1 :_270 .966 i 70 .6 F 377- ft S Approach '31 .1 D+ TH+RT ; 12/1 i .230 i .183 i 1 i 305 i 128 1 .411 i 28 .4 i D+ i 176 ft , LT ; 24/2 ; .284 1 . .83 ; 1 ; 596 ; 217 ; .356 ; 32 .7 ; D ; 149 ft E Approach 25 .5 D+ TH+RT ; 24/2 ; .287 ; .292 ; 864 ; 1033 ; 846 ; .819 ; 24 .2 ; C ; 503 ft LT, : 12/1 ; .274 1 .083 i 1 ; 116 i 65 1 .455 i 41 .4 i E+ I 100 . ft W Approach 16 .0 . C+ RT, 12/1 .304 .675 , 968 987 351 .356 4 .0 A 191 .:ft TH 24/2 .414 .467 1573 1651 1357 .822 16 .9 C+ 6O5 f.t LT, 12/1 _ .315 .258 1 422 221 .509 29 .7 D1 -. 27,4:.ft 1 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HGS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 1 * ** Kok,********ak*****=k :%K=k*********: ;{:************;K=Y.;k;t* ****%Y*** .: .:. - File Name 1495A .HCO Streets: ( N-S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( C-W ) 5 . 55TH ST . Major Street Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) Analyst RMH Date of Analysis 12/19/95 Other Information 1995 AM PEAK HOUR Two-way Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T P L T R No . Lanes 0> 1 ( 0 0> 1 ( 0) 1( 0 0) 1< 0 Stop/Yield MI N Volumes 0 302 1 ; 15 59 0 1 0 1 ; 10 0 374 PHF .88 .88 88 j .82 .62 .8 .5 .5 j .87 .87 .87 7 1 Grade -_ .3 3 MC 's ( % i 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 , 0 G 01 0 0 0 5U/RV ' ( % ) 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 ; 0I 0 0 0 CV_'s ( u ) , 0 0 0 ; 0 ., 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 PCE 's ; 1 .4 1 . 4 1 . '4 1 1 1 1 L . 1 1 .4 1 , 1 ; 1 1 1 Adjustment _.otur:_ Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap i, tg )) Time ( tf ) Left Turn Major Road 5 .00 2 . 10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 . 50 3 .40 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation • HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 2 • *.... . L*.* ***** .a...✓•.i.****************************************** Wor kSheet tar TWSC Intersection Step 1 : RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 302 59 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 973 1293 1 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 973 1293 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 1 .00 Step 2: LT fr om Major Street • Jam_._ NB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 303 59 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1229 1607 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1229 1607 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .99 1 .00 T!H Saturation Flow Rata : ( pcphp.L ) 1700 1700 I,T Catur _.t_Lo i Flow Rate . ( pcphpl ) • 1700 1700 Major LT Shared o i Queue-free State : 0 .98 1 .00 Sep 3 • TM from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting ing Flows: ( vph ) 7 377 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 693 692 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .98 0 .98 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 682 681 Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .00 1 .00 Step 4 : LT from Minor Street • WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 377 564 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 640 499 • Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : 0 .98 0 .98 Adjusted Impedance Factor : 0 .99 0 .99 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .99 0 .55 • Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 631 275 • ' Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 3 *************************************************************** Intersection Performance Summary FlowRate .MoveCap SharedCap Avg .Total Delay Movement v( pcph ) Cm( pcph ) Csh( pcph ) Delay LOS By APP EB L S 275 > > > 134 8 .0 S 8 .0 EB R 1295 WS L 11 631 > > > 960 6 .9 8 6 .9 QE R 430 973 ) > > SB L 13 1229 0 .0 A 0 .6 Intersection Delay = 3 .6 '' Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 1 ;K*T*:Y%nT 1—r tt T*********%t+*********%k*****%X:K*************% *********** File Name I495P .HCO Streets: ( N-S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( E-W ) 5 . 55TH ST . • Major Street Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) Analyst RMH pate of Analysis 12/19/95 Other Information 1995 PM PEAK -HOUR Two-way Stop-controlled Intersection --- , Northbound Southbound ; Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No . Lanes ; 0> 1< 0 0> 1 < 0 0> 1< 0 0> 1 < 0 Stop/Yield ; N . N Volumes i 2 91 10 378 414 3 1 2 1 11 0 84 m.- .. 9 jai .969 9 r riff, �r� , ,a .96 . ,6 ..) .5 .79 .79 .79 Ci1-•7.C{e 2 42 3 _3 M1 C 's ( % ) ; 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 ,U/RV 's ( % ) ; 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 25 0 ' 0 0 0 CV 's ( =a ) ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-- POE 's ; 1 .4 1 .4 1 .4 ; 1 1 1 1 .4 1 .8 1 .4 1 1 1 • Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) Time ( tf ) . i Left Turn Major Road • 5 .00 - 2 .10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 . . I • • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation • HCS : lJnsignalized Intersection y Release 2 .1 L L �y Paget' 2 •L+L.I...L...L..A,.V..4.A...4.A.,.L.A,..L.L.J *L..V..1...1 *** L•L****iri1,.P****..* V LTTW* .'1��1 ****** m,r m,n-r,r.•r•r,r+r m.n,r�•,r,ram n,r n,,.,K%K, m ,I, •-r n. 'K%K%r%r;%K%�%K%K yh:r r • Wor !Sheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : PT from Minor Street WE EB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 96 416 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1238 852 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) .'1 1238 • 852 Prob . of Queue-�•I ee State: 0 .91 1 .00 Step 2: LT from Major Street 1, NB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 101 417 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1534 1085 . Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1534 1085 Prob of Queue -free State: 0 .74 1 .00 TH Saturation Flow Rate: / ` pcp'hp'l i 1700 1700 PT SatI.J.ratio'n Flow Rate : ( p•cpiIpl ) 1700 1700 Major LT Shared I_ I I _ no Prob . of Queue-free State : 0 . 6 1 .00 Step 3 : TI I from Minor or Street WS FB Conflictino Flows : h • ) 393 J / Potential Capacity : ( ;pcph ) 371 369 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .65 0 .65 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 242 241 Prof . of 'Queue-free State: 1 .00 0 .97 Step 4 : LT from Minor Street W6 EB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 893 934 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 322 305 Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : • 0 .63 0 .65 Adjusted Impedance Factor : 0 .72 0 .73 . Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0..71 0 .67 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 230 204 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation . MCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 . Page 3 **** Iliv-i.************4:*****A.g.*),:******A.A.************************* Intersection Performance Summary • FlowRate MoveCap SharadCap Avg .Total Delay Movement v( pcph ) Cm( pcph ) Csh( pcph ) Delay LOS By APP L_L. L 204 ) T L. 241 ) > 13 .7 / C 13 .7 c.(.7 852 )c., R !AB L 14 -)30 ) 819 5 .1 0 5 .1 - WB R 106 1238 > NB L 1085 3 .3 A 0 .1 cr.) 394 1534 3 .2 A 1 .5 InLersection Delay 1 .7 • • • • • . • . . , . • _ _ _ . • • ' . • • • , • • • ,• , - i • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation • • HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 1 *************** *************************y*;.r******************** File Name I497AWO .HCO Streets: ( N-S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( 3--4 ) S . 55TH ST . Major Street Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) Analyst RPM-I Date of Analysis 12/19/95 . Other Information 1 997 AM PEAK HOUR- WITHOUT- PROJECT, - Two-way Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No . Lanes 0> 9.< 0 0> 1 , 0 0) 1 ( 0 0> 1C0 Stop/Yield N N Volumes 0 312 1 18 S3 0 1 0 1 10 0 387 PHF .88 .88 .88 .82 .82 .82 .3 .5 .87 .87 .87 Grade .-, -3 M C 's ( % ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JUl/RV ' ( ) 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 U CV 's ( w ) 0 0 0 0 :' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 POE 1 .4 1 .4. 1 1. 1 .4 1 .4 1 1 1 Adjustment Factors • Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) Time ( tf ) Left Turn Major Road 5 .00 2 . 10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 2 }* ***= n*** *= ************************************************** WorkSheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 312 t. 63 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 962 123.6 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 962 1286 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .54 1 .00 Step LT from Major Street S8 NB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 313 63 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 1216 1600 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 1216 1600 Prob . of Queue--free State: 0 .98 1 .00 TH Saturati.on Flow Rate : ( pcphpl ) 1700 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate: ( pcphpl ) 1700 1700 Maio,- LT Shared Lane Prob of Queue-free State : 0 .98 1 .00 3 TH from Minor Street W8 EB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 394 394 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 678 678 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .98 0 .98 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 665 665 Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .00 1 .00 Step 4 : LT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 394 587 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 626 484 Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : 0 .98 0 .98 Adjusted Impedance Factor : - 0 .99 0 .99 - Capacity "Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .9E 0 .53 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 616 256 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation {CS. Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 3 *:i:*;K*;r;;:*•r";-:;::r:, , ^ ;r.:;,",;r. ,*.,,; * 4* * ***** J *** :** • Intersection Performance Summary FlowRate MoveCap Sha.'r edCa('� i r�J�1 Delay I .T0�;cif Movement vI. pcph ; Ci11( p,.ph ) Csf"i( pcph ) Delay LOS BY A pp EB L 3 '256 427 8 .6 0 3 .6 EC236 •. V.I::i i �.:.:_�w J i 146 L i 1 616 > G� �7 4 7 7 .W B / 14B R 445 962 > S B L 2_ 1216 3 .0 A 0 .7 - a- ,_ ; J_I I�.. 1 4�.%�,:4 J..�J i I Delay 3 .7 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS '- Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 1 =K *****************************=k-*******% *************:ik=k*****%K** File Name I497PWO .HCO Streets: ( N-S ) TALBOT RD . S . E__ ) r J 5( - W j S . JTH ST . ' Major Street. Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) Analyst . . . . RMH Date of Analysis 12/19/95 Other .Information 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT . Two-way Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound No . Lanes 0> 1 < 0 0> 1C 0 0> 1 < 0 0> 1 < 0 Stop/Yield N I•� Volumes 2 96 10 391 428 3 1 2 1 11 0 90 PHF .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 96 5 c.. �a c .5 .5 ; .7 , .. , .7 3 Grade -2 -3 IC 's` ( o ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0O j 00 I`1f SU/ '`4 ( u ) 0 0 0 0 0 �✓ 0 5 '•.l I �..: �.. 0 C'J 's ( % ) 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 PCE 's 1 .4 1 . 4 1 .4 1 1 1 1 . 4 1 .8 1 .41 1 1 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) Time ( tf ) Left Turn Major Road 5 .00 2 . 10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page . 2 • Nor kShe. t for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : RT from Minor Street NIB ES Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 101 430 - - Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1231 838 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1231 838 L.�.J Prob . o f Queue-free State : 0 .91 1 .00 Step 2 : LT from Major Street SS NB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 106 431 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1526 1068 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1526 1068 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .73 1 .00 TH Saturation Flow Rate: ( p php.L ) 1700 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate : ( pcph;»l ) 1700 1700 Major L Shared Laing Prop . • of Queue--free State : 0 .64 1 .00 r_:, 3 : TH from Minor Street NB ES Conflicting Flows ( vph ) '?2w 928 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 357 355 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .64 0 .64 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 227 226 Prob . of Queue-free State : 1 .00 0 .97 • Step 4 : LT from Minor Street . WB ES - Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 925 968 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 308 291 Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : 0 .62 0 .64 • _. Adjusted Impedance Factor : 0 .70 • 0 .72 - _.. ' Capacity Adjustment Factor - ' due to Impeding Movements 0 .70 0 .65 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 215 189 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 3 :i:;K******1< :;k=Y.;f:************1 ****************** ***** *****1 ** Intersection Performance Summary 1OWRate MoveCap SharedCap Avg .Total Delay Movement v( pcph ) Cm( pcph ) Csh( poph ) Delay LOS By App L.L J l_ .j 182 > ED T 7 22S > 258 i 14 .7 7 C 14 .: NB L 14 215 > ) > 812 rlB R 114 1231 NB L ' 1068 A 0 .1 SB L 407 1526 3 .2 A 1 :intersection Delay = 1 .8 . • Center For Microcomputers 11- Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersectiony y `.Release 2 .1 y y y yyyPage 1 - ::j:;�%i :k..—V :�::'I•;y;'I�:'i:n� ,'i ,f "' -k rm%K%I,:i•Tif•% .1•:h*%I,; T:h%T+%�: *. %K**mm%�T**4:*TTT*mm**r* File Name I497RW .HCO Streets: ( N-S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( E-W ) S . 55TH ST . Major Street Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) Analyst RMH Date of Analysis 12/19/'95 Other Information 1997 AM . PEAK. HOUR_ WITH PROJECT Two-way Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No . Lanes 0> 1 ( 0 0> 1< 0 0> 1 < 0 0> 1 < 0 Stop/Yield i N N Volumes 0 313 1 23 67 0 1 0 1 10 0 388 PHF .88 .88 .83 .82 .82 .82 .5 .5 .5 .87 .87 .87 MC ' ( % ) ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :;U 'R V 's ( s ) ; 0 0 0 0 ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C'•.V' 's ( % ) ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P\.�E 's i 1 .4 1 .4 1 .4 1 1 1 1 .4 1 .4 1 .4 1 1 1 • . Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) - Time ( tf ) Left Turn Major Road . 5 .00 - .2 .10 - Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 • • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 2 ******=n*=k%K****************************************************** WorkSheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : RT from Minor Street WB E5 Conflicting Flows: ( vph-) 314 67 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 960 1281 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 960 1281 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .54 1 .00 Step 2 : LT from Major Street SB NB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 314 67 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1215 1593 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 1215 1593 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .98 1 .00 Ti i Saturation Flow Rate: ( pcphpl ) 1700 1700 PT Saturation Flow Rate : ( pcphpl ). 1700 1700 Major LT Shared Lane Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .98 1 .00 Step 3 : TH from Minor Street WS FS Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 404 404 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 670 670 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .98 0 .98 . Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 654 654 Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .00 1 .00 Step 4 : LT from Minor Street • WE EB • Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 404 598 • Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 618 477 Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : 0 .98 0 .98 Adjusted Impedance Factor : 0 .98 0 .98 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .98 0 .53 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 605 251 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 3 ;,:*'S *'I* • *** ****mac*;i****************** Intersection Performance Summary FlowRa.te MoveCap SI-IaredCap Avg .Total Delay Movement v(. pcph ) Cm( pcph ) Csh( pc:ph ) Delay LOS By App EC I,_ 3 251 > > , 420 5 . 7 B 3 .7 ED R 3 1281 > > > WC L 11 605 > ! i 947 7 .3 E 7 .3 WC P 446 960 > > > SC L t 4 1215 3 .0 A 0 . J.iII: er J Ul_1oIl L) 1ay = 3 .7 ' Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 • Page' 1 I*%'.* *: ****:i:;n%i�%�'X=K%K%�•:kfi*;�:K:�*%i�:Y.:Y.%K %r%K%k'-'�';Y•%�c;;:Jr%! y;K%k�r;= %K:K%k�'i.=k=k�X.=K>"i.`-Y�%kyiC%KXy:X*%k=t; File le Name 1 i/JfW .HC0 Streets: ( N-C ) TALBOT RD . S . ( E-W ) S . 55TH ST . Major Street Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min) Analyst RMH Date of Analysis 12/19/95 Other Information 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT Two-way Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R L T R L T R .. ' No . Lanes i 0) 1 0 0> 1 ( 0 0> 1 ( 0 0> 1 : 0 Stop/Yield ; N N Volumes 2 100 10 393 430 3 1 2 1 11 0 95 PHF .96 96 9 •J i 9/ .(7)6 96 PJ .5 .5 .79 .79 .79 Grade I I I - 3 /� MC 's ( % ) ; 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S U)/RV ' .� ( ) I 0 0 0 : 0 ;.J 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 CV 's ( ti ) I 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 .J 0 00 0 0 r 7 I { �,C 1 .4 .. <•r a . •�r I; I 1 1 .4 1 .8 1 .4 ._ 1 1 - Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow�up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) Time ( tf ) Left Turn Major Road • 5 .00 2 .10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 2 ****** ** .* ; * :. ** :;is**************:K*%Y********* **************** WorkSheet for TWSC Intersection SLap 1 : PT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 105 432 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) .12.'S 836 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1225 336 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .90 1 .00 Step 2: LT from Major Street Su NB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 110 433 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1519 1066 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1519 1066 Prob. of Queue-free State : 0 .73 1 .00 TH Saturation Flow Pate . ( pcphp1 ) 1700 1700 :"1 Saturation ion Flow Rate : ( cphpl ) 1700 1700 Major o LT Shared Lane Prob . of Queue-free SLate . 0 .63 1 .00 Step :' 'f,-i from Minor Street 6'JE EB Conflicting ( vph ) 933 936 l-i i_..}i1 is i Capacity : ( pcph ) 353 352 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .63 0 .63- Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 223 222 • Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .00 0 .97 Steep 4 : LT from Minor Street W8 ES Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) • 933 979 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 305 287 Major LT , Mi nor TiH Impedance Factor : 0 .61 0 .63 Adjusted Impedance Factor : 0 .70 0 .71 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .69 0 .64 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 212 185 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS:-- Unsignalized Intersection`` Release 2 .1 Page 3 it•**1ci ** :k%1* n****i* 4 *i 1 *.j***:1`****ICK***mot.* :i:*.1.**i * *1' i :i*;tiil ***** * i Intersection Performance Summary Flow Rate MoveCap S1haredCap Avg .TI otal Delay Movement 'v( pcph ) Cm( pcph ) `Csh( pcph ) Delay LOS wy App ES L 2 185 > . > ) ES T 7 253 > 15 .0 > C. 13 .0 836 • Wa L 14 212 > > 817 5 .3 E 5 .2 II V�u R 120 1225 > NB L 1066 3 .4 A 0 .1 SB L 409 1519 1 .5 Intersection Delay 1 .8 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 1 **:f :** i:*:k*** ***'-'Y.'* * ***************************************;;:%i* File Name I597AW .HCO Streets : ( N.-S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( F -W ) NORTH SITE ACCESS Major. Street Direct ion NS Length ofTime Analyzed . _ 60 ( min ) Analyst RMH . Date of Analysis 12/19/95 h r Information . . . 1- AM PEAK HOUR I PROJECT Other .�i11'�,'riTiu�7.irii 1997 r-�...�-��. i 101..,-� WITH i I-nQ..T�I..T Two --way Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound . L T R L T R ! T ' R L T R No . Lanes 0 1 : 0 0> 1 0 0 0 0 0> 1 ( 0 Stop/Yield N N Volumes 626 1 4 107 . 0 19 PHF .88 .83 .62 .82 .5 .6 Grade 1 --1 :s 0 MC '.s ( '=., ) 0 0 0 r0 0 0 0 SU.�RV� a ( % ) O . 0 0 __ 0. _ 1. 0.�, 0 CV ''s :% ) i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P O E 's , 1 . 1 1 .1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 .1 Adjustment Factors • • Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) . Time ( tf ) Left Turn Major Road 5 .00 2 . 10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road • 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 2 • **************n:.;W*****.:* ****** :** *********:, ***************** i WorkSheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : PT from Minor Street W8 EB • Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 626 • P_ Capacity : :.. 7 Potential ��� Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 667 Prob . of Queue-free State: 0 .95 Step 2 : LT from Major Street SB CIE Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 627 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 862 Movement : Capacity: ( peph ) 862 Prob , of Queue-free tale: 0 .99 TH Saturation Flow Rate: ( pcphp.L ) 1700 PT Saturation Flow Rate; ( pcph 1 ) Major _ LT. Shared Lane Pro . of Queue-free Stata : 0 .99 Step 1- 3 TH \ Street i- .^e�' !J B ..i�.ti.•p .� • from Minor v�i,i wviw • Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 733 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 447 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .99 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 444 • Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .00 Step 4: LT from Minor Street . WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 738 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 396 ' Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : 0 .99 Adjusted Impedance Factor : 0 .99 Capacity Adjustment Factor • due to Impeding Movements 0 .99 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 393 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 3 *** ***-1<* \*w*;Y:K=Y.y:;{c* ,;;:* ik=Y.Y*.;:.K*****:<***X. :.:. **y:****.;:,y.***** **1 Intersection Performance Summary FlowRate MoveCap SharedCap � A g .Total Dela • y Movement v( pop � Cm( PCpl ) Cs / C .p Delay LOS BY HP P - ------ WO L J / ` S90 j . .O WO R 35 667 > i J L 6 4 .2 I 0 . 1 Intersection Delay = 0 .2 • • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 1 W W` 1• *• W*• W*•L W• W• ** L * * W * W W W W 1.** ..�-r.,+l:;f::��;�,y;-�..K%K'-1��,.-I,�,:K%K::#�•n.,,-�=K-�#:-n.K.r.r%K%t•y:%K;1:%K-�y:-r.;�%K�.%K;K%K%K;�'X.-r`*%K,n�:mil•-r--r>K�r%K�.%r-r-r.*".r. File Name T 597PW .HC0 Streets: ( N-S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( E-W ) NORTH SITE ACCESS Major Street Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) Analyst; RMH Date of Analysis 12/:19/95 Other Information 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT Two-way Stop--controlled Intersection L...____.____---- Northbound W-_ Southbound Eastbound Westbound Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R ; L T R L T R No . Lanes 0 1< 0 0> 1 0 ; 0 0 0 0 1 < 0 Stop/Yield N N Volumes L 11F,J 4 19 675 ; 2 0 10 pHF .96 .96 .96 ,96 ; .6 .5 .6 d -1 C 0 MC 's ( =,; ) 0 ; 0 0 ; 0 0 0 ,� '.s , ?_ .-, 1 ,Ut I,V j 0 0 0 i �� 0. Q dv s ( o ) Q 0 ; 0 0 ; ; 0 0 0 PCE 's 1 . 1 1 . 1 ; 1 . 1 1 . 1 ; ; 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 .1 Adjustment Factors Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) Time ( tf ) - Left Turn Major Road 5 .00 2 . 10 . - Fight Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road - 6 .50 3 .40 - Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 2 **** *******;K=k;*******.I *X;K*•,K*****4-.* k** *4.* *4:*;L. ..LW.L.L* .** • • • I,Jork:Sheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : RT from Minor Street WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 247 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 103E Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1038 Prob . of Queue--free State 0 .93 Step 2: LT from Major Street S ; NB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 249 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) _ 1304 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 1304 • Prob . of Queue-free State : 0 .98 TH Saturation Flow Rate: ( pcphpl ) 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate : ( pcphpl ) Major LT Shared Lane Prob - - - • - of Queue-free State : 0 ,9; Step 3 : TH I f rom Minor Street WC Fi;J Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 941 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 350 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .97 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 339 Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .00 Step 4 : LT from Minor Street • WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 941 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 302 Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : 0 .97 Adjusted Impedance Factor : - 0 .97 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .97 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 293 • • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 3 ";r r:};,;;:p:;,* *** **** c;;:, ;K;1,***y;y:***yc;K:l:y:***;:k**;k** *;K***r******=K** • Intersection Performance Summary FlowRate MoveCap SharedCap ;vg .Total Delay. Movement v( r p ` ) ( p p� ) C.sh ( , p` ) Delay LO S BY App c��� Cm c-� � .��� ac �� lJ3 L 2 C 771 4 .8 A 4 .8 • W6 R .1 . 10- J > / SB L. 22 1304 2 .8 ' A 0 . 1 Intersection Delay = 0 .1 • • • • • • • • • • • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS� : Unsiyygnali� zed Intersection 11.yyRelease 2 . 1 Page� 11''1 . T.n****`********* •ice***h**** *********r*****`** :il:** *****I� ********* File Name I697AI4 ,HCO Streets: ( N-S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( E-•W ) SOUTH SITE ACCESS Major Street Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) Analyst RMH Date of Analysis 12/1>.`9 5 Other Information 1997 AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT Two `';Jay Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound Southbound i Eastbound Westbound L T L T DI L T P L T R No . Lanes 0 1< 0 0> 1 0 : _ 0 0 0> 1 : 0 Stop/Yield N N Volumes 617 1 2 109 2 0 6 Grade 1 IMIC s ( % ) C' 0 0 0 i 0 0 r0 5 Ui R V 'J 4,/ 'o ) 00 - 0 0 0 -- 0 V 's ( % ) C% U POE ':s 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 i i 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 Adjustment Factor::: • Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) Time ( tf ) Left Turn Major Road • 5 .00 2 . 10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS : Unsignalized Intersection Release y2 . 1 y y y y y P`agwe.y2y 4**4: `h.h ��nil�r 1 i�rv..�...✓-.nW.{...1�**W•L.L-.✓*********W�✓.✓.L**it*h******************m* 1orkSh :et for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : RT from Minor Street NB EB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 618 Potential Capacity : (pcph ) 673 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) �7 Prob . of Quou -free Stat:. 0 .98 Step LT from oIn Major Street ` u NB Conflicting. Flows : ( vph ) 618 Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 370 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 870 Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .0n TH Saturation Flow Rats ( pcphp,L ) 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate : ( ;'c='hp i ) Ni - -QY LT Shared b oF Queue-free State: 1 .00 Step TH.f from Minor J t I I_, W U EB Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 728 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 453 Capacity Adjustment Factor . Impeding Moveme 1 .00 duo � lit:a Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 452 Prob . of Queue-free State: 1 .00 Step 4 : LT from Minor Street • WB EB • Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 728 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 401 Major LT , Minor TH impedance• Factor : 1 .00 Adjusted Impedance Factor : 1 .00 Capacity Adjustment Factor • due to Impeding Movements 1 .00 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 400 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HICS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Page 3 ;t*:a*** :**** , , ,--;-;,:y-;;<-, , <•;-*:i:;;;:r.:, * , :r.*** , *********** rer F:.>rman'. Summary 'loiRa.te P'toveCep SheredCap Avg .Total Delay Movement v( pc:pfl ) Cm( popf i ) Csh( popi i ) Delay LOS uy ;pp -------- WB L C 400 > i ) r� 537 6 .3 L). 6 .3 WB R 11 673 > `1c3 L L 70 4 . 1 cni 0 . 1 Interaecticn Delay = 0 .1. • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS = Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 . 1 Page 1 =K L=K'-Y.********* * * ** ** %i * :****** *** *********************n=K; * ( File Name�. . . . . . , . . ., Io97PW .HC0 Streets : ( N S ) TALBOT RD . S . ( E-W ) SOUTH SITE ACCESS Major Street. Direction NS Length of Time Analyzed 60 ( min ) - Ana.lySL RMH Date of Analysis 12/19/95 ' Other Information 1997 PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT Two-way Stop-controlled Intersection Northbound 1 Southbound Eastbound Westbound L I R L T R L T R L T R No . Lanes 0 l< 0 0> 1 0 0 0 0> 1' 0 Stop/Yield N N Volumes 244 5 10 667 2 0 5 PHF 9 r 9C G r'i i i� �. 6 i .� .6 Grade 1 -1 .3J \J i...0 2 ( !% ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SU/RV 's CV ' ( % ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) • O 's 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 .1 Adjustment Factors • Vehicle Critical Follow-up Maneuver Gap ( tg ) Time ( tf ) . _ Left turn Major Road 5 .00 2 .10 Right Turn Minor Road 5 .50 2 .60 Through Traffic Minor Road 6 .00 3 .30 Left Turn Minor Road 6 .50 3 .40 • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation . HCS: Unsignalized Intersection . Release 2 .1 Paage ( 2' - ;K'•I* ;K*** ,K .:f..t::Y.*ice* * .4•.1�..�..j:-� * ** W *• ** W• 4 J*MiI * h- *** .,•.,11... K 1 K!yf=K K;K r- K,�� ,K*=K K�.� k K :�- 1•JoI-isSheet for TWSC Intersection Step 1 : RT from Minor Street WB - -EB • Conflicting Flows : ( vph )._..__...._._....._._..,.......,._.___..,.246 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 1039 Movement Capacity : ( pcph ) 1039 Pwob . of Queue-free State : 0 .99 Stap 2 LT from Major Street S NB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) 249 . Potential Capacity: ( pcph ) 1304 . . Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 1 304 P!. I. n ,. State: r :,�!J . cJ l' _<l,�•.;>a:�'"'-f�'i�;:= 0 .99 TH Saturation Flow Rate: ( pcphpl ) 1700 RT Saturation Flow Rate: ( , cpI"Ip t ) M'p;jor LT- Shared Lane Prob . ofQueue-tree State : Step 3 • TH I From Minor Street !AB 4, Conflicting Flows : ( vph ) 924 P''Gtenti.al Capacity: ( pcph ) 357 Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements 0 .98 Movement Capacity: ( pcph ) 352 • I Prob . of Queue-free State : 1 .00 Step 4 : LT from Minor Street • WB EB Conflicting Flows: ( vph ) • 924 Potential Capacity : ( pcph ) 309 • Major LT , Minor TH Impedance Factor : 0 .98 Adjusted Impedance Factor : 0 :98 .. _ . _ Capacity Adjustment Factor due to Impeding Movements . 0 .98 Mbvement Capacity: ( p_cph ) 304 • • • • Center For Microcomputers In Transportation HCS: Unsignalized Intersection Release 2 .1 Rage . 3 ;K**=f::K-;-**'-K***r **;:;K***t y ! tyK;K;K*;;:;K;K**:K=K:1:**;;*.; * * is****=Y.=K*:K;K;K;K;K*** Intersection Performance Summary FlowRate MoveCap Sha.redCa.p Avg .Total Delay Movement v( pcphI ) Cm( pcph ) Csh( pupil ) Delay LOS By App W^ L 304 > > 648 S .% is 5 .7 WE R 9 1039 > > > S L 11 1304 2 .8/� A 0 .0 Intersection Delay = 0 . 1 I City of Renton Traffic Accident Record System • Location Summary Report l Location: EAST VALLEY RD at FORTY FIRST ST. SW • Report Pelriod: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments:; }mot Report requested by Bob Serman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Direction Tot Num Num PDC No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Vehicle #1 Vehicle #2 Veh Fat Inj H&R 1 ' 5 01/05/93 Tue 1725 Rear End North -> South North -> South 2 P 2 / 33 01/12/94 Wed 1520 Sideswipe North -> West North -> South 2 P 3 225 03/20/94 Sun 1857 Right Angle South -> North East -> South 2 p 4 645 08/05/94 Fri . 1045 Right Angle South -> North North -> East 2 P 5 ' , 27. 01/10/95 Tue 955 Sideswipe East -> South East -> South 2 P 6 • 68 01/24/95 Tue 1523 Right Angle South -> West West -> North 2 P 7 , 229 03/15/95 Wed 1119 Rear End South -> North South -> North 2 1 11 .Grand Total 14 I City of Renton ' Traffic Accident Record System Location Summary Report - Driver/Vehicle Actions Location: ;EAST VALLEY RD at FORTY FIRST ST. SW Report Period: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 , Comments:' V Report requested by Bob Merman, TPE, 455-5320. -.Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Driver - Vehicle Actions - No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Veh. 1/ Veh. 2 Driver 1/Driver 2 I 1 5 01/05/93 Tue 1725 Rear End North -> South North -> South 2 33 01/12/94 Wed 1520 Sideswipe North -> West I North -> South 3 225 03/20/94 Sun 1857 Right Angle South -> North East -> South . 4 645 08/05/94 Fri 1045 Right Angle ' South -> North North -> East Making Left Turn 5 27 01/10/95 Tue 955 Sideswipe East -> South Making Left Turn East -> South Making Left Turn 1 6 68 01/24/95 Tue 1523 Right Angle South -> West Making Left Turn West -> North Making Left Turn 7 229 03/15/95 Wed 1119 Rear End South -> North Going Straight Ahead South -> North Going Straight Ahead - Page: ' 1 ' City of Renton Traffic Collision Diagram December 15, 1995 Location: EAST VALLEY RD at FORTY FIRST ST. SW Date: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: a Report requested by Bob Merman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Accidents that can not be plotted: 4 FOPTi" FIRST ST. SW �y +__- 0 5 0 \In a IN a W J J , I- Ch W City of Renton Traffic Accident Record System Location Summary Report - Location: FORTY THIRD ST. S at SR-167 OFF RAMP Report Period: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: Report requested by Bob 09erman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Direction Tot Hum Num PO No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Vehicle #1 Vehicle #2 Veh Fat Inj H& 1 180 03/04/94 Fri 910 Sideswipe East -> West East -> West 2 Grand Total 2 • City of Renton Traffic Accident Record System Location Summary Report - Driver/Vehicle Actions Location: FORTY THIRD ST. S at SR-167 OFF RAMP Report Period: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: Report requested by Bob Merman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Driver - Vehicle Actions No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Veh. 1/ Veh. 2 Driver 1/Driver 2 1 180 03/04/94 Fri 910 Sideswipe East -> West East -> West Page number 1 Page: l City of Renton Traffic Collision Diagram December 15, 1995 Location: FORTY THIRD ST. S at SR-167 OFF RAMP • Date: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: Report requested by Bob Berman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. FORTY THIRD ST. S i a a C do • a City of Renton ' Traffic Accident Record System Location Summary Report _ocation: FORTY THIRD ST. S at TALBOT RD S eport Period: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: IA "eport requested by Boberman, TPE, 455-5320. ef: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Direction Tot Num Num PDO No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Vehicle #1 Vehicle #2 Veh Fat Inj H&R 1 1093 10/12/92 , Mon 1030 Sideswipe West -> East West -> East 3 P 2 1096 10/13/92 Tue 1330 Rear End West -> East West -> East 2 P 3 1134 10/24/92 Sat 800 Right Angle East -> West North -> South 2 P 4 1318 12/09/92 Wed 705 Right Angle West -> South North -> South 2 P 5 66 01/20/93 Wed 1215 Right Angle North -> South East -> West 2 P 6 179 03/02/93 Tue 610 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 P 7 280 04/08/93 Thu 920 Right Angle West -> East South -> North 2 1 H 8 834 10/22/93 Fri 622 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 1 9 985 12/14/93 ' Tue 1905 Sideswipe West -> East West -> East 2 1 10 994 12/17/93 ' Fri 1628 Right Angle West -> North East -> West 2 1 1 373 05/13/94 - Fri 1223 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 1 '2 593 07/19/94 ' Tue 1051 Right Angle West -> North East -> West 2 1 i3 639 08/04/94 ' Thu 830 Right Angle East -> West South -> North 2 2 4 695 08/24/94 - Wed 930 Approach Turn North -> East South -> North 2 P 15 816 09/28/94 / Wed 1725 Sideswipe West -> East West -> South 2 P 6 870 10/19/94 Wed 855 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 1 '7 261 03/28/95 Tue 1903 Right Angle South -> East West -> East 2 1 H I T8 383 . 05/19/95 Fri 1008 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 P 9 450 06/11/95 Sun 3 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 P 20 493 06/27/95 - Tue 1850 Sideswipe South -> North South -> East 2 P 1 572 07/30/95 .- Sun 230 Rear End West -> East West -> East 2 1 2 698 09/07/95 - Thu 1530 Right Angle South -> East West -> East 2 P Page number 1 Report Accident Direction Direction Tot Num Num PD0 Jo. Number • Date Day Time Type of Accident Vehicle #1 Vehicle #2 Veh Fat Inj H&R ?3 698 09/07/95 Thu 1530 Right Angle South -> East West -> East 2 P A � ,�.� c/ tl,V� Grand Total 47 J/ _ City of Renton • Traffic Accident Record System Location Summary Report - Driver/Vehicle Actions Location: FORTY THIRD ST. S at TALBOT RD S Report Period: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: , ):" Report requested by Bob Ferman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Driver - Vehicle Actions No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Veh. 1/ Veh. 2 Driver 1/Driver 2 1 1093 10/12/92 Mon 1030 Sideswipe West -> East West -> East 2 1096 10/13/92 Tue 1330 Rear End West -> East West -> East 3 1134 10/24/92 Sat 800 Right Angle East -> West North -> South 4 1318 12/09/92 Wed 705 Right Angle West -> South North -> South 5 66 01/20/93 Wed 1215 Right Angle North -> South East -> West 6 179 03/02/93 Tue 610 Rear End East -> West East -> West 7 280 04/08/93 Thu 920 Right Angle West -> East South -> North 8 834 10/22/93 Fri 622 Rear End East -> West • East -> West 9 985 12/14/93 Tue 1905 Sideswipe West -> East West -> East 10 994 12/17/93 Fri 1628 Right Angle West -> North East -> West 11 373 05/13/94 Fri 1223 Rear End East -> West East -> West 12 593 07/19/94 Tue 1051 Right Angle West -> North Making Left Turn East -> West Going Straight Ahead 13 639 08/04/94 Thu 830 Right Angle East -> West Going Straight Ahead South -> North Going Straight Ahead 14 695 08/24/94 Wed 930 Approach Turn North -> East Making Left Turn South -> North Going Straight Ahead 15 816 09/28/94 Wed 1725 Sideswipe West -> East Going Straight Ahead West -> South Making Right Turn 16 870 10/19/94 Wed 855 Rear End East -> West Going Straight Ahead East -> West Going Straight Ahead 17 261 03/28/95 Tue 1903 Right Angle South -> East Making Right Turn West -> East Going Straight Ahead 18 383 05/19/95 Fri 1008 Rear End East -> West Going Straight Ahead East -> West Going Straight Ahead 19 450 06/11/95 Sun 3 Rear End East -> West Slowing East -> West Stopped at Signal or Stop Sign 20 493 06/27/95 Tue 1850 Sideswipe South -> North Going Straight Ahead South -> East Making Right Turn 21 572 07/30/95 Sun 230 Rear End West -> East Stopped at Signal or Stop Sign West -> East Stopped For Traffic Page number 1 Report Accident Direction Driver - Vehicle Actions No. Number 6 Date Day Time Type of Accident Veh. 1/ Veh. 2 Driver 1/Driver 2 22 698 09/07/95 Thu 1530 Right Angle South -> East Making Right Turn West -> East Going Straight Ahead 23 698 09/07/95 Thu 1530 Rig /Angle South -> East Making Right Turn f West -> East Going Straight Ahead • • Page number 2 Page: 1 City of Renton Traffic Collision Diagram December 15, 1995 Location: FORTY THIRD ST. S at TALBOT RD S Date: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: 14/ Report requested by Bob Merman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Accidents that can not be plotted: 10, 12 9 FORTY THIRD ST. S b- IS) a�— a<-3 2, 21 —4a- 4 4—>o T <—a<-- 6, 8, i 1, 16, 18, L S 7— a 1, 9, 15 c(Air/ C\1_ CNI 0 CE I � • m 1-- City of Renton Traffic Accident Record System Location Summary Report Location: Fifty Fifth. S at TALBOT RD S Report Period: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: 1--)" Report requested by Bob German, TPE, 455-5320. - Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Direction Tot Num Num PD0 No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Vehicle #1 Vehicle #2 Veh Fat Inj H&R 1 1736 09/06/94 a Tue 1912 Right Angle East -> West North -> South 2 3 2 745 09/08/94 Thu 1550 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 P 3 502 07/01/95 - Sat 1428 Rear End East -> West East -> West 2 6 Grand Total 6 City of Renton Traffic Accident Record System Location Summary Report - Driver/Vehicle Actions - Location: 'Fifty Fifth. S at TALBOT RD S Report Period: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: , Report requested by Bob Ferman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. Report Accident Direction Driver - Vehicle Actions No. Number Date Day Time Type of Accident Veh. 1/ Veh. 2 Driver 1/Driver 2 1 736 09/06/94 Tue 1912 Right Angle East -> West Going Straight Ahead North -> South Going Straight Ahead 2 745 09/08/94 Thu 1550 Rear End East -> West Going Straight Ahead East -> West Stopped at Signal or Stop Sign 3 502 07/01/95 Sat 1428 Rear End East -> West Going Straight Ahead East -> West Stopped For Traffic Page number 1 Page: 1 City of Renton Traffic Collision Diagram December 15, 1995 Location: Fifty Fifth. S at TALBOT RD S Date: October 01, 1992 to October 31, 1995 Comments: Report requested by Bob yferman, TPE, 455-5320. Ref: SPRINGBROOK CONDOS. I I I I Fifty Fifth. S Opt O —2, 3 cr) Io I 1 4101111. Washington State Northwest Region , a� Department of Transportation15700 Dayton Avenue North SidPO Box 330310 Morrison Seattle.WA 98133-9710 Secretary of Transportation - I (206)^ .r-4000 December 22, 1995 DEC 2 6 1995 Mr. Robert M. Herman Transportation Planning&Engineering, Inc. 2101 112th Avenue NE, Suite 110 Bellevue, WA 98004 . SR 167 CS 1766 Northbound Ramps Vic. SW 43rd MP 24.40-24.42 Southbound Ramps Vic. SW 41st MP 24.56-24.67 Dear Mr. Herman: Enclosed are copies of the accident listings for the subject sections of SR 167 in accordance with your request of December 18, 1995. These listings cover the period from August 1, 1992 through July 31, 1995. • These locations are not on our new HAL listing. Sincerely, PATRICIA A. FOLEY, PE Accident Analysis Engineer PAF:km 9km/ptherman . Enclosure cc: CS File o is SR 167 MP 24.40 TO 24.42 SSR 167 NB RAMPS VIC SW 43RD • 08/01/92 TO 07/31/95 — — — -- — --- SORTED BY DATE ——— — — — — — — —— —— — —-— —— WSP R • ACCIDENT DIAGRAM A NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT OF REPORT ANALYSIS M OF OF INTERSECTION ROADWAY PROPERTY SR SEQ M.P. NUMBER DATA P SEV* INJURIES DEATHS DATE TIME RELATIONSHIP SURFACE WEATHER LIGHT DAMAGE COLLISION TYPE OBJECT STRUCK 167 10 24.42 341536 1AQ161AAJ4 E 1 08/18/92 14:30 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $635 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 500418 1AQ161AAJ4 E 2 1 09/29/92 08:30 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $3,000 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 421010 1AC1230AL4 1 10/10/92 17:30 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $2,700 ENTER AT. ANGLE 167 10 24.42 451904 1AQ161AAJ4 E 2 1 10/30/92 13:30 AT INT WET RAINING DAYLIGHT $840 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 411247 1AC1230CL4 1 11/02/92 09:45 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $3,500 ENTER AT ANGLE 167 10 24.42 472515 1AQ161AAJ4 E 1 11/17/92 08:20 AT INT WET RAINING DAYLIGHT $2,196 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 61723 1AQ161AAP1 Y 2 3 01/27/93'17:30 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DUSK $0 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 - 24.42 72616 1AQ161AAP1 Y 1 02/04/93 08:30 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $814 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 241993 30A171ACP1 E 1 07/05/93 17:09 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $8,500 ENTER AT ANGLE 167. 10 24.42 270961 1ACO21ACP1 E 1 07/27/93 15:55 AT INT WET RAINING DAYLIGHT $2,300 SS SD BTH LTRN 167 10 24.42 141770 1AQ161ABP1 Y 1 03/25/94 14:00 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $932 ENTER AT ANGLE 167 10 24.42 360475 1AQ161AAP1 Y 1 05/19/94 14:45 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $1,200 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 340974 1AQ161AAP1 Y 2 1 07/30/94 .12:50 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $2,650 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 300848 1AA061AQP1 1 08/10/94 -10:10 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $1,600 REAREND SD BM 167 10 24.42 480582 1AQ161AAP1 2 1 10/25/94 10:50 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $0 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 501665 1AQ161AAP1 Y 2 1 11/11/94"14:45 AT INT .DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $0 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 51108 1AQ161AAP1 Y 1 01/03/95.14:30 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $500 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.42 131722 70A021ACP1 E 2 1 03/04/95-07:00 AT INT WET RAINING DAWN $901 ENTER AT ANGLE 167 10 24.42 202356 1AB33000P1 Y 1 05/25/95 19:41 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $800 VEH HIT FIX OBJ WOOD SIGN POST 167 10 24.42 370571 1AB061AQP1 Y 2 4 06/11/95 06:00 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $1,140 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 . 24.40 291266 1AQ161AAP1 1 06/19/95-07:15 INT REL DRY .CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $500 REAREND SD 1 STP TOTALS 21 13 $34,708 DIAGRAM DATA DATE SORT PREPARED BY WSDOT *ACCIDENT SEVERITY CODES: 1=PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY 2=INJURY 3=FATAL PAGE 1 . 22 Dec 95 • LX ACCIDENTS - NORTHWEST REGION JANUARY 1 , 1993 TO JULY 31 , 1995 SORTED BY SR, LX QUALIFIER AND LX MILEPOST D I F I WSP N T DIAGRAM LX LX S ACC ACCIDENT J L - ANAYLSIS COLLISION OBJECT • QUALIFIER SR M.P. T NUMBER SEVERITY S S DATE TIME DATA TYPE STRUCK 02442 167 .02 1 62782 EVIDENT INJ 4 02/26/94 " 11 :35 70A0670ALX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 .03 1 462634 POSSIBLE INJ 1 12/04/93" 10:20 70A0670QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 .08 1 80837 PDO 03/04/94 09: 10 70A127ORLX SIDESWP-SD-BM 167 .09 1 422618 PDO 10/06/93 - 06: 15 70X127ORLX SIDESWP-SD-BM 167 . 10 1 481246 PDO 12/13/93 - 16:44 70A33000LX VEH HIT FIXD OBJ TRF SGNL POLE 167 . 10 1 210021 POSSIBLE INJ 1 06/03/94' 16:50 '30Q1630ALX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 . 10 1 470534 EVIDENT INJ 1 10/11/94 ' 14:40 30Q1630ALX REAREND-SD-I-STP 167 . 10 1 382411 POSSIBLE INJ 1 10/05/94 ' 16:00 30X0630QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 . 10 1 382412 POSSIBLE INJ 1 10/05/94 - 16:00 30A0630QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 . 10 1 541971 PDO 12/05/94 ' 22:55 70A1730CLX LT-OD-1-STRAIGHT 167 . 10 1 351624 PDO 09/13/94 - 08:21 7001670ALX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 . 10 1 280551 PDO 07/19/94 - 18: 15 30A0630QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 . 10 1 121648 POSSIBLE INJ 1 04/06/95 17: 18 30A0630QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 . 10 1 271583 PDO 06/10/95 15:45 3OQ1630ALX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 •. 11 1 81719 POSSIBLE INJ 1 03/12/93 ' 05:40 70A0670QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP 167 . 11 1 122201 PDO 04/09/93 07:55 70A0670QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP . TOTALS 16 11 00096 405 0.00 1 350177 EVIDENT INJ 2 08/16/93 11 :30 50Q1650ALX REAREND-SD-I-STP 405 .01 1 361423 EVIDENT INJ 1 08/18/94 07:40 60Q1660BLX REAREND-SD-1-STP • 405 .01 1 131685 POSSIBLE INJ 1 03/02/95 11 :40 7001670ALX REAREND-SD-1-STP 405 .02 1 92482 POSSIBLE INJ 2 02/14/94 19:00 50Q1650ALX REAREND-SD-1-STP 405 .02 1 322397 PDO 08/23/94 17:55 7E1812780LX SIDESWP-SD-B-RT 405 .02 1 90018 PDO 02/27/95 08:35 10H0750QLX SD--ALL. OTHERS 405 .03 1 321205 PDO 04/29/94 17:25 80A1380DI..X SD--ALL OTHERS 405 .04 1 292690 PDO 08/09/93 17:30 10D0310ALX SD--ALL OTHERS 405 .07 1 91957 PDO 03/15/94 17:55 70X127OALX SIDESWP-SD-BM 405 .08 1 441965 PDO 11/14/94 08:05 50R0250ALX SIDESWP-SD-BM TOTALS 10 6 00450 405 .01 1 502701 PDO 12/15/94 05:03 70A33000LX VEH HIT FIXD OBJ NOT THRU CNC BAR 405 .03 1 191354 POSSIBLE INJ 1 04/19/93 21 :30 30CO270ALX LT-OD-1-STRAIGHT TOTALS 2 1 - 00540 405 0.00 1 112336 PDO 03/04/94 14:35 3001330ALX SIDESWP-SD-1-STP 405 .01 1 301419 POSSIBLE INJ 2 07/11/93 10:34 7001670ALX REAREND-SD-1-SIP 405 .01 1 312619 PDO 08/30/93 13:38 70A0670QLX REAREND-SD-1-STP 405 .01 1 61725 PDO ' 01/28/93 14:40 30A037OCLX LT-OD-I-STRAIGHT 405 .01 1 471029 POSSIBLE INJ 1 11/18/94 13:48 70A02700LX SD--ALL 01HERS • PREPARED BY WSDOT TRANSPORTATION DATA OFFICE PAGE 19 -- SR 167 MP 24.56 TO 24.67 SR 167 SB RAMPS VIC SW 41ST • 08/01/92 TO 07/31/95 -- - --- ----- ------ ---- ----- -- SORTED BY DATE -- -- --- — ----- — WSP R ACCIDENT DIAGRAM A NUMBER NUMBER AMOUNT OF REPORT ANALYSIS M OF OF INTERSECTION ROADWAY PROPERTY SR SEQ M.P. NUMBER DATA P SEV* INJURIES DEATHS DATE TIME RELATIONSHIP SURFACE WEATHER LIGHT DAMAGE COLLISION TYPE OBJECT STRUCK 167 10 24.61 10407 40A06400R1 I 1 01/05/93'17:25 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DARK-LAMPS ON $7,500 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.60 12925 5BQ165BAR1 E 1 01/13/93'08:20 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $2,500 REAREND SD 1 STP 167 10 24.65 80418 5BA33000R1 1 03/07/94'20:05 AT INT NOT REL DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DARK-LAMPS ON $4,000 VEH HIT FIX OBJ LUMINAIRE 167 10 24.61 100344 20A025BCR1 1 03/20/94'18:57 AT INT WET RAINING DARK-LAMPS ON $1,450 ENTER AT ANGLE 167 10 24.60 300701 80X0340CS1 B 1 08/05/94=10:45 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $5,000 LT TRN OD 1 STR 167 10 24.61 480549 5BC125BCR1 E 1 10/23/94'16:20 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $754 SS SD BTH LTRN 167 10 24.61 542140 80A135BCR1 2 2 12/10/94-09:15 AT INT ICE RAINING DAYLIGHT $0 ENTER AT ANGLE 167 10 24.61 131981 60M0260QR1 1 04/10/95-07:20 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $500 SDSWIPE SD 1 STP 167 10 24.56 230435 50K0650KS1 E 2 2 06/13/95 -17:50 AT INT DRY CLEAR/CLOUDY DAYLIGHT $3,400 REAREND SD BM •TOTALS 9 4 $25,104 • DIAGRAM DATA DATE SORT PREPARED BY WSDOT *ACCIDENT SEVERITY CODES: 1=PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY 2=INJURY 3=FATAL PAGE 1 22 Dec 95 g • g i �• ` I �. ( 1 i • 1 . �. i i I — a - • +in!F #62047 — 1L-Fwla• •:,.:r- 1OPPER L. - i f 1. I. i . 1 _ I. -.. _ . . I t� "I SW SW 41st St z; 1� D J "I� ,r .vl -0 N, ;N �, I 1 I i Ecst Volley Rd (o.o0) (0.15) I I (0.01) ---(0.14) MP 0.00 167 S1 02443 167 R1 02473 • KENT l MP 24.43 MP 24.56 ! �+�+P 24.67 MP 24.73 MP 24.42-- -- SR 167 NB — �MP 24.15 167 LX 02442 . MP 0.04 MP 24.77—/---- (0.00) �__\ MP 24.62 (0.35) I MP 0.10 (0.20) (0.06) I167 P1 02415 I p g (0•29) • (°.Ot) 1167 Q1 02477 SR 405 Exit 2 (0.31) _ RENTON (0.00) S 212th St Exit MP 0.11 s rr SR 167 -1 Davis Ave Jct S 180th St/SW 43rd St Kent/Renton, King County Valley Medico! Center WSDOT DISTRICT 1 S 180th St/SW 43rd St NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY • \\ 3/17/95 L KLK I I RT 00 I �/ -001--,SA , • PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT • FOR ;SPRIrs1GBROOK , CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON January 5, 1996 Triad Job No. 95-202 . • PREPARED BY: Shawn G. Moore, E.I. T. REVIEWED BY: Roy E. Lewis, Jr., P.E. RECENED • JA,m 09 1996 DEVELUVN IC-14 f PLANNING AVM& CITY OF RENTON AVIMNIEL AMP 111111k • AIM IAN& MEW WOOL IIISMOIRREENV uranismaiwar VINIZEINW TRIAD ASSOCIATES • • PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT FOR SPRINGBROOK CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON January 5, 1996 Triad Job No. 95-202 PREPARED BY: . y LE wiS Shawn G. Moore, E.I. T. •0 . `'9 REVIEWED BY: �` .� �K VA Roy E. Lewis, Jr., P.E. y...4, 19918 �• ONAL EXPIRES /0- -942 4-90 .MI .1=1. TRIAD ASSOCIATES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 DRAINAGE CONCEPT 2 , DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS 3 DETENTION CALCULATIONS 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS 7 Stage - Storage/Discharge Table 8 Level Pool Routing Table 9 Live Storage 9 Dead Storage 9 Proposed Vault 9 APPENDIX Soils Map Curve Number Table 2, 10, & 100-Yr Isopluvials PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-i • —. , INTRODUCTION The proposed project includes 90 condominiums with a looped access road and utilities on approximately seven acres of land. The site is located along the east side of Talbot Road between Southwest 43rd Street and South 55th Street in the City of Renton. Please refer to the Vicinity Map located below. More generally, the site is located'in Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington. Two existing single-family residences are currently located on the site. Associated with these residences is approximately 0.33 acres of impervious surfaces and approximately 6.64 acres of pervious surfaces. The pervious area is predominantly a combination of pasture and young second growth forest: The site slopes from east to west at approximately 10 to 15 percent. Runoff is collected in the roadside ditch along the east • side of Talbot Road and conveyed to a tightlined storm drainage system to the north. . i According to the"Soil Survey-King County Area", the site is underlain with Alderwood, 1 1 type 'C' soils. 1 • .• .J�i.•Ye ,r f `� . . _ IOST � rbO: L !k "1 '! .. :. 51saea ; •1 �+ S.17/fM sr ! s :. 4 slim sr 1 .. zi -. ..:3t1 ::., rial 1,1 ' gas L 1'I sE ! —E - iteri:�l.r St I g SE ' qi� t- i j,st ... •.1. . SE tti 176T4 Si - r. SSE 176i! ST !i .oathu tmr, "nu: t v a g F u " j a 1 SW ! < 3RD ,I m�a 1SrT SE �4 rD, t TM:uant r giv 1Bf1rH ST o u..w Ie•o I� i I IQ 0 I I s y�'-"'�►u7�' !la �� N t WSE182Np Y. d ltn 31 r ., largo ..t IS 1 I 41: r I -. W 184TTN r. SE 184TM" Sr r. t - s __„_ . to it < dQ2EYARD `'E 1 �V I� ,. , ��, l , t SE 1....A ST SE 1e6r11 ST '1.; 'sr :;u i .. :. _ u n �'1' j:steemST s tesr �' F Q mar ' i k s 1 1 t Il' l Sc temp il i i. 5'5 � ° ;E 18881 sr , at'tt a" F,• r s a S 19on1 ST I i tt i x M' >; w - ra. j� .-. I1'2tm sr -_ pl S 55TH ►' d,,,1 1: Si a . .AR/d - ' • ' I T SE 192ND�'S' ST 3'u. Imo Ss E P1 : Hlt, f- •—tSITE I I"' --- ; I . VICINITY MAP PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-1 . • DRAINAGE CONCEPT The storm drainage system for the proposed project is designed with reference to standards found within the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). In general, runoff from the site will be conveyed within a tightline drainage system to an underground detention vault to be located near the western property line. The detention vault will be designed as a wet vault, incorporating live and dead storage, and providing water quality enhancements. The detained and treated storm drainage will connect to a tightline conveyance system in Talbot Road (which will be constructed in association with the frontage improvements for this project). The storm drainage will then discharge into the existing drainage ditch along Talbot Road, at the northwestern corner of the site. Runoff from off-site tributary areas to the east of the project will be collected and conveyed along the southern property line of the site in a separate conveyance system. The wet vault will be designed to provide peak rate runoff control for the 2, 10, and 100- year, 24-hour storm events. The vault will be designed such that the post-developed peak runoff rates are attenuated to the pre-developed peak runoff rates for each of the 2, 10, and 100-year, 24-hour storm events. A 30-percent volume correction factor (factor of safety) will also be applied to the live storage volume. Water quality enhancement will be provided within the vault through the use of "dead storage". Dead storage will be provided for the volume of the `water quality" (6-month) storm event. The precipitation to be used for the water quality storm event will be one-third of the 2-year, 24-hour precipitation. PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-2 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS A downstream drainage analysis was performed on December 7, 1995, a cloudy and cold day. There was a small amount of runoff being conveyed within the existing drainage ditches and tightline storm drainage systems. Runoff from the site currently sheet flows in a westerly direction and is collected within the existing drainage ditch on the east side of Talbot Road South. The drainage ditch is approximately three feet deep and has side slopes of 2:1, with a one foot base width. The ditch flows northerly along Talbot Road South at a slope of approximately one-half to one percent. Immediately north of the property, flows are conveyed beneath an existing driveway via a 12-inch diameter HDPE culvert. The ditch then continues northerly for approximately 200 feet. Runoff is then collected into a City of Renton storm drainage system via a 12-inch diameter CMP culvert, across from South 45th ,Place.. Runoff is conveyed within this tightlined conveyance system to beyond a point a quarter-mile downstream. The downstream conveyance system was in good shape and showed no evidence of drainage related problems. The system appears to have more than adequate capacity to handle the existing flows. The King County Sensitive Areas Folio was researched and the site was not found, nor was it tributary to (within atleast a quarter mile), any sensitive areas (wetlands, erosion hazard areas, etc). As such, it is our opinion that a detention standard more restrictive than matching the pre-existing flows for the 2, 10, and 100-year, 24-hour storms is not warranted. PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-3 DETENTION CALCULATIONS The following detention 'calculations were performed using Engenious Systems, Inc.'s hydrology program Water Works. The hydrographs were developed using the S.B.U.H. methodology with a King County Type I-A, 24-hour (User 1) rainfall distribution. Separate S.C.S. curve numbers were applied for the impervious and pervious portions of the site. The developed hydrographs were routed through a "theoretical" vault to ' I determine the theoretical volume of storage required. The theoretical volume of live storage was then increased by the 30-peicent volume correction factor(factor of safety) to determine the actual volume of live storage required. Please refer to the Existing and Developed Condition Maps and the Curve Numbers Table in the Appendix of this report. The total precipitation for the water quality, 2, 10, and 100-year, 24-hour storm events are 0.67", 2.0", 2.9", and 3.9", respectively. EXISTING CONDITIONS Total Area.=6.97 Ac Impervious Area=0.33 Ac @ CN-98 (2-residences& associated parking/patios) Pervious Area=6.64 Ac @ CN-83.9 Gravel Roads= 0.20 Ac @ CN-89 Lawn/Landscaping= 0.68 Ac @ CN-86 Pasture=3.56 Ac @ CN-85 Growth Forest/Brush=2.20 Ac @ CN-81 Time of Concentration=25.31 min. Reach 1: 70' Sheet Flow @ 30%; 'n' =0.8 (Forest, heavy ground litter) Reach 2: 230' Sheet Flow @ 9.56%; `n' =0.13 (Tall Grass/Pasture) Reach 3: 375' Shallow Concentrated Flow @ 10.4%; `k' = 11 (Short Grass/Lawn) I - PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-4 I I Existing Flows BASIN ID:EX2 NAME:EX 2 YEAR HYDRO SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA.: 6.97 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE..: USER1 PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION..: 2.00 inches AREA..: 6.64 Acres TIME INTERVAL.: 10.00 min CN..: 83.90 TIME OF CONC..: 25.31 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF : 0.20 AREA.: 0.33 Acres CN..: 98.00 PEAK RATE: 0.84 cfs VOL: 0.46 Ac-ft.TIME: 480 min BASIN ID:EXIO NAME:EX 10 YR HYDRO SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA..: 6.97 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE..: USER1 PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION..: 2.90 inches AREA..: 6.64 Acres TIME INTERVAL..: 10.00 min CN..: 83.90 TIME OF CONC..: 25.31 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF : 0.20 AREA..: 0.33 Acres CN..: 98.00 PEAK RATE: 1.84 cfs VOL: 0.86 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID:EX00 NAME:EX 100 YR HYDRO SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA..: 6.97 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE..: USER1 PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION..: 3.90 inches AREA..: 6.64 Acres TIME INTERVAL..: 10.00 min CN..: 83.90 TIME OF CONC..: 25.31 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF : 0.20 AREA..: 0.33 Acres CN..: 98.00 PEAK RATE: 3.10 cfs VOL: 1.36 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min • PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-5 I - I v Allowable Release Rates 2-yr Allowable Release Rate=Peak Rate-Existing 2-yr Hydro 2-yr Allowable Release Rate=0.84 cfs 10-yr Allowable Release Rate=Peak Rate-Existing 10-yr Hydro 10-yr Allowable Release Rate= 1.84 cfs 100-yr Allowable Release Rate=Peak Rate-Existing 100-yr Hydro 100-yr Allowable Release Rate=3.10 cfs PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-6 , . DEVELOPED CONDITIONS Total Area= 6.97 Ac Impervious Area= 3.22 Ac @ CN-98 Pervious Area=3.75.ac @ CN-85.17 Lawn/Landscaping=3.13 Ac @ CN-86 2'.14 Growth Forest/Brush=0.62 Ac @ CN-81 Time of Concentration= 15.33 min. Reach 1: 90' Sheet Flow @ 33%; 'n' = 0.8 (Forest, Heavy Ground Litter) Reach 2: 75' Shallow Concentrated Flow @ 5%; `k' = 11 (Lawn) Reach 3': 500' Pipe Flow @ 9.0%; `k' =42 BASIN ID:DVWQ NAME:DEV WATER QUALITY STORM SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA..: 6.97 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE..: USER1 PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION..: 0.67 inches AREA..: 3.75 Acres TIME INTERVAL..: 10.00 min CN..: 85.17 TIME OF CONC..: 15.33 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF : 0.20 AREA..: 3.22 Acres CN..: 98.00 PEAK RATE: 0.36 cfs VOL: 0.14 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID:DV2 NAME:DEV 2 YR HYDRO SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA..: 6.97 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE..: USER! PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION..: 2.00 inches AREA..: 3.75 Acres TIME INTERVAL..: 10.00 min CN..: 85.17 TIME OF CONC..: 15.33 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFI : 0.20 AREA..: 3.22 Acres CN..: 98.00 PEAK RATE: 1.92 cfs VOL: 0.73 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID:DV10 NAME:DEV 10 XR HYDRO SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA..: 6.97 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE..: USER1 PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION..: 2.90 inches AREA..: 3.75 Acres TIME INTERVAL..: 10.00 min CN..: 85.17 TIME OF CONC..: 15.33 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF : 0.20 AREA..: 3.22 Acres CN..: 98.00 PEAK RATE: 3.23 cfs VOL: 1.19 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-7 -- I BASIN ID:DV00 NAME:DEV 100 YR HYDRO SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA..: 6.97 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0.00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE..: USER! PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION..: 3.90 inches AREA..: 3.75 Acres TIME INTERVAL..: 10.00 min CN..: 85.17 TIME OF CONC..: 15.33 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF : 0.20 AREA..: 3.22 Acres CN..: 98.00 PEAK RATE: 4.75 cfs VOL: 1.73 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min Stage- Storage/Discharge Table VAULT ID No.DET1 DESCRIPTION: Theoretical Detention Vault Length: 100.00 ft. Width: 18.00 ft. DISCHARGE STRUCTURE ID No.DIS1 DESCRIPTION: Multiple Orifice Outlet Elev: 100.00(Assumed) Orifice#1 - Elev: 98.00 ft, Diameter: 4.6348 in. Orifice#2-Elev: 102.20 ft, Diameter: 5.0391 in. Orifice#3 -Elev: 103.50 ft, Diameter: 4.8750 in. STAGE STORAGE ,DISCHARGE [F I J [CFI [CFS] 100.00 0 0.0000 100.50 900 - 0.4122 101.00 1800 0.5829 101.50 2700 0.7139 102.00 3600 0.8244 102.50 4500 1.2991 103.00 5400 1.6260 103.50 6300 1.8762 104.00 7200 2.5464 104.50 8100 2.9265 105.00 9000 3.2464 Note: Elevations are relative and are for the purposes of these calculations only. Actual elevations will vary. - j II .. PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-8 • Level Pool Routing Table The following table represents the results of routing the developed hydrographs through the "theoretical" detention vault. This determines the theoretical volume of live storage; the minimum volume of storage required to meet the allowable release rates. Description Inflow Storage Discharge P. Stage Volume Outflow P.Time [CPS] ID ID [FI] [CFI [CPS] [Min] Theoretical 2-yr 1.92 DET1 DIS1 102.08 3744 0.841 540 Storm \\vv`��\\k\�\•.\��i�\\\`��\'•� \\���'\�ti�k�\�E\-\ \�v�\�•,•�� '}4:M1 �� \ \\4 \�'�4'.':,{;. 'vim i4iti \:k:� �'`'\•'\,`v'v i:\ \\ \i\t V:: `I •.\\4\\\� 4\k p h-\•�• „\} \� Y\\'i4\}` �� `t,� ,�..,1.4.n\�\����\\\�\\\''\�\\��\�\\\\\ �\.\\\'\ � . •... \ ...yam\v ���•�\;\\\ �\\�\`\1\\:�` Theoretical 10-yr 3.23 DET1 DIS1 103.43 6166 1.841 • 520 Storm Theoretical 100-yr 4.75 DET1 DIS1 104.76 8565 3.097 510 Storm Live Storage The theoretical volume of live storage required is 8,565 cubic-feet. Therefore, the actual volume of live storage required is 11,135 cubic feet(1.30 x 8,565 ft3). The vault for this project will provide at least 11,135 cubic-feet of live storage. Dead Storage The vault will be designed to provide dead storage in the amount equal to the volume of the water quality storm event. The volume of the water quality hydrograph was previously determined to be 6,238 cubic-feet (approx. 0.14 Ac-ft). The actual vault for this project will provide at least 6,238 cubic-feet of dead storage. Proposed Vault The vault for this project could be approximately-115' long, 20' wide and 9.0' deep. The vault would provide 5' of live storage and 2.75' of dead storage with 1.25' of freeboard. PRELIMINARY STORM DRAINAGE REPORT-PAGE-9 APPENDIX iT,3 .1 • * • ••).. 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I: 4.:V:.s.':':::•14-.C.'1•... .i,2,,L•N. 4,17,10--,,,,, . : AP ---- — , i , • CURVE NUMBERS TABLE SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS (Published by SCS in 1982) Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban and urban land use for Type 1A rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. 'CURVE NUMBERS BY • HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP • LAND USE DESCRIPTION A. B CD Cultivated land(1): winter condition 86 91 94 95 Mountain open areas: low growing brush and grasslands 74 82 89 . 92 Meadow or pasture: 65 78 O 89 Wood or forest land: undisturbed or older second growth 42 64 • 81 ' Wood or forest land: young second growth or brush 55 72 81 86 Orchard: . with cover crop - 81 88 94 • _Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, landscaping. good condition: grass cover on 75% or more of the area • 68 80 O 90 fair condition: grass cover on 50% • to 75% of the area 77 85 90 92 Gravel roads and parking lots 76 85 ipi. 91 Dirt roads and parking lots 72 82 89 Impervious surfaces, pavement, roofs, etc. 98 98 • 9988 98 Open water bodies: lakes, wetlands, ponds, etc. 100 100 i00 100 Single Family Residential (2) Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre % Impervious (3) • 1.0 DU/GA • 15 Separate curve number 1.5 DU/GA 20 2.0 DU/GA 25 shall be selected • for pervious and • • 2.5 DU/GA 30 impervious portion 3.0 DU/GA 34 of the site or basin 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0 ,DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 . 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA -50 6.0 DU/GA 52 • 6.5 DU/GA 54 • 7.0 DU/GA 56 1. Planned unit developments, % impervious condominiums, apartments, must be computed commercial business and industrial areas. • (1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer to National'Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, Chapter 9,August 1972. (2) Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into street/storm system. '(3) The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. 3.5.2-3 • 11/92 • • KING • COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.1H 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS • gt.11 VilliArAWOU re-47:411PCIN i V( AllS5':irlhlikf.' ''.----111: )1 .., ...._,,,,#. , :. .014,1, 4.4., , , , _, of, „,,,,,..1 , rai ' 4...r. . , . 0, ' ( � 464: 3 , ����i �,�� ,, .3 mar �,�.�� ill 4mInt.t..•47iiii 11%7 NAV- -w-1 ' .4..ti : .NzN,. k?.44-2:e4110•0-mmiu'.4et)y4/10. . 1 1 I I: .. , •:-_-147,4-..-4;-lir- IFIrkfialii 10/ `• • i :-1 . 4 ; 1411,4.11,r11,-17.--,_ ,,,, i ,iyz., --r-irAli ''...,,,,:i-, ,,. t, 9,1 4 1 Aii . I ._.411411 `ti rilliet-.4416, Add . , !L___ ,_,A•14 f ttoo ;--:‘ . 4, .'\:.:;:fill w ......1, 1....: tiE_ , . 01°' '$‘1 • =4.c 1 .1* I, i - .' ,, \ettallik . k 4,i(11101::.,,a,-4111ligall 4 i --- ----• - --IQ- • • • 15,,,, lib : ., \.44 . l'Al fV0A.•10- 1:_,.0(01W,.-_-,a,........,...--...m____,i ., - ,„, ° p. *----iV :i l • Witt Ir$..i ,.... ,1''1,1‘,).•. gilciliiit l , i'avkA .yk.NNi._,i,.‘ '1 (it,n,1,1,7,,N4.IT-1;-01 `41 1`�V "► • %„ =, � lllF111 -� `' .Ins 1 =. ' 1 1, o. a. ri - 1100., ilik / (il/�1' �it�� fir .' gio k -444.. .t ' ji° > . • V 41T _SITE- .1, a __ � E Q� -► imp ., 11; 114 loam. • ....,. : Nomad : ,„mit• lb is. il rsio -- "11111-41).= • • ia% P --'11"11i1A1111110111-aligiet 11) ! IA vArk- - u tia �4. 1104111 �� Ark' rx-t3110. ligmts 714-wor0 liar , _ __. _ __ 47 iel: lti . , ixtivituwan .; /l Ali , ,. - ,e. - \ 7_ ri mrot, \ -'"\. urac i.,,, • 1--0-1-1,N-.\,--. k- if • \.- i; � ,y� -�a!'1Fi P -7:.-!. ( _I-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION �� ���f � � �'`�% f 6 _. a ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEAR 24HOUR 4.741. �` '� ����r � _ 69 -.-.), TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES ry b�' /� I� 5.5 0 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles OP - O 1:300.000 3.5.1-13 _ • 1/90 • . . - KING COUNTY, WAS,HINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL • FIGURE 3.5.1E 10-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS . 2 „.. .! . 1 `% k a;:-4.1 0 A �'!34 l •oRa ._ • _ • .' " .• . R. .0.146-iw,r, "A ., .. 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Jan* '-itorIVIIJO, r .v ! , ' .114-awl.giliik, ------fr .,--- , _.-.4.•:,-.‘; i,,, , r • ! ;ARP f TA- ..,...a st , ,'4,a( "'.r.-31M ..- 1 ! ?OW- 'C.''''''''''' 4CYPF 4 . ?Mkt .4 1 i.. - ! \filly ' • • • Ali mitrii . • , , 0All�� it.-z . Hwy /J : k\si —iSt.,,, !---, - - . -,. -.., ., ` r '- ._ • .\ i. Arbeiw 156, 1plimirtalowk:t.J . kr -7- . v._ z ;Irliiiiii.ripillifilltrivrAkier..}.7..tiltif 4T PIM C� i i - - \ltql . . • ‘. VpifP. ar la. k-----. - - 4 a s 11)-1 ‘ ( ' 1 • •'• ., mild rd No, sigrimitr .4' i li ' 'kam' • • "N..,„rdifit(I!ritIS r k• ; .04, . y ,i; wrs , . - _ .,_, -s.\ '-'.- a•rwri \W(der . .. fir ,;# , ,,f , , . \ .3' „b../All, . n 'n . I, P. ' qii $ ' I .... A ,is,. i , --r.al \ 1. 10-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION NPINIMPIR ° "� 3.4!' ISOPLUVIALS OF 10-YEAR 24-HOUR • �` I ��A �''� p� la TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES' 3O •� 44 .4- es - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles �rJ 1:300,000 3.5.1-10 Ib'3 y 40 3 1/90 1 • KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL ' FIGURE 3.5.1C 2-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS J• r----=' ' —'i ,.R ` ,..=— s - _ .. •-gip- - --- � --- --=-- - ----— . "5a. iif . o( riot. 14E - - .---- -.4..--mfa-,....,\I-iii w w4-1 , , - - • j. jit'..;. logniii if WIN ."1/111A 7 1 Viii "T"'I . ' : ' lq.. i loam Ilk li It .,', -., ....At it '4 Mt -, 0 ./' 1%* . ti:‘,, . : , li. . , -..-tdril_litlir.jil "'"4- . . illyill 14%,-'. '10t' AQ- :-.. i, ? .curam.=...i.„,,mii fig 0,‘ it Aim -- A, 'EN* ' - it' - .' " - 19.; t • !!" .fi 1*1116A111101Fr '° '-'1,•re4110411111/1 !Lt.;,;:1-:';Iir M‘' -'-'Of i \ !,-....• `..litrilif V:i.j4Tajaigria, . . killeVIP.'414 - . .r. ... , ,- ._ I Oil li 4 IA _ / ., . 20. , wit it, til-_ ,,.. 0,,.,,,,, i,„„„, ''"6..1-. . 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Rigov_fol.400',frAp." difike • 1 4:i.i...031_\\K ,:..,.i.i:jbliiii118-.1\ ''' Vikviii*, 7,4104.cooricor....,,maa....47„.....parii.,..2.2 .4. idip.:.#-1 .014%--,;1,. l'k -4.3 VifitgAiiii. ... li ihrik-40-N-1- 4111m11411411:4111----a"6-'1°r11--..4'''-d '%t. ) larilidt\-. i digilli Ilimktitt7,41 0 11;ifir.1/400„ _ _Apr, ,..c, Al ; .,--' ,Iguill•%.t,,k 1 Airy& \ , wirkft.i\.4., r_ • ::: rillies14\iivt\e‘l 4401,Zs, -Db._ _, ...& ter )' ./1.- .4 illigiolt.‘„pfttoiNN ____,.., , 1 . .... i a, 1 nigivIzt.lik , ,. - b' ' it it i ..:„.1. a 111iftge.2%'-'*tillillis_MR, 711k. ./ im _ , ,,,,flia„). ;01001,._-_-__ . .,. _.mis, , ‘ \ s' ((1 ',rump__ _- -Avi� I Ici �I SITE—t --qoaor,1- '„ (cl 111111 ievam Mk Iiila 6 ....= I N 'rat - 0,. riaari P an .,, ,, VOlv 441-4( 41.41‘ - \-1 ... , g., ogliV% b. 1.1 i= - 17241411u taiiiii4ir A,\L v.•-• , ._ ._ .";.. ...,....._ D., _Elic _IA. , ,lop ‘. • - 47wilbs- ril Tirdii Ellislialik, : .." • ) tt IF ilvhimigi 1146-11E•maismiied lili-iir-2.- i- soew 'own i lwart - A 1- 1 Afifills Irk CV -- `.. • A_ All ll �N SIN . Z�S - - t � . ,_. . F Mil I'l ansk-• Ow .__ skillet4 JesitirraLW. - ..‘ 4.04--..•.i r , - .„,....44 CV Ai iedA ifillow k . Irr :it „7.A . , v---",-- Aid ge , ,r rio„c4iisir ., , . , „... MI w 41/. • -'_i .- ------- ---' . Ai tr i . 1 1,- BRA i. N i , . -'•tvi _ ( , 2-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION r irk InVillt -00 . ,.3.4 ISOPLUVIALS OF 2-YEAR 24-HOUR �,` i, ..,,, �pilot, � l _wi- 3, TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES II -� '', �P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles• M • G " 0y " 1:300,000 ...tr.- -k, 1 /90 3.5.1-8