HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_Conditions_of_Approval_Response_Matrix_231106_v1No.Response 1 The applicant shall comply with the following mitigation measures issued as part of the Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated, dated July 13, 2020 (Exhibits 1 and 32):All mitigation measures has been followed, see below. a Clearing and grading of the subject property shall be limited to May 1 to September 30.Mass Clearing and Grading of the site was limited to the timeframe noted. b The applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Report and Retaining Wall Designs prepared by Terra Associates dated May 18, 2020 and Secondary Review Comments prepared by GeoEngineers dated December 19, 2020 and April 24, 2020 and any future addenda to such reports. Geotechnical recommendation were adhered to. c The applicant's geotechnical engineer shall review the project's civil construction plans to verify compliance with the geotechnical report(s). The geotechnical engineer shall submit a sealed letter stating that he/she has reviewed the civil construction plans and in their opinion the plans and specifications meet the intent of the report(s). The geotechnical engineer reviewed the civil plans prior to construction and a letter was submitted as a part of the civil construction plan review process. d The applicant's geotechnical engineer shall identify those construction activities where observation onsite by a licensed geotechnical engineer should occur. Those identified activities shall be clearly stated on the civil construction plans. Geotechnnical review of the plans occurred prior to construction. e The applicant's geotechnical engineer shall seal and certify all rockeries and retaining walls regardless of height on the civil construction and building permit plans and provide long-term maintenance recommendations for future homeowners as an exhibit in the forthcoming Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions document to be recorded with the final plat. Stamps details for all walls were included in the approved civil construction plans. A Geotechnical "Wall Maintenance Letter" has been provided by the Geotech for City files (included) and is also included in the CC&R's as Exhibit C (included) to be recorded at the same time as the Final Map. f The applicant shall submit a final stream and wetland mitigation plan for the off-site benefit parcel concurrently with the civil construction permit application that provides buffer enhancement activities consistent with best available science; mitigation, maintenance, and monitoring; and native growth protection area standards set forth in RMC 4-3-050. Buffer enhancement on the off-site benefit parcel shall occur concurrently with construction of the PUD/Preliminary Plat. Long-term ownership and management of the off-site benefit parcel shall be the responsibility of the Canopy Subdivision Homeowners Association unless the City determines it is able to assume ownership and provide those services. Mitigation plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. g The applicant shall indicate areas of Alderwood sandy loam on the detailed landscaping plan submitted with the civil construction permit. The plan shall provide specifications for fracturing the hardpan where grading brings the Alderwood hardpan near the surface in locations of new tree planting to provide soil volume for root development and to improve drainage around the trees. The applicant shall submit a surety to ensure the survival of the new trees in the Alderwood sandy loam areas for a minimum of five (5) years. The surety shall include a warranty for each new tree, irrigation system, and maintenance for the five (5) year period. The surety and maintenance specifications shall be executed prior to final plat recording. Information was provided on the approved landscape plans h The applicant shall construct frontage improvements along the northern half of NE 40th Street west of the project site frontage to Lincoln Ave NE meeting residential access street standards except for those areas where the sidewalk and/or planter strip could meander and vary widths to save existing trees within the ROW or abutting property. Frontage improvements were included in the approved civil construction plans. Canopy - Conditions of Approval i The applicant shall construct a pedestrian pathway within the abutting easterly unimproved ROW that would connect to the pedestrian pathway located in the unimproved section of NE 43rd St in an alignment as generally shown on the landscape plan avoiding wetland and stream impacts as practical and providing mitigation for unavoidable impacts. Trail materials are to be determined prior to submitting civil construction permit and shall have minimal impact to wetland, streams, and their associated buffers. Pedestrian pathway was included in the approved civil construction plans. 2 The applicant shall submit revised site plans, elevation plans, and floor plans with the civil construction permit application that indicate the revised depths of Lots 30-40 with front yard setbacks of 15-feet and garage setbacks of 20-feet or greater. The massing of the homes shall be reduced by replacing the garage side exterior wall with a column and the front porches shall be non-repetitive and provide additional distinctive features such as material variation and roof forms. Other mass reduction features not listed herein would be considered by the Current Planning Project Manager. The revised setbacks and massing reductions shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Site, Elevation and Floor plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 3 The applicant shall submit a revised site plan with home floor plans and exterior elevations with the civil construction permit application that incorporates 15-foot front yard setbacks for alley loaded Lots 48 through 55. A reduction in rear yard setbacks and/or other modification to assist in meeting this condition may also be considered by the Current Planning Project Manager. The revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Site, Elevation and Floor plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 4 The applicant shall remove existing homes and outbuildings on the subject property at 2020 NE 40th St and 4130 Lincoln Ave NE prior to submitting final plat and final planned urban development applications. The applicant shall also remedy any encroachments on the Canopy PUD subject property including but not limited to potential encroachments along the boundary with 4006 Lincoln Ave NE prior to submitting final plat and final planned urban development applications. All existing structures on the property have been removed. 5 The applicant shall submit an overall plat building coverage and impervious coverage analysis with graphic representation with the civil construction permit identifying the entire subject property complies with the maximum building coverage of SO-percent and impervious coverage limitation of 65-percent. The analysis and graphic shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance and recorded as an exhibit with the final plat. Building coverage and analysis was included in the approved civil construction plans. 6 The applicant shall submit building height and story calculations for each of the homes within the plat with the civil construction permit to ensure the requested 30-foot wall plate, 6-foot roof pitch, and 3-story heights comply with the proposed modification. The building height and story calculations shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior permit issuance. Building height and story calculations were included in the approved civil construction plans. 7 The applicant shall submit a detailed landscaping plan with the civil construction permit application that provides medium-size maturing trees in planter strips abutting the new lots and large-sized maturing trees in planter strips that abut tracts and/or street frontage only. At least one (1) street tree shall be planted per lot (55 trees) along Road A based on spacing requirements and if spacing requirements do not permit 55- trees to be planted along Road A, then the applicant shall provide a fee in-lieu for each remaining tree in the City Urban Forestry Program fund. Additionally, the landscape plan shall provide root barrier systems within the planter strip to impede tree roots from buckling the abutting sidewalks. The detailed landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Landscape plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 8 The applicant's submitted detailed landscaping plan with the civil construction permit shall provide a minimum of one (1) small sized maturing tree from the City's Approved Street Tree List, shrubs, and groundcover along the western portions of Lots 1-6 abutting the walkway in Tract H. The detailed landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Landscape plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 9 The applicant shall submit specifications with the detailed landscaping plan submitted with the civil construction permit that provides a veneer surface attached to the exposed portion of Vault 1 in Tract H that consists of brick detailing such as a garden wall bond with diagonal patterns or a comparable surface approved by the Current Planning Project Manager with shrub and groundcover landscaping at the base of the exposed wall. The specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Landscape plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 10 The applicant shall revise the planting schedule on the detailed landscaping plan to be submitted withthe civil construction permit to provide greater planting of native evergreen trees in open space and native growth protection area tracts. Large size maturing trees such as Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, Western Hemlock, and other comparable species as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager shall be provided. The detailed landscaping plan shall be reviewed and approved prior to permit issuance. Planting schedule was included in the approved civil construction plans. 11 The applicant's certified arborist shall review the detailed landscape plan to be submitted with the civil construction permit and provide written recommendations on tree spacing for the new trees within the plat. As a result of the arborist's review, if there remains outstanding tree replacement caliper inches due to spacing limitations, the remaining tree replacement caliper inches shall be satisfied via fee-in-lieu in the City Urban Forestry Program fund. The detailed landscape plan and certified arborist tree spacing recommendations shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Arborist reviewed the landscape plans prior to approval 12 The applicant shall submit a minimum tree density exhibit as a component to the detailed landscaping plan that is to be submitted with the civil construction permit. The minimum tree density exhibit shall provide a detail of every lot in the plat and how it meets the minimum two (2) trees per 5,000 square foot requirement. The minimum tree density exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Tree density was included in the approved civil construction plans. 13 The applicant shall submit detailed specifications of all Redi-Rock retaining wall veneers regardless of height with the civil construction permit application.The veneers shall have a scale similar to brick or other small-scale material as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The detailed specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Wall details and specifications were included in the approved civil construction plans. 14 The applicant shall submit a surety to ensure the survival of the plantings on the vegetated mechanically stabilized walls for a minimum of five (5) years. The surety shall include a warranty for the plantings and maintenance of the wall for the five (S) year period. The surety and maintenance specifications shall be executed prior to plat recording. Bonding was in place prior to construction start. 15 The applicant shall submit a Critical Areas Exemption request for the restoration and mitigation activities on the off-site benefit parcel. The Critical Areas Exemption shall be reviewed and issued prior to or concurrent with civil construction permit issuance. Critical areas exemption was included in the approved civil construction plans. 16 Prior to final plat application, if it is determined that the Canopy Homeowners Association will own and maintain the offsite benefit parcel, the applicant shall submit the final plat document with the offsite benefit parcel as a tract within the plat, noting its native growth protection areas and equal ownership from all property owners within the subdivision. The applicant shall include the ownership and maintenance responsibilities in the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) to be recorded with the final plat. The tract addition and CC&Rs, if needed, shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior final plat recording. Tract N (Offsite Benefit Parcel) is shown on Sheet 5 of 10. Plat Note 5 on Sheet 2 of 10 states it is to be owned and maintained by the Canopy Homeowners Association. 17 The applicant shall submit a revised arborist report with the civil construction permit that analyzes the health and viability of existing trees in and around the NE 40th St frontage and provides recommendations for the well-being of the trees while the frontage is under construction including monitoring, tree and root protection, irrigation, pruning, etc. during and post construction to ensure the safety and vitality of the trees. The revised arborist report shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Revised arborist report was included in the approved civil construction plans. 18 The applicant shall install approved fire sprinkler systems for Lots 41-47 as shown on the preliminary plat (Exhibit 4) and a plat note shall be included on the final plat document that indicates homes on Lots 41- 47 require approved fire sprinklers. The plat note shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to plat recording. A note has been added to the plat to reflect this requirement. 19 The applicant shall submit an emergency and vault access road detail exhibit with the civil construction permit application. The exhibit shall provide details of the road width and hammerhead turnaround meeting the specifications of the Renton Regional Fire Authority with paved materials that are complementary to pedestrian and open space environments while meeting the needs of fire apparatus such as scored and/or stamped concrete, pavers, or other comparable materials as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The access road shall be pulled out of Tract Hand placed in a separate tract and easement that would limit use to emergency, vault access, and open space and the tract/easement shall be named for the purpose of addressing Lots 1-6. The exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Tract and easement language for the road shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to plat recording. See Plat Note 4, Sheet 2 of 10 regarding Tract D for Dedication. All materials and construction was approved and installed per Civil Plans. 20 The applicant shall submit a traffic control/pedestrian enhancement exhibit for Road A with the civil construction permit application. The exhibit shall provide details of the traffic control measures and pedestrian connections that connect Tract A to Tract H and Tract B to Tract F. The enhancement shall include features such as raised concrete providing a level crossing similar to a "festival street" cross section with the planter strip replaced with street trees in grates and/or other pedestrian and traffic control features as approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The Road A traffic control/pedestrian enhancement exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Traffic control plans were provided prior to construction 21 The applicant shall submit a final open space plan with the civil construction permit application that provides detailed landscaping plans, detail sheets of playground, exercise equipment, seating, fencing, tables, view stations, and other street furniture, trail and gathering space surface materials, and final square footage calculations of each open space area. The final open space plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Final open space plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 22 The applicant shall submit cross sections with the final open space plan for each open space area that includes slope percentage calculations with the civil construction permit application. Terracing with limited height retaining walls may be required to obtain level grades if it is determined by the Current Planning Project Manager as an optimal alternative to steeper grades in the open space areas. The cross sections, slope calculations, and if needed, terraced retaining walls shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Cross sections and final open space plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 23 The applicant shall submit a revised private open space plan with the civil construction permit application that provides defined edges for each of the lots ground floor private open spaces. Demarcations can include landscaping, low level fencing, hardscapes, and/or other features approved by the Current Planning Project Manager. The revised private open space plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Final open space plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 24 The applicant shall submit revised home elevations for Plans 2550, 2553, and 2054 with the building permit applications that provides a horizontal band on side elevations between stories or provides a material variation in addition to lap siding. The revised elevations shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Elevations were included with approved civil construction plans. These will be further reviewed, if needed, at building permit submittal stage. 25 The applicant shall submit a revised architectural streetscape plan and revised building elevations with the applicable building permit applications that revises color pallets related to the substantial use of modern grey on Lots 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 49, and 50 to ensure the abutting homes contain a differing color. The revised streetscape plan and building elevations shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Elevations were included with approved civil construction plans. These will be further reviewed, if needed, at building permit submittal stage. 26 The applicant shall submit a standalone Final Mitigation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Plan for the Stream Buffer Averaging of Stream 'S' with the civil construction permit application. The plan shall include all applicable items set forth in RMC 4-3-050L and 4-8-1200.19 with a monitoring period of five (5) years. The plan shall also provide recommendations for placing large woody debris in and around the Ordinary High Water Mark of Stream 'S' from any tree measuring four (4) inches in diameter that is removed within 200-feet of the stream. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Mitigation plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. 27 The applicant shall submit a standalone final Wetland Mitigation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Plan for Wetlands Band O with the civil construction permit application. The plan shall include all applicable items set forth in RMC 4-3-050L and 4-8-1200.23 with a monitoring period of five (5) years or timeline as set forth by any required State and/or Federal permit(s). Permanent wetland impacts shall not occur to Wetland A until such time any required State and/or Federal permits and/or approvals are issued. The final plan and evidence of required State and/or Federal permits and/or approvals shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance. Mitigation plans were included in the approved civil construction plans. All state and Federal permits were obtained 28 The applicant shall submit a consolidated Critical Areas Exemption request for proposed onsite and offsite pedestrian trails that would encroach into wetlands, wetland buffers, and geologically hazardous areas. The Critical Areas Exemption shall be reviewed and issued prior to or concurrent with civil construction permit issuance. Critical areas exemption was included in the approved civil construction plans. 29 The applicant shall submit a revised geotechnical report, wall design, and grading plans with the civil construction permit related to the increased depth of Lots 30-40. The revised report and plans shall be reviewed by the City's secondary geotechnical reviewer with all costs associated from the secondary review paid for in advance by the applicant. The revised report and plans shall also be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to permit issuance. Geotechnical report, wall designs and grading plans were all included in the approved civil construction plans. 30 The applicant shall submit a draft Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) documents with the final planned urban development and final plat applications. The CC&Rs shall provide ownership and maintenance responsibilities for alleys, open space tracts, native growth protection area tracts, stormwater facilities, and other common facilities of the subdivision. The CC&R shall be reviewed and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to recording the document with the final plat. CCRs are included with the final plat submittal documents (included). 31 Any proposed changes to key features of the project noted in Conclusions #13 of the staff report to the Hearing Examiner shall be reviewed and considered as major modifications to the planned urban development. Not changes to key features were requested.