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RMC ϰ-ϳ-ϭϭϬ FiŶal Plat PƌoĐess
RMC ϰ-ϴ Peƌŵits—GeŶeƌal aŶd Appeals
To eŶsuƌe the pƌoposed laŶd diǀisioŶ is iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ͛s adopted staŶdaƌds aŶd ĐoŶsisteŶt ǁith the
appƌoǀed PƌeliŵiŶaƌLJ Plat. IŶ additioŶ, fiŶal ƌeǀieǁ is used to ǀeƌifLJ ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith aŶLJ ƌeƋuiƌed ĐoŶditioŶs.
AppliĐaŶts haǀe the optioŶ to suďŵit the appliĐatioŶ paĐkage that iŶĐludes the Ŷuŵďeƌed iteŵs ďeloǁ, foƌ aŶ iŶfoƌŵal
ƌeǀieǁ pƌioƌ to suďŵittiŶg foƌ the foƌŵal appliĐatioŶ suďŵittal. CoŶtaĐt LJouƌ assigŶed DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌ to
aƌƌaŶge foƌ eleĐtƌoŶiĐ suďŵissioŶ of the appliĐatioŶ paĐkage. If LJou do Ŷot haǀe aŶ assigŶed DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌ
ǁithiŶ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ oƌ do Ŷot kŶoǁ ǁho LJouƌ assigŶed DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌ is, please seŶd aŶ eŵail to
deǀelopŵeŶteŶgiŶeeƌiŶg@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ This Reǀieǁ oĐĐurs prior to suďstaŶtial ĐoŵpletioŶ of projeĐt ĐoŶstruĐtioŶ
aŶd prior to ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith all the CoŶditioŶs of Plat Approǀal related to ĐoŶstruĐtioŶ of iteŵs iŶ the field. This
reǀieǁ is highly reĐoŵŵeŶded to reduĐe the tiŵe ďetǁeeŶ the offiĐial fiŶal plat appliĐatioŶ suďŵittal aŶd fiŶal plat
All doĐuŵeŶts MUST ďe suďŵitted eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ. SpeĐifiĐ file ŶaŵiŶg ĐoŶǀeŶtioŶs foƌ suďŵitted plaŶs aƌe ƌeƋuiƌed to
faĐilitate the eleĐtƌoŶiĐ plaŶ ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess. Failuƌe to adheƌe to the saŵple file ŶaŵiŶg foƌŵat listed iŶ the EleĐtƌoŶiĐ
File StaŶdaƌds ŵaLJ ƌesult iŶ a ƌeƋuest foƌ ƌesuďŵittal aŶd/oƌ delaLJ the plaŶ ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess, deeŵiŶg the appliĐatioŶ
To aĐĐept LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ, eaĐh of the Ŷuŵďeƌed iteŵs ŵust ďe suďŵitted at the saŵe tiŵe. DeteƌŵiŶatioŶ that aŶ
appliĐatioŶ is Đoŵplete iŶdiĐates oŶlLJ that the appliĐatioŶ is ƌeadLJ foƌ ƌeǀieǁ oŶ its ŵeƌits, Ŷot that the CitLJ ǁill ŵake a
faǀoƌaďle deĐisioŶ oŶ the appliĐatioŶ. PLAT NAME: Please eŶsuƌe that the fiŶal plat Ŷaŵe is ĐoŶsisteŶt ǁith the Ŷaŵe
used foƌ the pƌeliŵiŶaƌy plat appliĐatioŶ.
AppliĐatioŶs should ďe suďŵitted to CitLJ staff eleĐtƌoŶiĐallLJ, Ŷot iŶ peƌsoŶ. Please eŵail oƌ Đall LJouƌ assigŶed Deǀelop-
ŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌ ǁithiŶ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ to suďŵit LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ.
The fiŶal plat pƌoĐess takes appƌodžiŵatelLJ ϲ-ϴ ǁeeks to Đoŵplete. The tiŵe fƌaŵe is laƌgelLJ depeŶdeŶt upoŶ
appliĐatioŶ ĐoŵpleteŶess aŶd pƌoŵpt suďŵittal of ƌeǀisioŶs. This tiŵe fƌaŵe assuŵes Ŷo appeals aƌe filed.
OŶĐe the FiŶal Plat appliĐatioŶ is suďŵitted to the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ aŶd deeŵed Đoŵplete, the appliĐatioŶ ǁill ďe
ƌouted to those CitLJ depaƌtŵeŶts haǀiŶg aŶ iŶteƌest iŶ the appliĐatioŶ. Reǀieǁeƌs haǀe appƌodžiŵatelLJ tǁo ǁeeks to
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϬ/ϭ9/ϮϬϮϮ Page Ϯ of ϰ
ƌetuƌŶ theiƌ ĐoŵŵeŶts to the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ. All ĐoŵŵeŶts aŶd aŶLJ ƌeƋuests foƌ ƌeǀisioŶs ǁill ďe seŶt to the
appliĐaŶt. OŶĐe all ĐoŵŵeŶts haǀe ďeeŶ addƌessed, the appliĐaŶt ƌesuďŵits the ƌeǀised plaŶs aŶd/oƌ doĐuŵeŶts foƌ
ƌeǀieǁ. The tiŵe fƌaŵe foƌ FiŶal Plat pƌoĐessiŶg is laƌgelLJ depeŶdeŶt upoŶ appliĐatioŶ ĐoŵpleteŶess aŶd pƌoŵpt
tuƌŶaƌouŶd tiŵe of ƌeǀisioŶs.
As paƌt of the ƌeǀieǁ pƌoĐess, the assigŶed PlaŶŶiŶg, DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌiŶg, CoŶstƌuĐtioŶ IŶspeĐtoƌ ǁill eŶsuƌe that that all ĐoŶditioŶs of the pƌeliŵiŶaƌy plat appƌoǀal haǀe ďeeŶ ŵet. OŶĐe the appliĐaŶt has deŵoŶstƌated these
iteŵs haǀe ďeeŶ addƌessed thƌough eitheƌ a ĐoŶfiƌŵatioŶ of iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶt iŶstallatioŶ appƌoǀal oƌ letteƌ of defeƌƌal,
the CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt ;CEDͿ AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ǁill issue aŶ AdŵiŶistƌatiǀe DeĐisioŶ. The CED
AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ͛s aĐtioŶ to appƌoǀe, ŵodifLJ, oƌ ƌejeĐt the FiŶal Plat shall ďe fiŶal uŶless the aĐtioŶ is appealed to the CitLJ
CouŶĐil ǁithiŶ ϭϰ daLJs of the AdŵiŶistƌatiǀe DeĐisioŶ.
A fiŶal plat, ǁhiĐh has Ŷot ďeeŶ ƌeĐoƌded ǁithiŶ sidž ŵoŶths afteƌ appƌoǀal ďLJ the CED AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ shall edžpiƌe aŶd ďe
Ŷull aŶd ǀoid. The plat ŵaLJ ďe ƌesuďŵitted as a pƌeliŵiŶaƌLJ plat. The FiŶal Plat ŵay Ŷot ďe ƌeĐoƌded uŶtil all
iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts haǀe ďeeŶ Đoŵpleted aŶd appƌoǀed ďy the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ oƌ a letteƌ of defeƌƌal has ďeeŶ oďtaiŶed.
ϭ. CitLJ Staff oƌ otheƌ ageŶĐies ŵaLJ ƌeƋuest additioŶal iŶfoƌŵatioŶ duƌiŶg the ƌeǀieǁ aŶd deĐisioŶ-ŵakiŶg pƌoĐess.
Ϯ. It is iŵpoƌtaŶt that the appliĐaŶt suďŵit the ƌeƋuested ŵateƌial ƋuiĐklLJ to aǀoid delaLJs iŶ the pƌoĐess.
ϯ. AŶLJ tiŵe speŶt gatheƌiŶg data aŶd/oƌ additioŶal ĐitLJ ƌeǀieǁ peƌiod ǁill iŶĐƌease the tiŵe ƌeƋuiƌed to pƌoĐess the
ϰ. The appliĐaŶt ŵaLJ ƌeƋuest a letteƌ of defeƌƌal fƌoŵ the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ aŶd post seĐuƌitLJ foƌ aŶLJ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts that
haǀe Ŷot ďeeŶ Đoŵpleted.
Tiŵe Liŵits: SuĐh seĐuƌitLJ shall list the edžaĐt ǁoƌk that shall ďe peƌfoƌŵed ďLJ the appliĐaŶt aŶd shall speĐifLJ
that all the defeƌƌed iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts shall ďe Đoŵpleted ǁithiŶ the tiŵe speĐified ďLJ the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ, aŶd
if Ŷo tiŵe is speĐified, theŶ Ŷo lateƌ thaŶ oŶe LJeaƌ.
The suďŵittal ĐheĐklist is Ŷot aŶ edžhaustiǀe list of suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts aŶd ŵaLJ ďe ŵodified iŶ Đases ǁheƌe
additioŶal iŶfoƌŵatioŶ is ƌeƋuiƌed to Đoŵplete the ƌeǀieǁ of aŶ appliĐatioŶ. The appliĐaŶt should ĐoŶtaĐt the assigŶed
DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌ if theƌe aƌe aŶLJ ƋuestioŶs ƌegaƌdiŶg suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts.
ϭ. Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ: A Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ ǁill ďe pƌoǀided to LJou ďLJ CitLJ Staff duƌiŶg the Pƌe-Suďŵittal Reǀieǁ. The Waiǀeƌ
Foƌŵ should ďe suďŵitted ǁith the laŶd use appliĐatioŶ.
Ϯ. Fees: The ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fee ;see Fee SĐheduleͿ ŵust ďe aĐĐoŵpaŶied ǁith the foƌŵal appliĐatioŶ. Please
eŵail pǁpeƌŵittiŶg@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ oƌ the assigŶed DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌ to ǀeƌifLJ the edžaĐt aŵouŶt ƌeƋuiƌed.
AĐĐeptaďle ŵethods of paLJŵeŶt aƌe Đƌedit Đaƌds aŶd ĐheĐks, if paLJiŶg ďLJ ĐheĐk it should ďe ŵade paLJaďle to the
City of Renton aŶd ĐaŶŶot ďe aĐĐepted foƌ oǀeƌ the total fee aŵouŶt.
ϯ. LaŶd Use Peƌŵit Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ Foƌŵ: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust haǀe Ŷotaƌized sigŶatuƌes of ALL ĐuƌƌeŶt
pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs listed oŶ the Title Repoƌt. If the pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌ is a ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ, the authoƌized ƌepƌeseŶtatiǀe
ŵust attaĐh pƌoof of sigŶiŶg authoƌitLJ oŶ ďehalf of the ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ. The legal desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌopeƌtLJ ŵust ďe
attaĐhed to the appliĐatioŶ foƌŵ.
ϰ. CalĐulatioŶs: Please pƌoǀide Đoŵplete field ĐalĐulatioŶs aŶd ĐoŵputatioŶs Ŷoted foƌ the plat aŶd details ;if aŶLJͿ
of all distaŶĐes, aŶgles, aŶd ĐalĐulatioŶs togetheƌ ǁith iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ the eƌƌoƌ of Đlosuƌe. The eƌƌoƌ of Đlosuƌe oŶ
aŶLJ tƌaǀeƌse shall Ŷot edžĐeed ϭ͛ iŶ ϭϬ,ϬϬϬ͛.
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϬ/ϭ9/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϯ of ϰ
ϲ. CoŶfiƌŵatioŶ of CoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith all CoŶditioŶs of Plat Appƌoǀal: Please pƌoǀide a stateŵeŶt detailiŶg hoǁ all
ĐoŶditioŶs of plat appƌoǀal haǀe ďeeŶ addƌessed. Pƌoǀide the HEX oƌ ERC ĐoŶditioŶs.
ϳ. Deed of Right-of-Way DediĐatioŶ—oŶly ƌeƋuiƌed oŶ pƌopeƌties that aƌe Ŷot a paƌt of the pƌojeĐt ;offsiteͿ: If
aŶLJ puďliĐ ƌight-of-ǁaLJ is ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ LJouƌ pƌojeĐt, please pƌoǀide a draft deed of ƌight-of-ǁaLJ dediĐatioŶ.
ϴ. Dƌaft Legal DoĐuŵeŶts: Please pƌoǀide the fiŶal dƌaft of the deed ƌestƌiĐtioŶs ǁith appƌopƌiate sigŶatuƌes
;ĐoǀeŶaŶts, ĐoŶditioŶs, aŶd ƌestƌiĐtioŶsͿ aŶLJ stƌeet dediĐatioŶs, dƌaft of HoŵeoǁŶeƌs AssoĐiatioŶ, oƌ aŶLJ otheƌ
legal doĐuŵeŶts peƌtaiŶiŶg to the deǀelopŵeŶt aŶd use of the pƌopeƌtLJ.
ϵ. MoŶuŵeŶt Caƌds: WheŶ a ŵoŶuŵeŶt;sͿ is iŶstalled as paƌt of the pƌojeĐt, please pƌoǀide ϭ eleĐtƌoŶiĐ Đopy of a
foƌŵ oďtaiŶed fƌoŵ the CitLJ TeĐhŶiĐal SeƌǀiĐes DiǀisioŶ. It ŵust ďe filled out ďLJ a suƌǀeLJoƌ pƌoǀidiŶg iŶfoƌŵatioŶ
ƌegaƌdiŶg a siŶgle ŵoŶuŵeŶt, iŶĐludiŶg the SeĐtioŶ, ToǁŶship aŶd RaŶge, ŵethod of loĐatioŶ, tLJpe of ŵaƌk fouŶd
oƌ set, ŵaŶŶeƌ of ƌe-estaďlishŵeŶt of the siŶgle ŵoŶuŵeŶt ;if appliĐaďleͿ, desĐƌiptioŶ, aŶd a dƌaǁiŶg shoǁiŶg the
loĐatioŶ of a siŶgle ŵoŶuŵeŶt aŶd iŶdiĐatiŶg a ƌefeƌeŶĐe poiŶt to that ŵoŶuŵeŶt.
ϭϬ. Plat CeƌtifiĐate oƌ Title Repoƌt: Please pƌoǀide a ĐuƌƌeŶt Plat CeƌtifiĐate oƌ Title Repoƌt oďtaiŶed fƌoŵ a title
ĐoŵpaŶLJ doĐuŵeŶtiŶg the oǁŶeƌship aŶd title of all iŶteƌested paƌties iŶ the plat, suďdiǀisioŶ, oƌ dediĐatioŶ aŶd
listiŶg all eŶĐuŵďƌaŶĐes of the iŶǀolǀed paƌĐel;sͿ. IŶ the Đase of a fiŶal plat, the ĐeƌtifiĐate shall ďe dated ǁithiŶ
foƌtLJ-fiǀe ;ϰϱͿ daLJs pƌioƌ to the appƌoǀal of the fiŶal plat. The Title Repoƌt should iŶĐlude all paƌĐels ďeiŶg
deǀeloped, ďut Ŷo paƌĐels that aƌe Ŷot paƌt of the deǀelopŵeŶt. If the Plat CeƌtifiĐate oƌ Title Repoƌt ƌefeƌeŶĐes aŶLJ
ƌeĐoƌded doĐuŵeŶts ;i.e. easeŵeŶts, dediĐatioŶs, ĐoǀeŶaŶtsͿ the ƌefeƌeŶĐed ƌeĐoƌded doĐuŵeŶt;sͿ ŵust also ďe
pƌoǀided. All easeŵeŶts ƌefeƌeŶĐed iŶ the Plat CeƌtifiĐate ŵust ďe loĐated, ideŶtified ďLJ tLJpe aŶd ƌeĐoƌdiŶg
Ŷuŵďeƌ, aŶd diŵeŶsioŶed oŶ the Site PlaŶ.
ϭϭ. Plat PlaŶ oƌ FiŶal Plat: Please pƌoǀide a fullLJ diŵeŶsioŶed plaŶ pƌepaƌed ďLJ a State of WashiŶgtoŶ ƌegisteƌed
pƌofessioŶal laŶd suƌǀeLJoƌ iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith RCW ϭϴ.ϰϯ.ϬϮϬ, dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of ϭ͟ = 4Ϭ͛ oŶ aŶ ϭ8͟ dž Ϯ4͟ plaŶ
sheet ;oƌ otheƌ size oƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶͿ aŶd iŶĐludiŶg the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ the CitLJ
of ReŶtoŶ SuďdiǀisioŶ RegulatioŶs:
• A title ǁhiĐh iŶĐludes the Ŷaŵe of the pƌoposed plat aŶd spaĐe foƌ the futuƌe CitLJ file Ŷuŵďeƌ
• Naŵes aŶd addƌesses of the eŶgiŶeeƌ, liĐeŶsed laŶd suƌǀeLJoƌ, aŶd all pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs
• Legal desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌopeƌtLJ to ďe suďdiǀided
• Date, gƌaphiĐ sĐale, aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ oƌieŶted to the top of the plaŶ sheet
• ViĐiŶitLJ ŵap
• Oǀeƌall plat laLJout ǁith sheet keLJ oŶ a siŶgle page if the sĐale of the plat ƌeƋuiƌes ŵultiple plaŶ sheets
• DƌaǁiŶg of the suďjeĐt site ǁith ƌespeĐt to the Ŷeaƌest stƌeet iŶteƌseĐtioŶs ;iŶĐludiŶg dƌiǀeǁaLJs aŶd/oƌ
iŶteƌseĐtioŶs opposite the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJͿ, alleLJs aŶd otheƌ ƌights of ǁaLJ.
• Naŵes, loĐatioŶs, tLJpes, ǁidths, aŶd otheƌ diŵeŶsioŶs of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌeets, alleLJs, easeŵeŶts,
paƌks, opeŶ spaĐes aŶd ƌeseƌǀatioŶs. CitLJ Đode ƌeƋuiƌes that pƌiǀate aĐĐess easeŵeŶts ďe Đƌeated ǀia
easeŵeŶt ƌatheƌ thaŶ ĐƌeatioŶ of a sepaƌate tƌaĐt
• LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of all easeŵeŶts ƌefeƌeŶĐed iŶ the plat ĐeƌtifiĐate ǁith the ƌeĐoƌdiŶg Ŷuŵďeƌ aŶd
tLJpe of easeŵeŶt ;e.g. aĐĐess, seǁeƌ, etĐ.Ϳ iŶdiĐated
• LoĐatioŶ, distaŶĐes iŶ feet fƌoŵ edžistiŶg aŶd Ŷeǁ lot liŶes, aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of aŶLJ edžistiŶg stƌuĐtuƌes,
edžistiŶg oŶ-site tƌees, edžistiŶg oƌ pƌoposed feŶĐiŶg oƌ ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁalls, fƌee-staŶdiŶg sigŶs, aŶd easeŵeŶts
• LoĐatioŶ of ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas aŶd aŶLJ ƌeƋuiƌed ďuffeƌ oŶ oƌ adjaĐeŶt to the site ideŶtified ďLJ tLJpe ;e.g. flood-
plaiŶ, CategoƌLJ ϭ WetlaŶd, Class ϯ StƌeaŵͿ
• Pƌoposed sƋuaƌe footage of eaĐh lot. If theƌe aƌe aŶLJ pipesteŵ lots ǁith aĐĐess easeŵeŶts oƌ aŶLJ lots ǁith
poƌtioŶs of the lot Ŷaƌƌoǁeƌ thaŶ ϴϬ% of the ŵiŶiŵuŵ ƌeƋuiƌed lot ǁidth, theŶ ďoth the total sƋuaƌe
ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϬ/ϭ9/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϰ of ϰ
footage of eaĐh lot. If theƌe aƌe aŶLJ pipesteŵ lots ǁith aĐĐess easeŵeŶts oƌ aŶLJ lots ǁith poƌtioŶs of the
lot Ŷaƌƌoǁeƌ thaŶ ϴϬ% of the ŵiŶiŵuŵ ƌeƋuiƌed lot ǁidth, theŶ ďoth the total sƋuaƌe footage aŶd the ͚Ŷet͛
sƋuaƌe footage shall ďe pƌoǀided ;peƌ RMC ϰ-ϳ-ϭϳϬDͿ
•Pƌoǀide Floǁ BMP Taďle oƌ DesĐƌiptioŶ
•ViĐiŶitLJ Map ;ĐoǀeƌͿ Ŷote all ͞Pƌiǀate͟ aŶd ͞PuďliĐ͟ easeŵeŶts
•AŵouŶt of DediĐatioŶ
SigŶatuƌe LiŶes:
•CeƌtifiĐatioŶ ďLJ a liĐeŶsed laŶd suƌǀeLJoƌ that a suƌǀeLJ has ďeeŶ ŵade aŶd that ŵoŶuŵeŶts aŶd stakes ǁill
ďe set
•Only if the plat ǁill not be serǀed by seǁer: CeƌtifiĐatioŶ ďLJ the ƌespoŶsiďle health ageŶĐies that the
ŵethods of seǁage disposal aŶd ǁateƌ seƌǀiĐe aƌe aĐĐeptaďle
•CeƌtifiĐatioŶ ďLJ the KiŶg CouŶtLJ FiŶaŶĐe DepaƌtŵeŶt that tadžes haǀe ďeeŶ paid iŶ aĐĐoƌdaŶĐe ǁith SeĐtioŶ
ϭ, Chapteƌ No. ϭϴϴ, Laǁs of ϭϵϮϳ ;RCW ϱϴ.Ϭϴ.ϬϯϬ aŶd ϱϴ.Ϭϴ.ϬϰϬͿ aŶd that a deposit has ďeeŶ ŵade ǁith
the KiŶg CouŶtLJ FiŶaŶĐe DepaƌtŵeŶt iŶ suffiĐieŶt aŵouŶt to paLJ the tadžes foƌ the folloǁiŶg LJeaƌ
•CeƌtifiĐatioŶ ďLJ the CitLJ AdŵiŶistƌatiǀe SeƌǀiĐes AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ that theƌe aƌe Ŷo deliŶƋueŶt speĐial
assessŵeŶts aŶd that all speĐial assessŵeŶts Đeƌtified to the AdŵiŶistƌatiǀe SeƌǀiĐes AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ foƌ
ĐolleĐtioŶ oŶ aŶLJ pƌopeƌtLJ heƌeiŶ ĐoŶtaiŶed dediĐated foƌ stƌeets, alleLJs oƌ otheƌ puďliĐ uses aƌe paid iŶ full
•CeƌtifiĐatioŶ of appƌoǀal to ďe sigŶed ďLJ the CitLJ of PuďliĐ Woƌks AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ
•CeƌtifiĐatioŶ of appƌoǀal to ďe sigŶed ďLJ the MaLJoƌ aŶd attested ďLJ the CitLJ Cleƌk
ϭϮ. PuďliĐ Woƌks Appƌoǀal: Pƌoǀide a ĐopLJ of the puďliĐ ǁoƌks appƌoǀal. If LJou haǀe Ŷot ƌeĐeiǀed this appƌoǀal,
ĐoŶtaĐt LJouƌ assigŶed DeǀelopŵeŶt EŶgiŶeeƌ oƌ eŵail deǀelopŵeŶteŶgiŶeeƌiŶg@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ aŶd ƌeƋuest a
CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ Foƌŵs
EleĐtƌoŶiĐ File StaŶdaƌds
Note: This haŶdout shall Ŷot ďe used as a suďstitute foƌ Đodes aŶd ƌegulatioŶs. The AppliĐaŶt is ƌespoŶsiďle foƌ
ĐoŵpliaŶĐe ǁith all Đodes aŶd ƌegulatioŶs, ǁhetheƌ oƌ Ŷot desĐƌiďed iŶ this doĐuŵeŶt.