HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Arborist_Report_230112_v1.pdfPage 1 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com Assignment On Monday, December 19th, 2022, Heather Tatro, from Encompass ES, contacted me with a request for a tree inventory report for a City of Renton property. On Tuesday, January 3rd, I walked the site to inspect the trees and document my findings. A summary, tree table, site map, and photographic documentation can be found below under sections 1 - 4. Where applicable, I have categorized risk based on the methodologies presented in the International Society of Arboriculture’s Tree Risk Assessment (Best Management Practices). My responsibilities were to provide the following: A tree plan that includes a tree inventory, site map, replanting information (if necessary), tree protection measures for on-site and off-site trees (where CRZ extends on-site) (if requested), and recommendations that will meet the minimum city of Renton tree code requirements. Site Description This 16,015 square foot lot is located on the north-west corner of NE 16th Street and Index Ave NE. The topography of the site gently slopes from east to west. According to the City of Renton GIS data, there are no environmentally critical areas. The property is mostly clear of vegetation, with the exception of a small planter bed near the existing home and a few small native conifers south and east of the home. Subject Trees – Three (3) significant trees. To: Mike Elliott, Encompass ES Job Site: 1709 INDEX AVE NE 98056 Parcel: 7227801935 Subject: Arborist Report Date: 1/12/2023 From: Andy Crossett, ISA Certified Arborist #PN-7375A, Qualified Tree Risk Assessor, WSNLA Certified Professional Horticulturist #2537 Page 2 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 1. Summary This report is preliminary as I have not reviewed any design plans or construction details for the site. Tree locations are approximations based on KC Parcel Viewer data and conditions observed during my site visit. • Three (3) significant, but not landmark trees, were located on-site. The trees are currently in good condition and viable for retention. One of these trees may be located at least partially within the ROW. • Per RMC 4-8-120, 30% of all significant on-site trees must be retained. • Lots are required to provide a minimum tree density of 30 tree credits per net acre. The lot is 16,015 square feet (.37 acres) and will require 11 tree credits. Retained trees will require protection measures to ensure they are not significantly impacted by construction. Renton tree protection measures, fencing details, and ISA recommended tree protection guidelines can be found below under sections 7 – 9. Page 3 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 2. Tree Inventory Table - Seattle Tree ID Parcel/Location Species DBH (inches) Health Condition Structural Condition Combined Viability Average Dripline Diameter IRZ radius Exceptional (Yes/No) Tree Units Overall Risk Rating Proposed Action Comments 1 7227801935/ ROW? Shore Pine Pinus contorta 6” Good Good Viable 10’ 2.5’ No 4 Low Unknown May be shared with ROW. Trees units will only count towards minimum unit requirements if located 100% on-site. 2 7227801935 / ROW? Shore Pine Pinus contorta 16” Good Good Viable 20’ 5’ No 7 Low Unknown May be shared with ROW. Trees units will only count towards minimum unit requirements if located 100% on-site. 3 7227801935 Shore Pine Pinus contorta 11” Good Good Viable 20’ 5’ No 5 Low Unknown Page 4 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 3. Site Map Page 5 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 4. Details of Risk Assessment Level 2: Basic Assessment A level 2 basic assessment is the standard assessment performed for tree risk. The assessment includes a detailed visual inspection of a tree and its surrounding site, and a synthesis of the information collected. The basic assessment involves walking completely around the tree – looking at the site, buttress roots, trunk, and branches. The tree is viewed from a distance, as well as close up, to consider crown shape and surroundings. Methodology – When identifying potential hazard trees, I must consider a variety of factors that could contribute to failure. This can include the following: previous history of site failures, topography, site changes, prevailing wind direction and exposure, tree size and species, growth habit, overall vigor, the density and health of the foliage and crown, examination of root and root collar health, dead wood, hanging or broken branches, and evidence of disease-causing bacteria, fungi, or virus. Tools Utilized: Binoculars, compass, hammer, diameter tape, clinometer, camera, soil probe. Timeline – This assessment covers a five-year period and is based on conditions present at the time of the assessment. 5. Definitions: DSH - Tree size is measured in Diameter at Standard Height (DBH) – standard forestry methodology for measuring tree size. Multi-stemmed trunk combined DBH determined by the square root of the sum of all squared trunk stems DBH. Renton “Significant Tree” – “greater than 6-inch caliper or 8-caliper inches for alders and cottonwoods” Renton “Landmark Tree” – “a tree 24 inches in diameter (DBH) or greater.” Driplines – Most trees in groves do not have symmetrical driplines. Therefore, drip line radius was measured in the quadrant assumed to be most affected by future disturbance or where most significant. Inner root zone – “means an area encircling the base of a tree equal to one-half (½) the diameter of the drip line.” Risk – The combination of the likelihood of an event and the severity of the potential consequences. In the context of trees, risk is the likelihood of a conflict or a tree failure occurring and affecting a target, and the severity of the associated consequences – personal injury, property damage, or disruption of activities. How people perceive risk and their need for personal safety is inherently subjective; therefore, risk tolerance and action thresholds vary. What is within the tolerance of one person may be unacceptable to another. It is impossible to maintain trees completely free of risk—some level of risk must be accepted to experience the benefits that trees provide. Page 6 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com Explanation of Tree Conditions as Defined by the ISA. Poor – A tree described with a poor condition would have a combination of the following features: low vigor, sparse crown density, and few interior branches. The crown could be unbalanced or contain many dead twigs/branches. It may also have been topped, tipped, or mal pruned. The trunk could have cracks, cavities, conks/mushrooms, and evidence of decay within the tree. Fair – A fair description would describe a tree with normal vigor and crown density. The tree may possess one or possibly two of the above listed qualities but overall is in decent health. Improvements of site conditions could improve the trees health. Good – Trees listed in good condition will have high vigor with a thick crown density. It would have few, if any defects, and would be a good example of that specific tree. Explanation of Risk Ratings as Defined by the ISA. Low – The low-risk category applies when consequences are negligible, and likelihood is unlikely; or consequences are minor, and likelihood is somewhat likely. Moderate – Moderate-risk situations are those for which consequences are minor and likelihood is very likely or likely; or likelihood is somewhat likely, and consequences are significant or severe. High – High-risk situations are those for which consequences are significant and likelihood is very likely or likely, or consequences are severe, and likelihood is likely. Extreme – The extreme-risk category applies in situations in which failure is imminent, there is a high likelihood of impacting the target, and the consequences of the failure are severe Page 7 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 6. ISA Recommend Tree Protection Detail Page 8 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 7. City of Renton Tree Protection Page 9 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 8. ISA Recommended Tree Protection Information The Pacific Northwest Chapter of the ISA Recommends the following for protecting trees from damage during construction. https://pnwisa.org/tree-care/damage/protecting-trees-from-damage/ “Critical Root Zone Protection A critical step in retaining healthy trees is the protection of tree roots from disturbance. Each tree has a critical root zone (CRZ) that varies by species and site conditions. The International Society of Arboriculture defines CRZ as an area equal to a 1-foot radius from the base of the tree’s trunk for each 1 inch of the tree’s diameter at 4.5 feet above grade (referred to as diameter at breast height). Another common rule of thumb is to use a tree’s drip line to estimate the CRZ (see figure). Evaluate both of these and choose whichever provides the larger CRZ. Under certain circumstances, disturbing or cutting roots in a CRZ may be unavoidable. In such cases, the work should be done only under the on-site supervision of an ISA Certified Arborist. Cutting or disturbing a large percentage of a tree’s roots increases the likelihood of the tree’s failure or death. Never cut tree roots that are more than four inches wide; roots that large are usually structural. Cutting them can destroy the stability of the tree, causing it to fall over! If you must cut tree roots, do so cleanly with sharp tools. Never tear with a backhoe or other dull instrument. A clean cut encourages good wound closure and confines the spread of decay. If damage is severe, consider removing the tree because its stability may have been compromised. Activities to Avoid in the Critical Root Zone The CRZ that should be protected from negative interactions. Avoid the following activities: • Stockpiling construction materials or demolition debris • Parking vehicles or equipment • Piling soil and/or mulch • Trenching for utilities installation or repair, or for irrigation system installation • Changing soil grade by cutting or filling • Damaging roots by grading, tearing, or grubbing • Compacting soil with equipment, vehicles, material storage, and/or foot traffic Page 10 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com • Contaminating soil from washing out equipment (especially concrete) and vehicle maintenance • Installing impervious parking lots, driveways, and walkways • Attaching anything to trees using nails, screws, or spikes • Wounding or breaking tree trunks or branches through contact with vehicles and heavy equipment • Wounding trunks with string weed trimmers and lawn mowers • Causing injury by fire or excessive heat During Construction Monitor compliance with tree protection requirements and the impacts of construction activities on tree health regularly during construction. If there are incursions into the root zone, ensure roots have been severed cleanly, enforce penalties, and reestablish the protection zone. Confer with your contractors to make sure that construction offices, vehicular parking, worker break sites, concrete washout areas or other pollutants, and material storage will remain outside of protected areas. Diligence in maintaining barriers and in enforcing your protection plan will pay great dividends at the end of the project when the tree is still healthy. Following the guidelines laid out above will serve in most situations, but occasionally construction plans will require impingement on the CRZ. Trenching Trenching is a standard way to install utilities. It is best to entirely avoid trenching through the CRZ (see figure); such practice could severely destabilize a tree, as well as adversely affect its health through loss of roots. Workers performing such operations should understand that 85% of the mass of a tree’s root system is located within the CRZ and that most of a tree’s roots are within the top 18 inches of soil. Alter routes of underground infrastructure or use alternate methods such as pipe boring. Tunneling at least 18 inches beneath the root zone will prevent loss of critical root mass if underground utilities must unavoidably be placed within the CRZ. A decision must be made as to where best to locate utility trenches. Planners and designers must be made aware that trenches may not cross a CRZ and design alternate alignments accordingly; such realignments are not the responsibility of the construction crew. Best practices for trenching include the following: • Protect the trunks of high-value trees from scraping and gouging to a height of at least eight feet. • Keep equipment and excavated backfill on the side furthest from the tree, not against the trunk. Page 11 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com • Place excavated backfill on a plastic or canvas tarp outside the CRZ. • Prune away jagged roots back to the trench wall closest to the tree. Use a handheld pruner or pruning saw to make sharp, clean cuts. • Replace the backfill on the same day if at all possible. Cover exposed roots with wet burlap to prevent them from drying out; in hot dry conditions, small roots may be injured in as little as 30 minutes. • Do not allow chemicals, trash, or other foreign debris to become mixed with the backfill. • If earthwork specifications allow it, firm the backfill to the same compaction a s the surrounding soil and no more. • Water the backfill to prevent excessive root drying. Grade or Ground Level Changes Grade changes should be avoided in order to prevent serious damage or death to a tree. Fill that is added over existing soils can smother and kill roots, or invite disease if piled around the trunk. Even temporary fills such as stockpiling mulch or soil in the CRZ of a tree for as little as several days during the construction process can have severe, long-term negative effects, though symptoms may not appear for several years. The extent of injury from adding soil around a tree varies with the kind, age, and condition of the tree; the depth and type of fill; drainage; and several other factors. Maple, oak, and evergreens are most susceptible, while elm, ash, willow, sycamore, and locust are least affected. Little can be done to save trees that have been suffering from soil added over an extended period of time. It is prudent to consider possible damage that may occur to a tree and take a lternative action before the fill is made; prevention is less expensive and more effective than attempting to correct the situation after damage has been done. Best practices for fill operations include the following: • Never place any fill or organic materials directly against the tree. • Never compact the soil within the CRZ. • If using no more than two to four inches of fill around existing trees, significant damage may be avoided if the fill has a coarser texture than the existing soil. Less damage to a tree’s roots is likely with a lowered grade than when it is raised, unless exposing or removing a great deal of the root mass. A general rule-of-thumb used by landscape architects is to remove no more than six inches of soil from the existing grade in the CRZ; however, this is dependent on the soils in which the tree is growing. A tree’s roots may all exist in the top foot of a shallow soil; removing the top six inches would have tremendous negative impact in that case. Page 12 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com Best practices for removing soil include the following: • Consider removal and replacement if the tree is young, in poor condition, an undesirable species, or very susceptible to insects and disease. • Plan grade changes well in advance of construction using the appropriate method to prevent injury to desirable trees. • Use retaining walls or terraces to avoid excessive soil loss in the area of greatest root growth. • Spread mulch over the exposed root area when possible, to help prevent soil erosion, reduce moisture loss, and keep soil temperatures lower. • Provide supplementary water when rainfall is less than one inch per week. • Prune roots to prepare the tree for root loss due to grade lowering. Root pruning is best left to an ISA Certified Arborist, who can take into account the variables necessary to reduce the stress of the pruning to the tree.” Page 13 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 9. Certificate of Performance I, Andy Crossett, certify that: • I have personally inspected the trees and the property referred to in this report and have stated my findings accurately. • I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report and have no personal interest or bias with respect to t he parties involved. • The analysis, opinion, and conclusions stated herein are my own and are based on current industry standards, scientific procedures, and facts. • My analysis, opinion, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted arboriculture practices. • No one provided significant professional assistance to me, except as indicated within the report. • My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party nor upon the results of the assessment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any subsequent events. I further certify that I am a member in good standing of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA ) and an ISA Certified Arborist (#PN-7375A) and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. I also am a Certified Professional Horticulturist through the Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association. If you have any questions about this report, please contact me at 206-310-8254 or andycrossett@hotmail.com. Andy Crossett References: Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants Their Identification, O rnamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation, and Use. Stripes Publishing L.L.C., 2009 Smiley, E. Thomas, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly. Tree Risk Assessment (Best Management Practices, Second Edition). Champaign: International Society of Arboriculture, 2017. Dunster, Julian A., E. Thomas Smiley, Nelda Matheny, and Sharon Lilly. Tree Risk Assessment Manual. Champaign, Illinois: International Society of Arboriculture, 2013. Shigo, Alex L. A New Tree Biology: Facts, Photos, and Philosophies on Trees and Their Problems and Proper Care . Shigo and Trees, Associates, 1986. Page 14 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com Referenced Municipal Code: 4-4-130 TREE RETENTION AND LAND CLEARING REGULATIONS: https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Renton/#!/Renton04/Renton0404/Renton0404130.html 10. Credentials & Experience History I first began working in the horticulture industry in 2002 at a landscaping company located locally in Bellevue, WA. After working in the field for a few years, as a laborer and a supervisor, I decided to pursue a formal education at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. I graduated in 2011 with a degree in Environmental Horticulture and immediately took the ISA and CPH exams to be become a Certified Arborist and a Certified Horticulturist, respectively. I moved onto to work as a member of the Street Tree and Irrigation Department for the City of Bellevue. Tree Frog LLC started in 2013, when I began consulting part time in addition to working as head gard ener at a seven-acre estate in Medina, WA. Tree Frog LLC has grown, and I have been consulting full time since 2017. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and the animals on my small hobby farm. Education Lake Washington Institute of Technology – Associates Degree, Environmental Horticulture My education from Lake Washington Institute of Technology's horticulture program focused on the following areas of study: botany, plant propagation, greenhouse management, soils, pruning, pest and d isease management, landscape design, turf grass management, and plant identification. Credentials Certified Professional Horticulturist through the Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association #2537 In 1978, WSNLA created a two-pronged professional certification program that was known as the Washington Certified Nurseryman or Washington Certified Landscaper. In 2005, WSNLA revamped and upgraded the certification program and renamed the designation as Certified Horticultural Professional. With nearly 400 Certified Professional Horticulturists, the CPH program is the largest community of state certifications serving professional horticulturists in Washington State. To earn a WSNLA Certified Professional Horticulturist credential, you must pass a writte n exam that tests your skills and knowledge as a horticultural professional based on study materials and practical applications. You must provide the equivalent of one year of work experience (2000 hours) with a licensed nursery, landscape contractor or WSNLA-approved business or institution. Certified Arborist and Qualified Tree Risk Assessor, through the International Society of Arboriculture #PN-7375A. To earn an ISA Certified Arborist® credential, you must be trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of arboriculture. ISA Certified Arborist® have met all requirements to be eligible for the exam, which includes three or more years of full-time, eligible, practical work experience in arboriculture and/or a degree in the field of Page 15 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com arboriculture, horticulture, landscape architecture, or forestry from a regionally accredited educational institute. This certification covers a large number of topics giving the candidates flexibility in the arboricultural profession. A code of ethics for ISA Certified Arborists® strengthens the credibility and reliability of the work force. This certification is accredited by the American National Standards Institute, meeting, and exceeding ISO 17024. Continued Education Trees and the Law | Report Writing for Arborists | Defensible Tree Appraisal | Developing Field Assessment Skills for Common PNW Tree Diseases | Climbing Safety Case Studies | WSNLA PROseries seminar Pest & Disease | Tree Disorder Diagnosis Online Workshop & Live Discussion | Why Trees Fail Online Workshop & Live Discussion | Arbor Chat: A Deep Dive Into the ISA Certified Arborist® Code of Ethics | Diagnosis & Disorder: General Diagnosis | Tree Biology: Anatomy | Arbor Chat - Coronet cuts: The simulation of natural fractures | Tree root physiology and urban soils – can’t we just all get along? | Arboricultural Zombies - Myths That Will Not Die | Forged in Fire: Arborist Options Before & After the Fire | Forest Health Watch – working together to monitor, study and understand tree health issues in Pacific Northwest | Tree insect pest diagnosis and management | Homeowner knowledge and perceptions of tree care and preservation on residential properties | Managing the Trees Where People Live for Resiliency | Regenerative Pruning: Research on Overextended Trees, Practice on Hollow Trees | Machine Generated Report Writing | Tools We Use | Putting the MD Back in Tree Doctor | Building a Resilient Arboriculture and Urban Forestry Program in Rural Municipalities | Ethical Tree Care in the Urban Interface | What’s pesky in the PNW… And what could be on its way? | Coping with heat: Community urban forest perspectives and experiences in Vancouver, Canada | Advancing Urban Forestry in the Pacific Northwest | Root Pruning | The Influence of Abiotic Factors on Street Tree Condition and Mortality in a Commercial -Retail Streetscape | Arborists and Wildlife: Retaining Trees for Wildlife Habitat | Tree Inventories | Biology and Identification of Fungi | Wood Decay Fungi Identification and Management | Container Type Affects Root Development | Tree Lightning Protection Systems | Advanced Tree Identification | Wood Chips and Compost Improve Soil Quality and Increase Growth of Acer rubrum and Betula nigra in Compacted Urban Soil | A Review of Spatial Variation of Allergenic Tree Pollen | The Cost of Not Maintaining the Urban Forest | Impacts of Wire Basket Retention and Removal | Effects of Root Severance by Excavation on Two Urban Tree Species Volunteering Dog Mountain Farm, CSA Dog Mountain Farm serves the Snoqualmie Valley community and Seattle area by providing Certified Naturally Grown farm-fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs, herbs, and flowers. They also offer educational tours for schools and groups. Page 16 of 16 Arborist Report - Encompass ES - 1711 Index Avenue NE TREE FROG LLC https://www.treefrogllc.com/ PO Box 307, Duvall, WA 98019 [P] 206-310-8254 [E] andycrossett@hotmail.com 11. Assumptions & Limiting Conditions a) A field examination of the site was made on 1/3/2023. My observations and conclusions are as of that date. b) Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been verified insofar as possible; however, the consultant/arborist can n either guarantee nor be responsible for accuracy of information provided by others. c) Unless stated otherwise: 1) information contained in this report covers only those trees that were examined and reflects the conditions of those trees at the time of inspe ction; and 2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of the subject trees without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied that problems or deficiencies of the subject tree may not arise in the future. d) All trees possess the risk of failure. Trees can fail at any time, with or without obvious defects, and with or without applied stress. A complete evaluation of the potential for this (a) tree to fail requires excavation and examination of the base of the subject tree. Permission of the current property owner must be obtained before this work can be undertaken and the hazard evaluation completed. e) Other trees with similar defects are standing in the neighborhood and have been so for some time. Trees are living biological organisms, and I cannot predict nor guarantee their stability or failure. f) Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural report of surveys unless expressed otherwise. The reproduction of any information generated by architec ts, engineers, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is for the express purpose of coordination and ease of reference only. Inclusion of said information on any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation by Tree Frog LLC as to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. g) The consultant/appraiser shall not be required to give testimony or attend court because of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made. h) Loss or alteration of any part of this report invalidates the entire report. i) Unless required by law otherwise, possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply right of publication or use for any purpose by any other than the person to whom it is addressed, without the prior expressed written or verbal consent of the consultant/appraiser. INDEX AVE NENE 216TH STUNIT 41,350 SFUNIT 31,350 SFUNIT 1UNIT 2EXIST INGDUPLEX TOREMAIN 1INDEX AVENUE TOWNHOMES CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN MIKE ELLIOT VICINITY MAPSITE DATA:PROJECT TEAM:UTILITY DISTRICT INFORMATION:SETBACKSNORTH SHEETAPPROVEDCHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNEDSCALEDATEJOB NO.REVISIONS A PORTION OF SW 1/4 OF SECTION 4, T. 23 N., R. 05 E., W.M.CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTONINDEX AVENUE TOWNHOMESEastern Washington Division  6ZiItZater %OvG ▪ &Oe EOXP W$  ▪ 3hone   Western Washington Division  1E -XniSer 6treet 6Xite  ▪ ,ssaTXah W$  ▪ 3hone  Know what'sCallbelow.before you dig.RSITEAREA TABLE