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T g m 84 SF. 1j96 SF.1J $ m o is g i ' C 515ey GiraJIip Alre IIII CL5 Architecture And Planning T6 o o 0 o ¢V B'71�dl �g 'b Ii Iffl ;? v yy J t c �F ' DEQGPATIO •`.'°° STC% : - ` r PE9S �.9I� '''.- fi, MO ik - _i ; _ 1�u. ,_ CHAT$ `` k' - �, ' \ — O I� LQi { O y� 1 a a a a 5.0 1.0 WI nar U (_:.-_:- 1 , ,,. B97H J,:...„ ,E . 9 -1 B9Ik, W r- I r- I 1 CD 01A 0 • ,„ ., Unfit "C" (ft °of loom) Unfit oo C oo (second. f 1 u ar) a SCALE:I/4°•I'-0. 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SC.N.E. 1..30.-0.111,..•- . , .,.;-;.••.•:-', / ., . .., .14.mona 1 , .."' .. ..2. ...:.•" i N. . • \ . • S ' SIAM or \ `‘,.; ,. =,6[91 • wrtTligET . .......o.wooro,,;,;...... • ••- '•.-.-- • - ' • •• •• • • • • ' -----•-'-' ,, \ \ '-•!•E Ar7"5 I ......'''"?........,. , Tioau.Vasema , , , • • • LYNN WILDLY.MORN. as.5.0. •. . • .• CERNFICATE NO.419• NN, \ . \ . . • ronOno ealPHY Dma.....omassi E.=rroanii n_, Arenll Architecture And Planning —4, Q.:51e6y Gp uecue TALBOT ROAD �I C F I ��jj I e`1E C I G 4. :• oy m I G r�(fh G IF �1 j —•'�„ C-N/C C--1/C r I---1 I i- a I -- 4I I , 1 11) 04 1 C.* h �; EIS;: _l'-..- • -- -= '� �0° -- - • Li `'fM�- P-,0-1- T(Pe : slime,SP,ac i�1y -r ev1-11-1 1-r4b ••• I S ,tom I- I.1-TeRIcR 4.No /��- .TL-.. 1; F',�+NOA'71o1J �I.:-NTs AT P��oe�s. -t A u0 IIN4 rti�Es t-h rIo FT+F PPoFeRTY LINE;•&X'rFfis C-F.N: G-F.H. ` � I`1. R • �— 'p4-F,Ti-JI ' •o0 ,--D Is 3d' HT.TYPIc-,L. , •.-- ---- — -. , ; 1 ; i i I I I i I n � G FN•• G FFI , N. I LAuF•EL •hP�eLV. C `�Jl e i I i I I I I III' G- . C- . -. I .;.�• ' ebN MUS. 'A,ALF�c I ::E 0^. — �'ENai--:•.•:I• • G ®G •,,r-Ru--is : •f,,,.xBeFP'i . 1 r, :0i-,r �� 's,:"- ;IC C re: I�rr • .,� ' � .'I $ - � • --- i- ---INTER Iof CAI-Jo - LEes• - � . - - �,. ED MA E. •SWG �/ fS''AAAPER TYPIClL; � . iQ YiJs }iYooM, •g+Z.z-TPIt� TI rn 4TFEE"r �f-EGA+: / - - '�l� -lb- / , 4. 'oAK 2"TAL4C207-' I('F yPIU,L. "haw-sPPe,4veR. KMaTPx ;` 0—gLctii. ANT Tr r z. IN Iy ellfu,,lip I} a n= I F �I 1 �[P�IIe�ffi ��143lllll i •AMoiz�r�..,.��,ry ( I ] tt7 TICAL. j� i 'VINE-r l e ; T"( c,E.�.T��_.. I,-.. ; I pI� COR-IIPEIZ IfL, ` - �7 Vi S �1T�PINe ••WG1%�/�LAS pepR neD.�fy G-'�' ♦}� TYPICAL. i GENERAL PEOLITTING LANDSCAPE HONES: _ ` I 1. TBI9 LANE B ➢LAN1 I9 PRE.IIONAEY ONLY AND NOL PO 1• C S THIS PLAN IS ".414D POE PEHNITIING t" n *T PURPOSES ONLY. �" M E. ALL AREAS OP LANDSCAPING SNAIL BE ram IRRIGATED PITH AN •• ,0 } W, AULONATIC LRHIGATION STATEL. ;T. N a 3. SHE BOTION OP INN DION/ALE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SOD LANN. _ •• .. 4. ALL PLANTING AREAS WILL RECEIVE A E INCH DEPTH OF BARN 4Y 7 >N�ALL PLANTING AvP.a A 6 I1t OP TOPSOIL9. C s. "���` Z m F LAx n SroBE'''.PEEILIEID NIT.AGRIPmw PLANTING ,.. ,e.� TABLETS. d 1M1c f�.fn.JTvaY.c.v. 1 (� nn(�c(�� bnPumo 11g7 , WAAha ®N N \ TAEGLON LANDB E S ARCHITECT LYNN PAWIAI HORN. CII1M1CATE N0.419 CCag GrrID1,117 Alrehilft fta Architecture And Planning ._ 42 1 \ `I 1 ., . il I I, 1 u a l \ ' , '1 \ \I `�l li •i.il'�i ; ��r,� 6• ("a�i i i I i i 1 .. - ... ,z J ;I I.II W.IMIhr O >s 11,H4s.r 11 II" 11: I 1 , \, \\\ t17-N'�• , ` .. ■i� lll��lr�irlll1�1 .�, -'tja. \ arm I rirrAnii. ----- rmil ,o__,?-imge 0 Ala a �� »�rac ,�. 1�� y\ ,i" /° ,itVOI`Wr�e:car m10114 � _ ., \• ' 1 --"'` , i (II /4.0-(; citt,t, ( 1 1 g 1 I '' „LT:-.. t I 111"Ige, \ 10, \tli tuts ai ,, ..., I I 1 �'°1 ....� II .9 1\+ \ \ \q'c 1 m. \ C� �� �� \ \`, ��°:s•`�it g,"i'4 II 1(', ll u lJ „ s...._„ ,...4+31,0. 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L14Kt�n s mm {fn!� Spri ng brook Park p - ` W �• m 5W Lil...n.-. j 0-,='S1wv..•pp' 4to iugbrook1 1 \''' '-' d�SANtq i l�ja.°/®• l� p YYlyy'el' o,qi f. Park kr 'S R f: i .LrRN1 j SPRING BRI•t :/,. ACRE �' r ... - — ! $lM 1 �I"� ,. I .6?Ij f ':1 e�sh I ,--.rt•.:.or..." u, —r n Q' �.• 1�(� 'J, > :\ 1 1 . I I1_ 2a•+�i N. ,Ali, wfl t e is h . .‘„=6 ..ILL 'MNr45 : .: ji3 •A i1 r:1A14:. \ :N.tit I P a•r w iiL.. _0 . LI ` pLq • �7�r ��7�TV iii LK _: p A.C. n I i xO®r jli1i- E ? rofTYY : �f i ,r te •4.31E jirAgi 4.r.r mom I .„'S I 3=••-•_4..... L_J p , Y. urL1.• .�,—,4 , I'i J�i f I I I 11 I. Lt. . I . I . 0 0 CITY OF RENTON _ _ zsizsr=,."141....40 I sell. Planning/Building/Public Works 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton,trhin t 98055 p- sz gc --.' , relosi 4 •d'.., e,,-.04: " iiE : I \ .. . Abe 221 T sA.9 Lt * . . VT; -- V g '," °.7 FR, R,.yT, Et 715 831-6 u,s POSTAGE : 1:: r.7.7:ql-t-: - ‘I (\-C3\ C-cm( 0 6' `,2T. Dept, , 11 , - - -- - ---- •k\N g‘ne- 80S.33S 0120 C. \,:al 1..,141i0M3 satEsiiiirr,7 - Renton,NA \ - ---, 0135184-B9072 MAT5903 98o5a2o21 1796 15 OS/27797 \ -- - FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND MATSUMURA(LORI 440 S 51ST CT APT sloe : , RENTON WA 98055-6367 .., Slilifil RETURN <::: 7- _ - _ , L66I WRITER iniiiiniiiiiiiiihiminiiiltliiiiiiiiiIiiii. i U�r o z. + au 1111 • NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 22, 1997 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and.the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF DESCRIPTION: Request for Environmental Review(ECF)and Site Plan Approval(SA)for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. The proposal would be accessed off Talbot Road. GENERAL LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd(55th South) STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: Wetlands Analysis Report;Geotechnical Report;Drainage Report PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review Site Plan Approval Building Permit Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Peter Rosen,Project Manager,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,,Renton,,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 6, 1997. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on October 14,1997 at 9:00 AM,,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are'interested in attending:the hearing,please,contact the-Development Services Division, 277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled.' If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal;or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Peter Rosen,Project Manager,at 235-2719. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 20,1997 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: AUGUST 21,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 22,1997 • - • N _ )' - Ij y ll..���11i • - _-'fyT Q-,.•.'x• :i ,;,(id. ..gin - - t1•�-- __• .. .. • I.2 . C GENMALOT.DOC $ © CITY OF RENTON ' _. .0 Planning/Building/Public Works ° • sf' 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055i. F, ! �� r! 7UR�y4a r• -}� ::::::----,—;-N. - 'Z [ARE`": ; T " r�srgaC..e .,n.r,` c�; - 9138316 11 3:-PO3TAG3`4a9 ti cPE",e-4,,yn / �'CKtzepk cur, ,e, ono!.n ��\eSS312,6519 .,,... erns ff/1t_ -- -- — p 10Ux f' TO��TY :: O Box�83 ARenton, W98058- I 1.423 - - - �- _ -- - - - • RETURN TO SENDER ' NO FORWARD ORDER ON FILE UNABLE TO FORWARD 9 RETURN TO SENDER AUTO 11111111 11ee111e11„e11e,e1111,11 1111ele1177l11eee1 ♦• IP.. Nrc NOTICE OF APPLICATION I i PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 22, 1997 i A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. 1 PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF DESCRIPTION: Request for Environmental Review(ECF)and Site Plan Approval(SA)for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. The proposal would be accessed off Talbot Road. GENERAL LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd(55th South) STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: Wetlands Analysis Report;Geotechnical Report;Drainage Report PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review i Site Plan Approval Building Permit Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to:Peter Rosen;Project Manager,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 6,1997. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing.on October 14,1997 at 9:00 AM;.Council Ch-ambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division, 277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Peter Rosen,Project Manager,at 235-2719. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 20,1997 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: AUGUST 21,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 22,1997 ;:...-.: 'P. / • • /2 ,..:. .,4 __. = j' SITE 's -_ + ^t4j1 :i.'.: - i-I: • • :�f . -- : , fir':: - (1•,�,;.`r ' � _ - .. - -. " ';� - la. 7,7'? kl,. .4 --.!:;? � 1 . GENMALOT.DOC W4Ri-ii' 1 II CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 21,2003 TO: Laureen Nicolay FROM: Karen McFarland(x7209)' L^ SUBJECT: Ashburn Trail Easement Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the legal description for the above referenced project and have the following comments: • As previously mentioned,the trail easement recorded under KC recording No. CO not 9903123156 is not the same as the easement that was a part of our final review and does Ci �Q' not correspond to the existing trail as it is currently developed. Thus,we are making no 11 )01 statement as to how well the easement for this review matches up with the previously aA� recorded easement. IJ" • With regard to this easement,we ask that the"in the City of Renton"be added to the indexing information of the first paragraph of the"Exhibit B"legal description. We would suggest the following highlighted change: "A strip of land ... of Section 31,Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M., in the City of Renton,King County, Washington" • Also,please make sure that the"in the City of Renton"phrase is included in the indexing language of the abbreviated legal description on the first page of the easement document. P:\AII_Reviews\LglDescReviews\laureen0503.doc\k -1. - • Return Address: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 City Clerks office IIIiIllhi/II/iII/i//IiII/llh/il//llhllff//!IIiiI//iII!ii:0001005001123 1055 South Grady Way CHICAGO TITLE EAS Renton, WA 98055 PAGE 001 OFi015 23.00 KING COUNTY, WA Title: WATER EASEMENT SUPERCEDING RECORDED WATER EASEMENT DOCUMENT#20000613001128 Property Tax Parcel Number: 312305-9115-04&312-9023-05 Project File#: LUA-97-119, SA-H,ECF Street Intersection or Project Name: GLACIER CREEK • Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Springbrook L.L.C. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation % 2. The Grantor,as named above,for,or and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby grants,bargain,sells and delivers to the above named Grantee,the following described peraoeiproperty now located at:Additional legal is on pages of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Two portions of property in the southeast and southwest quarters of Section c" 31, Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M. Said property is described in Exhibit A,page 4 of this document. 0 Said two portions are described in Exhibit B,pages 5-7 of this document. 0 0 o o I o �c CHICAGO TITLE INS. CO REF# a s-io EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED ng Re o s Division ePutY Page 1 • That said Grantor(s),for and in consideration of mutual benefits,do by these presents,grant,bargain,sell, convey,and warrants unto the said Grantee,its successors and assigns,an easement for public utilities (including water,wastewater,and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over,under,through,across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way)in King County,Washington,more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1 --Exhibit B.) For the purpose of constructing,reconstructing,installing,repairing,replacing,enlarging,operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines,including,but not limited to,water,sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities,Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall,upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement,restore the surface of the easement,and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work,as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not,however,have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement;or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee;or cv c. Develop,landscape or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig,tunnel,or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the o compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way,or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. c This easement shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, c successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. 0 o By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and ci every person or persons,whomsoever,lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors,administrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this ZQ day of5ept20�0 K&A. -PresidentSC. • Page 2 • • • CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) On thi may o — 1y 20 6'a,before me personally appeared ``"` e": n ' 1 P to me known to ..`` ‘`>> be 1/ i c_P v r-eS i='"-• " of the corporation that �' a.O4 I executed the within instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free ONll'l� litand voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purpose therein = ', 7.i � mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said (I) V iO• t�i. t p instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. , ; C � _ o Public in an for the State of Washington n 9 F WASH Notary(Print) (.4 Z-GV� n D --e►rr, y' •••~��� My appointment expires: R/O 0/ c., Dated: S Q f-f,�b e.r ?_ v o O O e-- N Page 3 • • EXHIBIT"A° GLACIER CREEK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST,WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EAST OF THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5. PARCEL B: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST,WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR 96TH AVENUE SOUTH AND SOUTH 192ND STREET. 0•, N r- 0 0 s a 0 r-- 0 a 0 N Iri f/ IL: t( t1F IWi �'�it H NFL. 18 612 p �� '�F, FCISTESE \- e6 s/DNA L �.11V6W EXPIRES: MAY 6, 2001 i Page 4 • EXHIBIT B GLACIER CREEK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF WATER EASEMENT Two portions of the property described in Exhibit A; said two portions are more particularly described below as Parcel 1 and Parcel 2: Parcel 1 Commencing at the northeast corner of the property described in Exhibit A, thence along The easterly line of said property S 00-13-06 W 142.13' to the True Point of Beginning of this water easement parcel; Thence continuing along the easterly line of said property S 00-13-06 W 24.85'; thence departing from said line N 88-59-27 W 10.06'; thence N 01-00-33 E 9.85'; thence N 88-59-27 W 48.52'; thence N 43-56-57 W 37.50'; thence S 46-03-03 W 20.34'; thence N 43-56-57 W 7.49'; thence N 01-16-11 E 10.67'; c., thence N 46-03-03 E 12.77'; thence N 43-56-57 W 24.06'; thence N 88-43-54 W 65.17'; thence S 01-16-06 W 20.00'; thence N 88-43-54 W 13.50'; thence N 01-16-06 E 20.00'; o thence N 88-43-54 W 212.36'; thence S 01-16-06 W 2.10'; `r' thence S 21-37-27 E 116.99'; thence N 68-22-33 E 8.22'; o thence S 21-37-27 E 20.27'; thence S 68-22-33 W 8.22'; o thence S 21-37-27 E 43.14'; thence S 01-55-57 W 95.28; thence S 88-04-03 E 11.78'; thence S 01-55-57 W 15.00'; o thence N 88-04-03 W 11.78'; thence S 01-55-57 W 91.77'; o thence S 89-47-01 E 63.97'; thence N 56-30-48 E 46.56'; • thence N 33-29-12 W 15.54'; thence N 90-00-00 W 7.35'; thence N 00-00-00 E 13.00'; thence N 90-00-00 E 14.34'; thence S 33-29-12 E 22.52'; thence N 56-30-48 E 6.67'; thence S 89-47-01 E 88.54'; thence N 00-12-59 E 113.00'; thence S 89-47-01 E 45.00'; thence S 00-12-59 W 15.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 30.00'; thence S 00-12-59 W 180.83'; thence S 89-47-01 E 35.07'; thence S 00-12-59 W 13.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 35.07'; thence S 00-12-59 W 114.90'; thence S 89-47-01 E 105.69' thence N 00-33-54 E 15.55'; thence to a point on said east property line S 89-26-06 E 13.32'; thence along said property line S 00-13-06 W 30.46; thence departing said line N 89-47-01 W 73.38'; thence S 00-12-59 W40.85'; thence N 89-47-01 W 10.00'; thence N 00-12-59 E 40.85'; thence N 89-47-01 W 35.72'; thence S 00-12-59 W 33.02' to a point hereinafter to be known as Point A; thence N 89-47-01 W 79.59'; thence S 00-12-59 W 19.83'; thence N 89-47-01 W 13.00'; thence N 00-12-59 E 19.83'; thence N 89-47-01 W 103.71'; thence N 33-45-00W 30.38'; thence S 56-15-00 W 28.01; thence S 77-27-35 W 8.29'; thence N 12-32-25 W 13.00'; thence N 77-27-35 E 5.85'; 5 • thence N 56-15-00 E 25.58'; thence N 33-45-00 W 38.83'; thence N 01-55-57 E 86.51'; thence N 88-12-44 W 2.50'; thence N 01-55-57 E 20.66'; thence S 88-12-44 E 2.50'; thence N 01-55-57 E 87.35';thence N 88-04-03 W 30.82'; thence N 01-55-57 E 13.00'; thence S 88-04-03 E 30.82'; thence N 01-55-57 E 129.12'; thence N 88-04-03 W 16.40'; thence S 67-44-57 W 9.90'; thence N 22-15-03 W 13.00'; thence N 67-44-57 E 12.69'; thence S 88-04-03 E 19.18'; thence N 01-55-57 E 3.62'; thence N 21-37-27 W 180.32'; thence N 01-16-06 E 5.14'; thence N 88-43-54 W 10.05'; thence N 43-34-00 W 15.93'; thence N 01-27-36 E 8.63'; thence N 88-32-24 W 13.25'; thence N 01-27-36 E 13.00'; thence S 88-32-24 E 13.25'; thence to the northerly line of said property N 01-27-36 E 70.51'; thence along said northerly line S 88-43-54 E 15.00'; thence departing said northerly line S 01-27-36 W 85.98'; thence S 43-3400 E 3.47'; thence S 88-43-54 E 7.18; thence N 01-16-06 E 14.67'; thence S 88-43-54 E 15.00'; �•z thence S 01-16-06 W 14.6T; thence S 88-43-54 E 74.45'; thence N 01-16-06 E 8.75'; thence S 88-43-54 E 13.50'; thence S 01-16-06 W 8.75'; thence S 88-43-54 E 41.76'; o thence N 01-16-06 E 15.00'; thence S 88-43-54 E 15.00'; �-. thence S 01-16-06 W 15.00'; thence S 88-43-54 E 132.13'; a thence N.01-16-06 E 13.52'; thence S 88-43-54 E 20.19'; o thence S 01-16-06 W 16.69'; thence S 43-56-57 E 72.03'; thence returning to said easterly property line and this water easement parcel's True Point of Beginning S 88-59-27 E 52.02'. 0 EXCEPT the portion described as follows: Commencing at the aforesaid Point A thence to this exception's True Point of Beginning N 44-47-01 W21.21'; Thence N 89-47-01 W 30.28'; thence N 00-12-59 E 15.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 15.00'; thence S 00-12-59 W 15.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 42.46'; thence N 00-12-59 E 11.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 13.00'; thence S 00-12-59 W 11.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 72.58'; thence N 33-45-00 W 4.09'; thence N 56-15-00 E 5.65'; thence N 33-45-00 W 15.00'; thence S 56-15-00 W 5.65'; thence N 33-45-00 W50.31'; thence N 01-55-57 E 134.50 thence S 89-47-01 E 68.97'; thence N 56-30-48 E 17.32';thence S 33-29-12 E 10.22'; thence N 56-30-48 E 13.00'; thence N 33-29-12 W 10.22'; thence N 56-30-48 E 35.90'; thence S 89-47-01 E 60.44'; thence S 00-12-59 W 13.50'; thence S 89-47-01 E 10.00'; thence N 00-12-59 E 13.50'; thence S 89-47-01 E 13.56'; thence returning to said exception's True Point of Beginning S 00-12-59 W 228.75'. 6 Parcel 2 Commencing at the southeast corner of the property described in Exhibit A thence along the easterly line of said property N 00-13-06 E 192.88'to the True Point of Beginning of this water easement parcel; Thence departing said easterly line N 89-47-01 W 96.08'; thence S 00-13-14 W 59.99'; thence S 45-13-14 W 16.26'; thence S 00-13-14 W 99.17'; thence S 88-26-45 E 17.00'; thence to the southerly line of said property S 00-13-14 W 19.70'; thence along said southerly line N 88-26-45 W 32.01'; thence departing said southerly line N 00-13-14 E 25.06'; thence N 89-46-46 W 26.00'; thence N 00-13-14 E 10.00'; thence S 89-46-46 E 26.00'; thence N 00-13-14 E 89.68'; thence N 45-13-14 E 16.26'; thence N 00-13-14 E 53.78'; thence N 89-46-46 W 17.50'; thence N 00-13-14 E 15.00'; thence S 89-46-46 E 5.00'; thence N 00-13-14 E 14.05'; thence S 89-46-46 E 10.61'; thence N 00-13-14 E 68.82'; thence N 89-46-46 W 10.02'; thence N 00-13-14 E 15.00'; thence S 89-46-46 E 24.89'; thence S 00-13-14 W 66.31'; thence S 89-46-46 E 7.79'; thence S 00-13-14 W 31.56'; thence to the aforesaid easterly property line S 89-46-46 E 90.30'; thence returning along said line to this water easement parcel's True Point of Beginning S 00-13-06 W 15.01'. c3 0 • '' aE ir�a NFe 1, 4 .1,1414t6,, 'ett261c EXPIRES: MAY 6, 2001 7 EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA 32 5 1h61H s(C1 31/ .6 1 PAGE 10 PAGE 13 PAGE 14 PAGE 16 g NE I ' PROP — — — COIL \ SE ,• ' � PROP. o ::z :�`! . ► POINT A A j COR. WAik' 161 PAGE 11— 11 CV PAGE 12 PAGE 15 SHEET NDEX PAGE 8--KEY MAP PAGE 9--LINE TABLE PAGE 10--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, TPOB PAGE 11--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED PAGE 12--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED 30.00' PAGE 13--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED PAGE 14--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED PAGE 15--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED PAGE 16--EASEMENT PARCEL 2 PARCEL A N0013'44'E PARal.8 :i N1 ... SECTION TIES PER RECORD OF SURVEY BY ESM AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 119 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 200. 7/44 11� of t g4liptati SCALE 1'=300' I • r DWG PATH: P:\SDSK\PROD\97018Jhc\DWG\97018WAE—AB.DWG �p� .pf. 18612 �p �c�� PLOTTED: 09/26/00 F`ps�°NA Lj E t��\� PAGE 8 OF 16 t• 7Cr EXPIRES: MAY 6, 2001 EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING Li 9.85 N01.00'33'E L2 2.10 S01'16'06'W L3 7.35 N90.00'00'V L7 8.29 S77'27'35'W L8 5.85 N77.27'35'E L9 20.66 NO1.55'57'E L1O 9.90 S67'44'57'V L11 12.69 N67.44'57'E L12 19.18 S88.04'03'E L13 3.62 N01'55'57'E L14 5.14 NO1.16'06'E L15 8.63 NO1.27'36'E L16 13.25 N88.32'24'W L17 3.47 S43.34'00'E L18 718 S88'43'54'E o L19 14.67 N01'16'06'E L20 8.75 SO1'16'06'V o L21 15.00 N01'16'06'E o L22 6.67 N56'30'48'E cv L23 15.00 N00.12'59'E L24 15.00 SO0'12'59'V L25 11.00 N00'12'59'E L26 4.09 S33'45'00'E L27 5.65 N56.15'00'E L28 10.22 N33'29'12'W L29 10,22 S33.29'12'E L30 13.50 NOO'12'59'E L31 13.56 N89.47'01'V NC Pet P:\SOSI(\PROD\97018JicDIG\97018WAE-AI NG PLOTTED: 09/26/00 PACE 9OF16 I • i 1 I EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.I . IN RENTON, WA TRUE POINT OF 6£CNING — — —_ — NE WATER EASEMENT, PROP. \ PARCEI.I S0013'06'W COR. _ 24 85' , 14213' jf - Ii.i. _--• cm o 50116'06'W 20, o� I 6 •,/ i 4356'57'W ti , i N0116'11'E� 46'03'O3'E 10•67 NO1161•% 12.77 /7 4356'STNI : t z kJ 24.06' s.sQ pi Pi i 16'06'W s in ?..R ol#1- 4 oi , ,. t 161061 21236 N8813154'W 1 E 1 s88'43'54'E A S1-£PAID tr I I 1 1 SCALE 1'.50 I I DWG PAIN: P:\SOSAPROD\97018Jic\P \97018WAE-A8.0V PLOTTED: 09/26A0 I PAGE 10 OF 16 a 1 1 . . i EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOVINSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.lu. IN RENTON, WA 17/ SEE PAGE 10 1 S88'4314'E 132.13' 50116b6 ka 15.00' Vus I_ L21 il" / , N;r7,,Eil t, - S6871'33V VI —.� 5.22' let c.-+ 1 N01'16'1...' . t-rt Sr 1 04 CZ) Va 0 urs N^/ L2 �1 t. o, o 50116'i•.# 103?-0 I+ .6•i/ 011'1 c _ %��// //tP.' SO1�7'36'IN yf .S(1 } N Ev 85.98' VI — S 0 a ti., / . - 70.51 =44I 15\ NO1-2136'E 1/': 4 I I 1 1 N01'27361 1100' I I SCALE 1'S50 011G PATH: PASOSK\pRQi\97018JiADMIG\970181NAE-A8.OWG f PLOTTED: 09/25/00 PAGE 11 OF 16 1 i i . i EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT — PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A P0RT1ON OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA SEE PAGE 13 15 . 44 ` OP 1,2614, 434. NOO'00' ,&� ' , . N33'291211 / 15.54' ku 1 i ti cv S68 22'33.W 50155'STW ' 8.22' Z � 50155'57"1U 5 ; SO155'Srw N01'5515rE o E ips 95.28' 91.77' 134.50' CD I- / o N0155'5TE - Pa 87.35 f 129.12 c� —� `� _ N0155'S7•E i g g§ o .�, � .�, 2.50' c�o N��� NOt'S5'S7'E cv tii hi i /31 Ili 1 W�y a1' 1 i i I 1 l Li SCALE 111=50 1 I i DIM PATH: P:\SOSK\PROD\97018._hADVIG\97018WAE-ABANG PLOTTED: 09/26/00 PAGE 12 OF 16 i 4 1 EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT — PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA --- OM MI - , 459.12' C."1 N soo7r59' S0012'59'W 1 1 Q kJ rez L.r, w Et Et'M Q Et g 50012'S9'W o 4 -/ 180.83' / / / /� o // — SOD'12'S9'W 228.75 o N0012'S9'E 5 w 0 113.oar cr, r'i, - s ka /' 21591w gip ' / 4. SEE PAG1. 12 "4" /� _ 1 i Z 1 SCALE 1'=50 i I DWG PATH: P.\SD9C\PROA97018JK \97018WAE-AB.09G i PLOTTED: 09/26/00 1 PAGE 13 OF 16 I t EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A POR110N OF SECTION 31, TOMMSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA SO0930611 30. 1 N00.3S / s w 5009r59'W c.-, som2,59'w t a 40.85 s 1u 40.85 o o sa s 012159'E 'r' in gA + S001215911 gOtI591W o 114.90' 02' POINT A Q 0 228.75' S00'1r59'W 22875' N4447'O1'N1 o T.P.0.8. / 21.21' o PARCEL 1 1499'4V.W 51 i EXCEP11ON 30.2288'' p + 1 i t1 is 2 4 21591 s 9 P i k" 5 r 10371 , ! s N89.4701'W j SEE PAS 15 14 /%1 Z SCALE 1'=50' DWG PATH: P:\SOSK\PROD\97018JIc\DWG\97018WAE-A8.01UG PLOTTED: 09/26/00 I PAGE 14 0f 16 i • EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NOR1H, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA SEE PACE 14 L25 '''� 2'S�E 103.71 /� 14891101V. �• S00'12' A f /ems gam o 41eV 154 01. �• 644 cj`� N01'S5'S7'E NOt'S5'S71 4 134.50' ;'• _ 134,50 -j cv � / t) L9 IN 66.51 NOV551571 11 „~N 2'441 I, 2.50 Wa ai SCALE 1"C50' DWG PAIN: PASDSAPRa1\97018Jtc\OWIG\970181NA£-A3.0110 ; I PLOTTED: 09/26/00 PAGE 15 OF 16 EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 2 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W. I. IN RENTON, WA TRUE PORT Of BMW SE INTER EMSEtE11T. PMtCEL 2 FROP. OIL IMP mi .1 �J% S00'13'O6'1 192.BB' �r vt 0 41-61 0 ` Ser46'461 7.79' 500131411 906Y3'1411 o S00'1SW' 31.5e / 50013'14'1 ire> r+ 9. o / KM. 5999' "1,4. 5009314'11 N00131141 N001$141 46.4616 1740 �t e0 be NVIS14 10.02' tObt 3141: N8746.46'1 �' N0013141 103 15.00' Se9'46'461 14.05 4r4rE NO011141: N0013141 5.00' N001314E 25.0r I SCALE 1'S60' DWG PATH: P:\SOSK\PROD\97018JIADW1G\97018WAE—AB.OMG • PLOTTEO: 09/26/00 PAGE 16 OF 16 • GEC- •1-70 . !o o'i 1 3 6719520 FF 2.00 Permit No 15611 Certificate of Surface Water Right Recorded in the Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington, in Book No 23 of Water Right Certificates, on Page 11323 , on the 27t1i' day of November 1970 1�1 p r:.o p:�TATE OFiAS TW H�N7, • Iti7 0 Q O SS. 2 .nty*of :<;1 certa that2he within was received > N ry, 0)&nd duly record4by me in Volume of Book o f Watertight Certificates, Page on the day of • / - 3 7.........._...._...._.........._...._.........._ _..._ STATE PRINTING PLANT. OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON s.c.Nei.J69-1 nev. CERTIFICATE RECI q0 23 , PAGE No 1 2 .. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF K0,11g CERTIFICATE OF SURFACJE WATER FIGHT (In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 117,Laws of Washington for 1917,and amendment thereto,and the rules and regulations of the Department of Ecology.) HIS IS TO CERTIFY That LBO....)r......11i�YE Lf7 of 7 Seattle, Washington has made N proof to the satisfaction of the Department of Ecology of a right to the use of the public surface waters of the State of Washington front an unnamed stream a tributary of an unnamed swamp , with point:of,•diversion within SiS NI S. 1.4. Sec 31 , Twp 23 N., R 5 E. , fpr,the p.trpose(..);of irrigaGj.c u • under and specifically subject t.. to provisions contained in....................._appropriation ,;:,i;_. Permit No. 15611 issued by the • Department of Ecology, and that said right to the use of said waters has been perfected in accordance with, the laws of Washington, and is hereby confirmed by the Department of Ecology and entered of record in Volume 23 , at Page11323• that the priority of the right hereby confirmed dates from October 5, 1967 ; that the quantity of water under the right hereby confirmed, for the aforesaid purposes is limited to an amount actually beneficially used and shall not exceed 0.05 • cubic foot....per....s.e.cond.,...5....acre—feet...per....year,....ea.l1....Xear.,....from...May....1....to....0.ctob.er...1..for irrigation of 5 acres. A description of the lands to which such surface water right is appurtenant is as follows: S1/2S1/2NW1/4SE' of Sec. 31, T. 23 N., R. 5 E.W.M.; LESS roads. • • • TThc riel:P to the .as'., of the water efore5eiti htrohrf I'(nfir+n.od• is restricted to the lands or place of use herein described, except as provided in RCW 90.03.380 and 90.03.390. This certificate of surface water right is specifically subject to relinquishment for nonuse of water as provided in UCW 90.14.180. Given under my hand and the seal of this office at Olympia, Washington, this 27th day of November" ' 19 70 • Return Address: City Clerks office ILtIIuIIiiI!IIiIIllIIRIIIiiIiiiIiI:R/Ii01005001125 1055 South Grady Way CHICAGO TITLE EAS sz.0e Renton, WA 98055 10/05//2000F14038 KING COUNTY, WA Title: EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC SIDEWALK AT INTERSECTION OF TALBOT RD. AND S.55TH STREET Property Tax Parcel Number: 312305-9115-04&312-9023-05 Project File#: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF Street Intersection or Project Name: GLACIER CREEK Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page_. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): ro 1. Springbrook L.L.C. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Grantor,as named above,for,or and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby grants,bargain,sells and delivers to the above named Grantee,the following described pastas*property now located at:Additional legal is on pages of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lel CV A portion of property in the southeast and southwest quarters of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.. Said property and portion are described in Exhibit A,page 4 of this document. o ' o • • I • /. • F'r 1O'RE INS, CO EXCISE TAX N '' REQUIRED King-6'0. ecords Dive.;on eputy Page 1 • • That said Grantor(s),for and in consideration of mutual benefits,do by these presents;grant,bargain,sell, convey,and warrants unto the said Grantee,its successors and assigns,an easement for public utilities (including water,wastewater,and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over,under,through,across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way)in King County,Washington,more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1--Exhibit B.) For the purpose of constructing,reconstructing,installing,repairing,replacing,enlarging,operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines,including,but not limited to,water,sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities,Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall,upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement,restore the surface of the easement,and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work,as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not,however,have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement;or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee;or c. Develop,landscape or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area end any private improvements therein. d. Dig,tunnel,or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way,or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. c This easement shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties in and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. o By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons,whomsoever,lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the cm, heirs,executors,administrators and assigns forever. o ' , IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this,: day of.* 20LO. • / 4 , ALik e t Angier,Vice-President s Sp'ngbrook L.L.C. Page 2 CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS Q 0ter! COUNTY OF KING On this day ,20 t7,before me personally appeared ���. •. ` en'� l e r to me known to A ► be ce (retS e, of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free tON , "4 'e and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purpose therein % mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said N -0 Z� �� u+; instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. i i i �`Op w AS�,�'= Nota Public in and for the State of Washington ►►%%....,,` Notary(Print) S U'Za n h I)/ t-ko cc riO My appointment expires: G/0 R 0 i Dated: SeP a-o o v CNI 0 0 0 0 Cs.; Page 3 EXHIBIT A GLACIER CREEK EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC SIDEWALK AT INTERSECTION OF TALBOT RD. AND S. 55TH STREET LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 A PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: PARCEL B: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT POR710N LYING WITHIN THE RIGHTS OF WAY FOR 96TH AVENUE SOUTH AND SOUTH 192ND STREET. SAID PORTION IS AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC SIDEWALK MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING POINT AND TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER DESCRIBED ABOVE PROPERTY; THENCE ALONG SOUTH PROPERTY UNE N8816'45"W A DISTANCE OF 8.78 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE CONTINUING N3T27'28"E A DISTANCE OF 14.50 FEET TO A POINT ON EAST PROPERTY UNE; N THENCE ALONG THIS PROPERTY LINE S0013'06"W A DISTANCE OF 11.75 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS EASEMENT. 0 0 0 0 I-- 0 0 0 N E �mGE / C1/4 N 4 •1 6 Mi. E ' 18612 ip i I.C, 'c% •$ '' &di/ ... 0.4 k,N EXPIRES: MAY 6, 2001 PAGE 4 OF 5 A PORTION OF SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 31, T 23 N, R 5 E, WM. OMMENCING TALBOT ROAD S. POINT AND TP08 6 jl( ,iniiirigui.^ lY .. /,� .-_ 'sic.'7� 1 .�` III 1111111 j 1,11,11 IN11:•'• '"'' • �'�'*� 3.�-iC�ia\)I If. .- mill i 111 . r. Viral 1 ! I �t1 minims ii441 �r i - .,m&- �� I No loi PARCEL t. , _ isui :in dig Ea itigNliv; E-. In: St al 1 PARCEL A vi IS zE• SCALE: 1'-300' CV r Q ,. _ TALBOT.. -ROAD -S. . —" , i /-- COMMEN N\G— Cr , ° POINT AND SO 1 , 06 W TPOB 11 . ►' S tN xN88°26'455'-V1-- 404/ 8.78._A__AIA__Kp-r-r-r--T-Nzj--f---r"-_c--O ''e-v---5 5 5 5 5. f I E N121 11 Ir.--WI k .. _ H__2_.= , .. ______ _ . _ 1 #:. \ 0 E—; 1 N�37 27 2 - ,Z • ;14.5� :r" t.f.1'.'k • t.. �.E Chi E4' SCALE: 1'-30' AI- I� 4fli . :> o /�W.• •1°0 9 18612 ® c4 �e�'���N'L i E -*C3\�C, 1"Y912.- Ir. `II '' ill EWIREs: MAY 6, 2001 GLACIER CREEK EASEMEPr FOR PUBLIC ti, )" Pacific MOO ;,,,,BMW, PROJECT NO.: 97018 SIDEWALK AT ,�i Engineering 1 WA am nid8(a4e).u1-T° DRAWN BY: TlR OF �=��::. Design, Inc. P��),�►-� ISSUE DATE: 09-27-00 TALBOT RD. AND 8. 55TH n o,111 w'c°"' MAP I STREET Civil Engineering and PACE 5 OF 5 Planning Consultants 10-02-2000 07:19am From-BUCHAN PROPERTIES 4257393826 T-018 P.001 F-441 BUCHAN Phone: (425) 739-3873 Fax: (425) 739-3826 2821 Northup Way, Suite 250 Bellevue, WA 98004 To: rennifer Henning Date: October 2, 2000 Firm/Office City of Renton Time: 7:11 AM PT Fax Number: (425) 430-7300 CC: Phone Number: (425)430-7286 Phone#: Kent Angier From: Kent Angier Fax#: Re:' Springbrook Pages: 1 of 20 Message: Jennifer: Following is a recorded copy of the Restrictive Covenant. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (425) 739-3878. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL BACK IMMEDI.ATELY NOTICE The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential. It is intended for the use of the individual or entity 114xzted above, If the reader of this message is not the intended addressee, the reader is hereby notified that any consideration, dissemination or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If the addressee has received this communication in error,please return this transmission to us at the above address by mail. We will reimburse you for postage. In addition, if this communication was received in the T.J. S.,please notify us immediately by phone at(425) 827-2266. Ci f CIT"- OF:.RENTON ..LL ' Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman RE,Administrator Jesse Tanner,Mayor September 29, 2000 Peter Aitelli Morrison .& Foerster LLP 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Subject::.Springbrook Apartments (AKA Glacier Creek Apartments), 5301 Talbot Road South, Renton LUA 96-004 Dear Mr. Aitelli: This letter is sent in response to your request for a letter addressing whether or not the above apartment property complies with current zoning and building codes:. • 11 The property currently has Residential - 14 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-14) Zoning. The purpose of the R-14 Zone is "to encourage development of new residential neighborhoods that provide a mix of detached dwellings, semi- ' attached dwellings, and attached dwelling structures which are organized and designed to combine characteristics of both typical detached single family and small scale multi-family developments The R-14 Zone permits new apartments at densities between 8 and 18 dwelling units per net acre as a primary permitted use. Section 4-2-020H of the Renton Municipal Code states: "Reviewing Official approval of projects in the R-14 Zone is contingent upon the determination that the proposed developments are . compatible with site characteristics and are consistent with the purpose of the R- 14 designation and the Residential Planned Neighborhood-policies of the Comprehensive Plan,,: • 1055 South Grady Way Renton,Washington 98055 ' - al This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer Mr. Peter Aitelli September 29, 2000. Page 2 The Springbrook Apartments received site plan approval on November 20, 1997 and final building division approvals on September 28 of this year. Therefore, the apartments are considered a conforming use under the current in the R-14 Zone. This permitted status would allow restoration of any damaged improvements. have attached 'a complete copy of our R-14 zoning regulations. I hope this letter meets your needs. Please feel free to contact me at 425-430- 7286 if you have questions. Sincerely, • Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner` ; Development Services Division enclosure WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO •^:.:KENT ANGIER SPRINGBROOK L. ,C : 040 ,BUCHWPROPERTIES •`Z8 21 NORTRIUP iWAT' BELLEVUE,/ WA-J 9 8 0.0`4.` i I 1 iIi T I ii� � i l ;ii1 ii .. '� w:: IjlIli 20000927000260 r' C riStOF TIi1e L RCOVE 25 00 pAc� se CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DOCIMEN1 TITLE(`s 1 REsiiidTVE_coVkiiiiTiN Order Number 000579056 • 3 4 REFERENCE NUMBER(s)OF DOCUMENT ASSIGNED OR RELEASED CAD CO Additional reference r}nmbe •s" on page of document o GRANTORka] :cm " o SPRINGBROOK LLC ,y✓ 2 Ira L � b ff �.. 3 RETI57�iOS Cn cn ED Additional names on page _of'Aocument GRANTEE(a) : o PUBLIC 2 3 E7 Additional names on page of document ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot-Unit B Block Volume Page Section Township Range Portion Plat Name CREN LLAN LUA-99-056-LLA/9905249002 i=l Complete legal description is on page 5-7 of document ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER(s) : 312305-9023-05 Additional Tax Accounts are on page of document Note This cover sheet is prepared to conform to the requirements of Chapter 143, Laws of 1996 Nothing on this sheet alters the names,legal description or other information in the attached document The only purpose of this cover sheet is to assist the auditor in indexing the document in conformance with statute The Recorder will rely on the information provided on this form The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein oovLatirtnA/nazsaa CIibPDF-www.fastio.com r After.recordingIretum top- I" Kent Angier Spnngbrook LLC'",. c/o.Buchan Properties. n 2821"Northup Way Bellevue,WA 98004 Space Above this line for Recorder's Use Only RESTRICTIVE COVENANT T IS R STRCTIVE. COVENANT;•'°Covenant") is made and entered into this-; ay of wA ____� 2000; by.,:`SPRINGBROOK LLG, a Washington Limited Liability Company ("Spnn brook") RECITALS cv Q 1 Spnngbrook is the owner of the real property("Property") located in King County legally o described as follows The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 E,W M, in King County, State of Washington,except that portion lying within the rights of way for 96th Avenue South and South 192nd Street 2 The Property has been developed with residential buildings CD 3 A designated buffer area is located adjacent to the residential buildings The designated buffer area is legally descnbed on the attached Exhibit"A"and shown on the attached Exhibit"B" 4 Spnngbrook desires to put the public on notice that no future development is allowed within the designated buffer area without the pnor wntten consent of the City of Renton NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants hereinafter set forth, Spnngbrook declares the following 1 No future development is allowed within the designated buffer area legally described on the attached Exhibit"A"and shown on the attached Exhibit"B",without the prior written consent of the City of Renton 2 The covenants, conditions, and restrictions contained herein shall run with the land described herein and shall be binding upon the present and future owners thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns forever CIibPDF -www.fastio.com ,N, ;:`IN:=VtilTNE$S,.,WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above •` Written` ,.;"SPRI BR OK LLC ri.., Angier.r" Vice President` .._.STATE.,OF,,WASHINGTON ) )ss COUVTY•OF`k'NCti""- .) On this 'L?a ':. :.day,,of:5+'tket4Cr 200;before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the c-, State of Washington, personally appeared Kent,A:-Angier, to me known to be the Vice President of Spnngbrook LLC,the Limited Liabifity,.Company:that executed::the within instrument, and acknowledged the Q said instrument to be the free and voluntary act"anti deed of such:corporation for the uses and purposes o therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he isauthonzed to;execute,the said instrument on behalf of said o' corporation o WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL hereto affixed the day and year first above written _, �.,, NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the N r G � � ��'., State of Washington, residing at PINtittai WA ,i,, = (Print Name) 'O1 L My Commission Expires -1-02- C - CIibPDF-www.fastio.com EXHIBIT"A" ? LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DESIGNATED BUFFER AREA • • • CO . CV O O Cr) O O CS N CIibPDF -www.fastio.com „.. ) CiLACIER CREEK RESTRICTIVE COVENANT A PORTION OF THE FOLL0,1MNG,,PESCflIBED PROPERTY PARCEL B. / .... , ) PARCEL B OF CITY OF REN TON'LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 14.1A769-056-LLA, RECORDED 'UNDER RECORDING NUMBER /9905244,002, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON SAICrPORTIONASSA KfCA19.BUFFER EASEMENT MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED...AS.FOLLOVS; COMMENCING AT THE--NOtT17105T'COONEFk,DESCRIBED ABOVE PROPERTY, „z".. THENCE N88'43.54"W A DISTANCE OF 51.35itttl- THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR AREA "A” / Lia THENCE CONTINUING AT THE TRUE POINT CIF/BEGINNING "A" S01"27'36"W A DISTANCE OF 19.37 FEET'TO THENCE N88'3224"W A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT, L-. THENCE S0127'36"W A DISTANCE OF 81 25 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S88-32'24"E A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE SO1'27'36"W A DISTANCE OF 11.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S8812.24"E A DISTANCE OF 6.10 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S1707'43"W A DISTANCE OF 1 36 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S77'4610"W A DISTANCE OF 8.56 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S1213'50"E A DISTANCE OF 11 50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S774610"W A DISTANCE OF 8.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S12'13'50"E A DISTANCE OF 39.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N77'4610"E A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S1213'50"E A DISTANCE OF 2 17 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE S77'4610"W A DISTANCE OF 3.00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE 51213'50"E A DISTANCE OF 39 58 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N77'4610E A DISTANCE OF 8.00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S1213.50"E A DISTANCE OF 11.50 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE N77'4610"E A DISTANCE OF 11 63 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S221503"E A DISTANCE OF 9.26 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE S67'44'57"W A DISTANCE OF BOO FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S22'15'03"E A DISTANCE OF 81.25 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N67'44.57"E A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S2215'03"E A DISTANCE OF 11.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N6744'57"E A DISTANCE OF 3138 FEET TO A POINT. THENCE S221503"E A DISTANCE OF 3.92 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S67'44'57"W A DISTANCE OF B 00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S2215'03"E A DISTANCE OF 42 17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N6744.57"E A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S2215'03"E A DISTANCE OF 9.00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N6744'57"E A DISTANCE OF 9 00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S24'51'00"E A DISTANCE OF 2 09 FEET TO.A POINT, THENCE N67'47'23"E A DISTANCE OF 15 15 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S21'55'19"E A DISTANCE OF 38 87 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S06"21.07"W A DISTANCE OF 34.72 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N801519"W A DISTANCE OF 20,63 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S2714.34"W A DISTANCE OF 3.87 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N80'40'48"W A DISTANCE OF 10.87 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N62'19'05"W A DISTANCE OF 6.66 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N79'47'01"W A DISTANCE OF 23 87 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S1012'59"W A DISTANCE OF 11 50 FEET TO A POINT, PAGE 1 OF 13 CIibPDF-www.fastio.com . . .• GLACIER CREEK RESTRICTIVE COVENANT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THENi*N1,947161.".11V„ AOISTANCE OF 8.00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE'S1012'59"VCA MISTAKE OFT55.25 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S16435'..1.4"W A' DISTANCE OF .11 06 FEET TO A POINT, . , THENCE S44 3928 W A DISTANCE OF 11 46 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S0003.35E A DISTANCE 0 3.74 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S42'31'07"E A DISTANCE OF 7.81 FEET TO A POINT, tf" THENCE S0012'59W A DISTANCE OF 43 28 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE.,.S02'30'46"W A DISTANCE OF 49.75 FEET TO A POINT; ;THENCE $457,59'24"E A DISTANCE OF 11.98 FEET TO A POINT; ''..„..../THENCE,S66'30'49"E A DISTANCE OF 5.32 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE $111715"„E„A DISTANCE OF 8 53 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE,S78'42'4571N A-DISTANCE OF 4 61 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S117.4.91 9"'E A,DISTANCE OF 39.50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N'78'472.457E A pisTANcE.OF 7.63 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S111.71.57E A DISTANCE CP,2.17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S78'42'45"Ni.A DISTANOE: OF.',:300.FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S111715"E A DISIAHLt.10F/39..,:Sa"FEET-TO A POINT, THENCE N78'42'45E A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET. TO A POINT; THENCE S111715E A DISTANCE'OF 11 5b FEET TO A POINT, kr) THENCE N7842.45"E A DISTANCE OF 4o15 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE 52617'36W A DISTANCE OF 6'2A 9'iFEET TO A POINT, THENCE S55'48'46E A DISTANCE OF 13 63 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S63'42'24E A DISTANCE OF 41 75 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S26'17'36"W A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO A POINT; c•-.4 cr) THENCE S63'42'24"E A DISTANCE OF 39 50 FEET TO A POINT, 4=3 THENCE N2617'36E A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S6342'24"E A DISTANCE OF 11 50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N2617'36E A DISTANCE OF 5 92 FEET TO A POINT; c=, THENCE N71-42.59E A DISTANCE OF 5 62 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N2617'36E A DISTANCE OF 17.02 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SO0'45.31W A DISTANCE OF 11 88 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S63'05'24"E A DISTANCE OF 1 47 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N2557'20"E A DISTANCE OF 8 74 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S8947'01"E A DISTANCE OF 11.50 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S0012'59"W A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S8947'01"E A DISTANCE OF 81 25 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE 140012'59E A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE S89'47'01"E A DISTANCE OF 18 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S0012'59W A DISTANCE OF 8 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S89'4701"E A DISTANCE OF 39 58 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NOO12'59"E A DISTANCE OF 3 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S89'47'01"E A DISTANCE OF 2 17 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S0012'59W A DISTANCE OF 8.00 FEET TO A POINT; 'THENCE S89'47'01E A DISTANCE OF 39 50 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NO012'59"E A DISTANCE OF 8.14 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N9000'00`E A DISTANCE OF 17,93 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SO0'50.24W A DISTANCE OF 14.72 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S45'0000"E A DISTANCE OF 14 25 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S8948'52E A DISTANCE OF 17.82 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S5935'55"E A DISTANCE OF 36 66 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S56'08'32"E A DISTANCE OF 37 69 FEET TO A POINT ON EAST PROPERTY UNE; THENCE ALONG EAST PROPERTY UNE S001306-W A DISTANCE OF 149.29 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE 588'41.50"W A DISTANCE OF 14.85 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N5476.31W A DISTANCE OF 27 83 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N90-00.00"W A DISTANCE OF 28.97 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NO000.00"W A DISTANCE OF 15.87 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N61'02.12W A DISTANCE OF 33 42 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N9000.00W A DISTANCE OF 19.51 FEET TO A POINT, PAGE 2 OF 13 CIibPDF-www.fastio.com GLACIER CREEK ` _ `t. ' ':° REBTRICIIVE COVENANT 3 LEGAL DE8C W • O THENCE•N04'39'20"W A•'DISTANCE OF:.2.45 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N89747'017*A DISTANCE OF/10 68 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N07'3f 0nW A''DISTANCE,3'OF 3 41 FEET TO A POINT; r'` THENCE N89'47'01"W A DISTANCE OF 46.81 FEET TO A POINT, .._,THENCE S07'57'00"W A•'DISTANCE<<OF 3.41 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N89'47'01"W A DISTANCE OF 20.68 FEET TO A POINT; •?'THENCE„500'00'00"W A DISTANCE OF 82.54 FEET TO A POINT, THENQE'S28'56'17"E A DISTANCE OF 32 07 FEET TO A POINT, '`THENCE.WS1.4'42'31"E A DISTANCE OF 27.55 FEET TO A POINT, �- THENCE S091:17'14"E A DISTANCE OF 25.07 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE a$Q012'S9'W;.A•DISTANCE OF 33 28 FEET TO A POINT, • THENCE'-:N8947'0}>"W:.A DISTANCE OF 4.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE'S00'00'00;W A DISTANCE OF 40 43 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N90`00'00"W.`A.'DISTANCE'OF 7.36 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE SO0'00'00"W A DISTANCE;OF;11.04 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S41'24'38"W A DISTANCE OF='8 OrF.EET.-TQ A POINT, THENCE S66'01'40"W A DISTANCE:OF 15:55,FEET;TO A POINT; THENCE S83'47'37"W A DISTANCE OF 1217 FEET .TO A POINT, cc, THENCE S00'00'00"W A DISTANCE'OF 63 p4,4FEEr TO A POINT; THENCE 551'28'42"E A DISTANCE OF 28.26°FEET TO A POINT; o THENCE S06'25'48"W A DISTANCE OF 1510''FEET TO A POINT, o THENCE ALONG SOUTH PROPERTY LINE N88'26'45"W A DISTANCE OF 36.46 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE CONTINUING N0914'19"W A DISTANCE OF 95 53 FEET TO A rn POINT; THENCE N3311'58"E A DISTANCE OF 81.76 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N01'20'49"E A DISTANCE OF 51 47 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N32'46'52"W A DISTANCE OF 101 87 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N09'29'29"W A DISTANCE OF 157.75 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE S8513'32"W A DISTANCE OF 161 68 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N13'09'02"W A DISTANCE OF 35413 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE N21'41'47"E A DISTANCE OF 180.93 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N18'23'44"W A DISTANCE OF 76.57 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N59'36'28"W A DISTANCE OF 94 24 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N16'22'03"W A DISTANCE OF 243.08 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE RETURNING ALONG THE NORTH PROPERTY UNE S88'43'54"E A DISTANCE OF 127.75 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 2 87 ACRES OR 124645 9 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, A PORTION OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 31, T 23 N, R 5 E, WM .1/91714 (10 I I'� q 18612 p 4k' ss°NA LTE 4. MRES ,MAY 6, 2001 PAGE 3 OF 13 CIibPDF-www.fastio.com . �` ,...... ., \ ! : ,'.r_.• l `. ,. ' S88f4 54 E �',127.75, f it. :-.. s 1 i , . ��' `.} 4 \ ` L-r r , NI I:I.:,t'. / \;":\......1 ' \ - 1 ( Ic CV I 9 _\ \ ii , \ r ', , ,, i\- -1\ . \ 1 0 .T— \ \ �`\\ c� l. ` MATCH LINE \ 1 SEE MAP2 \ i ; \ t << OLACER CREEK Pacific �aoo�out>t'"'''..........- PROJECT NO 9lme REOTRCTWE Engineering .G. .,.,... ISSUE DATE.DRAWN BY 09-2t-00 COVENANT Design,Inc. 'n'. coma t'' ms'ss.. +000N MAP 1 U PACE 5 of 13 �'^l and PLamng Consultants CIibPDF-www.fastio.com MATCH;LINE`° __,\\\,'.� -, \ \ `s�S `\ , SEE`''MAP1 -III/" 22 c� gr j'' \'<N \ )- I 2a y r , ,r_ r- , \ . + I ' i, gi L.C.1 t _ 44 �L4 L36� 511, o I L 4z I, u.L-3g, `r , !, r , A .. O I , '' 1 1� -, • 4,, , . , , „i ., ,tEri , ' i I , iv, 'CV I'^ E . - I i S/ •A r J ( ( i• r 1 ) 11 //III I`ri{- I 'i • i JI y t I/a Ilia ( ',, I I It / -- , ; . �� '� -- - / I. 11 i I l_ i 1 II ' 1 11 ---I1 i i 1 1 I I I- It ' ` tl 4 l ./ I . I. \,. \ . 1 1 I \ [E '\ 1 , i' 44 1 \ ,,. , t_._ _ r� _�}fir_,J� ..�r___l.� , ; \MAT LMIE k +-;I] II, I i , t I •EE AP \ 1 r1i ,, - Ii , • GLACIER CREEK Pacific ""'°°^'`" PROJECT NO 97018 F�TF#CTNE Engineering tr.nstwAaDRAM BY lm�e. ��.�_� MOM 4M-7W70 Design,Inc. n vow NM MC.00OM MAP 2 nn:.cr u11., PAGE S OF 13 C>viI t'M Piamms CaiWl1ards CIibPDF-www.fastio.com 'ppyy \... 1 ! 1 1 7. 1 .t M• CF 1,.LU' /',;I l 1 1 t, 1- \'''SE :��MA'2 "";#`` ±1 , , ,_ AAf i_,', ,‘,'‘'i,),.,ti.. ./\.,, ...-:i., .-,;\ .„\,\, \ '.''' -\,\-4_.:.,,,,t/ia,,../ \ ,,., , .,.,,,i., . ,•. r: s , `\ , i . \ 1 ``Fc Y\ .. ,..„ ;\\ \ '._ ', , kW ,tO \ ‘ . t.....:.,r i ('0(.1 ,::•••,'''',„ I ..,11v , \ \ \ 1 p , \\1 \. \ ` \�\ \, / 'i ' it \ x, \, \ '\ . \ `467 i-> 1 \ 1 • V \ • 1 \ �� 1 k..... i, \, �\ \\ ,, a , , • . . : \ \ ' \ \ _ - \ 1 \\\ , \\• \ \'\\\ \ \ \, ` `, S 1 s. ,\ 'V.'. '� , �` -}Li 24 \\ , \ \ m D 1 ' z m� \ I 1 1 1 ` \, ' C7 1 I I , A = 1 = i I I I , 1 -D,r 1 1 r i t I �zl ;` ' I 1 1 M 1 1 1 \ \ 1 \ QLACIER CREEK Pacific '""°="1 PRI ECT No 97o18 RESTRICTIVE ( Engineering „ N,,.... DRAM Al 21R COVENANT 'Design Inc. ISSUE CATS 09-11-00 ��PACIMICSCOLII YAP 3 erniEN,neamsand PAGE 7 Of 13 s cmwltacu CIihPDF-www.fastio.com �C` J� A POFXi1QN Or 6W 1/4 CIF h@ U4 OFECiION 31,,T 2.9 N,Ft�E_Wi r r .,fir r r r we r r rvIATGH LINE # L7 — iS E tu1AP5, - 11 �3 114 J L �L903 -1 f ,r -- - - --�= . -- -� —' °° Lifil _ _ 1 • Q Lei '1 r , y ' ?t`� ` z�. L67 l acuar W -_--- _______ __ _ _ __ - W 4s - - - - � i / a r MATCH LINE —_ � e ,; :-4 ,�`, '` 2*e,_...w, ` k. _,$� r, ' ` SEA MAP3 - - - �___ N cz w `t, 3 �'. 09Z0001 Z60 000Z 0 - a `, + `• -- fr POFiTt O f dr#�F�E 17� OI�l�1. PIE�?3 R 6 - �WM __ __- R L91 - -- - -- I-=-- I fill _ - _ - - - __ - - _ _ _-_- tli E y - - o°� - _ ' Til d I] , , ..__(__ ▪ : . aEff wry s . 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UNE TABLE ":LINE TABLE _ ._LINE' LENGTH jr:SEARING _ !'. .L1, :19;37 +S01'27'36"W L2 .. 8 00 'N88'32'24"W L3..,....-, 81'25' S0177'36"W L4 ;8 00 S881214"E 3` L5 i1'50 S• 0177'36"W L6 610_ S• 88•32'24"E L7 1.36 S17 07 43 W "� L8 8.56 S77'46'10"W •",=` .L9., 11 50 S1293'50"E 1 L10 8 00 S77'46'10"W /01 39 50 S1213'50"E 1:12' / ; ;+8 00 N77'46'10"E '1.13 .' I! 2.17 r S1213'50"E L14 lob 1.:.S71:46407W. '.r; C.72 L15 `"39 58 S12'13'50"E .? L16 8 OQ.4N7:7'46'1trE L17 1150 S1213'50'•E 00 _ L18 1163 N77'461.10;'E L19 9 26 S2215'03"E N 1-20 8 00 S67'44'57"W rn L21 8125 S2215'03"EE L22 8 00 N67'44'57"E L23 1150 52215'03"E L24 3 88 N67'44'57"E L25 3 92 S2215'03"E L26 8 00 S• 6744'57"W L27 42.17 S2215'03"E L28 8 00 N67'44'57"E L29 9.00 S221 5'03"E L30 2.09 S24'51'00"E L31 15.15 N67'47'23"E L32 9 00 N67'44'S7`E L34 38 87 S21'55'19"E L35 34.72 S0621'07`W L36 20 83 N80'35'19"W L37 3 87 S27'54'34"W L38 10.87 N80'40'48"W L39 6.66 N6299'05"W L40 23.87 N79'47'01"W L41 11.50 S10'12'59"W L42 8.00 N79'47'01"W L43 55.25 S1012'S9"W L44 11 06 S1Q 36'14"W L45 11.46 S4419'28"W L46 3.74 S00'03'35"E L47 7.81 S4211'07"E L48 43.28 S0012'59"W L49 49.75 S0210'46`W L50 8 53 S1117'15"E L51 4.61 S78'42'45"W L52 39 50 S11'49'19"E L53 7 63 N78'42'45"E L54 2.17 S1117'15"E L55 3.00 S78-42'45"W L56 39.58 S111715"E L57 8.00 N7g1 42'45"E L58 1150 S1117'15"E PAGE 11 OF 13 CIibPDF-www.fastio.com GLACIER CREEK r RESTRICTIVE COVENANT LINE TABLE L59`:.- 40 15 N78'42'45"E L60� 6219 S2617'36"W L61 a' ...13;.63 $55'48'46"E ' L62 .......•.-...41.75' S63'42'24"E •163 i`_2 5110 /S2617'36"W ' = 164 39:50 S63'42'24"E L65 8 00 N2617'36"E .• L66 1150 S63'42'24"E L67 5 92 N2617'36"E 5 62 N71'42'59"E " ' .,s L69 17 02 N2617'36"E -'.... 11 88 S00'45'31"W •"" . :~ L71 -~:1 47 S63'05'24"E JL72 :`", 8 74 N25'57'20"E L73. :' ;.11 50 "°:S89'47'01"E L74 .. ii 8.00 S0042'59"W L75 .`•.._• 81...25-'.:589"47'017-E L76 " 8.00. N0042'59"E y Lc..) L77 18 00.~..:589'47'01"E ' L78 8 00 S00.12'59",W o L79 39 58 S89'47'00E L80 3 00 N0012'59"E L81 2 17 58947'01"E rn L82 8 00 SO0'12'59"W o L83 39.50 S89'47'01"E o L84 814 N0012'59"E o L85 17 93 N90'00'00"E L86 14 72 S00'50'24"W L87 14 25 S45'00'00"E L88 17 82 S8948'52"E L89 36 66 S5915'55"E L90 37.69 S56'08'32"E L91 149.29 S0013'06"W L92 14.85 S88'41'50"W L93 27.83 N54'26'31"W L94 28.97 N90'00'00"E L95 15.87 N00'00'00"W L96 33.42 N61'02'12"W L97 19.51 N90'00'00"E_ L98 2 45 N04'39'20"W L99 20 68 N89'47'01"W L100 46.81 N8947'01"10' L101 3.41 S07'5700"W L102 20 68 N89'47'01"W L103 82 54 SOO'00'00"W L104 32.07 S28'56'17"E L105 27.55 S14'42'31"E L106 25.07 S09'07'14"E L107 33.28 50012'59"W L108 4 00 N89'47'01"W L109 40 43 S00'00'00"W L110 7.36 N90'00'00"E L111 1104 S00.0Q'00"W L112 8.07 S41'24'38"W L113 15 55 S66'01'40"W L114 12.17 S83'47'37"W L115 63.54 S00'00'00"W L116 28.26 S51'28'42"E L117 1510 S06'25'48"W L118 36.46 N8826'45"W PAGE 12 OF 13 CIibPDF-www.fastio.com GLACIER CREEK ., ;'-/ RESTRICTIVE COVENANT Y.yr` LINE TABLE L1,19 .. 95.53 N0914'19"W L120 1 •...81.76 N3311'58"E . :..",...L121' . -.5147 N01'20'49"c, L122 =" 101.87:'N32'46'52"W L123 s:;;,T57 7,7 ;N09"29'29"W x L124 ---1 6'1;68' S8513'32"W L125 `°354.13 N13'09'02"W L126 180 93 N2141'47"E / = L127 76 57 N18'23'44"W _ ,, ti. L128 94 24 N5916'28"W ? ',,L129 243 08 N16'22'03"W .. `L13.0- 3.41 N07'31'02"W ' L131 ,;• ``1198 S45'59'24"E ` L132+ .." .. 5 32. S60'30.40"E c_-3 cc, .... ,.X b t� N O O O O N • • PAGE 13 OF 13 CIibPDF-www.fastio.com EXHIBIT"B" MAP OF DESIGNATED BUFFER AREA (:" ? • (-73 c=, =7, o-, a:3 c=4 4.4 `‘. CIibPDF-www.fastio.com MI COMMENCING A PORTION OF SW 1/4F TI-E SE 1/4 OF SECTION 31,T 23 N,R 6 E.WAL • eammiallrel- 1.• 1 I POINT _ 61CALO r-vice I MI ..._ ___ " '. • - - . • - - • iliNii • ,_..._ _ -! = L — ' : ..i. iKror . .4,..,,_Aiw-,A! _s_. ;gIV-.• '0:i). - L • , „.::,,..„„,,,,„:„4:,,.. ,,,,,,-_,,,...0,„,, ., . _"-='`i..4"110, .6' 4) d I _ .., . •=4; . -,-.3.. -,...... . 0, • ,,„, ,,,,, --,z , ,..., z...111.2* A,wo ;.r•-..74-,7/v.kit " IV 4) !,,enk1047C4 Mr lir r, ...- ' ,_,-t'\ r..„4.----x.r.„,,,, ri,-:--,..;I """!,1:•• '.!!!)..0,,,-...-.-4......-.4--.6.,,,-,--10,.,r,4,4ths. . _ ......,_ „-,..,,,, it ..4.__ ....„,..._ .7.--.,„,_ ,s t ,,,`--- !....re..„A",P irsa--,i,..__.kezzism~-1 1..i'klI6' •l& 4 '4 I 1 0 04 V Stib,„ 11 L•••,_1 0.-,1 te4 t; 4 izi,t la.or., - - . ---, • ,--.." . -,•if.:•. ,:.-. melh.lrei,t•.' AM. ;P.....7,, Te.-----; )).st-' -f'1041.1.4: 714 M'egia. :117k1112!11M06/1/4.\ '?'-'"I'li,d00*XillArictIVEll, •,-;.7.-7. ' „.- ,..... 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P --i ,----:------- allill. 0 -.-- DPIRES MAY 6, 2001 d =., .,.„„. ea .-. , ...- 3 3 Li. cm 09Z000/ Z60 000Z 0_ 4:2 5 4, CIT` OF RENTON Office of the City Attorney Jesse Tanner,Mayor Lawrence J.Warren MEMORANDUM • Tn! Jennifer Henning eP V�� hIQ <22 From: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney �,'A 249 Date: September 21, 2000 Subject: Glacier Creek Wetland Buffer.Easement The restrictive covenant is approved as to legal form. . Lawrence J. Warren LJW:cap cc: . Jay Covington T10.26:43 Post Office Box 626 - 100 S. 2nd Street - Renton, Washington 98057 - (425)255-8678 :: This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer J- CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: September 16, 2000 TO: Larry Warren FROM: Jennifer Henning SUBJECT: Glacier Creek Wetland Buffer Easement Larry, could you please review this easement language as to legal form? According to wetlands regulations, in order for buffer averaging to be allowed, the applicant must guarantee by covenant, deed restriction, easement or other legally binding mechanism that only low intensity uses would be located adjacent to areas where buffer width is reduced (Code Section 4-3- 110K.7.c). It appears that this language will meet the needs of Development Services if you also find it acceptable. Thanks. Document3\car . 09-14-2000 11:22am From—BUCHAN PRfoF?TIES 4257393826 T-905 P.002 F-098 RETURN ADDRESS: SPRINGROOK LLC C/O BUCHAN PROPERTIES 2821 NORTHUP WAY BELLEVUE,WA 98004 ATTN: KENT ANGIER Document Title(s) • RESTRICTIVE COVENANT Reference Numbers of related documents N/A Grantor(s) (Last, First and Middle Initial) SPRINGBROOK LLC,A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Grantee(s) (Last, First and Middle Initial) PUBLIC Legal Description (abbreviated form: i.e.,lot,block,plat or section,township, range, quarter/quarter) The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31,Township 23 North, Range 5 E, W.M., in King County, State of Washington; exept that portion lying within the rights of way for 96th Avenue South and South 192t' Sheet. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number 312305902305 09-14-2000 11:22am From—BUCHAN PROPERTIES 4W4WStlLb 1—auo r.uua r—uuo After recording, return to: Kent Angier Springbrook LLC c/o Buchan Properties 2821 Northup Way Bellevue,WA 98004 Space Above this line for Recorder's Use Only RESTRICTIVE COVENANT THIS RESTRICTIVE COVENANT, ("Covenant") is made and entered into this day of , 2000, by SPRINGBROOK LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company ("Springbrook"). RECITALS 1. Springbrook is the owner of the real property ("Property") located in King County legally described as follows: The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 E,W.M., in King County, State of Washington; except that portion lying within the rights of way for 96th Avenue South and South 192nd Street. 2. The Property has been developed with residential buildings. 3. A designated buffer area is located adjacent to the residential buildings. The designated buffer area is legally described on the attached Exhibit"A"and shown on the attached Exhibit"B". 4. Springbrook desires to put the public on notice that no future development is allowed within the designated buffer area without the prior written consent of the City of Renton. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants hereinafter set forth, Springbrook declares the following: 1. No future development is allowed within the designated buffer area legally described on the attached Exhibit"A"and shown on the attached Exhibit"B", without the prior written consent of the City of Renton. 2. The covenants, conditions, and restrictions contained herein shall run with the land described herein and shall be binding upon the present and future owners thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns forever. 09-14-2000 11:23am From—BUCHAN PP^�"TIES 4257393828 T-905 P.004 F-098 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written, SPRINGBROOK LLC Kent A.Angier Vice President STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss. COUNTY OF On this day of , 2000, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, personally appeared Kent A. Angier, to me known to be the Vice President of Springbrook LLC, the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument on behalf of said corporation, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL hereto affixed the day and year first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at (Print Name) My Commission Expires: INN Tie Casey Groin , ' 111.Architects- ., , 1. MEI.A Division of A.U. ;Consultants,Inc..= ' , 10116 36th Ave. Ct.; .SW, Suite 109; 'Lakewood, -Wa 98499 (253) , 584-5207 Fax (253) 581-9720 July 25, 2000. , Ms. Jennifer Henning - . . ,. " Principal Planner , ' City of Renton - , 1055 S`'Grady Way Renton, WA 98055.: . • , - - . Re: Glacier Creek Development = Parking Deviation,Request . Dear.Ms. Henning,- ,' This letter is'sentper your request to outline why,a deviation from the maximum parking : requirements should:be granted. , As you know, this project was reviewed by the Hearings Examiner on November 4, 1997. ` and the Examiner issued his approval'on November 20, :1.097. Parking was'closely reviewed during this hearing as revealed in the recorded testimony and in the • - - ' Examiner's decision where.additional-stallswere required by the Examiner(approval • - Condition#2 and Conclusion #9, attached). In addition, the Hearing Examiner, in Finding ' #15(attached), states that.there is no maximum stall limitation.Because of this • . statement, we did not previously ask for approval of,a parking deviation.' In summary; this project is divided into two basic types:of units,Townhouses and ." Apartment Flats. The maximum parking calculation and distribution of parking,provided between the.Townhouse's andApartment'Flats is as follows _ :. a. Townhouses;,(minimum / maximum 1.5 x 80 units 120,stalls) : ' Attached garages -; : 116 Driveway Apron _.. 116 - , : In front of each unit , 232 stalls provided : . ' b.. -Apartrrients: (minimum / Maximum 1.5.x 80 units = 120) - Separate garages 12 ' ' Operr./Carport Standard Stalls 84 , Open /:Carport Compact. ', : : , Stalls .24, 120 stalls provided and located near each - - apartment unit :. . " 1... Corr/00/347jenn % ' 1 • i .. c. Guest: (minimum/maximum .25 x'1.60 units. = 40;stalls) , I,. Open Standard .11 ' Compact Standard 41 : . , • 52 stalls provided and are located , ' throughout the site = Total project parking:,, 404 stalls . ` The two areas where'a deviation to the maximum parking requirement is requested;are the Townhouse parking`(112 extra stalls) and the guest parking (12:extra stalls). .` First, the,reason that extra Townhouse parking is provided is that each Townhouse has ' ! a dedicated & attached single or double car garage and:corresponding driveway aprons. . The minimum.-number of stalls:dedicated:to an individual Townhouse unit is•two, and the , maximum number is;four. My testimony,,at the-Hearing outlined this design concept:'This design:concept is no different than'a typical single family house with;attached garage on an individual lot. The.amount,of excess dedicated parking-provided will help insure that - street emergency access will'not blocked. . Second,'the reason that extra guest parking is provided is because this parking was. . required by the Hearings Examiner: Examiners decision Item #2 (attached) outlined'the need for 30 additional stalls(including those already associated with the Recreation • Building):'The Examiner's reasons are outlined in Conclusion #9 in the Examiner's- - I• ,Report (attach'ed), ' ` In response to the Examiner's`decision, the-site plan was revised_with additional stalls to '• Peter Rosen on'December,:1, 1'997 (memo and7Site Plan.are attached). - - •The attached Site Plan indicates the parking installed at the site per my conversations ' - with the owner. The stall sizes shown are 9' x 20' standard and 8.5'.x 16' compact. 'Compact stalls'are 16% of parking stalls on site. Thank you and please,call with'any questions or concerns:, - . - Sincerely; _ • he Cas .y` roup Architects l Paul J. Casey, c.c. Kent Angier,Buchan w/Site Plan _. . 2• • corr/00/347jenn ■I■ The Casey GI ip OOOOC OF `JOLa0000r-unr, ■■■ Architects ■■■ 10116 36th Ave. Ct. SW, Suite 109 DATE 7- r� JOB NO. '`��� Lakewood,WA 984999 1 (253) 584-5207 FAX: (253)581-9720 ATTENTION PROJECT: ,v',/� 49-el TO (70P... 1 cr,41/21 ) tji/i,n/14-ZW, dele el%x.0 1G'JT) C _2di,/z.Gr ) �__A. DEVELOPMENT E N INN We Are Sending You: VIA: JUL 2,7 2000 > Prints ❑ Mylars ❑ Other ❑ Fax Sheets Includ Ntbsmittal -IA Xerox ❑ Disks ❑ ❑ Pick up Mail e! Printing: ❑ REPROGRAPHICS HOUSE ❑ CASEY GROUP ❑ Delivery By COPIES DATE NO. BILLING l d(r)444. �e iib /L ; Al_gal,/t_Zj-i/f _.a.." AtjI-e—,72--, , / / ��D/ - >1/.O ��CG . These Are Transmitted As Checked Below: El As requested El Approved as submitted 'For approval ❑ For review and comment El For your use ❑ Approved as noted El Returned for correction ❑ > REMARKS COPY TO: K --, O% 2 GJ L �..�-1 SIGNED: ��«lilCP� .�C,e If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. CIZ xr OF RENTON • Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator July 7, 2000 Kent Angier. Springbrook LLC 2821 Northrup Way Bellevue, WA. 98004 Dear Mr. Angier: SUBJECT: Certificate of Occupancy Project Name: Glacier Creek Address: 5301 Talbot Road Building Permit#: B980137 Once again, City Building Inspector Eugene Schneider circulated a request for a final inspection report from the pertinent departments involved with this project. The purpose of this report is for all departments to have a chance to review the project and determine if there are any outstanding issues that need to be addressed. The report has been returned with significant issues that will prevent a permanent certificate of occupancy being issued.There can be no release of the security funds held as a Set- Aside letter in the amount of $24,000, account # MMA47102102075, dated April 4, 1999. This project cannot be considered final until the following items are completed: 1. Public Works — Mark Wetherbee — 425-430-7435 O/C to velea/,i A207 * Extensive repair of damaged curb and sidewalk within project boundaries. ����� Contact Construction Inspector mark Wetherbee. 2. Landscape/Zoning — Jennifer Henning — 425-430-7286 * Wetland/Trail Issues * Parking Issues * Landscaping Plans * Five Year Maintenance Surety Device Required * See attached comment sheet for more details. Questions should be directed to the appropriate individual. Sincerely, (C07/6(C '/"Cli4924/1 J' Larry Me ling Building Official . B9801051tr Enclosure S pc: Eugene Schneider Mark Wetherbee Jennifer Henning . • B980137Itr 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 20000619000727 1055 S Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 CITY 001ROFT002gS 9.00 06/19/2000 11:45 KING COUNTY, WA Bill OF Sale Property Tax Parcel Numbers: 312305-9115-04 & 312305-9023-05 r` Project File#: LUA-97-119,SA-H Street Intersection:Talbot Rd.S. & Address: 5301 Talbot Rd. c.4 ECF S 55'h Street Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on Page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1.Springbrook LLC I.City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation CT) The Grantor,as named above, for,and in consideration for mutual benefits,hereby grants,bargains,sells and -- delivers to the Grantee,as named above, the following described personal property: WATER SYSTEM: Length Size Type 1058 L.F.of 12" DIP Water Main 2382 L.F.of 10" DIP Water Main 5 Each of 12" Gate Valves ry 15 Each of 10" Gate Valves 14 Each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size Type 36 L.F. of 8" PVC Sewer Main 1 Each of 48" Diameter Manholes STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Size Type 30 L.F.of 24" ADS N-12 Storm Line 602 L.F.of 18" ADS N-12 Storm Line 606 L.F. of 12" ADS N-12 Storm Line 16 L.F. of 8" ADS N-12 Storm Line 1 Each of 24" ADS N-12 Storm Outlet 2 Each of 18" ADS N-12 Storm Outlet 1 Each of 12" ADS N-12 Storm Inlet 2 Each of Curb Inlet -4 Each of Type 1 Catch Basin 5 Each of Type 1-L Catch Basin 3 Each of 48"Dia. Type 2 Manhole STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb,Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 1515 L.F. Asphalt Pavement 1310 S.Y. STREET LIGHTING: #of Poles: 6 Each By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs executors,administrators and assigns forever. 2.0Do -Do53 el,b,c,c�rz � r • • Form 84 0001/bh IN WITNESS REOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. SRC C L' INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument • Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: - Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING cv I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that MARILYN KAMCHEFF )T' AyuG,7 i signed this instrument,on oath NOTARY PUBLIC stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the tese E P12iSZ,Ae v r and • STATE OF WASHINGTON of to be the free and voluntary act of such COMMISSION EXPIRES ` party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. JUNE 29, 2003 77 Nota Public 1 nd for the State of Washi t ry on Notary(Print) My appointment exp AtioweN KAMCHEFF • Dated: IV AP I,NTMENT EXPIRES:6 2SP3 CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 19 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Page 2 r Return Address: City Clerk's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 • 20000613001128 CITY OF RENTON EAS 23.00 PAGE 001 OF 016 06/13/2000 14:44 KING COUNTY, WA • Title: WATER EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 312305-9115-04& 312-9023-05 Project File#: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF Street Intersection or Project Name: GLACIER CREEK Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page_. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Springbrook L.L.C. 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation 2. cam, The Grantor,as named above,for,or and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby grants,bargain,sells and delivers to the above named Grantee,the following described personal property now located at:Additional legal is on pages of o document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: m Two portions of property in the southeast and southwest quarters of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Said property is described in Exhibit A, page 4 of this document. cD Said two portions are described in Exhibit B, pages 5-7 of this document. woo-005'A Page 1 • That said Grantor(s),for and in consideration of mutual benefits,do by these presents,grant,bargain,sell, convey,and warrants unto the said Grantee,its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities(including water,wastewater,and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over,under,through, across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way)in King County, Washington,more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1 --Exhibit B.) For the purpose of constructing,reconstructing,installing,repairing,replacing,enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines,including,but not limited to,water,sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall,upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement,restore the surface of the easement,and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work,as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not,however,have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement;or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee;or c. Develop,landscape or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to m the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig,tunnel,or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way,or endanger the lateral support facilities. o e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. o This easement shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, Cr-) successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and c that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. 0 By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons,whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors, administrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this g day of AAN 2000 d.„1A Ke it Angier,Vice-'resident Springbrook L.L.C. Page 2 CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING_ _ _ _ ___ _ ) MARILYN KAMCHEFF # On this Si* day of ni y ,20 0 6,before me personally appeared KPn t ' r- ns i 4 r to me known to NOTARY PUBLIC be 5 p r.... ao,E , CC of the corporation that ; STATE OF WASHINGTON executed the wit • instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free COMMISSION EXPIRES and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purpose therein JUNE 29, 2003 I mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said +� •- — y instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation.. ALVii- Notary Public in Ad for the State of WashiL Notary(Print) My appointmentexpires.. 3P Dated: Ste 0 • a v v— O O cr7 c— LCD CD CD CV Page 3 I. thence N 56-15-00 E 25.58'; thence N 33-45-00 W 38.83'; thence N 01-55-57 E 86.51'; thence N 88-12-44 W 250'; thence N 01-55-57 E 20.66'; thence S 88-12-44 E 2.50; thence N 01-55-57 E 87.35'; thence N 88-04-03 W 30.82'; thence N 01-55-57 E 13.00'; thence S 88-04-03 E 30.82'; thence N 01-55-57 E 129.12'; thence N 88-04-03 W 16.40'; thence S 67-44-57 W 9.90'; thence N 22-15-03 W 13.00'; thence N 67-44-57 E 12.69'; thence S 88-04-03 E 19.18'; thence N 01-55-57' E 3.62'; thence N 21-37-27 W 180.32'; thence N 01-16-06 E 5.14'; thence N 88-43-54 W 10.05'; thence N 43-34-00 W 15.93'; thence N 01-27-36 E 8.63'; thence N 88-32-24 W 13.25'; thence N 01-27-36 E 13.00'; thence S 88-32-24 E 13.25'; thence to the northerly line of said property N 01-27-36 E 70.51'; thence along said;northerly line S 88-43-54 E 15.00'; II thence departing said northerly line S 01-27-36 W 85.98'; thence S 43-34-00 E 3.47'; thence S 88-43-54 E 7:18'; N thence N 01-16-06 E 14.67'; thence S 88-43-54 E 15.00'; thence S 01-16-06 W 14.67'; thence S 88-43-54 E;74.45'; li thence N 01-16-066 E 8.75'; thence S 88-43-54 E 13.50'; m thence S 01-16-06 W 8.75'; thence S 88-43-54 E 41.76'; thence N 01-16-06 E 15.00'; thence S 88-43-54 E;15.00'; 11 thence S 01-16-06 W 15.00'; thence S 88-43-54 E 132.13'; = thence N 01-16-06 E 13.52'; thence S 88-43-54 E 20.19'; 1 j thence S 01-16-06 W 16.69'; thence S 43-56-57 E 72.03'; " thence returning!to said easterly property line and this water easement parcel's True Point of Beginning S 88-59-27 E 52.02'. i I EXCEPT the portion described as follows: Commencing at the aforesaid Point A thence to this exception's i True Point of Beginning N 44-47-01 W 21.21'; Thence N 89-47-01 W 30.28'; thence N 00-12-59 E 15.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 15.00'; thence S 00-12-59 W 15.00'; , thence N 89-47-01 W 42.46'; thence N 00-12-59 E 11.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 13.00'; thence S 00-12-59 W 11.00'; thence N 89-47-01 W 72.58'; thence N 33-45-00 W 4.09'; thence N 56-1 -00 E 5.65'; thence N 33-45-00'W 15.00'; thence S 56-15-00 W 5.65'; thence N 33-45-00jW 50.31'; thence N 01-5115-57 E 134.50 thence S 89-47-01 E 68.97'; thence N 56-30-48 E 17.32'; thence S 33-29-12 E 10.22'; thence N 56-30-48 E 13.00'; thence N 33-29-12 W 10.22'; thence N 56-30-48 E 35.90'; thence S 89-47-01 E 60.44'; thence S 00-12-59 W 13.50'; thence S 89-47-01 E 10.00'; thence N 00-12-59 E 13.50'; thence S 89-47-01 E 13.56'; 6 ri i iI thence returning to said exception's True Point of Beginning S 00-12-59 W 228.75'. Parcel 2 Commencing at the southeast corner of the property described in Exhibit A thence along the easterly line of said property N 00-13-06 E 192.88' to the True Point of Beginning of this water easement parcel; Thence departing said easterly line N 89-47-01 VV 96.08'; thence S 00-13-14 W 59.99'; thence S 45-13-14 W 16.26'; thence S 00-13-14 W 99.17'; thence S 88-26-45 E 17.00'; thence to the southerly line of said property S 00-13-14 W 19.70'; , thence along said southerly line N 88-26-45 W 32.01'; 0-3 thence departing said southerly line N 00-13-14 E 25.06'; thence N 89-46-46 W 26.00'; thence N 00-13-14 E 10.00'; thence S 89-46-46 E 26.00'; thence N 00-13-14 E 89.68'; LQ. thence N 45-13-14 E 16.26'; thence N 00-13-14 E 53.78'; thence N 89-46-46 W 17.50'; �a thence N 00-13-14 E 15.00'; thence S 89-46-46 E 5.00'; thence N 00-13-14 E 14.05'; U thence S 89-46-46 E 10.61'; thence N 00-13-14 E 68.82'; thence N 89-46-46 W 10.02'; , thence N 00-13-14 E 15.00'; thence S 89-46-46 E 24.89'; `" thence S 00-13-14 W 66.31'; thence S 89-46-46 E 7.79'; thence S 00-13-14 W 31.56'; thence to the aforesaid easterly property line S 89-46-46 E 90.30'; thence returning along said line to this water easement parcel's True Point of Beginning S 00-13-06 W 15.01'. fcG A. 'le �/ u� y F ii, • fir liiit \% ° fil 11 ,, +. ,F1:61' eo ,< Z, i Fs,;67 jE0 ONA Lt 4)11.14-9 EXPIRES: MAY 6,2001 i • • li II EXHIBIT C Ij • WATER EASEMENT ! FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY 1 I A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP! 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. I IN RENTON, WA 1 1 ,I • 32 5 • IASI Mibl Uc E 311 .5 it S 1 'I PAGE I 10 _ I- - - - _ ._._ 14 PAGE 16 PAGE 13 PAGEIt CCR'AEIC� .— — . . — -:.,..:J..31 III ram. • ; } • \, r; 'I} ' . i '' '.".......•..: ' •,'INS. MATER •iL'Y �L • I ••4 I. ' ,...-. ••• ... • $E _ l{ tASEvE71t - I 1 -s---_- PROP. c� .. :r,. PARca:1 -NS'1"PABCFL•�` ;POINT £ .�• WATER � °. •'`';� • i m ..K .,. .\.1, . :Fel 10(CEPT101 ,.I., .i i PARCEL 2 I • PAGE it- 1. Js^—" '14L` C.D =1 ' -- 4 I = K I 5 !I PAGE 12 PAGE 15 I n ii' PAGE 8--KEY MAP `' t PAGE 9--LINE TABLE _ �' PAGE 10--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, TPOB PAGE 11--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED PAGE 12--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED - -.4 30.00' PAGE 13--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED I PAGE 14--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED I I PAGE 15--EASEMENT PARCEL 1, CONTINUED 1 I PAGE 16--EASEMENT PARCEL 2 J !I PARCEL A 11(p14•{.E PARCEL 1• 11 le ll' HI. 13L ;i it !I SECTION TIES PER RECORD OF SURVEY BY ESM •• AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 119 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 200. 1 ! SCALE 1'•300' gri 01G PAIR P:\S09(\PR 970I8_11 %0 97018MAE-AB.D11G (L. 4 •• •12%. % 4, • a\ \ \ •�• fC/S T E��' \44, ,,I P<orrElr. a/n/oo ��°HA L E*G ��11 C� PACE 8 CF 16 WIRES: MAY 6. 2001 ,I I 1 I I 1 EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING Ll 9,85 NOl'00'33'E L2 2.10 S01.16'06'W L3 7.35 N90.00'00'W L7 8.29 S77.27'35'W L8 5.85 N77'27'35'E a L9 20.66 N01'55'57'E L10 9.90 S67.44'57'W L11 12.69 N67'44'57'E co L12 19.18 S88.04'03'E L13 3.62 N01'55'57'E L14 5.14 N01.16'06'E L15 8.63 N01'27'36'E {.73 +-%i L16 13.25 N88.32'24'W L17 3.47 S43.34'00'E L18 7.18 S88'43'54'E L19 14.67 N01'16'06'E L20 8.75 S01.16'06'W L21 15.00 NO1.16'06'E L22 6.67 N56'30'48'E L23 15.00 NO0'12'59'E L24 15.00 S00.12'59'W L25 11.00 NOO'12'59'E L26 4.09 S33.45'00'E L27 5.65 N56.15'00'E L28 10.22 N33'29'12'W L29 10.22 S33.29'12'E L30 13.50 N00.12'59'E L31 13.56 N89.47'01'W DWG PATH: P:\SOSAPROA97018_hADWG\970113WAE-AB.DWG PLOTTED: 04/17/00 PAGE 90F16 i I I 1 1 ,1 1 1 • ,I • 1 I! EXHIBIT C I WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 1 ill FOR GLACIER CREEK1-A-A RENTAL COMMUNITY 411 A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W,M. '1 IN RENTON, WA I • 11 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING II NE WATER EASEMENT, i1i PROP. PARCEL 1 S00.13'06°W 11 COR. I —— ,24.85'_ 3 11 / ./b 142.13' I -I//// . ) ii / in 11 /, Ll 03 1 i o N.o I`I//,/, 3 Z Cr) cy 4''//i�� N I� 1 op to//.i Lo'V 111 h /%i / ' ‘7-S46.03'03'W SO1'16'06"W /�j jif✓ � 39.50'. II I ;, ?6:69',0,4.:,?,5-.2/.7;.•;:"!!!"./,./4/,,,, ,! ,-,,,, , go., //�. h� e1 1 NO1'16'0 " �% 3 t 1 `�r- '/,'f a!v N46'03'03°E I n c- '' 1Z 39.50' II c, ,.%/5116147 06'W w i7 '20'0 ' °v //2./;/!/ b Ili C%. N01'16'06"E Z 212.36 1,1 %,1 N88'43 54 W I I %:f II I S88'43'54"E /,/,/ SEE PAGE it j p 1 1 Z i 11 1 SCALE 1'=50 1.; I 1 1 DWG PATH: P:\SDSK\PROD\97O18Jhc\DWG\97018WAE-AB.DWG ;11 PLOTTED: 04/17/00 PAGE 10 OF 16 • • I . , EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT — PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA I •,../..-,1 !% ',.;,• SEE PAGE 10 I S88•43'54"E {. I ‘1; •%,',.,:l 132.13' S0116'06" ••"2,/ "•co C'.1 La 15.00' • - • In On c=1 • :1- Lri v,/7.1,44;1 = op v) L214•z•,'/," cr, , P%,''%1/% . 1 / <t• •:,/,,,,1 LO ZD Cs.:3 ':' --. '%;' .• rl 10 CZ, tnc° -j,'•(// z.,-, '.4" 1.20 11 g:9 S68'22'33-114/ cr.) :4/t- • 7/;/,/,2/74. co ••,,,,,,,,,'", :7 // , 8.22' ft 8 I N0116 ' 6"-,0% I y////.4 ..././.•..;;; 2 ST . - ' ri....: cr '/I••4/••:1'• ,0 yr",/,-/,'. ,,•;,,, /, i„../..• in ••'; /// u•,,.., ,.-.//./7/,// / /.... . . 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IN RENTON; WA r SEE PAGE 13 ��ti /, ,s moo- ,1 /„/_ ,�,,, a sue. Ca ('moo '"'?%//• //' . ' , `JorVy�� z 1 . y4.T5 ,j7 y4 .-- N00'00'00' `�o's6, `% i'; ',moo• o 'c,` �'fff,1.. es o '% � , I Cr) N33'29'12"W .%//, 15.54' " //. •-ice `'jrna 'I En S68'22'33'W W S01'S5 57'W Oros % I N cn 8.22 �CZD �_ 15.0 %/ /„ E S01'S5'S7 W o :), , M S01'55'57'W -� :/' 11 c,p S,Z1����1' ,"o .r._ p i/ N 'S5'5TE rw F- 5,h ,<.,_ - , �- 95.28, - Q 91.77' % 0134.50' !1 r.- iff /}}3 /�%` i/,fi:.--7;,//'am'/ r /:/%i �ir // /�lA.., /, % is �`////// l/ :,//%" N01'S5'57"E o:,,if/J,j��„"� 87.35 L9 1. %� .0 jro ;a- oo j .o� NO1'55 57"E 0 !! /i. Z W M %/f/ M � r .� chi %`.:;,/ 8812 44'E I Na21y0� i3.00 2.50 1 NO1'55'571 k to • . II II ,1 il iI. Z i [il 1. SCALE 1'=50 III II DWG PATH: P:\SDSK\PROJ\97018_hc\DWG\97018WAE-AB.DWG Ij PLOTTED: 04/17/00 II PAGE 12 OF 16 :I ,i ,I ,I '1 I I EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SEC110N 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA - - 459.12' cz) CD — c-D CD 0••••) S S00'12'59W 00*12.59” 113.00' UJ cr 71- ,53 8SO0'12'59"W a) In ...?",/ • 180.83' cr) , cn "`t , , ,"777/ ")• ' • /7 ' 4.77 CV'S / .'47//1/ '://////////,<",.///////7////Y/7///7/;//;•Zr',7"/...7,S. 7 N0012'59'E -r SO0'12 59 W 228.75' rn 113.00' •.-./;•-;;;• 6 1,5 iz.,;;;;;;,/,,,/, • v. 3.50 — Fc3 , . 59 W(I) y012•P' • .7•://1 I • • cc' <4. a. r:"4: 1•j7//.. tep • ..:(,/,;/, 0:2> -ter o, .4,CS "a9 SEE PAGE 12 SCALE 1 =50 DWG PATH: P:\SDSK\PROJ\97018_hc\DWG\97018WAE—AB.DWG PLOTTED: 04/17/00 PAGE 13 OF 16 I . " « 1 ° I EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 1 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK -A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA 1 1, 1 SO0'13'06"W 30.46'kJ �6' cv N 5 ff N00'33 54`E//,� 3 r,/,/,`•r, o I o b . r v Cr) w ' z ° ° I o %;. �,; . S00'12'59'W ca S0012'59"W - - ,-. o a Do ca lip„�. [/// 7259E n O 7./'1/O n �/ ./N iri n o� "'co /i "' • S0012'59°W i'' 'SUki2'59"W "' /Z 114.90' -. ! 33.02' `,� POINT A /, / /,ice/ . /,.';, '- / i /i//' „ .,,; , i�/,��i�/./i./j/ l�,-' /',is`�f.�//,//i.�rf,r,'!�;;i%'�f f / //. / / ./%i;/7;'!%ice: //;''%/r;/iii./'f i::�fi/l.: 228.75' S0012'59"W 228.75' i% N44'47'Ol°W T.P.O.B. � • 21.21' PARCEL 1 N89'47'01 W .7!!rn o EXCEPTION 30.28 ,kg 'te, %f%• /;, z vz w F// I a 2 L24 4''%7500'12'S9"W t4I 3 i� , 2TS o O I/�' 9.83' 3 .r .//, N %i.;/;/"/. g %// cm W L254�' -,y, O'12'S E 2 103.71 o .,. i-%%'� N89'47'01'W SEE PAGE 15 ,8•.'!/f7, t1 1I ,I Z SCALE 1'=50' i' DWG PATH: P:\SDSK\PROJ\97018._hc\DWG\97018WAE-AB.DWG PLOTTED: 04/17/00 PAGE 14 OF 16 1 • EXHIBIT C WATER EASEMENT — PARCEL 1 FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. • IN RENTON, WA ".•',/ • SEE PAGE 14 gyd ../1)D*12 59 E 103.71 L25 N8947'01W ' SO0'12'5 cc te, '%, ;;"•1 R. a • a-co r•-• -./.."•<•%• ; qo • •-‘• cs, • N01'55'57"E N01'55.57*E 1313 134.50 7://,%./• os, 134.50' ' ' • „ `'):0 /././ •?//..;,-$ & ///...,'&/://•</////////',V"0 0. 4525• • L9 86.51 e's ocs NO1'55'57*E 110° , 1,112.12 25 8'12'44"E • 2.50' • • SCALE 11=50' DWG PAM: P:\SOSK\PROA97018Jc\OWG\97018WAE—ABDWG ' PLOTTED: 04/17/00 PAGE 15 OF 16 ,I • . • • '---- ._ , 1. 1 • I , EXHIBIT C 1 . ' WATER EASEMENT - PARCEL 2. FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA . 1 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING WATER EASEMENT, i SE PARCEL 2 PROP. COR. . .... .. : ..: .. co S0013'06N4 192.88' , cs4 „ SO ',j0TW CD .=:, 7=.1",:%;;f7( • -,- Cr) ci I •c,cn,.1/241,69 rd- S89'46'4rE = 739 i S001314*W -.;, '"!. ' S0013.14N1 c.n 50013'14W 31.56. S0013'14"W is, CD 66.31' ''';':?; ',, ./Z//,•;.:'/F-,-,,,-7,-.-,-,!.,,r7-7,/,77 ,7).). . S0013'14'W ,7-‘, CD 'F'j fr7,177:7774'/'=;:""/",/7///`/,'..i.'<.4,7/./!/%0!Z"/"%;•,-"Wzi,,,'",,,2; •,1, * r4 N:•'.4.1,":;:-'5"rt) C'••4 99 17''4-c. ';;.-1,7'''Z'.':'-,-:,•:-.>%•<,;',":`,/,>,/';'/Z)0,',2://:/•////,,../.://50'44',--,:;•,;0/,,t.'"!/-..',"/X:• ..,---• ..,-,-,-.•'', 10 co....;',_///,',/.//,'%/7/',:-.'Z-4j-':/.•',:,;';'//://:;::W///,'/ •''• *//"'' ••,''''''-',,-;47%.;',/.55,"-.77777.!/:/7.7, ;:27///?;1:- /;;;;,,,';', .. """z6:4. -Z7/./-'"' "-'----- . .:•:::•-:::///;;.; - 53.78 .',7 ___-:,;;:,: ',/A,. ,/,`,/77,/<'..:::.,- ;;` ,///7".07;•0'...."/-://%,'427.7', c° c^c4,•,!:// 68.82 . '... /.:`/,', sty', v"v/.-,,,,,,;.,/,./.:.',/,6:-•••//„_:_/,_//,,..„///..,-..,,"7.,./.,T., z tR .• , NO013irE 4,/,\NO0'13'14.1 ;,..?, -Etw3 trri. ?Tr._ 89'46'46'W 17.50 / ge. NOO1S1(E 17;8::.'•,'",...,::,cT:!V.: , NO013'14"E I 10.02 161 0013'14T N8946 14 467W . . 0. : S89'46 46 E 10.00 1 14.05 9'46'46E N0013'14.E NO0'1314 E 5.00' , 1 NO013'14`E • 25.06' , I I I . . 7---AIIIIIW— . SCALE 1'=60' . , . , , . DWG PATH: P:\SOSK\PROJ\97018._hc\DWG\97018WAE—AB.DWG , PLOTTED: 04/17/00 PAGE 16 OF 16 . . . . • I ke- ci-1-I0CCJsA CITE RENTON Community Services Jesse Tanner,Mayor James E.Shepherd,Administrator March 22, 1999 I � Mr. Kent A. Angier Buchan Properties 2821 Northrup Way Suite #250 Bellevue WA 98044 REF: Glacier Creek Aparttments LUA-97-119, Sylvia Allen, Recreation Director-H,ECF Dear Mr. Angier; I have reviewed your request for a 33% credit on the mitigation fees for the recreation building to be applied toward your park mitigation fees in accordance with the SEPA determination dated October 7, 1997 for the Glacier Creek Apartments. I approve the requested reduction in fees and your adjusted total will be $37,777.00. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Sincerely; Leslie Betlach, Park Director C: Jana Huerter 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 Ica_ • , S f}_ c0-11`j Return Address: City Clerk's Office 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055-2189 EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED King Co.Records Division tl131 c putt' Title: TRAIL EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 312305-9115-04& M •es- 3i23o5• 9023—oS Project File#: LUA-97-119,SA=H,ECF Street Intersection or Project Name: GLACIER CREEK Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page_. Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Springbrook L.L.C. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. 1 The Grantor,as named above,for,or and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby grants,bargain,sells and delivers to q, the above named Grantee,the following described personal property now located at:Additional legal is on pages 445 CID of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here) C4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Two portions of property in the southeast and southwest quarters of Section 01) 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. Said property is described in Exhibit A, page 4 of this document. Trail Easement described in Exhibit B, page 5 of this document. Trail Easement Maps shown in Exhibit C, pages 6-11 of this document. CHICAGO TITLE INS. CO I' U W9901063-10 I Y x . a- 5 • Page 1 • That said Grantor(s),for and in consideration of mutual benefits,do by these presents,grant,bargain,sell, convey,and warrants unto the said Grantee,its successors and assigns,an easement for public utilities (including water,wastewater,and surface water)with necessary appurtenances over,under,through,across and upon the following described property(the right-of-way)in King County,Washington,more particularly described on page 1. (or if full legal is not on page 1 --Exhibit B.) For the purpose of constructing,reconstructing,installing,repairing,replacing,enlarging,operating and maintaining utilities and,utility pipelines,including,but not limited to,water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall,upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement,restore the surface of the easement,and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work,as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not,however,have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement;or b. Plant trees,shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee;or c. Develop,landscape or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig,tunnel,or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way,or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen(15)feet of the right-of-way. (11"{ This easement shall run with the land described herein,and shall be binding upon the parties,their heirs, C1 successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. twi By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and C ) every person or persons,whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors,administrators and assigns forever. CO IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this I( day of 19 r/. K Angier,Vice-Preside t Spnngbrook L.L.C.• Page 2 • ' 1 INDIVIDUAL FORAv OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGA LENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Kent Angier t t signed this instrument,on oath r A' e'�/� c 1 f stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument as the �M � Vice President of Springbrook L.L.C. ii'��• I n' and acknowledged it to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses �' • V = and purposes mentioned in the instrument. it lb , c541011. 1 wAy • 1 OF Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) S *i4 A t39 R. 0 My appointment expires: ?-OZ-ZOOL 0) Dated: 3-1/ CORPORATE FORM OFACKNOJVLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING )SS • On this day of ,19 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purpose therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: • Page 3 EXHIBIT A • GLACIER CREEK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY • • PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST,WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, • WASHINGTON, LYING EAST OF THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5. PARCEL B: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST,WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR 96TH AVENUE SOUTH AND SOUTH 192ND STREET. I tfj / 4 0 o�; �F18612 �c ::0ATtwc :w s� �� EXPIRES: MAY 6, 1999 • 4- I I EXHIBIT B • GLACIER CREEK LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRAIL EASEMENT A portion of the property described in Exhibit A; said portion is more particularly described below. Commencing at the southeast corner of the property described in Exhibit A thence along the southerly line of said property N 88-26-46 W 211.49' to the True Point of Beginning of this trail easement parcel: THENCE N 88-26-46 W 25.12'; THENCE N 04-09-23 W 88.41; THENCE N 25-43-21 E 42.85'; THENCE N 00-47-07 E 83.78'; THENCE N 11-40-51 E 15.01'; THENCE N 44-26-01 E 23.15'; THENCE N ' 00-24-32 W 9.11'; THENCE N 45-23-24 W 24.71'; THENCE N 04-13-40 W 142.50'; THENCE N 17-59-43 W 23.75'; THENCE N 42-22-47 W 16.34' THENCE N 62-30-16 W 16.86'; THENCE N 72-43-28 W 167.67'; THENCE N 41-35-31 W 27.38'; THENCE N 14-17-10 W 155.70'; THENCE N 24-39-56 W 9.91'; THENCE N 35-02-42 W 35.18';THENCE N 11-02-50 W 69.87'; THENCE N 01-28-16 E 31.43'; THENCE N 26-30-27 E 31.43'; THENCE N 39-01-33 E 73.27'; THENCE N 22-04-20 E 22.88';THENCE N 04-46-15 W 21.47';THENCE N 19-46-57 W 116. 41'; THENCE N 38-26-09 W 17.72'; THENCE N 57-05-22 W 76.45';THENCE N 36-04-10 W 19.48';THENCE TO THE NORTHERLY LINE N 15-02-59 W 195.69'; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE S 88-43-54 E 26.05'; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY LINE S 15-02-59 E 178.63'; THENCE S 36-04-10 E 19.73'; THENCE S 57-05-22 E 84.36'; THENCE S 19-46-57 E 133.86';THENCE S 14-00-43 E 22.19'; THENCE S 09-04-51 W 25.22'; THENCE S 29-57-13 W 23.37'; THENCE S 39-01-33 W 73.90'; THENCE S 26-30-27 W 20.59'; THENCE S 01-28- 16 W 20.59'; THENCE S 11-02-50 E 64.56'; THENCE S 35-02-42 E 39.48'; THENCE S 14-17-10 E CG 152.57'; THENCE S 28-53-44 E 13.87'; THENCE S 58-06-53 E 13.87'; THENCE S 72-43-28 E 153.05'; THENCE S 62-26-00 E 25.90'; THENCE S 45-07-52 E 17.70';THENCE S 30-21-11 19.60'; THENCE S i4 13-03-03 E 24.02'; THENCE S 04-13-40 E 125.88'; THENCE S 39-09-22 E 30.24'; THENCE S 00-24-32 C� E 24.38'; THENCE S 42-08-23 W 31.23'; THENCE S 00-04-58 W 87.05';THENCE S 25-43-21 W 44.51'; C4 THENCE RETURNING TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PROPERTY S 04-09-23 E 84.24'. eSh /, y it I I ,p 18612 p •n�sioNA 1 LO. \\`'\ eRg6 v-Itq/A3 • EXPIRES: MAY 6, 1999 • -5- 4 EXHIBIT C TRAIL EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SEC1ION,31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA 3z 5 1/16TH SECTION LINE ,t31/ .6 MAP 2 1 le NE m td PROP _ M COR. • — —— MA' 3r PROP. MAP 4 �P COR. MAP 5 „ . ..W..: ;r AS M P 6 111�_����la� .i. + , 1 p Htt '4,.,4r .,......„ i , 411! 10 %Or A�� oi ' per VA 4 cz I In MAP PAGE 1--KEY MAP l r°1 ' MAP PAGE 2--TRAIL EASEMENT, TPOBIN MAP PAGE 3--TRAIL EASEMENT, CONTINUED Ia C4 MAP PAGE 4--TRAIL EASEMENT, CONTINUED r.l MAP PAGE 5--TRAIL EASEMENT, CONTINUED 30.00' © MAP PAGE 6--TRAIL EASEMENT I Cr) 3 1295.05' PARCEL 8 N00'43'44'E PARCEL A vi co z o cc; Z- .. - N10S4'5 - 4: E 1312 36' SECTION TIES PER RECORD OF SURVEY BY ESM AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 119 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 200. / 0,013117474, e. it ./ o L t /It l' . 'ff`S7 E'C!S T E��� DWG RLE=970181RE1.DWG MAP 1 DPIRE2 MAY 6, 1999 PLOTTED: 12/09/98 PAGE 6 OF 11 EXHIBIT C TRAIL EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SEC11ON 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA SE PROP. COR. W k co z W 1 SOOZ4'32'E T.P.O.B. A, 24.38' 4,4 • ,�ti i \LP ..• SOO134'58'W C� ' `\ 87.05' �- �S � ��lst 504'09'23'E /�.11J`\ �S\ ,, 84.24' — N0024'32'W' _ ��---------- 83.78' IN N 15.0 ' 171O7E ��� N v'1 N1140'S1'E vs•uo- � ---------- z 23.15' 88.41' N44261011 1404139'232W l + r ((I : • 18612 '4<�8 CISTt EG `" "\44 1 9=50' NA L DWG FlLE=970181RE1.DWG MAP 2 EXPIRES: MAY 6, 1999 , PLOTTED: 12/09/98 PAGE 7 OF 11 , EXHIBIT C TRAIL EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. IN RENTON, WA .., 24.38' S3021'11'E Sc s�` -- ,, 19.60' S0473'40'E i ,i3'03'03 . 125.88' ------ A�5 /N0024'32' / 4 43W N IK R. ,fy3� �wLu Lu epl'M N4476011 rk /NK � / - 24.71' LLJ /\.............\c4i2 / 224W W / / //.� / / /•a�, ' / /w .r"'- // // 1 nl CD: / // Z , .., / / (r) Cn CT) ; 4, .;44 � � AD� � SE f ., of AI --"milleilalligr-j E oft ..... �l 1 : • 8612 , ,a,4,0 1 ;:k. �04� Vec S T co.Gy``, 1'=50 �v . 7�NAL E zhA.. DWG F1LE=970181RE1.DWG MAP 3 EXPIRES: MAY 6, 1999 ,PLOTTED: 12/09/98 PAGE 8 OF 11 . n I' EXHIBIT C TRAIL EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.I . IN RENTON, WA r / Nin/ 8/ / / Z S28'53'44"E / k 13.8 / / / / W s3��1 / -4 / 54y116E _----- i q,ers ..-----"--.....-7--Hn )178'16111 54.56 — ,'f9 ^1� W .za5�__——_— � � 0 —"l 690 35.18' N11•d50 W N3.702'421W W CO GI r"i , 16°E C ) LA 4 �4.4 // ,Ek cam` T--4MIIINIF"-- t trill I, if ;# o` 44,01861�� ' p 4,� :PPlo T t OR' A L DWG FlLE=97018TRE1.DWG MAP 4 ' PLOTTED: 12/09/98 PAGE 9 OF 11 WIRES MAY 6, 1999 EXHIBIT C TRAIL EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. _ . IN RENTON, WA 4o h S2630'2711 (il 20.59' N' k VE 509T}451'W W 514 Lu 4 - 4-Z 22'�\ 3j.1 \ c i N`9w5p y ?) \\ \ , S0128'16'W ` .` \\ N20.54, \ /G11,c j 4/ 4ZY40 - 31.43' 4? N0128'1 rE Ca In le CT � �_�o� rT�7Sly NFL r O I--,.._ . F' itpt!-'.,-/!f',l Z _. A, :612�t% ,�, /Sit 1'=50 "�/oNA L E�G1 '. DWG F1LE=970181RE1.DWG MAP 5 PLOTTED: 12/09/98 PAGE 10 OF 11 °cPiREs: MAY 6, 1999 I I EXHIBIT C TRAIL EASEMENT FOR GLACIER CREEK--A RENTAL COMMUNITY A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. . IN RENTON, WA i 1 I / / / / / I �. 9E 186 � %' ''fN3611749.4810'W '.- I 515 3, --- cliki i COIi _Amor- ( i. . • = . 1.111c0;s:r('Alit":s1.4:1.1'1T2:/11-;:rillk. 1'=50 6 ,Z DWG F1LE=970181RE1.DWG MAP 6 PLOTTED: 12/09/98 PAGE 11 OF 11 EXPIRES: MAY 6, 1999 i From:Robert MacOnie Jr To:Peter Rosen Subject: Glacier Creek Date:Monday,January 18, 1999 1:55PM The legal description of the trail easement associated with the subject property adequately and unambiguously describes the property at issue. Bob Mac Onie bmaconie@ci.renton.wa.us PS please see if you can locate a relatviely clean site plan that we can use to update our building data set.Thanks. BUCHAN• PROPERTIES, L.L.C. December 15, 1998 v� c/ oFNrPLAN_ RF,yrory '!,`�rG DFC1U 1998 2821 Northup Way Peter Rosen � �V Suite 250 City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Bellevue,WA 98004 Re: Glacier Creek Apartments Dear Peter: 4 2 5-6 0 2-3 8 7 3 Enclosed please find a copy of the plan depicting the location of the trail easement that you requested. As I indicated on the phone, we have the easement prepared and are ready to execute it upon your approval of it's location. If you have any questions, I can be reached at(425) 739-3878. FAX 425-602-3826 Sincerely, Kent A. Angier Vice President 1 . W I:\Buchan Properties\Springbrook\L kaa Peter Rosen trail easement location.doc 12/15/98 1:00 PM Iruv-iiu-ao li:LJ MKUM-b IWtLVt A5SW AILS Z53-S57473Z' T-178 P.01/01 F-309 • ' I:l ,;,, �• ; �• twehre Associates, Inc. • 1103 W.Meeker St, Suite C 16 Kent,WA 98032 �• /� (/v)253-859-O515 lf)253-852-4732 (e)b12assoc@compuserve.com • • • FCC To: Peter Rosen—City of Renton From: Ed Sewall Roc 425-430-7300 • Pages: I Phone: • Date: November 10, 1998 Re:• Bumstead—Talbot rd CC: Ron Hughes—Burtnstead Construction '❑ Urgent ❑ For Review 0 Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle • • Comments: • Peter,This letter describes my observations of the streams on the Bumstead Construction Talbot road site. • The site contains two features that have stream characteristics. The first is located in a narrow ravine near the northwest side of the site just northwest of Wetland F. Historically it appears water flowed from the pond located off-site to the east of the property in a shallow swale through Wetland H, Wetland G and into the ravine. However, this flow was historically diverted in a ditch along.the east property line and then in a pipe all the way to the southwest side of the site, discharging water near Wetland C. The channel feature located NW of Wetland F has not been observed with any water in it even in winter months. This feature enters Wetland A and loses its channel characteristics. If this channel has surface water flows it is intermittent, carrying water runoff from Wetland F. There is no possibility of any fish species using this channel as the channel disappears at the edge of Wetland A. �Y^rro .¢r:� -- >�ar-�-za. - - ::s" _ ;,�t�.M�..,�.,,,.,,^_,�rv-r..r,4:X' , � ^d-;�,:s'. •-�: . tte seycanit charinetxtti r:nfow�caiiie to f�oiRvs from'tti . rr�Gudrng tt tj,arti• �n:the prdwioUsly imenhoned culvert :his channerlsa>>"steep .narrow ctfannel w th ihtenmttent ti`ow$ This ctiariiiet also sPreadstur andloses its defined channel.further into-Wetland A: The lack of a well defined channel through Wetland A,intermi6ttent flows and steep topography limit any possible use by fish. Both of these features have been depicted with the required 25'setbacks. • • If you have any please contact me at(253) 859-0515 dioregge firsibinola Springbrook LLC 2821 Northup Way, Suite #250 Bellevue, WA 98004 DEVI=LOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON May 15, 1998 MAY 18 1998 Peter Rosen RECEIVED City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Re: Glacier Creek Apartments Dear Mr. Rosen: I am in receipt of the handwritten letter from Linda Bartlett addressed to Mark Pirveill of Development Services Division regarding the red-tail hawk. I took the map included with the letter to the site to determine if the tree was in the area of our development or in the wetland. It appears, based on Ms. Bartlett's map, that the tree is well within the wetland and therefore will not be taken down in the course of our development. If you have any questions, I can be reached at(425) 602-3878. Sincerely, Springbrook LLC Kent A. Angier Vice President I'fl"� III 1h' • � , I B=twelve.Associ ates, Inc. ` ,, .,��SIR=Imp lu 1103 W. Meeker St, (v.)253-859-0515 ,�=aWtllNl_ftl�' n Suite C (f)'253-852-4732 r; • Kent;WA'98032-5751 ;(e)bl2assoc@compuserve:com April27„ 1998 n / Mr. Peter.Rosen,: Renton Planning Department 200 MillAve.:South ; Renton; WA'98055: : ; , _ I: RE: Glacierr'Creek Wetland,‘Protection: Buffer Averaging, , Development:.Project.No:LUA 97-119,.SA-H;,ECE Dear'Peter, . . .• • This letter addresses protection-of the wetlands:and streams at'the.Buchan Properties-Glacier i ; .'Creek-development on,Talbot Road'at South 55th Street'in Renton. .Single large wetland; • •% '= identified'as a part:of Wetland W=4;on the'City inventory, is located along the western,one_ - _ third:of the site. Water:sources include two streams:which enter the site from Talbot road and' a,third stream located.:down-slope away, from the development along;South 55th; - .`The project has been designed to ensure no-intrusion:into the wetlands except where the.storm: ' : _ drainage system-discharges into the wetland;::One stream crossing has been approved by the City.. Buffers have been,.provided along the;stream,ata minimum width of 25.feet, except -' ! where the road crosses_the stream: As required in`Renton:Code'Section.4-9-10-ano grading. , j or other intrusion:'will occur-Within The 25-footlstream`buffer: ;, The large.wetland,Wetland;A;in the B-twelve'Associates,Wetland Analysis Report, has:,been : determined to be a Class 2-wetland by the City:'As such, a 50-foot undisturbed'buffer• 'required,adjacent,to the.wetland :The'developer,,ofhthe-project is providing;this buffet area under Section 4-32,-3=I'(1-5)of the Renton code: This section allows,for buffer averaging,; ' provided that specific criteria are'met: The Glaci• er,Creek project;complies with these criteria`. as follows: Section I . Wetland buffer averaging shall,be allowed`only where the applicant - demonstrates all:of the following:'' • 11.. The averaging is,necessary-to avoid denial of reasonable use-to the applicant caused by circumstances peculiar:to~the property• - . Wetland A-and"its associated streams encumber:approximately 84% of the total:parcel owned rs • by Buchan Properties: :The total project site is 47'acres;'the project,lot coverage will be only - 7.27.acres, Zoning'for the property would allow for;658 units on the total parcel if wetlands,,," RE: Glacier.Creek #97-146 , B-twelve Associates,,Inc: Apri127, 1998 ;� Paget ; streams and buffers were not present. Due to'-the limitations of the wetlands, streams and buffers,',the approved'project;will.result.in only ,160 units: Thus, even.:with,buffer averaging- . `. the.project will result ik 410% fewer units than';the zoning,would suggest. Buchan therefore believes that buffer averaging is necessary to enable reasonable use_of•his property: : -.- 2., ' and; That'the 'wetland;contains variation.insensitivity:due to exciting physical " characteristics;`, Although Wetland A'is,a''very.large''wetland:'its'-values are significantly limited by Hwy. 1'67 . ; which'was built inthe,wetland along its western border: This.wetland is`expected to';be,further •' '. ';. 'impacted;;by'highway widening.projects in the future.,'.In addition, parts.of the wetland ands. • . buffer have been used for homes.and pastures-and`the entire wetland`has been,logged in the <,past.:,Within';the last 15 20 years the inajority,of the conifers`have'been.rernoved. ;. - , • Hydrology to,the wetland was altered:-to_the wetland many years ago with the construction:of,. _ Talbot road on the east and S 55th Street.on,the'south: Hydrology has'been further altered by' recent improvement :Talbot,road which added allot her cross.culvert and by'the increased` ti 1' water reaching the site from up-slopedevelopment Thus', the overall functions;and value has_ • - been significantly:'reduced over,the,years resulting,ina,wetland of much lower than its, size' would.indicate _( . 3. and, That only low intensity land uses would be located adjacent to.'areas;where buffer ' - ' ' ;width is`reduced,,and that such low intensity:land uses are guaranteed:by covenant, deed ' ; - -- restriction, easement"or other legally binding mechanism; The Glacier:Creek ro ect;will result in multifamil Y'residential units and y yards located`\alon the buffer'"edge:; Although multifamily is not generally considered a`low"intensity use;.high,_; ::` use4areas will be located away from'the areas-of:reduced buffer area. Sidewalks and parking. ; have also been located outside;the'reduced buffer-area.except fora small section of sidewalk. ` along.the western side;of•the most souther_ly'.building- -:The--entire wetland,stream, and,buffer:complex will lie placed in,and•open space easement whichwill be:recorded:to ensure'future:protection.,of the area. In:;addition,.location`of a,future.:- : . - City trail in,the''wetland, stream and buffer area`will be identified by a recorded easement granted by.Buchan:to the City.: • ` 4. and,:That Width averaging=will not adversely impact the,wetland function'and.values; The existing buffer'consists_of an almost uniform mix of native;deciduous:trees and,some, • •' ` native.shrubs': ,The understory is dominated.by blackberry:--Therefore, buffer averaging is'not' expected-to-adversely,impact the wetland function and value of the=wetland. _ 5.:_ and ,That the total area contained within the wetland buffer after averaging is no less than.that contained the•required standard buffer prior to averaging;:•1In no instance • ,RE: 'Glacier-Creek .#97-146 , '- G' B-twelve Associates;,Inc. April27; 1998' Page.3 l - shall the bufferwidth.be reduced'by more than fifty"(50%) of-the standard buffer or;be less. . than twenty-five (25)feet wide:.. According to,Renton code, Wetland'-A is:a_.Category.,2:wetland",which.would require a 50, buffer'zone. Averaging'could'reduce:the:buffer,to no less than,25-feet atany location: On the Glacier Creek.property thelbuffer'averaging is,"proposed:as'follows,:and'as is,shown on the. " Wetland'averaging map, Exhibit A ' ' _' ,. - • Total-Buffer area requiredwith•a 50=foot buffer .. 128,030`S Et: Total Average Buffer area,shown 1341;736'Sq. Ft. , ,Minimum buffer width shown: !, `_ �_25-feet' Note: There were two'errors in the original;calculations for total'50-foot buffer area h` : required: 1)•Thebuffer around',Wetland-'Area C.was extendedinto•the right-of--way; • = showing more"area'-than'is within.the-project:site. 2) The numbers for,each area were incorrectly added._ Thus the total area required_uired.is less than:has`been'shown on,all. previous maps. ' - , r,. On;behalf Buchan Properties_,we suggest that:'the project as designed meets all criteria,specified. .''/. for wetland•buffer averaging. 'Therefo e.we-believe that the,project complies with`the _ requirements for wetland-protection defined in the city code:" '.. .. ; Based on your letter"to Casey Group:Architects;of April 22, 1998 we are preparing a separate ` map and;legal"description for a future;trail alignment through;the buffer. Together with this `_?, letter,''we believe that'all requirements'for wetland protection and mitigation will have been . ; met. Please call me'if'we,can answer any uestionsior' rovide,additional information , Sincerely, . : , 1 B-twelveAssociate's; Inc; /' 'Susan L.';Burgemeister' President: .. : . ;, Enc1 cc: Kent.Angier,:Buchan - : '. : Kevin`Scarlett„Casey Group `' ` - • /: ; ; '• Greg Diener, Pacific'.Engineering: i file: sb\97146imtigatioe.doc =�..G CITY:-. LE. RENTON Planning/Building/Public_Works Department Greggmerman P.E. Administrator • - .: Jesse Tanner,Mayor ..° •::.: •_: _;_ gg �Zi • • April 22,'199.8• • • Mr:Kevin Scarlett Casey Group Architects -.. 10116 36th Ave. Ct:SW#109 RE: Glacier Creek Residential Development. Dear Mr. Scarlett; - This letter is to`follow-up-on our meeting of April 2: At the meeting we discussed issues regarding a site'•. := _ plan condition-to provide a trail easement and construct a trail within the wetland buffer. .It was obvious ;; - from evaluating the site;plan in greater detail that accommodating a continuous 10.foot wide trail would • - be difficult due to site constraints and that the trail would have to`cross 2 stream/wetland areas that would otherwise be undisturbed or detour mto the private development area:: ; : : • - The Parks Departrrient'and Development Services Division staff have concurred that it would be .. preferable for the applicant to record a 25 foot wide trail easement for a future trail to be constructed at a • later.date when a linked trail could be-master planned to'minimize impacts. -This would be in lieu of -, providing the easement and constructing the trail'concurrent with the development. • . The trail easement,shall be 25 feet wide arid-located within the wetland buffer: Where the buffer width. narrows and/or is constrained by stormwater facilities (i.e.bioswales,level spreaders)the trail easement may go into the wetland to avoid conflicts with these facilities. The precise:alignment of the trail easement will require approval of the City.;:The,language of the easement arid a legal description of the alignment will also require staff approval prior to recording. The trail easement must be recorded prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. If you have any questions regarding this matter,please call me at(425)235-2719. • Sincerely, Peter Rosen. : __ Senior-Planner :- cc: Kent Angier Susan Burgemeister Leslie Betlach ."- Jana Huerter•`-...':;•:. . :.:" .. ,.._.. Fred Kaufman ::' 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton,Washington 98055 " . - .I R1 Thlc naner contains 50%recycled material.20"/0 cost consumer• - U 1\ 0\`6055 °I -1\)' \-61 \GrkR( \AN\NL, Q '� DEVELOPMENT PLANNING QO a � A J CITY OF RENTON 1)) �,� APR 1 a 1998 i C, �ua�,`nc e,o dJv�ti�a,�v` RECEIVED 0, 5 D9sm ,TAK. (k.,k3evvm \s, v.)-kozuv Ao:u., um. 6,A, \\ems , - viox ga35 s , 03,4 0 t 0-1O ! . -Oyu v\,(0a4k -V,)‘1\9- ()).Yum-V-x)elt AANA )\1\0,0)\kfti yvv;KA-01( y\Avyy6\ A_ o\a S . \ C\a CITY OF RENTON Planning / Building / Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: April 7, 1998 TO: Leslie Betlach FROM: Peter Rosen SUBJECT: Trail Issues - Glacier Creek Residential Development and Oakesdale Business Park This memo is to follow-up on issues discussed at our meeting on April 2 with the applicant and property owner of the Glacier Creek development, regarding our requirement for a trail through the wetland buffer. I also want to address the trail issue on the Oakesdale Business Park site. It was obvious from looking at the applicant's site plan in more detail that accommodating a continuous 10 foot wide trail within the wetland buffer area would be very difficult due to site constraints, including: 1) the buffer width is narrow, going down to a 25 foot width in certain areas, 2) the buffer area is encumbered and constrained by stormwater facilities (i.e. bioswale, and level spreader) located within the buffer, 3) the trail would have to cross 2 stream/wetland areas or detour into the private development area. The applicant's site plan successfully avoided direct impacts to the wetlands and streams, focusing their development on one-third of the total site area fronting Talbot Road. The trail was not included as part of the initial application and therefore was not analyzed under SEPA environmental review as part of the project. The requirement for a trail was initiated by comments from the Park's Department upon review of the project application, because the trail alignment was included in the Comprehensive Parks and Trails Master Plan. It was subsequently imposed as a condition of the site plan approval by the Hearing Examiner. Construction of the trail would require analysis under SEPA because it would cross wetlands. A new, separate SEPA application would be required because the trail wasn't considered with the project application. This is the case regardless of the fact that trails are an exempt, permitted activity within wetlands and wetland/stream buffers. Development Services Division staff do not believe it is the applicant's responsibility to go back through SEPA for the required trail, nor should their building permits be.delayed for the SEPA analysis. There is also great uncertainty that the State Department of Fisheries and the Department of Ecology would agree to the trail inside the buffers (especially a paved asphalt trail) and impacts related to the crossings, and these agencies have jurisdiction with approval of HPA permits. The wetland impacts of the trail crossings could also trigger an Army Corps of Engineers permit approval. Therefore, we recommend at this time that the applicant provide a 25 foot wide trail easement that would allow for a future trail to be constructed at a later date. While this may not be an optimal solution in terms of getting the trail segment constructed concurrent with the development, it is balanced approach to avoiding the direct impacts at this time. When there are easements or trail sections for linking a continuous trail, it could be master planned to reduce impacts and handled as a single application for construction of the entire trail system. We would like to know if the Parks Department concurs with this approach prior to notifying the applicant. vs- Another issue that came up during the meeting regarded a paved, asphalt trail versus a soft surface trail in terms of wetland impacts and maintenance needs. I have attached a memo from a wetland consultant that specifically addresses this issue. As you know, staff has been considering the issues associated with trails inside wetland and stream buffers with recent code work on the Sensitive Areas Ordinance. This is probably the best forum for us to address the issue in a more comprehensive manner. Oakesdale Business Park We issued a Shorelines Substantial Development Permit for the Oakesdale Business Park with the condition that the applicant construct a trail within the 25 foot required shoreline setback on the north side of Springbrook Creek. The situation has similarities to that of the Glacier Creek project. The 25 foot setback from the high water mark of the creek includes a steep bank, a constructed wetlands bench for mitigation, and the setback area borders the stormwater facilities. We are concerned that there may be similar design problems and environmental concerns at the more detailed design stage for a trail. Again, the State agencies have HPA approval authority and the applicant and wetland consultant have voiced strong concerns about agency response. Development Services Division staff recommends revising the shoreline permit to allow the applicant to construct the trail on the south side of Springbrook Creek. There is a 50 foot shoreline setback required for the commercial development that is proposed on the south side of Springbrook Creek, and the greater setback width would allow more flexibility in locating the trail above the steep creek banks and to circumvent other obstructions. The only drawback to this alternative is that the applicant does not own one parcel on the south side of Springbrook Creek. Construction of this segment of the trail may have to wait until this parcel redevelops. We would like Parks Department concurrence to change the condition and allow the trail on the south side of Springbrook Creek. cc: Jana Huerter Jim Hanson Sam Chastain Gregg Zimmerman Ron Straka ::. Y= v'F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department • Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 25, 1998. Mr. Paul Casey Casey Group Architects 10116 36th Ct. SW,#109 Lakewood, WA 98499 - I SUBJECT:" Glacier Creek Residential Development - Project No. LUA-97-119, SA-H,.ECF • Dear Mr. Casey: This'letter is to clarify our past discussions regarding the pedestrian trail 'and to address requirements related to construction activities in the wetland buffer. The Hearing Examiner's decision included a condition that the trail be located.within the wetland buffer. Our previous • discussions concerning the trail concluded that the'applicant.would provide a 14 foot wide trail • easement and construct a 10 foot wide soft surface trail: We agreed that the applicant would be responsible for constructing the trail in order to avoid future disturbance of the site solely for trail construction. ;. • Trails are an allowed activity within Wetland buffers. Construction activities and staging related • to the development'are not allowed to intrude into required wetland or stream buffers. The code does state that where there is buffer disturbance related to construction of allowed activities, that j - revegetation with native vegetation may be required. . Because the wetland buffer would obviously be disturbed for construction of the required trail, we will also allow for construction activities related to the development only in those areas that would otherwise be disturbed for the trail construction. A buffer enhancement plan using native plants will be required with the building plan submittal, accompanying the plans and information required for allowing wetland buffer averaging. Please contact me, at(425)235-2719, if you have any questions. cerely, . • Peter Rose ��- Project Manager. cc: Sue Burgemeister Jana Huerter Leslie Betlach • TRAILS.DOC . 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,Washington 98055 Co This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer ' ' DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 1/26/1998 CITY OF RENTON JAN 2 7 1998 Peter Rosen �r PB/PW RECEIVED City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton,WA 98055 Subject: Glacier Creek Development We have two concerns regarding the Glacier Creek Development: Glacier Creek is adjacent to a wetland natural area. Any development adjacent to a greenbelt, open space or otherwise designated natural area should not be allowed to plant ivy as a landscape plant. Ivy is not native to Western Washington, however it thrives in our environment. If planted next to a natural area, it will invade the natural area and destroy all the native vegetation. We can provide numerous examples of this phenomenon now occurring within the City of Renton. We suspect that in the future, efforts will be made to eradicate ivy from our natural areas. We worry that these efforts will be funded by the citizens of Renton through the taxes that we pay to support the City of Renton Parks Department. We can begin to address this problem now by prohibiting the use of ivy in developments adjacent to natural areas. Our second concern is the proposed twelve-foot wide hard surface trail to be built within the project's wetland buffer. We understand that this is a requirement of the City of Renton Parks Department. We support the Parks Department's efforts to preserve and provide access to open space. However, we do not believe that this is an appropriate place for a trail of this nature. A trail of this size and construction will impact the wildlife that utilize the area. A smaller soft surface trail will minimize impacts to wildlife and still provide recreational opportunities for the citizens of Renton. Please respond to our concerns. Provide us with details on how the City will address our concerns. We look forward to your response. Tom Malphrus 90-V1 4L+2 Friends of the Black River ,era ,„ 79 2/11/1998 oRVE-to 9� RftrONAING Peter Rosen P/B/PW City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton,WA 98055 Subject: Glacier Creek Development In my latest correspondence to you I forgot to include my address. Following is my address: 18713 102nd Ave. SE Renton,WA 98055 Tom Malphrus Friends of the Black Ri er CIT Y F :E:. TOn+ N k 2 x .•ram.:' an 'E g Jesse Tanner,Mayor • Fred J:`Kaufman December 11r, 1997 Mr.Mr. Eric Blitz - S.E.B.,Inc. 4109 Bridgeport Way, #C Tacoma, WA 98466 Re: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FILE No. LUA97-119,SA-H Dear Mr. Blitz: The Examiner's Report and Decision on the above referenced matter,which was issued on November 20, 1997,was not appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore,this matter is considered final by this office and the file on your application is being transmitted to the City Clerk as of this date. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required._ Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner FJK/mm cc: Peter Rosen Sandi Seeger,Development Services 200 Mill Avenue South- Renton,Washington 98055 - (206)235-2593 OR]This oaoer contains 50%recycled material.20%oost consumer ❑❑❑ The Group Ve11o ," EMctno Pagc_I_of ❑❑❑ ❑ Ph Log I_ ❑❑❑ Architect.- from ❑ Conl'r. • A Division of A.C.P. Consultants, Inc, Paul J. Casey 10116 36th Ave.Ct.SW.,suite 109 0 Info: Distribution: Tacoma, %Va.9S499 A.Z.A. (253)5 4-5207 Phone (253)58 19720 Fax Date: December 1, 1997 Time Buchan Properties Project: Glacier Creek Res. Development Project No. 96-372 Pacific Eng. Person: . Mr. Peter Rosen Phone No. S.E.B. Company: " City of Renton Planning Dept. Fax No. :ill with plans Subject: Hearings Examiner Revisions Sent Via Fax 0 MailD Billing File 0 According to your request, the approved site plan has been revised to include the 30 additional guest stalls required by the hearing Examiner in his decision. The 7 parking stalls located at the Recreation Building could be included in the "30 additional" stalls per the Examiner. Therefore, only 23 additional stalls have been added in the townhouse portion of the project and across from the Recreation Building as discussed. • Four copies of this revised site plan arc attached for your review and tiles. Thank you and please call with any questions. • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES , being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 20th day of November ,1997, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 2=4'1l day of% - , 1997. Notary Public 'n and for the State of Washington, residing at C ,therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: Glacier Creek Residential Development LUA97-119,SA-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. November 20, 1997 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: Eric Blitz, S.E.B.Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H LOCATION: NW Corner of Talbot Road S and S 55th Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To construct 160 multi-family units,half as townhomes and half as apartments,on 13 acres. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on October 28, 1997. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application,field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the November 4, 1997 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday,November 4, 1997,at 9:20 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor l of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. 1 The following exhibits were entered into the record: lExhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Site plan Exhibit No.4: Landscape plan Exhibit No.5: Building elevations Exhibit No.6: Wetland map Exhibit No.7: Shadow plat map The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by PETER ROSEN,Project Manager,Development Services, City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,Washington 98055. The applicant requests Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 2 Isite plan approval to construct 160 multi-family units. Half of the units are proposed as townhouses and the other half as apartment flats. This site is located along the south City limits and is bordered on the south by S. 155th Street and the east by Talbot Road S. It is in the R-14 zone and in that area there are several large tracts that remain undeveloped at this time. The overall site area is 47 acres,but the development area is limited to the east 13 acres. There is a large wetland area that takes up the entire west portion of the site. That wetland is a headwater for Springbrook Creek which enters the site on the north side of S. 55th Street and exits off to the southwest corner. It is a Category 2 wetland due to the large size and headwater location. The development is oriented towards Talbot in order to avoid direct impacts to the wetland. On the site there is a branch of the wetland that goes to Talbot Road. There is a 50 foot buffer requirement for Category 2 wetlands and the applicant is proposing to use buffer averaging. In addition there is an intermittent stream that enters the site through a culvert about 150 feet south of the northeast corner off Talbot and flows into the wetland area. Because this is a man-made wetland due to road improvements, it is not considered a regulated wetland. The wetlands break up the development on the site and also are the organizing feature in terms of where development could be located. The development includes 80 townhouse units which are ground-related units. They are focused along the I internal road system and all have driveways and garages and maintain frontyard setbacks from the road area. The street system that has been approved for this site is a private road,20 foot pavement with a 5 foot sidewalk that is continuous along one side for pedestrian access through the site. It is anticipated that there would be !trails developed on the site. There are 80 apartment units or stacked units where the second story dwelling l units are accessed from an internal stairway. There are 10 apartment flat buildings and they are all oriented ;towards Talbot Road. Each apartment building contains 8 units. The proposal also includes a common recreation building with a pool and spa area which is in the middle of the site and focused along Talbot Road. There are 382 parking spaces provided which does equate to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The code requires 1.5 spaces per unit with one space per four units for guest parking which would be 280 parking spaces. !Of the ones that are proposed, 128 are in garages of the townhouses, 56 spaces are in carports which are basically on the back side of the apartment flats, and 198 open parking stalls. The Examiner asked if this application needed a parking deviation as it exceeded the parking provision by approximately one-third. Mr.Rosen responded that it probably would. He pointed out that 128 of that total are in garages for the townhouses. All the parking required for the townhouse units is essentially in garages so I the other spaces are more earmarked for the flats. The parking areas are broken up and there is landscaping that enhances it. It avoids continuous head-in parking, so in terms of the overall design there were are no large I expanses of parking that take away from the overall site plan layout. In terms of eliminating them for more 'wetland buffer,none of the parking is directly located adjacent to the wetland buffers. This proposal went to the Environmental Review Committee(ERC)on October 7, 1997,and received a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M). The ERC mitigation measures included fire,traffic and parks mitigation fees, and also addressed the construction mitigation plan and restricting construction related traffic to off-peak hours. The site is designated Residential Planned Neighborhood(RPN) in the Comprehensive Plan(CP)and is intended to create opportunities to develop new neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and incorporating features from both single family and multi-family development. Overall the developments should have the character of a neighborhood rather than a multi-family complex. The subject proposal is consistent with the objectives of the RPN designation. i • 1 Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 3 The R-14 zone is intended to encourage a mix of dwelling unit types of detached and attached units,organized again as a development to a neighborhood character and generally to limit the scale-and intensity of the multi- family development to townhouse, ground-related units and smallerscale apartment flats. The R-14 zone specifies primary and secondary types-of.residential uses with.a bonus provision which allows for an increased density of up to 18 dwelling units per acre and also allows larger or more units per structure. The subject proposal-has a density of 12.31 dwelling:units per acre. The density was calculated over the.13 acres,not the entire wetland. The density for this zone has a range of a minimum of 8 dwelling units-per acre and a maximum of 14. The density provision allows up to 18 units per acre. The applicant does not needthe bonus provision for the density proposed;however,they are seeking the bonus provision for..the:number-of.units per structure. The bonus provision is divided into project features and project design. The applicant is proposing the recreation center, common open space, and two tot lots,as well as architectural design incorporating building entry features,use of gabled roofs,and varied roof pitches. The R-14 code requires this application include a shadow plat to show that the development would meet the equivalent standards in terms of lot area, setbacks and access infrastructure. This application met the minimum I lot areas and the lot width dimensions and setbacks. Staff is recommending that the applicant provide further information specifically about the townhouses meeting the sideyard setback requirement which is 5 feet,as it is difficult from the scale of the plans submitted to ascertain. The applicant is proposing a sewer line that would cross the east arm of the wetland that is between the south development pocket area of the apartment flats and the other part of the development. Any disturbance to the wetland and buffer-would be required tobe mitigated and staff is recommending that the final wetland mitigation plan analyze the extent of those impacts and provide for mitigation. This project could connect into the Soos Creek sewer system on 55th,or they could extend the sewer main down Talbot. The storm water is being conveyed to detention vaults which are located along the western edge of the development and will be released to a bioswale and disbursed to the wetland with a flow spreader. Storm water facilities such as that are permitted to be within wetland buffers. There is a 50 foot wetland buffer for the Category 2 wetland. Regarding the stream on the north end of the site,there is a 25 foot buffer requirement from the high water mark. There are areas where there might be some building encroachment by buildings 18,26,and 4,but the applicant must meet that buffer requirement. The applicant would be crossing the stream in order to provide continual access through the site and that may trigger an Hydraulic Permit Authorization which they would be required to obtain from the State Department of Fisheries. The access to the site is from two driveways off Talbot,one in the very northeast corner of the site and one by the recreation center in the middle of the site. The south part of the site that would be apartment flats would be accessed off S. 55th Street. A traffic report has been prepared which concluded that with the cumulative impacts of three pending projects in this area that the level of service would go from E to F at the nearby intersections. The Parks Department identifies both a bicycle path along Talbot Road and also a general trail alignment through the site. The bicycle trail would be required as part of the right-of-way street improvements for this project. In terms of the recreation trail,Parks Department has recommended that applicant provide a 20 foot wide recreation easement. Staff had initially communicated to the applicant that the trail could be located on the wetland side of the buffer,but in order to still provide some buffer width between the trail and the wetland I' Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 4 it has been determined that it should be moved to the development side. This is a major trail feature which is ,intended to link up to Springbrook and which the applicant is required to provide. Passive trails are allowed as exempted uses in wetlands and wetland buffers. Parks Department has recommended that applicant construct the trail with the development. The specifications that Parks has agreed to is a 12 foot wide soft surface trail within that 20 foot easement. Up to.33%.of the parks mitigation fee could be used for the trail improvement. I This proposal meets the site plan criteria regarding adequate light and air,mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions and prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. Staff recommends approval of this proposal, subject to the following conditions:. (1)compliance with the ERC mitigation measures; (2)that the applicant provide further detail to confirm that the townhouse structures meet ,the 5 foot side yard setback requirements; (3)a final wetland mitigation plan that would include construction details and mitigation of the sewer line crossing,addressing wetland buffer width averaging criteria, as well as verification that it meets the stream setback requirement; (4)that the site plan include a 20 foot wide recreation trail easement oriented on the upland side of the wetland buffer. ;Paul Casey., 10116 36th Avenue Court SW,#109,Tacoma,Washington 98499, architect for applicant, stated that this proposal did meet the 5 foot minimum setbacks between buildings. The submitted drawings were prepared using Auto-Cad software with the unit sizes shown on the exhibits and they do meet that criteria. Regarding the stream setbacks for buildings 26,4,and 18, it is also a question of the line width on the drawing from what the computer knows is there to what is graphically seen. If there is an encroachment,the buildings can be shifted to remain outside the buffer. ;Regarding the parking calculation for this project,he explained that half of the units are townhouse units of two and three bedrooms,with one or two-car garages attached and a driveway in front of each garage. The total stalls for the townhouse units is 232, counting the garages and the driveways in front of each. There are 80 apartment flats and there are 141 stalls provided for those units. Mr. Casey requested the opportunity to work with the Parks Department in creating the pedestrian walkway 'which would ensure privacy for the residents as well as reduce the wetland impacts as much as possible. 'Eric Blitz,4109 Bridgeport Way West, Suite C,Tacoma,Washington 98466, applicant herein,addressed the location of the proposed trail,citing the need for privacy and safety of the residents. Applicant supports ,regional trails,but questions the nature and location of this trail. Mr.Rosen explained that this trail could be moved further to the west to avoid some of the impacts,but staff felt that having some wetland buffer between 'the trail and the wetland edge would minimize impacts to the wetlands,and that is one of the criteria in the Wetland Management Ordinance that precedes the exempt activities. Neil Watts,Plan Review Supervisor,Development Services,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton, Washington 98055, stated that this area is in the City's service boundaries both for sewer and water, although Soos Creek does serve south of S. 55th. Water service is available on Talbot,but it will require an extension of ,a 12 inch water main down Talbot. There is a sewer main in S. 55 that is a City main. It does enter into the Soos Creek system. There is also a sewer system north of the site which does not currently come completely to this site. It is one development north of this site,and as part of that project development they will be required ,to extend the sewer through their site to the northerly boundary of the subject property. � � Y Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 5 Street improvements would include full frontage improvements along Talbot Road,and would include concrete curbs, sidewalk and some limited pavement widening. Talbot Road is an arterial in this area and would require a three lane section, left turn lane, and bike lanes along both sides. Regarding parking,Mr. Watts explained the basic planning concepts in the R-14 zone and the difficulty of ! doing parking counts as compared to a normal plat.. The Examiner asked what the provisions for.community or guest parking were and Mr.Rosen explained that there is limited open parking in the townhouse section of the proposal. The parking count includes the garage aprons which are considered tandem spaces and allowed by code. Mr.Watts explained the traffic and level of service and how the City computes the impact to the nearby intersections and adjacent areas. Relative to the parking requirement,.Mr.Casey indicated that applicant could add more guest stalls to the townhouse area of the proposal, and with those additions could meet the intent of the parking code. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 11:22 a.m. FINDINGS.CONCLUSIONS&DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,Eric Blitz,filed a request for approval of a Site Plan for a 160 unit apartment complex. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. i 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. i 5. The subject site is located at the northwest corner of Talbot Road South and South 55th Street. The site is located west of Talbot between Talbot and East Valley Highway. 6. The trapezoidally shaped subject site is approximately 47 acres in area. The subject site is approximately 1,301.63 feet long(Talbot frontage)by approximately 1,600 feet deep. 7. The applicant generally proposes developing the eastern 13 acres thereby avoiding large wetland areas located on the western three quarters of the subject site. The development will actually work around an intermittent creek that crosses east to west across the site and a portion of the wetland that extends eastward from the main wetland area. In addition to the intermittent creek, Springbrook Creek crosses through the southwest corner of the site. The wetland is a Category 2 wetland. Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 6 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 3268, enacted in December 1978. 9. The subject site was zoned R-14(Multifamily Residential; 14 dwelling units per acre), its current classification,on June 1993 with the adoption of Ordinance 4404. 10. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of a residential planned neighborhood but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. The Comprehensive Plan suggests that this area should support a mixed residential community with a variety of housing types incorporating single family and multiple family features. 11. The applicant proposes 32 buildings containing a mix of two story apartment buildings and townhouses and a separate recreational building. There will be 10 eight-unit apartments. There will be 16 four-unit townhouses,4 three-unit townhouses and 2 two-unit townhouses. 12. The complex will be divided between two locations on the site. The majority of the development will be in the northeast quadrant of the site. The remaining four units will be located in the southeast corner of the site with a separate access road. The division is dictated by the location of the creek and wetlands. 13. In the north division, some of the multiple family,multi-story buildings will be located along Talbot, reserving the inner,presumably quieter portions of the site for the townhouses. Some buildings will be aligned along the east and north property lines while the others will create a gentle meandering pattern following the contours of the site. The four units in the south division of the site will be arranged in a quad fashion around centrally located parking. 14. The north division will have an internal loop road served by two driveways along Talbot. The southern division will be served by one driveway to S. 55th Street. An emergency access plan would permit the sidewalks in the southern division to serve as an alternative access. 15. As indicated,parking for the south division will be in the center of the building complex. Parking and garages will be located to the west or rear of the Talbot buildings as well as on individual building pads. The applicant proposes 382 parking stalls divided into garages(128),carports(56)and open spaces(198). The proposal requires 1.5 stalls per unit(160 units requires 240 stalls)plus .25 stalls per unit for guest parking(40 stalls). Unlike some uses,there is no maximum stall limitation. Since the . proposal is an open apartment type complex rather than individual lots,many parking spaces would be available on concrete pads or aprons adjacent to individual buildings. While some guest spaces would be available on the aprons of the units,those would appear attached to the living units. The use of those spots by guests of other units could also block garage access. As proposed there would be a limited amount of"guest" spaces near the recreational building and a scarce few other locations. 16. The subject site is in a generally undeveloped area. An application for property to the north has been submitted for review. The Sikh Temple and a multiple family development are located east of Talbot in this vicinity. There are scattered single family uses along both sides of Talbot. The zoning in the area reflects the proposed use. 17. The development of the subject site will generate approximately 938 average daily vehicle trips per day. The main intersections which would be affected by this development would generally be at Talbot Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. !Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.:LUA-97-119,SA-H 'November 20, 1997 Page 7 and 43rd and the entrances to SR-167 in that vicinity. The level of service would be degraded from LOS E to LOS F. The City has new standards for analyzing traffic impacts that don't rely on LOS but "concurrency times" or average travel times. The degradation is considered minimal. In addition,the ERC has imposed a mitigation fee of$70,320.00 to offset the impacts. 18. There will be the standard-25 foot buffer observed on both sides of the central creek. The applicant will be providing a wetland buffer that averages 50 feet. The applicant will employ buffer averaging to allow.development of approximately 134,037 square feet of buffer area and setting aside an additional 139,926 square feet to create additional buffer but never reducing the buffer to less-than the minimum required.25 feet. As noted above,the plan details and dimensions do not clearly demonstrate that the precise setbacks have been observed: The applicant shall either observe the appropriate setbacks or apply for the proper variance. Some additional disturbance for utilities or roadways may occur as permitted,although the sewer alignment has not been determined. Another wetland area was determined by the applicant's consultants to be "man-induced"and therefore not necessarily subject to preservation. 19. The R-14 Zone requires the creation of a shadow plat to create guidelines for building setbacks, lot area and lot width. The plan details have made it difficult for staff to ascertain if the required setbacks between various elements of the site have been observed. Staff and the applicant agree there is room to shift building locations to accommodate the required setbacks. All setbacks will need to meet code requirements even ifthe current plans indicateless than the required setbacks. 20. - The applicant proposes a density of 12.31 units.per acre which complies with the range of 8 to 14 dwelling units per acre required by the Code. 21. Bonus design features permit four attached units as opposed to the three normally permitted in the zone. The applicant is seeking approval of this bonus. Additional building length is also permitted but the applicant will observe the standard building length of 85 feet for all facades. The applicant is providing the recreational building,tot lots and clearly the vast undeveloped natural areas. The buildings also include varied materials and modulated facades and rooflines. 22. Both water and sewer lines will need to be extended to serve the subject site. Topography and existing sewer lines may make a hookup more complex. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The site plan ordinance provides a number of specific criteria for reviewing a site plan. Those criteria are generally represented in part by the following enumeration: a. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; b. Conformance with the Building and Zoning Codes; c. Mitigation of impacts on surrounding properties and uses; d. Mitigation of the impacts of the proposal on the subject site itself; e. Conservation of property values; f. Provision for safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation; • Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.:LUA-97-119,SA-H ;November 20, 1997 Page 8 g. Provision of adequate light and air; h. Adequacy of public services to accommodate the proposed use; The proposed use satisfies these and other particulars of the ordinance. 2. The proposed complex with the mix of apartments and townhouses is compatible with the goals and objectives of the Residential Planned Neighborhood. It not only has the two housing types but it also preserves large areas of wetland, incorporates interesting building types with varied facades and rooflines and unifying landscaping. 3. The recreational building provides the central focus required of this Zone and for this type of development. The wetland and water features could also serve as a focal point although in a unique way. The applicant has taken extensive steps to preserve the wetland and provide adequate buffers around it and the creek corridors. The buildings are linked by paths and roadways and a common landscaping theme as suggested by the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The development of the two housing types, 80 townhomes and 80 apartments in a 50/50 mix meets the requirements of the Zoning Code. These dwelling unit types represent ground entry units and two-story apartment buildings. 5. The site's downslope position from Talbot serves to buffer the surrounding uses and to lower the entire profile of the.development. Clearly,there will be increased noise associated with residential communities and there will be increased traffic generated by this and other projects along this corridor. The traffic analysis indicates that traffic will get worse, although not significantly,but the reality is new development will have adverse traffic impacts. 6. The applicant has done an admirable job working with the site's constraints, including the slopes,the streams and the wetlands. The applicant will be preserving between two-thirds and three-quarters of the site in wetlands reservations. The applicant will be buffering the smaller creek which flows east to west across the site and the wetlands will buffer the segment of Springbrook Creek which flows through the site. The buildings are reasonably clustered yet provide sufficient spacing to allow the passage of air and light to penetrate into the site. The two-story, low-scale nature of the buildings,the building and roofline articulations and the elevation changes across the site all help mitigate the impacts of the development on the site. The features included by the applicant appear adequate to offset the bonus which allows additional attached units. As noted,all building shall be required to meet all setbacks from each other or the various buffers and shadow plat requirements. 7. The development of the site should add to the tax base of the City and should not have an adverse impact on property values in the area. 8. The circulation patterns appear reasonable for both vehicles and pedestrians. The proposed extension of the trail system should not interfere with the privacy of residents. Since trails are permitted within the wetland buffer, it should be moved there to preserve and protect the privacy of the residents. Also it would allow better observation of the wetland values that will be preserved without unduly affecting those values. The applicant and the Parks Department should work together to design the path and choose surface materials,but since the path will be in the wetland buffer it should be designed and surfaced to require minimal maintenance after its development. • Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 9 9. While the applicant proposes approximately 100 more parking spaces than required,their location makes them problematic for guests. Most of the so-called guest parking is tied to the building pads or garage aprons of individual units. While in theory these spaces might be available to guests visiting other units,that does not appear realistic. The site's isolated location and the absence of readily available street parking on the narrow internal streets or along Talbot require that suitable guest parking be provided that will not interfere with garage access or create potential friction between tenants and guests. The applicant shall create additional parking in separate lots not associated with individual units,that meets at least three-quarters of the required quest parking or 30 stalls. These stalls may include those already associated with the recreation building. The applicant might be able to create severals stalls as"pull-outs"if it narrowed some of the parking aprons(see attached detail for suggestions). 10. It appears appropriate utilities can serve the site although extensions will be required. Those extensions should be chosen and located as to cause the least disturbance to the natural features of the site. 11. In conclusion,the site presents unique characteristics and it appears the plan as proposed and conditioned should be an asset to the community and City. DECISION: The Site Plan including its bonus offsets is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. All buildings shall be required to meet all setbacks from each other and the various buffers,and shall meet the requirements of the shadow plat requirement. All setbacks shall need to meet code requirements even if the current plans indicate less than the required setbacks. A revised plan shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. The applicant shall create additional parking in separate lots not associated with individual units that meets at least three-quarters of the required quest parking or 30 stalls. These stalls may include those already associated with the recreation building. 13. All utility extensions shall be chosen and located as to cause the least disturbance to the natural features of the site. 4. The proposed trail shall be located in the wetland buffer so as to not interfere with the privacy of residents. The applicant and the Parks Department shall work together to design the path and choose surface materials,but since the path will be in the wetland buffer it shall be designed and surfaced to require minimal maintenance after its development. 5. The applicant shall comply with the ERC mitigation measures prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. The applicant shall provide a final wetland mitigation plan when construction details of the sewer line crossing are available. The applicant shall provide appropriate mitigation for impacted wetlands in accordance with the Wetlands Management Ordinance. The fmal wetland mitigation plan shall also address all the criteria listed in Section 4-32-3.1 of the Wetlands Management Ordinance for allowing standard wetland buffer width averaging. The final wetland mitigation plan shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of building permits. Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 ' Page 10 i ORDERED THIS 20th day of November, 1997. FRED J.KA HEARING EXAMINER i TRANSMITTED THIS 20th day of November, 1997 to the parties of record: Peter Rosen Paul Casey Eric Blitz 200 Mill Avenue S 10116 36th Ave. Ct. SW,#109 4109 Bridgeport Way,#C Renton, WA 98055 Tacoma, WA 98499 Tacoma, WA 98466 I Neil Watts Debbie Livingston Owen Bing , 200 Mill Avenue S 9533 S 192nd Street 5310 Talbot Road S Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98955 Renton,WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 20th day of November, 1997 to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Administrator i Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director Art Larson,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Mayor's Executive Assistant Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in j writing on or before 5:00 p.m.,December 4, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact, error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This ,request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, 'after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. I Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City I Hall: If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may I occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not ' Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 11 communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. Eric Blitz, S.E.B.,Inc. Glacier Creek Residential Development File No.: LUA-97-119,SA-H November 20, 1997 Page 12 • olG A•:Ili A PORTION OF SW V4 OF TFE SE V4 OF SECTION 3I,T 23 N.R 5 E.Wl t ae+auNue � % n C LAC HER CREEK 1 A� .Mc so P.ST _---- �ij a'IhN iouw n oama.c o Z.uao.a¢r. i_• ... _ .. _ .. ,- • mom IK Ww Glo.Yo. on V M.POI.olv.....1 •./4O1.\,, y & A SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION PLAN i A w.o,.a of w.w WNW LT 1 N`�b'':"�`"° 'm"' G+ I - b5 Iuia OM rw/SW hour,AGoat .wsawly¢ >. .s o w Io. y__..a;,i6. _I.hY 4..9�.IOwm1NGM �� @ 8 EBQQPy�y €_y 1 : ! .. i Io..�I eca1�I r-ea yzI P'i Ira �f 33 � F. 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B:ERS' SECONIFLOOR R NTON>MU:NICI :AL:.BU.ILDIN er on e d 0t.1essa:::_::::; .:::::: r <Tie.a : ;Ilcata. n.s::I.:�pciaoir%.:or :er.v.fi::.p..pG��vrtn.::rr1b:..:..:...:.:: :::..rt..::r� fi.xt�C�. s�ral...:th.�.order. nwhici�:: t::: :. <:»a. .....t ::: i: . wi..l.t�.e..h:eard,....tern.�vvElt>:p�..Ca..lect::f.�t::h�dr�.n >:afi>fh.�.�i sqtettPO:gf:th�::l•-le0t7P :::F..XPrhO.et»>::><>:::::_.::>;:<>:::<:::>::<::>::>::»: . PROJECT NAME: APPEAL Board of Public Works Decision re Sunset North Duplexes PROJECT NUMBER: AAD-97-145 PROJECT NAME: P-1 Drain Channel Rezone#1 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-116,R,ECF DESCRIPTION: Rezone of the King County Property Services P-1 Drainage Channel Pump Station Forebay Property from its current Public Use(P-1)zoning to Resource Conservation (RC)zoning with a"P" suffix attached. Location: 600 Monster Road SW. PROJECT NAME: P-1 Drain.Channel Rezone#2 ,PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-117,R,ECF DESCRIPTION: City sponsored rezone of the P-1 Drainage Channel Properties of the State of Washington from the P-1 (Public)Zone to the RC(Resource Conservation)Zone with a"P"suffix attached designating public ownership. Location: 556 Monster Road SW. • PROJECT NAME: Glacier Creek Residential Development PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes a 160 unit multi-family development, with half of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. The development area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The proposed development would be accessed off Talbot Road S. and off S. 55th Street. A private internal road would serve the development. A total of 382 parking spaces are provided which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and•198 open parking stalls. Location: NW corner of Talbot Road S. and S. 55th Street. AGNDA.DOC f t - City of Renton PUBLIC Department of Planning/Building/Public Works HEARING PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: November 4, 1997 Project Name: Glacier Creek Residential Development Applicant/ Eric Blitz Address: S.E.B. Inc. 4109 Bridgeport Way W. Suite C Tacoma, WA 98466 Owner/ Tycon, Inc. Address: 28621 Suite B Pacific Hwy. S Federal Way, WA. 98003 File Number: LUA-097-119, SA-H, ECF Project Manager: Peter Rosen • Project Description: The applicant proposes a 160 unit multi-family development, with half of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. The development area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The proposed development would be accessed off Talbot Road S. and off S. 55th Street. A private internal road would serve the development. A total of 382 parking spaces are provided which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls. Project Location: NW corner of Talbot Road S. and S. 55th Street _ , r ' t* rr r "'Z..; .1 r , I 1._ ....-'-.7:-.7-'1,1 ''F ler. 1 .-- 6111 _ '- prnl r••b P•rY 7ta 4�hc c •�' - --1'a{ •b{ � . i ' —.Ls— v r. i S l a u 'III- in Z • _ _ l _200... p: w ' c �-a r �� i • • City of Renton P/B/PW Depa►tmen. Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119, SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 2 of 13 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Tycon, Inc. 2. Zoning Designation: ., Residential-14 DU/AC (R-14) 3. Comprehensive Plan Residential Planned Neighborhood Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: Vacant 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Undeveloped East: Residential, Sikh Temple, undeveloped South: Residential, undeveloped West: SR 167 6. Access: Talbot Road S. and S. 55th Street 7. Site Area: 47 acres 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: N/A New Building Area: 188,284 square feet Total Building Area: 188,284 square feet C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation 3268 12/14/78 Comprehensive Plan 4498 2/20/95 Zoning 4404 6/7/93 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: Water: The existing 12 inch high pressure (350 Pressure Zone)water main in Talbot Road South must be extended to the south to S 55th Street. Sewer: An 8 inch sewer main extension will be required per City of Renton standards. Applicant may connect to existing system in S. 55th Street(Soos Creek Sewer) or extend into the proposed main on Talbot Road north of the site. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Departmen', Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 3 of 13 Surface Water/Storm Water: Stormwater runoff from the proposed development would be collected by a series of pipes and catch basins within paved areas. The drainage would be conveyed to detention vaults which are located toward the west edge of the developed area. The drainage would then be released to a bioswale and dispersed to the wetland via a flow spreader. The stormwater detention and water quality system will be required to meet the standards of the King County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted by the City. 2. Fire Protection: .: City of Renton Fire Department 3. Transit: Route 163 runs along Lind Ave., S. 43rd St. and then south on 108th Ave. SE to the east of the site..Route 169 runs north on Talbot road and south on 108th Ave. SE. Route 167 runs on SR 167. 4. Schools: Talbot Hill Elementary School Nelsen Middle School Lindberg High School 5. Recreation: Springbrook Park Springbrook Watershed Park Panther Creek Wetland Thomas Teasdale Park E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Residential-14 DU/AC (R-14) 2. Parking &Loading Ordinance 3. Wetlands Management Ordinance F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element- Residential Options and Residential Planned Neighborhood 2. Housing Element 3. Environmental Element G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant is proposing a 160 unit multi-family development, with half of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. The development area is limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The development is HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Departmern Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119, SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 4 of 13 oriented to front along Talbot Road South. Development on the south part of the property has a driveway access off S. 55th Street. There is a large wetland area (approximately 34 acres)that dominates the entire west portion of the site. The wetland is a headwater area for Springbrook Creek and it is classified as a Category 2 wetland, due to the large size and headwater location. The proposed development _. . has been designed to avoid direct impacts to the wetland area. There_are also.2 streams located on the site.-Springbrook Creek crosses the southwest side of the site,basically following along the north side of S. 55th Street before crossing the East Valley Highway. Springbrook Creek is ;.: isolated from the proposed development by the large wetland area.._A small intermittent channel (Stream A) enters the site in a-culvert approximately 160 feet south of the northeast corner of the site. This stream flows:in a mud bottom channel to the west into.the.wetland. The proposal includes a 25 foot wide stream buffer on each side of the creek.. The wetland and stream features on the site create anopen space network and break-up the development on the site. The proposeddevelopment.includes.80-townhouse or ground-related units and 80 apartment flats, or stacked units where the second story dwelling units are accessed from an internal building entry. The apartment flats are concentrated along the Talbot Road frontage. According to the building elevations,the buildings have entries and porches addressing the street frontage. In the back of the buildings is a parking area with carports. There are a total of 10 apartment flat buildings each containing 8 units. The townhouse buildings are oriented to front alongthe main internal access road. The internal access road is 20 feet wide with a continuous sidewalk along one side of the street. The townhouse buildings are setback from the road to maintain an appearance of front yards. There are continual-curb.cuts for driveway:accesses to garages. The townhouse.buildings.include 16 four-unit townhouse buildings, 4-three-unit townhouse buildings and 2 two-unit townhouses. The proposal also includes.a common recreation building with a pool and spa. The recreation building is located along Talbot Road in the middle of the site. The proposal also includes 2 tot lots. A total of 382 parking spaces are provided, which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The code requires 1.5 parking spaces per unit with 1 space per 4 units for guest parking, equating to 280 parking spaces. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's.Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on October 7 1997 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated. The comment/appeal period for the SEPA threshold determination ended on October 27, 1997. No comments or appeals were received. 3 COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to$388 per multi-family unit and $0.52 per square foot for the recreation building. The fee for the residential units is estimated at approximately$62,080. The Fire Mitigation Fee is payable prior to the issuance of Building Permits. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 5 of 13 2. The applicant shall be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee of$75 for each average daily trip associated with the project. The traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be$70,320. This fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised Construction Mitigation Plan which restricts construction- related traffic to off-peak hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. The revised Construction Mitigation Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Division, prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. The applicant shall,pay.a.Park's Department mitigation,fee of$354.51 per multi-family dwelling unit.: A portion of the costs of improving a bicycle and/or pedestrian trail, and the recreation building and pool may be applied toward a part of.the.total required Parks_Mitigation Fee. The required mitigation fee shall be subject to the approval of..the.Parks Department and the Development Services Division, and the fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have ,reviewed the application materials to identify and address site.plan issues from the.proposed development. ..These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of.the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and.the Departmental..Recommendation,at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA Section 4-31-33 (D.) "The Hearing Examiner and City staff shall review and act upon site plans based upon comprehensive planning considerations and the following criteria. These criteria are objectives of good site plans to be aimed for in development within the City of Renton. However, strict compliance with any one or more particular criterion may not be necessary or reasonable. These criteria also provide a frame of reference for the applicant in developing a site, but are not intended to be inflexible standards or to discourage creativity and innovation. The site plan Review criteria include, but are not limited to,the following:" (5A) GENERAL CRITERIA: (1) CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ITS ELEMENTS &POLICIES The site is designated Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) in the Comprehensive Plan. The designation is intended to create opportunities to develop new neighborhoods that include a variety of housing types and incorporate features from both single family and multi-family development. Development in the RPN should support cost-efficient housing,transit service and the efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. (Obj. LU-K) Developments should have the character of a neighborhood rather than that of a multi-family complex. Residential Planned Neighborhood General Policies Policy LU-41. Provision of small lot single family detached unit types, townhouses and small scale multi-family structures should be encouraged provided that density standards can be met. The proposal includes townhouses and small scale multi-family structures. HEXRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department - Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119, SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 6 of 13 Policy LU-43. Central place public amenities should function as a focal point within the development and should include features such as a public square, open space, park, civic or commercial uses. The central place should include passive amenities such as benches and fountains, and be unified by a design motif or common theme. The proposed recreation center is centrally located and easily accessible for residents. The -_topography of the site precludes more of a central place focus. Policy LU-44. The dwelling types, including detached and attached units, should be clustered and'connected within the overall-development through the organization of roads, blocks, yards, central places and amenity.features to create a neighborhood with diverse housing types. :.The:proposed development is.organized with the buildings oriented.toward the street, consistent front yard setbacks,-and_individual.building'entries for the units. Although the project is more dense than atypical single family subdivision,the land use pattern or organization creates a neighborhood. Policy LU-46. Specific design standards'should be developed for residential structures and building clusters based on the following criteria. a. heights, width and length of structures should be designed to resemble single family housing, with similar setbacks from the street as single family; b. parking should be in the rear or side yards of multi-family lots or under the structure; c. ::structures should be located on lots to ensure adequate light and air, and views if any, are preserved between lots; d. _. ._. ::..buildings.should be massed in,a manner_that.promotes.a.pedestrian scale with a.small neighborhood feeling; e. units and entrances of each dwelling unit should be individually distinctive and front on streets rather than courtyards and parking lots. f. fences may be constructed if they contribute to an open spacious feeling between units and structures;and g. streetscapes should include green, open space for each unit. The proposal includes many of the specific design features outlined in the policy. (2) CONFORMANCE WITH EXISTING LAND USE REGULATIONS The subject site is in the Residential-14 DU/AC (R-14) zoning designation. The purpose of the R-14 zone is to encourage development of new residential neighborhoods that provide a mix of dwelling unit types (i.e. detached, semi-attached, attached) which are organized and designed to combine characteristics typical of both detached single family and small-scale multi-family developments. Permitted Uses and Dwelling Unit Tvoe Mix The R-14 zone specifies primary and secondary residential unit types and limits the secondary unit types to 50% of the units in a project. The primary residential uses include "attached ground-related dwelling units (e.g. townhouses, row houses)" and the secondary uses allow "stacked flats." The proposal complies with the required dwelling unit type mix, proposing 80 townhouse (ground-related) units and 80 dwelling units in apartment flat structures. The R-14 zone includes a bonus provision allowing for increased density and for a greater number of dwelling units per structure if an applicant can qualify by incorporating specified design features and amenities. The applicant is proposing to utilize the bonus provision for more dwelling units per structure. With the bonus provision, primary use townhouse structures may include 4 units per structure (with a maximum building length of 100 feet) versus 3 attached units per structure entitled in the zone. Secondary use apartment flat structures may include up to 8 units per structure (with a maximum building length of 115 feet). 16 of the 22 proposed HEXRPT.DOC ' City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner • GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 7 of 13 townhouse structures contain 4 units and all of the 10 apartment flat buildings include 8 dwelling units. Plats or Shadow Plats Development in the R-14 zone may platted through the subdivision process or may remain unplatted. For development which is to remain unplatted, the code requires the application to include a shadow plat in order to_demonstrate that the proposed .development would meet . .equivalent.standards in terms of lot area, lot widths, setbacks, and.access/infrastructure. The - .. -.: .;purpose of.this.requirement.is to foster the objective of creating.neighborhoods. .With platting or a.shadow plat, the:developments are more likely to.be.organized with..a grid-like.street..system, - -buildings-oriented'.toward the street, and consistent yard'setbacks. The :applicant is not proposing subdivision of the site and the proposal-includes a:shadow plat with the application. Lot Area, Lot Dimension and Setback Requirements The R-14 code requires the:primary use townhouse units to have,a minimum lot area per unit of 2,500 square:feet-for:attached units at the end or exterior of structures-and 2,000'square feet for attached interior units. The proposal meets the lot area and lot width/depth requirements for the townhouse units. The townhouses comply with the code requirement for an 18 foot front yard setback. The application submittal is at a scale of 1 inch to 50 feet and it is difficult to ascertain if several townhouse buildings meet the 5 foot side yard setback requirement. The side yard setbacks between Buildings-21 and Buildings.22.:and .19 may, not.meet.the standard. The northeast comer.of Building 20 may not meet the 5 foot side yard ,setback. The side yard setback between Buildings 14 and 15 and 8.and 9 may..not meet the-standard. The applicant -should-provide further detail that these townhouse structures'meet the-side-yard-setbacks. . . .The.R-14 code-requires..secondary;.use apartment_flats.to have-a,minimum lot size of 1,800 . _.-.square..feet.per:-unit.: The apartment flats.in.the.proposal,all consist.of 8 unit structures which .would require.a minimum lot area of 14,440 square feet (8 X 1,800.= 14,440). The lots for the - apartment flats comply with the minimum lot area standards and lot dimension standards of a = .minimum 50 foot lot width and 35 foot lot depth.. The apartment flats appear to comply with the required setback standards of the R-14 zone. Density The density of the proposed project is 12.31 dwelling units per acre which falls between the minimum density of 8 dwelling units per acre and the maximum density limit of 14 dwelling units per acre. The density bonus provision which allows up to 18 units per acre. The density is calculated without subtraction of the private, internal road system from the gross area of the site. Lot Coverage The R-14 zone limits the lot coverage of buildings to a maximum of 50% of the total lot area. All the buildings appear to comply with this standard. Residential Project Features The R-14 code lists project features which are to be incorporated to create a neighborhood environment. 1. Building location - The code standard requires the development to be connected through organization of roads, blocks, yards, central places, pedestrian linkage and amenity features. It also requires the front facades of buildings to address the street. The overall site design or organization of the proposal is largely determined by the natural features on the site. The wetland and stream corridors break up the areas available for development on the site. A grid-like system of streets and blocks is not possible due to the site's natural constraints. The buildings are organized lining a loop road through the site. There is a continuous sidewalk along one side of the road. The road provides a connecting, organizing feature to the development. All the residential buildings face out to the street. The road system avoids continuous head-in parking which is common to multi-family development. The apartment flats have facades and building entries which face Talbot Road S. rather than looking out to a parking area. The proposal appears to comply with the intent of the zone, orienting the HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner •• GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 8 of 13 buildings to the street, having continuous setback/yard areas, and incorporating an open space system. 2. Building Design - The code requires architectural design of the buildings to incorporate variation in vertical and horizontal modulation of structural facades and roof lines among attached dwelling units, and private entry features to provide a ground floor connection for the townhouse units. The'proposed buildings include varying roof lines .and there is modulation in the structural facades. The townhouse dwelling units all include private entries,that provide.a ground floor connection. 3.. Landscaping -The code requires.landscaping of front setback.areas:(excluding driveways) - and that landscape areas be treated with pervious surfaces. The proposal complies with this code requirement. 'The front yard setback areas are all landscaped. Bonus Provision for Number of Dwelling Units per Structure and Size of Structure The R-14 code includes a bonus provision to allow the primary permitted townhouse structures to include a maximum of 4 units per structure and a maximum length of 100 feet versus the 3 attached units and 85 foot building length that is permitted without accomplishing the density bonus. Secondary apartment flat uses may include.a maximum of 8 units per structure and 115 foot building length,versus.the limit of 6_dwelling units:per-structure-without approval of the bonus. The subject proposal requests approval of this bonus provision. All of the 10 apartment flat buildings include_8 dwelling units per structure. The maximum:building length is 85 feet. 16 of the22:townhouse:structures include 4 dwelling.units;.These_buildings'have a:maximum building length of 85 feet. The applicant is not proposing a bonus for:an:increase in the allowable.density (from 14 to 18 units per acre). The code includes specific criteria required for achieving the bonus provisions. The intent of the bonus criteria is to encourage provision of aggregated open space and rear access parking, stimulate provision of project/neighborhood amenities, and for project designs to address methods of reducing the size and bulk of structures. A. Bonus Criteria - Project Features - The applicant is proposing a recreation center for residents or tenants of the project. The recreation center is located along the Talbot Road frontage, near one of the driveway entries to the development. There is parking associated with the recreation building and it is centrally located for residents. The recreation building is located to be most accessible to the apartment flat units which do not have the private yard areas of the townhouse units. Another bonus project feature requires a minimum of 5% of the net developable area to be aggregated in common open space that may be used for playgrounds, picnic shelters, trail corridors or natural areas. The proposed site plan includes 2 tot lots near the apartment flat structures and natural corridors along the stream and wetland area buffers. These areas exceed 5% of the site area. B. Bonus Criteria - Project Design Features - The code requires an applicant to incorporate 3 features selected from the improvement options listed. To qualify for this bonus provision the applicant has included active common recreation amenities such as a pool and spa with the recreation center. The architectural design incorporates building entry features such as varied materials and use of gable roofs. The site design incorporates a common theme to enhance single-family character, including signage details, special street lighting and street trees. Parking The Parking Code requires 1 1/2 parking spaces per dwelling unit for multi-family development. One parking space per 4 dwelling units is required as guest parking. This would equate to a parking requirement of 280 spaces for the 160 proposed units. The applicant is proposing a total • HEXRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner • GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 9 of 13 of 382 parking spaces, which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls. (3) MITIGATION OF IMPACTS TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AND USES: • The project site is presently undeveloped and it is in an area of the City that has large tracts of undeveloped land remaining.'. Development of the site would result in noise, dust, and traffic impacts on surrounding properties. These impacts would be limited to the construction phase of the project, 'estimated to be a 10 month duration. The applicant has-submitted a construction mitigation-plan outlining mitigation measures to be employed.for minimizing dust, noise and . . . traffic impacts during construction.. The'Environmental Review:Committee (ERC).imposed a SEPA' mitigation measure which restricts:construction-related traffic to off-peak hours to reduce traffic conflicts during peak traffic times. After completion of the project, there would be impacts on surrounding.properties related to increased 'traffic volumes, -noise 'and other. activities .normally associated with residential neighborhoods. The development is proposed on a limited area of the site (13 acres out of the total 47 acre site) in order to avoid impacts to the large wetland area. This will preserve a significant area of open space and will help to avoid an appearance of an over-concentration of structures on the site. The site slopes down from Talbot Road S. which will assist in reducing the.appearance of scale and height of the proposed buildings from the street...The project has been designed to minimize large..expanses.of parking and parking areas are screened by the buildings. The proposal. . includes street trees and a landscape buffer on the north property line. The layout-.of.-the'proposed-residential:development would Trot impair the-use of surrounding properties. (4) ' MITIGATION OF IMPACTS OF A PROPOSED SITE PLAN TO THE SITE: The proposal would convert a vacant, undeveloped site to a residential neighborhood use. This would result in inevitable impacts of clearing native vegetation, introduction of impervious surfaces, etc. The proposal includes measures to mitigate impacts of development on the site, including stormwater facilities to reduce runoff impacts and ornamental landscaping to mitigate loss of vegetation. As discussed previously, the proposed development would be concentrated on a small part of the site along Talbot Road S. in order to avoid direct impacts to a large wetland area. The preservation of the large wetland is the most significant aspect of the development for purposes of mitigating impacts to the site, and it recognizes the important role or function of the wetland within the larger landscape. Wetland and Stream Impacts The wetland dominates the entire west portion of the site, encompassing approximately 34 acres of the 47 acre site and it extends off-site to the north. A wetland report prepared by B-twelve Associates, Inc. has been submitted with the application. The wetland is identified on the City of Renton Wetland Inventory as the "Springbrook Wetland," a headwater area for Springbrook Creek. According to criteria in the City's wetlands ordinance, the wetland is considered a Category 2 wetland, due to the large size and headwater location. Minor impacts to the wetlands and wetland buffers cannot be avoided. A sewer line is proposed to cross the eastern arm of the wetland in order to serve development in the southeast corner of the site. The construction techniques for this sewer line have not been determined at this point; trenching or boring under the wetland and buffer are options. Wetland impacts associated with the sewer line crossing are not specifically discussed in the wetland report. Construction of utility and utility crossings are not exempted activities allowed within wetlands or wetland buffers. Therefore, any disturbance to the wetland and buffer would be mitigated as required by the HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Heating Examiner • GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 10 of 13 Code. The applicant should be required to provide a final wetland mitigation plan when construction details are available to analyze the extent of impacts. The applicant is proposing wetland buffer averaging because some portions of the development would encroach into the 50 foot wetland buffer required for Category 2 wetlands. The proposal would impact approximately 134,037 square feet of the required buffer area and the applicant proposes 139,926 square feet of replacement buffer, thus not reducing the total required wetland buffer area. The Code allows buffers to be reduced to 50% of the required standard width to a minimum buffer width of 25 feet. The site plan complies with this Code provision, as it appears that development would not intrude into the 25 foot minimum wetland buffer width. The wetland report does not address other criteria listed in the Code for allowing wetland buffer width averaging. A final wetland mitigation plan should be required that addresses all the criteria in Section 4-32-3.1 of the.Wetlands Management Ordinance. The project proposes 2 stormwater outfalls to bioswales and dispersion trenches located within .the .wetland buffer. ..Section 4-32-4B2. of the. Wetlands,.Management Ordinance allows stormwater.management facilities including dispersion outfall systems within wetland buffer areas. B-twelve Associates also identified an area meeting wetland criteria, located adjacent to Talbot Road S approximately 560 feet south of the north property line. However, the consultants concluded that this wetland is not to be considered a regulated wetland because it is "man- induced." According to the wetland. report, this wetland area was created due to increased drainage flows from a new culvert constructed under Talbot Road South, conducted as part of road widening and drainage improvements in 1995.. The area was not identified as a wetland during a.site investigation in..1987 and wetland.indicators became apparent only after drainage was released.onto.the site by..the new culvert. The.City.of Renton.:Wetlands.Management Ordinance requires wetland determinations and delineations to be completed in accordance with the criteria of the "1987.Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands." One of the sections of the Manual (Section F Atypical Situations, Subsection 4 Man-Induced . Wetlands) provides a field method to determine if the wet area is a man-induced wetland. The section concludes that "if the hydrophytic vegetation is being maintained only because of man- induced wetland hydrology that would no longer exist if the activity (e.g. irrigation) were to be terminated, the area should not be considered a wetland." Based on field investigation and review of construction drawings prepared for the Talbot Road improvement, the wetland report concludes that it has been a recent man-induced change in the hydrology that has caused the area to become significantly wetter. There are 2 streams located on the site. Springbrook Creek crosses the southwest side of the site, basically following along the north side of S. 55th Street before crossing the East Valley Highway. Springbrook Creek is isolated from the proposed development by the large wetland area and the proposed project would not directly impact Springbrook Creek. A smaller intermittent channel (Stream A) enters the site in a culvert approximately 160 feet south of the northeast corner of the site. This stream flows in a mud bottom channel to the west into the wetland. The proposal includes a 25 foot wide stream buffer on each side of the creek, complying with City Code requirements of the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance (Section 4-9). There appear to be a couple of small areas of building encroachment into the stream buffer (Buildings 18, 26, 4). The applicant should provide further information to disclose potential construction impacts to the riparian buffer. A variance would be required to allow the proposal to encroach into the 25 foot riparian buffer as measured from the high water mark of the creek. An internal road is proposed to cross and culvert Stream A between Buildings 16 and 18. The Code does not provide specific direction concerning the construction of roads across streams and stream buffers. However, Section 4-9-13B3. does allow for the installation of essential roads and utilities in native growth protection easements, provided there is no other feasible alternative. The applicant may be required to receive an HPA permit from the State Department of Fisheries for the intermittent stream crossing. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner • GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119, SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 11 of 13 (5) CONSERVATION OF AREA-WIDE PROPERTY VALUES F: The project site is currently vacant. The development of the site for a residential project should maintain or improve the area-wide property values. The applicant has stated that the proposed development would be a rental community. (6) SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION: Access to the project is proposed via 2 driveways off Talbot Road S.to serve the major area of. .the development on the north part of the site. .The development area on the south end of the site .. :...would.be accessed from a single driveway off S. 55th.Street...The:site.plan indicates sidewalks connecting:to the buildings off Talbot Road S. The Fire Department has indicated that the sidewalks would provide an acceptable secondary means of fire access as long as they remain unobstructed for access to the buildings. The internal street system would.be.,a private:street with a 20 foot'pavement.width and a continuous sidewalk along one side of the street. There would be a large number of curbcuts for driveways to the units and this would preclude any street parking. Thus,the 20 foot pavement width is considered adequate for on-site circulation and emergency access. The street improvement has been approved by the City's Plan Review Supervisor. -The continuous sidewalk along the internal street would provide for pedestrian circulation on the site. Additionally, it could be expected that informal trails will develop through the wetland and stream open space corridors on the site. ._A.traffic report has been prepared by Heath &Associates, Inc.to address potential traffic impacts that could result with the proposed development. -The study evaluates the cumulative traffic:impacts:of the subject proposal and:two otherprojects of'a,similar scale that are proposed in the immediate vicinity of the site. The study includes an assessment of existing roadway conditions and intersection congestion, forecasts of newly generated project traffic, and estimates of future delay. The traffic study specifically focused on level of service (LOS) impacts and average vehicle delays at the signalized intersections north and south of the project site. The report concludes that the intersection north of the site, at the intersection of Talbot Road South and SW 43rd Street,would operate at an overall LOS E during the peak periods without the project developments, and LOS F with the 3 projects. However,the average delay would only increase from 78.3 seconds to 80.1 seconds. The slight degradation of service at this intersection is not severe enough to be categorized as a potential significant impact and therefore no mitigation measures are recommended for operations at this intersection. The overall impacts of additional traffic are addressed through the imposition of the standard traffic mitigation fee. A bicycle trail along Talbot Road S. is identified in the City of Renton Trails Master Plan, 1990. There is also a pedestrian trail alignment (Springbrook Wetlands Trail) identified across the subject property in the City of Renton Trails Master Plan, 1990. The applicant will be responsible for providing the bicycle trail as a part of the required right-of-way/street improvements. The Parks Department has requested that the applicant provide a 20 foot wide recreation trail easement and suggests that applicant improve a pedestrian trail across the site. The trail portion across the subject site would provide an important connecting link between Springbrook Park and watershed to the south and the Springbrook Creek Trail to the north. Staff has determined that the most appropriate location for the trail should be on the upland edge of the wetland buffer. This location would serve residents of the development, provide some visibility and access for safety purposes, and minimize impacts to the wetland area. It is preferable for the applicant to construct the trail with the construction of the proposed development to avoid a future disturbance of the site for trail construction. The trail should be a soft-surface, 12 foot wide trail. 33% of the total required Parks mitigation fee may be applied toward the cost of the trail easement and trail improvement costs. The applicant should revise the site plan to include a 20 foot wide recreation trail easement on the upland side of the wetland buffer. If the applicant selects to construct the trail with development of the project,the construction details should be coordinated with the Renton Parks Department. HEXRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 12 of 13 (7) PROVISION OF ADEQUATE LIGHT AND AIR; The proposed buildings would be two-stories and have an average building height of 30 feet. The buildings are well laid out around the project site. Adequate spacing is provided between the buildings to allow for the movement of air and for adequate sunlight to reach the buildings. • - (8) MITIGATION OF •NOISE. ODORS AND OTHER HARMFUL OR UNHEALTHY CONDITIONS- It:is-,anticipated that:the_greatest.number of noise,-odor and•other-:potentially harmful impacts . • - would occur during the:_construction• phase of the project. The:applicant has •submitted a • . . Construction' Mitigation -Plan which provides mitigations,to the construction •impacts of the proposal. . • The-residential development`should not generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions. Noise associated with the completed project will mainly be associated with cars and other sounds normally associated with any residential project. . (9) , AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES:TO.ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED USE: AND . . -The-.:applicant has been advised:of the water and sewer main utility.extensions and connections ::,that:would.be,.required to serve.the..proposal. The.applicant_will:be,assessed fire and park . mitigation:_fees;to compensate.for.the increased,demand.on public services. • •_(10) "'PREVENTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD DETERIORATION AND BLIGHT. The proposal would improve a vacant, undeveloped site. The investment in the area and the presence of a residential population would serve to prevent neighborhood deterioration and blight. • HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department - Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 4, 1997 Page 13 of 13 H. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Glacier Creek Residential , Project File No. LUA-97-119, SA-H, ECF subject to the following conditions: (1) Compliance with ERC Mitigation Measures: The applicant is required to comply with the Mitigation Measureswhich were required by the Environmental Review Committee Threshold Determination prior to the issuance of a building permit. (2) . .:..The applicant shall provide further detail to confirm that all of the townhouse:structures meet 5 :.foot side yard setback.requirement. A.revised plan shall be subject .to the approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of building permits. (3) :.:The applicant shall provide a final wetland mitigation plan when,construction details of the sewer line crossing are available. . The applicant.shall provide appropriate=mitigation for impacted ..wetlands in accordance with the Wetlands.Management Ordinance...The final_wetland mitigation plan shall also address all the criteria listed in Section 4-32-3.1 of the Wetlands Management Ordinance for allowing standard wetland buffer width averaging. The final wetland mitigation plan shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of building permits. (4) The applicant shall revise the site plan to include a 20 foot wide recreation trail easement oriented on the upland side of the wetland buffer. If the applicant decides to construct the trail with development of the project,the construction details shall be coordinated with the Renton Parks Department. The trail easement alignment and construction shall be subject to the approval of the Parks.Department and the Development Services Division. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Site Plan Approvals (SA): Two (2)years from the final approval (signature) date. HEXRPT.DOC } 1 Aft Washington State Northwest Region Department of Transportation 15700 Dayton Avenue North Sid Morrison P.O. Box 330310 Seattle,WA 98133-9710 Secretary of Transportation (206)440-4000 October 24, 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OP Dr:"ITON Pete Rosen • City of Renton, Project Manager OCT 3 0 997 200 Mill Avenue South Renton WA 98055 RECEIVED Subject: SR 167 ,Vic. MP 24.77 CS 1765 Glacier Creek LUA-97-119 Traffic Impact Analysis Review# 1 Dear Mr. Rosen: The proposed development would construct a 160 unit townhouse development on the east side of SR 1671. The trips generated by the proposed development would access SR 167 via the SR 167 interchanges at SR 167/SW 43rd St., SR 167/E. Valley Rd. and SR 167/S. 212th St. 2000 was submitted. by the project developer as the horizon year for total completion and occupancy of the development. We have reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis and have the following comments. f 1. The 1996 High Accident Location Review had identified that the SR 167 ramps in the vicinity of MP 21.31 to 21.78 as a High Accident Locations (HAL's). The trip distribution in figure 5 of the Traffic Impact Analysis indicated that trips originating from the proposed development would impact these HAL's. These trips would be considered as significant adverse impacts and mitigation would be required. 2. The Traffic Impact Analysis did not provide any queue and LOS analysis for the SR 167/SW 43rd St., SR 167/E. Valley Rd. and SR 167/S. 212 St. signalized intersections. The queue analysis should be performed by using an appropriate traffic modeling software, for example Transyt-7F,which accounts for all traffic movements and effects caused by other intersections in the immediate vicinity. The LOS analysis should be performed by using an appropriate traffic modeling software, for example HCS. Please revise the Traffic Impact Analysis to include the SR 167 ramp intersections and resubmit for further review. 3. No accident analysis was provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis. See the attached Traffic Impact Analysis Checklist for guideline in preparing the Traffic Impact Analysis. Please provide the accident analysis for the SR 167 ramps vicinity. • 4. The Traffic Impact Analysis reported on page 12 that 450 trips per day would be generated by the proposed development. However,the Traffic Impact Analysis reported on page 10 that 972 trips per day would be generated. Please provide verification. c • ' Page 2, October 24, 1997 • SR 167 MP 24.77 CS 1734 Traffic Impact Analysis Review 1 If you have questions contact Don Hurter at 440-4664 or Vickie Erickson at 440-4915 of my ' Developer Service section. Sincerely, ROBERT A. JOSEPHSON, E Manager of Planning & Local Coordination VEE:vee File Name Glccrk.Doc CC: r TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS CHECKLIST • WSDOT NORTHWEST REGION Contact: Developer Services 440-4431 • NOTE TO DESiGNER:.ALL ELE\CENTS SI IOWN IN THIS CiiECKLIST MUST BE INCLUDED iN YOUR TRAFFIC!MPACT ANALYSIS. IF AN ELEMENT iS MISSiNG_THE ANALYSIS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED BUT WILL BE RETURNED WiTHOLT ANY ACTiON. I_ . . . Project Description:... • - . ._..._ ..._._ .. . ... Location (vicinity map and site plan). • • Horizon Year (year of completion & full occupancy). • Type, Size, and Location (highway/milepost) of Development • Type of Access (Direct, Right-in/Right-out Only). • II. Trio Generation: (ITE Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edit.) • AWDT, AM, PM Peak Hour Trips (Noon if applicable).* III. Trio Distribution: • Show distribution percentages on vicinity map/diagram. Show lefts, rights and throughs. IV. Traffic Volumes: • • Existing AM and PM peak hour counts & date (<1-2 yrs..old). Future AWDT, AM, PM peak hour trips withiwithout project. . • The annual growth rate factor (%) and its source. Include the trips from all pipeline developments (of the same or earlier horizon year.) V. • Level of Service-(LOS) Calculations: • At all State highway I/S's impacted by 10 or more Peak Hour trips from the development. Signalized US (Based on the overall I/S LOS). Unsignalized I/S (Based on I/S LOS). LOS calculation sheets must be included. • ALL assumptions should be noted for volume reductions, saturation flow rates, splits, etc. and their basis. • VI. Accident Analysis: • At all proposed direct access points to State.Highway. At all I/S's where developer mitigation is proposed. • At High Accident Locations (HAL). • An accident analysis shall consist of: • • a listing of the i/S's 3 year accident history. a collision diagram illustrating the above (per attached guideline). • a discussion of both of the above, including the predominant accident types and their locations, any accident patterns, an assessment of the development's traffic safety impact, and mitigation for its safety impact. • • • • Page 1 of2 • Accident information can be obtained by writing to: . Washington State Department of Transportation • Attn: Pat Foley ,15700 Dayton Avenue North • 'P.O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98 133-9710 VII. Road Approach Reviews/Access Permits: Includ'e Investigation of All Possible Alternative Accesses Other than WSDOT Hi<7hways: Sight Distance (measurement per AASHTO, with photos of access point.) Accident analysis per section VI above, 1/10 mi on either side of proposed access point. VIII. Mitigation Recommendations Necessary to Help Relieve Impacts: To satisfy local agency guidelines/Interlocal >uidelines. To correct any COS deficiencies as'per interiocal guidelines. Pro rata share contribution to all State projects receiving 10 or more development generated peak hour trips. Donation of ROW/frontage improvements. . Installation of a signal (Warrant analysis,per MUTCD must be included.) Current/future State projects (Sunshine Report). Assessment of clear zone if widening State highway.. Possible mitigation with others? • IX. Miscellaneous: • Two copies of Traffic Analysis. • Traffic'Analyses report-must-be signed &,stamped by a Professional Engineer. • Prepared by Date • 1 • • • • • • • • T.\cK sTl.Doc Poec 2 or2 815194 ' i • • Accident information can be obtained by writing to: . Washington State Department of Transportation • Attn: Pat Foley 15700 Dayton Avenue North P.O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 93 133-9710 • VII. Road Approach Reviews/Access Permits: - • Include Investigation of All Possible Alternative Accesses Other than WSDOT Highways: Sight Distance (measurement per AASHTO, with photos of access point.) Accident analysis per section VI above, 1/10 mi on either side of proposed access point. VIII. vvfitigation Recommendations Necessary to Help Relieve Impacts: To satisfy local agency guidelines!In.terlocal • • To correct anv.LOS deficiencies as per interiocal guidelines. • Pro rata share contribution to all State projects receiving 10 or more development =enerated peak hour trips. Donation of ROW/frontage improvements. Installation of a signal (Warrant analysis per MUTCD must be included.) Current/future State projects (Sunshine Report). Assessment of clear zone if widening State highway. • • Possible mitigation with others?• IX. Miscellaneous: • • • �-- Two copies of Traffic Analysis. • Traffic Analyses report must be signed & stamped by a Professional Engineer. Prepared by Date • • • • • • • • • • • • T.\CKiSTi.00)C Pngc 2 of 2 CITY OF RENTON RENT PLANNING DIVISION' On the ZB4/ day of OcXober , 1997, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing • -Repo.'. 't'o 'tie- Exi-mthtX•' documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Casr.,1 C ase1 Cuvo .P -Tyc.orN ,Z�L etrtc. e't S •E . 5, "anc. 'Debbie. Lt\i tAolsfio h h � • C� 1v (Signature of Sender) Sav d►r _ k-• Se-ogled/- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that rid signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for(Ue uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: o)-°I, ,97 - ; a ' ;' (4�'l 'f 1 , Notary Public(r and for the State of ngton • f�� ,„s, Notary (Print) 'MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointment expire gg P,roj,Gtvalr�;' r (rlac.ier Orr - I�e.s‘G�ev t%e.\ DGVelo�lMev�� :� Project Number: Lut,‘ 91 _ , q Sh- ` E NOTARY.DOC �• CIT' JF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator October 29, 1997 API Mr. Paul Casey Casey Group Architects 10116-36th Avenue Court SW#109 Lakewood, WA 98499 • SUBJECT: Glacier Creek Residential Development , - Project No. LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF ,-A; N Dear Mr. Casey: 2 . r • This letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed on the ERC determination. The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures. As you know, a Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on November 04. 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed Site Plan Approval. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 235-2719. For the Environmental Review Committee, 6,61 a Peter Rosen Project Manager cc: Ms. Debbie Livingston; Mr. Owen Bing/Parties of Record Mr. Erick Blitz/Applicant Tycon, Inc./Property Owners • FINAI nnc 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 RAr ,_ _.__m o,.__.._,_a__.___I ... Tie Casey Grou p MEM Architects ,1111111111 A Division of A.C.P. 'Consultants Inc. . • 10116 36th Ave. .Ct. SW, Suite 109, Tacoma,, Wa 98499 (206) 584-5207 Fax: (206), 581-9720 October 24, 1997 : ' - .. DEVELOPMENT.PLANNING ' Mr. Peter Rosen 'CITY(U 4PNTON . Project Manager, City of Renton , 2 Planning Department 1997 200 Mill Avenue S RECE;�VED Renton, WA 98055 Re: Glacier Creek Residential . .Development Project No. LUA-97-119, SA-H, ECF Dear Mr. Rosen, . ' Please find attached a copy of the site plan for this project which indicates the pedestrian path that crosses the site in a north south direction requested by the Park Department. It is our understanding that the Park Department wants this path located in a 15' wide ' easement or dedicated area. It is also our understanding that the cost of constructing this path(an approximate four foot wide shredded bark path) and the value of the dedicated land would be credited towards the Park's Department mitigation fee. • ` The-location of the pedestrian trail through the east to west-creek related wetland at the . - southern part of the site will'vary with the final location of the sanitary'sewer in this area. This is because the disrupted land where the sewer is installed can best be restored as the pedestrian path: In the event the sanitary sewer is extended north'to the Burnstead Development, instead , of the currently planned sewer connection to S 55th Street, it is the developers desire not. to extend the pedestrian path across the wetland. In this case the pedestrian'path would ' connect to the new sidewalk along Talbot Road'S. ' ' ' • Thank you and please call with any questions or concerns. . ' Sincerely, , . , • e Cas.-y Grou\ Archit ' "- ' ,___.3 , ' . - -, . , . Paul J. Casey A.I.A. c.c. SEB,Inc. ' ' Corr/97/372rosen • ,� I NOTE: ;r(=; ®a SEE CIvIL PLANS 11 30 23 o so too • 11 f:c. , FOR FRONTAGE SCALE 1• - 50' - IMPROVEMENTS O 41 �" _l111h'linnii• I I 1111.= 1 .asp. �� Allik ana.1. 7„,,,,,. ,,,,,, ` 1141111116; zSi3 - tux GRADE FOR .,. 1E'‘....:. •-2 WIEN:2M _ , • BIALL•�-p_- _. �_ - -- .' A/ 0.66th BT.- A PATH •.•1, _ _ _ NI --' WNW/PI -lift411 - iim- - A. 'LAW p -L�=''=i�j" - !=-=N�_-= �. IP'r d�/'J f4� ---,mow , - e 1 I 1 r ' 1 THIGH .�� ai. •. •. a F aS ///! ._„ , i l FIIb.`-ml itin l�■ - i_~-�v�.w � I. E ELEV. r.` �� -- Rf.. •I �;�ILL 1 r - l -+ is '. m iwor- ' • w�� riralt e . , l g-Px 1 i� o. .-1. w� ,, , r;>.�,r0 k� .�1_�`. 1'1. , '--"1 :/ I `•-rJ � _ +. t - A .LJ1_rI 1� '/l/iMra'N'��_-'�a '•I :� ��r::I ` ---.... �r f • -��i __ �✓.V,�I� )>�1:J - - ( ► ,;� !^I_ � ■ ' � , .r.,e.� `3, rrr7_-- a •w" .' o ,-••, ,•C, ;-!,�s� mFr �r { ,ti. r s ' �1iM -;�1��!1J1, !! I ....,_.---ye, .rti� O. .::.\` m '1 .. ` l; • _AilidiM .t I - �1 '� ■ ■ •" r `•TES $ _-� 111 `� EAW Q 'tY� �.�- /,� IILi�4 lr / -4 I5. I 1 ice© _ n `ra; ',lpv N - a ■� m i(11 l . '1 _n1rl►7r.r �.171�tL i �id 3 i:OIg7 { / I ,ll �`•itit-Ti 10 c 6101 r. a a a a ,'F :. 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LInID y(- rl, ryt � ' I I. • v� \ _ , .sx • ...----2 ____ ----------;-7:,:!;: • CLIWIEGT PATH TO - �• a /� \ 1//W000 PAND9 ADJAGEt•1T � " / a .I ,J I•�•�-� �K� of .I" _ > ,r. :fit :2i Z •' /� _ II , WILDING I3UILDItY BaFT.PER LEVEL 13U1L 348 15 4 2,102 7Al2 9,914 IW(TT TITS HET AP�A 02A$OMTY TOTAL AREA(•c.IR) - ` l_i'e"',4:" •17'1 LOT C/VLR OE• 3I6y76 CM LNITB AREA(SF) • • }y§ I6 3 1,944 21031 3,99I A-UPPER LEVEL 138 6aFt, 36 113e8 6aFT. " 01NER r n 6E15.NC.A(19/O8 AB61C446 .PAMONG ANALT&IB, - 1- ¢ A-Lry,FR 835 B2FT. 36 30/60 ACTT. 4105 ORICcuerORT WAY 61117E c RECIE ED: I-1R/114T•I PER EVERY 4 DUELLING m F 11 2 1186 1,202 ]j5B I 961 (D TACGHA 714 96Ki �YDED r m -13-UPPER LEVEL 633 BaFT. 44 76,06] +SOFT. ,8 (763)D61-6e3e IB 3 1,944 2,31 3,981 5-LOVER LEVEL 691&OFT. 44 26,444 &AFT. N- ~ TGulLLJGI'ffi remaa-t)mxem/4.:m>.Hm 1 441 Cr •C - 36 A 11/58(2 C*A C,O BTALLD•1 DRVE STALLS EAD4 WITR 144 DTALLS - ... 44 D UN1T6 O',APYi STALL•1 DRIVE STALL EACH WIT)•66 STALLS I B 3897 "�3,478 1)70 I9 { Y,101 1AT7 5b14 G-UPPER LEVEL 973 BaFT. 1m IB,46m SOFT. \ 017E ADDI�SS/LOCATIOJ, NORT3IL88T LOR4=R CF T.4LOO(ROAD I 6.D61}L DTREET 'Qv' 3[LEST STALLS c-LGIER LEVEL 831 6aFT. 7m T1140 BCSFT. PARCEL YB): 917305-98 -04,9D305-916-06 241 STALLS PROVIDED FOR TO2N4C E6 2 e 4f4D 4146 B1960 ]m 4 2,107 2,812 6A14 I 401 r- _ 0-UPPER LEVEL 1)03 SaFT. 20 22960 BaFT. R1 Q O LEGAL DE6cRIPTIO11, FLATD r (60,911.I70x60/4.70)040 21 4 Lie* 2012 4038 LOVER L€VEl- 1031 SOFT. 20 20,140 S(•1FT. ,, GAR.455 STALLS 0 3 B 4pD 4,140 0,560 p- 61 PARCEL A, at 1T 46141 2 G R SAADS B T.467.¢ILl¢D<T E E18OI60;114 E5TN.1 OLIRIER OF SECTION' COTIPACT STAI l 6 43 77 4 ],107 7,6D 6A14 ram. I ]•OI ICft]?4 •• � �' at TOV G:701 13 NORM 7 CF T D EAST,RL'N'STT 114(R1DI•YI.R KSTS ECOUNTY,/4882 4 B 4,417 4,K8 B¢60 NYDEGTON,LING F16T OF THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF PRf V+RY STATE HICAlulA7 HANDICAPPED 5TA DTALL6 6 111"�R IL CAt ZT STALLD 66 73 4 ]10] TAT) 5b14 P.T.6XL POET ,' „ r>.7 OPE31 STALLS 74 5 B 4,417 4j46 Bb60 WI.p.IAKgR _ � 0C•• PAR EL 5 r T1E BO)THLLEDT G14R1ER CF THE 6OJI1€ABT GUAR1ER CF SECTION Si.TOUN3HIP 13 WI 6TALL6 F4a7•✓IDED FOR FLATS 14 4 7;101 7AT7 5A14 Al TOP(TTP) T� Q NORTH,RANGE D P BI,¢7LLWEI'TE FE•]i1DLdN,M K1 C<iNTt-,II1AdJ1YiTCN. - 6 B 4,412 474E eb6m c€D?tt 744 ill, M' - -� �Q�+11 ((r��� EXCEPT THAT PORTION L7MG StITHM THE RGHTS CF WAT FOR 661H AV13JE 6WTN r 11a LOT LATlnOCAPlL3• 4,b1 W.FT.••RAT•ARA9 M 4 ],1m7 1A11 5914 C}i4'1'$•ED TOP '..' 17S ' AND 6DurH t311a 6T1�T. _ 1 2 Ue6 I707 Y366 CEDAR 6/4'k4' 1111! �j • TOTAL L.Af1D90AFE AI��1. WD66 6a FT. - _____. ,BITE AREA, 2960.66(41 ea•w)TOTAL 617E AREA B 4 7,107 7517 3014 163166 7p31 . 2,199CEDAR AI I/ IA.,F OU(WMG HEIGHT,, 44•536 M�a61 O111LDM'd r9C'4�X�HErI4T9 4 7,im7 7A17 5b14 4 Y,107 ],61Y 5b14O, 922553 ACCELBCRY OURDSL•6 r IS.AVERAGE IEGHT c, 37116 ]6 4 7,10Y 2012 OA14 TOTAL DCVOLOR'AIRT AREA, D69,96D 53.cae) (9U1LDtY SETOACK5, 51 SLOW ALL PRCPERT7 LMEG Im 4 7,101 7A77 5A14II 4 1,102 7/T1] 5,514as 6 9,•97 3,d7B 117m D 4 2,102 7,817 5,514 3m 6 Sb91 3,76 1p0 ._ - 31 6 3/•97 3,416 1170 U 4 1,1m2 7,6V 5s14 _ H 3 1,544 7m31 3,981 ''] - 6 3,17 3p76 1pm ME_ - - TOTAL6 160 b6A67 �cIII.1•f: D4a ... .' - 0. 1 C(I S C � UNDllIljp A1relli11tU.ed ArchitectureKALE And Planning 7� . .. - - .-._-- .-____-•a.-„-,.-..-p^--- .tee_.,.....„,,,,._,,-,„._: ..-,=_..,„..,:..„-„, is77.'.�r..r`Ali::.,ice,,,,„1,:'-=::.-„,„A„,, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristina Thompson, being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL posed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Location: NW corn- 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 er of Talbot Road S.and S.55th Street. The 15 day comment and appeal period for this project will run concurrently. The a daily newspaper published seven (7)times a week. Said newspaper is a legal comment/appeal periods for this project will newspaper ofgeneralpublication and is now and has been for more than six months end at c m0 enPM on October 27, 1997.dto Written comments shall be forwarded to prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language the Development Services Division Land continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County Use Review Supervisor. Information on the Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper byorder of the Superior Court of the project dfile and the mitigation measures pp g pap p imposed by the City of Renton's State of Washington for King County. Environmental Review Committee are The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County available at the Development Services I • Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers Renton, Washington 98055. Phone: 235- during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a 2550. Appeal procedures are available in the City Clerk's office, First Floor, Municipal Building. Glacier Creek Res. Dev. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the as published on: 10/13/97 second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on November 4, 1997 at 9:00 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$56.15 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AM to consider the proposed Site Plan DETERMINATION Approval (SA). If the Environmental Legal Number 3739 Determination is appealed, the appeal will ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE be heard as part of this public hearing. RENTON,WASHINGTON Interested parties are invited to attend the IX /�j The Environmental Review Committee public hearing. (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non Published in the South County Journal Significance - Mitigated for the following October 13, 1997.3739 egal Clerk, So h County Journal project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. /- GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL Subscribed and sworn before me on this ) day of ' , 19 ':- 7 DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF Proposal for a 160 unit multi-family / /� development with half of the units pro- oi,1 //I'', —-—7-L-1 -g I f, .. \ss10.1.4;:..-ye ,,, Notary Public of the State of Washington :v9` i'�F':y; residing in Renton be k%OTARy `� N:_ King County, Washington —.3—,. N•.0 PUB L1 ' �:. iiii�F MINA S0,70\ • Peter Rosen From: Leslie Betlach To: Peter Rosen Cc: Jana M Huerter Subject: Recreation Easement for Glacier Development Date: Monday, October 20, 1997 11:51 AM 1 I spoke to Jana earlier today regarding the above easement. You and Jana had expressed concerns regarding the suggestion for a paved trail in the.wetland buffer. At this time the most important issue is to secure a 20' wide recreational easement. Our original idea was to locate the trail on the outside of of the buffer, closest to the wetland so that the property owners would not have a trail immediately adjacent to their back deck areas. Concern was expressed about the potential impacts to the wetland and so the easement will be located closest to the building footprints instead. We also had some discussion regarding the constructed width of the trail. Standard paved width is 12' width 2' gravel shoulders, (total 16') although there is a section of the Springbrook trail that is 10' wide with 1' shoulders (total 12'). The absolute minimum width over which our vehicles can travel is 8' wide for maneuverability Vehicles will be on this trail so that litter can be removed as well as other maintenance activities. We agreed to a 12' wide, total constructed width, soft surface trail. Vegetation and fencing were also discussed. We would prefer no fencing for two reasons, safety and access: In the future when this trail system is regionally connected, the homeowners will want direct access to this trail. (We have experienced this with the Cedar River Trail where we accommodated homeowners by installing fencing and then later received requests to remove the fencing so that the trail is more accessible). For safety reasons, we recommend limited vegetation between the building footprints and the trail. Visual access is important for increased safety. Deciduous trees spaced at long intervals and shrubs with a preferred maximum hieght of 3' are recommended. Even on the wetland side of the trail the height of the vegetation should be limited so that the trail user has good visual access, which increases safety. We also discussed the impacts of an asphalt trail versus a soft surface trail. Although the asphalt trail appears to be less environmentally sensitive, it is easier to maintain and in the long run is better for the environment as a soft surface trail will require some chemical applications for weed control. As we do with our other parks and trails we will coordinate with aquifer protection for chemical applications. At this time we agreed to a soft surface trail. I will provide you with a sketch of the trail (construction materials, etc.) in the future. Please call me at x-5549 if you have any questions. I . Page 1 I ' f • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: OCTOBER 15, 1997 TO: PETER ROSEN FROM: NEIL WATTS SUBJECT: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL PROJECT SITE PLAN, PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SEPA COMMENTS I have reviewed the.project submittal for the above listed project, and have the following comments at this time: SEWER • A sewer main extension is required for this project, which can be an extension of the proposed main north of the site (as part of the Burnstead development), or connected into the system in S. 55th St as shown. This main will be an 8" main, and must be constructed per City of Renton standards. The sewer main must be constructed within an easement to the City, a minimum of 15 feet in width. No stub connection is required to the north property line (if the site is connected into the system in S 55th St), as that property will be served by connection to the main to the north of that development site. • System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. Please not that the charges for the line in S 55th Stare by Soos Creek, at $1625 per unit, where the charges to connect through the Bumstead proposal to the north are $350 per unit. WATER • A extensive water main extension is required for this project. These extensions must stub to the north of the site (in an easement between Buildings 22 and 23) and into the higher pressure main along the east side of Talbot Road South. A minimum 10" main must be included across the site from the north property line to the connection into_Talbot for the southerly development site (including a crossing of the creek/wetland area in the vicinity of the proposed sewer main crossing). • The existing 12" high pressure (350 Pressure Zone) water main in Talbot Road South must be extended to the south to S 55th St. SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 PAGE 2 • A latecomers agreement can be requested for this 12" main extension in Talbot Road South, provided such request is made a minimum of 30 days before the construction permit is issued for the construction of the water main. Future development of the property on the east side of Talbot Road S could provide reimbursement for a share of the cost of construction of this water main under,such an agreement. • Backflow prevention devices will be required for irrigation and fire protection systems. • Depending on fire flow requirements, additional hydrants may be required. • System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. DRAINAGE • A conceptual drainage plan and drainage report has been submitted with this application, and is approved as submitted. The conceptual drainage plan includes provisions for detention and water quality treatment in compliance with the requirements of the KCSWM. • System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. STREET IMPROVEMENTS • A traffic report should be prepared for this project. This limited traffic report should address possible impacts to the signalized intersections north and south of the site. The traffic report should include cumulative traffic impacts from this project, the proposed development of 160 townhouse units on the site located at 4900 Talbot Road S., and the proposed development of the property at 4915 Talbot Road S with 130 townhouses and 51 new single family houses. • Talbot Road South adjacent to the site must be improved with curb, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, new paving from the edge of existing pavement to the new gutter, and drainage improvements for the new street improvements. • The internal street system will be private streets, and are acceptable as submitted. The pavement width can be reduced to 20 feet in width as shown,, since the large number of curbcuts preclude the ability.for any street parking. Sidewalks on one side of the street will also be adequate to provide pedestrian circulation through the project. • Street lighting must, be provided on the private street sections, meeting or exceeding the lighting levels established in City Code. • Traffic mitigation fees of $70,320 will be required prior to issuance of building permits for this project. • • SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 PAGE 3 GENERAL • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. The construction permit application must include.a itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs;.4% of anything over $100,00 but less than$200,000, and 3% of anything over$200,000. Half of this fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF Proposal for a 160 unit multi-family development with half of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Location: NW corner of Talbot Road S. and S. 55th Street. The 15 day comment and appeal period for this project will run concurrently. The comment/appeal periods for this project will end at 5:00 PM on October 27, 1997. Written comments shall be forwarded to the Development Services Division Land Use Review Supervisor. Information on the project file and the mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055. Phone: 235-2550. Appeal procedures are available in the City Clerk's office, First Floor, Municipal Building. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on November 4, 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed Site Plan Approval (SA). If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Publication Date: October 13, 1997 Account No. 51067 dnsmpub.dot I J� .:.::.:...:..:..:.:................................:.....:..:..................:..................:::::::::::::.::,:..: .............................................................................................................. .. • N • "FFIDA`VI``:;: »F' ERA{C ::: :IUN:::>:C ``''` `> E ` `'' < > Ri>i '<>' T b S E.B. .. Al On the 8•11. day of Ober- , 1997, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing evt, deennhwnodnvis documents. This information was sent to: • Name Representing Department of Ecology • 1 Don Hurter . WSDOT • KC Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman Department of Natural Resources • Shirley Lukhang Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Indian Tribe • Rod Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe • • Rita Perstac • Puget Power • (Signature of Sender) % th . ke•-• • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,�d,1ut, +f_ ��- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for4he uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 04,. JO, lir) Q7, (-P �. Notary Publi n and for the State of shington :.-'��� KA I!t�, � ., Notary (Print) '"� tiv' a�`*���•�'� My appointment egg era a Rrojecf• • Creck_. estdenta e •P je4#Alur711:4r: U • 91 • 1tet • sh-h Ef • NOTARY.DOC • .. _ _ i . N.07ncE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION • ' PROJECT NAME: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-119,SA41,ECF Proposal fare 160 unit multi-family development,oath hall of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment Oats.The development area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel In order to avoid a large wetland area.The proposed development would be accessed off Talbot Road S.and off S.55th Street.A total of 382 parking spaces are provided,which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit.The code requires 1.5 parking spaces per unit with one space per 4 units for guest parking. rking spaces.The proposal • . 58 spaces In ccarports equating and 198 open aparting stalls.Location: includes 128 NWcomerof Talbot Road S.end S.55th • Street THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRENVIRONMENT.POSED AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED.ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT THE Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 6:00 PM October 27, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error In Judgment or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available al the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments,If Environmental Review Committee finds there Is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination,then there will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal • appeal within the original 15-day Ilmelmme. Written comments must be filed with: Jane Huerler,Land Use Review • Supervisor,City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination Is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period,then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request far reconsideration and the appellant will be 1 • notified that the appal Is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request.The City will notify ' the appfianuperson requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental • Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner In writing that he wishes to wandrew the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be flied In writing on or before 6:00 PM October 27,1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton, ' 200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055.Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code • Section 4-8.118. Additional Information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting In the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall,Renton,Washington,on November 04.1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed Site Plan• . Approval.The applicant or representative(s)of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing.A copy of . the stay report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing If the Environmental Determination Is appealed,the i . appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. fir ; t.'i1:. 2. ii J1 , ,r,' ��slr..r. ':'rGJ;I.. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION ' I , Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file'identification:- CERTiEICATION • it • 'A ICA/j77 . hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were post`e�d by me in -3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on . (JG77),IE�'z q 0917 • Signed: • . // STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • • ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that i know or have satisfactory evidence that MAIT in IN/ur.hT_1.,,' signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volif•�i filiarbr the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ;=,,ti ''•6•; a. " '�'•'', • G1..—A . OP• Dated: r/0/� is in an f r •the:, e _e hinglon" Notary P � Notary .( tint) RGARET,•�•-PIJLLAR My appointment expioommrSiONEXPIRES6/9/J8 NOT ARY,OOC • ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ' PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF Proposal for a 160 unit multi-family development,with half of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. The development area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The proposed development would be accessed off Talbot Road S.and off S.55th Street. A total of 382 parking spaces are provided,which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The code requires 1.5 parking spaces per unit with one space per 4 units for guest parking,equating to 280 parking spaces. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls. Location: NW corner of Talbot Road S.and S.55th Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. . Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM October 27, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there . will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor,City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period,then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM October 27, 1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton,Washington, on November 04. 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed Site Plan • • Approval. The applicant or representative(s)of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing If the Environmental Determination is appealed,the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. , _I,.. ; i:''4.:---"'•:?11 1 ••:.illpi,°1?! -•- i "7-77I.,. •r7 A 1.;:;--14 i; ---.i • ! --.1,--6tIpaikJ.‘ 1--_--,-,xi lira=r" • I Z-- p 7 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION r w e entific.,.:. ;; :< '' <_:::~:_>:::: : ::P.:..I�ase<trtciude;the.. .c>'ect NUMBER...h. n.Gail�n ,ifar;::.xa .elr::fi[e; ��n.wfi�.�tt�r►.....:..:........ ....... .. < - S` CITE JF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department . Greggimmerman Administrator Jesse Tanner,Mayor - - � gg P.E., October 8, 1997 • • Mr. Paul J. Casey , Casey Group Architects " ... . 10116-36th Avenue Ct. SW#109 Lakewood,WA 98499 SUBJECT: Glacier Creek Residential Development Y - Project No. LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF: - _• Dear Mr. Casey: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review CommitteeAERC) has completed their review of the subject : ;. project.:The ERC, on October 07, 1997 issued a threshold Determination'of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures:''See the enclosed Mitigation Measures documents;,;:: ;:..;; ':`. -:Comments regarding the environmental determination'_must be filed in writing on Or:before5:00 PM October 27,, 1997. Any'.aggrieved person feeling that the.environmental;determination of the,Environmental Review.Committee is based:on:erroneous procedure,errors oflaw:or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not• •be reasonably available at the time of the determination.may submit written.comments.After review of the comments, if Environmental,Review Committeefnds:there`is not.suffcient evidence.to.amend its original determination,then:there .. will no further extension of the appeal period. :Any person wishing'.to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original15-day timeframe. Written comments:must be filed with: " Jana.Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division,,200 Mill'Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. . If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the,request for reconsideration and the appellant will be:. notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the.reconsideration'request The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. .The appeal process'will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. •- • - Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before5;00 PM October 27, 1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue iSoutli, Renton, WA 98055:'Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Off ce, (425)-235-2501: A Public Hearing will be:held by the Renton.Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the`Council Chambers on thee; second floor of City Hall, Renton,:Washington,-on.November 04. 1997-at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed Site Plan Approval. The applicant Cr. representative(s) Of the applicant_is required to,be present at the:public hearing.;.:A copy of. the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing If the Environmental Determination:is.appealed, the.: AppealP will be heard.asP'p art of this` ublic .... .:..., DNSMLTR DOC. .. 200 Mill Avenue South-Renton Wash ri ton 98055` - , • • Mr. Paul J. Casey 1 Casey Group Architects Project No. LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF ,Page-2- " • • The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully; if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at(425)235-2719. Ir. For the Environmental Review Committee, . - Peter Rosen ;;...;; Project Manager ; ebbie Livin ston• Mr. Owen.'Bin /Parties of:Record c -- - Ms. D g 9 • ` Mr. Erick BlitzlA plicant • - ' - T con Inc:7Pr0 ert Owners: �,, e 'o•a lib 'Enclosur ._� fr' ;%' es ; 1_ _, r, ;, , 'S'mo . ''Y'. 4 - �y 't• f 4• _ ti do smRr, - • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES • -APPLICATION NO(S): • LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF _ •- APPLICANT: : S.E.B. Inc.,Eric Blitz PROJECT NAME: Glacier Creek Residential Development • DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Proposal for a 1.60 unit multi-family development, with • half of the units'proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. The development 'area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The proposed development would be accessed off Talbot Road S. and off S. 55th Street. ' A total of 382 parking spaces are provided, which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per ; • unit. The code requires 1.5 parking spaces per.unit with one space per 4 units for guest parking, - ' equating to .,280 parking. spaces.,'. The:proposal includes. 128 parking'spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking`"stalls LOCATION OF.PROPOSAL r, -' ' .. NW comer of Talbot Road S. and S. 55th Street :MITIGATION MEASURES: MIT y< �� 1. The applicant shall pay the appropneteFire Mitigation Fee equal to $388 per multi family unit and $0.52 per square:.foot for the recreation building.=.The fee for the r residential units is,estimated at approximately,$62,080.4..-The Fire Mitigation Fee is payable prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 2. --The applicant shall be required.to pay..a Traffic:Mitigation Fee of$75 for each average daily trip associated with the project. The traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be - $70,320.'This fee is payable prior;to the issuanceAof building permits. 3. : The applicant shall submit.a revised.Construction Mitigation Plan which restricts construction-related traffic to off-peak hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., unless • approved in advance by the Development Services Division.'.The revised Construction Mitigation.Plan shall be subject to the approval of.the Development Services Division, prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. :, The applicant shall pay a Park's Department mitigation fee of$354.51 per multi-family • dwelling unit. A portion of the costs of improving a bicycle and/or pedestrian trail, and the recreation building and pool may be applied toward a part of the total required Parks :Mitigation Fee. The required mitigation fee shall be subject to the approval of the Parks :_ Department and the Development Services Division, and the fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. . ,`v. - e • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) • • ADVISORY NOTES • APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF. .. - APPLICANT: • S.E.B. Inc., Eric Blitz • PROJECT NAME• • Glacier Creek Residential Development DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Proposal for a.160 unit multi-family development, with half of . the units proposed as townhomes and the other.half as apartment flats. The development area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the.47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The proposed • development would be accessed off Talbot Road S. and off S. 55th Street. A total of 382 parking spaces• are provided, which equates to 'a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The code requires 1.5 parking `� • spaces per unit with one space per 4 units for guest parking, equating to 280 parking spaces. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: :< ' NW corner of Talbot Road S.and S. 55th Street` • - .. - ,.^fir-.' „,d„:x;... :d., _ •,,,. - -.. ... • Advisory Notes to Applicant -, ' .The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the :: • environmental determination: Because these notes are.provided as information'only,they are =not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. cess for environmental determinations: Pro €`-' CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ' `t • :r - ' •. 1. Structural review required for detection.vaults, rockeries and retaining walls.' 2. Accessibility requirements of Chapter 11•UBC apply. >- - . FIRE The preliminary flow required without further information for the multi- - 1. T p ry fire q -family.structures. : :' ll..,:<."" - - 2. An approved fire alarm system is required to be installed throughout all structures. 3. Access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20-feet wide with turning radius of 25-feet inside and 45-feet outside. Both complexes are•required to have two access roadways. • PLAN REVIEW` Sewer . • - A sewer main extension is required for this project,which can be an extension of the'proposed main {_ - • north of the site (as part of the Bumstead development), or connected into the system in S. 55th St. as shown. .This main will be an 8"•main, and must be constructed per City of Renton standards. The sewer: main must be constructed within an easement to the City, a minimum of 15 feet in width::.No stub ,'i. connection required to the north property line (if the site is connected into the system in S 55th Si.),;as • :;:. that property will be served by connection to the main to the north of that development site. 4 h'- • Glacier Creek Residential Development • LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF Advisory Notes(Continued) Page 2 System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation • sheet. Please not that the charges for the line in S 55th St. are by Soos Creek, at$1625 per unit,where the charges to connect through the Bumstead proposal to the north are $350 per unit. Water An extensive water main extension is required for this project. These extensions must stub to the north of the site (in an easement between Buildings 22 and 23) and into the higher pressure main along the east side of Talbot Road South. A minimum 10" main must be included across the site from the north property line to the connection into Talbot for the southerly development site (including a crossing of the creek/wetland area in the vicinity of the proposed sewer main crossing). The existing 12"high pressure (350 Pressure Zone)water main in Talbot Road South must be extended to the south to S 55th St. • A latecomers agreement can be requested for this 12" main extension in Talbot Road South, provided such request is made a minimum of 30 days before the construction permit is issued for the construction of the water main. Future development of the property on the east side of Talbot Road S could provide reimbursement for a share of the cost of construction of this water main under such an agreement. . Backflow prevention devices will be required for irrigation and fire protection systems. . • Depending on fire flow requirements, additional hydrants may be,required. • System Development Charges will be,required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. :x_ �• , , • Drainage -- ' • - A conceptual drainage plan and drainage report hasbeen submitted with this application, and is . • approved as submitted.:The conceptual drainage plan includes provisions for detention and water quality treatment in compliance with the requirements;of the KCSWM.. :;4. " • System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation_' sheet. :q Street Improvements '' • Talbot Road South adjacent to the site Must be improved with curb,4gutters,sidewalks, street lighting, new paving from the edge,of existing pavement to the new gutter,and drainage improvements for the new street improvements. The internal street system will be private streets, and are acceptable as submitted. The pavement width - can be reduced to 20 feet in width as shown,since the large number of curbcuts preclude the ability for - any street parking. Sidewalks on one side of the street will also be adequate to provide pedestrian circulation through the project:. Street lighting must be provided on the private street sections, meeting or exceeding the lighting levels .. established in City Code. • .. General All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. The construction permit application must include,a itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first$100,000 of the estimated construction costs;4% of anything over$100,00 but less than $200,000,and 3% of anything over$200,000. Half of this fee must_ be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued.:There may be'additional fees for water service related:expenses. ` • • Glacier Creek Residential Development : >. - LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF. •: ': • . • Advisory Notes(Continued) Page 3 _ • POLICE ; 147.20 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually . Construction Phase Theft from construction sites is one of the most common reported crimes in the city. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with•portable chain-link fencing.•.The fence will provide both a"physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will . demonstrate that this area is private property. 'Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in • use, and,should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1-1/2",throw when bolted. . .Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter-resistant. • Completed Building• ' • , - Coded access as entry to each building is recommended to prevent trespassing of individuals who have . no right to be on the property. Each unit should have solid core doors,preferably metal or metal over solid wood with peep holes and heavy-duty dead bolt locks.'The bolts need to be at least 1-1/2" in length • when extended and installed with 3"wood screws. _ ' • • • 'Sliding windows,including the glass patio doors,will,need additional locks,these locks will need to • 7 secure the windows from being pried out;ofthe frames vertically:`This means the locks will need to be :- • , • placed into the top or bottom of the frames,in addition to any lock that limits honzontal movement. ,(This • applies especially to the bottom floor windows that)are hidden from view.) • • ;Alarm systems are recommended for each unit. .The stairways'at the complex should be constructed of lattice or metal railing so visibility'is:possible through theetairway.::There-should not be any:solid walls in any stairway that would serve to limit the visibility up and down the stairs and provide a place for criminal to hide;while waiting:for,a homeowner;to;retum`,home:.;In additional,the balcony walls also need - to be Made of either metal or wood lattice or'railing'.-;no solid walls for same purpose. Extra security lighting needs'to be installed'in:the:parking-lots,`along the sidewalks,'in the stairways,'and = between the buildings: should also he taken toprovide additional lighting for the common trash dumping site." Since this is•located away from the complex itself,proper lighting should be • provided to assist in making the'aree safer for the residents. �Each-unit should have their individual unit numbers listed:clearly,with the number,at.least_6",•in height,of a colorthat contrasts with the color of the - .• building and placed under a light.'This will-aid police or medics who respond to,a call in finding the unit : they need to go to �; ,r . . : - k:. • I• : y., • • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-119,SA-11,ECF APPLICANT: S.E.B. Inc., Eric Blitz PROJECT NAME: Glacier Creek Residential Development DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Proposal for a 160 unit multi-family development,with half of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. The development area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The proposed development would be accessed off Talbot Road S. and off S. 55th Street. A total of 382 parking spaces are provided,which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The code requires 1.5 parking spaces per unit with one space per 4 units for guest parking, equating to 280 parking spaces. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages,56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: NW corner of Talbot Road S.and S.55th Street LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM October 27, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination,then there will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM October 27,1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. PUBLICATION DATE: October 13,1997 DATE OF DECISION: October 07, 1997 SIGNATURES: 2 °/7) G.19 re Zi n,AdmiT�trato`�` DATE 7 nt bf lanni uildin /Public Works Departm r�g/jB g ,,„ —"--- / f----7 / `� Sam Chastain,Administrator DATE Commu ity Service Department c'd....fr lip heeler, Fire Chief DATEn Fire Department DNSMSIG.DOC STAFF REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE October 7, 1997 Project Name Glacier Creek Residential Development Applicant S.E.B. Inc., Eric Blitz File Number LUA-97-119, SA-H, ECF Project Manager Peter Rosen Project Description Proposal for a 160 unit multi-family development, with half of the units proposed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. The development area would be limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid a large wetland area. The proposed development would be accessed off Talbot Road S. and off S. 55th Street. A total of 382 parking spaces are provided, which equates to a ratio of 2.39 parking spaces per unit. The code requires 1.5 parking spaces per unit with 1 space per 4 units for guest parking, equating to 280 parking spaces. The proposal includes 128 parking spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls. Project Location NW corner of Talbot Road S. and S. 55th Street. Exist. Bldg. Area gsf N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf 188,284 s.f. Site Area 47 acres Total Building Area gsf 188,284 s.f. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated. ' SITE ._.l • RE r N SC�iT I`__ e 19 Project Location Map , ; . .r-,. ,� ERCRPT..DOC it �: '� , City of Renton PB/PWDepartment i onmental Review Committee Staff Report • GLACIER CREEKRESIDENTIA_L DCVO LOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA HL ECF REPORT OF OCTOBER 7,1997 Page 2 of 9 B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. X Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $388 per multi-family unit and $0.52 per square foot for the recreation building. The fee for the residential units is estimated at approximately $62,080. The Fire Mitigation Fee is payable prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 2. The applicant shall be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee of$75 for each average daily trip associated with the project. The traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be$70,320. This fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. The applicant shall submit a revised Construction Mitigation Plan which restricts construction-related traffic to off-peak hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. The revised Construction Mitigation Plan shall be subject to the approval of the Development Services Division, prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. The applicant shall pay a Park's Department mitigation fee of$354.51 per multi-family dwelling unit. A portion of the costs of improving a bicycle and/or pedestrian trail, and the recreation building and pool may be applied toward a part of the total required Parks Mitigation Fee. The required mitigation fee shall be subject to the approval of the Parks Department and the Development Services Division, and the fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. • ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department ] onmental Review Committee Staff Report GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT _ LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF REPORT OFOCTOBER 7,1997 Page 3 of Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1. Structural review required for detection vaults, rockeries and retaining walls. 2. Accessibility requirements of Chapter 11 UBC apply. FIRE 1. The preliminary fire flow required cannot be determined without further information for the multi-family structures. • 2. An approved fire alarm system is required to be installed throughout all structures. 3. Access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20-feet wide with turning radius of 25-feet inside and 45-feet outside. Both complexes are required to have two access roadways. PLAN REVIEW Sewer A sewer main extension is required for this project,which can be an extension.of the proposed main north of the site (as part of the Bumstead development), or connected into the system in S. 55th St. as shown. This main will be an 8" main, and must be constructed per City of Renton standards: The sewer main must be constructed within an easement to the City,'a minimum of 15 feet in width.. No stub connection is required to the north property line (if the site is connected into the system in S 55th St.), as that property will be served by connection to the main to the north of that development site. System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. Please not that the charges for the line in S 55th St. are by Soos Creek, at$1625.per.unit, where the chargesto connect through the Bumstead proposal to the north are $350 per unit. Water An extensive water main extension is required for this project. These extensions must stub to the north of the site (in an easement between Buildings 22 and 23) and into the higher pressure main along the east side of Talbot Road South. A minimum 10"main must be included across the site from the north property line to the connection into Talbot for the southerly development site (including a crossing of the creek/wetland area in the vicinity of the proposed sewer main crossing). The existing 12" high pressure (350 Pressure Zone)water main in Talbot Road South must be extended to the south to S 55th St. A latecomers agreement can be requested for this 12" main extension in Talbot Road South, provided such request is made a minimum of 30 days before the construction permit is issued for the construction of the water main. Future development of the property on the east side of Talbot Road S could provide reimbursement for a share of the cost of construction of this water main under such an agreement. Backflow prevention devices will be required for irrigation and fire protection systems. Depending on fire flow requirements, additional hydrants may be required. System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. Drainage A conceptual drainage plan and drainage report has been submitted with this application, and is approved as submitted. The conceptual drainage plan includes provisions for detention and water quality treatment in compliance with the requirements of the KCSWM. System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. Street Improvements Talbot Road South adjacent to the site must be improved with curb, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, new paving ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PWDepartment ] onmental Review Committee Staff Report GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DLv1;LOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF REPORT OFOCTOBER 7,1997 Page 4 of9 from the edge of existing pavement to the new gutter, and drainage improvements for the new street improvements. The internal street system will be private streets, and are acceptable as submitted. The pavement width can be reduced to 20 feet in width as shown, since the large number of curbcuts preclude the ability for any street parking. Sidewalks on one side of the street will also be adequate to provide pedestrian circulation through the project. Street lighting must,be provided on the private street sections, meeting or exceeding the lighting levels established in City Code. General All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals:prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. The construction permit application must include a itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of-these improvements is 5% of the first$100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over$100,00 but lessthan $200,000, and 3% of anything over$200,000. Half of this fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permitsare issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. POLICE 147.20 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually Construction Phase Theft from construction sites is one of the most common reported crimes in the city. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. _The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain-link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological barrier to-any prospective thief and will demonstrate that thisarea is private •_property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1-1/2"throw when.bolted.. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter-resistant. Completed Building Coded access as entry to each building is recommended to prevent trespassing of individuals who have no right to be on the property. Each unit should have solid core doors, preferably metal or metal over solid wood with peep holes and heavy-duty dead bolt locks. The bolts need to be at least 1-1/2" in length when extended and installed with 3" wood screws. Sliding windows, including the glass patio doors,will need additional locks;these locks will need to secure the windows from being pried out of the frames vertically. This means the locks will need to be placed into the top or bottom of the frames, in addition to any lock that limits horizontal movement. (This applies especially to the bottom floor windows that are hidden from view.) Alarm systems are recommended for each unit. The stairways at the complex should be constructed of lattice or metal railing so visibility is possible through the stairway. There should not be any solid walls in any stairway that would serve to limit the visibility up and down the stairs and provide a place for a criminal to hide while waiting for a homeowner to return home. In additional,the balcony walls also need to be made of either metal or wood lattice or railing- no solid walls for the same purpose. Extra security lighting needs to be installed in the parking lots, along the sidewalks, in the stairways, and between the buildings. Measures should also be taken to provide additional lighting for the common trash dumping site. Since this is located away from the complex itself, proper lighting should be provided to assist in making the area safer for the residents. Each unit should have their individual unit numbers listed clearly,with the number at least 6" in height of a color that contrasts with the color of the building and placed under a light. This will aid police or medics who respond to a call in finding the unit they need to go to. ERCRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PWDeparlment ]= onmental Review Committee Staff Report . GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF REPORT OFOCTOBER 7,1997 Page S of 9 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C.240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and • environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The proposed development is limited to the east 13 acres of the site, in order to avoid.the large wetland area. The ground surface on the east portion of.the.site generally slopes:about:10%.towards the west/southwest,.with a maximum slope of approximately:20%:: There were no observed steep slopes in proximity to the proposed development area. Clearing and grading the east part of the site would be necessary in order to construct streets;parking areas and for • building pads. The applicant estimates approximately 20,000 cubic yards of cut and 20,000 cubic yards of fill will be required. Potential erosion impacts that could occur during site preparation and construction would be mitigated by City Code requirements for a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) and a Construction Mitigation Plan. A soils/geotechnical report was prepared by Geotech Consultants, Inc. and it provides recommendations for construction of foundations and for drainage improvements. The report states that the proposed buildings and bridges could be supported by conventional footings bearing on the medium-dense; native soils or on structural fill placed above these competent soils. The presence of groundwater and wet soils will make;earthwork more difficult and costly. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation measures are recommended. Nexus: N/A 2. Air Impacts .Impacts to air quality can be anticipated during construction and after occupancy.of'the proposed project. Impacts during construction would include increased levels of airborne particulates(especially dust)from disturbance of exposed soils. Construction impacts would be short term in nature and would be mitigated through best management practices of the required TESCP and with the Construction Mitigation Plan. Emissions from construction equipment exhaust would have a minor impact on local air quality. Exhaust from construction vehicles is regulated by State and City Codes. After construction the impacts would be associated primarily with vehicle exhaust from resident traffic. Vehicle emissions are regulated by the State of Washington. Overall air impacts would be relatively minor in nature and not considered significant to warrant special mitigation measures. Mitigation Measures No mitigation measures are recommended. Policy Nexus NA 3. Water Wetlands Impacts: There is a large wetland area that dominates the entire west portion of the site. A wetland report prepared by B-twelve Associates, Inc. has been submitted with the application. The wetland encompasses approximately 34 acres of the 47 acre site and it extends off-site to the north. The wetland is identified on the City of Renton Wetland Inventory as the"Springbrook Wetland." As the name implies,this wetland is a headwater area for Springbrook Creek. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service(USFWS) classification method,the wetland is classified as PFO1 E(palustrine, forested, deciduous, seasonally flooded/saturated) and PSS1 E (palustrine,scrub-shrub, deciduous, seasonally flooded/saturated). According to criteria in the City's wetlands ordinance,the wetland is considered a Category 2 wetland,due to the large size and headwater location. The proposed development area would be concentrated along Talbot Road South, limited to the east 13 acres of the site, in order to avoid direct impacts to the wetland area. However,some minor impacts to the wetlands and wetland buffers cannot be avoided. A sewer line is proposed to cross the eastern arm of the wetland in order to serve development in the southeast corner of the site. The construction techniques for this sewer line have not been determined at this point;trenching or boring under the wetland and buffer are options. Wetland impacts associated with the sewer line crossing are not ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PWDepartment ] ['mental Review Committee Staff Report GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DE vriOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF REPORT OF OCTOBER 7,1997 Page 6of9 • specifically discussed in the wetland report. Any disturbance to the wetland and buffer would be mitigated as required '. by the Code. The applicant is proposing wetland buffer averaging because some portions of the development would encroach into the 50 foot wetland buffer required for Category 2 wetlands. The proposal would impact approximately 134,037 square feet of the required buffer area and the applicant proposes 139,926 square feet of replacement buffer,thus not reducing the total required wetland buffer area. The Code allows buffers to be reduced to 50% of the required standard width to a minimum buffer width of 25 feet. The site plan complies with this Code provision, as it appears that development would not intrude into the 25 foot minimum wetland buffer width. The project proposes 2 stormwater outfalls to bioswales and dispersion trenches located,within.the wetland buffer. Section_4-32-4B2. of.the Wetlands Management Ordinance allows stormwatermanagement facilities including dispersion outfall systems within wetland buffer areas. B-twelve Associates also identified an area meeting wetland criteria, located adjacent to Talbot Road S approximately 560 feet south of the north property line. However,the consultants concluded that this wetland is not to be considered a regulated wetland because it is"man-induced." According to the wetland report,this wetland area was created due to increased drainage flows from a new culvert constructed under Talbot Road South, conducted as part of road widening and drainage improvements in 1995. The area was not identified as a wetland during a site investigation in 1987 and wetland indicators became apparent only after drainage was released onto the site by the new culvert. The City of Renton Wetlands Management Ordinance requires wetland determinations and delineations to be completed in accordance with the criteria of the "1987 Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands." One of the sections of the Manual (Section F Atypical Situations, Subsection 4 Man-Induced Wetlands) provides a field method to determine if the wet area is a man-induced wetland. The section concludes that"if the hydrophytic vegetation is being maintained only because of man-induced wetland hydrology that would no longer exist if the activity(e.g. irrigation) were to be terminated, the area should not be considered a wetland." Based on field investigation and.review of construction drawings prepared for the Talbot Road improvement,the wetland report concludes that it has been a recent man-induced change in the hydrology that has.caused.the area to become significantly wetter. Streams There are 2 streams located on the site. Springbrook Creek crosses the southwest side of the site, basically following along the north side of S. 55th Street before crossing the East Valley Highway. Springbrook Creek is isolated from the proposed development by the large wetland area and the proposed project would not directly impact Springbrook Creek. A smaller intermittent channel (Stream A) enters the site in a culvert approximately 160 feet south of the northeast corner of the site. This stream flows in a mud bottom channel to the west into the wetland. The proposal includes a 25 foot wide stream buffer on each side of the creek, complying with City Code requirements of the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance (Section 4-9). There appear to be a couple of small areas of building encroachment into the stream buffer(Buildings 18, 26, 4). The applicant should provide further information to disclose potential construction impacts to the riparian buffer. A variance would be required to allow the proposal to encroach into the 25 foot riparian buffer as measured from the high water mark of the creek. An internal road is proposed to cross and culvert Stream A between Buildings 16 and 18. The Code does not provide specific direction concerning the construction of roads across streams and stream buffers. However, Section 4-9-13B3. does allow for the installation of essential roads and utilities in native growth protection easements, provided there is no other feasible alternative. The applicant may be required to receive an HPA permit from the State Department of Fisheries for the intermittent stream crossing. Stormwater runoff from the proposed development would be collected by a series of pipes and catch basins within paved areas. The drainage would be conveyed to detention vaults which are located toward the west edge of the developed area. The drainage would then be released to a bioswale and dispersed to the wetland via a flow spreader. The stormwater detention and water quality system will be required to meet the standards of the King County surface Water Design Manual as adopted by the City. The applicant will be required to meet the code requirements of the Wetlands Management Ordinance and the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance which pertains to streams. Mitigation measures for impacts are provided for in the ordinances. Therefore, no additional mitigation measures are recommended. Mitigation Measures:No mitigation measures are recommended. Policy Nexus: NA ERCRPT.DOC • City of Renton PB/PWDepartment onmental Review Committee Staff Report GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DC viLOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF REPORT OFOCTOBER 7,1997 Page 7 of 4. Fire Services Impacts: The proposal would add new construction to the City and would potentially impact the City's Fire Department. A Fire Mitigation Fee would apply to all new construction at a rate of$388 per multi-family unit, for an estimated total of$62,080 (160 units X$388= $62,080). Fire mitigation fees for the proposed recreation building would apply at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of building. The Fire Mitigation Fee is payable at the time of issuance of Building Permits. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee equal to $388 per multi-family unit and $0.52 per square foot for the recreation building.-The fee for the residential units is estimated at approximately $62,080. The Fire Mitigation Fee is payable prior to the issuance of Building Permits. -Nexus: Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution and adopting ordinance, Environmental Review(SEPA) S. Transportation Impacts: Access to the project is proposed via 2 driveways off Talbot Road S. to serve the major area of the development on the north part of the site. A single driveway is proposed off S. 55th Street to access the development proposed on the south end of the site. The site plan also provides sidewalks connecting to the buildings off Talbot Road S. The Fire Department has indicated that this is acceptable for fire access as long as the sidewalks are provided and remain unobstructed for providing access to the buildings. The internal street system would be a private street with a 20 foot pavement width and a continuous sidewalk along one side of the street. There would be a large number of curbcuts for driveways:to the units and this would preclude any street parking. Thus,the 20 foot pavement width is considered adequate for on-site circulation and emergency access. The proposed multi-family development would result in an increase in traffic trips-on the local street system and therefore would be subject to the City's Transportation Mitigation Fee. The trip generation values are based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual which estimates 5.86 average daily trips per residential condo/townhouse unit, or a total of 937.6 daily trips for the 160 unit development. The Transportation Mitigation Fee is calculated to be $75 per average daily trip attributable to the.project. The traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $70,320. A traffic report has been prepared by Heath &Associates, Inc.to address potential traffic impacts that could result with the proposed development. The study evaluates the cumulative traffic impacts of the subject proposal and two other projects of a similar scale that are proposed in the immediate vicinity of the site. The study includes an assessment of existing roadway conditions and intersection congestion, forecasts of newly generated project traffic, and estimates of future delay. The traffic study specifically focused on level of service (LOS) impacts and average vehicle delays at the signalized intersections north and south of the project site. The report concludes that the intersection north of the site, at the intersection of Talbot Road South and SW 43rd Street,would operate at an overall LOS E during the peak periods without the project developments, and LOS F with the 3 projects. However, the average delay would only increase from 78.3 seconds to 80.1 seconds. The slight degradation of service at this intersection is not severe enough to be categorized as a potential significant impact and therefore no mitigation measures are recommended for operations at this intersection. The overall impacts of additional traffic are addressed through the imposition of the standard traffic mitigation fee. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan which gives proposed hauling routes and states that construction would occur during typical construction hours. Construction-related truck traffic could impact traffic flows if occurring during peak traffic flow periods. This truck traffic should be limited to off-peak hours. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall be required to pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee of$75 for each average daily trip associated with the project. The traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $70,320. This fee is payable prior to the issuance of building permits. The applicant shall submit a revised Construction Mitigation Plan which restricts construction-related traffic to off-peak hours between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., unless approved in advance by the Development Services Division. Nexus: Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA) ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PWDepartment .= onmental Review Committee Staff Report GLACIER CREEKRESIDENTLAL Divt:1,OPMENT LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF REPORT OF OCTOBER 7,1997 Page 8 of 9 6. Community Services Impacts: The proposal would allow for the construction of 160 multi-family residential units. Future residents would make use of the existing and future City park and recreation facilities throughout the City. In order to mitigate the impact of the development on the City's parks and recreation facilities the City has adopted a mitigation fee of $354.51 per new multi-family dwelling unit. A bicycle trail along Talbot Road S. is identified in the City of Renton Trails Master Plan, 1990..There is also a pedestrian trail alignment(Springbrook Wetlands Trail) identified across the subject property in the City of Renton Trails Master Plan,-.1990. The applicant may be responsible for improving the bicycle and/or pedestrian trail and portions of the costs maybe deducted from part of the total required Parks Mitigation Fee. The proposal also .includes a recreation building and pool for residents, and a portion of the costs may also be counted toward a part of the.Parks Mitigation Fee. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay a Park's Department mitigation fee of$354.51 per multi-family dwelling _. . unit...A portion of the costs of improving a bicycle and/or pedestrian trail, and the recreation°building and pool may be applied toward a part of the total required Parks Mitigation Fee. The required mitigation fee shall be subject to the approval of the Parks Department and the Development Services Division, and the fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. Nexus: Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA) E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has,been circulated.to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report ERCRPT.DOC • City of Renton PB/PW Department ]_ .bnmental Review Committee Staff Report GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DLvCLOPMENT LUA-97-119,SA H,ECF REPORT OF OCTOBER 7,1997 Page 9 of 9 Environmental Determination Comment Process Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM October 27, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new.evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if • Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there • will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal • appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written commentsmust be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of.Renton Development -. • Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. 'If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner:during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Environmental Determination Appeal'Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM October 27, 1997. Appeals must•be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA'98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. ERCRPT.DOC 1�Y O — 0A .11 ' LNrO NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS & • DATE: SEPTEMBER 23,1997 - A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF/GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: The applicant,Eric Blitz of S.E.B.Inc.,requests Environmental Review(ECF)and Site Plan Approval(SA)for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the residential units would be tewnhomes and the other i half apartment flats.The development area would be concentrated along Talbot Road South,limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid impacts to a large wetland area. The proposed development would have access off Talbot Road S.and S.55th Street. A total of 382 parking spaces are proposed;with 128 spaces in garages,56 • spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls. GENERAL LOCATION: NW comer of Talbot Road and South 55th Street(SE 192nd Street) STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: Wetlands Analysis Report;Traffic Study;Geotechnical Report;Drainage Report PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review • Site Plan Approval Building Permit Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Peter Rosen,Project Manager,Development • Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 28,1997.This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on November 4,1997 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building; 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested In attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division, 277.5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled.If comments cannot be submitted In writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional Information by mail,contact Peter Rosen,Project Manager,at 235-2719.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I DATE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 20,1997 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: AUGUST 21,1997 • DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: SEPTEMBER 23,1997 . • • ----r.�� - = N .,-- IL • 11i ''.1 Y ,.,. ,_ • • GENMALOT.DO .:... —Voa-:,-y:rrA.a... . f• CERTIFICATION I, SC(�Vl . IV\t�1�lj I�I , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posts by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on r'�I•AY'thM' ��, I°G�ti •• r Signed: YYIA041/ . STATE OF WASHINGTON • ) • ) SS COUNTY OF KING • ) . I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that G 'Iv N./ i71/A) J-•Ii7 / signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluc�t�arnEtJior.rihe uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ' 97W '.. ;.„,h- h . v, Dated: 9/ /q7 o'r - -- Notary Publi and for Stale of Washington f Notary • (Print) MA GARET J. PULLAR My appointment exp ORES 612/95 . NOTARY,OOC CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 1997 TO: PETER ROSEN FROM: NEIL WATTS SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REPORT GLACIER CREEK PROJECT I have reviewed the traffic report for the Glacier Creek project located on Talbot Road S and S 55th St. The report was prepared by Heath & Associates, dated September 1997. The traffic report appears to have been prepared per standard methodologies, using appropriate trip generation and trip distribution assumptions for the cumulative impacts of the three proposed developments on Talbot Road S. The traffic report examines the level of service (LOS) impacts and average vehicle delays at the signalized intersections north and south of the projects. The report indicates that the intersection north of the site, at the intersection of Talbot and SW 43rd St, will operate at an overall LOS E during the peak periods without the project developments, and LOS F with the projects. However, the average delay would only increase from 78.3 seconds to 80.1 seconds. This slight degradation of service at this intersection is not severe enough to be categorized as an "significant adverse impact" and no additional mitigation is recommended for operations at this intersection. In conclusion, the submitted report is prepared per City of Renton standards. While additional delay is anticipated at the existing signalized intersection, the impact is minor in nature and no additional mitigation is recommended for either intersection. The overall impacts of the additional traffic should be addressed through the standard mitigation fees of$75 per net new average daily trip. HILL INVESTMENT CO. P.O. BOX 700 • MERCER ISLAND,WASHINGTON 98040 (PHONE)206-232-7500 • FAX 206-232-1585 September 22,.1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTONi Peter Rosen P 2 41997 CITY OF RENTON , Development Services Division -._F1 ' 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: LUA-97-119, SA-H, ECF Dear Mr. Rosen: Please note that Hill Investment Company owns the parcel of land to the west of the subject site, between the subject'site and SR-167. We have noted much storm water runoff onto our property. This will be exacerbated if the current project doesn't have adequate detention and retention facilities as well as having the stormwater run into a city-approved system. • Our property needs relief from becoming a swamp from our neighbors. Please see that this requirement is incorporated into any approvals or communication with our neighbors. Thank you. Sincerely, John Pietromonaco Manager JP:ne Oti(Y o + mill/R4 + .1‘NrrO� NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF/GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Eric Blitz of S.E.B. Inc., requests Environmental Review (ECF) and Site Plan Approval (SA)for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the residential units would be townhomes and the other half apartment flats. The development area would be concentrated along Talbot Road South,limited to the east 13 acres of the 47 acre parcel in order to avoid impacts to a large wetland area. The proposed development would have access off Talbot Road S. and S. 55th Street. A total of 382 parking spaces are proposed; with 128 spaces in garages, 56 spaces in carports and 198 open parking stalls. GENERAL LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 55th Street(SE 192nd Street) STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: Wetlands Analysis Report;Traffic Study;Geotechnical Report;Drainage Report PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review Site Plan Approval Building Permit . Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Peter Rosen,Project Manager,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 28,1997. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on November 4,1997 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, , 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division, 277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Peter Rosen,Project Manager,at 235-2719. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 20,1997 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: AUGUST 21,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: SEPTEMBER 23,1997 ____. 1,- J IL_Alir4.7 -- '.;i ,4ii4±.. .!--;inv.- - EL- - - - --- i__., Ica; -, ---N __m4 " : / A —s eq L C[:$'. 7' -— - 1 ' — '4;;?1=7•.!.121,i, l' r.*_lf s, "4tfi f --- ;-...- - .i :_ ':., ,tea /.. ;:'' ?g" 1 I ; - -,wP- 1 n GENMALOT.DO' I `�AI e. .. JD,• c�kr*iL1ldE; a_,`T:n . , 7 City ; ;nton Department of Planning/Building/P Norks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: hldr:.� , COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 03, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-119,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 21, 1997 APPLICANT: ERICK BLITZ(S.E.B., INC.) PROJECT MANAGER: PETER ROSEN PROJECT TITLE: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL WORK ORDER NO: 78266 DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd (55th South) SITE AREA: 47 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 13 acres SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Request for environmental review and site plan approval for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LightGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet (107-w-u()/io 16 y3Of�/ C e Ariz"—. B: d POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where a itional information is needed to properly asse is proposal. X GtA r}d) 9—//,' Signatu of Director or Authorized Representative Date Documenl2 Rev.10l93 09/10/1997 12:01 2537701473 HEATH&ASSOC,INC PAGE 01 v Qi r-f •to V E 687 • _L.@ a .. SIN — f � �i A ,, • Post-IN Fax Note 7671 oat 4 b 1 17 peas-Lilo ` _ `; _ r To p � p zc -o From / ..a , . i __ �,.• 1 + ,Y • C �..t N ' co./Dept. - f � 7U►•� CO.11.{-1�1 1- 4-5S�. t.AZ/71 Si r 1 31 N Jli•�r..: - M,., Phone a 1� v ■ iii :ter Z 3 S—'-"1l1 pha}e x ��_ 1„fa i y , tip'''. EP a S F1„ E. s N t"id Fax N �� Fax Y . .../ AV 5 1 ; 2 67P-T 4- , trgEl bl; i J Hipri al co AY itilimi - �- F ■ Cligy ft II • A �r�' f O- AV AM • ,�... ' „.. [ r� IP Nl2Ci t u °tRt rr .',, Ad,a ..l`r C' r a • PT E ■ ,lY ;,• ( �6 , [fig r. S i - AV 000rz pN I .n L" II • • lefill:v X fr. a x 4 „ a' .A.E.: ,+ a 'c ><'•w^ < L rr ^r y 1.•R~ '' ,. _, ' A..k•!. R . m Y ,Yam[[ ` C 11 E+'Kw/ R � ..t' aC v�'•'• d� IC ...1 .tr' •`•+� ` _ — • Auuu+ }�J7,: 7f pa .... '. 4 = o-[ .N ^F v Z 'a, d x1 Cr.9,. r+ ykri' 1 ej 5 It - t— `• , ti r <a[¢ n AV p iimmomm- [ 3S r., Lill. •a �� F , ;it', -- K a�'W^ rI E AY If El X. :::pitialir ( e O�� � G � ta" G FI +i[ IS r . i mu �' ■ a 1. 1. i t in N �f lc �I ,rA:n - a §IG ,y' G!1 6%x i • �.1F r'.''•'o • �' 'h;: • '' ,. 6 p I! �� +,. _ a L �I ../'r`'1 d�3s .1 rutt �� _ W r x 35 ,,, AV 'HIM [ 7tH Nr / l [[ 9I a �� d r �: ~ PI' 3SArxifir `Jtr ,'-q H _r,y: .,. \ '.' `'Y ' 35 197- j�;;���/�Rcr.n. lartr I` �� �N�� ,,� Iziw wRa [ •'I + 71Kt"ty�1y'� a u �• To .,It p .`� "♦�. V�( �! lir 'r(t !N alil= Tr." ..i� aC _r-��' xi -I_ �' •- `_ r u�I �i''t'" r r^ It It • A �, I IS Ar Nl+[[ 6111 �� EI • t+�I , Gi t� �J� 3S �G T ..eit@ IH Eli u r 1 W IS ML, E y�l■■iL111 I Ph NI >:vYt�. , ir. , x I __,, gg AbN "' H 'a r'r e - I, L ,,, , ,1 I.., EK I CIS d y`I : �i+ 3Sy .1 Wk. � l .uSD 'iillp y F �ti.• a,. t h ^+uso - �� :., �° 18� 1i[;r a� ;7 _. -Z,, •, IS A KM r-.a .al. ,.� . ry NA'1-'r '� �. + �, (,.���i 11. _ t �r K� [ x R t I r1�xl .r tw+®*+ '+w`. = � �':'Lt... • 1 � '[ t JVEr_i '" . 1 iy % �i.J }S•.:t uwr • n ;'_�s �. mt v .mot IM Aral r: . l 3s lP Otl [ r OKg& r •, o 4, N e mot �_ :I d 3$ �' . HIM x I .t' Sid. i t i g y,. "' r,msot " I L. ., pl �c I a k i+ I I `r' .u y+ yi -., c • ti �� I Al 0,4 1 : ,..,' • 148, r-i aMR ulOpi ' i_i00.� `�'•AImi �f � IllaillW _ Y �'M ,Lill .j r Illek I� ...e Ys Ar,u,s � N w q„ N WM- ' .- • it, en II a 35a _.? " - I IET;: i= Ar� ,LLlp CMH:_ v. M I _ S In AY '� ,r U lIVA �\\lYtl1N• --- ;� tw :rt !pi; 3� [ 7 ® • woil oodE 96fii 1i)INAdp7 -Z Ml\ 999 335 S. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 TO: PETER ROSEN FROM: NEIL WATTS SUBJECT: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL PROJECT SITE PLAN, PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SEPA COMMENTS I have reviewed the project submittal for the above listed project, and have the following comments at this time: SEWER • A sewer main extension is required for this project, which can be an extension of the proposed main north of the site (as part of the Burnstead development), or connected into the system in S. 55th St as shown. This main will be an 8" main, and must be constructed per City of Renton standards. The sewer main must be constructed within an easement to the City, a minimum of 15 feet in width. No stub connection is required to the north property line (if the site is connected into the system in S 55th St), as that property will be served by connection to the main to the north of that development site. • System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. Please not that the charges for the line in S 55th St are by Soos Creek, at $1625 per unit, where the charges to connect through the Burnstead proposal to the north are $350 per unit. WATER • A extensive water main extension is required for this project. These extensions must stub to the north of the site (in an easement between Buildings 22 and 23) and into the higher pressure main along the east side of Talbot Road South. A minimum 10" main must be included across the site from the north property line to the connection into Talbot for the southerly development site (including a crossing of the creek/wetland area in the vicinity of the proposed sewer main crossing). • The existing 12" high pressure (350 Pressure Zone) water main in Talbot Road South must be extended to the south to S 55th St. SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 PAGE 2 • A latecomers agreement can be requested for this 12" main extension in Talbot Road South, provided such request is made a minimum of 30 days before the construction permit is issued for the construction of the water main. Future development of the property on the east side of Talbot Road S could provide reimbursement for a share of the cost of construction of this water main under such an agreement. • Backflow prevention devices will be required for irrigation and fire protection systems. • Depending on fire flow requirements, additional hydrants may be required. • System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. DRAINAGE • A conceptual drainage plan and drainage report has been submitted with this application, and is approved as submitted. The conceptual drainage plan includes provisions for detention and water quality treatment in compliance with the requirements of the KCSWM. • System Development Charges will be required for this project, as listed on the separate fee calculation sheet. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Ste' c("Tck-g • A traffic report should be prepared for this project. This limited traffic report should address possible impacts to the signalized intersections ' o : i d south of the site. The traffic report should include cumulative traffic impacts from this project, the proposed development of 160 townhouse units on the site located at 4900 Talbot Road S., and the proposed development of the property at 4915 Talbot Road S with 130 townhouses and 51 new single family houses. • Talbot Road South adjacent to the site must be improved with curb, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, new paving from the edge of existing pavement to the new gutter, and drainage improvements for the new street improvements. • The internal street system will be private streets, and are acceptable as submitted. The pavement width can be reduced to 20 feet in width as shown, since the large number of curbcuts preclude the ability for any street parking. Sidewalks on one side of the street will also be adequate to provide pedestrian circulation through the project. • Street lighting must be provided on the private street sections, meeting or exceeding the lighting levels established in City Code. • Traffic mitigation fees of $70,320 will be required prior to issuance of building permits for this project. SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 PAGE 3 GENERAL • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. The construction permit application must include a itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,00 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of this fee must be paid upon application for building and construction permits, and the remainder when the permits are issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. City orrcenton Department of Planning/Building/ 'Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET`_ � COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 03, 1997 srliakM REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ����lL� APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-119,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 21, 1997 APPLICANT: ERICK BLITZ(S.E.B., INC.) PROJECT MANAGER: PETER ROSEN PROJECT TITLE: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL WORK ORDER NO: 78266 DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd (55th South) SITE AREA: 47 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 13 acres SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Request for environmental review and site plan approval for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistorIc/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have revie pd this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additi (information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Si re of Director uthorized Repr sentative Date Document2 Rev.10/93 City _en ton Department of Planning/Building/F'; 'Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: RcultR.e4 0_0 war COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 03, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-119,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 21, 1997 APPLICANT: ERICK BLITZ(S.E.B., INC.) PROJECT MANAGER: PETER ROSEN PROJECT TITLE: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL WORK ORDER NO: 78266 CITY OF RENTO. DEVELOPMENT itsCERTEN LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd(55th South) AUGZ s SITE AREA: 47 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 13 acres jjo SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Request for environmental review and site plan approval for a 160 unit�rriTiglgriVtt'$y lopment. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth _ Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. f 1 • , , pi 67/3 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Document2 Rev.10/93 City____anton Department of Planning/Building/P , Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:-TSr )k COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 03, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-119,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 21, 1997 APPLICANT: ERICK BLITZ(S.E.B., INC.) PROJECT MANAGER: PETER ROSEN PROJECT TITLE: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL WORK ORDER NO: 78266 DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd (55th South) SITE AREA: 47 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 13 acres SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Request for environmental review and site plan approval for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Ught/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS se. c9per ve;l-t° ��,te 11 (0 , We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Document2 Rev.10/93 City _-_anton Department of Planning/Building/P. ., Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Sl aLtuItuthOMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 03, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-119,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 21, 1997 APPLICANT: ERICK BLITZ(S.E.B., INC.) PROJECT MANAGER: PETER ROSEN PROJECT TITLE: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL WORK ORDER NO: 78266 DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd (55th South) SITE AREA: 47 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 13 acres SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Request for environmental review and site plan approval for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable. More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriciCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS S<C cot rC Waft Waal We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. eei G a2 d )0// Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Document2 Rev.10/93 Tycon, Inc. q7- / ' / "The Excitement is Building" • -)EVELOPMENT PLANNINr July 10, 1997 AUG 2 0 1997 To: City of Renton RECEby : Re: Talbot Road Property Gentlemen: Please be advised.that the above mentioned property is under contract to SEB, Inc., principles being Eric Blitz and Steve Burg. I hereby authorize them to submit the property to the City of Renton for approval of this project. Thank you. Sin Jo E. ynes D7rfl( Pr si nt Tycon, Inc. , AppnInfole ,{►►ifiLf‘APk L. ov•osionoy 100� iA'Ift‘ NOTARY -► '•®— PUBLIC 91 • 28621 Suite B Pacific Hwy.So. Federal Way, WA 98003 (206)529-3939 Far:(2065)529-3262 . ,�rVY O G " AdMillf.*:;':... .. - • ...a )4' y" Z : . y fRa/ P Rcw.fOTv+✓i�!r.w:.Ts:wwtt:t 9!A� w1 _ -# 11F_,E �7—•w / sT Y 1 - _ : L. �u .•.:,,,, z.r. —..,n+:wwo..e.4.. ..,,,z.A..M...x . .g .....wwr�.— 4,......r•X Project Name (/ac)ev C.i/edk Res,cfeit,a( Dcie.loptie'it Project Address k)6() cas'tie✓ et -Talbot 4 5 5 S'y 5t- Contact Person Pa 14 I CuSec‘ 1 CuscH GV;,up A✓cJi tce-t S Address t0/16 - 36-6" A-ve.. .5 IA! P 1vQ ) i_ecketwvod WA qz.iciq Phone Number (2 5 3 ) - 58 4 — 52 0"7 Permit Number L O A - q`7- I i q Project Description 160 u 1 t R.- l 4 c)e Ile to p 141r+1 L ) jL)till LOW him III/0 b 16 Zou 4I'1ocl$e5 aHa cc pavZ 4 ewII -fiut5. Land Use,Type: . Method,,off Calculation: es,c(eH C►al C�►,clo,7o�u,il1v. Residential Q' ITE Trip Generation Manual (2700 eav 3$Z ❑ Retail 0 Traffic Study ❑ Non-retail 0 Other Er.rtc ' S• $6 c,/,‘,.",ly t yips (L'-, ,4 Calculation: /{-ue✓acie Dcc��y 7173 7 ( 160 ) (5.36) - et 37, (o dal Le.p 7;viP ; Al- $75 p 1 daily 7Vi (e137• 6) (i75) = t) 703320, 00 ov Transportation Mitigation Fee: 470) 320. Calculated by: A e iC (0a74 Date: Awl 27, 11g 1 Account Number: • Date of Payment PROPERT Y SERVICES FEE REVIEW 17--, 0*' .. . 3• ' ,' • A', DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW•SHEET. "' ,❑ •PLAN REVIEW ROUTING SLIP•• ' ❑. ,EN IRONMENTAL CHECKLIST REVIEW SHEET* ' • 0,• _ _ APPLICANT OTHER TY�oNl� •ING '' - RECEIVED FROM'. it)' 8 2. .7 ,JOB ADDRESS: .,.. ._..S ' . ..:4't, .7r/4i b i r_. '7Q S.. , • , . _ WOg.. ._ ..._ 'y. . . . e .. . NATURE'OF WORK:-. 16 0 P.e.r .A.p q..krbitirr-tr;;A-u. , r -e GREEN# -_ . -.-• ' • ' i SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND CONNECTION:FEES APPLIED . NEED MORE INFORMATION:• = 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - • -" : 0,• SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND CONNECTION FEES•ESTIMATED: • .0 SQUARE FOOTAGE,' • ❑ - VICINITY MAP , -, •0 ' NOT APPROVED F_ORCAPPLICATION OF FEES_ , ❑ FRONT FOOTAGE ' • -• ❑ OTHER • 0 VESTED, ❑ NOT VESTED , ❑ • •This fee review supersedes and cancels fee review N •• _ - • dated• . _ . - p p •'4 0 PARENT PID#(subject to change)_ • ' - • - SUB,JFrT PROPERTY PID/I 3/.2306 ///s y !0 Z 3 - _ 0 - • .. _ King Co.Tax Acct�(new) _ • It is the intent of this development fee analysis to'put the developer/owner on notice;that the fees quoted below.may be applicable to the subject.site upon_ . • development of the property: All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction:permit is issued to'install the on-site and off-site improvements(:e:underground'utilities,stie_et improvements,etc.)-Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances ' determined..and determined by`the applicable Utility Section. ' . . ,'' • • , , ., , Please note'that these fees`are'subject to change without notice:.Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Constrvetion Permit •-, _ • .application._ : . , .' - , The following quoted,fees do•NOT include inspection fees,'side sewer perinits,'r/w permit fees or the cost of water Meters. • ' .• ' • , SPECIAL?ASSESSMENT :`..-' -_'. •- ' _ ' DISTRICT •PARCEL; , , METHOD.OF, ASSESSMENT' ,ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS .' ' . _' ' ' NO.. '' NO. . 'ASSESSMENT' ' ' 1• '' UNITS- OR FEE • • Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WATER : . • . ' 00l3 . 7 '.so F-7--g$..ni24 Z . _35743r2, 87• ar/o' '4446.'!'/' ' Latecomer-Agreement(pvt)WASTEWATER _. - . - , • . . • Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER: _ . - • . _ _ ' ' Special Assessnient.DistrictlWATER. . . _ . . yDea lvt7 S�►`i�i�'C�,�'D oyb� �,03/,'SSG s� -g .y 6B • Soil s -'e j :N,v►rnvkz•sro,. j-ko. : . ._-.2(0 vO.< _ __Special Assessment.District/WASTEWATER - :- (�O 3'._- _ _ r Joint Use Agreement(METRO) • .-. . . _ _ . . _ ' - .,•' ; . .. - ' • - Local Improvement District' _ . '. ' . . . . .• -, . . • ' ' '.Traffic Benefit-Zones' , _- •_ _ ' . ,. : . $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATEDBY TRANSPORTATION. _: '_ _ . SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE:-•WATER.. , • - , • :#OF UNITS/•:,- , SDC:FEE, . . 0`Pd Prev:.'_' 0 •Partially Pd (LtdEzertiption) ::'NI', Never Pd.. _ . .. ,SQ.FIG- .. . ' . _.. ' ' • Single-family residential.$850/unit x. ,' • ' , ! ' • • • . Mobile home dwelling-unit$680/unit in park_' .-. . -, ' . _ _ 'Apartment;•Condo$510/unit'not in CD or•COR'zones x ' .• . L(od _ '•• I . • $ 9/1 (p pp;00'. ' 'Comiiiercial/Industtrial; $0:113/sq:'ft:••of property(not less than$850.00)x . •, I.:' - - .. . - Boeing,by Spec Agreeauent/Footprint of Bldg-plus'15-ft perimeter a,00 ceM tt,rahotdo : - : • . , 'SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-'WASTEWATER• •. • ❑ Pd Prev... '❑ ally Pd (Ltd Exemption)• NI Never Pd . ' - . _ , , : - • _ ' Single family•residential dwelling unit-$585/unit x . :. • _ - . ,' Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x : . _ • • • • , ' Apartment, Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR'zones-x • . - /6,d: , • - $.K.. -(p/700 _d o, 1.44 Commercial/Industrial,-$0.078/sq:ft. of property (not less than$585.00)' • • .- ' ' • _ _ REDEVELOPMENT CREDIT: (New=Old Flow)/New flow X Above Fees ' _ ' '_ _ . • '' -- : SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER . , , '0 Pd Prev.'.: E:'Partially,Pd(Ltd Exemption) ' El' NeverPd" , . . . ,• ... • . • ' Single family residential and mobile home dwelling.unit$385/unit x • ' •- . - .All other properties$0129/sq ft: of.new impervious.area.of property x ' • - (not less than$385.00)',. . , _ ' . . - _ 2.7.2 2 b $ 3s /,Z0, •5"."- . - I PRELIMINARY TOTAL' $ .. - _ _ : • . ' . ' Signature-ofReviewing Au ority ' DATE cL'- D R. . .tilt,• ' eth y.A. �.7v F/ c2 ��fa✓ s *If subject property,is within ari LID; e Fin D it is developers responsibility id-check with thept. for paid/un-paia status: - • • .**The square footage figures used_are taken from the King County'Assessor's'map and'arc'approximate only./)/2 .• c:/template/feeapp/tgb; 'EFFECTIVE'July•16,1995/Ord.Nos,;4506,'4507,4508,4525;and 4526' • , ' • . 1 . . p CITY OF RENTON ti`VY 0 C.) 4 \ FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU :R + MEMORANDUM DATE: August 26, 1997 TO: Peter Rosen, Associate Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Code-related Comments for Glacier Creek 1. The preliminary fire flow required cannot be determined without further information for the multi-family structures. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of$388 per multi-family unit : 160 multi-family units x $388.00 = $62,080.00 Fire mitigation fees for the Recreation building are at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of building. 4. An approved fire alarm system is required to be installed throughout all structures. 5. Access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20-feet wide with turning radius of 25- feet inside and 45-feet outside. Both complexes are required to have two access roadways. CT:ct Precom RENTON FIRE DEPT City _ , enton Department of Planning/Building/F Works FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET AUG 2Z13 ? REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: SY2 ?(.tue 1 \ COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER ,0 9,97 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-119,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 21, 1iL 'j I i V D APPLICANT: ERICK BLITZ(S.E.B., INC.) PROJECT MANAGER: PETER ROSEN PROJECT TITLE: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL WORK ORDER NO: 78266 DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd (55th South) SITE AREA: 47 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 13 acres SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Request for environmental review and site plan approval for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS NO)4/e.__ C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Ste. � —� o e g/ ? • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information Is needed to proper! assess thi roposaL g/a/ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Document2 Rev.10/93 City enton Department of Planning/Building/P Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: -s COMMENTS DUE: SEPTEMBER 03, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-119,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: AUGUST 21, 1997 APPLICANT: ERICK BLITZ(S.E.B., INC.) PROJECT MANAGER: PETER ROSEN PROJECT TITLE: GLACIER CREEK RESIDENTIAL WORK ORDER NO: 78266 DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd (55th South) SITE AREA: 47 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 13 acres SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Request for environmental review and site plan approval for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics • Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 14a i� B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENT --,,,/-Ac4o--ter-i--2,,64e- -7-7"),a), )r- ,...v-6-eh-uectl 44(y(//-)C-Gee,Ceed,e20)47riz-ebi-C"--e-e-P---'40477,4--- 1-7-12__. o-e, x2ice..---,,_.,,, 77-zgo-c...„6-2-2y71-ez2-- .)(zT- e.---- 2,--) di--d--2,0z2/29/1 .e-/-be_._. /714PV61124-V1:136- /37/i 'ejz- Olofivl 4 rn�' ..elGzi aiiil d`7t_2 crcrk ie--7ze,G e n ,&C. CODE-R LATED COMMENTS 7, >/�Cl�l e ceezv) � �r f -,c,� �''_l A /0 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is neede to properly assess this proposal. L_, 7 �� / nvcdJ aS 97 Signature of Director or ut orized Representative Date Document2 Rev.10/93 n OJECT LUA-97-119, SA, ECF Glacier Creek Residential Development City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL&DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET (Continuation) POLICE RELATED COMMENTS 147.20 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually CONSTRUCTION PHASE Theft from construction sites is one of the most common reported crimes in the city. To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain-link fencing. The fence will provide both a physical and psychological bather to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1-1/2" throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter-resistant. COMPLETED BUILDING Coded access as entry to each building is recommended to prevent trespassing of individuals who have no right to be on the property. Each unit should have solid core doors, preferably metal or metal over solid wood with peep holes and heavy-duty dead bolt locks. The bolts need to be at least 1-1/2" in length when extended and installed with 3"wood screws. Sliding windows, including the glass patio doors, will need additional locks;these locks will need to secure the windows from being pried out of the frames vertically. This means the locks will need to be placed into the top or bottom of the frames, in addition to any lock that limits horizontal movement. (This applies especially to the bottom floor windows that are hidden from view.) Alarm systems are recommended for each unit. The stairways at the complex should be constructed of lattice or metal railing so visibility is possible through the stairway. There should not be any solid walls in any stairway that would serve to limit the visibility up and down the stairs and provide a place for a criminal to hide while waiting for a homeowner to return home. In additional, the balcony walls also need to be made of either metal or wood lattice or railing-no solid walls for the same purpose. Extra security lighting needs to be installed in the parking lots, along the sidewalks, in the stairways, and between the buildings. Measures should also be taken to provide additional Page 1 of 2 q PROJECT LUA-97-119, SA, ECF Glacier Creek Residential Development City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET (Continuation) lighting for the common trash dumping site. Since this is located away from the complex itself, proper lighting should be provided to assist in making the area safer for the residents. Each unit should have their individual unit numbers listed clearly, with the number at least 6" in height of a color that contrasts with the color of the building and placed under a light. This will aid police or medics who respond to a call in finding the unit they need to go to. Landscaping around the exterior of the property should not be too dense or high. It is important to allow visibility. Too much landscaping will give the property the look of a fortress and make the residents feel isolated, and could also possibly give a burglary sufficient coverage to break into a unit. Page 2 of 2 • • • . • • • • . . • • • • CITY OF RNTOW DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVIStON DIA 11 17.11 mr*,0.D.n DMAI:x:linvAtiu poi rte ERS PROJECT NAME: ,(.46C.A.W, • APP4ICATION NO: LOP% •• 1%1 Sist VI. Eq' The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development , Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. • • NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER • • • Avri-4,1-r„fivr-D . • • • • • • • • • • • - • •, • • . • •- •! L. ••• ' • • . . • • • • • • • • V p :0pm•C::• • • • • ALS 0 1997 DE • • , . „ . . • c17Y0p A . • LANNING oN ^ • ;- • • k-• • ..... ?-1 , • .• e h'Ss . . . - •• • • • • • ilfil(AltaCh additional sheets, if•necessary) • (Continued) ' • NAME ADDRESS ' . . . • ASSESSOR'S PARCEL - - NUMBER' -- 1 I ,I i. • Applicant Certification' ?FA 0 C.I,` , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property I' (Print Name) • owners and their addresses were obtained from: 0 City of Renton Technical Services Records __ ;„ ., la Title Company Records ~ - 0 King County Assessors Records P Signed , 1.2 Date ` (Ap I NOTARY ATTESTED: Sub cribed and sworn before me, a Not Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing at R NJ)-vniii on the /4/ day of A c,5 s L , 19 97-• I Sig eh d .// i • Jul,:€ t-i t1 ,,• (Notary Public) .. . 1 n n:<:Use::>::: : ;; ;:<:«<:<::>:<;<::<;::>: :<:>::::>:: ;:>:»»:>;::>:;:»::<::;:>::>:::;:>:>.:>::»::>::»::»>: : F r:::Ct:..<;of;:Re to : N E NtA1L (,„: .>;_•,::: ::.:;:<:::_:::::; .ii..'.he eb. ert a s......t. e. ..... ...$ ....a . ....gat............ ..e...... .....d. o............. ..::::::: .::::::::::::::::::............:.:..... • .:. ��..�..................... . ;;:::zv::::::;;;::;::;R;il::::::R:::R2.'.:::::;:::::;::;::i::;::::::::;::;10:::;;:::s::: :: ::::::: ?: :,.;gi.!!g:: ::::rS:2:: ::::;:R:::::::::::%;:;:R::::::R:::::;:::>.:::;::;::::::::;::;:;;:::::;::;:::::::;:sY::;::;::;:::::::::;::;.pi:::::: V .:..::.:.::::::::::::.::: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::.:.::.:: . ................... ............ � ::..::.:,:�::.::.:_:.:.;::..;:.;;;:.;:. .;:.;;..::.:::.;:.;>:.:::.;:;.;:;.;:;.:.;:. :. ::.:.:<.::.:::.::..:::.::.:.::::.NOT ...................................................................................... v l 4 . c a•" : T::>:>. : c.ri .� n w rn:::: efore.me<•::: :::N. . ;.::::P Ir •;::in:>and for:::: h e<:State.>::of>Washin g ton:::::» >::: J;rTTE�.......:Subs�...bect.a..cl<.$....�.......b...................E..a....c�tarY::::ub.::�,::::::::..::::.:::::::::::th..:...: ..................................9................... •: re..: ..in ;;�t.::��:.�}�.:.:;;_�.�'�.�::.;.:: : ....Sri,; he:;..�.................day;:of.;...� . . . . . .l:ggrai:.;;:.;::<:;.;:.; I ,s m ,L ��!��:�: ��;�; I P 'R7/• MARILYN KAMCHEFF 2 COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 • • 062205 9002 062205 9049 062205 9051 • Kirby&Christine Torrance Jr. Gladys Krohn Richard&R Carol Alldredge 333 37th Ave E 9235 S. 192nd St 13630 SE 180th St Seattle, WA 98112-4934 Renton, WA 98055-4124 Renton, WA 98058-6811 062265 9061 062205 9076 062205 9098 Donald Gallagher Donald Lohman Donna Mae Dennis 19225 Talbot Rd S 25444 SE 200th St 9211 S 192nd St Renton, WA 98055-4125 Maple Valley, WA 98038-8803 Renton, WA 98055-4124 062205 9143 312305 9037 312305 9072 Donald A F&Debor Livingston BURNSTEAD CONST CO Owen Bing PO Box 1148 5017 Talbot Rd S 5310 Talbot Rd S Spanaway,WA 98387-1148 . Renton, WA 98055-6208 Renton, WA 98055-6201 • 312305 9073 312305 9075 312305 9080 GURU NANAK SIKH SOCIETY Delbert&Irene Hayes Josef na&Penor Figueroa PO Box 58423 5304 Talbot Rd S 520 S 55th St Renton, WA 98058-1423 Renton, WA 98055-6201 Renton, WA 98055-6343 312305 9095 312305 9096 312305 9143 Ervin Yoder Eugene Holdren HILL INVESTMENT CO 1501 S Eagle Ridge Dr 5218 Talbot Rd S PO Box 700 Renton, WA 98055-3556 Renton, WA 98055-6203 Mercer Island, WA 98040-0700 793100 0151 793100 0152 808338 0010 Sabina Molina Alex Molina . Launa McGaughey 9609 S 192nd St 9609 S 192nd St 440 S 51st Ct#A101 Renton, WA 98055-6329 Renton, WA 98055-6329 Renton, WA 98055-6366 808338 0020 808338 0030 80833810040 Joan Neirby Ronald Standley Maria Teresa Javier&Alvin Reonal 440 S 51st Ct#A201 440 S 51st Ct 440 S 51st Ct#102 Renton,WA 98055-6366 Renton, WA 98055-6365 Renton, WA 98055-6365 808338 0050 808338 0060 808338 0070 Donald& Gloria Marshall Clarence&Josanne Mi Mingo Samuel &Earnesti Patterson 440 S 51st Ct#A202 440 S 51st Ct#A302 440 S 51st Ct#A303 Renton, WA 98055-6366 Renton, WA 98055-6366 Renton, WA 98055-6366 808338 0080 808338 0090 808338 0100 - Toni Marie&Roger Ray Blicr Scott Battle John&Katherine Hynds .;'- 440 S 51st Ct#A304 440 S 51st Ct#B101 440 S 51st Ct#B201 . ", ` Renton, WA 98055-6366 Renton, WA 98055-6367 Renton, WA- 98055-6367 ".. '-_ F:�•; t, 808338 0110 808338 0120 _- 808338 0130 . • • •>:f.•' - James&Mcllisa Jackson Lori Matsumura Charlene Barber ' 440 S 51st Ct#B301 14903 SE 177th PI#B 440 S 51st Ct#B202 Renton, WA 98055-6367 . Renton, WA 98058-9072 Renton, WA 98055-6367 808338 0140 808338 0150 808338 0160 . Ervin&Patricia Ja Hagenip Timothy Siebersma Michael Foulks PO Box 210014 440 S 51st Ct#B303 440 S 51st Ct#B304 Auke Bay, AK 99821-0014 Renton, WA 98055-6367 Renton, WA 98055-6367 808338 0170 808338 0190 808338 0200 Denise Alcantara Nikki Maynard ENVIRONMENTAL DEV CORP 440 S 51st Ct#C101 440 S 51st Ct#301 PO Box 1574 Renton. WA 98055-6368 Renton,WA 98055-6365 Bellevue, WA 98009-1574 808338 0210 808338 0220 808338 0230 Edwin Lutz Rebecca Ray Bullen Gaye Williams 440 S 51st Ct 440 S 51st Ct#C302 440 S 51st Ct#C303 Renton, WA 98055-6365 Renton,WA 98055-6368 Renton, WA 98055-6368 808338 0240 Sara Bowling 312305 9106, 9076 440 S 51st Ct#C304 Gurudwara Singh Renton, WA .98055-6368 5212 Talbot Rd. Renton, WA 98055 fetroScan/King (WA) Owner : Torrance Kirby Jr&Christine Parcel# : 062205 9002 02 Site : 9119 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date : 04/05/96 Mail : 333 37th Ave E Seattle Wa 98112 Sale Price Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $371,900 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 2 POR OF GL 3 LY Q :NW S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrna : 4 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 2 BldgSF: 3,310 Ac: 9.64 YB:1904 Ph: 206-324-2531 Owner : Torrance Kirby Jr&Christine Parcel# : 062205 9002 02 Site : 9119 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date : 04/05/96 Mail : 333 37th Ave E Seattle Wa 98112 Sale Price Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $371,900 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 2 POR OF GL 3 LY Q :NW S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrna : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1.5 BldgSF: 1,200 Ac: 9.64 YB:1928 Ph: 206-324-2531 Owner : Torrance Kirby Jr&Christine Parcel# : 062205 9002 02 Site : 9119 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date : 04/05/96 Mail : 333 37th Ave E Seattle Wa 98112 Sale Price Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $371,900 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 2 POR OF GL 3 LY Q :NW S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrnc : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1.5 BldgSF: 760 Ac: 9.64 YB:1923 Ph: 206-324-2531 Owner : Krohn Gladys M Parcel# : 062205 9049 07* Site : 9235 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date Mail : 9235 S 192nd St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $311,200 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 49 W 1/2 OF Q : NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : 4 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,300 Ac: 8.32 YB:1953 Ph: 206-852-3013 Owner : Alldredge Richard W&R Carol Parcel# : 062205 9051 02 Site : 9403 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date : 08/31/93 Mail : 13630 SE 180th St Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price : $139,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $112,900 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 51 LOT 1 KCSP Q :NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1.5 BldgSF: 1,960 Ac: 1.73 YB:1944 Ph: 206-255-5482 Owner : Gallagher Donald J Parcel# : 062205 9061 00 Site : 19225 Springbrook Rd S Kent 98031 Sale Date Mail : 19225 Talbot Rd S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $230,900 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 61 BEG ON N LN Q :NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : 4 Bth F3H: 1 /1 / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,780 Ac: 4.94 YB:1958 Ph: 206-852-3921 Owner : Gallagher Donald J Parcel# : 062205 9061 00 Site : 19225 Springbrook Rd S Kent 98031 Sale Date . Mail : 19225 Talbot Rd S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $230,900 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 61 BEG ON N LN Q : NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrin : 1 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 630 Ac: 4.94 YB:1947 Ph: 206-852-3921 Owner : Lohman Donald D Parcel# : 062205 9076 03 Site : 8605 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date Mail : 25444 SE 200th St Maple Valley Wa 98038 Sale Price Use : 532 Ind,Service Bldg,2k To 10k Sqft Asd.V : $1,716,300 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 76 PORS OF GLS 3 Q :NW S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrna : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF:476 Ac: 11.36 YB:1974 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. • 7etroScan/King (WA) Owner :Lohman Donald D Parcel# : 062205 9076 03 Site : 8605 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date . Mail : 25444 SE 200th St Maple Valley Wa 98038 Sale Price : Use : 532 Ind,Service Bldg,2k To 10k Sqft Asd.V : $1,716,300 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 76 PORS OF GLS 3 Q :NW S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,880 Ac: 11.36 YB:1987 Ph: Owner :Lohman Donald D Parcel# : 062205 9076 03 Site : 8605 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date : Mail : 25444 SE 200th St Maple Valley Wa 98038 Sale Price : Use : 532 Ind,Service Bldg,2k To 10k Sqft Asd.V : $1,716,300 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 76 PORS OF GLS 3 Q :NW S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 840 Ac: 11.36 YB:1987 Ph: Owner :Lohman Donald D Parcel# : 062205 9076 03 Site : 8605 S 192nd St Kent 98031 Sale Date : Mail : 25444 SE 200th St Maple Valley Wa 98038 Sale Price : Use : 532 Ind,Service Bldg,2k To 10k Sqft Asd.V : $1,716,300 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 76 PORS OF GLS 3 Q : NW S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,728 Ac: 11.36 YB:1980 Ph: Owner :Dennis Donna Mae Parcel# : 062205 9098 07 Site : 9211 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date : A/fail : 9211 S 192nd St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $138,800 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 98 E 180 FT OF W Q :NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 /1 / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,360 Ac: .91 YB:1964 Ph: 206-854-7477 Owner :Livingston Donald A F&Debor Parcel# : 062205 9143 02 Site : *No Site Address* Sale Date : 03/14/96 Alail :PO Box 1148 Spanaway Wa 98387 Sale Price : $49,000 Full Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $35,000 Lgl : STR 062205 TAXLOT 143 LOT 2 KCSP Q :NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 1.82 YB: Ph: Owner : Burnstead Const Co Parcel# : 312305 9037 09 Site : 5017 Talbot Rd S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 05/01/90 Mail : 5017 Talbot Rd S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $1,580,000 Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $196,800 Lgl : S 1'R 312305 TAXLOT 37 S 1/4 OF NW Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 1 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,310 Ac: 9.86 YB:1928 Ph: Owner :Bing Owen Parcel# : 312305 9072 05 Site : 19022 Springbrook Rd S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 01/22/96 Mail : 5310 Talbot Rd S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $141,500 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 72 PARCEL 2 KC O : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 4 Bth F3H: 1 /1 / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,340 Ac: 2.68 YB:1949 Ph: 206-255-4770 Owner : Gum Nanak Sikh Society Parcel# : 312305 9073 04* Site : 5212 Talbot Rd S Renton 98055 Sale Date : Mail : PO Box 58423 Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $342,200 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 73 N 146 FT OF S Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 6 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 3,390 Ac: .67 YB:1908 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. fetroScan/King (WA) Owner : Hayes Delbert L&Irene H Parcel# : 312305 9075 02 Site : 18836 Springbrook Rd S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 08/05/93 Mail : 5304 Talbot Rd S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $141,400 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 75 N 160 FT OF S Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,440 Ac: 4.90 YB:1954 Ph: 206-226-5560 Owner :Figueroa Josefina C&Penor T Parcel# : 312305 9080 05 Site : 9660 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/24/92 Mail : 520 S 55th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $379,800 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 80 W 686 FT OF S Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 860 Ac: 4.35 YB:1949 Ph: Owner :Figueroa Josefina C&Penor T Parcel# : 312305 9080 05 Site : 9660 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/24/92 Mail : 520 S 55th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $379,800 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 80 W 686 FT OF S Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 5 Bth F3H: 3 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,640 Ac: 4.35 YB:1973 Ph: Owner : Figueroa Josefina C&Penor T Parcel# : 312305 9080 05 Site : 9660 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/24/92 Mail : 520 S 55th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $379,800 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 80 W 686 FT OF S Q, : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,150 Ac: 4.35 I'B:1980 Ph: Owner :Figueroa Josefina C&Penor T Parcel# : 312305 9080 05 Site : 9660 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/24/92 Mail : 520 S 55th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $379,800 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 80 W 686 FT OF S Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnc : 3 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,150 Ac: 4.35 YB:1981 Ph: Owner : Figueroa Josefina C&Penor T Parcel# : 312305 9080 05 Site : 9660 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/24/92 Mail : 520 S 55th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $379,800 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 80 W 686 FT OF S Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,060 Ac: 4.35 YB:1982 Ph: Owner : Yoder Ervin E Parcel# : 312305 9095 08 Site : 96th Ave S Renton Sale Date : 10/20/87 Mail : 1501 S Eagle Ridge Dr Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $140,000 Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $87,200 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 95 W 1040 FT OF Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 4.53 I'B: Ph: 206-277-5288 Owner :Holdren Eugene A Parcel# : 312305 9096 07 Site : 5218 Talbot Rd S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 05/26/94 Mail : 5218 Talbot Rd S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $175,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $159,100 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 96 POR OF SE 1/4 Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 /1 / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,650 Ac: .48 YB:1991 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. . 7etroScan/King (WA) • Owner : Bing Owen Parcel# : 312305 9137 08 Site : 19034 96th Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 01/22/96 Mail : 5310 Talbot Rd S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $83,000 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 137 PARCEL 1 KC Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 770 Ac: .95 YB:1941 Ph: 206-255-4770 Owner :Hill Investment Co Parcel# : 312305 9139 06 Site : 8939 S 190th St Kent 98031 Sale Date : Mail :PO Box 700 Mercer Island Wa 98040 Sale Price : Use : 505 Ind,Warehouse,50k To 100k Sqft Asd.V : $2,855,300 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 139 LOT 2 LESS Q : SW S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 97,920 Ac: 6.17 YB:1986 Ph: 206-232-7500 Owner : Hill Investment Co Parcel# : 312305 9140 03 Site : 8887 S 187th St Kent 98031 Sale Date : Mail :PO Box 700 Mercer Island Wa 98040 Sale Price . Use : 506 Ind,Warehouse,100k+Sqft Asd.V : $862,700 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 140 LOT 3 OF 0 : SW S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 8.15 YB: Ph: 206-232-7500 Owner : Hill Investment Co Parcel# : 312305 9143 00 Site : 8887 S 187th St Kent 98031 Sale Date : Mail :PO Box 700 Mercer Island Wa 98040 Sale Price : Use : 506 Ind,Warehouse,100k+Sqft Asd.V : $4,007,500 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 143 LOT 3 OF Q : SW S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 203,000 Ac: 4.22 YB:1985 Ph: 206-232-7500 Owner :Hill Investment Co Parcel# : 312305 9145 08 Site : *No Site Address*Kent Sale Date : Mail :PO Box 700 Mercer Island Wa 98040 Sale Price : Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $18,100 Lgl : STR 312305 TAXLOT 145 POR OF NE Q : SW S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 2.18 YB: Ph: 206-232-7500 Owner :Molina Sabina Parcel# : 793100 0151 06 Site : *No Site Address* Sale Date : 12/04/95 Mail : 9609 S 192nd St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $124,500 Full Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $67,000 Lgl : LOT 11 SPRING BROOK ACRE TRS BEG Q :NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrnz : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 1.64 YB: Ph: Owner : Molina Alex C Parcel# : 793100 0152 05 Site : 9609 S 192nd St Renton 98055 Sale Date : Mail : 9609 S 192nd St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $100,500 Lgl :LOT POR 11 SPRINGBROOK ACRE TRACTS Q :NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrin : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / /1 Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,420 Ac: .46 YB:1971 Ph: Owner : Molina Alex C Parcel# : 793100 0154 03 Site : *No Site Address* Sale Date : Mail : 9609 S 192nd St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $62,000 Lgl : LOT POR 11 SPRINGBROOK ACRE TRACTS Q : NE S : 06 T: 22N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 1.11 YB: Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. . IletroScan/King (WA) Owner : Talbot Development Partners Llc Parcel# : 808335 0010 00 Site : 401 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 11/18/96 Mail : 401 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $166,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $157,000 , Lgl :LOT 1 SUMMIT PARK TGW UN)INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrna : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .08 YB: Ph: Owner :Henning Virginia M Parcel# : 808335 0020 08 Site : 407 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/20/96 Mail : 407 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $153,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $138,000 Lgl : LOT 2 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner :Brock Laura Jean Parcel# : 808335 0030 06 Site : 415 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 02/28/97 Mail : 415 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $154,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $152,000 Lgl :LOT 3 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrna : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner :Nakahara Lori Fumi Parcel# : 808335 0040 04 Site : 421 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 10/01/96 Mail : 421 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $166,990 Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $159,000 Lgl :LOT 4 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrna : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner :Louis Wayne A&Rowe Elisa M Parcel# : 808335 0050 01 Site : 427 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/26/96 Mail : 427 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $146,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $140,000 Lgl : LOT 5 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner : Gyorki Zoltan&Eva Parcel# : 808335 0060 09 Site : 435 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 03/29/96 Mail : 435 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $162,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $155,000 Lgl :LOT 6 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner :Duehne Richard C/Florabell S Parcel# : 808335 0070 07 Site : 441 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 01/05/96 Mail : 441 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $171,695 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $163,000 Lgl : LOT 7 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrrn : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner :Foster Janice M Parcel# : 808335 0080 05 Site : 449 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/22/96 Mail : 449 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $150,185 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $142,000 Lgl : LOT 8 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R :05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. - ✓IetroScon/King(WA) Owner : Soularie Margaret A Parcel# : 808335 0090 03 Site : 455 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/19/96 Mail : 455 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $156,000 Lgl :LOT 9 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .07 YB: Ph: Owner : Thorp Vernon L Parcel# : 808335 0100 01 Site : 501 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/17/96 Mail : 501 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $165,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $157,000 Lgl :LOT 10 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .08 YB: Ph: Owner :Nason Jack B Parcel# : 808335 0110 09 Site : 507 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 10/27/95 Mail : 507 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $156,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $149,000 Lgl : LOT 11 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .08 YB: Ph: Owner :Haight Rose M Parcel# : 808335 0120 07 Site : 515 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 06/11/96 Mail : 515 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $176,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $168,000 Lgl :LOT 12 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .08 YB: Ph: Owner :Brown Janice L Parcel# : 808335 0130 05 Site : 521 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 03/27/96 Mail : 521 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $177,865 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $169,000 Lgl :LOT 13 SUMMIT PARK LOT 13 LESS Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnz : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .10 YB: Ph: Owner : Thompson Michael W Parcel# : 808335 0140 03 Site : 529 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 11/27/95 Mail : 529 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $160,590 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $153,000 Lgl :LOT 13-14 SUMMIT PARK PORTION OF Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnz : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .08 YB: Ph: Owner :Blue Loris A Parcel# : 808335 0150 00 Site : 535 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 09/30/96 Mail : 535 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $174,990 Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $166,000 Lgl :LOT 14-15 SUMMIT PARK PORTION OF Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .08 YB: Ph: Owner : Sayre Amy Parcel# : 808335 0160 08 Site : 541 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 11/07/95 Mail : 541 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $177,634 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $169,000 Lgl :LOT 16 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnz : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. • kIetroScan/King (WA) Owner :Booher John Arthur Parcel# : 808335 0170 06 Site : 549 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 06/28/96 Mail : 549 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 • Sale Price : $162,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $155,000 Lgl : LOT 17 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BIdgSF: Ac: .07 YB: Ph: Owner :Blair Wayne C&Uah Parcel# : 808335 0180 04 Site : 551 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 02/26/97 Mail : 14318 6th Ave SW Seattle Wa 98166 Sale Price : $171,500 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $169,000 Lgl :LOT 18 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .07 YB: Ph: 206-246-3212 Owner :Davis Thomas M&Linda L Parcel# : 808335 0190 02 Site : 566 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 01/15/97 Mail : 566 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $176,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $169,000 Lgl :LOT 19 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .07 YB: Ph: Owner : Bagosy Martin P&Mary K Parcel# : 808335 0200 00 Site : 564 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 08/20/96 Mail : 564 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $159,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $152,000 Lgl : LOT 20 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner :Lawrence Michael W/Eileen A Parcel# : 808335 0210 08 Site : 562 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 03/28/97 Mail : 562 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $174,990 Full Use : 101 ' Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $169,000 Lgl : LOT 21 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrna : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner :Fields Mary Ann Parcel# : 808335 0220 06 Site : 556 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/15/97 Mail : 556 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $174,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $169,000 Lgl :LOT 22 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner : Boswell Gayle Denise Parcel# : 808335 0230 04 Site : 554 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 09/20/96 IvJail : 554 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $159,990 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $152,000 Lgl : LOT 23 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: Owner : Gullingsrud Gordon R&Virgin Parcel# : 808335 0240 02 • Site : 552 S 51st Ct Renton 98055 Sale Date : 10/17/96 Mail : 552 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $172,890 Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $169,000 Lgl : LOT 24 SUMMIT PARK TGW UND INT IN Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrna : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .06 YB: Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. '7etroScnn/King (WA) Owner : Summit Park Inc Parcel# : 808335 0260 07 Site : *No Site Address*Renton Sale Date : Mail : 1326 5th Ave Seattle Wa 98101 Sale Price Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $45,000 Lgl :LOT TRACT B SUMMIT PARK FUTURE Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 1.93 YB: Ph: Owner :Mcgaughey Launa M Parcel# : 808338 0010 07 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#101 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 09/18/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#A101 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $114,000 Lgl :BLK A LOT UNIT 101 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,161 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Neirby Joan B Parcel# : 808338 0020 05 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#201 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 02/28/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#A201 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $128,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $119,000 Lgl :BLK A LOT UNIT 201 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,133 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Standley Ronald E Parcel# : 808338 0030 03 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#301 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/30/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $137,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $127,000 Lgl : BLK A LOT UNIT 301 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 . Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,195 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Javier Maria Teresa;Reonal Alvin C Parcel# : 808338 0040 01 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#102 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/28/97 ivlail : 440 S 51st Ct#102 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $119,990 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $114,000 Lgl :BLK A LOT UNIT 102 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,179 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner :Marshall Donald C/Gloria J Parcel# : 808338 0050 08 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#202 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 03/28/97 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#A202 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $129,990 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $119,000 Lgl :BLK A LOT UNIT 202 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,171 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner :Mingo Clarence N&Josanne Mi Parcel# : 808338 0060 06 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#302 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 08/27/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#A302 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $136,690 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $129,000 Lgl :BLK A LOT UNIT 302 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,303 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Patterson Samuel L&Earnesti Parcel# : 808338 0070 04 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#303 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 09/03/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#A303 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $144,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $134,000 Lgl :BLK A LOT UNIT 303 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 • Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,406 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. • fetroScan/King (WA) Owner :Blier Toni Marie&Roger Ray Parcel# : 808338 0080 02 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#304 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 05/01/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#A304 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $100,590 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $91,000 Lgl :BLK A LOT UNIT 304 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnr : 1 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 985 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner :Battle Scott D Parcel# : 808338 0090 00 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#101 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 03/29/96 iviail : 440 S 51st Ct#B101 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $123,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $114,000 Lgl :BLK B LOT UNIT 101 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,179 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Hynds John P&Katherine L Parcel# : 808338 0100 08 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#201 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/31/96 A'Iail : 440 S 51st Ct#B201 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $127,990 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $119,000 Lgl :BLK B LOT UNIT 201 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,171 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Jackson James&Mellisa B Parcel# : 808338 0110 06 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#301 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 06/18/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#B301 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $139,950 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $129,000 Lgl :BLK B LOT UNIT 301 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnr. : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,303 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Matsumura Lori J Parcel# : 808338 0120 04 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#102 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/16/96 Mail : 14903 SE 177th PI#B Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price : $123,990 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominimn,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $114,000 Lgl :BLK B LOT UNIT 102 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,161 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: 206-235-6429 Owner :Barber Charlene R Parcel# : 808338 0130 02 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#202 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/26/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#B202 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $128,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominiuin,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $119,000 Lgl : BLK B LOT UNIT 202 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,133 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Hagerup Ervin E&Patricia Ja Parcel# : 808338 0140 00 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#302 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/31/96 Mail : PO Box 210014 Auke Bay Ak 99821 Sale Price : Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $127,000 Lgl : BLK B LOT UNIT 302 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,195 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Siebersma Timothy Parcel# : 808338 0150 07 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#303 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 02/27/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#B303 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $98,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $91,000 Lgl :BLK B LOT UNIT 303 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 1 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 985 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. fetroScan/King(WA) Owner :Foulks Michael R Parcel# : 808338 0160 05 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#304 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/25/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#B304 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $145,000 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $134,000 Lgl : BLK B LOT UNIT 304 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,406 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Alcantara Denise M Parcel# : 808338 0170 03 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#101 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/10/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#C101 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $118,990 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $111,000 Lgl :BLK C LOT UNIT 101 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,161 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Environmental Dev Corp Parcel# : 808338 0180 01 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#201 Renton 98055 Sale Date : Mail :PO Box 1574 Bellevue Wa 98009 Sale Price : Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $119,000 Lgl :BLK C LOT UNIT 201 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrin : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BIdgSF: 1,133 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Maynard Nikki Parcel# : 808338 0190 09 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#301 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/30/97 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#301 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $132,990 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $127,000 Lgl :BLK C LOT UNIT 301 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,195 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Environmental Dev Corp Parcel# : 808338 0200 07 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#102 Renton 98055 Sale Date : Mail :PO Box 1574 Bellevue Wa 98009 Sale Price : Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $111,000 Lgl :BLK C LOT UNIT 102 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,179 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner :Lutz Edwin C Parcel# : 808338 0210 05 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#202 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 11/26/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $128,990 Full Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $119,000 Lgl : BLK C LOT UNIT 202 SUMMIT PARK 0 : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnt : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,171 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner :Bullen Rebecca Ray Parcel# : 808338 0220 03 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#302 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/30/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#C302 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $139,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $129,000 Lgl :BLK C LOT UNIT 302 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,303 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Williams Gaye Y Et Al Parcel# : 808338 0230 01 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#303 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/31/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#C303 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $146,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V : $134,000 Lgl :BLK C LOT UNIT 303 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrni : 2 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 3 BldgSF: 1,406 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. 7etroScan/King (WA) Owner : Bowling Sara B Parcel# : 808338 0240 09 Site : 440 S 51st Ct#304 Renton 98055 Sale Date : 03/08/96 Mail : 440 S 51st Ct#C304 Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $98,990 Use : 122 Res,Condominium,10 To 49 Units Asd.V • : $91,000 Lgl : BLK C LOT UNIT 304 SUMMIT PARK Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrnt : 1 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 3 B1dgSF: 985 Ac: 1.48 YB:1996 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. T �ti1Y 0 - A , 4 4 �NT0� NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • • DATE: AUGUST 22,1997 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. ' PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECP ' DESCRIPTION: Request for Environmental Review(ECF)and Site Plan Approval(SA)fora 160 unit multi-family development• . Hall of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment Oats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property,outside of the proposed development area. The proposal would be accessed off Talbot Road. GENERAL LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd(55th South) STUDIES REQUIRED/OR . AVAILABLE: Wetlands Analysis Report;Geotechnical Report;Drainage Report PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review i Site Plan Approval Building Permit Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Peter Rosen,Project Manager,Development • Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South.Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 8,1997.This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on October 14,1997 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division, 277.5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the dale indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Peter Rosen,Project Manager,at 235-2719.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION • DATE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 20,1997 • NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: AUGUST 21,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 22,1997 • • 'I, lei, - •_ -. ',__ v.....? 7g.r: .� J , • CERTIFICATION I, set.n4A1 1 innt-ti . hereby certify.that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on . • Glt�ttS I� 22, l�iq'1 • Signed: xt IVUR V1k�i STATE OF WASHINGTON • ) • ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 6AN by T l l ivnl / 7- I signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volunla `�a' ts11 the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. l.' S`,t,°• • -`'"� Dated: �ZZ f q 7 Lal�—� • Notary Pub 'c in and f� Ile Slat E INIasTrin lip, ARGA �1R LLAR Notary (Print) 1' My appointment expire OMISSION EXPIRES 6/9/98 • NOTARY•OOC Oti�Y 0 win NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 22, 1997 A Master Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NUMBER/NAME: LUA-97-119,SA-H,ECF DESCRIPTION: . Request for Environmental Review(ECF)and Site Plan Approval(SA)for a 160 unit multi-family development. Half of the units will be developed as townhomes and the other half as apartment flats. Wetlands exist on a large portion of the property, outside of the proposed development area. The proposal would be accessed off Talbot Road. GENERAL LOCATION: NW corner of Talbot Road and South 192nd(55th South) STUDIES REQUIRED/OR AVAILABLE: Wetlands Analysis Report;Geotechnical Report;Drainage Report PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review Site Plan Approval Building Permit Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Peter Rosen,Project Manager,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 6, 1997. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on October 14,1997 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Second Floor Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.South. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division, 277-5582,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Peter Rosen,Project Manager,at 235-2719. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 20,1997 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: AUGUST 21,1997 DATE OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION: AUGUST 22;1997 ;kl, • •• F§1- • I. • 1 SITE • F v 3 i_ _ = ei'=c= Ph I. I.,`. .• ..._.fL....'I GENMALOT.DOC •; CITS JF RENTON -u• Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator August 22, 1997 Mr. Paul Casey Casey Group Architects 10116-36th Avenue Court SW#109 . Lakewood, WA 98499 SUBJECT: . Glacier Creek Residential Development Project No. LUA-97-119,SA,ECF Dear Mr. Casey: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by.the Environmental Review Committee on ' September 16,' 1997. <:,Prior to that :.review, `.you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing-your application. - The date of Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 9:00 AM, has been set for a public hearing to review the above-referenced matter. The hearing, before Mr..Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner,will be held in the Council Chambers_on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington. The applicant or representatives) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one e week before the hearing. Please contact me, at 235-2719, if you have any questions. Sincerely, P ter Rosen Senior Planner • cc: Mr. Eric Blitz/Applicant Tycon, Inc./Property Owners ACCPLTR.DOC .. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer ............... . .111 :::0:>>€ >«:>.>.>:ITY.O.F RENTdI ><» < > >'«<;::.. :::::>>:::>::>::::>::::>::........... . .. ... ... .......:.....:... ......-............... .;:.>:.:.;:.;. . . . . . :.::..;:.: ;.;:.;;.:.;:.:..� ::.;:.;;:.;:.;:.:;;:.::.;:.;:.D.EUELQ.PMENT:::SER...ICI;�.. .I...IS. N............ ........... ... ............... .........a::.................-.. *??K:.... :: INFORMATION : :: > > >>>:;:::>::::::>«: ::>::::>::::»:::»;::::>::>::;PROP. .RTYi:O.�. :N.E S ::>::>:<::;:;::>:<:::>::>:<::<:::>:: '"[l`O*Iiigal.`owner>.zpleaseattac"'an additional. :Note:�1fte i'e.s more;:the..:...........9...............................::....:�...::...::..:::::::::::::.: >notanzed:)Vlaster A"ppliation,f r....e h:own r :.:...:.: .:. ... ... . . .. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: ' '" NAME: Glacier Creek ple5 G '�( lD��Ab f A_.R y Tycon, Inc. • PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: O.W. Corner of Talbot Rd. & 28621 Suite B Pacific Hwy. S. South 192nd ( 55th S. ) CITY. ZIP. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): Federal Way 98003 312305-9115-04 312305-9115-05 TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S): ( 206 ) 529-3939 Vacant oth<;<r'€thart>o na1. <`" >> .>'.>><:<>:''>.€..>APPLI CANT>( �::ot...e.:::�.:.:.......::...:.....:;.:....:,}::::::.:: ::::::::: ........................................................................ ................................. ....... PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Multifamily Dwellings Eric T. Blitz • COMPANY(if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: S .E.B. Inc. RPN • . ADDRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): 4109 Bridgeport Way W. Suite C CITY: ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: Tacoma 98466 R14 2 ® �� TELEPHONE NUMBER: DE�CIN p�FNTPLANNING ,_( 253) 566-6838 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable). ;:. ... R1 4 CONTACT>:PERS:O.N`=><<> '> >> ««>`«`«`« ,:i ,�y- SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): • INAME•1. • . ,. a 2, 051 , 556 Total Site * Paul J. Casey ter■id, ' :. 569. a 569, 365 Development area z4Y 'a1n 4 P.;1 "C'OMFNY,.(if,appli PROJECT VALUE: cable): ,. _ '---,: Casey Group Architects . $7, 774, 660 ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? 10116 36th Ave. Ct. S.W. #109 No CITY: ZIP: Lakewood 98499 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: Wetlands (253 ) 584-5207 ;:.:<:;;:.:RT>:> <!a>::achse a..a e <` t necessar;::> >< >''>«:::><::<:<: :>ii:i:::::»>::>::>::>:::»::>::::>::«:«::<::«::>�:>:::: ; <<::: ES.CRI :>: 1< > F>:PROPE . ..Y.. .. tt ...:........... ...... .)..................................- i • ATI..,.N€<'&>'FEE :;>«<` »>'>> €>» <« <<> < >«<_<> »><>'>«>> >€>€<€><'€> in: :>ife. I{:its i*:.::::is.:ii:::!'::ti:iii`::i:!:::iiiF'.„i:i:::i:-:^ ::ii:<:::i::::i i<::::<:::i:::<:::::i::i::::>::>:::«::<:::i:<:i:::::::. : �� ••• :i:: i:i �f::iw �s.......................................... ::. ::::: : . ::::::::: :::. he.ck::ial[:::a Il.c t(o.ni:<t :. :es.:.;that.:a. . .�. >:R�:Gr.t.;:i::sta.:::: :.:.�::: ci:..:...:::::�:::::::.::::..::>::.........::...:........:..::.,....::....:.....- i _ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ —LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT $ �I —TEMPORARY PERMIT $ _TENTATIVE PLAT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT - $ 2SITE PLAN APPROVAL $04100.,0 _ FINAL PLAT $ _GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: 1 I PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) — PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ _ FINAL _WETLAND PERMIT $ ROUTINE VEGETATION— MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION • $No Charge ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ . 'll REVISION $ ............ »::.O F::;:O:WNERSHIP'> »>«<<< >><><><> <>« << <><;> > «<<<<< < >< < > > :>:: ;:::::: :: ::::«:<:::::i;<;<::<:i::>i:::;:>::::i:<:::iiiiiii::is::::::i>i:: sis<:»:: >:<�;:.:::.;:.;:.:.;:.; U T.. ..... I, (Print Name)k%2iC— 13 t,cr; , declare that I am (please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application,�tFie authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach(proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answer ein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. , 0,� eR‘‘ -'-G� T. r c_7 ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a'No .f•y • pit I L— / � r�.l for the State of ida.5Grin `h-n residing at Pier• 1Fgrw(r ( me of Owner/Representative) C 9 , on the L .day of . 04a(Signature of Owner/Representative) I_ _ '\\ - i: re of Notary Public) �� :.:.::.: : ::.;: iii ..................:!!!::E.!:i.:,i,i,!::1:i::!!' ................. . iii;:: Thlssec it." :to. � I...t..d.::.:y...... 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S ............ ...A......... ... ::...::::::: :, . a :::o. i:i::: ,::: .::. .:a .;:.>;::;.:;:.;.;;;;:.;:.;:::::::: :.:. ..:. ...: .. ::.: ::: :.:.:... ::..�::.;:.;:::;::T.OTAL.;FQSTAGE.P,RO.UI p.ED,:..5:.,.. t� :r .>.:.,::.�' TQTAL.FEES...S eat-�_ . . .: :: .... ::..: :...:.::,..:.; :.. ..:..::... ..:. , ... . MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 9/96 S1 ^ ' _. i 1 206-566 1 , , P INC. '•, J54 Fi.J JUL 10 '97 10:35 • FEB- '5-'00 SAT 1 TEL NO: ....2I.P02i02 cans Inc. cltement is Building" July 10, 1007 To: oIty of Renton Re: Talbot Road Property 01entlemen: Please be advised that the above mentioned property Is under contract to SEB, Inc., principles being Eric Blitz and Steve Burp, I hereby authorize them to aubmit the property to the City of Renton for approval of this project, Thank you. 11111111,71 Jo P •#ynee Tyson, Inc. , MA(Sala 8 fag*lA y,So. federal Way. WA 9eXt1 (205),la9.J9 p Fax(2 0 529..3262 • LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECT 31,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST,WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN,IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON,LYING EAST OF THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 5. PARCEL B: THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31,TOWNSHIP NORTH,RANGE 5 EAST,W ILLIAMETTE MERIDIAN,IN KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON; • EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN THE RIGHTS OF WAY FOR 96TH AVENUE SOUT AND SOUTH 192ND STREET. 1''i i I • . r'. Exit yOnl 11481111 kl • lhIuuII _ -1 i, _ . JI _i • N©trbiui *, 1/4" = I'-0" • / \ / \ . 1 //// _�_.i..'\:: ''P'.:rw'leV'x'Y s'I".. . 'ar'..Di'r,'t;'... .. ..",f `�:!.: \\\ -r-- // 10'-0" \ �:.�.:I:: \ \ \ / . • > tee„ a O • 1W 11 apilalilin FOAM LETTERS va" o r-0" W/ METAL FACE (12" H. LETTERS SHOWN - . LESS THAN 32 SF. . TOTAL LETTER AREA) s- Glacier Creek A Rental ll Community f 1 I A , . • -I- 17 t—*ADE 1 r -I-1-1 L-L 1 L J J • SOLIER STONE OR BRICK WALL C COURSE a ,��epiVFn al2,111 ]Elltttll©rrn ��;.ror� 20 1991 I/4" a l' b OEvEl.Jr'OF R SOA1,ovri • • �• r • .'w '>, •.;', r`.. c C r ^ti. c.v:;l 1 rlr�.,,"h tih rf? `r�f Tt `:t 1 vft.} t ,.. S tya } }., �,• ;- .+ r 1 L,�1,r' , 3t h t .,e I�' I f,x,,,,,,e,,f !}"ta1r' R i' t y .v SkV (, SYt>Y wY4y1 i J f 1S'.•VINTAGE LIGHTIa ITI TIURES�;) ~ �j f}�lt,' ,�Y,=�? , 5 t,� . Lti� z,,v_f S i :;.i' }.µ' 11 N a t7,�i ,h1y t�' !, � � C {t } � 5 V, ''•l • .l ' , •t•rry CL i. SO • f;c� 4Y b : , P3..,.. !..< .J•r 7 •',} . 4}5 '• _ , °r1 '\"Ji k ✓ ist n"'P� •, r • r 7 , .rYi .¢ v r 1'•l.r r i "' ' ' 7i. ,0'.tr „ ? s), `-'•:.•P5 .(>) ,• �tA t , ,,p,iw r r'. T• !.� ♦ �a t 1..th4t.f , • y�r u t1 }7J} u�i r sFY t sit i 1 ,)Ir i ,:,'\ t, r 5 rr �l '•9"r i •flit,` . r r 14 .r r I P at f 3 i 4, t .' 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'I. y� 1CGM o. ,'4�j �r1 �,_: i .7.f! yi '" i� �•, r r 44 11I '+• �tf v ��Sjtrr•f •' i+",�• r .A t., .., '•• r :•`ri 9i� i ,a,p' t�N1 bt 4 d •<',2�' r 1 s r.� "} .^ •w.,M.t r. , q C 3 4� S+ ./5 Srt ') a 7'S 1` t.' • {sg r i r`. -„i�+ Sy�J t. y• a a,l•)r. g• '� ,101• � l )i v t v• 1 ; J r'° ° /`, r'• Y (^• t�'Gr If-"-, s a . 1• f�y + 1r1 Ca + t nxS w �',' t ih r l 'Fti rt 11s} t L�af^''r • ,'e s r 1 r ris •s r t •, y 't n I ,i i ' ;i C,•t 5 1 'x^, st} d �t A 4 v w �z•'I ,,yy�� { } i� t 11 ear.<SZI'1Iy :+4 ).tih" nZf.. 4 rr 3 4 L if �• I�.i,. ,t . .. 'f •..t• ••..�: . I 1. 1 Sr.s✓A ` ' ^'..,:t rr • t 1•i. >t t i v f. ,t. ,1 „, t r f. .[. irl Gy,wr,rye: 15 2 �r 1 e. r fX (* S I y>•, ..,. 1 ' .. {� `�'$ � .1. Z..fff {AC ,qt Jr' 7. t � 4I�1 ;,ivtJ: I,' S` •� , ,.1' f k r d•`u _ ��,J''„ rl , ,i Sri GLOBE NANTUCKET RIPON-B G18/508BD/5 Features our historic fitter 7543 Medium size, authentic Nantucket 1130-B A tough polycarbonate street and for our 5" fluted poles (specify style coach light features optional beveled park globe with a decorative period cage G18/508BD/4 for 4" dia. fluted poles), glass, frosted glass chimney and scales of cast aluminum for vandal resistance. • ''• integral H.I.D. ballast and tough Lexan* 12"x26" plus 17" on the diagonal. Often Shown in Verde Green, it features the or Acrylic 18" globe with an aluminum supplied with our glass refractor for authentic texture and look of the old glass neck.This fixture is usually welded to the higher wattage H.I.D. Over 21 models in units with space age durability. This top of our posts and arms for maximum three sizes are available. Consult factory. fixture scales an ample 18"x40" and has safety. However, it can be supplied to an integral ballast so it can be used on slip-fit concrete or wood poles, etc. Sternberg ornamental poles or on existing Available with lamping as shown below, concrete or wood poles. i• ' • higher,wattages require larger globes. - ' w/Glass Chimney w/Refractor Mercury Vapor 75, 100 or 175 75 or 100w 100 or 175w 100,175 or 250w High Pressure Sodium 70,100 or 150w 70 or 100w 70,100 or 150w 70,100 or 150w Metal Halide 70, 100 or 175w 1u�v g�d� 50 or 70w 70 or 100w 0, 100 or 175w ' 4r1,;:I i'N F��t�;�;i�...,,i�..; - - -5;•i, - :.._.• ••s-:l;a..;w w;�,i e• of =�,~•"']'rIMI, COLONIALt; lam' • ;10lil:V.- 11,4 h 5P sir.it:• ,i, +t' . ;.t,, i7S. 1 y t �•.tajq,.. S ,�. ,�„ - 4685 The gently curved bracket rf �.,I M,�, - r� cl�',,,.. gives this traditional fixture �•,,•,: g extra .:�Y:•. •l ^., ,fit, i.+"'r'.',.It',1,4',v'. ) ;,wal , pizazz. Shown here in a twina { t::a,,,,t' ,;s•�1 4:4; . ! .4 configuration ...._: . a t1 -p� - a n on a plain tapered -- ;�,,.. :''sr:' " pole with '."r l,` ,. q.• ' ball cap, the Colonial II :,`..:. •?;; .. . :i3 I fixture turc o „ , }eta^'!• - is fitted with a glass a ch imney.1lnnC The ril Black finish and ;v`' ' cic"„ clear seeded _;' .; .�'^°?t+'t cd acrylic lenses give a • . ;�'` •':r. � .•� ® , , very authentic look. Other I, k �- ;'s'- '•;rc°' . 1, z +' '` finishes, lenses and optic systems _ '` , { I' ' �' , .'a ,.., " with HID lamping arc available. t _I t ! ikr1t ..1'+.ci -I i... , '�"''. r p, As shown, each flxturL` scales I f 4 ) )-i s t 7•r'� �w l C'1 : ' a-+ <'ti, ;s:., r 12"x31" and projects 16" from "I — �{ 1� 1 (III ,l '.1:' 0} ••,•J, ,, .i1 the post 1�, t y R ` ;I� iii?i>',.-p; j''•5,6.61. fl i• - . is, -, -4fw ` 'ire �t - 'r tI J. k' �iaJ f�ryr:,,, t > n .!f•� _ �._-v..�••-. . J�' ;. 1;�•r li' Maximum wattage per fixture ��. _,r- �1 , t t• •• 'Wit ; with glass chimney r' �.1? r''), , N'% i▪ r, J; Mercury Vapor 75 or 100w • i .slrf �tig,',,Y- s,,` ;iRipon WI Main Street: N1130-A/4414FP/ 0 ns• t,:9;is ;..:{s' Sodiumhigh pressure r. � w ,a. ,t�(,�'.O ' 'S-..;1 y,, High Pressure od' 70 or 100w 150&250w p re sodium 'r i G -,,,r;r _�T;':si a %N%^ nand 0;11 '� 5t1, :'gV4 I i;� i,,P.,'4;,': ' ;W'tli'''^`�^;g'.F; Metal Halide 0 or 70w creative banners. City signs use Sternberg `5s f S' C'.'.f.'.,, f 4i :� ,a r 'rc'r' .r'•i.x t7>Cy rg,.,.r 1 7 ,r ✓ C 4500II'MOD poles. Schreiber/Anderson • Eq yt 1: ��r�" Gt rt� s" � ,kAp .jic+,<�jt x�"Zd Assoc., Landscape Architects, • w' •,.., t:n'n. *4?,•, Madison WI. • H 4•i lift^#-eggit• Urban Planners, ����� �. IYI ., •'.•Y:1F'A�:YrA'RS:�'d�R��Z'"..N.;{`!{f„'Je'i Y.t'' . ,.. , .. ..r. ., 1'. s: . Tti 4 C '! 1. .S F fi Si.,. P r} i M1 ] t M _L .....;...„.%'0;1,),,;`,.. '-'''..LN...... 'l''J.,4:;:',0 ,'.,',`...F-, ' f t`' 1 •1 r Y.r`+.., TEKNBE ' . �.. • • � 1 t°1 f t f '`r� • f ` ( 450-T 450-FP 3907-TFP I, Y l a j ••a1"f .3r • fii i - 4' .; is iF. r wrr� t �,.'..-.r .......0-' ? t li a yY t ".r1,, t r':! :; rr r: s, "9r' '1i �7 A. :, { ;., • LEXINGTON'i(450) �''• ' r . ' " Y MANOR II'(3907=TFP) Base Size D - 10%z2'; H -3" 350-P (NOT SHOWN) Base Size D - 11%z"; H - 41" Wall Floor Thickness - .250/.750 Base Size D - 81/4"; H - 21/2" Wall Floor Thickness .250/.750 450-T-Tapered Shaft Wall Floor Thickness - .250/.750 3907-TFP -Tapered Fluted Shah O.D.-4 to 3" O.D. - 4 to 3" • Wall Thickness-.125 Wall Thickness- .188/.250 450-FP -Straight Fluted Shaft 350-P -Straight Shaft O.D.-4" 0.D. -3" Wall Thickness - .125 Wall Thickness - .125 Candy Cane-Yes Candy Cane - No Candy Cane- No Matching Bollard- No Matching Bollard-- No Matching Bollard-Yes Overall Post Heights Overall Post Height-8' Overall Post Height-6'101/2" 450-T 450-FP 1 8' 8' 10' 10' .i . 12'. 12' . 14' 14' ��� T e Casey Grrni�, Architects ; . WWI,A Division of A.C:P. `Consultants Inc: 10116 ' 36th Ave: .Ct! :SW, Suite 109, ',Tacoma, Wa 98499 (206) 584-5207 Fax (206) 581=9720`, Glacier Creek; A rental community Project Narrative: • , The project development is on,.a portion of a 47 acre parcel located between Talbot Road and. Highway 167, North of S. 55th St: ' The development'area is.1:3.Acres (outside the wetland area)adjacent to Talbot Road with • wetlands located on the west side of the development: : • , 160.units are planned, half of these are Townhomes located in up to four unit buildings: The - other half of the units are Apartment flats located in eight unit buildings: The project'density is 1231 units per.acre. . . The Townhomes are considered the"Primary Use" and the Apartment flats, the"Secondary A"Bonus Dwelling Unit Mix Arrangement" (Section*4-3:1-7,:D..2.d(2)B) is used to allow four units in a"Primary Use" building and eight units in a,Secondary Use.building: In order:for this ` "Bonus Arrangement"to be considered, a Recreation Center been developed for.the development (Bonus criteria (A(3)(A)ii). This Recreation Center is shown on the Site Plan at _ , • the main project entry and on sheet P7.:In,addition to the Recreation Building the following• features have been incorporated."into the project design(Bonus criteria(3)B.):. ' (i) Architectural design which incorporates enhanced building entry features such-as varied materials.and use of gable roofs. (ii) Active common recreation amenities:such°as pool and'spa: Site design incorporating a common theme and single family character(street trees,;special. street lighting and signage details:: The project has also been designed to incorporate residential lot size, width and depth per . : : Table'4-31-7D2e: .Please see sheet Building'Setbacks have been designed per Table 7D2f(i) Delineation Re ort has been completed and is part of this application. The ro'ect•1 AWetland p .. . p � . :.. pl? project• • has been designed around this wetland and the standard-SO': Wetland Buffer has been averaged per the information shown:on P3. UEVELTM OF RCi`1 ON ING MEM Architects MEM A Division of A.C.P. Consultants.,Inc: 10116 36th Ave. Ct:. SW, Suite 109, Tacoma, Wa 98499- (206) 584=5207: . Fax: (206) 581-9720 Glacier Creek, A•rental-community.- Construction Description: Proposed construction dates: : - Spring of 1998,approximately 10tmonth construction duration. Hours of operation :, Normal or typical construction hours. • • Proposed hauling/transportation routes. From site to northbound Talbot Road to Westbound 43rd. to Highway 167 Measures to be implemented to minimize dust,traffic and transportation impacts,mud, noise, and other noxious Quarry spalls to be used at construction entry.to minimize mud, site watering to minimize dust, and other mitigation's per"city:of Renton standards.' RECEIVED Aia21 ,1997 : DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RLNTON ..:.:...�:::. � • • • .... ...:.. .::......... ...:: ::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.............. ..... ..::............TYORENT. N . . .. . . .........: .: :.;; : : : mI: .. ..::: ::.::. . . . . ENTEVESD:VISION : : < :: :. :m : : .m : : :;iii•:.ii• : : . ; : » : : ::.:. . .S..R: . :CIS::> �:: U: : .NVIROENTALCH :LT ... : :::::.....:.:::: :::: :::: Iummilli • • • • • • • • PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: • The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the 1 quality of the environment. The purpose oft his.checklist is to provide information to help you and the • agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can •be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: • This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information but your proposal. Governmental lagencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of. your ,. • . proposal.are.significant,.requiring preparation of an .EIS. .Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known,•or give the best description you can.: You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. -In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the.answer,or if a question does not apply to your proposal, • .- . . write "do not know"or"does not apply".•.Complete.answers to the questions now•may avoid unnecessary delays later. • Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as •zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of .time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be . significant adverse impact. • • USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" 0 be read as "proposal," "proposer,"and "affected geographic area," respectively. v� 0 .2:0 1997 ' . pEVECmTY OF RCN Environmental Checklist • ,.-<... A '. -BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: 61—#1410 GV2W . .2. ...Name of applicant: 1NG . Ic ofo iNge (ei-Nir7 3. Address and phone number of applicant and co act person: • 41 ocf $tzt e 0i T 10.14'c • G .-nccc,tit>a (LA 99W-Wo ((2�✓��°SC 10--188 4. Date checklist prepared:l CON. • e-. : ' 7-t OL f G�Y 8 l8 9� C2��� �4 -5207 5. Agenc§requesting checklist: 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing,if applica e 7. ...... .Do,you have any;plans for.future additions,'expansion;i;.or:further-activity:related to or.connected with this proposal?- If yes, explain. d 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this roposal. • W f1 'WV 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. Flo 1 44 & GJ11 1'L M4 PieVVIZ0VArk-- 10. List anygovernmental approvals or permits that will be needed for our pro osal, if known. 1' 4 V L c-- vt WAA- inn 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. IG�d ut.1 IT' ggixTh L CAM MO tri4 W r o 44 € t V4'cRKI 0 - t—d D T2. 1z c11014 - Gl1.. 1Tl J 2 .) • Environmental Checklist • • • 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and - • . --range if known. if a.proposal would occur over a range of area,lprovide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal .description; site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if • reasonably available. ;While you should submit any plans required by the agency,.you are not ` -: . .-::required.to.duplicate.:maps or.detailed plans submitted with any:permit applications related to this _.,. checklist. • '' No12,1 W colz ~t, or hL T 12..c v ., wo 4 • 92I21- - 'I 1 I5-- oi- 4 05 1 B.• ' ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS - j 1. EARTH -,.,a. .. General description of the site (circle one); :rollin ,..hill ;kstee .slo es,•:mountainous . P )� � 9�`y p p ,i `other 4 • 1 b. . :. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) : 1 (' r70 .c. ........What general types of soils are.found.on.The site:(for.example,,clay,,sand,:gravel;.:peat, muck)? :If you know the classification :of:agricultural soils,:.°specify them and note an prime farmland. y • d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, • ii describe. No i • . l e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed: Indicate source of fill. -• + 9 c c� c.) G u-r' ' 24, c • c.ti.x4 Tu.. t_. f; , f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction,r g, or use? If so, generally rl describe. ,; g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? -7.27 -Ptc I t--1Ve 1 toU G✓ .14 S4°7 1�y �G VL , „ „ c o 3 • • Environmental Checklist • .. p Proposed measures to r•tsduce or control'e'rositin,•or�othei-impacts to'the earth, if any: " • • = Rai n 81( 2. AIR • ..a. . ::•:-What types of emissions to the air..would result from the proposal.(i.e4,dust,-automobile, • :7 odors,:industrial wood-smoke).during'construction and..when the project.is completed? If • .. .....::_any;:generally describe.and give approximate quantities if known. l' . � C 'no L o NC(- ? . AtrtE • • • b. • --Are there any off-site sources of emission-or odorthat'may-affect your-proposal? If so, • generally describe. NO1.4 .. • . •• , c.., Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: ISO I`I-e 3. s WATER . • a. Surface Water: • 1) . Is there any surface water.body.on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year, • ..round and seasonal:streams,:saltwater,:lakesponds;:wetlands)?.•1f yes;.describe-.type • and provide names.,If appropriate,'state what stream or river^it flows into. • 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. • 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from • surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. • 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. • No ) �-�'C• CUL-Q M> '( - I cAA-i-T�t.. 1 �1�'p e cl._ �" `(;'\\t 5) •. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. 1kO • • Environmental Checklist . . • 4 `- ""^!' :6), : ,';.Does=the::proposal•involve•any''`discharges:of waste materials'to surface waters?."If;so describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. 11c b. Ground Water: • ' •• ' ' - ::1) :.: :Will':ground;.water_:be;withdrawn,l:or._will;water,be:discharged:.to::ground.water? `Give ' . ..:...-:n,,general description,'purpose,:and approximate quantities if known. 1\10 .. ... 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into_.the:ground from.septic tanks or other . sources,..if.:any:(for.example:4:Domestic:sewage;4industrialcontaining the='following :•-chemicals....; agricultural; etc.).::Describe the generalsize•of'the'system;rthe-number of •.. • such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number Of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. No t c. Water Runoff(including storm water): • • .. . • . •..1) :.7 Describe_:the:source::of runoff,:(including;..storm water)-.and_:method';.of: collection :and disposal;:if any (include quantities;4.known)::::Where:will.this water.:flow?:Will this water:. '. flow into other waters, so, describe. -... CZNe >uC �' -low BY -C Cz a • (�1S , � � 2) Co %dast marial,e� gounao rsurfacewaterslf.so,:generallydescribe.=;:: .. . No . . d. . Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other ' evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs • grass pasture crop or grain X ' wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other F" (' water plants: water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other J other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? )( • FJFJ 7 W ITS 1 '0 VELC) - . 5 • Environmental Checklist Ii : { . - :,,.;f...;� cr' •• .,List-threatened or'endangered:species known tote on or near the'site: • " :' • Kew 11 d. •. -Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: LPci41� SCe 1 4 5. . ANIMALS - .• _.::: a.•:._:�1•Circle any birds:and.animals•which.have been observed.onror.near..the:site:or,are known :to be on or near the site: (see next page) .:...,Birds: hawk, heron, eagle;songbirds, other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other .Fish: bass, salmon,trout, herring, shellfish, other Ij 4 a.. . . b:.:.: :•.:List any threatened or endangered species'known to:be.on•or:near•.the site:;:•%••••:..;. ... • 14140 W til c.-• •‘-'•'.Istlhhee site part of a migration•route?2If so,-explain. 1n, `— d. Proposed mmeaasures to preserve or enhance wildlife,'if any: t ' 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES • a. What kinds of energy.(electric, natural pas,•oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. , b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. ' c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the'plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: ` 2 132 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - '1 6 • • . • Environmental Checklist •"":r'',"; a: Are there any environmental 'health hazards;•including exposure to toxic Chemicals; r ofr-fire'and explosion; spill, or hazardous waste; thattould occur as a result of this • proposal? If so, describe. "gsK. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. • til6EscL. pot— Fl Zkt-t 17 MED 1 e-eirL 2) :;• !Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental.health hazards, if any: • b. Noise • 1) .What types of•noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic,.• equipment, operation, other)? mt t..4 t..1L, 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a • • • • • ." short-term:or,a .long-term -basis.(for-example:-Araffic;v•constructionoperatiom,other)? •. 4 Indicate what hours noise would Come from the site. 1-10121-- 1-=1 L t-tc-f- e m tz) 3) • •• ••Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts,,if any: • 8. •LAND AND SHORELINE:USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? LJ 1Jf17-EID b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. , NC, . . c. Describe any structures on the site. • d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? sWO e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R 14- f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? ‘40 1•1 ti -.3 7 I � Environmental Checklist . • . :: ,i: %. .-: : g .;.. . ;If applicable,what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? ' := '� . �`•: '. N 'h. ..Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive area? If so, specify. yt rLM i p� l C� T'C Gk•VeV ' i. -Approximately how many people would reside orwork in the completed project?• 400 • J. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? t4c t • . . k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: No N� . I. . .... ;.Proposed.measures to.ensure.the.proposal:.is..compatible,..with.:.existing ,and• projected Ij I land uses and plans, if any: . k A. 1 ✓I1'O'HTL U or- bUe-, 9. HOUSING . • a..• •.::.;Approximately.how:.many. units•would::be :provided,'..af.any?. Indicate.:whether..high; i.middle,.or low-income housing:::: . _ b. . Approximately how many units, if any, would-be eliminated? -Indicate whether high, middle,.or low-income housing. NoN c. Proposed measures to reduce.or control housing impacts,if any:.. • .. • • 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed.b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? • � l�1 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: • • 1 • { Environmental Checklist ' • • 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? • '>- U`tZ IT`1/ L /M1-6 4 cV Lr C-i `N • • • b. ° Could light or glare.from the finished project be•a•safety;hazard or interfere with views? • - • NO . • c.•• .• -:•What existing off-site sources of.light or glare may:affect..your.proposal? .• • d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: H- 12. RECREATION 1 . • • a. •.What designated and informal recreational opportunities•are.in the!.imlnediatevicinity?. 11-57 b. - . .Would the proposed project displace any.existing recreational uses?�:If so,-describe.:• •. •• •• • •c. Proposed_measures :to.,reduce::or .control :impactsf.on:recreation,.}.including^,:recreation • •opportunities to be.provided by the•project.or:applicant;if.any: • • IZE To k4 '.0 l (mil iJ CC- ' 4V )Psc `f go\l 4PLuc. 121.46r`r Lo 13. HISTORIC•AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION • a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national 'state, or local preservation:registers known to be on or.next:to the site?..if so,:generally describe. 40 v.) 1.1 . b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidences of historic, archaeological, scientific, or • cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: 'Not4 14. TRANSPORTATION • a. • Identify•public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. ' -L c- — TZ i) ---, s 1e.1 43tzt -r-o 9 • • Environmental Checklist • • • b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Nor V`I It . i . •c. ~: .:• How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the • project eliminate? d. >_Will the proposal require any new roads or.streets;:or:improvements_to.existing:roads or - • • ,.astreets,;not'including driveways?.. If so,-generally.;,describe;(indicate.;whether;.public or'' 'private? . lh%aye it k3ct- ` c l_ 1— fly • • e.•. I� Will•:the :project use . (or',occur :in .the immediate:::vicinity' :di,=water;::;rail,•:•:or :air ._--transportation? If so, generally describe. Ind • . f:.:::,•t ; How;.many:vehicular Arips Teri day::would.,beagenerated:.by.the-scompletedh:project?.• :If-.,:: known;-indicate when peak volumes would occur.-:;•-. ISCITV-0)( . IlcX2 iSeCrr ll Io© `P•M 12E3g,v 400? g. .Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: 15. PUBLIC SERVICES • a. Would the:project result in an_increased:need for public services :(for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. • b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. I �g t TATK, 16. UTILITIES • a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural qas, water. refuse service,telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. 10 f n Environmental Checklist . • -. ..,. ••� `.°• :.,..,:..1 : • :•• b: ,Describe;the utilities.that'are-proposed fo'r the project;,.the utility` providing-the:service; . , fr,r •,and the::.general construction. activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which r ': might be needed. . ct"12.. lG = �WUG 'Ir oWR C. SIGNATURE 11/ Wes, .. :. • .: ::I, The:undersigned,.state-thatto.the%best:of,•my..knowledge•.ther!above lnformation.is:true and complete.•:..:It.7 is;understood that;the.r lead..agency may: withdraw:.'any declaration.:of. non- ' . .. ..::....-.significance..t :it: ight.:issu in.xeliance:upon ;this-checklist;should..there:be .any•willful :: :misrepresentat or illful lack full disci e part. _..) .•• • 'y ... ... . -.Proponent: _. ....- . ... . • Name Printed: . £ ' G1�Ve tLi_t c T ';I 1 .Date; .. .. . .$ 'tR/ 9-7 . : . ii, + • • • • ,i I • • i •• 4 i . . a • • C it f ' • • a 4 • li 1 f! • Jn r' 11 GE O T E C H '13256 NE 20th Street,Suite 16 P.O.Box 2054• • . Bellevue,WA 98005 Tacoma,WA 98401 CONSULTANTS, INC. 206-747-5618 FAX 747-8561 206-627-5990 FAX 627-2114 April 8, 1997 J N 97100 SEB, Incorporated 4109 Bridgeport Way West, Suite C Tacoma, Washington 98466 Attention: Steve Berg Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Study RE,CENV Talbot Road Apartments Talbot Road South at South 55th Street (South 192nd Street) pa 2 0 199 Renton, Washington G ENEI-Oi'o'- 0y ON 1N Dear Mr. Berg: ctiN We are pleased to present this geotechnical engineering-report for the Talbot Road Apartments to be constructed in Renton, Washington. The scope of our work consisted of exploring site surface and subsurface conditions, and then developing this report to provide recommendations for general earthwork and design criteria for foundations, retaining walls, and pavements. You authorized our work by accepting our proposal, P-4163, dated March 7, 1997. The subsurface conditions of the proposed building site were explored with twenty test pits that encountered 6 to 18 inches of topsoil, overlying native, weathered silty sands with varying amounts of gravel. The native sands typically became medium-dense at depths of 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 feet, and became dense to very dense between 4 and 8 feet. Slight to moderate groundwater was encountered perched above the medium dense soils in all of the test pits. The proposed buildings and bridges can be supported by conventional footings bearing.on the medium-dense, native soils or on structural fill placed above these competent soils. The presence of groundwater and wet soils will make site earthwork difficult and more costly than on a "typical" site in the Puget Sound area. Subsurface drains will be necessary along the upslope side of the site prior to starting the earthwork process. Other subsurface drainage measures will likely be needed depending on the planned final grades and the conditions encountered during earthwork. .Due to the high silt content of the native soils, they are moisture sensitive and will be very difficult to grade. The high moisture content of the native, silty sands makes them useable as structural fill •without substantial drying during hot, dry weather. This includes utility backfill. The native silt will not be useable as structural fill due to its low compacted strength. The costs associated with grading during wet weather will be substantially higher than those of grading operations undertaken in drier weather. Imported sandy fill will be required for structural fill if wet weather grading is attempted. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 2 The attached report contains a discussion of the study and our recommendations. Please contact us, if there are any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance during the design and construction phases of this project. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. Marc R. McGinnis, P.E. Associate MRM:mmm • GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. • GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Talbot Road Apartments Talbot Road South at South 55th Street (South 192nd Street) Renton, Washington This report presents the findings and recommendations of our geotechnical engineering study for the site of the proposed apartment complex in Renton, Washington. The Vicinity Map, Plate 1, illustrates the general location of the site. We were provided with a Concept Site Plan developed by Casey Group Architects and dated December 26, 1996. This plan showed a portion of the site boundaries, general topographic information, the approximate outline of the "wetlands", and the proposed building locations. No final grades were indicated on the provided plan. We anticipate that the development will consist of more than 35 two-story townhouse and apartment buildings, in addition to a recreation building with a swimming pool. Much of the area around the buildings will be paved for driveways and parking. According to the plan, the main roadway will enter the development at the north end, in line with South 51st Street. Bridges are proposed to cross the existing creeks to allow access to the southern portions of the site. SITE CONDITIONS Surface The large, rectangular-shaped parcel covers an area of approximately .12 acres immediately northwest of the intersection of Talbot Road South,and South 55th Street, which is also shown on some maps as South 192nd Street. The property was_undeveloped at the time of our field work. The site is divided by a west-flowing stream into a large northern section and a smaller southern section. A drainage ditch flows westward from a culvert beneath Talbot Road South in the northern section of the property. Another culvert empties onto the site from beneath Talbot Road South on the south section. Along the eastern side of the property is a ditch that contained standing water at the time of our field work. The surface of Talbot Road South slopes toward this ditch. A ditch containing a substantial amount of running water was noted along the south boundary of the site. The heavily,vegetated site was covered primarily with blackberry vines and other underbrush. A large grassy area was noted bordering Talbot Road South toward the center of the site. Numerous small to medium-sized deciduous trees, and a few larger deciduous and evergreen trees, are scattered around the property. The ground surface generally slopes about 10 percent towards the west-southwest with a maximum slope of about 20 percent. There were no observed steep slopes in proximity to the proposed development area. Most water from the upslope properties to the east flows to the site via the three 18-inch culverts that cross under Talbot Road South. During the heavy rains that occurred while we conducted our explorations, these culverts carried heavy flows directly onto the site. The northwest portion of the site is relatively flat and low-lying, with standing water observed during our explorations. Development surrounding the site is varied. Across Talbot Road South and South 55th Street are numerous single-family residences. The Summit Park townhomes and condominiums are situated east of the site at the 5100 block of Talbot Road South. The Talbot Park townhomes and GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 2 condominiums were under construction to the northeast of the site at the 4700 block of Talbot Road South. The northern perimeter of the site abuts a single-family residence with several acres of pasture land. The western perimeter of the development area is defined entirely by a designated wetland. Subsurface The subsurface conditions were explored by excavating twenty test pits at the approximate locations shown on the Site Exploration Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration program was based upon the proposed construction and required design criteria, the site topography and access, the subsurface conditions revealed during excavation, the scope of work outlined in our proposal, and the time and budget constraints. The test pits were located by pacing from estimated property corners. The test pits were excavated on March 18 and 19, 1997 with a large tracked excavator. A geotechnical engineer from our staff observed the excavation process, logged the test pits, and obtained representative samples of the soil encountered. "Grab" samples of selected subsurface soil were collected from the backhoe bucket. The Test Pit Logs are attached to this report as Plates 3 through 12. The test pits generally encountered similar subsurface conditions in the areas that were explored. 6 to 18 inches of very moist, loose, silty sand topsoil were found beneath the surface vegetation, except in Test Pit 20, which exposed 2-1/2 feet of topsoil. Beneath the topsoil layer, the test pits all revealed very moist to wet, weathered, silty sands. The gravel content in these sands varied and the native soils typically became medium-dense below a depth of 2-1/2 to 4-1/2 feet. The medium-dense soils were not encountered until a depth of 6 feet in Test Pit 20. The native sands often became less silty below depths of_4 to 6 feet and below a depth of 4 to 8 feet, they became dense. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and laboratory tests. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types at the exploration locations. The actual transition between soil types may be gradual, and subsurface conditions can vary between exploration locations. The logs provide specific subsurface information only at the locations tested. The relative densities and moisture descriptions indicated on the test pit logs are interpretive descriptions based on the conditions observed during excavation. The compaction of backfill was not in the scope of our services. Loose soil will therefore be found in the area of the test pits. If this presents a problem, the backfill will need to be removed and replaced with structural fill during construction. Groundwater Perched groundwater seepage and wet soils were observed in all tests pits, which were conducted after several months of rainy weather. The seepage generally occurred at the interface between the loose and medium-dense, native soils. Seepage was also observed in sandier zones within the medium-dense to dense soils. The test pits were left open for only a short time period. Therefore, the seepage levels'on the logs represent the location of transient water seepage and may not indicate the static groundwater level. It should be noted that groundwater levels vary seasonally with rainfall and other factors. We anticipate that groundwater could be found most, or GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 3 all, of the year in more permeable soil layers and between the near-surface, weathered soil and • the underlying denser soil. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on our test pit information, the construction of the proposed apartment buildings on the subject site appears.feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. The structures can be supported by conventional foundations bearing on the medium-dense to dense, weathered native -soils. Depending on final grades, overexcavation may be required beneath the footings to expose competent, native soil. These overexcavations can be backfilled with structural fill or lean concrete. • The main challenges during development of the site appear to be the substantial amount of • subsurface water and the silty, moisture-sensitive nature of the native soils. -The best way to reduce the impact of both of these factors on the site development is to conduct earthwork • operations in the drier summer months. If grading activities take place in dry weather, when drying of the wetter soil by aeration is possible, the silty sands encountered in our test pits could be used as structural fill. This process will be slow, as each loose lift of soil would need to dry for one or more days before being compacted. Drying the excavated soils by aeration will be very difficult for utility trenches, which are usually excavated and backfilled relatively rapidly in short sections.. It is important to note that reuse of the native soils as structural fill will be impossible during wet weather. Even if earthwork is conducted in dryLweather, it could be necessary to import clean gravelly sands for structural fill and for the utility backfill in the areas of excessively wet soils. Wet soils could be dried chemically using kiln dust or cement during dry weather. This is also a slow process. Due to their,low compacted strength, the native silts will not be useable as structural fill. We recommend installing subsurface.interceptor, or "French", drains along the entire upslope edge of the proposed development area. These drains are intended to intercept subsurface water and,should be installed early in the site clearing process. A typical detail for these drains is attached as Plate 15. Drains will also be needed-where cuts of more than about 12 to 24 inches below the existing grade are planned for final grading. Additional subsurface drainage will be required where seepage is encountered in the development area. It is-fairly common for some groundwater to bypass the upslope interceptor drain, requiring subsurface drains further downslope. Proper drainage behind all backfilled walls will be important, especially if they are adjacent to below-grade occupied spaces. .Even if free-draining backfill is used behind the walls, it has been our experience that some seepage can be expected through the walls in the future if real waterproofing, such as bentonite panels, is not used. Footing drains must be well- • constructed, and should be built using PVC pipe for:best long-term performance and easiest maintenance. Drainage along the edge of Talbot Road South appears fairly poor. The eastern ditch does not move water very well and should be sloped to drain better, then it should be lined or culverted, to minimize the amount of water that will percolate into the underlying soils. One existing culvert in the central portion of the site is planned to be redirected so as not to discharge onto the proposed • building area. There is another culvert near the southeast corner of the site that is not shown on the provided plan that will need to be handled in a similar manner. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 4 When wet, the silty native soils are subject to softening and disturbance by foot or equipment traffic. If the footings are constructed in wet weather, we recommend that all bearing surfaces be protected with a 2 to 4-inch layer of crushed rock, quarry spalls, or recycled concrete to prevent disturbance of the footing subgrades by workers during placement of forms and reinforcing steel. We anticipate that substantial amounts of this imported angular material will be needed for building pads and temporary site roads. Slabs and pavements that are placed over improperly-compacted fill`soils will settle. Some measures can be taken to reduce this, such as placing reinforcing steel in slabs, and constructing pavements over a thick layer of imported gravel base. However, the best way t"prevent unacceptable post-construction settlement is to properly place and compact fill soils beneath all on-grade elements. Substantial erosion control measures will be needed during this project. We anticipate that a silt fence would need to be erected along the west side of the property, and along the sides of the streams that traverse the site. Additionally, shallow, rock-lined drainage swales and sedimentation ponds will probably be necessary. Cleared areas between the proposed buildings and the wetland boundaries should be mulched with straw or a similar product during wet weather until permanent vegetation can be established. The civil engineer should develop the temporary erosion control plan. Geotech Consultants, Inc. should be allowed to review the final development plans to verify that the recommendations presented in this report are adequately addressed in the design. Such a plan review would be additional work beyond the current scope of work for this study, and it may include revisions to our recommendations to accommodate site, development, and geotechnical constraints that become more evident during the review process. Conventional Foundations The proposed structures can be supported on conventional continuous and spread footings bearing on undisturbed, medium-dense, native, silty sands or on structural fill placed above these competent, native soils. See the later sub-section entitled General Earthwork and Structural Fill for recommendations regarding the placement and compaction of structural fill beneath structures. We recommend that continuous and individual spread footings have,minimum widths of 12 and 16 inches, respectively. They should be bottomed at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finish ground surface for frost protection. The local building codes should be reviewed to determine if different footing widths or embedment depths are required. Footing subgrades must be cleaned of loose or disturbed soil prior to pouring concrete. Depending upon site and equipment constraints, this may require removing the disturbed soil by hand. Depending on the final site grades, some overexcavation will likely be required below the footings to expose competent, native soil. Unless lean concrete is used to fill an overexcavated hole, the overexcavation must be at least as wide at the bottom as the sum of the depth of the overexcavation and the footing width. For example, an overexcavation extending 2 feet below the bottom of a 3-foot-wide footing must be at least 5 feet wide at the base of the excavation. If lean concrete is used, the overexcavation need only extend 6 inches beyond the edges of the footing. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. I , 1 SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 5 2 The following allowable bearing pressures, are appropriate for footings constructed according to the above recommendations:, Allowable Bearing Condition Bearing Pressure Placed directly on competent, 3,000 psf native soil Supported on structural fill placed \ . 2,000 psf above competent, native soil Where: psf is pounds per square foot. A one-third increase in the above design bearing pressures may be used when considering short- term wind or seismic loads. For the above design criteria, it is anticipated that the total post- , construction settlement of footings founded on competent, native soil, or on structural fill up to 5 feet in thickness, will be about three-quarters of an inch, with differential settlements on the order of one-half inch in a distance of 50 feet along a continuous footing. Lateral loads due to wind or seismic forces may be resisted by friction between the foundation and the bearing soil, or by passive earth pressure acting on the vertical, embedded portions of the foundation. For the latter condition, the foundation must be either poured directly against relatively level, undisturbed soil or surrounded by level, structural fill. We recommend using the following design values for the foundation's resistance to lateral loading: Parameter Design Value Coefficient of Friction 0.40 Passive Earth Pressure .300.pcf Where: 1. pcf is pounds per cubic foot. 2. Passive earth pressure is computed using the equivalent fluid density. If the ground in front of a foundation is loose or sloping, the passive earth pressure given above will not be appropriate. We recommend a safety factor of at least 1.5 for the foundation's resistance to lateral loading, when using the above design values. . i Seismic Considerations The site is located within Seismic Zone 3, as illustrated on Figure No. 16-2 of the 1994 Uniform Building Code (UBC). In accordance with Table 16-J of the 1994 UBC, the site soil profile is best represented by Profile Type S2. The medium-dense to dense soils that underlie the site are not susceptible to seismic liquefaction. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 6 Slabs-on-Grade The building floors may be constructed as slabs-on-grade atop undisturbed, native soils that underlie the topsoil. The subgrade soil must be in a firm, non-yielding condition at the time of slab construction or underslab fill placement. Any soft areas encountered should be excavated and replaced with structural fill. All slabs-on-grade should be underlain by a capillary break or drainage layer consisting of a minimum 4-inch thickness of coarse, free-draining, structural,fill with a gradation similar to that. discussed later in Permanent Foundation and Retaining Walls. In areas where the passage of moisture through the slab is undesirable, a vapor barrier, such as a 6-mil plastic membrane, should be placed beneath the slab. Additionally, sand should be used in the/fine-grading process to reduce damage to the vapor barrier, to provide uniform support under the slab, and to reduce shrinkage cracking by improving the concrete curing process. Permanent Foundation and Retaining Walls Retaining walls backfilled on only one side should be designed to resist the lateral earth pressures imposed by the soil they retain. The following recommended design parameters are for walls that restrain level backfill: Parameter Design Value Active Earth Pressure* 40 pcf Passive Earth Pressure 300 pcf Coefficient of Friction 0.40 Soil Unit Weight 130 pcf Where: 1. pcf is pounds per cubic foot. 2. Active and passive earth pressures are computed using the equivalent fluid densities. * For a restrained wall that cannot deflect at least 0.002 times its height, a uniform lateral pressure equal to 10 psf times the height of the wall should be, added to the above active equivalent fluid pressure. The values given above are to be used to design permanent foundation and retaining walls only. The passive pressure given is appropriate for the depth of level, structural fill placed in front of a retaining or foundation wall only. We recommend a safety factor of at least 1.5 for overturning and sliding, when using the,above values to design the walls. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 7 The design values given above do not include the effects of any hydrostatic pressures behind the walls and assume that no surcharge,slopes or loads, such as vehicles, will be placed behind the walls. If these conditions exist, those pressures should be added to the above lateral soil pressures. Also, if sloping backfill is desired behind the-walls, we will need to be given .the wall dimensions and the slope of the backfill in order to provide the appropriate design earth pressures. The surcharge due to traffic loads behind a wall can typically be accounted for by adding a uniform pressure equal to 2 feet multiplied by the above active fluid density. Heavy construction equipment should not be operated behind retaining and foundation walls within a distance equal to the height of a wall, unless the walls. are designed for the additional lateral pressures resulting from the equipment. The wall design criteria assume that the backfill will be well-compacted in lifts no thicker than 12 inches. The compaction of backfill near the walls should be accomplished with hand-operated- equipment to prevent the walls from, being overloaded by the higher soil forces that occur during compaction. Retaining Wall Backfill Backfill placed behind retaining or. foundation 'walls should be coarse, free-draining, structural fill containing no organics. This backfill should contain no more.than 5 percent silt or clay particles and have no gravel greater than 4 inches in diameter. The percentage of particles passing the No. 4 sieve should be between 25 and 70 percent. If the native sand is used as backfill, at least 12 inches of free-draining gravel should be placed against the walls. In areas-of active seepage, retaining wall backfill must consist of free-draining gravel. The purpose of these backfill requirements is to ensure that the design criteria for a retaining wall are not exceeded because of a build-up of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. The top 12 to 18, inches of the backfill should consist of a-compacted, relatively impermeable soil or topsoil, or the surface should be paved. The ground surface must also slope away from backfilled walls to reduce the potential for surface water to percolate into the backfill. The sub-section entitled General Earthwork and Structural Fill contains recommendations regarding the placement and compaction of structural fill behind retaining and foundation walls. The .above recommendations are not intended to waterproof the below-grade walls. If some seepage through the walls or moist conditions are not acceptable, damp-proofing or waterproofing should be provided. This could include limiting cold joints and wall penetrations, and possibly using bentonite panels or membranes on the outside of the walls. Applying a thin coat of asphalt emulsion is not considered waterproofing, but it will help to prevent moisture, generated from water vapor or capillary action, from seeping through the concrete. , Rockeries We anticipate that rockeries may be used in the site development. A rockery is not intended to function as an engineered structure to resist lateral earth pressures, as a retaining wall would do. The primary function of a rockery is to cover the exposed, excavated surface and thereby retard the erosion process. Due to the loose condition of the near-surface soils, we recommend limiting rockeries in cut or fill areas to a height of, 5 feet. Proper drainage must,be'provided behind all rockeries, including at least a 12-inch width of quarry spalls behind the rocks. t • GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 8 The construction of rockeries is to a large extent an art not entirely controllable by engineering methods and standards. It is imperative that rockeries, if used, are constructed with care and in a proper manner by an experienced contractor with proven ability in rockery construction. The rockeries should be constructed with hard, sound, durable rock in accordance with accepted local practice and City of Renton standards. Soft rock, or rock with a significant number of fractures or inclusions, should not be used, in order to limit the amount of maintenance and repair needed over time. Provisions for maintenance, such as access to the rockery, should be considered in the design. In general, we recommend that rockeries have a minimum dimension of one-third the height of the rockery. Excavations and Slopes Excavation slopes should not exceed the limits specified in local, state, and national government safety regulations. Temporary cuts to a depth of about'4 feet may be attempted vertically in unsaturated soil, if there are no indications of slope instability. Based upon Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 296, Part N, the soil type at the subject site would generally be classified as Type B. Therefore, temporary cut slopes greater than 4 feet in height cannot be excavated at an inclination steeper than 1.5:1 (Horizontal:Vertical), extending continuously between the top and the bottom of a cut. The above-recommended temporary slope inclination is based'on what has been successful at other sites with similar soil conditions. Temporary cuts are those that will remain unsupported for a relatively short duration to allow for the construction of foundations, retaining walls, or utilities. Temporary cut slopes should be protected with plastic sheeting during wet.weather. The cut slopes should also be backfilled or retained as soon as possible to reduce the potential for instability. Please note that loose soil can cave suddenly and without warning. Utility contractors should be made especially aware of this potential danger. All permanent cuts into native soil where groundwater seepage is not occurring should be inclined no steeper than 2.5:1 (H:V). Fill slopes comprised of compacted on-site, or similar silty, soils should not be constructed with an inclination greater than 2.5:1 (H:V). To reduce the potential for shallow sloughing, fill must be compacted to the face of these slopes. This could be accomplished by overbuilding the compacted fill and then trimming it back to its final inclination. Water should not be allowed to flow uncontrolled over the top of any temporary or permanent slope. Also, all permanently exposed slopes should be seeded with an appropriate species of vegetation to reduce erosion'and improve the stability of the surficial layer of soil. Drainage Considerations We recommend the use of footing drains at the base of footings, where (1) crawl spaces or basements will be below a structure, (2) a slab is below the outside grade, or (3) the outside grade does not slope downward from a building.' Drains should also be placed at the base of all backfilled, earth-retaining walls. These drains should be surrounded by at least 6 inches of 1-inch- minus, washed rock and then wrapped in non-woven, geotextile filter fabric (Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP, or similar material). At its highest point, a perforated pipe invert should be at least as low as. the bottom of the footing, and,it should be sloped for drainage. Drainage should also be provided inside the footprint of a structure, where (1) a crawl space will slope or be lower than the surrounding ground surface, (2) an excavation encounters significant seepage, or (3) an . GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 9 excavation for a building will be close to the expected high groundwater elevations. We can provide recommendations for interior drains, should they become necessary, during excavation ' and foundation construction. All roof and surface water drains must be kept separate from the foundation drain system. A typical drain detail is attached to this report as Plate 16. For the best long-term performance, perforated PVC pipe is recommended for all subsurface drains. Clean-outs should be provided for all subsurface and footing drains. Groundwater was observed during our field work. Seepage will likely be\encountered in at least some of the excavations. This water should be drained from the site by directing it through drainage ditches, perforated pipe, or French drains, or by pumping it from sumps interconnected by shallow connector trenches at the bottom of the excavation. The excavation and site should be graded so that surface water is directed off the site and away from the tops of slopes. Water should not be allowed to stand in any area-where foundations, slabs, or pavements are to be constructed. Final site grading in areas adjacent to buildings should slope away at least 2 percent, except where the area is paved. Pavement Areas All pavement sections maybe supported on competent, native soil or structural pp p fill, provided these soils can be compacted to a 95 percent density and are in a stable, non-yielding condition at the time of paving. Structural fill or fabric may be needed to stabilize soft, wet, or unstable areas. We recommend using Supac 5NP, 'manufactured by Phillips Petroleum Company, or a non-woven fabric with equivalent strength and permeability characteristics. In most instances where unstable subgrade conditions are encountered, 12 inches ,of granular, structural fill will stabilize the subgrade, except for very soft areas where additional fill could be required. The subgrade should be evaluated by Geotech Consultants, Inc., after the site is stripped and cut to grade. Recommendations for the compaction of structural fill beneath pavements are given in a later sub- section entitled General Earthwork and Structural Fill. The performance of site pavements is. 'directly related to the strength and stability of the underlying subgrade. Based on the silty, moisture-sensitive condition of the on-site soils, more crushed rock than usual should be provided beneath the asphalt to reduce the potential for softening of the underlying soils. The pavement for lightly loaded traffic and parking areas should consist of 2 inches of asphalt concrete (AC) over 6 inches of crushed rock base (CRB) or 4 inches of asphalt-treated base (ATB). We recommend providing heavily loaded areas with 3 inches of AC over 8 inches of CRB or 6 inches of ATB. Heavily loaded areas are typically main driveways, dumpster sites, or areas with truck traffic. The pavement section recommendations and guidelines presented in this report are based on our experience in the area and on what has been successful in similar situations. Some maintenance and repair of limited areas can be expected. To provide for a design without the need for any repair would be uneconomical. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. . - SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 • April 8,.1997 Page 10 General Earthwork and Structural Fill All building and pavement areas should be stripped of surface vegetation, topsoil, organic soil, and other deleterious material. )The stripped or removed materials should not be mixed with any materials to be used as structural fill, but they could be used in non-structural areas, such as landscape beds. Structural fill is defined as any fill placed under a building, behind permanent retaining or foundation walls, or in other areas where the underlying soil needs to support loads. All structural fill should be placed in horizontal lifts with a moisture content at, or near, the optimum moisture content. The optimum moisture content is that moisture content that results in the greatest compacted dry density. The moisture content of fill is very important and must be closely controlled during the filling and compaction process. The allowable thickness of the fill lift will depend on the material type selected, the compaction equipment used, and the number of passes made to compact the lift. The loose lift thickness should not exceed 12 inches. We recommend testing the fill as it is placed. If the fill is not compacted to specifications, it can be recompacted before another lift is placed. This eliminates the need to remove the fill to achieve the required compaction. The following table presents recommended relative compactions for structural fill: Minimum Location of Fill Placement Relative Compaction Beneath footings, slabs, 95% or walkways Behind retaining walls 90% Beneath pavements 95% for upper 12 inches of subgrade, 90% below that level Where: Minimum Relative Compaction is the ratio, expressed in percentages, of the compacted dry density to the maximum dry density, as determined in accordance with ASTM Test • Designation D 1557-78 (Modified Proctor). Ideally, structural fill that will be placed in wet weather should consist of a coarse, granular soil with a silt or clay content of no more than 5 percent. The percentage of particles passing the No. 1200. sieve should be measured from that portion of soil passing the three-quarter-inch sieve. GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8,,1997 Page 11 LIMITATIONS The analyses, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of our exploration and assume that the soil encountered in the test pits is representative of subsurface conditions on the site. If the subsurface conditions encountered during construction are significantly different from those observed in our explorations, we should be advised at once so, that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered on construction sites and cannot be fully anticipated by merely taking soil samples in test pits. Subsurface conditions can also vary between exploration locations. Such unexpected conditions frequently require making additional expenditures to attain a properly constructed project. It is recommended that the owner consider providing a contingency fund to accommodate such potential extra costs and risks. This is a standard recommendation for all projects. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of SEB Incorporated and its representatives for specific application to this'project and site. Our recommendations and conclusions are based ' on observed site materials, and selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses. Our conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in,accordance with current standards of practice within the scope of our services and within budget and time constraints. No warranty is expressed or implied. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions, and our recommendations are not intended to. direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. We recommend including this report, in its entirety, in the project contract documents so the contractor may be aware of our findings. ADDITIONAL SERVICES In addition to reviewing the final plans,.Geotech Consultants, Inc. should be retained to provide geotechnical consultation, testing, and observation services during construction. This is to confirm that subsurface conditions are consistent with those indicated by our exploration, to evaluate whether earthwork and foundation construction activities comply with the general intent of the recommendations presented in this report, and to provide suggestions for design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. However, our work would -not include the supervision or direction of the actual work of the , contractor, and its employees or agents. Also, job and site safety, and dimensional measurements, will be the responsibility of the contractor. The scope of our work did not include an environmental assessment, but we can provide this service, if requested. • GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. SEB, Incorporated JN 97100 April 8, 1997 Page 12 • The following plates are attached to complete this report: Plate 1 Vicinity Map Plate 2 Site Exploration Plan Plates 3 - 12 Test Pit Logs Plate 13 - 14 Grain Size Analysis Plate 15 Footing Drain Detail Plate 16 Subsurface Drain Detail We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, • GEOTECH CONSULTANTS, INC. • (c,1' e) d� 278^,5 �.A ��'GISTE�1:c) �4'� ,` ss/ONAL Er'lr' N/S 47 Icy 14 EXPIRES 1 O/2 /L7 Marc R. McGinnis, P.E. Associate /per/usela„743 Jeff Johnson Geotechnical Engineer JMJ/MRM:mmm GEOTECH CONSULTANTS,INC. • I e q�q i - - - 178TH PL I iII GLII I .�a Sj, -. '. A v"'i SE 1;4. 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VICINITY-MAP - -.._ GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET I CONSULTANTS RENTON, WA Adeb No.: Dote, Lopped By: P/ole: • �" "�f 97100 MAR 1997. 1 , i NO ‘sC IV ' / / / � ‘f .ti i , i / / I I 1 '+° ' / -1 1 1 l\ ► +— 1 \1 1 1 ' —1- \ I ,` I i \ 4 l Tr-13 Iraii © I II`I 1 -\ \ I . 1 r " k ` i f 1 \ �-' TIP_ tc \\ \, \. 1` III\ rI 1\ \0 \\ 11\P-1 4 \ \o b ki 1 DTP-16 \\ \ t\. \.. �� .•1 1" 11 \ \ \ \ • I I \ \ \ \ \\ `\ ��."-12 \ -� �••] �\ \\ ‘\ \T1�19 \ - .••� j f .T(,_i 7 \ I T -\B 1\ \ \ r i/ // ( t} %\ \\ \\ \ I \S "'I I 1 1 1 / TP )10 \ '' I:. \\� ��T�-8 �O ,/Oj �/ O/1 / W \ \ I ( TP-9� \�\ 1 1P-20� \\ \\ \Ta-7 I \ \ \ ( xi 0 • WETLAND.BOUNDARY y \ \\ A \ \ \ \�'P`5\ \ 1 ('\ \ • 11\ V\ \\\\ \ \` •TP-k6 \ \\ \. \\ `� \ ``(r z.. f �r \ \ • \ •/ r ) I' ......./ cc `\ AITP-r4 \,L< I \ I \ 1 \ \ \ \ \\ \�\ \\ \ \\ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ 1 TP—? \ f\, TP-3 \\ \\ '\p \ \ 7\ \ y \ \ WETLAND BOUNDARY ' ` / \ \\ \la ( \ '1 i kl9 \1 \1 \\\ .11° - �_ LEGEND:, ao \ Apo i s �w ,vi S 55th STREET ..EXISTING CULVERTS Q APPROXIMATE TEST PIT LOCATIONS SITE EXPLORATION PLAN .. GEOTECH • '�•' CONSULTANTS TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET .. RENTON, WA Job No.: Dote: Plate: - �`"'� 97100 MAR 1997 2 • TEST PIT 1 G° USCS Description • 0 Dark brown, silty SAND with roots, fine-grained,very moist,loose — (Topsoil) --X Oran ish/brown slightly gravelly, silty SAND, fine-grained, g � g Yg Y� tY _ very moist to wet,loose 5 _ -becomes mottled and medium-dense,very moist — sM -becomes less mottled and very dense ' 10 _ Test pit terminated at 11 feet below grade on 3-18-97. 15` Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet during excavation. Slight caving above 4 feet. ��° TEST PIT 2 G° USCS Description 0 _ Dark brown, silty SAND with organics,fine-grained, moist,loose(Topsoil) _ Orangish brown, mottled with gray slightly gravelly, silty SAND, fine- grained, very moist to wet,loose. • sM -becomes medium-dense ' 5 Light gray, silty SAND with occasional gravel, fine-grained, very moist to wet, dense _ sM -becomes very dense 10 _ Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet during excavation. 15 Moderate groundwater seepage encountered at 6.5 feet during excavation. • Slight caving below 4 feet. • TEST PIT LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA Job No: Date: Logged by:' Plate: 97100 MAR 1997. . JMJ - 3 - - ---- -- -- - -- -- ------- --:--------- TEST PIT 3 - -- -- -- -------- ---- -- - ------- q.4s as s G° USCS Description • 0 Topsoil Orange/brown,mottled with gray, fine-grained, very moist, loose _ -becomes medium-dense,wet • 5 — 19.6% : sM • -becomes less mottled • -becomes dense 10 — • Test pit terminated at 9 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 4 feet during excavation. Slight caving above 4 feet. 15 TEST PIT 4 4 qG° USCS Description 0 Topsoil • _ Orangish brown, silty SAND,fine-grained,very moist to wet,loose -becomes medium-dense tsM 5 • _._.-. -becomes dense • 10 _ Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 2 feet during excavation. Slight caving below 2.5 feet. • 15_ • TEST PIT LOGS -- -- -_ GEOTECH 4 TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. - RENTON, WA. ._ Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ 4 TEST PIT 5 • 4! . C,° USCS Description 0 Topsoil - 14.9% y Orange/brown, mottled with gray, silty SAND with some gravel, fine-grained,very moist to wet, loose 5 — 'sM -becomes medium-dense -becomes dense 10 Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight to moderate groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet during excavation. _ Slight caving above 3 feet. 15 • TEST PIT 6 ' � w q G° USCS Description 0 Topsoil :I:I:I:I' Orange/brown, siltySAND with organics, fine- rained verymoist to wet, _ sM g g fine-grained, — 16.2% loose ML Orange/brown, mottled with gray, sandy SILT,low plasticity, very moist to wet, medium-dense 5 — Orangish brown, silty SAND with some gravel, fine-grained, very sM moist, medium-dense 10- - Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 3 feet during excavation. Slight caving below 6 feet. 15 r — - TEST PIT LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97i00 MAR 1997 JMJ 5 • 4� TEST PIT 7 USCS 'Description 0 Topsoil sM Orange/brown, silty SAND with organics, fine-grained,very moist to wet, 18.2% Orange/brown,mottled with gray, silty SAND with some gravel, fine-grained,very moist to wet, medium-dense 5 — : sM • -becomes dense 10 _ Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight to moderate groundwater seepage encountered at 2.5 feet during excavation. Slight caving below 4 feet. • 15 • TEST PIT 8 • . USCS Description 0 Tyr], Topsoil • — y sM : Reddish brown, mottled with gray, silty SAND with some gravel, 1 fine-grained,very moist to wet,loose Orange/brown, mottled with gray, silty SAND with some gravel, fine-grained,very moist to wet,loose 5 — sM_�, -becomes medium-dense _ — -becomes dense • • • 10 _ - • — Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet below grade on 3-18-97. _ Slight to moderate groundwater seepage encountered at 2 feetduring excavation. Moderate caving below 4 feet. 15 TEST PIT LOGS • GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA iNTh Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ • 6 TEST PIT 9 G° USCS Description 0 Topsoil SMJ Light brown, silty SAND with organics, fine-grained,very moist to wet,loose Orange/brown, mottled gray, silty SAND with gravel and some silty 5 : sM seams, fine-grained,very moist to wet,loose -becomes medium-dense -becomes dense 10 _ 0 Test pit terminated at 7 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 2 feet during excavation. Slight caving below2 feet. • 15 TEST PIT 10 G°" USCS Description 0 Topsoil _ ! [sM Orange/brown, silty SAND with organics, fine-grained,very moist to • wet,loose — Orange/brown, mottled with gray, silty SAND with some gravel, fine- 5 _ ism grained,very moist to wet,loose -becomes medium-dense -becomes dense 10 _ Test pit terminated at 7 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 2 feet during excavation. No caving. 15_ • • TEST PIT LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. ReENTON, WA Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ 7 TEST PIT 11 . , 4�4 c.? USCS Description 0 • Topsoil Orange/brown, silty SAND, mottled with gray, some gravel, fine-grained,very moist to wet,loose 17.2% ::sM�: -becomes medium-dense 5 — _ -becomes more sandy,less mottled, dense 10 _ Test pit terminated at 6.5 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 1 foot during excavation. No caving. • 15 TEST PIT 12 'O 4469 USCS Description 0 1 Topsoil • _. Orange/brown, siltySAND with some gravel,fine-grained,very.moist___.._..._ _ to wet,loose sM :, -becomes dense _.._.. 5 — -becomes very dense Test pit terminated at 5.5 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 1 foot during excavation. 10 _ No caving. 15_ _.TEST PIT. LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROADS AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ 8 TEST PIT 13 ?� 4G° USCS Description 0 . Topsoil — Z ... Light brown, silty SAND with organics, fine-grained, very moist — to wet, loose sM Orange/brown, silty SAND,_fine-grained with_some gravel,light oxidation,wet to very moist,loose 5 — -becomes medium-dense — \ -becomes hard • 10 ._ Test pit terminated at 5.5 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Moderate groundwater seepage encountered at 1.5 feet during excavation. — Slight caving below 3 feet. 15__ , • TEST P -14- ds/M USCS Description 0 Topsoil sM :: Reddish/brown, silty SAND with organics, fine-grained,very moist :\ to wet, loose _ Orange/brown, slightly mottled with gray, silty SAND with some gravel, 5 _ ism :: fine-grained,very moist'to wet,loose -becomes medium-dense -becomes dense • 10 _ Test pit terminated at 7 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 2 feet during excavation. Slight caving at 2 feet. _. - _ 15 • TEST PIT LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROADS AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA • Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ 9 • • • TEST PIT 15 ,4° Topsoil . . . ...... .. .._ .. y WI Brown, silty SAND with organics, fine-grained,very moist to wet, loose Orange/brown,mottled with gray, siltly SAND with gravel,fine-grained, 21.2 very moist to wet, loose 5 — -becomes medium-dense -becomes dense 10 Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Moderate to heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 2 feet during excavati I . — Slight caving below 2 feet. Moderate caving below 4 feet 15 • • TEST PIT 16 USCS Description 0 Topsoil — Orange-brown mottled with gray silty sand with some gravel, fine-grained, very moist,loose rsrf 5 • •• -becomes medium-dense — -becomes dense Test pit terminated at 7 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Heavy groundwater seepage encountered at 1.5 feet during excavation. 10 _ Moderate caving between 1.5 and 4 feet. 15 TEST PIT LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ 10 TEST PIT 17 • q¢' octi Go USCS Description 0 -Dark brown siltySAND with organics, fine- rained very moist, loose ------�-- ----- -sM g � fine-grained, rY (Topsoil) Light brown silty SAND with organics,fine-grained, very moist to wet, Ste' i loose 5 — Orange-brown mottled with gray,silty SAND with some gravel, fine-grained, very moist,loose ,-becomes medium-dense \becomes dense Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 1.5 feet during excavation. Slight caving above 1.5 feet. 15 _ ' • TEST PIT 18 / Zietit USCS Description 0 Dark brown silty SAND with organics, fine-grained,very moist,loose - _ -ism (Topsoil) _ Brown silty SAND with organics,fine-grained, very moist to wet,loose Orange-brown slightly mottled with gray silty SAND with some gravel, fine- 5 — sM :: grained,very moist to wet. -becomes medium-dense - becomes dense 10 — Test pit terminated at 0 feet below grade on 3-18-97. Moderate groundwater seepage encountered at 2 feet during excavation. Moderate to heavy caving below 4 feet. • 15 • TEST PIT LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: `_F 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ 11 TEST PIT 19 e USCS Description 0 Dark brown silty SAND with organics, fine-grained,wet, loose T (Topsoil) - Orange-brown mottled with gray silty SAND with some. gravel,very moist, stvt , 5 loose -becomes medium-dense - - — - -- - - - - - -- -becomes dense Test pit terminated at 6.5 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Moderate groundwater seepage encountered at 1.5 feet during excavation. 10 _ Slight to moderate caving from 1.5 to 4 feet. • 15 TEST PIT 20 q • G USCS Description 0 Dark brown silty SAND with organics,very moist,loose(Topsoil) Orange-brown with mottled gray silty SAND with some gravel,very moist 5 — ISM to wet,loose -becomes medium-dense -becomes dense 10._ Test pit terminated at 8.5 feet below grade on 3-19-97. Slight groundwater seepage encountered at 2.5 feet during excavation. Slight caving below 4 feet. 15 • TEST PIT LOGS GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET CONSULTANTS, INC. RENTON, WA Job No: Date: Logged by: Plate: 97100 MAR 1997 JMJ 12 SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES ' • NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH US STD GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS o ` N W �a CO co CO O 00 00 O O O O O b O O N m A W N A ro " A A m 0 O O O O 00 O O O O+ , A W N O O O O O 100 /.1 _ - - co co A W N 0 X, 90fr 10 eN 0 80 4 m �ril O • m .,-......s."*.........ak 70 30 m m ao Az� zso ► o -1 a y x -, n co so m mso XI XI CO -<ao • so f - m D _. x30 C) 70 � C I) a o- r rJ 80 ao 20 O . c� ' l 90 o XI D 10 a O rnZXI 0 0 I 111 I I I ► I I I I ► ► I I I I I I I ll I l 100 m m OA W N - 0 O 'O O O O O O O O O b O A. N Z O 0 oO O O co m A W N — O O 0 0 O O _ 0 CO co A W N O. > m GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS —I COBBLES COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE FINES . D GRAVEL SAND ' � N Z >• CJ1 > BORING/ oi r TES PIT DEPTH SAMPLE MOISTURE KEY SYMBOL ;SOIL CLASSIFICATION • = • y 7 2:5-' II SA.% °moo s' m , s Ivry s AN 0 6 1 I 3' I 172% . "----zs s m s wry SANS M - m 3 y a13.?"i 4�p S M S I c.TY S Art D w -I SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS • SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH US STD GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS V O Oi A W N N ? A : ___ _ 00 w O p m 0 AO Co N co Ol A to .N' O 100N O ,_/ :-...'''..\\)_ 10 90 n ri • eo ::. . m 0 z c� n IIm�II �. Cy/�rir m 50 50 CO w XI CO 'C • {40 60� f m -m a C) ro x CO -I 30 -4 O >.0- r. O 20 80 W. 0 ' o 7/ I 90 C'. WO . D a W ,. m 0 I ICI I I I I l I ►. I ► I ► • [ ► 1 I I I III1 100 ''nA W N m m A w N — Co01 A W N O O O O O O O O O O O O CO ,'A -- p O O O O O O O O m m A w N co 01 A w N m 0 OA-W ro O Vl V Z > . m GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE COBBLES FINES m Cn D GRAVEL SAND t c Z > 0, > BORING/ rcrii• r TEST PIT DEPTH SAMPLE MOISTURE KEY SYMBOL SOIL CLASSIFICATION N2_i.. Cn 15- 5' 2 -z% °moo sM s!Ls y SAND . ! cn • 2.0 . 9' • I 2a:Z°r. B� s Nt s it-Ty sA tv fl • • ran •ten m _ A.,. Slope backfill away from foundation. ✓�TIGHTLINE ROOF DRAIN I. Do not connect to footing drain. BACKFILL See text for VAPOR BARR/ER requirements. SLAB WASHED ROCK o.(°. .'o. "� `i �� 4 }min. FREE-DRAINING • NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE SAND/GRAVEL FILTER FABRIC 4"PERFORATED HARD PVC P/PE Invert at least as /ow as fooling and/or crow/ space. S/ope to drain. Place weepho/es downward. • Is FOOTING DRAIN DETAIL GEOTECH CONSULTANTS TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET RENTON, WA Job No.: Dole: Seale: Plate 97100 MAR 1997 N.T.S. 15 l • 1 MINIMUM 18' 12' of SILTY, A -y k RELATIVELY tr. IMPERMEABLE r SOIL OR PAVING O 0 O O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 • w 0 0 O 0 a O O O 0 0 > O O 0 O 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 a 6' PERFORATED PVC PIPE O 0 0o O O 0 O 0 0 0 O O k 0 12' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT 0 U INTO DENSE SOIL , 0 0 0 O APPROXIMATELY 6' ......0 O 0 0 r O O NI SUBSURFACE DRAIN -3, GEOTECH TALBOT ROAD S AT S 55th STREET • CONSULTANTS .d RENTON, WA . — — Job No.: Dote: P/ole: 97100 MAR 1997 16 DRAINAGE REPORT GLACIER CREEK Prepared By: Pacific Engineering Design, Inc. 130 Andover Park East, Suite 300 Seattle, Washington 98188 (206) 431-7970 Prepared For: SEB, Inc. 4109 Bridgeport Way W. Tacoma, WA 98466 (253) 566-6838 di i / it I t( ,is, GI s-rt�`` 46.1110 • EXPIRES: MAY 6, 1997AUG 2 0 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON August 18, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION 1 2. EXISTING & PROPOSED ON-SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES 3 3. CORE REQUIREMENTS 1-5 5 4. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 16 5. DETENTION VAULT CALCULATIONS - SBUH HYDROGRAPH METHOD 17. 6. BIOFILTRATION CONCEPTUAL DESIGN CALCS 39 CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION Project consists of 102 apartment units in 2 and 3 story configuration or a site of approximately 12.2 acres. The site construction will include new buildings, parking and drive aisles, and utilities (water main, storm sewer, detention facilities, and new sanitary sewer extension). 2 EXISTING & PROPOSED ON-SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES 3 EXISTING ON-SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES Existing drainage consists of 2 creeks fed by basins "A" and "B" and by culverts under Talbot Road which flow downhill to the wetlands on the west portion of the site. Drainage from basin "C" flows westerly into a creek which flows westerly and combines into one creek fed also by basin "B". An existing ditch along S. 192nd Street to the south of the site picks up drainage from developments to the east across Talbot Road. The ditch is fed further west of the site by a 30" pipe culvert under S. 192nd Street and even further west by a small creek under S. 192nd Street. It appears that flow in this ditch continues either under Highway 167 to the west or into a subsequent drainage conveyance facility along the highway. PROPOSED ON-SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES Drainage from basin "A" will be conveyed by a pipe system to detention vault A which is then released to a 200' x 8' bioswale and released through a 100' flow spreader to the wetland below the site. Similarly, drainage from basin "B" will be directed into detention vault B by a pipe system. This runoff is then released to the bioswale and dispersed ' westerly to the wetland via a flow spreader. Drainage from basin "C" will be conveyed to a wet vault by a pipe system. Runoff in the wet vault will then be released to the ditch along S. 192nd Street. CORE REQUIREMENTS 1-5 #1 - DISCHARGE TO THE NATURAL LOCATION In the existing condition, basins "A" and "B" drain westerly through a pair of creeks to the wetland below. Basin "C" drains westerly into a creek which meets up with the creek into which basin "B" drains. In the proposed system, basins "A" and "B" are collected and then dispersed to the wetland through a flow spreader. Basin "C" is collected in a wet vault and then released to the ditch along S. 192nd Street so as not to surcharge the already very moist soil conditions to the west of basin "C". #2 - OFF-SITE ANALYSIS No existing or possible problems in the off-site analysis study area are expected. (See study area definition and maps and resource review on following pages.) Drainage System Components: Two culverts carry flow under Talbot Road to the two creeks that run through the property. An existing ditch along S. 192nd Street to the south of the site picks up drainage from developments to the east across Talbot Road . The ditch is fed further west of the site by a 30" pipe culvert under S. 192nd Street and even further west by s small creek under S. 192nd Street. The existing on-site and off-site drainage system was physically inspected on August 14, 1997. The weather was sunny and warm at the time of inspection. 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ESSEN . .. ,,,,-.., , . : _ :-..-. :-. - - Wetlands Kent •-. ..-. 5 1 1/2 0 1 A 1.1..1 t.,,mndivs oc the so..s,t,...c. areas dis- Numbered .•retlatins: ..,..cent those with an Wetlands _ 6.4 - --_-_61...,- • _ I iti\ :-..,,,,....,..! .,,-. Im•se maus are aporoximate. /An,: iwial sensitive are.is that have not•.t "a" or "b" ...•••-..s.ena..i•ei are included in the King Count Wetlands Inventory. Tile --------------- tp:on iriannild may bf:. in CS,:flt on a devel- locations of v,ettailds designated ''a" have r:714:1- . --.-- MILE ,rpm.ilit. orc‘oosal ste. i'illeie differences been verified on tile site by a variety of c•c • between what is illustrated on these sources. Wetlands designated "b"are man- inaos and Inc Site conrhtmns.the actual pre- ped In the U.S. Fish and 1,NlIctlife Service rM/- Open Water - twwwww Basin Boundaries •'; 13' AM_ :mu 14 v:nci.: or ahseme on tlt• :-ite of the sensitive National tVetlern!, I ti vett t ur).but their Ioca- a./..a - a; defined in tile sensitive Arca tions have not bean field verified. lhdetance-is the lea'contrcli. - Sub-basin Boundaries s: hi There may be gaps in the numbering -se quence withil, mdividuai drainage basins. ill2 10 . .. . . - - - -- -: • _.._ . -•- ____._ _. . -____---____ . •' , . 7-----7-^"_ . .- ---."-"'"----...--------- --.7-• - - • ••'-..."''..•-:''.• ..-'•;'•• •''''_• -':.•••:::. 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Year Hood lapis Class2 erennial;salmonid opment 1 li(•Ll JJLL (P �-2;i7;13 MILE A! proposal site.• Where differences use undetermined) �3i -� 1,�9 occur between what is illustrated on these maps and the site conditions,the actual pre- 4.: ,:_ ,�Qi //••sence or absence on the site o1 the sensitive Class 3 ^"' 9 t area - as defined in the Sensitive Area / Ordinance-is the legal control. - 100-Year Floodplalns _ _ Unclassified '1� �0= - .,; - j-_ if I •R '4itP;L 1. / '- I ., r AYE I, _ • '. ''-•<-.•••16'":: . 4 VIVI) .,,, ..../ -, .,, ,! ) (-,...- , .._ .,N41". _ Niro., N. i •, . , ..s.s. . , • •..,,,,,, ..-..,... • _ , AN WI. ")1"c")••••'• • --ris, • \-• lii 'i• ?•' .,_'i_I'-'� s: ..J' I . 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Where dion these y Cam' • occur between what is illustrated on therse! • `7,73, } snaps and the site conditions,the actual pre' • a.!: !1 4 t sence or absence on the site of the sensitive /y 4 119 It41 • area - as defined in the Sensitive Area I i0 Ordinance-is the legal control. It I ra. y ►�s� F��1 .ai 'i = + -4'-..rl. +r� -_. .. ..e- •\k•.e�:s� "s`TT�'y-.'`:r�"?t'Y""'.-tl4Sr'^-L-._-- --- Y,- ••�:.'. - -...•6�+1�, , � .- +er+�1• - ti`--_3 -_ - t�:_•a , le a I::27,0' a ..r x - - '>;- .- _• • _ -. a'c _ �t;: ro _ Int:: x: ��Ai �, ®- -' `` 'r: -i�°n I is 1/.I. :l1_ i ' id....., • ,,: ,,s l„': . xc .,, xs'_ •>� :7 _._''` f -t`':�111� _ `` C` e� i IgfiT1� Jam. 1/ .:' ; I;. _ `,t.r::_'::.) , :.,':.,:-... I ''y ... ®� �� _1� /• `A 'It ' 19r l. AA -4 L Ortlra I /:-!r'..:- 1*1( !$ f•;,.; :,-- Iirof ilv 9 'U : {. �-, ` r• .c, : � � ' ' '. '' irik �/';Iv pfs . ... 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Additional sensitive areas that have not been mapped may be present on a Bevel- (-i/` l«eas 113 MELE N opment proposal site, Where•differences f occur between what is illustrated on these maps and the site conditions,the actual pre- 9 141 sence or absence on the site of the sensitive i 4•I 10 area - as defined in the Sensitive Area I Ordinance-Is the legal control. •,tt 2 - io • ,a� 1'//�/' d gyp , x' - - • ' •.r., tom.: _`-' VOW! i-•'` `, �l ifi.�A '�" t" I I' aal�!®Rql■�.. - `• ..' =6 �� r'-- -t t,-' {...-.: ,y • .,\, ' ��T xr wZi. ko a "'" • - - --; . A. „---. A:. , • - . • .. •. -•._........ ,�:,°'� '.'" ...,,, , 1 I° 1J• ZlENIONI A ( , t - / I f+tla, 'few •;!P �,?1 • • ...., • ,111,44.$,,,,,. - ,, • e,„...„. •• �;f'• •ra? :'/4, .•\••.,..,. l. • ,...1 ..- .... •-1= I j:~ 1�/ is : ----i•TiL :•}'�' cii: ; :H1 •.:...--.,,,.... -'f ," -r ( • 'r _...®. .�,- �J ���v.. - I. 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'�•', wii• \,.x6 •4 'FTC _ ' ff�!' �M:iii•,yt. n• . k lit• •a: '. �•,: ,ne ''`, IIII .�v '�1. t. Atv, • tc,...,. t x...h '� ' �� .:. I gBELI •Ilii; ••\ V114 7L,• tVid G t""•1''' '4•C51.-P-14,a re fi i• > -`�,\. 1• ?h\' _ • L, J_ f • �i lr 'rmva _ rai ;, . ,,:,‘„at 1 @ ., t : Y A 1' _ -' i . .,, .�..c_-. i.':34.-G.ETaaS..-�.t ., . • .,„.- I p-S J2 1 t':• 3�_ •\ • . . .. :. \-_ . ' - .;$14j �el a. F. ice_ ,.,. . _ t, - . • _ 1 p We .-. ,ice _ ^ f ,,.. , _ •�i:116�11i ���''�4 h - • • ...••••• ••• .•‘. •_. ciiiiiiiihr et, . %IA ..re..• I 11 1 1 t � t3 a1 f ��- - • I` . Ivy ,, ,`� .• -.. • FF 1 1/2 0 1 The boundaries of the sensitive areas dis- See additional and landslide hazard maps for (-•teas e elf Hazard Kent 5 played on these maps are approximate. additional potential seismic hazard areas. LL`.-.��33.. im d_ J Additional sensitive areas that have not Wetlands and landslide areas are susceptible been mapped may be present on a Bevel- to failure during earthquakes. Other seismic • MILE N opment proposal site. Where differences hazard areas not shown on this map are ��`a(` r�Tri•. t� occur between what is illustrated on these shorelines underlain by lacustrine sediments; v 13� these are susceptible to liquefaction. ,z— maps and the site conditions, the actual pre- 9 14, sence or absence on the site of the sensitive i 42h area - as defined in the Sensitive Area kP 10� Ordinance-is the legal control. 11- #3 - RUNOFF CONTROL Detention vaults A and B are designed to control the post developed 2 and 10 year design storm with biofiltration to treat runoff prior to discharge. Wet vault C is designed to control the post developed 2 and 10 year/24 hour design. The wet vault is sized for added dead storage to treat the 2 year storms. #4 - CONVEYANCE SYSTEM A conveyance system will be constructed to convey the 25 year design storm peak runoff rate using the rational method. Structures will provide a minimum of .5 ft. of freeboard between the Hydraulic Grade Line and the top of the structure. #5 - EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN The primary measures to limit the adverse impacts of this project upon the off-site drainage system and the on-site sensitive areas shall be implemented (King County Surface Water Design Manual 1.2.5-1) including silt fencing, settling ponds and other erosion control measures. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Critical Drainage Areas: Not applicable 2. Compliance with and existing Master Drainage Plan: Not Applicable 3. Conditions requiring a Master Drainage Plan: Not Applicable 4. Adopted Basin or Community Plans: Not Applicable 5. Special Water Quality Controls • Runoff from basin "A" and "B" will be discharged through overland flow to gain the advantage of filter strip action for the wetlands. A variance will be requested if required. 6. Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators: Not Applicable 7. Closed Depressions: Not Applicable 8. Use of lakes, wetlands, or closed depressions for peak rate runoff control: Not Applicable 9. Delineation of 100 year floodplain: Not Applicable 10. Flood protection facilities for Type 1 and 2 streams: Not Applicable 11. Geotechnical Analysis and Report: Not Applicable 12. Soils Analysis and Report: Not Applicable (6 DETENTION VAULT CALCULATIONS SBUH HYDROGRAPH METHOD 8/14/97 5 : 9 :47 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 1 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: A10 NAME: DEVELOPED 10 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1. 68 Acres 2 . 04 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC 9 .27 min 1.49 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 110 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0500 impTcReach - Sheet L: 150 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 1000 impTcReach - Channel L: 300 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 1000 PEAK RATE: 1 . 77 cfs VOL: 0 . 68 Ac-ft TIME: 470 min BASIN ID: A100 NAME: DEVELOPED 100 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1. 68 Acres 2 . 04 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC 9 . 27 min 1 .49 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 ' TcReach - Sheet L: 110 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0500 impTcReach - Sheet L: 150 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 .1000 impTcReach - Channel L: 300 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 1000 PEAK RATE: 2 .55 cfs VOL: 0 . 97 Ac-ft TIME: 470 min BASIN ID: A2 NAME: DEVELOPED 2 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 1 . 68 Acres 2 . 04 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 9 .27 min 1 .49 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 110 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0500 impTcReach - Sheet L: 150 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 1000 impTcReach - Channel L: 300 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s :0 . 1000 PEAK RATE: 1 . 09 cfs VOL: 0 .42 Ac-ft TIME: 470 min I � 8/14/97 5 : 9 :47 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 2 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: a10 NAME: existing 10 year SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 44 . 71 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0735 TcReach - Shallow L: 285 . 00 ks :3 . 00 s : 0 . 0735 PEAK RATE: 0 . 34 cfs VOL: 0 .29 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: al00 NAME: existing 100 yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 44 . 71 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0735 TcReach - Shallow L: 285 . 00 ks :3 . 00 s : 0 . 0735 PEAK RATE: 0 . 73 cfs VOL: 0 .52 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: a2 NAME: existing 2 year SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 3 . 72 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 3 . 72 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 44 . 71 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0735 TcReach - Shallow L: 285 . 00 ks :3 . 00 s : 0 . 0735 PEAK RATE: 0 . 11 cfs VOL: 0 . 13 Ac-ft TIME: 660 min 8/14/97 5 : 9 :47 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 3 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 1 0 . 107 660 5590 cf 3 . 72 2 0 .339 490 12812 cf 3 . 72 3 0 . 733 490 22459 cf 3 . 72 4 1 . 091 470 18335 cf 3 . 72 5 1 . 769 470 29406 cf 3 . 72 6 2 . 549 470 42154 cf 3 . 72 11 0 . 107 1450 14148 cf 3 . 72 12 0 .339 800 24929 cf 3 . 72 13 0 . 725 590 37410 cf 3 . 72 O 8/14/97 5 : 9 :47 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 4 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 STORAGE STRUCTURE LIST RECTANGULAR VAULT ID No. VA Description: VAULT A Length: 140 . 00 ft . Width: 25 . 00 ft . voids : 1 . 000 '11 8/14/97 5 : 9 :47 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 5 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LIST COMBINATION DISCHARGE ID No. CA Description: COMBO A Structure: OA Structure : Structure : RA Structure : Structure : MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. OA Description: ORIFICE A Outlet Elev: 100 . 00 Elev: 98 . 00 ft Orifice Diameter: 1 .4561 in. Elev: 103 . 50 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 3 . 5039 in. RISER DISCHARGE ID No. RA Description: RISER A Riser Diameter (in) : 12 . 00 elev: 104 . 50 ft Weir Coefficient . . . : 9 . 739 height : 105 . 00 ft Orif Coefficient . . . : 3 . 782 increm: 0 . 10 ft 8 14 97 5 : 9 :48pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 6 / / g g Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW -STO- -DIS- <-PEAK-> OUTFLOW STORAGE DESCRIPTION > (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-STAGE> id (cfs) VOL (cf) a2-A2 0.11 1.09 VA OA 103.44 11 0.11 12038.71 cf a10-A10 0.34 1.77 VA OA 103.96 12 0.34 13844.37 cf al00-A100 0.73 2.55 VA CA 104.58 13 0.72 16039.50 cf 143 8/14/97 5 :15 :40 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 1 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: B10 NAME: DEVELOPED 10 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 6 .31 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 08 Acres 3 .23 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 70 min 1 .77 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 175 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s: 0 . 0400 impTcReach - Sheet L: 150 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0600 impTcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0600 PEAK RATE: 2 . 83 cfs VOL: 1 .12 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B100 NAME: DEVELOPED 100 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 6 .31 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 3 . 08 Acres . 3 .23 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 70 min 1 . 77 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 175 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0400 impTcReach - Sheet L: 150 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0600 impTcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0600 PEAK RATE: 4 . 10 cfs VOL: 1. 62 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: B2 NAME: DEVELOPED 2 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 6 .31 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 3 . 08 Acres 3 .23 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 14 . 70 min 1. 77 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 175 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0400 impTcReach - Sheet L: 150 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0600 impTcReach - Channel L: 250 . 00 kc :42 . 00 s : 0 . 0600 PEAK RATE: 1 .74 cfs VOL: 0 .70 Ac-ft TIME: 470 min 8/14/97 5 :15 :40 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 2 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 BASIN. SUMMARY BASIN ID: bl0 NAME: existing 10 yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 6 . 31 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 6 . 31 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 45 . 50 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0654 TcReach - Shallow L: 220 . 00 ks :3 . 00 s : 0 . 0654 PEAK RATE: 0 .57 cfs VOL: 0 .50 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: b100 NAME: existing 100 yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 6 .31 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 6 .31 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 45 . 50 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0654 TcReach - Shallow L: 220 . 00 ks :3 . 00 s : 0 . 0654 PEAK RATE: 1 .23 cfs VOL: 0 . 87 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: b2 NAME: existing 2 yr SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 6 .31 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 6 .31 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 45 . 50 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0654 TcReach - Shallow L: 220 . 00 ks :3 . 00 s : 0 . 0654 PEAK RATE: 0 . 18 cfs VOL: 0 .22 Ac-ft TIME: 660 min 1 8/14/97 5 :15 :40 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 3 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 1 0 . 181 660 9481 cf 6 . 31 2 0 .570 490 21731 cf 6 . 31 3 1 .234 490 38094 cf 6 .31 4 1. 735 470 30319 cf 6 .31 5 2 . 833 480 48956 cf 6 . 31 6 4 . 103 480 70452 cf 6 .31 11 0 . 181 1450 23814 cf 6 . 31 12 0 . 570 800 41880 cf 6 .31 13 1 .233 590 62948 cf 6 .31 8/14/97 5 :15 :40 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 4 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 STORAGE STRUCTURE LIST RECTANGULAR VAULT ID No. VB Description: VAULT B Length: 235 . 00 ft . Width: 20 . 00 ft . voids : 1 . 000 8/14/97 5 :15 :40 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 5 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LIST COMBINATION DISCHARGE ID No. CB Description: COMBO B Structure: OB Structure: Structure : RB Structure: Structure: MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. OB Description: ORIFICE B Outlet Elev: 100 . 00 Elev: 98 . 00 ft Orifice Diameter: 1 . 8047 in. Elev: 104 .30 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 4 . 3242 in. RISER DISCHARGE ID No. RB Description: RISER B Riser Diameter (in) : 12 . 00 elev: 105 . 50 ft Weir Coefficient . . . : 9 . 739 height : 106 . 00 ft Orif Coefficient . . . : 3 . 782 increm: 0 . 10 ft 8/14/97 5 :15 :41 pm Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 6 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW -STO- -DIS- <-PEAK-> OUTFLOW STORAGE DESCRIPTION > (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-STAGE> id (cfs) VOL (cf) b2-52 0.18 1.74 VB OB 104.18 11 0.18 19659.40 cf b10-B10 0.57 2.83 VB OB 104.85 12 0.57 22784.52 cf b100-B100 1.23 4.10 VB CB 105.62 13 1.23 26429.96 cf 1 8/15/97 8 :12 :48 Pacific Engineerins _ysign Inc page 1 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: C10 NAME: DEVELOPED 10 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 . 13 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1 . 15 Acres 0 . 98 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 16 . 11 min 0 . 93 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 170 . 00 ns : 0. 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0300 impTcReach - Sheet L: 100 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 PEAK RATE: 0 . 92 cfs VOL: 0 .37 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min BASIN ID: C100 NAME: DEVELOPED 100 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 .13 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1. 15 Acres 0 . 98 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 16 .11 min 0 . 93 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 170 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0300 impTcReach - Sheet L: 100 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s: 0 . 0700 PEAK RATE: 1 .34 cfs VOL: 0 .54 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min • BASIN ID: C2 NAME: DEVELOPED 2 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 . 13 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 1 . 15 Acres 0 . 98 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC • 16 . 11 min 0 . 93 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 170 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s: 0 . 0300 impTcReach - Sheet L: 100 . 00 ns : 0 . 0110 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0700 PEAK RATE: 0 .55 cfs VOL: 0 .23 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min 8/15/97 8 : 12 :48 am Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 2 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: c10 NAME: EXISTING 10 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 . 13 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 2 . 13 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 27 . 73 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE : 0 . 24 cfs VOL: 0 .17 Ac-ft TIME : 490 min BASIN ID: c100 NAME: EXISTING 100 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 .13 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 2 . 13 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 27 . 73 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 51 cfs VOL: 0 .30 Ac-ft TIME: 490 min BASIN ID: c2 NAME: EXISTING 2 YR SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 2 . 13 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 2 . 13 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 76 . 00 0 . 00 TC • 27 . 73 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 TcReach - Sheet L: 245 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 1140 PEAK RATE: 0 . 07 cfs VOL: 0 . 07 Ac-ft TIME: 540 min ;I 8/15/97 8 : 12 :48 am Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 3 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 HYDROGRAPH SUMMARY PEAK TIME VOLUME HYD RUNOFF OF OF Contrib NUM RATE PEAK HYDRO Area cfs min. cf\AcFt Acres 1 0 . 066 540 3203 cf 2 . 13 2 0 . 242 490 7342 cf 2 .13 3 0 . 508 490 12871 cf 2 . 13 4 0 . 554 480 9883 cf 2 . 13 5 0 . 919 480 16115 cf 2 . 13 6 1 .342 480 23340 cf 2 . 13 11 0 .066 1450 8488 cf 2 . 13 12 0 .242 680 14632 cf 2 . 13 13 0 .433 570 21840 cf 2 . 13 8/15/97 8 :33 :21 mai Pacific Engineering Lesign Inc page 1 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 STORAGE STRUCTURE LIST RECTANGULAR VAULT ID No. VC Description: VAULT C Length: 70 . 00 ft . Width: 20 . 00 ft . voids : 1 . 000 8/15/97 8 :33 :21 am Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 2 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 DISCHARGE STRUCTURE LIST COMBINATION DISCHARGE ID No. CC Description: COMBO C Structure: OC Structure: Structure : RC Structure: Structure: MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. OC Description: ORIFICE C Outlet Elev: 100 . 00 Elev: 98 . 00 ft Orifice Diameter: 1 . 0898 in. Elev: 104 .30 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 3 .3984 in. RISER DISCHARGE ID No. RC Description: RISER C Riser Diameter (in) : 12 . 00 elev: 107 . 00 ft Weir Coefficient . . . : 9 . 739 height : 108 . 00 ft Orif Coefficient . . . : 3 . 782 increm: 0 . 10 ft 8/15/97 8 :33 :24 am Pacific Engineering Design Inc page 3 Talbot Road Mulitfamily 97018 LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW -STO- -DIS- <-PEAK-> OUTFLOW STORAGE DESCRIPTION > (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-STAGE> id (cfs) VOL (cf) c2-C2 0.07 0.55 VC OC 104.24 11 0.07 5942.46 cf c10-C10 0.24 0.92 VC OC 104.60 12 0.24 6446.57 cf c100-C100 0.51 1.34 VC CC 105.55 13 0.43 7774.45 cf :34E; KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON,' SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.IC 2-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS • • 41 Oyilirir I 1V11111 ...44 ,.--1 , A zo k_ t,, . 7. r . ii .4-!=ifil . .4zifig, , . .IF V 6':-1:0)"--'. ' co. • iv ,i -ti.,1-13107,- --111010.1.400 ...., \ , ti • 2:9 A .-Attristrillikoilt. %II* If .., 0 i ,,,_..., \-lit. i ..:. i .00„... ..„..,...,4__ , , ...... oic.li \ s ! Kik ,. ."- II p eis os _ ,.,,,. t . . ..\:,AifflA • 1 - ''''''' ..:Vt-E : ----: ' ".I a ott ti A AP 1 . 11.a. ---. V. 1...hit) ,..„.-, 1`011/ le ',i4L.Tra;ir'Teulifooseaid,...... -s .,4tAik; , . '".ti° ' 11 V.1 ...._.‘p ) .. , a Ff tviriCtivit -%tra. 1 . . 111,i\ ' ‘1.4114V, .:.t. / • '"7 1-14 klittiA i --,/. ..., -r,), ,. .... ... . ......, .4.1.. A - 7. •--.1 _- NI Ilk\ / K.N i—r i - ' 5 ' )i.* kik --> `r .kiN t r--- , ••001/' .7-4•*11 i r.., , _i;''. , , h ft 1 1 Piot :i ,.. .., t1/4.-,- . .4 i. ; , 1 'M:dl , \ ?'. of . 7-. ___„2_,:,;:e. It i ilr .-- 1;1/4 . ,' I, — '1, t, : mkt.I i i,1 .4 ,_.... .,.i .... . II . .::: )( ..... ' N ....--- *Avi pr.i r.... / fi P J. k 1:.—. / . r. , NI_ r ,•:" ... - --- . slitlifill( lgejorio ./ it 1. . i _ / .._. ii 1 40:..7.::0_ , ,i - k---c., a _ VI cv-------.N. \'' 4..z , —.Tr . ./.60- 1 /;‘";;;;71" ,.. :;L; L ( . '-' .k..... ,,,,.,..„ 4))\it ."44_ f kir i \-- ,,,,.,§ 0.- - , '-,,, - i,( .ig ".... r . , k. . / . .-A. ... . . if . . ty - , :tr. ,• . _ .__ A , 4,1 . 1 . c‘i \ - ..,-,,i': ti ... ___, 2-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION '� :,r ,3.4 r" ISOPLUVIALS OF 2-YEAR 24-HOUR �1---le : r ... 3 - TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES -'r NIL o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles • — P • • 3.5.1-8 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL • FIGURE 3.5.1E 10-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS 21 ', - ``•----- _ �, .. • iul-m ._., .-•_•-•-._. .-. . ----r-•- •- ----•--- 22 , ' ,,�.�. #\, VI ?,,�i - ' •�'= 23 A Oliipilik101111 ariitc, • 2.4 i :_iiiiV v Arjg-±i` A. ViLlik ' 2.5 i - Oij 40. ..43ff 26 �w 41 / i Clit litin) O;---- \ .. .. 2.7 4 111451111) il ;Al" / , . 7.1_ 24. . 1 . 0. ....% loop) .J.., kl, 1 i . 1 tiV. '' ► `Iv, `.P a= idL ao \ *--7 - '..k,"41/4 v — 11.411.11t4-14-,--r_h. 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I4jai,* r�TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES 30 - fit (5. rt, 1Wr.t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Miles 3• er - 4 0 1:300,000 3.5.1-10 (5* 1/90 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.1H 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS 34•_— _11.4.7./V _ .. Rio .=r_. _- -- —•- - -- - ---._.—._. .,41, - .1 g§ ii .44".3.1,A, 3'4 , dip a.ts i SiiiitOrd A ,� : , ip:..,,,, • • a -Lzemill ply: ' lilit# 4.1 ' • .. 4� �� LAI-. C7.41‘ =. 71, A / c?- 41., 4 � �d .-" Fr' �- 4,1.4.13 pis; ijii .400i.4/ 4./ ::.:\ - e.,,..„ ' II' 1- El .., .--1.1? rEetiglitit",1 Wii06)rtle • (1)1 : ! , , \IparAWAPI ItOtig , 'I ::.11 kt ‘ : i ,... szjk,A AVAIOAddllifire . A a t•--• ' I . = .111 ; 'k 1 ,cig.s1. 1411/1"pad' .<4/.401440/40 0,0.w i' fliilio-_ ,I7C....fx jr,,,s,_ IS ' % NI J ' 'SI Z-Tii iik, (7.44, ,01-0101r...a04-41 * AO , 1 b..4\ • Is\ t 4imeo ...IN--._ .-17w . '''/ -al - 1 . 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OF / //A CALCULATED BY I c�! i DATE 1 ! 1 7 • ........................... ii 0�t( T : Y� �':: ►.`Q.........PQ .t_M► _ ( .........2. ..C,�.0 1 G �!A I.- Si G�tiI GPcLL S .... • • P-.ci WA+...e A, `.................................. Q= l... .s 3S v1. .11`,._..-........6 . .:.... ..... : \ — Z ,3 ; . 7;1, ` .`....... ........................._........................................._......�z..` ??, ............................................................................................................. e . 1 • • • 6' • .. ............. . 39 13I ANDOVER PARK EAST, SUITE 300 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98188 (206) 431-7970 FAX:431-7975 *************************xQw************************************ City of Renton WA Reprinted: 08/20/97 15 : 15 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9705303 Amount: 2 , 533 .92 08/20/97 15 : 15 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #003 GLACIER TAL Init: LMN Project # : LUA97-119 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Location: SW CORNER OF TALBOT RD S & S 55TH ST. Total Fees : 2 , 533 .92 This Payment 2, 533 .92 Total ALL Pmts : 2 , 533 .92 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 105 .400 . 00 . 318 . 70 Park Mitigation Fee 7 . 68 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 500 . 00 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0017 Site Plan Approval 2, 000 . 00 000 . 05 .519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 26 .24 'i_ ' - , ' •,.� `,.�r'�' �,' ,_ '_ / - /I� _ 'f ._ ' 1. , 1 I I _ .,;o��,II���Illlgllllllllll���ll��illl��, , .., �L.� ,,� '- ' � �'' ' • ,.. � — �' B-twelve Associates .Inc. atllhll I .r91HINIER=IIU'' ' 1103 W.Meeker St. (v)253,859:0515 ^"=_IIIIII=_IIIIIIIpn •Suite C = • (f)253=852-4732 ` • Kent,WA 98042-5751_. (e)'b 12assoc @ compuserve.com r . GLACIER'CREEK • < ' ' - CITY OF RENTON WETLAND. ANALYSIS`REPORT , PREPARED FOR: . r : SEB'INCORPORATED. ' ' • 4109 BRIDGEPORT.WAY.WEST, SUITE C • ' ;. -TACOMA, WASHINGTON":98466 ( t _BY: B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES INC.' 1103 WEST MEEKER STREET'SUITE C „ . • ' :KENT WASHINGTON 98032. REceivED ' .:. qF` .= .4. '19� SAP , - fir'': DEVELOPMENT P�.ANNI�IC. • Revised. VEcoN'''` - ' • CITY C3P^�M CIn.M•NTp, r', .,r September 19, 1997 Q Nr•�oNN!NG' . _ RECEIVED • DEVEtu' ':`�. I f CITy'"Fret' LA'NNING .., EN0N II ; II MIlllpllluyolu,„„ . . _emit&� J B=twelve Associates, Inc. �._/IIIMaI�IIiIIN�� 1;103 W:'Meeker<St.', (v)253 859`0515 I °� lllllallill.�Illo° 85 7 = :Suite=C'' (f)'253- 2-4, 32 Kent,WA98042-5751 (e)bl2assoc@cornpuserve,corn..' GLACIER CREEK • :. . " CITY OF RENTON '1 ,` WETLAND ANALYSIS REPORT. 1.0. INTRODUCTION.; 1:1 G_ eneral, This report',describes jurisdictional wetlaridsand streams located along the proposed Glacier Creek Apartment project,located on the west side of Talbot Road;.'in the City _ ' of Renton, Washington-(the "site" -,f see Exhibit,A). Specifically,' the:site consists.of an. • • . irregularly'�shaPed'parcel approximately 41:acres in;size dection 31, , , Township 23North,._Range 5 East,of W.M., King County,_Washington... : ' The sitels'located along a,west facing hillside and'is bordered'by Talbot.Road:.alorig the'-east, an old form on the north; S; 55t;Str•eet On the south, and SR''167 on the'west.. The entire.site is.forested,'although selective thinning occurred-within the last 10 years. : _ leaving'a,rather open canopy: One (1):forested•;Category 2;wetland was delineated on the:site.- ' l.2 Propose d Use • . .• 'The;'proposed project consists of construction Of 160,multi-familyresidential units. ' - 2.0 METHODOLOGY' . , The.wetland;boundaries along-the site were.delineated'by.B-twelve on'August":21 ::1987: In.addition,'severaF site-visits::were conducted,:one in the fall.of 1996 and one in • July of 1997 to confirm'the delineation;' Wetland and data points were•subsequently • _ ,surve ed'b 'ESM'Inc: im 1987'and replaced,in Jul of 1997 see Exhibit B The original delineation of the wetlands,on site`was confirmed using;the methodology described in the Corps.of Engineers Wetlands.Delineation Manual(Environmental ',Laboratory, 1987 This is the methodolo 'currently reco gnized bythe'city of _ )� gtY ry y� y. g Renton for wetland determinations:and..delineations 1 Glacier Creek/Job#97-146` ' B-twelve Associates, Inc: Rev. Sept. 19, 1997 Page, 2 The 1987 Federal Manual requires the use of the:three parameter approach;in identifying and delineating,wetlands: A wetland should support a predominance of • hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils`and display wetland hydrology.:To be'. `considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50%,of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultative (FAC), facultative wetland (FACWVor obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur"in - Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed, 1988).. A hydric soil is "a soil that;is ; , ' saturated,'flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing'season to develop ' , anaerobic conditions in the upper part". Anaerobic conditions are indicated in the field by soils with low.chromas (2;orless),:as determined•by using the•Munsell Soil Color , • • • Charts;,iron_oxide mottles;.hydrogen sulfide odor,and other indicators. Generally, , - wetland hydrology is defined by inundation'or;saturation to the surface for a. consecutive period of 12:5% or gleater of the growing season. , Areas that contain indicators Or wetland hydrology between 5'%-12'.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands depending.upon other indicators.. ,Field indicators include visual observation"of soil inundation; 'saturation, oxidized,rhizospheres, water marks on trees ' or other fixed objects, driftlines,'etc: Under normal'circumstances,;'indicators of all ' • three parameters will be present:in'wetland areas. Prior to visiting the site, a review,of'several natural resource inventory maps:was conducted. Resources reviewed included the King County Soil Survey (Snyder,et al. 1973-see Exhibit'C), the National'Wetlands,Inventory Map (see Exhibit D).and the` City of Renton.Critical Areas•Inventory. 3.0 OBSERVATIONS - „ 3.1 Existing,Site Documentation. - , 3.1.1 Soil.Survey i _ According`to the Soil Survey for King County:Area,', Washington.(Snyder et,al: 1973); the site is mapped as containing Alderwood (AgC &.AgD).=soils on,,the east,•Snohomish ' silt loam (So) on the west, and a`small. area -of Mixed alluvialland:(Ma) on the south (see Exhibit C). Alderwood soil's are a moderately-well drained soil and are not , considered'hydric soils according to the publication Hydric Soils of the United States, (USDA NTCHS Pub,No.1491, 1.991)' However; areas mapped as Agcf may contain - inclusions of'hydric soils: S'nohomish'soils are poorly drained soils.formed-in'stream ` valley alluvium: 'Snohomish soils are considered h dric soils accordin to the publication Hydric Soils of the United States.(USDA NTCHS Pub No:1491,.1991):- - '. The Snohomish series is Mapped',in,the area.of the large Springbrook wetland,located on the west side of•the site. T;he',IVlixed Alluvialland consists of-a:variety of alluvial soils ranging from well drained to'poorly drained and may have areas considered hydric soils. Glabier,Creek/Job##97--1,46 +' - • ; B-twelve Associates,Inc.' ;.j ; ' Rev. Sep' t.49, 097' � ' 'i• I 3.1.2 --,National Wetlands Inventory-Map (NWI). . • According-to the MVI map'for,the site, there Is'a'larg'e;'forested:wetland depicted.along the.west side,of'the:site (see Exhibit0). This wetland-corresponds"to:the area depicted, . , as'Snohomish:'soil"s.:in.the Soil-Surve - . 3.1:3• City of Renton Wetland Inventory '' According to the;City'.of.Renton;Wetland Inventory, The.Spnngbrook'Wetland;is . 'located,in`the same area depicted as'wetland on the NWI map'-(see Exhibit.E) - ` ` - SpringbrookCreek,is also depicted entering'the:site\from the:south;and flowing towards`''_ 3.2 Field' Observations „ The Site consists'of.a west-sloping;hillside covered with'am open-canopy,d'eciduous', ,' forest:',Some conifers,are also found on:the site-and._are'generally scattered across.:the - - site. :'Thesite is dominated-by big eaf.maple.(Ater macrophyllum);•and.scattered . rl Douglas fr:(Psuedotsuga_meniiesi)'; hemlock;(Tsuga heterophylla)', cottonwood (Populus`blilsarrc fera')4nd-cedar.(Tfiuja plicha);'Indian plum,,..(Oemlaria`cerasiforinis); Himalayan blackberry snowberry,(Symphoricarpos albus),;:sword fern - (Polystichum munitum).and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are common.und,erstory :' - ,component of the upland'areas:::,Soil,pits:excavated within:the upland are as-revealed, ; ravell sand 'foams with`soil,' rofiles.Similar'to'those described for the Alderwood. • g, Y Y P ,; - series:'- These contrast-with those excavated_within:the.wetland�areas which.are'' , 'comprised.of a,-mottled saridy-cla'loain ;' f 3.211, ;Wetlands - ,{, :1 ' , - _ 1, _ - , ,- - • Wetlands'on.-site:are. :art of -a single lar .e wetland•that extends:off-site-to'thenorth: See Renton Inventory`.:, Spingbrook Wetland As,implied in:the name;.this wetland is - a headwater area for Spnngbrok Creek _ - ;, _ . -.the'wetland on'the site'appears'`to'exist in;two';types of'hydrologc'conditions The ;eastern edge of-the wetland,is located on a slope with`relatively impermeable clay loam' - - ,- , coils. 'Surface water�runoff as'vuell''as' roundwater dishar in'.out of.th 's'hiilside ,. g g g ,: Appears,to,provide water long enough;to;allow,the;development;of:wetland conditions • in,this'area: :The western portion,of the wetland;located-at,the bottom''of the'slope receives water from-the groundwater'discharge and a'Springbiook Creek _ which"enters the wetland'from the'-,s'outh'side�of the site: This'al'lows.aseasonally • '• flooded/saturated:water;-regime to:be present. `; Glacier,Creek/Job#97.1'46 B-twelve Associates,'-Inc. _ _ Rev. Sept.='19, 199..7. : - page, 4 Wetland "A is a large:forestedwetland•on the,western'side of the site and is.associated_ • with'Springbrook Creek.' ..This'wetland is;vegetated with a canopy of red alder (Alnus. , • rubra);,in some'areas'and:hemlock and cedar in other portions of the w• etland. • . . Understory'species included.salmoriberry'(Rubes spec abilis), vine,maple(Acer . ,','circinatum red do wood•' Corpus stolonif era ,-,devils club O la anax-horridus g ( f . )� (op la ); • :twinberry (Lonicera involuera), lady-fern(Ath•yriun filit.femina),`skunk cabbage; • ' -,,(Lysicliitum americanum);.large leaved-avens (Geum macropliyllufn) sedge (Ca'rex _ • .' - sti ats :sloe h'sedge. Carez obnu ta., :and manna grass Gl curia,s • , . P )� .g g � , P ) � ( y ,� PP )•'• •'' � � ', " Soil.pits:excavated within this,;wetland:revealed a six-inch::A-horizon of sandy --with-a:soil(color of 1OYR 2/I: `The underlying'B-horizon consists of a.sandy clay-loam• ; • ; . with*a soil color of 5GY 4/1'.witli;many; coarse prominent redoximo'rphic', concentrations: Soils were.saturated,to the surface•with minor.areas of standing water *••• ' :and_,a noticeable hydrogen`sulfide:odor vas.present'in the;soil pits. According to the-United States Fish arid Wildlife (USFWS) Classification'method "(Cowardin.•et al.'•1979);••this' vetla d'would.becl'•ass' ified'asT-PFO1E(palustrine,•forested, - deciduous;-:seasonally'flooded • saturated)•ana'PSS 1E.(palustrine,scrub-shrub,, • 'deciduous;.seasonally flooded%saturated);..' • • According to'the'criteria described in the City of Renton.Ordinance'No'..4346 (Chapter _, 22 Wetland Management), Wetland;"A"::appears'to,meet.the,criteria'of,a.Category-2 •• • .`. wetland:due to:large size;and.headwater=location.' .Category,2 wetlands located within_' • the urban areas typically.haveca 50;foot,buffer'measured,from,the wetlarid,edge: ` . _ Talbot Road Culvert' . . - In�addition to the preVioUsly=delineated wetland `we.'identified,an area currentl '• • meeting wetland'criteria just"south otStreami A:on the eastern portion:'of the site.,This. area has wetland vegetation,'.hydnc!soils,,and, as a;result:of recent placement'of a new' ,- " :•culvert under Talbot Road directing a substantial-amount of;water.on the site, now has :: ' . • _wetland:hydrology. This area was not identified as'wetland byB-twelve during our ' . . • • delineation in'August 1987:; We:',did^pat notice'a culvert at this;location and the survey of.the-area''and wetlands prepared by FSi12 for.Mr. Tynes*(property owner in 1987).did: N . not-identify, a culvert at this,location:'••We:visited the site again.in"September 1996 when . . , ` ;. 1. 1VIr-:..Types became concerned:ab.outthe_impacts of the new.;culvert which•had been,; • added•to•Talbot.load:= 'The ltesu'lts of the 1995•investigation are included as-Attachment • • .•.Sometime in 1995,:the City of Renton,widened and-iinproved Talbot Road: Their • • • :work'included several.modif cations.to-the-storm drainage`system in,the-vicinity of the Glacier Creek property:'' According to the ESM survey.and B-twelve field investigation in..1987j-there were two culverts,whic;i provided drainage from the east side of Talbot Glacier Creek/Job#97:146 " { • ..r' : • • ',B-twelve Associates,Inc. - Rev. Sept. 19, 1997 ;;,. •i, j! ? ,. Road,onto`this property,•one that:discharges to Stream A-and a,second one that --discharges,to Wetland:A•where Wetland:A,abuts Talbot:Road. As part of the Talbot. Road:improvement;,a third culvert-was added along the GlacieI Creek property.. (Now; ;:. . . -there are three'::culverts:-),'See Exhibit F. The new culvert is located'approximately 560 ' : :,_'. ":feet,south of the north property:line very near the power pole: This culvert:appears:to - - carry,a small stream which,now;flows,in;the ditch along the east side of,Talbot'Road between the apartment complex and the Sikh temple..i According-to•the sales.manager, for the apartment complex _the:"stream" had not been'identified.by the:city at;the time , , '- they were planning the road improvement However, when-.the,Sikhs,cleared their.'_ -Y'. , property, the stream-'was identified:'and,the.'city'proceeded.to add a‘'new culvert to carry. - the flow: .This,culvert extends onto the-Glacier Creek,property near the-center of-the: ' site. Flows„from-the stream nd roadside ditch appear to:be:significantly increased;;.. " . - since the clearing:of the properties-to the east;of.the''site:',The cross culvert`carries this stream and some flow•from.the road.and;ditch::`It appears that:the storm-water from ' i the apartment complex itself is directed to•.the-historic drainage:in the northerly culvert - ' to Stream:A. - Our observation is that the-'new•.culvert dischar'es to an area on the'Glacier Creek;, ' ' ;property,.;that may,have been a Swale area prior;:to the original construction of Talbot , Road; thirty or'forty years ago. "In::1987,•this'swale did,not meet the criteria to he : classified as a wetland.' ;No wegjetation o'r.;hydrology were'noted in this.area:,In September'1996.we walked down slope;bf the culvert approximately 150`feet to>follow' the drainage.-'An,outlet channelyh'as:been constructed aridi:reinforced'with riprap for - :distance of approximately:50'': 60'.!below the;culvert. Vegetation in:this area-is'clearly i adaptingtto wet,conditions;,reed canary grass:and yellow iris`doniinate: `Soi'ls'in the : - h r rated':indicatiri " thatithe area ma ;.now meet:the'criteria'of-' • . area are d c and satu Y g. Y ' wetland: ; • We did-not observe)wetla_nd,in'this•area at'the time.of,our initial'investigationin 1.98T: . However, our opinion is that the culvert has created'a Weiland'situation onthe;site , ... - which has not beeti<present_for:at`1,4st•130-40,years: We•understand that the City did not seek a'drainage easement from_Mr:"Tynes at the ' H time'they installed this new..culvert:' It is-.our experience that when.wetland,J • . r ' r characteristics.become present at;a''_site as the,result-Of human activities, thc',,.- area is generally,not regulated;.as a wetland,.,provided the owner can-demonstrate that . - , the alteration is indeed recent.,. - . " , i - %.: The city.of Renton Code Chapter 32`:"Wetlands Management" requires.that wetland ,!' ' determination and delineation-be'Completed:in"accordance;,with the criteria•of:Federal •- . Interagency.•Committee_for;Wetland:Delineation; :987"Federal Manual`for-Identifying 1 - - . and,Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands".(1t1should.be noted that:the correct citation for this'manual-is Environmental Laboratory::1987. :"•Corps of:Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual," Technical,Report Y-87-1),:' Section F Atypical Situations; • ; Glacier.Creek/Job#97446 _ - .i . B=twelve Asspciafes; Inc '; '," Rev. `Sept:-19; 1997,'' on 4 Maii=Induced Wetlands rovide afield method to determine if the IV S.ubsecti P � e area is a'man-induced'wetland. ' Step1 is to "determine whether- the•area;.presents a' potential man-inducedwetland by„considering "has a:recent man-induced,.change'=in' ;!' hydrology'occurred'that'caused the area to become significantly wetter7" :"The routine: r methodology,'for;wetland,determination is'then.;foll"owedand'data:forms prepared'. The pr•ocedure.coneludes with;the'following,,statenient4italics included), CAUTION.• If' ,r ; • ' i h dro h tic vegetation is'be"in maintained onl' because o man-inducedwetland-' hydrology that;wvould no_longer exist. the.activity (e;g.,irrigation) were to'be terminated, the area should.not:be considered:a wetland: . . , Based on field investigation by.B-twelve:and:field survey:by ESIVI, added to:the construction drawings°`prepared for.',Talbot Road.improvement, we conclude that there. , has been-a recent`;man,'induced.'ch'ange in the that has',cau sed the area to - ' eceSignificantly wetter.; t The purpose',of ot�r:1:987;f eldinvestigation'-V as to identify and,delineate{all wetlands , • on the site:. We did,not:identify:awetland'in''this-area and the culvert was not present . • -gat that_ time;-therefore we conclude'that'.the current wetland area is-a'direct�,result-ot,_ the"recent�changes`'in storm'drainage,dischargeon-Talbot'Road Thus'it is:our,opinion" r that*thi-s area-'does not_:meet the -of Renton cxiteria.to.be:regulated_as awetland 32,2"Streams. There'are'two streams"locatedon th`e site: ;Springbrook-'Creek;is located'On the ' southwest`sideof.the:'site and is iisolated-,from-development,bythe large.wetland that.; r 1 •. ._ surrounds it: :'A;;smaller ntermit`terit:channel;(Stream'A) enters the site'in`nculvert approximately' 16.0',south'of.the''tiortheast corner o,f the site.;-:',This stream flows ina' mud bottomannelwetland :.. As described':in Section 4-9=10 of; the.Code,'riparian corridors'are protected with'a 25''.buffermeasured-from(.tl e�high water,ma rk of the.stream:• 4..0 FUNCTIONS AND-VAS. Wetland A i$:a`lar e'multi=class.wetland;'that performs many,functions including' , ; '' :providing/'wildlife habitat; attenuatinon of-storm`events-associated'•Springbrook;Creek; ,; filtering''and cleaning,surface water and hydrologic support to Springbrook'Creek, an,• over-wintering,water'body for'several,.salnioiiid `species downstream•:from-the site: rThe';' - - overall functions of-this'wetland }aye,been somewhat reduced by:the`clo• se proximity of :SR 167.which poses ahazard to Wildlife,,'increa,ses-noise in the wetland?dramatically ; arid; has'altered;historic hydrology°in this wetland. ' .j, ��i - I. i, i - Glacier Creek%Job#97146 „ - • B-twelve Associates,Inc. .. =Rev.Sept. 19, 1997 • : . , i Page,'7 t 5.0 R EGUTATI(NS , . _ - _ - . • In addition:to City of:Renton wetland:regulations previously described'for wetlands and. ; Streams',/Certain-activities.(filling1'and dredging)twithin'"waters of the United',.States -' ',May'fall under.the,jurisdiction;of the US:Army CorpS'of Engineers'(ACOE): The -ACOE regulates:all discharges-into;"wagers of the United States":(wetlands)'under : • - Section 404(b),of-the,CleanWater:Act:'Discharges,(fills) into,isolated and headwater. wetlands up to'2..0,,acres'are;perm ted it -under'the'various1Nationwide`;Permits: Requests 'for'fills over'.:1/3''-'of.an acre are'subject to multi=agency review-'andsare,,required to ^ . provide mitigation: ' ' , s idths - • •,With,channels w Wetlands adjacent to'streams_with�mean annual flows.>5cfs orw t • ,• , >2 feet,at the ordinary high water mark,:and other waters of the United States maybe• "considered "adjacent" 'and would,require going through.,the Individual;Permit,process. , ` Ho-: wever,,the'Cojps:has requested:'that all-consultants'refrain from making •- •,. _ _ ' ;recommendations as'to,whether a,wetland'isisolated;;headwaters,or'adjacent These' determinations CO only be made•by'the-Corps: ; ' • - , ' ••6.0 PROPOSED IMPACTS D CONCEPT MITIGATION- ' The'proposed project has been!designed to'avoid wetlands,`streams and.•their,associated • • buffers,wherever;possible., However, some.minor,impacts to wetlands, streams and' buffers cannot,be avoided: As depicted`on'the attached site plan (see Exhibit F &t G), ' buffer averaging,-as_well gas k.small':are.:of buffer reduction on:the extreme south,edge • • of•the,wetland are being used t 'facilitate'the project design _ :- The area proposed for buffer.reduction (near.Building 30) is_being reduced to half the � `standard 50,': buffer`width to.25''.':;This-area is heavily overgrown.with_exotic • ,'";blackberry and,giarit`:knotweed: 'The reduced buffer:area is proposed to_be;enhancedy,,, , - '•th,rrough the;removal of.exotic/invasive species and.the installation of a dense planting =.. • , - . :of"native trees and,shrubs: - Additionally,:two'stormwater outfalls`to include bioswales;and dispersion trenches are: • . proposed"within the_,wetland buffer'near the-north end of the site:,; As'described in;' , '` Chapter;32, Secti'on':4=32-4 ofthe-City of Renton Code, tormwater-facilities are an -1 allowed use in-the buffer-as long as-impacts are minimized; the full-buffer width".is ' , • maintained in'the,area;•'and,topography requires these facilities be located'here to allow • :hydraulic function:•These`ar,'easnmeet`these criteria for allowingstormwater facilities`in'°' , the buffer.. _'_ ,In addition to stormwaterfacilities,•a sewer:line is-required to cross the eastern arm_.of the,wetland..to;serve the'southeast:portionlof'the.site: See Exhibit.G.,and the ;: `, >- :engineering"site plans':-,,The construction techniques for this sewer ;have not been' ,+ _ determined;at-this point. However, trenching or bonng•under the wetland and buffer • Glacier Creek/Job#97-146 ` B-twelve Associates,;Inc: Rev. Sept..19, 1997 Page, 9 REFERENCES Cowardin, L:, V.,Carter, F: Golet,;and;E: LaRoe. 1979. Classification.of Wetlands " and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U:S. Fish and Wildlife Service,. FWS/OBS-79-31; Washington, D. C., , Environmental Laboratory. 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, • ' . . Technical Report Y=87-1. U.:S. Army.Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi: • Franklin, J.F. and C.T."•Dryness.,;.1987., Natural Vegetation of"Oregon and _ • Washington. OSU Press. Hitchcock, C, and A. Cronquist: 1976:.',Flora of the,Pacific Northwest. University of • Washington Press, Seattle, Washington:; • Jones and Stokes Associates, City of Renton:Critical Areas Inventory, June 1991. King County Sensitive Areas Folio Maps:' Kulzer, L., 1990: Water Pollution'Control Aspects of Aquatic Plants.' Seattle Metro, 38p, Munsell Color.- 1988. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kolimorgen Instruments Corp , Baltimore, Maryland. National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. 1991. Hydric Soils of"the United States. USDA Misc.. Pub1. No. 1491 " • ' Reed, P., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region"9).- 1988 U: S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Inland,Freshwater Ecology Section, St. Petersburg, Florida, ' Reed, P:B: Jr. 1993. 1993 Supplement to the list of plant species that occur in , wetlands: Northwest (Region 9)' USFWS supplement to Biol. Rpt. 88(26.9) May • 1988. - - - , Renton City of,. Ordinance #4346, Chapter 32, dWetlan Management. • • • • Snyder, D., P,. Gale, and R. Pringle. 1973. Soil Survey King.County Area 'Washington. `U.S.D.A:, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. : Glacier Creek'/Job#97-146 ) B-twelve Associates,'Inc ' Rev. Sept. 19, 1997' r , Page, 8 , are both options. Any disturbance to the wetland and buffer Will be restored as'. required by the;Code. ' • A road is also proposed to cross and culvert Stream A to allow emergency vehicle access,in this portion of the site.'',This.road has been reduced to create the?least impact on the riparian'corridor feasible. As described:in Chapter 32, Section 4-9-13B1-3, work within'a native growth area'such' as a stream buffer is allowed for installation of essential roads and utilities where;no other'feasible alternative exists: If you have any questions or need additional information in regards to this report, please call us'at-(206) 859-0515: ' ' Sincerely, - , B-twelve Associates, Inc - Ed Sewall Susan L. Burgemeister ' Senior Wetland Ecologist, PWS4212 President,.PWS-#950 ' File:Ed/97146WA:doc is • • • • • j fr pyi,\I IIII . :.1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIilllu1!iu„u� ,,. � 1 L� ti '1n ��i i B-twelve Associates, Inc. October 8, 1996 Mr. Bud Tynes Tycon 28621 Pacific Hwy. South, Suite B Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: Talbot Road Property Our Job # 87- 129 Dear Bud, As you requested, Ed Sewall and I walked your project again on September 18 to review current site conditions. Thanks to the cat tracks which had been pushed through the very dense blackberry, we were able to see most of the upland areas on the-site. We located ourselves using the topo and wetland edge mapping completed by ESM, Inc. in 1987. Per your request we have included a copy of that map for your use. The purpose of our recent field investigation was threefold: 1) determine if 1987 delineation is still generally accurate; 2) determine if there is any non-wetland area between Hwy 167 and the wetland, and; 3) determine if there are new site impacts, from the recent improvement of Talbot Road. 1. Wetland Location: Our conclusion is that the wetlands which B-twelve delineated in 1987 are still generally accurate using both the 1989 Unified Federal Manual and the Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual. We were able to find only a few of the old flags, so we would strongly recommend re-delineation of the line as part of a land-use application for the project. 2. Non-wetland Area: Although there are several narrow benches (10'-20' wide) of upland area along the slope to Hwy. 167, we concluded that the entire area west of the delineated edge is encumbered by either wetland or wetland buffer. The most westerly flatter portion of the site, near the highway, is the wettest part of the site. This area is the receiving location for the many seeps, springs, and small streams which , !, comprise the wetland areas on the slopes of the property. 1.103 West Meeker Street, Suite C • Kent, WA 98(132-5751 • (206j 859-0515 • Fax (206) 852-4732 • RE: Talbot Road/Tynes B-twelve#87-129 October 8, 1997 3. Talbot Road: Approximately a year ago, the City of Renton widened and improved Talbot Road. Their work included several modifications to the storm drainage system in the vicinity of your property. According to the ESM survey, in 1987 there were two culverts which provided drainage from the east side of Talbot Road onto your property. Now there are three culverts. The new culvert is located approximately 560 feet south of the north property line very near the power pole. This culvert appears to carry a small stream which flows along the property line between the apartment complex and the proposed Sikh temple. According to the sales manager for apartment complex, the "stream" had not been identified by the city at the time they were planning the road improvement. However, when the Sikhs cleared their property (apparently without permits), the stream was identified and flows significantly increased due to the clearing. The cross culvert carries this stream and some roadside flow from the new ditch. It appears that the storm water from the apartment complex _ is directed to the historic drainage in the northerly culvert. Our observation is that the new culvert discharges to an area on your property that may have been a swale area prior to the original construction of Talbot Road. We walked down slope of the swale approximately 150 feet to follow the drainage which had some flow during our site visit. An outlet channel has been constructed and reinforced with riprap for a distance approximately 50' - 60' below the culvert. Vegetation in this area is clearly adapting to wet conditions; reed canary grass and yellow iris dominate. Soils in the area are hydric and saturated, indicating that the area may now meet the criteria of wetland. We did not observe wetland in this area at the time of our initial investigation in 1987. We conclude that when Talbot Road was originally constructed, drainage from the slopes and stream to the east was diverted to the south to cross the road at the most southerly original culvert. This historic modification diverted the water away from what may have been a wetland swale on your property, allowing the wetland characteristics of hydrology and vegetation to disappear. However, with the addition of the new culvert, water is again flowing through this gentle swale area, re-wetting the hydric soils. Vegetation has become primarily hydrophitic. Thus the new culvert may have restored an historic wetland swale on the site. We are not certain about the implications of this kind of situation. Our opinion is that the culvert has not been in place long enough for the soils to have become hydric. Thus, we are led to suspect that the soils have been historically wet. We do agree that more water is being discharged onto the site and that this water is now reaching the site in a channelized point discharge. This discharge and channel may be a issue in development of a project plan for the site. We are particularly concerned about whether Renton will consider this culvert to be carrying a stream, based on the issues being raised for the Sikh property. Storm drainage can be piped and discharged lower RE: Talbot Road/Tynes B-twelve 1187-129 October 8, 1997 on the slope; if the discharge carries a stream, it will be treated as a sensitive area with buffers like the other swale areas on the site. We strongly encourage you to explore the permitting issues the City is raising with the Sikhs in order to understand what limitations or considerations may be imposed on you as the downstream owner of the drainage. • Please let me know if we can be of additional help with the project. Sincerely, B-twelve Associates, Inc. y,ez)rtztoh-f • Susan L. turgemeister President Enc. Wetland Map file:sb187129bud.doc • ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVE ASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 6-e4,k -/� 9 Data Point: "'"- Jurisdiction:Name/#: G/�`�-'N Date: Investigator: �� �-jv' Jurisdiction: State: WA-- Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. /�.�. �� �� 7' 2. 3. (+ F.!i;4. -fir+ 4. 5. ' 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: wU Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met:CY-76 No Marginal Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: On Hydric Soils List?: Yes No Drainage Class: Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture 6 in. ' Z, fiY z/z x iD'j2 3/! dm. in. in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_,gleyed , redox concentrations, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (sandy soil) Hydric soil criteria met:Va No Basis: (" Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation , saturation )( ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits -- drainage patterns . C jy4 Wetland hydrology criteria metrYers No Basis: -' Comments: SUMMARY OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: -- Growing Season? Hydrophytic vegetation?`Y N Hydric soils:TIN r. Wetland hydrology/N Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?:(Yess No • ROUTINE WETLAND,DETERMINATION DATA FORM (US Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, January 1987) B-TWELVEASSOCIATES, INC. 1103 West Meeker Street Kent, Washington 98032 (206)859-0515 �- Pt Proiect Name/#: ,r Date: �� /1—T� Investigator: �� �""'�' Data Point: ? rF r'1�� ^u Jurisdiction: State: w'- Atypical Analysis: Problem Area: VEGETATION Domin t plant species Stratum Indicator Coverage % 1. //VU� r'c, F 2. /-2— : S,cr¢i� S 3. - 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes No(Margina Comments: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: On Hydric Soils List?: Yes No Drainage Class: Depth(0,in) Matrix color. Redox concentration color Texture _ (in. /D`//• in. in. . in. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen sulfide_, gleyed , redox concentrations_, redox depletions_,pore linings_, iron concretions_, manganese concretions_, organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organicipan (sandy soil)_. � Hydric soil criteria met: Yes IC• Basis: Nd Comments: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation ,saturation ,watermarks , drift lines , sediment deposits drainage patterns . Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes (1 Basis: /'i Comments: SUMMARY..OF CRITERIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: Growing,Season?(Y/N ., Hydrophytic vegetation: Y/N Hydric soils: Y/N) Wetland hydrology: Y/N ) Data point meets the criteria of a jurisdictional wetland?: Yes/go • EXIIEBIT A: Vicinity Map ' r I Z 1 1 'Fut9!! . .. , /[ 1 . oi, E ;EI 119i4 Ply! -1`' `i'--,�I 1 I� arty (( ST(CARR 8D)w is SW , a K}3RD ( ST S 443HD S�N\_ -, -Id SE N E 1, ' i[':_IT SE IIeoTH I-, 10,+ it _ 1— '- ,. ^� 1 ;SE 180TH 5T),,,1 I:_'LTth•. 5 T�i i 9� ui �/ �I ,Ists_r,`.s 118IST STjh�-+f. LI _ J / y, :a oc°j'' I <1a sr /I_r_SE=i 1821401-6 _.i ST 9 ''I ,w(1 . W I -'=I .ram , ; ,)=• w!" SE ' . a i s STN PL _ D 19.a 1 >E_J 3Z N i c, 'r•�q,,='aom S $Er PL; raraF to i55Tltv/__ . .'' 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Drawn by: .2- 5 Scale: t"--?/....c.0 CITY OF RENTON, WA Revised: Checked by: • EX IT D: National Wetlands Inventory Map . i<..,4 « P 6.> / po `PsSe7.. 3 i, w _ • C^.J 1 r • PFOC %9 PEM x • • c2) . : , sr: n t ;v, tj/ �'i3 V R 1W1 , W .. k ... .::::;:•' ,yam ) ...<:W'�F^#t .�. ...ova ..................... ....�: . ..—,.„,, .a•te • �•o,�� a P FOG'. - s = . a` ,� '_ p EEC '' Jp -. .!I NORTH �,/i4 B-twelve Associates,Inc. '. V1-,/ NWI quadrangle: /Zw bN Igin, Ecological Systems Design &Management n Il ,m� Mapping Date: f 'I,S•li';'iy 1103 W.Meeker St..Suite.C • Kent.WA 98032 "'1.;;LIP I (206)859-0515 Fax(206)852-4732 Job# : II-/¢L Date: 8-/S.-97 • GLACIER CREEK Drawn by: L61s ion,Scale: / — CITY OF RENTON, WA Revised: Checked by: i f „ �, - _r i ZJ S /;. • i ✓ I 1111111J▪j ' j• 4", ix I, '•,,: i r / I c! _ _ r1 ,, /' �,`' i- -''� .\ — ^ . . . ,yam+5✓J�`/B�iS� � :�' / \.. fi' ��eannan�>fRa� ���t+�J . j ai p SPc1@�dGB ?fJOK a'TdDQO°ab®® � ' • = SLID AS:N _ ��� if c 1 II i Sources: -r; �""'•' = i \iS .// 7 }r` :r i ()King Co. Sensitive Ares Map folio-1989 1 ; I ; `, i •City of Renton Community Preflle-1989 ., ' I •City of Kant Topographic Mao-1988 �. ( I I •City of Renton Topographic Map-1982 I _ \ I •City of Renton Wetlands Study-1981 •`: i it 1 \ i •U.S. Depart of Fiskt W1ldllfo • �..:'6,,••►•. `•"' I•j ‘ i National Wetland Maps-1985 • W.: i.': :: ` i '. °METRO Water Pollution Control Cepart. } : ..•i••i::••• i - _ I n 1987-1988 Status Report _ '`'::#'ai::`::: `:::':if'::::':'::• _ - i • ton State Depart. of Fisheries ti �'• :`. ::;:' ,�. i:•:: •::�•::•:.•.��I \ i Washing w:r•.•'•,'` ••' ` • •T.•'.: WASP,J C \,• Catclog of Streams and Salmon Uttl abort • •} :: :•. .• il !\ ` i ', ' ,-,\ ,! it „ ', \#`. .�1,. ;oil \ • �'✓ I 1 i; �alt ,-- ` I i 1-17/1I\�, to c ycaa! bcts"�.as y i N SPRINGBROOK CREEK 7 j City of Renton Mapped Wetlan0 _ CF 4F�. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Mappaa Wetland oo Study Area Sub-3asin Boundary HYDROLOGY _ aan®t= Anadromous Stream — Strum ~"''r • • ra u*tt „_ ----=I Seasonal Stream GLACIER CREEK CITY OF RENTON, WA ] 115t t' F .ice.«. , . l! :j,r _ \\ 1t 3 ti IN 11 , t ; ki I : , 1 ,az iiiiiiiii isiik N7ili 1 - r i 1�1 1 1. T �_aw��r� ..ca } fi Vy itgiillTigiatedattfal1,\\ , :1 . ,i5%. , .1 ss,,,!4_141...1.4r.mak.,,eginai. . 1 , ,, k? . k .y,..,„..ith „,-,,..a.,-.Ar..1......-42,wa= lipiiii, ----,_ 7/ 4 :11 ii 1 1, • Vosioi, ili**0,.. 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D/N)/// 1.1;il I �" - �.� S� ' Note: Wetland Edges Delineated by B-twelve Associates, Inc. -- J -� - Surveyed byESM, Inc. >s - IN y `� �` �� --�_¢ 1_—_ _ice_ • 1 7 I _ HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC Transportation and Civil Engineering GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS RENTON, WA I tY B. . Imo, 4�' of �' ` ',?) � �., Prepared for: Mr. Steve Berg , Pre4. wM� , p � � �, SEB, Inc. ° 0/20GI l v 4109-C Bridgeport Way West SIONF,L r, T: University Place, WA 98466 q i 1c7 �C�`\�D EXPIRES: 6/30/4� Vit' 11 GG LNG SEP'1'hMBER 1997 ��.- NO1N�a���3nO SL Q�ENt �ON �JT11NN`�S) !N,•, oEvec\-0 a� L661" 9 4 63S 2214 Tacoma Road • Puyallup, WA 98371 • (253)770-1401 • Fax (253)770-1473 GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 3 II. Project Description 3 III. Existing Conditions 3 IV. Forecasted Traffic Demand 10 V. Conclusions and Mitigation 15 Appendix LIST OF TABLES 1. Existing Level of Service 9 2. Trip Generation 10 3. Future LOS With and Without the Project 11 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map 4 2. Roadway System 5 3. Site Plan 6 4. Existing Peak Hour Volumes 8 5. Trip Distribution-Project Traffic 12 6. 2000 Peak Hour Volumes Without Project 13 7. 2000 Peak Hour Volumes With Project 14 2 _ I GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS I. INTRODUCTION This study serves to examine traffic impacts related to the Glacier Creek project located in Renton. The main objectives of this study include an assessment of existing roadway conditions and intersection congestion, forecasts of newly generated project traffic, and estimations of future delay. The first task includes the collection of roadway information and peak hour traffic counts. Next, a detailed level of service analysis of the existing volumes is made to determine the present degree of congestion on the network. Based on this analysis, forecasts of future traffic levels on the surrounding street system are determined. Following this forecast, the future service levels for the key intersections are investigated. As a final step, applicable conclusions and possible on-site/off-site mitigation measures are defined and addressed. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is 160 unit townhouse project situated near Valley Medical Center above SR-167. Access to the site is to be provided at several points onto Talbot Road and onto South 55th Street. The overall area surrounding the project is transforming into a moderate density residential area though much of it remains somewhat rural in nature with low density single family units predominant. Management projections estimate a completion date for overall build out of 2000. Figure 1 on the following page shows the site location while Figure 2 shows the surrounding street system. The proposed site plan illustrating the overall lot configuration is given in Figure 3. III. EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Surrounding Street Network The street network serving the proposed project consists of mostly rural two lane roadways. Streets adjacent to the site consist entirely of two-lane arterials. Characteristics for most roadways vary with respect to lane widths, grades, speeds, and function. Any differences are based on specific roadway designations and proximity to the major destination areas. 3 • „, • SITE S 55TH ST • rx o.) > x � co co HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC VICINITY MAP Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 1 • 19 • SW 43RD ST T 0) �v a •.7 o x w a SITE S 55TH ST S 200TH ST rn W v] a CD E. Cr' SE 208TH ST w co S 212TH ST HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC ROADWAY SYSTEM • Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 2 r 1 • __, • I ..',. S3�1Y, v..1111*•-:,;•i:. '. 10,i)\\\ \-1)) i v ijikW/ -la ‘,-1;) 4,1i q I If! +1��\ /i c!lii 1 il. I 111.V. \s‘y\ \ . i 1:ttJ-- V\ • aa {a II,, , 4, 1` , : \ s VI\ il Ili ••ntu.n 1,1, --1 ---i--0\ \.k,-A 01 —, vt \,. , 1;.T. 01 :1-. ..\ • ,,.vim,% � it ►_ f" 1 k - �1-�.\ '\ . ': • Ig: . •f:/.- . iii, . .i.;..--.!-• \ ,\ \\\I );) s • t \ • • I _ t - A\ 1 t l ...--,_ .;-.4. ... IIV :%::1,'k_ -. . .-2---- - - -. -- yis, (s • i \ \ t _ :. , i..,...... !, ., 1 4 ii..,,:.. ., , . . . ri ,,, , , \ , , , ,I. _.._ • . . ., 1. ik p .._r_7_,,:i....r_ I , .-1 II::' ' ‘ . ^ ' 3 :ti A 7 HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC SITE PLAN • Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 3 Talbot Road South is a somewhat meandering, two-lane arterial which lies east of the Glacier Creek project and has a speed limit of 35 mph. Pavement surfacing consists of asphalt concrete with lane widths of 10 to 11 feet. The roadway is somewhat rolling with grades generally in the range of 0 to 5 percent along its length. Shoulders are minimal along much of the road and range from 0 to 3 feet wide and are composed of gravel or a combination of asphalt and gravel. The roadway becomes more intensely developed in terms of number of lanes and geometrics toward the north at its intersection with SW 43rd Street. B. Peak Hour Volumes Field data for this study was collected in September of 1997. Traffic counts were taken at the intersection of 208th Street/96th Way during the evening peak period between the hours of 4 PM and 6 PM and also the morning peak hours between 7 AM and 9 AM. Information for the intersection of SW 43rd/Talbot was received from the city of Renton and used in the analysis. These specific peak periods were targeted for analysis purposes since they generally represent a worst case scenario for residential developments with respect to traffic conditions. This is primarily due to the common 8 AM to 5 PM work schedule and the greater number of recreation and shopping trips associated with the late afternoon period. Commuters typically travel at the same time of day which, in turn, translates to a natural peak in intersection traffic loads, especially when combined with the relatively large number of personal trips. Figure 4 shows the weekday AM and PM peak hour volumes for the affected intersections. Average daily volumes for the area roads are available from the applicable jurisdiction. D. Existing Level of Service Peak hour information and geometric intersection data collected in the field were used to perform capacity computations in accordance with the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual. Capacity analysis is used to determine level of service, which is an established measure of congestion for transportation facilities. LOS is defined for a variety of facilities including intersections, freeways, arterials, etc. Intersection methodologies are described below. The methodology for determining the LOS at signalized intersections strives to determine the volume to capacity(v/c) ratios for the various intersection movements as well as the average stopped delay for those movements. Delay is generally used to measure the degree of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and lost time. Stopped delay, in particular, is defined as the amount of time a vehicle, on average, spends not in motion at an intersection. Aside from the overall quantity of traffic, three specific factors influence signalized intersection LOS. These include the type of signal operation provided, the signal phasing pattern, and the specific allocation of green time. The methodology for determining the LOS at unsignalized intersections strives to (-- ..... , ,1 ST . I SW 43RD ST SE 85 43 13 240140 209 • 115 ♦ 13 55 ♦ 421 v,J� H 1042—* AM -662 731—� PM -1416 �� co 35 I42 28 I215 F 23 30 45 162 120 60 • SITE S 55TH ST V\IN S 200TH ST 1 m 7- V) a x a E. E-. 9 °' SE 208TH ST co cb \V C/ ti S 212TH ST p�2 ��� tip` �66 \ • AM PM ti. HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC EXISTING PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC AM & PM Vr Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 4 determine the potential capacities for the various vehicle movements and ultimately determines the average total delay for each movement. Potential Capacity represents the number of additional vehicles that could effectively utilize a particular movement, which is essentially the equivalent of the difference between the movement capacity and the existing movement volume. Total delay is described as the elapsed time from when a vehicle stops at the end of a queue until the vehicle departs from the stop line. Average total delay is simply the mean total delay over the entire traffic stream. Several factors influence potential capacity and total delay, including the availability of gaps in the traffic stream, the usefulness of gaps, and the priority ranking of movements. TABLE 1 Existing Level of Service Intersection Control Approach LOS Delay SW 43rd/Talbot(AM) Signal Southbound C 27.0 Westbound B 14.0 Northbound C 24.2 Eastbound B 17.8 Overall B 17.4 SW 43rd/Talbot(PM) Signal Southbound E 81.7 Westbound E 66.3 Northbound E 77.1 Eastbound C 26.8 Overall E 61.0 208th/96th Way(AM) Signal Southbound D 60.0 Westbound C 25.4 Eastbound A 2.7 Overall C 22.8 208th/96th Way(PM) Signal Southbound C 42.2 Westbound B 14.8 Eastbound C 27.8 Overall C 26.6 For unsignalized intersections, LOS A indicates low average total delay, while LOS E indicates long delays. Existing LOS is shown in Table 1. - I Level of service calculations were made using.a widely used and well known computer analysis program known as Signal94 as designed by Dennis Strong, P.E. of the Teapac traffic engineering design packages. Signal94 emulates Chapter 9 procedures of the HCM for signalized intersection analysis and was used for the two primary intersections under review. 9 IV. FORECASTED TRAFFIC DEMAND A. Trip Generation Trip generation is used to determine the magnitude of project impacts on the surrounding street system. Data presented in this report was taken from the Institute of Transportation Engineer's publication Trip Generation, Fifth Edition. The designated land use for this project includes residential condominiums (LUC 230). Data for the peak hours were used for future traffic estimations. Table 2 shows the trip generation values used for this study. Included are the average weekday daily volume and the AM and PM peak hour generation volumes for the total 160 proposed dwelling units. TABLE 2 Trip Generation Volumes Time Period Volume AWDT 972 vpd AM Peak Inbound 13 vph AM Peak Outbound 62 vph AM Peak Total 75 vph PM Peak Inbound 61 vph PM Peak Outbound 31 vph PM Peak Total 92 vph As shown in the table, roughly 20 percent fewer trips are expected for the AM peak hour versus the PM peak. This primarily results from the slightly greater number of personal, recreation, and work/commuter trips. The overall peak in total traffic would most likely be realized during the evening peak period due to the combination of heavy commuter traffic and larger evening project generated volumes. The anticipated inbound and outbound split for the AM peak is estimated at roughly 17 percent entering and 83 percent exiting. A 66 percent/34 percent split is expected for the PM peak hour. B. Trip Assignment and Distribution The destination and origination of future project traffic primarily influences how the driveways and nearby major intersections will function as they distribute traffic to outlying areas. The trip assignment and distribution scheme developed for this project was used to determine the specific paths of travel for traffic into and out of the site via Talbot Road traffic. The trips generated by the project are expected to follow the general trip pattern as shown in Figure 5. The project traffic was assigned at 40 percent to the south and 60 percent to the north. This figure reflects primarily work-based and home-based trips taken by project traffic during the peak periods. 10 C. Future Traffic Volumes With and Without the Project The owners of the project anticipate a completion date for the build out of this project by 2000. Future 2000 traffic volumes without the project were derived by applying a 2 percent annual growth rate to the volumes of Figure 4. This growth rate was determined by the City of Renton staff. Several pipeline projects are incorporated in this study as directed by the City of Renton staff. These projects include a 160 unit residential townhouse project and a 130 unit townhouse project coupled with 51 single family residential units. The trip generation used for these pipeline projects are found in the appendix. Future 2000 volumes with the project completed were found by adding the project generated volumes of Figure 5 to the future 2000 volumes without the project. Figure 6 represents 2000 traffic without the project. Figure 7 represents 2000 traffic with the project completed and generated trips added. D. Future LOS With and Without the Project A level of service analysis was next made of the peak hour volumes with project generated trips applied. This analysis once again involved the use of the Signal94 program for the studied intersections. The year 2000 without the project includes traffic volumes from the two pipeline projects cited by Renton staff to be included in the study. These volumes are also carried forward in the year 2000 with the project. The results for 2000 future traffic conditions with and without project trips are given in Table 3. TABLE 3 Future Level of Service Intersection Control Approach 2000 Delay 2000w Delay SW 43rd/Talbot(AM) Signal Southbound C 28.0 C 28.0 Westbound B 14.1 B 14.1 Northbound C 25.5 C 26.2 Eastbound B 18.4 B 18.4 Overall B 18.2 B 18.4 SW 43rd/Talbot(PM) Signal Southbound F 113.9 F 114.7 Westbound E 71.0 E 72.9 Northbound F 122.4 F 121.5 Eastbound D 51.0 'D 53.6 Overall E 78.3 F 80.1 208th/96th Way(AM) Signal Southbound E 95.4 E 106.2 Westbound . E 46.0 E 55.3 Eastbound A 4.2 A 4.5 Overall D 41.8 E 50.2 208th/96th Way(PM) Signal Southbound D 45.9 E 50.5 Westbound B 17.9 B 18.3 Eastbound D 42.6 D 42.7 Overall D 37.0 D 37.7 11 As shown in the table, a minor amount occurs at each of the intersections studied. No dilution was assumed in the distribution therefore the full project traffic is assigned to either intersection. V. CONCLUSIONS AND MITIGATION The Glacier Creek project is a residential townhouse project comprised of 160 units. This project is expected to be a modest generator of new trips in the area. On a daily basis, the housing group can be expected to add nearly 450 total trip movements onto the adjacent roadway. Of the total daily traffic, roughly 13 movements should enter the site during the AM peak hour with 62 trips outbound. An estimated 61 inbound trips and 31 outbound trips are anticipated during the PM peak hour. 12 (--- ------- il SW 43RD ST 0 3 0 0 13 0 �41 a 0—► AM i—0 0 —OwPM ,_0 �� 0 2ca 3 3 ♦ 21 E. I 8 11 19 9 6 4 SITE S 55TH ST \i-•/\ QED S 200TH ST w cn w >, w >. Cn ¢ a x a E- ¢ c° Ex" > °? SE 208TH ST co O -/0 S 212TH STV Nt` O i PM /� 0 JV O O ______,) ,.-----! HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC TRIP DISTRIBUTION Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 5 ----. r • N • SW 43RD ST SE 90 53 14 255 178 222 122- ♦ 14 (------ 447 5v7 A 1106--► AM 4-703 ,776--O. PM 1-1503 a� 09 41 52 276 t F 41 56 8'9 I 192 141 73 SITE S 55TH ST 7 \r/\__ S 200TH ST j wcn W }, v] 6 a x °' SE 208TH ST co 40`b 4j1� ��lg '�J \M/ • 9`L9 \7�/ti 60 S 212TH ST �y I( ti� �� V AM PM L • • __ At, HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC 2000 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES WITHOUT PROJECT Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 6 � .---) __ r • ----- 1 . ST SW 43RD ST _55 y9-o 56 1425519122222j 14 58 T 447 vt a 1106—* AM 4-7031776—� PM 1-1503 i� co 0 43 t 55 40 ♦ F 49 67 108. 20 2971147 77 SITE S 55TH ST \ S 200TH ST U) Cl) w w >. Cl) a x E. °? SE 208TH ST co / ti 2' VIk/' rlp S 212TH ST `� / �°' 1� ./ V PM 1‘ /:._____•C el$ ;I HEATH & ASSOCIATES, INC 2000 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES WITH PROJECT Transportation and Civil Engineering FIGURE 7 GLACIER CREEK LUA-97-119 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS APPENDIX 16 • LEVEL OF SERVICE The following are excerpts from the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual- Transportation Research Board Special Report 209 The concept of level of service is defined as a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, and their perception by motorists and/or passengers. A • level of service(LOS) definition generally describes these conditions in terms of such factors as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort and convenience, and safety. Six levels of service are defined for each facility for which analysis procedures are available. They are given letter designations, from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions and LOS F the worst. Level-of-Service definitions The following definitions generally define the various levels of service for uninterrupted flow facilities. Level of service A represents free flow conditions. Individual users are virtually unaffected by the presence of others in the traffic stream. Freedom to select desired speeds and to maneuver within the traffic stream is extremely high. The general level of comfort and convenience provided to the motorist, passenger, and pedestrian is excellent. Level of service B is in the range of stable flow, but the presence of other users in the traffic stream begins to be noticeable. Freedom to select desired speeds is relatively unaffected, but there is a slight decline in the freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream from level of service A. The level of comfort and convenience provided is somewhat less than at the level of service A, because the presence of others begins to affect individual behavior. Level of service C is in the range of stable flow, but marks the beginning of the range of flow in which the operation of individual users becomes significantly affected by the interactions with others in the traffic stream. The selection of speed is now affected by the presence of others, and maneuvering within the traffic stream requires substantial vigilance on the part of the user. The general level of comfort and convenience declines noticeably at this level. ' I Level of service D represents high-density, but stable, flow conditions. Speed and freedom to maneuver are severely restricted, and the driver or pedestrian experiences a generally poor level of comfort and convenience. Small increases in traffic flow will generally result in the occurrence of operational problems at this level. 17 Level of service E represents operating conditions at or near the capacity level of a given facility. All speeds are reduced to a low but relatively uniform level. Freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream is extremely difficult, and it is generally accomplished by forcing a vehicle or pedestrian to "give way" to accommodate such maneuvers. Comfort and convenience levels are extremely poor, and driver or pedestrian frustration is generally high. Operations at this level are usually unstable, because small increases in flow or minor perturbations within the traffic stream will cause breakdowns. Level of service F is used to define forced or breakdown flow. This condition exists whenever the amount of traffic approaching a point exceeds the amount which can traverse the point. Queues form behind such locations. Operations within the queue are characterized by stop-and-go waves, and they are extremely unstable. Vehicles may progress at reasonable speeds for several hundred feet or more, then be required to stop in a cyclic fashion. Level-of-service F is used to describe the operating conditions within the queue, as well as the point of the breakdown. It should be noted, however, that in many cases operating conditions of vehicles or pedestrians discharged from the queue may be quite good. Nevertheless, it is the point at which arrival flow exceeds discharge flow which causes the queue to form, and the level-of-service F is an appropriate designation for such points. These definitions are general and conceptual in nature, and they apply primarily to uninterrupted flow. Levels of service for interrupted flow facilities vary widely in terms of both the user's perception of service quality and the operational variables used to describe them. For each type of facility, levels of service are defined based on one or more operational parameters which best describe operating quality for the subject facility type. While the concept of level of service attempts to address a wide range of operating conditions, limitations on data collection and availability make it impractical to treat the full range of operational parameters for each type of facility. The parameters selected to define levels of service for each facility type are called "measures of effectiveness" or "MOE's", and represent those available measures that best describe the quality of operation on the subject facility type. Each level of service represents a range of conditions, as defined by a range in the parameters given. Thus, a level of service is not a discrete condition, but rather a range of conditions for which boundaries are established. The followingtables describe levels of service for signalized and unsignalized g intersections. Level of service for signalized intersections is defined in terms of delay. Delay is a measure of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption and lost travel time. Specifically, level-of-service criteria are stated in terms of the average stopped delay per vehicle for a 15-minute analysis period. Level of service for unsignalized intersections is measured in terms of potential capacity and average total delay of the lane in question. 18 • Signalized Intersections-Level of Service Stopped Delay per Level of Service Vehicle (sec) A less than 5.1 B 5.1 to 15.0 C 15.1 to 25.0 D 25.1 to 40.0 E 40.1 to 60.0 F greater than 60.0 Unsignalized Intersections-Level of Service Average Total Delay Level of Service per Vehicle (sec) A less than 5.1 B 5.1to10.0 C 10.1 to 20.0 D 20.1 to 30.0 E 30.1 to 45.0 F greater than 45.0 As described in the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual, level of service procedures for all- way stop controlled (AWSC) intersections have been refined significantly, though they are still treated in a slightly different manner than typical two-way stop controlled locations. Procedures for AWSC intersections are generally not as well defined as other forms of control. Due to the presence of stop control on all legs of an AWSC intersection, factors such as gap frequency and acceptance are generally eliminated, resulting in procedures which are slightly simplified. Nonetheless, the same criteria measures for two-way stop intersections are used for all-way stop locations. The table below describes AWSC intersection level of service. AWSC Intersections-Level of Service • Average Total Delay Level of Service per Vehicle (sec) A less than 5.1 B 5.1 to 10.0 C 10.1 to 20.0 _ D 20.1 to 30.0 E 30.1 to 45.0 F greater than 45.0 19 Glacier Creek SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION CALCULATION FOR 160 DWELLING UNITS OF RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM 9/97 DRIVE AVERAGE STANDARD ADJUSTMENT WAY RATE DEVIATION FACTOR VOLUME 1 AVG WKDY 2-WAY VOL 6.07 0 .00 1 .00 972 7-9 AM PK HR ENTER 0.08 0.00 1.00 13 7-9 AM PK HR EXIT 0. 39 0.00 1.00 62 7-9 AM PK HR TOTAL 0.46 0.00 1.00 74 4-6 PM PK HR ENTER 0.38 0.00 1 .00 61 4-6 PM PK HR EXIT 0.20 0.00 1.00 31 4-6 PM PK HR TOTAL 0.57 0.00 1.00 92 AM GEN PK HR ENTER 0.08 0.00 1.00 13 AM GEN PK HR EXIT 0.38 0.00 1 .00 61 AM GEN PK HR TOTAL 0.47 0.00 1.00 74 PM GEN PK HR ENTER 0.38 0.00 1.00 60 PM GEN PK HR EXIT 0.20 0.00 1.00 33 PM GEN PK HR TOTAL 0.58 0.00 1 .00 93 SATURDAY 2-WAY VOL 6.29 0.00 1 .00 1006 PK HR ENTER 0.30 . 0.00 1 .00 48 PK HR EXIT 0.25 0.00 1.00 41 PK HR TOTAL 0. 55 0.00 1 .00 88 SUNDAY 2-WAY VOL 5.36 0.00 1.00 858 PK HR ENTER 0.27 0.00 1 .00 43 PK HR EXIT 0.28 0.00 1 .00 44 PK HR TOTAL 0.54 0.00 1.00 87 Note: A zero rate indicates no rate data available The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) = .85LN(X) + 2 .565, R-2 = .82 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = . 787LN(X) + .314 R-2 = .74 , .17 Enter, .83 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = .818LN(X) + .368 R-2 = .78 , .66 Enter, . 34 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .808LN(X) + .209 R"2 = .78 , . 18 Enter, .82 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = . 777LN(X) + .59 R-2 = .8 , . 65 Enter, .35 Exit Sat. 2-Way Volume: T = 3. 615(X) + 427.925, R-2 = .84 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: T = .286(X) + 42 .627 R-2 = .84 , .54 Enter, .46 Exit Sun. 2-Way Volume: T = 3. 132(X) + 357.258, R-2 = .88 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: T = .232(X) + 50.009 R-2 = . 78 , .49 Enter, . 51 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 5th Edition, With Feb. 1995 Update. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS Pipeline Proj . for Glacier Creek SUMMARY OF AVERAGE VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY .DRIVEWAY VOLUMES 9/97 24 HOUR AM PK HOUR PM PK HOUR TWO-WAY LAND USE SIZE VOLUME ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT (RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM 290 DWELLING UNITS 1611 20 98 99 51 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 51 DWELLING UNITS 555 12 33 38 21 TOTAL 2166 32 131 137 72 Note: A zero rate indicates no rate data available - j TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS 1 • Heath 8 Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380A Page : 1 Movement 1 -- 96TH AVE S 208TH ST S 212TH ST S Southbound Westbound Eastbound tart Time Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Total 6:30 8 0 11 .115 481 0 0 84 2 701 6:45 4 0 3 124 436 0 0 106 3 676 Total 12 0 14 239 917 0 0 190 5 1377 7:00am 14 0 11 125 481 0 0 119 7 757 7:15 16 0 7 108 420 0 0 104 5 660 _ 7:30 10 0 2 96 316 0 0 93 8 525 7:45 6 0 7 103 305 0 0 104 6 531 our Total 46 0 27 432 1522 0 0 420 26 2473 rand 58 0 41 671 2439 0 0 610 31 3850 of Total 1.5% 0.0% 1.1% 17.4% 63.4% 0.0% 0.0% 15.8% .8% Apprch % 2.6% 80.8% 16.6% - of Apprch 58.6% 0.0% 41.4% 21.6% 78.4% 0.0% 0.0% 95.2% 4.8% Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380A Page : 2 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 58 41 31 limmommomm 671 702 Inbound 99 Outbound 702 212TH ST S Total 801 671 2497 2439 58 2439 31 Inbound 641 Inbound 3110 Outbound 2497 Outbound 651 610 Total 3138 Total 3761 41 610 651 208TH ST S • Heath 6 Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File Z.D. : 1380A Page : 3 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 06:30am to 07:45am on 09/11/97 Start Peak Hr Volumes Percentages Direction Street Name Peak Hour Factor Rght Thru Left Total Rght Thru Left Southbound 96TH AVE S 06:30am .740 42 0 32 74 56.7 .0 43.2 Westbound 208TH ST S .945 472 1818 0 2290 20.6 79.3 .0 Northbound .0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Eastbound 212TH ST S .853 0 413 17 430 .0 96.0 3.9 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 42 32 17 los 472 489 Inbound 74 Outbound 489 212TH ST S Total 563 472 1860 1818 42 1818 17 Inbound 430 Inbound 2290 Outbound 1860 Outbound 445 413 Total 2290 Total 2735 32 413 445 208TH ST S Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380B I Page : 1 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 208TH ST S 212TH ST S Southbound Westbound Eastbound tart Time Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Rght Thru Left Total 4:15 6 0 93 18 169 0 0 410 8 704 4:30 7 0 84 20 139 0 0 413 11 674 4:45 2 0 93 20 179 0 0 458 8 760 -otal 15 0 270 58 487 0 0 1281 27 2138 5:00pm 3 0 103 18 139 0 0 431 8 702 5:15 5 0 131 17 166 0 0 492 11 822 5:30 4 0 99 18 176 0 0 444 16 757 otal 12 0 333 53 481 0 0 1367 35 2281 rand 27 0 603 111 968 0 0 2648 62 4419 of Total .6% 0.0% 13.6% 2.5% 21.9% 0.0% 0.0% 59.9% 1.4% Apprch % 14.3% 24.4% 61.3% s of Apprch 4.3% 0.0% 95.7% 10.3% 89.7% 0.0% 0.0% 97.7% 2.3% Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380B Page : 2 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 27 603 62 111 173 Inbound 630 Outbound 173 212TH ST S Total 803 111 995 968 27 968 62 Inbound 2710 Inbound 1079 Outbound 995 Outbound 3251 2648 Total 3705 Total 4330 603 2648 3251 208TH ST S • Heath & Associates Inc. Transportation Division Site Code : 00001380 2214 Tacoma Road Start Date: 09/11/97 Puyallup, WA 98371 File I.D. : 1380B Page : 3 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 04:15pm to 05:30pm on 09/11/97 Start Peak Hr Volumes Percentages Direction Street Name Peak Hour Factor Rght Thru Left Total Rght Thru Left Southbound 96TH AVE S 04:45pm .809 14 0 426 440 3.1 .0 96.8 Westbound 208TH ST S .921 73 660 0 733 9.9 90.0 .0 Northbound .0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Eastbound 212TH ST S .928 0 1825 43 1868 .0 97.6 2.3 Movement 1 96TH AVE S 14 426 43 73 116 Inbound 440 Outbound 116 212TH ST S Total 556 73 674 660 14 660 43 Inbound 1868 Inbound 733 Outbound 674 Outbound 2251 1825 Total 2542 Total 2984 426 1825 2251 208TH ST S GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:00:03 EXISTING LOS AM PEAK HOUR SIG[AL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 76 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 f Phase 3 1 Phase 4 1 Phase 5 **/** + * + A * +++i- / \ <+ * +> <++++ v ++++ A **** V ++++ North <+ * *> ++++> ****> + * * ++++ +++f- + * * V V G/C= .108 G/C= .108 G/C= .110 G/C= .000 G/C= .407 G= 6.5" G= 6.5" G= 6.6" G= .0" G= 24.4" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=17.5% OFF=34.9% OFF=52.7% OFF=52.7% C= 60 sec G= 44.0 sec = 73.3% Y=16.0 sec = 26.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMP TOTALS SB Approach WB Approach NB Approach EB Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 94 48 14 15 772 47 52 35 26 39 1216 128 2486 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 9 4 2 0 23 5 0 4 3 4 34 10 g/C Used: % 12 12 12 0 42 13 0 12 12 42 42 13 SV @E: vph 193 231 219 0 1573 223 0 422 219 671 1578 223 5552 Svc Lvi:LOS C+ C+ B B+ C+ C+ C+ B+ B C+ B Deg Sat:v/c .48 .21 .06 .00 .50 .21 .00 .21 .12 .06 .77 .57 .60 Avg Del:s/v 28.6 24.9 23.6 .0 13.4 24.9 .0 24.2 24.2 10.4 16.8 29.9 17.4 Tot Del:min 11 5 1 0 44 5 0 9 3 2 85 16 181 # Stops:veh 22 11 3 0 144 11 0 20 6 6 260 30 513 Max Que:veh 3 1 0 0 15 1 0 3 1 1 23 4 52 Max Que: ft 69 35 25 0 191 35 0 32 25 25 296 94 296 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units SB Approach WB Approach NB Approach EB Approach Total AdjVol: vph 156 834 113 1383 2486 Svc Lvl:LOS C+ B+ C+ B B Deg Sat:v/c .36 .48 .19 .73 .60 Avg Del:s/v 27.0 14.0 24.2 17.8 17.4 Tot Del:min 17 49 12 103 181 # Stops:veh 36 155 26 296 513 Max Que:veh 4 16 4 28 52 Max Que: ft 69 191 32 296 296 I GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:04:14 EXISTING LOS PM PEAK HOUR SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 75 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 1 Phase 5 **/** * + + A A * + + -++++ **** / \ <* + +> <++++ <**** V A ++H- **** A **** V v North <* + +> +++t-> 1 * + + ++++ * + + V G/C= .172 G/C= .106 G/C= .042 G/C= .062 G/C= .451 G= 20.6" G= 12.7" G= 5.1" G= 7.5" G= 54.1" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=20.5% OFF=34.5% OFF=42.0% OFF=51.6% C=120 sec G=100.0 sec = 83.3% Y=20.0 sec = 16.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMI' TOTAL N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 267 156 232 491 1652 239 70 140 180 31 853 61 4372 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 29 23 26 0 61 26 0 22 24 20 32 21 g/C Used: % 18 18 18 0 55 15 0 11 11 46 46 5 SV @E: vph 271 323 306 0 1996 242 0 390 183 727 1711 71 6220 Svc Lv1:LOS E D+ D E E D E B B E+ E+ Deg Sat:v/c .94 .46 .73 .00 1.07 .92 .00 .52 .89 .04 .50 .69 .86 Avg De1:s/v 127.2 45.8 53.5 .0 60.6117.9 .0 50.9107.7 18.0 23.4 79.3 61.0 Tot Del:min 141 30 52 0 541 117 0 45 81 2 83 20 1112 # Stops:veh 66 35 55 0 535 59 0 49 44 4 150 15 1012 Max Que:veh 15 9 13 0 96 14 0 12 11 1 31 4 206 Max Que: ft 369 216 321 0 1214 344 0 157 269 28 389 98 1214 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 655 2382 390 945 4372 Svc Lv1:LOS E+ E E+ C+ E+ Deg Sat:v/c .75 1.06 .69 .50 .86 Avg Del:s/v 81.7 66.3 77.1 26.8 61.0 Tot Del:min 223 658 126 105 1112 # Stops:veh 156 594 93 169 1012 Max Que:veh 37 110 23 36 206 Max Que: ft 369 1214 269 389 1214 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:01:05 2000 LOS AM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 76 I Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 1 Phase 5 **/** + * A + * +++E /1\ <+ * +> <++++ V A H i l A A **** v ++++ North <+ * *> +I++> ****> I + * * ++++ ++++ * * v v G/C= .104 G/C= .104 G/C= .112 G/C= .000 G/C= .414 G= 6.2" G= 6.2" G= 6.7" G= .0" G= 24.8" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=17.0% OFE=34.0% OFF=51.9% OFF=51.9% C= 60 sec G= 44.0 sec = 73.3% Y=16.0 sec = 26.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVNT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 100 59 16 17 820 58 104 65 46 46 1290 136 2757 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 9 5 2 0 24 5 0 7 4 5 36 11 g/C Used: % 12 12 12 0 43 13 0 12 12 43 43 13 SV @E: vph 186 222 210 0 1600 226 0 407 210 682 1605 226 5574 Svc Lvi:LOS C+ C+ C+ B+ C+ C+ C+ B+ B C+ B Deg Sat:v/c .53 .26 .08 .00 .52 .25 .00 .41 .22 .07 .80 .60 .63 Avg Del:s/v 30.1 25.6 24.0 .0 13.3 25.2 .0 25.6 25.3 10.2 17.4 30.6 18.2 Tot Del:min 13 6 2 0 46 6 0 18 5 2 94 17 209 # Stops:veh 23 13 4 0 154 13 0 39 10 7 281 32 576 Max Que:veh 3 2 0 0 16 2 0 5 1 1 24 4 58 Max Que: ft 74 44 25 0 201 43 0 63 34 25 310 100 310 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 175 895 215 1472 2757 Svc Lv1:LOS C+ B+ C+ B B Deg Sat:v/c .40 .51 .37 .76 .63 Avg Del:s/v 28.0 14.1 25.5 18.4 18.2 Tot Del:min 21 52 23 113 209 # Stops:veh 40 167 49 320 576 Max Que:veh 5 18 6 29 58 Max Que: ft 74 201 63 310 310 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD St 1' & TALBOT ROAD 08:03:30 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 75 I Phase 1 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 I Phase 4 I Phase 5 **/** * + + A A . * + + Hi t **** / \ <* ■+ +> <++++ <**** Y A }-_-+ **** ^ **** v v North <* + +> ++++> 1 * + + HI ! * + + v G/C= .171 G/C= .114 G/C= .031 G/C= .118 G/C= .482 G= 41.1" G= 27.4" G= 7.5" G= 28.4" G= 115.6" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=18.8% OFE=31.9% OFF=36.7% OFF=50.2% C=240 sec G=220.0 sec = 91.7% Y=20.0 sec = 8.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 283 198 247 522 1753 307 85 165 213 41 905 64 4783 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 49 46 47 0 69 48 0 45 47 44 51 44 g/C Used: % 18 18 18 0 62 17 0 12 12 49 49 4 SV @E: vph 152 182 172 0 2234 160 0 1 1 755 1810 1 5468 Svc Lvl:LOS F F F E+ F F F C D+ F E Deg Sat:v/c 1.02 .61 .80 .00 1.02 1.02 .00 .60 1.02 .05 .50 1.02 .86 Avg Del:s/v 136.2 93.1105.1 .0 62.3135.3 .0100.5148.0 32.7 42.4184.7 78.3 Tot Del:min 161 77 108 0 590 173 0 105 131 6 160 49 1560 # Stops:veh 70 46 59 0 568 76 0 59 53 5 154 16 1106 Max Que:veh 32 22 27 0 123 35 0 29 26 3 62 8 367 Max Que: ft 805 551 687 0 1558 877 0 372 647 71 785 211 1558 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 728 2582 463 1010 4783 Svc Lvl:LOS F E F D E Deg Sat:v/c .83 1.02 .79 .51 .86 Avg Del:s/v 113.9 71.0 122.4 51.0 78.3 Tot Del:min 346 763 236 215 1560 # Stops:veh 175 644 112 175 1106 Max Que:veh 81 158 55 73 367 Max Que: ft 805 1558 647 785 1558 'GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:01:50 2000 LOS AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 76 1 Phase 1 1 Phase 2 I Phase 3 1 Phase 4 1 Phase 5 **/** * + A * + ++++ / \ <+ * +> <++t+ v A 4 ++ A A **** v +++ North <+ * *> ++++> ****> I + * * -F+++ ++++ * * v v G/C= .104 G/C= .104 G/C= .112 G/C= .000 G/C= .414 G= 6.2" G= 6.2" G= 6.7" G= .0" G= 24.8" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+ 4.0" Y+R= .0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF` .0% OFF=17.0% OFF 34.0% OFF=51.9% OFF=51.9% C= 60 sec G= 44.0 sec = 73.3% Y=16.0 sec = 26.7% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 100 62 16 17 820 61 126 78 54 48 1290 136 2808 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 9 5 2 0 24 6 0 8 5 5 36 11 g/C Used: % 12 12 12 0 43 13 0 12 12 43 43 13 SV @E: vph 186 222 210 0 1600 226 0 406 210 682 1605 226 5573 Svc Lv1:LOS C+ C+ C+ B+ C+ C+ C+ B+ B C+ B Deg Sat:v/c .53 .28 .08 .00 .52 .27 .00 .50 .25 .07 .80 .60 .63 Avg Del:s/v 30.1 25.7 24.0 .0 13.3 25.3 .0 26.3 25.6 10.2 17.4 30.6 18.4 Tot Del:min 13 7 2 0 46 6 0 22 6 2 94 17 215 # Stops:veh 23 14 4 0 154 14 0 48 12 7 281 32 589 Max Que:veh 3 2 0 0 16 2 0 6 2 1 24 4 60 Max Que: ft 74 46 25 0 201 45 0 76 40 25 310 100 310 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 178 898 258 1474 2808 Svc Lvl:LOS C+ B+ C+ B B Deg Sat:v/c .40 .51 .45 .76 .63 Avg Del:s/v 28.0 14.1 26.2 18.4 18.4 Tot Del:min 22 52 28 113 215 # Stops:veh 41 168 60 320 589 Max Que:veh 5 18 8 29 60 Max Que: ft 74 201 76 310 310 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 SW 43RD STREET & TALBOT ROAD 08:02:39 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SI( L94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 75 1 Phase 1 I Phase 2 Phase 3 1 Phase 4 Phase 5 I **/** * + + A A * + + ++++ **** /1\ <* + +> <++++ <**** V A +}}} **** A **** v v North <* + +> ++++> 1 * + + ++++ * + + V G/C= .170 G/C= .119 G/C= .031 G/C= .130 G/C= .466 G= 40.9" G= 28.5" G= 7.5" G= 31.3" G= 111.9" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=18.7% OFF=32.2% OFF=37.0% OFF=51.7% C=240 sec G=220.0 sec = 91.7% Y=20.0 sec = 8.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 283 212 247 522 1753 330 90 171 223 44 905 64 4844 Wid/Ln:ft/# 12/1 12/1 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 0/0 24/2 12/1 12/1 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 49 47 47 0 69 49 0 45 47 44 51 44 g/C Used: % 17 17 17 0 62 18 0 12 12 47 47 4 SV @E: vph 150 180 170 0 2221 189 0 22 11 726 1752 1 5422 Svc Lvl:LOS F F F E F F F C D+ F F Deg Sat:v/c 1.02 .65 .80 .00 1.02 1.02 .00 .60 1.02 .06 .52 1.03 .87 Avg Del:s/v 137.5 94.9105.6 .0 64.1133.5 .0 99.8146.9 34.8 45.0187.7 80.1 Tot Del:min 162 84 109 0 608 184 0 109 137 6 170 50 1619 # Stops:veh 70 49 59 0 568 82 0 62 55 6 158 16 1125 Max Que:veh 32 23 27 0 127 37 0 31 27 3 64 8 379 Max Que: ft 813 590 688 0 1604 935 0 386 677 79 808 214 1604 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 742 2605 484 1013 4844 Svc Lvl:LOS F E F D F Deg Sat:v/c .84 1.02 .80 .53 .87 Avg Del:s/v 114.7 72.9 121.5 53.6 80.1 Tot Del:min 355 792 246 226 1619 # Stops:veh 178 650 117 180 1125 Max Que:veh 82 164 58 75 379 Max Que: ft 813 1604 677 808 1604 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:05:09 EXISTING LOS AM PEAK HOUR SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 I Phase 1 I Phase 2 I Phase 3 I **/** * * * * **** /•\ c* *> <**** A **** North +++F> ++++> G/C= .071 G/C= .059 G/C= .737 G= 6.4" G= 5.3" G= 66.3" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=11.5% OFF 21.9% C= 90 sec G= 78.0 sec = 86.7% Y=12.0 sec = 13.3% Pecs .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 47 0 36 550 2121 0 0 0 0 0 482 19 3255 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 12 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 18 8 g/C Used: % 0 8 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 85 7 SV @E: vph 0 106 0 0 2647 0 0 0 0 0 3236 113 6102 Svc Lvl:LOS D C A D+ C+ Deg Sat:v/c .00 .70 .00 .00 1.01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .15 .15 .87 Avg Del:s/v .0 60.0 .0 .0 25.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.2 40.7 22.8 Tot Del:min 0 21 0 0 283 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 309 # Stops:veh 0 20 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 20 4 711 Max Que:veh 0 4 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 48 Max Que: ft 0 96 0 0 498 0 0 0 0 0 45 25 498 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 83 2671 0 501 3255 Svc Lvl:LOS D C A C+ Deg Sat:v/c .70 1.01 .00 .15 .87 Avg Del:s/v 60.0 25.4 .0 2.7 22.8 Tot Del:min 21 283 0 5 309 # Stops:veh 20 667 0 24 711 Max Que:veh 4 39 0 5 48 Max Que: ft 96 498 0 45 498 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:07:50 EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 Phase 1 Phase 2 1 Phase 3 1 **/** * * A * * 4414 • / \ <* *> <++++ A **** North +++i-> ****> G/C= .326 G/C= .083 G/C= .391 G= 19.6" G= 5.0" G= 23.4" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=39.3% OFF=54.3% C= 60 sec G= 48.0 sec = 80.0% Y=12.0 sec = 20.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 16 0 473 85 770 0 0 0 0 0 2129 48 3521 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 34 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 56 5 g/C Used: % 0 34 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 56 10 SV @E: vph 0 543 0 0 1464 0 0 0 0 0 2118 176 4301 Svc Lvi:LOS C B+ C C+ C Deg Sat:v/c .00 .90 .00 .00 .58 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .26 .88 Avg Del:s/v .0 42.2 .0 .0 14.8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 27.8 26.9 26.6 Tot Del:min 0 86 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 247 5 391 # Stops:veh 0 116 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 532 11 825 Max Que:veh 0 11 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 34 1 63 Max Que: ft 0 271 0 0 214 0 0 0 0 0 430 36 430 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 489 855 0 2177 3521 Svc Lv1:LOS C B+ C C Deg Sat:v/c .90 .58 .00 .99 .88 Avg Del:s/v 42.2 14.8 .0 27.8 26.6 Tot Del:min 86 53 0 252 391 # Stops:veh 116 166 0 543 825 Max Que:veh 11 17 0 35 63 Max Que: ft 271 214 0 430 430 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH SAY 08:05:50 2000 LOS AM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 Phase 1 I Phase 2 I Phase 3 **/** * * * * **** /� <* *> <**** A **** North ++++> ++++> G/C= .110 G/C= .043 G/C= .747 G= 13.2" G= 5.2" G= 89.6" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=14.3% OFF=22.0% C=120 sec G=108.0 sec = 90.0% Y=12.0 sec = 10.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 83 0 64 598 2250 0 0 0 0 0 511 20 3526 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 25 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 26 20 g/C Used: % 0 12 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 83 5 SV @E: vph 0 153 0 0 2670 0 0 0 0 0 3161 74 6058 Svc Lvl:LOS E E+ A D D Deg Sat:v/c .00 .86 .00 .00 1.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .16 .22 .92 Avg Del:s/v .0 95.4 .0 .0 46.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.1 56.7 41.8 Tbt Del:min 0 58 0 0 545 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 612 # Stops:veh 0 36 0 0 712 0 0 0 0 0 25 5 778 Max Que:veh 0 9 0 0 88 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 104 Max Que: ft 0 219 0 0 1114 0 0 0 0 0 72 32 1114 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 147 2848 0 531 3526 Svc Lvl:IOS E E+ A D Deg Sat:v/c .86 1.07 .00 .16 .92 Avg Del:s/v 95.4 46.0 .0 4.2 41.8 Tbt Del:min 58 545 0 9 612 # Stops:veh 36 712 0 30 778 Max Que:veh 9 88 0 7 104 Max Que: ft 219 1114 0 72 1114 I GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:13:01 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITHOUT PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 **/** * * * * ++4 / \ <* *> <++++ A **** North ++++> ****> G/C= .350 G/C= .056 G/C= .461 G= 31.5" G= 5.0" G= 41.5" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=39.4% OFF=49.5% C= 90 sec G= 78.0 sec = 86.7% Y=12.0 sec = 13.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMT 'DOTAIS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 17 0 532 132 817 0 0 0 0 0 2260 71 3829 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 40 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 60 10 g/C Used: % 0 36 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 57 7 SV @E: vph 0 572 0 0 1686 0 0 0 0 0 2175 107 4540 Svc Lvl:IAS D B D D+ D+ Deg Sat:v/c .00 .96 .00 .00 .56 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.04 .59 .90 Avg De1:s/v .0 45.9 .0 .0 17.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 42.4 50.4 37.0 Tot Del:min 0 105 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 400 15 591 # Stops:veh 0 134 0 0 171 0 0 0 0 0 565 17 887 Max Que:veh 0 18 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 68 3 114 Max Que: ft 0 444 0 0 317 0 0 0 0 0 857 84 857 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 549 949 0 2331 3829 Svc Lv1:L06 D B D D+ Deg Sat:v/c .96 .56 .00 1.02 .90 Avg De1:s/v 45.9 17.9 .0 42.6 37.0 Tot Del:min 105 71 0 415 591 # Stops:veh 134 171 0 582 887 Max Que:veh 18 25 0 71 114 Max Que: ft 444 317 0 857 857 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:06:36 2000 IOS AM PEAK HOUR WITH PROJECT SIGNAL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 I Phase 1 I Phase 2 I Phase 3 **/** * * * * **** /1\ <* *> <**** A **** North ++++> +414> G/C= .127 G/C= .042 G/C= .731 G= 15.3" G= 5.1" G= 87.7" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=16.0% OFF=23.6% C=120 sec G=108.0 sec = 90.0% Y=12.0 sec = 10.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMP 'IOTAIS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 99 0 77 603 2250 0 0 0 0 0 511 20 3560 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 26 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 26 20 g/C Used: % 0 14 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 81 5 SV @E: vph 0 180 0 0 2613 0 0 0 0 0 3095 72 5960 Svc Lvl:LOS E E A D E+ Deg Sat:v/c .00 .89 .00 .00 1.09 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .17 .22 .94 Avg Del:s/v .0106.2 .0 .0 55.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.5 56.9 50.2 Tot Del:min 0 78 0 0 658 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 746 # Stops:veh 0 43 0 0 713 0 0 0 0 0 27 5 788 Max Que:veh 0 10 0 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 122 Max Que: ft 0 257 0 0 1334 0 0 0 0 0 80 32 1334 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 176 2853 0 531 3560 Svc Lvl:LOS E E A E+ Deg Sat:v/c .89 1.09 .00 .17 .94 Avg Del:s/v 106.2 55.3 .0 4.5 50.2 Tot Del:min 78 658 0 10 746 # Stops:veh 43 713 0 32 788 Max Que:veh 10 105 0 7 122 Max Que: ft 257 1334 0 80 1334 GLACIER CREEK 09/17/97 208TH STREET SE & 96TH WAY 08:07:13 2000 LOS PM PEAK HOUR WITH PROTECT SICL94/TEAPAC[V1 L1.4] - Evaluation of Intersection Performance Sq 13 Phase 1 I Phase 2 I Phase 3 I **/** * * ^ * * - FH / \ <* *> <++++ A **** North i+++> ****> G/C= .350 G/C= .059 G/C= .458 G= 31.5" G= 5.3" G= 41.2" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=39.4% OFF=49.8% C= 90 sec G= 78.0 sec = 86.7% Y=12.0 sec = 13.3% Ped= .0 sec = .0% MVMr TOTALS N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Int Param:Units RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT Total AdjVol: vph 17 0 546 150 817 0 0 0 0 0 2260 80 3870 Wid/Ln:ft/# 0/0 12/1 0/0 0/0 24/2 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 24/2 12/1 g/C Rqd@C:% 0 41 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 60 11 g/C Used: % 0 36 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 57 7 SV @E: vph 0 572 0 0 1671 0 0 0 0 0 2175 114 4532 Svc Lv1:LOS E+ B D D D+ Deg Sat:v/c .00 .98 .00 .00 .58 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.04 .63 .91 Avg De1:s/v .0 50.5 .0 .0 18.3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 42.4 52.4 37.7 Tot Del:min 0 118 0 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 400 17 609 # Stops:veh 0 139 0 0 176 0 0 0 0 0 565 19 899 Max Que:veh 0 18 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 68 4 116 Max Que: ft 0 455 0 0 325 0 0 0 0 0 857 94 857 APPR TOTALS Int Param:Units N Approach E Approach S Approach W Approach Total AdjVol: vph 563 967 0 2340 3870 Svc Lv1:LOS E+ B D D+ Deg Sat:v/c .98 .58 .00 1.02 .91 Avg Del:s/v 50.5 18.3 .0 42.7 37.7 Tot Del:min 118 74 0 417 609 # Stops:veh 139 176 0 584 899 Max Que:veh 18 26 0 72 116 Max Que: ft 455 325 0 857 857