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/ IrrIRM-a-im-iiimallallirThinnEnrIMMEN i l■ ■� /V e 7 X 1 — PoR TM. . IL/2'/ / 0 if--4k g ty S.W.39TH ST. � PROPOSED SITE o _0 , .t + - + ---- --- r I IVI El- - FI-j DI nil 11...ammillima S.W. 41TH ST. F.a.ma-m...a4m4-0...a.a 7.........x 1 In F1- 17 I 1 CA _RE.covr) � ��1I ;rj ,�U' 1 ` 1997 1� 1luII N E I G H B 0 R H 00 D DETAIL M A a ..NTpLpNNING �Nii4111 OEvEL,O, 1 � .4 ('iTY OF R�NTON SCALE: 200' 11414 ,n s a f .t .!.., i R>1 _ > L i S 147TH FS k ST •y i >�'k1 < < 4a 1 = I , 2 .: 1. 15 J N I SG AO S 149 ST S i1 >.FTtt1DENT �O 1 . 3 ; , p TN ST 'ISOT►I , 149TH i s F,PARK ^ 1 •al v aO 1 N 5W 10 H� ` S REN i S sr pSTy 9`n 1�`' �oG9l�yClvW�iQRR Nv®�� 515T ST a�. J . (� .:. . 1? TO TNER a12T i s,sgr �` y NOR Yi4 o� �� > 1 O. ` s 1 0 1 a 2 • gt 4 : R 3 as F O 2A > 1 iv, ' — 4 c 9�, 9li ti�m \�l 1 S W co: <• 16TH sr s� ‹i P0N•Tso,�f' ' SI/. 1`O� S 153RD sr � `fr •:. '7 1-�+ -4_'y-' ' -�— -1 ` • G 1 rry •�>TUB[A 1 : •1- LL o 0 y , ( ` m cio C�cN l DAM WO.; 4,,,,, a L _, 1- FR ■CH S . it It onydc es a H s • , :� .m l r SW 19#H ST �,f- ,1� o N u;i P •---- 9r •••••••••••••O•OOi?UKWItA s 1 ,: _ ' Niiiiii 4-ii s -. lit. I I •••�•••••••••••••••••••4 P KW 158Tti ST * ' lr ! y 4, ••••♦ ♦•••••••43 .LACK < '74'4 Truck 4' ! Y -op 1 W N• rTy ••••••�••• '"••••••••, '•.•j 9 AKE11 : ' m �'ILI �� Yap <_ --1--- SW 23R� ST \ S 23R I S h •••••••..♦._••••fg =81C NT RK ! p ��j 1---::':1':' +i t' ►••••• ••1•••♦ u PARK ) " ,l�lY___. .t n, STRANDER , BLVD• ` p Q2II 1 1 . c S 166TH - > IF`\ I _- - sw 27Tf1 ST : ml `�` 1S p TR C�K DR. INDUs �}<` j S T7iH` PL ( I _ a Of,)pf.. = , 1 ! j� Q - !�r I. S 1E8T m n n Q pJ _ 1 !i lUul SW 29rH :. ,y2� �� ST 1 C b 1 avwsr- • 2 51 ; °" 1 111111 rf1 / fNSBV ti0 - ! ITH ST. < o r r�, IL 4' { GREENBELT �1 St1✓ 33RD SW 37ST ! (� } n 1 COR•�RATF :.i I 1 34TH 8T _ 1, 1 ' _ coA4nruam----DR - iA1NKLER BuvD i z y ! > ' EMERGENCY CC — — _ _ — I , -r s ° J , S 5 CENTER i �y� : 3sTH Sr z ~ • �� 03 <37ThsTaKE I - MIDLAND OR �Q`� 1 -' Z; a7G i SW �aS38TH 1 /4 ..Q ... I I >„9TH ST 1 T. SAX() 1 N IQ •�\O\'����. w j Sio • v\ �_TRILANDDRI - = V7 > /� I al•� ST 1 ,. i VALEY 5 171TH ai T Q O� 1 /i N I N,EiAL • : _ - 1TH` ST ti �:. t SW G Rp :180TsHTIi, `�SEGALE PARK } o ,J�I c 1 E-D11-D 4©,,, 181ST ST S 1 .. ST 1 s�igG 2 I _ ¢I¢ c a R)VEAS/bE t S< 182ND /_ Q)1) O I o- 4 -cL_.. _ -�:'D, •1 ST' 1 +- I T. S 45TH 7 - - _-1 , ,:- -: -.." ,L Q v-DDD 'e.. 1 36 rn �o I O • 1 1 > ! ! - �"- cil - ,. �1 of 1 _< S ! JP !-- -.£�i.p'. pr ._S 186TH ST_ I I ) •lam` DR CKw .>'-.-L�'-ST'ER N -.Q� ! - - 1 4 = S 188TH ST Cc' ] r b > b'T S 188TH S 187TH1 / 1 0 4 I ! ST' L 1 ) l N` ' .I ••-- -J ST `Y 'n' I +_- J I • , U' S 190TH I-- S 1907H ST $ J I - I_ o S 190TH ST j 1 r F� " S ,n > -_.T_- -._ 192ND ST rn S 192ND 'ST ! < ) rNn e —i -- - _ > _ -t- _-I-. us1ND ST �_..`i < T T Q _ — — — — x 1�n —— _ S 192ND -S`192ND ST E'/ 1 S 194TH `s8KE T 2S U V S7- + (- nV` ` 1 z ST �. .s 1.g4•� 5'1 S 194TH ST ! II .5/ ST log• S cD 196TH I - co v f- i` ,z-h Q7 196TH ST I rn S QJ7 2 1 S 19TH ST < < S 198TH ST 1 1921 c 1---T 1 ti Tf;,gi`- -^� __ �P1- NMv,I I I , ,- a BOEING AEROSPACE CENTER 1 F 1 1 I ! I c 0// 1=1 Y POR 1 //err-I-. 0 I IL; 0 Vi IM. >. 1 // a S.W.39TH ST. 1 1 i li=1. I O PROPOSED SITE . I N. 1 , . IM Lio _____ ,. , . S.W.41TH ST. CA luga'.vFuuS�p. NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP i f [[) SCALE:1'^200' VICINITY MAP PROJECT DATA PROJECT TEAM INDEX OF DRALINGA(PROPOSED) EV PROJECT NAME P@LIC STORAGE PICK-Up AND DELIVE00 ARCHITECT. 5d0ET COPORATION ARCHITECTURE GROUP SHEET NO. SHEET DESCRIPTION CORPORATION P OJECT DESCRIPTION WoREW 15MG/STORAGE 01 ELLIOTT AVEMIE LLEST G0 VON,MAP.PROJECT DATA PROJECT TEFL INDEX OF DRAWINGS.SITE PLAN LLL v1V�1 PROJECT LOCATION RATMOD AVE,.SW AND SILL 39U,STREET &IRE V90 CI SITE GRADSG I DR4RI0GE PLAN ARCHITECTURE GROUP RENTOy W 510GTON SEATTLE,WASENGTON 99I15-4110 C1 TEMPORARY EROSION(CONTROL PLAN OYONER MEET CORPORATION N (I061}81-BT00 F. (106118O 51 10004 — bI ELLIOTT AVENIE LEST,SUITE'S., CONTACT:JOIN W.LNG LA,OR CA GENERAL NOTES,DETAILS 1 tle — SEATTLE,WASINGTON 5819-41}0 STNALALEY L PALMER III A <IDb)lBl-B100 FAX,[}06J I8J-51 GI LRAL NOTES,LEGENDS,ABBREVIATION,RAN SYMBOLS,CEILIG SYMBOLS 2.IG IL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL IRE CIVIL ENGINEER 05 LEST MA NDASt IATEB,NC Al FLOORENLARGED EDPLANS 1 ,WNN 1 — GFCSS BUILDING AREA 66,535 SE SUITE L T MARINE NEW DPoVE A3 EIIAR.ED FLOOR FLAN 4 ENLARGED REFLECTED CEILRG PLAN 1V—'I ALLOW F BUILDING AREA RIBLIC WATS 6 60 ALL BEES I1NLI1ITED EVERETT,WASHEGTOI 58101 43 MILD..ELEVATIONS • SITE AREA: 30 ACRES,134,TIee SF. RQI51I59CROSS FAX(4191}59-i]30 A4 P0131 SECTIONS CONSULTANTS LOT CO£Wf£, 696 ALLOlED,49F ACTUAL CONTACT.ERROL GARR PE FN., N A5 ,D D MINX SCI.EDIEE9 CASEWORK ELEVATIONS AND SECT.. BUILONG SETBACKS, REOUM1ED-FROM 0' SIDES 0' FEAR.I0Ab DETAILS PROVIDED-FRONT,5'-9' SIDES 16t'4 60' FEAR 10'-5• STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: 6865 A0E 1)0113 PS Al RETAILS GCCIPANCY GROW: 5-2,WAREHOISE/STORAGE SEATTLE,W SHINGTON 505 AS DETAILS B (106)515-1%0 FAX(}06)5ri-SASS A9 SPECIFICATIONS � OCOP0NT LOAD WAREHODE: 130 OCCUPANTSCONTACT.JON ALA.,PE AD SFECFICATOO OFFICE 0 OCCUPANTS All ICATIOS TOTAL BUILDING w1 O^ATM MURRAY-TOBI690y NCT6 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: 6I6-08NRE STET 5W 08/OR 9I GENERAL NOTES,FOfDATION PLAN EXIT WIDTH: WAFENO18E-ROARED, 16•,Mar.,.IBB' SUITE 901 9} FLOOR AND ROOF PLANS OFKE-.OUIRED: }A', PROVIDED,11 EVERETT,WASHEGTOTI 58204 93 FaNDATIOI SECTIONS CONSTRICTION TYPE, V.N.HUT SPRIRCLERED (425150-}900 FAX(4151 142.2822 54 FLOOR ND ROOF SECTIONS BUILD64 HE., 35'PROPOSED,50 FEET ALLMED CONTACT.KEN LOEY S5 ELEVATIONS SEISMIC ZONE, 3 % ELEVATIONS LANDSCAPE AREAL }53}0 9F.•1 OF CONTRACTOR AREA GENERAL DONTRAGTO bI ELLIOTT AVENIE OES11T LI LNDSCAFE PLANTING PLAN RANKING REWIRED REWIRE I STALL PER ISM AU SF.OF GROSS FLOOR AREA•H STALLS SITE'40B L1 LNDNCAPE I410 1 L ION PAN PPARKING PROM.. 30 REGULAR STALLS-5,0'X IV, SUATTLE,WASNGTON 55119-4220 L3 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DETAILS w COMPACT STALLS-8'-6'X 16,6” }HANDICM STALLS-5,0'X}0'-0' (}06)1BI-d100 FAX<}06)381.09}0 46 TOTAL STALLS \ EXISTING CURB 4 WIRER EXISTING OSi0DIT CB b EXISTING SAL. 39TH STREET IXISTIG IXRTING CUBM -- BARD EXISTING NFBM C - L'4 - -- — TOPLACE ACONCRETEC EXISTING C08 4 COMER n CURB AND GUTTER „ GT` EXISTING WFPOIT '� - =89'31, // IXISTPG 6'CONCRETE SIDEWALK \ / '•( r SD.MN TO --G--- - - - - - - \NIlJ/ \ - _ R=5500' / $ ®J-=.. __ BE REMOVED '-' N 89'05'08-W r — 'L=85.94• / 0 1 638.59' T� . LANDSCAPE AREA GP b'UTILITY EASEMENT LANDSCAPE AREA VACATEDTT� `P __ l''''L:1—:' O'RSBL PLRVAIMT 9,�� sn rcx ro, sn.nu To• EwsT I l�/�//WBE',E'YJVED;!/ BE(EYOVEDI-- %�4'PdINTEDSTPoFE6 .GUTTER FOR PdRCNG / A:`\ 5'-6LLS• 0'.99 LOT TO BE REMOVED O3 y 'YJrC8c- �xlsrNGa1fB ]a _Ipp050TPNGti, 4lNrtER TO , /�FH BEERTOFROMSED S f F •pr \_FIRE L �EPMMENT 1ll BTND DETEMW PROPOSED BUILDINGJ %��r%y���• b �1 FO!D LCUTION /_ ///A mD oCITY COMMENTS O6 E ISEE CIVIL I NEUR6j'L KFIIILE ° V ,9a9 S.F„ CAI 0 2pTc D WARENOUSINCs /STORAC=E4 mg F.F. = 22.0' R0D 50 � �Q l^ 0 RDGE IX19iRG CURB • $Z. ® A16N 6E D�J $ ��0 3 °am LICSTORAGE-1GP 0Io' • ACRj# ®ICES OG31Y�T 41 {II '�� -0: ., 3d-6• u60-0. EA/ErENT Icy ,_ 1 }_>;.r......... • 13'-6'01 }0'-0''Q'b' ,,,///--- FHI9TPG I 9 9B'-6'•T6'-6' 9 STAL T RIPE' C . // ST IN_LS TO0014019t'PdINfEDSTRIPES //r -� • 4'PANTEDwIC VELER1089 EWES-^LPL 1`l°_ a rD� % -_-_ - - p �— - C n(ISTPG A9RIALT I`L COVER SHEET - - 1 D L SITE PLAN AS' 30' --- ',b. 'H J �. .—. y_. SHEET INDEX 9 Ld1OSU.PE AREA IXI9T6G 9 IX19T6G LANDSCAPE AREA E%1ST ELSE O \L P G'I-`�^ EXISTING CeNCREIE PROJECT DATA R4OC RIZBECam'-d+P•G I 1 - 10� 5 LL Add TREES 555 a6' • - TFEE9 �dSPMI•LT S /dFEti a I I PAD TO BE I¢1 uReu PROJECT TEAM —J F N 8855'13• 0TM 11 [ U II 31 I IMINNEWlI 1 I I I I I sloVII I I I I 1 I I I INIMENI I I I I I I I I I I I 4\N.DnW='u.w.,kDVA — I I�i�l__ — —� xwax 59I4 iP —I 0 EL<£WPAWG SLP 4 I N 0 JTTJ11 " � usNw28 er Arf JWL oircno CD9 ®J BO% X % X�k\ Ex15TNG b'HXaH MLPK''RIBOL IIp v l' IXN91PG CONCRETE UTAffM0119E&IUDPG ___IT wnaPn SITE PLAN 3 4� GO rr=20L0"0 5 IB 50 33 SO Q Q Q Q Q Q KEYNOTES SABEY O D'''A. �Pi6d cA.BL.WLd• El REVEAL CORPORATION 0 I o R L.W DWR, PI. . SNEREN WILLIAMS RUSLIC STORAGE ORANGE' ummumEacm no. ' Ixoie*cus. AJCTD FRW.N0.B56EJI¢00,AORYLIC FROD.NO.B66E11100 _ OALARAF£i • ❑' PANTED DOOR ADD ROBE arm.,MSS. BNERLET WLLIN5 R010 5PANI6N SS• /l ¢yN ❑' MOT.mama)ALLn1Arl fIwau u*ulls 10' IN CLEAR FLOAT GLASS r �� I l �. ROLF SUFFER AND OREFAOL DRAINS SEE DEfnt.0E3 11' I I BNfRLaN WLLIAnS E010'SPANIw nosy . 0 INTERIOR R:OF AFD ovaacu DRANS.SEE DETAILS v v rll� \ omT.�rAv �. A0JY1'Et1;T,IDE IALL OIC LIGHT FIXNIES LL''�� LLLL���� Lr�fll NOR1Ta.IidLLT CFNTERD a1 rlAi TE1E PA.1. O WEST ELEVATION 6r+v PER PUBLIC 6i vY Sri K£Rd- Mr:,,,PER PUBLIC PERLGC4.Ades,E0OTKN STMD/ °❑ GA.vANUED AND PANT:PETAL It/LOANERS WTN 6IESCREEN ANDAIRFILT ST6 PROVIDE OWITS 4m 91IES FER DES'ffiED FE61441CdL SY6TEii fEO11FEl'F1i15 O ® '❑' PROVIDE 8410'PANEL FILOOC-o.ITS FOR POTEMIAL fYNiE DOR6 Q FRONOE DEEPcT'FD FOOTS.FOR PoIFNTIdL R11I8E • A'DEEP LOADNG DCIX - I1 1 I I Q PROVIDE 648'PA FL SLO -OR5 FOR MTBATAL FMB DOORS . t q, 9 1 CIA r . ,, v.,:p ial• t O EAST ELEVATION 0• 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I , 72/ 0 t Nt auNLR[FD¢ A ® ISSUE DATE OSOUTH ELEVATION - POEM STORAGE SOOP 110 -m HOT-UP a MIMC O 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 r DI ill—\ moTw DRAWIG.ME. BLDG.ELEVATIONS El- V DATE'6/0/BY 111--1 a R Tµew\wvA\BSPEONpmsW Li - n c re w wa SLP692t nA30 NORTH.ELEVATION PLANT UST - EY Ryas d airr'adrpnc'/vatrsw Pt 2' Fter ¢'arm N{9 .L��i y .15" CORPORMON Q�ra c.f.-us Anders / awes.AU, 'pt.'',ne er R:a i/, $.dl J.4/ v .r n F'Gfnm loW. tctlra'n•JhNra'/arawra Gz+sehm ve Wren sf.✓ 4'mn '�' '�'„-* ../ \._.•• •: _ — © T'k(,M o, 'ErlCr'ie/�rt/n'/E.m�Agrtln e.'Yaurr/G 6'rfr•919 �k+ — ® Vn(A•nu C'i,. , , ./� m`�`� a ovER n.ttro ocY.a — . Q /'47 L., 'ot.D L1.tih 7 LugI. �•geti,w may,q.� _ ell ' = 01ta stry/..l Y/ 2/'Mtn, n"+va m�I I va.a mne�. J • mien/ rkiix / F*y/'d)iv 4e foes sC oe- d'�" ......••,'", — — P I L I L,inanri're crnzo or tv+/es'/fraza et'rv.�„varar r esila'i w/oL. ,�, -.. r1,_. ;..,, ^.R rrr d Armez✓uO rmR 'n acrlc s am, . _4 RR+dk��r ''� ^•''' y RAN Inwr IR TREE n.Krno Dena � :•� 11 *Om.. _Ex.Gt',Plant nvdazNr - SKKKn.uN..on.K. — o•0e02 — G•OLA."-arAo — P•L,,Arose RFdr FN.91.aro-W'z --j-cxV1,ry/ig m r<rron. • — S . �o-. @_E — — �� , r� � t� \���� • �'�r.�—��- r�� 0 •• G�i a — c �'�' \,- 4b Nt§MaL\\\` \\ ►\\\ ►\w� \\O\\�\�\\v\\\\\\C►:X'\r���\\mow aW W.P2 Zp : ,1 t" j — (�� • \� O CAS_ E\ KV50-0o 4" 1_�. i .:,1 e� — 1 '•II. -r . _ _ - ' II-:Z: ';Ali _. 01 i •s Rare - :f _dvr&,_ ARID _ ` sA V.••1, • :1 I'llI_ CO� - - — -w -, arrw✓wu x • f,10:�(44,ar 1 e,pa:> ,,,•y/A'A E+ar AIU oo era KI MINIME ..__.-. 1Iy AM IytA•GI"H G'f�•-yd/Ca. t Gercr/M"+rA -�\\ • \ \\\\ \' \ \"\ Jr `1 `-7 ����\ 1► ►\`A�1.�-1151 41►���\w►\01�1. �t�Nif\,��...a►16\`wi=�aa.,. e _ ----`— ot LANDSCAPE PLAN 11�� MECOerg° OIMIMIri' 9 [e+ - o - - -—- - MUM1311P4K j6/,air, PROJECT 11l4FOR CM.Et LON Rano En KL .Kpw m` umsc LANDSCAPE PLAN „ ." „ „ 4v — �zo=o a. SAB 1 CORPORATION rammimigagEm CONSULtANTS 0 Q 4 4 ...Q Q Q Q Q Q o = 61,0 1 1 I - , i, 1-',$ 1 . E -- 0 ' pet -0 -- IIIIIIj4 ' na I I I I I e.Ij ®l a g ,; • _ ■i ■■■■■Oil-- ■■ ■■. - ■ lis t I : in"iii '■ ■'ia ■■'� - iii,m,■■ - at"_ - ,■ i■iiiiii- - 7ii_ ii■ iiiiia q _ =-OI■ ■I■■■■■■I■ _■I■_ ■■1■ ■I■■■■ 1- o I- i■ _ ■'I■■■■■■i■ _ii■_ ■■'I■ Iloilo 6 ,i_ �■ 1■■■■■■2 _■■_ ■■■ _ ■■■■■ —__._._.,_r.I■ ■I■■■i■■I■ ■I■_ ■■I■ _ ■I■■■■ T w= _.�-- '■ ■iii■i■■ _ _._■'MQ i■i iii■i_-r-----. - - _ - D -- - - ---O■ _ ■'■■■■■■'■ _■■_ ■■'■ i'■■■■ swUC3TORAGE1■ _ ■1■i■■■■1■ _■I■_ ■■1■ ■ ull 1— acaa®a DELIVERY _F_I t t , t rrt ---- ------ -t------t ----- -T- --- rt- _ --;- ---- - -- -0 -- ---- --0 iin `_ Mu.ME: ROOM PUNS 1-- 11 - --I -L# I _J 1 i i l''-x7--- ® ROT. ORA.or SLP A _ FLOOR PLAN /ty SOFA STORAGE AREA APPROVED Fr, scue•uw•.r-m• scue:uix•.A o.,.wc w:mz 911 CONTAINER AREAS 30 VIEWING SPACES Al 40 SOFA STORAGE AREAS I I; oo taa�oN S BEY I.uL f. 'Rml WT.,,„ — — SETO.DOSS a,YR a12'I li:t)R9a . �'� �� R RARc — �_ na METER R,x _ e OM..Pao �,: �----- �- — 1.-16 N4 STORKS` • . MT. A PAST.PU _�_ Puv.fuO � _. - --- -- - i �� �oa ----- u S\-ta —_ �� 7 :wpi-7-.:.--". ''''''''." II i /% J i2. a — f .LE 14.0? 1 OS 1 C( i/!I / 0 _4_—d-.k- -s.--T EX.149 R.. Z t <,,, !ii,,,,LIN,filkilf t.._ " __,,,,,-„,. I .,.,,,.%,-er!„.14,riefe* f , ir_;,:k, I, 1 I'74r21 1ifia. _� 7�i4i\`�: f���j /�/1//j j :.. ,,� +:a..,n..vrt �>'� .••n°loaees . iu 4, o/l� I I o — m - �a1`� og:915�sa �!:�3! _ �,�N�I� _19 ' ,........ a ' tea' m, '- • POE xmvm ,-- a- s — l�osr.i" it MU �ir T' i 74 —— — 20 Pill t, I I' T a taw \ a ION CONC.WAREHOUSE BurtDwc 19 o' \i/ li lSJ I — NORTH 1 REM att COU.SS R-24-S, I WW2 SR. 40 0 40 80 SCALE/N FEET -VRr�y7 RELIC STOWE C- R,Ai®ING AND ®R,A IN,4GE PI,AN ROMP&MAW S.W. 41ST STREETmemo wm COVER SHEET ME PLAN SHEET MEE PROJECT DATA PROJECT TEAM Nor-`RAVE, PRELIMINARY ;�,,mm , „E ,rmwRr 911Mwm Ms PTT filM140 Pt ace ,%j..;4:-.: .:ill '.:,= DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, Cl 1718 REST!WAIVE VIEW DR.SUITE C.EVERETT,RA 98201.425.259.40419 1°4,.T.,0..,..iw81 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,WA 98055-2189 BILL OF SALE Property Tax Parcel Number. \-Ls 3 e l _004-2_tell • Project File#• lil'Z 3 S Intersection;_A. a�ct�.o►� ! : "t o\ S'vJ 3Q c) Sc�.1ne y Tololkci or"Aya 3t1 Reference Number(s)of Documents assigned or released:Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1, S R Q N CCU;7.71..,c7:C"013 \o c-,. 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation The Grantor,as named above,for,and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby grants,bargains,sells and delivers to the Grantee,as named above,the following described personal property. a) WATER SYSTEM: IR Type • CV I o 0 L.F.of 6 " Q\P Water Main (t • L.F.of " Water Main Val L.F.of " Water Main N �3� each of 8 " Gate Valves �j each of " Gate Valves 2 each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies 'CO SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size Type C) L.F.of " Sewer Main G L.F.of " Sewer Main o L.F.of Sewer Main Q, each of " Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes _ each of " Diameter Manholes to ,,, STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length ke_ Type o L.F.of .• S tutor Liue 4 L.F.of " Storm Line L.F.of " Storm Line each of " Storm Inlet/Outlet t each of t, " ;3 Storm Catch Basin 0 each of " Manhole STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb,Gutter,Sidewalk,Asphalt Pavement) Curb,Gutter,Sidewalk L.F. Asphalt Pavement: S 2- SY or L.F.of Width 0 M1 STREET LIGHTING: o #of Poles By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person 1 or persons,whomsoever,lawfully claiming.or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors, administrators and assigns forever.c' 99"0047 m H:tFQ.E.SYStFRMt84HNDOUIIBII.LSAIE.DOCtMAB Page 1 v, 1 • • Form 84 000I/bh IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. • O _ I INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know;or have satisfactory evidence that CO N N I E J. TAY L O RY es R 7'e signed this instrument and • 1 STATE OF WASHI NGTON acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes martin .d:.;tttL in.Vt'L.menf (21 NOTARY- PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 4-16-02 Notary Public in d the Sta of Washington Notary(Print) ; n ar My appoin enti expires: L/- /to-ZO.Z Dated: 5 9 en REPRESENTATIVE'FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box . STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING C ' I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that !� signed this instrument,on oath stated that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of _ to be the free and voluntary act of such GOQ party/parties for the'uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public inlland for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: r Dated: I CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON )ss COUNTY OF KING On this day''of , l9 ,before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each I,on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) My appointment expires: Dated: 08/28/97 THU 13:42 FAX 206 281 0920 SABEY CONSTRUCTION INC 4002 h S,GBEY CORPORAL"ION ( August 28, 1997 Via Fax and US Mail Mr.Fred J.Kaufman �/ Hearing Examiner Se vdei) City of Renton 02 200 Mill Ave. S. 0 ' OpM �97 Renton,WA 98055 C/.,'o'7'' R4,4'ONE//VG RE: Public Storage Pick Up &Delivery LUA-97-080, SA,ECF SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue S.W.,Renton Dear Mr,Kaufman: This letter is to formally withdraw the appeals of ERC's Determination of Non- Significance(Mitigated), file#LUA97-100,AAD(Kirk&Schreiner) and file#LUA97-101, AAD(Sabey Corporation). The appeal hearing scheduled for Tuesday, September 2, 1997 @ 9:00 a.m. can be canceled, Enclosed is a copy of the parking agreement between Puget Sound Blood Center and Public Storage, Inc., stating they formally withdraw their appeal. Likewise,this letter will serve as notice that Sabey Corporation is withdrawing its appeal related to the determination of transportation fee. We intend to proceed with the development of the project. Sincerely, SAB O TION John Lang Lead Architect Enclosure; As Stated cc; John Sabey-Sabey Corp Sian Palmer-Sabey Corp Tom McCutchron-Public Slams: i:runcys\.vp\jwf kautnan.le architecture-construction•development-management 101 Elliott Avenue W.-Suite 330•Seattle,WA-98119-4220■206/281-8700-Fax:206/262.9951 08/28/97 THU 13:43 FAX 206 281 0920 SABr:Y CONSTRUCTION INC IQ.J 003 SABEY CORPORATION August 19, 1997 RECEIVED VIA FACSIMILE Sr US MAIL AUG 2 5 1997 Mr, Tom McCutchan,Jr. b ' Public Storage, Inc. Sabey Corp. 701 Western Avenue, Suite 200 SEP Q Glendale, CA 91201-2397 2 1997 DEVELO MENI'p Mr. J.D.Morrison CITy of Rj—LAMING Puget Sound Blood Center 921 Terry Ave. Seattle,Wa 98104 Re: Parking agreement between Puget Sound Blood Center and Public Storage,Inc. Dear Gentlemen: Pursuant to our meeting the week of August 8th 1997 this letter shall serve to formalize the agreement which was proposed between the two parties. It is agreed that both Public Storage and Puget Sound Blood Center shall take responsibly for their own employees and visitors as it relates to the parking and access between the two properties at 39th and Lind and 39th and Raymond. Both parties will use their best efforts to ensure that neither employees or visitors park in the other's lots or interfere with the joint access to the property. Based on this agreement, Puget Sound Blood Center formally withdraws it appeal regarding File No.LUA97-080, SA for the proposed Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery located at SW 39th Street and Raymond Ave.SW. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, Sabey ion ohn D. Sabey r Assistant Vice President Agreed: Agreed/ By: By:If Its: Afe ',f'J . Its: 0 - ,t Public Storage, Inc. Puget Sound Blood Center architecture-construction•development•management 101 Elliott Avenue W..suite 330-Seattle.WA•98119-4220.208/281-8700-Fax:206/282-9951 LOPMENT PLANNING KIRK & SCHREINER, INC. AUG2 71997 August 27, 1997 RE C Ms. Jana Huerter Land Use Review Supervisor City of Renton Development Services Division 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery LUA-97-080, SA, ECF SW 39th Street& Raymond Avenue SW, Renton Ms. Huerter: I am writing on behalf of the Puget Sound Blood Center(PSBC) to withdraw our appeal to the City of Renton's Determination of Non-Significance (Mitigated) and its Environmental Review& Administrative Land Use Action- Report& Decision (dated July 15, 1997). Given the fact that we have withdrawn our appeal, please be advised that we will not have a representative present at the September 2, 1997 meeting with the Hearing Examiner. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this important process. Very truly yours, KIRK&SCHREINER, INC. Craig A Schreiner 11 Owner's Representative/Project Manager 1800 NINTH AVENUE, SUITE 1120 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 FAX 206-389-7940 TELEPHONE 206-389-7910/7920 • • • • • • • • > < Pig"`'``L>>>;>::: ::::>::;><::>•<>::::>.><.: : <`< '>'> >> > >><> > ' <> > >> < >>>>' tkiiiiiditi :;: , Nt: >w.0oR RENTnN I11tt1NtCtPAL gW4NNG :;<:;.;:;:. app oation(s) tasted are in order of application number only and act necessarily the order in which they wiU be.hea d. berms ►to be called.f'er.t eanfi .at the.dasoretien:of:the:searin.. .: aminer.<............................... PROJECT NAME: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP& DELIVERY PROJECT NUMBER: AAD-97-100-SABEY CORPORATION APPEAL AAD-97-101 - PUGET SOUND BLOOD CENTER APPEAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: .Appellant, Sabey Corporation, appeals the traffic mitigation fees. Appellant, Puget Sound Blood Center appeals the proposed parking at the site. Sabey Corporation seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage (File No. LUA- 97-080,SA,ECF). Location: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW. • • 1 `\ AGNDA.DOC NOTICE OF APPEAL HEARING RENTON HEARING EXAMINER RENTON, WASHINGTON An Appeal Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on September 2, 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the following petitions: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP& DELIVERY AAD-97-100;AAD-97-101 Appellant, Sabey Corp. (AAD-97-100), appeals the traffic mitigation fees. Appellant, Puget Sound Blood Center (AAD-97-101), appeals the proposed parking at the site. Sabey Corp. seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage (File No. LUA-97-080,SA,ECF). Location: SW 39th St. and Raymond Ave. SW. Legal descriptions of the files noted above are on file in the Development Services Division, Third Floor,_ Municipal Building, Renton. All interested persons to said petitions are invited to be present at the Public Hearing. Publication Date:. August 22, 1997 Account No. 51067 AADPUB.DOC t Washington State Northwest Region Department of Transportation 15700 Dayton Avenue North P.O. Box 330310 Sid Morrison Seattle,WA 98133-9710 Secretary of Transportation p.4 g.14BlaT PLANNING ITY OF PENTON r AUG 0 0 1997 DATE: August 1, 1997 RECENED TO: Mark Pywell ' City of Renton, Project Manager 200'.Mill Avenue South - Renton WA 98055 Subject: SR 405 MP 2.06 CS 1743 Mitigated Determination of • Nonsignificance-Public Storage Pick-Up &Delivery File No.LUA-97-080,SA,ECF • 40.40A.L. FROM: Robert A. Josephson, E, Manager of Planning & Local • Coordination Washington State Department of Transportation Northwest Region 15700 Dayton Avenue North, MS 122 • P. O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review this project, which is located at SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW. Our response is below: We have reviewed the subject document and have.. 'no further comments. The project will have no significant impact on the state highway system. If you have any questions,please contact Don Hurter at 440-4664 or Vickie Erickson at 440-4915 of my Developer Services section VEE:vee File Name 08/04/97 MON 16:47 FAX 206 281,0920 SABEY CONSTRUCTION INC �y / 1463 sABEY CORPORATION CERfiE '9 August 4, 1997 : :s, j;��% MY OF RENTON AUG 0 41997 :., NN, C;11"N'OF RENTON Mr. Fred Kaufman RECEIVED Hearing Examiner ;ITY CLERKS OFFICE City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery LUA-97-080, SA, ECF SW 39th Street & Raymond Avenue SW, Renton Dear Mr. Kaufman: I am writing to appeal one of the mitigation measures outlined within the City of Renton's Determination of Non-Significance (Mitigated) and its Environmental Review & Administrative Land Use Action - Report & Decision (dated July.15, 1997). We have reviewed the 7/15/97 Environmental Review Committee (ERC) document and believe that there is an error in law with respect to the proposed , transportation mitigation fee. We offer the following written comments: Determination of Transportation Fee We have no disagreement with the calculation of the fee per the ITE manual. However, per my discussions with Neil Watts of Renton Public Works, a prior traffic mitigation fee was associated with the subject property for development of a building immediately to the south of the subject property_ Subsequently, Mr. Watts also stated that a credit for this mitigation fee was given to the adjacent property owner_ Mr. Watts stated that the fee is associated with the building and not a property. We are writing this last-minute appeal to preserve our property rights_ The value of the prior mitigation fee was included within the purchase price when we acquired the property in 1987_ We object to the credit being given to another property owner. Also, in July 1996, Sabey Corporation and the City of Renton reached an agreement for traffic mitigation fees including the subject property (see attached letter). We request a hearing to further present facts and legal issues pertaining to this issue. Sincerely, SAB Y ORPO ION Jo W. Lang, AIA Lead Architect • architecture rch Lecture-construction.•development•management 101 Elliott Avenue W.•Suite 330•Seattle,WA.98119-4220-208/281-6700•Fax:20e/282-9951 08/04/97 MON 16:47 FAX 206 281 0920 f SABEY CONSTRUCTION INC 1 002 SABEY CORPORATION J u w 2 G 1096 June 25, 1996 CITY OF RENTON PUBIC 14.10P.KS ftaitP. • Mr. Sam Star RECEIVE�+ Administrative Analyst RECEIVE D City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Department J U L - 9 1996 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Sabey Corp RE: Traffic mitigation for 500 and 501 S.W. 39th in Renton, WA Dear Mr. Star: - I received your telephone message accepting my offer on behalf of Mr. Sabey to settle all tra__.1__kr_li'issuems related to the above referenced property in exchange for the enclosed payment of $10,000. If this is your understanding, please indicate your agreement on behalf of the City by signing where indicated below. • Sincerely, SABEY CORPORATION, as agent for David A. Sabey J. N. Harmon • inancial Officer Agreed and accepted: CITY OF RENTON • By: ne Ao�W/Nlf f��M. Iluyr�✓191D�lebv"0 pub lic, Signitu Title ( (ljor* I; 21/14th,AXiiit /213147 Name (Please print) Date Enclosure: As stated A COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY 101 Elliott Avenue W .SLAM 330•Seattle.WA•98119•206/281-8700•Fax:206/282-cc51 08/04/97 MON 16:46 FAX 206 281 0920. SABEY CONSTRUCTION INC_ I111001 '., Sati.,I3EY . CORPORATION FAX TRANS - 1TTA L • AFCrts rEcmciE GROUP ' 916 ° [ LMP1 Date: g To. i - With: enY a I reiu7oN _ tri5O Time: IV- 2 - tt* Fox 4 _ dt-Itpi 6' Number of Pages: I (including this page) From: V # d +1.-OSQ/�`I Pro eat n: Off Re: _ - For Yore: 0 1 ormatfon and use Review and comment 0 fs requested Action Required: As Indcafed 0 No action required 0 For signature and return NOTE If you do not rec a oft Information es indicated.please contact me of(206)281-8700 immediately. • - I Aff6A1/ 1/ert± —. • , I Cncnmpntc• . • This facsimile communication is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which Os addressed and may contain information • that is privileged and confidential, if the leader of this cover page is not the addressee,or the employee or agent of the addressee. please be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this facsimile in error, pleose notify us Immedio:ely by telephone and mail this facsimile to us of the above address. Thank you. cc; f trc: m:: milaf 1 tritti--6eA) . ,---- s: • CITY OF RENTON CITY TREASURER REGIRCPT : 02-18635 C:08-04-1997 CASHIER ID : H 04:53 pm A:08-05-1997 5007 APPEALS & WAIVERS $75.00 TOTAL DUE $75.00 RECEIVED FROM: SAAEY, DAVID CHECK $75.00 TOTAL TENDERED $75.00 CHANGE DUE $0.00 KIRK & SCHREINER, INC. August 4, 1997 Ms. Jana Huerter Land Use Review Supervisor CITY OF R NTON City of Renton Development Services Division 200 Mill Avenue South AUG' 0 4 1997 Renton, WA 98055 OEVtLurivci a.,t DIVISION RE: r Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery LUA-97-080, SA, ECF SW 39th Street& Raymond Avenue SW, Renton Ms. Huerter: I am writing on behalf of the Puget Sound Blood Center(PSBC) in response to the City of Renton's Determination of Non-Significance (Mitigated) and its Environmental Review& Administrative Land Use Action- Report& Decision (dated July 15, 1997) PSBC is the owner of the existing building which is located due east of the proposed new building at 501 SW 39th Street. We have reviewed the 7/15/97 Environmental Review Committee (ERC) document and believe that an error in judgment with respect to the proposed siting of the building has occurred. We have the following written comments: Inadequate Parking On East Side of New Building Our greatest concern relates to the number of parking stalls which the applicant has identified on the east side of the proposed new building and the location of the remaining stalls on the site. The current design shows that the "retail" entry and storefront is located at the northeast corner of the building. The project description/background notes there will be thirty (30) "viewing areas" available for customers to come and view their stored items. It is also our understanding that packaging materials and supplies will also be sold to customers at this location. Given the potential for 30+ visitors competing for approximately 17 parking stalls, it is our position that the applicant's visitors may frequently fully utilize the available proposed stalls and will then utilize the next-closest available spots, which are located on PSBC property due east of the applicant's site. Poor East/West Parking Stall Allocation At present, approximately 29 stalls will be available on the west side of the building for the use , of the 4 to 5 employees which the applicant notes will be working on the site at any given time. We must assume, then, that the remaining 24 or 25 stalls on the west side of the building will be used for the storage of the applicants vehicles and equipment. We assume this because it is highly unlikely that any visitors/customers will park in the west side parking lot and then walk all the way around this massive structure to enter at the east storefront. 1800 NINTH AVENUE, SUITE 1120 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 FAX 206-389-7940 TELEPHONE 206-389-7910/7920 Desired Modifications To Proposed Plan We believe there are a number of good design options available to the applicant which will • satisfactorily address our concerns. 1. The building could be relocated farther to the west on the site. This would allow more of the required parking stalls to be shifted to the east side of the building, where they will be more fully utilized. 2. The building could be reduced in area to allow for additional parking stalls on the east side or stalls on the north or south sides of the new building. The scale of the proposed structure is massive, and no internal connection between the two east and west parking areas is proposed. If such a connection were made, or parking along the north or south sides of the building was made available, then sufficient, proximate parking on the east side of the building for the applicant's customers/visitors could be provided. We appreciate the applicant's proposed west side location for the truck entrances into the building, work vehicle parking, and the detention pond. We fully endorse the joint site access direction encouraged by Policy LU-212.21. In this case, however, we anticipate that our limited parking will be utilized by the applicant's customers because an inadequate number of stalls have been located on the east side of the applicant's proposed building. Please require the applicant to satisfactorily mitigate the impact of the additional traffic visiting their site. This can be accomplished by providing additional customer/visitor parking stalls proximate to the northeast entry. We respectfully request ERC reconsideration of the proposed parking layout/building siting of this project. Given the concurrent 15 day comment and appeal period, we have filed an appeal with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner today. Please do not hesitate to call me at(206) 389-7920 with any questions. Very truly yours, K &SCHREINER, INC. . "as Craig A. chreiner Owner's Representative/Project Manager Lf fY1-0a, V I.N R; I N Ch 0 August 4, 1997 CITY OF RENTON AUG 0 41997 Hearing Examiner City of Renton RECEIVED 200 Mill Avenue South CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Renton, WA 98055 RE: Request for Appeal to Hearing Examiner Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery LUA-97-080, SA, ECF SW 39th Street& Raymond Avenue SW, Renton Dear Reader: I am writing on behalf of the Puget Sound Blood Center (PSBC) to request an appeal to the Hearing Examiner regarding certain findings identified in the City of Renton's Determination of Non-Significance (Mitigated) and its Environmental Review&Administrative Land Use Action- Report& Decision (dated July 15, 1997) for the Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery project. PSBC is the owner of the existing building which is located due east of the proposed new building at 501 SW 39th Street. We have reviewed the documents noted above and believe that an error in judgment with respect to the proposed siting of the building and the layout of the required parking has occurred. We have the following written comments: Inadequate Parking On East Side of New Building Our greatest concern relates to the number of parking stalls which the applicant has identified on the east side of the proposed new building and the location of the remaining stalls on the ' site. The current design shows that the "retail" entry and storefront is located at the northeast corner of the building. The project description/background notes there will be thirty (30) "viewing areas" available for customers to come and view their stored items. It is also our understanding that packaging materials and supplies will also be sold to customers at this ' location. Given the potential for 30+ visitors competing for approximately 17 parking stalls, it is our position that the applicant's visitors may frequently fully utilize the available proposed stalls and will then utilize the next-closest available spots, which are located on PSBC property due east of the applicant's site. Poor EastNVest Parking Stall Allocation At present, approximately 29 stalls will be available on the west side of the building for the use of the 4 to 5 employees which the applicant notes will be working on the site at any given time. We must assume, then, that the remaining 24 or 25 stalls on the west side of the building will be used for the storage of the applicants vehicles and equipment. We assume this because it is highly unlikely that any visitors/customers will park in the west side parking lot and then walk all the way around this massive structure to enter at the east storefront 1800 NINTH AVENUE, SUITE 1120 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 FAX 206-389-7940 TELEPHONE 206-389-7910/7920 Desired Modifications To Proposed Plan We believe there are a number of good design options available to the applicant which will satisfactorily address our concerns. 1. The building could be relocated farther to the west on the site. This would allow more of the required parking stalls to be shifted to the east side of the building, where they will be more fully utilized. 2. The building could be reduced in area to allow for additional parking stalls on the east side or stalls on the north or south sides of the new building. The scale of the proposed structure is massive, and no internal connection between the two east and west parking areas is proposed. If such a connection were made, or parking.along the north or south sides of the building was made available, then sufficient, proximate parking on the east side of the building for the applicant's customers/visitors could be provided: We appreciate the applicant's proposed west side location for the truck entrances into the building, work vehicle parking, and the detention pond. We fully endorse the joint site access direction encouraged by Policy LU-212.21. In this case, however, we anticipate that our limited parking will be utilized by the applicant's customers because an inadequate number of stalls have been located on the east side of the applicant's proposed building. Please require the applicant to satisfactorily mitigate the impact of the additional traffic visiting their site. This can be accomplished by providing additional customer/visitor parking stalls proximate to the northeast entry. We respectfully request the City of Renton's reconsideration of the proposed parking layout/building siting of this project. Given the concurrent 15 day comment and appeal period, we have also transmitted a similar letter with our written comments to the Environmental Review Committee today. Please do not hesitate to write me or call me at(206) 389-7920 should you need any additional information. Very truly yours, KIRK&SCHREINER, INC. Craig A. chreiner Owner's Representative/Project Manager 0 `TY CF REHTCN CITY TREASURER REG!RCPT : 02-18622 C:08-04-1997 CASHIER ID : J 03:01 pm A:08-05-1997 5007 APPEALS & WAIVERS $75.00 TOTAL DUE $75.00 RECEIVED FROM: KIRK & SCHREINER CHECK S75.00 TOTAL TENDERED $75.00 CHANGE DUE $8.00 .......... ........................................................................................................... . ... : • On the 114 day of , 1997, I deposited in the mails of.the United States, a sealed envelope containing icZcro,r� avid "De ctslM documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing • • S-Vehr\ Pal wneX- • Dave atnd Sandva SaU� J•1�. IMovvns0r (Signature of Sender) ` . �-• �c� � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING • ) LI certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 'I'1tV bRA 11 - 2 signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. 0 44 4"; Dated: J/7 /GI7 Notary Pu ' in and foil?a State of Washhngto%N.'• <R c. . Notary( ' t) RGARET J. My.appointment expi • - , • Project Name: • PLO° . S`k01r0.oyt Pt a-• tive 1 . Project Number: LILAC Q1 ^0%0 s� E L 1NOTARY.DOC i t " REPORT City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works DECISION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW& ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION DECISION DATE: July 15, 1997 Project.Name: Public Storage Pick-Up & Delivery Applicant: Sabey Corporation Owner: David & Sandra Sabey File Number: LUA-097-080,SA,ECF Project Manager. Mark R. Pywell, AICP Project Description: The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the customer's site. Thirty (30) viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area of the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. Project Location: SW 39th Street & Raymond Ave. SW Exist. Bldg. Area SF: N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area SF: 66,000 sf Site Area: 135,719 sf (3.12 acres) Total Building Area SF: 66,000 sf • I POR n,1=in INI ,r ,IL 11\ 6 // S.W.39TH Sf. YEEll PROPOSED SITE f rs j g N rrl o 1 S.W.4ITH ST. r--. It 1 -'j ,/ CA (r-riii4 NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP �Ip�� SCALE:1'.200. W Project Location Map , - sITEERC.Doc City,of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Er rmental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELI vi cY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 2 of 13 PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The project site was used as an overflow parking lot when a single user leased a number of the surrounding buildings. Employment in these adjacent buildings was a lot higher than would normally be associated with a warehouse style operation and there was not sufficient parking on- site for these land uses. These buildings in recent years have changed ownership and the additional parking spaces on the subject property are no longer required. The land owner is now proposing to construct a building on the area that was previously paved for the overflow parking area. Most recently the land owner subdivided the parent lot to create one lot for an existing office building and a second vacant lot. The only improvement on the vacant lot are those associated with the parking lot. The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the customer's site. Thirty (30) viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area of the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. Only 4 to 5 people will be employed within the building. PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: (1) Earth Impacts: The applicant intends to construct a 66,000 sf building on a site that previously was used for a parking lot. The geotechnic report states that the existing parking lot material will need to be removed and fill imported to pre-load the site and provide for a dock-high floor elevation. The geotechnic report, prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc., recommends that the fill material extend five feet beyond the proposed location of the building walls. The proposed building will be 315'-6" in length by 209'-0" in width. The pre- , load area would be 225'-6" by 219'-0". The pre-load will need to be approximately four feet in depth in order to provide the necessary compaction and for a dock-high finished floor elevation. The revised plans submitted by the applicant show that all of the doors are at ground elevation. If the applicant does not construct an interior dock-high floor, then most of the pre-load material will need to be exported from the site. This would increase the number of truck trips but as this is an industrial areas, the increase in truck trips will not cause a significant adverse impact. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation required. SITEERC.DOC City,of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&El. ,mental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELI vi zd' LUA-97-080,SA,ECF • REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 3 of 13 Policy Nexus: N/A (2) Air Impacts: Adverse air quality impacts could result from construction activities and operation of the proposed facility. Construction impacts would be associated with fugitive dust during the grading operation and exhaust from construction equipment. Fugitive dust will be mitigated by sprinkling the site as needed and exhaust from construction equipment is already controlled by state and federal regulations. No further specific mitigation is required for this project. Operational impacts would be associated with vehicles accessing the project site and the heat source for the building. Exhaust from vehicles and heating equipment is already controlled by state and federal regulations. No further mitigation measures are required for impacts specifically associated with this project. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is required. Policy Nexus: N/A (3) Water Impacts: The subject property is approximately 3.1 acres in area. The project will include a warehouse style building, parking area, landscape area, and a water quality system. Just to the East of the subject property an existing 15,000 sf building with perimeter parking contributes approximately 0.75 acres that drain onto this site. This area is part of the Springbrook Creek drainage basin. Up stream drainage is intercepted by the SW 39th Street storm drainage system, this system conveys surface water to the West. This site does not receive runoff from the SW 39th Street system. The applicant has designed a storm water system that is intended to meet the requirements of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. City staff has reviewed and accepted the preliminary design for this system. The applicant intends to replace the existing detention facility with an open-air water quality and detention pond sized to provide the same level of detention as the existing four foot diameter tank and it's associated surface ponding. The amount of area subject to vehicular traffic on the existing site will be reduced by almost seventy percent. This will greatly reduce the amount of pollutants entering into the surface water and help to increase the quality of the storm water collected on this site. The amount of impervious surface on this site will be reduced. The amount of landscaped area and storm water treatment area will be increased. This will allow more storm water to infiltrate into the ground. This will reduce the amount of water entering into the City's storm water system. Although the overall difference to the City's system will be negligible, it does support the intent of the design of this project to not increase the amount of storm water entering into the City's system in this area and not to add to the existing problems in the Valley area. SITEERC.DOC City.of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Et !mental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELI vcaKY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 4 of 13 Erosion and water quality impacts will be addressed both during and after construction. These may include the use of sediment traps, filter fencing, check dams, and diversion/interception ditches, during the course of construction. Although there are no specific drainage problems affecting this site, there has been flooding in the general vicinity of this site in past severe storm events. Under separate permits the City is working to resolve this problem with work anticipated to start in 1997 or 1998. This development will not significantly contribute to the drainage problem. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation beyond that included in the Conceptual Drainage Report is required. Policy Nexus: N/A (4) Transportation Impacts: Access to the project site is provided from SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW. One driveway will access Raymond Ave. SW and another driveway, a joint use driveway with the adjacent office building, will access SW 39th Street. The applicant is providing 46 parking stalls that will be used by customers, employees, and for vehicles operated by the business. Two of these parking stalls are designed for use by the handicapped and 13 stalls will be for compact vehicles. The remainder of the stalls are standard designed stalls. • The City has adopted a Transportation Mitigation Fee to mitigate a projects impacts on the City's street and transportation system. The existing parking lot is not considered to be a traffic generator. Therefore, there is no credit for past vehicle trips for this site. The applicant will need to submit a Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per new trip generated. The ITE Manual predicts that this use will generate 4.88 trips per 1,000 square foot of building. The fee is estimated at $24,150.00. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per trip generated. (The fee is estimated at 4.88 x 66,000/1,000 = 322 new trips x$75 = $24,150.) The fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of construction/building permits. Policy Nexus: Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA) (5) Police and Fire Services Impacts: Police Department Staff have indicated that there is sufficient staff to respond to any calls for service in this area. Department staff have recommended several steps the applicant may design into the building and follow during the construction phase of the project that will reduce the chance of the project site being burglarized. Fire Prevention Bureau have informed the applicant of the Code-required improvements that will be necessary for this project. The applicant will also need to provide a Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52 per square foot of building area. The actual fee will be calculated based upon the square footage of the building demonstrated on the building permit application. SIT,EERC.DOC City•of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&E, mental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIvunY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 5 of 13 Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52 per square foot of building area. This fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits. Policy Nexus: Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA) B. Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON- SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. XX Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment and Appeal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment and Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Appeal Period. Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. Mitigation Measures 1. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per trip generated. (Estimated fee 4.88 x 66,000/1,000 = 322 new trips x $75 = $24,150.) The fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of construction/building permits. 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52 per square foot of building area. This fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits. (Estimated Fee $0.52 x 65,339 = $34,580.00) SITEERC.DOC Cityof Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&E nmental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 6 of 13 Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Garbage and recyclable deposit areas and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. Police Department 1. 34.13 Police Calls for Service estimated annually, based on the square footage of the building. This building will be erected in the Southwest Renton area, which has been the location of most of the commercial burglaries reported throughout Renton for the past few years. 2. In order to reduce the possibilities of commercial burglary, theft of building materials and tools, and vandalism, the following security precautions are strongly recommended to the applicant: a. The site should have temporary, portable fencing installed around the perimeter of the property. This fencing will serve as both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminals, and will delineate the boundaries of the property from public to private space. It will create a barrier for criminals to have to overcome before committing any crimes on the property, and may slow them down or deter them from committing any crime. b. The site will need security lighting during the construction phase. After the building has been constructed, proper lighting is necessary in the parking lots, around the building, and over any entry points into the building. Security lighting helps to deter criminal activity, as criminals prefer to be unseen when committing their crimes. c. Building materials and tools will need to be secured when not in use. Recommend placing these materials inside a secured area; secured by fencing and illuminated with security lighting, or placed into a secured/locked storage area. One of the most common reported crimes at construction sites are the thefts of building materials and tools that are left laying around after the workers have left for the day. d. The building itself will need dead-bolt locks on all exterior doors. A commercial, monitored alarm system is strongly recommended, due the high rate of commercial burglaries that occur in this section of town after business hours. e. If a portable office trailer is used to conduct business during construction, this trailer will need metal doors with heavy-duty dead-bolt locks, auxiliary locking devices, metal bars over any windows, and all office equipment will need to have the serial and model numbers recorded for use in the event of burglary/theft. This trailer should also have an alarm system installed, as it will also be a burglary magnet. 3. If problems start to occur on the site during construction, the applicant may wish to consider the use of private security guard or patrols, or off-duty police officers to monitor the site. 4. This site will have a moderate impact on police services. It is anticipated that any crimes that occur will tend to be property related: burglary, theft of materials and tools, and maybe vandalism. These are very common crimes reported in this area of Renton, and usually occur at all construction sites. SITEERC.DOC City.af Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&El mental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELI6"cnY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 7 of 13 Fire Prevention Bureau 1. The preliminary fire flow required is 4,250 gpm. Five hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the proposed structure and four fire hydrants are required within 300-feet of the structure. A looped water main is required to be installed around the building. 2. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. 3. Access is required to be within 150-feet of all points of the building from fire department apparatus access. Transportation 1. A.pedestrian curb ramp will be required at the intersection of.Raymond Ave. SW and SW 39th Street if none exists. 2. Existing use is a paved parking lot, that is not considered a traffic generator; Therefore, there is no credit warranted for existing use of site toward traffic mitigation fee. Water Utility: 1. The preliminary fire flow required is 4250 gpm therefore, five(5) fire hydrants are require. The primary hydrant must be within 150-feet of the building, but not closer then 50 feet of the building. ; Secondary hydrants must be within 300 feet of the building. 2. Site plans to show all existing fire hydrants within 300-feet. 3. A twelve (12) inch water line is available on SW 39th St. and on Raymond Ave. SW. A (16) inch line ! is available on Lind Ave. SW. 4. The proposed water line connection as shown in the conceptual utility plan is not an acceptable type connection. The domestic water and the fire flow line must be two separate taps. to the 12-inch water main on the north side of SW 39th St. 5. Domestic water meter and fire flow prevention devise is to be located in behind the sidewalk. A 10- ! foot utility easement is require if there is not enough room for installation. 6. A loop water system for fire flow is required for fire flows over 2500 gpm. The loop water system will be required within a 15-foot utility easement. Attached sketch shows how to connect loop between to existing lines. Waste Water Utility 1. If fire sprinkler system is installed the applicant shall install floor drains that are conveyed to the sanitary sewer system. This to be noted on the sewer plan. 2. Drawings are to be per City of Renton Drafting standards. 3. The sewer service line across lot number 2 will require a 15-ft easement and the line is to be labeled "Private". 4. Proposed force pump station: If there is a problem with a pump station we want the user to take the brunt of the impact so that the user is immediately urged to take action. 5. The system must have an alarm connected to a 24-hour auto dialer to a responsible party. The control panel is to have a hour meter. We will need submittals of floats, check valves, gate valves, and the 24-hour alarm notification. SITEERC,DOC i City..of Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&E nmental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELE LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 8 of 13 Storm Drainage Utility 1. Building not to be built over existing utilities without removal and revised facilities provided. 2. If existing detention system is removed from lot#2 as indicated and the property is short plated into two ownership's and one detention system is built for both sites which would be required, then a Joint Use Maintenance Agreement would be required and approval by the City and then a recorded copy would need to be issued to the City. '3. A Erosion /Sedimentation control plan required. '4. Show emergency overflow on construction plan. Construction Services 1. S-2 occupancies are for non-combustible materials. The City will consider this structure to be a S-1. PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION - REPORT & DECISION This decision on the administrative land use action is made concurrently with the environmental determination. A. Type of Land Use Action XX Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Conditional Use Binding Site Plan Special Permit for Grade & Fill Administrative Code Determination B. Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 2: Drawing No. GO, Site Plan (Received June 26 1997). Exhibit No. 3: Drawing No. Al, Building Floor Plan (Received June 19, 1997). Exhibit No. 4: Drawing No. A3, Building Elevation (Received June 19, 1997). Exhibit No. 5: Drawing No. L1, Landscape Plan (Received June 19, 1997). Exhibit No. 6: Drawing No. C1, Grading & Drainage Plan (Received June 26, 1997). SITEERC.DOC City.ofRenton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Er ;imental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIY'cici' LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 9 of 13 C. Consistency with Site Plan Criteria In reviewing the proposal with respect to the site Plan Approval Criteria set forth in Section 4-31- 33(D) of the Site Plan Ordinance, the following issues have been identified by City Departmental Reviewers and Divisional Reviewers: 1. Conformance with the comprehensive plan, its elements and policies; The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Employment Area-Valley (EAV). The proposal falls within the range of uses identified for the EAV designation. Policy LU-212.1 Develop the Renton Valley and,the Black River. Valley areas as a place for a range and variety of commercial, office, and industrial uses. The proposed use is considered, a light industrial use. The design of the building and the landscaping can make the building compatible with a variety of uses, such as commercial and office. Policy LU-212.2 Compatible and related uses should be encouraged to locate in proximity to one another. The adjacent land uses include a variety of light industrial, commercial, and office buildings. The proposed land use will be compatible with the adjacent land uses. Policy LU-212.21 Vehicular connections between adjacent parking areas are encouraged. Incentives should be offered to encourage shared parking. The applicant is providing a joint use access with the adjacent office building. 2. Conformance with existing land use regulations; The subject property is zoned Light Industrial (IL) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed land use is allowed within the IL zone. The proposed project is consistent with the development standards of the IL zone. The City has adopted a Landscaping Ordinance (4-31-34). This Ordinance requires all development in the Valley area to set aside an area equal to 2% of the project site for wildlife habitat. The applicant has not shown the required wildlife habitat area. The applicant needs to provide 2,701 sf of wildlife habitat area. This could be achieved on-site by providing the appropriate landscape materials around the perimeter of the wetpond area. The applicant's geotech suggest that the applicant consider using the asphalt that needs to be removed as part of the fill for the proposed building. Although this would not create any significant environmental impacts on the subject property, City staff would still recommend against using the asphalt for structural fill. On previous projects where this has been attempted as part of an on-site operation, it has proven to be to difficult to break up the old asphalt to a sufficient size to obtain the compaction required by Section 4-10-16 of the Renton Municipal Code. 3. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; The applicant intends to use this site as a public storage/warehouse style of operation. All of the storage will be conducted within the building. There will be no storage of containers outside of the building. The perimeter landscaping will soften the appearance of the proposed building and obscure the views of the parking lot from adjacent land uses. Concrete reveals on the facade of the building will further soften the appearance of the building. 4. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; The applicant has proposed a water quality system that will contain the storm water off of the subject property and the adjacent property. The preliminary report for the storm water system has been accepted by City staff. There is a 10-foot wide utility easement along the front of the subject property adjacent to SW 39th Street. The applicant's landscape plan demonstrates several trees to be planted within the utility easement. The City prefers that trees not be located within a utility easement. The applicant will need to locate the trees outside of the utility easement. Only shrubs and ground cover should be located within this easement. SITEERC.DOC City..of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&E .nmental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY L UA-97-080,SA,ECF I REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 10 of 13 5. Conservation of area-wide property values; The development and maintenance of the project will help to conserve area-wide property values. 6. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; Vehicles will access the proposed building from SW 39th Street or from Raymond Ave. SW. No internal connection between the two parking areas is provided on-site due to the size and of the building proposed for this lot. There are no obstacles that would block the views of drivers as part of the design of this project. There is an existing sidewalk along SW 39th Street which is adjacent to the north face of the building. The main entrance into the building will be at the northwest corner of the building. Employees or customers approaching the building via the sidewalk will be required to walk down a driveway to access the sidewalk adjacent to the building. The applicant should include a pedestrian connection between the building and the sidewalk along the street. This pedestrian connection should be included on the revised landscape plan. 7. Provision of adequate light and air; The proposed building is set back from the property lines by a minimum of twenty-feet. This will allow air to circulate around the building and allow natural light to reach the proposed building. 8. Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions; All work related activities will occur within the proposed building. The proposed use within the building will not produce any noise, odors, or unhealthy conditions. 9. Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use;and Public services are available and adequate for the proposed land use. The applicant will need to connect with the existing services. 10. Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. The maintenance of the building and landscape areas will help to prevent neighborhood deterioration and blight. XX Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. D. Findings, Conclusions & Decision Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1) Request: The Applicant has requested Environmental Review and Site Plan Approval for a public storage warehouse operation. 2) Environmental Review: The applicant's file containing the application, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation, the comments from various City departments, the public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents was entered as Exhibit No. 1. 3) Site Plan Review: The applicant's site plan application complies with the requirements for information for site plan review. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings are entered as Exhibits No. 2 thru 6. SITEERC.DOC City•of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&E, mmental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF • REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 11 of 13 4) Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area - Valley. 5) Zoning: The site plan as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Light Industrial (IL) Zoning designation. 6) Existing Land Use: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: commercial & industrial; East: commercial & light industrial; South: commercial & industrial; and West: commercial & industrial. 7) Landscape Plan The applicant will need to revise the landscape plan in order to provide compliance with the Landscape Ordinance requirement for the provision of a wildlife habitat area. E. Conclusions 1) The subject proposal complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton. 2) The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area - Valley; and the Zoning designation of Light Industrial (IL). F. Decision The Site Plan for Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery, File No. LUA-97-080, is approved subject to the following conditions. CONDITIONS: 1,. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan demonstrating the wildlife habitat area and listing the type, size, and quantities of plant materials to be used in this area. The revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. The applicant shall relocate the trees shown inside of the utility easement to a point outside of the easement. The applicant should also establish a pedestrian path between the building and the existing sidewalk along SW 39th Street. These revision should be shown on the revised landscape plan required by Condition #1. 3. The applicant shall provide a fill material that will comply with Section 4-10-16 of the Renton Municipal Code. If the existing paving material is to be used as a source of fill material, the applicant shall have the process for removing and grinding the paving material approved by a geotechnic engineer and the Development Services Division of the City of Renton prior to initiating the fill process. SITEERC.DOC Cityof Renton P/B/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&I rnmental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 12 of 13 EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: July 21, 1997 SIGNATURES: 6aJ704/19te•- . Hanson, Zoning Administrator date / ' D ichael D. atte mann, Zoning Administrator date TRANSMITTED this 18th day of July, 1997 to the applicant and owner: David and Sandra Sabey 101 Elliot Ave. W. Ste. 330 Seattle, WA 98119 Stan Palmer, Architect group Sabey Corporation 101 Elliot Ave. W. Ste. 330 Seattle, WA 98119 TRANSMITTED this 18th day of July, 1997 to the parties of record: J.D. Morrison P.S. Blood Center 921 Terry Ave. Seattle, WA 98104-1256 TRANSMITTED this 18th day of July, 1997 to the following: Larry Meckling,Building Official Bob Arthur,Land Use Inspector Art Larson,Fire Marshal Neil Watts,Public Works Division Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney South County Journal • SITEERC.DOC City ofRenton PB/PWDepartment ' Administrative Site Plan Approval&E Inmental Review Committee Staff Report PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY LUA-97-080,SA,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJULY 15,1997 Page 13 of 13 ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL •. Environmental Determination Comment Process Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997 (15 days from the date of publication). Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence that could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if the Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor City of Renton Development Services Division 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 • Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997 (15 days from the date of publication). If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. SITEERC.DOC • • VICINITY MAP -PROJECT DATA PROJECT. TEAM INDEX OF DRAUJINGS(PROPOSED) SBj Y PR-ECT NOE mimic STORAGE PICK-UP AD DELIVERY ARCHITECT: !AEET OCWgRATxN ARLMTECiIEE. SWEET NO. SHEET DESCRIPTION CORPORATION PROJECT DESCRIRKN 842201003E r eTcaAB0 Cl ELLIOTT AND.LEST GO NCNrT Map.Wro-ECT DATA PT .ECT TEAT EDE11 OF DRCp006.SITE RAN INN1�VIIVV llll i�v/1l�� HWICT LOCATICR RA11Y3D ALOE SE AND NU MS STREET NW a SITE GRADING.GRAPEY£RAN ARCHITECTURE GROUP RENTO.ba5NNGr0I SEATTLEbA9MPGTCN•Ym.mm a TEHVRGRI ER}JDN•c010RE RAN •WEAL SAOET CQ@a•ATCN r106)25I-elCC FAX:r20612e1.9'DI a PETALS 01 ELLDT a.DAE MST.NIE'f10 CONTACT,Jp22 R LL•G MA d CA GOERY.NOTES.DETAILS SEATLE.L42YRGTCN 9609-020 STREET L PAVER III AlA " r2p)2N-S1OO FAX r106)23]-99>I GI GOEAAL NOTES.LEGENDS,aCLFENaTIOA.FLAY 91tID0.l.LELLPG lTr'Y.CL! CIVIL ENGINEER paw:,EVA.AND J+.,..,A S.6G. AIPLANSFLOCK /x9 IORY L.LW,NDIGTTedL TOE GROSS mIDNG AREA LS9S9 SP. TIIO VEST MIJOE vELI DRK Y E1EdfYdD FLOOR PLAN•BUSTED REFLECTED CFAPG PLAY 4 ALLWHGIE MOM AREA. PLUG WAYS 8 6O ALL SITES IIa39TED £.ERvsnz E,R.16.1ON SAlml Al SOLDPY•ElFvdiKRO rm1]>}.os9 Fdx:TRW]>}3250 WALL SECTOR !RE AREA. .n AGM.D>.TbD SF. � ERa91. AS FN.DOOR.APO 9000P SCHEDULES CASE.ELE.Tlptl AND SECTIONS Lrn COVERAGE- •>.ALLOWED.Ha ACTUAL OAFR PEC0050.03103 - 341.0*.SETD/IXS REWIRED-0011.b' NOES D' REAR]O' Ab DETAILS STRICNRAL ENGINEER OFWS II 3 NORTIOEST,NC PE DETAILS • PROVIDED-MONT.D•-9. SIDED WA'•60' REAR JO-9• 6 9 LDODLA N AA RE NE AT • Of�PANCT ldL1Pi }],uH1011gDE/STCRKE SEATTLE.OT O FAA'r20I6 AS DEEMS D OFFICECORAL., SPECIFICATION, -CNN ALVSG.PE AID SFECFDANC. ONCE, 0 CCO.PANTS MOStAT-51946 N NC. M N4CFICATY}9 TOTAL BALES.Ml CCctPANTS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: 6]6-Vela STREET SAI PI GIDEFUL NOTES.FNOATIO•RAN ExIT ODRA GELD-EE.R:NIIff2- ]6•,PADHOF 1']M' NNE Tel ROCK AtOTO ROCS RAN! PTIFILLY -IffaR®" ]A'. FR vDFD"U' EYEFET-Y^wu-Rai 9310A 63 FNDATION SECTIPb C01010 W TsPE" v-N FLLITCO.SCFFEO TA1MP4O-1>00 LOOTF.TOW W-2e21 6A FLOOR NO ICTCF SECTipB - - BDLDNi TEX. 15'PRC OSED.SO FEET ALLOtm cONTACD RBA SS I...T.0 Bee.=030 LArDrsPE a0EA" ]STAL SF.RA a SITE Affa GENERAL CONTRACTOR: T101 aC CONSTRICTION LEer 66 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN PYMN-REDDR:D I STALL PER ISOO SEC.GROSS FLOOR AREA•AA STALLS SUITE NOO L] LANDSCAPE 830 C.RAN R PARK G P VO.. N REGIL.STALLS-9'-0'X 20-0• SEATTLE.AA91RU0Or 909-A110 U LANDSCAPE AND SFFKWTILN DETAILS ca9•acT emus-e-6•x b•-m• n061181.4200 FAx 006P]N-mvm 2 NROCAP STALLS-9'-0'x 10'-0' A6 TOTAL STALLS / ,.- EXUTEGOlm•60REN ^ pASi3G 1� -::� S.W. 39TN STREET EXIST. 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U �, E=I!3G; I C } W ADP.ECTKN — ,I 3 STRmA O "LXOTPOND LOCATION :11 I—DEIENTICN PROPOSED BUILDING %��^` I CITY COMMENTS a Zs T I, Z • SEE cl.n FLANS CR. 6•N. -"� a •••• 65,939 S.F. r - c••,;4 I W 'I I� CNAN LNC PERM ,� _ 00,5036 1' > ARO.oP ,; WAREHOUSING /STORAGE i a 69A.R ;I Q I d ig .. R FF. - 22.O' ROE `a `e' g:=: � .� II .1 uk• �i O ri • ExL9iGUI1ER B�r• ..-` • e r i• , ` � II O -ii3I kT a." 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B BEES as.emosaw.v. - PER WEED rE,-u.wvu 6T67Q1 REOLFErEn6 ' O oI ® o 4 E MD..&NV PREL CLOCK-O.6 rOR row..11161E DODR6 I I — ❑. PROrDE DEEPENED TOMESKR FWD.,RAVE 4.DEEP LOAD.DOCK _ I I I I I E PROVIDE 6'N'P...GL 4 R OOORS ro romaY rNVE DDOIE E!, 11 c'--\ r DIN OCCI•a• • -IVY 1 1T - O EAST ELEVATION = _ I I I I 1 I I I 1 , , . Ti RELIC STORAGE a DELIVER O SOUTH ELEVATION s, IItS*W 1 1 I I I I I 4 I „ I E rA>aR5 7 o—.N. �e Ww\SmuyvroVN.W EMI ' I�I !I n n[.a®ay ^Jv3::J .wwtS„ JNL u 0 NORTH ELEVATION nisa • SABEY ' OORPORM ION Limommini WU YDNTT0DY01 ;m.,4 sl D.0 r>m a,r. a,Y• ., tlAf•'._.a —• ems - - - / j.0.1.1....10.2 [UMW KNIT ._ e r a ten, _=�_q -`- �,— ' — ea.a� r Its_ .�.M —A�,,_ u gamma Y � ' ����l+.11i.D:...,I.,,:1:rY�tt 1.}.•r•' !�.�/iilof�.��,��� 1 I , — •,... ,, / ,s,n �° v N/ :;;:r(,a .,.,.,, pik..?•,, ,z .1 .,___ ., ,, _ .. , / / re.--- - • Ill: r W r • I,:.' .4• f, 6 P--\ I fl f ii 1 • ;Si � / % �j . i a I� O ' I I)�. � I - ki: /tl ' //- �// j•, � /~ / p4,0� r i/I .t(Ji . ` 'fi i•� II \ Pi;f ■t.,.- F -7- •••rvl."7// /♦ � ,wr — — ' 71, .. ....... , / dinllipl.q>,,,.. ...„„:.,,,,,, T. Hi LC ��=� "11'-- - � r.r,; •" •-• r3P..:♦.�.- �� . i6 ',.7,9y 9t M 03 QJ T '= - — — e•1 .....1 n set '° — J,1 p¢Tf.M ,lei , i ' I r a tr. — I- I cwc v aeMwsc WADING I -,4 o .1/^_-�\lam I %NORTM Kln On 0.OMrs 6—].-9• IO O !O 80 SCALE IN FEET :......�TL.S GR4DING AND DR4INe4C�E PLe4N OP KORAN ' 40. MIN IMIMI20 a S.W.41ST STREET WALE.r• -0. IMMENIENIMM ••••- slt Fiw MOM.an ' ,!OBEY DATA MOLT TRY Ye NWT PRELIMINARY Kb rave flOiL„_ D,,, jigsR M m 7 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES.Min16}''O p0 Cl Me WEST DERIVE VIE.DR.SUITE C.5,22517.TA 96291•425.259A999 ITS 0.e..'4'nI) • CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICEBY MAILING On the ‘1.6 day of , 1997; I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing . ae...-teaw‘k v‘oLito-v‘s • idocuments. This information was sent to: Name Representing • Department of Ecology Dick Anderson Department of Transportation KC Water Pollution COntrol Metro Department of Wildlife Larry Fisher Department of Fisheries David Dietzman Department of Natural Resources ..Sue litumery SNA VALA- LOACANLI‘ial eity-ofiSeattle Pu. Duwamish Indian Tribe • . . Rod Malcom, Fisheries Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Rita Perstac Puget Power • . , (Signature of Sender) tilkYti.a.. V-• • le•-or-•)e-i( • STATE OF WASHINGTON' ) SS COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 6/0/PR4 K- ...signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for th .s11sy an purposes :mentioned in the instrument. . Dated: "III 7/1-7 / • . Notary Public' and for the -.tate of Wagrpator viSO Notary (Print) MA ' RET J. PU • . • ...;. • My appointment expi • • Project Name: vtovote. u.io ce.Act De live.tAi Project Number: qi OS0%. SA, NOTARY.DOC o CIS x' OF RENTON ..II. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E,Administrator July 17, 1997 • Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination and Environmental Checklist for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee(ERC)on July 15, 1997: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY LUA97-080,SA,ECF The applicant(Sabey Corporation)seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the custonmer's site. Thirty(30)viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. Location: SW 39th Street&Raymond Avenue SW. Environmental Determination Comment Process. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence that could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments, if the Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination,then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process. Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. If you have questions, please call me at(425) 277-5586. For the Environmental Review Committee, /, �. Mark R. Pywelll I P Project Ma alter cc: King County Water Pollution Control Division, Metro Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Shirley Lukhang, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe(Ordinance) Rita Perstac, Puget Power AGNCYLTR DOc\ 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 CIT OF RENTON .oLL I Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor- Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator • July 16, 1997 Mn! Stan Palmer Sabey Corporation 101 Elliot Avenue West,#330 Seattle, WA 98119 - I SUBJECT: Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery LUA-97-080,SA,ECF Dear Mr.Palmer: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to inform you that they have completed their review of the environmental impacts of the above-referenced project. The Committee, on July 15, 1997, issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with conditions. See the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Environmental Determination Comment Process. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be'filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence that could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if the Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process. Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final: Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. WAC 197-11-660 states that the responsibility for mitigation measures may be imposed upon an applicant only to the extent attributable to the identified adverse impacts of the imposed action. Since an environmental impact statement has not been prepared for this project, any mitigation measures established by the ERC not directly attributable to an identified adverse impact is deemed to be voluntarily accepted by the applicant. Staff urges you to contact the various City representatives, as appropriate, (e.g., the Public Works Division) as soon as possible, to obtain more information concerning specific mitigation measures for this project, if you have specific questions. This information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and will enable you'to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If any ou y, questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 277-5586. DNSMLTR nor. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 • July 16, 1997 Page-2 For the Environmental Review Committee, 0-k4e7 Mark Pyw.ell-,A. ICP Project Manager cc: Parties of Record Owner Enclosure • • • I , ' I I • �I. rc1 dnsmftr CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA97-080,SA,ECF APPLICANT: Sabey Corporation PROJECT NAME: Public Storage Pick-Up & Delivery DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the custonmer's site. Thirty (30) viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: SW 39th Street& Raymond Avenue SW MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per trip generated. (Estimated fee 4.88 x 66,000/1,000 = 322 new trips x $75 = $24,150.) The fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of construction/building permits. 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52 per square foot of building area. This fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits. (Estimated Fee $0.52 x 65,339 = $34,580.00) • MITMEAS.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA97-080,SA,ECF APPLICANT: Sabey Corporation PROJECT NAME: Public Storage Pick-Up& Delivery DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the custonmer's site. Thirty (30) viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: SW 39th Street&Raymond Avenue SW. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Garbage and recyclable deposit areas and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. ' Police Department 1. 34.13 Police Calls for Service estimated annually, based on the square footage of the building. This building will be erected in the Southwest Renton area, which has been the location of most of the commercial burglaries reported throughout Renton for the past few years. • 2. In order to reduce the possibilities of commercial burglary, theft of building materials and tools, and vandalism, the following security precautions are strongly recommended to the applicant: a. The site should have temporary, portable fencing installed around the perimeter of the property. This fencing will serve as both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminals, and will delineate the boundaries of the property from public to private space. It will create a barrier for criminals to have to overcome before committing any crimes on the property, and may slow them down or deter them from committing any crime. • ,1 b. The site will need security lighting during the construction phase. After the building has been constructed, proper lighting is necessary in the parking lots, around the building, and over any entry points into the building. Security lighting helps to deter criminal activity, as criminals prefer to be unseen when committing their crimes. c. Building materials and tools will need to be secured when not in use. Recommend placing these materials inside a secured area; secured by fencing and illuminated with security lighting, or placed into a secured/locked storage area. One of the most common reported crimes at construction sites are the thefts of building materials and tools that are left laying around after the workers have left for the day. d. The building itself will need dead-bolt locks on all exterior doors. A commercial, monitored alarm system is strongly recommended, due the high rate of commercial burglaries that occur in this section of town after business hours. e. If a portable office trailer is used to conduct business during construction, this trailer will need metal doors with heavy-duty dead-bolt locks, auxiliary locking devices, metal bars over any windows, and all office equipment will need to have the serial and model numbers recorded for use in the event of burglary/theft. This trailer should also have an alarm system installed, as it will also be a burglary magnet. 3. If problems start to occur on the site during construction, the applicant may wish to consider the use of private security guard or patrols, or off-duty police officers to monitor the site. 4. This site will have a moderate impact on police services. It is anticipated that any crimes that occur will tend to be property related: burglary, theft of materials and tools, and maybe vandalism. These are very common crimes reported in this area of Renton, and usually occur at all construction sites. Fire Prevention Bureau 1. The preliminary fire flow required is 4,250 gpm. Five hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the proposed structure and four fire hydrants are required within 300-feet of the structure. A looped water main is required to be installed around the building. 2. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. 3. Access is required to be within 150-feet of all points of the building from fire department apparatus access. Transportation 1. A pedestrian curb ramp will be required at the intersection of Raymond Ave. SW and SW 39th Street if none exists. 2. Existing use is a paved parking lot, that is not considered a traffic generator. Therefore, there is no credit warranted for existing use of site toward traffic mitigation fee. Water Utility: 1. The preliminary fire flow required is 4250 gpm therefore, five(5) fire hydrants are require. The primary hydrant must be within 150-feet of the building, but not closer then 50 feet of the building. Secondary hydrants must be within 300 feet of the building. 2. Site plans to show all existing fire hydrants within 300-feet. 3. A twelve (12) inch water line is available on SW 39th St. and on Raymond Ave. SW. A (16) inch line is available on Lind Ave. SW. 4. The proposed water line connection as shown in the conceptual utility plan is not an acceptable type connection. The domestic water and the fire flow line must be twoiseparate taps. to the 12-inch water main on the north side of SW 39th St. 5. Domestic water meter and fire flow prevention devise is to be located in behind the sidewalk. A 10-foot utility easement is require if there is not enough room for installation. 6. A loop water system for fire flow is required for fire flows over 2500 gpm. The loop water system will be required within a 15-foot utility easement. Attached sketch shows how to connect loop between to existing lines. 'Waste Water Utility , 1. If fire sprinkler system is installed the applicant shall install floor drains that are conveyed to the sanitary sewer system. This to be noted on the sewer plan. 2. Drawings are to be per City of Renton Drafting standards. 3. The sewer service line across lot number 2 will require a 15-ft easement and the . line,is to be labeled "Private". 4. Proposed force pump station: If there is a problem with a pump station we want the user to take the brunt of the impact so that the user is immediately urged to take action. 5. The system must have an alarm connected to a 24-hour auto dialer to a responsible party. The control panel is to have a hour meter. We will need submittals of floats, check valves, gate valves, and the 24-hour alarm notification. Storm Drainage Utility 1. Building not to be built over existing utilities without removal and revised facilities provided. ' I - I 2. If existing detention system is removed from lot#2 as indicated and the property is short plated into two ownership's and one detention system is built for both sites which would be required, then a Joint Use Maintenance Agreement would be required and approval by the City and then a recorded copy would need to be issued to the City. 3. A Erosion/Sedimentation control plan required. 4. Show emergency overflow on construction plan. Construction Services 1: S-2 occupancies are for non-combustible materials. The City will consider this structure to be a S-1. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): • LUA97-080,SA,ECF APPLICANT: Sabey Corporation PROJECT NAME: Public Storage Pick-Up& Delivery • DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the custonmer's site. Thirty (30) viewing areas will be,designated inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: SW 39th Street& Raymond Avenue SW LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. PUBLICATION DATE: July 21, 1997 DATE OF DECISION: July 15, 1997 SIGNATURES: gg Zimmerman,a inistrator DATE apartment of Planning/Building/Public Works Sam Chastain,Administratof DATE Community ervice Department ii,n/0 (1/ z , "1- /d; L'eejWheele , Fire Chief" DATE Renton Fire Department DNSMSIG.DOC • Environmental Determination Comment Process. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence that could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if the Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process. Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM August 4, 1997. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. DNSMSIG.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA97-080,SA,ECF APPLICANT: Sabey Corporation PROJECT NAME: Public Storage Pick-Up&Delivery DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the custonmer's site. Thirty (30) viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: SW 39th Street&Raymond Avenue SW MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per trip generated. (Estimated fee 4.88 x 66,000/1,000 = 322 new trips x $75 = $24,150.) The fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of construction/building permits. 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52 per square foot of building area. This fee shall be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits. (Estimated Fee $0.52 x 65,339 = $34,580.00) MITMEAS.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA97-080,SA,ECF APPLICANT: Sabey Corporation PROJECT NAME: Public Storage Pick-Up& Delivery DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the custonmer's site. Thirty (30) viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: SW 39th Street&Raymond Avenue SW. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Garbage and recyclable deposit areas and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. Police Department 1. 34.13 Police Calls for Service estimated annually, based on the square footage of the building. This building will be erected in the Southwest Renton area, which has been the location of most of the commercial burglaries reported throughout Renton for the past few years. 2. In order to reduce the possibilities of commercial burglary, theft of building materials and tools, and vandalism, the following security precautions are strongly recommended to the applicant: a. The site should have temporary, portable fencing installed around the perimeter of the property. This fencing will serve as both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminals, and will delineate the boundaries of the property from public to private space. It will create a barrier for criminals to have to overcome before committing any crimes on the property, and may slow them down or deter them from committing any crime. b. The site will need security lighting during the construction phase. After the building has been`constructed, proper lighting is necessary in the parking lots, around the building, and over any entry points into the building. Security lighting helps to deter criminal activity, as criminals prefer to be unseen when committing their crimes. c. Building materials and tools will need to be secured when not in use. Recommend placing these materials inside a secured area; secured by fencing and illuminated with security lighting, or placed into a secured/locked storage area. One of the most common reported crimes at construction sites are the thefts of building materials and tools that are left laying around after the workers have left for the day. d. The building itself will need dead-bolt locks on all exterior doors. A commercial, monitored alarm system is strongly recommended, due the high rate of commercial burglaries that occur in this section of town after business hours. e. If a portable office trailer is used to conduct business during construction, this trailer will need metal doors with heavy-duty dead-bolt locks, auxiliary locking devices, metal bars over any windows, and all office equipment will need to have the serial and model numbers recorded for use in the event of burglary/theft. This trailer should also have an alarm system installed, as it will also be a burglary magnet. 3. If problems start to occur on the site during construction, the applicant may wish to consider the use of private security guard or patrols, or off-duty police officers to monitor the site. 4. This site will have a moderate impact on police services. It is anticipated that any crimes that occur will tend to be property related: burglary, theft of materials and tools, and maybe vandalism. These are very common crimes reported in this area of Renton, and usually occur at all construction sites. Fire Prevention Bureau 1. The preliminary fire flow required is 4,250 gpm. Five hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the proposed structure and four fire hydrants are required within 300-feet of the structure. A looped water main is required to be installed around the building. 2. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. 3. Access is required to be within 150-feet of all points of the building from fire department apparatus access. Transportation 1. A pedestrian curb ramp will be required at the intersection of Raymond Ave. SW and SW 39th Street if none exists. 2. Existing use is a paved parking lot, that is not considered a traffic generator. Therefore, there is no credit warranted for existing use of site toward traffic mitigation fee. Water Utility: 1. The preliminary fire flow required is 4250 gpm therefore, five(5) fire hydrants are require. The primary hydrant must be within 150-feet of the building, but not closer then 50 feet of the building. Secondary hydrants must be within 300 feet of the building. 2. Site plans to show all existing fire hydrants within 300-feet. 3. A twelve (12) inch water line is available on SW 39th St. and on Raymond Ave. SW. A (16) inch line is available on Lind Ave. SW. 4. The proposed water line connection as shown in the conceptual utility plan is not an acceptable type connection. The domestic water and the fire flow line must be two separate taps. to the 12-inch water main on the north side of SW 39th St. 5. Domestic water meter and fire flow prevention devise is to be located in behind the sidewalk. A 10-foot utility easement is require if there is not enough room for installation. 6. A loop water system for fire flow is required for fire flows over 2500 gpm. The loop water system will be required within a 15-foot utility easement. Attached sketch shows how to connect loop between to existing lines. Waste Water Utility 1. If fire sprinkler system is installed the applicant shall install floor drains that are conveyed to the sanitary sewer system. This to be noted on the sewer plan. 2. Drawings are to be per City of Renton Drafting standards. 3. The sewer service line across lot number 2 will require a 15-ft easement and the line is to be labeled "Private". 4. Proposed force pump station: If there is a problem with a pump station we want the user to take the brunt of the impact so that the user is immediately urged to take action. 5. The system must have an alarm connected to a 24-hour auto dialer to a responsible party. The control panel is to have a hour meter. We will need submittals of floats, check valves, gate valves, and the 24-hour alarm notification. Storm Drainage Utility 1. Building not to be built over existing utilities without removal and revised facilities provided. • • 2. If existing detention system is removed from lot#2 as indicated and the property is short plated into two ownership's and one detention system is built for both sites which would be required, then a Joint Use Maintenance Agreement would be required and approval by the City and then a recorded copy would need to be issued to the City. 3. A Erosion/Sedimentation control plan required. 4. Show emergency overflow on construction plan. Construction Services 1. S-2 occupancies are for non-combustible materials. The City will consider this structure to be a S-1. i L C,,, ' : ,4,,.,M 4:..44 ,,'`r 44, is•� 1 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY LUA97-080,SA,ECF The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 of warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the customers site.Thirty(30)viewing areas will be designated Inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container.Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the buildi,rg. Customers will only be allowed Into the viewing rooms. Location: , SW 39th Street&Raymond Avenue SW. . THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. Ixxx I YOU MAY COMMENT ON THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM ON AUGUST 4,1997 OR APPEAL THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM.AUGUST 4.1997.THE COMMENT AND APPEAL PERIODS WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY. • • d 'M • Hi ii 1 CA , 6-1) NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. CERTIFICATION . • I, /"I/.ur AA/A(i T1 . hereby certify that 3 copies-of the above document . were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on , i 0..y zz/ l y 9 7 • Signed: : 0 „h . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) • ' I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that /'YIATr fl1//?ii 'T_ / signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and valy !'4 ctsfior the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. `� '' '+ Dated: �' .� i�� �,�� `?� 91 Notary Pub1' i and f r e Stale91•Iaa§lei g'ton: Notary (Print) MARGARETdi PULLAR My appointment expiresCOMMISSION FXPIRFS R/9198 . • NOVARY,OOC I _f41 . ±" fir, +. i .. �y YA�: � �1ryt .T•i ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY 'LUA97-080,SA,ECF The applicant seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. The building will hold approximately 2,700 storage containers. These containers will be delivered and picked-up at the custonmer's site. Thirty(30)viewing areas will be designated inside the entrance area fo the building so that the customer may inspect their container. Access will be restricted to employees only for the majority of the building. Customers will only be allowed into the viewing rooms. Location: SW 39th Street&Raymond Avenue SW. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT'THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. XXX YOU MAY COMMENT ON THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM ON AUGUST 4, 1997 OR APPEAL I THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM,AUGUST 4, 1997. THE COMMENT AND APPEAL PERIODS WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY. '// 1 :10 vi IPOR // TM. 0 j/ IL S.W.39TH Sf. c YuGSF'E . oPROPOSED SITE Q F ._._ S.W.<ITH ST. I 1 111111 1 � 1 i,"V�k NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP 41ul^) SCALE:1'.200. FORIFURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION lease include::the ro ec 'NUMBER<fni a t- .:.<.:. . �:.:::<:.. :.::.::;.>::<:;.:.;;: ::::::::.,.;>.::.:P.:. P.. j . : :..._:.:......:..:..: mg:fpr. ..® er:>fileadenflfication ::> ;.;:>« <, 1 i INOTICE PENDING APPLICATION PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY/LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval (SA) and Environmental Checklist Review(ECF)in order to construct a 66;000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. GENERAL LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW PUBLIC APPROVALS: Building Permit Preliminary Plat Short Plat Conditional Use Permit Rezone XXXX Admin.Site Plan Approval XXXX Environmental Review Shoreline Conditional Use Other Permit Fill&Grade Permit Shoreline Substantial Other Development Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted any time prior to Environmental Review Committee(ERC)meetings,Public Hearings,during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. J /.7 POR / jjr] I IN).. 1 ' 0 II.,' 0 I' g swssnt sr. 1- 1 PROPOSED SITE z O ---1-.--------Frr .1 i 11 ITI r e s.w..mt sr. ii IrA CNI14 NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP ,i,i� SCALE:f'-200. 'P4EdkWINCLUDE HE PROJECT NUMBER€WMEN`CALLIN POR:P.ROPER::FILE IDEN IFICATI N .:Y';:: :: n AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristina Thompson, being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 NOTICE OF ENVIRONME-NTAL _ • DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE . a.daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal RENTON,WASHINGTON newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months The Environmental Review Committee prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language (ERC)has issued a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated for the following continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County project under the authority of the Renton • Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the . Municipal Code. _ State of Washington for King County. DELIVERLIC Y STORAGE PICK-UP & The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the South County LUA971080,SA,ECF . Journal (and not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to the subscribers The applicant (Sabey Corporation) seeks ; ' approval to construct a 66,000 sf ware- , during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a house building to be used for public stor- age.Location:SW 39th Street&Raymond + Public Storage Pick-up& Delivery- LUA97-080, SA, ECF AvenueThe 5 day comment and appeal period for this project will run concurrently. The as published on: 7/21/97 comment/appeal periods for this project will . end at 5:00 PM on August 4, 1997.Written comments shall be forwarded to the The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$44.92 Development Services Division Land Use Legal Number 3354 Review Supervisor. Information on the pro- ject file and the mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Le I Clerk, S.uth County Journal , Renton, Washington 98055. Phone: 235- ; 2550. Appeal procedures are available in the City Clerk's office,First Floor,Municipal Subscribed and sworn before me on this luttday of brijijc 19 7BuPublli hed in the South County Journal July 21',1997.3354 i Ke----th ikr-NYILLIk&144-- _®ate--Wavq,�� m�`` .311 /_:. ' -• 11 Notary Public of the State of Washington °�,,ssIo J r.,`?,<l, L residing in Renton • N p T A R yes'- iv King County, Washington 0` ' � pUB L1 ' f .'. QO®0 4kkk ®�`S;,\\ -0 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP & DELIVERY LUA97-080,SA,ECF The applicant (Sabey Corporation) seeks approval to construct a 66,000 sf warehouse building to be used for public storage. Location: SW 39th Street & Raymond Avenue SW. The 15 day comment and appeal period for this project will run concurrently. The comment/appeal periods for this project will end at 5:00 PM on August 4, 1997. Written comments shall be forwarded to the Development Services Division Land Use Review Supervisor. Information on the project file and the mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055. Phone: 235-2550. Appeal procedures are available in the City Clerk's office, First Floor, Municipal Building. Publication Date: July 21, 1997 Account No. 51067 dnsmpub.dot Fi r� `Pr�vi vv i RENTON FIRE DEPT FIRF PRFVFNTION BUREAU CITY OF RENTON J U N 2 71997 PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS RECEIVED MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1997 TO: Reviewing Staff CITY OF RENTON FROM: 4gark R.Pywe11 ICFIV! n JUL 0 ,1 1997 SUBJECT: Sabey Corporation Public Storage BUILDING UI v soior LUA-97-080,SA,ECF The attached plans are revisions to the plans submitted to you for the project listed above. Comments are due on July 7, 1997. If you have already submitted your comments, please check the plans to ensure that your comments are still applicable: If no further comments are necessary,just write a note on the bottom of this memo that your previous comments are still valid. If further comments are necessary,note on them that they are the revised comments. Sorry for any confusion that this may cause. Thank you. Lv'i ei 6/ i/97 ,72/8/ed ; e pi o713 '&11\ 771/77 `VY CITY OF RENTON O FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ,�� . MEMORANDUM N DATE: June 6, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Preliminary Comments for Sabey Public Storage 1 . The preliminary fire flow required is 4,250 gpm. Five fire hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the proposed structure and four fire hydrants are required within 300-feet of the structure. A looped water main is required to be installed around the building. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of $0.52 per square foot of building: 0/3J9 K 52 r dim, 4V, keev;scI 6/30Y7 66,500 square feet x $0.52 = $34,580.00 This fee is payable at the time of building permit issuance. The area of the mezzanine shall also be calculated into this fee schedule when that square footage is made available. 3. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. 4. Access is required to be within 150-feet of all points of the building from fire department apparatus access. CT:ss Precom C[TY OF RENTON RFCEIVED CITY OF RENTON JUN 2 7 1997 PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ,,Le triVIGES MEMORANDUM DIVISION DATE: June 27, 1997 TO: Reviewing Staff FROM: 44ark R.Pywell SUBJECT: Sabey Corporation Public Storage LUA-97-080,SA,ECF The attached plans are revisions to the plans submitted to you for the project listed above. Comments are due on,July 7, 1997. If you have already submitted your comments, please check the plans to ensure that your comments are still applicable. If no further comments are necessary,just write a note on the bottom of this memo that your previous comments are still valid. If further comments are necessary,note on them that they are the revised comments. Sorry for any confusion that this may cause. Thank you. A e.S+ I vy C LA-4-6 k-v .p t 0 ► l be, s-e q +ee.4 a.f fr, +-• t e.r s c-4 j c, r a ce d , S (.c) z-'.'4 �` � - �� v,ir-jo\,cZ I W O.S-V.,W a,rw airy OF REN TON RECEIVED JUN 2 7 1997 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1997 TO: Reviewing Staff FROM: 44ark R.Pywe11 SUBJECT: Sabey Corporation Public Storage LUA-97-080,SA,ECF The attached plans are revisions to the plans submitted to you for the project listed above. Comments are due on July 7, 1997. If you have already submitted your comments, please check the plans to ensure that your comments are still applicable. If no further comments are necessary,just write a note on the bottom of this memo that your previous comments are still valid. If further comments are necessary,note on them that they are the revised comments. Sorry for any confusion that this may cause. Thank you. 17744d C, Y h .1 S-1'YvI G Oct rtrry OF RENTON 2 —"•-rs IISY, 7 397 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS Limy ® is,oN nv"� MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1997 TO: Reviewing Staff ' FROM: 4gark R.Pywell SUBJECT: Sabey Corporation Public Storage LUA-97-080,SA,ECF The attached plans are revisions to the plans submitted to you for the project listed above. Comments ' are due on July 7, 1997. If you have already submitted your comments, please check the plans to ensure that your comments are still applicable. If no further comments are necessary,just write a note on the bottom of this memo that your previous comments are still valid. If further comments are necessary,note on them that they are the revised comments. Sony for any confusion that this may cause. Thank you. 6,6 �/�7 11110 CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 27, 1997 TO: Reviewing Staff FROM: 4gark R.Pywell SUBJECT: Sabey Corporation Public Storage LUA-97-080,SA,ECF The attached plans are revisions to the plans submitted to you for the project listed above. Comments are due on July 7, 1997. If you have already submitted your comments, please check the plans to ensure that your comments are still applicable. If no further comments are necessary,just write a note on the bottom of this memo that your previous comments are still valid. If further comments are necessary,note on them that they are the revised comments. Sony for any confusion that this may cause. Thank you. 4W COM MO glAChedir1q /rnt , .A, City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Punic Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:WI Ce COMMENTS DUE: JULY 7, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 19, 1997 APPLICANT: SABEY CORPORATION PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP &DELIVERY WORK ORDER NO: 78230 LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW SITE AREA 66,000 Square Feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval(SA)and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF)in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Alr, Aesthetics Water LIghtGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet damriwtta wed (P LYD c #`' ah,i(J1' W1001 WA. -CI 7-o O I`®oCiC, i I. B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Wei have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional'information is needed to properly assess this proposal. S gna ure of Direct or Aut rized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMENTS FOR LUA 97-080: 34.13 Police Calls for Service estimated annually, based on the square footage of the building. This building will be erected in the Southwest Renton area, which has been the location of most of the commercial burglaries reported throughout Renton for the past few years. In order to reduce the possibilities of commercial burglary, theft of building materials and tools, and vandalism, the following security precautions are strongly recommended to the applicant: 1. The site should have temporary, portable fencing installed around the perimeter of the property. This fencing will serve as both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective criminals, and will delineate the boundaries of the property from public to private space. It will create a barrier for criminals to have to overcome before committing any crimes on the property, and may slow them down or deter them from committing any crime. 2. The site will need security lighting during the construction phase. After the building has been constructed, proper lighting is necessary in the parking lots, around the building, and over any entry points into the building. Security lighting helps to deter criminal activity, as criminals prefer to be unseen when committing their crimes. 3. Building materials and tools will need to be secured when not in use. Recommend placing these materials inside a secured area; secured by fencing and illuminated with security lighting, or placed into a secured/locked storage area. One of the most common reported crimes at construction sites are the thefts of building materials and tools that are left laying around after the workers have left for the day. 4. The building itself will need dead-bolt locks on all exterior doors. A commercial, monitored alarm system is strongly recommended, due the the high rate of commercial burglaries that occur in this section of town after business hours. 5. If a portable office trailer is used to conduct business during construction, this trailer will need metal doors with heavy-duty dead-bolt locks, auxiliary locking devices, metal bars over any windows, and all office equipment will need to have the serial and model numbers recorded for use in the event of burglary/theft. This trailer should also have an alarm system installed, as it will also be a burglary magnet. If problems start to occur on the site during construction, the applicant may wish to • consider the use of private security guard or patrols, or off-duty police officers to monitor the site. This site will have a moderate impact on police services. It is anticipated that any crimes that occur will tend to be property related: burglary, theft of materials and tools, and maybe vandalism. These are very common crimes reported in this area of Renton, and usually occur at all construction sites. Signed, Audrey Moore Renton Police Department Crime Prevention Unit 235-2571 -1"RIJREAU -, 1 JUN 1 91997 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIE, EIFi ® REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Ye ofeue m.hilti; COMMENTS DUE: JULY 7, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 19,1997 APPLICANT: SABEY CORPORATION PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY WORK ORDER NO: 78230 LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW SITE AREA: 66,000 Square Feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval(SA)and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF)in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e. .Non-Code)) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water _ LightGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet w 4.)D i a t .;sett f Alfel B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS I, C. ' CODE-RELATED COMMENTS / J .,.vmeac/ 5.6e r We have reviews. this application with;/ cular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional/formation is neede�7 •roper/y assess this proposal. 0 3/?7 Signatur I r,irector or Auff�orized Represen • Ne Date DEVAPP.•• Rev.10/93 ti�Y o CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 41 MEMORANDUM �N�O DATE: June 6, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Preliminary Comments for Sabey Public Storage 1 . The preliminary fire flow required is 4,250 gpm. Five fire hydrants are required. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the proposed structure and four fire hydrants are required within 300-feet of the structure. A looped water main is required to be installed around the building. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of $0.52 per square foot of building: 66,500 square feet x $0.52 = $34,580.00 This fee is payable at the time of building permit issuance. The area of the mezzanine shall also be calculated into this fee schedule when that square footage is made available. 3. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. 4. Access is required to be within 150-feet of all points of the building from fire department apparatus access. CT:ss Precom City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: piegk ReU .►(4..)My.COMMENTS DUE: JULY 7, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 19, 1997 °MY F�E�ON APPLICANT: SABEY CORPORATION PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELLPr) PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY WORK ORDER NO: 78230 JUN 2 3 1997 LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW '�+ LJI�IbI SITE AREA: 66,000 Square Feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A ON SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval(SA)and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF)in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water 1 Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use • Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. ' POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas In which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional informatio is needed to property assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date' DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93/ tl Sabey/Warehouse/Public Storage SW 39th Street EIS REVIEW Development Services June 26, 1997 WATER COMMENTS: 1. The preliminary fire flow required is 4250 gpm therefore, five(5)fire hydrants are require. The primary hydrant must be within 150-feet of the building, but not closer then 50 feet of the building. Secondary hydrants must be within 300 feet of the building. 2. Site plans to show all existing fire hydrants within 300-feet. 3. A twelve (12) inch water line is available on SW 39th St. and on Raymond Ave. SW. A (16) inch line is available on Lind Ave. SW. ' 4. The proposed water line connection as shown in the conceptual utility plan is not an acceptable type connection. The domestic water and the fire flow line must be two separate taps. to the 12-inch water main on the north side of SW 39th St. 5. Domestic water meter and fire flow prevention devise is to be located in behind the sidewalk. A 10-foot utility easement is require if there is not enough room for installation. 6. A loop water system for fire flow is required for fire flows over 2500 gpm. The loop water system will be required within a 15-foot utility easement. Attached sketch shows how to connect loop between to existing lines. 92cm092w 97CM092W.DOC1 8 410.1. . . • • i " • • : . . : . .. . :i• „ (..., •• it........ ........... : • "... . • 4th S 3879 c:::, , i SW 34th St 4014 4055 : 16 .7 XXX 19 20. W 34 h St .... vx 4031 4034 .• ...-4035.............467 4038 " 17 ta I. - ". 24 .i, le 11 4443 25 4025 1 21, '... 4036 4039 I 2 I . •• : C29 i 2 4033 i 1 2 . •••.. •:, i ! .._... • • s 0 • _., CI . . . xoc ra ! ... ! . : . • . -,..0 • I :•,.. •...... .• /• „.•.. . . . .. .......... ,;.......44.:•••••...::. ..•• .. . .•,.L. r"--;C,0.7•'10 8" • 7'. 8" 4.:•;:•0'.7 p... . •••. • 1 "• • 406 248 .•. :..*. loll : 4073 -zz i . 1 .i.:. ., 4071 1 0" • r,, .' cOlii• :: • I 3893 .3894 N C3 • 4078 W.J : :4 i • .• 38874070 CC5 II i 8" ,(ts 44:1•7g 1.:. ', >" 3897 3898 i NJ 1--- • i: 1::' 4pet 4059 4060: 4061 ' • :. : :: ./ C...) .r \ • . -7•-• i ge2 8- . Atoe7 i It ., - ..... . 4066 -co :.• : •. • . .088 f i 3829 1 0" C! : ft 3898 , 4084 48 4003 - 0' .--, .„.0 ii. 3e90 .:C.. *3 W 1! a : • : }: . f 4067 • • : 1 2'' 4nRs ' 1 i 8/I ........ .:: sf $ •: • 11111 1M '3692 1 2" .. 4069 R.......... . ::4063 .'. • , i 0. 1 2" " ' • • 1.4 3901 3902 * -.......- V-K 'R 1 1 0" I • "8 N). ;• e. i : . . . • ......... • es • , 3904 ' ?).j eet le Alm' i 48 4249 3905 ''- .: cN 3906 ,,if.,,, &0" 0,, ,- ,.„7''' 4090 i 4251 4252 4283 I Os los N-r-V 10, ,,?. ,..-, 4265 bW 41st St ...:E. ....J.. : 1 425-C : .A.. 0„...-'•.. ' ..:: 1 ..-. •.' ......:.• i• 4270 .fiF i 2a0 • 4289 XXX 1 ai,42. . mu 4301...' 1 $ 1111411111-- WM 111111111Milli Mit%illZ111.1611Plialli....•11 I I 159 5331 W 1/2 1- 0 0 400 800 0.133) UTILITIES DIVISION tf it.-t-1.IN .. P/B/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 02/25/97 1 :4800 5330 W 1/2 i,.... -tiv:. ,4*:441".v.:+i, ';..* ;-,..• -,,.. ' .,,,.' ..-- - . . City yr Renton Department of Planning/Building/Pu'orr`c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: —Red jAsFortakkoeN COMMENTS DUE: JULY 7, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 19, 1997 a"'OF RENTON APPLICANT: SABEY CORPORATION PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY WORK ORDER NO: 78230 JUN 1 9 1997 LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW 01 1 VISION SITE AREA: 66,000 Square Feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval(SA)and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF)in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water _ Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. ' POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS E 19t11 Wt. Is A ptItc! pep/k►a� to. W c,44, i ;c 1407 C.CH &tot a 2mete 1 t HtrY#tlOJ . Tkeduln,( I tkeiu, 1 S tM. H Coat Wail Vol Wit t f fo e.)//f f III. 14A-C (re 'tOt W 'tY bi iffat ay -fet cokes. 'i. /Od&aZ , 6/Zo/7 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS L?,, ,.zi� l ds•1..PJ1v. �17 ��' U e2 4 J �7�Z u.�L� c. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where add'oval information is needed to properly assess this proposal. �6 / ?y7 Signature of Director or Authorized Represen Live Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/83 Sabey/Warehouse/Public Storage SW 39th Street EIS REVIEW Development Services June 26, 1997 TRANSPORTATION: 1. A transportation migration charge is $75,00 per new trip end as estimated from the ITE trip generation manual. 2. Trip rate per the ITE manual is 4.88 per 1000 square foot of warehouse. Therefore: 4.88 x 66,000/ 1000=322 New Trips $75 x 322=$24.150 97cm092t 97CM092T.DOC1 • • '�(VY 0 AVM N°P,L• 4 . r-f42, ...:, .:. noj°`isy�:."�2a�^JrY?/«�.Pk.�?0t;:oa;fig'»GOa?�'•. . ...ewwwa+➢«ylioy�a�Miq«�Y;sL�ae»�a.wr{a.... TFPQR Y M Project Name 5abey Public 5to✓c& . (,vuvc louse Project Address 5 41 3' St 4 Rati oioati1 A✓ S L ) • Contact Person 51.4 Pk1 t 54be.i Cove Address to Elliot. /41/ Nl, Sie. 330 5ec.1tie Q3I Pi Phone Number (20 6 ) - 2$1 - S 7 0. 10 Permit Number LOA - 47- OSO Project Description Go i 7vu. 6.6) 000 St Wav'4ouse , EY/57'1K( s itt c.u v✓er+tl c1 t /yawl, /r-, Land Use Type: Method of.Calculation: ❑ Residential EKITE Trip Generation Manual lvare hnuae ❑ jletail 0 Traffic Study Ra7te t/,g� /600# Non-retail 0 Other /°'a'� Calculation: 66) DOO 006 C 4. 88 ) ` 3Z2 ►t.uv dad tv,p5 At 75 /wt tvip (322) 075 ) _ $2141 150. W 24 ISO Calculated O°Transportation Mitigation Fee: ,,.. JJ ) IS / Calculated by: A a e Date: 6/t0/�! 7 Account Number: Date of Payment !,!'k/ r City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:Suaitro,I Lle(arid, COMMENTS DUE: JULY 7, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 19,1997 CITY OF RENTON APPLICANT: SABEY CORPORATION PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY WORK ORDER NO: 78230 JUG 1 9 199q LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW cbU LLiaev(a LilvxbioN SITE AREA: 66,000 Square Feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval(SA)and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF)in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Alr Aesthetics Water Llght/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shorellne Use Utilities I' Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Histodc/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS SP cl- i i cr, Inn t Ti's Ul 2% CP'%rz 3 pia v' C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We,have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional in ormation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative/ ate DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 Sabey/Warehouse/Public Storage SW 39th Street EIS REVIEW Development Services June 26, 1997 WASTE WATER: (Sewer) 1. If fire sprinkler system is installed the applicant shall install floor drains that are conveyed to the sanitary sewer system. This to be noted on the sewer plan. 2. Drawings are to be per City of Renton Drafting standards. 3. The sewer service line across lot number 2 will require a 15-ft easement and the line is to be labeled"Private". 4. Proposed force pump station: If there is a problem with a pump station we want the user to take the brunt of the impact so that the user is immediately urged to take action. The system must have an alarm connected to a 24-hour auto dialer to a responsible party. The control panel is to have a hour meter. We will need submittals of floats, check valves, gate valves,and the 24-hour alarm notification. STORM DRAINAGE: 1. Building not to be built over existing utilities without removal and revised facilities provided. 2. If existing detention system is removed from lot#2 as indicated and the property is short plated into two ownership's and one detention system is built for both sites which would be required, then a Joint Use Maintenance Agreement would be required and approval by the City and then a recorded copy would need to be issued to the City. 3. A Erosion/Sedimentation control plan required. 4. Show emergency overflow on construction plan. 97cm092s 97CM092S.DOC\ City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Fuoric Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: % COMMENTS DUE: JULY 7, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 19, 1997 APPLICANT: SABEY CORPORATION PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY WORK ORDER NO: 78230 LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW SITE AREA: 66,000 Square Feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Administrative Site.Plan Approval(SA)and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF)in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 1}4,000 Feet cjit/tAX- /J )161 G`„ ) B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS G iy ` . We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information Is needed to properly assess this proposal. /9797 gnatre of Director or Authorized Representative Date P DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CovIstvic-k V tC�e COMMENTS DUE: JULY 7, 1997 cmrriFRENTON APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JUNE 19, 1997 tlFnit`® APPLICANT: SABEY CORPORATION PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL JUN 1 9 '1997 PROJECT TITLE: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP&DELIVERY WORK ORDER NO: 78230 NUiLugi j uIVSSION LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW SITE AREA: 66,000 Square Feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval(SA)and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF)in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment. Minor Major information Impacts impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Wafer Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Histortr/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS WI°c'S6 Aleif _ oCei.//. aK&.ROL/0 11 -S7 rt.cf-T- 2 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where add'o al'information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 4347 ature of D for or AutQl e Presentat e Dat( DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 - , l , . \ + PENDING APPLICATION PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PUBUC STORAGE PICK-UP S DELIVERY I LUA-97.090,SA,ECF DESCRIPTION: no applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval (SA) and Environmental Checklist Review(ECF)in older to construct a 66,000 square loot warehouse building to be used for public storage. GENERAL LOCATION: SW 39th Street end Raymond Avenue SW PUBUC APPROVALS: _Building Permit _Preliminary Plat _Short Plat . _Conditional Use Permit _Rezone XXXX Admin.Site Plan Approval XXXX Environmental Review _PeShorelinermit Conditional Use _Other Fill&Grade Permit - Shoreline Substantial _Other Development Permit The application can be reviewed In the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hail. • Comments will be accepted any time prior to Environmental Review Committee(ERC)meetings,Public Hearings,during • Public Hearings,or prior to an administrative decision. For further Information on the application,or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notiflcalions,please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. • • lath • Y-, Itat • E / j/• IL y - E= IL____I r . , • . . _____ i--- CA if it) NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP 14 • PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION.•,• • • CERTIFICATION . • i, Sa ictl_ t �S� , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on . Awe.27l'i11 . Signed:,WYI:C(,l.( J.-tkAgn STATE OF WASHINGTON ) oO ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) ,,-..r,.rr.. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that , %% ' signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free an v rrt a` ast`'iforAitye,,uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. .i �:(�li.,�� rn .,... Dated: b7c)-7/q7 4 t\- :• - Notary P c in and r he Stale of+�Ias v • i •. , , , Notary (Pant) �►�epr+e,�aEr ,� nl® R My appointment expir s• • 8 6/9/98 NOTARY•OOC • „ :: :»<:: : >: >:<:»>::>:::<:: ::<:>::::>:::::»<:::»>:«:>:<:>:::<:::>::::»::>::::::::pE:V.EL�O('ME.T.S . ...0 S.D.V.S.9N....... .. .. ............................. :::::::::::..:. S::...::::..•:O:F::::SU:RR.O:.U:N:...::..NG ROPERTY O•WNERS ......... ::.:•:•:•:•<•:.::.; ::.;;:.;;:.;;:<.;:.::.::.::.;;:.;::.:;;;:.;....... th n.3 a • ..••o• ... ..•sub •ec •<• : PROJECT NAME: f1&JC., &-Ormg,,g ficieire b VFe.-K APPLICATION NO: LUA ThOSO,S1\ EL The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ..........:.......MCI � ........:.:.:..................................::.............................:..................... ::..:.;:.::::::::.::._:::::::.::.:.;::::::.::_::::::::::._.�::.:::::::::::::.::::::.:::;;;•.;�:::::.::.:::::.............. ..../..... .... 125381-0020-00 ACTIVE THE BOEING COMPANY 650035 COMMENTS CUSTOMER NO. PO BOX 3703 M/S N1F-09 125381-0040-06 ACTIVE PUGET SOUND BLOOD CENTER & 759999 COMMENTS CUSTOMER NO. 921 TERRY AVE 125381-0041-05, ACTIVE THE BOEING COMPANY 719800 COMMENTS CUSTOMER NO. PD BOX 3703 m/s N1F-09 125381-0050-03 ACTIVE PAC-RIM BLDG SUPPLY INC 711735 COMMENTS CUSTOMER NO. 3901 RAYMOND AVE SW 362304-9001-07 ACTIVE RENTON BUILDING 1-7 472030 COMMENTS CUSTOMER NO. GEORGE MCELROY & ASSOC INC • E CFNEI) 1,1) g 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING; CITY OF RENTON ,�a • (Attach additional sheets,..if.necessary) u , 5 (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL • NUMBER d . Applicant Certification I, i91( �.1.—-/%� , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: •' CI City of Renton Technical Services Records 0 Title Company Records !! y( King County Assessors Records Signed _rl ‘7a..QA,_: 4--G Date 6/'/7/7 (Applicant) ' NOTARY ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing at Q4,Q(A LQ . on the I day of pJ,�tLQ , 19 R i.5v5- Sig ried_C�dIPIQJI,I�'L-V_._ i (Notary Public , Use:::»<.:<.;;;;;>:.;::::<::;:«<:; :<::E:>::;::»:>::>::>::>:>::»<: :>::»:>;:<>::>::>:<:>::;::::>::; • :;::................I ,.......:::><::>::::; ;<::: <>. : ......:>::>::::: <; <: <' ''` >'€` :„.:-` is >ii.„.„:iii•.„.„.ii . :;::.: :::.;::::::.�. ..::....;....:.:.;:. ::::.:::...:::.:... ::.:. � AT N.OF..MAILING..:....: ::....:.......... : f ;,:�,.`�<''.': ;,�.`?' ,��. '..' [»<`;'<< :> >~<' < ».> ``sit[Y ' ��2���`><ti . ` i '��2�> t[ �`�' E< c< y ?>f ' '��?`> G < ' �: x['':i;i{��'.n'.:> rc2' ?y ��� ';hereby certify that notices of the proposed application were mailed to .; it•:: o e........ .sted. .ro .e. ..:::o..caner:ort:>s..to.:. ....:.::.o:::.:...::::::. :::s::::::.::::::::::.::m:::::::::::::.::.:.::........................::..:.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::. 1 ii:i?i`: $!:}}:;:t::::::iii:::::::ii}:}::iY.:::ii:?iii:i.i:ii:i:'iii:ii::ii:: i :i::i^?:: ii::: ? :{::� :i:5;'+ rv;:j; iiiii;' :i ::i?:Cii�: <'ii}ii'':iiii::i;i::v:::::i::?ji:v5ii{i'ri�:::ii.::::::: ..:i:fJii>iii::iiii:>:::J':isisi:::::+:::i::i::i:::::::::i:'r::iiJ:::`:� yf?;;01:...W.,j.ii::: ::i::::::::::i'ij':?::::r::i:::i{i:.i:;}+:;?: :;iii::'.::::::}'?:::i;yi;{:;ii<i'.i:is�:::{':i}ij;}}:;:::ii;y:;3;:;:};:q,.:.,-:::{!{:;:':;{:;�j•::::::::::•:::•?::•::::::•: :!.:.; ii�:::::::::':::•,:::•,:ii g:::•i::::::::i:.;:;:�:;;:;ii:�i::':':',i::':•:::•:':::: �::.:..i:::::::•:::•}::i': Y: •:iiti^:iiiiii: wii:ii:Ly:4}iii}i• •:..: .••ii:is?::}i::vi}i:.i::4' • v yy I ^:4n':::',:v',:•:i::i:::•:i:::Y',:'::::•::::i::ii::i:::::::::::::::::':::•::i: :::i:::•:::•:::�•:j:::ii:y:::v:::i?:isiti:::i''i::::ti::::iii:':::::::i:::::i::::':::::ii::'::i�:::•:•i:!::::::::i:::•,::::::i:':'::::•,<:',::':'i:::::•::::i:::•i::::i::i:::::::::::::::::isj::i:::::::i::::::::i::i:::':::: :::ii::jC::::':::•:•:::::•:::::•::::::::•:::•i. ..�::::. :::.::•:::::. :..�::�:::::.;' .}':::.:.:.:.::....:'v:: :.:::••.:::::.;'::::::n; '::::L.::v:.iY:: :ii:".:"r:;•:���:i:::;,:v:ii:.,::.;.i,:.::..<ti:•::i....:•/.`i::•}::i•i...:.....• - A f E T.<±,.$ub$cr be.d:::and:s.worn:;before;::me, a:N.ota..: .;:Public.<:�n:.and::for::. h >;State:: f> 1V shin :<.:i,::•::.. <, ,�'��d�n$,;a .:�. •. ...... i......��''�.. . on;the; >�::...::::::::.da.u<a�... �••�..�.... . ."i9..�.....:.:. : .;.:.' F \. F lip a#.aac ...RELY 07/95' MARILYN KAMCHEFF 2 COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 i ifiFt 4117 NOTICE O.F PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION RENTON, WASHINGTON An Administrative Site Plan Approval (SA) and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY/LUA-97-080,SA,ECF DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks Administrative Site Plan Approval (SA) and Environmental Checklist Review(ECF) in order to construct a 66,000 square foot warehouse building to be used for public storage. GENERAL LOCATION: SW 39th Street and Raymond Avenue SW PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review Admin. Site Plan Approval Building Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. POR M. cji 0 IL' 0 /// a S.\9'IH Sr. PROPOSED SITE rri ) o S.W.41TH SC. CA GENMALOT.DOC N. NEIGHBORHOOD2 DETAIL MAP ,411 CITI JF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator June 19, 1997 Mr. Stan Palmer Sabey Corporation 101 Elliott Avenue West, Suite 330 Seattle,WA 98119 SUBJECT: Public Storage Pick-Up and Delivery Project No. LUA-97-080,SA,ECF Dear Mr. Palmer: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to:submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on July 15,.1997. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at 277-5586, if you have any questions. Sincerely, 07,/th Mark R. P I,AICP Project nager cc: Mr. & Mrs. David Sabey/Owners . ACCPATR.DOC' 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 :.� This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer .......................... ................ .................................. .•.•.•...•.......... ..I`SON '<' `'>` < <<><<» ' >: ::>>: : ><>:: [ : s: .;:;. : � <:< DEVE OPMENTSER.VICE .. Iv. ....... ...........................:.................... ........ ... .............. %:::::::.::::::.::::::::::::::::: :::: :'::.::::::::•° :::::::::::F.::.F:.]:.F.F:::i:FF!mytgtEll'APPLICATII:. N-:::::-:'::::::::-:---::::::--::::-.*:*]*::::::i*--:'.::?::::.:.---:::: ` `O WN E R� ::><:: :: >:.:: . <:::::: ::::::::::::::: ........... ':> >� >':� .. CT..I N F.O RMATI O N: con ' : >>:>:.:;:.:::; ote� ;.:;:.::;::e`s re fta:::: ::;::ej:<:>;:alsowne��:: ::::e:;::;;e :.: N......„:lf then::�.,:m...:..:;......n:on._..eg.::,...,,,,,,:,r,.p[„as ,attach art adi3tional .r 6ig ied.Mater Appl(caUon.foreach.owner.....,.. . _....... EXISTING LAND USE(S): NAME: David & Sandra Sabey Parking Lot PROPOSED LAND USES: ADDRESS: 101 Elliott Ave. W. Ste. 330 Storage CITY: Seattle WA ZIP: 98119 EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER: EAI "Employment Area-Industrial" 206-281-8700 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: :CO:NTACT>PERS� N/ P..t.1.;.:: :.; :::.T.:: .................:.::::N;;...-. :.......::.::::R.; :0:.:.: A.;:.;PLICANT::».::.:.:::.::_. Same NAME: Stan Palmer, Architecture Group Sabey Corporation EXISTING ZONING: IL ADDRESS: 101 Elliott Ave. W. Ste. 330 I. PROPOSED ZONING: CITY: Seattle WA ZIP: 98119 Same SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): TELEPHONE NUMBER: 206-281-8700 135,719 sq. ft. 206-281-0920 (fax) OJ C V LUE:PR E T A > :<<> na:.:.; PROD....C:.:INFO,RM;ATI:O:N:::::::::;:::.::...::.::. : Approx. $1,500,000 PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Public Storage Pickup & Delivery IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: No SW 39th St & Raymond Ave SW Renton, WA IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? ;� 'fie KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): No "i 125381-0042-04 *t,_tQ 1 OEVELCbAr;ENT PLANN.NV CnY OF RENTo ...........::.:::::::::::::... .. G AP!DE SC I i ................................................................:sheet ;f;.:::necessar .::«..::::::;.::..:.:.:..:;.>..:..:>:.:..:..;..:.:.;. :<.: AT1 H. P` -- . . i <::T;YP <::: > : :.>:: ::;:;:::>< :::»;'.` C ck..all..a li ::.:.::....::.::: :: ::: . e. ..... ..... . . cat(on..t es.::t t: I :::.:Ci. ::. f.f::wi . .......:.....:.:.::.......PP : :..:....;..::;.::.;..Y..P.::............: aRP.Y.:.:...::..:.X.:.::..�.::.:::.:.:.::.�.::.::.:t ..m..ne:;fee.s:.;»::::<»:.:;:>::>::>::: :>:>:<::::>::::;:;7::»::>:.::::: I _ ANNEXATION . $ • SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ — SHORT PLAT $ TEMPORARY PERMIT $ —TENTATIVE PLAT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL • $f0190, )C) _ FINAL PLAT $ _ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: ' ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY WAIVER $ FINAL _ WETLAND PERMIT $ ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ I MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: — SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ EXEMPTION $No Charge XNVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $500- 1 • REVISION $ :::>:: :;:.;::::<>. :::::; ><: >: «<:»::; »> : >: .:........ .. .I AV IT..O FO.W.N ERS.H I P..... ........... David A. babey & I, (Print Name) Sandra L. Sabey, declare that I am (please check one) x the owner of the property involved in this application,_the authorized representative to act for the property owner (please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I kccc c1tcC 1Q-a raAA- David A. Sabey, individually, and ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a ry Public, in and as attorney-in-fact for Sandra L. Sabey for the State of residing at (Name ca\f Own=��/Repres-ntat' e) , on day of (Signature of Owner/Repr tive) (Signature of Notary Public) hls:::se ..::.. ...:.:::.:....:::.::;,...:G. C.it l ile;::Num , :.::. b.er. ::: ........::::S.:...::L::.:.C.:U.:..�.....APPKP:::::TP.,: ::;Sp>::«:RV : . ::::::.�:::::.:�:::::::::: ............................::::::::::::.::::.::::::::::::::...:............ )e), :: :T.OTAL:.:P.OST'AGE:.IRO.VID.ED.. :$ : ..< ... . .:::::::::: ::::.:..... ............... .:..::;:.;:.;::;.:.::: REVISED 2/95 I NOTARY FOR CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISON MASTER APPLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . COUNTY OF KING On this 1 day of J-U.LQ_ , 1997, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, personally appeared DAVID A. SABEY, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed this instrument; on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument as attorney-in-fact for his wife, SANDRA L. SABEY; acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for himself and as attorney-in-fact for said principal for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and on oath stated that the Power of Attorney authorizing the execution of this instrument has not been revoked and that the said principal is now living and is competent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first written above. QhcahCv, N6TARY PUBLIC in a d for the State of Washington, residing at `0 cLe r�llA Printed Name: -_41� iA ll. My commission expires : 1-W [gt . PROJECT NARRATIVE Sabey Corporation is proposing to develop a building on property we own at S.W. 39th Street and Lind Avenue S.W. The building will be approximately 66,000 sq. ft.; its user will be Public Storage Pickup &Delivery. The site is currently paved for parking 314 vehicles. It currently has occasional use by the tenant to the south of the subject property. The site is landscaped and has a storm water detention system in place. The site is basically flat with no special discernable topographic features. All adjacent structures are warehouse/storage or office buildings. They are of similar height as the proposed building. No views will be obstructed as a result of the proposed project. The proposed building will house storage of approximately 2,700 containers that have been delivered and picked up at a customer's address. The building will be approximately 66,000 sq.ft with a small storage mezzanine for sofa storage containers, accessible only by forklift. Occupancy will be very low with only 4-5 staff working inside. There are 30 viewing areas where customers may request to view contents within their containers. This can be done only by appointment during normal business hours. Customers are not allowed within the storage warehouse. The dock high building will be approximately 36'high,built of tiltup concrete panels. There will be 47 onsite parking spaces with ongrade access to the building. The building will utilize two of the three existing curb cuts. Lot coverage will be approximately 49%. 9_P,r/VED Ji N 1 9 1997 Ucvtw; �w_ 7 PLANNING CITY OF RENTON CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION The proposed project will be built by Sabey Corporation's own contractor, Sabey Construction, Inc. The client has requested that the building be finished as soon as possible. As soon as the site plan approval and building/construction permits are secured, construction will begin per the anticipated schedule: Preload building site: 8-9/97 Site and building construction: 9-12/97 Occupancy: Late December or early January It is anticipated that hours of operation will be from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. The schedule may necessitate some weekend work during the same hours. The contractor intends to use local subcontractors and suppliers. It is anticipated that much of the preload fill will come from nearby construction excavation sites. Standard construction procedures acceptable to the City of Renton to mitigate dust, erosion, noise and traffic control will be in place throughout the project duration. RECE1VFD JUN 1 9 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON 14. - I , I , ENVIRONMENTAL CRECHI,IST Purpose of Checklist. The State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA), chapter 43.21 RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an FiSis required. Instructions for Applicants. This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly,with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully,to the best of your knowledge. In most cases you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal write "do no know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of Checklist for Nonproject Proposals. Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SfIEFT FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions,the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic are " r ectively. WCIp;OF 19 1997 CITY R�iV oNNIDE VEr:08 NG 1 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Public Storage&Delivery 2. Name of applicant:Sabey Corporation 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person:101 Elliott Ave. W., #330, Seattle, WA 98119 Contact: Stan Palmer AIA 4. Date checklist prepared: June 17 , 1997 5. Agency requesting checklist:City of Renton-Planning/Building/Public Works 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): Preload- Summer 1997, Construction -Fall, Winter 1998 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain.None known to applicant 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal.None known to applicant 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain.None 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Site plan approval, Building permit, utility permits 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the site of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) Applicant intends to develop a storage building, approximately 66,000 sq.ft. with required parking and detention pond. Site is approximately 3.12 acres. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address,if any, and section, township, and range,if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan,vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist.Southeast corner of 39th St. S.W. and S.W. Raymond Ave. Refer to attached drawings for additional requested information. 13. Does the proposal lie within an area designated on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Policy Plan Map as environmentally sensitive? No. 2 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site(circle one): Flat, b. What is the steepest slope on the site(approximate percent slope)? 2% c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Sandy silt w/some organics, mostly medium dense d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. e. Describe the purpose,type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The building pad will be dock high(+4'-0"). This will result in approximately , 9,000 cubic yards of structural fill import, source unknown f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)?Approximately 74%. Currently the site is approximately 85% impervious h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Does not apply 2. Air a. What type of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Typical emissions associated with construction (truck, equipment exhaust). Potential dust from preload prior to construction. Long term emissions to be less than current use b. Are there any off site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe.No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Dust control by contractor if necessary 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds,wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Springbrook Creek approximately 700' west of site 3 7 � TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet)the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans.Not applicable 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material.Not applicable 4) • Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known.Surface water will be rerouted into new detention pond/system 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. Minor oil from vehicles. An oil/water separator will be utilized b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantifies if known.No 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system,the number of such systems,the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Waster water from two restrooms into sanitary sewer system c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any(include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Runoff from impervious areas (building, parking) to be directed into wet pond before discharge into City storm water system 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters?If so, generally describe. No d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, or runoff water impacts, if any: On site detention system will control rate of flow into City storm water system 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen tree: fir, cedar,pine, other 4 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY X shrubs grass - pasture - crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail,buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, _ other = water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? All vegetation in existing landscape areas in conflict with new plan, to be removed c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known d. Proposed landscaping,use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site,if any: Existing landscaping to remain where not in conflict with proposed project. New landscaping per City of Renton standards 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals that have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: Sparrow, crow mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: None fish: bass, salmon,trout, herring, shellfish, other: Not applicable b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known to applicant c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain.None known to applicant d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife,if any: Not applicable 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy(electric, natural gas, oil,wood stove, solar)will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Gas -heating. Electricity-Building and site lighting,misc. power b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, 5 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY generally describe.No I ' c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Building insulation and lighting per Washington State Non-Residential Energy Code 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste,that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe.None known to applicant 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Typical fire,police and medical services associated with 911 response request • 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards,if any: None required b. Noise • 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)?None 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction,operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from site?Truck traffic associated with preload. Normal construction noise. Minimal noise associated with building operation 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None 8. Land and Shoreline Use • a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Currently, the site is paved and. striped(for parking of 314 vehicles, office buildings to north and east. Warehouse/manufacturing.to south and west. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe.Unknown to applicant c. Describe any structures on the site.None d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what?No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? IL f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site?EAI g. If applicable,what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? 6 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Not applicable h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify.No i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Five • j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. Not applicable 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and project land uses and plans, if any. Project is compatible with both land use designation and comprehensive plan 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing?None b. Approximately how many units, if any,would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing?None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any.Not applicable 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Top of parapet of proposed building will be approximately 36'. Building exterior to be tiltup concrete panels b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed?None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts,if any.Building paint scheme. Landscaping 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur?Minimal light from site lighting at night b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal?None 7 / TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts,if any: None 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? • Springbrook Creek and jogging trail to the west b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant,if any: Not applicable 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known to applicant b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site.None known to applicant c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Not applicable 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe the proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Major arterial Lind Ave. S. W. is one half block east of site. Will utilize existing curb cuts off Raymond Ave. S.W. and S.W. 39th St. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not,what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop?No. Bus stop one half block east c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate?Existing: 314. Proposed: 46 spaces d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe(indicate whether public or private).No e. Will the project use(or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air - transportation? If so, generally describe.No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur.Unknown. Significantly less than current use g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any.None. Few 8 a TO BE COMPLETED BY PLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY employees, service business 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas,water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. All utilities adjacent to site b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the service. and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Puget Power-Electricity, U.S. West-Telephone, City of Renton-Water, Sanitary Sewer, Puget Sound Energy-Natural Gas C. Signature The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand the lead agency is relyin I o the e its decision. Signature: Date submitted: June 1 This checklist was reviewed by Environmental Specialist, Department of Construction and Land Use. Any comments or changes made by the Department are entered in the body of the checklist and contain the initials of the reviewer. • TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 32. 0 108TH AVENUE N.E. P.O. BOX 1493 BELLEVUE, WA 98009 Prepared for: Order No. : 865456 Charge $200. 00 SABEY CORPORATION Sales Tax: $ 16.40 Total $216.40 101 ELLIOTT AVE W, STE. 330 SEATTLE, WA 98119 Attn: MARY HALL SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for filing Proposed Short Plat: In the matter of the short subdivision to be submitted to King County for approval, this company has examined the records of King County Auditor's and Clerk's offices, and the records of the Clerk of the United States District Court holding terms in said county. This certificate is made for the purpose herein specified, and is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction. Liability is limited to the amount, if any, paid for this certificate. From such examination, the company hereby certifies the title to the following described land, in said King County, to-wit: See "LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " VESTED IN: DAVID A. SABEY AND SANDRA L. SABEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE EXCEPTIONS: 1. General Taxes, as follows, together with interest, penalty and _ statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent on May 1; 2nd half delinquent on November 1) Tax Account No. Year Amount Billed Amount Paid Principal Balance 125381-0040-06 1996 $39, 083 . 66 $19,541.83 $19,541.83 (Covers property herein described and other property) The levy code for the property herein described is 2110 for 1996. 2 . Special Taxes, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent on May 1; 2nd half delinquent on November 1) Tax Account No. Year Amount Billed Amount Paid Principal Balance 125381-0040-06 1996 $ 100.68 $ 50.34 $ 50. 34 (Covers property herein described and other property) 3 . Conservation (CON) Service Charge, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: - (1st half delinquent on May 1; 2nd half delinquent on November 1) Tax Account No. Year Amount Billed Amount Paid Principal Balance 125381-0040-06 1996 $ 1.25 F$ C ® i .,63 $ . 62 (Covers property herein described and othe �:erty) f 9 1997 JcvEL-JPMENT PLANNING CITY OF R�NTON ` I . . Order No. 865456 4._ Liability for Surface Water Management (SWM) Service Charge, if any, which are not presently assessed, but may appear on future rolls. • 5. ANY UNPAID ASSESSMENT OR CHARGES, AND LIABILITY FOR FURTHER ASSESSMENTS OR CHARGES BY Drainage District No. 10. 6. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: Railroad purposes AREA AFFECTED: A 15-foot right-of-way lying and being in the property herein described and other property RECORDING NO. : 8110210541 7 . EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: Underground utilities AREA AFFECTED: The outer 10 feet of all lots as measured parallel with and at right angles and radially to all road frontages in Blocks 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 RECORDING NO. : 8202080435 (Covers property herein described and other property) 8. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: Underground electric transmission and/or distribution system AREA AFFECTED: The outer 10 feet of all lots as measured parallel with and at right angles and radially to all road frontages in Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8 RECORDING NO. : 8306240522 (Covers property herein described and other property) • 9. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: Public utilities AREA AFFECTED: Numerous 15-foot strips of land lying within property herein described RECORDING NO: : 8612031433 10. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: Public utilities (including water and sewer) with necessary appurtenances AREA AFFECTED: A portion of the property described therein RECORDING NO. : 8711180709 11. ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES, if any, disclosed by plat of Burlington Northern Industrial Park Renton II. RIGHTS OR BENEFITS, IF ANY, WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY THE RECORDED DOCUMENT(S) ABOVE AFFECTING LAND OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARY DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A. Page 2 Order No. 865456 Waiver of reservation contained in plat imposed by instrument recorded on December 17, 1986, under Recording No. 8612170768, and by instrument recorded April 2, 1987, under Recording No. 8704020394 . 12 . Declaration of restrictive covenants imposed by instrument recorded on October 11, 1985, under Recording No. 8510110737. 13 . MATTERS SET FORTH BY SURVEY: RECORDED: April 24, 1986 RECORDING NO: : 8604249001 DISCLOSES: Easements 14 . UNRECORDED LEASE: LESSOR: Orillia Limited Partnership II LESSEE: Boeing Electronics Company, a Division of The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation FOR A TERM OF: 3 years plus renewal options DISCLOSED BY: Instrument recorded under Recording No. 8611261154 SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BY AGREEMENT DATED: December 11, 1986 RECORDED: December 17, 1986 RECORDING NO. : 8612170776 The above lease was made subordinate to the deed of trust recorded under Recording No. 8612170766, set forth at paragraph 17 herein. Consent and waiver and the terms and conditions thereof, recorded August 11, 1987, under Recording No. 8708111494. 15. UNRECORDED LEASE: LESSOR: Burlington Northern Railroad Properties, Inc. , a Delaware corporation LESSEE: Boeing Aerospace Company, a division of the Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation DATE: May 5, 1992 DISCLOSED BY: Instrument recorded under Recording No. 9205061675 Lessor's interest in said lease is now held of record by .Alaskan Copper Companies, Inc. , a Profit-Sharing Plan and Trust, by assignment of lease recorded May 6, 1992, under Recording No. 9205061675. 16. UNRECORDED LEASE: LESSOR: Orillia Limited Partnership LESSEE: Boeing Defense and Space Group, a division of The Boeing Company DATE: June 17, 1992 DISCLOSED BY: Instrument recorded under Recording No. 9208042186 Page 3 Order No. 865456 _ SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BY AGREEMENT DATED: June 17, 1992 RECORDED: August 4, 1992 RECORDING NO. : 9208042186 The above lease was made subordinate to the deed of trust recorded under Recording No. 8612170766 and assignment of rents recorded under Recording No. 8612170767, set forth at paragraphs 17 AND 18 herein. 17. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: Orillia Limited Partnership II, a Washington limited partnership TRUSTEE: Ticor Title Insurance Company, a California corporation BENEFICIARY: Confederation Life Insurance Company, a mutual company incorporated in Canada LOAN NO. : --- ADDRESS: 321 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4W 1H1 ORIGINAL AMOUNT: $2,250,000.00 DATED: December 11, 1986 RECORDED: December 17, 1986 RECORDING NO. : 8612170766 AMENDMENT TO. THE DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: DATED: January 1, 1992 RECORDED: March 19, 1992 RECORDING NO. : 9203191802 ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: ASSUMED BY: David A. Sabe( and Sandra L. Sabey, husband and wife RECORDED: December 30, 1993 RECORDING NO. : 9312303846 18 . ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: ASSIGNOR: Orillia Limited Partnership II, a Washington limited partnership ASSIGNEE: Confederation Life Insurance Company, a mutual company incorporated in Canada DATED: December 11, 1986 RECORDED: December 17, 1986 RECORDING NO. : 8612170767 19 . UNRECORDED PLEDGE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BORROWERS: David A. Sabe( and Sandra L. Sabey, husband and wife, and Sabey Corporation, a Washington corporation AND: Security Pacific Bank Washington, N.A. , a national banking association DISCLOSED BY: .. Instrument recorded under Recording No.. 9208100202 Page 4 • Order No. 865456 20.. Unrecorded leaseholds, if any; rights of vendors and holders of security interests on personal property installed upon the land; and rights of tenants to remove trade fixtures at the expiration of the term. Records examined to May 28, 1996 at 8: 00 A.M. TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BY Grj�(C ' /-'d For s rvice on th order call: (206) 646-8589/1-800-441-7701 JOHN W. JONES, DAVID P. CAMPBELL or MARK S. NIKLASON (FAX #(206) 646-8593) JLB:amh ENCLOSURES: Sketch 1/icc: DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 415 118TH AVE. SE BELLEVUE, WA 98005-3553 Attn: BOB HERMANN Page 5 Order No. 865456 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4 IN BLOCK 5 OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL PARK, RENTON, II, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 111 OF PLATS, PAGES 42 THROUGH 44, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Page 6 y i • � o N - \ i � �� . ,�! v, I Alk • ' - et.; i ii�p� I r l Jy • A %.Z V'4.';•....... 40 .0 if s: •• 2 • A , S.... -. 1: . .....,.. . .„...,,. . ..,,, ,....,.. ,, _ : • ,:,,,,,„ .. ,/, , 1 ' ii , ,,c/..,.0.:,,,, /4„..; ...*-17....„( 4.". c;:4::./' • I ,/I 4"\ .1 -7 e .* A. r . t' 40 7.is f1! fe .if.,, � 1 iA �'� e 'iv yet e /0..�S/ e/7 O F SW l9T T9 _ m S _ .+ r " � �, t �•, r. .+ � N ST•'•� a � r «. i if ,..,. ci`\\ 1 4 y 4 D 4. O Z., 5 , 11.1 I • .�.1-1 .. TRACT• �M:00:OR • Of3.- This sketch is provided, without charge, for your information. 'It is not intended to show all matters related to the.property including, but not limited-to, area, dimensions, easements, en- croachments, or location of boundaries. It is not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or policy to which it is attached. The Company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sketch. References should be made to an accurate survey for further information. **** *********************************************************** City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9703885 Amount : 1, 501 . 60 06/19/97 11 :42 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6428 SABEY CORP Init : LMN Project # : LUA97-080 Type : LUA Land Use Actions Location: SOUTH OF SW 39TH ST & EAST OF RAYMOND AV SW Total Fees : 1, 501 . 60 This Payment 1, 501 . 60 Total ALL Pmts : 1, 501 . 60 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 500 . 00 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0017 Site Plan Approval 1, 000 . 00 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 1 . 60 1 O60,5{'S t ELF (14 ) PUBLIC STORAGE PICK-UP & DELIVERY CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT Renton, Washington r Prepared for: Sabey Corporation Architectural Group 101 Elliott W Seattle,WA. 98119 Prepared by: David Evans and Associates,Inc. 415-118th Ave SE Bellevue,WA 98005 tioC 40 w ftt,s4 44) e .9 �0zsresf /� 0VALENG RECEIvEr f EXPIRES APRIL 12, 19944 JUN 1 9 1997 • DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON June 16, 1997 ��UUU Outstanding Professionals. . . Outstanding Quality DAV I D E VA N S AND ASSOCIATES, 1 N C. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I OVERVIEW 1 SECTION II PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS SUMMARY 3 SECTION III OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 5 SECTION IV WATER QUANTITY AND QUALITY CONTROL 6 SECTION V CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 8 SECTION VI SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 9 SECTION VII BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLAN AREAS 10 SECTION VIII OTHER PERMITS 11 SECTION IX EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DESIGN 11 SECTION X BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET 12 SECTION XI MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL 13 SECTION IX EASEMENTS AND DRAINAGE RELEASE COVENANTS 13 APPENDICES APPENDIX A-Level 1 Analysis APPENDIX B-Detention and Conveyance Calculations APPENDIX C-Water Quality Treatment Calculations c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES,INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT } SECTION I OVERVIEW The proposed construction of the Public Storage, Pick-up & Delivery facility in Renton Washington, is comprised of constructing a new warehouse type building on an existing fully paved parking lot. The proposed project is located in the City of Renton, King County, on SW 39th Street west of Lind Avenue SW, Section 30, Township 23 North, Range.5 East.. The project will remove approximately 1.9 acres of paved parking and create 66,500 square feet of warehouse space,along with a detention and water quality pond,and additional landscaped areas. Just to the east of the 3.1 acre site, an existing 15,000 square foot building with perimeter parking contributes approximately 0.75 acres that drain to the site. The area is part of the Springbrook Creek drainage basin. EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND PROBLEMS Upstream Drainage Upstream drainage is intercepted by the SW 39th Street storm drainage system,which conveys surface runoff to the west. The site does not receive runoff from the SW 39th Street conveyance system. Downstream Drainage The area west of the site is comprised of commercial buildings and warehouse developments which drain to SW 39th Street. The area south of the site is also comprised of commercial buildings and warehouse developments which drain to Lind Avenue SW. The proposed Public Storage project will not contribute any additional amount of runoff to this area. In it's present condition there is significantly more area exposed to vehicular traffic than with the proposed development. Installation of a proposed drainage pond will ensure that the existing drainage patterns are not increased. The area to the east of the proposed project is comprised of large tracts of developed land with commercial businesses and warehouses along SW 39th Street.This area drains to Springbrook Creek through a closed conveyance system leading to Springbrook Creek. Drainage Problems No drainage problems were identified according to Ron Sacra, City of Renton,Department of Public Works. PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM The proposed drainage system includes a detention and water quality pond at the northwest corner of the project, along with new conveyance pipe crossing the site. An existing detention pipe will be replaced in functionality with the pond. Water quality treatment consists of oil/water separators in the pond control structure,along with the construction of a water quality treatment pond as a part of the detention pond. VARIANCES AND EXCEPTIONS The proposed drainage system is designed to meet the latest revision of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Renton's Storm and Surface Water Drainage requirements. No variances from the requirements are needed. MITIGATION MEASURES c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 1 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT The following measures will be taken to lessen and prevent damage to the environment: 1. Existing detention facilities will be replaced with an open air water quality and detention pond sized to provide the same level of detention as the existing four foot diameter tank and it's associated surface ponding. 2. The amount of surface area subject to vehicular traffic on the existing site will be reduced by almost 70%. 3. The total amount of impervious surface will be decreased across the site, and replaced with additional landscaping and stormwater treatment area. 4. Erosion,and water quality impacts will be addressed both during and after construction. These may include the use of sediment traps,filter fencing, check dams, and diversion/interception ditches,during the course of construction. The permanent drainage facilities will mitigate impacts by the use of storm water detention to reduce peak flows that currently enter the City's conveyance system in SW 39th Street leading to Springbrook Creek. Sediment traps, oil water separators in catch basins and a water quality treatment vault will intercept suspended sediment and oil-based products prior to release. c:\a-prof\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 2 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION II PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS SUMMARY This section will address the requirements set forth by the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual Core and Special Requirements listed in Chapter 1. CORE REQUIREMENTS-King County Surface Water Management Design Manual 1. Discharge at a natural location (1.2.1): Flow from the new detention pond will be discharged into the same storm drainage system that the current detention facility drains into,at a location approximately 200 feet to the west. 2. Off-site Analysis (1.2.2): This subject is covered in Sections III and IV. Upstream basins have been examined. Downstream systems have been examined. (See Appendix A.) 3. Runoff Control(1.2.3): A. Peak Rate Runoff Control: This subject is addressed in Section IV. Detention will be provided to maintain flow rates at the existing 2, 10, and 100 year, 24-hour peak levels. This will be achieved by replacing the volume of detention associated with the existing detention facility. (See Appendix B.) B. Water Quality Treatment: The existing site is exempt from the requirement for treatment for water quality due to the fact that the proposal will decrease the amount of pavement subject to vehicular traffic by approximately 1.9 acres. In addition,the proposal includes replacing the existing closed detention system with a open detention and water quality pond designed per the KCSWD manual. (See Appendix C.) 4. Conveyance Facilities(1.2.4): This issue is covered in Section V. The proposal includes providing conveyance for the 25 year-24 hour storm,and addressing the condition of the site in the 100 year-24 hour storm. 5. Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan(1.2.5): The project will construct a series of sediment controls related to specific conditions on the site. These issues are covered in Section IX. 6. Maintenance and Operation (1.2.6): Since this is in the City of Renton, maintenance of all drainage facilities and systems will be the responsibility of the owner. Care will be taken to insure scheduling is consistent with city requirements. 7. Bonds and Liability(1.2.7): See Section X SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS-King County Surface Water Management Design Manual 1. Critical Drainage Areas (1.3.1): The project lies in the Springbrook Creek Basin, but no special requirements for detention or water quality in this area of the basin supersede the drainage manual. 2. Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan(1.3.2): There are no master drainage plans covering the project site. 3. Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan(1.3.3): The project does not require a master drainage plan. 4. Adopted Basin or Community Plans(1.3.4):There are no adopted basin or community plans in the Springbrook Creek Basin that exceed those required by the drainage manual for this area. c:\a-proj\d aRc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES,INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 3 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT 5. Special Water Quality Controls(1.3.5): The project does exceed one acre of impervious area,but actually reduces the amount of impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic by 1.9 acres, and so is exempt from special water quality controls. However,the proposal includes the construction of an open air stormwater pond designed to provide both detention and water quality treatment for the entire site and contributory areas. 6. Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators(1.3.6): The project will not increase impervious area subject to vehicular use by five acres or more,so no coalescing plate oil/water separator is required. 7. Closed Depressions(1.3.7):The project is not tributary to an off-site closed depression which is under 5,000 square feet of surface area at release,so this special requirement does not apply to the project. 8. Use of Lakes, Wetlands or Closed Depressions for Peak Rate Runoff Control(1.3.8): The project will not use a lake, wetland or closed depression for peak rate runoff control,so this special requirement does not apply. 9. Delineation of 100 Year Floodplain(1.3.9): The project is not within any 14'bMA designated floodplain. 10. Flood Protection Facilities for Class 1 and 2 Streams (1.3.10): There are no existing or proposed flood protection facilities for class 1 or 2 stream within the project. 11. Geotechnical Analysis and Report(1.3.11): Not Provided. 12. Soils analysis and report(1.3.12): Soils in the area have been mapped as shown in the Soil Conservation Service, King County Soils Report See Section VI. SENSITIVE AREAS ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no sensitive areas within the project limits. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 4 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION III OFF-SITE ANALYSIS UPSTREAM ANALYSIS Upstream drainage is intercepted by the SW 39th Street storm drainage system,which conveys surface runoff to the west. The site does not receive runoff from the SW 39th Street conveyance system or the Lind Avenue SW conveyance system. DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS Standard Requirements(based on Design Manual and SAO) 1. Analysis shall extend to a point where the project site constitutes no more then 15%of the basin but in no case less then 1/4 mile(1.2.2-1). Completed. 2. Level 1 Analysis shall show on a map downstream pipe sizes, channel characteristics and a narrative of problems(1.2.2-2). (See Appendix A) 3. Level 2 Analysis is required if it is found there is a lack of capacity; overtopping, scouring,bank sloughing, or sedimentation; flooding of structures, road access, or septic fields; significant destruction of aquatic habitat. Analysis shall be performed at each problem site for the 2, 10,and 100 year events;using Manning's Equation and with tape and hand level measurements. Evaluate problem for existing and proposed conditions. (1.2.2-3). Not applicable. 4. Level 3 Analysis is required where the proposed project site constitutes 15%of the flow. Analysis must be done using licensed survey and standard step back water methods(1.2.2-2). Not applicable. 5. Solution of Problem -It must be shown that either the project will neither aggravate an existing problem or cause a new one. Where the project will aggravate a problem then mitigation must be provided(1.2.2-3). The project will not aggravate an existing problem or cause a new one. 6. Discharge at Natural location is required and produces no significant impacts to the downstream property (1.2.1-1). Discharge from the proposed project is into the same storm drainage system as the existing site,but at a point 200 feet downstream of the existing point of connection. Special Requirements(based on P-suffix, basin or community plans, and critical designations) None Level 1 Analysis • The area to the east of the proposed project is comprised of large tracts of developed land along SW 39th Street. This area drains to the upper reaches of Springbrook Creek through defined drainage ways(Appendix A). The only area off-site of the project that contributes drainage to the site is the area of parking and building just east of the project. This area contributes approximately 0.75 acres of pavement, roof, and landscape. The original detention tank design for this location, prepared in 1984, included drainage from the entire 1.9 acre parcel. This was established by reviewing the existing drainage system on the site, along with the pavement reconstruction and detention provided in the subsequent construction of the building on that site now. In that construction project, a new "Y&W' type detention tank was provided along Lind Avenue which diverts portions of the roof downspout system along with all of the parking lot areas north, south, and east of the existing building, and discharges it separately into the municipal drainage system in the street. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID'EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 5 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION IV WATER QUANTITY AND QUALITY CONTROL SITE HYDROLOGY(Parts A&B) Calculations for this section are found in Appendix B. Part A-Existing Site Hydrology The existing site hydrology is a developed, paved parking area that the new building will occupy. The design of the existing system is not available, but was developed in 1984 by ESM for the Boeing Electronics division. Due to contractual language and secrecy issues,those plans and calculations are not available. In Appendix B of this document, we present several options recreating the sizing of the existing detention system. This was necessary to properly replace the existing detention with new detention. It was also necessary in order to be able to identify the size of the existing orifice in the four foot diameter tank in the existing site. Part B-Developed Site Hydrology This proposal decreases the impervious area of the site, which will actually decrease the runoff of the project. The drainage system will consist of catch basins and storm drain pipe. and will not change the time of concentration. The proposal also reduces the impervious surface subject to vehicular traffic by 1.9 acres. (Appendix B) A narrative of flows in the basin was provided in Section III. PART C-DETENTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Standard Requirements(based on Design Manual and SAO) 1. Flow rate must release flow at or below existing 2, 10 year and 100-year,24-hour peak rate.Existing conditions are those that were present in May 1979(1.2.3-1). Flow rate will be kept the same as it exists today,by replacing the existing detention tank and parking lot ponding system with a new detention pond and control structure sized to release at the same rate as the existing system. 2. Detention ponds are to be open ponds unless there is no practicable alternative and may be combined with wetponds(1.2.3-3) The existing detention facility is an underground pipe. The proposed facility is an open air pond. 3. Retention facilities must be evaluated for the 7 day 100 year event and downstream over flow path evaluated (1.2.3-4)(1.3.7-1).Not applicable. 4. Wetlands shall not be used for detention unless there is no alternative, if it is a type 3 wetland with its only major function as storage,and the facility is regional in nature. [54(91.C)] Not applicable. 5. Flow control is not required if there is less than 5,000 s.f of new impervious surface,flow increase is less than 0.5 cfs for the 100 year event, or discharges to the Cedar, Green, Duwamish, Sammamish, Skykomish, Snoqualmie, White or Stuck rivers; or Lake Sanunamish or Lake Washington; or to Puget Sound (1.2.3-5). Flow control is also not required if discharging to a lake, wetland, or closed depression if the increase in the floodplain is less than 0.1 feet and permission is secured form affected property owners,water quality treatment is provided before discharge, and if there is an outlet,it may need to modified to retain the existing 2, 10, and c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 6 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT 100 year, 24-hour flow rates (1.3.8-1). Flow control is currently provided. There will be a decrease in impervious surfaces. Therefore the existing flow control system will be replaced with a new system designed to match the performance of the existing system. 6. Bypasses may be permitted if discharge is to the same subbasin and the flow rate is compensated for at the detention facility(1.2.3-6). No bypass is proposed. 7. Of site flow greater then 50 percent of the 100 year on-site flow must be carried in a separate system around the detention facility(1.2.3-6). Existing off-site flows are included in the design of the original detention system for the site,and as a consequence are included in the new design. They may not be bypassed without increasing the flow rates from the area. Special Requirements(based on P-suffix, basin or community plans, and critical designations) None apply greater than the standard conditions from the drainage manual. PART D-WATER QUALITY Standard Requirements(based on Manual) There are four levels of water quality facilities defined in the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual,each level is additive and they do not overlay or replace lower level facilities. These levels are as follows: 1. Oil/Water Separation-required in all pipe conveyance systems serving paved areas. (1.2.4-3) Oil/water separation with orifice control will be provided. 2. Biofdtration Facility - required in addition to Oil/Water Separation when the new impervious area subject to vehicular use exceeds 5000 s.£(1.2.3-1) The proposal decreases the amount of impervious area subject to vehicular use,and so is exempt from biofiltration. 3. Water Quality Pond -required in addition to the biofiltration facility when the new impervious area subject to vehicular use or chemical storage exceeds one acre.(1.3.5) The proposal decreases the amount of impervious area subject to vehicular use,and so is exempt from the requirement for water quality treatment. 4. Coalescing Plate Separators -required in addition to Water Quality Pond if there are 5 acres or more of new impervious surface subject to any of the following: 2500 ADT, chemical or petroleum storage, heavy equipment use. (1.3.6) Not applicable. Special Requirements(based on P-suffix, basin or community plans, and critical designations) Not applicable. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 7 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION V CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Standard Requirements: (based on Design Manual and SAO) 1. Facilities must convey 100 year flow without overtopping the crown of roads,flooding building,and if sheet flow occurs, it must pass through a drainage easement. (1.2.1-3). The design in the Appendix addresses the 100 year flow without overtopping the conveyance system. 2. New pipe systems and culverts must convey the 25 year flow with at least 0.5 feet of freeboard. (1.2.4-1) The design in the Appendix addresses the 25 year flow and provides open channel flow in the pipe in all cases. 3. Bridges must convey the 100 year flow and provide a minimum of 2 feet varying up to 6 feet of clearance based on 25%of mean channel width. (1.2.4-2)(4.3.5-6) Not applicable. 4. Drainage ditches must convey the 25 year flow with 0.5 feet of freeboard and the 100 year flow without overtopping. (1.2.4-2) Not applicable. 5. Floodplain Crossings must not increase the base flood elevation by more than 0.01 feet [41(83.C)] and shall not reduce the flood storage volume [37(82.A) 41(83.A)]. Piers shall not be constructed in the FEMA floodway. [41(83.F.1)] Not applicable. 6. Stream Crossings shall require a bridge for class 1 streams that does disturb the stream bed or banks. For type 2 and 3 stream open bottom culverts or other methods may be used that will not harm the stream or inhibit fish passage. [60(95.B)] Not applicable. 7. Discharge at Natural location is required and produce no significant impacts to the downstream property(1.2.1- 1). The existing discharge point is into the City's system on SW 39th Street and Lind Avenue SW. The new discharge point will be into the same system at a point approximately 200 feet downstream of the existing point of discharge. Special Requirements(based on P-suffix, basin or community plans, and critical designations) None ON-SITE CONVEYANCE Because the SBUH hydrology method uses rainfall information developed on hourly averages, the Rational formula has been used to develop peak flow rates for in road conveyance facilities where the time of concentration is less than 30 minutes. Although the Rational Formula makes many simplifying assumptions it's rainfall data base is more closely related to smaller times of concentration. Peak flows developed for impervious surfaces using the rational formula,with , times of concentration less then 30 minutes are more conservative then those using the SBUH method. Calculations showing the sizing of the proposed system are included in the Appendix. OUTFALLS Energy dissipation is required for all outfalls and at a minimum, rock erosion protection is required (1.2.3-3). Not applicable. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 8 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION VI SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Sensitive areas within, adjacent, or significantly affected by a project shall require a special study unless there is a substantial showing that the project will not affect the area contrary to the goals of the Sensitive Area Ordinance 9614 [8(5)]. 1. STREAMS Standard Requirements: Streams and buffers shall not be altered without a special study and mitigation plan[57(93.A)]. Not applicable 2. WETLANDS Standard Requirements: Wetlands and buffers shall not be altered without a special study and mitigation plan [49(89.A&B.)] Not applicable 3. FLOODPLAIN Standard Requirements(based on Design Manual and SAO) 1. 100 Year Flood Plain-The 100 year flood plain must be determined from existing flood hazard study or one shall be prepared(1.3.9-1) Not applicable. 2. Compensating Storage shall be provide for any fill placed within the floodplain [37(82.A) 41(83.A)] Not Applicable. 4. Flood Protection Facilities-If there are flood protection facilities on the site or proposed an analysis of these must be prepared to determine factors of safety,for failures cased by liquefaction,rapid drawdown,piping or earthquakes (1.3.10-1). Not Applicable. 5. Floodplain Crossings must not increase the base flood elevation by more than 0.01 feet [41(83.C)] and shall not reduce the flood storage volume [37(82.A) 41 (83.A)]. Piers shall not be constructed in the 1 bMA floodway. [41(83.F.1)] Not Applicable. Special Requirements(based on P-suffix, basin or community plans, and critical designations) None 4. GEOTECHNICAL/SOILS Standard Requirements(based on Design Manual and SAO) 1. R/D and Infiltration systems-If a pond or infiltration system is within 200 feet of a steep slope,on a 15%grade, or there is a berm greater than six feet, geotechnical analysis is required analyzing affects of groundwater interchange,change of soil strength characteristics,and piping along outfall pipes(1.2.11-1). Not applicable. 2. Soils Classification-If soils have not been mapped or are incorrectly mapped,then analysis and classification shall be according to the SCS classification system and soil texture method(1.3.12-1). Soils are classified as Snohomish (So)per King County Soils Survey Map No. 11. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\das c0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 9 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT 3. Sensitive Areas - require special studies including: coal mine [19(28)], landslide [24(47)], seismic [28(63)], erosion[21(36)],and steep slope[29(68)]hazard areas. Not applicable. Special Requirements(based on P-suffix, basin or community plans, and critical designations) None 5.CLOSED DEPRESSION Standard Requirement:The volume discharged to a closed depression greater than 5,000 square feet surface area must not be increased without permission of the property by more than 0.01 feet Analysis must be performed for the 2, 10, 100 year 24 hour and 7 day 100 year storm events. Overflow paths may also need to be analyzed (1.3.7-1)(1.3.8- 1)[22(37.D][41(83.C]. Not applicable. • c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 10 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION VII BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLAN AREAS CRITICAL DRAINAGE AREAS(1.3.1-1) This development lies within the Springbrook Creek Drainage Area It is not considered a Critical Area. The requirements for flow control for the area have been applied to this project,and have been adhered to. SECTION VIII OTHER PERMITS Permits required for this project include: PRE-LOAD AND BUILDING PERMIT,City of Renton. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES,INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 11 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION IX EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DESIGN Standard Requirements(based on Design Manual and SAO) Erosion/Sediment Control Plan shall include the following: 1. Facilities required include:sedimentation traps,and filter fabric fencing in smaller areas(1.2.5-1) 2. Timing - For the period between November 1 through March 1 disturbed areas greater than 5,000 s.f left undisturbed for more than 12 hours must be covered with mulch, sodding or plastic covering. A construction phasing plan shall be provided to ensure that control measures are installed prior to clearing and grading(1.2.5-1). (See Note) 3. Planning-Plan shall limit tributary drainage to an area to be cleared and graded. Delineate,dimension,stake,and flag clearing limits(1.2.5-1). Not applicable. 4. Revegetation-Revegetate areas to be cleared as soon as practicable after grading. (1.2.5-1) Hydroseeding will be done. Special Requirements(based on P-suffix,basin or community plans, and critical designations) None Detailed calculations and information are not included. To avoid erosion,control measures will need to include placement of sediment traps where runoff from all disturbed areas will be transported to.Interception ditches along the bases of all fills will be required.Erosion control fences will be placed at the downstream edges of all disturbed areas,without ditch protection. Temporary cover measures shall be provided to minimize the transport of sediment to drainage facilities. Hydroseeding of the compaction soil will be done. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 12 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT SECTION X BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET The City of Renton does not require a bond quantity worksheet for this application. SECTION XI MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL STANDARD MAINTENANCE Facilities will be maintained by standards set forth in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The detention and water quality pond will be visible upon casual observation, and will only require maintenance if sediment levels build up to more than two feet in the bottom of the pond, or if the control structure for the pond is plugged. If either condition is noted, the pond and control structure will be cleaned and serviced by qualified personal hired to provide that service. Sediments removed from the pond will be treated as general waste products and removed from the site to a location where they can stabilize without impacting surrounding waters. SPECIAL MAINTENANCE None SECTION IX EASEMENTS AND DRAINAGE RELEASE COVENANTS Easements and drainage release covenants are not required. c:\a-proj\dasc-2\dasc0002.tir DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. PUBLIC STORAGE,Renton WA 13 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT i APPENDIX A Level 1 Analysis i PROJECT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 25, 1997 TO: Administrator FIRM: City of Renton, Department of Public Works FROM: Fritz Timm, PE SUBJECT: LEVEL 1 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS FOR THE PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITY, RENTON,WASHINGTON. JOB NO: DASC0002 COPIES: 1 As a part of the Site Plan Approval process for the Public Storage Facility, we have performed an off-site analysis for storm drainage from the plat. This analysis meets the requirements of the King County Washington, Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM), Section 1.2.2. The revision date of the SWDM is November 1995. This analysis.meets the requirements of a Level 1 analysis. The project lies on approximately 4.4 acres of land. It lies just southwest of the intersection of SW 39th Street and Lind Avenue SW. The site lies within the Green River drainage basin. See the attached Vicinity Map, Figure 1. The existing site is a fully paved parking lot. There is an existing underground detention pipe that serves the parcel which also has surface detention. TASK 1: STUDY AREA DEFINITION AND MAPS Figure 2 shows the existing property with boundary and topographic information for the area, with annotation of the downstream system. It shows the system found in the field with key numbers corresponding to the items listed below under task 4, Description. Figure 3 shows a portion of the Soils Map from the Soil Survey for King County Area, Washington, by USDA Soil Conservation Service,November 1973. No significant area is tributary to the site. TASK 2: RESOURCE REVIEW The following resources were reviewed for potential or existing flooding or erosion problems: • The site lies within the Urban portion of the Springbrook Creek Basin. It does not require stormwater detention measures beyond those of the SWDM. There are no identified problems within the basin plan within one quarter mile downstream of the site. • Critical Drainage Areas-The site does not fall within a critical drainage area. • King County FEMA Flood Map-The site does not fall within the flood plains as mapped(Figure 4). • Photographs were reviewed from the February 1996 storm. s:\wp\dasc0002\dasc2rpt.xme T t • The closest classified stream is Springbrook Creek. It is approximately 600 feet northwest of the site. • There are no landslide and seismic hazard areas. • City of Renton, Surface Water Utility staff were contacted about flooding problems. The only location identified was downstream at SW 41st Street and Lind Avenue SW. • There was one drainage complaint registered with SWM in the vicinity. None of the complaints affect this site. No other flooding or erosion problems were noted within one quarter mile downstream of the site. TASK 3: FIELD INSPECTION A field inspection of the drainage system for one-quarter mile downstream from the site was performed on Tuesday, June 10, 1997. The sky was overcast. There had been no heavy rain the previous day. The air temperature was approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The system found is described under task 4. TASK 4: DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PROBLEM SCREENING Description - The description that follows is keyed to the annotations shown on the Boundary and Topographic Survey, Figure 2. Stationing is approximate, measured in feet, and represents the distance along the property line. 1. Drainage leaves the property approximately 80 feet east of the westerly entrance off SW 39th Street, approximately 280 feet east of the northwest property corner. Runoff travels westerly in an existing 24-inch Corrugated Metal Pipe(CMP). 2. Drainage also leaves the property approximately 180 feet south of the northeast property corner. Runoff travels easterly in an existing 12-inch Corrugated Metal Pipe(CMP). Problem Screening With detention systems on site meeting the SWDM, no significant adverse impacts to the downstream system is anticipated due to this development No ponding or other issues will impact existing structures. In large storms, ponding in the parking lot is anticipated. Water backing up is not a problem due to both culvert capacity and available head. The volume of the impoundment area of the parking lot is very large. This will tend to buffer the flows from the existing basin. Problems will not be increased because this development meets existing SWDM regulations. TASK 5: MITIGATION No mitigation measures are necessary beyond those required by the SWDM. The proposed square footage of parking area subject to oily water runoff will actually be reduced over what is existing. t:\wp\dasc0002\dasc2rpt.xme S.W. 34TH ST. � S.W. 3 Tfj/r, a Z D w PROJECT >-Q ui S.W. 41ST ST. w Z W > W a W CC a > J (I) Q -1 W Q Y 0 > Q z 0 J W S.W. 43RD ST. o _ FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP D.VID EVANS AND. . INC. 41�AI.0 It MOS panes-urn T 1 . . • SABEY ORM • 1 - � — — JONN W.U11K. — _ =c4r.r.c,a _ CCNSUENNTS I I I NEW STORM MN SET OVER EXIST UNE �\ 1Cf@/isrrPE1 ------ --- ce rnE�1 S.W. 39TH STREET \\\ T DETENTION POND i -RIM 201A.Cu�N - ----------- W�J5fi0LI I WALL MOUNT FDC WITH 1'- 0/ 'i RIM 20.50. 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CONC.WAREHOUSE BUILDING 111111111111 ryp 't, PLEV.IC STORAGE tip ACi 1 HEIM T o I NORTH 1111.1111.11. 40 0 40 80 SCALE/N FEET OUwE WM COVER SHEET SITE PLAN SHEET INDEX PROJECT DATA ___ _ - PROJECT TEAM_ GRAD INI 7\I DRAINAGE _ \I W E: 6/16/117 S.W. 41ST STREET SCALE: I• = 40'-O• nE ROT: MELT KAMM DASC0002 ywR 0t JPM CKCEED RN III PRELIMINARY .... .fr: 051•51 DAVID EVANS ':'__'__'%'_':'__'_' C1 AND ASSOCIATES,® V 415 - 118TH AVENUE S.E. 9ELLEVIZ WA.4N060.561e am 455-]611 1 *l... a. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE I • :�. „71'. `� •,, . _ - !� SHEET NO. 11 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE t- "-ti• . I 3 KING COUNTY AREA, WASHINGTO? - f _ ,Q,o • • e h d (RENTON QUADRANGLE) III o�,V )b `_ /1� -� �iJj �/N Q� A N . v. .i.r„..-•:::::.... . .., •_ - . .•.- ••• _.......„„._ __ \.. e I. ENO • . • I �' . . �� / .r M r, ,� ; I ' -- ,n 13--- - I—=� le 1 r `, r �� I , --11'1c7 =e*py No \GOUrse 1 ! 4.i13_-_-9 . \\-,-., ''�'-- C• •� Ur I • ' ' r , �\. `'�`'. 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INC. altaal 1.=UM MAIM LIMO l Y®la W ILK ife IL Nam is NON II1106 A-lfrl I a t 1.1k1 - t �3 ITHWEST j 39TH STREET a°li il .. 1 . aliK16- ' ZONE AC6. APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET /�, 500 0 500 - - f NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ,X I , c371r-y- S'r F I RM I i , Abandoned Railroad , FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 7KING COUNTY, I _ MST STREET WASHINGTON AND LI INCORPORATED AREA \ • (77 en NE X PANEL 978 OF 1725 r Z (SEE MAP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT PRINTED) 'a CONTAINS: Z COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX J RENTON KENT.CITY OF 530080 0978 F • STREET TUKWIL.CCTV OF 530088 0978 F KENT — —_ TUKw�IA CITY of 530091 0978 F N w J, Z ,k, . LaJ j P 31 = :A: NUMBER � MAP '� '"e _ -' 53033C0978 F FIGURE 4 0 g-.).0ai FEMA FLOOD MAP . DAVID EVANS um A3SOcuTPs. INC. 411 UM All LL=rat L mai dXMM-+•n APPENDIX B Detention and Conveyance Calculations i i o �� �'Sc - UUU DAVID EVANS ANDASSOC(ATFS,INC. 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IE= 14,77- 1.4P.•Ve OUT . 'i••; / 1 •aillia..1.01.10111. '•• , , STORM MN 1E= 1423.4415-CLIP E IN : ' 8'HIGH M Z . ' • i i •.... . • _d AtNuNK ! ,-• --1. u •: u 1: , . •71:, / I Y RN=22.11 1 • ! IE=13.51 4.15'CCNC.,SW IN IE.4 13.1 15-CAP.W IN • (--7--EL-r--4; •041 ..---1, FENCE 1. < • 5:4: .C'2•. 41 i 1 .1 1 IE CPe, 5-1z-fic`t4 • il• ' Iso l'.. „ ,,, oL___L., • e ,-, ,,,0 ..e.... 411, ...„ t I i IE= 13=6-36'CCNC..N CuT i 30' I A CATCH BASIN ...,•,j 8.1..5_ CONC.PAO W/ tk alp Eurfi3 ,CH - • ...'4. =-ATE =16.90 - 7'HIGH CHAINLNK -..,../ CRATE= 17.77 •L0si ,thou::,..Ax*---AINLIN----.KFENCE . 0 -....16. ••- A•74 / 1 ,,/ OVERFLOW=19.61 Ilk 70. IE=1=.374.15-CLIP.W IN IE 14.37-i5--0.1P.E OuT I CATCH BASIN- GRATE- 17.18 .. st .....20' . PHONE uH IE= 14.55-15 Cup.N OUT FEN BUD:Bun ,..,--,.. I .I. : .. r, \4 7 SAN SEWER NH RUBBER 1=AT R.R. A ii .._,...,., IE 4.13.63-15'OAP,E ou'T. • IE-13.66-15 CMP,w..IN' .. FUN 18.04 .... -- ""' N '',„,„r1 • LID BILD BLLD BUD ,--,....--..--...--...„--...._.---_411_13...!,"--"i•-44.".• i ti ... r RIM=2039. 2 IE...4 15.19,MAIN CHANNEL , TRACK CROSSING A 43, i \ '< I. 4.___ ASPHALT AREA r 4 nt lg---...........„TELEPHONE ...... ti 8 IN FROM THE N. 0 CURB At arTTER I INP1 7.--- - i:. 1 9 ..•t ' 11_,i__111 •••1, .- •-,--,1 --c,2--.°;141-----'.---. ..1.H- k", 2 8"out'TO THE S. ___.....--V ! \\Al 4=0 CO .1 •• ••••- ' .. . •••• •- - .. - .„ .,, .,... , •.: . cupre-Ecdp,,.. (op) ..- / 1 .! , „... , PASJ5--"FT •$,I...t.Z...,II...,::.:.,..,...::',....' .....,14,,......,-L.:-:,..,,,,,......,......-.:.,... ,,,, p I j______f_RUBBER MAT RR. t., / , TRACK CROSSING '. ig N 08•5513- V/ ----------- .888. 8' 1.0 • -I •,- ',:r__Z-i e .----- _____22d -4-,...... . --------- zo\V-1‘="-‘----- --- EDGE OF PANNG CATCH 9ASIN t EDGE 7 HAVING .:1 t "•,, 1 i_RUBBER MAT R.R. I_RUBBER MAT R.R. 20 .e I TRACX CROSSNG 1---20' RAILROAD RICHT-OF-WAY TRACK GROSSING ---.4..„. , CATCH BASIN i rri••1\1, ........,/ GR_A____TE=2‘0._01.. -=---....-,_...--_.. SAN E.."4•T \t 1 a GRATE.='9.27 „-- ,. ; VT --....... 4." 6'NIGH CHAINIINg F-e- a-----A-- -----. ...".4..A.A., ..4,..1.,9.9.,/ ,..z., .4.,..Z.V.,/.// A/A4447.Az/.44,4414,./////7 ,, r '''PC"'°X•IC4. 1 • I 11 •Il -R.R CROSSING" I gh • .4 CONC.WARE.HOusE BUILDING CATCH BASIN GRATE-19.65 I cATD.BAsim GRATE- 19.74 1E- 16.40-15'cuP,E OJT tE-15.94-15"cup,w IN ..,., \_i2"CUP.71.11yEr „" ;\ .?.. •E..17.;.• ii,1\ . , • 1. if--41---'' 10 =15.89415"CUP.NE OUT 1E- 16.34-12'OAP.S IN ;19 ;I , / 4 II ° / r 1 •-', 6 \,1 1 6 il , r.16! 11 , i" B r gee,V L Ars D tsr) p.t.A-sc.)xi; 1_...r- Srom.....c,e- J .I i CATE BASN h`r Os/fit-PLO /••••j 0. S'I o e e to I I • ,•• _19.35 rv,,,,,x p 0.....,o - V 01.0.1 frI e- L, ...,.ren 1 . , 1 LEGEND .6. = 10'I2•56. 0 C P7 k-f --- 41 i 7? R = I 997.36' - I VOS 4..V NI LC" "Z- ,/ A 14 Cl pose/VAULT L = 356.21' I CURVE RADIUS I LENGTH I, DELTA • CC #.-1 IC -EL L rn hyipi v1-% A%.,21./L ta.6 L e V • Az et, tt A fz_e 4.CsF) 14 bi--u:its-6..1er EL= /-7.71 . . 2.7 5-3 CF 1 C1 C2 C3 2003.79' 48.53' 121.02' 138.74' 01-24•57- 03-24'09- 03'58,05- 2-67•g I- 0 ig- -=- r 7, 3z 'Iry-lp,x t_ v20371..8if6'g 7 Cle e t sr o R. 4ec,re 1-=/ral 965:79. XS* A-'4)• (El. e 0 .ymeo UGHT LiCHT STANDAR) .Suctei 1.30HT JINCTION BCX STORM DRAIN uANNOLE CATCH BASH SANITARY SEWES MANHCI_E .r Rama 2'1.11O14CREEE BOLLARD . • I ell I ,. A 4-EA= A a.EA CsF) Heic-or VOL Ee. .WATER IAETUR i S.W. 41ST STREET 2. 3 3 7 0 . 51- 6 0 7 c..c 91 ....---- ....----- . Di. vr. .WATER VALVE .1 POST INDICATOR VALVE I • I 6 3 i 6, ct 0 , .5".3` 7..9 T CF 9. 9-5"0 . 15-I /3 CF CI. . . .WAlER VAULT . . . . . . . . . :TELEPHONE MAI./.10LE ; r as- ' a.67?7 c•P 3 3 0 0 ---4-1-.. / /1- or . ,,. .TELEPHONE RISER .GAS vALW . • d - 0 •34 ' /6, 33 cg. 4- 33 a o .4/0 So& c_r .CAS METER SON"NO PARKIrIG.uNLEW NOTED OTHER1MSE ....,...... . . . . . . . P. 6) 51..L. 0 . 8 r I 0,0 CF 5-- I 0 0 . - ,1 0 c..t:- sco .CONCRETE PAD .nufnc NAL PctE • 4, goo ,+2, i i'2._ CF cp. . .GAIT POST t E 7 i2_,,c3 , S 7 3 Z Tit C.F 7 33(go .5-0 5---6.0 cr , ._ . t -so -• • - • • • 11.11110=8 TRAOss 610Aw MAN LP< , IT ss . . . SAPATAin;SEwER L NE W cv/3 90 (, 0 41 2.1 7 c. g 3 2..0 .2.5"_. 12..7 cr . . GAS uNE g - -=--4 i 0 g 3& TELEPHoNE uNE Cle,CERGROUFFC1 CC 6- 1-+9. c.F , ____, WATER uNE . . • LI I'l g 4"10 el ••••=111 • APPENDIX C Water Quality Treatment Calculations 6/17/97 8 :43 : 14 am David Evans & Associates Inc - Bellevue page 1 SAYBE/PUBLIC STORAGE DEA # DASC-2 BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: P-WQ NAME: PROPOSED WATER QUALITY SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 4 . 00 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0. 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE • KC24HR PERV IMP PRECIPITATION • 0. 67 inches AREA. . : 0.87 Acres 3 . 13 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10. 00 min CN • 86. 00 98 . 00 TC • 10. 00 min 10. 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0. 20 PEAK RATE: 0. 38 cfs VOL: 0. 13 Ac-ft TIME: 480 min j - 30 . t "E•sk- gdmiirjr 7-7.--N— DSCAP SEA: 0• : i., • a, 7. :; == = 15' 6 :L . : i. ::: / ' ' 11 S • LLSfaV f`-1 / - ii _A. ti 1 II . ui 1 II - F.Ho w :r : :IAN : : : Oil+ LOT I lii :i „ : 211 :1 1 135,718.8DRIVE—IN %.''' ir :1--h:-'' i E DETENTION II: : -.a. I ,.. , • wia r 0 o. . 1 POND I I of 8,900 S.F. II o''�` O ' : II cl ' ' � r 0 :.:- z g . , 1 Z .6. i j FUTURE 1.:: t •. :. : . , + HIGH' LOADING AREA r t :: ''Q' 0C a iia :I: 1 - CCl :I II 1 i : , I L"1 :.....it - . ,) , :: �:�r ISTING,� � - ' �:X 186'—O" DRIVE—IN, 41, ' -CURB CU" , I . •► 1 II ,.-- t , 18 STALLS 1 i: •1 : :::iI ::1,• . : i : : H LANDSCAPE AREA ::. I o L_ ( 00o r- - ---1 20' TRACKAGE EASEMENT 1 \ 20' RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY 91 -c o,SA,Eer GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED WAREHOUSE PROJECT SOUTHWEST 39TH STREET AND LIND AVENUE RENTON, WASHINGTON E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 PREPARED FOR THE SABEY CORPORATION n ', S t b. ' kelman, RPG ,-' Project Manager �o V '41) y14$.v. op%I tV ivitiG owns 'fi —7 Robert S. Levinson, 4691 Principal o 512_4/cf6 r�Rs 03/07/CQ%S • Earth Consultants, Inc. 1805 - 136th Place Northeast, Suite 201 Bellevue, Washington 98005 (206) 643-3780 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT - l More construction problems are caused by site subsur- technical engineers who then render an opinion about face conditions than any other factor.As troublesome as overall subsurface conditions, their likely reaction to' subsurface problems can be, their frequency and extent proposed construction activity, and appropriate founda- have been lessened considerably in recent years,due in tion design. Even under optimal circumstances actual 'large measure to programs and publications of ASFE/ conditions may differ from those inferred to exist, The Association of Engineering Firms Practicing in because no geotechnical engineer,:no matter how 'the Geosciences. qualified,'and no subsurface exploration program, no ;The following suggestions and observations are offered matter how comprehensive,can reveal what is hidden by to help you reduce the geotechnical-related delays, earth, rock and time.The actual interface between mate cost-overruns and other costly headaches that can rials may be far more gradual or abrupt than a report occur during a construction project. indicates.Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from predictions. Nothing can be done to prevent the , unanticipated,but steps can be taken to help minimize their A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING impact. For this reason, most experienced owners retain their REPORT IS BASED ON A UNIQUE SET geotechnical consultants through the construction stage,to iden- tify variances,conduct additional tests which may be 'OF PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS needed,and to recommend solutions to problems 'A geotechnical engineering report is based on a subsur- encountered on site. ;face exploration plan designed to incorporate a-unique SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. set of project-specific factors.These typically include: the general nature of the structure involved, its size and CAN CHANGE configuration; the location of the structure on the site sand its orientation; physical concomitants such as Subsurface conditions may be modified by constantly- access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities, changing natural forces. Because a geotechnical engi- 'and the level of additional risk which the client assumed neering report is based on conditions which existed at by virtue of limitations imposed upon the exploratory the time of subsurface exploration,construction decisions program.To help avoid costly problems, consult the should not be based on a geotechnical engineering report whose, 'geotechnical engineer to determine how any factors adequacy may have been affected by time. Speak with the geo- which change subsequent to the date of the report may technical consultant to learn if additional tests are affect its recommendations. advisable before construction starts.. • ;Unless your consulting geotechnical engineer indicates Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and otherwise;your geotechnical engineering report should not natural events such as floods,earthquakes or ground- be used: water fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions -•When the nature of the proposed structure is and, thus, the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical changed, for example, if an office building will be report.The geotechnical engineer should be kept erected instead of a parking garage, or if a refriger- apprised of any such events,and should be consulted to ated warehouse will be built instead of an unre- determine if additional tests are necessary frigerated one; •when the size or configuration of the proposed GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARE ' structure is altered; • PERFORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES •when the location or orientation of the proposed AND PERSONS structure is modified; •when there is a change of ownership. or Geotechnical engineers' reports are prepared to meet •for application to an adjacent site. the specific needs of specific individuals.A report pre- Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility for problems • - pared for a consulting civil engineer may not be ade- which may develop if they are not consulted after factors consid- quate for a construction contractor,or even some other ered in their report's development have changed. consulting civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise.. this report was prepared expressly for the client involved and expressly for purposes indicated by the client. Use ' MOST GEOTECHNICAL "FINDINGS" by any other persons for any purpose,or by the client LARE PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATES for a different purpose, may result in problems. No indi- vidual other than the client should apply this report for its Site exploration identifies actual subsurface conditions intended purpose without first conferring with the geotechnical only at those points where samples are taken,when engineer. No person should apply this report for any purpose ' they are taken. Data derived through sampling and sub- other than that originally contemplated without first conferring sequent laboratory testing are extrapolated by geo- - with the geotechnical engineer. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING der the mistaken impression that simply disdaiming re- REPORT IS SUBJECT TO, :, sponsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information always insulates them from attendant liability. Providing, MISINTERPRETATION • the best available information to contractors helps pre- Costly problems can occur when other design profes- vent costly construction problems and the adversarial sionals develop their plans based on misinterpretations attitudes which aggravate them to disproportionate of a geotechnical engineering report. To help avoid scale. these problems, the geotechnical engineer should be ! READ RESPONSIBILITY retained to work with other appropriate design profes • - sionals to explain relevant geotechnical findings and to CLAUSES CLOSELY review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to geotechnical issues. ; Because geotechnical engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion,it is far less exact than other design disciplines.This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted daims being lodged against geotechnical 'I BORING LOGS SHOULD NOT BE consultants.To help,prevent this problem,geotechnical engineers have developed model dauses for use in writ- SEPARATED FROM THE ten transmittals.These are not exculpatory dauses ENGINEERING REPORT. designed to foist geotechnical engineers' liabilities onto someone else. Rather,they are definitive dauses which Final boring•logs are developed by geotechnical engi- identify where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities neers based upon their interpretation of field logs I begin and end.Their use helps all parties involved rec- (assembled by site personnel)and laboratory evaluation ' ognize their individual responsibilities and take appro- • of field samples. Only final boring logs customarily are priate action.Some of these definitive clauses are likely included in geotechnical engineering reports.These logs to appear in your geotechnical engineering report,and should not under any circumstances be redrawn forinclusion in ! you are encouraged to read them dosely.Your geo- architectural or other design drawings, because drafters technical engineer will be pleased to give full and frank may commit errors or omissions in the transfer process. answers to your questions. Although photographic reproduction elimfinates this I . problem, it does nothing to minimize the possibility of OTHER STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO contractors misinterpreting the logs during bid prepara-. , tion.When this occurs,delays, disputes and unantici- REDUCE RISK pated costs are the all-too-frequent result. I Your consulting geotechnical engineer will be pleased to To minimize the likelihood of boring log misinterpreta- ,I discuss other technigies'which can be employed to mit- tion,give contractors ready access to the complete geotechnical igate risk. In addition,ASFE has developed a variety of engineering report prepared or authorized for their use. ' materials which may be beneficial.Contact ASFE for a Those who do not provide such access may proceed un- complimentary copy of its publications directory. Published by ASFE THE ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING FIRMS PRACTICING IN THE GEOSCIENCES 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G 106/Silver Spring, Maryland 20910/(301) 565-2733 'I 0788/3M l!`I►.. 4 EarthConsultants Inc.chnical Engineers.Geologists&Environmental Scientisrs May 24, 1996 E-2816-11 Sabey Corporation 101 Elliot Avenue West, Suite 370 Seattle, Washington 98119 Attention: Mr. Don Edens Dear Mr. Edens: We are pleased to submit our report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Study, Proposed Warehouse Building, Southwest 39th Street and Lind Avenue, Renton, Washington." This report presents the results of our field exploration, selective laboratory tests, and engineering analyses. The purpose and scope of our study was outlined in our March 22, 1996 proposal. Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the site can be developed generally as planned. In our opinion, building support can be provided using a conventional spread and continuous footing foundation system bearing on at least two feet of structural fill after the successful completion of a preload program. Slab-on-grade floors may be supported on the dock-high structural fill. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service to you. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance,-please call. Respectfully submitted, EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC. Robert S. Levinson, P.E. • Principal SDD/RSL/kml 1805-136th Place N.E.,Suite 201,Bellevue,Washington 98005 Bellevue(206)643-3780 Seattle(206)464-1584 FAX(206)74-608-60 Tacoma(206)272-6608 TABLE OF CONTENTS E-2816-11 PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 General 1 Project Description 1 SITE CONDITIONS 2 Surface 2 Subsurface 2 Groundwater 3 Laboratory Testing 3 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4 General 4 Site Preparation and General Earthwork 4 Preload Program 6 Foundations 8 Slab-on-Grade Floors 9 Seismic Design Considerations 9 Ground Rupture 10 Liquefaction 10 Ground Motion Response 10 Excavations and Slopes 11 Site Drainage 11 Utility Support and Backfill - 12 Pavement Areas 13 LIMITATIONS 14 Additional Services 14 Earth Consultants, Inc. F TABLE OF CONTENTS, Continued E-2816-11 APPENDICES Appendix A Field Exploration Appendix B Laboratory Test Results ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1 Vicinity Map Plate 2 Boring Location Plan Plate 3 Settlement Monitor Detail Plate 4 Typical Footing Subdrain Detail Plate 5 _ Utility Trench Backfill Plate Al Legend Plates A2 through A5 Boring Logs (May 1996) Plate A6 Boring Log (August 1986) Plate B1 Grain Size Analyses Plate B2 Atterberg Limits Test Data Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROPOSED WAREHOUSE BUILDING SOUTHWEST 39TH STREET AND LIND AVENUE RENTON, WASHINGTON E-2816-11 INTRODUCTION General This report presents the results of the geotechnical engineering study completed by Earth Consultants, Inc. (ECI) for the proposed warehouse building, Southwest 39th Street and Lind Avenue, Renton, Washington. The general location of the site is shown on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1 . In September 1986, ECI prepared a geotechnical engineering study for'ihe existing building east of the proposed building. The purpose of this study was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site and based on the conditions encountered to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed site development. Project Description At the time our study was performed, the site, proposed building location, and our exploratory locations were approximately as shown on the Boring Location Plan, Plate 2. We understand the proposed development will consist of a one-story warehouse building with an approximate footprint.of 70,000 square feet. The proposed building will be of concrete tilt-up panel and wood-frame construction with a dock-high concrete slab floor. Floor loads will be on the order of 200 to 250 pounds per square foot. We anticipate wall loads will be in the range of three (3) to four (4) kips per lineal foot with column loads in the. range of eighty (80) to one hundred (100) kips. Building area grades will be raised about four feet to reach dock-high floor subgrade elevations. If any of the above design criteria are incorrect or change, we.should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. In any case, ECI should be retained to perform a general review of the final design. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 2 SITE CONDITIONS Surface The subject site is located in the southwest corner of the intersection of Southwest.39th Street and Lind Avenue Southwest in Renton, Washington (see Plate 1, Vicinity Map). The rectangular-shaped building site is bordered to the north by Southwest 39th Street, to the east by an existing one story building and Lind Avenue Southwest, to the south by a railroad right-of-way, and to the east by Raymond Avenue Southwest. The site is relatively level, with less than two feet of elevation change across the length of the building area. The building area is currently being used as a parking lot for the existing building and is covered with asphalt pavement. The pavement appears to be in good condition. Subsurface Subsurface conditions were explored by drilling two borings at the approximate locations shown on Plate 2. We also reviewed a boring log from a boring drilled in August 1986 for our previous work at the site. Please refer to the Logs, Plates A2 through A6, for a more detailed description of the conditions encountered at each location explored. A description of the field exploration methods is included in Appendix A. The following is a generalized description of the subsurface conditions encountered. AS previously discussed the site is paved. At our boring locations, the pavement section consisted of about two inches of asphalt concrete overlying about six to sixteen (16) inches of gravel base course. Underlying the pavement section, we encountered one and one-half to four feet of loose fill. The fill consisted of silty sand with gravel (Unified Soil Classification SM) at Boring B-201 and poorly graded sand with gravel and silt (SP) at Boring B-202. Beneath the fill,'we encountered five to six feet of moderately compressible fine grained soil. In Boring B-201, this soil consisted of very loose silt (ML). In Boring B-202, this soil layer consisted of organic silt (OH) and was soft. These soils are representative of overbank river deposits from the Green River. a - Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 3 Underlying the fine-grained soil, we encountered a.interbedded sequence of loose to medium dense and dense silty sand (SM) and poorly graded sand (SP). These soils extended to the full depth of our exploration, forty (40) feet below existing grade. Review of our previous boring indicates similar soil conditions were encountered at that location. Groundwater Groundwater seepage was encountered in both of our borings. The groundwater seepage level ranged from three and one-half.feet below grade in Boring B-201 and eight feet at Boring B-202. In our previous boring, groundwater was encountered at nine and one-half feet below grade. In our opinion, this seepage is representative of the groundwater table for this area. Groundwater seepage should be anticipated in the site excavations, especially relatively deep excavations for utilities. The contractor should be made aware that groundwater is not static. There will be fluctuations in the level depending on the season, amount of rainfall, surface water runoff, and other factors. Generally, the water level is higher and seepage rate is greater in the wetter winter months (typically October through May). Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were conducted on several representative soil samples to verify or modify the field soil classification and to evaluate the general physical properties and engineering characteristics of the soil encountered. Visual field classifications were supplemented by Atterberg limit tests and grain size analyses on representative soil samples. Moisture content tests were performed on all samples. The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided either at the appropriate sample depth on the individual boring logs or on a separate data sheet contained in Appendix B. It is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent the overall in-situ soil conditions. Our geotechnical recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results and their use in guiding our engineering judgment. ECI cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. In accordance with our Standard Fee Schedule and General Conditions, the soil samples for this project will be discarded after a period of fifteen days following completion of this report unless we are otherwise directed in writing. Earth Consultants, Inc. ii tiu GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-1 1 May 24, 1996 Page 4 II DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the proposed building can be constructed generally as planned. Building support can be provided using a conventional spread and continuous footing foundation system after the successful completion of a preload program. Foundation elements should be supported on a minimum of two feet of structural fill. The existing fill may be suitable for the two feet of structural fill. This should be determined by ECI during footing excavation. The floor slab can be directly supported on the dock-high structural fill. The preload program consists of placing the building area fill to finished floor subgrade elevation and then allowing the consolidation from the weight of the fill to occur prior to construction. We estimate the preload settlement will take four to six weeks to occur. Tkhe purpose of the preload program is to reduce the amount of estimated post-construction settlement from the static building loads. Based on our analysis, the estimated post-preload building settlements will be about one inch. -Depending upon final grades, it may be possible to use the existing pavement for the final surface. This report has been prepared for specific application to this project only and in a manner consistent with that level of ,care and skill ordinarily exercised by other member's of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area for the exclusive use of the Sabey Corporation and their representatives. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. This report, in its entirety, should be included in the project contract documents for the information of the contractor. Site Preparation and General Earthwork It appears grading ,and earthwork construction will primarily consist of importing soil to construct the dock-high fill and installing underground utilities. II Earth Consultants, Inc. I •. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 5 The building area should be stripped and cleared of all existing pavements, surface vegetation and any other deleterious material. Existing utility pipes to be abandoned should be plugged or removed so they do not provide a conduit for water and cause soil saturation and stability problems. It may be possible to break-up the existing pavement and use it in place as fill. Any material reclaimed by crushing and used as fill should have a maximum size of six inches and should be adequately mixed with soil to provide a well-graded material. Following the stripping operation, the ground surface where structural fill, foundations, or slabs are to be placed should be observed by a representative of ECI. Proofrolling may be necessary in order to identify soft or unstable areas. Proofrolling should be performed under the observation of a representative of ECI. Soil in loose or soft areas, if re-compacted and still yielding, should be overexcavated and replaced with structural fill to a depth that will provide a stable base beneath the general structural fill. The optional use of a geotextile fabric placed directly on the overexcavated surface may help to bridge unstable areas. Structural fill is defined as any compacted fill placed under buildings, roadways, slabs, pavements, or any other load-bearing areas. Structural fill under floor slabs and footings should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding twelve (12) inches in loose thickness and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of its laboratory maximum dry density determined in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1557-78 (Modified Proctor). The fill materials should be placed.at or near their optimum moisture content. Fill under pavements and walks should also be placed in horizontal lifts and compacted to 90 percent of maximum density except for the top twelve (12) inches which should be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. During dry weather, most soils which are compactible and non-organic can be used as structural fill. Based on the results of our laboratory tests, the upper silty sand and poorly graded sand units appear to be near their optimum moisture content and should be suitable for use in their present condition as structural fill, provided grading operations are conducted during dry weather. However, laboratory testing indicates these soils have more than five percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve. Soil with fines in this range will degrade if exposed to excessive moisture, and compaction and grading will be difficult if the soil moisture increases significantly above its optimum condition. The silt in Boring B-201 has a relatively high moisture content and would generally not be suitable for use as structural fill. In no case would the organic silt encountered at the location of Boring B-202 be considered suitable for use as structural fill. Earth Consultants, Inc. I • GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 6 If the on-site soil is exposed to moisture and cannot be adequately compacted then it may be necessary to import a soil which can be compacted. During dry weather, any non-organic compactible soil with a maximum particle size of six inches can be used. Fill for use during wet weather should consist of a fairly well graded granular material having a maximum size of three inches and no more than five percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. A contingency in the earthwork budget should be included for this possibility. As an alternative to importing soil, it should be possible to use a drying agent such as cement kiln dust. Preload Program We estimate settlements induced by the planned dock-high fill and structural loads will be on the order of three to five inches. This estimate is based on a four foot dock-high fill and the previously discussed building loads. In order to induce the estimated settlements resulting from fill placement and structural loads prior to construction, a preload program should be used. Post-construction settlements after a preload will be on the order of one inch. The preload program should consist of placing the dock-high fill to the finished floor elevation and allowing the settlement induced by the weight of the fill to occur prior to building construction. The preload program will need to be monitored by placing settlement monitors in the building footprint. When the settlement ceases or is considered to be within tolerable limits, building construction can commence. We estimate the preload will need to be in place three to four weeks to induce the estimated settlements. The actual preload period will be dependent upon measurements taken on the settlement monitors. If a shorter preload period is needed, a surcharge could be used. We are available to evaluate the surcharge depth and time variation if necessary. The preload fill should extend at least five feet beyond the perimeter of the building area. The sides of the preload should slope down at a gradient of 1 H:1 V (Horizontal:Vertical) or flatter. If',future expansion of the building is planned, the preload should extend at least twenty (20) feet in the direction of the future addition. The purpose of extending the preload is to reduce the possibility of settlement of the then-existing building from future building loads. The preload fill should be compacted in accordance with the previously discussed requirements for structural fill. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 7 The settlement of the preload fill should be about the same magnitude as the estimated settlements. A smaller settlement than estimated should be interpreted as that the soils have been preconsolidated and soil conditions are better than anticipated. Conversely, a larger settlement than estimated could be interpreted that the soil conditions are worse than anticipated, and that additional time and measurements should be taken to obtain satisfactory results. Because the purpose of the preload fill is to induce settlement, it is necessary to monitor both the magnitude and rate of settlement. To accomplish this, a settlement monitoring program should be established. The settlement monitoring program should include setting settlement monitors on the existing site subgrade before any fill is placed, monitoring them through completion of fill placement, continuing until settlements cease or are considered within the building tolerable limits. More specific details of this program are presented below: • Settlement markers should be placed on the native subgrade within the building area before any fill is placed. Settlement monitors should be applied at a rate of one monitor for every 10,000 to 15,000 square feet of building area, with a minimum of five settlement monitors. ECI can supply and install these markers. (A typical detail is provided on Plate 3). • A baseline reading is obtained on each marker and is referenced to a temporary benchmark located on a feature that will be unaffected by the fill-induced settlements. • The fills are then placed. Settlement readings are taken at relatively short intervals during this process, since this phase generates relatively large and rapid settlement. • Once the fill operation is complete, readings are obtained on a periodic basis, typically weekly, until the settlement ceases or is judged by the geotechnical engineer to be within the structure's tolerable limits. • Each set of settlement readings are plotted graphically against time to determine the magnitude and rate .of settlement, and are matched against the predicted magnitudes and rates to verify the accuracy of earlier estimates and to make any appropriate modifications. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 8 Ideally, ECI should be retained to acquire the settlement readings. If another organization is used, we should be provided with the measurements as quickly after their acquisition as possible for plotting and interpretation. This will help avoid any misinterpretation or misunderstanding regarding the success of the preload program. The settlement markers must be kept intact during earthwork operations. In our experience, earthwork equipment (dozers and trucks) often demolish markers at a very high rate. This adds to the project costs in that they need to be replaced and it makes the information obtained less reliable. To avoid this scenario, the project specifications should include a requirement that the earthwork contractor immediately replace any damaged settlement marker and have the settlement readings re-obtained at his own cost. This requirement makes the earthwork contractor more conscious of the importance of the preload monitoring and will aid in maintaining the integrity of The monitoring program. Foundations Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion the proposed building can be supported on a conventional spread and continuous footing foundation bearing on at least two feet of structural fill. Due to presence of the sandy fill, it may be feasible to overexcavate the footing trenches one foot, compact the lower foot of fill, and recompact the excavated material. This will require overexcavating the foundation bearing soils at least two feet and bringing the overexcavated area back to footing subgrade elevation with structural fill. The overexcavation width should extend beyond the edges of the foundation elements at least one-half the overexcavation depth. Exterior foundation elements should be placed at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches below final exterior grade. Interior spread foundations can be placed at a minimum depth of twelve (12) inches below the top of slab, except in unheated areas, where interior foundation elements should be founded at a minimum depth of eighteen (18) inches. With foundation support obtained as described, for design, an allowable bearing capacity of two thousand five hundred (2,500) psf for structural fill can be used. Continuous and individual spread footings should have minimum widths of eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24) inches, respectively. Loading of this magnitude would be provided with a theoretical factor-of-safety in excess of three against actual shear failure. For short-term dynamic loading conditions, a one-third increase in the above allowable bearing capacities can be used. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 9 With structural loading as expected and assuming the previously discussed preload program is completed, total settlement in the range of one_inch is anticipated with differential movement of about one-half inch. Most of the anticipated settlements should occur during construction as dead loads are applied. Horizontal loads can be resisted by friction between the base of the foundation and the supporting soil and by passive soil pressure acting on the face of the buried portion of the foundation. For the latter, the foundation must be poured "neat" against the competent native soils or backfilled with structural fill. For frictional capacity, a coefficient of .35 can be used. For passive earth pressure, the available resistance can be computed using an equivalent fluid pressure of three hundred fifty (350) pcf. These lateral resistance values are allowable values, a factor-of-safety of 1 .5 has been included. As movement of the foundation element is required to mobilize full passive resistance, the passive resistance should be neglected if such movement is not acceptable. All footing excavations should be observed by a representative of ECI, prior to placing forms or rebar, to verify that conditions are as anticipated in this report. Slab-on-Grade Floors The slab-on-grade floors may be supported on the dock-high structural fill. Any disturbed subgrade soil must either be re-compacted or replaced with structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors should be designed by the structural engineer based on the anticipated loading and the subgrade support characteristics.- A modulus of vertical subgrade reaction of two hundred fifty (250 pounds per cubic inch (pci) may be used for design. capillary break, if used, should consist of a minimum of four inches of free-draining sand or gravel. If a moisture-resistant membrane is used, two inches of damp sand should be placed over the membrane for protection during construction and to aid in curing of the concrete. • Seismic Design Considerations The Puget Lowland is classified as a Seismic Zone 3 in, the .1994 Uniform Building Code (UBC). Earthquakes occur in the Puget Lowland with regularity; however, the majority of these events are of such low magnitude they are not detected without instruments. Large earthquakes do occur, as indicated by the 1949, 7.1 magnitude earthquake in the Olympia area and the 1965, 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the Midway area. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 10 There are three potential geologic hazards associated with a strong motion seismic event at this site:'ground rupture, liquefaction, and ground motion response. Ground Rupture The strongest earthquakes in the Puget Lowland are widespread, subcrustal events, ranging in depth from thirty (30) to fifty-five (55) miles. Surface faulting from these deep events has not been documented to date. Therefore, it is our opinion, that the risk of ground rupture during a strong motion seismic event is negligible. Liquefaction • Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which soils lose all shear strength for short periods of time during an earthquake. Groundshaking of sufficient duration results in the loss of grain to grain contact and rapid increase in pore water pressure, causing the soil to behave as a fluid. To have a potential for r liquefaction, a soil must be cohesionless with a grain size distribution of al specified range (generally sands and silt); it must be loose to medium dense; it must be below the groundwater table; and it must be subject to sufficient magnitude and duration of groundshaking. The effects of liquefaction may be large total and/or differential settlement for structures founded in the liquefying soils. It is our opinion the potential for widespread liquefaction over the site during a seismic event 'is moderate. Isolated areas may be subject to liquefaction, however, the effect on the planned development is anticipated to be minimal provided the recommendations contained in this report are followed. We estimate liquefaction induced settlement would be in the range of the post-construction settlements previously discussed. Ground Motion Response The UBC Earthquake regulations contain a static ,force procedure and a dynamic force procedure for design base shear calculations. Based on the encountered soil conditions, it is our opinion that site coefficient of S3 = 1 .5 should be used for the static force,procedure as outlined in Section 1628 of the 1994 UBC. • For the dynamic force procedure outlined in section 1629 of the 1994 UBC, the curve for soft to medium stiff clays and sands (Soil Type 3) should be used for Figure 3, Normalized Response Spectra Shapes. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY • Sabey Corporation E-281 6-1 1 May 24, 1996 Page 11 Excavations and Slopes The following information is provided solely as a service to our client. Under no circumstances should this information be interpreted to mean that ECI is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. In no case should excavation slopes be greater than the limits specified in local, state and Federal safety regulations. Based on the information obtained from our field exploration and laboratory testing, the native silt sand, poorly graded sand and silt would be classified as Type C by OSHA. Temporary cuts greater than four feet in height in Type C soils should be sloped at an inclination of 1 .5H:1V. If slopes of this inclination, or flatter, cannot be constructed, temporary shoring may be necessary. Site Drainage Groundwater seepage was encountered in both of our borings at depths ranging from three and one-half to eight feet below existing ground surface. If seepage is encountered in foundation or grade beam excavations during construction, the bottom of the excavation should be sloped to one or more shallow sump pits. The collected water can then be pumped from these pits to a positive and permanent discharge. Depending on the magnitude of such seepage, it may also be necessary to interconnect the sump pits by a system of connector trenches. The appropriate locations of subsurface drains, if needed, should be established during grading operations by ECI's representative at which time the seepage areas, if present, may be more clearly defined. During construction, the site must be graded such that surface water is directed off the site. Water must not be allowed to stand in any area where buildings, slabs or pavements are to be constructed. Loose surfaces should be sealed at night by compacting the surface to reduce the potential for moisture infiltration into the soils. Final site grades must allow for drainage away from the building foundations.' The ground should be sloped at a gradient of three percent for a distance of at least ten feet away from the buildings, except in paved areas, which can be sloped at a gradient of one percent. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 12 Footing drains should be installed around the building perimeter, at or just below the invert of the footing, with a gradient sufficient to initiate flow. Atypical detail is provided on Plate 4. Under no circumstances should roof downspout drain lines be connected to the footing drain system. All roof downspouts must be separately tightlined to discharge. Cleanouts should be installed at strategic locations to allow for periodic maintenance of the footing drain and downspout tightline systems. Utility Support and Backfill During our field exploration, we observed the site is underlain by several existing utilities. Existing utility pipes to be abandoned should be plugged or removed so that they do not provide a conduit for water and cause soil saturation and stability problems. The site soils should generally provide adequate support for utilities. However, the loose condition of some of the soils and the potential for a relatively high groundwater table may result in de-stabilizing of the trench bottom as the trench is excavated. Where loose soils or heavy groundwater seepage is encountered, remedial measures such as overexcavating soft soils or tamping quarry spalls into the trench bottom may be required. In addition, caving of trench walls should be anticipated where the trenches encounter groundwater. Utility trench backfill is a,primary concern in reducing the potential for settlement along utility alignments, particularly in pavement areas. It is important that each section of utility line be adequately supported in the bedding material. The material should be hand tamped to ensure support is provided around the pipe haunches. Fill should be carefully placed and hand tamped to about twelve inches above the crown of the pipe before any heavy compaction equipment is brought into use. The remainder of the trench backfill should be placed in lifts having a loose thickness of less than twelve inches. A typical trench backfill section and compaction requirements for load supporting and non-load supporting areas is presented on Plate 5. Earth Consultants, Inc. it « 7 I n l GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 13 Pavement Areas The adequacy of site pavements is related in part to the condition of the underlying subgrade. To provide a properly prepared subgrade for pavements, the subgrade should be treated and prepared as described in the Site Preparation section of this report. This means at least the top twelve (12) inches of the subgrade should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density (per ASTM D-1557-78). It is possible that some localized areas of soft, wet or unstable subgrade may still exist after this process. Therefore, a greater thickness of structural fill or crushed rock may be needed to stabilize these localized areas. The following pavement section for lightly-loaded areas can be used: • Two inches of asphalt concrete (AC) over four inches of crushed rock base (CRB) material, or • Two inches of AC over three inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) material. The existing pavements, if at the correct grade, are satisfactory to function as final pavements. Heavier truck-traffic areas will require thicker sections depending upon site usage, pavement life and site traffic. As a general rule, the following sections can be considered for truck- trafficked areas: • Three inches of AC over six inches o.f CRB, or • Three inches of AC over four inches of ATB. We can provide more site specific pavement design recommendations, and the feasibility of using the existing pavement, when more traffic information is'available. All pavement materials should conform to WSDOT specifications. The use of a Class B asphalt mix is suggested. Earth Consultants, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING STUDY Sabey Corporation E-2816-11 May 24, 1996 Page 14 LIMITATIONS Our recommendations and conclusions are based on the site materials observed, selective laboratory testing and engineering analyses, the design information provided us, and our experience and engineering judgment. The conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions derived in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in this area. No warranty is expressed or implied. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings. Soil and groundwater conditions between borings may vary from those encountered. The nature and extent of variations between our exploratory locations may not become evident until construction. If variations do appear, ECI should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations of this report and to modify or verify them in writing prior to proceeding with the construction. Additional Services As the engineer of record, ECI should be retained to perform a general review of the final design and specifications to verify that the earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and in the construction specifications. ECI should also be retained to provide geotechnical services during construction. This is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. We do not accept responsibility for the performance of the foundation or earthwork unless we are retained to review the construction drawings and specifications, and to provide construction observation and testing services. Earth Consultants, Inc. • + Z /�.r �� OAKSOALE 1� SAY (1f? SW: • t -�� 'I m �4 - ...•• � B .;f.,! , 'yt„ r PACIFIC AV SW 1J""a II''1 . D ArlIffitilli(sh �. `• ;Ir + N '}% 1„ W' 'y:t.',.ter'.: .- ,:.'.` 7e• n, ..`'' p lik.. POWELL%�V SW AY. RAYTOND • i 4:''.^'tn' 7, g •-;j • 7HOHA5 AY `_• apV,..40,$14T1 W "'I' RA •-D 3 AV"`SN ay / BITH A R•+ 1 .fir,,. iwK.: ;::0 ' i p i. A - I/1 +�`; ENEG• AV SW 4 +` ` N I• •Ell mi 1 p . . . • .y ! ,�w \ o 0 .5, .._ 4 • co . . ? ,� .: ' i E ALEY ' jet t !,,,,,AIrv, Jg�' I•I1 4 b d / - ^ IN ~ ` I �v T r} ' _c l � ® , \ TEi '" " ?1J_J rj) le�Y 11. .N . A ' I s •• ,6-K413':IR4i:• : <} ., rv.. .+ ' , .. . . p $ i' 1•3 • • S. 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I' S.W. 39th STREET _r__ _t cd • B-101 B-202 -•- -•B-201 -o- i a _ 7 I _1 s r -- l -_ J II C r Railroad Right-of-Way LEGEND • B-201 -:- Approximate Location of ECI Boring, Proj. No. E-2816-11, May 1996 B-101 4- Approximate Location of Reference: Site Plan ECI Boring, Proj. No. Approximate Scale Proj. No. 5102 . E-2816-5, Aug. 1986 By Sabey Corporation El 0 40 80 - - -160ft.— Dated 4/26/96 Proposed Building _j Existing Building Est: 44►\ Boring Location Plan I yt{�j Earth Consultants Inc. Proposed Warehouse wrj, �Of it 1 Genled,nieni Engineers.Geologists&Envl,onmaval Scientists Renton, Washington Proj No. 2816-11 I Drwn. GLS I Date May '96 Checked SDD I Date 5/17/96 I Plate 2 • SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING • • • surcharge or preload I oad Surcharge or Preload F1 ill F1 ::;::I 11-=1 11;:_:.:I.:I•:I:.^;:>:�:: `�� I 111=111-I 1 • STANDARD NOTES 1) Base consists of 3/4 inch thick, 2 foot by 2 foot plywood with center drilled 5/8 inch diameter hole. 2) Bedding material, if required, should consist of Traction Sand. 3) Marker rod is'1/2 inch diameter steel rod threaded at both ends. • 4) Marker rod is attached to base by nut and washer on each side of base. 5) Protective.sleeve surrounding marker rod should consist of 2 inch diameter plastic tubing. Sleeve is NOT attached to rod or base. 6) Additional sections of steel rod can be connected with threaded couplings. 7) Additional sections of plastic sleeve can be connected with press-fit plastic couplings. 8) Steel marker rod should extend at least 6 inches above top of plastic .sleeve. 9) . Marker should extend at least 2 feet above top of fill surface. dJ1p •k. \ TYPICAL SETTLEMENT MARKER DETAIL - Earth Consultants Inc. Proposed Warehouse II iv�� GevtechnIcal Engineers.GrobgLsis b Environmental Scientists Renton, Washington Proj. No. 2816-11 I Drwn. GLS [Date May '96 Checked SDD 1 Date 5/24/96 Iias 0 ° O ° eo . �_____— Slope To Drain ° ° . ° °° -o h min. - : inc h c ° o.o O o 0 ° 1y 1 - o o•▪ -�o.'••• -' •_.''•a.- • :/' 0 0 18 inch min. 4 inch min. Diameter •° . ,;:;•,. .; ;%l ° ° - ° ° ° •o . ' Perforated Pipe _ .°: °: o:-.° '1- • ° ° : ° - o Wrapped in Drainage ▪ -••- •• o • o o ° °p C. ° •Fabric ▪•- ' °-^°- o•- '° - ° ° r : 2 inch min. 2 inch min. / 4 inch max. - 12 inch . min. SCHEMATIC ONLY - NOT TO SCALE NOT A CONSTRUCTION DRAWING LEGEND :° -:i;' °° :- Surface seal; native soil or other low permeability material. - ' - • - Fine aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete; Section 9-03.1(2) of the WSDOT Specifications. O Drain pipe; perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipe laid with perforations or • slots facing down;tight jointed;with a positive gradient. Do not use flexible corrugated plastic pipe. Do not tie building downspout drains into footing lines. Wrap with Mirafi 140 Filter Fabric or equivalent. • ilA 'A.. A\ TYPICAL FOOTING SUBDRAIN DETAIL Earth Consultants Inc. Proposed Warehouse py 'f A Gentechnld Engineers.GeobgLus&EnNrnnrnental Scientists 1 Renton, Washington Proj. No.2816-11 IDrwn. GLS bate May '96 Checked SDD I Date 5/24/96 Iate 4 =w a Non-Load Supporting Floor Slab or Areas Roadway Areas 1 . t . . I `�c• C• o °° 0 o Varies 0 0 ° o o a 0 9 5 0 .o 0 •:`<� 1 FootMinimum m 5• u Backfill `'80• r90'' var ies e • • • ''= o' PIPE • ; ;•• o, ,o ° • Q�•�C �O�o 4O• ho• Bedding QQo:oo'���0"0: $°p'o�"o�:C Varies o. •oho•; °•' ' �O.o• o' Y•••°b oO Oo°O:Qn�0000 80 o OO opo4QpO°°,°•j C • �n'biro° °•bBQ:dg•bu °0°.Qod' oa•ob o°§ • LEGEND: ("vow Asphalt or Concrete Pavement or Concrete Floor Slab D 00 o °°°° ° o ° ° .' Base Material or Base Rock Backfill; Compacted On-Site Soil or Imported Select Fill • Material as Described in the Site Preparation of the General Earthwork Section of the Attached Report Text. 95 Minimum Percentage of Maximum Laboratory Dry Density as Determined by ASTM Test Method D 1557-78 (Modified Proctor), Unless Otherwise Specified in the Attached Report Text. . v:.. �•o,,,°�` Bedding Material; Material Type Depends on Type of Pipe and o a� � Laying Conditions. Bedding Should Conform to the Manufacturers Recommendations for the Type of Pipe Selected. JP.; 4 TYPICAL UTILITY TRENCH FILL Earth Consultants Inc. Proposed Warehouse (IV. IVIlk G OIPC h(1(li F11{(IMYrS.G()k�jltil5 S Hnvi,,nwnl 1 sorf 1ltil$ Renton, Washington Proj. No. 2816-11 1 Drwn. GLS I Date May '96 Checked SDD I Date 5/24/96 I Plate 5 Appendix A • 7� APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION E-2816-11 Our;' field exploration was performed on May 13, 1996. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by drilling two borings to a maximum depth of forty (40) feet below grade. The borings were drilled by Associated Drilling, Inc. subcontracted to ECI, using a truck-mounted drill rig. Approximate boring locations were determined by pacing from the property corners and site features. Approximate boring elevations were determined relative to each other, with an assumed elevation for Boring B-201 of fifty (50) feet. The locations and elevations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. These approximate locations are shown on the Boring Location Plan, Plate 2. The field exploration was continuously monitored by an engineer from our firm who classified the soils encountered, maintained a log of each boring, obtained representative samples, measured groundwater levels, and observed pertinent site features. All samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System which is presented on Plate Al, Legend. Representative soil samples were placed in closed containers and returned to lour laboratory for further examination and testing. Logs of the borings are presented on Plates A2 through A5. The final logs represent our interpretations of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examination and tests of field samples. The stratification lines on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types. In actuality, the transitions may be more gradual. The log of our previous boring is included as Plate A6. The borings were drilled using hollow stem augers. We attempted to control heave by maintaining a head of water in the augers. If less than six inches of heave was encountered, it [was sampled through. If more than six inches of heave was encountered, the heave was washed out. The amount of heave and whether it was "sampled-through" or washed-out is noted at the appropriate locations on the boring logs. In' each boring, Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed at selected intervals in general accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1586. The split spoon samples were driven with a one hundred forty (140) pound hammer freely falling thirty (30) inches. The number of blows required to drive the last twelve (12) inches of penetration are called the "N- value". This value helps to characterize the site soils and is used in our engineering analyses. These results are recorded on the boring pit logs at the appropriate sample depths. Earth Consultants, Inc. • • • MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL SYMBOL d 0 ( GW Well-Graded Gravels, Gravel-Sand Gravel i o o. o And Clean Gravels 1 Q •n a n Q n gw Mixtures, Little Or No Fines , Gravelly (little or no fines) M M Coarse Soils • • GP Poorly Graded Gravels,Gravel- Grained gp Sand Mixtures,Little Or No Fines Soils More Than GM Silty Gravels,Gravel-Sand- 50% Coarse Gravels With I gm Silt Mixtures Fraction Fines(appreciable Retained On amount of fines) GC Clayey Gravels,Gravel-Sand- No • . Sieve gc Clay Mixtures Sand • ••o eoe 'a SW Well-Graded Sands, Gravelly And Clean Sand • a e e o n SW Sands. Little'Or No Fines Sandy (little or no fines) d,;;.q1!: .-:.. ... .-k • More Than Soils x :: iF•C:ii;.:• ;/ SP Poorly-Graded Sands, Gravelly 50% Material >::II:;IOI: ::IIoi:•:;oI:<a::;:I.IIII Sp Sands, Little Or No Fines Larger Than More Than No.200 Sieve 50% Coarse Sands With 1 i 11 I SM Sm Silty Sands, Sand-Silt Mixtures Size Fraction Fines(appreciable ^ ` .... Passing No.4 Sieve amount of fines) '. SC SC Clayey Sands, Sand-Clay Mixtures ML Inorganic Silts&Very Fine Sands,Rock Flot,r,Silty- ml Clayey Fine Sands;Clayey Silts w/Slight.Plasticity Fine Silts Liquid Limit CL Inorganic Clays Of Low To Medium Plasticity. Grained And ���� Soils Clays Less Than 50 CI Gravelly Clays, Sandy Clays, Silty Clays, Lean I I I Organic Silts And Organic I I I I I I I I I I OL OI Silty Clays Of Low Plasticity 1 1 l More Than li' MH Inorganic Silts. Micaceous Or Diatomaceous Fine 50% Material mh Sand Or Silty Soils Silts Liquid Limit 'Smaller Than And CH Inorganic Clays Of High • No.200 Sieve Clays Greater Than 50 A ch Plasticity, Fat Clays Size • i� OH Organic Clays Of Medium To High / /,� Oh Plasticity, Organic Silts -(4 PT Peat,,Humus, Swamp Soils Highly Organic Soils /„ %,, `ir, `%r, pt With High Organic Contents Topsoil 'y�' L�' Humus And Duff Layer sl ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Fill .a.a... Highly Variable Constituents The discussion in the text of this report is necessary for a proper understanding of the nature of the material presented in the attached logs. DUAL SYMBOLS are used to Indicate borderline soil classification. C TORVANE READING,tsf I 2'O.D. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER qu PENETROMETER READING,tsf W MOISTURE,%dry weight 11 24" I.D. RING OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER • IP SAMPLER PUSHED 1* SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED . i WATER OBSERVATION WELL pcf DRY DENSITY,lbs.per cubic ft. LL LIQUID LIMIT,% Q DEPTH OF ENCOUNTERED GROUNDWATER .PI PLASTIC INDEX DURING EXCAVATION I SUBSEQUENT GROUNDWATER LEVEL W/DATE I Earth Consultants Inc. LEGEND t)k 1 (Bx1tt•0111ii.111iiigiuv'ers,CAxllugials&Iiit'Irtviiiv111di&ill 116IS . Proj.w 1 No.2816 11 Date May'96 IP1ate Al Boring Log Project Name: Sheet of Proposed Warehouse 1 2 Job No. Logged by: Start Date: Completion Date: Boring No.: 2816-11 KME 5/13/96 5/13/96 B-201 Drilling Contactor: Drilling Method: Sampling Method: Associated Drilling HSA SPT Ground Surface Elevation: Hole Completion: ±50,' ❑ Monitoring Well ❑ Plezometer ® Abandoned,sealed with bentonite W t o .c ! rn c Surface Conditions: BlOWS a. E r rl E H E 00 FL ] • M 7 a 0 Vl N N •��� GP (2-Asphalt/Concrete,6'Base Coarse)_ i=is• 1 FILL:Brown silty fine to coarse GRAVEL, medium dense, moist •�� SM FILL:Gray silty medium SAND with gravel, loose, moist •��� ♦�♦ 2 — • �• 12.0 6 �4 3 - -16%fines • 4 — -becomes wet •�*�•� 5 OH Dark brown organic SILT, soft,wet 107.2 4 /// /// /// /// 7 -interbedded with peat 122.0 4 � 8 -6"thick lens of silty sand, loose,wet s ML Gray sandy SILT, loose,wet 10 36.4 8 11 SM-ML Interbedded dark gray silty fine SAND/SILT, medium dense,wet 12 13 -contains wood fragments 14 15 35.2 12 16 SP Gray poorly graded SAND, medium dense,water bearing Av..:::>a::A" 18 Boring Log s4 E-. Earth Consultants Inc. Proposed Warehouse ���1J(i''F .�\if Ceobtlnfol Engineers,Geologists A Environmental Scientists Renton,Washington coProj!No. 2816-11 Dwn. GLS Date May'96 Checked SDD Date 5/21/96 Plate A2 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests, analysig and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. Boring Log Project Name: Sheet of Proposed Warehouse 2 2 Job No. Logged by: Start Date: Completion Date: Boring No.: 2816-11 KME 5/13/96 5/13/96 B-201 Drilling Contactor: Drilling Method: Sampling Method: Associated Drilling HSA.' SPT Ground Surface Elevation: Hole Completion: ±50' • 0 Monitoring Well 0 Piezometer ® Abandoned,sealed with bentonite o w N . t o -.F. — VI o o I• MOWS 0. E a t E 2E ex) Ft. t ? g u- M 7 a 0 N CA VI 28.7 20 ?:' ::><:• . >9< 21 Gray poorly graded SAND, medium dense,water bearing :..n°» ' -contains trace gravel :::• : :::::::: :':tijQ.::.. . •.d:a:.:e 24 — I :Q: ::: 25 a : -becomes dense ' 24.8 35 ipg:cr o<:a:;. ':p50 EE&i°'� 1 >: SM Dark gray silty fine to medium SAND, medium dense,water bearing - 2g — • • 1 36.0 10 31 -Interbedded with sandy silt 32 — • - 33 — • 34 35 29.7 20 . 36 • 37 SP Dark graypoorlygraded SAND,dense,water bearing .': � :::i:::: :;:;•>;ax: 38 to ::a::o< Boring terminated at 40.0 feet below existing grade. Groundwater \ < < :::.:: 39 seepage encountered at 3.5 feet during drilling. Boring backfilled with ..rsi 31.3 32 a?;:4`"::a ::::1:;:::. cuttings and bentonite. N iii* Erti: AIIV Boring Log �1 ;-.01..,39 Earth Consultants Inc. Proposed Warehouse • N Renton,Washington m Prloj.No. 2816-11 Dwn. GLS Date May'96 Checked SDD Date 5/21/96 Plate A3 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests, analys6s and Judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. l .. Boring Log Project Name: Sheet of • Proposed Warehouse 1 2 _ Job'No. Logged by: Start Date: Completion Date:, Boring No.: 2816-11 KME 5/13/96 5/13/96 . B-202 Drilling Contactor: Drilling Method: Sampling Method: Associated Drilling • HSA SPT Ground Surface Elevation: Hole Completion: ±50' ❑ Monitoring Well ❑ Piezometer . ® Abandoned,sealed with bentonite W No - o .r ! 0 G Surface Conditions: Blows a E 0- 1- E VI E • (%) FL ] c u-• e m ] 0 Vl N N GP (2'As halt/Concrete FILL:Brown sandy GRAVEL,dense, moist 1 SP-SM FlW Gray poorly graded SAND with gravel and silt, medium dense, 2 wet • 42.0 11 3 ML Gray SILT with organics, medium dense, moist . 4 5 • -becomes very loose 118.3 3 • 6 ' 7 36.7 7 ' ' } 8 SM Gray silty fine to medium SAND, loose,wet 9 10 SP-SM Interbedded silty fine SAND and poorly graded SAND, medium dense,water bearing 323 12 'a::a:: : 11 i.:4; 12 — • . • :;::u::: • 13 — ;kir _ • '14 SP Dark gray poorlygraded SAND, medium dense,water bearing ;:• , 15 �:ii;:�: . -wood 18 thick • 463.4 ••:::•l::• 5 : »°ili 16 4 p»: 441V Boring Log I �� ` /Y. O Earth Consultants Inc. proposed Warehouse ., `III/ ;;11 Niw r eaa.CACCanWe a ETMiamnml saentleu p N Renton,Washington • 0 Proj.No. 2816-11 Dwn. GLS Date May'96 Checked SDD Date 5/21/96 Plate A4 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests, analyst,and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or Interpretation by others of information presented on this log. I • • Boring Log Project Name: • Sheet of Proposed Warehouse • 2 2 Job No. Logged by: Start Date: Completion Date: • Boring No.: • 2816-11 KME 5/13/96 5/13/96 B-202 Drilling Contactor: Drilling Method: Sampling Method: • • Associated Drilling • HSA SPT GrotAnd Surface Elevation: Hole Completion: ±50' ❑ Monitoring Well ❑ Piezometer ® Abandoned,sealed with bentonite o • L w BlOWS a E a + N E E It M • 7 • u- • M 3 ON Gr Vr gitA ' 26.3 17 r:>a° -4%fines • :,;Q,;,::, 21 . Dark gray poorly graded SAND, medium dense,water bearing :P'rr.q' >::r.i:::,.—'. 22 iC::iQi;i:;O.;i4 :ia:>4::. 24 — a-::: 38.4 4 ' :.:a:;"" -12'sandy silt•layer,loose,wet . WOO ••:a:::Q: -fine to medium sand in shoe and top '•Ali . 28 • 27.2 40 i°:4:>0: .:.,o.,.* 31 -6"thick lens of very fine sand :.:':. i3iE`az:if:; :i."' SM/ML Interbedded silty fine SAND and gray fine sandy SILT,very loose,wet r°" 84 35 38.0 1 1 36 • • 37 • :i' 38 ML Gray sandy SILT,loose,wet Boring terminated at 40.0 feet below existing grade. Groundwater m seepage encountered at 8.0 feet during drilling. Boring backfilled with -\, 47.E 5 39 cuttings and bentonite. N 1 N , /a;. S Ear: <<�►t,, Boring Log sii i-lift.410 Earth Consultants Inc. Proposed Warehouse N Renton,Washington ' m Proj.,No. 2816-11 Dwn. GLS Date May'96 Checked SDD Date 5/21/96 I Plate A5 Subsurface conditions depicted represent our observations at the time and location of this exploratory hole,modified by engineering tests, analysis and judgment. They are not necessarily representative of other times and locations.We cannot accept responsibility for the use or interpretation by others of Information presented on this log. • 1 • i , BORING NO. 101 Logged By JPB • Date B/21/86 ELEV. • (N) Graph CS Soil Description Dept Sample •Blows (W) Ft. ° • • ° , - ml Gray—brown SILT with organic silt <e� o 8 4 9 °,:;. x o:. •° . lenses, moist, soft (qu=.5tsf) - pa 444 ro ..?-1- ' . Becomes gray, wet, and sandy with depth - 5 Q 8/7186 3 ' 10 - _ Q 1 16 37 _ . 10 ER sp Dark gray SAND, trace fine gravel, wet, . cl =°�---- loose to dense - II: 9 30 <H. _�_ '' — 15 e _ _ 31 18 = No recovery - 20 24 1 39 — 25 41 ML Medium gray sandy SILT, wet, dense • '_ _ . 29 35 I Becomes soft and clayey below 34' —35 T 4 45 Boring terminated at 39 feet below existing grade. Groundwater encountered • • i at 9 feet .during drilling. I . 1 ,. ••° concrete • i • ° • • `'a:b o;Q: ,0°``' u bentonite g.. PI:°"°'`i+VY:°ea pellets h _ •: li • " �` #8sand . il BORING LOG 10 ` ` BOEING ELECTRONICS FACILITY Earth RENTON, WASHINGTON \ U . Consultants Inc. • ' GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY Proj. NO.2816-5 I Date Sept. '86 'Plate A6 r, Appendix Q) APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST RESULTS E-2816-11 • Earth Consultants, Inc. SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS p SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S,STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM ao sD ch Ny—-- ---N---- - - .N -- -m-N-0 _w,--- - O tD- --� 0o 00--C-C--- -N p---p—p p —0 p—p— O-- 0----0 U - -- — to ff.,, 100 0,,,,,,7".„1„„„mr„:„._,_1_. :1__. .._ Z .- CO ct M N .-4- .-cq yr ch 00° N 8 ? g fD 00.- N Fs, ..... „..,,,„ 40—__ co ___. , a ....:0\h. m -o �o m w m 70 - 30 n n • O -zI z cn ' � -n 60 40 -1 • a m - It•;' �+ 0 50 • 50 73 CI, S m 40 60 rn W `o F n = 30 70 m rn - 0 S 20 80 --1 al o a 10 90 tJ - • b0 I Inn l 1 1 I (III I I 1 I 111111 1 I 1111 a a 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 CD a M N .- m !D Tr. o? N 788 O O N 0 0 E 8 0 N •- �r CD n 7/ o 0 o ao tD a CI No 0 0 0 0 0 • o D M N '- GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS p rthi — ,• N y COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE FINES COBBLES GRAVEL SAND ou RI w gym. IQ Ul D n Boring or DEPTH Content (%) LL PL Moisture •LD D KEY USCS DESCRIPTION Test Pit No. (ft.) rn w O r" . • cn -�� o m p B-201 2.5 SM Gray silty SAND with gravel 12.0 -- -- d -- -- 0 •—•— B-201 15 ML Gray SILT 35.2 tr1 8——— B-202 2.5 ML Gray SILT 42.0 -- -- ❑•••••--••• B-202 20 SP Dark gray poorly graded SAND 26.3 -- -- 100 • 80 I _ x 60 • CH H 40 `—A-Line cn a. I - 20 @a � A CL-ML OM) 0 20 • 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Natural Key Boring/ Depth Soil Classification USCS L.L. P.L. P I. Water Test Pit (ft) Content • • B-201 7.5 Dark brown organic SILT OH 115 59 56 122.0 B-202 5 Gray SILT with organics ML . 46 37 9 118.3 l . 1 Atterberg Limits Test Data �-�. �• Proposed Warehouse Earth Consultants Inc. P Mil 1i1I�r Georedinical Engineers,Geologists&Environmental scientism Renton, Washington Proj. No.2816-11 Date May'96 I Plate B2 DISTRIBUTION E-2816-11 4 Copies Sabey Corporation 101 Elliot Avenue West, Suite 370 Seattle, Washington 98119 Attention: Mr. Don Edens • • Earth Consultants, Inc. ' M