HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum - 2DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN, PERMITTING AND CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT FOR CEDAR RIVER TRAIL RELOCATION AND CEDAR RIVER BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT THIS AMENDMENT, dated November 17, 2023, is by and between the City of Renton (the "City"), a Washington municipal corporation, and GeoEngineers, Inc. ("Consultant"), a Washington State corporation. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Amendment as the "Parties." Once fully executed by the Parties, this Amendment is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. Whereas, the City engaged the services of the Consultant under Agreement CAG-21-006, dated December 14, 2020, and Amendment No 1, dated May 17, 2021, to provide necessary services for the design, permitting and construction support for Cedar River Trail temporary trail bypass and Cedar River bank stabilization project (referred to herein as the "Agreement"); Whereas, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement to change the time for performance in order to more accurately describe the project goals and to match the project schedule. NOW THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed upon that CAG-21-006 Adden #1-21 as set forth in Exhibit "A-1" is amended as follows: 1.Time of Performance: Section 3, Time of Performance, is amended pursuant to the schedule(s) set forth in Exhibit "B-2," which is attached and incorporated herein. All Work shall be performed by no later than December 31, 2025. 2.All terms of the Agreement not explicitly modified herein shall remain in full force and effect and such terms shall apply to Work performed according to this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Amendment as of the date last signed by the Parties below. CAG-21-006, Adden #2-23 DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 CITY OF RENTON GEOENGINEERS, INC. G Ooo•S"oo' o,, By:Y��!:�10�:��itz Maryjane Van Cleave By' � -•Joe lhn,P\NsInterim Parks and Recreation Administrator Principal Erica Schmitz, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director for Maryjane Van Cleave 12/18/2023 I 11:04 AM PST 11/30/2023 Date Approved as to Legal Form By: Shane Moloney City Attorney Date PAGE 2 OF 2 Approved by Cheryl Beyer via email 11/17/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 Page3 ■The construction site preparation will not include work below the OHW line, and therefore a Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) submittal will not be required. OHW line will be marked in field and added to drawings as an "approximate" feature. ■Trail use is limited to non-motorized use by the public. If a fence is needed along the eroded bank top of slope, the City will install and maintain it. Vehicle signage or guardrail is not required. ■The City will obtain cultural resources documentation if needed. ■The project impact area where potential for tree removal exists is in the immediate vicinity of the eroded bank and construction site preparation. ■Site topographic survey will be obtained from LiDAR. If additional site-specific topographic survey is determined to be needed from spot elevations collected, the City will contract for the survey or authorize budget for GeoEngineers' to perform surveying services or retain an outside surveyor. Deliverables ■Briefing packet for pre-application meeting Task 2. Environmental Documentation and Permitting Support Activities ■Develop a brief permitting plan that lists permits/approvals needed, with estimated schedule and strategy for obtaining each permit/approval needed. List key stakeholders and coordinate approach. ■Prepare environmental documentation and permit applications, including: •A National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) project description for use by FEMA in complying with NEPA through a Categorical Exclusion. •No Effect Biological Evaluation (BE) for compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA). •A Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). •Shoreline Management Act Exemption. •Assist the City with agency coordination and permit negotiations. Task Assumptions ■The City will lead agency/stakeholder coordination work to obtain permits/approvals. City will be lead applicant for local permits, if required. ■FEMA will be the NEPA lead using the information identified in the scope, above, which will be provided to FEMA by GeoEngineers. NEPA approval during Phase 1 will also address Phase 2 activities. ■The City will coordinate with FEMA to obtain cultural resources documentation for compliance with NEPA; a cultural resource is not included in our scope. ■Project will be State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) exempt. ■Construction stormwater permit from Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) will not be required as the disturbed area will be less than 1 acre. File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 ■Clearing and Grading permit is not required. Deliverables ■Permitting plan and stakeholder list ■NEPA Project Description Package, submitted to FEMA ■Draft and Final BE, submitted to FEMA ■HPA Application Package, submitted to WDFW Page4 ■Shoreline Exemption Memo documenting that the project qualifies as an emergency action, provided for City use Task 3. Geotechnical Support Activities ■Prepare a final version of our Field Reconnaissance and Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation Report (dated May 29, 2020) to support design of the Phase 1 construction site preparation. Our geotechnical report will include recommended trail setback distances and equipment setbacks within the work area. ■Support the permitting process by providing an assessment of potential Geologically Hazardous Areas in the project vicinity and provide our opinion on how the proposed Phase 1 work may impact these areas, if present. ■Support preparation of geotechnical related drawings and specifications for Phase 1 of the project. ■Provide additional geotechnical consultation as needed to support the project and attend project meetings. ■Complete up to five geotechnical related site visits during construction of the construction site preparation. Task Assumptions Our scope and budget for this task are based on the following assumptions and exclusions: ■Geotechnical staff will attend two meetings with the client. ■Site visits during construction assume up to 4 hours onsite plus travel time. ■Project will be SEPA exempt. Deliverables ■Final geotechnical report for the construction site preparation. ■Field report summarizing observations and recommendations for each site visit during construction. File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 Task 4. Design of Construction Site Preparation Activities Pages ■Complete stormwater design analysis including stormwater modeling to size a non-fish passable stormwater drainage culvert approximately 200 feet long to convey stormwater under the trail through the project site. ■Prepare draft and revised draft preliminary design drawings to support project environmental documentation and permit applications, including cover sheet, site preparation/demolition sheet, site staging and access sheet, temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) plan, temporary trail bypass plan, temporary trail bypass profile and sections sheet, details sheet and final restoration/hydroseeding sheet. The drawings will reference an attachment containing City standard plans for trail section, base thicknesses, culvert and trench section, and other applicable work. Prepare list of bid items and specifications. The design will avoid and minimize impacts to trees where possible and trees to retain will be located on the design drawings. ■Prepare a draft, draft final and final "bid packet". Draft version is for City project staff review. Draft final version is for City permit review. Final version is "for bid". The bid packet will include drawings, bid schedules, specifications and cost estimate integrated into the City's standard bid package. GeoEngineers' additions to the bid packet will consist of: •Updating project name, dates and other project specific items. •Develop list of bid items and update bid form. •Update the City's standard Division 1 specifications, including substantial edits to the Summary of Work section and minor edits to other specification sections. •Review and update City technical specifications for earthwork, culvert, erosion control blanket, hydroseed and other relevant work items. ■ Drawings stamped by Professional Engineer (PE). Final drawings will be signed. ■ Construction schedule and Engineer's estimate of the cost to construct the work. Task Assumptions Our scope and budget for this task are based on the following assumptions and exclusions: ■Changes in site conditions over time that affect the work may require additional budget. ■The riverbank is not a flood control levee or revetment or critical channel migration boundary. USACE PL84-99 coordination is not required. ■The construction site preparation will not include work below the OHW line, and therefore a JARPA submittaljHPA permit will not be required. OHW locations will be marked in field and surveyed in Task 1. An OHW line will be added to drawings. ■Design of structures including retaining walls or utilities is not required. ■Trail use is limited to non-motorized use by the public. A fence is not needed along the eroded bank top of slope. Vehicle signage or guardrail is not required. ■Site topographic survey will be obtained from LiDAR. If additional site-specific topographic survey is determined to be needed from spot elevations collected in Task 1, the City will contract for the File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 Pages survey or authorize budget for GeoEngineers' to perform surveying services or retain an outside surveyor. ■A river hydraulic model is not needed for this project phase. ■Specifications will be in Construction Specification Institute (CSI) format. The City will provide a recent example bid package for GeoEngineers revision. The City will prepare the "front end" portions of the bid documents and specifications, including instructions to bidders, bid form, other forms, contract, general conditions and Division 1 administrative specifications. GeoEngineers will revise the project description, bid form, Summary of Work specifications, recommend minor edits to Division 1 administrative specifications and develop Division 2 technical specifications. Deliverables ■Draft and revised draft preliminary design drawings with list of bid items and specifications. ■Draft, revised draft and final bid package. Task 5. Bidding and Construction Support Activities ■Support the City during bidding process by attending pre-bid meeting and assisting City of responding to bidder questions and preparing addenda. ■Complete up to 20 hours for field observation of the contractor's work and document the site visits through five field reports and one punch list itemizing items to be corrected/completed. ■Complete up to 20 hours of office engineering/permitting support including review of Contractor work plans and submittals and responding to Contractor request for information (RFls). ■The design engineer will attend up to three virtual construction progress meetings and three site construction progress meetings and will prepare meeting minutes for those meetings. Task Assumptions Our scope and budget for this task are based on the following assumptions and exclusions: ■The City will lead and complete bidding and change order negotiation and preparation, and overall construction management (including correspondence with the contractor, review of pay requests and close-out). GeoEngineers can provide additional bidding, construction, and/or maintenance/warranty support (such as due to unusual events, a challenging contractor or extensive/detailed issues) under a supplemental scope of services. Deliverables ■Draft and final meeting minutes for up to six meetings. ■Construction support documentation including field reports, and suggested responses for submittal reviews and RFls for City to confirm/revise and send to Contractor. File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 PHASE 2 -BANK STABILIZATION Task 6. Preliminary Design Activities Page 7 ■Perform an updated survey next spring to identify changes in the bank erosion or changes in OHW and other site features. Visit the site to observe site conditions and survey identified site features including identifying site changes from previous survey. •Survey OHW line along about 200 feet of riverbank and update the location on the project basemap, •collect up to 10 spot elevations within the bank failure area to compare to LiDAR data, and •survey trees greater than 6 inches DBH that may need to be removed within the project impact area. ■Perform desktop geomorphic assessment. ■Hydrologic, Hydraulic and Scour Analysis: •Complete a flow magnitude and frequency analysis to estimate discharge values for the 2-, 10- , 25-, 50-and 100-year recurrence discharges for the drainage area contributing to the project reach. •Obtain the hydraulic model used for the most recent FEMA flood study, and update the model as needed to support project analyses. Update hydrology based on recent flow records. Run the WDFW Climate Change model and estimate future hydrology for one condition. Complete a hydraulic model and analysis of the existing and proposed conditions to evaluate hydraulic parameters at the bank failure location. The hydraulic models will be one-dimensional using USACE's Hydrologic Engineering Center -River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software. •Use the results of the hydraulic modeling to develop proposed bank geometry, material sizing, wood stability and scour countermeasures. Complete a scour analysis to calculate depth of scour at the toe of the bank. We will use the calculated scour depth to inform scour countermeasure design and material sizing for bank stabilization. ■Complete preliminary design analyses based on desktop geomorphic assessment and hydraulic model. Estimate rock size needed to be stable at the 100-year flood. Calculated anchorage requirements for large wood. ■Prepare preliminary 30-percent-level design, consisting of: •Preliminary drawings o Cover Sheet o General Notes sheet o Access and Staging Plan o Existing conditions, Demolition and Site Preparation plan o TESC plan o Proposed conditions plan o Typical cross sections o Typical details o Temporary Trail Bypass Plan File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 o Trail Bypass sections and details o Restoration plan •Draft list of technical specifications •Draft bid form •Preliminary Design-level estimate of construction cost. ■60-Percent Design Development Pages •Prepare 60 percent design drawings, draft specifications, bid form and estimate of construction cost. Estimated of construction cost. ■Pre-Design Meetings All meetings will be virtual. We anticipate four brief design project meetings, two 2-hour meetings to receive City comments on the 30 percent and 60 percent design submittals, and two 2-hour meetings to receive FEMA comments on the 30 percent and 60 percent design submittals. We will prepare meeting minutes briefly summarizing key discussions and documenting key decisions and action items. Task Assumptions Our scope and budget for this task are based on the following assumptions and exclusions: ■The project impact area where potential for tree removal exists is in the immediate vicinity of the eroded bank and construction site preparation. ■The 30 and 60 percent submittals will be prepared as drafts for City review, and revised drafts for FEMA review. No design report will be prepared for Preliminary Design. ■Existing topographic information provided by the City can be used for topography and river bathymetry provided the bank erosion remains similar to current conditions as depicted in the LiDAR. If the bank topography or river bathymetry changes substantially, as identified during the site visit in this task, then site-specific survey information will be needed to provide a current base map for design analyses and drawings. Deliverables ■30-Percent Design submittal (portable document format [pdf]) ■60-Percent Design submittal (pdf) ■Meeting minutes Task 7. Geotechnical Engineering Activities ■Visit the project site to mark a location for the proposed exploration and contact the "One-Call" Utility Notification Center, as required by Washington State law. ■Advance one boring to a depth of about 60 feet below ground surface (bgs) in the bank stabilization area. The boring will be completed by a licensed driller under subcontract to GeoEngineers. A representative from our firm will continuously monitor the exploration, keep a detailed log of the conditions encountered and collect representative soil samples for laboratory testing. File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 Page9 ■Perform laboratory testing on select samples from the boring. We anticipate our laboratory program will consist of grain-size distribution tests, percent fines determinations and moisture content determinations. ■Provide preliminary geotechnical engineering recommendations for stabilization of the riverbank. We anticipate that these recommendations will be reviewed by the City for selecting a preferred stabilization method. ■Once the preferred stabilization method is selected, we will complete supplemental geotechnical analyses and provided recommendations to support final design. ■Prepare a geotechnical engineering report for the project summarizing the results of our subsurface explorations and analyses and our geotechnical recommendations for design. ■Support development of the 30, 60, 90 and 100 percent design plans and specifications. ■Provide ongoing geotechnical consultation as needed and attend project meetings. ■Complete up to 10 geotechnical related site visits during construction. Task Assumptions Our scope and budget for this task are based on the following assumptions and exclusions: ■Permits, if required to complete our boring, will be provided by others. ■Geotechnical staff will attend up to six meetings with the client ■Site visits during construction assume up to 6 hours onsite plus travel time Deliverables ■Geotechnical Engineering Services Report ■Field report summarizing observations and recommendations for each site visit during construction. Task 8. Environmental Documentation and Permitting Support Activities ■Delineate and mark wetlands and/or other critical area features (such as trees greater than 6 inches) as needed for permitting. ■Locate/update the OHW line generated in Phase 1 along about 200 feet of riverbank and mark with stakes for survey in Task 6. ■Prepare environmental documentation and permit applications, including: •Wetland and Aquatic Areas Delineation Report •AJARPA ■ A BE for compliance with the ESA ■ A HPA permit application •Section 401 Water Quality Certification Pre-Application Meeting Request Form File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 •Coastal Zone Management Consistency Form, if required •Shoreline Management Act Exemption •Assist the City with agency coordination and permit negotiations. ■Submit permit applications to: •USACE for Section 404 Clean Water Act permit •Ecology for Section 401 Clean Water Act Certification Page10 •Ecology for Coastal Management Zone Consistency approval if not covered by USACE permit. ■ WDFW for HPA permit Task Assumptions Our scope and budget for this task are based on the following assumptions and exclusions: ■NEPA compliance during Phase 1 will cover Phase 2 activities as well. No further NEPA coordination is anticipated. ■Project will be SEPA exempt. ■Construction stormwater permit from Ecology will not be required as the disturbed area will be less than 1 acre. ■Clearing and Grading permit is not required. ■Application fees, if any, will be provided by the City. Deliverables ■Wetland and Aquatic Areas Delineation Report, submitted with multiple permit applications ■JARPA package, submitted to USACE and Ecology ■HPA application, submitted on line to WDFW ■Section 401 Water Quality Certification Pre-Application Meeting Request Form, submitted to Ecology ■Coastal Zone Management Consistency Form, if required, submitted to Ecology Task 9. Final Design Activities ■Prepare 90 percent design submittal including draft design report, drawings, specifications, bid form and estimate of construction cost, for City review. ■Prepare revised 90 percent design submittal including draft design report, drawings, specifications, bid form and estimate of construction cost, for FEMA review. ■Prepare draft 100 percent design submittal, including draft design report, drawings, specifications, bid form and estimate of construction cost, for City and FEMA review. ■Drawings stamped by PE. Final drawings will be signed. File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER� DocuSign Envelope ID: 663E857D-8C97-4895-B4B0-C54E3ED34CB6 City of Renton November 6, 2020 Page11 ■Prepare final for bid submittal including stamped and signed bid package including bid form and specifications, stamped and signed drawings, and appendices as needed. We will separately submit the final stamped and signed design report and estimate of construction cost. ■All design meetings will be virtual. We anticipate four brief design project meetings, a 2-hour meeting to receive City comments on the 90 percent design submittal, and a 2-hour meeting to receive FEMA comments on the 90 percent. We will prepare meeting minutes briefly summarizing key discussions and documenting key decisions and action items. Task Assumptions Our scope and budget for this task are based on the following assumptions and exclusions: ■The site does not contain contaminated soils or wetlands. The site does not have utilities threatened by the eroding bank, or that need to be relocated. ■The project advances in a consistent manner building on prior phases. Comments on the draft 100 percent design submittal will be very minor. If substantive design changes occur that require revising earlier design work, additional time and budget may be required. ■Specifications will be in CSI format. The City will provide a recent example bid package for GeoEngineers revision. The City will prepare the "front end" portions of the bid documents and specifications, including instructions to bidders, bid form, other forms, contract, general conditions, and Division 1 administrative specifications. GeoEngineers will revise the project description, bid form, Summary of Work specifications, recommend minor edits to Division 1 administrative specifications and develop Division 2 technical specifications. Deliverables ■Draft, revised draft 90-Percent Design (pdf) submittal ■Draft 100-percent design submittal (pdf) ■Final for bid submittal. Meeting minutes. Task 10. Bidding and Construction Support Activities ■Support the City during bidding process by attending pre-bid meeting and assisting City of responding to bidder questions and preparing addenda. ■Complete up to 60 hours for field observation of the contractor's work and document the site visits through five field reports and one punch list itemizing items to be corrected/completed. ■Complete up to 60 hours of office engineering/permitting support including review of Contractor work plans and submittals and responding to Contractor RFls. ■The design engineer will attend up to six virtual construction progress meetings and six site construction progress meetings and will prepare meeting minutes for those meetings. File No. 0693-087-01 GEOENGINEER�