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4; ® CIr''Y OF RENTON "u Planning, ,ailding/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator • PR- 97 03b CITY CLERK (2) October 31, 1997 CITY OF RENTON NOV 031997 RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: SUBJECT: ADDRESSES FOR SOME NEW PLATS IN RENTON Please see attached new plats that have just been addressed. Please add these addresses to your City directories and maps . The plat names are: Austin Estates Short Plat Carver Short Plat Cugini Short Plat Enright Short Plat Estates at Hidden Creek Honey Creek Heights SW 19th/Lind Short Plat Petersen Short Plat Reservoir Short Plat Reiker Short Plat Scott Glenn Plat Talbot Ridge Plat Also enclosed is the Renton Place II plat that was sent out previously but has now changed to add one more lot. Sincerely, Illt i Conklin (Jan Development Services Representative Development Services Division Telephone: 277-6176 #1 :platadd • 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,25%post consumer . - - • ... - • -- .- •••••.. 7-7,KrRENTON'--• E23-5 '3;?3w RENTFIN W'&4-23-5 e \\ .:•:1:::a1:::7.5:I.;,FE:75;15;:,-7.-, ...„--. -;„,,,., .,, ; • . • • • • ' *PL.e ,ti„ **"m. ' a- ifit.,1•4.-m&PNT-.- - •.1 • Gov't Lot 4- 7: ,•1' .--,-..,-.,,,-.- m-orara- r.-1-.-.. '-'-I • ea.;_,..,'" ,-,..I. 4,4,1?* 12,th I 203 .1• 356 Acres „ i t 3 3114 9•„Et s'rs"_., ... „ t• '- • ".114-7.;-.7-- ,rvux.,.?,. : (V,,I.,Of IbI ias3i_110 5. 239 r.2o,,, 1.2.tIB'''"-ILEA :1_4' : 5 - I •.. . S me st, - , • i,ca.p,..,,,,..,... —,4,--p•irl,gr- ------1---, 'a..1 .1 1 .1_ ,.._ „. ---1 2,--: •ii ''''''''' 1 ''''"'''' ' - .0V --1''''.C' :I 1:[3:: .i--4... :::.:, •;!:,1 .4.:.... 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FL FL /r.r.. .....,:::::...... ..-- ....... Dan E v,„,vz,„,A N 81313.33.VI ."'."' 370 71 ®- ; 1 §. ‘\, I . .,__. r•-•,. 1 < 1.1 W J - ---- . I- _ ___ „2.-„,..,„ I \ 1 21 . , i 19\_..e2a13 --.--II" .713 15/ 14 is 1, 4 . 5 1 I . T. ., ...,.,... CB11.2:‘,51 _,,,,yr ;j:,-------'),.....j 3.? N [ /...,. 3,12.0 ' N.E. 245TH . A !LE 25TH ST „Z--, 3 , „,..... •— . 7 2'/'1. ,-W..-- 2 160,2.L1C,00E/.O'.0...3.I.3.1 193 p• ••\•. I 7 / . d — — — ---LLA0.0,E,..GENDP0cG OuA,SWyr EaAVRoNA LPLCEV1O1E L0 E5:.1 I STA 2440 WM.338 10 INV.319.14 ... 'S IF rZ3415.211 KY 326 79 ,,,..., I 111,4 WVIAA''TER'VALVE p11. STOMA MANHOLE 1314 TELEPI.101E MO -.... STA • r—'.-----. -- ''....PIM.330.70 II -• z V I to ,./ ; /TL 128 • ,.„' !/ - .. ,t ' , / [. 5 1 8 e 411'' I mSCAITREE:::eT:::E:S;t: O FOUND MON IN S. O FOUND LP. \ s, .1 _.,_•.11.2.1 ''' —01- MUNE FENCE —o— KW FENCE N MI5.3.M 200.6 ----.'---'''‘'' ---....•a 04.318 AS ,) 1 ___ __ __ I I ALOHA RANCH MTN-.13uCTURE 0.11°,7‘3.;'" 03/0 . STA 4+30 RIM.327.70 INV.310.40 1.Ir V. i VOL. 77-7 • I•1 -I ' •. i.._._. . , .• , _ — — N.E. 24TH ST — — 1. 4.--..7 a • CITY OF RENTON MCP ARTMIONT Or PLMISC WORICS DRAINAGE PLAN walmo em---- ....-- .....• cu. ••••••••_•••••- 4/21/97 '..' . 1 RENSED LOT LAYOUT 91 urn o••• ...... ••• ••., e. emmos PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS ,- I I I I I le STONA OVERALL TO NE 27.ST. 1 , ::• ,..: .0 40X TO SERNCE 4 I :,;Ai::....• 1,...6.c:F. i.---- •------ ANION.PROPERTY I lj VOL. 67-2 .. - ..1 ..... 14 61113•36.W A •• W6m.m .m •.=. .., ., ( — -- .._. 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S IT H.. 11 J .g 1 !I r- _ __ 19\.._w7•11.•a•,11-- _.-- II- ,.. _i Jt!1liL1PI1,)b '1 LEGEND ,FPcW:n▪ CSmCHORcGO▪ M ':OOuATEOyOUAACAaNfoRUUGODST LWrY.ErILLELE..ANN TDE EYoRPAVR.HRDD RBTE NA ONF YO.TEBTEMIE.LLMv..PD CASR RP V NE.RAHEOOFI GEESCLIANCEE EENIEERN NN I N.0: E: C ACSE i. 17 --- t'; 7-7,77r7 tl! .. i .,'•:„, ' fii g diay SIT - 7E_ ___ 7 1._ ....-!,7 r-•,... .fc..,-,...... . '.. ''' 280 Di'_ ....1,rIV--.4.1N 0--- . . 0-11‘,--- — _20 00. I ' • ' I I I I VICINITY MAP . 5 , L-.. 5 WTI 2 _1 i__ - .,...jj. .;,;„*.• ____ ____ ___I 1 ___ NOTES '.72M1cL,"TUZJIL''K"`"" ' ZVCOSNTFITIOSCT gP4PoTcltr — _ __ N.E. 24TH ST - • 3. PROPOSED HAUUND/TRANSPORTARON ROUTES— MILL BE EDMONDS AVE NE AND NE 2S114 ST --- — .g • EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND DUST CON1ROL WILL BE PROMDED PER OTY OF RENTON STANOAROS THESE MEASURES BILL INCLUDE.BUT NOT NECESSARILY LINGED TO.RCGRED CONSTRUCTION ENTRY PAM — SfLT FENONC.WATERING AND TEMPORARY SETR1NC PONDS . CITY OF RENTON DEPART...ST Or Pi/MSC WORKS CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION PLAN e...... ...r. _ Iv m3 _,nun .... ...P.m—NI.— I REMSED LOT LAYOUT __4/21/87_,.......m an Dan 4ITM''.... me= ...............,• • • . PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS • • 1 I I I I I TI. 2.35 -. . / uj. SAfDEE TERRACE 1 „.„..„ I S i•N A / ( I < I EASc...IT ...N.j/ '' al 11 I 2 1 - - ---- --- -)' ,: if -- ---- ':.. -7 / t E:( \ ), "....„.i.,-. N.E. 25THi ---7 T —\ , LEGEND . ir . cur POLE . , - T.' -'---' --1- ----.1--r----- - „--------z-':7 .. --. cur ANOIOR 1E3 CAS VAL_VE - _.-.- •••-•' ‘i:.r.,1' :AZ VALVE 0 STORY MANNOLE VOL. 57-2 •___Z .... I A TELEPLICIPED 74."' FIRE LOVRANT .73: 4.1;' CE°A.R TREE ; N'OLIR',TREE' II. 12,3 1.;;:I 0 FOUND YON?PI CASE —O— CYCLONE FENCE.. - 1 . Pir S0 -- ' I I i 1_- ' 1 2 --.-1 • - - 1--_I _ -. - _1_ _ N.E. 24TH ST_ _ — • CITY OF RENTON • 010,41171.00,TT 0£ PUBLIC W0101:9 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ,...— ........___...__. 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'' '._ !_r ik.ari.____L.7.._`,___,-,--°T.,,,-_,`"'": " r-r 1-1-0 3b i4dJ . rroP•Ounge.Vs 2 5e1 O 1g12000OcIO 'o16120-cot5 -- \ 7 11260-ooeo Duane Atkinson T Badziong Dennis L Bruce 2509 NE 24th St 2621 NE 24th 6608 154th P1 SE Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98055 Bellevue WA 98006 \ ' \ ( Harley A Brumbaugh Lisa A Brye A D Ciccanti 2533 Ferndale Ave NE 2729 NE 24th St 6815 126th Ave NE Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Kirkland WA 98033 15#10D-0120 Ot %2I0-012o \154-10D-DOW Donald K Crepeau Daniel E Kathleen E Dun Glen Ellenberger 2733 NE 24th 2516 NE 24th St 2648 N E 24th Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98055 \. 01w:0-vow 1�21�^Olio _— - \avv20•-Ob15 / Lance J & Amy Gettle Brian E Gilmore Phillip Girard 2609 NE 25th St 2533 NE 25th St 2532 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 141100-0040 y 75410o-002.0 i 01g2D0-004D , - —— Dennis S Hein Timothy J Hokari Ernest L Kahler 2509 Ferndale Av NE 2732 NE 24th St 2629 NE 24th St Renton WA 98052 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98055 I 01g24,0-0160 / -- Thelma I Klabo Robert W Krauss Jeffrey D Lambdin 2701 NE 24th 2708 NE 24th 2533 Northeast 24th Stre Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 \ Ol1210-0MO ! \ ol11210•0030 / 01'1200.01z0 James M Mathieu Bruce D Metz Robert L Meyn 2637 NE 24th Street 2601 Ferndale Ave NE 2716 . NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 I Ot O 7tti3o , \ ira410o-otlo ot°1210-009-0 — , Pauline Minnerath Gary Moritz Leroy Moorman Mutschelkn 2206 NE 9th P1 2525 NE 24th St 2616 NE 24th Street Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 -400-Dow filoo1 eviunp-o110 / \ 01.1207,-0o-10 \ % Dennis M Nomura Patricia H Nygaard George M Perez 2725 NE 24th St 2517 NE 24th 2746 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 0%01210-0ov, om2t0- D130 \ olqmvp-otoo j �ovt21 .-oago David D Perrigo George Dolores Perry James C Peters 2645 NE 24th St 2613 NE 24th 2517 Ferndale Ave NE - 1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 0v1210- ,I10 } oti12-00-00-0 ) -134tDo-a15o Gregory J Bader Godofredo V Blanco Jeffry A Brewer 2701 NE 23rd P1 3733 221st SE 2709 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Issaquah WA 98027 Renton WA 98056 12aZqo-od1D 0124zSo - ®D3® 0I2O25D- 8i1D Magno 0 Cabanayan Eva P Cheng Howard M Coopmans 2303 harrington P1 NE 2505 NE 23rd P1 2809 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 g2-oZSA-©1ov 120250-om2o lZ02150--b150 Jeffrey W Denney Ashok & Vijay Dhawan Lawrence E Fitch 2608 NE 23rd P1 2502 NE 23rd P1 2611 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 0120'150-030a q 202F20 (2-.3 O cI2.02;50-001 0 Roger K Fletcher Paul K & Shirley V Fox Owen C Gormley 2509 NE 23rd P1 2607 NE 23rd P1 2820 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 a120150- OQ30 g202 -'OocvD d120?FO--0ViO HILLIS HOMES INC George C Hinkle Richard K Hiramatsu 826 S Broadway 2802 NE 23rd P1 2805 NE 23rd P1 Everett WA 98204 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 41202 o- 0320 2-0250-0220 207-50 -0140 Jeffrey L Howey Dalong Huang Robert B Jackson 4705 Daybreak Cir 2728 NE 23rd P1 2508 NE 23rd P1 Colorado Springs 80917 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 I20Z50- 0310 1ZO2-Ao- 0Z3o 't2025O- 0340 Robert K Jurcan Eugene M Kirklin Gary Shui-Wo Kwan 14836 161st Ct SE 2826 NE 23rd P1 6208 S Bangor Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98056 Seattle WA 98178 I20Z5o-ooe,o et 2025o of c x7 °l 202c0-00%0 Charles D Leingang Lorenzo Marshall Margaret Mc Cue 2513 NE 23rd P1 2716 NE 23rd P1 2705 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 • l2O250-0 040 1 ZU250- o2- o 12025o-o 1 O c7 Matthew Mechler Ray A & Virgie L Metz Mark Mitchell 2603 NE 23rd P1 2808 NE 23rd P1 2817 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 120ZSo--Ooo I1202- o- 02.10 °l2D2 0- 01-7O Cindy L Moore Billy Morgan Mitchell D Murray 2005 Vashon Ave NE 2620 NE 23rd P1 2813 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 °l 2OZ o-, o240 12025o - o2-2 c) 120250- a I w o OV12o- oo30 1 \ /o tot2D0-0%ao ( Lori J Jeffrey A Peters � Pamela J Peterson Donna I Petroski 2524 NE 24th 2717 NE 24th St 2605 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA - 98056 \Renton WA 98056 \\ I- O1Nxo-V140 f \ \ \ Filiberto & Regina Ruiz Harold M Sagmo Roger E Savorgino 2600 Ferndale Ave NE 2525 NE 25th St 2739 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 -t 54100-ooI o� loa-Doao -- — DI°l2lD-boo -- - - f. I Henry A Schlaht Steven T Marietta L Sha Alfred H Stone 2532 Ferndale NE 2709 NE 24th St 2600 NE 24th St Renton Wash 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 -1941O0-cOIV \°1g210-01r-Jo i \olg4so-oo50 Velva L Stone I Ruth M Taylor William R Trulock 2700 NE 24th St 2740 NE 24th 2508 NE 24th St Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 1 D 1ci2-10-0020 ,� \ 01612\0-ooi19 Leg & Ngekngor Ung j Leroy C Vogtsberger Gordon & Erin Vosburgh 2525 Ferndale Ave NE 2608 NE 25th St 2524 Ferndale Ave N Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 i15givo-o130 - - -- , �5q-boo-0050 — - -t5ItOD-oocoo 1 l Vernon A Weitzel Charles A Wiehoff 2724 NE 24th 1708 Kennewick Ave NE Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 \ o11210-O050 olg2a0-DD(o0 _ -- -- j- I \ ) \ \ ( I \ i \ Herman S K & Lai Wa Ng Sek Hong Ng Wayne M & Joyce L Okino 2614 NE 23rd P1 2704 NE 23rd P1 2814 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98055 12O2 0-o2.go 012o250- OZ10 012o23Q-02-� Janet L Rutledge Alfred D Spears 2710 NE 23rd P1 2713 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 2.029-02-0 g2_02, o-otzo • Bernice Andrew Mary Faith Artzer Dave : Cindy Christianson 2432 Edmonds Ave NE 2508 Edmonds Ave NE I1 2601 NE 27th St Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 I i 04,305-612\1 o4 2.-- -1211 01-29Jo5-1224 \ ' \ CITY OF RENTON ' James&Marcie Easterlin I Michael Freilich 200 Mill Ave S 11843 89th PINE 9248 Swallow Dr Renton,WA 98055 Kirkland,WA 98034 Los Angeles,CA 90069 1 042-30 -1 o i 042.v, .12-co L• /242-30r-2-ci i52_ Michael Gruber Shelby Ross Keegan Alan&Fong Louie 2639 NE 27th St 2516 Edmonds Ave NE 5550 26th Ave S Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Seattle,WA 98108 I o4 2-3l7 -12-e2 04su.5-1 ton L 04-2-30 l i3-e 5 3 \ ' Al /an&Fong Louie Michael Mastro Ronald Petett 550 26th Ave S 510 Rainier Ave S 2015 Union Ave NE Seattle,WA 98108 Seattle,WA 98144 Renton,WA 98059 0423175-1 t ,'T-- -042,305-610,1 ( oz12305^c113. , . < Cora Upshaw - - Joseph&Cora Upshaw ---- ' John Wilgus 2416 Edmonds Ave NE 2416 Edmonds Ave NE 2633 NE 27th St Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 J. Renton,WA 98056 I i-;• o42.305-6119,2, 1 o42.3o 5-il3o 0.1-2 -q zoc...) ! ) . )• i Donna Zallocco —\ , , 2525 NE 27th St Renton,WA 98056 1 1 04os-12-340 ( i • . . •--;"' . , \ . \ _ ,Y \ / ( , 1 --.- , • ( \ \ I , [ • \___ , ..., I _ (, 19991230000787 IIIIII�III 12/30//1999F11:24 CITY OF RENTON BS KINGPAGE COUNTY, Wq 9.00 if- 97-°36 • Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 • • • BILL OF SALE 1 Property Tax Parcel Number:042305-9151-02 Project File#: C980034 I StreetIntersection. 25&FERNDALE 12600 NE25TH ST Reference Numbers)of Documents assigned or released:Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. LONDO-TIBERIO CONSTRUCTION INC. 1. City of Renton,a Municipal Corporation 2• is sells and delivers to Fs- op The Grantor,as named above,for,and in consideration of mutual benefits,hereby gran ,bargains, the Grantee,as named above,the following described personal property: Type o WATER SYSTEM: 1--A' e " D D.I. Water Main I 460 L.F.of o L.F.of Water Main C,, L.F.of Water'Main le-4 3 each of 8 " Gate Valves 2 each of 6 " Gate Valves cr, 2 each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies en a' SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size TYPe 555 L.F.of 8 " PVC Sewer Main 273 . L.F.of 8 C-900 Sewer Main 574 L.F.of 6 " PVC Sewer Main 5 each of 48 " Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes . i each of " Diameter Manholes STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Type 577 L.F.of 12"' " PVC Storm Line 900 L.F.of 6 PVC Storm Line 385 L.F.of 12 " PVC Storm Line each of " Storm Inlet/Outlet 7 each of " TYPE 1 Storm Catch Basin 4 each of 48 " TypP. 2 Manhole STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Inclnvling Curb,Gutter,Sidewalk,Asphalt Pavement) Curb,Gutter,Sidewalk 944 L.F. 1 Asphalt Pavement: SY or 440 L.F.of 32' Width STREET LIGHTING: #of Poles 5 By this conveyance,Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons,whomsoever,lawfully claiming'or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs,executors, administrators and assigns forever. 94/-Ol6j ct tj('.d-i-e. HAFILLSYSTRM\84I NDOUI18IILSAL,E.DCX AB Page 1 - ' I • • .CITY OF RENTON PLANNING,BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT • FINAL COST DATA AND INVENTORY • NAME OF PROJECT WTR- • WWP • - HONEY CREEK • SWP- . • TRO- TED- • Per the request of the City of Renton,the following information Is furnished concerning final costs for improvements installed and turned over to the City for the above referenced project. WATER SYSTEM�ONS►RC�t011 COSTS- i Length Size Type 460 L.F.of 8 DI WATERMAIN L.F.of WATERMAIN• L.F.of WATERMAIN• • L.F.of WATERMAIN • EACH of j GATE VALVES • 3 • EACH of 1 8 • GATE VALVES I 2 EACH of 6 GATE VALVES 2 EACH of 6 • FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLIES S 13800.00 (Cost of Fire Hydrants must be listed separately) S 4200.00 (Include Engineering and pales Tax if applicable S 154'8.00 TOTALCOSTFORWATERSYSTEM S 19548.00 SANITARY SF.WER SYSTEM; ' STORM MANAGE SYSTEM; Length Size Type Length . • Size Type 555 L.F.of 8 - PVC SEWER MAIN 577 L.F.bf 12 • PVC STORM LINE Do 273 L.F.of 8 • C-900 SEWER MAIN 900 L.F.of 6 PVC STORM LINE 574 L.F.of 6 PVC SEWER MAIN L.F.of 12 PVC STORM LINE 385 STORM INLET/OUTLET - DIAMETER MANHOLES • EA of 5 EA of 48 TYPE1 STORM CATCHBASIN EA of 48 EA of DIAMETER MANHOLES 7 .. 4 EA of 48 'T'ypE7 STORM CATCHBASIN (Including engineering and Sales Tax if applicable) S 3481.88 (Including Engineering and Sales Tax TOTAL COST FORSANITARY SEWER SYSTEM S 43968.88 if applicable) S 4051.55 TOTAL COST FOR STORM DRAINAGE $51162.55 v SYSTEM r STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Curb,Gutter,Sidewalk,Asphalt Pavement) 1 • T1 Curb.Gutter.Sidewalk: 944 L.F. S -- Asphalt Pavement: ;SY or 440 L.F. of 32 Width S 51147.00 SIGNALIZATION: (Including Eng.Design Costs,City Permit Fees,WA St Sales Tax) . N/A.' STREET LIGHTING: (Including•Eng.Design Costs,City Permit Fees,WA St Sales Tax) of Poles 5 S 24489.00 ROBERT P. LONDO 42 —451 082 Print signatory name day ph .# . (SI ATURE) forms/COSTDAT2.DOC/bh (Signatory must be authorized agent or owner of subject development) . 1 tC r ir• 5J :1.•• t:°ice • _ it t '7•r B.5'l EIOST. ••/ 'ht' w HOUSE , ^ter. t' • `i / .• ce � • .�Y•.. rig ' H •.-e=-' 88T 5� 4'I J6"W�: :•J • 07' t - 0 .0' •- 20] Tiili3'!' 0 .O1'- 30.' Ol's r - .' r - -- �1 7r r • 4!`4� /�}�• • 50.0T �l.f t' •�"" V`. '1-1"' I U •-• - lI `•T N. - C��1B' ~ry� ` I• 76.49'03�-�•' .1-- n • � ',:4..:-.'.`•T. N :,VG..?�H'81' iejp(L ,, ,� N'7K19'OS'E ' .- •-:. - • .. Y 93.36- 'lk. SGµ£ 1 l. '.7-. • • - • •••fi' 30.OI' %�.y.�30.01•� _ ,�-_'•�• 0.6� ACCESS LCSELENT Y ~ -_ .16• :..,-949 %%"' 'BMW 1 �j. .7 - r I . - O •�. t9 • 'm�- 3 - • -�..; .S d • q'. .m.- • cif -•;.1' • - 4r• . Y 25' 1 • `- L'• -'A fr I I - - s L t• :300' • N,88T5'10-+W •J., • •:• 7.1' .f. , • n Tom--'• � .', - r • • • Y- - I�•' g •5 Itb r I - A� � S�iJ4'_,1,..: l' -n •8i �O o . J!.( n d73tYx 'r•l•I i .n u • • • ±€ L • ap r'} • _- 31.fi0' •EASEINT'• • 1� ;NBBYSYST� ���1fi.::P :•.1i 88Ts' • ■�� •.•s. wa•'. ad •• �1,1�• :i �a- i 3fi' ao•3t'. {� E��+' - • .EGA , •µ:. z9 lkl '..2 00" o •1 •• • G TP' • •• N a• A kl CTi0N :t, • l+'" .~ E Y • •,.,., .MERI•• • 0 s. '.R '1 i 00 N y' Ou C .. mil'.`. 1. EN 3b.r•" •t, aP-7NE S "r- VICINITY • WARTFR• - - MAP - - • AIL..J., 4../fs A • October 27, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 349 Fire: Training Simulators Fire Department requested authorization to use $610,000 in Fire Mitigation Purchase with Fire Funds for the purchase of three firefighter training simulators for Fire Station Mitigation Funds #14's fire training burn building. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Plat: Honey Creek Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Honey Heights, Preliminary, 2600 Creek Heights Preliminary Plat; 19 single family lots on a 3.03 acre parcel in Block of NE 25th St (PP- the 2600 block of NE 25th Street (PP-97-036). Council concur. 97-036) MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 9.a. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Executive Department recommended approval of an ordinance repealing the Item 9.a. Burnstead Annexation ordinance (Ord. No. 4554, adopted 11/06/95). Annexation: Burnstead, Repeal of Ord. No. 4554 Responding to Councilman Edwards, City Attorney Warren explained that although the annexation ordinance never took formal effect, it is being repealed because Council did, in fact, adopt it. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE REPEALING THE BURNSTEAD ANNEXATION ORDINANCE. CARRIED. (See page 350 for ordinance.) OLD BUSINESS Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Corman presented a report Transportation (Aviation) regarding the transportation concurrency regulations. The Committee met on Committeee October 21, 1997, to discuss the proposed transportation concurrency regulations which will implement the Transportation Element of Renton's Comprehensive Plan. The Committee concurred with the proposed transportation concurrency regulations as presented by staff, and recommended that the regulations be forwarded to the State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development for a required 60-day review period. This item shall remain in Committee pending State review. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claims Vouchers #152314 - 152771; three wire transfers in the total amount of $1,728,776.15; approval of Payroll Vouchers #156003 - 156275; and 489 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,200,989.40. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Utilities: Bryn Mawr concurrence in staffs recommendation that the boundary between the City of Sewer Service to Renton Renton and the Bryn Mawr/Lakeridge Water and Sewer District be revised to Crown Development, allow the District to provide sanitary sewer service to the development known j CAG-97- as Renton Crown. The Committee recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the interlocal agreement for the service boundary revision. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 350 for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS CITY ',,? RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BiLL AI #: g•d SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF: )0 _xi 9-7 Dept/Div/Board.. HEARING EXAMINER 1 Staff Contact... Fred J. Kaufman, ext. 2593 AGENDA STATUS: Consent XX SUBJECT: Public Hearing.. Honey Creek Heights Plat Correspondence.. File No. LUA97-036,PP Ordinance Resolution Old Business.... EXHIBITS: New Business.... • • Study Session... Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation Other RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1 APPROVALS: Legal Dept Approval of Hearing Examiner's Recommendation I Finance Dept.... 1 Other FISCAL IMPACT: N/A Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment.. Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated... SUMMARY OF ACTION: 1 ' The Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation on Honey Creek Heights Plat was published September 29, 1997. There were no requests for reconsideration and the appeal period ended on October 13, 1997. The Examiner recommends approval of the proposed preliminary plat, subject to the conditions outlined on pages 7 and 8 of the Examiner's Report and Recommendation. This office notes that the conditions placed on this project are to be met at later stages of the platting process. • STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Honey Creek Heights Plat. • I • • September 29, 1997 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT: Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP LOCATION: 2600 Block of NE 25th Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To subdivide 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on September 9, 1997. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application,field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES • The following minutes are a summary of the September 16, 1997 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday, September 16, 1997,at 9:04 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Plat map Exhibit No.4: Topographic map Exhibit No.5: Density calculations The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by MARK PYWELL,Project Manager,Development Services, City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton,Washington 98055. The applicant seeks approval to subdivide approximately 3.03 acres into 19 single family residential lots. Due to some density issues, staff is recommending at this time that an 18 lot plat be approved in order to meet the density requirements in the • Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat • File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 2 Comprehensive Plan(CP)and zoning ordinance. This project completed its environmental review and on August 19, 1997,the Environmental Review Committee(ERC) issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated(DNS-M). There were no appeals filed. The project is located in the northeast quadrant of the City in the area known as the Devil's Elbow. The project will gain access from both NE 24th Street and NE 25th Street. The plat map shows the connections,both through a side street or continuation of a street to NE 24th.Street and on the west side of NE 25th Street. The Comprehensive Plan designation for this area is single.family. The proposed plat map would allow for 19 single familyhomes to be constructed. The lot sizes in this area vary considerably from small lots to quite large lots,due to the terrain and also the fact that much of the development has occurred over a long period of time and different development standards have been applied. The lots as proposed do meet the criteria for size area; however,the problem is with the density. The interpretive policy that was adopted January 14, 1994, is a clarification of how net density is determined. Calculations for density in this City are calculated from net density as opposed to a gross acreage that is used in some other jurisdictions. Basically the interpretive policy from the Development Services Division subtracts both the private roads and also the public streets from the acreage as well as sensitive areas from the gross acreage to determine a net acreage. According to the calculations that were prepared by the applicant,the net density with the 19 lots would come out to be 8.2 dwelling units per acre. The maximum allowed in this area is 8 dwelling units per acre. The City does not do any rounding of those figures;therefore,staff has recommended that one lot be deleted which would bring the density down to a net density of 7.7 dwelling units to the acre which would be within the acceptable range for density. The zoning on the subject property is R-8 which is the single family residential zone that allows a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet. With the 19 lots as laid out by the applicant,the lot sizes range from 4,500 to 6,630 square feet. With the 18 lot subdivision that same lot range would still apply,although there could be more on the upper end. The project is anticipated to generate approximately 181 vehicle trips per day. The adjacent roadways have the capacity to accept that. Staff would note that at this point about an equal number of phone calls on this project, both for and against it,have been received. Those that were opposed to it didn't want any additional traffic on their roads but they did appreciate the new utilities the City was putting into the area. Those that were in favor of the project were especially concerned about the new utilities and their being able to connect up to it Many of the homes in this area are still on septic systems and they look forward to be able to connect to the sanitary sewer that will go in the area. The topography of the site is fairly level. There is some steep terrain associated with Honey Creek in the area I� of Devil's Elbow. However,that topography does not cross the subject property and the development of this property should not have any affect upon that. The development of this site will allow for additional housing units which should help the housing stock within the City. The Police and Fire Departments have adequate resources to serve this area with the code required improvements. The applicant is not providing any recreational facilities as part of this site. There will be 14 new students generated by this subdivision. The Renton School District has indicated they will be able to accept the students. : pp The applicant will need to complete designs for an onsite storm water system or provide for an infiltration system. Either system would be acceptable to the City. 'There will be a new sewer line that will be located at • Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 3 NE 24th Street and is the one that applicant will need to connect with. The City will be constructing that. between December of this year.and December of 1998. It should be available to the applicant by August of 1998. There are two six-inch waterlines that are available to the subject property and the applicant will need to install an 8-inch line within the right of way of the street proposed by this line. That is in anticipation of the City increasing the size of the water lines in the area from the 6 to the 8 inch. The applicant will need to install the code required street improvements to include curbs,gutters and sidewalks along all public streets. Applicant has shown a tract B for the portion of a private road. Staff would prefer that it not be a tract,citing the problem that these get left to a homeowners association. Sometimes the homeowners association defaults on the taxes,they go up for private sale and it can cause a lot of confusion. Staff would prefer that be an easement across the private property and covenants be recorded. Staff would recommend denial of the 19 lot preliminary plat and approval of the 18 lot Honey Creek Heights preliminary plat, subject to the following conditions of approval: (1)compliance with the ERC mitigation measures;(2) submission of a revised preliminary plat demonstrating a maximum of 18 lots to comply with the 'maximum density allowed of eight(8)dwelling units per acre;(3)creation of an easement across lot for the roadway instead of creating a separate tract as shown on the preliminary plat; (4)recording of covenants for access and maintenance of the private roads on each of the lots that gains access from a private roadway. • Bob Colwell,2625 NE 27th Street,Renton,Washington 98056,applicant herein, first addressed the issue of the right of way. He stated that he had a quit claim deed from Mrs. Gray who had the 11 by 22 foot strip. The other issue was the 5 foot reserve strip that went across and that has been resolved by quit claim deeds that Were given to the owner and now applicant has those rights. As to the issue of 18 or 19 lots,he stated that their interpretation of that regulation is that it is specifically mentioned in the code that it is city streets and not private streets. It is saying it is a city street. In preliminary discussions with the City,the City indicated they wanted the applicant to include the private easements. At that • point he stated they looked at it and researched the code and found out that they did not need to do that. He received a letter on this date as to the interpretive impression of the City and how they interpret that. He did not feel this was fair and that they had planned this plat based on 19 lots. There was no discussion at that time that they could not do that. Mr.Pywell was asked by the Examiner to explain the City's interpretation of the code regarding density. Mr. Pywell stated that the policy came out of a project submitted in 1994 in which the City came up with the policy as it is written based upon the fact that a private street is the same as a public dedicated street. The use of private streets actually became more predominant with code changes that were done in other sections of the code after the original code in regards to the density calculation was written. Due to other priorities in developing the new CP and zoning,this particular section of the code has not been updated to keep up with the policy decision. Neil Watts,Plan Review Supervisor,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton, Washington 98055,addressed the issue of right of way width and stated that the code allows fora narrowing of the right of way width for residential streets from the typical 50 foot right of way to the 42 foot right of way Where there are shallower lots which this plat conforms with. The 42 feet allows for construction of the 32 feet of pavement which is the standard residential street and 5 foot sidewalks on each side which is also standard. • Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 4 The drainage is a concern here as it goes down to.Honey Creek. There is a storm drain system in Edmonds Avenue which is west of here that out-falls basically down a steep bank and into Honey Creek. There is also a drainage system culvert ditch that runs along 27th and that also has a series of out-falls which don't connect directly to the,creek but out-fall over the bank and then sheet flow to the creek. The City would like to see infiltration here; however, it does not have the ability to require that. If the applicant or future developer of this property elects not to use infiltration and ties into the system in Edmonds to the west of here,then they will need to provide detention through the 100 year storm and they will also need to do a Level 1 analysis of that system to make sure that it has adequate capacity,not only for this particular property but for the entire_basin. In addition to some type of detention and/or infiltration,they are also required to have some type of water quality feature,for.this site,either in the form of biofiltration system or wet fault or combined detention wet vault system. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:45 a.m.; FINDINGS.CONCLUSIONS &RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,Bob Colwell,filed a request for approval of a 19-lot Preliminary Plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation I and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located in the 2600 block of NE 25th;Street. The site actually would straddle the easterly extension of NE 25th. NE 25th will be extended to serve the site. The site is north of NE 24th, • • east of Edmonds Avenue NE. 6. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1796 enacted in October 1959. 7. The subject site is zoned R-8(Single Family;Lot size.-4,500 square feet). It received this • • classification with a major overhaul of the Zoning Code enacted in June 1993 with the adoption of Ordinance 4404. 8. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses,but does not mandate such development without ,I consideration of other policies of the Plan. 9. The applicant proposes dividing an approximately 3.03'acre'(2.314 net)site into nineteen(19)lots that would be developed with single family homes: •• ' • V Bob.Colwell ' Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP • • September 29, 1997 ' Page 5 10. The subject site is approximately 370.71 feet wide(east to west)by approximately 338.08 feet deep. A small rectangle approximately 20 feet deep by.78.25 feet wide located in the southeast corner of the site is not part of the site. 11. A small strip of land approximately 11 feet long by 22 feet wide was held as reserve strip at the western boundary of the site. This reserve would have blocked the easterly extension of NE 25th but the applicant has acquired a quit claim deed permitting the road's extension. 12. The applicant proposes extending.NE 25th approximately 280 feet east into the site and then turning it south where is would join an existing unnamed road stub that intersects NE 24th Street. This would provide.a through street through the plat. • 13. Two tiers of lots would be created in the southwest corner of the site served by a combination of the public roads and a proposed Tract B and private access easement(see below). There would be a tier of lots along the north boundary,north of NE 25th,and served by NE 25th. Another tier of lots would be located along the east boundary. They would be served by the new north-south street connecting 25th to NE 24th. 14. As indicated the applicant proposes a combination of public streets and easements or tracts to provide access to the various lots. Proposed Lots 1-5,9-12 and 15-19 would be accessed from public roads. Proposed Lots 6, 7 and 8 along the south boundary of the site would be accessed by a combination common Tract B and easements. Staff has indicated that a tract could be lost or sold off creating potential access problems. Proposed Lots 13 and 14 in the northeast corner of the site would be • accessed by a common easement in the form of a pipestem driveway. 15. The applicant proposes the following dimensions for the various lots: Proposed Lot Width in Feet Length in Feet Square Footage 1 50.01 89.99 4,500 2 50.01 89.99 4,500 3 50.21 89.43 4,516 4 67.93 89.43 4,840 5 60.01 85.99 ' 5,159 6 52.34 85.99 4,658 7 52.34 . 91.99 4,814 8 53.48 112.00 ,- 6,630 - 9 50.21 90.02 4,512 • 10 50.01 90.52 4,526 11 61.40 90.52 4,680 12 51.06 97.50 5,256 13 50.01 105.43 6,128 14 50.01 96.43 5,107 15 50.01 107.85 6,064 16 50.01 94.42 4,825 17 50.01 94.09 4,706 18 • 50.01 94.08 4,500 • 19 70.19 94.08 4,500 (The values are approximate since some of the parcels are not rectangular.) Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat - File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 6 II ICIII 16. Staff has indicated that an Administrative Interpretation/Policy Decision issued on January 14, 1994, governs. That determination found that the area contained in private streets as well as public streets should be subtracted from the overall lot area to determine density. Under that determination,the density of the proposed plat would be 8.2 which is in excess of the permitted density of between 5 and 8 housing units per acre. 17. Staff has recommended that the plat be reduced to 18 lots which would yield a density of.7.7 units per. acre which satisfies the range provided by the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. 18. The applicant claims that the code is clear and that the administrative interpretation/policy decision is in error. 19. The specific-provisions in question, Section 4-31-2, state: • ! 4 DENSITY, GROSS: A measure of population,housing units or building area related to land area,and expressed as a ratio, i.e.;one dwelling unit per acre,or one thousand (1,000)people per square mile. DENSITY,NET: A calculation of the number of housing units that would be allowed on a property after sensitive areas and public streets are subtracted from the gross area (gross acres minus streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allowable housing units per acre). This calculation applies to residential uses only. 20. The area surrounding the subject site is primarily developed with single family homes. Lot sizes in the area vary from smaller parcels immediately west and south of the site to larger multiple acre parcels north and east of the site. I 21. The existing parcels north of the site have access from NE 27th Street which is a dead-end street that approaches "Devils Elbow"east of the site. The topography drops steeply east of the site. Staff has noted that the ex tension of roads through the subject site to either the north or east J, is either unnecessary or impractical due to existing access or topography. 22. The subject site will be in the Honey Creek drainage basin and any conveyed storm water will f contribute to that system. If the applicant does convey storm water they will have to do an appropriate • analysis of downstream conditions. An infiltration system would avoid the potential of overloading the Honey Creek system. 23. A new sewer main along NE 24th is to be completed by late 1998. The applicant will have to hook up to this system. City water lines are available to serve this site. 24. The new north-south street will be somewhat offset from the existing leg immediately south of the subject site. The applicant will be required to merge the two segments to create a smooth link and avoid a sudden disparity in width or alignment. 25. The proposal will generate approximately 9.55 additional traffic trips per home or approximately II 181.45 trips per day. • 26. The proposal will generate approximately 14 new students spread over the entire.grade system. Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 • Page 7 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest whether as an 18-lot or 19-lot development,.subject to some conditions noted below. It provides new housing opportunities in an area that is or can be served by urban services. It will provide additional housing choices and a range of lot sizes for residents. 2. The public streets appear to be reasonably designed,extending albeit in a limited fashion,the City's street grid system. NE 25th will be extended into the site and a new street will connect it to NE 24th on the south. It appears that any further extension of the streets is unnecessary or impractical. 3.. The proposed access to Lots 13 and 14 uses private easements and a pipestem which appears reasonable. The creation of Tract B to provide access to Proposed Lots 6, 7 and 8 might create potential problems. The separate legal tract could be sold outright or could be foreclosed if the appropriate parties do not pay the taxes. Therefore,the applicant should modify the proposal and create a private road with easement rights to the three lots that would gain access across it. 4. The development of the subject site will add traffic to the area but this was anticipated when the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan were adopted for this area. 5. The lots are generally rectangular,and as single family dwellings they are compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The nature and location of the site are such that while these lots are smaller than some lots in the area, they do not front or"confront"those other lots. This development is in a fashion turned in on itself. The plat is therefore compatible with surrounding development patterns in the main. 7. The remaining issue is the applicability of the Administrative Interpretation vis-a-vis the Code definition of"density." The language of the Code is absolutely clear. The Administrative Interpretation appears unnecessary. "Sensitive areas" and "public streets"are subtracted before density is calculated. There is clearly no ambiguity that needed administrative interpretation. There should be no basis for having to make an administrative determination in this matter. If the policy objective of staff is to equate the loss of area to private streets or easements to the similar loss that occurs with the development of public streets and balance it similarly,then the Code needs to be changed. While the objective is noble,the Code does not make that analogy although it probably should. That determination should be made by the City Council and staff should seek the appropriate amendments to Code. -- 8. The applicant is entitled to develop nineteen(19)lots as proposed and subject to the conditions enumerated below. • RECOMMENDATION: " The 19-lot Preliminary Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant is required to comply with the mitigation measures which were required by the Environmental Review Committee threshold determination prior to the issuance of a building permit; 2. The applicant shall create an easement across lot for the roadway instead of creating a separate tract as is shown on the preliminary plat; • Bob Colwell ' Honey Creek Heights Plat p File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 8 • 3. The applicant shall record covenants for access and maintenance of the private roads on each of the lots that gains access from a private roadway; 4. Tract A shall be merged with the adjoining lots) and the appropriate easements for use created. ORDERED THIS 29th day of September. FRED J. KAUF N HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day.of September to the parties of record: Mark Pywell Bob Colwell Neil Watts 200 Mill Avenue S 2625 NE 27th Street 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Rachel Gruber Bruce Bowden 2639 NE 27th Street 2418 Ferndale Place NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of September to the following: 1 Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,P1anBldg/PW Administrator Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director Art Larson,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Mayor's Executive Assistant Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler South County Journal i Pursuant to Title.IV,.Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m.,October 13,1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant,and the Examiner may, I� after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,-accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City Hall. Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP I • September 29, 1997 Page 9 •. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. • PRELIMINARY PLA-t Ut- HONEY 'CREEK HEIGHTS - I :�:.... - 1 I I In 2 ' I LEGEND , Z ... ..... ....Y"..... !1]. [SIST. o Our Pat POICTI E 1lousc / o •1.1 Q I `044' - / • DQ CAS Vµ<C • ]0.01• 50.01' b6.d' �01' 0 xi01' S0.01' r O� WATER WEN 2`UTUtY WATCO VALVE ' I U. O. ill 1--- -� ,�,II-CASwaT-• •I I-- -- L i••---1 i-....-. i-`--• ( ) I'- -•-- 3 ®Dao vow woo rc.x L ` ^ I ) ' __ "L 1 ( 1...._-_ L I I 11 0.:. POR[R J•cO. j• ZI $ I 19 L ,@ EL_V....p'8 17 n'j 1C 15 L ( 1 ] r1AC N,aANT K d 3 1 a 14 • 19 �a p wa eAs« uJ I .. � a I� I 1 9 `j //� sTREct su1 LL :` R I l 1 r 1 YK 602 \ ' 1 1 1 I 1 ® CEDAR 1R[[ yf ...1 L ...._...I L_.._ J L-. I _ I I a.,: r I JI 7a19' Sa.D,• 4L11' 1 •r.• I'-' _ ICILY Vitt • rxi Da n k' a• .� \\ 1 %7e51.06• et IMMO O FOUND V. 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I 7 I COITN RO TO 711E 11t0C P'CA d 6C0 F q• Tot I SCU M,Y SOON 6 a61653 [AST T Lilt f I TO 7M SCUMMY[IRNSON Cr mC CAST lR1C K IM EAST NW a THE ,( • I %EST 21.27 ACRES CI THE Nam HALF Cr SAD NORm1.0ST -_ -- -- _• CUARIOR; TRUCE .336 CC A11.C SAD EAST l71 A.80EET 1M -- -- -- I- }!'IL_ 2!' 10(6CC0110•9011 7MR3OI.]ET MT. OR CST 370.71 ICIT; --I 67080E SCUM 336 ICCi.MORE a LESS,10 m(TRUC�POST 0I -_ -_ _- 20 FEE? : un.r DIE CAST,o Mt a DC fcsr 711.42 rrcr a n¢swum 20 TII ST NORM 45 r 1.1 CI TOE SOU42 1TE WAR ILA• TM R ( Nai11MSr WARIER Cr SAO SCCDOR 4. • - - - N.E. 24TH ST i}---U3 ¢ U CITY OF' RENTON • TOTAL PARCEL AREA 123.507•611. DIDPAIt'x .t o'I' or PUBLIC Tr'0It2(.7 PROPOSED Na Cr LOTS if LOTS 1 PROPOSED 20967,E a ou/ARec 0-e1 PROPOSED Sa7ART rOoTAG5 DENSITY CALCULATION OTRIER 90a COLNTtL • 2625 M-27114 ST LOT 1 4.500 M.R. LOT 11 060 p.IL 92E AMA 123.507 sok RENIW,WA PRELIMINARY PLAT • 2 4.500 0611. 12 5.256 s9.IL ROADWAY ARCA -18.179..f. (206)22a-2473 3 4.516•R.R. 13 6.1213 i.IL ACCESS TRACT -2.244 KN. 4' 4640 90.11 14 5,107 40.1E• ACCESS ES140 -1.873 4611. LARD SURALLY1 NAM a N0.NacR0 rec. 5 5.159 1611. 15 4.525 s6I4 100.611•61L 2.314 • ewes low TRWT STREET Sam Mara - 4wt- - ti.. 6 4,656 f4.R. 16 .62!46R. MT 91C AREA ISSAOUAN.wA 96027 pan l • 7 4.a14 461E 17 4.706 p.1L ALLOWABLE D.U. e•7.314•Insl D.u.(lf Du.) (206)392-0250 w'AY .�-- �� e 6.650 q.R. to AAA•e.11. FAX(206)391-3055 Duc110 9 4.512 IR•IL- 19 6.391 se.11. 1 REVISED lOt LAYOUT 4/Il/f7 10 4.526 IT II. R w.nn4 n ••n �� ..n a.r� '�-~- PERCCNt•cC K LANO M S1fIE 1S IN Mt . • ':; : :CITY )F 'RENTON . • Hearing Examiner - • • Mr. Bob Colwell 2625 NE 27th Street Renton, WA 98056 Re: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PLAT FILE No. LUA-97-036,PP Dear Mr. Colwell: The Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation regarding the referenced request has not .been appealed within the time period established by ordinance. Therefore,this matter is being submitted to the City Clerk this date for transmittal to the City Council for review. You will receive notification of final approval from the City Clerk, and will be notified of all action.taken by the City Council upon approval of the request. Please feel free to contact this office if thither assistance or information is required. Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner F.TIC/mm cc: Mark Pywell • I Sandi Seeger, Development Services • • 200 Mill Avenue South-Renton, Washington 98055 - (206)235-2593 .. _ 4 CITE )F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department I e Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator September 29, 1997 Mr. Eric Thompson Habitat Biologist Muckleshoot Fisheries Environmental Division 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Subject: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Dear Mr. Thompson: I received your letter, dated September 15, 1997, regarding the referenced project on September 29, 1997. The comment and appeal period for this project ran from August 25, 1997 to September 8, 1997. Although the SEPA comment and appeal period has closed for this project, I have forwarded copies of your letter to the Hearing Examiner and the applicant. The public hearing for the preliminary plat was held on September 16, 1997. The Hearing Examiner has not issued his determination but as you are aware that determination must be based upon what was presented at the public hearing. I would like to note that the applicant is required to infiltrate the water on-site unless this proves to be impossible to accomplish. If infiltration will not work, then the applicant may extend a storm water system to the existing City system that serves this area. The applicant is also required to provide 100 year storm detention on-site. In either event, the applicant would not be required to perform any work on the stream banks or in the streambed unless it is required by the HPA permit system. If you have any further questions regarding this issue, please contact me at 277-5586. Sincerely, Mark R. P , AICP Project nager 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer iV MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE . INDTRIBE ' BE FISHERIES DEPARTMENT $ TRIBE \ \ 15 September 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON Jana Huerter Land Use Review Supervisor SEP L 1997 City of Renton Development Services Division 200 Mill Avenue South RECEIVED Renton,WA 98055 RE: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED FOR HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT, LUA-97-036,PP,ECF WRIA 08.0282 Dear Ms Huerter: The Environmental Division of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe's Fisheries Department has reviewed the Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated issued for Honey Creek Heights project. The applicant seeks to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single family residential lots. The project is located near May Creek, a salmonid bearing stream. The proposed subdivision could create potential adverse impacts upon salmonids arising from increased stormwater discharge. It is unclear from the DNS if the proposed development will discharge stormwater to surface water features draining to salmonid bearing streams or if stormwater will be infiltrated on site. Stormwater discharge has been identified as a cumulative impact in Basin plans prepared by the County. Furthermore,as in the Cedar River Basin Plan,the County has begun to call into question the effectiveness of stormwater management facilities to prevent future adverse impacts. Indeed,the County has indicated that future development in some basins will increase stormwater volumes and flow durations',even with stormwater detention facilities2, a statement of an increase in the disturbance regime. These flow alterations can scour stream channels,dislodge channel roughness elements, or displace salmonids. Additionally,the County has recently recognized that: ...while employing a specific flow control standard may prevent stream channel erosion or instability,other factors affecting fish and other biotic resource(such as increases in stream flow velocities)are not directly addressed by this manual. Thus, compliance with this manual may not be construed to mitigate all probable and significant stormwater impacts upon instream biota,and additional mitigation should be required.3 While plans submitted for stormwater management might address flooding and bank stability issues, such plans do not address direct impacts to salmonids. It is unclear if the proposed 1 King County Surface Water Management. 1990. East Lake Sammamish Basin Condition Reports-Preliminary Analysis. 2 King County Surface Water Management. 1991. Current/future conditions and Source Identification Report: Issaquah Creek Basin. 3 King County Surface Water Management. Surface Water Design Manual. February 1996 (Draft)p. 1-17. 39015 172nd Avenue S.E. • Auburn, Washington 98092 • (253) 931-0652 • FAX (253) 931-0752 Muckleshoot Fisheries Em:..,..mental Division Page 2 Honey Creek Heights(PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF) 15 Sept. 97 subdivision will discharge storm water directly or indirectly to the salmonid bearing stream. As noted by the County, such standards may serve to protect the channel,but additional mitigation may be needed for salmonids: To avoid site specific and cumulative adverse impacts to salmonids from the stormwater discharge, additional mitigation is needed. The placement of two pieces of large woody debris with attached root wads into the channel would partially mitigate for direct stormwater impacts to rearing juvenile salmonids. Alternately, if the stormwater plan involves constructing a stormwater outfall into the stream,the outfall could be setback rather than flush with the stream bank(see attached figures). As the applicant may be undertaking bank work as part of the stormwater erosion prevention, little additional effort would be required. By copy of this letter,we request that the WDFW not issue an HPA for this project unless a minimum of two pieces of large woody debris with attached rootwads are placed into the stream. The Tribal Environmental Division requests to be a Party of Record for all notices concerning this application. I thank you for your attention to our concerns. If you have any questions regarding this letter please call me at 931-0652 extension 13•1. Sincerely, Erick Thompson Habitat Biologist cc: WDFW/Larry Fisher Potential methods to incorporate salmon habitat improvements or mitigation measures with stormwater outfalls. Figures are not to scale. 1 1 i Juvenile 1 Alcove 1 salmon Stormwater 1 conveyance and 1 outfall 11 II 9 .il. 1 1 . 1 1 .Figure 1. Figure 2. 1 Large woody debris with root wads 1 Often stormwater outfalls are often lush with the . streambank(Fig. 1). Thus,there is no low velocity habitat for salmon to shelter in during high flow events / ) I '1�, 1 � �,�.�' or during the winter. However, if the outfall is setback 1 �=?- into an alcove, a volume of slow moving water can be O ' created. Juvenile salmon utilize such areas during• storm events and the winter to avoid being exposed excessive stream velocities. Juvenile salmon will move ) . -Vaf$ in and out of areas in response to the flows, and indeed _1115 will move into areas usually dry except during storm events. Fig. 3 shows the alcove with large woody debris added. Large woody debris provides cover from view for adult salmon and from predators for juvenile salmonids. Typically, large woody debris also increases the volume of slow moving water in the alcove. Ideally,the outfall should be located as far back from the stream as possible to maximize the volume of slow moving water wetted during flows less Figure 3. than the 5-year event. Unni SEP 0 1997 CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Rece iv{k suhsy e 1 PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS e MEMORANDUM 912y/ 1 DATE: September 29, 1997 TO: Fred Kaufman Neil Watts Ron Straka FROM: - Mark R. Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036 For your information, attached is a copy of the letter we have received from the Muckleshoot Tribe regarding the project referenced above. cc: H:\W W6ODOTTMEMO.DOTh ��4Esy actEsy eL MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE IN FISHERIES DEPARTMENT IN i • i 15 September 1997 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON Jana Huerter Land Use Review Supervisor SEP L 199 City of Renton Development Services Division 200 Mill Avenue South RECEIVED Renton,WA 98055 RE: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED FOR HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT,LUA-97-036,PP,ECF WRIA 08.0282 Dear Ms Huerter: ' The Environmental Division of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe's Fisheries Department has reviewed the Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated issued for Honey Creek Heights project. ,The applicant seeks to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single family residential lots. The project is located near May Creek, a salmonid bearing stream. The proposed subdivision could create potential adverse impacts upon salmonids arising from increased stormwater discharge. It is unclear from the DNS if the proposed development will discharge stormwater to surface water features draining to salmonid bearing streams or if stormwater will be infiltrated on site. Stormwater discharge has been identified as a cumulative impact in Basin plans prepared by the County. Furthermore, as in the Cedar River Basin Plan,the County has begun to call into question the effectiveness of stormwater management facilities to prevent future adverse impacts. Indeed,the County has indicated that future development in some basins will increase stormwater volumes and flow durations',even with stormwater detention facilities2, a statement of an increase in the disturbance regime. These flow alterations can scour stream channels,dislodge channel roughness elements, or displace salmonids. Additionally,the County has recently recognized that: ...while employing a specific flow control standard may prevent stream channel erosion or instability, other factors affecting fish and other biotic resource(such as increases in stream flow velocities)are not directly addressed by this manual. Thus, compliance with this manual may not be construed to mitigate all probable and significant stormwater impacts upon instream biota, and additional mitigation should be required.' While plans submitted for stormwater management might address flooding and bank stability issues, such plans do not address direct impacts to salmonids. It is unclear if the proposed King County Surface Water Management. 1990. East Lake Sammanush Basin Condition Reports-Preliminary Analysis. 2 King County Surface Water.Management. 1991. Current/future conditions and Source Identification Report:Issaquah Creek Basin. 3 King County Surface Water Management. Surface Water Design Manual. February 1996 (Draft)p. 1-17. 39015 172nd Avenue S.E. • Auburn, Washington 98092 • (253) 931-0652 • FAX (253) 931-0752 Muckleshoot Fisheries Environmental Division Page 2 HoneyCreek Heights LAT/LUA-97-036 PP ECF) 15 Sept. 97 g (P subdivision will discharge storm water directly or indirectly to the salmonid bearing stream. As noted by the County, such standards may serve to protect the channel,but additional mitigation may be needed for salmonids. To avoid site specific and cumulative adverse impacts to salmonids from the stormwater discharge,additional mitigation is needed. The placement of two pieces of large woody debris with attached root wads into the channel would partially mitigate for direct stormwater impacts to rearing juvenile salmonids. Alternately, if the stormwater plan involves constructing a stormwater outfall into the stream,the outfall could be setback rather than flush with the stream bank(see attached figures). As the applicant may be undertaking bank work as part of the stormwater erosion prevention, little additional effort would be required. By copy of this letter,we request that the WDFW not issue an HPA for this project unless a minimum of two pieces of large woody debris with attached rootwads are placed into-the stream. The Tribal Environmental Division requests to be a Party of Record for all notices concerning this application. I thank you for your attention to our concerns. If you have any questions regarding this letter please call me at 931-0652 extension 131. Sincerely, co, --/ ,•%'y'c-s-^-'2-7 Erick Thompson Habitat Biologist cc: WDFW/Larry Fisher I - Potential methods to incorporate salmon habitat improvements or mitigation measures with stormwater outfalls. Figures are not to scale. I. 1 Alcove 1 Juvenile 1 Isalmon Stormwater 1 conveyance and 1 outfall 11 :::: OAR HA 1 1 1 Figure 1. Figure 2. ,ic 1 Large woody debris with root wads IOften stormwater outfalls are often lush with the streambank(Fig. 1). Thus,there is no low velocity habitat for salmon to shelter in during high flow events I1�. 1 ! r,2 ' or during the winter. However, if the outfall is setback 1 '=?• � into an alcove, a volume of slow moving water can be •• created. Juvenile salmon utilize such areas during \\ -:4;: storm events and the winter to avoid being exposed •excessive stream velocities. Juvenile salmon will move in and,out of areas in response to the flows, and indeed = will move into areas usually dry except during storm �� events. Fig. 3 shows the alcove with large woody () debris added. Large woody debris provides cover from view for adult salmon and from predators for juvenile salmonids. Typically, large woody debris also increases the volume of slow moving water in the alcove. Ideally,the outfall should be located as far back from the stream as possible to maximize the volume of slow moving water wetted during flows less Figure 3. than the 5-year event. i - AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES ,being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 29th day of September ,1997, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: c `/7/4 d SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of , 1997. 71‘1+61 /(1- Notary'115\ kA0t-9‘ Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at �� ,therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA97-036,PP The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. P , 1 HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT r September 29, 1997 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT: Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP LOCATION: 2600 Block of NE 25th Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To subdivide 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on September 9, 1997. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application,field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the September 16, 1997 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at 9:04 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Plat map Exhibit No.4: Topographic map Exhibit No.5: Density calculations The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by MARK PYWELL,Project Manager,Development Services, City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant seeks approval to subdivide approximately 3.03 acres into 19 single family residential lots. Due to some density issues, staff is recommending at this time that an 18 lot plat be approved in order to meet the density requirements in the Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 2 Comprehensive Plan(CP)and zoning ordinance. This project completed its environmental review and on August 19, 1997,the Environmental Review Committee(ERC)issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated(DNS-M). There were no appeals filed. The project is located in the northeast quadrant of the City in the area known as the Devil's Elbow. The project will gain access from both NE 24th Street and NE 25th Street. The plat map shows the connections,both through a side street or continuation of a street to NE 24th Street and on the west side of NE 25th Street. The Comprehensive Plan designation for this area is single family. The proposed plat map would allow for 19 single family homes to be constructed. The lot sizes in this area vary considerably from small lots to quite large lots, due to the terrain and also the fact that much of the development has occurred over a long period of time and different development standards have been applied. The lots as proposed do meet the criteria for size area;however,the problem is with the density. The interpretive policy that was adopted January 14, 1994, is a clarification of how net density is determined. Calculations for density in this City are calculated from net density as opposed to a gross acreage that is used in some other jurisdictions. Basically the interpretive policy from the Development Services Division subtracts both the private roads and also the public streets from the acreage as well as sensitive areas from the gross acreage to determine a net acreage. According to the calculations that were prepared by the applicant,the net density with the 19 lots would come out to be 8.2 dwelling units per acre. The maximum allowed in this area is 8 dwelling units per acre. The City does not do any rounding of those figures;therefore, staff has recommended that one lot be deleted which would bring the density down to a net density of 7.7 dwelling units to the acre which would be within the acceptable range for density. The zoning on the subject property is R-8 which is the single family residential zone that allows a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet. With the 19 lots as laid out by the applicant,the lot sizes range from 4,500 to 6,630 square feet. With the 18 lot subdivision that same lot range would still apply,although there could be more on the upper end. The project is anticipated to generate approximately 181 vehicle trips per day. The adjacent roadways have the capacity to accept that. Staff would note that at this point about an equal number of phone calls on this project, both for and against it,have been received. Those that were opposed to it didn't want any additional traffic on their roads but they did appreciate the new utilities the City was putting into the area. Those that were in favor of the project were especially concerned about the new utilities and their being able to connect up to it. Many of the homes in this area are still on septic systems and they look forward to be able to connect to the sanitary sewer that will go in the area. The topography of the site is fairly level. There is some steep terrain associated with Honey Creek in the area of Devil's Elbow. However,that topography does not cross the subject property and the development of this property should not have any affect upon that. The development of this site will allow for additional housing units which should help the housing stock within the City. The Police and Fire Departments have adequate resources to serve this area with the code required improvements. The applicant is not providing any recreational facilities as part of this site. There will be 14 new students generated by this subdivision. The Renton School District has indicated they will be able to accept the students. The applicant will need to complete designs for an onsite storm water system or provide for an infiltration system. Either system would be acceptable to the City. There will be a new sewer line that will be located at it Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 3 NE 24th Street and is the one that applicant will need to connect with. The City will be constructing that between December of this year and December of 1998. It should be available to the applicant by August of 1998. There are two six-inch water lines that are available to the subject property and the applicant will need to install an 8-inch line within the right of way of the street proposed by this line. That is in anticipation of the City increasing the size of the water lines in the area from the 6 to the 8 inch. The applicant will need to install the code required street improvements to include curbs, gutters and sidewalks along all public streets. Applicant has shown a tract B for the portion of a private road. Staff would prefer that it not be a tract,citing the problem that these get left to a homeowners association. Sometimes the homeowners association defaults on the taxes,they go up for private sale and it can cause a lot of confusion. Staff would prefer that be an easement across the private property and covenants be recorded. Staff would recommend denial of the 19 lot preliminary plat and approval of the 18 lot Honey Creek Heights preliminary plat, subject to the following conditions of approval: (1)compliance with the ERC mitigation measures; (2) submission of a revised preliminary plat demonstrating a maximum of 18 lots to comply with the maximum density allowed of eight(8)dwelling units per acre;(3)creation of an easement across lot for the roadway instead of creating a separate tract as shown on the preliminary plat; (4)recording of covenants for access and maintenance of the private roads on each of the lots that gains access from a private roadway. Bob Colwell,2625 NE 27th Street,Renton,Washington 98056,applicant herein,first addressed the issue of the right of way. He stated that he had a quit claim deed from Mrs. Gray who had the 11 by 22 foot strip. The other issue was the 5 foot reserve strip that went across and that has been resolved by quit claim deeds that were given to the owner and now applicant has those rights. As to the issue of 18 or 19 lots,he stated that their interpretation of that regulation is that it is specifically mentioned in the code that it is city streets and not private streets. It is saying it is a city street. In preliminary discussions with the City,the City indicated they wanted the applicant to include the private easements. At that point he stated they looked at it and researched the code and found out that they did not need to do that. He received a letter on this date as to the interpretive impression of the City and how they interpret that. He did not feel this was fair and that they had planned this plat based on 19 lots. There was no discussion at that time that they could not do that. Mr.Pywell was asked by the Examiner to explain the City's interpretation of the code regarding density. Mr. Pywell stated that the policy came out of a project submitted in 1994 in which the City came up with the policy as it is written based upon the fact that a private street is the same as a public dedicated street. The use of private streets actually became more predominant with code changes that were done in other sections of the code after the original code in regards to the density calculation was written. Due to other priorities in developing the new CP and zoning,this particular section of the code has not been updated to keep up with the policy decision. Neil Watts,Plan Review Supervisor,Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South,Renton, Washington 98055,addressed the issue of right of way width and stated that the code allows for a narrowing of the right of way width for residential streets from the typical 50 foot right of way to the 42 foot right of way where there are shallower lots which this plat conforms with. The 42 feet allows for construction of the 32 feet of pavement which is the standard residential street and 5 foot sidewalks on each side which is also standard. Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 4 The drainage is a concern here as it goes down to Honey Creek. There is a storm drain system in Edmonds Avenue which is west of here that out-falls basically down a steep bank and into Honey Creek. There is also a drainage system culvert ditch that runs along 27th and that also has a series of out-falls which don't connect directly to the creek but out-fall over the bank and then sheet flow to the creek. The City would like to see infiltration here; however, it does not have the ability to require that. If the applicant or future developer of this property elects not to use infiltration and ties into the system in Edmonds to the west of here,then they will need to provide detention through the 100 year storm and they will also need to do a Level 1 analysis of that system to make sure that it has adequate capacity,not only for this particular property but for the entire basin. In addition to some type of detention and/or infiltration,they are also required to have some type of water quality feature for this site,either in the form of biofiltration system or wet fault or combined detention wet vault system. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:45 a.m. FINDINGS,CONCLUSIONS&RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,Bob Colwell,filed a request for approval of a 19-lot Preliminary Plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located in the 2600 block of NE 25th Street. The site actually would straddle the easterly extension of NE 25th. NE 25th will be extended to serve the site. The site is north of NE 24th, east of Edmonds Avenue NE. 6. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1796 enacted in October 1959. 7. The subject site is zoned R-8(Single Family;Lot size-4,500 square feet). It received this classification with a major overhaul of the Zoning Code enacted in June 1993 with the adoption of Ordinance 4404. 8. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses,but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 9. The applicant proposes dividing an approximately 3.03 acre(2.314 net)site into nineteen(19)lots that would be developed with single family homes. Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 5 10. The site is approximately 370.71 feet wide(east to west)byapproximately 338.08 feet deep. A subjectpP Y PP Y small rectangle approximately 20 feet deep by 78.25 feet wide located in the southeast corner of the site is not part of the site. 11. A small strip of land approximately 11 feet long by 22 feet wide was held as reserve strip at the western boundary of the site. This reserve would have blocked the easterly extension of NE 25th but the applicant has acquired a quit claim deed permitting the road's extension. 12. The applicant proposes extending NE 25th approximately 280 feet east into the site and then turning it south where is would join an existing unnamed road stub that intersects NE 24th Street. This would provide a through street through the plat. 13. Two tiers of lots would be created in the southwest corner of the site served by a combination of the public roads and a proposed Tract B and private access easement(see below). There would be a tier of lots along the north boundary,north of NE 25th, and served by NE 25th. Another tier of lots would be located along the east boundary. They would be served by the new north-south street connecting 25th to NE 24th. 14. As indicated the applicant proposes a combination of public streets and easements or tracts to provide access to the various lots. Proposed Lots 1-5, 9-12 and 15-19 would be accessed from public roads. Proposed Lots 6, 7 and 8 along the south boundary of the site would be accessed by a combination common Tract B and easements. Staff has indicated that a tract could be lost or sold off creating potential access problems. Proposed Lots 13 and 14 in the northeast corner of the site would be accessed by a common easement in the form of a pipestem driveway. 15. The applicant proposes the following dimensions for the various lots: Proposed Lot Width in Feet Length in Feet Square Footage 1 50.01 89.99 4,500 2 50.01 89.99 4,500 3 50.21 89.43 4,516 4 67.93 89.43 4,840 5 60.01 85.99 5,159 6 52.34 85.99 4,658 7 52.34 91.99 4,814 8 53.48 112.00 6,630 9 50.21 90.02 4,512 10 50.01 90.52 4,526 11 61.40 90.52 4,680 12 51.06 97.50 5,256 13 50.01 105.43 6,128 14 50.01 96.43 5,107 15 50.01 107.85 6,064 16 50.01 94.42 4,825 17 50.01 94.09 4,706 18 50.01 94.08 4,500 19 70.19 94.08 4,500 (The values are approximate since some of the parcels are not rectangular.) Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 6 16. Staff has indicated that an Administrative Interpretation/Policy Decision issued on January 14, 1994, governs. That determination found that the area contained in private streets as well as public streets should be subtracted from the overall lot area to determine density. Under that determination,the density of the proposed plat would be 8.2 which is in excess of the permitted density of between 5 and 8 housing units per acre. 17. Staff has recommended that the plat be reduced to 18 lots which would yield a density of 7.7 units per acre which satisfies the range provided by the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. 18. The applicant claims that the code is clear and that the administrative interpretation/policy decision is in error. 19. The specific provisions in question, Section 4-31-2, state: DENSITY,GROSS: A measure of population,housing units or building area related to land area,and expressed as a ratio, i.e., one dwelling unit per acre,or one thousand (1,000)people per square mile. DENSITY,NET: A calculation of the number of housing units that would be allowed on a property after sensitive areas and public streets are subtracted from the gross area (gross acres minus streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allowable housing units per acre). This calculation applies to residential uses only. 20. The area surrounding the subject site is primarily developed with single family homes. Lot sizes in the area vary from smaller parcels immediately west and south of the site to larger multiple acre parcels north and east of the site. 21. The existing parcels north of the site have access from NE 27th Street which is a dead-end street that approaches "Devils Elbow" east of the site. The topography drops steeply east of the site. Staff has noted that the extension of roads through the subject site to either the north or east is either unnecessary or impractical due to existing access or topography. 22. The subject site will be in the Honey Creek drainage basin and any conveyed storm water will contribute to that system. If the applicant does convey storm water they will have to do an appropriate analysis of downstream conditions. An infiltration system would avoid the potential of overloading the Honey Creek system. 23. A new sewer main along NE 24th is to be completed by late 1998. The applicant will have to hook up to this system. City water lines are available to serve this site. 24. The new north-south street will be somewhat offset from the existing leg immediately south of the subject site. The applicant will be required to merge the two segments to create a smooth link and avoid a sudden disparity in width or alignment. 25. The proposal will generate approximately 9.55 additional traffic trips per home or approximately 181.45 trips per day. 26. The proposal will generate approximately 14 new students spread over the entire grade system. Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 7 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest whether as an 18-lot or 19-lot development, subject to some conditions noted below. It provides new housing opportunities in an area that is or can be served by urban services. It will provide additional housing choices and a range of lot sizes for residents. 2. The public streets appear to be reasonably designed,extending albeit in a limited fashion,the City's street grid system. NE 25th will be extended into the site and a new street will connect it to NE 24th on the south. It appears that any further extension of the streets is unnecessary or impractical. 3. The proposed access to Lots 13 and 14 uses private easements and a pipestem which appears reasonable. The creation of Tract B to provide access to Proposed Lots 6, 7 and 8 might create potential problems. The separate legal tract could be sold outright or could be foreclosed if the appropriate parties do not pay the taxes. Therefore,the applicant should modify the proposal and create a private road with easement rights to the three lots that would gain access across it. 4. The development of the subject site will add traffic to the area but this was anticipated when the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan were adopted for this area. 5. The lots are generally rectangular,and as single family dwellings they are compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. 6. The nature and location of the site are such that while these lots are smaller than some lots in the area, they do not front or"confront"those other lots. This development is in a fashion turned in on itself. The plat is therefore compatible with surrounding development patterns in the main. 7. The remaining issue is the applicability of the Administrative Interpretation vis-a-vis the Code definition of"density." The language of the Code is absolutely clear. The Administrative Interpretation appears unnecessary. "Sensitive areas" and"public streets"are subtracted before density is calculated. There is clearly no ambiguity that needed administrative interpretation. There should be no basis for having to make an administrative determination in this matter. If the policy objective of staff is to equate the loss of area to private streets or easements to the similar loss that occurs with the development of public streets and balance it similarly,then the Code needs to be changed. While the objective is noble,the Code does not make that analogy although it probably should. That determination should be made by the City Council and staff should seek the appropriate amendments to Code. 8. The applicant is entitled to develop nineteen(19)lots as proposed and subject to the conditions enumerated below. RECOMMENDATION: The 19-lot Preliminary Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant is required to comply with the mitigation measures which were required by the Environmental Review Committee threshold determination prior to the issuance of a building permit; 2. The applicant shall create an easement across lot for the roadway instead of creating a separate tract as is shown on the preliminary plat; Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 8 3. The applicant shall record covenants for access and maintenance of the private roads on each of the lots that gains access from a private roadway; 4. Tract A shall be merged with the adjoining lots and the appropriate easements for use created. ORDERED THIS 29th day of September. KariA-,11(Nv,. FRED J. KAUF) AN HEARING EXAMINER { TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of September to the parties of record: Mark Pywell Bob Colwell Neil Watts 200 Mill Avenue S 2625 NE 27th Street 200 Mill Avenue S Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Rachel Gruber Bruce Bowden 2639 NE 27th Street 2418 Ferndale Place NE Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 29th day of September to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Administrator Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director Art Larson,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Mayor's Executive Assistant Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m..October 13, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant,and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City Hall. Bob Colwell Honey Creek Heights Plat File No.: LUA-97-036,PP September 29, 1997 Page 9 If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. �1 Gov't Lot4 '\ . 4.900 .c, 220 L203 •, 35.6 Acres 11 �^� .la . . .•. .r .I 3 • ,'y c� P, ,RE TON 'COR' t31 (al aO 222 a-222 'C9[VW iJt, a +Y_I C1•. �Q_•.\'•, i• `.1 u .sropC-a. fi+s••. 219 �J1 Q'+jl . • �a T. x, ,,y �,7r•• J� .. tee. 23T Ivti(E•NY D�L Ee•y_t._�_.Lim ; + •n��C/"' ° L7F U O r 4.V S , s `iL1U 3 t (V W.eran 236 i23Fr; h43: it ign..4 11 'e. ' ,y,r . .,-oznia-.,4,_ I. il- , - ..- ..,,_.4 1 "\ '-re 3a0h lid tli. n 17i' .1 is a2sTH��7Si da,•rn uv,n". 44° P I L__L__ .{�t � ' ��Q IN ® M<,..n N Gray I ✓•' (� ! E �•- Itytj+1 ' t 7 '7 sosM ,s!!; ^I .:L.-el Q _t?'1 3€ `hut' Qi ,�4 1. t:.." 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N.E. 25TH T J,PD' h�M1 1 • H 76'4903•E - 1 SCALE 1• 4D' -o- "CYCLIC'.FENCE n N.E. 23TH ST Ie.579.p.n. a�ti}b . 93,56 1 -o- WOOD FENCE 20.46' 50.01' . y0,p1' 0 10. 00 ♦s. 1-11 66{ ACCESS EASEMENT BONDING SETBACKS IN y 12 I FRONT TARO .20' 1- , r______) (.L _9e22_ 1 I- ., /4 fs:7 J, C. ,\ "1 REAR YARD •20' I 1 Y I Y I M.1 ♦ 1,,, 'm \ 9.03`E- SSOL YARD S'I`L /8 d S.-d b q • •Po. 'A 1__-N-1� -'I CORNER SIDE TARO -15' .. ....F:{.:. b b __ .. I .. n 1 21 le _ k l ( I 11 L -71 I YMMd - ^ < w.oE N ee �o'w try a L-w OD1D•»•w----) C 50.01' 67.93' g ^F 53.48' 52.34'w. 52.3f 60.01' -, �; - V Q, t� _ I I I fl * r..... 1 1-. r 1 ,r 1 N L;� I AT. SITE n 1 8 1 7 {¢.I a k d 3y & o I--W 8615'15'w-----1 Y ' r 8 3 8 / ° 1 1. R %7�;i T'• o - f__-00.51__.___I t'� ® K] If 1 ' 21' xr I 7W= • :::: int 1 1 2QOf 60.01'- /\N 109.621 w m. --J 1......_.._I 52.14' 26.21' 56.02' �L:-�'� -J © VICINITY MAP I Tess' 8-8,, TRACT 'B' N e81s'u'w _ 70 00, I ACCESS owe -- �-• -- IJI.60' EASEMENT 88.38'..n 1.1 90.0 e' -_ N 6815'5'W AO 2e0.69' N 00.31'03-E � - LEGAL DESCRIPTION A 924 e4.11. A.161)3'35' 20.00' 2,244 sp.fl. R 100.00' THAT PORTION a<THE WEST HALF QF THE NORTHWEST WARD a •.,....'.. ,'. ..'.,, I L•28.03' - e SECPOI 4,TOWNSHIP 23 NOIITI4,RANGE S EAST.'MLLAMETTE ? M AN IN KINGW:.::::::1 ........: ' • .. COUNTY. ASHNGTON DESCRIBED AS POLL __ ..• ...... ERIO A.1.17'18' I ....-.. R 10000' „, Cd1UCNCINO AT A POINT 45.00 FEET SOUTH AND 30.00 FEET EAST :: ':! aF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER d'THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST L.30.17' ::::i ::'. •" QUARTER SAID SECTION 4:THENCE SOUTH 881655 EAST A I 34071 FEET TO THE TRUE PONT Of BEONNNG;THENCE .. I •. I .' I IF I CONTINUING SOUTH 8815'55'EAST 370.71 FEET TO THE • SOUTHERLY E%TENSNON Of THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF CC THE • WEST 21.27 ACRES Of THE NORTH HALF OF SAID NORTHWEST CARTER; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND THE -- - I -- _ I-- -_ I •J 25' 25• L... I THENCE SOUTH THER338,EET FEET,THENCE WEST 370.71 TRUE FEET; .{51 DQ\�...�._ - -I - 1 20 FEETN E EAST TH NORTHF 45 CFE THE TEST 741.427 F ETT O THEN C THE H LW% Q` NORTHWEST CARTER OF SAID SECTION 4. - - - _ N.E. 24TH ST ' R .1 - -'- - 3 • V TOTAL PARCEL AREA 123.507 spit. - CITY OF RENTON • PROPOSED NO.OF LOTS 19 LOTS DEPARTMENTOPPUBLICWORKSPROPOSED IONNO 8 OU/ARCS(R-8) PROPOSED SQUARE FOOTACES DENSITY CALCULATION OWNER BOB COLWELL LOT 1 4,500 sp.11. LOT It 4.660.6.11. SITE AREA 123.507 spit. 2625 NE 27111 ST 2 4.500 sp.R. 12 5,255 sp.11. ROADWAY AREA -18,579 mil. (206)2'"'A PRELIMINARY PLAT 3 4,516 sp.B. 13 6.128 ep.11• ACCESS TRACT -2,244 NAIL (206)32e-N71 4 4.840 sp.11, 14 5,107 96.6. ACCESS ESMTS -1,e73 sp•It• 5 5,159 INT. 15 6.064 NN.tl. LAND SURVEYOR BAILIA A HOLMBERG NC. 6 4,656 Wt. 16 4,825 NAIL NET SITE AREA 100,611 Agit.2.314 Acres 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH I®An DATE ma No - 7 4,814 Wt. 17 4,106 ap.11. ISSAOUAH.WA 98027 y� ti 8 6,630 NI N. 1B 4.704•4.11. ALLOWABLE D.U. 8•2.314.10.51 D.U.(f9 D.U.) (205)392-0250 n® MD - I9 4.5126 ep.11. 19 6.391 Wt. FAX(206)391-3055 1 REUSED LOT LAYOUT 4/21/97 '� •+ 10 4,526 WA LUMP m APR DATE ATOM w,„A�� PERCENTAGE CC LAND IN STREETS 19 38>< EMT L` CII _ OF RENTON imiL :1 Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator September 25, 1997 Mr. Bob Colwell 2625 NE 27th Street Renton, WA 98056 Subject: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036 Dear Mr. Colwell: We have received the attached letter regarding your project. Although I do not recall their being a significant forest on the subject property, you are.responsible for contacting the Department of Natural Resources and letting them know what you plan to do. If you,have any questions regarding this issue, please contact me at 277-5586. Sincerely, Mark R. Py , AICP Project M ager 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 Thie nnnnr rnnraine Sn%rcrvrinrl mnfnrial 9na/nncl rnn�umnr v WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF Natural Resources JENNIFER M.BELCHER Commissioner of Public Lands KALEEN COTTINGHAM Supervisor • DATE: August 29, 1997 9EVEL o.- TO: Mark R. Pywell, AICP SEP 0 3 1997 City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Dept . 200 Mill Avenue South Ask Renton, WA 98055 FROM: David John Weiss Resource Protection Specialist South Puget Sound Region SUBJECT REVIEW OF: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat ACTION SPONSOR: Shupe Holmberg PROJECT: Timber Harvest/Land Conversion [] We do not have an interest in the above project and have no comments on the proposal. [X] We do have an interest in the above project and wish to make the following-comments: A *forest practices permit will be required for the harvest Of timber`:associated with this project. I .. cc: Dave Dietzman - SEPA Center - DNR SEPA#: 012377 SOUTH PUGET SOUND REGION 950 FARMAN ST N I PO BOX 68 I ENUMCLAW,WA 98022-0068 I FAX:(360)825-1672 I TTY:•(360)825-6381 I TEL:(360)825-1631 ®4Sito is Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer RECYCLED PAPER • • • • '::::5::::�;:2::5:;::::::;:;s:'�S:%:::ii::::i:�:i�::?:3::::ii:::i::::;'. ;::<�::: ": .. .. ..: :::::::�. .:..':. C '' .. � 1.`.k........... :::.:::::::::.:::.:::::::�:.::::::.�:.�:::::::<.::.;:::.::::.: . ..1f..E O.P,itl�l~.NT.:SERu�.:..:ES.a[.:::.:..::.:..::.:::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::.::.;:<.:;.;;:;::;.;;;::::.;;>;:.;:.;;:.:• MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS: Section 4-31-2: Definitions • COMPREHENSIVE • PLAN POLICIES: NA REFERENCE: NA SUBJECT: Clarification of definition of Net Density. BACKGROUND Under the current definitions, Net Density is defined as "A . • calculation of the number of housing units'that would be allowed on a property after sensitive areas and public streets are subtracted from the gross area (Gross acres minus streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allowable housing units per acre)." This definition does not address "private streets". • JUSTIFICATION: As currently written, private streets that serve more than one unit would be included in the lot area when calculating the density. • Private streets, although developed at a lesser standard than public streets, are also used •by the public as access to a development. When private streets are created via a legally . recorded easement, they can not be developed and should, therefore, be excluded from the developable lot area when calculating density. DECISION: Interpret the definition for Net Density as follows: Subtract public street rights-of-way and ' legally recorded private access easements servin.g more than one unit from the gross lot area when calculating density. • • DIVISION HEAD C •' APPROVAL: . DATE: DIVISION HEAD �6`/,, • APPROVAL: �-� /—/G/iic • DATE: /—/e/-0 . APPEAL • d54 Disk II • BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. September 15, 1997 Fred Kaufmann City of Renton Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Honey Creek Heights File No. L UA-097-036,PP Dear Mr. Kaufmann: The purpose of this letter is to express our overall concurrence with the Staff Report that has been prepared for the Honey Creek Heights preliminary plat. We agree with the staff analysis of the proposed development and agree with the staff recommended approval conditions -Except that we feel the recommendation should be for preliminary approval of a 19 lot preliminary plat as submitted rather than an 18 lot preliminary lot plat. We believe that staff made their recommendation for approval of an 18 lot preliminary plat based upon their interpretation of Section 4-31-5.D.2 of the Renton code. It is the interpretation of this section of the code that is in dispute. We are asking your interpretation of the code in determining the allowable number of dwelling units in this preliminary plat. Section 4-31-2 of the code defines net density as a calculation of the number of housing units that would be allowed on a property after sensitive areas and public streets are subtracted from the gross area (gross area minus streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allowable housing units per acre). There are no sensitive areas on the Honey Creek Heights site, so the net site area is the parcel area minus the public street area. We interpret public street area to mean street right of way that will be dedicated to the public as stated in the code. Staff interprets public street area to include both public right way areas and private access easement areas. We are asking for your interpretation of the code on this issue. I am scheduled to have a root canal the morning of September 16th and may or may not be able to attend the public hearing for this preliminary plat. Bob Colwell will be there and Michelle Hagness from Baima&Holmberg, Inc. will be there to answer any questions that might arise. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, BAIMA&HOLMBERG, INC. ber Shupe Holmberg, PE PL g WSH:bb/725-002kaufn 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • (425)391-3055 4-31-2 4-31-2 • ;CONDITIONAL USE (ADMINISTRATIVE): A streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allowable land use permitted within a zoning district fol- housing units per acre). This calculation applies to lowing review by the Zoning Administrator to residential uses only. establish conditions mitigating impacts of the use and assure compatibility with other uses in the DESIGNATED ZONE FACILITY: Any hazardous district. waste treatment and storage facility that requires an interim or final status permit under rules CONDITIONAL USE (HEARING EXAMINER): A adopted under RCW 70.105 and that is not a use with special characteristics that would not "preempted facility" as defined in RCW generally be appropriate within a zoning district 70.105.010. but may be permitted subject to review by the Hearing Examiner to establish conditions to DEVELOPMENT: The division of a parcel of land protect public health, safety and welfare. into two (2) or more parcels; the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES: Properties sharing relocation or enlargement of' any structure; any property line. mining, excavation, landfill or land disturbance and any use or extension of the use of land. CONVALESCENT CENTERS/NURSING HOMES: Residential facilities for patients who are DRIVE-IN USE: Any land use which by design, recovering health and strength after illness, or physical facilities, service or by packaging receiving long-term care for chronic conditions, procedures encourages or permits customers to disabilities (mental or physical) or terminal illness receive services, obtain goods or be entertained where care includes on-going medical or while remaining in their motor vehicles. psychiatric treatment, including hospices, ex- tended care facilities, detoxification facilities and DUPLEX: A residential building on a single lot sanitariums. containing two (2)dwelling units. CRITICAL AREAS: Wetlands,, aquifer recharge DWELLING UNIT: A structure or portion of a 1:5 -- areas, fish and wildlife habitat, frequently flooded structure designed, occupied or intended for .oc-' and geologically hazardous areas as defined by the cupancy as separate living quarters with cooking, Growth Management Act. sleeping and sanitary facilities provided for the exclusive use of a single household. DAY CARE CENTER: A day care operation licensed by the State of Washington (WAC DWELLING UNIT, ATTACHED: A one-family 388-73-014), for thirteen (13) or more children in dwelling attached to two (2) or more one-family any twenty four (24) hour period. dwellings by common vertical walls. DAY CARE, FAMILY: A day care operation EXISTING USE: The use of a lot or structure at licensed by the State of Washington (WAC the time of enactment of a zoning ordinance. 388-73-014), caring for twelve (12) or fewer children in any twenty four(24) hour period. FAMILY: A number of related individuals, or not more than four (4) unrelated individuals, living DENSITY, GROSS: A measure of population, together as a single household. housing units or building area related to land area, and expressed as a ratio, i.e., one dwelling FARMING: The cultivation, production and main- unit per acre, or one thousand (1,000) people per tenance of plants and animals for commercial or square mile, personal uses. DENSITY, NET: A calculation of the number of FLAG LOT: A lot with access to a public road only lousing units that would be allowed on a property by a private right of way less than thirty feet (30') after sensitive areas and public streets are in width. subtracted from the gross area (gross acres minus 996 City of Renton 4-31-5 4-31-5 C. Prohibited And Unclassified Uses: Any use 6. Setbacks, Primary Structures And At- not specifically listed as a primary, second- tached Accessory Structures: (Ord. 4404, ary, accessory, or conditional use shall be 6-7-1993) prohibited, except those uses determined by the Zoning Administrator to be: 1) in keeping a. Front Yard: with the intent of the Zone; and 2) similar in nature to a specifically listed primary, sec- (1)Along streets existing as of Septem- ondary, accessory or conditional use. See also ber 1, 1995, the minimum front yard Section 4-31-36 of this Chapter. (Ord. 4404, setback shall not be less than twenty 6-7-1993) feet (20'). A front yard setback of less than twenty feet (20') may be allowed D. Development Standards: In the Residential-8 by the Development Services Division if Dwelling Units Per Acre Zone (R-8) the fol- the average front setback of primary lowing development standards shall apply: structures on lots abutting the side (Ord. 4548, 8-21-1995) yards is less than twenty feet (20'). In such case,the front yard setback shall 1. Number Of Residential Structures Per Lot: not be less than the average of the front No more than one primary residential dwell- setback of the abutting primary struc- ing is allowed on each legal lot. (Ord. 4404, tures; however, in no case shall a mini- 6-7-1993) mum setback of less than twenty feet (20') be allowed for garages which ac- 2. Density: cess from the front yard street(s). Modi- fications to this requirement due to site a. Maximum Density: For the subdivision constraints or lot configuration may be and/or development of lots greater than one- approved by the Development Services half (1/2) gross acre in size, as of March 1, Division. 1995, net density shall not exceed eight (8) units per .acre. For the subdivision, short (2) Along streets created after Septem- plat and/or development of lots one-half (1/2) ber 1, 1995, a minimum depth of fifteen gross acre in size or less, as of March 1, feet.(15') for the primary structure and 1995, net density shall not exceed nine and a minimum depth of twenty feet (20') seven-tenths (9.7) units per acre. for attached garages which access from the front yard street(s). The front yard b. Minimum Density: Net density shall not setback of the primary structure may be be less than five (5) units per acre for all reduced to ten feet (10') if all parking is subdivisions, short plats and/or development provided in the rear yard of the lot with of lots. (Note: See Exceptions, Section access from a public right of way or 4-31-5E.) alley. 3. Minimum Lot Size: The lot area shall not b. Rear Yard: A minimum depth of twenty be less than four thousand five hundred feet (20'). (4,500) square feet. (Ord. 4548, 8-21-1995) c. Side Yards: 4. Lot Width: A minimum of fifty feet (50') for interior lots and sixty feet (60') for corner (1) Interior Lots: A minimum depth of lots. five feet (5'). (Ord. 4549, 8-21-1995) 5. Lot Depth: A minimum lot depth of sixty (2) Corner Lots: The side yard along a five feet(65'). street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15') in depth, except on previous plat- ted lots which are fifty feet (50') or less it in width in which case the minimum 296 City of Renton 01/04/1996 07:42 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 01 •. Baima & Holmberg Inc. • ENGINEERS do SURVEYORS 100 FRONT•STREET SOUTH. ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027--3817 (206) 392-0250 FAX A (206) 391-3055 . • TO: 0 �Q ATIN: fl4 T q4 DATE: 9/ts/ 7 • • • • FROM:. DOCUMENT/SUBJECT: eixtzt REMARKS: • PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE): 2 FAX Nat • • • •7- ` ''' - - 01/04/1996 07:42 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 02 BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. September 15, 1997 Fred Kaufmann City of Renton Hearing Examiner City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,WA 98055 RE: Honey Creek Heights File No.LUA-097-036,.PP Dear Mr-Kaufmann: The purpose of this letter is to express our overall concurrence with the Staff Report that has been prepared for the Honey Creek Heights preliminary plat. We agree with the staff analysis of the proposed development and agree with the staff recommended approvalo v conditions otdproim-preliminary plat that we feel the recommendation should be for preliminary approval as submitted rather than an 18 lot preliminary lot plat. We believe that staff made their recommendation for approval of an 18 lot preliminary plat based upon their interpretation of Section 4-31-5.D.2 of the Renton code_ It is the interpretation of this section of the code that is in dispute. We are asking your interpretation of the code in determining the allowable number of dwelling units in this preliminary plat. Section 4-31-2 of the code defines net density as a calculation of the number of housing units that would be allowed on a property after sensitive areas and public streets are subtracted from the gross area (gross area minus streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allowable housing units per acre). There are no sensitive areas on the Honey Creek Heights site, so the net site area is the parcel area minus the public street area. We interpret public street area to mean street right of way that will be dedicated to the public as stated in the code. Staff interprets public street area to include both public right way areas and private access easement areas. We are asking for your interpretation of the code on this issue. I am scheduled to have a root canal the morning of September 16th and may or may not be able to attend the public hearing for this preliminary plat. Bob Colwell will be there and Michelle Hagness from Baima'&Holmberg, Inc. will be there to answer any questions that might arise. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours,.. BAIMA&HOLMBERG, INC. sigje Shupe Holmberg,PE PL 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH •' ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 •.(425)392-0250 • (425)391-3055 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kristina Thompson, being first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 a daily newspaper published seven (7)times a week. Said newspaper is a legal newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the South County Journal (and not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to the subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Notice of Environmental Determination -LUA97-036, PP, ECF (Honey Creek Heights) as published on: 8/25/97 The full amount of the fee charged for s id foregoing publication is the sum of$50.54 Legal Number 3533 Legal Clerk, outh County Journal Subscribed and sworn before me on this ( day of , 19 a.,�ti =ss;o y(,- Notary Public of the State of Washington : � residing in Renton c° • King County, Washington y�� Significance - Mitigated for the following meeting in the Council Chambers on the project under the authority of the Renton second floor of City Hall, Rr 'n, Municipal Code. Washington, on September 16, 1 it HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary -,oc If LUA-97-036,PP,ECF the Environmental Determination is Environmental review to subdivide a appealed, the appeal will be heard as part 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family resi- of this public hearing. Interested parties are dential lots. Location: 2600 block of NE invited to attend the public hearing. 25th St. Published in the South County Journal The 15 day comment and appeal period August 25, 1997.3533 for this project will run concurrently. The comment/appeal periods for this project will end at 5:00 PM on September 8, 1997. Written comments shall be forwarded to the Development Services Division Land Use Review Supervisor. Information on the project file and the mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL Renton, Washington 98055. Phone: 235- DETERMINATION 2550. Appeal procedures are available in ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE the City Clerk's office, First Floor,Municipal RENTON,WASHINGTON Building. The Environmental Review Committee A Public Hearing will be held by the (ERC)has issued a Determination of Non- Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular .. = CIT1k OF RENTON _or Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator September 12, 1997 Mr. Shupe Holmberg Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street South Issaquah,WA 98027 SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat Project No. LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Dear Mr. Holmberg: This letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed. The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures and Conditions of approval. As you know, a Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on September 16. 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 277-5586. For the Environmental Review Committee, Mark R. Pywell,AICP Project Manager • cc: Parties of Record: Mr. Bruce Bowden; Ms. Rachel Gruber Mr. Bob Colwell/Applicant Mr. Guenter Halt/Property Owner • • FINAL.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 CIAO This naner contains 50%reevcled matarial 900A,met rnneumer' WimWashington State • Northwest Region Department of Transportation 15700 Dayton Avenue North Sid Morrison P.O.Box 330310 Secretary of Transportation Seattle,WA 98133-9710 (206)440-4000 • `� , DATE: September 5 1997 7. ,9 TO: Mark Pywell r,,� City of Renton, Project Manager 9�'�0,�V/4,o 200 Mill Avenue South Renton WA 98055 Subject: SR 405 MP 6.72 CS 1744 Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance-Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat- construction of 19 single family lots 4t //'G File No. LUA-97-036,PP,ECF k. FROM: Robert A. Josep son, PE, Manager of Planning & Local Coordination Washington State Department of Transportation Northwest Region 15700 Dayton Avenue North, MS 122 P. O. Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review this project, which is located in the 2600 block of NE 25th Street. Our response is below: We have reviewed the subject document and have no comments. The project will have no significant impact on the state highway system. If you have any questions, please contact Don Hurter at 440-4664 or Vickie Erickson at 440-4915 of my Developer Services section VEE:vee File Name CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the ' day of SePfieNnber , 1997, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ' Pc,A. *o kte rw1 E`uo,w wriex' documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Sh% .Qe. NolrA6er- Scum& avd lrlolm6ev 1PO- t3cb C0kv,1e11 Gvererer eta\t t:vuc•a_ wdte v) PO.CiA ,1 Gr uA,, x (Signature of Sender) S1b. .b►. -. Sc- ' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that O .A. /( SEE6-&�'c_:. signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Ic/11 - Notary Pu i in and fo tie State of Washii1gton f;'vl��4 Notary (Print) RGARET J. My appointment expireaMMISSION EXPIRES8/9 Project Name: � NG19�-�5 �G,‘vr‘Wiv,A Pvafi -Project Number: Lk"_ 91—0-3o� pp EC.f NOTARY.DOC • • :E...ircIIV : :><: ::< ::::::::>>>> : ; > :: :<<: „> >„„„, > >::<:<: ::<:: . : : : : ««:»>:>:<::>:::::::::>:>:::«««<:« :»»»>::»:»:.....:..:..:..:... »: it'...:<;:1'9 4. 9 ::::::>:: >:::>:<>< :<:> ::::: : >::>: ><': <..:: `: > :>: . .:::.:..::.c..i:. .s.;._...:. < .re,:..i<or er of ap .[tc'ati± n number.o and..not..necessar.ily the::O. ...t. n.which :T a . .I�..at Ort. J.[sted..a... it . the. :::will:be;he�rd::>::ti:��'i�::tali>.t�»catled::f:�t::k���r�� :::at:thy.d..S�r4tit��:t�...th�.:�te.:t�r1 :�xq.�t.:�..::.:.::::.�: :::::::::::::::::::: PROJECT NAME: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PLAT LUA-97-036,ECF,PP PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft.to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the. project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. Location: 2600 Block of NE 25th Street. • AGNDA.DOC d . NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Environmental review to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Location: 2600 block of NE 25th St. The 15 day comment and appeal period for this project will run concurrently. The comment/appeal periods for this project will end at 5:00 PM on September 8, 1997. Written comments shall be forwarded to the Development Services Division Land Use Review Supervisor. Information on the project file and the mitigation measures imposed by the City of Renton's Environmental Review Committee are available at the Development Services Division, Third Floor, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington 98055. Phone: 235-2550. Appeal procedures are available in the City Clerk's office, First Floor, Municipal Building. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on September 16, 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Publication Date: AUGUST 25, 1997 Account No. 51067 dnsmpub.dot , CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Bob Colwell PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2600 block of NE 25th Street LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, 1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. DNSMSIG.DOC Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Determination of Nonsignificance-Mitigated Page-2- A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on°the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on September 16, 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed Preliminary Plat. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. PUBLICATION DATE: August 25, 1997 DATE OF DECISION: August 19, 1997 SIGNATURES: regg ,me n,A inistrator DATE 15//7/47 Depart e t Planning/Building/Public Works Sam Chastain,Administrator DA Community Service Department I _ L heeler, Fire Chief tjr— DATE Renton Fire Department DNSMSIG.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Bob Colwell PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2600 block of NE 25th Street MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The developer shall provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank Erosion Control standard as described in the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. The Stream Bank Erosion Control Standard requires that peak rate runoff from individual development sites be limited to 50% of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak runoff rate for the 10-year, 24-hour and 100- year, 24-hour design storms. A safety factor of 20% shall be added to the pond size as specified in the Ecology Stormwater Manual for residential development. The alternative to this requirement is that the consultant/developer must confirm that the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing a level 3 off-site analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water design Manual. If the system lacks capacity, then the existing storm system in Edmonds Ave NE would have to be upsized by the developer. The developer would also have to make improvements at the outfall to prevent erosion, such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek. A second alternative would be for the applicant to design and construct an infiltration system in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4,5,2. Plans for the storm water system shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of a construction permit. ' 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 for each new single family residential lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per average daily trip. (Estimated at 19 homes X 9.55 trips X$75.00 = $13,608.75) prior to final plat approval. 4. The applicant shall submit a Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The extended streets and the existing streets shall be aligned such that there is a smooth transition resulting in a standard pavement section with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in appropriate locations. r . • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Bob Colwell PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2600 block of NE 25th Street Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the -environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Garbage and recyclable deposit areas and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. Surface Water Utility 1. The new off-site storm system has to be sized per the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual standards to convey runoff from the developed site and the total off-site tributary area that could drain to the new off-site system in the future. The runoff from the off-site tributary area to the new storm system in NE 25th Street should be calculated assuming full build-out of the tributary area assuming future land use conditions. 2. Storm pipes can not be routed under sidewalks as shown. Sanitary Sewer Utility 1. No sewer line is available at this time. However, the City plans construction of a sewer line on NE 24th St. by December, 1998. 2. Project is located in aquifer protection zone#2. 3. The System Development Connection charge is$585 per residence. Water Utility 1. The proposed project is located in Highlands 565 pressure zone. Estimated static pressure 104 psi at elevation 324. A residential pressure reducer will be required for each house in the plat. 2. The new proposed water main size is to be 8-inch within the new boundary. 3. The System Development Connection charge per new residence is$850. ! Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Advisory Notes (Continued) Page -2- Transportation 1. Roadway improvements required to City of Rentonstandards which includes, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting. 2. Street lighting required to City standards. Required foot-candles minimum is 0.2 ft-c. and a uniformity ratio to meet or exceed 4:1. 3. All electrical and communication facilities to be undergrounded. 4. Driveway locations to be shown so as to have proper clearance from fire hydrants and street lighting standards. Driveway clearance from a street light is a minimum of ten feet. 5. The sidewalks shown on the plans scale off at five feet. The Municipal Code requires a minimum sidewalk width of six feet. Construction Services 1. A soils report will be required as part of the building permit application. • -.„— _.-.._-..____ , • _. NoTIGE .. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND PUBLIC HEARING - • POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT PROJECT NUMBER: LUA.97-036,PP,ECF The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel Into 19 single family residential lots.Lot size will range from 4,500 sq.ft.to 8,630 sq.ft.The net area of the project area Is 2.314 acres.The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre.Location:2600 block of NE 25th Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE • ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. IXXX I YOU MAY COMMENT ON THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM ON SEPTEMBER 8,1997 OR APPEAL,THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM,SEPTEMBER 8,1997. THE COMMENT AND APPEAL PERIODS WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL,RENTON, WASHINGTON,ON SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY • PLAT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED,THE APPEAL WILL BE • HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. "rob _—=pF d I"t 1® L i,..,.. p ,— — ..• '. �T •' n,, L> . imb a, ,,11 •�,1i q r,�. .VA•1; e-w s.i,/4 .:. - �.ou.1.21.i a • v g..'; ••0 .=- 1 �': is a •.a �„ ii,+�. ,'�� -:I •— •.� • �^ • It• 8 I ,rl, j .s. • -T'=i - gi ItS m1� .(k[� F a s 1.-1/7-••J i _ Psi.mi.9 F ti:-' + 77'y7Afo IRA,. •51d6AL4A 1. -__ -_ .�I-••I _ , l: Irk'•• ',r: a awe ... &" c 4 . • ._r -.� . AE :•ash � 1 • • 1 ,i c�� $ �q 1L eta 1 ( • • e@. �tcf FPri`l: a-1 =-�° - .. .. . 1 . FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT 235-2550. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification.• - • • . CERTIFICATION 1, 4,1'1LG1 (Vl(Y1rli-h , hereby certify that .3 copies of the above document were postdi by me in conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on . • J 2Z, M 17 • • Signed: Gt✓6' �� IflLnfwh . STATE OF WASHINGTON ) . ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that /ft.ni • by Mt /7/ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and vo,IgAta� dt,,t'or,�,ihe uses and purposes mentioned in the instrume I. r ,N �i.-j�R09;. ' Dated: g „iq 7 �� 'i a.r;e ` — • Notary P tic in an or the Sta'jf•.p1.014asl r iglon Notary • Print) MARGARET �1: PULLAR My appointment exp lNtISSION EXPIRES6797J�► NO TAR Y,OOC • 1 ., ' 1.01rIcIE11°' i i (--- ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION AND PUBLIC HEARING POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq.ft.to 6,630 sq.ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The I 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. Location: 2600 block of NE 25th Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT WILL NOT BE REQUIRED. XXX YOU MAY COMMENT ON THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 OR APPEAL THIS DETERMINATION BY 5:00 PM, SEPTEMBER 8, 1997. THE COMMENT AND APPEAL PERIODS WILL RUN CONCURRENTLY. A!PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. i .ems W.,�: ,601 p% T.2 / ... 2st,$ a/.dS° S° 14:.Av,. �a2o; xoaH �N .r�� ,.: g- i P am' '� '!@S�® I L._..; , �dr. .. 4 E.�F14 VS 1 :.i.. x .Jt • .•'�w a ,NI �... ...r-?-.—..L-. 'r ' Igi^r'IR Qi.,. •I PIP.117_.. "4. \ aiy• .i'.1'ri 1:' " i,2j—fGL-1 .-;—_ . ' :.o �.av 1 e 1: ...i„ i la "©.8 00 67 iQ,_ •e A.. -y ,1 ...a w� `y ..ae��d: }i.• aaa 2tia S:F !••.C91 gy 4"7t� .'b �� '9fa�, 1 f • ••,-; .7. ----.;?1: L._ ":-1. .3, ii '8 --•••!. •:• t • --,0C. 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Pywell, AICP Project Description The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. Project Location 2600 block of NE 25th Street. Exist. Bldg. Area gsf N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf N/A Site Area 3.03 acres Total Building Area gsf N/A (Net 2.314 acres) RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommend that the Environmental Review Committee-issue q-Determination,of __ I____ ___� _ ______ _-__Non-Significance -Mitigated. _ .,��^',r ..^r.=. . ,--.6 �,�,,,y,,,...�.ktNTON EA.s-ea-s •,}0w - - - -- _- _ - . ��' �4 ':F-4:: l— k6N1UN VJ 4-La7 .-W —T� "'MT� 4?'c• ,>rr �S.•-war �.-x-r _yW-. _._�_._ aK��c�7/ ' 2 _ ;; 2s "'� g.�°; $B�" [ ( 220 203 Gov3356 Lot e �123p-'� N;: `:.- --1—'I _ . I I" ! Acres • �!��y . I y 961N 9 • LrK•'i I 356 „'` • iii 279 'E a 0 lom ?' `g'RJ; 9�6�(`,7.{N, ,,�q.•�� -dr a-, ' ®• 276 on, r i fl ie 2'M ••"s7' 'I ,�I' .1 _ ::',r I I •w '•_ • AAC�?.Q§PS O. • '22„ �, I zgY C-- - .. .I ,y ;C'g 1[4 it. a '•;.l l<'''U- ''' :.,f ziry '! y' Q276 a q 1 6- a.-r)ra a �� 240 237• N70 L=a ; 8t •' •0„ Ow O , _ c ;2734. 9''i l-!9:r _ ., ..�, .�. .-. •.� �., 26M R.• W.,Fn_ • ,• " u a"57 2•ti &''. 234'�]. ''' ; 236 < .`.'"''" !2 e. Y � it r;24 . ;� m - 'aA? - . 'f si S Sa'f>: ,,•7 __ �23 � V � I ,fr1� ,� a „" .,_. 1- ' 0 .. - Ill[II 1p ".'-' ... '•�;. ".-'a' ... 11± .(13 l 'L:c x-, '.'R' ri':i 4 Yi i in.. ' •r!:IL:.ILJLJL•Jnnfii. u e"i�6 n' y•�a�' ^%,. at N E. a 24Ta1 6T. . a { •NE. 24TH 6T. . `©r ",j W a ; f¢ ' J - ,-:;: ---2az . . :-gi> it 1 w',"a°.4 R4. .-f✓. . Q" �yI�� ( 2S]-V oW Mfg W .. fl 6 a O � HE a 23PD R• "� '\ - a�"� • • _�y�93,,,, _ . irw �' Ir ®. u 294 263 273 1' S 'I . ..� _ +" > 26 CY mum �� 7 a 2b✓,,,,- :al .4� a5 A"'A 7 ••, '7 .1t 641 27$ ®3 .. •`232 .. A'A ®.. 0,4 1�• „® .�K ',..,,..�4.'4-.'.�- _.. •`,1 � ___ F Y 239 atii O'� Y3. fY=NE:=h--:x2I!6:��tl1iST._-;; J--___; 1 Gli Ili=' ru';, i F{' �' A, • N.12:IZ" a. }� 'ti;4 6iIiileti4 af ;�1 ' �j I Il:aq-:s'-"---� (V,11�� ' ''"� O 'Ti' •,� �•...u..L.�'.:..y;`' "-'•�1 •W : „ ; ,3 a,: �,, i!±1. ,9 g' Ai,. 3T.e• a' 0. ....... '!'i -y Iy•., - , - a; .. '0!!'W VW REM Z j!�1 ., .... "i• .t A Qk1 l i :40.•. _ ''#3:I'`•.� __ I 1='''''--- - -'.; N{'. a 2°T"- , -.sr -- --- .— bLd1,I,.(,1:,•1.-r. , . c1-E s�. ".::;:' City of Renton PB/PW Department EJ mental Review Committee Staff Report HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMLviutYPLAT LUA-97-036,PP,ECF . REPORT AND DECISION OF AUGUST 19,1997 Page 2 of 6 B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. XX Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 da A.•eal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The developer shall provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank Erosion Control standard as described in the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. The Stream Bank Erosion Control Standard requires that peak rate runoff from individual development sites be limited to 50% of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak runoff rate for the 10- year, 24-hour and 100-year, 24-hour design storms. A safety factor of 20% shall be added to the pond size as specified in the Ecology Stormwater Manual for residential development. The alternative to this requirement is that the consultant/developer must confirm that the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing a level 3 off-site analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water design Manual. If the system lacks capacity, then the existing storm system in Edmonds Ave NE would have to be upsized by the developer. The developer would also have to make improvements at the outfall to prevent erosion, such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek A second alternative would be for the applicant to design and construct an infiltration system in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4,5,2. Plans for the storm water system shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of a construction permit. 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 for each new single family residential lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per average daily trip. (Estimated at 19 homes X 9.55 trips X$75.00 = $13,608.75) prior to final plat approval. 4. The applicant shall submit a Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The extended streets and the existing streets shall be aligned such that there is a smooth transition resulting in a standard pavement section with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in appropriate locations. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department E mental Review Committee Staff Report HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP,ECF • REPORT AND DECISION OF AUGUST 19,1997 Page 3 of 6 Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Garbage and recyclable deposit areas and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. Surface Water Utility 1. The new off-site storm system has to be sized per the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual standards to convey runoff from the developed site and the total off-site tributary area that could drain to the new off-site system in the future. The runoff from the off-site tributary area to the new storm system in NE 25th Street should be calculated assuming full build-out of the tributary area assuming future land use conditions. 2. Storm pipes can not be routed under sidewalks as shown. Sanitary Sewer Utility 1. No sewer line is available at this time. However, the City plans construction of a sewer line on NE 24th St. by December, 1998. 2. Project is located in aquifer protection zone#2. 3. The System Development Connection charge is $585 per residence. Water Utility 1. The proposed project is located in Highlands 565 pressure zone. Estimated static pressure 104 psi at elevation 324. A residential pressure reducer will be required for each house in the plat. 2. The new proposed water main size is to be 8-inch within the new boundary. 3. The System Development Connection charge per new residence is$850. Transportation 1. Roadway improvements required to City of Renton standards which includes, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting. 2. Street lighting required to City standards. Required foot-candles minimum is 0.2 ft-c. and a uniformity ratio to meet or exceed 4:1. 3. All electrical and communication facilities to be undergrounded. 4. Driveway locations to be shown so as to have proper clearance from fire hydrants and street lighting standards. Driveway clearance from a street light is a minimum of ten feet. 5. The sidewalks shown on the plans scale off at five feet. The Municipal Code requires a minimum sidewalk width of six feet. Construction Services 1. A soils report will be required as part of the building permit application. ERCRPT.DOC City of RentonPB/PWDepartment E nmental Review Committee Staff Report HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP,ECF • REPORT AND DECISION OF AUGUST 19,1997 Page 4 of 6 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. Has the applicant adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development? 1. Earth Impacts: The subject property is fairly level at this time. The applicant will need to grade the site in order to construct streets as part of the subdivision and at a later time additional grading will be performed to create the building pads. Approximately 2,500 cubic yards of fill material will be required in order to create the road base. This material will need to be imported from an approved site. The applicant will need to install and maintain temporary erosion control measures during the entire construction phase of the project in accordance with the Code requirements. Mitigation Measures: None required. Nexus: N/A 2. Air Impacts: Adverse air quality impacts associated with the construction phase of the project include fugitive dust and exhaust from construction vehicles. Fugitive dust will be mitigated by the temporary erosion control measures that include sprinkling the project site as required. Exhaust from construction vehicle is already controlled by state and federal regulations. During the life of the project, adverse impacts could include exhaust from vehicles and the exhaust from heating sources in the individual houses. These potential sources of air pollution area already control by state and federal regulations. Mitigation Measures: None required. Nexus: N/A 3. Water Impacts: The applicant has provided for storm water system within the proposed development that complies with the normal subdivision standards. Due to the existing terrain adjacent to the subject property the project should provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank Erosion Control standard as described in the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. The Stream Bank Erosion Control Standard requires that peak rate runoff from individual development sites be limited to 50% of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak runoff rate for the 10-year, 24-hour and 100-year, 24-hour design storms. A safety factor of 20% shall be added to the pond size as specified in the Ecology Stormwater Manual for residential development. The alternative to this requirement is that the consultant/developer must confirm that the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing a level 3 off-site analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water design Manual. If the system lacks capacity, then the existing storm system in Edmonds Ave NE would have to be upsized by the developer. The developer would also have to make improvements at the outfall to prevent erosion, such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department E _mental Review Committee Staff Report HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF AUGUST 19,1997 Page 5 of 6 Mitigation Measures: The developer shall provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank Erosion Control standard as described in the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. The Stream Bank Erosion Control Standard requires that peak rate runoff from individual development sites be limited to 50% of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak runoff rate for the 10-year, 24- hour and 100-year, 24-hour design storms. A safety factor of 20% shall be added to the pond size as specified in the ' Ecology Stormwater Manual for residential development. The alternative to this requirement is that the consultant/developer must confirm that the existing storm system in ' Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing a level 3 off-site analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water design Manual. If the system lacks capacity, then the existing storm system in Edmonds Ave NE would have to be upsized by the developer. The developer would also have to make improvements at the outfall to prevent erosion, such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek Plans for the storm water system shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of construction permits. Nexus: Storm & Surface Water Drainage Ordinance, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA), Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. 4. Police and Fire Services Impacts: Police Department staff note that they have adequate resources to provide service to the proposed development. Fire Prevention Bureau staff note that the Municipal Code requires that a fire hydrant be located within 300 of each residence. The City has also adopted a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 per new single family residence. This fee will need to be submitted prior to the issuance of construction/building permits. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 for each new single family residential lot prior to the recording of the final plat. Nexus: Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Review(SEPA) 5. Transportation Impacts: The proposed subdivision will connect with NE 25th Street and NE 24th Streets. The applicant will need to provide curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lights along the proposed street. Single family residences generate approximately 9,55 trips daily. It is anticipated that the proposed development will generate approximately 181.45 daily trips. In order to mitigate the impact of these trips on the existing road system throughout the City, the Council has adopted a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per trip. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per average daily trip. (Estimated at 19 homes X 9.55 trips X$75.00 = $13,608.75) prior to the recording of the final plat. Nexus: Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA) 6. Community Services Impacts: The proposed subdivision will allow for the construction of 19 new single family homes. The future residents will make use of the existing City park facilities. Due to the increase in population associated with this development new facilities will need to be constructed. In order to mitigate the impact of the development on the City's parks and recreation facilities the City has adopted a mitigation fee of$530.76 per new single family lot. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall submit a Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. Nexus: Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA) ERCRPT.DOC City,of Renton PB/PW Department E _mental Review Committee Staff Report HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP,ECF " REPORT AND DECISION OF AUGUST 19,1997 Page 6 of 6 E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS ' The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Comment Process Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based ' on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be ' reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, 1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. ERCRPT.DOC • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM • DATE: August 8, 1997 net TO: 'Clint Morgan I/ Neil Watts '�u6 /V97 FROM: Ron Straka DEVELOPMEM'p T CITY OFReNO1V G SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat Drainage Review Comments The following are my comments regarding the above referenced project drainage plan: 1. The runoff on the site currently infiltrates. The project engineer does not propose to use infiltration, but instead to construct a new storm system in NE 25th Street to connect to an existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE. The site is in the May Creek Basin and sits on the Honey Creek and Lower May Creek subbasin boundaries. A portion of the site North of NE 25th Street is tributary to Honey Creek. The project will divert unoff—from---this-ar_ea to discharge directly to May Creek_I The new offsite storm system has to be sized per the 1990-) rt OP4� King County Surface Water Manual standards to convey runoff from the developed site and the '1"- otal off-site tributary area that could drain,to the new off-site storm system in the future. The " runoff from the offsite tributary area to the new storm system in NE 25th Street should be [calculated assuming full build-out of the tributary area assuming future land use conditions. Th- — — — — ov t o /eace acter �C i �'+ ste - '42oti:`w�ypivY JL��TLI Ll..vu v y. 2. A detail is needed showing the connection to the existing storm system manhole in the intersection of Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 25th Street, where the new offsite storm system will connect to the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE. The consultant must also verify that there are no conflicts between the other utilities in NE 25th Street. The new storm system in NE 25th Street must be constructed with a minimum of 10 feet of separation between the existing water line in NE 25th Street. 3. Show on the plan the pipe size, type and slope of the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE from the intersection of Edmonds Avenue NE. and NE 25th Street to the next downstream storm system manhole. • 4. The Consultant must provide a Level 1 offsite analysis of the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE from the intersection of Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 25th Street to where the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE discharges to a waterbody regardless of the distance from the site. The Level 1 offsite analysis should describe the type, size and condition of the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE and identify any problems with the system. The Consultant must describe the location where the storm system discharges to an open channel and identify any problems such as/slope erosion. . • Clint Morgan/Neil Watts ,es Honey Creek Heights Plat D,autage Page 2 5. The existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE. discharges runoff down a steep slope to May Creek, which has resulted in erosion of the slope. The existing storm system down the steep slope has failed. The proposed project will make the problem worse by connectin the site drainage to the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE.\ The project should be required to provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank Erosion Control standard as described in the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. The Stream Bank Erosion Control standard requires that peak rate of runoff from individual development sites be limited to 50% of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak runoff rate for the 10-year, 24-hour and 100-year, 24-hour design storms. A factor of safety of 20% shall be added to the and size as s ecified in the Ecology Stormwater Manual for residential developments. The alternative to this requirement—'ts that—the consultant/developer must confirm that the . existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing an level 3 offsite analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. If the system lacks capacity, then the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE would have to be upsized by the developer . The developer would also have to make improvements at the outfall to.prevent erosion, such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek. R`I �.Q‘"°) s4a.. ,2otan "Or"-- sln� H:DOCS:97-707:RJS - - - CC: Ron Olsen Jack Crumley ::` ; CIT' JOF RENTON =11`,'i'.,. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator July 31, 1997 . i I Mr. Bob Colwell 2625 NE 27th Street Renton, WA 98056 . .Subject: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036 Dear Mr. Colwell: Enclosed is a copy of the memo I have received from Sonja Fesser regarding the proposed preliminary plat. If you have any questions regarding this memo, you may contact Sonja directly at 277-4412. As noted in the memo some of the question should be addressed prior to the public hearing. Others may be handled at the final plat phase of the project. As we discussed on the phone, the project has been scheduled for ERC on August 19, 1997 and for a public hearing on September 16, 1997. These are the • earliest dates available based on the time that the project was released by the Plan Review Section. . Please ensure that all of the information requested by Clint.Morgan,has been submitted so that no further delays are encountered. Sincerely, Mark R. P , AICP _ Project pager • • 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer . • ti • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 25, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J. Fesser :f6 SUBJECT:! - Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP Format & Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat submittal and have the following comments: The latest submittal of the above referenced preliminary plat(dated July 18, 1997) appears not to have been changed from the previously reviewed submittal (dated April 24) except in one respect. A portion of tax lot#0423059130 (an area that measures approximately 11.77'X20') is now included as part of the street designated as Ferndale Place NE. How was this property acquired? To our knowledge,there,has been no lot line adjustment. Does the owner of tax lot#0423059130 now have an interest in the plat? Again, our comments of May 14,1997, have not been addressed. See the attachment for another copy of this memo which should be sent on to the applicant and surveyor. At this point, we are most concerned with the comments on page 1. of the memo. The second and third pages deal with issues that should be addressed at the time of the final review. • aK)pee-i SeN ices CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 1997 TO: Reviewers FROM: (dark Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Enclosed are revisions for Honey Creek Heights Plat. If you have any additional comments please submit them by August 5, 1997. CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J.Fesser ' 4997 SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP o;:' r�Nn1/,� Format &Legal Description Review � NToti Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat submittal and have the following comments: According to city records and the Master Application, the owner of the subject preliminary plat property is Guenter Halt. The preliminary drawing notes Bob Colwell as the owner. All existing easements and covenants of record need to be noted on the drawing. This includes an easement to Puget Power per King County Rec. #4242012, and other easements and covenants per King County Rec. # 7308100394, 9403071868, 9403071869, 9403071870, and 9403251291 (per the Plat Certificate dated 2/4/97). In addition, have the applicant provide the city with copies of these recorded documents. Adjoining property owners may have to sign the plat drawing, if they have an interest in the subject property(via an easement or other). Item No. 14 under "Special Exceptions" in the Plat Certificate references Quit Claim Deeds recorded under King County Rec. # 9311291807 and #9309302361. Have the applicant provide copies of these recorded documents. Note Tax Lot 81 on the drawing (adjoining on the south). Does the plat have road access to NE 24th St. via Tax Lot 81? Have the applicant provide any additional documentation that clarifies this issue. In addition, is the road width and alignment (as it exits the proposed plat to the south) satisfactory per city requirements? The reference to a neighboring parcel, easterly of the subject parcel, is incorrect on the drawing (TL 77). The tax parcel is actually"TL 17." Copies of any proposed restrictive covenants should be attached to the preliminary drawing. Lot 13 and Lot 8 are pipestem lots. Will this require a variance? The common use of these pipestems by Lot 14 and Lot 13 and by Lot 7 and Lot 8 will require road maintenance agreements. Note what the purpose of Tract A and Tract B are on the plat drawing. Give the dimensions for the access easement. May 2, 1997 Page 2 Information needed for final plat approval includes the following: Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control network. See attached. The geometry will be checked when the ties have been provided. Provide plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note the city's land use action number (LUA-97-XXX-FP) and the city's land record number (LND- 10-0325) on the drawing, preferably in the upper right-hand corner. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat is different from the preliminary plat number and is unknown as of this date. The owner(s) of the property needs to sign the final lot document(include notary blocks as required.). Include a dedication/certification block on the drawing. Required signature blocks are: (1) City of Renton Administrator of Planning, Building and Public Works, (2) City of Renton Mayor, (3) City of Renton City Clerk, and (4) City of Renton Director of Finance,Department of Finance. The appropriate King County approvals are also needed. The addresses for the proposed lots are noted on the Attachment. Include the basis of bearing,per WAC 332-130-050 1.b.iii. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Indicate what is, or has been, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150-1.f.iv., and what was found. Note to whom the new easements are to be granted (private or City-held). Note that there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements, to others, as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the City Clerk's Office as a package. The plat shall have the first recording number. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) will be referenced on the plat in the appropriate location(s). Ifnew easements, like the access easement, are shown for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots, then include the following statement on the drawing,juxtaposed to the subject easements: "Area reserved for private exclusive easement for to be created upon the sale of the lots shown on this plat." Since the lots created via this plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement until such time as ownership of one, or more, of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. • ' • May 2, 1997 Page 3 Because this property is located within Zone 2 of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area, the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See attached. An updated Plat Certificate , dated within 45 days of Council action on the approval of the plat, is needed. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points for new right-of-way monuments. The surveyor needs to stamp, sign and date the drawings before recording. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this preliminary review is provided for your use and information. ..,i'.:r: ...•..i..:•• ' ...- . ... ...:c :.; • • • • - . ••.•: ' ....'...iN-.••,..•;1::•••,1•42,••:•••••,;::':::,'•:,"?'•.•0'. .itsti:. .'•i,.:...:-..?::•.,::,....;:.:.p.;,... tri,,:!•-1,4*qtti:„. • '.'.g•;i..'t&ifv•-• :,••• s ..z.=;•g..•-!••:;,:• •, •,•• -..,-. ..:• -•,.••••.-.. :.....•.::,..-..,•„.....H.e.v:•,...,:•. .„.:.....z..., ..,.. . - ,••••-;;;;;L:Adit!';.741;:::•.:4•3...L.I....-0.;..?:,:.,.,..---q:t:.•..:,;-.•........%.• :..,•;:,- ••••••••'....'1:'-i•••••••3-it•-rz'. .':1:•1'-:--;'-ir.-. '0;-!::•-•..-:;:li::::'•:...:.-.:•-;4.•.1`...'-!:-.',..'-•- cl- 'in:17•'?•414kiv: i,* "tr.!ii:.'' '•Ni':::•ilt..?t;q4i::i*'•?•:: .'''. •. •:. 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IT IS THE •HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITY'S • DRINKING WATER. • ,, - • f. - .. • ' . . :. . . . .' • . • • . . . • . . . t . . . .. .-. . . . . . .....-- . • • . . . • .. . • . • • •. . • , . • . . • . . . . . . .. . • . . . . . • • • . . . . • . . . • . . . I , • • • 1 ' 1- • . . . . . . . 1 li p.l = �`..`✓ - SE 95th 'No 1.-__...:." E 95 - - - . ' �e �� �� • N -----"� >' CITY OF RENTON c^ SE 95th Woy 11 E 95th PI =i 1 SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK St j ,\\ N. I. v�� ;—`�-, ^�I LEGEND tt ,_.. _!=�' ��iL-5 -9€t IE 98th St z J �,t `ice , 1 __/-- a� 837L ; 011 I L.,_ t1 ¢11 NE 25 1111 7.1 �\ 1 SE 100ti St i t E Horizontal Sc Vertical NE 24th St ��l ���L _ ' c C sif C - _ _--': N) L -_j[ -`'18 i 18381� y ` • NE 23rd PI 1 U t,., -- --,� 1668 kt ,; j;a' `�( SE 101st St 2222 t .- •,-,-o t, Sty al i • rz�• 0 L22ndj[ r2Tht I I - �ti tly ------ NE 22ndigi >�- Horizontal Only °'I - NE 22nc 3691 r-__-______. !INE 21st St Q\$- 11 :\.' ;jam .21I N�� S�'- c 3333 _r- —_' `n 1 f ----� Q ® �� NE 20th �1 \ova i _ / w i�--.--t —..�- �fNE 21 st St I o l 0 W —.,r j '=,\`��/� �`lt" -.-2 W >; W. Vertical Only ;. 4 \� 1 ,1 1 oh 1325 �'�� t� 1 ��1 I I_�,z N 1-- > I: i 1(1'5-1 NE 17th pi z�r716' --�, o lI \�16Ih , c _ Whitmor Li___14E \\c„.,,- _\,\,,,..-'.,,,,,,---Zz--,..\_,N,-- Sf____,, i[30d 1------' " ',`1.� • _ j >'T.T._. �r Z L...., J 1 iJ ; It1 .I �� c-.// Iz E T 1 0 650 1300 al-�> -. _._ !I — i— ! I �l a , �-___. 1:7,8 0 0 _�_ -_._.. �_.�,.� NE 12th St I 1 f �Y o �� — -� a .� TECHNICAL SERVICES f (1843 r -' ` ."_ • -�!< \`,7�' i �f ( k,15-9 + + P/Ef/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 1 II i(� 11th PI. I-21 11,,sal ,1to `=�? 4) ` Z ovlo/m/C\ � i j? ,_..._;`1N3 0,; ►i ,�jJ �t1 1 E;,�;,.-, E �i►Z I ° P„,, 11 �N�° 5304 - 5309 . . - `; • • • PROP --se.'SERVICES FEE REVIEW.FOR T 'VISIONS No 97 -. 'c• • • • •-; '•'".. •• ;••."..-• ••• 1. ••_• • ,• ••• APPLICANT RECEI▪VED •• .S :•; ••••• 7.-777•77—(date)-7• • •• •••• •• • • • . . JOB ADDRESS: ''Z6.P.e) • • .. ••• 51';kATURE OF W.O/tK:-Ici'd)l:L 11 ' - 052.5 • " • • PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION BY LONG PLAT, :.NEED MORE I 0 MATION:,,,,•:-0 :LEGAL DESCRIPTIO : •SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE ff's •• • . 0 VICINITY MAP •- : • D FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLACES D ''...SQUARE FOOTAGE•;- •• 0 OTHER • :PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED 0 FRONT FOOTAGE . •,•••• •.. •• • D SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PIII# 1C -cf 151 - NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s)are required when .. " •• • assigned by King County. - • • • -. . • • s . ..It is the intent Of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon •• . • ..dcvelopmentOf the property All 4uotedfeeaareidential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-sitz - ...:• and off-aite rheehinisrhs for-iheSDC••fees will be based on current City• .• ....• -:-ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section ,..• • ••••,',...Please note that these fees are subject to hange without notice Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit D .r,'.The existing house on'SP Lot if ,addressed ••••:•-•., •,'•- sed is • •• • has not previously paid • . . . SDC-fees;due to connection tdCity utilities prior to'exista'nce of SDC fee Ord.'•SP Lot# " Will be •-•• subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances We Underitand that this subdivision is in the.f)refiminary'stigearid that we Will.,fiayethepppoi-tqnyto.revievi.itagainbefore recordation • • The'following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees;-side sewer pennits;r/w perrnit'fees'or the'cost of water'meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT I DISTRICT PARCEL ME IASSESSMENTy: ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO NO ASSESSMENT FEE Lateen-Mei.'Agreement(pit)WATER Latecomer Agreement(P.Vt)WASTEWATER.`:M.; Latecomer Agreement OTHER Specil•/C.4k6itigniilistiki./WATER Special i%....s-geiiiiiiefa'DiSlikt./WAST wATER Joint Use Agreement(METRO) 0 $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION • 'FUTURE OBLIGATIONS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT. ••••'21 Single fithily"feSidential 0 cf, Apartment,Condo$510/unitnot In.CD Oi'cbit •;..COMM erCial/In'd $0 113/sq ft of property(not lifilthiii$850.00) Boang by Special AgreementJFooprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE Z-WASTEWATER 0 '..Estimated 0 Pd Prev. 0 Partially.Pd ([Ad Exemption) ever Pd :` z `; r. 'f.. • ,•.4,, 'Single $585/Unit I .> 1 I Mobile home-driielliziUnit$468/Unit • :::Anartnient;Condo'5350/Unit not in.CD or COR ;. . ' Comin eiCial/Ind&Stria!$0.078/sn:.ft.'b f prbp'e'rty" (niitlei than$585.00) . • SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE SURFACEWATER 0 Estimated 0 Pd Prey 0 Partially Pd(Li'cit;wriit.1,z;ii) 474 ••'•-• Sinle fa $385/niiit'ic Otherliriiiier'tiei:.$0.129Sifft7Of P-rOP-e*-Y • PRELIMINARY TOTAL • -- • • °,44e.tf; • . . . tenza • 7:4 ri'45-•-•'7.0;•.."4Fi',1 564::, f Aq:5Ls'c,,,MgPAMtk:tlerPX:tStO'iat,i5Agtq#XV::rgic.-2Sivit:*SIAaMgt00:TiAOV:SW:a;Ri6WCia6l*rgg41'-fAa6Z 0 sabjec-t property.is withinair.LID,•it is'.'ileeliifers hidClieck:yrith.theiFinanCe'kept4nr (1)41: • •;;▪;:5". 7;:Sciiiire footage figures are taken from the King Countf•AsSessiir!s map and are subject to change-.-'1-11411:a',I.-IrTi;?,I.ii,'4.:2',11P433-4f.M.::ra' • o Ct fgesly.app EFFECTIVE July;. 5.15' E r HOUSF i •ice f.J �F• • PL6:• > • • • ,N O :70 6 �370.71' , 4r - .01' 50 -. • • .14. ._ .L,�:1a_ ..d ' 1 :-• r' . .' ,`0 i' ' ' j•.. • • • • • -,-422—••••-x—p•-.10,....... .. • J, • • _A L__?. .-_:•-•• ____i.. 1_ _au .•....,.• !, .fc,,, •••-• 1.0.. • -. : .: '.,• - .• Vv._ ,-..L .. •••• .` . :-.- p. •F• - . N 88'15'10' - 2 \ - \ f N:,} �.• :14; 7H: 18,$'I�q.(t. - •?,q.,:�-,�g 6 .. - : -'1 N'78'4903 E _ ;} • 20 :50.07" .�`- ^': �t� R,10• Qt... r :f/,yp. \ ESq: J: • •�mTh •l' • *-50.01'' A -. •6� •':' :E""ft-ENT �('o - • :r T _ L:•-�9:42 .r • • f� I .. • ,. ':� <i,.: � 'fit .�, :•I. L .W zs:2 -, r. I .iu _ _J o a � 8 8'1 5 •' Q 0 - • a j • W 1.M1 �. 0�. • n b _0 :.53:48'.. 1--�. 67,93'` .N l•‹g.ao .W;34'a2o----._ 52.34' ' - ::=A05 - ii'.. 4P i' 44 - •� may-- � - �. J: • b I W •j' �I 'o: ro •.I Wa: %::...:...,,,-1 gi „ •`.?:.•,--,- .:j• d b 1� F 'V(� �_, . �. I1 • _ -: '' ,tip :•Z c• f`l' '( . - 'I' ti • • :L; � 5 ; .. 'a•!`:TO'22'51"• V✓. : i� - _._1 _ R.34', i 26 1' 20.. ...� . • .. �`•- 86:02' • Y• 21 r ACC :�.:�.' fr. ,. - <:d 151 &0'- • 'EASE N•„•d .r .B ,.,o • 4 :i %�4 a.N. jazti:g:l'� ,:t ..,: ;ca . _... . . <.:„.„...,.. .,.. ,:...,...„ :.....,:•,...„..tsi'gt8:1.5. �fi.58'4- _ • . . .•.,. ::•moo-�� - ::>>, o 924:sg. f• �•<,�. .•6'03'3fi' �� N:S00'31.`03"� 2 :20.' b 9' L-28.Q3" _ f•. _ • Is . j.. ` - O--"-r.: •'.a•''�+., ice♦ S - • .. • - r • 1 � , _ 1 }-.Lt.:: Zs . . 4 y qua+ '3 1 uUJ CITY OF RENTONt.4c,z PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS o,'94znrTo N,1 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 25, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J.Fesser ,_ SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP Format &Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat submittal and have the following comments: The latest submittal of the above referenced preliminary plat(dated July 18, 1997)appears not to have been changed from the previously reviewed submittal (dated April 24) except in one respect. A portion of tax lot#0423059130 (an area that measures approximately 11.77'X20') is now included as part of the street designated as Ferndale Place NE. How was this property acquired? To our knowledge,there has been no lot line adjustment. Does the owner of tax lot#0423059130 now have an interest in the plat? Again, our comments of May 14,1997, have not been addressed. See the attachment for another copy of this memo which should be sent on to the applicant and surveyor. At this point, we are most concerned with the comments on page 1 of the memo. The second and third pages deal with issues that should be addressed at the time of the final review. Sv fbce I wc. CITY OF RENTON.. nrt-r.--•e r�g1 JUL 2 3 1997 d CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 1997 TO: Reviewers FROM: fZrk Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Enclosed are revisions for Honey Creek Heights Plat. If you have any additional comments please submit them by August 5, 1997. Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Update Revision Development Services July 29, 1997 STORM: 1. To be noted: Storm pipes cannot route under sidewalk as shown. 2. Preliminary plat right-of-way shows 42 feet. Code requires 50-feet. However,Utility drawings have correct dimensions for the right-of-way and street width 3. The Preliminary Drainage Report should be updated to indicate the storm outfall selected is to go to Edmonds Avenue NE via NE 25th St. rather then going to NE 27th St. 97cm114 97CM114.DOC\ Ebro t"Ca-hu vA crri REmTOM JUL Z 3 1997 CITY OF RENTON tiSU LL) NIi:4 PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 1997 TO: Reviewers FROM: Mark Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Enclosed are revisions for Honey Creek Heights Plat. If you have any additional comments please submit them by August 5, 1997. 71j. /¢7 IJcs acicik h Gov a 1 (ern mew 5 , it �,ey Jew - wcL:a v rITY OF RENTON- A 23 1997 CITY OF RENTON �"./'L-u`°d1/4./ OiViSiON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 1997 TO: Reviewers FROM: fZrk Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Enclosed are revisions for Honey Creek Heights Plat. If you have any additional comments please submit them by August 5, 1997. A' 1 / 5HNFR TOIEDEPT '''-`•'"FVENTION BUREAU JUL 2 3 1997 CEIVED CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 1997 TO: Reviewers FROM: 4 G Lark Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Enclosed are revisions for Honey Creek Heights Plat. If you have any additional comments please submit them by August 5, 1997. 100 / Ali Y,,v5/2:f CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 1997 TO: Reviewers FROM: Mark Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Enclosed are revisions for Honey Creek Heights Plat. If you have any additional comments please submit them by August 5, 1997. Li//o acticate) CoAStinit hsn SewLceo +CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 3 1997 PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM QUILUso‘u LJ!V ioiUN DATE: July 23, 1997 TO: Reviewers FROM: G Iark Pywell SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Enclosed are revisions for Honey Creek Heights Plat. If you have any additional comments please submit them by August 5, 1997. wz/1l Gd • 1 ,0 CITX OF RENTON rii r` = Planning/Building/Public Works Department c Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator July 18, 1997 Shupe Holmberg,P.E. Baima&Holmberg,Inc: • 100 Front Street Issaquah,WA 98027-3817 Dear Mr.Shupe Holmberg: SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights The infiltration test reports which will be part of the project records have been received. Thank you. As requested in my July 2, 1997, letter I need a conceptual storm drainage plan. There appears to be two options: (1) a pipe extension to Edmonds AV.NE; and(2) a pipe extension to NE 27th Street(via easements),as suggested in your earlier drainage report. Please provide the following information for the selected option: outfall locations, easements, and preliminary pipe size. We have no information regarding NE 27th Street, except that an open drainage ditch runs past existing houses. . Your engineer is required to'provide the City with descriptions of existing and proposed systems from your site to Honey Creek. Enclosed is a copy of our Storm Drainage map that can be used to sketch the route you propose. Include a narrative description. We are in the process of scheduling this project for Hearing Examiner review, therefore it is important that you return the requested information as soon as possible.,Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, . .. Clinton E.Morgan Development Services • 97cm106 Enclosure . cc: • Neil Watts . ®—Mark Pywell Ron Straka Bob Colwell 2625 NE 27th St. ' . Renton,WA 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 • — - DISCLAIMER • THIS INVENTORY INFORMATION FOR THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS SCHEMATIC ONLY. IT VAS COMPILED FROM NUMEROUS SOURCES, IT IS THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME, AND SHOULD BE•USED FOR GENERAL GUIDANCE ONLY. THE CITY OF RENTON IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. WHEN THIS INFORMATION IS USED FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES, DESIGNERS ARE TO FIELD VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. I . • �' +II lW S` c \ �'`\ Sd 96TH �PL i� �� NF \ I �� ZI La Z > 1 11 4/ ''< • W •Q 1 . • 4 9,88-1 \ �1 NE 2 -1111 r • I .\ L I I 9.04-2 L - I 24TH , , ;ST 1 I / \\ &D ... l, • I I I I I ) 1 \\ \ 8.04_I 2.H4-II I 8,C4-5 I I /8,84-2 B.C�•7 .B.Cl/.5 I 9.CM-2 •'•) I ri 1 I I23F0 t4z4 PE B.B4-5 9.C+-3 ,L.,NEJ 23R➢I ST ri Z 1 LJ i \` 1 9,84-6 1 I Z Z \ NE 22ND ST C4_8 1 I \ 1 1 LLJ z I 1 i 8.C5-21 48-.-5 y I \ Q H•C9-7 l I Z --------b I limn —19- N S1 ST I 61 ilia � ; � Z W W 77,, WB.BS-♦ �� CIRCLE W 1 f Q� y 9,B,-, I. 7 tti 1 I I i I *9_ E ,201 H IST, 1 I . 1 1 I a 1 • z 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG T"'fl PAGE 01 . Baima & Holmberg Inc. L,„, r ? 4997 ,op• ENGINEERS Fit SURVEYORS c'7)'pR a,AN �toN If vc 100 FRONT STREETSOUTH ISSAQUAH. WASHINGTON 98027--0017 (200) 302-0250 FAX # (208) 391-3055 • C�TO: r.�nc )r C - �1 C CI YI ATTN: DATE: _ - 1 • FROM: '(lU 'nn`c `� J DOCUMENT/SUBJECT: ct\-Us Cs- Gc )-66(-15bwi()4211-6 REMARKS: — • • • • • PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE): • FAX NA: a�1 ,Li 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 02 13R, ! 1 SE ,J111 y. . 1 i . . , ' 11200 11600 C T SE`�+ . wy ,;. a •'_,17 7 ÀY • ....s6''h—l—t it�-11 SE 84Ty 5ti, ` 5E T. 'a p • cv : sT V �� `T -. • ♦% ,h N , ;;:::.• SE �. Of E 8SIN •.•. SE 86TH ST d C 1- 'rig F. cJ' SE BTTH $T g SE r S"N i--3 e ST gm �.. • ,t ihe SE .•TH -' a v+ aT ST 4• . . '� :NE'.'.76T1; 160Q "" j 4. . 8,9Z• ' 90 .o ti 89TH ST ."".,.,: ••••. . S 1 .i rt" / ,f°: : ':<<:`?; `v.:•t..:: • - :;;. ST :•� r E I. a. SE g� 92ND w`'t N ::'j;^ J• ./v1 4 - l'..e y:C •.3.70,i§''.:': ..••:': `•:C:^?,':?,fir, • :i•�5 - .1 :•ae:::':::..•, "?,; '• I� > rrri.,•�;•-4 d.' :C•y.i"S,:err c :Ali SE.r ...n.. 4y•,!:;.•• • ... tn 1.2109 ^ r <. 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CAY34-z .try comeriont ; FQF Giv.en Inr3ut 0 .5C; Left SldEi if1annino :=4 CM,?.nne . 25 tt/Jet 1 .C4 Computed Re17,:iilts ! Deoth F. DX,r1/ OaP I /e° IA4 1 .30 1 .41 tl C; .40 ft • Critical Froude mmbr . . . . (f.lc!w GiAbc:r1t) csi ) Chann1.--7L FLo;r. McAu161, . Ver:73iGn 2 .01 1990 ietadM.=.thoiitA ‘ !k- 9rooksidGd * ;), -certiurv . 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG T . PAGE 15 - • • • 7rapezoloa :. ChanneL Doe ilhannei - Uni +ormI. Worksheet Naimi i.:cmment : Solve For bottom Nldth Bras t4 D -5...r6 A2 • Eiiven ingt.;t Data .; Lai !. 5 I H :V) Right Blume . Mann.inq 's • hannl- flPr:tr. . Diecharpe c.c.s CO1iOUtt?(2 • Eoitom Wieth . . . . . • fit t JA rizirli Felt 2-acr ISA4f91 0 . 19 FloiryAr . - • _ - Fldw Tn6 e T. Wetted F:e-rieter . Criticat Demth . . , C.. . 10 it i41014 is E;(ibcr .i ... ic,a1U • ' • • Open Lhannel riow VEF16r1 2 .01 f.ci Haetad Metncid,.s , -4. 37 Brooksid Rd * 06708 .1 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 14 JOB_ BAIMA & HOLMBERG, INC. SHEET NO. OF L 100 Front Street South ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027-3817 CALCULATED BY RATE (425) 392-0250 CHECKED BY - DATE -SCALE - . ' 7 5 : • . ers �/ •5 ,, /o • r i :................... .. R.5..' :,*.1 w, e, Y �--it o ,a — `,,i yo s' ......._.....11i:2:..0._...o._ : . si . C si • 0.5— 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 __ BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 13 PERFORMANCE: INFLOW TARGET-OUTFLOW ACTUAL-OUTFLOW PK-STAGE STORAGE DESIGN HYD: 1.84 430. .71 4// f/.� .71 4 .00 7744 TEST HYD 1: 1.2314,0 .32 .29 3 .47 6721. , TEST HYD 2 : .79 �� .0 .08 3 .33 6460 ' REQ/ID 1, STRUCTURE DATA: R/D-VAULT srOR�$E ' RISER-HEAD VAULT-BOTTOM-AREA STOR-DEPTH, STORAGE-VOLUME 7 30 d/o H 4 .00 FT 1937'.5 SQ-FT 4.00 FT , 7744 CU-FT I DOUBLE ORIFICE RESTRICTOR: DIA(INCHES) HT(FEET) Q-MAX(CFS) i1 BOTTOM ORIFICE: 1.21 ' .00 .080 TOP ORIFICE: ' 5 .33 i 3 .33 .630 'j I ' ROUTING DATA: 1i STAGE(FT) DISCHARGE(CFS) STORAGE(CU-FT) 1 PERM-AREA(SQ-FT) .00 .00 .0 .0 .40 .03,' 775 .0 H .0 i .80 .04 1550 .0 . 0 H 1.20 .04 2325 .0 '� .0 1.60 .051 3100 .0 .0 2 .00 .06 3875.0 .0 I il 2 .40 .06 4650.0 .0 2.80 .07' 5425 .0 .0 3 .20 .07, 6200.0 .0 3.33 .07 6451.9 , .0 3 .60 .48. 6975.0 .0 4.00 .71' 7750.0 .0 4.10 ' 1.061 7943 .7 .1 .0 ,1 4.20 1.67 8137.5 .0 4.30 2 .44' 8331.2 i. .0 1, 4.40 3 .27, 8525 .0 .0 4.50 3.59 8718.7 .0 ;I AVERAGE VERTICAL PERMEABILITY: .0 MINUTES/INCH pl SPECIFY: F - FILE, N - NEWJOB, P - PRINT IF/OF, R - REVISE, S - STOP , 11 ENTER (d:] [path] filename [ .ext] FOR STORAGE jOF ROUTING DATA: 11I FILE ALREADY EXIST; OVERWRITE (Y or N) 7 1 SPECIFY: F - FILE, N - NEWJOB, P - PRINT IF/OF, R - REVISE, S - STOP Stop - Program terminated. I CI 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 12 J08 BAIMA & HOLMBERG. INC. SHEET NO. of 100 Front Street South ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027-3817 CALCULATED BY DATE (425) 392-0250 CHECKED BY OA7E SCALE -, Z ice. . T , r . He=y "i. s ........................(6.7.. v)( !'... 3.) g':7 3 c -? T • O r • • • Pint=w i.t,c.I.u...fm-,nura 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG TM° PAGE 11 po-' T ,41:) �..1o,A 7- **************.****** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2 .00" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 1.3 68.0 1.6 98 .0 5 .0 II DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 2 .8 1.3 68 . 0 1.6 98 .0 5 .0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .79 7 .67 10944 �2.1. C730_, ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM . **** 2 .90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 1.3 68.0 1. 6 98.0 5 .0 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 2.8 1.3 68 .0 1.6 98 .0 I 5 .0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 1.23 71.67 17766 47! ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3 .90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV) , CN PERV A(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO.CN(PERV) , ( ) . CN(IMPERV) , S N 1 1.3 68 .0 1.6 98.0 5.0 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 2 .8 1.3 68. 0 1.6 98 .0 5 .0 H PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 1.84 7 .67 26021 `7'db 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 10 JOB - BAIMA & HOLMBERG. INC. SHEET NO. .. OF 100 Front Street South ISSAQUAH,WASHINGTON 98027-3817 CALCULATED BY DATE_. (425) 392-0250 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE — PP r.S —• . , US ............ G N . . • • r • 4/5_/'' , ....... t^. 7 :..6, :.._..�f/y4...-......... ........( s t*'e fir,i,,z.............. av7c ) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I. • • . • • . 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 _ BAIMA HOLMBERG ?NC PAGE 09 JOB ^7 -- BAIMA & HOLMBERG, INC. SHE;FTNO._ ? OF 100 Front Street South ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027-3817 cALCUtATED BY DATE (425) 392-0250 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE HI p O S pv 227Ip ........... - , �•9-,P v/.s%S / /..-tom . ....... :.. .. ............ ........ /9 ,L2c:�c//.Yr' !/rr.f- .gip _7,.-, • • e3 4- c (s. S s ‘ a G.L; rc: i SS✓•- .: ?e v •••47". /... :5 %'�'"'.`'r....... i._ : ._....................................: ... .. .... :...... .............:..... ... :..... . ......v � �pe••••• : (J�r).1-y3... .:-/--. .r�'. i6.- /ii x .... ( ....-. �. _...IC. �/o?:--.3i'4)( 1j :..D.... ( o,L ,4 if6 /) : I : ! /-:r v4. ): : .( 3• /6 - . .........:.............:.................................. ..' I • q21 5c9 o: • !'f :6 A/...........Z..._. / :76'/:... Az -/z ; /, ,'6 > t "(). ...`.... ....=7 : -'S.e.... . /„ 5-6. C. : /4 . r • ....... .......... .............................................. ;:..... . ... • f �I 1 . •. . . . . . . . .. .. . ,.......... . . . . • . . .• CO • cc) . . . 1.7.1 1 I 12' STORM CUWALL I (..7 TO NE 27111 ST. • CL 25' 25';. T I. .).5 5 • IL. . • . tri , v.i..1....:::: r..r.r..,......:.: . • 2 V C)1.. 57-:i - -• i0 • UI • 5 5.15 . .EXIST. .1 sus N 6315'36' IV 370.71' A. 4 . •—--. T i I _. Z . IL/ ' I'd ....1 r— ----- ------.. I 2E7\unurr EASQAENT . •' - ...---- •H. CID _.., 'M.' 5' - I 1 ...•'''- . . .. ..- 1 a i . ..- .. .. 5..%i I • • . ,., r 19 \..._cze.,2:a...0.0_.....---'- 17 . . • )-. I.1 CS 15 • - 14 (.D •11J :: . 13 ._........• .. I .- • RzasTF.1+1,2i5,3.561 .1.- . LI! • • •. Cep. TYPE i g° ./i-cen c- • s. •114V.321.50 i . 1:0 ZI '.. STA 0402 PI ..sal. S14_ 0+05, 251.1 • 32-12'0.6.5 IS • .... . RIM - 32105 liliew.••323.i • .... . 4•22 : •• .. KV320.10 • 1145'.317.25"- ‘....• / i .• • . ..414s7i.-.• samirmans -a"=.- ...iv . . . . • . ... ... :. " - . '1)1 t>1 • f./ ; ..... .7.41 •.1 1 ' . . X • a . ave .1 00 .• ..• • ' ' I-1 ....... 1 • 1.0:1 ' .• , . • I I . •• .. $ . PO k _ .:.: , ; • N.. . 25TH • T . t : tr Al ...... H.E. 25TH 8T ... ••........ A -• . . . . . . . a -to$ •9. . . 1110o. • • . __ . —..._ .- __•=•-•!7• I . ..•-T-- • ,• ti.q.1. 32.120 0.50X . ' 1 •CS/2 STA 0-402 ../ . 160%42" 0 COI% • 127. ' c‘4... . • INV.320.09 ::. ',1`11::::: 1 1:1'.1'..v, X. R71. 7.321°3 • N. IN147.•317.59 .C51/3 STA 1+61.31 RDA . 325.56 • 65.-.12" . kr; 1NV..31 3.39 a coax • , t . .! 1 3 4 •. - MOS 1 . miar.iO4!+34206.i, 8 • NV . 319.14 .! ..: ' ! paaiit.4 . 1AAX. HiEGHT 6' ••( • • ' F3'..12. 0 0.343x - lb V• In .• . PI. •• 3..i• I- 'Ili 1C8,6.7173433I220121..2‘0741: • . • i • •-• in .,_ _ _ _. . . .. . • . ... . •. Lc) Fl - . • • STA 3+15.24 >N.-32%-U' • 9.83S 8 .r. 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C1366 • _PI .• si. - • • I .1 \ • INS10E vauvi . .' . .• • . 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 __ BAIMA HOLMBERG TNr PAGE 07 1 _ PR E - EVEL a PM . 111r *****************t** S.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION � ********+ter********** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2 .00" TOTAL PRECIP.• ********* ENTER: :A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 2 .8 75 .0 .0 98.0 25.3 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) F.ERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A [ CN A CN 2.8 2 .8 75.0 .0 98.0 25 .3 1 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .08 12 .50 39Q4 472. ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2 .90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 2 .8 75.0 .0 98.0 25.3 DATA PRINT-OUT: i AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 2 .8 2 .8 75.0 .0 98.0 25 .3 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) , --32._ 8 .10 0 9165 4IO r******************* S.C.S. TYPE-IA DISTRIBUTION ******************** "******* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3 .90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* !INTER: A(DERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 2.8 75 .0 .,0 98 .0 25 .3 )ATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 2 .8 2 . 8 75.0 .0 98 .0 25 .3 PEAK--Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .21. 7.83 16294 4,roo 0'7/16/1997 08:29 3913055 _ BAIMA HOLMBERG T-"Jr' PAGE 06 Jos BAIMA & HOLMBERG, INC. SHEET NO. 2 OF 100 Front Street South ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027-3817 CALCULATED BY DATE (425) 392-0250 CHECKED BY DATE �� SCALE . . • r w-~' i, • 4. :.......... Pry/ �+i 7'P/ !^y • .G f'= .75- :L ii/ • : 2.. ...... .. .� ...o... . . eo. 3-2- CA_s'' ‘9, 07/16/1997 08:29 3913055 - - BAIMA HOLMBERG T.''C' PAGE 05 JOB /z5- ~ o02 BAIMA & HOLMBERG, INC. SHEET NO. / OF 100 Front Street South ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027-3817 CALCULATED BY_ (• .1. DATE -71 Z (425) 392.0250 CHECKED BY DATE III WALE Z&N .. .. . 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'3F RENTON ml Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor • Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator I July 2, 1997 • Shupe Holmberg Baima&Holmberg,Inc. 100 Front Street Issaquah,WA 98027-3817 Dear Mr.Holmberg: SUBJECT: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS • This letter is in response to your July 1, 1997,fax regarding the above-subject project. You do need to perform an Infiltration Rate Test as defined in the King County Surface Water Design Manual, section 4.5.2. Please notify us so we can observe the test. A report showing the results of the test needs to be provided. You or the Developer storm water consultant must propose which existing stonn system that you or he would discharge to if it is demonstrated infiltration cannot be done. We may have to require a higher retention/detention standard if you do not use infiltration. Also with your infiltration report,please provide me with your Geotechnical Report. Sincerely, 7 -/Q77 • Clinton E.Morgan Development Services 97cm098 cc: Neil Watts Mark Pywell Ron Straka • Bob Colwell 2625 NE 27th St. Renton,WA 98056 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton,Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer 40 CIT OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator June 16, 1997 Mr. Bob Colwell 2625 NE 27th Street Renton, WA 98056 ' Subject: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Dear Mr. Colwell: On May 19, 1997, we sent a letter to your engineer, Mr. Shupe Holmberg, requesting some additional information and stating that we could not process the application until the requested information was submitted. We have not received the information regarding the drainage study. We appreciate that it sometimes takes awhile to compile the studies that are necessary to provide the information that has been requested. If you could let us know when the information would be available to us, it will help us to schedule work loads within the City. If you have any question regarding this matter, please contact me at 277-5586. Sincerely, Mark R. Pyw , ICP Project ger 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 • This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 9 1997 TO: MARK PYWELL FROM: NEIL WATTS /v W SUBJECT: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PLAT OFFSET RIGHT-OF-WAY The proposed right-of-way for the extension of Ferndale PI NE for the Honey Creek Heights Plat is offset slightly to the west from the existing right-of-way to the south of the proposed plat. This offset is not prohibited by City Code, and is recommended for approval. The offset alignment allows for a more reasonable lot configuration, especially in terms of lot depth for the easterly lots. The actual connection to the south is partially blocked by a small piece of property which is separate from this plat. The proposed connection will allow for construction of a standard pavement section, and for construction of sidewalks in appropriate locations within the new plat. At some future date, additional right-of-way could be obtained from this blocking section to complete the full right-of-way width. In summary, the offset alignment, although somewhat unusual, is allowed and preferred for the platting of this particular parcel. cc: Sonya Fesser Imp 4111. CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 28, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J. Fesser SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP Modification to May 14, 1997 Memo The concept of"reserving"private easements on subdivision documents for conveyance at the time of sale of the affected lots, is currently under review by the city. There is a paragraph referencing such a reservation in the May 14, 1997 memo sent to you for the Honey Creek Heights preliminary review. See the highlighted paragraph in the Attachment. Please inform the applicant that the word"reservation"may need to be deleted and other changes may also be forthcoming as regards private easements. cc: H:\W W6ODOT\MEMO.DOT\bh _.L . CITI )F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 19, 1997 Mr. Shupe Holmberg Biama & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 Subject: Honey Creek Heights Plat LUA-97-036,ECF,PP. Dear Mr. Holmberg: The Honey Creeks Heights Plat has been placed on hold. I am enclosing a memo from Clinton Morgan who has requested that two pieces of information be obtained in order for him to be able to complete his portion of the environmental review (items 2& 11). I am also enclosing a memo from Sonja Fesser that is broken down into two sections. The first questions need to be addressed in order for the City to be able to complete the review of the preliminary plat. The second portion of her memo refers to information needed for the final plat. I also have spoken with a George Perry who used to be a councilman for the City. He lives on NE 24th Street and recalls that a 3-foot strip of land was left on the south side of the subject property so that if it subdivided at a later date,the subdivision would not gain access from NE 24th Street. This may have. been recorded as some sort of an easement. This issue will need to be addressed before we can complete the review of the preliminary plat. Until the requested information has been provided this project is on hold and the times established for the review of the project will not be activated until the information has been accepted for review. New dates for the Environmental Review Committee and the Hearing examiner will be established once the information has been submitted. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact me at 277-5586. Sincerely, Mark R. P ICP Project ger 200 Mill Avenue South- Renton, Washington 98055 6f This caner contains 50%recycled material.20%oost consumer . ti CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 9, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J.Fesser SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP Addition to May 14, 1997 Memo Attached is the addressing information that the applicant will need for the final plat drawing. In addition, Technical Services has noted that the preliminary plat drawing indicates an altering of the centerline of Ferndale Place NE, southerly and outside of the subject plat property. This department is of the opinion that this cannot be done. Please verify. „.-... t71,c,I•c'‘•.:?,%,,,'•'.. •:.;...':•••;'. 7.' . 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SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: September 16, 1997 Project Name: Honey Creek Heights Plat Applicant/ Bob Colwell Address: 2625 NE 27th Street Renton, WA 98056 Owner/ Guenter Halt Address: 327 N 105th Street, Suite C Seattle, WA 98133-8705 File Number: LUA-097-036,PP Project Manager: Mark R. Pywell • Project Description: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. Project Location: 2600 Block of NE 25th Street ;�Ui88 ,ii: 4 11 12210 203 Gov't Lot 4 q1 a I _ I 1 35.6 Acres 1 'f I � yyd J__ L ti JJ �_ 3 ;I CJ Peler,on •la• i]-f •�-,�iN it -��� 7 7-r-- --- -6 L J Peterson I _ 44 ), 8r I� a to•• ,,IaQ 1° e e — — •g nn, I I .•I rfe� F 2j °� R£ TON'1-CORil ,n ,41 60 222 i.222 I(91 Q: , Y,n.I'W,1 �Q.,.y\ T4, y I R I ..sao2o.e. f j 21g ,l i Z�" r I .. O a x R [' 237 vs 12[0f7�41 ��� _ y 6 a'IKE•NYC eLEA f-L�:_.I0.4-•• +n - 's ePA K7oi � DD2B ; i2eCI 7 a� a.• z; lone, J— • ,p„ I 4n 1 +CA 1 u w.1 r V 9 J. f+�� .,�I' •..;p a ,u,r Irrt I i r a^� y..f a :•[W '� .7r. 2 ,..io.R.< [v weal.n � I � _ 236 ?��223 fs1v ' 4t.4 1 4]o f1• 16',-,: M,, o \ • `a�5 �y 1O 44/ 7''`a. :.LF ,�26� 710 et I . 5 n pa-- •w sr7[�sr SITE *,.,1 J U3 Y =raf A'.1 i I..II - 11�� . 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" R n i ‘/ I>� t,+ 1,. a 11 R7!!!� ' 11 e� 1 N JIZiliiI/ 2le M •,� • 1 I 2 ] i1 1 io'' 12 17 .� pY0. .��..�� N1'^° 7 4'__.a . i 'M .'7aiIIeY a'� •_1.._.- +l_` " ru O 1a0 E. 3RD SI. ,,f .- ley _ _.+_-I_ 6 ., _ , g 1, %n I,I12 i•,Jame.fe�anaier fr . .Is . ar+r • ' r : !II -2' 1a., on rk.g &,`=1 W+ .'=1 IC�'i ..... I 1 '16- .: i Ian: ' 1 i ti 1--,1, r? N t -, 11 on, ' 4,,r„Is2Gr>rn� . : 1''.ho.+ 1 ru - ,iti --- -- -•°lin..". ..•. .'„''' ��.•`.i..:`".1°' a tr'! - r asrr. °'1" N.E. 22N0 o rST. Y / City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner • HONEY CREEK HEIGHT PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 16, 1997 Page 2 of 8 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Guenter Halt 2. Zoning Designation: Residential 8 du/acre (R-8) 3. Comprehensive Plan Residential Single Family :Land Use Designation 4. Existing Site Use: Vacant 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Residential East: Residential South: Residential West: Residential 6. Access: NE 25th Street& NE 24th Street 7. Site Area: 2.8 gross acres (2.3 net acres) 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: N/A New Building Area: N/A Total Building Area: N/A C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation 1796 10/6/59 Comprehensive Plan 4498 2/20/95 Zoning 4404 6/7/93 D. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: Water: 6" Mains in NE 25th Street & NE 24th Streets Sewer: City to install new main on NE 24th Street between December 1997 and December 1998. Surface Water/Storm Water: On-site system to connect with existing system on NE 25th St. 2. Fire Protection: Renton Fire Department PRELMRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department - Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner • HONEY CREEK HEIGHT PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036, PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 16, 1997 Page 3 of 8 3. Transit: Routes 106 & 111 on Edmonds Ave. NE 4. Schools: Kennydale Elementary School McKnight Middle School Hazen High School 5. Recreation: Kennydale Lions Park North Highlands Neighborhood Center 6. Other: N/A E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Section 4-31-5, R-8 Zone 2. Section 4-34, Street Improvements 3. Section 9-12, Subdivision Ordinance F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element- Residential Single Family 2. Capital Facility Plan Policies G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant seeks to subdivide an approximately two acre parcel of land into 19 lots for the future construction of single family homes. Access to the subdivision will be from NE 25th Street and NE 24th Street. The applicant is proposing to provide 19 lots on a net acreage of 2.314 acres. This provides a density of 8.21 acres. This exceeds the density limit of 8 dwelling units per acre. The applicant will need to reduce the number of proposed lots by one, providing a density of 7.7 units to the acre. This can be done without making major changes to the layout of the subdivision. This issue will be discussed in detail in Section 5a of this staff report. The applicant needs to connect the lots to a sanitary sewer main that the City is proposing to construct in NE 24th Street. This main is scheduled for completion by December 1998, which is during the life span of the preliminary plat construction'window. The applicant will need to connect to this new line or construct the portion of the line this project needs prior to the recording of the final plat. PRELMRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner • HONEY CREEK HEIGHT PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 16, 1997 Page 4 of 8 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on August 19, 1997 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated. 3 COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The developer shall provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank Erosion Control standard as described in the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. The Stream Bank Erosion Control Standard requires that peak rate runoff from individual development sites be limited to 50% of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak runoff rate for the 10-year, 24-hour and 100-year, 24-hour design storms. A safety factor of 20%shall be added to the pond size as specified in the Ecology Stormwater Manual for residential development. The alternative to this requirement is that the consultant/developer must confirm that the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing a level 3 off-site analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water design Manual. If the system lacks capacity,then the existing storm system in Edmonds Ave NE would have to be upsized by the developer. The developer would also have to make improvements at the outfall to prevent erosion, such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek A second alternative would be for the applicant to design and construct an infiltration system in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4,5,2. Plans for the storm water system shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of a construction permit. The plans for the storm water system will need to be approved prior to the issuance of construction permits. The actual storm water system will need to be installed prior to the recording of the final plat in accordance with ordinance requirements. 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 for each new single family residential lot prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees will need to be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per average daily trip. (Estimated at 19 homes X 9.55 trips X$75.00 =$13,608.75) prior to final plat approval. All mitigation fees will need to be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. The applicant shall submit a Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees will need to be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. PRELMRPT.DOC I - City of Renton P/B/PW Department - - Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner HONEY CREEK HEIGHT PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 16, 1997 Page 5 of 8 5. The extended streets and the existing streets shall be aligned such that there is a smooth transition resulting in a standard pavement section with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in appropriate locations. The street connection will be part of the construction plans for the subdivision. The construction work will need to be completed prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan.issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following preliminary plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the plat: (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation. The subdivision as proposed (19 lots) is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Single Family. The applicant.is proposing a density of 8.2 dwelling units per acre. The maximum density allowed in this zone.is 8 dwelling units per acre. The proposal can be modified to meet the density requirements for this area by combining one of the lots with the adjacent lots. An 18 lot • subdivision would provide a net density of 7.7 dwelling units per acre. City staff recommends that the applicant be required to submit a revised plat map for 18 lots to the satisfaction of City staff. City staff would recommend that either proposed Lot 14 or Lot 7 be eliminated and the resulting area be distributed to the adjacent parcels. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The subject property is designated Residential 8 du/acre (R-8), on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed subdivision would allow for future construction of up to 19 new dwelling units. However, as noted above, the 19 lot subdivision would exceed the allowed density within this area. The 18 lot alternative recommended by staff would allow for 18 new single family homes in this area. Minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 sf. The staff recommended plat would provide 18 lots ranging in size from 4,500 sf to 6,630 sf. These lot sizes are compatible with other existing lots in this area. (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance (Code Section 4-34). The applicant is proposing to provide access to the lots by a combination of public roads and private access agreements. Lots 1-5, 9-13, and 15-19 would gain access directly from a public street. Lots 6 &8 would gain access from a private road. Lot 7 would gain access from a private driveway easement and the private road. Lot 14 would gain access from a private easement across Lot 13. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. PRELMRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner HONEY CREEK HEIGHT PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 16, 1997 Page 6 of 8 Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access The proposal is anticipated to generate up to 181.45 average daily trips. The adjacent roadways will be able to accept the anticipated traffic flows. The.Environmental Review Committee did , place a mitigation measure on the proposal requiring the applicant to submit a mitigation fee based upon the anticipated traffic flow. This fee will be used for transportation related improvements off-site. Topography The project site is fairly level. The topography drops off sharply down to Honey Creek to the northwest of the subject property. However, the project will not impact the steep slopes associated with the Honey Creek. Relationship to Existing Uses The proposed and staff recommended plat will allow for the construction of single family homes. This is an infill project in an area that has developed as a single family residential neighborhood over a long period of time. Lot sizes vary considerably in the area due to the age of the lot and the topography. However, staff believes that the development of this site as a single family development will be consistent with the existing development in the surrounding area. (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire Police and Fire Prevention Bureau staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. • Recreation The applicant will not be providing recreation facilities as part of the proposed development. The Environmental Review Committee has imposed a recreation mitigation fee on the subdivision to mitigate the impact that the additional residents will have on the existing parks and recreation facilities within the City of Renton. Schools The 18 lot subdivision will generate approximately 14 new students that will attend the area schools. The Renton School District has indicated that they will be able to accept the new students. Storm water The applicant will need to complete designs for an on-site storm water system that will either connect with the existing off-site City system or infiltrate the water on-site. Either system would meet City requirements without impacting downstream properties. PRELMRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner HONEY CREEK HEIGHT PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036,PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 16, 1997 Page 7 of 8 Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities Sewer The applicant is proposing to connect the on-site sanitary sewer system into a City system that will be initiated in December 1997 and completed by December 1998. It is anticipated that the system will be available to the subject property by August 1998. This will meet the anticipated construction schedule for this proposal. In any event, the applicant will not be able to record the final plat until a sanitary sewer line is available. Water There are two six inch lines that are available to the subject property. The applicant will need to install an eight inch line on the subject property in anticipation that the City will upgrade this lines to eight inch lines in the future. Sufficient water pressure appears to be available to support the project. Street Improvements The applicant will need to install the Code required street improvements within the subdivision and ensure that the connections with the existing streets meet City-requirements. Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks are required along all public streets. The applicant has shown Tract B for the short segment of private road on the south portion of the project site. The City has had problems with this type of tract in the past. They require a homeowner's association to accept ownership of the property within the tract and for the maintenance of the road. If the homeowner's association defaults on the taxes for the tract then it can get sold at an auction. City staff would prefer that the private road be created within an easement and that access and maintenance covenants be recorded for each of the lots that will gain access over the private road. Covenants would need to be recorded for any of the lots that will gain access from a private road. H. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the 19 lot preliminary plat and approval of the 18 lot Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat, File No. LUA-97-036 subject to the following conditions: (1) Compliance with ERC Mitigation Measures: The applicant is required to comply with the Mitigation Measures which were required by the Environmental Review Committee Threshold Determination prior to the issuance of a building permit. (2) The applicant shall submit a revised preliminary plat demonstrating a maximum of 18 lots to comply with the maximum density allowed of eight (8) dwelling units per acre. The revised plat shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of construction permits. (3) The applicant shall create an easement across lot for the roadway instead of creating a separate tract as is shown on the preliminary plat. (4) The applicant shall record covenants for access and maintenance of the private roads on each of the lots that gains access from a private roadway. PRELMRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner HONEY CREEK HEIGHT PRELIMINARY PLAT LUA-97-036, PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 16, 1997 Page 8 of 8 EXPIRATION PERIODS: Preliminary Plats (PP): Three (3) years from final approval (signature) date. PRELMRPT.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Bob Colwell PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2600 block of NE 25th Street LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments. After review of the comments, if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination, then there will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request. The City will notify the appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, 1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-235-2501. DNSMSIG.DOC Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Determination of Nonsignificance-Mitigated Page-2- A Public Hearing will be held by the. Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on September 16, 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed Preliminary Plat. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. PUBLICATION DATE: . August 25, 1997 DATE OF DECISION: August 19, 1997 SIGNATURES: eV/77v 224grme n,Ainistrator DATE Depar Planning/Building/Public Works Sam Chastain,Administrator DATE Community Service Department L heeler, Fire Chief DATE Renton Fire Department DNSMSIG.DOC • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Bob Colwell PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq., ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2600 block of NE 25th Street MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The developer shall provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank Erosion Control standard as described in the Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual. The Stream Bank Erosion Control Standard requires that peak rate runoff from individual development sites be limited to 50% of the existing condition 2-year, 24-hour design storm while maintaining the existing condition peak runoff rate for the 10-year, 24-hour and 100- year, 24-hour design storms. A safety factor of 20% shall be added to the pond size as specified in the Ecology Stormwater Manual for residential development. The alternative to this requirement is that the consultant/developer must confirm that the existing storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing a level 3 off-site analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water design Manual. If the system lacks capacity,then the existing storm system in Edmonds Ave NE would have to be upsized by the developer. The developer would also have to make improvements at the outfall to prevent erosion, such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek. A second alternative would be for the applicant to design and construct an infiltration system in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4,5,2. Plans for the storm water system shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of a construction permit. 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 for each new single family residential lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per average daily trip. (Estimated at 19 homes X 9.55 trips X$75.00= $13,608.75) prior to final plat approval. 4. The applicant shall submit a Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 5. The extended streets and the existing streets shall be aligned such that there is a smooth transition resulting in a standard pavement section with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in appropriate locations. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Bob Colwell PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2600 block of NE 25th Street Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. _ Garbage and recyclable deposit areas and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. Surface Water Utility 1. The new off-site storm system has to be sized per the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual standards to convey runoff from the developed site and the total off-site tributary area that could drain to the new off-site system in the future. The runoff from the off-site tributary area to the new storm system in NE 25th Street should be calculated assuming full build-out of the tributary area assuming future land use conditions. 2. Storm pipes can not be routed under sidewalks as shown. Sanitary Sewer Utility 1. No sewer line is available at this time. However,the City plans construction of a sewer line on NE 24th St. by December, 1998. 2. Project is located in aquifer protection zone#2. 3. The System Development Connection charge is$585 per residence. Water Utility 1. The proposed project is located in Highlands 565 pressure zone. Estimated static pressure 104 psi at elevation 324. A residential pressure reducer will be required for each house in the plat. 2. The new proposed water main size is to be 8-inch within the new boundary. 3. The System Development Connection charge per new residence is $850. Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Advisory Notes (Continued) Page -2- Transportation 1. Roadway improvements required to City of Renton standards which includes, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting. 2. Street lighting required to City standards. Required foot-candles minimum is 0.2 ft-c. and a uniformity ratio to meet or exceed 4:1. 3. All electrical and communication facilities to be undergrounded.. 4. Driveway locations to be shown so as to have proper clearance from fire hydrants and street lighting standards. Driveway clearance from a street light is a minimum of ten feet. 5. The sidewalks shown on the plans scale off at five feet. The Municipal Code requires a minimum sidewalk width of six feet. Construction Services 1. A soils report will be required as part of the building permit application. CITY OF RENTON C�r,r� `' PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS f ^/; rr MEMORANDUM DATE: July 25, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J.Fesser _ � SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP Format &Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat submittal and have the following comments: The latest submittal of the above referenced preliminary plat(dated July 18, 1997)appears not to have been changed from the previously reviewed submittal (dated April 24) except in one respect. A portion of tax lot 40423059130 (an area that measures approximately 11.77'X20') is now included as. part of the street designated as Ferndale Place NE. How was this property acquired? To our knowledge,there has been no lot line adjustment. Does the owner of tax lot 40423059130 now have an interest in the plat? Again, our comments of May 14,1997, have not been addressed. See the attachment for another copy of this memo which should be sent on to the applicant and surveyor. At this point, we are most concerned with the comments on page 1 of the memo. The second and third pages deal with issues that should be addressed at the time of the final review. . CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J. Fesser In SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP AeN oNNiNc Format&Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat submittal and have the following comments: According to city records and the Master Application, the owner of the subject preliminary plat property is Guenter Halt. The preliminary drawing notes Bob Colwell as the owner. All existing easements and covenants of record need to be noted on the drawing. This includes an easement to Puget Power per King County Rec. #4242012, and other easements and covenants per King County Rec. # 7308100394, 9403071868, 9403071869, 9403071870, and 9403251291 (per the Plat Certificate dated 2/4/97). In addition, have the applicant provide the city with copies of these recorded documents. Adjoining property owners may have to sign the plat drawing, if they have an interest in the subject property(via an easement or other). Item No. 14 under"Special Exceptions" in the Plat Certificate references Quit Claim Deeds recorded under King County Rec. # 9311291807 and #9309302361. Have the applicant provide copies of these recorded documents. Note Tax Lot 81 on the drawing (adjoining on the south). Does the plat have road access to NE 24th St. via Tax Lot 81? Have the applicant provide any additional documentation that clarifies this issue. In addition, is the road width and alignment(as it exits the proposed plat to the south) satisfactory per city requirements? The reference to a neighboring parcel, easterly of the subject parcel, is incorrect on the drawing (TL 77). The tax parcel is actually"TL 17." Copies of any proposed restrictive covenants should be attached to the preliminary drawing. Lot 13 and Lot 8 are pipestem lots. Will this require a variance? The common use of these pipestems by Lot 14 and Lot 13 and by Lot 7 and Lot 8 will require road maintenance agreements. Note what the purpose of Tract A and Tract B are on the plat drawing. Give the dimensions for the access easement. May 2, 1997 Page2 Information needed for final plat approval includes the following: Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control network. See attached. The geometry will be checked when the ties have been provided. Provide plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note the city's land use action number (LUA-97-XXX-FP) and the city's land record number (LND- 10-0325) on the drawing, preferably in the upper right-hand corner. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat is different from the preliminary plat number and is unknown as of this date. The owner(s)of the property needs to sign the final lot document(include notary blocks as required.). Include a dedication/certification block on the drawing. Required signature blocks are: (1) City of Renton Administrator of Planning, Building and Public Works, (2) City of Renton Mayor, (3) City of Renton City Clerk, and (4) City of Renton Director of Finance,Department of Finance.' The appropriate King County approvals are also needed. The addresses for the proposed lots are noted on the Attachment. Include the basis of bearing,per WAC 332-130-050 1.b.iii. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used,per WAC 332-130-100. Indicate what is, or has been, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150-1.f.iv., and what was found. Note to whom the new easements are to be granted(private or City-held). Note thatj(there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements, to others, as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the City Clerk's Office as a package. The plat shall have the first recording number. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) will be referenced on the plat in the appropriate location(s). knew easements,like the access easement, are shown for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots,then include the following statement on the drawing,juxtaposed to the subject easements:. "Area reserved for private exclusive easement for to be created upon the sale of the lots shown on this plat." Since the lots created via this plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement until such time as ownership of one, or more, of the lots is conveyed to others,together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. • May 2, 1997 Page 3 Because this property is located within Zone 2 of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area, the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See attached. An updated Plat Certificate , dated within 45 days of Council action on the approval of the plat, is needed. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards,with reference points for new right-of-way monuments. The surveyor needs to stamp, sign and date the drawings before recording. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this preliminary review is provided for your use and information. • • j ` "'ROPE 'SERVICES FEE REVIEW FOR Sill VISIONS No. 97- oE,.4. APPLICANT: l.42S,LT, qi JE1- =S •- RECEIVED FROM (date) JOB ADDRESS: 26.00 151 01r1�. enF L L Z5(1-{ . ` F 1" WO# 'lei 4_ . • ATURE OF WORK: Icl `)IL I L ..f1r111.V LQ(1-1dtJsyc. F �1=1a)-f 1,ND# Io - 0:3Z.5 PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION BY LON PLAT, ... NEED.MORE INFO MATION -• :-❑-LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE PLAN,ETC. 0 PID#'s 0 VICINITY MAP ' 0 FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLACES 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED 0 FRONT FOOTAGE ❑ SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# 047�GiS-q 151 V-( NEW KING CO.TAX ACCT.#(s)are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice,that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements(i.e.underground utilities,street improvements,etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. ❑ The existing house on SP Lot# ,addressed as has not previously paid • SDC fees,due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to future _ SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. ❑ We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees, side sewer permits,r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT . - DISTRICT PARCEL . METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE _ - Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WASTEWATER Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER -0- Special Assessment District/WATER0 - E.'Kuu & i u-6O+' LIB. 14, t tar mi- IR n 11-1 - I9 34 I-.1 A • Special Assessment District/WAST WATER 1` T - Joint Use Agreement(METRO) -p Local Improvement District - * . -b- Traffic.Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - - — FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - — I . - _ — SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER 0 Estimated II #OF UNITS/ SDC FEE 0 Pd Prey. - 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) 1.31 Never Pd- _ SQ.FTG. Single family residential$850/unit x 1q • $ 16,150.00 Mobile home dwelling unit$680/unit in park _ Apartment,Condo$510/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.113/sq.ft.of property(not less than$850.00)x Boeing,by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WASTEWATER 0 Estimated ❑Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) Of Never Pd Single family residential$585/unit x 19 b 1 I , 1 15.00 Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x . Apartment,Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR zones x - Commercial/Industrial$0.078/sq.ft.of property x(not less than$585.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER 0 Estimated • ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) '4 Never Pd - Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit$385/unit x I cr - - $ 7,515,Oct? All other properties$0.129sq ft of new impervious area of property x - I (not less than$385.00) - • • • - PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ 34)580 -I- -LS Cf 5• �' �'� `! =tr-M.R��b�' szFli Signat a of R iewing Authority - DA E �� - . ❑ *If subject property is within an LID,it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept for paid/un-paid status. ❑ Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. a ❑ Current City SDC fee charges apply to (1) • o c:/template/feeappl/tgb EFFECTIVE July 16,1995/Ord.Nos.4506,4507,4508,4525,and 4526 - CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 28, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell FROM: Sonja J. Fesser SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP Modification to May 14, 1997 Memo The concept of"reserving"private easements on subdivision documents for conveyance at the time of sale of the affected lots, is currently under review by the city. There is a paragraph referencing such a reservation in the May 14, 1997 memo sent to you for the Honey Creek Heights preliminary review. See the highlighted paragraph in the Attachment. Please inform the applicant that the word"reservation"may need to be deleted and other changes may also be forthcoming as regards private easements. cc: H:\W W6ODOT\MEMO.DOT\bh • L1 City of Renton Department of Planning./Building/Pu..,,.:Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:sturise_e_i ( jrWcattkooTeirtOMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25;1997 • APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: .HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM.PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 'y OF PEN TON LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street • SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A APR 2 4 1997 'SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT.TO 7,731 SQ.FT. V 1510N IA. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts. Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation - Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation • Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet • !B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 1 1 1. �L�1d.c__ vv,e 1 S - v G> rcr1111E.y S • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS t j J L Ilt Ce,sr- V— e j e V'a.7 Y a ti-1 D 1'r a t-/ '- :'.E t-k Gk Y" - i_r_ ;. 7 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional riforrnation is,needed to properly asse this proposal. Cef1/17 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 5, 1997 SEWER: 1. No sewer line is available at this time. However,the City plans construction of a sewer line on NE 24th St. in the summer of 1997. • 2. Project located in aquifer protection zone#2. 3. The System Development Connection charge is$585 per resident. 97cm069s 97cM069S.DOC\ �! ' . I - • Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Update Revision Development Services July 29, 1997 STORM: 1. To be noted: Storm pipes cannot route under sidewalk as shown. 2. Preliminary plat right-of-way shows 42 feet. Code requires 50-feet. However,Utility drawings have correct dimensions for the right-of-way and street width 3. The Preliminary Drainage Report should be updated to indicate the storm outfall selected is to go to Edmonds Avenue NE via NE 25th St. rather then going to NE 27th St. 97cm114 97CM114.DOC\ Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 8, 1997 • • STORM: 1. Surface water control must meet or exceed the requirement of the King County Surface Water Manual design requirement. Use 1990 design manual. 2. Drainage report anti calculations required. A Level 1 off-site analysis must be provided prior to Environmental Review, which identifies where the site runoff will be discharged. City inventory map does not show an existing storm system on NE 27th street(see attached 5304 NW 1/4 map) as the proposed plat drawing suggest. We would be opposed to this project discharging runoff from the site at the top of the steep slope that leads down into May creek. 3. The proposed 12-inch storm outfall to the north appears to cross private property. A permanent easement around the storm water line would be required before the plat could be approved. Since that is out of the public right-of-way the system would have to be privately maintained and the system labeled"private". 4. Base map must use The NAVD 1988 datum. 5. Topography of entire site and minimum of 30' outside the property is required with submittal. 6. All construction drawings to be on 22 x 34 sheets and meet City drafting standards. All plans are to be done on the latest City standard plans sheet, with the heading on the left side of the sheet. 7. Runoff collected from pavement and gravel surface with.vehicle access/parking must flow through oil/water separator CB or adequate biofiltration system. 8. In Aquifer Protection Zone 2,biofiltration swales must be lined as described on page 4.6.1-1 of the KCSWM. 9. If the proposed development exceeds the threshold for Special Requirement#5 on page 1.3.5-1 of the KCSWM,then a properly designed wetpond or wetvault must be provided. 10. The 12-inch storm pipe is shown passing under the sidewalk. The storm pipe must be located in the street. The area behind the curb is reserved for electrical, telecommunications, TV-cable and street lighting facilities. 11. Prior to Environmental Review and Preliminary Plat approval, preliminary sizing calculations need to be provided for the on-site peak rate runoff control facilities. (detention or preferably infiltration system) and the water quality facility(s) required for the project to ensure that these facilities are shown accurately on the plat. 97CM069D.DOC\ 12. Type II catch basins are required where the depth from finished grade to pipe invert exceeds 5- feet(see City Standard detail B 0121). 13. An approved roadway access easement and access roadway entry design must be provide to property abutting to the site's east property line. This should be done before plat approval. 14. This project most likely should use infiltration to control peak rate runoff from the site, since existing condition runoff is primarily being infiltrated on the site. The project site is located in an area with soils suitable for infiltration according to the Soil Survey Maps. This location is one of the few places that infiltration may be used. This may be the only choice since there is no off-site Sytetem to discharge runoff. 97cm069D 97CM069D.DOC\ . rcY i ti O ® .' CITY OF RENTON 'eP— FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal >il' SUBJECT: Honeycreek Heights, 2600 Blk. N 25th St. Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow shall be provided within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the structures exceed 3600 square feet in area, the fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and two hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structures. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for each new single family structure. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. . ' I • Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 5, 1997 Review By: Clinton Morgan phone (206) 277-6216 WATER: • 1 The proposed project is located in aquifer protection zone#2. 2. Proposed project located in the Highlands 565 pressure zone. Estimated static pressure 104 psi @ elevation 324. A residential pressure reducer will be required for each house in plat. 3. The new proposed water main size is to be 8-inch within the new roadway. Coordination of installation will be required with the City's main replacement program on NE 24th St. 4. The System Development Connection charge per resident is$850. 97cm069 SE. c�—t1�SFr r �� �P d- 7-41-c c.' 10 !'I I" � s`- 97CM069.DOC\ CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . DATE: JUNE 9, 1997 TO: MARK PYWELL FROM: NEIL WATTS /J((� SUBJECT: HONEY CREEK/ HEIGHTS PLAT OFFSET RIGHT-OF-WAY The proposed right-of-way for the extension of Ferndale P1 NE for the Honey Creek Heights Plat is offset slightly to the west from the existing right-of-way to the south of the proposed plat. This offset is not prohibited by City Code, and is recommended for approval. The offset alignment allows for a more reasonable lot configuration, especially in terms of lot depth for the easterly lots. The actual connection to the south is partially blocked by a small piece of property which is separate from this plat. The proposed connection will allow for construction of a standard pavement section, and for construction of sidewalks in appropriate locations within the new plat. At some future date, additional right-of-way could be obtained from this blocking section to complete the full right-of-way width. In summary, the offset alignment, although somewhat unusual, is allowed and preferred for the platting of this particular parcel. cc: Sonya Fesser Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 5, 1997 TRANSPORTATION 1. Mitigation 'fee for transportation is $75 per new trip generated. The total amount is $13,608.75. See attached calculation sheet. 2. Roadway improvements required to City of Renton Standards which includes but limited to curb,gutters and sidewalk and street lighting. 3. Street lighting required to City Standards. Required foot-candles minimum is 0.2 ft-c. And a uniformity ration to meet or exceed 4:1. 4. All electrical and communications facilities for the area to be underground: 5. Driveway locations to be shown so as to have proper clearances from fire hydrants and street light standards. Driveway clearance from street lighting is 10-feet 6. Street alignment off-set at Ferndale CT.NE is not desirable. 7. City code requires a right-of-way width of 50-feet. The review drawing does not appear to meet this requirement. Lct ih shown CZ-f iz-ff /fc tf 47/7W, c i0 e, �cl 8. The code requires a sidewalk width of 6-feet. The drawing only scales 5-feet 97cm069T. 97CJvf069T.DOC\ • • Yi , ;"�V.,a:J77M'�tD"aL'J:ewGcw.lO�.x -:.<e:a»....X!ID�'�R�?°y. »4'Krw«:•.�or-, 9w,,rwM1:�'++Q!;�!' ..pa .r,� a.Ym: ��M..,,.,,,x.,�.....,�...�..:.,�.,,�.^.�,.�.,,.�...�.,..:�..�....,�;-..:,..�.T�,.. N4 FLEE; Project Name t-'loweit 6veek Pia t Project Address 2c00 itJ E Z 5-t 11 S- Contact Person S Llup2 l/o/wr/ev5 13e.o kue( 4 1-10/31A be",114.c Address. 100 Fvoot St S. lssaruu WAl ei wD27 Phone Number 3'(Z — 0250 Permit Number L OA - R 7 — 0 3 Project Description I e( ✓es,d-eN AKAI C k-8 ) fa l • Land Use ype: Method of Calculation: Residential 8'1TE Trip Generation Manual ❑ Retail 0 Traffic Study ❑ Non-retail 0 Other Calculation: (1R ) ( q. y 5 ) = f $ I . 145 lolly tv)f 'it S75p-e ) top (181 .U/5) ( 75) _ 4 )3, 60$. 75 Transportation Mitigation Fee: $ /3 6 O $ - 75 Calculated by: it) O Date: 2 8 lqq7 Account Number: Date of Payment 1Jney Creek Heights Preliminary Plat City of Renton Density Worksheet for Development in the R-8 Zone According to Renton's City Code,the standards for new development in the R-8 Zone require that residential densities fall within a range of 5 to 8 dwelling units per net developable acre. (Section 4-31-5.D.2) The code does not require that the lots be developed simultaneously. However,the land must be platted so as not to preclude future development at an appropriate density. 1) Total parcel size minus street r-o-ws and sensitive areas: 100811.00 square feet 2) Net Acreage(line 1 divided by 43560): 2.31 acres dwelling units net density 3) Maximum and minimum allowed dwelling units Max. 18 7.78 and respective net densities: Min. 12 5.19 4) 100811.00 sq ft and 19 dwelling units result in a density o 8.21 d.u./acre. Deductions from gross area: 22,696 sq ft for proposed roads (estimated). H:\DIV ISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\DENCALC.XLS • City c. .centon.Department of Planning/Building/ ;Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CNsttrur.*u r1 seXtltO COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street YOFFr SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A Cn SON SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INT j19 1 GLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT. TO 7,731 SQ.FT. (` 1997 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LightGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities 'Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services 'Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS • SO/ �crn)#r gequigeD We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where additi al information Is needed to properly assess this proposal. ` Si ature of Director Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 • City o, Renton Department of Planning/Building/Puorc Works j ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: p COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 'APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT.MANAGER: MARK PYWELL ,PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 'LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street 1SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross) N/A :SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT. TO 7,731 SQ.FT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor • Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals • Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet ,Cr4-_, . • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Y-7 S3c� . ��' -ems .�?'� � ,• • • • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 'We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas 1 where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Y4/ 97 ignature of Director or Authorized Representative `�/ Date " DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10i93 • City c. etenton Department of Planning/Building/Pt..,,ic Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET 1REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: b tce COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL !PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 (LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street SITE AREA 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SINGLE FAMILY 1LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT.TO 7,731 SQ.FT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts impacts Necessary impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighUGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services .7 Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feel B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where ditional Information is needed to properly a ss this proposal. SignatLye of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rov.10/93 _ - , - - PRELIMINARY PLAT- OF - • - - HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS . • 25• I 25' --{ . 4J r I', / LEGEND POWER POLE HOUSE I oau / -0 GUY POLE • •• - N 8815'36'W 370.7f' a / GUY ANCHOR Q .- `�70.64' 50.01' S0.01' - Q .®� / 17 GAS VALVE .01' S0.01' S0.01' r fM WATER METER I. _ TLITY EO MDOT W 20)1U ENr r----- r---_ r -'__ I pd WATER VALVE Oo Q \ I 11II-- -._, r_____, f.---_, ® STORM MANHOLE ji QI \ J Jir:: ''j 1is I1L I IIO1. TELEPHONE PED. ZIBI 10L_I:63,g,._1$_-Q_' $7 16 LIJ II 1 ❑� POWER PED. 15 �- FlRE HYDRANT ` .. °esIQ I .FFF���� 14 nr ��y� CATCH BASIN ll. 11fi I Irs[ ZbQ2• /@4STREET SIGN 1= LI I MAIL BO% aa1 .._ J -J L I J I CEDAR TREE 771,7 ,�`_I 70.19' 50.01' till' °f L L. n FIR TREE -.may, 1.t0./B' h H I ]e'49'OJ L-' HOLLY TREE 'rx1 n IK ry �' \ I N 51.06' ` 0 FOUND MON IN CASE I N 8815'10'W 161.31' 2 N a m w O FOUND I.P. N.�. 25TH T " Q*,P9• }ry 78'49'03'E S CYCLONE FENCE N.E. 26111 ST 18,579"J'' ti.9.4' H_ i SCALE I 40' ygOp ONCE CM T T IT- A 20.46' 50,01' 7q. 30.01' Q0 41'9 1 ACCESS EASEMENT ��y� O . BUILDING SETBACKS "�A O' OO• ed.. ,�6• \ 949 ap./L r n• qqq C• 12 I FRONT YARD 20' _9.42_1 C4 T4,,J. \ _ REAR YARD x0' ' I }' 1 pI•1 ',' t'DJ. \ 98'f.9,p3'-E- SIDE YARD .5' TERRAI::_ d b d 8 d 8 q •\\ 0. NI��__ 8 CORNER SIDE YARD 15' 1 $ 2 k 3 i$_ 25y - Vr IN II 17 Pa I I o -� 50.OI' 50.01' N 88 2f0'W " h L.N 84115'1Y TY---) I I C ---II_ SJ.4B' 67.9J' SOS2'_____ F 52.J4'axa 5x.34' 60.OI' r_ 0 I I t r-----i --- 0 6 I 10 k 16..lg r I r I 1✓.A 1 A 1 / SITE J 8 q 7 bS 6 :r j L-N 0813'15•W---1 9 . a z:. NE MI 5 t 8 S 8 ---P S R - I m r--90s2_----1 g �® �. tg I !: Pr 4,( , J 8 l0 1 IL1r�-'T-,Il - 1 L_- J I.; i.-© 1--- /'1 21= 21' n I 9 ..... in s Y ie 2�a 60.01' N f0�2'S1'W 52.34' 26.21' -'1� es.or +1� '=fa © VICINITY MAP 178.55' U _ __2000' I " TRACT '13' w N BB S'15'W V 1J1.60' I EASEMENT 86.58'..nin - 90.02' N BB15'S'W / 280.69' 924 spit. p.1693'36'a e N we 00'J1•03'E ° LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2,244 sp fl. R.100.00' 2U.00 THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF L.28.03' - SECTION 4.TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH.RANGE 5 EAST.WLLAMETTE I MERIDIAN.IN KING COUNTY.WASHINGTON.DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A e 171]'18' °�R-100.00•_ ALOHA,, COMMENCING AT A POINT 45.00 FEET SOUTH AND 30.00 FEET EAST . I 'D '' ' L-30.17• •, OF THE OF SAIDT CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION t;THENCE SOUTH as16'55'EAST 340.71 TO THE TRUE •• I •• I I .. I°• NING.THENCE . SQUTIiERLYTE%TENSION OF TNENEAST UNET OF NOF iH EAST HALF OF THE CONTINUING SOUTH 8816'55'EAST 370.71 FEET TO THE - _a y WEST 2R; ACRES O ME L AL HALF ID SALT LINETAND T -� 25' 25' WSTNER; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND THE L - - I- -- I ENDN THEREOF,338 FEET,THENCE WEST E.T FEET; THENCE SOUTI4 THEREOF, FEET,MORE LESS,TO THE TRUE PONT OF _ I BEGINNING; I� - - --- I .1 EXCEPT THE EAST 90 FEET OF THE WEST 741.42 FEET OF THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE NORTH 45 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTOR 4. N.E. 24TH ST '" • aee - - _ _ - - n 3 r TOTAL PARCEL AREA 123.507 spit. •_. CITY OF RENTON PROPOSED NO.CF LOTS 19 LOTS DEPARTMENTPROPOSED ZONING 8 OU/ARCE(R-8) OP' H PTlT.IC WORKS PROPOSED SQUARE FOOTAGES DENSITY CALCULATION OWNER BOB COLWELL • LOT I 4.500 soil. LOT 11 4,680 sp.f. 2625 NE 27TH ST • 2 4.500 sp.ft 12 5.256 sp.IL SITE AREA 123.507 s1 RENTON.WA ROADWAY AREA -18.579 sp.11lt. PRELIMINARY PLAT 3 4,516 sp.ft. 13 6,128 ap.ft. ACCESS TRACT -2,244 ap.lt (206)228-2473 4 4,840 sp It. 14 5.107 sp.ft. ACCESS ESMTS -1,873 aa.ft. 5 5.159 sp.It. 15 6.064 sp.11. LAND SURVEYOR BAIMA&HOLMBERG INC. 6 4,658 sp.ft. 16 4,825 sp.fl. NET SITE AREA 100.811 sp.IL 2.314 acres 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH msnnm Dan - E.o 7 4,814 sp.11. 17 4,706 sp.iL ISSAQUAH.WA 98027 8 6,630 salt. 18 4,704 sp.11.' ALLOWABLE D.U. 8••2.314.1851 D.U.(19 D.U.) (206)392-0250 ��'9 4,512 sp.1l. 19 6.391 sp.ft. FAX(206)391-3055 c''''''' Rua Ma e� 10 4.526 sq.ft. 1 REUSED LOT LAYOUT 4/21/97 PERCENTAGE OF LAND IN STREETS 18.38% %0. MUM Br Area D.. ARMY= 11.E^.tee. slrEZi aF • - .. . ...- PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS 12.WORN 0.11FALL I I I I 25. I ' -------- — --I ui. !;AilOE.F. TERFiACEL /— T— 2ali Ti. 2fifi I / I it VOL. Ei7-2 i5 le.. 5.ev i ke,,,,e'''..T.:75,-,.,./A • •''. ii 1 ...L. x arena-• 17:1_,' 3,0.7.• .. I C , I W<> 1 ...20'11;ITILITY 1 . / EAS;14NT .. • • ... . 1 . ). II : I 12\._mae,z.u•e_14--i: 15. 14 ll ) 1 I .. , —--•., RDI.325 SD I INV.321.30 / a Veb..2' - ..yrit z.lart RN.32105 04V.320.10 .o •-. :i •At!,7 , ,,,......,-,.. :Lin— . DI I•1 / * * — * • 7,. 4 , 4 , _ :., 7:. 77. . : uto,Ar•0.3.104 -.'.: 111p'44%.,.., 12, --. .-- — 1 ROI.32105 , 4.i,,,,'''' TFililAki '''''''''': \—oav•017.51 P1V.310 30 0 0.365 LEGEND . GUY POLE VOL ii7.2 I 1 2 3 cs,,4 _, 1 2 I ..t a..WONT IV 4 ' RTII.320.10 NV.310.14 . II'TF341512r ... I OUT 41.10106 r:i. GAS VALVE 53'3.°0300 L i'11.:NiP . i , CID.40„ Sn.TORI:...1.1AHOOLE„.„. . ' V PTV T600 .. 11;r FIRE NORM Ti. 125 # : ' i 10 , 110,12.•0.155--: . .' Al BOX 1003•AtE ' '• a 7 . ii "CEDAR TREE 19Cr 0 OM% ' i i 4F. PR TREE • hi I ..7 , „. ". . • FOUND VON PI CASE if I ' * • •i i ,.....„. *9 •Ti. -c.v.} ." FOUND LP. —0— MUM/INCE • 3 10 —.— loco RP. • .7/...•'''..?i,71.iii;;e.:,2 - - - I--.0-'-------V MY 5.• 05,31.W.E *--111‘--- ---- -r- - • 1 - I COORCT.STRUCTURE DOR VALIL1 MEND.VAULT INV.31645 030 STA 4430 t ., c. I Ai.:}HA RANCH 2asekvenae DIV.31649 I. ... — Aiiii4A I I 1......FiCii I 2 I 4 ' I a I .• •.: I 7 I a ,.1. II 1 VOL. . -.i 1 , _ N.E. 4TH ST — _ .. _ . . ....— . —.. —_ ..— _ . . . CITY OF RENTON DDCF,L111.1.C1•7 Or 1,-T3.1.3C HOMO, . DRAINAGE PLAN ." .••••• „,.._____ ....,_____ ....• =.• .......___ __. I RENHO LOT 4TOUT -OW •••_•._ 4.,..., en ava en• .,.... .. .......... . . . . • • . . . . , . . PRELIMINARY PLAT OF HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS. 1 1 1 i • 12.STORY°WT. 77....›,—,„. r SOCA SLIME STVB IL 23ii I / I Z I LU 1...... ...-.. ,— ',Ii.,';',..• 0 ______f'n : 6- ,--• I.). 714> -_ _______ . EASA-16NT • ( I 1 LI 1 '— — 1 \ .......--- ••• -— —• I- ____) E, •, —_--r,. ..te_---- r, coat' 15 , I! ,?.? 5 STA 1.61.31 i 14 13 . I cep • MX' . 7/16TA 0.0S.IA NV.32tSt / ii Loi-333 OS R..3217 . 1 _ ____. __ ., .....e,._0•1V-320.113 IHVA317 23— il . . rri 01 . ,, . ai...r ammar,v0owe *AO tsf: Ti. 77 . . N. . 25THT• _ _F. -1- .—Z....=.—.. 17..-.-- , .........m.••••m=a•t.,,,,..L.,..-,...,....L. N, DAV•••••T-37,CPA s . .._,.. ._____ ' gr,,,o, ill ,,,,:21fisi,. ,....-•oToes ""NTreo,- 1 4.1.11':F.F. R/4:E: '1:3222r i \:"'''''''7,T-21.1 M'1•01 31 lir ,T-3,:lr Z7.1" • .LT- _ _ LEGEND -,0 nom ooLL V.. 2 - 2 3 i -4 cm Mt I ..• I 1 :TX., • AJ cer 4 STA 24 AO RDI A 326.10 InIV.319 IA t -'• 1111.4.r.,'...r 'p j /13,12.0 0.38‘ 1.AA•32e119 ,.,.,., • ', on.o 3320 "i" r7T.,„,.....0—,.., .11.VALVE -- I— — _i__ ___ i ;',,! • , 0 oromol000.caz o z„ TELMA.KA ' 1 i - 7g..° FM 11109ANT TL 1:i.8 •. . 1 BIOSIVIAL 11 Lo.-n•o o.. , NV•QM , is 5' , . lir g I • cr000 0LL .. 7.. h I I .- . • '41k 7,u, 3 1 '';' ;'.'•://': .:111111111...'" i ___* . f 1 .11. 13,.1 0... roux,YON IAI CASE o. ---•— •003 AV. - T-- — --1- — — 1— .....,-.—._-.-.--__ .,• ,......—..,/,„:., ..',..;•.. 4pro , %,1 ,I WWI,'IN NV.13A.0 II ems'r. 00-31-03.C — •i__ — I I AL.7:ii:!. RANCH! L-CNTRCA SIRUCILTAL INSOX VAULT I'20-17:3703r" INVA3113.43 OM • STA 4.30 MY A 32/.70 INV A 316,19 17- - I I I - ; VQL. E2-2 • ... !i ,, I ____ _. 7 I — ii I II . • I _L_ ____ •TIL . .., _ _ — _ N.E. 24TH ST I _ •••s '. -. • 3 . SA.111ARY SD.PROVOZO — rar0 tr A",'Alt . CITY OF RENTON MEP A.11.1.1=2,1T OF PUBLIC WORMS , . UTILITY PLAN • . ,c•AIN ... ___,...__. wA•A 1 REVISED LOT LAMA ././., c"..... la •••• in Area tan ....... mAr—or-- • _ . . IlI J1 t, 11 IIkl - I YRI NI 411 of Ii I"� Tr I �- -- I ' : ::;:«<:»: :«:; ::::>:::<:»::<:<:> : :: : : : : :; ; >: CURRENTPLIN«;> lVISI . ommg { t < >` > <»`>> <<`'> ` >gm ai :>>::>::»:»::>:::�::>::>::»>::>::»>::»>:>:::»::>:>:::>::>::>::»::>::>::>::»::>::>::>::>::»::::>::>::>::: �iEZRENT.PLat�iNfN DIYI.St N......................... .................................................................................... . On the 2 - day of v.1- , 1997, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing G12CC, cd erimmc iwv S • documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Department of Ecology . • • • Don Hurter WSDOT KC Wastewater Treatment Division I ' Larry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries • David F.Dietzman Department of Natural Resources Shirley Lukhang. Seattle Public Utilities • • Duwamish Indian Tribe Rod Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Rita Perstac Puget Power (Signature of Sender) tQ Sc e.i.e.4P STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • • ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) • I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that A f/bf '4 K SEC�/�l� Signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: GGI %I,G�G�� Notary Public i nd for t--tate of Washington Notary (Pnt) ' tR v i , , ,My'appontment expi es: • COMMISSION i xPI46 died8P;y • • Project Name: 1-•v eAi ci ce . tlet5 h-t5 P. f. ,• ... Project Number. L.UN ell -05(e, ?P • NOTARY.DOC CITE - .3F:'RENTON' :.iar �'_• Planning/Building/Public Works Department • is • � ,�.,,; GreggP.E.,Administrator ._ Zimmerman • Jesse Tanner,Mayor. - '-. August 20,1997 Washington.State Department ofEcology • Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 • Olympia,WA 98504-7703 Subject Environmental Determinations • .Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination and Environmental Checklist for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee(ERC)on August 19,1997: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq.ft.to 6,630 sq.ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. Location: :2600 block of NE 25th Street. Comments regarding the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8,1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the.Environmental Review Committee is based on • "erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the time of the determination may submit written comments.After review of the comments,if Environmental Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to amend its original determination,then there will no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. ,!..:Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter, Lend Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055.,_, If an appeal of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Exarninerduring the same 15-day comment period, then the Environmental Review Committee will first take action on the request for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the_reconsideration request. The City will notify the . appellant/person requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental Review Committee's final determination. The appeal process will then be continued unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to withdraw the appeal. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8,1997. Appeals, must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA.98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-1-1 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. • If you have questions,please call me at(425)277-5586. For the Environmental Review Committee, 070/71X/ - MarkR.Pv= ,AICP Project M. ager cc: King County Water Pollution Control Division, Metro Larry Fisher,Department of Fisheries David F.Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources . Don Hurter, Department of Transportation • Shirley Lukhang,Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom,Fisheries;-Muckleshoot Indian Tribe(Ordinance) _ Rita Perstac,Puget Power AGNCYLTR.DOC� ;.200 Mill Avenue South- Renton,Washington 98055 .• m�� a_ - '�CIT� OF RE NT ON Planning/Building/Public� �• � Wo rks�De artment; P i,•Zimmerman-P. .,Administrat or Jesse Tanner,Mayor .. _•. - Greggre .. .. - . August 21, 1997 Mr, Shupe Holmberg Baima.&Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street South ; Issaquah,WA .98027 :.SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat _ Project NO. LUA-97-036,PP,ECF.. Dear Mr. Holmberg -:This,letter is written ron behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is•to inform you.that ;: , -they have completed their review of the environmental impacts`of the above-referenced,project: .;The • Committee, on August 19, 1997;'issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with conditions. ;See the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. ":WAC :197-11-660 ,states that the responsibility,:.for .mitigation measures may be'imposed upon;an applicant only to the extent attributable to the identified adverse impacts of the imposed action.-:Since an environmental :.impact statement has,`not'been prepared for.this project, :any 'mitigation measures . . : .;established by the ERC not directly attributable to an identified .adverse: impact is deemed to ',be '..voluntarily accepted by the applicant. ;.` Staff urges you to _contact the various City`representatives, as appropriate, '(e.g.,`the Public Works Division) as soon as possible,•to obtain more information concerning specific mitigation measures for this project, if you have specific questions: This information will assist you m planning for implementation of * your project and will enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so._ Comments_regarding the environmental determination must be-filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, 1997. Any aggrieved person feeling that the environmental determination of the Environmental ' Review Committee is based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of = :. new evidence which could not be reasonably available'at the time.of the determination may submit written ,. comments.-After review of the "comments, if.Environmental,Review Committee finds there is not sufficient evidence to'amend its original determination,then there will,no further extension of the appeal period. "Any person wishing to take further action would need to file a formal appeal within the original 15-day timeframe. Written comments must be filed with: Jana Huerter;Land Use Review Supervisor, City of Renton Development Services Division,200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055. • - If anappea/of the environmental determination is also filed with the Hearing Examiner during the same 15-day comment period, 'then,;the Environmental ,Review Committee •.Will first take action :on 'the :request. for reconsideration and the appellant will be notified that the appeal is on hold pending the Committee's decision on the reconsideration request, :The City will notify the appellant/person'requesting reconsideration and parties of record and the Hearing Examiner of the Environmental'Review Committee's final determination. The appeal j " process will then be_continued.unless the appellant notifies the Hearing Examiner in writing that he wishes to ' withdraw the appeal. DNSMLTR.D oc 200 Mill South 'Renton,'Washington 98055.,' .. - - - m Thic nanar contains 50%racvclad}matarial 90%noel nnnci,mnr .. - ._. ' Si .�.' :.f':'ni�:'ce. y:ry "i . c7.• e• August 20 1997 • _ Mr.Shupe Holmberg Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF,. ...• - Page-2- • Appeals Of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM September 8, -1997. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, ,City of R enton,;200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-235-2501. _ - • A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington; 'on September 16. 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff.report will be mailed to you one week before the . hearing If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. !If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above,'please call me at (425) 277-558p. ... For the Environmental Review Committee; T' ` ;:.:`.._. Project Manager = - s cc:' ;-Parties of Record: "Mr Bruce Bowden; Ms. Rachel Gruber'` ' '.Mr. Bob Colwell/Applicant a ' Mr. Guenter Halt/Property Owner Enclosure • dnsmftr CITY OF RENTON - DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) • MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S) LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: -. • - Bob Colwell .. . PROJECT NAME: _ Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: .The`applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre :` • parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 _ :... units per acre. .;, :• LOCATION OF PROPOSAL 2600 block of NE 25th Street MITIGATION MEASURES: : 's se 1. The developer shall provide detention that meets the Department of Ecology Stream Bank . Erosion Control standard as'described`in'the Department of Ecology StormwaterManual.'::;, ,: - :::The Stream Bank Erosion Control Standard requires that peak,rate runoff from individual_ development sites be limited to 500 of the�ezisting condition 2`year, 24-hour design storm ; :;::.:- �! ; '• • wh a maintaining the existing condition' eak:runoff rate for the 10- ear, 24-hour and 100- year,24-hour design"storms. =A safetyfactor of,20%o shall be added to the pond size as :'specified in the Ecology Stormwater_Manual forresidential development. ` The alternative to this requirement.is that the-Consultant/developer must confirm that the ::existing`storm system in Edmonds Avenue NE has sufficient capacity according to City: • :Standards for the entire tributary area that the existing storm system serves by performing a level 3 off-site analysis, as described in the 1990 King County Surface Water design . Manual. =If the system lacks capacity,then the existing storm system in Edmonds Ave NE would have to be upsized by the developer,,:The developer would also have to make improvements at the Cattail to prevent erosion,such as piping the storm system down the steep slope to May Creek. A second,alternative would be for the applicant to design and, • construct an infiltration system in accordance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Section 4,5,2. Plans for the storm water system shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department prior to the issuance of,a :construction permit : ' 2. The applicant shall submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 for each new single family residential lot prior to the recording of the final plat. 3. The applicant shall submit a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per average daily trip. (Estimated at 19 homes,X 9.55 trips X$75.00= $13,608.75) prior to final plat approval. 4. The:applicant shall submit a Parks Mitigation Fee,of$530.76 per new single family lot prior to the recording of the final plat. , 5. The extended streets and the existing streets shall be aligned such that there is a smooth transition resulting in a standard pavement section with curbs, gutters, andsidewalks in appropriate locations = • • _..': - - - :M -CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF• ' NON-SIGNIFICANCE - • ,(MITIGATED) •ADVISORY NOTES • APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-97-036,PP,ECF APPLICANT: .. =Bob Colwell ' PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL , The applicant seeks approval to subdivide a 3.03 acre parcel into 19 single family residential lots. Lot size will range from 4,500 sq. ft. to 6,630 sq. ft. The net area of • the project area is 2.314 acres. The 19 lot subdivision provides a density of 8.21 units per acre. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 2600 block of NE 25th Street - _Advisory Notes to Applicant = ; The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the : environmental determination.LBecausethesenotes are provided asklnformation only,they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations,.•';.:: ;, 1. Garbage and recyclable deposit area and collection points shall be easily and safely accessible to hauling trucks. Surface Water Utility 1. The new off-site storm system has to be sized per the1990;King County Surface Water Manual standards to convey runoff from the developed site and the total off-site tributary area that could drain to the new off-site system in the future. The runoff from the"off site tributary area to the new storm system in NE 25th Street should be calculated,assumingfull build-out of the tributary area assuming future land use conditions. 2. Storm pipes can not be routed under sidewalks as shown. - Sanitary Sewer Utility 1. No sewer line is available at this time. However, the City plans construction of a sewer line on NE 24th St. by December, 1998. _ 2. Project is located in aquifer protection zone#2. - •• 3. The System Development Connection charge is$585 per residence. • - Water Utility 1. The proposed project is located in Highlands 565 pressure zone. Estimated static pressure 104 psi at elevation 324. :A residential pressure reducer will be required for each house in the plat. - 2. The new proposed water main size is to be 8-inch within the new boundary. 3. The System Development Connection charge per new residence is$850.. 'A ' ..HoneY Creek Heights Preliminary Plat LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Advisory Notes,(Continued) Page -2 --Transportation • 1,, :Roadway improvements required to City of Renton standards which includes, but not timited,to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and street lighting. 2. Street lighting required to-City standards. Required foot-candles minimum is 0.2 ft-c. and a uniformity ratio to meet or exceed 4:1. . 3. All electrical and communication facilities to be undergrounded. • 4. Driveway locations to be shown so as to have proper clearance from fire hydrants and street lighting stendards. Driveway clearance from a street light is a minimum of ten feet. 5. The sidewalks shown on the plans scale off at five feet, The Municipal Code requires a minimum sidewalk width of six feet. . Construction Services _ ,F Ft...<:.,;;{ 1. 'A soils report will be required:as"part of the'building permit-application. S •.. - tit...:. • . .. • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 1997 RelTO: Mark Pywell -i 'il FROM: Sonja J. Fesser 61 ' 1997 ✓CV �Ljr SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights,LUA-97-036-PP Crry OAR N ANN,NG Format&Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat submittal and have the following comments: According to city records and the Master Application, the owner of the subject preliminary plat property is Guenter Halt. The preliminary drawing notes Bob Colwell as the owner. All existing easements and covenants of record need to be noted on the drawing. This includes an easement to Puget Pomp g County Rec #4242012, and o�the e emen",and covenants per King County Rec.41 7308100394, 9403071868, 9403071869,"9" 034 071870, d 9403251291 (per the Plat Certificate dated 27479-7)Ti i addition, have the applicant p ovide a city with copies of these recorded documents. Adjoining property owners may have to sign the plat drawing, if they have an interest in the subject property(via an easement or other). Item No. 14 under "Special Exceptions" in the Plat Certificate references Quit Claim Deeds recorded under King County Rec. # 9311291807 and #9309302361. Have the applicant provide copies of these recorded documents. Note Tax Lot 81 on the drawing(adjoining on the south). Does the plat have road access to NE 24th St. via Tax Lot 81? Have the applicantprovide anyadditional documentation that clarifies this issue. pp In addition, is the road width and alignment(as it exits the proposed plat to the south) satisfactory per city requirements? The reference to a neighboring parcel, easterly of the subject parcel, is incorrect on the drawing (TL 77). The tax parcel is actually"TL 17." Copies of any proposed restrictive covenants should be attached to the preliminary drawing. Lot 13 and Lot 8 are pipestem lots. Will this require a variance? The common use of these pipestems by Lot 14 and Lot 13 and by Lot 7 and Lot 8 will require road maintenance agreements. Note what the purpose of Tract A and Tract B are on the plat drawing. Give the dimensions for the access easement. j May 2, 1997 Page 2 • Information needed for final plat approval includes the following: Show ties to the City of Renton Survey Control network. See attached. The geometry will be checked when the ties have been provided. Provide plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated,if any. Note the city's land use action number(LUA-97-XXX-FP) and the city's land record number (LND- 10-0325) on the drawing, preferably in the upper right-hand corner. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat is different from the preliminary plat number and is unknown as of this date. The owner(s)of the property needs to sign the final lot document(include notary blocks as required.). Include a dedication/certification block on the drawing. Required signature blocks are: (1) City of Renton Administrator of Planning, Building and Public Works, (2) City of Renton Mayor, (3) City of Renton City Clerk, and (4) City of Renton Director of Finance,Department of Finance. The appropriate King County approvals are also needed. The addresses for the proposed lots are noted on the Attachment. Include the basis of bearing,per WAC 332-130-050 1.b.iii. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used,per WAC 332-130-100. Indicate what is, or has been, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150-1.fiv., and what was found. Note to whom the new easements are to be granted(private or City-held). Note thatj'there are easements, restrictive covenants or agreements, to others, as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the City Clerk's Office as a package. The plat shall have the first recording number. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) will be referenced on the plat in the appropriate location(s). If new easements, like the access easement, are shown for the benefit of future owners of the proposed lots,then include the following statement on the drawing,juxtaposed to the subject easements: "Area reserved for private exclusive easement for to be created upon the sale of the lots shown on this plat." Since the lots created via this plat are under common ownership at the time of recording, there can be no easement until such time as ownership of one, or more, of the lots is conveyed to others,together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. May 2, 1997 Page 3 Because this property is located within Zone 2 of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area, the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See attached. An updated Plat Certificate , dated within 45 days of Council action on the approval of the plat, is needed. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards,with reference points for new right-of-way monuments. The surveyor needs to stamp, sign and date the drawings before recording. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this preliminary review is provided for your use and information. PROPS; 'SERVICES FEE REVIEW FOR SU] 7ISIONS No. 97 - p,A, APPLICANT: 14,2S,LT, r U RECEIVED FROM (date) JOB ADDRESS: ,i?6,00 �� Old, - LIB Z11.1 . � �- � WO# '751 cLC, \NATURE OF WORK: Icl SIlJc�Ll� ,41711L�/ Lp(l-l01.1EYCZEE.k.. +1E141-FtiND# 1[S - 052.5 PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION BY LONG PLAT, NEED-MORE.INFO MATION::-;.- --❑•LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE PLAN,ETC. ❑ PID#'s 0 VICINITY MAP ❑ FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLACES ❑ SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED ❑ FRONT FOOTAGE ❑. SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# OtGE3n‘25-q I51 X NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s)are required when assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice,that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements(i.e.underground utilities,street improvements,etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. ❑ The existing house on SP Lot# ,addressed as has not previously paid SDC fees,due to connection to City utilities prior to existence of SDC fee Ord. SP Loth' will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. ❑ We understand that thissubdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees, side sewer permits,r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT , DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WASTEWATER -O' Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER Special Assessment District/WATER(Furu�w) �a E.KI✓1.1LlY'ID.6,,LE I l lc t EIRMI WM: - lq 3►` 1J A Special Assessment District/WAST WATER "rET - Joint Use Agreement(METRO) -0- Local Im rovement District * __ - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATm — FUTURE OBLIGATIONS _ SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER 0 Estimated #OF UNITS/ SDC FEE _❑Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) 141 Never Pd• SQ.FTG. Single family residential$850/unit x 1c1 , 16,150.00 Mobile home dwelling unit$680/unit in park Apartment,Condo$510/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.113lsq.ft.of property(not less than$850.00)x Boeing,by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WASTEWATER 0 Estimated ❑Pd Prey. ❑ Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) 121 Never Pd, Single family residential$585/unit x I q Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x Apartment,Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial$0.078/sq.ft.of property x(not less than$585.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER ❑ Estimated O Pd Prey. ❑Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) 14 Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit$385/unit x I cf " 7, 315.00 All other properties$0.129sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than$385.00) PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ 34,580 -1- ___Lajdra f nz 5/I.49 7 *t�s p L Signat a of R iewing Authority DATE 1••► G d (56b 0 *If subject property is within an LID,it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept.for paid/un-paid status. 9 ❑ Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. ❑ Current City SDC fee charges apply to 2 • z c:/template/feeapp 1/tgb EFFECTIVE July 16,1995/Ord.Nos.4506,4507,4508,4525,and 4526 -..- ,',,1;!!•1;•••••,9•1,- N•-•ii;,.:5,4i.'-.0ce4",,Iill.•, , „.....,....,..., ..•.,.;,...,...:•,.,;•..., .,.. ...,•••••••••• :,,, .....-•-....... ,:...',-,:‘,i.: 1441,.*Pg,,,,'I'i;:4.,!ii'?;iitig.,16..-iti‘.),z.:,:;.,,,,,t,„,,.,.,,,„ ,,,,,,,!„,„&,),,,,,,.„... 1-, 1: ''H'<i'r,-,''',Z[':-..s:,•t......,,,.....'1-,.:.;,.:, ,',V..r.',,,,',,,..,,,,,•.7, 1,;;'.• ..,,,-_•.',,,,.'•„,..•-• !,...,,;.?.....:•,„•,:3,•',fP;LN,*,,..r.l(q514"`fli,t,41:„tv,,.-j-...-•,,,,,-;,Z;1'; ,...,,,d,,..--„c,:4 ):.,:i:,,t1,5,,Vit4r!c-i!' . :. wl,.3,f4T•ig.,,E.....:11i ,,„iii,',!„ii%.,„„,i,„....,;‘,-.-..,••:,..;.,...,:.:%,!..,-...,..;•••••.,,,:,,,,,•.•;,...-•,,ik-:,.....••-.,,;,:, '..':••••'.,•:',,,,..'..',.••:/..,,, .:..,.---..,,.,,,,,..,••:,-•••:_;.;',•,:...:;,,,,i,..,,,,N,,..,,,,„..,,• 4,,,,:•,,,,,,;,;;;,.;,-tr,„„4,,1..,1,••••...p.,-,,...,,,,;•.:T.,,,,..1;,..,..,,,,,,,.., •• rio t• ,iili,-;:.k:-':,!,,.,;••,.-1,,,..,q..qii..3,.,.:v.,./:,, ,,,,,.,:i.,,:;J;q:!:,-,--- .,•-Th.,,,,...:t.i.,:,,...1.-,:,j,!,:,-.;,...,:,,,.•i:4; -;...:..,:'' -',.:...,- -,,,.`:„•,,,,,,•.:T.•:.;:.:,,....',,,:-.i: :N.,!.1..=:;;.;..z,.,:!:s.:,..;i:i...i:yi;r4F... ;,51:?;=.4-41(......,.N.,.:.i,......5,:q.-.A.111:4:::.:....„.A,iy:„:„,,4...ii..,.;. ;, , . .: . :.,:...--.•s' .",.; .:f c..gfi::::..$;:itig.144-ei!';•'A!.s.n:.il:',ijii•-11. ..F:,,j:.:::,1,7;: i ;;_•",:i",';'4V.,`;:p:-: 41K6W-'-.1' ;:'111.4.04, •Ctj-; :'''. .‘ ' 4''.i.r. .?':i...-. .:•:'-'".il.''.':','-:-.:' ':. 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IT IS THE •HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE. CITY'S. • • " DRINKING WATER. • • . • . . . • . ._ • .- . . . ' • . . . . . • • . • • • • . . • .... . • • • • . . • • . • . • • . .. . . . . • • • • , . . t - . . . . • . . -• : • • . . • .• . . . . , . • • • . , - • . .. • • . . • . . . _ • •• • • . • • • . . . . • . • . . • • • • . ' .. . . . • . • , . . . , . . . . • .. .. . _.• . . , . • • • , • ,. • • • . . . . , - • . . • , . . • • . , . • • . • , . • • • . • • • . • • . ' . -1 • . . • '. . . • • . . , . • . . . . . • • • ' . . . • . • , . . ... . • - • • • - - • . , . ' • ., ,. • . • - • • - . • ' 1 . , . ,,, _ . • . , . , . ... i - • - • . . . ., . . • • •• :x,, `' lye _� ``�'r SE 95th w �_-:���. SE_..5 - - - - Gets w °'` CITY OF RENTON ,-„'.-• '•_. v� "`r�"--- - > - -ti_.._ i • a ;� \ � . 'SE 95th Wa ,,'' "--�-- LSE 95th PI SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK �tE�_ �-- ^I I LEGEND St. � f �`.._` „, �.. f sE ti 'SE-94t . / SE 98th St z11 j_- • ? �h _ r_ ` ¢�€ N 1 1 837itIL 1 F11 L , E 25 1rl I`NE 24th rSt �'�� • t~ SE 100tf } St 4 t1 E _ Horizontal & Vertical NE 23rd PI {;�i-j }=N w —--=.-.. �- - 1668 =} % :; {tt, `..-^l SE 101 st St off=::: 2222 L., -.7--...--- %'-------= ;t , =; ' II y a SE 102nd HorizontalOnly E._22nd ^ NE 23rd St— ;'' ;; ;;L �;, J'NE-}222.n�d.. '1 >`� }x t} 1 i x CD 5 - iCYc�7,•.1.'=,t -g 3 x{ L t t } - - --- ' NE 21st St �� ;;yt:{ }i;," j._ N '��'n3�� ENE 22nc a 3333 369 _ :.. � Q\ tt �t T : 3:x €: {Irn{' Q- o _..11 NE 20th (�-� Vertical Only <= r rii ..__... .,......_.,,________,........ ., ___, _ •_ ________, ,.) E, _ ... > t ' 16th E 17th pi 716 Whitmon w c , z- `--':\- _ -' INlE_17th t Q11- 1 ±E r- 0 1; • o � � `I > NE 14th St � .= ! �I � (Tr- ---`' O 65O 130O( �r _ 01 / z 57 H I r a !rs'---------`.,.., . 1:7,80..._._ _ �.__ ._....._� _ _ , ` _ NE 12th St Oft ' I._ # ' 1843 : ` TECHNICAL SERVICES r --.. 7 / -. _ij 1th Pf " co }} ;? 1i P/H/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 0 I .o,} its `�, j 11 11th PI. ", �: ;}� � O ovlo/97 o I! ! // 0 , ) :r w,�;,-- 1 _O °i li„LL x}_ > > €, 5304 - 5309 • - clI City of enton Department of Planning/Building/Pu Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: l ,ri LOGLitekoarCOMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 . e.%ITY Of RENTOH LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A APR .2 4 '1997 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT.TO 7,731 SQ.FT. 6..o6rii—tairtgva.71 1„)p V ilgION A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major lnfonnatlon Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Histortc/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 3 c d- "7—C-14+ems G Wi11,7 ek-1-5 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS No i- r Cn>,- V-- c e/e V a'er a s-2 o n a ffz c,h. d d7 CY `ei.c t- We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where additional formation is needed to properly ss this proposal. /?? Signature of Director or Authorized Representative / Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 1111 Honey Creek Heights.Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 5, 1997 SEWER: 1. No sewer line is available at this time. However,the City.plans.construction of a sewer line on NE 24th St. in the summer of 1997. R 2. Project located in aquifer protection zone#2. 3. The System Development Connection charge is$585 per resident. 97cm069s • • 97CM069S.DOC\ 0 Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 8, 1997 • STORM: 1. Surface water control must meet or exceed the requirement of the King County Surface Water Manual design requirement. Use 1990 design manual. 2. Drainage report and calculations required. A Level 1 off-site analysis must be.provided.prior to Environmental Review, which identifies where the site runoff will be discharged. City inventory map does not show an existing storm system on NE 27th street(see attached 5304 NW 1/4 map) as the proposed plat drawing suggest. We would be opposed to this project discharging runoff from the site at the top of the steep slope that leads down into May creek. 3. The proposed 12-inch storm outfall to the north appears to cross private property. A,permanent easement around the storm water line would be required before the plat could be approved. Since that is out of the public right-of-way the system would have to be privately maintained and the system labeled"private". 4. Base map must use the NAVD 1988 datum. 5. Topography of entire site and minimum of 30' outside the property is required with submittal. 6. All construction drawings to be on 22 x 34 sheets and meet City drafting standards. All plans are to be done on the latest City standard plans sheet, with the heading on the left side of the sheet. 7. Runoff collected from pavement and gravel surface with vehicle access/parking must flow through oil/water separator CB or adequate biofiltration system. 8. In Aquifer Protection Zone 2,biofiltration swales must be lined as described on page 4.6.1-1 of the KCSWM. 9. If the proposed development exceeds the threshold for Special Requirement#5 on page 1.3.5-1 of the KCSWM,then a properly designed wetpond or wetvault must be provided. 10. The 12-inch storm pipe is shown passing under the sidewalk. The storm pipe must be located in the street. The area behind the curb is reserved for electrical, telecommunications, TV-cable and street lighting facilities. 11. Prior to Environmental Review and Preliminary Plat approval, preliminary sizing calculations need to be provided for the on-site peak rate runoff control facilities (detention or preferably infiltration system) and the water quality facility(s) required for the project to ensure that these facilities are shown accurately on the plat. 97CM069D.DOC\ 12. Type II catch basins are required where the depth from finished grade to pipe invert exceeds 5- feet(see City Standard detail B 0121). 13. An approved roadway access easement and access roadway entry design must be provide to property abutting to the site's east property line. This should be done before plat approval. 14. This project most likely should use infiltration to control peak rate runoff from the site, since existing condition runoff is primarily being infiltrated on the site. The project site is located in an area with soils suitable for infiltration according to the Soil Survey Maps. This,location is one of the few places that infiltration may be used. This may be the only choice since there is no off-site sye®tem to discharge runoff. 97cmO69D 97CM069D.DOC\ • • SECTION 4 T23N R5E W.M. 24-Oct-96 Horizontal: NAD 1983/91 Meters Vertical: NAVD 1988 Meters 57 NW Corner 9 T23N R5E Location: Found a 3"flat brass disc with "X" and a punch mark on a concrete post monument down 0.5' at the constructed intersection of NE 12th Street& Edmonds Avenue NE. Monument: 3 IN BRASS DISC W/ [X]& PUNCH ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.5' NORTHING: 56830.947 EASTING: 398127.629 ELEVATION: 99.496 159 NW Corner 10 T23N R5E Location: Found a 1-1/2"flat brass disc with a punch mark on a 4"x4"concrete post monument down 0.6' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 12th Street& Union Avenue NE. Monument: 1-1/2 IN DISC W/PUNCH ON 4 IN CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.6' NORTHING: EASTING: ELEVATION: 126.782 • • _1 369 W 1/4 Corner 4 T23N R5E Location: Found a 3"flat bronze disc with a punch mark on concrete post monument down 0.5' in a monument case in the constructed centerline of Edmonds • Avenue approximately 185 feet northerly of its constructed intersection with NE 20th Street to the west. Monument: 3 IN BRONZE DISC & [X]W/PUNCH ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.5' NORTHING: 57635.367 EASTING: 398135.222 ELEVATION: 101.368 5304-1 SECTION 4 T23N R5E W.M, 24-Oct-96 Horizontal: NAD 1983/91 Meters Vertical: NAVD 1988 Meters 716 Location: ,Top 1" brass disk set in concrete monument in case at intersection of easterly portion of N.E. 19th Street,and Union Avenue. NE Monument: ; BRASS DISC IN CONC MON IN CASE NORTHING: 57387.628 EASTING: 399713.095 ELEVATION: 133.280 1300 Location: Found 3" brass disk stamped 106.6, 9 "King County Survey monument EN- 11 86 1973" 2.2' east of back of walk on east side of Edmonds Ave. N.E. 136' north of N.E. 16th street. Monument: 1BRASS SURFACE DISC NORTHING: EASTING: ELEVATION: 106.619 1325 W 1/4 Corner 3 T23N R5E Location: 'Found a standard King County Survey 3" bronze disc with a punch mark on a - - - concrete post monument down 0.9' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of SE 104th Street(NE'24th Street) & 132nd Avenue SE. Monument: 3 IN BRONZE DISC W/PUNCH ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.9' NORTHING: EASTING: ELEVATION: 135.564 li • it 5304-2 f i '. SECTION 4 T23N R5E W.M, 24-Oct-96 Horizontal: NAD 1983/91 Meters Vertical: NAVD 1988 Meters 1837 Location: Found a 2-1/2" brass disc with an "X" and a punch mark on a concrete post monument down 0.4' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 25th Street& Edmonds Avenue NE. This monument has a City of Bellevue(COB) GPS station designation no. 0349. Monument: 2-1/2 IN BRASS DISC W/[X] & PUNCH ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.4' NORTHING: 58061.034 EASTING: 398138.999 ELEVATION: 96.691 1838 Location: Found a 1/4" iron rod on a concrete post monument down 0.4' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 24th Street& Union Avenue NE. This monument has a City of Bellevue (COB) GPS station designation no. 0350. Monument: 1/4 IN IRON ROD ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.4' NORTHING: 57912.842 EASTING: 399727.441 ELEVATION: 139.182 1840 Location: Found a copper tack in lead on a 4"x4" concrete post monument down 0.9' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of SE 100th Street& 126th Avenue SE. Monument: CU TK IN LEAD ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 0.9' NORTHING: 57976.448 EASTING: 399144.205 ELEVATION: 133.663 Otis 5304-3 • •• SECTION 4 T23N R5E W.M, 24-Oct-96 Horizontal: NAD 1983/91 Meters Vertical: NAVD 1988 Meters 1843 Location: Found a 1/8" brass pin in a 4"x4"concrete post monument (with broken edges) down 1.1' in a monument case at the constructed intersection of NE 12th Street & Monroe Avenue NE (to the north). Monument: 1/8 IN BRASS PIN ON CONC MON, IN CASE, DN. 1.1' NORTHING: 56815.122 EASTING: 398957.514 ELEVATION: 129.585 1891 Location: Found 2" brass disk with "X" In concrete in monument case with photo panel marks at the intersection of Union Ave NE and NE 22nd PI. Monument: BRASS DISC WITH [X] IN CONC. IN MON. CASE NORTHING: 57771.347 EASTING: 399722.661 ELEVATION: 138.406 1932 Location: Found nail in concrete filled 3" iron pipe in a monument case at the intersection of Union Ave. NE and SE 102nd St. Monument: NAIL IN CONC FILLED 3 IN I.P. IN MON CASE NORTHING: EASTING: ELEVATION: 138.436 2091 Location: Top 1 3/4" brass disk set in concrete;monument at intersection of 122nd Avenue S.E. and S.E. 96th Place , Monument: BRASS DISC IN CONC MON INT 122ND AVE SE & SE 96TH PLACE NORTHING: EASTING: ELEVATION: 96.585 5304-4 .I __ ,,. I . LLI, . . . . . . . • i . . , . . • .. ' •1. . ' . •-r- 4 it ......i.2 • . • , 0 • li• ._ . . . . • : . ., . . , , . , . . . ................... .- • ' ''Y '• . .. . . . ) • • r • . . . z • - - •.: •• •..,..• , .. :' : • • • ... - .'• ‘-` .'• ...- - -• • • . . •' . '• . ,. • . '.. I 1 • I 1 1 4 IS : ; . • •• • • . . • ,.: • : ,. • . . . . , . • . 1•.• . • .. . . ., . •• • q• • . ••• . • BIOSWALE ' g 8 190. 0 0.25X '• I ••,. • .. 7, - If • .• •r • 1.-.':•;. • • .. 1' .• • • \ • I • N . . • . . . . 3' • 1 • :'...: . . -. ' . • gi 1 i . . . • i ) : 1 • . . ; • /. •: . • ..:. ; • g I lion1I limo — — ... ---.---- T____ ______-- ,______T ___—___ —___ klit.,11 kg/A.4 MIAII• 111. 4./...460.111117,1/1111111111—. le i.. • . fl 15815''5" W • INV138.0 ;:,••'..•:• : . • • o • CONTROL STRUCTUF • r•-••.-- 3 • " • I - •::;,'1,.:..,..:1,:,:14,;.:,'!',. l..- '.,:•,•. ' .I -I-•-A..C•(•...7.•.• -e--1\r 6I1,1A4 1•".•,1.- INSIDE VAULT . • . • • .. e DE.EI /-1. • 20X4• 1 I r•I r1,-• r• tie.4.1:; ..., .. T . • !1,‘11 -.:.• ;'• . • i . • •• . I. 41101 •• r:IZ":;': • .. • •''',t',;:•-:-,e 4':•.•'•..' • 4 • .• 1 1 At,:e?'1?1..:.. .• • . . r!.i,..1.' • • f."4;:t% • .6.'',•'!:.•••••• ' . :,:;......-• . , X.I.V ' '• r . • N. : l-,..... • ,24C.,!.',1'• '. • ir•t-t;,'•'•• •i•V;`..A.:' . • • $.';it!:,-.•:,........ •• : ,.••.--,.t,‘,..':V ' •• st,,,..°"•4141'' -;' - ___________ ________. __________ , ••'.' ', - ' - I, gs,ti••••:.: . . . '• te.t .e,•:. t. ,,,,t1' • .. • - • • ,,.wi,i'• •• - •-•,,,,•••,•;, ' 3. ::-.,...;:;•,‘•:.• ' .•. •,.,..,:-•,.,-:.•,..---:•,...4_, -•:,;;...,..,: ' ,. ,,:.-. ..• 44•6•1?1:•,?•:.• •' ' City ot1 enton Department of Planning/Building/Pu c Works n w.?-. - -r r,r- R:.... ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHkgiT REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: lRrc. pr.� .WV COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APR 2 5 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 19977L. E 1 v E® APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street ;SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT.TO 7,731 SQ.FT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS j Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare ' Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoddCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 'O MP r �rnpa c 5 4fe I I J B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS ,V C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS See a 4 ed Camitle 475 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addifi al information is neede properly assess this proposal. - /a7/r, Signat e f Director or Authorized Represent; ive Date DEVAPP. Rev.10/93 Gti�Y O� " ® CITY OF RENTON ,�` FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU INTO MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 1997 TO: Mark Pywell, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal ' SUBJECT: Honeycreek Heights, 2600 Blk. N 25th St. Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow shall be provided within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the structures exceed 3600 square feet in area, the fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and two hydrants are required within 300 feet of the structures. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for each new single family structure. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. nA • City ofRenton Department of Planning/Building/Fuw,c Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'P1/4 A 'Review - WaTurCOMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWEL `emr o`piNraN ;PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO:. 78196 • "`'�".�rr 1LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street 3 0 i997 . ,SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A t�v/�� SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES IN1 I iI ieXYAI Y®N LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT.TO 7,731 SQ.FT. • A. .ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals • Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS • • • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have-expertise and have Identified areas of probable impact or areas where add— al information is neede roped),assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Represe ive Date /07 DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 T - 11110 Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 5, 1997 Review By: Clinton Morgan phone(206)277-6216 WATER: • 1 The proposed project is located in aquifer protection zone#2. 2. Proposed project located in the Highlands 565 pressure zone. Estimated static pressure 104 psi @ elevation 324. A residential pressure reducer will be required for each house in plat. 3. The new proposed water main size is to be 8-inch within the new roadway. Coordination of installation will be required with the City's main replacement program on NE 24th St. 4. The System Development Connection charge per resident is $850. 97cm069 S eaGFi e B 97CM069.DOC\ City c:.canton Department of Planning/Building/Punnc Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: "TS pa:talk-um COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street • 'SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA fgross): N/A ',IN OP RENTONJ SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SII 5Lftelt .Y 'LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT. TO 7,731 SQ.FT. 2 41997 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary • Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HlstortclCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS e `PP l( -ell/6-(<2 h-c° \ -S - C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 6. 7 8 o a f h7e& Ca de- o a� 171 .�e 117pc / cc97Zi Ye41-t I We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additi•nal information is needed to properly assess this proposal. 5757?7 Signature of Director or Authorized Representati Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 • Honey Creek Heights Plat 19 Lots/2600 Blk. Of NE 25th St. EIS Development Services May 5, 1997 TRANSPORTATION • 1. Mitigation fee for transportation is $75 per new trip generated. The total amount is $13,608.75. See attached calculation sheet. 2. Roadway improvements required to City of Renton Standards which includes but limited to curb,gutters and sidewalk and street lighting. 3. Street lighting required to City Standards. Required foot-candles minimum is 0.2 ft-c. And a uniformity ration to meet or exceed 4:1. 4. All electrical and communications facilities for the area to be underground. • 5. Driveway locations.to be shown so as to have proper clearances from fire hydrants and street light standards. Driveway clearance from street lighting is 10-feet 6. Street alignment off-set at Ferndale CT.NE is not desirable. 7. City code requires a right-of-way width of 50-feet. The review drawing does not appear to meet this requirement. w f h shown a-' yz-I¢. X1/fe/- afe/H,V, G pia reQe Teri, 8. The code requires a sidewalk width of 6-feet. The drawing only scales 5-feet 97cm069T. 97CM069T.DOC\ s-C1 • DirrADVY Alga— .` b• rf2,40,44'Orri,4,,,,,,41113.A.,,XS,,,P,CATATJRINkvIVALTLG Project Name Nowey Gveek fie►<rt7ls Plat Project Address Z(QDO /3 E Z S S—t Contact Person S l4ufe F/olui bevcc &lime( 4 Ho/n., bevy, Address loo Fvo#t St S_ Iss4v4414 e-0i1 gWD27 Phone Number S q Z - 0250 Permit Number L vA q 7 — D 3(o Project Description ! of Iv- yes'dew C R=8 ) (0/47 Land Use ype: , Method of Calculation: Residential ITE Trip Generation Manual ❑ Retail 0 Traffic Study ❑ Non-retail 0 Other • Calculation: 0q ) ( q, 5 5 ) = 1 g I , )4 5 ��;/ t vy t 75 /0.�, tv//) • LI u.L/S) ( 75) _ 4)3) 60$, 75 Transportation Mitigation Fee: $ 131 .0 $ - 75 Calculated by: 1V rf/t Wa i/ Date: 4 2 $ 1"7 Account Number: Date of Payment *Olney Creek Heights PreliminaryPlat S 9 City of Renton Density Worksheet for Development in the R-8 Zone According to Renton's City Code,the standards for new development in the R-8 Zone require that residential.densities fall within a range of 5 to 8 dwelling units per net • developable acre. (Section 4-31-5.D.2) The code does not require that the lots be developed simultaneously. However,the land must be platted so as not to preclude future development at an appropriate density. 1) Total parcel size minus street r-o-ws and sensitive areas: 100811.00 square feet 2) Net Acreage(line 1 divided by 43560): 2.31 acres dwelling units net density 3) Maximum and minimum allowed dwelling units Max. 18 7.78 and respective net densities: Min. 12 5.19 4) 100811.00 sq ft and 19 dwelling units result in a density o 8.21 d.u./acre. Deductions from gross area: 22,696 sq ft for proposed roads (estimated). H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\DENCALC.XLS City-_ _j_nton Department of Planning/Building/P Norks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Caw,-cvucktsyl serlicao COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A CITY® � OR! pn SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES I ,Tc019 INGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT. TO 7,731 SQ.FT. if /997 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the. Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants • Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS • guqvsReD We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additi al information is needed to properly assess this proposal. / Si ature of Director Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DCC Rev.10/93 City.,. ..Anton Department of Planning/Building/Fuonc Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: p COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT _ WORK ORDER NO: 78196 LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT. TO 7,731 SQ.FT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Ge./Y22e-:(y t 536 r7cc ' ,70-e/) ‘,4eAyc--- C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS G ,p rim ems , We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. '7.4. (,060:—547 \Ze-YelaZIC.) ki /as/97 ignature of Director or Authorized Representative Da e DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 1 City . enton Department of Planning/Building/PucWorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET 'REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: kpltGC COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 1997 'APPLICATION NO: LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25, 1997 APPLICANT: BOB COLWELL PROJECT MANAGER: MARK PYWELL (PROJECT TITLE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIM. PLAT WORK ORDER NO: 78196 LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street SITE AREA: 3.03 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: THE APPLICANT SEEKS APPROVAL TO SUBDIVIDE 3.03 ACRES INTO 19 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS RANGING IN SIZE FROM 4,500 SQ.FT.TO 7,731 SQ.FT. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing !Air Aesthetics I Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation !Land/Shoreline Use Utilities I Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural 'Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet `7�1 a zrrloaclz a / -/?.�v fe ���/ �.e��ce�d� /z�� B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable Impact or areas where dtlonal information is needed to property a ss this proposal. r7f13 -54.7r-,7 Signatyfe of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/83 a © CITY OF RENTON r_, ;- - ea Planning/Building/Public Works a • .' � � I �'�;h ,- },Mill Avenue South -Renton, Washington 98055 •0 ilk I" ;'� • s �' , • o� 2. " t ®'�UPIifi'e Jeffrey ` .,„ 44,41Q:4471464 . 404.44* L Ho �0*--• / 4705 DabreakeCir / /� z... Colorado Springs 80917. Pt°�cl "0 120z-AD- 0310 amommiiiiim G4U'C fl NOTICE OF PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING RENTON, WASHINGTON • I 1 A Preliminary Plat (PP) and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. 'The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. • PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single family lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 7,731 square feet. - : GENERAL LOCATION:::: . - 2600 block of-NE 25th Street. :- -__•- z, • •,: - _- , .. PUBLIC APPROVALS: . . Environmental Review Preliminary Plat -. Building.Permit - " The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. - -Comments-will be accepted anytime'prior to the Environmental Review'Committee'(ERC) meeting date;-Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD. and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s).for this project, please :Contact the Development - -.-. 'Services Division at 235-2550.:: Please-include the.project NUMBER;when calling for,proper.file identification. ' ;.;A Public Hearing will be held by the;Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on.the second,floor-.of:City Hall; Renton, Washington, On July'1, 1997�at 9:00•AM to-consider the proposed Preliminary Plat. ,All interested persons are.invited ,to:be.=present at.the Public Hearing to express their opinions. -• 1 ._...7. �•__r� -_,.---n,� '..-. ,�,1.0 u•57`+rw,r•? trri rmrr$•- _r:_ga--3•----•-' - - .14-�' •Imr - - H•-W4Y-.-.-. '�° f y-{I ',1g, i 1 r•� s.. n. ._r. SE 9 T .{..�,6 i'1`2 _ e A 41.''2 °9' ? 299 1lie;Q;r�$B� Q4 M 1220 : 203 Gov't Lot 4• • • r •1. � -8'W 4 i ill..111 •�i 6 O i, 1 +i 3S6 Acres �---:+a r t v . 1p' C _ _. s, yr,/- ,r�n-i-- c..l ru..N" r ;4 j� +;1 • p,� N r�tk '['A'®i'1 ® ,•' 'y.g, �'% :I I ' .. .r 967N C 279 I { h.• ®, .g •'��r•- 2 N �Sl • ,7; ��� ... 'I :." u n1. Sn • h 27B .1 ,iw j ; I iA'n 2 e t .. .. " •n••.i ytl V. `•• xt' • 2jr ?j 4xt W. 4 n! u� 't+ -u•R„ 0 222 • 222 'Q(pigir ,' r-l_'_�1 y u. t a ,.J;�•1 W r1277 g, :..,t ...1.., ,2S,y�e —22.,...... s r . ' I •." i i +I �.d.l,.�2 ?66 1 g 1 ,6,TFr' .7.21l:i s a i•'240 237 1 INE•NTD ALE.yri:_.�,..r I ✓�_• .= "�‘"-,: Elf cl.. I 0 ,si a 26-N I:t:• 127s '. � V40.1 • /4, N, DD7, 1 rt} �e Aq :... • , c� ' +40 F}r •' �o I.,. . v a .. •' '�a •A„';® 5'51 ", ''.."l ,.. .""e,�{A" 1 e 'la► :,- 2 I 1 r w•.1., GI EeN.. cnn,L 3 4R ... tsa+fl. ia•• ° '�a a 1d.e+� -i �. •,e3 tti I I• 236 �',23 1 .r- - + • x .icewJ" . •L; i1rt Y ,• 6,r, is( : ... 2GJ .,. 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A Preliminary Plat (PP) and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. • PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF ' DESCRIPTION: - The applicant seeks approval to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single family lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 7,731 square feet. GENERAL LOCATION: .. -.. 2600 block of NE 25th Street - . : - ., ' .- •=..- . - ' PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review Preliminary Plat .:-. Building Permit IThe application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. - - Comments will be accepted anytime-prior to the Environmental Review Committee°(ERC) meeting date,Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental . determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. •.A Public Hearing.will a held by.the;Renton Hearing Examiner.at_.his regular meeting'in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City:Hall, Renton,':• Washington,_on July,1,-`1997 at 9:00 AM to. 'consider the proposed Preliminary-Plat. All interested Persons ate invited to ,be:`present at the Public.Hearing to express their I' opinions --•-a y� ''E'-••-i-r•r-n.,r-..1 y? .z 3.vr.-ur-I rSruv•?fF r ?6+r ..-• '18-. .-.-• -".I.C'�•.:7� _. _ j� ;+p,m,; 71Ga•-•=r .cy�.. ra•• •f•-5E—•9•TH•—•WAY--•— 'F " i-2 / 0.q�y, '°' 25 '�2 9 fDW Q B�-!'' :[ ;W 122b 203 •� v.i.... 35.6 Acres• '. �•VO: CC ��CA_+:.• I ' -,„--T----.;r1. 1 Ir;l-'`-'+cv-n•_4.` ell c' c•v... I c e ;. • R'• -.., . An a' 7 1� - O, I '� .Y7®.. t „., rm rrF�e, ••i,•`�r :I - +... SI. +. - Li 279 •! 21 - A`E, ;a ® � „tea..I,•] �a 4s+'•cl rn - .....• . ... .+ II • f 5 n i W'�ra H ST. • fl " t s ;�E°'. °' _ . - '�a (' -- rl ! F,,:t y .2, RE WM COB u ,;277 t f ; r ',J; "2. Cyr a=n,¢l•-ee..-a go zzz•. -zzz Iry�QBg `� {��1Iw,�,I�,,.., { y 21 a `' '' : i.�276 t 41 'sit tS�y'�-'r.z.l.F c.- a , 240 237 1aocE HTD EE.,v.._:_cto•r I ✓�;;. ..ha7•uefC%"�f k Q ; 0 3 . ..."'4 4 26m a.a� i 275 t 9' ;4." T4 a VsA K, DDi! t 1 r„ ��o'' I�� .., ••, , . ."M " .,,,'a ..3 F®-.. f$l. lI' T:,r,i.'<„„c;,aA..y_s•.I —Z _ •. t''r r �<I +r r..i.. 1��1 , at anl'L . LW .y' 254.0. '+••'241 236 323 7r a » i -�p-7- r ryry.�71 �1�- . . :..,:.1 ,.. 295 .aAtill t' A.I.a.'..' "";W _ ` x j yYT•• •a i- �P z rk� StT c _ _I.ow •al��^., 40. 4. , a,. 6F •251.w r' U: a, t'®:i IC �J Y�'•I V Pit•I yYF-'i i :'�'�mpg lily' l ,•'- � ,n R Lny.... V .v. i 05 IS''S. 9 1,., 2B2 i ®n o g .._ ._.•py W u � u, '1�p� Y'• :4,.'.'= I.i' _l—I++�Wr ¢ .}. �,J+i FA .I.. j ...arm . ..' •,6 w 1ph 'Milli pii �.11�'�t it L;Q -- _. jT'U �-i ',' ef'{,�,' . - -0 .( '�( .. t ,cr1 ra! ' ;I d` i., ,_o' •! 'c4 •.'I,�( ,ii' -,r. NE. 297H ST. • a `©.c i;. N .' . 24TH• .. ST. •�• .. . n r o ' ,. 1 "ai I I is•,ip ,p-.., �.!- CA'' „f} ,. 44Jtq-aa-9r c. r.�"��a..j ra',[r.*�����-�3�; r„3`0,. .a,.4.G. -'4✓� I '< I . •Ifil 1 ii cop 1,1 0 htl. LDb `�..p•. 2A2., ' S3"M•d",z•" Y i glitO 11 :�I 73tiy,---- •`E„R"' ,V„' .. . I t .a_ te ' E .. ,..CWi7�,. 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'a .a "pm plommommourr 8 a CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works f, 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton,Washington 98055 �p �:i - 5 0 � R3,a9T -a / .29 _ , - 4 -,. -to • 3G 7 '.4t76 _ s•- • • Dennis L Bruce -T - I6608 154th P1 SE Bellevue WA BRUc608 98006a056 1196 19 05/0B/97 I 98 FORWARD TIME F-%;R RTN TO SEND --- BRUCE H A RETURN ,--.a -. �- �Mh - B6 ELLEVUE6WA 98006-54i6 T 0 /N d".CI f I WRITER - d .. _- . y c,.,sT o - 4 .J-I - • NOTICE OF PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING • , 1 RENTON, WASHINGTON 1 _ I A Preliminary Plat (PP) and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF) Application has been filed and accepted with the I Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single family lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 7,731 square feet. GENERAL LOCATION: -' -- .-' : - 2600 block of.NE 25th Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental.Review Preliminary Plat Building Permit '• "- The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. I _. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental-Review Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public-Hearings; during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive,additional notifications, by mail, .of the City's• environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or: the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact-the Development • Services Division•at 235-2550. _Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. • A Public Hearing,will be held by',the Renton:Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting:in-the Council Chambers '_;on'the second floor of;City Hall, Renton, Washington, on July,1',::1,997..at 9:00-AM'to consider the proposed Preliminary Plat. ;'All interested persons•are'_invited to be -present at the Public Hearing! to express their ' .'opinions.- - .. ' I,' --- -a•-j��'r-ar•�n� s•� j--i Ir�Srur•, r: 1 :.ye-i . 'a _._.�._._• :10.u:du ;V....e.wrj.� .-'-SE_.9•T ro i -i., _ Q°q2/ '25 °f 2 9 6 PRimiEl -'4%. �{ ' I : - •t.;; c.::. 6res :r. . c.a .,• ..,..v.y 967H1 ,II I • 276 +• f. 7•�i-.. 3 H •ST :�a�, .1 gg FI.T�tp 1� tn.:: , 4' a • ',E.'y��y a g ' ............ 0 E.j(il�.1t Q 9 IG}7IQ)<!9, i Y.__IP''.11p••.'• �j�y R[WI:. G•'�T�ill,j er TO 277 , t I • ." .,• ..- 2S,y BrT -Ce*n,r,.. Ii 219 I - ,I I -i ; ;. .'S 276 56 "r+1'a —may • 240 237 If MINA i.�:_..1Ja.,?•I�"'"�5.. ""�` ^!' ,v' :� O j '41 % 26TH CT.T�> 11 i 275 - f Y i�Vil� 2�Si' a .PA_K, DOS �' F �E u ,� ��'� � n ie ' a ';" •e".'-' ,a.a`C'�.�b„ t I I '' ,� L r_nl „..„1 w»i., • f- • -c° -'�� ^ 7iw}n n" / aa�j N-�. ''�e I'_:=mom:: � „�.as Try' Su�Y� •W. �:i1 `,Ini - tI• Tr f9 'a�,� r3 . to v h, ac:pi R ai i, 254.0. 241• 236 `..i23 � �- t ` O,. „ I I r aC ,F;I = now 295 •—Jf � S ZI � ,�i R W � G � la �a T�� ,y7 " ......aI.M• - _.._____ �.a El I a -Vow .' U C 47 o a `t'' •iJ_' l F ra., . , '6!�' Vt�•�•261w cv ,Di a a. N ® 1� (( Nl _.I :1. Ia YIR .a:',.` .•,. I •°'�� .' •a;"1,2•82 Yn ll�. ®':12' "bW Y J ,� I ' e'p a ,:— ..-rr_- '-'rei nnindiri 9n6 • .= :T ill 1Q:. . :L41 „(o, f'e]'q a it v k:•.il�"i•.-11 �'I u • n a u aUS� '' a Jy . - - - .. - NE.' -a •_24TH - - ST. ! -_ _ -- • '. • •NE 24TH ST. a a 1©": a�1 i' I" Ili. r •'. �T_---:r.1Eir ' ;' 4W� a s. 7 ",rifot�, CE7M�,dM�.J:' l 4, ,Qf - Q., �. T;I I 3'I I©t.'_-. Z�11 2 2 a� i w °.Z• - Y1Yii/1►i� i II--u,a a "Ta' n " .i .s !u-- '1J Q VV"•E`A . E"R" �1)w e a a• n�/.. --in---1 253 J o • `_ ;2 FA �,y� ¢n •N.E 23RD'ST.a ��:. N 3RD I �fi,. •a \ -. i �,.: . .': ,.f¢..,.�, i'' . a'.. ,e a I � ° :,.I 11:1'1, tIa ,`.'� ' i'.iQ q• *a a•i• Z '" �" '• N f go i m T .... w \.. I ', .4 ��Sua_ "a T NE . 3RD STD ivr, , .tan['a ;_'_ ,^I? .i ,.c,7.,."-.•. 1 5..:.1. w.a... °, 0$94- .263' 273 = 262 a 7_ ... -"'� 'zJ7 e. 2p @t. Lf'a�. [a7�j 'p 4 r.se., rFt -, _1 .,.. " .n/"� _ .eT.0 C._;.a.NO `I •SY.Ya - �atf•t' '1::iJ _ I. y.i:: .,� y1;-�� F' ,•'` '�icl_'.F[]IO o T• tm. is i 1 1 T "fin _ 61I� - _ ._ . -k I _.e4:?i _: ! -2631 :ks2 'r' AA' - i' =Ptil-„ "F�•'•- '"1" -, �r »_ i1--gir t - 234`` •... o a h.. t 1 - -, t, 1'a 4a.-t.,:: ,I :- s3 ,LL i,Qfj'•:. 1�'Y s`'�_ :k1N`z' (� F., �a.j � ."',ra cn � � y = w,i s .,5:;,'� ... 1 -;4.. . .-,1V1v - 113 _- _ =i T,-;AIN,N ,F c .lamp• , • 51 41a•-liW" I-71 r•t .414' -�- ----- . _. Ifj• j . _ I:.Y,J`.'uSN - '..Et(/- T _y��� - 4 . 41 _ I11.. _... HE-*-f :7 ...:. ' NI 1..1j. wvt:� _ f-.�;l:i l.v - ,LF];, .W fa1,5/. { j�r.,: a�:A}:.. -r:l!z -:,�� ., 3 ill - :'� ,'' _N_ aTa _ M S,.� .. :.q. S- • ,•. �,a.r.ii. l:S�.1'� {��+1 i‘si .I L?a_f=1 lili .,. -.,�,�7 .._ `3 -m. d .-c •!� a..i9•a. - p .l9_.�J r:TT'�11• ]r,'. �-'_.� .�� '��'y�"�1 � 10• 7',p � ad �i�aM ~'a• =- �1, P. v Ili;' `:�.!0 "I. if-6 ; L. i01.. •■ 'AE4 .JR tSit ,""'f•s.•iT. ••,'; , .* i, `?. 'ar o, ,! .i cV`,', ... k ,,;�„ i_.4 . -,i0 I~��" ;.. ' ., . ",�� ,;�,t m'�: _ili r . Ear ,v T? ' aU .... ........N•.... . . ..r.. -. _.4. N€' .,� _20TH. -.St _. . .c I l a s•. 1 4--tT� Oi4gcts, b'' . .-i,...A .a NOTICE OF PROPOSED 1VIRONMENTAL APPLICAI N AND PUBLIC HEARING RENTON, WASHINGTON A Preliminary Plat (PP) and Environmental Checklist Review (ECF) Application has been filed and accepted with the Development Services Division of the City of Renton. The following briefly describes the application and the necessary Public Approvals. PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single family lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 7,731 square feet. GENERAL LOCATION: 2600 block of NE 25th Street PUBLIC APPROVALS: Environmental Review Preliminary Plat Building Permit The application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) meeting date, Public Hearings, during Public Hearings, or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application, or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s) for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington, on July 1, 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the proposed , Preliminary Plat. All interested persons are invited to be -present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. (...---.1. ;..1-7 y h-r ---, •-Mq'4Ts;.--.�.3_,vr; ; B urr•;. . alaur-m:r_:_irri ..•. , .—.�.—._� .. ;dlo�w[ ��;;�w� i4 — E—9.ZH—WAY—..`.— • r�b ",4 -4- ../frog ___125 0 4 : : : 220 203 I4es •;1- rr a-i279 '0zi I••`! o `��� '! .. ,,, „;I „. a r �''•i • 276 •n,S l t,''` 4, 1'�19's n L H •Sr ,, ' ..\ l a a {• E..•„T'a' ,a. ! :n „-r: Y!.-.r„ri n . ., Ui. I ( ` .21g ,' r. .!' W\>r,..` e., - - .-i0N LCIR'• C, i ' ,n o e ;277 ' 'a, '1 2syO�r= 5�`� �i4`L-4: I y .�__�--_ l'S' 2 „ R ,I.:. , z J 276 I 'J y -'-[.Jr7 <. [ 240 237 I', ,,NTD 1 ,.a-3�..I +j ` • ,,,� 4,..t, �., o O a 1� 4�. 26TH CT.' yf --•r>S i {56 , ,i Qs i �, i,�.__ 2V4'ILf1 „_�,, �%yLi��; I ,, '10 'a P 1275 g I "r '",er ©4 n PA'N DD,i' t r2', V'' `al;kg, ,.... `:\ ��2''1 ,,'."+ o - , •"I v n n -,'•�V, •-• .,"�E ,y?_:.-: :___ Y I , ' <iY°° eh_•__,2e _ ` 3„i`i '"w""" a ,.:'4 . . 8,mm8 •,2[N,L >J.0-- ' ,mac 254.0• i•'241, 236 2 iy. 11: .,..'• 44 dMI SITfa`f; tl -"-----• .urn . „.,.,n s u,ay_ c1. 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MNScd'i iii. ,J id"l-SP ,1 1 c n,. .'' i'� - . . . _ . , ' \itTICE , a • . .. PENDING APPLICATION. . AND PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF . DI • The applicant ftseseeks approval to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single famlly-lots ranging In size from TS N square feet l0 7 e ali GENERAL LOCATION: 2600 Block o1NE 25th Street - PUBLIC APPROVALS: • Building Permit XXXX Preliminary Plat _Shod Plat _Conditional Use Permit _Rezone _Site Plan Approval , XXXX Environmental Review Shoreline Conditional Use _Other --Permit Flit&Grade Permit Shoreline Substantial _Other. -Development Permit The application can be reviewed In the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. ' Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the Environmental Review Committee(SRC)meeting dale,Public Hearings, • during Public Hearings.or prior to an administrative decision.For further Information on the application,or if you wish to be made a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, by mall, of the City's environmental determinations,appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s).for this project.please contact the Development . Services Division at 235-2550.Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. . A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting In the Council Chambers en the second Roor of City Hall,Renton,Washington,en July 1,1997 at 9A0 AM to earing t r the proposed Preliminary Plat All Interested parsons are Invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. .➢�,S°- --lit 0,°..• rat fot•a m7f 4..+0 i.._.. ._ I ` r. ;- J rho[-;',r ES IF` ,: .j t` ( ;,CU.I .°111 s ' I^ MI:f hna ilIti „ d,.'91• p. a 1 Y - Ir.. T �?IBP01— . ,Viz,,. El.: ill§ — I^ fr err • Ursa _ �y3+t t Plitt eye I I N0��,t .�.i 1.R ter.,, (�1.�"e': .`s 7!C�[;P•.�7 [7f�•L4P'�°�'�ftG! -�.ta It i s�lgm._ 1 4. .0 ' g [� uo .egg.. a ' a 13 • C. r. ec:i: a' z.I �? 1 i�o s x. — . .. •k•7 l Ia.I rr• • PLEASE INCLUDE,THE,PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER'FILEIIDENTIFICATION: :.r-1 CERTIFICATION I,. Sah oLo Ja GlCS(vi , hereby certify that 3 copies-of the above document were posted-by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on 1vvGt,9 Z, l991 Signed: 30. —, C STATE OF WASHINGTON ) . ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that i know or have satisfactory evidence that SJ1y 31 .y signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volu itienra 't ie uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. .`'t:; .... v. 7t'1Qgor f /� (� .... yr, Dated: J�/��7 `� J`.'„ ..�� h. • Notary Publ• n and for a Stale of 01/as iigglon Notary (Print) �;2� J IL-L-4-yam My appointment expires: //61/9i . NO TAR Y.00C PENDING APPLICATION ' AND PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS.PRELIMINARY PLAT/LUA-97-036,PP,ECF DESCRIPTION: The applicant seeks approval to subdivide 3.03 acres into 19 single family lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 7,731 square feet. GENERAL LOCATION: 2600 Block of NE 25th Street . : ° PUBLIC APPROVALS: I, i Building Permit XXXX Preliminary;Plat . , Short Plat Conditional Use Permit Rezone „ Site Plan Approval I XXXX Environmental Review Shoreline Conditional Use Other Permit ... .. ' Fill&Grade Permit Shoreline Substantial • Other .. , 1 Development Permit I They application can be reviewed in the Development Services Division located on the third floor of Renton City Hall. Comments will be accepted anytime prior to the,Environmental Review Committee(ERC)meeting date,Public Hearings, during Public Hearings,or prior to an administrative decision. For further information on the application,or if you wish to be imade a PARTY OF RECORD and receive additional notifications, by mail, of the City's environmental determinations, appeal periods and/or the public hearing date(s).for this project, please contact the Development Services Division at 235-2550. Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. ' • A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall,Renton,;Washington,on July 1, 1997 at 9:00 AM to consider the'proposed Preliminary Plat. All interested persons are invited to be present at the Public Hearing to express their opinions. -CT— .�� z�.6,g o T2, a �.* 3A] •I 316 Ape. `� S� } iggir p ; - T �ii®'q®4� .; �P 4? If- •:I," '�fi�M i " zro ! 1 i z ' St ;! Q'i ,yT j'E. zro 4. .• a i 4 1Q. 1_ e_ n, I k"�rl',F W_iE "k``. N. 2l '%. 276 ; ,4--r-^I{y 1'1,1,16 -- -Q, i�240 �•7.3;�I.:['x;o'c•yu:_.�r..3 rye : =7 0 i C '.'b rdc i i 273 �} .. 2d� a _��'.++,,,..� 4.[ oo; d le ":. • ,,. I°. J i;." ,�!iag 9 ` '©a ";i :1!".-• 1.31 • ', y4.-.,,.qt?A).[I. ;4Bu-I1 .:, ��:`I ,..-- .�,.�I : 'f .., .r,enR 2'..`•'"254.(`]. ••241 , 236 �23] ,'g . g46 9s p 'L. J.'• .n• l - L _ u CL . _._—_.-_ - (q� LL . i:'2� '.1+ - : '-fV ,+o_• ��",� •� f_� r SITE • :J\, A 2•-- "'"� yyQ 6 4 4:.;-_"-. �•i o g _ '1 41 I H J_4"?. 'f' l r,i li' A .n... •"- I Y-'+� � F7kFci'iTn_` o c }t O =vEl� 1 .. - ��. M. y�' :.•' -...� ,1 ...,..'©5 a 'ram l I W I- • '. _. '•✓.s'i '-'1}p 1�1-J!}!t1'NA 14li its' "". > Y•J' ,..0....1 i 'S:' I,�� II EE `©"R•tvernmar .e ' HE" .- 247N sr {la a R,\ate j � '4tgi � ��l irar:�; r..-. ..•ti�, wI� cl��s. u'��I[y�' �{-} ` I g l— c� za2 aQ *I NFEI lit2° .; ' E"S D° .__-j,,. 'afire,'Cl o�2', .E 2740'ST.r NE 2! .. C. A _ Ate. , i n in;....--9 26l' M2273 26�? i• ��•l.• 111111.1011 •t�Y�ai f{M,,,,,,,,pg.,, _, , .L ... z iii:',6.31.1 1: 4` -�,r• - li aes`i 272 ; zysjl.fl 25z ,W�.., '. •=C o '' .._rN6. , _PLTY 1! 9 �;, II. ... • 1� II •.°� .e.,...�f�� i" 9'�,4. I�07.:: �• ��c.'2_,..'4 .p"�^.'.-�: uf1 ',� •fj•�J"L•�^� '�-•. ., ... I ©� I(•„40-'IV;-` , ' I°' --.-%i C•.GIs.:.• tio'''zI e-,... ',I ,of e r ._�.�Me, r,,a �.� (�: ,� 0.---...e .k- L ;• "• e -i�,I�.:�''I • ,pCtE R "saeV w�.►� =`d�.:.: NE zo7N.: sr J. .7.+'1 . X!� . .i' i.A7 .e PLEASE:INCLUDE£THE PROJECT:.NUMBER:WHEN:CALLING'.FORPROPER`FILE:IDENTIFICATION..:..:€€ „ L CIT.. OF RENTON -U. 1 ” Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 30, 1997 Mr. Shupe Holmberg Baima & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 SUBJECT: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat Project No. LUA-97-036,PP,ECF Dear Mr. Holmberg: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on May 27, 1997. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. The date of Tuesday, July 01, 1997, at 9:00 AM, has been set for a public hearing to review the above-referenced matter. The hearing, before Mr. Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner, will be held in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, Renton, Washington. The applicant or representative of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. If you prefer to make other arrangements to receive the staff report, please contact Sandi Seeger, 277-5581. Please contact me, at 277-5586, if you have any questions. Sincerely, oeke, Mark R. P II, AICP Project anager cc: Mr. Bob Colwell/Applicant Mr. Guenter Halt/Property Owner Mr. Bruce Bowden/Party of Record ACCPTLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer CIT, ;'OF RENTON ilia L Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 26, 1997 Mr. Shupe Holmberg Biama & Holmberg, Inc. 100 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 Subject: Honey Creek Heights Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Holmberg: The preliminary plat referenced above is not accepted as a complete application. We will place the application on hold until the issues addressed below can be resolved. There are three flag lots adjacent to one another. This is not allowed by the subdivision code. If Lot 4 is a triangular lot. What is the lot width as defined by the City of Renton Ordinances. We will met with you and your staff on Thursday April 3, 1997, at 8:00 AM to resolve these issues. Please come to the 3rd floor public information counter and we will schedule a conference room for the meeting. If you have any questions regarding these issues, please contact me at 277-5586. li Sincerely, Mark R. P , AICP Project Manager 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 0 This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PROJECT NARRATIVE Honey Creek Heights is a proposed 19 lot single family residential development. The site is located north of NE 24th Street and East of Ferndale Avenue NE. The proposed subdivision will be served by NE 25th Street which will be extended east and south through the site and will be connected to an unnamed public street which connects to NE 24th Street. Six inch public water lines are stubbed to the west line and the south line of the property. A six inch water line will be extended through the property completing a loop with the two existing stubs. The property is not currently served by sewer, however, it is anticipated that a City of Renton L.I.D. will extend sewer service in NE 24th Street this summer. Honey Creek Heights would connect to this sewer. The property is not currently served by a storm drainage system either. The proposed subdivision would construct an on site storm collection and detention system which would discharge to an on site bio-swale. The bio-swale would discharge to a storm outfall which will be constructed offsite to an existing storm system in NE 27th Street. The Honey Creek Heights site is 2.84 acre in size and is currently vacant. The southeasterly portion of the site is encumbered by a driveway which serves tax lots 77 and 130. The site is relatively flat and contains no sensitive areas. The site is within an aquifer protection zone. REcevEn 7,-VE``ONNiC 1 PLANNING CITY OF RENTON 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (206)392-0250 • FAX(206)391-3055 i , ................ ................. ................................. .............. S ><�.� >~I»O PM�I�TS ER...LC>~S.Dl.0.. ..Q N.............................................................................. Q E '` :.:::...:::V / R.S::::::::::: ««wE hirt::> .00::feet:of::the:::sub e. :> i PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Heights ETAPPLICATION NO: 91' o3(p , PPS The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER SEE ATTACHED • i 1 9 1997 • • DEVELOPMENT PLANNI'�vC CITY OF R TON ,r1C• N ' ' (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) (Continued) . NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER • • • Applicant Certification I, .( C /1'* CohINYc1‘ , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) esv�el�\ owners and their addresses were obtained from: �® � D. City of Renton Technical Services Records P C`��1``°'° yor6` s�o� � 1 ,,Q,.,,;,i F-1;- P�.y Bf IS Title Company Records ® G.).:4. ;'p D King County Assessors Records e a�•� p T t� i,, �' Signe �� Date - A'ali Hi-1 p a�P U S L 1 i a e ma's (Applicant) a�9j��t'''�9 b Z�~�,�.�40. �p � ��aeEase� NOTARY k� i`� 5," = ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, I residing at Faa I C/1f1) a on the 1111''- day of 1.-� 1 T4rCA .., , 9°1-1. 1 Signed :i (Notary Public) 1 ' II 1 n on::::.Use::ii::i::i::i::i::i:::::::>;i::i::i::i:<::::i>::>i>i::::i::>:<:>:::i::i;>::»>::>::::>::::::ii::i::>::>::i::i::i::i::: P :.;:.>;:..;:;.;:::i::i::i::::::::i::>:::::i:::<:::i:.>:.::.:::<.::.:.;:::;.;::>::.>:i::::i:«::>.:::>:::::ii::::::::<.>:.;:.;::;;;.. :.:': : ::; f:::Re t.....For.C�ty o ::>:>:: >:«:<::>::»»::»::::>:c;>:a::::>>::ii<:::<::ii:<:ii:::i:<:>::>:«:::::::ii;:::;.i::i::>:: :.;>:::: .RT[FI. ATI .N:::. 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D Spears . 2710 NE 23rd P1 .2713 .NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 I?-O2So-(22_Lvc} W2�x-)- • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bernice Andrew Mary Faith Artzer Dave&Cindy Christianson 2432 Edmonds Ave NE 2508 Edmonds Ave NE 2601 NE 27th St Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 042 •Gl2,1 042, x- i citz 3C:'S c7e z� CITY OF RENTON James&Marcie Easterlin Michael Freilich 200 Mill Ave S 11843 89th P1 NE 9248 Swallow Dr Renton,WA 98055 Kirkland,WA 98034 Los Angeles, CA 90069 c 4' j t12w'C , 04�3[i -- '�v1S 0 Michael Gruber Shelby Ross Keegan Alan&Fong Louie 2639 NE 27th St 2516 Edmonds Ave NE 5550 26th Ave S Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Seattle,WA 98108 ort7.-3cL: • 612e,C 4 - I l61 7 oq Alan&Fong Louie Michael Mastro Ronald Petett 5550 26th Ave S 510 Rainier Ave S 2015 Union Ave NE Seattle,WA 98108 Seattle,WA 98144 Renton,WA 98059 0423c ,-9(5- 7 al-Z.305 7 O4-Z3f c, - °;\ 3,3 Cora Upshaw Joseph&Cora Upshaw John Wilgus 2416 Edmonds Ave NE 2416 Edmonds Ave NE 2633 NE 27th St Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 C PX:G-`113t; 0g2.3a5.-ci1 927—P ' Donna Zallocco 2525 NE 27th St Renton,WA 98056 042 S-4/z3v • Lori J Jeffrey A Peters Pamela J Peterson Donna I Petroski 2524 NE 24th 2717 NE 24th St 2605 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 0ti70,;-00-sc? L., ei v-o14o 01,12o0-013o Filiberto & Regina Ruiz Harold M Sagmo Roger E Savorgino 2600 Ferndale Ave NE 2525 NE 25th St 2739 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056. Renton WA 98056 10.41'oo-C11),2"Jo 1c}100.0010 01'1210 -alCO Henry A Schlaht Steven T Marietta L Sha Alfred H Stone 2532. Ferndale NE 2709 NE 24th St 2600 NE 24th St Renton Wash 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 -7°34u7C -0010 O+1Li0-U147C) 01e1ZZO-CO'CC Velva L Stone Ruth M Taylor William R Trulock 2700 NE 24th St 2740 NE 24th 2508 NE 24th St Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 01e1210-ix02_o o lel 2.10 Lerig & Ngekngor Ung Leroy C Vogtsberger Gordon & Erin Vosburgh 2525 Ferndale Ave NE 2608 NE 25th St 2524 Ferndale Ave N Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 "14too l�'{-100 -oo(00 Vernon A Weitzel Charles A Wiehoff 2724 NE 24th 1708 Kennewick Ave NE Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 etel,2tO-OOSO dl6i z1)-OoL C) I - r Gregory J Bader Godofredo V Blanco Jeffry A Brewer 27[01 NE 23rd P1 3733 221st SE 2709 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Issaquah WA 98027 Renton WA 98056 92oZc •GC.10 '1Z-OZ.�-033-' 20350 01r0 Magno 0 Cabanayan Eva P Cheng Howard M Coopmans 2303 harrington P1 NE 2505 NE 23rd P1 2809 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 c 2i2 0-o t'?,c, 'I 2.0 2 51'• 00 ) ei 302•c.x)-•of Sc, 1 Jeffrey W Denney Ashok & Vijay Dhawan Lawrence E Fitch 2608 NE 23rd P1 2502 NE 23rd P1 2611 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 elzozc i-- ooC, 12.0;LSO-0 3 7 0 2-c�x . oo-7U Roger K Fletcher Paul K & Shirley V Fox Owen C Gormley 2509 NE 23rd P1 2607 NE 23rd P1 2820 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 1 a 2v'- -0 0 30 12.0;7 occo o 10-co-' - 0 lit o 1 HILLIS HOMES INC George C Hinkle Richard K Hiramatsu 8261, S Broadway 2802 NE 23rd P1 2805 NE 23rd P1 Everett WA 98204 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 °[ZIJ so.0 2-Q '120= z7•0220 of?vase - ol40 I Jeffrey L Howey Dalong Huang Robert B Jackson 4705 Daybreak Cir 2728 NE 23rd P1 2508 NE 23rd P1 Colorado Springs 80917 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 rizaz.r-x,-- 03,0 Izoz -02,30 c l0v-7o -034O Robert K Jurcan Eugene M Kirklin Gary Shui-Wo Kwan 14836 161st Ct SE 2826 NE 23rd P1 6208 S Bangor Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98056 Seattle WA 98178 1w?.I c o `1ZozSo- ofQ,e--) 1202 7- 00t0 Charles D Leingang Lorenzo Marshall Margaret Mc Cue 2513' NE 23rd P1 2716 NE 23rd P1 2705 ,NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 124)20- o 0 9 ZOZc 0-0 z70 1 Z c�Z5o-O(00 Matthew Mechler Ray A & Virgie L Metz Mark Mitchell 2603 NE 23rd P1 2808 NE 23rd P1. 2817 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 `1,'02.-50_Otr'0 I ZOz _D.- 0 ZtC q Zc'2c50-0(70 Cindy L Moore Billy Morgan Mitchell D Murray 2005 ;Vashon Ave NE 2620 NE 23rd P1 2813 NE 23rd P1 Renton WA 98059 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 el at, o--Q2ska of SO2c:?0.-0 2-E 6106050-0(Co 0 I Ol`12-Cb-0061O otel2(9U-Ot50 0tc12.00•0C , Duane Atkinson T Badziong Dennis L Bruce 2509 NE 24th St 2621 NE 24th 6608 154th P1 SE Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98055 Bellevue WA 98006 Harley A Brumbaugh Lisa A Brye A D Ciccanti 2533 Ferndale Ave NE 2729 NE 24th St 6815 126th Ave NE Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Kirkland WA 98033 -/rA ux)-012.0 O 112a c-C 1 zo 1'.xt la)-c o-3o . Donald K Crepeau Daniel E Kathleen E Dun Glen Ellenberger 2733 NE 24th 2516 NE 24th St 2648 N E 24th Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98055 om2.40-otto Ot'12-00-00W 0I12i0 -ool> Lance J & Amy Gettle Brian E Gilmore Phillip Girard 2609 NE 25th St 2533 NE 25th St 2532 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 15110 0-0040 I -too-co2Q 014200 -040 Dennis S Hein Timothy J Hokari Ernest L Kahler 2509 Ferndale Av NE 2732 NE 24th St 2629 NE 24th St Renton WA 98052 Renton WA 98055 • Renton WA 98055 0v12t, ott5i: Thelma I Klabo Robert W Krauss Jeffrey D Lambdin 2701 NE 24th 2708 NE 24th 2533 Northeast 24th Stre Renton WA 98055 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 ot.412it:-•ow;c• 0viz(o-LYE 3t, 0V12cC -ol2-0 James M Mathieu Bruce D Metz Robert L Meyn 2637 NE 24th Street 2601 Ferndale Ave NE 2716 NE 24th St • Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Ot,1Zi0 -0EQ-42 -1ci4,00-01tc ot-12,0-009-0 • Pauline Minnerath Gary Moritz Leroy Moorman Mutschelkn 2206 NE 9th P1 2525 NE 24th St 2616 NE 24th Street Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 .1c'-'t ico-oolo, 0 0 Ot`12zV-0I0 Oeizzo-00-70 Dennis M Nomura Patricia H Nygaard George M Perez 2725 NE 24th St 2517 NE 24th 2746 NE 24th St Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 0t°tZ 10-0020 61411--tU-013o a1V1zoO•atoo 0142o-OO1O David D Perrigo George Dolores Perry James C Peters 2645 NE 24th St 2613 NE 24th 2517 Ferndale Ave NE Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 Renton WA 98056 oVt2i0-OI'to oVI o-o140 i°j '-ovvo 1 *• 1 ;* : MetroScan/King : -• * Owner:TERRY DONALD R Parcel # :019200 0010 06 Site :2508 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :04/30/85 Mail :2508 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$73, 000 Use ; :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$105, 500 YB: 1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 1 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H: 1/ /1 Stories:1 B1dgSF:1, 040 Ac: .17 Ph:206-271-5675 * 2 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:DUNBAR DANIEL E & KATHLEEN' E Parcel # : 019200 0020 04 Site :2516 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 12/28/92 Mail :2516 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: $115, 000 FULL Use i :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$101, 900 YB:1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 2 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ / Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 030 Ac: . 16 Ph: * 3 i* : MetroScan/King : * Owner:PETERS LORI J & JEFFREY A Parcel # :019200 0030 02 Site' :2524 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :12/28/93 Mail, :2524 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$139, 000 FULL Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$118, 100 YB:1965 Q:NW 5: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 3 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1,460 Ac: .16 Ph:206-235-6529 * 4 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:GIRARD PHILLIP Parcel # : 019200 0040 00 Site' :2532 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 03/03/92 Mail :2532 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: $124, 977 FULL Use ' : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $108,300 YB: 1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 4 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 100 Ac: .16 Ph:206-228-8879 * 5 I* : MetroScan/King : * Owner:STONE ALFRED H Parcel # : 019200 0050 07 Site :2600 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail1 :2600 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use 1 : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $113, 300 YB:1966 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl :LOT 5 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 300 Ac: .16 Ph:206-228-6688 * 6 ;* : MetroScan/King : * Owner:WIEHOFF CHARLES A Parcel # : 019200 0060 05 Site :2608 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :, Mail'' :1708 KENNEWICK AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$108, 600 YB: 1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 6 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H: 1/ /1 Stories:1 B1dgSF:1, 180 Ac: . 16 Ph:206-271-2020 * 7 '* : MetroScan/King : * Owner:MUTSCHELKNAUS LEROY & MOORMAN Parcel # : 019200 0070 03" Site; :2616 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 10/28/94 Mail' :2616 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: $138, 000 FULL Use ' :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$114, 000 ' YB:1966 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 7 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 300 Ac: .16 Ph: i , The . Information' Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. , *• 81 * : MetroScan/King : - * Owner:BRUCE DENNIS L & KIMBERLY D Parcel # : 019200 0080 01 Site :2624 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :11/03/95 Mail : 6608 154TH PL SE BELLEVUE WA 98006 Sale Price: $139,900 FULL Use ; : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$118, 000 YB:1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 8 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:1,480 Ac: .16 Ph: * 91* : MetroScan/King : * Owner:ATKINSON DUANE Parcel # : 019200 0090 09 Site :2509 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2509 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $115, 600 YB:1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 9 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories: 1 BldgSF:1,460 Ac: .15 Ph:206-271-1944 * 10 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:NYGAARD PATRICIA H Parcel # : 019200 0100 07 Site :2517 -NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2517 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use ', :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$117, 500 YB: 1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 10 ALOHA RANCH ADD, Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories: 1 BldgSF:1,430 Ac: . 16 Ph:206-228-5511 * 1i * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:MORITZ GARY Parcel # :019200 0110 05 Site' :2525 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 04/23/87 Mail :2525 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use ' : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$115,400 YB: 1965 Q:NWIS: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 11 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrin:3 Bth F3H: 1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 370 Ac: . 16 Ph: * 121 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:LAMBDIN JEFFREY D Parcel # :019200 0120 03 Sitel :2533 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 09/16/93 Mail, :2533 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: $140, 000 Use ' :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $118, 600 YB: 1965 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl :LOT 12 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 B1dgSF:1,480 Ac: .16 Ph: * 13 * : MetroScan/King : * Owne :PETROSKI DONNA I Parcel # : 019200 0130 01 Site' :2605 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :07/11/96 Mail :2605 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use 1 :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $108, 600 YB:1966 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 13 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 120 Ac: .16 Ph: * 141 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:PERRY GEORGE & DOLORES Parcel # : 019200 0140 09 Site :2613 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :03/20/95 Mail � :2613 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use ; :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$125,200 YB:1966 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 14 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 B1dgSF:2, 370 Ac: .16 Ph:206-226-5477 I The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. 1 I . *•H 15 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:BADZIONG T Parcel # : 019200 0150 06 Site :2621 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2621 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$126, 700 YB:1966 QNW S:04 T:23N R:05E Lgl :LOT 15 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:4 Bth F3H: 1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:2, 380 Ac: .16 Ph:206-226-5988 * 16 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:KAHLER ERNEST L Parcel # :019200 0160 04 Site :2629 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2629 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$126,400 YB: 1967 Q:1NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 16 ALOHA RANCH ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 B1dgSF:1, 800 Ac: .16 Ph: * '117 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:ELLENBERGER GLEN Parcel # : 019210 0015 09 Site :2648 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2648 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $123, 100 YB: 1968 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 1 ALOHA RANCH # 2 LESS E 5 FT Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /2 Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 550 Ac: .20 Ph:206-255-5379 * 18 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:STONE VELVA L Parcel # : 019210 0020 02 Site :2700 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2700 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$117, 000 YB: 1967 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl :LOT 1-2 ALOHA RANCH # 2 E 5 FT OF Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 390 Ac: .17 Ph:206-228-1289 * 19 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:KRAUSS ROBERT W Parcel # : 019210 0030 00 Site :2708 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2708 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$116, 800 YB:1967 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 3 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories: 1 B1dgSF:1,390 Ac: .16 Ph:206-255-2210 * 2'10 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:MEYN ROBERT L Parcel # : 019210 0040 08 Site :2716 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2716 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$120, 300 YB: 1968 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 4 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H: 1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 520 Ac: .16 Ph:206-271-2551 * 21 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:WEITZEL VERNON A Parcel # :019210 0050 05 Site :2724 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2724 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Usel :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$117, 500 YB:1968 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 5 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories: 1 BldgSF:1,420 Ac: .16 Ph:206-228-4513 li ,I The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. i I , I • *• 22 * - : MetroScan/King : Owner:HOKARI TIMOTHY J . Parcel # :019210 0060 03 Site :2732 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2732 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$115, 800 YB:1967 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 6 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:1,380 Ac: .16 Ph: * 23 * : MetroScan/King : Owner:TAYLOR RUTH M Parcel # :019210 0070 01 Site :2740 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2740 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use ' :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$80,400 YB:1968 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 7 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H: 1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1,390 Ac: .17 Ph:206-228-2873 * 24 * : MetroScan/King : Owner:PEREZ GEORGE M Parcel # :019210 0080 09 Site :*NO SITE ADDRESS* RENTON Sale Date :02/01/94 M Mail :2746 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$119, 000 FULL Used :901 VACANT,RESIDENTIAL Asd.V: $40, 000 YB: Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 8 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm: Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .21 Ph:206-277-6427 * 25 * : MetroScan/King : Owner:PEREZ GEORGE M Parcel # : 019210 0090 07 Site :2746 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 02/01/94 M Mail :2746 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: $119, 000 FULL Use ! : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $108,200 YB:1971 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 9 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 B1dgSF:1, 080 Ac: .19 Ph:206-277-6427 * 26, * : MetroScan/King : Owner:SAVORGINO ROGER E/ATSUKO Parcel # : 019210 0100 05 Site :2739 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 02/23/94 Mail :2739 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: $133, 800 FULL Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$117, 100 YB:1968 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 10 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 380 Ac: .21 Ph: * 27 * : MetroScan/King : Owner:CREPEAU DONALD K Parcel # : 019210 0110 03 Site :2733 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2733 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use ' :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $120, 000 YB: 1967 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 11 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H: 1/ /1 .Stories:1 BldgSF:2,450 Ac: . 16 Ph:206-226-0653 * 28j * : MetroScan/King : Owner:BRYE LISA A Parcel # : 019210 0120 01 Site' :2729 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 01/25/95 Mail' :2729 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$138, 500 FULL Use ' :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $116, 700 YB: 1969 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 12 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 380 Ac: .16 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. *• 29 * - MetroScan/King : * Owner:NOMURA DENNIS M Parcel # :019210 0130 09 Site :2725 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2725 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$115, 700 YB:1967 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 13 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 B1dgSF:1, 360 Ac: .16 Ph:206-226-4718 * 30 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:PETERSON PAMELA J Parcel # :019210 0140 07 Site :2717 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :06/17/96 Mail :2717 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: . Usel :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$114, 100 YB: 1967 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 14 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 300 Ac: .16 Ph: * 31 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:SHARP STEVEN T & MARIETTA L Parcel # :019210 0150 04 Site :2709 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :03/06/89 Mail :2709 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$82, 876 Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$129, 100 YB:1967 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 15 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 740 Ac: .16 Ph:206-226-3333 * 32 * : MetroScan/King * Owner:KLABO THELMA I Parcel # :019210 0160 02 Site :2701 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :01/02/92 Mail :2701 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Usel :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $115, 700 YB:1967 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 16 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 360 Ac: .16 Ph: * 33 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:PERRIGO DAVID D & SUSAN K Parcel # : 019210 0170 00 Site :2645 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 02/22/96 Mail :2645 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: $144, 000 FULL Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$116, 100 YB:1967 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 17 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bedrm:3 Bth F3H: 1/1/ Stories: 1 BldgSF:1, 360 Ac: .16 Ph: * 34 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:MATHIEU JAMES M & PATRICIA Parcel # :019210 0180 08 Site :2637 NE 24TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2637 NE 24TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$113, 300 YB:1966 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lg1 :LOT 18 ALOHA RANCH # 2 Bed01:3 Bth F3H: 1/ /1 Stories: 1 B1dgSF:1, 300 Ac: .16 Ph:206-226-4189 * 35 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:SAGMO HAROLD M Parcel # :754100 0010 09 Site :2525 NE 25TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2525 NE 25TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$100, 100 YB:1959 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 1 SANDER TERRACE ADD Bed0:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 010 Ac: .16 Ph:206-255-6431 i 1 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. 1 • *• 36 * _ MetroScan/King : * Owner:GILMORE BRIAN E Parcel # :754100 0020 07 Site :2533 NE 25TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :06/23/95 Mail :2533 NE 25TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$144, 000 FULL Use ; :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$131,200 YB:1963 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 2 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/1 Stories: 1 BldgSF:2, 770 Ac: .13 Ph: * 37 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:CICCANTI A D Parcel # :754100 0030 05 Site :2601 NE 25TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail : 6815 126TH AVE NE KIRKLAND WA 98033 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$121, 100 YB:1963 Q:NW 5: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 3 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H: 1/1/ Stories :1 B1dgSF:2,470 Ac: .13 Ph: * 38' * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:GETTLE LANCE J Parcel # : 754100 0040 03 Site :2609 NE 25TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date :09/16/94 Mail :2609 NE 25TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$147, 000 FULL Use ; : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $127,300 YB: 1963 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lg1:LOT 4 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/1 Stories:1 BldgSF:2,470 Ac: .13 Ph: * 39 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:VOGTSBERGER LEROY C & WANDA Parcel # :754100 0050 00 Site' :2608 NE 25TH ST RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2608 NE 25TH ST RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $99, 000 YB:1963 Q:NW 5: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 5 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ / Stories: 1 B1dgSF:1, 050 Ac: .12 Ph:206-226-5665 * 401 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:VOSBURGH GORDON & ERIN Parcel # :754100 0060 08 Site1 :2524 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date :12/16/87 Mail' :2524 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$66,500 Use 1 :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $121, 100 YB:1963 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 6 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:4 Bth F3H: 1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:2, 170 Ac: .14 Ph:206-255-0363 * 411i * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:SCHLAHT HENRY A Parcel # :754100 0070 06 Site' :2532 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Maill :2532 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $120, 600 YB:1963 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 7 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:4 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories: 1 B1dgSF:2,410 Ac: . 14 Ph:206-255-8349 * 42 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:RUIZ FILIBERTO & REGINA Parcel # : 754100 0080 04 Site :2600 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056, Sale Date :10/21/86 Mail :2600 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$69, 000 Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$121, 100 YB:1963 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 8 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/1 Stories:1 B1dgSF:2, 380 Ac: .14 Ph:206-226-5422 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. *. 43; * : MetroScan/King : - - * Owner:MINNERATH PAULINE Parcel # :754100 0090 02 Site; :2608 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail! :2206 NE 9TH PL RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $124, 100 YB: 1963 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl :LOT 9 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrin:4 Bth F3H: 1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:2,510 Ac: .15 Ph:206-255-5484 * 44 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:MINNERATH PAULINE Parcel # :754100 0100 00 Site, FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail, :2206 NE 9TH PL RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$126, 800 YB: 1963 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 10 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/1/1 Stories:1 BldgSF:2, 640 Ac: .20 Ph:206-255-5484 * 451 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:METZ BRUCE D & CAROLYN K Parcel # :754100 0110 08 Site' :2601 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 05/13/94 Mail :2601 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$129, 800 YB: 1963 Q:NW 5: 04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 11 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:4 Bth F3H:1/2/ Stories:1 B1dgSF:2,470 Ac: .20 Ph: * 46', * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:BRUMBAUGH HARLEY A Parcel # :754100 0120 06 Site; :2533 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date : Mail :2533 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use ; : 101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $122,300 YB: 1963 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 12 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:4 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:2, 190 Ac: . 17 Ph:206-255-9309 * 47 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:UNG LENG & NGEKNGOR Parcel # :754100 0130 04 Sitel :2525 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date :08/29/86 Mail :2525 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$68,500 Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$120, 800 YB:1963 Q:NW 5:04 T:23N R:05E Lgl :LOT 13 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:2,420 Ac: .14 Ph:206-228-1129 * 48 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:PETERS JAMES C & FRANCES J Parcel # :754100 0140 02 Site :2517 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 04/05/85 Mail :2517 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price:$66,900 Use , :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V: $119,200 YB: 1963 Q:NW S: 04 T:23N R:05E Lgl:LOT 14 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:4 Bth F3H:1/1/ Stories:1 BldgSF:2,280 Ac: .14 Ph:206-271-0368 * 49 * : MetroScan/King : * Owner:BRINLEY LA DONA J & DENNIS S Parcel # :754100 0150 09 Site' :2509 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON 98056 Sale Date : 05/17/96 Mail :2509 FERNDALE AVE NE RENTON WA 98056 Sale Price: Use :101 RES,SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Asd.V:$114, 700 YB: 1960 Q:NW S:04 T:23N R: 05E Lgl:LOT 15 SANDEE TERRACE ADD Bedrm:3 Bth F3H:1/ /1 Stories:1 BldgSF:1, 560 Ac: .17 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. • VletroScan/King (WA) Owner : Andrew Bernice E Parcel# : 042305 9219 02 Site : 2432 Edmonds Ave NE Renton 98056 Sale Date : 12/09/88 Mail : 2432 Edmonds Ave NE Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V . : $108,500 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 219 N 98 FT OF S Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / /1 Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,500 Ac: .17 YB:1959 Ph: Owner : Artzer Mary Faith Parcel# : 042305 9217 04 Site : 2508 Edmonds Ave NE Renton 98056 Sale Date : 02/17/95 Mail : 2508 Edmonds Ave NE Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $101,900 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 217 N 97 FT OF S Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,300 Ac: .22 YB:1959 Ph: 206-235-1048 Owner : Christianson Dave&Cindy M Parcel# : 042305 9224 05 Site : 2601 NE 27th St Renton 98056 Sale Date : 02/14/96 Mail : 2601 NE 27th St Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price : Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $87,000 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 224 POR OF NW Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,070 Ac: .24 YB:1960 Ph: 206-271-1366 Owner : City Of Renton Parcel# : 042305 9015 08 Site : *No Site Address*Renton Sale Date : 09/10/91 Mail : 200 Mill Ave S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $150,000 Full Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $40,000 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 15 N 1132 FT OF Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 7.35 YB: Ph: Owner : Easterlin James R&Marcie. Parcel# : 042305 9266 04 Site : 2701 NE 27th St Renton 98056 Sale Date : 02/12/93 Mail : 11843 89th PINE Kirkland Wa 98034 Sale Price : $7,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $128,000 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 266 E 100 FT OF Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / /1 Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,390 Ac: .78 YB:1992 Ph: 206-823-9814 Owner :Freilich Michael Parcel# : 042305 9152 01 Site : 2625 26th St SE Auburn 98002 Sale Date : 07/09/90 Mail : 9248 Swallow Dr Los Angeles Ca 90069 Sale Price : $5,000 Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $189,200 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 152 POR OF E Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 4 Bth F3H: 2 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,550 Ac: 1.37 YB:1995 Ph: Owner : Gruber Michael L Parcel# : 042305 9285 01 Site : 2639 NE 27th St Renton 98056 Sale Date : 03/07/91 Mail : 2639 NE 27th St Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price : $27,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $144,100 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 285 W 100 FT OF Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / /1 Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,700 Ac: .36 YB:1991 Ph: 206-277-1977 Owner :Keegan Shelby Ross Parcel# : 042305 9197 08 Site : 2516 Edmonds Ave NE Renton 98056 Sale Date : 06/19/95 Mail : 2516 Edmonds Ave NE Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price : $90,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $64,200 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 197 N 85 FT OF S Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,000 Ac: .19 YB:1938 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. • • fetroScan/King (WA) Owner : Louie Alan&Fong J Parcel# : 042305 9153 00 Site : 3208 NE Sunset Blvd Renton 98056 Sale Date : 07/28/93 Mail ' 5550 26th Ave S Seattle Wa 98108 Sale Price : $3,450,000 Use : 253 Com,Retail Store,25k+Sqft Asd.V : $2,899,000 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 153 POR OF S 1/2 Q : SW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 4,291 Ac: 3.28 YB:1978 Ph: 206-725-6595 Owner :Louie Alan&Fong J Parcel# : 042305 9153 00 Site : 3208 NE Sunset Blvd Renton 98056 Sale Date : 07/28/93 Mail : 5550 26th Ave S Seattle Wa 98108 Sale Price : $3,450,000 Use : 253 Com,Retail Store,25k+Sqft Asd.V : $2,899,000 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 153 POR OF S 1/2 Q : SW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 57,237 Ac: 3.28 YB:1978 Ph: 206-725-6595 Owner : Mastro Michael R Parcel# : 042305 9017 06 Site : 2733 NE 27th St Renton 98056 Sale Date : 07/31/95 Mail : 510 Rainier Ave S Seattle Wa 98144 Sale Price . Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $96,100 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 17 W 370 FT OF E Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,740 Ac: 3.80 YB:1996 Ph: Owner : Petett Ronald D Parcel# : 042305 9133 05 Site : *No Site Address*Renton Sale Date : Mail : 2015 Union Ave NE Renton Wa 98059 Sale Price : Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $36,000 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 133 LOT 1 OF KC Q : SE S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .63 YB: Ph: 206-226-0225 Owner :Upshaw Cora Parcel# : 042305 9138 00 Site : 2416 Edmonds Ave NE Renton 98056 Sale Date : Mail : 2416 Edmonds Ave NE Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $182,800 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 138 S 55 FT OF W Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R :05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 /1 /1 Stories: 1 BldgSF: 2,450 Ac: .78 YB:1980 Ph: 206-255-3275 Owner :Upshaw Joseph&Cora Parcel# : 042305 9130 08* Site : 2412 Ferndale Ave NE Renton 98056 Sale Date : 12/12/88 Mail : 2416 Edmonds Ave NE Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $135,300 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 130 POR NW 1/4 Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,250 Ac: 1.97 YB:1952 Ph: 206-255-3275 Owner : Wilgus John V Parcel# : 042305 9280 06 Site : 2633 NE 27th St Renton 98056 Sale Date : 03/19/93 Mail : 2633 NE 27th St Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price : $102,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $73,500 Lgl : STR 042305 TAXLOT 280 POR OF E 100 Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 800 Ac: .39 YB:1925 Ph: 206-226-4880 Owner :Zallocco Donna Parcel# : 042305 9236 01 Site : 2525 NE 27th St Renton 98056 Sale Date : 04/16/93 Mail : 2525 NE 27th St Renton Wa 98056 Sale Price : $93,500 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $81,500 Lgl. : STR 042305 TAXLOT 236 BEG AT Q :NW S : 04 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF:740 Ac: .23 YB:1930 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. • CHIcAGO TITLE INSURANCE CO FARM PACKAGE Page 1 Prepared for: 03/03/97 Prcl: 920250-0090-07 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1,410 Date: 94/05/19 Name: BADER GREGORY J QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 9 ,921 Sale: $144 , 950 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2701 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $137,700 Mail: 2701 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 137,900 Tax: 1941.72 AFN:940525-1432 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 56.4 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 9 Block: Prcl: 920250-0330-07 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 290 Date: 94/04/29 Name: BLANCO GODOFREDO V+AVE QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7 , 109 Sale: $135, 000 Tel#: (206) 392-2701 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2514 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl Ti H Loan: $104, 000 Mail: 3733 221ST SE Assessd: 131, 800 Tax: 1855. 88 AFN:940503-1665 City: ISSAQUAH WA 98027 %Imp: 54 .4 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 33 Block: Prcl: 920250-0110-03 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 290 Date: 92/02/28 Name: BREWER JEFFRY A QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 10, 136 Sale: $152, 500 Tel#: (206) 271-5787 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2709 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T1 H Loan: $82, 000 Mail: 2709 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 139, 600 Tax: 1965. 64 AFN:920305-1160 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 57. 0 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 11 Block: Prcl: 920250-0130-09 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 100 Date: 83/09/13 Name: CABANAYAN MAGNO 0 & AU QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 9 ,489 Sale: $94,990 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl : 2 . 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2303 HARRINGTON PL NE RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H1 Loan: $52 , 000 Mail: 2303 HARRINGTON PL NE Assessd: 152, 000 Tax: 2140. 13 AFN: 910919-0605 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 60.5 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 13 Block: Prcl: 920250-0020-02 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 290 Date: 89/09/22 Name: CHENG EVA P QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 10, 296 Sale: $106, 000 Tel#: (206) 255-2630 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2505 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H Loan: $76, 000 Mail: 2505 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 132 , 200 Tax: 1861. 51 AFN:890926-0345 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 54 . 6 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot:2 Block: Prcl: 920250-0150-04 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 610 Date: 89/07/11 Name: COOPMANS HOWARD M+DIAN QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz : 7 ,417 Sale: $115, 000 Tel#: (206) 277-9719 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. OB Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2809 NE 23RD PL RENTON,, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H Loan: $105,500 Mail: 2809 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 143 , 300 Tax: 2017.71 AFN:940329-1459 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 58 . 1 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 15 Block: Prcl: 920250-0300-03 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 410 Date: 96/03/20 Name: DENNEY JEFFREY W & MON QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz : 7 , 154 Sale: $143, 300 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:FHA Site: 2608 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $140, 696 Mail: 2608 NE 23RD PL Assessd: .136, 700 Tax: 1924 . 83 AFN: 960325-0963 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 56. 1 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 30 Block: Information provided is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed' Copyright 1997 TRW REDI Property Data . , • - ' CH__AGO TITLE INSURANCE CO FARM PACKAGE , Page 2 Prepared for: 03/03/97 Prcl: 920250-0350-02 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 290 Date: 94/04/26 Name: DHAWAN ASHOK+VIJAY QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7 , 804 Sale: $131, 000 Tel#: (206) 227-8351 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:REN Site: 2502 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl Ti H Loan: $117,900 Mail: 2502 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 132 , 200 Tax: 1861.51 AFN:940429-1051 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 54 . 6 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 35 Block: 1 Prcl: 920250-0070-01 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1,410 Date: 94/05/16 Name: FITCH LAWRENCE E QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 8,466 Sale: $145, 000 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:REN Site: 2611 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $116, 000 Mail: 2611 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 136, 500 Tax: 1922 . 02 AFN:940524-1204 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 56. 0 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot:7 Block: Prcl: 920250-0030-00 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 100 Date: 83/08/19 Name: FLETCHER ROGER K & TWY QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 10, 202 Sale: $94,990 Tel#: (206) 228-6122 Zoning: SF Styl: 2 . 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2509 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T1 H1 Loan: $85, 000 Mail: 2509 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 152 ,400 Tax: 2145.76 AFN:931122-1498 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 60. 6 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 3 Block: Prcl,: 920250-0060-03 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 290 Date: 83/11/17 Names: FOX PAUL K & SHIRLEY V QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 8, 956 Sale: $74,990 Tel#,: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:VA Site,: 2607 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T1 H Loan: $73, 600 Mail: 2607 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 131, 700 Tax: 1854.48 AFN:940309-2210 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 54.4 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat�i: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 6 Block: Prc1: 920250-0190-06 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2, 640 Date: 82/09/20 Name': GORMLEY OWEN C QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz : 7 , 374 Sale: $91,990 Tel#': (206) 228-1687 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:VA Site': 2820 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T2 H Loan: $78,950 Mail: 2820 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 148, 600 Tax: 2092. 29 AFN:820920-0605 City RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 59. 6 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 19 Block: Prcl: 920250-0320-09 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 100 Date: 83/10/25 Name: HILLIS HOMES INC QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7 , 183 Sale: $71, 290 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:VA Site: 2520 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T1 H Loan: $71, 250 Mail: 826 S BROADWAY Assessd: 125, 500 Tax: 1767 . 23 AFN:831025-0467 City: EVERETT WA 98204 %Imp: 52 . 1 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: Ri WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 32 Block: Prcl: 920250-0220-00 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 640 Date: 83/08/02 Name; HINKLE GEORGE C QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7 , 123 Sale: $84, 600 Tel# (206) 255-0652 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ: Site: 2802 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T2 H Loan: Mail: 2802 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 147 , 200 Tax: 2072 . 59 AFN: City:' RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 59 .2 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: Ri WF/V: Plat:. WEATHERWOOD II Lot:22 Block: Information provided is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed Copyright 1997 TRW REDI Property Data 1 ' - I Ch:L<:AGO TITLE INSURANCE CO FARM PACKAGE Page 3 Prepared for: 03/03/97 Prcl: 920250-0140-07 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 ,430 Date: 86/08/13 Name: HIRAMATSU RICHARD K+VI QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 8,822 Sale: Tel'#: Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2805 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T2 H Loan: $110, 000 Mail: 2805 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 143 , 100 Tax: 2014 .89 AFN:931230-1607 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 58. 0 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 14 Block: Prcl: 920250-0310-01 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 410 Date: 95/07/20 Name: HOWEY JEFFREY L & KATH QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7 , 090 Sale: $142,450 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:REN Site: 2602 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $106,800 Mail: 4705 DAYBREAK CIR Assessd: 136,700 Tax: 1924 .83 AFN:950725-0798 City: COLORADO SPRINGS 80917 %Imp: 56. 1 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 31 Block: Prcl: 920250-0230-08 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2, 040 Date: 94/03/14 Name: HUANG DALONG QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz : 7 , 238 Sale: $150, 000 Tel#: (206) 271-3957 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2728 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl Tl H Loan: $120, 000 Mail: 2728 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 131, 400 Tax: 1850.25 AFN:940318-0736 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 54,. 3 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 23 Block: Prcl: 920250-0340-05 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 100 Date: 83/12/05 Name: JACKSON ROBERT B & GLO QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7,226 Sale: $94,990 Tel#: (206) 271-0673 Zoning: SF Styl: 2 . 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2508 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H1 Loan: $75, 000 Mail: 2508 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 152, 000 Tax: 2140. 13 AFN:940713-0483 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 60. 5 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 34 Block: Prcl: 920250-0080-09 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 370 Date: 94/03/10 Name: JURCAN ROBERT K+JANICE QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz : 9 , 271 Sale: $141, 000 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 4 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2615 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $98,700 Mail: 14836 161ST CT SE Assessd: 138,700 Tax: 1952 .98 AFN:940322-0497 City: RENTON WA 98059 %Imp: 56.7 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot:8 Block: Prcl: 920250-0180-08 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 ,280 Date: 91/01/25 Name: KIRKLIN EUGENE M+JACKI QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 8, 256 Sale: $143 , 000 Tel#: (206) 255-1527 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:VA Site: 2826 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T2 H Loan: $149,750 Mail: 2826 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 140, 300 Tax: 1975.49 AFN:921222-1582 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 57 . 2. Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 18 Block: Prcl: 920250-0010-04 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 410 Date: 83/09/22 Name: KWAN GARY SHUI-WO QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 10, 355 Sale: $76,990 Tel#: (206) 722-5973 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:REN Site: 2501 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $69,250 Mail: 6208 S BANGOR Assessd: 137, 000 Tax: 1929 . 06 AFN:830922-0327 City: SEATTLE WA 98178 %Imp: 56.2 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 1 Block: Information provided is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed Copyright 1997 TRW REDI Property Data CH.��AGO TITLE INSURANCE CO FARM PACKAGE Page 4 Prepared for: 03/03/97 Prcl: 920250-0040-08 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2, 080 Date: 83/08/01 Name: LEINGANG CHARLES D QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 9, 355 Sale: $76,990 Tel#: (206) 235-7778 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 4 Deed:W Typ:FHA Site: 2513 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $35, 000 Mail: 2513 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 145, 500 Tax: 2048. 66 AFN:830801-0668 City: RENTON WA 98055 %Imp: 58 . 7 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot:4 Block: Prcl: 920250-0250-03 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 290 Date: 89/06/26 Name: MARSHALL LORENZO+LUCY QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7, 247 Sale: $85, 500 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed: Typ:MTG Site: 2716 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T1 H Loan: $132 ,219 Mail: 2716 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 131, 100 Tax: . 1846. 03 AFN:930217-0517 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 54. 2 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 25 Block: Prcl: 920250-0100-05 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 170 Date: 96/10/15 Name: MC CUE MARGARET & DANI QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 10, 281 Sale: $142 , 500 Tel#: Zoning: , SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2705 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $135, 375 Mail: 2705 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 129, 100 Tax: 1817 . 89 AFN:961024-0576 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 53 . 5 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 10 Block: Prcl: 920250-0050-05 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1, 170 Date: 93/07/26 Name: MECHLER MATTHEW QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 9, 360 Sale: $127,500 Tel#: (206) 277-6419 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:FHA Site: 2603 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $127, 050 Mail: 2603 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 129, 700 Tax: 1826. 33 AFN:930730-1262 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 53 . 7 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 5 Block: Prcl: 920250-0210-02 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 050 Date: 83/10/31 Name: METZ RAY A & VIRGIE L QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7, 466 Sale: $78, 990 Tel#: (206) 271-9446 Zoning: SF Sty1 : 1. OB Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:VA Site: 2808 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T2 H Loan: $78, 950 Mail: 2808 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 134 , 000 Tax: 1886.84 AFN:831031-0920 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 55. 2 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 21 Block: Prcl: 920250-0170-00 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 100 Date: 95/03/28 Name: MITCHELL MARK & SANDRA QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 8, 022 Sale: $160, 000 Tel#: Zoning: SF Styl: 2 . 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site': 2817 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H1 Loan: $128, 000 Mail: 2817 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 151,400 Tax: 2131. 69 AFN:950331-0026 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 60. 3 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat,: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 17 Block: Prcl: 920250-0240-06 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 040 Date: 92/07/08 Name: MOORE CINDY L QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz : 7, 236 Sale: $151,900 Tel#': (206) 255-3424 Zoning: SF, Sty1: 1. OB Bd: 4 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2722 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F1 T1 H Loan: $121, 600 Mail 2005 VASHON AVE NE Assessd: 131, 500 Tax: 1851. 66 AFN:930901-1512 City: RENTON WA 98059 %Imp: 54. 3 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot:24 Block: ' Information provided is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed Copyright 1997 TRW REDI Property Data CF.._.'AGO TITLE INSURANCE CO - FARM PACKAGE Page 5 Prepared for: 03/03/97 Prcl: 920250-0280-07 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1,410 Date: 83/09/26 Name: MORGAN BILLY & DOROTHY QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7 , 191 Sale: $75, 990 Tel#: (206) 226-0574 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:VA Site: 2620 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $26,000 Mail: 2620 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 136,700 Tax: 1924.83 AFN:830926-0802 City: RENTON WA 98055 %Imp: 56. 1 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 28 Block: Prcl: 920250-0160-02 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2,800 Date: 83/08/25 Name: MURRAY MITCHELL D QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 8,829 Sale: $93,990 Tel#: (206) 228-2288 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 4 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2813 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H Loan: $50, 000 Mail: 2813 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 148,700 Tax: 2093 . 69 AFN:930322-0138 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 59. 6 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: Ri WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 16 Block: Prcl: 920250-0290-05 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 340 Date: 91/08/23 Name: NG HERMAN S K+LAI WA QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7, 266 Sale: $146, 500 Tel#: (206) 226-4599 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2614 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T2 H Loan: $126, 000 Mail: 2614 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 140, 300 Tax: 1975.49 AFN:930521-1082 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 57 . 2. Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 29 Block: Prcl: 920250-0270-09 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 050 Date: 94/06/07 Name: NG SEK HONG+SHUK FAN L QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7, 061 Sale: $150, 000 Tel#: Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ: Site: 2704 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T2 H Loan: Mail: 2704 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 133 , 800 Tax: 1884 . 03 AFN: City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 55. 1 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 27 Block: Prcl: 920250-0200-04 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 300 Date: 83/07/28 Name: OKINO WAYNE M & JOYCE QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7 , 689 Sale: $86,990 Tel#: (206) 228-2489 Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:FHA Site: 2814 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H Loan.: $84, 050 Mail: 2814 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 146, 500 Tax: 2062 .74 AFN:830728-0831 City: RENTON WA 98055 %Imp: 59 . 0 Yr: 1982 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V:/TERR Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 20 Block: Prcl: 920250-0260-01 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 1,410 Date: 89/05/31 Name: RUTLEDGE JANET L QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 7,254 Sale: $97,500 Tel#: (206) 255-1974 Zoning: SF Styl: 1. 0 Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:MTG Site: 2710 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: F2 T H Loan: $50,000 Mail: 2710 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 136,800 Tax: 1926.24 AFN:890531-0793 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 56. 1 Yr: 1984 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot:26 Block: Prcl: 920250-0120-01 Use: 101-SNGL FAM SqFt: 2 , 110 Date: 96/09/09 Name: SPEARS ALFRED D & JACQ QSTR: NW-04-23-05 LdSz: 9 , 023 Sale: $173, 500 Tel#: Zoning: SF Sty1: 1. 0B Bd: 3 Deed:W Typ:REN Site: 2713 NE 23RD PL RENTON, WA 98056 Bths: Fl T1 H Loan: $156, 150 Mail: 2713 NE 23RD PL Assessd: 142 , 800 Tax: 2010. 67 AFN: 960911-0618 City: RENTON WA 98056 %Imp: 57 .9 Yr: 1983 Un: 1 Mkt: R1 WF/V: Plat: WEATHERWOOD II Lot: 12 Block: 1 Information provided is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed 1 Copyright 1997 TRW REDI Property Data 02/26/1'397 10:34 3913055 . BAIMA HOLMBERG INC PAGE 17 ir ; anFrt -rssm., • ; L 114-.;“„P4'..,v,„•-, iv° 0.1.4.:4:!.4:V. PPP <, •/ 1i4.;,, lit If .„, • . - . 4%. • a 0 FA Lad , •17 0 • . ( f` ,•, • 4 MA cn, V;ti, ga War"' v;w•ii,ex, STATE OF WASIAINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the / day of C 192.7,I installed / public • information sign(s) of the property.located at for the following project • • Pro* name CC- - Owner Name 2. This/these public information sign(s)was/were constructed and installed in , locations in conformance with the requireme f Renton Municipal Sections 9-12-8 G end 912-8-I 2a, A SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this '? '(day of____ 19 q 1 . i( ,71.•• ,ktiC141's NOTARY e4BLIC in and for the a e of / shngton, iç- ttig"6 N't.1 residing at '41 " .• w „. vattt.- •, My commission expires on Co- q -'- .•.e9..401.. ..ikt' D.. -• ..• '0‘ta .•• gailims.Dou atm am • • • , . ft." • • I .rts' • . . s" •; 1 4 • , • g7)% ; : 6 •.V1 `..ri NY* f rt. 4'47 1") /9 .. ;; L; . S N:.. : .: •:. .:.:.:::....- F . N > : i : : .,: �. . . ....:. .::::.;:::::: : ... ............ :::;:..;:.;:< :<.DEVE O P. ENT::: ER .ICES:. I:V::.I.SIO. .::<> :. <>:;::: <•:: :>; ; <:i;;> '... : : ::.:::.: :: : : : : :•• • tiw,*virit.. :::.N.:i!!!!:!!..1.:*ini,]::::,::::,:i.::::::::::!,,,,.,,,,::::,,,,,,,,,,!,:::i:1*,!,::!...:,:":!,:::::, :,���'RM .I O N:i: : ` :<:' : Note :)f: here:.(sr9r4'tanoelega ° "egPias a : h: ad :t a: 'norized`Nater<Applton'foreac ,'o.wner: > :»; » ' » i.i> > <;` :#r::;z< PROJECT OR DEV LOPMEN TNA NAME: NAME: Honey Creek Heights _Guenter Halt PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 2600 Block of NE 25th Street . 327 N 105th Street Ste C KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): CITY: ZIP: Seattle WA 98133-8705 042305-9151 • TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S): 783-0757 Vacant Illia • << AP.P.:.::Ll C'ANT` ( faili.eR..:.......::...:...:.:..:::.::I. ::::::.:::::::::: PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: • Bob Colwell Single Family Residential , COMPANY(if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Residential Single Family (RS) ADDRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): 2625 NE 27th Street CITY: ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: Renton WA 98056 R8 TELEPHONE NUMBER: PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): 228-2473 i SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: A 9 t ` 99/ Shupe Holmberg 3.03 ac ' DEVELOrn,;_.v i r,,iIVNING COMPANY(if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: CITY or REAIToN Baima & Holmberg,, Inc. Unknown at this time ADDF IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? 100 Front Street South - • - . • ..,_ Yes CITY: ZIP: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY Issaquah WA 98027 SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: No 392-0250 igii:. ::!iih::.:<:..; SCRIP" <:: :: PE TY>: A ach<ae ar ::'`sheet€if<necessar:: <<: `::: '>:_::,;:,::><>:.::: .>;:::::>::.::::»:::>::>::::::<:«<<::.LEGAL::DE ....:..� N..OF.::PRO. ... R :..:.( tt . .: ..:.. P.. : �:::::. ..:....:.....:..:....:Y):::::::r.: ::.. .:.. .I . See Attached ig .0.Mi::< FEE;:.:.><<> > >> .miE > >' >` ''<`>> > < ` >»::::«:>:::<: :::::<:>:»<::»:>:: :«:>::»::::>::«:::>�: :. ;; :<:: ::: I :.:�.��(t. .r>: a ff::>w(I l�<" e t > :>>in;'>fe s?<gioni `' > i .. : ::.:.Che. k.:all:::a I(cat�on:;<t . :es:::t�.a.#::a . .:::'. :G.:Y.:st. :� ::: :..:.e.:.:�.::. .:e:<..:..:e ..: ::::: :::..:.:......:...�. I _ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ 7 SHORT PLAT $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT $ • .--&. TENTATIVE PLAT $ — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ A0C.)2 _ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ : FINAL PLAT $ _ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ I . (NO. CO. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _ _ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) . PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ FINAL _WETLAND PERMIT $ 7 • — ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ 1 • SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION $No Charge • ,ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ 500" REVISION $ i .. ......... .............:......... R:SHIpaiimi iiiiim'`' '< `it im.m.«`<> > < « < >`<<« :.:: ::.:-::::::::::>::::::::::::;::::»:::>:::::..::::::: :>::::::«<:;::::::: ::::::::: : :<:::»:<::::....:::>::::::>:: :.[ AVIT' 0.1=€;OWN ERS . ...... ................................ Robert Colwell I, (Print Name) , declare that I am (please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application �e authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements a n�w yl?ei� contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. o• G�• �Fti 0., o °`S I O N e° + • . �p of Robert Colwell ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me,9'j Nq re y l �id,'�hkin9,`P' F N m m for the State of fN4 residing at a° a (Name o wner/Representative) Pail Gr-h� f't!'-, on the Iday M. P U B L I C' _•1�0dc,/.,(9 P---/d.(/(/0 \-7/\11'.**119+ rp 0•;oo. / % ignature of Owner/Representative •M)/ 141s.' A S —s (Signature tary Public) 1 c t `' S:::•> ;::::::.:::::>::.>>;:>:::::::: >�:<::« ::<><::':::::»:::D• »<»>::»:»»»:<:>:: is<`sectl to b . m I .. . ::.:' ::::.;..;:;. :. .: SA:.>::>R:::»;:SHP.,L::.:..CU.,:..LLq;. :.;FP.::.:T0:. :SP:<.;>:.;::.;.::._:T:':E::::.:::.. ..... . : . :..:::::.:.::::Clt ...FIIe:::N.umbe.r.,:;::::.:::: �:�..G.��:..:... :.:•:.:�:;::.::.;::.>::.;:.;;:;;:::.:;:.;;;;.:::.:;;:.:.::.:;.;;;:.:';:::.;, .AQ D :W <;FPUD.: > M:>:::;:;S M .....M H ....... . ... . . .. »::>:<T.<> .' P • PR 0 I 0 ED : $>>;9.t. .': :'01-:':: :::< `.,:'a€?':`;!;:':`: > :::::.<:1.• MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 9/96 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 472272 Your No.: • LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, • TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT 45.00 FEET SOUTH AND 30.00 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4.; THENCE SOUTH 88°16'55" EAST 340.71 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 88°16'55" EAST 370.71 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE WEST 21.27 ACRES OF THE NORTH HALF OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND THE EXTENSION THEREOF, 338 FEET; THENCE WEST 370.71 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 338 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE EAST 90 FEET OF THE WEST 741.42 FEET OF THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE NORTH 45 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY dc.cm.sp.mm/rlm • BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE REPORT FOR HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY PLAT March 18, 1997 Baima & Holmberg Job No. 725-002 /kr% lifer 1 9 199r o,ry��' N-per ��Rf1TplAivNUyG StkUPE � tiQ �O WAsy7 Prepared For: 44-: J('B/'. 0 32 Robert Colwell � I"p RFCt13s'rER� 2526 NE 27th Street SIO ti.Nc, ' ' Renton, WA 98056 N, II EXPIRES IC(3O, 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (206)392-0250 • FAX(206)391-3055 , BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. Honey Creek Heights is a 2.84 acre site which is relatively flat and slopes generally to the northwest. Site slopes are generally 2% to 5%. The site is open and undeveloped • with a few scattered trees. There is no defined drainage course from the site. Most likely existing runoff infiltrates rather than running off the site. A storm outfall will be constructed from the existing storm system on NE 27th Street to the site. Site storm drainage will be collected and piped to a storm detention vault located within Tract 'B'. This vault will be sized per City of Renton Standards. The anticipated storage volume is approximately 9,000 cubic feet. Storm drainage will be directed from the vault to a bioswale located on the west side of the property southerly of NE 25th Street. Since the site is within an aquifer protection zone, it is likely that a liner will be required under the bio-swale. The bio-swale will discharge to the storm outfall to NE 27th Street. 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (206)392-0250 • FAX(206)391-3055 • • • • i'€<DEVELOPMENT.,SE:RVICES :::VI.S:O:...: »i<>i i >>isi<i<>i< :>>:>i> MRM ::;:::.;::::::::.>:.:.;.>;:.>::;>::.; :.;:. :;..;>;::.;:.;:.:; .:: . NT.. .ERVCCESDI.UI. ION..................... .:::::.... H • .ECKLI:ST ....... PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of.this.checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or"does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may.ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. • USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: • Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. • RECEIVED • R 1 9 1997 DEVECiT`t GF F��i`i70f'i • • Environmental Checklist A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of plroposed project, if applicable: Honey Creek Heights • 2. Name of applicant: Baima & Holmberg 3. . Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 100 Front Street South . Issaquah, WA 98027-3817 Contact: Shupe Holmberg 392-0250 4. Date checklist prepared: February 25, 1997 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construct Sprint of 1998 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion,or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. • None known 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None known 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. • City of Renton approval of engineering plans, building permits, DOE approval of sewer plans. • 11; Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The proposal is to develop one existing tax. lot in to 19 single family residential building lots. • 12 Environmental Checklist 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and -'range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area,-provide the range or-boundaries • of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if ' reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not ." :._•::required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. Site is located at 2600 Block of NE 25th Street. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. ; General description of the site (circle one);"flat, oiling,,.hilly, steep.slopes,'mountainous, other • b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope?) 4% • c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand,,gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. INc Indianola Loamy Fine Sand d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. • Approximately 2,500 cu yd of select imported fill material will be needed for road base. It may be possible to utilize excavated material from the bio swale for a portion of this fill. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. • Yes, erosion could occur during roadway construction. g: About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 45% ' 3 . I Environmental Checklist • • • h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Silt fabric fencing, sedimentation ponds, and swales will be utilized during construction. 2. AIR • .a. . • What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e.;dust, automobile, •:-;odors;industrial wood smoke) during jconstruction and when the project is completed? If • •;any,•generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Emissions from construction lequipment, dust during construction. b. . • Are there any off-site sources of emission or odor•that•may affect your•proposal? If so, : • generally describe. No • c... •••Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Construction equipment will meet State and Federal emission requirements Dust control (water) will be provided during construction. ,I • 3. . WATER ,j a. Surface Water: '1 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-. round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds,-.wetlands)? If yes;describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. No .1 II 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and,attach available plans. N/A I I 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from , surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected.. Indicate the source of fill material. • N/A 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. . • No . I l 5) • Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note location on the site plan. No . II • I ' • 4 • Environmental Checklist • 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground Water: 1) • •:Will_ground:water.be:withdrawn,;or will water.be discharged.to:ground water? Give .. .::general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No .. 2) ::. .Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground:from•:septic tanks or other sources, .if,any (for.example: .: Domestic sewage; industrial,::containing-..the:following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size-ofihe'systemvthe-number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. N/A c. Water Runoff(including storm water): • • • 1) -Describe.the.,source of runoff..(including;storm water)•..:and.:methot.of-..collection :and disposal, if any(include quantities, if known):-Where will this waterflow? ..Will this water flow into other waters, If so, describe. Storm runoff will be piped to a detention vault in an access tract and then discharged through a bio swale to storm outfall to Edmonds Street. 2) Could waste material.enter ground or surface waters?.>if so, generally describe. Household spills could enter the storm system. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Oil water separators and bio—filtration 'will be provided. • • 4. PLANTS ' • a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: x deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other x evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs • x grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants:water lily, eel grass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? All vegetation within road rights—of—way, access tract, and bio swale area will be removed. 5 • • Environmental Checklist • C. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. I . None Known d. .. Proposed landscaping, use of native,plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Landscaping will be provided by homeowners. • 5. ANIMALS • •a., :::••,Circle any birds and animals which have been observed.on•or.near1he:site:or.are known to be on or near the site:. (see next page) .! Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbir s,other Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmon,trout, herring, shellfish, other • b. - .List any threatened or endangered species known to be:on or:near.the site:: .•...... . None known I C. Is the site part of a migration route?; If so, explain . I � No ii d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None i 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES • I a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet ' the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. ri Electricity and natural gas will be used to meet the projects . energy needs. .. • i I I b. !Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. . No !1 c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: Homes will be constructed to Washington State. energy code requirement 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH • !'i II 6 li I • Environmental Checklist • a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No • 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None 2) •Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None • b. Noise • 1) •What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic,• equipment, operation, other)? N/A 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a • it • short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic,-<construction,=•operation, -other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short term noise associated with construction equipment. Long term noise associated with 19 new single family homes. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Construction equipment will meet State and Federal noise regulations. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE,: a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Surrounding property is single family. • b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Not recently. • • c. Describe any structures on the site. . • • None d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? N/A e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-8 • f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Single family - 7 Environmental Checklist • g. If applicable,what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/tli h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. ' No i. -Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? • 56 j. Approximately how many people would the completed project'displace? None . k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is ,compatible:with:existing:.and::projected land uses and plans, if any: Proposal confirms to comp. plan. 9. HOUSING • iI a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 19 new middle income • b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing.. None ' I i c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: • None •10. AESTHETICS . :1 a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed. 35 foot wood. k •, b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? , None li c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: • ' None . 8 • Environmental Checklist • 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Light & glare associated with 19 new homes plus street lighting. . b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No C. :What existing off-site sources of light or glare may..affect.your-proposal? None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None 12. RECREATION • . a. _ What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate'vicinity? May Creek Park, Gene Coulon Park, Kiwanis Park, Coalfield Park, Lake Boren Park. b. Would the proposed project displace any.existing recreational uses?,-If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to-reduce.or control impacts..on•recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION • a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national•state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known • b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or • cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A , .. . . 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. NE 25th St. will be extended east and south to connect to existing public roadway within Aloha Ranch Plat which connects to SE 24th St. 9 • Environmental Checklist • • • • b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes •c. • How many parking spaces would thel completed project have? How many would the • project eliminate? ,I N/iA I • . : d. . • :•-Will'the proposal require.any new roads or streets;Tor;improvements.to•existingToads or • :streets, •not including driveways?. If so,,generallyrdescribeindicate.:whether•>•public or private? SE 25th St. will be a publiclstreet. Tract 'B' will be a private access tract serving Lots 5,16, 7 & 8. e. • Will' the project use (or'occur:•in the .immediate::vicinity'-zof)_.water;:rail,•.or 'air •transportation? If so, generally describe. No ' • .•• f. • Htiw.many:vehicular Arips:perday::would:be lgenerated'_by..the•-completed project? If •• known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. 100 trips per. day. Peak volumes would occur during am & pm commute times. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Possible traffic mitigation fee. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES • a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so,generally describe. The project will result in an increased need for _all public ' • services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Increased tax base .pays for :services. • Parks, fire, sewer and storm water fees will also be paid. i 16. UTILITIES • a. Circle uti' ies urrently availa a at the site: -lectricity, natural gas, CM refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. I I • • II . .• II ip• Ili Environmental Checklist • b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Sewer, water, natural gas, phone, power, cable TV. • C. SIGNATURE . .: .:I,.the;undersigned, state:that to.the best.of my knowledge-the:above information is:true and . complete. :It.-is understood.that:the:lead agency:.may t:withdraw. any.declaration -of non- .significance .that it might.issue in .reliance:upon -.this•checklist..should there be .any willful :misrepresentation or,willful lack o full di closure on my part. Proponent: /.e.4; . . Name Printed: S1nl�lp� 1-fi�lYY11JIr9 Date: HdirOt4. 11 1161.1 61.1 11 • • Environmental Checklist • • • • D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEETS FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS ::::€s ee 1 "1.03 I >€tie::€:€us'e =: or:«actlo OR vol. l ><:d.ecls o 4. €::n olrcies<:` laps84.::.;hose....:::::h.:::::�:.:::�hpu::.::::Qn.: :::::.::: ::::::.::::::;f..:::::::.:::::.:.:...n....:::.�n:::::::v:ng::::::::::::::�.::�s::::::n::.p.::::::::::::::.,.:::.:.::::::::::::::nd • . . . ,Because these questions are'very general,.it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. . ;:When answering these.questions, be aware of the:extent,the'proposal;';or..the.types:of:activities • • 7 likely.toi:result•from the..proposal,-would:affect the.item at a greater.intensity.or at a:faster.rate •• : :than if the proposal were not.implemented. Respond briefly..and in general terms..• .. • • •.1. • •How.would the proposal:be likely•to.increase discharge:to,water;•:emissions:to.air;.production, • • storage,:or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production•of•noise? . • ....• . Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: •• • .2. • How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals;•fish,;or marine life? • • . :.:Proposed:measures.to protector conserve plants, animals,fish,:or.marine:life'.are: • . . . 3.. • How would the proposal•be likely to'deplete.energy or natural-resources?: • - Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: • 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, • • wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat,'historic or cultural sites, . wetlands, flood plains, or prime farmlands? • 'II Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: • 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? • Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use Impacts are: ' • 12 Environmental Checklist • • 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? • • • Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: 7. . •Identify, .if•possible, whether the.proposal may conflict•with local, state, or. federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It. is understood .that the lead agency may withdraw..any.:.declaration .of non- significance that it•might issue in reliance .upon this checklist:should .there ..be zany willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed: . • Date: REVISED 9/94 • • • • • • • 13 .%.-^yr " #17i7,4%-9674''':AN ."r:'k `•1i' V ;•.. L,'' ,.!;:` tig•Y.rt .*.,.' ..,:AE a :rA .;.t3 n: r 4--2;_. ''t';e A-vizir A",r:o' "%>t:1 F. r • r, COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE iv At k.4i 'sit F: lot 'i. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY t0l Fri CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Missouri corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor ;;r of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the ^`' ? land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefore; all subject to the ;fig provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Exclusions from Coverage (appearing herein) and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. ki' 41 This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or i`; O policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance pi. Nof this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and /' °• obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies 4- iti committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is "J sAwV. not the fault of the Company. ±t 'a; ft In Witness Whereof,CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this commitment to be signed and sealed , tfr, as of the date of policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to become valid when countersigned by an authorized ii it : signatory. +t Pi .�Y °'4 t $ t: RECFiVEE 5§ i '" M R: 1 9 19W/cf tti pid Y DEVELOYivi NI PLAN NG 41 o CITY OF RaNTOI t>4 4a CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a. n, ;•ii Issued by: • By: ', CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY r 1800 Columbia Center o 701 Fifth Avenue 4 de-e e,,,i; .tt, Seattle, Washington 98104 President "; (206) 628- 5666 r `.014!ii pqy' N o . i ATE;':o 11: •U31 x;:�: 1,1* ; By• tioi is 47 ,i':: +:, ••; 7 � Secretary Q, .. '�_'.. :.,.,. .. :.�T, _--=.ram-_. ..•�..�.-�'o . .. �. __—. .. ^. :C4''�p'r._V� • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAii Y 1800 COLUMBIA CENTER, 701 FIFTH AVENUE Title Unit: U-10 SEATTLE, WA 98104 Phone: 628-5623 A.L.TA.COMMITMENT Fax 628-9738 SCHEDULE A Order No.: 472272 Officer: MIKE HARRIS/CHRIS JOHANSON Your No.: • Commitment Effective Date: FEBRUARY 4, 1997 at 8:00 A.M. 1. Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Owner's Policy Amount: $275,000.00 1992 STANDARD Premium: $ 935.00 GENERAL SCHEDULE RATE T $ 76.67 Proposed Insured: • GRAYPAC LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount: $0.00 ALTA Loan Policy Premium: Tax: • Proposed Insured: • Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount: $0.00 ALTA Loan Policy Premium: Tax: Proposed Insured: 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this Commitment is: FEE SIMPLE • 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: GUENTER MANNHALT, PRESUMPTIVELY SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY INTEREST OF A SPOUSE, IF MARRIED, ON JUNE 29, 1989, DATE OF ACQUIRING TITLE • 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 472272 Your No.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) THAT PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, • TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT 45.00 FEET SOUTH AND 30.00 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4.; THENCE SOUTH 88°16'55" EAST 340.71 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 88°16'55" EAST 370.71 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE WEST 21.27 ACRES OF THE NORTH HALF OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EAST LINE AND THE EXTENSION THEREOF, 338 FEET; THENCE WEST 370.71 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 338 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE EAST 90 FEET OF THE WEST 741.42 FEET OF THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE NORTH 45 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY du®a6/1.15A7/Am • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT • SCHEDULE B order No.: 472272 Your No.: Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. B. Encroachments,overlaps,boundary line disputes,or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. C. Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the public records. D.Any lien,or right to a lien,for contributions to employee benefit funds,or for state workers' compensation,or for services,labor,or material heretofore or hereafter furnished,all as imposed by law,and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. F. Any service,installation,connection,maintenance,tap,capacity or construction charges for sewer,water, electricity,other utilities,or garbage collection and disposal. G.Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations,Indian treaty or aboriginal rights,including easements or equitable servitudes. H. Water rights,claims,or title to water. I. Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,created,first appearing in the public records,or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOW CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 000472272 Your No.: . SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS A 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION LINE AREA AFFECTED: THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER RECORDED: JUNE 4, 1952 RECORDING NUMBER: 4242012 B 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: MELVIN R. GRAY (OWNER OF TAX LOT 130) PURPOSE: INGRESS AND EGRESS AREA AFFECTED: THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF SAID PREMISES AND OTHER PROPERTY RECORDED: AUGUST 10, 1973 RECORDING NUMBER: 7308100394 C SAID EASEMENT CONTAINS A PROVISION FOR BEARING THE COST OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF SAID ROAD BY THE USERS. D 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: TERRY DURST, AS TRUSTEE OF THE D & D TRUST (OWNER OF TAX LOT 17) PURPOSE: INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES AREA AFFECTED: THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE WEST 45 FEET OF THE EAST 135 FEET OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: MARCH 7, 1994 RECORDING NUMBER: 9403071868 inail919 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY du®bt/1-s97/ram Vr CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT • SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 472272 Your No.: . SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS E 4. COVENANT TO BEAR PART OR ALL OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF EASEMENT GRANTED OVER ADJACENT PROPERTY (TAX LOT 81) : PURPOSE OF EASEMENT: INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES RECORDING NUMBER: 9403071869 F 5. COVENANT TO BEAR PART OR ALL OF THE COST OF. CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR OF EASEMENT GRANTED OVER.ADJACENT PROPERTY (TAX LOT 17) : PURPOSE OF EASEMENT: SEWER • RECORDING NUMBER: 9403071870 G 6. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES WITH NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AREA AFFECTED: THE SOUTH 20 FEET OF THE WEST 45 FEET OF THE EAST 135 FEET OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: . MARCH 25, 1994 RECORDING NUMBER: . 9403251291 H 7. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 4025 ESTABLISHING A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8612031455. 8. PAYMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX, IF REQUIRED. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SITUATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF RENTON. PRESENT RATE IS 1.78%. ANY CONVEYANCE DOCUMENT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE OFFICIAL WASHINGTON STATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT. THE APPLICABLE EXCISE TAX MUST BE PAID AND THE AFFIDAVIT APPROVED AT THE TIME OF THE RECORDING OF THE CONVEYANCE DOCUMENTS. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY thasmuftimAdvn . CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY • A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 472272 Your No.: . SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS J 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX. YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 1997 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 042305-9151-02 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 90,000.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $1,249.81 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $1,249.81 K 10. MATTERS WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A SEARCH OF THE RECORDS AGAINST THE NAME OF THE SPOUSE OF GUENTER MANNHALT, IF MARRIED. 11. TITLE IS TO VEST IN GRAYPAC LLC, AND WILL THEN BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS SHOWN AT PARAGRAPH(S) 12 AND 13. M 12. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR GRAYPAC LLC . N 13. SATISFACTORY SHOWING MUST BE MADE THAT A CERTIFICATE OF FORMATION FOR GRAYPAC LLC, HAS BEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATUTE. 0 14. RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF TERRY L. DURST, AS TRUSTEE OF THE D & D TRUST, AS TO THE SOUTHERLY 45 FEET OF SAID PREMISES, PURSUANT TO QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9311291807 (BEING A RERECORDING OF 9309302361) . THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTAINED IN SAID DEEDS FAIL TO EXCLUDE THE NORTH 45 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4. THE SAME ERROR IS ALSO CONTAINED ON THE KING COUNTY TAX ROLLS FOR TAX PARCEL NO. 042305-9081-07. P 15. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY du®n2/r1m/l-15-97 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 472272 Your No.: . SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. 0 NOTE 1: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS.MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER. FIRST PAGE OR COVER SHEET: 3" TOP MARGIN CONTAINING NOTHING EXCEPT THE RETURN ADDRESS. 1" SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. TITLE(S) OF. DOCUMENTS. RECORDING NO. OF ANY ASSIGNED, RELEASED OR REFERENCED DOCUMENT(S) . GRANTORS NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . GRANTEES NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (AND PAGE NO. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION) . ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S) . RETURN ADDRESS (IN TOP 3" MARGIN) . **A COVER SHEET CAN BE ATTACHED CONTAINING THE ABOVE FORMAT AND DATA IF THE FIRST PAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL REQUIRED DATA. ADDITIONAL PAGES: 1" TOP, SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. ALL PAGES: NO STAPLED OR TAPED ATTACHMENTS. EACH ATTACHMENT MUST BE A SEPARATE PAGE. ALL NOTARY AND OTHER PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED FOR VISIBILITY. FONT SIZE OF 8 POINTS OR LARGER. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF R.C.W. 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: W 1/2 NW 1/4, 4-23-5 END OF SCHEDULE B CI-IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY v"5mb2/"m/I'Ls-97 • __ , .. . • • ,. - . _ CnicagoTftle lei W BECAUSE-ICU DESERVE THE BEST IMPORTANT:Tnis is note Plat of Survey It is lurnisned as a convenience to locate the I nd indicated hereon with reference to,s:Teets and other land.No liability is assumed by reason of reliance nereon. /° T,v 11/ ,v w * (-/— 02 .3 y- S r_________7«,. �'�. soasaa a _ owr�s .1.. t r..✓f. ,ass 7a7.s, t--"t .rL., 360 • ... • • . �4..,... .o.Iv-...- .+, �`ti • i [:1 I s J.J'"u4.. .l..vi✓��frl rlf*/ •/j'✓�� \"� �av 1 old �i�O �'11 1I ge'.�i I 4.. ®CD , th•Jw .s.e•rry �. J v 'a�-• KEY t "1 ... �/9L I/ .•.• •o .r70.71- -N►- .. .•.... MI •re•Y••J ,...•6.4 . 1'o .t 7J4. .rr..• . 'L 04 1179••1., j12 .r x pp .: �``� M Ih ~ •• I . • • ,* • n.�• < •• 1. wKAy� i t 4 /•: 4•1!1. g W '�j.f0 7 4 7 Y • �I f� . 1 % It" ''ZI ....'"2 Q :141" a 41 SP' Ni•,. ...\is 4•� /.i 1 MM LA•�'•O~ • /rO.f/ /I• • •••._:,... r• 0e.r• r • 1 tl I ;if, W a N.E. 25.TV., ST▪.' io� /•.•.r I< 7•.•• �_,r.. •r•.. Jby ;;:4 • 1• #:: iI:. -. i • ,r:, •.i ',To 2 • > >1.4 z" • • r.•U .o® i_ ':.4,•r.vw n•,i•rlw1 hW• J.M. ; V a Ll ,110 U �' • el . ` ® NWnli 11 y JN•.si �O® •^•"w 129d -© , fso) er,.sr► r•i to r t '91 T!!.ft r d: •; • t r i M) I{l oi, • Iir'• • 1 1. ..•• • • •• = 41041s " • 'rcoo r� ••'M fir•:pi!' f yl• Ifl.J 04' ..., ,.l I +t«.o..vr �,� .�. .. 019/200 >t _ _ t� rtr•__ >t ; /J . — �k >t r''tart,>r N.r E. 14 + 2 4 T FI. ,�N S T.Qi Q t ,� tiN f „r.« `•0�1� 7.•,.y ,i, 1•:.• - •RpN - n.• r r .•4_ t. otl j .W • 11 �t Npirf• Ua I/N•• •pJ � rN.^. , y • . Alit We 4/I./•./r .0•La N„ oft ••,ia* i ZIP Chicago Title insurance Company®, :800 Calumbia Cer:tir 701 Sth Avenue S...u.'e Wacti nSr::.' Qg1D4 EXCLUSIONS (Cont'd.) 4. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (i) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (ii) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where:the'preferential transfer results from the failure: (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. ALTA LOAN POLICY FORM (10-17-92) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, ;costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law,ordinance or governmental regulation(including but not limited to building and zoning laws,ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii)the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii)a separa- tion in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or(iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a,notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encum- brance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by(a)above,except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect;lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company,not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy,but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy(except to the extent that this policy insures the priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over any statutory lien for services, labor or material); or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. 4. Unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness,to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state in which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. 6. Any statutory lien for services, labor or materials (or the claim or priority of any statutory lien for services, labor or materials over the lien of the insured mortgage)arising from an improvement or work related to the land which is con- tracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and is not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to advance. 7. Any claim,which arises out of the transaction creating the interest of the mortgagee insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (i) the transaction creating the interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (ii) the subordination of the interest of the insured mortgagee as a result of the application of the doctrine of equitable subordination; or (iii) the transaction creating the interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 03/21/97 15 :28 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9701743 Amount : 31.36 03/21/97 15 :27 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #8149 DONAHUE Init : LN Project #: LUA97-036 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Location: 2600 BLOCK OF NE 25TH ST Total Fees : 2, 531 .36 This Payment 31.36 Total ALL Pmts : 2, 531.36 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 31. 36 **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9701688 Amount: 2, 500 . 00 03/19/97 14 :40 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #8147 WM DONAHOE Init : JAC Project #: LUA97-036 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Location: 2600 BLOCK OF NE 25TH ST Total Fees : 2, 500 . 00 This Payment 2, 500 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 2, 500 . 00 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 .345 . 81. 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 500 . 00 000 .345 . 81 . 00 . 0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 2, 000 . 00 P4),kirinE =ow Baima & HolmbergInc. 9A �i?� ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON 98027-3817 (206) 392-0250 FAX #: (206) 391-3055 TO: S6-)P& ATTN: DATE 9/0) FROM: Sh tieR 44L-�� DOCUMENT SUBJECT: O h ( VP-, REMARKS: • PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE): FAX Net: 2:77-'ySS • BAIMA & HOLMBERG INC. September 9, 1997 Sonja Fesser 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: HONEY CREEK HEIGHTS LUA-97-036-PP Dear Sonja: Please consider this letter a request to meet briefly prior to the Public Hearing for Honey Creek Heights. There are two issues we would like to discuss and clarify prior to the Hearing. ISSUE NO. 1—DENSITY Enclosed is a copy of a City of Renton density worksheet which has been completed for Honey Creek Heights. Per the work sheet,the net acreage is the parcel size minus street rights-of-way and sensitive areas. There are no sensitive areas on the site so the only subtraction is the road right-of-way area. Our calculations show that 19 Lots would yield a net density of 7.89 units per acre. ISSUE NO. 2—FIRE ACCESS Staff recommendation No. 3 is requesting an access easement as opposed to an access tract to service lots. We have no problem with this concept, as long as it is acceptable to the Fire Department. Please call me at 392-0250 to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. Very truly yours, BAIMA&HOLMBERG, INC. J-2147)-(W-T-6-4-4-4 Shupe Holmberg, PE PLS Enclosure cc: Bob Colwell Bill Donahoe WSH:bbl725-002fesser 100 FRONT STREET SOUTH • ISSAQUAH • WASHINGTON • 98027-3817 • (425) 392-0250 • (425)391-3055 ,oney Creek Heights Preliminary Plat \ \ City of Renton Density Worksheet for Development in the R-8 Zone According to Renton's City Code,the standards for new development in the R-8 Zone require that residential densities fall within a range of 5 to 8 dwelling units per net developable acre. (Section 4-31-5.D.2) The code does not require that the lots be developed simultaneously. However,the land must be platted so as not to preclude future development at an appropriate density. 1) Total parcel size minus street r-o-ws and sensitive areas: 104,928 square feet (123;507 — 18,579) 2) Net Acreage(line 1 divided by 43560): 2.409 acres dwelling units' net density 3) Maximum and minimum allowed dwelling units Max. 19•� 7.89 and respective net densities: Min. - •13 1 5.40, • 4) 104,928 sq ft and 19 dwelling units result in a density o 7.89- d.u./acre. • Deductions from gross area: 18,579sq ft for proposed roads (calculated) • HACI V I S:ON.SD E V FLOPS ERID E V G PLAN.INGZ ENCALC.XL S • • , • 4-31-2 4-31-2 I CONDITIONAL USE (ADMINISTRATIVE): A streets and sensitive areas multiplied by allowable land use permitted within a zoning district fol- housing units per acre). This calculation applies to lowing review by the Zoning Administrator to residential uses only. establish conditions mitigating impacts of the use and assure compatibility with other uses in the DESIGNATED ZONE FACILITY: Any hazardous district. waste treatment and storage facility that requires an interim or final status permit under rules CONDITIONAL USE (HEARING EXAMINER): A adopted under RCW 70.105 and that is not a use with special characteristics that would not "preempted facility" as defined in RCW generally be appropriate within a zoning district 70.105.010. but may be permitted subject to review by the Hearing Examiner to establish conditions to DEVELOPMENT: The division of a parcel of land protect public health,safety and welfare. into two (2) or more parcels; the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES: Properties sharing relocation or enlargement of any structure; any a property line. mining, excavation, landfill or land disturbance and any use or extension of the use of land. CONVALESCENT CENTERS/NURSING HOMES: Residential facilities for patients who are DRIVE-IN USE: Any land use which by design, recovering health and strength after illness, or physical facilities, service or by packaging receiving long-term care for chronic conditions, procedures encourages or permits customers to disabilities (mental or physical) or terminal illness receive services, obtain goods or be entertained . where care includes on-going medical or while remaining in their motor vehicles. psychiatric treatment, including hospices, ex- tended care facilities, detoxification facilities and DUPLEX: A residential building on a single lot sanitariums. containing two (2)dwelling units. CRITICAL AREAS: Wetlands, aquifer recharge DWELLING UNIT: A structure or portion of a areas, fish and wildlife habitat, frequently flooded structure designed, occupied or intended for oc- and geologically hazardous areas as defined by the cupancy as separate living quarters with cooking, Giowth Management Act. sleeping and sanitary facilities provided for the exclusive use of a single household. DAY CARE CENTER: A day care operation licensed by the State of Washington (WAC DWELLING UNIT, ATTACHED: A one-family 388-73-014), for thirteen (13) or more children in dwelling attached to two (2) or more one-family any twenty four(24) hour period. dwellings by common vertical walls. DAY CARE, FAMILY: A day care operation EXISTING USE: The use of a lot or structure at licensed by the State of Washington (WAC the time of enactment of a zoning ordinance. 388-73-014), caring for twelve (12) or fewer children in any twenty four(24) hour period. FAMILY: A number of related individuals, or not more than four (4) unrelated individuals, living DENSITY, GROSS: A measure of population, together as a single household. housing units or building area related to land area, and expressed as a ratio, i.e., one dwelling FARMING: The cultivation, production and main- unit per acre, or one thousand (1,000) people per tenance of plants and animals for commercial or square mile. personal uses. DENSITY, NET: A calculation of the number of FLAG LOT: A lot with access to a public road only housing units that would be allowed on a property by a private right of way less than thirty feet (30') after sensitive areas and public streets are in width. subtracted from the gross area (gross acres minus 996 City of Renton i ' , 4-31-5 4-31-5 C. Prohibited And Unclassified Uses: Any use 6. Setbacks, Primary Structures And At- not specifically listed as a primary, second- tached Accessory Structures: (Ord. 4404, ary, accessory, or conditional use shall be 6-7-1993) prohibited, except those uses determined by the Zoning Administrator to be: 1) in keeping a. Front Yard: with the intent of the Zone; and 2) similar in nature to a specifically listed primary, sec- (1) Along streets existing as of Septem- ondary, accessory or conditional use. See also ber 1, 1995, the minimum front yard Section 4-31-36 of this Chapter. (Ord. 4404, setback shall not be less than twenty 6-7-1993) feet (20'). A front yard setback of less than twenty feet (20') may be allowed D. Development Standards: In the Residential-8 by the Development Services Division if Dwelling Units Per Acre Zone (R-8) the fol- the average front setback of primary lowing development standards shall apply: structures on lots abutting the side (Ord. 4548, 8-21-1995) yards is less than twenty feet (20'). In such case, the front yard setback shall 1. Number Of Residential Structures Per Lot: not be less than the average of the front No more than one primary residential dwell- setback of the abutting primary struc- ing is allowed on each legal lot. (Ord. 4404, tures; however, in no case shall a mini- j 6-7-1993) mum setback of less than twenty feet (20') be allowed for garages which ac- 2. Density: cess from the front yard street(s). Modi- fications to this requirement due to site a. Maximum Density: For the subdivision constraints or lot configuration may be and/or development of lots greater than one- approved by the.Development Services half (1/2) gross acre in size, as of March 1, Division. 1995, net density shall not exceed eight (8) 1;.';'.. units per acre. For.the subdivision, short (2) Along streets created after Septem- plat and/or development of lots one-half (1/2) ber 1, 1995, a minimum depth of fifteen gross acre in size or less, as of March 1, feet (15') for the primary structure and 1995, net density shall not exceed nine and a minimum depth of twenty feet (20') seven-tenths (9.7) units per acre. for attached garages which access from the front yard street(s). The front yard b. Minimum Density: Net density shall not setback of the primary structure may be be less than five (5) units per acre for all reduced to ten feet (10') if all parking is subdivisions, short plats and/or development provided in the rear yard of the lot with of lots. (Note: See Exceptions, Section access from a public right of way or 4-31-5E.) alley. 3. Minimum Lot Size: The lot area shall not b. Rear Yard: A minimum depth of twenty be less than four thousand five hundred feet (20'). (4,500) square feet. (Ord. 4548, 8-21-1995) c. Side Yards: 4. Lot Width: A minimum of fifty feet (50') for interior lots and sixty feet (60') for corner (1) Interior Lots: A minimum depth of lots. five feet (5'). (Ord. 4549, 8-21-1995) 5. Lot Depth: A minimum lot depth of sixty (2) Corner Lots: The side yard along a five feet(65'). street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15') in depth, except on previous plat- ted lots which are fifty feet (50') or less in width in which case the minimum 296 City of Renton TERRA ASSOCIATE : ; .Inc. :; '. ' - Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering;Geology. and' Environmental Earth Sciences - March 10,E 1997. ;. = rz 3•,.M,. K. `:t •, ,,: h:.q',Project No. T=3526 ' r_•c�(]1,�d i., , ,�'✓�: G 6 ii PO i3.i' i:� . Mr. Bob Colwell. ;` w .. 2526;NE'27th'Street Renton,Washington 98056 - F.7 Subject: Wetland and:Wildlife:Habitat'Evaluation =:t NE 25th Street Site : - Renton,Washington • REV OPMENT:pu 'ITV OF'R robe: be: .'Dear Mr. Colwell: As requested, we have.conducted a wetland and wildlife habitat evaluation of the,NE,25th Street property in !, -Renton, Washington. .The purposes•of•our,work were to evaluate the site for'possible wetland'conditions, describe the existing site conditions, and identify habitats and potential wildlife use,of:the property..'The scope of our work.included a site'visit.on March.;4, 1997, The weather conditions during this site visit were partly clear,;calm, and moderately;,warm (:45°F). This letter;summarizes the results, of our"observations and. . '.' evaluation. - '•GENERAL SITECONDITIONS The.,subject'property is a rectangular parcel of approximately.283 acres-located'at the•east end'of NE 25th. Street,east of Edmonds Avenue,NE:in Renton, Washington. An additional access point is from NE 24th Street'., I '•to the southeast corner of the property. The adjacent property on all'sides of the NE 25th Street site is occupied , by moderate density,single-family residential development. � To o gra hicall� , the site;is nearly flat, with elevations'of 328-feet in the southeast corner and. 322.feet in the P g P Y northwest corner. Soils,.on the property and in the_surrounding:vicinity are"mapped as Indianola fine-loamy sand (Soil Survey_of • King County Area, Washington, Soil 'Conservation`:Service). Indianola;soils are characterized as somewhat. ', excessively drained soils,`formed::under conifers in sandy, recessional,,stratified.glacialdrift:';The Indianola.soil type is not included on the National.Technical Committee on Hydric:Soils(NTCHS)listing of.hydric soils. 'Our observations of soil.conditions on the property'are consistent with this designation. , • ' ' 1'2525 Willows.Road, Suite 101.;.Kirkland, Washington 9803'4 • Phone (425) 821-7777 Mr. Bob Colwell March 1.0,-1.99.7 Vegetation on the:NE 25th Street site is-:dominated by invasive shrubs, particularly;-Scot's broom '(Cytisus :• scoparius);and-Himalayan blackberry•(Rubus discolor):, Part the site appears to have been used as an orchard in the past, and old unmaintained apple and cherry:trees are;,present:2:Some;red:alder(Alnus rubra) and:big-leaf maple (Ater macrophyllum) saplings'are becoming established.•. -A.few:large 'Douglas.fir. (Pseudotsuga ' • J menziesu) trees,are:,located on,the property,`-primarily near,the"south edge of the site. Other plant, species, , observed on.the property arelisted;on Table 1. _ " II WETLAND EVALUATION No'wetland conditions are present on the property:,'No,location on the=property,satisfies any of the`three ' parametersi(vegetation,soils,'and hydrology)required for designationas wetland. Vegetation on the property`is"- ; dominated by.speciesin the;facultative-upland and upland-categories: Many of these species are exotic and/or. invasive. :'No obligate wetland plant'species are present on the site, and'"we found\'only one species in the facultative.wetland category. . . As mentioned above,soils'on the property_are mapped-as Indianola fine loamy.sand, The observed soil.samples on the'site were generally-dark•yellowish-brown(10YR3/4)with no mottles.'These are;not':hydric soils and are," characteristic of dry upland sites.-. We found no areas of inundation:or:saturated soil conditions,on the site,in,spite of heavy:recent rainfall. There - , 11, was no indication,that:any=part of the:site has ever had.saturated'soils: :.' , , WILDLIFE HABITAT- VEGETATIONCOVER TYPE The entire site is occupied by a.:single vegetation cover type, persistent lowland, shrub. The'cover type 'on , surrounding property is moderately vegetated suburban residential development These cover types are based on the habitat categories listed,in,_the _King, County .Wildlife Study Guidelines_for SEPA' (1993,):` ,Simil'ar cate Dries are listed and described:in the KingCounty'Wildli e.:HabitatProfile(1,987), with'lists:of pOtential • I iwildlife,species in each,habitat. ' - ' Persistent lowland shrub habitat covers the'entire.property. This cover type.is described by.King County(1987). I :as shrubby thickets commonly found'in disturbed areas, such as edges:of agricultural fields, utility corridors, '' , roadside edges;,and vacant,lots. ,\ Vegetation in this habitat'is.dominated by Scot's broom and Himalayan blackberry. It appears that the site:was • formerly-used.as-,a fruit:orchard,-and these.°species.,invaded: and became dominant when the,orchard, was . .•abandoned. Dense stands'of these species,can be resistant to invasion by native tree.,species,'.although a few-red: alder and big-leaf maple saplings'ate present; A few Douglas_fir trees are present near the south edge:of:the "site. The locations of these trees are mapped on Figure 2..These trees`were.probably present While''the;site was .• in use as an'orchard. -A variety Of grasses and weedy species are the most common`herbaceous plants, but sword fern(Polystichum munitum) and bracken-fern(Pteridium aquilinum)are also-present: - r :Project No..T-3526 Mr..Bob Colwell March 10, 1997 • .. The,•dense shrub thicket provides,relatively,poor habitat for 'wildlife species because..of the ,dominance by , invasive exotic species and the'limited vegetative structural diversity. However, thefruit trees and the Douglas firs will.provide some'addition diversity The isolation of this;site-would also limit its suitability for wildlife.' ,The property, is completely surrounded by suburban residential,development,with houses, garages,•driveways,,: I and'.landscaped'yards.., Suburban:residential areas. have relatively.';little value as.wildlife habitat. .,Wildlife species that could be present in thishabitat are listed on Table 2 ' The shrub thicket:might.provide some marginal:foraging,habitat for,a few amphibian:species, but no.breeding:, • • habitat is available for amphibians:. We did not-observed any amphibians during:our site,visit: The most likely amphibians to be encountered far from wetlands are the northwestern salamander(Ambystoma'gracile) and the . - long-toed,salamander(Ambystoma macrodac ylum), The lack of water in this habitat.also,limits its suitability'for:most•reptile;species: .Northernalligatorlizards ' ' (Elgaria coerulea).and western terrestrial•garter snake(Tha'mnophis,elegans)could be:presen•t in. this area: • The dense:shrubs on this property provide foraging and breeding-sites;for several species:of birds. Because• their high levels of`daytime•activity and vocalizations; birds Fare;.the most commonly encountered group of • i' .vertebrates:•, Some of the commonly observed speci,es_on the'-.NE 25th Street,.'site were the..song;sparrow-. , (Melospiza melodia);American robin(Tu•rdus migratorius),Steller,'sjay (Cyanocittastelleri), and rufous-sided . ' towhee ,(Pipilo A large-number,of-migratory songbirds,•;including;flycatchers', swallows, ' .. Warblers,and vireos;would be expected:onthis'site during the breeding.season. j . Most mammals tend,to be•secretive and nocturnal, and none were observed during our site:visit The shrub - species of small marmnals:'.Commo` mammals that would habitat: rovides some-foraging,and,cover'for several n j "be expected in this habitat•include deer mouse .(Peromyscus maniculatus), eastern gray squirrel•(Sciurus, ' carohnensis),.house.mouse(Mus musculus), and.raccoon(Procyon'lotor).' Several:species•of bats could forage'; •.1 over the-site`during•the summer. Larger mammals,such-as black-tailed deer(Odocoileus heinionus) and coyote (Canis'latrans),are:likely to Abe .present in the riparian'Corridor'along'May Creek and could occasionally:pass through`the residential area.. - . - , PROPOSED DEV•ELOPMENT:AND IMPACTS •• s ' : - • i_. ':The proposed-action for the;NE,25th Street:site is construction a single-family residential development as• • 'shown on`Figure 2: The subdivision'would create 19.separate 'lots,with primary'access'from:NE 25th,Street. .-. ! The proposed level of:development will require most of the site to.becleared and graded for road construction and=preparation of building sites. This development Will result in the loss of about 2.83"acres of.lowland'shrub habitat by.conversion to:suburban • residential habitat:-An'effort will be made•to preserve;the existing.large Douglas fir trees on the property and incorporatethem'into a planting plan for the new development: Project No.•T-3526._• , Page No. 3 March'10,!1997 ; - , ! During initial site clearing and construction, some small mammals will likely be killed_'or injured;;while larger • ; .or more inobile'mammals and birds will be displaced to adjacent-areas: Thesurvival,,of displaced animals will 'depend on whether they,are,seasonal or permanent residents:and on the,capacity of adjacent habitats to absorb ,:- ,,':: , . the.additional.population: : - ` Because of the level'of existing or proposed development in the,.surrounding vicinity,;it is likely that,most displaced animals will be unable to find suitable,unoccupied habitat.,;The overall carrying 'capacityof the site `. for wildlife will be reduced by habitat`conversion and-removal However, because of the existing condition of ' the site;.this development activity.would not impact valuable.6r significant wildlife,habitat.,• , After construction, the cleared areas will be replaced by landscapedi.areas and impervious surfaces;;"including:; _;streets;sidewalks driveways,,and single-family residences: The;residential'landscaping will create.patches of - ;.ornamental shrubs::and:trees intermixed'with ,short-grass lawns.:: 'Habitat changes resulting from residential construction.will:`result in-`the: replacement;,of .some;'-native plants: and animals with.'.species adapted, to; • -disturbance and urban settings..: `• • Birds ,such as_European. starlings _(Sturnus vulga'ris),^house.sparrows (Passer; domesticus);:•house; finches.. (Carpodacus:mexicanus),-American crows'(Corvus brachyrhynchos), and American robin will-become:more { abundant in the residential landscapes. Some species 'such as Steller's jay and downy woodpecker•(Picoides•; ," pubescens)might'continuee to use the developed area,butin smaller numbers: - ' Small.mamls;other than moles and house mice, are unlikely to use residential"lawns:appreciabl:y: With the is •�`. ma . .: proximity to.May,,Creek, coyotes•and black-tailed deer-could.remain'in.the vicinity and could occasionally,pass f ' through the residential area. •Raccoons 'Striped ,skunks;(Mephitis; mephitis), and ,opossums (Dadelphis ! virginiana)could forage in gardens':and-.`ornamental-plants and could become pests with regard to household waste disposed in garbage cans , ' The;proposed density of;_development-On this site,will form,barriers_that-could::inhibit the:free Movement',of animals across the property The road and subsequent traffic in the development will increase the'likelihood'of • animal Mortality,due,to vehicular collisions.- However,:because-of the slow vehicle speeds on.a residential ; - street; most.wildlife would be able to::avoid,collisions.,Species;most susceptible,to road mortality are those that' • are able to survive in residential neighborhoods,including raccoon,opossum, a1id:eastern gray squirrel Other aspects'of the proposed residential development may have adverse impacts on wildlife and habitats.,,The ' use of fertilizers;pesticides,and herbicides on lawns,ornamental plants;;-and gardens'will reduce_populations of ; (., • insects and weeds.and will;lower.•the quality:of foraging habitat for small,birds and mammals-that feed,on•' insects and weed seeds :Improper use of-pesticides could result in direct poisoning of small birds Street lighting systems -throughout the development .will"increase the...nighttime.levels-Of 'ambient:.light. Nocturnal species could be affected by by changes'in lighting, although many species can:'adapt to higher light .levels: Possible-predation bydomestic pets•could adversely affect small mammals•and birds•and"could'limit the habitat suitability of the'residential area:. Project'No:T-3526 Page No:4 Mr.'Bob Colwell ,: . March.10,.1997., _SUMMARY:AND•CONCLUSION: " . The NE25th'Street property:has about.2.83 acres of low,quality wildlife habitat dominated by exotic, invasive --,shrubs., All of the surrounding property''has: already•been developed for,suburban residential,use, and no -: significant corridors connect this site-with other wildlife habitat areas The„proposed development will impact the entire'site for::construction of single-family residences and an access road: An effort Will be made;.to . preserve the existing.Douglas fir trees on the property. We trust this information will satisfy your current needs for thisproject, If you have:any questions'or need ' • additional;.information,please;call:' = - ' Sincerely yours, • - TERRA,ASSOCIATES,INC.. Thomas:R.:Strong, Ph. Project Scientist' ' -TRS:ef . ,c. End Figure 1'-Vicinity Map Figure 2-Site'Development Plan. : . ' : Table-1- Observed Plant Species Table-2--Anim`al'Species Observed or.Expected On-site. t. '> Project_No.T-3526 . • r. TABLE 1: OBSERVED:PLANTSPECIES' is Renton,`Washingtori Scientific Name Common Name'-: Indicator Status TREES. . Acermacrophylluin. Bigleafmaple `. • FACU •• Alnus-'rubra' Red alder FAC, r Ilez.sp, . Holly -_ Prun"us s Cher = , -"Pseudotsuga menziesii :^ Douglas fir FACU 1Y '.`Pyres"malus, Apple • SHRUBS r. . Corylus°cornuta. Hazelnut - FACU - ‘Crataegus monogyna ^ One-seed-hawthorn UPL„ _ '' • - C-tisus sco p arius `Soot's broom UPL. h ex aquifolium= : •'English-holly • 'I'. Oenileria cerasiformis,. • ' :-Indian plum: .. ;:UPL:' - Rosa"pisocarpa _ - Peafruit rose ` FAC j`. .'Rubus:'discolor Himalayan`blackberry FACU " r. ' ` 'Rebus leucodermis - BlackcapUPL Rubes.ursinus Trailing blackberry- _ FACU Symphoricarpos albus'. Snowberry :- • NI • HERBS` J4. . 'Cerastium vulgatum Common'cbi,ckweed :FACU:' Bromus vul aril. - Columbia,brome UPL Dactylic-glomerate-.. • Orchard,grass FACU? . Epilobium angustifolium: ,:Fireweed FACU Geranium molle • :Dovefoot geranium UPL='' :. .Geranium'r_obertianum . ;Robert geranium. w W 'Geum'macr-ophyllum: Large=lea v ed a ens, • FAC Graminae's�;. • Grasses ', PPS � f, . Hypochaer'is glabra _ - Smooth cat's ear UPI; • La"sane communis Nipplevc0T,t _ UPL -. Plantago lanceolate English:plantain FAC Project No T-3526'. : TABLE 1..(CONTINUED} _ =OBSERVED PLANT""SPECIES .. _NE 25,th,Street;Site _, ;. ,. Renton,Washin_gton Scientific Name. c Common Name'_ Indicator Status ; - • - ' .- HERBS.(Continued) .. ' • Pop'•, ratensis Kentucky bluegrass: - �" FAC " ' Polystichumrmunitum _ Sword-fern FACU - • Prunella vul dris Self-heal: FACU Pteridium.aquilinum: Bracken-fern FACU` Rumez;crispus Curly dock - FAC: _ • k Taraxacum"offcinale Common dandelion : =` :FACU Vicia ame'ricana , ` " American'vetch . .. 'FAC Notes:" . *' Wetland Indicator Status: •;= OBL Obligate wetland species'-occur;almost;al'says(estimated->'.99%),under natural-conditions in ' • wetlands: FACW; :Facultative wetland species usually occur in wetland,'(estimated67%:to 99%);but,occasionally- ; found in non=wetland.:' ; FAC Facultative•species-equally likely to occur in,wetlands'or'non-wetlands'(estimated.34%•to:.66%): ', FACU :Facultative upland;species'-usuall 'occur in non:-Wetlands :estimated 67%to_99% `but occasionally_found in.wetlands'(estimated.,1%,to"33%). ' UPL"; Upland species occur'almost"always(estimated >.99%)under,natural conditions in•non • NI` No.indicator tatus assigned. Project No:.T-3526 .. • TABLE 2' = • • :.ANIMAL SPECIES.OBSERVED,-OR=EXPECTED ON-SIT NE 25th Street Site - Renton,Washington _ -Coininon-Name Scientific Name °AMPHIBIANS Northwestern Salamander "'Ambystoma gracile; ' Lon"-toed•-Salamander _ g, •,�:4mbystorima macr"odactylum _ ;Western Toad Bufo boreas.'� . • l' . Pacific Chorus.Fro ;Pseudacris re illa j REPTILES : • • :•.`,.. '. i. • _• Northern Alligaior..Lizard ;•' Elgaria,coer`ulea . • •In. • .• Terrestrial-Garter.Snake Thamnophi$elegans j BIRDS . _ - • California Quail Callipepla caiifornica ,'Rufous,Hummingbird Selasphorus rufas'.' ' • • • Down Wood ecker:';• Picoides ubescens Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii " Tree Tachycineta bicolor _ F' =Violet reen Swallow •Tachycineta thalassina . g •.Barn,Swallow - •Hcrundo rustica'',. • _ -. Sfeller's Jay,*' Cyan'ocitta stelleri: _ • American Crow* Coovus bra s I Black=capped Chickadee* Parus atricappiius: • • Busntit` Psaltriparus minimus Bewick's Wren:*: - - - -Th'ryomanes bewick'ii -- • Ruby-crowned Kinglet* Regulus calenduld, - • -7:American-Robin*: " ' Turdus migratorius` - - European;Starling Sturnus`vulgaris': ; , ' Warbling'Vireo Vireogilvas Orange=crowned Warbler, • -Verriiivora-celata - ' j" • • Yellow Warbler' • • -Dendroica.petechia L Wilson's,Warbler -- Wilsonia pusilla. • - - • Rufous-sided Towhee_* .. ' ' , Pipilo'erythrophthalmus,' • �.' • ' Fox Spagow Passerella iliaca , Song Sparrow-*. Melosspiia;melodid' • ., • Lincoln's'.Sparrow.: Golden=crowned•Sparrow, Zonotrichia-atricapilla.. White-crowned Sparrow; Zonotrichia`leu"cophrys' _ -' ,"-• • Dark-eyed"Junco ' Ju�tca-hyemalis Brown-headed Cowbird Molothru 'afer - House.Finch . . Car odacus-rnexicanus' i American.Goldfinch'.; . Carduelis tristis - `- House Sparrow:; ;, , 'Passer doinesricus;. . l Project No.T-3526' , . ' . • TABLE (CONTINUED)', ANIMAL SPECIES-OBSERVED OR EXPECTED`ON-SITE - 1. NE 25th Street Site • Renton,Washington ' -_ . Common Wattle, •ScientificName MAMMALS ; Common Opossum' $.Didelphis-virginiana : Vagrant.Shrew. ,..Sorex vagrans: • Shrew-mole. '' Neurotrichus'gzbbsi p. .. Pacific Moles_` Scapanus.orarius , Eastern Cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus' , Eastern Gray Squirrel--: - Sciurus:carolinensis. . : Deer',Mouse;:'=- Perom, ysc,us maniculatus1 Oregon Vole Microtus oregoni • ... �- House'Mouse Mus musculus, Raccoon Pro ',on lotor; ;. Stri ed'' p Skunk - Mephitis mephitis' . . Coyote. Canis latrans `-Black tailed Deer ,.Odo'coileus'hemionus- - Notes;. :..S -ecies observed on'.'r`o ert .includingvisual si litin s :vocalizations,.or indirect'evidence - •- - such as tracks,burrows, nests,or scat. ' Project'NO.T-3526` , . N. a j W' Ci- CM ++ rC G);L ,'N' „. 3 .gl.''s _ Sf ,�' eE"., '.ii;' Y ,i, _+ , .n .,T°• ,r9 N A_ Rua ,,,t• t_ y a t - - - ' ,A s 944 - ie" + SE', , . •1. ,fk:+yr ,I(7F:'','�` tr'a 1-- ,`"7, -7 CO• ' ?OW t�'� -?�.'7 '",; �c r aw .} ,P `Lt ram' kSs r ';1.. - T. _-,_,,. lO A, i 'WM.."° Y `. ;.va' e �!:1 1. 5�g Jr ■ a r Yt w ! ,,, I- r yd' ,y„r•:m :4 r. pl - - �- , ¢: Jf,Ls,.., 17.,.. ,, v .,S!. �r's::ii -1j,2:C�' tl)fl, In ¢ .. _ � C �. . . H16ZI .� t1S," 1:,•?l= �n N16Zt €€ 41..,.S ♦,`4€ a^� �. .4- .7 ' •.:•4 S _. • i`1, -`8 % ai•,_:di.r •r_G Iv "''�'i - .. 'Y' AV 111821 ,, ,, -,..._, - ,!s�h���•CD' ZI _•�r. ,,`�^4` �"' 1"4, _8 g!^ I+ttiY's •�'Y! -�' � •.r� �< _ �+.,; = ;. "T '-* ' °,ate �.,;-?;• _w{1 '� ,AiA d'M g ,. 4, r. „1,4i,,;.,� �r 4ti - a,vls �.St'eLllilas � "� •. -. ':i1s�p^r°'a'j.ck�" �.. �'._�!: :' ��YF'1C;itiY'i�R'Y��:i'+ ', ..'�." � - -.,. ••c: til F.,?j:'c� .�„L ,..�.��. 'C�:F�.::.}•+i�„ .�;.i�c`�;`'.:�'A .� G, t1001NNAT ?�;�r.�;i:�i-_' �. 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' . _ ` 4,633,:Sq-ft_ Z_ 4:525"sq_ft,z' 4,525 sq-ft_z 6.493 sq.ft_ .1 i. 1, o ..'-� - . —P- . WOOD' FENCE w�� d;652 sq-ft "l k �' ,T,a_,:' N 88'15'15�- W -: TOTAL PARCEL AREA Pr 51.27" 50:29'. 50.29' L 86.32' �' __ ,. 90.52' a;`'' . :123.507 sq ft. . , i s 0 62.14' 58:01' ----•--—.58.01'. '` • . • 60:01' ....•3•`` ` - , ', ,- :x - • w. w w : +Ln 4,52§-'Sq_ft. o '-`.:, , C, . . , _ c O N- .C 0 0 ao tst .o ao 4,987 sq.ft: _'ft. 90.52': ' . , - < :�.7,754 s ft- 0 4,988 .sq ti •o ,0 225,159 sc[. • 0 - „50" , - '} 4 ,. 13" 0 �, io' =' .;0 .50 100 z , z. 2,- z. '. I; .t z` • . - _ . ,2- . 21' . 21' . _ 58.01' 58:01'`�i 6;0.01'._., 24•., zo" :u,•: _ _ J' _ • 30:88'. } 1 d5`16 •« :.: __•`aA- Y::-:. 1 =50••'- � O � ter..;. '- - ;. O TRACT 'B► 3,781:'sq-ft, ': ^'' -`. } 1 grr :j,-•..•,• '_, _ . . , = . -92.4,T .` , . N ' -- 145,:71'. 4 _ . .,: .-: 0'- wv . --"� N "88'15'�15"; W , KOLL .0'' TEL 280 6.�' ' 00'31'03' E vED o • . A 16'03'36 . 20.00' - . R = -100.00' ' . . ' ' . . . �: TERRA, SITE.DEVELO .MENT PLAN L..F ,.:=:- ♦.i NE 25 Street Site' . ����` 'ASSOCIATES --Renton;��Washington Ret.: Topographicp•.and s te..ma .�. .,plan by B.alma & Holmberg; Inc., 1/11/97. . ' ,, : Enyironmental,Consultants Proj. No3-352 Date 3/5/97_ :Figure 2 •