HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1-Site Plan_Sewer Easement Map_BNSF Maintenance Hole Chimeny Repair_2401160523059010PARK PUBLIC (ZOO/ARBOR)COULON BEACH PARK2550 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVDRENTON, WA 98056BNSFRENTON, WA 9805605230590032296500170GRIFFIN HOME2500 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVDRENTON, WA 98056GRIFFIN HOUSE FRIENDS OF YOUTH2500 A LAKE WASHINGTON BLVDRENTON, WA 980562296500185GRIFFIN HOUSE FRIENDS OF YOUTH2500 B LAKE WASHINGTON BLVDRENTON, WA 980562296500180BELLA VISTA2100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD NRENTON, WA 98056229650020012345DESIGNED/DRAWN:DESIGN ENGINEER:PROJECT ENGINEER:CONTRACT NO:PROJECT DWG NO:WORK ORDER:PROJECT NO:DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES & PARKSWASTEWATER TREATMENT DIVISIONDATE:SHT NO / TOTALREVNO:BORDER FILE EDITION: KCWTD-Dsize-TB-Border12345EFGHBCDASCALE:REFERENCE1"0X:\projects\24-XXXX, ESI Section 2, MH15\02-Civil\24-1123630_C101.dwg | Layout: C1001PLOTTED: Dec 28, 2023-12:40:22pm By nkhamXREFS: 16-1123630xTB.dwg; 112383xPARCEL-GIS.dwg; 16-1114383xROW-GIS.dwg; 16-1114383xRW.dwg; 16-1114383xPROP-OWN.dwg; 16-1114383xSV.dwg; 16040-CL-RW-PL.dwg; 24-KCWTD-Dsize-TB-Border.dwg; 24-1114383xDS.dwg; idxp7500_locator_KEG_USAGE_2012.dwgIMAGES: al23_21n025.sid;NOREVISION DESCRIPTIONBYAPVDDATEEFGHBCDAECMS DOC NO:LOCATION CODE:EASTSIDE INTERCEPTOR SECTION 2MAINTENANCE HOLE R02-15A REPAIRDECEMBER 2023124-J. PAULSONSITE PLANC10011N. KHAMPHOUKEOJ. PAULSONJ. PAULSON1" = 50'0K. MARTINEZMH RE*ESI2.R02-16, 48"ØN. 190,079.83E 1,301,727.00IE 110.51PROJECT LOCATIONMH RE*ESI2.R02-15A, 48"ØN. 190,063.83E 1,301,686.00IE 110.48Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRLAKE WASHINGTONLAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. N100'SHORELINE J_ -or, 0 Not it, - Car. SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT NO. 91653 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, between NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, a ^4rr Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter called Railway Company.,-and MUNICIPALITY hereinafter. called Permittee: By Permit numbered 91653 and dated June 1, 1962 Railway Company per- mitted Permittee to construct, operate and maintain certain facilities upon, its right of way and beneath its tracks in the City of Renton, King County, State of Washington. The parties hereto desire to modify said permit with respect to the description of the location of said facilities. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do hereby mutually agree as follows: 1.Railway Company's map dated February 16, 1962, revised February 1, 1963, identified as Exhibit "B", attached to-and made a part of this supplemental agreement,'is substituted for the map attached to said permit. 2.As additional rental for the full term of said permit Permittee OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, shall pay in advance the sum of twenty-five and no/100 dollars ($25.00). bla 3.As herdby amended said permit shall remain in Hill force and effect. Li.This supplemental agreement is effective as of June 1, 1962. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ]parties hereto helve executed this supplemental agreement in duplicate this /'._- day of ej ,1963. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE Board of..Commissioners . By eChatzman Attest: Secretary c STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss County of Ran sey ) On this day of 662v c ,19 63 , before me personally e a Vice President and to me known. to be Assistant Secretary of Northern Pacific °lway Company,.one of the corporations that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Northern Pacific Railway Company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is`the cor- porate seal of said Northern Pacific Railway Company. IN WITNESS TAEEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. :J.W. THAYE N6tary Public, Ramsey . ,Mina, My Commission Expires Nov. 17, 1964 Beginnirry c fasemenf (5ecfion2) relro 5/c. 0+77t=NPQy 5/a.IIC6rCC (MP3r 832±). ^G }' lad ^^1y^, . P 8 7 it ^ D^ i-cck- ' ^ •`7:2 ' hi L. .. ^: ^3c..,• ^ M.f^3rIC.: 6 .1 n 41 KlHl\ l1 n -/D/7'jy " RP 5TA a r TfMG "rx: EjMT Zo She 10. oas 232' - .f',<, f STA /4X f c L z7 D/1!ENS/GNL/4* J 4kE D,/'V N4Ji ^ <f f/=prt pr ,P,f , '//y T_Ei/iE Q Pfn W F?Jt'/'lr,t' APP4'ir,4; i 1Gr4T,GNS.;' /F;1 C/'i .Df4/v///GS. 2 3c'.i2 !'L G 1 rfG AT c 6>V/i`( Gt ,`ca"; ^! • fq MEAT nr / r ^! / f r 7;:;: =.;if CG. 1^'^ ^ ^'T ENO 96" SEfIrEP ^.__Ead of Easement (5ecf on 2) Metro 5k.89f83.18=t'LPQy 5foJ0I7t33t /6'/C^^1 ts,i r (M.P.4t423!) -J5'i r"/PC^NST L /wr EXHIBIT +'B N. P. QY Shown Red TAcoMA DIU.-BELT Liz -1l 2' t 1 1 5Ud DIV. NEAQ -Q NTON, I ,45H. . t Shown Yellow L=] Easemenf lo Municipolifyof .Vlefropolifan 5eaffle Acc'f Consfrucfion of 5ewage Disposal Projecf MP. 3+832-` fo MP. 4f 42,31! ( 5chedule r, Fast Side Interceptor-section 2) Off ice of Assistant Chief Eng'r.-5eaffle,Nash. Scale I "=200'Febr nary 16,1962 5eiVerCiost.'ny, /1f '??9 ; /1R4. 9076 PrVV/ // /y>^. IRRIGATION CANAL, DRAINAGE CANAL, WATER PIPE Witnesses to signature of Permittee;:: OR SEWER PERMIT.(Permanent)R.W.3-1-65 15i RP16 Not Jt. - Car, PIPE No. 91653 Northern Pacific Railway Company,hereinafter called Railway Company, hereby permits M1U ICIP_UITY CF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter called Permittee, to construct, operate and maintain the following facilities upon its right of way and beneath Tits tracks in King County, State of Washington,- in the City ,of Renton: Underground - sewer pipe lines 'in Government -Lots 1, 2, 3 and !t of Section 5, and Govern- ment Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the- Y^2Nud4SW- of. Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., and in Lake Washington Shore Lands in the locations shown on the Railway Company's map dated February 16, 1962, identified. as Exhibit "B", attached hereto-'and made a part here- of, rights of way for the facilities being indicated by RID color on' Exhibit "B". Also, temporary rights of way during constriction of the facilities upon those portions of the above-mentioned-subdivisions indicated by-YELLOW color on Exhibit "B". a This permission is granted upon the following terms: 1.The Permittee will pay a rental of twenty-five thousand and no/100 dollars ($25,000.00) in advance for the full term hereof, also all taxes and assessments that, may be levied or assessed against the. facilities. 2.The entire cost shall be. borne by the Permittee, including but not limited to the cost of construction, operation, mainte- nance .and removal of said facilities; the division superintendent of the Railway Company will decide what portion if any of the work will be done by the Railway Company, and for such portion the Permittee will pay the Railway Company the estimated cost before the work is done; if the actual cost exceeds the estimate, the Permittee will pay the additional amount when called upon; if the actual cost is less than the estimate, the Railway Company will repay the surplus. All work hereunder by the Permittee shall be done'in a first-class workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the division superintendent of the Railway Company, `and in accordance with plans and specifications which he. may prescribe or approve. The division superintendent of the Railway Com- pany shall have the right at any time when in his judgment it becomes necessary or advisable, to require any material used in the work to be replaced with like material or with material of a more permanent character; also to require additional work or changes of location of said facilities as a matter of safety, or of appearance, or on account of additional tracks being laid, change of grade thereof, construction of a building, or for any other reason whether or not"connected with the operation, maintenance or improvement of the railroad of the Railway Company, all of which shall be done at the expense of the Per- mittee in the manner herein provided. 3.(a) . The Permittee agrees that the facilities shall not at any time damage the railroad or structures of the Railway Company, or be a menace to the safety of its operation; and to indemnify and save harmless the Railway Company from all loss and damage to its tracks, roadbed, structures, rolling stock and other property of the Railway Company and property of third persons, and from injuries to or death of persons, including employees of the parties hereto, occasioned by the exercise of the permission hereby granted. (b)The Permittee hereby further agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Railway Company from and against any and all loss or damage to the facilities, the installation of which is hereby permitted on the premises of the Railway Company: 4.It is agreed that the provisions of Section 3 are for the equal protection of any other railroad company or companies heretofore or hereafter granted the joint use of the Railway Company's property of which the premises upon which said facili- ties are locatgd are a part. 5.The Permittee shall not transfer or assign this permit without the written consent of the Railway Company. 6.If the Permittee shall at any time cease to maintain and operate the said facilities or shall fail to perform every agree- ment of this permit, the Railway Company may forthwith terminate. this permit and may forthwith expel the Permittee from its premises; and at the end of the permit the Permittee 'will restore the premises of the Railway Company to their former state. 7.This permit is subject to existing interests of third parties in said right of way.in the event that the exercise of this permit impairs any property, including but not limited to buildings, pipe lines, iiire lines and roads, of third parties the °ermittee shall bear the cost of restoring such property to a condition at least as good as -its condition at the time of such impairment and shall so perform all work hereunder as to minimize any interruption of use of such property. (Continued on other side) 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed these presents this day of V UV) Q.,19 62' tteet:- pssiscretary Northern Pacific Railway Company, B Vice Presi t T,iUNJICIPALITY Board of Come By Attest:--------------------- ------------------------------------------------ - - Chairman POLITAN SEATTLE oners 77^) (Continued from other side) .8.In 'all locations where the facilities cross under tracks-the Perraittee shall comply with the Railway Company's specifications for Sewer Crossings under Railway Tracks dated November 1, 1959, a transcript of which, identified as Exhibit "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof. In the event of construction of additional tracks over the facilities the Permittee shall, within a reasonable time after notice that such additional construction will be undertaken, comply with said specifications as to the facilities crossing under such proposed additional tracks. 9.The Perraittee shall bear the cost of: .A.All costs and expenses incurred by the Railway Company in preliminary in- vestigation, any survey work performed and cross-section and easement drawings, plans and estimates, prepared by the Railway Company in connection with construction, opera- tion, maintenance or removal. of the facilities B.Any changes, including but not limited to any temporary changes and permanent restoration, in the Railway Company's communication or signal line made necessary by the exercise of this permit. C.Such engineering inspector as the Railway Company may detail to observe con- struction of the facilities. D.All flag protection deemed necessary by the Railway Company during construction of the facilities. 10.The Railway Company reserves the right to use and to permit other parties to use the land in the above-described location for any and all purposes not inconsistent with the exercise of this permit. 11.The Perraittee agrees that any contract which it shall let for the construction of the facilities on said right of way shall provide as follows: A.The Contractor shall-indemnify and save harmless Northern Pacific Railway Company from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages or expenses.on.account of injuries to or death of any and all persons whomsoever, including the Contractor, sub- contractors, employees of the Contractor, subcontractors and of said Railway Company and any and all property damage, arising or growing out of or in any manner connected with the work performed under this contract, or caused or occasioned in whole or in part by reason of the presence of the person or of the property of the Contractor, sub- contractors, their employees or agents, upon or in proximity to the property of said Railway Company. B.The Contractor further agrees that it will defend, at its own expense in the name and on behalf of said Railway Company all claims or suits for injuries to persons or damage to property arising or growing out of the work carried on under this contract, for vinich said Railway Company is liable, or is alleged to be liable. C.The Contractor shall carry regular Contractor's Public Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than $500,000 for all damages arising out of the bodily injuries to or death of one person, and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of two or more persons in any one accident, and for a limit of not less than $500,000 for all damages arising out of damage to or destruction of property in any one accident, :and subject to that limit, a total (or aggregate) limit of f$l,000,000 for all *damages arising out of--damage to or destruction of property during the policy period. All such policies and endorsements thereto, shall be executed by a corporation qualified to write the same in the State of Washington, shall be approved by said Railway Combany as to the insurance company writing same, the-amount, form and substance thereof. The Contractor shall procure and furnish to said Railway Company, prior to the entry upon or use of said Railway Company'•s property by the Contractor, the insurance policy, or in lieu thereof a certified copy of such policy, together with an endorsement thereto, under the terms of which the insurance company insures the liability assumed by the Con- tractor hereunder, substantially in the form of Special Endorsement attached hereto and made a part hereof. • STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (8• County of Raasey ) On this gn( day of appeared E.B. STANTON 3 ,19 62, before me personally to be a Vice President and o me known to be Assistant Secretary of Northern Pacific Railway Company) within and foregoing instrument) one of the corporations that executed the and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said Northern Pacific Railway Company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the cor- porate seal of said Northern Pacific Railway Company. IN WITNESS AiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. lc and A. Beulk wh L W, THAYE SPECIAL ENDORSErENT (Northern Pacific Railway Company) In consideration of the premium at which this policy is written, it is agreed that: 1.Any exclusion or provision appearing in this policy or in any en- dorsement attached thereto, eliminating coverage for any obligation or liability assumed by the insured under any contract or agreement or for damage or injury to or destruction of property occupied or used by, or in the care, custody or control of the insured is deleted, but only as respects that contract entered into between NITNICIPAL1TY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE and ,dated .and the insuring agreements are hereby extended to cover the obligations assumed by the contractor under the terms of the following provisions of said contract: "The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Northern Pacific Railway Company from any and all claims, suits, losses, damages or expenses on account of injuries to or death of any and all persons whomsoever, including the Contractor, subcontrac- tors, employees of the Contractor, subcontractors and of said Railway Company, and any and all property damage, arising or grow- ing out of, or in any manner connected with the work performed under this contract, or caused or occasioned in whole or in part by reason of the presence of the person or of the property of the Contractor, subcontractors, their employees or agents, upon or in proximity to the property of said Railway Company." "The Contractor further agrees that it will defend, at its own expense, in the name and on behalf of said Railway Company, all claims, or suits for injuries to persons or damage to property arising or growing out of the work carried on under this contract, for which said Railway Company is liable, or is alleged to be liable," 2.The Northern Pacific Railway Company and any other railroad company or companies heretofore or hereafter granted the joint use of the Northern Pacific Railway Company's property are named as additional insureds under this policy, but only as respects the coverage required by the above con- tract. 3.The cancellation period provided for under this policy shall be extended to 30 days, but only as respects the coverage required by the above contract. NO PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY EXHIBIT "A" Specifications for Sewer, Irrigation and Drain Line Crossings under Railway Tracks. 1.Sewer, irrigation or drain lines passing under railway tracks shall be placed with top of pipe not less than five feet below base of rail; and top of pipe not less than three feet below bottom of roadway ditch. 2.Pipe, within 21 feet plus the depth of pipe, shall conform with one of the following: .Cast Iron Pipe -- Extra Heavy, ASTM A-142-38. Concrete Pipe -- ASTM C-76-57T Class IV,,Wall B, circular reinforcement in circular pipe, for pipes installed with less than 15 feet be- tween top of pipe and top of tie. ASTM C-76-57T Class V, Wall C,circular reinforcement. in circular pipe, for pipes installed with greater than 15 feet.between top of pipe and top of tie. Corrugated Metal Pipe -- Gauge and coating subject to review by Railway Company. Other pipe material may be used on special approval of the Railway Company. 3. For a distance of not less than 21 feet plus the depth of pipe each side of the center- line of track crossings, the joints in the pipe line shall be provided with suitable jointing material to make a water-tight connection and of such material that these joints will remain tight under roadbed loads and impact. 4.Irrigation pipe line crossings and syphons shall be provided throughout their length with water-tight joints capable of resisting the hydrostatic pressure under which they are to operate. Either lock joint, copper strip, or rubber band type of standard make will be satisfactory for concrete pipe syphon. Plans for syphons which are to operate at greater than a pressure of ten pounds per square inch shall be subject to special review by Railway Engineering Department. 5.Under certain conditions the Railway Company may require the use of an encasement pipe around the carrier pipe. 6.Where warranted by special local conditions the Railway Company may require an emergency by-pass or waste-way within effective distance of the crossing. 7.Where laws, codes, or orders of competent public authority prescribe a higher degree of protection than specified herein, then the higher degree of protection so prescribed shall be deemed a part of the specifications set forth in this Exhibit. I <<Subgrade H 3H ransition Cut-Off Wall 5'Min.-emote t f^SyPhon Grossing i -3 Min.Water Tight Joints c farrier Pipe -D -----2t'--I ^---- 21' Provide Water Tiqht Joints 4 Extra Strength Pipe See Notes 2,3.4 TYPICAL SKETCH OF PIPE LINE GROSSING FOR SEWER, DRAIN, OR IRRIGATION LINES 0- Office of Chief.Engineer St.Paul, Minnesota November 1, 1959. 1114.32.1 crH. Au,. N $w Beginnit 9 of Eesemeri (5eciion2) , !'roSic.Ot;T_=h:p,2y5:0.1106100_'' (M.P. 3t 832=)pi `d li7 1311f ^'^11 ^ ,c.. ';;rcck-hi L.5ic a .)"s CA\ Kl Cis b ^S/or ' Z/4't S Air ^;1=' LJ QF iP.P ellw m 5 5 7 f ? ,4T CrH/ PENT %L--"S EDGE Shown Red !"1r 4'Z Shown Yellow u (M.P. 4,4231) ,^XHIBI T "^ ^ NP. Rr. TACOMA Di v -BFLT Lwc-11 rK Sus. DIY NEA2 -^^NTON, SASH. faserrrenf to Murzlci a'Iiiy of 1Yle:ropollfon 5eoffle Acct Consfrucfrorr of 5ewoge Disposal Profecf MP. 3'632-`fo MP. 41-42.31-t C Schedule 1, Easf Side Infercepfor 5ecflon 2) Office of Assisthrrf Chief Errg'r.-5eaffle,Wosh. Scale : I"= 200'Feb: nary 16,1962 /0/7,L..33-''e? S-5-7-A END 96 " sEMff' J4 C77 iv" 2 457 5/9 IAT22 Endo Easerrienf (5ecflorr 2) Mefro 5fc.59,8-115 =1LP. QY 5fc.1017t33t